We offer yon the larg- est and most complete National Service—cov- ering; the entire United States. Every fraternity chapter visited lour times a year or more.
of Balfour Representative
Over 300 carefully selected and trained college men.
Long: and faithful serv- ice of Balfour repre- sentatives qualifies them to give good lodgment.
All Officials and Friends
It Is our sincere desire to give you the friend- ly and Interested serv- ice you have a right to expect from your Offi- cial Jeweler.
For Fraternity Men and Women
Official Jeweler to
A l p h a
O micron
In Canada — Henry Birks & Sons in Affiliation — Montreal
F r a t e r n i t y Jew«r »« Klfta, and favors. '
•Trophiesby?8,'?S Cups and chaP<«' awards.
• Badge Price Ll»£
for national organl»s
WriTeforYonr EBB0 Copy I
»» MARCH • 1937 ««
— *
The GreatFallsoftheYellowstoneRiver
M a r g a r e t B u r n e t : What Pays?
L a w y e r
C l a r a A l y s e F o n y o Al umnae Seminar
ublished by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
Giving, We Teach Others to Give
Santiago: City of Servants and Employment. .Rose M a r x
Gilmore Alpha O's Affected by Worst Floods in History. ..Katherine Davis
ALPHA—Barnard College—Inactive.
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial Collefe, New
Orleans, L a .
No—New York UniTerrity, New York City. OUICBOH—University of T ennessee, Knoxville,
OMICBOK PI—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon. Eugene, Ore. Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.—
Pi DELTA—University of Maryland, College Park,
TAD DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College, Bir-
mingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA—University of California at Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICBOK—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallis. Ore.—Inactive.
CHI DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder,
BETA THETA—Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. ALPHA PI—Florida State College for Women,
Tallahassee, Fla.
EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State College, State
College, Pa.
THETA ETA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
BETA TAO—University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. ALPHA TAO—Denison Univeraity, Granville, Ohio. BETA KAPPA—University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, B . C .
ALPHA GAMMA—Washington State College, Pull-
man, Wash.—Inactive.
DELTA PHI—University of South Carolina, Colum-
bia, S. C
BETA GAMMA—Michigan State College, Lansing,
LAMBDA SIGMA—Univeraity of Georgia, Athens,
Tenu. KAMA—Randolph-Macon
W oman's
burg, Va.
ZKTA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SIGUA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif. THETA—DePauw University, Greencaatle, Ind. BETA—Brown University—Inactive. DELTA—Jackson College, T ufts College, Mass. GAWUA—University of Maine, Orono, Me. EPIILO*—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y . RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. LAM»DA—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto,
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111. TAD—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minn. CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y . UPIILON—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. No KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal-
laa, Tex.
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. ALPHA PHI—Montana State College, Boxeman,
No OHICBOM—Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, P a PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
[Luted according to charter date]
Calif. Island.
SAN DIEGO ALUMNA—San Diego, Calif.
NEW JERSEY ALUMNA—Metropolitan, New Jersey- BUPPALO ALUMNA—Buffalo, N . Y .
WESTCHESTER ALUMNA—Westchester County, N . «. ATLANTA ALUMNA—Atlanta, Ga.
TORONTO ALUMNA—Toronto, Ontario.
EAST BAY ALUMNA—Berkeley, Calif.
BOSTON ALOMHJt—Boston, Mass.
LINCOLN ALUMN*—Lincoln, Neb.
Los ANGELES ALDMN«—LOS Angeles, Calif. CHICAGO ALUMNA—Chicago, 111. INDIANAPOLIS AtuMNat—Indianapolis, Ind. NEW OBLEANS ALOMN«—New Orleans, La. MINNEAPOLIS ALOMN*—Minneapolis, Minn. BANGOE ALUMNJS—Bangor, Me.
Y .
WASHINGTON ALOMN*—Washington, D . C . DALLAS ALUMNJC—Dallas, T e x . PHILADELPHIA ALOMN*—Philadelphia, P a KANSAS CITT ALUMNJS—Kansas City, Mo. OMAHA ALUMN*—Omaha, Neb.
T enn. V a
To *J||S^ Dragma
°PoL 2 3
Q\o. 3
^ g S g P ^
Official tpt.eftc^io,, of 9VfF£a OmicroM pi
» In the MARCH • 1937 Issue «
The Great Falls of the Y ellowstone River Frontispiece Giving, W e Teach Others to Give 3 An Home Ec Major Goes on the Society Desk 5 Convention Train Will Have Special Attractions 6 Santiago: City of Servants and Employment 9 Alpha Phi. First Sorority at Montana State is Convention Hostess. . 13
Rushing: A Matter of Cooperation
Alpha O's Affected by W orst Floods in History Margaret Burnet: Lawyer
Dayton President Has Numerous Capabilities What Pays?
Alpha O's You Should Know
Have Y ou Heard That
An Invitation to New Yorkers
Convention to Stage Song Contest
Register Now for Yellowstone Convention
! 15 19 22 23
24 26 28 JO ^1 \2
rate nt ' a s s e c o n d class matter under the act of March 3, 1879.- Acceptance for mailing at special
12, I93 p o s t a g e Provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P.L.&R., authorized February
material ^ S A ^ M A i s Published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial «»ai to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10. e subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $1 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
sota ^° ? R . A G M A
published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne- d b >' Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul,
Min'n.Tf "S P " n t e
&dked by Wilma Smith Leland
Sun glinted
t w * .
grandeur to for* the Grand Cftfi* of the YtO*+ stout Kiw,
/J//.fca O's c°
Giving, W e Teach Others to Give
Recollections of a year ago have made an excellent gauge for the good fortune that at- tended the Christmas just past. The weather was so mild that it gave good reason for a suspicion that April had gotten itself mis- placed. Plans made early in December were carried out late in the month, practically with- out change—an almost unprecedented occur- rence ! Except formeasles here and there, we had no epidemics on hand. Except for one "tide," hauling from the railroad and to the various centers was a relatively easy matter* And as for our Christmas supplies, I'm sure I've never seen them so fine and ample. T o know that there would be toys enough to go
round; to see that the quantity and variety were such that one could be certain of being able to fit the toy to the child; to sort stacks of new clothing (clothing altogether "right"- warm, sturdy, appropriate and attractive), foretasting the pleasure o f various children and their parents in this kind of gift and anticipating o u r o w n satisfaction in seeing solved numerous "problems of nakedness"; to be so beautifully prepared for the event was to recognize that we are now "doing Christ- mas" in a very deft and finished way.
One of the happiest features of an "easy"
Christmas is that it gives us more leeway f o r
doing th e special, individual things, things
which often seem the most meaningful part
of our ^Christmas. Among the first on our
list of "specials" are the children from our
territory who attend the School for the
Fresno, California, have "taken her on" and J they did a perfectly marvelous job of Christ^/ mas for her. Our own children (those sev- eral youngsters whose families have gone to pieces and for whom we are entirely re- sponsible) must have their stockings filled on Christmas morning and we must see to it that the "filling" is on hand. CarmenMum- ford, w ho has recently given tw o months' volunteer service in the Social Service De- partment, scored a tremendous success with Ewell, a nine-year-old lad who has been one
of o u r charges f o r several years. She dis- covered in him a keen and surprisingly in- formed interest in prize-fighting. For his Christmas stocking she sent two pairs of boxing gloves, one pair f o r himself and an- other for his sparring partner. The wonder and delight o f those gloves will never be ex- hausted !
Then there are several old persons in the district who must not be forgotten, persons to whom age has restored the gift pf hpinp; able to derive a childlike pieasnrp frnm <mall_ simple things.. A warm shawl, a new flannel nightgown, a pair of woolen socks, a few sweets—the articles themselves take on ~a new Hignity when one sees h o w much pleasure
_they can produce. But the list of "specials" goes on and on: a pretty sweater for a girl who is working her way through college— and doing it without even the moral support of her family; the twins on yon side of the river, who haye been exposed to measles and who have pluckily agreed to stay away from the Christmas party lest they expose other children; the girls in our sewing class; Sadie, pathetic, neglected scrap of a little person that she is (her Christmas has for several years been superbly done by the San Diego AOII's) ; a child whose foot had to be amputated a year or two ago and who has since left our locality but who still cherishes her friend- ships here; fruit and nuts f o r the children o f
eaf and the School for the Blind. These
ha ?l
w a s not until after Christmas that we began
conv , j weeks of endless rain—rain that has
lad erstwhile modest streams into swollen, mud-
q e " torrents, which served as a constant and elo-
«»se devastating floods in the lowlands.
Do you remember the story of our last
children cannot come home for the holidays and, in most cases the gifts that we send con- stitute the only Christmas boxes from "back home." In several cases there is very reaP\ need for the gifts of clothing which wein- clude in our boxes and which we are better prepared to give at Christmas than at any other time. T h e AOFI's o f Bloomington, I n - diana, made seven of these handicapped child- ren their special responsibility and simplified that job for us no little. Then there is the . little six-year-old cripple, Ruth Barger, who \
year's Christmas in the hills? Looking
back through my files, I find I wrote then:
"It is well that Christmas is a fixed holiday,
else I suspect that here in the mountains we
would still be moving the date up in search
of weather and circumstances more fitting to
the occasion. Since a week before Christmas
we have been 'iced in' almost continuously.
