P of alpha omicron pi Vol. LXIII, No. 2
Spring 1984
The €%>Hors Place
During the last four years I have awarded third place honors in the Wash- Directories
watched the number of chapter reports ington competition. Just last spring the AOII's membership directories have
increase f r o m 10 per issue to more than College Fraternity Editors Association been published and distributed by Harris
60. Suggestions for features on outstand- recognized our Women and Violence is- Publishing.
ing sisters have increased 10-fold. Items sue w i t h a certificate of honor. There is a limited supply available for
for use in other To Dragma sections, too, anyone who would like to buy the bound
are being sent often. We can continue to build the quality of edition.
To Dragma, but we need your help. Ideas Those interested should contact Do-
It is wonderful to see all the contribu- should be sent. Material for consider- reen Luff, Customer Service Representa-
tions—and don't think it doesn't help the ation in the magazine should be to the ed- tive, Barnard C. Harris Publishing Co., 3
publication. During the last two years the itor on time. W i t h your ideas we can con- Banker Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10601.
magazine has been recognized w i t h a tinue to produce a magazine worthy of
number of awards. every AOII reader. Corporation
meetings are
We earned a second place award two Remember our next deadline is July 1.
years ago f r o m the National Inter-Frater- Be a part of your magazine. listed on
nity Foundation for an article on legacies. page 20.
Special invitation
Last year the Washington Press Associ- The Executive Board and Phi chapter
ation judged our Superwomen issue at the University of Kansas invite all
(Spring 1982) and our women and Vio- AOIIs to the Phi chapter house dedication
lence front cover (Fall 1982) as outstand- Sunday, M a y 6, at 1:30 p . m .
ing. AOII's pamphlet to discuss the frater- The new house is located at 1510 Sig-
nity and its dealings w i t h the press was ma N u Place, Lawrence.
By Ginger Banks A dose of roses and rubies—good ol' Since most of us are "into" checklists
International President fashioned AOII friendship and philoso- these days, how would you rate yourself
Editor's Note: The following column first phy—may not totally cure what ails us. on the following one?
appeared in the April 1982 edition of the But, their injection into our complex lives
Piper, Alpha Omicron Pi's newsletter for certainly can alleviate symptoms of frus- How often do you restrain yourself
collegiate and alumnae chapters and re- tration and anxiety. f r o m judging someone too harshly?
gional and international officers. We re-
print it here with the hope that it will A n d , yet, sometimes it seems that we How often do you circumspectly con-
provide good food for thought every don't remember that the "coping tools' of sider issues f r o m the other guy's point of
day, but especially as we approach the AOEI philosophy are available to us. view?
1984 Leadership Conferences.
We need to consider how long it has How often do you demonstrate your
Roses and rubies aren't everything. been since we consciously applied our feelings of fraternity and love f o r a sister?
That was my "parting shot" in this Ritual to our everyday lives. We need to
space last month as I underscored the consider how long it has been since we And, how often do you stop to smell
practical, marketable rewards of AOII in- even thought about what our Ritual says. the roses?
volvement which supplement the benefits
of friendship and philosophy AOII offers. Taken as a whole, Ritual provides a Our Founders gave us an organization
At that time, I indicated that we proba- simple, yet practical, philosophy for liv- that was conceived in democracy and
bly don't think about those practical ap- ing. A n d , taken in parts, Ritual gives us dedicated to the proposition that love
plications often enough. those coping strategies that can help us conquers all.
But, I'm not convinced we think about through every day.
the roses and rubies—the "heart parts" of Our Founders gave us an organization
AOII—often enough, either. Past International President M a r y that is flexible enough to meet the
A l l of us are busy. We plow through Lindrooth said it best. everchanging needs of our membership.
the days with the ultimate aim of "cross-
ing things off our lists." Our "to do" lists " . . . I think sometimes our preoccu- But, most importantly, our Founders
become our rudders and our calendars pation w i t h the seriousness of the Ritual gave us a Ritual—a philosophy—that is
become our throttles. gives you the impression that you are just as meaningful and applicable today
We try to do so much, we tend to lose supposed to keep your hands off of i t . as it was when it was written years ago.
our perspectives of what is really impor- But use i t ! Think of the Ritual as a de-
tant. And, when we don't check every- vice. Think of it as an exercise bar. It's a No, roses and rubies aren't everything.
thing off our lists, we are frustrated— way to build character. But, they certainly are well ahead of
and, even worse, we feel guilty. whatever is in second place.
We snap at our spouses, become impa- "Use it! Take it apart. Discuss i t . Bring
tient with our children, argue with our in your own interpretation of it. You'll Help always needed
co-workers, and churn a lot inside. find plenty of times you can quote i t . " Several times each year, the staff of I n -
ternational Headquarters designs or re-
2 Someone else has said that Ritual is not vises promotional materials.
so much a sermon about how we should If your chapter, or you, as an individu-
conduct our lives, but rather it is a check- al, have creative artwork which you
list for how we have performed in the would be willing to share, please send it
past. to AOII International Headquarters, 3821
Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, T N 37215.
Published since January, 1905 by TCTDRAGMA
A L P H A O M I C R O N PI I of alpha omicron pi
F R A T E R N I T Y , Inc.
Spring 1 984 Vol. LXIII No. 2
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897 featuring
Founders Toward Tomorrow Together 4
NPC meets in Arizona 6
Jessie Wallace Hughan A 60-year-old Round Robin 12
Helen St. Clair Mullan Chapters celebrate anniversaries 14
Stella George Stern Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman MEMBER 2
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS ASSOCIATION 8
Barnard College of Columbia University and all 15
^Departments 19
are deceased.
The Editor's Place
Alpha Omicron Pi Superwomen
International Headquarters Alumnae Chapter Activity
Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Telephone: 615-383-1174
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, A r
N W 1445 Kenny
Pullman, W A 99163
(509) 332-1168—Home
(509) 335-4527—Office
Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A
3821 Cleghorn A v e .
Nashville, T N 37215
PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly
by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price
is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life
subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
WA 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, T N and additional mailing of-
On the Cover
During the summer most regions
will sponsor training s e s s i o n s for
alumnae and collegians. More
about the conferences is on
page 4.
Leadership Conference -1984
By Teri Thomas Anderson, Executive Board Director T O M O R R O W . . . suggest looking to the future, planning,
T O W A R D T O M O R R O W T O G E T H E R . . . This inspiring growing as a Fraternity, as a chapter, and as a woman.
theme worked so well for International Convention 1981 that T O M O R R O W . . . join in the Leadership Conference in your
Executive Board has adopted the slogan to lead AOII throughout region as participants look toward Fraternity growth through
the current biennium. sessions on Extension and Legacies. Anticipate chapter growth
after implementing the ideas gleaned from sessions on Senior
T O W A R D T O M O R R O W T O G E T H E R now invites Fraternity Programming, Associate Members, and Continous Open Bid-
members to Leadership Conferences to be held this summer in ding.
Toronto, Oxford, Knoxville, Louisville, Lincoln, Austin, and
Berkeley. T O G E T H E R . . . provides the true focus for these Leadership
Conferences. Expect seminars, training, dining, and singing to
T O W A R D T O M O R R O W T O G E T H E R highlights the direc- all renew those special ties of AOII sisterhood. Rediscover what
tion of those three-day regional conclaves designed to meet the causes AOIIs everywhere to carry on the spirit of our motto
needs of collegians and alumnae, both delegates and non-dele- since AOII's founding.
T O G E T H E R . . . participate in seminars on "Ritual: The
T O W A R D . . . connotes direction, purpose, and intentional Heart of the Matter," "Fraternity Education: May You Always,"
forward movement, all qualities embodied in Fraternity goals as and "Moments to Remember," a story-telling hour to stir up
based upon Ritual. memories and to listen to as AOII history comes alive.
T O W A R D . . . Leadership Conferences are designed to assist Sessions on Chapter Relations, Alumnae Relations, and Alum-
chapters and individuals renew direction and purpose. Providing nae Rush Assistance will emphasize the importance of collegians
personal development opportunities is also a priority to help in and alumnae working together as an AOII network to success-
AOII's members move toward tomorrow. Session topics like fully move toward tomorrow.
Alcohol Awareness and Conversation Skills will help alumnae
and collegians alike to effectively deal with issues of today. T O W A R D T O M O R R O W T O G E T H E R . . . As Past Interna-
tional President Joan MacCallum stated in her 1981 Rose Ban-
Like-officer training for chapter presidents, pledge educators, quet Speech, "The challenges facing us today and tomorrow will
rush chairmen, and chapter relations chairmen will encourage be met so long as all of us continue to have pride in AOII's his-
collegians to look toward possibilities of further chapter growth tory, loyalty to her ideals and the Fraternity as a whole, and
and improvement. Training for chapter advisers, rush advisers, commitment and determination to strive for excellence."
other A A C members, corporation board members, alumnae
presidents, and regional directors will provide these alumnae Let attendance at a 1984 Leadership Conference be the next
with a format for gaining additional leadership skills and sharing step along your journey toward excellence as we move
ideas to move us, to reach goals set and to maintain excellence. TOWARD TOMORROW TOGETHER.
Non delegates should
Details attend summer LCs
about the
Leadership Regional Leadership Conferences are non-delegates will find worth attending.
Conferences not just open to "official" delegates, but Of course, it is not necessary to be a
were reported to all AOII members—collegians and
alumnae alike. delegate in order to enjoy singing, city
in the tours, dining out, the Rose Banquet, sto-
Winter TD Conferences feature general session rytelling, and Ritual participation. Nor
topics of interest to all AOIIs, not just will non-delegates want to miss the lively
chapter officers. Even while delegates are discussions, exciting awards, renewed
being trained at various times throughout friendships, productive ideas exchanges,
the three-day conclaves, potpourri semi- and personal development opportunities.
nars covering a wide range of topics will
be conducted simultaneously. Ask your alumnae or collegiate chapter
president for registration information or
In addition, each region has special contact the Leadership Conference Chair-
topics prepared, ranging from informa- man for your area as listed in the Winter
tion on anorexia nervosa/bulimia to 1984 To Dragma.
Founders' Day celebrations, topics that
Program describes A SINGING SISTERHOOD
AOII legacy Rush
Isn't it wonderful that hearing a "golden Oldie" can so quickly
A new program has been established throw thoughts back to that first boyfriend or to the senior year
this spring to improve legacy Rush, re- of high school or even to one's wedding ceremony? Songs pos-
ported Camille Stickney Mitchell, Sigma, sess the almost mystical power to allow us to reminisce, then to
international rush programming chair- either sigh with relief or to rejoice at "how well things turned
man. out." Songs of Alpha Omicron Pi are just as powerful.
Statistics from formal Rush at many "The AOII house has a clock . . . " Remember rush? "IF you
chapters in the fall of 1983 showed we aren't an AOII . . . " Remember your pledgeship? "Alpha Omi-
could use a little help in that area, C a - cron Pi, Friends as the years go by . . . " Remember gradua-
mille said. Through education, our colle- tion?
giate members and alumnae will have a
better understanding of why legacies are Singing is such a vital part of AOII, from rush through Found-
so special to the Fraternity—a legacy tru- ers' Day and alumnae luncheons. Therefore, Leadership Confer-
ly is a gift. ence halls will be ringing with melody and harmony across the
continent this summer as participants revive dusty songs, share
The information has been sent to alum- new rush rounds, and enjoy celebrating in song the friendships
nae and collegiate chapters and will be AOII has given us.
ready for discussion during chapter meet-
ings. To get in the spirit of a singing sisterhood, 1984 Leadership
Conference seminars and sessions labels have donned related
Camille said letters will be available for song titles:
chapters to send to prospective legacy
rushees and their AOII relatives. A slide POTPOURRI PRELUDE
show with discussion questions also will Fraternity Education—MAY Y O U A L W A Y S
be available. Chapter Relations: Morale—WE ARE AOIIs:
Extending AOII: Together—GO WHERE T H E BEST G O !
Sessions at Leadership Conferences will Alumnae Relations—A ROSE EVER BLOOMING
discuss the legacy policy, rush, and the Senior Programming—ALPHA SISTERS FOREVER
value of the special relationships legacies Associate Members—CONSIDER YOURSELF A N AOII
bring to AOII. Conversation S k i l l s - C A N WE TELL Y O U HOW WE FEEL?
Alumnae Membership—ONCE MORE UNITED
In the Summer Rush issue of To Membership Selection, Legacies—REMEMBER
Dragma the "Legacy G i f t " will be Alumnae Rush Assistance—SISTERS A T OUR SIDE
discussed. Fundraising—EVERYTHING'S COMING UP ROSES
Continuous Open Bidding-SYMBOL OF FRIENDSHIP
How many of these AOII songs do you know and remember?
Come sing and learn with AOII this summer. Renew friendships
and rediscover the Tie that Binds in Alpha Omicron Pi.
Advisers and RDs to continue
training for Fraternity work
Chapter advisers and other members of Creating or Regenerating the A A C ;
the Alumnae Advisory Committee will Managing an Effective A A C —Phil-
receive in-depth training during 1984 osophy, Duties, Shared Responsibilities,
Leadership Conferences. Emphasis will be Meetings—Working with Collegians; and
upon the efficient use of all advisers, so Problem-solving.
all members of an A A C are encouraged
to attend. In addition, collegiate officer/adviser
training sessions will be provided for rush
Regional Directors (RDs) will share chairmen/rush advisers, pledge educa-
this training time with chapter advisers, tion/pledge advisers, and chapter rela-
studying their role with collegiate tions chairmen/or advisers. Those
chapters. The training will complement specific advisers will want to make an ex-
the extensive training RDs received at tra effort to attend their regional Leader-
Convention 1983 on working with alum- ship Conference. Perhaps an educational
nae chapters. grant from a local corporation board can
provide additional funding to make that
Specific session topics for this "back- attendance possible, Executive Board Di-
bone of AOII" group of volunteers in- rector Teri Anderson suggested.
clude the following:
Working in the Regional Structure;
NPC meets for a week-long conference
By Ginger Banks, International President r
Calling the National Panhellenic Conference a phenomenal
organization with the qualities of excellent corporate operations, AOITs International President Ginger K . Banks, center, and others
NPC Chairman Mary Barbee, Sigma Sigma Sigma, set the tone attending the National Panhellenic Conference in Scottsdale were able to
for NPC's 48th Session. The gathering of representatives spend an evening with members of the Greater Phoenix Alumnae Chap-
f r o m the 26 member groups was held at the Registry Resort in ter members including Robin Beltramini, left, Iota, Regional Vice Presi-
Scottsdale, Ariz., Nov. 2-5. dent, and Laura Wray, Upsilon Alpha.
Characterizing NPC as an organization shaped by values and
commitment to them, Barbee stated that descriptions of excellent ence's response to them most clearly demonstrated the main
corporations can also be applied to NPC. focuses of the NPC meeting.
"We are willing to state what we stand for on paper," Barbee
said, "and our Unanimous Agreements are unparalled in organi- The A d Hoc Committee on Central Services recommended the
zations. establishment of an office for the Conference "for central and
"We represent 2 million women and may be the largest volun- accessible storage of records, and a permanent address f o r bank-
teer organization in this country," Barbee stated. "There are ing, IRS, and other legal purposes."
many ways of looking at our cohesive power and strength.
" . . . We have important challenges to face," Barbee said, Recognizing that NPC materials and records have been stored
"but we should remember that NPC makes thing happen." in homes or in offices of member groups, the committee stated
A n appreciation for the past accomplishments, a belief in the that such an NPC office was needed not only to enhance effi-
potential of NPC and an eye toward the future relationship of ciency, but to "promote our credibility . . . in the eyes of our
NPC with other groups were currents that seemed to charge the membership, the Greek and academic worlds and the media."
enthusiasm of all in attendance at the biennial NPC meeting.
A n d those themes were echoed through business sessions and The Conference adopted the central office establishment reso-
informal discussions alike. lution, with the provision that it be ratified by member groups.
Perhaps the work of three ad hoc committees and the Confer-
The Conference also adopted a position statement on the rela-
r tionship between NPC member fraternities and host institutions.
) A n ad hoc committee drafted a proposed statement which was
based on the criteria outlined in the Panhellenic Creed. The
< statement, which emphasizes cooperation and common interests
between universities and NPC groups, led the Conference to ask
W that the NPC Executive Committee appoint a committee to
explore the possibilities of entering into similar joint statements
--t with other interfraternal groups.
\ Before the relationship statement was adopted, the Conference
observed a spirited panel discussion which focuses on such for-
i mal statements and a key question implicit in them: "whose
chapter is it, anyway?"
Panelist Shelley Sutherland, president of the Association of
Among those attending the potluck dinner with members of the AOII Fraternity Advisors, suggested that NPC "needs to tell universi-
National Panhellenic Conference delegation were Liz Walters, Lambda ties what you expect. The chapter belongs to y o u . But the stu-
Alpha, left, Peg Crawford, Iota, 2nd Alternate Delegate to N P C , and dents belong to the university. We all have to work together to
Rosemary Schwierjohn, Iota, a Region VIII director. understand each other's points of view."
