The Executive
Board announces
IbDiasniaof with regret the "re-
QfrjkronPi tirement" resigna-
Summer, 1977 V o l . L X , N o . 12 tion of Adele K.
Published since Hinton, P, (Mrs.
January, 1905 by Frederick W.) as
ALPHA OMICRON PI Administrative Di-
Fraternity, Inc. rector.
Founded at Barnard College, Adele, a Past
January 2, 1897 International Presi-
Founders dent, welcomes Sue
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan Edmunds L ew is ,
Stella George Stern Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman TA, {Mrs. Rex) as
The Founders were members of
Alpha Chapter at Barnard College she assumes her
of Columbia University and all are
deceased. duties on June 1st
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office as the newly ap-
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 pointed Administra-
Telephone: 615-383-1174
tive Director.
Administrative Director: Sue Lewis.
TA (Rex) Sue, a graduate
Accountant: Kay Saunders of Birmingham
Communications Coordinator: Diane
Southern College,
Bartley. B<J>
Collegiate Secretary: Pat Ward (Gregg) received her M.A.
Secretary/Receptionist: Betsy Smith,
at the University of
Membership and Supplies Secretary: 4 Alabama. She has
Debra Southerland (Wayne) been Dean of Stu-
Associate Membership Secretary:
dent Life at Hunt-
Betty Blackman
Traveling Consultants: ingdon College in
Susan Bloxham, A T Montgomery, Ala-
Denise Hembree, X A
Lisa Richtermeyer, ATT bama. Sue was
Maryann Tiemann, T
elected as Regional
CRON PI, the official organ of Alpha Vice President for
Omicron Pi. is published quarterly by
Alpha Omicron Pi. at Williams Print- Region III and also
ing Company, 417 Commerce Street,
Nashville, Tennessee 37219. Subscrip- served as a Regional
tion price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00
per year. Life Subscription. $25.00. Director and trav-
Send change of address and corres-
pondence of a business nature to eled for A Oil as a
Alpha Omicron Pi. 2401 Hillsboro
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee Traveling Consul-
37212. Address all editorial communi-
cations to the Editor: Editor, care tant.
of Central Office. Second Class Pos-
tage paid at Nashville, Tennessee. Rex and Sue have
2 moved to Nashville
where he will be
associated with Joe
Rodgers and Associ-
A quick peek . . .
3 A O I I on N B C . . . Cassie climbs the rungs
4 Colorado's 100 years
6 Bloomington celebrates
7 Rush recommendation form
9 Bevy of A O I I beauty
10 Beating rush woes . . . with tips f r o m the pros
12 Rush directory
15 Supplies available f r o m CO
16 Introducing our new TCs
18 Collegiate commentaries
23 A message f r o m Stella
Cover—Rush can be a lot of things. It can be a lot of hard work; it can even be a little frightening.
But when the big moment comes, when those new pledges race through campus, bids held high, all
the work and tears become worthwhile. Jane Sadler, our summer cover girl, is a brand-new initiate
of Lambda Sigma chapter. University of Georgia. Jane, a journalism major, is her chapter's T o
Dragma reporter.
... Cassie climbs the rungs
Diane Bartley, J . . . doctors, lawyers, journalists."
To Dragma Editor Watergate, Woodward and Bernstein,
" I had my reasons for picking A O I I .
I T'S hard to believe . . . but true. They were a group of people I liked Redford and Hoffman—they may have
Over 100 years after Sue A n - and was interested in . . . I liked their swelled the journalism job market, but
thony began stomping down the image," she says. Maybe some of her Cassie says it's still well worth the
doors of the White House for women's high school friends were already AOIIs? extra effort. "People say journalism is
right to vote, not a female face could " N o , i f I had close friends when I hard to get started in today, but I don't
be spotted reporting f r o m the national came to college. I would say they were know," she begins. "When I graduated,
political convention floors. Television in other houses." there weren't as many jobs opening on
was the medium, but i t was controlled television or radio. N o w there are more
by men. HOW relevant are sororities for to- people, but also more openings.
day's college women? Cassie
But then came the 1972 conventions says she's not really sure, since " I f I were advising a college girl
and AOII's own Catherine Mackin. she's not on campus and hasn't been today, I'd say 'don't give up.' People
"Cassie," as she's known in the busi- since her graduation in 1960. "But I in the United States today seem to have
ness, absolutely "floored" even the most did enjoy it when I was there," she a tendency to stop trying, to give up
critical of critics. As the first woman says, "and I made friends. That's what easily. I say persist, but, of course, not
television floor reporter, she gained I would consider the greatest offering. to the point of being ridiculous."
enormous nationwide recognition for Many of the friends I made while I
her interviewing skill. T V critics de- was in the sorority house, I still have. C ASSIE'S own journalism career
scribed her as a "superb interviewer," A n d 1 think friendship is worth a lot began as a reporter on a Hearst
"competent, apparently unflappable," in life." newspaper in Baltimore, her
and "star of the show." hometown. F r o m there she moved to
While an A O I I at Maryland, Cassie Washington, D.C., still working for the
Since 1972, Cassie has gone on to was making the decisions which would Hearst chain. I n August, 1969, she
become NBC's congressional correspon- later shape her life. She chose journal- joined N B C News as a staff member
dent, and recently became the anchor- ism as a career early, majoring in En- of WRC-TV, the N B C affiliate in
person of the " N B C Sunday Night glish with minors in history and eco- Washington, where she anchored a
News," replacing Tom Brokow. Last nomics. daily half-hour news program and did
summer she was down on the conven- investigative reporting. In April, 1971,
tion floors again, as one o f NBC's four " I f I had it all to do over again," she she became a general assignment re-
T V floor reporters. On election night, says, " I would still choose the same porter for the N B C television network.
she covered the U.S. Senate contests. thing. Without a doubt. Women should A n NBC assignment took her to Los
Cassie also auditioned f o r Barbara start thinking in terms of professions Angeles for six months in 1973, before
Walters' spot on the "Today" show, her return to Washington.
hosting several segments of the pro-
gram, and was considered a top con- Moving up the network rungs hasn't
tender for the position. been easy. Discrimination against
women exists and persists. "Discrimi-
Cassie's c a r e e r has definitely nation is a big issue. Too big f o r over
bloomed. Yet, amidst an unbelievably the telephone," Cassie says. Her voice
f u l l schedule, she still manages to heats as she continues. "Yes, there is
squeeze in time f o r "smaller" things— discrimination against women. Yes,
like interviews with the To Dragma they are not equally treated. The
editor. A request to Cassie's secretary discrimination is pervasive.
for a telephone interview brought no
polite form letters, but instead a call "As far as I ' m concerned, women
direct from Washington. Right after have got a long, long way to go, and
the "hello," the voice was too familiar this society can't change fast enough.
not to recognize—"this is Cassie Mack- Women should be angry about the way
in." they have been treated."
Unlike some women reluctant to tell Switching to a less emotional topic,
their ages, Cassie immediately volun- Cassie cools off by describing a typical
teers that she pledged A O I I ' s Pi Delta day. She gets up around 7 a.m. and
chapter in 1958. She. was a freshman quickly scans three newspapers before
at the University o f Maryland and she going in to the office—the Washington
chose A O I I for a reason—"because I Post, the New Y o r k Times and the
wanted to." Wall Street Journal.
(continued on page 17)
Colorado's It was Saturday. October 23, 1926, when seven Alpha
100 years Omicron Pi alumnae met at the now historical Daniels &
Fisher Tea Room in Denver to discuss organizing an alum-
P• nae chapter. They also had another matter to discuss—a
local group of girls was petitioning A O I I at the state uni-
: versity in Boulder.
X Later that afternoon Miss Irma Greenawalt (who had just
been elected the new alumnae president) and Edna Morris
i drove to Boulder to interview the group. This was to be the
first of many trips the alums would make between Denver
MAKING MEMORIES—50 years after the chartering of Chi and Boulder, because the alums were quite impressed with
Delta, those first members met again to reminisce and make new the fine qualities of the girls, and decided to help them be-
memories at the golden anniversary celebration. Charter members come AOIIs.
attending (top from left) were Grace Gobble, Margaret Watson,
Alice Dickenslieets, Imogene Dodson, Mae Ethna Dowd Ran, The group worked closely with the national organization
Eva Markley and Julia Clark. At bottom. Executive Board di- in the colonization of Chi Delta, and National finally agreed,
rector Jo Beth Heflin presents the presidential gavel to outgoing but wanted both chapters installed simultaneously. So on
Denver Alumnae Chapter president Beverly Coulter. Pat Wilson, May 14, 1927, the girls in Boulder became Chi Delta chap-
left, the new alumnae president, then received the gavel at instal- ter, and just two days later, on May 16, 1927, the Denver
lation ceremonies. Alumnae Chapter was installed.
4 Both groups are still just as close, and a 50th anniversary
celebration in May held special meaning because it was held
50 Years For Denver Alums
Denver alumnae began their 50-year celebrations with a
special anniversary luncheon May 7—and all the makings of
a great party. Great food, great program and great guests.
Irma Greenawalt, who made the infamous first motor trip
to Boulder, and Carrie Klein, one of the original charter
members, were both present at the luncheon. Both were pre-
sented gold roses in bud vases to symbolize the Golden A n -
Three 50-year A O I I s were also honored guests: Carrie
Marshall Klein. Dorothy Gannon Smith and Wilhelmina
Still another very special guest was Jo Beth Heflin, Execu-
tive Board director, who brought greetings and congratula-
tions f r o m Central Office. She also installed the newly-elected
officers of the alumnae chapter as part of the program.
Program chairman Edith Cope Lockard. Omega, arranged
a f u n and entertaining program. Edith herself is a past
president of the Denver alums as well as o f the Columbus,
Ohio, Alumnae Chapter. She has served A O I I in many ways
through the years, including a term as national treasurer. She
received the Rose A w a r d in 1963, and was selected Denver
Panhellenic Woman of the Year in 1972. A n advisor to Chi
Delta chapter, Edith has also served on their corporation
Following the luncheon, a "50 Years of Memories" program
was presented by several past presidents, each recalling the
"good old days" of her term in office. Presidents present
were: Irma Greenawalt and Carrie Klein (1927-1940), Sally
Thorniley (1947-1957). Martha Mankameyer and Ann Smith
(1957-1967), and Carolyn McDonald (1967-1977).
