Co Bragma
&lpija ©micron JN
VOL. I I I . Editor-in-Chief, H E L E N A R T H U R . No. 1.
N< ( Y E M B E R , 1907.
Contents: 8
The University of Tennessee 22
History of Omicron Chapter 26
Report of Sixth Inter-Sorority Conference
Our New Chapters, Sigma and Theta H
Chapter Notes
On Initiation Night 35
Editorials 37
Announcements 37
A Sonnet 38
News of Alumnae . 44
associate (£oitors:
A L P H A — J E S S I E I . CocKkAN, 120 West 12th Street, New York
N u — E M M A C . C A L H O U N , 847 West End Avenue, New York
P i — D O R O T H Y SAFFORD, Newcomb College, New Orleans,
O M I C R O N — L U C R E T I A JORDAN, Knoxville, Tennessee
K A P P A — O L G A SHEPPARD, R . M . W . C , College Park, Virginia.
Z E T A — M A T T I E WOODWORTH, 1300 G . Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
S I G M A — G R A C E B A T Z , 141 I Durant Avenue, Berkeley, California.
T H E T A — J E N N I E FARMER, "Sunny H i l l " , Greencastle, Indiana.
Co Bragma
VOL. III. N O V E M B E R , 1907. No. I .
T o D K A G M A is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February
and May. A l l matter for publication should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief,
Helen Arthur, 220 Broadway, New York City, not later than the fifth of the
month of issue.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance: single
copies, Thirty-five Cents.
More than a hundred years have elapsed since Knoxville, not
old in years herself, smiled on her first-born, Blount College, little
dreaming that as the years passed and the college developed from its
infancy into maturity its father, the state, would claim it as the sole
heir to the inheritance.
On South Gay Street, where at present the Baptist Church
stands, this small but enterprising college began its career, choosing
for its name that dl the revered William Blount, at that time govern-
or of Tennessee. This belongs to the period of the infancy of the
school, so that it did not then boast of the various departments and
elaborate equipment of modern universities, but started life on a
modest plan of a college in the far Southland. Nothing much of the
life of Blount College comes down to us except the records of legal
or business transactions; but, so long as the memories of Barbara
Blount and Patty McClung live in the minds and hearts of Ten-
nessee, we may well imagine that the college, where these two maids
of a century ago were "co-eds," could not have been a place of all
work and no play mixed in.
For twelve years Knoxville watched over the progress and
growth of Blount College until, in 1806, she realized that it had
passed the period of its infancy. It was in this year wiat Congress
passed the hill for the establishment of three universities in Tennessee,
one for each of the natural divisions of the state. West Tennessee
university, as St. M a n ' s College, was well known in the western
part of the state until it went out of existence not more than fifteen
years ago. The university for Middle Tennessee, known first as
Cumberland College, has become famous since its endowment and
change of name for that of its benefactor, and as Vanderbilt Univer-
TO DR.K;M.I. 5
sitv now ranks anions the leading southern institutions. East Ten-
essee University was an outgrowth of Blount College, as it was this
College that was to be endowed with the money appropriated by
Congress. One of the provisions of the appropriation was that its
name was to be changed to the one mentioned and that it was to be
moved to a site several miles out of Knoxville. Just why this
change in location was never made was probably due to the fact that
the college was to receive for this purpose the money obtained from
selling off a large tract of government land as farms. However,
there were constant suits brought involving the ownership of parts
of this land, so that East Tennessee University continued in the old
Blount College buildings until the change was made to the present
site on "the h i l l " which, at that time, was far out from the city in
the midst of the farm districts but which is now an oasis in the
desert of city streets and buildings. It was probably at this time
that another change was made which was not to be rectified for more
than fourscore years. That was the excluding of women from the
new university, so the recorder for East Tennessee University shows
in his notes no account of the doings of other Barbara Blounts and
other Patty McClungs until after 1894 when the doors were again
opened to them with the privilege of a dormitory. Barbara Blount
That, however, is skipping portions of my story, for the univer-
sity has yet to grow into manhood and pass through all the horrors
of the civil war and its own reconstruction period. Up to the time
of the war between the states the school grew into a prosperous,
though never large, university, coming into its final dignity when,
in the year 18—, the sectional name was changed to that of the
whole state and as the University of Tennessee it turned out many
men of which this state is justly proud.
When the war broke out between the North and the South the
attendance diminished so materially that the school closed. The
only buildings then standing were those on the crest of the hill. Old
College East and West Colleges, and during the fearful siege
when the smallpox epidemic broke out among the Union soldiers
stationed at Knoxville these buildings were converted into hospitals
for the stricken men. BiFt the infection of the dread disease was not
the only hardship "the h i l l " suffered at this time for the army cut
down not only the trees but every vestige of shrubbery, changing the
once wooded hill into a barren mound of earth. But, strange as it
may seem, it was this very incident that gave it a new start. After
peace had been declared the government settled enough money on
the university for the damages done, to not only "put it on its legs"
r inai ;1 but to make it more prosperous than it ever had been before.
And now our fathers and uncles point with pride to the driveways
shaded by the lowering poplars, oaks, and maples, and recount the
davs after the war when the classes would be dismissed for an Arbor
Day celebration and each student would do his share towards restor-
ing the lost beauty of the hill. O r sometimes they tell with less
pride if perhaps more feeling of how much of this drive or that path
they helped to build ; for in those days a certain number of demerits
meant so many hours shoveling dirt or hauling stones on the roads.
Then gradually one building after another was added until
now, besides the three ivy covered brick colleges on the summit,
there are thirteen others. Three of these are homes of professors,
two fraternity houses, three dormitories—two for men—Humes and
Reese, and the other, Barbara Blount, for women. Besides these
there is the Science Hall in which are the laboratories of the chemical
and physical departments, the library, chapel, and the president's
office. Morrill Hall is the agricultural experiment station that
works in connection with the university farm.
South College is devoted to recitation rooms, the dean's office,
and "the store" which is truly rural in its charm as a trading place,
particularly at mail time. The Y. M . C. A. has the gymnasium,
reading room, swimming pool, etc. And Easterbrooke Hall—the
new mechanical building—is the monument to the generosity of the
legislature two years ago in granting their second endowment to the
state university. The first endowment of ten thousand dollars in
190.} was used in purchasing additional lands for the farm.
And now having passed through the trials and struggles of the
days of Blount College and East Tennessee University it has
reached, as the University of Tennessee, its glorious maturity, full
worthy of the trust the father state has placed in it as is shown by
the words of the old song:
"Then Tennessee, our Tennessee,
Our hearts will ever turn to thee.
Thy honor, glory, fame, abroad we sing.
With gladsome souls we tribute bring."
HARRJET C. GRIKVH. (Jmicron, '06.
Omicron Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was established at the
University of Tennessee on April 14th, 1902. Mrs. George
Vincent Mullan, Grand Corresponding Secretary, acted for the
local President, and Miss Florence Sanville. of Alpha Chapter,
acted as Sponsor. There were four chapter members of the chapter,
Nina Jackson Gookin. the first president; Fanny Lee Cauljdns,
vice-president; Dorothy Greve, secretary; Ailsey Kyle Powell, treas-
urer and door-keeper. The installation took place at the home of
Professor Cooper D. Schmitt, of the University of Tennessee, who
had carried on all the correspondence regarding the charter. The
chapter got its start under the auspices of the faculty, Professor
Chas. YV. Turner, D . K. E.; De James Douglass Bruce, D . K. E.;
Miss Sabra Vought, K. A. ; and Mrs. Augie Warren Perkins,
writing testimonial letters in behalf of the girls. During that
year one more member was taken in. Aside from the furnishing of
a fraternity room and a party to the local chapter of Chi Omega the
remainder of the year was uneventful.
For the year 1902-1903 there were three returns. In a short
time the number of members was swelled by the initiation of four
girls, so that the young Omicron was put on firmer ground and be-
gan the year with a hopeful outlook. That year established 'ts
reputation so that the struggles since then have been to maintain
a standing rather than to establish it.
The membership of Omicron Chapter compared with other
chapters of the fraternity is small, but compared with local chapters
of other fraternities it is large. The number of members has
never exceeded ten and is sometimes smaller, but, taking into ac-
count the material at the University, Omicron has gotten more
than her share of the desirable girls.
Since the social life of a fraternity at a coeducational school
is such an important consideration, Omicron has given much of
her energy toward developing that side, not to the exclusion, how-
ever, of the intellectual side. We have always had girls of un-
questionable social standing, and at the same time have had exact-
ly three times as many girls make Phi Kappa Phi, the honor fra-
ternity, as any other fraternity at the University.
Qfi account of the need of rooms at the University, it has been
impossible for Omicron to keep a fraternity room. ' Every year
there has been a different room and one year none at all could be
gotten. The same thing w { \ ] p r o b a b l y be the fate of Omicron for
the ensuing year. But wherever we meet and under whatever cir-
cumstances, the life of the chapter will be the same. Our love
will be as strong and our hearts as loyal in one room as in another,
"and whatever else we do. we love one ar other."
The Sixth Inter-Sorority Conference met Friday, September
I } p. m., for its first session, with Miss Holcombe, Chi Omega,
in the chair. Miss Elda L. Smith, Pi Beta Phi, acted as secretary.
