• SUMMER 200 0
VOL. LXV111, No."
To Dragma of
Alpha Qmicron Pi SUMMER 2000 VOL. LXVIII, No. 7
m Mt.
m. J k
To Dragma
of Alpha Omicron Pi
To Dragnra/SUMMEB 2000
Our Missions:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
sion offo Dragma of Alpha Omi
n,educate and inspire our readers relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our m a bers, or Greek life: to encourage lifetime AOTF involvement to salute excellence; and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
>ha Omicron Pi is an international women's promoting friendship for a lifetime, in
demic excellence and lifelong learning
ting leadership skills through service to Fraternity and community.
Alpha Ormicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is fund pro£igrams, which promote the intellectual,
and leadership development of members of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and, through its philanthropic efforts, benefit the larger society. The vision of theAl) Omicron Pi Foundation is to ensure the continuation of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity as we look ahead to the challenges of the 21st Century.
Two New Chapters
This spring, AOII installed Epsilon Gamma Chapter (l! of Northern Colorado) and re-colonized Beta Phi Chapter (Indiana L).
Our New Home
Saluting our HQ Capital Campaign donors of $500 or more.
Collegiate Idea Sharing
In this issue our chapters share Philanthropy Day ideas used during formal recruitment
One out of every two women over age 50 will suffer at least one osteoporosis-related frac- ture sometime during their life. It's a disease all women need to better understand.
AOII Foundation
Questions and answers about the AOII Endowment Fund.
Our 75 Year Members
Congratulations to our members celebrating their 75th aimiversary.
Wiouxtcing our new online reporting system AlphaLink
22 31 37
Alumnae Idea Sharing
In this issue our chapters share ideas on alumnae membership reotutment and retention.
Alumnae Presidents
< iontacl information for an alumnae chapter near you.
Volunteer Application
Are you willing to serve as an AOII volunteer.'' Complete thi.» interest form today.
Power of Friendship
It is the Power of Friendship that makes our sisterhood unique. In this section, we share stories of Friendship.
The Changing Face
of Recruitment
We call il recruitment now, not rush. You may be surprised at |ust how different the process is today.
Bragging Rights
A salute to individual member excellence and chapter recognition.
To Drapma/SUMMER 200(1
To DragmaofAlphaOmicron
Published since January, 1905 by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, li
Manellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
ToDraijgma ofAlpha Omicron Pi. (USPS-631 -840) the offiaal organ ofAlpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha COmicron Pi, 9025 Overlook 8/vd, Brentwood.TN. Periodical class postage paid at brentwood,TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $85.00.
Postmaster: Send address changes to: rosim
Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood.TN 37027. ToDra,
all editorial communications to the Editor at (he same address. Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2,1897, by:
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St Clair Mullan, Stella George Stem Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyrnan
International President
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Boulevard, BrentwoodTennessee 37027. phone: 615/370-0920 fax 615/371 -9736 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site Address: www.alphaomicronpi.org
MailingAddress Updates [email protected]
Carole Jurenko Jones International President
AOII perspective The Alcohol Free Housing Initiative.
'ITiroughout the 1999-2000 school year, universities and Greek organizations have collaborated to address the issue of men's fraternities going dry. In response to the fact that alcohol abuse is a con- cern of parents, school administrators, and fraternity leaders, 11 men's frater- nities will have alcohol-free chapter houses by the fall 2000 term.
Alpha Omicron Pi is one of 16 mem- bers of the National Panhellenic Conference that have passed resolu- tions in support of the fraternities who have become leaders in the Alcohol Free Housing Initiative.
Adopted by members of Council during AOII's International Convention in June 1999, the resolution states that as of the fall 2000 term, an AOII collegiate chap- ter will co-sponsor an event with a men's fraternity at the fraternity's facili- ty (e.g., house, lodge), only if the func- tion is alcohol-free. The resolution does not change any FIPC (a fraternal risk management group) or AOII policy on co-sponsoring fraternity events and functions that are held in licensed establishments. In addition, it does not
restrict any member's independent attendance at a fraternity event that is in keeping with FIPG and AOII poli- cies, college or university regulations, and federal, state and local laws.
With the adoption of this resolution, AOII has publicly lended its support to those fraternities who pledged to become alcohol-free by the fall 2000 term. Currently those groups include Alpha Kappa Lambda, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Theta, Sigma Nu and Theta Chi. FarmHouse will con- tinue its longtime stand on maintaining
alcohol-free housing.
The resolution also supports AOII's mis- sion, which is to promote friendship for a lifetime, inspire academic excellence and lifelong learning, and develop lead- ership skills through service to the fra- ternity and community.
Facilities that are alcohol-free are more conducive to our mission of scholastic excellence and provide an environment that is safe and favorable to individual well-being. The misuse of alcohol by college students, both Greek and non- Greek, is detrimental to achieving the goals of our Fraternity and host institu- tions to support each individual's cultur- al and intellectual development.
Along with Alpha Omicron Pi, the other women's groups which have passed a resolution in support of the Alcohol Free Housing Initiative are: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha X i Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi and
Sigma Sigma Sigma.
In addition, many universities have adopted college Panhellenic resolutions in support of the Alcohol Free Housing Initiative including: Ball State University, East Carolina University, Indiana State University, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Northwestern University, Ohio University, Southern Illinois University, Southwest Missouri State, Southwest Texas State, University of Denver, University of Florida, University of Idaho, University of Oregon, University of Texas-Austin, University of Utah, Western Michigan University and Miami University of Ohio.
Of special note is the University of Denver, which passed a resolution that no woman will attend any function at a fraternity house where there is alcohol.
Hie commitment AOII has made with its Alcohol Free Housing Resolution is a partnership between each individual member and the Fraternity. It is and will continue to be a group effort as we support our members by telling them, and others, that not drinking is OK.
Carole Jurenko Jones International President
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Our new home
Update on our new International HQ
The following individuals and/or chapters made pledges of $500 or more by March 1, 2000 to the AOII International Capital Campaign. Alpha Omicron Pi is grateful to these members and chapters for their committment to our future. We invite others to join us, as your participation is essential to our success. A contribution of any amount will be most appreciated. Thank you.
Allen, Rachel Smith - Alpha Chi
Allison, Anne Witt - Omicron
Amundson, Elizabeth Craig - Lambda Beta Andrews, Mary Hibbett - Nu Omicron Arlington/Mid-Cities Alumnae
Bank of America
Banks, Ginger - Pi Kappa
Barber, Rosalie Gorham - Sigma Omicron Bill Hudson & Associates
Bradford Group
Bogle, June Greer - Nu Omicron
Bowman, Suzanne Inabnit - Delta Upsilon Brining, Julie - Gamma Delta
Bruner, Virginia Hasson - Omicron Bruny-Fils, Uleta - Gamma Theta
Bryant, Mary Matarazzo - Delta Omega Burr Patterson and Auld
Chanatry-Howell, Lorraine - Chi
Coffey, Liz Romine-Chi Lambda
Collier, Linda Peters-Chi Omicron Condreay, Louanne Watson - Phi Upsilon Craig, Caroline Chapman - Lambda Beta Crawford, Peg Kramer - Iota
Curci-Reed, Lori - Lambda lota
Danko, Susan - Phi Upsilon
Dark Tamee - Lambda Tau
Davis, Rebecca Brown - Delta Delta
Delta Delta Chapter
Delta Omega Chapter
Doyle, Melanie Nixon - Lambda Sigma Earls, Joanne Williamson - Zeta Psi
Ellis, Elaine DeFrances - Alpha Omicron Epsilon Omega Chapter
Farmer, Clara Slack - Omicron
Fitzgerald, Kathy Tribbey - Chi Alpha Fitzgerald, Rene Strong - Pi Kappa Fitzpatrick Gayle - Alpha Rho
Fizer, Mary Alice Burch - Beta Theta Frank, Bonnie - Sigma Phi
Fuson, Linda Hendrixson - Omicron Gamma Delta Chapter
Gamma Omicron Chapter
Garrett, Nancy Carr - Delta Delta
Gilchrist, Ann McQanahan - Theta
Goede, Lori Korn - Gamma Omicron Goodlund, Margaret Damon - Tau Hamilton, Kim Campbell - Upsilon Hancock Joan Moore - Omicron Hardy, Pat Cowley - Gamma Sigma Harris, Heidi Slusar - Beta Tau
Hart, Ellen Anderson - Zeta
Hazard, Martha Garrahan - Chi
Heflin, Jo Beth Walling - Pi Kappa
Herman, Marilyn Rose - Upsilon
Herman, Rebecca Admire - Chi Lambda Hilton, Mary Anderson - Epsilon Alpha
Hodge, Jewell Holtsinger - Omicron
Hook Elizabeth Paul - Sigma
Iota Chapter
Jensen, Kathryn - Theta Omega
Jones, Carole Jurenko - Alpha Delta
Jurenko, John & Ruth
KalisfArlene Sirtola- Kappa Rho
Katschke, Mary Jennings - Chi Omicron Knabusch, June Heck - Beta Phi
KnipfeL Shirley Pinneke - Iota Sigma
Kumar, Donna Nellunis - Rho Omicron Lacerte, Joyce Baca - Lambda Beta
Lawson, Janet Osgood - Omicron Pi
Lee - Danner & Bass
LiddelL Sharon Crouch - Phi Alpha
Long, Barb Bierer - Alpha Rho
Louapre, Sky Ruhlman - Pi
MacCallum, Joan Deathe - Kappa Phi MacCurdy, Eleanore Dietrich - Iota Alpha Marriott International Inc.
Mattern, Sue Reid - Chi Delta
McAdams, MaryAnne Morgan - Lambda Sigma McGowan, Kim Carson - Phi Beta Miller-Rosenow, Roberta - Tau
M-J Insurance Inc.
Moore, Martha Peeler - Nu Omicron Mortensen, Mimi Decker - Epsilon Alpha Morway, Joyce - Lambda Sigma
Nashville Alumnae Chapter
Nelson, Janis Tremble - Upsilon Alpha Nelson, Karin Gustafson - Chi Delta Nu Omicron Chapter
Ostlind, Gale Brittin - Iota
Overmyer, Adrienne Henry - Delta Delta Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter
Parkinson, Doriel Gohz - Sigma
Pflaum, Linde Tucker - Alpha Delta Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Phillips, Barbara Beatty - Epsilon Alpha Phi Upsilon Chapter
Price, Janis Chumley - Gamma Iota Ramsey, Liz Chaffin - Nu Omicron Rennoe, Char Brown - Beta Gamma Roberts, Frankie Frazier - Nu Beta
RousseL Barbara Breland - Lambda Tau Rowland, Gloria Cunningham - Pi Kappa Sanders, Marjorie Hunt - Alpha Omicron Sasseen, Mariellen Perkinson - Alpha Delta Sells, Jeanie Marcy - Zeta
Shepard, Dorothy Donlen - Theta
Smith, Renee Pugh - Phi Upsilon
SoweU, Kathy Brakefield - Lambda Tau Stevens, Marjorie - Beta Kappa
Stevenson, Carol Miller - Omega
Stone, Carson
Sundock, Stephanie Crews - Nu Omicron Tessmer, Jane Breckenridge-Gamma Theta Thompson, Judith Irle - Iota
Thompson, Lenette - Sigma Phi
Thornton, Elizabeth Shinn - Kappa Theta Van Arsdel, Whitney - Nu Omicron Wagaman, Sally - Sigma Tau
Ward, Sheila Dye-Phi
Wartinbee, Carolyn - Nu Iota
Weinberg, Becky Shook - Chi Delta Williams, Dot Waters - Lambda Sigma Williams, Zoe - Phi Williams
Wilmes, Anne Buechlein - Chi Lambda Wilson, Carol Ann Leslie - Omicron Wilson, Dirl Sensing - Nu Omicron Woodard, Jean Houghton - Rho
Wight, Aileen - Iota
Wright, Lucile Palmer - Beta Theta
Wight, Robin Mansfield - Gamma Delta Wiest, Grace Bieber - Alpha Phi
Zeta Chapter
Zeta Psi Chapter
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Our New Online Reporting System
AlphaLink H 8
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AlphaLink allows
diopter officers and volunteers the
ability and ease ofcompleting
theirformer paper-based
reportsinan online
form format
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To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
f Internet rone
If you would hk* to report errors in AlphaLink, please click here
Wouldn't it be nice if w e could only find a way to enter the information age and have those reports appear online? You know, youcould logon to - say,the AOII website - find your report, fill i t o u t and bada bing, bada boom, with one or two clicks o f a mouse your information flowed to the next person needed to "sign off" o n your former paper-based report. Oh, isn't that a nice dream?
Wake up! You're not dreaming! The paper trail has ended and a new star is born - AlphaLink!
AlphaLink is AOII's dynamic new online reporting system. Launched i n October 1999, it has been developed to assist us in communications between o u r chapters (collegiate and alumnae), our volunteer base, and our headquarters staff. AlphaLink allows chapter officers a n d volunteers the ability and ease of com- pleting their former paper-based reports in an online form-based format. Once the information is entered and submit- ted, the form is electronically routed to the next person w h o would have received the former "report" via the
postal service.
In order for AlphaLmt to work property, rt is essential (hat you assign a person in your chapter to each and every office - even if yo« have vacant offices For example, if your chapter does not currently have a To Dragma Reporter, you must assign another officer to that office (e g , tssign the Chapter President to the roles o f Chapter President and To Dragma Reporter). Then, the next time the Chapter President logs in, she will be presented with th e forms for both the Chapter President and the To Dragma Reporter This will ensure that your chapter completes all mandatory forms.
Vhen you log in to AlphaLmk, you will see a series of tabs across the top of the page Each tab contains a different section of AlphaLink The system will default to the Forms tab (which is described in greater detail below) To move from one section to another, simply click on the appropriate tab
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Personal Info - Click on this tab to access your personal information (e g , address. phone number, etc.). Any time your personal information changes, update it here by simply clicking in a field and making th e appropriate changes
Announcements - Click on this tab to access important information and announcements from Headquarters. Forms - This tab is where you will spend the majority of your time in AlphaLink Click on this tab to see the forms (formerly known as reports) that are pertinent to you See Using Forms below for more information on forms
Reports - Click on this tab to acoess reports of completed forms
Resources - Click on this tab to access a form that has remained paper-based Pip*r-b*s*d forms are posted as Portable Document Format (PDF) files Simply choose the file you want and download it Then you can view
It and print it using Adobe® Acrobat® Reader If you don't have the Acrobat Reader, you can download It a t http //•www ..job* com/prodindeK/'acroba'/readstep html*read»r After you print a PDF form, fill It out completely, then submit it as you normally would were it a part o f the Fall Mailer
Help - Click on this tab to get basic information on using; AlphaLink. If your questions are not answered here, please direct additional inquiries to alphalinli»alphaoniir;rijnpi.orQ.
introducing AlphaLink! AOII's online reporting system. Using the system is as easy as point dick and type.
The great paper trail...
reams of paper sent to our collegiate and alumnae chapters each year as well as to all AOII volunteers ... all in the pursuit of information. You know, those REPORTS that arrived from UPS each fall, all bun- dled in a BOX! The mass of paper that took you days to go through, separate and distribute! You remember, don't you?
Art*'Hi -f] Al[ilui/tn<-| Form
<Tj question*.
hat is oampus total - alloved by Panhellenio: Is your ohaptor at campus total:
• '•>•• foltovtnq fields to provide general, overall Information about y form li duo 2 veeks after the Panhellenlo elections became of the nature of
•MM or oil Notionol PoMiollonic Conforonoo (NPC) group* on your c
Frequently Asked
Do all AOIIs need to use AlphaLink?
No, only officers responsible for completing reports for the Fraternity need to use AlphaLink.
How doIget to AlphaLink?
Currently, you will find the link to AlpliaLink on the first page of Sisters Online. Only officers responsible for completing forms are able to enter the system.
How do I register?
You do not need to register on AlphaLink, your chapter president will register you as a chapter officer. Other officers (such as Network Specialists) are registered at Headquarters. Youwill need to register on Sisters Online to be able to access the private side of the web site and enter AlphaLink.
AlphaLink Admin SIB "<S «TQ C f5* £& <3 «ft d3 A A m Sft EH
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^ApploComputor ^ A p p ^ Support ^AppleStoro t^.nzii |0rftoo for M*o«rto*h Sigma: Comparison of AOII to Other Panhclfenic Groups
** tion r
Select an NPC Group £1
— '
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umpux' Ponhollo«te ottond on NPC Aroo canforonao?
OYoi Of
O South BMtorn Ponhotlenic Conforonoo CSEPC3 O M«-Amorto* Orooo Conforonoo (MOCAI
O North EM torn Ponholfonr: Conforonoo (NEPC1 O VooternRogionolOreokConforonooCVROO
Completing online forms is as easy as point and dick in AlphaLink
What does this mean for our chap- ters and volunteers? Reduction in costs - no more costly trips to the copy shop and no more postage. Environmentally friendly - we are saving thousands of trees! AlphaLink is everywhere - no more packing up reports and taking them with you somewhere to complete when you have a few moments and no more misplacing reports. AlphaLink is available from any computer with Internet access 24 hours a day.
AlphaLink is AOII's link to the future. Through the instant access and storage of information within the system, we will be able to track trends in our chapters and instantly recognize when our chapters need assistance. Once again, we are proud to say that Alpha Omicron Pi is leading the way in its use of tech- nology. So, it's off of the paper trail and onto the Information Superhighway! AlphaLink is revo- lutionizing the AOII of tomorrow.
(J|;Live Home Page FORMS
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To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
This internal administration page shows how forms in AlphaLink flow with ease through a built in routing system.
What do I need my member numberfor and how do Ifindit?
Your member number is needed to register for Sisters Online. Both AlphaLink and Sisters Online will know who you are by looking at your member number. You can find your member number on the mailing label of lb Dragma.
Can I still use paper-basedforms ifIprefer?
Unfortunately, no. Because AlphaLink will also pull information from completed forms for important reports, all forms must be completed using AlphaLink
Alpha Omicron Pi is proud to announce the reinstallation of Beta Phi Chapter at Indiana University. 137 Charter Members were initiated on January 10, 2000. The Chapter was originally char- tered on June 3, 1916 and the chapter's charter has been held in trust since 1996.
Beta Phi alumnae and AOII represen- tatives worked dili- gently for two years in preparation for AOH's return to IU. Public Relations and Recruitment efforts began in the Spring of 1999. In the Fall of 1999 potential new mem- bers were invited to informational din- ners hosted by members of Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) Chapter, local alumnae, Chapter Consultants and AOII HQ staff.
Immediately following IU's formal recruitment in January 2000, AOII held two rounds of open houses. Personal appointments were scheduled for over 350 women. Serving on the AOII interview team were Rosalie Barber, Vice President of Development; Susan Danko, Executive Board Director: Allison
Danko, Executive Board Director with Renee Smith, Executive Board Director.
The chapter has already firmly established itself on campus hosting two AOII philanthropic events and participating in numerous others. The chapter finished 2nd of 35 teams in the campus wide I U Sing and field-
Celebration Brunch on Sunday morning at the Bloomington Country Club. Over 400 friends, family and alumnae were in attendance. The initia- tion service was enhanced bv the initiation o f seven legacies and two alumna initiates. Attending the installation were Ann Gilchrist, Past International President; Rosalie Barber, Vice
Bringing Beta Phi
Back Home.
Reinstallation at Indiana University
T h e first large-scale
AOII's participation i n IU's first round of formal recruitment, called 19-party. AOII Chapter Consultants and over 70 mem- bers from Chi Lambda (U of Evansville), Kappa Alpha (Indiana State Li),Kappa Kappa (Ball State U), and Omega (Miami U) made a strong impression on over 1,800 potential members participat- ing. Additionally, 150 upper- classmen attended an open house to express their interest in membership.
