360 TO DRAG MA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI Mid-Western—Pauline Mills Edwards (Mrs. W. H.). Xi.
Pacific—Carolyn Paige, Upsilon.
Committee on Examinations—Chairman, Examining Officer. Atlantic—Katherine Stewart, Gamma. Southern—Margaret Lyon Pedrick (Mrs. P. B.), Pi. Ohio Valley—Geraldine D. Canfield, Theta.
Great Lakes—Beatrice Bunting, Omicron Pi. Mid-western—Doris Ingram, Alpha Phi. Pacific—Edna Betts Trask (Mrs. W. M.), Rho.
Committee on Nominations—
Chairman—Edith Dietz Janney (Mrs. S. M.) Alpha; 217 West 105th
St., New York; N. Y . ; Alumnae Superintendents, members.
Committee on Jewelry—
Chairman. Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), Alpha; Julia
L. Tillinghast, Nu.
Going orComing Back-
See Y ellowstone
Make your trip to the Alpha Omicron Pi con- vention at Seattle more than a trip. Make it a thrilling event in your life! See YELLOWSTONE!
Westbound from Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth, the Northern Pacific Railway takes you to Seattle by way of Yellowstone Park—a wonderful scenic journey on a world famous train. Or join the Post-Convention Tour party, leaving Seattle directly after the close of the convention. The cost is surprisingly low.
Round trip summer excursion rate
to Seattle From Chicago $90.30 From St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth $75.60
Write A. B. Smith, P.T.M., St. Paul, Minn., for full particulars and interesting literature.
Northern Pacific Ry.
"First of the Northern Transcontinentals"
T o
.May. 1927
Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. F. H.), 2116 St. Clair St., St. Paul, Minn.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.
TO DRAGMA is published at 415 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Min- neapolis, Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, September, November, February and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life Subscription $15.00.
Vol. 22
Xo. 4
Elizabeth Bond, 3201 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Wilma Smith Leland, Acting Editor
Louise Benton Oliver
This fair westerner is the guiding light of Seattle con- vention plans. Louise Benton Oliver is capable of almost anything, so we are looking forward to an enthusiastic and
successful convention. Pack your bags and join us.
Have You Got Those Con- vention Blues?
Are you sitting around the chapter house, thinking there's no chance for you to go to convention anyway? I f you are, make up your mind NOW, that next month will find you among those present on Puget Sound with Alpha Omicron Pi.
Every Alpha 0 knows that i f she i s good enough, some day she will go to convention. And allthe real live members allover the nation know that they will come to Seattlein 1927, iftheyhavetotakeindishwashingto raise the fare.
Think of the convention at Moran's on Rolling Bay, Washington, June 27 to July 2. Can't you see that nice sandy "beach, and the green f i rtrees, and those "bright blue waves a-dan-cing and sparkling inthesun,just as though they were glad to be at convention too? Just think of the campfire i n the evening under the moon, with the water talking to itself sort of sleepy-like, and the girls singing, "0, Alpha 0, dear Alpha 0"!
And then there will be allthepeople you have always wanted to see and you can find out what color their eyes are,and whether they wear itbobbedorarelettingitgrow. Andthere
irill be the University of Washington with its great campus and i t s flowers and Gothic build- ings and evergreens! And there i s Seattle with its bigships and itsgreat canal locks andits lakes. In fact there are so many things to do and see that we areallexcitedabout itand our typewriter istoohottowrite onany longer.
Napoleon or George Washington or Marcus Aurelius or somebody said:
"See Rome and Die!"
But Seattle Alumnae and Upsilon Chapters
"See Seattle and Live Happily Ever After!"
—And Thus You Will Live
At The Convention
Arrive at Moron
Opening and First Session
11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Evening
Morning Afternoon Evening
Trip to Seattle with lunch and open meeting at Women's University Club followed by "Land
and Water Trip"
Dance and Bridge Party at Moron's
Business Session Business Session
Business Session
Field Day or other Executive Committee
Morning Afternoon Evening
Morning Plans..
Afternoon Pageant and Beach Party and Candle Lighting
Ceremony Evening
Banquet (formal) in Seattle
Morning Afternoon Evening
in Seattle
Hostess Night
TUESDA Y— Business Session Business Session Stunt Night
B usiness Session
- •
TO DRAGMA of Alpha \ 22 May. 1927
Omicron P i
No. 4
Good Food in an A Oil
Tastefully inviting is the interior of the Marilyn Teashop at Sioux City, Iowa, owned and managed by Hvo AOIT's
"Breathes there a woman with soul so dead Who never to herself hath said,
I'd love to run a tearoom?"
CO Z I L V nestled away on the ground floor of the new luxurious Sioux Apartment hotel at Sioux City, Iowa, convenient to both street and cliff dwellers alike, the Marilyn Teashop daily dispenses toothsome delicacies and wholesome foods, cooked to
an exacting taste. If you should be in the neighborhood of this shop on any afternoon you would find society and business women sitting at tea during the hours of 4 :30 to 5 :30 and from that hour until 7:30, men and women occupants of the hotel, neighboring apartments and from over-town as well making this shop their epicurean habitat.
Facts by Mary Louise Mulhall
For here two AOITs dispense such food and atmosphere as appeals not only to the femininehut the male taste as well. You will rind, on entering that a warm feeling of welcome pervades the shop and exudes as if to welcome you; beckoning you are numerous little wooden tables done charmingly in almond green with deep black for contrast, placed just close enough for a feel- ing of companionship and yet not so close as to crowd you in your attempt at privacy; beckoning you also are prints on the wall, designed to give you that restful feeWng so necessary to the complete and satisfactory enjoyment of a delightful dinner or tea, bits of china scattered here and there on wall what-not and in unusual Welsh cabinets of the newer mood.
And what is the personality back of this" shop you ask? Two Alpha O's from the University of Wisconsin who had neither business training nor hold graduate degrees in home economics usually considered so necessary to the successful tea room manager or restauranteur. For Mary Louise and Evelyn (now Mrs. Sylvester Wadden) Mulhall are AOITs who in common with hundreds of other Alpha O's have felt the urge to become real business women in a business enterprise of first magnitude. To them the tearoom idea first occurred after they, without fore- thought or careful planning between them in their senior year at Wisconsin saved Eta chapter of AOII $1,000 on board in their capacities as steward and house treasurer.
To explain the success of the Marilyn tea room—for it has achieved a large success—we must go back to the college days of the Sisters Mulhall and their enterprise for Alpha O. That can-
M y Favorite Recipe —Mary Louise
Mary Louise Mulhall
V& cup honey 'A teaspoon soda 2 cups wheat flour y> teaspoon salt
1 cup bran
1 tablespoon melted butler
\)A cup milk Ya cup walnuts
Mix dry ingredients. Add melted but- ler, milk and honey. Then nuts. Place in moderately hot oven. This makes thirty small muffins.
not be better told than in the actual words of Mary Louise, who in a letter to the editor explains the "Saga of the Tearoom".
"Perhaps we would never have had the inspiration if we hadn't been AOITs, for it was while Evelyn was treasurer and I was stewardess and house manager that we decided, after mak- ing a thousand dollars a year off the meals at the house, with no special effort to make money, that there must be money in serving food.
"After I had graduated (and by that time Evelyn had been out of school a year and was tired of doing nothing) we both had the desire to have a shop but knew we hadn't had enough experience or money to start one and after pricing some avail- able shop space down town and finding it to be about $500 a month we were sure we had the wrong idea.
"One day, however, we heard that Art Sanford, hotel owner, was looking for some one to put in a tea shop in the Sioux Apartments. After six weeks of dickering we agreed on a one- year lease. He put an outside entrance to the street from one of the apartments on the ground floor. It was a small apartment and naturally made a very small shop, but big enough to start with anyway. W e could only seat 25 to 30 guests at a time. W e called it the Marilyn, a combination of our names, Mary Louise and Evelyn.
"When we started we thought we would serve three meals a day—but after a week of that we were thoroughly convinced
ORANGE 1 cup sugar
y2 cup shortening
1 egg unbeaten
1 cup sour cream }/2 teaspoon soda IV* cup flour
$4 teaspoon baking pozvder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
% teaspoon cloves
¥2 teaspoon nutmeg
l / cup raisins, dates, nuts or any kind 2
of fruit. Flour fruit before adding to above mixture.
Cream sugar and butter; add egg, then sour cream with soda in it. Add other ingredients. Bake about 40 minutes.
Frosting : 1 orange (juice and grated rind), 1 cup powdered sugar, 3 table- spoons butter.
Evelyn Mulhall
that with one shift of help it was impossible. We were worn out
and sick of our jo!) at the end of the first week, for due to our many friends and interested or curious acquaintances, our busi- ness was so large from the start that we could hardly take care of it.
"As time went on we found that the demand that we could best fill in Sioux City was to furnish a place where people could entertain. We specialized in luncheon parties. After a year in the small shop we found it necessary to double our space to make room for more dinner and luncheon parties.
"Instead of taking out all the partitions we left some of them in so that we could make the shop into three private dining rooms or by leaving the French doors open we could have one large room.
"We later rented a fourth room to a young girl for a Lingerie and Baby Clothes shop. This helped us out on our increased rent, and we have found that the two businesses have helped each other a great deal. W e have brought Miss Clarkson most of her business, for while the women are waiting to be served, they will wander into the "Nancy Lou" shop and give orders for negligees and the like.
"We have found that it is a great advantage to be in an Apartment hotel, first of all for location. We are in the resi- dential district and most of our customers live right around here. Then we have the use of the laundry and mangles—this is includ- ed in our rent. And we have the use of two reception rooms where our parties can play cards, and most advantageous of all we are out of the high rent district, so that our location would not be advantageous to most businesses. We have a better class of trade.
"When we first started, we hired experienced and expensive help. We had to because we knew so little about our own business. "Since then we have learned and systematized the work. We now hire inexperienced girls—or preferably girls who have worked in homes, and in no case do we hire anyone older than we are. Our cook is only twenty-three years old, but we trained her into
that job after being a pantry girl.
"We have budgeted our expenses on a percentage basis so that we know just how much we make on each meal. Our luncheons
Wash six large mushrooms.
the stem and peel the caps. Put half teaspoon butter in the cavity of each cap and 2 heaping tablespoons of creamed crabmeat. Sprinkle grated American cheese over the top and bake fifteen "tinutes in a buttered pan. Serve each mushroom on a round of toast.
