Winter, 1977 Vol. LX, No. 10
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Winter, 1977 Vol. L X , No. 10
Published since January 1905 by
A L P H A O M I C R O N PI Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
3 Call to Convention
4 Convention Planners
6 A t the Convention
7 Craft Fiesta
8 Post Convention Tours
10 New Appointments
12 " F r o m One Came 9,500"
14 RT & J—Why Ritual—Be, i t Ever So Humble
15 Letter f r o m Alaska
16 Homecoming Honors
18 Notes and Quotes f r o m Alums
20 Collegiate Commentaries
Founders TO DRACMA OF ALPHA OMICRON On the cover: Symbol of Arizona, the
Jessie Wallace Hughan PI, the official organ of Alpha Omicron saguaro (or "sahuaro"). Webster's defini-
Helen St. Clair Mullan Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omi- tion: "an arborescent cactus of desert
Stella George. Stern Perry cron Pi, at Williams Printing Company, regions of the southwestern United States
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 417 Commerce Street, Nashville, Tennes- and Mexico that has tall columnar simple
The Founders were members of Alpha see 37219. Subscription price is $1.00 per or sparsely branched trunk of up to 60
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia copy. $3.00 per year. Life Subscription, feet and bears white flowers and edible
University and all are deceased. $25.00. Send change of address and fruit."
correspondence of a business nature to
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro Road,
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee 37212.
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 Address all editorial communications to
Telephone: 615-383-1174 the Editor: Editor, care of Central Office.
Second Class Postage paid at Nashville,
2 Tennessee.
Those who have attended previous Conventions are eagerly looking
forward to the renewal of friendships, the seminars, the f u n times, the
business of Council, the excitement of awards. The "first timers" are
looking towards a new dimension to their A O I I life. A t no other time
is the true international and ageless spirit of Alpha Omicron Pi so
A f u l l program of informative, helpful workshops is planned in
many facets of A O I I activities. Since many may be running concur-
rently, we urge the attendance of as many representatives as possible
from each chapter. Special activities are planned for non-delegates,
including corporation representatives.
The beautiful Camelback Inn is a rather different hotel. Instead of
one large, tall structure, it consists of single story, Spanish style ram-
bling buildings. While some think of the desert as barren, those of us
who know it find there a singular beauty. Have you seen a "saguaro"
or an "ocotilloT Or know how to pronounce their names? By the end
of Convention, you will.
Although it is now the middle of winter, make your plans for a
summer starting with Convention in sunny Arizona. We know that the
sun will be shining June 16-20 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Be one of the
AOIIs shining there!
Norma Ackel
International President
Diana Sweeder Charleton, International Convention Chairman; Becky Shook Weinberg, Local Chairman.
Camelback Inn, Scottsdale, Arizona Chapter "Girl of A O I I " Award in her and has also held the positions of
June 16-20 senior year. Since then she has served Treasurer and Panhellenic Delegate.
A O I I continuously as Regional Direc- Pam and husband. Bob. a CPA, have
Directing plans f o r the 1977 Biennial tor. Regional Philanthropic Chairman two children, Jennifer, 6, and Robbie.
Convention are International Conven- and President of the Phoenix Alumnae. 4.
tion Chairman, Diana Sweeder Carle- The Phoenix Alumnae and Theta Ome-
ton and Local Chairman, Becky Shook ga Chapter have both presented her Named Chairman of the Registration
Weinberg. with "The Outstanding Alumna Committee, is Beatrice Schum Starr,
Award." A dedicated civic leader in Alpha Sigma. Active in the Phoenix
Diana Sweeder Carleton graduated her home town of Mesa, she serves as Panhellenic Association for six years,
f r o m Dcnison University where she a member of the Mahnah Service Club, Bea has served in many capacities f r o m
served as President of Alpha Tau the United Way Budget Committee, is delegate to President (1971-72). She
Chapter. Since graduation, she has a Girl Scout Neighborhood Chairman, now operates her own business of man-
held a number of offices in the sorority and teaches pre-school two mornings a ufacturing and marketing original gem-
—President of the New York City week. Married to a teacher in the Mesa stone jewelry. When not busy design-
Alumnae Club, Chapter Adviser and School System, she is the mother of ing gemstone art, she manages her
Corporation President Rho Chapter Marni. 11, Lori, 7, and Brent, 5. home as wife to H a l , in radio and tele-
and, most recently. Chicago North vision production, and mother of her
Shore Alumnae Chapter President and Committee Chairman Named married daughter. Sherrie.
Hospitality Chairperson for the Chi-
cago Convention. Diana is just one of Serving as Becky Weinberg's "right This year's Boutique Chairman is
four AOIIs in the family—joined by hand woman" is Rita Dikeman Polese, Brenda Hayes Reed, former President
her mother. Mildred Sweeder; her sis- Theta Pi. who is Arrangements Chair- of Lambda Sigma. Brenda and her in-
ter, Cherry Matthews; and aunt, Jane man. Rita is currently President of the surance-executive h u s b a n d . R o l a n d
Sweeder. Phoenix Alumnae Chapter, wife of an ( J i m ) , have two children, Karen, 15,
attorney, and the mother of one-year and Jeff, 14. Brenda is active in The
Diana and her husband. Bob, have old Jennifer. She is a member of the Desert Club. G i r l Scouts, as advisor
made the near north side of Chicago "Ninety-Nines", an o r g a n i z a t i o n of for an Explorer Post, Chairman of
their home f o r the past twelve years. women pilots. Founder's Day, and co-chairman of the
Recently, they moved into a 90-year- Phoenix Alumnae 25th Anniversary.
old Victorian townhouse located within Sharing the responsibilities of the
the grounds formerly owned by M c - Hospitality Committee are Diane Duke Rose B a n q u e t C h a i r m a n is Sara
Cormick Theological Seminary. The Vargas and Pam Myers Lindley. both Christensen Benton. Zeta. A member
Carletons have three children . . . members of Upsilon Alpha. Diane has of the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter for
Douglas, 13, Jeffrey, 10, and Leeana, been Finance Officer and Publicity eleven years, she is currently Secretary.
6, plus one dog Hank. Bob is an Chairman of the Phoenix Alumnae Sara also teaches kindergarten in Mesa,
Account Supervisor with the Leo Bur- Chapter. Her husband. Arnie, is a and is active in the Mahnah Club and
nett Advertising Agency. management consultant for the Arizona the PEO. Husband, Roger, is a junior
Business Resource Center, and they are high Industrial Arts teacher and was
A 1963 graduate of the University of the parents of Mike, 9, and Hollie. 6. Arizona Teacher of the Year in 1973.
Colorado. Becky received the Chi Delta Pam is a Past President of the Chapter Their daughter, Kristin, is 9.
Rita Dickman Polese, Millie Sweeder, Sarah
Christensen Benson, Lucille Hendricks
Susan Smith Peiffer, Diane Duke Vargas, Elly Skulborstad Rogers, Jane Gligor > 'A 'fuJ Si !m
Pam Myers Lindley, Bea Schum Starr. Campbell, Jane N orris, Foreground: Entrance, Camelback Inn.
Babs Beltz Glaser, Elizabeth Spencer
Kathryn Jensen, Theta Omega, is Chapter f o r ten years and has held the of the St. Louis Alumnae. Lucille was
Ritual Chairman for the 1977 Conven- offices of Panhellenic Representative, also Secretary of the Chicago N o r t h
tion. While attending Northern Arizona Vice-President, and President. She was Shore Alumnae, and Regional Exten-
University, Kathy served as Corres- also Regional Extension Officer. Elly sion Officer for Region V I I I .
ponding Secretary and President of her teaches junior high English and Read-
chapter. She was a member o f Mortar ing in the Scottsdale School District. Millie Sweeder. Alpha Tau, moved to
Board, Phi Kappa Phi, and was select- She and husband, A l a n ( o f the A n a - the Southwest f r o m Chicago five years
ed for "Who's Who Among Students in conda Wire and Cable Division), live ago. She has served as Collegiate D i -
American Colleges and Universities." on the 17th fairway of the Mesa Coun- rector, Regional Director, and Inter-
Since graduation, Kathy has been work- try Club where they enjoy golf and national Secretary. Prior to living in
ing for the State of Arizona and cur- tennis. Chicago, she had lived in Cleveland,
rently is Supervisor of the Vocational Ohio, where she served as Collegiate
Rehabilitation Information System. I n Pamela Peebles Huggins, Awards Director for the Ohio and West Vir-
pursuing her interest in law enforce- Chairman, is a 1971 graduate of N o r t h - ginia Chapters. Millie's d a u g h t e r s .
ment, Kathy participates as a volunteer ern Arizona University where, as a Diana Carleton, Alpha Tau. and Cherry
for the Maricopa County Adult Proba- member of Theta Omega Chapter, Matthews. Kappa Gamma, are both
tion Department. Recently she has been she held office as Pledge Class Presi- A O I I ' s and are active in their Alumnae
nominated for "Who's Who Among dent, Assistant Pledge Trainer, and Chapters. Diana is International Con-
Outstanding Young Women in Ameri- Alumnae Club Membership Chairman. vention Chairman.
ca." Pam teaches third grade, and her hob-
bies are needlework and ceramics. Her Registration Chairman for the up-
Jayne Gilgor Campbell, Tau, is Co- husband, Richard, is a student. coming Convention is Babs Beltz
Chairman of Publicity for this Conven- Glaser. Babs is a Past-President of
tion. Her husband, M a r k , is a golf pro- The immediate Past President of the Tufts University A O I I Chapter, and
fessional, and Jayne's hobbies include Phoenix Alumnae, Elizabeth Spencer also of the H a r t f o r d Alumnae Chapter.
