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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 17:39:05

1966 Autumn - To Dragma

Vol. LVII, No. 5

TO D R A 6 M A of A U T U M N , I 966

Alpha Omicron Pi
Tau Delta—Birmingham-Southern College collegiates
Miss Southern A c c e n t is G e o r g e Ann Gibson, front left

Miss Alabama, 1965-66, Linda Sue Folsom, front right
O f eight campus favorites, five are of the chapter
shown in the second row.


Mrs. Grant Larncd (Jessie McAdam, T )

2354 N. 84th Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226

Tel. Glenview 3-6587

First Vice President
Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy (Eleanore Dietrich, IA)
132 Albany Avenue, Shrevcport, Louisiana 71105

Tel. 865-2962
Assigned districts I V , V , V I I , X , X I , X I I , X V

published since January 1905 by Vol. LVII, No. 5 Second Vice President
Autumn, 1966 Mrs. Donald Sanders (Josephine Stetler, E A )
5616 Garv Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22311

Tel. 481-9380
Assigned districts I , I I , I I I , V I , V I I I , I X

ALPHA OMICRON PI F r a t e r n i t y Third Vice President
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897 Charles Kallevang (Fern Robinson, H)
editor, Barbara Doering Healy (Mrs. James H.) Assigned 147 S . Lincoln Avenue,
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
Send all E D I T O R I A L material to the editor, 161 I Traveller R o a d , Lexington, Kentucky, 40504
Tel. 823-7477
districts X I I I , X I V , X V I , X V I I ,


Deadlines: See G U I D E tor copy calls Secretary
Alumnae reporters: news due
September 15, 1966 and November I, 1966. Mrs. Donn S. Eastabrooks (Katherine Plumer,
C o l l e g i a t e reporters: November 10, 1966. KA)

Send all Changes of A D D R E S S , death notices, magazines and T O D R A G M A subscriptions to: 1320 N . L i m a , Burbauk, California 91505
Tel. 848-4768
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi C e n t r a l O f f i c e
Suite 601-5, Six East Fourth Street Treasurer
Mrs. Theo. K . Farrington (Dorothy Bogen, A)
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
1615 Dry Creek Road
POSTMASTER: Please send notice of undeliverable copies to San Jose, California 95125
Alpha O m i c r o n Pi Central Office, Suite 601-5, Tel. Andrews 9-5809 (Oct. to June)
Box 431, Carnelian Bav. California 95711
Six East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202 Tel. 961-583-3067 (June to Oct.)

TO DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Director of Projects
Illinois 61054 and is printed by Kable Printing Company, 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois Mrs. T. Rodnev H a r r i s (Carolyn Huey, A S )
61054 Second-class postage paid at Mount Morris, Illinois 61054 Slaton Manor, 2965 Pharr Court South. N . W . .

TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, September I, December I, March I, and May I. Sub- Atlanta, G a . 30305 T e l . 237-1487
scription price is 50? per copy; $1 per year; Life Subscription $20.00.
Panhcllcnic Delegate-Secretary of National
Panhcllcnic Conference
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Filer, A l l )
4261 Palm Lane, Bav Point
Miami, Florida 33137
Tel. Plaza 9-5227 (Sept. to June)
The Cover Box 10S, Balsam. No. Car. 28707
Miss Southern Accent for 1965-1966 is George Ann Gibson, Tau Delta—• Tel. Waynesville 456-6284 (June to Sept.)
Birmingham Southern College. This is the fourth consecutive year that an
A O I I has been crowned the top campus beauty. Alternate Panhcllcnic Delegate
Mrs. Walter M. McCain (Xancy Moyer, P)
Pictured to George Ann's left on the front row is the reigning Miss Ala- 38775 Byriver Drive
bama, Linda Folsom, also an A O I I . O f the eight campus favorites, five are Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043
A O I I s — f r o m left to right on the second row are: Retha Rozelle, Gloria
Wells, Mary Harris, Mary Wallace Shaw, and Carol Gillespie. Editor of To Dragma
Mrs. James I I . Healv (Barbara Doering, I)
George A n n is a senior and is the president of Tau Delta chapter. She 1611 Traveller Road, Lexington, Kentuckv 40504
is a member of the touring choir, president of Baptist Student Union, and
has been secretary of the Religious council. Tel. 277-7781

Not pictured are past Miss Southern Accents who were A O I I s are Peggy Travelinn Secretary
Walton, 1964-65, Rose Coleman Pickle ( M r s . Harold), 1963-64, and Shirley Miss Wemlie K. Nowlin, All
Herrin, 1962-63. 360 Ardinore Circ'e N . W . . Apt. 40
Atlanta, Georgia 30305


Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Suite 601-5, Six East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Tel. 241-6594

Executive Secretary—MRS. J. A N N HUGHES, H
Financial Secretary—Miss FRANCES R. JOHNSON, Q

Index Honors

Features 145 P e r r y a w a r d w i n n e r
153 S i n g winners
146 F o u n d e r s ' D a y , a dav for r e m e m b e r i n g 166 Sisters e v e r y w h e r e
by W i l m a Smith Leland, T 168-179 Collegiate chapter news
182 M o r t a r B o a r d
148 W h a t is P a n h e l l e n i c ? 184 M i s s A l a b a m a , I o w a , I n d i a n a
150 P i K a p p a : 25 y e a r s old
University of T e x a s
151 U p s i l o n : 50 y e a r s o l d 155 T h r e e chapters a r e installed
158 T a u O m i c r o n — U n i v e r s i t y of T e n n e s s e e — M a r t i n B r a n c h
U n i v e r s i t y of W a s h i n g t o n 159 S i g m a S i g m a — S t . N o r b e r t College, W i s c o n s i n
152 L e g a c i e s 160 S i g m a R h o — S l i p p e r y R o c k State College, P e n n s y l v a n i a
154 P . S . f r o m the T . S .
162 F r o m behind the I r o n C u r t a i n Miniature DIRECTORY
164 P r e s i d e n t s w r i t e
180 L i f e w i t h a housemother Second cover: Executive Committee, Central Office

by Dorothy Bogen Farrington. A Things to do Jubilee Fund
Third cover: Officer Calendar
Fourth cover: Jewelry 163 O r d e r C h r i s t m a s c a r d s
Send Central Office your Zip code
Mail in pink pledge card for Diamond


Ready for fall semester in front of the administration building
at Kentucky Wesleyan College are BX collegiates from left;

Judy Rowan, Susan Thacher, Deborah Wallace, and Judy Lambert.

Back to School
To Pragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1966 147

W h a t is Panhellenic?

The word "Pan-Hellenic" Is derived 'From the Greek, meaning "all-Greek." As national sorority
organizations increased in number, they formed the National Panhellenic Conference in 1904.
Now there are 27 national sororities comprising the National Panhellenic Conference, often
referred to as "NPC."

College Panhellenics

On a campus, women students who belong to NPC sororities are entitled to membership in the
College Panhellenic Association, which is formed by the established NPC sorority chapters.
A College Panhellenic is advised by the College Panhellenics Committee of the National
Panhellenic Conference. Matters of mutual concern, such as rushing, scholastic eligibility, stand-
ards of conduct, are determined by the local College Panhellenic Council, Regulations vary in
details according to local campus conditions. You will want to become familiar with the College
Panhellenic program and rushing rules for your particular college or university.

City Panhellenics

A f t e r leaving college, alumnae of NPC sororities are eligible for membership in a City Pan-
hellenic Association. More than 370 City Panhellenics, organized by alumnae representatives
of NPC sororities, are affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference and advised by
its City Panhellenics Committee. These groups extend the opportunities of sorority life and
interpret the fraternity system t o their communities, performing valuable servics, such as
scholarships and loan funds, philanthropic projects, and fraternity information programs for
prospective college women.

PANHELLENIC is an oft-quoted word at Florida Southern College in Lakeland. The council is quite
active in academic, community, and campus life.

In the scholarship field, the council makes awards each semester. The sorority with the highest
overall average gets a silver tray, while the most improved sorority gets a scholarship bowl. THE
has organized a big and little sister scholarship program where a speaker gives ways to improve study habits.

The Junior Panhellenic council encourages scholarship by awarding a $100 scholarship to the freshman
woman with the highest scholastic average.

F.S.C. Panhellenic council contributed to community welfare by helping to promote the Cerebral Palsy Drive.
With the aid of the student government, the Panhellenic helped bag Halloween candy for underprivileged children of

Lakeland. The Panhellenic council cooperated with the Interfraternity council and organized the payment of
one toy per person for entrance to the Christmas dance. The toys went to the needy children of Lakeland.
Panhellenic activities also contribute to the betterment of campus life by actively participating in

coordination and planning of Greek week and planning an all sorority caroling at Christmas for the campus.
Florida Southern College has a deferred system. In order for freshmen women and any unaffiliated women
to better understand the Greek system, Panhellenic has organized a number of fraternity education programs to intro-
duce the Greek way of life. Four programs are set up in the fall to explain all phases of sorority membership.
"What Is a Sorority?" is a panel discussion in which each sorority explains all facets of life in the Greek world at Southern.

A most entertaining program is our Bermuda party. Each sorority puts on a skit pertaining to the
lighter side of campus activities.

Our Panhellenic tea has always been a success. It is held in the drawing room of a freshman dormitory. Accom-
panying the tea are fraternity displays in which non-Greeks are allowed to view and ask questions about
jewelry, national projects, and magazines of the individual groups.
The climax to our fraternity education programs occurs in the Christmas season. The Christmas open
house is the first opportunity for freshmen women to visit in the sorority houses.

By the end of the first semester each freshman woman has come in contact with every sorority on campus. W e
feel these programs to be very beneficial to the freshmen for they do not enter rush blindly.

We are extremely proud of our Panhellenic because we truly work together as one group striving for the

same goal, which is the betterment of the Greek system on our campus.

148 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Panhellenic presidents

irtr -f

I r

rZ—Georgia State College
<i>A—Youngstown University Panhellenic president Kr—Florida Southern College
Past president, AAA
Panhellenic president Organizations editor of yearbook Panhellenic president
Chapter president Active in Student Educators association
Dean's List
Pershing Rifle sponsor Staff of yearbook
Inter-fraternity sweetheart

Spring weekend attendant
One of top 25 personalities



Nl—Northern Illinois University 20—Arkansas State College AB—University of Southwestern Louisiana

Panhellenic president Panhellenic president Panhellenic president

• ••• :


A—Tufts University 2X—Hartwick College AB—California State College, Long Beach
Panhellenic president
Panhellenic president Panhellenic president

To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N o/ 1966 149



U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E X A S , I I K collegiates add music to the 25th anniversary celebration of the chapter. A t the
living room piano is Debby Barnes. Standing are from left Katherine Naschke, Kay Krupp, Marilyn Baughn,
Jeanette Lesiltar, Annie Laurie Bull, and Virginia Grillo.

O N A P R I L 19, 1966, P i Kappa Chapter at the Univer- ican College, Edinburg, Texas, were present.
sity of Texas became 25 years of age.
At a breakfast, Saturday, for IIK and charter mem-
Pi Kappa was hostess of State Day, Saturday, April bers, a story hour was presented.
16, celebrating its birthday. Nine of the charter members
attended the day's activities. These IIKs are: Lucille Later a birthday luncheon was held. Mary Nell Garri-
Helland and Mary Fern Hawkins Orem of San Antonio; son ( M r s . Homer A . ) was toastmistress. Eleanore
Gerry Campbell Naschke, Betty Jo Campbell Millsay, Dietrich MacCurdy ( M r s . Robert D . ) , IA, was the
Jeane Strawbridge, and Peggy Mathis Moye of Houston; speaker. Eleanore, international first vice-president,
Margaret Clements Harris of Shreveport, Louisiana; spoke on "AOII Is a Many Splendored Thing."
Helen Deather (charter pledge) of Austin; and Martha
Connell T i m , NA, transfer, of Dallas. Also six collegiate A birthday cake was lighted by UK's founders. La Vern
members of XO—Central State College, Edmond, Okla- Stuggard Nowotny ( M r s . A r n o ) , <£, was honored by
homa, and thirteen collegiate members of PA—Pan Amer- IIK for her outstanding alumnae work.

A f t e r the luncheon, a workshop on leadership, pledge-
training, rush, and scholarship was conducted.

Planned in the next issue:
List o f members in Who's Who of American Women
A feature on the mayor of Palo A l t o
More collegiate honors
Concrete technology can be a woman's world

Things to do:
Mail A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi C e n t r a l O f f i c e your new address
Send the Central Office your zip code
O r d e r Christmas cards: blank page 163
Pledge t o Diamond Jubilee Fund: card in pink insert

