3s SIS'
From the President's Desk:
about being our best...
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) International President
This fall, Alpha Omicron Pi offers you and your chapter the chance to be the best you can be.
The best in rush...
Each chapter has the opportunity to conduct rush in an educated, caring, and unified way. Take time to talk to each rushee. Encourage rushees to tell you about their dreams, values, interests and talents. Share with them how AOII can meet their needs and fulfill their dreams. Consider what AOII membership can offer them, as well as what they can offer AOII.
The best in pledge education...
The primary goal of your pledge program is the future success of every pledge. A successful pledge program develops strong members, not strong pledges. Consider reducing excessive programming to allow time for study. Spend quality time with pledges. Learn about their interests because you value their friendship. Take time to impress upon them the value of AOII membership. A quality pledge program can help ensure 100% initiation, as well as a lifetime commitment to AOII from every member.
The best in campus leadership...
Your campus offers opportunities
The Editor's Place
You will notice two changes in this issue of To Dragma-there are no chapter reports and the format of the Directory is different. These two changes are related. Because of the necessity of printing the Directory in the fall issue, there was no room for chapter reports. Chapter reports will return in the winter issue. The
to become involved in Panhellenic and other activities. Each chapter member has the responsibility to support service projects, campus campaigns, philanthropy, Greek sponsored events, and other worthwhile campus activities. There are many opportunities for service; select those projects which you can do well. When chapter members participate in worthwhile activities, AOII's visibility increases in a positive way and reflects well on the Greek community. This is an effective way to increase campus administration and faculty appreciation for the value of the Greek system.
The best in scholarship.. .
Encourage scholarship by imple- menting AOII's strong scholarship program. Make it a chapter goal to be recognized as scholastic leaders on campus and in the Fraternity.
The best in collegiate-alumnae relations...
Enjoy the friendship of your alumnae. They have interesting careers and lifelong AOII traditions to share with you. They offer a link with the past and insight for the future. They can provide network- ing opportunities and serve as mentors.
new Directory format was adopted in order to include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of coporation presidents. It also represents an effort to make the best use of the space available. I hope that you will like the change.
Coming soon to To Dragma- classified ads! Beginning with the next issue, classified ads can be placed in To Dragma at a cost of $40 per column inch. This section
Barbara Hunt
Each of you— and every chapter— can grow this year: emotionally, philosophically, and educationally. I challenge you to be leaders, to have the courage to take new steps, to take risks, to find solutions for difficult problems, and to increase your love and respect for each other.
I challenge you to become role models for your campus. I challenge you to take an active role to change what needs to be changed. I challenge you to influence others to follow the path of achievement and growth. I challenge you to commit yourselves to excellence in all endeavors.
As I traveled across the United States and Canada this past year, I've had an intimate look at our chapters. I'm convinced our members are "Accepting the Challenge" for leadership. But I see the potential to do even better. I urge you to look at your chapter's goals; make sure they encourage AOII ideals and values.
Each of you is capable of further growth and commitment. This is the year to "Accept the Challenge" to be the best you can be.
would be a great place to advertise any craft items that you or your chapter have for sale. If you own your own business, or you offer a service of interest to To Dragma readers, a classified ad would be a good way to inform your AOII sisters. The minimum order that will be accepted will be $40. Ifyou want more information, please contact me at International Headquarters.
—Beth Grantham To Dragma
Published since January, 1905 by
f•1 TV
To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2,1897
*Founders Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
T h e Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Editor Beth Grantham
of O
Alpha Omicron Pi Vol. LXV, No. 4
To Dragma Advisory Committee
BeckyMontgomery, KII Interim Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, AS Public Relations Coordinator
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communica- tions to the Editor at the same address.
Deadlines Jan.15 April 1 Julyl
Oct. 1
On the Cover:
Fall 1990
Founders' Day Message
Sue Lewis retires from AOII.
AOII "Gatherings'*
Meet your regional leaders Leadership Conference Awards Perry Award
From the President's Desk From Our Readers
5 5 6 8
12 13
2 4
15 19
Fall 1990
Emporium Directory.
Remember? When Alpha Omicron Pi had districts instead of regions? When the first state days were held? This nostalgic photograph of memorabilia from AOII's archives may trigger memories for some alumnae. And, as the Fraternity
moves closer to its 1997 Cen- tennial, perhap it will encourage other members to discover the fascination of the Fraternity's history.
Photograph byRonJohnson,
From Our Readers:
Praise for "diversify" column
To the editor:
I am writing to commend
International President Barbara Hunt on her article about diversity. We need to give all young women the opportunity to be a member of AOlI. All of us will be richer for the experience.
I also want to commend AOII for adding a workshop on "Ethics" to
Alumnae! Accept the Challenge
The AOII Rose Vine invites you to join an alumnae chapter for:
• Programming aimed at you • Networking opportunities
• Collegiate chapter service
• Friendship with sisters just
like you
Alpha Omicron Pi is here for
you now, as it was when you were in college. Please use the Directory in this issue of To Dragnta for the alumnae chapter nearest you. If you can't find one, or if you'd like more infor- mation, please fill out and mail the coupon below. You'll be glad you did!
Name Address
Keystones. It is exciting to see AOII meet the challenges of today's world. Barbara is doing an excellent
job as International President. Rebecca Weinberg
Chi Delta (U. of Colorado)
To the editor:
I would like to commend our
International President Barbara Hunt and AOII for addressing the diversity issue early on in this challenging period of relationships within the university world.
Granted you will probably receive letters to the contrary, but the diversity issue is "fact" and we need to be a leader (there's that word again) in our programming and understanding of the expectations of the administrations in regard to membership.
It definitely is a challenging time and one which will call for strong leadership and guidance. Thank you for being that leader.
Ann Gilchrist RVP Region IV
To the editor:
This letter is to concur heartily
with Elizabeth Weldgen Eddins'
letter in the spring 1990 issue. I have resented for years the fact that my fraternity has referred to me as Mrs. Daniel Svidro. I have tried without success several times to have my name listed as simply Kristin Svidro. Once or twice I have succeeded only to be returned to Mrs. Daniel Svidro within a year's time.
As an organization of and for women, I feel a lot of us are upset to be referred to as simply extensions of our husbands. 95% or more of my sisters would have no idea who I was from my married name. I think it should be a policy to use only the woman's name on all your lists, including mailing lists. You would also not believe the junk mail received here addressed to Mr. Daniel Svidro, but inside makes reference to his fraternity Alpha Omicron Pi. If you are going to sell our mailing lists to someone, at least let us get the names correct.
Kristin Miller Svidro
Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock U.)
Editor's Note: As this issue goes to press, a new computer system is being installed that should enable us to address all mailings according to each individual 's preference.
Phone ( ). Collegiate Chapter,
n I'd like information on an alumnae chapter in my area.
• Please send information on starting an alumnae chapter.
Mail to: Judy Bourassa, Director/Alumnae
5113 E. Terry Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85254
The Executive Board is accepting applications for the position of Executive Director. Serving as chief staff administrator, the Executive Director will help develop and implement association policies and procedures; supervise fiscal operations; and manage a professional staff of fourteen. Applicants should have a minimum of five years experience in a majority of these categories: association management; finance; automated office systems; convention and events management; public relations and member services. Demonstrated ability in interpersonal relationships and oral/written com- munications essential. Masters degree preferred. Member preferred. Salary commensurate with experience.
Send resume to:
Alpha Omicron Pi International President 930 17thAvenue Grafton, WI 53024
To Dragma
Founders' Day Message—
Relevant words from the past
Our Founders' Day message this year is taken from past messages by Helen, Jessie, Stella and Bess. Each of these quotes is as relevant today as it was then. And, the messages reflect the values, ideas, and ideals of our Founders.
"Live the mottos of Alpha Omicron Pi ifyou wish to get anything out of them for yourself or anyone else," —Helen St. Clair Mullan.
"Live outside of yourself if you would make the most of your living," —Jessie Wallace Hughan.
"Of all the blessings we count over, it seems to me, none is greater than the consciousness of belonging to a family o f thousands o f sisters, each of whom has chosen and has been chosen by that family, forever, on the grounds of fitness for the highest service, and that service to be known only by its fruits," —Stella
George Stern Perry.
"Every one of us is born into the
world with a store of goodwill. For its possession we are not respon- sible; what we are responsible for is adding to that store. Are we as a fraternity, as chapters and as in- dividuals, enlarging the circle of our sympathies, or are we content to keep them as limited as they were yesterday, last month, or last year? Have we really tried to put the spirit of our rituals to work in our chapter relations? And in the world that extends beyond our colleges and ourselves—a world in which selfish- ness, violence and war still persist— are we striving courageously to stand for the ideals of kindness?
"Such a spirit does magic when it is tried. Let's make it a working principle for the next year." —the 1928 Founders' Day message.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman said it for us, "At this anniversary time I am mindful of the thousands of you who are members of Alpha Omi- cron Pi and who have brought so much of happiness to your Foun- ders through your lives and your devotion to what is true and fine. We are grateful to you."
May each of you keep these inspiring thoughts close to your heart, and may you have a year filled with happiness and peace.
Fraternally, Barbara Daugs Hunt
Nancy Perry Bowers
Mary McCammon Williams Elisabeth Lester Donaldson Anne Witt Allison
Judith Hornik Bourassa Elizabeth Romine Coffey Barbara Bierer Long
Sue Lewis retires from AOII
Sue Edmunds Lewis, Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College), retired as Executive Director of
Alpha Omicron Pi in July. She plans to pursue a graduate degree in psychology and to spend more time with her family.
International President Barbara Hunt commended Sue for helping move the membership toward a more streamlined organization and for developing a more professional staff.
"The development and growth of AOII operations is a direct result of the close attention and supervision Sue has provided," Barbara said.
Since Sue became Executive Director in June, 1977, the Frater- nity Headquarters staff has grown from four to 15, and a new Interna- tional Headquarters and Confer- ence Center has been built. Another milestone of Sue's tenure was the establishment of the AOII Founda- tion.
"Sue conducted numerous strate- gic and long-range planning work- shops for the Executive Board. These workshops provided the impetus for AOII to move forward in implementing creative program- ming, ' said Barbara.
Sue commented that the highlight of her years as Executive Director
has been the people, both profes- sional staff and volunteers, that she has known.
"I'm pleased to have been asso- ciated with the people and proud to have helped them develop person- ally and professionally, either as a mentor or by giving guidance along the way," Sue said.
It was during the time that Sue was Executive Director that AOII grew rapidly, adding 31 new collegiate chapters, 17 alumnae chapters, and reactivating 12 collegiate chapters.
"For a few years, we were adding more new chapters than any other National Panhellenic Conference group," Sue explained.
"My focus was to try to facilitate the goals and dreams of elected volun- teers, and these goals, of course, changed through the years," Sue said.
During her tenure, Sue earned her credentials as a Certified Association Executive, the only head of an NPC group to attain this distinction. Last year she was selected as a Fellow of the American Society of Association Executives, an honor bestowed upon only 49 people in an organiza- tion with a membership of over 20,000.
Barbara said that through the years Sue had distinguished herself as a
leader among fraternity executive directors. Barbara also praised Sue's AOII knowledge.
"Sue was a veritable walking encyclopedia of AOII history; when no one could recall the 'whys' or 'wherefores', Sue refreshed our memory," Barbara said.
Rebecca Montgomery, Kappa Pi (Ohio Northern U.), Associate Director, is serving as Interim
Executive Director until a new Executive Director is appointed by the Executive Board.
International President Barbara Hunt right, serves Sue Lewis a cup of punch at Sue's retirement party.
Fall 1990
From New York to California, in groups of five to 450, AOIIs gath- ered together during the past year to celebrate chapter anniversaries, Founders' Day, state days and reunions. Here is just a sample of some of these events.
The approaching 1997 AOII Centennial will undoubtedly inspire more "gatherings" to renew and strengthen the bonds o f sisterhood. Why not celebrate the Centennial by reuniting some of your favorite sisters?
In Birmingham, Alabama, five Tau (U. of Minnesota) alumnae held a "mini reunion" and enjoyed two
days of non-stop chatter and sightseeing. Some of these women hadn't seen each other in 47 years. They came from Texas, California, Florida and South Carolina for this gathering.
Lorraine Cooney Buck, a journ- alism major, used her writing and editing experience to report on the other attendees. Gladys Crowther Wood, another journalism major, taught English for many years and now lives in California; Maxine Skordopole Cason is now a Texan, living in the town of Hillsboro; Patricia Mandt Hunter of Birming- ham, the hostess, formerly worked for Delta airlines; and Corinne Holt Sawyer, an English professor at
Clemson in South Carolina, is a writer of mystery novels. (Murder in Black and White is one of her titles.)
Nearly 200 AOIIs and guests helped celebrate the 75th anniver- sary of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter last April. International President Barbara Hunt was the guest speaker at the luncheon, which was also the 13th annual fund raiser for the Multipurpose Arthritis Center at the Indiana U. Medical Center in Indianapolis. Special guests included former chapter presidents Mildred Frazee Allen, Beta Phi, and International Vice President/Finance Elizabeth Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), and the current presi-
dent Diane Ressinger Bondus, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.).
Judy Buffenbarger Torrence, Chi Lambda (U.of Evansville), who lives in Pendleton, IN, arranged a reunion last September of eight Chi Lambdas who were initiated in the '50's. One attendee was Elizabeth Romine Coffey, International Vice President/Finance, who reports that the women talked until well past midnight the first night. Some of the sisters hadn't seen each other for 30 years. In addition to Judy and Liz, the following Chi Lambdas attended: Jane Grafton Purdy, Faye Cecil Wortman, Pete Knott Kaletta, Pat Lafferty Barnes, Dotti Gann, and Sharon Kiltz Saltzman.
To Dragma
Last March, the Phi Chapter at the U. of Kansas celebrated its 10th anniversary since recolonizing. One alumna came all the way from Atlanta, Georgia, to attend the luncheon and ceremony. Chapter members and alumnae enjoyed watching the slide show which had photos from the chapter's beginnings through 1990.
Phi Chapter alumnae gathered around their house sign for a photo at their 10th anniversary celebration.
More than 250 collegians and alumnae gathered at Thomas More College in Crestview Hills, KY,last February for the second annual Kentucky State Day. Mary Bryant, Region V Public Relations Officer, and Lisa Schoeffler, State Day Chairman from Alpha Beta Tau Chapter (Thomas More College), welcomed the crowd. Elizabeth Romine Coffey, International Vice President/Finance, was the guest speaker.
Members of the Alpha Beta Tau Chapter at Thomas More College performed a skit at Kentucky State Day.
Members of the Planning Committee from the San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter are pictured at the Southern California Founders' Day Celebration.
In Southern California, 450 alumnae and collegians met in Lakewood for a Founders' Day celebration which is sponsored annually by the Southern California Council. The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter was the hostess chapter this year, and the celebration was attended by representatives from 11 alumnae chapters and five collegiate chapters. The sisters were asked to submit photos of chapter activities in advance and were surprised when they saw these photos combined in a video which was shown just before the traditional closing circle.
Chi Chapter (Syracuse U.) members (from left) Jill Gins- burg, Jennifer Gam and Hallie Horwitz, take time for a photo before their chapter's 75th anniversary celebration.
Chi Chapter (Syracuse U.) cele- brated its 75th anniversary last December with a tea, Founders' Day reception and a dance. Eden Edwards, former Region I Public Relations Officer and Chapter Consultant, was the guest speaker.
The Austin Alumnae Chapter acted as hostess for Texas State Day at a luncheon last April at the Westwood Country Club.
"The Texas Challenge," a program to generate interest among alumnae to help make AOII better known within the state, was the theme. Anne Witt Allison, Vice President/ Develop- ment, was the guest speaker. Carol Stevenson is chairman of the "Texas Challenge." About 100 women attended, including collegians from the Delta Theta Chapter at Texas W oman's University and the Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the University of Texas, San Antonio. AOII dignitaries attending included Ginger Banks, Past International President, and Jo Beth Heflin, Foundation Director.
Front row (from left), Anne Allison and Jo Beth Heflin, back row (from left), Barbara Ward, Ginger Banks, and Rene Fitzgerald are pictured at Texas State Day.
Fall 1990
To Dragma
April 27 - 28, 1936
Hundreds of AOIIs gathered at ten locations last June to elect 40 regional officers, attend leadership seminars, renew old acquaintances, and make new friends at Alpha Omicron Pi's Leadership Confer- ences.
Following their election, these new officers were asked to tell To Dragma a little about themselves, including their experiences as AOIIs and their goals as officers. This varied group of volunteers includes one para- legal, one certified public account- ant, teachers, nurses, and several "full time volunteers." Their children range in age from infants to adults.
When asked to share how membership in AOII had enhanced their lives, these 40 individuals replied with surprisingly similar answers. Words like "friendships," "self-confidence," and "personal growth," appeared in nearly every reply. Read on for a brief portrait of these new leaders.
Janet Johnson Slagowski, Kappa Kappa (Ball State) is the Regional Vice President ("RVP").A mother of two teenagers, she says that AOII has helped her become more self- confident and more skilled in human relations. A full time homemaker, she is a volunteer with her church and the local civic league. She is a member of the
Wentworth, is the Coordinator of Volunteer Services at Sweetser Children's Home. Barbara was initiated into the Gamma Chapter (U. of Maine-Orono) and is now a member of the Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter. She credits AOII with giving her an opportunity to learn leadership skills. One of her goals as RPRO is to produce a regional newsletter. She is married and has three sons.
Kay Kettering Welch, Theta Pi (Wagner College), the Regional Rush Officer ("RRO"), hopes to motivate the chapters in her region to carry out a year-round rush
program. She is a member of the NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Chapter. A public health nurse, Kay is married and the mother of two girls.
