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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-08-13 16:04:29

1932 January - To Dragma

Vol. 27, No. 2


Committee on Nomination A, 25 East 83rd Street, New j of Alpha Omicron Pi
York, N . Y . Term expires June,
Chairman, Elizabeth Heywood Wy- 1933. Josephine S. Pratt, A, 135
man, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen West 183rd Street, New York,
Ridge, N.J. N . Y . Term expires June, 1935.

Members, Alumna Superintendents. Constitutional Revision Committee

Committee on Jewelry Chairman, Grand Secretary, Execu-
tive Committee, Registrar, Assist-
Chairman, Mrs. George H . Perry, ant Registrar.
A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York,
N.Y. Song Committee

Julia L . Tillinghast, N, Box 469, Chairman, Janet M . Howry, T,
Grand Central Station, 110 East 1664 Van Buren Street, St. Paul,.
45th Street, New York, N . Y . Minn.

Trustees of Anniversary Endowment Dorothy Jane Hines, T, 500 Fry
Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Fund V o l u m e 27

Chairman, Mrs. George V. Mullan, Number 2

*0 O r d er
y our
C o p y of CONTENTS
Alpha To Leatrice ; Frontispiece
Omicron peaking of Alpha O Interest 3
Mary Rose Barrons Sing* in Chicago Civic Opera 4
Pi Alpha O Enters Canada Again 8
Alpha O Wins $3,100 in Eastman Contest 14
DIRECTORY Life Saving Is This Alpha O's Business 17
Today Genealogy Brings Adventure 20
Responsibilities of Superintendents Are Increased 24
A L P H A O M I C R O N PI CENTRAL OFFICE State Chairmen Plan Alumnae Contacts 27
Do You Know That
Box 262, State College, Penn. Wherein I Start to Angkor 28
She Plays With Jane Cowl 29
Please send me my copy of the D I R E C T O R Y today. I en- Education Recogniies the Fraternity 32
close $1.50. Pbrateres Fills A Place in Lives of Unorganized Girls 34
Beta Phi Gets Beta Theta's Laurels . . . . ' 35
Name Chapter Olympic Basketball Star Belongs to Beta Kappa 36
Kentucky Offers Us Opportunities for Social Work 37
Str eet ft Quota Raised Means New Social Life 39
*our AOB Officers At N.P.C. Meeting ....*. 47
*or You—The New AOII Directory 48
Thirty-Fourth Anniversary of Founding Celebrated S3
Model Panhellenic Report to Serve as Sample .'. 54
static—A Greek Goes "Super-Suds" 58
Alpha O Mourns Passing of Justice Mullan 60
ihe Quiet Corner 62
A E ^ ' V , *M p b ° ' 8 64
~Pha O's in the Daily Press Opposite 64
*|>e Active Chapters 65
*ne Alumnae Chapters 74
"•rectory o f Officers 100

City and State •

N O T E : A l s o send me a copy of the New Songbook too. I

enclose $1 for it.

* JANUARY • 1932 •

tAlfha Omicron *Pi


ALPHA [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. ALPHA P H I [A*]—Montana State Col- VOL. 27 J A N U A R Y , 1932 NO. 2
P i [FI]—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial lege, Bozeman, Mont.
i f }0
College, New Orleans, La. Nu OMICRON [NO]—Vanderbilt Univer- ragma
N o [N]—New York University, New sity, Nashville, Tenn.
York City. Psi [+]—University of Pennsylvania,
OMICRON [O]—University of Tennessee, Philadelphia, Pa. Send all editorial material to
Knoxville, Tenn. P H I [+]—-University of Kansas, Law-
KAPPA [K]—Randolph-Macon Woman's rence, Kan. 313 Twelfth Street,
Neenah, Wisconsin
College, Lynchburg, Va. OMEGA [Q]—Miami University, Oxford,
ZETA [Z]—University of Nebraska, Lin- Ohio. REGISTRAR

coln, Neb. OMICRON P I [On]—University of Michi- ALICE CULLNANE
SIGMA [2]—University of California, gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Box 262

Berkeley, Calif. ALPHA SIGMA [A2J—University of Ore- Masonic Bldg.
gon, Eugene, Ore. State College, Pa.
THETA [9]—DePauw University, Green-
castle, Ind. X i [Z]—University of Oklahoma, Nor- To DBAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 450 Ahnaip Street,
man, Okla. Menasha, Wisconsin, and is printed by The George Banta Publishing Company.
BETA [B]—Brown University—Inactive. Entered at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, as second class matter unuer
DELTA [A]—Jackson College, Tufts Col- Pi DELTA [HA]—University of Mary- the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro-
land, College Park. Md. vided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 19-U.
lege, Mass.
GAMMA IT]—University of Maine, TAU DELTA [TA]—Birmingham-Southern To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March and May.
College, Birmingham, Ala. Subscription price, 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance, L.IIC
Orono, Me.
EPSILON [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca, KAPPA THETA [KG]—University of Cali- Subscription $15.
fornia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
N.Y. Calif.
RHO [P]—Northwestern University,
KAPPA OMICBON [KO]—Southwestern,
Evanston, 111. Memphis, Tenn.
LAMBDA [A]—Leland Stanford Univer-
ALPHA RHO [AP]—Oregon Agricultural
sity, Palo Alto. Calif. College, Corvallis, Ore.
IOTA [I]—University of Illinois, Cham-
C H I DELTA [ X A ] — University of Colo-
paign, III. rado, Boulder, Colo.
TAU IT]—University of Minnesota, Min-
BETA THETA [B9]—Butler University,
neapolis, Minn. Indianapolis, Ind.
C H I [XJ—Syracuse University, Syra-
ALPHA P I [All]—Florida State College
cuse, N.Y. for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
UPSILON [TJ— University of Washing-
EPSILON ALPHA [EA]—Pennsylvania
ton, Seattle, Wash. State College, State College, Pa.
N u KAPPA [NK]—Southern Methodist
THETA ETA [8H]—University of Cincin-
University, Dallas, Tex. nati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
BETA P H I [B4>]—Indiana University,
BETA TAU [BT]—University of Toronto,
Bloomington, Ind. Toronto, Ont.
ETA [H]—University of Wisconsin,
ALPHA TAU [AT]—Denison University,
Madison, Wis. Granville, Ohio.

BETA KAPPA [BKJ—University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.


cisco, Calif. NASHVILLE ALUMNA—Nashville, Tenn.
PROVIDENCE A L U M N A — P r o v i d e n c e , CLEVELAND ALUMNA—Cleveland, Ohio.
Rhode Island. MILWAUKEE ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.
Los ANGELES A L U M N A — L o s Angeles, Ala.

CHICAGO ALUMNA—Chicago, 111. City, Okla.
Ind. cago, III.
NEW ORLEANS A L U M N A — N e w Orleans,
Minn. DENVER ALUMNA—Denver, Colo.
SEATTLE ALUMNA—Seattle, Wash. A N N ARBOB A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.
KNOXVILLE ALUMNA—Knoxville, Tenn. FORT WAYNE A L U M N A — F o r t Wayne,



he Ianuary T o T>

BY GIRL SINGER WHO G i r l Soprano Teaches Her
rOOK LESSONS MRE\ Way to Operatic Caree |

i Kum L'nivcrvry Graduate Who Studied

D HCM \"tstSag- v.- — iiiSilSFEH

m m A ' ^ ^ ^ ^ "MUSIC WORLD

i J l U V " , : Teacher, Will Make Her Debuc In [ English Girl h
Chicago CUic Opera Xext Month Engaged for the ~
Chicago Opera

By R U T H S C H W A B E N L A N D , speaking of\Jllpha 0 interest

Chi Delta EVERY editor has her moments of genuine thrills. There are thrills
Somehow I think that you could that fly up and down her spinal column when she finds that a
member has been elected to a prominent position—thrills when she
see this night— •earns that a girl has been asked to join a party of explorers—thrills
A heavy silver tree outside my when she receives a very unexpected and very well prepared article of
a current problem accompanied by good pictures—thrills when she
door. K n o w s that three chapters in one district are winners of scholarship
Low-hanging stars that seem to awards or that all but one of the basketball team are AOn's. These are
the thrills she gleans from the daily mail—from this girl and that—
drip with light.
And little paths of color on the rorn chapter letters, newspapers, and a word dropped by chance.


Somehow I think that you would

If I should call the moon a gold-
en thread,

Which, spinning within itself,
becomes a band

Of laughter-quivering gold. And
if I said

That joy is like a friend with
peaceful hands,
Somehow—/ think
that you would

Hut the shivers that still race up and down your own editor's back-
one aren't caused during the first or second year of any editor's ca-
-e e r They come after several years of appeal and education, and when
cen s n e feels them, she knows that her readers are with her, a hundred

TI!^' ^s e * ke e a s ^ ^ e r P P i i pa r e n t c e s n were over.
a I his great experience came when Mary Rose Barrons (<£), was given
b r ° H ^C T R A C T W ^ e Chicago Civic Opera Company, and the news was
n e ° a across the states through newspapers. From seven different
D i WsPapers that news came back to me, sent by seven different A l -

O's. Do you wonder my senses tingled?


jUary 1(ose <Barrons With Qhicago Qivic Opera


• M;l k

I ! mi :

: i

By E L E A N O R E D . G R A F F , Phi Heink in Kansas City at the insistence of the music critic of the Kansas
City Star, who knew Mary Rose and of her desire to sing, through his
MARY ROSE BARRONS ( $ ) , last heard from through these friendship with her father, who is advertising manager of the Kansas
pages when she sailed for Germany with Madame Schumann- City Star; how Madame Schumann-Heink was so thrilled and awed by
Heink three years ago, has returned to the United States. And! |he beauty of Mary Rose's as yet untrained singing voice that she urged
when she returned this fall she brought with her a coveted three-year J*1" to go to St. Paul, Minnesota, and study with her own coach; and
contract to sing with the Chicago Civic Opera Company. n ° t t Mary Rose did go to St. Paul where she lived and studied for two
On the night of November 3, the second night of opera for this sea^j
son, Mary Rose made her American debut in "The Magic Flute," an From St. Paul she went to New York City where she spent eight
opera by Mozart, singing the role of First Youth, in a trio of three j?onths studying music with Schumann-Heink and dramatics with
youths. I t was the first time this opera had been sung in Chicago for a ^harles (Daddy) Trier, French dramatic coach of Julia Marlowe and
quarter of a century, and therefore created widespread interest. Here §> H . Sothern.
is what Edward Moore, music critic for the Chicago Tribune had to say
regarding the singing of Mary Rose. At the end of that time she sailed with Madame Schumann-Heink
0 r Germany. On their arrival they toured the country for six weeks,
You will see in this opera that a number of artists appear as members of a
group, three ladies to the queen, three youths, two priests, two knights, and so on.
There were such notables as Mmes. Leider, Votipka, and Olszewska as the ladies
to the queen, and seldom has there been such trio singing hereabouts. Nearly as
good was the trio of youths by Miss Barrons, Miss Turner—these two debutantes—
and Miss Ornstein, who did her first singing the night before.

This was high praise, when one considers the prominent place in the
world of operatic music which is accorded the three singers who sang
the roles of the ladies to the queen, to whose singing that of the trio of,
youths is so favorably compared.

Mary Rose will also sing the following roles during the current sea-J
son: Flora, in "Traviata"; Inez in " I I Travatora"; the Countess, in
"Rigoletto"; and small roles in "Meistersinger," "Lohengrin," "Parsi-
fal," and "Martha."

But let us return to the story of Mary Rose's amazing achievements j
in the world of music—a story as dramatic as any written for the stage
and one which really requires her own delightful and radiant personality ;
to tell it as it should be told.

Most of us remember how she was graduated from the University !
of Kansas in 1925, and taught school in Independence, Missouri, the
following winter; how that same spring she sang for Madame Schumann-


during which time they visited Bayreuth where they were the guests of one of the most famous in all Europe, and is accompanied by the famous
Siegfried Wagner and his wife, son and daughter-in-law of the famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
Richard Wagner, at their home, Villa Wahnfried, which was a gift to
Wagner from the King of Bulgaria. There she sang leading roles, including Michaela in "Carmen," Pam-
ina in "The Magic Flute," Mimi in "La Boheme," and Santiezza in
There, Mary Rose had the unusual but thrilling experience of singing "Cavalleria Rusticana."
in Richard Wagner's own music room, where some of his famous music
was composed, while Siegfried Wagner accompanied her on his cele- Mary Rose says Salzburg is her love of all Europe. The town dates
brated father's piano. Mary Rose also met Cosima Wagner, then over back to 600 A.D., and she says everything is just as it was originally.
90 years old, Wagner's widow. Both Cosima Wagner and Siegfried have The first theater in the world was built there and still stands. I t is built
died since Mary Rose's visit. of stone against a wooded hillside. The Salzburg Opera House was built
in the fourteenth century and has not been changed.
Madame Schumann-Heink left Mary Rose in Hamburg and re-
turned to America. Mary Rose studied in Hamburg for seven months It was while she was singing in Salzburg that a friend of hers con-
and then went to Berlin where she continued her studies for two years fided to her that because of a very special "drag," she was to have an
and three months. audition with Herbert Witherspoon, vice president and manager of the
Chicago Civic Opera, who was then in Salzburg. Later when telling
Mary Rose says her first disappointment came last spring. She had Mary Rose about her audition, she mentioned that Egon Pollak was
hoped to sing in German opera, and just when she believed her work had also present to hear her..
fitted her to do so, the unemployment situation in Germany became
acute, and the government forbade anyone employing persons not Ger- Mary Rose says she pricked up her ears and thought of the little
man. Strangely enough, this affected the choice of opera singers. "At card of introduction to Pollak given to her four months before. She
first," Mary Rose says, "German singers were given preference, and finally located it, black with dust, in the bottom of a discarded purse.
finally all but German singers were excluded from German opera." After cleaning it with an eraser and pressing out the wrinkles with a
hot iron (if you please), she gathered up sufficient courage to present
Then she read an advertisement in a newspaper which announced it to Herr Pollak the following morning while he was breakfasting in
the forming of a new American Opera in Paris which was said to be for the garden of his inn.
the purpose of giving young American singers an opportunity to sing
leading roles. So Mary Rose took a train to Paris, where she again met Pollak, incidentally, is a famous German conductor, who has been
with disappointment, for the new American Opera Company proved to guest conductor of German opera for the Chicago Civic Opera the last
be fake and a swindle, and was shortly disbanded by the interference two years, and this year has a regular contract with the Chicago Civic
of government officials, due at least in part to a call which Mary Rose Opera Company.
made upon the American Consul in Paris.
Mary Rose relates that he was most gracious and granted her an
However, on the train en route to Paris an incident took place which audition that very afternoon at one o'clock. She brought her accompanist
perhaps changed the course of Mary Rose's musical career and may have with her, and it is rather interesting that the only piano in the inn was
brought her back home to the United States sooner than she had hoped in the bar. So Mary Rose had her audition in a German bar. Herbert
or expected. Witherspoon was also there with Pollak to hear her although she was
not introduced to him until she finished singing. After she had sung sev-
On the train dining-car Mary Rose found herself seated alone at a ta- eral arias, Pollak and Witherspoon asked her to lunch with them, which
ble for four. Soon two men and a woman also were seated at that table. she did, conversing exclusively in German. During luncheon they asked
They spoke to each other according to the custom in Germany. Then, her if she knew a certain aria, and since she did not know it, they asked
Mary Rose, asked in German, for one of the men to pass the pepper. her if she could learn it and memorize i t , and sing it for them the follow-
He did so, smiled at her and said, "You are not German, are you?" g, n afternoon at a certain theater.
She told him she was an American. He was curious and asked her what
brought her to Germany. So she told him of her studies and her ambi- Mary Rose says she was thunderstruck. For those who don't know,
tions. He told her she should see his friend, Egon Pollak, that he might 'earning an entire aria by heart in one day is no joke. But she said cer-
help her, and gave her a card of introduction to him. tainly she would be happy to memorize the aria, and returned to her
hotel hoping it could be done. By hours of consistent work, it was done
Since Pollak was in Hamburg, Germany, and she was on her way to jnd Mary Rose sang the aria by heart for Pollak and Witherspoon the
Paris, Mary Rose says she paid little attention to the card, thinking it Jollowing afternoon. She says they thanked her and she left, thinking,
just one more to add to an already large collection. just another experience."

After her disappointment in Paris she went to Salzburg, Austria, ! , But that same evening Pollak called her and asked her to come to his
where she was engaged to sing for the summer season of the Salzburg n o t e l . She did so and found Mr. Witherspoon there with Herr Pollak.
Opera. This in itself was a great achievement since the Salzburg Opera is
(Continued on page 121)


*^— "sr^

^Alpha 0 Snters (panada \Agaln With 42nd Chapter


1 At the Beta Kappa installation banquet vie find, first row, seated, left to right:
I isabelle Chadot, Grace Parkinson, Eva Heath, Edith Bickford, Alice Davidson,
Constance Johnson, Betty Black, Jean Balfour, Margaret Carson, Jean Black, all
By B A R B A R A T R A S K C L A R K , Upsilon °f Beta Kappa; second row: Marjorie Beeuwkes (T), Gertrude McCann (T),
Hazel Britton (T), Florence King (AZ), Helen Tripp Davis (A+), Kathryn Bremer
FI F T E E N C A N A D I A N girls learned for the first time the meaning of Matson (T), Margaret Hubbs (president, UK). Josephine Handy Sutherland (n),
Alpha 0, and twenty-two former initiates from neighboring chapters
realized anew the beauty and impressiveness of our ritual on Octo- i2:Vel,e *Y a n t e Hopping (AP), Catherine Evans (T); third row: Margaret Evans
ber 17 as Alpha Sigma Alpha, local sorority, was installed at the Univer- (T), Aforv Hilke (T), Alice Mcl.ain (T), Jean Whyte, Verna Bolton, Flora White,
sity of British Columbia at Vancouver as Beta Kappa chapter of Alpha
Omicron Pi. Kathryn Bremer Matson (T), Grand President, officiated at Betty Johnson, Kathleen Cummings, Betty Ball, Morea Bowles, Avis Hall, Frances
the services which gave us our forty-second chapter. l-atta, all of Beta Kappa, Margaret Reed (T), Martha Beeuwkes (T), Frances
f}a"ffer (T), Ellen Mudgett (T); fourth row: Kathleen O'Leary (AP), Sallie Sue
Mrs. Matson went directly to Vancouver from visits at the Pacific White (T), Betty Hagan (KO), Virginia Beatty (T), Barbara Trask Clark (T),
Coast District chapters, arriving there on the afternoon of Friday, Octo-
ber 16. She was accompanied by Marjorie Beeuwkes, president of Winona Flanders (T).
Upsilon; Florence King, president of Alpha Sigma and Kathleen
O'Leary, vice president of Alpha Rho, formerly of Alpha Phi. H FuormbalbplsedMging took place that evening at the home of Margaret
the new group. With Kathryn Matson reading the

impressive ceremony, the following girls were received aspledge of our

fraternity: Verna Boulton, Jean Whyte, Betty Johnson, Betty Ball, Katn

10 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 11

leen Cumming, Alice Davidson, Morea Bowles, Flora White, Frances sr^ sr" *sr~sr^ * n t ~Pool at the University of British Columbia.
Latta, Avis Hall and Edith Bickford.
of the number of her sisters. A casual conversation brought her word that
Refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served following the her own fraternity was to take its place on the U.B.C. campus, and she
pledging by the pledges of Alpha Sigma Alpha, who, until their formal took an active part in its work.
pledging to Alpha 0 after the banquet on the next day were to be "neither
flesh nor fowl nor good red herring." La Velle Yantis Hopping (AP), and Jennie Marie Schober Roenisch
(T), were also present for the installation. Both are now living in Van-
A luncheon Saturday at the Tea Kettle I n n honored the guests fronj couver.
other chapters: sixteen from Upsilon, Kathleen O'Leary ( A P ) , and
Florence King (AS). The Upsilon members were: Margaret Reid, Forty-three strong, we gathered around a long table in the York
Frances Stauffer, Sallie Sue White, Margaret and Catherine Evans, Hazel Room of the Georgia Hotel on Saturday evening for the installation ban-
Britton, Winona Flanders, Gertrude McCann, Virginia Beatty, Ellen quet. At each place was a fragrant corsage—Jacqueminot roses for the
Mudgett, Alice McLean, Mary Hilke, Martha and Marjorie Beeuwkes, visitors, Jacqueminot roses and violets, the flower of Alpha Sigma Alpha,
Barbara Trask Clark and Betty Hagan, formerly of Kappa Omicron. f°r the members of Beta Kappa.

Initiation and installation of the officers of the new chapter and o | During the intervals of the delicious meal we heard Helen Tripp
the chapter itself followed the luncheon at Margaret's home. These serv- Davis read the great stack of telegrams and letters which had come from
ices, so full of meaning to all of us, meant even more to Helen Tripp 0 U r Founders, our officers, our chapters and the other sororities on the
Davis ( A $ ) , who saw in them the fulfillment of a dream long dreamed. u.B.C. campus, or sang the songs so dear to our hearts.
She it was who had given these girls, our newest sisters, their first word
of Alpha 0 . She it was who had guided their steps till they fell into line Helen Davis served as toastmistress following the dinner, opening
with us. She who had taught them the meaning and joys of Alpha 0 now .e program with a toast to the king and the President. Kathleen Cum-
felt again the thrill of her own initiation in this of her fifteen "daughters." l*J6 saluted Alpha Omicron Pi, with Kathryn Matson replying. A toast
Wh'-^Ur University" w a s 8 l v e n ° y J e a n Whyte, with a response by Flora
To Josephine Handy Sutherland (n'07), the ceremony brought, as w h i t e . "Our Guests" were greeted by Betty Ball, with Marjorie Beeuwkes
she said, memories from a dim past. Living in Alberta, far from any
chapter of AOII, she had been out of touch with her fraternity for years.
Until she moved recently to Vancouver she had no idea of our growth,





A view of the University of British Columbia campus from the Library.


responding for Upsilon. Betty Johnson told with feeling of "Our Mother," passed an act which granted this site to the University. This site was in-
and Helen Davis in reply told what the girls meant to her. creased in 1915 and now consists of five hundred and forty-eight acres
at the extremity of Point Grey. The waters of the Gulf of Georgia form
Greetings from Alpha Rho and from Alpha Sigma were delivered by more than half the boundary of the University campus. I n 1913, F. F.
Kathleen O'Leary and Florence King, and Alice Davidson and Constance Wesbrook M.A., M . D . , C M . , LL.D., was appointed President of the
Johnson told of the hopes and aspirations of Beta Kappa. The program University. In 1918, Dr. R. E. McKechnie was elected chancellor and
closed when we all rose and sang "The Garden of Alpha O." has been re-elected continuously since that date. On the death of Presi-
dent Wesbrook in 1918, L . S. Klinck, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture,
The five pledges of Alpha Sigma Alpha were then formally pledged' was appointed acting President, and in 1919, President.
by Kathryn Matson to Alpha 0 . They are Margaret Carson, Jean and
Betty Black, Jean Balfour and Grace Parkinson. From its opening in 1915 until the summer of 1925, the university
carried on its work in temporary quarters on part of the site of the Van-
On Sunday a Panhellenic tea was given at the home of Mrs. Birk couver General Hospital in Fairview.
of Gamma Phi Beta, honoring the new group. Quantities of fall flowers in
all the shades of yellow decorated the rooms where the members of Beta Construction work was commenced on the Science Building at the
Kappa and their guests mingled with representatives of Gamma Phi permanent site in Point Grey in 1914, but was interrupted because of
Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, war conditions. Work on this building was resumed in 1923, and later the
Delta Gamma, Alpha Phi and Alpha Delta Pi, the other sororities on the same year work on the library was begun. Both these buildings and nine
U.B.C. campus. Everyone was most cordial, and Alpha O felt fortunate others of a less permanent nature form the university quarters. At the
to have a chapter among the others. The campus will be closed to national beginning of the session of 1925-26 the university commenced work in
groups now for the next five years. these new quarters.

'British Columbia Chartered University in 1890 Affiliated with the University of British Columbia are Victoria Col-
lege in Victoria, B.C., where the first two years in Arts and Science may
By E D I T H B I C K F O R D , Beta Kappa be completed, the Anglican and Union Theological Colleges on the cam-
THE creation of a University of British Columbia was first advocated"
in 1877, but it was not until 1890 that an act was passed which esq tAlpha f§igma <yllpha Sxisted Two years
tablished a body politic and corporate, named, "The University of
British Columbia." Some of the work normally done in a university was By K A T H L E E N C U M M I N G , Beta Kappa
begun in 1894, when an act was passed which permitted the affiliation
of high schools in the Province with recognized Canadian universities. *TN T H E spring of 1930 "Alpha Sigma Alpha had its beginning, but it
In 1899, Vancouver High School was affiliated with McGill University was not officially organized as a sorority until the following fall.
in order to provide first year work in arts, and took the name of Van- During the summer while the University was not in session, the girls
couver College. First year work in arts was offered by Victoria High
School when it became Victoria College by affiliation with McGill Uni- held informal meetings at which plans were made for the forming of a
versity in 1902. I n the same year Vancouver College undertook the sec- local sorority. Through Helen Tripp Davis of Alpha Phi chapter who is
ond year in arts. living in Vancouver we heard that Alpha Omicron Pi had placed our
university on the expansion list as a place for a chapter of their fraternity.
In 1906, the McGill University College of British Columbia was! It was then we decided to make Alpha O our goal. We made frequent
established at Vancouver by the Royal Institution for the Advancement visits to Helen's home (which have become more and more frequent as
of Learning of British Columbia. The scope of work undertaken by this tune passed). We started communication with Alpha O and every girl
college was gradually increased until at the time it was taken over by dreamed of the day when she would wear a pin like Helen's. On Octo-
the University of British Columbia, it was giving three years in Arts and ber 30, 1930, the Panhellenic of the University officially recognized our
Science, and two years in Applied Science. When the University of viuup of eighteen girls as the local sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. On
British Columbia opened in the autumn of 1915, both the McGill Uni- "vember 3 at a simple but very impressive ceremony Helen Davis
versity College of Vancouver, and Victoria College, which since 1907 Pinned on us our local pins. The violet was the flower of our local and two
had been a part of it, ceased to exist.
.ades of mauve the colours. We had our first rushing season at the be-
A site commission to decide upon a site for the proposed university J ginning of the year 1931 and were very pleased with our results both then
was appointed in 1910. After a thorough examination of the Province da n at the following fall rushing.
the Commission recommended the vicinity of Vancouver, and they (MB
cided to place the University at Point Grey. I n 1911, the Legislature ° n the week-end of February 20-22, 1931, we had the pleasure of

(Continued on page 128)


^Alpha 0 Wins $3,100 in Sastman Snapshot Qontest

Marion Staples Holler (E), is
the mother of two charming chil-.
dren—John DeGroff, aged five
and little Patricia Mary, a wee


m EVERY Alpha 0 has looked admiringly upon the picture of the ador-
able baby which won the Grand Award of $2,500 given by Eastman
Can you imagine a more appealing picture 'hi-' Kodak Company a short time ago. But how many of you knew that
this prize winner of Patricia Mary
Hallerf ( F ' ? ? \ e e t b a b y W a s P a t r i c i a M a r y , the daughter of Marian Staples Haller

who was the proud prize winner?

h e t .{ l o u b t v o u have read that the picture took the $500 prize for the

fS . ye n t r in the Children's Section and that it was awarded a certificate


, merit and chosen as the second best child picture in the world at the

National Competition at Geneva, Switzerland.