Allgier' Collegiate Recruitment Network Specialist; Randi Carmichael, Kappa Kappa Recruitment Adviser; Laura Bergan, former Kappa Kappa Adviser; Jackie Guiser, AAC member; Bobbi O'Neal,AAC member; Michelle Finley, CC; Monica Ramey, CC; Jesalyn Parham, CC; Karen Batzle, CC; A m y W orsham, Extension Administrator; and Colleen Reed, Public Relations Administrator. New members were formally pledged on January 10, 2000 in a ceremo- ny conducted by Susan
ed a team in the Little 500 cycling race. AOII is proud of Becky Carlson for winning the title of little 500 Queen which is a prestigious honor based on GPA, interview, poise and activi- ties. Additionally, Allison Bordeaux was named a women's volleyball second team All American.
International President Carole Jones conducted the installation and initiation ceremonies on April 8, 2(KX). The ceremonies were held at the Bloomington Convention Center with a
President of Development; Susan Danko, Executive Board Director; Renee Smith, Executive Board Director; Judy Rogers, Colony Development Network Director; Caroline Craig, former Vice President of Development; and Allison Allgier, Collegiate Recruitment Network Specialist. Gifts and notes of congratulations were presented to Somer Wilson, Chapter President and Leah Mitchell Rohrbach, Chapter Adviser. Angie Scott served as local installation chairman.
To Dragraa/SUMMER 2000
event was
A new beginning for Greek life at the U of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado,came true on February 10, 2000 when AOII colonized with 47 collegiate members and two alumnae initi- ates. Colony members, just beginning to forge lifetime friendships, pledged before fra- ternity and university officials to build a chapter that will enhance the Greek system at UNC. Many of the colony members shared their desire to develop the chapter at UNC into one that is inclusive of the campus com- munity, gives back both to the university and local community, and most importandy, creates friendships between the mem- bers that will last a lifetime.
Efforts to build the new chapter began in September of 1999 with a presentation to the Greek community. AOII was selected from four NPC organizations to colonize. In November, AOII held an open house for interest- ed women and returned in late January for two weeks of PR and recruitment. In early February, 72 women had personal appointments
and AOII extended bids for membership on February 9th. A celebration was held that night in the campus Recreation Center for all women accepting our invitation to membership.
The colony ceremony and reception was held at the Water Valley Golf and Country Club in nearby Windsor. Chi Delta (U of Colorado) mem- bers and local alumnae served as sponsors. Over 200 attend- ed the ceremony including Bob Kerr, Greek Adviser; Katie Booms, past Panhellenic President; Kayla W anersdorfer, current Panhellenic President, IFC representatives and mem- bers of other Greek groups. Following the ceremony many groups presented gifts to the new colony indicative of the warm welcome our fraternity received from the Greek com- munityatUNC.
The colonization team included Rosalie Barber, Vice President of
Development; Cami Wacker, Extension Committee Chairman, Tracy Maxwell, Extension Committee Member; Jan Spomer, Chi Delta Corporation Board President; Amy Worsham, Extension Administra-tor; Colleen Reed, Public RelationsAdministrator; Erica Martin, Karen Batzle, Stephanie Curton, and Lisa Ruster, Chapter Consultants.
The colony period was fdled with excitement and joy. Members have been busy in all aspects of campus and Greek life including "After Prom" at a local high school, the "Weeks Without Program" to build homelessness awareness, the AKL Easter Egg Hunt, Adopt-A-School with Delta Tau Delta, International Week and Sport Coaches; Sigma Chi Derby and Greek Week. They have also held their first retreat and a semi-formal.
The colony was installed as Epsilon Gamma Chapter
on April 29, 2000. The installa- tion ceremony was conducted by Sally Wagaman, Vice President of Operations, assisted by Judy Rogers, Collegiate Development Network Director. Members from Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska-Kearney) served as sponsors. The ceremony was held at the University Center fol- lowed by a banquet at the Eaton Country Club. Over 200 par- ents, friends and AOIIs were in attendance. Gifts and notes of congratulations for the new chapter were presented to Desiree Williamson, Chapter President and Julie Hunter, Chapter Adviser.
AOII becomes the fifth National Panhellenic organization at UNC joining Alpha Phi, Sigma Kappa, Delta Zeta and Alpha Sigma Alpha. AOII is the first new NPC chapter on campus since 1967.
Aon Installs 176th
Collegiate Chapter ^jT1 ^ ;
Epsilon Gamma,
U of Northern Colorado
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Idea Sharing
Philanthropy Day Ideas
One of the many changes in the last few years regarding new member recruitment has been the focus on educating potential new members about philanthropy. Most Panhellenics now support a full round of recruit- ment devoted to this topic. Members and potential members work together on a community service project while learning about the specific projects AOII supports. Here are some of the projects our chapters are supporting.
balls by filling AOII balloons with a Hour-salt mixture. It was a great way to involve the per- spective members. By creating something on their own, it added a more personal touch to the activity. We donated these balls to our local Arthritis Foundation.
Chi Delta
U of Colorado
Chi Delta had the most successful philan- thropic round theme in the history of University of Colorado in Fall 1999. The Mardi Gras themed activity was the favorite among potential members and members alike. The chapter helped guests make beaded bracelets and Mardi Gras masks to be used during a party thrown for local hos- pital patients later in the year. Chi Deltas visited with the patients and donated the bracelets and masks to brighten their stay in the hospital
Chi Epsilon
Ohio State U
In the past year, our chapter has done a vari- ety of different philanthropic activities at recruitment parties. We have made "boo bun- nies" and donated them to a local childrens' hospital, we also made stress balls, painted pumpkins for Halloween and donated both projects to area nursing homes.
This past fall recruitment, potential members and sisters made popsicle frames and donated them to a local children's charity.
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Delta Delta was excited to have the addition of philanthropy day to this year's recruitment week. We decided to make stationery to give to surrounding nursing homes and assisted living homes. We used raffia and dried, pressed flowers to create a beautiful and unique philanthropic gift
Delta Omega
Murray State U
Our members and potential new members shared a piece of our hearts with a troubled high school. This past year we cut up square pieces of cloth which were sewn together to make a quilt that would be sent as encour- agement to Columbine High School. On the philanthropy day of recruitment each of the potential new members were given a piece of cloth that they could decorate in any way. While the girls were drawing, the members of Delta Omega had a chance to share arthritis research with them and also let them know just how big our hearts are. When the party was over we explained to the recruits where their squares would be going, and sang them on their way.
Defe Pi
Central Missouri State U
Our chapter is decorating small t-shirts with our prospective new members. Theses shirts will be placed on stuffed panda bears that we are collecting. The panda bears will be donated to the arthritis wing of a local chil- dren's hospital.
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
Instead of a skit on theme day, Delta Sigma does a philanthropic activity. We have the potential members fill balloons with sand, then we cover them with assorted fabrics to make "stress balls" lor arthritis patients. We make sure to present statistics as to why arthritis research is our philanthropy.
Epsilon Omega
Eastern Kentucky U
This year was the first time we held a philan- thropy night during recruitment Our theme for the night was red and white. The poten- tial members made stress balls with balloons and sand which we intend to donate to a children's hospital. We also had a banner which each potential member stamped a hand print and signed their name. It was a very successful night for us.
Alpha Delta
U ofAlabama
During recruitment, we fill our dining room with stuffed pandas donated by our chapter members. We work with the potential members to do arts and crafts such as hand- made stationery and personal journals with pandas and roses painted on them. These simple crafts provide a fun atmosphere that allows our members to socialize easily with the potential members. At the end of the week, the pandas, stationery, and decorative journals are all donated to children suffering from arthritis. We also have a presentation explaining our philanthropy and our partici- pation in various campus activities.
Coe College
In the past we have invited potential mem- bers to make holiday greeting cards with us that we donate to local hospitals and nursing homes. This activity provides an informal set- ting to get to know each other while con- tributing to the community.
Beta Lambda
IllinoisWesleyan U
Our recruitment philanthropy day project was quite successful. We made stress-relief
To Dragma/SIMMER 2000
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
The sisters of Gamma Alpha enjoy showing potential members our interest in serving the community. One philanthropic activity which we find the potential members really enjoy is making cat and dog toys for the humane society. Every sister is asked to bring in old socks and crafty materials to make the toys with the potential members. It's a Iran activity that stirs up some great conversation.
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
The ladies of Gamma Delta had an amazing time on philanthropic day. We focused on
juvenile arthritis and our Philanthropic Chair gave a short presentation on what JA is and how the children can be helped. AH the AOII's and potential members decorat- ed long tube socks, which were later filled with rice and then sewed shut. The socks are then heated in a microwave and they act as a heating pad for children suffering from arthritis pain. This is a great way for the children to be entertained and soothed at the same time! We were very blessed to be a part of such a great thing!
U of South Florida
Gamma Theta's recruitment philanthropic day activity has lasting effects tar beyond the one day of Recruitment We create "boo bun- nies" out of wash clothes, googly eyes, rib- bons, and colored cotton balls. Hie following week the sisters take a day to go to the local children's hospital and show the kids how to use their new ice packs. This philanthropic activity is so special to Gamma Theta because we know that it brings smiles to children who need them.
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
For our philanthropy round in recruitment our chapter had four different tables set up in a large room. At the first table the girls made picture frames out of popsicle sticks. At the next table they made sand bags for the kids to use as stress relievers. A t the third table the girls made rc«es out of hershey kisses, plastic wrap, and a green stem and leal'. At the final table they made bags to put all of the surpris- es in. Then we delivered all of the bags to children with arthritis. This was a successful
round because it gave the girls a chance to be themselves around us while they were mak- ing all of their gifts.
Kappa Chi
Northwestern State U
Boo Bunnies were made and donated to a local hospital and day care centers.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
Kappa Kappa along with the other sororities on campus put together a gilt basket for women and children at a homeless shelter
from the Arthritis Foundation. There were copies of the To Dragina, chapter scrap- books, and information on arthritis research to inform potential members about AOII and our international philan- thropy. We painted tiny t-shirts and donat- ed one-hundred stuffed pandas to the local office of the Arthritis Foundation.
Lambda Upsilon
Lehigh U
During recruitment week next semester, each sorority will run a philanthropic event to let potential members acquaint them- selves with their chapter. Definite plans as to what our event will be have not yet been decided: ho\\e\er. each chapter is planning to make a craft of some sort to contribute to hundreds of gift baskets lor the need) in the Bethlehem area.
Omega's were excited to have presented a new recruitment philanthropy activity this year! Seventy-five stuffed panda bears were displayed around the room as each potential member decorated a mini tee shirt for them. With markers and paint pens, each tee shirt was delicately decorated to reflect a variety of colors and styles. Later, the tee shirts were distributed to the bears and the bears were then given to juvenile arthritis patients. As the patients took the shirts on and off of the bear, their joints were exercised and their hearts were contented with their new black and white pals!
Omega Omicron
Larnbuth U
Our Panhellenic holds a philanthropy party. As the potential members arrive, there are three stations thev visit each with a different project to do with that particular sorority. AOII was station 1 where we made sand stress balls with sand and, of course, red bal- loons. At each station the philanthropic chair of that sorority gave a speech about their philanthropy. The room was decorated with Homecoming. Greek Week and recruitment banners made over the years. Our stress balls went to a nursing home where they were used during therapy sessions.
To L)ra«ma/SUMMER 2 0 0 0
during the first round of
Kappa Lambda
U of Calgary
Kappa Lambda devoted their second party to philanthropy during this past recruitment The party was a success and we made a lot of stress balls for children with juvenile arthritis.
Kappa Omega
U ofKentucky
Currendy, we are using a simple philan- thropy skit of "AOPi is Paradise," with a spoof of Jimmy Buffet's song "Cheeseburger in Paradise." Two older ladies have ship- wrecked Irom the Geriatric Cruise Line and land on "AOII Island." These ladies have arthritis in practicallv all of their joints. On the island. the\ find an eccentric older woman who do not suffer from Arthritis due to the funding Irom AOII.
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
For philanthropic day in formal recruit- ment we continued our tradition of making "boo-bunnies." By rolling and folding wash- cloths then completing them with rubber bands and googly eyes, we made the bun- nies! They were donated to a local hospital to be used as ice packs in the Children's Center. The girls going through recruitment were really impressed with the idea and enjoyed participating. It was a great activity to implement into formal recruitment
Southeastern Louisiana U
Kappa Tau's philanthropy party for recruit- ment was a great success. The room was decorated with panda bears and favors
Omega Upsilon
Omega Upsilon once again made "stress balls" this year to donate to area nursing homes. The stress balls are meant to help people who suffer from arthritis in their hands. There were tables with balloons, buckets filled with sand, and little beach shovels in several different rooms in the house. The potential members placed a funnel into a balloon, filled the funnel with sand, and then tied the balloon. The women then placed their stress ball into a bag that the entire table helped to decorate. The AOII's then told the potential member all about our other philanthropies for arthritis research.
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
For Phi Beta's philanthropic day, we are going make I.V. cover bags for an area hos- pital. This is so the patients don't have to look at the the bag.
Pi Alpha
U o f Louisville
This past year for recruitment we made homemade bath salts with salt and miner- al salt. We tied them up into individual packages and then we delivered them to a nursing home.
Rho Delta
Sarnford U
This year, Rho Delta continued to support the children at Camp M.A.S.H. (Make Arthritis Stop Hurting) by joining poten- tial members in painting t-shirts to go on panda bears and sending them to children at the camp. After they were painted, we decorated the chapter room with the cute multi-colored t-shirts and of course, had our lovable pandas there too!
Sigma Alpha
WestVirgina U
During recruitment this year, Sigma Alpha made gift baskets for the arthritis wing of our local hospital It was a huge success. We had all the girls sit down and decorate the bas- kets with markers and stickers, then we filled
the basket with pill boxes, candy, tissues, stress ball etc. We made the stress balls with balloons and sand. Later we took our new members to drop them off at the hospital.
Sigma Phi
California State U-Northridge
For recruitment philanthropy day our chap- ter made bookmarks to donate to a local lit- eracy program and "get well" cards for sick children in the hospital. We used colored construction paper, markers, paints, stickers & scissors. Everyone suddenly became more creative than ever! There were even some girls who didn't want to leave our party!
U of Minnesota
Tau Chapter made boo-boo bunnies during Fall recniitment Using a washcloth, we cre- ated a fun way for hurt children to feel bet- ter. After making over 200, we donated them to a local children's hospital
Tau Omicron
U ofTennessee-Martin
Philanthropic work is a proud focal point of Tau Omicron Chapter. Our philanthropic activities are presented in Intro Night, as we give a brief overview of sorority activities and philanthropic contributions. We point out some of our major projects, such as Trick-or Treat for Arthritis, Foster Children's Picnics, Halloween parties for Community Developmental Services, sponsoring scholar- ships, and sponsoring two of our sisters in a marathon for arthritis in San Francisco. We are also proud of the fact that we set person- al goals of five hours of non-required com- munity service per semester, resulting in over five-hundred extra hours last semester. While we are talking with the girls on these topics, they are holding an arthritis stress ball (a balloon filled with sand to strengthen the hand muscles of patients), similar to those we made in a Panhellenic workshop. This makes our contributions more concrete.
Theta Chi
Momingside College
We volunteered at the Girls Incorporated of Sioux Gty. Activities included cleaning and preparing rooms for the coming school year, pulling weeds, decorating, and helping them prepare for the annual Art Splash, held in Sioux Gty every year. We had great partici-
pation and enthusiasm from both sororities and the potential members.
Theta Pi
W agner College
This fall the Sisters of Theta Pi planned a Sunday to pool their creative talents and give back to the community while getting to know potential members. The sisters and many interested potential members spent the afternoon decorating the AOII dormitory floor and making treats for Halloween. They were preparing for the children of the Wagner College Early Childhood Center and the children of several Theta Pi Alumnae to come trick- or-treating the next week. The event was marked by the spirit of Halloween and the joy of giving to others.
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
For our philanthropic day we painted flower pots for the Arthritis Foundation. All the pots will be used for the new program—
"Gardening with Arthritis," which teaches victims of arthritis how to plant with the dis- ease. At one of our COR's, we made Valentine's Day boxes for children in our local hospitals to help brighten up their Valentine's Day.
SouthwestTexas State U
The Philanthropic Day activities we have used in the past have both been for children. This past year, we made panda puppets out of foam board and popsicle sticks. The potential new members decorated the pan- das with markers, and added 'googly eyes" and cotton ball noses. We then gave the pup- pets to the local children's hospital and women's shelter. This idea went over well because everyone enjoys doing something for children.
Zeta Pi
U ofAlabama-Birmingham
During recruitment week, members and potential members decorated and sten- ciled "Dr. Seuss" bags which were filled with rice and sent to juvenile arthritis camps to be used as heating pads for relief of aching joints.
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
S A l R SI K by Kathy Svitil, Associate Editor, Discover magazine
On mm a miLUOHmm -80« T OFTOi n - EITHERm mmm, ORm ATRISKj \mm i BI-SR
As you age, particularly if you're a woman, you risk developing osteoporosis, a disease that can cause your ver- tebrae to collapse and your bones to break with minor trauma. An estimated 28 million Americans - 80 per- cent of them women - either have osteoporosis, or are at risk tor developing the bone-brittling disease. Osteoporosis is responsible for 1.5 million fractures in the United States each year, most in the spine, hip, and wrist; one out of every two women over age SO will sutler at least one osteoporosis-related fracture sometime during their life. The cost to the country: Nearly $14 billion every year.
But the news Ls not all bad: early detection and new therapies make the disease a preventable and treatable one.
To Drapma/SUMMKH 2000
During our childhood and young adult years few of us sus- tain a broken bone except from a hard fall or trauma. The rea- son is that our bones, which consist of a dense matrix of con- nective tissue that has been per- meated with the minerals calci- um and phosphate, are largely protected and strengthened through a natural process called turnover or remodeling. Bone cells called osteoclasts dissolve and resorb (break down) bone, creating microscopic pits; other
bone cells, called osteoblasts, then create new bone that fills in those holes. In short, bone is lost every day, but what is lost is also replaced every day.
This turnover process, which goes on throughout our lives, is highly efficient - at least while we're young. Until about age 35, bone breakdown and formation are tighdy linked, with Itone cre- ation edging out loss. After diat however, we start to lose bone. Our Ixxlies became less adept at
getting essential minerals such as calcium from the food we eat Because calcium is needed for other vital processes such as nerve function, muscle contrac- tion, and blood clotting, our bodies see our bones as low pri- ority and draw calcium stored in bone lor other purposes.
This process can sap bones of the minerals that make them strong, making them porous, fragile, and prone to Iracture. In short, they develop osteoporosis.
The illustration to the leftrepresentsnormal bone. Below is an illustration of the more porous, fragile
osteoporotic bone. ©
Kevin A Som erW Je, Illustrator
Clearly, women are at greater risk of osteoporosis than are men, for two basic reasons. First, the average woman has 30 per- cent less bone mass than the average man. A man's denser bones will remain relatively dense - and less likely to break - even after daily bone loss begins to exceed bone growth.
Women suffer an even greater rate of bone loss in the years just after menopause, when their natural levels of the hormone estrogen decrease abruptly. When present in the system in sufficient amounts, estrogen keeps bone resorption under control; if levels of the hormone are inadequate, women begin to lose bone at a more rapid pace. In fact, without medical inter- vention to prevent or stop bone loss, a woman can lose 20 per- cent of her bone mass - mainly the spongy bone of the verte- brae - in the first five to seven years after menopause.
Other factors will also affect your risk of getting osteoporosis. Among them are:
A small-framed, thin person, for example, has less bone mass than a larger person. The same amount of bone lost in each, then, might result in a fracture for the smaller person, but not
in the larger person.