From a small group of interested AOIIs in a tea room,
the Denver Alumnae Chapter has certainly grown. The 1927
roster of dues-paid members lists 10 A O I I s , as compared to
the 71 dues-paid members today. A t that time annual dues
were $1, and the first annual budget shows receipts and dis-
bursements each totaling up to $24.10. Today's budget is
near $1,200.
But the purpose of the group remains much the same as
it was at the founding of the chapter . . . to be of service
to the Chi Delta chapter in Boulder. There are many activi-
ties planned throughout the year to bring the two chapters
together, one always being Founder's Day. Alums are always
present at rush parties, and serve as chapter advisors and on the "burning of the mortgage" on A p r i l 18, 1955. Held in
the Chi Delta Corporation Board. conjunction with the 25th anniversary of Mae Dowd Rau's
organization of a fraternal group, the ceremony featured the
And 50 for Chi Delta! presentation of a national recognition award to Mark Har-
rington, "the father of Chi Delta."
"Sixteen girls going a lone highway
Came at the evening cold and gray The chapter's assistant secretary-treasurer since 1938, Har-
To a chasm vast and deep and wide. rington had kept the group "above water" through even the
The young girls crossed in the twilight dim, leanest of years. Encouraged by his ailing wife Lucille, an
The sullen stream had no fears for them, A O I I alumna. Harrington devoted 22 years to Chi Delta
But they turned when safe on the other side, and could very well have saved the group f r o m financial
And built a bridge to span the tide . . ." disaster.
With these words as their charge, a dedicated and tireless Harrington's deeds were again lauded at the chapter's
group of 16 collegiates organized Chi Delta chapter of Alpha golden anniversary celebration—through the endless tales
Omicron Pi on the University of Colorado campus in 1925. offered by alumnae touched by his work. Remembering the
Lead by Mae Ethna Dowd. the girls worked for two years years following Harrington's departure, the group looked
until finally, on May 14. 1927, they became the first initiates back to the 1960s and the sudden wave of anti-Greek senti-
of AOII's Chi Delta chapter. ment that swept college campuses nationwide. Much like the
group's original petitioners, though, Chi Deltans in the '60s
F i f t y years later—on May 7. 1977—Mae Dowd Rau and and '70s have continued to strengthen their group despite the
three of her co-petitioners again met on the University of obstacles and barriers.
Colorado campus—not to become new initiates this time,
but to celebrate the golden anniversary of their chapter. Indeed, it was as i f the spirit of the petitioner's poetic
Joining Mae Rau for the festivities were co-petitioners Alice verse stayed with the Chi Deltans and guided them through-
Westerlund Dickensheets. Imogene Dodson and Margaret out the years and into their sixth decade:
Emmanuel Watson.
" 'Young girls,' said a fellow pilgrim near,
Charter members Grace Clarkson Gobble and Eva Mark- 'You are wasting your time with building here,
ley and over 100 other alumnae and friends also joined in You never again will pass this way,
the evening's activities at the chapter house in Boulder. Your journey will end with the closing day,
Beginning with an open house hosted by the collegiate group, You have crossed the chasm deep and wide,
the anniversary get-together featured a buffet dinner of beef Why build you this bridge at evening tide?'
bourguionne, salads and French pastries. A builder lifted her bright young head,
'Good friend, in the way that we've come,' she said,
A n evening dedicated to the chapter's long and lively 'There followeth after us today,
history, the program included the presentation of roses to Girls, whose feet must pass this way.
petitioners and charter members, a message f r o m the inter- This stream that has been to us as naught
national organization delivered by Jo Beth Hefiin, Executive To the following girls it must be fought.
Board director, and greetings from the university's Pan- They, too, must cross in the twilight dim,
hellenic president. Good friend, we are building the bridge for them.' "
A sing-along of Chi Delta songs spanning five decades, a May 7 was a big
look at the group's history and dancing in the chapter room
capped the anniversary celebration. Organized by Edie Crane day for Colorado
Holmgren ('66), Barb Byington Shaver ('65) and a large
group of Chi Delta alumnae in the Denver area, the get- a I u m s and colle-
together was above ail a time for reminiscing.
giates. After a 50llt
As strains of " I met my little A O I I down by the muddy
moat" filled the house, the Chi Deltans looked back to 1928 anniversary lunch-
—when Violette Ward Sorenson initiated the drive to con-
struct a chapter house. Completed in January of 1929, the eon for the Denver
house included one feature unique among A O I I chapters—
a moat running through the front yard. Alumnae Chapter,
Long the center of Chi Delta anecdotes, the "muddy moat" both collegiates and
has "captured" countless numbers of just-pinned fraternity
men, unsuspecting pizza delivery men and screaming Chi local alumnae jour-
Deltans over the years. To hundreds of former pledges, it
was "the moat I ' l l have to dredge—to wear the pin of A O I I , neyed to nearby
Alpha Omicron Pi!"
Boulder for an
Chi Delta's 50th anniversary was also a time f o r re-
membering the more serious moments in the chapter's histo- evening celebration.
ry, including the depression years of the 1930s. Struggling
to establish themselves in their new house, the girls gradually Carol Weis, Chi
increased their numbers f r o m year to year until finally, in
the mid-40s, the chapter's roster included over 80 actives Delta preside nt,
and pledges.
capped the cere-
Throughout the years, the group earned its share of schol-
arship awards, homecoming prizes and songfest champion- monies hy accepting
ships. N o achievement was so joyfully celebrated, though, as
the fraternity's gift
to the chapter, a
silver bowl presented
by Executive Board
Director Jo Beth
Bloomington Celebrates
Chicken loaf with green beans, corn Chicken loaf, corn pudding and AOU?
pudding and perfection salad. For des-
sert, sherbet in red rose molds and William Hepley, secretary of the corp- Chapter—1927-1977" engraved on a
coffee. oration; and Mrs. William Knopsnyder, gold band.
Regional Extension Officer, Evansville.
What does a menu like that have introduced by Mrs. Edward Kuntz, Representing the local collegiate
to do with AOII? Plenty. To help former district director and chapter chapter at the dinner were: Robin
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the advisor. Mrs. Wible introduced Mrs. Roberts. Valparaiso, past president;
Bloomington, Ind., Alumnae Chapter, William J. Lynn, a member of the Mary McConnell. Virginia, M n . , presi-
members decided to duplicate the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter. Mrs. dent; M a r t y Orr. Homewood, 111.,
original installation dinner served way Thomas Redmon, Regional Director, president of the fall pledge class; Anita
back in 1927. Lafayette, was unable to be present be- Krauklis, Elkhart, president of the
cause o f illness. spring pledge class; and Troylyn John-
The installation dinner took place son, Albuquerque, N . M . , pledge trainer.
on February 5, 1927, but about Mrs. Kuntz and Mrs. Stephen Fer-
40 members gathered at the Beta Phi guson reminisced about events in the Two charter members living in
chapter house Wednesday evening. 50-year life of the chapter in a very Bloomington, Mrs. Ray Borland and
February 9 for the festivities. That entertaining way, giving highlights Miss Louise Rogers, were unable to
installation was also in the Beta Phi f r o m the chapter's history, as well as be present.
chapter house, then in a different loca- its work with and relationship to the
tion, and was performed by Miss collegiate chapter. Local members who attended the
Geraldine Kindig, Rho, Midwest Dis- dinner in addition to those already
trict Alumnae Superintendent. Alice Aderman (Mrs. Ralph), Mil- named were: Mrs. Leroy Baker. Mrs.
waukee, represented the International Donald Guy, Mrs. Robert A . Haak,
Twelve alumnae, representing three Executive Board. Introduced by Edith Mrs. Shirley H . Harrington, Mrs.
chapters, originally signed the petition Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) , former Nathan Hall, Mrs. Barry K . Hurtt,
for a charter. Of that group, only one, International President, she brought Mrs. Paul A. Hutton, Mrs. Robert W.
Miss Helen Duncan, was present f o r greetings from the Executive Board Linnemeier. Mrs. Rhett Ripplinger,
the anniversary dinner, which was and current news of the fraternity. She Mrs. Robert Sawicki, Miss Sally Stegen,
served at 7 p.m. Mrs. George E. Hunt- also presented a gift f r o m the board— Mrs. Kenneth Van der Zeyde, Mrs.
ington, Sr., was present at the chapter a gavel with "Bloomington Alumnae Warren L Weaver and M r s . Rose M .
installation in 1927. but was unable to Woertz.
be present f o r the dinner.
50 Years Hoosier-Style—Bloomington, Indiana alumnae chapter members gathered re-
Dining room tables were laid with
lace cloths and decorated with candles cently to celebrate the chapter's golden anniversary. Among those attending: (front
in red rose candleholders. Program
booklets were red with a gold "50" on from left), Liz Sawicki, treasurer; Helen Duncan, charter member of Beta Phi chapter
the cover. A buffet dinner was served
from a table decorated with a beautiful and Bloomington alumnae chapter; Edith Anderson, International Historian and Past
centerpiece o f red roses, white carna-
tions and greenery, the gift of Gertrude International President; and Vickie Hutton, vice-president; (back), Barbara Weaver,
(Mrs. George) Huntington.
secretary; Peg Knopsnyder, Regional Extension Officer; Kay Sutherlin, Regional Vice
Daisy H . Garton (Mrs. Joseph N . )
led in the singing of the grace before President; Alice Aderman, Executive Board director; Ruth Brown, Regional Finance
dinner, while Ruth Wible (Mrs.
Philip), president of the house cor- Officer, and Diana McGovern, alumnae chapter president.
poration, presided as toastmistress f o r
the program following dinner. Diana
McGovern (Mrs. Ronald), alumnae
chapter president, gave the greeting
and welcome. She also read messages
from charter members and others un-
able to be present.
The three Regional Officers were
present: Mrs. Stephen Sutherlin, Re-
gional Vice-President, from India-
napolis, introduced by Mrs. William
Rinne, former Regional Director; Mrs.
Victor Brown, Regional Finance Offi-
cer, Indianapolis, introduced by Mrs.
Membership Information
Rushee*s Name (Nickname)
Age:_ .College Class: Freshman_ Sophomore Junior. Senior.
Parents Name:
Home Address Street City State Zip
School Address Street City State Zip
High School Location
Scholastic Honors . Rank
l pper/Midclle/Lowcr 1 /3rd
College Attended (if any). .Scholastic Av.
A O I I Relatives: Sister Mother. .Grandmother. Other.