The following delegates, after presenting credentials were en-
rolled :
PI B E T A PHI.—Miss Elda L . Smith, 710 S. 6th St., Spring-
field 111.
KAPPA A L P H A T H E T A . — M r s . Laura H . Norton, 2541
N . Paulina St., Chicago.
KAPPA K A P P A G A M M A . — M r s . W . W . Canby, Galice,
D E L T A G A M M A . — M i s s Margarethe Sheppard. 225
Greenwood B'l'v'd, Evanston, 111.
A L P H A PHI.—Mrs. Cora Allen McElroy 153 E. 54th St.,
G A M M A P H I BETA.—Miss Lillian Thompson, 326 W .
61 st Place, Chicago.
A L P H A C H I O M E G A . — M r s . Richard Tennant, 824 S.
5th St., Terre Haute, Indiana.
D E L T A D E L T A D E L T A . — M r s . Amy Olgen Parmelee,
918 Chase Ave., Chicago.
A L P H A X i D E L T A . — M r s . J. R. Leib, 1271 W . Washing-
ton St., Springfield, 111.
C H I O M E G A . — M i s s Jobelle Holcombe, Eayettevillc, Ark.
S I G M A KAPPA.—Miss Sara B. Matthews. 2<)7 Ashland
B'l'v'd Chicago.
The secretary read a summary of the work of the five Inter-
Sorority Conferences prepared by Miss Gamble for the use of new
delegates. Miss Holcombe read her report as secretaiy of the
I . S. C. Her summary of the year's achievements follows:
After the close of the Fifth I . S. C , 1,000 copies of the min-
utes were printed and circulated with 500 copies of the model con-
stitution for Pan-Hellenics. Later, 800 copies of the report of the
delegate to the Deans' Conference were printed and circulated.
The secretary took the liberty to divide into two motions the resolu-
tions against high school sororities. I t was made to read:
Motion I . Resolved, That sororities in high schools and
other secondary schools should be discountenanced.
Motion I I . Moved. That after four years from date of notifi-
cation by Grand Presidents, each Sorority in the Inter-Sorority Con-
ference refuse to admit any young woman who has been a member
of a sorority in a high school or secondary school.
Voting blanks were sent to all Grand Secretaries and a vote
called for. The secretary delayed calling for the result of the vote
in order that the subject might be fully discussed in the journals
before final action was taken. The result of the vote occurs else-
where in this report.
I he dispensations to Wisconsin and to Michigan, as recom-
mended by the Fifth I . S. C , were ratified by the Grand Presidents.
The secretary was asked to investigate the law concerning the
making and wearing of jewelry by unauthorized persons. She did
much corresponding on the subject, and is indebted to Wright Kay
& Co., Detroit, Mich., for an extensive article taken from the Beta
Theta Pi Journal. From it a conclusion is reached that there is no
law that covers the question. The jewelers think that such a law
would be hard to enforce.
The secretary wishes to emphasize the importance of sending
the various sorority journals to the secretary of I . S. C. Some
journals reached her promptly, but from some editors no copies
were received. Complaint was made to her that the grand officers
also do not receive the exchanges.
The chairman appointed a committee on recommendations,
Mrs. Parmelee and Mrs. Canby.
Reports were read from all twelve sororities composing the
I . S. C. The reports considered: (a) Conflicts and difficulties aris-
ing in Pan-Hellenics; (/>) Attitude of sorority on high school soror-
ities; (<•) A l l convention action bearing upon the Conference or
Inter-Sorority relations; (d) Recommendations to the Conference;
(c) Suggestions for improvement in Pan-Hellenic organizations.
The remainder of the session was spent in a discussion of the
exact meaning and wording of the I . S. C. Constitution. To facili-
tate matters, the chair appointed Mrs. Leib, Miss Mathews, and
Mrs. Norton to act as a committee to examine the present tenative
constitution and receive all recommendations suggested.
This session convened Saturday, September 14, at 9:30 a. m.,
and was given up to the reports of committees. Alpha Phi, who
had been appointed to investigate conditions at Michigan University,
reported a decided advance in Pan-Hellenic spirit there. The chair-
man of I . S. C. is authorized to send word to each chapter at Michi-
gan University that the dispensation recommended by I . S. C. and
granted by the Grand Presidents expires September 23. In addition,
each delegate is to send word to her Grand President to so notify her
chapter at Michigan. The I . S. C. extends a vote of thanks to Mrs.
Woodward for her efforts towards adjusting the difficulties at
The Kappa Kappa Gamma delegate reported the result of her
study of conditions at Wisconsin University. Mention was made of
the meeting of Madison women, who adopted resolutions advocat-
ing moderation in social affairs. Kappa Kappa Gamma was con-
tinued as a standing committee for the same study a year longer,
and Mrs. Canby was asked to express to the Pan-Hellenic at Madi-
son the approval by I . S. C. of the improvement there. The chair-
man of the I . S. C. was ordered to notify the Pan-Hellenic at Wis-
consin that her dispensation expires at the Seventh I . S. C , 1908.
The difficulties experienced at Syracuse were discussed, and
Mrs. McElroy and Miss Thompson were appointed a committee to
work through their Grand Councils towards an adjustment.
Mrs. 'Pennant read her report on Social Service and Pan-
Hellenics. She reported that lists of four questions had been sent to
each sorority visiting delegate, and to a few persons identified with
colleges in such a way as to make their statements vauable. From
the replies she obtained the following facts:
1. Where Pan-Hellenic compacts have been agreed upon and
then dishonored in every case, without exception, the trouble has
centered in a small selfishness that has justly brought criticism on
the entire sorority body. There has been no care for "the greatest
good to the greatest number," and apparently no realization that
principle should stand before individual preference. On the other
hand, where an earnest attempt has been made to follow a Pan-
Hellenic agreement, snobbishness to a large extent is dying out,
a consequence of a more intelligent understanding of each other's
motives and standards; certain evils, such as the large expense con-
nected with "rushing}" are acknowledged ; and a strong current is
setting in the direction of alma mater first, fraternity, if necessary,
2. The sorority girl finds her social needs very adequately met
in her own group, consequently she does not really see the need of
identifying herself with Women's Leagues and Y . W . C. A.
"Noblesse oblige—noble birth implies responsibility." We believe
the sorority was born rightly, and to recognize her own powers is
the present responsibility7.
3. There is a rapidly growing sentiment of kindliness toward
the non-fraternity student.
4. There is an earnest expression against the evils of rush-
ing, over-elaborateness of entertainment, neglect of regular college
work, and unwarranted expenditures.
A committee consisting of Miss Thompson and Miss Mathews
was appointed, with two purposes: (a) to reprint the Pan-Hellenic
Model Constitution, appending to it the various recommendations
for the serious consideration of Pan-Hellenic associations; and {b)
to collect during the year a copy of the Pan-Hellenic rules from
each association, these rules to be incorporated in a pamphlet for the
instruction of Pan-Hellenic associations, and for printing in each of
the Sorority journals.
Miss Smith was appointed to draw up a letter to be sent to
alumnae clubs, telling them of the purposes of I . S. C , and urging
their assistance in solving local Pan-Hellenic difficulties. M r s . 'Pen-
nant will have a list of the women who might be obtained as chaper-
The Conference considered the application for membership in
I . S. C. from Alpha Delta Phi Sorority, and instructed the chair-
man to inform them that they do not meet the requirements f o r
After the annual luncheon of the I . S. C. delegates, the Con-
ference convened in third session at 2 p. m.
Mrs. Leib gave the report of the committee appointed to-
modit'y the wording of the constitution, making it read as follows:
N A M B.
The name of this organization shall be the Inter-Sorority Con-
The object of the Inter-Sorority Conference shall be to improve
the methods of rushing and pledging, and to consider questions of
general interest to the Sorority world.
The Conference shall be composed of one delegate from each
national Sorority represented.
No Sorority shall be represented in the Conference which has
less than five chapters, or which has any chapter in an institution
below collegiate rank.
The Conference shall assemble annually, time and place of the
following meeting to be arranged each year.
Section 1. The meetings of the Conference shall be called by
the Sororities in rotation.
Sec. 2. The official list shall be:
I . Pi Beta Phi.
2. Kappa Alpha Theta.
3- Kappa Kappa Gamma.
4- Delta Gamma.
5- Alpha Phi.
6. Gamma Phi Beta.
7- Alpha Chi Omega.
S. Delta Delta Delta.
9- Alpha X i Delta.
10. Chi Omega.
11. Sigma Kappa.
12. Alpha Omicron Pi.
Sec. 3* Additions to official list shall be made in order of
election to membership.
Sec. 4. The delegate from the Sorority calling the Conference
shall act as chairman and the delegate from the Sorority next in
order shall act as secretary of the Conference, and shall continue in
office until she calls the next Conference.
The powers of this organization shall be two-fold: First, to
propose legislation to the Sororities; second to act upon request as
a standing court of appeal to settle local difficulties reported to it bv
the Sororities, or by the Pan-Hellenic Associations.
Section [. Chairman: The chairman shall preside at the
Sec. 2. Secretary: The duties of the secretary shall be as
follows :
She shall keep the minutes.