1 can corn
2 eggs (beat whites and yokes sepa-
1 cup milk
1 heaping
Mix ingredients, folding in stiffly
beaten egg ivhites last. Bake slowly in pan of water two hours.
are always ordered ahead of time so we prepare for the exact number we serve. In this way there is absolutely no waste.
"Our dinner business, aside from dinner parties is 'drop-in' trade, so, of course, the loss in waste is greater.
"Now, as for the appearance of the shop we early decided we did not want to put a great amount of money into the fixtures of the shop, but like most tea shop managers, we have tried to make it a somewhat different and attractive place. The walls and woodwork are a soft, light green. We have yellow voile cur- tains at the windows and the drapes are yellow, glazed chintz with a strip of black glazed chintz in the center with hollyhocks painted on the black. These are hung by yellow rings on black poles. The floor is a red tiled-effect linoleum. The color combi- nation sounds terrible, but the red floor really relieves the yellow and green. Our chairs are the same green as the walls, as also are the black topped tables. Our only wall decorations are electric-
copper wall sconces—and a couple hanging bric-a-brac shelves. "We use yellow Indian head squares on the tables. Our odd copper and china sugar bowls and animal salts and peppers,
hat we have picked up in gift shops, add to the decoration. "Advice? My only advice to anyone starting a shop, in order to eliminate the mental strain we went through when we started, is to work in a tea shop and learn the methods used because the
strain of learning as you earn really is too hard.
"As for the satisfaction and pleasure we derive from the
business—on that I could write on forever.
table spoonful Salt
"We both love it and dread the day that we might have to
give it up.
"Yes, we have some favorite recipes that we are glad to pass on to other interested tea roomist AOITs. We have specialized in hot muffins—date muffins, honey-bran nut muffins, orange rolls and potato flour muffins. We make and sell potato chips, cakes, fancy cookies and brownies, salad dressings and pies. We also have made a specialty of spaghetti loaf with creamed chicken.
"Another point of interest is that we find that the men (we have a great many bachelors for dinner at night, who live in the building) are more particular about their food than women. They care little about price, but they want plain, well-cooked food and will question the contents of any dish they have never tasted before. The women, we find, will eat anything. The only thing they argue about is price."
Friendship cultivated through membership in Alpha Omi- cron Pi in 1911 was instrumental in bringing together renewed acquaintanceship in February, 1927 after a lapse of 16 years.
For at the Deans of Women convention held at Dallas, Texas, February. 1927 two Alpha O deans of women met and longingly lived over again the days at an AOF1 convention at Berkeley, California, sixteen years earlier when both had attended as active chapter delegates.
Sixteen years represent many an achievement for Virginia Judy Esterly, (Sigma), and for Anna Many. (Pi), deans of women, respectively, at the University of Oregon and Newcomb college where each is carrying forward the banner of true woman- hood to the girls in their formative years—the most vital years in the life of a girl. At both these institutions Alpha O's deans are loved, revered, and respected. Their advice is eagerly sought and their counsel has aided many a girl whose path perhaps has not
lead her toward the goal of true womanhood.
At the Dallas conference both AOIls were honored; Miss
Esterly was elected chairman of the University section while Miss Many was chosen to head the college section, both positions of merit and responsibility denoting the high esteem in which these two sisters are held in their own conference*
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 371 OilDancerwith Mordkin
Famous Russian Ballet
Avila. Spanish u-ith the training Pavlova, Theater in before the the distinc- the only dancer who has Rapidly climbing in the world of found favour in America . . . his build is
the legitimate stage is Anita Avila. AOII of Spanish origin who is now dancing with Mord- kin, famous Russian.
T (Sigma) to her.—W.S.I..
rigorous article
physcial of his defin- physique and below achieve- come
Anita Flavia Avila
continual Anita ments
in the same school as did Anna
Sigma, origin, famous
of Anita dancer of
HE privilege of dancing in the corps de ballet with the great Russian Mordkin of the Moscow Art Theater in New York, in Canada, in the East, the West, the South and old New Orleans
(which I love) was my very great privilege this winter.
Now. as a dancer, dear AOITs. I'm not a star: Tin simply in the ballet; although I did have a principal part in "Aziade," the oriental ballet that we gave and also a Persian and sometimes a
Spanish dance in the carnival.
a charming
vho this year Mordkin who
is dancing received his
that what war. tion
robust, massive, nobil. His Qualities undoubtedly leave some less critical, admirers blind to the iteness of his art. His splendid
is fortified by a course of
training. In the
tells about her life,
and some motives that have
attached to the Marianski was pay old St. Petersburg
Mordkin has achieved of being
I am „so tremendously interested in my work and simply adore it. I could never hope to really achieve greatness but it is such a joy to me that I hope to continue, for I'm simply not happy without it.
We had a wonderfully interesting tour this fall—Mr. Mordkin is, of course, a most marvelous person with the most vital and inspiring personality you could ever imagine. And to work with him was really an opportunity. Then, of course, there were
others in the company. Xemchimova and Butsova, both premier ballerinas and charming to know and to watch—and Vladimiroff was another excellent male dancer.
I think perhaps the nicest press notice of all was in an article from the Fresno Bee (my home, you know) for the reporter there asked Mr. Mordkin about me. I suppose, and he said according to
the clipping I quote—
"Miss Avila possesses temperament, unusual ability and has a great love for her art. She wftt go far in her chosen profession. It is a delight to me when I find a student as worthwhile as this young American girl."
In other criticisms I am simply mentioned as being singled out for grace, expressiveness, etc.
At the present time I can be reached at 331 West 2nd Avenue, New York, New York. I'd like to hear from AOITs interested
in dancing.
Stella Dueringer Wells, (Rho), and Harriet Owsley may rind themselves side by side in Europe this next year. The husbands of both have received fellowships from the Guggenheim Founda- tion. ()ur information adds that Stella will be in Berlin for
most of the year.
Julia Crane, {Rho). and Elanor Bayer are both in England.
Ann Evans leaves for Paris in June to join the Alpha Os who are there now. Nannie Howard, (Kappa), and Peggy Howalt, {Chi), are studying interior decorating at the New York School of Fine and Applied Arts in Paris and just French, respectively. Hertha Herman Brown who lives there should act as a guide for
all the transients. Betty Bond, our editor is also in Europe now.
Why not have an Alpha O register at the American Express in Paris? Or an alumnae chapter there? We seem to have enough members who have chosen to see Europe!
1. IVarm coat.
2. Sweaters and sport dresses.
3. Simple dinner dresses.
4. Pair of old shoes.
5. Tennis shoes and racquet.
6. Bathing suit— remember we will be encamped within a
stone's throiv of Puget Sound.
7. Informal evening frock—for the dance.
8. Formal dress.
9. A costume for stunt night and YOUR
Clothes of the Hour
P By Alice Campbell Co'e (Upsilon)
ROBAM.Y this is only one of the many questions disturbing the minds of AOlls planning to attend the convention, and a brief summary answering this anxious query will no doubt be
welcome information to eager ears.
To begin with, remember that our summers are i>erfect!
That is, they are usually quite cool. And now that I have committed myself that much, 1 might as well go further and add that sometimes it is hot on the Fourth of July and the day follow- ing—but that is all. Those of you who are accustomed to melt- ing temperatures which make you feel happily lazy and sleepy will probably have to do your '"exercises" every morning t<> keep warm. So the moral of all this is: Bring a warm coat and sweater when you come to the invigorating Pacific coast.
Also, bring some shoes that will not be ruined by walks on the rocky beach. Tennis shoes and racquets must not be for- gotten if you plan to slip off and enjoy a game between "sessions". By a warm coat, I do not mean your raccoon one that weighs a ton and would be hard to carry, but simply an ordinary cloth coat—not taffetta or chiffon for this purpose.
Monday night (you arrive on Monday) is Hostess night, and you will be entertained probably in the outdoor theater— which means sport clothes and your coat.
Tuesday night is stunt night and be sure not to leave home without pulling out some masquerade outfit from the attic, as no one must look herself this night.
On the "meeting" days sport dresses or sweaters will be the vogue, and every evening a coat will feel mighty good.
The next day. W ednesday, you will need a simple silk or wool frock under your warm coat again, for we're taking you boat riding and to the Women's University club for luncheon—and then for a long motor trip around the city. In other words, Wednesday you will be a sight-seer, and we imagine the air will
be full of "ohs" and ahs". when you see the wonderful views from the vantage points of the city.
Wednesday evening we are entertaining with a dance, mean ing a rather informal frock—a summer affair with no sleeves, but not elaborate or too formal—such as you might wear to the biggest party of the year! You'll have a chance to wear that later in the week.
For Thursday you will want a simple frock for the ritual ceremonies, perhaps a little nicer than you have worn to the business meetings. Friday calls for sports clothes again—and tennis shoes and bathing suit. Then is when our athletically inclined sisters will come to the fore.
Saturday will bring the formal tea at the Olympic hotel in Seattle and the formal banquet in the evening. Now. this is the time for you to blossom forth in all your splendor—formal dress
and all that goes with it,—fan, flowers and your sheerest. XXK
On Decanter 11 Eta chapter became simultaneously sponsor and protegee Of Madison Alumnae chapter. For years Eta has struggled along alone. Her alumnae were graduated each year and went off 'into their various lines of activity individually, most of them losing contact with their chapter and consequently losing any sense of responsibility for it. Yet they were line alumnae and could have been a wonderful help to their
Last fall some of them, children of Eta, helped by a loyal Alpha Phi, got together and petitioned for a charter as an alumnae chapter. So truly Eta is its mother now. Yet since Eta members will alwavs be younger in years and since the alumnae group is definitely organized to help the active, it follows naturally that the alumnae chapter will take the fostering attitude and treat its mother like a child. That's what it is to
grow up!
It was a very happy occasion—that installation and banquet because it meant so much to so many people. It was the initiation banquet for several active girls who had experienced the thrill the night before of being summoned by the strains of "Here's to Eta Chapter" to take their vow ot loyalty. It was a reunion for many alumnae who had not returned lor some time, and it was a time of repledging in the new alumnae chanter.
Last Minute Tips
Many such a shimmering bit of beauty will be seen by AOIT Convention delegates.
By Edith Chapman Korres (Upsilon)
CONVENTION is in the air in Seattle. Every Alpha O you meet is bursting with some new plan for that glorious week when Upsilon and Seattle Alumnae will be privileged to play hostesses
for a few days to the sorority.
Each week and oftentimes two and three times a week the
convention committees meet and discuss and re-discuss where we will go and how. The stage is all set at the beautiful Moran school, and little shoots are coming up all over the wonderfully laid out gardens, which means that the place will be abloom for the Alpha O's by the end of June.