New RVP Peg Wells Zywicki, Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg State U.), says she has met many fascinating people through AOII. She hopes to increase sisterhood in her region during her tenure. A teacher, Peg is a member of the Greater Allen- town/Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter. Other activities include volunteer- ing with a local concerned citizens group and her church. Peg is married.
Nancy Baier Gilbert, Epsilon Alpha (Penn State), is the owner of a drive- in restaurant which specializes in soft ice cream. She is married, and her children include a son and an
AOII daughter, Barbara. Her goal as RPRO is to produce varied PR communications with the chapters within the region and with other regions. Her many volunteer activities include working with the Red Cross, United Way, Girl Scouts, Junior League, Cancer Society, and Salvation Army. She is currenty the president of her county Penn State Club. Her alumnae chapter is State College.
As the RRO, Karen F. Semper
Virginia Chapter.
(Wagner College), is the Regional
Finance Officer ("RFO"). Nancy is the manager of operations and administration for the consumer production group of Simon and Schuster. She is active in the Teaneck, NJ garden club and is a member of the NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Chapter. Her goal is to have reports finished on time.
The new Regional Public Relations Officer ("RPRO"), Barbara Koeritz
Theta Pi
A^fe your
regional leaders
hopes to have more "one on one" meetings with collegians, so that she is not 'just a figurehead." Karen was initiated into the Delta Upsilon ChapteratDukeU.Sheisascientist and works as a project manager with Becton-Dickinson Advanced Diag- nostics. Karen is single and enjoys bicycling, tennis and travel.
Carla A. Caimi, Gamma Beta (Indiana U . of Pennsylvania), is also single, and she is employed as a personnel staffing specialist with the U.S. Treasury Department. Her goal as RFO is to "attempt to give back to
AOII some of what it has given to me." Carla is a member of the Washington D.C. Alumnae Chapter. She sings in her church choir and enjoys tennis and exercising.
Linda Peters Collier, Chi Omicron (Central State U.), says she can't imagine not being involved in AOII, so she plans to volunteer in another capacity when her term as RVP
ends. She is a paralegal, and she is married and has two children. Her hobbies are needlepoint, crafts, and "AOII."
Patricia ("Pat") Cowley Hardy, Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U.), is the new RPRO. She owns a multi- faceted meeting management firm, the Pat Hardy Company. She does volunteer work for the Cobb County and the Atlanta community food banks, and the Georgia Hemophilia Foundation. Pat is married and the mother of two grown sons.
The new RRO, Mary Ann Vaughan Stark, Delta Delta (Auburn U.), calls herself a "professional volunteer." Her goal is to provide her collegiate chapters with the tools they need to help them make good decisions during rush. She is married and has one daughter who will be a freshman this fall at Auburn U. Mary Ann's hobbies include tennis and gardening.
Eleanor Beaker Holtz, N u Beta ( U . of Mississippi), is the new RFO, and
Kappa Lambda men's fraternity as Director of Chapter Services. She is a member of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
The RPRO is Rebecca ("Becki") Braatz Bair, Theta Psi (U. of Tole- do). Becki's goal is to encourage alumnae to support collegiate chapters and to strengethen alum- nae chapters. In her spare time, Becki coaches girls' Softball, and she is also involved in the local Newcomer's Club. She is married and has three children.
Patricia ("Pat") Curran-Dengler, Omega (Miami U.), the new RRO, says AOII has helped her become aware of her own leadership capabilities. She works with children who have learning disabilities. Her goal is to assist each collegiate chapter to achieve quota. Patricia is married. Her continued on page 11
she hopes to have all the chapters in Region III in a sound financial condition. Eleanor is married and the mother of three children. Her hobbies are travel and bridge. She says one benefit of involvement in AOII is that it keeps her in touch with younger people.
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, Theta (DePauw U.), RVP, met her husband on a blind date arranged
by an AOII sister, so her involvement in AOII has had a big impact on her life! Ann says she also treasures the friends she has made across the country through her AOII work. Her goal as RVP is to recognize the work of the AOII volunteers "in the field." Ann is married and the mother of four children, three of whom are married. She is employed by Alpha
Alice Virga, left, congratulates Kelly Barber, President of the Gamma Alpha Chapter (George Mason U.) which was named the Most Improved Collegiate Chapter in Region III.
Fall 1990
Region IV's collegiate chapter presidents take time for a photo.
Region X's Red & White Luncheon was enjoyed by these members of the Delta Sigma Chapter (San Jose State).
1990 Leadership Conferences
Region II's Perry Award winner, Kerry Rutemiller (holding silver bowl) and Anne Allison (pink dress), pose with the delegation from the Pi Delta Chapter (U. of Maryland).
Among those attending Region VII's Leadership Conference were, from left, front row, Wilma Smith Leland, Judy Bourassa, Jean Zimmermann; 2nd row, Joyce Strout, Sue Placke, Judy Ressner; 3rd row, Shirley Knipfel, Kim Carter, Bernae Gunderson; 4th row, Trish Akin, Jane Crawley, Shelley Stoner, and Ginger Banks.
Region K's Vicki Sherick (from left), Ann Beardsley, Kathy Busch, and Julie Scherer, pause for a photo.
To Dragma
Region I's Leadership Conference was attended by these members of die Boston Alumnae Chapter.
Regional Leaders...
Robin Mansfield Wright, Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama), the RVP, says AOII has helped her in her professional life, "in working with people and helping them solve problems." Her goals are to improve philanthropic endeavors and scholarship within the region. Robin is the Assistant Director for Pre-Trial Services for Key West, Florida. She is married. Her hobbies are reading and needlework.
Dolores White Rhodes, Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama), hopes to develop and promote "State Days" in three states during her term as RPRO. Dolores was initiated as an associate member after all three of her daughters became AOIIs, and she says being an AOII has broadened her horizons, given her a larger "family," and challenged her ability to manage her time! Dolores is married and has one son, in addition to her three daughters. She is employed as the Assistant to the Dean of the College of Communi- cation at the U. of Alabama. Her hobbies are swimming and land-
Margaret Ann Renneker Pyburn,
Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College), hopes to instill in collegians that rush is a year-round activity during her term as RRO. Another goal is to encourage collegiate chapters to stay in contact with alumnae chapters. Margaret is an Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager for AmSouth continued on page 14
Continued from page 9.
hobbies are reading and calligraphy. She is a member of the Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter.
As RFO, Barbara Dunn Zipperian, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.), hopes to educate all her chapters about finances. Barbara is Vice President of the INB Financial Corporation. She is married and has one child. She is involved with a church theatre group, and her hobbies include reading, skiing, music, and golf. She is a member of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
Elaine James Kennedy, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.)> plans to focus on scholarship and promoting understanding of the AOII Ritual
during her term as RVP. Elaine hopes that this will help strengthen both the collegiate and the alumnae chapters in her region. Elaine is married and has one son. She is employed as the Vice President for Administration for a consulting firm which specializes in leadership skills training. Her hobbies are sports and travel. She is a member of the Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter.
Mary Matarazzo Bryant, Delta Omega (Murray State U.), is the RPRO. Mary's goal is to continue the expansion of alumnae chapters and the reactivation of collegiate chapters. She is employed as a teacher, and her hobbies are reading and gardening. She is married and has two children. Mary is a member of the Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter.
The RRO, Malene Demaree, Pi Alpha (U. of Louisville), is single and works as a professional fund
raiser. She says AOII has given her a group of new friends through the Nortnern Kentucky Alumnae Chapter which she joined when she relocated. Her goal is to have all collegiate chapters take quota. Her hobbies include crafts and aerobics. She does volunteer work with the Jaycees and a local shelter for runaways.
Kristi Farmer, Kappa Omega (U. of Kentucky), the RFO, hopes to have all chapters reporting in a timely manner. Kristi is single and works in her family's business. Her hobbies are needlepoint and reading. She is involved in the Lexington Junior League, her church's singles group,
and the Lexington Alumnae
Fall 1990
Mary Jane Sharp, left, and Casey Davis, third from left, visit with some delegates from chapters in Tennessee following Region V s Rose Banquet.
If a Honor/Memorial donation:
Chapter State Zip
Most outstanding alumnae chapter-
Greater Portland, ME
Most improved collegiate chapter- Gamma., U. of Maine-Orono
Collegiate leadership- Pamela Gibbs, Sigma Chi, Hartwick College
Most outstanding alumna- G r e t c h e n Zollendeck, Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Most improved alumnae chapter- Washington, D.C.
Most improved collegiate chapter- Beta Delta, Villanova U .
Collegiate leadership- Shari Regina, Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State U .
Alumnae service- Peg W ells Zywicki, Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg State U.)
Most improved alumnae chapter-
Atlanta, GA
Most outstanding collegiate chapter-
Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia) 12
Collegiate leadership- Lisa Gale, Zeta Psi, East Carolina U .
Alumnae service- (tie) Huldah "Hud" Clark, Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter, and Denise Wilson, Chapter Adviser for Lambda Chi Chapter at LaGrange College
Duncan, Kappa Omega, U . of Kentucky, and Jana Davis, Delta Omega, Murray State U.
Alumnae service- (tie) Dottie Leek, Omicron (U. of Tennessee), and Marilyn Sagan, Sigma Chi (Harwick College)
Most outstanding alumnae chapter- Greater Pinellas, Florida
Most outstanding collegiate chapter- Gamma Delta, U . o f South Alabama
Collegiate leadership- N a t a l i e Rafatsky, Alpha Delta, U. of Alabama
Alumnae service- Elise Moss, Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern Col- lege), Huntsville Alumnae Chapter
Be a D E A R
Support the AOII Foundation D...Development Fund E...Endowment Fund A...Arthritis Research Grants R...Ruby Fund
Yes, I can support the Foundation. Here's my gift of $_ Tax deductible as allowed by law.
Husband City
Name Chapte Address
Please make checks payable to : Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, T N 37027 THANK YOU!
Last First Street
Leadership Conference Awards...
Most improved
Cleveland Area
alumnae collegiate
Most improved
chapter- Collegiate leadership- Kristen Burnett,
ThetaPsi,U.ofToledo Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U.
Alumnae service- Fadwa "Fudge" Skaff, Theta Psi (U. of Toledo), Toledo Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae chapter receiving the most awards- Lexington, KY
Collegiate chapter receiving the most awards- Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U .
Collegiate leadership- (tie) Ellen
Most Lincoln,
improved alumnae chapter-
improved collegiate chapter-
Upsilon Epsilon, Parks College Collegiate leadership- J o d e n e "Jodi"
To Dragma
Kerry Rutemiller wins Perry Award
Katherine (Kerry) Rutemiller, Pi Delta (U. of Maryland), was the unanimous choice to receive the 1990 Perry Award, which is given annually to Alpha Omicron Pi's most outstanding collegiate chapter president.
Kerry entered the U. of Maryland as a Chancellor's Scholar and a Maryland Distinguished Scholar, the highest awards given for academic merit at the institution and in the state. As a senior, she received the 1989 Spirit of Maryland award, the school's highest honor.
Her high scholastic standards— she graduated with a 3.9 GPA on a 4.0 scale and a double major of
Japanese and government and politics-carried over to the chapter. During her term as president, the chapter began verifying GPAs for rushees and voted to raise the minimum GPA for pledges from 2.0 to 2.2.
Kerry was praised for her leadership on campus, particularly her role as co-founder of GAMMA, Greeks Advocating the Mature Man- agement of Alcohol. Other campus activities included serving as vice president of Order of Omega, chairperson of the Greek Retreat Committee, member of the Office of Campus Activities Review Team, member of the Vice Chancellor's
more awards...
Steinhoff, Phi Sigma, Kearney State College
Alumnae service- Susan Steckley Stelzer, Zeta (U. of Nebraska)
Committee to Review Admissions, volunteer coordinator of the Wash- ington Hospital Center Blood- mobile, and several Panhellenic positions.
Kerry's leadership skills helped her chapter's implementation of the university's new Panhellenic alcohol policy and AOII's new alcohol policy go smoother.
"Rather than preach to the chapter that these changes 'had to be made,' Kerry would spend time talking about why the new alcohol policies were not just new rules to follow, but were for the good of the chapter, as well as for the good of the individual members," said one chapter member.
Kerry was commended for her effectiveness in conducting Ritual and for her actions to encourage graduating AOIIs to continue their involvement with the Fraternity. In December, she personally approached all graduating chapter members to encourage them to contact alumnae chapters wherever they might be going.
Kerry's leadership skills were not limited to important issues. She was also effective at handling more mundane problems. For instance, when there was a shortage of busboys in the chapter dining room, Kerry was the first to roll up her
Most improved collegiate chapter-
Alpha Rho, Oregon State U . Collegiate leadership- Heidi Sherick,
Alumnae service- Debra Helmer,
Kappa Lambda (U. of Calgary)
Most improved alumnae chapter- Phoenix, A Z
Most improved collegiate chapter- C h i Alpha, U.ofCalifornia-Davis
Collegiate leadership- (tie) Susana Lapeyrade, Chi Alpha, U. of California-Davis, and Tracy Less, Chi Psi, Cal Poly/San Luis Obispo
Alumnae service- Marianne Davies Carton, Upsilon (U. of Washing- ton), San Diego Alumnae Chapter
sleeves and help.
"It was pretty difficult to walk away
from the dining room, once you saw that Kerry was willing to spend an hour cleaning up after dinner. I f she had time to do it, then I knew I had time," commented one chapter member.
Kerry was also known for her kindness. For instance, she left the chapter's annual crush party to check on Missy Smith, a sister who had become ill. Kerry found Missy in much pain, rushed her to the hospital and stayed with her there until 3 a.m. Missy had severe ear infections and her ear drums had been about to burst.
"Whether Kerry will admit it or not, I definitely owe her one," Missy said.
The Perry Award was established by Council at the 1959 Convention to honor Founder Stella George Stern Perry. The award is admin- istered by three Past International Presidents appointed by the Execu- tive Board, each serving a staggered term of six years. Serving in these positions this past year were Mary Louise Filer Roller, Eleanore Die- trich MacCurdy, and Joan Deathe MacCallum.
Alpha Phi Alumnae Attention!
There will be a reunion at home- coming. Come to the Open House at the Chapter House on October 6th two hours before the game starts.
Most outstanding
Louis, M O
chapter- St.
Most outstanding collegiate chapter-
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U . Collegiate leadership- Stacey Teague,
Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U. Alumnae service- Terri Parker Marshall, Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana U.), Shreveport Alumnae
Most improved
Seattle, WA
Fall 1990
Meet your
regional leaders...credits AOII with helping her develop
Continued from page 11
Bank. She is married. Her hobbies include cooking, running, and Softball. She does volunteer work with church youth groups, the American Lung Association, and the Heart Association.
Julie Brining, Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama), the RFO, says AOII has helped her polish her organi- zational skills and develop her "people" skills. She plans to concen- trate on working with the corpora- tions. Julie works as an import/export specialist for her family's Custom Brokerage and Foreign Freight Forwarding Business. Julie is single. Her hobbies include tennis, scuba diving, and jet skiing. She is a member of the Alabama State Docks Improve- ment Committee, and she does volunteer work with Junior Achieve- ment.
Illinois), RVP, says her goal is to increase alumnae strength in the region and to assist all collegiate chapters in meeting the collegiate performance standards. Judith works part time as a certified public account- ant. She is married and has two children. She is a member of the Chicago Northwest Suburban Alum- nae Chapter. Her hobbies include reading, crafts, and working in her yard.
Sue Bothe Placke, Phi Sigma (Kearney State College), says AOII has given her "lasting friends all over." She
hopes to see all her collegiate chapters take quota. Sue is married and the mother of three daughters. Her hobbies are golf, reading, and tennis. She is a member of the Kearney, NE Alumnae Chapter. She is the RRO.
Mary Turner Diaz, Pi Kappa (U. of Texas-Austin), the new RFO, credits AOII with helping her develop more fully as a person. Mary has the unusual hobby of playing the harp. She also enjoys needlework and gardening. She is employed as a college admissions officer. She is married and the mother of two sons. She is a member of the DeKalb/Kane County Alumnae Colony.
Nancy Shaw Shaheen, Alpha Omicron (Louisiana State U.), says she hopes to improve communication among chapters, the region, and Headquarters during her term as RVP. Nancy, a member of the Dallas Alum- nae Chapter, is employed as an educa- tional diagnostician. In her spare time, she is involved in volunteer activities with the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International and her church. She also enjoys reading. Nancy is married.
Carol Miller Stevenson, Omega (Miami U.), the new RPRO, says AOII has brought more fun into her life. She looks forward to the challenge of both alumnae and collegiate extension in Region VIII. Carol does volunteer
work with the local Junior League, and she was named the 1990 "Outstanding Junior League Member." She is also an active volunteer in her local alumnae Panhellenic and her church. She is
married and has two children.
Patricia Ann Compton, Phi (U. of Kansas), is the RRO. Patty, who is single, says her involvement with AOII
leadership skills. Patty is Continued from page 11 employed at a bank, and she lives in Overland Park, Kansas.
Nadine Spring Nickeson, Pi Kappa (U. of Texas-Austin), is the new RFO. Her goal as RFO is to respond quickly to questions with accurate informa- tion. She says that AOII has provided her with long time friendships and
wonderful networking. Nadine is married and has two sons. She is active in her local PTA and Arthritis Foundation.
Julie Hansen Scherer, Upsilon (U. of Washington), hopes to help all AOII collegians and alumnae gain a stronger sense of the "big picture" of the Fraternity during her term as RVP.
Julie says AOII has given her the opportunity for much positive growth and enrichment. She is a member of the Seattle Alumnae Chapter, and she is active in her local PTA and her church where she is Director of Women's Ministries. Julie is married and has three children.
Suzan Ganz Crandall, Beta Sigma (Boise Valley State College), the new RPRO, hopes to publish the regional newsletter more frequently. Another
goal is to improve the communication among all the chapters in the region. Suzan recently obtained a teaching degree and she will begin teaching this fall. She is married and has two children. Suzan is the immediate past president of the Boise Valley Alumnae Chapter.
