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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-08 11:42:42

1997 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. LXVII, No. 6

ts kids volunteering ~ marriage bills

a message from our President
Whose job is it?
The newspapers are strewn on the couch. "It's not my job" states the treasurer. The phone in the hallway rings for the tenth time. "I'm not on duty" calls the occupant in the room across the corridor. Your chapter needs a representative for the Alumnae Panhellenic meet- ing. " I dont have time," is the answer from three potential volunteers. "All we need is one more hostess for our meetings..." Whose job is it?
Big jobs, little jobs, long projects, one-timers, prestige or satisfying to the heart...there is something for each of us. Each of us to whom Alpha Omicron Pi
is ofvalue.
As we have gone through the first shake dmim months in the imple- mentation of the new structure, we have found many jobs. Some are the same as before. Some are different in the manner from which they are now approached Some are new creations and still under construction.
As we move forward, we continue to seek to refine. We acknowl- edge both setbacks and those new volunteers stepping forward We are cognizant o f the appreciation expressed by chapters now receiv- ing attention lacking in previous years. There are new problems uncovered and successes never advertized There are jobsforeveryone.
Some of our most talented and loyal members have given in many areas of our Fraternity. As the year has moved along, they have realized where their heart lies and have chosen a more specific route. Those fortunate projects and chapters are sure of success with their guid- ance and their attention.
The AOn calendar holds dates for several meetings this year which will address the ques- tion—Whose job is it?
Your Executive Board for 1995-97 has recently held a Strategic Planning Weekend. While the full report will be presented to Council at a later date, I can assure you that we attempted to step outside the box which has been so restrictive in the past. We are ready to join with our Network Directors, Standing Committee Chairmen and Professional Staff to share goals and be provided objectives by which to meet them. Those goals will serve to enhance the Mission Statement as reviewed and brought current by your Executive Baord.
A part of our plans will include focus groups and research by the Fraternity Development Committee. You will recall that the FDC studiedttendsand needs which led us to the new structure. They will again, take the pulse of the membership and society, while seeking new ways to move into the future with confidence and strength.
Whatisyourjob? Wharismine? WhatisitforthenewestNewMemberorthelongest serving alumna? We must decide and give it our best. It is our responsibility to serve and cherish the value of membership in Alpha Omicron PL
You may not be responsible for the strewn newspapers or the ringing phone, but you are responsible for your actions. You are responsible, in as much as you care, for the future of Alpha Omicron Pi. It is your job, just as much as mine.
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist International President
TELEPHONE 615/370O920
FAX 615/371-9736
E-M\ll, [email protected]
TO DRAGMA OF VLPIIAOMR IB)NPI. the official organ of Alpha ((inieron Pi. ispnhlished quarti'i'lv bv Alpha
I)mi(Ton Pi,
S H B Overlook Blvd.. BrenhMMxl. T N . Periodieal elass postage paid at Brentwood. TN. andadditionalmailingoffices. Subseriptiori priee is $1.00 pereopv. $3.00 per vear.
Life subscription: $81.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TO DRAGMA of Alpha Otmenm Pi. TO!) Overlook Blvd.. Brentwood,TN 37027. Address-all editorial eoiiininniealiniis In the Editor at the same address.
Printed on recycled paper Printed in the U.S.A.
ToDraoma/SPRING &96

To Dragma contents
2 A Message From our President
5 Focus on Responsibilities
16 Edith Huntington Anderson (1897-1997)
20 Kappa Chi Installation
21 ChiTheta Colonization
22 Leadership Institute 1998
23 Emporium
26 Our 50Year Members 34 Collegiate News
38 Alumnae News
43 Notables
44 Power of Friendship. AOTT
46 Announcements
On the cover:
In this issue we are focusing on responsibilities. We each have many responsibilities - to ourselves as well as to others. At times it seems like a real juggling act. We encourage you to work through the exercises presented here in an effort to live a balanced, happy, fulfilled life.
To Dragma/SPRING 1996

Limoges Hand Painted Porcelain Boxes
"Stella's Trunk"
Designed Exclusively for Alpha Omicron Pi
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation commissioned this porcelain box to commemo- rate the 100th anniversary of our founding. Designed by a family of master crafts- men and artists in the town of Limoges in the south of France, these boxes are exquisite heirlooms to be cherished today and treasured for many years to come.
"Stella's Trunk" is handpainted in a beautiful combination of red roses and a golden wheat filigree, with accents of periwinkle blue featuring AOF] handpainted in gold on the top of the trunk. The trunk measures 2" x 11/2" x 11/4". Inside the trunk is inscribed" 1897-1997" in honor of our Centennial Celebration. The hinge is hand-fit- tedwitharoseclasp. Eachboxishand-signedbytheartist.
"Stella'sTrunk"isbeingproducedonapre-orderbasis. Ifyouwishtoreserveabox or send "Stella's Trunk" as a gift, a gift card will be mailed to the recipient and the Limoges will be shipped to them upon arrival at the Foundation office.
The cost of the Limoges is $135 plus $4.00 for shipping and handling. Send check or money order to reserve "Stella's Trunk" to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation 9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood, TN 37027 615/370-0920
To Dragma/SPRING 1997

There are so many of them and tney each weigh on us so heavily. Demands and responsibilities come from the outside and from within.
How do we identify them, prioritize them, man- age them, and evaluate them?
frsa realjuggling ad
Over the next several pages, we're taking a look at responsibility from three different viewpoints. In the first, a collegiate member reflects on what has been important to her during the last four years. She's standing right on the very brink of her future and discusses the impaa that AOIl has made on her life. As collegians, most of us remember feeling the same way about our AOIl experiences. As alumnae, its nice to be reminded of those feelings once again.
We are all striving to live a balanced, fulfilled life. The second section will get us start- ed on the road to fulfillment by encouraging us to accept personal responsibilities. After all, its you, and you alone, who is responsible for the choices you make in life.
The final section will walk us through an exercise designed to help us learn to juggle our responsibilities in a timely manner. One of the best ways to manage all those outside forces affecting our lives is to become good stewards of our time.
There's that wond again, you know, the one that carries so much connotation: maturity reliability trustworthiness, accountability liability Ugh!
Thonp arp QO manv nf thpm an
To Dragma/SPRI!\G I997

Gaining Responsibility
The Collegiate Experience
To l)ragma/SPRI!\(;i997
u Responsibility to me is meeting
that deadline, calling home
when I promised, pushing myself to work extremely
hard, and realizing that I do not have to do it alone. My lifetime commitment to
AOTI is just that- for a lifetime.
Leaving home and heading for college means embarking on new territory and causes a woman to take responsibility into
her own hands. Moving away from Mom and Dad gives her freedom never before experienced, but also adds new pressures and obligations that must be dealt with by oneself
rather than with the help of a parent.
A freshman in college faces the most standing changes. The concern of making new friends, while trying to
balance schoolwork and some kind of social life becomes a priority. "Alpha Omicron Pi is my haven," as Laura Gassaway, a sophomore at the University of Georgia (UGA) put it. Going through rush and pledging a sorority allows a group of new
acquaintances, all in the same predicament, someone to relate with. This group of girls soon evolves into friends and sisters. A woman could never find a better way to jump into all these responsibilities than with a sister by her side.
Looking at the overall picture, a collegiate woman's obligations and priorities change quite a bit over her four years. A freshman believes her top priorities are to receive good grades and establish new friendships. She is most concerned with a social life and attempting to fit in at a university by becoming involved in many extra-curricu- lar activities. How has this changed from high school? Unanimously, AOLIs at UGA agree that it is impossible to be involved in as many activities, but the quality spentineachoneisfargreater. Ittakesalmostallofthefreshmanyeartorealizethat studying mtistbt done in order to receive those good grades.
Students vary in response to the question of whether to a sorority to all of the pressures a new college student faces, but to Jessica Schmitt, a freshman at the University of Alabama, it is a benefit. "Being involved in AOLI does require time and is a big responsibility, but the experience gained better prepares you for life," she said.
Although some freshmen may be self-disciplined, the majority find that getting accus- tomed to life on their own, takes a whole year. (It did me!) After one year under her belt, a sophomore has some experience on her side. Grades are considered top priority still, but budgeting time and money now plays a larger role. She learns self-discipline.
Moving through college adds responsibilities but AOils at UGA believe that these become easier to take on the further you get in school. Michelle Holcomb, a sophomore at UGA, believes, "As you go, you get more focused on your life direc- tion. The future becomes something that will really have to be dealt with."
Relationships with boyfriends not only are more prevalent, but become more intense. Becoming involved in leadership roles in AOLI and other organizations on campus are important to some. Others are concerned with finally selecting a major so that classes count towards graduation and there is a purpose to actually being in school.

A close knit group continues to encourage and support and AOI1 plays an even larger role. Sophomore year at UGA is when most girls move into the house and are continually lifted up by one another. A good friend can always be found to laugh with, cry with, study with or just to talk with. With a house full of sisters, it is easy to find comfort and support.
"What band party is tonight?" A junior seldom asks this question. The likely question is, "When can I quit studying and go to bed before 2 am?" School remains top priority, but instead of classes being a chore they become more interesting and frequently attended. Getting out of core classes and into major classes makes all the difference. Students enjoy classes more now because they are focusing on subjects that they are interested in.
A job and family will soon take over as top priority. Rebecca Heard, a junior at UGA, says that after graduation her responsibilities will change because "I will have the responsibility of a home and family as well as the responsibility of getting my masters' degree and working - it will take a bit of getting used to." Now time man- agement is the key to success with so many obligations to juggle.
AOn's role for members strengthens through the years of college. Younger members look up to the juniors and seniors to set the example and provide guidance. A sense of responsibility to AOIT deepens. A commanding role is apparent of the juniors as leadership in the chapter is usually the strongest in this year. It is at this time one realizes that not only does AOI1 offer lasting friendships, but windows of opportunity as well. AOFI teaches many lessons, whether evident or not. One learns respect, admiration, tolerance, judgment, and most of all love. This revelation is discovered in your junior year.
A new outlook on life is found. It is almost as if over the summer between sophomore and junior year, the sorority girl turns into the sorority woman. New discoveries are made of oneself and the future. Priorities have changed and it is finally discovered that these four years are the most important of life. These responsibilities (even as they change) are the ones that mold the person a college woman hopes to one day become.
Senior year is when it all boils down to one thing: GRADUATION! All the blood, sweat, and tears willfinallybe worth it. Receiving that diploma and saying, "I earned my degree," will have to be the absolute best feeling ever imagined. The top priority in a senior's life is graduation and all the steps leading to it. Completing undergraduate studies is such an accomplishment, and in a woman's life today, the rewards of having a degree are truly wonderful.
Doing an internship and polishing that resume helps to prepare one for the "real world." Having AOFI for support is so important in this stage of college. Knowing that these sisters will always be behind every effort gives one such a feel- ing of confidence. Jennifer Falkner, a senior at Auburn University, says, "You don't have as much time when you are a senior and you have to learn to balance your school, sorority and future. It is extremely difficult, but well worth it if you stay involved in AOTI because the support a sister can give you is priceless."
Whether one's path continues down the road to further education, or a new fami- ly is started, or a career woman is born, one thing always remains - the bonds you share with your sisters in AOFI will last forever. The old saying about the friends you make in college are friends for life is so true. Alpha Omicron Pi alleviates so much bad from our lives. Others can never know the worth of a sister if they
u You don't
have as much time when you are a senior and you have to learn to balance your school, sorority and future. It is extremely difficult, but well worth it
if you stay involved in AOTT because the support a sister can give
you is priceless.
To Dragma/SPRING1997

U l
was told that during college the obligations
have never stayed up till four-o'clock in the morning talking about their boyfriend troubles or driven half-way across town to get someone who didn't have a ride home or had a little sister to care for and watch over.
A woman's life in college is strewn with huge responsibilities from school to rela- tionships to internships. AOIl just helps out along the way by taking our hand and walking us through our toughest moments and sharing our joyous ones. Responsibility to me is meeting that deadline, calling home when I promised, pushing myself to work extremely hard, and realizing that I do not have to do it alone. My lifetime commitment to AOPI is just that - for a lifetime.
So I encourage you to take advantage of every year of college and those further down the road, but most of all remember that the responsibility you have to AOIl is one that should be cherished and taken advantage of. I was told that during college the obligations I had were the most important of my life because they molded my future. So stick to your responsibilities and make your future bright because after all, "This is our time; let us embrace it."
Heather R. Dixon is a junior Magazine major
at the University of Georgia, (Lambda Sigma Chapter). She has been a delegate to Panhellenic, House Treasurer, and is currently the Parents' Club Chairman.
I hadwerethe most important of my life because they molded my future. So stickto your responsibilities and make your future bright because after all,
'This is our time; let us embrace it
To l)ragma/SPRINC1997

Responsibility begins with m e
A Pilgrimage of Fulfillment
We all look forward to going on a trip. But did you know that there is a trip we are on continually? It is the trip to find the very best in ourselves. Some folks never take the trip, satisfied with the mediocre status quo. How much they miss in life!
The trip I'm suggesting is more like a pilgrimage than an ordinary trip, for a pilgrimage is a sacred journey, and whatismoresacredthanthejourneyforeachofustofindourowndistinctivepurpose?Yourpilgrimagehasa grand destination: the joy of self-knowledge and self-respect.
As member of AOFI, you have been given many of the supplies needed for the trip: education, caring, love. But don't weigh down your luggage or postpone the journey with apathy, selfishness, or that old "I don't have time" line.
As caring women, we have many responsibilities to juggle: home, career, marriage, children, outreach to the commu- nity, church, friendships, health, well-being, plus taking an active role in Alpha Omicron Pi. But thefoundationfor
all these important concerns is ourselves - you and I. Ifwe don't properly nurture our minds and our bodies, we can't function effectively in reaching out to others. So, the first responsibility must be to ourselves; we need to be selfish - in the best sense of that word. Then, with that responsibility mastered, we can move on to help others.
How can we go on this pilgrimage, lifting our hearts and minds to bring out the very best in both our think- ing and our activities? It sounds like a lot of work! But it can be done. What we need are some daily goals leading us step by step to fulfillment.
A good place to begin is by writing (yes, writing it down) a description of yourself. Pretend you have been made the tour leader for the pilgrimage and you're being introduced by someone who knows you well. What can be said about you? While he will try to say as much as possible that is good about you, he may also mention a few less-than- desirable traits. It might go like this: "Our leader is friendly, caring, honest, and diligent in what she does. She has a lovely smile, smells like roses, and appreciates the work of others. She is always willing to learn new things, however she can be impatient at times." Oops! Now, you may find, if you are scrupulously honest about yourself, that your "introduction" includes some less-rhan-perfect lines like that last one.
But first, write down all the good qualities about yourself.
See, you're quite a fine person! Now take the next step in the pilgrimage by writing down your challenges (yes, write down these challenges - a much more charming word than faults.) This "work list" might include impa- tience, less-than-total honesty, a tendency to covet other's possessions, over-eating, gossip, apathy or others.
Don't be put down by your challenges! All you need to triumph over these is a willingness to do better. If we don't care to progress on our pilgrimage, certainly no one else will. So, take one challengefrom your work list and make it your focus for a month. Let's say you are going to tackle impatience. We know that the opposite of impatience is patience, but beyond that patience consists of calmness, forgiveness, consideration, and endurance of annoyance. Quite a quality! Write the word "patience" on several pieces of paper and put these on your desk,
ToDragma/SPRING1997 9