150 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

a golden year

by Elizabeth H a g a k n o w n to some as A n n Schultz, passed out g i f t s to AOIIs f r o m
Upsilon—University of Washington their pixies. These gifts, later rewrapped, were sent to K e n -
tucky for the Frontier Nursing Service for distribution among
U P S I L O N chapter began its 50th year on the University of the less fortunate children.
Washington campus with the enthusiasm and energy that made
this a golden year in many ways . Some campus organizations that gained AOII members were
Silver Fish, Colleen M u r p h y ; Corvettes, Debbie Richards and
The year began long before fall quarter of school, work parties Terry Peterson; and Angel Flight, Evie Wood.
and careful planning during summer insured a successful rush
week. Actives moved into the house before rush and were de- The beginning of the January 3 golden quarter was far f r o m
lighted to greet again their housemother, M r s . Reginald Mor- golden f o r the pledges however, as Chris Nelson introduced them
gan. The many improvements made during the summer added to inspiration week. Traditional "Vaudeville" night, Thursday,
to the excitement of being with old friends again. Another addi- singing and dancing pledges spoofed the actives in a show written
tion was Marianne Mide, a student f r o m Denmark. by Sandi Vincent, Karen Bacon, andl Marti MacEwan. After
the skit, the actives put on a surprise show of their own. A t
W a r m , sunny weather and f u l l quota of pledges, 37, made rush the banquet Friday night, Judy B r o w n was announced as the
week a great success. September 22, the pledges moved into ideal pledge. The dinner was followed by initiation of new
the chapter house, that afternoon pledges and actives retreated members. The chapter enjoyed a winter Elections banquet.
to Seward park for a picnic. Tired and happy, the pledges re- Carol Ann O'Brien won a coveted position on the U of W
tired f o r the night, or so they t h o u g h t ! A t midnight, to the tune board of control; with the slogan "C.O.B. f o r B.O.C." the A O I I
of "Wish we had a little red box to put our pledges in . . .", bandwagon rolled on to victory.
everyone turned out for a "Sara Jane" party. Donuts, cider and
skits by the actives highlighted the fun. A more serious attitude Students receiving scholarship brackets at winter quarter
was taken the next evening f o r the formal banquet. The banquet banquet for improved grades were: sophomore, M a r t y Gaines;
was followed by informal pledging and a reception for the par- junior, Darcy Umphred; and senior, Sherry Brumback.
ents of the new pledges. Friday was marked by the traditional
"stock show", when pledges greeted the college men; then, with The pledges marched on a clear evening w i t h A A * pledges
their escorts, went t o dances or firesides at the fraternities. for the Mothers March of Dimes. A dance followed at the
K O M O television station. The pledges entertained A * Febru-
September 27, saw thousands of students, including some 90 ary 8.
AOIls settle d o w n to the f i r s t day of classes. T h e getting an
education had started once more, but there were many diversions. T h e n excitement began to mount as the h i g h l i g h t of w i n t e r
Football season was enhanced w i t h AOIIs campus spirit organiza- quarter approached. The event? The Rose Ball was held at the
tions, Rally girls, and the Husky marching band. Rally girls Lake City Elks club. The pledges and their escorts were intro-
were Sharon Garke, Eileen Miller, and Roberta Roberts. Band duced to the music of the L a r r y Anderson orchestra.
members included M a r y Bess Mann, Nancy Polis, Sue Sum-
mers, and Betty Haga. New officers for the next three quarters were elected with
Shirly Ward, president.
On October 11, the evening scheduled for formal pledging, the
pledges took their sneak. T h e surprised actives tried i n vain to A theatre party was held for a philanthropic project.
find the "sneaky" pledges. O n their way out the pledges encoun- Kathy Thornton was elected president of Rally girls, spirit
tered the chapter president, Pam Davenport, and promptly kid- organization; Sylvia Johnson was chosen secretary of program
napped her! Pizzas at Barb Bachelder's beach house awaited the panel on campus and was committee chairman to revamp the
pledges. They took advantage of their meeting to elect pledge chapter by-laws.
officers with Julie Johnson, president. They returned to a dark,
locked house and serenaded the actives f o r entrance. After spring vacation AOIIs returned to new roommates and
renewed action.
On October 25, pledges and actives donned formal gowns f o r
the 50th anniversary celebration of Upsilon. The event was held A special day declared in honor of our housemother, M r s .
at the Seattle Elks club on the shore of beautiful Lake Union. Morgan, who will leave Upsilon for a new home in sunny
Highlights of the affair included talks by charter members of Cuernavacia, Mexico.
Upsilon chapter and international treasurer, Dorothy Bogen
Farrington ( M r s . Theo. K . ) , A. The following week alumnae O n M a y 12, the A O I I softball team w o n f i r s t place i n the
greeted Dorothy at a reception and toured the chapter house at intramural softball tournament. This victory gained for Upsilon
an open house. A f t e r the excitement of the anniversary, the girls the three-foot Intramural All-sports trophy.
of AOII returned to their daily activities.
The senior breakfast, M a y 22, honored graduating seniors and
The semiformal pledge dance, "Highand Fling", was held on other members of their pledge class. The Roses awarded for
November 6 at the Highland mansion. outstanding membership i n each class went t o : Joan Whalen,
freshman; Jean Kinnue, sophomore; Karen Smith, junior; and
On November 9, AOIIs brought their teachers to a "professor Marcia Jacobsen, senior.
guest dinner".
M r s . Morgan presented the house w i t h $100 which w i l l be
Next was Homecoming. The Oregon State Beavers were awarded in 1967 and 1968 to t w o outstanding members of the
abused "around the w o r l d " at the AOII chapter house. Con- chapter.
structing and participating jointly in the animated sign, the
AOIIs and * K * s depicted the adventures of "Christopher Accepted into Husky Honey's, campus spirit and service group,
Alumnus". were Joan Whalen and Linda Strang. Invited to senior Women's
honor tea were Kathy Thornton, Carol A n n O'Brien, Sylvia
A n exchange dinner w i t h Allison house f r o m Haggett hall Johnson, Sherry Schelgal, and Chris Zandburgen.
was in interesting way to meet new girls. A O I I w o n first i n the
volleyball tournament. Marcia Jocabsen and Betty Jo Lutey won the doubles intra-
mural tennis matches and went on to the University of Cali-
W i t h the holidays approaching, Patty Skinner planned a f u n fornia for west coast competition.
week for AOIIs and their secret pals. This "Pixie Week" was
climaxed by a Christmas party where Santa's Upsilon helper, T h e final event of the year took place on M a y 3 1 . T h i s was
the yearly spring picnic held at the home of Betty Jo Lutey.

We received the wonderful news that Marcia Jacobson had
been tapped to P h i Beta K a p p a honorary.

A l l in all it was a fun-filled, active and also serious year f o r
Upsilon chapter and Alpha Omicron Pi.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1966 151

A M O N G those who were initiated at Morningside College were two
legacies—Alice McDonald; her mother, Mrs. Irene McDonald; Mar-
jorie Kaye; and her mother of Zeta chapter, (at left) Members of
Theta C h i — M o r n i n g s i d e C o l l e g e were initiated March 19.

Initiate granddaughter

i N A N C Y E L L E N H A G E , initiated into Lambda Beta chapter, California


State College at Long Beach, on March 13, 1966, is a third generation A O n .
Nancy's grandmother, the late Merva Dolsen Hennings, was a charter

member of the Rho—Northwestern University and the chapter's first presi-
dent. She also served as Grand Secretary and was ninth Grand President of
A O n from 1921-1923. I n 1919 Merva Dolsen Hennings helped install
Omega at Miami University and initiated Helen M ., later to become
17th International President. I n turn, Helen M . Haller initiated Nancy's
mother, Margaret Hennings Hage ( M r s . Richard), fi, at the International
Convention in New Orleans in 1941.

On March 13, 1966, Lambda Beta chapter was honored to have Helen M .
Haller present to initiate Nancy Ellen Hage into Alpha Omicron Pi.


Alpha Omicon • Louisiana State University Epsilon Alpha • Pennsylvania State University
Carole Bettoney, daughter of Mrs. Laurice Bettoney.
Sandra Button, daughter of Mrs. A . E. Button. Anne Cannon, daughter of Mrs. Michael Cannon, E A .
Charlene Hutton, daughter of Mrs. Frank Kingsley Hutton. Barbara Moser, sister of Judith Moser, E A .
Edna Beth Moss, daughter of Mrs. Walter Moss, Jr. Joan Symington, sister of Maurine Symington, E A .
Joanne Volk, sister of Norma Volk, E A .
Cheryl A. Smith, daughter of Mrs. John H . Smith. Iota Alpha • Idaho State University

Beta Phi • Indiana University Ann Gesas, sister of Lynne Gesas, I A .
Janice Bolster, sister o f M a r y Jo Bolster, B4>. Gamma Omicron • University of Florida
Elizabeth Johnson, sister of Judith Johnson, B<i>.
Alexa Leckie, sister of Constance Leckie McAvoy (Mrs. R.), M a r t i Cox, sister of Mary Ellen Cox, T O , sister of Gail Cox,
Lambda Tau • Northeast Louisiana State College
Diana Payne, daughter of Sarah W i l l a r d ( M r s . W i l l i a r d B . ) , Carolyn Anspach, daughter of Eloise Temple Anspach (Mrs.
B*. W. L.), AT.
Jane Cook, sister of Cecilia Cook W o o d , A T .
Beta Rho • University of Montana Arah LaGrange, sister of Diane LaGrange, A T .
M a r y Susan W h i t n e y , daughter of Maude Bally Whitney
(Mrs. A. B. W . ) A I'. Kappa Tau • Southeastern Louisiana College

Delta Beta • University of Southwestern Louisiana Rose Centanni Ledford, mother of Ava Ledford, K T .
Dorothy Cooper Robnison, mother of Lynn Robinson, K T .
Bettye Barrios, sister of Anna Barrios Gauthier (Mrs. N u Beta • University of Mississippi
Wendell), AB.
Nan Britton, daughter of Mary Lowther Penruddocks Brit-
Julie Melancon, sister of Jackie Melancon, AB. ton (Mrs. Fred H . , Jr.), T A .
Fran Stagg, sister of Lucile Stagg Y i n g l i n g ( M r s . James M . ) ,
Lu H i l l , sister of Blinda H i l l , NB.
AB. Phi Kappa • Morris Harvey College

Delta Delta • Auburn University Barbara Jackson, sister of A n n Jackson, <1>K.
Jane A k i n , sister of Janis A k i n Combs ( M r s . B . S-), AA. Pamela Maynard, sister of Kay Louise Maynard, >I'K. Sister of
Cathy Bradford, daughter of Constance Brown Bradford
(Mrs. N . G.), TA. Suzann Maynard, <I>K.
Betty Bradshaw, sister of Cheryl Bradshaw Daniel (Mrs. Carol M c N e e l , sister of J o A n n M c N e e l , <1>K.
Robert J.), AA. Pi Delta • University of Maryland
Mary Guy Blake, sister of Kitty Blake, AA.
Lynn Deramus, sister of Sandra Deramus Brubaker, (Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, sister of Sally Reed, ITA.
Barry L . ) , AA. Sigma Tau • Washington College
Dianne Lankford, sister of Linda Lankford Durham (Mrs.
G a r y ) . Cousin of Becky Alverson Fast ( M r s . Richard Margaret Mclntyre, daughter of Lilliane Smith Mclntyre
Edwin), AA. (Mrs. James), T O .
Georgia Lunsford, sister of Sallie Lunsford Stewart (Mrs.),
AA. Tau Omicron • University of Tennessee
Mary Frances M i l l e r , sister of Gale Miller Neubauer (Mrs. Laura V i r g i n i a Thornton, sister of Sarah Thornton Cavin
C. N . ) , AA. Cousin of Mary Jean McKoy, TA. (Mrs. F. G., Jr.), 0, sister of Pattie Thornton Crafton
Ouida Kennedy, sister of Angela Kennedy Payne ( M r s . (Mrs. Joe Reeves), 0.

Roger), AA. Theta Chi • Morningside College

Delta Omega • Murray State University Marjorie Kaye, daughter of Hilda Zoe Kaye (Mrs. Phillip
Julia Lynn Shemwell, sister of Mary Ann Shemwell Faughn Albert), AB.
( M r s . F . ) , AS2.
Alice McDonald, daughter of Irene McDonald (Mrs.).
Sandra W a l l a c e , sister of Sue Wallace Putnam ( M r s . P . ) , Ml. Zeta • University of Nebraska

Delta Sigma • San Jose State College Peggy Pohlenz, daughter of Mary Schmidt Pohlenz (Mrs.
Caroline Myers, sister of Melissa Myers, A2. Dean), Z.

Lu Wallace, daughter of Lu Bowie Wallace (Mrs. E. S.), TA.
Debbie Wightman, sister of Jackie Wightman Doeter (Mrs.

Eugene), Z.
Martha Yakel, sister of Barbie Yakel, Z.

1 5 2 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

First place winner in the Step Sing event at Auburn University, Ala., the winning numbers: "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and "Battle
was earned by AA chapter. Liz Cagle directs the chapter as it sings Hymn of the Republic".




THE MAY SING FIRST trophy is held by <I>K—Morris Harvey College song leader, Frances Allender. It could have been AOII day at May

day for the chapter also had May queen and five attendants.

' ,-1**. 1

5 J


s»4 ^ • ^ ^ *!<6*^4 )4&A :

ALL SING WINNERS at Lambuth College are UO collegiates. Paula Gurley was song leader.

P.S. f rom the T . S .

MARY ANN ROSS, Gamma Sigma— by Wendie Nowlin
Georgia State College, was a member of Alpha Pi—Florida State University
the 1966 May Q u e e n court, is on the Dean's TRAVELING SECRETARY
list and is a member of A l p h a L a m b d a D e l t a .
F O R M O S T of you reading this, your association with A O I I began with
154 a party; an open house, a skit party, and then an impressive preferential.
Possibly you at sometime questioned the why of having rush parties.

W i t h some thought, however, it seems logical. What better way f o r large
groups to get acquainted, learn of the organization, and witness the variety
of talents within the chapter? You could not possibly contact several hundred
people personally. I f a good introductory, seating, and rotation system is used,
you can accomplish what seemed like an impossible task. Unfortunately f o r
some, rush party time is chaos time. The reason f o r this is lack of planning.
I trust those 25 chapters I visited this year made rush plans last spring f o r
rush this fall and are now merely putting the pieces in place. Eight times out
of ten, the reason a party goes poorly is because it was literally thrown to-
gether. Sound familiar?

Planning must also take place for the other social functions you participate
in each year. I have had the good fortune of arriving at several chapters at
just the right time for various party festivities, which I might add, were well

Come, go with me. First stop Pi Delta, College Park, Maryland, f o r a
presentation of new pledges to their friends and parents. The pledges were
introduced and then the collegiates serenaded with some traditional favorite

About December 8, a most successful Founders' Day banquet was held on
Staten Island by Theta Pi. There were nearly 80 A O I I s there, half of whom
were alumnae. These were of several generations and from many parts of the
country. They came to celebrate together the founding of our fraternity.

But there are those less formal occasions, such as a snowball challenge
from a fraternity at the University of Georgia, AS. AOII planned strategy
but the opposing forces won with man power. A f t e r the surrender, all chal-
lengers gathered inside the chapter house f o r hot chocolate and visiting.

In early February, a Panhellenic pledge presentation was held at Western
Michigan University. Beforehand, Kappa Rho collegiates, the T.S., and
escorts drove to Battle Creek for a Rose Banquet. I t was truly an evening
of good times and fellowship.

I was privileged to attend the installation festivities of Theta Chi chapter
at Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa. Now, there was a well-planned
weekend; alumnae in action. Everything clicked in clockwork precision. The
final event was a reception given to honor the new collegiates.

A t Sigma—University of California, in A p r i l just as I arrived, an informal
rush party with a kiddie theme was taking place. There were balloons, dart-
board, multicolor streamers, and ice cream cones, of course. No one went
home disappointed.

A good exchange every now and then helps with PR on fraternity row.
Though not always the most popular event, they often turn out to be most
successful. I attended one at Kappa Theta at U C L A . The hosts had planned
their party well and with a few simple arrangement. I believe it was a most
worthwhile occasion. They can be f u n , you know.

A final gesture in most chapters is a senior banquet. Sometimes it is a
formal and sentimental occasion; other times it is a hilarious party hamming-
up the remember when. A t Theta Psi—University of Toledo, it is tradition
to hold a potluck supper, followed by the seniors reading their wills. Though
an informal affair it was well planned by a capable social chairman. Everyone
commented that it was the best they had ever had.

Every party can leave a lasting favorable impression. These are the mo-
ments you recall most often about your years as a collegiate AOII. A n d why
are these memorable occasions ? Because you were at your best f o r yourselves
and your guests and because you were getting to know better the wide assort-
ment of collegiates you call sisters.

A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Three Chapters Are Installed

INSTALLATION . . . a time of collegiates in white dresses,
a time for the beautiful initiation ceremony of Alpha Omicron Pi
and a time for the smiles and lasting memories
of the charter member initiates of . . .
Tau Omicron—University of Tennessee—Martin Branch, installed March
Sigma Sigma—St. Norbert College, Wisconsin, installed April 23
Sigma Rho—Slippery Rock State College, Pennsylvania, April 30

Other chapters installed last winter were:
Rho Alpha—Pan American College, Edinburg, Texas, February 5
Gamma Beta—Indiana University of Pennsylvania, February 26
Theta Chi—Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa—March 19

W I T H E V E R Y T H I N G just so, the installation Rose Banquet table for Sigma Rho chapter—Slippery
Roclc State C o l l e g e shows, from left: Virginia Krupa Schoessel, <I>A; M a r i o n Grassmuck C l o u s e (Mrs.
Stephen C . J r . ) , X ; Arlene Richards, K P ; Jo Stetler Sanders (Mrs. Donald) E A , international second
vice president; Phyllis Arner Westerman (Mrs. William), P , colony supervisor; Nancy Tucker Prine
(Mrs. Lewis), A T ; Dixie Winger, Z P president; Cherry Sweeder Mathews (Mrs. Leo), K T .

It's not just a woman's world at
reception time for chapter installa-
tions. From left, Chris Robinson,
Tau Omicron—University of Ten-
nessee Martin Branch, introduces
her parents, M r . and Mrs. H . H .
Robinson, to Margaret Ann Butts,
rush chairman, and Linda Green,
past colony president.


The final gesture of an installa-
tion weekend is the signing of the
guest register at the reception on
Sunday. A t the Tau Omicron—
U T M B reception, Mrs. Pauline
Glover, faculty adviser to the chap-
ter, signs. Collegiates, alumnae re-
newed friendships and made new
acquaintances with University offi-
cials, Panhellenic friends and par-
ents who attended.


