'We want girls who will
not only take a lot of fun
and happiness out of
college out. also put some
useful service into rt, who ;
will have enough grace
to be popular; enough j
generosity to enjoy life '
with others and the
esteem of others, but
enough character to do
i a I this without making the
s ightest concession of
pnnciple or conduct!'
: t... Founder Stella d e n r e e Stpm Pprrv Auaucf 97 I 9^A i
' A O n is w o r t h b e i n g "
Several recent dramatic and emotionally challenging happenings in my AOFI life have
caused me to ponder very intensely on the basic principles of A O n and our purpose and
usefulness in existing. Different circumstances surrounded each situation - but each
involved setting the direction for a chapter and each involved the initiation and installa-
tion of young women who were charged with the responsibility of developing their
chapters of initiation.
We learn much about our Fraternity by reading the early history. The Founders and other early members of AOn searched with
great discrimination in the selection of new chapters. Each candidate group was carefully researched to ascertain if the women
in that group followed the same basic principles that currently existing AOFI espoused. While the origins of those candidate
groups were very diverse, specific criteria needed to be satisfied to gain recognition by AOFI.
The early members scrambled to keep up with their growing needs. While AOFI was still a teenager, the membership recog-
nized the needs society was imposing upon it. The early leaders of AOFI fretted about change within their organization, yet
they knew it had to happen in order for them to survive. We always point with pride to the fact that our ritual has never
changed. Our Founders had already experienced the needs of a constantly changing world, and built a foundation that sup-
ported change as well as a lasting bond. It is deliberate that the precepts observed have value for succeeding generations.
As we became further removed from the words and influence of the Founders - the foundation - we became cautious - con-
cerned that we might lose sight of the basic principles, the basic beliefs and needs that created us. I have felt, especially since
my recent experiences, a certain panic. I am quickly becoming an elder generation. My role in the leadership of the Fraterni-
ty, has been based on belief in those principles and in what I felt was a good understanding of the needs of the members. I have
carefully, never forgotten my "grass root" days and I remember, not only my generation of the late 50's, but the struggles with
the opinions of the college student and her needs in the mid-seventies. I recognize, as well, the needs of the student of the 90's.
I hope that I have helped to maintain that strong foundation for the next generations of AOFIs.
While panic may exist in my reflections of my experience, I am comforted by the tradition of high expectation that persists
above all. There are specific expectations for each chapter and each member and we need not look at current manuals and per-
formance standards to find them. Those expectations are the same now as they were in the early years when the Founders were
directly involved. They are stated in simple and straight-forward language in the Ritual.
Chapters and members have individual contributions to make and there is room for flexibility and diversity. However, we are
not an organization of fragments - of independent bodies. We are one. Therein lies our strength. As the old saying goes, our
chain is only as strong as its weakest link. All the parts working together create the whole. Any chapter or any sister that strays
from the mission creates a breach in our unity.
While our chapters are lent to us to nourish, they belong to AOFt. Our badges are lent to us for life, yet they belong to AOn.
What also belongs to AOFI, but is given to us forever, are our principles - our guide as long as we need them. We owe it to our-
selves to make usefulness of our purpose.
Let AOFI go beyond a comfortable relationship, a convenience for social experiences. Let it be an arena for the discovery of our-
selves - in works of charity, in personal achievement, in the stimulation of our minds. As contributing members of AOFI, we
also contribute to our personal world and to our greater world. Then each succeeding generation of AOFI will be well-taught
by example and will remain true to AOFI's principles. We give validity to AOFI and make it worth being.
Mary McCammon Williams
International President
2 To Dragma
ALPHA O M I C R O N PI Summer 1995 A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi
Vol. LXVI, No. 11
JANUARY 2 , 1 8 9 7 Rush: Creating a More Positive Image for Your Chapter 6
Alumnae: How You Can Become More Involved In Rush 8
'FOUNDERS Rush Success 9
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN Legacy Policy Explained/Introduction Form 11
HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN Rushee Recommendation Form 13
STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY 1995 Rush Directory 16
ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN An Early History of Barnard College 34
41 and Having Fun! 35
AND ARE ALL DECEASED. Philanthropy Highlights 39
The AOn Magazine Program 45
MARY MCCAMMON WILLIAMS, O The New York Theatre Tour 2
44 SUNSET ROAD departments 24
TELEPHONE 309/829-3656 From the President's Desk 42
Collegiate Chapter News 43
9025 OVERLOOK BLVD. Did You Know.
BRENTWOOD, TENNESSEE 37027 From Our Readers
TELEPHONE 615/370-0920
MELANIE NLXON DOYLE, A E An excerpt from a letter written by A O I 1 Founder, Stella George Stern Perry to
Virginia Berry on August 27, 1936. Cover Design by Rebecca Brown.
MARIELLEN PERKINSON SASSEEN, A A Summer Intern: Heather Leisure, B r (Michigan State U.)
GRAPHIC DESIGN The Summer 1995 issue of To Dragma marks the second issue produced by new editor,
REBECCA BROWN, A A Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama). Mariellen replaced Beth
Grantham who accepted a position at Vanderbilt University.
(USPS-631-840) the official organ ofAlpha Omicron Pi, A former RRO, RD and Nashville Alumnae Association President, Mariellen holds a
BA in Communicationfromthe U. ofAlabama. Ten years ofprevious experience has
is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, been in print and broadcast communications.
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TO.
Second class posrage paid at 3
Brentwood, TN,
and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is SI.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $75.00.
POSTMASTER Send address changes to:
TO DRAGMA ofAlpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood,TO37027. Address
all editorial communications to the
Editor at the same address.
Printed on recycled paper
Printed in the U.S.A.
Summer 1995
creating a more positive image
for your chapter
/ bbyy HHeeather Baldwin McLean. Tau Lambda (Shippensburg University)
Whether we believe it to be true or
not, first impressions are lasting. Think fall in place. All that's needed now is the process, they w i l l be more likely to
of how many times you have met some- knowledge of how to implement the nec- choose to participate, rather than feel
one, and within the first five minutes, essary changes.
you have decided your impression based they are forced to participate.
on his or her appearance, attitude or per-
sonality. Little things can tell you a great In "Leadership Challenge: How To Next, advertise your choices publicly.
deal about a person.
Get Extraordinary Things Done I n Let everyone know that AOn is commit-
People base their impressions about
fraternities and sororities in a similar Organizations," James Kouzes and Barry ted to their new goal. For example, i f
fashion. Each chapter has a "reputation",
regardless of whether there is any truth Posner explain that most organizations your goal is increasing your overall GPA
behind it.
try to accomplish everything all at once. by .1 each semester until it is 3.0, then
An excellent example is one of our
AOFI chapters which had a bad reputa- The best way is to take it one step at a announce it at your next Panhellenic
t i o n because they didn't pledge
quota each year. Everyone thought time. They refer to this as "planning meeting. Within the chapter, establish
that they were dull, plain and bor-
ing, and soon they believed it too. small wins." The most effective change your scholarship programs, monitor the
The truth was they were wonderful!
They had a tremendous sisterhood, processes are incremental. Break prob- progress and provide support. When
were active on campus, and had an
innovative rush program. But lems down into small steps, and get a you achieve the goal - let everyone know
because they believed in a reputa-
tion that had been established 10 person to say "yes" numerous times. about it. It's easier to be committed to a
years earlier, they failed to pledge
quota and lost faith in themselves. goal when that goal is difficult to revoke.
What reputation does your chap- Aipha Chi members proudly wear their AOK letters year round on the campus of Western Kentucky U,
ter have? Are you a chapter that is Their positive campus image is a part of their success during rush.
admired for your sisterhood,
achievements, philanthropy, and There are several ways to implement So, what does
scholarship? With honest work and this "small win" process. First, generate all this
dedication, every AOFI chapter can new ideas through experimentation.
be tops on their campus! Look, for example, at your sisterhood and have to do
detetmine what you can do to make it with rush?
You are a walking billboard for better. Maybe having a letter day on
AOFI and the Greek community Tuesdays or an Ice Cream Social during If you...
every time you wear our letters. midterms. I f those work, move on to a 1. identity your chapter's weaknesses
You represent the letters you wear, fireside chat or a sisterhood retreat. Keep 2. develop ideas and programs that
and your appearance and actions are the chapter involved and excited about will improve those aspects
a reflection on our Fraternity. Many the new activities. I f anything fails, eval- 3. let your membership nave a
chapters feel their professors are anti- uate why and adopt a better plan. choice to insure commitment
Greek and will judge them poorly i f they
"advertise" their Greek affiliation. Prove Another way to utilize the "small win" you will... „
them wrong! Participate in class, work process is to break a large goal down into 1. improve your sisterhood
hard for your grades and wear our letters. smaller, more workable tasks, and assign 2. improve your AOTT image
Be active on campus and in the commu- these tasks to a person or a team to be 3. improve your RUSH!
nity, and advertise who you are in every responsible for it. More membership
positive event you support. Show your involvement creates greater commitment r •u•s•h
professors and others that you can excel and less chance for failure. Because this
in academics and be Gteek. commitment is so impottant, remember
to offer your chapter choices. I f they
Appearance is but a small part o f have a choice in the decision making
enhancing your A O n image. Sisterhood
is also a key factor. I f there is strife with-
in the chapter, there is no way you can
successfully hide it. It may even help
define your reputation in a negative way.
In a speech by Liz Coffey, she said, "per-
haps nothing is so strong a selling point
in friendship as the discovety that you
care not for quota and figures, but for
those in the Fraternity." Once you have
a strong sisterhood, everything else will
4 To Dragma
alumnae: how you can
become more involved in rush
Whether our college years were just a few • Help during rush week. Alumnae are You might be amazed at
years ago or a few decades, the word "rush" needed to help tally cards, prepare how much you'll receive
still brings back many memories. We sang, refreshments for rushees, tidy up between in return for your efforts.
smiled, laughed, smiled, talked, smiled, parties, help decorate, and bring snacks Meeting new sisters, mak-
rehearsed, smiled... then collapsed! We or food to members. In the absence of ing new friends, absorbing
understood, then, that rush was our connec- alumnae, many of our smaller chapters
tion to the future, even if only in the under- are being stretched too thin to assign all that enthusiasm
standing that we needed to replace our members to these tasks and still have remembering your own
graduated seniors. enough members left to effectively rush. rushing days are just a few
• Offer to help at a rush workshop. Are of the rewards. Don't let
As we approach the celebration of our first you a legacy or have a daughter who is a another year pass without
100 years, we need to consider how we can legacy? Then offer to express your heart-
all help carry AOn into our second century. felt feelings on this subject to the chapter. witnessing another
The number of young men and women Are you a great communicator? Then Preference Ceremony
pledging Creek fraternities has steadily offer your skills for a conversation work-
declined over the past several years. Our col- shop. Are you a musician or singer? Then Remember that the
legiate chapters need our alumnae, now, offer to helpfine-tunetheir rush songs. maintenance and
more than ever • If time or distance prevents your being
Wondering what can you do as an alumna? present in person, rhere's still much you development of Alpha
Assistance to our chapters can be offered on can do. Could the chapter use one of Omicron Pi still remains in
many levels and would be greatly appreciated your silver trays or linen tablecloths?
by our members. Here are a few suggestions Chances are they'd never ask you, but our hands. W e each can
of how you can help: would appreciate your offer. Do you make a difference by doing
have props lying around your house that
• Do you have time on your hands would improve their theme decorations, our part to build our
since your kids have grown? Looking or could you spare a small donation of future...Reach OutAOTT!
for a part time way to volunteer your money to add to the chap-
time? Was rush your "thing" in col- ter's rush budget? A dozen 7J
lege? Or, do you like working with roses, with a good luck card
young people? Then a position as rush attached, would boost spirits
adviser may be perfect for you. Many and look great as a center-
of our chapters are functioning without piece. Or even a personal
a Rush Adviser and desperately need note that could be read dur-
guidance and direction. Statistics prove ing a late night selection ses-
that consistently strong rushing chap- sion could mean so much.
ters have strong rush advisers. • One last suggestion - show
your pride in AOI1! Wear
Send in Rushee Recommendation your pin, drink from an
Forms (RRF's) for young women who AOn coffee mug while at
you know will be attending a university work, or put an AOFI decal
where we have a chapter. Please don't on yout car. Advertise that
wait until someone calls you - take the you're an A O f l and still
initiative. If you are unsure where our proud of it!
chapters are located, a rush director)' is
printed in this issue. A RRF form and Alumnae help
Legacy Introduction Form are also prepare food for
included in this issue for your conve- Upsilon Lambda
nience. Did you know that some of
our chapters do not receive any RRF's (U. ofTexas -
at all, and many receive information on San Antonio).
fewer than 5% of their rushees? This is
an important way for each of us to Photo Courtesy of
step forward to help our chapters select A01T Archives.
New Members.
Summer 1995 5
and work to build on those points for the
following year. Kimberly added, "They
are very professional in rush, and it all
comes so naturally"
This outstanding rushing chapter is locat-
ed at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana.
Kappa Kappa rushes 365 days a year, real-
izing that everything they do on campus
or in the community contributes to their
success during rush. Workshops are held
throughout the entire year, and a large
committee structure is utilized to involve
all members in the rushing process.
Lead by a strong rush adviser, they begin
each MS session by singing "Once More
United" to set the tone for the important
business at hand. Party themes are
designed to stress aspects of AOI1, such as
scholarship, philanthropy, finances and
sisterhood. A new skit this fall will focus
This chapter believes each legacy is a gift.
This past fall they pledged 10 of 10 lega-
cies even though quota was only 19.
n Natalie Adkins, Assistant RRO for this
chaptet, says "Their enthusiasm is conta-
Outwardly, rush appears to come easy for many of our chapters. Year after gious, and I get so caught up in their
year, rush brings success measured by wonderful new sisters and by grow- excitement! Every time I talk to a mem-
ing chapter numbers. Quota and Total are terms mentioned in these chap- ber or adviser, I feel like I'm being offered
ter meetings as expectations, and COB is often an unknown and unneces- a bid. They really know how to make
sary term. Rush is exciting... bonding... fun... but don't be fooled, it's still not guests feel welcome."
easy. Success comes about through hard work, excellent planning and
strong sisterhood. W e salute all our chapters who continue to improve
upon rush excellence. Here are two of those chapters:
Alpha Gamma campus, and A O n name recognition is
One of our outstanding rushing chapters extremely high. These factors enable the
is Alpha Gamma, Washington State members to enter rush with a great deal
University in Pullman, Washington. of confidence and, therefore, are excellent
Kimberly Aldrich, RRO for this chapter, rushers. Their success has been achieved
describes the members as "outgoing, by emphasis on fundamental training
poised, gregarious young women who learned in their numerous year round
are shinning examples of hospitality dur- workshops and how well they work with-
ing rush." She added that they are con- in committees. At the end of each year,
sistently the strongest chapter on they take an honest look at their weaknesses
6 To Dragma
Opposite page:
Left photo - Kappa
Kappa (Bail State
U). Right photo -
Alpha Gamma
(Washington State
U). This page:
Clockwise from
top left Upsilon
Lambda* (U. of Texas - San
Antonio); Photo from AOK
Jfff Archives; Epsilon (Cornell U.);
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky
U.); Omicron (U. ofTennessee);
Delta Delta* (Auburn U.J;
Below right: Gamma Delta
(U. of South Alabama)
courtesy*Photos ofACW Archives
s • u •c •c •e •s •s
On the flip side, rush is often a struggle for many of our chapters. Rush Chairmen resign, members don't show up
for workshops, no alumnae offer to help, and everything is left for a small handful of people to handle at the last
minute. It all becomes a pattern that is hard to break Every new RC starts the year out with good intentions, but
somehow, the same old problems keep creeping back up and go unresolved. But - these old patterns can be bro-
ken and new patterns created. Many of our chapters have gained success through change and determination. We
salute all our chapters who continue to strive for excellence. Here are two of those chapters:
Sigma Alpha addition, their sisterhood has soared, unnoticed. RRO, Abby Aldrich, says,
This chapter, located at West Virginia U., confidence increased, and overall cam- "The most impressive thing about this
has really turned things around in rush. pus image has improved greatly. chapter is their ability to recruit Assistant
The success they have enjoyed for the Rush Chairmen, keep them interested,
past two years has been hard earned and Epsilon and move them into Rush Chairmen posi-
perhaps all the more rewarding. This chapter is located on the campus of tions the next year." No longer considered
Cornell U . in Ithaca, New York. Our the new chapter on campus, they have
Prior to this biennium, this chaptet had 12th collegiate chapter colonized in improved upon their image each year.
never taken quota, experienced constant 1908, closed in 1962, and recolonized
turnover in rush chairmen, and had no in 1989. It is a difficult task bringing a MP*
COB plans in existence. But in May, new chapter back on campus to com-
three years ago, a new RC took over who pete with 13 other NPC groups, and
was committed to completing her term rush has played an important role in set-
and guiding the chapter in a new direc- ting the tone for the success the chapter
tion. The next RC built on the first one's has recently experienced.
plans and established a year round work-
shop schedule. The chapter began to ana- Epsilon recolonized with 75 members
lyze what was working and what wasn't and has reached 144 today. Since 1991,
and revised their plans accordingly. COB they have pledged quota or above and
plans were laid out and utilized whenever maintained numbers above campus
needed throughout the year. total. Strong collegiate officers and
alumnae leadership have been important
The results are that for the past two years factors in their success. Timely and
they have pledged quota and maintained excellent rush reporting has allowed
numbers above campus total, becoming regional personal and advisers to moni-
one of the larger chapters on campus. In tor their progress so nothing slips by
Summer 1995
Alpha Omicron Pi
Legacy Policy Explained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or adopt- to inform her of the legacy's
ed daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an telease from membership con-
initiated member, alive or deceased, of any sideration. This contact must
chartered A O n chapter. Half-sisters or step be made prior to the distribu-
relations are also included i f the relation to tion of invitations for the next
the A O n member has been a close one. round of rush parties.
Collegiate chapters are not required to • I f an Adviser is unable to reach the AOFI rel- Dear To Dragma Editor:
offer a bid to every verified legacy. ative by telephone, written notification of the
legacy's release must be sent. This is to be My youngest daughter,
•Collegiate chapters are required to give done within 7 days of the legacy's release from Lara, is a recent initiate t o
serious consideration to each verified AOFI membership consideration. AOTT.We thought the enclosed
legacy out of courtesy to the A O n sister to photo might be of interest.
whom she is related. A collegiate chapter • I f a chapter carries a legacy through Shown are three generations of
may decline membership to a legacy only Preference, she is placed on the chapter's AOTTs, which include all of the
for very appropriate and verifiable reason(s). first bid list. women in my immediate family
on my maternal side.
•In no case should a legacy be denied an •AOris must remember that some legacies
invitation to at least one invitational party are happier in another Greek group. Every From left to right are: Susanne Grace
after the first round of parties. National Panhellenic Conference group offers
a worthwhile experience for college women. Miller, Sigma Omicron; Dayle Ware
• A n AOFI legacy should be a qualified
rushee in her own right— grades, activities, •Introduce your legacy with the form below. Grace, Sigma Omicron;jennifer Miller
accomplishments, and overall compatibility Attach it to the Rushee Recommendation
with the chapter. Form and send it to the Adviser for the Russell, Alpha Delta and Omicron; Gail
school your legacy will be attending. You'll
• I f a chapter drops a legacy, a member of the find a listing of Advisers and the dates your Grace, Sigma Omicron; Becky Grace
Alumnae Advisory Committee must contact forms are needed on pages 11 and 12.
the AOFI relative of the legacy by telephone McNiell, Sigma Omicron; and Laura
Miller, Omicron.
-Susanne Miller
Legacy Introduction Form
This form is designed to introduce AOFI legacies to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Rushee Recommendation Form (page 9)
which also must be sent... You can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the AOFI Adviser on
the campus your legacy plans to attend. A list of Advisers appears on pages 11 and 12 of this issue of To Dragma.
To college or university
chapter Granddaughter
This is t o advise you that my (circle one) Sister Daughter
will be attending college or university
as a (circle one) Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
street address
maiden name
chapter year of initiation
•Remember: send the Rushee Recommendation Form with this form to the AOTT Adviser at the school your legacy will be attending.'
8 To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Rushee Recommendation
Please mail this f o r m t o the Chapter Adviser whose name and address are listed in your To Dragma for the attach
college which this rushee will attend. If you are not able to locate this name and address, contact photo
International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. If you have gathered this information in response t o a chap-
ter's request, please send the information directly t o the return address indicated f r o m the chapter if
Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information. available
For the AOTF Chapter at
Rushee Information
Name o f Rushee preferred name last age
first Sophomore
Home Address Freshman Junior Senior
College Classification (check one)
Parents'/Guardians' Names
Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
Does the rushee have an AOTT relative? (check one) Sister Mother Grandmother Other
Give name o f AOTT relative (including maiden)
Address o f AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( ) (work): ( )
Does the rushee have affiliations with any other NPC groups? If yes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the rushee have a special interest in AOTF? If yes, please list.
