Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky)
Epsilon Alpha Gamma LambdaBeta(Uof California,LongBeach)
Every fall, Epsilon Alpha holds an event called Football Gamma chapter members
Challenge that raises money for our international participated in the 2nd Annual and town are excited and ready for this run, but more
philanthropy. Fraternities and Sororities participate in Bearfest Dance Marathon for importantly, the people of Natchitoches are ready and
a flag football tournament and the sisters act as the the kids with the U of Maine eager to support our wonderful philanthropy.
coaches. This year, we raised $3,000 for the Arthritis Greek Community. This was a Kappa Kappa
Foundation. In addition, we participated in the twelve-hour nonstop dance Kappa Kappa held their annual philanthropic event,
Panhellenic/IFC Dance Marathon. This year, we worked marathon benefiting the Dodgeball Pandamonium. The chapter was proud to
with the brothers of Sigma Chi to raise $239,149.27, the Children’s Miracle Network. raise nearly $6,000 for Arthritis and Dystonia research.
3rd highest in Greek life. In total, we raised over 12.3 Each member of our chapter In March, the women were paired with Sigma Chi for
million dollars! For the 2012 year, the Panhellenic Council came together and raised a Greek Week. The men of Sigma Chi held a speed-dating
at Penn State recognized Epsilon Alpha as a Chapter of total of $4,283 making AOII the event, an ice cream social, and a cookout for our sisters.
Excellence. In addition, we have the highest GPA in the sorority that raised the most The women of AOII had a great time getting to know
Panhellenic community for Fall 2012 with a 3.48! money. Our annual Strike Out the Sigma Chi brothers during Greek Week! In March,
Arthritis! philanthropy event Ball State U held a Grand Chapter to recognize all the
Epsilon Omega “Mr. Fraternity,” was a huge
Epsilon Omega’s largest philanthropy event of this year success this year. We raised
was AOII Lip Sync. Twelve different fraternities and $2,407.83 at the event. With
sororities competed in the creative dance competition the help of our bake sale, we
with their choice of theme. Ticket sales, t-shirt sales, and raised a total of $2,584.04!
donations provided us with earnings close to $5,000.
This year we asked teams to donate pandas to help raise Gamma Delta
their scores. We collected over 900 pandas, which were
then donated to both the Salvation Army and the AOII We held our first annual
Arthritis Foundation Camps. Epsilon Omega was honored
to bring back so many prestigious EKU Greek Life awards. Alpha Male contest, a male
These awards included: First in Greek Games, Outstanding
New Member, Outstanding Alumnae, Overall Scholarship beauty contest, and it was a PiAlpha(UofLouisville)
Award, and last but definitely not least: Distinguished
Chapter Award. huge success! We also helped
Epsilon Sigma organize the Jingle Bell Run for
In February, we held Mr. GQ where we had a lot of very
talented contestants perform. Some sang, danced, played Juvenile Arthritis Research. In the fall we will do Alpha
instruments, and performed comedy routines! We were
very excited to have raised over $500 for juvenile arthritis! Male again and hope to make it an even better event than
Our Activities Chair Julianne Touhy did an excellent job
coordinating such a wonderful event! We also held an before! We had our Fall Formal in November. Our Date
event during Valentine’s Day called Rose-a-grams. Like
candy grams, loved ones sent a nice message and a rose! Party was Favorite Holiday theme. Our Rose ball was on
You also could choose to send one anonymously!
April 27, 2013. We are now considered a Ruby Chapter!
We currently hold the Daisy Keeton Community Service
Award over all Panhellenic sororities at South Alabama.
We are very proud of our accomplishments this year and
hope to keep it up!
Kappa Chi
The Kappa Chi chapter is currently preparing for our
annual Run For Roses. This will be the first color run
that Natchitoches, Louisiana has ever seen. The campus
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013 To Dragma • 51
Greek organizations’ accomplishments throughout crowned this year’s Intramural champs! We also won doing Zumba and had a blast. We have also participated
the year. Kappa Kappa was thrilled to receive an both the Why Wait app contest, earning $500 for arthritis in different socials with fellow Greek organizations.