Blacks tend to have higher bone density than Caucasians and Asians, and therefore are at lower risk for osteoporosis. Any bone loss they suffer might not make as significant an impact on their bone density.
In recent years, researchers have begun uncovering tanta- lizing hints of a generic predis- position to the disease. Researchers have found a rela- tionship between bone mineral density and the gene that codes for the vitamin D receptor (VDR), a genetically deter- mined protein on the surface of cells. Vitamin D is crucial for proper calcium absorption and regulation, and therefore, bone density. The receptor shuttles
vitamin I) into cells, and some studies have shown that some women with a particular type of receptor have higher bone min- eral density than women with other types.
A number of other genes have been implicated in osteoporosis, including a gene called APOE- 4, which is also linked to Alzheimer's disease. In January of this year, the "fat" gene, lep- tin, was shown to play a rolein bone formation, at least in mice. Dr. (Gerard Karsenty ofthe Baylor College of M edicine in Houston and his ooBcagocs reported in CJPII that mice lack- ing the leptin gene had
increased l>one mass compared to nice with either one or two copies of the gene. (Havingtwo copies of the gene leads to mor- bid obesity in humans as well as mice). Drugs that block the action of leptin could someday be "a cure for osteoporosis," Dr. Karsenty says. Also in January, a gene called OPGL was found to play a key role in the body's balance between bone creation and destruction. Researchers hope that OPGL will offerhints as to why some families are prone to osteoporosis.
To Dragma/SI MMER 20(H)
W \SAPERSONA. Because people with arthritis or other related rheumatic' conditions often have inflammatory arthritis, a
condition that causes inflam- mation in the lining of joints and/or other internal organs. Examples of these include rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. The inflamma- tion causes an increase in bone breakdown and a decreased activity level may also contribute to bone loss.
B. Because people with arthritis may take glucocorti- costeroid medicines, such a prednisone and other oral steroid-like medicines.
C. Because1 many are women past menopause.
Having an inflammatory arthritis related condition, like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, raises the risk of osteoporosis. So, too, do the corticosteroids and other drugs commonly prescribed to combat those illnesses. Cortk'osteroids put
the brakes on inflammation and limit damage to joints. But they also squelch the activity of bone- producing cells, stimulate lx>ne- eating cells, and hamper die body's ability to absorb and hold on to calcium. If countermea- sures aren't taken, 20% of a per- son's bone mineral density can be lost in just the first six months of corticosteroid use.
Medical conditions, like chron- ic liver disease and hormonal disorders such as hyperthy- roidism are also linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis. .Among elderly white women, high blood pressure (perhaps because it leads to calcium
loss) is associated with reduced bone mineral density, accord- ing to a study published in September 1999 in the British medical journal The Lancet.
Fating disorders are also linked to osteoporosis. A recent study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings foundyoung women who were diagnosed with anorexia nervosa suffered more bone fractures later in life than healthy women.
Although, obviously, you can't change your race or your genes, there are risk factors you can avoid or reverse (see sidebar on risk factors) and ways to com- pensate for others.
Anyone who is at high risk for osteoporosis (postmenopausal women, elderly men, and any- one on corticosteroid therapy, for example) should have a measurement taken of their bone-mineral density. Bone density is generally measured with a type of bone scan called dual-energy X-ray absorptiome- try (DXA).
Both tobacco use and alcohol consumption have been linked to osteoporosis. Try to cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink (an occasional drink is okay; drinking daily may be hazardous to your bones), and stop smoking altogether. Eating fruits and veggies, particularly those rich in potassium and magnesium (bananas are a good source of both), can lead to higher bone mineral density.
Even the simple step of increas- ing your calcium intake can help stave off osteoporosis. Make sure your daily calcium intake, either through diet or supplementation, is at least 1,000 mg if you are a man, a pre-menopausal woman, or a post-menopausal woman on estrogen therapy. If you are a
The illusnution at fight depicts bones affected by osteoporosis. From about age 35. and as a woman gets older, the body experiences a gradual bone foss where cakjum is lost faster than it is replaced. When enough bone mass is lost the bones become very fragile and are more likely to break.
© Kevin A. Somerville. Illustrator
post-menopausal woman not on estrogen therapy, or if you are currendy taking corticosteroids, your intake should be 1,500 m g a day. We all know; that dairy products are rich in calcium, but so too are vegetables like broc- coli, beets, turnip greens, and kale; calcium-fortified orange
juice and tofu; and canned sar- dines, mackerel, and salmon, with bones.
You're never too young to worry about calcium. In March of this year, a panel on osteoporosis convened by the National Institutes of Health reported that only 10 percent of girls and 25 percent of boys consume enough calcium in their diet
« [ 1 W
Everyone, regardless of age or risk factors, should strive for 400 to 800 units per day of vitamin
D, which can be obtained from fish (particularly the oilier types such as mackerel, sardines, and herring), shellfish and fortified dairy products and cereal. (Don't take more than 800 units, as vitamin D can be toxic at very high doses.)
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT, a combination of estro- gen and progesterone in women who have not had a hysterecto- my; estrogen alone in women who have) is the classic stopgap therapy to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. In some cases, HRT1 therapy can also benefit the bones of younger women and testos- terone therapy can preserve bone in men with decreased testosterone levels.
To Dragma/SUMMER 2(100
But otlier drugs are also avail- able now that can protect your bones. This is pamcularly good news in light of the fact that hor- mone replacement carries risks that are unacceptable to some womea particularly those at risk for breast cancer.
pain and disability in those with existing fractures.
Another drug approved for osteoporosis treatment is a natu- rally ocmrring hormone called calcitonin (Calcimar, Miacalcin). Ithasbeenshowntostopbone resorption by acting directly on osteoclasts. Raloxifene (Evista),
A number of factors can put you at risk for osteoporosis. They include:
Among the drugs that are now
approvedbytheFDAforthe approvedinDecember1998 likecorticosteroidsor
treatment and prevention of osteoporosis are those o f a class called the bisphosphonates - including the drugs etidronate (DidroneL EHDP) and alen- dronate (Fosamax) - which bind to mineral in the bone and prevent osteoclasts from dissolving it away. Both are also approvedforthepreventionof steroid-induced osteoporosis. Their effects on bone are dra- matic:. Studies have shown that alendronate,forexample, increases bone density,reduces fracture risk, and also reduces
by the FDA for osteoporosis treatment and prevention, is one of a class of drugs known as selective estrogen receptor modulators, or SERMs. These drugs work in the same way as estrogen to protect bone, but with no added risk of breast or uterine cancer.
In addition, researchers are looking at the possibility that sodium fluoride (the classic tooth-toughener)mayalsobe usedto strengthen bones. Also under investigation is a natural- ly occurring hormone called parathyroid hormone, which extends the lifespan of bone- producing osteoblasts. Recent studies have shown that it can restore bone mass in post- menopausal women. Preliminary studies indicate
that the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins and
the popular sleep-promoting hormone melatonin are also potential osteoporosis remedies. Both appear to promote bone formation, at least in rodents.
The/igue atleftdepicts health/ bone. Bones
a Irving tissue that throughout life is continual!/ renew ing itself via a process catted bone remod- eling - the breaking down of old bone and replacement of new bone. Bone remodeling is a normal process that helps keep bones strong. © KevinASomen*,Illustrator
anticonvulsants •Chronic liver disease •Hormonal disorders like
A sedentary lifestyle is a major and modifiable risk factor for osteoporosis. Physical activity is essentialtostrongbones. Asan added benefit,exercise pro- motes balance, coordination, and muscle strength, allof which help prevent falls in elderly men and women at
risk for fractures.
Strenuous weight-bearing exer- cise (that is, exercise that involves placing stress on the hips, spine;, knees and ankles, o r "weight-bearing" joints) builds bone density. Endurance exer- cise, some studies show, also helps preserve bone mass. Without exercise, bones - just like muscles - get weak.
Although n o one knows exact- ly how exercise helps bone, "there are probably a number
•Being female
•Having a thin or small frame •Advanced age
•Family history of osteoporosis •Earlymenopause
•Absence of menstrual periods •Use of certain medications,
hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, Cushing's Disease
•Anorexia nervosa or bulimia •A diet low in calcium
•Low testosterone levels
(in men) •Aninactivelifestyle •Cigarette smoking or
excessive alcohol use •Caucasian or Asian heritage
of different ways that bone benefits from exercise," says MiriamNelson,PhD,associ- ate chief ofthe Human Physiology Laboratory at the USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston.
Exercise may also provide sys- temic effects that cause your body to produce growth factors, and other bone-building hor- mones to increase, she says.
In one study of 39 post- menopausal women who were not on any other preventative therapy for osteoporosis, Nelson and her colleagues found that a twice-weekly program of high- intensity strength tiaining actu- ally helped increase bone mass. Afterone year,the women on the strength training program experienced a 1 percent increase of bone mass in their
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
hips and spines. A control group of women who did not exercise experienced a 2 to 2.5 percent decrease in bone mass.
Most doctors recommend that you participate in some form of weight-bearing exercise - brisk walking, low-impact aerobics or calisthenics, for example - for at least 30 minutes every day (although any exercise is better
than none). It's important to start slowly and gradually up your activity leveL
Granted, osteoporosis is bad news, but it isn't inevitable - regardless of risk factors. Remember to keep active, watch lifestyle and diet and
take advantage of bone-protect- ing therapies. Your bones will thank you.
byJennifer Grundy Stokley, Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College)
Ten years ago, when I was a collegiate AOILI thought arthritis research was a good cause. But, I knew nothing about arthritis except that it gave old people stiff joints. I would soon to learn that it can be much more debilitat- ing, and not just for "old" people.
Not long after I graduated, my mother was diagnosed with a rare form of non-rheumatoid arthritis called
anky losing spondylitis. As her symptoms worsened, Mom struggled to continue her career as a doctor and professor of anesthesiology at the University of Florida. But before long, she could not stand up long enough to work in the operating room, or use her hands to write or type on computer for any length of time. Her efforts exhausted her and made the pain worse. Eventually, she took disability retirement
Since then, like many who suffer with arthritis, Mom has had to adapt to the constantly-changing limitations of a chronic, progressive disease, and a delicately-bal- anced regimen of medications, many of which have dangerous side effects. Because her spine has been severely affected, Mom has also adapted to a horizontal view of the world, using a reclining wheelchair when she needs to go out.
I've learned a lot about arthritis since college. These are the most important things I can share with people who are affected by arthritis as a patient, family mem- ber, or supporter:
1) Balance optimism with realism. Mom told herself for many months that she would get well enough to go back to work. Now, her goals are much smaller but more realistic. Instead of being constandy disappointed, she can take joy in small things.
2) Focus on ability, not disability. For a long time, Mom felt she could no longer do anything worthwhile. But her spiritual faith has grown immensely, and now when she goes to church in her wheelchair, she wears a radi- ant smile. Just by showing her spirit to others, she makes a difference.
Kathy Svitil is an associate editor at Dis(-over magazine. She writes frequently for Arthritis Today, the award- winning magazine of the Arthritis Foundation, and about issues in health and medicine.
For more information on osteoporosis and/or arthritis related diseases, visit the following websites: www.osteo- porosis.org or www.arthritis.org.
ToDraama/SUMMER 2000
A IWsonal S/orv
by Gndy SwartzfagerVisot KappaTau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
Jennifers mom, Betty Grundy, enpyed a trip with her sister tojackson Hole, Wyoming in i 997.
3) Have a sense of humor. ^Shen Mom first tried out her motorized wheelchair in public, she couldn't control the steering or speed very well, and careened all over the path. But die lamilv cheered her on and we all laughed together. Manv uncomfortable moments can be eased widi laughter.
4) Family support is essential. My lather takes care of all Mom's needs without complaint but-and this is the key-he still respects and appreciates her. Other family members keep in touch regularly so that Mom and Dad don't feel isolated.
5) Arthritis research is still needed. Mom's doctors give her the
dubious distinction of being one of
the "worst ever" cases, but there is hojx* on the horizon-new medications are Ix-ing developed which will be more effective and less damaging. They won't undo Mom's arthritis, but thev will help many odier people.
Thank you, AOII, for continuing to support arthritis research.
This past August my Mother passed away at the young age of 69 from complica- tions resulting from years of battling Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis. The medication she took over the years, such as prednisone, destroyed her calci- um levels and
immune system. Though she was the one stricken with the disease, her family and friends suffered along with her. For the past ten years we all lived with osteoporosis.
Each time 1 went home. I was amazed at how much more she was dependent on others. Complications from osteo- porosis reduced the qualitv of life for her significantlv.
Her grandchildren provided the most powerful medicine, their love and devotion kept her spirits high until the end. They adored their grand- mother and were so caring and gen- tie around her, knowing that he was n constant pain. That love is best reflected by a verse of the poem mv niece wrote to my Mom on the eve of her funeral. "Her life held many roles from a teacher to a friend,
To DrufWSI MYIKH2)i()<)
I have wonderful
memories of my
Mother devoting all
her time and ener-
gv to her children
and grandchildren.
I watched this
vibrant and inde-
pendent woman
become dependent
on others and immobile. Watching my Mom's body deteriorate was extremely difficult for our lamilv. Though I lived 500 miles away, I experienced her suf- fering every time I talked with her or one of my siblings. Daily activities we lake for granted such as getting out of bed. getting dressed, brushing our hair, taking a bath or shower became too difficult to achieve without assistance.
Gndy's mom, Mary Swortzfager, was still able to briefly stand with Gndy and her dad, Walter, dunng
her 1994 wedding.
but her ultimate role was a hero in the end. She touched our lives in ways they had never been touched before; she exceeded even boundary, vet still hung on for more." Mom was the most courageous, strong-willed, and caring person 1know. She will always be the
strength in mv lil and the light that guides my heart. Though my Mom
had osteoporosis, we all lived with it.
Foundation Update
on the Endowment Fund
What is the Millennium Endowment Pledge
Campaign? It is a three-year campaign to build the corpus of the unrestricted Endowment Fund. Alumnae are asked to consider a gift of $1000 a year payable as a one time gilt or over three years. BuildingtheunrestrictedEndowmentFundwillprovideever- increasing future program and scholarship support
HowdoesailEndowmentWork? Theoriginalamountof
your gift is invested and never spent Scholarships, programs or ser-
vices may be funded by the Endowment's annual interest income.
manyyears.Yougetmoreprogramforyourmoneywithan Unrestrictedendowmentincomecanbedirectedtoareasofgreatestneed Endowmentgift! tosupportnewprogramsortoincreasethenumberofscholarships.
WhyshouldIsupportdieFoundation Endowment? Through your Endowment gift, you ensure thattoday'scollegiate AOIIs are prepared to becometomorrow'sindustry and community leaders.
Where does my money go? Endowment gifts support educa- tionaland leadership training,speakersforLeadership Instituteand programs such as Alcohol 101 and die Academic Development Program. Infiscalyear 1999-2000, over $53,000 in programs, schol- arship and services were awarded to collegians or alumnae mem- bers.
havethesatisfactionofknowingthatthepowerandthoughtfulness anindividualdecisionbasedonyourgivingphilosophy,interestin ofyourlegacywillcontinuetobenefittheFraternityforavirtually
HowmuchshouldIgiveandhowshouldIgiveit? Thisis
the Endowment Fund concept, and personal financial and tax plan- ningconsiderations. Giftsmaybemadewith(ash/checks,credit card, appreciated stock or securities; EFT (electronic fund transfer) is available for breaking a large gift into monthly payments. The Foundation office has informational materials and can answer gener- al questions, or you can consult with a personal tax,financialor legal advisors for specific guidance.
Endowment gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible according to current IRS guidelines. There can be significant tax savings depending on your personal situation and the type of gift you make.
infinite number of years.
"We can't spell SCCESS without V" (Token fromAchieveYour Dreams)
Frankie Frazier Roberts, Nu Beta '66: "As a member of the Foundation Board and Major Gifts Committee, I have learned the importance of the Endowment Fund in ensuring the future of Alpha Omiavn Pi far into the 21st century. By making a pledge to the Millennium Endowment Fund and remembering AOII Foundation in my will, I hope to be part of paving the way for the future. Ensuring the future of the Fraternity requires commitment from our members. There is much to be done. DO FFNOW
Clip and return to AOII Foundation Endowment. PO Box 395, Brentwood, T N 37024. You can donate on line at aoiifoundation.org.
I am pleased to make a single gift of $ /three year pledge of $ to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation's unrestrict- ed Endowment. I am committed to ensuring AOII's second century through the Millennium Endowment Pledge Campaign.
Payment enclosed by check $
Card number:
Please send gift/pledge reminders
Gifts to the AOII Foundation are tax-deductible according to current IRS guidelines. Receipts issued for all gifts.
Please charge my gift of $
to VISA M C AMEX Send EFT information.
Quarterly Semi-annually
Annually Send on these date(s):
Why shouldImake a Millennium Endowment Pledge?
Whatisa"directed"gift?Adirectedgiftismadetothe Endowment Fund with a request from the donor to earmark the gift for a specific use, such as a named scholarship, or particular program. A named fund is established when at least $20,000 is donated to a single directed fund. Funds may be "endowed" and directed for leadership opportunities,scholarships oreducational programs. You, as the donor, can decide the name and the purpose of the fund, as long as it is eligible under IRS guidelines and within the mission of AOII Foundation.
Your Endowment gift can make a difference for the future. You will
Expire Date:
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Desert Springs Marriott Resort and Spa
Palm Desert, California Tuesday, June 26 - Sunday, July 1, 2001
Located 13 miles southeast of Palm Springs, the
magnificent resort is settled in between the moun- tains and the desert. Five swimming pools, bike/jogging trails, two golf courses, 20 tennis courts, a 30,000 square foot luxurious ultra-spa and fitness center, boat rides, restaurants and 18 shops are all on-site for entertainment.
The Convention Program includes:
• Rituals
• Candlelighting Service
• Business Sessions
• Installation of New Officers
• Welcome Reception
• AwardsDinner
• Panhellenic Reception
• Rose Banquet
• Panda Donations
• Free Time!
More information will be available in future issues of To Dragmo, and on the AOll website. Or, you may contact Amy Worsham, Conference Administrator, at
AOII HQ ([email protected]).
Make Your Plans for Convention
The Resort features:
Saluting our
75 Year Members
Alpha Omicron Pi congratulates the following women who, this year, have achieved AOII's 75-year membership status. These women were initiated during the school year of 1924-1925 and our records still indicate a current address.