Invest in



AOTT Diamond


100 percent
participation of

all AOJTs

There are
many ways
TO GIVE . . .

gifts honoring achievements
pledges (card attached)
stocks and bonds
purchase of seals
purchase of Christmas cards
support of local benefits

to your

AOTT Diamond




A U I >//,

1897 1972

K F. F R F.SFI M E N T S and roses

in just the right amounts, are offered

at installation receptions. The Tau

i— Omicron table was set at the First

I SD i Methodist Youth Center on March


R E C E I V I N G L I N E S are an im

portant part of installation weekend

and ready to receive guests at the


To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1966


a flourish

of roses

by Carol M c K e e
Tau Omicron—University of Tennessee, Martin Branch

T A U O M I C R O N chapter is located at the U N I V E R S I T Y
OF T E N N E S S E E , M A R T I N B R A N C H . The college was
established and given its present status in 1957, and now has an
approximate enrollment of 3,000 students.

Tau Omicron chapter was colonized and has grown under the
leadership and guidance of Ann Yarbro and Carolyn Hartman,
of NO—Vanderbilt University, along with numerous alumnae.
Mrs. Edith Tanner, Union City, is serving as the chapter ad-
viser. The sorority is housed in the sorority section of Grove

The chapter began its official weekend of initiation and in-
stallation activities with a "Get Acquainted Coffee" Friday night,
March 25, honoring Jessie McAdam Lamed (Mrs. Grant), T,
International President and Carolyn Huey Harris, International
Director of Projects and other visiting alumnae.

Initiation and installation of the chapter and the new officers
was held March 26 at the First Methodist Church youth center.
Jessie led the ceremonies with the assistance of Carolyn Harris
and collegiates of the Omega Omicron chapter—Lambuth College.

Charter members and officers of the newly installed chapter
include: Ginger Thornton, president; Carol Glasgow, vice presi-
dent ; Anita Butler, corresponding secretary; Alice Harvey,
recording secretary; Susan Lamp, treasurer; Judy Brady, stand-
ards chairman; Carol McKee, public relations; Billie Dean
Graves, scholarship; Paige Mulwee, historian; Louise Griffin,
doorkeeper; Linda Green, Panhellenic vice president; and Sandra
Moss, Panhellenic public relations.

Other charter members include: Claudia Blount, Allen Bridges,
Margaret Ann Butts, Kay Corlew, Cheryl Davis, Jackie Fuller,
Laura Hooper, Jane Hodges, Martha Kennon, Linda McBride,
Paige Mulwee, Linda Potts, Mandy Riley, Linda Foules, and
Marilyn Williams.

Honorary initiate of the chapter was Mrs. Pauline Glover,
faculty adviser for the chapter from Union City. Pauline is an
Assistant Professor of English at the University.

Two pledges have been pledged to the new chapter. They are
Linda Crow and Grace Ann Dycus.

The traditional Rose Banquet, arranged by Pat Wade (Mrs.
Tom), Wi, was held March 26 at the Park Terrace restaurant,
South Fulton.

Carolyn Hatman served as toastmistress for the evening as
an atmosphere of AOII love and friendliness prevailed. Jessie
Larned, Carolyn Harris, Rosalie Gorham Barber, C . D . X I ; Lorene
Terry Quick, A . D . X I . and Adele K . Hinton, National Director
Public Relations, spoke on Red Rose of AOII.

The most outstanding pledge awards for the best all around
pledges were awarded to Chris Robinson and Carol McKee.
Scholastic awards for the highest average were presented to
Linda Potts and Paige Mulwee. Carolyn Hartman was awarded
the District X I directors award for outstanding service to Alpha
Omicron Pi.

Concluding the banquet, the members of the Tau Omicron A l l -
Sing Chorus presented two songs, " M y Coloring Book" and
"My Favorite Things."

A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I




THE NEW initiates of Sigma Sigma—St. Norberf College.
From left, front row: Chris Chlevin, Sherry Simons, Rosalind Reed, Barbara Van Iten, Rita
Behles, Mary Kaye Bartlett, Joanne Gruse, Mary Kay Delaney, Alyson Dietzmann, Joanne

Middle row: Lynn Bernstein, Vickie Olewin, Madonna McDunn, Jan Pouchnilc, Carolyn Zangri,
Betsy Buckley, Lexie Forbrich, Sue O'Connor, Patricia Rigney, president.
Back row: Colleen Clifford, Marge Rachy, Sue Itzen, Judy Sheets, Raejean Kasprzak, and
Sue Juetten.

T H E S I G M A S I G M A chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was for- College and Miss Kathryn Lenihan, Dean of Women. Grace was
mally installed at S A I N T NORBERT COLLEGE in West said by Father Burke, and followed by "AOII Grace". Pat Vioni
De Pere, Wisconsin, on April 23, 1966. Benson (Mrs. Robert), B<i>, of Milwaukee was toastmistress.
Following the banquet, Miss Lenihan extended a warm welcome
The installation ceremony took place in the First Congrega- from St. Norbert College. Speakers were Fern Kallevang, Eddice
tional Church, a few miles from the campus and was conducted Sullivan, Sharon Limberg, Sue Jeskowitz and Jesse McAdam
by Fern Robinson Kallevang (Mrs. Charles), I I , international Larned (Mrs. Grant), International President. Each spoke on
third vice president. She was assisted during the ceremony by a characteristic of the Red Rose of AOII.
Eddice Dochterman Sullivan (Mrs. Lowell R.), T, Collegiate
Director, District X I I I . There were thirty-two initiates and The reception held on the afternoon following the banquet was
charter members. attended by Father Burke, Dean Lenihan, the national officers,
honoraries, alumnae and visitors from other AOII chapters as
Mrs. Harry Niles and Mrs. John Torinus, both of Green Bay, well as members of the other three sororities on campus.
Wisconsin, were initiated as honorary members. Through their
assistance and efforts, many things ran smoothly during AOII's St. Norbert College is a Catholic coeducational liberal arts
period as a colony. Alumnae members assisting were Mrs. Earl college overlooking the banks of the Fox River in West De Pere.
W . Haberman, Mrs. K a r l Icks, Mrs. Robert Stebbins, Mrs. I t was founded as a college for men in 1898, becoming coeduca-
James Salm, and Mrs. Robert Benson. Alumnae from Sigma tional in 1952. Though operated by a Catholic religious order, its
Lambda—Wisconsin State University at La Crosse were Mrs. doors are open to students of all faiths. St. Norbert College has
James Jeskowitz and Mrs. Karen Miunch, chapter advisers. Vis- an enrollment of 1,484 students.
itors from Milwaukee, Phi Delta—University of Wisconsin were
Jill Boeder, Alice Burkhardt, Ann Marie Forgach, Jane Fritchie, AOII was installed as a colony on St. Norbert campus on
Carolyn Galbraith, Karen Grundle, Lynn Hackenberg, Barbara November 11, 196S at the home of Mrs. Icks, an AOII alumna liv-
Laudan and Sharon Limberg. ing in Green Bay. There were sixteen pledges. Two days after
their pledging, the colony showed spirit by winning the campus
On the evening following the installation the newly installed trophy for Greek games, a competition between all the Greek
Sigma Sigma chapter held the traditional Rose Banquet at the organizations on campus. AOII also won trophies for two other
Chatterbox restaurant in De Pere. The banquet tables were beauti- sporting events. The sisters worked hard in the campus variety
fully arrayed with carnations and roses. The banquet was attended show and placed second out of the ten competing organizations.
by the Very Reverend James Burke, the president of St. Norbert This year one of AOII's sisters reigned as Prom queen over the
St. Norbert students.

THE ROSE is an unusual flower.

It has the capacity to stand proudly alone in a vase and yet,

is humble enough to give itself up to be arranged in a group.

What exotic flower can be put into a bouquet without screaming for attention?

And what plain flower will dare let itself be displayed alone knowing

tJiat its individual imperfections will become painfully apparent?

What is purer than a rose bud; fresh, curious, uninitiated into life?

What has more vigor than a blossoming rose;

seeing, knowing, but somehow still innocent?

And what is nobler than a full blown rose; intense, aware, fulfilled?

Yes, the rose is indeed an unusual flower. Merrilee Holmes, AP

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1966 159

A P R I L 30 marked the clay for S I G M A R H O Colony to become a

chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi at S L I P P E R Y ROCK S T A T E


Twenty collegiates were initiated at the ceremonies in the fire-

place room of the Center United Presbyterian Church in Slippery

Rock. The installation and initiation ceremonies were conducted

by Jo Stetler Sanders (Mrs. Donald), EA, international second

vice-president. Marion Grassmuck Clouse (Mrs. Stephen, Jr.), X,

international membership chairman, Cherry Sweeder Matthews

(Mrs. Lee), KT, Virginia Krupa Schoessel, IA, and collegiate

members from Phi Lambda (Youngstown University) assisted

a dash of with the ritual ceremonies.

The traditional Rose Banquet was held that evening in the
Penn Grove hotel in Grove City. The toastmistress was Phyllis

Arner Westerman (Mrs. W i l l i a m ) , P, colony supervisor. Ellen

H . Perrin, Dean of Women, extended a greeting to AOI1 on

behalf of the college. The Red Rose of AOn was described by

receiving lines Marion Clouse, Virginia Schoessel, Nancy Tucker Prine (Mrs.
Lewis), AT, Cherry Matthews and Jo Sanders. The highlight
of the evening were the songs written and sung by each of the
new initiates. The original songs will go into the chapter song

On Sunday morning the chapter attended the United Presby-
terian Church, and later that afternoon was honored at a recep-
tion given by the Panhellenic Association. A f t e r the tea, pledg-
ing ceremonies were held for Joanne Langford, Darlene Purich
and Carol Werner.

The chapter has been busy with a cookie sale, dance and visit-
ing the Mars Orphanage on weekends. They have made door
signs and wear red roses to identify the AOn on campus.

Slippery Rock State College is located on the western edge of the fore becoming known as Slippery Rock State College in I960, it was
Allegheny Plateau. Although the campus setting is rural, Slippery known as the State Normal School. At present, degrees are offered
Roclc is 50 miles north of Pittsburgh. In 1887, the people of the in Health and Physical Education, Elementary and Secondary Educa-
areas surrounding Slippery Rock began to plan for an educational tion, Liberal Arts, Library Science and Special Education. The college
institution and in the following year three buildings were erected. is expanding rapidly with an estimated student body of 5,600
In 1889, the first term of the teacher training institution began. Be- students by the early I970's.

F R O N T C A M P U S , S.R.S.C., where Sigma Rho chapter was installed.

ONCE there were three Greeks named Alvin, Oscar, and
P. L They were best of friends and went everywhere together.
P. JL liked to use the initials for the Greek symbol; but A

and O (^LTJ insisted in realistic Greek that only the symbol n
be used, never P. L These friends got along well together
although they weren't a bit alike. Alvin was the serious

type. He was the leader of the group and sometimes because
of his responsibilities, he looked worried or even sad, but
actually he was very contented with his position. Oscar
was a little on the round side when you get right down to

it. But he was cheerful and happy and very dependable. He was
the link that held the group together. P.I. j'jj was still
another type of person. He was conscientious about looking
after his little brother, but he hadn't much initiative and
generally leaned on Oscar for support.
Although Alvin, Oscar, and P. I . were individuals,
their different personalities complemented each other. And,
I guess that's what makes for real closeness in any
group.—Nancy Estes, NO—Vanderbilt University

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON P I — A U T U M N of 1966

by: Alice Rath Aderman, trucks and animals, which have the right-of-way. A l l
these are unlighted at night, of course. Right turns are
From: behind made whether the light is red or green, and the driver
the Iron Curtain on the right has precedence even i f he is entering an
arterial from an alley. Right or left turns are made f r o m
any lane with no regard f o r traffic ahead or behind. What
will happen in five years, when there are more than the
few cars now on the streets, is something we shudder to
contemplate. We are always grateful when we arrive
safely at our apartment.

I N F E B R U A R Y , 1965, my husband received an im- What is it like to be a housewife in Rumania?
portant telephone call from Washington: would he be I t is an experience I shall never forget. Shopping is
interested in being nominated as a Fulbright-Hayes ex- very time consuming, f o r there are separate shops f o r
change professor in American Literature at the Univer- each type of food : staple groceries and soaps, fresh meat,
sity of Bucharest, Rumania? A f t e r several days of deep prepared meat, vegetables and fruits, bread, milk and
deliberation we returned the call: yes, he would. cheese, sweets, light bulbs, matches, and so on. The open
peasant markets have fruits and vegetables, spices, eggs,
It seemed a wonderful opportunity f o r a fine year with pickles and brined cabbage. There are often great queues
a chance to see Europe, and we felt it would be an im- for supplies, especially eggs, laundry soap, and fish. Sup-
pressionable trip f o r us and f o r our seven-year-old son. plies are erratic, and one must visit many stores to find
Approval by the State Department is the easy part; what he needs. Also shopping hours are different: 6:30
however, it was mid-June before we had the approval of a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. But I
the Rumanian government. have learned to buy what I might need when I see i t and
thus I avoid queues. I t also means keeping house with i n -
The summer went very quickly with all the prepara- adequate equipment: an oven which doesn't stay lighted,
tions necessary f o r a year abroad. We rented our house, a vacuum cleaner (new) that works poorly, a washing
sold the car, arranged to pick up a Volkswagon Micro- machine which rips the clothes (though even that is a
bus in Munich, purchased round-trip tickets, had in- luxury here), a kitchen table for an ironing board.
numerable shots, arranged passports and visas, sent foot-
lockers of clothes and boxes of books. Finally, on Sep- What is it like to be a mother in Rumania?
tember 5 we left by airplane from New York to Frank- I t is a full-time job. I t means apologizing to our son
fort, to Munich. We drove from there to beautiful for a lack of peanut butter, potato chips, hamburgers,
Vienna, through Hungary via Budapest, and through cokes, gum and pasteurized milk. Then too a child of
Rumania to Bucharest, arriving on September 16. seven needs a great deal of entertaining, so I must re-
place American friends, television, comic books and toys.
The Rumanian government has provided us with a Also, I must be overseer of homework, f o r our son has
four-room apartment, large by Rumanian standards for a great deal.
three people. We are on the seventh floor of an apart-
ment block which houses better than 500 people. We are What is it like to be a school child in Rumania?
fortunate to be right above the many shops which we For our child it is a wonderful experience, f o r he at-
must visit for our foods. The situation is very interesting, tends the school run by the American Embassy f o r Eng-
for we are living with Rumanians only. lish speaking youngsters of diplomatic families in Bucha-
rest. There are several countries represented by the 33
What is it like to be a professor at the University of students: England, India, Spain, Portugal as well as
Bucharest? America, and the teacher is Rumanian. She is a stern
disciplinarian, believes in homework, and is producing
My husband finds it a delightful experience. His col- excellent results. There are periods of loneliness and
leagues are helpful, intelligent, and speak beautiful Brit- frustrations, but generally speaking, it is a happy ex-
ish English. His students are in the fifth year, which istence.
means they will be graduated in June. They, too, speak
English very well. They have an insatiable curiosity about What is it like to be a family in Rumania?
America, its literature, its customs, its people, and the Because we are behind the Iron Curtain we must be
land itself. They read avidly what they can find in Ameri- especially alert at all times to watch what we say and do.
can literature, but, sadly enough, books are very few. We are aware that we are watched and checked i n and
They read the twentieth century writers which we out; we are aware that our mail, incoming and outgoing,
brought with us, and are thrilled to have the chance to is opened and read carefully by the Rumanians; we are
discuss Faulkner, Dreiser, Tennessee Williams, Robert aware that many people are afraid to be seen with us;
Frost, Robert Penn Warren and others, and have good we are aware that fear is ever present f o r all Rumanians.
analytical ability to contrast and compare them and what In spite of these things we have found some wonderful
they represent. They are open and frank, and a great joy friends among these people and among the diplomatic
to teach, despite their thorough communist indoctrination. families from our own country and other lands. I t is a
pleasure to call our American Ambassador and his as-
What is it like to be a driver in Rumania? sistants our friends. We have opportunities f o r travel,
I t is one of our most harrowing experiences. Pedes- and the history and geography we can live is gratifying.
trians have no regard f o r the crosswalk or the traffic I t will be even more so when we are free to travel in
light, no respect for the auto or its driver, and no under- Western Europe next summer.
standing of the damage a car can do when people are I feel that such an experience as ours is one every
careless. Night driving here is out of the question except American should have. Speaking for myself and my
for emergencies, for it is against the law to drive with family, / am sure we will all love our country and its
lights other than parking lights. You flash from parks to freedoms more dearly than we would have thought pos-
regular beam as you approach an intersection to show the sible.
pedestrian you are coming, but you must return to parks
immediately. Country driving is still worse, f o r the road
is full of people, bicycles, carts of all sizes, motorcycles,

162 A U T U M N of 1%6—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI


for the first time the Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee
Foundation has undertaken the sale of Christmas cards.