accreditation award for exceeding the expectation in research, and the Victoria’s Secret banner competition,
Academic Achievement, Sustainability, and Membership earning Kappa Omega a Fashion Show Viewing Party, Kappa Tau
Development. complete with free giveaways! Kappa Tau has been actively involved in many
philanthropy events. Southeastern Louisiana U’s Lab
Kappa Lambda Kappa Phi School asked us to help with their winter carnival. We
This year our Philanthropy chairs in Kappa Lambda Kappa Phi joined with the Montreal Alumnae Chapter for wrote letters to soldiers in our Sisters for Soldiers event
chapter have been working very hard to come up with Strike Out Arthritis! last term. Much fun was had raising and brought pandas to children at the hospital for our
new and exciting philanthropies to encourage all of our awareness while wearing wacky costumes as the girls panda drop off event. In the fall, we held a MADD Dash
members to be more involved in chapter and community took over the bowling lanes. AOII Goes Blue fell during 5K in honor of our sister Beth Boudreaux who was killed
activities. An example was our annual 24-hour event our reading break so our Philanthropy Chair organized a by a drunk driver. We have had the highest grades among
on campus to raise money for the Arthritis Society. This cardio-dance-kickboxing class. The infamous Kick Punch Greeks for the past three consecutive semesters. We also
year we held a Dance-A-Thon with an X-Box Kinect! Our Jive Jam instructor at McGill led the empowering and have received SELU’s Organization of Excellence Award for
Social Chair arranged for an exchange with our campus active routine. There were always strong turnouts at the past 11 consecutive years. We became a Ruby level
Dance Club. One of their dance instructors volunteered his mixers this year. The themes ranged from slumber wear to chapter and we were recognized as the chapter that raised
services and taught everyone Cuban Salsa. We were all a winter adventures to heated debates. Rose Ball consisted the most for Strike Out, collecting over $16,000. Some of
little hesitant at first, but once we learned the basic steps of a night of bonding and crazy dancing. Overall, the the sisters also helped colonize AOII at TCU.
and had the music playing, we started to have fun with formal was a great success all around with much credit
it! Everyone by the end of the night was able to get their going to our Social Chair and her committee. Lambda Beta
groove on. Lambda Beta holds two main events per year to support
Kappa Sigma the Arthritis Foundation. Open to the entire Greek
Kappa Omega This year had “AO PIE Palooza“ during Family Day. Community, Spaghetti Dinner and Brinner both act as
Kappa Omega has expanded our Pi-Athalon event to Different families raised money and pied sisters in the agents by which Lambda Beta may acquire funds and
include more activities and participants. We are planning face. We raised a little over $200! A majority of the ladies raise awareness for our philanthropy. Brinner, which is
our first ever Strike Out Arthritis! event for the fall. Kappa also helped out at a benefit for a Jeremy Salbeko, suffering a breakfast for dinner event, is highly anticipated every
Omega is also becoming heavily involved in Sisters for from aggressive cancer. The ladies also volunteered at year. This year, Lambda Beta proudly raised over $900
Soldiers, sending care packages overseas, as well as the blood drive, which was held by the Greek community at each event. The Lambda Beta chapter social chair
organizing restaurant nights and designing t-shirts, in both fall and spring semesters. We also joined the Tau does a fantastic job creating unique and fun events on a
which a portion of the proceeds will go straight to Sisters chapter at the Mall of America for the Juvenile Arthritis monthly basis, ranging from elementary school flashback
for Soldiers. Not only did we have the largest pledge class March. The ladies also participated in an all sorority social
from Formal Recruitment on campus, but AOII was also
52 • To Dragma PiTheta(FloridaInternationalU)
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013
game nights to craft parties. Lambda Beta believes that Lambda Upsilon their colonization in April 2012. The event was a huge
by improving relations with other Greeks on campus, The annual “50 Hour See-Saw Marathon” between Alpha success getting an overwhelming amount of support and
AOII grows more readily able to establish it’s place as a Omicron Pi and Sigma Chi is always the most highly praise from the rest of Oklahoma State’s Greek community
formidable presence on campus. anticipated philanthropy event. Members from both while also making a contribution to the Arthritis
houses seesaw for fifty hours straight on the UC front Foundation. Omega Sigma also just recently had their first
formal, which was an unimaginable success and a night
lawn on a larger than life seesaw that will not soon be forgotten.
crafted by the members of Sigma
Chi. The event took place from Omicron
October 16th-18th. The proceeds Omicron Chapter engages in multiple philanthropic
reached approximately $1,900 and activities throughout the academic year, including both
were split between the Pancreatic Panhellenic and IFC organizations. This year, we were able
Cancer Foundation and the to raise over $1,000 for Lambda Chi Alpha’s Watermelon
Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation. Bust and support various other organizations that support
This year the cause was very close different aspects of health, including Phi Mu and their
to our hearts and we were pleased Model for a Miracle benefiting East Tennessee Children’s
at the enormous success of this Hospital, and Zeta Tau Alpha’s 3 Day for ZTA. Many
two-day event members of Omicron are also members of The Cross Greek
Ministry on campus, attending the fall break and spring
RhoOmicron(MiddleTennesseeStateU) break mission trips that they offer every year. Omicron is
constantly becoming more involved in social aspects of
Lambda Epsilon Nu Beta student life at the U of Tennessee as well as representing
This semester the girls of Lambda Epsilon hosted our Nu Beta hosted their 4th Annual Italian Dinner with Alpha honors societies, Student Alumni Associates, Student
annual Pie Day to support the Arthritis Foundation. The Phi Alpha. The event benefited More than a Meal and the Government Association, and UT Ambassadors annually.