Kathleen Oliver Busch, Upsilon (U. of Washington), the RRO, hopes to see all the collegiate chapters take quota and submit their rush plans on time. Kathleen works at a local nursery. She is married and the mother of two sons and two daugh- ters. One of her daughters, Ann, is also an AOII. Kathleen's mother, Louise Oliver, is a charter member of the Upsilon Chapter. Kathleen is a member of the Seattle Alumnae Chapter.
Sue Daiger Schell, Alpha Gamma (Washington State U.J, the RFO, hopes to see all the region's chapters current in their financial reporting.
She is employed as a public school teacher. Sue is involved in her local Junior Miss Competition and is active in her church and PTA. She is married and has two daughters. Her hobbies
are sewing and cross stitch.
continued on page 31
Judith Gambrel Flessner, Iota
(U. of
has continued unbroken from her college days and that she hopes other AOIIs will follow her example. She
It f
Stacey Teague, Delta Theta (Texas Woman's U.) is congratulated by Barbara Kramer after winning Region's VIII's Most Outstanding Collegian Award.
To Dragma
F12 r
Q9 R69. •
License Plate, $4.00
License Frame. $4.50
Red AOII Window Decal, $.50
}. Rose Alumnae Decal, $1.00 Bumper Sticker, $1.00
Heart-to-Rose "Transformations" Print Red Mat, $8.50
Memo Board with Erasable Pen, $2.50
Calendar, 12 Non-dated Sheets plus Tele- hone Directory on Back, $4.00
Red Appointment Book. 1991 Month-at- ce, $3.00
Book Mark, $1.00
Folding Umbrella. $10.00 L39. Large Umbrella, $16.50
Portfolio Case, Burgundy, $18.50
N82. Biking Exercise Shorts, Black/Red, S, M, L, $24.00
081. Capri Length Exercise Shorts. Red/Black, S, M, L, $28.00
PI 5. Accept The Challenge T-Shirt. M, L, XL, $11.00
Q14. Calico Panda T-Shirt, M, L. XL, $18.50 Rll. Red Striped Heart T-Shirt, M, L, XL, $17.00
SI. Short Sleeve Jersey, Red or Navy with White Trim, S, M, L, $19.50
T34. Socks, $5.00
U33. Nylon Banner 20x30, W aterproof, &KMl
NI* mh(M.
Accept pm
Gear Raspberry T-Shirt, M, L, XL,
B78. Gear Raspberry Crop Top, same design
as T-Shirt, M, L, $17.00
C80. Gear Charcoal Striped Shorts, Ruffled Elastic Drawstring Waistband, Two Side Pockets, S, M, L, $20.00
D61. Gear Iced Heather Striped T-Shirt, M, L, XL, $18.00
Gear White Shorts, S, M, L, $17.00 Socks, $5.00
G98. White on White "Embossed" Sweat Shirt, S, M, L, $30.00
H22. Balloons, Red or White, $ .25 ON FRONT
A96. Crop Top, Pink, Blue or Lavendar Let- ters, One Size, $11.00
B97. Matching Shorts, Elastic Waist, S, M, L $11.00
C72. Night Shirt, with Rose design, One Size Fits All, $21.00
Official Dedication Shirts, mon/Green, Large only, $10.00
E10. Gear White Shorts, S, M, L, $17.00 F12. White T-Shirt with Vertical Pastel Letters,
M, L, XL, $15.00
G20. Legacy T-Shirt, White, S, M, L, $15.00 H45. Laundry Bag with Panda design, $15.00
167. Collage Picture Frame, 12 x 10, 7 open- ings, $12.50
J71. Acrylic Frame with double sided mat, $4.50
K95. Acrylic Frame, 5'/4x3V$, Hearts design, 2 openings, $4.50
L94. Acrylic Frame, 5 x5, Rose design, $5.75 M44. Travel Alarm Clock, $10.00
N59. "Post-It" Notes with Hearts, $3.00
083. Ivory, "International Headquarters Folded Notes with Matching Evelopes, 50 per box, $15.00
P46. Red Die Cut Note Pad, $4.50
Q30. White Note Pad, $ .75
R69. Red and White Fold-over Notes, 10 Notes per Box, with Clear, Heart Shaped Seals, $4.00
S93. Things To Do Note Pad, $4.00
T55. Red/Gray with Rose Note Pad, $4.00
U57. Ball Point Pen, $1.00
V90. Pencil, $ .30
Playing Cards, W26. Single Deck, $4.00; W27. Double Deck $7.50
X70. Picture Frame Key Ring, $3.50
Y32. Acrylic Key Ring, Clear or Red, $3.50
Buttons: Z73. AOII Always!, $1.00; Z92. Accept The Challenge, $1.00; Z66. AOII For A Lifetime, $1.00; Z21. I Love AOII, $ .50;
Z35. Celebrate Sisterhood, $ .50
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Sub Total Canadians Add 10% Currency Exchange TN Residents Add 7.75% Sales Tax
Shipping & Handling Total Amount Enclosed
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Send order form and payment to: AOII International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, TN 37207
(615) 370-0920
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Alpha Omicron Pi Directory - 1990-91
Save this section. The Directory is printed only once a year.
PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENTS: Edith Huntington Anderson (Beta Phi) 1933- 1937; Dorothy Bruniga Dean (Rho) 1943- 1946; Mary Louise Filer Roller (Alpha Pi) 1955-1957; Nancy Moyer McCain (Rho) 1957- 1959; Wilma Smith Leland (Tau) 1959-1961; Jessie Marie Senor Cramer (Phi) 1961-1963; Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Theta Psi) 1963-1965; Jessie MeAclam Larned (Tau) 1965-1967; Carolyn Huey Harris (Lambda Sigma) 1967- 1969; Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Iota Alpha) 1971-1973; Janirae Linebaugh Callaway (Omicron) 1975-1976; Norma Marshall Ackel (Kappa Theta) 1976-1979; Joan Deathe MacCaUum (Kappa Phi) 1979- 1981; Ginger Banks (Pi Kappa) 1981-1985; Peg Kramer Crawford (Iota) 1985-1989.
INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027 615/370-0920.
Management Staff: Becky Montgomery, Interim Executive Director, Kappa Pi; Ann Reynolds, Controller, Nu Omicron; Sandra Click, Office Manager, Nu Omicron
Accounting Staff: Jackie Lynch and Cindy Brennan, Accounting Clerks
Program Staff: Beth Grantham, Coordinator of Editorial Services; Melanie Doyle, Public Relations Coordinator, Lambda Sigma; Julie Martin, Chapter Services Coordinator, Alpha Delta
Support Staff: Mary Ann Caldwell, Mem- bership/Alumnae Coordinator, Tau Delta; Jill Wagner, Data Processing Coordinator; Suzan Hobgood, Receptionist/Secretary; Frank Yancey, Shipping/Receiving
Foundation Staff: Patricia Helland, Director of Development; Mary Ann Jenkins, Coordinator, Kappa Alpha; Kellie Holland, Secretary
Chapter Consultants: Linda Clark, Omega Upsilon; Jana Davis, Delta Omega; Robin Ferstl, Gamma Alpha; Mary Hamilton, Kappa Tau; Tracie Miller, Alpha Chi; Brenda Philp, Alpha Phi; Sally Rowell, Gamma Sigma
International President Barbara Daugs Hunt (Cecil), Phi Delta, 930-17th Ave., Grafton, WI 53024, 414/377-7766. Duties: Foundation Director; NPC Alternate Delegate; Liasion with: NCP Delegates, Headquarters, International Convention Chairman, Constitution Interpretation and Revision Committee, Parliamentarian, Fraternity Development Committee, and Nominations Committee.
Vice President/Operations Mary McCam- mon Williams (Robert), Phi, 44 Sunset Rd., Bloomington, IL 61701, 309/829-3656. Duties: Foundation Director; Regional Operations (Including Regional Personnel Training and Mid-Year Meetings); RD Rally; Loan Committee Member; Liaison with: International Leadership Conferences Chairmen and L.C. Seminars.
Vice President/Development Anne Witt Allison (Robert), Omicron, 1501 Northwind Rd., Louisville, KY 40207, 502/896-1105. Duties: Extension; Colonies; Associate
Recruitment; Installation Supervisor; Liaison with International Public Relations Chairman.
Vice President/Finance Elizabeth Romine Coffey (William), Chi Lambda, 7754 N. Whittier PL, Indianapolis, I N 46250, 317/849- 3030. Duties: Loan Committee Chairman; Budget Committee Chairman; Foundation Director; Regional Finance Officers; Liaison with: International Corporations Supervisor, Investment Management, and Headquarters Fund.
Nancy Perry Bowers (Robert), Nu Omicron, 728 Summerly Dr., Nashville, T N 37209, 615/352-8174. Duties: Collegiate Depart- ment/Chapters installed after 7/1/74, Chapter Consultant Program, Budget Committee Member, Liaison with Perry Award Committee.
Elisabeth Lester Donaldson (Joseph), Tau Delta, 1726 Croom Dr., Montgomery, AL 36106, 205/277-2776. Duties: Collegiate Department/Chapters installed prior to 7/1/74; Loan Committee Member; Liaison with International Rush Chairman.
Judy Hornik Bourassa (Clifford), Theta Pi, 5113 East Terry Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85254, 602/482-1750. Duties: Alumnae Program Department; Budget Committee Member; Liaison with: International Alumnae Membership Chairman, and International Alumnae Programming Chairman.
Barbara Bierer Long (Kenneth), Alpha Rho, 2166 Yolanda, Springfield, OR 97477, 503/746-9769. Duties: Special Projects; Programming; Liaison with: International Collegiate Programming Chairman, International Membership Education Chairman, International Scholarship Chairman, Diamond Jubilee Foundation, Centennial Celebration Committee, International Historian, and Heritage Society.
Membership: Linda Brownfield Liermann, Iota, 2015 Lake Clay, Chesterfield. MO 63017,314/532-3210.
Programming: Monica Sicner Rigoni, Zeta, 2210 S. 37th St., Lincoln, NE 68506, 402/488- 3680.
Linda Martin McLaughlin (George), Alpha Theta, 33 Toquam Rd., New Canaan, CT 06840, 203/966-0766.
CONSTITUTION INTERPRETATION AND REVISION (CIRC): Chairman Elise Moss (Ron Simmons)Tau Delta, 7808 Cadillac Dr., Huntsville, A L 35802, 205/880-1275 536-9645 (0).
CONVENTION: Chairman Marv Jane Thomas Ogle (Lynn Edward), Delta Pi, 7309 N. Euclid, Gladstone, MO 64118, 816/436- 0643.
LOCAL CONVENTION: Chairman Audrey Herbster Lueth (Ray), Gamma Iota, 1009
Pinetree Ln., DeSoto, TX 75115, 214/224- 2285. (H)
CORPORATIONS SUPERVISOR: Joanne Williamson Earls (Gary), Zeta Psi, Rt. 1, Box 80, Catlett, VA 22019, 703/788-9051.
FRATERNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMIT- TEE: Chairman Marsha Ann Guenzler, Beta Lambda, 5311 W akefield Rd., Bethesda, M D 20816, 301/951-8774.
HISTORIAN: Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi, 1400 Willow Ave., Apt. 502, Louisville, KY 40204, 502/458-6776.
LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES: Cindy Swartzfager, Kappa Tau,15501 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Apt. 3305, Tampa, FL 33647, 813/975-0401.
MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Chairman Anne Buechlein Wilmes (Art), Chi Lambda, 6679 Longwoods Cr., Indianapolis, IN 46254, 317/291-7255.
NOMINATIONS: Chairman Teri Thomas Anderson (Mark), Theta Omega, 3990 Arrowood Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89117, 702/253- 1423.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Dorothy Waters Williams (Ronald) Lambda Sigma, 6521 Rivoli Dr., Macon, GA 31210, 912/477-1742 (H), 745-5822 (0).
RITUALS, TRADITIONS AND JEWELRY COMMITTEE Chairman Joan Deathe MacCallum (John), Kappa Phi, 150 Cloverdale Ave., # 206, Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9S 3H9, 514/631-4092.
RUSH CHAIRMAN: Rebecca Admire, Chi Lambda, 2067 Shelby Ave., Evansville, IN 47714,812/479-5530 (H) 812/465-4800 (0).
SCHOLARSHIP: Ellen Hoffman Zellmer (Jim), Sigma Iota, 2101 N.E. 4th St., Blue Springs, MO 64014, 816/228-1805 (H) 221- 4000 (0).
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed to the Delegate)
Delegate: Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 3108 West Terrace Dr., Austin, T X 78731, 512/454-8572.
1st Alternate: Peg Kramer Crawford, Iota, 9113 S. Massasoit Ave., Oak Lawn, IL 60453, 312/422-5244.
2nd Alternate: June Greer Bogle (Boyd, III), Nu Omicron, 6037 Sherwood Dr., Nashville, TN 37215, 615/373-4479.
3rd Alternate: Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, (see Executive Board listing)
President: Kav Hansen Sutherlin (Stephen), Theta, 2239 Rome Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46208, 317/293-0894.
Vice President: Ginger Banks, (see National Panhellenic Conference listing)
Secretary: Elise Moss (Ron Simmons), Tau Delta, 7808 Cadillac Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802, 205/880-1275 (H) 205/536-9645 (0).
Fall 1990
Ruby Fund: Marianne Davies Carton (W.A.), Upsilon, 1262 Upas St., San Diego, CA 92103, 619/298-2150.
Directors: Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie (James), Epsilon Alpha, 412 Princess St., Alexandria, VA 22314, 703/836-1225.
Barbara Daugs Hunt (see Executive Board listing)
Elizabeth Romine Coffey (see Executive Board listing)
Mary McCammon Williams (see Executive Board listing)
jo Beth Walling Heflin (Hugh), Pi Kappa, 11200 Pinehurst Dr., Austin, TX 78/47, 512/282-2655.
DIAMONDJUBILEE FOUNDATION President: Helene (Lynne) Irish Johnston (Carl), Epsilon, 7562 Regency Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264, 619/321-2308'.
1st Vice President: Sue Wayenburg Hinz
Fund Raising: Karen Thomas Tucker (James), DeltaDelta, 500 E. 77th St.. Apt. #1815, New York, NY 10162, 212/879-5814
CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: Nancy Anderson Clark (Jack, Jr.), Rho, 1207 W. Haven Dr., Arlington Heights, IL 60005, 312/392-1936.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Sandra Hurd Sova (Joseph), Lambda Beta, 11181 Enterprise Dr., Los Alamitos, CA 90720, 213/596-7941.
PERRY AWARD: Chairman Marv Louise Filer Roller, Alpha Pi, Box 933, Ml. Dora, FL 32757,904/383-1789.
Collegiate Chapter Name ~ President
Beta Tau, U. of Toronto, Angelique Phillips,
24 Madison Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R2S1, 416/922-3646
Chi, Syracuse U., Abbie Levine, 1105 Harrison St., Svracuse, NY 13210, 315/443- 3798
Delta, Tufts U.,Carrie La Londe, 215 College Ave. Sommerville, MA 02144, 617/625-2645
Delta Psi, State U. of NY, Barbara Gridley, Box 80, Waterbury Hall, 325 Western Ave., Albany, NY 12203,
Epsilon, Cornell U„ Kelly Westbrooks, 927 East State St., Apt. #2R, Ithaca, NY 14850, 607/277-6936
Gamma, U. of Maine-Orono, Michelle Jaworski, U . of Maine-Orono, AOII Penob-
scotHall,Orono,ME04469, 207/866-7816
Iota Chi, U. of Western Ontario, Karen McDowell, 756 Kipps Lane, 1006, London, Ontario, Canada N5Y4X9, 519/660-0383
Kappa Phi, McGill U.,Galadriel Findlay, 3615 Lonne Crescent, Apt. 2, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 2A8
Nu Delta, Canisius College, Deborah Schott, Canisius College, Student Activities BIdg., 2001 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14208-1098, 716/888-2627
Sigma Chi, Hartwick College, Pamela Gibbs, 17 Maple St., Oneonta, NY 13820, 607/432-
Theta Pi, Wagner College, Stasia Sacco, Wagner College, Harborview Hall #803, 631 Howard Ave., Staten Island, NY 10301, 718/390-3472
Chapter Adviser
Michelle l.abbett, Beta Tau, 27 Ranchdale Cres, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3A2M1 416/778-7101 (H) 396-6030 (0)
Harriet O'Leary, Theta Eta, 309 Waring Rd., Syracuse, NY 13224 315/446-5648
Jean Sells, Zeta, 29 Parker Rd.. Framingham, MA 01701, 508/879-7094
Kelly Schwark, Sigma Chi, 208 Partridge, Albany, NY 12203, 518/459-7150 (H) 455- 4326 (0)
Janet Bozec, Iota, 23 Fairview Square, Ithaca, NY 14850, 607/277-5956
Madeline Rexer Schroder (John) 9 Heather Rd., Bangor, M E 04401 207/947-4384
Janice Collins, Iota Chi, 1481 Glenora Dr., London, Ontario, Canada N5X 1V4, 519/667- 4928
Sandra Kevmer Temple (Ian), Kappa Phi, 46 Chartres, D.D.O., Quebec, Canada H9A 1J5, 514/421-0804 ( H ) 935-2644 (0)
Wendy Sue Hoke, Gamma Beta, 79 Zoerb Ave., Cheektowaga, NY 14225, 716/683-5447
Eleanor Brown Hickein (Fred), Sigma Chi, 9 Pine St., Oneonta, NY 13820 607/432-6596 (H) 432-4512 (0)
Maura Clancey, 372-7th St., Brooklyn, NY 11215 718/768-3530 (H) 212/340-5600 (0)
Corporation President & Name of R D
Irene Efston, Beta Tau, 104 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4N 1S7, 416/482-0574 (H), 360-6464 (0). RD Zollendeck.