The Dean of Student Affairs at the University of California-
Fresno, William Corcoran, echoed Sutherland's admonition.
"In 99.9 percent of the situations where there are difficulties
between the chapter and the university, the problems arise out of
differing expectations. A statement of your relationship would
help dispel conflicts."
Jonathan Brant, Executive Director of the National Interfrater-
nity Conference, and Wayne Colvin, Director of Greek Life at
Bowling Green State University, supported views expressed by
Sutherland and Corcoran. •
But Jim Greer, Executive Director of Zeta Beta Tau, disagreed
that a formal statement was necessary.
"The law is the basis of our relationship and we should rely on 1
that," Greer said. Alumnae chapter member Marilyn Irvin, Beta Phi, and Mary Louise
On another issue of great concern to member groups, the Con- Roller, Alpha Pi, 1st Alternate Delegate to the National Panhellenic
Conference, were able to talk about chapter activities during the Novem-
ference adopted a resolution about alcohol. ber potluck.
Stating that two out of every three women treated for alcohol
In addition to the six business sessions, representatives had
abuse are under the age of 35 and that 88 percent of all college many opportunities to exchange ideas during informal meetings,
students drink, the A d Hoc Alcohol Committee recommended luncheons and dinners.
the adoption of the resolution.
The Alumnae Luncheon, hosted by the Phoenix Alumnae Pan-
The resolution recommends that each NPC member group hellenic featured entertainment by the Ballet Folklorico from
"include programming that discourages the abuse of alcohol and Friendly House and awards presented by the NPC Alumnae Pan-
promotes the individual choice of moderate and responsible use hellenic Committee.
or abstinence."
Awards were received by the following alumnae Panhellen-
Among other business actions, the Conference: ics: A k r o n , Atlanta, Bloomington-Normal, Carrolton, Char-
—Amended the NPC Bylaws to state that NPC groups " . . . lotte, Chicago Northwest Suburban, Clear lake, Clearwater,
Denver, East Bay, Escondido, Farmers Branch, Findley, Fort
must have as a pledge no woman who has broken her pledge Wayne, Houston, Indianapolis, Lubbock, Northern Virginia,
with, or had her pledge broken by another NPC fraternity on Phoenix, Portland, Riverside, Sacramento, Schnectady, St.
the same campus until after the expiration of one calendar Louis, Toronto, Tulsa, Twin Cities, Washington, D.C., and
year f r o m the date she was originally pledged." Wilmington.
—Amended the NPC Compact to say "No woman student shall
be asked to join a fraternity during any school recess except Climaxing the 48th Session of the National Panhellenic Con-
during a formal rush period and the ensuing continuous open ference was the Awards Banquet held on Nov. 5. Hosted by
bidding held immediately prior to an academic term." Alpha Sigma Tau, the banquet's toastmistress was 1981-83 NPC
—Reaffirmed its position recommending early fall formal rush Chairman Mary Barbee.
periods. (A resolution to this effect was adopted on the recom-
mendation of the Scholarship and Early Fall Formal Rush During the banquet, awards were presented to outstanding
Committee, chaired by Mary Burt Nash of Alpha Xi Delta, college panhellenics by their area advisors. The awards and their
which determined that early rush can enhance the scholarship recipients were:
of pledges).
—Adopted a procedure (which will be incorporated into the Fraternity Month Award for the most outstanding public rela-
NPC Bylaws) to be used when an NPC member group may tions program: 1st—University of Kentucky; 2nd—University
have violated the Unanimous Agreements and/or acted con- of Arizona; and 3rd—James Madison University.
trary to panhellenic ethics.
—Reaffirmed the 1972 NPC resolution that member groups look Awards Committee Trophy for the college panhellenic with a
with disfavor on auxiliary groups to men's fraternities because membership of six or less NPC groups which best recognizes true
those activities are in conflict with NPC policies. panhellenic spirit: 1st—University of Louisville; 2nd—University
of Puget Sound; and 3rd—University of California-Riverside.
NPC Award for the college panhellenic with a membership of
1^1 seven or more NPC groups which best recognizes true
panhellenicism: 1st—University of Oklahoma; 2nd—University
: of Illinois; and 3rd—California State University—Fullerton.
Hi The conference closed with the new NPC Executive Commit-
tee assuming office. Members are Chairman, Cynthia McCrory,
V Alpha Sigma Tau; Secretary, Sidney Allen, Alpha Sigma Alpha;
and Treasurer, Beth Saul, Alpha Epsilon Phi.
Pictured with Janie Callaway, AOII's National Panhellenic Conference
Delegate, center, is Teri Engle, left, Iota Sigma, and Beth Gasser, In accepting the chairman's gavel, Cynthia McCrory stated,
Lambda Beta, both members of the Greater Phoenix Alumnae Chapter. "We have proven that we can meet the challenges facing the
Conference. NPC will continue to be a viable organization that
will meet the needs of all member groups."
Alumna honored for support to women
Recognition and respect have always efforts and activities have had a profound lifetime, the judge also was recognized as
been a part of one outstanding AOLTs impact on the lives of others and on the a Most distinguished Alumna by her al-
life. A n d recently she has been honored shape of our society. ma mater in 1981.
w i t h a Lifetime Achievement A w a r d as
one of America's most distinguished Her award reads: Elected to the Mississippi House of
women by the Arthur and Elizabeth Representatives from Hinds County in
Schlesinger Library of Radcliffe College, Ms Howorth 1931, Lucy was the second woman ever
Cambridge, Mass. Leader alike in voluntary associ- to serve in the Mississippi Legislature.
ations and the profession of law, (The first was her mother, Nellie Nugent
Lucy Somerville Howorth—a lawyer, you have brought humor, empathy Somerville.) In 1934 President Franklin
feminist, judge, force for justice and an and skill with a story to a life de- D . Roosevelt appointed her as a member
enlightenment in Mississippi and the na- voted to advancing the opportuni- of the Board of Veterans Appeals of the
tion—is most importantly to us an Alpha ties open to women. Participant in Veterans Administration in Washington,
Omicron Pi—Kappa chapter, Randolph federal, state, and local govern- D.C.
Macon Woman's College '12. ment, tireless in your own example
helped to shape an expanded role K n o w n around the nation's capitol as
As it celebrates 40 years of collecting for American women in the twenti- "the little lady f r o m Mississippi, she spent
and preserving the records of American eth century. the next 20 years in government service
Women, the Schlesinger Library recog- in Washington, assuming in 1952 the po-
nized Lucy and eight other women whose Having received many honors in her sition of General Counsel for the War
Claims Commission and the title "Judge."
Lucy Somerville Howorth, Kappa, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, with Patricia Carbine, edi- She was the first woman to become a
tor of Ms. Magazine. general counsel to a national federal
Just last year the judge and other mem-
bers of the Mississippi Division of the
American Association of University
Women ( A A U W ) recognized the culmi-
nation at $80,000 of the Lucy Sumerville
Howorth Fellowships Endowment, estab-
lished by the A A U W to honor Judge
Howorth and to help other women reach
their full potential through education.
Stipends are granted to women seeking
advanced degrees in fields that have been
traditionally male dominated.
" I was born organized," the judge told
the Boston Globe. Lucy's mother took
her to her first conference when she was
six months old, and every six months
She said she sat at the feet of women
organizers and early suffragettes from
1886 to 1912.
"They weren't what you read about,"
the judge said. "They weren't battle-axes,
they weren't war horses, they weren't
stern and unattractive women.
Harrington earns honor from Purdue
Jonalou H . Harrington, Phi, University : manager—a position she held f o r 13
of Kansas, is one of three Purdue Univer- years.
sity staff members to be selected as "Spe- Jonalou H . Harrington, Phi, University of
cial Boilermakers" by the Purdue Alumni Kansas. Jonalou graduated from Kansas in
Association. 1962. She has been affiliated with the La-
fayette Alumnae Chapter for many years
The awards were given during the Pur- serving as in various offices including
due/Michigan State football game in Oc- president. Currently she is alumnae treas-
tober. urer. She has served as financial adviser
to Purdue's Phi Upsilon chapter and co-
Jonalou was honored for her continu- ordinator of the regional meeting at Pur-
ing care for and sensitivity to Purdue stu- due campus in 1978.
dents in her work. As a residence hall
manager, she works closely with the dean She currently is a member of the Lafa-
of students' office in referring students for yette Arthritis Foundation and serves as a
counseling. member on its Board of Directors.
Jonalou also was cited for providing remember
role models for Earhart (a women's hous- the deadline
ing unit) residents through a recognition
dinner she organizes to honor former res- for the
idents who achieve distinction after leav- fall issue
ing the university. is July 1.
She has been on the Purdue University
staff for nearly 20 years. As a graduate
student there she became the counselor
and after graduation she became director
of counseling at one residence hall. Three
years later she was an assistant manager
and then was promoted to the position of
Howorth— Lucy was president of Kappa chapter "Oh, I would think you had forgotten all
1915-16. From 1917 to 20 she served as that college foolishness?"
"Rather they were good-looking, they National Examining Officer for AOII. In
were stylish, they were full of wit and full addition to the usual questions—Name "How do you think those organiza-
of fun. A n d most of them had a bit of the Founders, etc.,—she threw in a re- tions have survived without the help of
what we call the ham," she stressed. quest for views on campus issues of the intelligent alumnae?" Lucy shot back.
Lucy said she wasn't excluded f r o m " I have never agreed with the theory
anything at the University of Mississippi "To my surprise the replies were re- that alumnae/alumni who attend re-
School of Law because of being female— markably uniform—from Maine to Cali- unions and assist students are afflicted
except for a small room where male stu- fornia. This was the World War I era and with a case of prolonged adolescence,"
dents gathered between classes to chew the uniformity may have been due to war she stressed. "Somebody has to lend a
tobacco, spit and tell dirty stories. drives and emotions," she said. hand in managing property, finance, long
range policies, matters with which under-
But "Miss Lucy" integrated the room. In any event she was way ahead of graduates cannot be expected to cope."
" I made sure I had my rights, without be- George Gallup!
ing obnoxious about it. We may have The judge offers a message to gradu-
created the the sense that life is easy. It In 1940 Lucy became one of three trus- ates in the 1980s f r o m "one," she says,
isn't. But it's worth i t . " tees of the Fraternity's endowment "far advanced in her eighties:"
funds—a position which continued for
Lucy delivered the commencement ad- ten years. "With your degree tucked away, y o u
dress in 1922 at Mississippi where she had enter the world with one great advan-
achieved the highest grades and at that In 1960 when N u Beta was being or- tage: Friends ready to help you all across
time denounced the university's ban on ganized at "Ole Miss" she was appointed the broad land and sea.
discussion of Darwin's theory of evalua- trustee of the chapter to help oversee
tion. building the chapter house, a postion she "You live in a country where you can
held for three years. choose any career, live where you please,
"Insistence upon strict conformity to make yourself effective through political
the status quo is making mental cowards Her AOII ties are firm. actions and organizations, and give your
of us a l l , " said the law graduate. A year One afternoon in Washington, D.C., children when they come, a good educa-
later she was helping her mother become as she left a committee meeting, she was tion and a healthy, happy home.
the first woman elected to the Mississippi invited to join one of the members for
legislature. tea. "You will have to work. What you
" I declined and added I was on my way want will not come easy. Your responsi-
She married Joseph Howorth, a law to a meeting of the Trustees of the en- bility is to utilize fully the opportunities
school classmate, and the pair moved its dowment fund of my sorority," Lucy of this country, remembering always that
firm to Jackson. Lucy decided to try her said. The committee member responded, you are surrounded and supported by
hand at winning a seat in the legisla- friends in Alpha Omicron Pi."
ture—and succeeded.
Chi Delta alumna picks a PR career
" I hate success stories f r o m women While interviewing for a consultant job with relations consultant and which
who claim 'it just happened' but I have to the American Red Cross in Chicago, Paula encouraged her to f o r m her own firm.
admit that's true," claims Paula McLean, McLean, Chi Delta, University of Colorado, The Executive Director of the Illinois A r -
Chi Delta, '64, University of Colorado, was hired as Director of PR. After a year in thritis Foundation, a former political
of Evanston, 111. this position, she left to resume consulting worker f o r Charles Percy, spotted her re-
work. sume and hired her as a consultant to run
A n English major w i t h speech and a city-wide awareness campaign. A con-
journalism minors, McLean re-entered It was this political experience, howev- sulting career was launched.
the work, force as Women's Program D i - er, that landed her a first job as a public
rector of the Evanston Y M C A when her Since 1979 Paula has continued her
second son was in the first grade. "This work for the Arthritis Foundation and
part-time job gave me enormous commu- other clients including a famous research
nity visibility, allowed me to exercise library affiliated with the University of
unusual responsibility and enabled me to Chicago where she raised funds, a nation-
hone skills in the fields of marketing and al association for w h o m she gave semi-
public relations. We increased our mem- nars throughout the U.S. on advertising
bership by 30% to 1000 women, not a and public relations, has represented two
small number," say McLean reviewing cable companies in franchise bids, has de-
her business start. Her previous sales and veloped marketing plans and brochures
marketing experience for Crowell, Collier for a graphic arts firm, a CPA partner-
& Macmillan in New York helped. "I've ship and for the Women's Career Con-
always worked well with the public and vention which attracted 22,000 women to
beer, intrigued w i t h communication in all Chicago. For the latter she developed spe-
forms." cial events and program materials and
brought in several major New York ex-
In 1978 Congressman John Porter in- hibitors through her efforts.
vited Paula to join his campaign staff
"because he thought I'd bring those 1000 "Public relations consultants are asked
Y women in as volunteers," McLean to solve problems, create programs and
laughingly explains. A f t e r a year of 16- collateral, increase membership and aug-
hour days in a competitive campaign ment fund-raising campaigns, execute
which drew national attention, McLean special events research issues, and more.
departed politics. The variety of client and problems is fas-
AOn becomes president-elect for national com group
President-elect of Women in Communications, Members of Women in Communica- 1978 and the Freedom of Information
Inc., (WICI) is Kathryn (Kay) Lockridge, tions, Inc., elected Kathryn D . (Kay) Committee f r o m 1974-1976. She has most
Omega, Miami University. Lockridge, Omega, Miami University, as recently served as national vice president
national president-elect during their 1983 of membership.
National Professional Conference held in
Philadelphia last October. WICI, headquartered in Austin, Texas,
is one of the nation's oldest professional
She will now serve on the national communications organizations. WICI's
board f o r one year as president-elect more than 12,000 members work in a va-
before assuming the office as 1984-85 na- riety of communications fields, including
tional president at the 1984 National Pro- advertising, communications eduction,
fessional Conference in Seattle next film, magazines, newspapers, photojour-
year. nalism, public relations, publishing, ra-
dio and television.
Kay is a free-lance writer and editor in
New York. Previously, she was a journal- Founded in 1909, the organization
ism instructor at Michigan State Univer- works to assure a free press and to help
sity from 1969-1973. During three of her women advance in communications ca-
years at the university, she advised the reers.
W I C I campus chapter and in 1971 she re-
ceived a national W I C I Outstanding A d - " I keep in touch with several members
viser award. of my collegiate chapter," Kay added. "It
was a good friend who introduced me to
She has also worked as a legislative Alpha Omicron Pi.
correspondent and manager for the
Cuyler News Service in Albany, N . Y . , "And it was the people-oriented nature
and as an editor and reporter f o r the As- of A O n that drew me to the fraternity,"
sociated Press in Albany and Buffalo. In Kay added. "Those first sisters were an
addition, she was editor and manager of important part of may collegiate years."
the New York State Society of Newspa-
per Editors in Syracuse. The fraternity may not have been to-
tally unfamiliar to Kay. Her mother,
On the national level, Kay chaired the Mary Kay Geake Lockridge, was initiat-
W I C I Resolutions Committee f r o m 1976- ed at the Beta Phi chapter at the Indiana
University in 1924.
Alumna named to award program
D r Carol G . Thigpin, '59, G a m m a The Fellowship Program, initiated (lIa
Omicron, U . of Florida, director of in 1980, is aimed at helping the na-
career and community education for tion expand its vital pool of capable illMIIIJI^L. M
the Tennessee Department of Educa- leaders. The program is structured to
tion, Nashville, is one of 47 out- increase individuals' skills and in- Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, University of
standing young American profession- sights into areas outside their chosen Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
disciplines so they can deal more cre-
En atively and effectively with society's Barbara Hunt earns
complex problems.
I Panhellenic honor
Employed by the education depart-
V ment since 1976, Carol has served as International Executive Board Director
a program manager with its Compre- Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, Univer-
Carol G . Thigpin, Omega, Miami University hensive Employment and Training sity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, has been
of Ohio. Act ( C E T A ) program, and as adult selected Panhellenic Woman of the Year
als chosen for Class I V of the W . K . and community education specialist. by the Milwaukee City Panhellenic.