Beta Phi, Indiana U
Mary Ellen Jenkins Whitlock Washington, DC
Delta, Tufts U
Caroline Breen Shores Bernardston, MA
Epsilon, Cornell U
Lasbeth Davis Clark Angola, NY
Elsie Leeming Taulane Maplewood, NJ
Kathryn Altemeier Yohn Port Jervis, NY
Eta, U of Wisconsin
Ruth King Wassil Raleigh, NC
Gamma, U of Maine
Edwina Bartlett Beckler Penfield, NY
Iota, U of Illinois
Dorothea Bauer Marshalltown, IA
Angeline Saling Mitchem Urbana, IL
Kappa Theta, U of
California LA
Ruth Koster Burke Ojai, CA
Florence Swancutt Corwin LongBeach,CA
Eleanore Corwin McHenry Malibu, CA
Marjorie Shiplett Quinn Boise, ID
Lambda, Stanford U
Persana Deimling Weil Santa Rosa, CA
Omega, Miami University
Kathryn Long Bowers Sarasota, F L
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Elizabeth Christrup Callaway Knoxville, TN
Virginia Black Snoddy Knoxville, TN
Omicron Pi, U of Michigan
Mildred Pekham Monroe St Clair Shores, MI
Helen Belcher Winter Seattle, WA
Phi, U of Kansas
Olive Weatherby Jackson Lawrence, KS
Marion Bolinger Mayberry Austin,TX
Edith Adams McFerren San Diego, CA
Gertrude Searcy Smith Yuma, AZ
Avis Stoops Tillman Clay Center, KS
Pi, Tulane U
Elizabeth Lyon Reddock New Orleans,LA
Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Eugenia Clement Brooks Elkridge, MD
Lillie Hill Day Bethesda, MD
Edna Burnside Devereux Westminster, MD
Elizabeth McCall Lumley Lutherville, MD
Sarah Wallace McBride Mechanicsburg, PA
Mary Kuhnle Tenney Silver Spring, MD
Psi, U of Pennsylvania
Rosalind Marsh Bradbury Kennett Square, PA
Grace MacMullan Duncan Newtown Square, PA
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College
Eliza Stokes Brunson Mobile, AL
Anne Greene Carrollton, GA
Marion Ormond McPoland Birmingham, AL
Harriet Chappell Owsley Nashville, TN
Upsilon, U of Washington
Gertrude McCanne Lev Boulder, CO
Dorothy Hesseldenz Walker Lacey, WA
Elizabeth Lemley Wilhelmi Olympia, WA
Zeta, U of Nebraska Lincoln
Opal Weisner Hughes Chicago, I L Frances Aiken Pflug Norfolk, NE
Ruth Palmer Schmelkin Des Moines, IA
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Cleveland Area
We all have busy schedules! So everyone could have an opportunity to participate in a chapter sponsored class at a local cooking school, we are flexible with our programming. For example, we reserved three different classes on three different evenings during the month. Sisters had the option to come to one or all of the classes which lit in their schedule and with their tastes!
Greater Miami
With the help of a computer, we were able to sort all AOII sisters in the Greater Miami area by zip code. I made a list and inserted the ros- ter into the summer newsletter, encouraging each to sister to call a sister that lives close to them. We also ask the members to bring a friend to the next meeting.
Greater Pinellas
Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter continues to improve our recruitment and retention program. We have developed friendship groups which attracts new members by individual interests. These groups are : Two Lunch Bunch groups, Sunset (networking), Gift Makers, Secret Sister, Investment d u b , and Book Club. These groups have developed a special bond between members and true friendships have developed. Through these friendships we have been able to meet more sisters, bond with more sisters, and more effectively bring them together in AOII.
Alumnae Membership Recruitment and Retention
Like our collegiate chapters, our alumnae chapters spend a great
deal of effort attracting new mem- bers and keeping their current members involved.The chapters featured here have found creative ways to recruit and retain members.
Atlanta's membership goal is to actively recruit new members while retaining existing members. Our target is a ten percent increase each year. We start with our college seniors. We host teas, cook- outs and mini-career workshops. All of our new members receive a personal welcoming note and a new member packet from the membership committee. Member retention is of equal impor- tance. After the dues' deadline, all of last year's paid members are called and reminded to send in their dues. Also, our telephone committee reminds all members about all of the activities and events of our chapter. In August of each year our chapter mails a newsletter to every known AOII in the Atlanta area.
Each graduating senior in the Zeta Kappa colle- giate chapter receives a personal invitation to par- ticipate in the Welcome to Alumnae Status Ritual Ceremony held in the Spring semester. At the ceremony,theyreceiveamembershipkitthat consists of the Senior Kits from HQ as well as a current newsletter, directory, membership card, opportunity to pay their dues for the entire year for only $25, and a special gift. Last year, it was a small candle holder with hand painted decora- tions that read "AOII Sisters are like wildflowers, they appear in the most unusual places." We also have adopted an Aunt Stella Program where local alumnae "adopt" seniors and guide them into their transition into alumnae status by serving as a mentor, answering questions and encouraging them to join the chapter and become an active alumna sister.
Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge alumnae go on-line. This is the sec- ond year for our web page and we are thrilled with the response we are getting from new alum-
nae moving into the area We have connected with several new members on-line and now in person due to this form of recruitment
Our alumnae chapter begins recruiting members while they are in college. We send congratulatory notes to new members and continue to send cards for special occasions. We invite area colle- gians to our chapter events. These are just a few simple actions that make these women aware of what alumnae chapters do, and reminds them that AOII is for a lifetime. We have found the most successful way to recruit members in the area is personal contact. Call them and invite them to events, send them notes welcoming them to the area, print their names and collegiate chap- ters in our newsletters. As for keeping members, we allow each alumna to decide how much she can participate. We understand that we are all very busy and that AOII may not always fit into our schedules. We encourage members to RSVP to events to find out why they are not attending (busy or not interested in the program). Last year we started a Rose Points incentive program. Roses were awarded to members for various activities. Four alumnae received prizes at the end of the year for having the biggest bunches of roses.
Communication is the key! The Champaign-
Urbanaalumnaebelievethatwehavetocontinu- cards/notesand/or"goodies"asareminderthat
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Central New Jersey
We have found that just having an email link on the
AOII website has generated a lot of contacts about the
chapter. Our membership chairmansends out periodic
e-mail messages about upcoming events and special
projectsandthisseemstohelpinkeepingtheinterestof localcollegianssinceHammondismainlyacol- potential members who might not otherwise respondto lege town. Every opportunity to be seen having phone messages.
ously reach out to area alumnae to draw them to us and to keep them close. We send out newslet- ters each month featuring meeting reviews and previews, birthdays, news about members, pho- tos, salutes, thank-yous, membership education and more. Personal notes are written and enclosed with many of the newsletters. We e-mail about 40 area women at least once a month. The e-mail addresses are divided up into three differ- ent mailing lists —one for those active in the chapter, one for those we hope to recruit, and one for those who live a bit larther away, but might just come occasionally, if they feel comfortable enough. Messages can be keyed to the different groups. All this is done to keep our sisters informed and connected to what our chapter is doing and hopes to accomplish.
even if we're not right there with them we ARE thinking of them!
The Houston area is extremely large and diverse. Many of those who live in the suburban areas do not drive to events outside their immediate area. In order to appeal to those AOIIs living in the various regions of Houston, we have planned regional meetings throughout the year. We made sure to plan at least one meeting in each area and will phone those sisters living in the region just before the meeting. We hope that this will help our chapter appeal to women living across the Houston area.
Hammond Area
We take every opportunity to be visible to the
fun as an alumnae chapter will hopeftilly make them want to remain active. Plus, we get to know them before they graduate so the transition is much easier for them. We also send monthly
Indianapolis New OrleansAlumnae
EveryyeartheIndianapolisAhmnaeChapterdoessev- New OrleansAlumnaeQiapterhasbeen active eral things aimed at membershipreauirmentEvery since 1916, so we have seen a lot and tried a lot!
The StLouisAreaAlumnaeChapterhasstarted a new program this year. A member's name is put into a drawing each time a she attends a meeting, RSVP's for a meeting, or does something else we decide qualifies for the drawing. At the endofthemeeting,namesaredrawnforAOII attendance prizes that our chapter President, Melania Harris, picked up at convention this year. Each name is also entered once for every meeting a member attends for an end of the year drawing. We are hoping to have this prize something spe- cial,likeadinnerfortwogiftcertificatetoanice restaurant We arefindingthat this encourages members to attend, and also to RSVP for func- tionssowemustknowaheadoftimehowmany plan to attend.
Terre Haute
In addition to a calling list which is initiated prior to each meeting or event, the Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter has instituted an e-mail reminder system. So far, it has worked weD, and seems to be a better method than leaving a mes- sage on an answering machine. Even if some of our alumnae can't attend a particular event, through e-mail, we can stay in bettertouchand know why they aren't able to make the meeting.
In the age of the Web and e-commerce, the Triangle Alumnae Chapter has discovered that maintaining a chapter website and a chapter e- mail account is helping us reach out to our mem- bers who are online. We provide monthly reminders to our members via e-mail, one week in advance of our meetings. (We call our mem- bers who don't have e-mail accounts.)
May we tranalion the senior das of Theta Qiapter at
with inforrriation about our chapter. We also hold a
summersocialinJune,aimedatnewmembers,partic- areupto,howwellwearedoingandhowmuch ularlynewgraduates.Thisisachancetogettoknow funwearehaving!Weincludeaduespacket somefecesbefore ihe meetings start in September, W; (form and a pre-addressed envelope) in the first also send out a newsletter to all 1100 AOUs in the
edition. We received 90% of our usual dues by greater Indianapolis area This year we are recognizing our October 1 deadline! We also have a very suc-
a different (nearby) chapter each month and making a cessful telephone committee and a nice Access specialcalltoeachalumnafromthehonoredchapterto databaseofourmembership. Eachtelephone
encouragehertoattenddiemeeting.Ws'veseenalot of new laces already!
The best turn-out we have had at a chapter event was our 1999-2000 family cook-out/ kick-off event This year we added a new touch. We rec- ognized each chapter member's birthday by host- ing a birthday party. Formal invitations were sent out inviting the alumna and her family/guest to attend the event in her honor, we gathered at a local alumna's house and shared a wonderful meal together and treated ourselves to birthday cake. For the young children, we had games pre- pared as well as treat bags. The chapter members participated in a gift exchange. It was fun for all!
Macomb County
We have found that the best way to recruit and retain members is twofold. First we make new members feel welcome by each of us taking time to visit and show an interest in the woman by talking about not only AOII but also her "outside" commitments. Additionally, we have found it very beneficial to involve spouses and friends in our activities.
McHenry County
Ourbestmemberretentionandparticipationidea is to involve our members. Our programtriirig is not determined by our prograniming chair, it is determined by our members at an annual busi- ness meeting. During the year, the members are reminded to keep in mind some of the activities they would like to see us take part in. Then, we have a brainstorming of ideas and everything is written down. After each events second go- around, we narrow our list down to 10 events for the year. This list includes activities for all budgets and lifestyles. It has been very successful. Everyone feels like they are a part of the planning and enjoy the events.
Nashville Area
We have begun an online newsletter distributed
via e-mail each month to those members with e-
mail addresses. We have noticed that our mem-
bers really seem to enjoy this and they tend to be
committee member is in charge of alumnae by zipcodeandmakessuretokeepthemnotifiedof upcoming events/meetings or of address changes.
Everyone in the chapter participates in planning the year's program. We have tried planning the whole year as well asfall/springseparately. We find that planning fall/winter events in August and spring/summer events in January works best for us. We meet for an activity at least once a month,sometimesmore.Thisiswhat keepsour members coming back..a chance to share sister- hood in many different ways on a regular basis.
Piedmont, NC
Our most successful membership recruitment tool took place last fall. Tammy Glenn developed a brochure describing our alumnae chapter—who we are, what we do and the benefits of member- ship. The brochure was sent out with a cover let- ter, member interest survey, membership sign up card and a stamped return envelope to all AOUs in our area. We received a 15% response from the initial mailing, which exceeded our 10% response goal AH sisters responding received a handwritten thank-you note from Tammy and
Currently, what has been most successful for us is thequarterlyeditionofournewsletter,Crescent Rose, where we can let everyone know what we
We called every member on the list provided by KimAdkms.Justbyaskingmemberstojoin,we Headquartersandpreparedadatabaseofwhich
have expanded our alumnae chapter's member- ship by more than 50%. We also try to be good examples of "AOII forever" to our local collegiate chapter, Epsilon Chi We conduct a senior "Fry Up" ceremony each spring, several of our mem- bers serve as collegiate advisors and our entire alumnae group supports the chapter during for- mal recruitment and other events.
San Diego
There are such a variety of lifestyles that make up the San Diego Alumnae Chapter. As result, many members were not able to attend so the chapter tried to be more flexible. In addition to the monthly meetings, the chapter has three smaller interest groups that m eet There is the AOII Alter 5 group, which gathers monthly to socialize at various restaurants. Next, is the Mother's Group that meets during the day for such things as a stroll with children along the ocean and refresh-
ladies we have current information on and which ones should be updated. We also ask if each lady would like to be called monthly or if they would just like us to send them a yearly program. We call each and every lady whether they are a member or not each month and remind them of our meeting.
V ancouver
We have been doing active goal setting at sev- eral of our functions to have our members take ownership of the alumnae chapter. We have had more paying members this year than in the past several
We did a special membership recruitment this past fall M area alumnae (35) were sent specially designed invitations to join us for a Founders' Day
the ones with the best participation rate in our
events.Wehavealsoestablishedawebsitetokeep mentsatalocalcoffeehouse.Thenthereisthe Celebrationandluncheon.MemberAnnBigoney
members up to date on chapter happenings and events. We love idea sharing and welcome any other ideasfromour fellow alumnae chapters.
Brunch Bunch of older AOUs who meet quarter- ly for brunch at restaurants.
hand painted water color rose magnets which were specially packaged as our gift of love and included in the invitation. Joanne Earls was our guest speaker.
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Calgary Alumnae
Bryanne Weston (403)286-6386
British Columbia Vancouver Alumnae Carolyn Rhee-Thompson, (604) 609-7828 [email protected]
Ottawa Alumnae
Mary Jane Jacobsen (613) 837-3361 [email protected]
Toronto Area Ahmmae Kristina Hunt (416) 481-8225 [email protected]
Montreal Alumnae
Wendy Bofyn (514) 639-9077 skampy1 @hcrt__iaii.com
Birmingham Alumnae
Kelly Wright (205) 815-2674 keIrywright@msnxom
Huntsville Alumnae
Marie Newberry (256) 883-0536 hsvalumaoii@hotmaiLi»m
Mobile Alumnae
Elizabelli Garl (334) 471-9888 [email protected]
Montgomery Alumnae Vonda Wood (334) 279-S510 [email protected]
Tuscaloosa Alumnae
Margaret Wilson (205) 349-5688 [email protected]
Phoenix Alumnae
Lisa Hopsicker (602) 874-9505 Lhopsicker@ aol.com
Tucson Alumnae
Chris Bores (520) 795-2396 [email protected]
Jonesboro Alumnae
Elcsha Reid (870) 930-9466 [email protected]
Little Rock Alumnae
Crystal Heinz (501) 753-8643 [email protected]
Northwest Arkansas Alumnae Kathi Walker (501) 521-5727 kathiw 1 @juno.com
Diablo Valley Alumnae
Mary Lou Delpech (925) 932-6742 iuludel_^uno.com
East Bay Alumnae Leah MacNril (510)339-0312 [email protected]
Greater Log Angeles Alumnae Jennifer Dalessandro (818) 981-2049 azjen@e_rth_nkjiet
Long Bead) Alumnae
Ramona Cantrell (562) 428-2831 [email protected]
Napa Valley Alumnae
Kathy Fitzgerald (707) 259-0626 [email protected]
Northern Orange Co. Alumnae Kay Daugherty (714) 524-0976 NEFACE@aoLcom
Palo Alto Alumnae
Stefanie Singer (408) 252-9525 [email protected]
Sacramento Valley Ahunnae Cindy Ice (916) 921-1395 ice3839@hotmailcom
San Diego Alumnae
Stephanie Putnoky (858) 4884353 [email protected]
San Fernando Valley Alumnae Ansa Shniderman (818) 757-3508 [email protected]
San Gabriel Valley
Celeste Musick (626) 798-4123
San Jose Alumnae
Gwen Bernardo (408) 971-2347 [email protected]
San Mateo Alumnae Chapter Jo Ann Hawley (650) 342-7085 [email protected]
South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Maryjean floryan (310) 374-2720 [email protected]
Southern Orange County Alumnae Lisa Weiss (949) 581-8702
laweissl 1 @aol.com
Ventura County Alumnae Mary Newman (805) 492-3854 [email protected]
Denver Alumnae
Tammy Lozano (303) 425-3299 [email protected]
Greater Hartford Alumnae Linda Stroud (860) 651-6765 [email protected]
Southern Connecticut Alumnae Momque Carne (203) 372-3570 MaHchite 1 @aoLcom
Fort Lauderdale Alumnae
Victoria Zngareffi (561) 416-4096 [email protected]
Gainesville Alumnae
Janet Wood (904) 462-4339 [email protected]
Greater Lee County Alumnae Melanie Rasnick (941) 561-1758 [email protected]
Greater Miami Alumnae
Mary Dell Paterno (305) 255-3624 [email protected]
Greater Pensacola Alumnae Karen Stewart (904) 492-3325 kstewart@webmaili>ellsotithjiet
Greater Pinellas Alumnae Betty Dyer (727) 360-9831 Billyl932@aoLcom
Jacksonville Alumnae
Kris Graham (904) 221-5298 [email protected]
Orlando Alumnae
Marilyn Kdrinson (407) 977-5642 [email protected]
Palm Beach County Alumnae Nancy Munson (561) 694-9984 [email protected]
Sarasota Area Alumnae
Lynn Martinez (941) 749-5258
Tampa Bay Alumnae
Jennifer Aquino (813) 926-6648 jenimFer^[email protected]
Athens Alumnae
Pam Thomas (706) 788-3771 [email protected]
Atlanta Alumnae
Jenny Duffey (404) 876-7037 alphaatlanta@hotmaiLcom
Augusta Area Alumnae Charlotte Carr (706) 863-9914 [email protected]
Pocatello Alumnae
Joan McCune (208) 233-8467
Bloomington- Normal Alumnae All Dust (309) 829-0925 bnaoiialumnae@hotmaiLcom
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Melissa Johnson (217) 643-3335 [email protected] [email protected]
Chicago Area Alumnae Council Victoria Piatt (847) 795-0595 [email protected]
Chicago City Alumnae
Julie Shepherd (773) 477-5123 [email protected]
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Judy Zawacke (847)253-5538
Chicago South Suburban Alumnae Catherine Brennan (708) 424-4151
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Suzette Rickert (630)969-0810
DeKalb-Kane Alumnae Brigette Coble (630) 584-8665 [email protected]
Lake County of Dl Alumnae Linda Grandolfo (847) 543-4880 [email protected]
McHenry County Alumnae Jennifer Smith (815) 455-9468 mchenryaon@hotmailcom
Quad City Area Alumnae Michele Sapp (309) 797-1874 [email protected]
Quincy Area
Sara Houerich (217) 222-0871 [email protected]
Rodoord Alumnae
Jacquelyn Spelman (815) 397-5280
Bloomington Alumnae Angie Scott (812) 323-2245 [email protected]
Evansville Tji-State Alumnae Shana Brownlee (812) 471-7187
Indianapolis Alumnae
Colleen Marquette (317) 578-7472 [email protected]
Lafayette Alumnae
Chris Thayer (219) 583-7821 [email protected]
Muncie Alumnae
Judy McFarland (765) 284-9449
Terre Haute Alumnae
Kimberly Herb-Overton (812) 460-0687 [email protected]
Des Moines Alumnae
Shelby Grabmski (515) 327-1704 shelbt_n@uswestnet
Topeka-Lawrence Alumnae Rhonda Beardshear (785) 841-6850 aIonzomb@aoLcom
Bowling Green Alumnae
Angela Lawrence (270) 796-4922 bgalumnachapter@hotmaiLcom
HopkinsviDe Area Alumnae
Carrie Joy Brookshire (270) 466-5589 [email protected]
Kentuckiana Alumnae
Kathy Shambo (502) 366-8440 [email protected]
Kentucky Lakes Alumnae Dorothy Kraemer (270) 759-1850 [email protected]
Lexington Alumnae
Melissa Underwood (859) 245-4111 [email protected]
Northern Kentucky Alumnae Angie Ziegelmeyer (606) 727-4577 a_riegelmeyer@hotma_.com
Baton Rouge Alumnae Elaine FJKs (225) 751-5517 runrandy@aoLcom
Central Louisiana
Sandy Gestriecher (318) 443-3353 [email protected]
Greater Lafeyette Alumnae Renee Hess (337) 233-6217 [email protected]
Hammond Area Alumnae Janin Johnston (504) 764-1319
Monroe Alumnae
Susan Donald (318) 396-8367 [email protected]
New Orleans Alumnae Jenny Fair (504)818-1149 [email protected]
Greater Portland Alumnae
Sharon LaFhmme (207) 892-3009 sharonl 101 @aoLcom
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
I am pleased to enclose my check. $
(Make check payable to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundatioa)
• Please send me information about making a regular gift through an automatic bank draft.