Have you talked with the rushee about AOTT (check one) yes no
Is the rushee able t o assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one) yes no don't know
High School Attended
name city state
Scholastic GPA Scale Class Rank/Class Size of SAT/ACT Score
School Attended after High School
name city
Scholastic GPA Scale Number of Credits Completed
Scholastic Honors
Please list names o f organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the rushee's participation and leadership in
each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
Summer 1995 9
Special recognition and/or Honors received.
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the rushee's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples
whenever possible. Indicate the rushee's special interests, talents and any other information t o aid the chapter in getting t o know her
better and t o indicate the contributions she could add t o AOTT.
AOTT Recommendation for Membership
I. I recommend this individual for AOTT membership.
I know this individual personally.
I do not know this individual personally, but I am basing my recommendation on information f r o m these sources:
(circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy
peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. I do not recommend this individual f o r AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is
desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3. I am unable t o commit my opinion on this individual f o r AOTT membership:
Due to limited information received.
A f t e r contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By: Phone: ( )
Name signature Collegiate Chapter_
Address city Alumnae Chapter_
street state/province postal code
CHAPTER USE ONLY Date Date recommendation acknowledged
Group Pledged
W h a t to do with recommendations after rush:
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all rushees w h o pledged an NPC sorority.
2. Maintain files on those recommendations f o r rushees w h o did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be
kept on file f o r one college generation (4 years).
to To Dragma
995 California State Northridge, Sigma Phi, U. of Chicago, Phi Chi, Christine Graves
Ann Schmidt, 7718 W. Norton #7 780 S. Federal #804, Chicago, IL 60605
Los Angeles, C A 90046, Mid August Early September/Mid December
directory San Jose State U„ Delta Sigma, U. of Illinois, lota, Danielle Frese,
Deborah Wolf, 6330 Potrero Dr 706 S. Mathews, Urbana IL 61801, Early August
Advisers should receive Newark, CA 94560, Early August
Rushee Recommendation Forms U. of California-Berkeley, Sigma,
Wendy Erlenbach, 109 Blossom Ct. Ball State U., Kappa Kappa,
(RRFs) no later than Danville, C A 94506, Early August/Early January Becky Ziga, 4609 W. Sandpiper Dr
Muncie, IN 47303-2895, Early September
the dates noted below. U. of California-Davis, Chi Alpha,
Maria Stoecklin, 2950W Portage BayAve.Apt 126 DePauw U.Theta,
This is the time the chapters Davis, CA 95616-2807, Late August Audrey Pelham, 4740 E. 71st St.
Indianapolis, IN 46220, Mid September
review RRFs prior t o rush. U. of California-San Diego, Lambda lota,
Rebecca Herman, 9045 Three Seasons Rd. Indiana State U., Kappa Alpha,
united states San Diego, C A 92126, Early September GlennaTimmons, 408 S. 34th St.
Terre Haute, IN 47803, Mid August
alabama Colorado
Indiana U., Beta Phi, Katherine Walsh,
Auburn U„ Delta Delta, U. of Colorado, Chi Delta, 901 E. 10th St., Bloomington, IN 47408,
Patsy Vincent, 3321 King Ave. Ginger Mylander, 2130 Gaylord St. Mid October-Late December
Opelika, AL 36801, Late August Denver, C O 80205-5624, Early August
Purdue U., Phi Upsilon, Sue Hammel,
Birmingham Southern College,Tau Delta, florida 820 S. 16th St., Lafayette, IN 47905,
Mindy McDonald, 222 Westcliffe Circle Mid September/Mid December
Birmingham, AL 35226, Mid August Florida Southern College, Kappa Gamma,
Lisa Akers, 261 Saxony Ct. U. of Evansville, Chi Lambda, Sara Cotham,
Huntingdon College, Sigma Delta, Wnter Springs, FL 32708, Late August/Early January Box 55, Haubstadt IN 47639-0055, Early August
Mary Kyser, 3210 Cloverdale Rd.
Montgomery, AL 36106, Mid August U. of Florida, Gamma Omicron, kansas
Janet Kellar 603 NW 102 Terrace
Jacksonville State U., Delta Epsilon, Gainesville, FL 32607, Late July U. of Kansas, Phi, Kara Ignaszewski, 3216 SW
Sharon Dasinger, 3410 Nisbet Lake Rd. Sena Dr.Topeka, KS 66604, Early August
Jacksonville, AL 36265-5547, Early August U. of South Florida, Gamma Theta,
Marni Clark, 17877 D Jamestown Way kentucky
Samford U, Rho Delta, Lutz, FL 33549, Early August/Mid December
Carla Callahan, 913 Cathryn Circle Eastern Kentucky U., Epsilon Omega,
Birmingham, AL 35235, Early August georgia Mary Dewey, 316 S.Third St.
Richmond, KY 40475, Mid August
U. ofAlabama, Alpha Delta, Denise Simmons, 1734 LaGrange College, Lambda Chi,
Ridgemorrt Dr.Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Late July Linder Snider; 107 Kildare Ct. Murray State U., Delta Omega,Vicki Jones,
LaGrange, GA 30240, Early September 714 Main St., Murray, KY 42071, Early August
U. of Alabama-Birmingham, Zeta Pi,
Sherry Ford, 2240Tal-Heim Dr. Georgia Southern U, Alpha Lambda, Transylvania U.Tau Omega,
Birmingham, AL. 35216, Late August Kelli Pipkin, 1005 W. Ogeechee St. Jane Brooks, 2932 Wintergarden Dr # C
Sylvania, GA 30467, Late August Lexington, KY 40517, Late August
U. of South Alabama, Gamma Delta,
Susie Peck, 2900 Brossett St. Georgia State U., Gamma Sigma, U. of Kentucky, Kappa Omega,
Mobile, AL 36606, Early September Jennifer Ives, 21 Petite Rue Melanie Marrs, I 180 Four Wynds Trail
Sharpsburg, GA 30277, Early September Lexington, KY 405 15, Early August
U. of Georgia, Lambda Sigma, U. of Louisville, Pi Alpha, Linda Stroud, 6102
Northern Arizona U.Theta Omega, Maeneen Klein, 125 Arborview Dr Fern Court, Louisville, KY 40291, Early August
Lillian Baker 1508 N.Aztec Athens, GA 30605, Mid August
Flagstaff, AZ 86001, Early August Western Kentucky U., Alpha Chi,
iowa Shanan Mills, 1908 Nashville Rd.
U. of Arizona, Upsilon Alpha, Bowling Green, KY 42101, Early August
Angelique Uhlmann, 5309 Mission Hill Dr Coe College, Alpha Theta,
Tucson, AZ 8571 8, Early August Dawn Kilpatrick, 6705 Country Hill Rd. NE # I louisiana
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-1300, Early September
arkansas Northeast Louisiana U., Lambda Tau,
Iowa State U., lota Sigma, Jonna Kelley, 1015 Hilton
Arkansas State U„ Sigma Omicron, Regina Ellingson, 3008 Eisenhower Circle Monroe, LA 71201, Early August
Grovernel Grisham, 3027 Quail Dr Ames, IA 500 i 0, Early August
Jonesboro, AR 72401, Mid August Southeastern Louisiana U„ Kappa Tau,
Morningside College.Theta Chi, Jody Domingue, 700 Weinberger Rd.
California Marsha Newman, 3218 Garretson Ave. Ponchatoula, LA 70454, Late July
Sioux City, IA 51 l'06, Early August
Cal Polytechnic State U„ Chi Psi, U. of Southwest Louisiana, Delta Beta,
Karen Scott, RO. Box 14715 Illinois Jerelyn Miles, 104 Legacy Lane
San Luis Obispo, C A 93406, Early September Illinois Wesleyan U., Beta Lambda, Youngsville, LA 70592, Early August
Jennifer Bredthauer 1314 N. Fell Ave.
California State-Long Beach, Lambda Beta, Bloomington, IL 61701, Early September maine
Missy Biaunco, I 148 Oakwood Dr
Arcadia, C A 91006, Early August Northern Illinois U., Nu lota, U. of Maine-Orono, Gamma, Sandra Gray,
Kristyn Kempa, 918 Kimberly Dr FO.Box532,Milford,ME 04461-0532 Late August
DeKalb, IL60I 15, Mid August
Summer 1995 11
maryland Cornell U., Epsilon, Jadi Miller; 86 N. Main St. Vanderbilt U , Nu Omicron, Patsy Anderson,
Cortland NY 13045, Early January 4141 Woodlawn Dr #49, Nashville.TN
Towson State ULTheta Beta, Holly Culhane, 1227 37205, Mid August-Mid December
Tillerman Race Baltimore, MD 21226, Mid Augjst C.W Post Campus of Long Island U.,
Psi Delta, Nancy Bass, 852 Main St, texas
U. of Maryland, Pi Delta Mary Barbuto, 9609 Falls Farmingdale, NY I 1735-4147, Mid December
Bridge Lane: Potomac, MD 20854, Mid August Southwest Texas State U, Zeta Kappa,
Hartwick College, Sigma Chi, Denise Herrick, Rene Fitzgerald, 2201 Spring Creek Dr.
Washington College, SigmaTau, 13 Walling Blvd., Oneonta, NY 13820-1917 Austin,TX 78704-2033, Early August
Ginny White, I 136 Cove Rd. Apt. 302 Late August/Late January
Annapolis, MD 21403, Late January U. ofTexas-San Antonio, Upsilon Lambda,
State U. of NY Delta Psi, Joan Mack 9 Birch Dr, Christee Anderson, 1214 Oak Path
•Massachusetts RO. Box I.WSand Lake,NY 12196,EartyJanuary San Antonio,TX 78258, Late August
Tufts U., Delta, Sandra Giordano, 19 Glencliff Syracuse U., Chi, Marjorie Julian, Texas Woman's U., Delta Theta
RdBoston, MA 02131, Mid August-Early January :| 04 Concord PL, Fayetteville, NY 13066 Kimberly Luton, 2534 Charlotte #3
Late August-Mid January Denton.TX 76201, Early September
Wagner College.Theta Pi, Julie Rombola, 1355 Virginia
Grand Valley State U., Lambda Eta, 84th St, Brooklyn, NY 11228-3423, Late August
Mary Eagin, 15745 Vine St., Spring Lake, George Mason U, Gamma Alpha Melinda Bohn,
Ml 49456, MidAugust-Early January ohio 4301 Bellavia Lane, FairfecVA 22030, Late August
Michigan State U., Beta Gamma, Bowling Green State U., Alpha Psi, U. ofVirginia, Chi Beta, Jane Franklin, 6 Watts
Sue Elder 6213 Cobblers Dr. Jennifer Stewart, 3663 Revere Dn Circle, Palmyra,VA 22963, Early August
E. Lansing, Ml 48823-7829, Early August Toledo, OH 43612-1032, Mid August
Western Michigan U., Kappa Rho, Miami U., Omega, Kelli Reynolds, 507 Lawn
Erin Birdsall, 6288 Independence Dr. Ave., Hamilton, OH 45013, Early November Eastern Washington U.,Tau Gamma,
Portage, Ml 49002, Late August Danielle Hink 3408 E. 36th Ave.
Ohio Northern U., Kappa Pi, Spokane, WA 99223, Mid August
minnesota Elizabeth Roberts, 33 l-B W. North St.
Ada, OH 45810-1074, Late August Washington State U., Alpha Gamma
U. of Minnesota,Tau Susan Schell, SE 9 1 5 Skylark Ct.
Kelli Hallas, 2925 Sunset Blvd. Ohio U., Omega Upsilon, Rossanna Punzalan, 2 Pullman, WA 99163, Late July
Minneapolis, MN 55416-4234, Late August Andover Rd. A-2, Athens, OH 45701, Late August
missouri The Ohio State U.,Chi Epsilon, Abigail Rosenberger
84 E 15th, Columbus, OH 43201, Early September U. of Wisconsin-River Falls, Kappa Sigma,
Central Missouri State U., Delta Pi, Sandra Beth Johnson, 13875 Chestnut Dr # 109
McDonald, 1200 Duane Swift Pkwy, Apt. A-1 U. ofToledo,Theta Psi, Beverly Kirby 2218 Eden Prairie, MN 55344, Early August
Jefferson City, MO 65109-2400, Mid August Portsmouth Ave.,Toledo, OH 43613, Late August
west Virginia
St Louis U., Upsilon Epsilon (Formerly at Parks Pennsylvania
College), Nancy Epp, 6165 Westminster Place, WestVirginia U„ Sigma Alpha Kristin Dainty 663
St Louis, MO 63112-1209, Mid August East Stroudsburg State U., Phi Beta, Spruce St, Morgantcwn,VW 26505, Mid August
Jaynellen Behre, 9 Hooper Ave.
mississippi West Orange, NJ 07052, Mid January Canada
U. of Mississippi, Nu Beta, Lehigh U„ Lambda Upsilon, Debra O'Donnell,
Melody Gholson, 215 EVanDorn Ave. 1325 Ridge Trail, Easton, PA 18042, Early January U. of Calgary, Kappa Lambda,
Holly Springs, MS 38635, Early August Kristy Manchul, 156 Hampshire Cir NW
Pennsylvania State U., Epsilon Alpha, Calgary, ABT3A4Y3, Late August
montana Patricia Antolosky, 1260 Fairview Dr
Bellefonte, PA 16823, Mid August Ontario
Montana State U., Alpha Phi,
Susan Wordal, 1506 Driftwood Dr Shippensburg U.,Tau Lambda Heather Swartz, Carleton U., Gamma Chi,
Bozeman, MT 59715-8357, Early September RO. Box 104, Roxbury PA 17251, Mid September Dorothy Breeze, #2, 125 Springfield Rd.
Ottawa, O N KIMIC5, Early August
north Carolina Slippery Rock U., Sigma Rho, Lori Bigham, 112 W
Steuben St., Pittsburgh, PA 15205, Mid August U. ofToronto, BetaTau, Marianne
Duke U., Delta Upsilon, Kushmaniuk 17 Lascelles Blvd. Apt.701,
Laura Coble, 5215 Coranado Dr, Raleigh, NC tennessee Toronto, O N M4V2B6, Early September
27609, Early September-Early January
Lambuth U., Omega Omicron, U. of Western Ontario, lota Chi,
East Carolina U., Zeta Psi, Melinda Clarke, Creekside L84, 102 Murray Heidi Geerts, 362 Martin Cr.
Karen Bassetti, 346 Haven Dr. X-9 Guard Dn, Jackson.TN 38305, Early August Strathroy, O N N7G3R3, Early September
Greenville, NC 27834, Early August
Middle Tennessee State U., Rho Omicron, quebec
Elon College, Epsilon Chi, Theresa Chandler 2520 Regency Park Dr.
Lark Johnston, 2809 Regent Park Lane Murfreesboro,TN 37129-1149, Early August McGill U., Kappa Phi,
Burlington, N C 27217, Early November Wendy Moon, 140 Easton Ave.
Rhodes College, Kappa Omicron, Montreal West, QU H4XIL2, Mid August
nebraska Sarah Blankenship, 3712 Kenwood Ave.
Memphis,TN 38122, Early September 1995
U. of Nebraska-Kearney, Phi Sigma,
Debra Spellmeyer, I 106 E. 52nd U: ofTennessee, Omicron, directory
Kearney, NE 68847, Early August Suzanne Ott, 1514 Agawela Ave.
Knoxville.TN 37919-8317, Early-Late August To Dragma
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln, Zeta, Erica Peterson,
1541 S St., Lincoln, NE 68508, Early August Ui ofTennessee-Martin.Tau Omicron,
Melanie Morris, 406 Moody Ave.
new york Martin,TN 38237-3406, Late August
Canisius College, Nu Delta, Kristin Lowicki,
65 N. Lincoln Ave., Orchard Park NY 14127,
Early September-Mid December
"The World is always conservative when
a question arises of changing the position of women."
So wrote Barnard alumna, Alice Duer Miller, American novelist, playwright, poet, in the history Above: 343 Madison Avenue, the first
of her alma mater. home of Barnard College. Below: The
Class of1898, including AOTI'sfounders.
In the United States, the mere suggestion of higher education for women was brushed aside
until the Nineteenth Century when the issue could no longer be ignored. At that time, established
colleges began admitting women students and progressive educators founded female seminaries.
By the early 1880s, when educational choices for women were available in many American cities,
no such opportunities existed in New York, the nations largest city and the location of Columbia
College. Columbia was no recent upstart; it had begun in 1754 as King's College by charter of
King George II. Classes were suspended in 1776 at the outbreak of the Revolutionary Way. The
school reopened in 1783 as Columbia College. Its steady growth necessitated its moving in 1857
to a larger campus at Madison Avenue Forty-ninth Street.
During the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, the proposal was made to educate women in
some manner connected with Columbia College. In the 1860's this idea was presented to
Columbia's Trustees whose reaction was antagonistic. However, Columbia's president, Frederick
Augustus Barnard, openly approved of women students having access to Columbia's resources.
Twelve years of careful work toward that goal was successful when the Trustees approved establish-
ing a women's college with entrance examinations identical to those of Columbia, courses to be
taught by Columbia faculty and satisfactory work resulting in a degree granted by Columbia
College. This women's college would have its own class buildings and be fully responsible for
financing the operation.
The new school was named Barnard College to honor President Barnard who never wavered in
his support to establish the school. Barnard College opened October 7, 1889 for admission of
women students to the freshman year only. Twenty women enrolled and of them, nine worked for
their degrees. The college was housed in one building, a rented four-story brownstone residence at
343 Madison Avenue. It provided space for administrative offices, class and study rooms, but no
dormitory nor boarding facilities. Living quarters in the basement were for a woman who was
housekeeper and overseer and, as well, served light lunches and snacks for the busy students. A
young man resided at thefrontdoor which was always kept locked.
Members of Barnard's first six classes had not been prepared by their secondary schools to pass
Barnard's rigid entrance examinations which tested their knowledge of modem languages, English
composition and literature, history, Latin and, most especially, Greek These first students needed
months of additional study which delayed their entering college until they were in their twenties.
These ladies were serious, dignified students well aware that they and their college were on trial.
With diligence and determination, they succeeded for themselves
and, as well, established Barnard's excellent academic reputation.
It was the autumn of 1894 when the Class of 1898 arrived
at Barnard to begin theirfreshmanyear. They had recendy
graduated from schools which had thoroughly prepared them
to meet Barnard's academic standards. Younger than their pre-
decessors, these girls were confident of themselves and eager to
experience everything college life offered. They were witty,
humorous, talented and, to a ladylike degree, daring! The
Summer 1995 13
stamp of their high spirits marked this class from the
moment its members walked through the door at 343
Madison Avenue. They set about to organize their class.
No pastel color nor delicate flower were chosen as
emblems of Ninety Eight; for them the bright color,
scarlet, and the scarlet carnation. They were enthusiastic
members of literary and drama clubs, one of which per-
formed plays in French and German. Student govern-
ment, a new concept which Barnard embraced, was
grasped eagerly by the '98ers. Some of them were fasci-
nated with parliamentary procedure and all of them
argued with gusto! Though 343 did not provide a gym-
nasium, Barnardians dressed in gym clothes of the day
(navy blue serge pleated bloomers worn below the knee,
white blouses, black stockings and flat, rubber-soled
shoes) exercised at a nearby gymnasium.
Since 1892, Barnard's Trustees had known of Columbia's
plans to move their campus to Morningside Heights.
Barnard's successful affiliation with Columbia demanded it
move, too. Barely in operation for five years and struggling
to meet expenses, Barnard had no funds set aside for such a
venture. Amazingly, Trustees, faculty, undergraduates,
Above: Graduation exercises of the class of 1898 alumnae and friends who had supported the college's beginnings, raised the money to purchase a
Below: Millbanks Hall at BamardlColumbia block of land and erect Barnard's first rwo buildings by October 1897 when both schools moved to
new campuses in uptown Manhattan.
Barnard's nearly three hundred students were thrilled to move to the luxury of spacious, well
equipped buildings. To the activities and customs established at 343 Madison Avenue, Barnard stu-
dents added traditions at their new location with the lively Class of '98 leading the way.