Marie Howard Brown (Fav), Psi, 302 Westholm Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315/468-6380. RD Redfearn.
Margie Arbaugh Lamar, Chi Delta, 16 Dartmouth St., Winchester, MA 01890, 617/729-1517. RD Mooney.
Delta Psi Chapter (no corp president listed). RD Redfearn.
Epsilon Chapter (no corp president listed). RD Hurtt.
Sharon LaFlamme, Gamma, 499 Westrook St., Apt. 207C, S. Portland, ME 04106, 207/871-8380 (0)774-9244(H).RDMooney.
Sherry Edgar, Iota Chi, 448 Spadine Rd., Apt. 207, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5P 2W4, 416/487-7136 (H), 226-7553 (0). RD Zollendeck.
Sheila Sheldon Collyer (Peter), Kappa Phi, 505 Roslyn Ave., Westmount, Quebec, Canada H3Y2T6, 514/931-4320. RD Mooney.
Robin Brodnicki Merrill, Kappa Pi, 76 Sunrise Blvd., Amherst, NY 14221, 716/626- 9038. RD Zollendeck.
Susan Linney Mackay (Arthur), Sigma Chi, RD 2, Box 486B, Oneonta, NY 13820, 607/432-8766. RD Redfearn.
Judv Bonamo (Richard), Theta Pi, 40 Fuller Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854, 201/985-9005. RD Hurtt.
To Dragma
(Michael), Alpha Gamma, N W 1445 Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-1168.
Secretary: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert), Iota Alpha, 3 Meadow Ln., Apt. 3, Bridgewater, M A 02324, 508/697-7855.
Treasurer: Dotti House Winn (Harry, Jr.), Tau, 41 Scribner Ct., Princeton, NJ 08540, 609/683-7530.
Scholarship Chairman: Rosalie Gorham Barber (Michie), Sigma Omicron, 1713 MacArthur Park, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/935-3393.
Vice President: Jan Johnson Slagoski (Eugene), Kappa Kappa, 903 Longview Terrace, Waverly, PA 18471, 717/586-6895.
Public Relations Officer: Barbara Koeritz Wentworth (Roger), Gamma, 11 Country WoodsRd., Saco, ME 04072, 207/283-0071 (H) 207/284-5981 (0) 617/227-1555(0). Finance Officer: Nancy Cochrane, Theta Pi, 327 Maidand Ave., Teaneck, NJ 07666, 201/837-6519 (H) 212/698-7303 (0).
Rush Officer: Kay Kettering Welch (Thomas) Theta Pi, 24-E Franklin Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306, 718/979-6789.
Rita Conway Hunt (Barry), 477 Kinderkamack Rd., Westwood, NJ 07675, 201/664-9119 (H) 201/445-6805 (0).
Jennifer Sherriff Moonev (Michael), 4113 Fox Run Dr., Plainsboro, NJ 08536, 609/799-8479 (H),609/452-1212 (0).
Patricia O'Mara Redfearn (Michael), 901 Arbor Wood, Lindenwold, NJ 08021, 609/346-3785.
Susan Prochnow Story, 13 Wildflower Ct., Freehold, NJ 07728, 201/462-2783 ( H ) .
Gretchen Beling Zollendeck, (Theodore), Phi Delta, 3648 Eckhardt Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075, 716/648-6056 (H) 716/837-9400 (0)
Alumnae Chapter, President 8c Name of R D
Boston, Jodi Epstein Harger (Michael), Phi Upsilon, 16 Santa Fe Rd., Chalmsford, MA 01824, 508/250-9186. RD Story.
Greater Portland, Pearl l.ittlefield Sciaraffa (Dean), Gamma, 45 Val Halla Rd., Cumberland, ME 04021, 207/829-6559. RD Story.
Long Island, Singhild Alice Larson, Theta Pi, One Blossom Way, Valley Stream, Long Island, NY 11580, 516/825-4890. RD Story.
Montreal, Jo-Ann Merritt Dery (Andre) Kappa Phi, 9 Walworth Place, Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada H9G 2G3, 514/626-7815. RD Story.
REGION I (Cont'd)
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
New Jersey, Diane Hunter de Hosson (Bernard) Omicron, 7 Oak Hill Rd., Chatham Township, NJ 07928 201/377-2488. RD Story.
New York/New Jersey Metro Area, Elizabeth Malloy, Theta Pi, 150 Lamport Blvd., Staten Island, NY 10305 718/447-8022. RD Story.
Ottawa, Marv Jane Refausse Jacobsen (Al) Beta Tau, 2*7 Burndale Rd., Gloucester, Ontario, Canada K1B 3Y4, 613/837-3361. RD Story.
Rochester, Susan H o m e Feasey (Raymond) Alpha Tau, 29 Parker Dr., Pittsford, NY 14534, 716/586-2071. RD Story.
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
South Jersey, Carol Braun McLoughlin (John) Epsilon Alpha, 705 Pomona Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033 609/547-5030. RD Story.
Southern Connecticut, Norma Johnstone Lewis (Robert) Omega, 16 Kreiner Ln., Norwalk, CT 06850 203/846-1739. RD Story.
Syracuse, Marjorie Turrell Julian (Joseph) Sigma Chi, 104 Concord Pl„ Fayetteville, NY 13066 315/637-5460. RD Story.
Toronto, Patricia Cook, Beta Tau, 565 Sherbourne St., # 2819, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4X1W7416/968-3908. RD Story.
Vice President: Peg Wells Zywicki (Joseph), Phi Beta, 1224 Saddle Dr., Nazareth, PA 18064, 215/746-0122 (H) 868-76570 (0). Public Relations Officer:Nancv Baier Gilbert (James), EpsilonAlpha, R.D.#2, Box 689,Jersey Shore, PA 17740, 717/745-7505. Finance Officer: Carla Ann Caimi, Gamma Beta, 4500 S. Four Mile Run Dr.,#613, Arlington, VA 22204, 703/836-7239.
Rush Officer: Karen Semper, Delta Upsilon, 1862 Loch Shiel Rd., Baltimore,MD 21234, 301/668-5458 (H) 347-9880 (0). Directors:
Lisa Stultz Akers (James) Epsilon Alpha, 15004 North Jenkins Ct., Accokeek, MD 20607, 301/292-8857.
Laura Buchtel, Zeta, 10215 Green Holly Terrace, Silver Spring, M D 20902, 301/681-2818.
Melissa Courson, Beta Phi, 7650 McCallum Blvd., Apt. 1704, Dallas, TX 75252, 214/248-8328 (H) 456-5269 (0). Virginia Elissa Mylander, Theta Beta, 10215 Green Hollv Terrace, Silver Spring, M D 20902, 301/681-2818. Karen Weigel, Gamma Beta, 131 Huntley Dr., Harrisburg, PA 17112, 717/657-9809 (H) 717/737-4810 (0). Catherine Connelly Wieand (Jeff),Gamma Beta 1538 N.Valley Rd., Pottstown, PA 19464, 215/970-0385.
Collegiate Chapter Name 8c President
Beta Delta, Villanova U.,Lisa Bova, Villanova
U., 214 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 215/525-9524
Delta Chi, U. of Delaware, Brooke Laumer, 155 S. Chapel St., Newark, DE 19711, 302/737-2989
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U . , Christy Sample, Epsilon Alpha Chapter of AOII, 15-S Hiester Hall, University Park, PA 16802, 814/862-8082
Gamma Beta, Indiana U. of Pennsylvania, Gil Fleisher, Indiana U . of Pennsylvania, P.O. Box 1749, Indiana, PA 15705, 412/463-4359
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U., Marci Wolfe, Box F-41, Lehigh U., Bethlehem, PA 18015, 215/758-2564
Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State U., Joanne Weber, East Stroudsburg State U., AOII, Phi Beta, Box 882, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, 717/424-4776
PiDelta,U.ofMarvland,MelissaSmith,4517 College Ave., College Park, MD 20740, 301/927-9871
Sigma Alpha, W. Virginia U., Luella J. Truman, 299 Prospect St., Morgantown,WV 26505, 304/291-1433
Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U., Sandi Wilcox, 227-A Towers Hall, Slippery Rock, PA 16057, 412/794-5930
Sigma Tau, Washington College, Susan Stobbart, Washington College, Chestertown, MD 21620, 301/778-9884
Chapter Adviser
Sara Jean Wagaman, Sigma Tau, 522-C2 Regis Ct., Andalusia, PA 19020, 215/245-5281
Genevieve Strong Sidwell (Jay) Delta Chi, 3806 Nancy Ave., Wilmington, DE 19808 302/998-1236
Patricia Rine Antolosky (Paul), Epsilon Alpha, 1260 Fairview Dr., Bellefonte, PA 16823, 814/355-2776
Kim Hoburg, Gamma Beta, Box 11, Chatham College, Pittsburgh PA 15232, 412/361-7158
Sally Menke Snyder (Lee) Epsilon Alpha, 2651 Main St., Bethlehem, PA 18017, 215/867-6049
Susan A n n Zipay, Phi Beta, 88 Espanong Rd., Lake Hianatha, NJ 07849, 201/663-0413
Kellie Foster Schindel (Rick) Pi Delta, 18913 Flag Harbor Terrace, Germantown, MD 20874, 301/972-1493
Beth McClov McClusky, Sigma Alpha, Rt. #9, Box 119 AM, Morgantown, WV 26505, 304/291-0499
Brenda Snare Brown, Alpha Tau, 2844 Newman Rd., New Castle, PA 16101, 412/652- 6478
Judie Berry, Sigma Tau, RD 2, Box 214, Chestertown, MD 21620, 301/778-4438 (H), 778-2000, Ext. 215 (0)
Corporation Presidents & Name of R D
Polly Joan Quiglev, Sigma Tau, White Horse Rd., Devault, PA'l9432, 215/648-0226 (H) 644-3005 (0). RD Wieand.
Genevieve Strong Sidwell (Jay), Delta Chi, 3806 Nancy Ave., Dunlinden Acres, Wilmington, DE 19808, 302/998-1236 (H), 301/398-4000 (0). RD Mylander.
Susan Bailey Adair, Gamma Omicron. 201 Morningside Cr., State College, PA 16803, 814/234-0951. RD Courson.
Melissa Taylor Metz (Ralph James), Gamma Beta, 380 Tvler Ave., W ashington, PA 15301, 412/228-5776. RD Buchtel.
Kris Lambert Burfeind (William), Phi Kappa, 9 Golf Cr., Emmaus, PA 18049, 215/967-6653. RD Wieand.
Karen Angerman Muller (Ken), Phi Beta, 1111 Ferry St., Easton, PA 18042, 215/253- 4527. RD Weigel.
Robbye Wilson Fox (Gregory) Pi Delta, 11126 Woodson Ave.,Kensington, MD 20895, 301/933-6320. RD Mylander.
Joyce Hatfield Coleman (James Edward), Pi, 1313 Peacock Ln., Fairmont, WV 26554, 304/366-8167.
LuAnn McCullough, Sigma Rho, RD #1, Rural Valley, PA 16249, 412/783-7531 ( H ) , 545-2036 (0). RD Courson.
Alexandra (Sandy) Reeder, Sigma Tau, 708 Camberley Cr., Apt. B-3, Baltimore, MD 21204, 301/296—7713. RD Weigel.
Fall 1990
REGION II (Cont'd) Chapter Adviser
Deborah Allen Fay, Tau Lambda, 2601 Market, Apt. #1, Camp Hill, PA 17011, 717/731—9117
Melis Roche Erlbeck, Pi Delta, 206 E. Northern Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21212, 301/433-0142
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of RD
Philadelphia, Kimberly Carson McGowan (Dean) Phi Beta, 9 Millcreek Ln., Malvern, PA 19355, 215/873-7325 (H) 688-1800 Ext. 277 (0)
Pittsburgh, Connie L. Anderson, Gamma Beta, 622 S. Lang Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15208 412/243-1842
State College, Jean Holcombe Lundy, Epsilon .Alpha, 221 5. Bernard St. #38, State College, PA 16801, 814/238-5282
Vice President: Linda Peters Collier (Charles)
Public Relations Officer: Patricia Cowlev Hardv (James) Gamma Sigma, 176 Mountain Brook Ct., Marietta, GA 30064, 404/428-2511 (H) 424-1984 (0).
Finance Officer: Eleanor Becker Holtz (Hal), Nu Beta, 245 S. Church St., Athens, GA 30605, 404/548-5709.
Rush Officer: Mary Ann Vaughan Stark (Norman) Delta Delta, 1505 Northcliff Trace, Roswell, GA 30076, 404/998-6659.
Patricia Barnes (Glen), Zeta Psi, 403 Williamsburg Rd., Washington, NC 27889 919/946-7532.
Deborah Harllee (Victor), Zeta Psi, 2133 Bethabara Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27106, 919/924-5621.
Barbara Lansford (Robert), Alpha Pi, 6 Linden Dr., Savannah, GA 31405, 912/352-0220 (H), 912/925-8800 (0)
Linder Bearden Snider (Ed) Lambda Chi, 107 Kildore Ct.. LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/882-5198.
Alice Martin Virga (Michael), Zeta Psi, 1268 Treefern Dr.,Virginia Beach, VA 23451, 804/491-8962.
Collegiate Chapter Name & President
Tau Lambda, Shippensburg U., Heather Bigler, Shippensburg U . AOII, Cumberland Union Bldg., Shippensburg, PA 17257, 717/532-1942
Theta Beta, Towson State L*., Holly Culhane, Towson State U.,P.O. Box 1955, Towson,MD 21204 301/830-7906
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of RD
RD for all alumnae chapters - Akers
Baltimore, Phyllis Zaremba Aguilar (Robert), Gamma Beta, 25 Blondell Ct., Lutherville, MD 21093, 301/252-2215
Greater Allentown/Bethlehem, JoAnn Knerr, Phi Beta, 2906 Klein St., Allentown, PA 18103, 215/791-4651
Greater Harrisburg, Rosamond Kaines Bratton (Henrv), Epsilon Alpha, 3235 Brookfield Rd.', Harrisburg, PA 17109, 717/652-3871
Corporation Presidents & Name of RD
Lois Kober Klotz (Harold), Chi, 506 Shannon Ln., State College, PA 16803, 814/238-1274. RD Buchtel.
Carmel Gabriele Kaiser (Martin), Psi, 115 Bosley Ave., Cockeysville, MD 21030, 301/666-7756 (H), 574-4950 (0). RD Weigel.
Alumnae Chapter, Presiaent & Name of RD
Washington, D.C.,Michael Ann Wells, Pi Delta, 12024 Gatewater Dr., Potomac, MD 20854,301/424-0118
Wilmington, Elizabeth Strong Miller (Robert), Psi, 2505 Lindell Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808, 302/994-5493
York County Colony, Laurie Ann Slenker, Gamma Beta, 1016 W. King St. #3, York, PA 17404,717/845-2921 (H) 845-7511 (0)
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern College,
Susie Small, Georgia Southern College, Landrum Box 12295, Statesboro, GA 30460, 912/681-4189
Chi Beta, U. of Virginia, Christy Smith, 518 17th St., NW, Charlottesville,VA 22903, 804/979-3594
Delta Upsilon, Duke U., Erica Chalson, Duke U„ Box 5225 Duke Station (UPS - House C, Room 209), Durham, NC 27706, 919/684- 0065
Epsilon Chi, Elon College, Elizabeth Batterman, Elon College, P.O. Box 846, Elon College, NC 27244-0846, 919/538-3849
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U., Kelly Barber, George Mason U., Student Government, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030, 703/385-6951
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U., Janet Lundy, Georgia State U., University Plaza, Box 540, Atlanta, GA 30303 404/659-1743
Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, Jillian Hatchett, 601 Broad St., Box 536, LaGrange College, LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/883-1497
Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia, Shannon Beck, 1190 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, GA 30609-2400, 404/548-3366
Chapter Adviser
Michelle Welch Barton, Omicron, 8 Wimbledon Ct., Statesboro, GA 30458, 912/489-8901
Merit Brand Zimmermann, (Mark), Chi Beta, 531 ID Steeplechase Dr., Fredericksburg, V A 22401 804/296-6712
Sue Reid Mattern (William), Chi Delta, 204 Lake Ct., Chapel Hill, NC 27516, 919/942- 4308
Lisa Ann Kula, Epsilon Chi, P.O. Box 212, Elon College, NC 27244, 919/227-1361
Ann Conlon, Gamma Alpha, 5523 Cabat Lake Ct., Fairfax, VA 22032, 301/984*732
Anne Zipp, Nu Omicron, 3024-C Spring Hill Rd., Smyrna, GA 30080, 404/435-0159
Denise Roberts Wilson (Mike), Lambda Chi, 949 Malibu Dr., LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/883-7454
Dr. Pamela VanVoorhees, Alpha Pi, 205 Idvlwood Dr., Athens, GA 30605, 404/543- 1223
Corporation President & Name of R D
Sharon Nash Pratt (George) Gamma Sigma, 238 Donaldson St., Statesboro, GA 30458, 912/764-7326 (H) 489-8834 (O). RD Lansford
Shirley Stilwell Sale (Dandridge), Phi Delta, 365 Piedmont St., Orange, VA 22960, 703/672-4732. RD Virga
Barbara Grant Schliebe (Eric), Pi Kappa, 140 Stateside Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27514, 919/967-3070. RD Barnes
Janet A. Donahue, Omega, 3502 Terrault Dr., Greensboro, NC 27410, 919/855-0212. RD Barnes
Nancy Carr Garrett (Ray), Delta Delta, 5804 Canvasback Rd„ Burke, VA 22015, 703/323- 6535(H),250-4791(0).RDVirga
Patricia Cowley Hardy (James) Gamma Sigma, 176 Mountain Brook Ct., Marietta, GA 30064, 404/428-2511 ( H ) , 424-1984 (0). RD Snider
Carol Ruth Armstrong, Lambda Chi, 811 Regencv Woods Dr., Atlanta, GA 30319, 404/352-5660.