Frozen roads so delayed the delivery of
Christmas supplies to the various centers that
the original schedule of parties was com-
pletely wrecked. . . . Two districts had lives outside our territory and who had \ whooping cough on the rampage, two had scarcely heard of Christmas until she became \ cases of scarlet fever, and another had one of our patients. The AOII group in 1 measles. On Christmas Day itself we were
dealt a thorough-going blizzard and every-
where the roads were full of snowdrifts.. . ."
th reminder that our streams are helping to make
the two women who do our laundry; a Christmas cheque for the Jason Browns, to
TOP: The
tens, scarf and a cap for Granny Davis. BOT- TOM: "If f a book—a story one with pictures" and see the crowd it drew at the Wendover Christmas party. Christmas was right and easy with the help of you and you and you.
make sure that they eat through the holidays; a blue dress for forlorn deaf little Sudie—• now past the age f o r attendance at the School for the Deaf, tragically out of things, lost in a No Man's Land that is neither childhood nor^adulthood.
Unit the clearest token of the success offl this Christmas is, to my mind, the increasing and unmistakable evidence one finds (minting the fact that there is in our communities a growing understanding and appreciation of the real meaning of Christmas. Does it not in- dicate real growth of personality when folk begin to work and plan for Christmas ex- pression, rather than regarding Christmas as just a time when one "gets" from others? AJ patchwork pillow top made by the mother of one of our crippled children as his Christ- mas present to us; mistletoe, holly wreaths, a miniature Christmas tree as contributions to our decorations; the children working long and earnestly on their Christinas "speeches" anil carols which have become an essential part of our Christmas affairs; various schools making their own Christmas parties, im- provising decorations for the tree, of popcorn strings and walnuts wrapped in bits of bright paper (and inviting and getting the whole neighborhood in for the event) ; parents and older children plunging gayly into the real work connected with our big parties at the several nursing centers—in these and countless other ways one sees a growing recognition of the truth that the real joy and meaning of the Christmas season are to be found in giving and sharing.
Merva Hennings and I , during our last visit to W endover, were aimlessly wandering over the hillside enjoying the sun while we waited for Bland to join us. YVe came upon a sign which said, "This is a garden. Watch your step!" We looked and looked and laughed because all that we could see were a few rocks partly covered over with brilliant fall leaves. Gently we stirred these in case the. sign should really mean what it said. Sure enough, there were a few plants of some kind.
Bland is quite handy as a gardener, but she told us later that she had had some difficulty with these. There was something pathetic about that garden. It has haunted me. B was so small and so much was expected of it and it was a vital necessity that it should grow. . .
This is a year of years and we are remind- ed to bend every effort in behalf oi AOH. YVe are cultivating a garden to produce f| greater yield. What about our field o(
cial service? It is a small but a fair ^gin- ning we have made. YY'ehave a few pianl- which we try to nurture. YY'e think we are
fair gardeners. It will prove a good ye*f providing we watch our step. YYe do n° want our thoughts to be haunted by a Pa^ thetic garden. Have you tilled your Q u o ^ 5 Kvery member-at-Iarge must contribute nw share. Let us finish our planting now >" " ] der (hat our garden will flourish in the sum- mer. Twenty-five cents to a dollar trom everyone, please!—Mary Dec Drutntnona.
warm mit-
Goes on the
Society Desk By MARY SEARS, Delta
MARCH, 1937
An Home Ec Major
(In which Irene Doycc, accustomed to interviewing others, finds out what it's like to be interviewed by one of her own
planned to make a career in that field of home economics, Irene Wilson Boyce is now a newspaper girl.
-f- HAVING majored in the textile and cos-
tume designing department at Southern it a lot, but finally had to give it up be-
Methodist University in Dallas, and having cause of lack of time.
It is strange how many girls start careers the-office, she finds that golf has slipped of homemaking, teaching or something else, into the rough. She has so little time for
hut get itchy fingers for the typewriter in a newspaper office. She very frankly confesses that she thinks covering meetings of wom- en's organizations is the most irksome task in a newspaper office—but prefers covering society, rather than club news. Her interest
it now, and when she does get out, she says the score is so bad it makes her very ir- ritable. But, w-hen she becomes a lady of leisure, she will again become golf-conscious.
Meantime, her pooch, which is a liver
and white Springer Spaniel, is the apple of
Time was when this petite girl who still looks like a co-ed, was an ardent and ac- tive golfer. But having skipped from eight o'clock classes to eight o'clock getting-to-
in the social side of the news lies in the her eye. She is very fond of dogs and like
funny things our customers say!
Since she and I are in much the same
field of newspaper business, I can agree with her on that score. She says " I like my work very much and love most of the peo- ple with whom I work, but I tail to find it the 'fascinating business' or 'to meet the interesting people' that most of our custom- ers talk about." (That's where she and 1 differ—localise I still think newspapering is fascinating, and I have met some interesting
and charming people.)
Irene Castle Mclaughlin, always has one dogging her heels—that's very bad, I really didn't mean it. Anyway, she says she can't imagine what life would be without the flattering adoration of one of the animals. Her present dog is "a beauty, very intell- igent and a perfect clown."
This dog-fancier, newspaper woman who married the handsome hero of her college days and still finds him handsome (which should bring her a whole row of stars) is very dainty, petite and vivacious. She is
ne soc
r! . iety desk, which is a combined YY'e have got together on paper, but never
uesk writing copy for both the Dallas Netvs actually. Another thing 1 have marked down |"u the Dallas Journal, since August, 1932. on my GOOD RESOLUTION list for the
also wrote a fashion column for the coming year is to be sure to see Irene ournal for two years and enjoyed doing Boyce face to face.
Well, the background of this frank dec- just five feet four, and has blondish brown laration of Irene Wilson, who attended S.- hair, with hazel-green eyes—the kind which
from 1924-192K and was a member of take on the hue of her frock or the mood or «u Kappa Chapter, is that soon after leav- the weather. Her skin is fair with an en-
mS the university she married Glenn Boyce, chanting sprinkling of freckles and guess
* handsome youth of six feet "who remains Just as handsome after eight years of hard jnarried life." So no wonder she looks only t° her home for interesting people!
io^e r n e w spaper career began in April, , y 23, about the time that 10-letter word meaning slump hit the country. She has been
what — she weighs 95 pounds — with her clothes on!
She and I both plug along—swearing at typewriters because they chip our nail polish, both bemoaning our lost golf and both hop- ing for a time when leisure will mean some- thing besides a luxury other people enjoy.
Convention Train Will Have Special Attractions
-4- CONVENTION jollity starts aboard AOli's own special train when it pulls out from Chicago Union Station over the Burlington Route at 10:30 P. M ., central standard time, June 25. Just how Alpha Omicron Pi will "run the show" will depend upon the inspira- tions of officers and delegates. But clever
ideas will be welcome.
Probably one of the first stunts will be to
give a distinctive name to every car of the train. Picturesque western names that have to do with mining, prospecting or ranching will likely prove the most popular. For in- stance one group of girls may call their car "The Corral." Another may hang out the sign "Last Chance Gulch." As miles and mo- ments glide away, activities will develop in succession. Occupants of each car will un- earth their best talents. There will be rivalry and cooperation, costumes, games, singing.
Max Goodsill, general pasenger agent of the Northern Pacific Railway, who has had con- siderable experience in convention train oper- ation, may be induced to lend his suggestions. He plans to accompany the train personally and will act as master of ceremonies during stunt programs and assembly singing in the observation car.
One of the big treats of the convention train will be the dining car meals. Every meal—and there will be five of them en route to the park—will be a gustatory event, North- ern Pacific chefs have promised. Some of the dishes for which the Northern Pacific is
famous are Great Pig Baked Potatoes, weigh- ing two pounds apiece; Great Big Baked Ap- ples ; individual lemon cream pies; specially made ice cream; fine Minnesota dairy prod- ucts; Pacific Northwest fresh fruits and ber- ries ; Pacific Coast sea foods; western range meats and various other items too tantalizing to enumerate.
Although it is not ordinarily the custom to serve a meal in the dining cars just before reaching Yellowstone Park, a special excep- tion will be made in the case of Alpha Omi- cron Pi. An early luncheon will be served Sunday, June 27, just before the train reaches the Y ellowstone Park entrance at Gardiner, Montana.
En route our train will traverse an interest- Li ing country. We'll cross Minnesota, the ro- mantic land of Hiawatha and Minnehaha, where the oaks and maples of the central west meet and mingle with the green pines
and tamaracks of the North. We will skjOj along over Dakota prairies where Genera George Custer preceded us on a Northern I»" citic train when he went to fight the Sioux in his tragic campaign of 1876. Lindbergh s home town, Little Falls, Minnesota, will seen ami in Montana we'll behold the «e : lowstone river where he performed one O his first exploits, a canoe journey. Historica - ly we'll hob-nob with such explorers ami scouts as Lewis and Clark, Zebulon Pike, J'n
Bridger, Buffalo Bill and K i t Carson, i«» we'll see the same landscapes they saw. . western North Dakota we'll cross the regio where Theodore Roosevelt ranched and wne he recruited Rough Riders for his Spanis"- American war campaign.
MARCH, 1937
Reports have been received that previous fraternity convention trains have been way- laid in those great open spaces by two-gun men or other fearful western characters. It's the sort of country where anything can hap-
pen. Indians, we are informed, will lie in wait for the Alpha Omicron Pi special at Mandan, North Dakota. They'll greet us in their beads, buckskin and war paint, and per- form a tribal dance for us to the accompani- ment of the tom-tom.
One of the great boons of the convention train will be the unexcelled opportunity it gives us to get acquainted with each other. This is something not possible in the average convention. W e will know national Alpha Omicron Pi better than ever after traveling together hundreds of miles in our own com- fortable train. If you haven't made your train reservations yet, better do so right away. Address M ax Goodsill, General Passenger
Agent, Northern Pacific Railway, St. Paul, Minnesota. He will give you complete in- formation about schedules, routings, possible post-convention trips, etc. Conventioners may board the special train at Chicago or join it at other points on its route, if more conven lent.
