To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
Staid* of (ttontnttfi
Love and Loyalty—A Toast Rose Gardner 5
Editor's Note 7
Letter from New York University Clarence D. Ashley 8
Letter from DePauw University Bessie M. Smith 9
Letter from Tufts College Caroline S. Doris 11
The Sorority Question A Non-Sorority Girl 12
The Century's Investigation of Sororities 14
Concerning Sororities—Copied from Kappa Alpha Journal.... 16
Mississippi and Wisconsin—Copied from Shield of * K * and
Lamp of A Z 17
Fraternities and Sororities in State-Supported Institutions of
Learning—Copied from Triangle of 2 2 2 19
From the Faculty Report of the Abolition of Sororities at Brown 19
Scholarship Thomas A. Clark—Illinois 20
Sophomore Pledging—Copied from the Anchora of A T 20
Pan-Hellenism at University of California.. .Fay Frisbie, A X ft 21
Sorority Examinations Melita Skillen 24
Alpha Omicron Pi Examinations Kate B. Foster 24
Extracts from Examination Papers
Helen Worster 25
Elsa Guerdrum 26
Mabel De Forest 27
Chetana Nesbit 27
Pearl Rapp 27
Fraternity Expansion Gladys Courtian B rift on 29
From An Alumna Margaret Clark Sumner 32
An Alpha Omicron Pi Camp Annetta B. Mac Knight 36
Editorials 39
Active Chapter Letters 41
Alumnae Chapter Letters 52
News of the Alumnae 54
Births 56
Engagements • 56
Weddings 56
News of the College and Greek Letter World 57
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Claire Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '90, Andrew Avenue, Uni-
versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) Alpha, '98, Overlook Avenue, Hacken-
sack Heights, N . J .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .
Grand President, Dorothy Noble Safford, 1306 Webster Street,
New Orleans, La.
Grand Vice-President, Edith Augusta Dietz, 217 West 105th
Street, New York City.
Grand Recording Secretary, Anna Estelle Many, 1327 Henry Clay
Avenue, New Orleans, L a . .
Grand Treasurer, Lillian Gertrude McQuillan, 155 Angell Street,
Churchill Street, Providence, R. I .
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. G . H . ) Overlook Avenue, Hacken-
sack Heights, N. J .
Registrar, Gladys Courtian Britton (Mrs. John A. J r . ) , 425 Elwood Avenue,
Oakfield, Cal.
Auditor, Ada Beatrice Donaldson, 1405 W. Church Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Examining Officer, Meleta Skillen, 316 N . 3rd Street, Olean, N . Y .
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Ruth Capen Farmer, (Mrs. Walter), 7
Courtland, Nashua, N. H .
Editor-in-Chief of To D R A G M A , Virginia Judy Esterly (Mrs. Ward B.) 244
Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Calif.
Business Manager of To D R A G M A , Isabelle Henderson, 2655 Wakefield Ave.,
East Oakland, Cal.
Delegate, Mrs. Carrie Green Campbell, 715 Court St., Port Huron, Mich.
Chairman, Mrs. J . M. McElroy, 1514 E 54th St., Chicago, III.
Editor-in-Chief, Virginia Judy Esterly (Mrs. Ward B . ) , 244 Alvarado Road,
Berkeley, Cal.
Business Manager, Isabelle Henderson, 2655 Wakefield Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Assistant Business Manager, Margaret Henderson Dudley, 245 Alvarado R d . ,
Berkeley, Cal.
Exchanges, Kate Brown Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Chapter Letters, Blanche Du Bois, San Leandro, Cal.
Pi—Alice Ivy, 1556 Calhoun St., New Orleans L a .
Kappa, Iris Newton, Monroe, L a .
Zeta—Edna Spears, 630 North 6th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Rose Gardner, 1429 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Lucy Allen, 11 Spring Ave., Greencastle, Ind.
Delta— /~V\y^-'9 /KJL*9>*^~~—•—
Gamma—Margaret June Kelley, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Me.
Rho—Mrs. Carolyn Piper Dorr, Berwyn, 111.
Lambda—Alice Shinn, 638 Walsworth Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Iota—Lora Henion, Robinson, 111.
Alpha—Emma Burchenal.
Pi—Mrs. Geo Purnell Whittington, Alexandria, L a .
Omicron—Roberta Williams, 406 St. Charles St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Kappa—Frances Allen, 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Helen Piper, 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Blanche Ahlers, 1985 Oak St., San Francisco, Cal.
Theta—Mabel June Allen, 3311 Central Ave., Indianapolis.
Delta—Mrs. E . H . Wood, 114 Curtis St., Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Mary E l l a Chase, Hillside School, Hillside, Wis.
Rho—Julia Norton, .727 Foster St., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Helen Dickinson, 1646 N. Fair Oakes Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
Iota—Annetta Stephens Shute, 601 53rd St., Chicago, 111.
Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, M" r
GSmma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
Alpha—Esther Lois Burgess, 557 W. 124th St., N . Y . C .
Pi—Theodora Sumner, 7914 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Omicron—Louise M. Wiley, 922 9th St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Katherine Gordon, College Park, Va.
Zeta—Rose Krause, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neh.
Sigma—Phillis Maguire, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Florence Hughes, A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Leslie Hooper, 124 Professors Row, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Rachel H . Winship, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Ruby C . Madsen, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Arie Kenner, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Beatrice Frculer, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Mabel Claire Wallace,- 210 E . John St., Champaign, 111.
Alpha—Maria Diaz dc Villalvella, 536 W. 113 St., New York City, N . Y .
Pi—Margaret Foules, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Alice Clark, 210 W. 21 St., New York City.
Omicron—Louise Wiley, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Katherine Gordon, College Park, Virginia.
Zeta—Ruth Wheelock, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Mary DeWitt, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Florence Hughes, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Dorothy Bartlett, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Louise Bartlett, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Rho—Edith Meers, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Lois Walton, A 0 I I House, Leland Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Mabel Jackson, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
v New York—Edith A. Dietz, 217 W. 105th St., New York City, N . Y .
*> San Francisco, Margaret Henderson Dudley (Mrs. C. de W i t t ) , 245 Alvarado
Road, Berkeley, Cal.
* Boston—Clara R. Russell, 23 Hancock Sr., Winchester, Mass.
v Lincoln—Annie Jones, Lincoln, Nebr.
Los Angeles—Grace A. McPherron, 1016 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal.
v Providence—Elsie McCausland, 1148 Manning St., Providence, P. I .
O V E and L O Y A L T Y ! Those two words
sum up the finest things we can give to our
fraternity and to each other—our highest
loyalty, our deepest love.
C Of the two, loyalty is the harder to sus-
tain. Love we give involuntarily; it is part of us. But
we may fall short sometimes in loyalty even to those we
love. None of us is ever disloyal to Alpha O . The frater-
nity holds a place in our lives that is peculiarly her own,
which nothing else can fill. But are we always loyal
enough to each other? Loyalty means Faith in one's
friends', and sometimes we are not quite willing enough
perhaps to give each other the benefiit of the doubt. If
we believe absolutely in each other, in the fineness that
we know exists in each of us—if we insist to ourselves
that, though we cannot perhaps understand every attitude
some sister takes or what some sister does, her motives
are worthy of the girl we know she is—if we champion
each of us to each other as fiercely as we would to the
outside world, we shall have fulfilled that part of the fra-
ternity ideal that "loyalty" means. And love—as 1 said,
it is a part of us, born into us, if not before, as soon as
we have made our promise to Alpha O. Let us make of
that love a force toward creating not only a stronger Sig-
ma Chapter but a closer union between all the chapters
that Alpha Omicron Pi binds together.
C , Leigh Mitchell Hodges well summed up his ideal of
living, in words that apply equally, I think, to the life of
the fraternity.
C " O f Pain, enough to make my Joys stand out; of Pity,
some; of work, a plenty; of Faith in God and man, much;
of Love, all."
C So I would say to you for the year to come—of your
Pain, may it be only enough to make your Joys stand out;
for the occasional failures or disappointments, Pity; of
Work, a plenty—Joy in the doing and Success in the de-
livering; of Faith in God and man, much—there is your
Loyalty; of Love, all.
To D R A G M A
VOL. V I I I . NOVEMBER, 1912. No. 1
To DRAGMA is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.
To DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and July.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.
Virginia Judy Esterly, Editor-in-Chief. Isabelle Henderson, Business
In view of the fact that during the past year several of our strong
Sororities have lost chapters in a number of important colleges—
through no fault of the individual chapters or Sororities but of the
System, we wish to go to the root of the matter and to find out and
correct the sources of discredit that make such stringent measures
There are evils—Let us co-operate with the University authorities
and eradicate them. There is Benefit to the physical and social
existence and great good to the spiritual. For these let us expand
and uplift the system.
In the present "Investigation Issue", we quote from Letters from
Deans of Women from our contemporary magazines, and from articles
written by interested persons both pro and anti-fraternity.
The question that has threatened Sororities has not threatened
fraternities. Why is it? Let us who hold our Sorority second only
to Alma Mater, find out the truth, and with our Strength make
negative the weaknesses and evils of our loved system. Unless
they are eradicated, Sororities sooner or later must go.
From the University standpoint, the physical and social benefits
of a sorority can be equaled by those of an adequate Dormitory Sys-
tem. And the spiritual good is outweighed by the sorrow and some-
times definite loss of the girls, who have not been invited to join a
I was told by one Dean that the numbers of mothers who have come
weeping to her, over the tragedy of their daughters was almost
unbelieveable. Do we realize that our position has made real tragedy
to numbers of girls? Is it right? Is it right for us to emphasize
Sorority Social Position to such a degree that Democracy is destroyed
in an Institution built on Democracy? Is it the highest good to the
Sorority girl that Sorority Social activities outweigh College Social
Activities? College life lasts four years, Sorority life may last
forty. Why not give up the Weight of Social activities that are
confined to the Sorority and be identified with the Democratic Col-
lege Social Life? Aristocratic and democratic principles do not go
hand in hand. Sorority Social Life emphasizes aristocracy. Why not
lessen it?
Again, i f the Sorority is good for one college student, is it not good
for all? Would expansion of existing sororities and founding of new-
ones to the point where every girl who wished to join a sorority
could do so, solve the problem?