To Dragma/ SPRING 1997
1 on the dashboard of the car, on the bathroom mirror, in your purse or pocket, in the cookie jar- wher- ever you are apt to see them in the course of the day.
Consider better ways of handling situations where you would normally be impatient: Could you count to ten before speaking impatiently? Could you take into consideration the motivation of the other party? Could you share a way that would accomplish the desired aim quickly?
Somefolkstry to leave the pathway and hide behind the flimsy justifications of "I am what I am, and I cant change.""It'sinmygenes.""Ihadabadchildhood."Butyouaretoosmartapilgrimforthose!Youcan
change, you can overcome a past, you can triumph. And with perseverance you willfindfulfillment.
Whatever your aim, when you have made some headway, reward yourself. Perhaps the reward will be just five minutes sitting outdoors, observing nature, and quiedy smiling about your progress. Or, it may be buying yourself a bright new scarf. Or it could be a candlelight supper
with someone special. Let the reward be your symbol of success over the first challenge.
Once you've made progress on one character challenge, move on to the next,findingits antonym, posting your little signs,findingalternative behaviors, and rewarding yourselfwhen you've moved ahead on your pilgrimage.
Make the journey fun! Along the way, stop to read intriguing books, sing or enjoy inspiring music, take interesting lessons and classes. Don't be static - be getting better, more interesting, more active, younger in your attitudes every day. Depressing old age attitudes are merely a collection of bad habits that can slow down your journey.
As with every pilgrimage journey, there are cross-roads along the way. Which road should you take? For some decisions our choice doesn't matter much, but when it comes to our physical health, the choice can be critical. Are we proud of the way we care for ourselves? Would we be happy to have a summary of our health choices posted for all to see on a big billboard along the pilgrimage route?
When it comes to our own well-being the choice is usually ours. Very few of us are forced into being a couch potato, over-eating, driving under the influence, partaking in promiscuous sex, or misusing drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. We may have friends who encourage us to do wrong, or we may have some physical imbalance or need that makes these wrongs easier to commit, but research shows that it is one's own choice 90% of the time.
Yes, you are in charge. That's a powerful feeling! You are there at a crossroad of your pilgrimage. The choice is yours. Don't lie to yourself and say it doesn't matter, or that no one will know, or you can control the urge later. These are just crutches, and who needs these impediments on a sacred pilgrimage. It is easy to mouth the motto "Just say no" but it shows real strength of character to say it, mean it, and do it!
Whatever is talking you into making bad health choices can be the subde tactics of friends who want the company of someone as debased as they themselves are. Or it could be the suggestied acceptance of advertising or poor role models.
In meeting the challenge of good choices for well-being, it is again helpful to write down your aims. Let's say you plan to walk two miles, four times a week. In this case though, share your aim with someone making a simi- lar pilgrimage of fulfillment. This can be a family member or good friend. You are not responsible for the other person and they are not responsible for you, but you can be encouraging to one another.
Your own good character and your mental and physical well-being will give you the needed stamina to forge ahead on your pilgrimage. But, there could be roadblocks ahead, blocks that could keep you from reaching your destination of responsible fulfillment.
Theroadblockmarksalargecrevasse-abigditchwhichistheresultoftheerosionofintegrity.Thelinesbetween right and wrong seem blurred nowadays as we read the news, watch TV and movies, observe community and world leaders. Thefloodshave caused a down-grading of mtegrity. In pregnancy, you are or you aren't pregnant In integrity, you are

or you aren't honest There's no gradations. Pilgrimage takers may be deceived by mottos such as "Good enough," "NIMBY (not in my back-yard)", and "Who cares?" No one wants to be held accountable, no one wants to take a standforthe right, and so they fall into the crevasse ofdisinterest and dishonesty.
While integrity is not necessarily part of your responsibility to others, it is a vital ingredient of your responsibility to yourself During your pilgrimage you may walk alongside others who are stumbling, but it is your own footsteps thatcount Doyouwalkwithyourheadup,proudofyourstrongsenseofintegrity?Areyoutruetothehighideals of the AOFI ritual? Do you choose to do rightforselfish reasons or because it IS right? Is your financial statement as clean as your fingernails? Are you looking ahead to your destination with good fiscal planning so you can enjoy yourtimeoffulfillment?
One person, a person who hasfoundself-fulfillment, can make a difference, that's why you need to start your pil- grimage now. You can use the 100th year of AOIl as your springboard. Many of your sisters are making the pil- grimage of self-improvement to seltfulfillment. It is not a grim journey, but a joyful journey. Let's walk it together!
Caryl Waller Krueger, Rho (Northwestern U) is well-known as one of
the mostprolific writers in thefamily
relationships field, having written twelve
books that have been book club selections
and received numerous awards. She is a weekly newspaper columnist,
lectures in the US, Canada and Great Britain, and appears often on radio and
television. She is aformer editor of To Dragmaanda member ofthe San
DiegoAlumnae Chapter.
take care of yourself
Be responsible for your physical and mental health, your social life, your spiritual life, your finances - in short, your entire well-being.
For peak efficiency take care of yourself For fun and happiness in your life, take care of your- self Certainly honor your body with exercise and good food, but there's more to it than just proper diet and getting some exercise.
Take time to relax; great ideas flow from a relaxed mind. Take time to play; it renews you and gives a valuable perspective on life. Spend time enjoying family and friends; they offer you a foundation, support, and joy.
Get in touch with your spiritual side, whether it's based in religion, nature or whatever con- nects you to all of life.
Put your affairs in order: finances, wills, legal issues, old resentments, unfulfilled dreams, and private wishes.
Do allofthisand your life will be balanced, fulfilled, and productive.
To Dragma/SPRING1997

Imagine, if you will, a three-ring circus. Listen t o the sounds. Look around t o see what's involved that makes for so much confusion. Focus on the woman standing just outside
the center ring. Smiling she stands there juggling several objects in the air
Now close your eyes for a least 30 seconds and imagine your own life...
To Dragma/SPRING1997
Does your life often feel like a three-ring circus with lots of noise, confusion and chaos? When focusing on what's important becomes a big problem, do you often lose control?
Making decisions about how you will use your time becomes difficult because you never seem to have enough time. Do you ever end your day and wonder what you've accomplished?
juggle the
demands & responsibilities
that make their life
feel like a three-ring
Do you ever feel tired and worry about the pressures that life is placing upon you? When confusion reigns all around you because that's what is happening in your mind, then that's what's controlling your time.
Are you always making excuses for not getting around to something? When these and other questions fill your thoughts you can become paralyzed and thus fail to act on your responsibilities and demands in a timely manner.
Is there an easy solution to the question: can women in the 90s effectively jug- gle the many demands and responsibilities that make their life feel like a three- ring circus? In this article you will meet some friends that, hopefully, you can relate to from the standpoint of life's circumstances, age, or family makeup. Most of what will be said in this article will not be new to many of you, but it should be like a refresher course and an incentive to STOP and EVALUATE where you are so you can bring balance to your life. Throughout the article you will be given the opportunity to stop and make some notes about your own situation and then to formulate a plan of action. Just like a ship on a long ocean voyage, many "mid-course" corrections must be made to successfully complete the journey. As women in the 90s, we too must be willing to make" mid-course" corrections so that we cannot only survive, but live a balanced, happy, fulfilled life.
Can women in the 90's
Do things constandy fall through the cracks? Do weeks often go by and you only worry about whatever it was that needed to be done and never do it?

Take a few moments to fill in the two acrostics below with words that represent the unique responsibilities and demands in your life.
Now, express in words your inner feelings about these responsibilities and demands.
Hopefully, you took time to complete the two acrostics and to state your feelings; if so, you are now ready to move forward.
ThemostlogicalquestioniswheredoIgoforhelp?Takeatriptoyourlocallibraryorbooksellertofindeither books or tapes that are available on the subject oftimemanagement. Ask questions about what is available and what would best meet your needs. There is much out there, so shop carefully. Ifyou have a computer, you may want to searchforawebsiteforinformationonthis"timely"subject.Iwasamazedtodiscoverthatmostofthetimeman- agement books available on tape at my local library were already checked out, while the hard copies were mosdy still in stock. That speaks volumes for the pace of the 90s. I also suggest you take time to observe people that you work orassociatewithonaregularbasis,peopleyouseethataredoingagoodjobjugglingtheirtime.Askthemwhatitis that they do that brings peace and fulfillment to their lives? In other words, how do they manage their time so that life is not constandy "juggling" them?
Meet Lee Ann, a happily married 52-year-old nurse/office manager that says she has learned the hard way the importanceofcalendaringhertime. "IhavefoundthatImustsetgoalsformylife:short,midandlongtermgoals. Because of these goals, I am better able to prioritize the demands and responsibilities of everyday living." Ifyou were to observe Lee Ann, you would immediately see a sensitive, calm, well-dressed, polite, self assured, well-spoken woman. She has learned to handle the demands and responsibilities that go with a husband, a married son and daughter-in-law, a full time job, many friends, volunteer responsibilities at church and in her community.
Meet Libby, a baby boomer with a career, two school age children and a husband. Libby credits her success to an outside source: a special husband. "I know that having a husband who is often willing to do more than his share of the responsibilities and demands of parenting, home and marriage has allowed me to have a successful career as well as be a good mother and wife." It's obvious when watching this family that both Libby and her husband have made a commitment to this style oftimemanagement. A key factor in making this work says Libby, is good communica- tion and a working knowledge of each others expectations.
To Dragrna/SPRING 1997

You may fall somewhere in between these two ladies when it comes to life's circumstances, but you can begin to see some ideas unfolding. In the first example you heard Lee Ann say that using a calendar to reflect her goals, helped her prioritize her rime. Use the space below to write down three goals (one each: short, mid and long term) that will help you better manage your time.
1. V, 2.
You also heard Libby say that good communication, a commitment to certain values and knowing another's expecta- tions were what made her manager of her time. Have you identified your values? Should this be established even before you set your goals for using your time? In other words, do your goals reflect your values? Often we find our- selves being pulled in many directions thus causing us to not be able to manage our responsibilities well. Maybe the very things we have chosen to do, even though worthwhile, have nothing to do with what we place value on in our lives. Take a few minutes to think about what things you value most in this life. Make some notes that will help you adjust your goals to reflect your values.
You have now thought about what responsibilities and demands you are juggling and you have considered some goals and values that will help you make the good time management choices. Remember your ultimate goal is to bring balance and fulfillment to your life.
Meet Mary Jane, a recendy divorced mother of three. She has not worked in many years because of her commit- ment to being a stay at home mom. " I always have my calendar close at hand to help me complete my daily tasks. I f I write it down, I don't have to think about it or even worry about what it was I was suppose to do." Mary Jane uses her calendar to keep track of birthdays, when bills are due, children's activities, deadlines, appointments and meet- ings. The most important element in her time management plan is people. She says she has had to learn that people comefirstbefore everything else.
Meet Kim, a young single woman in her early thirties. She has a career and is involved in her church and in several community activities. Her time management plan is guided by her desire to stay grounded in church, stay close to family andfriendsand to have a successful career. "Ienjoy doing things with my family andfriends,but realize I also need time for myself" Kim says that she has learned that she must beflexibleand she always tries to factor in extra time so she can handle the unexpected. When asked if she thought of this as her time management plan she laughed and quickly said, no. "Each of us must find what works for us and then "just do it!"
As you can tell from the last two interviews, both ladies have given thought to what's important for them. Another key ingredient that has a great influence on one's ability to manage their time is one's attitude about what they are doing. Webster defines attitude as a state of mind or feeling with regard to something. Think about your attitude toward your responsibilities or demands. Do your attitudes need an "adjustment?" Visualize how different attitudes might change how you would use your rime. Do you need to make a "mid-course" correction? If so, begin formu- lating a plan for how to do it now.
Do you ever find yourself making excuses for not practicing any kind of acknowledged time management plan? When you think about it, you are really practicing one by default. Whether you acknowledge having a plan or not, your 24 hours each day are managed in some way. The following misconceptions might be of interest to you. "I'm managing my time well because I'm doing well in my job." "It's only a matter of common sense." " I find that I work better when I'm under pressure - time management takes away my edge." "Time management takes all the fun out of life." "Time management is a lot of work and I don't have enough time to do it." Interesting excuses! Are you guilty of any of these excuses?

You may face job or career demands that place you on a time schedule. Your children may have to be at school or day care during certain times each day. You may have appointments that cause you to schedule your day in a certain manner. Time is a resource that is invisible. It is definitely finite. You only have 24 hours in each day: no matter what you cant change that fact. If you stop and think about it we don't really manage time. What we really do is manage ourselves in respect to time. In that light, you must admit then that we do not control rime, but we do control the one, our- selves, who uses it. We are always spending time each day - whether it is productive or not - we are spending it and we cannot replace it.
What's the big deal you might ask after reading all of these pages. The BIG DEAL is that we are all striving to live a balanced, happy, fulfilled life, free of stress. When we learn to live in an effective, productive, manner, we not only will be successful, but we will feel good about ourselves.
Think about the last time you successfully completed a project either professionally or personally. How did you feel about what you accomplished? People who feel good about themselves are people who produce good results. Usually good results come from setting basic goals that are attainable and measurable. Go back to the earlier point in the article where you wrote your three goals. Take a minute to look at your goals. Think about what you will have to do to reach each of these goals. Now devel- op your plan of action.
The big deal
is that we are
all striving to live a balanced, happy, fulfilled life,free ofstress.
When we learn to live in an effective,
productive, manner,
we not only
will be successful, but we will
feelgood about
This article designed to help you become a better manager of your time and therefore your responsibilities. While reading it, did you take the rime to work through the exercises? If you did not, was that a productive use of your time?
You have considered some important ideas that will help you live a balanced, happy life. Now relax, enjoy your life!
Susan Ward Nally, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky University) is afreelance writer and a
published author ofthree childrens books. Thisformer school teacher now tutors and regu- ourselves. larly leads conferences on "How to Guide Children." She is currently a member of A OTTs
Leadership Institute Committee and the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter.
To Dragma/SPRING 1997

To Dragma/SPRINC 1997
"he Fraternity was deeply saddened on February 7, 1997, to lose Edith Huritington Anderson, Beta Phi (Indiana University) at the age of 99, justfivemonths shy of her 100th birthday. Born in the same year as the founding of the fraternity that she loved so dearly, Edith went on to serve as International Pres- ident, 1933-37; Grand Secretary, 1927-1933, National Panhellenic Delegate, 1937-1943; a longtime member of Rituals, Traditions & Jewelry Committee and Constitu- tional Interpretation and Revisions Cbmmittee; International Historian,
1975-1991; and Historian Emeritus, 1991 until her death.
"Losing Edith at this particular time of celebration is especially sad," said Ann Gilchrist, International President. "We have always enjoyed saying that she was born the same year as the Frarernity. Though she had many yearsfilledwith memo- ries of AOn, she was vitally interest- ed in preserving those (memories) in the making by the young women of today. One of her greatest joys was the success of those volunteers that she encouraged and mentored in service to Alpha Omicron Pi. She was proud of our past and was con- fident in our future. Edith will be
missed. Her friendship will always be cherished."
Throughout her lifetime, Edith loved to share memories of her per- sonalfriendshipwith all four of AOris Founders. On more than one occasion, she opened het home to their visits and loved to tell sto- ries, especially to collegians, about treasured memories of each Founder. Her stories inspired
many and will remain in the hearts and minds of all who had the privi- lege to hear her speak
"I always thought Edith was the closest I would ever come to per- sonally knowing our Founders," said Ginger Banks, Past International President 1981-1983. "Just as the Founders embodied many qualities, Edith was a beauti- ful combination of gentleness and strength, compassion and decisive- ness, and humor and seriousness. It might be assumed that our Historian Emerirus was focused on the past, but that was not the case. Edith had the wonderful ability to help us appreciate and learn from the past so that we could apply it to the future."
Edith Huntington became a member ofAlpha Omicron Pi as a sophomore at Indiana University in 1917. She was a devoted wife and mother of four, including three AOn daughters. All three, (Barbara Jane Schick, Mary Hdrid Hilton, and Rebecca Ann Morgenson) were initiates of Epsilon Alpha (Perm State University), a chapter that Edith was instrumental in helping to establish. In fact, the chapter was named in honor of her, using her initials to rep- resent the Greek letters Epsilon Alpha She served as chapter adviser or on the advisory committee of Epsilon Alpha until 1963. In 1989, she proudly spoke at the chapters 60th anniversary celebration.
"One of my fondest memories of
Edith," recalled Ginger, "was her participation in the 1982 reinstalla- tion of Epsilon Alpha Chapter, when I was International President. 'Special" and "memorable" are inadequate words to describe how Edith, who was 85 years old at the time, performed several initiations. It was especially memorable for me when Edith (in a loud "whisper" that everyone could hear) corrected my pronunciation of the chapters submotto. Of course, everyone broke into laughter. And I was laughing the hardest.
"That moment was so Edith. It captured her frankness, emphasis on smving for the best, and men- toring ability that so many benefit- ted from - including International Presidents."
"With Ediths death, the Fraternity has lost a dedicated member whose indomitable spir- it led her to accomplish so much for this organization. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know Edith personally have lost a dear friend who we will miss very much."
Thefraternityis fortunate to have an autobiography that Edith wrote in September 1991, at the age of 95. Her remarkable memo- ry offers us a glimpse of AOIJ as it was in times past. In this Centennial year of celebration, there is perhaps no bettet place to turn for reflection than to our Historian Emeritus' own life story. What follows is an excerpt from that work
"There were five sororities at Indiana University when I entered. At the beginning of my sophomore year, I was asked to join a group petitioning Phi Mu. I attended some of their functions and knew several of the girls, although I made no decision about joining. I was also rushed by one of the older,