—what else—golf! Co-Chairing Pub- Walters, will be Exhibits Chairman. Jay Glaser manages Software Engineer-
licity with Jayne is Susan Smith Peiffer, The Director of Palo Alto Pre-School ing Honeywell in Phoenix, and they
Epsilon Alpha. Originally from Beth- in Scottsdale, L i z has served A O I I i n have two children. Babs teaches mu-
lehem, Pennsylvania, she and husband numerous capacities, including Vice- sic to pre-school children.
Tom, an electrical engineer, moved to President of Upsilon Alpha Chapter.
Phoenix in 1974. She is a medical tech- She and husband, Walter, are the par- Another member of Theta Omega
nologist in Bacteriology at St. Joseph's ents of Spencer, 6, and Julie, 4. Chapter, Janie Norris, is this year's
Hospital in Phoenix. Printing Chairman. She graduated f r o m
Liz's mother, L u c i l l e H e n d r i c k s Northern Arizona University with a
Chairman of Photography, Elly Sklu- Spencer, Zeta, is also involved in this BS in Education in 1971, and received
borstad Rogers, N u Iota, graduated year's convention. As co-chairman of her M A f r o m N A U in 1975. Janie
from Northern Illinois University in Flowers, she w i l l be w o r k i n g with has taught second grade f o r five years
1962 and earned her M A f r o m Arizona Millie Sweeder, a past International in Phoenix. While at N A U she re-
State University. She has been an ac- Secretary. Lucille received a Rose ceived the Outstanding Senior Award
tive member of the Phoenix Alumnae A w a r d at the Chicago Convention. She f r o m the alumnae chapter.
is a Past-President of Zeta Chapter, and
Sun Time Is Fun Time
One of America's most famous and sures such as handloomcd fabrics, Nearby Attractions: Desert Botanical
popular resorts has been chosen as antiques, Indian artifacts, jewelry. Gardens, Phoenix Zoo, Taliesin
your Convention Headquarters: Camel- Golf: Championship course with full West (Frank Lloyd Wright's avant-
back Inn. Awaiting you there are: line of rental equipment. garde School of Architecture),
Tennis: You can count on beautiful Hiking: Trails up the cactus covered Heard Museum of Indian Arti-
weather and uncrowded courts. slopes of nearby Camelback and
Swimming: Two year-round outdoor Mummy Mountains. History: Camelback Caravan Tours
Riding: Across the desert, to watch the available to Indian Reservations,
pools, adjacent whirlpool baths. sunrise, is a never-to-be forgotten Old Mining Towns, Spanish Mis-
Shopping: Old Scottsdale offers palm experience. sions. Mexican-American villages,
Cycling: Bicycles available, and the and more.
lined streets and covered walks route is pleasantly flat.
where one may leisurely browse
while discovering distinctive trea-
Now's the time to plan your spring fund-raising, via 2. Send your entry blank to Brenda Reed, Boutique
A O I I C R A F T FIESTA, the International Convention's Chairman right away.
Also, please do the following (all at one time) no later
A O I I C R A F T F I E S T A will be a feature o f the June, 1977 than April 1, 1977:
Scottsdale Convention and a real boon to you. I f your
chapter has craft-minded gals and could use extra money, 1. Send in one sample of your boutique item.
all you need do is come up with an unusual craft idea and 2. Tag the sample with its selling price and your chapter's
get the items to Convention. A O I I w i l l provide the space
and the shop workers. Your proceeds w i l l be sent to you name and location.
after Convention when we tally up. 3. Send also a self-addressed postcard. I t ' l l be returned
What should you make? To give you an idea of the range to signal your sample's safe arrival and also its ac-
of items sold in the past . . . calendars, necklaces, ash trays, ceptance as a boutique item.
stationery, candle holders, sit-upons, candy dolls, and many, 4. Enclose an estimate of both the number of items
many more. I f you"d like some advice, the Boutique Chair- you're sending to Convention and how many cartons
man will gladly send you some suggestions gleaned f r o m will be shipped.
other boutiques. She is: Mrs. Roland Reed (Brenda), 755
N . Country Club Drive, Meza, A Z 85201. It's your chapter's responsibility to get the boutique items
to Convention. To make sure your cartons don't go astray,
To sign up f o r the A O I I C R A F T F I E S T A , please follow be sure each is marked w i t h : the item's selling price, the
these instructions no later than February 28, 1977. chapter's name and the number of items inside. Also include
a 5"x7" sign with your chapter's name on it.
L Decide upon an interesting boutique item. The more
original it is, the better your sales and the better our The time to get started is now—look, think and keep
boutique. those hands busy! Keep this article f o r your reference.
(Please print or type.)
Chapter Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Telephone: Whose?
President's Name:
Brief description of entry:
Approximate size Estimated number to sell
Please mail this by February 28, 1977 to: M r s . Roland Reed, 755 N . Country Club Drive, Mesa, A Z 85201. Tel: 602-962-
Two post-convention tours have been customized by the the site of much of the filming f o r "South
Carefree Travel Service of Encino. California for members Pacific."
of A O I I and their families. A n 8 Day Hawaiian Holiday or Sun. June 26 A t leisure to sun, swim or perhaps take the
a 2 Day Excursion to the Grand Canyon are available at tour to Waimea Canyon, the "Grand Canyon
remarkably low group rates. Read the tempting tour terms of the Pacific."
below, then send your reservations t o : Diane Vargas, 2626 Mon. June 27 Transfer to the airport f o r the short flight to
E. Sahuaro, Phoenix, Arizona. 85028 (602-971-1497). Honolulu, thence connecting to your Conti-
nental Airlines flight to Los Angeles.
HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY Land Portion: $270.00 per person, two to a room. A d d
This tour will include 8 days, 7 nights at Waikiki and Kauai $125.00 for single occupancy.
A i r : $302.58 as per current tariffs (subject to change). H o w -
Mon. June 20 Depart Phoenix via Continental Airlines, con-
ever, f o r those f r o m cities east of Phoenix, please so advise
necting in Los Angeles f o r your D C 10 flight us as f r o m some cities, there are advantageous through
to Honolulu. After a traditional Aloha lei
The tour will include:
greeting, transfer to the new Hyatt-Re- I . arrival transfer and lei greeting f r o m planeside to the
hotel in Waikiki.
gency Hotel (or similar). Tonight a welcome 2. luggage transfer and tipping
3. 5 days. 4 nights at the deluxe Hyatt Regency Waikiki, the
cocktail party. new multi-million dollar hotel (or similar)
4. round trip porterage at the hotel
Tues. June 21 This morning, a half day drive includes the 5. room tax
6. Pearl Harbor cruise with transfers
historic Civic Center; Iolani Palace, the only 7. City. Punchbowl tour
8. Polynesian Cultural Center Tour, including admission,
Royal Palace on American soil; Punchbowl, show and dinner
9. Welcome cocktail party
an extinct volcanic crater which is now the
10. Transfer f r o m the hotel to the airport. Transfer again
site of the National Memorial Cemetery o f f r o m the airport in Kauai to the hotel.
the Pacific: Waioli Tea Room and the Robert 11. Smith River boat trip to Fern Grotto
12. Hanalei Valley tour
Lewis Stevenson Grass Shack. 13. departure transfer f r o m the hotel to the Kauai Airport,
Wed. June 22 Today, a conducted tour to historic Pearl Lihue.
Extensions available for those with more time
Harbor enabling you to see "Battleship Row,"
the sunken U.S.S. Arizona and U.S.S. Utah. Mon. June 27 Fly to Kahului. Maui. Transfer f r o m the air-
Continue this afternoon to the Polynesian port to either Maui Surf or Kaanapali Beach
Hotels. Balance of day at leisure.
Cultural Center where you will get an inti-
mate glimpse of daily life in Polynesia. A d -
mission, dinner and show included.
Thur. June 23 At leisure to enjoy the life of Waikiki.