Would the abolishment of "Rushing" lessen the Evil? I think
it would. A feverish snatching of girls from party to party, and the
bidding of girls on a ridiculously short notice is right neither to the
girl nor the Sorority. When even a luncheon invitation from a
Sorority girl to an old friend means "rushing", and the friend
knows that she is to be weighed to see whether or not she is "mater-
ial", is it not a cause of very certain unhappiness and chagrin to her
to be told that one is not "good enough" by the lack of a second in-
vitation? Would Sophomore Pledging solve this Problem? Would
Internal and Interfraternity Organization through Pan-Hellenic
minimize the evils?
The Editor wishes to receive any discussions or suggestions from
any reader, on the subject for the sake of all Sororities, which she
admires and of her own Sorority, which she loves.
New York, October 3, 1912.
224 Alvarado Road, Berkeley, California.
Your favor of September 11th in some way reached Professor
Lough, and was referred by him to me, reaching my hands two or
three days ago. Consequently it has not been possible for me to give
you an answer within the time limit set by you. Even now my time
does not admit of writing an article, and I must answer your ques-
tions briefly.
Alpha Omicron Pi is the only Sorority in New York University.
While it is not, as you know, in any sense professional, it has so
happened that its membership here has been confined to the School
of Law.
I n my opinion this society has been of decided benefit to the
school. I t has materially strengthened the interest of the women
students in the welfare of the school and of the university at large.
Its members retain their interest after graduation, and they have
done their f u l l part in maintaining high intellectual and ethical
standards at the Bar. The average scholarship of the sorority has
been high, and a remarkable number of its members have been on
the honor list at graduation.
As in all cases where there are college societies, there is sometimes
hard feeling engendered, among a few who are not selected. While
this feeling has existed to a slight extent at times, I have never re-
garded it as of great importance. Its members have done their best
to overcome any such feeling, have mingled freely with all the stu-
dents, men as well as women, and have taken an active part in all
non-sorority interests of the school, so much so that very often the
existence of the society has been scarcely known to anyone outside
of its membership.
This school averages about 700 students per year, and of these
there is an average of about 40 women. There are three rum's
fraternities in the school, all professional. The institution of "rush-
ing" does not exist in the school. A few good women students
refuse to join the Sorority, when invited. Some are of Bryn Mawr,
and are influenced by their college training, which is against the
society idea, and a few seem to feel that such a society is not dem-
I regret that lack of time prevents a fuller discussion.
Very truly yours,
DePauw University. Greencastle, Ind., Sept. 26, 1912.
Berkeley, California.
I n answer to your letter of the 11th I can say you have touched on
a live and much debated subject in our University.
We have nine fraternities and eight sororities—with an enrollment
of a few over one thousand students, almost half that number is
enrolled in these organizations.
I n summing up all the advantages and disadvantages of these or-
ganizations the balance is in their favor in spite of the fact of some
great objectionable features.
Owing to the very trying fact of our limitations in desirable dorm-
itory accommodations, our university is benefited by its well chap-
eroned sorority houses and, thanks to the great rivalry, the moral and
cultured conditions are kept to the highest standards.
There was a time when scholarship was much higher with the
girls living outside the sorority houses but that is not now true and
our standard of scholarship throughout the university has been raised
by the organized efforts of fraternity and sorority upperclassmen,
teaching and directing the work of the freshmen; all owing to the
fact of rivalry in scholarship as the university publishes a list of
relative standing of all these organizations, once a year.
The most objectionable features of the sororities are incident to
the system of rushing, all of which have been abolished this year
through the experiment of trying the sophomore pledging, since we
have only reached the second week of this school year it remains to
be seen i f this is to solve our many problems.
Other years we have had an undesirable class of young women
come to our school, expecting to be only one year in college and
choosing our school because of our social organizations.
Whereas there was another class of desirable young women who
choose to go to some other college because they objected to a certain
amount of social ostracism that does exist, i f they were not invited to
join one of these sororities.
We have met up with real tragedy through girls who have felt
this ostracism. We have always had a large number of girls
who are unhappy because they were sensitive about this, others who
go home when the rush season ends and they were disappointed in not
being invited to join a sorority, and, only a short time ago, we had
some undesirable advertising in this line by a young woman in one of
our dormitories trying to commit suicide, giving as her excuse her
disappointment in not being asked to belong to a sorority. She took
the poison and was only saved from death by the timely call of the
The big problem as it now stands with us is the matter of expense,
initiation fees, dues and assessments, all gives rise for complaint
from parents and the expense of living in sorority houses has never
been figured on so closely as is done in our university dormitories.
The university does regulate the number of social functions and a
required statement of expenses of the same is submitted to a committee
to approve, but in spite of all this the parents have grounds for com-
plaint on this subject.
I write this as requested hoping better conditions can be brought
about. Yours respectfully,
Dean of Women DePauw University.
Tufts College, Massachusetts, September 23, 1912.
224 Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Cal.
I t would be difficult, I believe, to set forth any novel statements
on the subject of the Sorority system. Our college is a very small
one and the majority of our students are members of Sororities.
Three of the National Sororities are represented by chapters and in
addition there is a local Sorority originally intended to be a drag net
for all students unconnected with these three chapters but now
possessing aspirations toward becoming part of a fourth national
Sorority. I have good reason to know that there are many advantages
in the Sorority system and that the effect on individuals generally is
more productive of good than evil. I n disciplinary measures I have
found the older girls in the sororities most helpful and amenable
to any suggestion coming from me. The weak points in the Sorority
system as I find it (and I am a rank outsider) have to do almost
entirely with the relations between the Sororities and the freshmen.
At other times in the year than the rushing period I notice little or
no rivalry between the Sororities and for the most part a cordial
good-fellowship. The rushing period is disturbing in spite of the
stringent Pan-Hellenic regulations and there is a serious effect
noticeable in the scholarship of both the rusher and the rushed.
Probably the heartaches which ensue in the pledging period prepare
for the disappointments of life, but I sympathize too much with the
disappointed ones to take that view.
I am not at all sure that the abolition of sororities would free us
from these difficulties but I heartily believe in our small College
a large proportion of non-sorority students would make the distinc-
tions felt much less keenly. I t is said by some that the Sorority
system draws some students to us but in my opinion it might be
equally true that it keeps some away.
Another troublesome factor is the expense involved. I believe that
many girls, coming from homes where money is not plentiful and, for
the first time, put in possession of what seems to them considerable
sums, are quite unable to judge whether or not they can afford to be-
long to a Sorority which is a constant drain upon their pocket books.
I know girls who find it a serious drawback to their happiness and
to their success that they must always be behind in the payment of
the dues and other debts. Some of the Sororities make a certain
grade of scholarship a requisite for admission. This it seems to me
is the correct thing. Membership which entails the expense of time,
strength and enthusiasm ought not to hamper the intellectual work
of a dull student, although I should deprecate the all work and no
play system for any college girl.
Hoping that these few desultory remarks may give you some of
the information you desire. I am,
Very truly yours,
After one has been an alumnus for several years and at the
same time, has kept in touch more or less with the college world,
one has an opportunity to consider many questions from a broader
standpoint than was possible during undergraduate days.
The question of sororities is one that has been and still is attracting
a great deal of discussion. Like all other questions—it has its
advocates and opponents and many of these seem unable to see
anything on the other side.
Looking at the question from the standpoint of the individual, I
think that sorority life is more of a benefit than otherwise. The
girls have a definite home of their own, a number of "sisters" who
are more or less deeply interested in their welfare, a definite place
in the social life of college, a chaperone when a chaperone is wanted,
the opportunity to meet more people and more pleasant acquaintances
than their non-sorority sisters have—and i f they, as a whole, wish to
utilize it, the chance of cutting down their college expenses by co-
Many people say that sorority life tends to encourage cliques and
snobbishness, but, wherever a number of girls are thrown together,
we will find cliques, more or less keeping to themselves, and i f the
older sorority sisters do their duty by the younger ones, they can dis-
courage snobbishness very effectually.
The house life seems to me to be a very important factor in helping
the girls and through them, the college, especially in colleges where
there are no dormitories. No one knows better than a non-sorority
girl, the unsatisfactory task of hunting for a good boarding house,
the sometimes frequent changes during four years of college life
and the being in more or less close contact with people who are
not always congenial. Sorority girls have none of these conditions
to meet for they have their own home and i f they are careful in
selecting their members, they should be very congenial. This brings
me to what seems to me to be the greatest fault in the sorority sys-
tem—the method of selecting new members or rather, the short time
taken in which to select them. I t is absolutely impossible to know
a girl in an acquaintance of just a few weeks and meeting her only
in a social way, to know whether she would make a good house
girl or not, to know whether she would be congenial with most
of her sorority sisters, to know how she will adapt herself to the
new conditions which confront all beginners and last but not least,
to know what kind of a student she will make. The rushing system
is bad too, from the standpoint of the older girls, for their first
few weeks in college are given up almost entirely to it and neither
they nor the freshmen can give a proper amount of time to their
studies and to their other college work. Undoubtedly, many girls
fail in their work because they have not been able to make up the
work neglected during these first few weeks. I f the sororities could
agree among themselves to eliminate these several strenuous weeks
and bid late in the second semester or on class day, would they not
succeed in helping their cause wonderfully? During these six or
eight months, they could entertain girls quietly and more personally,
and could really learn to know them and find whether they would
make good sorority sisters or not—also, they could find out what kind
of students they were, both from the college and scholarship stand-
points—and this last point should be considered more than it now
is for outsiders criticize sororities more on the ground of poorer
scholarship and too much social activity than any other. I n fact,
these two points seem to have caused most of the present agitation
against sororities.
Another thing to be thought of in favor of late pledging is that the
sororities have a chance to consider girls whom they had not heard
of before college opened—girls who had no one to introduce them
when they entered. Oftentimes these girls make the finest type of
college girls. I n many colleges, the custom is to initiate mostly or
altogether freshmen and in this way, many girls are left out who
would have made splendid sorority girls.
By late pledging, the girls could do away with expensive rushing
parties and get their new members, instead, by coming close to the
various girls they are interested in and learn to know them and in
turn, to be known. Generally speaking, the freshmen will choose
the sorority whose members are most congenial to her—and it is
more fair to everyone to give the girls a chance to become better
acquainted than they do under the present system.
The one further objection to the sorority system, that of expense,
could be eliminated by the several sororities deciding among them-
selves to give inexpensive parties, to entertain informally more than
formally, and to encourage their members to live and dress more
simply. Sorority girls are naturally the leaders in the social life
of college and whatever lead they take, the rest of the students will
follow. I n this way, sororities could be of the greatest possible help
to the university at large and to each other.