The western delegations may meet the east- erners at Gardiner by coming via Portland and enter the Park in buses from that direc- tion or, if one wishes to save expenses, one may enter via West Yellowstone. The round trip from Los Angeles through San Fran- cisco one way or from San Francisco to West Yellowstone is $82.60, including bus fares and Pullman. Coining via Gardiner the entire rate is $100.50.
For the thrifty eastern traveler to Alpha Omicron P i Convention, we've decided to schedule a Pullman tourist sleeper on the AOIl's convention special. It will be carried forward of the deluxe Pullmans and diner. The thrifty part of it is that a deluxe Pull- man lower, for example, is $8.(K) from Mm neapolis to the Park; on our tourist sleeper, a lower is $4.00 Minneapolis to Livingston, from where open observation car or coach will be used. From Chicago, to the Park, a deluxe car lower is $10.25, or upper $8.20; a tourist lower from Chicago to Livingston i<
$5.25, an upper $4.20.
All baggage going by train, whether checked or carried, must be labelled with convention toggage tags—cameras, hat boxes, extra coats must have tags. You may get all the tags and stickers you will need from Mr.Goodsill when you send your reservations for the Special.
After we reach Gardiner we will proceed to j anyon Hotel via Mammouth and Norris Peyser Basin, stopping at Norris to see the smoking, boiling pools that erupt into minia- Wjre Old Faithfuls. We will arrive at Can- J?n at two o'clock, register and have our first ainner together at 6:30. Convention ritual jna the model initiation will follow. The fea- 0/n.°*Mon('ayw'llbea luncheoninhonor ..o , h e initiates, the bear show and later the
Ravage" show. Tuesday will be Alumna- an
lighting take place on Wednesday and the formal Convention Ball comes on Thursday. On Friday, after the installation of officers, the lovely banquet will mark the official close of Convention. July 3 is AOII Day at the Liv-
ingston Rodeo, one of the best roundups in the country, for it is not a commercial show, but a municipal contest that draws cowboys from Montana and Wyoming. Indians, ranch- ers, dudes, village folk spend the rodeo days in Livingston. Alpha O's will ride in the parade or watch from the sidewalks as you choose. Then all of us will have seats ($1.25 each) in the Grandstand to see the roping and the bulldogging.
It will be a glorious Convention from the moment you leave Chicago at 10:30 the eve- ning of June 25. There is a registration blank on the last page of the magazine. Use it now.
^ d the Social Service program will oc- Py the afternoon. Story-telling and candle-
Tki little bread carts, like gaily painted boxes, clatter £>j
Wi'od-burning I
in South
A peddler has birds in a vncker structure like a bird apartment house.
City of Servants and Employment
IT was late afternoon when our train left
V alparaiso, turning soon from the sea- coast to foot-hills and valleys, and climbing gradually to the 1600-feet elevation of San- tiago. The country is so like California as to be uncanny. You might be in the Salinas Val- ley, as you look out on eucalyptus, pepper and willow trees, on little farms with their corn fields, on the same weeds and wild flow- ers—even California poppies crowd along the railroad track. The very conformation of the hills and valleys is the same. Of course, grapes and peaches for sale whenever there was a stop, and watermelons in the market produced an "Alice through the Looking- Glass" feeling, this being the first week in March. And surely nowhere else, except per- haps in other lands which stiil remember Spain, their mother, are there such sleepy little down-at-heel inns, whose very names are charming. "No Me Olvides" bespoke our re- membrance with its "Do Not Forget Me," and "El Quita Penas" promised surcease of sorrow. It had been a crowded day, and as the train crossed a ridge the lights of San- tiago on the plain below were welcome. We came into a marvelous station and admired the facility with which baggage was handled —passengers to expressmen, via the train win- dows, muy pronto indeed.
Before we explore Santiago, let me say something of Chile and its history. It lies along the coast for 2900 miles, a ribbon of a country, nowhere more than 200 miles wide, and at one point just south of Santiago nar- rowing to 80 miles. As the Andes are the eastern border that, of course, determines its dimensions. 2900 miles! This means that the country runs the gamut from desert in the north, where rainfall is almost unknown
iny husband asked a boy in Antofagasta when it had last rained, and he said "Rain? What is rain?"—through the most fertile of agricultural lands in the central part, to for- ests and the beautiful Chilean lakes in the south, ending in a region of high rainfall and c o[d at latitude 57'.
.Until the early part of the sixteenth century e country was inhabited by Indians, of whom °ne *r 'D e - the Araucanians, still remain in the south, where they live by fishing and farming, and weave the woollen rugs that are almost '"e only native craft of Chile. When Pizarro "^ accomplished the conquest of Peru, one oi companions, Diego de Almagro, set "t southwards to take possession of the land • e P w Peru, which he had heard was even 'Cher than that country. The natives were
so hostile and the hardships so great that he was forced to return. About four years later another famous Spaniard, Pedro Valdivia, suc- ceeded in entering from the coast, and in 1541 he founded Santiago, the present capitol of the republic.
What a sight those Spaniards must have seen as they looked upon the plain where the city of Santiago now lies! It must have seemed another promised land, with its fertile plain, the Mapocho River running through it, the slopes of the coast range in view on the east, and the giant mountains of the Cordil- leras on the west. A clifflike hill of basaltic rock called the Cerro Santa Lucia juts up 300 feet or so from the floor of the plain, now the city's center. It was on this rock that Valdivia built a rude fort when he began his conquest of Chile, and it was in this fort that he and his 150 conquistadores took refuge and fought starvation and attack for several weeks when besieged by Araucanians. There was one woman there, Inez Xuarez, Valdivia's mistress, and what a woman she must have been! The story goes that when the Spaniards were about to surrender to an unusually fierce attack, she refused to consider defeat. And drawing a sword with her own hand she cut off the heads of six Indian caciques who were held as hostages, and had them hurled at the feet of the advancing Indians, throwing them into such confusion that tlie advance halted and broke.
The hill is now a beautiful park, with a statue of Valdivia on the spot where he pitched his camp. The names of the conquis- tadores appear near the base of the statue, and we were interested to note how many
names familiar to Californians are included— Castro, Pacheco, de la Montanya, Vallejo Martinez, Sanchez, de la Pena. And on the list of the city officials appears one woman, Inez Xuarez. Now. there is a pool with water fowl, tiled seats and a garden of wil- low, pepper and lemon trees—hard to picture Inez and her caciques in the midst of this present serenity.
But, we are getting ahead too fast, and must go back to the dramatic events of Chilean history. During the colonial period, under Spanish governors, there was growing unrest in Chile, and finally, in 1810, she declared her independence from Spain. It was not until 1818, however, that with the aid of San Mar- tin and O'Higgins and their Argentine-Chilean army, her independence was really established.
It is, of course, one of the first questions one asks—How did a good Irish name like O'Higgins ever get involved in a Chilean war for independence? It seems that Bernard O'Higgins' father, Ambrose, was a ragged, barefoot Irish boy when an uncle sent him to Spain. He drifted to Chile where he be- came a trader, entered the army, rose rapidly in rank until he became captain-general of Chile in 1788 and later viceroy of Peru. It is his sou who, after the Chilean independence, was made supreme dictator of Chile. . . . For an excellent book on Chile I refer you to Augustin Edward's My Native Land.
To DRAGMA informality. So, as the broadcasters say,
Well, then—shall we take a short sight-
seeing trip, and proceed to some personal im-
pressions and experiences? First, to the Par-
(jue Forestal, a wooded parkway that extends
far up through the city along the Mapocho
River. Here is situated the building of the
Bellas Artes, and a beautiful statue, the gift
of the French colony at the time of the cen-
tennial of Chile's independence. Overlooking
the Parque Forestal is the Cerro San Cristo-
bal, with its statue of the Virgin, her out-
stretched arms pleading for protection against
such an earthquake as devastated the country
in 1906. In the pedestal there is a little shrine
containing placards of thanks—"Gratias, mia
madre, por el favor"—and the date. Might
it be a recovery? or a lover? we wondered.
Fairs of small crutches would have been
pathetic i f they had not been discarded. A t
night the statue is floodlighted, and gleams
white against the blackness with a sort of
brooding intercession. . . . Next, to the Center,
as Santiaguinos call the Cathedral plaza, with
the great cathedral, the buildings that were
once the palaces of the governor and the
archbishop, and two great arcaded blocks of feel like Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon.
shops and apartments. One crosses this to
reach the canitol building and the President's
palace, and so to the Avenida de las Delicias,
with its central parkway, its flower market,
the main buildings of the University of Chile
—which has no campus, by the way, and Soon, the municipal garbage wagons are
whose various colleges are placed in widely separated parts of the city—and its statues of national heroes, O'Higgins amongst them. . . . One may read the history of Chile in the architecture of its buildings. There is the one-storied house o f colonial and pre-colonial days, made of plaster and adobe, built to the edge of the sidewalk around a patio, and in the softest shades of blue, rose, gray and fawn; the ornate, more imposing structures of Italian and French influence; and the mod- ernistic office and apartment building, the last word in modern design. As to the Chileans themselves, they are a fair-skinned race—bru- nettes as to hair and eyes—and are very proud of their unmixed racial inheritance. Only in the peasants—the inquilenos and their women—or the lower classes in the cities— the rotos—is the mixture of Indian blood ap- parent. They are a charming people, gay and hospitable, and the women have a chic in dress and that certain something in person-
around, with their deep-toned horn. (A? tins is the down-town district, with the houses built to the pavements, garbage collection is a problem.) If you look out early enough—and it need not be very early—you will see a can in front of every house. And before the truck, men and women with huge sacks oyer their shoulders make the rounds, gleaning waste paper that may be sold for a few' centavos. The poor wretch who follows at their heels is looking for anything to keep bun from starvation. After that, the little bread carts, like gaily painted packing boxes, clatter by, their drivers whistling through their teeth for a right turn; and a man trundles his grind- stone, playing as he goes a six-note scale on his flute, a thin little sound that seems to trickle from the instrument's tip. The street cars have both a deep whistle, like an ocean- going vessel, for the motonnan, and a bell at the conductor's end. And the taxis—!
ality that
m akes
them irresistible.