She shall send reports of the Conference, within two weeks
after adjournment, to the members of the Conference and to all
Grand Secretaries of the Sororities represented in the Conference, for
distribution to chapters and officers of their Sororities.
She shall issue questions proposed by the Conference to th?
Grand Secretaries for presentation to their Sororities and shall,
upon receipt of the result, send notice of same to all Grand Secre-
She shall report all measures of Inter-Sorority interest passed
by any Grand Council, or by any convention, at once to the Confer-
She shall send to each Grand Secretary voting blanks for all
motions submitted to the Sororities by the Conference.
She shall prepare the program of the next Conference meeting
and the instructions to delegates, and shall issue the call for the
next meeting.
She shall have power, on application from any Pan-Hellenic
Association, to appoint a member of the Conference whose Sorority
interests are not involved in the question at issue, to investigate and
arbitrate any difficulty arising in the Pan-Hellenic. Expenses of the
one sent arc to be paid by the local Pan-Hellenic.
TO D R.I CM.I. 17
Section I . Actions of Inter-Sorority interest passed by any
Grand Council or at any Grand Convention shall be reported at
once to the secretary of the Conference, and also to the Grand Sec-
retary of each Sorority represented in the Conference.
Sec. 2. Suggestions offered by the Conference shall be sub-
mitted as soon as possible by the secretary to all the Grand Secre-
taries of the Sororities represented in the Conference. Voting
blanks may be used for all motions submitted to the Sororities, and
the result of the vote announced by each Grand Secretary to the
secretary of the Conference within two months.
Sec. 3. The Conference Secretary shall then announce the re-
sult to all Grand Councils and chapters. The motions that have
received a unanimous vote of all the Sororities shall at once become
binding upon all chapters, the Grand Councils being responsible for
the observance.
Legislation enacted by a Sorority at the suggestion of the Con-
ference can be repealed or modified only by formal action of the
Sororities, who must follow the regular order of procedure ( A r t
I X ) . Legislation cannot be changed by any one Sorority, or by the
Inter-Sorority Conference.
This constitution may be amended by a unanimous vote of all
the Sororities represented in the Inter-Sorority Conference.
On balloting, each delegate voted in favor of the con-
stitution as presented, with the exception of Alpha Omicron Pi, who
had not yet been instructed by her sorority.
In reporting the result of the vote on the High School Sorority
question. Miss Holcombe announced that Motion I . (that sororities
in high schools and other secondary schools be discountenanced) had
carried every sorority except Alpha Omicron Pi, who had been un-
able to give a definite vote, since the voting blanks did not reach
her. Her delegate, however, reported that she concurred in Motion
I . The vote on Motion I I . was not unanimous with the eleven
fraternities heard from.
A motion was carried that a protest be formulated and sent to
Mrs. Martin and M r . Haird, asking them to use their influence
against high school sororities, by inserting articles against these
organizations in the next editions of their books. The editors of the
different sorority magazines are urged in each issue to include
articles discouraging high school sororities, and to omit all articles
encouraging them.
The committee on recommendations made its report, which in-
cluded all recommendations submitted by the various delegates in
their reports.
The recommendation was adopted that in the case of granting
a dispensation, each Grand President shall notify the secretary of
the I . S. C , who shall send official notification to the Pan-Hellenic
asking the dispensation.
The I . S. C. recommends that the report of the Commissioner
of Education be made the basis for the definition of "an institution
below collegiate rank." (See Constitution, A r t . I V . )
The Conference recommends that Deans of Women be encour-
aged to present to the I . S. C. matters of interest to college women.
The Conference authorized the Secretary to have printed
blanks whose use will lessen the difficulty in securing united action
among the different sororities.
The Sixth Inter-Sorority Conference desire* to emphasize in
the report the request that the editors of sorority magazines exercise
more care in sending exchanges to the grand officers of other soror-
ities, and in sending them promptly. The recommendation that
fraternity journals be sent to all chapters in colleges where the re-
spective sororities are represented, was reconsidered, and the editors
are now requested to send but one copy to each college where repre-
sented, this copy to be sent to the secretary of the Pan-Hellenic
Some music schools in universities where college sororites have
chapters have entrance requirements lower than the literary colleges.
The delegates discussed the right to initiate students in these music
schools, but found no satisfactory solution for the problem.
The report of the committee on Pan-Hellenic recommendations
was accepted. (For (a) see Part I I . )
Alpha Phi announced that their sorority had succeeded in copy-
righting their badge.
A motion carried that each sorority be assessed $5.00 for Inter-
Sorority Conference expenses.
The Conference adjourned to meet in September, 1908.
E L D A L . S M I T H , Pi Beta Phi,
Secretary Sixth Inter-Sorority Conference.
Chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi please note.
"Each chapter president is requested to send her chapter's vote
on this Constitution to the Grand Corresponding Secretary, as soon
as possible."
The committee has thought it best to incorporate in the secre-
tary's report of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Inter-Sorority Con-
ference, the Model Constitution for Pan-Hellenic Associations, and
to add to it the recommendations of the Conference.
The name of this organization shall be the Pan-Hellenic
Association of the
This Pan-Hellenic shall:
1. Fix the date of pledge day.
2. Regulate the rules for rushing.
}. Regulate other matters of Inter-Sorority interest in this
college presented to it for consideration.
4. Co-operate with college authorities and all college organ-
izations in questions of general college interest.
This Pan-Hellenic shall be composed of one active and one
alumna member for each chapter of the National Sororities repre-
sented in the institution, and from such locals as they may sec fit to
Section 1. The officers of this Pan-Hellenic shall be: Presi-
dent, Secretary and Treasurer.
Sec. 2. The officers shall serve for one year, dating from the
first meeting of the Pan-Hellenic after the Christmas holidays.
Sec. 3. The office of President shall be held in rotation by
the chapters, in the order of their establishment as national in the
college: the locals to hold office after the nationals in the order of
their organization. A local becoming national sh/ill take its place
among the nationals according to the date of its installation as a
Sec. 4. The secretary shall be chosen from the chapter which
is to have the presidency the following year.
Sec. 5. The duties of the officers shall be those usually de-
volving upon such officers.
A unanimous vote shall be necessary to fix the date for pledge
day and to make rules regulating rushing.
This constitution can be amended by the unanimous vote of the
I . The date of the pledge shall be the
I I . I t shall be considered dishonorable for a fraternity mem-
ber, active or alumna, to speak disparagingly of another fraternity or
one of its members to a rushce.
I I I . The Constitution and By-Laws of this Pan-Hellenic shall
be printed not later than May 1 of each year and five ( 5 ) copies of
the same shall be sent by each chapter to its Grand President.
IV. These By-Laws may be amended by the unanimous vote
of the Pan-Hellenic.
The Conference would make the following recommendations
to Pan-Hellenic Associations:
1. That special emphasis be placed upon Article I I I . of the
Model Constitution as printed above, urging that in every organiza-
tion of Pan-Hellenics there be one active and one alumna member
from each chapter, instead of two active members.
That there be regular meetings of the Pan-Hellenic, as often
as once in two months, at least.
3. That invitations to the meetings be extended to the Deans
of Women and Faculty Women.
4. I hat Pan-Hellenic give particular attention to Article I I . ,
Sec. 4, in the Model Constitution, and in the meetings extend their
discussion to questions of general college interest. There might be
discussion of such topics as The Promiscuous Wearing of Fraternity
Pins, Chaperones of Sorority Houses, Incessant Calling at Sorority
Houses, Lifting of Pledges, and Cribbing.
5. That complaints and difficulties in Pan-Hellenics be re-
ported directly to the Grand Presidents and settled by them when
6. That a late pledge day be urged upon all chapters, prefer-
ably a sophomore pledge day.
LILLIAN- W . T H O M P S O N . Gamma Phi Beta.
SARA B. M A T H EWS, Sigma Kappa,
Among the many notable events that mark this, the eleventh
year of our fraternity history, is the addition to our chapter roll of
two new names, Sigma and Theta. T o the Sigma sisters T o
PRAGMA has already extended greetings; to the Theta girls it
takes this opportunity of giving a most hearty welcome to our
In view of the editorial plan to devote an issue of the maga-
zine to each of our chapters in order of establishment, it has seem-
ed best to defer any elaborate account of the new chapters and of
their college homes until the appearance of the numbers specially
dedicated to them, and to confine ourselves in this issue to a brief
notice of the installations.
Sigma, the elder of our baby chapters, received its charter on
Wednesday evening. February 6, 1907. The installation took place
at the chapter house on Durant Avenue, Berkeley, and was conducted
by our Grand President, Mrs. Mullan, who had arrived from New
York on the preceding day. The following are the seventeen
charter members: Bernice McNeal, Daisy Julia Mansfield, Esther
C. Board man, Sarah Wheat Matthew, Roberta Bliss Boyd, Viola
Emily Aiders, Florence Elisabeth Schultz, Rose Everallyn Schmidt,
Grace Fay Batz, Evelyn Morrill, Florence Elizabeth Weeks, Carrie
Maxwell Bright, Mabel Pearl Robertson, Helen Davis Bancroft,
Cora Hilda Manning, Mary Adelaide Davis, and Edith Margaret
Wherry. After the service, supper was served in the dining room of
the chapter house, which was beautifully decorated with the fraternity
flowers and colors. On Thursday morning Sigma held its first busi-
ness meeting and on Thursday afternoon a reception was given at
the chapter house in honor of Mrs. Mullan.
