To Dratfiqa o f
Announcing "Panda-Sanp"
Regional Meeting Details Inside / \
Omicron Pi Recolonizes
At University of MicJ]j
<0> Whether you live in Atlanta or Albuquerque, Manhat-
tan or Milwaukee, Alpha Omicron Pi has a special invita-
tion for you. How about spending a weekend with sisters
from across your region, learning more about your Frater-
nity, learning more about yourself?
That's what Regional Meetings offer every AOII, alum
or collegiate—a "Panda-Rama" of activities ranging from
workshops and leadership sessions to the traditional Rose
Banquet. All eight meetings have adopted the same
"Panda-Rama" theme this year, revolving around the new
and as yet unofficial AOPanda mascot, and all eight offer
participants a three-day schedule of meetings, award
ceremonies, Rituals and old-fashioned sisterhood.
This year each Regional Meeting Chairman plans to
create a mini-Convention, complete with theme lunches
and dinners, favors and AOII "songfests." Opening and
closing Rituals and a Ritual workshop are scheduled, along
with sessions on many facets of chapter operation and
management. Some of the individual workshops planned
focus on rush, philanthropy, alumnae membership,
Panhellenic, fund-raising, scholarship, finances and
fraternity education.
Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Take a minute to check your
regional listing below and write your chairman for full
details. I f you can't attend the entire meeting, why not
drive over for a luncheon, dinner, or afternoon workshop
Region I
Chairman: Dr. Harriet O'Leary
309 Waring Road
Syracuse, NY 13224
Phone: 315/446-5648
Dates: June 9-11
arc Place: Syracuse University
Haven Hall, Syracuse University Region II
t1 Co-Chairmen: Mrs. Arthur Olstead (Carolyn)
5036 Kent
•MvI r Edina, MN 55435
: Mrs. Terry Hansen (Lynne)
3307 49th Avenue
Tau Chapter House, U. of Minnesota North Minneapolis, MN 55429
2 Dates: June 16-18
Place: Tau Chapter House, University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Region III
Chairman: Mrs. James Maples (Linda)
936 Mountain Branch Dr.
Birmingham, AL 35226
Dates: June 16-18
Place: Hilton, Birmingham, Alabama
Region IV iffllllllllllii
Co-Chairmen: Mrs. Rodney Harrington (Jonalou) 3L * 3 H ^ * -
7171 Robert Ross Place
West Lafayette, IN 47906 Hovde Hall, Purdue University
Phone: 317/583-4325
Mrs. Charles Hill (Diane)
4430 State Road 25N Iowa State's Memorial Union
Lafayette, IN 47905
Phone: 317/589-8321 Alpha Rho Chapter House, Oregon State
Dates: June 16-18
Place: Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana
Region V
Co-Chairmen: Mrs. Robbie Malm
3945 Lincoln Place Dr.
Des Moines, IA 50312
Miss Ann Landis
2712 Fleur, Apt. 6
Des Moines, IA 50312
Dates: June 10-12
Place: Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Region VI
Co-Chairmen: Mrs. John Coker (Tia)
3942 South Ridge Dr.
Eugene, OR 97404
Phone: 503/484-0094
Miss Gayle Fitzpatrick
2435 NW Harrison Blvd.
Corvallis, OR 97330
Dates: June 10-12
Place: Alpha Rho Chapter House
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Region VII
Co-Chairmen: Miss Debbie Bando
2801 Rolido#95
Houston, TX 77063
Mrs. Bert Hoyt (Theda)
6215 Cheena
Houston, TX 77035
Dates: June 2-4
Place: Houston, Texas
Region VIII
Chairman: Miss Ann Crawford
811% West Foothills
Mourovia, CA 91016
Dates: June 23-25
Place: Nu Lambda Chapter House
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
QntkrofiPi 7' i
Spring, 1978 Vol. L X I , No. 2
Published since
January, 1905 by
Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897
Founders Page 16 Contents
Page 8
Jessie Wallace Hughan Page 19 2 Regional Meetings 1978
Helen St. Clair Mullan 5 We're Back At Michigan!
Stella George Stern Perry 7 Letter From Norma Ackel
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 8 A Politician? . . . It Never Entered
The Founders were members of
Alpha Chapter at Barnard College Her Mind
of Columbia University and all are 9 AOII Named First Lady
10 California AOIIs On The Move
Alpha Oinicron Pi Central Office 12 Alumnae Notes And Quotes
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 16 AOII . . . And Arthritis
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 18 Campus Sights & Sounds
Telephone: 615-383-1174 19 Collegiate Commentaries
23 To Dragma Creativity Contest
Administrative Director: Sue Lewis.
TA (Rex)
Accountant: Kay Saunders
Communications Coordinator: Diane
Bartley, B«I>
Collegiate Coordinator:
Maryann Tiemann, I"
Assistant to the Administrative
Director: Betsy Smith, AA
Membership and Supplies Secretary:
Jo-Ann Salyer
Bookkeeper: Ben Hollins
Traveling Consultants:
Susan Bloxham, A T
Denise Hembree, X A
Lisa Richtermeyer, A l l
Editor: Diane Bartley, B<t>
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMI- ON T H E C O V E R : With "Panda-Rama" the theme
CRON PI, the official organ of Alpha of this year's Regional Meetings, what more appropriate
Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by cover girl? Check pages 2 and 3 for your meeting's date
Alpha Omicron Pi, at Williams Print- and location, then make your reservation for a weekend
ing Company, 417 Commerce Street, of fun, friendship and learning. Special note should
Nashville, Tennessee 37219. Subscrip- also be given to this issue's back cover which continues
tion price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 the panda theme and was illustrated by Ann Oliphant,
per year. Life Subscription, $25.00. Nu Omicron at Vanderbilt University. A senior this
Send change of address and corres- year, Ann is majoring (naturally) in art.
pondence of a business nature to
Alpha Omicron Pi. 2401 Hillsboro
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee
37212. Address all editorial communi-
cations to the Editor: Editor, care
of Central Office. Second Class Pos-
tage paid at Nashville, Tennessee.
We're Back At Michigan!!
By Susan Bloxham,AT nonexistent. Rush posters shipped helping included Anita Bailey and
Traveling Consultant from Central Office arrived almost Vicki Downs, publicity chairmen;
three weeks late; envelopes for invita- Carol Callard, rushee information
February, 1978. Years from now, tions and ads sent by the publicity chairman; Pat Gazdecki, transporta-
most Americans will remember this chairman, snowbound in Grand tion chairman; Sally Jarvis, invita-
particular date for the storms, the Rapids, were lost in route to the Ann tions chairman; Vivian Kreasky, in-
whipping winds, the five-foot drifts Arbor campus. But somehow, in the terviews chairman; Jeanne Mc-
of snow. But AOIIs will have an extra end, everything came together. Claran, rush party chairman; Judi
memory of a far more pleasant and Monaghan, reservations and supplies
very special February event—the Reactivation of Omicron Pi chairman; Judi Treadwell, rush din-
recolonization of Omicron Pi chapter chapter had been discussed since 1976 ner chairman, and Jane Stitt.
at the University of Michigan. but plans were quickly formalized last
spring after the Michigan Panhellenic Other AOIIs flew to Michigan to
Twenty-four young women do not Council voted overwhelmingly for assist local alums during this impor-
just decide to become AOIIs. How AON's return to campus. NPC tant week. Present were Executive
the "World of A O I I " came back to groups on campus offered their Board members Phyllis Westerman,
the University of Michigan is an ex- houses for use and constantly Joan MacCallum and Kay Sutherlin,
citing story representing months of cooperated with all plans. as well as Nancy McCain, Past Inter-
planning and dedication by many Panhellenic Advisor Sunny Hill and national President and current
AOIIs, despite devastating winter Director of Off-Campus Housing Jo member of the RT&J Committee;
weather. While plans were being Williams were key figures in the rush Peg Crawford, First Alternate
finalized, area alumnae found success, assisting in scheduling, ar- Delegate to NPC; Barbara Hunt,
themselves buried in 31 inches of rangements and invitation and bid is- Regional Vice-President I I ; Barbara
snow and buffeted by winds up to 100 suance. Zolnierczak, Regional Extension Of-
miles per hour. "One of the worst ficer I I , and Charlene Potter,
storms in Michigan's history" was As rush week started, AOII alum- Regional Director I I .