Christy Dobbin Chambers (Johnathan), Iota Sigma, 185 Spalding Cr., Athens, GA 30605, 404/546-8207.
To Dragma
Chi Omicron, 7840 Attleboro Dr., Springfield, VA 22153, 703/455-9743.
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U.,Carrie
Kozlowski, Virginia Commonwealth Uni- versity, Student Organizational Area, 907 Floyd Ave., Box 66, Richmond, VA 23220, 804/358-0651
Zeta Psi, East Carolina U., Lisa Gale, 805 Johnston St., Greenville, NC 27834, 919/757-
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Athens, Laura Manning Richardson
(Stewart), Lambda Sigma, 340 West Lake Dr., Athens, GA 30606, 404/546-8488 (H) 404/542-8352 (0). RD Harllee
Atlanta, Donilyn Willis Hodge (Jeffrey), Lambda Sigma, 1030 Wellers Ct., Roswell, GA 30076 404/594-9777. RD Harllee
Augusta, Patty Holzschuh, Lambda Sigma, 346 Joshua Tree Dr., Martinez, GA 30907, 803/860- 8674 (H) (Day) 803/278-3111 (0) Night. RD Harllee
Charleston Colony, Sue Jones Tetanich, Phi Sigma, 18 Bayshore Blvd., Goose Creek, SC 29445, 803/553-1851. RD Harllee
REGION ffl (Cont'd) Chapter Adviser
Sue Turner Stringfield, Tau Omicron, 7805 Breaker Point Ct., Chesterfield, VA 27832, 804/739-3640
Luanne G. Yarbrough, Zeta Psi, 35 West Hills, Greenville, NC 27834, 919/752-2963
Alumnae Chapter, President 8c Name of R D Charlotte, NC, Jan Roettinger Billings, Kappa
Kappa, 4025 Allwood Dr., Charlotte, NC 28217 704/523-1191. RD Harllee
Charlottesville Area Colony, Jam ey Stettler Dubbs (William) Phi Beta, 2609 Kimbrough Cr„ Charlottesville, V A 22901, 804/295-7080. RD Harllee
LaGrange Area Colony, Melanie Faith Erwin (Scott), Lambda Chi, 108 Greenbriar Tr„ LaGrange, GA. 30240 404/884-7553. RD Harllee
Middle Georgia Colony, Etta Reese Tinker Sheffield (Donald) Nu Omicron, 305 Wesley Cr., Macon, GA 31204 912/746-3064. RD Harllee
Corporation President & Name of R D
Debbie Strickland Dugger, Rho Beta, 2503 Cropper Ct., N., Richmond, VA 23235, 804/276-5773. RD Barnes
Cheryl Stephenson, Zeta Psi, 125 Rainbow Ct., Cary, NC 27511, 919/481-0907. RD Lansford
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Northern Virginia, Kerry Hibbert Ross (Ed),
Gamma Alpha, 8401 Highland Ln., Alexandria, VA 22309, 703/799-0709. RD Harllee
Piedmont, NC, Alice Beverly Gass, Omicron, 2104 Rolling Rd., Greensboro, NC 27403, 919/379-0252. RD Harllee
Richmond, VA, Debbie Strickland Dugger, Rho Beta, 2305 Cropper Ct. N., Richmond, VA 23235. RD Harllee
Triangle, Catherine Thompson Rockerman (Brian) Delta Upsilon, 1604 Lake Park Dr., Raleigh, NC 27612, 919/848-2475. RD Harllee
Virginia Tidewater Area, Mary Ann Gentry, Zeta Psi, 772 Biltmore Dr., Virginia Beach, V A 23454, 804/340-6252. RD Harllee
Vice President: Ann McClanahan Gilchrist (Keith) Theta, 5613 Skyridge Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46250, 317/849-6142 (H) 924-4265 (0). Public Relations Officer: Rebecca Braatz Bair (Lynn), Theta Psi, 1404 Howell, Newark, O H 43055, 614/344-7850.
Finance Officer: Barbara Dunn Zipperian (Ken) Kappa Kappa, 8802 Skippers Way, Indianapolis, IN 46256, 317/842-9045 (H) 266-6791 (0). Rush Officer: Patricia Curran-Dengler (Fred), Omega, 4018 Benjamin St., Cincinnati, O H 45245, 513/752-7404.
Sandee L. Burns, Kappa Pi, 1185 Norwood St., Kent, O H 44240, 216/673-9437 (H) 673-9511 (0). Jo Nelson Nowak (Edward), Beta Gamma, 17288 Tremlett, Fraser, MI 48026, 313/791-3914.
Michaela Ann Roloff, Zeta, 3230-B Middlesex Dr., Toledo, O H 43606, 419/537-9227.
Renee Pugh Smith (Edward), Phi Upsilon, 3205 Hensel Dr., Carmel, IN 46032, 317/846-6246.
Lisa Darlene Vance, Omega, 3730 Maple Park Ave., Apt #1 Cincinnati,O H 45209, 513/631-3284. Louanne Watson, Phi Upsilon, 206 Westview Cr., West Lafayette, IN 47906, 317/463-4692. RebeccaShipleyZiga(Michael)ChiLambda,2613W.Queensbury, Muncie,IN47304, 317/282-7626.
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State U., Pam
Giovannetti, 425 Student Services, Bowling Green, O H 43403, 419/353-3188
Beta Gamma, Michigan State U., Meredith Brisbin, 332 Oakhill Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823,517/336-8816
Beta Phi, Indiana U., Jennifer Gordon, 901 E. 10th St., Bloomington, I N 47401, 812/332- 7296
Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville, Carrie Anderson, Moore Hall, 400 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, I N 47714 812/477-6838
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U., Mendy Jack- son, Indiana State U., Lincoln Quad, Suite 122, Terre Haute, IN 47809, 812/237-6926
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U.,Eva Schmitz, Ball State U., P.O. Box 219, Student Center, Muncie, IN 47304, 317/285-7953
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U., Kristen Burnett, 116 W. Highland, Ada, O H 45810- 1385, 419/634-6440
Chapter Adviser
Gina Marie Bucci, Theta Psi, 2560 Key St., Apt. 3-Z, Toledo, O H 43614, 419/473—1539
Margie Scheiler Stephenson (Robert), Alpha Gamma, 3210 Meech Rd., Williamston, MI 48895,517/655-4169
Maribeth Coller Schlictman (Tom), Gamma Omicron, 1736 Camby Ln., Bloomington, IN 47401, 812/334-3506
Lisa Henry Trulove, Chi Lambda, 628 S. Norman Ave.,Evansville,IN 47714, 812/474- 0305
Glenna Hammond Timmons (Doug), Kappa Alpha, 408 S. 34th St., Terre Haute, IN 47803, 812/235-1656
Judith Melvin Thornburg (Larry), Theta, 2804 W. Purdue Rd., Muncie, IN 47304, 317/284-3277 (H) 285-7571 (0)
Kappa Pi - no adviser listed.
Corporation President & Name of R D
Janet Pierce Conway (Kenneth), Alpha Tau, 2285 New State Rd., North, Norwalk, O H 44857, 419/668-5286. RD Roloff
Sandy Slee, Beta Gamma, 7020 Shaner High- way, Potterville, MI 48876, 517/645-2791 (H) 373-6940 (0). RD Nowak
Virginia Batchelor, Nu Omicron, 2610 Windermere Woods, Bloomington, IN 47401, 812/332-4322. RD Smith
Kathy Lawson Bartelt (William), Chi Lambda, 418 Darby Hills Dr., Newburgh, IN 47630, 812/853-6136. RD Ziga
Glenna Hammond Timmons (Doug), Kappa Alpha, 408 S. 34th St., Terre Haute, IN 47803, 812/235-1656. RD Watson
Barbara Johnson Ottinger (Larry), Kappa Kappa, 509 5. Rambler Rd., Muncie, IN 47304, 317/289-4080. RD Watson
Heather Mong Boggs (Ted), Omega, 724 South Ridge Ave., Troy, O H 45373, 513/335- 3116. RD Burns
Fall 1990
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Kappa Rho. Western Michigan U., Kathv
Murdie, 958 Grant St., Kalamazoo, Ml 49008, 616/388-9546
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State, Beth Hirsh, P.O. Box 193, Allendale, MI 49401, 616/895- 5869
Omega, Miami U., Ohio, Lisa Chapman, Miami University, 180-C Richard Hall, Box 221, Oxford, O H 45056 513/529-7389 (Suite)
Omega Upsilon, Ohio U., Mary Beth Bersaglini, 92 North Congress, Athens, O H 45701, 614/592-2932
Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan, Joelle Gropper, 800 Oxford, Ann .Arbor, MI 48104, 313/994- 5572
Phi Upsilon, Purdue U., Susan Watts, 1001 David Ross Rd., West Lafavette, IN 47906, 317/463-9566
Theta, DePauw U., Mindy Montgomery, 225 S. Bloomington St., Greencastle, IN 46135, 317/658-5035
Theta Psi. U. of Toledo. Marv Croak, 2909 W. Central Ave., Toledo, O H 43606, 419/531- 7821
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Ann Arbor, Lisa Aupperle, Omicron Pi. 24766
Roosevelt Ct., Apt. 381. Farmington Hills, MI 48331, 313/474-6854. RD Roloff
Bloomington, IN, Ellen Klingmen Pettay, Phi Omicron, 518 Colony Ct., Bloomington,IN 47408, 812/334-0870 (H) 855-5408 (0) RD Smith
Cincinnati, Nancy Fasold Barbian (James), Phi Omicron, 9749 Timber Oak Trail, Cincinnati, O H 45241, 513/777-3026 (H) 513/489-0405 (0). RD Vance
Cleveland Area, Christine Latsko Sementelli. Sigma Rho, 11440 LaBrador Ln., Concord, OH 44077, 216/357-5751 (H) 255-4444 Ext. 518 (O). RD Burns.
Columbus, O H , Char Brown Potter (Warren), Beta Lambda, 1468 Briarmeadow
REGION IV (Cont'd) Chapter adviser
Jean Lave Hawlev, Theta, 1427 Henderson Dr., Kalamazoo, MI 49007, 616/345-5967
Suzanne Conser Carpenter, Zeta, 1342 Fisk, S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506, 616/245-1835
Dina Brown Herrmann (James) 1015 Iliff Ave., Harrison, O H 45030. 513/367-5784 (H) 367-1500 (0)
Karen Lazzaro Weaver, Phi Upsilon, 405 6th St., Marietta, O H 45750, 614/374-5213 (H), 614/ 373-8841 (0)
Nancv Jach Aupperle (Eric) Omicron Pi, 3606 Chatham Way, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 313/665-8043
Marlesa Ronev, Phi Upsilon. 1105 W. 750 North. West Lafavette, IN 47906, 317/497- 2540 (H) 317/494^6161 (0)
Audrey Thomas Pelham (Howard), Theta, 4740 E. 71st St., Indianapolis, IN 46220, 317/849-1853
Beverly Hatcher Kirbv, Theta Psi, 2218 Ports- mouth, Toledo, O H 43613 419/475-2425 (H) 419/882-6261 (0)
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Detroit North Suburban, Sandy Kubitz
Tomlinson (Eugene), Kappa Rho, 32820 Basset Woods Ct.. Birmingham, MI 48010, 313/645-5994. RD Nowak
Evansville Tri—State, Janet Walsh Baize (James), Chi Lambda, 1200 Eskew Rd.. Boonville, IN 47601, 812/897-1023 (H) 812/423-3265 (0). RD Ziga
Fort Wayne, Carolyn Cox, Beta Phi, 8406 Rail Fence Rd„ Fort Wayne, IN 46835, 219/484- 6834. RD Roloff
Grand Rapids, Kathleen Kauffman Snyder (David) Kappa Kappa, 2265 Onekama SE. Grand Rapids, MI 49506, 616/455-7039. RD Nowak
Indianapolis, Diane Ressinger Bondus (Thorn) Phi Upsilon. 12529 Windsor Dr., Carmel, IN 46032, 317/844-7696. RD Watson
Kalamazoo, Marilyn Gruhl Brownell, Kappa Rho, 10173 Woodl'awn. Kalamazoo. MI 49002 616/327-2061. RD Ziga
Kokomo, Marv Connell Bennett (Craig) Beta Phi 301 Laramie Ln., Kokomo, IN 46901 317/457-8458 (H) 317/454-5104 (0). RD W atson
Corporation President & Name of R D
Cheryl Whitman TenBrink (Burton), Kappa Rho,'704 Lynn Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49008, 616/382—5012. RD Ziga
Lambda Eta - no president listed. RD Nowak
Omega - no president listed. RD Vance
Marv Kav Eastman, Tau, 6379 Gura Rd., Athens, O H 45701, 614/593-3945. RD Vance
Lisa Aupperle, Omicron Pi, 24766 Roosevelt Ct. Apt. 381, Farmington Hills, MI 48335, 313/474-6854. RD Burns
Marilyn Stouse Redmon (Thomas) Kappa Kappa, 1709 Carlsbad, Lafavette, I N 47905, 317/447-298 4 . RD Smith
Janet Casey-Allen, Theta, P.O. Box 20337, Indianapolis, IN 46220, 317/235-1148 (H) 353-7491 (0) . RD Roloff
Ruth Ann Petroff. Theta Psi, 5952 Greenacre, Toledo, OH 43615, 419/841- 5474 . RD Burns
Alumnae Chapter,Presiaent & Name of RD Lafayette, Sharon Watson Hammel (James).
Kappa Kappa, 1614 Stanforth Ave., Lafavette, IN 47905, 317/474-8735. RD Smith
Macomb County, Patricia Kowalchuk Wilson (William), Omicron Pi, 20661 Wedgewood, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236, 313/882- 0578 . RD Nowak
Muncie, Pat Gleasner Goetz (Richard), Iota, 105 E. Hickorv Grove, Hartford City, IN 47348, 317/348-4891. RD Watson
Terre Haute, Valerie Walker, Kappa Alpha, 3409 Ohio Blvd. Terre Haute, IN 47803, 812/234 -6948 . RD Watson
Toledo, Carta Jean Adoline, Theta Psi, 4435 Jackman Rd., Apt. #61, Toledo, O H 43612,
419/478-1066. RD Burns
Youngstown, Stephanie Bozin, Phi Lambda, 3568 Breeze Knoll Dr., Youngstown, OH 44505 216/759 -2874 . RD Burns
Dr., W onhington, RD Vance
43235, 614/888-0695.
Dayton, Susan Arnold Targove (Jim), Kappa Delta. 828 Hvde Park Dr., Davton, O H 45440, 513/436-2561. RD Vance
Dearborn, Roberta Ruth Peterson (Carl), Kappa Rho, 45788 Drexel Rd., Canton, MI 48187, 313/455-5963. RD Nowak
Vice President: Elaine James Kennedy (Philip) Alpha Chi, 12900 Settlers Point Tr., Goshen, KY
Public Relations Officer: Mary Matarrazo Bryant (William) Delta Omega, 2113 Maryland Ave., Louisville, KY40205, 502/458-1202. Finance Officer: Kristi Farmer, Kappa Omega, 821 Euclid Ave., Lexington,KY40502, 606/266-6241 (0), 606/273-8594 (H).
Rush Officer:Malene Demaree, Pi Alpha, 8100 Burlington Pike, #340, Florence, KY41042, 606/581-6518 (H) 283-8140 (0). Directors:
Melissa Ann Brandon. Omicron, 2840 Summit Arbors Cr. #205, Memphis, TN 38128, 901/382-7813.
Casey Elizabeth Davis,Tau Delta,412 Hickory Lake Dr.,Nashville,TN 37209, 615/352—9523(H) 615/367-8497 (0).
Carolyn Smith Diener (Thomas) Beta Lambda, 1824 Knollwood Rd., Louisville, KY40207, 502/893-8436.
Lucie McCreary (Stephen) Pi Alpha, 13305 Blackburn Station, Goshen, KY40026, 502/228-9644 (H) 774-7664 (0)
Mariellen Perkinson, Alpha Delta. 709 Brentwood PI., Nashville, TN 37211, 615/333-5988 (H) 615/255-6694 (0)
MarvJane Bell Sharp (Bovd), Omicron,245 Peters Rd., Knoxville, TN 37923, 615/693-3579.
Barbara Kirkeiner Winzurk (William) Beta Phi, 6515 Westminister Rd., Knoxville. TN 37919, 615/584-9040.
24 To Dragma
40026, 502/228-0200, FAX-502/228-2757 585-5150
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College, Jenny
Wagner, Thomas More College, Marian Hall, Room 9, Crestview, KY41017, 606/344-3433
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U., Kim Burns, 1566 Normal Dr., Bowling Green, KY42101, 502/842-6235
Delta Omega, Murray State (J., Ginger Smith, 603 North 16th St., Murrav, KY 42071, 502/759-1657
Epsilon Omega. Eastern Kentucky U., Melissa Blair, Eastern Kentucky U., Box 128, Richmond, KY40475 606/622-5582
Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky, Rachel Willis, 368 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40508, 606/258- 2273
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College, Valerie Weeks, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112,901/458-5669
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U., Avery Wilson, 2415 Kensington PL, Nashville, T N 37212, 615/329-3760
Omega Omicron. Lambuth College, Leanne Johnson, Box 277, Lambuth College, Jackson, TN 38301, 901/423—8993
Omicron, U. of Tennessee, Jennifer Meadows, 1531 W. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, T N 37916, 615/525-3752
Pi Alpha, V. of Louisville, Melanie Vaughan, U. of Louisville, AOII, Student Center, Room 12, Louisville, KY40292, 502/635-3773
Pi Omicron, Austin Peav State U., Tracv Cotton, APSU P.O. Box 8324, UarksviUe, T N 37044, 615/648-7216
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U„ Shcrri Holm, Middle Tennessee State U.,Box 613, Murfreesboro,TN 37132 615/898-3503
Tau Omega, Transylvania U., Leah Payne, Transylvania U., Forrer Hall, 300 N. Broad- way, Lexington, KY40508, 606/233-8357
Tau Omicron,U.ofTennessee-Martin, Mary Lisa Phillips, U. of Tennessee-Martin, Box 126, Martin, TN 38238 901/587-6817
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Bowling Green. Shanan Travis Mills (Edgar)
Delta Omega, 1908 Nashville Rd., Bowling Green, KY42101 502/782-9903. RD Brandon
Chattanooga, Elizabeth Pettit Smith, Omicron, 6574 E. Brainerd Rd., #208, Chattanooga, T N 37421, 615/894-2098. RD Winzurk
Dyersburg Colony, Amy Yarbro Heckethorn (Patrick) Omicron, 519 Parkview West, Dyersburg, TN 38024, 901/285-7410. RD Brandon.