Beginning in 1892, Barnard's junior classes had edited the yearbook, a dignified, serious publica-
tion. In the school year 1896-1897, the task fell to the Class of'98, and they tackled it with their
customary exuberance. They changed its name from The Barnard Annual to Mortarboard and
In the United States, transformed its staid format to one of wit and humor. Among the other innovations was the use of
the mere suggestion photographs for the first time and, with practical good sense, these juniors solicited advertisements
to help finance the publication. The pages of this 1897 edition of Mortarboard reveal the lively col-
lege days of the Class of'98. There were undergraduate clubs to satisfy many intetests — the Banjo
of higher education Club, dramatic clubs Ai Ai Hui and Sans Souci which performed its plays in French and German.
A literary society and the College Settlement Association satisfied more serious interests.
for women was The adventuresome '98ers lost no time adding their touches to life on the new campus. During
brushed aside until the years at 343, the Junior Ball had been given in the gymnasium of a neighborhood school.
the Nineteenth Century Ninety Eighters were the first class to hold this social event on Barnard campus. Seats were
removed from the theatre in Brinckerhoff Hall to create a ballroom. Class Days had become an
established event at Barnard before the school moved to the uptown campus. Again, the theatre in
when the issue could Brinckerhoff Hall was trie setting, thistimewith the seats in place, for a formal Class Day program
no longer be ignored. before an invited audience. The Class of'98 was thefirstto wear caps and gowns for this occasion.
At that time, established
Prior to the move to Morningside Heights, commencements had seen Barnard students, dressed
in summer frocks and leghorn hats, seated apart from Columbia's students and at the conclusion of
the ceremonies, asked to return to 343 to teceive their diplomas. Commencement Day for
colleges began admitting Barnard's Class of 1898 found graduating seniors wearing caps and gowns and seated with students
from other divisions of Columbia. Barnardians received their diplomas along with other Columbia
women students students at the conclusion of the ceremonies.
and progressive Among the members of Barnard's sixth graduation class, this "grand and glorious Class of 1898,"
educators founded were Helen St. Clair, Jessie Hughan, Elizabeth Wyman and Stella Perry whose strong scholastic
records, devotion to their classmates and intense loyalty to Alma Mater were their generous gifts to
Barnard College. To these accomplishments they had added another in their sophomore year, the
female seminaries. founding of Alpha Omicron Pi.
by Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho (Northwestern U.), Past International President, International Archivist, and
Centennial Celebration Committee Member (SpecialAdviser-History)
1 4 To Dragma
with AOIl Centennial Commemoratives
CC04 Note cube, white with burgundy CC0910K
CC03 Centennial Celebration logo. $6.00 Charm, 10 karat gold
CC06 Brass key chain with burgundy with Centennial
Centennial Celebration logo. $7.00 Celebration logo.
Mug, burgundy with gold $100.00
Centennial Celebration logo, Charm, gokiklad with
microwave safe. $8.00 Centennial Celebration
logo. $25.00
CC02A "Reflections of Sisterhood," a limited edition CC01 Music box. Handmade Sorrento
signed and numbered lithograph of an Italian music box with inlaid red
original painting. AOFI artist, Anne rosefinishedin black laquer. The
dishing, Gantz, Pi, presented this painting inside features a brass engraved
to the Fraternity as a gift for our plaque with Centennial Celebration
Centennial Celebration. $50.00 logo. Swiss-made Regue musical
movement plays "The Rose".
CC02B Print of "Reflections of Sisterhood" $25.00 $120.00
CC05 Sweat shirt, burgundy tone
on tone with Centennial
Celebration logo (L, XL)
I ;7 1
Please send completed form and check to:AOn Emporium, AOFI International Headquarters, 9025
Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027 or place a phone order: 1-800-shop aoii or (615) 370-0920,
Mon. through Fri., 9am to 5pm CST. If ordering a history book, please include your name chapter and ini-
tionation date as your would like it to appear on the cover. Daytime I'honr:
CC07 Official Centennial Celebration City: State/Frov: Zip:
T-Shirt (L, XL) $12.00
^Chapter Name:
CCBK Celebrate the
Century History Book, V Bnak infi»
pre-order before March 1,
1996 and have your Item# Qty Description Size Price Ea Total Price
name, chapter and initia-
tion date stamped in gold *Canadian customers please double amounts for shipping *Shippinp & Handling Subtotal -—-
on the cover at no addi- & handling charges. Canadians add 25%
tional cost. This magnifi- $0 to $5 $3 currency exchange
cent limited edition coffee
table style book is a valu- Check: Visa: $5.01 to $25 $4 T N residents add
able reference, as well as a 8.25% sales tax
wonderful keepsake. MC: Discover: $25.01 to $50 $5
Expect delivery in the fall Shipping & Handling
of 1996. $40.00 Expiration Date: $75.01 toSIOCL., $7 (set chirp
Card Number: Please add $ I for Total amount
every $25 alter $100.
forty-one a n d
that the life-long commitment I like most about each othet and AOn as one
would be making needed my of the activities. I had the pleasure of being in
devotion," Mom said. " O f my mother's group. Mom sat in the middle
course, I didn't want to miss the of a circle of girls and listened to each of their
fun either!"
comments of respect. When she turned to
The chapter voted early in face me, the feelings I'd been holding inside
September to accept my moth- flooded out. I thanked her for being a help-
er as a New Member. The next ful, loving mother and for devoting her time
day, my friends and I went to to women whom I love dearly. After this
get her with a car full of bal- day, I knew that she was ready for initiation.
loons, roses, and AOFI para-
phernalia. With an ear-to-ear 1 tried to prepare myself for the emotional
ceremony ahead of me on November 13,
Heather Leisure (right) hugs her mom and new AOTT sister, Deb Leisure smile, she grabbed her goodies, 1994. Standing in my senior officer position,
I was fortunate enough to have an unob-
(left), on Bid Day 1994. Deb is already serving Beta Gamma chapter p u t o n gn a m e t a ; came structed view of nervous initiates. I was in a
os Chapter Relations Adviser. back to the chapter house. We
Q. -"State reasons you then celebrated with a typical night at the dream-like state while my mother walked
desire membership." AOn house: watching television and eating forward. It finally hit me that I was sharing
candy. Mom seemed to feel like one of us, my most secret knowledge with the person
A. -"I'm at a point in my life where which was my goal. whom I love most.
am satisfied with my professional stanc On a fateful Monday two weeks later, I was teaching my own mother about the
Mom received her big sister. I wanted her to symbols of our ritual. She was learning from
ing. My only daughter will b have other special relationships within the me. She easily soaked in the information
ing the nest. Therefore, nurture house, so I asked another sister to be my with an air of total concentration. When
mother's A O n companion. One of my best Mom turned to me with tear-filled eyes and
commitment friends, Jennifer Mclnerney, offered to be smiled, it occurred to me that she has never
idshios. sisterhood, and le; that special someone. looked more beautiful than she did at that
During this evening, big sisters lit their lit- moment. My mother's initiation will remain
I knew my mother, Deb Leisure, had de sisters' candles and read them a poem. It in my memory for the rest of my life.
potential to be a great adviser for Beta was inspiring to watch. When Jen lit my My mom now understands the deeper
Gamma, but after I had read her application mom's candle, her face revealed surprise and meaning of AOI1. "Our ritual asks us to be
for associate membership, it became clear joy. " I really liked the poem Jen read to me the best that we can be. It helps members
that she would be a wonderful sister for my called 'Comes the Dawn,'" Mom said. "It build character and become more multi-
sisters. made me realize that I am happy with facetted," she said. I am confident that she
At age 41, Mom was willing to attend all of myself, and, therefore, happy in anything I will care for Beta Gamma as our Chapter
our Sunday meetings, make sure to pay her do. That is something I can share with the Relations Adviser equally as well as she cares
dues, and pass the New Member exam. She other girls." for me. Beta Gamma has found a great sister
was told by our chapter adviser, Susan Elder, When it was time for retreat, everyone was in Deb Leisure, and we rejoice gready.
that it wasn't necessary for her to fulfill the ready for some real bonding. We had sisters
requirements of a New Member term. " I felt sit in small groups and consider what they By Heather Leisure Beta Gamma (Michigan State U.)
16 To Dragma
California State was a blast! We, the card dealers and this year and becoming A O n alumnae:
University -Long Beach
ticket sellers, had a great time along with Stephanie Smith, Karen Anderson, Anabel
Lambda Beta
those i n attendance. We raised over Aspler, Catherine Gariepy, Chantel Delevo,
The Lambda Beta Chapter turned thir-
ty this year, and what a year it was! From $ 4 0 0 f o r an a d u l t l i t e r a r y course, Lyssa Statham, Sylvie Secours and Kristina
the first days o f Fall Rush to out sixth
annual Greek Row, we've been on our "People, Words and Change." Hunt. They have been role models for all
toes and representing AOFI in good fun.
For Valentines Day, Dee Campbell, of us.
Greek Row was a little different than
in years past as Chairperson Teri Boykin organized a new event that will take on - Shannon Day
changed some o f the events around. We
raised over $500 for Arthritis Research annual status in years to come - "Rose o'
and all got tans at the same time.
Grams"! We sold roses and offered free Georgia Southern University
Lambda Beta would like to thank our delivery on campus. I t was lots o f f u n Alpha Lambda
Corporation Board for all their hard and we raised $800 for The Heart &
work remodeling our house just in time
for our fall rush. Without their help, Stroke Foundation! The sisters o f Alpha Lambda Chapter
none o f these fabulous changes w o u l d
have occurred. T h e "Greek O l y m p i c s " were once at Georgia Southern University had an
Some o f the women participated in again an awesome t i m e . Jackie exciting and eventful year. We began
the Los Angeles Aids Walk for Aids
Research. Wearing their letters, they O'Flanagan was the President o f the 1995 with a successful Founder's Day
showed how much A O n Cares. O n
campus, the chapter showed great spirit Olympics! Sororities and fraternities celebration on January 8.
during the opening of the new Pyramid
and participation in the Kaleidoscope f r o m Ottawa U and Carleton got togeth- Alpha Lambda is proud o f its financial
fair, where we raised over $500 with a
football toss game. We also hosted our er to compete in crazy games and sport- advisor M a r y C o t t o n for receiving the
first "Family Day with A O l T ' .
ing events. In the end we came in 3rd Financial Adviser o f the Year Award for
Congratulations to Wendy Mayo, new
Panhellenic PR Chair and Veronica Luna, place overall. Just recently, Janine Region I I I .
new Panhellenic Rush Chair. Also Gwen
Dettmer passed her Nursing Boards and Hodgson, organized a "Bowl o' Rama" The chapter raised funds for Arthritis
Lisa Massoni played an active role in
Associated Student Government. for all the local Greek groups. The event Research d u r i n g its annual " T r i c k - o r
Established in 1965, Lambda Beta plans was an awesome f u n d raiser for Arthritis Treat f o r A r t h r i t i s " and new members
to be around another 30 wonderful years.
Research! participated in Delta Tau Delta's annual
- Laura Wilson
This year we decided to honor our philanthropy competition. We adopted
Carleton University
Gamma Chi Chapter two miles of highway
The Gamma Chi Chapter in Ottawa Adviser, through the Adopt-A-
had a hectic year full o f social activities
and f u n d raising events. Basically we Dorothy Mile program and
could sum up the year as A W E S O M E ,
but we wish to share the details w i t h our Breeze, by have committed out-
A O n sisters.
creating an selves to ensuring that
Our second annual "Casino Night"
award in her the two miles are litter
name. The free year round.
award was Shortly before
given to Christmas, we adopt-
Anabel Aspler ed a family o f four,
for her out- helping the family
standing have a happy holiday,
involvement and also donated food
iwith AOn!! and other essentials
A big con-
gratulations throughout the year.
to Stephanie
In February, the
chapter hosted
Smith who is Parents' Weekend,
the first where our parents
Canadian were given the oppor-
ever to w i n Alpha Lambdas Alison Wiemnd and Joanna Crews tunity to experience a
the NPC pause for a photo during rush, ,, ,
Achievement mock rush complete
w i t h rush songs, con-
Award. Finally, we bid farewell to an excep- versations and a slide show. D u r i n g rhis
tional group of women who are graduating weekend, six mothers were initiated as
Summer 1995 17
associate members. Rho chapter at Western Michigan U . par- year in a row!
Second semester has been quite busy
T h e sisters o f A l p h a L a m b d a are ticipating in a rush workshop.
too. We had an awesome informal rush
proud o f new member Jana Thompson The chapter has again decided to par- that allowed us to increase our member-
ship to just a few below total. We hosted
f o r b e i n g chosen as M i s s B u l l o c h ticipate i n A d o p t - a - H i g h w a y to help a Courtesy Dinner/Box Social with Pi
Kappa Alpha. They bid on boxed din-
C o u n t y . I n June, Jana w i l l represent keep the highways clean. Members also ners w i t h homemade desserts and we
raised $300. AOPride week was very
Bulloch County in the Miss Georgia participated in a special M S U broom inspiring. Spring is a time that is jam-
packed w i t h activities and ways to get
Pageant i n Columbus, GA. hockey event to benefit the Boys and involved in the community. Alpha Phi
w i l l do our best to maintain our great
The highlight o f spring was the sec- Girls Club of Lansing. The women col- positive image and Greek relations.
ond Red Rose Ball held at Jekyll Island. lected household goods to donate to
A l l sisters wore white formals, except for MSU's Safe Place, a shelter on campus - Darbi Dorrington
the chapter president who wore red. for victims o f domestic abuse.
Murray State University
- K i m Wagner M i c h i g a n State's Greek Week to Delta Omega
Benefit Special Olympics was held i n Delta Omega has been busy this year
w i t h two New Member classes being ini-
Lambuth University April. Preparations kept the chapter busy tiated over the past two semesters. In
Omega Omicron with their partners, Triangle and Delta fall informal rush, we pledged a quota of
Tau Delta. We also look forward to 18 New Members. D u r i n g spring for-
mal rush a quota o f 16 new members
The ladies o f Omega O m i c r o n have returning in the fall to see the renova- were pledged. Murray State w i l l now
move back to a fall formal rush and
been all smiles this year and rightly so, tions in progress on the chapter house. Delta Omega looks forward to that this
because things have been going great for - Jen Miskowiec
Member Jennifer Langford was elected
us. The New Member class o f 1994 is a Homecoming Queen by the student
body. Alumna member M i t z i Jones,
wonderful group o f girls who have all who graduated last spring, won the title
of Miss Kentucky USA and went on to
shown a lot of enthusiasm toward B B B B | place in the top twelve o f the Miss USA
pageant in February!
A O n and who are getting involved I
Delta Omega joined with Lambda Chi
in different aspects o f the sorority. Alpha Fraternity to raise funds for the
local Needline during the holiday season.
Fund -raisers have also gone well, Members also participated i n the St.
Jude's Bike-a-thon. Delta Omega is very
f r o m the annual "AOPie" sale to active on campus with members involved
in many organizations such as; Student
the first ever " M a l i b u M a n " Government Association, Summer
Orientation Counselors, Student
pageant. Both were a huge success. Ambassadors, Student Leadership
Development Board, Racer Girls as well
A O n also placed 1st in Lambuth's as many different honor societies.
All-Sing 1995: Find Your Place The members o f Delta Omega would
like to express our gratitude to all o f the
Under the Sun. It's not just a chapters and members who sent cards, flow-
ers, and prayers after the loss o f member
work and no play for Omega Ginger Adams. She is gready missed.
Omicron though. The "Crush
Party" to which each A O n could
secretly invite two guys she had a
crush on was a lot o f f u n along
w i t h Omega Omicron's Rose Ball
on April 1st.
Michigan State University Beta Gamma New Member's are all smiles right from
the start.
Beta Gamma
Beta Gamma had an enjoyable year. We Montana State University
pledged 38 women during Fall and Winter Alpha Phi
rush including a new chapter relations Alpha Phi chapter has had a busy, f u n
adviser! Deb Leisure, mother o f collegian and event filled year. Formal Rush start-
Heather Leisure, went through the New ed us o f f w i t h a big bang as we pledged a
Member program with all of the New lot o f great girls. There were many activ-
Members showing her "devotion to the life- ities within the Greek system that
long commitment she would be making." improved fraternity and sorority rela-
tions. For example, the Lambda Chis
The members enjoyed their annual joined us in a car wash that earned $500
hayride date party, a chapter relations in six hours. We put on a haunted house
retreat, Dads' day at a comedy club, a for little kids in conjunction with the
Rose Brunch f o l l o w i n g i n i t i a t i o n , a Kappa Sigs, and the SAE Olympics were
Moms' day luncheon followed by a day o f f u n , because we won again for the fourth
shopping, a winter date party, Founders'
Day, and a weekend spent with the Kappa
18 To Dragma
Delta Omegas Jennifer Langford was crowned homecoming week during which the Delta Theta Fraternities. Also, the chap-
Homecoming Queen last fall. chapter w o n first place i n the yellfest ter attended a community sort night at
competition and second place in the the Second Harvest Food Bank with sis-
San Jose State University overall events. Stephanie R o l o f f was ter sorority, Delta Zeta.
Delta Sigma selected to the homecoming court.
In the Fall, Cheryl Liem, Cynthia Perez, The chapter won first place in Sigma
Sisterhood and community spirit are Jody Octavio and Lisa Raff travelled to Nu's Swing-a-thon benefitting Toys for
the motivating factors in the success o f the Lambda Beta chapter at Long Beach to Tots, and helped them with their
Delta Sigma Chapter at San Jose State. assist w i t h rush, other members went to "Kennedy Day" philanthropy. This year,
Sigma chapter at Berkeley to help with local elementary school children came to
Highlights o f the past year include their rush. San Jose State U . on Earth Day and we
had a great opportunity to show the chil-
Stephanie Roloff organized the sixth dren and community that "AOFI Cares
annual Mr. Fraternity Contest, raising About the World."
more than $3,000 to benefit Arthritis
Research. Several chapter members also The chapter hosted a Mug " N ' M u f f i n
participated in the Bay Area A I D S Walk brunch for local alumnae w i t h Rissa
in October, earning pledges of more Welcker, Region X R P R O , as special
than $500 to support local AIDS guest.
Stephanie R o l o f f was selected to the
Delta Sigma is p r o u d to have w o n A.S. 55 C l u b , recognizing the 55 best
Greek Week for the third consecutive all-around students in the University,
year, teamed w i t h Sigma C h i and Phi and received the Region X Collegiate
Leadership Award last summer.
- Kathy Brown
New Colony Members Selected Slippery Rock University
at Samford University Sigma Rho
Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama is the location o f Alpha Omicron Sigma Rho chapter has been very busy
Pi's newest Colony. Joining five other strong N P C chapters on campus, the this year. D u r i n g homecoming, we took
Colonization ceremony was held Friday, April 7, as collegiate members o f Zeta Pi second place for our homecoming float,
(U. of Alabama-Birmingham) and Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College) and our casino theme for rush was very
served as sponsors for the sixty-nine new colony members during the ceremony. successful this year also. Last semester,
In attendance were Samford University faculty, staff and students; AOFI we initiated fifteen New Members, and
Headquarters, Regional and International officers; along with New Colony this semester we have eight New
Members' parents and friends. Several o f Samford's Panhellenic Council and IFC Members. We have become the largest
were also in attendance. A reception was held following the ceremony to honor sorority on campus by reaching our cam-
these bright young women. pus total o f fifty five members. We have
volunteered over 300 hours to various
Many o f the new colony members participated the very next day in a Birmingham activities such as Special O l y m p i c s , a
Clean-Up Day at a non-profit nursing home. They assisted with yard work and blind clinic, and raising money for stu-
sang several songs to the residents. They all wore their new AOFI t-shirts and par- dents who were fire victims during
ticipated in Spring Fling activities on campus. homecoming at SRU. We also helped
raise money for S.I.D.S. research under
Installation will be held on May 7, conducted by International President, Mary the leadership of Denna Thompson.
Williams. The Samford Colony will be known as Rho Delta and will become the The project was publicized on the local
seventh collegiate chapter i n the State o f Alabama, joining Alpha Delta ( U . o f radio station, and we raised $600. In
Alabama), Delta Delta (Auburn U.), Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College), February, we held our 4th Sweetest
Gamma Delta (U. o f South Alabama), Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College), Delta Sweetheart Contest, which raised $150
Epsilon (Jacksonville State U . ) , and Zeta Pi ( U . o f Alabama-Birmingham). for Arthritis Research. We received
recognition in the school newspaper for
Samford's Student Affairs office recognized the fact that the Panhellenic system was this project. We had f u n during Greek
in need o f an additional N P C sorority on campus. Alpha Omicron Pi was selected Week, and our spring fling with our
to fill this opening based on our excellent reputation and strong commitment to alumnae was great too.
many o f the same ideals as Samford University.