Kellogg Foundation's National Fel- She formerly taught in the Wilming-
lowship Program. ton, Delaware, and Nashville public The presentation was made in Novem-
schools. ber at a Panhellenic luncheon. Barbara
McLean . . . was presented a gold disc charm and a
C a r o l is a member of the Board of contribution was made to the AOII Phil-
cinating," offers McLean, who has never Directors of the National C o m m u n i - anthropic Foundation in her name.
spent any dollars advertising to get busi- ty Education Association and is ac-
ness for herself. "You are known by the tive in the Political Women's Caucus. The Milwaukee Panhellenic has pre-
clients you keep and the best ones come sented the award annually f o r the past 12
through recommendations." Committed A participant in a series of Charles years and A O I I has received the honor
and visible, McLean has served as Presi- Stewart Mott Foundation Leadership three times: The first time to Alice Rath
dent of Women in Communication, Inc. Renewal Institutes over the past few Aderman, Theta Psi, then to Penny
(North Shore) and Vice President of the years, she earned her doctor of phi- Kasten Ziegler, Beta Phi, and now Barba-
Publicity Club of Chicago. In 1982 losophy degree at Peabody Vander- ra in 1983.
McLean won two prestigious Golden bilt University, Nashville. She holds
Trumpet awards given by the club for ex- a master's degree in education from Those honored have shown their ex-
cellence in communication. Her activities Middle Tennessee State University, tensive fraternity work—locally and na-
with the local Y M C A and Episcopal Murfreesboro, and her bachelor's de- tionally, personal involvement in local
church mean many others also know gree in language arts from the Uni- and state organizations as well as in pro-
about her professional skills. versity of Florida, Gainesville. fessional careers.
"This business can be feast or famine," Each Kellogg National Fellow re- Barbara joined the Phi Delta chapter in
explains McLean, "and I often work eve- ceives a three-year grant of up to 1960 and later became involved with the
nings and odd times. Nevertheless, it is $35,000 to pursue a professionally local alumnae chapter. She has served as
always a challenge and I prefer it to a broadening self-designed plan of a regional director and regional vice pres-
straight 9 to 5 job." study. Participation in Foundation- ident. She was elected to fill a vacancy on
designed seminars that focus on is- the Executive Board in 1982 and last June
sues facing leaders in domestic and was elected to a four-year term on the
international settings is also required. board.
Travel experiences and consultations
add to the program's scope. In June she also was elected president
of the AOII Philanthropic Foundation.
Your support Barbara teaches full-time at a pre-school.
of the A O n
is always
One 'robin' keeps bobbin9 along
By Winifred Inglis Baumgartner, Eta, graduations, study-clubs; mortgages, in- //
surance, second cars, new carpets— 1
University of Wisconsin-Madison, which we had heard discussed by older
brothers and sisters, how could we possi- Winifred Inglis Baumgartner
and The Birds bly keep our tearful promises to write
each A O I I sister? tations on the letters inside have become
Long ago, before many young To "Dear Birds," plural, a distinction only
Dragma readers were even born, a group Yet . . . wasn't there some way we we, perhaps, thoroughly understand.
of Alpha Omicron Pi seniors gathered in could keep alive our cherished friend-
the hall of Eta chapter house. It was the ships, some way without too much letter- News clippings, polaroids, other items
middle of June, 1919, and departure time writing strain? of interest accompany our letters. (Each
had arrived. individual letter is enclosed in a separate,
" I know! Let's start a Round Robin," light-weight envelope, dated and signed,
Knee-deep in luggage and knobby bun- an enthusiastic senior exclaimed, as we then slipped inside a new 6 " X 9 " , or larg-
dles, clutching hard-won diplomas (long, waited for cabs to take us to trains. er manila envelope, together with the
rolled-up sheepskins), we paused a mo- other Birds' letters.)
ment to take stock. The first one on the list would write a
letter giving news of herself and her fami- We have become familiar with one an-
Relief, tinged with sadness, suddenly ly, enclosing snapshots if available, and other's growing families, now including
overwhelmed us—relief because Blue send it to the second on the enclosed grandchildren, even a few great-grand-
Books and exams were behind us, as were Route Card, This second-on-the-list reads children feel as though we know them,
long, late study hours; sadness because the letter enclosed, writes a letter of her and we watch for Progress Reports in
we were now face to face with a possibili- own, and puts both letters in a sturdy succeeding letters.
ty we had resolutely pushed from our manila envelope addressed to N o . 3.
thoughts: this might be the last time,
ever, we would all be together! A n d so it goes, always by First Class
mail, weighed at the Postoffice, the ma-
"We'll write," someone wailed. nila envelope on this First Round getting
"Oh M Y yes," others chorused, dab- a little plumper as it leaves each Robin.
bing their eyes.
Secretly we knew this might not work. A t the end of the Route, it starts over
For a while, perhaps, but after a time let- again. Each Robin removes her old letter,
ters would become less and less frequent, which has now been read by all the oth-
and eventually even Christmas cards ers on the list, and writes a new letter.
might flicker out. Round and round the manila packet will
fly, f r o m Wisconsin to Ohio to Florida to
When we Seniors walked out our chap- California, even to other states if we add
ter house door for the last time, a whole more Robins.
new world awaited us. In the press of
jobs, new dates, engagements, marriages; Thus THE BIRD, as we began calling
maternity clothes, babies, diapers, for- it, was born. To us, "The Bird," singular,
mulas; toddlers, Kindergarten, PTAs, designates the whole packet of letters in
bake-sales; Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, one manila envelope. Gradually our salu-
< • 'IX
Br •6 s
12 •
Eta chapter 1918. Numbered women are "The Birds."
We tell about our trips and cruises, our (geographically). Our AOII roots have re- Added Irene, "we would be lost and
community interests. We brag about our mained strong." unhappy not to know what happened to
adult children's achievements. We laugh each other after College. We have always
about the names of our hair Rinses: Karen Falk Johnson, lives in Stough- loved the Red Rose as a symbol, and the
White Minx, Silver Lining, Golden Spell, ton, Wis. She is a constant reader. Often ruby in the apex of our p i n . "
Hidden Honey . . . in her letters to the Bird she will ask,
hopefully, "Have you read Such and Agnes Hottel Moses' daughter-in-law
We cope, fairly successfully, with Such?" So far, these questions seem to added these thoughts: "There were those
strange new terms: "The private sector;" have gone unanswered, but she does not special days when the "Bird" would fly
"anxiety level;" a "very viable entity;" a give up on us. Soon she tries again, rec- in. I would read all the letters to her and
"negative factor;" and casually toss them ommending another "splendid book" she enjoyed each and every one. Even though
off when chatting with our adult grand- has just finished. She is in great demand I have never met any of you I feel as
children. LOVE impressing them! as a contributing member at local clubs, though I know all you "Birds." Every
contributing, that is, her mental talents, once in a while she w o u l d stop me in the
We are rather astute in business, too. wit and excellent ideas. middle of a letter to tell me a funny inci-
We know, for instance, f r o m reading the dent that happened in college. I'm going
Financial Pages, that "a tender offer" has " I was a member of our Library Board to miss the "Robin."
nothing whatever to do with a Moonlight for many years," she writes, "and am a
and Roses proposal! member of Friends of the Library. I be- Part of the Birds are Peg and Chum
long to a Modern Civics Club and to a Spengler. True, Chum is not a Bird, but
We live comfortably and nicely amid group called 'Share and Care,' raising ever since the marvelous Reunion held at
attractive surroundings. We are reason- funds for Art Scholarships, providing their country home in Wisconsin, the
ably healthy and active. True, there is help for victims of fire, tragedy, etc." Coach House, in 1966, we think of them
now a sprinkling of canes among us, together—TOGETHER making our sev-
mostly to prevent possible falls, or to She speaks of "the warm relationships eral days with them the highspot of our
hint to younger people entering the she formed in A O I I , " then, naturally, adult lives.
Postoffice simultaneously that the heavy closes with this question: "Winifred, have
door IS a bit unwieldy for us.
Over the years we have lost a number
of Birds, women very precious to us: Mary Fowler 4 Agnes Hottel Moses
Helene, Helen, Kay, Marion, and Kather- Dorothy Bassett Knott
ine, dropping our number f r o m 12 to sev-
en Birds. For several years our count re- you read Clavell's Nobel House? M a r y Fowler Rennebohm has lived in
mained at seven. Then, quite recently, Irene Folckemer Staker and husband, Madison, Wis., most of her adult life, a
just as this story was getting under way strategic location f o r seeing returning
(many months ahead of publication date) John, live in Walnut Creek, Calif, in a alumni. She is more familiar with Univer-
Agness Hottel Moses has slipped away, Rossmoor retirement community. sity progress than any other Bird.
leaving us with a count of six.
"We have never forgotten AOII—the About the author: " I live in a lovely
Who could have foreseen that our ideals, the lessons, the close bonds. I Leisure World community of 22,000 resi-
Bird, born in 1919 and getting underway have always appreciated the ideals dents, seven miles inland f r o m the Pacific
a few months later, would be so success- brought to us by our first tiny, pretty Ocean. Our Laguna Hills is laid out with
f u l that it has now been flying for 64 pledge-pin—our golden sheaf of wheat winding, curving streets, with thousands
years! which shows the golden grain bound to- of beautiful trees whose growth has been
gether, a bond which we are now experi- phenomenal during my nineteen years
What has so motivated our group that encing together," she writes, "We have here.
no one breaks the continuity of the Bird's felt security and influence from our sym-
flight? W h y is each Bird absolutely bols, and for this we can give credit to " I close softly humming the words of
delighted when that fat manila envelope our Founders. the AOEt song we Birds sang every night
flies in, even if it is Christmas week, or just before seating ourselves at dinner.
tax-figuring time? (It happens!) What is "Our college years were during World Did the lyricist realize how prophetic and
the Bird's magic? War I , when our boyfriends were in uni- enduring her words would be?
form in ROTC or in France. We celebrat-
The magic is called "Keeping In Touch, ed Armistice Day, 1918, by surrounding "AOII, our own fraternity
The Easy Way." We keep in touch with the State Capitol in Madison all night, Emblem of Love for eternity;
minimal letter-writing, only three or four then having no classes the following day. Phi M u Chi—we're all of that belief,
letters a year, depending on the number Save in the bonds of our golden sheaf.
of Birds and their promptness in writing. "This was the beginning of the Social AS THE YEARS SO SWIFTLY ROLL
Such a small investment, such great re- Studies in Universities. We had the
wards. LaFollettes as fellow-students, with their ALONG,
Socialist speeches on campus, and our Still we'll sing our song:
Dorothy Bassett Knott, lives in Fort Professors in Political Science f r o m AOII, our own fraternity;
Lauderdale, Fla. She writes, " I retain an Russia." Emblem of Love for eternity."
apartment on the ocean near my own
apartment. I call it my Family Guest-
house. It is for my two daughters and my
son to use whenever they can make it
f r o m their homes up North.
" I find The Bird unique in the number
of years it has been flying. Its long life
amazes me. We feel we are a part of the
lives of the other Birds with whom we
might otherwise have lost touch. Our
Bird has kept our old A O I I college friends
in touch with one another, in heart and
mind, though we are widely separated
Boston, Phi Delta, Kappa Alpha celebrate
BOSTON Delta, reported Colleen Kaye Banaszak. M P HA OMICRON ryt
After the dinner, Linda Moore, Nancy
Boston Alumnae Chapter drove out Terre Haute alumna and International Schol-
into the country to celebrate its 75th an- Fabrizio and Alice Aderman spoke about arship Chairman Marilyn Faris presented Pres-
niversary and Founders' Day. Members the strong bond of friendship they have ident Ginger Banks with a momento of her
had lunch at the Bergson 1790 House in seen grow throughout the years of Phi visit.
Westboro on Dec. 3. Sixteen AOIIs repre- Delta. Then Peg Crawford, International
senting ten chapters were able to attend. Vice President-Operations, presented Phi nise Kunas. The dinner tables were decor-
Delta a beautiful silver serving tray. ated with crystal candle holders and bud
The chapter saluted Margaret Amon, vases with red roses, thanks to the exper-
Theta '18, who had been a member of the 30 good years. . . tise of Valerie Walker, decorations
Boston alumnae chapter longer than any chairman.
of us, and she talked briefly of some of Thirty years old! Ugh!!! Some women
her early meetings, reported Katherine actually dread those words. In our soci- Ginger captivated the audience of
Davis Carter and Margie A . Lamar. ety, some seem to think it signals the be- pledges, collegians, alums, and guests
ginning of the end. But, remember that w i t h her speech about A O I I and what it
A memorial service was conducted by commercial several years back, "you're means in everyday life.
President Jean Sells f o r Hazel Wood- not getting older, you're getting better?"
worth and Helen Stearns, who died dur- Kappa Alpha presented Ginger with a
ing the past year. That slogan seems to typify Kappa A l - beautiful needle-point which had been
pha chapter on the campus of Indiana created especially for her by Terre Haute
Mildred Ward Eldridge gave a spirited State University as it celebrated 30 years alumnae M a r i l y n Faris, who is also Inter-
account of the chapter's history. Helen on campus last October in conjunction national Scholarship Chairman.
McMahon, an Executive Board Director with ISU's Homecoming celebration. Not
and guest speaker, chatted informally only was the turn-out great, but members Several alumnae who have dedicated
about her part in compiling the oral his- were honored with the presence of Inter- years of their lives to our chapter's better-
tory of Alpha Omicron Pi. On behalf of national President Ginger Banks, who ment and growth, too, were honored.
the Executive Board, Helen presented a made the weekend so much more mean- Florence Dodge Ennis was presented a
red Bible to chapter officers commemo- ingful. certificate of honor for serving as Kappa
rating its 75th anniversary. Alpha's first chapter adviser and who
The dinner dance was held at the Terre also served as International Parliamentar-
Regional Director Maryke Loos was a Haute Holiday Inn. Glenna Hammond ian f o r 25 years. Colleen Freeland Mag-
guest of honor. T w o new members joined Timmons, who served as reservations nuson was recognized for her years as
the chapter: Christine Garrow, Beta Phi, chairman, had her work cut out for her KA's second chapter adviser. Jo A n n
and Lynn Hungate, Delta Upsilon. with checking in over 260 people! Bohn Gibbons was honored by the alum-
nae chapter for her contribution as pres-
Phi Delta is 25 The Banquet room was a showcase for ent chapter adviser. Jo A n n has served in
Kappa Alpha as the display and memora- this capacity for the past 13 years and
It was a memorable evening on Oct. 29 bilia committee outdid themselves with was given a specially made white silk
when Phi Delta chapter celebrated its table after table of pictures, albums, tro- quilted vest which is embroidered with a
25th anniversary. phies, and composites. Alumnae certain- golden sheaf of wheat and an angel on
ly enjoyed looking at "the way we were." the front, and a red rose on the back. It
The celebration was held at the luxuri- Working on the display committee were was a 7 a.m. wake-up Saturday for Indi-
ous Ozaukee Country Club. The evening alums Marsha Jones and Jo A n n Gibbons ana State's Homecoming Parade, the
began in a relaxed atmosphere in which and collegians Robin Crombie and De- largest student organized parade in the
collegians, alumnae and guests were able nation. Ginger rode in it as a special
to reminisce over the prosperity of Phi guest. From there it was on to the ISU
alumni picnic on the stadium grounds
Celebrating Boston Alumnae Chapter's 75th anniversary were, left to right, Margaret Amon, and the football game. Saturday evening
Theta, Boston's member with the longest tenure; Maryke Loos, regional director; Jeanie Sells,
alumnae president, and Helen McMahan, International Executive Board director and speaker for
the event.
Muyrmae Chapter A c t i v i t y
MEMPHIS ice award to Jane Boitano for her long the Paradise Valley Country Club. Teri
and dedicated service to A O I I . She has Thomas Anderson, Theta Omega '72, an
It's not very often that husbands and served as Seattle A l l - C i t y Alumnae presi- Executive Board director and also a chap-
dates get to go to an A O I I monthly meet- dent, six years on the Upsilon Corpora- ter alumna, was guest speaker at the spe-
ing but they were certainly included at cial event. They honored two 50 year
the Memphis Alumnae Chapter's Found- I members—Evelyn Brunbaugh Green and
ers' Day gathering in January. Edith Brecklull Hitz—both Pi Delta '33.