As Alpha Delta Sigma, a local fraternity, the chapter has al-
ready established an enviable place for itself at the University of Cali-
fornia where it had existed for nearly five years before its incorpora-
tion as a chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. From the first the organiza-
tion maintained a chapter house, and the present home of the chapter
is one of the most attractive fraternity houses in Berkeley. I f the
record of these five years counts for anything the prospects of Si'ima
are particularly bright. Surely the girls, who, in the their local or-
ganization developed and maintained the spirit of fellowship, loyalty.
and fair play so clearly manifest in Alpha Delta Sigma are worthy
custodians of a national charter.
Our youngest chapter. Theta, also has a history. As the J. F.
F. Club it existed for several years at De Pauw University, gradually
strengthening the bonds of fellowship among the congenial spirits
who were its members until the aims and aspirations of the society,
the qualifications for membership, and the plan of organization made
it a fraternity in all but name. I t was to a most enthusiastic band
of girls that our delegates carried the charter which transferred the
J. F. F. Club into Theta of Alpha Omicron Pi. Mrs. Mullan from
New York and Mrs. Bigelow (Lula King, Z '04) from Chicago,
arrived on the same day, August 22, and were entertained at the
home of Goldie Huffman on Washington Avenue. College, of
course, was not in session and the prospective initiates were scattered
for the summer holidays. A few, however, had already reached
Greencastle and were busy meeting incoming trains, almost every-
one of which brought another J. F. F. to town. On Friday after-
noon, the 23rd, an informal reception was given to the delegates, at
Goldie Huffman's home, and on Friday evening the installation took
place at the residence of Jennie Farmer. The initiates were present-
ed by Mrs. Bigelow and the service was conducted by Mrs. Mullan.
After the installation ceremony, a banquet was served in the dining
room, and in the toasts the beloved J. F. F. was not forgotten. On
Saturday, the organization of the chapter was completed at a busi-
ness meeting which culminated in the enthusiastic reception of a com-
mittee report announcing that the Theta chapter house had already
been secured and would be ready for occupancy at the opening of the
academic year. Later in the day the delegates left Greencastle, more
convinced than ever that, in adding this chapter to our roll,Alpha had
made no mistake. Theta is starting on her career with the brightest
of prospects and with an unusually good field in which to work. W e
are sure that the year's record will show much to her credit and that
she will prove worthy of the trust reposed in her by Alpha Omicron
1 1—
= *_
Alpha has started the year with sixteen active members, which
in view of the new rule at Barnard that pledging shall take place
at the end of the Sophomore year makes the prospect of a continuing
strong chapter very much brighter.
-Mary Maxon, '08, is vice-president of the Senior Class.
Hetty Dean, '10, is secretary of her class and Jennie Wylie,
'09, is class treasurer and Adelaide Richardson, '09, the class secre-
There was a convention of Y. W . C. A. at Barnard on Novem-
ber sixteenth. Delegates from almost all of the Eastern colleges were
present; in all there were thirty delegates. The chairman of the com-
mittee appointed to entertain them was Jessie Cochran.
In the Senior Class play, which is to be a dramatization of
Thackeray's "Ring and the Book," Margaret Yates has one of the
principal parts and Edith Burrows, Mary Maxon and Jo Prahl all
have minor parts.
The Juniors gave this month as their class play, " I f I Were
King," Jessie Cochran playing the role of Hugette.
M r . James Everitt Frame, the husband of Jean Loomis Frame,
'04, has lectured very interestingly in chapel.
We have a new initiate whom we are glad to introduce to Alpha
Omicron Pi. She is Alice Ruth Allan, of the class of 1908.
After Pi's noble effort in graduating seven Seniors last June
and after the achievement of a wedding in our midst we feel that the
"unities" and our own excited selves demand a short space of mere
placid existence. A chapter cut in half is apt to be a little stunned
and subdued at first; and, even when it finally grasps the situation,
six cannot mathematically be as jolly as fourteen. Another element
of quiet lies in the fact that rushing season has been changed by Pan-
Hellenic from November to January. So while we may see the
Freshmen going by and "choose the one that we love best," Pan-Hel-
lenic etiquette—nay dictate—forbids our seeking much more than a
passing acquaintance with them.
However, such a season of calm, even though enforced, is not
without advantages, and gives an added zest to jollifications when
they do "happen" from time to time, besides leaving more vitality
for college affairs, since this is the time when the classes are getting
cumbrously adjusted to their new stations, and there is more or less
machinery work to be done before things will run smoothly.
Alpha Omicron Pi has as yet no regular '08 Senior, but Lilly
Mysing, '09, is making up her junior studies and we expect her to be
graduated in June. I f she is, it will supply a threatened missing link
in Pi's long record of at least one graduate for every year. A t present
Lilly is ranked as an '08 special, so we are not without a representa-
tive in the Senior Class.
In the Junior Class we have two girls, Rochelle Gachet and
Virginia Withers. The incoming Freshman class at Newcomb is
considered the protege or sister class of the Juniors, and the respon-
sibility imposed by this relation has kept all '09's busy. First, there
was the Y. M . C. A. reception to Freshmen, in which Juniors were
particularly active. The scheme this year was a Punning Party,
which incidentally served as a more effective way than the usual one
of introducing the old girls to the new. The old girls wore placards
with their names printed on. and the Freshmen were given a list of
questions each one to be answered by one of the names. In this way
brisk circulation and talk was set up, and that sort of ball keeps itself
rolling at college affairs. The whole fraternity, and many another
poor disinterested wretch that got no ice cream on the great day, were
pressed into service to make paper caps and cockades for the
soldier party given by 1909 to 1911. I t is customary for the
elder of the sister classes to present a pennant to the younger on their
graduation from Newcomb High School. Wishing to establish a
more reasonable precedent, '09 waited until the Freshmen were really
matriculated, and then by proclamation summoned the 191 i s as the
latest enrollment in the Grand Army of Newcomb, to appear on the
campus in military array and receive their colors and commission.
The entertainment opened with a truly remarkable drill led by the
two class presidents on shaggy Shetland ponies. The ponies unfor-
tunately were so round that several times in the course of the per-
formance the saddles turned, which was upsetting to dignity and dis-
cipline. However, the pennant was presented before fatal injury
could be done and then, formalities being at an end, the forces were
disbanded and proceeded to have a recklessly good time. If it did not
take so much space I should delight to tell about the commissary tent,
the ridiculous coffee, hard-tack and bacon, and the candy bullets,
warranted to last until Sophomore matriculation if preserved with
care. These two are the only affairs of general college interest since
the opening.
Pi chapter rejoices in three regular Sophomores, Mary Pearce.
Innes Morris, and Dorothy Safford. Hut beyond teaching Fresh-
men and working up a really formidable basket ball team, 1910
seems to ponder on future deeds rather than waste its vitality on the
proverbially sterile Sophomore year.
In the recent class election, Mary Pearce, '10, and Virginia
Withers, '09, were made class presidents and Rochelle Gachet, '09,
was manager of the basket ball team, however, she subsequently re-
signed this office.
So much for the Alpha Omicron Pi abroad. A t home we are
more domestic and engrossed in the evolution of a mysterious back
room that is to be the pride and solace of existence, if half the won-
derful things that are being planned for it ever materialize. A retro-
spective glance over last year's house-keeping brings dismal associa-
tions with paper hangers and paste buckets. This year new papering
no longer appears the satisfying end of struggle, but window seats we
must have in a room where no windows are, and secret cupboards, and
grewsome stencilings and—well just come and we will show you the
rest. T o relieve the precious back-room of everyday wear and tear,
a dark passage of the basement has been explored and lighted with
electricity, and into this the patient active chapter climb daily
across the foot of a harassing flight of stairs to put away their hats
and books and gymnastic suits. The Alumnae cannot be impressed
with the necessity of this performance so we have to smile indulgently
and forget it when a hat now and then or a book or a parcel is slung
around after the old regardless fashion, perhaps one not to be alto-
gether condemned. In spite of the hat grievance and occasionally
books and gym. shoes and suits, we are heartily glad to have Anna
Many. '07, taking a course in English and Chemistry at Newcomb.
I t is with buoyant hopes, as usual, that Pi enters on the new
term and with much overflowing spirits that our hearts go out to
the new chapter, who must naturally feel a little queer and dubious.
However, cheer up, Theta, all of us were new once and you really
have no idea how soon you will be old and wise like us. Joking
aside, we very heartily wish the best of things to Theta and all our
Laura Booth, '04, returned on October 30 from a four months'
trip to Europe, She expects to do some work in Collegiate Division
this winter.
Emma Jane Miller, cx-'o7, is at present in Ohio where she spent
the summer.
Crystal Eastman, '07, is in Pittsburg doing Research work.
A t noon, on Tuesday, October 22, Florence Boyce, '05, was
married to M r . Frederick Bryant, at her home.