Fri. June 24 Transfer to the airport for the short flight to
the Garden Isle of Kauai. Transfer to the
Kauai Resort Hotel (or similar). This after-
noon, enjoy the motor launch trip up the
Wailua River to the Fern Grotto.
Sat. June 25 This morning, travel north to the Hanalei
Valley and thence to beautiful Hanalei Bay,
Tues. June 28 Y o u will be taken on a scenic tour to old R E F U N D S : Cancellation may be made up to 40 days prior
Lahaina town, ancient capital of the Hawai- to departure. I f the cancellation is received within the 40
ian Islands with stops at the old prison, Bud- days, a fee of $50.00 per person will be assessed.
dhist Temple and Wailola Church. Time is
allowed f o r those wishing to visit the Baldwin "GRAND CANYON SUITE"
House (admission, $1.50). Grand Canyon via Oak Creek Canyon, Two days, one night
Mon. June 20 Leave Scottsdale via Black Canyon Highway,
Wed. June 29 Day at leisure
through the Verde Valley to Montezmuma's
Thur. June 30 Transfer to the airport f o r your flight to Castle for a stop. Continue to Sedona f o r
Honolulu where you will connect to your lunch. Then through Oak Creek Canyon and
jet for Los Angeles. Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon, the world's
greatest natural wonder, arriving in time for
Land: $98.00 per person, two to room. A i r : an additional a glorious sunset. Overnight at the Canyon.
$13.00 Next morning, the West Rim Drive. Leave
at 11:30 am f o r Phoenix via Williams f o r
HAWAII EXTENSION lunch, Ashfork, Prescott for a museum stop,
arriving Phoenix about 6:30 pm.
Fri. July 1 Fly to Kona on the big island of Hawaii. Cost per person, $50.00 based on two to a room. Meals not
Transfer to the Kona Lagoon Hotel.
Sat. July 2 Y o u will see Historic Kona, the ancient City
of Refuge. Village of Napoopoo, Kealakekua
Bay and Captain Cook's monument, coffee
plantations and tropical foliage and flowers.
Afternoon free
Sun. July 3 Depart in the morning for the all-day tour
via lava flows to Hawaii Volcanoes National
Park with its Kilauea Crater, Sulphur Banks,
Steam Vents and the Volcano House where
a luncheon stop will be made (lunch not i n -
cluded). Continue via orchid and anthurium
nurseries to Rainbow Falls, Liliuokalani Park
and thence to your hotel in Hilo.
Mon. July 4 Transfer to the airport f o r your flight to the
Land cost: $95.00 per person, two to a room. A i r : an ad-
ditional $13.00
DEPOSITS: A $50.00 per person deposit is required to se-
cure your place on the tour. A n additional deposit of
$50.00 f o r each extension tour is also required.
B A L A N C E OF P A Y M E N T : The balance of payment will
be due 90 days prior to departure.
NEW Jo Beth Heflin, Pi Kappa, Executive Board
Executive Board Director
Jo Beth Heflin, I I K , has been appoint-
10 ed a director on the Executive Board to
serve until June 1977. A graduate of
the University of Texas, Jo Beth is a
Registered Pharmacist at St. David's
Hospital in Austin, who has served
A O I I and the Austin Alumnae Chapter
as Financial Advisor and Corporation
Treasurer, Finance Chairman Region
V I I , Regional Vice-President, and has
been the recipient of the Rose A w a r d .
Her community and professional ac-
tivities include Past-President of the
Austin City Panhellenic, board mem-
bership on the South Central Texas
Chapter, and Capital Area Division
A F . She is a member of the Phar-
macy Fraternity, Kappa Epsilon, and
the American Society of Hospital Phar-
macists, and on the board of the Mes-
siah Lutheran Church.
I n private life, Jo Beth is M r s . Hugh
Heflin, and the mother of two grown
children. She and Hugh are bowling
enthusiasts, belonging to two leagues.
C I R C Chairman
Susan Elder Roach. B r , Michigan
State University, is the new Chairman
of The Constitutional Interpretations
Susan Elder Roach, Beta Gamma, CIRC Grace Cascio La Marca, Lambda Tau, Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, Region II
Region VII Vice-president Vice-President
and Revisions Committee ( C I R C ) . Her ica, 1974", and "Who's Who of Ameri- They are active in Jesus the Good B
numerous alumnae activities to date in- can Women" since 1974. Shepherd Catholic Church where Grace gj
clude President of Greater Lansing volunteers time with the P T A and as
Area AOII A l u m n a e , Philanthropic W i t h physicist husband. Eric, Sue corresponding secretary. Grace has two |
Chairman, and Delegate and President has a pilot's license and they fly their A O I I sisters. 1
to the City Panhellenic of Greater own Piper A r r o w . She relaxes by read- |
Lansing. I n Detroit she was a member ing h i s t o r i c a l romances and doing Region I I Vice-President will be
of the Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter, crewelwork. Barbara Daugs Hunt, $A, University g
and Rush Advisor for the B I I Chapter of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, '63. While an
of Eastern Michigan University. For Regional Vice-Presidents undergraduate she was President o f her
Region I I she has filled the posts o f Chapter, and following graduation con-
Nominations Chairman, Newsletter Ed- New Region V I I V i c e - P r e s i d e n t , tinued her service to A O I I with two
itor, Alumnae Coordinator and Finance Grace Cascio La Marca, AT, received terms as President o f the Milwaukee
Officer. Internationally, she has been a her BS in Mathematics f r o m Northeast Alumnae Chapter, and on the Corpora-
member of the Special Projects Com- Louisiana University in 1964, and her tion Board. Her most recent position
mittee, and as o f this year, Chairman M S in 1974. Currently employed as was as Regional Director.
of CIRC. an Instructor in the Department of
Mathematics at N L U , Grace has just Barbara is a former e l e m e n t a r y
Sue has a 1969 B.A. in Journalism completed a three year term as Re- school teacher who f o r the past seven
f r o m M S U , with additional courses in gional Finance Officer. Prior sorority years has been teaching 4 year olds in
management and public relations. Her service includes positions as Regional the Cedarsburg Pre-School. Volunteer
professional career began as a reporter Director, Collegiate Chapter Advisor to activities center around ticket sales f o r
on the Ingham County News, followed N L U ' s A T Chapter, Collegiate Pledge the M i l w a u k e e Symphony through
by a position as Assistant to the D i - Advisor, Financial Advisor to I I Chap- board membership of the Women's
rector of the State Office on Aging, ter in New Orleans, and Collegiate League.
and most recently Public Relations D i - Treasurer of A T for two terms. As an
rector for the M i c h i g a n Arthritis undergraduate, Grace was a member When Barbara married advertising
Foundation. She is the author of of the Honor Society, the Student executive Cecil H u n t in 1966, she in-
"Codes of Ethics: Do They Work?", a Government Association, Treasurer of herited a ready-made family of three,
professional paper of Women in Com- the Senior Board, and Listed in "Who's and then added Krissy, now 8. The
munications, Inc., published in the Who in American Colleges and Uni- older children have grown up and scat-
Matrix, July 1976. A member of many versities." tered. the oldest having recently made
professional organizations in journalism Barbara a proud grandmother. She
and publishing fields, she is listed in Grace is M r s . Anthony La Marca, writes that her husband is particularly
"Outstanding Young Women of AmerL living in Monroe, Louisiana, with a supportive of her A O I I activities and
family made up of two small daughters. enjoys accompanying her, when possi-
ble, to Conventions.
"FROM ONE CAME 9 , 5 0 0#/
Wilma Smith Leland, Tau
Past International President
The title comes f r o m a newspaper ings. On December 2 they came to- and Missouri, presidents, and other of-
gether for " A n Interfraternity Bicen- ficers, sometimes as many as five, talked
headline in The Williamsburg Gazette, tennial Celebration." about their programs, the official roster,
rush, formal and informal. Several
November 26, 1976. It refers to Phi Peg Crawford, I , alternate Panhel- publish their own newspapers. A l l con-
lenic Delegate, had arrived on Novem- tribute substantially to scholarship pro-
Beta Kappa, the one f r o m which the ber 30 for meetings of the College Pan- grams, philanthropic work, holding of-
hellenic Committee at Williamsburg ficer and leadership training schools
9,500 fraternity and sorority chapters Lodge. Mary Louise Filer Roller NPC and retreats. Ohio State has an A l l -
delegate, A n and husband, George Rol- Greek Honor Society. Several find it
came. The reason f o r the article was ler, came on December 1. The commit- wise to entertain legislators. "Alcohol
tee meetings were closed, but the Awareness" programs are common.
the two-fold celebration of the 200th discussions covered subject matter Nebraska had total pledging this fall.
common to that committee: area visits, A t Washington 507 girls signed for
anniversary of the founding of Phi local Panhellenic problems and penal- rush and 489 were pledged. That Pan-
ties, rush, quota-limitation, etc. hellenic had its own Bicentennial dinner
Beta Kappa at the College of William with the University President and mem-
Without p o r t f o l i o and attendant bers of the Board of Regents as guests.
and Mary on December 5, 1776, and duties, I freelanced into the meeting
which delegates f r o m Collegiate Pan- A visit to Sorority Court at W i l l i a m
the extension of this then social fra- hellenics held. Chaired by Panhellenic and Mary indicated that additional
advisors at the University of Oklahoma chapters are needed on that campus.
ternity and literary society into the gen- Only juniors and seniors live in the
houses. Others are housed in dormi-
eral and professional fraternities. tories. Chapters of 90 are the rule.