June Boitano earns the Laura Hurd award
Many escorted alumnae and collegians from the Seattle Alumnae Chapter. EVANSVILLE-TRI STATE
from Kappa Omicron met at the Univer- The first half of the "Success Story"
sity Cabanas Club near Southwestern tion Board, and many years as the AOIT
University for a delightful wine and representative on the City Panhellenic year of 1983-84 ended with a traditional
cheese party, said Deborah Shaw Laman, board, including a term as president. December Holiday and Founders' Day
Tau Omicron '78. Luncheon. Liz Coffee, Chi Lambda, In-
Guest speaker Mary Rae Cowles, a ternational Corporation Supervisor, was
Alumnae president, Debbie Engle, Om- master conservationist, discussed "Econo- guest speaker. She talked about the bene-
icron, presented Certificates of Honor to my through Conservation." The meeting fits and pleasures we all receive through
Regional Director, Cathy Meredith Par- concluded with the reading of the Found- our years of work and sisterhood in
ker, Tau Omicron '79, and to Kappa ers' Day message and the Candle ceremo- AOII. Ann Gilchrist, regional director,
Omicron Chapter President, Paula M i l - ny performed by members of Upsilon also was able to attend.
lirons. chapter.
The chapter has raised funds for A r -
A special Founders' Day Honor Card PHOENIX thritis contributions with the ticket sale
was given to Rick Cartwright for his Frost-covered fairways and greens may for the first "Gourmet Dinner for Eight"
many contributions to the chapters. raffle. Another meeting included "Color-
have slowed down the game of the parti- isma," the selection of the right colors for
The January Founders' Day celebration cipants of the Phoenix Open Golf Tour- clothing and make-up. In March came a
is always extra special in Memphis and nament, but not the Phoenix AOIIs. dinner and program from a local Garden
this year was certainly no exception. Center and in April Senior Recognition
We joined forces with all the alumnae was held at the University of Evansville
With February elections and March in- groups in the area and manned the food Chapter Suite with a brunch and Formal
stallations the Memphis Alumnae Chap- & beverage tents at the January golf tour- Ritual. The last Moneyraiser was a M a y
ter looks ahead to another rewarding nament. It is an annual Panhellenic proj- Rummage Sale.
year of sisterhood and fellowship. ect in which 15 or more members partici-
pated, reported Maribeth McAllister "We have worked with telephone con-
SEATTLE Lane, Epsilon Alpha '70. tacts to up-date our alumnae mailing and
information list. We've sent a good num-
Seattle alumnae and members and The National Panhellenic Conference ber of members to the Annual Panhellen-
pledges of Upsilon chapter at the Univer- was held in Scottsdale in November. A f - ic Luncheon and we have new officers
sity of Washington celebrated Founders' ter a day of work sessions, A O I I delegates eager to attend the June Leadership Con-
Day in October with a luncheon at the attended a potluck dinner hosted by Judy ference," reported Rita Mendenhall Men-
Greenwood Inn in Bellevue. Hornik Bourassa, Theta Pi '63. gon, Beta Phi.
The 25 new pledges were introduced The 2nd Annual Yard Sale was held in if
and each was presented with a long- November at the home of Val Gardner
stemmed red rose and a sheaf of wheat. Skale, Theta Omega '64. Chairpersons, Those Evansville Tri State alumnae attending
Babs Beltz Glaser, Delta '52, and Sandy Founders' Day with the program presented by
Regional Vice President Audrey Stanford Loeffler, Upsilon Alpha '60, or- Chi Lambda collegians included left to right,
Humason presented the Laura Hurd serv- ganized and collected enough "junque Corian Lundquist, Chi Lambda; Miriam
and antiques" to net the chapter more Woods, Theta; Susan Enlow, Rho, and Wah-
Kappa Alpha . . . than $420! nita DeLong, Chi Lambda.
was dinner at the Briarpatch Herb Farm The chapter remembered AOII Found- 15
which offered a quiet welcomed repose, ers in January. Attendees f r o m seven re-
for Ginger and a few alumnae who had gions and 25 chapters shared brunch at
been going non-stop for almost 24 hours.
Sunday began with a special church
service on campus and an informal ritual
workshop conducted by Ginger for the
chapter. The last event before Ginger's
departure was the trike race.
Due to the hard work of alumnae
coach Susan Kotter and Ginger's pres-
ence, the Kappa Alpha peddlers earned
its highest finish—third place—in chapter
"We hope any Kappa Alphas who
weren't able to attend the celebration will
look forward to our 40th and make
plans!" added Carol Oxford and Patrice
McKenzie Liebler, co-chairmen of the
VANCOUVER, B.C. The evening ceremonies included a Becomes RD
The Vancouver Alumnae Chapter has slightly different event that we called the
Address of the Decades where one mem- One of Region I's newest regional d i -
had a very busy and varied year with ber f r o m Beta Kappa per decade spoke on rectors is Deane Gayle Waters, a charter
business meetings and social activities. her time on the UBC campus and her member of Delta Upsilon chapter at Duke
fondest memories. University.
In November members had a colle-
gian-alumnae exchange w i t h Beta Kappa The speakers were Alice Porter, found- Deane also served as the chapter's rush
chapter. For the evening they designed a er f r o m 1931, Eileen Scott, BK '40; Mari- chairman and as a Kappa Sigma Little
variation of Trivial Pursuit, called "AO lyn Bamber, BK '54; Louise Grant, BK Sister. After her graduation in 1980 she
Trivial II Pursuit." '60; Judit Spence, BK '73, and Christine became a chapter consultant at LSU and
Nasar, BK '81. also worked with the Baton Rouge alum-
It was a great success, so much of a nae while studying for her master's de-
success that we have decided to prepare The night was closed with the initiation gree in clothing and textiles.
the game for sale at the International of Beta Kappa's five pledges.
Convention in Washington, D.C. We She transfered to the University of
send out an urgent appeal for any one to SAN FRANCISCO/SAN MATEO Georgia to finish her degree in 1982. She
send us questions and answers on various currently with G Street Remnant as a per-
subjects: AOII-ese (AOII language), histo- Sale of handmade Christmas orna- sonal shopper and newsletter editor for G
ry, traditions, etc. We will be able to fit ments was the main fund-raising event St. Fabrics.
any question sent into a category. We for the San Francisco/San Mateo A l u m -
shall also leave one section blank f o r the nae Chapter. Members made pine cone Razorback, painted by the mother of
addition of local questions, explained angels, lifesaver dolls, straw wreaths, member Beth Mandeloo Rankin. It was a
Marjorie Stevens. potholders, and lined baskets. The event successful fund raiser for the AOII
was held at a local arts and crafts fair in Philanthrophic Foundation.
Christine Nasar, Beta Kappa president, backed November and raised $500. The chapter
by Carmela Kwan, left, tried her luck at 'AO plans to continue this fund-raising event In November Elaine Lehtinen Olszew-
Trivial II Pursuit,' a game developed by the every year, reported Cindy Castle. ski, Marty Erickson Taylor, Beth Man-
chapter. delco Rankin and Agnes Bondy Walters
NEW JERSEY traveled to Ft. Smith, A r k . , to meet with
A few hardy souls braved the chilly other area AOIIs. In December Founders'
Pacific Ocean, actually it was the waters At the suggestion of our president, Day was celebrated with a dinner meet-
of Vancouver Harbour, to greet in the Louise Mescia Lamb, Nu, the N.J. Alum- ing at Marty Taylor's home.
New Year. Vicki Dunsford, BK 78, Mar- nae Chapter opened its Founders' Day
jorie Stevens, B K '78, and Cathy Han- luncheon to family members, special em- This year the chapter plans on selling
nah, BK '79, made the Canadian Nation- phasis on spouses, and friends. note papers with U of A scenes, added
al News by participating in this annual Elaine Lehtinen Olszewski.
crazy event and hope to make it an annu- As always, we had members partici-
al alumnae challenge. pate in the traditional lighting of candles KANSAS CITY
commemorating our Founders while
In January Beta Kappa members joined Mary Kent-Miller Tennant once again re- The 1983-84 schedule for the Kansas
alumnae in the celebration of Founders' counted the "human interest" side of City Alums encompasses many busy and
Day. Recipients of the AOII Honor Card these distinguished women, several of rewarding activities.
were Barbara Godby Biehl, BK '74; Vic- whom she knew personally.
toria Dunsford, BK '78; and Paula Annually the KC alums help the A r -
Lorette Moran, BK '77. Margaret Grim- "We all enjoyed having Louise Muncie thritis Foundation. From manning arthri-
ble, BK '41, received a silver tray for the Roehm, Beta Gamma, read a letter f r o m tis information booths at the KC area
Outstanding Alumnae Service Award. Hester Rusk, Alpha, who is now living in Health Fair sites to collating and stuffing
Estelle and Arnott Stevens were honored Red Bank, N.J. For many years Hester the foundation's quarterly newsletters
for assisting the chapters, both alumnae was one of our most faithful members and brochures—the chapter members ac-
and collegiate. sometimes using several types of public tively volunteer their time. In fact, KC
transportation in order to attend our chapter's Helen Johnson was awarded an
16 monthly meetings," explained Gina Arthritis Foundation Volunteer Certifi-
Strauchon. cate for more than 100 hours of volunteer
1983 found many of our N.J. alumnae
"on the move." Laurine Oliver Moffatt, Active support of the collegians at Del-
Rho, spent a month with the Intrepids ta Pi and Phi keeps the A O I I chapter on
Club in South Africa. She was pleased to the move. Helping both collegians at rush
be there during the Referendum to change time; MIFs, baked goodies, "AOII-pow-
the form of government and to hear the er" in the kitchen, etc., are each year's
views of some of the leading educators. goals and accomplishments. Many KC
alums are on both the Delta Pi and Phi
"Empty nests" afforded some of our corporation boards including both presi-
members the opportunity to travel with dents! The chapter continues this support
husbands. Among those taking advan- of KC Panhellenic by having two repre-
tage were Louis Muncie Roehm, Beta sentatives.
Gamma, who enjoyed a trip to China;
Jackie Masterson Shortal, N u , who ac- The chapter was honored as a Distin-
companied her husband on many busi- guished Service A w a r d Finalist at the
ness trips, and Mary Knapp Murch, The- 1983 Convention.
ta, who broke her N.J.-Florida schedule
with a trip to Puerto Rico. Founders' Day found the chapter plus
collegians f r o m Delta Pi and Phi at the
NORTHWEST ARKANSAS Blue Hill's Country Club for a luncheon
and program. The Outstanding Alumna
In October AOII members raffled off
an original oil painting of an Arkansas
Award was presented to Linda Mansur Spring meetings consisted of a make- DALLAS
for her immeasurable efforts. up demonstration, luncheon and tour at
the new Botanical Gardens, a member's Exciting is the only way to describe the
As for plans to continue the busy travelogue of her Russia trip, and a mem- year with the Dallas Alumnae Chapter.
schedule, the chapter planned an April ber's explanation of the National Wildlife
visit to Central Missouri State University Association, said Susan Miller. The summer ended with the announce-
and the University of Kansas to award 3- ment of a new colony at Texas Woman's
5 scholarships at each location. LAFAYETTE University; Delta Theta was started with
Initiating new ideas has kept the new endless hours of preparation.
Also in early summer the group plans
to attend a Royals' baseball game and officers of the Lafayette Alumnae Chap- "We take great pride in having had a
meet after the game at an alum's home. ter busy this year. part in their learning about our sister-
hood and cherished the opportunity to
KNOXVILLE One of the top priorities was trying to get to know them in our 'Big Sister' pro-
update and contact local alumnae from gram," explained Beverly Brinkman Al-
The Knoxville Alumnae Chapter and the computer printout received from In- len. "Our greatest joy came with their ini-
Omicron chapter at of the University of ternational Headquarters. tiation and installation into AOII with
Tennessee were thrilled by the entertain- Virginia Banks as the installing officer."
ing and warm words of Founders' Day In October the chapter became in-
speaker Tandy Rice who addressed a "full volved with the newly formed Arthritis The September meeting, " A O I I Re-
house" of enthusiastic alums and colle- Foundation and one member, Jonalou union" was a wine and cheese party and
gians. Harrington, Phi chapter '62, became a the membership committee contacted
member on the Board of Directors. Mem- more than 200 alums in the Dallas area.
Rice, father of Omicron Cindy, also bers served as drivers for those who The October meeting had ten surprise
was the keynote speaker of the 1983 New needed transportation and hostesses for a visitors—the women from the new colo-
Orleans International Convention. The four-part Arthritis Seminar which was ny took a break from their studies to vis-
banquet was held in January at the Exec- held here in Lafayette. it. A covered dish dinner was followed
utive Dining Room at the UT Student by "AOII Arthritis Awareness Evening."
Center, reported Margaret Porter Alston, We've had several interesting meetings Valerie Thurmond, Director of the North
Omicron '69. this year among them a Color Seminar, a Texas chapter of the Arthritis Founda-
Cookie Exchange and a Mexican outing tion, was guest speaker. The talk was to
The banquet also featured Ann Roun- with husbands and dates, reported Beth prepare members for the Foundation's
tree Wallace's, Omicron '75, Awards Thinnes. As always we participated in "Arthritis Awareness Day" held in Dallas
Committee who produced a great group Phi Upsilon's rush with kitchen duty and in November. There they were on hand
of winners. A l u m M a r y Jane Bell Sharp, enjoyed Founders' Day dinner with them. to assist 1000-2000 people register, move
Omicron '46, was honored by receiving about the complex and coordinate all vol-
the Beverly Fraker Rector Award for her The chapter is trying a new type of unteers.
long term service and devotion to alum- fund-raising project this year. Like many
nae work. Jack Walker, a Knoxville busi- Americans in penny pinching times mem- The chapter held its Second Annual
nessman, was presented the Community bers have started coupon clipping and re- fund raiser "Make It, Bake It, Sew It,
Service Award in honor of the many, funding f r o m products they use. Not only Grow It" in November and this year in-
many hours he has given to volunteer does this help chapter projects but they vited friends of AOII to participate in our
projects including the area Arthritis are also donating to the Urban Ministries auction of homemade goodies. The tradi-
Foundation. Delia Peet Hickman, Omi- of Lafayette and its food pantry for the tional Founders' Day Luncheon was held
cron '34, was awarded her 50th year an- poor. By next Christmas AOIIs hope to in December with 58 alums and colony
niversary certificate. have collected several items for the members enjoying a look back at AOIl's
needy. A l l this by using trash for cash! heritage and a look forward to our future
Hostesses Debbie Ackerly, Upsilon '72, Also scheduled is an annual garage sale. in AOII. Recognition was given to Gay
M a r y Jane Sharp, O m i c r o n '46, and High Conover, Phi Upsilon, and Joanne
Malinda Sharp, Omicron '79, organized ~3t Bryan, Beta Phi, for their outstanding
the affair. support and involvement the past year.
FT. WAYNE January and February saw members
Members of the Dallas Alumnae Chapter, left take time for themselves with a "Night
Variety has been the key for alumnae to right, Nancy Shaheen, Grace McVeigh and Out on the Town" and "The Glamourous
meetings in Ft. Wayne. A n annual pot- Carol Stevensen were among the AOIIs who New Y o u — A Facial Makeover" as our
luck started the year with a slide show re- helped with Arthritis Awareness Day. program themes. In March they partici-
port from convention. pated in a Charity Consumer Research
Project with the proceeds given to the
The chapter's booth at the Johnny North Texas Arthritis Foundation and
Appleseed Festival netted enough money AOII Philanthropic Foundation.
to again send $100 to AOII Philanthropic
Foundation. Ritual, Installation of officers and a
covered dish dinner filled the A p r i l meet-
Husbands were the guests at the pro- ing and they will close out our year with
gressive dinner held late in the fall. Well- a couples' Kentucky Derby Party.
ness was the topic of another meeting.
Members also collected items needed for TULSA
the new child abuse center in Ft. Wayne.
The Tulsa Alumnae Chapter had its
Catherine Williams Broyles, BO, was 5th annual show and sell auction.
honored at the Founders' Day Dinner for
50 years of service in A O I I . During the year members made crafts
and baked goods to sell at the auction. It
A new project was done for the Arthri- has become an annual event every No-
tis Foundation this year. A slide show on vember.
Arthritis Quackery was shown to six Sen-
ior Citizen Nutrition Sites. Literature was 17
passed out and pens were made available.
A Raggedy A n n doll made by Mary Many special events were scheduled the Illinois collegiate chapters: Sigma
Francis Underwood created the biggest for 1984, including a weekend ski trip Iota, Beta Lambda, and Iota.
competition for bidding. Other favorites and a demonstration in oriental cooking.
were stenciled towels and special Additionally, members will be working Honor cards and roses were also pre-
brownies. enthusiastically throughout the year on sented by the presidents of the four alum-
special projects for the 1985 convention nae chapters. Honored by the alumnae
For the more timid shoppers there was to be held in nearby Washington, D . C . chapters were Joann Macander, Beverly
a bazaar table with fixed prices and the Hills; Janice Voight, West Suburban; Pat
chapter had its biggest crowd ever. Margaret Barber, left, Jeanne Crippin and Mottweiler, Chicago Northwest Subur-
Judy Zawacke, right, Region IV extension offi- ban, and Evalyn Thumm, Chicago-North
The auction benefits arthritis, and the cer, were among the alumnae who attended Shore.
chapter divides its profits between the the 1984 Chicago Council Founders' Day
needs of the local organization ( N . E. luncheon. GREATER PITTSBURGH
Oklahoma) and the AOII Philanthropic
Foundation. This year they made Council Fall was as f u l l as the Greater Pitts-
$419.32, reported Mary Peterson. sponsors burgh Alumnae Chapter expected.