well-established groups on campus. But most important, I was aished
by A O n and just how I got to
know those girls, I cannot remem- ber. Probably one of the chapter (members), which was new on cam- pus, was in one of my classes and invited me to dinner. Their first house in Indiana University was just a block from my home, and I passed it every day going to and from class- es. Vivian Day, one of the charter members, is the one most responsi- ble for my being an A O H I liked those girls from the first meeting, and I decided to join them. Helen Duncan, another charter member, initiated me and we became life- long friends. I remember that at
first I wore a red ribbon which was
about 3/4 of an inch wide. For years I kept that ribbon, but in (my) many moves it has been lost.
I was initiated on November 17, 1917, and thereafter, I took an interest in what was going on in the chapter and on campus.
World War I was beginning, and several of the girls from the chapter had gone to Washington, D.C. to do war work in government offices. At Indiana University, I had worked for Mr. J.J. Pertijohn, Director of the Extension
Division. He was called to Washington to take charge of the Speaking Division of the Committee on Public Information headed by George Creel. When
he first went to Washington, he took as his secretary Lelah Whined, a member of Beta Phi Chapter. She resigned in 1918 to be married, and I was asked to take her place. Helen Duncan was already in Washington when I arrived, and we lived together and worked in the same office. The Armistice was signed in the fallof 1918, but our office stayed on that entire year to salvage war materials that could be used by colleges and universities.
I returned to Bloomington from Washington D.C. in earlyJuly
1919, and entered school again in September. I still worked part-time in the Extension Division of die
University, was interested in Campus activities, and worked with and for Beta Phi Chapter. M y major in college was Economics, and I was often the only woman in my classes.
In the spring ot 1920,1 was elect- ed president of Beta Phi Chapter, and that fall I lived in the chapter house, then at 720 East Third
S a m . There were (Dean o f Women) house rules for all sorority houses and the one dormitory on campus: girls to be in bed by 11:00 p.m. and no riding in cars with young men in the evenings. All stu- dents at Indiana University were well-dressed. In those days, there were no abbreviated costumes - no jeans, no sandals, as they hadn't been invented yet!
I gtaduated from Indiana University in 1921 and soon after graduation in June, I left for Minneapolis. Mr. Pettijohn, for whom I had worked at Indiana University and in Washington, had
gone to the University of Minnesota and again asked me to be his secretary. I remained at the University until the late summer of 1923. In the interim, Mr.
Pettijohn had died and my future husband received his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry in June. He accepted a position at The Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pennsylvania, beginning
in September. I drove with him in his first car, a second-hand Chandler, to my home in Bloomington and again worked for the Extension Division of Indiana University during that fall. Arthur and I were married on December 27, 1923 and began housekeeping at 213 S. Atherton Street, State College,
in early
January. The first
convention I attended was in
Opposite page: Edith at the / 99 ( Convention in Dallas. This page, clockwise from
top left Indiana University 1921 Spring Festival, Greek
Costume event Edith is photographed at the far right of each of the top two photos; Edith Huntington in the early 1920's; Edith with her three AOTT daughters; Rebecca Ann, Mary Bhd, and Barbarajane.
To Dragma/SPRING 1997

To Dragma/SPRING 1997
1925 at Christmas Lake, near Minneapolis. We had a daughter, Barbara, six months old, and went to Minnesota to show her to the Anderson family, making our visit coincide with the Convention. I
had a baby bed in my room and kept Barbara with me at the Convention. She had lots of atten- tion, asababyisalwaysadmired.I have pictures of her with some of the
officers who were there. Barbara Jane and my other two daughters, Mary Eldrid and Rebecca Ann, all became members of Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Perm State later.
son for its chapter name; there have been others since.
The 1933 Convention, at
which I was elected President, was held at Arlington Hall, Virginia, a school for girls just outside of Washington, D.C. In those days, when the fraternity was small and on a limited budget, it often held Conventions at such schools - as the Moran School in Washington, or DePauw University, Cornell University, etc. Dormitory facili- ties provided the rooms and the schools were usually glad to entet- tain such organizations as ours by furnishing meals at reasonable cost. The 1933 Convention, at which Kay Matson presided, had all four Founders present for the last time. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of FDR, came to Arlington Hall to call on the Convention and speak
a few words to us.
Founders to die (July 29,1936). As national president, I officially represented AOI1 at her funeral in New York City.
After my term as President was completed, I continued as an adviser to Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State and also was interest- ed and involved in a number of community organizations. I continued to live in State College and work at the University in the Dean ofWomens office and the Department of Personnel Services until my retirement on July 1,
Ever since my arrival in
State College, I had been
interested in the fraternity sit-
uation there. There were
many chapters of men's frater-
nities, they had fine homes,
some on campus, and had
been there for many years.
Women had formed local
clubs but were not permitted
to give them Greek letter
names or to have any contact
with national sororities.
Finally, in 1928 the Trustees
permitted the women's
groups to contact national
women's fraternities. Chi
Omega almost immediately
installed a chapter, having had
the ground work laid for it for
sometime. It had been noted
that I was a member of a
national fraternity and wore a
very attractive badge. One of
the locals contacted me and I
them. After much discussion
andconsiderabletimespent workasPresident,butnotforany thefirsttimeattheprevious
in deliberation, Arete (one of the local groups) decided to petition AOI1 for a charter. In those days every chapter voted on a petition. Ittooksometimeandworkwithat least two chapters before the votes were in and all affirmative. One of the group came to me to ask ifthey might use my initials as the initial letters of the chapter. I agreed and was flattered, of course. Epsilon Alpha became thefirstchapter to use the initials of the name of a per-
length oftime, as I had good house- hold help. To have a son in the family after three daughters was quite an exciting event, particularly tothefather!
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Alpha '98, former Grand President, founder ofNu Chapter in the law school ofNew York University, and the President who installed the mid-western and western chapters ofAOn, including Theta, Zeta and Sigma, was thefirstof the four
Convention to Phyllis Westerman. It is given to honor an alumna who has worked tirelessly and who has most especially served as a personal exampleandinspirationtoothers. My term as International Historian ended officially on January 1, 1991. Most of myfileshave gone to Headquarters.
I have attended twenty-four Conventions ofAlpha Omicron PL Since retirement, until very recent years, I have been a world traveler."
The 1935 Convention was held at Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Illinois, near Chicago, with Rho Chapter serving as hostess. I had permitted my name to be submitted as a candidate for President for a sec- ond term in that office, the first time a President had stood for a second term since the early days when Stella G.S. Perry served more than one term as President. I had decided to take a second term as President because there was some unfinished business I wanted to see completed.
where my son-in-law was a profes- sor. Four years later, in 1967,1 resigned and went to Bloomington, Indiana, to live where my father and stepmother were aging and
On January 8,19341 realized a long-time dream ofadding a boy to the Anderson family when Arthur K.Anderson,Jr.,wasbom. Isup- pose there was disruption in my
the privilege of presenting the Wyman Award to my second daughter, Mary Eldrid (Anderson) Hilton. She is Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. I was appointed International Historian ofAOIT in 1975 by Adele Hintons administration and a member of Rituals Traditions and Jewelry Cbmmittee in 1977.
1963. Myhusbandhaddiedin 1955, and none of the children lived in State College. I went to the University ofLouisville on September 1,1963, as Secretary in the Department ofAnatomy,
in need of help. I became an adviser to Beta Phi Chapter from
At the 1973 Convention I had
At the Convention of 1981,1 receivedtheAdeleK.Hinton Award. It had been presented for

"he one alumna who has had the most lasting impact upon my life has been Edith Huntington Anderson, Past International President. I met Edith in the 1960s soon after moving to Louisville, Kentucky. I admired her quick mind, her gentle smile, het merry sense of humor, and her devotion to our sorority.
Imagine yourself sitting at the feet of our Founders while they told you about the beginnings of Alpha Omicron Pi. Well, I had a similar experience sitting with Edith while she told me stories about Stella, Bess, Jessie, and Helen by the hour.
This wonderful woman let me know that she was International President of our Sorority during the year I was bom... in 1933. Yet the years between us would fade away while we shared memories of what A O n meant to us.
She encouraged me in every bit of service 1 tried to give to AOEI. I would come home from rush trips while serving as International Rush Chairman to California, Michigan, Oregon, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee or where ever, and the first call I would receive the next day would be from Edith. "What hap- pened, how did it go, come see me, and tell me all about it!"
This woman had the ability to appeal to every age group. I know how the collegians at her beloved Beta Phi, the chapter of initiation, at the University of Indiana loved her. I visited her after her last trip to Indiana when she visited with the chapter, and she was so happy that they wanted her to be with them.
I once asked her which Founder did she love the most? She answered, "Oh, they were all
so wonderful, bur Bess was so dear." Edith was International Secretary while Bess was International President.
One special trip with Edith I shall never forget. I took her to Nashville to visit with a group of Chapter Consultants during their fall training before they were to leave to visit chapters all across the country. I watched their faces fill with awe while she told them sto- ries about our early days! I remem- ber how they laughed when she told them how Helen, arrived at one of our new chapters to be installed, Zeta, University of Nebraska, to find a worried group oi potential AOIls. They were upset because no A O n badges had arrived for the initiation and instal- lation ceremony. The mail was slow in those days! "What are we to do?", they asked. Not to worry! Edith told that Helen took off her coat and displayed her entire blouse filled with A O n badges!
I also remember driving with her to Lexington, Kentucky when our chapter at Transylvania University, Tau Omega, was installed. This day was so impor- tant to me because my daughter, Jeanie, was being initiated as an Associate Member. The initiation and installation of the new chapter was held in the basement of the beautiful chapter house of Kappa Omega, the University of Kentucky. A t this time, unfortu- nately, the basement was not heat- ed. We were worried about Edith sitting through this long ceremony. I remember how Peg Crawford, International President at that time, wrapped Edith in blankets to pro- tect her while she sat behind the Rirual stand and watched the beau- tiful ceremony. And I remember the eye contact with Edith while I placed my hand on Jeanies shoul- der and made my promises to my daughterandtoAOIl. Ishall never forget that day!
There was no holding this lady
down! I remember when she want- ed to go to Nashville to return to Internationa] Headquarters items in her keeping. I was out of town on an extension trip and could not take her. Every other AOIl in
Louisville she called was busy, so Edith caught a bus and traveled to Headquarters all by herself lugging a heavy box of important AOFI files. She made this trip in her late eighties!
I shall also never forget the trips with her driving between Nashville and Lexington. O n one such trip I thought she was asleep and talking in her sleep. I asked her later did she enjoy her dreams, and she looked at me and said, "Anne, I was reciting our Ritual to myself" W ow!
I visited her so often, and I miss our rimes together. Every rime I came to see her, she would bring out her treasure of golden AOn keep- sakes and place them in m y hands... all her precious charms and awards... the International President's ring... she loved them all! And I loved Alpha Omicron Pi even more because our Fraternity had given so much love to my Edith.
But I realize my Edith is Alpha Omicron Pi's Edith. And... there will never be another Edith!
Ann Allison, Omicron (UofTennessee) servedasInternationalRushChairman, 1983- 1986; and Executive Board Vice President of
Devebpment, 1986-1991.
To I)ruKma/SPRING 1997

Kappa Chi
Chapter installed at
Northwestern State University,
Natchitoches, Louisiana
Kappa Chi Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed as our 172th Collegiate Chapter at Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana, on January 25, 1997. A n n McClanahan Gilchrist, International President, conduct- ed the installation and initiation ceremonies. A Rose Reception followed to honor the New Members, their families and friends, as well as representatives of the University.
Alpha Omicron Pi became the third NPC chapter on NSU's campus joining Phi Mu and Sigma Sigma Sigma.
Assisting in the installation cere- monies were Robin Wright, Executive Board Director; Erin Letke and Jennifer Langford, Chapter Consultants; and Kathy Sowell, Rush Network Director. Members of the new Alumnae
Advisory Committee for the chapter include: Sandy Oestriecher, Chapter Adviser; Charlotte Speir, Chapter
Relations Adviser; Germaine
Bab in, Education Adviser; Denise Waters, Financial Adviser; and Jennifer Carbo, Rush Adviser.
Additionally, several members from Lambda Tau Chapter (Northeast Louisiana U) and their Chapter Adviser, Norma Bivona, attended to assist and serve as sponsors. Two Lambda Tau mem- bers, Brandi Starks and Catherine Hunt have transferred and affiliat- ed with the new chapter.
Congratulations to the fifty-five women initiated as Kappa Chi Charter Members: Ashly Andrews, Cheryl Blalock, Michelle Blalock, Caroline Bolter, Jamie Brazzell, Leslea Broomfield, Alexandra Bush, Lori Cashio, Brandy Coburn, Kelly
D'Oriocourt, Misty Dalme, Amanda DeSoto, Amanda Dominque, Danielle Dornier, Brandi Earnest, Amber Elmer, Rebecca Farabough, Katy Faucheaux, Shannon Gayer, Kelly Gibson, Victoria Gregory, Misty Griffin, Sarah Helgeson, Melissa Hicks, Tiffany Jeansonne, Rachelle Jimenez, Andrea Lemoine, Christina LeVasseur, Alicia Levell, Angeleic Lyles, Kelly Masters, Jennifer
Merrell, Amanda Mills, Kimberly Murray, Sherry Nonnemacher, Jennifer Powell, Kristianne Ramirez, Crystal Robbins, Lesley Roberts, Melissa Robinette, Dannielle Ronquille, Samantha Ronquille, Chelsea Scott, Jody Sellers, Summer Sepulvado, Jacqueline Sheffield, Lindsey Shelton, LeAnne Swafford, Jennifer Tilley, Holly Tolusso, Amy Tompkins, Ginger Veazey, Emily Wanersdorfer, Wendy Waterman, Tammy Windham.
To Pragma/Spring 1W7

Chi Theta
Chapter colonized at
Northeastern State University,
Tahlequah, Oklahoma
( ^ h i Theta Chapter, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, is in line to become Alpha Omicron Pi's 173rd Collegiate Chapter. The chapter was colonized on February 19, 1997. Installation ceremonies are scheduled for April 26, 1997.
New colony members received bids the afternoon of February 19th and were then greeted by the Greek system at a special bid day ceremony.
The colonization ceremony, held later that evening, was conduct- ed by Caroline Craig, Vice President/ Development. A reception immediately followed for the families, faculty, staff and Greek community.
The next day, the new colony treated the other Greeks on cam- pus to a pizza party. It was a great way for them to meet and
show their support. Later that night, members of the chapter went to an improv night at the campus Jazz Lab to support a few members who were performing in the program.
With an initial chapter cumula- tive scholarship average o f 3.3, they have already established themselves as the top chapter on campus in scholarship. "These women are the movers and shak- ers o f N S U s campus and they are going to create an amazing chap- ter of AOn," says Elizabeth Hall, Chapter Consultant. Elizabeth and Chapter Consultant, Dara Browning, will spend seven weeks with the chapter to help them become established.
Philanthropic and social event plans are already well underway.
Congratulations to the 47 colony members of the Chi Theta Colony: Stacey Allen, Heather
Bartemy, Amber Berry, Sheila Cauthon, Michelle Clifton, Cydney Coffey, Andrea Cooper, Elizabeth Couch, Kristie Davis, Connie Dick, Vanessa Dobogai, Amber Egnor, Jennifer Finley, Keli Folks, Angelia Gale,
Ashlie Gregory, Amanda Hammock, Reva Haney, Allison Henley, Flora Hilburn, Beverly Hilligoss, Shannon Holcomb, Shelby Holcomb, Melissa Kassen, Lottie Lenardo, Lorelei Lindquist, Margaret Lohman, Tracey McCutchen, Seline McGee, Tori Maloukis, Amanda Oliveros, Allison
Page, April Patrick, Y ahnah Patrick, Christina Rainwater, Tracy Rathbone, A m y Ridings, Stephanie Roberts, Sarah Schuknecht, Joni Sumpter, Harmony Taylor,Amy Taliaferro, Stephanie Thomas, Angela W atkins, Jennifer Watkins, Elizabeth Wilson, Samantha Young.
ToDragma/SPRIING 1997