event was a huge success; we sold over 50 pies and raised Julius Dozier Memorial Scholarship Fund. The proceeds
over $1,000 for the Foundation. The girls also participated go to two good causes and it is always a fun event with a Phi Lambda
in a blood drive for the Canadian Blood Service. Lambda great turnout. It also gives the members a chance to learn Phi Lambda of Youngstown State U was pleased to
Epsilon found a wonderful way to combine a social about different local philanthropies that affect the people continue with their annual Sisters for Soldiers event.
activity with philanthropy when we went to a Moksha in our community. For sister Alli DeVaul, this event could not be any more
Yoga class with the ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The ideal. Alli’s brother, Jamey DeVaul, has been serving in
money raised from the class went to a local charity and Omega Sigma Afghanistan since November and is returning to the states
afterwards, everyone went out to Menchie’s, yum! We Omega Sigma recently celebrated a very successful Strike in July. The event went on for three weeks, hoping to
also had a social with the Sigma Chis where all of us went Out Arthritis! event. This was the first Strike Out event double the number of boxes we sent oversees last year.
out to lunch together. that the chapter has had the opportunity to organize since As a chapter, we succeeded in sending 50 care packages
Lambda Omicron
Throughout the New Year the Lambda Omicron chapter
at Cumberland U has held and helped with events on
campus for the awareness of arthritis. The chapter held
the biannual “Pie and Pi” day with all proceeds going to
the Arthritis Foundation, as well as holding a “Strike Out
Arthritis” Cookout between sporting events, all proceeds
again going to the Arthritis Foundation.
Lambda Rho
Throughout the week of February 11th, Lambda Rho
chapter at Texas Christian U tabled around campus. Sisters
asked their fellow students to donate clothes, toiletries,
and non-perishable food items to send to our soldiers
overseas. Those students who could not donate were
given the opportunity to make a card for the troops;
letters included everything from thank you cards and
Valentines notes to jokes from the ROTC students to
brighten the day of those who serve our country.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013 Mu Lambda (Rollins College)
To Dragma • 53
overseas more than doubling the number of boxes sent the women sold roses for Valentines Day with proceeds $1 to pie a sister in the face! All proceeds go to juvenile
last year. We also received $250 in donations to be sent benefitting the Arthritis Foundation. The chapter paired arthritis research. For our dodgeball event, all fraternities
to Jamey Devaul and his troops. This year the chapter is with Pi Kappa Phi fraternity to raise money for Zeta Tau participate, and all the proceeds go to juvenile arthritis
pleased to announce the achievement of Ruby level! In the Alpha’s Big Man on Campus event, raising money for research. In the spring, we had Battle of the Sexes which
years to come AOII hopes to continue to strive to be the breast cancer research. Next month, Phi Upsilon will all of Greek life participated in numerous events, such as,
best chapter we can. partake in a talent show benefitting the Push America scavenger hunts and relay races where the proceeds go
Foundation. Currently, the women of Phi Upsilon are to Mary Babb Cancer Research center. Last month, WVU
busily planning their fall philanthropy event. Greek Life held Greek Week which AOII dominated.
Sigma Beta
Our first Sisters for
Soldiers event was
a hit! The chapter
sent over five boxes,
along with tons
ofinspirational cards
and letters for the
soldiers. Next year,
we look forward
to continuing
this event and
expanding it
campus-wide. We
also look forward to
Pi in the Face, which
is coming up soon.
The seniors are also
anticipating their
farewell celebration,
Senior Send Off.
SigmaAlpha(Uof WestVirginia) Sigma Sigma Chi
This semester, our chapter hosted the first annual Parent Sigma Chi does a
Phi Sigma and Alumnae Casino Night philanthropy event, Strike number of creative
The Phi Sigma chapter worked through a “sticky” situation It Rich & Strike Out Arthritis! We invited alumnae as philanthropic
and came out with a “sweet” reward during a community well as the families of active sisters to join us at our activities each semester. The highlight of our charity
& campus wide philanthropy project. As a group, our beautiful house for a night of casino games and sweet events in the spring is our Pie a Pi event that we host on
girls raised over $3,000 contributing to the $6,000 refreshments. In addition, we organized a raffle in which Hartwick’s Frisbee Field. This event lets each student
earned in total for this charity. We proudly accepted the guests who gratefully donated to the Arthritis Foundation at Hartwick donate a dollar or more to the Arthritis
traveling “Honey Sunday” plaque depicting top sales were entered for a chance to win wonderful prizes! Foundation. When they pay a dollar, they get to throw a
for the fourth consecutive year. This year our Strike Out This semester, an especially exciting event was the IFC/ cream pie in the face of the sister of their choice! This fun
Arthritis! dodgeball tournament hit some record-breaking PHC Bear Tug. On the field of the California Memorial and engaging event gets the campus involved in AOII’s
achievements. Through our marketing strategy and Stadium, members from each sorority and each fraternity charity! We also are members of our neighborhood watch
advertising in the community, we were able to make this competed in a Tug-of-War to support the Big Brothers program in which on alternating weekends we patrol the
our largest event to date. We were thrilled to see 36 teams and Big Sisters of the Bay Area. Our two AOII teams pulled neighborhood with a larger group to ensure the safety
dodging and duking it out for the championship title. The their way to victory as the 1st place and 3rd place within our neighborhood! Every spring we have a picnic
chapter proudly raised over $3,600 for arthritis research. sorority teams! at the local park in Oneonta! Sigma Chi also has the
highest cumulative GPA of the entire Greek Life at
Phi Upsilon Sigma Alpha Hartwick College!