Founders' Day
PULLMAN The October presentation by Janice
Executive Board Director Barbara O x f o r d James, Nu Omicron, was "Beauty
What do you do to let a group of colle- Hunt was the speaker at the Chicago for A l l Seasons."
giate women know how wonderful it is to Area Council's annual Founders' Day cel-
w o r k with young AOIIs who are enthusi- elebration held Jan. 7, at the Marriott Carol Whitley, Iota Sigma, hosted a
astic as well as sensitive to the principles Hotel-Oak Brook. The topic of her Tupperware fund raiser for members and
of the Fraternity? speech was "Our Commitment" which guests. Another busy time was prepara-
highlighted the theme "AOII is for A l - tion for the annual " A i m for Arthritis"
Pullman Alumnae Chapter members ways." benefit held at the Bon Aire Golf Course.
and Alpha Gamma Corporation officers
could think of one person who would be The council is comprised of the four A n ice cream social was held at Jody
able to express the feelings best off all— alumnae chapters from the Chicago area: Massack's, Gamma Beta, home and later
and for Founders' Day Weekend Interna- Beverly Hills, Chicago-North Shore, an Eggnog Party and Christmas Cookie
tional President Ginger Banks made her West Suburban, and Chicago Northwest Exchange was hosted by Connie Ander-
first trip to Eastern Washington. Ginger Suburban. The purpose of the council is son, Gamma Beta.
met with alumnae officers, delivered the to foster cooperation and unity among
Founders' Day address and was honored alumnae and collegiate chapters in the Founders' Day was celebrated at the St.
at a Panhellenic reception hosted by the Chicago area, explained Jean Dundas Clair Country Club. Virginia Gist
corporation. Zimmermann, Lambda Beta. Rengery, Epsilon Alpha, sponsored the
fifth annual celebrations since the chap-
In January members met to make spe- Among those in attendance were Peg ter's reorganization in 1979.
cial gifts to Alpha Gamma's newest mem- Crawford, Executive Board vice presi-
bers and presented them to the initiates at dent/operations; Judy Knecht, alumnae MACOMB COUNTY
the February initiation. programming chairman; Pat Mottweiler,
DJF trustee, as well as alumnae f r o m the Alumnae from Macomb, Detroit North
During the initiation banquet Alpha DeKalb-Sycamore Colony, the Milwau- Suburban and Dearborn Alumnae Chap-
Gamma Corporation presented its spring kee Alumnae Chapter and collegians ters joined the Omicron Pi collegians and
scholarship to Robin Bender, the member f r o m Beta Lambda and Sigma Iota. Ann Arbor alumnae for Founders' Day in
of the pledge class who earned the highest February.
grade point average during the fall semes- Council President Pat Juza presided at
ter. Jennifer Jansen, the chapter's new the luncheon. Special presentations were PORTLAND
vice president, was recognized for her made as Sigma Iota chapter was honored
outstanding service to the corporation as with a certificate and gifts as the first col- The chapter celebrated Founders' Day
house manager. legiate chapter to be highlighted by the in December with a brunch followed by a
council. Sue Chiri spoke and showed baked goods and gift sale. In January the
In late February alumnae met for an slides of the chapter's new house and re- members helped to boost the chapter
auction. In A p r i l the Pullman alumnae cent Rush activities. Monetary gifts were treasury by working on an inventory for
will host the WSU seniors for a special also presented f r o m Council to each of an area department store. Also set for the
dessert. spring was a meeting on make-up and in
March, a no-host dinner.
The spring luncheon and silent auction
In keeping with tradition, the Northern is planned for A p r i l . In May members are
Virginia Alumnae Chapter opened its planning to attend Portland Civic The-
year with the Annual Quiche and Salad ater's musical "Once Upon a Mattress."
Supper held at the home of Janet Nier
Marx, Tau. Members exchanged summer Our welcome
news and recalled the pleasures of their
summer boating trip at Lake Anna. to the colony
"Gamma Alpha Night" was the theme at Shippensburg
for the October meeting when alums
shared AOII artifacts and memories with University is
new initiates and pledges of Gamma A l -
pha, George Mason University. The an- set for the
nual Christmas Auction, which is the
chapter's largest fund raiser, was held in Summer issue.
November, and Founders' Day was cele-
brated in December at the home of Nan-
cy Carr Garrett, Delta Delta.
Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
GAMMA ALPHA pluses behind us, it is certainly evident Senate, cheerleading, Student Alumni
how sisters, working together, can lead Board, SPURS, Orientation Staff, Dance
George Mason U . to a chapter that just can't be beat, re- Company, Theatre Productions, wom-
ported Terri Miranowski. en's athletics, little sister programs, scho-
Gamma Alpha raised money this se- lastic honoraries, and the list goes on.
mester by selling tickets for George Ma- PHI SIGMA
son's annual Patriots' Day, buttons de- Winning the A l l Campus Christmas
signed by Nancy Kattman, and calendars Kearney State Tree Decorating Contest also was a high-
with pictures of gorgeous college men. light as we met Governor Bob Kerry, re-
Philanthropy, involvement, and pride ported Jennifer Evans.
During the Christmas season, members are key words for AOIIs at Kearney State
wrapped presents at the Northern Virgin- College. The sisters at Phi Sigma have Enthusiasm in the house was running
ia Training Center. been active in philanthropic projects, high with January's Initiation Week.
campus organizations and many house Many activities planned for the upcom-
The pledges sponsored a semi-formal activities. ing months because nothing is ever at a
dance at P.J. Skidoos. We were really standstill at the Phi Sigma chapter.
pleased by the result of all their hard The Rocking Chair Marathon was a
work, reported Leigh Kulesz. great success for the Phi Sigs in October. LAMBDA IOTA
With the help of Phi Kappa Tau fraterni-
Ann Conlon is Gamma Alpha's new ty, AOII Big Brothers, and a lot of hot U . of Cal.-San Diego
president for the coming year. She brings apple cider from alumnae, the women
to the chapter the true spirit of A0I1 and rocked 72 hours to raise $2,176 for the The fall Rush has been one of Lambda
sisterhood. Her job w i l l be ever demand- AOII Philanthropic Foundation. Iota's best ever! Summer workshops and
ing, but we're sure her bubbly personality a retreat really united the chapter.
and well organized ways w i l l get her AOIIs also were proud to have raised
through, Leigh added. K i m Becker, our the most money for the Panhellenic/IFC The Rush theme night was "Camp
new V.P., will be there to help. philanthropy, the Nebraska Association A O I I , " with a skit comparing Lisa Horo-
of Retarded Citizens, by participating in witz's time at "Camp Ickywicky" to
Kim was our Alumnae Liaison, and she Honey Sunday. N o w they are preparing "Camp AOII." The chapter received nine
organized Founders' Day. The Northern for the next project, Singing Valentines. new pledges and later added two more.
Virginia Alumnae Chapter presented the The Muscular Dystrophy Association
chapter with material to make covers for w i l l receive all proceeds raised. Each sing- Fall quarter included an exchange with
our silver. The alumnae then had a cere- ing message brings with it as much f u n Delta Sigma Phi; a sweater party with
mony honoring AOII founders. for the A O I I vocalists as well as for the Phi Delta Theta, an exchange with Tau
recipients. Kappa Epsilon, and a formal exchange
A few favorite activities in the Spring with the two other sororities.
semester are the AOII arthritis night and Our involvement carries onto campus
Rose Ball. Many also look forward to activities with many women participating A carwash raised almost $200 to bene-
seeing other AOIIs at Ft. Lauderdale over in groups such as Ambassadors, Student fit the Arthritis Foundation, and mem-
spring break, and getting to know other bers helped with the AF Wine Festival.
campus Greeks at Myrtle Beach at the
end of the year. "For Halloween we visited the Point
Loma Retarded Children's Hospital.
Iowa State U . From the left Susan Cooper, Julie Kruse, Becky Mayer and Shannon Collins were among the Phi
Sigma members to sell honey on Honey Sunday at Kearney State College.
Fall semester started off successfully
for AOIIs with the pledging of 31 women. 19
With a positive start to the year, the
AOIIs became involved in Derby Days,
which is a fund raiser put on each year by
the men of Sigma Chi for the benefit of a
handicapped children's home in the Ames
area. Iota Sigmas had a fantastic time
participating in the trampoline jump, the
volleyball tournament, and the Olympics,
which are just a few of the activities
scheduled for this event.
Our Homecoming project this year was
something different than we've done in
the past. The Delta Upsilon men invited
AOIIs to join them in sponsoring a bike-
a-thon. The money f r o m pledges gath-
ered by the bicyclists went to the Diabe-
tes Foundation.
The year has continued Iota Sigma's
successful ways after a winning
VEISHEA float last spring. W i t h all these
Within the chapter our activities during Corporation meetings set
the year include an AOI1 waterpolo team,
weekly lunches, movies, a ski trip, and ZETA THETA OMEGA ALPHA SIGMA
many other together happenings," report- April 21, 11 a.m.
ed Nancy Spencer. May 12, 11 a.m. April 30, 7 p.m. A O n chapter house
Chapter House Chapter Room 1690 Alder St.
SIGMA OMICRON 1541 S. Lincoln, NE 68508 Flagstaff, AR 86001 Eugene, OR 97405
Arkansas State U .
For more information: For more information: For more information:
The women of Sigma Omicron started Sue Stelzer Jan Kimmell Wallina Egge
off the semester with a bang by pledging 5031 Cresthaven 6260 N . Mountaineer 90263 Egge Road
25. Lincoln, NE 68516 Flagstaff, AR 86001 Eugene, OR 97401
The semester was spent with a variety IOTA SIGMA BETA KAPPA THETA
of activities, including the Pi Kappa A l - June 3, 2 p . m .
pha Lil' Olympics in September where April 28, 11 a.m. May 15, 8 p . m . Chapter House
they placed third in field events. Chapter House Marjorie Stevens' home 225 S. Bloomington
2007 Greeley 1675 W . 60th A v e . Greencastle, I N
Homecoming proved to be one of the Ames, Iowa 50010 Vancouver, B.C. V6P 2A7
most successful. They worked with the For more information:
men of Pi Kappa Alpha on the Home- For more information: For more information: Karen Horth Powers
coming display which won first place. Joyne Hager Dee contact Marjorie 3002 Bayside Drive
The week was spent with many activities 106 3rd St. NE Indianapolis, I N 46224
on campus: several dances, a fireworks State Center, Iowa 50247 PHI
show, concerts and a carnival. LAMBDA BETA
CHI ALPHA April 14, 2 p.m.
The highlight of the semester, Rose- Chapter House May 2, 7 p.m.
ball, was held in Memphis, Tenn., in May 7, 7 p . m . 1510 Sigma N u Place Chapter House
November, added Janie Tanner. 203 First St. Lawrence, KS 86604 3990 8th St.
Davis, C A 95616 Long Beach, C A 90894
Five Sigma Omicron pledges partici- Reservations to:
pated in the Lambda Chi Alpha Miss For more information: Mrs. John Oyer For more information:
Greek Pledge pageant. Deena Reeves Leslie A n n Carroll 11105 W . 99th Place Celeste Brandlin
won the talent competition and Melainie 3177 Ellington Circle Overland Park, KS 66214 3672 Toland A v e .
Williams won best costume. Sacramento, C A 95825 Los Alamito, C A 90720
20 Because CHI DELTA
Care U . of Colorado
Because we care f o r each As the fall semester at the University of
other and the world Colorado closes, Chi Delta chapter had a
members contribute chance to look back and reflect upon all
annually to arthritis the good times and accomplishments of
research, the Ruby Fund the past months.
and the Educational
Endowment of the Early in November they celebrated
Fraternity. Bequests and Founders' Day which was a big success.
Memorial gifts are Collegians presented favorite rush skits
acknowledged. to the alumnae.
Send Your Tax-Deductible
Contributions to— The two big social events were Pledge
AOI1 P H I L A N T H R O P I C Formal, which was held at the scenic
FOUNDATION Stanley Hotel, in Estes Park, and the an-
nual Christmas party. The Christmas
3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville, party was also a goodbye party for sen-
T N . 37215 iors who were graduating at semester and
going on alumnae status. The chapter
had a ceremony to say goodbye, and
then the seniors presented their senior
wills and did skits, reflecting their years
at Chi Delta.
The fund raiser was selling balloon
bouquets, headed by Philanthropy Chair-
person Shari White.
Dec. 7 was Chi Delta's night to shine,
as A O I I walked away f r o m the Panhellen-
ic banquet w i t h more awards than any
other sorority at Boulder. The chapter
won second place in the Blood Drive,
Most Improved Scholarship, and Best
Pledge Programming. Cindy Hahn, our
former Panhellenic representative, won a AOII wins Maid of Cotton title
service award, and Kathy Walker, one of
three AOIls on Panhel Executive Council, It may sound like a magnificent dream The following day consisted of a per-
won the Greek Woman of the Year to most of us, but it is a dream come true sonal interview in which each contestant
Award. for Valerie Bendall of Delta Delta: A was asked to respond to a question con-
1984 Cadillac to drive, an $8,000 ward- cerning social and economic issues and a
PHI O M I C R O N robe, a $3,000 scholarship, and a trip second interview held on television. A lo-
Hanover College around the w o r l d all go to the 1984 Na- cal disc jockey talked with each woman
tional Maid of Cotton from Birmingham, for three minutes. Press Schmiter news-
Phi Omicron chapter of AOEt held a Al. paper sponsored a dinner dance at the
public relations week culminating in an Summit Club. The final day of competi-
informal Rush party. One day all the Valerie, Alabama's Maid of Cotton, tion included another interview and a
AOIIs wore a T-shirt with a Panhellenic was one of 16 women who competed in swimsuit, street dress, and evening gown
design created by sophomore Jamie Phil- Memphis, for the National title. competition. All clothing worn during
lips. Another day they held a ground- competition was made of 100% cotton.
breaking ceremony and reception during Valerie Bendall, Delta Delta, Auburn, has
which a rose bush was planted behind the gone on to become the 1984 National Maid of The women later gave a speech on the
house. Many faculty, administrators and Cotton. subject "The Importance of Setting
students were in attendance when as the Goals". The Judges narrowed the compe-
AOEls released 395 balloons into the air. The women endured three days of tition to eight contestants. These eight
On Sunday of the week a Panhellenic pic- competition, receptions, and luncheons. were each presented with an envelope
nic was held for all women. Later that Upon their arrival, the contestants were containing a question. Based on their
night, AOII held an informal Rush party greeted at an informal reception followed spontaneous replies, the winner and three
for upperclass women. Also in attend- by a buffet dinner during which they runners-up were selected.
ance were members of the Hanover Pan- were required to give a prepared speech.
hellenic Council, reported Sheri Tallent. Aside from her wardrobe, car, and
scholarship, Valerie's new title offers her
THETA CHI many other benefits. She traveled to Dal-
Morningside College las, Texas, for the Cotton Bowl and the
pre-game parade. While in Dallas, cloth-
The AOIIs of Theta Chi chapter have ing designer Victor Costa designed sever-
always been proud of their house and al gown for her and has invited her to re-
they certainly proved this fact this fall turn to Dallas to do his spring fashion
during Rush Workshop Week. Not only show. She is stationed at the Peabody
did the women clean up the yard and Hotel in Memphis where she lives in a
house, but they also did some painting in three room suite. The hotel is the head-
the house. The house looked great by quarters for the National Cotton
Rush Week A u g 30-Sept. 2. Different ac- Council.
tivities during Rush Week included Red
and White Night, AOIIioneer and Cow- Valerie and her two traveling compan-
boy Skit of Molly Brown Night, and ions began with a tour of the United
Preference/Red Rose Night. States and Canada before leaving in
March f o r an overseas tour. The group
Formal pledging took place on Sept. 22 w i l l visit various countries in the Far East
with the set quota of nine women being and Europe. The National Maid of Cot-
pledged. ton will return to the U.S. in May to pre-
side over the June Cotton Carnival in
Also in September Alpha Omicron Pi Memphis.
held a raffle. The raffle was successful
bringing in $57 which was donated to the The Auburn senior then will have to
AOII Philanthropic Foundation. prepare herself for returning to the every-
day life at Auburn University and Fall
Theta Chi was very active in October Rush.
during Greek Week. The AOIIs won first
place in the poster contest for the football A l l fraternity and sorority pledge class- three steps in sorority campus scholastic
game, house decorations, and the road es are invited f o r dinner, and given a standings.
rally, added Carol D . Jensen. chance to sing their favorite pledge class
songs or chants. Christmas grave blankets were made
During Morningside College's Home- again this year as a successful money-
coming the AOIIs rode in the parade and The Kappa Kappas joined the Sigma making project for the chapter and the
won second place in the poster contest Alpha Epsilon fraternity and some of the Christmas party increased the anticipa-
for the football game. community children for a successfully tion for the holiday season with Christ-
spooky halloween party. The turnout for mas carols and our AOII Guy playing
Also on the fall calendar were Parents' the haunted house, apple bobbing, and Santa Claus.