The Nashville Airport Marriott will
again be the site o f our 1998 Leadership Institute,
June 26-28, 1998.
phere is intended to assist in the concentration on development.
A great deal o f time was spent reviewing comments from the Leadership Institute '96 evaluations. The feedback from those who attended was essential in helping us develop plans for 1998. Increased emphasis will be placed on the many areas that were deemed most beneficial while improve- ments will be made whete needed.
AOLI iscommitted to the future of each of our collegiate and alumnae chapters, as well as offering development programs to benefit
our members. Leadership Institute '98
is envisioned as an exciting way to meet this commitment. Join us in Nashville, next June, to be a
acA atteno?
'Collegiate Chapter Presidents' 'Collegiate Chapter Vice Presidents of Education- 'Alumnae
Chapter Presidents' 'Collegiate Chapter Advisers 'Collegiate Membership Education Advisers' 'Network Directors 'Network Specialists
'Executive Board 'Past International Presidents 'International Standing Committee Chairmen 'Leadership Institute Committee 'Education &
Training Committee
Also recommendedare:
'All other Advisers and Chapter Officers' 'Corporation Board Presidents'
'Chapter andJor Corporation Expense
AOITs fitst Leadership Institute, in June 1996, was a success. Professional and personal seminars were held that were geared toward the development of our members as leaders in AOLI, the community, the work force and life. A great deal of time was also spent on the implementation of the new
Network volunteer support system now in place.
Leadership Institute '98 will be a bit different. It will feature a more educational environ- ment with emphasis on broadening our AOLI and personal horizons. The casual atmosphere was an overwhelming success in 1996 and therefore will continue in 1998. This relaxed atmos-
part of Leadership Institute '98. More specific details will be included in the fall mailing.
To l)ra»ma/SPRING 1997

new classics
Hats off to the 1996-1997 collection of Emporium sportswear and gifts! Proceeds from our sales support and enhance Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. Call us at 1 -800-746-7264 for a free copy of this eight page catalog.
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A 1 5 2 University T-shirt. Lists AOII Chapters established since 1897. Front and back design. L X L '14.00 « 1 8 2 History T-shirt, Lists mean- ingful AOII facts and phrases. Left chest design. L XL. '14.00 • 1 9 5 Sisterhood T-shirt. Early 1900's photo of AOII sisters. Left chest design reads,"Sisterhood since 1897." L X L '18.00
• 216B Rose Blooming T-shirt, navy. L, XL. '16.00 »216H Rosewith Hearts T-shirt, white. L, XL. '15.00 « 2 2 8 "Cafe AOIT T-shirt w/left chest design. LXL. '18.00
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50 Year Members
Wilsonville, OR
Janice E McKrola Peterson,
Huntington Beach, CA Norma Leta Puckett Peterson Shirley Rae Wyss Peteryprather,
Morgan Hill, CA Mary Joan Taylor,
Scappoose, OR
Alpha Sigma U of Oregon
Joan Claire Herbranson Agerter, Eugene, OR
Mana Marie Amburn, Tigard, OR
Barbara June Cassidy Anderson, Hollister, CA
Mary Eleanor Keller Berwick, Mesa, AZ
Dorothy Lenore Chapman Dryden Warrenton, OR
Jean Marian Hilton Eittreim, Jacksonville, FL
Audry Marie Roselund Healy, Eugene, OR
Florence Mathilde Hansen Higgins, Oakland, CA
Lila Margaret Chapman Meadows, Portland, OR
Lois Jane Barr Miley, Vancouver, WA
This list includes women initiated July 1,1947 to June 30,1948.
Alpha Omicron Pi salutes these women who have been members for 50 years. May they continue to share our sisterhood for many more years! This list includes each member's name, city and state or Canadian province. If International Headquarters has no current address, no city is listed. If you know of an updated address for any of these members, please notify Headquarters.
Alpha Gamma
Washington State U
Grace Greenawalr Becher, Spokane, WA
Alpha Omicron Louisiana State U
Margarer Yvonne Lusk Anderson, Monroe, LA
Florence Gail Whitney Campbell Slidell, LA
Natalie Mary Bolton Chapman Marjorie Ann Monroe Colomb,
Mandeville, LA
Edna Alston McLure Dansby Patsy Ruth Heidt Grubb,
Houston, TX
Tommy Lee Ledet Hamilton,
Baton Rouge, LA
Jean Guthrie Mowen McCormick Rita Anne Butler Pritchett,
Corpus Christi, TX
Mildted Gloria McMurray Sherburne
Liberty, MS
Bette Ann Paschal Stahlnecker Betty Oneill Moore Stuart,
Fayetteville, AR
Elizabeth Anne Burns Wilson,
Houston, TX
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
PAlbina M Crottogini Collins,
Patricia Lu Bowles Goc Bozeman, M T
Jean Sarah Heidt, Seattle, W A
Hazel Clare Hardie Johnson Salt Lake City, UT
Bette Jeanne Hall Leora, Douglas, AZ
Betty Rita Berg Marsh, Bellevue, WA
Lenore Jean Wilson Marshall Helen Jean Cameron Mecklenberg Joyce Evelyn Baker Merritt,!!^
Salt Lake City, U T
Sue Jane Duehr Peterson,
Broomfield, CO
Jo Ann Stainsby Sherman
Ann Stephenson Tannet Slater,
Alexandria, VA Joyce Smith,
Great Falls, M T
Rosemary M Kinney Sterling Viola June Hagfeldt Stewart,
Great Falls, MT
Alpha Rho
Oregon State U
Nadeen Zaniker Butler
Olga G Krivoshein Danilchik,
Seattle, WA
Betry Lucille Kelly Foster,
Canby, OR
Catherine Laila Barnard Helvey,
Florence, OR
Dolores Lucille Metcalf Johannsen
Battleground, WA Jane Rogers Lacy,
Meridian, MS
Lillian Taylor Butler Lang Maxine Yoder Mallouf Olive Marie Wilson Oleary Mary Jane Turnbull Pete,
Betty Jean Cox Morrison Gleneden Beach, OR
Helen Clare Hoffman Crotty,
Bellevue, WA Margarer Joan Boid Fry,
Billings, MT
Dororhy Alice Hoffman Gander,
Gainesville, FL Winifred M Gibson
Marilyn Archibald Smith
Alpha Tau
Denison U
Norma Catherine Coe Anderson, Canfield, O H
Thelma Jeanne Evans Cox, Wilmington, DE
Barbara Rose Farrow Gund Jane Marie Keiler Jamison,
Guilderland, NY
Marion Elizabeth Case Krieger,
Grosse Pt. Farms, MI Janice Ellen Carter Kuehn,
Buchanan, MI
Merylin Elizabeth Miller Laird Joan Louise Tice Lindquist,
Springfield, VA
Patricia Ellis Hyatt Preslan,
Fairview Park, O H ^^gk
To Dragma/SPRINC 1997
H i Muriel Jean Kehrli Sinclair,m

Norma Euginia Richmond
Lucy Elizabeth Amner Sherrill
Ruth Caroloine Burdick Stackhouse,
Wakeman, OH
Jane Carol W onders Stitt,
Hilton Head Island, SC
Doris Elizabeth Heller Thomson,
Staten Island, NY
Doree Elizabeth Ernst Widdowson,
Indiana, PA
Joyce Elaine Albaugh Woodbury,
San Diego, CA
Beta Gamma Michigan State U Irene Slebodnik Dalgarn
Carol Barbara Felger Damskey, Royal Oak, MI
Clarice Jeanne Carter Engelhart, Clio, MI
Elizabeth Chapin Harrington Rosalyn Ann Wood Henry,
Owosso, MI
Marjorie Ruth Livingston Hilarides,
Carrollton, GA
Lillian Jean Race Jewett,
Parachute, CO
Sarah Therese Wade Kennelley,
Tequesta, FL
Shirley Josephine Moore Lyons Carol Ethel W olfe Mendrick,
Dorothy Mae Ebert Miller Judy Garnett Swope Packard,
Waterford, MI
Peggy M Rawls
Maxine Isabella Hedgecock Ross,
Shelby Township, MI
Paula Pearl Cox Schumacher,
Beaverton, MI
Barbara Allen Kerr Smart
Beta Kappa
U of British Columbia
Connie Ruth Dougan Beaton, Qualicum Beach, BC
Alana Proud Brooke
June Carol Hallsor Crawford Eileen Johnson Howard
Doris Edith Larkin Kavanagh Gladys Muriel Findlay Motherwell Faye Valerie Parker,
Nanaimo, BC
Mildred Emily Kerr Vallieres,
Islington, O N
To Dragma/SPRIM; 1997
Elizabeth Margaret Q Bown Wolfe, Calgary, AB
Indiana U
Dawn E Bullard Barrett, Ft. Wayne, I N
Carol Trotter Berkey, Columbus, I N
Virginia Loose Cashmore
Janet Marie Henson Dow
Jane Ann Phillips Gephart Patricia Ann Todd Greenbaum,
San Diego, CA
Donna Mae Bolr Hoover,
Wilton, N H
Mariam Helen Metz Humphrey,
Terre Haute, I N
Dorothy Marie Steinwedel Omaley,
Kathryn Elizabeth Linton Pickard Diana May Hunter Sweetman,
Ottawa, O N
Chi Syracuse U
Dorothy Louise Antil Bredesen, Reston, V A
Marie Therese Harcharufka D i Blossvale, N Y
Marilyn Juliet Irving
Deana Mendenhall Kohl
Joyce Theresa Santa Maria Martin,
E. Meadow, NY
Beverly Jane Datlo Martino,
Syracuse, N Y
Sarah Nancy Marchaland Moore Marie Antoinette Conlon Murphy,
Cranford, NJ
Jeanette Martha Collier Newell,
Huntsville, A L
Dororhy Marie Breh Servatius,
Washington, D C
Betty Jane Noble Sherman,
Marcellus, NY
Ellin Rose Grace Sullivan,
Binghamton, NY
Marie Ann Caturano Weissbein,
Cape Coral, FL
Chi Delta
U of Colorado
Margaret Mae Franklin Adams, Byron, IL
Beverly Gayer Leutz Anderson, Locust Grove, V A
Marion Dolores Brennan Dorothy Marie Fink Copeland Alaine Blanche Stewart Criswell,
Parker, C O
Mildred Lorraine Reinke Dordal,
Chicago, IL
Joann Hedberg Evans
Barbara Jean Watson Foote Patricia Heath Vanduzee Hawley Joan Clare Shepherd Irish Marion Alma Weaver Lawson Martha Jayne Leu Maul
Beverly Ann Lutz Morse,
Vero Beach, FL
Patricia Jane Broxon Nilson Norma Jean Weiss Parrish,
Fountain VTy., CA Marianne Woodrow Porter,
Camarillo, CA Phyllis Marie Silvio
Richmond, I N Janet Jones Reller, Richmond, IN
Marilyn Kathery Nussmeier Kokomo, I N
Nancy Ann Richmond Shaw Mary Jane Derr Sisterosb,
Ferdinand, IN Joanne Bowlby Speyer,
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Mary Lou Robinson Underwood
Ruskin, FL
Emma Lou Vannice Weliever,
Darlington, I N
Berry Ruth Evans White,
Alton, IL
Maralee Joann Hoover Williams,
Columbia City, IN
U of Toronto
Jean Eileen Dicker Devine, London, O N
Dorothy Jean Lillico Kishbaugh Margaret Dickson Haultain Littlejohn,
RockclifFe, O N
Rswena Mary Paul Maxmen,
Don Mills, O N
Mary Eileen Sheedy McCallion,
Oakville, O N
Mary Elizabeth McKee,
Toronto, O N
Claire Louise Jewett McLaughlin,
Toronto, ON
Mary Elizabeth Noad
Patricia Barbara Smithers Orton,
Toronto, O N

50 Year Members
Patronella Zandbergen Sink Dorothy Barnhizer Skinner,
Denver, C O
Virginia Lee Meline Smith Cynthia Ruth Walker Thomas,
Winter Park, FL
Ruth Mildred Applequist Walther,
Oak Park, IL
Anna Rehm Wuetbrich
Chi Sigma Centenary College
Ada Frances Peyton, Shreveport, LA
Laura Ann Taylor Rutland Martha Elizabeth Zagst Sicard,
Shreveport, LA
Esther Jean Bentley Strother,
Lafayette, L A
Delta Tufts U
Phyllis Elizabeth White Bergman, Wilmington, DE
Priscilla Blakely, West Medford, M A
Ilene Caryl Magnus Boyden Winchester, MA
Natalie Louise Grigg Burk Hilton Head Island, SC
Chloe Gertrude Mclntire Colby, Cincinnati, O H
Nancy Elizabeth Wyman Crafts, N. Scituate, M A
Clara Elizabeth Glover Doub, Medfield, M A
Frances Falsom Jorde Gold Doris Eugenia Walters Jessep Beverly Louise Walker
U of Southwest Louisiana
Mary Josephine Ford Kernan, Greenville, NC
Delta Delta Auburn U
Margaret Elizabeth Wall Cummings, Huntsville, A L
Donna Jean Lindsay Gasque, Birmingham, A L
Elizabeth Carr Holmberg Lida Ann Griffith Koier,
Lynch, KY
Ann Prim Mattmuller,
Jackson, A L
Harriet Ann McGuire Gertrude Gerber Phillips,
Adanta, GA
Marjorie Dean Shores Pike,
Springfield, T N
Darian Leo Ziegler Price,
Montgomery, AL
Doris Irene Bragg Rodgers,
Betty Simpson
Sarah Vinson Simpson,
Lombard, IL
Margaret Claire Crawford Skinner.
Birmingham, AL Georgianne Harwell Sparks Charlotte Williams Sudhofif Sara Neal Stuart Venters,
Huntsville, A L
Delta Sigma SanJoseStateU
Mary Jo Graefe Amsted
Geraldine Rosemary Oliver Arsenaulr Dorothy Lucille Ucovich Banker,
San Jose, CA
Lupe Blake
Janice Claire Lowry Bowerman Betty C True Boyer
Shirley B Buschke
Laura Lee Card
Joyce Beverly Norwall Chesnut,
Moraga, CA
Emily Elizabeth Dillon Elaine Louise Kiely Dolcini,
Petaluma, CA
Valentine Aimee B Heap Dugan
Kalispell, M T
Patricia June Anthony Ekstrand,
Honolulu, H I Audre Lannin Elliff,
San Jose, CA
Angela Clara Panelli Ernstrom,
Los Gatos, CA
Kathleen Margare Goepfert Eustis
Fremont, CA
Mabel Gomes Frelier,
Los Altos, CA
Grace Cecilia Rowan Garcia Eleanor Ruth Dinsmore Guion,
Sequim, W A Roberta Holloway
Jean Cayle Moote Jackson Frances Beatrice Schnell Joyce,
Burlingame, CA
Martha Caroline Wagner Keen
•lira May Hall Kell;y
Lucille Letitia Kendall
Barbara Jeanne Durrell Koblick,
Woodside, CA
Orva Jean True LaMar
Gloria Frances Lambert
Jane Brady Landaker
Gayle Aloha Maphet
Cornelia Anne Quigley McColley,
Arvada, CO
Genevieve G G Minaker,
San Jose, CA
Mabel Alberta Desmet Oconnell,
Campbell, CA
Theresa Mary Odonnell,
San Jose, CA
Elizabeth Anne Abraria Price Carolyn Baumgartner Prussia Barbara Morrill Hutchins Pyle,
San Jose, CA
Anne Jane Hofling Rogers,
Los Gatos, CA
Janice Ann Perlenda Salberg,
San Jose, CA
Cecile Marie Monahan SchaefFer Shirley Jean Shannon
Adele Lorrain Bertollatti Smith,
San Jose, CA
Ruth Avalyn Haymes Hefkin Swank,
North Myrtle Beach, SC Yabel Shirley Anthony Swasey,
Santa Rosa, CA
Jean Estella Olsen Toland,
Concord, CA
Elizabeth Ellanor Cooper Vogt Betty Jean Burrell Whelan,
PortolaVly, CA
Epsilon Cornell U
Ruth Elizabeth Lloyd Bean, Ft. Worth,TX
Janet Ellen Witmeyer Bone, Palatine, IL
Jean Audrey Feageans Bullock. Vallejo, CA
Joan Lois Koelsch Ehni
Ruth Elnora Hamilton Fisher Hazel Bertha Hallock Herr,
Lafayette, CA
Virginia Jane Vaughan Maine Charlotte Ruth Heinzelman Mason De Maris Jeanne Blythe Matteo,
Teaneck, NJ
Miriam Catherine McCloskey Barbara Jean Clarke Merritt,
r» [Wma/SPRING 1997