the cause of anxieties as mail service nae chairmen cheerfully overcame
was greatly delayed and at times weather problems and went to work Flown in from Indiana were 10
carrying out plans. Area alumnae members of AOII's collegiate rush
team, headed by Jane Hamblin, In-
ternational Rush Chairman; Joan ft r Neither ice, snow or
Piper, former traveling consultant, winds up to 100 miles
and current Traveling Consultant 5 per hour managed to
Susan Bloxham. Representing Beta keep area Michigan
Phi chapter, Indiana University, were vmmt alums from continuing
Vivian Bonham, Mary Gordon, Troy Omicron Pi reactivation
Johnson, Mary McConnell and Pam was the signing of papers for the pur- plans. Among those
Witting. Attending from Phi Upsilon chase of the Omicron Pi chapter working "behind the
chapter, Purdue University, were house at 800 Oxford in Ann Arbor. scenes" were (front,
Libby Gurthet, Diana Nickolaff, This was a particularly exciting time I. to r.) Pam Mooradian,
Debbie Payne, Suzanne Shea and as this was the original Omicron Pi Jeanne McClaran (new
Leslie Welch. chapter house. Chapter Adviser), Jane
Stitt, (back) Karen
Kicking off the week was a The eventful days drew to a close Benning, Judy
February 12 buffet dinner for rushees with the giving out of bids February Treadwell, Anita Bailey,
and University guests. After several Judi Monaghan and
speakers outlined AOII organization AltaAntel.
and summarized history, chapter sup- 16. The pledge ceremony, followed
port and collegiate and alumnae life, by the pledge dinner, was held that
this collegiate rush team presented a evening at the Michigan Union. Roses
special skit illustrating the dinner's decorated the tables and many thanks
theme, "See the USA!" were given to all those who con-
tributed so much to the successful
Interviews followed February 14 recolonization of Omicron Pi
and 15, as Executive Board members, chapter.
aided by Susan Bloxham, worked
busily at the Michigan Union. Early
morning to late evening hours were
spent getting acquainted with and
answering the questions of the many
young women who had indicated
their interest by signing up for in-
dividual talks.
Highlighting the week's activities
. With Two More On The Way!
The Executive Board
announces the installation
of two collegiate chapters
University George Mason
of University
South Carolina April 22, 1978
April 22, 1978
Alpha Omicron Pi
Dear S i s t e r s ,
Each of us has an o b l i g a t i o n to make some c o n t r i b u t i o n , however
great or small, for the benefits AOII has given us, both during our
c o l l e g i a t e y e a r s and our y e a r s as alumnae. Not a l l members can be
o f f i c e r s , chairmen of important committees, advisers or corporation
board members. However, each of us can make a c o n t r i b u t i o n of some
kind, whether moral support of those doing AOII work, encouraging
a college-bound woman to pledge AOII o r some type o f f i n a n c i a l support.
Alpha Omicron P i has not p r e v i o u s l y asked much from i t s
alumnae members i n the way o f f i n a n c i a l support. During the 1977
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Convention, a r e s o l u t i o n was passed r e q u e s t i n g the
Executive Board to s o l i c i t the alumnae membership f o r f i n a n c i a l
contributions. This request has been implemented through sending
out s o l i c i t a t i o n requests t h i s spring. Categories have been
e s t a b l i s h e d which w i l l be p u b l i c i z e d i n To Dragma. A g i f t of
$1 t o $25 p l a c e s you on the RUBY ROSTER. Those who c o n t r i b u t e $25
but l e s s than $100 w i l l become members of the SHEAF CIRCLE. As the
word "Sheaf" i s sometimes used to i n d i c a t e AOIIs who wish t o s h a r e ,
t h i s group has indicated i t s w i l l i n g n e s s to p a r t i c i p a t e i n the ongoing
a c t i v i t i e s of AOII through t h i s monetary g i f t . A g i f t of $100 o r
more p l a c e s a member i n the category GOLDEN ROSE. While I r e a l i z e
not a l l members can a f f o r d t h i s l a r g e a g i f t , I hope those who can
a f f o r d i t w i l l want to show t h e i r support of AOII by a g i f t of $100
or more and become a "Golden Rose."
There a r e many k i n d s of members and many k i n d s of support. I n
our attempts to keep AOII moving forward, we hope a l l of you w i l l want
to be supporting members through the s h a r i n g of time o r money. We
must be prepared to s e i z e every opportunity to b u i l d the k i n d of
o r g a n i z a t i o n we would a l l l i k e to see. We cannot a f f o r d to be hampered
by a l a c k of funds. I would l i k e , now, to share t h i s l i t t l e
statement with you:
A lot of members are like wheelbarrows--not good
unless pushed.
Some are like aanoes--need to be paddled.
Some are like kites--if a string isn't kept on them,
they ' 11 f l y away.
Some are like kittens--they are more contented when
Some are like footballs--you aan't tell which way
they will bounce next.
Some are like balloons--full of wind and ready to
blow up.
Some are like trailers--they have to be pulled.
Some are like lights--they keep going on and o f f .
Many are like the North Star--there when you need
them, dependable, ever loyal and a guide to all
Which kind of member are you?
iF»na tt e r n aalili v , A -
Norma Ackel
International President
"Me, A Politician?"
It Never Entered Her Mind
ft When Dorothy Karstaedt Osier cinnati, Ohio, Dottie was active in
Rep. Dottie Osier graduated cum laude from Miami alumnae chapters in those areas.
University in Ohio at the end of When the Osiers and their two small
World War I I , she had a B.S. degree boys moved to Greenwich, Connec-
in business. She'd always been in- ticut, in 1953, Dottie was asked to
terested in what was happening at all take on the AOII Alumnae Director-
levels of government, but at that time ship for District One. In doing this,
being a politician never entered her she also organized a Fairfield County
mind. Now, years later, Dorothy is a Alumnae Club in her home area and
third-term member of the Connec- served first as vice-president, then as
ticut State House of Representatives, president, of the Fairfield County
a Republican representing one-third Panhellenic Association.
of the town of Greenwich, Connec-
ticut. Teaching Sunday school, PTA
work, the American Association of
While at Miami, she was president University Women and the League of
of AOII's large Omega chapter, as Women Voters occupied her free
well as distinguishing herself with time. In 1969 Dottie was elected to
membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Mor- the non-partisan Representative
tar Board, and by being named Town Meeting in Greenwich, that
Outstanding Junior Girl. Having had peculiar New England type of govern-
a very positive sorority experience at ment which is a little like a large City
Miami, Dottie has been an active Council. She still serves on that, hav-
alumna, serving AOII in many ing been reelected many times.
capacities before her full-time com-
mitment to politics. Elected to the State Legislature in
1972, Rep. Osier has served on the
Just out of college, Dottie served Education, Human Services, En-
AOII for several years as National vironment, and Government Ad-
Scholarship Officer. After marrying ministration and Policy Committees.
David D. Osier and moving first to For the last two terms, she has been
Evanston, Illinois, and then to Cin-
(continued on page 9)
Ky. Alum Works
For The Colonel
AOIIs seem to be just about everywhere—doing just
about everything. Here Jerri Libbert Henne, Delta Omega
'64, takes a moment to greet her "boss," the well-known
Colonel Sanders.
By day Jerri is secretary to the director of Zantigo
Mexican-American Restaurants, a division of Kentucky
Fried Chicken located in Louisville. Since the director
travels four days each week, the company's district
managers work directly with Jerri much of the time.
Secondary education studies at Murray State University
didn't really prepare Jerri for the business world, so by
night she is once again a college student—this time aiming
for a degree in commerce at the University of Louisville.