I wish to charge my annual gift as follows: • VISA • MasterCard
• A single payment of $
• TWelve equal monthly payments of $
Account* Expires Signature
tm Donate on-line at www.aoiifoundation.org Thanks. A O n FOUNDATION - CUMULATIVE GIFT CLUBS
UP TO $124 - Friend
$125 - Sustaining Member $250 - Sponsor
$500 - Wheat Club
$2,500 - Pearl Club $5,000 - Ruby Club
$10,000 - Pi Circle $25,000 - Omicron Circle $50,000 - Alpha Circle
$1,000 - Rose Club
Maiden Name Address
Chapter Phone
Zip. Ink. Year.
• • •
I have included the Alpha
Pi Foundation in my estate plans.
Contact me to discuss gifts of appreciated stocks or securities.
My company will match my gift. (Please provide us with the
company form.)
i i
Baltimore Alumnae
Nancy Van Eron (410) 666-9381 [email protected]
Central Maryland Alumnae Mary Parr (410) 531-2874 [email protected] 12.md.us
Suburban Maryland Alumnae Angela Snider (301) 762-1672 [email protected]
Boston Alumnae
Oaire Villavicendo (617) 734-0548 [email protected]
Ami Arbor Alumnae
Donna McCoUum (734) 429-8106 [email protected]
Dearborn Alumnae
Arlene Kalis (734) 676-5575
Detroit N Suburban Alumnae Marcia Rowbottom (810) 644-6963 [email protected]
Grand Rapids Alumnae Jennifer Wolffis (616) 847-6084 [email protected]
Macomb County Alumnae Marilyn Andreini (313) 884-3402 [email protected]
Minneapolis/St Paul Alumnae Christine Berquist (763) 593-5068 christmeJ)[email protected]
Greater Hatticsburg Area Alumnae Michele Keen (601) 477-2494 [email protected]
Greater Jackson Alumnae
Johanna McMullan (601) 353-4396 [email protected]
Oxford Area Alumnae Rebecca Allen (662) 487-3516 [email protected]
Greater Kansas City Alumnae Shawna Huffman (785) 842-7688 [email protected]
St Louis Alumnae
April Giesmann (636) 240-9631 [email protected]
Bozeman Alumnae
Heidi Dougherty (406) 585-0237 [email protected]
Northwest Montana Alumnae Aimee Dugan (406) 257-7366
Kearney Alumnae
Amy Kuntz (308) 237-5983 [email protected] 12 jie.us
Lincoln Alumnae
Marilyn Rembolt (402) 489-8371
Omaha Alumnae
Ann BroyhiU (402) 330-6334 [email protected]
Las Vegas Alumnae
Cyndie Graves (702) 657-9092 [email protected]
New Jersey
Central New Jersey Alumnae Donna Temples (908) 359-2221 [email protected]
Southern New Jersey Alumnae MicheUe Hammel (609) 772-3924 mjhammel98@aoLcom
New Mexico
Central New Mexico
Jana Kading (505) 899-9681 [email protected]
New York
Buffalo Alumnae
Lisa Giarraputo (708) 496-3183 [email protected]
Long Island Alumnae Fradell Serpe (516) 679-0960
NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Kay Welch (718)966-3585 [email protected]
Rochester Alumnae
Joan Vanzo (716) 872-5639 [email protected]
North Carolina
Charlotte Alumnae
SheUy Stevenson 704) 599-9708 [email protected]
Piedmont - NC Alumnae Tammy Glenn (336)286-5734 [email protected]
Triangle Alumnae
Amy Caulficld (919) 870-9964 [email protected]
Winston-Salem Alumnae Barbara HUI (336) 722-4455 [email protected]
Cincinnati Alumnae
Suzanne Sowder (513) 777-9686 smsl004@woridnetattnet
Cleveland Area Alumnae Beth Kaufman (216) 247-3406
Cleveland West
Teri Krieg (440) 816-1684 [email protected]
Dayton Alumnae
Kathy Carder (937) 845-0505 [email protected]
Toledo Area Alumnae
Cheryl SheUey (419) 472-6354
Tulsa Alumnae
Stacy Allen (918) 273-2710 [email protected]
Portland Alumnae
Pat Bojinoff (503) 252-5182 [email protected]
Bucks County Alumnae Kathleen Kuffel (215) 321-4193 [email protected]
Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Karen Bassett (717) 728-9098 basset_karen@a Ldep.state.pa.us
Lehigh VaUey Alumnae Michele Zellner (610) 691-8772
;@yaho nannvmzi
Philadelphia Alumnae
Giynnie Sislrind (215) 616-0433 [email protected]
State CoUege Alumnae
Anne Rohrbach (814) 2.37-1920 [email protected]
York/Lancaster County Alumnae Theresa CottriU (717) 428-2494 mhaus [email protected]
South Carolina
Hilton Head Alumnae
Wendy Methvin (843)689-9554 [email protected]
T ennessee
KnoxvUle Alumnae
Sandra Bowlin (865) 966-3747 [email protected]
Memphis Area Alumnae Mary O'Ryan (901) 722-8628 [email protected]
Murfreesboro Area Alumnae Stephanie Jones (615) 731-8166 mboro_aou @holmail.com
NashviUe Area Alumnae
Ann Griesmer (615) 872-8029 [email protected]
Ariington/Mid-Chies Alumnae Linda Webb (817) 417-5857 Uwebb@airmaiLnet
Austin Alumnae
Karma Clark (512) 459-0893 [email protected]
Beaumont Alumnae
Janet Shackelford (409) 722-2996
Dallas Alumnae
Julie Chrislensen (972) 335-7440 julie_christensen@usajiet
Denton County Alumnae
Paige CaUaway (940) 566-3458 [email protected]
Houston Alumnae
Lynette Breedlove (281) 242-9344 breedlove@hamby- breedJove.cncfamily.com
N Houston Suburban Alumnae Kelli Reynolds (281) 361-7492 [email protected]
San Antonio Alumnae
KeUy Crane (210) 696-3668 [email protected]
Northern Virginia Alumnae Amiee Cold (703) 845-9339 nova_aoii.hotmail.com
Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Jenni Arthur (757) 484-4723 [email protected]
Williamsburg Alumnae
Audrael Chiricotti (757) 259-9229 [email protected]
Palouse Washington Alumnae Carol Nelson (509) 635-1576 [email protected]
Seattle Alumnae
Sydne Bradley (360) 658-1957 giraffe@n wlinkcom
Madison Alumnae
Jamie Cunter (262) 473-7332 [email protected]
MUwaukee Alumnae
Sue ComweU (262) 569-8022 [email protected]
Forming Alumnae Chapters
Northern Arizona
KeUy Dale-Carpenter (520)774-5741 [email protected]
Loveland. CO
Ann Meyer Lipuma (970-278-9276 [email protected]
Northern Delaware
Jenn Hunsberger (302)475-6098 [email protected]
Columbus, GA
CoUeen Rustin (706)322-0088 [email protected]
Middle, GA
Kim Dixon (912)628-3875
Savanah, GA
Barbara Lansford (912)352-8113
Bclansford @aoLcom
Lori Curci-Reed (808)254-5541 [email protected]
Lansing, MI
Cindy KendaU (517)655-5694 [email protected]
Jersey Shore. NJ
Lisa Eck (732)918-0750 [email protected]
Greater GreenviUe, NC HoUy Kunkel (910)347-6251 HoUy0406@ hotmaU.com
Akron, OH
CoUeen Ruggieri (330)633-8140 BOAR CAR@[email protected]
Columbus, OH
Donna Cohen (740)549-0873 Adamleigh2@aoLcom
ZanesvUle, OH
Linda Bird (740)453-2341 Lbird@offi nger.com
Charleston. SC
Carol Beard (843)884-4851 [email protected]
Columbia, SC
Dawn KUpatrick (803)691-8834 [email protected]
Richmond, VA
Anne MueUer (804)342-9844 [email protected]
MarysviUe, WA
Linda WiUey (425)806-1132 [email protected]
Mid-Columbia, WA
Jennifer Hope (.509)375-3192 [email protected]
Central Northern Wisconsin Ingrid Schulz (715)848-0787 Seeker22 @pcpros.net
Tanny Rose Gats-Davidson +3J (0) 182 55 8080 [email protected]
Note: This list was current as of the date of printing, but is subject to change.
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Volunteer in a sister's classroom. Support a local collegiate chapter or adopt a chapter in a remote geographic area.
If you prefer interaction with collegiate chapters, consider volunteering as a member of the Alumnae Advisory Committee. Contrary to popular belief, chapters can have more than one adviser, in fact several are preferred. Each chapter has a Corporation that manages the chapter's property, too. All chapters have a Corporation regardless of chapter size.
Involvement exists beyond the local leveL If this appeals to you, consider applying for a volunteer position. Although vacancies may notexistatthetime,theHumanResources Committee is always looking for candidates for future positions. In addition to the two- year appointments of Specialists, Directors and Standing Committee members, the fra- ternity, at times, seeks women for special short-term projects. Applications are avail- able in To Dragma or may be accessed on the website in "Sisters Online."
The opportunities for sisterhood and service to AOH are endless. I challenge every sister tofivethe oath youtookwhen initiated. Let your light shine through sisterhood in AOH!
by Lauanne Watson Conateay, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U] Chair, Human Resources Committee
On Saturday, April 8, International President Carole Jones initiated 134 women into Beta Phi Chapter of our beloved Alpha Omicron PL What an awesome sight! Our pledge was administered individually to each woman. Participating in Beta Phi's installation gave me reason to reflect on the pledge I took when initiated and how it is demonstrated through membership in our fraternity.
As collegiate women, maintaining that feel- ing of fraternity is easy. Many members livetheAOIIexperienceeverysecondthey are not participating in academic endeav- ors. Members hold offices for the mainte- nance of their chapters. Chapter philan- thropy bonds the sisterhood and the Greek community on many campuses. Sisters promote their chapters through participa- tion and leadership in campus activities. Women demonstrate kindness to sisters in those difficult times of beginning and end- ing relationships—those long hours of talk- ing and listening.
Sisterhood in Alpha Omicron Pi doesn't end upon graduation. In fact, the opportunities are just beginning—they are endless. The
"Blessing Bunch" is a group of recent Omicron Chapter graduates that email daily. A group of 3 Indianapolis alumnae meet once a month for "Girls Night Out." Women network exploring career and vol- unteer opportunities both locally and inter- nationally. Re-entering the professional world? Who better to provide a reference than a sister and officer you've worked with in the alumnae chapter? Live near a colle- giate chapter? Collegiate sisters make great babysisters—theyneedextramoneyand alumnae secure reliable childcare. If you are the only AOII in your community, expand your love of sisterhood to the Panhellenic community.
Join your local alumnae chapter. Alumnae chapters are more than meetings. Chapter goals may include FUN. The Lafayette (Indiana) Alumnae Chapter had a Pampered Chef party and went shopping in December. Plan a road trip to support another chapter's philanthropy. Provide assistance and dona- tions to a community agency. Sponsor a scholarship at the local or international level Form a playgroup for your children.
Do you have what it takes to be an AOII Rose Member?
If you are an AOII alumna who does not live
within a 50-mile radius of an active AOII alum-
nae chapter, or if you are unable to participate
in your local alumnae chapter's activities, then
you have what it takes to become an AOII Rose
Member! Membership in an alumnae chapter is
such a rewarding experience, offering opportu-
nities for friendship, service, personal develop-
ment and networking. With the Rose Member
program we hope to offer some of these same
benefits to members who are not part of an alumnae chapter but who wish to honor and to benefit from the lifetime com- mitment they made to AOII.
To become a Rose Member, you simply need to complete an application form and submit an annual fee of $15. Once your application has been received, you will be sent two issues of our Rose Member newsletter during the year, a printout of
AOII alumnae residing in your zip code area, a small gift from AOII International, and occasional correspondence from alumnae network person- nel. If you choose, you may also register for our Rose Member Listserv on the AOII website so that you will be able to easily communicate online with other AOII Rose Members.
The new Rose Member program has been devel-
oped to reach out to as many of our alumnae as possible and bring them back into the fold of the Fraternity. We look forward to welcoming many new Rose Members - sisters, together, forever. H you "have what it takes," please join us!
For a Rose Member application, please e-mail Paula Beasley at [email protected], or call Headquarters, (615) 370- 0920, ext. 13.
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Alpha Omicron Pi Application for Volunteer Position
Maiden Name:
State/Province (office)
Chapter and year of Initiation:
Member # ( 7 digit number found on your To Dragma mailing label). Do you have the following available for your use: computer (if so,
Please rank in order your major areas of interest:
Name: Address:
City Phone: (home)
Zip/Postal Code
Macintosh ) internet access
LongRange Planiiing(FratDev.Com.) Panhellenic (NPQ
Advising Collegiate Chapters (AAQ Alumnae
Collegiate Finance
Collegiate Programming Recruitment
Training & Education Extension
Human Resources Other
Please explain why you are interested in those areas of service.
List any AOFI collegiate and alumnae experience related to the areas you indicated. Position/Chapter Term Dates Position/Chapter
List other applicable volunteer or employment experience/training. Position/Organization Dates Position/Organization
List members of Alpha Omicron Pi familiar with your activities.
Name Phone Name
Term Dates
Optional: Attach a resume or additional information as necessary. (Please limit to 3 additional pages)
Alpha Omicron Pi, ATTN: Human Resources Committee
9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, TN 37027
phone: (615) 370-0920 fax: (615) 371-9736 email: [email protected]
Alumnae Chapter:
IBM or printer fax machine
Date Acknowledged:
Lambda Sigmas sing National Anthem
April 20 was a proud night lor Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia) as a few of their members sang the National Anthem for the opening of the Atlanta Braves profes- sional baseball game. The chapter made the event a date night, so everyone could be present to support their members.
Dear Editor:
I am the husband of one of your sorority sisters - namely Alice Biechler, U of Cincinnati Chapter, class of 1940. May I commend you lor your recent issue (Winter '99) of To Dragma. I was truly impressed. It was very informative. I have a comment to make on your discus- sion of table man- ner's etiquette. I know that all author- ities agree that an
olive pit is removed from the mouth with fingers, but I think this rule deserves revision. Let's take this scenario: O ne is advised to remove the olive pit from the mouth with the fin- gers. This transfers a bodily fluid - namely saliva - to
the fingers.
One is now
asked to pass
the salt and
pepper shak-
ers. The
diner picks
up the shakers and passes th e now conta- minated shakers up the line contaminat- ing th e fingers of all the handlers. This is not hygienic or appe- tizing. It seems to me a more appropriate procedure would be
to remove the pit with a spoon. Think about it.
Sincerely, Curt Muller
San Mateo and Palo Alto Alumnae
Chapters gathered with some visiting AOII sisters fromNY, Canada and London, England to assist with the Northern California Jingle Bell
Run to benefit th e Arthritis Foundation on November 20,
Sigma (UofCdijornia-Berkeley) ssrendaded Founders'Day attendees.
Northern California Council celebrates Founders' Day Members of Sigma Chapter (U of California-Berkeley) serenade attendees at the Northern California Alumnae Council 103rd AOII Founders' Day cele- bration on February 5, 2000.
Dear Editor
I wanted to just con- firm the fact
that AOII most definitely con- tinues through- out life as alum- nae. As fifth year students at
Omega (Miami U) sisters and
Kappa Tau on life-saving mission Members of Kappa Tau (Southeastern U) Chapter and Delta
Tau Delta worked in conjunction with their Blood Center to spon-
lambda Sigmas(UofGeorga)sangtheNationalAnthempriorttoheApril20th Atlanta Braves aseball game.
Jingle Bell Run draws support worldwide. Members of the San Mate0 and
Palo AltO Alumnae
Miami U (Omega Chapter), the fiveof us managed to get together to catch up beforeweallwentour separate ways. Our new member class
was incredibly strong and we had a bond that will last a life- time. I miss my sis- ters dearly and this picture reconfirms our lifelong bond.
Alpha love, Paige Lubawy, Julianne Roberts, Melissa Parsons,
Karen Obermeyer and Deanna Karras.
sor a blood drive last Feb 21 for a nine- year-old battling brain cancer. Spearheaded by AOII Laini Vogel, 105 units of blood and $ 1,575 were raised to help offset medical costs for Jordan Prince. Both chapters have been visiting her on a regular basis.
10th Anniversary Celebration
Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U) celebrated their 10th Anniversary on March
11,2000. Special guests included Past International President, Barbara Hunt, who installed the chapter, and
AOII International President Carole Jones. Amber Gonzales served as event chairman.
Barbara HuntAmber Gonzales and Cade Jones attended Delta Epsilons
10th Anrwersary Celebration.
supported their local jingle Bell Run.
To Dragma/SPRIINC 2000
Triangle presents annual award
The Triangle Alumnae Chapter presents a Junior Service Award annually to a Delta Upsilon (Duke U) Junior who best exemplifies what it means to be an AOII. Triangle Alumnae President, Joy Lashley, presented awards to Emily Richardson (left) and Alisa Nave (right) at this year's Founders' Day ceremony.
A successful fund raiser at Penn State
Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State
U) Chapter along with the men of Delta Upsilon Fraternity raised $116,731.00 in the annual Penn State Dance Marathon. They were acknowl- edge by their Panhellenic Council for their outstanding accomplishment and participation.
To Dragma Photography Contest
Order of Omega Scholarship Winners
Several members of Alpha Omicron Pi received Scholarships or Fellowships from the National Order of Omega. This year's recipients include: $500 Patrick W. Halloran Scholarship, Megan A. Maxcy,
L of South Alabama; Melissa A. Parsons, Miami U,
$100 Kent L. Gardner Scholarship,
Lauren K.DeLong, Northern IllinoisU; $500 Graduate Assistant Fellowship, April D.Bugarin, Eastern IllinoisU.
Triangle Alumnae and Delta Upsihn (Du/<eU) members
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
To Dragma is sponsoring a collegiate and alum nae chapter photography contest All chapters are eli- gible to enter and winning entnes in each of the below seven categories will be featured in an upcoming issue of the magazine. The contest's purpose is to show AOII chapter sisterhood through activities, events
and smiling faces. Judging will be based
on content, quality and originality. A chapter may enter
as many photos as
they wish, but each
photo must include
a completed entry
form. Make as many copies of
this form as necessary Please indicated chapter name on back of photo. Entries may NOT be sub- mitted electronically and will NOT be returned. Deadline for submission is O ctober 31,2000.
••••••••••••a ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••a
To Dragma Photography Contest
(Deadline: October 31,2000)
Chapter Name: Photographer's Name: Phone number:
Which (one) category are you entering this photograph: Sisterhood
Recruitment Events AOII Faces
Philanthropic Events Panhellenic Events
Social Events Intramural/Sporting Events
Brief description o f photo, including identification o f members:
Mail Photo and attached entry to: Mariellen Sasseen, To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity • 9025 Overlook Boulevard • Brentwood,TN 37027
! - I) IS i
• •••••••••••••••••••••
• If £ >•;>
Affordable Medical Plans! 3 plans to choose from
AOII Group Insurance.
1. 100% plan after $10 co-pay 2. $15 co-pay 80/20 with a $200
3. $20 co-pay 70/30 with a $300
All plans subject to annual and lifetime maximums! All AOIIs are eligible.
Prescription Benefit $50 annual deductible, then your plan co-pay
Dental Plan.
Enroll Today! (800)-280-8383
FAX: (707) 451-0620 E-MAIL: [email protected]
Annual Meeting Set
The Annual Meeting for Theta Psi Corporation has been set for Thursday, August 31, 7:00 pjn. at the AOII chapter house. For more information, contact Rebecca Arbogast (419)868-3053.