(Editor's Note: We print the following list of questions sent out by the
Century, because if is interesting in itself, and also because the fact that such
an investigation is being made is of moment to us.)
1. I n the latest edition (1911) of The Sorority Hand-book, the
following claims are made for the college sororities:
"By taking its members out of the crowd and making each a
distinct unit in a small group, the sorority is able to foster individ-
uality. . . . By emphasizing and developing these requisites
for leadership—(self-confidence, self-control, self-sacrifice), by pro-
viding innumerable opportunities for the practical application of
the same, the sorority is supplementing the work of the college and
rendering a special service to society."
"Very valuable, indeed, is the business training that comes during
association in the chapter in undergraduate days or from service in
the national organization after the college course is ended."
"Another opportunity that the sorority opens to its members
. . . is the chance it gives them . . . to get a wide out-
look over the entire field of collegiate education."
"Instead of being an undesirable thing, . . . the clique, as
established by the sorority, is a most salutary arrangement for
grouping girls into congenial coteries. Promiscuous friendships,
though democratic, are dangerous."
"Furthermore, in taking a girl out of the crowd and making her
a permanent member of a small group, the sorority is rendering her
an inestimable service. . . . The sorority, by demanding the
same virtues as the family, makes the break between home and
college and later between college and home almost imperceptible."
"Whatever the line of service to which she may consecrate her-
self, the sorority girl will always be a success. . . . I n addition
to the stores of knowledge acquired through years of study . . .
she will have gained through the discipline of the chapter both wis-
dom and understanding.
1. Would your experience of sorority women tend to substantiate
these claims? Give concrete instances, i f posible.
2. What other benefits, advantages, or opportunities have you
observed that are traceable to sorority membership? Illustrate, i f
3. Have you noticed that the sorority lessens a tendency to
overvalue the alma mater at the expense of other institutions of the
same grade?
4. Have you observed any bad effects upon character due to the
sorority—such as snobbishness, sportiness, a tendency to promote
social life at the expense of the intellectual, or intellectual ambitions
at the expense of health?
5. Have you observed within a sorority a tendency to crush
individuality through the dominance of a powerful personality and
a tendency on the part of weaker members to a harmful imitation of
her ways.
6. Have you observed any bad effects upon the life of an insti-
tution due to sorority politics, rivalries, and jealousies? Illustrate.
7. I n cases where a teacher and a student are members of the
same sorority, have you observed any bad effects in their relations
because of favoritism or a conscientious avoidance of it?
8. What is the effect of the sorority upon the students who do
not become members? Give concrete instances.
9. At sorority banquets and meetings of various sorts, what type
of reminiscences predominates in the speeches? What ideals of
college life are held up?
10. Should you consider it advisable or feasible to regulate the
sororities ? How ?
11. Have you any further comments, favorable or unfavorable,
upon the sorority as an institution? Illustrate, i f possible.
12. W i l l you add the names and addresses of women (members
or not members) whose experience would make their views especially
interesting and valuable?
And now to the point. I believe in sororities, and I am going to
tell why. Two weeks ago I neither approved nor disapproved. I
suppose i f anyone had asked my opinion, I should have followed the
convention in the case and should have said, " I think they do no
good." Had I said that, I should have been wrong. For they do
good, as I have become conscious of, and they do good in a way which
I think every Southern man cannot but appreciate and admire—they
are the means of protecting the good name of woman.
By chance the writer spent a few days this past summer at a sum-
mer colony in the north of Ohio. The place is called Lakeside, and.
as its name implies, is situated on the shores of Lake Erie. I dwell
for a moment on the geography of the place with a purpose. The
fact that i t is in Ohio shows that it is purely a Northern resort. The
fact that it is on the lake shore may suggest that it is much like every
other watering place where the people, coming and going, may be
numbered by the hundreds. I n this colony is a hotel, and in this
hotel the waitresses are white women, and, in fact, the majority of
them are college girls and members of sororities. We of the South
are not used to our women being menials. We don't like the thought.
We are revolted by i t . We are not moved by the appearance of
poverty, for we are somewhat accustomed to that. What we say is:
" I f a girl cannot afford to go to college, she should not place her-
self in a compromising position for the sake of the privilege." I am
not going into that. Let us leave our personal opinions out of it and
regard the matter from the standpoint of actuality.
Now about those girls. They were not ashamed of their duties,
for it was by means of those duties that their education was made
possible. They wore their sorority pins and their college pins—which
brings me to the moral of my tale. A pretty waitress, the world
over, is the object of a man's smile. Too often, we should be
ashamed to say, she is the recipient of his insinuations and the verbal
expression of his baser thoughts. These girls were pretty. ,They
were in a menial position. Had anything been said it would have
been extremely difficult for them to display the proper resentment
and to effect the due reproof. But they were respected by every-
body. No man, I am sure, could have been guilty of making re-
marks at a l l deprecatory. No doubtful thought, evenvlsould have
been entertained for a moment. Why? Because the mi—the em-
blem of the sorority was displayed. These girls wanteenn educa-
tion—a means to an end. This education would give them even-
tually a work (they were poor girls) which would be on a higher
plane than that afforded by stenography or salesmanship. To get
this education they were willing to do anything honorable, and they
trusted to a little badge of gold to protect them from slurs and
That is why I am a convert to the belief in the good of sororities.
You may accuse me of pleading the benefit of the few. I do that
thing, exactly, and I do it because there is no attending detriment to
the many as far as I can see. I do it, too, because I still believe in
the almost worn-out theory that a little good goes a long way.
Frivolity and mannishness may be found in them, undoubtedly are
found in them—may even be encouraged in some of them—but I do
not believe that that is the fault of the sororities, any more than
fraternities are responsible for occasional unworthy chapters; any
more than fraternities, as organizations, encourage drunkenness and
I repeat that I believe that sororities are good, useful organiza-
tions, and I should be glad i f this little article of mine might en-
courage the members of any fraternity to a more appreciative attitude
toward the "girl societies." H . AUGUSTUS MILLER, JR.
(Copied from The Kappa Alpha Journal.)
The anti-fraternity movement, as it has developed at Mississippi
and Wisconsin, is not in any way unique. I t is indicative of the
extent to which the spirit of antagonism easily grows. A t Kansas,
Nebraska, Minnesota, and Stanford the fraternities have begun a
systematic effort to raise their standards of scholarship and to effect
a better regulation of their rushing and pledging rules. Investigation
reveals the fact that, out of fifty odd institutions which have sub-
mitted data more than half have already made regulations or re-
quirements of some kind. Another important fact that, as a general
• rule, the anti-fraternity movement does not grow in institutions where
there are interfraternity councils. I n fact the data from a large num-
ber of colleges shows that fraternities realize their weaknesses and
have begun, of their own initiative, to strive f o r higher standards.
The efforts in almost every case, whether voluntary or compulsory,
have been along the lines of scholastic improvement and better regu-
lation of the pledging system.
The study of these two conspicuous cases, and of the general ten-
dencies of the movement, shows clearly that the problem is not so
vague and indefinite as it first appears. That it is a great menace to
the existence of fraternities is evident, but the causes of the menace
are apparent. Not until recently in the formation of Pan-Hellenic
Council, has any united effort been made on the part of the Greeks to
remove the weaknesses which expose them to damaging claims. In
many colleges the fraternities are making a noble stand to defend
their own reputation and that of the great organizations which they
represent. They attain partial success by their individual efforts, but
just as the anti-fraternity movement has spread beyond the bounds of
any state or district, so the Pan-Hellenic movement must expand in
proportion to meet it. There is no longer any doubt about the future.
Either the Greeks will unite in a definite national movement and
thereby minimize the faults which now exist, or the faults will con-
tinue to grow and give additional force to the anti-fraternity claims.
Now is the time that the eyes of faculties and legislatures are di-
rected upon us, let us not say enviously, but certainly keenly and
perhaps not sympathetically. Faculties and legislatures have thus far
taken the offensive attitude, and fraternities have been content to
remain on the defensive. But the prospect is not good when the
same body of men constitute the prosecution and then sit in judg-
ment on the case. The Greeks must now establish the proof of the
fact that they have lived and worked for some definite good, and that
their continued existence is for the welfare of student life.—Shield
of Phi Kappa Psi.
The feeling against fraternities in the state of Mississippi has re-
sulted in the passage of a bill abolishing all secret societies—such
as Greek letter fraternities, sororities or any secret order i n educa-
tional institutions supported wholly or in part by the state. This
prohibition will effect many small colleges as well as the University
of Missouri and the State Agricultural and Mechanical College.
We hear and read much in commercial magazines about the great
awakening in Mississippi. That they are making more progress at
the present time than any other state in the union. But that such a
clear sweep action should be taken by both houses of the legislature
seems almost inconceivable. They may be undertaking more than
can be accomplished. The love of mystery and clannishness has
been ever present in the human being, and no prohibition from a
state legislature can stop it. Since this love will ever exist, is it not
far better to have it in a controllable organized form with high
ideals and standards?—From the Lamp of Delta Zeta.
"We wish to discuss, i n part, the question of fraternities or sorori-
ties in institutions of learning which derive their support in whole or
in part, by taxation.
Undoubtedly the true democracy of education in a truly represen-
tative government, finds its fullest and truest expression i n the state-
supported school. . . . For it is in the public schools that we
wish to plant the seeds of the noblest and worthiest citizenship, and
the state-supported higher institution, either college or university, is
but the continuation of the public school system.
The secret society, in the school life of the individual is the ex-
pression of the aristocratic idea. I t is, therefore opposed to demo-
cratic ideals and purposes, and is foreign to the atmosphere of the
state-supported institution.
How then, can the presence of the fraternity and sorority be jus-
tified upon the broad grounds of the largest democracy? For it is
quite apparent that they are the representative of a class, taking but
a few, not always the best, for their membership, leaving the great
mass of the patrons of such state-supported institutions as undesirable
for their purposes, branded without cause and reason, handicapped
with social ostracism.
I t should always be borne in mind that state education, and by
this is meant such education as is furnished at the expense of the
people by taxation, should be wholly divested of all class distinction
and favors. And certainly public education should permit no such
caste— —
The atmosphere of the Greek letter societies tends to make of our
sons and daughters mere snobs, social lions of small worth and
ability."—Duane Mowry, in Educational Review, of December 1911.