Aon-designed, the three greetings have been produced
on white greeting card stock. The star is a modernistic design
in red, blue, and yellow. The same script is used for the message:
May your Christmas be a merry one and your New Year wishes

come true. The religious card of the camels and crosses is
produced in blue and beige. The message reads: May the peace and

joy of Christmas be with you always. The black outlined dove
carries a red A O H rose above Season's Greetings in red and the

red greeting says "May your holidays be happy days."

The star and camel cards were designed by Virginia Dahm Tompkins;
the dove card by Altha De Cavitte Wargelin, Omicron Pi,
and her husband,John.


Each greeting card carries the message that proceeds from the
sale of this card are used for scholarships.


Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation

M a i l to W i l m a Smith L e l a n d , 2828 F r a n c e A v e n u e South, M i n n e a p o l i s , Minnesota 55414.

Date of Order Chapter

Sold by • Personalized • Not Personalized

Name of Purchaser

Full address

State Zip Phone

Ship the following prepaid to this address:

No. of Boxes Dove Design. No. of Boxes Star Design. No. of Boxes
Camel Design.

(There are 30 cards and envelopes in each box. Designs may be
ordered mixed, but not less than 10 of any design in any one box.)

Personalize cards with this name (print clearly!) ,

Remittance advice: Enclosed find $ as payment in full for above order. Make

checks payable to Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation. Do not send cash.

Prices: Retail, $3.00 per box, not personalized. Price of personalizing with name: To regular
price per box, add flat charge of $1.80 for first 3 boxes. Minimum order accepted for
personalizing — 3 boxes (90 cards). Each additional box, 30c per box.

Orders accepted up to and including November 15, 1966. All shipments made by Dec. 1.

Mr "

experience in everyday affairs
BETA TAU—University of Toronto, I L D I K O N A G Y , above
"In no time at all the year has ended. A new executive has been
elected and has taken confident command. My year as president
has given me love and understanding and experience in everyday
upper right
work with charity
LAMBDA TAU—Northeast Louisiana State College, PATRICIA
"My actions could either raise the chapter to higher goals or lower
its already high standards."
center right
we are the ones who benefit
GAMMA OMICRON—University of Florida, JANE ELLEN
"Our strong sense of unity and joy in being together is nurtured by
the awareness that in striving for the good of Alpha Omicron Pi,
we are the ones who benefit."
lower right
AOn w i l l always remain alive
CHI LAMBDA—Evansville College, N A N C Y LEE ROSER
" I know that as college becomes a memory, AOII w i l l always
remain alive, continuing to reveal its philosophy of sharing, help-
ing, endeavoring and friendship."
Member Cap and Gown, Phi Kappa Phi, Student Senate, senior
class secretary, campus notable.

Chapter presidents
write on being

164 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI


upper left
through direction, action and satisfaction
PHI—University of Kansas, JANELLE HESSE
"Through direction, action, and satisfaction, in an officer's role, I
have watched the members' motivation create a well-rounded
chapter and develop human understanding as well as group satis-
center left
a never ending circle of sisterhood
DELTA OMEGA—Murray State University, JOAN CLARE Mc-
"Our sorority seems best described as a never ending circle of
sisterhood. This circle evolves from pledge through collegiate to
alumna status. As our national director of projects has said, 'as a
hobby some women like to arrange flowers; I prefer to work
toward shaping the lives of young women.' "
lower left
the chapter president must guard against an over involvement in
the mechanics of chapter organization
PI DELTA—University of Maryland, HELEN HYDE
"The above statement is perhaps the most difficult and yet the most
important responsibility of the chapter president, to keep things
in perspective."
Elected Panhellenic president, won Adele H . Stamp award to the
outstanding junior sorority woman, Mortar Board secretary,
Alpha Lambda Delta, Diamond, Diadem, Phi Kappa Phi, Deans
The simplicity for which we stand has strengthened our organ-
(Beth) BOND, below
"Our symbols, colors, and ritual are undying and their meanings
as appropriate and strong as they were in 1897."
State president 1965-66 Tennessee Home Economics asso., Home
Economics club president, business manager Lantern (yearbook),
Deans List every semester but one, vice president Panhellenic, Miss
Lambuth Court.

AOJTs everywhere
are your sisters

Sisterhood begins with pledging. The entire <1>A—East Tennessee State University; Betty Gail Cooper, 0—Uni-
concept of the fraternity-sorority system is based versity of Tennessee; Eileen Fender, past <t>A president; and Ann
on sisterhood. Within the collegiate chapter, out Murray, past SO president. District meetings are busy and vital
to district meeting and onto the biennial interna- times to stimulate friendships.
tional convention with other collegiate chapter
members and alumnae, through roundtables where
discussions of goals of pledge training are offered,
you learn that the goal of pledgeship is more than
initiation. It is the development of a mature atti-
tude and a growth and love for Alpha Omicron Pi.
It is the creating of high standards of scholarship,
leadership and discipline.

Collegiate chapter presidents gather around the coffee pot at the
second annual District IV meeting, April 29 and May I at the Nu
Omicron chapter house in Nashville. Hostess president, LaJuan
Furgason, NO—Vanderbilt University, serves (from left), Jan Sparks,

^ qua -mm

Collegiate Chapters and Colonies


X Alpha Chi—Western Kentucky State University, Bowling Green, Kentucky

XVII Alpha Gamma—Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
XII A l p h a Omicron—Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

XVII Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana

V Alpha Pi—Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
XVIII Alpha Rho—Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
XVIII Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon

VI Alpha Tau—Denison University, Granville, Ohio

X Beta Chi—Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, Kentucky SETTING TO KNOW YOU
VIII Beta Gamma—Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
XVII Beta Kappa—University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada As they wait for lunch beside the atrium in the
Nu Omicron chapter house, collegiates learn about
XIV Beta Lambda—Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois
IX Beta Phi—Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana each other and about other chapters at the
Beta Pi—Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan spring District IV meeting.
Beta Rho—University of M o n t a n a , Missoula, Montana It is at such sessions that collegiates learn how
XVII Beta Tau—University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada other chapters handle finance, increase scholarship
standards, and handle rush.
XVI C h i Delta—University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
X Chi Lambda—EvansviHe College, Evansville, Indiana

I Delta—Tufts University, Jackson College, Medford, Massachusetts^
XII Delta Beta—University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana

VII Delta Delta—Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
X Delta Omega—Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
Delta Pi—Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Missouri
Delta Sigma—San Jose State College, San Jose, California

111 E p s i l o n A l p h a — P e n n s y l v a n i a S t a t e University, University Park, Penn.

I Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Maine
III G a m m a Beta—Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania
G a m m a O m i c r o n — U n i v e r s i t y of Florida, G a i n e s v i l l e , Florida
V G a m m a Sigma—Georgia State College, Atlanta, Georgia
VII G a m m a Tau—Utah State University, Logan, Utah

XIV lota—University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
XVI lota Alpha—Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho

IX Kappa Alpha—Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana but
V Kappa Gamma—Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida
IX Kappa Kappa—Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
XI Kappa Omicron—Southwestern University, Memphis, Tennessee
I Kappa Phi—McSill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
VIII Kappa Rho—Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kappa Tau—Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, Louisiana
K a p p a Theta—University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,

XIX L a m b d a Beta—California State College at Long Beach. Long Beach,

VII L a m b d a Sigma—University of G e o r g i a , Athens. G e o r g i a
XII Lambda Tau—Northeast Louisiana State College, Monroe, Louisiana

XI Nu Beta—University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi
XIV Nu lota—Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois

IV Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University. Nashville, Tennessee

VI Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
XI O m e g a Omicron—Lambuth College, Jackson, Tennessee

IV Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

VIII O m i c r o n Pi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

XV Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
IV Phi A l p h a — E a s t Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
XIII Phi Delta—University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
VI Phi Kappa—Morris Harvey College, Charleston, WestVirginia
VI Phi L a m b d a — Y o u n g s t o w n University, Youngstown, O h i o
X Phi O m i c r o n — H a n o v e r C o l l e g e , Hanover, Indiana
IX Phi Upsilon—Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
XII P i — H . Sophie Newcomb College, New Orleans, Louisiana
III Pi Delta—University of M a r y l a n d , C o l l e g e Park, Maryland

XV Pi Kappa—University of Texas, Austin, Texas

XIV Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois UHMH
XV Rho Alpha—Pan American College, Edinburg, Texas
Rho Sigma—Portland State College, Portland, Oregon

XIX Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, California
II Sigma Chi—Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York
Sigma Lambda—Wisconsin State University, LaCrosse, Wisconsin
XIII Sigma Omicron—Arkansas State College, State College, Arkansas
XI Sigma Sigma—St. Norbert College, West DePere, Wisconsin
Sigma Rho—Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
XIII Sigma Tau—Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland

XIII Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
VII Tau Delta—Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Alabama
XI Tau Omicron—University of Tennessee-Martin Branch, Martin, Tennessee

IX Theta—DePauw University Greencastle, Indiana

XVI Theta Chi—Morningside C o l l e g e , Sioux City, Iowa
XIX Theta Omega—Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
Theta Pi—Wagner College, Staten Island, New York
Theta Psi—University of Toledo, Toledo, O h i o

XVII Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
XIX Upsilon Alpha—University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

XVI Z e t a — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
III Zeta Psi—East Carolina College, Greenville, North Carolina


XIII lota Tau Colony—Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin
VI K a p p a Pi C o l o n y — O h i o Northern University, A d a , O h i o
S i g m a Phi C o l o n y — S a n Fernando Valley State C o l l e g e , San Fernando,


collegiate chapter news

Essential ingredients

Alpha Pi—Florida State University—rush was the first
and most important ingredient in the /40Pie recipe for
another swinging year with A O I I . Of course, the most
important parties were preferentials, when the emblem
of A O I I , the red rose, was expressed within an impressive
ritual. Finally after all the friendly "hellos", clever skits
and warm tears were thoroughly mixed and allowed to
chill for a few days; we next folded into our chapter
27 cheery and effervescent pledges. Football games were
sprinkled in for several months making f u n for all,
and we added three to five cups of planning, decorations,
delicious banquets, men and cool weather for a ski party
weekend in October.

The next essential ingredient was Homecoming weekend.
The men of A K * and the AOIIs were beaten together slowly,
thereby making a beautiful float, with the catchy theme:
"Infer-No Victory". The float won honorable mention.
Before the mixture was set aside to rise—gaiety was
tossed in at an annual A O I I Christmas party. The 2 X derby
was f u n and rewarding too, as Michele Purdy was a
runner-up for derby queen with Melissa McDonald rating
first in a stunt. Excitement was once again in the
chapter house when we received the I I K A trophy for
"snatching" the most canes in its biannual event. Circus
weekend was sifted in among the first signs of spring.
Several AOIIs took a group of underprivileged children
to the Saturday matinee performance.

A f t e r a little mixing, more ingredients were ready to
be added to our recipe: Sandie Unger was selected as
Miss Gymkana Court; Fran Clementi was finalist of
Miss Tampa contest and Nancy Betterley was Miss
University Union finalist. Carol Baird was tapped f o r
* x * , being elected secretary; and Kay Wright was chosen
in Theatre dance group. Tapped for Village Vamps was
Janet Bryant and newly tapped and initiated members
in Fashion Incorporated were Mary Ann Loeb, Becky
Lewis, Mary Ann Potter and Nancy Schmeisner.
In the chorus role of Music Man was Nancy Betterley
and in Marching Chiefs as majorette was Fran Clementi.
Bobbi Pomeroy was elected secretary of Woman's Student
Executive council and chosen in the honors program
were Bobbi Pomeroy, Becky Lewis, Marilyn Presnall
and Doris Whigham. Janice Dunn was tapped in
Judiciary (sophomore honorary).

A l l ingredients were thoroughly mixed and ready to be
stored into pleasant memories. However, we can't forget
the final serving—all the wonderful things Mom Connaway
did for us throughout the year. She is one who has
made our A O I I r-cipe for 1965-1966 SUPER-DUPER!

168 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI

Collegiate chapters have seen the need for
service giving in a community. They have worked at
children's hospitals, have donated money and helped

collect in national fund drives, have worked with
the aged. The local service varies.

Nationally, in the United States, service giving
is concentrated on the Frontier Nursing Service in
Kentucky, where since 1931, Alpha Omicron Pi has
maintained the Social Service department. A t right,
a F.N.S. nurse-midwife leaves a mountain home after

a visit. In C a n a d a , the philanthropic work
is with Cerebral Palsy.

Picture is courtesy of The Eli Lilly Company.



Beta Kappa—University of British Columbia—participated in
the sing event with Mavis McCuaig as song leader.

Beta Tau—University of Toronto—was the first runner-up for
the City Panhellenic scholarship trophy, losing first place only
by a fraction of a point. (The chapter won it last year.) Susan
Corben received the City Panhellenic award for outstanding
individual achievement by a fraternity woman in arts and sci-
ences. Last year Anna Sissons won a scholarship to study at
Smith College where she gained a place on the Dean's list for
second semester. AOIIs who received recognition for honor
standings were J i l l Charles, first with first class honors in sec-
ond year honor chemistry class; Susan Corben, second with
first class honors in second year honor chemistry class; and
Arlene Parr, first class honors in the second year physical and
occupational therapy class.