This has been an exciting first year for the newly re- In the Fall Semester, we created an event called “AOPie”
colonized Phi Upsilon Chapter. The chapter has been very where we set up a stand on campus. Anyone could pay Sigma Gamma
involved with various philanthropic events. In February, Our annual Strike Out Arthritis! in the fall semester was
a huge success as always. The Sigma Gamma chapter
is hoping to become involved with KAMPN, a local
54 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013
organization dedicated to providing autistic SigmaOmicron(ArkansasStateU)
children with fun activities and experiences
in nature at a local camp. We are excited Tau Gamma participated once again in Spokane, Upsilon Beta
about the possibility of working with this Washington’s annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis. Upsilon Beta’s very first Alpha Male- Strike Out Arthritis!
organization! Our chapter is always looking The ladies also completed a blood drive held on campus event was a great success! We were proud to have nine
for ways to go above and beyond, and is so along with maintaining their tradition of keeping a local gentlemen from the fraternities on campus, including
excited when our efforts pay off. We were strip of highway trash free. This year so far the sisters Pi Kappa Phi, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Nu, and Kappa Alpha
humbled to receive the “Most Improved have enjoyed activities such as, battle of the sexes, participate. Contestants came out onto the stage to the
Chapter” award in 2012 at Appalachian State. making homemade fingernail polish, baking pies to cheering and support of their fellow chapter members,
celebrate Pi Day (March, 14th), 1920s murder mystery, the other sororities on campus, Delta Gamma and Gamma
Sigma Phi Phi, parents, and other supportive students of UAFS.
Sigma Phi chapter at California State U, Northridge hosted pumpkin carving contests, and an ugly They put on quite a show in support of AOII and the
the annual Strike Out Arthritis! softball tournament on Christmas sweater white elephant Arthritis Foundation. Together we raised over $1,000, and
April 27, 2013. Last year we had a great turn out with gift exchange. everyone had a lot of fun for a great cause!
almost every fraternity participating and Pi Kappa Phi
winning the entire event. This year we have decided to Theta Pi Xi
include sororities as well to encourage Greek unity within Many of our members ventured into From attending other Panhellenic organized events to
New York City for the Jingle Bell give to their charities to going to fraternity game days,
TauOmicron(Uof Tennessee-Martin) Run this winter. The NJ/NY Metro we are extremely supportive in the Greek community.
Alumnae chapter joined us as well Community service is also a huge part of what we do.
our campus, which is already growing significantly, and to and it served as a great bonding Whether it is playing with kids, serving the needy,
raise more money for our philanthropy. experience to connect with those who donating clothes, or volunteering at animal shelters, Xi
continue to have AOII in their lives Chapter is always there to help. Philanthropic events are a
Tau Delta outside of collegiate life. Our chapter great way to get out there, and events that we put on like
On October 8, 2013 the Tau Delta chapter hosted its has the highest GPA out of any other our Unity Day bring a huge turnout to our house.
annual philanthropy event. The Birmingham-Southern organization on campus. We also have
campus was excited to participate in another Mr. one of the highest collegiate chapter Xi Rho
Hilltopper. In this womanless pageant, six fraternities GPAs in AOII. Our VPAD also has a “smart noodle” board From mixers with different sororities and fraternities on
on campus created dances to this year’s theme, “One where anyone who has received a good test grade gets campus, we are spreading the word of how much AOII
Hit Wonders.” Although many performances were a sticker on the board. Prizes are given to the people supports Greek life. When going to events hosted by the
noteworthy, the winner of Mr. Hilltopper was the Alpha who have done the best! This encourages recognition campus together as sisters, we project our love and unity
Tau Omega fraternity who had an unforgettable dance to for hard work. for one another and others already view us as a close-knit
“Barbie Girl”. Hilltoppper was an extreme success this year family. We invited our new members into our world as
and through t-shirt sales, block tickets and donations, Tau Theta Psi we opened the doors to the halls of our very first Cocktail
Delta proudly donated $5,200 to arthritis research. For our philanthropic activities we host Strike Out ever! In cncluding this amazing journey of a year, we had
Arthritis, Spike Out Arthritis and AOII in the face. We a Spring Formal where we were all able to be together
Tau Gamma have a very good turn out for each event from the Greek again before the year came to a close.
Philanthropy is of course held very dear to every AOII’s community and we also have a huge amount of support
heart, especially our dedication to arthritis research. from our Toledo Alumnae Chapter. We host many social
events with many other chapters on campus such as ice
skating, game nights, movie nights and baking cookies.