Chapter Anniversaries Congratulations to the following chapters celebrating milestone anniversaries during the remainder of the year 2000:
Little Rock Alumnae Chapter 50th Anniversary
September 30,2000
Long Beach Alumnae Chapter 50th Anniversary
November 18,2000
Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) 75th Anniversary
November 20,2000
New Alumnae Chapter Installed
AOII is proud to announce the installation of the Quincy, IL Alumnae Chapter on May 6,2000.
MIF Directory Change
In the spring issue of lb Dragma, Gamma Sigma's (Georgia State U) recruitment dates are listed incorrectly. MIFs should be sub- mitted to the chapter prior to mid-August Please note this important correction.
Consignment Boxes
Did you know that the AOII Emporium can either ship merchandise to your chap- ter in a consignment box or discuss the possibility of making a road trip to your campus next falL For information, contact Barbara Stubblefield at (800)746-7264 or email [email protected].
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:
Zip/Postal Code: Chapter/College where initiated: Place of Employment:
Zip/ Postal Code:
Alumnae Chapter: Special Interests:.
Maiden Last
) email:
Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
A O n International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 -or-
email the following information to: [email protected]
Phone:( ) Current AOTT Office:
Please help AOII save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50$, in addition to the original cost of mailing. Ifyou are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. Ifyou know of others who are not receiv- ing their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
30 To Dragma/ SUMMER 2000
Year Initiated:
Nu Omicron (VandeiMr U) Bid Day.
To Dragma/Sl MMER 2
Changing Face of
Recently 1 was visiting my mother and had the opportunity to browse through her col- lege vearlxx>k. Ixjoking at the pages devoted to sororities brought back memories. Manv photographs depicted the skits performed by the sorority women during rush. ITie luau and vaudeville themes looked particularly interesting. 'ITie year was I960. I attended college on this same campus and in 1980 sorority women were still performing skits to entertain rushees. In one case the chapter used the same skit they performed in 1960.
limes have changed and so has terminology. Rush is no longer rush: it is now referred to as formal recruitment. Rushees are known as potential new members and rush parties are now called recruitment events. "Suicide" is referred to as single intentional preference.
by Kathy Brakefield Sowell.Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana U), Recruitment Network Director
In 1991 the National Panhellenic Conference passed the Rush Resolution. Thus the era of "no frills"' recruitment !>egan. Sororities were encouraged to scale back their efforts by eliminating outside dec- orations, confining entertainment to the facility used during recruitment, and dis- couraging elalx>rate costuming and purchas- ing of special outfits. Panhellenic recruit- ment budget caps were implemented and emphasis was placed on the development of conversation skills. Better conversation between members and potential members allows lor more informed decisions by every one during the recruitment process.
\\ bile some campuses made an easy transi- tion to "no frills", others had a more difficult lime. In some cases die resistance came from
Rush is no longer rush; it is now referred to as formal recruitment.
Rushees are known as potential new members and rush parties are now called recruitment events.
advisers, not the collegiate women. Change is difficult. By and large the majority of campuses where AOII chapters exists now have been impacted by no frills recruitment. One campus actually slashed its formal recruitment budget from $23,000 to $7000 over a period of five years.
One of the most noticeable changes has been the implementation of Philanthropy Day during formal recruitment. A Philanthropy Day (or night) allows sorority women and potential members the chance to joindy engage in a service project devoted to the chapter's national or local philan- thropy. The project takes place at the chap- ter house, suite or meeting location, and it is completed during the length of a traditional recruitment event The emphasis on com- munity service takes the place of one round of recruitment, usually a day that previously consisted of skit entertainment. This is a
0o •
Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College) Bid Day.
To Dragma/Sl'MMER 200(1
wonderful way to show potential members another side of sorority life and assist those within the community. (See Collegiate Idea Sharing on page 10 for Philanthropy Day projects our chapters are using.)
Still more changes are coming. Kappa Tau Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana University worked with their Panhellenic to develop a Fraternal Values event which takes place during the first round of their formal recruitment efforts. Emphasis is on conver- sation structured to highlight what we as Greek women claim to be our values — academic achievement, sisterhood, service to others - to name a few. This event was mod- eled alter one held on another campus. An older alumna, recent graduate, a student leader, and a newly initiated member share what AOII means to them with the potential new members.
Clockwise from lower /eft: Recruitment photos from TauLambda (Shippensburg U), Delta Sigma (San Jose State U). and Nu Beta (U of Mississippi).
Several campuses are considering short- ening the recruitment period ;dl together. All of these changes are driven by man) factors. Today's collegiate women have many demands on their time — involve- ment in other clubs or groups on campus, work responsibilities, as well as preparing to become authorities in their chosen fields of study.
Another change is the focus of recruitment It used to be that chapters were excited to reach quota during formal rtvniitment. Now the emphasis is on campus total. Chapters are encouraged to recruit to campus total in order to remain competitive with other groups on campus. This has moved us into the mindset that recruitment is year round. It is something we must do 365 days a year.
Chapters are becoming more creative with year round recruitment. We emphasize events that are simple and that promote get- ting to know potential meml)ers in a relaxed atmosphere. Chapter events sometimes have a dual purpose. For example, potential new members can be invited to a sisterhood event such as "movie night ;il the house." The sisterhood event doubles as a COR (Continuous Open Recruitment) event. By the way, COR was once referred to as COB - - another change!
To Dragma/SUMMER 200(1
3 I
To Dragma/Sl MMER 2000
Understanding our
Legacy Policy
"When possible, a chapter shall grant the privilege of member- ship to a sister, daughter, or granddaughter, or, through mar- riage, the sister, daughter or granddaughter of an initiated member of Alpha Omicron Pi." These words are taken from our International Bylaws, Tide II, Article III, Section 1. Our Book of Policies further states that "every known legacy shall l)e given special consideration in membership selection."
I never really thought much about the "legacy policy" when I was a cwllegiate member. I know that my chapter of initiation took the policy very seriously. In three years as a collegiate member actively recruiting others into our membership I do not remember us releasing a single legacy during our member- ship selection sessions.
The year following my graduation, my younger sister partici- pated in forma] recuritment I remember being extremely nervous about this — not because I doubted her qualifications. I knew going into the process that my sister would easily meet and exceed the standards set forth by A0I1 for membership selection and any NPC group on that campus for that fact My concerns were that "my chapter" would be the one my sister wanted to join. The competition was fierce so I was thrilled when my sister told me she was "going AOII." Although neither of my parents were members of a Greek organization they were extremely supportive of my AOII membership and were pleased when my sister joined as well. The "legacy policy" worked for us.
As the years went by and I became more involved as an alum- na volunteer, I began to realize that our legacy policy is one of the most often discussed policies in our fraternity. Having served as a Begional Rush Officer, Collegiate Recruitment Network Specialist, and Collegiate Recruitment Network Director, I have been involved in several discussions with mothers and sisters whose legacies have not received an invi- tation to membership in our fraternity. I have also been involved in discussions with our collegiate chapters — some conveying posititve thoughts about legacy recruitment while others conveyed a feeling of pressure to issue a bid to a legacy they didn't necessarily feel "fit i n " with their group. These discussions have been typically emotional in nature and I have great empathy for all parties involved.
In my professional life I have the opportunity to work with women who represent five other NPC organizations. This is great for mc as these women are supportive of my continued involvement with AOII and they have engaged me in con- versation on many topics including legacy recruitment The daughter of one of these co-workers recendy participated in formal recruitment at a major university here in Texas. My co-worker had been Chapter President of another NPC group when she was in college. Yet she encouraged her daughter not to list her sorority affiliation on the recurit- ment application.
by Kaxhy Brake/ve/d Sowell, Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana U), Recruitment Network Director
When I asked my friend why she had done this, she told me diat she did not want her daughter to be penalized by her sorority affiliation. Ihis puzzled me so we discussed this further. It seems that myfriend'ssorori- ty was not one of die "stronger" groups on the campus her daughter chose to attend. She didn't want her daughter to feel obligat- ed to join this group if it weren't her first choiceand atthesametimeshe didn'twant the other groups to judge her daughter on her own sorority affiliation. It appears that questions and concerns regarding legacy recruitment are not unique to AOII — the alumnae of the other groups I am familiar widi hold the same discussions.
Overall, our fraternity pledged only 50% of the legacies recruited this past year. O n some campuses we were lucky to have even one verified AOII legacy participate in for- mal recruitment Other campuses had 18- 26 legacies participating in formal recurit- ment In these situations the probability that all of these legacies will receive a bid to AOII membership is unlikely.
How then do we make our legacy policy workforallofus? Onlycollegiatemembers have the privilege of selecting new members to the fraternity. Collegiate chapters are asked to assess their current membership each wear and develop criteria to select new members who will improve their chapter sit- uation. These standards are used during the membership selection process and apply to all [Mrtential members — legacies included.
Alumna members are encourage to maintian an active presence in our frater- nity for life. We have the opportunity to provide collegiate chapters with informa- tion on potential members by completing a Membership Information Form (MIF). This form was provided to our alumna members in the Spring isuse of To Dragma and can be found on our website as well. Initiated members who have a sister, daughter, or granddaughter plan- ning to participate in formal recruitment are also encouraged to complete a legacy introduction form. Collegiate chapters are
by Katherine Elizabeth Hardy, Gamma Delta (U ofSouth Alabama)
Although my mother's (MaeLynn Smith Hardy, Tau Delta '61) sorority sisters from Tau Delta werefrequendyaround during my early childhood years, the first time I could somewhat understand the concept was at 6 years old, approximately. I grew up with my mother's big sister's (Norma Coodwin Dean, Tau Delta '60) daughters and have fond memories of those times. As I grew, I heard more stories of my mother and her sorority sisters and even had to sit through reunion dinners listening to them talk about spending hours at the music conservatory as they were all music majors.
In 1986, my sister, Jennifer Hardy Waters, pledged Tau Delta Chapter. As a high school sophomore, I attended Bid Day with my mom. I'll never foirget the excite- ment and pride that beamed from my mother's face as we stood in the chapter room. Even thought 25 years had passed since mom had pledged, she obviously had a deep fondness for AOII. She also participated in my sister's initiation.
AsIselectedcollege,astrongCreeksystemwasimportanttomeandanespecially strong AO11 chapter, too. Rush was an exciting experience. I looked forward to Bid Day because I came to the U of South Alabama alone and was very eager to make new friends. I made friends in other groups during recruitment, but was truly impressed by the women of AOII. My mother also attended my Bid Day and was happy to find that I had, too, joined a group of sincere, outgoing women. Soon alter joining, I visited by sister at Birmingham Southern proudly wearing my Bid Day t-shirt Shortly thereafter, my mom also assisted in my initiation and to this day, I wear her badge.
Because Tau Delta is my mother's and sister's chapter, I have always felt a special closeness to the women of this particular group. While visiting the chapter as their former CPlNS, it gave me great pleasure to find my modier's and sister's pic- tures hanging on the walls.
AOII has touched many facets of my life —it provided a unique bond with my mother and sister, led me to my best friend in a new city and contines to offer direction, dynamic role models, leadership and networking opportunities. I have lived in different cities, AOII has been my "home."
Tol)raj:Hia/SllMMER20<10 35
My mother always said that she never knew she would have two little girls who would be AOIIs some day. A n d , now she had a new granddaughter,
sGrace Mae-Elizabeth (bom 2/26/00) who might also experience whatwe have. I can't wait to tell her what amazing opportunities lie ahead for her in AOII.
(Left to nght): Kathenne Elizabeth Hardy, Gamma D e/to 1991 (U of SouthNabama); MaeLynn Smith Hardy,Tau Delta 1961 (Birmingham SouthernCollege);andJennifer Hardy Waters, 1988, Tau Delta.
encouraged to use this information when making decisions about pledging someone to our order.
An AOII legacy should be a qualified potential member in her own right — grades, activities, accomplishments, and overall compatibiltiy with the collegiate chapter are to be considered. Collegiate members are asked to give special consid- eration to legacies during membership selection out of courtesy to the AOII sister to whom she is related.
Special consideration — What does this mean? This does not imply that we should "bend the rules" or "lower the standards" in order to issue an invitation to pledge to a legacy. This does not imply that we should hold our legacies to higher standards or judge them differendy than other potential members. In the words of Melanie Doyle, Executive Director of Alpha Omicron Pi, we should give legacies special attention, our genuine friendliness, our family con- cern and the love they deserve during the recruitment process.
I reoendy asked several members of our fra- ternity to express their thoughts on legacy recuritment. Their personal stories are shared within this article.
vWe should give legacies special attention,
our genuine friendliness, our family concern
and the love they deserve during the
reauitment process."
Three Generations of AOII
by Robin
Lee Beltramini,
lota (U of
3 6
l b Dragma/SUMMER 2000
When I went off to Illinois, my
mother was firm, but low-key. I
could do anything 1 wanted with
the Creek system, but I under-
stood that Alpha Omicron Pi had
been a source of much personal
enjoyment and growth for her
over die years. You see, for as
long as I could remember, she
had been carrying around those
black leather officer notebooks
from AOII; she had been driving
through snow storms to attend Founders' Day celebrations (I knew the term well, but long before I ever knew its meaning.); we had put her on numerous trains lor AOII conventions; we received Christmas cards and visits from many folks who we knew to be AOIls and their husbands. AOII was simply a part of niv life before I was ever a part of AOII.
As we packed our daughter, Elizabeth, off for Indiana University in August 1998, 1 thought how wonderful it was for her to have free rein of the Creek
system. She knew that Grandma Lee and I had l>oth given and received much from our association with Alpha Omicron Pi. I knew that it would l>e difficult for her to be totally objective with that in the back of her mind. So, it was great that we all knew that AOII would be recolonizing our Beta Phi chapter there during the 1999-2000 school year. That way, if Elizabeth found a group to call her own, Grandma and I wouldn't be let down, but if she didn't find a group, she could wait until next year and might still be an AOII. This was the best of all situations for those of us who want to see our daughters happy even more than we want to see them as AOI Is.
Needless to say, Elizabeth was not thrilled with any of the existing women's frater- nities during the 1998-99 school year. I held my breath, but she decided, on her own, to attend the informational gatherings when AOII began recruitment activi- ties last fall. Every member of our family, including my father whose aunt was an AOII at Barnard College, spent the Christmas holidays encouraging Elizaliedi to do what was best for HER and not to worry about the rest of us. The first few weeks in January were spent chatting back and forth regarding grade points, activity loads, housing for 2000-2001, as well as all the other daily concerns of today's college student Elizabeth decided that diis AOII business was sometliing of which she w anted to be a part It was particularly appealing to be a meml)er of the recolonization group—the beginning (only fitting given her genetic back- ground as it relates to AOI I).
Now, I am excited as well as a litde trepidatious. Three generations of wonderful experienceinAOIILsalreadyterrificforonefamily.Ifervendyhopethatdielife- time of support, growth, andfriendshipwill be as beneficial for my daughter as it hasbeenforme,and,Ithink,formymodierandAuntGene.
left to nghl): Robin Lee Bekramh, lorn I969 (U of Illinois) Elizabeth LeeBe/tramnBetaPhi2000 (IndianaU)andGwenEvetettsLee, beta Phi 1940 (Indiana U)
ing Eights
Spring or Fall 99
{* indicates both semesters)
Alpha Chi
Rachel Adkins Teressa Alverson Erin Brothers* Carrie Burke
Kate Eberle
Marci Graham
Erica Lamar Catherine Lanphear* Alison Lenhart
Erin Long* Amanda Nelson* Leslie Payne Karalee Pelham* Jenny Underwood Wendy Wall Andrea Warwick* Emily Witcher Sarah Beth Young
Alpha Delta
Mandy Davis Kristi Mallicote Rachel Terry Ashley Thomson Eleanor Williams
Alpha Psi
Kathy Arndts Heather Baldwin
Stacey Balsega Jennifer Dembinski Elizabeth Szweda
Beta Gamma
Ruth Jacobson* Darcy Root* Mary Tobin*
Chi Delta
Payton Frey Jessica Gallegos Ally Taylor* Megan Young
Dania Barone Angie Crawford April Harris
Kelly Krietler Julie McDonald Audra Pittman Amy Rendleman Susan W asserman Katherine Zimmer
Chi Psi
Amanda Martin Karla Morello
Kirsten Bales Cydney Coffey
Katie Columbus Amy Davis Melanie Eubanks Elizabeth Hays Liz Hays
Anita Hylton Allissa Lee* Michelle Marston Amanda Oliveros Yahnah Patrick* Sarah Schuknecht Jodee Thompson Amanda Wageman Angela Watkins Elizabeth Wilson* Danea Wiseley
Beth Bergman Kelly Carmody Erin Walker
Delta Beta
Amanda Roby
Delta Delta
Julie Anderson Courtney Bronner Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown Alyce Buchanan Kristin Cantrell Natalie Carlton Lindsey Christian* Jenna Clay
Andrea Coggin Heather Cox Brandi Dominy Joy Gettys
Tara Gilliland Julie Hill Lindsay Lewis Susan Lindsey Margaret Locke
Jennifer Neel Jennifer Parker Amy Patrick Amy Pickard Amy Riddell Lauren Smith Catherine Tilt Amanda Weaver
Delta Epsilon
Joy Boyd
Delta Omega
Lindsey Chamberlain Kathleen Chitty Jennifer Gibson Sabrina Glover
Mary Lafferty Kimberly Leucke Stacy Pintar Alison Rhein Catherine Weems
Delta Pi
Laura Burnley Megan Rich Melissa Tomalka
Epsilon Alpha
Amy Nawrocki* Heather Timbie*
Epsilon Omega
Laura Baker* Kristen Davis Kimberly Mills Julia Nash
Gamma Alpha
Heather Greenwell
Gamma Delta
Hollie Ambler Trish Bradley
Cary Clark Kellie Galloway Kim Griffin Prentice Poole Leslie Webb
Gamma Sigma
Runi Afshapour Carrie Barnes
Kappa Alpha
Kristin Dillion Heather Glaspie Sara Rauscher Erin Schoeff
Kappa Chi
Bridget Louviere Kristy Pesnell Angela Warnock
Kappa Kappa
Amy Garrett Kelli Hahn* Johanna Lute Elizabeth Mosier
Kappa Omega
Mellissa Comstock Kara Feder
Kara Feder
Jenine Gibbons Kelly Gilroy
Ellen Hauber Nikki Humphrey Kendra Kremer Megan Loomer* Kim May*
Sarah Miller* Amy Nienaber Jodee Pride Karrie Ralston Alison Rechtin Rebecca Reh Dinah Tichy Ashley Wall Ashley Witters
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
The following information hag been collected from chapter officer reports in AlphaLink. We salute each member and chapter for these outstanding achievements?