- Tracie Heidler
Summer 1995 1')
Syracuse University Tufts University dation with a gift on television, and to
Chi Delta volunteer to man telephones during the
telecast. Meredith Klapholz is also help-
Once again, spring rush proved to be a Delta Chapter is proud to have twen- ing to organize a visit to a local nursing
great success for C h i chapter. As rush ty-one New Members after a very suc- home and a dinner in the community
began, the entire Greek system was i n cessful spring formal rush coordinated for AIDS patients and their families.
shock at the low number of girls registered by Jenn C u r l y . C a r r i A b r o m o w i t z is
in this year's Panhellenic rush. As usual, doing a great job o f integrating the New O n March 10, Delta Chapter partici-
Chi made quota, achieving a full New Members into the chapter with the pated in the annual "Greek Jam", a lip-
Member class o f t w e n t y - f o u r w o m e n . B R I D G E S program. Delta Chapter is sync show sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Pi,
Each and every one o f them brought extremely excited about the benefit con- to benefit cancer research. The whole
new meaning to the chapter. cert that we co-sponsored in February chapter participated, and M i n d y Weiss
with Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at a cafe won the Best Female Performance Award.
After going through some rough times in Boston. The $1,500 proceeds went to
in the past year, we feel we have turned M E D A (Massachusetts Eating Disorder O n Valentine's Day, sisters who did
around a f u l l 360 degrees. Even our Association.) W i t h large newspaper ads, not have plans joined each other at the
Chapter Consultants, Orit and t-shirts, flyers around campus and the "Second Annual I'd Rather Hang Out
MariAnne, who guided us through every painted cannon on campus, AOFI was W i t h M y Sister Than A M a n Anyway"
step o f the rush process, left w i t h many given great publicity! dinner organized by Heather Swadel.
positive remarks regarding the existing
Delta Chapter prides itself on its high
grade point average o f 3.23/4.00 and on
the fact that so many o f our members are
actively involved in organizations.
- Lisa Scheff
The Spring 1995 New Member Class from Delta Chapter at Tufts University. University of Alabama
Alpha Delta
chapter as well as the New Members. Plans are under way for Tufts' annual
In the next few months, our chapter Kid's Day in April which is sponsored by The sisters o f Alpha Delta started o f f
the Leonard Carmichael Society. Delta the year with a bang with an exciting rush.
plans to educate our newest members, so Chapter will sponsor a booth at this f u n - Alicia Spencer, Katherine Mclean, Lisa
we can continue our traditions. filled day o f carnival activities for the Carpenter, and Lee Alison H e r n d o n
Fortunately for us, the bonds that were children of faculty and of the local com- served as Rush Counselors.
created in the past few years among the munity. The sisters are also getting ready
existing members were not broken by to raise funds for the annual Arthritis Homecoming proved to be successful as
the hardships and doubts that the house Telethon, so they can present the foun- we placed third on a campus wide window
went through. O u r future is bright, and decorating contest. Then we participated
this years rush created a whole new out- Welcome in the Panhellenic sponsored Sorority-
look for the sisters and New Members o f Row Cook O f f that raised money for the
Chi chapter. Additionally, we would like Women's Center on campus. Barbecue,
to thank all those who took part in the music and f u n filled the evening. A t
process to get us back on our feet again. Halloween the girls participated in Trick-
or-Treating for the faculty's children on
We are looking forward to all o f our campus. During the holidays, President
spring events. Some include car washes, phil- Katherine McClean, PR Allie Stowe and
anthropic events with fraternities and, best o f RPRO Dolores Rhodes went to the com-
all, the initiation of our New Members. munity hospital ( D C H ) to donate toys to
- Jessica Bormel
Alpha Delta Chapter members and New Members relax on Bid Day 1994 in front of the chapter house.
20 To Dragma
Delta Epsilon Johnson and assistant Erin Keegan, we
Celebrates Fifth initiated 12 phenomenal women who
have brought renewed enthusiasm to the
Anniversary chapter. They have had the help o f New
Member Educator, Jamie Casini, also.
Delta Epsilon Chapter, Jacksonville Alisa Heath has established a new schol-
State University in Alabama, AOlTs arship program that will undoubtedly
164th chapter, celebrated its 5th strengthen our academic excellence. This
Anniversary on January 2 1 , 1995 in new program includes study hours, GPA
conjunction with its annual Founders' goals, tutoring, and creating test files.
Day dinner.
Julianne C a t o n has revamped o u r
Barbara H u n t , Past I n t e r n a t i o n a l "Hoop It" philanthropy into "Run for
President who installed the chapter, was the Roses," an activity that will include
the honored guest and Banquet the Greek system as well as the Boulder
Speaker. She was accompanied by her Community on Aptil 30th. The support
husband, Cecil. f r o m the chapter has been overwhelm-
ingly wonderful.
During the banquet, Delta Epsilon
announced a new alumna award in Our chapter enjoyed renewing our
honor of Barbara Hunt. Each year, this bonds at Sisterhood Rerreat, which was
held in downtown Denver. Megan Grant
Past International President Barbara Hunt and Delta Epsilon a w a r d ^ g > v e n t 0 a deserving Delta and her committee provided an excellent
setting for laughter and tears.
Chapter President Amy Morris, present "The Barbara Hunt Epsilon alumna who has contributed
Heather King, Chi Delta's Chapter
Award" to Wendy iMwrence. , • .™fr President, is not only displaying incredible
leadership qualities, but is also encourag-
outstanding alumnae service, A O l l lire- ing the chapter to utilize these skills as
AOris and as students. W i t h her at the
time commitment, and dedication to the ideals of the Fraternity. Wendy Lawrence, Rush helm, a bright future is promised.
Adviser, was the first recipient of the annual award. - Jennifer Rissell
One hundred Delta Epsilon sisters, parents and friends were in attendance to hear Barbara
Hunt's inspiring speech tided, "Let Your Light So Shine." She spoke about Ritual being the
heart of the chapter, and sisterhood being a lifetime commitment to AOIL Delta Epsilon is
to be congratulated for their accomplishments during their first five years, and Barbara
extended AOlTs best wishes for continued success.
Delta Epsilon held its officer installation Sunday morning, and Barbara Hunt conducted University of Delaware
the Ritual. Kristi Regner commented, "It was truly an honor to have a Past International Delta Chi
President and such a lady install me as an officer in my chapter." Following the installa-
tion, the AAC and the new L C gathered at the Alumni House for brunch with Barbara The Delta C h i chapter has had a busy
and her husband. year starting with the addition o f several
new members to our chapter. In the fall,
sick children. Our Spring Band Benefit for Alpha Delta will host this year. we held a M r . University contest to raise
arthritis raised over $1,300 to go toward - Allie Stowe money for Arthritis Research. March
Arthritis Research. brought about elections, spring break,
University of Colorado and the marriage o f one o f our sisters,
Academically Alpha Delta is well repre- Chi Delta Tiffany Somershein. Greek Games
sented on campus in honor societies, and
our New Member class was ranked first aca- T h e C h i D e l t a
demically on campus out o f the 17 sorori- Chapter has had a
ties. The chapter as a whole has moved up busy year in a beau-
to sixth place. Both o f these were accom- t i f u l home, thanks
plishments that our chapter has worked to the d o n a t i o n o f
hard to achieve. We also have members t i m e a n d m o n e y
involved in Triangle, Circle K, Crimson f r o m s u p p o r t i n g
Quarters, Alabama Tennis Hostess, Jazz alumnae. We look
Bank, Student Executive Council, forward to a suc-
Homecoming Committees, Panhellenic cessful fall rush,
Association, Judicial Board and many more. especially after hav-
We love our five COB New Members and i n g an i n c r e d i b l e
welcome them with open arms. Finally, our spring rush. Due to
newly elected council members are i n the l e a d e r s h i p o f
progress o f preparing for State Day which R u s h C h a i r L i z University of Colorado Chi Delta Members love to have fun together
Summer 1995 21
Week was the last week i n A p r i l . I n - Jennifer Hunsberger nated for outstanding service and out-
May, we had our Spring Formal and standing chapter development. The
then finals week. University of Virginia chapter selected Kendal A y l o r as out-
Chi Beta standing new member and Lisa
Several members of the Delta C h i Simpkins as outstanding alumna.
chapter have received academic honors C h i Beta sisters raised $2000 for our
in the past year. Wendy Goldberg, Elisa philanthropy d u r i n g this year's A O n Chelsea Mack, Pam Glaser, Kendal
Jackson, Karey Kee, Kathy Malloy, Karie Battle o f the Bands. The sisters also Aylor, Kate Dixon and Karen Hook
Schnieder, Erica Seidel, Megan Smith, sponsored a university wide Monitored received intermediate honors, the highest
Christine Thomas, Alyssa Weinberg and Alcohol Consumption Demonstration. academic award an undergraduate can
Jen W h i p p l e have all made the Dean's C h i Beta continued to be active in the receive. Kendal Aylor was inducted into
List this year. Faith Iacono received her community, with participation in the the Raven Society, Kelly McLaughlin is a
first year honors certificate for her par- Charlottesville 10-mile r u n , and also member of the nationally ranked VA
ticipation in the honors program and painted faces and manned booths at a women's soccer team, and Shana Teig is a
Wendy Goldberg, Megan Smith, local carnival. A O n was proud to be the member of the VA Riding Team. Kristan
Christine Thomas, Alyssa Weinberg and single largest contributor and participant Burch and Shannon Hunter are VA men's
Abby Weinblatt were inducted into the at the Jingle-Bell Run to benefit the basketball team managers, and Amanda
Golden Key National Honor Society. Arthritis Foundation. A O n was n o m i - Baker is a trustee for the class o f 1995.
- Maren Miller
• Washington State
• University
A Presidential Introduction! Alpha Gamma
Arkansas State SGA President and A O n member, Molly Mayer, had the honor o f introducing President Alpha Gamma chapter
Bill Clinton during the campus' new library dedication ceremony on April 3, 1995. began the year with a very
Molly was notified o f her role just three days prior to the event when a member o f the White House successful rush. The
staff called to request the presidential introduction be made by the SGA President. She was previously chapter pledged quota o f
scheduled to deliver a brief greeting to the over 10,000 in attendance, but that portion would have thirty-five women and
occurred during the ceremony prior to the President's arrival. was the only chapter on
"He made a grand entrance via helicopter as die ceremony was already under way," said Molly. "The campus to successfully
band started to play "Hail to the Chief" as he walked up to the platform and that's when the magnitude initiate 100% o f its New
of all this hit me. It's hard to describe what an honor and privilege it was. I was estatic and scared to Members.
death at the same time."
The opening statement o f her introduction touched upon her feelings when she stated, "...how does a A full schedule of
21-year old college senior introduce the most important leader in the world? This is a man that needs events k e p t us busy
no introduction, yet here I am standing before you today with that amazing opportunity..." right from the start.
Molly is a member of Sigma Omicron Chapter at Arkansas State University. The year was kicked-off
by a Panhellenic spon-
sored All-Greek clean-up
where sisters helped clean
up the Pullman area.
Our philanthropic spirit
started with our Ruby
Dude competition in the
fall, followed by our
annual Rose bowl compe-
tition in the spring where
we raised money for
Arthritis Research. The
entire chapter has been
actively involved in frater-
nity philanthropies and
campus activities. During
one o f the competitions,
we collected over 550
pounds of food for the
local food bank. After a
full week o f events, the
2 2 To Dragma
Award. In addi-
tion, we partici-
pated in Tennessee State Day
Volunteer Day Celebrating " A O l l in Tennessee"
was the order o f the day for the 1995
sponsored by Tennessee State Day held i n
Nashville on February 18. Approx.
Greek Week 225 sisters gathered on the
Vanderbilt University campus for a
with a campus day o f friendship and sisterhood.
clean-up, a park Christy Prickett, President, and
Susan Mclnery, State Day
clean-up, planti- Chairman, both of N u Omicron,
welcomed everyone to their campus.
ng trees, and a The day began with Leigh Perry,
Coordinator of Programs and
Rocking Training f r o m H Q , as our luncheon
speaker. Workshops on ritual, chap-
Grannies pro- ter relations, songs and B R I D G E S
were on tap for all participants.
gram, the pro-
Special guests included A n n
ceeds o f w h i c h Gilchrist - XB Director of
Programming, Khris Rouse -
w i l l go to the International Coordinator of AAC's,
Sisters from Alpha Gamma show their Cougar spirit while they wait for a p h i l a n t h r o p y . Pat Helland - Executive Director o f
Washington State football game to begin. O n A p r i l 1 1 , the Foundation, and Ann Griesmer -
Alpha Gamma chapter placed second in 1995, we sponsored an Easter Egg hunt Alumnae Services Coordinator. We
Homecoming and later decorated cookies for the Girl's Club of Bowling Green. also welcomed the participants f r o m
for all the fraternities to show our spirit for Several o f our sisters also helped with the the Adviser Training Institute at H Q .
Valentines Day. We participated in the sis- W K U Adult Day Care Center by attend-
ter sorority program, where we were paired ing sessions and working with the atten- The day ended with a friendship
up with another sorority for a few weeks to dees. Six others are teaching mini "classes" circle, the Epsilon Chapter song and a
plan f u n events to improve relations to area Girl Scouts. Recendy, Alpha Chi reception at the N u Omicron house.
between the chapters. We also planned won third place for the highest New
community service projects to help others. Member class GPA at the annual Greek Kentucky State Day
Academic Awards Banquet. We also won
Last summer, Alpha Gamma hosted a Best Sister Sororities last semester paired Sisterhood, songs and sharing were
reunion for it's alumnae. A t this with the Zeta Phi Beta chapter. Together on the agenda for Kentucky State Day
reunion, the chapter received enough we took a Thanksgiving Day meal to a held in Lexington on the campus o f
money from donations to remodel our needy family. This semester we are paired Transylvania University. Approx. 225
television room and create a waiting w i t h the Kappa Deltas and have con- sisters gathered on February 25 to
room for guests. From this generosity, tributed to the KA sponsored Clothes share ideas, renew friendships and cel-
this summer we will acquire new vanities Closet to benefit needy families. ebrate A O n in Kentucky.
for all of the rooms. We would like to
send a special thank you to our alumnae We are proud o f Jennifer Day, newly Paula Daigle, RPRO V and Alison
Redford, State Day Chairman f r o m
for all of their help! -Lynn Duprel elected Area Coordinator for SEPC; Tau Omega Chapter, welcomed the
spirited group. O u r luncheon speaker
Kaylyn Ashley, Terra Swanson, and was K r i s t i Farmer Lykins, R F O V.
The group was proud to have Lisa
Christy Marks who all hold SGA offices, Ivkanec -CC in attendance.
Western Kentucky University and Traci Smith, who was elected President Workshops on BRIDGES, ritual,
Alpha Chi °^ O if ( e r ° f Omega. Erin Dullahan will chapter relations, senior programming
and singing were held. The day ended
Alpha Chi's participation i n W K U ' s PPa aa o n «** A H >2 0 1995, Today Show with a friendship circle and the song
annuali Gr-reeki tWo teelk was a success, as we re"presenting° AOFI and Sig& ma Chi. "A Rose Ever Blooming".
won second place in the Tug competition, " ^ g "F e l l c l a 5011 - Paula Daigle, Lambda Tau, Northeast
Louisiana U., RPRO Region V
second in the
and third
place in the
Blood Drive.
We also placed
third in the
banner com-
petition, and
we won the
Karen Towell Alpha Chi members share a song with sisters from other area chapters during
c• t j Kentucky State Day tn Lexington.
Summer 1995 23
Great Looks!
Spring and
Summer 1995
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Arlington/Mid- Cities is football season i n A n n A r b o r town! and LaGrange College are supported
w i t h alumnae advisers and/or corpora-
We are having so much f u n this year. M a n y o f us met at one o f our sister's tion board members. Atlanta also pro-
We were led through the Fort Wayne vides rush packets for the area schools
Nature Center by Linda Ballew house, wore our U . o f Michigan clothes and helps obtain RRFs. Fund raising is
Shepherd (Phi Upsilon) with Shirley supported also.
Reichert McCracken's (Pi Kappa) grand- and watched the Michigan vs. Notre
son in tow. We celebrated Christmas Our new president, Carol Cotten
Medieval style at the University o f Dame Game. I n October, we attended a Smith has computerized our member-
Texas/Arlington w i t h Beckie Gross ship records, w h i c h w i l l enable us to
Walker (Pi Kappa), Linda Martin potluck w h i c h was sponsored by the track our membership and also allow for
McLaughlin (Alpha Theta), Virginia a field to track occupations, which w i l l
Jennings Hildebrandt (Phi Kappa), A m y Dearborn Alumnae group. In provide for informal networking among
Brooks Counts (Phi), Louise Morgan our members.
(Phi) and their FIOAs. Linda Cultice November, we visited our local Ronald
Webb (Phi Upsilon) brought her daugh- A l l o f our members are tracking their
ter who had also joined us on our shop- McDonald House and contributed paper volunteer hours as the O l y m p i c volun-
ping spree to the outlet mall w i t h legacy teers will be picked only f r o m communi-
Jordan McLaughlin. products. Finally, in December we ty volunteers. We hope to see m a n y
AOIls in Atlanta in 1996 and hope you
Virginia and Audrey Shaw viewed a creche exhibit at a local church. see us as volunteers. We are purchasing a
Dusendschon (Iota) are both planning brick for AOI1 Atlanta to be placed in the
weddings for their daughters. Darken We started o f f 1995 w i t h a business Olympic Centennial Park for all to see.
Woodall Riggan (Delta Delta) was noted meeting. Ann Arbor Alumnae voted
in our local newspaper for her family's I n g r i d Sheldon as the W o m a n o f - Dixie Masters
accomplishment o f visiting every State Achievement. Rebecca Katiba Middleton
Capital in the country. We had a lost was married on December 3, and Lucy
AOn, Cheryl Meredith Cutliff Savona recendy became engaged. Finally,
(Upsilon), f i n d us through the newspa- we would like to welcome our newest
per. Shirley attended the Texas member, who came all the way f r o m
Republican Convention and also had a Denver, Kim Danos.
major role in her Episcopal church con-
verting to the Catholic church, and now - Lucy Savona
is k n o w n as the Anglican Use Church.
Camille M i n o r Patterson (Pi Kappa) has Atlanta Austin
moved into a wonderful new home over
a two plane hangar! Maria Moscariello Atlanta Alumnae's m o t t o " A O n , we
Linden (Theta Pi) is awaiting the results
of her Bar exam and April Westbrook love what we do for you," is very evident O u r first year co-presidents, Janna
Roberts ( D e l t a Theta) has been busy
with a move and the collegiate telations in our support of all four Georgia colle- Heliums (Omega Omicron) and Sheila
for our chapter. We would love to have
anyone in our area join us. giate chapters. In the fall, we send a Rosenberg (Zeta), have shared their
- Linda McLaughlin check to each school to help with rush duties w i t h aplomb and great success.
Ann Arbor expenses. Also, at the local Georgia State Founders' Day Luncheon with Zeta
The A n n Arbor Alumnae Chapter is chapter and at U G A , several members Kappa chapter was our best attended
"Alive in 1995!" President Jennifer
Dammeyer gave us the news that our take refreshments and boxes o f fresh event w i t h 28 alumnae and 47 colle-
membership drive efforts have paid o f f
since we have doubled i n size! fruit for the parties and membership gians. W i t h the program planned by
Our monthly meetings have been selection sessions. A t Founders' Day, Michelle Serrano (Delta Tau) and Krista
simple, but very fun. The chapter start-
ed the fall by meeting at a local restau- Georgia State and LaGrange were pre- Beyers (Beta P h i ) , we learned more
rant with a movie to follow. September
sented a check for needed ritual equip- about o u r Founders a n d got better
ment. U G A and Georgia Southern will acquainted w i t h each other.
be given ritual equipment funds during Because our area is widespread, we
the spring quarter. This amount varies continued a tradition o f holding a lun-
according to need. A t the end o f the cheon meeting in Salado about 60 miles
school year,
Alumnae host
a senior tea for
all graduates
who w i l l be
living in the
Atlanta area.
The sup-
port doesn't
stop with
money and Austin Alumnae Chapter members hold a luncheon meeting in Salado, 60 miles
gifts. Georgia north of Austin to help accommodate their widespread membership.
State, U G A
26 To Dragma
north o f Austin. I n April, we plan to Certificate of Achievement and recog- February, a lively appetizer party was
meet for a covered dish luncheon and nized with Certificates from the held at the home o f Jana Branch, and a
recipe sale at the lake cottage o f our own Philanthropic Foundation and family picnic at the Birmingham Zoo
PIP, Ginger Banks, 50 miles northwest. Centennial Committee. was planned for early April.