Kappa Phi—McGill University—is very proud of Elizabeth
Valsam's election to the Red Wing Society, "founded for the
purpose of recognizing high academic achievement and out-
standing contributions to student activities by the women of
McGill." Beth is one of thirty active members. Marilyn M i r a -
belli is president-elect of the Women's Union, which maintains
worthwhile social services on and off campus in the name of
all McGill women. Cheryl Hyde-Clarke, who graduated with
an Honours degree in sociology, w i l l be serving as a teacher
in Nigeria for two years with the Canadian University Stu-
dents Overseas.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON P I — A U T U M N of 1966

Arizona Arizona

TJpsilon Alpha—University of Arizona—chapter president, Theta Omega—Northern Arizona University—was officially
Peggy Sheffield, was given the most outstanding collegiate formed November 20, 1961, as a local sorority at Arizona
award at the District X I X Day in Anaheim, Calif. Judy Car- State College. On November 23, 1963, Theta Omega joined
rington was recognized with a service award. Clair Ryan re- with Alpha Omicron Pi. Since 1963 vast changes have been
ceived the Junior Panhellenic scholarship for being the out- made both in the sorority and in the college. During the past
standing pledge of the year. Clair is a member of Spurs, year Northern Arizona University emerged from the previously
sophomore women's service honorary and was initiated into named Arizona State College; the official title was bestowed
Chimes, similar honorary for junior women. Jan Joralmen during University week, May, 1-7. As the university grew so
served as fiction editor of Ananke, the university literary mag- did the AOTJ chapter. During Homecoming week, Susie
azine and has been chosen to be the editor-in-chief for the McDonald, then 6£2 president, was elected Homecoming queen.
coming year. Jane Burgard received the university service Not only were the AOIIs overjoyed for Susie, but also for
award. Melinda Burrill participated in the university honors their float which won sweepstakes. Linda Hudson was elected
program and Ann Huffman received a scholarship to attend freshman class treasurer. Senior women chosen to be in Who's
the University of the Seven Seas. Members of * A initiated Who in American Colleges and Universities were Judy Hall,
into scholastic honoraries are: Peggy Sheffield, HA* and KAn Susie McDonald, Barbara Weible and Diana Ziede. The chap-
(education); Cheryl Pledger, K E (women's honorary in phar- ter entered sculpture competition with A 2 * in Snow Carnival
macy) ; Lynn Berry, © 2 * (journalism); Pamela Musgrave, week. Terry Speight was elected secretary of the sophomore
<J>X0 (professional business); Melinda Burrill, AAA (freshmen class in spring elections; Susan Burke was elected secretary
women) ; and Linda Stack, IIA9. of the Associated Students. Susan and Susan Major were also
elected to be in the pompon line for next year. During the
Arkansas entire month of April there were constant practices for the
Greek week talent show to be held April 30, the last day of
Sigma Omicron—Arkansas State College—tapped for honors Greek week. A l l the long hard hours of practice and worry paid
are Joann Mason and Doris Bone, both cheerleaders and off; for the AOIIs won another sweepstakes award. The pre-
R.O.T.C. honorary cadets; Becky Henderson, cheerleader cap- vious two years our shows had been very close to award win-
tain ; Dianne Halsell, cheerleader, Homecoming court, R.O.T.C. ing performances, but this year with a theme of "Dreams of
honorary cadet; Marcia Johnson, Kay Wilbanks, Harriette Toyland" we finally won. The skit was approximately 12 min-
Harris and Jan Watkins, all R.O.T.C. honorary cadets, and utes long and included a ballerina, bunnies, clowns, Raggedy
Linda Wyatt, alternate to Miss Arkansas State. Ann and Andy, and finally toy soldiers. The total participation

everyone in the chapter made it possible for the AOIIs of
N A U to bring home another trophy. Also adding to the glory

Greek Week was Toni Del Missier's election to Greek Week
tana by the fraternities. Three AOIIs out of 25 chosen for
Spurs were Dianne Oddonetto, Sue Seabough, and Nancy
Smith. Cardinal Keys tapped Judy Berger. Stephanie Grace,
Kathy Smith and Miriam Trezise. Later three AOII seniors were
named outstanding senior women. They were Susie McDonald,
Barbara Weible, and Diana Ziede. During N A U Week the
members of the fall pledge class presented the university with
the large letters N A U to be placed on the College Union
imney. The letters were purchased with the money the pledge
class earned during their pledgeship. It was a great year and
the one thing that made it so rewarding was not necessarily
the winning of the awards, but the working together of each
and every girl in Theta Omega chapter.


Delta Sigma—San Jose State College—and again this year,
for the fourth straight time, AOII won first place in the annual
S X Derby day. Derby day was originated by the Sigma Chi
fraternity four years ago and is traditionally held in May. It is

day of fun and frolic in which all the sororities and women's
living centers compete in such events as the doughnut dash,
pie-eating contest, centipede race, kissing contest, and Derby
Darling. The living center with the most total points at the
end of the events wins the trophy. Preparation for Derby day
begins a week before when the girls entered in each event
begin practicing their tasks. Finally, Derby day arrives and
begins with a noisy, colorful parade of girls in cars bedecked
with ribbons, signs and banners, after which the competitive
events commence. At the end of the afternoon the points are
tallied and the trophies are awarded.

Lambda Beta—California State College—The second annual
Rose Ball was held February 26 at the Newporter Inn in New-
port Beach. Chapter members and their escorts enjoyed regal
surroundings which included crystal chandeliers, a menu of
chicken parchment souvenir programs printed in French,
and tulip-shaped wine goblets engraved in gold for favors.
The program included an introduction of chapter officers
for 1966-67 by incoming chapter president, Norine Mortimer.
Lambda Beta's 1966 Man of the Year, Jack McCarthy, was
presented a trophy, and a special award, a chapter scrap-
book, was presented by historian Sondra Shelton to Cindy
Davis Kluter, outgoing president and first president of Lambda

eta chapter.


Sigma—University of California at Berkeley—tapped for In college and community service, Jimmy Fleming, AOII's

honors were Patricia Hamilton, Torch and Shield; Sharon candidate for Ugly Man on campus placed second in the conr
test. The chapter also participated in fund raising drives for
Farnell, pompon girl; and Penny Almquist, pompon girl.
the Heart fund and American Cancer society. In' Greek week

Sigma Phi Colony—San Fernando Valley State College—dur- sing AOII sang Appalachian Folk songs. The chapter was di-
ing spring rush, we were proud to announce the second to rected by Lynne Collins and accompanied by Bonnie Barron.
largest pledge class placing our membership at 26. We partic- In Skit Night AOII presented a take-off on Peter Pan. Peter
ipated in Women's week by entering a candidate in the dream Pan (Jane Eley) even flew across the stage. On the social side,
man contest. Taking three first place trophies in the 2 X Derby AOn had a party with IIKA and entertained the ATSZ colony
day, and winning the women's basketball intramurals were with a Coke party. We also gave a party for the band and
among the high points of this semester. We especially enjoyed singing group who helped us with our fashion show. The sor-
a spring formal and an exciting pledge-active party at Disney- ority's annual Rose Ball and casual party were held in May
at the American motor hotel and B & B Ranch, respectively.
At Christmas the chapter had a semi-formal dance and a big

sister-little sister party at the home of E v a McLaurin Whet-

Colorado j stone (Mrs. Clinton H.), T2, Georgia State College, assistant
Dean of Women. The chapter started a new activity last year—
CM Delta—University of Colorado—among the recent a rush retreat. The first retreat was held at Peggy Putman's
achievers are: Marcy MacMillan, who was chosen as one of cabin at Lake Allatoona. We are planning a retreat there this
three outstanding models in a fashion show sponsored by TKE year.
fraternity at C.U. She was awarded a $355 scholarship to

Patricia Stevens modeling school. Connie Morgan will serve as

one of the directors of C.U.'s freshman camp, an intellectual

weekend held every fall. Bea Thompson will spend her sopho-

more year studying at the Kaiser Wilhelm Friedrichs Uni-

versity in Bonn, Germany, with the cooperation and assistance

of the German government. Maria Ines Fenes, a senior from

Santa Fe, Argentina, was sponsored by Chi Delta for the year

1965-66. While at C.U. she studied languages.


Gamma Omicron—University of Florida—Harriet Hughes
reigned as the 1966 University of Florida Engineering Fair
queen. Sandra McGuiness was first runner-up. Gamma Omi-
cron chapter won the first place trophy for the 1966 World
University Service fund raising drive. Our chapter initiated one
double legacy and one single legacy in February. Marti Cox,
has two sisters who are AOIIs—Mary Ellen Cox, 1965 graduate
of the University of Florida, and Gail Cox, now attending the
University of Florida. Elizabeth Topel is the sister of Louise
Topel, 1965 graduate of the University of Florida. Susan Hunt
is commander of Angel Flight.


Gamma Sigma—Georgia State College—every year is out-
standing in some particular way for Gamma Sigma. In 1964-65
we excelled in social honors. The past year was the year we
improved our scholarship. The achievement we are most proud
of this year is winning the Panhellenic scholarship trophy, a
rotating trophy awarded each quarter to the Panhellenic soror-
ity with the highest average for that quarter. We won it for the
winter quarter 1966, the first quarter the brand new trophy had
ever been awarded. The beautiful trophy is three feet high and
looks magnificent in our trophy case. Bonnie Barron and Lynne
Collins were elected to the collegiate Who's Who. Bonnie, a
June graduate, was TS outstanding AOU for fall quarter, and
outstanding AOII of the year. Bonnie served as first vice presi-
dent and pledge trainer of T 2 ; corresponding secretary of "fcX©,
women's honorary in business administration; and was song
leader for AOII in Greek Week. Bonnie received a senior
award. Lynne, a transfer student from Young Harris College,
was secretary-treasurer of her senior class and a runner-up
for Mardi Gras Queen. She directed AOII in Greek Week sing
two years. Virginia Bruce is historian of B B B , honorary
biology fraternity and is a member of Crimson Key honor
society. Peggy Putman, a transfer member from Delta Delta
chapter, was named one of the ten best dressed girls on campus
and was chosen for membership in * X 8 . AOn was well repre-
sented in publications in 1965-66. On the staff of the yearbook,
The Rampway, were Sally Hubbard, organizations editor;
Sandy Floyd, student life editor; and Caroline Mann, introduc-
tion editor. Jenny Lee, a Dean's List student, is a member of
AAA. Elaine Shelor reigned as Miss Clayton County and Gayle
Mingledorff was a featured performer with the Southern
Ballet. Several were named to the Dean's List in 1965-66. They
are Sally Hubbard, Jenny Lee, Mary Ann Ross, Sandy Floyd,
Bonnie Barron, Joanna Cory, Sharon Nash and Carol Knauth.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1966

rt of Spring Weekend

rehn, Jeannie Jones,

Beta Phi—Indiana University—was flying high this year at
Indiana University's annual Little 500 Week-end, as they
watched the «t>K* pedal to first place. As the team's co-ed
sponsors, the girls had organized a hearty cheering section.
After the big race came the traditional "after-the-race picnic".

Chi-Lambda—Evansville College—immediately after rush,
XA began working on homecoming. Our campaign for queen
was more elaborate than ever before. Our theme was "Home-
coming Queen or Bust" and a covered wagon on campus plus
a serenade with our candidate on horseback were only part of
the campaign. A l l our hard work was rewarded and we were
thrilled when last year's queen Sandy VanArsdall gave up her
crown to her "daughter" Gail Mohrman. Sue Blaine repre-
sented AOII as the new Basketball queen and her honor attend-
ant was Mary Scea. A t the campus dance sponsored by Junior
Panhellenic Marcia Wellemeyer was elected the new Miss
Betty-Coed. Two other queens have been Sue Schelosky, Miss
Watermelon bust, and Julia Walton, Miss United Fund.
Sharon Ross reigned as May Day queen with honor attendant
Connie Sturm. XA was awarded the Panhellenic scholarship
tray for the fourth consecutive year. Connie Doughty, Tammi
Neu, and Sylvia Nenneker were initiated into Cap and Gown,
honorary scholastic society; and Karen Andrews, our own
Ruby " A " winner was given the award for having the highest
scholastic average among freshman women. XA 1965 fall pledge
class earned the Junior Panhellenic scholarship award also.

Phi Omicron—Hanover College—two seniors are graduating
with special honor and two others have been awarded grants
for graduate study. Anne Marsh, <i>0 past president, was gradu-
ated first in Hanover's senior class, taking Magna Cum Laude
honors with a 3.85 accumulative average. Susan Perry, past
first vice-president, was graduated Cum Laude, third in class.
Judy Mayhew, another of «K) seniors, has been awarded a f u l l
fellowship for graduate study in the department of chemistry

A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI

at Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio. Marcia Kansas
Martin, Sociology major, received a N I M H (National Institute
for mental health) traineeship grant for tuition plus $1800. She Phi—University of Kansas—working with McCullom hall, was
will study at Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. honored by having its skit chosen as one of the four to be
Phi Omicron's scholarship honors on campus are: members presented in the annual Rock Chalk revue. Collette Mount
of AAA, honorary freshmen women, Ann Cummings, junior, was selected as outstanding senior in the Occupational Therapy
past secretary; Annette Gralia, sophomore; Polly Phelan, jun- department. Carolyn Gile is president of the Physical Therapy
ior, past vice-president; Susan Viehe, junior, past treasurer; club. Jan Milam serves as an officer of both the American
and Denilyn Wilson, sophomore. Members of TSII scholastic Pharmaceutical association and KE, pharmacy fraternity. Sara
honorary for junior and senior men and women: Ann Cum- Bly received an honor scholarship in mathematics and Anne
mings; Susie Kinder; Polly Phelan; Susan Viehe, secretary- Lockhart, a university grant to do research in psychology of
treasurer. Member of A * r , journalism honorary, is Susan communication.
Powell. Phi Omicron's members who are presidents of campus
organizations are: Kathy Gilchrist, P.E.M. (Physical Educa- Kentucky
tion Majors) club; Susie Kinder, S.N.E.A. (Student National
Education association) ; Lydia Ross, W.R.A. (Women's Rec- Alpha Chi—Western Kentucky State College—came in second
reation association), Phi Omicron has no campus queens, but in the "Little 500." AOn pledges helped the Boys Club of
we came close this year when Margot Baldwin, chapter presi- America raise money. A X rated third in the sing event. Ruth
dent, was elected "best dressed co-ed" on campus. The election Ann Koostra was treasurer of Panhellenic and Greek queen;
took place on March 4—Margot became Hanover's representa- and Ellen Pitt, Daisy Mae.
tive in a nationwide contest sponsored by Glamour magazine.

Delta Omega—Murray State College—in honoraries are:

Phi TJpsilon—Purdue University—"Help Shake the Acre" was AX (scholastic), Jean Bullard and Diane Larson Sykes; AAA
the theme of the newest all campus street dance held April 22. (freshman women's scholastic), Beverly Goode, Judy Little-
It was sponsored by AOII and all of the other sororities and john, Madge McCollum, Ellen Smith, and Sandra Wallace;
fraternities that are now or soon will be located in the new *BA (business), Nancy Nash; KAII (education), Jennye Long
"fraternity row"—Tower Acres. The dance was free with those and Sally Kennedy; Who's Who, Diane Larson Sykes and
sponsoring it providing two bands for continuous dancing. On Patsy Spann; A<t>r (journalism), Cookie Holt, secretary and
Saturday, March 12, AOII joined with KAP fraternity in the an- Nancy Strow; AIT (literary and broadcaster's), Carolyn
nual Greek Week penny carnival. An admission price is Graddy; IK2II (business), Carol Anne Davis, president, and
charged and tickets to the booths are sold inside. The proceeds Jennye Long, treasurer; ABA (library science), Jennye Long;
go to Campus Chest. The AOII KAP booth was a western casino _ TOT (geography) Betsy Stacy, vice president; Student National
which also provided dancing. Although the AOIIs didn't win Educational association, Mary Lou Mobley, vice president and
a trophy, they did get a second in publicity for their efforts. Kentucky state secretary; Sock and Buskin (dramatic), Nancy
chapter was one of five finalists in Gail Nance, treasurer. Margaret Anne Davis received a fellow-
On May seventh, the
U-Sing, an annual singing competition between housing units. ship for summer study at Dobbs research institute of the Uni-
AOn participated in Les Filles Prix, one of the opening events versity of Tennessee. Linda Durham received a dorm scholar-
of Purdue's Grand Prix week end. The AOII team rode toy ship. Sherri Elliot is dorm president. Cookie Holt served the
tractors to a third place among the 20 teams participating. past year as editor of the College Neivs and The Fnze, a campus
Many &<Sr members were chosen for honoraries and important magazine. Madge McCollum was chosen as ideal freshman.
campus positions: to AAA—Jane Geiger, Linda Gribbes, Re- Judy Sloan was sophomore class secretary and representative
becca Robbins, Diana Hettinger, Patricia Schmink, and to class assembly. Janet Motheral represented Murray in the
Cheryl Wild. Renee Pugh and Linda Rayl were elected to best dressed contest sponsored by Glamour. Marilyn Charlton
Angel Flight; Sarah Fosbrink was elected president of Asso- will represent Murray in the Kentucky Mountain Laurel con-
ciation for Childhood Educators while Diane Smith was elected test; she was also chosen as Miss Graves County Spring and
president of Associated Women Students. Chosen for A2 of took second place in the Miss Kentucky contest. Judy Cun-
4>KT were Connie Bistransky, Susan Carruthers, Diana Foltz, ningham was Miss Murray State and Campus Notable. Cam-
and Linda R a y l ; and to Exponent Barbara Kasline, junior pus favorites are Judy Sloan and Jill Burkel. Sandra Wallace
manager; Gold Peppers, Diane Smith and Nancy Morris; was elected varsity cheerleader. Carolyn Graddy has been
Green Guard honorary, Connie Bistransky and Ellen Bundchu; awarded a $2500 teaching assistantship in the department of
KAII, Sarah Fosbrink, historian; Jane Elgin, Kay Miller, and speech at Purdue University. Carolyn's activities at Murray
Jane Mitchell. To IIA* were Elizabeth Fosbrink; Rivet, Con- included XA«t>, writers honorary; AIT, English; secretary of
nie Bistransky, editor; Student National Education associa- the Broadcaster's honorary; public relations director of the
tion, Sarah Fosbrink, president; TBS, Karen Duntin; and Thoroughbred Hour (University Radio program) ; a member
of the Reader's Theater; and a Varsity Debator.
Triton, Kathryn Krat, vice president.