Kappa Omicron
Laura Bauer Katie Cox
Jessica Hoback Jill Peterfeso Rhianna Shabsin Andrea Strickland
Kappa Rho
Julie Olszewski
Kappa Si«ma
Mona Barrada Carrie Christensen
Lambda Beta
Heather Norman Ami Nusser*
lambda Eta
Meghan Daly
Lambda Sigma
Lambda Tau
Amy Albritton Kelli Brian Candice Coffing Lacey Huffman Stephanie Malone Sonya Murphy Barbara Silman Jessica Whitten
Nil Iota
Lauren DeLong Tiffany Frazer Jennifer Smith
Geri Core
Bridjret Gannon Kelly Hagen
Laura Johnston
Amy Livingston Karen Manchester Laura O'Neill
Melissa Parsons Tracy Reithman
Mary Sanders* Allison Simpkins Marci Stanley
Tamela (Joy) Thomas Helen Troy
Kristen Beeler Jennv Bloom Susannah Bright Anna Burck Jackie Clement Melissa Cobble Katie Kuykendall June Marable Brittany Miller Sara Pottinger Melissa Smalling Darcey West Shannon Williams
Phi Sigma
Bridget Abboud* Mary Classen* Beth Conklin Stephanie DeCamp Liz Doll
Aimee Gloystein Amber Gloystein* LeAnn Green
Shanna Held Michelle ldeus Jessi Linn* Monae Quincy Sarah Roth* Ande Ruliffson* Anya Trumler*
Phi llpsilon
Rebecca Naylor Julie Simon
Pi Delta
Maria Abele Kathy Evans Alisa Hicks Sarah Holland Julia Musiker Megan Rickard Laura Rosner Lindsay Rupp Sara Shipley Sarah Showaker Elizabeth Smith Megan Taliaferro
Rho Delta
Allison Collier Shannon Faulkner* Melanie Fulda
Carin Glover
Rachel Hill Holladay Susan Kenoyer Libby Lovett
Amy Merker Christina Norris Kathryn O'Daniel Rebecca Ricketts Kathryn Rodgers Kimberly Speorl* Lindsay Thompson Natalie Ware
Melissa Hammond Emily Melaugh Franziska Sandmeier
Megan Schofield Claire Stambaugh Natasha Sykes Erin Terhorst Fiona Tyler
Sonia Warfield
Sijyna Alpha
Alex Bragg Sherri Furr Melanie Kraska
Sigma Chi
Catherine Paolucci
Sigma Omicron
Helen Barry Jennifer Caddy Laura Firestone Amanda Hall* Alissa Harris
Sarah Hill Gretchen Kaufman Mindy Slaten
Tau Lambda
Jaclyn Beck Karen Boehmke Angela Eck
Jodi flutter Tricia Lerario Lisa Paretti
Tau Omega
Tamara Bentley* Amye Day
Molly Dean* Courtney Meade Lisa Merlo
Tau Omicron
Kelly Akin
Amanda Allen Lesley Belote Amanda Book Joanna Brown Amanda Burton* Stephanie Carruth* Julie Exum
Mary Kay Gibson
Rebecca Gvvynn Jill Hawks
Kelly Lowry Laura Moody Jennifer Moore Ginny Nerren Jessica Peccolo* Suzanne Perry Amanda Rainey Melanie Rose Deanna Ursery Amelia Wilson Amy Wilson
Theta Chi
Tracy Brown Nicole Winders
Theta Psi
Kristen Flaherty Helen Ledgard
Nicole Anslover Lori Armstrong Angela Bose Andrea Deichert Brady Fritz*
Amy Hassebrook* Marie Holtmeier* Kristy Keller* Maggan Kitten Jennifer Martin* Laura Martin Michelle Mueller Ann Mulligan Kristin Nathan Amanda Nix Jennifer Peterson Jennifer Rajewich Sara Russell Suzanne Schultz Jeana Seitzinger Erin Walker
Phi Beta Kappa
Chi Delta
Gia Distefano
Kappa Omicron
Laura Bauer Jill Peterfeso Lindy Brown
Carrie Brady* Jennifer DiGiacomo* Steph Di>
anie JJixon Anita Elguera*
Whitney Fletcher* Jenna Girardeu* Anne-Marie Coggins* Holly Gooding* Jennifer Hauser* Jessica Langston* Elizabeth Lee* Brooke Linton*
Brittany Locklar* Shelley Long* Susan Maples* Kathryn Mathis* Kasey McDaniel* Elizabeth Molyson* Paige Putnam* Adele Reagan* Kmily Ross*
Christy Shenefield* Hillary Smith* Kelly Stevenson* Nancy Watson* Anna-Kay Wiggins* Jenny Zupec*
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Lambda Sigma
Jennifer Hauser Jessica Langston Betsy Richwine
Suannah Bright Margaret Doty Brooke Douglas Katie Kuykendall
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Delta
Mandy Davis Molly Dyrsen Meredith Evans Katie Humber Lindy Lomenick Emily Marlar Lisa McDonald Melissa McLure Rebecca Myers Erinn Rafalsky Kathryn Rutledge Maris Sertic
Holly Smith Dana Taylor Kathryn Taylor Rachel Terry Ashley Thomson Brooke West Cheney Brazeal
Chi I psilon
Michelle Carlin
Delta Beta
Carrie Roques
Delta I psilon
Lacey Bacchus
Kappa Alpha
Lauren Belt
Kappa Chi
Lacy Dumas Alexis Roy Missy Dugal Lacy Dumas Kelly Hearne
Bridget Louvier Kristy Pesnell Alexis Roy
Kappa Kappa
Ashley Adams Kelli Force Ashley Fumival Carly Hathcoat Amy Leman
Joanna Lute Chrisy Myers Anne Runden Jill Lnger Wendy Whittern Shaunda Young
Kappa Omega
Margaret Andrus Melissa Comstock Ali Rechtin
Kappa Kho
Erin Carroll Gillian Haughton Laura Norgren Julie Olszewski Tera White
Lambda Sigma
Kristine CaTandra Jennifer Hauser Jessica Langston Betsy Richwine Melissa Veil
Vii Beta Camille Collins
Tiffany Kilgore Jaclyn McCoy
Erin Obenauf Heather Parker Courtney Protzer Meredith Sonnenberg Rebecca Turek
Pi Delta
Jeannie Taylor Lynn Grode Amy Taylor
Kho Delta
Kathryn Rodgers Jennie Smallwood
Sigma Omieron
Candace Chronister Meghan Hackney Amanda Hall Ashley Reed Mariana Rynders Jamie Tidwell
Theta Chi
Shannon Schmidt Nicole Winders
Theta Psi
Tracy Dobinkar Kelly Doege Michelle Dotto Kristen Flaherty Abigail Good Amanda Knapp Melissa Lang
Karen Renyolds Sharon Thornsberry Sara Zimmerman Jill Chalmers
Emily Eisenhauer Christa Hamilton Marie Holtmeier Jerilyn Jensen Kristy Keller Rhiannon Kenner Laura Krieger Jennifer Rajewich Lori Ramig
Molly Skoog Jennifer Stauffcr Katie Sup Amanda Whitman
Phi Eta Sigma
Alpha Chi
Marci Graham
Alpha Delta
Cheney Brazeal Mandy Davis Molly Dyrsen Meredith Evans Katie Humber Lindy Lomenick Fmily Marlar Lisa McDonald Melissa McLure Rebecca Myers Erinn Rafalsky Maris Seric Dana Taylor Ashley Thomson Brooke West
Jodi Elson Lauren Gray
Chi I psilon
Michelle Carlin
Chi Lambda
Sarah Johnston Molly Kellams Nicole Loveless Karla Petit Shannon Rieger Laura Searcy Lindsey Stout Susan W asserman Katherine Zimmer
Delta I.psilon
Lacey Bacchus Amber Gonzales Eeron Graham
April Heliums Christine Ramsden April Warhurst
I psilon Alpha
Lisa Kodish
Kappa Gamma
Kathryn Fitterer Carmella Frederick
Kappa Omega
Margaret Andrus Nika Wilcox
Tiffany Kilgore Jaclyn McCoy
Erin Obenauf Courtney Protzer Meredith Sonnenberg Rebecca Turek
Jamie Ballinger
Jenni Bradley
Carrie Buckner
Anna Burck
Jackie Clement Brooke Douglas Melanie Garrett Emily Grahm
Rachel Hollingsworth Frances Kirkland Katie Kuykendall Catie Martin
Amy Owens
Sara Pottinger Sarah Reego Mandy Skaggs Melissa Smalling
Phi Sigjna
Bridget Abboud Aimee Gloystein Amber Gloystein Jessi Linn
Kara Meinke Jill Merklin Sarah Roth Ande Ruliffson Megan Shelden Anya Trumler Marcy Young
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Pi Alpha
Kristin Drown Amy Hay Melissa Prueitt
Pi Delta
Lynn Grode
Sigma Omicron
Candace Chronister Julie Grady
Alissa Harris
Sarah Polsgrove Ashley Reed Heather Slinkard Jamie Tidwell
Sigma Phi
Rochelle Connelly
Emily Eisenhauer Christa Hamilton Marie Holtmeier Jerilyn Jensen Kristy Keller Rhiannon Kenner Laura Krieger Jennifer Rajewich Lori Ramig
Molly Skoog Jennifer Stauffer Katie Sup Amanda Whitman
Order of Ome^a
Alpha Delta
Cheney Brazeal Alpha Psi
Susan Bedoch Jaime Hunter Abigail Pawlicki Leslie Voisard
Beta Gamma
Nichole Weber
Chi Delta
Carrie Craft Ethnie Groves Jenny Ley Suzanne Shunk Kimberly Walden
Chi Epsilon
Kristy Brewer
Chi lambda
Angelia Crawford Nicole Loveless Cyndi Rowley Lindsey Stout
Jessica Branco Alyssa Dubin Amy Kumpel Erin Walker
Delta Epsilon
Rebekan Adams Lacey Bacchus Amber Gonzales April Heliums Kelly Kilgore Deidra Tidwell
Epsilon Alpha
Rebecca Sobel Jennifer Stern
Epsilon Omega
Whitney Clay Kerry Laws Maria Maile Laura Newsome Kelly Wallace
Gamma Delta
Kellie Galloway Megan Maxcy Leslie Webb
Gamma Theta
Colleen Houtt
Kappa Alpha
Lori Ebersold Sara Harmon Nicole Himsel Crystal Kemper Denise Newland
Kappa Chi
Lacy Dumas Heather McCardle Alexis Roy
Kappa Kappa
Carly Hathcoat Anne Runden
Kappa Omega
Jessica Davis Katie Schultz
Kappa Omicron
Jessica Anschutz Rachel Bozynski Meredith Davis Brooke Foster Amy Killebrew Karen Kopitsky Erin Mann
Jill Peterfeso Daniela Seminara Courtney Umberger Casey Williams Mara Zimmerman
Kappa Kho
Jennifer Ellis Julie Olszewski Gretchen Rycenga
Kappa Sigma
Monica Mayer
Kappa Tan
Reagan McMillan
lambda Beta
Ami Nusser Savinh Pouv
lambda Sigma
Jennifer Hauser Jessica Langston Melissa Veil
Vii lota
Tracey Bartholomew Lauren DeLong Samantha Schnake
Rachel Anderson Rachel Drewnowski Karen Manchester Erin Obenauf
Jamie Ballinger Melissa Freeman Katie Kuykendall Courtney Lynch Jenny Scruggs
Phi Sijyna
Mary Classen Sarah Roth Megan Shelden
Pi Delta
Kristin Blair Michelle Clawson Tosha Miller Julia Musiker Megan Rickard Kari Snyder
Kho Delta
Ca Poole
Alisa Chung Kristin Esbeck Erin Gabel Shannon Gaffney Anoop Ghuman Samantha Harper Nora Liao
Emily Melaugh Megan Schofield Claire Stambaugh
Sigma Omicron
Jennifer Caddy Amanda Hall
Sigma Phi
Michal Temkin Gina Vermillion Samar Yassine
Theta Psi
Kristine Kidd Sharon Thornsberry
Jennifer Rajewich
Mortar Board Alpha Delta
Cheney Brazeal
Chi lambda
Angelia Crawford Karla Petit
Cyndi Rowley
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Epsilon Omega
Laura Baker
Kappa Omicron
Jessica Anschutz Laura Bauer
Lindy Brown Brooke Foster
Amy Killebrew Emily Monroe
Jill Peterfeso Courtney Umberger Casey Williams
lambda Sigma
Jennifer Hauser Jessica Langston Betsy Richwine Melissa Veil
Nu Iota
Melissa Crouch Lauren DeLong
Jamie Ballinger Katie Kuykendall Catie Martin Melissa Smalling Shannon Williams
Phi Sigma
Mary Classen Kerry Fleming Sarah Roth Megan Shelden
Pi Alpha
Kristin Drown
Sharon Thornsberry
Omieron Delta Kappa
Alpha Delta
Cheney Brazeal
Chi Delta
Deidra Azuara
Delta Epsilon
Lacey Bacchus Amber Gonzales Christine Ramsden Deidra Tidwell
Epsilon Alpha
Erin Tench
Gamma Delta
Whitney Huff
Kappa Omicron
Jessica Anschutz Laura Bauer
Rachel Bozynski Amy Killebrew Emily Monroe
Jill Peterfeso Daniela Seminara Courtney Umberger Casey Williams Mara Zimmerman
Phi Upsilon
Susan Butz Christina Funke
Theta Chi
Tracy Brown Julie Mills
Theta Pi
Jennifer Crowley Christine Hughes Stephanie Jose Allison LaFata Debra Lahti Annabelle Merola
Theta Psi
Michelle Dotto Melissa Lang
Julia Parra
Karen Renyolds Jennifer Sheroian Sharon Thornsberry
Golden Key Alpha Chi
Marci Graham Andrea Warwick
Chi Delta
Deidra Azuara Cia DiStefano Jenny Ley
Beth Bergman Jessica Branco Kelly Carmody Alyssa Dubin
Mimi Feldman Laura Greenberg Meryl Hertz Christine Johnson Allison Krieger Elizabeth Mikesell Maria Schiff Pamela Sinel
Dena Sloan Erin Walker
Epsilon Alpha
Kate Gross Jennifer Stern
Gamma Alpha
liana Demko Erin Ogburn Kristin Waldrop
Gamma Delta
Hollie Ambler Sasha Butler
Kappa Alpha
Lori Ebersold Heather Glaspie
Kappa Kappa
Katherine Evans Andrea Fulda Kelli Hahn
Carly Hathcoat Anne Runden Jill Unger Meredith Wertz Renee White
Carrie Buckner
Anna Burck
Jackie Clement Brooke Douglas Melanie Garrett Rachel Hollingsworth Frances Kirkland Katie Kuykendall Courtney Lynch Whitney McKenzie Sarah Reego
Mandy Skaggs Kim Westcott
Phi Upgilon
Christina Holly Julie Simon Jaclyn Rowland Julie Simon
Pi Alpha
Melodi Cook Leighann Jaggers Melissa Prueitt Kim Ward
Michelle Dotto Amanda Knapp Karen Renyolds Jennifer Sheroian Sharon Thornsberry
Christa Hamilton Marie Holtmeier Kristy Keller Rhiannon Kenner Ann Mulligan Jennifer Rajewich Lori Ramig Samantha Roberts
Jennifer Stauffer Amanda Whitman
°1f, Margaret Andrus
n Erin Mitchell
Cheryl Pfennig
Kappa Phi
Annette Di Marco
Kappa Rho
Nichole Nelson Julie Olszewski Tera White Vicki Zandarski
Lambda Sigma
Brook Brown Kristine Calandra Jennifer Hauser Jessica Langston
Krysia Wrobel
Christina Camardese Bridget Gannon Angela Johnson Tiffany Kilgore Karen Manchester Jaclyn McCoy
Pi Delta
Meagan Shipley
Samantha Harper Emily Melaugh Claire Stambaugh
Sigma Alpha
Sheri Furr Heather Mynes Jen Piazza
Alpha Chi
Karalee Pel ham Stephanie Whitledge
Alpha Delta
Erin Prillaman Kathryn Rut ledge
Alpha Psi
Sue Bedoch Cortney Herman Danielle Myers
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Laura O'Neill Heather Parker Melissa Parsons Cheryl Robin Mary Elizabeth
Emily Adams Jamie Ballinger Kristen Beeler Jenni Bradley
Bra^ingRights Alpha Theta
Sigma Phi
Dana Schlossberg
Tau Gamma
Maryn Harvey
Tau Omega
Jenny Osborne Laura Rice Laura Roberts
Tau Omicron
Mary Jane Chunn
Rebecca Hyde Rhiannon Kenner Zeta Kappa
Jill Lewis
Zeta Pi
Candice Copeland Christy Downing
Alpha Chi
Kacey Bevier Jennifer Conine Sarah Matthews Kelly Smith
Alpha Delta
Emily Bishop Cheney Brazeal Andrea Carver Brooks Cotton
Sue Deshpande Molly Dyrsen Molly Fielding Lauren Gibson Katie Halter Heather Honeycutt Joanna Hudson Katie Humber
Lisa McDonald Melissa McLure Rebecca Myers Crispin Piazza Bethany Powell Erin Prillaman Erinn Rafalsky Kathryn Rutledge
Kappa Omicron
Rachel Bozynski Shannon Cian Megan Gaylord Amy Killebrew Amber Lindsay Casey Williams
Kappa Rho
Ronyn Healey Vicki Zandarski
Kappa Tau
Susan Howell
Thi Le
Joelle McWilliams
Kelly Smith
SaranBuckley Bridget Gannon
Phi I'psilon
Kimberly Hartman
Rho Delta
Kristie De-Arman Candace Williams
Tau Omega
Jessica Campbell Stacey Clarke Amy Desai
Theta Psi
Erin Anders
Jen Biar
Kristi Bowe Tracy Dobnikar Michelle Dotto Melissa Lang Helen Ledgard Erin Munson Colleen Novotny Karen Renyolds
Zeta Kappa
Kim Gunn
Amy Waddington
Beta lambda
Stacy Batterton Marilee Muirhead
Chi Delta
Katie Ward
Chi lambda
Heather Powell
Kristie Ewing Kim Tahsuda
Robyn Herzog
Delta Beta
Elizabeth Damare'
Delta Delta
Karey Nelson
Delta Epsilon
Rebekan Adams Deidra Tidwell
Delta Omeg^a
Stevie Lowery Amanda White
Epsilon Sigma
Kate Dauksch
Gamma Delta
Lauren Huff Jana Jacobs
Kappa Alpha
Saran Clark
Kappa Chi
Melissa Blakey
Kappa Kappa
Natalie Leakey
Kappa lambda
Sara Fitzpatrick Sarah Nelligan
Kappa Omeoa
Dinah Tichy
Kappa Phi
Aubrey Lough Kathleen Morrison
Kappa Rho
Dacia Viles
Kappa Tau
Jennifer Howes
lambda Chi
Melissa Smith Tiffany Stenglein
lam bda Eta
Ann Marie Klotz Traci VanPortFleet
lambda Tau
Amanda Hopper
Mu lota
Tiffany Moyer Carrie Osmun
iVu Omicron
Kristin Zaleuke
Leigh Pitts
Phi Si<£ma
Jennifer Liakos
Phi I'psilon
Erin Clem
Pi Alpha
Heather Same
Rho Delta
Deborah Swyers
Rho Omicron
Kristen Youngblood
Sigma Alpha
Erin Chittum Cara Gossart
Sis,ma Delta
Casey Maugh Carrie McDonough
Si«ma Omicron
Jenny Hayes Amanda McNeely Heather Slinkard
Julia Sisson Holly Smith
Jodi Teaford Rachel Terry Ashley Thomson Brooke West Rachel Wood
Chi Delta
Tara Freidman Heather Parker
Chi Epsilon
Kristy Brewer Michelle Carlin
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Chi lambda
Cyndi Rowley
Epsilon Omega
Tiffany Ehling
Epsilon Sigma
Dawn Burns Heather Fitting Jennifer Medina Randi Ramsey Jessica Weiss Dominique Zewde
Gamma Delta
Hollie Ambler Emily Collins Christin Hopkins Megan Maxcy Mindy Pollard Sandra Tilley
Kappa Alpha
Jocelyn Eglen Darby Thompson
Student Ambassadors
Alpha Chi
Samantha Owens Kelly Schumrn
Alpha Delta
Andrea Carver Lindy Lomenick Catherine North Jennie Rodgers Kathryn Rutledge Kathryn Taylor Rachel Terry Brooke West
Chi Delta
Tara Freidman
Chi I psilon
Lindsay Block Tina Chambers Emily Frye
Chi Lambda
Briana Dunn Courtney Kissel Johana Pollack
Ipsilon Omega
Erica Conley Andrea Yelton
Ipsilon Si£ma
Kelly Darr Natalie Jones Jennifer Medina
Gamma Alpha