A l l Nu girls will be glad to hear that Daisy Gaus is recovering
from her attack of nervous prostration, though very slowly.
Helen Ranlett, '08, spent part of her vacation at the Chicago
University Law School, taking some special courses.
Frances Rice was abroad for two months this summer.
Florence Bruning. Eve Radtke, and Helen Ranlett, are the only-
active Nu girls doing regular work at the Law School this winter;
but the small attendance should not be allowed to interfere with the
chapter's prosperity. Our room has been redecorated this fall and is
now ready for daily use.
On November 7 we held our first dinner, followed by a business
Omicron started the year with six members and has now the
pleasure of announcing two pledges, Henrietta Aiken Williams, of
Chattanooga, and Myrtle Cunningham, of Memphis, Tennessee.
It is a great pleasure to us to have as associate members. Mattie
Garland Ayres, frortl Pi chapter, and Emma Albers, Omicron '05,
who has returned to the University for special work.
At last we have obtained our heart's desire and have in the
University a chapter room. I t is a splendid large room on the third
floor of South College, with a beautiful view of the Tennessee River
and the Great Smoky Mountains in the distance. We are all much
interested in furnishing it and shall be glad to have suggestions from
other chapters.
The college year 1907-8 bids fair to be the brightest in the
history of the Kappa chapter. W i t h ten girls, three of whom are
seniors, to return to college, she set to work with truly fraternal zeal,
and, as a result of her ardent labors, she now has seven new mem-
bers. The initiates are Winnie Matthews. '10. May Wilcox, spec.
Pansy Davies, ' n , Delia King, 'lit, Annie Laurie Walker, ' u , Mar-
garet Ramsay, ' i t , and Ada Donaldson, '09.
Kappa is delighted with the Faculty's action in regard to
special students. Heretofore there has been little discrimination be-
tween regular students and specials, but now sharp lines have been
drawn, and it is thought that in a few years there will be admitted
only those students who are candidates for a degree. This means a
great deal both to Randolph Macon and to Kappa chapter.
Alpha Omicron Pi is well represented in the college world this
year. Lola Wannamaker. '08, is president of the Franklin Literary
Society, class treasurer of clubs and organizations, editor of the
Helianthus, and a member of the Student Committee. Louise Nolan,
'08, and Margaret Baskerville, '08, are also members of the Student
Committee. Mamie Hurt, '09, is treasurer of the junior class, a
member of the Student Committee, assistant business manager of the
Helianthus, and substitute on the junior basket ball team. Ada
Donaldson plays goal on the junior team and is an assistant business
manager of the Helianthus. May Wilcox is president of the special
At present we are engaged in completely remodeling our chapter
rooms. When the work is finished our apartments will be very
much improved.
Kappa was greatly disappointed because of the decision of the
Pan-Hellenic Association here to abolish Pledge Day. However, she
has by no means suffered from this unwise action.
A source of much pleasure to Kappa is the proximity of her
first bride, Clara Murray Cleland. Mrs. Cleland has entertained
the chapter several times in her charming home, and during rushing
season was an indispensable aid.
During Commencement of last year, Huella Bedford was the
guest of Kappa chapter.
On Wednesday, November 5, Laura Gray Radford was married
to M r . Richard Yates of this city.
lone Mathis visited Clara Murray Cleland for several weeks
this fall. She spent a part of her time with Kappa.
Flora Clark, '10, is studying voice in St. Louis this winter.
Bernice Sheppard is in school at Columbia, Missouri.
Eileen Jones is on a pleasure trip to several of the eastern cities.
On her return she expects to visit Kappa chapter.
Blanche Bradshaw, '06, spent one day with us last week.
Zeta celebrated her fourth birthday on June 7. In the after-
noon Edna Wait was initiated and immediately afterward a real
birthday party was held and each girl gave the chapter something for
our new home. In the evening the annual banquet was held and was
attended by forty-five girls, a number of alumnae girls having re-
turned for the occasion.
During the summer the town-girls planned, bought furniture,
and fixed up our new chapter house and had things in readiness long
before school opened in September. Our chapters which have houses
can imagine how happy we are in our new home. Although we were
handicapped in some wavs by not having a house other years we feel
that we are stronger and have a nicer home than if we hadn't waited
and planned for it.
Zeta has had three brides this year also.
On August 2 i , Loverna Pollard Barnum, '07, and Gilbert
Ward Cheney were married at the home of the bride's parents in
Union Neb. Charlotte Wallace, spec, was her maid of honor.
Laura Rhoades, '08, sang just before and after the ceremony. Six
other Alphas assisted in the dining room.
A week later, on August 28, Emma Estelle Schreibes and
Frederick Maurice Hunter were married at the home of the bride's
aunt in Omaha, Nebr. An aisle of sriiilax was formed for the bride
by sixteen Zeta girls.
Eleven of the girls who went from Lincoln were entertained at
house-parties by Laura Rhoades, Arteem McEachron, Bessie Cham-
bers, Alfreda Powell, and Florence Parmelee.
Again, on October 2, Zeta wedding bells rang when Laura
Finney Buchanan and Dr. George Shockey were married at the
home of the bride's father in Hastings. Owing to school only a few
of the girls were able to attend.
Although somewhat restricted by the Pan-Hellenic rules rush-
ing was very strenuous during matriculation week. Girls are now
required to take at least twelve hours' work in order to be eligible
to a sorority and until she has twelve hours' credit she cannot be
initiated. This w i l l make our initiations corrte in February.
During rushing week we pledged eleven girls: Gertrude Moh-
ler, Gertrude and Edith Swaine, Ruth Meeks. Maude Toomey,
Isabella Rohman, Helen Steiner, Nettie Chapline, Beth Boynton,
Elna Nisson, and Leta Thompson, all of whom are Freshmen.
Later on, as soon as Pan-Hellenic rules permit, we hope to
pledge a few more girls who we think w i l l make congenial frater-
nity sisters.
O n October 18, we held our first initiation in the house, when
Ruby Charlton, '08, and Nellie Bridenbaugh, '08, who were
pledged last spring, were taken in.
Zeta began this year w i t h only nine active girls in school, now
numbering eleven, but, after our big initiation, we w i l l again have
the average-sized chapter.
O n October 4, we had the formal pledging, after which we
entertained f o r our pledges at an informal dance at our chapter
O n October 12, the Zeta girls and pledges entertained their
mothers at a play. " A Proposal U n d e r Difficulties." T h i s is the
first chance our mothers have had to become acquainted.
October 26, we held our annual Halloe'cn party. T h i s year
we had a barn dance w i t h all the appropriate games. T h e decora-
tions were of corn-stalks, pumpkins, and black cats and witches.
W e hope to entertain again some time before Christmas at
another informal party. Plans are now in progress for our big
annual dance, which occurs February 28, and at which we hope to
have a number of our associate and alumnae girls.
Zeta is delighted over the addition of T h e t a at D e Pauw and
extends a hearty welcome to all of our new sisters.
T h i s year promises to be a very prosperous one f o r Sigma and
we are all happy. O u r chapter numbers twenty-three and the chap-
ter house is indeed well filled.
Rushing, safe-guarded by Pan-Hellenic rules, is now over, and
we are proud to introduce to their sisters the f o l l o w i n g members of
the class of ' 1 1 : Florence A l v a r e z , O l i v e Eastman Cutter, Gene-
vieve Watson, Helen Edson, Netha H a l l , Lucille Kistler. Mildred
and Minnette Stoddard.
W e gave a dance in their honor on November 22 and they
seemed delighted Freshmen. W e have one regret and that is that
Helen Edson was obliged to leave college soon after her initiation.
Pi chapter send us a hearty letter this month and we are so
glad to hear f r o m the chapters far away—only by mile measurements
—hasten the day of the gyro-car!
Sigma sends loving greetings to T h e t a , and wishes T o DRAGMA
and its new editor a l l success.
T H E T A , DE P A U W U N I V E R S I T Y .
T h e t a has started the year, happy to be the i n f a n t chapter of
A l p h a Omicron Pi. W e have eleven active members and ten
associate. T h e faculty and the other fraternities at De Pauw have
been most cordial in their expressions of goodwill t o w a r d us. O u r
chapter house is a matter of great interest to us. I t is situated at
the corner of Hanna and Locust Streets and we shall welcome
visitors from other chapters.
T h e rushing season w i l l be a short one of six weeks; we are
allowed t w o dates a week with any one girl and there are t w o
parties only—an informal one and a formal—and these are on
drawn dates.
I n our next letter we shall be able to tell of our first A . O . P.
pledging and initiation.
W hen the float is strong and ready
For the w o r k he has to do
And the novices are trembling
A t the '"stunts" unique and new.
Then the old girls all determine
They w i l l start the young ones r i g h t —
And they make a pood beginning
On initiation night.
W ith faces pale and ashen
Stand the "pledges" in a row.
Whence into the Mystic Chamber
One by one they soon w i l l go.
()f the horrors that await them
They can scarcely think for fright,
A n d all these are signs u n f a i l i n g
Of initiation night.
They are led along blindfolded
Where their predecessors w e n t ;
By the most ingenious tortures
They are racked and worn ami spent.