I n the case of celebration, the chick- A reception for former Senator Mar-
garet Chase Smith on December 1
en came before the egg. National Pan- gave friends a chance to meet this
Sigma Kappa, the speaker at the lunch-
hellenic. National Interfraternity. the eon on the day of celebration.
Professional Panhellenic and Profes- December 2 was a day-long of re-
membrance. Chaired by Myra Fox-
sional I n t e r f r a t e r n i t y Conferences worthy, ArA, NPC Bicentennial Chair-
man, the morning program gave us a
joined forces on November 29-Decem- " L o o k at the Past." Donna Szuba and
Bob Thompson, presidents of Pan-
ber 3 to hold special conference meet- hellenic at W i l l i a m and M a r y presented
the flags, later presenting a slide pro-
Former Senator Margaret Chase Smith gram based on the founding of Phi
Beta Kappa. Mrs. Alexander E. Jones
12 A4> Delegate, and wife of the Presi-
dent of Butler University, led us back
into the history of higher education
and the disciplines in the early faculties,
leading to the student rebellions and the
ultimate founding of the first general
fraternity, Kappa Alpha, i n 1821, at
Peg Crawford, First Alternate Panhellenic Delegate, Mary Louise Roller, NPC Delegate, George Roller, and Wilma Smith Leiand,
Past International President.
North Carolina. (Kappa Alpha So- and depression. We can be sure of gates to the 31st Triennial Convention
ciety was founded at Union College in the viability of the system. Freedom of of Phi Beta Kappa came in. This A O I I
1825. and extension came f r o m this association is a basic American right. stayed on, having been present at the
chapter). Each of the conferences pre- We should have the right to discrimi- 175th anniversary. There was great
sented their histories in interesting nate on the basis of standards and qual- contrast in the two celebrations. This
formats. Before lunch, a visit to Ra- ity, not on the basis of ethnic or reli- was a Council meeting with well over
leigh Tavern was made where the gious backgrounds. Vigilance is always 500 delegates present besides the nu-
founders of Phi Beta Kappa met to necessary to preserve these rights." merous non-delegates, of which I was
discuss the issues o f rebellion, tariffs, one. Nostalgia could have been domi-
to hold parties, and to form a social Before the Banquet, the afternoon nant, but it was noted only occasionally.
fraternity not unlike those existing to- John Hope Franklin, noted historian,
day. had an "Eye to the Future." Chaired professor at the University of Chicago,
and Phi Beta Kappa President, was
While Margaret Chase Smith inspired by Mary Barbee an intcrfraternity responsible f o r one instance. Asked to
the luncheon guests, Senator John G . speak to the 32 new members at the
Tower was the Banquet speaker. Mrs. panel discussed that future. The pro- initiation services in Phi Beta Kappa
Smith is on the Board of Freedom Memorial H a l l , he called to mind that
House in New York City where the fessional groups are finding Title I X 200 years ago none such as he would
preservation of expression of freedom, have been present. He is black.
as opposed to pressures f r o m right and a barrier to their organizations, the
left, are the goals. She deplored the The visit to Raleigh Tavern was de-
fashion among academics to criticize maintenance of single-sex membership. cidedly festive. Rum punch was served
our way of life. She noted that though and again a special feeling of history
anti-establishment students sought an They anticipate more trouble i f E R A is was present. Speakers echoed Mrs.
individualism, they never attained it in Smith's plea for a return to quality ed-
dirty clothes, dirty hair, but instead ratified, not because o f the law but be- ucation, to an end to grade-inflation
were sheeplike in their conformity of and pass-fail.
protest. She berated university facul- cause of the bureaucrats who will at-
ties which stimulate mediocrity, and the Speakers included Attorney General
discouragement of excellence. Frater- tempt to enforce more than is in i t . Edward H . Levi, David Mathews, Sec-
nities suffered through this. She told retary of H E W . Philip Handler, Presi-
us that we are "the champions of lead- The Little Sisters organizations in fra- dent of the National Academy of Sci-
ership and defenders of excellence," ence, Louis B. Wright, noted historian
and that we must make "civility con- ternities are a bugaboo, and the ques- and consultant to the National Geo-
tagious." " W e , " she said, "must cham- graphic Society, and Daniel Boorstin,
pion the establishment f r o m the point tion was asked " W h y do girls permit Librarian of Congress. Phi Beta Kappa
of enlightenment and responsibility." commissioned a drama oratorio to be
themselves to be used?" The panel sees written f o r the Bicentennial, and it was
Senator Tower finds the future bright performed in Memorial Hall.
for fraternities, provided we are dedi- the Triennial as finding us not too
cated to the fulfillment of our destinies. In the Conference and the Triennial
"This," he said, "is the time to smile much changed. Convention, the emphasis was on the
because we have survived opposition requirement of excellence in a threat-
The American College Fraternity Bi- ened world.
centennial Commission expects to have
its report completed by mid-winter.
The Lilly Endowment is helping to
fund the work of the Commission.
Issues to be reported are the fraternity
adaptation to changes in higher educa-
tion, housing or meeting rooms, shared
facilities, the ethic of service, relevance
of beliefs in the future, alumni support
a necessity, the effect of older members
who will be college students. The re-
port w i l l be directed toward a wide
audience of general readers.
As the fraternity and sorority mem-
bers left Williamsburg Lodge, the dele-
RT and J—Why Ritual —Be it ever so Brief . . .
Gwen Everetts Lee, Rho aware of her pledge to Alpha Omicron ground—AOII.
Pi and as she attends her first formal
E D I T O R ' S N O T E : I t is a privilege f o r ritual meeting following initiation it all In this rushed life we live—where
T O D R A G M A to present another in falls into place. Here are guidelines by there is never quite enough time f o r
the regular series of articles by mem- which she can rule her life. Here are all that we want to do—or even for all
bers of the Rituals, Traditions and the precepts that are viable . . . that that needs to be done—we try to cut
Jewelry Committee. can be taken out o f the ritual room corners. We try to "save time." We
and into the world about her. I t is the try to pare down to the "bare essen-
A member of Alpha Omicron Pi same f o r an alumna many years re- tials"— and frequently we decide that
hears the ideals of her fraternity ex- moved from her own initiation. When a ritual—be it ever so brief is dis-
pounded formally f o r the first time at she recites the short ritual at an alum- pensable!
her initiation. I t is an exciting time nae meeting, she is remined once more
and one filled with emotion and when of the heart of her fraternity and the When we dispense with that brief, i n -
she leaves the Ritual Room, her mind's ideals to which she pledged herself. formal ritual we have "saved" an i m -
eye recalls a beautiful ceremony, sim- She is reminded that all around her pressive forty-five seconds and we have
ple, yet awe-inspiring. As she reflects are women who hold dear those same lost a note of identity—we have lost
back on all that has taken place, she ideals. She may be f r o m a chapter on the joy of coming together as sisters in
might have difficulty remembering the the west coast—the woman next to her a common bond—and we've slipped
significance of each segment of the may be f r o m the deep south—the away f r o m remembering why we have
ritual, but she is aware of one thing— woman on the other side may be f r o m come together and why we can de-
she has met the heart of A O I I . the middle west—the woman across the light in sharing of each other's joys.
room f r o m her may be f r o m Canada— We have omitted the one thing that
As she goes f o r t h during the next but they have all met on a common says, "These are sisters in Alpha Omi-
few weeks, she becomes increasingly cron Pi gathered together!"
Job Hunting?
As we are reminded each time collegiate chapter officers are
installed, the greatest honor that Alpha Omicron Pi can bestow upon
us is the opportunity for larger service to our fraternity and the
ideals for which it stands.
Alpha Omicron Pi provides several outstanding opportunities for
service to the fraternity for recently graduated members. Among
the most intriguing of these are the Special Chapter Assistant (SCA)
positions. After receiving thorough training, the SCA works as a
consultant and resource person to a specific collegiate chapter. A t
the same time, she attends graduate school—many of the expenses
for which are paid by AOII—and is provided housing by the
Information and applications for SCA are available from: A O I I
Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nashville, T N ,
37212. Let us hear from you!
Dear AOIIs
/ came to Alaska in June, 1975—right after the AOII convention in Chicago.