As you probably know from reading the February To DRAGMA, Moran's is located on the east shore of Bainbridge Island, directly across from Seattle. It is apart from the turmoil of the great city, vet within sight and easy reach of it. It enjoys a full view of ocean traffic but is secluded as though remotely distant.
For the benefit of many Upsilon girls who are planning to return to Seattle for convention, but who will not be able to remain at Moran's all the time, and others who must make the
most of the minutes they can spare, there will be regular boat service to and from the island; also there will be two-hour ferry service, the last ferry leaving the island at 10:30 p. m. This will give the guests a chance to stay at Moran's for most of the evening's entertainment. Guests wishing to spend a part of a day or only a portion of the week may do so and pay according to a meal schedule which is being worked out and .which will not exceed customary prices. When you know when and for how long you will want reservations, please write to Louise Benton Oliver at 5727-29th N . E .
''Clothes of the Hour" is printed elsewhere in this issue, but remember, that Moran's borders a beautiful outdoor country that is in its natural state. W onderful wooded walks may be taken up on the island. Water sports, camp fires, clam digging (From whence Washingtonians derive their state name—"clam-diggers"), picnics with sup|>er under the big Douglas fir trees are a few of the outdoor lures that face you at Moran's. So be sure and tuck in an outfit that you can be comfortable in if seated on the beach
or perched under a "spreading 'hemlock' tree."
You will be indebted to the following committees for their
untiring endeavors to make the 1927 convention one long to be remembered.
General Chairman—Louise Benton Oliver.
Assistant Chairmen—Margaret Grant Widrig and Laura Murd. Committee Chairmen:
a—Finance, Laura Hurd.
b—Place, Minnie Kraus. c—Publicity and Advertising.
Beryl Dill Kneen.
d—To Dragma and Daily News,
Edith Chapman Korres. e—Transportation. Helen Mor-
f—Baggage, Kathryn Evans,
g—Sight Seeing. Hazel Brittou. li—Open Meeting, Laura Hurd. i—Banquet, Ruth Lusby. j—Reception, [rma Crook.
k—Registration, Melna Rogers. I—Hostess and Stunt Night,
Gwendolyn Showell. m—Courtesy, Esther Valentine, n—Historical Exhibits, Ethel Mc-
Cart Jones,
o—Post Convention Trips, Ada
p—Athletics, Arta and Lois Pol-
H—Ritual Committee, Incoming
Chapter President.
OolbThere will be a convention paper again this year and you journalists, hail! Send in your names to Edith Chapman Korres. 5506 Ferdinand St.. Seattle. Washington. The paper will be printed in the print shop at Moran's. so if you're in- terested in the mechanical part, you can look in there.
After Convention
Hazel M . Britton (Upsilon)
Hazel M. Britton
F COURSE you know that convention proper ends in a grand burst of glory on Saturday night, July 2, with the banquet, and everybody in her best bib and tucker and Mowers and music and seeches (short ones) and everything, but between you and me and the "Post-Convention-Trips Committee", when the last speech is "spoke" and the last toast is "toasted", things are just beginning.
For Sunday. July 3, we have arranged a number of different trips from which you may choose. First, there are five interest- ing sight-seeing trips which are so arranged that you can take them all. and go back home knowing Seattle and its environs bet- ter than a native. These trips range in price from $1 to $3.50, and you may take them all for something under $8.
Then there is a delightful hour and a half boat ride to Tacoma, a sight-seeing trip and dinner, with the boat ride back to Seattle at sunset. Transportation on boat, round trip, 81.
But if you are from the south, and will not be able to return home via Victoria and Vancouver, please. I beg of you, do not miss a trip to Victoria. Victoria is a bit of Old England set down on the Pacific Coast. It has an atmosphere that is delightful. The rare charm of Victoria will make you feel that you are thousands f miles across the sea in England, instead of only a few hours from Seattle and the 1". S. A.
Luxurious boats leave Seattle at nine on Sunday morning and and at Victoria in time for lunch, which may be had at any num- er of quaint English tea shops. Then three and a half hours
for sight-seeing, shopping and a "mug of tea" before the trip back to Seattle. The sunset behind the Olympics, Seattle harbor at night, the lights of the city, like a million jewels spread out over the purple velvet of her seven hills, these alene are well worth the trip. The cost of transportation is $5 round trip.
But if your ticket is routed east via the Canadian Pacific, and you will visit Victoria and Vancouver on your way home, then we hope you will use Sunday for a trip to Big Four. This trip offers you many unique experiences. After a short ride on an interurban and a bus, one is transferred to a gasoline train. It is really an overgrown auto bus that runs on rails and it winds up a mountain gorge of compelling grandeur. From sea level to an elevation of 3500 feet this scenic railway carries its passengers up the famous Monte Cristo Basin. An excellent dinner may be had at Big Four Inn, which nestles at the foot of eternally snow capped Big Four mountain, and a fifteen minute walk across a swinging bridge over a raging mountain river will bring you to the foot of the mountain with the wonderful ice-caves. The
ride back to Seattle is equally interesting and all this can be done in one day and the price of transportation is
$5.30, round trip.
Any of these trips may be
made on Sunday. We espe- cially recommend the trip to Victoria and the Big Four trip.
On Monday, we have made reservations at Paradise Inn, in Paradise Valley on Mount
Ranier. This is T H E trip of the convention, it is our "piece de resistance." and you must not miss it. It would he un-
forgivable to come to Wash- ington and not see Mount Rainier, the mountain that the Indians call "God".
Ilave you ever had a snow-
JHasfhoaytbhmdaoicgrmmhViIsiad'i>apan, ., ,
-J. leading you to new explorations.
ball battle on the tourth of
A sig-zag trail uf the mountain
uly? Have you ever seen flowers growing out of a snow bank? ave you ever donned "tin britches" and "nature coasted" down mile of snow-white mountain side? (In other words, a thrilling lide on the seat of britches which have been treated with para- ine to make them water proof.) Then you have not lived! You ave not been to Paradise Valley.
In early summer Paradise Valley is carpeted with hundreds f varieties of gloriously beautiful wild flowers, a riot of color gainst white snow banks. You will not believe me when I tell ou that you will find avalanche lillies and anemones pushing heir proud little heads through four inches of pure white snow, ut it is true, come and see.
Paradise Inn is all the name implies. It is huge and homey, ewn from native timber and rock and affords excellent accom- odations. Busses leave Seattle for this trip at 8 o'clock on Mon- ay morning. July 4. and arrive at the veranda of Paradise Inn t 2:15 after a wonderful trip through fertile valleys and time ut for luncheon at Longmire Springs.
Arrived at the Inn. there are glaciers to be visited and great e caverns of spectacular beauty to be explored with competent uides. Outfitted in the famous "tin britches", which may be ented at the Inn along with any other necessary equipment, you ay go "nature coasting" on the slopes of eternal snow, or you ay explore the "Sky Line Trail". This is a popular saddle orse trip with guides. The sure footed little ponies climb Alta ista, round the glacier rim to Panorama point, cross a great ce field and on to scenic outlooks far above. Returning to the nn they follow '"The Sky Line" affording a series of startling cenic vistas. By all means do the "Sky Line Trail".
Then dinner, hot and appetizing, dancing, games and music n the spacious living rooms of the Inn. and when you tumble into bed, so soft that you think you will sink clear to China, and un- er fleecy, wooly blankets with the sharp air from the glacier, ke heady wine, making you drowsy, you will agree with me that t would have been unforgivable to have missed Paradise Valley,
nd that this is the most glorious Fourth of lulv you ever ex- erienced.
This is. of course, an over-night trip, and the return the next fternoon is made by bus and will bring you back to Seattle by ight fall. Transportation is $15, round trip. Rates including
meals, for one $5.75 to S10 a day. For two in a room. $10 to $18
a day. The trip as planned is counted as one day.
And last, but by no means least, is the trip to the Ocean. It would be a shame indeed to come all the way out west and not see the Pacific ()cean. Less than six hours by bus from Seattle, the restless surge of the mighty Pacific washes the picturesque shore-line of Pacific Beach.
Here on a slight eminence is situated the Pacific Beach hotel, with its expanse of sun-rooms looking out upon the tossing break- ers and the ships from the far oft Orient which gracefully ply their foamy course.
A beautiful sandy beach invites you to surf bathing, to clam bakes. There is Taholah, an Indian village to be explored, reached after a thrilling ride in the beach-car over twelve miles of glisten- ing sand (only when the tide is out) and three miles through the most primeval forest, huge trees, moss laden, giant ferns, and all sorts of interesting growing things. An Indian guide will take you for a thrilling rule in a big dug-out canoe, hewn from a cedar log, far out into the ocean—if you have the courage for a trip up the river.
This is an over-night trip also. The accommodations are ex- cellent, the food delicious, and in the evening after dinner there is dancing and music, games and songs, or just to sit and watch the riot of color in a Pacific sunset will fill you with a lasting peace.
The round trip by bus is $10.70. Hotel rates vary according to accommodations wished.
We have planned any number of interesting little side trips to suit your convenience, but we want you to know and love our wonderful country as we know and love it, and so we want you especially to see Big Four. Victoria, the vast Pacific, and
Paradise Valley, but if you can take but one trip, see Paradise Valley.
All reservations should be made through the Post Convention Trips C ommittee. Hazel M. Britton. chairman. 643 Central Bldg.. as early as possible.
Miss Britton will meet the Alpha <) ••special" at the Twin Cities and act as hostess envoy for the remainder of the trip- Don't wait until you see her though, to decide about yotlF post-convention trip.
Dorothy II omralh
By Dorothy Womrath Tau
Will O er Europe
The . Ire dc Triumph, from zohich Paris radiates in every direction. In this fascinating old city has Dorothy Womrath spent the last year.
JUNE . . . the end of a four-year-college career of activity for many. July . . . a job for some of the more ambitious graduates. September . . . a school room with a chattering group of children . . .
But all this was not to hap]>en to one graduate. Last June found Dorothy Womrath (Tau '25) at the end of the first sen- tence. The next one found her in France, and September came
ujxrn her in Italy. In November she was in Paris ready to begin a course in French Civilization at the Sorbonne, and March found her with a Superior diploma in the subject, finishing eleventh in her class. The professor so appreciated her efforts that he gave her a bouquet of the lovely violets when he entertained at tea.