T h e y are "personally conducted"
T h r o u g h each custom-hallowed rite,
A n d thank Kate f o r bones unbroken
On initiation night.
When the order of procedure
Once again is carried through
And the secrets are expounded
As they were to me and you,
W h e n the usual feast is over
T h e n w i t h clever speeches bright
W e w i l l welcome our new sisters
()n initiation night.
ROBKRTA B R I G H T W I L L I A M S . O m i c r o n , 'o8.
There are t w o publications to which the attention of the fra-
ternity is herewith invited. One is t o the Alpha O m i c r o n Pi Song
Book which was published at the expense of one member and w ith
a result tending to make her a confirmed pessimist, and the other is
to M r s . M a r t i n ' s Sorority Hand-book (2d e d i t i o n ) .
The Song Hook can be obtained by sending one dollar to
Adelma H . Burd, 5 Nassau Street. N e w Y o r k City.
T h e Sorority Hand-book is also one dollar and there are
special rates as follows : C l u b rates, ten copies de luxe edition
(copies to be sent to one address), $ 8 ; five copies de luxe edition,
$ 4 . 5 0 : ten copies, college edition, $ 5 ; five copies college edition, $ 3 ;
eight copies of college edition and one de luxe edition, $ 5 . Address,
M r s . W . H . M a r t i n , "Iveagh Park." Bay State Road. Canton,
The book is a valuable library book f o r all our chapters and
w o u l d be especially useful i n giving to new members general i n f o r -
mation as to all fraternities since this second edition has also men's
fraternity chapters and the dates of founding.
A l t h o to others, other frats may be
L i k e ours, no others ever were, I ween;
Prepare then, for our praise of A . O . P.—
Here fling we w ide her banner's crimson sheen.
A h ! may thy emblem sweet, the rose, be found
On ev'ry spot beneath the sun's bright rays;
M a y all our songs be heard the whole w o r l d round
I n every liquid language sound thy praise.
Content with honor, howe'er wealth may shine,
Reproach w i l l never fall upon thy name.
Oh. A . ( ) . P., fraternity of mine!
N o r any blemish soil thy spotless fame.
Perceive our wish to give our lives to thee
I n faithful service—take them, A . O . P.!
ALPHA. English in the Har-
Lucetta Pitney Johnson, '07, is teaching
court Place School at Gambier, Ohio.
Margaret Elliman Henry. 02. spent the winter abroad; this
summer she has been at Lake George and now she is back i n Annap-
olis. She rejoices in the fact that she is godmother of Janet Brodie,
the altogether fascinating daughter of Eleanor Vran Cott Brodie, '02.
Florence Sanville, '01, spent the summer at a "philosophical
camp" in the Adirondacks.
Grace Sercomb, '05, is teaching school in M i l w a u k e e , Wiscon-
Katherine Van H o r n , '00, is again at the head of the A m e r i -
can A r t Students' Club in Paris.
J u l i a Cooper W a t k i n s , 'oo, has moved to Springfield, Massa-
Bessie Scott was married on June 4 to Frederick B. Conant and
thej' are living in Passaic, N e w Jersey.
Stella Stern Perry has recovered her health though she has fore-
gone the excitement of N e w Y o r k life by betaking herself to the
quiet of Hackensack Heights, N e w Jersey.
R u t h Earle Lawrence has a baby daughter, born in November,
E d i t h Garland Dupre, '00, is enrolled at Cornell University.
She is w o r k i n g f o r her M . A .
T h e home of Elizabeth Lyons. '07, at Clarksville, Tennessee,
was completely destroyed by fire.
M a t t i e Garland Ayres, '04, and Cleveland Dupre, '04, spent
the summer abroad traveling together.
Carolyn Guyol, '09, was married on June 21, 1907, to Abner
H . Cook. They are now living in H o t Springs, Arkansas.
Sue Gillean, '03, is principal of the Newcomb H i g h School.
I o Leigh Moise has a daughter, born in June, 1907. H e r
name is A l i c e Katherine Leigh Moise.
Helen G u r l e y Carter has a daughter, born September 16, 1907.
She has been named Helen Carter.
F l o r a Sanders Hardie, '05, is the mother of a boy, born June 3,
1907. H i s name is Eben Hardie.
Flora T o d d Fuller, '03, has left New York City, hoping that
a stay in the country w i l l benefit her husband's health. They are
now on a farm at Unadilla, N . Y .
Helen K . H o y , '03, is assistant counsel to T h e Charter Re-
vision Commission. T h i s summer, Miss H o y contributed the Essay
on D a v i d Dudley Field, which is part of "Great American Law -
vers." the entire edition being edited by W i l l i a m Draper Lewis.
Dean of the L a w School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Bertha Rembaugh, '04, is a member of the firm of Noel, Rem-
baugh & Barber. 1 Broadway, N e w Y o r k City. Miss Rembaugh's
yacht succeeded in carrying off the loving cup at the Lavellcrta,
N e w Jersey Yacht races this summer.
E l i n o r Byrnes, '07, and Crystal Eastman, '07, have been ad-
mitted to practice at the N e w Y o r k bar.
This summer, Rosina Josephine Silberhorn, '07, met with a
distressing accident f r o m which she is now slowly recovering.
L i l l i a n W e l l s , '08, is teaching in the public schools in Chat-
tanoga, as is Roberta Roberts, '08. Queenie M c C o n n e l , '07,
Do roth Greve, '05, and Harriet Greve, '06, have positions in the
H i g h School of Chattanooga, and Fannie Caulkins, '04, is living on
Lookout M o u n t a i n , so there are in all seven Alphas in Chattanooga
and the likelihood of another Alumnae chapter soon.
Jessie Swan, '06, was married last summer to Lamar Rankin,
of A t l a n t a , Georgia. T h i s was Omicron's first wedding and sever-
al of the girls went up to French Broad to be present.
• D r . Jordan, the father of Lucretia Jordon, '08, has been made
Dean Emeritus of the University of Tennessee and has been given
a year's leave of absence.
Sallie Francis, '05, and Fay Waggoner, '05, both of Fayette-
ville. Tennessee, had the pleasure of meeting this summer two
charming Kappas, Bernice and Olga Sheppard, of Texarkana,
L i l l i a n Donovan. '08, has returned to her home in Georgia
after an extended trip abroad.
O n November 14, Genevieve Smith, '08. was married to John
Greagh. of Selma, Alabama.
H u e l l a Bedford, '07, is at her home in Memphis, Tennessee.
There are almost enough Kappa girls to start a Memphis Alumnae
chapter. I t would have as a beginning, M i n n i e W o o d w a r d , '06,
lone Mathis, and Margaret Baskerville.
Clara M u r r a y Cleland has decorated one of the rooms in her
home in red and furnished it as an Alpha Omicron Pi guest room.
Bess M i t c h e l l ( s p e c ) , and Katherine Fallmer, Zeta '09
(pledge), are attending Oberlin College at Oberlin, Ohio.
Annie.Jones, Zeta '07, is attending B y r n M a w r College again
this year.
Florence Parmelee, Zeta '07, is physical education instructor
and Y . M . C. A . secretary at Utica, N . Y .
Bessie Chambers, Zeta '10, and Pauline Burketts, Zeta '09,
are teaching in their home towns this year but hope to be in school
next fall again.
Edna King, Zeta '07, Helen Piper, Zeta (spec). Grace
T r i g y , Zeta '06, and Viola Gray, Zeta '04, are teaching schools in
Minnie Baumann, Zeta (spec), was in Lincoln for rush week.
Edna Spears, Zeta '05, is again at home in Lincoln.
A l p h i Omicron Pi w i l l appreciate the placing of the following
names on the exchange list of other f r a t e r n i t y publications: Helen
St. Clair M u l l a n . L'niversity Heights, New York C i t y ; Miss Eliza-
beth Toms, 404 West 128th Street, N e w York C i t y ; and the
editor of T o DRAGMA, Helen Arthur, 220 Broadway, New York
One touch of editorship must make all fraternities kin
for such pleasant notes have poured in upon the new editor that
"Exchanges" has become more than paste pot and scissors and
the f o l l o w i n g issues of other f r a t e r n i t y magazines, she wishes to
acknowledge as among the most interesting reading matter piled
high on her desk:
November Anchora of Delta Gamma.
Trident of Delta D e l t a Delta.
Themis of Zeta T a u A l p h a .
Eleusis of C h i Omega.
Crescent of Gamma P h i Beta.
Kappa A l p h a T h e t a Q u a r t e r l y .
November Arrow of Pi Beta Phi.
Alpha X i Delta.
" Quarterly of Alpha Phi.
December Triangle of Sigma Kappa.
T h e chapter letter has a two-fold purpose. Primarily it gives the
alumna news of her own chapter and college; secondarily it is, or should
be, the means by which every chapter can gain an understanding of the
college life of members of other chapters. Let the chapter letter there-
fore reflect the life of the college in all its phases, ami the part which
the Greek world, and especially our own fraternity, is taking therein.
—Kappa Alpha Theta.