To return to the Gilmores, perhaps, a few paragraphs from our letters home may interest you, and I am sure you will understand the
March 8 Santiago, and are settled in a pension called the Hoffman Residence, run by the cutest little dark-haired German lady named Mrs. Trinkaus. There are many Germans in Chile, by the way, and they are very well thought of. There is also a large British, Italian and French colony in Santiago, but the American group is small, only about 150. The Y . M . C. A. secretary, to whom we had a letter, took me house- hunting, and this was the first place we saw. (The Y quarters are an old Spanish colonial house, one story, with the former patio roofed over and made into a game room for billiards, pingpong, etc. But the interesting thing is that the original entrance hall is there, a very spacious one, with the most romantic wall frescoes of young lovers, of heroic size, re- clining on clouds.) . . . The Hoffman Resi- dence is another Spanish house but of a more recent type — two stories with tremendous rooms, ceilings easily 20 feet high, and a cen- tral court like the Palace Hotel. . . . There is a placard in this court reading . . . "Please refrain from political discussion in the din-
ing-room." . . . Multum in parvo, truly.
W e have been
tw o
days in
I wish you could see our room. As Ii stand at the dresser at one end I can barely recognize that the man reading at the other is "Pop," and somewhere in the stratosphere is suspended the ceiling. The furniture is OM a heavy, almost black wood, every inch carved. There are twin beds with very high head boards, over which hang purple tapestries, and when the Gilmores retire for the night they
Of course, the first thing you notice is the street noises, perhaps, because you are waked by the six o'clock chimes of a nearby cathe- dral. The tune follows "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton" for two phrases before it changes.
full speed ahead, honking like the squawks of the terrified passengers. The last soloists to add their bit to the symphony are the beggars. To
guitar or violin, they sing the folk song? o t Chile, romantic at the first hearing, but a
all one-way traffic, and the drivers go
MARCH, 1937
bit wearing after twenty minutes of slightly
off-key repetition.
March 12 I have been intending to send you a disser- tation on the peculiarities of Chilean journal-
said that we are just twelve miles from the Andes? There is a marvelous view of the mountains from this house, and now that win- ter is coming on we are looking forward to seeing the fringe of snow creep lower and
Mercurio and I started on the front page with the leading article, thinking that I could learn some Spanish and find out the news at the same time. So, I labored along with the dictionary, and finally discovered I was ac- cumulating a lot of information about the sacking of the village of Castro in the year 1600. Alongside that, with illustrations, was a travel article on a journey to Tibet. So, I turned the page, and there was the classified section—two pages, by the way, of help wanted ads. No unemployment problem about that!
—The local news appears in the second sec- tion, without headlines and with no particular arrangement. There are columns and columns on affairs in Germany, France, England, Italy and Spain, but almost no interest in the coun- try to the north of them. The United States might not be on the map at all, except for Mr. Jiggs, who is a daily feature, and who is funnier than ever in Spanish. He appears as Don Fausto, for no reason.
sunsets on those snow-covered peaks. They are so high that when Santiago and the val- ley are in twilight the sun will still be shining on their crests.
Our household of nine is cared for by the following staff: Leontina, the little upstairs girl; Ofalina, the downstairs girl and waitress; the cook, a grandmother of forty, and a hunchbacked boy who does all sorts of odd jobs—the mozo, an institution in all Chilean families. Our mozo is called "Segundo," or "the second." A name for which Chilean families have no use, apparently, is "Ultimo."
These people are so childlike that you are divided between impatience and sympathy most of the time. Ofalina's eyes need attention, and she can't understand why. Because, says she, for some time she wore a perfectly good pair of glasses borrowed from her aunt, who bought them from a Turk.
Besides this full-time staff there is also a laundress and a sewing woman, and we real- ize that here we have one answer to Chile's
sliced through the long wav, the centers are market, which is like a street fair. And here taken out, seasoned—and don't forget the is another answer to how people busy them-
minced onion—mixed with beaten egg, bread crumbs and cheese, put back and baked. . . . At four is tea, and at eight what is really another dinner.
The movies have no matinees, except on Sundays and holidays, but there are two eve- ning shows—one at six-thirty, in which case you dine about quarter of nine, and the other ^* nine-thirty or ten, not continuous, you see. The talkies are just as they are at home, with the addition of enough Spanish dialogue printed at the bottom of\he film for the action to_ be understood. There is also a program with a synopsis, and we were interested when we went to a show last evening to find in
selves in Chile. Anvone, for an infinitesimal license fee, can find some little thing to sell in the streets, or some little service to do, and earn enough to make relief unnecessary. T o - day we watched a man selling liquid soap, with a small boy for demonstration. From the neck down, this unhappv child was the usual clutter of rags and dirt, but his face and hair were getting startlingly lighter with each demon- stration. Another man was peddling an eagle, a forlorn affair with clipped wines, on a cord, and it came along with him like a poodle. Another peddler who goes all over town has singing birds in a huge wicker structure like a bird apartment house, mounted on wheels
be °ere most of the foreigners live. Have T
W u , ve101toLos
A p r i l 1
March 15
The Chilean day moves very differently lack of an unemployment problem. Every
from ours. At eight o'clock, a tap on the household of any standing has just as many door announces breakfast, rolls and coffee. servants, if not more. Another noticeable fact At nine-thirty the offices open. From twelve is the army of workmen that are busy on any to one, dinner is served, and almost every one construction job. There is so much hand goes home to what is the mam meal of the labor that we have supplanted with machines. day—salad, soup, entree, meat and dessert, Of course the work progresses slowly, but in the Pension Hoffman. Entrees are good time is not important in this pleasant country and very different—one is a sort of potato —not nearly so important as a job for a croquette, filled with chopped meat. An- workman, and the subsequent pesos in his other a tortilla with vegetable filling. There pocket.
is also a way of preparing Italian squash On Sunday mornings we have been going which is delicious. It is boiled a while, then down to the market, especially the native
uch difficulty as a cross word puzzle. For
out in the crowds, here and all over town, shining your shoes wherever you happen to
And so it goes. Not a high standard of living, but it seems to be true that the person who can find nothing to do is a rarity.
ism. On our first morning, "Pop" bought a lower. There never was anything like the
°Ur program quotations from such authors like a bicycle. . . . Along the curb is the
Lafcadio Hearn, and a few choice recipes. I seats are reserved, by the way, and it is * great comfort to buv tickets in advance
avoi(l our long waits in the ,0DD Tk y-
Five-and-Ten store of Chile—men and women with little stands and baskets of inexpensive wares, like shoe laces, thread, small mirrors, pictures, etc. I t is not necessary f o r a shoe- black to establish a stand and wait f o r trade. Here, innumerable boys and men buy a little
*! A|
s |
the translations of our slang are sometimes
awfully funny, and must give the translators kit with blacking and a brush and run in and
•nstance, last night "For crying out loud!" was rendered "Por Vida del Satan!"
rh n ^ '
Leones, a district
April 12 Easter week, and everyone is getting new winter clothes. 1 went to the most interesting ceremony in the cathedral this morning—the Thursday before Easter. It is called the wash- ing of the feet. Twelve old men, selected from an old peonle's home, scrubbed within an inch of their lives, apparently, dressed up in white pique waistcoats and white Oxfords, were seated in a straight line at right angles to the high altar. The church was so packed with people that kneeling was almost an impossibility. The Archbishop, when he ap- peared, attended by the full staff of lesser priests and preceded by choir boys, was dressed in his most magnificent robes, heavy with gold embroidery. In all this splendor he personally performed the washing of the feet of each old man in turn, in commemor- ation of Christ's washing the feet of the disciples, and to keep before the minds of his flock the lesson of humility. It was, some- how, very touching. As each man's turn came he was given a small bouquet of carnations in the red and white colors of Chile. . . . How reverent the throng in the cathedral were—the lawyer in his frock coat from his office across the plaza, or the countryman in
his poncho from an outlying farm.
May 1 You would be intrigued by certain features of Chilean legal procedure. Like the Erench system, a culprit is considered guilty and must prove his innocence. If your house burns down, out come the police, and you are clapped into jail, until you have proven that the fire did not occur through your negligence. And the jails are without comforts of any kind. You must depend upon your friends to bring you a bed and a little furniture, and even food. Of course, if you are destitute, enough will be provided to keep you up and doing to stand trial. As there is no jury trial, the administra- tion of justice—or perhaps I should say the machinery of the law—moves much more
quicklv than in the States.
May 15 "Pop" has been on a great rancho out in the country, and I am going to send you a part of his letter, as it describes conditions on the
"Many of the farms are self-sustaining
The farm work is done mostly by oxen, and when one sees a large creaking cart with a load not so heavy as the cart itself, drawn by three pair of oxen, moving at the rate of about one and a half miles per hour, one feels like sitting down by the side of the road and letting the world go by."