Our girls enjoy meeting different members of the
various Greek chapters. A few of our members receive
high honors and are inducted into Mortar Board and
Order of Omega.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013 To Dragma • 55
MIFsMake a Difference
The Recruitment process inspires a new beginning as we welcome new sisters to our Fraternity. We
all have a role to play in the process of providing Potential New Members (PNMs) the opportunity of
AOII membership.
Alpha Omicron Pi encourages all alumnae members in good standing, as well as collegiate members,
to support our collegiate chapters in some way during Formal Recruitment. An easy way to do this
is by submitting a Membership Information Form (MIF) for a potential new member you may know
participating in recruitment. Collegiate members may submit a MIF only on PNMs attending a university
other than their own. MIFs are an essential way for chapters to identify outstanding young women
who would be valuable assets to AOII. The submission of these forms provides important background
information and ensures that a PNM is given careful consideration and has a positive experience during
the recruitment process.
While only collegiate members have the privilege of membership selection (and providing a MIF does
not guarantee an invitation for membership), an alumna’s role is increasingly significant in ensuring
stable membership for a collegiate chapter. Your recognition of our values in a potential new member
and identifying them is an essential part of a chapter’s success.
The Greek Community is continually growing, and interest in NPC organizations is increasing. Recruitment
enrollment, quotas and campus total are on the rise at most college campuses. Women need a way to
set themselves apart and securing these forms is a great way to do that. The more information a chapter
has about a potential new member beforehand - the better! In addition, sharing the benefits of Greek
membership with these potential new members makes the recruitment process smoother for everyone.
We hope you are as excited as we are to watch our
chapters exceed the expectation and welcome our
newest AO sisters this fall!
commonly asked questions
56 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013
What is a MIF? The PNM gave me a resume and photo.
How do I submit them electronically?
A MIF is the AOII shorthand for a Membership
Information Form. Our easy to use, electronically The PNM lives in a digital world and she, most
submitted form provides helpful information on a certainly, has an electronic copy of the resume and
Potential New Member (PNM) to a collegiate chapter. photo she provided. Call or email her to send you
For many of our collegiate chapters, recruitment a digital copy of each so you can easily attach them
success is highly dependent on the receipt of to the form. Please complete the boxes on the form
Membership Information Forms from AOII alumnae. whether the resume is attached or not.
All alumnae in good standing with the Fraternity,
as well as collegiate members, are encouraged to Can I write a MIF on someone I do not know?
participate in the process that benefits both the
chapter and the potential new member. Information Yes! Our collegiate chapters always welcome the
provided by alumnae ensures that all potential information you can offer in the MIF whether you
new members are given serious consideration for know the PNM or not. Gather all the information
membership. Collegiate members may submit MIFs and submit it to the chapter, just as you would for
for PNMs attending a university other than their own. someone you know. There is an appropriate place
on the MIF to indicate whether you know the PNM
Alpha Omicron Pi strongly encourages the pledging personally, know her based on a reliable source or are
of verified legacies whenever possible, so letting just providing information as a courtesy.
chapters know a PNM is an AOII Legacy is also
crucial. Legacy information is now part of the online What materials do I need to write an AOII MIF?
MIF so a separate form is not required. MIFs should
be submitted to the chapter prior to the start of You will need to ask the PNM to provide you with
the formal recruitment period to give the chapter her contact information, high school/previous
members the opportunity to learn about each PNM college name and GPA, as well as her high school/
before recruitment begins. Visit the Panhellenic page college activities and honors. A current photograph
of the university website to find recruitment dates. is also strongly recommended. If the PNM provides
you with a resume, there is a place to attach it
How do I submit a MIF? electronically, but you should still complete the form
by filling in the blanks.
AOII now uses an electronic MIF that is very easy to
use. Visit the AOII website at www.alphaomicronpi. I’m a collegiate member.
org and locate the Membership Information Form Can I submit a MIF on a friend?
under “Alumnae” in the toolbar. Access the MIF
by clicking the link called “Submit A MIF HERE.” Yes! Our collegiate members can be valuable in
Complete and submit the online form as indicated. this process. AOII does allow collegiate members to
Please do not send a duplicate hard copy MIF by submit MIFs for women attending another school,
mail. The Legacy Information Form is now a part of but not for PNMs on their own campus.
the new MIF so there is no need to submit a separate
legacy information document. For your convenience,
indicate the university your PNM is attending on the
form and the MIFs will route to AOII International
Headquarters to be electronically distributed to the
correct collegiate chapters. For questions, email
[email protected] or call AOII International
Headquarters at (615) 370-0920.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013 To Dragma• 57
Because of e generous support of our members rough Stella’s Wish, Loyalty Fund and
Strike Out Ar ritis! gifts, e Foundation was able to award $487,695 in grants to AOII
Fraternity, our members and e Ar ritis Foundation. Thank you for your support.