Iowa Louisiana

Theta Chi—Morningside College—on May 10 a bugle sounded Alpha Omicron—Louisiana State University—tapped the fol-
at 8:15 announcing walk-out day, an annual tradition at Morn- lowing collegiates for honors. Cheryl A. Smith received the
ingside College where all the students "walk-out" of their Newman Club award, AJ); Sandra Button, AT Medical Tech-
classes. That morning there were Olympics for all. Alpha nological ; Charlene Hutton received the presidential scholar-
Omicron P i received a trophy for winning second place in the ship with a 2.9 overall average; and Carole Bettoney headed
women's competition. Three campus queen positions are held. academic affairs for the Student Government association and
They are: Greek Week queen, Kathryn Lees, 1966 president; received the outstanding service award. She also holds the cen-
Sally Glover, an AOII held this position in 1965; Sioux (year- tennial award, chairmanship of current events for the Union,
book) queen, Kathleen Hogan. Attendants were AOIIs Marjorie and is a member of the Scotch Guard.
Kaye, Pam Ericson, and Kathryn Lees. Kay Klinger won first
place and $100 in the annual Elizabeth Sammons Voice com- Delta Beta—University of Southwestern Louisiana—Ver-
petition. Ten members of 6 X are in honoraries. They are: Lass, milion honor society elected Susan McDonald, chapter presi-
(senior woman's honor society) Ruth VerMulm and Kathryn dent, and Sharon Voorhies. It takes a 3.5 average and several
Lees, 1965 and 1966 OX presidents respectively; Dean's honor activities to rate this society. Mary Hymel is Engineering
list, Molly Darnell, Pam Ericson, Marjorie Kaye, Judith queen, Greek Goddess, beauty, and also a member of the relay
Krumtn and Marlys Merrill; Interdepartmental honors pro- court. Kathy Meyn and Ann Wegener were elected first and
gram, Molly Darnell and Marjorie Kaye; M*E (music hon- second co-captains of the U S L sweethearts. Sharon Voorhies
orary) Karen and Kay Klinger and Marlys Merrill; and A*12 was elected to KAII. Pat Wong was elected first runner-up to
(dramatic honorary) Alice Nelson. Miss University, and she also is a beauty. Pattie May was
chosen secretary of KAII. Ann Michot, Linda Boutte, and
Bettye Barrios, who is a legacy, were elected to AAA. Phyllis

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1966 173

Continued from preceding page Maine

St. Germain received the Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy award, Gamma—University of Maine—All Maine women, which is
given each year to the senior with the highest cumulative aver- equivalent of Mortar Board on many campuses, tapped
age. Phyllis also received the Associated Women Student's Barbara Deal, Cheryl English, Barbara Lester and Marilyn
award for the senior with the highest average. Delta Beta Brown, who was elected president. The sophomore non-
undertook as a special three-day project, the collection of blood scholastic honor society, Eagles, tapped Kathy Spaulding and
for servicemen in Viet Nam. Five hundred and forty-nine pints Miriam Sherwood. Joining the executive staff of the Women's
of blood were collected. Athletic association are Pauline Dyer and Holly Dunn as vice
president and treasurer, respectively. The 1966-67 resident ad-
Lambda Tau—Northeast Louisiana State College—tapped for visers from AOII are Paula Clough, Susan Derosier, Martha
honors are Gail Shoudy, AOTJt member scholarship award and Strauch, Bonnie Murray, and Diane Violette. Leaders of the
certificate of mastery in English and literature; Margaret Associated Women Students from AOII are Merilyn Brown and
Pettyjohn, AXA outstanding member award; and Patricia Barbara Lester as the senior Judicial board members and
Crowson, freshman math award. Kathy Spaulding, secretary. Qualifying as AOII "tutors" are
Kathy Spaulding as a member of Neai Mathatai to which the
Kappa Tan—Southeastern Louisiana College—began the se- top 16 freshman women are named. Mathematic honor society,
mester with a pledge class of 11. Janis Eble, Dianne A r d , and IIME, members are Elizabeth Hoyt and Barbara Lester. For
pledge Janis Brunson participated as contestants in the Miss the first time since the University of Maine has had a campus
Southeastern pageant. Martha Graeber and Kay Plennert were mayor—25 years—a woman student was elected. A n d who else
named to the Thirteen Club for high scholastic achievement. would be elected to boost and lead "Maine" spirit but at AOII,
Kay was awarded a graduate fellowship to the University of Meriby Sweet. Meriby ran as Lucy f r o m the comic strip
Southern Mississippi. The chapter received the scholarship Peanuts. Wendy Witham, 1965-66 president of Gamma, received
award for the highest average among the sororities on campus, the Barbara Dunn Hitchner Girl of Gamma award.
with a yearly overall average of 3.1018 on the four point system.
The award was presented at the 1966 Greek Ball which culmi- Maryland
nated Greek Week activities at SLC. Also during Greek Week,
AOII placed second in the song fest and tug of war and re- Sigma Tau—Washington College—was first in scholarship on
ceived acclaim for a successful first annual play day. Dianne the campus. The AOII presidents of top campus groups are
Ard was elected head cheerleader; Carolyn Chalona, Judy Mary Anne Davidson, Women's Residence association and
Byrne, Judy Martin, Janis Eble, and Dianne A r d were awarded Ellie Davidson, president of Reid Hall dorm. Tapped for
the Green "S" for extracurricular activities. honors in Women's Honorary Society and Who's Who were
Linda Middlestadt, Susan Stant, Carole Faherty, Linda Bau-
mann and Mary Anne Davidson.

_Hi Pi Delta—University of Maryland—Helen Hyre, retiring presi-
dent, was tapped into <I>K<t> and Who's Who. She received an
award as the outstanding undergraduate in the biological
sciences and was among 20 students at the University to re-
ceive a $250 grant for achieving outstanding honors in their
fields. Helen specializes in psychology. She is also a member
of AAA, Diadem and Mortar Board. Sally Samsel was honored
with the Ralph B. Penn memorial award for her outstanding
contributions in the field of dramatics. Diana Skirven was
tapped into SAO, microbiology honorary, and is a member of
Diadem, a junior women's honorary. Tapped into Diamond
was Kathy Kowal. Diamond is a sorority achievement hon-
orary. Suzanne Landrieu and Diana Skirven are also members.
Other members of honoraries are: Ann Nicholas, Helen Hyre,
Diana Skirven, Vickey Ordey, Suzanne Landrieu, IIAE;
Sherron Sears, "fcAE; Nina Hand, Z A H ; and Anne Zouck and
Anne Nicholas, women's press club.


Delta—Tufts University—tapped into <1>BK is Jane tSendheim.
Judy B. H i l l served as Panhellenic president, 1966-67.


Beta Pi—Eastern Michigan University—placed second out of
ten in scholarship honors on campus. Named to Adahi, senior
women's scholarship honorary, were Janice Irene Clark, presi-
dent; and Geraldine Ouichi.

SUSIE McDONALD, past e<> president—Northern Ar izona University was elected 1965 Home-
coming queen and rode on the giant logging wheels which were pulled in the parade by 20
outstanding freshmen at May commencement. Susie was given the President's Prize as the
outstanding senior woman.

174 AUTUMN of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI

IMP Selected as one of the three finalists in the Pi Kappa Alpha
fraternity national dream girl contest is V I R G I N I A LEE, G a m m a
Sigma c h a p t e r — G e o r g i a State C o l l e g e . Virginia, a junior, is sponsored
by the fraternity's chapter at Georgia Tech. A n Atlantan, Virginia
was to be flown to St. Louis to attend the 98th anniversary convention
of the fraternity during the last week in August. Delegates will
elect the dream girl, who reigns for two years. Virginia is
majoring in mathematics and has been named to the Dean's list for
four quarters. She is social chairman for G a m m a Sigma chapter.


Zeta—University of Nebraska—tapped into Mortar Board was
Candy Sasso. Selected f o r I v y Court was M a r i l y n Hardee w i t h
M a r g i e L e h l as i v y c h a i n leader and Betsy W h i t e and Jo S t o h l -
m a n as daisy chain leaders. A O I I president of top campus
groups was Marilyn Hardee, Tassels.

New York

S i g m a C h i — H a r t w i c k College—won the 1966 Panhellenic

to* scholarship cup. Doris W i r s h e m is Panhellenic president.
Tapped f o r honors i n Who's Who in American Colleges &

Universities was L i n d a L o f . Janet Stow w o n the Saxton fellow-

ship for Biology.


Alpha Tau—Denison University—tapped for honors in Mortar

Board was Judy Reiber. Other honors received were Barbara

K i n g a n d B r e n d a Snare, Crossed K e y s ; B a r b a r a K i n g , <I> so-

ciety; Sandra Johnson, Junior Adviser; Leslie Hepler and

Barbara King, journalism honorary; Virginia Coombs, Ger-

man honorary; Leslie Hepler, yearbook editor; Patti Yost and

Susan Cartoun, University Players; Beverly Doe and Sharon

Hornberger, education honorary; Ande Herron, dormitory

president; and Joan Flanagan, Kathy Baker, and Gail Reid,

•* all French honorary. Barbara Becker was International House

Minnesota Theta Psi—University of Toledo—named for honors on the
Dean's list was Joy McClure, K A n (education honorary); and
Tan—University of Minnesota—has another trophy. Joan Senum Shirley Whitaker and Vicky Howell, both in A * r (journalism).
won the United Fund campaign award for outstanding citizen- The annual Rose Ball was the highlight of this year's social
ship. She was co-chairman of the campus drive. Patty Morton activities, held at the Laurel Hill's country club.
was chosen A r m y R O T C queen. Marlane Ayers is secretary of
Panhellenic and M a r y Crane heads its public relations. Sheila P h i L a m b d a — Y o u n g s t o w n U n i v e r s i t y — e l e c t e d as president,
Olson is president of 2 A I , music. Barbara C h u r a ; w h o also served as Panhellenic president,
Pershing Rifle sponsor, Intra-fraternal council sweetheart,
Mississippi spring weekend attendant, majorette, and M a y queen attendant.
B a r b a r a has been recognized as one of the top 25 personalities
N u Beta—University of Mississippi—placed third in the sing on campus selected by the staff of Youngstown's yearbook,
event. Tapped into M o r t a r Board were L u H i l l , secretary; and The Neon. Y o u n g s t o w n ' s Queen of Queens and s p r i n g weekend
L a u r a Justice. L a u r a was also elected t o <J>K<I\ Cwens tapped hostess was Janice Lesoganich. Julie McGartland was a home-
Janis W o o l l y ; w h i l e A A A selected Sue Carnahan, secretary; coming attendant. Mary Jo Fitzpatrick was winner of the
Beth Brown, president; Phyllis Raiford; and Janis Woolly. chapter's scholarship a w a r d w i t h an accumulative of 3.6. Gayle
Fergus was Engineer sweetheart attendant. Senior class secre-
Montana tary is Delia Flask. The chapter placed second in scholarship
among sororities on campus with an accum of 2.81. Nancy
Beta Rho—University of Montana—the pledges topped all Krainock was named to KAII, educational society. The chapter
pledges for winter quarter. The actives honored them with a placed third in annual campus sing.
"happiness cake"—happiness is a 2.79. Coy D a v i d s o n became a
Spur. Final selection for membership in the Jubileers, the Omega—Miami University—during third trimester Gill Tucker
University's choral group, included Ruth Silvius, one of seven was president of Stoddard, the honor dorm, and Lois Phillips
vocalists, and Linda Luoma, pianist. I n the musical honorary, was vice president of MacCracken hall. New Spur members
M4>E, are L i n d a L u o m a , M a r y A n n Peterson, L y n n H o u g h , include Julie Morrison, M a r y K a y McNamara, Connie Stebbins,
Nancy Johnson, and K a r e n P i r r i e . Susanne Revell is a mem- Cheryl Harrington, Ann Seaman and Sally Fields. Cheryl will
ber of AAA f o r freshman women. Cindy Jones was chosen out- be vice president of Bishop, an honor d o r m .
standing sophomore woman. Her activities include central
board committies, Spurs, publications board, and AAA. collegiate "insertions"

Alpha P h i — M o n t a n a State College—Janet D i g h t m a n is presi- Kappa Rho—Western Michigan University—Sue Corson was
dent of W A A and received the Spartanian award. Janet Moody re-elected recording secretary of Panhellenic.
is the 1967 women's day c h a i r m a n . W a n d a F i s h b a u g h is c o m -
missioner of social affairs and Gale Kinzie heads musical P i — H . Sophie Newcomh—Evelyn Vincent, was elected a Wood-
affairs. I n Spurs are Susan Eagle, Jane Rumens, Linda Burns, row W i l s o n Fellow f o r 1965-66.
Kathleen Hauf and Sandra Coons.
Alpha Gamma—Washington State University—Paula Edmond-
To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1966 son is secretary of A S W S U . Gwen Jackson has had the lead in
three W S U plays. She was named most outstanding sophomore
actress last year and won the acting award f o r junior women.
Fran Taber was the only freshman to play a lead in an opera.



Morris Harvey College, W . V a . , M A Y Q U E E N and attendants are all of Phi Kappa chapter. G R E E K G O D D E S S is the title D A L E H A Y E S ,
From left: Elizabeth Clark, Carolyn Griffith, both senior attendants; Sue Miller, sophomore Delta Delta—Auburn University, holds.
attendant; May Queen Kristine Lambert; Marilyn Klonowslci, maid of honor; and Pamela
Maynard, freshman attendant.


Tennessee A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Kappa Omicron—Southwestern University at Memphis—se-
lected by M o r t a r B o a r d w e r e : K a t h e r i n e W h i t l e y Simpson as
president; A n n Charles Thacker as h i s t o r i a n ; and G i l v i a Parke
Flanagan as treasurer. G i l v i a was also song leader.

Omicron—University of Tennessee—this spring District I V
had its second D i s t r i c t D a y . T h i s year NO served as hostess.
T h i r t y - f i v e f r o m 0 chapter met w i t h the collegiates f r o m NO
as w e l l as those f r o m <I>A. L i n d a T o w n s e n d , our past president,
was named the most inspiring chapter president, and 0 was
presented the award for service to community and school. This
year 0 also decided to enter Carnicus w i t h the <M\& i n the n e w l y
formed Mixed-group competition and placed second. The chap-
ter placed fourth in annual sing.

Omega Omicron—Lambuth College—has won the scholarship
t r o p h y f o r the past t w o years. T a p p e d i n t o 0<PT, h o n o r a r y
scholastic society, were Beth Bond, Mary Nelle McLennan,
and Marjorie Helms. Cindy House was yearbook editor and
Jerrie N e l l Barnett is president of A I T . Jennifer Hefly was
c h a i r m a n of the college social committee. A l m o s t the entire S20
chapter attended the installation of TO—U. of Tennessee—
M a r t i n B r a n c h and since the i n s t a l l a t i o n CIO has held an officer
workshop f o r new TO officers.