"Believe me, I am busy," she writes. "But I guess I really
enjoy the pace—or I wouldn't do i t . "
AOTT Named First Lady
" A happy woman is a busy i "People who stay home
woman." A simple philosophy are dull and bored to
perhaps, but one which has well serv- I death," says Holly
ed Jane " H o l l y " Hollingsworth V Watts. "They need to
Watts, Omicron '53, recently named get out." And Holly
First Lady of Knoxville, Tennessee. past two years to school, senior practices what she
citizen and civic groups. Each talk is preaches—she's
The First Lady Award is given an- geared toward that particular au- perpetually in motion . . .
nually to a woman whose community dience—young boys get the "Joe
contributions are outstanding. Namath talk," which plays up the Preservation of Tennessee Anti-
Nominations are made by civic and fact that he has arthritis and elderly quities.
service organizations, and the winner persons receive more practical advise,
is selected by a secret panel of judges. such as tips on the kind of chair to sit What's Holly's trick? She says it's
Holly is certainly deserving of the in—"a straight-backed chair in which all organization, based on taking one
honor, with accomplishments ranging both legs can touch the floor." Holly day at a time. She carries a small
from establishing the first cytology tries to steer people away from calendar with her constantly, and she
department in Knoxville to lecturing quackery, saying that over $400 does have one little secret to always
weekly on arthritis "to anybody million is spent each year on copper being on time—clocks throughout the
who'll listen." bracelets, gimmicks and medicine Watts home are all set 10 minutes
that doesn't do any good. " I f we fast.
As a medical technician, Holly spent that much on research, we'd
became increasingly interested in have something," she says. What (<(((<§ntiiiued))))>
cancer. She knew annual check-ups Holly does recommend are gentle
and pap smears could save lives, and stretching exercises, based on her the ranking Republican member of
she decided to return to school to studies of dance. the Education Committee, where she
become a cytologist. At that time finds that she can be very effective,
there were fewer than 60 cytologists In fact, Holly practices these stret- even though in a minority situation.
in the country; soon Holly was not ching exercises herself while watching
only supervising the laboratory she television. That is, if she isn't sewing Living about 80 miles from Hart-
had established but was also teaching or attending meetings. She makes ford and the Capitol, Rep. Osier
cytology at the University of Ten- most of her own clothes and those of usually drives the round trip each
nessee. her teenage daughters, then tries to day, staying overnight only when
hem something at every one of her there are late meetings. Connecticut
But Holly's not the sort to hole up meetings. Which amounts to a lot of has more women legislators than any
in a laboratory never to emerge. hemming when you consider she state except New Hampshire, she
While working, she also modeled pro- holds offices in the Mothers' March says, because it is a small state and
fessionally for local dress shops, of Dimes, local garden club, Knox- doesn't necessitate living away from
taught modern dance and managed to ville Dance Theater, Women's Guild home during the sessions. " I didn't
fit in time for Alpha Omicron Pi, ser- of the Knoxville Symphony Society train my husband early enough to
ving as Knoxville Alumnae Chapter and the American Society for the cook dinner," she laughs. " A l l he
president, pledge adviser and philan- can manage is the pop-in-the-oven
thropic chairman. frozen kind, so I try to get home to
make dinner even i f it is often a late
Somehow she and her busy one."
gynecologist-obstetrician husband
Glenn have also managed to build a 9
strong family life. A Bible study and
family prayer time is held at supper
each night, with the four teenagers
taking turns reading.
"People who stay home are dull
and bored to death," Holly says.
"They need to get out." Lecturing on
arthritis is one of the ways Holly
"gets out." She has been a member
of the county Arthritis Foundation
board for the past six years, and has
been lecturing almost weekly for the
At Chi Alpha In Davis
Over a year ago, Alice Crouch family home. They were presently
Huston, Alpha Phi '70, took a walk. renting and agreed to sell.
Not just an ordinary jog through
town, but a long, hard walk through But moving in was not to be the
Davis, California. Alice, Chi Alpha's proverbial "bed of roses." Two
chapter adviser at the University of delays caused by construction and
California campus there, was looking needed repairs forced Chi Alphans to
for a future home for AOIIs. find other accommodations both in
the fall and after Christmas vacation.
One house in particular caught her One AOII alum, Wilma Briggs, open-
eye. The large white house on the cor- ed her home in January to six strand-
ner of First and A streets definitely ed Chi Alphas until the house opened
had possibilities. It was the perfect for occupancy in February. "We've
size, the location was ideal, but there learned a lot from this experience . . .
was one hitch. No "For Sale" sign. we've learned how really important
Alice decided to approach the owners give and take is. Most importantly,"
anyway, and convinced them the adds chapter member Kris Clark,
chapter would take good care of their "Chi Alpha has a home—a place we
can call our own."
Chi Alpha's Ne
California AOTT
WELCOME HOME—After a few minor Modem Dining Area In AB House
delays, Chi Alphas have now all moved
into their new chapter house. Greeting
Founders' Day guests at the "house-
warming" are (from left), Irene
Yamamoto, chapter president; Leslie
Carroll, Panhellenic representative, and
Alice Huston, chapter adviser.
apter House in Davis Lambda Beta "Caught In The A c t "
n The Move
. . . And At Lambda Beta
A charming older home near the beautiful new duplex on the corner of LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT—With the
beach—beautiful view. The ideal Eighth and Termino streets. Com- move to a spacious new duplex, Lambda
location for a group of college pletely paneled in stained wood, the Betas now have plenty of "elbow" room.
women, right? Wrong. That lovely new house sleeps 21 girls easily. Skylights and sliding glass doors in every
older home held 15 girls easily, but as Skylights add to the open and airy room add to the open and airy feeling of
Lambda Beta chapter (California feeling, and sliding glass doors lead the new chapter house.
State at Long Beach) grew, the house from each room to a private sundeck.
didn't. By fall, 1977, 20 girls were liv- 11
ing in the house . . . one room was One section of the house contains a
filled nightly with "wall-to-wall" formal living area, kitchen and two
women sleeping on trundles. The bedrooms with private baths (one
president's room, designed for one room now belongs to the
person only, was opened up to add housemother; the other has been
the pledge trainer. Private con- designated the Leadership Room.)
ferences in the rooms? Forget it . . . The larger side of the house contains
who could get in the door! a powder room on the first floor, liv-
ing room, kitchen and dining area.
Lambda Beta had grown up, and it Upstairs are bedrooms, two baths
was time to move on to bigger and and a dressing area; downstairs, two
better things. After making many in- garage areas will be converted into
quiries, area alumnae discovered a study and recreation rooms.
Ann Arbor, Ml inn, furnished with antiques. fund-raiser offered an excellent op-
The January luncheon was held at portunity for sisters to get together in
Ann Arbor alumnae have been an informal atmosphere and renew
especially busy this year with the the Half Shell in Boston, with 16 old friendships as well as begin new
reactivation of Omicron Pi chapter at members present. The luncheon pro- ones. The profits from the shows
the University of Michigan (see story, gram, which we have been having for were used for various philanthropic
page 5). But in between committee several years, has proved to be very projects.—Karen Dwyer Caesar
meetings, members have managed to popular with our members. We vary
fit in several other group activities. the locations from Boston restaurants Hawaii
to suburban country clubs.
During September and October, we The Hawaii Alumnae Chapter is
helped out during Beta Pi's rush at Last fall, at the first "salad sup- celebrating its third year and we
Eastern Michigan University, then in per" meeting of the year, Caren couldn't be happier. We've spent
November attended the chapter's in- Gundberg gave an excellent report of many delightful hours together and
itiation ceremony. In December, pa- the Arizona convention . . . and we have felt true sisterhood while work-
tients and staff at Parkview Retinal were pleased to welcome Donna ing on projects for the Hawaii
Clinic and the Turner Geriatric Clinic Strettar Sheridan, Phi Omicron '54, Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
were treated to holiday cheer as we back to the Boston area. While Don-
caroled in the halls. na and her family lived in Toronto, AOIIs recently participated in the
her daughter, Linda, was initiated in- Arthritis Miracle Walk in Honolulu
A potluck supper highlighted the to Beta Tau chapter at the University and the Arthritis Coin Cannister
month of March, with new Omicron of Toronto and will graduate in Drive, with Ann Lewis Burr, Gamma
Pi pledges and Beta Pi collegians and May.—Katherine Davis Carter Tau, as chairman. Auctions, garage
pledges in attendance. April will find sales, selling homemade treasures—
Ann Arbor alums working as sales Chicago Northwest you name it, the Hawaii alums have
clerks . . . at our annual garage done it.
sale.—Inga Rickard The Chicago Northwest Suburban
Alumnae Chapter had a special fall Our president, Zoe Pettingill Alex-
Atlanta Tri-County project—preparing for two pre- ander, Gamma, attended Convention
Christmas craft shows. "Stocking for the first time and we were also
Atlanta Tri-County Alumnae stuffers," handmade by the alums, delighted to entertain the visiting
Chapter celebrated its fourth annual included gingerbread ornaments, AOIIs on the post-Convention tour
Thanksgiving party with the residents candy-filled "Christmas Creatures," to the Islands. We're small in
of Wesley Woods Home in personalized pillowcases, Santa pup- numbers but big in en-
November. Members of the chapter pets, spoon dolls and placemats. This thusiasm—come see us!—Ann Lewis
made calico bouquets for the Burr
residents, served refreshments and
provided entertainment. First Vice-
President Carolyn Dupuy's grade
school class made Thanksgiving
"turkey" cards for the residents,
much to their delight.