Educational Grants to AOII Fraternity: TOTAL AMOUNT
The following programs will be funded for 2013-2014 thanks to donor support: AOII FOUNDATION:
• Educational Leadership Consultants (ELC) Program & Training $487,695
• Year-by-Year Programming
• Leadership Academy 2014 Scholarships and Programming
• Adviser & Online Training
• Alumnae Engagement
• Preservation of Archives
• 7 UIFI (Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute) Scholarships
• Hazing Prevention
• Leadership Institute 2014 Programming
Total AOII Fraternity Educational Grants AOII Foundation Scholarships:
awarded for 2013-2014: $126,348 For the 2013-2014 academic year, 52 AOII collegiate
and alumnae members received a scholarship thanks
to your support.
Total Scholarships awarded for 2013-2014: $123,000
Arthritis Foundation Grants:
Thanks to the many collegiate and alumnae Strike Out Arthritis! events, the following Arthritis
Foundation programs and activities will be funded for the 2013-2014 year:
Arthritis Research:
- $118,500 for the first year of a two-year ACL Feasibility Study to the Arthritis Foundation
Juvenile Arthritis:
- $63,100 for regional camps and Juvenile Arthritis programs
Mini-Grant Donations:
- $56,747 for mini-grant donations to local Arthritis Foundation chapters
Total Arthritis Foundation funding: $238,347
58 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013
Apply Online:
AOII Foundation Scholarships
The AOII Foundation awards numerous scholarships to undergraduate, graduate
and returning alumnae through named scholarships as well as their general
Diamond Jubilee Fund. This academic year, the Foundation awarded $123,000 to
52 (35 undergraduates, 10 graduates and 7 returning alumnae ) AOII members - the
most ever! The scholarship application for the 2014-2015 academic year will be
available on the AOII Foundation website by December 1, 2014.
How To Apply?
• All applicants must apply online. There is only one application, and the committee will determine which
scholarship you are eligible for.
• Access the form after December 1, 2014 on our website at aoiifoundation.org.
• You must register for an account to begin completing the application. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2014.
• Applicant must be a member of Alpha Omicron Pi in good standing to receive a scholarship.
• Start Early: begin filling out your application at least one month ahead of the March 1 deadline to handle any
unexpected problems. Late applications will not be accepted.
Who Can Apply? What Is The Award Criteria?
• If you are a current undergraduate student, • AOII leadership and honors
you may apply for an undergraduate • Campus and community involvement
scholarship for your sophomore, junior or
senior year. and employment
• Academic achievement (cumulative GPA)
• If you are a graduating senior applying to • Quality of the applicant’s essay
attend graduate school in the fall OR you are • Financial need
currently an alumna of 2 years or less, you • Substance of advisers’, professors’ and
may apply for a graduate scholarship.
alumnae recommendations
• If you are an active AOII alumna who has
been out of school for 3 or more years but Need More Information?
are planning to return to school, you may
apply for a returning alumna scholarship. • Visit www.aoiifoundation.org
Deadline: March 1, 2014
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013 To Dragma • 59
Following My Dreams
by Shannon Spears, Pi Alpha (U of Louisville)
As a rst year graduate student at U of Louisville (Pi Alpha Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa is a federally
recognized Ojibwe Native American Nation. I feel the best way to
Chapter), I am a grateful recipient of an AOII Foundation Diamond learn something is to fully immerse yourself into whatever you’re
Jubilee Scholarship. I am working towards a Master’s Degree in learning, for you get to have your own personal experience and
Pan-African Studies and plan to focus my thesis on the Cherokee make memories along the way. I had plenty of wonderful cultural
Freedmen. The Diamond Jubilee Scholarship has enabled me to experiences on this trip. I was able to attend a Powwow; try
ful ll my educational dreams of going on service learning trips to traditional dances, food, and crafts; listen to elders tell us stories and
support my studies, and I am very appreciative. tap for maple syrup!
AOII has given me the opportunity to development leadership My favorite part of the trip was going to the Women’s Thunderbird
skills through two o cer positions, New Member Educator and House, a domestic abuse center on the reservation. There I worked
Vice President of Education. Through holding o ces that are with other students to clean and straighten up their donation room
both education focused, it has become my dream to be a college
lled with household items, clothes and toys. Other members
professor and teach courses of our group worked in their tornado area, and the sta was so
in the eld of Pan-African appreciative of all our e orts.
Studies. This past year, I
was able to get hands-on At one point during the week, Dr. Phillips taught us the history of
experience in that eld. dream catchers and how to make them. Dream catchers originated
with the Ojibwe people, and they believe that dream catchers
Last spring, my Native protect one from nightmares. Bad dreams are caught in the web of
Americans & Community the dream catcher and are blown away in the morning sun. Good
Engagement class took a dreams are able to lter through the center hole of the
service learning trip during dream catcher and bless the person with peaceful dreams. While
spring break with our crafting these with Dr. Phillips, she told us that dream catchers
Professor, Dr. Selene Phillips, you make are always to be given to someone else. This craft, given
to her reservation in Lac du sel essly to others, was a perfect tie-in for this service
Flambeau, Wisconsin. The
learning adventure.