Was unable to find a job in my hometown and I had some friends in Anchorage
who invited me to come up. I decided since AOII had to pay my way back to
the west coast I'd just come to Alaska instead and take a chance on a job—had
to pay only $60 to come up—the difference in the plane fare from Chicago to
Anchorage instead of Chicago to Arcat. I came with my foot in a cast as a
result of falling on the stairs at Sigma—my last chapter. Friends kept telling me
I would freeze my toes but I never did.
My first job was as a receptionist for Alaska Mutual Savings Bank—the bank
president, Ron Rettig, is very well known in Alaska. He's a former state legislator
and has the most beautiful bank in the state besides doing the largest business in
mortgage loans. I worked part-time at the Anchorage Times on the copy desk
writing headlines and proofing stories for Sunday's paper. I got a full-time job as
a reporter for the Women's World section of the paper in March, 1976 and have
been writing ever since. The job is interesting and I've met such people as
Rebecca Ann King, Miss America 1974, Miss California and Miss Arizona for
1975; Festus from Gunsmoke, and I even got to fly by helicopter to an oil drilling
platform in Cook Inlet and interview a woman who works there. Hopefully I will
be in the Peace Corps by the time this comes out—/ was accepted last summer
and was offered a teaching position at the University of Ghana in Accra, the
capital, but then my qualifications didn't work out. I was asked if I would be
interested in a position in South America working in a clinic, but once again my
qualifications weren't quite right so I'm still waiting.
Activity-wise I am working as a public information chairman for the American
Cancer Society on its board of directors; singing in the Anchorage Community
Chorus; ushering for the "Friday at 8" concert series. I also belong to the Nordic
Ski Club and the Mountaineering Club. Am learning to cross-country ski—a real
10 challenge when I can only ski on the sides of my skis instead on the bottoms.
I met President Ford when he came through here on his way to China last
Christmas—worked with his advance staff and met his press secretary, Susan,
Betty's hairdresser, Ford's doctor and Robert Hartmann, special counsel to the
President. Hartmann took me out to dinner which was really fun—heard all kinds
of gossip!
Funny experiences—there have been many including the hilarious descent on
Turnagain Pass Sunday on my cross-country skis. I went with two guys—one of
whom had skied on the U.S. Ski Team several years ago—didn't break any bones
which was a miracle! I have a red Fiat—72 sedan—that likes to break down
lots—was taking a ballet class and the first night a lady came up to me and said,
"Candy, don't you remember me? I picked you up on the highway hitchhiking
to work last winter when your car broke down." The car has touched the lives
of thousands! My first winter here I lived in a trailer and when it hit 20 below
the pipes froze. Unfortunately I was in the shower—washing my hair in prepara-
tion for a wedding rehearsal—/ had to go with the soap in my hair because the
water cut off and I didn't have any to rinse with.
Living in Anchorage is an adjustment—there's no doubt about it. Rent is
horrendous and food prices are quite high—IV2 times as high. Traffic is unreal—
there are approximately 250,000 people in the Anchorage area and roads are
archaic—driving nine miles in the morning to work takes 35-45 minutes in
heavy traffic.
Will dash this o f f , with love to you,
Anchorage, Alaska
Box 276
Note: Candy is Candy Sue Pierson, A P , past Traveling Consultant.
HOMECOMING Sherri Parr, K A . Homecoming Queen 1
First place in Decoration Awards at Louisiana State U n i -
versity Homecoming was won by A O I I , Alpha Omicron [
Chapter. "Mike Laveau: Voodoo K i n g " was the name given
their winning entry. President Kathy Finley reported on year- Jane Joplin, TO, Homecoming Sweetheart, V. of
long accomplishments of this chapter, including participa- Florida
tion in the Muscular Dystrophy Football Marathon which
won them first place f o r spirit and second f o r finances, as
well as the Sweepstakes Trophy. Kathy has been selected f o r
"Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities" for
her outstanding service and leadership qualities.
F r o m Kappa Alpha Chapter at Indiana State Univer-
sity comes the happy word of top Homecoming honors in
Queen Sherri Parr, and winning float in the parade. Co-
chairmen of Homecoming Committee were: Chris Barnes
and Margie Long who also serves as chapter President. K a t h i
Roberts was Float Chairman. Members named to "Who's
Who" were Margie Long, Chris Barnes, Gwen Gough,
(Public Relations Chairman), and Carrie Barning (Tennis
Team Captain and Panhellenic Delegate).
Homecoming at California State University, Northridge,
found Sigma Phi Chapter of A O I I being named "Most
Outstanding Service Organization" on campus, and Angel
Yacoobian the "Most Outstanding Undergraduate of 1976."
Patti Rosvall, President, was a finalist on the Homecoming
Queen Court, and the chapter's float was awarded "Most
Kappa Tau at Southeastern Louisiana University spon-
sored the 1976 Homecoming, and had four members elected
to the Court: Joy Chambers, Marlene Hellmers, Cathy
Lofton, and Sally Ott. Eight members have joined the hon-
ored ranks in "Who's Who."
Sigma Iota's Linda Adams reigned on the Homecoming
Court at Western Illinois University. She is Captain of
Twirlers for the W I U Marching Band, and a Delta Sigma
Phi Little Sister.
Homecoming Sweetheart at the University of Florida was
senior Jane Joplin, of Gamma Omicron Chapter, who also
took center stage f o r being named M i l i t a r y Ball Queen and
Sigma Chi Derby Queen.
Homecoming was an exciting time f o r the A O I I s at U n i -
versity of Tennessee at M a r t i n , as they built their float and
watched several members march in the Grand Parade with
their ROTC sponsors. The most exciting moment for
TO Chapter, however, was when collegiate member, Vicky
Fry, was crowned Homecoming Queen.
From Alpha Chi Chapter, Western Kentucky University
comes word of yet another Homecoming Honor. Working
with PiKA, A O I I built a Homecoming Float that won the
President's A w a r d , the first place honor.
Delta Pi at Central Missouri State claimed a Homecoming
Queen title when Leslie McClure won "First Princess."
Linda Adams S I . Homecoming Court, Twiner Cap
tain, WW.
"Mike Laveau: Voodoo King", winning float, AO, Vicky Fry, TO, Homecoming Queen, U. Tenn., at
Louisiana State
P H O T O B Y J O H N W O Z N I A K Martin
•1 *
Winning Float, Homecoming, Indiana State, K A ercfry
A O I I in the sky -« •s Joyce is president of Dimensional
Lucy A n n Caryl, Sigma Phi, has re- Reading, Inc., a nationwide enterprise,
cently been promoted by T W A to In- > headquartered in Oklahoma City (her
Flight Service Supervisor in Chicago. former home). A teacher f o r 25 years,
Flying both domestic and international Mary Nichols Curtis, it in the she earned her undergraduate degree
flights since 1970, Lucy's new duties Kitchen in speech therapy f r o m Pennsylvania
include—supervision o f flight atten- TA, Artist State University and master's de-
dents and coordination of public rela- gree in psychology f r o m the University
tions for ground and flight services. adventure—chased by pirates; caught of Oklahoma where she is a candidate
in a flood; struck by lightening; and f o r a doctorate. She herself reads 1,000
Artist in the Kitchen tossed around in gales at sea. They words a minute. Before her move to
Mary Nichols Curtis (Mrs. Cecil) met fascinating people f r o m other Tiburon, Joyce was a very active mem-
cultures; and spent days on uninhabited ber of the Oklahoma City Alumnae.
Tau Delta, says she has dubbed her islands enjoying beautiful crystal clear
apartment kitchen "the sandcastle work- water, white sand beaches, and uninter- Joyce believes there is a correlation
shop" because she not only cooks rupted sunsets. between fast reading and proficiency
there, she paints, sketches, works on in sports—both require good eye-mind-
craft projects and jots down ideas. They are now attempting to adapt hand coordination. "Athletes have al-
" I don't call myself a writer but to the landlubbers lifestyle ashore in ready perfected their coordination and
rather a seller of ideas. I started win- Laguna Beach, California. Jim is man- learned how to zero in, so they make
ning contests at age nine in a national aging a sail loft at Dana Point, and better progress than the average
doll contest and I've continued to win G i n i is working locally in Financial person."
contests and sell short items to maga- Management. "Sailing is a great way
zines since." to travel, still, it's nice to be home" Congratulations to:
—Gini. Dr. Lucy Shield Morgan, Omicron, re-
" I learned to cook during World ceived an honorary doctor of science
War I I and afterwards, using heat tabs, Alpha Omicron Pi's 1,000 Member— degree f r o m the University o f N o r t h
sterno. o i l , coal stoves, a double hot- Class of 1915 Carolina at Chapel H i l l . Dr. Morgan,
plate without temperature controls and Stella Dueringer Wells (Mrs. Roger professor emeritus and former chair-
primitive gas stoves." H.) was initiated into Rho Chapter. man of the department of health edu-
Northwestern University as A l p h a cation in the U N C School of Public
She describes the experience "inter- Omicron Pi's 1,000th member, by Health, is a world leader in her field.
esting" but admits " I do appreciate my Founder Stella George Stern Perry, She became known among her stu-
modern range and slow cooker." at national convention, Evanston, I l l i - dents and colleagues in many nations
nois, June 20, 1912. Stella has been as "an innovative teacher, a tireless
Mary writes two weekly columns a member of three alumnae chapters: promoter of public health and health
for the Pensacola Journal. One is en- Detroit, Boston, and Philadelphia. She education, and an unswerving advo-
titled "Coping in the Apartment served the Philadelphia chapter as cate of consumer participation in com-
Kitchen," and the other—for the Food president and was a delegate to the munity health."