16 To DRAGMA J^jfe paving

We've often wondered how it would feel to find an unexpected prizej 3s This?y4lpha O's ^Business
and since our curiosity isn't abnormal in most cases, we've asked Marion
to tell you all about it. I'M DELIGHTED to York Chapter, American
have this opportu- Red Cross. Needless to
"Really, you know, the Grand Award came as such an unexpected nity to tell Alpha say, I ' m very thrilled over
surprise that it nearly unbalanced me. I had no warning at all when I having such a huge title
opened the innocent-looking, ordinary envelope from Eastman Kodak °'s about the work of and even just being here.
Company, that I would pull out a check for $3000.00. (They added the There are three of us in
extra ciphers just like that to overwhelm me more, I suppose.) M y im- the Red Cross Life Sav- the department: Captain
mediate action, as soon as realization dawned, was totally feminine and Scully, the Director of the
inane, of course. I wept on my husband's shoulder! "Jg Service here in New
Service in New
"The baby in the picture is my own wee, winsome daughter, Patricia j o r k City. Of course, York City, Mr.
Mary, age two. I happened to take the picture in just that pose, in an H . N . Engelsen,
attempt to record, for my own future enjoyment, two fleeting phases *m still quite a novice an Assistant D i -
in my rapidly growing daughter's development. I had noticed her droll rector who has
expression and complete concentration in the serious and complicated at being an As- been C a p t a i n
procedure of organizing her dress, so she could slip it over her head. S c u l l y ' s right
Thus the pose. Then, I also wanted to remember the funny, little baby sistant Director,
profile; not only the tousled curly hair, just as she came from her morning
bath, but also the sturdy little back, the kissable curve at the back of the s a v i n g started
neck, and the chubby arms and legs, and round, little tummy.
* \ Captain
" I felt that the picture would be more intimate and interesting if:
there were some detail showing, instead of a plain black and white sil- ? c l % , the Direc-
houette, so I hung up a sheet to reflect light on her shaded side toward
me. This gave enough detail to add to the interest of the picture without tor of Life Saving
detracting from the silhouette effect, which I wished to accentuate.
v i ,5 e r New
"When I took this picture, I had already decided that I would make ce
a special effort to get some good pictures of the children to send to the
Eastman Kodak Contest, but this particular picture was merely an ex- f v ^ ' McGary Captain C. B.
periment for my own edification and enjoyment. I really didn't expect Scully directs the
to get any results, as the camera was facing directly into the sunlight Life Saving Serv-
and I had to take a short exposure to avoid blurring of the picture by my ice of the New
active young subject. York Red Cross.

"You asked if I intended to get this pose or i f it was an accident. It I
was actually both. While Patricia was playing in the tub, I got the stage
all set, with the dress ready to hand to her, the curtains just so, and the
upper sash pulled down, as the lower sash did not have the small panes
and lacked interest and atmosphere for my background. I had my Graf-
lex camera all set and focused on the place where Patricia was to sit, j
so that she would be unconscious that her picture was being taken. With
my little scene all arranged, I then took Patricia all rosy and refreshed
from her tubbing and put on her shirt and panties. As I dried and dressed
her, I told her about the new smocked dress she was going to put on, so
that she was eager and interested in the dress when I set her down in .
the sunshine and held out the dress to her. Suddenly, there was the per- ]
feet pose, all by accident. I clicked the shutter with trembling fingers
for fear she would move before I caught her. A fraction of a second later
she was all activity in her frantic efforts to pull her already crumpled

(Continued on page 31)

SScSuSlllys twork,t'<ai"n»snCay p-
h is

18 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 19

hand man for more than five years, and myself, the only woman. This group is typical of the classes at an American Red Cross Institute.
Our office is in the building of the New York Chapter. I t is a very j
There are two other activities that are high lights in the Life Saving
new and beautiful building, and is right in the midst of things at 38th Service in New York. These include particularly the Aquatic School,
and Lexington Avenue, between the Empire State and Chrysler, so to which is known as a normal school for coaches. Its curriculum involves
speak. swimming, diving, life saving and all their concomitants taught in the
best possible way by the best coaches available. The school runs for
The life saving service has been organized since 1914, but women • twenty weeks, throughout the winter months. We count the numerous
have been in it only since 1930. Chapters in various cities have life sav- j prominent guest lecturers we so often have as an outstanding feature.
ing groups with local directors who are under a National Director in
Washington. The work is of a purely educational nature and is carried Captain Charles B. Scully, who is one of the pillars of the Life Sav-
on to a large extent by the volunteers of the organization under the ing Service in America, is the Director of the Aquatic School, and it was
supervision of specialists in life saving work. begun through his inspiration. He is a man distinguished by his energy,
imagination, capacity for leadership and the very rare quality of meet-
The drowning loss in this country is enormous, totalling over 7,000. ing people easily and being immediately liked by them. Captain Scully
It is our aim to cut this down through teaching the people how to take has more than four hundred and twenty-five rescues to his credit and
care of themselves in the water and how to assist others, should the a Congressional Medal tops the list of his decorations.
need arise. Our slogan is "Every American a swimmer, and every swim-
mer a Red Cross life saver." In general, our work particularly in New The Institute which this chapter runs every spring in conjunction
York is with children of school age. For it is in this group who will be Jtfth similar ones in other sections of this country is also under the
the adults of tomorrow and who, once they get out of schools and camps, leadership of Captain Scully. I t is held at Narrowsburg, New York, the
are least apt to come in contact with safety methods unless they are {ast two weeks in June, just at the time everyone begins seriously think-
particularly engaged in physical educational activities. g, n of camp life. Comprehensive intensive coaching courses in swim-
ming, diving, and life saving are given in an all too short ten days. Insti-
The life saving course requires that every applicant be capable of I tute and Aquatic School people are a pleasure to work with because
passing the swimmers' test of the American Red Cross, which involves I tney are so eager to try new things. We also have a very good boat and
covering 100 yards in good form, performing a satisfactory surface canoe school associated with this Institute which does for boat and
dive, and other items which demonstrate that the applicant can take care canoe work what the Institute does for swimming.
of herself in the water. We have three life saving groups, the juniors,
thirteen to seventeen; seniors, seventeen on; examiners, twenty. The Throughout the summer, members of our trained life saving group
course involves a period of ten hours' training and two hours' examination j
during which period students learn safe, efficient and tested methods of I (Continued on page 57)
approach to drowning persons with appropriate carries, release meth- I
ods for several possible holds, surface diving for recovering objects from
depths, disrobing in the water and resuscitation of drowning people.
We feel that whether a person can pass the rigid test of the service or I
not they have at least learned several important fundamentals of water i
safety by taking the training course.

The examiners' group is a special one we depend on to a large ex-
tent to spread our work among the younger people, particularly the jun-
iors. These examiners make up to a large extent the teachers and in-
structors in our camps and schools. They have to keep up to the minute
with their work as a yearly re-check is demanded in New York City. I
Anyone who glances over the official 1005, a pamphlet of Red Cross J
Life Saving Methods, will realize how far we have come from the days |
when the popular notion was to roll the victim over the nearest barrel
by way of reviving him. Hanging up by the heels was also considered
quite a help at one time. Cooperation with medical science changed J
things considerably.

By E T H E L M C G A R Y , NU

Assistant Director, Life Saving Service

20 To DRAG JANUARY, 1032 21

9 e n e a logy to uncover a new ancestor. Even when you do not obtain the informa-
tion you desire, you find new friends and often, relatives.
d venture You who like sports can have all the sport you care for in capturing
ancestral game.
For you who line mysteries, there are plots and clues in abundance.
PAULINE You will have to use all your wits to find out who "Mary was." She
BURKITT seems to be just Mary, wife of John Smith. Mary's name could just
REYNOLDS as well have been written Mary Doe Smith, and how genealogists would
have appreciated knowing her name without endless searching for her
Zeta marriage record. Mary should not have lost her individuality by mar-
riage. A good idea is to occasionally use your maiden name in your sig-
APROMINENT sister of Alpha Omicron Pi said to me at our recent nature. Five hundred years from now your descendants will be grateful
convention, in Colorado, "Pauline, one reason why 1 like you j | to you for it.
because you have a hobby, and women having hobbies are sel^j
dom petty." I succumbed to Wilma's flattery, and promised to write Genealogy has the greatest appeal to the historian. For it is not
this article for To DRAGMA. only the recording of birth, marriage, and death dates, but it tells of
individual lives. The struggle for existence, customs, religion, and such
Genealogy appeals to so many people because of its large field on things constitute national history, and you will undoubtedly get many
adventure. You who like to travel can cover vast distances in search of a thrill over the part your people played in it. True you do not all trace
an illusive ancestor. I f you are blessed with money, you may have the to the "Mayflower" or Jamestown Colonies, but you all have a family
pleasure of visiting birthplaces, and obtaining from vital records your tree, and it is just as much fun to climb, whether it traces to John Alden
information, studying very old volumes of records for the marriages and or Henry Schultz. Just as important, whether the emigrant came in
death dates of relatives. However, it is the person of moderate circum- 1620, or 1920. No one will appreciate your family tree as much as you,
stances who enjoys genealogy the most, for those who have money em- especially if you revive it yourself. The feeling that steals over you
ploy someone to complete their lines for them and hence lose the actual might be likened to the thrill that came over all of the Alpha O's as we
glory of finding their authentic ancestors for themselves. So instead of listened to Mrs. Perry and Bess Wyman tell us of the foundings of our
taking these lovely trips you will have to resort to correspondence. Let- sorority, its early struggles, members, and the first few chapters, at
ters to county and state officers, census bureaus, pension departments, their "Story Telling Hour" at Troutdale. I feel sure, that those of you
churches, libraries, and a score of other places where you may be able who have heard them will be anxious to take up genealogy for it will
renew that feeling.

As time goes on, fire and old age destroy many of our valuable
family records, in public buildings and private homes. Through their
joss your descendants may not be able to trace to you. So save your
lines by preserving these papers now. While not only enjoying doing
so, you will be compiling history for the future, and that certainly is
a noble cause.

The large old family Bible which belonged to most of your grand-
parents is fast disappearing; in it the family data were faithfully kept
and these records are taken as absolute proof by all historic organiza-

For you who would like to start a family record, I would suggest a

? r t as the easiest workable way. The following method: these

^ eets c a n ]-,e obtained already printed, but I prefer to make my own
history note book paper and keep them in a ring type note book

additions and corrections are much easier taken care of in this way.

sh « ^ "m n out this page, as charted on the following page, start

v ' 2 " by putting your great grandfather's name in the space in which

\ ? " ° P 8U t And s o continue.
Ur n a m e o n ae

Many genealogical magazines are anxious to print bible records,

22 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 23

father's name great grandfather's! « Jfere ^4re the »
11. where? when? name
M. where? when? grandfather's name ^District Alumnae Superintendents
I), where? when? B. where and when? B. where and when?
children. M. where and when? M. where and when?
D. where and when? D. where and when?
Your name here
Born, where? when? children great grandmother'!
married name

who? B. where and when?j
where? 1). where and when?]
Died, grandmother's name great grandfather's!
where and name
11. where ? when ?
when I), where? when? B. where and when?
children. M. where and when?]
D. where and when?*
mother's name
B. where? when? great grandmother's
D. where? when? name

B. where? when?
D. where? when? I

grandfather's name great grandfather**! ALICE J . SPEAK, A V I V I A N STRAHM S M I T H , <P
B. where? when? Cjfive tAve 'Pictured on This 'Page
M. where? when? B. where? when?!
I). where? when? M. where? when? 1
D. where? when? • ]

great grandmother**]

B. where? when?
D. where? when? j

grandmother's name great grandfather**! m
II. where? when? 1
D. where? when? B. where? when?
M . where? when?
D. where? when?

church records, wills, deeds, or any old letter or paper containing names E . L S I E FOSO P i F E B , Z
or data which might help some of their readers to connect their lines.
This is an excellent way to preserve material, so if you have such papers All « SMITH THOMSON, A ROMA WHISNANT, A I
about, why not take this way to save them?

Many families have some story that has been handed down frorfli
generation to generation which the younger members of the family laugh
at and scorn, but usually upon investigation these tales are found to
be based on fact. So if you do not care to investigate these traditions
yourself, at least repeat them to your children. These yarns excite aO

(Continued on page 59)

24 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 25

« ^SPONSIBILITIES» "One day early in October, 1901, another freshman and I were sitting on
the same chair, translating German preparatory to going to class. I read out
of Superintendents <^4re increased 'schatz,' and heard a voice behind me say 'sweetheart.' I looked up to see a girl
with clear laughing eyes, in the whitest, stiffest shirtwaist (according the dictates
AL U M N A SUPERINTENDENTS have always held an important of the day). She at once took command of the situation and rapidly and correctly
position, but with the coming of the state plan of alumnae ott finished the translation. After class we found we were both walking home the
ganization, their responsibilities have increased, and on them and same way, and so began a friendship which has lasted all these years. Circum-
the state chairmen rests the burden of bringing scattered alumna; into stances have forced us to live far apart, and to see each other only occasionally,
mobilization. The Executive Committee has considered their selection but I know Alice Smith is there and just the same as that day thirty-one years
carefully, and we are glad to allow friends to introduce our new officers. ago.

Annette M . Harvey ( A ) , has worked with Alice Spear, the Atlantic "Alice Thomson ( A ) , is true, she is capable, conscientious, a clear thinker
District Alumna; Superintendent: and a person who accomplishes the things which she sets out to do. She has a
sense of humor, and even better, an ability to make others see the humor of a
"Ever since freshman days, Alice Spear's (A '12), relations with college and fra* situation. She has patience and persistence, without antagonizing others.
ternity affairs have been characterized by service and loyalty in good measure
pressed down and running over. Steady, faithful, day by day devotion to the "The Great Lakes District is to be congratulated on its new Alumna; Superin-
job in hand has gradually made her known to the whole general alumna; body tendent."
of Tufts College, as well as to the members of the Boston Alumna; chapter of
Alpha O, and our great fraternity at large. Alice has served in many capaci- "P.S. I have no idea who the other freshman was."
ties on all sorts of college and fraternity committees, and has served cheerfully. "Vivian Strahm Smith, our new Alumna; Superintendent of the Ohio Valley
She has not sought for the conspicuous office, but has been content to do her District, is a native of Lawrence, Kansas. She received her higher education at the
particular bit as well as possible. And, as a result of her steady accomplish- University, receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree with chemistry as her major, and
ment, the conspicuous office in turn has sought her. later doing post graduate work for her Master of Science degree in medicine. She
was a charter member of Phi chapter.
"Alice Spear radiates good-natured ability. Whether she is found washing, "After spending three years working in the biological department of the Uni-
dishes behind the scenes of a Delta chapter rush party, or selling stacks of versity, she married Dr. Lester A. Smith, also a native Kansan. His work with
Christmas cards personally to raise money for the alumna; chapter scholarship a Medical Unit during the World War took them to Washington, D . C . , and also
fund, or conferring gravely with President Cousens of Tufts College in regard to Louisville, Kentucky. After the war they located in Chicago where Dr. Smith
to the latest project of an endowed alumna; hall, Alice is right there, on time, did graduate work, and Vivian served as bacteriologist in Cook County Hospital
bringing to each endeavor the same cheery thoughtful attention. Yet, in spite
of being efficient, she does not antagonize people by an insistence on her own "Why the Smiths decided upon Indianapolis as their future home I do not
point of view on the business in hand. She gives full consideration to any opposi- know. The important thing to us here is that they did. Dr. Smith is associated
tion, gladly concedes a point well taken, and proffers her own comment with with some leading doctors in town as an X - R a y specialist. Vivian has also served
a modest smile, and 'Do you think, perhaps?' More often than not you do sec as bacteriologist in the Indiana University Medical Unit here in the city.
it her way.
"Her efforts as an alumna of Alpha Omicron Pi have been many. She has
"Her four years as president of Boston Alumna; chapter, her frequent at- served as president of the Indianapolis Alumnae chapter and as delegate to our
tendance at fraternity conventions, and her years of service as delegate to the local Panhellenic Council. For two years she served on the Fellowship Award Com-
Boston City Panhellenic Association, have given Alice a broad experience that mittee and for six years gave unsparingly of her time, thought and energy to
serves her in good stead in the offices that are crowding upon her. In May, 1930, colonize Beta Theta chapter and mothering it as alumna adviser during its in-
she was elected president of Tufts Alumna; Association for three years. At fancy.
our AOEI convention in June, 1931, she was appointed to the office of District
Alumna; Superintendent. "Too much cannot be said of the esteem with which she is regarded in I n -
dianapolis. She is not only an efficient and thorough person, one who can always
"Our national organization has known this Boston girl as an ardent attendant pe relied upon to give an honest opinion and constructive help, but also is a charm-
at conventions and a faithful, effective worker on minor and major committees, fej] ,^ess> knows a joke when she sees it and I may say 'an all around good
including her recent job of overseeing magazine subscriptions for National Work.
I n New England, local alumna; have been amazed and delighted by the number f • j ^ e r e x P e r ' e n c e , tact and sympathetic understanding will endear her to her new
of stray visiting alumna; from other chapters that she has been able to locate, mends m her new work."
to welcome, and to interest in the Boston chapter.
So Mary Gertrude Manley (B$), writes of our Ohio Valley District
Hereabouts we can't help feeling that the alumna; chapters are fortunate A|umna; Superintendent.
in securing the cheerful, tactful, devoted service of this sister, so interested by
disposition and many-sided endeavor in the happy solution of their problems- M " / U ^ a ^ km a n e ( Z ) , is an undergraduate who knows and admires the
Midwestern Alumna; Superintendent.
Josephine S. Pratt ( A ) , recalls her meeting with Alice Smith Thom-
son. i.'-He p .t n e University of Nebraska campus, the Assistant Dean of Women,

^sist th°rC* ^ ' P e r 1 5 k n o w n and loved by many girls, for she is always ready to

ing (j, ? e n e e d i n g it by helpful suggestions and valuable advice. Last year, dur-

W o m e n ° - P P »o f H He ner Miss PP i e r
06 f Dean Amanda

served as Acting Dean
with th yg r C a t m a n Alpha O's outside of the Mid-Western District are familiar

y^eeafrloswsThh- n ame Elsie F o r d Pipe r fr o m th e fact t hat Elsie F ord has be en o n the

*A w a r c Committee for four years, serving as chairman the past two

d mp«>t ° k ° 'a n on remember hearing her report
-0Se f you vy were at convent

the year if ' yh e r Lambda girls know her as she lived at Lambda's house

she did graduate work at Leland Stanford University.

26 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 27

"Elsie Ford was a charter member of Zeta and has always been an active, PHILANTHROPIC QUOTAS
loyal and enthusiastic Alpha O. The fact that for many years she was not living
in Lincoln in no way lessened her enthusiasm. She always called at the house
when in the city and has only missed one annual banquet since her initiation.
For fourteen years she was on the Faculty of the Nebraska State Teachers Col-
lege at Wayne, Nebraska, as head of the Latin Department and later as Dean of
Women also. During and since that time Zeta has pledged many splendid girls from
Wayne. Elsie Ford has been Alumna; Chairman of Zeta's Scholarship Committee
for five years and this year Zeta received a silver basket for fourth place in the
scholarship rank of twenty-one sororities.

"As District Alumna Superintendent of the Mid-Western District we know
that Elsie Ford will do the same superior work which she has always done, and
those under her direction will love to work with her."

Louise Church ( A ) , is very sure her career is too usual to speak Chairmen Vlan ^Alumnae Qontacts
about. Thus she sums it up. " I was born in New Orleans, went through
the public schools and entered Newcomb College very young and very ALUMN7E support means strength of spirit, finances, and friends.
scared, studied hard and played a little. Since graduation in 1924, I have Every undergraduate chapter knows what tremendous help its
taught in private schools in New Orleans, and this year I am librarian alumnae sisters are. And so the fraternity realizes that in its alum-
at one of the high schools in the city." She doesn't tell about being in pa? lies the strength of the future. An alumna lost means a weak rung
Science Club, Glee Club and Cercle Franchise, about winning the chapter •n this long ladder of ours.
scholarship cup in 1924; about serving Pi as secretary and the alumna?
chapter in every office except treasurer. Any one besides herself will tell In every fraternity disinterested alumna? are problems. These people
you that she is quiet and unassuming, but so responsible and wise as nave taken a vow, and yet four years or less later finds them putting
well as charming in appearance and personality. away their pins and forgetting that they have joined our group or an-
other for life. Business, housekeeping or pleasures swallow them.
Helen Cantine (AS), introduces Roma Whisnant:
At the Troutdale convention Alpha Omicron Pi decided to try a
"A tall, well-poised, strikingly attractive person is Roma Whisnant, the new experiment for two years. For years the alumnae organization has
new Alumna; Superintendent for the Pacific District. From the time she entered been under the supervision of the Grand Vice President and the Alum-
the University of Oregon as a freshman, perhaps because of two years' business jj* Superintendents. The latter received reports from alumnae chapters
experience following high school, her interests have followed the lines of busi- Within their districts, and their contact with these organized groups has
ness methods and group organization.
fairly close.
"An apprenticeship in fraternity service her sophomore year, when she acted
as chapter treasurer and secretary, resulted in her election the following year But what of the alumna without the bounds of alumnae chapters?
as president of Alpha Sigma. Not only did Roma fill this office very ably, but unce a year she has been visited by the member-at-large letter sent
she managed at the same time to be prominent in W.A.A. and Woman ? League rom the Central Office. Once a year, given that she has not moved or
affairs and to fill a part-time position as secretary to the Dean of the School of
Physical Education. , arried without leaving her address, she has had a fleeting glimpse of
e r fraternity. I f she is a subscriber to To DRAGMA, she has had a
"Her senior year, at the critical time when a new house was being financedi littl C r vision four times a year besides the letter. But she has had very
Roma served as treasurer of Alpha Sigma corporation. Phi Chi Theta, business
honorary, elected her as president, and awarded her the Phi Chi Theta key for e close range or personal appeal from her fraternity.
scholarship, activities and character. . n $ k £ n e w experiment creates the office of State Chairman of Alum-
chant P ^ 0 1 1 w m < have as her duties the strengthening of alumnae
"Since graduation Roma has been working in Seattle and Portland in bota
of which cities she has participated actively in alumna; chapter affairs. Her present Pters, the organization of new ones where numbers warrant, and the
work keeps her in touch with the ever-changing aspects of the west coast lumber

"Generosity, enthusiasm and a gay willingness of spirit are outstanding traits
in Roma, traits which characterized her as an undergraduate and which wui
endear her now to those she meets in the new role she is to play."

<9\(ew Hook on Kentucky 'Published

Learn more of this socially starved country from Caroline Gardners,
"Clever Country." Mrs. Gardner is Executive Secretary in Chicago <S
the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. You may secure your copy through
me—Mrs. E. C. Franco-Ferreira, 901 Argyle Street, Chicago, Illinois?
Price $1.50.

28 To DRAG (ARY, 1932 29

dissemination of information to scattered members through state news N
letters of an intimate nature. She will collect alumna? dues of $1.50 per
year per alumna and all contributions to our new philanthropic work. Wherein S £tart to ^Angkor
Her duties will also include the responsibility of securing and keeping
up-to-date the addresses of each member in her territory. «|-N M Y last 10, after an in-
I travelog, I teresting stop
Our new social service work should give each of us a common inter- in the hot
est and nothing cements interests so well as a desire to see that in- told you in spring regions
terest succeed and become enriched. Without the support, spiritual and it, I think, that around Beppu
financial, of each alumna, our project cannot grow fully. I t is your work I was going to at the far west
and your work cannot bloom with only the nurture of your neighbor. Formosa from end of Japan,
The 1931-33 budget for our social service work in Kentucky has been Japan. I never and a day in
apportioned to the state chairman according to the number of members reached there, Nagasaki.
in each state or group of states. You will find the amount which because, as so Shanghai itself
your chairman is expected to raise ere the year closes. An average con- often before was an old
tribution of fifty cents a person will satisfy this budget. the gods inter- story by now,
fered and pro- for I had been
No doubt each of you has had her member-at-large letter and her vided another there five
first state news letter by the time this copy reaches you. What have one of their times, but this
you done about it? Procrastination, the saying goes, is friend only to unbelievable was the first
half-living people. Are you half-alive? surprises.

Do ^/ o u Know That

There are some easy and pleasant ways to earn your quota for our Social After really time in all of
Service work? Muriel Turner McKinney ( A ) , Grand Vice President suggests a
few. thrillingly in- those visits in

Have you sold metal sponges, card table covers, Christmas cards, fireplace teresting weeks which any trips
brushes, shelf paper, napkins, Christmas wrappings?
in Japan in the into the inte-
Have you earned a commission by taking parties through laundries,
demonstration homes, ice box factories? fall during and rior cities were

Have you made quilt blocks and then raffled the quilt at a silver tea? just following Outside of a Japanese inn at Minobu, in possible, war
the Enthrone- the course of a tramping trip around the conditions hav-
Have you had contract bridge classes with expert members as teachers? base of Mt. Fuji.
Fifty cents a pupil at each lesson helps. ment excite- ing prevented

Have you tried theatre benefits, fashion shows, bridge parties and rum- ment (much of Further Adventures from them on earli-
mage sales? the time spent, the Pen of er occasions.
as I think I Between
Have you tried a baby class for young mothers with one of your trained LILLIAN SCHOEDLER
members as teacher? told you, in lengthy shop-
Have you had food sales and pot Idck suppers? Kyoto, at the ping expedi-

Have you had a birthday penny box or a waist measure penny apron? home of friends who wtfiaoesnncstin, attointhgSeoroeofclohdroew,c, ityaI
"ved directly across
Have you tried bridge or golf tournaments? J"e street from the

Have you tried to raise your quota? Further information will be given I l n P e r i a l Palace with picturesque old
by the Grand Vice President.
JjHs), I left for arched bridges and

Shanghaion December it was often difficult

30 To DRAGMJ ANUARY, 1932 31

for even two people to pass. I went also to Hangchow, with its lov A nice leisurely way of "climbing"' to the top of the peak above Hongkong,
in China.
lake and hills and picturesque temples, and at Hangchow had the im
than the closely huddled sampans and junks, remains unchanged.
teresting experience of attending a Christmas party given by the Chinese From Hongkong I took an infinitesimal Chinese steamer, the good
Y.M. and Y.W.C.A. Tableaux of the Nativity were most quaintly and
interestingly presented, but no part of the program left me with as ship "Song Bo," to French Indo-China, on January 4. It carried only
strange a feeling as hearing "Holy Night," "O Little Star of Bethlehem," five upper-class passengers, and looked as if it might sink or be blown
"Adeste Fideles" and other familiar Christmas carols sung in the Chinese over at any moment. In appearance it was far and away the most dis-
tongue! Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, incidentally, were spent in reputable looking craft I have ever been on—but we had meals on it
Shanghai, with three Christmas dinners by way of celebration! that would do credit to the best restaurant in Paris. For two days we
sailed through waters infested with Chinese pirates, but unfortunately
On my second morning in Hangchow I went for breakfast into the we ran into no excitement. Instead, we arrived safely and promptly at
dining room of the tiny semi-European hotel of which the city boasts, Haiphong, from which I took a train to Hanoi, the capital of Tonking,
and to my great surprise saw some Europeans there. I greeted them, and where I met my friends, who had sailed from Shanghai on an earlier
they me, and we began to talk across the room over our eggs and tea. boat than I could catch. By the time I arrived, the car (a great big
They were French, and had a French-speaking Chinese as a guide. When comfortable Renault with a chauffeur and boy) and everything else was
they found that I was alone, and strange in the city as they were also, ready, and after a busy and interesting day or two in Hanoi we set off.
they suggested that I might like to join them, and share the benefits of
their guide, which I was delighted to do. We set off in rickshas, and as [To BE CONTINUED]
we were riding along, they asked me by way of conversation, where I
was going from China. I told them to Formosa, and then to Saigon and Alpha 0 Wins Kodak "Prize
Angkor. "Was that all that I was going to see of French Indo-China?"
they wanted to know. "That's all I know anything about," I replied. (Continued from page 16)
"Well, that is too bad," they said. "We are sailing for French Indo-China
tomorrow to drive through the whole country in our own car. Perhaps dress over her head. But Fate smiled on us for the tenth of a second in
you would come with us as our guest."!!!! (The exclamation marks are ^nich the camera was registering the picture which later won the $100
mine!) I was dumfounded, to put it mildly—somewhat as I was in ^tate prize for Vermont, then $500 for the best child picture submitted
Paris on that memorable day in 1922 when the Macy's invited me to , n the United States, and then the $2,500 Grand Award for the best
go with them on that unforgettable trip into Egypt and the Sudan— amateur photograph in the United States.
and I remember suggesting they hold the invitation in reserve until
later, when they could have more of an opportunity to know me, for we My experience in snap-shooting has been gained largely in recording
had met less than an hour ago!! At the end of the day, after our return e babyhood of my two rollicking youngsters, though in college I gained
to Shanghai and a marvelous Christmas Eve dinner together at the xPerience as a member of the photographic staff of the Cornell Graphic.
Majestic Hotel, they hadn't changed their minds, however, and when
they repeated and urged the invitation, I , scarcely able to believe what
I had heard, said I would come.