Boston AOII HOOTENANNY—Atlanta Tri-County members Sandra McCallum and Mary
Rowlings Reese and a friend provided entertainment for the chapter's annual Thanks-
Boston alumnae celebrated giving party.
Founders' Day with a luncheon at
Longfellow's Wayside Inn in Sud-
bury. We had a banquet room with a
blazing fire to warm us from the
December cold. Twenty-six members
were present, representing seven col-
legiate chapters. After the delicious
luncheon we listened to Founders'
Day messages read by our president,
Caren Gundberg, Theta. Members
then toured the historic rooms of the
A historic sight: the home of
former President Benjamin Harrison
in Indianapolis. Who do we find
there? Why, AOIIs of course! Area
collegians, their mothers and In-
dianapolis alums gathered in August
for an "end-of-the-summer," "back-
to-school" party. The informal
gathering included a tour of the
historic home led by Dorothy Chris-
tian Sallee, Omega, '51, its director.
This was just the beginning of an
active fall and winter season for the
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
Although the city does not have its
own collegiate AOII chapter, sup-
porting area collegians posed no pro- BARBECUE "BAGS" RESULTS—Despite steady rain, the 17th annual AOII Barbecue
blems for the group. Christmas Day in Knoxville continued on schedule. Shown above are local chairmen DiAnne
wreaths in September? Yes—creative McMillin and Vandy Leake with the results of last year's profits—an audio-visual machine
braided calico wreaths were fashion- donated to the county Arthritis Foundation.
ed with AOII loving care and sent to pin. In her role as vice-president for Other recent Knoxville activities in-
all seven Indiana collegiate chapters. the past two years she has been cluded a formal ritual for alumnae
Rush and pledge gifts were also sent responsible for numerous chapter and collegians held in November by
to each chapter. programs and activities. alumnae president Sherry Black
Indy alumnae were also involved Indianapolis is also proud to boast Walsh, Omicron '72, and Founders'
with craft and bridge groups, and five 50-year members of AOII: Day, complete with awards,
their annual money-raising project, Pauline Priest Barney, Omega '28; culminating the winter program.
the sale of Christmas cards, was again Jennie Brown Carpenter Bowen, Beta There were two winners of the alum-
a huge success. To celebrate the Phi '27; Dorothy Swift Deitsch, Beta nae certificate of honor this
holidays, the chapter sponsored Theta '28; Musette Williams year—Virginia Hasson Bruner,
another event in honor of their In- Hammond, Theta '27, and Roberta Omicron '53, and Kay Brock Pear-
dianapolis collegians, home for Lockridge Taylor, Theta '27. son, Tau Delta '60 . . . two great
Christmas break. This time it was a alums much appreciated by their
festive champagne brunch. The chapter plans to round out the chapter!—Caroline Caldwell Bowers
spring calendar by learning about car-
At the Founders' Day luncheon, diopulmonary resuscitation from the
the chapter took the opportunity to Marion County Heart Association Nashville, TN
honor Ann Starkey Edwards, Kappa and holding a seminar concerning After a period of inactivity, the
Kappa '64, with an AOII recognition safety tips for women.—Jennifer L . Nashville Alumnae Chapter is back
on its feet—stronger than ever!
Knoxville, TN Since reorganizational meetings
this fall, two separate local groups
Spicy barbecue sauce and a steady have been formed; one meets during
downpour of rain were the order of the day, the other at night. The
the day for Knoxville's annual AOII Founders' Day Banquet in December
barbecue. This year's event—the 17th was the first official "mixing" of the
for alums, collegians and Mother's two groups and was termed one of the
Club members—was only the second finest Founders' Days ever, with 71
to be plagued by rain. Despite the alumnae and 71 collegians attending.
non-sunshine, AOIIs sold barbecue The 32 50-year members living in the
bag lunches to many faithful Big Nashville area were honored, and
Orange football fans. Local chairmen 50-year pins were presented to those
Vandy Cifers Leake, Omicron '64, 12 attending the festivities. Adele
and DiAnne Young McMillin, Hinton, Past International President
Omicron '72, were rewarded for their and former Administrative Director,
long hours of work with a successful served as toastmistress.
INDY ALUMS—Young members of the money count. Despite the weather,
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter prepare the Harriet C. Greve Scholarship will A sherry party at Vanderbilt's Nu
braided calico wreaths to send to all seven continue another year and the Knox- Omicron lodge was organized for col-
Indiana collegiate chapters. Members also ville chapter of the Arthritis Founda- legians and alums during the
sent rush and pledge gifts to each chapter tion will receive a much needed pro- Christmas holidays, and additional
and sponsored parties for local collegians jector and current movies. meetings and activities are now being
during school vacations. scheduled.
Northern Orange County, CLINIC CHECK—Becky Copper presents their time and is located in space
CA Orlando/Winter Park's check to Karl donated by the hospital. Funds are
Seifert, regional manager of the Arthritis needed for materials, such as x-ray
Three hundred collegians and Foundation. film, and personnel, such as nurses
alumnae gathered for lunch at the and technicians.
Camelot Inn in Santa Ana, Califor- Orlando/Winter Park, FL
nia, on December 3, 1977. The The alums raised the $610 with two
reason? Founders' Day for the entire A $610 check was presented to the annual pre-Christmas auctions. The
Southern California Council of Arthritis Clinic at Florida Hospital auctions were open to the public and
Alpha Omicron Pi. The Northern South by the Orlando/Winter Park were stocked with items donated by
Orange County Alumnae Chapter Alumnae Chapter at its 1977 the alums, usually craft and hobby
served as hostess for the event, Christmas party. The presentation products. Items have ranged from
climaxing a busy season of activities. was made by Becky Hartley Copper, handmade Christmas ornaments and
Beta Phi '68, philanthropic chair- seashell jewelry to baby quilts and
Over the past year, area AOIIs man, to Karl Seifert, regional woodcarvings. Workshops were
have enjoyed a "create-a-salad" sup- manager of the Arthritis Foundation, organized to make some of the more
per, a couples pot-luck beach party, a clinic sponsor. elaborate or complicated items, such
garage sale and a game of "krazy as "quiet books" for young children
kards." An October arts and crafts The clinic, opened in November, and Advent calendars.
night featured the making of 1977, is designed to serve extremely
clothespin Christmas ornaments, low-income arthritis patients. Open The Orlando/Winter Park alum-
followed by November's annual one day a month, it is staffed by two nae have also "adopted" an arthritis
fund-raising event, the Christmas Orlando rheumatologists who donate patient, to whom they make contribu-
Boutique. Each alumna brings tions of cash and food as well as small
something to be auctioned. gifts from time to time during the
year.—Pat Cilley Southward
Founders' Day events were
scheduled by co-chairmen Merrily Phoenix
Chapman Jardine, Upsilon, and
Mary Lou Burkhart Ebner, Upsilon After a hectic year preparing for
Alpha. Toastmistress was Beverly International Convention, the
Anderson Adams, Upsilon, who is Phoenix Alumnae Chapter has re-
both president of the Southern mained in high gear.