May w i l l f i n d us m e e t i n g i n N e w
Braunfels, 50 miles south, in a joint The chapter has been following a busy The chapter was also actively involved
meeting with the San Antonio Alumnae. calendar packed with fund raising, meet- with the A O n presentation and colo-
ings, social events, and day trips. nization at Samford University. The
Combining the search for a meaning- November saw the first events w i t h the alumnae chapter will have three local
ful local philanthropy with a possible Rickshaw Basket Shopping fund-raiser collegiate chapters in the Birmingham
Centennial Project, we have decided to and an evening party hosted by Melis and area. To round out their calendar, the
work with the Austin Battered Women's Charles Edel. Founders' Day was celebrat- chapter w i l l be hosting a senior tea i n
Shelter. Instead o f having a Garage Sale, ed with collegiate chapters f r o m Towson May for the graduating seniors f r o m all
we are donating many o f those items, State U . and Washington College at T S U . the local collegiate chapters.
women's and children's clothes, toys, The holiday party was a necessary break
household and personal care articles to before the hectic holidays, and many sis- - Jana Branch
the shelter. We are also thinking about ters attended. March began with a lun-
starting a permanent garden at the shelter. cheon at The Holly House o f Broadmead Bloomington, IN
which several sisters call home. I t was a
One o f our greatest drawing cards is delightful time with great stories o f days Bloomington, I N Alumnae opened
that we now have Zeta Kappa chapter, gone by. Fund raising held this year were their 1994-95 year with a salad luncheon
only 30 miles away, to work with. All of the sale o f calendars and pens, a raffle, and at the home o f B.A. Rutherford Kuntz,
the advisers are members o f our chapter. the yearly bake sale at Good Samaritan and Alexa Newman reported on the
We provide a Scholarship Dinner for the Hospital. Day trips planned for Spring Region I V L C she attended.
Collegians each semester. Alumnae are are to local historical homes and gardens
encouraged to attend their initiations around Baltimore. O c t o b e r f o u n d us a t t e n d i n g a
and other special activities. Scholarship dinner at the Chapter House
We will once again welcome Towson along with a group of International stu-
To our delight, 1994 is the 4th year in a State University and Washington College dents who were participants in the
row in which we have increased our mem- Seniors into Alumnae status. I f we're Bloomington World Wide Fellowship
bership. From 9 members in 1991 to 36 luckythe Baltimore alumnae will be cheer- Program. November is always Arthritis
this year, our steady progress has been ing the Orioles to victory at Camden Auction time when alumnae join with
heartening. Alpha Omicron Pi has been chapter members for bidding on items
Yards in July. brought in for that purpose. Gayle
- Tracy Anderson Karch Cook and Catherine Terrell were
co-chairmen. Founders' Day was cele-
Birmingham brated with the chapter December 7th,
and December graduates were inducted
The into alumnae status by the alumnae.
Birmingham Karen Danielson, an authority on
N u t r i t i o n , spoke to us at a l u n c h i n
Alumnae chapter January, and the March meeting was a
delicious luncheon hosted by A n n
had a great year o f Spurgeon Furr. Our alum president and
co-hostess, M i l d r e d Frazee A l l e n ,
fun and sister- presided at a business meeting.
hood. W i t h its In March, we hosted a party for New
Members at the chapter house. A group
membership dou- from the "Music Warehouse" directed by
Verda Voyles Slinkard (Kappa Alpha)
bling over the past will present the program. A luncheon at
Meadowood in April will be followed by
year, the chapter a lecture and slide presentation by
Rachel Perry on T O Steele, one o f
was very excited Indiana's most eminent and well known
painters. Dinner with the Seniors, and
A Baltimore alumnae luncheon was held at The Holly House of Broadmead n a v e received a Alumnae induction for May graduates
w i l l be in A p r i l . Also, several o f our
that these four \OU.s now call home. Pictured are Delight Frederick Bennett, p . " f f members helped with rush, and Mildred
Allen and her assistants conducted a suc-
Edith Burnside Whiteford, Edna Burnside Howard Devereaux and Margaret ertl lcate 0 cessful pte-Christmas fund-raiser taking
orders and delivering a variety o f quality
Crunkleton Starkey. Achievement dur- nut meats.
such a wonderful experience for each o f us ing LC. - Daisy Hinkle Garton
T h e annual fall k i c k - o f f party was
that we wish to share it with others as we held i n September at the home o f M i n d y
approach our Centennial Celebration.
McDonald to greet new members and
- Nita Wathen welcome back old ones. I n November,
the chapter sponsored a "Self Defense
Class for Women" for the Tau Delta col-
Baltimore legiate chapter. Alumnae and collegiate
members learned a lot and had a great
The Baltimore alumnae started o f f time! The holiday season was celebrated
this year offering congratulations to with our annual champagne brunch.
Alexandra "Sandy" Reeder, Sigma Tau,
for receiving the Alumnae Service Award Founders' Day is always a special
t h i s past s u m m e r . T h e B a l t i m o r e event and was held in conjunction with
Alumnae chapter was awarded the the Zeta Pi collegiate chapter. I n
Summer 1995 27
Bloomington/Normal, IL N o v e m b e r is the b e g i n n i n g o f the night away as Founders' Day was cele-
C h r i s t m a s s h o p p i n g season, so o u r brated with Alpha Chi chapter in con-
This year has definitely been a "reach group took advantage o f the numerous junction with their 30th Anniversary.
out A O n " year for Bloomington/ Christmas Bazaars and shopped-till-we- The day's events included ritual, lunch,
Normal Alumnae Chapter. We started dropped together on a Saturday after- dinner and dancing. We now look for-
the year by celebrating our 25th noon. We celebrated Founders' Day in ward to April when we will host a recep-
Anniversary. We are happy to report that December with a Christmas ornament tion for Alpha Chi's graduating members.
several o f the AOIls that started our exchange. January found us reminiscing
alumnae chapter are still vital members. about our college days at a member's - Nancy Norris
We also have spent some time getting to house. We brought photographs, pad-
know alumnae f r o m other area groups. dles, stuffed animals and just anything Bozeman
Over the summer, we lunched with the we could tell stories about. February,
Champaign/Urbana Alumnae Chapter once again, was our annual business The Bozeman Alumnae chapter of
and the Decatur Alumnae members. In meeting at a local restaurant. In March, AOLI has had an excellent year filled
cold January, we met several alumnae at we elected officers, held formal ritual with f u n and philanthropy. As a Spring
the Iota house and had a slumber party. and ate hor d'oeuvres prepared by the fund-raiser, the Bozeman chapter will be
It was f u n to relive the past! We also got members. The next two months will having a "Make Believe Tea." A letter
together with alumnae from around the find us making cloth wreaths and host- and tea bag have been sent i n v i t i n g
state when the local Beta Lambda chap- ing a Tupperware fund-raiser. alumnae to "stay at home, don't dress
ter of A O n hosted Illinois/Wisconsin up... join in our tea there will be a slight
State Day. - Renee M u n n fee, whatever you feel it should be." The
monies raised will be given to the Alpha
As always, we welcomed the New Bowling Green Omicron Pi Foundation, the Diamond
Members o f Beta Lambda at our new mem- Jubilee Fund, Arthritis Research and,
ber potluck. We congratulate the Beta In August, several Bowling Green locally, the battered Women's Network.
Lambdas on the wonderful group of alumnae met at a local restaurant to catch
women they selected to join A O n this year. up on Summer happenings and to kick To raise money for the Alumnae
off the 1994-95 alumnae calendar. chapter, the alumnae gather to assemble
One o f our most fun programs to date Despite unusually cool and windy weath- Survival Kits to be sold and given to the
was our progressive dinner. Each AOLI er, the Family and Friends Potluck in collegians for finals week each semester.
invited a spouse, date, friend, or sister to September was lots o f fun! Lots o f alum- The kits include study treats, school sup-
eat away the night. This was a great mixer! nae and Alpha C h i New Members turned plies and other items.
out for the Annual Taco Dinner hosted
We continued to sell pecans as our by alumnae for collegians in October. A Our chapter also enjoys "social work-
major f u n d raiser. We also sold birthday new event proved to be a success in shops" each month where we gather at a
cakes for collegians to give to their par- November as alumnae enjoyed a cookie different location with programs to exer-
ents and friends. The Bloomington/ exchange! Rachel Allen, Bowling Green cise our creative juices. A m o n g this
Normal Chapter would like to thank our alumna and our Regional Director also years meetings, there was a wreath-mak-
own Mary Williams for her thorough presented a Membership Ed. program at ing party, a book exchange and a Latte
a n d t h o u g h t f u l leadership as the November meeting. February pro- creation night.
International President of A O n . Thanks vided an event for alumnae to renew old
for a great two years, Mary! friendships, attend Ritual and dance the Last year's LC in Boise was attended by
four o f our members, and we have five
- Janice Buxton members planning to attend Convention
in Scottsdale.
Boise Valley
- Shannon Maloney
T h e Boise V a l l e y mm
Champaign- Urbana
A l u m n a e C h a p t e r Ww"^
The women o f the Champaign-
hosted the Region IX \ Urbana Alumnae chapter have had a
busy, f u n and productive year. We cele-
LC in June. The par- brated our own Katrina Overton win-
ning "Best Financial Adviser" w i t h the
ticipant t u r n o u t was | Bloomington-Normal Alumnae at our
summer luncheon. September brought a
good, and the chapter demonstration on saving those special
memories by Linda Hill from Creative
had fun organizing Memories. In October, the alumnae
provided a workshop on resume writing
the event. Then, in for the Iota Chapter juniors and seniors.
November and December were devoted
September, we started to our annual survival kit fund-raiser.
January was celebrated w i t h a slumber
the year o f f w i t h a party at the Iota Chapter house, where
Chocolate Fondue
party. T h a t was f o l -
lowed by a pumpkin
painting patty. The
pumpkins were paint- A wreath-making party brought out the creativity in Bozeman
ed into scarecrows, Alumnae members (front L to R) Ashley Parson, Kim Center, Lynn
scary faces, and other Donaldson, (Back L to R) Susan Wordahl, Gail Wheatley, Leah Olson,
various personalities.
Heidi Jaugherty and Beverly Townsend.
28 To Dragma
old friends could catch up on gossip and Thomas, received the same award given to
relive their college experiences. February
was shared w i t h our llOAs at a special a non-member for his help with the book
AOn Valentine's night out. March
f o u n d us t h i n k i n g o f spring cleaning and for making bird houses for our "Make
with a little help from a presentation on
closet organization by Stow Aways. Columbus, OH It Bake It Grow It Sew It" Auction. The
A p r i l is the time to welcome the new chapter sold 100 copies o f the book, earn-
Iota initiates and share songs and home- The Columbus Alumnae chapter ing enough money to buy a commemora-
made desserts. The year w i l l be com- decided to dedicate this year to having tive brick for Julie at H Q while reserving a
plete in May with a salad luncheon host- fun and holding meetings that would be sum for the treasury. The auction, held at
ed by Gwen Lee. of interest to all of our alumnae. We had the home o f Joyce Lacerte, added another
a great start w i t h our traditional Salad $950 to the treasury.
Cincinnati supper. Since one o f our biggest projects
The Cincinnati Alumnae chapter has is the Christmas Luncheon for Arthritis During the 1994-95 year, Dallas held
certainly taken advantage o f its terrific
1994-95 programming! We kicked off the patients, we spent October stenciling several m o n t h l y meetings at a centrally
year at Mary Martin's home with dessert
and games. I n the fall, the chapter was dish towels and dish cloths to give to located restaurant, The Vickery Feed
treated to two presentations: one from the
Cincinnati Film Commission which tries each guest. I n November, we learned Store. It provided the advantage o f being
to recruit movies to film i n Cincinnati,
and another from a Financial Planner how to make simple floral arrangements in the same space several times and was
speaking on how women o f all ages need
to prepare for a better financial future. O f more conve-
course, we could not let the holidays slip
away without sharing dozens o f cookies at nient for
Joy Ilg's home.
Janna Collins put together several ter-
rific programs. Local alumnae sold who travel
Entertainment Books® to raise money for
our operating expenses. Additionally, sev- 30 plus
eral o f our A Oils donated their time to
the Arthritis Jingle Bell Run. In March, miles to a
the local Arthritis Foundation spoke about
future volunteer opportunities. The chap- meeting.
ter plans to donate some additional funds
to the local Arthritis Foundation based on Special
our "Calendar o f Giving." Each day on
the calendar instructs members to donate events
pocket change based on anything f r o m
"how long you have been an A O n " to "a included
certain amount for reading To Dragmal"
Under Melissa Sanford's leadership, the
chapter is preparing for our Centennial ment/cookie
Celebration. Fund-raising efforts have
already begun... A O n now has an account exchange in
at several well known second hand cloth-
ing stores. Alumnae simply drop off their December, a
old or "not perfectly fitting garments,"
and when they are purchased, the A O n Valentine's
account is credited. Raising f u n d s
through this program is easy and practical. Party for
Chapter members also continue to sup- Alice Haarup, Barbara Hirsch, Sue Nichols, Jenney Seely (President) and Betty couples, a
port the Miami University - Omega Hill prepare "Goody Bags"for Chi Epsilon as a fund-raiser for the Columbus, OH Halloween
Chapter. In addition to serving as advis- stuffing of
ers, we joined with the chapter to celebrate Alumnae Chapter trick or treat
Founders' Day and will welcome seniors
into alumnae status in April. bags f o r
Our membership is also looking for- for Christmas, and in December, we Delta Theta chapter, an initiation o f
ward to an upcoming "evening o f wine held the Arthritis Luncheon. Delta Theta graduates into the alumnae
and cheese tasting" and a picnic with fam- fold, and the third annual Kentucky
ily and friends. Founders' Day was held at the C h i Derby Day Shrimp Boil on a historic
Epsilon chapter house. Robbi Peterson farm owned by Karen Peterson's daughter.
- Kristen Pratt visited and gave us an update on A O n .
This was followed by ritual and a dessert Founders' Day was held at the landmark
"Pie Smorgasbord." February found us Stoneleigh Hotel. Special guests were
making "Goody Bags" for the O S U members of the Fort Worth-Mid-Cities
chapter, w h i c h is a fund-raiser for us. chapter. There were as many o f them as
The rest o f the year w i l l include a visit to there were o f us. Carol Stevenson,
the Wexner Center at O S U , a "Top your International VP/ Development and one
Spud" dinner, a wine-tasting party, and of Dallas' "own," whetted our appetites for
answering phones during the Arthritis attending the Centennial Celebration in
Telethon. The final event, as always, will New York in 1997.
be our "Closest to the Pin Contest,"
which is our biggest fund-raiser. - Gwyn Gillespie
- Jean Kreischer
Dallas Kearney
Dr. Julie Mason, an officer-elect of the The Kearney Alumnae chapter and
Dallas Alumnae chapter, died in childbirth Phi Sigma chapter both celebrated the
last summer. She was in her early thirties. 25th anniversary o f their founding on
In her honor, the chapter published a 62- October 21-22, 1994. The event was
page book, "A Dash o f Dallas Alumnae held at the University o f Nebraska at
Delights." It is filled with Julie's favorite Kearney campus during Homecoming.
foods, popular recipes from A O n poduck Alumnae f r o m all over the state came to
dinners and other selections. Mary Porter renew old friendships. The event was
earned the "Certificate o f Honor" given to planned by a committee which included
a member for spearheading, typing and Sue Placke, C i n d y Rademacher, Kathy
directing the assembly line to collate the Emken, Bridgette Placke and Michelle
plastic-bound book. Her husband, H e y i n g . Special guests included Past
Summer 1995 29
International President Ginger Banks Milwaukee Out To Finland"- Exchange Student will
and RFO Shirley Knipfel. lead up to our helping with KK's "Time
The Milwaukee Alumnae chapter cel- Out for Basketball Marathon," and on
The celebration began on Friday with ebrated its 70th anniversary during to "Over and O u t " when K K seniors
an informal gathering at Sup's Lodge in Founders' Day on January 14. Ot the joins us in alumnae status in the spring.
Kearney hosted by the Kearney Alumnae 41 presidents who have served the chap- Our long-range goals include to "Travel
chapter. Saturday's activities included a ter over the years, 11 were present at the Out" to Phoenix and to "Reach O u t to
breakfast, house tours at the Phi Sigma luncheon. The chapter was chartered on 100" in 1997.
Chapter house, and the Homecoming October 14, 1924.
parade and football game. - Barbara Ottinger
The chapter has revamped its meeting
A Rose Banquet was held on Saturday schedule and geared the programs to Orlando
evening with over 200 AOIls present. more social areas. This fall, the chapter
Ginger Banks was our featured speaker. joined the local public television station The Orlando Area chapter began its
She shared memories o f Phi Sigma when in a wine-tasting event and began the year w i t h a "Traveling I n Style" fashion
she visited as a "traveling secretary." J.B. year w i t h a program on flower arranging. show that added $500 to our Arthritis
Strout, one o f the founders of Phi Sigma This fall's events will include preparing Foundation. Some of our more energetic
chapter, also spoke and shared some o f toiletry baskets for a local women's shel- sisters ran (well, walked briskly) i n the
the "fashions" from 1969. Members of ter and a luncheon wrap-up meeting. "Jingle Bell 5K Run" for Arthritis, spon-
the original pledge class were introduced, sored by our Panhellenic. N o broken
and every pledge class since 1969 was This was the t h i r d year for selling speed records, but research is richer by
represented at the banquet. poinsettias, and orders are growing each $10,000! To finish 1994 a " W i n e and
year. I n addition, the chapter is holding Roses" party in December was well attend-
Members that were able to attend the a raffle using donated prizes, with money ed and allowed us to share our sisterhood
25th anniversary celebration agree it was going to the AOI1 Foundation. with spouses and significant others.
a great success and that A O n really is for
a lifetime. Any ideas for a 30th reunion - Linda Mansur Kappa Gamma chapter in Lakeland is
are welcome! so important to us. Their chapter and
Muncie rush advisers are Orlando area alumnae.
- Annette Gnuse Leaf Our formal ritual meeting in June with
"Reach Out AOfl in Muncie, Kappa Gamma seniors is also extra special.
Long Island Indiana!" is the theme we are using
throughout our program year. We The members will be out in full force
The Long Island Alumnae chapter's "Pigged O u t " as our members b r a i n -
1994-95 program began with a
September planning session at Kathy Eleven past chapter presidents attended the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter's 70th
Priven's home. Diane Seekamp hosted Anniversary and Founders' Day. Ten are pictured above from lefi, Wendy Kohler (current
our Avon/wrapping paper fund-raiser in
October which netted more than $200. president), Alice Aderman, Lynne Ferger, Ruth Lenzz, Nathalie Hundt, Lee Breese, Sue
In addition to Foundation contribu- Cornwell, Pat Benson, Judy Knecht and Alyson 7Jerdt.
tions, proceeds from this fund-raiser will
be used to help send a local child to stofmed about programs for the upcom- for Founders' Day. This happy event is a
summer camp. Special thanks to Diane, ing months. We learned more about the real highlight and seems to bring us all
Nan Dowling and Arlene Towse for Shakers duting our "Shaker Outing" i n closer i n Alpha Omicron Pi.
making this event a success. In October, followed by "OutReach" when
December, we met for our annual many o f our members worked with the - Priscilla Cole
Founders' Day Holiday luncheon at a Kappa Kappa pledges during the local
local restaurant. Following the meal, sis- public broadcasting telesale in Oklahoma City
ters delighted i n our "It's a dirty shame" November. The "Holiday Yell Out" in
gift exchange. O u r ritual meeting was December provided an opportunity for The AOIls o f the Oklahoma City area
held at Nancy Francis' home in March, our sisters to purchase crafts and foods met in September for a fall business
where we lunched on an array o f with the profits going to the A O n meeting at a local restaurant. We were
gourmet pizzas. Spring gatherings Foundation. Our successful poinsettia pleased to welcome a new member,
include: an April surprise bridal shower sales w i l l also aid A r t h r i t i s Research. Kristi Hanor Hamrick, a graduate of U .
for Fradell Weinstein, a trip to a local "Out-Cry-- Investments" and "Arms of Mississippi.
theater in May, and a June barbecue for
sisters and their families or significant
others. The Long Island Alumnae chap-
ter welcomes new members anytime.
Please call A n n McGlinchey at 516-968-
5776 for information.
- Ann McGlinchey
30 To Dragma
We celebrated ting AOIl recognized, and busy with
Founders' Day in projects and special events.
December at the home The year started o f f with a fall round-
of Mary Westendorf up encouraging everyone to bring a
Richardson. friend or new sister. AOLls participated
Afterwards, we enjoyed with the Arthritis Foundation in selling
a salad luncheon while raffle tickets. A t Christmas, AOLls were
planning our spring wrapping gifts at a local outlet mall. The
activities. I n January, Christmas gift exchange also brought sis-
we will be attending a ters close together around the holidays.