It is a temptation to talk on and on—to tell you a little of the changing status of women in Chile, of the social legislation that is helping so much to improve living condi- tions, of the opening of Congress, when we heard the president read his message, of the American Women's Club and their various projects, of the beautiful Cementario General, a true city of the dead, with its named streets and city plan, of the impressive "Christ of the Andes," but 1 am sure the editor has been feeling for her scissors long since. And so, I must conclude, with the hope that you may all take occasion to visit this country, so beautiful, so rich in its traditions, and at such an interesting time of its development, and to meet its hospitable, charming people.
A Theta Lives in Rio
-4- LAST October, when my husband told me that we were being transferred to South America to live, I felt that my world was crumbling under my feet. Had he said Erance, England, Spain, or even China, I wouldn't have felt so bewildered, but to go to South America was a little more than I could stand. However, there was no alterna- tive in the matter and after a good cry I pulled myself together and started to work. First, what would I need to take with me? I knew we would be there at least three years. So I went to the library and read everything I could on Rio—climate, living conditions, and then made a list of things I would take. v\e packed silver, china, linen, electrical appliances, as I was determined to have a home even if it
did happen to be in South America. .
After visiting my sister and her family m Washington, D. C, we headed toward New York where we were to take the boat for Rio. We were to have a day in Bermuda en route; however, there was such a storm that the boat was unable to get into the harbor. I was not terribly disappointed as I had spent some time there, several years ago, and now that I was on my way, I was anxious to reach Rio. After the first week on the water, the storm calmed and we had a smooth sailing for the remaining two weeks.
fish they could catch in the river as wanted.
A day or so out of the Rio harbor, Senator and Mrs. Barkley from Kentucky, who were passengers on the boat and friends of ours, r - ceived a cable stating their daughter was seri- ously ill. They talked to the captain an" he arranged for the boat leaving R«° Ju ^ before we were to arrive to meet us out o the harbor and take them back to New »o r l *j Tohn and I arose earlv to see them transferor
units. They are large and sometimes distant
from towns or railroad stations. I was on
one of these last week. The owner and his
wife lived there all the year, preferring the
country to the city, though most of them do
not, and move into Santiago for the winter.
There were five children and, with a large
house and numerous servants, they lived a
grand life. They needed to buy only cloth
and thread for clothing and such other small
conveniences. All food was prepared on the
place, and with church, school and blacksmith
shop they lived happily. As far as one could
see the land was theirs, and the bodegas
(warehouses) were filled to the roofs with
wheat, corn and beans, while in the kitchen
warehouses were piles of pumpkins, corn,
beans, peppers, potatoes, and dried meat, with
rows and rows of preserved fruits. Fresh from the one boat to the other. It was jusi
MARCH, 1937
where thev would not know a
L ! k e genius, Alpha Phi was born and not
"*a d e - It was a laborious birth, but happilv of
snort duration. As you know, no nationals so, in desperation we called ourselves the
The convention
is Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi, First Sorority at Montana
State, is Convention Hostess
-f- W H A T sort of chapter is Alpha Phi, Con-
vention hostess ? The following letter writ- was, therefore, rather astonishing to have
tory, to be read to you on this, your birth-
day. I am ever so happy and proud to do this
because, though I do know but few of you
Personally, I think of you and with pride in the
Progress you have made and in the way you
seem to have retained and added to and en- this nature. hanced those ideals which we, the oldtimers,
In looking back, I fear that we were not overly original, although at the time we surely thought we were, because we could not think of a suitable name for our organization, and
nan been allowed on the M . S. C. Campus until Aneves Club. Y ou already know the brilliant ne
• advent of Alpha Omicron Pi, and it is fact that that is seven turned around and
J K J . fortunate that the Aneves Club and
prefixed by an A. W e were proud of that name! Then, of course, followed the respon- sibility of writing a constitution which would adequately express the ideals we stood for. Many an evening was spent by us, flat on our stomachs, in front of Leah's fireplace writ- ing and erasing, each of us adding this or
. , ? college that organizations such as ororities existed. (I was born and brought
T rVAme °f t h e b a n n n "at'onals coincided. d|
I o "ot have the remotest knowledge, until aneto
r'ty from an assembly of penguins.) It
v eden f
Erma Lessel take me aside in a corner of the perpetually dusty practice rooms in Mon- tana Hall, and to have her look carefully about to see that no one was within hearing,
Leah has asked me to write you some- about carefully too, and whispered back, "ft thing about Alpha Phi Chapter's early his- would be grand!" She, then, outlined to me
ten to Alpha Phi Chapter one Founders' Day
by one of the charter members of the chapter
describes so graphically the early days of
Alpha Phi and the sort of chapter we are and then whisper with bated breath, "Don't that we would like to pass it on: you think it would be nice to form a sorority?" Dear Sisters: I did not wish to seem ignorant, so I looked
what it would mean and whom we might ask to pioneer with us. For weeks on end we spoke softly in corners to this one and that one until there were seven of us who seemed to feel an identical inspiration in things of
that or objecting to too many legal "where- ize. Our resourcefulness knew no bounds. I ases." The work was so arduous and ex- remember on our first birthday we cooked our
own banquet at Mrs. Schoppe's and in order to save our money we took a tub and made the rounds of the neighbors' houses and
hausting that it became the custom for Leah
to play us soothing pieces on her piano in
order to enable us to trudge back to Hamilton
Hall. You readily see now that when I say knocked icicles off the eaves to freeze our
Alpha Phi was born and not made, it is with a fine appreciation of the meaning of terms. We were indeed born and with great
anxiety and travail.
ice cream. That is how we compromised be- tween patriotism and our conscience because ice cream was a distinct luxury. And again, as you see, we were watched over because the chinook that blew warm the day before was followed by a freezing blast just in time for the ice cream.
In the meantime, we had become acquainted
with Mary Ellen Chase, who was in one of
my German classes. I did not know what man-
ner of woman she was, but it was apparent
that she had great difficulty with German pro-
nunciation. She and I therefore ( I am not
bragging) spent much time in the library that we might profit by the privacy. I still boning away on "Ich weiss nicht was zoll es possess the dogeared Bible from which I bedeuten," and slowly out of this the fact used to solemnly intone. We were among came to life that she was a sorority woman.
It was not long until the Aneves Club looked
to her for guidance and she in turn was not
averse to help us. Peggy Schoppe, too, hap-
pened to be an AOII, and we felt that the
powers that be had been most unusually kind
to us. Mary Ellen, with her fascinating per-
sonality, soon decided for us that AOIT would
be good for us and we for AOIT. Through
her, many a hurdle was cleared in a hurry
and we sent in a petition to the then Grand Council and waited anxiously for a reply.
The day of January 28 dawned bright and clear and augured well because we had a telegram that we had been accepted. Erma stuttered in her excitement as we talked far into the night in a darkened room in the dormitory, while we consumed coffee brewed secretly in the clothes closet, it being long after hours for such things. Never was there more rejoicing anywhere.
latter statement should cause you to envision a group of old grinds let me set you aright quickly. No one could possibly have had more fun together than we did; no one could pos- sibly distill more enjoyment out of a college campus than we did. When our senior year came around we were disconsolate. The last initiation at which I officiated was sor- rowfully funny. Suddenly without any warn- ing, I was so overcome by it being our last formal meeting that I burst ingloriously into tears and to top that, I found that I had no handkerchief. I appealed to those nearby, but they too were weeping and had no hand- kerchiefs. Once the hunt f o r that necessity was accomplished, we had to begin all over again.
We met frequently in Mary Ellen's room
because we had much to learn, and some
things to unlearn. As a taskmaster, she proved
superb. No lesson in quantitative chemistry,
no contemplation on the life of caterpillars
ever received the concentration that did our world's goods. What, then, do we cherish? work to become AOII's. A t last we were ready
Our meetings were very interesting. We held them for the most part in the Linfield living room. The family obligingly cleared out
the first to buy a Liberty Bond; we knitted for the Red Cross. We asked faculty members to come and talk to us on current topics. We stood high in scholarship and character and were well thought of by our elders. If the
for February 23, (you won't forget that that
is also Mary Ellen's birthday) and were in-
stalled into AOIT in Peggy Schoppe's living
room. It was a solemn and memorable occa- and sense of great accomplishment is the sion and one which I have often looked back
upon with a great deal of homesickness.
The installation was followed by a banquet at the Bozeman Hotel; the table was lovely with red roses and candles. A l l of us were too emotionally wrought to know how or what we ate, but this I remember that the menu was the same as at the Gamma Chapter instal- lation because Mary Ellen and Peggy felt that to them, Alpha Phi was Nu Gamma. I do not remember anything of what was said either, but I know that they must have been great and glorious things. It was so that Alpha Phi was born.