Cornwall On Hudson, NY Joan Eldred Minnock,
Delmar, N Y
Marie Antoinette Iandolo New,
New York, N Y
W anslee Anne Davis Samson,
Phoenix, A Z
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State U
Jeanne A Mathews Bross, Vero Beach, FL
Marie Loretta Wrobleski Fedon, State College, PA
Florence Drummond Frankhouse Jacqueline Marie Frye Freeburn,
Camp Hill, PA
Daisy Mae Tomich Hart,
Dunwoody, GA
Margaret Jane Forbes Hoy,
State College, PA
Romane Cole Murray McKean,
Pittsburgh, PA
Mary Elyn McLaughlinMoyer,
Norristown, PA
Joyce Trigiano Turley Nicholas,
Tiburon, CA
Irene Mary Kochera Sheridan
McLean, V A
Margaret Mary Denion Vineis,
Wayne, NJ
Geraldine May Thomas Wandel,
Gwendolyn MacDonald Small Tupper, S. Portland, M E
Dorothy Mae Curtis Vose Betty Louise Allan Wright,
Ridge Manor, FL
U of Illinois
Carol Christine Fries Casperson, Freeburg, IL
Virginia May Graver Davis, Homer, IL
Leila Ramona Cousins Eckert, Danville, I L
Jean Lorraine France Ellis, Janesville, WI
Emily Jeane Fisher Erley, La Jolla, CA
Margaret Aileen Hagan, Decatur, II.
Barbara Jane Werstler Hicks, Tucson, A Z
Gladys Mae Alt Higgins, Walnut Creek, CA
Rose Marie Holmes
Elaine Laura C Macozick Hughes,
Chicago, IL
Marjorie Ann Hagi Remy,
Streator, IL
Gwendolyn Edith Fuchs Rudd
Qyrmichael, CA
Ruth Ellen Akey Schade
50 Year Members
Cecilia Spottswood Grigg Oakley,
Petersburg, V A
Barbara Jean Lozier Reed,
Annandale, V A
Edwina Alta Frazer Rollo,
W estminster, C A Margaret Evans Rowe,
Memphis, T N
Maty Carolyn Smyth
Kim Charlton Spears
Martha Johnson Gulledge York,
Collierville, T N
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern College
York, PA llrtited S* Farmington Hills, MI
Olga Rita Rivera Davidson, St Petersburg, FL
Constance Jocelyn Johnston Green, De Kalb, IL
Hula Van McKenzie
Faye Morris
Betty Lou Cheyne Overly
Janet Larraine Fairfield Rentscher Jo Maxine Turner Smith
Patricia Willadean Stephen,
Flagler Beach, FL
Vyda Leetris Swan
Frances Lanelle Powell Templon Mary Margaret Mitchell Thomas,
Winter Park, FL
Dorothy Elizabeth Thompson
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College
Barbara Lee Bassett Atchley, Huntsville, A L
Gale Reynolds Clark
Carrie Mae Johnson Friesen,
Shawnee Mission, KS
Emma Jane Harolson Gorman,
Brownsville, T N
Mary Catherine Lynn Hitchings,
Memphis, T N
Betty Cameron Lott LauffenBerger.
Visalia, CA
Marjorie Lee Phelps Lee,
Dallas, T X
Alma Jane Davis McCain,
Little Rock, AR
Helen Quindley McClure,
Memphis, T N
Frances Ralston Crouch Perkins,
Senatobia, MS
Sally Maria Stephens Pope Mary Ann Lilly Steuterman
Helen Louise Milligan Watson, Pittsburgh, PA
Barbara Ann Snyder Yeager, Bangor, PA
Catherine L Schlereth Zeno, Pittsburgh, PA
U of Maine-Orono
Margaret Jane Knight Christianson, Holbrook, M A
Mary Dean Yates Floyd, Silver Spring, M D
Betty Friedler
Nancy Jane Ryan Hadfield Paulyn Cheney Howard,
Westborough, M A
Jean Lillian Harding Pierce,
Wellesley, M A
Patricia Marie Simmons
Valerie Barbara Smith Stimpson,
Irvington, N Y ToDragma/SPRINC 1997
Joan Theresa McDonald Welch, Sunnyvale, CA
Jeanne Patricia Oliver Zuver
Kappa Randolph-Macon
Woman's College
Mar)' Marshall Leonard Allingham, Mystic, C T
Sarah Jane Becker, Washington, D C
Betty Ruth Phillips Bird
Katherine Louis Heathcock Castner,
Louisville, KY Mary Ashley Davis,
Paris, T N
Johanna Christine Hilgers Dickson,
Greensboro, N C
Chloris Leigh Young Dowe Harriette Loranee Shaw Elmore,
Charleston, SC
Barbara Lee Howell Hamilton
Anne Chapman Hungerford Johnson,

50 Year Members
Carolyn Baber Sloan Swindle, Conway, AR
Helen Twist Thomas, Memphis, T N
Eddi Ann Davis Toppins, Tuscaloosa, A L
Kappa Phi
McGill U
Mavis Bessie Collins Cain, Dobbs Ferry, N Y
Margot Lillian Lusby Camp, Oakville, O N
Phyllis Bell Johnson Hay, Pointe Claire, P Q
Ann Frances Johnson Hayes, Burlington, O N
Barbara Joan Pickering Koop, Walnut Creek, CA
Margaret Jean Locke
Joan Mabel Henry Logan,
Calgary, AB
Betty Bagslaw Brook Messier,
Coventry, C T
Norma Aileen Dewitta Morgan,
Westmount, PQ
Margaretta Aileen Gilmer Pelzer,
Calgary, AB
Marion Gertrud Stephenson Reardon,
Yarmouth, NS
KappaTheta UofCalifornia-LA
Phyllis McCary Beacom Dorothy Jean Wiley Brocket! Shirley Eloise Combs Considine
Nu Lambda
U of Southern California
Barbara Mildred Bode Barton, Palatine, IL
Joan Marian Smith Hendricks June Capps Hillman,
Camarillo, CA
Claire Jeanne Lorenz Jeffe: Leanna Doris Long Leonard S Ruth Batkus Maffit,
Hot Sptings Nat. Park, AR Judith N Haun Salazar,
Ventura, CA
Karen Virginia Schroeder Mary Ann Roberts Sesma,
Monterey Park, CA
Lois Eileen Wollenweber Smith,
Orangeburg, N Y
Roselyn Adele Daneri Tuerffs,
Villa Park, CA
Corinne Jeanette Mitchell Williams,
Monterey Park, CAfO
La Mesa, C A Joan A m y Marsden
Susan Margarette Thompson Derrybeny, Shelbyville, T N
Beverly Jean Patton Dillon, Dundee, IL
Mildred M Derryberry Dodd, Sewanee, T N
Mary Jane Peery Eskew, Nashville, T N
Sally Davis Ford, Jackson, T N
lolland Pattie W ade Crouch Holland
Lois Summar Jones
Shirley Jeanne Ashner Lovell Sally Harris Peebles Moran,
Brentwood, T N
Sara Frances Sharp Murray,
Pulaski, T N
Betty Jane Latham Nelson,
Nashville, T N
Mary Elizabeth Chaffin Ramsey,
Nashville, T N
Ann Louise Marshall Rees,
ToDramna/SPKING 1997
Culver City, CA
Donna Jean Smith Huckins Allie Caroline Bargum Hyde,
Corte Madera, CA Rosemarie Fehlman Kaston,
Huntington Beach, CA Vera Frances Douglas Lind,
Garden Grove, C A
Ilene Amalia Testa Nevins,
Mammoth Lakes, CA Jean Beverly Turner Nixon,
Medford, OR
Margaret Jean Orchard
Mary Patricia Huber Orchard Karran Elizabeth Perk Richards,
N. Hollywood,CA Doris Joy Deffner Sreele,
Santa Rosa, CA
Carol Ann
Joan Marlenore Creagl
Felton, CA
Ardys Wilma Scanlon Wilson,
S. Laguna, CA
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
Elizabeth Battle Collins, Atlanta, GA
Sara Etheleen Harris Corse Mary Betry Hatcher Davenport,
Savannah, GA
Jeanette W oodruff Pickens Drake,
Metairie, LA
Betty Lee Campbell Edenfield,
Lakeland, FL
Helen S Martin Goldsmith Betry Lou Wallace Gregory Kathryne Marie Fiske Hopkins Cathryn Francis Henry Krohn,
Snellville, GA Beverly Bowers Paret,
Lake Charles, L A
Maude Modena McDougall Parker Loraine Jane Plant
Charlotte Ann Bell Ragan,
Milledgeville, GA
Shirley Jane Fries Register Elizabeth Anne Hopkins Rhodes,
Stone Mountain, GA Betty Jean Burns Rolison JeanLoisMcGehee Sharpe,
Concord, N C
Ann Georgine Cash Smith
Annetta Lucille Graydon Snead Geraldine Jeanine Dodgen Thomas,
Thomasville, G A
Mary Ruth Guffin Thomason Martha Jane Thompson Wyolene Bennett Walker,
Jacksonville, FL
New York U
Elizabeth A n n Purdy Fotheringham Muriel Ursula McNamara
Frances Anna Mescia Peets
Janet Anne Griff Schaad
Phyllis Meta Schroeder Jacqueline G Masterson Shortal,
Harrington Park, NJ
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt U
Mary Ann Hibbett Andrews, Nashville, T N
Jean Marie Jones Bradfute, Memphis, T N
Helen Erie Grizzard Clark, Nashville, T N
Mary Jane Gilbert Dalgleish, Bloomfield Hills, MI

Nashville, T N
Betry Jo Sweatt Shull,
Ridgely, T N
Betty Frances Knox Taliaferro,
Memphis, T N
Anne Brady Cronan Welch,
Bristol, T N
Elizabeth Barbee Kinney Windrow,
Mercer, T N
Evelyn Oliver Hickman Matthews, Knoxville, T N
Shirley Parker Schroll Meacham, Owensboro, KY
Sally McKinney Ross, Saint Petersburg, FL
Nancy Miller Crockarell Stevenson Goldshy Karns Swan Timberlake Nancy Jo Wright Tooker,
Manakin Sabot, V A
Nancy Rodgers Butler Turlington,
Lutherville, M D
Omicron Pi
U of Michigan
Betty Louise Beller Basel, Belmont, MI
Mary Ann Prince Brummer, San Diego, CA
Margaret Marie Donavan, Denver, CO
Joanne Virginia Ellis
Katherine Myrtle Mills Forrester.
Sunnyvale, CA
Louise Whitley Moore Grayson Eleanore Margaret Hammett Yvonne Marian Johnson,
Chicago, IL
Shirley Alice W ood Ludington,
Fulton, NY
Joyce M Neumeier
Janis Louise Kistler Puffenberger,
Williamsburg, V A
Dorothy Marie Warmeling Smarter,
Tonawanda, N Y
Alice Mae Coburn Stadler,
50 Year Members
Prairie Vlg., KS
Dorothy Margarer Bready Dejager,
Rochester, N Y
Martha Ann Willis Fleming,
Jacksonville, FL Eunice Ellen Hanes,
Aurora, C O
Donna Mae Mercer Martin Beatrice Marie Senor Schmidt,
St. Joseph, M O Charlotte Patricia Thayer,
Kansas City, M O Dolores Travalent Ufford,
Prairie Vlg., KS
Phyllis Sibbet Gilpin Ulmer Martha Ann Gibson Vangundy,
Salina, KS
Shirley Jean Hobbs Weir,
Grand Rapids, MI
Jewell Arlene Johnson Wolfe,
Sherman, TX
Phi Omicron
Hanover College
Mary Jean Horner Ortale, Nashville, T N
Newcomb College-Tulane
Barbara Jo Blum Armstrong Barbara Hammett Bagley
Cynthia Marie Hoffman Couturier,
Metairie, LA
Mary Katherine Talbot Hadleighwest Gertrude Morris Middleton Harris
Metairie, L A
Mary Boone Landry
Joyce Harper Mearns
Mary Belle Alston Riddick,
New Orleans, LA
Charlotte Early Shoaf Robinson,
Denver, C O
Jane Marie Marriott Sharlin Carol Cranberry Speer,
Mandeville, L A
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
Sally Sanner Brewington, Benton, PA
Maxine Robertson Currey, Haymarket, V A
Margaret Louise Zieber Degen, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Jane Fagan Kaufman Floto, Walled Lake, MI
Miami U
Joan Elizabeth Konrad Banks, Elkhart, I N
Helen Louise Beal
Alice Dolores Hendry Butler,
Evansville, I N
Katherine Anne Young Casebere,
West End, N C Nancy Biddle Doan,
New York, NY
Hope Kimball Finley
Chirley Charmaine Chance Forthman,
Miami, FL
Martha Patricia Fry,
Dayton, O H
Barbara Lee Durr Gruver,
Germantown, O H
Charlene Lammers Hassinger,
Seminole, FL
Lois Ellen Warner McNabb,
Mentor, O H
• 1 a Mortensen, Youngstown, O H
Geraldine Jean Oldham Schiering Norma Lea Barker Watson,
Dayton, O H
Nancy Bussard Zeckman
U of Tennessee
Sarah Louise Rudolph Berrier. Gatlinburg, T N
Geraldine Baucum Biggs, Springdale, A R 'fori*. Caroline Jane Roehl Bragg
Mc Minnville, T N
Margaret Chandler Bowden Conner,
Atlanta, GA
Rachel Anne Sample Cooper
Betty Jean Bolerjack Davis ^ t h i Elizabeth Rutherford Graf Hoffmeister,
Nashville, T N
Patricia Ann Gardner Klinke,
Memphis, T N
Evan Rees Hedge Kochevar
Cincinnati, O H
Marjorie Ann Letzgus Sutton,
ToDragma/SPRUNC 1997
Sunnyvale, CA
Anne Hariton Tobey
Mary Georgia Kokales Tower,
Greenville, MI
Rhoda Uhlendorf
June Ruth Chadwick Walter Mary Jane Zoghibe
U of Kansas
Patricia Ann Young Barrett Kansas City, M O
Betty Jo Bloomer Bradley, Oklahoma City, O K
Edith Rae Williamson Brochu, Durango, CO
Dorothy Jean Quirk Brown Winifred Ann Wilson DeYoung,