(Copied from The Triangle of 2 2 2 . )
In our opinion, the multiplication of exclusive self-perpetuating
societies and their permanent control by exterior organizations would
be deleterious to the welfare of the college.
We think we have touched some of the underlying causes of the
decline in scholarship in fraternities and in the student-body gen-
1. That the diversity of aims and number of distractions in col-
lege life are too great.
2. That the estimate put upon high scholarship, as compared with
that on the other things having less claim on college life, is too low.
3. That the temptation under the elective system, to choose the
easiest course is always a menace to high scholarship.
4. That even i f in spite of all draw backs it is attained, there
is no public or private recogniton or appreciation of it.
The fraternities, we think, share this culpability to the extent, first,
that they do not in their own hearts place a high enough compara-
tive estimate upon scholarship; second, that they do not demand it
in their initiates or members, following its attainment or its neglect
with perceptibly effective rewards or evidences of disapproval.—
Mrs. C. B. Alexander, in the Adclphean of Alpha Delta Phi.
The fraternity with poor internal organization will be likely to
have a low general average since it does not force the one or two men
who have a tendency to loaf or to devote their time to trivial social
matters, to keep up their work.
T H O M A S A R K L E C L A R K . Illinois Dean of Men.
Sophomore pledge day is to be tried at Northwestern. We hope
it will be given a long enough trial to prove its merits. No rushing
plan is fairly tried in one or even two years. While most fraternities
nationally favor sophomore pledging we believe only one has taken
definite steps toward having their chapters adopt it. This one has
set a pertain time after which all of its chapters must have sophomore
pledging. Delta Gamma will make no such ruling and yet we do
urge the chapters to consider it wherever possible and we hope the
wisdom of it will be shown in those places where it is being tried. I t
is bound to come in time and i f we do not take the step ourselves it
will be forced upon us.—Anchora, of Delta Gamma.
Pan-Hellenism at the University of California is not in a dor-
mant state. Perhaps the society does not reach out and regulate or
assist to the extent which such an organization might, without over-
stepping its boundaries. Nevertheless, the representatives from the
chapters of twelve women's fraternities located around our lovely
campus have reason to believe, from reports of the activity of other
Pan-Hellenic societies, that it is active in a degree. A t least, our
Pan-Hellenic claims to have sufficient interest in the welfare of
women of the university, whether fraternity or non-fraternity to be
glad and anxious to receive suggestions and corrections from any
columns or voices that may lend themselves helpfully.
In the past, the society here has concerned itself primarily with
the making of rules for the local rushing and the attempt to penalize
any chapters found guilty of breaking those rules. Some semesters
ago the society adopted the greater part of the Model Constitution
for Pan-Hellenics, but rejected or altered such vital sections or by-
laws as the following, which no doubt showed that the society was
not as yet broad-minded enough to accept all those measures deemed
best for it by wiser thinkers. Section 2 of Article J11, states that
officers shall hold office for one semester only, not during the col-
lege year. Section 2 of Article V I , does not grant the power of
final vote in weighty matters to each delegate. By-law number
three which provides for the sending of a copy of the rushing rules
to every girl who is being rushed, was rejected. Number four pro-
viding that every rushee shall have passed in ten hours of work was
also rejected. I n possessing as a guide almost in its entirety this
worthy model, the local society is somewhat forearmed in its efforts
toward success.
It must be known also that our Pan-Hellenic has shown a healthy,
if not an overly active interest in general college matters. The
custom of the society is to adopt as its sentiments any rules or sen-
timents that may have been adopted by the Associated Women Stu-
dents of the University. The list adopted this year includes such val-
uable sentiments as:
"The women of the university express a strong sentiment against
cheating in examinations."
"The women of the university express a strong sentiment against
mixed boarding houses."
"The women of the university recommend that all college dances
close at one o'clock."
"The women of the university make the following suggestions:
That there be definite quiet hours in every house.
That there be a limit to nights of recreation.
That organizations so far as possible do not entertain until the
week end."
A custom instituted by Pan-Hellenic about two years ago was
that of Pan-Hellenic teas. These were held once a month as pro-
gressive affairs at three fraternity houses as nearly adjacent as pos-
sible to find them. The hours were from four until six and the
guests were theoretically all non-fraternity women. The purpose,
of course being obvious, that the teas were to acquaint and interest
the fraternity and non-fraternity women with and in one another.
A noble object all will agree—but nobler still when fulfilled. The
latter failed—The teas became a jolly pastime for the entertainment
of one fraternity by another, mainly because the invitations to the
non-fraternity women were lacking in cordiality. Cordiality in this
respect included much, for it meant that the unaffiliated sister must
be sufficiently imbued with the sincerity of the invitation and so
truly assured of the sort of a welcome she would receive that she
would overcome the timidity often within the "outside" woman
when she contemplates crossing a fraternity threshold. General
announcements at gymnasium classes of the time and place of teas
did not carry the needed cordiality. The result has not been the
unhappiest however. The error of their ways in this matter was
detected by the Pan-Hellenic delegates this f a l l and as the time
approached for the teas again Pan-Hellenic passed this motion:
"That the Pan-Hellenic teas be discontinued this semester and as
a substitute each fraternity woman pledge herself to take an active
interest i n the lives of non-fraternity women." By passing this
motion Pan-Hellenic not only displayed a spirit of progressiveness
in her willingness to attempt to better conditions, but she thus volun-
teered co-operation with the governing body of senior women who
are doing their utmost to minimize the number of social events
upon the campus.
Pan-Hellenic may congratulate herself that she has the good
will of the Dean of Women of the university. Not that sort of
good will which commends all its actions, but that sort which seeks
the co-operation of Pan-Hellenic in all general welfare problems in
which she deems it may be of assistance. Personal attendance of and
talks from the Dean at the society's meetings are not uncommon and
Pan-Hellenic always appreciates these and profits therefrom.
The unusual part which Pan-Hellenic played during the past week
in attempting to regulate an elaborate freshman interfraternity
dinner and dance may be an indication of wider wakening problems
within its power to command. The circumstance was that of the
annual progressive dinner of the fraternity freshmen women which
in the past has been succeeded later in the evening by a formal
dance and supper, at which fraternity freshmen are the guests. The
entire affair in the three years past, during which it has been given,
was not without purpose; viz., to provide an opportunity for more
congenial relations between freshmen women and men of the various
fraternities. This year, however, reports reached the ears of Pan-
Hellenic of extremely large assessments upon the women—which
foretold elaborate planning. A l l Pan-Hellenic was of one mind
that it should attempt legislation just here. Two members were
appointed to confer with the freshmen at their next arrangements
committee meeting, with the result that the progressive dinner was
voted out of order entirely, the dance was made an informal one,
to be followed by light refreshments instead of a supper. Pan-Hel-
lenic almost feels that a feather might be placed in its cap for so
adjusting the freshmen's contorted idea of a "good time".
During the last spring semester and at present, the rushing rules
of Pan-Hellenic have been of the simplest sort, and termed " I n -
formal". They prohibit only Sunday rushing, rushing with men
and six months prior to matriculation and the spending of money
upon a rushee. They allow only three consecutive dates for one
fraternity with a rushee. Any rushing problem that may arise and is
not covered by these few rules are left for settlement to the dis-
cretion of the fraternity, or is brought to the next monthly meeting
of Pan-Hellenic. These rules seem to have fulfilled all needs—
few breakages having been reported. The only change in the rules
during the present semester was an addition in the form of definite
penalties for specific breakages. These penalties were the forfeiture
of three days of rushing, of two days or of one day according to
the importance of the rule broken. A necessity for the imposition
of these definite penalties is yet to arise and i f the women's fra-
ternities of the University of California continue to live in as much
harmony as the past rushing season has revealed, they will need no
penalizing and thus f u l f i l l the trite but true saying: " I n time of
peace prepare for war—and so prevent i t " .
FAY FRISBEE, Alpha Chi Omega.
President of local Pan-Hellenic, University of California.
One cannot be a member of any national organization without
feeling kinship for the members of every other such group, and
thus becoming in turn a part of the great body of those who are
admitted to the privileges of national fraternal organization.
Thus her interests are broadened to extend to the affairs of all,
sororities and a truly Pan-Hellenic education is begun. She should
be grappling with all the problems, real or imaginary, which might
confront any group, and considering the most expedient means of
dealing with them. No possibility should be left unconsidered.
Every girl should be kept in touch with the work not only of
her own local Pan-Hellenic association, but also with that of the
national. She should learn to take a national view and to understand
the reasons for the actions of the intersorority council. Any girl
may be called upon later to take her place in such work, and efficient
service depends upon the working order of the mind behind it.
Trained to think in big terms and knowing the situation, as a
possibility beforehand, one can put the best of her ability to work
in the most telling way.
Because of this and the fact that I think a sorority woman should
have a broad outlook, a world of vision, I think her group should
demand a great deal of her. First of all would be a knowledge of
and keen sympathy for the principles and ideals of her own sorority,
an intelligent understanding of its rules and a familiarity with its
history. Then would come a knowledge of the history of sororities
in general, their advantages and so-called disadvantages, and the
most important conditions confronting National Pan-Hellenic.
An underclassman should hardly be expected to be as intimate with
these matters, as one who has been a member for two or three years,
and I should recommend that two sets of examinations be given each
year. The one for underclassmen should naturally cover the facts
of fraternity organization and the principles of her own group; the
other, for upperclassmen, should concern all of the topics suggested
above and call for personal opinions and the expression of original
ideas for the solution of suggested problems.
Before my name passes into oblivion as that dreaded ogre, the
fraternity examining officer, may I have a heart to heart talk with
the active Alpha O's in behalf of our new examiner? No one
Examining Officer
else knows just what it means to send out a set of questions to be
answered some sooner, some later, but all to be corrected. The
chapter roll is increasing in number and in size, so that work becomes
more laborious each year. Should not then every chapter and every
girl in each chapter respond quickly and heartily and so co-operate
with the Examining Officer?
Fraternity examinations are not a light question or else they would
not be at all. The Fraternity World has deemed it advisable that
its members should know their own history and that of like organiza-
tions. Such knowledge tends to broaden interest not only to other
fraternities but to other colleges. I t has a two-fold result in making
us better informed college women as well as better fraternity members.
Nothing that is narrow and occupied only with its own selfish in-
terests can flourish. So each girl, as she studies for her fraternity
* examination is really helping Alpha O as a whole whether in gaining
an understanding of the fraternity fundamentals or in widening her
outlook upon the horizon of the fraternity world.