Dorothy spent the summer traveling, accompanied by her aunt and uncle, an artist. We will let her speak her impressions herself in excerpts from her letters:
France is wonderful. I hate to leave it for a moment. Of course, Italy will be splendid—and a necessary experience; but without the language, I am convinced that one cannot duly appre- ciate a country. The people, their point of view, and their cus- toms, are so inevitably connected with the history and art of a
place, that unless you can absorb those characteristics, you lose
the greatest avenue of approach.
Chateau neuf-les Bains July 9, 1926. We are wandering through France at will, stopping when the towns look interesting, and turning into all of the little by-ways that seem charming. Today, while passing an awkward sign, Uncle Kay realized that one of their friends lived in that direc- tion so here we are, visiting the daughter of Jenny Lind, who is
a most fascinating and eccentric woman of about seventy years, and who is about to have published the only book on Jenny Lind that is truly personal. She read us a part of the manuscript, and it's quite delightfully written in a most easy and readable style. I shall buy the book as soon as it appears— for she's the first author-
ess I have ever met.
This is a lovely spot. We are surrounded by mountains—or
puy, sort of lava formation—and down at the foot of these rocky hills is a small, rushing river, cooling the valley', and making a dark mass in contrast to the heather of all colors that covers the puy.
France is charming. That is the only word that can describe the myriad scenic effects, and the delightful old houses that form such an intrinsic part of the landscape. To drive along, and look over the mountainous countryside with its cluster's of red-roofed and grey-walled farm houses, is an unforgettable and perfect experience, and then to stop in the old cathedral towns and wander through the cobble paved streets, makes a perfect climax. Pensione Petrarcha. Venice August C, 1926.
I am so utterly overcome with the beauty and romance of Venice, that it is hard to write about it. Not in all my travels
so far have I had such a wonderful " thrill" out of a place. We got here at 5:00 after a short, and perfectly beautiful trip from Florence through the mountains that were grey with the rain that fell all day long—rain that made the train travel really pleasant, for it settled the awful choking dust that one meets with so often here on the continent. Through all of the towns that Shakespeare has made famous—Ferrara. Padua, etc. —then a long approach by water, grey water that served as a fore- ground for the bright colors of the Venetian houses, and the station, where our "facchino" led us out to a gondola, and we settled ourselves for the first glorious sensations of a trip up the
Grand Canal of Venice! It is lovely, with all of the old archi- tecture, gay flowers in painted window boxes, picturesque gondo-
liers. It is a new and wonderful feeling—unlike any ever before
experienced—and I shall never forget it.
The "Casa Petrarcha", our charming pension. I have a room looking out over the Grand Canal! and last night after we had come in, I sat on the window ledge, looking up at the stars, then down to the soft greens and reds of the lamps on the gondolas, listening to the soft hissing of the oars, and the monotonous, pleasant lapping of the waves against the sides of the canal, hearing the songs of the gondoliers and the sweet tenor of a lone mandolin player on the corner, and got the marvelous first impres- sion of a lifetime.
Venice! I can hardly believe it. I am always afraid to picture places, lest 1 be disappointed—here I could not lose a single dream . . .
Last night we walked around the streets, across quaint bridges, that spanned tiny canals, through squares, up one broad via, and down little ways that seemed scarcely wide enough for passing. Then the Rialto bridge, where we stood for ages, and I pictured back, hundreds of years ago. when Shakesj)eare put his Antonio and Bassanio on the self-same bridge, perhaps leaning over the very parapet that was supix>rting me. and led them to talk of the Merchant of Venice.
It is hard to realize—harder to put into words—this "thrill" of mine. I have never before felt it. I adored Paris, and loved all of France. Then Florence won my heart. But Venice— well, I can't tell of my feelings in regard to its mystery. Perhaps I have dreamed more over it—maybe its history is nearer, clearer in my mind . . .
And here I sit, watching gondolas and steamers in their end- less, yet ever changing procession up the grand canal, and listen to the bells in the campanile of San Marco!
Chatnonix, France A u g u s t 20, 1926.
Did we think, when I left home, that I would get as far as Giamonix? Isn't it too wonderful to think that I'm here, at the toot of Mont Blanc, hardly any distance from the Boisee Glacier!
I got a real idea of the mountains of Switzerland, and the Swiss in their native element. Zermatt is a charming valley right at the foot of the Matterhorn, and is surrounded by mountains—
most of them snow-capped. There are lovely Swiss chalets perched up and down the mountain sides, and one can hardly tell of the wonderfulness of it.
There were practically no Americans there. Zermatt is a favorite resort of the English, and was crowded with the "jolly" people. It is a most lovely place—and I adored it. The pictures lo it no justice, for the colors are so varied, and the whole valley
floor is so covered with wild flowers, that one could never truly portray it.
I thought that it couldn't he equalled. 'The trip in, on a funny
little railroad that skirted the precipices, and ran along beside
the Visp River—which is a raging torrent—was a most wonder- ful and new sensation for me. Hut this journey in to Chamonix is
quite as wonderful—in a different way. It winds along hundreds
of feet above the river that divides the gorge, and from those
dizzy heights you see the river as a silver thread against the black
greenness of the pine covered slopes, with glacier and mountain
all around you. It was marvelous. At times the train goes down,
and the slope is perilous—again, you go up at such an angle that one dares not think, for fear the train will fall back . . .
I have had a varied and wonderful summer. Not according to plans certainly—but much better than plans. When I leave bere tomorrow, I shall go to Montreux for a night, and then take the boat trip across the lake to Geneva, where I shall stay for a week.
We are going to take a trip up to the Mer de Glace this morn- ing, and see the wonder. 'They say that it is by far the most worth-while trip around here, and as long as it takes not much time, we shall go.
This whole country of the Alps is wonderful, and I marvel at the temerity of the engineers who built all of these railroads. It is just a flat space with the two tracks that hold you to the side of the precipice, and yet one feels as safe as though he were home on Main street.
Milan Septemebr 12.
We came into Italy across the Col du Mont Cenis, into Turin. It was a gorgeous pass. A l l around us were the snow-capped mountains, rising in rocky splendor, beneath us was the charming
valley cut by a rushing river of glacier water, and ahead of US was the valley of Italy. Then the descent, so much steeper and longer than the ascent on the French side, through the cold grey
clouds that entirely hid the steep precipices on the side of the road. As we wound our way down beneath the clouds, they parted, and we saw all around us the steep masses of rock that towered magnificently up into the sky—an unforgettable sight. Minion October 8.
The other day Tanta Belle entertained a Russian princess (exiled) at lunch, and she was charming. There are such interest-
ing people here, and so many of them.
Yesterday at tea, at the Indian woman's. Mrs. Arthur's,—
we were nine, with five nationalities—English, Indian, Lithuanian, French and American, having a common language—English.
The Non-Member Fellowship award this year has been made to Helen Claire Rosenstihl, a senior in Randolph-Macon Woman's College. 'The Fellowship will be used by her in graduate work, probably at
Columbia university for the degree of M. A. in the field of Psychology. Miss Rosenstihl has made an un- usually high academic record in her college. She has taken every available course in Psychology and several in Philosophy. Her major professor says of her that she "has shown an unusual aptness for psychological in-
trospection, a keen understanding of the experimental method, and a tactful and discriminating spirit in conduct- ing mental tests on children and on adults." At present she is engaged in a comparative study of the psychological literature concerning the older and newer conceptions of character and per- sonality,—the most advanced form of work offered in the under-
graduate course of her college.
Miss Rosenstihl has also been largely concerned in the general
activities of her campus. She is a very successful editor of the Tattler, the college literary publication; has headed important
(Continued on page 435)
388 TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI These Faces Will Make Margaret Moore Gertrude McCanm Theresa Young Catherine Dorris (Zeta) (Upsilon) (Alpha Sigma) (Alpha Sigma)
OMICRON has unanimously chosen Elizabeth Christrup to rep- resent us at convention. She has been so successful as presi- dent of the chapter for the last few mouths that she has been elected president for 1927-1928. She seems to shine as president because she is president of Strong Hall, too. Besides this she has been study plan officer—and you don't know how hard it is to make us study—and treasurer.
Elizabeth is so lovely that she seems the very personification of the word. She has golden hair—in fact her lovely long golden hair has made her "Cinderella" in one of our floats—blue eyes, and is of average height.
We all like her and know you will, too.
Fan White (Kappa) is the last, (and shall .we say best?) of a long line of ruling AOITs. from way down south, that is, Alexandria. Louisiana. Indeed, she is an AOII little sister three times, so you see, she's been brought up in the way she ought to g°-
Her Freshman year she was "head" of the goats, and now she has climbed the ladder of success and is head of the chapter for next year, also our right honourable Convention Delegate!
"Little Fan" is one of those, "fine upright girls" in college, who takes part in all of the activities. She has been on Executive Board since her Sophomore year and will continue next year. But there is another side to this "White Sister"—for when those brown eyes of hers begin to sparkle and you hear that little laugh, then that's really Fan !
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON Pi History at Convention
Berniee Coffin (Beta Phi)
Marion Van Gricihuxsen (Xi)
Dorris Skiff (Chi)
plicate tlx Christrup (Omicron)
She is so small that each of us feels an obligation to go along with her on that long journey to keep her from getting lost in those mountains and canyons, but we're sure she can look out for herself and "do Kappa noble" at Convention.
Zeta would like to introduce to you her delegate to convention, Margaret, "Peg" Moore, of Tecumseh, who was recently elected president of the active chapter. Peg says that she has about been raised an Alpha O as "Dinty" Moore, now Mrs. Floyd Ryman, was an active member of Zeta chapter for the four years pre- ceding Margaret's affiliation. Peg was a member of Mystic Fish, freshmen girls' honorary organization, has been a member of the University Girls' Octette, since it was reorganized last fall and and has been active in the Vesper Choir. For Zeta. she has been one of the most valuable rushers and has held the officesof cor- responding and recording secretary and this year besides being president she will represent Alpha O on the local Panhellenic Council. Peg is looking forward to convention and is especially anxious to meet all of the other Alpha O's. The rest of the chapter will wait anxiously for Peg's report from the convention, for we know that she will be brimming over with new ideas and will also be anxious to tell all of us about the interesting things that happened at convention. We certainly hope that the Alpha O's from the chapters all over the country will meet Zeta's repre- sentative, for we are very proud of her and feel that she is truly a representative girl for Zeta chapter at Nebraska.
Marion Smith (Sigma) is just completing her third year in college. She came to the University of California and affiliated with Alpha O in the fall of 1924. Since then she has made for herself an enviable name. Each semester she has been on many important committees and has taken an active part in campus affairs. As a sophomore, she was elected recording secretary of Sigma chapter and this year has been elected president for next year. In addition to this she has made one of the highest scholas-
tic records in the house.