Our life, as a group was marked by co- operation and simplicity. I have found in latterday contacts that simplicity is looked upon in askance. Of course, we in Montana might have overdone it, but remember that the year of 1916 was a war year and we were constantly exhorted to simplify and Hoover-
birthright of youth, without which we would be the poorer and without which we would be less sensitive to the world about us. 1/ asororityisofnoothervalue,ithas JUSTL" fied itself in that emotional sensitivity which sharpens our perceptions. Understanding com- panionship is a fundamental need to us all- As we grow older, we realize how short we tall of our avowed intentions. But what of that, as long as we try to reach those ideals whicn the world has found to be true and good- Do not underestimate the value of the senti- ments that hold our organization together. Remember that our ritual and our vows ar based upon bedrock, and that when things go askew it is not these that totter, but our- selves. Whatever we do, be it a small thing or a large thing, it will have left its mar* somehow, somewhere. I might go on and 75 saying this and saying that about Alpha rni -
What did those girls accomplish by be- coming a national sorority? We have not set the rivers on fire; we have not become fa- mous; we are not overly burdened with this
We were fired by enthusiasm to embrace cer- tain principles together. To think alike and fervently upon one subject enhances the value of that subject. This glorious burst of feeling
MARCH, 1937
15 ACCORDING to Rosemary Kruse, California season the system is much the same except
has two main rushing seasons each year, at that it is on a smaller scale since the January the opening of the fall and spring semesters. rushing period allows only one week in addi-
Under the direction of the Panhellenic organ-
ization a definite, uniform system is used in tion to the opening tea. It is highly concen-
trated series of parties with many of the same decorative themes. Of all the dinners of the rush season, we have the most fun at the baby party. Members of the house greet astonished guests in little girl frocks, hair bows and san- dals. We carry toys. Dinner carries out the motif of having gaily colored posters of nurs- ery rhymes on the walls, pert paper napkins
which were tucked in at the neck and all-day suckers. After dinner such games as were con- sistent with the baby party theme are played, such as "London Bridge is Falling Down,".
Rushing: A Matter of Cooperation
order to preserve as much equality as possible among the various sororities. In the fall the two weeks' rushing season opens with a for- mal tea, held "on the same day by all the houses and lasting for two hours. After this tea invitations for the first week of the rush- ing period are sent. The events consist of lunches, teas and dinners. A l l rushing is sus- pended during orientation events held for the
entering students. The second week is given over to informal parties, such as Hawaiian Night, Shj ip Ahoy, Underseas dinner and
^J^L^^gm^^Mjm . V * ^ f ft m ***** class at Maryland, secre- tary or neu-man Club, f,mC£ Cabmet and youngest of three AOJT sisters, and Peggy Ataslin AAA, have something in common to amuse them.
"Farmer in the Dell" and jump rope.
t-uropean dinners being the themes. Fireside E p ar t ies also prove to be quite enter- wifi R u s h i "g c o m es to a brilliant close dav p r , o s P e c t i v e Podges being rushed at Fri-
*y and Saturday Preference nights. Silence
Each year Epsilon writes about the "Esmarelda" party or rather the party at which "Esmarelda" is given. This is an Ep- silon tradition. Catherine Hitz tells briefly of it, but, should you be interested, the girls
nipI,. " , s h e e s a n d members begins Saturday will tell you more about it. "We gave a
whV, , c o n t i n u e s until Tuesday at five skit entitled 'Esmarelda.' Especial tribute thei" f c a P»ains are all aflutter waiting for should go to Betty Johnson who had every-
lea notifications bv Panhellenic to one in stitches with her extremely amusing maide t c ,h o i c e s m ade by the university portrayal of the Billiken in the play. A
a» the entertaining has been formal dinner was held before the playlet ? sororities has was given. Handmade menu cards with
Esmarelda on the cover in red Spanish cos- tume, and tiny rosebud corsages for the guests added much to the festive air of the party."
Panhellenic Council, at the Pennsylvania
done A
been „.
nishee,° J A
girk ! u
Kins ih \. " a m e s w e r e o n t h e i r , i s t and to
whom ?S(onaseachofthe
d tele hone ca
\ P » s go out to the
members hurry out to get the * mem back for dinner. In the spring rush
State College, introduced the freshmen women
to rushing by an educational program, through
revised rulings. This included a series of
talks on general, informational, unbiased
material about fraternities. Objective discus-
sions were also given concerning the history
of the fraternities on our campus, the pin
or badge, et cetera. A Panhellenic adviser
was also appointed to work with the organizer
stood ready to receive the rushees coming up the gang plank into the house. Since Pan- hellenic rules allow rushees to stay at these parties only two hours, it was time for them to leave after singing several A o n songs. Kappa, too, led their guests up a gang plank to an ocean liner party.
Jean Gregg (AT) explained that Denison
of the freshman class to advise and organize allows but two planned parties, the others
the above educational program. "Open are informal get-togethers at which the girls house" was a new innovation for this year's dance to the radio, talk and look at the chap-
rushing code. "Open house" shall be defined ter scrapbooks.
as four afternoons set aside in November Gamma liked the night club dinner best, for all fraternities to be open to any new with its lime rickey cocktails, music and
student who may wish to call during set dancing, a Popeye skit and acrobatics by
hours. No student was permitted to remain chapter members.
longer than thirty minutes at any one house. Stella Biercuk (X) explains that rushing
The expenditure for refreshments and enter- at Syracuse University underwent a change
tainment was designated by the Fanhellenic this year. There was one day for open
Council. Beginning December 1 an allotted house, two for informal parties, one for a
amount was set for rushing expenditures for costume party, and a day for a formal. The
each week An itemized account of all these costume party with a pirate theme was bor-
expenditures on a regulation sheet must be rowed from last year. For atmosphere the handed to the Panhellenic Rushing Chair- girls removed all the rugs from the floors;
man. • A formal party will be held Saturday old boxes draped with rags were used in
night before formal bidding. The bidding
following rushing season shall be by prefe-
rential ballot. A l l work entailed in bidding
shall be done by a disinterested party. The
disinterested group shall see that those bidden
receive ballots by 10 a. m. on Sunday follow-
ing the formal party. Rushees must return
ballots to the disinterested group not later
than 4:00 p. m. Sunday following the last
party. The disinterested group shall notify
fraternities which girls have chosen to be-
long to it, and the fraternities are then free
place of furniture. The ceilings were cov- ered with sheets and black gauze to give the impression of a cave veiled with spider- webs. Candles were the only means of light- ing. These were inserted in old jugs and broken bottles. The actives were dressed in pirate costumes which they made themselves. Like most of the rushing parties at Syracuse, this one was divided into two parts. The first section opened with a ghost story told in the light of three candles which, through a trick, went out at correct intervals. At the
to acknowldge the acceptance when the girls climax, the last candle faded. Next came
bidden call at the house they have chosen. a Captain Kidd skit. A treasure hunt led Epsilon Alpha's newspaper party was novel, to the refreshments which'were cider, potato
Regina Ryan reports. A few desks were set chips, cookies, and candy. The second half
up having typewriters, a few crumpled news- was similar to the first. The quartet sang papers, all the telegrams we could discover, "She Is More to Be Pitied than Censored.
and all other trinkets that would help make
a real "city desk" in our newspaper offices.
Waste baskets filled to the very top, scattered
issues of a daily journal, a bulletin board, is left for originality. During the summer in- and disorder to the nth degree afforded the dividual rushing is done, as well as a few proper atmosphere for this interesting and in- large parties in Portland and Eugene. The
largest affair is a formal dinner given at the Waverly Country Club in Portland just be- fore school opens. This is a tradition with Alpha Sigma. The decorations motif is always the red and white of Alpha 0. Rush
expensive party. To add to the theme we
gave couples of rushees a stack of news-
papers and a pack of pins. After creating cos-
tumes in the privacy of our girls' rooms we
held a grand inarch. For the few minutes
allotted to create these costumes we had week is the opening week of school. There some fine results. Napoleon and Josephine are no classes so luncheons, dinners, and eve- were present, Scotch laddies and lassies and ning parties are given most of the week.
many amusing garbs were worn. The rushees were the judges of their own group and a small toy typewriter was awarded to the winner. True to the reporter's menu we served coffee and doughnuts.
This year Alpha Tail's best rush party
was a nautical luncheon. Gay pennants dan-
gling from the ceiling, real fish net draped
around the walls, and toy fleets sailing ma-
jestically over gaudy sailor handkerchiefs
spread out on end-tables provided the set-
ting for this nautical luncheon. The Alpha serenaded and gave the rushees red roses. Tau's wearing white skirts and middies with Psi's alumna? were considerable help at
AO!! embroidered in red across the pocket rushing, arranging and assisting as they were
Rushing at Oregon is restricted by Pan- hellenic in such a way that not much room
Expenses for the week are limited to thirty dollars which is for all extras such as flowers, music and decorations. Table decorations may consist only of a floral centerpiece, candles, and fraternity place cards. Marguerite Kelly thought their Hawaiian party was the best.
"Split dates" interrupt the Omega parties at Miami and the fraternity houses yield to the girls for no sorority houses are allowed on the campus. The 2Xs and Betas offered their houses. The traditional rose dinner was given at the Beta house and the actives
MARCH, 1937
needed. At the formal party, their "pep talks" were invaluable.
at the chapter house at the second formal evening party. Chairs were placed on either side of an aisle to serve as pews, and the minister performed the service before an im- provised altar at the west end of the long front room. All the characters were in cos- tume from the statuesque, brunette bride to the diminutive groom with his stiff collar around his ears. The climax was reached when the preacher kissed the bride and walked off with her, leaving the attendants to comfort the shy, flabbergasted groom. A re-
Anna Kendall (XA) writes that this year
Panhellenic organization instituted a new sys-
tem, greatly restricting sorority rushing on
the University of Colorado campus. They
installed a quota system which greatly re-
duced the number of pledges each house
might take during the year. No favors and
no decorations except flowers were allowed at
parties. In addition, only eight rush parties
or dinners were allowed during the week.
The success and permanency of the system ception followed the ceremony. Complete tea
service was used, and one of our alumna poured. The centerpiece was a beautiful, many-tiered wedding cake topped bv a minia- ture bride and groom. Ice cream and coffee were served with the cake to the rushees by the actives. Within the wedges of cake were hidden the traditional symbols prophesying the future (a ring, a slipper, a thimble, etc.).