My boat for Formosa was leaving the next day. I had engaged my
accommodations on it, of course, but because I didn't have my passport
with me at the time I made the reservation, I had not been allowed to
pay for it. Changing was therefore an easy matter, and I booked a pas-
sage to Hongkong instead on December 28, spending an interesting N c *
Year's Eve on the French liner on which I sailed, in company with 8
Hungarian professor, a young German merchant and a French radio
officer. From Hongkong I went to Canton, also open to travel for the
first time in all of my passings-through. It is a fascinating old city-'
and a center second only to Peking as a purchasing heaven for Chined
curios and treasures (for which, unfortunately, I had no pennies to
spare!). The city is being rapidly modernized, however, and broad, ne*
fine streets are replacing many of the dirty, narrow but alluring o l
twisting alleys. The crowded native life on the Pearl River and cana^i
where countless families spend their entire lives, knowing no other home5

32 To DRAGIMJ JANUARY, 1932 33

he Vlays With Jawfywl in Dumas' "Qatnille"

Lambda's Elizabeth Wilbur is adding Elizabeth Wilbur (A), wore this lovely velvet gown in "Camille." Here she is seen
with John Davidson, Frederick Sullivan, and Jane Cowl in this great play by that
further laurels to her dramatic crown
master of romance, Alexandre Dumas, one of the greatest of the great.
EL I Z A B E T H W I L B U R (A '27), a young actress of no mean ability
of whom you have read before, has added another short season final week at the Curran Theater with tonight's performance of 'Camille.'
of note to a career which seems filled with interesting episodes. The distinguished actress has added another laurel to her wreath by her
In her own words she puts it very simply. "The short season with Miss infinitely tender and beautiful impersonation of Alexandre Dumas' un-
happy fiUc de j0ie ]yjjss Cowl commands tears at will but in the last act
Cowl was great fun. She's such a' the simplicity and beauty of Marguerite's death is agonizing to the
lovely person. I hope to play with spectator. Here the actress does some of the finest acting of her career.
her again."
"Belasco and Curran's production of the play is in many respects the
The play was Alexandre Du- nr>est it has ever had. The settings have solid walls and practical doors,
mas' "Camille." The theatre was
the Curran in San Francisco. The the furnishings are of the period, the Third Empire in France."
season was wholly successful. The
theatre was packed. The version
used was by William Keighley.
"It is sharper and crisper than
former adaptations, and has been
modernized in the sense of short
speeches and speeding up the ac-
tion. The production is the most
splendid the old play has ever
had." Thus heralded the San
Francisco Chronicle.

Among the cast were to
be found Gilbert Roland
as Armand Duval; Walter
Kingsford; Lewis Martin;
Montague Shaw; John Dav-
idson; Jessie Ralph; Florence
Aberle; Maren Evenson and
some thirty others.

During the last week of
the play, the Chronicle says,
"Jane Cowl enters on her

34 To DRAGM^V' JANUARY, 1932 35

Education "Recognizes the (fraternity --

EV E R since its inception the fraternity has been of benefit to the Dean Laughlin is the founder iff Phrateres.
educational world of which it is a part. Sometimes states and in-
stitutions have lost sight of those benefits because some sensational 'Phrateres Cfills a 'Place in the
escapade of youth could be laid at the door of the fraternity. In odd J^ives of Unorganized Qirls
cases the fraternity has lost sight of its objectives, its purpose and its
opportunities. It has brought down a consummate wrath and prejudice PH R A T E R E S , a national democratic organization of college women,
which has jeopardized the chances of other groups. was organized at the University of California at Los Angeles in the
fall of 1924. The idea, that of Mrs. Helen Matthewson Laughlin,
Fewer and fewer such instances come to our ears these days. The dean of women, has been popular from the start, and the organization
educational program of National Panhellenic Congress and the Inter- has grown beyond all expectations.
fraternity Conference seem to have reached a good share of its goal. The
public or interpreters to the public are giving fraternities something of Dean Laughlin organized Phrateres originally to provide a means
the credit due them. whereby non-resident women living in boarding houses might govern
themselves in their campus homes, and might also enjoy the social,
Dr. Arthur J . Klein of Ohio State University, former head of the academic and athletic privileges of the women in the fraternities. Ac-
collegiate division of the federal education bureau, recently directed a cordingly, Phrateres sub-chapters are graded in scholarship in the same
.-urvey of Oregon's higher education. In his report, we find the para- list as the fraternities, and the organization holds social and athletic
graph quoted below. events. We feel that through this organization many women are being
offered advantages enjoyed by the fraternity women, which are so dear
"The fraternities and sororities are to be commended for the serv- t o the hearts of all college women.
ices that they render the institutions, particularly for the housing facili-
ties provided. Increasingly and through cooperative relationships the There are sub-chapters of Phrateres for women living at home who
institutions should regard these social organizations as instruments and 'eU they had no share in university life. Many women join Phrateres
agencies for social and community education. They may well be made
examples of the advantages and benefits to be derived from the social
association of small groups of students and serve to encourage similar
nonfraternity organizations upon the campuses of the state institutions."

Dean Helen Laughlin, dean of women at the University of California j
at Los Angeles, has been interested in having as many women as pos-
sible in organized groups. Since it is not possible for every girl to be
admitted to the national fraternities on her campus, she has organized
new groups. She has recognized that young people are happier, more
cooperative if they are living a group life. Unlike some persons with her
responsibility, she is seeking every benefit to be derived from such
groups. Eventually every dean will come to realize that in the fraternity
they have the ideal means of working with a large student body.

The fraternities must, in turn strive to hold the confidence which is
being placed in them. Their work should be ever with the person in
whose hands the duties of student affairs are placed. Carelessness in con-
forming to regulations often leads authorities to believe that the fra-
ternity likes to show its independence. Our chapters must cooperate in
every action.

30 To DRAGMA; JANUARY, 1932 37

and through the attention attracted to themselves by their participa- c$ a s k e / j
tion in the organization find themselves rushed by fraternities. If they
desire to retain their membership, Phrateres is glad to have them do so. 'Belongs to 'Beta Kappa
Certain fraternity women realize the value of broadening their college
contacts and join Phrateres for the opportunity thus afforded. By B E T T Y J O H N S O N , Beta Kappa

Phrateres is not a non-organization group. Phrateres is not set upi j LAX W H Y T E has been unanimously chosen captain of the senior
for comparison with Panhellenic. It is a democratic company of college "A" basketball team. She was a member of the team which wron
women, including fraternity and nonfraternity women, open to every the world's basketball championship at the Olympic Games in
woman who sincerely desires to serve the university through the organi- Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1930.
zation by helping to vitalize its motto, "Famous for Friendliness." Na- The Vbyssey, college newspaper, says of her: "The only member
turally it will always be composed largely of non-organization women °f the championship team left on the line-up this year is Jean Whyte
but the Alpha chapter at the University of California at Los Angeles w » o will play center. This will be Jean's fifth year to represent varsity
feels that it further accomplishes its aim by providing an opportunity on the senior "A" team and much credit is due her for her consistent
for both fraternity and nonfraternity women together to serve our uni- Worts to put the college on the map in the basketball world."
versity and benefit by the experience.
Jean is athletic representative of Education '32, a member of the
In the beginning the founder had no thought of expansion. She •g Block Club, the athletic honor societv at the University of British
merely hoped to develop an organization for the best interests of the Columbia.
women on this campus. Phrateres was glad, however, when other colleges
became interested in its organization, and there are now four chapters
in addition to the Alpha chapter. Beta chapter is located at the Univer-
sity of Washington, Gamma at Oregon State College, Delta at Whitman
College, and Epsilon at the University of New Mexico.

At the time of the installation of the Gamma and Delta chapters in'
December, 1930. the fact that the organization was becoming too large
and unwieldy became evident, so the first national conference was held.
It was at this conference that Mrs. Helen Matthewson Laughlin, the
founder, was elected honorary Grand President. The next conference
is to be held in the spring of 1932, again at Oregon State College, in
conjunction with the conference of the Western Section of the Associated
Women Students and Deans of Women. Requests have been received
from colleges in the east and west.

When requests to establish chapters at other colleges come to Alpha
chapter, we were pleased to cooperate but felt very strongly that we
did not desire to dictate the policies that should prevail on other campi
except in a general way. Our name (Phrateres, meaning Sisterhood),
our symbols (pin, ring and crest), are fixed. So is the Phrateres ideal,
that the organization shall be a democratic organization of college women
having nothing that in any way corresponds to rushing and selective
membership, yet offering all other advantages made possible by the fra-
ternity system.

"Beta "Phi Qets "Beta Tbeta's J^aurels

Proof reading should be finished before midnight. When it continues
past that hour as it did in October, Beta Theta is apt to remain Beta
Phi. So Beta Theta, not Beta Phi, leads its campus in scholarship,
also possessed two <E>K<I> members last spring. Now Ava Louise Reddi<
(B0) joins her sisters. A new cup, for the best dressed doll in the D<
Show is a new award, too.

JANUARY, 1932 39


^Mary Dee Drummond introduces CTIS~<5Miss ^Morrow S ^ T U C K y Offers Us

i \ Opportunities for


Bland Morrow is the charming young woman who will become our social service By B L A N D M O R R O W
worker in the Kentucky mountains.
I Y E N a field in which no one has undertaken to do social work
The first qualification of a Social Service worker is, that she must have aft ( l l f in an intensive way—a field in which, to even the untrained eye,
understanding of, and sympathy for people as they are, irrespective of age, sex,
mentality, education, and social position, coupled with the faculty of accepting the social problems are varied, numerous, and oftentimes tragical-
facts as they exist without judgment becoming obscured by sentiment. Miss Mor- ly acute and it becomes difficult, when trying to map out a social-
row possesses this qualification to a high degree. She realizes fully the size of the work program, to draw the line between what will be possible and
job before her, but her type of mind is spurred rather than deterred by diffi- practicable in the beginning and what is desirable and ideal. Such is the
culties. I t is interesting to note that she did not seek to be a Social Service problem that confronts the embryonic social-service department of the
worker in the hills but rather developed into one imperceptibly. During a two- Frontier Nursing Service.
year residence in the hills as one of Mrs. Breckenridge's secretaries, she became
thoroughly acquainted with the people and their needs. It was discovered that The Frontier Nursing Service's hospital is a
she has a natural bent for understanding and handling their problems. Because welcome sight to the foot-sore stretcher
of this faculty the Frontier Nursing Service sent her to the New York School
of Social Service to get the necessary technical training. She graduates next spring bearers.
when she becomes a fullfledged worker among the people she has come to love and
understand. COURTESY, Hygeia Magazine

Miss Morrow was born in Mississippi, and laughingly says that her Social
Service training began in her family. She is the third among ten children. After
she graduated from high school she took a position in New Orleans with a steam-
ship rate-making organization. When she had saved a bit of money she entered
Maryville College in Tennessee where she graduated cum laude, with a B.A. de-
gree and a major in English literature. She is also a member of ITKA, an honor-
ary forensic fraternity. She returned to New Orleans and her old job, but find-
ing it rather uninteresting, cast about for something else and learned of an open-
ing with the Frontier Nursing Service and soon joined forces with that organiza-
tion in 1928.

(Continued on page 99)

40 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 41

In the section of the Kentucky mountains served by the Frontier A!
Nursing Service no person or organization can be said to have under-
taken social work in the professional sense of the word. Obviously the 1-
occasional mission station, their community centres, schools and hos-
pitals, have a distinctly "social" function in the community. Equally Life and health for mountain
apparent is it that the work of the Frontier Nursing Service is a posi-
tive contribution to individual and community well-being—a social hal '.i s.
contribution. Nor can a region be said to be devoid of social work
where neighborliness is practiced. It is generally conceded that social with which to handle them. However good a neighbor may be, he can-
work began as neighborliness. But all this is social work in a diffused not make it his business to "cover a field," so that the case neglected by
sense of the word. immediate neighbors is likely to go entirely neglected. From the point
of view of the Frontier Nursing Service, membefs of its staff have their
One of the essentials of a good neighbor, a good "natural" social professional duties which are strenuous and imperative. So that neigh-
worker, is that he should have the sympathetic awareness of a neigh- borliness alone is not enough.
bor's trouble, which in turn generates an impulse to help. Another is
that he should have the means at hand for helping. On the first score In keeping with the policy of thorough training for its nursing
the mountain people as a whole rank high. Even a superficial acquaint- work and of the most up-to-date methods and practices, the Frontier
ance with the ways of the mountaineer reveals his willingness to share— Nursing Service has for several years recognized the desirability of
means and strength and wisdom—however meagre his own store may be. having on its staff a person trained for handling social problems. The
If among the mountain people the willingness to be helpful is easily innovation means, therefore, something only partly new; a phase of the
apparent, even more evident is the poverty of resources out of which Frontier Nursing Service's work more intensively done; and, hope-
help may be given. Nothing is more uniformly true of them than that fully done with more deftness and economy of time and effort. Hope-
very meagreness of means, the gift of physical, social, and economic iso- fully also, professionalizing the many-sided task of neighborliness does
lation. Under these circumstances the "natural" social worker functions not necessitate the loss of those desiderata inherent in neighborliness
but lamely. itself.

The personnel of the occasional mission station have also functioned If the field is not literally uncharted then, in the sense that nothing
as neighbors. Their neighborliness grows out of the same natural sources sn a hitherto been done in the way of social work, it is uncharted in the
as does that of neighbors in the more usual sense of the word. Their
participation means not only an increase in the ranks of neighbors as
such but an addition of skill, understanding and material means.

Fundamental among the dreams of the Frontier Nursing Service is
the hope for an equitable distribution of opportunities, opportunities for
life, health and full development of personality and powers—oppor-
tunities denied to no sector of the American population more completely
than to the mountain people. The Frontier Nurse is fortunately placed
for discovering the social problems that grow out of this lack. Has she
not already the neighborly impulse, she could hardly escape developing
it in this environment. The nature of her association with the people
being what it is, and the philosophy of her organization being wrhat it
is, she inevitably becomes another "natural" social worker, and the
supply of neighbors and means for neighborliness are augmented.

It is easy to see that social work purely on this basis has its in-,
adequacies as well as its good points. Help from a neighbor is natural
and easily acceptable. The neighbor knows his "client" well and does
not have to go through the meticulous process of verifying the facts
lest he be imposed upon. On the other hand the neighbor has his own
needs and those of his family to look out for, and if one lives on a
precarious margin those needs are all if not more than he can attend to.
Nor do neighbors often acquire, in the course of ordinary living, the
insight necessary to discover the more deep-lying needs or the skill

42 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 43

sense that no one knows the actual measure of the task—how much psychiatric clinics; child-placement agencies; recreation facilities, et
there is to be done nor how the sum total divides itself into the various Cetera, sources on which she may draw for the special service needed
types of social case-work problems. For example, the field covered by in a particular case. In addition to these, the urban community can
the Frontier Nursing Service is well charted medically speaking. The boast of various and effective community facilities in the way of public
Frontier Nursing Service knows what types of cases are in preponder- schools, churches, clubs, libraries, et cetera, for the development and
ance, what diseases and conditions offer the most serious problem for the enrichment of living. The social worker works against her community
group as a social unit, etc. In short, it knows where the emphasis should background. ;\s community services increase in suitability, adequacy,
be placed, what knowledge and skills are most needed, where the most and efficiency the social problems decrease in number and complexity
time and energy and materials should be expended. The social-work (assuming, of course, that among these community services is the op-
field in this region is, in the sense, totally uncharted. There are cases portunity for earning a livelihood and maintaining life decently). The
of personality maladjustment. Yes, but how frequent and how serious? efficiency of her community conditions the ease and success with which
One expects to find them relatively few because life is lived under such the social worker functions.
simple conditions. But if this conclusion is mistaken, the question then
arises of how and where psychiatric services may be had; so that the That all rural communities as a whole have not created for them-
answer to the question is important. If, on the other hand, relief prob- selves anything approaching adequate community service is common
lems figure very largely in the case load, and it seems likely that such knowledge. What is true of rural communities as a group is true in an
will be the case, what is to be the department's policy toward those extreme form of mountain communities where poverty and backward-
problems, less acute perhaps but too serious to be ignored, and offering ness exist in pronounced form—six-months, one-teacher schools, roads
opportunity for the most constructive type of social work? Then there that hardly deserve the name, churches that minister chiefly to primi-
are the cases which may be grouped under the heading of medical social tive emotionalism, practically no libraries and no organized attempt at
problems—problems distinctly social in themselves but which forestall meeting the social and recreational needs of youth.
the nurse or doctor in treatment, as well as those social problems pre-
cipitated by illness or injury. Logically these should come first in the A discussion of the natural compensation inherent in the simple
social-work program of a nursing organization. Will they in our region rural life, as over against the penalties exacted of the city dweller, is
prove to be of such numbers that the social-service department can not apropos. Obviously urban life exerts a strain and creates problems
hope to do little more than this type of work? These and many more of its own. On the other hand the rural region doubtless creates prob-
questions cannot be answered until the department has been functioning lems with their own peculiar twist, but about these we are much less
and has charted the field for itself. well informed. The point is that for the social worker the urban com-
munity as a tool chest is infinitely better equipped than is the mountain
Despite all these questions however, out of the experience of the community.
Frontier Nursing Service two things are certain in advance. First, that
there is much that needs to be done. The Frontier Nursing Service, in Given such a field she may choose to do a purely palliative j o b -
the capacity of nurse and mid-wife and neighbor, knows at first hand dispensing relief to the extent of the resources at her command; mitigat-
something of the imposing quantity of work that exists. The second ing in individual cases the suffering and unhappiness imposed by a region
thing apparent from the experience of the Frontier Nursing Service is in which life is barren of almost everything that one associates with
that the problems found among the mountain people are not greatly civilization. If the social worker hankers after the more constructive ap-
different in kind from those found among people living under urban proach and is somewhat visionary, she will not be content with this but
conditions. No one knows how much there is of a given type of case will want to set about equipping her tool chest; developing her com-
but the familiar types are practically all there; family-relief problems, munity so that it offers increasingly rich opportunity for interesting,
juvenile delinquency, dependent children, problems of vocational guid- wholesome, adequate living; enlarging its sense of responsibility for the
ance, medical social problems, sex vagaries, old age relief, et cetera-^ care of those who fail to attain that. Perhaps a good motto for a social
having their own peculiar twist, of course, but reflecting needs discover- worker anywhere is that she has no right to do for people what they
able among almost any group. are able to do for themselves; that when she has done for an individual,
a family or a group, what the immediate situation demands, she has dis-
Perhaps even more tantalizing than the question of how much there charged only half her duty until she has undertaken the task of remov-
is of each of these, is the question of how the social worker can func- gl n causes which have made her assistance necessary; that she does
tion effectively with so few resources at hand. Outside the social work- much more for her community by helping them to carry their own bur-
er's own skill, her tools are the resources that are to be had in the com- i n s than by carrying those burdens for them. An urban social worker
munity. In the urban community the social worker has at her command employed by a case-working organization may easily consider the im-
special agencies doing all sorts of specialized social work—special mediate needs of the individuals who go to make up her case-load as
schools or classes for the handicapped; vocational-guidance bureaus; Qer chief responsibility, though her task has always this constructive
^Pect of establishing self-maintenance, self-adequacy, and certainly her

44 To PRAGMA JANUARY, 1 9 3 2 45

organization has always a community responsibility. A rural social basic, when trying to get at the source of social ills. It is a factor
worker would be shortsighted indeed who did not recognize not only of which no agency, of whatever kind, working among the mountain peo-
the opportunity for doing so-called community organization the de- ple can remain unaware. Obviously there is no easy solution; but like-
velopment and correlation of community strength and versatility -but wise obvious is the necessity for including this factor in all one's think-
also the imperative necessity for doing this if she is to do more than ing. Mountain schools (such as Hindman, Pine Mountain, Wither-
scratch the surface. spoon College), mission stations, agricultural experiments, the Frontier
Nursing Service, et cetera, do not form an imposing array in terms of
The field for such work in the Kentucky mountain region is most meeting the whole need of the Kentucky mountain people* In terms
inviting—the more tempting by reason of being so untouched, so un- of representing an enlightened, optimistic, progressive public opinion,
organized. Community organization usually implies centralization and groups such as these are probably more powerful than they themselves
unification of already organized, but inefficiently functioning, commun- yet realize. If there is to be found an escape from the economic dilemma
ity effort. In the Kentucky mountains there can hardly be said to be in which the region finds itself, the pooled experience and strength of
organization of community effort in any sense of the word. With impu- organizations such as these should go far toward finding the solution
tation so scattered, the frequent and varied associations which tend to itself and effecting its realization.
produce group action and ambitions are almost totally absent. A few
jieople live in small villages. Many more are scattered along lonely But enough for the broad outlines of the field. What is there that
creeks and in the heads of numerous hollows. The term ''Community" a social worker will find herself immediately concerned with doing?
can be applied to them only in the sense that they live under similar Perhap- this can best be told in terms of some actual "cases" now
environmental conditions, are subjected to common hardships and iso-
lation, and have developed a characteristic outlook on life. The task is ing.
the slow arduous one of building up a realization of how much can be
done by the pooling of effort; awareness that there is more one can do Take the case of Pavey Mason. Pavey is twelve, with a good mind
for one's needy neighbor than one has hitherto thought possible or called and a lame leg. He is frail and undersized. Through the Frontier Nurs-
for; a sense of responsibility for doing the most possible with the ma- ing Service, he spent many months in the hospital; and the disease which
terial at hand. The task will, of necessity, be slow if it is to be funda- caused his lameness is arrested, but he will always be lame. As Pavey
mentally sound. Present ways of thinking and doing are centuries old. grows toward manhood in the Kentucky mountains the occupations open
Much that could be done well with unlimited resources must be done to him are: farm work, on a stony mountain farm; mining; logging;
as well as possible with very limited resources. and moonshining. Pavey cannot hold his own in any of these, except
perhaps the latter, and it is exceedingly hazardous. Can better pros-
The Frontier Nursing Service has always recognized its responsibil- pects be created for Pavey? The least one can do is to try.
ity for using and developing community resources. Local jjeople serve
on its district committees and help to formulate the policies of this To take another type of situation. Gene Howard has tuberculosis.
organization which has become an outstanding community service. The Last summer he was seen by the Frontier Xursing Service doctor and
community can always rely on the support of the Frontier Xursing Serv- was told, first of all, that he must quit work. He has a wife, one child,
ice in efforts for community betterment of whatever kind. The organiza- and another expected. To quit work was out of the question. He is
tion has seen the community significance attached to the making of its twenty-six years old. The disease was not in an advanced stage when the
own gardens and pastures and orchards models in the use of improved doctor saw him and with the proper treatment there was a chance for his
methods. The addition of a social-service department to the work of the recovery. He should be in a sanatorium and is willing to go, but in
Frontier Xursing Service should mean increased contact with the com- Kentucky there are ten free beds maintained by the state for tubercu-
munity as such; increased opportunity for and facility in discovering losis patients, and hundreds waiting for them. A pay bed costs fifteen
points at which community interest and effort may be focused; increased dollars a week and the Howards cannot pay that. The only alternative
use of community impetus and strength; and for the people them- is for Gene to be treated at home. Before he can even stop work the
selves, a more acute awareness of the nature of local problems and needs of his family must be met. Fifteen or perhaps twenty dollars a
responsibility for doing the utmost toward their solution. Perhaps as nionth would do it. with the help the neighbors would give, but small
this department grows and finds its field it will develop that a more as the amount sounds, it is an enormous sum among the mountain peo-
formal program of community work should be included in its function. P'e- To Gene and his wife the tale of microscopic organism that feed
The field of recreation is one of the first that suggests itself for in- °n one's lungs and may be transmitted from one person to another is
corporation in such an undertaking. Sex irregularities, a sure source for strange and incomprehensible. If Gene is to be cared for at home, the
social problems, seem so unquestionably associated with inadequate nouse must lx> screened, an open air porch built for Gene's bed, warm
recreational outlets that a social-work program can ill afford to ignore covers and proper food supplied, and Mrs. Howard trained meticulously
the need in this respect. The whole economic structure is even more o give the care needed and to protect herself and the babies from fur-
ner infection. Gene lives ten miles from the nearest nurse and she can
^ch him only on horseback.

46 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 47

No one knows exactly how much tuberculosis there is in the moun-

tains. The Frontier Nursing Service carries on its records dozens of QU OTA

cases, many of them diagnosed by a doctor, others for whom a doctor's New York City

diagnosis has not been obtainable but with symptoms strongly indica- Minneapolis
tive. The tragedy of cases of this type is that almost nothing is being Washington CLASS I—QUOTA, $200.00
done for them, almost nothing can be done without an outlay of Indianapolis Chicago Los Angeles
Chicago South Shore San Francisco
money, which is not at hand; without someone free to spend the neces- Bangor Seattle
sary amount of time to educate the family in care, someone possessing, Rochester CLASS II—QUOTA, $150.00 Lincoln
Dayton Omaha
in addition to the time, skill in making teaching effective. Bloomington Dallas
Fort Wayne Portland
An idea recently developed in the field of social work is that of the CLASS III—QUOTA, $100.00 Detroit

visiting housekeeper—the social worker turned housekeeper to teach Birmingham Madison
New Orleans Kansas City
(under the instruction of physician or nurse) the fundamentals of care, Knoxville
Nashville Tulsa
where these are so tied up with the daily routine of the family life. Is Memphis Denver
that not the way in which a social worker might function on medical

social problems of the type presented by tuberculosis cas:s? Suppose

she lived in the household of the Gene Howard family for several days; CLASS IV—QUOTA, $50.00

a week perhaps or longer, going over with Mrs. Howard day after day Cleveland
the precautions she must take to protect other members of the family,

the things that she must do over and over with undeviating care if CLASS V—QUOTA, $30.00

Gene is to have his chance to get well; helping Gene himself to under- St. Louis
Ann Arbor
stand the nature of his disease and the requirements of treatment; and Milwaukee
then finally revisiting often enough to be sure that her instruction had

"taken." Having once gotten this type of educational work done, fre-

quent visits from the doctor or nurse should not be necessary. In cases

of this type the neighbors could be of immense help—in building the

open-air porch, in helping supply milk and eggs and vegetables and in

keeping Gene more contented with his wearisome life of enforced in- Quota liaised JUeans ^A(ew

activity. foetal J^ife in Kentucky

The tragedy of Gene Howard's case is that without adequate care By MARION A B E L E FRANCO-FERREIRA, Rho

he is unquestionably progressing from a first-stage case to a second- or *]TUST a very brief message from your Social Service chairman. The
I articles by Mary Dee Drummond and Bland Morrow have told you
third-stage case, his chances for recovery steadily diminishing. His more clearly than I could just what it is that we have undertaken
as our National Work. But all philanthropy has its practical side,
family is being more and more exposed to the disease. Worse yet is a
and that practical side is the financial aspect. To carry forward suc-
realization that Gene Howard is not the only case to which this is hap- cessfully this project, each group must raise its minimum pro rata
share of the budget. Through your chapter presidents and state chairmen
pening. Small wonder that the writer grows impatient to be "on the °f alumnae, you have been informed of your duty in this respect, but
Perhaps a general tabulation would not be amiss. Chapters and districts
job" and to try any method that holds out promise. "ave been classified as to potential membership and quota allotments
made accordingly. The map shows you the alumna? district quotas; the
Haskell Saunders offers yet another variety of medical social prob- active chapters must give as much as they can. The alumna? chapters'
Quotas will be found in the box at the top of this page.
lem. Haskell harbors a thriving colony of hookworms, with the conse-
This is our job—the biggest we have ever attempted. We need every
quence that Haskell is often ailing and almost always too puny and A1Pha 0, active and alumna, affiliated and unaffiliated to co-operate.