Panhellenic sponsored fern: It,. ^ r SB MM § Spring brought the celebration o f
play, "Lion in the Founders' Day with a Greek dinner at a
Winter," at a local the- Orlando Area Alumnae members pose with Kappa Alpha seniors sister's home. Sisters participated and
atre. Our spring activi- following Formal Ritual. pledged donations i n the H u m a n Race
ties include a dessert preparation presentation by new mem- Walk, Run or Roll to benefit the
party at Monte Sue Ballard Bradberry's, ber and caterer Linda Igo. Arthritis Foundation. The annual spring
meeting with Linda Liermann (RD), and The group also got to help Lambda garage sale netted $300 f o r the A O n
helping at the local Arthritis Telethon. Beta with fall rush and then spent an Foundation, and the mother/daughter
evening getting to know the New Members tea social w i l l be hosted i n M a y along
- Kathy Sands
St. Louis with a special "Pie for a Pi" event. with the A O n bar-b-que. Plans are still
South Bay/Palos Verdes, under the coming together for our "Get Teed O f f
Philanthropy is the name o f the game for Arthritis" golf tourney.
this year for the St. Louis Alumnae chap- hard labor of Gail DeLucca, sponsored
the South Panhellenic Scholarship lunch - Katherine Ferrara
ter! The chapter's annual Holiday
Hobby Auction was another terrific suc-
cess and raised f u n d s f o r A r t h r i t i s
Research. The chapter also coordinates
the St. Louis Panhellenic Charity G i f t
Wrap Project each year, a mall gift wrap
booth open from the day after
Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve
and manned by all the sorority groups in
the area. The project brought i n record
receipts this year thanks to the hard
work of the AOFI committee. A recent
addition to the chapter's philanthropic
efforts is its Collegiate Book Scholarship
Fund, which will provide campus book-
store gift certificates for the outstanding
scholar each semester at Delta Pi and
Upsilon Epsilon chapters. The Sarasota Alumnae Chapter's Christmas Gift Exchange is a wonderful time for sisterhood just
Founders' Day brought generous gifts before the hectic holidays.
to the Ruby Fund, as well as recognition
of two 50-year alumnae, Harriet Hesslin in M a y which was a huge success. The Tallahassee
C r u m and Jane Briner Beavers (Theta
'45.) Also the presentation of an Honor group is starting o f f the year w i t h the We had a great year i n 1994! I n
Badge to Upsilon Epsilon chapter, and January, we celebrated Founders' Day
the Alumna o f the Year Award, presented organization of the Southern California with a brunch, then, in March, we had a
to Ellen Duncan (Delta Alpha '86), who Roses and Rubies Social at the home o f
chaired the Region V I I I L C i n St. Louis Founders' Day Celebration held Feb. 4 Samara Navarro. We had 26 signatutes
last June. on our petition for rechartering in April
at Ports o' Call restaurant i n San Pedro. '94. I n May, we held elections at the
- Donna Johnson McGinnis home o f Kim McLeod. Ashley Hardee
T h e c h a i r w o m a n o f t h i s event is was elected President. July was our
South Bay/Palos Verdes Family Barbecue. Everyone enjoyed the
Francine Fayns. The chapter, which wel- sisterhood and meeting each othet's fam-
Highlights o f the year for the South ilies. The silent auction was very excit-
Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae chapter comed several new members this past ing, raising start-up funds for our chap-
include the popular Annual Whale ter. I n August, we hosted a rush retreat
Watch in March, the Welcome Back year, looks forward to a prosperous and for the Gamma Thetas from the
Fiesta i n September, the ornament auc- University of South Florida. K i m
tion in December, and the recent party fun year!
Diane Ver Steeg
The Sarasota A l u m n a e chapter has
been very busy but still having f u n !
Busy recruiting new members, busy get-
Summer 1995 31
McLeod and Kristie Kempfer had a very Vancouver tion of our growth. Summer brought
informative and fun workshop on Image the popular Hollywood Bowl night,
and Glamour and Conversations skills. This year marks AOLTs 65th year i n when members dined al fresco and
We celebrated the Christmas holidays Vancouver. In celebration o f this event, enjoyed fireworks and great music. Fall
with a party for members and their dates the Vancouver Alumnae chapter is hold- brought rush support to Lambda Beta
at the home o f Kathleen Richards. ing "An Afternoon o f Memories" at Cecil and Sigma Phi, and we are pleased that
Green Mansion on the U B C campus on
1995 promises to be a great year. I n
February, our R D , Elaine McCraney,
was w i t h us to celebrate Founders' Day.
Rebecca Shaner was our hostess. We are
excited that our alumnae chapter will
have a brick on the walkway at AOLI
H Q , and our newsletter is a wonderful
addition in 1995.
- Mary Ann Hensarling
Triangle r
(L to R) Diane Cassaro, Kim McLeod, Ashley Hardee, Sandy Webb, Kathleen Richards,
The Triangle Alumnae chapter had a Rebecca Shaner and Mary Ann Hensarling were on hand to celebrate the Tallahassee
busy year beginning with the traditional Alumnae Chapter's 1995 Founders' Day.
Pot Luck Barbecue at the home o f
Carolyn Barrett. In October, adult and Oct. 22. We are asking that AOLIs f r o m Ann Schmidt, Terri Boyle, Norma
children's T-shirts were decorated at the all over j o i n us i n the celebrations by Fleming and others are acting as advisers
home of Laura Harshbarger Coble. digging through their trunks and finding to these chapters. This works hand in
Members new to the Triangle learned the memorabilia saved f r o m collegiate hand with our work with the
early chapter history from charter mem- and alumnae days. Invitations, favors, Los Angeles Alumnae Panhellenic
bers W e n d y Shull and Sue M a t t e r n . name cards, photographs, videos, slides... Association, where Melinda Kelly
T h e holiday season had an early start are all welcomed. For details please call received an h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n as
with an ornament exchange, w i t h order Marjorie Stevens at 604-879-0255. Woman o f the Year. We currently hold
of choice based on a membership ed offices for Files and for Ways and Means.
quiz at the home o f Carol Dove Terrell. We are also revising our membership list December brought our famous holiday
Founders' Day was celebrated at a bagel in preparation for AOITs 100th meeting gift exchange, and January
brunch following Delta Upsilon's initia- Anniversary. We are compiling a booklet brought the rains and Picasso at the
tion at Duke University. I n February, that will be available at the afternoon event. Lapin Agilel. February and Founders'
the women of Triangle treated the I f you have moved or plan to, please send Day were spent t o g e t h e r as Beverly
seniors at Duke to a home cooked your address to Margorie Stevens at 809 Shniper was honored for her efforts w i t h
potluck dinner and inducted them to Sawcut, Vancouver, BC V5Z4A2. our theater nights and programs. We
alumnae status. Cathy Rockerman pre- celebrated Cynde Wilen's expected twin
sented a program about Women and the The chapter held Founders' Day at daughters with a surprise baby shower in
Law at the home o f Adrienne Baroff in Judith Spence's home along w i t h formal February, and we're thrilled w i t h recent
March. The Duke seniors were invited ritual. I n February, we are holding an graduates, Francheska Andrews,
to this meeting as part o f B R I D G E S . evening dealing with Women in Crisis Michelle Smith and Elizabeth Druyen
The tour of the Historical Museum in w i t h a speaker f r o m a women's shelter. for joining our membership. In April,
Raleigh followed by lunch at the City The hostess, Sue Hart, is a lawyer who we w i l l again man telephones for the
Market was the program for A p r i l . Joy works extensively with shelters. The price Arthritis Foundation and be holding our
Tolman Lashley hosted an ice cream of admission is an item donated to the ever popular Phantom Tea benefitting
social i n May. shelter. O u t A n n u a l Rose Tea w i l l be the A O n Foundation.
hosted by Honoree Findlay in May, and
The Triangle alumnae once again a f a m i l y B B Q is p l a n n e d at Elaine - Melinda Kelly
made exam goody bags which were sold Peterson's home in June. A l l are welcome.
to Delta Upsilon parents to ptovide
goodies for their daughters. Profits paid - Marjorie Stevens
for lunches for the chapter during rush.
West Los Angeles
The most successful new activity was
the informal "Out to Lunch Bunch," West Los Angeles Alumnae chapter
when members meet at favorite restau- has had a f u n filled year! Last June we
rants for lunch once a month, alternat- hosted Region X's L C and loved seeing
ing weekdays and Saturdays. sisters f r o m all parts o f the world o f
A O n . We were also delighted to receive a
- Mary Ann Kidder Smith Certificate of Achievement in recogni-
32 To Dragma
A O n is Proud of..
Ifour Area A O I T Alumnae Chapter
Wants You!
You are a collegian for a short while, but you are an AOI1 sister for a lifetime. You will
find that one o f the greatest benefits o f sisterhood is being an active alumna. Just con-
tact the alumnae chapter nearest you. I f you don't know the name o f the nearest alum-
nae chapter, contact the Alumnae Services Coordinator at International Headquarters
No Alumnae Chapter Near You?
Here's good news! Become an A O n Rose Member! It's a special "member- TTTIWTn
at-large" program for AOFls who are more than 50 miles f r o m an alumnae chapter.
• Receive News f r o m your Regional Directors concerning events in your area.
• Receive "The PIPER", a f u n way to keep in touch w i t h AOI1.
• Receive Your Regional Newsletter
• Receive Information about Convention registration, Leadership Conferences, etc.
Name State ) Zip/Postal A n n Lewis Burr
Address Phone ( Initiation Date
City G a m m a Tau ('66)
Collegiate Chapter Ann Burr, who, in 1986, became the first
women president of the San Diego Division of
To become a Rose Member, complete thisform and send with $15.00 annual dues to: Alumnae Time Warner Cable operating four systems in
Services Coordinator; AOU Headquarters; 9025 Overlook Blvd; Brentwood, 77V 37027. California, was named the 1995 Chairman of
the Greater San Diego Chamber of
Mitzi Jones Patrica Marlow Commerce Board of Directors.
Delta Omega ('91) Tau Gamma ('91)
Ann is also currendy serving as Chairman
Crowned 1995 Miss Kentucky USA and Crowned 1994 Miss Alaska in the of the Board of the California Cable Television
Association, a member of the Mayors City of
a Top 12 Finalist i n the Miss U S A September pageant and represented Alaska the Future Committee, a member of the
Board of Directors for The California
Pageant this past February. in the 1995 Miss America Pageant. Channel, the City of San Diego retirement
Board, the San Diego Gas & Electric
4B» Company Board, and a member of the Host
Committee for the 1996 Republican National
Included in a vast list of awards she has
received are the "Chairman's Award lor
Innovation" from Time Warner Cable, the
"JTPA Presidential Award" for her chairman-
ship, the nation's most outstanding Private
Industry Council, the "Distinguished
Achievement Award" from the National
Academy of Cable Programming, the
"Frederick J. Patterson Award" from the
United Negro College Fund, the "National
Business \blunteer Award" from die National
Alliance of Business, "Woman of the Year" by
the Southern California Chapter ofWomen in
Cable, "Headliner of the Year" by the San
Diego Press Club, and the cable industry's
highest honor - the National Cable
Association's Distinguished Vanguard Award
of Leadership.
Ann holds an MBA from Chaminade
University, a BA from Utah State University
and enjoys her thtee sons, aged 21,15 and 12.
Summer 1995 33
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi
The Alpha Omicron Pi has always been a leader among Greek organizations in
training, programming, and fraternity development We are continually search-
ing for ways to increase our funding for this programming without burdening
our membership with fee increases. The Executive Board has chosen a new
AOTT activity that both our collegiate and alumnae members can participate in
AOT to help insure the continued success of our Fraternity. We proudly introduce the
AOTT Magazine Program.
We eagerly await the beginning of this program in the fall of 1995, and we
invite you to be pacesetters and successful participants as together we pilot this
new venture. We are pleased to be working with QSP, Inc., a subsidiary of The
RKeeader's Digest Association, Inc., and the number one fund-raising company in
the magazine industry. With the QSP Family Reading Program, you may:
Magazine •Renew your favorite magazines
•Order new magazine subscriptions
•Send gift orders
•Order books, music and videos
The Alpha Omicron Pi Magazine Program will offer a wide variety of entertain-
Program ment options for you or your family and friends to choose from. Your gifts of
entertainment and information are convenient for you, and a continuing plea-
sure to the recipient. Through AOTT, you can renew all your favorite subscrip-
tions and receive continuous service while supporting our Fraternity. You may
order through your collegiate or alumnae chapter, as well as through the
International Headquarters.
Whether you are active in an The proceeds from your support of the magazine, music and book sales will go
AOT chapter or have been directly to AOTT training and volunteer support. This will include funding for
away from AOTT for years, programming, Leadership Institute, Adviser Training, chapter enhancement,
here's your opportunity collegiate services, and development. Your support of the magazine program
to do something for will allow us to reach our goals and to better serve our chapters, both colle-
AO¥ and yourself. giate and alumnae. In return^ it allows our members the benefit of receiving
Alpha OmjcrOn Pi the lowest subscription rates available in the industry. Discount coupons from
is offering an exciting the publishers are honored too!
chance to benefit not only
yourself but AOTT too! This program is NOT intended to replace the philanthropic efforts your chapter
already participates in to benefit Arthritis Research and the other funds in the
We all love to read magazines, AOTT Foundation, and it is NOT intended to be a door-to-door solicitation pro-
and the average household gram for our members. It IS intended to be an easy way for our current mem-
has almost six subscriptions. bership, their family and friends to renew and order subscriptions at the lowest
rate available and benefit AOTT as well. This new program will allow us to hold
AOTT is offering you the increases in your collegiate and alumnae fees and dues to a minimum.
perfect way to get the lowest
In recognition for participation in the magazine program, AOTT will offer incen-
prices available on your tives to our members for their efforts:
subscriptions, and
AOTT benefits from •$250 for highest chapter (collegiate and alumnae) per capita sales.
your purchase. •$250 to the chapter (collegiate and alumnae) with the top (total) sales.
•$150 for each alumnae and collegiate member with the top (total) sales.
•$100 for each alumnae and collegiate member drawn from the pool of
members who meet the minimum sales by October 15,1995.
Chapters will be receiving order booklets in the fall. Look for details of the
AOTT Magazine Program in future issues of To Dragma and the Piper. For more
information on the program, contact Dana Ray, Public Relations/Conference
Coordinator/Magazine Program Coordinator, at AOTT International
Headquarters, 615-370-0920 ext. 29.
34 To Dragma
A l p h a Omicron P i salutes our
75- Year Members Edna M. Schlampp Johnson
Tau (U. of Minnesota)
Our 75-Year members Gertrude Elizabeth Maxson Brussel
bring a new understanding Chi (Syracuse U.) Mabel Felton Anderson Knight
to the concept that AOI~I is Upsilon (U. ofWashington)
for a lifetime. Pauline Moore Carman
Nell Fain Lawrence
We proudly salute these women for Zeta (U. of Nebraska) Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.)
their achievement. Alda Jane Woodward Carson
Jean Gregg Main
The names listed below represent those Beta Phi (Indiana U.) Iota (U. of Illinois)
women initiated during the school year Alyce Adelaide Coleman
1919-1920 and for whom Headquarters has Mary Neal Black Martin
a current address. Letters o f recognition and Sigma (U. of Calif. Berkeley) Omicron (U. of Tennessee)
75-Year Certificates will be mailed to each of Neva Anne Brown Conway
these women. Ruth Christine Sydney Merchant
Phi (U. of Kansas) Chi (Syracuse U.)
I f you or a member you know have Bess Barbara Philips Daum
been omitted from this list, please notify Caroline Lauile Conant Minnisch
Mary A n n Caldwell at Headquarters to Alpha Phi (Montana State U.) Delta (Tufts U.)
update our database records. Hazel Dugger Dowd
Marie Muffin McFarland
It is our hope for each of these women that Phi (U. of Kansas) Upsilon (U ofWashington)
they enjoy many more years of sisterhood. Dorothy Caroline Hilton Downs
Margaret Lyon Pedrick
Vesta Magee Angle Delta (Tufts U.) Pi (Newcomb College/Tulane)
Omega (Miami U.) Margaret Betz Foster
Gustene Elizabeth Rupe Schneider
Ethel Weidner Bentley Theta (DePauw U.) Upsilon (U. ofWashington)
Zeta (U. of Nebraska) Katherine Baird Golley
Willia McLemore Steward
Valerie Odette Bernier Eta (U. of Wisconsin) Omicron (U. of Tennessee)
Kappa Phi (McGill U.J Christine Acree Gaillard
Olga Luella Seibert Vatcher
Kappa (Randolph-Macon) Lambda (Stanford U.)
Beatrice Harriet Barron Gould
Irene Thurston Ward
Chi (Syracuse U.) Omega (Miami U.)
Edna R. Robinson Harms
Margaret Neal Wilson
Upsilon (U. ofWashington) Delta ((Tufts U.)
Elizabeth M. Britton Holloway
Eleanor Juro Propfe Welsh
Theta (DePauw U.) Sigma (U. of Calif-Berkeley)
Katherine Graham Young
Rho (Northwestern U.)
The Alumnae Panhellenic Committee, working with 289 chapters, announced that they offered over $200,000 in collegiate schol-
arships last year. The Alumnae Panhellenic promotes Adopt-A-School, established an Alumnae Panhellenic Award, and set guidelines
for using the Rush Information Form. Peg Crawford, Alpha Omicron Pi N P C Delegation, is a member of this committee.
The College Panhellenic Committee assigned 44 N P C delegation members as Area Advisers for over 600 campuses where College
Panhellenics are organized. N P C provides seven consulting team visits to campuses recommending changes and solutions to
Panhellenics. Barbara Hunt, N P C Delegate, serves as the Illinois and Manitoba Area Adviser.
The Rush 200 Committee has been charged with investigating rush programming throughout the country and Canada. They are
examining rush formats that differ from the traditional.
The Education Committee is offering videos and programs called "NPC Links" for all Panhellenics in the fall of 1995. "NPC
Links" includes a women's issues track (empowerment and self-esteem) and a Panhellenic track (NPC 101, P H spirit, and rush com-
munication). Panhellenics are encouraged to order this innovative programming for use during the year.
"Greek Solutions/Our Chapter, Our Choice" offers certified trainers who train students on the program and how to implement it
on their campus. I f you wish to be included, call the N P C Central Office for information.
The Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) is featuring 10 sessions this summer. Facilitators include those who serve as fra-
ternity and sorority national officers or staff members and campus Greek Advisers. Each five day session is complemented by small and
large group meetings. I f you are interested in attending, call N I C at (317)872-1112.
Your N P C Delegation will present a 50 minute workshop at Convention. We'll explore ways to more effectively work within your
Panhellenic and to promote Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity on your campus and in your community.
The 1995 N P C Conference will be held in St. Louis OCT. 5-8. Your N P C Delegation will be in attendance.
By Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta, NPC Delegate
Summer 1995 35
Phi-l n-th O V[fe-'lan-thre-pe] n, goodwill to
fellow-man, esp: effort to promote human welfare. 2: a charitable act or gift; also;
an organization that distributes or is supported by donated funds.
While total contributions to the AOTT Foundation are steadily rising our Alumnae and Collegiate Chapter
gifts have been declining over the past two years, particularly donations to the Arthritis Research Fund.
Many of our chapters still reap success from either tried and true events or from new and innovative ideas.
Chapters are most successful when they pour excellent creativity and enthusiasm into their plans.
While it would be impossible to highlight each chapter we have selected a few to salute. Many of these
projects are being executed by more than one of our chapters to varying degrees. Some of these
chapters raise large sums of money and others less, but all take philanthropy to heart.
Collegiate Chapter Projects 1
lota Sigma - (Iowa State U.), in cooperation with the Ames Area Running club, hosts "Run for rm • m^s
the Roses", a I OK and 5K Road Race. This well-organized, well-publicized event has up to 750 run- wit •j I
ners and walkers participating due, in part, to brochures, posters, table tents, letters, PSAs on t w o
local TV stations as well as ads placed in three area newspapers. They reach the community and Megan Kinnan and Debbie Dittrick (Zeta) work the
get their involvement. Regular committee meetings and the participation of the entire chapter AOTf raffle desk, set up in their Union building, to raise
guarantee successful results.
additional funds for their "Hoop-It" Tournament
Gamma Delta - (U. of S. Alabama) held a "Sing-Off for Arthritis" for the first time this year
and raised more money than ever before for philanthropy. Sororities and fraternities paid a fee to
enter the competition. Each group was given 20 words and 30 minutes to create a song using all
20 words. Winners were judged on creativity, enthusiasm and participation. The feedback from
the participants was great, and they can build on this excitement for next year
Zeta - (U. of Nebraska) holds a single elimination men's basketball tournament, "Hoop-It," each
year Funds are raised f r o m team entry fees (41 teams entered this year) and from each chapter
member being responsible for acquiring a $20 sponsor Corporate sponsorships are solicited, and
a raffle is also held t o raise additional funds. PR efforts include campus billboards, newspaper ads,
flyers, posters, banners and PSAs on local radio stations. Committee emphasis is great, with the
members receiving bonus points for completing their monthly assigned duties. W i t h 41 partici-
pating teams, there is a lot of waiting around, so the chapter also offers a slam dunk contest for
interested contestants.