.Collegiate Chapter,
Name of Fraternity
Address Zip
Relatives in other NPC Groups
Have you informed this rushee of the benefits of A O I I membership?
Is this rushee financially able to belong to AOII?
List rushee's extracurricular activities, giving leadership roles, if any:
High School:
Special recognition in the above activities:
- OVER - 7
Rushee's personality traits: Include as much information as you can which w i l l help the chapter get to know this rushee.
This information has been obtained f r o m : School sources _
Personal friends.
Other sources
OR- years.
I have known this rushee personally for
I hereby endorse this rushee with the understanding that she may become an A O I I pledge if the chapter so desires.
signed: Maiden name Married iinitialsl Collegiate Cbaplerlnitiatiun year
Street Cit> State Zip
First name
TO; Street College Zip
Chapter City State
Membership Chairman
Miss Georgia, Linda Kerr, AS All-AOlI Homecoming Court, South Alabama
Miss USA finalist
A bevy ofAOII beauty
Karen Gordon crowned Miss Murray State 1977 j rI i
Cindi Poti . . . Miss U. of Evansville
When fraternities 9
pick their favorites,
AOHs are right in
there. Janice Eliott
(left), An presi-
dent, is AXA Cres-
cent Girl at Murray
State. Yangi Wat-
son, AA at Ala-
bama, is Sigma Chi
Derby Darling, and
Lori M o p p e r t
(right) is Sweet-
heart of Sigma Chi
at Ball State.
Beating rush woes—with tips
An overstuffed chair with one saggy A new Alpha Omicron Pi international rush program
spring never felt so good. was introduced during the June convention in
Scottsdale, Arizona. The innovative program will
The third party's finally over, but be implemented at chapters throughout the United
your mind's still buzzing with where- States and Canada, beginning this fall.
are-you-froms and what's-your-majors.
That smile is starting to do weird things make rush everything it should and can SIMPLICITY SUCCEEDS
to your face. Not one more time, you be? Traveling Consultants Caroline "Simplicity is very important to a
vow out loud, not one more party! Drury. Chris Mosher and Joan Piper
were on the road f o r an entire school good party." Joan Piper says. "Stick
Somewhere, somehow, the rush year, helping collegiate chapters all to one theme and then carry it out . . .
chairman has the rest of the sisters over the country do exactly that. Each with class." Joan points out that every-
clapping, singing. Not you, you think, new visit brought a wealth of new thing f r o m name tags to invitations and
not again. And suddenly the door's ideas, so by the end o f the year, all food be kept in one general theme.
opening and a group of big-eyed fresh- three were full of suggestions to share.
men are literally piling into the room. One memorable theme party was put
GET ORGANIZED on by Thcta chapter at DePauw Uni-
But then you see her, that tiny A l l three agreed that organization is versity. To carry out the oriental theme,
blonde from out-of-state, the one who card tables were placed, legs folded
wants to be Barbara Walters without the very top priority in good rushing. underneath, on the floor. Bright table-
the lisp, the one you rushed just the This involves everything from spring cloths and candles accented the tables;
day before. She smiles, then waves, and workshops to weekend rush retreats hanging lanterns and oriental screens
a big knot swells up in your throat. and summer get-togethers. By the time gave the room an eastern flavor. I n one
You can't believe it—she's back! school starts, rush should be completely corner of the room, an indoor pool was
planned. A good rush program stems built out of bricks and plastic—goldfish
Rush. That fantastic terrible time of from early planning, good organization swam among floating candles. Plants
the year. Fantastic because it's a new and healthy, positive attitudes. were "everywhere."
beginning, a wonderful chance to gain
new sisters and lifelong friends. Terri- Even the usual rush party punch and
ble because something so important is cookies went oriental. Tea, egg rolls
hard, and can sometimes even be scary. and celery with assorted dips were
capped off by very special fortune
H o w to get rid of the "scaries" and cookies—ones with A O I I messages,
like " A O I I is in your horizon."
Find out f r o m your newest members
Gatshv nip dance at Central Missouri Statt and pledges what the other chapters on
campus are doing f o r their rush par-
10 ties. I f everyone gives a slide show,
rushees can hardly be expected to re-
member who is who. F i n d out what
new AOHs liked and disliked when
they were going through rush. Do all
the things they liked . . . only do them
one step better.
At University of Toledo, where
cookies, punch and skits are still pretty
standard fare, Theta Psis decided to try
something different and came up with
a great idea—an A O I I International
Health Spa. Rushee name tags were
made to look like invitations to a free
day at the spa—compliments of A O I I .
Decorations didn't need to be expen-
sive or fancy. Exercise mats on the
from the pros
floor, d u m b b e l l s a n d j u m p ropes, ; 3. Enlist alums' aid in making name
murals to make the room look like a tags, decorations or party favors over
health club. Delia Pi rollerskating mime the summer. This could also be a great
get-acquainted party i f done jointly.
The mats were used as rushing aids Don't let the sisters get too carried
—"rotation mats." As leotard-clad away. 4. I f Panhellenic rules permit, t r y
AOIIs chatted with new rushees. the holding a rush party in one of the
rush chairman periodically blew her ALUMS CAN HELP TOO! alums' homes. A n honest-to-goodness
whistle. A little exercise game, like Trying to blend in as "just one o f home can make a real impression on
"Go Y o u Chicken Fat, G o " was played, "dormies"—especially freshmen a few
then the whistle again—"AOIIs, jog!" the girls" may not be the best way, weeks into a brand-new environment.
AOIIs then moved to new mats . . . but there are plenty of good ways
and new rushees . . . in a unique and alums can help during rush. Here are 5. Alums are great behind the scene
easy way. a few suggestions: help at rush parties. Preparing refresh-
ments, serving food and taking coats
Cookies and punch at a health spa? 1. Have a trial-run rush at an alum's all keep prospective rushers away f r o m
Never! Theta Psis went all the way house. Have the alums be rushees and rushees. Transportation f o r rushees can
and served health snacks. Cauliflower, practice rush techniques. Try out your sometimes be a problem—alums can
celery, carrots, olives and dips were skit. Afterwards, have them evaluate help out there, too. Alums also dem-
accompanied by apple juice and vita- how the party went. Have a rap ses- onstrate in a subtle way that A O I I
mins. Certainly a party rushees would sion about the good points . . . and sisterhood lasts a lifetime.
remember. the bad.
INVOLVE YOUR RUSHEES 2. Try a funny alum style show to Chapters are constantly reminding
A party like the health spa one is ease pre-rush tensions. Ask them to
show the Dos and Don'ts of what to members what to talk about and what
especially successful because it i n - wear at a rush party. not to talk about during rush parties.
volves the rushees. Other chapters have Don't talk about boyfriends, parties,
tried philanthropy parties (where every- politics or religion—don't tell inside
one makes gifts f o r a local hospital), jokes or talk about personal happen-
candle-making parties, cookie-making ings the rushee won't understand. But
parties. Chris Mosher remembers a more important than what not to talk
dance lesson party which went over about is what to talk about. As Chris
very well. A local dance instructor gave Mosher sums up, "It's a lot more i m -
lessons—everybody had a great time, portant to remember what you should
learned a new dance, and couldn't pos- be talking about. Y o u should be talk-
sibly feel i l l at ease f o r more than a ing about the girl and how she would
minute! fit into A O I I . Y o u should be selling
While most chapters can plan a suc- Another new face
cessful theme party, the TCs feel the Another new face has joined the Central Office
biggest mistake comes f r o m not trying staff, this time as communications coordinator.
quite hard enough at that last, most
important party. The rushees may have Diane Bartley, B<J> '74, is a graduate of Indiana
made fantastic friends, but they're not University, with a bachelor's degree in journalism.
quite sure why they should pledge Since her graduation she has worked for the
A O I I . Why not just come back and Saturday Evening Post and as youth editor, food
visit? editor and feature writer for the Anderson Herald,
Anderson, Indiana.
" Y o u have to really open up," Joan
says. Y o u have to open up and tell Born a Hoosier, Diane grew up in Kansas City
it " f r o m the heart." Let the rushees and Pittsburgh. One hobby is cooking, so now
know how special A O I I sisterhood is; she plans to sample the South—grits to pecan pie.
let them know why you pledged.
She also enjoys snapping pictures, growing
You've got to watch those emotions, plants and traveling. Prior to coming to Nash-
though, Joan cautions. A few tears ville, she spent several months in Europe.
never hurt, but a roomful of sisters all
sobbing and sniffling is bound to turn As communications coordinator, Diane will be
off even the most sentimental rushee. in charge of To Dragma. the Piper and other brochures and manuals originating
in Central Office.
Try armchair rushing!
Everything is quiet and peaceful one sorority or another. tial rushees? What about your chil-
now, but in just a few weeks, thou- Yes, you guessed right—it's rush dren's friends, your little sister's bud-
sands of young women w i l l be descend- dies? Babysitters? Neighbors' daugh-
ing on college campuses throughout the time again. Y O U can help these fraz- ters? Girls f r o m your church? Find
country. Some w i l l be spending long zled young souls right f r o m your own out where they are going to college
hours making name tags, decorating living room. A l l you need is a pen and and urge them to go through rush.
rooms, polishing skits and party plans. a few spare minutes—AOIIs will thank
Others w i l l be hurrying madly about you and so will the rushees. The thermometer may still say sum-
campus, rose-shaped cake mold under mer, but school and rush begins in
one arm, calculus book under another. Recommendations are still important August for many schools. Start thinking
in rush—almost vital at large mega- of girls today . . . just jot down your
A n d there will be thousands o f others universities where personal contact is thoughts on the included membership
who will be i n a similar state of chaos. hard to squeeze into 60-person rush form and slip it in the mail to the
They won't be sure whether to go parties. A O I I chapters on campuses of chapter's collegiate adviser (home ad-
through rush or not. whether to pledge all sizes value and are grateful f o r any dress listed by school and state). She'll
information they receive about a po- pass the information on to the girls,
tential sister. Most can't request this who'll be ever grateful.
information in advance, but they're
praying someone somewhere will help. Y o u ' l l be helping your young friend
. . . you'll also be helping us.