Section—introduces her readers to in- 1926 convention in Minneapolis. She
teresting and unusual regional produce. and husband, Roger, are retired col- She is probably best known f o r
lege teachers living in Jacksonville, breaking down racial barriers in health
A O I I is "Family Affair" for Susan Illinois. education during the 1940s when she
MacDougall, Theta independently established a public
Susan MacDougall, Class of '78, initi- A O I I teaches athletes to read faster health curriculum at N o r t h Carolina
ated in the spring o f 1975, is the third Tennis star Billie Jean King, basket- College in Durham (now N.C. Central
generation of her family to become ball's Rick Barry o f the Golden State University). The majority of black
an A O I I . Susan follows in the steps Warriors, coach Bill Sharman of the public health educators now serving
of her grandmother, Mary A . Morrison Los Angeles Lakers and retired U C L A in key positions around the country
Obear, Class of '27, and her mother, coach John Wooden are among the were prepared in this program cre-
Mary Obear MacDougall, Class of '52. thousands of persons that have learned ated and fostered by Dr. Morgan. Dr.
plus two great- aunts, one aunt, and speed reading f r o m Joyce Turley, EA, Morgan is now retired and resides in
three second cousins. of Tiburon. CA. Asheville.
Gini Fanelli, Hollywood, Lambda Beta, Alabama A O I I s on the news
sails around the world Montgomery—Linda Scott, Lambda
G i n i , her husband. Jim and their sea Sigma, is weather forecaster f o r W S F A -
cat Rebel have recently returned f r o m T V — N B C affiliate. Co-hosting the
a four year circumnavigation on their noon news with Linda is I v y Mauk Ber-
vacht CALYPSO. They said goodby to man. Delta Delta. Selma—Geri Purvis
families and friends in Southern Cali- Ellzey, Tau Delta, hosts the noon talk
fornia in November '72 and covered show on WSLA-TV—CBS affiliate. In
a total of 33.000 nautical miles. addition Geri is W S L A ' s weathergirl.
Geri also serves her community as
The C A L Y P S O is a 34' Sea Goer President of the Dallas County Mental
Cutter that was built in San Pedro. Health Association, representative on
California in the '40s. Jim and Gini
have made her their home f o r the past
six years. Their travels were filled with
the Alabama Mental Health Board, joined the newspaper staff after her I
and chairman of the County Cancer graduation in 1966. She has been a 1
Crusade f o r four years. general assignment reporter, and wom-
en's editor. Sue Shuffle Kreft, <i>A, Opens Doors
Barbara Halverson Westercamp, I S , Iowa
State Kappa Gamma Author Open Doors") began with a college
Togetherness in print comes over community service project, working
Outstanding Young Alum of with the physically limited. A 3>A f r o m
Iowa State University loud and clear when we hear of the East Tennessee State, she started as a
27 articles and a first book f r o m the volunteer with the Foundation, be-
Barbara Halverson Westercamp. Iota prolific pens of Beverly June Black came Philanthropic Chairman for
Sigma, has been named I S U Outstand- Deen. KT, and husband, Frank. The AOII Alumnae Chapter in Cin-
ing Young Alumnus. This award is Deens are teachers in Newcastle, Cali- cinnati, and shortly thereafter the first
made to alumni under 36 years of age fornia, with M A ' s in Special Educa- part-time Home Management Consul-
in recognition of accomplishments in tion, and their articles have appeared tant for a 21 county area. Her present
professional, civic, business, perform- in such national publications as " I n - responsibilities include training volun-
ing arts, home-related, political or simi- structor." "Language Arts," "Reading teers to go into the homes of arthritic
lar activities. Barbara is a 1970 gradu- Ideas," "Teachers Ideas and Materials patients to familiarize them with all
ate who majored in elementary edu- Workshop," and "Scholastic Wrestling available aids.
cation and has taught in Cedar Rapids News." Their first book, "Writing
since 1971. Working with physically Ideas" was Published last March by Sue is First Vice-President and Pro-
handicapped children with communica- Contemporary Press, San Jose, Califor- gram Chairman for the Cincinnati
tion disorders, Barbara's classes are nia. They also have four college-age Alumnae. She is married and the
distinguished by the techniques she children. mother of two teen-age daughters.
employs to keep student interest at a
high level. In addition to community Ranks with Major Generals Northwest Watercolorist
activities. Barbara serves A l p h a Theta Frances Kracha Dias. X A , of Santa Victoria Hanson Savage, Alpha
chapter as co-advisor.
Rosa, California, who has worked f o r Gamma, Washington State ' 3 1 , regu-
F O U R A O I I daughters the Federal Government for five years larly exhibits her works in A r t Shows
When Ginger Wright pledged Omicron as a political appointee, has recently and Galleries in the Northwest. Presi-
chapter this fall, she followed three been promoted to Career Status dent of the Northwest Watercolor So-
older sisters and her mother, A n n G-16. This probably makes her the ciety, she also teaches art, lectures in
Kirchdorfer Wright (Mrs. Phillip J.). highest ranking woman in the Defense the art field, and her oils and water-
Twin daughters. Cathy and Christy, be- Department. She also serves as Chair- colors are represented in public and
came members in 1972. Daughter Phyl- man o f the San Francisco Federal private collections throughout the
lis is Omicron's Ritual Chairman. Executive Board, and on the Santa world. Additionally, she is a collector
Mother A n n has served as President of Rosa Planning Commission. and curator of antique dolls, and the
the St. Louis Alums and is presently mother of two, grandmother of one.
on the Pittsburgh Arthritis Board and The International Set
helps with all the local activities. Patt Ceyler, Omega, husband, Dick, Show Stoppers by Judi Berts
"Never did I realize that I would have In a recent juried, state-wide Invita-
4 A O I I daughters!" W i l l little sister and daughter, Gay left home in Phoe-
Linda, age 13. become the 6th Omi- nix in 1970 f o r 3 years in Istanbul, tional A r t Show at the Rivergate in
cron member from the Wright fam- Turkey. I n 1973, Monterrey, Mexico New Orleans, artist Judi Betts, Beta
ily??? became home when Dick accepted an Phi, f r o m Baton Rouge, was repre-
appointment as Finance Officer with sented by seven water colors. Times
Alpha Omicron Alum Named the General Electric Consumer Prod- Picayune critic, George Jordan, re-
Newspaper City Editor ucts Division there. Patt is an avid ported that "audiences have a special
Elizabeth Roberts has been named community service worker whose home treat in store . . . some really super
Metro Editor of the Alexandria Daily is on the edge o f a golf course, making show-stoppers. . . . Betts' treatment of
Town Talk in Louisiana. Elizabeth it easy f o r her to pursue her favorite watercolor is superb as well as unique,
hobby, golf. Their daughter is an honor a quality rare in the 1970's."
student in the Overseas American Pri-
vate School. 19
Up in the Air
Yes, there is another A O I I pilot.
Diana Payne Austin, B4> of Valpa-
riso, Indiana, got her private pilot's
license in 1970. and has been enjoying
the skies w i t h husband. Ben, who also
flies. Both are teaching in Valpariso,
building a house, and enjoying their
own Baby Ben who arrived last June.