Alumnae Chapter Projects
Atlanta - This chapter's approach to philanthropy and fund-raising requires year round planning. Eight or more events each year fund the
chapter's AOTT philanthropic donations, local Atlanta charity donations and support t o four area collegiate chapters. Events over the past t w o
years include: members volunteering at the Senior PGA Gold
& mm Tournament, an annual fall cheese sale, participation in Hand's On
Atlanta Day, hosting f o r a local Christmas House and the
Decorator Show House, collection of toys at their Christmas lun-
cheon and participation in the Arthritis Foundation's t w o local
events - the Mini Grand Prix and the Jingle Bell Run. Money
raised from these events allowed the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
to contribute $ 1,500 to the AOTT Foundation this past year
4' Indianapolis - Fall nut sales raise big bucks for this very active
Members of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter enjoy their Spring Luncheon/Fashion Show. The event
chapter They average 95-100 dues paying members and have
now includes a Silent Auction and has been a success for this chapter, strong participation for this sale. By sending out a nut order
To Dragma
form in the fall Newsletter; they reach those that do not regularly attend meetings, but are still anxious t o help the chapter Other fund-raisers
include a "Make-it-Bake-it-Grow-it-Sew-it" Sale and an annual Holiday Auction held in November Their biggest undertaking o f all is a Spring
Luncheon and Fashion Show that now includes a Silent Auction. In years past, they would offer door prizes, so they have just expanded on this
idea and now auction those items and others off t o the attendees. The first year auction raised $900. Another easy way t o raise money is to
offer three levels of membership. The Regular Member pays $23, a Sustaining Member pays $30, and a Patron pays $50. The money in excess
automatically goes t o the Foundation. Proceeds raised from their other events are divided between the AOTT Foundation and the local
Arthritis Research Center at Indiana University.
West Los Angeles - A Phantom Tea is the major fund-raiser for this three year old chapter Charming invitations are mailed out contain-
ing "Ruby Mist" tea bags (which are donated) asking members t o join them f o r a tea - at their convenience. A donation o f $5.00 or more is
politely requested, and it is noted that they may make the donation in honor o f or in memory of a sister This listing is printed in their semi-
annual newsletter and helps increase donations. The chapter currently has 36 dues paying members, but still manages to raise between $800-
$ 1, 100 each year for the Foundation. A biannual White Elephant Auction has been another easy fund-raiser Each member brings an unwant-
ed item lying around her home t o a meeting f o r a silent auction. The $400 raised last year t o support a local women's shelter proves that one
person's trash is, indeed, another's treasure.
Omicron (U. ofTennessee), the Knoxville Alumnae Chapter
and the Omicron Mothers Club combine efforts
to coordinate their Annual Barbecue
To these three groups, philanthropy is much more than raising money for a good cause. This fall, the Omicron collegiate and Knoxville alumnae chap-
ters, along with the Omicron Mother's Club, will host the 35th Annual AOTT Barbecue. All three groups sell tickets for the event and gather by
Neyland Stadium to handle the coke and barbecue booths. After the barbecue, everyone heads to the game to cheer for the Vols.
Amy Cathey an alumna and previous barbecue chairman, says that this philanthropy stands out for several reasons. "We always have an excellent turn
out and support from our collegians, alumnae and mother's club, and the barbecue is a fun social event to attend before a football game. Everyone
knows about the AOTT barbecue, and you always see lots of people you wouldn't see otherwise," says Amy. She added, "There's always a big Greek
turnout for the barbecue, which says a lot because you have non-AOTTs supporting an important cause and having fun."
Sally Sprott, the collegiate assistant philanthropic chairman, says unrting the three AOTT groups is very important to the success of the barbecue.
"Working with the alumnae and the Mother's club gives all the collegians a chance to know many of the women who are the backbone of our sorority.
It reminds us of the real meaning of AOTf" says Sprott.
by Amy McCormick Omicron (U ofTennessee)
Last year's 34th Annual AOTT
Barbecue proved to be yet
another success.
r3..._ ImMiL* w
I994 Barbecue Chairmen (L to R): Sherri Garden, Mother's Club Chairman; Shelton Haynes, Alumnae Chairman;
Dianna Abernethy Mother's Club Assistant Chairman; Gwynne Heiskeil, Alumnae Assistant Chairman; Andrea
Wenk, Omicron Philanthropic Chairman; and Sally Sprott Omicron Assistant Philanthropic Chairman.
Arthritis Research Fund AOn's International
Philanthropy. Grants are given yearly to qualified researchers in cooperation
with the Arthritis Foundation and the Canadian Arthritis Society. Since 1967
over $850,000 in grants have been awarded.
Summer 1995 37
To all who have recently entered alumnae status, CONGRATULATIONS!
It's the start of a wonderful, life-long adventure with your alumnae sisters wherever you may setde.
Those ofyou who have already received aSENIOR KIT know the benefits of this convenient information. It's con-
tents include letters from appropriate Executive Board members and the Foundation Board and coordinated
brochures and information about how to become an active AOIT alumna all packaged in a handsome red folder with
a gold AOI1 logo.
The kit also explains in detail our exciting offer to exempt thefirstyear's International feesfromyour alumnae dues
if you join within your first year after college. The offer is extended to our graduating seniors, fifth year students
electing alumna status, and collegians transferring to a campus without an AOIl chapter. With more than 180 AOIl
alumnae accepting this offer, it seems that "This Year's on Us!" has been working wonders for membership.
If you have not received a SEN IOR KIT as an alumna and are interested in its benefits, please fill out the form
located on this page and send it to the Alumnae Services Coordinator at AOFI Headquarters. We look forward
to hearing from you!
1995 G R A D U A T E S , IF Y O U D I D N ' T R E C E I V E A K I T :
Though you're juggling lots of things right now, wherever you go, your involvements as an alumna can easily be tailored
to fit your needs. It can be balanced with your work, family and community activities. Most alumnae chapters meet once
a month and dues are usually between $20 and $35 annually. As AOITs gift to new graduates and those recently chang-
ing to alumna status, we are exempting the International Operations and Conference Fees from your local dues (a savings
of $17)! Along with the benefits of a lifetime of supportive and caring sisterhood, you'll experience the advantages of net-
working, fun, friendship and sharing your commitment to AOIl. Plus, your local alumnae chapter will benefit from your
skills, knowledge, time, energy and enthusiasm! Please contact your local A O I l alumnae chapter today. Use this form to
request the contact for the chapter nearest you or to request a SENIOR KIT. Fill in and send to: Alumnae Services
Coordinator, A O I l Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027.
38 To Dragma
eir i^JLemoFy
In this section, we salute the memory ofthose sitsters who have passed away during the last hiennium. This list includes the names of
those we received between April 1,1993, and March 31,1995. This list ispublished in the summer issue ofeach Convention year.
Alpha Mariellen Hoffman Weakley C h i Lanilbda
B a r n a r d C ollileege, C o l u m b i a U . LouiseNarcissa Beverly Wlch University of Evansville
HesterMRmk Beta Otaama Marianna Andres
iMickigan State University Elizabeth L Loeffler
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky Quiversify Carol Lou Carter Corian Rosamond Stambaugh Lundquist
Annabell Cathryn Pink Kennedy
Brenda Annuth St Pierre Wihna Jeanette Pinch Peek Delta
Marguerite Lois Cork Ruojf "Iufts University
A l j > l i a OlTJJlCMMQ June Irene Szosz Zimmerman
Louisiana State University Elizabeth Ardelia Dun n Anderson
Beta Kappa Ruth EarleAndress
Irene Elizabeth Pichett Blair University of British Columbia Elizabeth Bramhall Bryant
Louise Adele Russell Loring
A l p h a It In Marilyn Karen MacKay Bomber Judith Anne Love
Montana State U m versitj Agorita Lilly Liaskas MacGowan Margaret Lewis Baxter McArdle
Susan O'Brien Montgomery
Ethel Helen Young Ecton Beta Lambda Virginia Drury Shipman
Mary Loraine Renonard Gilmore Illinois Wesleyan University Ruth Lowe Tousey
Mary O'Leary Hagood
Louise Marjorie Hanson Lue McAfee Brown Delta Alpha
Ada Ann Atkinson Miller Jean Cigale Wyman Cirigliano University of Missouri-Colin
Ruth EnidBolinser Palmer
Ruth Raymond Petit Beta Phi t Eileen Clare McHugh
Jo Ann Shively Piatt Inch ana U n i v e r s i t y
Gladys Elliott Stermitz Delta Delta
Cecil Walker Wilson Mabelle G Schmalzried Ballenger Auburn University
Jean Catherine Green
.Alpha ,P:i Mary Alice Hartley Karen Louise Benning
Florida State Univeraity Eva Gertrude Baily Huntington Sr. Martha Charlotte Martin
Miriam. Combs Rubey Carol Lee Mathews
Margaret Esther Tyler Alexander E. Conduce Puckett StJohn Mary Ann Sewell Scarbrough
Charlotte Collins tiayman
Mary Lee Davis Jewett Beta Tau Delta Omega
Carolyn G Kiphuth University of Toronto IVIurrav State University
Alpha Rko Elizabeth Georgette Aumen Ellis Ginger LeAnn Adams
Oregon State University Donna Margaret Davidson Kilhmer Susan Elizabeth Sills Douglass
Bernice GAdrion o u t l e r U navejrsity Delta Sigma
Olive MDietlein San Jose State University
Shirley Alys Wheir Drake Melba Gertrude Bray Fisher
Marie Dew Gish LloydeAken Louis Margaret Angela Giorgi Brosnan
Lillie Madseii Larsen Dorothy May Lyon Suzanne Hovatter Limb
Alpha Sigma CU L-ornell U niversity
University of Oregon Syracuse University
Marion Grace Miller Davis
Vernita Saunders Adler Jeannette Louise Raynor Black Mary Elizabeth Russell Fleming
FlorenceJoan Schuyler Anderson Alice Helene Foote Gwynn Ethel Bissell Hanson
Shirley Irene Rising Fisher Eleanor Louise Hoitz Ella Louise Wame Hildreth
Leotia Belle Bennehoff Gardner Catherine Adello Latimer Hardy Natalie Brooks Thompson Morris
Louise Gumey Lyman Gertrude Koch Holland
Marion Janet Olson Marshall Dorothy Lucille Lane Oliver IDC/ p s •i!i o n AA l^pnh a
Marylee Andrus Miller Mary Elizabeth Harper Thomas
Leona Melva Hostetler Mosher Victoria Annette Jackson Wilkinson Pennsylvania State University
Marion Emily Pattullo
Emily Vargo Coleman
Alpha Tan Chi Delta Carolyn Jeanne Hartman Colteryahn
Denison University University of Colorado Helen Marie Savard Galbraith
Agnes Ellen Geary Jamison
Martha Ann Shepardson Ashbrook Mary: Alice Walter Bell Kathleen Louise IVirtz, Kirk
SallyJoan Ellsworth Christ Julia Christiiu1 Gustafson Douglass Elizabeth Brown Martin
Mildred Hull Sweeder The!ma Virginia RoadarmerErickson Ann Drivas Papadeas
Mary Edith Myeis Taylor Laura Theresa C Ditssart Leman
Dolores Charlotte Zemke Schooley
Summer 1995
InTlieir IVIe m o i Alston Prmgle Troutman Nil
Alexander Turner
University of W isconsin N e w Yorls University
Kappa Alpha
FlorenceJane Foster Durkee Indiana State University CorrinnaJ Vernon Gemmel
Eileen Jams Oberwetter Ladwig Margaret Stewart Fogarty Hanretta
Mary Collison Fowler Rennebohm Caroline Brownlee Mace Nola Kathryn Cuneo Wolf
Ina Snow Melton Nadia Neheshy Mitchner
Beatrice Harriet Ilett Seiple
Lois Elaine Doig Stonenian Kappa Gamma Southern Methoclist University
Elynore Frances Bell Wegner Florida Southern College
Elizabeth Hart Garrett Brown
Ganimta Gwendolyn Patricia Garrett Constance Romberg Capers
University oi IVlaine-Oro: Frances Hughes Duncan Lewis Florence Mclean North Carter
LaurelJane H Sample Clabau
Kathleen Doris Andrews Kappa Kappa Catherine Smith Gunn
Grace Woolcock Mwray Boomer Ball State U niversity Lela Flanery Sheridan
Mary Louise White Griffee Mildred Mitchell Taylor
Judith Hill Fielder Harris Candace Lynn Kirkwood Colyer
Arlcne Carr MerrillHemmerly Norma C.Janeway N i l LaKahtla
Barbara Dunn Hitchner Pattyann Goss Whiting
Mary Elizabeth Robinson McClure Univereity of Southern California
Gladys Gage Reed Merrill Kappa Omicron
Roberta Lula White Negus Rhodes College Ada Tolofson Brownell
Beulah Elizabeth Osgood Wells Mary Inez Bryant Ellis
Virginia Winkelman Lee Patricia Joanne McGrew Sturtevant
VJamima U e i Elisabeth Townsend Welch
U n i v e r s i t y oJ1 S o u t h AlaLa N a Omicron
Kappa Ir hi \;aiiirlerlsilt University
Julie Ann Mason I V l o G i l l U nive
Rosalie Carr Carson
.jianinia Omicron Ellain Ainslie Russell Brovamey Mary Floyd Anderson Claybrook
Jniversi ty of Florida Ellenor Marie Oland Fallon Mary Lucretia Hart Faulkner
Rhona Elizabeth Watson Wensley Barbara Anne Shields Kelley
Eva Marilyn Mann Bartlet Miriam Jean Goode Knight
Bernice De Shea Blackburn Southeastern Louisiana University Winifred Green Rawlings
Margaret Emily Marshall Shivas
'ith Mucci Lynn Bel Tracy Mattie Carter Wood
'anks Ostrroo.ff
Kappa Theta Omega
University ol Illinois University of C a l i f o r n i a - L A ^'iiami University
Dorothy Frances Lannon Banker Virginia Therez Champney Batey Gretchen Horst Bartlett
Eva Lucille Benson Mary Elizabeth Wallace Davis Esther Schmidt Bohlender
Betty Jayne Wagner Christiansen Joyce Laverne BuehlerEdgerton Mary Elizabeth Widmann Chapman
Bernice Parkhul Dilsaver Jean Rilla Willcox Gaily Clara Reed Snyder Converse
Lucille Gibson Douglas Lois Quinn Roskam Martha Elizabeth Hughes Fry
Helen Margaret Grimes Englehart Katherine Elsie Berg Willis Lucile Dvorak Kirk
LavaunAdele SchildEustice Phyllis Ruth Jaycox Kiss
Hedvic Lenc Farrar Lanihrla Margaret McLennan Lindenmeyer
Barbara Moore Heck Stanlortl University Mary-Eleanor Vaughan Morr
Anna Louise BeattyMahnke Nancy Carmean Sullivan
Janice Kay Sidlivan Malkuch Elsie Louise Barber Ann Louise Herbert Vannorsdall
Florence Valera Cobb McDonald Dorothy Ellowene Delahoyde Evans Elizabeth Reese Witt
Mary Eileen Joan Scranton McHugh Florence Bigelow Harvey Mary Jane Fitkin Wood
Velma Ruth Brown Myers Frances Evelyn McNelly Johnsson
Bonnie Grace Payne Patterson Beverly Ann Leggett Lambert University of Tennessee
Dora Jean Fishel Simon Jean Austin Cross Maier
Claire Christiansen Strauch Lucy Upson Peters Anna Stokely Burnett
Dorothy Jane Edwards Yonker Dorothea Cavitt Hawkins Ruud EvasueJohnston Carney
Norma Lois Godfrey Taylor Mary Elizabeth Moore Dominick
Iota Alpha Frances Miller Early Downey
Idaho State University Lanafctta Beta Virginia Manson Hunt Fain
California State Jane Evelyn Godbehere
Jean Elva Schuppenies Broyles Janis Roberta Sawyer Green
Gloria Perry Jordan Ruth Evelyn Seek Marshall
Kappa Mary Carolyn Gies Miller
IRandolpIii-i^'lacon "Woman s 'i Lamlscla C hi Margaret Getaz Lyman Penland
L a G range College Lutie Faye Poore Seller
Jean Baxter Stribling Hutchinson Carolyn McClamroch Staley
Laurie Comer Willeit Kelly Heather Leigh Duke Phyllis Louise Warren Trotter
Janice Irene Hunt Martin Polly Carta- Tatum Williams
Margaret Butler Seelbinder L a m U a Sigma Carol Randolph Lovitt Yazrbro
University of Georgia
To Dragma
FrancesJean Campbell Everitt
Sharon Yvonne McKinzey Johnson
Lovetta Elizabeth McllWain Trulock
Oniieron iPi University of Pennsylvania iTlieir IVI n n o i T
U niversity of Michigan
Katb-yn Louise Irwin Chambers Tau Omicron
Louise C. Boer Marine Atkins Matthews Universtiy of Tennessee - M a r t i n
Marguerite Marie Edington Buchanan Isabella Elizabeth Hunter Town
Maijorie Hamilton Weber Bulhley Louise Margaret Griffin Blackwell
Eleanor Eaton Ca-vanaugh Rio •
Ruth Genevieve Morey Eisele Northwestern University Theta
Beatrice Hoek Finley DePauw University
Helen Flynn French Olive Adelaide Fisher Buesking
June Esther Rhode Gerity Dorothy Isabel Bruniga Dean Margaret Jean Hargrove Armstrong,
Susan Jeanne Hay Hemminger Elizabeth Johnson Greenman Ruth Mildred Pbilfippe Evans
Ruth Sonnanstine Milks Dorothy Hills Hojfsted Ruth Marion MacNeill Flesher
Jane Elizabeth Webster Wilson Dorothy Ann Wallin Larson Carol Jean Tholin Norby
Jeanne Ruth Lepine Margaret Louise Wood Raley
University of Kansas Edna Jane Glendenning Reiff
Oaema Helen Louise Woods
Nancy Jo Peterson Barrackman
Betty Jo Bloomer Bradley X) niversity of C a l i f o r n i a - E Tlieta Eta
Orva E Salt Courtwright University of Cincinnati
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer Ruth Rose Burckhalter Beales
Mary Elizabeth Noyes Elder Gladys Victoria Selwood Carithers Kathryn Virginia Nolloth Jennings
Louise Clark Hedge Corinne Martha Cornell Ruth Elizabeth Sickmeier Karlson
Eva May Ireland Iamb Mildred Louise Gillam Ferguson
Jean Katheleen Dzuyer Lonergan Anne C Stone Hrubanik Theta I i
Mary Wead Osborn Moore Adrienne Burto?i Smith Wagner College
Edith Eleanor Massman Oyer Noreen Curtis Higgins Stoner
Helen,June Wise Stucky Joy Karen Suessman Anderson
Sigma Lambda Regina Sanchez Porter
Ptii Alpha University of Wiseonsin-LaOross Emilia Grace Paulsen Swanson
East Tennessee State Universi Doris Eleanor Riker Tovo
Florence L Burgess Ruth Anne Diller Wiederecht
Mary Florence Hart Self
Sigma Omicron Theta Psi
Phi Delta Arkansas State University X)niversity of Toledo
X). of Wisconsin - M i l w a u k e e
Lou Meginness Couch Ruth Leona Allen
Donna Marie Liberato Wegerbauer Chloe Doris Secay Heath Patricia Madelin Sullivan Atkins
Patricia Ann DarrRahn Marie Mikesell Erwin
Plii Omicron Joan Josephine Parasiliti O'Shea
Hanover College Sigma P h i Helen Virginia Poindexte?- Orthwein
California State U - Northridge Gwendolyn EpkerReed
Janice Roe Everett Gray Natalie Dymarkowski Reed
Joan Diane Whitton Osborne Three Tyler Alary Louise Klawitter Walsh
Jacquelyn McLain Wilhelm
Phi Sigma Signia iRiio
University of. Nebraska - ihvearney Slippery Rock U niversity University of 'Washington
LoriJ. Prauner Sharon Jean Peffer Simko Bessie Brattain Charleston
Dorothy Jeanette Warmbold Edwards
Phi Upsilon University of j^iinnesota Doris Mathewson Humphrey
P urJue University Agnes Irene McCrae Nicholas Jr.