Theta's delegate to convention this summer is Lydia Wieder, our vice-president. Lydia is a Junior in the School of Music and is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon, honorary musical sorority.
(iamma's delegate to Convention is Frances Fuller.
Frances, who is our Chapter president for next year, is a student in Home Economic.-.
Fran has an especially brilliant record in athletics. She has been a member of her class teams in hockey, basketball and track since her freshman year. In addition, she has been on both the Varsity hockey and basketball teams for two years.
But athletics are not her only accomplishments. She is a member of the Home Economics club, vice-president of the Woman's Athletic Association, and a member of the Panhellenic
Last year Fran was chosen to be a member of the All Maine
Women's Association. This is the .greatest honor that a Univer- sity of Maine girl can have. Ihe members are chosen as being those girls who have done the most for their college.
Jean Green- shields (Omicron Pi)
Ailcen Brown (Lambda)
Catherine Underwood (Kappa
O micron)
Wythle Fitcpatrick
(Alpha Rho)
Her offices in the fraternity have been, Editor to T o DRAC.MA. 1926; Junior Warden. 1927; Panhellenic Delegate, 1927, and President, 1928.
Aileen Brown who is to be Lambda's representative to our National Convention will be remembered by those attending the first Pacific Coast District Convention held at Stanford univer- sity last year, as president of the hostessing chapter.
Since her pledge days in Lambda chapter, Aileen has been a faithful worker for Alpha Omicron Pi, but in addition to her splendid service for the fraternity itself, she has had time to fur- ther the prestige of Alpha O by her participation in campus ac- tivities. She is a member of "Cap and Gown", the senior women's honor society, was women's editor of the Stanford Daily, after serving two years on the staff, and connected with her journalis- tic career, Aileen is a member of another honor society, Theta Sigma Phi. (>ne of the highest honors that can be accorded a Stanford woman, that of being chosen to serve as a big sister or sponsor to the Freshman women, is just another of the laurels that Aileen has brought to herself, and indirectly to her frater- nity.
I could go on to enumerate a host of other activities in which our representative has been interested during her college career —such things as; that she served on Panhellenic for two years, was a member of the senior flower committee, served on the Executive Committee of the Associated Students of Stanford university, and has had roles in such dramatic productions as "Princess Ida," "Ride a Cock Horse." and "Football Gaieties"— but. with this preliminary introduction, (which can't in the least express how dearly she is beloved by her sisters in Lambda chap- ter). I'll leave Aileen Brown to your further acquaintance this June in Seattle. Just now, she is enthusiastically contemplating that date.
Ceeile Yelland. Tau's representative, is a junior on the Agri- cultural campus of the University of Minnesota,. She has been especially active in journalism, working on the "Gopher Country- man" and acting as farm campus editor of the Minnesota Daily. She represented Tau's at the Matrix banquet this year and is a member of the banquet committee for Panhellenic banquet. Next year will be her second term as Tau's president. You will find her jolly, and very likeable.
Chi takes great pleasure in introducing Dorris Skiff as our representative to convention this year. Dorris, our next year's president, is one of our busiest and most attractive juniors. Be- sides acting as house manager, she has been very active in campus activities, and is an excellent student. She is a math major and was elected into Pi Mu Epsilon, honorary math society, in her
sophomore year, unusual honor, and is now also secretary of that organization. Dorris is very active in Y.W.C.A. work, being chairman of the Industrial Girls' Committee. But even besides all these activities, which are merely convenient data to show you how interested Dorris is in everything, one just naturally knows that she is a dear when one meets her. So we feel very proud
that we have Dorris to carry Chi's good wishes to convention.
Almost anytime one can, upon entering the Upsilon house, hear cries of "Golly, Golly, Golly!" A n d we aren't merely indulg- ing in slang; we are calling our new president, Gertrude Mc- Canne, better known as "Golly". You who are coming to Con- vention will, no doubt, be charmed with this small, dark-haired vivacious girl. "Golly" is majoring in painting and design. In recognition of the excellence of her work she was elected to mem- bership in Lambda Rho, art honorary, and is now treasurer of that organization. She is also vice-president of the Art club. Her
interests, however, are not limited to art alone. She is a member of the University of Washington Ad club and a member of < iamma Alpha Phi, women's national advertising fraternity.
Nu Kappa will be represented at Convention by Artie Lee Sypert. What shall I tell you about her? Everyone who goes to Convention will learn that to see her is to love her. Throughout her college career. Artie Lee has been an excellent student and has filled several class offices. During her sophomore year she was
chosen as one of the S.M.U. beauties. At present she is a member of the Senior class and is Senior representative to the Students' Council. She is also one of N u Kappa representatives in W o- man's Panhellenic. Then, too, Artie Lee is a member of Decima,
honorary senior girls' society. Of course, she couldn't leave any little thing undone so (perhaps to "round out" the series of activ- ities) she became engaged to a professor in the Law School of S. M. U. As a task for whatever idle moments she may have, she has a position on the staff of the annual. But as a climax to
it all, Artie Lee has served Nu Kappa untiringly and efficiently as
Fan White (Kappa)
h'ranccs Fuller (Gamma)
Alice Ward (Phi)
Bernice Crane (Alpha Phi)
president during an unexpired term of a former president, and her own term which followed. W e are sending her to Convention with complete confidence in her ability and interest in representing
Nu Kappa—for she's a true AOIL
Beta Phi is extremely glad to send Bernice Coffin as its repre-
sentative to Seattle in June. We are happy because we can't all have the fun of being there ourselves, we'll enjoy it through her eyes, for Beanie loves to write letters.
We've known Beanie for two years, and that's saying a lot. Coming to us as a sophomore from a girl's school, we recog- nized value when we saw it. We all love and respect her and know you will too, for you can't help it. Completing our quota of seven doctors' daughters last year, Beanie continues true to her number and can complete anything from a bridge hand to a les- son plan.
At Alpha Phi we call her our '"little Bernice" or our "little Crane", because really she is not very large—oh, maybe 'bout "five foot two—but with eyes brown, not blue"—and I could go right on and say, "but Oh, what those five feet could do", and still be describing our new little president.
Bernice is a town girl and graduated from the Gallatin County high school of Bozeman. She has been attending college for two years and will enter as a Junior in the fall. Bernice, in spite of the fact that she is working her way through school, has found time for activities, executive offices of school organization. Spurs, Eurodelphian and— a good student besides.
Charm, responsibility, initiative, enthusiasm, and a delightful disposition. Bernice has them all. Alpha Phi is proud to be
officially represented at a National Convention of Alpha Omicron
Pi by our new little president, Bernice Crane.
"H,elp us to bear it", quoth our newly, unanimously elected president of '27-'28, Georgia Ledbetter, when she realized the thrilling plans for her this summer in Seattle. With sparkling brown eyes— she's one of those with blond complexion and curly black hair—goes forth our Georgie to represent Nu Omicron. You'll love her, "cause you can't help it. She has 'it' " ! Any capability—she has it too. She has done lots for our chapter on the campus; she is secretary of Student Council in '27-'28, and belongs to the social clubs of representative girls, Bachelor- Maids. In the chapter her influence is felt; she has been house
manager for the last term, Panhellenic representative, and member of social committee. Fate allows us to enjoy Georgia only three years, because she spent her first year at Hollins college.
Evelyn Stevenson {Psi) is one of the two famous Stevenson sisters—famous on the Pennsylvania campus for their beauty and charm. She is our president for next year, showing that pulchritude is not—or rather, could not be her one asset.
Evelyn is an active member of the Women's Athletic Asso- ciation. She was an agile member of the class hockey and basket- ball teams. Her swimming and equestrian ability make her a star figure in the sports in the water and on horseback.
Very few dances have ever been given by the women at the University without Ev Stevenson assisting in their engineering. W ith the growing importance on the school calendar of the girls' proms, one looks to the girls who have made this true.
Ev is a junior in the school of education. She is twenty years of age, and shows promises of a bright pedagogical career, unless a domestic one detains her.
No sorority is complete without its "artistic temperament", and Grace Mac.YIullan is the little Psi who radiates the aesthetics. She writes, acts, dances, and plays the piano very well. She has appeared in many productions of the University Dramatic club of which she is an active member. She played the title role of "'1 he Snow .Maiden" given a while ago, a revision of Rimsky- Korsakov's opera given by the women students of Pennsylvania.
The Y.W.C.A. work in some of its phases has claimed her interest. The membership drives have found her working on
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON I'l 395 committees; Inter-Racial Commission, likewise, and settlement work.
She has possibly done most, with the exception of dramatics, in the field of interpretivedancing. Grace has been a featured dancer in tins line of activity. May Day at the University finds her trip- ping the light fantastic on the beautiful green of Fairmount Park.
She is a Junior in the School of Education, twenty years of age, and expects to teach in Alaska, Hawaii, or some place "dif- ferent", hoping to become a writer, with experience.
Alice Ward. (Phi), of Washington. Kansas, slender, curly- haired and vivacious, has been elected Phi chapter delegate to the National Convention. She is a first semester senior, but plans to be in school both semesters next year. She came to K. U. a year ago last fall, having attended Rockford college, Rockford. III., for two years. While at Rockford she was a member of the glee club and the choir.
Alice was a member of the cast for the annual follies given by the Women*> Self-Governing Association the two years she has been at the University of Kansas. She is also a member of the Women's (ilee club and went on the annual state-wide tour of the organization this year.
She was elected corresponding secretary of Phi chapter last spring, but resigned that office to take over the duties of chapter steward. In that capacity she has managed the affairs of the table, doing all the ordering and planning all the meals.
Personally, Alice is attractive with dark hair and eyes. She is rather slender and is of medium height. To say that she is our delegate to National is sufficient testimonial to her character and her interest in Alpha O. She is—but there, you will meet her at the convention.
Jean Greenshields, Omicron Pi's new president, has been cho- sen to represent us. She has always been very active on campus, and we know she will be most interested in Alpha O's work as well as gathering the views from other chapters. Her activities are: 1924-25, (ilee Club, Freshman Pageant; 1925-26. Fresh- man Spread, Sophomore Circus, vice-president, lit. class; 1926- 27, Staff*—Michiganensian, Junior Girls' Play, Wyvern.
Catherine Dorris, ( Alpha Sigma), newly elected vice-president of Alpha Sigma chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, has been chosen as
regular chapter delegate to convention. She will he a senior next year, and has been Historian and Study Plan officer in the house. She has served upon Women's League and Y.W.C.A. committees, and we feel that she is competent to represent our chapter at our
National Convention.