By the end of the spring
semester, I ventured out on my
second service learning trip, this
time to Botswana with U of
Louisville’s International Service
Program. Several of us went to
a school in Maoka, located in
the capital of Gaborone. I was
responsible for teaching three
di erent lessons: one lesson on
cultural identity, a second on
Martin Luther King Jr. and his
role during the Civil Rights
Movement and the last lesson
was a brief history on
Native Americans.
Shannon immersed herself in the
opportunity to learn from and serve the
Ojibwe Native American people and
students in Botswana.
Lastly, this summer I completed an internship at the Shannon worked with students at the Maoka school in Gaborone, Botswana.
Sequoyah National Research Center at U of Arkansas
at Little Rock. The Research Center houses the world’s
largest archival collection of Native publications,
newspapers and periodicals, including over 2300 pieces of
art housed in the Dr. J.W. Wiggins Native Art Collection
at the center. My job was to inventory the newspapers that
were recorded on micro lm. While I was at the center I
had the opportunity to do a great deal of research for my
thesis on the Cherokee Freedmen. I am so grateful
for this opportunity, for Dr. Daniel Little eld is one of the
main scholars in my eld of research of the
Cherokee Freedmen.
I owe much of these opportunities to my AOII
Foundation Diamond Jubilee Scholarship and to my AOII
sisters who motivate me. My sisters are always there to
encourage and support me. I do what I do because I want
to make a di erence and keep following my dreams.
Scholarship Endowed in Tribute to Loving Wife
The AOII Foundation is pleased to announce the endowment of the Claranne Marchese Memorial Scholarship. As
a tribute to his loving wife’s memory, Bob Marchese recently endowed this scholarship to be presented annually
to a member of Claranne’s beloved Phi Lambda Chapter (Youngstown State U). Phi Lambda collegians attending
Convention had the opportunity to meet Bob during a meal and learn more about his wife and her love for their
chapter. Bob shared, “I have been blessed to attend a multitude of events in my life, to speak before thousands of people,
to meet two sitting U.S. Presidents and a Vice President and his wife.... However, this Convention gave me such deep
pride ....both as I represented my wife who is transferred to a Church of Peace and Tranquility; and as an observer of a
union, a sisterhood...that sparkled of caring and giving people believing in a principle that outlasts life and strengthens
hope for so very many young talented and deserving women.”
Bob movingly shared, “Leaving the hospital at 4:45 am on March 14th, it was apparent that this wonderful woman
who made such an impact on so very many lives, deserved a tribute to a life shortened by this terrible illness. Claranne
was very proud of her sorority. She often remarked that being an AOII enabled her to be a proud member of a lifelong
support group that stimulated and enriched her college
experience and helped her increase, thrive perhaps, at a
level she would not have achieved otherwise.”
When evaluating all his options on how to honor Bob Marchese and members of Phi Lambda during Convention.
Claranne, Bob explains, “I take pride that of my many
choices, the Claranne Marchese Memorial Scholarship
will outlast and uplift the professional work she achieved
in her career; and honor a spectacular organization - a
sisterhood that meant so much to this very special
person. We have a saying in mental health that is
appropriate to this entire event. ‘Everyone wants to
change the world, but if we focus on our little corner
of the world - great things can happen.’ I departed
Chicago truly believing in a principle I have used for
30 plus years.”
To apply for this scholarship and others, apply online at aoiifoundation.org by March 1, 2014.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2013 To Dragma • 61
With grateful appreciation, AOII recognizes the
members who joined between March 28, 2013
Alpha Chi Chi Lambda Delta Tau Kappa Phi
Laura Johnson Amy Kahlenbeck Natalie Little Karen Michelle Seeley
Mackenzie Harris
Alpha Delta Delta Theta Kappa Rho
Chi Phi
Lauren Erdman Emily Boyle Alyson Wiley
Meghan Metcalf Allison Leonard
Morgan Butler Laura Flessner Delta Xi Kappa Tau
Taylor Lerma
Whitney Davenport Delta Jesseca Lyons Kristen Phelps
Morgan Silvey
Alpha Lambda Carolyn Pruitt Epsilon Alpha
Marisa Shapiro Lambda Beta
Erica Tyler Emily Schwartz