X o w that the time for pledging and initiating is at hand, a word as
to the training of the initiates will not be amiss. In tact, there are few
who fully realize the importance of this molding process. College life
is so strenuous that it is hard for the older chapter members to find time
to train others in the policies they themselves know sc. well, and thus the
new girl may be handicapped in the very beginning of her chapter life.
Having no idea of the real life within a chapter, first impressions are
important. A girl who leaves college at the end of one year or four,
having wrong ideas about her own fraternity, and no ideas about fra-
ternities in general, not only appears narrow, hut is narrow-minded. X o
chapter member, nor chapter as a whole, should work against another
fraternity, for all fraternities have practically the same aim.
—Themis of Zcla Tau Alpha.
One of the girls, a member of another fraternity, said to me to-night:
"Be sure to come out for the election of class officers to-morrow. You
know, the barbs got their people in for presidents of the junior and
sophomore classes, and we mustn't let them get ahead of us seniors."
This brought to my attention more forcibly than ever the utterly wrong
condition of college and class politics. It hardly seems possible that
young men and women, who are advanced far enough, not only to have
entered college, but to have become seniors in college, should have no
more sense of their duty as members of a college community than to allow
themselves to be swept along with the crowd, either of "barbs" or of
"frat. people." .May we not hope for the time when, in all college elec-
tions, the question will be not "Is he a fraternity man?" but "Is he the
man best qualified for this position?""
—The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi
In all social circles there are two strong tendencies; one is that which
makes for the enlargement of life, the other is that which limits and makes
the horizon of our view grow smaller day by day. .Much has been written
upon the strong side of the fraternity, the all-round development which
is afforded by intimate association with fraternity sisters, the noble ideals
which were strongly emphasized, and the high position which the fraternity
holds as a factor in education. It must be admitted, however, that there
is likewise a weak side, which, if not guarded against, may gain the upper
hand and may rule the life of some individual member.
When a young woman enters college, the fraternity world is pre-
sented to her in "•glowing colors." and unless she be possessed of a very
stable mind, she will probably be carried away with the fascination it all
has for her, and when she joins a fraternity, she may settle down with
the firm conviction that there is but one thing that she has to work for
in college. I f she continues to let this one idea absorb her. she makes
the limits of her world one small circle, the fraternity life, outside of
which there is a larger and almost unlimited sphere—the college life—
which she might make her own if she would.
T h e fraternity is only one—perhaps the best one—but nevertheless
only one of the channels which lends the experience that is going to shape
and develop the very belt of college women.
In all universities there is some organization which is more or less
cosmopolitan in character, one to which probably every woman student is
eligible. I n such an organization there is usually opportunity for the
public service, as is were, which we all need after we have had the vision
or enlightenment which the private life of our fraternity gives us. I f we
gain light from close contact with our sisters, then we must bear witness
to that light in all of our work. A n d I believe the best place in college
to show the power of this influence is in a thoroughly representative league
or association.
If we enter into service with college women and try to cast off the bar-
rier which some feel exists between the fraternity and the non-fraternal
world, we will find a greatness and broadness of life that will delight
us, and that will make us grander and nobler for having t«.ken the pains
to step outside of our home, as it were, for a while.
—Anehora of Delta Gamma.
But there are broader issues in which the alumna; should be concerned,
and of these none is more important than the fraternity magazine. Does
each alumna appreciate the fact that the success of the magazine must
depend directly upon her support, financially and otherwise? What mag-
azine ever succeeded, despite the loyal efforts of editor and manager,
without funds—and who is responsible for those funds? H o w can it be
conducted without literary material, and who is responsible for that mate-
—The Quarterly of Alpha Phi.
ALPHI OMICRON PI. inaccuracies,
T h e Editor w i l l appreciate the report of any
omissions, or changes of address.
Grand President, Helen St. Clair Mullan.
Grand Vice-President, Edith Berell Fettretch.
Grand Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Iverson Toms.
Grand Treasurer, Edith Prescott Ives.
Grand Doorkeeper, Jessie Wallace H u g h a n .
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Viola Clarke Gray.
Editor of T o PRAGMA, Helen A r t h u r .
Examining Officer, Dorothy Greve.
Jessie Wallace Hughan. A l p h a '98 Term Expiring.
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Alpha '98 Life.
Stella Stern Perry, Alpha '98 Life.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98 Life.
Elizabeth Iverson Toms, Alpha '06 June 1909
Marie Ernestine Bres, P i '06 June 1909
Edith Prescott Ives, N u '05 J X>9u n eIO
Harriet Cone Greve, Omicron '06 June 1909
Elise Lamb, Kappa '06 June 1909
Helen Piper, Zeta Spec. '06 June 1909
Kate Brown Foster, Sigma '02 June 1909
Cora Ellen Frazier, Theta '07 June 1909
Jeannette Wick, Alpha New York Alumnae June 1908
Edith Berrell Fettretch, Alpha '05 ', June 1908
Cleveland Genevieve Dupre, Pi '04 June 1908
Adelma Helene Burd, N u '03 June 1908
Dorothy Greve, Omicron '05 June 1908
Grace Harris Echols, Kappa '06 June 1908
Viola Clarke Gray. Zeta '02 June 1908
Grace McPherron, Sigma Grad June 1908
Frieda Plafflin. Theta '07 June 1910
Margaret H a l l Yates, Alpha '08 June 1908
Virginia Withers, Pi '08 June 1908
E l i n o r Byrns, N u Spec June 1908
Lucretia Jordan, Omicron '08 June 1908
Margaret Baskerville, Kappa '08 June 1908
Mattie Woodworth, Zeta '08 June 1908
Sarah Wheat Matthew, Sigma '08 June 1908
Goldie Ellen Huffman, Theta '08 June 1908
Secretary of the Inter-Sorority Conference: Miss Elda Smith,
Pi Beta Phi, 710 South 6th Street, Springfield, Illinois.
A L P H A — B a r n a r d College. Columbia University, New York City*
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, La.
N u — N e w York University, New York City.
OMICRON-—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.
KAPPA—Randolph Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
ZETA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley, California.
T H E T A — D e Pauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.
C<)R R1 :S P O N D I N G S E C R E ' l A R I I S.
West 128th Street, New York City.
ALPHA—Jessie I . Cochran, 120 West 12th Street, New York City.
Pi—Rochelle R. Gachet, 1040 Arabella Street, N e w Orleans,
N r —Florence E. Burning, Graham Court, 7th Avenue and i i h t h
Street, New York City.
OMICRON—Janie Mayo, 721 Eleanor Street, Knoxville, Tennessee.
KAPPA—Mary N . Hurt, R. M . W . C . College Park, Virginia.
Z E T A — M a r g a r e t Edna Spears, 6 3 0 N o r t h 16th Street. Lincoln,
SlGMA—Florence E. Schultz, 2411 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, Cali-
T H E T A — M a r y Jennie Farmer, Greencastle, Indiana.
NEW YORK A L U M N A E — M a r g a r e t May Burnet, Madison, New
November 15, 1907.
Ahlers, Viola Emily, Sigma '08.
*P. 1106 Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal.
*P and T indicate "Permanent" and "•Temporary" addresses respectively
T . 2411 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Albers, Emma Carhart, Omicron '05.
P. Henley St., Knoxville, T c n n .
Alderman, Madge, Zeta Spec.
P. Marion, Iowa. Ind.
T . 1637 N . St., Lincoln, Neb.
Allen, Lucy Estile, Theta '08.
P. 11 W a t e r Street, Greencastle,
Allen, Ruth, Alpha '09.
P. 206 Midland Ave., Montclair, N . J.
Alvarez, Florence, Sigma '11.
P. 2801 Ellsworth Street, Berkeley. Cal.
Anderson, Helen Beatrice, Alpha '05.
P. 400 West 151st St., New York City.
Arnold, Blanche Hammett, N u Grad. (deceased).
Aron, Beatrice Marguerite, Alpha '09.
P. Liberty Road. Englewood, N . J.
Arthur Helen, N u '01.
P. 220 Broadway, New York City.
Ashley, Jessie, N u '02.
P. 5 Nassau St., N e w Y o r k City.
A y res, M a t t i e Garland, Pi '04.
P. University of Tenesssee, Knoxville, T e n n .
Baker, Theodora W . ( M r s . Frank C ) , N u 08.
P. 691 East 22d St., Brooklyn, New York.
Bancroft, Helen Davis, Sigma '10.
P. 1940 Summit St., Oakland, Cal.
Barnum, Laverna Pollard, Zeta '07. See Cheney.
Baskervill, Margaret Lewis, Kappa '08.
P. Hernando and Linden Sts., Memphis, T e n n .
T . R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Batz, Grace Fay, Sigma '09.
P. 825 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Cal.
T . 2411 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Bauman, Eunice, Zeta '10.
P. West Point, Neb.
T . 745 S. 15th St., Lincoln Neb.
Bauman, M i n n i e Gussie, Zeta Spec.
P. West Point, Neb.
Bedford, Huella Glover, iKappa '07.
P. 1056 College Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
Beemer, Luree, Zeta Spec.
P. Lancaster, Neb.
Bennett, Emma, Zeta Spec.
P. 1546 So. 21st St., Lincoln, Neb.
Bigelow, Lula Ellis King ( M r s . Clifford G . ) , Zeta '04.