Theresa Young [Alpha Sigma), a memher of the class of "30, was chosen as a special delegate from this chapter, for we felt that she could hring hack to us the true spirit of Alpha (). She has been very active within the house, and has 'served on all- campus committees, such as Homecoming committee.
Marion van Griethuysen, (Xi '28) has been elected to Junior Phi Beta Kappa, receiving second place. Not only is she active in the chapter, having been house treasurer this year, and newly
elected president for next year, but is active on the campus. She holds membership in Geography and .Mathematics Clubs, and is on the finance committee of Y.W.C.A.. and has just been elected to Mortar Board. .Marion is Xi chapter's delegate to the con- vention this summer.
Grace Lalegar, Pi Delta's representative to Convention this year is a Washington girl. She will be a Senicir next year and is one of the best and most popular girls on the "Hill" for she has been prominent in her class as well as in the sorority. She is chairman of the May Day committee, sjKnisor to Company C of the R.O.T.C., and a prominent figure in our athletics. She has served on committees every year and has been secretary of her class.
Her gracious manner and friendly (lisjM)sition have won" her many friends and—when you all meet her at convention you'll see f o r yourselves.
"To know her is to love her" must have been written in antici- pation of Alice Weed, (Tan Delta). She, who spent last year directing the energies of the old members and guiding the falter- ing steps of the freshmen, has come back to us for another term of leadership. One might tabulate her campus accomplishments. She is her supreme accomplishment. None can know her without feeling the magnetism of her graciousness, her poise, her tact . . | But, best of all, she has executive ability—power to inspire effort through love—and that is the only power which is creative.
Kappa Omicron has chosen as her new president and first delegate to the National Convention. Catherine Underwood. She
Stevenson (Psi)
Marion (Sigma)
(Tau Delta)
(Xu Omicron)
is not only outstanding in our chapter as a leader and a person of ability, but the student body as a whole seems to consider her so, it we take the honors that have been conferred on her as evi- dence.
Catherine, even in her Freshman year, won considerable hon- ors. She was elected secretary of the Freshman class and was also a member of The Modern Drama club, the highest honor that can be conferred upon a freshman English student.
Catherine has had bestowed upon her nearly every literary and dramatic honor that Southwestern otters. She is an active mem- ber of Chi Delta Literary society and Chi Delta Phi Literary so- ciety. Her membership in the latter reflects especial honor since from the whole student body there are only twenty members. She is also a member of the League of Women Voters, a club sponsored by Chi Delta. She is a member of "The Pals" and Theta Alpha Phi. the national dramatic fraternity. These clubs present a number of plays each year, and Catherine has been for- tunate enough to have a leading role in every play that has been produced by these organizations in the last two years.
Besides she is an assistant co-ed editor of the issue of "The Southwester" put out by the co-eds of the school. She is one of the contributing editors of "The Journal", a literary magazine under the supervision of the English Department. Sigma Upsi- lon and Chi Delta Phi.
Our new president is also a member of the Sociology club. It is a club interested in contemporary social problems and is com- posed of students and members of the faculty.
Last year Catherine was voted one of the most popular girls (Continued on pa^c 452)
Looking For a Job?
Mr. E. S. Beck, Tribune Tower,
Dear Mr. Beck:
Owing to the changes made in Liberty Editorial
Department, I am looking for a new position. Kindly consider my application:
Name Address 111.
Education University.
Marguerite Kolb, (Miss). 2421 Geneva Terrace, Chicago,
Tel. Diversey 3892.
B. S. degree Northwestern
Am at present specializing in journalism for
a higher degree.
Business Experience: One year as secretary to
Assistant Secretary Northwestern Alumni Association, M r . John Paver, Refer to M r . Charles W ard, Secretary Alumni Assn., 31 W est Lake St., Chicago.
Nine months in Editorial office Liberty Magazir Salary $30 per week, doing steno- graph' orrespondence work and detail. Wou) ;Jce to do copy-reading, or reporting but would consider anything at my present salary if there were an opportunity for ad- vancement. Refer to Miss Kathryn Kennedy
or Mr. R. J. B. Denby in Editorial office.
I have never worked for the Tribune be-
fore I came to Liberty.
This may be irrelevant, but I have had
fourteen months of travel in Europe. Sincerely,
Marguerite Kolb,
Marguerite Kolb (Rho) and the letter declared a model jo seeking persons by a national magazine.
TO DRAG MA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 401 Perpetuating, Crow Legends
By Alta Atkinson, (Alpha Phi)
Martha Harwood Maxey, a junior at Montana State col- lege, and a member of Alpha Phi chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. has written an Indian Masque, "The Masque of Absaroka." which is to he produced under the direction of Jessie Louise
Donaldson (Kappa Alpha Theta). at Bozeman. Montana, (une 4-6, 1927. Its production is being undertaken by the Eurodelphian Fine Arts society on the State I Hege campus. The masque deals with the most dramatic e,, j.ents of the particularly sacred ceremonies of the Absaroka (Crow) In- dians. Their customs and folk lore have been studied first hand at their reservations by Miss Maxey and Miss Donald- son, and the mythological action represents combinations of Absaroka myths and legends. The theme is woven around mythological background of time and space. A curtain of fine mist marks the beginning and the end, and the mytholog- ical characters indicate the seasons, the light effects suggest-
ing the time of day.
llxn-i a group of fanions Indian Chief whose legends arc to
The Masque of the
Masque tha Maxev (Alpha
• i>11eg
Left — The
..1/A ntten bv Mar
Phi of AOI1), a jun lor ot Montana State
402 TO DRAG MA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI Dr. D . N . Lehmer of the mathematics department of the University of California, and an outstanding authority on Crow art and legend, has written the music for the Masque and will be in Bozeman to assist with the production. Mr. W. Wildschudt, the Montana representative of the New York Museum of the American Indian, is lending material
and giving other valuable aid.
The Masque is being sponsored by many well known Mon- tana people, as well as several well known men and women from other states. The production will probably be repeated in Yellowstone National Park early in July, and it may be pos- sible for delegates returning from Convention in Seattle to
arrange to see the presentation. It is hoped that the Masque will do for Montana what the Mission IMay has done for California.
Martha Maxey was born on a ranch near Bozeman. Feb. 10, 1907. and spent her early life at the Maxey Mine, Chimney Rock. She grew up in surroundings which developed her natural love for nature and for the great outdoors and na- ture's primitive creatures.
In the spring quarter of her sophomore year at college she was a member of the program committee of Eurodelphian. This committee decided to center its efforts on Indian lore, music and art because so little had been done along that line. It was decided to have an Indian Masque, for a joint meeting with the Women's club. The Masque was to be a simple
one-act production as indicated in the original planning. However, in the summer of 1926 Martha and Miss Donaldson attended the University of California at Berkeley and there became acquainted with Dr. Lehmer, writer of Indian music, and Dr. Lowie, authority on the Crow Indians. Plans for the Masque continued to grow until the venture has now re-
ceived a great deal of state publicity and the influence of the forthcoming production has even spread farther afield.
Miss Donaldson and Martha have made two or three trips to the Crow Agency in eastern Montana and have stud- ied there first hand the customs and the folk lore of the Red man. They will use several of the Indians from the reserva- tion in the production.
MADISON ANDBLOOMINGTON, WELCOME Madison and Bloomington Alumnae groups—Welcome to you! We are glad that your members have again decided to keep in closer contact with the fraternity at large. Each new alumnae organization added to the already long list gives just that much more strength to the national group. It means that fraternity and its associations are more than a fancy of undergraduate days, an end in itself. It is evidence
of the real purpose of Alpha Omicij^n Pi.
An active chapter must have an organized group near it
to work at its best. The alumnae have the intangible some- thing called the spirit of Alpha C) formed through years of actual activity and by reflection. Their experience can often guide an active chapter through a crisis. Their discrimination will often save mistakes.
So again we welcome the Madison and Bloomington alumnae chapters.
Have you changed your name in the last year or two, or do you intend to do it in the next fifty? In case of the former,
sit down at once and write the registrar. Elizabeth Wyman, 456 Broad street. B'oomfield, N . J., a nice long letter about it, signing it with your maiden name and your newly at- tached caption followed by your address. How can Mary Smith expect to receive her To Dragma and fraternity notices when her address card reads "Smith, Mary—Miles, Michigan," and she is now Mrs. Jerry Johnson, 4.352 James street, New York City? Spiritualism and mental telepathy have had no effect on the address list to date, and friends are not reliable.
SO WRITE TO ELIZABETH WYMAN NOW. Procrastina- tion—Tut ! Tut!
And if you belong to the latter class and are making out your wedding invitation and announcement list, send one along to ELIZABETH WYMAN. the REGISTRAR. She
promises not to come unless you add a special postscript, and she does want your new name and address.
This year is almost over for the active chapters. Has it
been a good one, or lias it been a muddled one? If the former is true of your group, recall what has made it so and resolve to repeat the endeavor next year, benefiting by the experi- ence of the past.
But if it has been the latter, you must do more than relax and rest this summer. Everyone of you must find out in your own mind where the trouble has lain. Perhaps it has
been a lack of co-operation, the foe of every organized form of society. Perhaps your choice of younger sisters was un- wise, and the scholastic casualties have mowed into your number. Perhaps you have chosen the gilded girl, the one who comes to college with the finish and sophistication of the holder of a Ph. I)., who has had all that life can give her long before she is mature enough to appreciate it. If so, watch for the shyer, more timid one during next year's rushing. Your influence and a year at college will do wonders at iron- ing out the wrinkles and smoothing down the rough spots. Under the surtace you may find both scholar and the pursuer
of activities. You will see her come to the front of the group each year with surety and the pleasing dignity which Alpha ( ) desires in her sisters.
The strength and ability of your chapter lies in the strength and ability of each member as she cooperates with the group. Choose well your every member.
Do you have a chapter hat? Or perhaps it is a dress at your house. An article of wearing apparel which everyone in the chapter takes a turn at wearing! We hope you haven't, but in case you have, discard it at once. It is the curse of
the group spirit upon you.
Not long ago we heard a crowd of university men discus-
sing their "dates." One of them told how he had been with five different girls from one sorority house within two weeks and each had worn the same hat. He was trying to figure out which was the owner. Finally one of the fellows offered the solution that perhaps the chapter treasury purchased the chapter chapeaux.