Harriet Siewert Donnelly Esther Helyn Kerttula Sutton
Karen SueDunten Blank Mayme Bender Galligan Lois Pollom Weber
Denise Marie A Hiilgert Parker Alta Blanche Davis Kuhn
Claire Lou FuimerLove U niversity of Oklahoma
Newconalb College - Tulane Harriet Irene Spencer Marquardt
Sarah Jane Jacobson McKay Willa Mae Webb Davison
Mary Elizabeth Bolton Brown Olive Oliver Mojjett Pauline Caroline Mills Edwards
Louise Ann Ferrand Hemard Inez Kolar Petrok Eula Hester Sheldon Jaques
Dagmar Adelaide Renshaw LeBreton Shirley Charlott Erickson Sperl • Mary Kathcrine Sprehe Tener
Dorothy Louise Weston Robinson Winifred G Whitman
Pi Delta Tan Delta
University ol Maryland B i r m i n g h a m S o u t h e r n C< University of Neiwasisa -
Bertha Edna Cannon Carter Andrea L. Casey Zelma Helaine Harris Dobson
Sara Ann VardenMuncks Elizabeth Legran Reynolds Ellisor Doris Hostetter Flagg
JanetAndreae Steadman Sarah Adele Taylor Miller Joy Margaret Ley Hein
Anne Henry Brandon Smith Darken Alice Woodward Jones
P i ILappa Mary Hamilton Horton Smith Eva Lorena Murphy Lawson
University ol Texas - A u s t i n Mary Frances Sowell Wilson Beatrix J Florance Mousel
Gladys Opal Mathews Smythe
Rose Buster
Summer 1995
Alpha O m i c r o n Pi is entering Members who contribute to reconnecting over the years. The
the final t w o years o f the Decade o f ages m a y differ, b u t the stories are
Endowment Campaign, a special the F o u n d a t i o n are t r u l y the same. A strong Endowment i n
program to raise $1 m i l l i o n f o r our the Foundation will ensure A O I T s
endowment. To date, over committed to A O F I i n every way. continued strength and future. The
$ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 has been c o m m i t t e d Decade o f Endowment Campaign
through cash gifts, pledges and Those w h o choose to also support perpetuates Alpha O m i c r o n Pi
deferred gifts in the form o f Fraternity - far into the next
bequests, life insurance policies and the Decade of Endowment century."
C a m p a i g n f i n d this is a way to be a Gifts to the Endowment will be
While the campaign will placed in investments and only the
o f f i c i a l l y finish o n June 3 0 , 1 9 9 7 , part o f A O n forever. interest income w i l l be spent f o r
3-year and 5-year pledges are n o w educational purposes. Pledges to
being accepted which will enable Barbara Hunt, Past the Decade o f Endowment
our members and friends to make campaign are n o w being accepted.
s p e c i a l g i f t s t o h e l p see A O F I International President and For more i n f o r m a t i o n , call Pat
through her second century o f Helland Director of Development,
existence. E n d o w m e n t F u n d Chair, says, at 615/320-0920
"Throughout m y travels for A O F I ,
I meet sisters o f all ages w h o talk o f
h o w A O F I means so m u c h to t h e m .
I hear heartwarming stories f r o m
those who remember their A O F I
sisters and w h o celebrate their
friendships throughout their
lifetimes - connecting and
Yes, I w a n t to c o n t r i b u t e . .$100. .$250. .$500. .$1000$. other
to the Decade o f Endowment Campaign
I choose the following option:
F u l l p a y m e n t enclosed (see below pportunmes)
I prefer m y pledge to be paid Annua
r • iated Chapter,
Stat Z i p . Phone
Exp. Date_
42 To Dragma
Did You Know...
A O l l t r a n s f o r m e d i n t o Jessica L a n g e look-alike
Chi Delta chapter adviser and former Chapter Consultant, Julie Derby Julie Hunter stands with Leeza Gibbons following the tap-
Hunter, Alpha Phi ( Montana State U.), became a star in March. Julie was ing of the "Leeza Show". She participated in their
selected from 4000 other women who responded to a glamorous make-over Academy Awards Preview show by agreeing to a make-
call on the set of the "Leeza Show". She was selected because Beverly Hill: over as Oscar nominee, Jessica Lange.
hairdresser, Jose Eber, saw in Julie a resemblance to Jessica Lange. In all, four
women were selected to represent the four Oscar nominees: Lange, Genna
Davis, Winona Ryder and Uma Thurman for a show saluting the Academy
Awards that were taking place later that evening.
Julie was shocked over her selection, because, " I never saw it. No one has
ever t o l d me I resembled Jessica Lange, w h o m I have long admired.
Normally I have long, dark hair, but now it's short and blond."
The make-over took an entire day, and she was treated like a star during the i
trip to Hollywood for the taping. During the show, she was dressed in a
$900 black suit from the Robert Ellis Design Studio and wore $700,000 in
pave diamonds from Van Cleef & Arpels (on loan, of course)!
Because her new appearance has made such a drastic change in
her life, rhe show invited het back fot a follow-up appearance in
May to discuss it. She says she'll keep her new look for awhile.
Julie is the mothet of two daughters, Lauren Claire, 4, and Bianca before photo
Rose, 11 months. She and husband, Kelly, own theit own busi-
ness. I n case you wete wondering, Kelly couldn't be more tickled
with his wife's new appearance.
A Oil is Proud of:
J Sheila C. Salido, Sigma (U. of California
at Berkeley), was recently elected to serve on
Alpha Omicron Pi was well represented at the Association of Fraternity the Board of Directors with Women in
Advisers meeting held in Houston this past December. International Trade - Northern California.
She is currently Sales Director with KTSF
A O n currently has many Greek Advisers serving on campuses across the US and Channel 26, the oldest Asian-language tele-
Canada. I n attendance (L to R): Melanie Doyle, Executive Director; Michell Serrano, vision station in the United States. Prior to
Southwest Texas State Greek Adviser; Barbara Hunr, N P C Delegate and PIP; Ann that, she held a position with Asian Sources
Gilchrist, XB-Direcror; Laurie Snyder, U . of Wisconsin-Madison Fraternity/Sorority Media Group where she had the opportuni-
Cootdinator ; Ruth Hosse, Chapter Consulrant Coordinator; Tracy Maxwell, National ty to travel extensively in the Philippines,
Interfraternity Council Greek Solutions Coordinator; Troy LeForge, Transylvania Univ. Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong
Greek Adviser; and Lori Hart, Georgia State Gteek Adviser. Kong and China.
Sheila is currently serving as a member of
the AAC for Sigma Chapter. Any AOFIs
interested in an international business career
or in joining WIT are welcome to call her at
415-468-2626for more information.
Summer 1995 43
From Our Readers...
Dear Editor:
I was hoping this article and picture could be published in To Dragma since
it was such a special event:
The sisters o f Tau Lambda at Shippensburg University i n Pennsylvania
received a tempting invitation to visit our sisters o f Gamma C h i at Carleton
University in Ottawa, Canada, during our Spring Break. We were so excited
by the invitation that we jumped at the chance to go.
Aftet an eight hout cat ride, thirteen o f us arrived in the beautiful capitol
d r y o f Ottawa and received a warm welcome f r o m our sisters. The days flew
by as out wonderful hostesses took us on tours around the city, cooked us big
spaghetti dinnets, and showed us the Ottawa night life.
We shared A O n songs, rush ideas, and sisterhood activities, and we all
learned a great deal f r o m each other. The experience was invaluable and the
sisters of Tau Lambda would like ro thank Jackie O'Flanagan and all o f our sis-
ters o f Gamma C h i f o r a w o n d e r f u l visit. We hope to see y o u here i n
Shippensburg very soon!
- Jena Martin
Dot Williams, Intetnational Public The sisters of Tau
Relations chairman, Lambda Sigma ( U . o f Lambda (Shippensburg
Geotgia), talks with former President U.) and Gamma Chi
Jimmy Carter o f Plains, GA, at the Flood (Carleton U.) enjoy a
Recovery Granrs for Historic Preservation toga party together during
Ptesentations. D o t is ptesident o f the Spring Break in Canada.
Federation of Garden Clubs of Macon,
Inc. The Federation of Garden Clubs of
Macon, Inc. and the City o f Plains, GA,
are among the National tecipients, result-
ing from rhe 1995 flooding in Georgia.
Dear Editor:
Sisters f r o m Alpha Pi at Florida State
University in Tallahassee had a m i n i
reunion after 28 years. We met i n Glade
Springs Resort in Beckly, West Virginia,
for a f u n filled weekend. We caught up
w i t h news o f careers, families and A O n
sisters. We all proudly have on our FSU
National Championship football t-shirts.
I n two years we are planning ro meet in
Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Contact us i f
you are intetested in joining us.
Attending an Alpha Pi mini-reunion were Leslie Smith Bakker, Michele Purdy Noullet, Anne Carr Mary Ann Hensarling
and Mary Ann Potter Hensarling 6807 Carmel Drive
Tallahassee, F L 32308
44 To Dragma
Aipna umicron n
j*i Presents
£jf its first V All gratuities, taxes and
GroupTravel complete baggage handling.
V Your personal copy of a
/ J r opportunity
comprehensive New York City
shopping and dining guide.
Airfare, which is not included in B
featuring the trip price, may be arranged M
by Alumni Travel Group who has H
the NewYork an excellent rate available from V
your hometown. W e advise you
to book quickly! This trip is strictly
Theatre Tour limited to one motorcoach. The trip
allows ample free time for shopping,
f+ Christmas 1995 sight seeing, museum and additional
theatre-going, plus great dining!
r December I - 6,1995 This is the first of many travel opportuni- I
ties that we will begin offering our mem-
r Alpha Omicron Pi is excited to bers. Watch for other opportunities in
offer our members the opportunity to upcoming issues of To Dragma. Currently,
travel through the Fraternity. AOTT, i n ^ exciting plans are underway for a
cooperation with Alumni Travel Group, ™ Scandinavian Cruise in the spring of 1996!
is offering special tours and trips for
our membership beginning this year_ For now, AOTT invites you and your family, or
Our first trip will be to "The Big Apple" • you and your AOTT sisters, to take advantage
of this winter wonderland fantasy. Enjoy
Vover.the 1995 Christmas Season! the magic of AOTT in New York - Join us
This fabulous New York Theatre ; for the New York Theatre Tour!
Tour highlights include: ( For more information, contact
Nancy Grow at Alumni Travel
« Five nights Deluxe accommo- Three top Group, 1-800*654-4934 or (713)
Broadway 975-6116. Mailing address: 89,45
dations at the Palace Hotel w h i d n ^ plays, including Briar Forest Drive, Houston.Texas.
is superbly located on Madison ^ V l Boulevard and
Victor Victoria star-
Avenue, one block from Fiftha^^^Bk ring Julie Andrews.
The third play will be
Avenue's finest shopping, 1 ^ ^ ^
and in the heart of prez |H|
Christmas activities. ^^L.
^ W7
announced at a later date.
A The renowned
Rockettes Christmas
Spectacular at Radio City
Music Hall in Rockefeller Center.
« An elegant dinner party at
one of New York's finest
« All transfers to and from the
ntotel are included for scheduled
evatas - except Radio City Music
Hall lttiich is located just two
blocks fr^rn the hotel. Enjoy the
professional services of the full-
time tour manager,John Joseph. i
Summer 1995
smnouncemenis ;
• Congratulations to Beta Phi Chapter
and to Heather Dean for becoming the
2000th member of the 20th chapter of
A C T I . Beta Phi is the first A C T ! colle-
giate chaptet to achieve this milestone.
• The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter • S'
will hold a reception in honor of Ann
Gilchrist, the newly installed ptesident ST
of Alpha Omicron Pi, on Sunday, July
30, 1995, f r o m 2-4 p.m. It will be held ! ir •
at the Alpha Kappa Lambda National
Headquarters. For information, contact
Anne Stover 317-844-5013.
• Phi Upsilon chapter at Purdue Dear Editor:
University was the fitst A O F l chapter to
patticipate in the Out chaptet, Our The ladies o f Zeta Kappa, Southwest Texas State Univetsity, would love to see
Choice program sponsored by the this picture in the next To Dtagma! Pictured are the ladies o f Z K , along with the
National Interfraternity Conference and men of Tau Kappa Epsilon, winnets o f our Rose Bowl Flag-Football Tourney! The
the National Panhellenic Confetence. It proceeds are to be divided among the five Funds o f the AOFI Foundation.
is a peer-led program aimed at defining
alcohol and drug norms in an effort to DIAGNOSIS DELAYS L I M I T BENEFITS OF
create a healthier social environment. EARLY ARTHRITIS TREATMENT
For more information on the program,
contact Leigh Perty, CPT, at A O I 1 Early medical treatment that may keep people with rheumatoid arthritis from suffer-
Headquatters. ing the effects o f irreversible joint damage isn't often possible because o f delays in
making a proper diagnosis, reports the Arthritis Foundation.
AOn is Proud of...
A n article in the March-April issue o f Arthritis Today, the foundation's national
• consumer magazine, says researchers found the median time between the start o f
symptoms and a diagnosis o f rheumatoid arthritis to be nine months, which isn't fast
Amy Austin enough to benefit from early treatment thought to help prevent the initial joint dam-
Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock University age that may take place. The delay i n diagnosis is attributed to both the patients
delay i n seeking treatment and to even longer delays in diagnosis by the physician.
Elected 1995 SGA President
"Certainly people who think they have some type o f arthritis need to seek treat-
ment as eatly as possible. But physicians also must strive to intervene quickly, partic-
ularly in rheumatoid atthritis, i f we are to make a substantial impact. Sometimes, we
may need to rely on our clinical judgement when initial tests are inconclusive," said
Arthut Grayzel, M . D . , medical advisor to the Arthritis Foundation.
According to the Arthritis Foundation, patt o f the diagnosis problem is that unlike
osteoarthritis, which is characterized by easily recognized symptoms, I^A is more diffi-
cult to confirm. N o t everyone initially shows positive results on the major tests used
to help make a diagnosis. The Arthritis Foundation recommends that people know
the early signs o f arthritis, which include lingering joint pain, stiffness and limited
movement, and seek immediate medical treatment i f they occur.
For information about arthritis or to find the Arthritis Foundation office nearest
you, call toll-free 1-800-283-7800.
46 To Dragma
Correction: QJH/J'C ductjn/...
In the "Out Chaptet, Our The A O l l / S p m t Prepaid CallingCaid
Choice" article {To
DragmaSWintzr '94) it Designed exclusively for AOTT! Take control of your
should be noted that the The only Greek prepaid calling card long distance spending
NIC and NPC are working on the market to date! while supporting
together to disttibute this
program. It is the f i t s t ****** our sisterhood.^
undertaking of this kind ard \ great gilt for A O i l
between the two organiza- sisters, larnik members
tions. Also in the listing of
participating A O I l cam- lends!
puses with OCOC, Ohio
State University rather than Costs up to 3 7 % less
Ohio University should
have appeared. than hotel-billed, coin
Wanted: or collect calls. ^gil
ABC Nannies, Inc. out of First in a series of
Denver, CO, is looking for
enthusiastic, responsible, collectable A O I l
loving nannies with two
years of experience with Dial the toll free number and Prepaid Calling Cards.
children to work in posi- authorization number printed on the back. Limited numbers
tions in CO. Full-time, Voice prompt tells you how many minutes remain on the producedof each
live-in and live-out posi- card and guides you to completing your call. design-great collecta
tions available! Come Cost of each call is automatically deducted. Voice prompt potential!
spend a year in beautiful warns you when you have two minutes left on the card
CO—Call now and ask for and warns you again when one minute remains.
Ginger or MaryAnne—303-
321-3866. I f you're look- ^ach card is worth $20 of long distance calls, no surcharges, no hidden fees!
ing for a nanny, call now
for information! b order call 1-800-SHOP AOIL
2 MILLION DOLLAR Reporting the death of a member?
(Date of death; )
80/20 PLAN Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
AOn International Headquarters
MATERNITY COVERAGE 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, T N 37027
$15.00 COPAY (BRAND) Address:
$300 PREVENTATIVE BENEFIT City: _State/Ptovince:
CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION Zip/Postal Code:. _Country:_ Phone: ( \_
I -800-280-8383 Chapter/College where initiated:. Yeat Initiated:
Place of Employment: .Occupation:.
City: State/Province:
Zip/Postal Code: _Country: Phone:
Alumnae Chapter:_ Current AOn Office:
Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter (circle): yes no
Special Interests:
Please help A On save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect
address costs thefraternity 50<t, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you
are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of
others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect
addressfor them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
Summer 1995 47
-J J.W
• J2\
OFFICIAL JEWELRY 14K 10K GK ss Accessories 14K 10K GK SS
J09 Monogram Recognition Pin S-.- $-.- $7.00 J07 Monogram Stickpin
J10 Rose Recognition Pin $-.- J08 Rose Stickpin $-.- $7.00
J l l 50YearP'tn 35.00 7.50 J36 Badge Charm (Alumnae Only) * 7.00
J12A Mother's Club Pin • Plain 45.00 14.00 J45 Beveled Edge Glass 140.00 52.00
J12B Mother's Club Pin-Jeweled 60.00 Box with Rose
J14 Pledge Pin 3.00
J17 Plain Badge 108.00 65.00 Send with payment to: A O I l International Headquarters 9025
Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 USA (615) 370-0920
(A, 0 and II Polished) 108.00
J18 Plain Badge Item* Description Qty Size 3 Initials Initiation Initiation Price
(Polished A and II; Chased 0) Date Chapter
J19 jeweled Badge 185.00
(Crown Pearl 0; Chased A and II)
J20 Jeweled Badge
(Crown Peari A and 0; Pearl ontipsof n)
EMFORIUM JEWELRY 115.00 95.00 75.00 77.00 Notice: October 31 will be the last day to place Christmas orders.
45.00 30.00 20.00 22.00
Lavalieres/Pendants 55.00 35.00 20.00 22.00 Shipping & Handling Subtotal.
J01 Pearl Vertical Letter Lavaliere 55.00 35.00 20.00 22.00 Canadians Add 25%.
J02 Mini Vertical Letter Lavaliere 55.00 35.00 20.00 22.00 Up to $ 5.00 Add$ 3.00 TN residents Add 8.25%.
J03 Rose Lavaliere 55.00 35.00 20.00 22.00 Add $ 4.00 Shipping and Handling _
J04 Vertical Letter Lavaliere 55.00 35.00 20.00 22.00 Total Amount Enclosed.
J05 Heart Lavaliere —•— —•— 34.00 35.00 Add$ 5.00
J06 Circle Lavaliere Add$ 6.00 *Badge Not Included
J37 Octagon Rose Uvaliere —.— —.— 30.00 —.— Add$ 7.00 Add $10 for White Gold. Rings, Badges,
J44 GF or SS Round Filigree Border Charm 14K and Charms not returnable.
Add$ 8.00 Allow 6-8 wks. for manufacturing
Bracelets $ 5.01 - $ 25.00 Add $ 9.00 All lavalieres include GF or SS 18" chain.
J16 GF Double Festoon Bracelet Add $10.00
with Octagon Rose Charm $ 25.01 - $ 50.00
B l GF or SS Single Link Bracelet Add $11.00
Horizontal Greek Letters with $ 50.01 - $ 75.00
Pearls and Rose Dangle $ 75.01 - $100.00
J42 GF Festoon Bracelet
—.— —,— 60.00 60.00 $100.01 - $125.00
Greek Letters with Rose Dangle
J « Lavaliere Bracelet with Rose Dangle —.— —.— 55.00 —.— $125.01 - $150.00
—— 185.00 90.00 90.00
$150.01 - $175.00
160.00 130.00 —.— 85.00
$175.01 - $200.00
155.00 115.00 —.— 75.00
Rings Onyx Imperial Ring 140.00 110.00 —.— 55.00 • Check • MC DVisa • Discover Exp. Date.
J24 with Pearl Shanks 140.00 110.00 —.— 55.00 Card N o : . State .Zip.
Wide Band Crest Ring 140.00 110.00 —.— 55.00 Name
J25 Raised Letter Remembrance Ring 95.00 62.00 35.00 Address _
J27 Raised Letter Signature Ring 140.00 110.00 —.— 55.00 City
J28 110.00 80.00 —.— 50.00 Phone
J29 Oval Incised Letter Ring 220.00 160.00 —.— —.—
J30 Dangle Ring 195.00 140.00 —.— —.—
J31 Vertical Incised Letter Ring
J32 Mini Monogram Ring 140.00 110.00 —.— 65.00
J34 President's Ring
J35 Badge Ring (Alumnae Only)*
J40 Diamond Shaped Onyx
Imperial Ring
P O S T M A S T E R — P l e a s e send notice Second Class
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to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook at Brentwood,
Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027 Tennessee