You say you don't know any poten-
Rush Directory 1977
Chapter ALABAMA Chapter Adviser Chapter School, Month of Rush* Chapter Adviser
Alpha Delta Lambda lota University of Cal.-San Diego Mrs. Philip Holtkamp
School, Month of Rush* Mrs. Paul Johnson (colony) San Diego, C A (Susan)
Alpha Kappa University of Alabama (Katherine) Nu Lambda 485 Santa Dominga
University, A L 1015 7th Ave., # 8 University of Southern Solana Beach, C A 92075
Delta Delta August Tuscaloosa, A L 35401 Sigma California Ms. Beryl Arbit
Gamma Delta University of North Alabama Mrs. E d R. Harris Los Angeles, C A 4529 Woodley Ave.
Sigma Delta Florence. A L (Beverly) Sigma Phi August Encino, C A 91436
Tau Delta August #17 Mockingbird Trailer University of Cal.-Berkeley
Park Berkeley, C A Mrs. Edwin Markel ( R D )
Auburn University Florence. A L 35630 September (Sandra)
Auburn, A L Ms. Vicki Jo Givvens California State-Northridge 882 Russet Dr.
September Patricia Circle Northridge, C A Sunnyvale, C A 94087
University of South Alabama Auburn, A L 36830 August Mrs. Joseph Compese
Mobile, A L Mrs. Jan Gentry Palmer (Crystal)
September 200 Rapier Ave. 23063 Baltar St.
Huntingdon College Mobile, A L 36606 Canoga Park. C A 91304
Montgomery, A L Mrs. Jim Beck (Diane)
September 3127 Old Dobbin R d . Chi Delia COLORADO Mrs. Louis Spomer
Birmingham Southern College Montgomery, A L 36111 (Janet)
Birmingham, A L Mrs. Thomas Gibbs University of Colorado 6991 East Cornell
August (Jane) Boulder, C O Denver, C O 80224
1217 Greensboro R d . August
Birmingham, A L 35208
ARIZONA Delta Chi Mrs. Fred Polaski
University of Delaware (Mary Jean)
Theta Omega Northern Arizona University Mrs. Gail Morris (Toni) Newark, D E Seymour Rd.
Upsilon Alpha Flagstaff. A Z 1505 W. Aztec September Bear. D E 19701
August. January Flagstaff. A Z 86001
Ms. Gina Davis Alpha Pi FLORIDA Ms. Jan Ranson
University of Arizona 2928 E . Chula Vista Dr. Gamma Omicron 765 Basin St.. Apt, 201B
Tucson, AZ Tucson, A Z 85716 Kappa Gamma Florida State University Tallahassee, F L 32304
August Tallahassee, F L Ms. Marilyn Renfroe
September 2925 S W 28th Place, Lot 69
Sigma Omicron ARKANSAS Mrs. Thad Wyatt University of Florida Gainesville, F L 32600
(Carolyn) Gainesville, F L Mrs. David Marshall
Arkansas State University 1812 Eldridge September (Ann)
State University, A R Jonesboro. A R 72401 Florida Southern College 3204 Hilltop Ave.
September Lakeland. F L Lakeland. F L 33802
Chi Alpha CALIFORNIA Mrs. William Huston Gamma Sigma GEORGIA Ms. Sandra MacCallum
Lambda Beta (Alice) Lambda Chi 41 25th St.
University of Cal.-Davis 8719 Fallbrook Way Lambda Sigma Georgia State University Atlanta, G A 30309
12 Davis. California Sacramento, C A 95826 Atlanta, G A Ms. Nancy Alford
September Mrs. Jim Ferrell September 910 Broad St.
(Penne) LaGrange College LaGrange, G A 30240
California State-Long Beach 21152 Binghampton Circle LaGrange, G A Mrs. Patrick Kelley
Long Beach, C A Huntington Beach, C A September (Sharon)
August 92646 University of Georgia 458 Dearing St.
Athens, G A Athens. G A 30601
Chapter IDAHO Chapter Adviser Chapter MAINE Chapter Adviser
Beta Sigma Gamma Mrs. David Sprague
lota Alpha School, Month of Rush* Mrs. Bryce Smith (Sherri) School, Month of Rush* (Debra)
Boise State University 1910 Boise Ave. # 5 Pi Delta University of Maine Elm St., Box 4
Beta Lambda Boise, I D Boise, I D 83706 Sigma Tau Orono. M E Winterport, M E 04496
Iota August Mrs. Terry Haggardt September
Nil Iota Idaho State University (Rita) Beta Pi Mrs. John Ward (Margory)
Sigma lota Pocatello, ID 2037 E . Lewis MARYLAND 3818 Benton St. N W
August Pocatello, I D 83201 Beta Epsilon Washington, D . C . 20007
Chi Lambda Tau University of Maryland Mrs. Alan Goldstein
Kappa Alpha ILLINOIS Mrs. Roger Schwierjohn College Park, M D (Ces)
Kappa Kappa (Rosemary) August P.O. Box 238
Phi Omicron Illinois Wesleyan University RR 2 Washington College Centreville, M D 21627
Phi Upsilon Bloomington, I L Bloomington, I L 61701 Chestertown, M D
September Mrs. Russell Young Informal-Fall Mrs. Eric Roach (Susan)
Alpha Theta (Linda) Formal-February 571 Tobin # 2 0 8
Iota Sigma University of Illinois 505 S. Draper Inkster, M I 48141
Theta Chi Urbana, I L Champaign, I L 61820 MICHIGAN
September Mrs. Peter Taubenheim Mrs. Robert Smith (Jane)
Alpha Chi (Barb) Eastern Michigan University 1401 Beltrami Ave.
Beta Chi Northern Illinois University 534 Sequwia Ypsilanti, MI Bemidji. M N 56601
Delta Omega DeKalb, I L Roselle, I L 60172 September Ms. Kayla Jorgens
Omega X i September Mrs. James Conley (June) 3841 10th Ave.
Western Illinois University 152 Penny Lane MINNESOTA So. Minneapolis, M N
Alpha Omicron Macomb, I L Macomb, I L 61455 55417
Delta Beta September Bemidji State University
Kappa Tau Bemidji, M N Ms. Deb Mathis
Lambda Tau INDIANA Mrs. C . 3. Woertz, J r . September 26 Larhonda
(Rose) University of Minnesota Oxford, MS 38655
Indiana University Thistle Dr., R R # 1 Minneapolis, M N
Bloomington, I N Bloomington, I N 47401 September
November, January Mrs. Kenneth Kreke
University of Evansville (Virginia) MISSISSIPPI
Evansville, I N Rt. 3, Box 231
September Newbttrgh, I N 47630 University of Mississippi
Indiana State University Mrs. Paul Gibbons University, MS
Terre Haute, IN (JoAnn) August
September 35 Gardendale R d .
Terre Haute, I N 47803 Delta Pi MISSOURI Mrs. James Bondurant
Ball State University Mrs. William Huber Lambda Omega (Patty)
Muncie, I N (Mary Lou) Central Missouri State Rt. 4
September 2000 W. Jackson St. Alpha Phi University Warrensburg, M O 64093
Hanover College Muncie, I N 47303 Beta Rho Warrensburg, M O Mrs. Gary Ury (Connie)
Hanover, I N Mrs. James Jacobs September #85. Thunderbird Estates
September (Susan) Phi Sigma Northwest Missouri State Maryville, M O 64468
Purdue University 707 E . 2nd Zeta University
West Lafayette, I N Madison, I N 47250 Maryville, MO
Informal-October Mrs. J . Edward Wagoner Sigma Chi September
Formal-January (Nancy) Theta Pi
DePauw University 18 Spring Valley Court MONTANA Ms. Diane Kommers
Greencastle, IN W. Lafayette, I N 47906 Zeta Psi 801 S. 6th St.
August Mrs. James Johnson Montana State University Bozeman, M T 59715
(Martha) Kappa Pi Bozeman, MT Ms. Colleen Kelly
314 Highfall Omega September 516 Rollins
Greencastle, IN 46135 Phi Lambda University of Montana Missoula, M T 59801
Theta Psi Missoula, M T
Alpha Rho
IOWA Mrs. David Schmidt (Sue) NEBRASKA Mrs. James E . Smith, Jr.
RR 1 (Donna)
Coe College Iowa City. I A 52240 Kearney State College 22 Skyline D r .
Cedar Rapids, I A Mrs. David Huston Kearney, N E Kearney, N B 68847
September (Cindy) September Ms. Linda McNaught
Iowa State University RR 1 3022 " P " - # l
Ames, IA Kelley, I A 50134 University of Nebraska Lincoln, N B 68503
August Ms. Linda Renfro Lincoln, N E
2200 " G " St. August
Morningside College South Sioux City, N B
Sioux City, I A 68776 NEW YORK
Hartwick College
KENTUCKY Oneonta, N Y Mrs. Fred G . Hickein
September (Eleanor)
Western Kentucky University 82 E l m St.
Bowling Green, K Y Mrs. Neil Allen (Rachel) Wagner College Oneonta, N Y 13820
August 459 Brentmoor Staten Island, N Y Ms. Nancy Darin
Kentucky Wesleyan College Bowling Green, K Y 42101 September 33 Scranton St.
Owensboro, K Y Mrs. Thomas N. Thompson Staten Island, N Y 10304
September (Judi)
2312 Middleground NORTH CAROLINA
Murray State University Owensboro. K Y 42301
Murray, K Y Mrs. Kenneth Harrell East Carolina University Ms. Gloria Saunders
August (Ellen) Greenville, N C 97 Greenway Apts.
801 Doran R d . August Greenville, N C 27834
Morehead State University Murray, K Y 42071
Morehead. K Y Dr. Mildred Quinn OHIO Mrs. Bart Meyer (Phyllis)
August. January 1379 Sherwood Forest 511 Pleasant View
Morehead, K Y 40351 Ohio Northern University Ada, O H
Ada. OH Mrs. Robert Schuette
LOUISIANA Mrs. Harold Mele. Jr. October (Alice)
(Susan) Miami University 9 Robin Court
Louisiana State University 343 W. Chalfont D r . Oxford, O H Oxford. O H 45056
Baton Rouge, L A Baton Rouge, L A 70815 August Mrs. Robert Anderson
August Ms. Karen Bernard (Norma)
P.O. Box 11 Youngstown State University 4153 Canfield R d .