Hopkinsville, Sandy Bruce Power (Jeff) Alpha Chi, P.O. Box 332. Elkton, KY 42220, 502/265-9047. RD McCreary
Jackson, Pamela Belch Casey (Craig) Omega Omicron, 30 Southview Dr., Pinson, T N 38366, 901/988-5668 . RD Davis
REGION V (Cont'd) Chapter Adviser
Elizabeth Arlinghaus, Alpha Beta Tau, 1 Oxford Dr., Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017, 606/331- 6518
Karen Fiddelke Towell (David) Alpha Chi, 1551 Chestnut St., Bowling Green, KY42101, 502/843-1231
Carmen Arnold Garland (Rick), Delta Omega, Rt. 7, Box 886, Murray, KY 42071, 502/753-0810 (H) 502/762-2896'(0)
Mary Anne Evans Dewey (Donald) Beta Phi. 316 S. Third St., Richmond, KY 40475, 606/623-8277 (H) 606/622-1796 (0)
Kristi Farmer, Kappa Omega, 821 Euclid Ave., Lexington, KY 40502, 606/266-5295 (H) 606/266-6241 (0)
Jenny Jenson, Kappa Omicron, 1883 Rainbow Dr., North, Memphis, TN 38107, 901/276- 9000 (H) 682-4032 (0)
Dorothy Whelen Leek (Thomas) Omicron, 6338 Johnsons Chapel Rd., Brentwood, TN 37027 615/373-5701
Mary Nelle Coles Hardee (David) Tau Omicron, 10 Fairfield PI., Jackson, T N 38305, 901/668-4626
Suzanne McMillan Ott (Richard) Omicron, 5412 Yosemite Tr., Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/588-8111
Nancv Schoenbachler, Kappa Omega, 1836 Deer Park, Louisville, KY 40205, 502/459- 3962 (H) 582-2622 (0)
Mary Ann Winnecke Stephens (Joseph) Beta Chi, 1262 Hillwood Dr., Clarksville, T N 37040, 615/647-8549
Mary Beth Willoughbv, Kappa Omicron, 1509 Hillsboro Rd„ Franklin, TN 37064, 615/794- 1131
Pamela Edwards, Alpha Chi, 173 Broadway, Versailles, KY 40383, 606/873-7083 (H) 606/233-2742 (0)
SandraTurnerBelote,TauOmicron,109Van Cleeve, Martin, TN 38237, 901/587-9054 (H) 901/587-7080 (0)
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Kentuckiana, Melissa Watson Taylor (Larry),
Chi Lambda, 1104 Teal Ridge Ct., New Albany, IN 47150, 812/945-6482. RD Diener
Kjioxville, Jan Black Deaderick (Richard) Omicron, 7211 Sherwood Dr., Knoxille, T N 37919. 615/588-0316. RD Winzurk
Lexington, Marilyn Kamb Sagan (Edgar), Sigma Chi, 1129 Spendthrift Ct., #C, Lex- ington, KY40517 606/272-2271. RD Sharp
Martin, Judy Broadstreet Barker (Wayne) Tau Omicron, Rt. 1, Box 248, Union City, TN 38261 901/885-8032. RD Davis
Corporation President & Name of R D
Angela C. Schielman, Kappa Omega, 616 St. Joseph Lane #2, Park Hills, KY 41011,
606/581-5521. RD McCreary
Rachel Smith Allen (Neil) Alpha Chi, 459 Brentmoor Dr., Bowling Green, KY 42101, 502/843-8570. RD Brandon
Carmen Arnold Garland (Rick) Delta Omega, Rt. 7, Box 886, Murray, KY 42071, 502/753-0810 (H) 762-2896 (0). RD Diener
Nancv Nichols Thames (W.R.) Delta Delta, 142 Allen Douglas Dr., Richmond, KY 40475, 606/623-9545. RD Winzurk
Tamela Thompson Lewis (Jim) Omega Chi, 2025 Memphis Ct., Lexington, KY 40504, 606/293-6553. RD Sharp
Priscilla Strickland Rush ton, Kappa Omircon, 95 Hollyoke Ln., Memphis, TN 38117, 901/683-5759. RD Brandon
Patricia Morgan Carswell, Nu Omicron, 1511 Woodmont Blvd., Nashville, TN 37215, 615/269-6416. RD Sharp
Janna Kav Warren, Omega Omicron, 52
Fall 1990
Hundley Dr., Jackson, T N 38301, 1324 (H) 423—2200(0). RD Davis
Virginia Johnson Tyler (William) Omicron, 525 Arrowhead Tr., Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/522-5496. RD Winzurk
Linda Steder, Alpha Chi, 1005 Stivers Rd., Louisville, KY 40207, 502/893-0703. RD Diener
Philissa Norfleet, Pi Omicron, 368 Mountain High Dr., Antioch, T N 37013, 615/731-8607 (H) 343-9125 (0). RD Perkinson
Frances Woodfin Follis (Don) Omicron, 1907 Riverview Dr., Murfreesboro, TN 37129, 615/893-3260. RD Perkinson
Carol Martin, .Alpha Chi, 336 Queenswav Dr., Lexington, KY 40502, 606/266-2678. RD McCreary
Judy Broadstreet Barker (Wayne) Tau Omi- cron, Rt. 1. Box 248, Beech Church Rd., Union City, T N 38261, 901/885-8032. RD Davis
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Memphis, Cathy Meredith Parker (Michael),
Tau Omicron, 4349 Sequoia, Memphis, TN 38117, 901/763-2758. RD Brandon
Murfreesboro, Ginger Miller Baxter, (Troy), Rho Omicron, 203 Arnette St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130-4602, 615/890-9324 (H) 890-4505 (0). RD Perkinson
Nashville, Suzanne Shelley Kelso, Omicron, 3600 Hillsboro Pike, Apt. #A-13, Nashville, TN 37215, 615/385-9312 (H) 615/373-5565 (0). RD Sharp
Williamson County Colony. Deborah Harper Stillwell (Thomas) Nu Omicron, 1760 Old Hillsboro Rd., Franklin, TN 37064, 615/790- 6801. RD Sharp
Vice President: Robin Mansfield Wright (Joe) Gamma Delta, 1489 Boca Chica Rd., Kev West, FL 33040, 305/296-0802 (H) 294-7288 (0).
Public Relations Officer: Dolores White Rhodes (Douglas) Alpha Delta, 14979 Hwy. 69 North, Northport, A L 35476, 205/339-7721 (H) 205/348- 5522 (0)
FinanceOfficer:JulieBrining,GammaDelta,5851Overlook,Mobile,AL36618,205/344-0649 (H)205/432-9741(0).
Rush Officer: Margaret Renneker Pyburn (Scott), Tau Delta, 1419 Melrose PI., Birmingham, AL 35209, 205/870-3543 (H) 205/581-7445 (0), Directors:
Laura Brush Burcham (Ronald),Alpha Kappa, 8641 9th Ct., South, Birmingham, AL 35206, 205/833-6548 (H) 205/592-1850 (0).
Judi Foster Gulledge (Jim), Gamma Delta 102 Sintabouge Cr., Daphne, AL36526, 205/626-5355 (H) 205/438-4000 (0).
jana Phillips Howell (Barry), Nu Beta, 410 Lymon Cove, Southaven, MS 38671, 601/349-1367.
CaroleJurenkoJones (George), 123 Southwood Dr.,Madison,AL35758, 205/721-9656 (H) 205/532-4526 (0).
Katherine Marie Kasch, Gamma Delta, 537 Towne Square Way #1427, Orlando, FL 32818, 407/824-4906.
Toni Flowers Morgan (David), Alpha Chi,2228 Southpark Blvd., Huntsville, AL35803, 205/880-1544 (H),205/895-6445 (0).
Collegiate Chapter Name - President AlphaDelta,U.ofAlabama,AmyJones,P.O.
Box 1948, Tuscaloosa, A L 35486, 205/348- 8805, 8807, 8808
Delta Delta, Auburn U.,Lori V. Doyle, Dorm C, AOII Box, Auburn University, Auburn, A L 36849. 205/844-7129
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U., Teri Stewart, Jacksonville State U., Box 3012,
Jacksonville, A L 36265
Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama, Jan Massev, U. of South Alabama, Gamma Delta Chapter of AOII, P.O. Box U1178, Mobile, AL 36688, 205/342-0366
Gamma Omircon, U. of Florida, Lanie Anagnos, 819 W. Panhellenic Dr., Gainesville, FL 32601. 904/373-4550
Gamma Theta, U.-of South Florida, Sue Sapolsky, U. of South Florida, CTR 2377 - University Center, Tampa, FL 33620, 813/972-8845
Gamma Upsilon, St. Leo College, Julie Mulder, St. Leo College, P.O. Box 2346, St. Leo, FL 33574
Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College, Marlaina Shirghio, Florida Southern College, Box 15218, Lakeland, FL 33802, 813/680- 4424
Nu Beta, U. of Mississippi, Lynn Barrett, U. of Mississippi, P.O. Box 7987, University MS 38677, 601/234-2718
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College, Susan Brubaker, Huntingdon College, 1500 E. Fairview Ave., Box 370, Montgomerv,AL 36194-6201, 205/265-4314
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College, Melanie Berry, Birmingham Southern College, Box A-56, Birmingham, A L 35254 205/322-6417
Zeta Pi, U . of Alabama-Birmingham, Jamie Ray, Box 62 - University Center, Birmingham, AL 35294, 205/934-8399
Alumnae Chapter, President 8c Name of R D Auburn/Opelika Colony, Martha Dupuy
Duncan (J.W.) Alpha Tau, 162 Cotton Ave., Opelika, AL 36801, 205/749-7960. RD Gulledge
Birmingham, Pamela Hurley Holtkamp (Mark), Iota, 1456 Bleinheim PL, Birmingham, AL 35213, 205/592-7846 (H) 205/871-5050 (0). RD Gulledge
Boca Raton, Lisa Zaccagnini. Gamma Upsilon, 6869 Biento Way, Boca Raton, FL 33433, 407/487-5484. RD Howell
Chapter adviser
Pamela Cooney Brock (John), Alpha Delta, P.O. Box 1035, Northport, AL 35496 205/339-4868
Patsy Faulk Vincent (Don), Delta Delta, 3321 King Ave., Opelika, A L 36801 205/749-2277
Kay Gomillion Jones (Greg), Sigma Delta, Two Sunset Pass, Anniston, A L 36201 205/238-1975
Angela Phillips Ralph (George), Alpha Kappa, 154 Pinehill Dr., Mobile, A L 36606 205/473-8240 (H) 205/479r 5555 (0)
Jacqulyn Bennett Hipsley (Dennis) Gamma Omicron, 3426 NW 42nd Terrace, Gaines- ville, FL 32606 904/377-2469 (H) 377-3355 (0)
Janette Breckenridge Tessmer (Robert) Gamma Theta, 314 W. Main St., Inverness, FL 32650, 904/726-0157 (H) 904/726-9533 (0)
Elaine Ockajik McCranev (Robert) Theta Psi, 6952 124th Terrace N., Largo, FL 34643, 813/536-9977
Jelane Douglas, Kappa Gamma, 909 N. Burton St., Plant City, FL 33566, 813/452- 9364
Deborah Brumitt, Nu Beta, 220 Chandler, Oxford, MS 38655, 601/234-0898 (H) 601/234-7570 (0)
Mary Margaret Fife Kyser (George) Tau Delta, 3210 Cloverdale Rd.. Montgomery, AL 36106, 205/265-1837
Mindv Van Matre McDonald (Burton), Tau Delta', 222 Westcliffe Cr., Birmingham, A L 35226, 205/822-6124
Lori St.Clair, Zeta Pi, 3121 Hillside Ave., S. #1, Birmingham, A L 35205 205/251-1555
Alumnae Chapter, President 8c Name of R D Greater Pensacola, Gene Akin Martin, Tau
Delta, 730 Connell, Pensacola, FL 32503, 904/433-1611. RD Howell
Greater Pinellas, Elizabeth Stephens Hawkes (William) Lambda Sigma, 713 - 66 St. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710, 813/345-6294. RD Howell
Huntsville, Lori Thompson Dendv (Michael), Delta Delta, 602 Vance Rd. S.W., Huntsville, AL 35801 205/808-2751 (H) 205/539-7797 (0). RD Howell
Corporation President 8c Name of R D
Lois Lafollette Lewis (Rufus) Nu Beta, 5517
Woodberry Ln., Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, 205/556-2207. RD Jones
Dottie Thomas Morgan (H.C.) Delta Delta, 2150 Robin Dr., Auburn, A L 36830, 205/887- 9870. RD Gulledge
No corporation president for colony. RD Burcham
Susan Figuerao DuBose, Gamma Delta, 2409 Summerchase Dr., Birmingham, A L 35244, 205/987-4889 (H) 933-3734 (0). RD Burcham
Judith Bennett Maltby (Joe) Gamma Omi- cron, 2000 Country Club Terrace, Palateka, FL 32177, 904/328-1903. RD Morgan
Carol Jean Holman, Gamma Omicron, 4831 Puritan Cr., Temple Terrace, FL 33617, 813/988-7735 (H) 978-5457 (0). RD Kasch
Gav Knight Gentrv, Gamma Upsilon, 3072 Keene Park Dr., Largo, FL 34641, 813/531- 7540. RD Kasch
Ann Colvin Marshall (David) Delta Pi, 2118 Lake Bentley Ct., Lakeland, FL 33803-3517, 813/646-1167. RD Howell
Vickie Wills Shaw (Robert) N u Beta, 5417 N . Angela, Memphis, T N 38119, 901/683-9940. RD Morgan
Jacqueline Johnson Jackson (David) Alpha Delta, 1262 Westmoreland Ave., Mont- gomery, A L 36106, 205/264-2689. RD Jones
Lvnn Spires, Tau Delta, 306 Glenwood E. Dr., Birmingham, A L 35209, 205/870-1226. RD Gulledge
Lori St. Clair, Zeta Pi, 3121 Hillside Ave., S. #1, Birmingham, A L 35205, 205/251-1555. RD Jones
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
Montgomery, Nancy Howell Foley, Gamma Delta, 7128 Bentley Ct., Montgomery,AL 36117, 205/279-8778. RD Jones
Orlando Area, Molly Hill Folken (Herbert), Omega, 1215 WinterberryLn., Fern Park, FL 32730, 407/767-0517. RD Morgan
Palm Beach County, Maria Rodriguez Davis (Timothy), Gamma Omicron, 728 Osprey Way, North Palm Beach, FL 33408, 407/622- 1953. RD Howell.
To Dragma
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
Decatur Area, Anna Perry Davis (Steve), Alpha Kappa, P.O. Box 641, Decatur, A L 35601, 205/355—1328. RD Morgan
Fort Lauderdale Area, Svlvia Moon Stafford (Leonard) Delta Delta, 1916 S.E. 21st Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316, 305/523-4136. RD Howell
Greater Jackson Area, Mary Herbert Williams, Nu Beta, 6811 Old Canton Rd. #3101, Ridgeland, MS 39157, 601/956-8448 (H) 601/961-8612 (0). RD Howell
REGION VI (Cont'd)
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
Jacksonville, FL, Laura M. Freville, Omicron Pi, 847 Century 21 Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32216, 904/727-3916. RD Howell
Lakeland Area, Pam Bemko Ostoff, Kappa Gamma, 5327 Lisa Ave., Lakeland, FL 33803, 813/646-1167. RD Howell
Mid-Delta Colony, Margaret Kazan, Nu Beta, 1261 Wortham, Greenville, MS 38701, 601/349-1367 (H) 378-2617 (0). RD Howell
Mobile, Angelia Phillips Ralph (Wade), Alpha Kappa, 154 Pinehill Dr., Mobile, A L 36605, 205/473-8240 (H) 205/479-5555 (0). RD Burcham
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
Shoals Area, Betsy Brooks Braund, Nu Omicron, 101 Highland PI., Sheffield, AL 35660, 205/381-4003. RD Morgan
Tampa Bay Area, Valerie Green Worton, (Bill) Kappa Gamma, 2510 Laurelwood Ln.,
Valrico, FL 33594, 813/684-0835. RD Kasch
Tuscaloosa, Tanya Hataway, Alpha Delta, 20 Smith Acres, Northport, A L 35476. 205/339- 3040. RD Howell
Vice President:Judy Gambrel Flessner (Todd), Iota, 1604 E. Frederick St„ Arlington Heights, IL 60004, 708/253-6459.
Public Relations Officer: Lynne Radtke Ferger (Dennis), Phi Delta, 8121 W. Portland Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213, 414/778-2028. Finance Officer: Mary Turner Diaz (A.M.) Pi Kappa, 1428 Larston St., Sycamore, IL 60178, 815/895-6667.