"no 'count feeling" to put in a hard day's work. Haskell's family suf-

fers. They are a wife and six children. Haskell himself is a victim of a

vicious circle—his work produces less and less food with which to

maintain the body's combat with the parasite to which he is host.

The nurse has not succeeded in getting Haskell's consent for treatment.

He "doesn't believe in them thar things." Until he does consent and has

regained his wanted strength, if ever, there is the problem of the fam-

ily in which malnutrition and its consequences are inevitable. Hook-

worm is only one of the many sources from which destitution may

derived in a region in which life is maintained so precariously. be

(Continued on page 6?)

48 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 49

V 8 \ y phase of £oror. •
ity work was Discussed
at (§t. Louis gathering N.P.C. delegates, ith our Ptncknev Estes Glantzberg 0*7, on the extreme right, sit tn
Jfeld October 2 7 to 31 formal arrangement for meetings.

W H E N the twenty-second congress of National Panhellenic met "Bi-annual SS(. < P . Q JMeet
at the Statler Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, at noon of October 271
1931, Kathryn Bremer Matson ( T ) , Edith Huntington A n | secretary; Miss Marion Mullins, substituting for Mrs. A. M. Redd,
derson (B$), Pinckney Estes Glantzberg (•&), and your editor were both (KA), treasurer.
your delegates. Alice Cullnane (B4>), our Registrar, kept us company,
too. The organization's full membership was represented, there beJ In her report as chairman Miss Smith emphasized the "coopera-
ing present twenty-one active delegates, and four associate delegates. tion and desire to increase the effectiveness of National Panhellenic"
There were also present seventy-two visiting delegates (all national offi- which every fraternity had contributed to aid the committee's work.
cers of fraternities), each fraternity having from two to as many as six
such officers present. As secretary, Mrs. Prince outlined the work of the biennium and
|he plans for this congress. The treasurer's report showed a substantial
The executive committee in charge of this congress was: Miss balance in the treasury.
Rene Sebring Smith (AZ), chairman; Mrs. Edward P. Prince (*M),
An excellent summary of fraternity activities was then presented
Cfour A O I I Officers ^At ^ a substitute for delegates reports; the summary having been com-
piled by the secretary from delegates' reports received a month in ad-
"1 vance of the meeting'

I A few interesting items from the summary:
Eighty-nine college chapters had been chartered in the two years,
_ ... only one fraternity had granted no charters. Kappa Kappa Gamma led
h e list in number of charters granted, 11 new chapters; XK and Afi
NELLIE PRINCE, #M GLADYS REDD, KA HARRIET TUFT, B*A each granted but one charter; and the rest from two to six each. The
rend toward Canadian expansion was marked; four Canadian uni-
Chairman Secretary Treasurer ersities. British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and McGill appearing
'requently in the list of new chapters. One hundred and sixty-six new
uninae chapters or clubs were reported also. Constructive new move-
nts by different fraternities were many too; perhaps new financial
L >a n s especially life memberships, and co-organizers for new or weak
Pters were the more significant new features.

50 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 51

Interesting reports were made by the standing committees, show- V
ing general progress along many lines, and presenting questions to
keep the congress busy with discussions and constructive plans for Art Museum at St. Louis.
further investigations and work.
"To "Dragma" Sditor 'Becomes Jfead
New features were two special conferences for related organizations.
City Panhellenics were invited to send delegates to discuss their prob- of £orority Sditors' Conference
lems, and then join with the congress in the final features of the session.
This was an interesting meeting, but revealed such diversified interests TH E biennial meeting of the Sorority Editors' Conference took place
and so little to be gained by exchange of experiences, that National at the Statler Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, Tuesday evening, Octo-
Panhellenic decided to omit this conference from future congresses. ber 27.
In the estimation of the editors our meeting is the most enjoyable of
College Panhellenics, too were invited to a similar conference. The the Panhellenic Congress, and this dinner proved no disappointment.
college girls came in unexpectedly large numbers, and included our own Florence Merdian, editor of the Aglaia of 4>M, and chairman, presided.
Julia Simanek (Z), Madeleine Coquet ( H ) , and Elizabeth Markey Each guest introduced herself and we found 19 of us to be present: Helen
(All), presidents of their respective college Panhellenics. They seemed Nieman Skeer, editor of the Eleusis of Xil; Wilma Smith Leland, editor
to enjoy the contacts, especially with the officers of their own frater- of To Dragma of AOII; Ida F . Preston, editor of The Dial of 0 Y ; Lyda
nities. The value of this conference was questioned, but it was de- Clarke, editor of Talaria of 2*B; Dorothea Murphy Elliott, editor of
cided finally to invite them to a similar conference at the next con- Portals of AA0; Frances W. Baker, editor of the Triangle of %K;
gress. Theodora M. Collins, editor of The Lyre of AXQ; Mabel Scott Brown,
editor of the Arrow of IIB3>; Margaret H. Pease, editor of The Lamp
Helpful and interesting as were all the formal sessions, the real o f ^Z; Anna Miller Knote, editor of the Alpha Xi Delta; Shirley Krea-
work of the congress, the vital things that will bring improved technic san Krieg, editor of Themis of ZTA; Ruth Thompson, editor of Alpha
in handling fraternity business, wider understanding, keener sympathy
with college and fraternity life, and friendships between officers of dif- Quarterly; L . Pearle Green, editor of Kappa Alpha Theta; Luelda
ferent fraternities that will make possible settling difficulties between *- Burnaugh, vice president, BSO; Grace Olsen Kistler, national dele-
chapters without a big college Panhellenic turmoil, occurred in the "side gate, $ n n ; Delia Winters Thede, vice president, B<£A; Miriam Ken-
shows,"—such as conference of Grand Presidents, gathering of execu- nedy Weisell, alumnae secretary, BSO; Helen Snyder, visitation officer,
tive secretaries, national treasurers' round table, inspectors' luncheon, £KP. The Chairman read a letter of greeting from Leland F . Leland,
editor's dinner and round table. Kl K president of the College Fraternity Editors Association.

Beside such conferences there were group meetings—for representa- trances Warren Baker's illustrated talk of her canoe trip in Europe
tives of all fraternities that were represented on one campus, where some Proved an evening of good entertainment. Her sense of humor and ex-
problem called for special study, or some new plan needed backing, igences of the unusual created no end of laughter.
et cetera.
Shop talk took a turn toward publicity. The sororities and their edi-
It is in such "side shows," a poor title for such very important meet-
ings, that the intangible but vital and indispensable values of National
Panhellenic are generated.

Many thoughtful courtesies and delightful social diversions were
planned by St. Louis city Panhellenic in honor of National Panhellenic.
The city Panhellenic entertained all the congress at luncheon at the
Business Men's Club; and by auto showed the city, its parks, and its
zoo, to congress. Washington University college Panhellenic entertained
with a tea at the beautiful Women's building on its campus. Resident
alumnae of each fraternity entertained the delegates of their fraternity
at dinner and for an -evening. Then some four hundred St. Louis fra-
ternity women joined the congress for the banquet the last night. The
speaker at the banquet was Lena Madesin Phillips (XV.), international
president of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

For the next two years the executive committee will be: Mrs. Ed'
ward P. Prince ($M), chairman; Mrs. A. M. Redd (KA), secretary!
Miss Harriet W. Tuft (B$A), treasurer.

52 To DRAG: JANUARY, 1 9 3 2 53

tors seemed opposed to the publication, in local newspapers, of social *o
items. Shirley Krieg told of Zeta Tau Alpha's plans of sorority edu-
cation. On Founders' Day publicity will be sent from her office to news- The 3\ew A O I I directory
papers telling of philanthropies. Her office maintains an information
service where photographs of prominent members and information con- Y OUR clamour for a directory was answered about a year ago. For
cerning the sorority may be obtained. several years you begged for a new membership list. Always de-
siring to satisfy any reasonable request, this book was prepared.
The editors felt that the Congress was losing a fine opportunity 0 you've ever tried keeping in touch with the moving and marrying of
to disseminate sorority propaganda before their meetings and proposed %U thousand women, you'll realize that no small amount of work went
that a publicity committee be appointed at least one month before the •nto that preparation, for the membership is listed under three headings.
time scheduled for the meeting. 8eographical, alphabetical and by chapters.

A discussion of everything from cuts to paper and covers followed, If you know anything about publication prices, you will realize that
and after adjournment, the discussions continued in small groups. How a thousand copies of this red and gold bound book, pocket size, was
much of the practical each editor learns from these discussions! Published at considerable expense. Tabulation and listings are expensive
Printing. Your fraternity paid for this.
The new officers are: Chairman, Wilma Smith Leland, editor of
To DRAGMA of AOII; and Secretary, Shirley Kreasan Krieg, editor of You should have a directory; the fraternity must have the money,
Themis of ZTA. about cooperation?

Informal meetings followed whenever a gap in Congress meetings Send vour $1.50 to the Central Office, State College, Pennsylvania, at
allowed. Plans for the next meeting and suggestions for the programs once.
were discussed. Breakfasts, luncheons and dinners found the editors in
a group talking about the virtue of early dead-lines, magazine standards, 'Please Huy ^/our Copy S^bw!
chapter letters (which have become a very debatable subject), direc-
tories, mailing lists, and "May I borrow that cut?"

« « $1,000 » »

(fellowship for ^Members Offered

TH E Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowship in memory of Ruth Capen
Farmer will be awarded for the year 1932-1933. This Fellowship
of $1,000.00 may be applied for by an)' member who is a graduate,
and who desires to do further work in her field. The work may be in any
field, but it is the hope of your fraternity that it may make a definite
contribution to the fulfillment of our ideal of service. The applicant
will be considered on the basis of her fitness for her chosen profession,
her attitude toward life and her general needs and qualifications.

Applications must be mailed to Rose Gardner Marx, Chairman of'i
the Fellowship Committee, not later than March 1. For information and
blanks write to Mrs. Ralph S. Marx, Bowles Hall, University of Cali-

Further announcement is made of a second Fellowship in memory of
Lillian MacQuillan McCausland. This will be awarded for the year 1933-
1934, and mav be applied for in the above manner at anv date prior to
March 1, 1933.

hirty-Cjfourth To DRAGMA! JANUARY, 1932 55

(Anniversary of founding (Celebrated

DE C E M B E R 8—that memorable day which brought to this world
that beloved Founder, Stella George Stern Perry, has come to
be celebrated across the nation. In chapter houses, homes of
alumnae, in hotels and tea shops are found reunions of Alpha O's, met
to honor their Founders and to remember their vows. The day has come
to be so definitely a red letter date that even we who are isolated from
group life pause a few moments in our busy whirl to think over again
the ritual which binds us in friendship to thousands of others, thinking
our thoughts; to recall those four splendid women who laid the founda-
tions for that ritual.

As Stella Perry, Elizabeth Wyman, Helen Mullan, and Jessie Hughan
went to Nu and New York alumnae's dinner party, their hearts must
have beat just a bit faster to know that in every sizeable city and
many smaller ones wearers of their pin were gathering.

Boston and Delta joined ranks at the Women's Republican Club on
Beacon Hill. Scott Manor in Oxford was the scene of Omega's banquet.
The tables were decorated with pom-poms in large pledge pin containers
and small sheaves of wheat formed the place cards. Philadelphia and
Psi found their number nineteen as they were seated at a large, round
table centered by red and white roses at the Hotel Normandi. Six
chapters were represented. Gertrude H. Paton ( * ) , was toastmistress.
Helen W. Horner (^), welcomed the girls from afar. Frances Carter
(NO), told of Alpha O at Vanderbilt. Florence Sanville (A), recalled
the gay 90's from her three copies of Barnard's Mortar Board. Virginia
Derr (S^), gave a peek at convention, and Annette Murphy ( E A ) ,
brought greeting from Pennsylvania State College. Dr. Patricia Hart
Drant ($), gave a word from the University of Kansas. Edith Ramsay
Collins (N), District Superintendent, told of her work with Psi.

A ritual service followed a dinner at the College Women's Club
given by Milwaukee. Wilma Smith Leland and Margaret Melaas
Spengler were to have been guests, but "flu" prevented. Eighteen Alpha
O's, including two guests, Sarah Brown Sweetser ( r '08), and Marian
Cooper ( r '27), gathered at the Columbia Coffee House in Bangor as
liangor celebrated. Bridge and conversation followed at the home of
Madeline Robinson Herlihy.

The Good Ship AOII set sail in Seattle with pledges and actives
|rom Upsilon as well as alumna? aboard. The Dolly Madison Tea Room
ormed the background. Captain Hazel Davis introduced the mates who
sketched the voyages of the ship. Francis Benjamin (Tacoma), told of
Hie laying of the keel. Marjorie Mayo Cass described the materials and
Workmanship. Bon Voyage was wished by Virginia Beatty. Appropriate
P°etry and music is a part of each program. Upsilon has a scholarship
CUP, presented at the banquet. Ho Carey won it this year.

56 To DKAGMA1 J A N U A R Y . 1932 57

Mary Dee Drummond guided Chicago's toasts at the Women's At Los Angeles two Grand Officers, Muriel Turner McKinney and
University Club. There were toasts to the pledges (Dorothy Dean, P) Helen Haller, took part in services. The buffet supper was in charge of
from the pledges (Virginia Shaw), to the actives (Dorothy Dietz Bow- Eleanor Corwin ( K 0 ) . Red roses and white candles formed a lovely
man, H ) , from the actives (Phyllis Gampher, P ) . Faith, Hope, and background for the individual trays, each with its tiny lighted red can-
Charity were exemplified by Melita Skillen ( E ) , Marion Franco-Fer- dle. Immediately following supper, the candle lighting service honoring
reira (P), and Merva Hennings (P), Helen Beazell ( I ) , represented our Founders was conducted by Helen Shields Dixon ( K 0 ) ; Los An-
the Founders. The scholarship ring was presented bv Elizabeth Rob- geles Alumna? chapter president. Lucile English (A), Annice Felton
erts (X). (K0), Artemie Winter ( K 0 ) , and Helen Dietrich ( * ) , spoke on Jessie
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Elizabeth Hey wood Wyman,
Margaret Pepple Hull's home in Dallas was the scene of Nu Kappa's and Stella George Stern Perry, respectively, expressing gratitude to and
and Dallas' tea party. Evelyn Turner and Ruth Guinn were co-host- love for each of these, the first four members of A O I 1 . This service
esses. Enid Mayer, president of Nu Kappa, poured coffee and Artie was followed by the initiation of Eva Birkenshaw, with Margaret Poul
Lee Holland presided at the large ring-shaped birthday cake on which ton, Kappa Theta's president, officiating. Bijou Brinkop ( K 0 ) , dedi-
were inscribed the numerals, 1897-1931. Red roses were everywhere, and cated a tree to our Founders. This was the third tree that has been so
Bettye Mcintosh and Katherine Smith saw that everyone was happy. dedicated at the Kappa Theta chapter house. Muriel McKinney, our
Grand Vice President explained the new national philanthropic work,
Lodges, rooms, and chapter houses saw gay parties in New Orleans, and members of the active chapter presented a series of tableaux show-
Minneapolis, Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Lincoln, Los Angeles, Nashville, ing life on the Frontier both before and after the Alpha O social
Lawrence, and Norman. A fifty cent supper was served at Pi's room, service workers entered this field. With the aid of two projection ma-
thus garnering some funds for philanthropy. It was a quiet dinner be- chines, the "Forgotten Frontier" films were shown. In keeping with
cause of Elsie Magruder's untimely death on November 28. At Tau the spirit of the day, there was a collection of food, clothing, toys and
there was great celebrating, for Kathryn Bremer Matson, our Grand money to be given to one or more poor families on Christmas.
President, was present. Irma Fliehr Regan was toastmistress. Doris
Schlampp told of Tau's contributions to Alpha O's organization. At Nashville and Nu Omicron planted four barberry bushes in honor
present besides the Grand President, Tau claims Wilma Smith Leland, of the Founders. The walk leading to Alumni Memorial Hall was the
Editor of To DRAGMA; Lucile Haertel, District Superintendent; Janet site of the planting. Frances Rodenhauser, president of Nu Omicron,
Howry and Dorothy Hines Conlon, the song book committee. Mary toasted the Founders. A buffet supper was served in the chapter room.
Pettit, president of Tau, told of the sorority's founding. Irene Buckley At Lawrence Fair Voran, president of Phi, presided over the dinner
Sieben, a charter member, told of Tau's founding, and there were pledge party. Pauline Mills Edwards ( E ) , president of Oklahoma City Alumna1
stunts. Class speakers, past presidents, were Phana Wernicke Smith chapter, was toastmistress at Xi's banquet. It was a red rose dinner.
('17), Lucile Haertel ('19), Betty Bond ('22), Irene Fraser ('24),
Dorothy Womrath ('26), Eva Hammerbacher ('28), Harriet Spencer And so, Founders, we bow to you. More than six thousand strong!
('31). _ May this next year bring you good health, great happiness, and most of
all, the complete knowledge of our appreciation.
Omicron Pi entertained Ann Arbor and Detroit alumna at luncheon.
Alta Atkinson (A3>), spoke on our new social service work; Frances J^ife Saving Ss This <Alpha O's "Business
Barrett gave a tribute to the Founders. A pledge stunt concluded the
afternoon. A candle light service by Rochelle Rodd Gachet ( n ) , and (Continued from page 19)
formal ritual conducted by Charlotte Matthews (TA), were the high
spots in Birmingham and Tau Delta's commemoration at the new are at various camps, institutes, beaches and resorts in role of life guards
Stockholm Women's Building. Janie Hill, Tau Delta's president, pre- o r swimming instructors. Besides the life saving activity, they carry on
sided at the candle light service. After a short business meeting, Eliza- a supplementary swimming program for beginners of swimming and
beth Crabbe and Helen Johnston served refreshments. swimmers. Its work fills a need as a spring training school and is similar
to that of the Aquatic School held in the winter.
The Lincoln Evening Journal tells of Zeta and Lincoln's way of
remembering December 8: In odd moments we organize training groups and work out possible
plans by which we can further decrease the drowning loss and reach even
Several large tables, decorated with potted poinsettias, pine boughs ana heater numbers with our educational water safety methods. Distinctive
Christmas candles in birchwood holders, will be placed for the seventy-five guests ernblems are given junior, senior and examiner groups which I hope
who will attend the Founders' Day banquet of AOIT sorority at the house Tuesday wjH now mean more to members of Alpha Omicron Pi because they
evening. Following dinner, there will be no toasts, but an informal program, dur- *rtll have an idea of the training involved and the purpose of the organi-
ing which Mrs. John Rosborough will show motion pictures of the national con- zation these emblems represent.
vention the past summer; and Misses Elsie and Jennie Piper will tell of the found-
ing, nationally and locally of the sorority. The pledges will give a stunt as the
closing number. Mrs. Hugh Drake, Mrs. Floyd Ryman and Miss Gladys f-amrne
are on the committee planning the banquet, at which out of town guests will be
Miss Edna Waite of McCook and Mrs. Clark H . Hagenbuch of Roanoke, Virgin*-

5S To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1 9 3 2 59

i the review of the vear's work given by the Dean of Women. This year Pi Beta Phi
has the presidency of Panhellenic, as Lora Brown holds that office at the present
The ^Panhellenic Qreed time. There was a hint of sadness and perhaps a feeling of regret among the women
as Dean Una B. Herrick presented her last address.
We, the fraternity undergraduate members, stand for good scholarship,
for the guarding of good health, for whole-hearted cooperation with our Each year the Panhellenic banquet is given in honor of some element important
college's ideals for student life, for the maintenance of fine social standards to the functioning of the group. This year, the purpose of the banquet was to
and for the serving, to the best of our ability, of our college community. honor the alumna; of the various sororities. There was one alumnae member of
Good college citizenship as a preparation for good citizenship in the larger each chapter present who gave, in a brief talk, the ideals of her own group.
world of alumna? days is the ideal that shall guide our chapter activities.
An interesting feature of the evening was a group of original songs given by
We, the fraternity alumna; members, stand for an active, sympathetic i he pledges of each sorority. In previous years, stunts had been given as enter-
interest in the life of our undergraduate sisters, for loyal support of the tainment, but as they seemed to be rather a waste of time and energy, that energy
ideals of our Alma Mater, for the encouragement of high scholarship, for was transferred to the writing of music and words of a song. It was a huge suc-
the maintenance of healthful physical conditions in chapter houses and cess and I'm sure all the groups were proud of their new songs. The banquet was
dormitory, and for using our influence to further the best standards for the the last open meeting of Panhellenic before the summer vacation.
education of the young women of America. Loyal service to chapter, college
and community is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. Fall quarter this year, began with enthusiasm and unusual harmony existing
among the sororities. The first event was the annual Panhellenic reception held in
We, the fraternity officers, stand for loyal and earnest work for the the fireplace room of Herrick Hall, the women's building. Each of the incoming
realization of these fraternity standards. Cooperation for maintenance of freshman women was invited by formal invitation. A receiving line composed of
fraternity life in harmony with its best possibilities is the ideal that shall our new Social Director, Mrs. Ethelyn Conway Harrison, the president of each
guide our fraternity activities. sorority, and the Panhellenic delegate greeted the girls. It is an excellent oppor-
tunity for the upperclass women to meet the new girls before rushing season started.
We, the fraternity women of America, stand for prejiaration for service
through the character building inspired in the close contact and deep During Freshman Week, a Panhellenic meeting was held for the freshman
friendship of fraternity life. To us, fraternity life is not the enjoyment of women as a means of telling them, through a speaker, just what sororities are and
special privileges but an opportunity to prepare for wide and wise human their function in the lives of the women students. Dr. Sarah Jennings of the Eng-
service. lish Department was the speaker and gave an excellent and comprehensive address.
It was unbiased due to the fact that Miss Jennings herself is not a sorority woman.
^Model 'Panhellenic Import
to (§erve as Sample 1 The rushing season closed on Friday evening, September 27. I t was an extremely
successful one in spite of the small enrollment and general depression. Alpha Omi-
PA N H E L L E N I C reports to your National Panhellenic Delegate cron Pi headed the list by pledging sixteen new girls, Alpha Gamma Delta came
should be just right after this, for in Pinckney Estes Glantzberg's next with fifteen, Kappa Delta eleven, Chi Omega five, and Pi Beta Phi two,
the one published below is an example of what the perfect Pan- Alphadelt two. Several of the groups have pledged girls since that time.
hellenic report should be. She will appreciate if each local Panhellenic
officer will read and profit thereby. On Monday evening, October 6, Kathryn Bremer Matson, the newly elected
President of Alpha Omicron Pi, gave an inspiring address before an open Pan-
Pinckney Estes Glantzberg, National Panhellenic Delegate hellenic meeting. She spoke on "The relationship that should exist between each
35 Claremont Avenue, New York, N . Y . sorority and their relation to the college." Mrs. Matson, and her charming manner
made an impression on the minds of all present and her visit, though only three
DEAR PINCKNEY: days, will not be soon forgotten.

Panhellenic Council has successfully carried out several interesting activities This past year, a new sorority has been formed on the campus, a group calling
since the April report went in. They are, however, high lights which play % themselves Alphadelt. This group was organized with the main object of bringing
definite part in the program of sorority relations on this campus. Alpha Delta Pi, national sorority, to our college. They send their president and
delegate to our meetings, who have the power of discussing questions but no
The first week in May, each year, all of the sorority women get together in * voting power. They are a small but promising group and we are all watching
body at a banquet, the purpose of which is to introduce the incoming president o* them with interest and hope that they may soon achieve their aim.
the Panhellenic Council, the incoming presidents of each sorority, and to beaf
Panhellenic activities play such a large part in our lives here at Montana State
that we are all anxious to keep up a sportsman's attitude and to keep absolute
harmony among ourselves.

Fraternally yours, Delegate,
V I R G I N I A G . W A R N E R ( A * ) , Panhellenic
Montana State College

genealogy ^Brings ^Adventure

(Continued from page 22)

interest in historical and genealogical research, and through these, the

family will benefit.
The purpose of this article is to urge you to begin right now the

recording of your own family history and its connection with the growth
W your own United States. Start now to climb your family tree.

60 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1932 61

tatk-zjl Qreek Qoes '^uper-^ads Perry (A), is on the award committee. Helen Knox (KKT), is chair-
man, with Mrs. Robert A. Harper ( A * ) , Mrs. Arthur K . Schulz
When you tune in the "Super-Suds" girls, Clara, /.», and Em, arc you aware that the (AXQ), Helen Waldo ( K A 0 ) , and Marguerite D. Winant ( A r ) , the
center of the trio, Lu, is none other than Isabel Carruthers, of Kappa Kappa Gammar' other members. Any member of Alpha Omicron Pi interested in apply-
ing may receive information from Mrs. Ralph S. Marx (%), Bowles
— zSfnd Other Qreek <J\ews — Hall, Berkeley, California. Do not consider the scholarship unless you
are a college senior or graduate by April 1, 1932, and desire to spend
P H I BETA KAPPA announces the appearance in January of a new the college year of 1932-33 in study in New York City. Application
quarterly, The American Scholar. This periodical is designed not only should be made by February 1.
for members of Phi Beta Kappa but for all who are interested in
scholarly endeavors. It is a non-technical journal of intellectual life. "A •
whole diet for the whole mind" will be found in this new magazine. Sub-
scriptions are two dollars a year and may be ordered from the offices T H E REPRINT which follows comes from the pen of Oswald C. Her-
of The United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, 145 West 55 th Street, ing, editor of The Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly (which we've seen in
New York. The first number contained articles by such people as John spite of their exchange policies!). We rarely feel that we can reprint
Erskine, John Finley, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Owen D. Young, John much material from other magazines because of our limited space, but
W. Davis, and Frank Aydelotte. we felt that Mr. Hering's ideas are too interesting and vital to be read
by Dekes alone.
K A T H E R I N E NOBLE (ITB<i>), a graduate of Knox College, Galesburg,
Illinois, won the second New York City Panhellenic scholarship of $500. In line with the principle that consecutive drops of water will wear away a
The third scholarship award will be announced on April 1, 1932, and stone, we have been dripping, at quarterly intervals, during the past seven years,
will be available for use in the fall of 1932. Our Stella George Stern on the White Rock of Prohibition, until this colossal gall-stone has taken on a
perceptible concavity. We propose, now, to turn the hose on the Follies of 19—.