University of Southwestern Arnaudville, L A 70512 Youngstown. O H Canfield, O H 44406
Louisiana Mrs. Ben Kirk (Cynthia) September Mrs. George Skaff
Lafayette, L A 300 Rue Chalet (Fadwa)
August Hammond, L A 70401 University of Toledo 2674 Drummond
Southeastern Louisiana Mrs. David Barnes Toledo, O H Toledo. O H 43606
University (Felicie) September
Hammond. L A 2304 Pinehurst
August Monroe, L A 71201 OREGON Mrs. John Baines (Ruth)
Northeastern Louisiana 204 N W 27th
University Oregon State University Corvallis, O R 97330
Monroe, L A Corvallis, OR
August September
Chapter School, Month of Rush* Chapter Adviser WASHINGTON
Alpha Sigma University of Oregon Mrs. Lester Hixson
Eugene, OR (Connie) Chapter School, Month of Rush* Chapter Adviser
Gamma Beta September 1523 Russett Dr. Alpha Gamma
Phi Beta Eugene, OR 97401 Washington State University Mrs. Mike Hinz (Susan)
Sigma Rho Upsilon Pullman, WA N.W. 1915 Kenny
PENNSYLVANIA September Pullman, WA 99163
Delta Phi University of Washington Mrs. Bruce Busch
(reactivation) Indiana University of Ms. Laura Mucci Seattle, WA (Kathleen)
Pennsylvania 32 Harrison St. September 5700 29th N.E.
Kappa Omicron Indiana, PA Homer City, PA 15748 Seattle, WA 98105
Nu Omicron September Mrs. Joseph Catanzaro
Omega Omicron East Stroudsburg State Delaware WEST VIRGINIA
Omicron College Water Gap, PA 18301
Phi Alpha East Stroudsburg, PA Mrs. Joseph Marks Phi Kappa Morris Harvey College Ms. Sharon Allen
Tau Omicron September (Ramona) Charleston, WV 1506 Virginia St. E
Slippery Rock State College R.D. #4 October Apt. 204
Gamma Alpha Slippery Rock, PA Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Charleston, WV 25311
(colony) August
Phi Delta Stout State University (Jean Louise)
University of South Carolina Mrs. Dean Sommers Sigma Lambda Menomonie, WI RR 1, Box 56
Columbia, SC (Carol) September Eau Galle, WI 54737
408 Fireside Dr. Ms. Sharon Fliess
Columbia, S.C. 29210 University of Wisconsin- 4139 N. Baruett
Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53211
TENNESSEE Mrs. Brian Rushton Milwaukee, WI Ms. Anne Kramer
Southwestern at Memphis (Priscilla) September 203 So. 10th
Memphis, T N 95 Hollyoke La. University of Wisconsin- LaCrosse, WI 54601
October Memphis, T N 38117 LaCrosse
Ms. Susan Derryberry LaCrosse, WI
Vanderbilt University 215 Lynwood Blvd. September
Nashville, TN Nashville, TN 37205
Upperclassmen-September Mrs. Roy Evans (Anita) CANADA
Freshmen-January -101 Ayers BRITISH COLUMBIA
Lambuth College Jackson, TN 38301
Jackson. TN Mrs. James Brennan Beta Kappa University of British Columbia Mrs. Kerry Spence
September (Katherine) Beta Tau Vancouver, British Columbia (Judi)
University of Tennessee 8229 Foxall Circle September 2173 Tompkins Crescent
Knoxville, TN Knoxville, T N 37921 N. Vancouver
September Mrs. Emily Pridemore British Columbia,
RR 2, Box 33 Canada
East Tennessee State Johnson City, T N 37601
University Mrs. Joseph Sweeney ONTARIO Mrs. Donald Pressey
Johnson City, TN (Becky) University of Toronto (Dianna)
September Rt. 4 .Toronto, Ontario 44 Charles St. West
University of Tennessee- Martin, TN 38238 September Apt. 4111
Martin Toronto, Ontario,
Martin, TN Canada
VIRGINIA Ms. Julia Santiago "Month listed indicates formal rush dates. Most
George Mason University 9817 Maury Lane chapters conduct open rush throughout the year.
Fairfax, VA Manassas, VA 22110
Clip and send to: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
2401 HHIsboro Road, Suite 103
Nashville, TN 37212
We would like to order: (indicate quantity desired in blank)
Rush Slide Show Your Daughter And AOTT
Pledge Announcement Cards
(We would like to use slides . ..)-
information Acknowledgment Cards
dates AOTT Pledge Program
. ^AOTT Makes The Difference .
AOTT Pledge Handbook
. Membership Information Blanks ..
Charge to: Chapter
Address: . Office:
City street
. State
Zip Code
On your mark, get s e t . . . GO!!
Make sure your chapter is ready for fall—order today (order form, page 14.)
R U S H S L I D E SHOW, 80-slide presenta
tion picturing AOII people, places and
events. Complete with script. Three loan AOTT M A K E S T H E D I F F E R E N C E , a bright AOTT P L E D G E HANDBOOK, an introduc-
tion to Alpha Omicron Pi. Necessary for
copies available. red brochure filling rushees, pledges, each pledge and pledge trainer.
Cost: $1.40, plus postage
Cost: postage parents in on the basics. Good for favors.
Cost: $.10 each, plus postage
/.«„ rWi/tfrirM
- //ftfitt (hutrwn
each mailing en-
of information for pledge's parents, parents and friends, includes
velope. plus post-
comes with mailing envelope. Cost: $.15 each, or 50/$7.00,
Cost: $.25 each, plus postage
standard forms for membership recom-
Cost: $2.00 for 100, plus postage
INFORMATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT AOTT P L E D G E P R O G R A M , brand-new AF And AOTT, pamphlet designed to com-
municate the progress and goals of our
C A R D S , postcard size to complete and pledge program introduced at 1977 Con- philanthropy.
Cost: First 100, free
mail to alumnae after receiving recom- vention, required for all pledges. Red
$.05 each afterwards, plus postage
mendations. notebook includes 24-page insert.
Cost: $.03 each, plus postage Cost: $2.30, plus postage
Introducing our new
They're all different, all unique. One She has been active in her C h i Alpha grades and plenty of campus activities
comes f r o m California, one f r o m Mis- chapter since its inception, serving as at Central Missouri State University i n
souri, one f r o m Maine. One even has president of the colony and then serv- Warrensburg. She was graduated in
that soft Louisiana drawl. There's a ing as the chapter president. Denise May, with a bachelor of science degree
blonde, a redhead and two brunettes, has also been Chi Alpha vice-president in clothing and textiles and a minor in
with majors from physical education and pledge trainer. For all this hard marketing.
to psychology. A O I I work and involvement, Denise
was rewarded with Chi Alpha's Out- Delta Pi chapter kept Lisa busy, as
But yet they're all the same. A l l four standing Member award in 1975. and she served as her pledge class presi-
young women have two big things in with Chi Alpha's Outstanding Upper dent, chapter relations chairman and
common . . . they are new traveling Classman award (chosen by advisers) philanthropic chairman. She was
consultants . . . and they share a deep in 1976. chosen Delta Pi G i r l of the Term,
love of their fraternity. Alpha Omicron winter. 1975-76, and was honored with
Pi. A little brother, age 9, lives with the Region V Collegiate Leadership
Denise's mother in Pennsylvania, while Award in 1976.
Susan Bloxham, Denise Hembree, another brother, 17, and a sister, 14,
Lisa Richtermeyer and Maryann Tie- live with Denise in Tracy, Cal. In other activities, Lisa was a mem-
mann are still unfamiliar names to ber of the Student Home Economics
most AOIIs. Perhaps Convention-goers Lisa Richtermeyer Association, Kappa Omicron Pi (pro-
can now tell the home ec major f r o m fessional home ec honorary), the uni-
the education major, but for most of Lisa managed to combine a busy versity band, and the public relations
us meeting the new TCs is yet to come. A O I I collegiate experience with high committee of her campus Panhellenic.
A n d they will be coming. Laden with 4T* Chapter and campus involvement
suitcases and ideas, f u l l of enthusiasm,
each will be heading out to parts un- "Through my years at Lambda Tau "As I became more involved in my
known as early as August. Be ready I have been actively involved in all chapter, I realized the importance of
for them—they have a lot to give. chapter and regional activities and what sororities and the functions they serve
I gained from these experiences is a on the college campus and for the
Susan Bloxham priceless knowledge, understanding and community. I value their continued
love for A O I I s and for others. I could existence and feel that as a T C I will
A Lambda Tau from Northeast never measure all I have gained from be able to do much to keep our chap-
Louisiana University, Susan was grad- A O I I , but A O I I has loved me all these ters strong."—Denise Hembree
uated in May with a bachelor of years and I want to return as much as
science degree and a major in elemen- possible to my sisters everywhere."—
tary education. Susan Bloxham
Susan has been quite active in A O I I
throughout her college years, serving
as corresponding secretary, chapter re-
lations chairman, rituals chairman and
chaplain of her chapter. She was also
Region VII's collegiate liaison com-
mittee member. 1976-77.
Even with all these A O I I involve-
ments. Susan managed to keep her
grades high and qualified f o r the Dean's
List f o r three semesters. She was also
on the school's President's List.
Home f o r Susan is Baton Rouge, La.,
where her father is a chemist and her
mother a school teacher. A n older
brother is a graduate o f Louisiana State
University. A n d , f o r the curious, Susan
is the redhead.
Denise Hembree
Denise is a University of California
at Davis graduate, with a bachelor of
science degree in psychology and a
minor in German.
TCs . . <§nfii)ued|
didn't hurt Lisa's grades. She was Maryann has a bachelor of science de- 0assie
named to "Who's Who in American gree with a major in physical educa- (continued from page 3)
Colleges & Universities." the Dean's tion and a minor in health education.
Honor Roll, and received the Student "When I get in, every day is diff-
Home Economics Association Out- In her Gamma chapter, Maryann erent. It depends on whether I'm doing
standing Junior Class Student award. held the office of fraternity education something for the evening news or for
chairman and was the Panhellenic dele- 'Today,'" Cassie explains. "Sometimes,
While Lisa is out traveling, her home gate for three years. This past year. if I'm working on something for
chapter of Delta Pi won't be complete- Maryann served as Panhellenic presi- Today,' I might not leave until 8 or
ly without that old Richtermeyer in- dent, and was Panhellenic treasurer 8:30 p.m. That's a long day. But I
fluence. Lisa's younger sister Lita is the year before. usually can make it home by 6 or so."
presently a member of Delta Pi and
received the Pledge of the Year award Maryann also found time to study, Then, once a week, on Sunday, Cas-
this year. The Richtermeyer family's and was a member of her campus sie flies to New York to anchor the
hometown is Grand Pass. Mo. honorary. All Maine Women. evening news. She leaves in the morn-
ing, stays the day and does the news,
Maryann Tiemann Three years in Germany while her then flies out at night.