50 Year Members
Dolores Mae Bryant Hammett, Gaithersburg, M D
Iva Lee Gray Hardin, Lutherville, M D
Ann Marie Derrick Hensky Judith Fautleroy Speake Kensler,
Alachua, FL
Raymona Wiegand Lamon Margaret Elaine Sturges Lescure,
Cheschire, C T
Mary Margaret Mullin Manders Jean Yvonne Huyett Metz,
Monroeville, PA
Catherine Carter Prescott Perry,
Chevy Chase, M D
Bonnie Eileen Holland Phippeny Marvette Ann Boswell Simmons,
Sykesville, M D
Patricia Anne Spears Smith,
Valley View, TX
Miriam Bowles Knibb Tyrie,
Baltimore, M D
Jean Catherine Lindeman Watson,
Timonium, M D
Dolores Virginia Hancock Wurzbacher,
Punta Gorda, FL Patricia Ann Bellwoar
Hammonton, NJ
Gwendolyn Klar Radzievich Disarro,
Milford, NJ
Gloria Fan
Ruth E Horn
Anne Elizabeth Schacht Lee Martha Ann Price Mabey,
Rexburg, I D
Iris Ann Machlan,
Cherry Hill, NJ
Florence Maria Richardson Jane Agnes Walsh
Rho Northwestern
Jean Curtis Adams
Jeanne Roylynn O'Connor Biel,
Tucson, AZ «JI Rita Mary McEUiogott Burnside Betsy Ann Miller Chapmany
Charleston, W V
Kay Ann Bramhall Hendrickson Emily L Jonas Hill,
Racine, WI
Jean Victoria Fergusson Hobson,
Farmington, CT
Mary Josephine Hopkinson Kelley Marion Georgia Gilkeson King Caryl Joyce Waller Krueger,
Escondido, CA Joanne Marie Laird
Linda Louise Larson
Barbara Lee Sheffield Melberg,
Shawnee Mission, KS
Janet Lee Ryrholm Metzler Patricia Rae Vangetson Minor
Patricia Lynn Moore Marion M Merrick Paul,
Minnetonka, M N
Pattie Jean Poor
Mary Lucille Lindrooth Richardson,
Suzanne Jean Prussing Smith
Bette Jean Puterbaugh Stewart Marilyn Elizabet Loeppert Thurau,
Oakland, CA AnneWestfall
Sigma UofCalifornia-Berkeley
Jane Cairns Barton, Madera, CA
Patricia Ann Grant Bentley, Lafayette, CA
Patricia Price Brooks, Jamestown, CA
Jacklyn Hind Bullard Sally W emple Duval,
Orinda, CA
Charlotte Sue Cameron Furth,
Surry, M E
Constance Baird Graham,
Fresno, CA
Merilyn Joan Moore Hobbs,
Carmel Valley, CA
Joan Isabel Stainfield Koenig
Danville, CA Gaye Lenahan,
Piedmont, CA
Lois Doyle McManus
Jeanne Stanberry Mumby, Los Gatos, CA
Shirley J S Humphrey Payne. Pebble Bch., CA
Anne Lewin Stoll Pier, Evergreen, CO
Joanne Cairns Roeth, Walnut Creek, CA
Virginia Hatch Rogers
Maxine Lirtlefield Schmalenberger,
Davis, CA
Virginia Mae Garrard Winton,
Yuba City, CA
Sigma Tau Washington College
Armine Pauline Koumjian Besson, Baltimore, M D
Jean Hook Ferguson Bien, Ellicott City, M D
Virginia Elizabeth Miller Blocher, Southern Pines, N C
Frances Mackey Metcalfe Dutton, Chestertown, M D
Iola Bates Russell Johnson, New Bern, N C
Carolyn Elizabeth Brant Lense, Mauldin, SC
Theresa Sharretts Lindsay
Doris Louise Wheatley Phillips,
Vienna, M D
U of Minnesota
Joan Millicent Paul Brenan Annabelle Beatrice Moen Christie,
Seattle, W A
Marilyn Roe Remsberg Cook,
^C^heaton, IL
Nancy Ruth Frank Engle,
Baltimore, M D
U ofTexas Austin
Betty Jo Kelley Bonnette Dorothy Dixon Burgoon
Overland Park, KS Mary Lou Castleberry Ian Mazanek Cibulka Daisy Jo Lanier Duckett Betty Jo Patton Ginzel Mary Louise Hughes,
Brunswick, GA Patricia Ann Jack, New York, N Y
Betty Marie Kyle
Jeanne Lenoir Bus Swenson McDonald,
Houston, TX
Nona Elizabeth Orts,
Houston, T X
Kathryn Adele Raatz Parker Jimmie Earl Spell
Virginia Anne McDaniel Weede,
La Marque, TX
Doris Dale McGee Willimack,
J^Austin, TX
ft of Pennsylvania
Ruth Mary Aronson
Margaret Elizabeth Austin Ayres,
To Dragma/SPRIIiG

St Paul, MN
Ernestine Eugenia Held Erickson,
Wayzata, M N
Patricia Jeanne Dupage Faig Rita Anne Pottner Hughes,
Bloomington, M N
Virginia Dolores Herbert Johnson Greta A n n Nelson Jones
Carol Gertrude Hedman Laplante Carol Genevieve Zachman Market,
St. Paul, M N
Virginia Jean Sathrum Milette Dona Maureen Murphy
Jane Ellen Morine Nordquist,
Edina, M N
Sarah Louise Fligal Severson,
Minneapolis, M N
Joanne Grace Terry Vandenberghe Marian Janet Falkenhagen Wahlberg,
New Prague, M N
Marilyn Louise Sroneman Wahlberg
T a u D e l t a
Birmingham Southern College
Ann Landey Steele Andrews Helen Ruth Quinn Christian Daphna Wilda Barnes Ezell,
D ecatur, GA : -.\'j]|lIlCt O Beverly Jean Haithcock Foster,
Birmingham, A L
Louise Vernon Fly Grisham,
Nashville, T N
Marilynn Wayne Cooper Jaschke Dorothy Jean Holston Lawley Peggy A n n Malloy Lovelady Eugenis Lyle Akin Martin,
Pensacola, FL
Ruth Grundy Shapard Moore,
San Mateo, CA
Ardell Sophia Uherka Shippy,
Clarksville, T N
Adelaide Louisa W earn Strother Mary Frances Harrison Swindle Jane Elizabeth West Whitley,
Huntsville, A L
Leona Alice Lasater Wilkins
Theta DePauvv U
Patricia Jane Alexander Boigegrain, Grand Junction, C O
Marilyn Davis Boles, Winnetka, IL
Dorothy Hall Scott Capp, Northbrook, IL
Claire Yvonne Smith Church, Indianapolis, I N
Kathryn Mary Schwartz Colten, South Bend, I N
Lois A ydelott Eskilson, Wichita, KS
Alice Nell Chandler Gockley, Flint, MI
Barbara Banks Gurney, Lakewood, O H
Julia A n n Foster Hall, Kokomo, I N
Jean Louise Lave Hawley, Kalamazoo, MI
Helen Louise Diehl Hinderland, Phoenix, A Z
Betsie B Williams Jefferis, Dayton, O H
Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler, Arlington Heights, IL
Shirley Ann Morris Ramsey, Charlotte, N C
Frances Marjorie Horn Shelly, Fullerton, C A
Theta Eta
U of Cincinnati
Eloise Ann Hastey Dormire Jenny Lee Goodyear
Geneva Lucille Bonner Meier,
Temple Terrace, FL
Joan Segar Mohler Snowma Emily Sellards Marian Alma Zimmerman,
Cinci nnati, O H
Theta Psi
U of Toledo
Rosalyn Lcuore Grothjan Pizza, Toledo, O H
Joyce Kay Mitchell Rice, Toledo,'OH
U ofWashington
Marion Elaine Fischer Aeister Kennita Beth Johnson Balarezo,
Marysville, W A
Grace Marguerite Becker
Lorene Gloria Lloydyoung Bickford,
Langley, W A
Helen Sell Chadwick,
Reno, N V
Delores Myra Marshall Haber,
Huntington Bch., CA
Barbara Jean Harman Higinbotham,
Corvallis, OR
Joanna Vanderwilt Knudsen Joy Georgia Selig McNulty,
Apache Jet., A Z Lylia Appel Miller,
Spokane, W A
Gretchen Denton Surry Monteith
Seattle, W A
Patricia Lee Swezea Paton Nancy Lou Gellerman Patterson Carol Louise Jacobson Pugh,
Long Beach, CA
Sylvia Topping Goldsmith Purcell.
Sausalito, CA
Roberta Lee Fairless Rae,
Seattle, W A
Anne Elaine Anderson Reeves,
Spokane, W A
Phyllis Mary White Schmidt Patricia Adelaide Meyers Seyrm Joan Lee Alexander Soderling,
Redmond, W A
Lydia Anne Georges Stratton,
Seattle, W A
Janet Elaine Pond Swenson,
Seattle, W A Joane Tyler
U of Nebraska -
Marilyn Frances Nelson Arendt Alice Louise Flicker Beck Nancy Louise Jensen Downing,
Superior, N E
Marion D Pratt Eilers,
San Diego, CA
Ardith Anne Tilly Hills,
Grand Jet., CO
Beverly Jane Haarmann McMinn
Omaha, NE
Sharon Marie Murphy Peterson,
Lincoln, M O
Joan Estelle Scott
Batbara Joan Tobin Siggins,
San Antonio, T X
Ellen Ann Fiddock Towndsend Laura Agnes Scherff Waters,
Lincoln, N E
To Dragma/SPRING 1997
50 Year Members

coEeg ate news
Idea Exchange:
Public Relations Ideas
Every now and then, each chapter needs a few new ideas to give its Public Relations activities a little boost Presented here are a few of the PR ideas that our collegiate chap- ters have elected to share. For more details on any ideas listed here, we encourage you to contact that chapter. Remember PR begins with you. When others see you, they judge all AOFIs. Be a positive mirror of AOI1 - always letting your character and appear- ance reflect the best image of our Fraternity.
The Summer issue's collegiate Idea Exchange will feature Motivational Rush Activities. If your chapter has an idea to share, and has not already done so, please submit with pho- tos to the editor no later than April 25.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
This chapter held a Box Supper for Arthritis Research this year. Advertising was posted throughout the campus and community and even made the front page of the local newspaper. In the event, sisters cooked meals, placed them in decorated boxes, and auctioned them off
Delta Rho
The sisters of Delta Rho began 1997 by provid- ing each academic department a box of Alpha Munch-kins. Members are responsible for decorating and filling the box fot their depart- ment ovet the holiday vacation. This activity is designed to help create a good rapport between A O n and the DePaul faculty.
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
Each month, the PR committee in this chapter sends goody bags, cards or treats to other Greek groups. For example, on Halloween, teams of membets get togethet to carve pumpkins for all the fraternities on campus and make spooky baskets for the other sororities.
U of Illinois
Iota advertises their philanthropic event, "Run for the Roses," on the local Urbana- Champaign N B C news affiliate. This is a free service through community news access com- mercials and runs several times a week.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
To help celebrate homecoming each year, Kappa Kappa borrows a fire truck from a local station and entets it in the Homecoming Parade. Members decorate the truck and enthu- siastic AOns ride on top singing A O n songs and chants. With the sirens and lights blaring, it's always fun being the loudest parade entry!
U of Kentucky
To spread a little cheer during final's week, Kappa Omega passes out suckers with the mes- sage, "Good Luck! from AOn." They also
at right Kappa Kappa, Bail State U.
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U
Alpha Chi believes that participation is the best PR, so they developed a "PR Activity of the Week" program. Additionally, every Monday, all members wear letters, AOIl buttons, sym- bolic ribbons, badges, etc. It is quite effective and easy when 120 girls participate.
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern U
Alpha Lambda promotes goodwill among all Greek organizations by delivering "Good Luck" bags o f candy to fraternities and sorori- ties during their rush week. They also have sis- ters volunteer to be buddies to different groups for the year.
Alpha Psi
Bowling Green State U
This chapter's PR chairman Is constantly "spirit sighting," meaning she is on the lookout for sis- ters in their letters. They also publish a newslet- ter,"Panda Press," that reminds the chapter of events and includes personal notes to each other. They also emphasize a "Professor of the Month" program.
Chi Lambda
U of Evansville
One of Chi Lambdas public relations ideas is an Easter Egg Hunt for their alumnae's chil- dren/grandchildren and the rest of the commu- nity. It's guaranteed to be successful because everyone loves an egg hunt. The event takes place on campus and provides a great way for A O n to interact with the community.
Chi Psi
California Polytechnic
State U - San Luis Obispo
Chi Psi has a new PR idea to link AOn chap- ters together. They're looking to establish another AGTI chapter as their pen pal, using e- mail as their primary form of communication.
Delta Beta
Uof Southwestern Louisiana
Delta Beta is taking advantage of the Centennial year to publicize AOI1. For exam- ple, each month they have submitted an article and a photo to their local newspaper. They also were allowed to put A O n fliers in the USL ori- entation packets.
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Delta Delta was busy this year collecting stuffed pandas to present to Auburn's police department to comfort children in times of need. This served as a great PR activity for this chapter.
Delta Epsilon
Jacksonville State U
Each year, this chapter hosts a Halloween party with a local Brownie troop and adopts grand- parents from the local nursing home. They actively patticipate in their SGA's "Get on Board" day and encourage all members to par- ticipate on campus as well as off campus.
Kappa Omega
To Dragma/SPRING 1997

A ccfegate

regularly buy space in their campus newspaper to congratulate members on their achieve- ments, as well as make use o f colorful banners hung on their house.
Kappa Phi
McGill U
Because o f the anti-Greek amiosphere on their campus, Kappa Phi makes a point of inviting faculty and administrators to some of their social events.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
They keep an updated list of members' home- town newspaper addresses. Each time a sister is involved in something, whether in AOIl or outside of AOIl, they send a press release to her hometown newspaper.
Nu Beta
Lambda Tau
Phi Upsilon, Purdue
U of Mississippi
During the holidays, N u Beta sends hand paint- ed jars filled with peppermints to other Greek groups, campus administrarors, faculty and community leaders. Last year they added the Oxford police and fire departments to thank them for several late night false
alarm runs to the AOFI house.
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt U
A great idea offered from N u Omicron is to have every mem- ber wear an "I love AOIT' but- ton on her backpack. That way, members are always wearing their letters!
Miami U
This chapter is creating an
Omega Chapter Home Page on
the world wide web. This will
allow them to inform the campus, alumnae, and others about their chapter and members. They also have "Letter Lookout" days.
Omega Omicron
Lambuth U
This chapter regularly uses the local newspaper, television and radio stations to promote chap- ter events. In addition, signs are placed on campus to announce meetings and other events, and a weekly newsletter, "The Panda Appeal"isahit. Itincludesschool-wideevents, birthdays, and uplifting quotes.
Northeast Louisiana U
In addition to letter/badge days, Lambda Tau rents a billboard welcoming people to town. They also make public service announcements for Arthritis.
ToDragma/SPRINC 1997
Psi, University
To help promote AOFTs involvement in intra- mural or philanthropic events, the chapter holds a "W ear Your letters" day regularly.
Phi Sigma
U of Nebraska-Kearney
This chapter presents an award each week to the member who attended the most meetings and/or events on campus or in the community. The purpose is to not only encourage members to join organizations, but to get involved, too.
Phi Upsilon
Purdue U
Phi Upsilon invites fraternities over for dinner as a way to get better accquainted. It is a great way to meet new people.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
Pi Alpha scores points on campus by handing out candy in the cafeteria during lunch with notes attached. For example, in February, they hand out Valentine suckers with notes like
"With Love from A O R " Also, their stairwell is a great spot to hang sheet banners supporting all campus events.
Rho Delta
Samford U
At every Samford sporting event, Rho Delta puts up an AOFI ban- ner showing support for the team. They also designate jersey and badge days and send their chapter newsletter to parents and
University administration.
U of California-Berkeley Women's sports has a new high profile that was highlighted during the Summer Olympics. Sigma suggests that a reception be held on behalf o f a women's sports team or a female coach. It provides an opportunity to interact with campus administration, the athletic department and possibly some rushees!
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
Every year, Sigma Omicron sponsors AOPride Day. O n that day, they split into groups and wash windshields on campus. After washing the windshields, they leave behind a flier under the wiper saying "Your windshield was washed by an AOFI today.