"We Open Doors"
Sue Shuffle Kreft's career as Assis-
tant Director of the Southwestern Ohio
Arthritis Foundation (motto: "We
ALPHA C H I - W.S.U. Cougar Drill Team, Capt. Cindy GAMMA OMICRON—
Becker A T , second from left University of Florida
Western Kentucky University
ALPHA GAMMA— After a very successful rush, Gam-
For the 11th year in a row, Alpha Washington State University ma Omicron was asked to send a rush
C h i captured first place in the Alpha crew and theme skits to Tallahassee,
Delta Pi "500" Field Day. "November Widespread campus activity of Florida, to help Alpha Pi recolonize
Nonsense" sponsored by Chi Omega, AOIIs at W.S.U. includes the position there. A group of members made the
gave the chapter first place f o r its i n - of Panhellenic President, Suzanne Col- trip to Florida State University and,
dividual theme, "Disney's Disco." gan, and Captain of the Cougar Drill together with alumnae and inter-
Team, Cindy Becker. national officers, aided AOII's "new
A l p h a Chi is active on campus this beginning."
year with Barbara Sexton, Elain James,
and Marian Ludington all members of Several weeks later the Gamma
the Student Government, and Charlotte Omicrons revisited the new chapter. A
Gilliam, Panhellenic President. She was workshop was held to help the Alpha
preceded by another A O I I , Mary Pi pledges adapt to all areas of sorority
Reeder. life. Happy results are a revitalized A l -
pha Pi and a great relationship between
• the two chapters.
• .MMt
Florida State University
The big news here is "Reactivated"
with the help of A O I I groups f r o m
other Florida schools and Regional and
International officers.
Donna Byrd, President AA- President ALPHA SIGMA— A
School of Education University of Oregon Gov-
"Greek Week of Giving" was the T 5 President \
way the Greeks at the University o f ernor George
Oregon celebrated Homecoming this Lisa A damson, Georgia
year. A l l Greeks got together to hold Busbee, Chris Mosher,
benefits, and a blood donor drive, with
1I proceeds going to different charitable GAMMA SIGMA—
organizations. Georgia State University
The fall pledges planned the term When T.C. Chris Mosher visited
house dance as an Oktoberfest, with a Gamma Sigma at G.S.U., she was wel-
German dinner at the house preceding comed not only by President Lisa
the dance. Guests came dressed in Adamson, but also by Georgia Gov-
liederhosen and German dresses. ernor, George Busbee. Located in the
middle of downtown Atlanta, GSU
Margie Berry, AA. Vice-President School GAMMA DELTA— houses the A O I I room of the Gamma
of Social Work Nursing University of South Alabama Sigma Chapter. Gamma Sigma has
Lyn Gross, AA. President Student been an integral part of the 22,000 stu-
A ssociation A special Fraternity Education dent community since its installation in
Weekend was held shortly after pledg- 1956. 90% of its members work full
ALPHA DELTA— ing-in to inform and orient new pledges or part time, are involved in many
while renewing enthusiasm for the campus activities, and manage to keep
University of Alabama members. This was their first attempt a 3.0 chapter grade point average.
Chapter honors at Alpha Delta: at such a program and proved a big
success. KAPPA PI—
Spirit Trophy for the third consecutive Ohio Northern University
year; Donna Byrd, Chapter President, Philanthropic and Fund Raising
named President of the School of Edu- projects included Fraternity Shoe This fall the Chapter celebrated a
cation; Margie Berry, Vice-President of Shine, Pumpkin-Cut, an Arthritis booth Big Tenth Anniversary with Open
the School of Social Work, and L y n at the Greater Gulf State Fair, and House for campus and community, and
Gross, President of the Student Nurs- treating the Arthritis Foundation offices special tribute to returning original
ing Association. to a fresh coat of paint during the colonizers.
Southeastern Louisiana University
• j
Kappa Tau instituted a new Philan- "Rock-Around-The-Clock"
thropic project at S L U this year, a IT
"Keg Roll." Patty Thompson, chair- <J>2
man, delightedly reports that $4,000
was raised. ing." Even Brendan McDonald, Presi-
dent of the college, took his turn at
Eight members were honored with rocking. Connie Harris, Philanthropic
inclusion in "Who's Who of American Chairman, said the radio, T V , and
Colleges and Universities." newspaper coverage was "fantastic."
The original goal of $600 was far sur-
NU IOTA— passed, with $800 in hand so far and
Northern Illinois University more donations still arriving.
Dreams came true when the chapter Margie i President of Mortar
moved into a new home of their own Board
at 918 Kimberly, De Kalb. Cook,
NU OMICRON— "Miss Rodeo Nebraska," Susan Hagadone, members of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor
Vanderbilt University Society. In addition to Mortar Board,
$2 Sue Fioretti belongs to the Student
A O I I came in first in the M o n m o u t h Government Assciation Consumer Re-
Day relays in early October. N u Omi- lations Committee. Sue Diamond is a
cron, along with the Independents, are member of Kappa Delta Pi Education
in charge of the volley-ball tournament Honor Society, Pi Omega Pi Honorary
in the intramural sports program, and Business Education Fraternity, and Phi
with particular pride they report that Beta Lambda Honor Society.
A O I I won First Place in Scholarship of
all sororities on campus. Susan Hagadone has been named
Miss Rodeo Nebraska. Susan partici-
OMEGA OMICRON—Lambuth pated in various contests throughout
A new award in honor of Rena the summer in which she was judged
on her riding ability and poise, and
Hunt Hampton, chapter advisor from then took part in the National Rodeo
its founding i n 1957 until this year, Championships in Oklahoma City in
has been established. T o be awarded November.
to the senior who has contributed most
to the sorority, the first-time winner SIGMA IOTA— Janie Lense, Madrigal Dinner vocalist
was M a r y Cay Alexander, Chapter Re- Western Illinois University
lations Officer, and president of the Janie Lense, an outstanding vocalist,
Student Government Association. Sigma Iota is well represented in the was once again selected to sing in the
honorary sororities on campus. Margie annual Madrigal Dinner. This is lanie's
This chapter, under the direction of Cook, Sue Fioretti and Melissa Batka third year of performing at this dinner,
lanet Shamblin, placed first in the are all members of Mortar Board which is a musical concert in celebra-
Greek All-Sing for the second consecu- Honor Society, and Margie was re- tion of Christmas.
tive year. cently elected President of this group.
Margie also belongs to the Western (continued on inside back cover)
N o t to be outdone in sports, A O I I Illinois Speech and Hearing Associ-
also placed first in the intramural event ation and both she and Melissa are
called "Sigma Kapers."
Morehead State University
Members of fi2J are now sporting
"Greek Week Champ" tee shirts after
capturing top honors in the week-long
Kearney State College
The Chapter members were literally
"off their rockers" after a 50-Hour
Rocking Chair Marathon. "Rock-
Around-The-Clock" was a f u n d raising
project for the Arthritis Foundation.
Four chairs were continually in mo-
tion. A l l members of the sorority par-
ticipated, rocking in shifts of approxi-
mately three and one-half hours each.
Big Brothers helped rock and "gave us
support in the wee hours of the morn-
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
Founded at Barnard College
January 2, 1897
*FOUNDERS CENTRAL OFFICE Ex Officio Members: Mrs. August Ackel
Jessie Wallace Hughan Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office International President
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) 2401 Hillsboro R o a d , Suite 103
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) Nashville, Tennessee 37212 (See Executive Board listing)
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Telephone: 615/383-1174
Miss L i n d a Broeckel (Ar)
"The Founders were members of A l p h a Chapter
at B a r n a r d College of C o l u m b i a University and Star Route
all are deceased.