Army father was stationed there have
You can't get much farther north given Maryann a little extra indepen- The schedule is busy; the work
than Maine, Maryann's home state. A dence and insight into different life- fascinating, but sometimes exhausting.
1977 graduate of University of Maine. styles and people. Maryann's home now Rather than being disappointed over
is Augusta. Maine, and she has two losing the "Today" host spot to new-
brothers and three sisters. comer Jane Pauley. Cassie is looking
to bigger goals. " I never planned on
"While being a T C I think I will "I have received more than I ever getting it," she says. " I never based
be able to live my personal motto, hoped for from AOII—love, satisfac- anything around it." Instead, she plans
'Make the best better and have the tion, self-development, dignity, loyalty, to keep right on climbing up the NBC
patience to do the best,' and can ac- high ideals and willingness to work with ladder . . . as long as it will support
complish my goal of sharing my love others—and now I will have the op- her. "My goal now is to anchor the
of AOII with as many people as pos- portunity to help other sisters experi- weekday evening news. I guess."
sible."—Lisa Richtermeyer ence all that I have experienced."—
Maryann Tiemann G llegiates
(continued from page 23)
passes the nation is lost in a rush
file or pledge program.
Nancy Spinoso pledged Nu Iota
chapter at Northern Illinois University
in the fall of 1975. After deciding to
change her major, she found a transfer
of schools was inevitable, so during
Nancy's rookie semester at N I U she
visited several colleges that were cer-
tified in social work.
A visit to the University of Wiscon-
sin-LaCrosse was a hectic, 24-hour tour
of the campus and an opportunity to
meet members of Sigma Lambda chap-
ter. A semester later, fall, 1976, Nancy
was pledging again as she shared A O I I
with 25 more sisters, met seven new
pledges, and learned to respect and
cherish the traditions of Sigma Lambda
as her own.
The true spirit of AOII, and the rec-
ognition of sisters throughout the na-
tion is exemplified not only by a wel-
come received at a new university:
Nancy Spinoso, N I , is the 1977 presi-
dent of Sigma Lambda chapter, La-
Crosse, Wis.
Collegiate Commentaries . . .
ALABAMA honoraries include Dean's List. Tau In spite of all this involvement,
Beta Sigma (band honorary), Honor Kappa Kappas still managed to achieve
Our annual drive for the Arthritis Choir, University Honors Program, a 3.1 scholastic accumulative.—Linda
Foundation was held on March 5. The Dean's Honorable Mention, Spurs, Blue Duncan and Jody Carroll
10 mile walk-a-thon was fun and bene- Key and Phi Eta Sigma. But our big-
ficial, raising over $1,500 (one sister gest honor was pulling our scholastic BEMIDJI STATE
walked the full 10 miles and turned ranking from 13th to sixth among the
in over $128.) sororities on campus.—Pam Mayer Beta Epsilon sends greetings from
the North Country. The weather is
Alpha Delta individuals also brought AUBURN beautiful and it should be a great
their share of honors to Alpha Omicron summer.
Pi during the spring semester. Donna Delta Deltas have been busy racking
Byrd was named Outstanding Student up the honors. Karen Kroft was chosen Our chapter is very proud of Toni
in Distributive Education and presi- Derby Darling during Sigma Chi Derby Petron who has just been elected
dent of the School of Education. Donna Week, with Delta Delta chapter finish- president of the Inter-Fraternity So-
Willis and Tessa Unwin both were ing fourth in the week's competition. rority Council on the Bemidji State
named to Phi Beta Kappa. Chapter campus.
members were also active in the pre- Pattie Neill was honored with mem-
med honorary society, education, psy- bership in Omicron Delta Kappa, Out- A car wash turned out to be a bigger
chology and home economics hon- standing Student Leaders. Lynne Daw- success than we had ever dreamed. We
oraries and the American Chemical son, a University Singer, is going to were busy all day and even washed a
Society.—Carey Tweedy Russia on tour with the group this huge semi cab!
summer. Lee Edwards, a freshman,
4J was recently elected Auburn cheer- Our philanthropic project for the
leader. Arthritis Foundation this year was a
• walk-a-thon bike-a-thon around Lake
During campus elections several Bemidji.—Krista Haaversen
Lorrie Thomas, Arizona head twirler. AOIIs were elected to positions. Chris
Christenberry was elected vice-president Beta Kappas at egg hunt.
ARIZONA of the School of Home Economics;
Cindy Walker, vice-president of the BRITISH COLUMBIA
Upsilon Alpha chapter had a very School of Business; Pam Campbell,
successful and fun semester. We off-campus senator. Several girls were Beautiful weather is great for Easter
opened the semester with the pledging elected to Angel Flight: Cindy Wein- egg hunts, but unfortunately it can also
of nine girls, which gave us the largest berg *nn Hecht, Gwen Vines and melt candy, as Beta Kappas found out
spring pledge class of any sorority on Cathy Long—Sheron Jennings during their spring philanthropy pro-
campus. ject. The hunt, organized for children
BALL STATE at a nearby rehabilitation center, was
At the party at the end of Greek a huge success anyway.
Week, Kris Kuykendall. our rush chair- Kappa Kappa's 25th birthday party
man, was voted the outstanding woman started out right, with 30 exciting Many of us participated in campus
underclassman. Stacey Smith was se- pledges. sports, such as soccer, floor hockey, ice
lected as Panhellenic president this hockey and volleyball. We were also
spring, while Lorrie Thomas was named Then involvement grew with the help actively involved in Panhellenic, with
head twirler at University of Arizona. of a first place trophy awarded in the three of the 16 members of the execu-
Homecoming float division. Speedy tive committee AOIIs. Barbara Kaiway
Other Upsilon Alpha honors and Kappa Kappas also passed the check- was elected treasurer, Barbara Godby,
ered flag to win fourth place in the house chairman, and Jane Ansley,
18 annual Sigma Switch Bike Race. public relations chairman.
Our traditional basketball marathon In addition to our Easter egg hunt,
was a continued success. Over $2,400 we also took part in other philan-
was contributed to the Arthritis Foun- thropic functions. During University of
Marysi a Klus was one of the top
10 finalists in the Miss Ball State
Pageant, while Lori Moppert was
named Sweetheart of Sigma Chi. The
chapter is also very proud and hon-
ored that member Alicia Jacobs has
been chosen Panhellenic president.
A combination of Kappa Kappas
and Sigma Chi fraternity members was
awarded second place in the annual
Spring Sing.
British Columbia's Greek Week, Beta activities/social chairman, and Gayle over 40 campus organizations!—Keena
Kappa helped plan festivities for the Futernick, publicity chairman. E . Nichols
entire campus—proceeds went to a
local charity.—Barbara Godby During Derby Week, the AOIIs were COLORADO
awarded two first place trophies, one
CALIFORNIA (Davis) for philanthropic efforts and the other After a very successful spring rush,
for coming in first in the Sigma Chi Chi Delta began preparation for the
Chi Alpha chapter was pleased to games. We suceeded in raising $180 50th Anniversary celebration May 7.
receive word of the appointment of for the Sigma Chi philanthropy by (See story, p. 4)
Denise Hembree to the position of having ,a jail on campus. It cost a
Traveling Consultant for 1977-78. quarter to put someone in jail, 500 to Congratulations to Jean Hopler who
Denise was president of our colony bail a person out. has been accepted to the United Na-
and it seemed proper that the an- tions for study during her senior year
nouncement be made at the second Phi Psi 500 was similiar to Derby of school.
anniversary celebration of the chapter Week with the idea of games to pro-
in April. mote sorority spirit. However, this The semester ended with more plans
event included a Queen Contest where —this time for fall rush parties, which
Chi Alpha is also very pleased to girls were judged on poise, personality include an "Old-Fashioned Candy
announce that we were, for the third and creativity. Representing AOII was Shoppe," "AOII At The Movies" and
year in a row, the recipients of the JoAnne Haas, who was crowned Phi "A Country Fair." Rush Chairman
Panhellenic Scholarship Award. In Psi 500 Queen 1977.—Lesli Keligian Lynette Lamons is doing a super job
addition, Sally Abel and Jane Matthaei this year so we expect another very
were both nominated to the Phi Kappa CENTRAL MO. STATE successful rush this fall.—Julie Peter-
Phi Honor Society. Jane is also the son
recipient of the distinguished Peter J. It would be hard to beat Delta Pi's
Shields Scholarship Foundation award. fall semester. EAST CAROLINA
Valerie Doggett was appointed to the A successful rush brought the total After a busy fall semester spent
position of producer of the Davis Stu- membership to 72 collegians, making rushing and rocking . . . for AOII . . .
dent Musical Theater. AOII the largest sorority on the Cen- Zeta Psis turned their attention to
tral Missouri State campus. sports. AOIIs participated in volleyball,
Many Chi Alphas will be returning basketball, bowling and Softball. Of
home after graduation—a few have But how to improve on that? Get these, we placed first in bowling and
made special plans. Ruth Ammerman those members busy! third in basketball. Beth Beam, one of
started off the trend when she joined our star basketball players, was chosen
the Peace Corps after graduation in Greek Week began April 25, with to play in the intramural all-star basket-
December and is now stationed in Delta Pi active in all games. Dene ball game.
Manila. Sally Abel came next with her Freyer represented AOII in the Greek
acceptance of an internship in Wash- Goddess Contest and Cynde Warn- In order to better Greek relations,
ington, D.C. with a congressman from ken in the Sigma Tau Gamma Greek Zeta Psi participated in Lambda Chi
the northern California area. Following Calendar Queen Contest. Alpha field day, a car wash with Pi
close behind was Mary Coffee who is Kappa Phi to raise money for the
presently spending her summer in Ger- In May, Teri North and Carolyn stadium drive, and a sorority swap,
many on an internship program, Masoner represented AOII in the sponsored by the East Carolina Pan-
Ugly Man on Campus Award. This is hellenic Council.