Have a great day." People really appreciate this simple community service project.
Sigma Phi
California State U - Northridge
Sigma Phi gives away AOFI Bucks. Whenever a member sees another member wearing AOFI letters, they submit her name, earning her AOFI bucks. Sometimes a secret sister is
assigned tobetheonewhowatchesforletters and submits names to PR. The bucks can be used to buy Greek or AOfl memorabilia.
Some sisters gave tours through the spooky rooms wearing letters. They sponsored a Brown Bag Luncheon Discussion on campus featuring women's health issues. A campus nurse was there to facilitate the discussion and a video supplied from Headquarters was shown. Both were great for positive public relations.
Theta Pi
Wagner College ThesistersofThetaPimakebannersfornearly all occasions. A committee leads the way, but all members participate in creating banners for
U of Nebraska - Lincoln
Zeta members are encouraged to invite their favorite professors to a formal dinner at their house. Each professor invited receives a "pro- fessor appreciation" certificate. This helps improve faculty-Greek relations and gives them an opportunity to get to know their professors better.
...and more PR Ideas
•Submit a Centennial article to your campus or community newspaper
•Hold a campus pancake breakfast as a fund-raiser
•W ear your badge 100 times this year •Decorate dorm doors with AOTT letters
and decorations
•Hold a Brown Bag Luncheon and
Discussion Series
•Adopt an animal from the zoo
(such as a Panda)
•Rake leaves for the elderly •Exchange holiday ornaments with
other Greeks.
•Light lurminanes in the stadium saying
"Happy Holidays" or "Good luck on finals" •Adopt a grandparent in a nursing home
who has arthritis
• Hold a women's wellness seminar •Invite the First Lady of the State or city
to be a Founders' Day speaker •Plantatree on campus or inthe
community on Arbor Day •Take an ad out in the yearbook
congratulating your seniors.
1 Babysit for a "Professor's Night Out''
in area Panhellenic/ High School College nights •Promote AOTT through car window decals, book bags, jewelry etc.
•Adopt-A- Highway and wear letters while cleaning.
Omicron, University of Tennessee
Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern College
Tau Delta makes good use of their chapter newsletter, "The Rosevine," by sending it to all current members, Tau Delta alumnae, parents, and other chapters in the area.
Tau Gamma
Eastern Washington U
Tau Gamma has a "Public Panda Log" which is passed at every meeting. Members write down PR activities they participated in during the past week, from donating blood to drop- ping off food at a food bank, to helping an offi- cer who participated in the PR event for that week! The log is read aloud during meetings and each members hours are tracked for prizes.
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U
This chapter suggests you speak with the NPC and IFC on your campus to begin an all-Greek newspaper. All the PR chairmen from each chapter comprise the staff and it is a great way to spread good news about the Greeks to the community. They also suggest that a designat- ed time be established when members meet to eat out together that coincides with a letter day.
Transylvania U
Last year, members of Tau Omega volunteered in the Lexington Jaycee's Haunted House.
Rho Delta. Somford University
occasions such as welcoming back all students after summer break, congratulating New Members, sponsoring Homecoming candi- dates and Songfest Queen. Banners are also hung at all sporting events to support their teams. The chapter's goal is to make the name of A O n visible on campus at all times.
Theta Psi
This chapter often sends cookies, cards, candy, etc. to other organizations on campus. This helps them stay in touch with other groups and wish them "Happy Easter", "Happy Holidays", or just "Have A Nice Day."
Tau Omega
To Dragma/SI'FUNG 1997

alumnae news
Idea Exchange:
International Recruitment Month
past. Then each invitation was followed up with a phone call stressing that a full-time commitment was not necessary to enjoy being a member of their group.
Professional-looking newsletters and follow-up phone calls to 500 alumnae resulted in a record 31 members attending Dallas' "Get Back to AOFI" Social at Allison Woram's. The VP/Membership greeted each person at the door and had each sign the guest book. The alumnae president personally greeted each person also. The meeting began with a get-acquainted activity then plenty o f time to mix and mingle. A postcard from the secre- tary was sent to each first-rimer.
Denver Area
Denver Area Alumnae kicked off their annual membership drive with a "Get Back to AOFI" Open House at Debby Eilerr's home. Four alumnae dressed in circa 1900's clothing and assumed identities of Jessie, Helen, Stella and Bess while greering many new and old faces. W e had a great turnout and are well on our way to surpassing last year's paid membership o f 65 sisters.
Ft. Lauderdale
The planned event was a Potluck Suppet/Tailgate Party. Everyone was invit- ed to wear their school colors, particularly of special interest to recent graduates. A phone team contacted all AOIls in the area for a personal invitation, and at the event greeters were assigned to make visi- tors feel more comfortable.
Greater Miami
All active members were asked to review the AOIl roster for the Miami area and each vowed to bring a sister ro a "Girl's Night Out" dinner. Additionally, a "Get Back to AOn" brochure and invitation to dinnet were mailed to all alumnae on the roster.
Greater Pinellas
The Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter kick-off included a copy o f "10 Reasons to
"Get Back to AOTT" was the theme for Alpha Omicron Pi's successful International Recruitment Month. Alumnae chapters everywhere organized events last October designed to attract new members. A package of materials was supplied to each chapter to aid them with their plans, but each was encouraged to plan an event in keeping with the tastes of their group. The chapters listed here each submitted a few details about their recruitment event
The Alumnae News section of the summer 7b Dragmo will feature a brief salute to one outstanding chapter member If you would like to submit a member from your chapter information and a photo must be receded pnorto April 25,1997.
This chapter compiled membership packets for New Members ro share with potential members and associate members. Each con- tained a small Emporium gift, local AOFI directory, brick order form, Emporium cata- log, meeting agendas, Centennial Celebration information, and more.
Chicago-Beverly Hills
Many members of this chapters made phone calls to prospecrive area members. The October meeting was a fun holiday craft night and they plan to continue their "Get Back to AOFI" phone campaign throughout the year.
Chicago Northwest Suburban
This chapter had a very successful mem- bership recruitment month. O f the 29 members in attendance, ten were present for the first time. The business was kept to a minimum, focusing on a short presen- tation of the new AOFI structure and offi- cer reports. The majority of the time was spent preparing Halloween treats for the four area collegiate chapters.
Cleveland Area
Their recruitment month activities involved writing formal Founders' Day invitations to all sisters in rheir area who were not currently active, but had been at some point in the
Last October, Austin Alumnae could be found celebrating the Power of Friendship and Getting Back to AOFI, south-of-the-border style. The chapter and individuals interested in Associate Membership gathered at a local Mexican restaurant. The programming included exciting news of the upcoming fall and spring events such as the Centennial Kick-off Founders' Day and International Convention. Fun and imaginative door prizes were given away and scrapbook dis- plays were set up. The BRIDGES module Gender Communication was well received by the group.
The alumnae of this chapter celebrated "Get Back to AOFI" with a Sisterhood Retreat at Dawson Lake. While roasting marshmallows, drinking hot chocolate, and singing AOIl songs, they welcomed into the chapter three new alumnae (recent graduates of Beta Lambda) and three alumnae who had been away from AOFI for a few years. They reminisced abour col- lege days and shared thoughts on Alpha Omicron Pi's past, present, and future. A n evening o f fun, friendship, laughter and sis- terhood was enjoyed by all.
ToDragma/SPMNC 1997

Bloomington I Normal
sisterhood was enjoyed by all.
Chapter, Piedmont, Alumnae Chapter, below: Austin Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae Right: NCArea
alumnae news
An evening of fun,
friendship, laughter and
To Dragma/SPRINC 1997

alumnae news
Get Back to AOIT' in their newsletter mailed to 300 area AORs. An AOIX Dr. Jennifer Hayes, spoke on women's health issues and their meeting resulted in 5 new members and 10 prospects!
Hammond Area
"Passport" applications went out to all area alumnae along with a newsletter out- lining all of the special events they have planned for the year. Passports are stamped for each event attended and the member attending the most events wins a prize at the end of the year. Emphasis for meetings is on sisterhood and reunions rather than business.
Hilton Head Island
The local chapter recruited members to their "Get Back to AOIT' function through postcards and friendly phone calls, including offering rides to any AOO function.
An all out recruitment effort involved send- ing a newsletter to all Houston-area alum- nae in mid-September inviting them to their October event. In the days just prior to the event, the 70 person active roster was called as a follow-up to their initial newsletter invi- tation. The result included 30 attendees, of which six were new members. The event included a social time, an update on local and international A O n activities and a guest speaker from a local non-profit organi- zation, Avance, that the chapter supports. Plans are already being discussed for next year's October recruitment event.
A "Get Back to AOn" recruitment event included delicious hors d'oeuvres for the Indianapolis chapter. Two sisters were on hand to greet each A O n with our grip as they entered the party. They welcomed both brand new members and had a chance to catch up with those who had been missing for a while.
During their Seprember meeting, they asked each member in attendance to sign a commitment catd listing whom they would bring to the October meeting. Then, just before the October meeting, each member was called as a reminder of her promise.
Lehigh Valley enjoyed a Sundae Sunday for their October event. Members brought a favorite topping to share. A copy of the "Top Ten Reasons for You to Join an A O n Alumnae Chapter'' was enclosed with each invitation, and A O n buttons and alumnae decals were given as favors.
Little Rock
This chapter took a relaxed approach aimed at sisterhood. They offered more social time and the members enjoyed the opportunity to just laugh and remember AOITs past 100 years.
Macomb County
Each member of this chapter was responsi- ble for locating a member not affiliated with the chapter and help make arrange- ments to have her attend one of their func- tions. Macomb County plans to further the "Get Back to AOn" membership recruitment project focus by introducing the alumnae chapter and its plans and pro- grams to the seniors in Beta Gamma Chapter at Michigan State University. Although Beta Gamma is one hundred miles from thier area, rhey have some asso- ciation with the chapter and plan to increase this collegian-alumnae friendship. Arrangemenrs have been made to enclose in the Senior Kits distributed to Beta Gamma's graduating members, a newsletter introducing Macomb County Alumnae to these young women. In addition, as many members as possible plan on going to Lansing to participate in the welcome to alumnae status ceremony.
In addition to their regular fall newsletter sent to all area alumnae, the chapter used the printout of members to send a special
letter and invitation to new graduates and those who recently moved into the Milwaukee area. Stickers were included in the fall mailing for members to use to mark their calendars for AOLI meetings and events.
Minneapolis/St. Paul
A new member event was held this past fall for all new alumnae in the area, new alumnae from last year's senior class, and any alumnae who has not been involved with the chapter. Current members "rush" the potential members, and a list is compiled of their names to add to a call- ing list for upcoming meetings.
Nashville Area
The Nashville Area alumnae combined their October recruitment meeting with their chapter's 75 year anniversary celebra- tion. An afternoon tea was held at an his- toric home in the area and members attended donning gloves and hats for the occasion. Formal invitations were mailed to all area alumnae and personal phone calls were also made. Alumnae chapter memorabilia dating back to 1921 was on display and seven past alumnae chapter presidents in attendance were recognized.
New Orleans
Members brought pictures and items to share for a memorabilia night. It was a successful meeting for members to share memories.
Northern Virginia
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter held a successful night out, and met for din- ner at a popular local restaurant. Each member was encouraged to invite a prospective new member or a sister who had been a member in the past.
Orlando Area
Their firsr Alumnae meeting was a Birthday Celebration for all of their mem- bers. They enjoyed a lunch and cake fol- lowed by a social get together. They then followed up with phone calls and notes to new members. They hope this will become a positive approach to encourage membership and friendships.
To Dragma/SPRINC 1997

In addition to the more traditional recruit- ment efforts, one idea they incorporated was writing to any New Member or Initiate of their local collegiate chapter, especially those who live in their city. The note is a welcome and a reminder that AOFI is for- ever - and that the alumnae chapter will be there for them after graduation.
They sent out an 8 page newsletter to all members in their area. The results are still coming in, but their biggest suc- cess story has been through the personal touch - phone calls, notes and following up with members.
St. Louis
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter held a tea at Saint Louis University to celebrate the expansion rush o f Upsilon Epsilon Chapter and its move to this prestigious local school. Linda Mansur, Extension Committee Chairman, attended and updated members on plans for the spring rush. All area alum- nae were invited, and those who attended had the opportunity to volunteer as advisers, or other roles.
San Antonio
alumnae news
State College
What better way to celebrate being an A O n than by tailgating on a beautiful October afternoon at a Penn State football game? State College Alumnae and new members shared tailgate munchies and AOn sisterhood to "Get Back to AOn."
Toledo Area
In October, a special mailing announced a victorian tea party for the October meeting. A representative of the East Toledo Historical Society spoke on the traditional manners and customs at the time of AOITs founding. Each member brought a favorite tea cup and a potential new member. Each new member was also recognized at the meeting with an AOFI favor.
The "10 Best Reasons to be an Active Alumna" was included in their fall newsletter. By sharing a ritual meeting with the Duke chapter, they offered a meaningful experience for women who had not shared ritual for many years.
West Los Angeles
This chapter sent a mass mailing to all mem- bers in the local area with a list of events for the year, as well as a membership informa- tion sheet. A second mailing was sent with a newsletter. In October, the chapter attended a taping for: "Third Rock From the Sun", and various members attended seminars on Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In their October newsletter, the "Top 10 Reasons to Join an Alumnae Chapter," and a copy of the their Centennial Celebration Founders' Day invitation was included to encourage alum- nae to join the chapter.
Over 3 5 0 newsletters were sent to members to invite them to two activities during Membership Recruitment Month. A Sunday Brunch was held in early October at the world renowned Philadelphia Museum of Art. Later in the month an Oktoberfest celebration was held where husbands and/or dates were included. Members brought donations for a Halloween Party for the Laurel House (a shelter for abused women and children) that the chapter sponsors each year.
Piedmont, N C Area
"Get Back to AOIT' was heard through- out North Carolina as the chapter planned a giant ice cream social as the major mem- ber recruitment event during October. Each member of the chapter was asked to call several previous or potential new members and personally invite them to this "Major Fun Event." The admission ticket for each member of the chapter was her favorite piece of A O n memorabilia. Among all the fun and laughter, some seri- ous moments were spent discussing what it means to be an AOFI in todays world, why they have remained AOris through- out the years, and how they can support the community through their various pro- jects. At the end of the meeting, delicious hot fudge sauce, made by Jane Vondy, was given out as prizes for the best memorabil- ia. Winners were Marie Binder for her beach towel, Teresa Ward for a beautiful quilt made for her by her little sister, and Dana Morland-Mariotti for a lovely bracelet made up o f charms from different conventions she has attended. The entire evening was deemed a great success, new sisters joined the chapter, old friendships were renewed, and everyone had a good time. This may well become an annual event for the chapter.
To Dragma/SPRING 1997
This chapter hosted an A O n Memorabilia Night to encourage members to "Get Back to AOn." This great event was easy to put together and yielded more wonderful A O n memories. Each alumna was asked to bring something special regarding AOn, for example picture albums, letters, or a panda, to share with their sisters. Additionally, they viewed the Centennial Founders' video.
Sarasota Area
Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter had an excellent turnout for their October recruitment event. They gathered at a member's home and played "Taboo." This open, causal event allowed time for their members to catch up and get re- acquainted. The ice-breaker quality of this game really set things roaring. All business was handled in a handout to keep the meeting from being too long. By setting this tone, new members can see that the primary goal is to promote sisterhood for a lifetime through fun and that this is not "just another meeting".
South Bay/PalosVerdes
South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter welcomed new members this year with a cookout dinner. It provided a relaxed set- ting to meet new friends.

Century... with AOn Centennial Commemoratives
CC04 Note cube, white with burgundy Centennial Celebration logo. $6.00
CC03 Brass key chain with burgundy Centennial Celebration logo. $7.00
CC06 Mug, burgundy with gold Centennial Celebration logo,
Charm, 10 karat gold with Centennial Celebration logo. $100.00
Charm, goldklad with Centennial Celebration logo. $25.00
CC02B "Reflections of Sisterhood," a lithograph of an original painting. AOFI artist, Ann
Cushing Garitz, Pi, presented this painting to the Fraternity as a gift for our Centennial Celebration. 20 x 24 inches. $25.00
CC07 Official Centennial Celebration
microwave safe. $8.00
T-Shirt (L, XL)
CC BK Celebratethe Century History Book, pre-oruernow. Thismag- nificent limited edition coffee table style book is a valuable reference, as well as a wonderful keepsake. Expect delivery in the fall
Name: Address:
Item* Qty
of 1996.
Expiration Dale: Card Number:
Visa: Discover:
CC05 Sweat shirt, burgundy tone on tone with Centennial Celebration logo (L, XL)
CC01 Music box. Handmade Sorrento Italian music box with inlaid red
rose finished in black laquer. T h e inside features a brass engraved plaque with Centennial Celebration logo. Swiss-made Regue musical movement plays "The Rose". $120.00
i1 Please send completed form and check to:AOn Emporium, AOT1 International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027 or place a phone order: 1-800-shop aoii or (615) 370-0920, Mon. through Fri.,9am to 5pmCST.
•Canadian customers please double amounts for shipping & handling charges.
•Shipping & Handling
$0 to $5 $ 3 $5.01 to $25 $4 $25.01 to $50 $5
S75.0I to SI00 $7 Please add SI tor every $25 after $100.
Canadians add 25% currency exchange
TN residents add 8.25% sales tax
Shippii c & Handlins (sec chart)
Total amount enclosed
Price Ea
Total Price