After numerous rehearsals, since the beginning of the current century, pre-
paratory to the initial opening of the first of the Follies, the curtain finally went
up on July 1, 1914. The Great War was, unquestionably, a "smash." Then fol-
lowed a number of minor Follies, in which were featured the women who
wrecked the cotton and wool industries, and the men who mortgaged their future
by buying stocks on margins, and household goods on the installment plan. In
1920 came the second smash hit, "The Eighteenth Amendment"—with its inimitable
"Volstead Act"—followed, two years later, by the stupendous Folly—"The Treaty
of Versailles."

In their wake came ''The Bootlegger," "The' Racketeer," "The Gangster," "The
Night Club," "The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill," "The Farm Relief Board," and
various others, put on by crooks, bankers, economists, and politicians. The out-
standing hit of 1928 was that side-splitting frolic, "Hoover and Prosperity," and
r'ght on its heels came the most sensational and spectacular production of all
time—"The Crash of 1929."

Since then, we have been given "Looking Backward" and "If," but they were
not so hot.

We respectfully suggest that the "Follies" be given a rest, and that, for a
sPell, we have a revival of the "Legitimate." The main obstacle in the way of this
Pr°gram is that 3 5 per cent of the adult population, those born and brought up in
tfte jazz years, do not know the meaning of "Legitimate." Living in abnormal
tunes, they have grown up in an era of hysteria. The poor lambs can't be blamed
*or assuming that the habits and customs of the past two decades were normal.
These youths and maids, products of heredity, but mostly of environment, have
Cached maturity after the slow process of character building. How are they to be
Wade to understand that while they were children the world went mad and that
consequently most of their notions are crazy?

, The salvation of the world will rest with the new generation—those who will
nave reached their maturity after the great debacle of 1929. Unless our eyes and
ears deceive us, there is a seriousness in the look, talk, and the behavior of the job
"Unting college class of 1931 that foreshadows a new era. These youths know that
^wething has gone wrong with the machinery of present-day civilization, and that
n the fall of 1929 more than a screw became loose. The whole works began to

A C K . Their job will be to build anew.

62 ^Sht^ ^ ^ ^ To DRAGMA J A N U A R Y , 1932 63

zJllpha 0 (^Mourns 'Passing of Kentucky Offers ^ocial Work Opportunity

Justice <^Mullan (Continued from page 46)

ALPHA OMICRON PI will be shocked and sorry to learn of the Nor is Haskell's attitude an expression of sheer perversity. The
death of Justice George V. Mullan, the husband of one of our human body and its illnesses still hold mysteries for the medical profes-
' Founders, Helen St. Clair Mullan (A), on December 29, 1931. sion and many more for the common run of us. Haskell's education and
Justice Mullan's health had been failing for several months, but he had experience have given him almost no light on the subject. Matters
remained at his work until three weeks ago, when he left his chambers clothed in mystery cultivate superstition and fear and blind resignation.
suffering from what was considered an attack of influenza. Haskell is just "ailing." The attitude has been his life-time in the mak-
ing. Greater cause for wonder are the huge strides made by those who
Justice Mullan had served on the New York Supreme Court bench do consent to treatment at the hands of doctors and nurses who use
for the last fifteen years. He was born in New York City on August 7, drugs and methods so foreign to their whole experience. Hookworm
1872, and was educated at the College of St. Francis Xavier. An LL.B. treatment is not the only idea against which such prejudice is directed—
was granted to him by New York University in 1895. In 1896 he was hospitalization, operations, various hygienic measures—in fact almost
admitted to the bar and entered the law firm of Philbin, Beekman and any proposal may run up against it. The social worker may be no more
Mencken. In 1901 with late Mayor John Purroy Mitchel and W. Bruce successful than the nurse in dealing with them but dealing with preju-
Cobb, he formed the law firm of Mullan, Cobb and Mitchel. For twelve dices that condition social welfare is a part of a social worker's train-
years he remained the law partner of Mr. Mitchel, who was elected ing and function.
mayor of New York in 1912.
Others: Johnnie who really "belongs" nowhere—an illegitimate child
In 1914 he was named a city tax commissioner. In 1916 he was ap- and his mother dead. Clem, one in a family of ten, who is leading his
pointed a justice of the Supreme Court by Governor Whitman. Later class in school, with dreams of going on to high school and perhaps
in the same year he was elected to the same office on the Republican college, but with no visible means of getting there, though needing per-
and Progressive tickets. Last year he was renominated on the Republi- haps mostly encouragement, and help in getting admitted to a school
can and Democratic tickets and was re-elected. where he may earn his own way. Mamie who has a bad heart and more
tasks of carrying water, hoeing corn, and endless scrubbing and wash-
"In his service on the bench Justice Mullan won general respect as ing than that heart will long be able to support. Bascom Allen, who
a conscientious, able and industrious jurist." said the Xeiv York Herald since an injury has not been right in the head, a good father still but
Tribune in its tribute to him. an easy tool for moonshiners and out of the penitentiary now on proba-
tion to the Frontier Nursing Service.
Other tributes to him were:
Mayor Walker—"The city, the courts and the legal profession suffer And so they read—on and on, with nothing so peculiar about them
a severe loss in the sudden death of Justice Mullan. He was an able, when one knows them at first hand, but much that is tragic. Such a
fearless and extremely conscientious justice. My deep sympathy is ex- price we pay in the coin of human suffering and incompleteness for
tended to his family." poverty and isolation and age-old neglect.

Joseph V. McKee, President of the Board of Aldermen—"The death gold
of Mr. Justice Mullan is a severe loss to New York State. He was pos-
sessed of rare judicial ability and had a profound knowledge of the law, By B O B B Y R E I D , Alpha Sigma
together with a warm, humane understanding of the problems of every-
day life. His death will leave a gap in the ranks of the judiciary that I have a chest that's filled with gold;
will not easily be filled." Worthless, priceless dreamer's gold.
Gold that buys me not a thing,
Supreme Court Justice Salvatore A. Cotillo—"I deeply regret the Gold that buys me everything
untimely death of Justice Mullan. The people have lost a very brilliant Gold, sweet gold.
jurist, a man who has rendered a great service to the people and to the Lover's gold-
state. To his family I extend my deepest sympathy." Pirate's gold—
Starlit, sea-mad,
Supreme Court Justice Thomas W. Churchill—"Judge Mullan was Dreamer's gold.
utterly impregnable and he had a heart of gold. We were in-eparabl
companions and he was my bosom friend. All I can do is mourn h

To DRAGMA Rooking at zSflphaOs

urn r


By B O B B Y R E I D , Alpha Sigma

I would play out my sorrow on a lyre .
If I could play . . .
I would dance under the white moon
If my feet were not laden with pain . .
The grief that plucks at my soul
Is like unseen fingers, and unheard.
I would cry out my grief at losing you
If I could only cry, but something hard,
Dumb, inside of me restrains my tears,
And fills my heart with terror
At thought of the empty future years.

(f riendly (Communion

By P E G M I L L E R , Epsilon

Let us all strive at each chance meeting
To exchange a glad, a cheery greeting—
Not a curt nod, an icy smile
That makes one ask, "Is't worth while?"

Heed not the whine of the petty dissenter

Intolerance and misunderstanding have lent her

Words unhaply chosen—a dissatisfaction

Bound to create an unpleasant reaction.

Sisters are we, through thick and thin! Vranees Rodenhauser ( N O ) , president of
Shall that kinship be just a skin the chapter, holds the scholarship cup
Covering our relations—a superficial
Common fraternal bond—a love artificial?

Come, let us seek a more friendly communion on t n b\ the local I'anhellenic and won
for three successive years by
Km Unucrvn.
Then true sisterly love will grow out of our union I

The World Jfyoks at <Alpha O's The World J^poks at ^Alpha 0's

Pegg'•iy Scott ( A * ) , was Queen
of Prom at Montana Statt
C allege.


A prize winner in floats, Rho's dragon slaying has as its personnel Stella Peterson,
Mildred Dolder, Ann Higgins, and Margaret Travis.

irginia Boggess ( K ) , represented Randolph
Macon at Junior Month in Baltimore.


> r Amy Bernhard ( N ) , has achieved the COURTESY, SEA NEWS SERVICE
•"ohest scholastic honors that New
_ Frances Gitnn ( 0 ) , is sponsc Y0Tk University bestows—membership Elisabeth I.. Wenning ( N O ) , has re-
of the University of Tenness '« A U A. She is a member of Student turned from sixteen months in Berlin
Enid Mayer (NTK), has been appointed assistant teJKWci/ and president of the League of and Heidelberg as an American-Ger-
riding instructor at the Horseshoe Stables, the "omen in the School of Commerce.
man Exchange student.
university riding school. She is president
of her chapter.

The World J^ooks at <Alpha O's J A N U A R Y , 1932 65
SSI < s • 5

Mary Collins (Q), had charge of the Dorothy lllidge ( A £ ) . was Junior P th: i: Qtizen's Union indorses Jessie J£ughan
ess •diiuring Junior Week-end at
htivants Health Camp at r p E N of a group of forty-seven New York City candidates for the State As-
X sembly were indorsed yesterday by the Citizens Union. The organization refused
Greenville, Ohio. full indorsement for re-election to each Assemblyman w h o failed to support at the
special session the bill conferring immunity upon witnesses called before the joint
university of Oregon. She is president legislative committee now investigating municipal affairs.
of the Archery Club and has a gold
medal for her accomplishments iu The recommendations were made after the report of the organization's com-
national telegraphic meet mittee on local candidates had been tabulated, and each judgment is based on the
"public acts, capacity and character of candidates, irrespective of party affiliations."
r\ i The candidates were asked to express themselves, without making specific pledges, on
seven topics likely to be subjects of legislation during the 1932 session.
In explaining its refusal to indorse candidates for re-election who failed to
4 support the immunity bill, the organization said that "the only inference that
could be drawn f r o m the attitude of leaders of the locally dominant political
Madeline Bernard ('31), Martha Temple Maurine Garret (£), represented the organization was that they were seeking to protect individuals who properly have
('31), and Virginia Smith ('31 J, alum- Grecians in the pageant given by the no place in any political organization pledged to honest public service." The state-
na_ of Pi Delta, have received Fellow- School of Home Economics at the ment also declared that "those who submitted to the dictates of these leaders placed
ships at the University of Maryland themselves i n the position of encouraging concealment of facts and impending
for the year. They are studying zoology, University of Oklahoma. ascertainment of the truth concerning governmental conditions in New York City."

home economics and French, The favored candidates were graded in three categories, which were " i n -
respectively. dorsed," "qualified," and "preferred." I t was explained that "indorsement of a
candidate means that the Citizens Union commends the candidate t o the voters
and believes his election highly desirable; by qualified is meant that the candidate
is deemed fit f o r office, although not necessarily to such a degree as to j u s t i f y
indorsement; by preferred i t is meant that the candidate, although not necessarily
fully qualified, is considered the preferable candidate of those seeking the office."

The recommendations follow:
3rd A.D.—Jessie Wallace Hughan ( A ) , (Soc), indorsed. Miss Hughan possesses
intellect and training that fit her for this office.—New York Herald Tribune

<JMore of Kodak Qpntest and ^Marion Jfaller

A / [ R S . J O H N F. H A L L E R (Marion W . Staples, E '25), of Middlebury, Ver-
IVJL mont, has received a check for $3,000 as first prize for the best snapshot
taken in the United States this summer, according to an announcement in The
New York Times.

Mrs. Haller's photograph, which was of her baby daughter, Patricia, was one
of mort than 1,300,000 photographs which were submitted in America to an inter-
national competition offering more than $100,000 in prizes.

Five other major prizes of $500 each, and nearly 1,000 smaller prizes, have
also been awarded. The six m a j o r winning photographs w i l l be sent t o Geneva to
compete against 276 winners f r o m other parts of the world.—Cornell Alumnus News

T O DRAG] JANUARY, 1932 67

The Stanford ^Mothers' Qub Jtteets in The house was gay i n russet colored chrysanthemums arranged in the copper
JTerbert Jfoover Jfome
A brass bowls which are the prized possessions of Mrs. Hoover. A n d the fire-

a|aces were alight on the terraces. 'From there the guests had a fine view of the

Stanford quad and even of the bay.

And to remind everyone also that the house stood upon the Stanford campus

there were the colors, red and white, borne by Boy Scouts; the Stanford band,

if>4 strong, were also out i n f u l l u n i f o r m .

Stanford coeds were out i n force. Some dressed in flowered chiffons assisted

in serving at the tea tables grouped about in the gardens of the home. Others,

such as Helen Osborn, Eunice Force ( A ) , and M a r y L o u Leister, dropped in f o r

a cup of tea w i t h such well known matrons as Mrs. Payton Treat directing the

tea service.

The throngs came between the hours of t w o and five-thirty f r o m not only
peninsula towns, but f r o m the Santa Clara Valley, M a r i n County, Santa Cruz, and
'ho East Bay district, w i t h a large contingent attending f r o m San Francisco. Mrs.
Thomas A. Storey, president of the club, and her officers were assisted i n receiving
by a long line of well known women.

The Hoover home was secured f o r the event because of Mrs. Hoover's interest
in the club, of which she is a member. The proceeds f r o m yesterday's affair w i l l
be used for the welfare activities of the club waged in behalf of Stanford students.
For the mothers' group maintains a wardrobe of clothing, convalescent rest homes
and scholarships to aid such students who find i t financially difficult to complete
their courses.

The club members hold themselves also in readiness to do a b i t of "mother-
ing" to downhearted or lonely students.

Well known women at the function included Kathleen Norris, Aurania Rou-
yeyrol, New York playright; Mrs. Charles Gardner Lathrop, Mrs. Douglas Watson,
Mrs. Edwin W . Clark, Mrs. Wallace Briggs, Mrs. Timothy Hopkins, Mrs. Paul
Shoup, Mrs. Harry Staats Moore, Miss Marion Leale, and Senora A. de Grassi.—
San Francisco Chronicle

Mrs. Payson Treat served tea to Helen Osborn, Eunice Force (sealed on stool), and Qirl (§cout ^4id from Tan Delta
Mary Lou Leistner in the Herbert Hoover home at Palo Alto recently, when the
' A Y we introduce the new assistant director?
Stanford Mothers' Club chrysanthemum fete was held. She is Miss Elizabeth Crabbe ( T A ) , and after spending September at

•l I Camp Edith Macy she came into headquarters October 1 as assistant director.

ft •- Miss Crabbe is a Birmingham girl, attended Converse College and is a gradu-
ate of Birmingham-Southern. Also she has completed a business course and handles
a typewriter and a dictation pad in a most efficient manner. While she is more
or less new to scout w o r k she has taken both the captains' and directors' course
at Camp Edith Macy, the national Girl Scout training camp near New York,
and also is learning about scouting at first-hand as captain of Troop 23 at Inde-
pendent Presbyterian Church.

This month she has been kept much too busy in the office to get around to
much visiting of troops, but she is planning soon to make visits to all troops.
And in case you'd like to make sure you'll know who she is when she comes we
might add that she has the bluest of eyes and the curliest of hair. Also that should
you like to learn some new songs all you have to do is hum a bit of the tune
for her and she can play it on the piano f o r you in a manner most remarkable.—
Birmingham News

A I R S . H E R B E R T HOOVER opened the doors of her Palo Alto home yester- <All cyflpha O's J£elp a $ister <Alpha 0
A V * . day to 2,000 members and friends of the Stanford Mothers' Club. Mrs.
Hoover herself, of course, was not present, but she was represented by M r s . Jean WH E N an Alpha O undertakes a task, all of her sisters help. So, when M a r -
Henry Large, her sister. A n d the guests were allowed to roam about the spacious garet M . Burnet ( N , charter member), ran f o r Register of New York County,
living rooms, the President's library and even to sit at his desk. her letter head carried the names of eight Alpha O's and that of Janet M u l l a n ,
Helen St. Clair Mullan's daughter. Stella G. S. Perry ( A ) , Bertha Rembaugh ( N ) ,
Mary R. Towle ( N ) , Helen St. Clair Mullan ( A ) , Elizabeth J. Moss ( N ) , Helen
S. Williams ( N ) , Mrs. Wilbur Fisk Earp ( N ) , and M r s . Frederick Ives ( N ) are
the supporters—Stella G. S. Perry ( A )

68 T O DRAGJ J A N U A R Y , 1932 69

Kathryn £iehler Qhosen sponsor forcl^egiment 'Daisy inkle ^ails for Surope

TO P P I N G a list of eleven co-eds honored DA I S Y H I N K L E (B4> '31), one of the
by the senior officers commanding the most accomplished and charming
University of Maryland regiment of the Re- Bloomington alumna? sailed to Europe this
summer to study on the cello. I n company
serve Officers Training Corps, Miss Kathryn with a party made up of her teacher Lan-
nart von Zweygberg (himself a celloist of
Siehler ( I I A ) , has been announced as spon- note), D r . and M r s . George Morris, Pro-
fessor Hoffzimer, Walter Keller, and George
sor of the unit f o r 1931-32. She was chosen K i d d , all of Indiana University, Daisy sailed
from New York on June 5 on the Saturnia.
by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Watt. They cruised the Azore Islands, through
Gibraltar along the N o r t h coast of Africa
Cadet Majors Berger and Faber selected into Algeria. They continued through the
Straits of Messina to Naples, down around
Esther Hughes and Margaret Burdette the "toe of the boot" then to Venice, Milan,
and into Locarno. There Daisy spent seven
( I I A ) , respectively to act for the First and weeks studying cello.

Second battalions and their staffs. Cadet

Captain James Greely has rested regimen-

tal staff responsibilities i n Elga Jarboe


The sponsors, in addition to those named

above, are as f o l l o w s :

Hilda Wilson, chosen by Captain George Later the party visited Genoa, the
Riviera, to Cannes and Monte Carlo. I n
Openshaw, Co. A ; Minna Cannon ( I I A ) , August they sailed from Portugal and ar-
rived in New Y o r k August 18. Pleasure
chosen by Captain Wilbur Cissel, Co. B ; combined with work made an unusually
interesting trip from which Daisy returned
Vesta Lee Byrd, chosen by Captain Ralph studies.

Sterling, Co. C ; Kathleen Nestor, chosen by

Captain Arthur Turner, Co. D ; Florence

Peter, chosen by Captain John Doerr, Co. rested and zealous to continue her

E ; Frances Vaughn ( A l l ) , chosen by Cap- Her ambition now is to study further, and through a scholarship return and
spend a f u l l year in France and I t a l y . A l l AOII's can expect to hear f r o m Daisy
tain Raymond Koelle, Co. F ; and Genevieve Wright ( H A ) , chosen by Captain and her cello both here and abroad w i t h i n a few years.—By Gertrude Baily
Huntington, B * .
Claude Smith, Co. G.—Diamondback.

zAlpha 0 ^Models Qhaucers Characters Teacher is Co-Author of biology ^Book

H P W E N T Y dolls, representing a year's work i n research and a large amount T~ H R O U G H the initiative and ability of Mrs. Emily Eveleth Snyder (A'14), of
JL of time in the actual dressing, are on display in the seminar room of the Eng- this city and Joseph J. Dudleston of Utica, a former teacher at the local high
lish department of the University of Maine. school, a biology laboratory manual, k n o w n as a biology demonstration-assignment
book, has been' published and is already i n use not only in the local high school,
These dolls, representing twenty of the pilgrims in Chaucer's Canterbury but also in the high schools of Utica, Hudson, and Port Jervis. T o have the book
Tales are the w o r k of Miss Muriel Freeman ( r ) , who w i l l graduate in the class adopted in those schools so shortly after its publication is highly gratifying to its
of 1932 f r o m the University, and represent her semester reports i n English 53- authors and to their many friends.
54, the course i n Chaucer.
The book is composed of 92 pages and contains questions on various important
As a basis f o r her work Miss Freeman used Chaucer's o w n description of/1 subjects, covered in the biology course, w i t h a space after each where the answer
the characters in his Tales, the illustrations appearing in the Ellesmere manu- may be written, so that the matter of reviewing w o r k covered is greatly simpli-
script of the Tales, and histories of mediaeval costumes. fied for the pupils. The manual also contains a number of charts and drawings.

The dolls have been housed i n a glass case made especially for them. The Mrs. Snyder is the biology teacher at the local high school, and M r . Dudleston
characters represented are: the Knight, the Squire, the Yeomen, the Prioress, the is instructor of physics and chemistry at Utica High. The idea of such a book, and
Friar, the Merchant, the Clerk of Oxford, the M a n of L a w , the Franklin, the the assistance i t would be to their pupils, was conceived by the t w o about three
Cook, the Shipman, the Doctor, the Wife of Bath, the Parson, the Miller, the years ago, when M r . Dudleston was still a member of the local faculty, and they
Reeve, the Manciple, the Summoner, the Pardoner, and Chaucer himself. have since been working on the volume, at the same time using i t in their class-
rooms, as a result of which changes and improvements were made f r o m time
The course in Chaucer at the University is taught by D r . Ruth Crosby, as- to time. N o w the finished product is already in circulation and fulfilling the pur-
sistant professor of English.—Maine Campus. pose for which i t was prepared—Little Falls, N.Y., Evening Times

Qrand Officers Jfonored in J^os ^Angeles Qhi Delta Thanks Qonventioners

A L O V E L Y garden party was given Saturday, honoring Mrs. Muriel McKinney r T l H E girls of Chi Delta chapter wish to thank the convention delegates who
(A '15), and Miss Helen Haller (SI), who were elected to the grand council JL so kindly gave us the lovely tea napkins. We were so pleased to see so many
in the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority at the national convention held i n Denver recent- delegates in Boulder, and we hope that everyone w i l l come back to Colorado again.
ly. Mrs.. McKinney was elected Grand Vice President and Miss Haller, Grand • —Christine Gustafson ( X A )
Treasurer. M r s . Leroy Dixon, Jr. ( K 9 ) , of 1445 West Ninety-second Street, was
hostess at the affair, assisted by Mrs. Helene Collin ( A '13), Mrs. Charles Older
( A ) , and M r s . Edward Cornish ( N ) . — L o s Angeles Times

70 To D R A G J ^ J A N U A R Y . 1932 71

Ti ^Members Work With ^4. <A. U. W. Jllpha Vi's Were JTouse Tarty Jiostesses

AW I D E L Y varied program ranging all the way f r o m lectures on foreign coun
tries to addresses on George Washington and Old New Orleans w i l l be foil
lowed this year by the New Orleans branch of the American Association of U n f
versity Women, according to Miss A m y H . Hinrichs, president of the group. The
organization w i l l begin its w o r k Monday, November 2, when the first meeting
be held at Gibson Hall at 8. P . M .

Mrs. Arthur G. Nolle, who accompanied Mrs. E. M . Gilmer (Dorothy D M
on a t r i p to the South Sea Islands, Japan and Australia, w i l l be the speaker at
the opening session and her subject is a "Travelogue Through the South Sea
Islands." Mrs. Nolte and Mrs. Gilmer had a most interesting trip and this pro-
gram is attracting much attention f r o m the members of the A.A.U.W., says Miss

Maurice deSimonin, French consul here, w i l l address the group at the Decem- *
ber 8 meeting when he w i l l speak on "France Today." This w i l l be a particularly
notable program, the president declares, and the organization feels fortunate in Members of Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, who are hostesses at a house party
having M r . deSimonin appear before them to give his impressions of France. At given this summer at Treasure Island. From left to right, Dorothy Fits, Katherine
the January meeting scheduled for Monday, January 11, D r . Louis Binstock will Byers, Mary Jane Sheldon, Pearle Shepard, Evelyn Pilkington, Margarethe Frits,
speak on "Russia," a subject w i t h which he is especially conversant. Frances Knapp.

The university women w i l l pause in February to pay tribute to George Wash- ME M B E R S of the Alpha Omicron P i fraternity, who attend the Florida State
College for Women at Tallahassee, are hostesses this week-end at a house
ington in view of the bicentennial celebration, meeting on Monday, February is partv on Treasure Island.

to hear an address by M r s . James M . Thomson. Mrs. Oswald W. McNeese ( I I ) ' Guests f r o m the city are Betty Baldwin, M a r y Andeson, Gladys Kindel, Eliza-
beth Landers, and Emma Ruth Fleming, Sarasota, w i l l also be present.
w i l l give a lecture on Goethe at a meeting called f o r March 7.
Members of the fraternity giving the party are Katherine Byers, Margarethe
Dr. C. C. Henson will be the speaker at the April meeting and his subject will and Dorothy Fitz, Thelma Phipps, Sarasota; M a r y Jane Sheldon, Pearle Shepard,
Frances Knapp, and Evelyn Pilkington. M r s . Knapp w i l l be chaperon.—St. Peters-
be " A Resume of International Affairs." The season w i l l close on M a y 2 when burg Times.

the university women w i l l entertain Newcomb seniors and women in the senior Stanford Alumna ^ids Campaign

classes of other colleges at Tulane at a reception at Miss Hinrich's home, 7336 WI T H a Stanford man in the White House, and the consequent glory to the
Cardinal as the first western university to rate that supreme distinction, i t
Hurst Street. M r s . Helen Pitkin Schertz w i l l be the speaker at this meeting and her may be well to look about nearer home and see what others of Stanford men
and women are doing for good government.
subject w i l l be "Old New Orleans." ,
I n San Francisco a notable group, i n larger and lesser dimension, are carrying
Miss Dorothea Schlesinger is an charge of the w o r k of the high school-college the good old cleanliness of Stanford atmosphere into municipal politics. Leland W .
relations, and M r s . John S. Kendall is chairman of hospitality. Miss Anna E. Cutler ('06), trustee of Stanford, is president of the San Francisco Chamber of
Many ( I I ) , heads the housing committee, and D r . Elizabeth Bass w i l l direct the Commerce and a force in San Francisco civic affairs. He was one of the stalwarts
membership w o r k . M r s . Allen S. Hackett is in charge of the work on the map of supporting the new non-political charter that San Francisco w i l l begin working
New Orleans while Dr. Haidee Weeks directed the formation of the program. Miss under on January 8, 1932.
Hinrichs will direct the publicity for the group, and Miss Clara de M i l t is chair-
man of scholarships.—New Orleans Times-Picayune W i t h him was associated Richard W . Barrett ('04), chairman of the Board
of Athletic Control. "Dick"—to thousands of alumni—is now campaign director
Xi ^Member, Scholastic for the Progess Committee, working f o r the re-election of M a y o r Angelo J . Rossi.
Cutler is on the executive committee of the organization.
J^eader, Opens J^aw
Clean, efficient, and businesslike municipal government is the aim of the
Office in Snid Progress Committee, composed of leading elements in the business life of the city.

ON E of four girls who took the state Cecil I . Haley ('24), is assistant to Barrett. Nora Blichfeldt ( A '31), is aiding
bar examination June 10, Miss Bet- in the women's division. On the executive committee are such Stanford names as
nice Berry, 21 years old, Enid, ranks sec- Judge George E . Crothers ('95), Dan W . Burbank ('09), Walter H . Levy ('98),
ond in scholastic standing in the graduating and Gertrude N . Clift ('08).
class this year in the law school at the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma. Miss Berry received Stanford is not alone. The University of California is well represented on this
an A . B . degree f r o m Phillips University.

She is a member of the Ducks Club,
swimming group; Kappa Beta Pi, interna-
tional legal sorority; Alpha Omicron Pi,
social sorority, and the Order of the Coif.
She has recently opened her own law office
in Enid.—Daily Oklahoman.