Lacrosse, Washington 99143
Miss Ginger Banks ( U K )
Administrative Director: Mrs. Frederick W. Hin-
3108 West T e r r a c e Drive
ton (Adele P ) Austin, Texas 78731
EXECUTIVE BOARD Accountant: Mrs. Charles Skibo (Sherron)
Collegiate Secretary: Mrs. Gregg Ward (Pat) SCHOLARSHIP
Mrs. Philip Holtkamp (Susan Davis
President Secretary/Receptionist: Miss Betsy Smith
Mrs. August Ackel (Norma Marshall 485 Santa Dominga
5340 Yarmouth Ave., Apt. # 3 0 8 K6) Membership & Supplies Secretary: Mrs. Wayne Solana Beach, California 92075 SI)
Encino, California 91316
Telephone: 213/345-5199 Southerland (Debra)
Associate Membership Secretary: Miss Betty
Vice President/Operations Traveling Consultants: SPECIAL COMMITTEES
Mrs. William Westerman (Phyllis Arner P )
88 L a k e Shore D r i v e Miss Caroline Drury (8fl)
Youngstown, Ohio 44511
Telephone: 216/788-3956 Miss Chris Mosher (SI) COLLEGIATE LIAISON COMMITTEE
Miss Marsha Murphey ( Z * )
Miss Joan Piper ( S P ) REGION I: M i s s B a r b a r a G r e e n ( S i g m a T a u )
Vice President/Development K») Traveling Consultant Program Coordinator: Washington College
Mrs. John D. MacCallum (Joan Deathe
13195 E d i s o n Cresdent Miss Ginger Banks ( U K ) Chestertown, M D 21620
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada H8Z 1Y5
Telephone: 514/626-1247 3108 West Terrace Drive REGION II: M i s s C h r i s H o f f m a n (Sigma
Austin, Texas 78731 Lambda)
(Through July and. August) PARLIAMENTARIAN c/o Sigma Lambda Chapter
c/o D. W. MacCallum
South Shore Road, Rural Route # 2 Mrs. John D . Ennis (Florence Dodge K A ) Univ. Wise, LaCrosse
Clarenceville, Quebec, Canada JOJ 0B0
200 Gardendale Cartwright Center
Texre Haute, Indiana 47803 L a C r o s s e , W I 54601
Secretary / Treasurer STANDING COMMITTEES REGION III: M i s s H e i d i H e r l o n g ( N u B e t a )
Mrs. Wayne R. Moore (Marv Hansuld I S )
2601 O a k w o o d R o a d , Route # 3 P. O. Box 6092
Ames, Iowa 50010
Telephone: 515/292-8555 CONSTITUTION INTERPRETATION University, M S 38677
AND REVISION REGION IV: M i s s M a r s h a G u e n z l e r ( B e t a
Chairman: Mrs. Eric Roach (Sue, B r ) Lambda)
Director 571 T o b i n D r i v e , A p t . # 2 0 8 1314 N . Fell
Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn Huey
2965 Pharr Court South, N W AS) Inkster, M I 48141 Bloomington, I L 61701
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Telephone: 404/237-1487 Members: Mrs. Arthur K . Anderson (Edith REGION V: M i s s C i n d y D o d s o n ( D e l t a P i )
Panhellenic H a l l — A O I I
Huntingdon B * ) Central Missouri State University
836 South Henderson St., A p t . 1 Warrensburg, M O 64093
Director Bloomington, Indiana 47401 REGION VI: M i s s J u l i e F o s t e r ( A l p h a S i g m a )
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Filer All) Mrs. Robert W. Belk (Nancy Herlihy Y A ) 1680 Alder
Post Office Box 2317 255 Jayne Avenue
Sanford, F l o r i d a 32771 Oakland, California 94610 Eugene, O R 97401
Telephone: 305/349-5675
CONVENTION REGION VII: M i s s S u s a n B l o x h a m ( L a m b d a
Mrs. Diana S. Carleton, A T
(June 1 through October 1) 854 W . Chalmers PI. Tau)
Mrs. George K . Roller Chicago, I L 60614
Post Office B o x 198 P. O. Box 411
Balsam, North Carolina 28707
Telephone: 704/456-6284 Northeast Louisiana University
Monroe, L A 71201
HISTORIAN REGION VIII: M i s s J e n n i f e r ( J e f f i ) P a r k e r
K . Anderson (Edith
Mrs. Arthur Huntingdon (Theta Omega)
B*) listing)
Director 9¥) (See C I R C 647 West 28th Street
Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice Rath
2302 E . Newberry Boulevard L o s Angeles, C A 90007
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211
Telephone: 414/962-3804 PERRY AWARD COMMITTEE
NOMINATIONS Chairman: Mrs. Mahlon P. Leichtamer (Ruth
Chairman: Mrs. Michie M . Barber (Rosalie Lee S f )
Director Gorham SO) 3455 Goddard R o a d
Mrs. Hugh W. Heflin (Jo Beth Walling
1403 Northridge D r . IIK) 1713 M a c A r t h u r P a r k Toledo, Ohio 43606
Austin, Texas 78723
Telephone: 512/459-0746 Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 Members: Mrs. Wesley G . Cramer (Jessie
Chairman: Mrs. Richard Kurras (Dorothy Kish 8830 Delmar
NATIONAL PANHELLENIC Prairie Village, Kansas 66207
4711 Jefferson Mrs. Grant H . Larned (Jessie M c A d a m T )
2354 No. 84th Street
Hollywood, F l o r i d a 33021 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed REGIONAL MEETINGS RUBY FUND
to 1st A l t e r n a t e )
Chairman: Mrs. Laurence Frerk (Peg Malecki I) Chairman: Miss Sharon D . Martin AIT)
A O I I Delegates 1523 N o r t h D o u g l a s A v e n u e 2212 Hall R d .
Delegate: Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Independence, M O 64052
Filer All) RITUALS, TRADITIONS AND JEWELRY Telephone: 816/252-0617
See Executive B o a r d Listing Chairman: Mrs. Walter C . Mylander, Jr., (Vir- DIAMOND JUBILEE FOUNDATION
1st Alternate: Mrs. Richard C. Crawford, Jr. ginia Boggess K ) President: Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy (Eleanore
(Margaret Kramer, I ) Stevensville, Maryland 21666 Dietrich IA)
9113 S. Massasoit Avenue Members: Mrs. Warren C . Drummond (Mary 100 N o r l e n P a r k
Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02324
Oak L a w n , Illinois 60453 Danielson A*)
610 Hinman Avenue
Telephone: 312/422-5244 Evanston, Illinois 60202 Telephone: 617/697-7855
2nd Alternate: Mrs. Willard D. Berry (Norma Mrs. Wilma Smith Leland ( T ) Treasurer: Mrs. Wilbur Mottweiler (Patricia
4330 Minnetonka Blvd., Apt. 310-A
Nierstheimer P ) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Jacobs 9 )
Fairway Estates A-41 504 South Owen
8005 San Point Way, N E Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056
Seattle, Washington 98115 Mrs. Walter M . McCain (Nancy Moyer P ) Scholarship Chairman: Mrs. Raymon Eldridge
38775 Byriver Drive
3rd Alternate: Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (Adele Mt. Clemens, Michigan 48043 (Mildred Ward A)
Kuflewski P ) Mrs. Michie Barber (Rosalie Gorham O) 27 Mountfort R o a d
(See Nominations)
N o . 51 V e r s a i l l e s A p a r t m e n t s Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02161
3000 Hillsboro R o a d Seals Project Chairman: Mrs Monte Eliason
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Mrs. W. D . Lee (Gwen Everetts P ) (Sheryl Mooney A $ )
1004 E l i o t Drive
Telephone: 615/297-8022 U r b a n a , Illinois 61801 Route 2, Box 252A
22 Bozeman, Montana 59715
Change of Address or Name
Clip and send to: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nashville,
Tennessee 37212.
Husband's Name Effective chapter. Last Zip Code
Maiden Name of at which
New Address
TD was Received
Collegiate Chapter ZIP
Present office held
Before sending, check to see that old label is attached.
University of Tennessee at Martin
California State University, Northridge Tau Omicron is also a power to be
reckoned with in intramurals. So far nj ~.... ~ ~ p ~ ~ f""•-', "1 -'i? "x>
The Dean's Award for the "Most this year, they have placed first in soft-
Improved" chapter on campus, went to ball, volleyball, and archery, and are _H01_H_yl_a_fc?.™ Hd. # 103- I h a h v i l l t , TN-37Z12 (D»vi0Bon)_
Sigma Phi this year. Jther honor: hoping for the first place title in basket-
went to member, Gayle Johnson, for ball. Promotion of scholarship came FOCI Hnirbo.-« M # I C , TM '\y:)TTa^u^!T
the highest G.P.A., and to Linda H i l l - with their annual "Rose Bowl," a show
man for the highest Pledge G.P.A. patterned after the old G.E. College IT?ACHED Liar [rlpcted by mnmbcrahi p.)
Bowl, in which campus organizations
The chapter won the Sweepstakes competed in a battle of wits. 1
Trophy at Phi Kappa Psi's 500, and
first place in Philanthrophy and Games UPSILON ALPHA— —1:—;
at the Sigma Chi Derby. University of Arizona
SIGMA TAU— Upsilon Alpha had two very suc-
Washington College, Chestertown, Md. cessful philanthropic projects this year:
their "Dracula's Crypt" room in the
2T was the only group of female Halloween Haunted House for The
intraumural teams to be presented with March of Dimes, and "Jesse James
an award at the Annual Sports Ban- Day" when, under the supervision of
quet. They won every team award, Philanthropic Chairman, Kris Kuyken-
including the 6-man and 13-man volley- dall, presidents of fraternities, sororities
ball, basketball, fistball, and softball. and dorms were kidnapped and held
They were also presented with the for ransom—the ransom being canned
"Elizabeth Bo Blanchard Sportsman- foods to be distributed at the El Rio
ship A w a r d , " which is the most cov- Neighborhood Center in time for
eted sports award on campus. Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Chapter member Vicki Krowe brings The chapter is also very proud that
added honor to the house with her member, Stacey Smith, is President of
positions as Secretary of the Student Panhellenic.
Government Association, and Pan-
hellenic President.
POSTMASTER—Please send notice Second Class Postage Paid at
of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 Nashville, Tennessee, and ;il
to Alpha Omicron Pi. 2401 Hillsboro additional mailing offices,
Road. Suite 103. Nashville. T N 37212