I cannot emphasize the succeeding points too strongly. First, re-
member that preparation for each examination helps you to increase
the power of Alpha O. Perhaps you may never be more than a
cog in the wheel, but in any case you will be prepared to help
in the national work after graduation. Second, prepare for your
examination. Don't let less important i f more entertaining things
slip in to take the time from study. Third, write the paper as
though it were worth writing; good spelling, punctuation and legible
K A T E B . FOSTER, Sigma.
The following extracts are taken from senior papers of the last
Question. Does the sorority increase or decrease the interest in
the alma mater?
The national sorority from its very nature can but increase the
love for and interest in one's alma mater. Perhaps the most powerful
and lasting influence of a national sorority is the broadening effect
which it has upon its members. This is the direct outcome of its
organizations since a national sorority is one with chapters far spread-
ing. This affiliation among chapters gives rise to the interest between
colleges. I t awakens a desire to know about other colleges, to learn
of their acts, their standards, their ideals. No sooner is this in a
way "national" interest awakened than it immediately reflects back
upon one's alma mater. The girl, who realizes that her college is
not the best, the only, the greatest college in the land, naturally
begins a comparison between her own and others. I n a moment she
is awakened to its faults and becomes alive with a desire to rectify
them, a desire that does not droop when she leaves its walls but
which she carries out into the world with her. Again its good points
are brought only the more keenly to her mind from the very com-
parison and love for it sinks deeper into her heart.
Looking at the question from another point of view one sees that a
woman who is a member of a sorority always has her ideals as
signified by her pin with her; and it can but keep her interest in her
chapter and her college stirring. A national sorority membership
goes ever further than this. I t keeps up a vital interest in the college
world in general which serves to make her own alma mater still
dearer to her.
I t seems to me that the national sorority is a great agent in keep-
ing up interest in the alma mater. Not only is this true during the
years when the student is in college but also after graduation.
No matter what is said against the sorority girl or sorority life,
I think one must admit that the fraternity girl has a broader outlook.
She has this almost without any conscious effort on her part, because
her life with her chapter in a way partakes of the life of other
chapters, perhaps in very distant universities or colleges. In learning
of the fraternity life in other institutions she learns also of their
general standing, customs, outlook. Her knowledge of other colleges
teaches her to compare her own alma mater with them and to work
for it and keep up a general high standard.
After graduation comes the matter of reunions and, while, in a
great measure, they are social, they f i l l a great need. I t is usually
true that the non-fraternity woman does not make as lasting friend-
ships in college as the fraternity woman. A t least they are not as
numerous. I n after years when reunions come, the former student
will be much more apt to come i f she has a fraternity to increase
her interest.
Very often the fraternity renders it possible to take some con-
certed action, such as making some g i f t to the alma mater. I
know of a case of a chapter of fraternity men of a decade ago
sending the daughter of a fraternity brother through college. This
, is an admirable instance of the fraternity fostering the interest in
the alma mater. I t occurred in the men's fraternity world, but
might very well have happened in the women's.
Question. What has the sorority done for the college girl?
The sorority teaches the college girl self-control, self-confidence,
poise, social charms, insight, and good judgment, consideration for
one's neighbors, respect and honor toward one's superiors, obedience
to law and authority, a feeling of good fellowship and love towards
all people, broad-mindedness, loyalty, and trains her to possess ex-
ecutive ability, and higher standards of scholarship.
M A B E L DE FOREST, Epsilon.
In the girl's character, the sorority has developed self-reliance.
This is one of the many ways in which she has improved. By
sending her out into the social world, she meets many and different
kinds of people. This in itself accustoms her to meeting strangers,
throws her on her own initiative and cultivates in her that poise
that is desirable in a woman.
Then, too, it makes the girl more self-sacrificing. By meeting
in her sorority girls who have each been brought up in a different en-
vironment, she is apt to come in contact with many kinds of characters
and dispositions. The petted and spoiled only daughter at home
cannot have all her own way. Each must learn to give in, to give
up just that something in which she has been used to having her
own way and to do it cheerfully.
The girl also learns self-control. I n matters which come up
in the sorority as rushing, social duties and so on, the sorority girl
is compelled to acquire a great amount of self-control.
The friendships that are made in the sorority are one of the
greatest things that make it worth while. The friends a girl makes
in her sorority are in most cases friends whom she will have all
her life.
Then the business training a girl gets in a sorority is very good.
This is especially true of the chapters who have houses. The busi-
ness manager is trained so that in after life she may be a capable
and efficient manager in the matter of finances and household econ-
The sorority girl, when she enters the world, can take her place
in almost any walk of life. She is, in most cases, ready to take
the lead in society, and in her own home as hostess if she marries,
or, i f she goes into business she can generally hold her own.
C H E T A N A NESBIT, Lambda.
Question. What should be the relation between the sorority and
the fraternity?
The sorority should stand in the same relation to the fraternity
as the sister to the brother. I believe that there should exist a
friendly relation, that the sorority should take an interest in the
kind of men whom the fraternity chooses, and vice versa. Socially,
I believe, that a close relation should exist between sorority and
The sorority girl, I think, can exert a great influence on the char-
acter of the fraternity man. I f she insists upon certain ideals and
standards being striven for, and the fraternity man recognizes the
fact that he is not welcome at the sorority house unless he tries to
live up to these ideals, I believe that there would be a great change
for the better in the general character of fraternity life.
There is, I believe, no clearly defined relationship between the
sorority and fraternity. I think the relation should be one of frank-
ness, openness, and squareness. Fraternities and sororities should
stand for all -that is best and, to this end, should pull together.
They are of like origin, for like purposes and are similar through-
out. Therefore on matters of consequence there should be co-opera-
tion. The helping hand should always be ready.
I n matters of rushing, local Pan-Hellenics often prohibit men
to assist, but in so far as possible there should be mutual aid. A t
least the men should help the rushing process to mean something
that is dignified and serious.
Malicious gossip and slander should be avoided. Above all,
the moral example should be of the finest nature. Intercourse
should always be rational, dignified, open and above board.
The fraternity world can be and is, a powerful influence either
for good or bad in the college community. There should be a
policy of both censure and aid toward any fraternity that lowers
its moral tone or materially lowers its scholarship.
A fraternity man or woman, when in the world at large, is con-
sidered as a type of fraternity in general. Since the conduct of
either one, boy or girl, affects the reputation of all, therefore a
strong attempt should be made while in college to produce the best
sort of man and woman.
"It is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving."
The life of the entire Greek-letter world rests upon the life and
combined strength and stability of purpose of the various fraterni-
ties composing it. The life of every fraternity depends upon its
chapters, the life of each individual chapter upon its members. Can
we come to any other conclusion than that the utmost care must
be used in chartering a new chapter. We must choose those who
in turn will elect to their membership girls of strong character and
determination of purpose, girls who will reflect credit upon the
fraternity, those who will strive for the best interests in college
and in life, and who will help to raise the standard of the whole
Greek-letter world in the eyes of the rest of the world.
The judgment of the world is harsh and too often based upon
a false impression. No opening should be left for the existence of
such a condition. There are perhaps several solutions to the prob-
lem. Expansion in the right direction is one of these. Think
how much rests upon a fraternity's decision on a new chapter—the
fate of that particular fraternity and perhaps the fate of frater-
nities in general. A charter hastily granted to an unworthy body
will do much to lower the standard of that fraternity. Can we
afford to extend the privileges of membership to a loosely organized
and unprincipled group? The underlying principles of a petition-
ing body should be as vital and strong as those of the fraternity
itself. I t remains for the fraternity to reach the foundation of
that body to see upon what it is based. Is it merely a social orga-
nization applying to a national solely for the prestige that the Greek-
letter name will give it or is its purpose a worthy one? Are its
members striving for and supporting the best interests of their col-
lege, do they stand for scholarship, for something in the world's
larger interests, and above all noble womanhood?
Let us make our expansion mean something more than a length-
ening of the chapter roll. There are other questions to ponder
over in a most careful and thoughtful way. Just as one or two
unprincipled persons in a chapter will do much to weaken that chap-
ter, so will a poor chapter which forgets its responsibility and obliga-
tion to its fraternity unquestionably weaken that fraternity. Nor can
we hide our poor chapters. Fraternities are not in a world by them-
selves surrounded by a wall that screens them from the critical ob-
server on the other side. We are all living in a glass house and the
name of our fraternity will not cover up our short-comings. With one
or two chapters not up to the standard, the fraternity gains a repu-
tation hard to shake off. And so, when two or three perhaps more
unworthy fraternities exist, the reputation of the whole fraternity
world is at stake.
When such a condition exists in which direction can we look for
the remedy? I t lies at the door of every fraternity. I t is primarily
a problem with which in the beginning each fraternity must wrestle
alone. Where there are weak chapters exert every effort to bring
them up to the standard. Discourage the interest shown by so many
in the trivial things of college life. Encourage each chapter to
be a constructive force in its university life and a source of demo-
cratic spirit. Suggest to each chapter ways of improvement that
will reflect credit upon the chapters, the national and in turn upon
the whole Greek-letter world. And finally, let the granting of
every charter be based upon a thorough and intelligent knowledge
of the merits of the petitioning body and let its addition to the fra-
ternity be a strengthening link to its foundation.
Expansion is growth and growth will mean prosperity i f we
follow the right path. We know where Alpha O stands today
and we must carefully estimate our strength and determine to
what extent we can expand and in which direction our steps must
lead. Let us choose the right path and follow it with firm and
steadfast purpose confident that it is leading us to a lasting strength
and prosperity that shall stand the tests of man and time. Pros-
perity such as this takes years i n the building. To reach it in
our fraternity we must take our stand on the side of conservative
expansion. We must build our structure along slow steady lines
of progress and never lose sight of the fact that expansion holds
much that requires careful consideration. When chartering a new
chapter we must know that its ideals and inspirations will make us
proud to claim it. We must know that it will strengthen rather than
weaken our fraternity. Alpha O is young and has many problems
to face. I t will take our united strength to meet these problems and
master them. We must know that every new chapter that enters
the fold is strong enough to find its place and bear its share of
the burden. Strength of organization will mean vastly more than
rapid piling up of chapters. Quality not quantity is what we are
striving for and a large chapter roll is not an index to quality.