11 To D R A G M A J A N U A R Y , 1932

group of earnest citizens seeking only the high goal of clean government in ] io c a cjilpha 0 ^Mothers and Daughters
affairs. That achieved, in San Francisco and in all other communities where Stan
f o r d men and women have influence, the leaven w i l l eventually spread and the same Analie Shaw (B* '30), Coralie Maze Shew (0 '06), CharlotteJjmJ££
job of good government be done in local places that M r . Hoover is doing i n hjg
higher station.—The Stanford Illustrated Review (M "28). have had a different experience from most mother and daughters.
Mrs. Shaw was a petitioner of Theta chapter, but her graduation took place
Stanford ^Alpha O's (jive 'Benefit before the charter was granted. Her daughters went ^ Indiana University and
were initiated, wearing their aunt's. Pearl Mate Harrer (6), ptn. In 1929, Char-
TH E first function of the fall season presented by the peninsula alumna? 0 f
Alpha Omicron Pi was the annual benefit bridge party held on Thursday at the lotte went to DePauw with her mother and saw her
chapter house of Alpha Omicron Pi at Stanford University. About fifty tables initiated, using the same fin.
were occupied by members of the organization and their guests and the hostess
in charge was Mrs. J. E. Carr ( 2 ) , of Palo Alto. The decorations were bowls of A Gamma mother and daughter are Marion Barry Wentworlh Perkins ( H , and
yellow, russet, and br twn chrysanthemums and yellow candles in the big brass ' Olive, the second generation tn Gamma.
candelabra, particularly suited to the big Alpha O living room, which is furnished
in green, gold and lavender.

Afternoon tea was served at the bridge party by the active chapter girls
under the leadership of Jane Nikirk ( A ) , daughter of Mrs. Frank Nikirk, formerly
of San Jose.

Members of the organization who reside in San Jose—Mrs. George Glenden-
ning (A '22), Mrs. Willis Clayton, Jr. (A '25), Mrs. Raymond Graham (A '22),
and Mrs. Theodore K . Farrington, (A '30). Also Mrs. David Hibbs (A MO), of
Los Gatos. Mrs. Thomas Templeton of Los Gatos was an honored guest. She held
the position of housemother f o r the Stanford Alpha O house for fourteen years, and
has since retired.

Officers of the organization include: president, Mrs. Michael Etcheverry ( 2 ) ,
of San Francisco; vice president, M r s . Daniel Evans (A '24), of Palo A l t o ; secre-
tary, Mrs. Theodore K . Farrington ( A ) ; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Crary ( 2 ) , of
Palo A l t o . M r s . Etchevery has the further distinction of being Superintendent of
the Pacific District of Alpha Omicron Pi.—San Jose Mercury-Herald

^Mary Weise Wins 'Bennett (fellowship

' I ' H E Bennett fellowship in Romanics, one of the highest honors that can be
A awarded a woman student at the University of Pennsylvania, has been awarded
to Miss Mary Lydia Weise ( N O ) , of Nashville, according to news received by friends
and relatives in this city Tuesday. This fellowship covers all fees and includes a
money award of several hundred dollars annually.

Miss Weise was born and reared i n Nashville, and educated at the Peabody
Demonstration School and at Vanderbilt University, f r o m which institution she
received her A . B . degree in 1926 and her M A . degree in 1927. Miss Weise was
an honor student, having been awarded the Phi Beta Kappa key. She is also a
member of the Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity.

Since her graduation Miss Weise has been connected w i t h the faculty of the
Middle Tennessee State Teachers' College at Murfreesboro and of the Peabody
Demonstration School. She has traveled extensively abroad.

Miss Weise is the daughter of M r . and Mrs. Carl E . Weise of 217 T w e n t y -
eighth Avenue North, and a great great granddaughter of James Robertson, founder
of Nashville.—The Nashville Evening Tennesseean.

'Bridge Wins Over 'Babies

OURSES i n bridge and babies were offered yesterday at the opening of the
c department of adult education at the Y.W.C.A., and bridge won.

Only one woman sat and waited patiently for the lecture entitled " Y o u and
Your C h i l d " to be given by Miss Katkerine Bickford (A '11), but at the same
time, in the next lecture room, women jammed around tables where Mrs. Charles
Geissler and Miss Clarice Hall were teaching contract bridge. Women who wanted
to know all about bridge were so numerous that t w o sessions of the class were
held.—Boston Post

74 J A N U A R Y , 1932 75

the chapter house the entire chapter one hundred and f i f t y couples among
whom w i l l be AOII's f r o m Psi and Ep-
pre "t^sts ' y "a t t h e F o u n d e r sDa silon.
Eight of us went to Philadelphia on
t which was held at the Panhellenic November 7 to one of the rush dances
and at which the Founders were pres- that Psi gave. The dance was lovely,
and we were entertained so delightedly
r We are looking forward to our w i n - that we are looking f o r w a r d to seeing
dance which w i l l be held at the the girls again soon.

Waldorf-Astoria. This is expected to be
the most successful dance that N u has
sponsored. The guest list is limited to

Omicron Wins Golf Tournament

Pi Enjoys Sunday Suppers By K A T H E R I N E H A L E , University of Tennessee

By E V E L Y N M A G R U D E R , Newcomb College Here are our thirteen pledges: E m i l y vember and have hopes of doing big
Mahan, Eleanor Vestal, Emily Handley, things in that tournament.
We have had a supper for actives and Miss.; M a r y Byrne, New Orleans, La.- Elizabeth Caffey, Mary Jean Montgom-
pledges every other Sunday night this Mary Chamberlain, Natchez, Miss.; Hai- ery, and Elizabeth Dominick, of Knox- Frances Gunn, one of our seniors, our
fall. This has done much to bring the cyon Colomb, New Orleans, La.; Aimee ville; Dorothy Smith, Pulaski; Donnie Panhellenic delegate, and one of the
girls together and foster a stronger feel- Delcroix, New Orleans, La.; Betty Payne, Gulfport, Miss.; Sue Walton and beauty queens last year, is the University
ing of fraternity and friendship. Dosch, New Orleans, L a . ; Frances Ev- Mary Virginia Gattis, Nashville; Eve- band sponsor this season, making her
ans, New Orleans, L a . ; Elizabeth North lyn Isom, Anniston, Ala.; Christine Fas- debut at the Alabama game. She was
And, of course, our celebration on Corpus Christi, Tex.; Gertrude Gwin] ter, Huntsville; and Rowena Kruesi, carried on to the field inside a huge
Founders' Day was, as usual, a most New Orleans, La.; Elizabeth Hadleyj Chattanooga. Emily Mahan was elected football made of red, white, and orange
enjoyable occasion. The alumna? chapter Ruston, La.; Kathryn Longmire, Alex- president of the pledges. roses, and later she marched ahead of
gave a buffet supper at the Fraternity andria, La^; Ruth Owen, Gulfport, the band and made a splendid appear-
Room with the active chapter and Miss.; Louise Lake, Greenville, Miss.; Summer rushing closed w i t h a lovely ance. She is also a nominee f o r the
pledges as guests. Mary Ella Boman, New Orleans, La. dance given at the Cherokee Country beauty section again this year. Frances
Club at Knoxville with some three hun- Scott, of Fayetteville, who is chapter
We are proud to report that three of The last four named were transfers, dred guests in attendance. A "no-break," treasurer, president of the Home Eco-
our members were elected to House and so are included in the list of new featuring Omicron's own song, "Sweet- nomics club, president of New Strong
Council. They are Mamie Packer ('32), initiates. The other initiates are: Cerda heart of A O I I , " was one of the hits of Dormitory, and a member of the A l l -
Nancy Stack ('33), and Elizabeth ( L i b ) Donovan, New Orleans, La.; Gladys the evening. Student Club Council, Women's Stu-
Jones ('32). And two of our members Huey, New Orleans, L a . ; Louise Lester, dent Government, and the A O I I bas-
have won a place on the Newcomb Ball New Orleans, La.; Aston Lewis, New One of the big events on Omicron's ketball and baseball teams, is a member
Squad. They are Halcyon Colomb ('35), Orleans, La.; Mary Elba Marshall, Bay sport calendar was our victory in the of
and June Rowley ('34). Frances Price St. Louis, Miss.; Virginia Rembert, New intersorority golf tournament. Eleanor
('32), was elected East Wing Dormitory Orleans, L a . ; M e l Robertson, Opelousas, Vestal and Elizabeth Koella represented We are very glad to have Effie Maiden
president. La.; June Rowley, New Orleans, La.; us on the links. They defeated three ( N O ) , w i t h us this year. She is a candi-
and Eleanor Schupp, New Orleans, La. strong teams and accumulated a num- date for the basketball team with which
Our pledges are: Lockett Atkins, ber of points for us toward the intra- we hope to w i n further laurels in ath-
Monroe, La.; Evelyn Beard, McComb, mural cup. letics this winter.

Nu Wins Hockey and Handball .Contests Fay Morgan is our alumna adviser this On the night of December 8 we cele-
year, and we just couldn't get along brated Founders' Day by a joint sup-
By A L I C E M O B L E Y , New York University without her. We have been practicing per with the alumna? chapter at Fay
basketball since the early part of N o - Morgan's home.

N u has been well represented in ath- dent council and president of the League Kappa Gives $10 Monthly to Student
letics this semester. I r i s Jacobb is cap- of Women in the School of Commerce.
tain of the varsity swimming team while The School of Education has elected By F R A N C E S D A V I S , Randolph-Macon Womaii's College
Margie Jervis leads the tennis team. Janice Keller, an A O I I , for secretary of
This is Margie's senior year, and the its League of Women. Madeline Haron W i t h spirits buoyed up by such wel- Grinnan ('35), Elizabeth Perry ('33),
end of four years of very successful ten- has been elected to the Sphinx, an hon- come additions to the house as bright, Shade M a n n ('35), M a r y Virginia
nis competition. N u has won the inter- orary fraternity. attractive furniture for the sun room, Barnes ('35), Eliza Mount ('35), Sally
sorority hockey and handball tourna- and a handsome secretary, Kappa began Sacket ('35), Patsy Knopf ('35), M a r y
ments. The following girls were pledged this the rushing season w i t h an enthusiastic Allen Smith ('35), Jean Chastain (*35),
semester: Alva Stroh, R u t h Betty spirit. The A O I I rushing enthusiasm be- and Edith Christian ('35). Following the
Amy Bernhard will graduate this June Brown, Catherine McCarthy, Margie came realized happiness when the list of pledge service the annual pledge banquet,
with several of the highest honors that Fenian, Lillian Gould, Helen Delaney, pledges numbered sixteen: Nancy Gates one of the joiliest occasions of the year,
New Y o r k University can bestow upon Eunice Flanagan, Jessica Bradley, and ('35), M o l l y Coe ('35), Ann Montedo- was given at the house. Our group
a student. A m y has recently been elected Dorothy Strittmatter. On Tuesday, De- aico ('35), Zelda O'Brien ('35), Mary of pledges have proved themselves so
to AMA, an honorary scholastic frater- cember 8, the first four girls were i n i - Hurt ('35), Ann Bundick ('35), Helen interested in class activities that they
nity. She is also a member of the stu- tiated. Following the initiation services

76 To D R A G M A J A N U A R Y , 1932 77

were rewarded by numerous offices. team. On this day Lida and Julia also Theta Juniors on Honor Roll
M a r y Virginia Barnes became freshman became members of the Blazer Club
class president; Nancy Gates, Helen composed of the best all-round athletes By MARY MARJEAN O ' R E A R , DePauw University
Grinnan, and Mary H u r t were elected of Randolph-Macon.
to freshman cabinet. Jean Chastain rep- As is customary at DePauw, rush week offices at DePauw. Then, besides that,
resents her class on Student Committee; I n November the Alpha O's enter- was held the first week of school. We on Old Gold Day, Mary Jo was pledged
while Edith Christian was selected to be tained members of the faculty at a cof- I!id four lovely parties besides informal to 02«f>, national woman's journalistic
athletic representative of the freshman fee. During this month, too, Miss White- teas every afternoon f r o m three t i l l five. fraternity. Alpha O is well represented
class. side, Dean of Women, spoke to us on On the last night we pledged nine girls. on the staffs of our school paper, the
general fraternity problems and con- Since rush week we have pledged six DePauw. On the business staff we have
Kappa is most happy to have as a cluded her talk w i t h a discussion 0 f more girls, so, w i t h one girl who was Elizabeth Gadient, Frances Kellison,
transfer f r o m Florida State College for those problems which especially concern pledged the second semester last year, Phyllis Dodds, and Janette Fisher. On
Women, Margaret Baskervill ('34), the organizations on our campus. Found- Theta chapter has sixteen pledges: Eliza- the reportorial staff are M a r y Pirtle and
who is the daughter of our beloved Mrs. ers' Day was celebrated on December 8 beth Batchelor, Sharpsville; M a r y Alice Mary Jo Enochs. Mary Carney, Mary
Baskervill. with a banquet. Emmett, Detroit, Mich.; Elizabeth Jo Enochs, and Charlotte H o r n are on
Brooks, Virginia Wakely, and Charlotte the Yellow Crab staff. A n n Nichols and
Julia Dodson ('33), Betty Hadley During this year, Kappa has followed Horn, Chicago, 111.; Phyllis Dodds, M a r y Carney are on W.S.A. board;
('33), and Frances Davis ('33), were its usual philanthropic program by g i v . Paris, 111.; Janette Fisher, Gary; Elaine Mary Jo Enochs is treasurer of
among the twenty girls having the high- ing a monthly allowance of $10 to one Glenn, East Chicago; Nadine M i t t m a n , Y.W.CA. Four of our girls sing in the
est average in the junior class. This of the Randolph-Macon students from New York C i t y ; M a r y Garrison Walker, Methodist choir: Helen King, Margaret
group of twenty act as ushers for a l l the Lynchburg orphanage. Then, we de- Rockport; Margaret Johnson, Madison- Martin, Marjorie Mclntyre, and Lora
concerts and entertainments presented cided that instead of sending Christmas vflle, K y . ; Alice Anstett, F o r t Wayne; Bohley. I n the symphony orchestra,
at the college during the year. Thanks- cards to members of the chapter, we Alice Baylor, Speed; Leah Bedwell, Sul- A O I I is well represented by Ruth Meyer,
giving day was an even more gala occa- would each contribute a sum of money, livan; Lucille Klauser, Shelbyville; and, Virginia Rossman, Sarah Lois Rohm,
sion than usual for Kappa, because Julia the whole amount of which to be given Marjorie Mclntyre, Greencastle, Ind. Janette Fisher, and Lucille Klouser.
Dodson C33), and Lida Stokes ('33), to the.Salvation Army. Soon after rush week we initiated t w o
were chosen for the all-star hockey girls, Dorothy Troutman, New Albany, A l l four of our juniors received mid-
and Eileen Jarodsky, Paris, 111. A l l the course honors for grades. A n average of
Zeta Girl Goes to N.P.C. girls in the house are initiated now, and B is necessary in order to receive this
that is somewhat unusual. Our pledges honor. Ann Nichols, Mary Alexander,
By L U C I L L E H I T C H C O C K , University of Nebraska live in the dormitories for a year i f they M a r y Carney, and M a r y Jo Enochs are
ire freshmen, and one semester if they the juniors.
Zeta pledged twenty-one girls: Alice members of the faculty at dinner. This are upperclassmen.
Lorene Davis, Betty Temple, Virginia has helped our pledges to become better And now to dramatics and debate:
Kean, Irene Hentzen, Gretchen Shrag, acquainted w i t h them. Zeta had the Two weeks after school began, the both of our Duzer D u members, Mary
Marjorie Seaton, Lucile Frantz, M y r a privilege of entertaining eight Phi girls traditional open house was held, and we Carney and Mary O'Rear, played in
Grimes, Beth Brothwell, Maxine Hock- f r o m Kansas on the week-end of the entertained all the men on campus, a "The Butter and Egg M a n , " the first
ett, Eleanor Jones, Miriam Huse, Mar- Kansas football game. They were: Faire group at a time. On November 12, F r i - Duzer D u play of the season. Mary
jorie Ley, Lola Recknor, Betty Ohler, Voran, Dorothea Higgins, Mary House, day by the way, we had our pledge 0*Rear is vice president of Duzer D u
Winifred Rainey, Constance Wade, Elea- Hazelle Hedges, Loureen Sweedlandj dance. Each pledge wore a red rose and was one of the judges of tryouts
nor Pleak, De Lauris Dahlman. Mary Mary Hoernig, Roberta Works, and which was a gift f r o m her A O I I "moth- this year. M a r y Pirtle is on the varsity
Lou Lapp, Evelyn Haas, Ethel Chittick, Jean Murdock. They were all charming er." The decorations were of red and debate team, Betty Batchelor and
and Lois Van Nostrand. girls and we are glad that we had the black futuristic design. Nadine M i t t m a n are on the freshman
opportunity of meeting them. debate team.
Julia Simanek, a senior, member of Many of our girls have new activities.
Mortar Board and Student Council, was Alpha O's are still well represented in We were all happy f o r M a r y Jo Enochs Early in November we were happy to
sent as one of the two delegates f r o m the Dramatic Club. Lucile Frantz, Beth when she was elected Big Sister f o r this have Edith Huntington Anderson and
this campus to the convention of the Brothwell, Lola Recknor, and Marjorie year. That is one of the most important Mary Gertrude Manley to dinner with
National Panhellenic Congress which Ley, all pledges, were elected as new us.
was held at St. Louis the last of Octo- members. Madaline Wostoupal, a senior,
ber. This was the first year that college is now a member of the University Play- Delta Girls Place on Hockey Team
Panhellenic delegates were invited to at- ers. She had a character part in one of
tend some of the convention meetings. their latest presentations, "Mrs. Telfer." By B E T H MARION R I N G E R , Tufts College
Julia brought back new ideas which w i l l We had initiation for Dorothy Crouse
probably prove solutions for many of on September 22, at four-thirty o'clock. T o further the cause of the treasury trice Capodilupo ('33), Kathryn Ecke
the present rushing problems. We were Evelyn Haas, one of our new pledges, Beatrice Capodilupo ('33), capably man- ('34), Phyllis Howard ('34), and Mar-
thrilled at the Panhellenic banquet was chosen to be a member of A Cap- aged a successful rummage sale while tha Thompson ('34).
which was held this fall. A scholarship pella choir. Adlyn Moeller, Harriet Nes- Betty Russell ('34), supervised the sell-
cup was awarded to us for ranking ladek, and Eleanor Pleak, a pledge, were ing of candy in the dormitories, and On October 5, the initiation of Olive
fourth among the other sororities. We recently elected to T A X , honorary ad- Phyllis H o w a r d ('34), brought i n a neat MacPherson ('32), was held, and was
are trying hard to keep this record or vertising fraternity. Lydia Smith, the return f r o m the sale of Christmas cards. followed by an informal party at the
to make it better. new president, attended their national home of Jean Lamb ('32). On October
convention at the University of Illinois During the fall sport season six of 19, we pledged Martha Thompson ('34),
Our guest nights have been especially at Champaign, in October. the varsity hockey squad were repre- at the home of Janet Woodman ('34).
successful this year. We have entertained sentatives f r o m A O I I . They were: Adele
Clark ('32), Eileen Sweeney ('32), Bea- One of the best numbers at our Fall
Formal held at the Fo'cas'le in Marble-

78 T O DRAGMA J A N U A R Y . 1932 79

head on November 2 8 , was the an- After Christmas a bridge has 1 * ^ Hopfi Eileen Lucy, Jean Maloney, "Gold I n the Hills." Barbara is also a
nouncement of the wedding of Madeline Madeline Stoddard, Katherine Taggert, member of the Glee Club. Ethel Kelling-
planned i n a final effort t o raise H ? I ucille Wallen, and Evelyn Yanoshat. er ( ' 3 3 ) , our house president, is junior
T. Beattie ( ' 3 1 ) , to Capen Farmer ( ' 3 0 ) , jean Maloney has had the honor o f "compet" f o r the women's business man-
"wherewithal" for the oncoming being elected treasurer of the freshman agership of the Columns magazine.
of Dartmouth.
ing o f second semester. n~

Gamma Members Found in All Activities lS|«g° Madeline Stoddard is tennis cham- I n athletics, Clara Palmer, Helen Fa-

By B E T T Y B A R R O W S , University of Maine pion of the junior class. Several of the gan, and Maxine Moore, all sophomores,
Sedges have shown interest i n the D r a -
On October 4, we had initiation of the Adelle Allen, an initiate, is on the cast are our star representatives; all three
Chalet (the log cottage in which we hold have played on the basketball and
Alpha O's number four out of the stic Club: Doris Bald and " D o t " hockey teams. B a r i u m K i r b y was on the
our meetings). The initiates were: Adelle ten Sophomore Eagles. This organization
Allen, Elizabeth Kimball, Ernestine Mer- corresponds t o a Junior Sister idea. Here Curtiss have been working hard at prop- soccer team this f a l l , too.
erties and Dorothea Ferguson has been
rill, and Mabel Robinson. On October ten of the most prominent sophomore learning the art of stage make-up. " K a y " Our fall pledge dance went over very
12, the initiates gave us a picnic on the girls are chosen to guide the freshmen Taggert, who is an accomplished trom- well. The faculty tea took place on the
river bank. Alpha O songs were sung Alice Dyer is president, and the other bonist, is out for the Dramatic Club or- Sunday before Thanksgiving. The
around the campfire. On October 18, we Alpha O's are Fern Allen, Winifred Cush- chestra. Eileen Lucy is not o n l y compet- pledges gave their tea earlier i n the fall,
had pledge service f o r t w o new pledges: ing and Doris Newman. ing for the women's editorship on the and on December 1 there was an alum-

Winifred Cushing and Dorothy Moyni- In journalistic circles Ruth Walenta Cornell D a i l y Sun, b u t she, along w i t h nae tea given f o r M r s . Dorner, state
han. ( ' 3 4 ) , is the editor o f the Maine Re- Dorothea Ferguson, is t r y i n g out f o r alumna chairman of Wisconsin, w h o was
view. Muriel Freeman ( ' 3 2 ) , is a mem- debating as well. Lucille Wallen has been visiting us at the time.
On November 16, our patronesses gave ber of Contributor's Club. Evelyn Glea- admitted into the Glee Club.
a tea f o r us at the Country Club. De- son ('33), is organization editor of this Angela Donnely ( ' 3 3 ) , w o n last I t was impractical for us to have a
cember 4 , we had our first informal year's Prism (the junior year book). On rummage sale this year, so we made i n -
dance. W e were pleased to have several the Campus board, Betty Barrows is spring's Annuals competition, and is now dividual contributions to charity instead.
of the older sisters back w i t h us. associate women's editor, a position lead-
ing to the editorship next year. Helene Ethel Kellinger is i n charge of the
Doris Savage of the Bangor Alumnae women's sport editor; star reporter, Browne ('32), and Barbara Kirby ('34), A O I I end of the Red Cross women's
chapter invited the chapter down to her Ruth Walenta; reporters, Fern Allen, both took part in the Dramatic Club's drive, which is now i n full swing i n
home f o r Founders' Day. She was taken Evelyn Gleason, and Sylvia Hickson. successful production o f the melodrama, Ithaca.

i l l , so we have planned a progressive Hildreth Matheson ( ' 3 2 ) , is vice presi- Rho Gives Dinner Savings to Charity
dinner. The first course w i l l be at the dent of B I I 0 , the honorary French club
dormitory and the last course at one o f and Sylvia Hickson ( ' 3 2 ) , is secretary. By J E A N E T T E M A R S H A L L , Northwestern University
the houses d o w n t o w n . A f t e r the dinner Home Economics'Club has f o u r Alpha
we are going to have an informal meet- O's: Margaret Humphrey ('33), Mabel We rejoice every time we look at our meetings of Daughters of Neptune, hon-
ing and sing. Robinson ('34), Marion Dickson ('33), pledge class consisting o f the following orary swimming society. Clara K u h n has
eighteen pledges: M a r y Bailey, Chicago; been chosen o n the junior social com-
This year we have done more local and Elizabeth Kimball ('34). Alice Dyer Mildred Boehm, Chicago; Marion Cal- mittee, and she also has charge of tickets
philanthropic work than usual. Several ('34), is secretary of the Women's Stu- meyn, Chicago; Adamary Donahue, Chi- for the W.A.A.-M.U. (Women's Ath-
Christmas boxes o f groceries are being dent Government, and Olive Perkins cago; Harriet Gilette, Elgin, 111.; Anne letic-Men's Union) show. Margaret
Higgins, Evanston; Catherine Lang, Chi- Dorr, president of the W.A.A. is also
made up f o r needy families. We also ( ' 3 2 ) , and Betty Barrows ( ' 3 3 ) , are on cago;-Virginia Liddle, Chicago; Norma on the Board of Governors for the
gave a liberal donation to the Red Cross the council. Magnuson, Chicago; Alice Mark, Chi- show. M i l d r e d Boehm is i n the chorus
cago; Virginia McLean, Waukegan, 111.; of "Scrap Book," a campus production.
as a chapter. Olive Perkins is an A l l Maine Wom- Virginia Sanders, Chicago; Lois Gordon,
Wilmette; Virginia Spoeri, Chicago; L i l - Maxine Travis serves on the junior
I n the Maine Masque, the honorary an. This means that she is one o f the yan Dillard, Birmingham, A l a . ; Jean class commission, the group that plans
dramatic society, Gamma has four mem- few girls chosen as outstanding in char- Rittenhouse, Chicago; Virginia Shaw, the Junior Prom, and Virginia Speirs is
bers and three associate members. T h e y acter, leadership, and willingness to ac- Chicago; Jane Hupman, Toledo, Ohio. on the sophomore commission.
are: Anna Lyon ( ' 3 2 ) , Ernestine Mer- cept responsibility. On September 1 9 , we initiated t w o girls,
rill ( ' 3 3 ) , Hope Clark ( ' 3 4 ) , M a r y E l - Phyllis Gampher, and Adeline Richards. Ethel Bornhoeft is on the W.A.A. So-
more ('34), Sylvia Hickson (*32), Betty Four of the house officers in Balen- cial Committee, and was head of the
Barrows ( ' 3 3 ) . I n the recent play, tine are Alpha O's. Olive Perkins is presi- All of the girls have been active at tickets for the Y.W.C.A. banquet. I n
"Holiday" by Philip Barry, Ernestine dent, Grace Quarrington is treasurer, school this year. Phyllis Gampher, Grace the lists of athletes many Rho names ap-
Merrill ('33), a new initiate had the W i n i f r e d Cushing is secretary, and Mar- Duerson, Clara Kuhn, and Virginia San- pear. Virginia Shaw and Florence Red-
lead, and Sylvia Hickson ('32) had the ion Dickson is fire-chief. ders are on the debate squad. Grace also dington were on the hockey teams, and
second lead. "Alison's House" by Susan won second place i n the university ex- Virginia made all-star team. Margaret
Glaspell is the next production. Helen I n the recent nominations f o r hon- temporaneous speaking contest, and D o r r , Jessie L o u Butler, Jean R i t t e n -
Osgood ( ' 3 3 ) , is the leading lady, and orary lieutenant colonel of the R.O.T.C., Phyllis received honors in the junior house, and Virginia McLean were on the
Marion Dickson and Betty Barrows scholastic awards. K a t h r y n Gridley has soccer squads. Margaret was elected t o
were nominated. been invited into R o K u V a , sophomore all-star varsity teams. Virginia Shaw has
honor society, and t o Alethenai, literary been chosen manager o f j u n i o r class v o l -
Epsilon Becomes Swiss Chalet at Rush society. M a n y of the girls attend the leyball. Florence Reddington is in Or-
chesis, honorary dance sorority.
By K A R I N P E T E R S O N , Cornell University