California Council and vice-president
of the Northern Orange County Leo Bloomquist Wolf, Rho '30, has i
Alumnae Chapter. International been elected president of the Scotts-
President Norma Ackel, Kappa dale Memorial Hospital Auxiliary,
Theta, was guest speaker.—Mary and "Operation Santa Claus," spon-
Leigh Watters Blek sored by the Maricopa County Men-
tal Health Auxiliary, was aided by
our chapter this year. We purchased
AOII-CITY, USA?—Nashville equals Music City, USA, right? Hayes Graf, O, and Margaret Branscomb, NK (sitting), and
Certainly. But to AOIIs, the city is also well-known as the home (standing) Carolyn Miller, O; Elizabeth Cooper, KO; Mary Lou
of Central Office. Add to this the fact that 32 50-year members Faulkner, NO; and Mary Lou Spencer, P. At right are Josephine
all live in the Nashville area and you come up with AOII-City. Holt, NO, and Helen Morford, NO (sitting), and (standing) Eva
Twelve of these longtime members attended recent Founders' Day Jean Wrather, NO; Kathleen Leonardt, NO; Grace Walker, NO,
festivities in their honor and are pictured above. At left are Alice and Augusta Shofner, NO.
Christmas gifts for patients who V
might otherwise have received no
presents. L -in
Founders' Day was celebrated at YOUNGSTOWN'S DOUBLE CELEBRATION—Ohio alumnae and collegians cele-
the Paradise Valley Country Club brated two special occasions September 21—Phi Lambda chapter's 20th anniversary and
with our state collegiate chapters. the installation of the newly reactivated Youngstown Alumnae Chapter (members pic-
Our program gave us a glimpse of the tured above). New chapter officers include Barbara Pico, president; Stephanie Bozin,
founders as Leo Wolf shared her per- vice-president; Patty McNicholas, treasurer; Janice Glaros, recording secretary, and Gayle
sonal remembrances. We presented a Anderson, corresponding secretary. Ruth Lee Leichtamer, Past International President,
punch bowl to Theta Omega and presided over the installation.
funds for tablecloths to Upsilon
Alpha. Syracuse, N.Y. que to the rose banquet and audio-
visual aids.
In January we participated in the The biggest news this year for the
Phoenix Open golf tournament by Syracuse Alumnae Chapter is, of The regular season of monthly
manning the concession stands with course, that Syracuse will host the alumnae meetings has been great, as
other members of the local Regional Meeting for Region I this always, and we were particularly
Panhellenic Council. This was the summer. Syracuse alumnae are pleased to welcome a group of AOIIs
third year we've worked and our preparing enthusiastically under the from Rochester to our Founders' Day
labors have been rewarded by a leadership of 11 committee chairmen, celebration at the University
substantial contribution to our handling everything from the bouti- Club.—Harriet L. O'Leary
scholarship fund.—Judith Hornik
Bourassa How About Starting PANHELLENIC
an ALUMNAE in your community?
Southern Connecticut
It's Easy . . . It's worthwhile . . . It's rewarding!
Southern Connecticut alumnae are An ALUMNAE PANHELLENIC may be composed of
proud to announce membership has
doubled this year. Founders' Day at- either
tendance exceeded all expectations,
and Frances McKee Tarbox, Nu Delegates, alternates and interested alums from
Omicron '27, was surprised to receive organized alumnae groups
her 50-year pin and a single rose in or
appreciation of her devoted service to
our chapter. Individual alumnae of NPC groups
For information contact:
One snowy day in January, we met
in Old Greenwich for a business Mrs. Arthur Markowitz
luncheon. Each member brought her 160 Oak Ridge Drive
own sandwich, and spinach salad and York, Pennsylvania 17402
dessert were provided by the hostess. NPC WELCOMES YOU!
In February, Fran Tarbox described
her visit to Central Office during a
valentine social luncheon at an area
restaurant. Each member was urged
to bring an article of A O I I
In April, AOII is joining 13 other
sororities to cook up a Gourmet
Tasters Luncheon in the Fairfield
County Panhellenic Fund-Raiser.
Wine, salads, hors d'oeuvres, entrees,
desserts, soups and breads will be
prepared by sorority members.
Everyone attending (200-250 tickets
at $5 each) will receive a cookbook
containing all recipes served at the
luncheon and be eligible for door
prizes donated by each sorority. Each
group will also have an opportunity
to raise money for its individual
philanthropy, with AOIIs selling ar-
thritis pens and displaying informa-
tion on the Arthritis Founda-
tion.—Nancy Small Moran
Chicago Area Council fk
The Illinois Chapter of the AOTT. . .
Arthritis Foundation and Chicago And Arthritis
area alumnae teamed up twice this
year. First, AOIIs manned the
arthritis booth at the National
Retirement Show. Pictured below are
Karen Caesar and Patricia Juza (top),
and Peg Frerk and Valerie Burghard
Next, Chicago alumnae served as
hostesses for the first annual luncheon
meeting of the Arthritis Foundation's
Illinois Chapter. Special guests were
Henry Fonda and Mrs. E. Lederer
(better known as newspaper columnist
Ann Landers), and AOIIs seized the
opportunity to be photographed with
Fonda. At left are (standing) Jean
Crippen, Valerie Burghard, Alayne
Richards, Mary Schuette, Henry
Fonda, (seated) Joanne MacCander
and Sandi Stevens.
2 'I St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
National President of The Arthritis Foundation, Clifford
M . Clarke (above, left) met two St. Louis AOIIs recently
at a "Premier Presentation" sponsored by the Eastern
Missouri Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. Rita
Varner Hastings, T, center, and Betty Wilson Carter, O,
joined 125 additional guests at the cocktail reception and
program. They viewed for the first time "Wherever You
Are," a new film depicting the anguish, treatments and
hopes of arthritis victims. The film is available through
local Arthritis Foundation chapters or directly from AF's
national office in Atlanta. And, by the way, Henry Fonda
narrates the film!
tf Hawaii Alumnae
Work with the Arthritis
Foundation is not confined to
the continental United States, as
Hawaii alums are demonstrating.
Although only three years old,
the Hawaii Alumnae Chapter is
going strong and many of the
group's activities revolve around
the Hawaii Chapter of the
Arthritis Foundation.
AOIIs recently assisted in both
Honolulu's Arthritis Miracle
Walk and the Arthritis Coin
Canister Drive. Participants in
the Miracle Walk included (from
left), Annetta Johns Kinnicutt,
A S; Zoe Pettingill Alexander, T;
Janice Wright Pechauer, I , and
son Jeff, and Helen Kydd, K*.
ATTENTION THETA OMEGAS on what must be done for today. STAY ACTIVE WITH PAN H EL
Nancy Bullitt Blackwell, Theta But if you are like me, in the
quietness of the day or night, a Dear Editor,
Omega '64, wrote To Dragma ask- thought or picture recalls our col-
ing for some assistance. She's try- lege home "Cambell Hall." Almost two years ago we formed
ing to organize a fall reunion for the LaCrosse Area Alumnae
her sisters at Northern Arizona Remember the sticky stair rails, Panhellenic because there weren't
University, so Theta Omegas take the taped water faucets and the enough alums from each sorority
note. And the rest of talkative study tables? How about in the area to form alumnae
you—wouldn't a reunion be fun? the snow carnival and homecom- chapters. Since there are only five
(For addresses, try your collegiate ing? We spent a lot of cold hours sororities on the campus of the
chapter. Each should have a copy creating beautiful works of art. We University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse,
of current computer address had trying times as well as good it gives us a chance to continue be-
listings for every member of that ones, but all these things helped us ing active with Greek life.
chapter.) grow and mature into productive
adults. But most of all we had a Most alumnae magazines or na-
Dear AOII Sisters, very special love for one another tional publications have a list of
Every time I receive the To and respected our sisters as in- alumnae groups across the country
dividuals. helping their alums, who move to
Dragma I think about you and of an area, find someone to contact
all the wonderful memories we Nancy Young Schrader and I are about alumnae work. Would it be
have shared together. I opened my trying to get a reunion going for possible to include us as a
jewelry box the other day and Homecoming. We would love to Panhellenic alumnae group, so
found my AOII pin and charm see you and find out what you are someone moving to the LaCrosse
bracelet. They still remind me of doing. Please write either Nancy area would have a person to con-
the love and beautiful friendships Schrader, 7751 E. Adams, Tucson, tact? I f so, could you list us as
that I will always cherish. From AZ 85715 or Nancy Bullitt Black- follows:
what I can gather, our sisters are well, Rt. 3, Box 110-G, Santa Fe,
scattered all over the United States NM 87501, i f you are interested in LaCrosse, Wisconsin Alumnae
and Europe. Wherever you are, I getting together this fall. Come Panhellenic
hope this letter reaches you and on you all, it's time to see each
that you are doing well. other again! Mrs. Debbie Schultz, President
2973 Longview Court
I know your lives are busy and Something on your mind? Write LaCrosse, WI 54601.