P. 1321 M o n r o e St., Chicago, 111.
Boardman, Esther Carver, Sigma '07.
P. Immaculate Heart Academy, Hollywood, Los Angeles,
Booth, Laura. N u '04.
P. 29 East 29th St., N e w Y o r k City.
Boss, A n n a M a r i e , A l p h a '05.
P. 14 West 95th St., N e w Y o r k City.
Bowen, Minnie Alma, Theta '08.
P. Putnamville, Indiana.
T . 501 Locust St., Greencastle, Ind.
Boyce, Florence Bessie,, N u '05. See Bryant.
Boyd, Roberta Bliss, Sigma '09.
P. Yuba City, Cal.
T . 2411 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Brackett, Mary Morrell, Alpha '99-
P. 604 West 115th St., N e w York City.
Bradshaw, Blanche Laracy, Kappa '06.
P. High Point, N . C.
Bratt, Frances, Zeta '07. See Gorman.
Bres, Io Leigh, Pi '00. See Mo'ise.
Bres, M a r i e Ernestine, P i '06.
P. 2223 M i l a n St., N e w Orleans, La.
Bres, N e l l , Pi '07.
P. 1427 Calhoun St., N e w Orleans. La.
Bridenbaugh, Nell, Zeta '08
P. 2 3 4 4 R. St., Lincoln. Nebraska.
Bright, Carrie Maxwell, Sigma '10.
P. 2040 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal.
Brodie, Eleanor Elizabeth Van Cqtt ( M r s . Orrin Lawrence)
Alpha '02.
P. 36 Fisk Ave., West New Brighton, Staten Island, N e w
York City.
Binning, Florence Edith,, N u '07.
P. Graham Court, 116th St. and 7th Ave., N e w York City.
Bryant, Bessie Boyce, N u '05 ( M r s . Frederick H . )
P. Malone, New York.
Buchanan, M a n - Hart, Omicron '10.
T . University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Term.
Buchanan, Laura Finney, Zeta '06. See Shockey.
Burchenal, Emma Howells, Alpha '07.
P. The Grafton, 2708 Broadway, New York City.
Burd, Adelma Helene, N u '03.
P. 5 Nassau St., N e w York City.
Burkitt, Pauline Clarissa, Zeta '09.
P- U 3 0 J St., Lincoln, Neb.
Burnet,, Magaret May, N u '01.
P. Madison, N e w Jersey.
Burrows, Edith Maic, Alpha 08.
P. 25 Neperan Road, Tarrytown. N . V .
Butler, Ella Lilian, Kappa '06.
P. 315 F i f t h St., Lynchburg, Va.
Byrne, Julia, Pi '07.
P. 1619 Prytania St., N e w Orleans, La.
Byrns, Elinor, N u '07.
P. 17 Madison Square N o r t h , N e w Y o r k C i t y .
Caldwell, Harriett Moore, Omicron '07.
P. 408 M a i n Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Caldwell, Katherine, Omicron '07.
P. 408 Main Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Nashville,
Calhoun, Emma Shaw, N u '07.
P. 847 West End Ave., N e w York City.
Carter, Alice Burt Sandidge ( M r s . Thomas), Pi Grad.
P. 108 Wesley H a l l . Vanderbilt University,
Tenn. Cosgreve), Pi '07.
Carter, Helen Torrey Gurley ( M r s . Charles
P. Hammond, La.
Carver, Ethel, Theta '09.
P. Rockville. Indiana.
Caulkins. Edith, Omicron '08.
P. 503 West Vine Ave., Chattanooga, T e n n .
Chadwell, Elizabeth W i l l a r d , A l p h a '07. See Pitney.
Cheney, Laverna Barnum ( M r s . C. W . )
P. Edison, Neb.
Chambers, Bessie M a y , Zeta '10. Neb.
P. 2962 N o r t h 25th St., Omaha,
T. 1300 G Street. Lincoln, Neb.
Cherry, Francis Geraldine, Kappa '08.
P. Halls, Tenn.
Clark, Flora Rachel, Kappa '10.
P. Texarkana, T e x .
T . R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Clark. Margaret Elizabeth, A l p h a '02. See Sumner.
Clarke, Ethel Browning, Sigma.
P. 3323 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal.
Cleland, Clara M u r r a y ( M r s . James E d w a r d ) , Kappa '08.
P. Lynchburg, Va.
Cochran. Jessie Isabelie, A l p h a '09.
P. 120 W e s t 12th St., N e w Y o r k City.
Coddington, Elizabeth Cadmus, Alpha '02.
P. 38 H a m i l t o n Ave., Passaic, N . J.
Colcock, Mary Rugely, Pi '02.
P. Cor. Joseph and Hurst Sts., N e w Orleans, L a .
Conant. Bessie Scott ( M r s . Frederick B . ) , A l p h a '05.
P. 2 8 2 Lafayette Ave., Passaic, N . J.
Cook, Carolyn Gayol ( M r s . Abner), Pi '09.
P. 134 Cedar St., H o t Springs, A r k .
Cothren, M a r i o n Benedict ( M r s . Frank H o w a r d ) , N u Spec.
P. 173 South O x f o r d St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Courtian, Gladys Dewey, Sigma '10.
P. 2642 Derby St., Berkeley, Cal.
Crippen, Josephine, Pi '02.
P. 1537 T h a l i a St.; N e w Orleans, La.
Curdy. Anne Richardson Hall ( M r s . Robert James), Alpha '98.
P. 2544 Forest Ave., Kansas City, M o .
Cutter, Olive Eastman, Sigma ' n .
P. 2260 Grove St., Oakland, Cal.
Damon, Corn's M a b e l , Zeta '04. See Peake.
Damon. Lucy Edna, Zeta '07. .
P. Mason City, la.
T . Vassar College, Poughkecpsie, N . Y .
Davis, M a r y Adelaide, Sigma '10.
P. 3 7 4 9 S. Figuera St., Los Angeles, C a l .
T . 2411 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Day, Alice Hooker, N u '04.
P. 28 F i f t h Ave., New York City.
Dean. Hetty Anna, Alpha 10.
P. Little Silver, N . J.
T . 521 West I22d St., New York City.
Dickson, Agnes Lillian, ,Alpha '99.
P. 52 Summit Ave., Jersey City. N . J.
Dietz, Edith Augusta, Alpha '05.
P. 217 West 105th St., New York City.
Dillingham, Alice, N u '05. Tenn.
P. Englewood, N . J .
Donovan, Lillian, Kappa '08.
P. Macon, Ga.
Doty. Madeleine Zabriskie, N u '02.
P. 5 Nassau St., N e w Y o r k City.
Douthat, Kathleen, Omicron '07.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
T . Barbara Blount Hall, U . of T . , Knoxville,
Drew, George Mary, Alpha '99.
P. 342 Gregory Ave., West Orange. N . J.
T . The Noble Institute, Anniston, Ala.
D u Bois, Blanche Merry, Sigma '03.
P. 922 La Fayette St., Alameda, Cal.
Dupre, Cleveland Genevieve, Pi '04.
P. Opelousas, La.
T . Lake Charles, La.
Dupre, Edith Garland, Pi '00.
P. Opelousas, La.
T . 311 Oak St., Ithaca, N . Y .
Dupre. Mary Lilybel, Pi '07.
P. Opelousas, La.
T . Marksville, La.
Earle, R u t h , Alpha 0 2 . See Lawrence.
Eastman. Catherine Crystal. N u '07.
P. Elmira, N . Y .
T . JO Wooster St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Echols, Grace Carlovn Harris ( M r s . Dyke S.). Kappa '06.
P. Decatur. A l a .
Echols. M a r y , Kappa '06. See E l l i o t .
Edson Helen Adele. Sigma '11.
P. 64 H a m i l t o n Place, Oakland, C a l .
Elliman M a r g a r e t Grote, A l p h a '02. See Henry .
Elliot. M a r y Echols ( M r s . Council B . ) , Kappa '06.
P. Decatur, Ala.
Etcheverry, Celeste La Caste, Sigma '05.
P. 1890 Devisadero St., San Francisco, Cal.
Farmer, Mary Jennie, Theta '10.
P. Greencastle. Indiana.
Ferguson, Cleo Lillian, Theta ' i o .
P. Rockville, Ind.
T . 501 Locust St., Greencastle, I n d .
Fettretch, Edith Berrell, Alpha '05.
P. 335 West 88th St., N e w York City.
Foster, Kate Brown, Sigma '02.
P. 2033 A Charming Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Frame, Jean Herring Loomis ( M r s . James Everett), Alpha '04.
P. 155 East 72d St., N e w York City.
Francis, Sallie Woodard, Omicron '05.
P. Fayetteville, T e n n .
Frazier, Cora Ellen, Theta '07. Indiana.
P. Hillsboro, Ind.
T . 501 Locust St., Greencastle,
Frierson, Lucia Davidson, Pi '08.
P. 101 South M a i n St., Columbia, T e n n .
Fuller, Flora Todd (Mrs. Bert Cornelius), N u '03.
P. Unadilla, N . Y .
Furlong. M a r t h a Rice ( M r s . Herbert W . F . ) , Sigma.
P. Pleasanton, Cal.