Our Members
©•Chi Delta(U of Colorado - Boulder)
«s> A pair of University of Tennessee twins were selected from thousands of entries during the "Milk,Where'sYour Mustache?" college tour. The sophomores will appear in upcoming milk advertisements and on the national milkWeb site at ShellyTrivett (featured on right), a member of AOITs Omicron
Chapter, and her sister Paige,anAAn, were each offered a five-year contract as part of an effort to educate college students on the impor- tance of getting enough milk in their diets. "W e are both really excited and looking forward to seeing what comes out
of all of this," Shelly said. "Instead of laughing at the people in the milk ads,
I might just have to bite my tongue!"
Our Alumnae
e>KateWallem,Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U); Amy Bulander, Tau (U of Minnesota); and Genneysa Case, Delta Beta (Louisiana State U) were all members of AOFI while in school at their respective universi- ties. Now all three women work together as
staff members for fresh- man Congressman Ed Pease of Indiana's 7th District Congressman Pease is a former National President of Pi KappaAlpha Fraternity and is currently on the Board of Directors of the National Interfraternity Conference. According to Pease,"Fraternal and
Panhellenic organizations instill and foster meaning- ful qualities such as lead- ership, responsibility, and dedication. Not only do I truly cherish the friend- ships Ihave made through Pi KappaAlpha and the National Interfraternity Conference, but I am equally thankful of the lessons Ilearned and the opportunities the frater- nity has provided. These three women are a vital part of my team, and I am thankful for their abilities and enthusiasm."
e> Congratulations to the following AOTIs who are serving as Presidents of their Alumnae Panhellenics: Anne Schleper, Evansville, IN; Sally Cherry, MtVernon, lUJulieKasper,Rancocoas Valley, NJ;Annette Gantner, Cedar Rapids,
IA; Shirley McCann, Daytona Beach, FL; Janet Lawson, Greater Naples, FUAnnHinds,Northern VAVeraD.Judycki.St Mary Parish, LA; Vicki Kretzschmar, Huntsville, AU LizAmundson, Clark County/LasVegas, NV; Alverna Swan, Overlake.W A
e> Jeanne Danielson, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U),a Haagen-Dazs Shop Franchisee in Portland, Oregon has been named
announces that Courtney Vogel was recently elect- ed Panhellenic President She is a senior communica- tions major. OtherAOn members serving on the
Winners of the "Milk, Where's Your Mustache?" college tour.
• i
P fA
"Best Single Unit Operator" by the Haagen-Dazs company at its National Sales Meet- ing. Danielson's shop was singled out of 230 other Haagen-Dazs locations nationwide for her com- mitment to business excellence. "Jeanne exemplifies the qualities that make a successful business partner," says AndyVoorhees,former Former Franchise Business Manager for Haagen-Dazs in the northwest region. "Along with her skills as a talent- ed marketer and business manager,Jeanne has built strong relationshipswith
her employees, cus- tomers and communityr A wife and mother of two, Danielson adds,"My kids absolutely love careerday. It'severykid's dream to have a parent own a Haagen-Dazs shop!" Danielson launched her dream two years ago on 526
Northwest 23 rd Ave in Portland.
Our Chapters
e> "This letter comes your way to inform you of the outstanding perfor- mance of the Tau Omega Chapter (Transylvania U) ofAlpha Omicron Pi. At our annual Greek Awards Banquet the chapter received many awards including Outstanding New Member GPA,the Campus Involvement Award and the
Community Service Award. As well,Jennifer Price was named Greek Woman of theYear. They were also recognized for having outstanding atten- dance at GreekWeek events. I hope you can offer your congratulations to the chapter as they
have worked hard this past year and deserve the recognition."
Sincerely, Mary Beth Sclater Assistant Director of Student Activities
e> The 3rd annual "Beat Auburn, Beat Hunger" Food Drive was a tremen- doussuccessfortheWest Alabama Food Bank. Over 70 University stu- dent organizations collect- ed canned foods and
A O n's Alpha Delta Chapter(UofAlabama) was recogned for their "awesome performance" of collecting 204 pounds of food.
e> Congratulations to Zeta Pi Chapter (U of Alabama - Birmingham) for recently celebrating its
IOth anniversary on Janaury27,1997.
«s> Kappa Omicron Chapter (Rhodes College) is proud of their outstand- ing cumulative chapter GPA of 3.257 for the fall semester. This scholarship achievement places them infirstplace among all Greek organizations
on campus.
Panhellenic board include Kathleen Sulivan, Membership Education Director, and Kathy Hoffman, Assistant Panhellenic Delegate.
e> The Auburn Panhellenic Council recently recognized the efforts ofWendyTomlin (Delta Delta Chapter) for her service as Panhellenic Executive Vice President Additionally, it was announced that Shamim Johnson was elected to serveasPanhellenicVice President for Rush 1997- 98, Kristy Laffertywill serve as Assistant Head
Rush Counselor, Carey King will serve as New Member Education Cabinet Head and Katie Patterson will represent AOn as a member of the Risk Management Board.
e>The National Order of Omega awarded fifty $500 scholarships this year, two of which were presented to AOn mem- bers. Congratulations to Jennifer PriceTau Omega (Transylvania U) and Hanna B.Jacobs, Zeta Pi (U ofAlabama-
To Dragma/SPRING 1997

The Power of Frie
(Iniieron Pi Fraternrty
nae who had not seen each other for over 4 years, but during our days together, time did not
even seem rele- vant. As time goes on, and
people move farther away from one another, it gets more and more difficult to stay in touch. Friendship is one o f life's most won- derful gifts, and should
never be taken for granted. This 'mini- reunion' was a great
way to stay in touch, and hopefully there will be many more to come,
(photo 1 to r: Kym Dunstan, Shannon Maloney, Nada Glass Colton, Sheree W atson, Heidi Sherick, Gunette Godbout, Jennifer Coufal Leegwater,
Heidi Christenson.) -Heidi Christenson
NYC Marathon Volunteers
Several members o f the New York Alumnae Chapter had a great time volunteering at
this year's New York
City Marathon. Among their duties included assisting run-
ners with locating their baggage after the race, (photo below)
AOTT is part of Operation Sparkle According to the Cal State University- Norrhridge Daily Newspaper, more than 80 members of
A chapter building experience This year's sister- hood retreat for Sigma Rho
Chapter (Slippery
Rock U) was a wonderful experience as they hud- dle together (below) on rhe cabin porch for a chapter photo.
Check out the AOTTWeb site during Convention!
In the last issue of To Dragma, we announced the launch of AOITs new web site. Since January 1, 1997, over 80,000 people have visited! Be sure to check out the web site each day this summer during Centennial
Convention, June 27-30. We will be updating the site daily with the previous days highlights, as well as announcing award win- ners. The site address is
During this exciting year, we are, indeed, spreading the Power of
Friendship. A O R
Dear Editor:
Last summer several alumnae from the Alpha Phi Chapter met in Big Fork, Montana for a long weekend. There were some alum-
showing was the last time the quilt was to be displayed in its entirety, (photo above)
Dear Editor:
A O n sisterhood only begins in college. The three pictured (below) AOris met and became fast friends three decades after graduation. O u r husbands have all served as
national presidents of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). W e were attending the 1996 annual convention in
Alpha Omicron Pi and Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity worked together one Saturday morn- ing to
clean up areas ofNorthridge. Sponsored by
rhe LA Police Department, this project was called Operation Sparkle.
It pulled volunteers together and provided them with the tools necessary to tidy oth- erwise neglected parks and alleys throughout Northridge. The "men and women
of CSUN's Greek system removed graffiti and raked excess leaves to beautifythearea.
A memo- rable expe- rience Three mem- bers of
Pi Delta
Chapter, along with their Chapter Consultant, Elizabeth Hall (Theta Omega) volunteered
to help monitor the AIDs quilt on display
at The Mall in Washington D.C. This
Washington, DC. L to n Alice Ann Vaughn Barge, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U); Margaret Noble Walker, Alpha Phi (Montana State U); and Phyllis Fox McCarty, Sigma (U of
To Dragma/ SPRING 1 W

ship. AOIL
Happy 90th Anniversary, Sigma Members (photo below) of Sigma (U ofCalifornia- Berkeley) were all smiles and sisterhood on the occa- sion of the chapters 90th anniversary.
Dear AOTT sisters: The loss of our sister, Carey Griner, on January 30 has brought confusion and difficulty to Kappa Kappa sisters. Through the love and support o f A O n chap- ters everywhere, we have
Napa Valley Alumnae Chapter installed
The Napa Valley Alumnae Chapter was installed on January 25,
1997, becoming the
first new alumnae chapter in AO n s second
century. Despite high flood waters attempting to dampen the event, alumnae and colle- gians came
from all over the state to help celebrate. Executive Board Director, Debbie Harllee officiated at the installation ceremonies, (photo, below, standing 1 to r: Stephany Schulz, Vernice Miller, Karren Bautista, Priscilla Kannarr, Debbie Harllee. Seated
1 to n Peggy Jones, Kathy Fitzgerald, Helen Megan.)
100 hours of service to Habitat for Humanity
The members of Lambda Iota Chapter (U o f California,
San Diego) performed
100 hours of commu- nity service through Habitat for Humanity in honor of AOITs Centennial Celebration. Each member of the chapter participated
in such new tasks as compounding, laying cement and dry walling while helping to build a house in Chula Vista, (photo below) A O n salutes your hard work!
welcomed a sense of hope to this time of sor- row. Our appreciation for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers cannot be expressed enough. Though this may be a troublesome time, we are thrilled to see there truly are no boundaries to sister- hood. Sisterhood is
a bond of everlasting love and friendship. Carey will always be
a part of this bond. Once again thank
you to all of our
Alpha Omicron Pi sisters.
- Your sisters of Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
maintained contact
via cards and
occasional visits, but this was the first large- scale reunion. They enjoyed planned events together including shopping Michigan Avenue, touring the Art Museum and the Degas exhibit, attending a performance of Showboat, and had afternoon tea at the Drake Hotel. "Best of all were the opportu- nites when we remi- nisced about our AOfl collegiate years and shared with each other
the forty years that shaped our lives."
Barbara Morris Johnson, Eileen Sampson Merhar, Phyllis Williams Rolfe, Mary Lou Marshall Halamka, Marilyn Perry Anderson.)
Lake County Alumnae help make a difference The members of the Lake Counry Alumnae Chapter were recently recognized for their contribution of 100 children's books to their local Family Literacy Project. The coordinator stated, "your sorority is obvi- ously concerned about worldwide literacy, as we are; and you also share our belief that a real difference can be
made when parents start reading to their children at very early
To Dragma/SPRING 1997
lota Reunites after 40 years Last November, 10 Iota AOFIs met for an extended week- end in Chicago to celebrate the 40-year anniversary o f their graduation from the University of Illinois in 1956. Many had
Those not able to attend sent greetings, (photo top o f page, seated 1 to r: Peggy Hoover Bryan,Liz Hopkins Coleman, Fran Shaw Anderson, Marty Rosebraugh Kappmeyer. Standing 1 to r: Nancy Mongerson Warner,
throughout childhood. Wishing all the mem- bers of Alpha Omicron Pi a very happy 100 year celebration!"
A ages and enjoy good books together

Gamma Theta
Corporation Board to Meet.
The Gamma Theta Corporation Board has set their annual meeting for April 19, 1997, 3:00 p.m at the chapter apartment, 12201 N . 50th St., Apt. 31. Contact Kathy Andrews (813)684-7229 for more information.
Beta Lambda
Schedules Meeting
The annual meeting of the Beta Lambda Corporation Boatd will be held on April 8, 1997, 6:45 p.m. at the Beta Lambda Chaptet House. For more information, contact Carol Elliott, (309)454-7524.
Rose Tributes available for Convention attendees
Rose Tributes are now available for pur- chase to honor a sister attending the Centennial Celebration Convention in New York City in June! Tributes are $5 each and will be presented to the honoree upon her arrival at Convention. All Rose Tributes recipients will receive an acknowledgment card along with an embroidered red rose to place on her name tag and, at the same time, will be reminded that someone back home is thinking of her. Watch your mail for fur- ther infotmation on how to purchase Rose Tributes or call the Foundation office at (615)370-0920.
AOn Foundation Awards
To be eligible for the 1996-97 ACTI Foundation certificates, all chapter gifts must be received by the Foundation no later than May 1, 1997. You may send one check to the Foundation for all your contributions. Do not send separate checks for each fund. Please make your check payable to the AOfl Foundation. Designate in the cotner of the check how you would like your contribution distrib- uted. Questions? Please contact Kristie Ryan, Ditector of Development, at (615)370-0920 ext. 30.
Nu Iota Corporation Sets Date.
The Nu Iota Corporation Board will meet on April 27, 1997, 1:30 p.m. at 918 Kimberly, DeKalb, IL. Contact Lois Merwin (815)756-6569 for details.
AOn Speakers Bureau.
AOn isformingaSpeakersBureau. We are looking for dynamic alumnae who are experts on any subject in any field. Our list will include women who prefer to do workshops and small group facilitation as
well as those who are keynote speakers. For an application, please call the Programs and Training Administrator at HQ or send an email "ATTN: PTA" to [email protected].
Do you need Internet access?
Alpha Omicron Pi has arranged to offer Internet access to our members, through a partnership with Access Interactive, an Internet service firm with a nationwide net- wotk of Internet access numbers. A O n will receive a portion of the revenues from your subscription to help fund our growing Web site - and you get the satisfaction of yout own email account tied in with AOI~I: your
[email protected]! You'll get unlimited hours each month and all die software you need for $19.95 per month and a setup fee of $25.00. You can even have your own chat room! Call today: (800) 695-4725 10am - 6pm CST and let then know that you are an AOFI!
The History Books are coming!
If you ordered an AOFI Centennial Commemorative History Book, they are scheduled to be shipped to your home address in late-May. I f you are interested in purchasing one, contact Colleen Caban, Centennial Celebration Administtator at AOfl H Q .
ToDragma/SPRIM; 1997
Join AOFI on one of these
AOFI has arranged through Princess Tours, an Alaskan vacation package that will
fulfill any dream. This 7-day cruise aboard the New Sun Princess can be taken alone or combined with optional pte and post-cruise options. Discount cruise only prices begin at $1499 with low air add-ons from over 100 Princess gateway cities. Cruise dates:
August 5-16, 1997 - Pre-cruise the Canadian Rockies and Alaskan Cruise
August 9-16,1997 - Alaskan Cruise V ancouver to Seward
August 9-21, 1997 - Alaskan Cruise and Post-cruise to Denali
Aboard yet another magnificent Princess Cruise Line ship, the Sky Princess, AOris will have the exciting opportunity to visit the land down under. O n this 14-day cruise, you will sail with your sisters to Australia and New Zealand, visiting Sydney, Melbourne, and Auckland along the way. Optional excursions provide the opportunity to visit Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef, plus others. Sailing dates are February 10-24, 1998. Discount cruise only prices begin at $2277 with low air add- ons from over 100 Princess gateway cities.
Look in the next issue of To Dragma for an announcement about a ski trip being planned for November 1997. For more information about traveling with AOn, contact: Nancy Grow, Alumni Travel Group (800) 654-4934 or (713) 975-6116.
It's more than a cruise, it's the Love Boat'

Major Medical Coverage
Available for
. Volunteer i The Human Resources Committee is accepting
applications for any volunteer position inAOTf.
AOIl Members and Alumnae A Continental U.S. Only
* A+ Rated Carrier
*$300 Deductible
* Pays 50% of the first $2,500 then 100% up to
* Choose your own Doctor and Hospital * Maternity Benefits included
* $10,000 Life Insurance
* Disability Benefits
* (Medically Underwritten)
Dental Plan:
* Basic Services 80% after a 3 month waiting period
* Major Services 50% after a 12 month waiting period * Calendar Year maximum $ 1200
* Lifetime Deductible $100 per person
Cancer Plan:
* Low Cost
* Guarantee Issue
* Pays expenses that your health insurance does not
* Major Medical policy required
Vision Plan:
* Low Cost
* 50% off retail eye wear
* Over 5,000 network providers
The committee is particularly interested in receiving an application from you if you have experience or interest in working with Collegiate Corporation
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:_
Zip/Postal Code:_ Chapter/College where initiated:. Place of Employment:
Zip/ Postal Code:_
Maiden Last
State/Province:_ _Phone: ( )
_Year Initiated:, .Occupation:,
J - e-mail:
Current AOTT Office:. Q no
Alumnae Chapter:.
Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter: Q yes Special Interests:
Please complete thisform,indicating the change above and return to:
AOFI International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood,TN 37027
Please help A Oil save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50<t, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changingyour name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
ToDragma/SPRING 1997
Boards, Collegiate Finance or Alumnae.
For aVolunteerApplication, please contact
Melanie Doyle, Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood,TN 37027 (615) 370-0920

amage, .familyb Kl(^s parents
^S^airiage dating
studies ^XM* volunteering nQQtU
notice of undeliverable copies ojpbrm 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook
Boulevard, Brentwood.TN 37027

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