Weekend and Christmas Cozy. costume contest was terrific, and it made
Halloween a lot of f u n for all of us. The pride of Kappa Kappa this year is
KAPPA KAPPA the pledge class. The pledges joined with
Ball State U . Fall quarter would not have been com- the Delta Tau Delta pledge class f o r
plete without the annual AOII Hayride Christmas caroling at a nearby nursing
The Kappa Kappa chapter wound up and BonFire. As usual, it proved to be home. They've organized three sister-
fall quarter in pandemonium. Actually, it fun for all. hood suppers, and they captured the
was pledge pandemonium, a chapter senior members and took them to the
money-making project the AOIIs at Ball A t the beginning of winter quarter the University of Illinois for walkout. The
State hold annually. Kappa Kappa chapter was on the move. seniors were able to give the pledges
Our fall grades enabled us to move up
some advice and relate their experiences • Z E T A PSI
in AOII with the pledges. It was a re-
warding night that created a closer bond .ir- East Carolina U.
between the seniors and the pledges.
Ian Forsythe, Omega Omicron chapter, was Look out East Carolina! AOII's Zeta
The pledge dance, decorated with top named Homecoming Queen during the fall ac- Psi chapter is here! Zeta Psi is a chapter
hats and roses, was held in January, with tivity at Lambuth College. that is growing and excited about i t . To
the theme was "Putting on the Ritz." members, Rush is not just a word but an
"Fashion Flash" was the headline of a everyday activity.
During the Miss Ball State contest the fashion show put on by members, pledg-
chapter was represented by senior Dian- es, and alumnae as they modeled every- The fall semester started out with the
na Cheever. thing from sportswear to wedding sisters and pledges returning to school a
gowns. Tradition brought the annual few days early to sing, dance, and get
Plays are being set up for its Basketball "Pig Roast" where sisters and their dates psyched for formal rush. Chapter Con-
Marathon, as Kappa Kappa hopes to "pigged out" and had an all-around blast. sultant Kimberly Campbell visited the
reach its goal for the AOII Philanthropic November also was the month for Lam- chapter while final Rush preparations
Foundation and Arthritis Research again buth College Homecoming. were taking place. Just as Kimberly was
this year. leaving, Duke's Delta Upsilon chapter
The chapter once again dominated was coming in to help with the first two
PHI BETA when Jan Forsythe, vice president, was nights of Rush.
East Stroudsburg State elected Homecoming queen. Another sis-
ter, Melanie Daniel, represented the Alumnae support for Rush not only
Phi Beta started off the fall semester chapter as first maid. Omega Omicron was, but still is superb! They were even
with a terrific Rush program. President also was presented with two other Home- willing to be "rushees" for the chapter
Donnalee Kidd returned from convention coming awards: second place in the float during mock Rush one weekend. The
with many ideas. T w o themes for Rush competition and first place in the banner newly-installed Tidewater Alumnae
were Flying High With AOII and Get a competition. Chapter made beautiful nametags not
Piece of the Pi. Everyone gave her all and only for Zeta Psis but also for rushees.
the chapter ended up w i t h 14 great In December members celebrated
pledges. Christmas with a party given for sisters The end of formal Rush was celebrated
and their dates. Gifts were exchanged with ten pledges, our alumnae, big broth-
"We are very excited to see our chapter w i t h the excitement of the season in the ers, Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, and its little
g r o w i n g so fast," reported Michelle air. sisters. Open Rush, too, is going great!
McMaster. "During Rush Kimberly Having informal rush parties once a week
Campbell, a chapter consultant, visited January was the all-important time of throughout the semester is going to pay
the chapter. She was very helpful and we initiation of A O I I pledges, as Omega O m - off with additional pledges.
enjoyed having her." icron took in nine new members, the
largest number to be initiated into any Tupperware parties have not been the
The annual Rock-A-Thon for arthritis sorority on campus!! They also added only fund raisers. Both the AOII Philan-
was a great success. We teamed up with a three new pledges to the list. thropic Foundation and Roseball '83 have
fraternity and raised more than $600. benefited f r o m subs, M & M ' s and baked
Two seniors, Kathryn Anne Barker, goods sold. Zeta Psi's corporation presi-
In October three members—Donnalee chapter president, and A n n Ewing were dent, Marty Peterson, was pleased with
Kidd, Kathy Kukan and Jeanne Boland— recently selected to be members of Who's the results of the chapter's yard sale. The
went to Lehigh University for the coloni- Who Among Students in American Col- yard sale helped in producing new f u r n i -
zation of a new AOII chapter. leges and Universities, added Mary Beth ture, wall paper, carpeting and fresh
Dunn. paint now seen around the house.
Southeastern Louisiana U . Getting good grades can be f u n and is
. . . that is when you've got Scholarship
Kappa Tau's hard work during sum- Chairman Chelly DeBone and Scholar-
mer workshops paid off in its acquiring a ship Adviser Lucy Pake behind you, re-
quota of 32 pledges. The chapter is very ported Jean Walsh. A n d it sometimes
proud to have 15 campus organization pays off in unexpected ways, especially
sweethearts. It is especially honored to for Chapter President Dana Schacht,
have member Brigid Boudreaux selected who was chosen to receive a Diamond Ju-
as the 1983 SLU Homecoming queen, and bilee Foundation scholarship.
three other sisters serving on the court.
Kappa Tau's past Panhellenic delegate,
Gracie Pelagio, has been installed as the Duke University
new Panhellenic president. In the scholar-
ship department, Kappa Tau has the Rally Roses! They may only be "paper
highest overall grade point average of all roses" to the casual observer, but Delta
the Greeks on SLU's campus. Kappa Upsilon's Chapter Relations Committee
Tau's annual Keg Roll was a great suc- has started a new tradition of cheering up
cess. It was rolled a total of 205 miles in or congratulating one another with the
24 consecutive hours, reported Vicki charming rose-shaped notes. A n infor-
Vandrell. mal, spontaneous way to let a sister
know she's thought of, Rally Roses are
OMEGA OMICRON really catching on!
Lambuth College
The chapter is continuing established
The winter months didn't slow the pace traditions here as well. Commemorating
for Omega Omicron members as Novem- sisterly sentiment at the Founders' Day
ber's money-raiser turned out to be a big banquet, Marjorie Shull, Nu, '23,
hit! delighted collegians and local alumnae
alike with her first-hand insights about Research Foundation. Omicron, was elected to the Homecom-
Stella, Bess, Jessie, and Helen. Marjorie's We had officer initiation in January, ing Court. The chapter won "Best of
remarks about her encounters with the Show" in the pyramid building contest
Founders at NYU's AOII meetings during and the new officers are working hard and third place in the float competition.
her own college days gave everyone a trying to come up with some exciting new In order to promote more spirit at the
better appreciation of the four women's ideas to even further strengthen our A l - game, Tau Omicron decided to sell bal-
personal qualities. After her speech she pha bond, reported Colleen Enright. We loons and pledges represented AOII by
was presented with the 50-year pin. Yet hope to start a sister sport day where all riding in the parade.
another award—the first of its kind—was sisters can spend a whole day together
presented by the Triangle Alumnae at the competing and having f u n . We are also AOII has played hard at sports, too,
banquet. Official recognition of service planning a pizza dinner business meeting and won second place in touch football
to the chapter was given to both K i m and a trip to Cincinnati for a day of and were the champs in water basketball.
Turner, vice-president and pledge trainer, shopping and an evening of theater enter-
and Lori Tansey, Delta Upsilon's Panhel- tainment. The women still have a lot of little kid
lenic representative, reported Liz Pen- in them. On Halloween Tau Omicrons
nington. To keep their bond strong even after went trick-or-treating and raised about
graduation, Omega AOIIs are planning to $330. for the AOII Philanthropic Founda-
A n eventful year at Duke continues begin a bi-annual newsletter which will tion. Another philanthropy project the
with maintaining more traditions, like be sent to all alumnae in the Dayton-Cin- chapter does every quarter is the road-
our Homecoming mum sale and Parents' cinnati area and to parents of the colle- block, raising another $400. by doing
Weekend parent-faculty mixer. giate members. this, Melanie Osburn said.
With Rush during the last two weeks of AOn is still number one in all sports on Over Christmas break, the chapter had
January, we are looking forward to the campus, and members are trying to retain a Christmas party at President Abbe
new pledges and new projects of spring! that position with a great basketball James' house. One event of the evening
team! They also are beginning to work was to go caroling.
OMEGA on Greek Songfest with Mary Turner, a
new initiate as Songfest chairman. O n Jan. 13, the Miss U T M pageant was
Miami U. held. AOII's own Cristie Bivens placed in
TAU OMICRON the Top Ten.
Another year has begun for the Omega
chapter as its pledge class completed all U . of Tenn.-Martin Initiation was held on Jan. 21 for 23
its pearls and was initiated in January. women. Founders' Day Banquet was held
Once Tau Omicron gets started there is in the evening after initiation. Elaine
The second annual Freshman Care nothing stopping them! That was the way Mitchell, Tau Omicron '69, was the guest
Package project for philanthropy was with the fall quarter. speaker. A t the banquet, skits were put
successful when the chapter sent more on, songs were sung and many were hon-
than $2,000 to the Cincinnati Arthritis Homecoming added excitement for the ored with awards.
AOIIs at U T M . Taina Hampton, a Tau
SUMMER SIZZLERS! AOII SUNGLASSES, smoked or amber tint, $10.00 delivered
AOII VISOR, polyester and cotton with terry lining, white with
red letters, $5.00 delivered
twcn ITEM(S) (specify quantity) .
AOII RAFT, assorted colors with white letters, $10.00 delivered AMOUNT ENCLOSED .
AOII BEACHBALL, multi-colored with red letters, $4.00 A l l items prepaid (Please allow sufficient time for orders to be
letters, $18.00 delivered ALPHA OMICRON PI
IOTA into Palladia which is the highest honor a University. Also during one weekend,
women can receive at U G A . Stacey Gamma Beta was honored to host Re-
U . of Illinois Ayres, Kay Spratlin and Tina Shadix gional Director Mary Jean Polaski.
were tapped into Rho Lambda (National
Iota kicked off the spring semester by Panhellenic Honor Society). The Big/Little dinner held in Novem-
initiating 43 Gold Medalists after their A ber and ended with a sentimental ex-
Olympics I I week. The class of '87 passed OMEGA XI change of gifts. Gamma Beta became exu-
its pledgeship with flying colors for a Morehead State U . berant when Tracey Ireland was voted
100% initiation. Vice President of the Panhellenic Council
Omega X i has had many things to be at the semester's end. The year concluded
We send a big thank you to Kappa proud about. with the chapter celebrating a unique De-
Kappa chapter (Ball State) for its helpful- cember formal and a Secret Santa Christ-
ness during initiation! The chapter was runner-up in intramu- mas party, reported Kimberly Hoburg.
ral basketball for the fall semester and
Iotas could be heard chanting I-L-L participated in the Chi Omega Follies. After Christmas break, Gamma Beta
. . . I-N-I during this year's Rose Bowl. returned with expectations of a fantastic
More than 30 traveled to Pasadena to Individual talents, too, are shining. spring rush beginning in early February.
cheer on the Fighting Illini. The half time Laurie Patton is active with the More- Two themes entitled " A Night in Hawaii
show outshined the game as Iota had 6 head swim team and Pam Blevins is using with A O I I " and "Greek is the W o r d " were
flag, 5 Illinette, and two band members her talents as Panhellenic treasurer. featured. The sisters anxiously await the
take control of the field. return of the annually Greek Week and
The chapter is pleased to have two leg- Derby Days when they will try to retain
Iota celebrated Founders' Day on Feb. acies among its pledges. their championships. The chapter is also
19 with area alums. The day included a quite enthusiastic about its future philan-
banquet, a ritual ceremony, and distin- "A special thanks to the Omega chap- thropic activities and the spring formal.
guished Iota alum, Peg Crawford, inter- ter for their help during formal rush,"
national vice president-operations. added Pam Jibb. KAPPA PI
Philanthropic efforts, headed by Patty 4qJ Northern Ohio U .
Eliot, include a blood drive at the house,
a Bingo tournament for AOII Philan- Tracey Ireland, Gamma Beta, is the new vice Not even the sub zero temperatures of
thropic Foundation and participation in president of the Panhellenic Council at Indiana northern Ohio can hamper the enthusi-
the Adopt-a-Grandparent program. University of Pennsylvania. asm and pride of the Kappa Pi chapter.
Iotas and Lambda Chi Alpha are pre- Indiana U . of Pennsylvania Pledging activities dominated most of
paring for the annual Mom's Day Sing in the quarter as pledges learned of the love
the spring. We are hoping to w i n , place, Seven pledges followed the "Jacque- and sisterhood in AOII. A t the big/little
and show them our stuff with our "Day minot Road" to the "Land of AOII" dur- overnight they were introduced to their
at the Races" theme, added Annette ing the fall rush 1983, and they discov- individual family traditions. Soon after,
Guiley. ered enchanting friendships as well as Rose Week was held to prepare them for
those special feelings shared by all AOIIs. initiation and to unite the chapter as a
LAMBDA SIGMA whole. During the week the scholarship
Gamma Beta's fall rush was not only awards were given to Elizabeth Luce for
U. of Georgia exciting and successful, but it was aided the highest pledge grade point average
by the inspirations of visiting Chapter and Annie Settelmeyer and Cindy Goad
The Lambda Sigma chapter at Univer- Consultant Kimberly Campbell. for the highest big/little combination
sity of Georgia had a very successful fall g.p.a. Rose Week was highlighted by the
quarter. The pledges got right into the The pledges immediately began weekly initiation of 13 new sisters.
swing of things by getting third place in meetings with an emphasis and fraternity
TKE Spirit Drive. AOII Lisa Waggonner, education. Fund-raising activities includ- On the social side, they have had a
a UGA cheerleader, picked up 4th runner ed selling doughnuts and candy to stu- "Tie one on" hat and tie party with the
up in Miss Georgia Spirit. Jane Brown, dents and the community surrounding brothers of Phi M u Delta and a "Friday
Stephanie Walsh, and Robin Dixon were the campus. the 13th" party with the brothers of Delta
choosen as U G A Bat Girls. Robin Dixon Sigma Phi. Both parties were preceeded
was then selected as captain of the group. As the year progressed, activities be- by a pledge exchange. We were proud to
came much more involved. There was a be joined by a number of sisters f r o m the
In January the chapter celebrated renewed espirit de corps at Gamma Beta's Theta Psi chapter at the University of To-
Founders' Day in Atlanta. A new award chapter when Tracy Tucker and Tracey ledo for the second event.
called the Rose Recognition A w a r d was Ireland returned after participating in the
given to two women who have done out- colonization of the new chapter at Lehigh The annual rose formal was scheduled
standing work for the chapter. The recip- for March 25 at the Holiday Inn-Airport
ients were Tracy Hare and Beth Heinzel- in Columbus, chaired by Social Chair-
mann. man Jana Stewart.
A highlight of fall quarter was joining The annual Campus Chest charity car-
with the AOIIs f r o m Delta Delta ( A u - nival to benefit local charity was once
burn) for the annual "Before the Battle again supported by the chapter.
Bash" that the pair have before the Geor-
gia/Auburn game. It was a huge success Our booth, the AOII Jail, was the high-
yielding great profits which we contribut- est money maker, reported Sandee
ed to AOII philanthropy work, reported Burns. Katie Pietrykowski was AOITs
Susan Brault. candidate for Campus Chest queen and
Karen Suchanek our representative to the
Scholastically the chapter did well. It Theta Chi Best legs on campus competi-
placed second in scholarship among the tion. A t the campus party auction, our
seventeen sororities. Tina Shadix and "Granola" party was one of the highest
Sharon Haynes were accepted into Omi- selling parties.
cron Delta Kappa national leadership
honor society; Sharon also was selected
The second annual Kappa Pi volley- Regional Director "Fudge" Skaff, Vice Delta Delta. The theme for this year's
ballathon for arthritis was scheduled for President of Operations Peg Crawford show was "The Rainbow Goblins."