During rushing this year the house ('28), who lives in Lausanne. Stunts and

was transformed temporarily into a songs carried out the Swiss idea. We

Swiss chalet, thanks to the unique deco- pledged ten girls: Doris Bald, Dorothy
rations sent us by Frances M o u n t Dear Curtiss, Dorothea Ferguson, Eleanor

80 J A N U A R Y , 1932 81

We have also been doing our bit for giving the money that would have bee e this year; these were climaxed by Louise Aynesworth and Ellamae Dodds,
charity this year. Jane Hupman, Norma used to charity. the Big Game open house held on N o - who are both on the Stanford Daily,
Magnuson, Alice Mark, Mary Bailey, n were elected to the Y.W.C.A. cabinet
Betty Blair, Florence Reddington, and mber 21, just before the Stanford- early i n the fall. They also served at the
Virginia Speirs conduct classes at the Another innovation this year was th ^alifornia game. Luncheon was served chrysanthemum tea held by the Stanford
Northwestern Settlement (the North- to a p p r o x i m a t e 200 guests, alumna?, Mothers' Club at the Hoover residence.
western equivalent to the University of pajama party sponsored by the actives and friends of the chapter. Helen Born, Blanche Coe, and Louise
Chicago Hull House). The girls are Ruggles have been promoted to the
planning a Christmas party for the set- for the pledges. This was a get-ac The last of the quarter's social ac- regular Stanford Quad (year book) staff.
tlement children. We had a hard times tivities was the Christmas party held on Eleanor Furst made the women's debat-
dinner at the house. I t was a novel idea quainted party. The actives were pledge! December 5 for poor children f r o m Palo ing team and has been appointed a mem-
which we thought worked out very suc- Alto and Mayfield. Each girl filled a ber of the W . A . A . board as dance man-
cessfully as a means for raising money for the night. They sang, recited the stocking and bought a gift for one child, ager. Grace Doughty was appointed to
for charity. On the chosen night we had and entertained him during the party. the A.S.S.U. election board and also has
only soup and sandwiches for our meal, chapter roll, and did all that the pledges We had a visit f r o m Santa Claus, played the vice presidency of I I A 9 , national
j,3]l. London Bridge, and Farmer in the honorary educational fraternity. Beulah
told them to do. The pledges sat at Hie pell, and opened presents under an i m - D i m m i t t is singing in the Stanford choir,
mense Christmas tree. Later in the after- and took part in the Christmas oratorio
table at the midnight supper while the noon, the traditional ice cream and cake as well as doing some special w o r k i n
were served and also t i n y chocolate some of the weekly organ recitals. Claire
actives waited on them. We entertained Santa Clauses. Besides this party, the MacGregor ('29), has returned to Stan-
house also filled a Thanksgiving basket f o r d as an instructor in the Public
the faculty at a tea at which we had for a local poor family, and prepared Speaking department. She is the young-
more Christmas stockings to be distrib- est member of the faculty. Lambda is
friendly chats with the professors. uted under the auspices of the local proud to welcome her back. Marian
Y.W-CA. Littlefield was forced to resign as rush
At Homecoming banquet ninety-four captain, and Dorothy Bogan Farring-
places were set, and we had a chance to In spite of so many house functions, ton ('30), has promised to help us out.
talk again with many of our friends. nearly all the Alpha O's have been busy
in some other campus activity this quar- Alpha O won the Quad prize of a free
Lambda Holds Black and White Dance ter. Antoinette Schulte and Beth Pinks- page devoted to the house and a free
ton are both in medical school. Lucille volume of this year's book by being the
By ELEANOR E . H . FURST, Stanford University Morgan, our president, besides serving first sorority on the campus to be 100
as a "Sports D a y " hostess, had entire per cent in buying this year's Quad i n -
Triangular Sports Day, held between rated w i t h autumn flowers, and an i m - charge of the Christmas Seal campaign. dividually.
California, Mills, and Stanford, was held mense basket of colorful fruits and She is also doing conference w o r k for
at Stanford this year. This is the only vegetables served as a centerpiece in the the Public Speaking department. Anna
intercollegiate athletic contest for the dining room. One of our mothers, Mrs
women during the year, and i t is a l - Nikirk, came down f r o m the city to Iota Wins Two Cups for Achievement
ways a big day. Therefore, we were es- arrange i t f o r us.
pecially proud that every member of By B E T T Y W A L K E R , University of Illinois
Lambda helped to make i t a success by Our alumna? have been most co-opera-
serving on some committee. Lucille M o r - tive this fall, and on October 22 they Rush week resulted in eighteen pledges guests for dinner one night, Hans V o n
gan and Eunice Force acted as hostesses; held a benefit bridge tea f o r us here at I for us: Helen Anderson, Ruth Ferguson, Hofe, and Bernard Glawatz, German ex-
Beulah Dimmitt and Eleanor Furst had the chapter house. The girls of the house Geraldine Esdohr ( A O I I sister), Laverne change students. A f t e r dinner each of
charge of the checkroom; and all the served tea, and the affair was most suc- Krusgel, Dorthea Roost, and Rae Reed them gave informal talks on their i m -
rest of the house served at luncheon. cessful, both financially and socially. We (AOII sister), all of Chicago; Betty pressions of America, and on German
have been further aided this quarter by Hyde, Evanston; Josephine Zerwick, institutions. Our Christmas dance is De-
We opened our quarter with the elec- the establishment of a Mothers' Club. Nashville; Gabrielle Potts, Clinton, cember 12 and faculty tea, December 19.
tion of officers on October 5. Lucille They met at the house on November 17 Iowa; Betty Deming, and Betty Press,
Morgan was elected president; Eunice for luncheon, and afterwards made a Oak Park; Helen Malloy, and Beth Last year we won second cup in the
Force, vice president; Jane Nikirk, tour of inspection. Already they have Bohlen, Rantoul; Arnieta Meislahn, Homecoming Stunt Show, but this year
treasurer. On October 16, we initiated seen to many needed repairs, and they Montrose; Virginia Underwood, Free- we won first place. Katherine M c C o r d
three new members, who were pledged take great interest in furthering all our port; Jean Dragoo, Villa Grove; Jean ('34), directed our stunt, "A O Piracy."
last spring: Ellamae Dodds, Anna Louise activities. Stiven ( A O I I sister), Urbana; and M a r y Speaking of cups, we won the Dads'
Aynesworth, and Blanche Coe. The i n i - Stumpf, Champaign. Day Program Sales cup. Virginia Stotler
tiation banquet, held that evening, re- Our fall faculty dinner, a formal affair ('33), was house representative.
minded all of us of what i t means to given on November 11, was made espe- Our social life was appropriately be-
be an A O I I . cially enjoyable by entertaining after- gun with a tea in honor of our new Shi-ai exchange dinners between so-
dinner contributions f r o m the guests. chaperon, Mrs. Kate MacDonald. We rorities have begun. Hedvic Lenc ('34),
Early in the quarter, the scholarship Our annual black and white dance came also held a breakfast f o r the Y.W.C.A. and Kathleen Conard ('34), were ini-
rating from last year was published, and the next Saturday night, November 14, Cabinet, an Illio dinner dance, and en- tiated into Shi-ai. Florence Hook ('32),
we were proud to find ourselves third and was one of the most enjoyable we tertained the Physical Education depart- is woman's business manager of the
among the sororities. We have firmly re- have ever held. I t was quite a large ment. We had two especially interesting school year book, The lllio. Hedvic Lenc
solved to maintain our position or to affair this year, w i t h many guests f r o m is a sophomore manager, and R u t h Fer-
raise i t this year. other houses and a large representation
from Sigma chapter. Many of the alum-
Wednesday, October 21, was the an- na; also returned, which added to the
nual Women's Conference Party—our gaiety. A l l the furniture was covered
first social contact w i t h the freshmen. with white and black silhouettes of fa-
The whole house attended, most of us miliar campus objects were pinned on,
wearing track suits, and we found the which, with cut-out letters of the fra-
incoming class most delightful and very ternities and sororities, afforded much
promising. The' following Sunday, Octo- amusement throughout the evening.
ber 25, was our fall rushing tea, and we
had a chance to get better acquainted I n f o r m a l open house has been held
w i t h the freshmen. The house was deco- for all the football games played at

82 To D R A G M A J A N U A R Y , 1932 S3

guson, Dorthea Roost, Helen Ander- Wilma Gilmore ('33), is chairman. Hed- place, as a start in participation f o r the two informal parties in the chapter
son, "Jerry" Esdohr, and Gabrielle Potts vic Lcnc and Betty Walker are on the cup. Horseback, bowling, and basketball house. One was given for the actives by
all work on the publication. Ruth Fer- Woman's League social committee. Hed- will soon follow. the alumna?, October 23, and the other
guson, Helen Anderson and "Jerry" vic is also Woman's League representa- by the actives on November 25.
Esdohr w o r k on the Siren, school humor tive in Gold Feathers, sophomore or- The fall social season has consisted of
magazine, too. Margery Morrison ('33), ganization. R u t h Ferguson is program
has received some exceptional honors. chairman of Orange and Blue Feathers, Chi Pledges Ten Girts
She was elected to K T A , journalism freshman organization.
honorary, and G24>, journalism society, By A N N K I L L E E N , Syracuse University
and made a junior assistant on the 11- Virginia Underwood made the fresh-
lini, school paper. Marian Kusz is on man soccer team, and Eleanor Hall On September 27, the following girls for the Sophomore Award. Barbara Phil-
the sophomore staff, Laverne Kruggle, ('32), made the All-Star hockey team. were initiated: R u t h Boltwood ('32), lips ('34), is on the sophomore hockey
and Jean Dragoo are on the freshman Eleanor was also on the Charity Show Hazel Dygert ('32), Rhoda Groff ('32), team and is a candidate f o r managership
staff. Florence Beidleman received the committee. Betty Walker was Biu Sis- Ann Kalfelz ('32). Even a month be- in that sport. Anita Prior ('33), attended
MKA cup given to the freshman receiv- ter Chairman; Katherine Altorfer is fore that Barbara Estey ('33), said " I the * B K banquet. One of our most am-
ing the highest grades in the Music Grand Councilor f o r * X 6 ; Ruth Reed do" to Hollis Greeman ('29). bitious pledges, Katherine Burlingham
School. She is also sophomore manager is on Junior Prom committee; Wilma ('35), is trying for the highest scholar-
of Star Course, an organization sponsor- Haeger ('32), was pledged to Mask and During rushing we had four parties ship award in painting. Judging from
ing the bringing of exceptional talent to Bauble, dramatic society. Hedvic Lenc the first week and three parties the sec- this list I am inclined to think that per-
the campus, and a member of the Glee was on the Homecoming reception com- ond week. Such themes as " A Country haps that visit from Edith Ramsey Col-
Club. She ; A Maria*'Kusz were recent- mittee, and Beth Bohlen was on the ac- Fair," "Radio Party," and " A Night lins, our District Superintendent, was a
ly pledgedr: J Alethenai Literary Society. commodations committee. Hedvic also Club Party" were carried out. And, of big incentive. Ev-^y one o.c-us enjoyed
worked on the information committee course, we had to have a "Depression that pep-talk and may I ly that we
Much interest is being shown in the for Dads' Day, and Betty Walker on Party" to be consistent, as i t were. Re- are all looking forward to another de-
Y.W.C.A. D o l l Show. Cups are awarded the accommodations committee. sults of the foregoing: five pledges: E u - lightful visit with our thoroughly
the sororities with the winning dolls. nice Baker ('35), Shirley Baldwin ('35), charming officer.
The dolls are then given to poor chil- Iota has not forgotten the charity Dorothy Wood ('35), Anne Woodcome
dren for Christmas. Beth Bohlen, Mar- work this year. We are furnishing eight- ('35), and Marie Smeja ('35). I n the The approach of the Christmas holi-
ian Kusz, Kathleen Conard, Hedvic een children w i t h milk, and furnishing next month we doubled our number of days gives a splendid opportunity for
Lenc, Wilma Gilmore, Katherine Altor- clothing f o r a needy high school girl. pledges, they are: Katherine Burling- philanthropic work. We have co-oper-
fer, and Betty Walker are all on various The chapter donated $36 to the Com- ham ('35), Jamesine Hope ('35), The- ated with the City Unemployment Bu-
committees for the show. Ellen Jones munity Chest f u n d . Betty Walker was a resa Marine ('35), Fern Masters ('35), reau in the "Man-a-Block" plan. We
C32), and Ruth Page ('33), are on the captain on this drive. Part of the pro- and Dorothy Rockwell ('33). Our pledge have also contributed to the Medical
Y.W.C.A. reception committee of which ceeds are to go to aid national unenn dance was given on October 22. students campaign to launch parties for
ployment. needy city children, and many of the
In November the chapter attended the girls in the chapter are active in the
Tan's President Is Very Active University Symphony concert, and Pan- Student Relief Fund which is being i n -
hellenic banquet on November 21 was stituted in Syracuse to help about two
By MARJORIE J E N S E N , University of Minnesota the last function before the holidays. hundred students who otherwise would
not be able to return to college after
May T a u present its president, M a r y 6Z«£, women's national honorary jour- Lois Haskins ('33), Lucille DeWitt the holidays.
Pettit, senior in the college of A r t Edu- nalistic society, whose group here is ex- (*32), M a r y K e i t h ('33), who is back
cation? Mary is a member of the A r t tremely small and selective. I.enore after a year's absence, and Rhoda Groff The chapter will attend Hendricks
Education Association, a Big Sister cap- Wolfe, recent pledge, is a member of ('32), ushered at the Mary Garden con- Chapel on December 13 in observance
tain, a member of University Singers, Women's Self-Govemment Association cert. And here are some of the other of Founders' Day. Thursday of that
publicity chairman for the campus Board as social chairman. I n dramatics, girls whose names are always popping week will be our last get-together before
Y.W.C.A., art representative for profes- one of our pledges is rising to fame. B> in activities: Hazel Jordan ('33), vacation. At this time we shall hold
sional women, and Homecoming pub- Dorothy Sonnenfeld played a hading honorary hockey team, W.S.S., and our annual Christmas slumber party at
licity chairman. role in "The Good Hope," production of •manager of basketball; Helen Betchley the house.
Minnesota University Theater. Inez Ko- (32), senior hockey team and adver-
One of the "newsiest" bits of news lar was property mistress, indeed a most tising manager of the Daily Orange. We Lois Haskins ('33), is playing over
from Tau is the announcement of three difficult position in an old Dutch play- nave two other active workers on pub- station W M A C . Lois is the house "ivory
new pledges: Mildred Banks, Dorothy And Tau has also gone athletic. There lications, Helen Janota ('33), Onon- tickler" and has also found time to do
Sonnenfeld, and Maxine Swenson. They is a very beautiful intersorority cup oagan, and Elizabeth Frank ('33), Or- an exceptionally good job as rushing
were pledged during informal rushing which is given to the sorority P^^'lSr" onge Peel staff. Gladys L u n n ('34), is on chairman this semester.
and are correspondingly well known on ing most in this year's athletics. n e r class hockey team and is a candidate
the campus for unusual pep, dramatic girls are ambitious and would love sucn
ability, and scholarship. Jean Ashton a cup on their mantel, so they began By Upsilon Members in Many Activities
and Lenore Wolfe w i l l be made f u l l - entering a swimming team in an inter-
fledged AOII's at a formal initiation pre- sorority meet. The team, consisting ° By BARBARA T R A S K C L A R K , University of Washington
ceding Founders' Day banquet. Betty Bakke, Marjorie Jensen. Do
Ward, and R u t h Wilson, won t&u" Meet two new Alpha O's, initiated intensive rushing, we pledged fourteen
Marian Rassmussen and Doris W a r d
have been elected to membership in this f a l l - H a r r i e t Duncan ('34), initiated girls on September 28. Ethel Reid ('34),
° n -November 15, and Lois Austin ('34), is a sister of Margaret and Dorothy
°n November 30. Following a week of Reid, actives in the chapter. Jean Bain-

84 To DRAGMA {JANUARY, 1932 85

bridge, Eleanor Bennest, Ernestine Bilan, in October when they came up to see the Our pledges entertained us in N o v e m - tertained twice for the freshmen. On
Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Byrdette Mason, University of Oregon football team beat ber with a informal dance at the chap- pledge night the entire chapter took the
Mary McArthur, Dorothy Salladay, the Washington Huskies. ter house. I t had a children's motif, w i t h fourteen new pledges to the Orpheum
Phyllis Sutter and Evelyn Hoff, all the walls and ceiling looped w i t h chains and served them w i t h ice cream and cake
freshmen, are residents of Seattle. M a r - Frances Maxson has entered the law of bright colored papers, clusters of bal- at the chapter house afterwards. Recent-
garet Benedict ('33), is from Vancouver, school. Virginia Beatty, who is major- loons hanging f r o m the lights, and l y the sponsors entertained their pledges
Wash.; Destie Coolidge ('35), Great ing in dramatic art, is directing "To- around the walls were fastened dolls and at the Moore Theater, after which we all
Falls, Mont.; Luciel White ('35), M o n - morrow," a fanciful two-act play to be childish drawings. The programs were went to the home of Mary Hilke for
roe, Wash.; and Inez Swartzlander ('34), presented soon on the campus. "Marty'' miniature slates. The actives have en- games and refreshments.
Seattle. Since the beginning of school we and " D i t t o " Beeuwkes were both on the
have taken four more pledges: Ila John- committee for the Varsity Ball, all-Uni- Nu Kappa Has Supper Meetings
son ('33), Prineville, Ore.; Janet Aldrich versity formal. " D i t t o " was also on the
('34), Great Falls, Mont.; Mildred Sut- decoration committee for Homecoming By IRMA SIGLER, Southern Methodist University
ter ('34), sister of Phyllis; and Gladys Sallie Sue White, our "platinum blonde,"
Phillips, Aberdeen, Wash. Gladys Phil- had an important part as the daughter '. N u Kappa chapter completed rush officer; Irma Sigler, reporter and editor
lips is a member of the varsity women's in "Many Waters," an all-University week after pledging ten girls, namely: to T o DRAGMA; Betty L o u Liles, head
debate squad and, as an accomplished play presented recently. Too, she was jVIary Alice Swonger, Catherine Smith, rush captain, and Elizabeth Spurlock
violinist, plays as soloist w i t h the cham- initiated on December 9 into 4>MT, na- Mary Elizabeth Montgomery, Mabel and I r m a Sigler as her assistants.
ber music classes in the University. M a r - tional dramatic honorary sorority. Robb, Evelyn Garrett, Dorothy
garet Benedict was a member of the Browne, Reba Browne, Margaret Ober- We have been having suppers every
junior dues committee and is in Wash- We are proud of the erudite Kathryn thier, and Mary Scott Mettenheimer. first and t h i r d Mondays of each month.
ington Players, dramatic society. Byr- Farr, who has a contract to give semi- We were very glad to have Alice Cul- The suppers are planned and prepared by
dette Mason is working on our year nars in Oriental literature at a coaching lane and Katherine De Puy ( 3 ) , w i t h the pledges who are assigned to then-
book, the Tyee, and Janet Aldrich is an school in the district. M a r y Hilke made us during rush week. duties.
active member of Spurs, underclass the University honor roll last year. She
women's activity honorary. Inez Swartz- has been among the honor students in Initiation was held October 27 for Enid Mayer, our president, was re-
lander is active in Newman Club and in her class always, and has won the chap- three girls who were pledged in the fall cently elected assistant riding instructor
the A d Club. Mildred Sutter is working ter scholarship ring. She is a member of §i 1930: Betty L o u Liles, D o r o t h y A n n at Horseshoe Stables. E n i d is f r o m
in the Associated Women Students of- AP, art fraternity. I don't know who Mynatt, and Irma Sigler. After initia- Amarillo, Texas, and she is a junior i n
fice. Eleanor Bennest, an accomplished was more excited, Mary Genevieve Scott tion, a supper was held at the home of the School of Music.
pianist, is to give a concert at the house as bearer or Ho Carey as recipient of a Dorothy Fix. Members of the alumnae
in January, and Evelyn H o f f sells tickets bid from M#E, music honorary. Alice and active chapters and pledges were We are planning our annual Christmas
for anything and everything that hap- McLean is active in the Y . W . C A . , and present. party at which each girl brings a useful
pens on the campus. Margaret Rourke served with " K i t " gift f o r a needy family.
Tucker on the publicity committee when Election of officers for this year were
Ted Cole Steiner, after two years' ab- the Associated Women Students pre- as follows: Enid Mayer, president; E r n - We were very glad to have girls from
sence, has returned to delight our hearts sented Roland Hayes in concert here. estine Shotwell, vice president; Dorothy X i visit us during the Texas-Oklahoma
with her cheery voice and her conta- She is active in Spurs and has lately Fix, treasurer; Grace Cunningham, cor- U football game. I t gave us an oppor-
gious, merry chuckle. Harriet Duncan been appointed to the committees for responding and recording secretary; tunity to meet them, and we regretted
returned from a year in Montana to re- Dads' Day and the sophomore dance. Maurice Harris, historian and study plan that more of them could not come down
enter the University and become an ac- to see us.
tive member of Alpha 0 . M a r y Gene- At Thanksgiving we sent a huge bas-
vieve Scott ('30), is working f o r her ket of food and clothing to the family Beta Phi Girls Lead in Dramatics
master's degree on the campus and is of five f o r whom we cared at the same
extremely busy as president of M«f>E, time last year. By Y E T I V E BROWNE, University oj Indiana
women's music honorary. Peggy Ann
Griffith, after being graduated last June, Virginia Parrish ('31), came up from Girls pledged to Beta Phi in the spring Chase, our housemother who left M a y
is back on the campus taking zoology Sunnyside, where she is teaching, for were Icel Berlingame, Armida H a l l , and 16, a Mothers' Day banquet, a rush
and Greek. Mary Lou Behymer. ( O i l ) , Homecoming. Marcella Lawler drove up:! Beulah Bunch and fall pledges, Margaret dance followed by an impressive Japa-
is living in the house while she works f r o m her home in Raymond, where she SicCowan, Selma Drabing, Rosemary nese garden breakfast, and a senior
downtown. We see quite a lot, too, of is secretary to the high school principal tavelle, Florence Backus, Jane Van breakfast comprised the spring social
Betty Hagan ( K O ) , who is attending and teacher, f o r a visit w i t h her sister, Sandt, Dorothy Brookbank, Doris Cook, activities.
school in Seattle, though not at the U n i - Loretta, and a gay homecoming to the Grace Rogers, Catherine Williams, and
versity. Kathleen Clifford ( O i l ) , dines chapter house. Florence Semon Heikle Dorothy Kasey, w i t h M a r y • Gray as We are very proud of our scholastic
w i t h us every night after her work i n left her family in Hoquiam and came president. Those initiated this fall were standing for last year, since we rank fifth
the library school. back. After the Homecoming game with Pauline Ellis, Ardis Wiseman, Mary Sul- in a group of more than 40.
Washington State College, a buffet sup- livan, and Jane Campbell.
Margaret Hammerbacker, Violet Wal- per was served at the chapter house to Alpha O girls surviving the try-outs
ters, Vera Snow, Norma Chinnock, about fifty actives and "alums." Phyllis Virginia Traxler ('31), Armida Hall for "Garrick Gaieties," annual musical
Betty Freeman, Frances Witchell, Mary Sutter, who is a trained dancer, did a ('34), and Yetive Browne ('34), were production, included Margaret Mc-
Owensby, Dorothy Morgan and Dorothy Dutch wooden shoe dance. Gladys Phil- initiated into 6 A $ , national dramatic Cowan, Susie Lee Trueman, Doris Ward,
Illidge, all o f Alpha Sigma, visited us lips played several violin selections, and organization, w i t h the first t w o having and Yetive Browne. Margaret was also
Kathryn Farr sang an interesting Japa- leads in "Convention Go Hang." Yetive exempted f r o m three semesters of Eng-
nese song f o r us. Browne made the freshman debating lish composition. Mildred Frazee has
team. A tea given for M r s . Eleanor been chosen president of A M X , musical
organization, and Yetive Browne has

86 J A N U A R Y , 1°32 87
To D R A G M A

been elected to the Bored Walk maga- the W.A.A. board, was made captain of Tane Henderson ('34), who, besides be- new active, Hardynia Harris ('32), de-
zine staff. the varsity hockey team. Catherine W i l - ne on the editorial staff of the Cardinal, livered the speech of welcome.
liams has been elected to the Indiana -ras elected to SES, freshman women's
Doris Ward and Charlotte Vera were Academy of Science. M i l d r e d Frazee and honorary society. Katherine Hall ('34), Tuesday night, December 8, our presi-
on the Y.W.C.A. membership c o m m i t - Bernice Green wait are treasurers, respec u-s been made a member of the Univer- dent, Helen L a w t o n , was toastmistress
tee; Rosemary Lavelle was appointed lively, of Y.W.CA. and A.A.W.S. sity Hunt Club, and Alice Hardy ('32), for the annual Founders' Day banquet.
R.O.T.C. sponsor. Dorothy Kasey, a w a s elected to A4>A, national honorary We were all impressed w i t h the beauty
pledge f r o m Oklahoma, gave a violin The house dance f o r the pledges was art society. Jeannette N o r t h ('32), has and solemnity of the occasion as K a t h -
recital November 3, and was appointed given October 24, and a tea for the charge of the costumes f o r the Wiscon- erine K i n g ('32), gave a short charac-
concert-master of the orchestra for the patronesses and M r s . Emma Schneider gin Players' productions this year, and terization of the Founders, and Beatrice
annual presentation of "The Messiah." our new chaperon, whose daughter was another one of our pledges, Eleanor Lembke ('32), spoke on the founding of
Wilma Jane Borland was chosen to I S I I , an Alpha 0 here several years ago, was Hoehn ('35), is freshman representative Alpha Omicron Pi. Mrs. Willard Lowe,
the national honorary chemistry society, given November 8. of W A . A . Mrs. Kenneth Jackson, and Mrs. Don
and Eleanor Jane Garber, a member of Anderson attended the banquet.
On November 12, D o r o t h y Ellen
Eta Entertains at Homecoming Tea Thomas ('34), was initiated, and at the We are lucky this year in having Polly
banquet on the following day for our Wisner ( A * '33) in the house. She is an
advanced junior.