Rush Officer: Sue Bothe Placke (Bob) Phi Sigma, 4730 Ave. "G", Kearney, NE 68847, 308/237-2917.
Trish Hiller Akin (Richard) Phi, 201 S. East Ave., Oak Park, I L 60302, 708/848-6676.
Kim Jenkins Carter (Michael), Zeta, 5206 Webster, Omaha, NE 68132, 402/558-5585.
Jane Van Roo Crawley (Stephen), Sigma Lambda, 9 Shadywood Ln., Highland,IL62249, 618/654-5139. Bernae Peterson Gunderson (Scott), Tau, 309 Pelham Blvd., St. Paul, M N 55104, 612/644-6248.
Pamela Warner Hill (Doug), Iota Alpha, 4127 W. 22nd St., Greeley, CO 80634, 303/330-1418.
Shirley Pinneke Knipfel (John), Iota Sigma, 810 Sherman Ave., Ackley, IA 50601, 515/847-2143. Elizabeth Hafher Pietsch (Steve) Beta Phi, 1220 Millet St., Naperville, IL 60563, 708/961-7690 (0).
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Alpha Theta, Coe College, Stacey Nay, Coe
College, Box 554, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, 319/399-8488
Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U., Carolyn Synder, 1314 North Fell Ave.,Bloomington, IL 61701,309/829-1890
Iota, U. of Illinois, Annette Lesieutre, 706 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801, 217/344-0136
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U., Kenda Hultman, 2007 Greeley, Ames, IA 50010, 515/292-3993
Nu Iota Colony, Northern Illinois U., no president listed.
PhiChi,U.ofChicago,IreneKim,5700Stonv Island Ave., #2E, Chicago, I L 60637, 312/324- 3231
Phi Delta, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Melissa Pehl, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Phi Delta Chapter of AOII, Union Box #6, 2300 Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53201 414/962-2963
Phi Signa, Kearney State College, Debi Meyers, Kearney State College, AOII House, 112 Conrad Hall, Kearney, NE 68849 308/234-8628
Tau, U. of Minnesota, Janel Jeras, 1121 5th St., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, 612/623-9140
Theta Chi, Morningside College, Robin Wells, Morningside College, P.O. Box 538, Sioux City, IA 51106, 712/274-5603
Upsilon Epsilon, Parks College, Jennv Stark, 535 Plantmore Dr., Ferguson, M O 63135, 314/522- 8393
Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln, Jonell Warren, 1541 "5" St., Lincoln, NE 68508, 402/472-0502
Chapter Adviser
Charlene Tessmer Wise (Steven) Alpha Theta, 2342 C Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, 319/363-4488
Myrna Dornbush Hass (Russell). Beta Lambda, 12 Ivey Ct., Bloomington.IL 61701 309/827- 8270
JoAnne Yonke Zunich (Andreja) Iota, 2606 Cherry Hills Dr., Champaign, IL 61821, 217/ 352-3299
Carol Wee Millar, Iota Sigma, 413 SE Third St., Ankeny, IA 50021, 515/964-4541
Adviser for Nu Iota colony not listed.
Kellv L. Burke, Iota Sigma, 626-1/2 W.Arlington PI. #47, Chicago, IL 60614, 312/661-6811
Susan Hlavka Cornwell (David) Phi Delta, 2090 Lejardin Ct., Brookfield, WI 53005, 414/784- 5699
Lori Moore, Phi Sigma, 1925 West 37th, Kearney, NE 68847, 308/234-1935
Mary Klein Luse (John), Tau, 6571 Kirkwood Cr„ Excelsior, MN 55331, 612/474-0357 (H) 612/474-0693 (0)
Mary K. Schloesser, Theta Chi, 1416 South Newton, Sioux City, IA 51106, 712/274-7160
Mary Munn Miller, Chi Lambda, 5826 Lindwood, Apt. 1-E, St. Louis, MO 63109, 314/752-0751
Candy Pierson-Charlton (David) Alpha Rho, 3840 Washington, Lincoln, NE 69506, 402/488-1897
Corporation President & Name of R D
Amy Engelbert, Alpha Theta, 59 Olive Ct. Upper, Iowa Citv, IA 52246, 319/338-8683 (H) 335-9764 (0). RD Knipfel
Lisa Pratt Cornwell (Kent) Beta Lambda, R.R 1, Box 69, Mackinaw,IL61755, 309/392-2692. RD Hill
Judy Irle Thompson (Michael) Iota, 4011 Lake Point Rd., Champaign, IL 61820, 217/352-5300. RD Crawley
Eileen Aksamit Muff (Don) Zeta, 1312 Scott Cr., Ames, IA 50010, 515/292-2725. RD Knipfel
Lois Bender Merwin (Donald) Nu Iota. 1602 Mayflower Dr., DeKalb, IL 60115, 815/756-6569 (H) 756-3661 (0). RD Pietsch
JoAnn Macander, Sigma Iota, 15807 W oodbridge Ave., Harvey, IL 60426, 312/333-4369. RD Akin
Rosemary Patricia Benson (Robert) Beta Phi, 435 Bunker Hill Dr., Brookfield, WI 53005. 414/782-1711. RD Gunderson
Janet Lind Fox (Jerald) Zeta, 501 W. 24th St.. Kearney, NE 68847, 308/234-3671. RD Carter
Betty-Ann March Kleinschmidt, Tau, 919 Rae Ct., Mindota Heights, MN 55118-3655, 612/681- 0064. RD Gunderson
No corporation president listed for Theta Chi. RD Knipfel
No corporation president listed for Upsilon Epsilon. RD Crawley
Judy Zandina Hansen, Zeta, 4000 S. 56th Unit 262-C, Lincoln, NE 68506, 402/489-8509 (H) 477-4102 (0).RD Carter
Fall 1990
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of RD
Ames, Eileen Aksamit Muff (Donald) Zeta, 1312 Scott Cr., Ames, IA 50010, 515/292- 2725. RD Knipfel
Bloomington-Normal, Carol Doherty Elliott (Roger) Beta Lambda 212 Doud Dr., Normal, IL 61761, 309/454-7524. RD Hill
Cedar Rapids Area. Sheri Lakin Hlavacek, Alpha Theta, 5920 Crestridge Ave., SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319/396-8821. RD Knipfel
Champaign-Urbana, Carol Siverly Devine, Iota, 510 S. Elm #4, Champaign, IL 61820, 217/398-0026. RD Crawley
Chicago Area Council, Jo Ann Macander, Sigma lota, 15807 Woodbridge Ave., Harvev, IL 60426, 708/333-4369. RD Akin
Chicago Beverly Hills. Kay Olson Shannon (Roger), Nu Iota, 4524 W. 101st PI., Oak Lawn, I L 60453, 708/422-4828. RD Akin
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of RD
Chicago North Shore, Katherine Bacon Best (Robert) Rho, 9402 Monticello, Evanston, IL 60203 708/675-2378. RD Akin
Chicago Northwest Suburban, Martha Hennemuth Schroeder (Brian), Sigma Rho, 2404 Robin Ln., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008, 708/577-2616. RD Akin
Chicago West Suburban, Debra Cecil Jacobs (Steven) Sigma Iota, 1814 Childs St., Wheaton, IL 60187, 708/665-2242 (H) 653-
7000 (O). RD Akin.
Dekalb-Kane Colony, Mary Turner Diaz (Angel) Pi Kappa, 1428 Larson, Sycamore, IL 60178, 815/895-6667. RD Pietsch
Des Moines, Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen (Kevin) Iota Sigma, 7102 Horton, Des Moines, IA 50322, 515/276-5975. RD Knipfel
Kearney, Mary Alice Konz (Michael), Chi Delta, 4207 Prairie Hills Rd., Kearney, NE 68847, 308/234-1147. RD Carter
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of RD
Lake County of Illinois. Linda Schwartz McElhany (John), Nu Iota, 1336 Cavell, Highland Park, I L 60035, 708/831-0295. RD Akin
Lincoln, Helen Bergin Kampfe (Steve), Zeta, 3435 Hanson Dr., Lincoln, NE 68502, 402/423-3148. RD Carter
Madison, Lorraine Frederickson, Iota Tau, 4520Jenewein, Madison, WI 53711, 608/271- 7708. RD Gunderson
Milwaukee, Vicki McSorley Krystowiak (David) Phi Delta, 17425 Roval Crest Dr., Brookfield, WI 53005, 414//81-3541. RD Gunderson
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Stephany Good Siitari, Tau, 1795 Medina Rd., Long Lake, MN 55356, 612/473-2563 (H) 612/924-2610 (0). RD Gunderson
Omaha, Sue Vecchio Parrish (Michael) Phi Sigma, 925 Fawn Pkwy, Omaha, NE 68154 402/330-3435. RD Carter
Rockford, Debra Brown Lindley (John) Sigma Lambda, 1114 Pine Valley Dr., Rockford, 11.61107 815/229-0718. RD Akin
Vice President: Nancy Shaw Shaheen (Glenn),.Alpha Omicron,2101 Tree House Ln.,Piano, TX 75023, 214/867-0819 (H) 214/323-5948 (0). Public Relations Officer: Carol Miller Stevenson (John), Omega, 2524 Belmont, Piano, TX 75023, 214/596-3266.
Finance Officer: Nadine Spring Nickeson (Robert). Pi Kappa, 224 N.W. 18th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73103, 405/521-9279.
Rush Officer: Patricia Ann Compton, Phi, 7710 W. 100 St., Overland Park, KS 66212, 913/648-1331 (H) 913/491-3111 (0).
Grace C. Cascio, Lambda Tau, 1001 McKeen #807, Monroe,LA71201,318/388-0439 (H),318/342-1918 (0).
Pam Hathcock deZevallos (Ed) 2500 Tanglewild, Suite 220, Houston, TX 77063, 713/467-8560 (H) 651-3832 (0) or 800/222-0651, #3832 (0). Elaine Defrances Ellis (Randy) Alpha Omicron,4713 Beech Harbor, Baton Rouge, LA70817, 504/291-5517 (H) 292-2590 (0).
Lynn Koenig Martin (Michael) Sigma Iota, 17 Stephen F. Austin Dr., Conroe, T X 77302, 409/273-3559.
Dana L. Moreland, Delta Alpha, 2508 Morning Glorv, Columbia, M O 65201, 313/443-7885.
Gail Province Osborn (Paul) Sigma Omicron, Marty Erickson Taylor (John), Tau, RR 1, Box
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Chi Delta, U. of Colorado, Kris Cavenah, 1015 15th St., Boulder, CO 80302, 303/443- 0546
Delta Alpha, U. of Missouri-Columbia, Leslie Skotmowski, U. of Missouri - Columbia, 506 Jones Hall, Columbia, MO 65201 314/884-
Delta Beta Colony, Southwestern Louisana U .
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U., Paula Fisher, Central Missouri State U., A108 Panhellenic Hall, W arrensburg, M O 64093, 816/747-2454
Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U., Betsv Sue Apple, Texas Woman's U., P.O. Box 22291, Denton, T X 76204, 817/898-4309
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisana U., Jennifer Grice, Southeastern Louisiana U., P.O. Box 948, SLU, Hammond, LA 70402, 504/542-9514
Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisana U., Pamela Crews, Box 4173, Monroe, LA 71211, 318/342-4375, 342-6413
1124 Warner, Jonesboro, AR 72401 501/932-2942. 112, Fayetteville,AR 72703 501/521-2441.
Chapter Adviser
Janie Norris Franklin, Theta Omega, 7958 S. Wabash Ct., Englewood, CO 80112, 303/741- 6360 (H) 340-3050 (0)
Mary Sabo, Delta Alpha, 1403 Ashland Rd., Apt. D, Columbia, M O 65201, 314/442-6505
Charlotte Stemmans Hales, Pi, P.O. Box 156, Carencro, LQ 70520, 318/896-9545 (H) 234- 2382 (0)
Stacy Duncan, Delta Pi, 3610 Jackson Dr., Apt.'#10, Independence, M O 64057 816/795- 1349
Lisa Ann Dutt, Phi Sigma, 2401 Spring Creek Pkwy #905, Piano, T X 75023, 214/618-6021 (H) 214/604-4297 (0)
Dina Ann D'Gerolamo, Kappa Tau, 2545 Kansas Ave., Kenner, LA 70062, 504/466- 0312 (H) 504/468-7264 (0)
Susan Griffin Donald (Randy) Lambda Tau, 808 Adcock, Monroe, LA 71203, 318/388- 2428
Corporation President & Name of RD
Karen Haller Butler (Lynn) Delta Pi, 17414 East Ford Dr., Aurora, CO 80017. 303/752- 0862. RD deZavallos
Geniece Clawson Tyler (David) Delta Phi, P.O. Box 227, Osage Beach, MO 65065, 314/348-2128. RD Taylor
Lorelei Cangelosi DeHart (B.H.) Delta Beta, P.O. Box 53537, Lafayette, LA 70505, 318/233-3756. RD Ellis
Marilyn Harper Kraus (Richard) Delta Pi, 9412 Sycamore Ct., Kansas City, MO 64138, 816/763-7980. RD Taylor
Patricia H. Conover, Phi Upsilon, 10111 Chimney Hill Ln., Dallas, TX 75243, 214/235-0435 (H) 386-9732 (0). RD deZavallos
Gayle Robinson Miller (Joseph) Kappa Tau, 1300 Old Covington Highway,Hammond,LA 70403, 504/345-8211. RD Martin
Pat Turner Petrus (Richard) Lambda Tau, 2700 Bramble Dr., Monroe, LA 71201, 318/333-4755. RD Moreland
To Dragma
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
REGION VIII (Cont'd) Chapter Adviser
Corporation President & Name of R D
Pi, Newcomb College-Tulane, Junann Calmes, 922 Broadway, New Orleans, LA 70118,504/865-6869
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U., Tommie McClendon, Arkansas State U.,P.O. Box 928, State University, AR 72467 501/972-1556
Upsilon Lambda, U . of Texas-San Antonio, Rachel Chavira, 4223 Hall Park, San Antonio, TX 78218,512/492-0258
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Alexandria Colony, Lisa Beebe Grubbs (Hal)
Lambda Tau, 1211 Wilshire Dr., Alexandria, LA 71303 318/448-3154. RPRO Stevenson
Arlington Mid-Cities, Susan Bloxham Waldrop, Lambda Tau, 1904 Everglade, Grapevine, T X 76051, 817/488-8465. RD Osborn
Austin, Stacey Osborn Buffington (Gary) Sigma Omicron 12315 Emerv Oaks, Austin, TX 78758 512/837-9615 (H) 458-1227 (0). RD deZavallos
Baton Rouge, Claire 0. Yeargain, Kappa Tau, 482 Castle Kirk Dr.. Baton Rouge, LA 70808, 504/344-6525. RD Osborn
Beaumont, Melanie Bernard Ladner (Claude) Nu Beta, 3010 Nashville, Neder- land, T X 77627 409/722-6591. RD Taylor
Columbia-Jefferson City, Dian Poole Sprenger (Beau), Tau Delta, 3708 Southland Dr., Columbia,MO 65201,314/449-7384 (H) 314/893-3700 (0). RD Taylor
Dallas, Allison Massey Woram (Brian), Delta Upsilon, 5614 Greenbrier, Dallas, T X 75209, 214/357-7045. RD deZavallos
Denver, Betty Hill Glascock (Jack), Omicron Pi, 8108 Lakeview Dr., Parker, CO 80134, 303/841-4084. RD deZavallos
El Paso Colony, Jo Ann King Hendrix, Delta Sigma, 5429 La Estancia Cr., El Paso, TX 79932 915/584-0719. RPRO Stevenson
Fort Worth, April Westbrook Roberts, Delta Theta, 3801 Carolyn Rd., Ft. Worth, TX 76109, 817/927-5346. RD Osborn
Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre (Henri) Pi, 220 E. William David Pkwy., Metairie, LA 70005, 504/834-6327 (H) 891-3786 (0)
Carolyn Swindle Wyatt (Thad) Sigma Omicron, 3629 Blue Ridge Cr., Jonesboro, AR 72401,501/932-1155
Leigh Perry McCallum, Upsilon Lambda, 517 Ventura Dr., San Antonio, TX 78232, 512/496-5428 (H) 821-6688 (0)
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Greater Kansas City, Cheryl Hand McCabe
(Richard), Phi, 3906 NE 51st Terrace, Kansas City, M O 64119, 816/452-3952. RD Moreland
Greater Lafayette, Katheryn Stuart Lowry (Louis), Delta Beta, 115 Marietta Dr., Youngsville, LA 70592, 318/837-5087. RD Ellis
Hammond, Patricia Thompson Dowie (Thomas) Kappa Tau 33 E. Woodlawn Dr., Destrehan, LA 70047 504/764-1589. RD Martin
Houston, Vivienne McKitrick (David) Pi Kappa, 9247 Theysen Dr., Houston, T X 77080 713/690-2180. RD Osborn
Lake Charles Colony,, no preside4nt listed. RPRO Stevenson
Jonesboro, Donna Harrison Durham (Scott), Sigma Omicron, 1505 Stone, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932—6958. RD Cascio
Little Rock, Renee White Clay, Sigma Omicron, 107 Point West Cr., Litde Rock, AR 72211, 501/224-9168. RD Osborn
Monroe, Kathleen Aberhold Reeves (David), Lambda Tau, 112 Wyndot Cr., West Monroe, IA 71291, 318/396-0342. RD Moreland
New Orleans, Linda Chotin Prillaman (Donald) Alpha Omicron, 240 Mulberry Dr., Metairie, LA 70005, 504/831-7437. RD Martin
North Houston Suburban, Ruth Thomas Sunker (Ronald) Kappa Theta, 4822 Middle Falls Dr., Kingwood, T X 77345, 713/360- 5607. RD Osborn
Louise Ferrand Hemard (Ned) Pi, 871 Jewell
Kendall Born (Michael), Chi Delta, 6014W
Phi, U. of Kansas, Karen Shanteau, 1510
Sigma Nu Place, Lawrence, KS 66044,
913/749-1103 913/451-4709 Moreland
124 Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66209,
Karin LeVeau Soper, Phi, 14827 Homestead, Olathe, KS 66062, 913/780-4534. RD
Vice President: Julie Hansen Scherer (Douglas) Upsilon, 16575 35th Ave. NE, Seattle, W A 98155, 206/362-2289.