So goes it with borrowing! Keep your own personality
the sororitv house.
has no
place in
using your own things. C om m unism
Will each chapter send to the Registrar immediately a memorandum of the numher it j>ossesses of:
1. Regulation gowns in good condition.
2. Regulation hoods.
This information is needed tor Convention plans.
Each chapter is to have an historical exhihit at Convention as usual.
Now is the time to prepare it. It must IK- in the hands of Louise Benton Oliver. Convention Chairman, by June 15. Address: Mrs. De Witt Oliver. 5727 29th A ve. X . K., Seattle. W ashington.
The chapters are reminded that all indebtedness to the National Treas- ury and to the Trustees of the Endowment Fund must he liquidated if the delegate is to vote at Convention.
Proxy forms for the use of members of Grand Council who are unable to be present at Convention have been sent out from the Central Office. These should IK- tilled out and returned to the Grand Secretary without delay.
Are you making plans for the stunts that the active chapters are to give at Convention on Stunt Night? Alpha Sigma and Alpha Rho chap- ters are in charge.
Remember that your address while at Convention will be Moran School, Bainbridge Island. W ashington.
Mothers and friends of Alpha O's will be welcome on the '"Alpha O Special.'' but because of the limited facilities at the Moran school which are adequate only for the Alpha 0"s who will be at Convention, it will probably be impossible to give them accommodations at the school. The Convention Committee will he glad to give you suggestions as to places where accommodations may be made.
The closing event of Convention will be the banquet at the Olympic hotel on Saturday night. In making your plans, you are urged net to plan your departure before late Saturday night as the banquet will prob- ably last until well into the evening. Arrangements will be made to care for those who will not be leaving Seattle until Sunday.
Your attention is directed to the change in the address of the Grand Treasurer. Rose has accepted a position as social hostess and Councillor of Women ;it the Agricultural School of the University of California at
Davis, California. The position promises to be a most interesting one, and we are all proud that our Grand Treasurer has received this appoint- ment.
The prize of ten dollars offered for the best contribution to To DRAGMA during the past two years will be awarded at Convention, the method of decision being left to the Executive Committee.
Announcements of the winner of the life subscription offered to the chapter turning in the most life subscriptions between the dates of July 1. 1926. and May 15. 1927. will be made at Convention. This subscription will go to the Library of the college in which the chapter is situated un- less it is already credited with one, or does not wish to accept it. in which case the subscription may be used in any way that the chapter sees fit. To be entered the subscription must have been received by the Chairman •of the Endowment Eund by the final date mentioned.
Now that May is here, there are but a few short weeks more before Wednesday morning, June 22. when the "Alpha O Special" will start westward from Chicago with more than a hundred Alpha O's on board, all bound for what promises to be the most interesting and enjoyable Con- vention that Alpha Omicron Pi has held. Reservations in eood numbers are coming in. and it is the desire of those in charge that all reservations
be made as earl)- as possible so that every detail may be given full atten- tion without the need of last minute bustling. So if you have not already done so, send your reservations for Accommodations at Convention to Louise Benton Oliver (Mrs. DeWitt), Convention Chairman, 5727 29th Avenue, N. E., Seattle, and make your reservations for the "Special" through Mr. .1. R. Van Dyke, General Agent. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail- road, 179 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, immediately
On page 265 of the last issue of To DRAGMA. full details of the ex- pense of the trip and at Convention are given. The total cost from Chi- cago to Convention and return by any of the so-called "direct" routes, at Convention and during the trip in Glacier National Park will be approxi- mately $225. Personal expenses for service, tips, special side trips, etc., have not been included in this figure. In no case does tin- National Treas- ury pay the expense of the trip through Glacier National Bark. That, like other sightseeing trips, is for personal pleasure and is to l>e borne by the individual and has not been included in the Convention Pool for ac- tive chapters.
Since the route by which the return trip will be made must be speci- fied when the round trip tourist ticket is purchased, it will be wise for the members to make up their plans as early as possible. Full information may be obtained through M r . V an Dyke, whose address is given above, or any of the local offices of the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy railroad, or of the Great Northern Railroad company. The Transportation Chair- men, too, will be glad to assist in any way possible. The list of Chairmen is given on page 291 of the February issue of To DRAGMA.
NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF ALPHA OMICRON PI COMING TO CONVENTION IN SEATTLE: The Convention Headquarters will be at the Great Northern Railway Station on King
street and will be maintained at this location June 26 and June 27. If you arrive in Seattle before or after these dates and have not made sufficient preliminary arrangements with Louise Benton Oliver to be met on your arrival, then telephone the Alpha Omicron Pi Chapter House, Kenwood 0026, and directions will be given to you. Regard- less of whether you come by train, boat, or auto report to the Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters at the Great Northern Station. Watch for the Alpha Omicron Pi sign adjacent the Travellers Aid Department. After chief train and boat arrivals and completion of transfer of bag- gage, the special boat for Morans will leave about ten o'clock Mon-
day morning, June 27. Also, if you are arriving at irregular hours, and have made no preliminary arrangement to be met, instructions for your guidance will be left with worker in charge of Travellers Aid. Be on time, follow these directions, and you won't get lost. Your hostess cannot meet you if you fail to give her adequate notice of your arrival.
Let Us Repeat. When you buy your railway ticket insist on the additional boat trip to Victoria and Vancouver B. C. It is yours with- out cost just for the asking, but you must specify that you want this ride at the point of and time of buying your ticket. If you fail to make these arrangements when ticket is purchased, you cannot get the boat trip at this end of your journey, and would have to buy a special ticket if you wanted to go with those who make the trip.
Members, having friends or relatives in Seattle or visiting in Seattle, may have invitations to the open luncheon and reception sent such friends providing notice is sent to Louise Benton Oliver. Chair- man of Convention.
—Laura A. Hurd.
The Registrar, Elizabeth Wynian, must be notified of all CHANGES OF ADDRESS or MARRIAGE. If you find yourself without an issue of To Drag- ma, published in September, November, February and May, notify the Registrar at once. YOUR- SELF.
Send your mailing address to the REGISTRAR upon graduation or cancellation from school. Do
MAILING ADDRESS Fill out this blank and send to
N am e
College Chapter Life Subscriber Annual Subscriber
Date of leaving college (if Life Subscriber) R em arks
456 Broad St.. BloomfieM, X. J.
M aiden Married
Cluck Check
: 1
1 !
r/i.' Architect's conception of new Panhcllcnic house to be built in New York shows it to be of the prevailing tower type of construction.
Estimated rental from 380 rooms aver- age of $13 per week, less 5% vacan- cies
Rental from 6 stores Dining room profit M iscellaneous item s
$ 244,036 13.000 5,200 10,000
$ 272.236
$ 67.236 9,000
Total income on m ortgages
T a x e s
Operating expenses
Amortization, 2% of mortgages 20,000 $ 205,000
. .$60,000 3 0 ,0 0 0 95,000
Route—C. B. & Q. R. R.. Chicago to St. Paul, Great Northern Ry., St. Paul to Seattle.
Wed. June 22—Lv. Chicago. III.. C. B. & Q. R. R 10:35 A. M.
Ar. St. Raul. Minn.. C. B. & Q. R. R. ....10:35 P. M. (Davlight ride along the Mississippi River)
LEAVING NET INCOME ..S 58,236 Preferred Stock Dividend 6% . .$27,000
$ 19,236
Common Stock Dividend 695 ... 12,000 $ LEAVING ESTIMATED MAR-
Fri. June
8:15 A . M . 12:00 Noon
Lv. St. Paul, Minn., Gt. Nor. Ry 23— Enroute across North Dakota.
10:45 P. M. 8:00 A. M .
Glacier Park Hotel. aut<
Ar. Many-Glacier Hotel, auto
Luncheon at the Many-Glacier Hotel in the wild heart of the Rockies. The afternoon is left open for your own amusement. You can hike or ride horschack over the beautiful forest and mountain trails, go boating on Lake McDonald or enjoy the afternoon rest at the Many-Glacier Hotel. Dinner and lodging at the Many- Glacier Hotel. Entertainment and dancing in the eve- ning.
Tlmr. June
Fri. June 24—Ar. Glacier Park, Mont., Gt. Nor. Ry
Sat. June 25—Breakfast at the Many-Glacier Hotel. Lv. Many-Glacier Hotel, auto
Ar. St. Mary Chalets, auto
Lv. St. Mary Chalets, launch
Ar. Going-to-the-Sun, launch
Luncheon at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. There will be ample time for short hikes after luncheon to nearby waterfalls and scenic high spots l>efore returning on the launch. This is one of the most beautiful and pic- turesque spots in Glacier Park.
Lv. Going-t<>-the-Sun, launch
Ar. St. Marv Chalets, launch
Lv. St. Marv Chalets, auto
Ar. Glacier Park Hotel, auto
Dinner at the Glacier Park Hotel and lodgings. After dinner there will he special entertainment arranged for the party. Glacier Park is the original home of the Blackfect Indians, and they will gather in tin- evening for a big Pow-Wow and Indian Dance to welcome the members of Alpha Omicron Pi and extend to them the
tribal hospitality.
Sunday. June 26—Breakfast at the Glacier Park Hotel.
Lv. Glacier Park Station. Gt. Nor. Ry .. 8:05 A.M.
Ar. Spokane. Wash.. Gt. Nor. Rv
Lv. Spokane, Wash., Gt. Nor. Rv Mori. June 2 7 - A r . Seattle." w'ash.V'Gt." Nor.' Ry. . '.
Exi'KXSK O! Tot U Routldtrip fare. Chicago to Seattle. Wash
Lower berth. Chicago to Glacier Park
Lower l>erth, Glacier Park to Seattle
(Two day tour of Glacier Park per schedule, including transporta-
tion by automobile and launch, all meals anil lodging at tlie Manv-Glacier Hotel and Glacier Park Hotel, rooms without
R o o m - with bath. $1.00 to
$3.00 extra.
$ 90.30 16.50 825
2.25 3.00 -75 2.23 73
Dining car meals: .
Lunch and dinner, June 22 Breakfast, lunch and dinner, June 23 Breakfast, arriving Park. June 24 Lunch and dinner. June 26
Breakfast, arriving Seattle, June 27
Any of the members of Alpha Omicron Pi who cannot leave Chicago
on June 22 to include Glacier National Park can arrange to use the regular train from Chicago. 10:35 A. M..via the Burlington and Great Northern. June 24, joining the main party at Glacier Park for the balance
of the trip to Seattle.