By S A R A H R O G E R S , University of Wisconsin

We began the first semester w i t h a The afternoon of our Homecoming Alpha Phi Has Five W.A.A. Offices
good start by giving a tea, two dinners, game w i t h Ohio State University on N o -
a luncheon, a tea dance, and a formal vember 14, we served tea to the return- By F R A N C E S T A Y L O R , Montana State College
dinner party as our rushing functions, ing alumnae and their husbands as well
and the day of pledging found Eta chap- as f o r the guests of our own girls. Jean Fifteen wonderful girls pinned on our other fireside this f a l l , and on December
ter increased by the following new Fisher Savery ( H ) , and Violet Blake sheaf after rushing. Since then one other 12, we are giving a sleigh ride.
pledges: Florence Alwart ('35), Chi- (P), and their husbands drove all the girl has been pledged, making eighteen
cago; Barbara Buell ('34), Aurora, 111.; way f r o m Sioux City f o r the game, pledges in the chapter! Ellen Pope, Dorothy Ford was elected t o * T O ,
Inez Burt ('35), Chicago; Marion Doug- which, incidentally, ended rather badly Marian Warner, Margaret Herman, Jane honorary home economics fraternity, last
lass ('33), Madison; Charlotte Goedde for us. They met several girls who had Jaccard, Ebba Young, and Kathryn spring, and she is now treasurer of i t .
('35), E . St. Louis, 111.; Audrey Harris been in school when they were, and al- Byrnes, Butte; Ann Stokan, Betty Goe, Ann Harrington, Edith Johnson, and
('33), Cuba City, Wis.; Eleanor Hoehn together, had a grand reunion. Several and Ann Harrington, Anaconda; Gladys Pauline Wirak belong to the athletic
('35), Downers' Grove, Wis.; Octavie of the alumnae who live in Madison now Thomas, Durand, Oklahoma; Helen club, Spartanians. Our new 4>K4> pledge
Sanche ('35), Wausau, Wis. Later we came over f o r the tea, too, and i t seemed Shaw, Coffee Creek; M a r y E. Hamilton, is Pearl Hirsh. Peggy Scott was crowned
pledged Elizabeth Osborne ('34), f r o m quite nice to have back again with us Livingston; Vanetta Johnson, Great Queen of Prom last spring. On Woman's
Memphis, Tenn., and Lillian Amend Marian Hamilton Koss, Jean Jewel Lyke, Falls; Helen Wellman, Augusta; and Day in June, Mary Balkovatz, Margaret
('35), Beloit, Wis. Betty Mathewson, Julia Carr, Katherine Opal Petrausch, Eileen Cummings, Mary Kunkel, and Mabel Burkland were chos-
Patterson, Dorothy Schmidt Johns, and Moore, and Maude Millis, Bozeman. en as Alpha O Spurs. Margaret Kunkel
This year at our rose tea dance and Eleanor Parkinson. N o t so long after Our pledges are already making a name was pledged to Eurodelphian, the l i t -
at the formal party one of our advanced Homecoming, we were surprised to have for themselves on the campus. Their erary society. Each year on Woman's
freshmen, Hazel Kramer ('34), from St. Helen Icke Harrison ('29), and her hus- hockey team won first place i n the tour- Day, a senior girl is chosen to be the
Louis, sang several songs, and her lovely band and little Philip dropped in for a nament, and two girls, Marian Warner speaker five years thence. K a t h r y n Kellet
"blues" voice surely made an impression little while one afternoon. Helen is living and Margaret Herman, placed on the was chosen out of the senior class of
on our rushees. Quite recently we have in Chicago now. Miss Dorothy Blank of first all-star team. Some of the others '31. This year Alpha 0 certainly walked
had more cause to be proud of her since the College Humor staff was a guest at were rated on second and t h i r d teams. away with the officers for the Women's
she has begun singing on the student our house on Sunday afternoon recently. Marian Warner is president of Hamilton Athletic Association. We took five out
programs over the University radio sta- Miss Blank was in Madison gathering Hall, the girls' dormitory, and Ellen of the eight offices. Edith Johnson is
tion, as well as f r o m the broadcasting material concerning the University and Pope is on the house council. M a r y president; Betty McNeil, secretary-
station owned by Madison's two news- the different fraternities and sororities. Elizabeth Hamilton was pledged A A A , treasurer; Pauline Wirak, manager-at-
papers. A t Hallowe'en time, we had an We were very pleased to have her choose freshman scholastic fraternity, and Helen large; Ann Harrington, swimming man-
informal party in honor of our pledges. our house among 'those few which she Shaw to the secretarial honorary, A4>K. ager; and Margaret Kunkel, hiking
As well as being proud of the new girls, visited. manager.
we were quite pleased w i t h the festive Our fall party was a "bowery brawl."
decorations f o r the dance, f o r the candles Eta chapter has been more than proud The house was decorated appropriately, On December 5, the pledges enter-
in the pumpkins surely cast an eerie and lately of her members who have with a bar in the dining room. Every- tained the actives, alumnae, and patron-
convincingly ghostlike light about the achieved fame for themselves and for one came in costume. We have had one esses at a formal tea f r o m three until
rooms. That same night, after our guests their sorority by being elected to honor- five.
had left, we popped corn and ate pump- ary organizations and to positions of
kin pies and told ghost stories. On De- prominence on the campus. One of our Nu Omicron Wins Scholarship Cup
cember 4, we had our first formal dance, pledges, M a r i o n Douglass ('33), is the
and the lighted Christmas tree, the society editor of the Daily Cardinal, By S U E L A N I E R , Vanderbilt University
wreaths, and mistletoe filled us all w i t h Margaret Sweeney ('32), is the advertis-
the Yuletide spirit. ing columnist for the same paper, and Nu Omicron pledged twelve girls in Shirley Gray Kirkpatrick ('35), Nita
September: Helen Bramwell ('33), Alice Lanier ('35), Myrtle Carl ('33), Mabel
Wray Springer ('33), Mary Doris ('33), Wynne Ownbey ('35), Elizabeth Hop-

88 To D R A G M A JANUARY, 1932 80

kinson ('35), Louise Turner ('32), Mar- campus this year. Three of our pledges, jaret Saunders ('35), Tongonoxie; and Faire Voran, Anita Munford, Adelaide
tha Snell ('35), Winifred Green ('35), Maliel Wynne Ownbey, Martha Snell, Ruth Pyle ('35), Clay Center, K a n . Brook, Ruth Pyle, and Olga Wallace rep-
and Laura Ellen Wallace ('34). and Shirley Gray Kirkpatrick, made Co«' Each one is in some hill activity. resent us in the University Glee Club.
Editors, a freshman-sophomore literary Faire and Kathleen McMorran were
Last June N u Omicron was awarded club. Margaret Whiteman, Louise Cecfl; When the Panhellenic scholarship rat- elected to Macdowell Club, representing
the scholarship cup which is given each and Louise Turner, a pledge, are mem- ing of last year was announced this f a l l , the music department.
year to the sorority having the highest bers of II2<i>, a national honorary lit- S40H led all the others. To encourage
scholastic average. We have won the cup erary society. Frances Rodenhau=er rep- scholarship we are offering an A O I I pin Our annual Christmas party was Sat-
three consecutive years, and now i t be- resents Yanderbilt Women on the StiH to the pledge making the highest grades. urday, December 5. The main decoration
longs to us permanently. dent Activities Board. Margaret White- was a huge Christmas tree made festive
man and M a r y Elinor Rodenhauser are On October 11 we entertained the by little colored lights and shiny icicles.
We are glad to have Lucy Greer, Eva members of the Y.W.C.A. cabinet. Mar- Kansas City Mothers' Club w i t h a tea. We have our Christmas dinner Thursday
Jean Wrather, and Elizabeth Wenning garet is secretary and M a r y Elinor is} i f r s . M i x ( E ) , our almna adviser, as- night, December 17. A t that time we ex-
back in school this year. Elizabeth has social chairman. Eva Jean Wrather be- sisted our housemother, Mrs. Landes, as change toys which afterwards are sent
just returned from a year's study in longs to Scribblers, a junior-senior lit* hostess. On October 24, some of us went to the orphans' home. Our freshmen en-
Germany, and she is doing graduate erary organization. Josephine McKelvey to Lincoln to the K.U.-Nebraska game tertain us w i t h a farce that night, too,
work. belongs to Three Arts. Minnie Hayes, and were treated royally by the Zeta so i t promises to be a gala occasion.
Frances Rodenhauser, and Sue Lanier are girls.
Every year N u Omicron gives a ring Bachelor Maides. Margaret Whiteman,'
to the most outstanding pledge. Last M a r y Elinor Rodenhauser, and Frances Omega Pledges Fourteen Girls
year Elizabeth H i l l w o n the ring. I t is Rodenhauser are on Student Council.
awarded t o the pledge making the high- M a r y Elinor is also on the honor com- By C H A R L O T T E M A T T H E W S , Miami University
est number of points. These points can mittee. Dorothy Willett and Mary Elinor
be obtained on scholarship, student ac- belong to Lotus Eaters, a freshman- We had to start the year a little handi- and is one of our representatives f o r
tivities, and attitude. sophomore social club. capped because we had only twelve ac- Women's Panhellenic.
tives back, but we have fourteen fine
The Alpha O's sponsored a play, Each year N u Omicron celebrates pledges. They are: Ellen Hybarger, Y o u w i l l be interested to k n o w that
"Tweedles," which was presented by the Founders' D a y by planting four shrubs Edith Cope, Lois Stringfellow, Findlay; Peg Barr, our president, who was chosen
Stagecrafters, a theatrical organization in along the A O I I walk on the campus. Jeannette Phillips, Isabelle Clark, A l - Representative Junior last year, is house
Nashville which antedates the Little D r . Ada Belle Stapleton, the dean of berta Neiswonger, Greenville; Betty chairman of Hepburn Hall (and by the
Theater movement. Everybody worked women, Robbie Allison Shackleford, the Euing, Kenton; Julia Frances Fisher, way, i f you ever come to Oxford be sure
hard selling tickets, and i t was a big suc- president of the alumnae chapter, and our Camden; Sue Graham, H a m i l t o n ; M i l - to come to see us at Hepburn), a mem-
cess. president, Frances Rodenhauser, made dred Hayes, M a r i o n , I n d . ; Jane H a r - ber of the Women's League, vice presi-
appropriate speeches. A f t e r the shrubs lamert, Loveland; Martha Driscoll, dent of Panhellenic, and reporter for
After rushing the old girls gave a were planted, we went to the house. Liberty, I n d . ; Emily Corlett. Lake- the Student. Jean Rust has been elected
house dance in - honor of the pledges. where the pledges entertained us with wood; and Betty Smith, Painesville. Lois to AO and to Madrigal Club, Sarah Ellen
We have also given a tea for our parents, stunts and a buffet supper. [is pledge president, and Jeannette was Struble has made the junior hockey
and have had open house several times. recently elected secretary-treasurer of the team, Peg Barr the senior soccer team,
The pledges entertained the other pledges freshman class. We gave a tea to intro- and Charlotte Matthews is working on
on the campus with a tea. duce them to the other sororities on the the Student. M a r y Collins, our treasurer,
Campus in Wells recreation room Octo- was in charge of the Kiwanis Health
Alpha O's are quite active on the her 22, and they in turn entertained us Camp at Greenville.
with a picnic at the fieldhouse October
Psi Moves into New Quarters 28. Frances Crosby, one of our seniors,
has had to leave school because of her
By J A N E M . E V A N S , University of Pennsylvania We held initiation October 10 f o r health, and we all miss her very much.
Ruth Turley, Lakewood, and Dorothy We hope she'll be back next semester.
Psi has moved! N o t far away from ner some girls f r o m N u come to enter- Gransee, Youngstown. Ruth has been
the old house, but we're more comfort- tain us w i t h skits. Others were here fow chosen for the Soph H o p committee, is Homecoming brought back quite a
able. We are very much at home now at our formal. We were so glad to havej * member of the soph volleyball team few alumnae, and we had a get-together
3434. Y o u should come and see how them. Edith Ramsey Collins, our District.? tea at Mrs. Clark's after the game.
cozy we are with our new furniture, re- Superintendent, has been here several:]
painted pieces, lamps, and new curtains. times, and we thoroughly enjoy her Omicron Pi Entertains Margaret Spengler
Early in the fall we pledged Dorothy By W I N I F R E D H A L L , University of Michigan
Maloney, and during rushing, we pledged Recently we gave a theatre benefit]
Edith Dareff, Edna Dhiel, K i t Langell, "Hay Fever." N o w we are celebrating . We are proud to announce the pledg- were also pledged this fall but were
and R u t h Pelouse. A t the alumnae din- Founders' Day and are having a rum- es of Helen Flynn, Eleanor Heath, initiated in November, as well as Joan
mage sale. Eleanor Henny, Lucile Johnston, Jane Barnette, Helen Gray, Helen Holden,
Jf w, Harriet Oleksiuch, D o r o t h y Park, Ruth McLearn, and Katherine Waara.
Phi Wins Scholarship Award Virginia Pelhank, Margaret Pulfrey and
Jhzabeth Webster. We are grateful to One of the important events on
By K A T H L E E N M C M O R R A N , University of Kansas Adele Ewing, our rushing chairman f o r campus, known as the "Sophomore
^refill planning and hard work. Two Cabaret," took place in December, and
Our twelve pledges are: M u r i e l Lovett Kansas City, M o . ; Joan Dunham ('35)»- ^ters, EUzabeth and Katherine Griffiths, several of our sophomores held impor-
('33), Helen Wedow ('33), Eleanor Boston, Mass.; Margaret Bonney tant positions both behind scenes, and in
Massman ('35), Jean Murdock ('33), Pittsburgh, Pa.; Pearl Otto ('33), and
Dorothy Dixon ('33), Francis Fink ('33), Patricia Shannon ('33), Lawrence; Mar-

90 To D R A G M A J A N U A R Y , 1932 91

the limelight. Helen Gray and Marian Z4>H. Outstanding among campus stage served on bridge tables. We pledged walked off with the prize for having the
Smith were both in dances, while Joan talent is Frances (Billee) Johnson who three girls, Stella Sypert, Helen Riley, best stunt during health week.
Barnette was chairman of the waitress took a leading part in the amusing play and Genevra Smith. Later on in the
committee, with the Griffiths sisters, "The Streets of New Y o r k , " and made a month we added Jenny Linn Shuck to We initiated Helen Riley and Irma
Eleanor Henny, and Jane L a w , as perfect proud and relentless daughter of our pledge list. Strand. The transfers planned the initia-
helpers. a villain. tion breakfast and initiation service.
The meetings of every campus organi- They combined the loveliest ideas that
The chapter is very proud of Adele This last month, Omicron Pi had the zation look like an Alpha O meeting. were used in their several chapters and
Ewing, who has recently been elected to pleasure of entertaining our District Everyone attends all the university managed to make the initiation positively
Wyvern. Among other girls in activities, Superintendent, Margaret Spengler. We meetings and social parties in a body and breath-taking in its beauty. Alumnae and
Marian Smith and Jean Mitchel have certainly hope i t will not be long before this spirit we have been working f o r has actives gathered in the chapter house for
been chosen f o r Glee Club, and Eleanor she comes back, f o r we found her a very not gone unnoticed by both students and the Founders' Day banquet. Jacqueminot
Heath is treasurer of the Freshman Glee charming, helpful friend. faculty members. As a result of all this roses, sorority songs and charming talks
Club. Harriet Oleksiuch has just joined activity X i has added a new plaque to f r o m both actives and alumnae made the
the collection we are so proud of. X i affair difficult to forget.

Alpha Sigma Entertains Grand President

By F R A N C E S W I T C H E L , University oj Oregon Pi Delta Pledges Fifteen Girls

Again this year, as last, Alpha Sigma Crowell has been appointed on a junior By A L M A H I C K O X , University oj Maryland
has thirteen pledges. T w o of them, class play committee.
Marion Vinson and Mary Owensby, V We must tell you about our rush ban- Frances Powell, M a r y Leslie Stallings,
whose mother was an Alpha O at Omi- The dance given November 6 for our quet at the Roosevelt Hotel in Wash- Frances Vaughn, Maybelle Wackerman,
cron, were pledged last spring. The pledges was a great success. The house ington. The theme of the banquet was Helen Wohlman, and Mary Alice Worth-
others who were pledged this fall are: was converted into a lifelike forest by the Rose Garden of Alpha O. M a r i o n en. Just before the pledging ceremony,
Peggy McKie, Violet Walters, June outlines of trees against the walls cov- Bates was again toastmistress and gave we entertained the girls at a buffet sup-
Clover, Clarissa Campbell, Edith Cle- ered w i t h real leaves. Our pre-Christmas a lovely talk. We were very fortunate per.
ment, Audrey Williams, Patricia Mc- social activities are to be our annual in having Mamie H . Baskervill ( K ) ,
Kenna, M a r y Louise M a r t i n , Frances Christmas party for twenty-five poor Extension Officer, to speak to us on "The On October 4, the chapter gave a tea
Droste, Evelyn Schaeffers, and Gertrude children, and a Christmas party "just for Planting of the Rose." Dorothy Finch to the members of the faculty of the
Nitschke. Violet is on the Associated us." King (Ex. '27), sang our chapter song, University in honor of our new house-
Women's Student tea committee and "The Garden of Alpha O," which was mother, Mrs. Thomas H . Cordle. The
served on the frosh bonfire committee. The outstanding event of fall term, for composed by her and which w o n the guests were met at the door by Eloyse
Peggy, our Thespian, is vice president of Alpha Sigma, from a purely fraternal prize for the best A O I I song. Ellen Jane Sargent ('32), who introduced them to
a frosh commission group and served on point of view, was the visit paid to us Keiser Bevans ('27), gave a very effec- Buckey Clemson, who in turn presented
the freshman bonfire food committee. early in October by Kathryn Bremer tive talk on "The Budding of the Rose," them to our guest of honor, M r s . Cordle.
Evelyn has been pledged to * B , national Matson, our Grand President. The few and our president, Buckey Clemson
music honorary. Gertrude won third days she spent at the University of Ore- ('32), spoke on "The Blooming of the We celebrated our seventh birthday
place in a posture contest. Edith was in gon were filled w i t h conferences with the Rose." party on Sunday, October 25. Following
charge of a stunt given by the Physical Dean of Women, personal talks with the a buffet supper, gifts were received from
Education department. girls, a formal faculty dinner in Mrs. Fifteen of the thirty-four girls who ac- the alumnae, the classes, and friends of
Matson's honor, and a formal chapter cepted bids to sororities at the Univer- the chapter.
Virginia Grone, vice president of meeting. On the evening of her arrival, sity on October 20 chose AO IT. They
A.W.S. and president of Hermian, has we had formal pledging of eleven girls, are: Dorothy Bender, Martha Cannon, Dorothy Claflin ('33), alumnae editor,
had charge of several teas and luncheons. probably the first time members of A l - Isabel Dahl, Henrietta Derrienlat, Karina recently published this year's first edi-
Margaret Hammerbacker, president of pha Sigma have been pledged in the Erickson, Dorothy Hurd, Helen McFar- tion of the Pi Delta Quarterly, "P.D.Q."
International Club, was initiated into presence of their Grand President. We fen, Catherine Moore, Virginia Potts, I t was very good, and the alumnae must
* B . Norma Chinnock also pledged * B of the " f a r West'" are so seldom visited have enjoyed i t .
and was chairman of the Sophomore by national officers that Kay's few days
Informal Program committee. Isabelle here were red letter ones and left us Tau Delta Gives Necessities to Hospital
with a happy inspiration for the whole
year. By H E L E N M O O R E , Birmingham Southern College

Xi Wins Stunt Plaque December 7, T a u Delta gave a silver profitable method of filling the treasury
for the mothers and members of the and intend to continue the vanilla sales
By M A D E L E I N E C O Q U E T , University oj Oklahoma after Christmas. The idea was suggested
*Wmnae chapter i n our new room i n by the Birmingham alumna?.
When X i girls dusted off the doorstep Southern California; Irma Strand, Uni- Stockham Woman's Building. The room
this fall, they found that six transfers versity of Minnesota and Eva Jervis and w*s almost entirely lighted by tall white As a philanthropic work we are sup-
and the national registrar would be Eleanor Watson, both from Northwest- jj^dles, having as a background the rose, plying odd articles for the Children's
added to the chapter roll. The transfers ern. The registrar is Alice Cullnane. Hospital, a charity1 organization. As bibs
are: Ada Munroe, New York Univer- tan and mahogany shades in our have been a much-needed commodity,
sity; Katherine Floyd, Southwestern Our plans for the two-day rush period n e j v furniture. we have been giving them. A t present,
University; Mari Brecht, University of went off smoothly. We had an "A. O. we are dressing dolls to be given to the
Pirate" dinner and a country breakfast In order to help pay for the furniture, children on Christmas. Besides this, T a u
W e are selling vanilla and Christmas

So far we have found it quite a

92 To D R A G M A j^UARY, 1932 93

Delta has recently made her annual con- AOIT songs. We are especially indebted Kappa Omicron Has Open House
tribution to the Birmingham Commun- to Lila Mae Thigpen, alumna adviser
ity Chest. since she is the pianist on these occasions' By C I I A R L I N E T U C K E R , Southwestern University

Everyone had a fine time when Louise We are proud to announce that Grace Kappa Omicron chapter's lodge needed pledges. Once every other week we have
Stange ('35), entertained the chapter at Tyler ('34), has been chosen one of the n e W furniture this year so every other an open house w i t h tea f r o m four to six
her home Hallowe'en night. The bridge six girls f o r the beauty section of our in the chapter lodge. They help to get
games were pleasantly interspersed by college year book. Grace was elected May . e e k during the summer we gave a all the girls together more often and have
pranks, both expected and unexpected. Queen f o r Brimingham Southern last bridge party, charging twenty-five cents become very popular on the campus.
None, however, were more unexpected spring. a person. N o w we have t w o new chairs,
than the so-called spaghetti spree that We are very proud to say that six of
K a t h r y n Moser ('34), took us on the Elizabeth Stanton ('30), pledge of Tau coffee table, and a dressing table stool, our girls were named in the twenty most
following week. Delta, was the sponsor for the Birming- yye had the lodge thoroughly cleaned beautiful of the school, from whose pic-
ham Southern-Howard football classic. and fixed up, and after three teas pledged tures a committee of artists is to pick the
Founders' Day was celebrated by the twelve girls: Clara McGehee, their presi- three winners. Our six are Anita Wadling-
annual candlelight service in which the Minnie Elliott ('33), has recently been dent, Christine Gilmore, Grace Braun, ton, who was in the beauty section of the
Birmingham alumna? acted as hostesses. elected vice president of the Co-ed Coun- Mary Fay, Marie Louise Trigg, Jessie Annual last year, Christine Gilmore,
cil, the women's governing body all Richmond, Mary Clinton, Margaret Mer- Peggy Walker, M a r y Fay, Margaret L a l -
Tau Delta has served supper in the Southern. cere, Margaret Lallichet, Elizabeth lichet, and Marie Louise Trigg.
room, every other Wednesday night Xownsend, Dorothea Sledge, and Peggy
since the first of September. Part of the All of Tau Delta wants to tell Mrs. Walker. We are also glad to list Charlise The Founders' Day banquet on De-
time at such meetings is spent in learning Pepper ( K ) , a transfer, among our cember 8 was one of the best we have
G. B . Baskervill how much we miss her! [pledges. We welcomed Elizabeth A n n ever had. I t was at the Parkview Hotel,
Mahan, too, f r o m Kappa and Nettie Joe and over sixty attended. We all joined
Kappa Theta Pledges Seventeen Brust f r o m X i . We hated to lose M a r y in singing several of the songs, and after-
Mitchell, Mary McKellar, and Martha wards the pledges entertained us w i t h an
By M A D E L I N E H A N N O N , University of California at Los Angeles McFerrin who graduated. Emy Lou amusing stunt. The table was beautifully
Banks. Alice Cahill, Carolyn McKellar, decorated with ferns and red carnations.
Kappa Theta has seventeen pledges: was the first encounter in which our Betty Hagan, Selden Helm, Betty Jones, Along the table were tall red candles, and
Joan Cambie ('35), Daisydeen Dowell school was accredited w i t h having Nancy Clinton, Teresa L i l l y , and K a t h - at each place was a red rose nut cup and
C34), Marjorie Gillmor ('35), Barbara emerged f r o m the "little game" class, and' erine Floyd d i d not return, much to our a place card and program in red and
Halsey ('35), Harriet Hinds ('35), it was therefore a big attraction. Nine sorrow. white.
Yvonne Kobe ('35), Lois Knopsnyder Kappa Theta's went north to Palo Alto.
('35), Marjorie Lenz ('35), Louise Nel- Hallowe'en was celebrated by a hard- We gave our first open house of the We are planning to take care of a poor
son ('35), Frances Morris ('35), Ruth times dance at the chapter house. Corn! year early in October to introduce our family Christmas.
Oberg ('35), Marguerite Page ('35), stalks, lanterns, doughnuts, and apples,
Margaret Reynolds ('35), Betty Shinn plus the oddest looking costumes, helped Alpha Rho Is Hostess to Alumnoz
('35), D o r o t h y Spencer ('35), Betty to make this a most enjoyable evening.
Spenetta ('35), Virginia Stanton ('34). The Monday night preceding Christmas By E L I Z A B E T H G A B L E R , Oregon State College
Our rush parties were well planned and vacation found us thoroughly enjoying a
carried out by M a r y Poulton, and is i t Christmas party, with Dorothy Piper The visit of our Grand President at A f t e r closing hours, our pledges proved
to her that we attribute much of our ('33), as Santa Claus. A tree, gaily be^ the beginning of the college year has themselves entertaining hostesses at a
success. Lest y o u forget—our new Grand decked w i t h lights and decorations, given inspiration to Alpha Rho chapter. fireside.
Vice President, Muriel McKinney is one greeted visitors as they entered the door,, We pledged eight girls: Jean Allison,
of our dearest friends and helpers at and thus further encouraged our reputa- Jean Drynan, R u t h Dinges, Althea B r u h l , Mrs. Kate W . Jameson, dean of w o m -
Kappa Theta. Likewise is Helen Haller tion as the most hopitable house on the Barbara Adams, Dorothy Bumstead, en, honored Mabel Robertson ( 2 ) , with
who is our new Grand Treasurer. Aren't campus. Too, our philanthropic commit- Maude Bally, and Edith Faunce. On a tea at the chapter house on December
we lucky? tee functioned beautifully during; the Sunday, October 18, Marie Dew and 5. The guest list included members of the
holidays. A family of three was made Mary Lou Collins added their names to faculty and the housemothers.
Pi Delta's gain is our loss. M a y happier and cozier through the efforts of our list of members. A formal banquet
Dezendorf ('32), has returned to her a l - Kappa Theta. in their honor was given at noon. We Alpha O's have been well repre-
ma mater after a year's study at sented in campus activities this term.
U.C.L.A. We were well represented this The pledges entertained the actives Many of the girls from our chapter Three of our pledges, Jean Allison, Jean
fall in Freshman Orientation. This speaks w i t h a formal dance on Friday night, attended an Alpha O luncheon in Port- Drynan, and R u t h Dinges, are in M a d -
well for the interest in activities in our December 11 at the Riviera Country land held during the week-end of the rigal, the college glee club. Maude Bally
chapter. Betty Bradstreet ('34), was on Club. Gertrude Long ('35), and Phyllis. Oregon State-Washington State game. ('35), plays the flute in the college or-
the U.C.L A. archery team that competed Parr ('34), did themselves proud in the' Ten alumna? visited us at Homecoming chestra. Jean Allison, Jean Drynan,
against thirty-five universities of the way they so capably handled the events time. We attended the Homecoming Maude Bally, and Ruth Dinges are As-
country to win the national archery con- of the evening. game at the University of Oregon in the sociated Rookesses. R u t h Dinges is on
test. The annual all-university women's afternoon. The annual alumna? banquet Greater Hall Council, and Jean Drynan
splash was held at the Miramar Beach Founders' Day was celebrated on Sun- and dance were held in the evening. was on the freshman Homecoming com-
Club in October, and Kappa Theta won day evening, December 6. I t was an eve- mittee. Marjore Dreisbach ('34), is vice
second place. Jean Cook ('32), overcame ning of j o y f u l reunion f o r actives and Saturday, November 21, was a day of president of Spurs, a Big Sister, and a
strong competition to w i n second place alumna;. And all were doubly thrilled surprises. We entertained M r s . D . T . member of the non-minor hockey team.
in the backstroke event. w i t h the initiation of E v a BerkenshaW; Ordeman, our faculty adviser, at an i n - Kathleen O'Leary was elected editor of
C33). formal bridge party and baby shower. ON. .Helen Pietarila ('33), is a member
The Stanford-U.C.L.A. football game

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