Public Relations Officer: Suzan Ganz Crandall (John), Beta Sigma, 3593 S. Coleridge PI., Boise, ID 83706, 208/385-9354. Finance Officer: Sue Daiger Schell (Gary) Alpha Gamma, S.E. 915 Skylark Ct., Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-4923.
Rush Officer: Kathleen Busch, Upsilon, 5700 29th N.E.,Seatde, WA 98105, 206/522-1239.
Ann Brislawn Beardsley (Cordy) Upsilon, 2430 136th PI., SW, Lynnwood, WA 98037, 206/743-2368.
Michelle Barrea Graunke (Steven), Upsilon, 2723 36th SW, Seattle, WA 98126, 206/937-7771 (H) 206/728-7799 (0). Vicki Sherick, Alpha Phi, 1049 Stokes Ave., Idaho Falls, ID 83404, 208/523-7832.
Sharon Henriques Starling (Steven), Alpha Phi, 2900 1st Ave., #P-305, Seatde, W A 98121, 206/728-5692.
Fall 1990 29
St., New Orleans, L A 70124. (H) 587-1335 (0).RD Martin
Judy A. Rogers (Keith) Sigma Iota, 2916 Greenbriar Dr., Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-8419. RD Cascio
Teresa Villareal, Upsilon Lambda, 115 Yorkshire, San Antonio, T X 78210, 512/692- 1272. RD Cascio
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Northwest Arkansas, Elaine Lethinen
Olszewski (Eugene) Theta Omega, Rt. 2, Box 77, Lincoln, AR 72744, 501/824-5759. RD Osborn
Oklahoma City, Julia Cleveland Eisner (Grant) Nu Omicron 7311 Nichols Rd., Oklahoma City, O K 73120 405/840-5436. RD
St. Louis, Ellen Howard Duncan, Delta Alpha, 193 Horseshoe Dr., Kirkwood, M O 63122, 314/822-2750. RD Osborn
San Antonio, Priscilla Villa Allen (George), Lambda Tau, 29804 Windchime Hill, Fair Oaks Ranch, Boerne, T X 78006, 512/755- 9199. RD Cascio
Shreveport, Terri Parker Marshall (Harry) Lambda Tau, 253 Atlantic Ave., Shreveport, LA 71105, 318/868-2014. RD Osborn
Topeka-Lawrence, Karen Basey, Lambda Omega, 1900 W. 31-E15, Lawrence, KS 66046, 913/843-1952. RD Moreland
Tulsa, Judv Kirkland Rogers (Keith), Iota Alpha, 4125 E. 22nd PI., Tulsa, OK 74114, 918/749-4335. RD Taylor
Additional Corporation President, Pi Kappa, Janet Bobbitt Brown, Pi Kappa, 8012 Hill mRise Dr., Austin, T X 78759, 512/345-2313
(H) 478-3191 (0)
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Alpha Gamma, Washington State U., Mindy
Mudgett, NE 820 Campus Ave., Pullman.wA 99163,509/335-8502
Alpha Phi, Montana State U., Andrine Wheeler, 1119 South Fifth Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715, 406/587-0691
Alpha Rho, Oregon State U., Nicole Taylor, 2435 NW Harrison, Corvallis, OR 97330, 503/757-8171
Kappa Lambda, U. of Calgary, Nancv McLeod, Box MH13, Room 251, MacEwan Student Center, 2500 University Dr., N.W ., Calgary,Alberta,Canada T2N1N4
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U., Elizabeth Severn, 964 Pence Union Building, Eastern Washington U., Cheney, WA 99004, 509/359-7481
Upsilon, U. of Washington, Jovelvn Agbalog, 1906 NE 45th, Seattle, WA 98105, 206/526- 7325
Alumnae Chapter, President 8c Name of R D
Alaska Colony, Sally Vegois Janis (Thomas) Beta Gamma, 2400 Foxhall Dr., Anchorage, AK 99504, 907/333-7966. RD Starling
Boise Valley, Janell Kirby, Beta Sigma, 1305 Vermont Ave., Boise, ID 83706, 208/336- 1841. RD Sherick
Bozeman, Kim Anderson Center (Ray) Alpha Phi, 1213 N . Pinecrest Dr., Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/586-1909. RD Graunke
Calgary, no president listed, RD Sherick
REGION JX (Cont'd) Chapter Adviser
Teresa Workman, Chi Alpha, P.O. Box 2159 C.S., Pullman, W A 99165, 509/332-0545
Beverly Landes Townsend (Stuart) Alpha Phi, 8040 Lupine Ln., Bozeman, MT 59715, 406/586-6422
Sandra Nellis Thiessen (Ronald) Alpha Sigma, 4025 NW Elmwood Dr., Corvallis, OR 97330, 503/754-7606
Debrah Helmer (Gregory) 2023 34th St., SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3E 2V9, 403/240- 4031
Mary Margaret Dibert, Alpha Phi, South 16896 Cheney-Spokane Rd., Cheney, W A 99004, 509/235-4293
Linda Diane Pyne, Upsilon, 3841 43rd NE, Seatde, WA 98105, 206/523-5438
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Eugene-Springfield, Ingvar Thompson
(Acting President), 2230 Garfield St., Eugene, OR 97405, 503/683-9429. RD Beardsley
Pocatello, Nancy Ellis Anthony (Dan) Iota Alpha, 1346 Sego, Pocate llo, ID 83201, 208/2 32-8 897 . RD Graunke
Portland, Susan Saunders Dalrymple (Larry), Alpha Rho, 3653 SE Tenino St.', Portland, OR 97202, 503/774-5472. RD Beardsley
Corporation President L Name of R D
Susan Wayenberg Hinz (Michael) Alpha Gamma, NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-1168. RD Sherick
Karen Bollinger Southwick (Pete) Delta Pi, 419 W. Curtiss, Bozeman, MT 59715, 406/587-9421. RD Graunke
Patricia Mills Moody (Sidney) Alpha Sigma, 3329 SW Cascade Dr., Corvallis, OR 97333, 503/753-1162. RD Beardsley
Alison Lawrie Bonney, Kappa Lambda, 1207 Bel-Aire Dr. S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2V 2C1, 403/259-2560. RD Sherick
Michelle Stipe Riggs (Sandv) Alpha Gamma, N. 823 Woodlawn Rd., Spokane, WA 99216, 509/928-6983. RD Starling
Audrey Hoenshell Hopkins (Eugene), Upsilon, 14548 Edgewater Ln., NE, Seattle, WA 98155, 206/363-0151. RD Starling
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D Pullman, Ginnv Boyle, Alpha Gamma, P.O.
Box 3053 C.S., Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332- 5019. RD Sherick
Seattle, Linda Tur Wickswat (Paul) Pi Delta, 17505 SE 47th St., Issaquah, W A 98027, 206/643-9791. RD Starling
Additional Corporation President, Alpha Sigma, Elizabeth Fry, Alpha Sigma, 3065 Powell, Eugene, OR 97405, 503/345-3643
Vice President Barbara Kramer Rinehart (Vince), Lambda Beta, 4052 Mistral Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649, 714/840-0873. Public Relations Officer: Caroline Chapman Craig, Lambda Beta, 13822 Locust #1, Westminster, CA 92683, 714/895-3027. Finance Officer: Judv Lacina West (Alan) Omicron Pi, 24715 Palomares Rd., Castro Vallev, CA 94552, 415/537-0149. RushOfficer:TrishSheltonMoxon (Bruce),NuLambda,878HarpsterDr.,Mt.View,CA94040,415/967-0639.
Judith Lind Alkire (Larrv), Phi, 24071 La Chiquita, Mission Viejo, CA 92691, 714/768-4936 (H) 714/643-0740 (0). Bonnie Somers Berger (Edward) Tau, 13112 Woodmont St., Poway, CA 92064, 619/748-8854.
Heather Baldwin McLean (Chris),Tau Lambda, 843 Hawthorne #12, Monterey, CA 93940, 408/655-3836.
Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi, 1034 9th St. #3, Santa Monica, CA 90403, 213/453-3315.
Pincv Dikeman Polese (James) Theta Pi, 5924 E. Calle del Norte, Phoeniz, AZ 85018, 602/945-2063. Katherine Douglass White, Chi Alpha, 2253 Cambridge, Cardiff, CA 92007, 619/943-7908 (H),587-1121 (0).
Collegiate Chapter Name - President
Chi Alpha. U. of California-Davis, Debbie
Fenner, 203 First St., Davis, CA 95616, 916/756-9889
Chi Psi, Cal-Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo, Kerry Hall, 1716 Osos Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, 805/544—7447
Delta Sigma, San Jose State, Vera Schwirzke, 420 South Fifth Street, San Jose, CA 95112, 408/947-9100
Lambda Beta, California State-Long Beach, Kristie Macken, 3980 East 8th St., Long Beach, CA 90804, 212/433-9117
Lambda Iota, U. of California-San Diego, Leslie Yanik, P.O. Box 12067, La Jolla, CA 92039-0605, 619/455-1949
Chapter Adviser
Janet Jensen Dallas (James) Chi Alpha, 646 Hanisch Dr., Roseville, CA 95678, 916/773- 0463 (H) 916/443-0700 (0)
Sarah Burroughs, Omicron Pi, 2251 Shell Beach Rd. #21, Shell Beach, CA 93449, 805/773-2432 (H) 805/546-2145 (0)
Sharon Riechers Clampitt (Michael), Delta Sigma, 2550 Fairglen Dr., San Jose, CA 95125, 408/978-2904
Geri Nunez-Wile (Barry), Lambda Beta, 2341 Argonne Ave., Long Beach, CA 90815, 213/597-2238
Bobbe Chilcote, Lambda Iota, 4016-B Mahaila, San Diego, CA 92122, 619/535-1569
Corporation President & Name of R D
Karen Norene Mills (Jeffrey) Chi Alpha, 20 Sage River Cr., Sacramento, CA 95831, 916/393-7311. RD Alkire
Marilyn Stennett Hamilton (Hugh William) Delta Sigma, P.O. Box 647, Nipoma, CA 93444, 805/929-1525. RD White
Karen Youngman Ryan (Michael) Delta Sigma, 5978 Thorntree Dr., San Jose, CA 95120, 408/268-2831. RD Alkire
Carla Kramer Jesse (David) Lambda Beta, 10870 El Mar Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708, 714/968-0090. RD White
Lori Lynn Curci, Lambda Iota, 4165-194 Porte De Palmas, San Diego, CA 92122, 619/457-0254. RD McLean
To Dragma
Sigma, U. of California-Berkeley, Julie Petroski, 2311 Prospect St., Berkeley, CA 94704, 415/540-9152, 540-9153, 540-9169
Sigma Phi, California State-Northridge, Jackie Weisheit, 9210 Zelzah Avenue,
Northridge, CA 91325, 818/885-9994
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U., Adah- Nelson, Alpha Omicron Pi, 1109 S. Plaza Wav #255, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 602/523-4311
Upsilon Alpha, U. of Arizona, Robin Giebner, 1731 E. 2nd St., Tucson, AZ 85719, 602/325- 4844
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
RD - all Reg. X Alumnae Chapters - Berger
Bakersfield Colony, Julienne Toures Brandon (David) Lambda Beta, 7316 Palm Tree Cr., Bakersfield, CA 93308, 805/834-5806
Diablo Valley, Sandra Henninger Thompson (Bruce) Kappa Theta, 119 Vanado Corte, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, 415/934-2037
East Bay, Carolvn Carr, Sigma, 2710 Ashbv, #5, Berkeley, CA'94705, 415/548-7757
Glendale, Barbara Dean Kapell (George, Jr.) Kappa Theta, 125 W. Mountain, #305, Glendale, CA 91202 818/249-5034
Hawaii, Stephanie Jill Yanaga, Alpha Theta, 775 Kinalau PI. #602, Honolulu, HI 96813- 2620, 808/538-7878
Long Beach, Christine Evans Vargas (Ismael), Lambda Beta, 420 Delphine PI., Fullerton, CA 92632, 714/870-9310
Los Angeles, Tamara Mari Warren, Nu Lambda, 630 Orange Grove Ave., South Pasadena, CA 91030, 818/799-5045 (H) 213/966-1731 (0)
Marin County, Doris E. Biersach Williams, Iota, 80 Culloden Park Rd„ San Rafael, CA 94901,415/454-5866
Continued om page 14.
Barbara Kramer Rinehart, Lambda Beta (California State-Long Beach), the RVP, has set as her goal, "to build pride, spirit, and knowledge about AOII in Region X." Barbara is the owner of Firstline Mortgage, Inc., and Firstline Services, Inc. She is married and the mother of three daughters. She is a member of the Long Beach Alumnae Chapter.
Caroline Chapman Craig, Lambda Beta (California State-Long Beach), is the RPRO. She plans to create a philanthropic and service project resource file. Another goal is to expand the "Rosevine" regional
Jami Lark Hould, Alpha Phi, 2656 Van Ness Ave., #7, San Francisco, CA 94109 415/775- 4209
Phyllis Casteel Gilson (Stan) Sigma Phi, 6628 Woodlake Ave., West Hills, CA 91307, 818/887-9344 (H) 885-3740 (0)
Lillian Palmer Baker (Richard) Theta Omega, 1508 N. Aztec, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 602/774-3659
Susan Duggins, Lambda Tau, 1017 N. Bed- ford Dr., Tucson, AZ 85710, 602/886-8773
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
Monterey, Geraldine Lloyd Hicks (Robert), Lambda, P.O. Box 1435, Pebble Beach, CA 93953, 408/373-7027 (H) 408/371-5691 (0)
Northern California Council, Stell Hart Eriksen (Leroy), Tau, 861 Stonehaven Dr., W alnut Creek, CA 94598, 415/939-7360
Northern Orange County, Julie Robbins Burns, Kappa Kappa, 850 N . Grand, Orange, CA 92667, 714/538-4748
Palo Alto, Marilyn (Jane) Crampton Weakley (Thomas), Kappa Kappa, 10571 Ainsworth Dr., Los Altos, CA 94024, 408/245-7983
Pasadena, Janie Little Steckenrider (Troy) Iota, 1739 Alta Oaks, Arcadia, CA 91006, 213/445-6424
Phoenix, Susan Klemes Gordon (Daniel), Upsilon Alpha, 15029 S. 28th St., Phoenix, AZ 85044, 602/759-5959
Riverside, Nancy Lawson Broach (James) Theta Omega, 16101 Stone Ridge Dr., Riverside, CA 92504, 714/780-0790
Sacramento, Janet Jensen Dallas , Chi Alpha, 646 Hanisch Dr., Roseville, CA 95678, 916/773-0463 (H) 916/443-0700 (0)
San Diego, Carol A. Pageler Kirk (Robert), Alpha Sigma, 1760 Hawk View Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024, 619/753-2562
newsletter. Caroline is employed as the Director of Public/Media Relations for TSA Capital Management. She is single. Caroline is a member of the Long Beach Alumnae Chapter.
Trish Shelton Moxon, Nu Lambda (U. of Southern California), is the RRO. She works part time for
American Express Reservations. She is married and has one son. Trish is a member of the Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter.
Judith Lacina West, Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan), is the RFO. She is a part time bookkeeper for Cronin Ranch. She is married and has two daughters and one son. Judith is a member of the East Bay Alumnae Chapter.
Collegians attending Region VI's Leadership Conference are pictured with Anne Allison (back row, right).
Leah Hardcastle MacNeil (Neil) Delta Sigma, 7033 Hemlock St., Oakland, CA 94611, 415/339-0312, 864-6330. RD McLean
Judith Kosmak Kolstad (Fred III) Nu Iota, 19219 Ballinger, Northridge, CA 91324, 818/886-4959 (H) 349-5787 (0). RD
Laura Marie Tankesly, Theta Omega, 1200 S. Riordan Ranch Rd., #134, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 602/773-1643. RD Polese
Jill E. O'Rourke (John) Upsilon Alpha, 5547 E. Rosewood, Tucson, AZ 85711, 602/748- 7945. RD Polese
Alumnae Chapter, President & Name of R D
San Fernando Valley, Natalie Ann Svider, Sigma Phi, 22137 Sonoma Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311, 818/998-3517
San Jose, Carol Pedersen Jury (David), Delta Sigma, 26070 Quail I.ane, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022, 415/948-5403
San Mateo. Cindv Ruskin Castle, Beta Phi, 1731 Lexington', San Mateo, CA 94402, 415/349-8913
South Bay/Palos Verdes, Holly Turner Johnson, Nu Lambda, 4403 Canehill Ave., Iakewood, CA 90713, 213/496-4231 (H) 924-
6636, ext. 288 (0)
Southern California Council, Julie Robbins
Burns (Bruce), Kappa Kappa, 1947 E. Fairwav Dr. #4, Orange, CA 92666, 714/538- 4748
Southern Orange County, l.ynnette White McMahon (James), Lambda Beta, 12635 Tunstall St., Garden Grove, CA 92645, 714/893-1742
Tucson. Patricia Clapp, Upsilon Alpha, 1017 N. Bedford, Tucson, AZ 85710, 602/571-0110
Ventura County, Nancy Willis Griffiths (Alfred), Beta Gamma, 317 Scarborough St., Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, 805/494-1655
REGION X (Cont'd)
Fall 1990
if ^ » t s
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