involved with family, work, a "letter to the editor:" To
church and club activities, but Dragma Editor, 2401 Hillsboro Sincerely yours,
times tend to make us forget our Rd., Suite 103, Nashville, TN Hannah Puczko
days at NAU and we concentrate 37212. Secretary, LaCrosse Alumnae
Campus Sights & Sounds
EQUESTRIAN INTEREST on campus is on the rise. With FOOD CONSERVATION is receiving the attention of the
the horse population at an all-time high, it may be natural Coca Cola Company which has selected five schools (Yale,
that riding skill courses are increasing in number as are the Stanford, Michigan State, South Carolina, Indiana) to
number of schools which offer bed and board for students compete to see which can waste the least food. An Indiana
and their horses. official comments that in serving 50,000 meals each day,
an ounce of food left on a plate adds up to 1.5 tons of
VACATION ON CAMPUS was expanded by the travel waste a day, nearly 8 tons a week.
section of the Miami (Florida) News in a feature on the
possibilities of vacationing on college campuses across the PART-TIME STUDENTS are still a large percentage of
country as a low-cost way for budget-minded travelers to the educational population, especially at the graduate
cut vacation expenses. The United States Travel Service of level. Total enrollment in graduate programs has remained
the Commerce Department, the federal government's steady though the number of applications for graduate
tourism office, is promoting accommodations in university school has decreased slightly, according to the Council of
operated motels and dormitories as well as activities and Graduate Schools.
attractions on each campus. VITICULTURE AND ENOLOGY are being studied by
ENERGY CONSERVATION is taking many forms. At more than 150,000 students on 600 campuses—the study of
the University of Illinois campus vending machines dispen- grape cultivation and the study of wine respectively.
sing soft drinks in cans are being replaced with machines RENT-A-TEACHER is what they're calling the increase in
dispensing either returnable and reusable bottles or paper part-time faculty, according to the Chronicle of Higher
cups. Education. In four years, it states, the number of full-time
faculty members on the nation's campuses has increased
4% while the number of part-time professors has leaped by
ECHOES ON ENGLISH: While we complain of the in- 38%.
ability of students to handle the English language as well as
they once did, listen to these echoes from the past offered
by Josephine Speark, associate professor of education at MORE STATISTICS from the National Center for Educa-
Indiana University. 1890: " I n the complaints drawn up by tion Statistics tell us that the percentage of students study-
colleges against high schools, it is the inability to write ing within their home states continues to increase, about
passably correct English that is most severely complained 85% at the present time.
of." 1910: " I t is the common complaint among FRESHMEN HANDBOOKS have served campus
businessmen that young people seeking employment are newcomers for generations, but their contents cover more
not well grounded in the fundamentals." 1917: "From than the manners and mores they once did. Today's book
every college in the country goes up the cry, 'Our freshmen is larger and often includes pictures as well as an index of
can't spell, can't punctuate!' " 1965: "The English addresses, phone numbers, and data on personal interests.
language is dying because it is not being taught." On one campus each student's height is included—just in
case you've only seen him sitting in a class and want to
HAIR DRYERS have been added to the men's gym at know how tall he is!
Missouri, an administrator commenting that the Univer-
sity had been unfair to men with long hair. PIZZA sales have moved into the dormitory at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin at Eau Claire where campus officials
decided that vending machines were not adequately serving
student needs and so started food sales from dormitory
TAPE TYCOONS are appearing on campus—enterprising reception desks. Beside pizza, one can buy sodas, dairy
persons who pay as many as 100 students to take usable products, and sandwiches.
notes or tape class lectures which are reproduced for sale.
On one campus lecture notes sell for $18 a semester, ver-
batim notes, $40, and notes plus tapes, $125. SOUP AND JUICE are well known remedies—if not
cures—for battling the flu, and so when a serious flu out-
break struck the University of Rhode Island, the school set
HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS were permitted to enroll in up temporary "soup and juice" kitchens in each dor-
college credit courses at the University of Toledo during mitory.
the city's public school financial crisis last fall, and the
program was continued even when the public schools Issued by Operation Brass Tacks
National Panhellenic Editors Conference
<C&EmEaS &I JUT M ^(Q) EM lH H W TCA M I S 8
m Ball State for the uniforms, acquiring sponsor-
ship from Standt's Jewelers, a local
1 Pedaling and puffing so hard it merchant. Medium blue gym shorts
hurt sometimes, Kappa Kappa sisters striped in white with red cap-sleeve
Kappa Kappa Bikers at Ball State University rode their way shirts accented by a stripe of brightly-
to victory in the fall as they won the colored bike riders across the front
fifth annual Sigma Switch Bike Race. completed the outfits.
Besides finishing first in the 10-mile Tri-Sigma sorority sponsored the
bike race over a field of 11 com- event, held at the Delaware County
petitors, the teams also received the Fairgrounds, Muncie, Indiana. The
first place trophy for best uniforms. race is a "switch" from the men's
bike race held each spring—which ex-
AOIIs Bev Berghorn, Durena plains the name.—Janet Fellwock
Dewey Bridegroom, Beth Kerrigan,
Judy Levasseur, Lori Moppert and Colorado
Penny Strauch (alternate) were
coached by Sigma Chis Jim Sellers "Hectic, hectic, hectic!" were the
and Leja Courter. Along with riding key words for Chi Delta chapter at
tips and enthusiasm, the Sigma Chis the University of Colorado recently.
also gave a party in AOII's honor
after the race. New officers were elected in
November, followed by the Rose Ball
"We all became very close. The in December. The dance went o f f
day of the race was so neat because with the proverbial bang, taking place
we were so excited and felt like a little at a nearby country club. Not only
family," Lori Moppert said about the was there good music and good
bike team and coaches. They prac- friends, but we also celebrated the
ticed every day for one hour, begin- proud initiation of 14 pledges.
ning a month before the race. Practices
ranged from days of hard sprinting to All of the Chi Delta sisters were
those of less demanding riding. keyed up for spring rush. Parties were
planned in the latter part of 1977,
Beth Kerrigan made arrangements
Indiana's Top AOTT
Involvement and enthusiasm Spring Sing participant. Judy Levasseur
describe Kappa Kappa's Judy On the Ball State University
Levasseur and explain why she was
named "Outstanding AOII In In- campus Judy has been active in
diana" by the Indianapolis Mortar Board (president), the
Panhellenic Association. physical education honorary, ad-
missions coordinating teams and
Each Indiana sorority chapter the Student Education Associa-
chose one girl, who was then put in tion. She has also been named to
competition for outstanding "Who's Who In American Col-
member of each sorority in the leges And Universities."
state. Contestants were judged by
applications asking for such things A senior from Indianapolis,
as sorority and campus activities Judy is majoring in elementary
and grade average. education. Her plans after gradua-
tion include teaching elemen-
Involvement in AOII activities tary school, then moving overseas
for Judy has meant being one of 10 to teach children at an Army base.
homecoming queen finalists, a She wants to see Europe and hopes
member of the bicycle team, her teaching plans will make travel
Watermelon Bust chairman and possible.—Janet Fellwock
both before and during Christmas traditions. In December, sisters ex- Other events on Iota's agenda in-
vacation, and our new Rush Chair- changed Christmas ornaments with cluded a Saturday luncheon
man Lorna Boone instilled en- the year and colony name written on celebrating Founders' Day, our an-
thusiasm in everyone. With a suc- them, and AOIIs have taken on a nual pledge dance and spring formal
cessful rush, Chi Delta is looking for- special job on campus, acting as tour and the annual Atius-Sachem Sing,
ward to filling our chapter house to guides. held during Mom's Day weekend in
the brim with AOIIs in the fall of April. A first-place trophy this year
1978.—Julie Ann Adam A winter bake sale netted money would be our fourth in the last five
for the Ruby Fund and other events years.