Tau Omicron—University of Tennessee, M a r t i n Branch—Carol
McKee, a graduate of Cumberland Junior College was chosen
H o m e c o m i n g queen f o r 1966-67. L i n d a Rae M c B r i d e and M a r -
garet Ann Butts are nominees for R O T C sponsors. Cathy
Brown directed the chapter in annual sing. The freshman intra-
mural trophy was awarded to Chris Robinson. Chris not only
had the highest number of intramural points in the freshman
class, but i n a l l the classes. O n the 1966-67 annual staff are
Anita Butler and Allan Bridges. Vice-president on the Pan-
hellenic is held by Linda Green and public relations by Sandra


Phi Alpha—East Tennessee State University—has continued Washington
its philanthropic project of making tape recordings of text
books f o r blind students. Each member records an hour every Upsilon—University of Washington—participated in the sing
week. A t the a n n u a l A X A a l l - s i n g i n A p r i l , 4>A's s m a l l group event w i t h K a t h y T h o r n t o n as leader. Tapped into A A A and
sang Sentimental Journey accompanied by Janice Jones. T h e recipient of Inter-Panhellenic scholarship was Ellen Burton.
g r o u p w o n second. Janice Jones was elected president of AO Chris Zandenberg is president of AP (art honorary) and K a t h y
and selected to W h o ' s W h o . Judy Davis is secretary of AO. Thornton president of Rally Girls (spirit group).
President of the Lutheran Club is Louise E l l i s ; secretary-
treasurer of Inter-dorm council is V i v i a n H i g h ; dormitory West Virginia
officer is Judy Boggs. V i v i a n H i g h is R O T C sponsor. Selected
into AAA was Janet Cutshaw and Ann Tysinger, secretary; Phi Kappa—Morris Harvey College—won the annual May Day
freshman advisers, Judy Bible and Brenda Brown; student gov- s i n g as w e l l as h a v i n g the M a y D a y queen and five of her nine
ernment, Eileen Fender, Karen Mahefky, Kathie Atwood, attendants. Frances Allender led the sorority through "It's A
senator; Judy Davis, Jere Hagan, representative. Judy Davis Big, Wide, Wonderful World" and "Green Fields." Kristine
was selected i n the U n i v e r s i t y C h o i r w h i l e on the Collegian Lambert was crowned M a y Queen by last year's queen, Joyce
staff (school newspaper) were Kathie Atwood and Betty St. Stephenson, <!>K. M a r i l y n K l o n o w s k i was m a i d of h o n o r ; E l i z a -
J o h n . B e t t y St. J o h n a n d J a n i s Sparks were on the Buccaneer beth C l a r k and Carolyn Griffith, senior attendants; Sue Miller,
staff (yearbook) ; Judy Boggs, Susan Douglas and Wilma sophomore attendant; and Pamela Maynard, freshman at-
Shields in S N E A . A C E , Judy Boggs; board of governors of tendant. Joan Thompson was elected president of K A n and
Carroll Reece museum, Cabell W i l k e s ; Junior Orchesis, Laura collegiate council for the United Nations student education
Morris, and Ping Pong champion of women's intramurals, association. Receiving presidents scholarship was Julia Miller;
Betty Barnett; were other honors given. M a r y L a n d o l t graduated Summa Cum Laude. Voted best
dressed coed was Jennifer Wilkerson with runners-up, Carole
Oregon Suber (Watters), first; and M a r y Jane Zellers, second. AOII
won the Greek week college bowl, essay contest, and the bridge
Alpha Rho—Oregon State University—Barbara Fischer was t o u r n a m e n t . Jayne H a r p e r served as e d i t o r of Comet (news-
elected t o the B e t t y Coed finalist court, chosen f o r the sopho- paper) w i t h K a y G l a d w e l l as business manager.
more cotillion, on the basis of personality, poise, scholarship
and school activities; and is active i n Sophomore women's Wisconsin
h o n o r a r y , T a l o n s ; F a m a c s , sponsored by <I>K2 and aids O r e g o n
States foreign students. A t present Barbara is enrolled at the Sigma Lambda—Wisconsin State University—members in
University of Oregon medical school, continuing her education honoraries are Ellen Balz, R A T O M and A * K ; Sonja Pfaff,
as a d e n t a l t e c h n i c i a n . Janet Stockwell, and Trudy Bolen, K A I I ; Linda E. Hundt,
A^il. D a r r y l e D a m o n was g i v e n the student u n i o n a w a r d . T h e
chapter w o n second i n the annual sing, h a v i n g w o n first the
last three years.


Gamma Beta—Indiana University of Pennsylvania—includes
a Dean's O T H E R List at the senior farewell banquet. This
brings promises by the sisters to study harder the following
semester. The chapter participated in the annual Greek Sing,
rendering " I n the Still of the N i g h t " and the "A<MI Sweetheart
Song." F o r each set of week long rush parties Gamma Beta
chapter picks a theme around which it plans costumes, favors
and decorations. S p r i n g theme was "A<l>n, Premiere of B r o a d -
way Hits."

Epsilon Alpha—Pennsylvania State University—received a first
place rating with a quartet directed by Lois Baker, song leader.
Janice E d l e r received a first place t r o p h y as queen of hearts
d u r i n g the a n n u a l s p r i n g weekend f e s t i v i t i e s . EA also t o o k first
place in the poster contest, working with AX. Myra Lynch,
member of Penn State Singers, took part in the annual Thespian
production. Phyllis Bonn holds membership in Mortar Board
and A A A ; while Joan Symington and Myra Lynch are in
Chimes. Catherine A l d e r f o r is in AAA. Joan is vice president
of A.W.S.

Judy Cunningham, AfJ
A W O M A N P O L I T I C I A N ? Horrors! A woman mathematician? Un-
heard of. Those sentiments have echoed through the years. But times
have changed, and here at Murray State University, Kentucky, coeds,
like women in areas across the country, are moving into the fields
once reserved for men. A m o n g them is J U D Y C U N N I N G H A M , AP.,
of Mayfield. Judy served this past year as senior representative to
Student Council; and was secretary of the Young Democrats club;
and a member of Euclidian Mathematics club, honorary.

She reigned as Miss Murray State University and was selected
C a m p u s Notable on basis of personal contributions to campus life,
scholastic standing, personality, and participation in extracurricular
activities. Steve Quindry presents the roses.

To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1966

Anne Marsh, <K> Beth Valsam, K4> Susan Smith, NO

A N N E M A R S H ' s grandmother is a member of Alpha chapter, Barnard C o l l e g e . This is distinction in its
own right, but A n n e has served with distinction both her c h a p t e r and college. A n n e is the past chapter pres-
ident of Phi Omicron—Hanover College, where she graduated magna cum laude at the top of the senior
class with a 3.85 accumulative average. She was assistant editor of the yearbook, member of A A A ; I ' — I I , a
junior-senior honorary, and A 1 ' F , journalism honorary. E D I T H F E T T R E T C H M A R S H ( M r s . H . S.) is Anne's
grandmother. B E T H V A L S A M , K<!>, was elected to Red W i n g Society at M c G i l l University. S U S A N S M I T H ,
XO—Vanderbilt University, has been named a W o o d r o w Wilson Fellow for 1966-67. She is a member of <t"BK.

PHI BETA K A P P A memberships are held by Susan H . Mayer, KO— PHI BETA K A P P A elected Michele G a m b l e , <1>—University of Kansas
Southwestern University, Memphis, and Jane Bendheim, A, Tufts Uni- to membership, while M O R T A R B O A R D named Retha Rozelle, TA, to
versity, Jackson College. its roll at Birmingham Southern C o l l e g e . Retha is a campus favorite
and member of student government.

Susan H . Mayer, Jane Bendheim, A Michele G a m b l e , <I> Retha Rozelle, TA


Judith Lindow, On Edna Beth Moss, A O Kay Robinson Williford, K T Jackie Walton, XA

PHI K A P P A PHI has elected Judith Lindow, Oil—University of Mich- C A P A N D G O W N memberships are held by Kay Robinson Williford
igan, and Edna Beth Moss, AO—Louisiana State University. Edna (Mrs. L. J . ) , KF—Florida Southern College, and Jackie Walton,
Beth was voted the Young C a r e e r W o m a n of 1965-66 for Baton XA—Evansville College. Kay is past chapter president and president
Rouge Business and Professional women. of T I A 2 , journalism honorary. J a c k i e is a member of Phi K a p p a Phi
and Phi Beta C h i .

178 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Cheryl Anne English, V Barbara Lester, V Susan K. Corben, BT

A L L M A I N E W O M E N selected Cheryl Anne English and Barbara Lester for the society. Both are of
G a m m a chapter—University of Maine. Susan K. C o r b e n won the Toronto C i t y Panhellenic scholarship
award for the most outstanding a c a d e m i c achievement of any fraternity woman in the faculty of arts and
science at the University of Toronto. She stood second with first class honors in the second year honor
chemistry class.

Pamela Lipslci, KT—Florida Southern College, was named to C a p and Janice Stackhouse, BA—Illinois Wesleyan University, has been named
Gown, Iir.M honorary, national Greek hall of fame, was a junior ad- to Egas, honorary for upperclasswomen.
viser to freshmen women, and was a delegate to the Southeastern G O L D PEPPERS, junior women's honorary, t a p p e d Diane Smith, <J>*—
Panhellenic Conference. She was a student government officer and Purdue University, where she is A W S president. She is a member of
was graduated with honors. C a r o l Jehle, AA, is a cheerleader at A u - University choir, student senate and on the student advisory committee
burn University. to faculty senate.

Pamela Lipski, K T C a r o l Jehle, AA Janice Stackhouse, BA Diane Smith, " I " *



• T •m


Linda LeFevre, K 6 Ellie Davidson, ZT Julie Wright Stanton, KO Ann Carter Parrish, NO

Linda LeFevre, K 0 , was elected first vice president of the Associated Julia Wright Stanton—Kappa Omicron chapter—is a senior senator at
student body at U C L A . This is the highest elected office available to Southwestern University, Memphis, Tennessee.
women students. She was president of Sabers, in Angel Flight and
Anchors. She is a Bruin Belle, in C a l Club, Prytanean, upper division Ann Carter Parrish, Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
woman's honorary. Ellie Davidson, ZT, is president of Reid Hall dormi- Tennessee, is president of the Women's Student Government association.
tory at Washington College.

To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1966 179

Life with a housemother

Dramatis Personnae:
A Commentator: Who reads . . .

Our House Mother: Mrs. H . A lady of a certain age, sturdy build, with a penetrating eye, and nerves of steel.
A Cook: This indispensable adjunct is wild-eyed and skittish in manner, and her attitude is a combination of bellig-

erance, over-confidence, and deep self pity.
Various Hashers: Coming and Going. They are usually going, and doing so in a hurry.

A Cleaning Woman: A poor downtrodden female, completely obscured by mops, dust cloths, and the whir of the
vacuum cleaner.

A Parent: Who is usually a voluble, time-consuming female, addicted to long conversations on the phone.
A Member of the corporation board: This budget-minded female is apt to spring out f r o m the woodwork at the most

inconvenient times.

An Alumna: This lady may be young or old, but she always wants something.
A Girl: A member of the chapter. She may be tall, short, blonde or brunette, a pledge or a senior. She is the reason

for it all, but sometimes you wonder why.
Assorted Beatniks, Prowlers, Vandals, Policemen, Firemen, etc. And last but not least,
The Telephone!

Commentator: Our scene opens early on a gloomy March raisins, so I can't do no baking. The girls ate all the
morning. I t is obviously going to storm—the wind is left-over cookies, too, and all the milk is gone. I ' d bring
whistling around the corners of the building. There up some canned f r u i t f r o m the storeroom, but my poor
is a stupendous crash directly overhead, and Mrs. back . . . and there's a funny noise in the refrigerator.
Brown decides to rise. She awakes bright eyed and I think it's getting ready to go out again. We've only
bushy tailed, having a restful night. The fire engines got three dozen sherbet glasses left, too. Seems like
only went by twice last night, and she had evicted the we broke ten more last night. No towels, no sir, not
last prowler from the balcony at three A . M . God is in one. A n d the meat man ain't been here yet. Looks like
His heaven, and all is well with the world. The exhaust he wouldn't be here with the weenies f o r lunch. You'd
fumes from the parking area pour in through the win- better plan on something else. There's water all over
dow, and as she is dressing a faint aroma of burning the floor from the dish washer, too. A n d no towels.
toast scents the air. Mrs. Brown makes her way to the Looks like all the lights in the basement is gone out, too.
kitchen, absently collecting three used coffee cups from Guess you better get some fuses; don't forget we need
the floor of the living room as she goes. Just before she a new part for the electric mixer. I can't do nothing
enters the kitchen, the roar of the thundering herd without my mixer. You phone up for it right away. . . .
fills the air and the front door slams so hard the win-
dows rattle—our young ladies are off for school. A t A girl pokes her head in the door: Mrs. Brown, telephone.
a table Mrs. Brown spies one lone girl, clad in dirty Mrs. B. thankfully takes her leave, and repairs to the
capris and sweat shirt, hair hanging in her eyes, mood-
ily drinking her forbidden second glass of orange juice. phone.

Mrs. B.: (frostily) Good morning, Sandy. Telephone: Mrs. Brown, This is Mrs. Pledge. Y o u know
Girl: Mumble, Mumble. my little Joanne?
Mrs. B.: The kitchen is closed, Dear. You must finish and
A t the moment Mrs. B . can't quite place little Joanne, but
leave. You know we've discussed this before. Many she answers enthusiastically.
Girl: Mumble. Mrs. B.: O f course! Dear little Joanne.
Mrs. B.: Sandy! Telephone: Well, M r s . Brown I feel I must tell you.
Girl arises and leaves, giving Mrs. B. a dirty look, which
Mrs. B. returns with interest. Mrs. B. then brushes Little Joanne is on a strictly salt free diet. Y o u know
aside some crushed egg shells and spilled coffee how important it is. The doctor says that she must have
grounds, pours herself a cup of luke warm coffee, and vegetables boiled without salt, salt free bread, and f o r
prepares to face the problems of the day. One im- dinner every night, just a small portion of boiled rice
mediately presents herself—the cook. Mrs. B. ad- with pureed soy beans. I knew I could trust you to see
dresses her with an air of forced heartiness which that little Joanne gets what she needs. Little Joanne
would not deceive a child. thinks so much of vou.
Mrs. B.: Good morning, Ethel.
Cook: Well, maybe so and maybe not. It's my back! Mrs. B.: Dear little Joanne **?ce#
Mrs. B.: What's your back? The cook reenters the fray and meal planning resumes. A
Cook: I just don't know. Must be the weather. It's both- Girl enters, brimming with good news.
ering me somethin' awful. And the linen man hasn't
brought our kitchen towels back. . . . Girl: Guess what. M y daddy, he raises vegetables you
Mrs. B. is happy to abandon the back problem, which know. Well guess what he sent the house. You'll never
lacks the charm of novelty, and attempts to stem the guess. It's his best, his very best, and he knew you'd
flood, but vainly. just love it.
Cook: No towels, and the dish washer's broke! There's
not much hot water this morning, neither. A n d the Mrs. B.: How lovely . . . what is it?
garbage man didn't come yesterday. You can't hardly Girl: Ten boxes of red cabbage!
get in the back door for the garbage. We're all out of
Mrs. B.: N o !
Cook: No, N o !
Mrs. B. and cook find themselves united by common mis-
fortune. A brief era of goodwill dawns, which prevails
until the delivery boy arrives with the groceries.
Mrs. B.: Ethel! twenty pounds of black pepper.
Cook: Well. I expect to season my food, you know.
Mrs. B.: But twenty pounds . . . really Ethel.
Girl: Telephone, Mrs. Brown.