Lv. Chicago. 111.. C. B. & Q. R. R
Ar. St. Paul. Minn.. C. B. & (). R. R Lv. St. Paul. Minn.. Gt. Nor. Rv
Ar. Glacier Park Sta., Gt. Nor. Rv
Lv. Glacier Park Sta . Gt. Nor. Rv
10:35 A. M. Friday, fune ?4 10:35 I'.M. Friday, Tune 24 10:45 P. M . Friday, Tune 24 8:00 A. M. Sundav, Tune 26 8:05 A. M. Sundav. Tune 26 8:00 A. M. Monday. Tune27
Ar. Seattle. Wash., (it. Nor. Rv
The regular lower standard berth rate. Chicago to Seattle direct. 'S
8:15 A. M .
9:50 A. M 11:00 A. U. 12:00 Noon
2:30 P. M . 3:15 P. M. 3:40 P. M. 6:00 P. M .
7:35 P. M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00 I'. M .
Just at present, the head of every Nu girl is filled with the exciting and all-important business of filling out dance orders, selling "bids", decid- ing what dress to wear, and what man to take to the spring formal to be held at the Plaza hotel on Friday night, April 8.
The year began with three very successful rush parties. The first, held February 12 at the house, was a valentine party at which we all wore red monkey-hats trimmed with little white feathers, had our for- tunes told, and did many foolish things in keeping with the day. On Feb. 9 we held a mass rush-party at which we became acquainted with many lovely lower freshmen who entered the University at the beginning of this term. Our last party, held on the twenty-sixth, was a "nautical" party. The house for the occasion was turned into a noble ship, its doors bearing such signs as: "Engine Room—Keep Out! This Means You!", "Pilot House"; and little round disks proclaimed themselves "Port-holes".
Our best news is that we have nine new pledges of whom we are very proud indeed. They are: Dorothy Catlaw, Ruth Kymer. Helna Krauss, Edith Sharp. Elizabeth Riley, Florence Patterson, Beatrice Bradburn, Mar- garet Wilson, and Yolamia Jacoves. After pledging them on March 21 we took them to the "William and Mary Coffee House" to dinner. Every- one enjoyed the evening very much.
Initiation was held on Saturday. February 12. in the fraternity room, followed by the annual banquet at Whittle Springs. The banquet was unusually beautiful this year due to the handiwork of Jennie McCracken. When we entered the banquet room, we were dazzled at the sight of tables arranged in the form of an A, crowned at the apex by an enormous red candle surrounded by red roses. Our four "freshmen" were seated at the cross-piece of the A. Each "freshman" was presented with a silver bud vase containing a red rose. Lucretia Bickley was toast-mistress and enter- tained us with a splendid program of toasts, followed by the freshmen's songs and stunt portraying the life of a freshman.
A few days later Mrs. Ed. Vestal gave us a Valentine tea in honor of Martha McLetnore whose engagement to Jack Pelton had been an- nounced. They were married the sixteenth of March.
Then Mrs. Forrest Andrews gave a tea in honor of Catherine Wemyss.
Llewellyn Thornton, our alumnae advisor, after giving us the fra- ternity exam sort of evened things up by giving us a cup of tea.
Emily Phillips, who was pledged at the first of the quarter, will be initiated Monday. April 11. After initiation in Ayres Tower at sun-set we are going to the Blue Triangle Tea Room for supper.
On the fourteenth of April, Omicron Founders' Day. we are having a shower to dress up the fraternity room.
Josephine Wallace and Lucile Coffey have promised us a bridge party.
We were well represented in this year's carnival. Nine girls out of about twenty were AOIIs. They were Klizabeth Walker who was the assistant general manager. Mildred McKinney. Elizabeth Young, Lila Witsell, Carolyn Gies. Virginia Frantz. Judith Roberts. Sara Wilson, and Catherine W emyss.
Catherine VVemyss is on the Mugwump staff. Mary Clare Harwood is a reporter on the Orange and White. Lucy Cooner plays in the or- chestra. Elizabeth Christrup is president of Strong Hall.
On the last honor roll were: Summa cum laude, Mildred McKinney; Magna cum laude, Minerva Tuttlc, Elizabeth Walker. Mary Clare Har- wood. Frances Coykendall. and Jane Pettway; Cum laude, Lila Witsell and Elizabeth Christrup.
As sponsors for the military department we have Elizabeth Walker, Elizabeth Hale, and Mildred McKinney.
Pledge Day at Randolph-Macon, February 26, was a great event- especially for AO!! since we claimed twelve freshmen for our own. The pledge service was held down at the house at six o'clock in the afternoon, when Sarah Anderson, Anita Lamar, Dorothy Overall. Harriet Pope. Mary Broughton, Eleanor Powell, Edith Walthall, Marjorie Smart. Ann Shmkle, Polly Voglesang, Sarah Neville, and Maryem Colbert became lull-fledged pledges and incidentally AOII goats—one dozen strong! That night, in honor of these pledges, we held a banquet at the Virginian hotel. The scheme was a '"Bee-Hive", the goats featuring as the drones, the house as the hive, and the chapter head as the Queen Bee. Taking everything into consideration, the event was a real success, especially as we had with us some of our precious alumnae—Virginia Blanton Broaddus, Ann An- derson, Bessie Minor Davis, and Jean Jones.
March 14 was Even Day at Randolph-Macon, and all the loyal Even classes celebrated by decorating the campus and buildings. Edith Walt- hall, one of our freshmen, was chairman of Even Dav, a very responsible position, by the way! The idea carried out was "The'Land of the Moonj" and the different halls represented the four winds. Everything was most effectively executed. An Even banquet and a stunt following gave a grand finale to the occasion.
For the Odds April 1 is set apart as the sacred day of all the year, and the scheme for this day was a "Pirate Ship". The decorations con- sisted of treasure islands, gruesome pirate heads, and picturesque gallions. The Odds, too, had a banquet and stunt that night, the stunt being a verv clever pirate escapade.
With these two special days at Randolph-Macon, we have all been very, very busy, but we have been just as busy in the chapter, for we have elected our officers for the next year. Fan White, of Alexandria, Louisi- ana, wiH be chapter head and all of us are extremely proud of her as our future "mama". College elections took a very important part of our schedule for two weeks, and we are proud to say that Kappa featured unusually well in the final outcomes. Fan White" was elected president of Main Hall and Dot Richardson president of New Hall, both being automatically vice-presidents of the Student Body. Louise Anderson was
elected president of the Y . W . C. A . and Eleanor Powell secretary of that organization. AOII will be represented on Student Committee next vear by Dot Richardson, Fan White, Louise Anderson, Betty Darling, Virginia Zapp, and Sarah Anderson.
The dramatic club's spring play, "Polly With a Past," will be on April 9. with Fanny Germany taking the leading man's part. Betty Darling is also in the cast.
On April 6, the Lynchburg alumnae entertained the chapter with a lovely buffet supper. The affair was held at Bessie Minor Davis' home, and really, we never had such a glorious time!! Those alumnae are too good to us!
Easter vacation begins April 17. and members of the chapter are planning to go to various and sundry places—some to New York with Virginia Blackwell, who is chaperoning a party there, others to Washing* ton and more still are journeying home!
After Easter, just two weeks until May Day. Think of it! And
especially proud are we of that day of days, for Louisa Wilson wrote the pageant that will be given in the afternoon. There are eighteen elected to be in the May Court, three of whom are AOns—Fanny Germany, Louisa Wilson, and Louise Anderson.
This Sunday night, April 10, the goats will present to the chapter and our guests their Goat Show. As in past years, this is a great event both for the pledges and the audience, so we are expecting a night of real
Everyone is too excited for words over Convention, and though we're
so very far away, we all have high hopes of raking up some finances in order to get to Seattle. Fan White, as president of the chapter, will go as our official delegate, and several others are just waiting for news from home to make the final decisions to "go west!"
By EI.OISE KEEFER. University of Nebraska
Zeta girls wish that every Alpha O were in Nebraska enjoying with us the wonderful spring weather. Spring fever, do you say? Oh no! We all hope you have something equally as good in your parts of the country.
Here, there are only six more weeks of school until the time when the seniors will probably be wishing deep down in their hearts, for they never will admit it, that they weren't seniors, and most of the juniors will be wondering if they can get all of their requirements for graduation in next year and still thoroughly enjoy their last year at Nebraska.
About three weeks ago we initiated the best group of pledges that any chapter could hope f o r . I t was the first initiation in the new house and was especially impressive on this account. We know that all of the freshmen gained the true spirit of Alpha O and the initiated members realized anew what Alpha O means. Harriett Cheney of Union, we are proud to introduce as the first Alpha O daughter to lie wearing the pin of our fraternity. Her mother is Laverna Barnum Cheney, (Ex. '07). Mil- dred Wright of Lincoln has two Zeta sisters, LaVerne and Lillian and Mary Allingham who was also initiated has one Alpha O sister, Zeta Tate who is a sophomore. The complete list of freshmen initiated include: Harriett Cheney, Union: Mildred Wright. Lincoln; Mary Allingham. Omaha: Bethyne DeVore, Randolph: Gladys Mankin, Oshkosh; Joy Ley, Wayne: Bernice Simmons, Beaver City; Katherine Corcoran, Omaha; Genevieve Calhoun, Cambridge; Faye Rasmusscn, Oakland; Faye Wil- liams, Omaha; Bernice Giesler, Lincoln; Ruth Hitchcock, Lincoln; Erma Wirsig, Sargent; Genevieve Smith, Sargent: Mary Margaret Douthitt. Beatrice; Florence Lee Hobbs. Lincoln and Doris Hosman. Omaha.
The election of officers for the chapter for the coming year was held recently. M argaret M oore will be our president during the coming year, Ruth Palmer, vice-president; Mary Frances Rush, treasurer; Bethyne Devore. corresponding secretary; Joy Ley, recording secretary: Harriett Cheney, assistant corresponding secretary; Enid Lakeman, study plan officer; Margaret Moore, senior Panhellenic delegate; Zeta Tate Alling- ham. junior Panhellenic delegate; Margaret Peterson, historian: Eloise Keefer, Editor to To DRAGMA: Dorothy Mercer, doorkeeper: Gladys Mankin. musician; alumni advisors, Darrina Turner Paige and Mrs. Frederick Beaumont.
Zeta girls have been getting their share of the honors lately. At the recent announcement of the members of Phi Beta Kappa, Edith Simanek. president of the chapter during the year, 1925-26, was announced as one of the new members. Edith received her degree at the summer school ses- sion last year and is teaching this year at Humboldt, Nebraska. Marie Bowden is wearing the pledge ribbons of Pi Lambda Theta, honorary