Rushees at Northwestern had an oppor- tunity to visit all of the houses since the first teas were given on different days by the two groups into which the houses were divid- ed. There were no orchestras, but Rho did enjoy its buffet supper. Jeanne Lepine says that the Chinese tea garden tea was their prettiest. Chinese parasols covered the lights. The centerpiece on the table was a flat dish filled with gold fish and water lilies. Rice cakes with fortunes in them, almond cookies, candied orange peel, lichee nuts and China tea were served by girls in Chinese kimonos.
Rushing on the Illinois campus is in accord- ance with the quota system and the prefer- ential system. Invitations f o r the fall parties held during the formal, rushing period one week before registration may be issued any time after July 15, and must be answered within one month. Any invitation received after August 15 must be answered within five days. The rushee may attend as many as three parties including the tea the opening dav at any houses before preferential day. Soror- ities issue their invitations for preferential parties to the girls they are most interested in. The rushees answer these invitations
on freshmen in the dormitories three times, through the Dean of Women's office. They give two teas, an open house, three parties, accept invitations to the three houses they like
Theta's formal oriental party was the most most. The evening of preferential day after impressive. The walls were covered with the last party, the sorority makes out a list
black Chinese characters and with banners of the girls it wishes to pledge in the order of orange crepe paper and black mat stock of their desirability. This list is handed to
have not yet been determined. Chi Delta rushed most successfully at a night club party. The small tables for four gave an intimacy to the party.
The first day of rush week at Kansas was declared "Open House." On this day all rushees were compelled to visit every sorority house on the campus to be eligible to com- pete in the remainder of the rush week. The second day was a day of silence in which all date bids were sent and rejected or accepted. The third and fourth days of the week were spent with tea dates and dinner parties. Pref- erential bids were accepted on the afternoon of the fourth day. Pledging was held on the afternoon of the seventh day. Their night club decorations were varied by a bar at one end of the living room. Cigarette girls vended confetti and serpentine in their trays.
The success of Beta Phi's Jungle Jamboree luncheon was due largely to the unique theme of the decorations. Small brown cardboard canoes were used as nut cups, and the place cards were of black paper cut in the shape of boiling pots. Little grass huts were used as centerpieces, and small paper animals were pasted on the table cloths to carry out the idea. Vari-colored leis were given as favors.
Nu Kappa has an annual Italian supper at the home of Ruth d' Arlene Hogg where it is served at small tables on the terrace overlooking the formal Italian garden. The menu and program are Italian with the enter- tainers wearing national costumes.
characters; and black torii of heavy card- the Dean of Women. The rushee gives the
In one corner was placed a large plaster ence. Then the Dean takes the rushee's
tached to the dance programs. Tuna fish her name down, she is not pledged. How- salad and coffee were served, and we ever, she may be rushed immediately after the
closed by singing several AOII songs. This termination of the formal rushing period. At Oriental Party will be an annual affair, since Illinois each house has a quota, meaning that
adding to the decorations each year is more each house can accommodate a certain num- economical, and the result will be more im- ber of girls comfortably. Each fall, the num-
pressive. ber of girls necessary to fill the quota is de- termined by the number of vacancies in the
Zeta's most successful partv during rush house made either by the seniors of the week was the "Mock Wedding."" It was held
each room different colored lights were used. the three sororities in order of her prefer-
At De Pauw members are allowed to call
board were fastened to the hall posts. In Dean a preference card on which is listed
buddha, with incense and candles burning card and if the first sorority named on the
before it. For the dance programs, a red and rushee's card has listed her on their list, gold design was made on black programs, she is pledged there. If not, the Dean refers
and the lettering and cords were of gold. to her second choice, and if necessary, to her
The favors, tiny elephant charms, were at- third. If none of the three houses has put
preceding spring or by undergraduates who have come back to school. We always know the exact number of girls that we can have in the house. Sometimes our pledge class may be small because the preceding senior class was small. Other years it will be large because of a large graduating class. "This sys- tem has been found to help the smaller houses get better girls and fill up their houses much
easier," explains Beth Fowler ( I ) .
Iota gave a Monday Washday luncheon. Used for centerpieces of each table were miniature revolving clothes line or small wash- tubs and boards. On the lines and in the tubs
ing their mothers initiated the rush period. This was done for ten days immediately pre- ceding the two-week period in which parties were held in the chapter house to entertain the girls. These two weeks were filled with breakfasts, luncheons, teas, and dinners, as well as afternoon parties— about sixteen af- fairs in all. The campus was very proud of rush season this year for the first time the
houses were so fair in their rushing cam- paigns that there was not a single grievance— a grievance being what is known as a com- plaint against unfair practices. The spirit among the houses seemed to be one of friend- ly helpfulness rather than one of competition. Upsilon's Jungle dinner caused much com- ment. The long dinner table was laid with doilies rather than tablecloth; the entire length of the table was decorated with tall
were very tiny doll clothes. The clothes
were made especially for the party so the
proportions were correct for the size of the
clothes line. W e crumpled up clear-col-
ored cellophane and put it in the tubs to
obtain the effect of water since the tubs brown palm trees with large green leaves and leaked if water stood for long in them. Small out of the trunks of the trees extended the bars of soap were by the tubs and scrub tips of green candles to furnish the candle-
boards. The red and blue placecards were at- light. In the center of the table was a tractive and reasonable since they were hand- sparkling blue lagoon and on its shore a na- • made. In the corner of each was found a tive grass hut. Canoes were anchored on very tiny iron or washboard tied on with the lagoon and at each place for brown nut
a red cord bow. Names were written in cups. Cannibals leered from behind palm trees.
white ink on these cards. Since we enter- These were brown coconuts painted with
wild white faces and wilder hair in various shades such as red and green. The menu was in accord with the motif from the ele- phant soup (green soup with animal crackers on top) to the native dessert (slice of ice cream covered by tw o slices o f chocolate cake arranged over t!>e ice cream) in the form of an inverted V , to resemble a dwelling.
At Michigan State, according to Jeanne E.
Mann, rushing begins with tea on Sunday and
seven parties follow, one every other day. Epsilon Alpha Directs Swimming Heta Gamma's Nut Party was different. In-
vitations were sent out in peanut shells from
which the peanuts had been carefully removed
tained more than eighty girls at this Wash- day luncheon, we were not able to carry out any definite plan of entertainment centered about the W ashday theme.
We feel that our rushing season was a big success. W e received nineteen pledges and later pledged one more girl to fill our quota.
and the shell pasted together again. We ad- -4- DORIS R. SMITH (EA) was chairman of
the women's swimming carnival. This was a new event in this sport and under the direc- tion of Doris, who is women's swimming manager, it became a welcomed event on the sports' calendar.
Aside from the usual diving and exhibition swimming there were novelty races. The candle race and umbrella race were quite unusual and entertaining. A life saving dem-
onstration was also given along with a fash- ion show in which all types of new and old style suits were modeled.
dressed in red crepe paper and a red and Epsilon Alpha members who participated. white silk turban), its waffles served with
justed the game of Pig (some call it Donkey) to fit the name of different nuts at different tables. The girl receiving the lowest score at the end of the evening was awarded with a coconut wrapped in bright red cellophane. Before refreshments were served, every one participated in a short play, "The Nut Hunt." Refreshments were a crispy-date-nut dessert
with whipped cream and coffee.
Adaline Edson (Psi) suggests that their waffle party, with its imitations of a log cabin made of pretzel sticks built on cardboard and worded in southern dialect, its entertainment
Rachel M . Bechdel ('39), lean W . Cousley ('37), Ruth B. Evans ('37), Olwen W. Evans (made of chocolate with white features and ('39) and Marjorie M. Govier ('39) were
of games, its favors of lollypop mammies
creamed mushrooms, sounds worth trying.
AOII at Cornell Award
The southern chapters like the red and
white parties—Kappa Omicron members wore -+- MRS. ERNST GLANTZBF.RG, AOII's Pan-
white tea gowns, the president wore red at their first formal tea.
At W ashington, Panhellenic this year ex- perimented with a different system of rushing and found it very successful. Summer rush- ing which formerly was carried on for more than a mouth was eliminated entirely and the actual rushing within the house was extended from one week to two weeks. A system of
calling on the girls in their homes and meet-
hellenic delegate, will be among sorority and fraternity representatives at the presenta- tion of the National Achievement Award, sponsored by Chi Omega, when Katharine Cornell receives it in the East Room of the White House on March 30.
The sympathy of the interfraternity world as well as of AOIT went out to Pinckney on the occasion of the loss of her husband and during the illness of her sister.
MARCH, 1937 19 Alpha O's Affected by Worst
Floods in History By KATHERINE DAVIS, Theta
.4- A PROMINENT geologist has gone on rec- ord as saying that the Ohio Valley has not known such a flood for five hundred years. Old timers along the river who had "sat out the 18&4 flood," when the river at Louisville reached a 46.7 foot flood stage, thought they could sit through January, 1937, but they had to be taken out in boats—and they weren't "sitting" waiting for the boats either. Some were standing with only their necks out of water, for the old Ohio went to 57.1 feet this time, ten and one-half feet al>ove
the \88A stage.
The Ohio is back in its banks now, but at this writing chaos still exists. The complete flood story has not yet been told, and this will be by no means complete. We, who were in the midst of it, had only sketchy accounts of what was happening— snatches over the radio before the current went off, true or censored stories in the newspapers sometimes a week old when we got them, or bits picked up from neighbors and friends. (However, be it understood that everyone was warned in plenty of time to walk to safety.)
ers. Friday the water still crept up. Silver Creek, a little stream a block from our house, long since over the bridge bed, had reached the level of our street by afternoon. People across the street, whose house elevations were lower than ours, began to move out. We thought we'd have a little water in our base- ment, but we confidently expected to be able to stay in our house.