Megan Sinks
Gamma Delta
Carla Sulivant Sandra Tilley
Gamma Theta
Colleen Houtt Soyini Morris Charolette Mundy Jennifer Mundy
Kappa Kappa
Kim Ford
Andrea Fulda Anne Runden Kappa Tau Racnael Guarino Reagan McMillan
Nn Beta
Cindy Jones Corby Mason Caroline Roussel Lauren Webb
Phi I psilon
Emily Brink Anne Hardin
Theta Chi
Sonya Allen Rebecca Donaldson Nichole Foval Rebecca Heuertz
Theta Psi
Tracy Dobnikar Michelle Doto Abigail Good Lisa Knight Melissa Lang Helen Ledgard Karen Renyolds
Who's Who Chi Lambda
Lindsey Stout
Gamma Delta
Hollie Ambler Jessica Litton Carla Sullivant
Kappa Omieron
Rachel Bozynski Amy Killebrew Courtney Umberger Casey Williams
Gretchen Rycenga
Chi Epsilon
Allison Haas
Chi Lambda
Brooke Hoener Sam Siegfried Angie Smith
Chi Psi
Ashley Kiersted Maureen Naylor Ashley Kiersted Maureen Naylor
Eryn Blum Allison Chapman Melissa Faubert Laura Perry
Elli Resnick Dena Sloan
Gamma Alpha
Kristina Dorville Kathy Gross Katie Keegan Aimee Knutsen Erin Willet Andie Ogden
Gamma Theta
Patricia Hall
Kappa Alpha
Megan Bowers Kelly Rupert
Kappa Lambda
Lynzey MacRae
Kappa Omieron
Shannon Cian
Jill Peterfeso Courtney Umberger Megan Gaylord Jamie Graham Mary Johnston Melissa Rail
Kim French Brooke Paul
Kho Delta
Christy Carter Katie Funderburk Terah Gaertner Katie McCarthy Jennifer Smallwood
Amie Heck Kristina Kobryn Tarryn Lobb Lauren Munjone Tanya Sutcliffe
Tau Omega
Molly Dean
Kim Painter Samantha Shockley
Theta Chi
Rebecca Donaldson Janette Hebert Brianne Pierson
Theta Psi
Lisa Knight
Cheerleaders and Danee learn
Alpha Chi
Becky Lock
Alpha Delta
Britt Morgan
Chi Delta
Christine Hood Heather Scambia
Chi Lambda
Summer Bastin Jennifer Burr Megan Meyer Karla Petit
Sara Ray Kellye Wagner
Chi Psi
Christina Underwood
Robyn Herzog Jordan McCarter Sarah Methe Sarah Puglia Epsilon Sigma Dawn Burns Andrea Green Jennifer Lashly Kimberly Parchem
Gamma Alpha
Tish Decoud Danielle Doolin Maureen Hill Melissa Hunt Erin Pauling Kristin Rascona
Cathy Spahn
Kappa Kappa
Wendy Whittern Shaunda Young
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
Kappa Omicron
Kim Battersby Michelle Eacret
Kappa Tau
Angela Baldwin Melissa DeRamus Erin Lyons
Nikki Bender Stephanie Collins Ginger Geldreich Erin Pigford Alexa Prince
band, Orchestra, Majorettes
Alpha Delta
Holly Grammer
Chi Delta
Josie Gray
Gamma Alpha
Erin Pauling
Kappa Lambda
Stephanie Bumstead Tara Lee Fredeen
Queens, Courts &
Pageants Alpha Chi
Lesley Ferguson Susan Gibbs Cameron Rich
Alpha Delta
Emily Bishop Jana Hyde Rachel Wood
Beta Gamma
Amanda Winkel
Chi Lambda
Courtney Kissel Nicole Loveless
Chi Psi
Julie Bonner
Natalee Holt
Natalie Leakey Becca Michel Alicia Pease
Kappa Omicron
Rachel Bozynski Amy Killebrew
Kappa Tau
Jennifer Frazzela Kelley Genova Rachael Guarino Erin Lyons
Courtney Thompson
Xu Beta
Mariah Mavromatis Alexa Prince Heather Soriano (Miss Mississippi)
Jessica Walls
Phi Upsilon
Suellen Geese
Theta Chi
Gabriella Collignon
Theta Psi
Michelle Garcia Flelen Ledgard Kerri Rose
Kim Schaff
Zeta Kappa
Seana Attwood Cynthia Schutz
Editors of Campus
Publications Alpha Chi
Samantha Owens
Chi Epsilon
Shelly Vora
Chi Psi
Kim Tahsuda
Maria SchilT
Epsilon Omega
Gwen Maggara
Epsilon Omega
Sammy Jo Monroe
Gamma Alpha
Christine Johansen
Gamma Delta
Carla Sulivant
Gamma Delta
Heather Terry
Kappa Omicron
Laura Bauer
Kappa Omicron
Sara Mason
Dee Dee Burt
Kho Delta
Michelle Carr
Tau Omega
Nicole Bremer
Theta Psi
Shannon Riordan
Outstanding Chapter Campus Honors
Alpha Chi
Most Outstanding Community Service, Won Spring Sing, Outstanding New Member Program, Greek Involvement, Outstanding Alumni Development, Scholastic Achievement and Intramural Awards
Alpha Delta
Second in overall grades for Panhellenic, Most Involved
Sorority on Campus
Omega IVuBeta
Meg Camardese Jessica Reichwein Adrienne Thompson
Phi Upsilon
Maureen O'Keefe Kate Tucker
Tau Lambda
Heather Snyder
Theta Psi
Kelly Doege James Etim
Carey Rennekamp Cindi Yang
Zeta Kappa
Riccie Henning Esia Hernandez Stephanie Siddall
Susan Bostick
Kelly Peters
Phi Upsilon
Maureen O'Keefe Kate Tucker
Kho Delta
Adrain Howell Jessica Rogers Laura Smitherman
Tau Omega
Tammy Bentley Cathy Curtis Claudia Lee
Theta Chi
Sara Harper Stacie Nichols Sara Ulmer
Epsilon Sigma
Sara Whitlock Dominique Zewde
Gamma Alpha
Aimee Knutsen
Gamma Delta
Beth Barnwell Emily Collins Ellen Hardwick Jana Jacobs Megan Maxcy Sandra Tilley
Kappa Alpha
Alyssa Barnhart
To Dragma/SLIMMER 2000
Alpha Gamma
#1 Senior GPA
Alpha Psi
Silver Recognition of Excellence Award
Beta Gamma
Dryel National Clothing Drive W inners
Most Improved Chapter of the Year
Epsilon Chi
Chapter of Excellence, Sorority of the Year
Epsilon Omega
Most Creative Kids Carnival at Greek Weekend,
Kappa Omega
#1 GPA-Fall 1999
Kappa Omicron
Cup for Most Outstanding Chapter, Performance Award, Scholarship Award (highest G.P.A. among Rhodes Greeks),
Most Outstanding Philanthropy Event, Sportsmanship Award
Kappa Phi
The Inter-Greek Letter Council Philanthropy Award
Kappa Eho
Chapter Standards
of Excellence, Second largest contributor of sororities for Campus Blood Drive,
Top contributors in the Life Saver Campaign,
Third Place NPC Intramural Sports
Kappa Tau
Most Outstanding Student Organization, #1 in Greek Games, #1 in Flag Football, Greek Week
Spirit Stick
Lambda Sigma
#1 GPA on campus, Choral chosen to sing National Anthem dur- ing Atlanta Braves baseball game
Lambda Tau
Chapter of the Year
Distinguished Service Award,
Philanthropy Award
\u Omicron
Excellence in Scholarship Award
SociafResposibility Award,
Greek Week Champions, Honorable Mention - GAMMA Cup, Honorable Mention - Greek Relations, Innovations and Programming: Safety Backpack,
Chapter Achievement Award for Operations and Innovations, Campus Leadership and Involvement Award
Phi Beta
Chapter of the Year, Greek Unity and Involvement Award, Outstanding New Member Education Program
Phi Sigma
PanhaHenic Spririt Award
Rho Delta
Community Service Award
Rho Omicron
Most Outstanding Scholarship,
Fund Raiser, Community Service Hours and New Member Program
gRights Sigma Phi
Chapter of the Year
Most Outstanding Sorority
Tau Delta
1st Place GPA • Fall
Tau Lambda
5 Star Chapter Award, Best New Member Development Program,
Greek Week Champions, Highest GPA for eighth consecutive semester
Tau Omega
Academic Excellence Award
Theta Pi
Best Overall -Songfest
Zeta Kappa
Excellence in Leadership, Excellence in Recruitment,
2nd Place in Homecoming Talent Show
Zeta Pi
1st Place Scholarship, Highest GPA Award, President's Points Award for Intramural Sports,
Student Life Excellence Trophy, UAB National Alumni Award,
1st Place Greek Week
Zeta Psi
Chapter Excellence Award, #1 GPA
Chi Delta
John G. Copeland Award for Excellence
Delta Delta
Outstanding New Member Program, Most Improved GPA
Delta Epsilon
Sorority of the Year, Philanthropy of the Year Award
Delta Omega
All-Sport Intramural Champions
Delta Pi
#1 GPA-Fall 1999
Epsilon Alpha
With Delta Upsilon raised over $116,000 in Penn State's Dance Marathon
1st Place in Greek Games
Gamma Theta
First Prize at Sigma Delta Tau's Annual lipsync to benefit The Joshua House
Gamma Omicron
Chapter of the Year
Iota Sigma
Cardinal Circle Award
Kappa Alpha
Won 4 of 8 Order of Omega Awards
Kappa Kappa
Ashley Award for outstanding participation and enthusiasm during Homecoming Week 1999,
2nd Place Women's GPA
To Dragma/SUMMER 2000
C.Work Out
1 5 9 Oxford Athletic Shorts w/weathered design. M, l_ XL ' I2.00 1 6 9 Oxford Athletic T-shirt w/weathered design. M, L, XL 'I 2.00 1 8 8 Athletic Running Shorts w/weathered design. L, XL M 2.00
having fun
E. LetterTee's
I 5 7 Olive T-shirt w/check l e t t e r s . M, L. X L ! 2 2 . 0 0
3 4 6 3 5 3
Khaki T-shirt w/plaid letters. M, L, XL ^2.00
Navy T-shirt w/khaki and burgundy letters. M. L, XL '22.00
i l U i / i u l c<v/«(<<•>> ffPfttWY'
D. HatsOff
I I OA White Cotton Cap. AOI1 letters on back514.00
I I OB Navy Wool Cap. Alpha Omicron Pi on back. ^0.00 I IOD White Cap w/red bar design.118.00
I I OH Tan Cap w/red & navy letters.1 H&8 SALE : 10.00 I IOJ Khaki Cap w/burgundy oval.116.00
I I OM A O n Crew Cap.' 16.00
I I ON Navy Bar Cap w/red bar design.! 19.00
I IOQ AHEAD® OxfordWool Cap.!2ft66SALE512.00
I IOR Red Sport Cap.'18.00
I I O U O r a n g e C a p w / n a v y b a r d e s i g n . •' 1 9 . 0 0
I 3 6 C
3 5 4 Burgundy Long Sleeve T-shirt w/check letters. M.L.XL^J&eeSALE! 16.00
Order toll free:
Monday thru Friday 9to5 est.
1-800-746-72 64
Or Call: 615-370-0920 Fax To: 615-371-9736
Email order to:
[email protected]
Order online:
Emporium's online catalog: www.aoiiemporium.com
D. Colorful Tees
136C Dad Cap.;
14.00 Also shown on page 13.
Mail order to:
AOIT EMPORIUM AOn International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027
Most orders shipped within 48 hours.We guarantee quality merchandise.
I 1 0 M
I 12 Navy T-shirt w/primarv colors. M. L XL!22.00 1 2 7 Navy T-shirt w/lime letters. M. L XL '22.00
3 7 2 Navy T-shirt w/orange letters. M. L, XL :22.00
I Name:
l Address:
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) )
Z i d :
Price Each
Total Price j
City: ltem#
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~J Mastercard
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$25.01 to $50
$50.01 to $75
$75.01 to $100
Please add $200 for every $25 after $100. Canadian customers please double amounts for shipping &
handling charges.
8.2596 sales tax
Shipping & Handling (see chart)
Total amount enclosed
residents add
Thank you! Emporium sales benefit AOfl!
B. Dorm Poster
2 0 6 "One Motto" Poster. 18x27 inches. Quote from
founder Stella Perry. (Designed to compliment our "One Motto'T- shirt p. 9). '8.00
D. Baby Doll T's
199 Naw Baby DollT-shirt. L, XL ' 16.00
210 OxfordBabvDollT-shirt. L XL '16.00
21 I Long Sleeve Baby Doll T-shirt. M, L 5 1 9 . 0 0
11 2 White Babv DollT-shirt. M,L'I5.00
B. Sterling Silver
64J Sterling Snake Chain. (18 in.) '9.00
301J Engraved Oval Bracelet.s30.00
JOJJ Engraved OvalEarrings,mm SALE•10.00 303JS Square Earrings. * 18.00
305J Ball Earring w/drop AOR'14.00
309J Ring w/Continuous A O n Sizes 6&7.*16.00
3 I I j Engraved Locket Ring. Sizes: 6&7 '20.00
3 I 3J Engraved Bracelet. '30.00
3 16J Engraved Square Ring. Sizes 6&7.$20.00
3 I7J Engraved Ball Drop Earrings.$15.00
3 18J Engraved Square Pendent * 18.00
3 19J Cuff Bracelet. Hand crafted. -:36.00
320J Engraved Oval Pendant.' 18.00
321J Engraved Square Bracelet '30.00
3 36J Toggle Necklace w/AOn & rose dangle. '30.00 3 36J-C Beaded Chain. (18 in.) '8.00
337J Necklace w/engraved AOn and Rose. '38.00 338J Ball-Bead Cham w/AOn.114.00
E. Ringer Tee's
I 5 4 Oxford Ringer T-shirt w/navy. M, L, XL
I 5 5 Daisy Ringer T-shirt, w/forest M, L, XL H*rB6 SALE > 12.00 178 RingerT-shirtw/red.M,L,XL'12.00
345 RingerT-shirtw/navy.M,L,XLs 12.00
SALE ' 12.00
gift certificates
&*0 11
J09 Monogram Recognition Pin
J10 Rose Recognition Pin
Jll 50 Year Pin
I12A Mother's Club Pin-Plain J12B Mother's Club Pin-Jeweled
J14 Pledge Pin (Chapter order only)
J15 New Member Award Pin (not shown)
( Chapter order only)
$ —.— —.— —.— —.— —.—
—.— —.—
—.— —.— —.—
—.— —.—
10K GK S S
$ - . - $10.00* $—.— —.— 10.50* —.— 35.00* 14.00* —.— 45.00* 18.00* -.- 60.00* 28.00* —.— —.— 5.00* —.— —.— 15.50* —.—
108.00 70.00 -.- 108.00 70.00 -.— 176.00 —.— —.—
190.00 —— .—
J23 Onyx Imperial Ring w/o Pearl Shanks
J24 Onyx Imperial Ring with Pearl Shanks
J25 Wide Band Crest Ring
J27 Raised Letter Remembrance Ring
J28 Raised Letter Signature Ring
J29 Oval Incised Letter Ring
J31 Vertical Incised Letter Ring
J32 Mini Monogram Ring
J35 Badge Ring (Alumnae Only) J56 Monogram Band Ring w/Pear!s
J59 Vertical Rose Ring w/Brushed Base
J60 Wide Band Crest Ring/Brushed
175.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 110.00 195.00 115.00 165.00
GK SS $-.- $80.00
J17 Plain Badge (A, 0 and II Pol ished)
118 Plain Badge (Polished A and 11; Chased 0 )
J19 Jeweled Badge
(Crown Pearl 0 ; Chased A and 11)
J20 Jeweled Badge
(Crown Pearl A and 0; Pearl IT)
J21 Honor Badge- (Chapter order only)
(Crown Ruby A ; Chased 0 and 0 )
J22 Honor Badge- (Chapter order only)
85.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 50.00 —.— 42.00 56.00
(Crown Ruby A ; Crown Pearl 0 and Chased II) J34 President's Ring 220.00
JBubble Badge Guard (not shown)
All badge orders must include initialed chapter, initials and initiated date.
Lavahere Bracelet
EMPORIUM JEWELRY Lavalieres/Pendants/Charms
$95.00 100.00
30.00* 35.00* 35.00* 38.00*
110.00 110.00 110.00
—.— —.— —.—
—.— 100.00
—.— 85.00 $93.00 $83.00
J01 Pearl Vertical Letter Lavaliere
J0IRP Alt. Ruby/Pearl Vertical Letter Lavaliere
J02 Mini Vertical Letter Lavaliere
J03 Rose Lavaliere
J04 Vertical Letter Lavaliere
JOS Heart Lavaliere
$115.00 130.00
45.00* 55.00 55.00* 55.00
J36 Badge Charm fAlumnae Indicate Badge Style
Shipping L Handling
Subtotal Tennessee Residents Add 8.25% Sales Tax .
All items must be prepaid.
All orders are non-returnable.
Cancelled orders are subject to 25% penalty.
All prices subject to change without notice.
Golklad (GK) is 14K Heavy Gold Electroplate. Add
J36P Chased Badge Charm {Alumnae Indicate Badge Style
Add S3 50
Add$6.00 TOTAL
140.00 J36T Plain Pierced Badge Charm (Alumnae Onl\) 140.00
Add $7.00 Add $8 00 Add $9.00
Indicate Badge Style
J37 Octagon Rose Lavaliere
J44 GF or SS Round Filigree Border Charm
Please add $2.00 for every $25.00 after $100.00
w/Rose —.— J44E GF or SS Round Border Charm
$20.00 to 10K prices for White Gold. Badge is not included with badge charms or badge ring. Allow approximately 8 weeks for delivery of non-stock items.
w/Engraved AOII
J48 Pebble Border Charm w/Petite Rose J50 Ribbon Border Charm w/Petite Rose J57 Crown Pearl Heart Charm
J58S Filigree Heart Charm
J63 Rectangle Incised Charm
POSTMASTER-Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
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'Emporium Item In Stock 14K
Qty Size
3 Initials Badges Onh
InitiationDate Badges Onlv
Initiation Chapter Pnce
—.— 33.00* 18 inch GF or SS chains available - $7.00
*Emporium Item In Stock
EFFECTIVE: September 1,1999 • 1-800-746-7264
185.00 —.—
-.— 1.00*
Send with payment to: AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027, L'SA, (615) 370-0920. (81)0) 746-7264
82.00 —.— 20.00* 22.00* 20.00* 22.00 20.00* 22.00* 20.00 22.00 52.00 —•—
52.00 —•—
52.00 —.—
20.00 22.00
34.00 35.00
30.00 30.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 25.00
$66.00 12.00*
Card No: $66.00 Name
22.00 Address
w/IOK Rose
J61 Scallop Border Ring
Ring orders cannot be processed without ring size. FREE ENGRA VING—Limit 3 initials ONLY'.
Up to $ 5 00 S5.01-S25.00 S25.OI-S5O.0O $50 01-$75 00 S75.0I-SI00.00
Shipping and Handling
Notice: November I, 1999 will be the last day to place Holiday orders on jewelry that is not in stock.
$ 135.00
140.00 —.— 125.00 —.— 110.00 —.— 110.00 —.— 110.00 —.— 110.00 —.—
80.00 —.— 140.00 —.— 84.00 —.— 120.00 —•—
96.00 —.—
$ — — $ 205.00 $90.00 $90.00
90.00 36.00