180 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Telephone: M r s . Brown, This is Mrs. G. You know, Mrs. F.: We must watch the budget, you know.
Peggy Senior, last year. Oh yes, married last sum- Mrs. B.: I know. I know.
mer. Yes, next September, we do hope it's a boy. Well, As she hangs up, the president of the alumnae chapter
Mrs. B. we alums are going to have a little party at the
house next week, i f that's all right with you. Just a lit- enters.
tle party. Oh, maybe fifty, or maybe thirty. I don't Alumna: I am in luck to catch you. We're planning a
really know. But we just knew you'd be an angel and
help us with the food. party here on Wednesday. I hope that's all right. A
dessert bridge. We'll need extra dishes, I think. And
Mrs. B . moodily betakes herself back to her room and napkins, and someone to wash dishes, and extra silver.
opens her engagement book. She flinches slightly at And would you order the cake f o r us? And the coffee?
what confronts her, but valiantly enters the details And the sugar? A n d the cream? And the nuts? And
of the alumnae party. She then phones the repair man candy? How wonderful. A n d you're so good with
for the dishwasher, the linen delivery service, orders flowers . . . would you mind? Oh, an arrangement on
more sherbert glasses and fuses, and calls to complain the piano, perhaps, and in the entrance hall. And on the
about the missing part for the mixer. coffee table. Nothing elaborate. Perhaps f r u i t and
flowers, with a little driftwood or sea shells. Whatever
The House treasurer enters. occurs to you. Thanks loads. A n d I think it would be
Girl: Mrs. B. Our accountant says that we're way over- f u n to use that pink tablecloth on the tea table . . . you
know, the one. . . .
drawn on our food budget, and next month we can
only afford to spend four cents a day for meals for Mrs. B.: (Groggy, but game) Tablecloth?
each girl. Alumna: Yes, that pink one.
Mrs. B.: W h y , there must be some mistake! Mrs. B.: I don't seem to remember a pink table cloth. . . .
Girl: Well, that's what he said. I think. Alumna: Well, my goodness. I t was here six years ago.
Mrs. B.: Please check again, dear. There must be some
misunderstanding. 1 remember it distinctly. We used it for our open
Girl: He wont be here till a week from next Wednesday. house. What's more, the alumnae gave it to the
He just said be sure and tell you . . . four cents a meal. house. . . .
And he wants a copy of the inventory for the canned
stuff and all that. Mrs. B.: I ' l l make a special search for it right away.
Mrs. B.: But we just took an inventory! The alumna leaves in a huff, and Mrs. B. changes for
Girl: He wants another one. By tomorrow, I think.
Mrs. B . decides to put this behind her as fast as possible. dinner, and as she does, the phone rings several times,
She takes a tour through the living room and emerges and she buys two tickets from another housemother
at the other end with six ash trays brimming with stubs for a dessert bridge, arranges with the president of the
and an armload of dead carnations. She wanders Mothers' Club for a meeting next week, and promises
through the patio, absently kicking a few beer cans into to arrange for the coffee. And the sugar. And the
the shrubbery f o r the gardener to dispose of. As she cream. And the cake. The telephone rings.
returns toward her room, she idly notes that the
trophies have vanished again and that apparently the Telephone: This is Mrs. Takimoto. I want to tell you that
prowler last night managed to crack a window. Seeing your cleaning lady, Mrs. Jennie Takihashi can't come
that everything seems to be about as usual, Mrs. B. tomorrow. She's got the asiatic flu. But she'll send her
leaves the house f o r an hour, during which time she little girl. You want her?
has her car oiled and greased, has her hair shampooed
and set, and writes a letter to her daughter in Cincin- Mrs. B.: I didn't know she had a daughter.
nati. As she returns through the living room, she
notices that one of the girls is entertaining a caller. She Telephone: Oh, yes. Little Tatsu. She's twelve years old.
approaches them. Mrs. B.: Send her!
By this time, Mrs. B. has developed a slight facial tic.
Mrs. B.: Tommy, so nice to see you again. But perhaps
. . . would you . . . mind . . . take your feet off that pink However, she bravely pulls herself together, and re-
chair . . . please ! pairs toward the kitchen for a last minute check, notic-
ing as she approaches a rich aroma combined of garlic
The girl rises dramatically to her feet, clutches her bosom and red cabbage. As she enters, she is approached by a
and breaks into tears. hasher.

Girl: Mrs. Brown, I hate you! You've embarrassed me Hasher: Bill can't come any more. He flunked out. But
before my date. I hate you! he sent his fraternity brother here . . . Jack.

Mrs. B . unmoved, dusts the pink chair, and takes her Mrs. B. inspects Jack and recognizes her prowler of last
leave to the accompaniment of convulsive sobbing. As night. But this is no time to bring up the past. They
she enters her room, the phone rings. exchange wary glances, and Mrs. B. leaves. She passes
by the half-open door of the date room and is trans-
Telephone: Mrs. B r o w n ! Mrs. F., Corporation Board, fixed by what she sees. She pauses and clears her throat
you know! resoundingly.

Mrs. B.: I know. Mrs. B.: Good evening, Nancy. How nice that your
Mrs. F.: I dropped in yesterday. You weren't there. fiance is back f r o m the service.
Mrs. B.: No.
Mrs. F.: I noticed that shower was leaking again. Recognizing a lost cause when she sees it, she re-enters
her room and as she does, the house manager breezes
Mrs. B.: Yes, it is. But a really good plumber could. . . . in the door, fresh and chipper.

Mrs. F.: Well, we're i n luck. We have an alum whose Girl: Oh, Mrs. Brown, the funniest thing. I forgot to
husband's cousin is a plumber in Santa Rosa, and I tell you. I meant to, but it just went right out of my
know he'd love to help us. head, honestly. You'll die. I was supposed to tell you
last Monday, but I guess I was thinking of something
Mrs. B. : Anything you say. else. Anyway, we're having an exchange tonight.
There'll be twenty more f o r dinner.
Mrs. F.: I notice you put i n a bill for more keys from the
front door. This is the end. Mrs. B. reels into her chair and starts
banging her head against the wall.
Mrs. B.: Well, there seems to be something about front
door keys. . . . The girl is wide-eyed with surprise.
Girl: Well, what in the world's the matter with her!

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1966 181

KB—University of Mississippi • — U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas
Mortar Board, • president
Mortar Board and tl>K(l1 daughter of Doris Dunkley Faust

( M r s . J . B . ) , <t>

Founded at Syracuse, New York won PAT C A M PEN
February 16, 1918 BARBARA LEWIS O—University of Tennessee
AP—Oregon State University Mortar Board, vice president
Honorary for senior women A W S recording secretary, Aide
Mortar Board
Education senator Junior class treasurer
III—president, Union honorary Campus Executives' club
outstanding program council award
The fraternity-sorority system is a HHHnlHHHBHiHHiHHHMHHHBMli
focal point of campus leadership PAULA EMINGER JUDY REIBER
activity. Year after year fraternities AT—Denison University
provide leaders in publications, A<I'—Montana State College
student governing board, student Mortar Board Mortar Board
government, honoraries and special
group organizations. A O I I provides
leadership training in organizational
activity and helps develop qualities
for campus leadership.

182 A U T U M N of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

AOJT's Education Foundation

for YOU • for YOUTH

Siving to the Diamond Jubilee Fund is an IN-
VESTMENT in the future. Making wise gifts—
•nalcing our gift dollars really count in those
areas we deeply care about—is important to
sach of us.

AOJT's Investment in Education program has a

joal of $1,000,000 by 1972, our Diamond Jubilee
fear. This sum, invested, will provide dependable
ncome for scholarships and grants-in-aid. As
nuch as one-third of the capital may legally be
n vested in real estate, a national headquarters.
The value of your gift is twofold: support of
icholarship and a badly needed administrative

tenter for AOTT.

Start your investment in the future by com-
oleting the attached pledge card T O D A Y . Tax
Exempt Status was authorized by the Internal
Revenue Service on March 9, 1964.

All gifts tax exempt and deductible

u S5
o < coU

1o 4







bO n

Ot O

Building a secure future

Y O U R INVESTMENT in the Diamond Jubilee

AOTTfund is your investment in the future of

—and the youth we serve.

Income from the fund provides scholarships and
grants-in-aid for transfer counsellors to help
promising students complete their education.

The fund will help finance a National Head-

This tax exempt foundation offers an advantage
to contributors seeking worthwhile outlets for
tax-free giving.

$1,000,000 by 1972

Sign the attached pledge card and mail
card to the Foundation Treasurer
Give stocks and bonds
Bequests from wills, insurance policies
Real estate and gifts in kind


For Collegiate and Alumnae chapter officers, Advisers, Collegiate and A l u

Collegiate PRESIDENT to editor of To DRAGMA. A call
Guide. ( I f new reporter is not e
October 1—Fall report to AOII Central Office, to International 1966-67 reporter should send new
Area Vice President, to district Collegiate Director, to Inter-
national Secretary. Collegiate ADVISER

October 10—Bimonthly report to District Collegiate Director By 10th (tenth) of October, Deceml
October 10—Chapter Roll to AOII Central Office report to District Collegiate Direc
December 10—Bimonthly report to District Collegiate Director
February 10—Bimonthly report to District Collegiate Director Collegiate PLEDGE ADVISER
A p r i l 1—Election of officers report to AOII Central Office and to B y 1st ( f i r s t ) of November, Januar

International Area Vice President monthly report to District Colleg
Note: A l l C A N A D I A N chapters and U.S. chapters on T R I - Chairman of Fraternity Education
assistant collegiate director
M E S T E R svstem need to f o r w a r d the annual report f o r m on
A P R I L 1.
May 1—Annual report to AOII Central Office

CANADIAN Collegiate Chapters Collegiate DIRECTOR
April 1—Annual Report to AOII Central Office
September 10—News letters to chapters
Collegiate VICE PRESIDENT November 10—Bimonthly report to International Area Vice-

October 1—Pledge T r a i n i n g program to District Collegiate D i - President
rector and to National Chairman of Fraternity Education and January 10—Bimonthly report to International Area Vice Pres-
Pledge Training
B y the 1st ( f i r s t ) of November, January, M a r c h and M a y — m a i l March 10—Bimonthly report to International Area Vice Presi-
report to District Collegiate Director, to National Chairman
Fraternity Education and Pledge Training, and to assistant dent
collegiate director. May 10—Annual report to International Area Vice President.

Annual report to AOII Central Office

September 10—Quarterly financial report to A O I I Central Office
and to Area Vice President September 10—Newsletter to chapters and clubs
October 1—Chapter budget to A O n Central Office May 1—Annual report to International Area Vice President
November 1—Council dues to A O n Central Office
December 10—Quarterly financial report to A O I I Central Office Alumnae TREASURER
January 10—Convention tax to AOn Central Office September 10—Annual report to AOII Central Office
January 15—Quarterly financial T a x F o r m 990 to Bureau of January 10—Convention tax to AOII Central Office
January 15—Tax f o r m 990 to Bureau of Internal Revenue
Internal Revenue February 1—Council dues to AOII Central Office ( f o r AOll's
M a r c h 10—Quarterly financial report to A O I I Central Office
June 10—Quarterly financial report to A O I I Central Office who are not Life Alumnae members)
Life alumnae dues: immediately after initiation or during mem- March 1—Operating fee to AOII Central Office
August 31—Philanthropic quota to AOII Central Office
ber's first year i n collegiate chapter, to A O I I Central Office.
Collegiate CORRESPONDING SECRETARY April 1—Election of officers report to Central Office. Annual
By the 10th (tenth) of October to June inclusive mail monthly
report to International Area Vice President and to District
chapter record to AOII Central Office Alumnae Director
Pledge report to A O n Central Office immediately after pledging
accompanied by pledge fees and recommendations.
Initiation reports immediately after initiation accompanied by April 1—Annual report to National Philanthropic Director

initiation fees to AOII Central Office. Alumnae SECRETARY
A l l Canadian chapters and U.S. chapters on T R I M E S T E R sys- April 1—Membership Roll to AOII Central Office

tem need not f o r w a r d a report on June 10. Alumnae PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER
April 10—Annual report to National Public Relations Director
Collegiate HISTORIAN
June 1—Annual report to National Historian
June 1—Annual report to National Historian
A p r i l IS—Annual report to National Philanthropic Director September 15, 1966—Alumnae activities copy and pictures due t o

Collegiate PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER editor of T O D R A G M A f o r winter, 1966, alumnae feature
May 10—Annual report to National Director of Public Relations issue. See Guide, page 6b.
November I , 1966—Alumnae Service Giving philanthropic proj-
and to assistant collegiate director. ects. (Collegiates w i l l also be reporting on service g i v i n g i n
Collegiate SCHOLARSHIP OFFICER this issue.) See Guide, page 6c.
October 10 and A p r i l 1—Bimonthly report to D i s t r i c t Collegiate


1966-67 reporter . . . before N O V E M B E R 10, 1966, m a i l philan-

thropic and help week articles and pictures to editor of To
D R A C M A . See page 7e of 196S Guide ( r e d manual f o r reporters)
1967- 68 reporter . . . before M a y 15, 1967, mail collegiate honors

Girl of A O I I entries due M A R C H 1, 1967 to District Collegiate Director.
F R A T E R N I T Y E D U C A T I O N P R O G R A M S should be started in O C T O B E R and finished by A P R I L .
C O L L E G I A T E P A N H E L L E N I C D E L E G A T E reports to National Panhellenic Delegate and your area Vice President 10 days after

pledging in formal (main) rush period.
C O L L E G I A T E R U S H C H A I R M A N reports to National Executive Committee as requested.

All AOII dates:
December 8, 1966, Founders' Day
June 17 to 21, 1967, International Convention, Mackinac Island, Michigan

e w e 1r y

badge of Alpha Omicron Pi: the monogram.
the beginning the badge style was very simple—plain yellow
with the ruby in the apex of the A . Later the letters were engraved
other jewels were added—half pearls, crown pearls. Occasionally
badge has been set in diamonds. Chapters adopted the custom of
nng a badge with a ruby A to honor a pledge or as other awards.
styles now are limited. The official A O l I Ritual and Traditions
mmittee, who, concerned over the ostentation and cost of elaborate
es, limited the styles to plain, engraved, half and crowned
pearls. The wearer of the ruby A is identified as an A O n who has dis-
tinguished herself or given special service to her chapter. By virtue of the
initiation contract, the initiate is the badge lease-holder. Upon her death,
except in special cases referred to the Executive Committe, her
badge is returned to the Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office. There it
becomes available f o r purchase by an alumna who has lost her badge or
wishes to make an award to her chapter. The badge is worn without a
visible guard. Nothing may be attached to it.

Pledge pin of Alpha Omicron Pi—gold sheaf of wheat
Pledge pins in regulation pattern in the form of a sheaf are worn.

They are not jeweled but have the fraternity letters A O n raised in gold
across the binding of the sheaf. The pledge pin belongs to the chapter
and is lent to the pledge until the time of her initiation. Those
pledged to Alpha Omicron Pi wear the symbol of pledging where it is
distinctly visible, on the left side, preferably midway between the
collar and the belt line. Initiated members are not permitted to wear
or keep pledge pins. (Illustration is artist's sketch.)

Recognition pin of Alpha Omicron Pi.
A small gold pin with A O l I letters raised on the leaves of a gold

rose is the official recognition pin. I t may be used as a bangle on a
bracelet, as a locket on a chain. I t may be used on a g i f t f o r an A O l I .
I t is worn on the collar, on the suit lapel, or fastened on a scarf.

The chapter president's ring
A ring of especial design, which chapter presidents alone may wear,

is simple and strong in pattern. I t is of yellow gold mounting, set
with onyx which forms the background for the gold AOn letters in
sequence. The ring is the property of the chapter and must be passed
f r o m the president to her successor. She may order her own ring
when her term ends i f she so desires.

The International President's ring
I n place of the onyx setting, a red ruby is used. The gold A O n

letters are replaced by a gold sheaf of wheat.

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