March 10 by Philanthropic chairman Lisa and Director Barb Hunt have visited this
Schaller and her committee. year. Other visitors included Theta Psi AOIIs honored in campus activities
chapter f r o m the University of Toledo, were Andrea Frazier, Kay Kuckewich,
In sports, AOII sponsored two teams in who accepted an invitation to join Omi- and Brenda Stanton who were accepted
intramural basketball competition. The cron Pi at a medical fraternity party. into Who's Who in American Colleges
"A O Pride" squad was undefeated and and Universities. Carol O x f o r d was se-
the league champion. December blew in and ended the fall lected for the Outstanding Young Wom-
term with a great "Snowball," including en of America and Kay Gibbons was ini-
Angie Tyler was recently elected stu- homemade stockings for dates, lots of tiated into the Order of Omega, reported
dent senate vice president, while Rachel dancing and plenty of mistletoe. Carta Shores.
Hunter and Karen Suchanek were elected
as college representatives. Susanne Pettit The new year brought Inspiration -
was elected the Panhellenic Council presi- Week with i t . Pledges were treated to ice
dent and Brenda Zupp, the social chair- cream at Farrell's, a senior class activity, 5
man. In conjunction with Panhel pro- and we all participated in sponsoring a
gramming the chapter sponsored the university gymnastics meet, by making Andrea Frazier, a Kappa Alpha from Indiana
winter quarter A l l Sorority Tea. Jill signs and rooting the team on, reported State University, is president of the school's
Hildreth and Brenda Zupp are members Debra B. Klueger. Union Board. Her activities include coordinat-
of the O N U cheerleading squad. ing Homecoming and Tandemonia, sponsor-
Jan. 21 marked Initiation Day and Past ing a number of other campus activities and
NYC Panhellenic International President Nancy McCain talent shows and movies.
plans fellowships was guest speaker.
New York City Panhellenic will award Oil celebrated Founders' Day in Febru- U . of Mississippi
two $500 fellowships to fraternity women ary, its winter Rush, the Greek Week
doing graduate work at a college or uni- Dance Competition in March that helped Returning f r o m an extended holiday
versity in the New York City Metropoli- support its philanthropy and much more. vacation the AOIIs of Nu Beta chapter ar-
tan area during 1984-85. rived ready for full year.
Those interested should request an ap- N u Betas were "Flippin' for Philan-
plication f r o m Ms. Celeste M . Paprocki, Kim Bridge, a sophomore at Indiana State thropic' in January. Lisa Brown, philan-
145 West 58th Street, New York, N . Y . University and Kappa Alpha chapter, has been thropic chairman, organized the success-
10019, and should return the completed elected president of the Panhellenic Council. f u l annual breakfast. Proceeds went to
form by Aug. 1, 1984. KAPPA ALPHA the AOII Philanthropic Foundation. Stu-
Indiana State U . dent, faculty, and Oxford residents en-
In the past years these fellowships have joyed pancakes, sausage, juice, milk, and
assisted women working f o r advanced As another semester drew to a close, coffee. More than $2,300 was donated to
degrees at such schools as New York Uni- Kappa Alpha celebrated the occasion the Foundation.
versity's School of Business, Columbia with its fall pledge dance, the "Red Rose
University's School of Physicians & Sur- Ball" and a chapter Christmas party. Many events were awaiting the spring.
geons, Rutgers University's School of Initiation was February 6. During Alpha
Law, John Jay College, Kean College of In a February presentation of Campus Week, a different gift is given to the
New Jersey and Adelphi University. Revue AOII paired with the men of Pi pledges by their big sister each day of the
Kappa Alpha and the women of Delta week. Along with the gifts they also learn
"We are pleased to be able to continue the true meaning of Alpha Omicron Pi.
to grant these fellowships," added Ms.
Paprocki, fellowship chairman. Feb. 25 and 26 was the annual Parent-
A l u m Weekend. Parents and alumnae
O M I C R O N PI members visited and celebrated with the
U . of Michigan chapter, added Jennifer Hansford.
Omicron Pi chapter is alive and well 25
and growing in A n n Arbor. For fall Rush
to the theme of The Wizard of Oz, mem-
bers "eased on d o w n the road" and
picked up 15 pledges on the way.
Constructive, creative and scholarly
best describe Oil's achievements for fall.
Triangle fraternity helped AOII to a first
place finish in the Homecoming float
competition and Panhellenic presented
the chapter awards for Outstanding
Scholarship Programming and House Ac-
tivities. The awards were given f o r such
things as its Study Motivator, the Red
Plate Award, Sister of the Week, Typical
AOII, AOII Birthday Club, "Betty"
Bumpers, Proud Whip, Newly Met
Game, and the list goes on.
SIGMA slide show at the house and moved to the on campus among the sororities. Forty-
American Legion Hall where the theme of two women out of the chapter were invit-
U . of Cal.-Berkeley Monte Carlo filled the air. Walls were ed to Western's all Greek Academic Ban-
decorated with foil, glitter, playing cards quet for achieving a grade point of 3.0 or
Sigma had a rewarding winter term. and a roulette wheel—definitely a night above, where AOII Administrative Direc-
Aside f r o m the usual f u n and games—ex- to remember. tor Sue Lewis was guest speaker.
changes, firesides, pizza runs—members
took the time to look at the serious side But the excitement didn't end there, be- Besides academic success, members are
of the chapter. cause the next day Delta Pis had their working hard on chapter relations within
first annual "Dad's Day". It was a chance the sorority and community. The 4th an-
They participated in several charitable for dads and daughters to get close and nual " A O I I Have A Heart Day" was cele-
f u n d raisers, including the Phi Psi 500 to have fun together. A l l the dads were brated to promote the chapter and the
raise money for Cal's Spirit of Giving taught some favorite sorority songs, whole Greek system on campus. Within
program, which makes donations to the making the day a great success. the community, Alpha Chi sponsored a
university. Other activities included Valentine's Day party for the Big Broth-
sponsoring a pancake breakfast to raise ALPHA CHI ers and Big Sisters of Bowling Green.
money to send underprivileged children
to Cal Camp and a brunch held in con- Western Kent. U. Good relations within the sorority also
junction w i t h the East Bay Alumnae is promoted through an annual hot dog
Chapter to raise money for the arthritis The best part of being an AOII is hav- and chicken scholarship dinner, upcom-
foundation. ing new sisters! ing sisterhood dinner an chapter relations
Founders' Day this year was a very The Alpha Chi chapter at Western
special experience. Collegians were fortu- Kentucky University returned after Alpha Chi is very proud of its sisters'
nate enough to see some very special Christmas break excited about initiating achievements. T w o sisters, Linda Alford,
alumnae receive their 50-year certificates. 26 wonderful women. Anticipation built 4.0 Pre-Med student, and Becky Johnson,
as pledge trainer, Sharon Pennington, 3.96 Pre-Law student, were initiated into
It was very inspiring and heartwarm- and each woman's big sister supported Western's Junior and Senior Leadership
ing to hear what chapter was like in 1933, the soon-to-be initiates through Inspira- Society, Omicron Delta Kappa. Fall
some of the traditions they had that we tion, Rose Ceremony, and finally Initia- graduate Caryn Clouse, w i l l be doing her
still share, and some AOII slang that we tion. student teaching in France this spring.
still use!," reported Gail S. Lancaster.
The highlight of the day was when an Hard work and dedication paid off for Tracy Mattingly reported the Spring
alumna brought out a picture taken at the AOLTs last semester. The chapter re- Rush party a success w i t h the addition of
convention in 1933 showing four found- turned this spring w i t h the highest grades three new sisters and participation in
ers! The common bond of A O I I was so
visible and our alumnae demonstrated so
clearly to us that the bond lasts beyond
our brief college days!, Gail added.
It was most appropriate that Inspira-
tion Week immediately followed. The
pledges had just seen exactly how strong
the bonds of sisterhood really are.
DELTA PI Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt University, had an opportunity to take pictures with Hill Street Blues star
Bruce Weitz during the Arthritis Foundation's Floyd Cramer Celebrity Golf Tournament in Nash-
Central Mo. State U . ville. Collegians and members of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter logged some 700 volunteer hours
to prepare for the tournament. Three alumnae serve on the A F board: Debbie Stillwell, Nancy
The Halls of Delta Pi were filled w i t h Bowers and Ann Nielson, all Nu Omicron. Ann recently was appointed a member of the tourna-
the Christmas spirit during the cold De- ment steering committee.
cember months. Christmas carols filled
the house while the fall pledge class
trimmed the Christmas tree.
A new addition has been made to rec-
ognize Delta Pi's busy schedule—"Most
Active Sister." Everyone who participates
in any type of committee work for up-
coming events, receives a star on a chart
by their name. A t the end of the month
the stars are counted up and the sister
that has accumulated the most stars, is
honored as the "Most Active Sister."
A week of inspiration prepared the fall
pledge class for its Jan. 14 initiation. It
was a time of emotion and special close-
ness as well as an exciting and memorable
experience for all new initiates, reported
Jeanne Werth.
Delta Pis held an informal rush party
in January, welcoming many beautiful
and enthusiastic rushees.
Excitement rose throughout the month
of January as Delta Pis prepared for their
date party. The festivities began with a
Western's A l l Kentucky Greek Sym-
Presently, Alpha Chis are charging full
steam ahead to prepare for a successful
Spring Sing and Greek Week.
ALPHA PHI Remember the article in the Fall 1983 To Dragma about that fateful trip by University of Indiana
collegians to Florida? Their car caught fire and thanks to a carload of AOIIs from an unknown
Montana State U . chapter, the Indiana women fared much better than expected. Meet four of the six women who
"helped out:" left to right, Kristin Climer, Jan Forsythe, Ann Ewing and Barbara Johnston (and not
Alpha Phi members returned to MSU pictured, Kem Nace and Robbin Lau), all from Omega Omicron, Lambuth. "We stopped because
last fall with bright smiles about some we saw the AOII bumper sticker, the women reported. "In today's world it is hard to risk stopping
renovations in our house made possible to help strangers, but it is nice to feel such a special bond with people, a bond which allowed us to
by alumnae contributions. The excite- become friends under such extreme circumstances," they added.
ment of a fantastic looking house added
to our spirit during formal Rush when we mester's Scholarship Dinner was held on gan in excitement with Inspiration Week
pledged 21 women, added Deb Warp. campus and three were recognized for the second week of January. A l l of the
their achievement of a cummulative pledges really enjoyed Volleyball night,
The pledges showed their spirit of be- G.P.A. of 3.5 or better. '50's night, the annual senior mugging,
ing AOIIs by winning the spirit trophy at Vaudeville, and of course, Black Friday.
Sigma Chi Derby Days, and achieving AOII tried something new this year and
first in grades for all sororities. The had a Bermuda Bash with Kappa Sigma Upsilon then initiated 18 women after a
pledges also planned a fall party with the fraternity. The dressed in bright colored pledge banquet and award ceremony
theme "Wild Wild West". bermudas and beach attire. where Bethany McMahan was presented
with the Ruby A scholarship award. Kara
The chapter serenaded the fraternities With midterms underway, the AOIIs Gustafson and Lesley Hogan were also
at Halloween time with pumpkins in- were ready to take a break f r o m the presented awards for outstanding
forming them of its Spook House for the books and spend a night of mystery and achievement during pledgeship. A l l of the
Arthritis Foundation. The invitations fun at the annual Mystery Date Dance. big sisters made their little sisters AOII
proved to be successful as A O I I had an- Some of this year's couples were Fred and pillows to commemorate the occasion.
other record breaking year for its philan- Wilma and Batman and Batgirl, added
thropic project. Molly Faust. January and February continued to be
busy months, with the quarterly scholar-
Alpha Phi's Founders' Day this year BETA RHO ship dinner, five exciting exchanges, and
turned out to be at a sad, but very special U . of Montana the annual formal Rose Ball. Upsilon also
time as one of its charter members, Erma began a new philanthropic fund raiser.
Lessel Collins, passed away just one week One hundred percent initiation has With it's tentative date scheduled for
prior to the celebration. Erma regularly been the pattern for '83, and 1984 is no Winter 1985, the Upsilon AOII's are spon-
attended special Alpha Phi functions and different. Beta Rho's fall quarter pledges soring a first, "AOII, Run For Arthritis"
was a joy to visit with and will be missed handed back their "sheaves of wheat" in f u n run. It is planned to be a 10k race,
tremendously. exchange for a badge of A O I I . run through the beautiful University of
Washington campus.
Winter quarter started out with infor- The end of one quarter and the begin-
mal rush parties. Rush chairman Suzy ning of another brought its normal With the support of the community
Rawlings and Shelly Jasper planned an changes. Most of the pledges-soon to be and our alumnae, we hope to make the
aerobic party and a "make your own piz- initiates-moved into the chapter house. f u n run an annual AOII event that be-
za" party that helped the chapter meet comes an Upsilon tradition, reported
seven great new pledges! Feb. was Rose Ball 1984! Then it was Lauren Finn.
the day-to-day routine until Janine
The end of January the chapter had in- DeMerschman—Chapter consultant from Upsilon received the Panhellenic Schol-
spiration week and initiated 20 new Washington State University arrived in arship A w a r d for the highest grade point
members. The chapter planned its winter February to spend a week with her Uni- average in the U W campus Greek system
formal the end of February at a local ski versity of Montana sisters. with Arlene Ritzen and Kelly Perry in
resort. charge of the scholarship program.
LAMBDA BETA Spring Quarter at Upsilon began with
U . of Washington the Leadership Conference here in
Cal. State-Long Beach Seattle.
Winter quarter f o r Upsilon chapter be-
"Babe—I Wanna Live Forever" was the
greeting song for the Lambda Beta's third
day rush. Dressed in red, black, and
white, the AOII s stood in a " V " forma-
tion while member Pat K i m performed a
solo dance routine.
Rush was a great success this year as
the chapter doubled its size with the addi-
tion of 32 pledges.
AOII geared up for Kappa Sigma foot-
ball and played three tiring but exciting
games. A n d for those who survived foot-
ball, Sigma Pi Softball was right around
the corner. The chapter received the spirit
award for the second consecutive year.
Not only are the AOIIs of Lambda Beta
athletic, but they are also smart. The se-
KAPPA OMICRON Lisa Grider, Alpha Delta, is a member of the w i t h a very successful Rush and 27
award-winning University of Alabama yell pledges.
Southwestern squad.
They didn't waste any time getting
Despite a very busy first term which by Theta Chi as its Dream Girl and Laura pledges and members involved in philan-
included a successful Rush, Kappa Omi- Diener for being chosen by Phi Kappa Psi thropic work for the year, raising $7,200
cron once again had the highest grade as its sweetheart. for Scottish Rite Children's Hospital
point average at Southwestern. through Sigma N u Sweepstakes. Gamma
As the spring semester unfolds, Alpha Sigma literally "swept" Sweepstakes,
The house was filled with the sounds of Delta will be looking to its 1984 spring placing first in philanthropy, attendance,
music as we rehearsed for the annual Rose Formal, Parents' Day, and then spirit and pledge talent.
Kappa Delta All-Sing competition, re- making plans for our spring and fall rush.
ported Lynn McMullin. Other campus Wanting to prove that they are more
activities have included helping sponsor PHI UPSILON than just a bunch of pretty faces, the next
the Panhellenic Formal and Dilemma, a Purdue U . project undertaken was "TKE Toys for
campus discussion forum. Tots." Gamma Sigma placed first, mak-
The Phi Upsilon chapter at Purdue ing Christmas a little happier for Atlan-
During this year Kappa Omicron has University started out the year with ta's needy children. The chapter placed
become even closer to the Memphis many exciting activities. second in Pi Kappa Phi's "Feed the Kids,"
Alumnae Chapter through Founders' Day held during the Thanksgiving season.
and many dinners and parties. "We thank Homecoming, a festive time at Purdue
them for all their love and support," and AOII, featured the return of many With the spirit for philanthropy still
Lynne added. alumnae to the house. AOITs Homecom- going strong, more than 40 wonderful sis-
ing candidate, Lynette Bonos, made the ters and pledges helped make others more
ALPHA DELTA top five finalists. aware of persons with physical disabili-
ties and the problems they encounter by
U . of Alabama Purdue's Rush finished after Christmas spending a day in a wheelchair. The
break and right before second semester. It theme f o r the day was "Yes I Can," done
A t the University of Alabama, the se- was so exciting to come back f r o m a rest- in conjunction with an on-going cam-
mester started off right for the Alpha Del- f u l break and have 48 new pledges, re- paign sponsored by the Georgia Council
ta chapter w i t h its annual Founders' Day ported Nancy Ritchie. on Developmental Disabilities and A d 2
banquet. Banquet speaker was Sue Lewis, Atlanta.
Administrative Director of Alpha Omi- Under the guidance of Philanthropy
cron Pi, who reminded each of us how Chairman Candy Fortune, the entire Winter quarter was off to a great start
special it is to be an AOII, and have so house is taking part in selling ads, with a January Initiation. The chapter
many women across the nation to call designing the calendar, and selecting 12 joined Lambda Chi and Lambda Sigma at
our sisters, reported Kathy Cole. lucky Purdue men to be on a male calen- a Founders' Day luncheon held in Atlanta
dar which will be ready next fall. on Jan. 22. Rose Awards were given to
Founders' Day was a special beginning Kelly Isley and Lee A n n Palmer. Denise
to a special weekend, for the next day, The chapter took second place in Pur- Wilmot and Diana Roper, both received
Alpha Delta held initiation, and installed due's annual Anchor Splash. Members Certificates of Honor. Kelly Bell and Lau-
its new officers. are preparing for the University Sing with ra Elliott were awarded recognition pins.
the men of Sigma Chi.