East Stroudsburg included a Founders' Day celebra-
tion, selling flowers on Valentine's Individual Iotas have also received
Phi Beta chapter at East Day and a spring dance.—Andra numerous awards this year. Jann
Stroudsburg State College has had a Yanchenko Osterland, senior in civil engineering,
very successful philanthropic season, finished up her term as Panhellenic
collecting for diabetes in the college mw Council Judicial Board Chairwoman
town shopping areas and collecting and was then honored with two
door to door for cerebral palsy. I -» Panhel awards. Jann was one of four
recipients of the Beth Dohme Wallin
Each sister also contributed a stir Award for exceptional service to
penny for each rainy day during the Panhellenic Council and the entire
past semester and this money will be WJF* s*5 > Greek system and was also named
donated to the Ruby Fund. Teaming one of four Outstanding Greeks on
up with Theta Chi fraternity, we also Hartwick's Dairy Princess campus.
held a Halloween Party for mentally
retarded children in the area.—Kathy Hartwick College Sharon Stefanik, also a senior in
Loeper civil engineering, won an Education
Members of Sigma Chi chapter at Achievement Award from the Lin-
Eastern Michigan Hartwick College are especially coln Academy and was presented a
proud of sister Melanye Pearson, New medallion and monetary award by
Imagine cooking a giant turkey York's 1977 Steuben County Dairy Gov. James Thompson at a special
dinner for a group of hungry frat- Princess. During her year as Dairy ceremony in the state legislature.
ernity men . . . and their brand-new Princess, Melanye has made at least
pledges. Beta Pi chapter members at 40 appearances at supermarkets, Dana Speight, junior in architec-
EMU did precisely that, and although malls, banks, schools and civic ture, will be spending her senior year
the 21-pound turkey fell apart in the meetings as part of her dairy products studying in Versailles, France, under
pan, no one seemed to notice! promotional campaign. a cooperative program for seniors
between the University of Illinois and
AOIIs have been busy throughout Melanye is from Canisteo, New the Unite Pedagogique in Versailles.
the year at Eastern Michigan, first York, and is a junior majoring in pre-
teaming with Tau Epsilon Phi frater- med.—Rebecca J. Goff More good news—Iota was ranked
nity and Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority fourth scholastically among all cam-
to present a haunted house for Illinois pus sororities during the last ranking
children's leukemia in October. On period.—Ann Terry
Halloween night, sisters took a break The first week of classes in January
to go pumpkin caroling for the Ar- doubled as "Inspiration Week" for Indiana
thritis Foundation. Iota's formal pledge class at the
University of Illinois. The 15 pledges AOII is tops on the Indiana
Greek Christmas tree decorating lived in the chapter house during the University campus this year after be-
night followed in December, and week, a week filled with both crazy ing ranked first in scholarship of all
afterward we joined Tau Epsilon Phis times and serious inspiration, 21 sororities on campus. Beta Phi
to help decorate for their annual culminating in their initiation chapter was also one of four IU
Christmas party for exceptional January 28. Informal rush began the sororities chosen to host visiting
children. We were then invited to help next week. foreign diplomats. As our weekend
at the party itself and had a great time guests, Australian diplomats ex-
talking and dancing with the guests. perienced their first hayride and mar-
shmallow roast—an experience, they
Congratulations to AOII Stephanie said, that proved a highlight of their
Hoyer, EMU's new Panhcllenic Indiana visit.
president!—Cindy Given
Inter-chapter relations were
George Mason strengthened when five Beta Phis
were selected to travel to Michigan to
Gamma Alpha colony at George help in the recolonization of the
Mason University just celebrated its University of Michigan AOII
first anniversary in January, but chapter. Along with AOIIs from Pur-
we've already established two AOII due University, our representatives
conducted a weekend rush program Don't forget to look for the Kappa chairman on five. Another AOII,
and, at the same time, established Alpha " A O I I and Alpha Tau Joyce Stacey, a Rho Lambda member
some lasting friendships with sisters Omega" homecoming float in this from last year, has been elected vice-
from Phi Upsilon chapter. year's Indianapolis 500 Festival president of this year's organiza-
Parade!—Stephanie Hendricks tion.—Ruth Fen
Special activities have also occur-
red within our chapter. A ritual Kearney State LaGrange College
workshop conducted by former
traveling consultant Joan Piper and Accomplishments have become AOIIs at LaGrange College have
attended by Past International Presi- habits for Phi Sigmas at Kearney been busy this year . . . and their hard
dent Edith Anderson (a Beta Phi State College this year. As fund- work paid off with Lambda Chi
alum!) brought everyone a new raising projects, the fall pledge class chapter's largest pledge class ever!
knowledge and understanding of raffled off a $100 bill by selling 25C
Ritual. Philanthropic projects for the chances, sold candy bars and auction- Philanthropic projects have also
Arthritis Foundation, the mentally ed off picnic basket suppers for two. kept Lambda Chis busy. Selling
handicapped and UNICEF were Each basket was prepared by a peanut butter cups was the group's
other special and rewarding ex- pledge, and some suppers went for as first project, followed by several
periences that Beta Phis took part much as $15. pledge class car washes.
in.—Kathy Furore
In the volleyball intramural pro- We were very proud to have three
Indiana State gram at Kearney State, AOIIs AOIIs on the homecoming court:
(AOPikers) finished a respectable se- Sherrie Thompson, Annie Geisel and
Springtime means "Campus cond out of 35 teams. This is the first Rickie Weye. Five members were
Revue Time" at Kappa Alpha time a Greek team has placed in the named to the Dean's List: Joan
chapter, Indiana State University. volleyball league since intramurals Gingrich, Jennie McCook, Rickie
This year Kappa Alphas are paired began. A large gold trophy now Weye, Susie Whalen and Carol Winn.
with two fraternities, Sigma Alpha stands proudly in our informal And in sports, AOII received first
Epsilon and Sigma Pi. Mari Lynn lounge. place in volleyball!—Sherrie E.
Welch is AOII's director, assisted by Thompson
Cindy Combs. Cheryl Fusco, a junior Ten of our girls made the Dean's
marketing major, is a member of the List this semester, and we are proud Louisiana State
Campus Revue production staff. to announce the acceptance of Debra
Mount to Rho Lambda organization. Alpha Omicron chapter at Loui-
Another spring event is This is a Greek honorary accepting to siana State University started the new
Tandemonia. Kappa Alpha AOIIs membership only those few who meet year with a February initiation. Rose
are represented on the general events very stiff criteria (grade point, ac- Week was held the week before, and
committee by Cyndy Walston. tivities, offices held). Deb, a junior was a time for pledges to learn more
from Bellevue, Nebraska, held two about AOII and grow closer to the in-
Kappa Alphas sponsored a coffee offices during her pledgeship, served itiates. Pledges wrote songs about
and cookie booth for students and as rush chairman this fall and is AOII and letters describing their feel-
faculty alike at registration this year. presently pledge trainer. She has ings. At a candlelight ceremony,
Proceeds were donated to the Ar- worked on 12 committees, serving as pledges were then able to read these
thritis Foundation, with Julie Martin
in charge at both the fall and spring
Chalk up another outstanding year for Omega chapter at Omega pledges also started the year off right by participating in
Miami University in Ohio. Four chapter members were named Miami's Melon Mess. Above (right), initiates boost pledge spirit
to the University's Shakerette team: from left (above), Sue during the Mess with AOII cheers. "A-A-AOII . . . Alpha
Keller, Eloise Hartman, Cyndy Greene and Patty Meiners. Alpha Omicron Pi!"
letters aloud to the chapter and later, Oregon Heading the Greek Week commit-
at the initiation banquet, they sang tee this year is our own Lori Pajunen.