Active chapters are too inclined to vote favorably on every pe-
tition without thorough investigation. The addition of a new chap-
ter is the one idea that seems to appeal. The following is taken
from a letter received from one of our chapters shortly before con-
vention : " I hope we will succeed in getting the new chapters. I
think it would help us wonderfully, don't you?" There is every rea-
son to believe that the writer knew nothing concerning the respec-
tive merits of the petitioning bodies and yet she was willing to
cast her vote favorably. Is this the way all of our chapters feel?
Does expansion present itself to them in such a light that they
measure the success of our fraternity by the additions of a new chap-
ter without first making certain that it will meet every requirement
of Alpha O? We must instill into the minds of every member of
our fraternity the deeper and more vital points by which expansion
must be governed and let us remember that that which is easily
gained is lightly held. The petitioning body that is sincere in its
purpose and its desire to become a part of us is ever willing to prove
its worth.
Before we consider adding to our number, will it not be more
prudent to do a little work on the inside by bolstering up the present
chapters that are a little weak until all have attained a high standard
and we have established order, system, and a perfect organization?
With a weak chapter here and another there our progress is checked,
for unless we are strong enough to pull the weak chapter up to our
level she may take us to hers. Let us bear in mind that no chain
is any stronger than its weakest link and so no fraternity is any
stronger than its weakest chapter. Care, forethought, and sound
judgment must guide us in every step and when every part of our fra-
ternity organization is in perfect order the time has come for expan-
There is much that could be said relative to the proper colleges
and universities for us to enter. Surrounding conditions will have
much to do with the life and success of a new chapter. Suffice it to
say, that where the field is new, the possibilities are best and the
seed will grow with greater strength to a fuller maturity.
Let us join in a toast to the Progress and Prosperity of Alpha
O ; let our foundation be firm, our purpose steadfast and our ob-
ject ever in mind; let the vital underlying principle that forms
the basis of our fraternity structure be always before us; and to
the end that our fraternity be of service to the individual, to the
universities and to the world's larger interests, let us exert the utmost
care in choosing the new chapters that are to continue our existence
and further our development.
G L A D Y S C O U R T I A N B R I T T O N , Sigma, '10
Imagine a pioneer living with a few friends, in an adobe hut
amid all kinds of hardships, yet with ideals of what his surroundings
might become when struggles with the wilderness were over. Think
of him as leaving the place of dreams and struggles, and for years
cut off from all but an occasional communication with it. And
then think of him returning to find in place of the hut—the home
of his dreams, with other homes in close association, a well estab-
lished group with the same ideals cherished there years before, but
with new ambitions, new customs, new social demands, new laws,
new and ever-widening scope of influence.
I am the pioneer, one of the strugglers when Alpha was little
more than a local, then for five years so situated that I lost touch
with fraternity affairs and now returning to find the chapter roll
grown, its interests and influence widening. My attitude is that of
one seeking to come into closer touch with fraternity life, and there-
fore i f I suggest things that you have known and done long ago, you
will pardon the "pioneer".
Mrs. Dudley has asked me to speak on the vital need of a close
union between the alumnae chapter and the fraternity as a whole.
I t is as true in our relationships with organizations as in our
relationships with individuals that the closest bonds are based on
intelligent sympathy with aims and interests, and intelligent sym-
pathy is based on understanding.
To touch the fraternity life as a whole, to keep in touch with
fraternity life as a whole, to be bound with fraternity life as a
whole, one must understand not only the aims with which we are
all familiar, but the fraternity organization, the interests of indi-
vidual chapters, and so far as possible, the interests of individual
How many of us did anything more than sign a perfunctory
yes to recent recommendations by the Grand Council? How many
of us looked up the standing of the colleges in which are the pro-
posed new chapters? I did not for one. Yet an intelligent vote
was expected of us. How many of us are really familiar with our
constitution or know of the origin of the fraternity, the character
of its chapters, the system of its finances and other machinery?
Perhaps I am the only one ignorant of some of these details. I f
so, I must do home study, and not suggest that the alumnae chapter
devote an afternoon to this subject.
The second need in binding us with a closer tie is an understand-
ing of individual chapters. I t is not sufficient to know how many
members are in each chapter" and what are each chapter's activities.
That is too much like old dry-as-dust methods of teaching history.
We should have as a background for the picture an understanding
of local college conditions and of local conditions other than college.
For your Berkeley hills and wide sweep of campus form a different
background for your buildings from the apartment houses and the
rush of city life which surround Barnard, (my own college),—a
background not without vital influence on fraternities and individ-
The atmosphere of each chapter is also dependent in great
measure upon the academic and social demands of the college.
After we have informed ourselves, i f we need to, on essential
details of organization and fraternity history, why should we not
have a series of "Little Journeys" and travel in our minds to the
homes of our various chapters, learn of the surrounding country, of
the history of the college, of the origin of that special chapter and
its career as a local, of the other fraternities there, of local Pan-
Hellenic, and of inter and intrafraternity social customs. There
are some of us who have visited other chapters and the not to be
despised post cards could be used as illustrations.
Let me speak a word especially in regard to the new chapters.
Some of us know the meaning of early struggles and the value of
alumnae backing. A cordial welcome from us as a chapter would
mean something, an active interest from us as individuals means
more. I f each one of us should write a letter to one of the charter
members it would not add to our letter writing burdens and would
mean much to them.
I appreciate the value of the personal touch, as my own attitude
in coming here and in joining this chapter was greatly influenced
by the pleasant letters of one of your number written to me when I
was still in the east with no thought of a move to California.
I said we must understand fraternity organization, individual
chapters, and, so far as possible, individual members.
This last is most difficult perhaps, but essential. There are
three groups—the members of the active chapter, our own associates
in this alumnae chapter, and, as far as possible, other alumnae.
May I draw upon my own experience again and remember that
when I was an undergraduate there were many times when I needed
the advice of an older woman or at least the privilege of confidence,
but I thought the alumnae were not interested in my personal affairs
and was shy with them and waited for them to make advances. I
do not know conditions here at all, but I feel that in my case I
missed rare opportunities for friendship because of an imaginary
barrier between undergraduates and alumna?. I f such a barrier
shows signs of being erected it is easier for the alumna? than the
undergraduates to break it down, by showing that the girls' interests
are still ours. Perhaps the girl we consider least cordial is in
reality the one who needs us most.
The subject of alumnae, is perhaps even more difficult. Two
years ago Miss Henderson asked me to stir up interest in To
J D R A G M A , I wrote several letters and had some interviews and found
three groups among our alumna; in the east. One actively interested,
one absolutely indifferent, one absolutely negative or antagonistic.
I n one case the girl had ignored for years the fraternity, never
replying to notices or letters. In another the girl thought frater-
nities were bad things as they "forced into close association indi-
viduals who probably would not naturally have been warm friends."
I am quoting.
These are of course exceptional cases, but we cannot afford to
have a fine girl assume such an attitude, and we must not ignore
the possibility of such exceptions recurring. I know they do recur
as I have heard similar sentiments from members of other frater-
The fraternity ought to be too closely bound for indifference to
creep in, too broad in its sympathies for an antagonistic attitude
ever to find a place.
That experience made me feel that alumna? must make it worth
while to be an alumna. That perhaps is a field for individual
friendships as well as the work of an alumna; chapter, yet such
cases have an element of tragedy and I could not ignore them in
discussing this subject.
Individuals in other chapters and among the alumnae elsewhere
we can know only as we meet them, as we hear of them through
those who have met them, as we know them through their written
words, or as they present themselves to the public eye. Why should
not we, through To D R A C M A , inform the members of Alpha of the
dates of our meetings and our eagerness to meet anyone traveling
this way.
Some of our members have written books. Let us buy the books,
circulate and read them and then give them to the chapter house.
I also suggest a scrap-book for pictures of the colleges where our
chapters are situated, pictures of the chapter members, reviews of
books, press notices, etc. Why shouldn't we in this way start a
history for those who follow us, thus linking present with future
and helping to bind the whole.
To sum up, I suggest:
First: That we freshen our knowledge of fraternity history and
Second: That we make a study of conditions surrounding our
chapters as an aid to understanding the characters of individuals
from those chapters, and the chapter life.
T h i r d : That we establish the personal touch with new chapters.
Fourth: That we acquire personal friendships with undergrad-
uates as well as maintain the friendships with our own associates
among the alumna;.
F i f t h : That we make the acquaintance of our girls through the
written word wherever the opportunity is given us.
Sixth: That we establish a scrap-book as our annals.
M A R G A R E T C L A R K S U M N E R , Alpha, '02
We were going to camp! The very word camp suggests delight-
f u l possibilities and as I had never gone a camping, it had to me
the further charm of novelty. A cottage on the shores of Lake
Attitash, Mass., had been chosen and a jolly party of A O ITs were
looking forward to a good time together.
Leslie, Rena and I agreed to start from Medford early in the
morning. We were going to commence our good time by a long
trolley ride across country. We met at the trolley station. Rena
and I had, "unbeknownst" to each other, donned our best spring
suits and hats, and carried commodious suitcases. Leslie appeared
in a linen tub dress, sweater and straw sailor, one hand firmly
clutching a small grip. She gazed scornfully at Our holiday attire
and inquired with sarcasm, "you're not going to camp, are you?
You surely must be going to a summer hotel."
Rena and I looked guiltily at each other and then mustering up
courage, squelched our critic by informing her that she must be
the camp cook, judging by her costume, and therefore must maintain
a humble and respectful attitude toward her superiors. As Les
was in the minority, this rebuke was sufficient and all further
rebellion on her part was confined to haughty glares directed toward
Rena's silver hand-bag or my white gloves.
Edith J. met us at Andover and after an hour or more of pleasant
scenery we arrived, ravenous with hunger, at Tuxbury corners.
There Gladys and Edith S. awaited us and escorted us through a
quiet path in the woods to our camp. Upon arrival we underwent
a middy blouse metamorphosis and "cook" regained her former
valor sufficiently to jeer once more at our traveling garb. However,
we had no time for airy persiflage. Hunger drove us down to the
table, seeking what we might devour. Here we ate and ate and ate,
and then sighed because we could eat no more.
Next we rose gaily from the table, leaving the dishes to Gladys
and Edith S., and went on a tour of exploration over the house.
We found on the lower floor a large sitting room, well furnished
with lounging places and easy chairs, a good sized dining room with
a well stocked china closet, and a splendid kitchen which proved
the joy of the various pairs of workers for each day of camp. Up-
stairs we found three large bedrooms with single and double beds
galore, and a room set apart for our chaperone. Mrs. Phillips
arrived that afternoon and surely no one ever had a more faithful
and charming chaperone. She kept her bad children in order
by a smile and rewarded her good ones with ginger cookies.