While the chapter had to hear by radio Gamma Sigma planned a busy spring
or television, AOII Lisa Grider was there GAMMA SIGMA with many social and philanthropic
in Hawaii when officials announced that George State U . events. Plans included a Valentine's
she and the rest of the University of Ala- Dance and a spring formal, Rose Ball.
bama cheerleaders were N C A A national After a summer of intense planning, "AOII for Athletes," a fund-raising event
champions! Gamma Sigma began Fall quarter of 1983 unique to Gamma Sigma, was March 3.
While in Japan, the cheerleaders made 1 zSSf,
commercials for Mitubishi corporation.
Melissa Habacker, Theta Psi, became Univer-
No sooner did she arrive home, she sity of Toledo's Homecoming Queen for 1983.
was off on another cheerleading excur-
sion. This excursion was for competition,
and with our Lisa, they were a natural to
win! With a mixture of hard work, and a
little play, the trip was a success, and
Lisa helped to bring the N C A A national
title home to Alabama, added Kathy
bama football and basketball games, ma-
joring in marketing and keeping her
grade point above at 3.0, should be
enough to keep Lisa's life exciting. But
being a member of a national champion-
ship cheerleading squad is one of the
most thrilling things that can happen
once in a lifetime, the next best thing is
being a sister to one.
Alpha Delta is also proud of all three
women who competed in the annual Uni-
versity of Alabama Corolla Pageant.
Linda Lockhart was chosen second
runner-up, while Leslie Pirkle and Jill
Wiggins were voted favorites. Congratu-
lations also goes to Jill for being chosen
T H E T A PSI university faculty, reported Monique shown her outstanding leadership by be-
Gravez. ing appointed as Panhellenic Service
When I think of Melissa Habacker, Chairman.
Theta Psi '81, the first thing that comes to GAMMA OMICRON
mind is the time back when I was rushed, Gamma Omicron was busy with its 5th
and then pledged, by AOII. Names were U . of Florida Annual Fraternal Feud to raise money for
hard for me to get initially, but remem- the Arthritis Foundation. The event,
bering Melissa's was no problem—for it Gamma Omicron began its Spring se- chaired by Angie Lawing, was highlight-
quickly became associated with her sin- mester with a whirlwind of activities. ed by a special appearance by Florida Ga-
cere, friendly smile. Knowing even that Honors and individual achievements tor Place Kicker David Nardone. Alpha
one name was assurance of a willing ear were received by Sherri Nunn—Phi Beta Omicron Pi co-hosted Kappa Sigma fra-
and an eagerness to help, Penny Burns Kappa, Liz Ryan—Savant Leadership ternity's annual Valentines Day Dance to
explained. Honorary, and Lisa Gandy—The Honor raise money for the Heart Association.
of Excellence and Responsibility f r o m the The Alpha Omicron Pis retired the Phi
It was a special day for Theta Psi when Caucus of Women Leaders. Kappa Psi 500 race trophy with a fourth
Melissa Habacker was named to reign as year consecutive win! The chapter also
The University of Toledo's 1983 Home- A t the January Panhellenic Banquet showed its sports prowess by winning the
coming Queen! She was co-sponsored two Alpha Omicron Pis were honored: Panhellenic Council Intramural Soccer
and supported by AOII and EAE. Both Mariele Jones received the Outstanding Championship, credit is due to Coach
groups knew of the energy and drive be- Committee Member and Beth Adams re- Roseman David Gerrits. Fall pledge,
hind the smile—which helped to spirit her ceived the Outstanding Panhellenic Dele- Stacy Flanigan was chosen as Delta Tau
through the many activities that lead to gate. Also, Mariele was recently elected Delta's pledge class sweetheart.
her title. the President of Florida Cicerones which
are the official hostesses for the Universi- DELTA OMEGA
Melissa has made many contributions ty of Florida. Suzanne Dosal, a junior in Murray State
to the Greek community. From the very public relations, w i l l be serving as Assist-
start, she has stayed involved. As a ant Director of Legislative Action of Flor- As Homecoming rolled around, AOIIs
pledge, she was elected Songleader, and ida Blue Key Leadership Honorary. Su- here at M u r r a y once again stole the
then she repeated the office as collegiate zanne will be in charge of Legislative Day show. Loretta Wagner became the third
member. She is Songfest Director in '83. held this spring in Tallahassee. AOII in a row to receive that very special
Homecoming Queen crown! The annual
Melissa's special attention to people 1984 promises to be a big year in Pan- brunch was held before the game and
was a great help to her when she was an hellenic f o r Gamma O m i c r o n . Renee Delta Omegas were reunited with many
assistant to Rush, on Rush Counsel for Hoffner was elected Panhellenic President sisters.
two years, Panhel assistant Rush chair- overseeing 19 NPC sororities at the uni-
man '83, and a pledge camp counselor. versity. Renee was installed at January's A few weeks after Homecoming we let
Also, she was elected as Theta Psi's schol- banquet which was organized by 1983 our parents in on some of the feeling of
arship chairman, with her own strivings Awards Chairman Lisa Neely. Following A 0 I I during Parents' Weekend activities.
helping her to empathize and help others, in Lisa's footsteps is Mariele who w i l l
Penny added. serve as the 1984 Awards Chairman. Fall Fall semester was not without its share
pledge Chrissie Hinnant has already
She is active in University Y and the
Varsity Singers. Melissa's student govern- t JIM
ment experience ranges f r o m Homecom-
ing and Winter Week committees, to
social commissioner and senior portrait
coordinator. She is adviser of FARP, a
program designed to help all incoming
freshman with orientation.
Managing usually two jobs at once, her
name was not a stranger to the dean's list
and she was elected to Mortar Board.
Last spring, she was tapped to become a
Blue Key member.
Lehigh U . }
The new AOII colony at Lehigh Uni- Helping at a local carnival were Gamma Omicron members from the left, Becky White, Kathy
versity completed its first rush, with 21 Mitchell and Cheryl Skipper.
new pledges. This raises the total colony
members to 71.
In the last few months the colony
members have been learning many of the
customs of AOII. Candlelighting was held
in January and Founders' Day was cele-
brated w i t h local alumnae and the East
Stroudsburg chapter. The colony is plan-
ning for its philanthropic project, a First
Annual M r . Lehigh Contest. The contes-
tants will participate in bathing suit,
evening wear, talent, and personality
competitions. The judges will consist of
of chapter get-togethers either: The Hal- The week before initiation was termed
loween and Christmas parties, a Taco "Inspiration Week." The chapter held
Party for the pledges, a movie outing, the many special events including a Candle-
Big Sis/Lil Sis "Sack Lunch" dinner, and light Ceremony and a Baby Picture Con-
inspiration week for the newest members. test followed by a Potluck Dessert.
There also were mixers at three local
frats. The initiation ceremony was attended 5* K
by visiting Chapter Consultant Kimber-
The annual Red Rose Ball was f u l l of ley Campbell and Regional Director
awards for special sisters and a few unex- Maryke Loos.
pected candlelights.
The morning after initiation the mem-
Off to the flag football finals headed bers of the Alumnae Advisory Commit-
the more sports-oriented AOIIs as others tee made the members and new initiates a
cheered them on in the intramural games delicious brunch. The little sisters pre-
and to a second place finish. sented their big sisters with humorous
and appropriate awards. Two, Cathy
MR??? M.S.U.??? Who's he, you Dowd and Colleen Murphy, were both
ask??? W h y he's Ben Waide, the winner honored with the "Best Big Sister of the
of the annual philanthropic pageant. The Year" award.
chapter put on a great show for the cam-
pus and community—it was the M r . During the fall semester the chapter
MSU competition — and earned over
$1,000 for the AOII Philanthropic Foun- reached its quota with 16 pledges added
to the 18-member chapter.
This year they also added a special new
project to the list of philanthropic activi- Apple Pie Day with plenty of pie and
ties by adopting a child through the
Christian Children's Fund. In this way ice cream f o r customers allowed the
AOIIs will be able to share their love with
a needy little girl in a faraway place. chapter to raise more than $245.
A n d the chapter never stops! It is mak- The chapter has started an Alumna of
ing plans already for spring A l l Campus
Sing, a spring dance, more Rush parties, the Month Award which honors out- /
the annual Greek Hoe-Down, a Valen- standing alumnae. First to be honored
tine's Day Dance, and more chapter
activities. The chapter also is helping to was Carolyn Gaughan for her work with
prepare two women, Susie Patrick and
Denise Butler who made the finals, f o r mentally retarded youngsters.
the Miss MSU Pageant.
During Founders' Day the chapter rec- Heide Jacobson, Beta Sigma, Boise State Uni-
THETA CHI versity, was crowned Miss Boise State Uni-
ognized its corporation president, Kathy versity during Homecoming activities.
Morningside College Lloyd, for her efforts in rebuilding the
Parents Weekend for the sisters in the chapter house after a fire last M a y .
Theta Chi chapter, Morningside College,
Sioux City, la., was held in November. For Chocolate Fantasy Day members BETA SIGMA
There Julie Spotts was acknowledged for made all types of chocolate goodies and
her outstanding service to the chapter. To sold the items, collecting $173. Boise State U .
end the semester, the chapter decorated
the Christmas tree and had Christmas The chapter also planned to participate Beta Sigma chapter at Boise State Uni-
Cozy. in the Variety Club Telethon, to host a versity started off a good year taking
Casino Night with alumnae, and host a quota in formal Rush.
Theta Chi started out the spring semes- spaghetti dinner to raise money for the
ter with the election of officers. Installa- Arthritis Foundation, reported Chapter Among the fall activities were a Hal-
tion was held in January followed by President Judy McOsterick. loween costume and pizza party spon-
lunch at one of Sioux City's finest restau- sored by the pledges and a house retreat.
rants, a celebration of both installation
and initiation, of seven pledges. Beth Panhellenic Council recognized three
Quade was the pledge with the highest
GPA and Kim Stahl was the pledge of the members with scholarship awards: Janell
Kirby for her 4.0 during the spring term,
February was busy with informal rush.
Sheaf week was planned f r o m Feb. 13-17 and Lisa Walker and Robin Ripley, for
with an alumnae brunch on the 19th. The
Rose Formal was scheduled in A p r i l , re- their 3.5.
ported Kathryn Flugstad.
The chapter program committee organ-
ized a number of topics for discussion, in-
U . of Toronto
cluding self defense and make-up.
In January University of Toronto's
Beta Tau chapter initiated 14 pledges. Maureen Ryan has been elected presi-
dent of Panhellenic and Kristi Stephens
has been selected Panhellenic vice presi-
dent and Rush chairman.
Another highlight during the fall was
the crowning of Heidi Jacobson as Miss
Boise State University during Homecom-
4 ing activities.
Of course the holiday season brought
such activities as Founders' Day, Parents'
Dinner, and the chapter's Christmas Par-
ty. Members, too, participated in the A r -
thritis Foundation's Skate-a-thon.
Maureen Ryan, right, Beta Sigma, was elected Washington State U .
Panhellenic president and Kristi Stephens, vice
president/rush chairman, during voting re- Winter found Alpha Gamma chapter
cently at Boise State University. at Washington State University planning
a special Founders' Day celebration—a
visit from AOII International President 4 Legs contest raised approximately $60
Ginger Banks. with the title going to a favorite basket-
Maria Phillips, Lambda Chi, was crowned ball player at the college. "Votes" were
Ginger's four-day stay included a vari- Homecoming Queen during activities at L a - collected on campus at one penny a
ety of events. There were tours of cam- Grange College. piece. A Valentine balloon sale with or-
pus, meetings with officers and a special ders taken f o r those special messages
meeting with the pledges. She also led a LAMBDA CHI were delivered with an "uplifting" style
leadership workshop in addition to giv- LaGrange College on Feb. 14.
ing a banquet speech on achievement and
goal-setting. "Rock around the clock!" became the LAMBDA IOTA
theme for all AOIIs one November week-
Spring semester began well f o r the end. Lambda Chi sponsored a rock-a- U . of C . — S a n Diego
chapter as Karen Smith won the Sigma thon for the Arthritis Foundation and
Chi Sweetheart competition. raised $2300. It was a typically gorgeous day in sun-
ny San Diego when Lambda Iota initiated
Karen and 31 other members of the AOIIs have also "rocked" themselves 11 fall pledges.
pledge class were initiated in February. into the hearts of many fraternities.
Sandy Johnson was named Pi Kappa Phi Fall activities were varied for members
TAU pledge sweetheart and Josie Brooks was and pledges. A n exchange with the Delta
U . of Minnesota named Delta Tau Delta pledge sweet- Sigma Phis, a sweater party with the Phi
heart, repored Carol Armstrong. Delta Thetas and a formal exchange with
Winter quarter for the women of Tau the other two sororities kept everyone
chapter began with an enthusiastic spirit During Homecoming ceremonies Maria busy. In October the chapter held a
of achievement. Phillips was crowned 1983 Homecoming carwash to benefit the Arthritis Founda-
Queen and Josie Brooks was named Miss tion—$200! More formally, members
Chapter President Anne Cracraft was Congeniality. Seven AOIIs competed in served as hostesses for the AF Wine Festi-
chosen to serve on the Minnesota Student the Miss Troup County pageant—a fore- val. Within the chapter the activities in-
Alumni Association Board, a board that runner to Miss America. Cindy Burling cluded an intramural waterpolo team,
acts as liaison to students and alumni. finished second runner-up, Deborah weekly lunches, movies, parties, and oth-
Social Chair Pamela Watson was chosen Davis finished third and Julie Roberts er events.
vice president of the Panhellenic Council, was named Miss Congeniality.
while Chapter Relations Chair Heidi What could improve the fall quarter?
Essig served as executive committee Lambda Chi hosted the 1984 Founders' Winter quarter, of course! It started with
member for Greek Week, a weekly win- Day Banquet for Georgia chapters, in a warm Christmas break.
ter quarter function. January at the Radisson Inn in Atlanta.
Both Lambda Sigma and Gamma Sigma When school began the chapter had a
Member Lisa Novak swims for the uni- chapters were there to celebrate AOII's winter rush. Parties included a movie, a
versity swim team. A n n Anderson was founding with skits, songs, awards, and wild Madhatter party w i t h the Delta Sigs,
chosen publicity director f o r both the of course, the loving cup. Roses, which a slide show, lunches, and a Laura Ash-
University Dance-a-thon and Campus were voted on by the chapter, were given ley fashion show—the result six new
Carnival, two annual university philan- to Denise Roberts, Beth Floyd, M o pledges! A n d that was just the start of the
thropic activities. Baskin, Cathy Cooper, Melanie Wil- busy quarter. The chapter also had our
liams, Josie Brooks, A m y Bynum and second annual TKE-AOII Superbowl par-
'•it: Debbie Chandler for outstanding leader- ty. In February they planned a Founders'
ship, contributions to the sorority, and Day retreat to Santa Barbara to get to-
International President Ginger Banks loaded enthusiasm. A special rose charm was gether with other AOIIs from California.
with those things familiar to those in eastern given to Julia Dyer, financial adviser, and Other plans for the year included a Pan-
Washington but maybe not to a Texan: dried a rose was given to Linder Snider, chap- hellenic Volleyball Tournament, a ski
peas, lentils, Cougar Gold and "Butch." Also ter adviser, for their helpfulness above trip, a Valentine's Balloon sale to benefit
attending Founders' Day at the Washington and beyond the call of duty. the AF, and a scholarship tea.
State University campus was Janine
DeMerschman, Alpha Gamma, now a chapter Fund raisers have original flare here at NU LAMBDA
consultant for AOII. Lambda Chi. The second annual M r . Hot
U . of Southern Cal.
Fall semester at the Nu Lambda was
filled with exciting events.
The family Christmas Brunch was
highlighted by a special twist to "The
Twelve Days of Christmas" by members
of the senior class.
The chapter's Candlelight and Rose
Formal was held in December at the Hy-
att Regency in Los Angeles. Preparing for
inspiration week, the pledge class spon-
sored by "Hats off to AOII" pledge/mem-
ber party.
The day after initiation and its special
banquet, the women were off to Ventura
to meet with other sisters for Founders'
Day. Jane Hamlin was named Outstand-
ing Junior while other awards were pre-
sented to other chapter members.
Spring activities included Greek Week,
Songfest, a Jog-a-thon, a chapter retreat
and the Spring Luau.
Join other
alumnae and collegians
for summer
AOII Leadership Conferences
Toward Tomorrow
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