their songs. Founders' Day was celebrated with She was also chairman of the
style at Alpha Sigma chapter, Univer- All—Campus Valentine's Dance
"Singing Valentines," our annual sity of Oregon. A large number of (sponsored by the Greeks). That
money-raising project for the Ar- alumnae helped celebrate AOII's would be enough to keep anyone busy
thritis Foundation, was again a suc- founding by attending the December but Lori is also a Panhellenic ex-
cess. We sell silk roses and songs and dinner. Collegiate members then ecutive officer, a member of two
deliver them anywhere on campus on presented their rush preference honorary organizations, on the AOII
Valentine's Day.—Donna Young ceremony to conclude the event. football team and in the Honor's Col-
lege.—Cathy Chin
Miami University (Ohio) A car rally to a member's home
and a fireside fondue party Purdue
Omega's pledges began the year by highlighted a successful winter rush,
participating in Melon Mess, a series followed by a trip to Bend, Oregon, Purdue's Golden Girl Kathy Burkle
of relays and games involving Miami for the winter house dance. Skiing, is getting some twirling assistance
University's sorority pledge classes. outdoor sports and a dance were in- from three Phi Upsilon pledges:
Actives then joined pledges in fun cluded in the activities. Andy Dosey, Lynn Stansberry and
and games during Greek Week. Plac- Ann Porter, Purdue majorettes.
ing first in the AOII event, "AOPie Upcoming events include a fireside
Eating Contest," members with members of Alpha Chi Omega, Other Phi Upsilons are also making
persevered to gain an overall third an exchange dinner with Delta Delta news. Debbie Jackson and Lorraine
place among 19 participating Delta members, elections, Greek Longhauser were chosen Grand Prix
sororities. Week and Parents' Weekend.—Lin- girls and Karen Resch and President
da Leff Brenda Wade were elected to Grand
AOIIs then earned dollars for ar- Prix Junior Board. Special con-
thritis research by painting house AP's Janice MacDonald gratulations go to Leslie Bottorff, an
numbers on curbs. Omegas sprayed Old Masters Hostess who recently
white backgrounds, then stenciled red Oregon State was elected to Old Masters Central
numbers . . . traditional AOII colors! Committee. Debbie Payne was
"Busy" is the best word to describe selected one of five queen candidates
Nancy Ford represented AOII on Alpha Rho chapter at Oregon State for Purdue Royal, a showmanship
Miami's Homecoming Court, and University. On campus and in the contest in the school of agriculture.
Sara Larch, chapter president, was community we're out there getting in-
named to "Who's Who In American volved. Lynn Havlat, Annette Porter,
Colleges and Universities." Four Anne Mazzaferro and Susie Phillips
Omegas—Sue Keller, Eloise Especially busy this term is Presi- (as anchorperson) came in first in the
Hartman, Cyndy Greene and Patty dent Ann Muir. Ann belongs to three annual speed skating relay. The
Meiners—are members of Miami's honorary organizations, serving as group has been practicing together
shakerette team, performing at foot- president in one. She's on a water for three years. Along with this
ball and basketball games. Girls polo team and is copy editor of the honor, Susie Phillips was awarded
wanting to become shakerettes try out yearbook. membership in Alpha Epsilon Delta
every year by developing their own pre-med honorary.
routines. In spite of tough competi- Janice MacDonald is another busy
tion the judges' expertise enabled member. Recently she was named to Libby Gurthet, Brenda Wade,
them to choose rare talent!—Lesa the Homecoming court. She is also Debbie Payne, Leslie Welch and Sue
Grant Panhellenic rush and delegate coor- Shea were chosen to represent Phi
dinator and a member of Beaver Upsilon at the recolonization of
Morehead State Belles (athletic hostesses) and Mortar Omicron Pi chapter at the University
Board. In addition, Janice was listed of Michigan . . . apparently they did a
Sorority basketball champions, se- in the College Register, was AOII's great job because the new pledges
cond in intramural sports and second vice-president and works on the year- sound just fantastic!—Tammy
in scholarship on campus. Who do all book staff. Mikita and Laura Phipps
these honors belong to? AOII of
course—Omega Xi at Morehead State Vanderbilt
After a relaxing and fun-filled sum-
Two of our sisters are studying in mer the Nu Omicron crew sailed back
intern programs this spring and four to Vanderbilt to start the 1977-78 year
members—Gloria Bowling, Elaine with president Joyce Hailey at the
Lambert, Paula Mantz and Susi helm. Things started off with a bang
Rounsley—will be participating in the with fall rush, and then Rawlings, our
Miss Morehead State University annual fall party, brought an extra
scholarship pageant in April.—Janis "yah-hoo" with its western theme.
Our fall all-campus spaghetti din-
ner netted over $200 for the Arthritis Solberg in the international perform- $1,000 in pledges was raised for the
Foundation, and then initiation and ing group, "Up With People," and Arthritis Foundation.
Founders' Day were here before we closer to home, other Alpha Gammas
knew it. are also keeping active. Susan Alpha Chis, along with members of
Manette Rauch has been chosen Sigma Nu fraternity, also par-
Soon a new year and a brand-new Panhellenic rush chairman for the ticipated in a "radiorama" last
pledge class appeared on the Nu coming year, Peggy Berhow shows November, raising money for the
Omicron scene. Spring events include her expertise and talent on the March of Dimes. Everyone spent the
our formal Rose Ball, given in honor Washington State women's gym- weekend taking pledges over the
of the spring pledge class; helping nastic team and Lynn Claudon is in- phone at the radio station and collec-
with the Davis Cup Tournament, volved in community politics as an ting donations at shopping centers.
Sigma Chi Derby Day and a Palm assistant to the Pullman City Coun- The total. . . over $2,000. AOII and
Sunday paper drive for Children's cil. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity also
Hospital.—Ann Oliphant jointly sponsor a muscular dystrophy
All AOIIs enjoy good food and dance marathon in March.
Washington State Alpha Gammas are no exception as
The women of Alpha Gamma at local alumnae have discovered. They Not all philanthropic projects are
have become better acquainted with fund-raising. A Halloween party was
Washington State University showed chapter members this year by sharing given for children at a local day care
their imagination at a "Are You See- potluck dinners with each pledge center last fall and a Valentine's Day
ing Double?" dance. Couples came class.—Julia Kay Peterson party highlighted February. Other
dressed alike and ranged from twin projects include a canned food drive
clowns and referees to walking Her- Western Kentucky at Christmas, selling Arthritis pens,
shey chocolate bars. A big snowfall What does a monthly charity pro- giving birthday parties at nursing
put a chill on the pledge dance, but homes and collecting cancelled
AOIIs didn't let that slow them down ject mean to Alpha Chis at Western postage stamps. The stamps are then
and the next day many of us worked Kentucky University? It means the sold, with proceeds providing food
at a craft sale, giving all proceeds to successful building of a great philan- supplements to families in Asia and
the Arthritis Foundation. The sale in- thropic program. Africa.
cluded baked goods and craft items,
all made by the girls. Our largest project is the AOII An- Participating in these various pro-
nual Skate-A-Thon, held each spring jects is not only rewarding but is also
Chapter member Julie Kay at a local roller rink. Last year, over a way of receiving great publicity for
Peterson will be joining Ingrid your chapter!—Nancy Taylor
To Dragma's 1st Annual
Creativity Contest
The theme is "Sisterhood" . . . the rest is up to you. Choose your medium—artwork,
photography, fiction or poetry—then let your imagination run wild! First, second, third place
and honorable mention awards will be given in each category, with selected winning entries
appearing in To Dragma.
Who's Eligible To Enter: All initiated AOTTs, author's name on each sheet. (Please limit
alumna or collegiate, are invited to submit manuscripts to four typed pages.) Artwork
entries. may be any size, but should be signed with
the artist's name and chapter of initiation.
Categories: Four separate categories of com-
petition have been set: artwork (black and Submit To: T O DRAGMA C O N T E S T , AOTT
white), photography (black and white), fiction Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103,
and poetry. You may enter as many cate- Nashville, TN 37212. Name, address and
gories as you wish, and more than one entry chapter of initiation should be included with
per category is permitted. each entry. All entries must be postmarked
by midnight, September 1. Entries will be re-
Format: Photographs should be 8x10" black turned if a self-addressed stamped envelope
and white glossy prints. Fiction and poetry is included.
entries should be typed, doubled-spaced, with
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Let Your Fraternity Know
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