Morgan Bass Delta Beta Jamie Light Cher Kurek Serhal
Sydney Tabaac
Alpha Nu Jasmine Sapia Lambda Rho
Taylor Hill Epsilon Gamma
Brandi Fodera Makayla Maddux
Delta Delta Molly Gard Melissa Wren
Alpha Phi Taylor Neudeck
Amanda Pope Gamma Alpha
Megan Evans Anna Judd Lambda Sigma
Mandy Hedstrom Elaina Baker
Delta Epsilon Claudia Skinner
Beta Gamma Gamma Beta Colleen Day Rustin
Emily Rollins Kelly Mason Bowen
Kim Ford Diane Murdock Hughes Mallory Verner
Delta Kappa
Beta Lambda Gamma Delta Lambda Tau
Charlotte Weinstein
Judith Freundt Zawacke Maeve Woeltje Tina D’Aversa Alicia Edmonds
Meagen Udkler
Beta Zeta Delta Omega Gamma Omicron Shirley Hutchison
Marla Mae Martinez Sarah Blankenship Carly Oliveri Mu Lambda
Carol Szymke
Chi Epsilon Delta Rho Rose Marie McCall Melissa Manley
Carole McCormick Jody Shelton Gamma Theta Nu Beta
Karen Jakacki
Autumn Tolar Hannah Weiland
Delta Sigma Jan Bolton Dillon
Iota Jenn Peterson
Kristina Dimulias Jordan Pharr
Amanda Gilpin Megan Edwards
Janis Reiter Peters Sarah Siebert
Katelyn Peters Stephanie Trusty
Natalie Wieber Gross
Nu Lambda
Kappa Gamma
Elizabeth Dillon
Megan Getter
Nu Omicron
Kappa Kappa
Becca Meltzer
Doreen Draper Mladenovic Kristin Repaci
Kappa Omega Omega Omicron
Jessica Barnes Mary Alexander Koen
Karyssa Terhark
Kathryn Hibbs Senter Omega Upsilon
Lauren Miller
Lexy House Caitlin Rausch
Rachel Budzenski
Stephanie Durbin
following new
and July 23, 2013.
Phi Chi Tau Delta Xi Zeta
Katie Oliver Cooper Sweatman Lauren Harkrider Amy Susan Johnson
Leanne Hicks
Phi Sigma Theta Lindsey Bouse Zeta Pi
Lauren Stehlik Victoria Urban Xi Omicron Helen Block
PJ Hayes
Pi Alpha Theta Iota Sarah Bonine
Zeta Psi
Lauren Stern Erin Lindberg Xi Rho
Hillary Duff
Pi Delta Upsilon Epsilon Hailee Boman Jessie Hebert
Shannon Smith
Sydni Mitchell Christy Kiley
Pi Theta Upsilon Lambda
Maria Mekras Katy Almond
Rho Beta We are Life Loyal
Britt Anderson Front row L to R: Amanda Gilpin, Iota (U of Illinois), Laura Johnson, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U),
Morgan Butler, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Helen Block, Zeta Pi (U of Alabama at Birmingham),
Rho Omicron Kristen Phelps, Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U), Back row L to R: Jackie Rae Petta,
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U), Mandy Hedstrom, Alpha Phi (Montana State U), Nevena Pehar,
Alicia Barnes Gamma Theta (U of South Florida), Tiffany Kirkland, Sigma (UC-Berkeley), Lauren Stern, Pi Alpha
Ashley Henley (U of Louisville).
Jennifer Isenberg
Kylie Flowers
Maggie Lee
Tiffany Kirkland
Liz Parrish
Nicole McKelvey
Sigma Alpha
Sam Lytle
Sigma Chi
Livy Routledge
Tessa Kansas
Sigma Delta
Cheyenne Young
Sigma Gamma
Whitney Glenn
Sigma Omicron
Allison Nichols
Sigma Phi
Meghan Hunt
Sigma Tau
Nora Burns
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Classic Ruby Red Shirt with Black Letters
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Women enriched through Lifelong Friendship -
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Alumna Cardigan S-XXL $34.50
Alumna Jute Tote $35.00
Alumna Pocket T S-XXL $28.50
Alumna V-neck S-XXL $23.50
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Mulberry Jacket $57.50
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Send a word of encouragement
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Salmon Fleece Full Zip Chevron note cards 8 Pack $10.00
S-XL $42.50 Chevron note pad 50 Sheets $6.00
Striped note cards 8 Pack $10.00
Large Dotted note pad 50 Sheets $10.00
Dotted note pad Small 50 Sheets $6.00
Florette note cards 8 Pack $10.00
Assorted Pens $1.50 each
Alpha Omicron Pi Nonprofit Organization
Fraternity U.S. POSTAGE
International Headquarters Bolingbrook, IL
5390 Virginia Way Permit No. 374
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
Life Loyal AOII Members, 2013-2014 Educational Leadership Consultant Team
Front row from left to right: Laura Johnson, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U); Kristen Phelps, Kappa Tau
(Southeastern Louisiana U); Helen Block, Zeta Pi (U of Alabama at Birmingham); Lauren Stern, Pi Alpha (U of
Louisville). Back row from left to right: Tiffany Kirkland, Sigma (UC-Berkeley); Morgan Butler, Alpha Delta
(U of Alabama); Mandy Hedstrom, Alpha Phi (Montana State U); Nevena Pehar, Gamma Theta (U of South
LIFELOYALg.rOoR.lGayoleFfilol rida); Amanda Gilpin, Iota (U of Illinois); Jackie Rae Petta, Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U).