—Kristan Clark a two-part award for the most money
or the most service hours given to a Chapter honors were awarded to
CALIFORNIA STATE charity by a Greek organization. Delta Linda (Tommy) Thomason who was
(Northridge) Pi can proudly say it has won this selected for inclusion in "Who's Who
award for the last seven years. in American Colleges and Universities,"
This spring we are proud to have Patti Kulis, initiated into Gamma Beta
earned five Dean's Awards for Pan- Delta Pi is very proud of three Phi honor society, and Sue Lutz, re-
hellenic Involvement. Most Outstand- sisters who won special awards this cently elected Panhellenic rush chair-
ing Officer went to Donna Koziel, Most past year. Cindy Dodson just finished man.—Patti Kulis
Outstanding Member to Teresa Se- her year-long term as a member of
gura. Marybeth Marchello received the the Collegiate Liaison Committee for FLORIDA
Highest Individual GPA award, while Region V, and Kris Weinhold will be
Anngel Yacoobiah (our current chapter a- Special Chapter Assistant for Beta The University of Florida Panhel-
president) was named Greek Woman Rho chapter in Missoula, Mont., next lenic Council's annual 25-hour dance
of the Year. AOII also received the year. Lisa Riehtermeyer, chosen for contest this spring was the most suc-
school's Campus Involvement award. the Outstanding Collegiate Leadership cessful ever—grossing over $7,000. The
Award at the 1976 Region V Meeting, person behind this phenomenal suc-
Four girls in our house have been was chosen as Traveling Consultant cess? Gamma Omicron's Robin Brown,
elected Panhellenic officers for 1977: for the school year '77-78. a junior majoring in political science
Three Tyler, president; Melinda Kelly, and the chapter's first vice-president.
second vice-president; Sharon Mall, The rest of the AOIIs keep busy
putting in hundreds of hours of hard Robin may have been the master-
work as officers and participants in
mind behind the event, but the entire honors. Kathy Clark, our vice-presi- Princess contest, while Debbie Tippit
chapter participated, providing food, dent, is a student body senator. Many was in the top five in the Miss Modern
first aid and dancing partners. Gamma of our freshman women have been on Venus pageant. Lynne Parker finished
Omicron's marthon dancer, Cindy Gar- the Dean's List, and as a result have in the top 10 in Miss Modern Venus.
lando, and her partner collected $500 been named to freshman honor so- Nine of the women in the chapter have
in pledges which put the team in fourth cieties. Naturally, we are quite proud been selected as fraternity little sisters.
place ahead of 29 other dancers. A l l of all these women. —Jane Sadler
proceeds were donated to the Univer-
sity Medical Center for renal research. GEORGIA INDIANA
Our chapter was also well represented When it comes time to sing and Even the coldest winter Bloomington
in the Miss University of Florida pag- dance. Lambda Sigmas have really got has seen all century didn't get Beta
eant with president Suzanne Snyder it all together. Well, maybe not all Phis down. Under the fine, strong
performing "Liebestraum" on the of us, but we know for a fact that leadership of President Mary McCon-
piano. at least 12 of our sisters have some of nell, second semester's first major con-
that inborn talent. cern was all-campus sorority rush.
Lydia Krueger represented our Hours of long, hard work went into
chapter at the annual Military Ball AOIIs at UGA are truly proud of its preparation, but the efforts were
Pageant. Another AOII, Jane Joplin, our "Entertainment." and we feel it rewarded when a vibrant, enthusiastic
held the title previously.—Nancy Fantz adds a special touch to our sisterhood. pledge class of 25 girls walked through
These girls sing at many of our func- the front door.
Florida dance organizer Robin Brown. tions, such as rush parties, Family Day
and other events around campus. The chapter's pulse increased and
FLORIDA STATE skyrocketed when the girls collected
How do wc select these girls? Well, over $150 for the Cancer Foundation,
This year has been quite a busy one tryouts are held twice a year, and undaunted by bleak, rainy weather.
for all of us here at the Alpha Pi members of the "old" Entertainment
chapter at Florida State University. choose new girls. It is quite an honor Second semester is never complete
We have had many different rush to be selected, seeing that the compe- without the annual spring dance (when
parties, ranging from "The Grinch Who tition is often quite heavy. Lambda the pledges are formally presented to
Stole Sisterhood" to a Hawaiian luau Sigmas are so proud of our "Enter- the chapter), and Little 500 activities.
dinner. We have worked for countless tainment." and we thank them for all Supported by A O I I and Delta Tau
hours on these parties, and, even they have given us. Delta fraternity, the trike and canoe
though sometimes we weren't sure teams worked diligently and competed
there were enough hours in the day Other Lambda Sigmas have brought against other campus teams, striving
for us to get these parties organized, honors to our chapter, also. Donna to experience the thrill of Victory. A l -
we did it and loved every minute. Day and Lynn Ellis were named to though no first place trophies were
Rho Lambda honor fraternity, while obtained, both teams prided them-
We have also participated in activi- Leigh Langston was selected for Blue selves with that feeling of accomplish-
ties especially for Greeks—Sigma Chi Key. Leigh is also vice-president of ment, unity and self-satisfaction which
Derby Week and Greek Week. Our Honor Council. comes with knowing you did your best.
girls have helped other sororities and
fraternities raise money for their phi- We had our share of beauties this Goals were accomplished; relations
lanthropies by sponsoring riders in the year, too. In addition to Miss Georgia, improved; unity prevailed. So ends an-
Muscular Dystrophy Bike-A-Thon. Our Linda Kerr (see photo, p. 9), wc other year in the eternal life of Beta
own philanthropic project was a week- also had quite a few other queens and Phi. Even storybooks don't end this
end rock-a-thon for the Arthritis princesses. Sherri Oakley was one of well.—Marylynn Samek
Foundation. the top five finalists in the Miss Dairy
The Alpha Pi chapter has quite a 1
diverse group of women. We include
education majors, dance majors, crimi- Now that's "Entertainment" . . . at Georgia.
nology majors and interior design
majors. Our sorority also holds many
INDIANA (of Pa.) Kearney Stale's Outstanding Greek . . . brains as we look forward to rush with
Vicki Fintel. 30 enthusiastic "shiny pins."
Imagine, 3,125 kisses in eight hours!
Gamma Beta now has the dubious years. She is also the past AOII presi- Chapter events throughout the year
honor of having helped break the world dent, corresponding secretary and as- included selling Oxford Bonus Books
kissing record, broken March 5 by a sistant rush chairman in addition to and singing valentines for the Arthritis
local Kappa Sigma brother. The pur- having held 25 other minor offices Foundation. Omegas are also very ac-
pose was more than participation in a and committees.—Sue Strecker tive in organizations on campus, with
college fad—the event helped raise many on student government and acti-
money for a K2 who became perman- LOUISIANA STATE vities councils. Our candidate for Miss
ently paralyzed after falling off a roof. Miami, Susan Maiden, placed in the
Gamma Beta also had a bake sale and Alpha Omicron's semester ended semi-finals, and Susan Palombo was
donated the proceeds to the fund. with a big bang—the "Jam Jam." The elected Miami's 1977 Military Ball
Jambalaya Jamboree is the annual LSU Queen.
We are also proud of our sister Ro- festival, and AO entered concessions
berta Gibson, who became president of this year, with the theme "Breakfast Springtime and beautiful weather
the Student Pennsylvania State Educa- at Thibodeaux's." Our menu of jam- kept us in good spirits during our
tion Association, which consists of balaya gumbo, crawfish, shrimp and Riverboat Formal. Memories of filet
6,000 members. The Student PSEA French bread was so delicious we won mignon. apple pie, beautiful sisters,
provides a united student voice in first place and a beautiful trophy. handsome dates and the rocking of a
matters affecting their education and river boat linger as we dream of an-
future profession.—Donna Schellberg Crawfish aren't just for eating as other year in AOII!—Lesa Grant
AOIIs soon found out. We also won
IOWA STATE first place in the crawfish relay race, MURRAY STATE
finishing second overall in the sweep-
Once again this year. Iota Sigma was stakes. The Kentucky Governor's Mansion
one of the top chapters scholastically was the site of the 1977 Delta Omega
on campus. Derby Day and the LSU Songfest Red Rose Ball.
were two more memorable days here
To encourage even more studying in in Baton Rouge. Our Derby Day theme How did AOII swing that one? Pa-
the house, we converted our large chap- was "Baseball. Hot Dogs. A O I I and trice Carroll, Delta Omega daughter
ter room into a library for study and Sigma Chi," while the Songfest teamed of Governor Julian Carroll, arranged
put the television in a smaller carpeted AOII with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. the unusual and unforgettable event.
room which had served as a library We made quite a dazzling appearance Governor Carroll was naturally the
before. dressed in spangled evening dresses and honored speaker.
attended by handsome men in black
Iota Sigma's 1976 pledge class (now tuxedos. Our theme was "Reflections," Awards, honors and titles have been
new initiates) worked hard to raise which consisted of songs from the '20s showered upon Delta Omega this year.
money to buy the house a new ice through the '70s.—Donna Young Karen Gordon won the crown of Miss
machine. Some of their money-raising Murray State 1977. She succeeds an-
activities were campus bake sales and MIAMI (Ohio) other AOII, Jane Wagar, who has won
M&M candy sales. the title of Miss Paducah. Both Karen
Pledge initiation started off the new and Jane advanced to the Miss Ken-
The pledges also serenaded and year for Omega chapter. All 30 pledges tucky pageant in June (results un-
talked to the-elderly at the local older were oustanding—from winning the known as of press time.)
citizens' home. And they got together Spirit Award at Melon Mess, a single
with the pledge class of Pi Beta Phi day mini Greek Week for pledges, to Janice Elliot, Delta Omega presi-
to get better acquainted. rating first in scholarship over all other dent, was named Lambda Chi Alpha
sorority pledge classes on campus. Now Crescent Girl, and Julie Jones was hon-
Philanthropy projects for arthritis Omega is blessed with beauty and ored as Kappa Alpha Rose.
this year included selling singing valen-
tines to the campus on Valentine's Day. All this beauty still didn't replace
The pledges also collected money from good, old-fashioned brains. Several of
the community for arthritis and stuffed the sisters earned a 4.0 perfect grade
envelopes for Easter Seals.—Kathy point average, and many were initiated
Voss into honor societies and leadership
New to Delta Omega this year are
Phi Sigma's own Vicki Fintel was bumper stickers boasting " A O I I : Sister-
awarded Outstanding Greek Woman of hood Growing." Also new was a sister-
the Year at Kearney State College this hood week set aside for focusing on
spring. The announcement was made our bumper sticker slogan. It was a
at an all-sorority arid fraternity dance very productive week—and the mem-
at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds. bers of Delta Omega have renewed
their pledges, grown a lot closer and
Phi Sigma nominated Vicki for the can't wait for fall rush.—Jennifer Day
award, but she was chosen by a com-
mittee composed of the chapter ad- NORTHEAST LOUISIANA
visors from all four sororities on
campus and the Panhellenic faculty AOII athletes scored big victories at
advisor. Lambda Tau chapter by coming in first
in the 11KA Fest sorority competitions,
Vicki has served the Greek system first in the sorority division of Greek
as Panhellenic rush chairman and has Games and second in the All-Campus
been a Panhellenic member for two Sorority Intramurals.