Frances and Marion came later in the afternoon and we all went
for a tramp through the woods. As twilight approached, we climbed
into rowboats and splashed across the lake, singing everything we
could think of—from the old fashioned melodies to the latest popular
song—with more or less success as to effect, but with a right good
will. After a lobster supper, we sat out on the veranda calmly and
sedately until someone proposed hide-and-go-seek. Then, casting
our dignity to the winds, we arose with one accord and spent the
next hour in dodging in around bushes and trees, back of houses,
boats and everywhere it was possible to hide ourselves. Finally,
tired out we dropped into chairs until our energies returned suffi-
ciently to allow us to climb up the stairs to bed. There, after some
pillow-tossing, giggles, and whispers, we "sank into restful slumber."
The next day Les and I were to be the cooks. Les got up at the
unearthly hour of six and had a preliminary wrestle with the stove.
Hearing the sounds of strife below, I sleepily dressed and crept
downstairs, hoping not to disturb the slumbers of the others. Nat-
urally, as is always the case when silence is desired, every board in
the stairs creaked and groaned and shrieked aloud its protest. How-
ever, all was quiet once more when I pattered into the kitchen. By
this time Les had coaxed a feeble flame in the stove which she
proudly pointed to as a fire. I t really did begin to look like one
after a while and aroused my ambition in the wood-chopping line,
something hitherto unexperienced by me. I found in back of the
house a chopping block. Taking a hatchet from the kitchen, I
manfully hacked and whacked at a log for about half an hour, stop-
ping every few minutes to rest my weaned muscles. Finally at the
expense of reddened palms and tired arms, but with huge satisfaction,
I was able to drag in a section of the log and offer it to the fire-
maker. She accepted it with glee, which however was short-lived
when we found that it was, alas, too long to go into the stove. So
^ once more I wrathfully hacked and whacked until it was the proper
size, then with profound thanks we landed it in the flames.
Les started the coffee boiling and the water for the eggs, while
I set the table and served out cereal. The voice of the milkman
was next heard, and preparations for breakfast well started. They
must have seemed good to the others, who soon appeared clamoring
for food. Finally we sat down to eat and amid much merriment
the meal proceeded. Leslie was formally dubbed "cook" and to me
fell the humbler title of "cookee", but we felt repaid for our labors
when our meal was voted a success. Then luxuriously leaving the
dishes to the two freshmen workers for the day, we sauntered out
and enjoyed what we considered a well-earned rest on the piazza.
Here we were joined by the rest of the girls, who produced in turn
sewing, books, postal cards and letters with which all were busy for
an hour or so. Then our energies rising, we went over to Edith
Sanborn's home camp, played upon her piano and danced until we
were breathless. A trip to the grocery followed and supplies were
bought for the day.
Lunch was a success,—all except the salad. Les made the
mayonnaise, but it positively refused to assume a creamy yellowness.
Upon investigation we found that the girls had bought sweet oil by
mistake, while Les's recipe called for olive oil. But we enjoyed the
lettuce and cucumber with vinegar, salt and pepper just as much,
which slightly consoled the cook for her error.
After lunch we snapped views, including some of ourselves, wrote
letters or embroidered, while others went rowing or walking. Lake
Attitash is a beautiful body of water, bordered on all sides by pine
woods. I t was as healthful a spot as one could choose and the air
most refreshing especially when inhaled under such al fresco condi-
tions. Fran was the only brave one of our number to venture in the
water (we others hadn't brought our bathing suits with us, anyway)
and she splashed gaily away for half an hour.
I would like to write more about our good times but unfortunately
Les and I had to leave the next morning. I t was with great regret
that we left our party and boarded the trolley for the college, where
we had to pack up. Next year we are going to stay much longer.
Camping for us was an unqualified success!
A N N E T T E B. M A C K N I G H T , '14,
Delta Chapter.
The National Sorority of Alpha Omicron Pi extends warmest
greetings to every freshman entering our ranks this f a l l . May our
sorority stand in your hearts as it does in ours. Work for it with
heart and brain. May it inspire you to better scholarship, truer
love, wider sympathy and higher ideals.
We admire in Alpha X i Delta the use of the word "Independents"
instead of "Outsiders", "Non-Sorority girls" or "Barbarians". I t
gives the true spirit and the true status of the girl who is not a
member of any sorority. I f more of us would look at it in that
light there would be a less high wall between.
WE are surprised to read and hear so much about the sorority
being in a position to "disseminate culture" to the outside girls.
A woman with sufficient intellect and sufficient ambition to attend
a university is already far on the road to the attainment of culture.
I t is not a limited organization that gives culture. I t is only
gamed through mental and spiritual development, and shown
through entire self-forgetfulness.
To claim to be able to disseminate culture is to consciously
assume a pose—the pose that is waggishly described as "Culcha". We
might claim to disseminate it in a settlement where we would do
it by education, but not in a university. Why do we insist on draw-
ing lines which do not exist? I t is one of our gravest faults that
we have allowed our organizations to gain a reputation of a "holier
than thou" attitude when by the very fact of their presence amongst
us, the "Thous" are on our same cultural plane, are as "holy" as
We quote an interesting extract concerning the Sorority Room at
"The door, which opens on a thoroughfare of the college grounds,
is always open, and many non-fraternity and other fraternity girls
drop in to chat. Their whole attitude is en-rapport with that fact".
The very interesting article in the July issue of To D R A G M A con-
cerning Northwestern University was written by Mildred Schlesinger.
The manuscript was unsigned which accounted for the unfortunate
(Quoted from letters received by the editor.)
" I should like very much to write an article for the November
To D R A G M A but I shall be obliged to refuse. I haven't a word of
data or material nor a single idea in my head on 'Fraternity Ex-
pansions'. . . . I can only wish you good luck and hope I
can be of some service to you some time in the future."
" I regret that I could not write the article and trust you found
ready to assist you".
" I shall be very busy for the next month and cannot write the
article for November T o D R A G M A " .
" I am very sorry that I cannot comply with your request this
time, but I cannot understand the failure of the others to help you."
" I am sorry that I can't help you this time, Virginia. I hope you
will not be treated this way by anyone else."
(These are only a few examples of the results of three months'
editorial labor for the present issue.)
Esther L . Burgess, '13. Lucie A. Petri, '14.
Viola Turck, '13. Helen R. Downes, '14.
A. Kathleen Robinson, '14. Helen Shipman, '14.
Maria Diaz de Villalvilla, '13.
We've been together only a few days this fall, but they've been very
happy ones. There's always a certain fascination in getting back
to college and meeting new girls, taking new courses, and grasping
new ideas. We Alpha girls rejoiced with the rest over the newness
of lots of things and we wished with the rest that there might be
the newness of another building to greet us. But that was not to be—
and Barnard wept and so did we. But our weeping soon stopped
and our rejoicing continued. We rejoiced especially over the reports
of the convention. We all feel that we were there in Willard Hall at
all the meetings and parties, and we're all sure that there'll be more
than three of us to participate in the joys of the next convention. We
feel much more a live part of the fraternity now than ever before; we
have seen its inner workings; we have met its girls; we have come to
know its leaders. And we're so thankful for everything that was
consciously done for Alpha's delegates and for the many unconscious
influences they felt. But Alpha felt—and now we're going to say a
very conventional thing—that the time was all too short. That
sounds very hackneyed, but we really mean it for selfish personal
reasons and even more from another point of view. To us three
days seems too short a space in which to crowd meetings, sight-seeing,
parties and sleep. There is little time for that informal sort of
getting acquainted which is so delightful. A week together with no
more planned entertainments would mean an easier attitude in the
meetings, more wide awake eyes and brains, and more time for
appreciating the experiences we were having. When we left Evanston,
and had slept one whole night through, we suddenly realized that
we had had a more wonderful time than our sleepless heads and
rushed brains could appreciate. And now we've had three months
in which to reflect and consider and we still have a clear memory of
three very happy days. We love Northwestern—we love Rho—we
love you all. And we thank each one and especially our sisters
in Rho for being so very good to us. We thank you, too, Rho, for
sending us as a transfer, one of your juniors, Helen Shipman. Barn-
ard and Alpha are both so glad to have her. She has convention
memories, too—so have we all to help us. So this year we're going
to strive for an stand for the best in our college life.
Good luck to you a l l !
The opening of the college year finds Pi chapter jubilant over
the brilliant future that awaits her. With two Grand Officers, ten
actives, and two loyal pledges we know that the year cannot fail to
be successful. On September 30th Rosalie Dufour '15, and Delie
Bancroft. '15. made us very happy by wearing first our colors and
then our pledge pin. We hope soon to see them invested with the
f u l l rights of sisterhood.
We are so proud of our new Grand President and Secretary, but we
have to stop a minute to realize that they actually belong to us and
are in reality still our own Dorothy and Anna. Dops and Teddy
have given us such glowing accounts of convention that we have
solemnly vowed never to miss another. T o D R A G M A , which has just
come, is widely interesting and we read all the convention notes
breathlessly. Stunt Night must have been novel and entertaining
and we want to congratulate Omicron especially on her cleverness.
We thoroughly approve of those A. B. C.'s for A O H's.
We have already been on the trail of the freshmen and consider
prospects bright. The enrollment this year is the largest ever and
we know we can find plenty of good material in it for A O IT.
Cap and Gown Day, the formal opening of college, is the only
event as yet. Then we beheld Bets, our own Bets, marching into
chapel clothed in her well-earned robes of seniorhood. We are very
proud of Bets and will tell you in our next letter about the fine things
she is doing for college and for us.
The exercises in chapel were followed by an informal reception
to the new students given in our attractive Students' Club Room.
The old girls gave the new ones a cordial welcome and together we
sang Newcomb songs and consumed punch and sandwiches.
At our first meeting in the chapter room we discussed new plans
for rushing. We think them good and sincerely hope they will prove
effective. A number of our girls have been away during the summer
and met our sisters from other chapters. I t gives us so much pleasure
to hear of and to meet these unknown sisters of ours for nothing can
equal the joy of the hand-clasp when Greek meets with Greek.