We also had two street drives for the a Beaver Belle, and is an athletic host- Slippery Rock Panhel </
Arthritis Foundation and donated half ess. Janet Robinson. President
our prize money for the Homecoming
float to this research organization. In Janet Allen has been selected as a SOUTH ALABAMA
addition. Lambda Taus collected money member of the sophomore honorary,
for the March of Dimes and won a Tallons. for next year.—Ann Kroetch Gamma Delta made history. Not
trophy for donating the most blood to only chapter history, but University of
the St. Jude's blood drive on campus. OREGON South Alabama history.
Lambda Tau had a Mother-Daughter Philanthropic projects have been The entire court of the U.S.A.
Tea, a cake walk during Spring Fever, keeping Alpha Sigma members busy. Homecoming Queen was made up of
and two Flamin' Alpha dances this We completed our fifth consecutive AOIIs!
year. Several girls won awards—three year of taking first place in the Pan-
were chosen for national Mortar Board, hellenic philanthropy, the March of Laurie Hearn, our assistant treasurer
five were elected to the Student Gov- Dimes, then went on to raise money for and historian, was selected as Freshman
ernment Association, Laura Walcher our own philanthropy, the Arthritis Maid. Valla Hollingsworth, social
was on the Homecoming Court, Janice Foundation. chairman, was named Sophomore
Brown was a semi-finalist in the Miss Maid. Junior Maid was our president,
N L U pageant, and Catherine Hamilton Two open house days, a skit day, a Cindy Pratt, a transfer from Lambda
was chosen as a Chocahoula Beauty. play day and preference night wrapped Tau. Then the seniors selected Melissa
up informal spring rush. On skit day, Johnson, our past social chairman, to
We are looking forward to the new tours of the house were given and a represent them. Our girls campaigned
Panhellenic Dorm this fall . . . and skit presented by members. Play day hard and were all selected by popular
special congratulations to our own Su- included a scavenger hunt, roller vote of the student body.
san "Bux" Bloxham, a newly-chosen skating, a picnic in a park and even a
AOII Traveling Consultant. Mexican siesta at a member's home. But to top off having all four maids
being AOIIs, the Homecoming Queen
OREGON STATE AOIIs also joined in the campus- herself was AOII Donna Hare. Donna
wide Parents Weekend May 13-15. had conducted a personal campaign all
A new addition is the big news at All sororities and fraternities planned over campus handing out leaflets . . .
Alpha Rho chapter. To be completed parties for parents, with ours a barbe- even with a broken leg! Donna has
in time for fall rush, the addition will cue with Sigma Nu.—Linda Left" served a chapter president, rush chair-
almost double the present size and will man, chaplain and philanthropic officer
include more study rooms, a kitchen, PURDUE for AOII.
dining room, sleeping porch, cook's
quarters and chapter room. Phi Upsilon was busy tying every- As an added homecoming honor, we
thing together at the end of the school also won second place in decorations.
In other Alpha Rho news, Becky year. We're proud of Denise Montjoy
Crimmins was elected president of the who received the honor of Phi Beta Our chapter won first place in Sigma
Students' Home Economics Association Kappa. Our Kathy Burkle is also the Chi Derby Week which we considered
on campus. Janice MacDonald, chapter famous Purdue Golden Girl. to be quite a feat. (The Chi Omegas
vice-president and past secretary, was had been undefeated for the last six
elected Member of the Year. Janice Our philanthropic projects included years.)—Belinda Cole
was campus Panhellenic Rush Chair- a submarine sandwich sale, arthritis
man, a Beaver Belle and an athletic pen sale, and our annual singing valen-
hostess. tines. We were proud to present a large
check to the Arthritis Foundation.
Tony Grabler was also chosen to be
We also report doing exceptionally
well in all campus intramurals and in
the University Sing.—Mary Gilbert
Sigma Rho's scholastic average After an exciting 75th Anniversary
Breaking ground at Oregon Slate . . . zoomed with many of our sisters on celebration in March, Omicrons settled
Audrey Smith. A P financial advisor. the Dean's List and our total scholas- back into a more "normal" routine. A l l -
tic average the highest in years. The Sing, Sigma Chi Derby Week and Car-
22 Rose Bracelet, for the most improved nicus all followed quickly. A O I I
average, went to Janet Robinson, who walked away with third place in the
had yet another accomplishment. She Derby Week events, and Sherri Wheat
was recently elected president of the and Mitzi Brown won a $50 dinner for
Slippery Rock State College Panhel- the best costumes.
lenic, the first A O I I to do so in eight
long years! Individual Omicron honors on cam-
pus are many. Seven girls are members
Sigma Rho also had a very success-
ful rush year, more than doubling the
number of members in our chapter.
One of the most exciting times of the
year, Greek Week, found AOII at the
top, capturing eight trophies for vari-
ous events, three of them first places!
It was an exciting year for us all.—Jill
From new RT&J manual
A Message from Stella
Virginia Boggess Mylander, Kappa for bread alone. The stream of our life is Living Water.
For our grain is an Ideal that nourisheth; our spring—our
EDITOR'S NOTE: To Dragma is privileged to present Source—is in The Rock.
another in the regular series of articles by members of
the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee. Virginia So yours is a noble task: To feed your own life, Alpha
Mylander, author of this piece, is chairman of the com- Omicron Pi's life, the life of the hungry world, from the
mittee. good seed just placed within your hands; to sail fair vessels
of rich cargoes on the stream you enter now.
Alpha Omicron Pi has a new manual—"The Rituals,
Traditions and Jewelry Committee Members' Manual." May the Sun of Love ripen your field, the pilot protect
The manual will be part of the files of the six appointed all the ships on your river!
members and two ex officio members of the committee.
In all things, let its remember it is all the wheat growing
Since most AOIIs will not have a copy of the manual together that prospers the field, all drops flowing together
we want to share part of it with you. First, a letter written that make one the stream.
by Stella George Stern Perry on October 21, 1939:
May you be happy in our union, Little Sister, and happy
Dear Initiate, in your life! From my heart, I send you a Rose.
To you, a new Founder of Alpha Omicron Pi, this joy-
ful welcome from an old one! Following Stella's letter in the manual is the introduc-
That you are in very truth a Founder I ask you to tion from which we quote a part:
For this order of ours is not static—not a stone set up It is the duty of the Committee to uphold the philosophy
long ago for you to decorate today. It is like a field of and the traditions established by the Founders. The whims
wheat, like a flowing and beneficent river. and waves of thought on college campuses swing from
That wheat field would have ended its fertility after one extreme to another from year to year. Demands for
its first harvest had not ready hands, each season, pre- change, for new rituals, new jewelry, become challenging.
pared it anew, re-sowed, re-tended, re-gathered. That The committee can not remain static in its action, but it
stream can not return to its first small rill, but must keep must know how to distinguish fad from fact and need
clearing and deepening its bed, must be strengthened all from notion.
its way by pure and limpid and steadfast tributaries.
Little sister, the wheat we have garnered, the wheat The simplicity of AOU's rituals are too often misunder-
you must replant in our field of Alpha Omicron Pi, is not stood, or as often not understood at all. Workshops for
pledges and collegians would be helpful in bringing about
understanding of the fact that the Ritual is a way of life,
a standard of behavior, and a guide for personal relation-
ships. It is the committee's duty to work toward this
of Vol Corps; six are in Angel Flight. Splash. All the fraternities and sorori- Gonna Rain," "Raindrops Keep Falling
Jan Stallings, Barbara Jo McBride and ties competed against each other for a On My Head" and "I can See Clearly
Suzanna Timberlake are majorettes. Su- beautiful trophy. Even though we didn't Now," started spring out right for
zanna was runner-up for Miss Knox- walk away victorious, we still had fun Alpha Chis. A second place in Greek
ville, while three Omicrons were Dog- splashing around in the water.—Julie Week's Spring Sing was only equaled
wood debutantes. Clark by another second place—in the week's
College Bowl contest.
Janice Grisby is the new second vice- TOLEDO
president of Panhellenic, assisted by Singing doesn't cancel out scholar-
Connie Parker and Debbie Still, new Theta Psi members kept busy this ship. A new scholarship program for
Panhel rush counselors. — Louise spring by competing in the University AOII pledges was set up at Western
Rodgers of Toledo's sorority bowling league. Kentucky. The Study Buddy Program
AOIIs captured first place with 22 wins assigned each pledge to an active, with
TENNESSEE (Martin) and only two losses! that active responsible for visiting the
pledge once a week. Actives then
Tau Omicron added still another We also helped the Arthritis Foun- turned in grade evaluation progress
Greek Woman of the Year award to an dation by collecting door to door and sheets at weekly chapter meetings.
ever growing AOII list. Kaneal Gay ushering at the third annual Arthritis
was presented the highly coveted award Foundation Benefit Tennis Match. Another great honor for Alpha Chi
at the annual Panhellenic Banquet. was the appointment of Sandy Alford
Marge Gfoeller was cast as Aldonza- as Panhellenic Rush Chairman. She
AOIIs became "flappers" of the roar- Dulcinea in "Man of La Mancha," the will be managing both formal and open
ing '20s to help deal the cards and "en- dedication production for the univer- rush on campus.—Linda Cretella
tertain the gamblers" at our annual sity's new Center for the Performing
Casino Night. This event is run like Arts. This summer, Anna Markley is WISCONSIN (LaCrosse)
the big-time casinos in Reno . . . only touring Europe with the Ohio Youth
with play money. We collected $186 Choir and will also attend the Rose AOIIs, wherever found, are your sis-
for arthritis, as many left broke and Bowl with the group in January. ters. Sisterhood on a chapter level is a
some left with prizes donated by local beautiful experience we've all shared
merchants. WESTERN KENTUCKY but often the sisterhood that encom-
The water-babies in Tau Omicron A medley of rain songs, including (continuedon page 17)
demonstrated their talent in the Sigma- "Singing In The Rain," "Soon It's
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