The scarcity of news is due to the fact that college has barely be-
gun and the atmosphere is still one of wild confusion. Next time,
however, we shall have numerous parties to chronicle as well as
various other events which we think will prove interesting. The
place is flooded with freshmen's tears which, together with the fresh-
man rain always an opening event, has dampened things consider-
ably. Nothing, however, can dampen the enthusiastic spirits of Pi
chapter so we herewith send a joyous greeting to all of our dear
sisters in Alpha O.
No letter.
Like Wordsworth's poem, "We are Seven". But precious things
come in small packages, and what we lack in quantity, we make up
for in quality, and enthusiasm. We have three seniors. Mary Rust,
Jess McFarland, and Louise Wiley ; two proud sophomores, Nelle
Bondurant and Ellen Converse; and a special. Helen Kennedy. Be-
sides these, Laura Swift Mayo has come back to the H i l l this year
to take French. B. Armstrong, Martha Lou Jones, Janie Peavy and
Berenice Taylor are a l l teaching, while Blossom Swift is at home,
and how we do miss them all.
Pan-Hellenic is trying the experiment of earlier pledge day this
year and we are not sure whether we like it or not. At any rate it
means a long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together, for there are
more fish than ever before. We have our eyes on several "perfectly
good" ones and hope by next time we may be able to announce a
large number of pledges. Meantime, although it is still early, we are
listening enraptured to the wise speeches of these attractive fish, and
planning "big doin's" for the future. We only wish you could be
here to attend our big reception, and all our smaller parties and
feasts in the frat room. So i f any of you are ever in Knoxville, be
sure to let us know.
Although it is now the last of September. Kappa cannot report
any pledges to A O I I yet. As you probably know sophomore pledg-
ing went into effect just last year. And the pledge day for last year's
freshmen will not be for some days. Ever since we returned to
college there has been a mad rush to get dates, with our rushees, and
we find that it is strenuous business. There are two or three parties
or suppers or teas almost every day given by the different fraternities.
We have given numerous little parties, most of them very informal
indeed, for we feel that we can see more of our rushees in that way
than i f we gave some very formal affair. Then, too, we think that
it makes them feel more at home with us. Last Saturday night we
took seven or eight girls whom we have been rushing "down town".
Of course that doesn't convey anything to you, but to us who rarely
get a chance to go at night it was a very novel experience. We en-
joyed it immensely, and we were all in such good humors that we
laughed at everything even down to illustrated songs in moving pic-
ture shows. Next Wednesday afternoon we are going to have a tea
at the house, and we expect to have several of our alumnae with us
at that time. The decorations will be in red roses, and the place
cards will be jacqueminot roses. Saturday evening we are going to
have a supper for our rushees. To say that we are excited over
pledge-day is certainly expressing it mildly, because it has been two
years now since we have had a regular pledge day.
There is practically nothing else to claim our attention at present.
Maybe you would like to know that Patty Paxton was elected vice-
president of the junior class at our recent elections.
We are wishing with all our hearts that you will all have success-
f u l pledge days.
Anabelle Good, '13. Malvina Waters, '14.
Elsie Fitzgerald, '15.
Breta Diehl, '13. Lorene Bratt, '15.
Salome Schwertley, '13. Estella Stephens, '15.
Gisela Birkner, '13. Mabel Murtcy, '15.
Georgiana Jeffrey, '14.
Rose Krause, '14.
Our chapter is small this year because second semester pledging
went into effect this fall. Girls cannot be pledged until the second
semester with the exception of sisters who can be pledged the fourth
week of school. There can be no rushing of any girl until the end
of the third week of classes.
The following girls from Zeta chapter have joined the ranks of
the teachers: Grace Gannon, Alwina Zumwinkel, Stella Butler,
Hazel Williams, Feme Butler and Carrie Coman.
Ethel Chase, '15, is attending a Ladies' Seminary at Rockford, 111.
Helen Steiner '12, has been traveling in the east. At present she
and her mother are visiting friends at Des Moines. Ruth Wheelock
'14, and Lou Chase '13, are remaining at home this year. Lou
Chase expects to go west about the first of December.
Next Saturday a number of our old girls will be back. Stella But-
ler, our last year's president, will be with us and give us a report of
convention. We are all looking forward to that day, as we will be
glad to see the girls and hear about the convention which we were
unable to attend. Frederica Stegner of Columbus will be with us
about the first of October. She will study art.
Rose Krause '14, spent her summer vacation at the Half Way
House in Colorado. Zeta chapter sends her best wishes to her sisters
for a successful year.
College is in f u l l swing now and everybody's very busy as usual,
committees, prominence, society and study. I t seems impossible that
vacation days have been a month and a half in the past, but of
course they are—haven't we seven of the choicest new sisters that
ever were. I n that month and a half we rushed and again we rushed
with card-parties, dinners, teas and most popular of all (with Alpha
O inmates) the "Movies" or M . P. S. or Moving Picture Show,
take it as you will. By the way, joy filled our hearts when we
went down to Stanford last week end to see Lambda's new house and
rushees. . We found that the novelty of M . P. S. in "Palto Alto" is
not only correct but even a tradition with Stanford students.
We stopped at the rushing point. Yes, seven of the loyalest Alpha
O's were initiated the evening of September 2d. They are five fresh-
men—Edna Taber, Kathryn Hubbard, Marie Warren (sister of
Esther Warren, Lambda, '15), Kathleen Mains and Ruth Carson,
one sophomore, Elois Forsyth, and one senior, Margaret Haseltine.
We were proud to show the alumnae girls who came that night
how well we had selected the future of Alpha O.
There were quite a few girls back whom we don't see often and
we were glad it was that night of all nights. Grace McPherron,
Daisy Mansfield Shaw, Margaret Sumner, (Alpha), Helen Henry,
Isa Henderson, Kate Foster, Florence Weeks, Rose Von Schmidt,
Viola Ahlers, Gladys Courtian Britton, Blanche du Bois, were a l l
Fraternity affairs are doing very well. Emma Black '13, who is
chapter president, reported a delightful trip east and an enthusiastic
convention, the details of which we were anxious to hear. We have
fourteen living in the house now including Mrs. Hoxey, our chap-
eron. A l l the seniors but Margaret Haseltine are in the house so
there is abundant senior control. We have started the custom of
having seniors from the others houses in to lunch and in this way
are building strong outside alliances. Many of the girls are on
committees. Phyllis Maguire. Emma Black, Mary de Witt and Mar-
garet Haseltine are on the Senior Advisory Board, Phyllis is chair-
man of North Hall Women's Room and senior secretary, Hertha
Hermann is treasurer of the Associated Women Students and on the
Junior Prom Committee. So we are as ever well represented in
college life and beginning a promising year.
Ruth Harvey, '16. Beryl Hawkins, '15..
Ruth Holman, '15. Pauline Place, '15.
This year the prospect for Theta is very bright in spite of the
fact that sophomore pledging has been enforced, for eighteen of
our old girls have returned to us. On pledge day, which is to be the
Monday before final examinations, we expect to secure some good
recruits from the promising freshman class. October 12th will be
Old Gold Day, DePauw's Fourth of July. On that day will occur
the first home game of the season, between Wabash and DePauw.
I n the evening, in Meharry Hall, each fraternity and each sorority
w i l l put on some vaudeville stunt.
Five of our old girls will be with us on Old Gold Day, Fern
Thompson. '10. Blanche Babcock, Dell Antrem, Belle McCreedy
and Nelle Jean.
Since our dear President McConnell became Bishop, a new pres-
ident has been elected, Reverend George Richmond Grose, pastor
of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Md.
Dorothy Bartleft, '13. Annette Mc Knight, '14.
Octavia Chapin, '13. Ruth P. Wedge, '14.
Isabelle G. Owler, '13. Marion Davis, '15.
Ruth E . Penniman, '13. Rena Greenwood, '15.
Etta M. Phillips, '13. Gertrude Hooper, '15.
Edith M. Sanborn, '13. Dorothy Houghton, '15.
Helen R . Scammon, '13. Edith Johnson, '15.
Alma G . Wiley, '13. Gladys Keith, '15.
Emily Eveleth, '14. Marion Nichols, '15.
A . Leslie Hooper, '14. Ruth Seavey, '15.
Just a week since we joyously greeted our sisters! But already
we are at work, enthusiastically starting our acquaintance cam-
paign among freshmen.
Truly "1916" offers us a fertile field, for there are some attractive
girls and the class is the largest that has ever entered Jackson. The
Pan-Hellenic rules are practically the same as those of last year;
only by courtesy and sunny smiles are we to win our new members.
The bids go out November 19th so we are glad that our "hoodang"
comes next week to give us an early start.
Before we tell of our girls, Delta wishes to tender congratulations
to the Grand President and the Grand Officers. Etta, who was at
the convention, is filled with enthusiasm and will tell us of the work
done there, and of her good times with the splendid girls she met.
Just here we would say that we all wish to better know our sisters.
We should much enjoy letters from the other chapters. I f members
would let us know when they are near Boston, we should be delighted
to have them come to see us and visit our meetings.
A l l the 1912 girls are teaching except Edith Van who is spending
this year at home. Alice is teaching at the Boys Club in Somerville.
Frances and Pauline, both of whom won a "J" for basketball, are
in New Hampshire. The girls of a private school near Webster are
fortunate in having our Pearl for an instructor. Ted Woodbury is
learning the intricacies of library work in Somerville.
As for our active members,—well they are just as interested i n
college matters as i n fraternity affairs. Etta is president of the
Student Government Association with Dorothy Bartlett as secretary.
We have to represent us i n the A l l Around Club—Octavia as
president, Annette as vice-president, Etta as chairman of the Social
Committee; while the Athletic Committee chairman is Leslie who
won a "J" for breaking a record at the track meet last spring. For
good work in gymnasium Alice Spear and Edith Sanborn have a
brown and blue "J".
This year Dot Bartlett is president of the Christian Guild and
chairman of the Bible Study Committee. The secretary is our all-
round-girl Leslie.
Now that we have settled to the regular routine college work,
we are hoping to realize some of the plans suggested at convention.
We are waiting for the new song book and hope to have a song
from Pearl, who received honors in music last commencement time.
This year we plan not to get into ruts of indolence; but to be up
and doing for our college and Alpha Omicron Pi.
Here we are back at college, and hard at work once more. I t
seemes quite like old times, and such f u n to see all the girls again,
although we do miss our last year seniors and are looking eagerly
forward to the time when we may be able to add to our ranks several
of our splendid little freshmen.
Twelve of us of the active chapter are back ready to take up our