We gathered up a few valuables to have them in a safe place, and went to bed. Sleep- ing was not easy, with the disquieting noise echoing in our ears of neighbors, on ground lower than ours, moving out. About 3 A . M . I got up to see how far the water had risen during the night. It was easy to see where the water had melted the snow that had fallen during the evening. The black line had ad- vanced to our corner, but the sidewalk was still uncovered. So I went back to bed, but presently my mother and father began to stir; then we all got up and dressed.
Word came by telephone that the levee pro- tecting our end of town had broken and that we had better evacuate immediately. W e couldn't realize it, for there was still little water around our house; but we got out while we could still go in the car. When we crossed Spring Street, one block from our house, the water was over the running board, and the next car had to be towred through. We went
from New Albany, and streets becoming riv-
nearby, at his invitation delivered the previous
We began to realize that the flood was
serious on Thursday, January 21. Rains had
been torrential during most of January, and
parts of town that are flooded annually began
to get under water. But we did not become
alarmed until we saw water backing up in the
sewers in Jeffersonville, a town five miles to the home of a cousin on higher ground
The home of Katherine Davis. Theta, had over three feet of water on the first floor. Note the street marker.
believe that the Brown Hotel stood in six feet of water and that the basement of every downtown store, bank and hotel would have
night, only to find that he was ready to move
out if the water came up much more. How-
ever we stayed at his house until after day-
light ; when we left there we could see that been flooded if the water had not been
our house was still high and dry.
We sought another refuge after that; at
last mother and I left town. Father and my brother stayed to render medical aid. Father was on duty almost constantly at St. Edward's Hospital. My brother was in charge of a tem- porary hospital in the high school as long as it was needed.
I didn't come back to town again until the river had reached its crest and had subsided about four feet. So I really did not see the peak of the flood, but I saw houses three blocks from ours completely covered with water. We didn't know until we returned in a boat that the water had risen three feet, three inches on the first floor of our house. We didn't see it in our house, but we had plenty evidence of it. Spring housecleaning will be a long, arduous task this year, what with waiting on decorators who will have hun- dreds of demands for their services. Nothing can be done until the house dries out, another long process.
We were so much more fortunate than most people in our community that we cannot mur- mur. We were thankful to be out safely. Many people unduly exposed to hardship are ill, and at present I have nothing worse than a sore arm due to the typhoid shot T received this morning.
Many queer things have happened during and since this flood. When we went into our house after the water had gone down a little, we found furniture overturned and in the oddest places. The garbage can had risen out of its container on the back porch and was in the dining room (it usually takes a tue to remove said can from said container). The buffet was laying on its back, with not a single dish broken. A china candleholder left on the dresser had floated to the floor upright and unbroken. We had no water to clean the coating of mud (about one-eight inch) on our floor except the river flowing past our front door.
To backtrack a little, here is an incident to illustrate how fast the water came up after the levee broke. One of our neighbors had his car on the drive loading it with a few things his family would need. The water ad- vanced so rapidly that he never finished load- ing but rushed into the bouse and had to be taken from a second story window in a boat. That's just one of the river's many pranks.
The most ridiculous flood story I heard is that of a woman who had to be taken out of her home in a boat and who pleaded with her rescuers for permission to take her little dog. Space was precious, but they finally consented and bundled woman and dog into the boat and were off. A short distance from the house, the woman remembered she had left her baby! Possibl\r this seems unbelievable, but it is a fair example of the panic a flood gives an individual.
pumped out continuously. Derby enthusiasts will be amazed to hear that Churchill Downs and its historic track were inundated. In fact most of Louisville was flooded, except the Highlands and Crescent Hill, and they were flooded with refugees. The channel of the Ohio River, with its swift current, flowed down Broadway, the main artery of Louis- ville.
The Kentucky side of the river was hit harder than the Indiana side, because of its low terrain. Our southern Indiana hills stop- ped the river, but not before it bad covered all of Jeffersonville except one subdivision and practically two-thirds of New Albany.
There are many AOIT's in these three flood- ed towns, and I suppose many of their homes were inundated. I have seen only one of these girls up to date, but I feel sure all are safe, for everyone was warned, all along the river. Up and down the river were many more sis- ters, whom we have faith are out of danger. Ruth Segar, in Bellevue. Kentucky, wrote that she was high and dry, but suffering from a lack of water and other ordinary services. Utilities are scarce articles in flood districts, and there was much shivering due to flooded furnaces.
One local prophet predicts that we shall have another flood in March worse than this one. If so, I don't believe I'd have the cour- age to go back into our house again. I think I'd take my knapsack in band and go to live in a fire tower on one of our highest hills.
In closing, I'd like to thank my many AOU friends who were so solicitous as to our well being and who wrote me such thoughtful let- ters. In the meantime, please accept my as- surance that we have our heads above water.
An intimate letter from Betty Gadient Huckleberry (6) to Margaret E. Johnson (6) gives a fine picture of the stress and spirit of people in New Albany.
"Dear Margaret:
"I feel like the old colored mammy refugee who said: 'If you think the Civil War was hell, you ought to be down here.' And I dare say such a thing when we are so for- tunate ! W e lived in a second floor apart- ment on one of the four streets of the town which are out of water. Our only loss is one month's salary which would have taken us to the coveted summer school. Mother and Dad have a beautiful home, you know—they had seven feet of water in the basement—just inches to go to the first floor. But my father's big veneer mill—Margaret, I can't describe it. Mahogany desks, fine paneling, hard wood floors, stacks of flooring, veneer, lumber—all gone with the ravages of the river. The build- ing is there, but it would have been better had it floated away. Then—only one big scar—as it is—there are so many little scars.
"Alan, Mother, John, and myself went to Greencastle for ten days and now we are back. to this flood. Few people who have ever We have drawn water from 7:30 to 8:00. visited Louisville and known the town could There is no gas—very weak electricity. Moth-
There are many other unbelievable aspects
MARCH, 1937 21 er has an electric stove so we eat out here—
but just now in the midst of dinner prepara- tions, the electricity went off. But some have no heat, no stoves, no water. Katherine Davis (G) had three feet, three inches of water on the first floor—enough to ruin all furniture including her Steinway grand piano—and yet she talks of being fortunate. Noble people, without a possession, are talking of being for- tunate. It changes you inside, And the Red Cross—take it from me, it's the most wonder- ful organization that God ever put on this earth.
"Alan's school room has been used for everything. Soldiers, navy boats, trucks, trains, people, everywhere you look. And everyone looks so much older, sadder, and wiser.
"If someone told you that Lake Michigan • was going to flood Chicago, and Blue Island, you would laugh—so did we at the possibility of such a thing. Mother and Dad live two
miles from the river, and yet they got it. At Left to right: Anna Mae Baines ('38), Flora
Waldman f'37), Betty Weaver ('37), and Mar- jorie Higgins ('37) were snapped at Pi Delta's house at Maryland the evening after they modeled "And now as the river goes down comes in the fashion show sponsored by the Y.W.C.A.
the worst part. In our nicest districts we find houses collapsing. Six large business houses are condemned. The entire" side of one build- ing has fallen out. Houses on top of houses— houses upside down— houses in trees, and everywhere a thick coating of mud.
"And yet people are finding things to laugh at. We now have one picture show opening today. The post office is open. One store in our town of 30,000 has fresh meat. One cafe- teria is open. There were three churches open this morning—and people are beginning to look up and have 'faith, hope, and charity— but the greatest of these is charity.' It is be- cause of the love of the United States that these people can keep going. A n d how deeply we all appreciate it. And now—enough of floods."
Mary Allie Taylor Robinson (KO) is on the society desk at the Memphis Press-Scimi- tar and her informal recital of life in Memphis around about February 7 reveal how that city received the flood and its refugees.
"With the delay in the mails because of the flood, I didn't get your letter in time to write anything for you about flood camps. I really wish I could have submitted an article to you about Memphis as a refugee center, for the sights to be seen here in the 'Bluff City' are something to behold. And the work being done here is amazing. From the very lowest to the high social set everybody is plunging in to help the thousands of people who have poured into Memphis from Ken- tucky, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi. The radio stations here cut off every program
and simply broadcast from dawn to dawn
news of the flood, personal messages to the stricken, and appeals for help. Every social function and every other kind of meeting was called off. Everybody plunged in to help. Some sorted clothes, some took their cars and wrent out soliciting clothes. Oh, there were hundreds of things to do and plenty to keep everybody busy. The Tri-State Fair- grounds was converted into a refugee camp
for Franks of Washington.
with every building, even the cattle and hog barns, turned into places for human beings to sleep. When the numbers began growing so rapidly the Municipal Auditorium was cleared, and hundreds of cots places there. Then flu and pneumonia, scarlet fever and typhoid and other diseases became so prevalent that four- teen Memphis schools were closed—all the desks removed and the rooms made into hos- pital rooms for the ill and suffering. One physician told me that he had examined hun- dreds as they poured in here by train, bus, auto, boat and even on foot and every one had at least 101 degrees of fever.
"The waters continue to rise here. Parts of the northern and southern sections are filled with backwaters—even some of the bet- ter residential streets are seriously threatened. Today it is literally pouring down rain and the wind is blowing 38 miles an hour which makes things mighty bad as the crest is ex- pected late today or tonight. Memphis is in no danger of ever being flooded like Louis- ville and Cincinnati. The bluffs are too high, but parts will certainly see the flood at their door before it roars on its way.
"The great danger here is the epidemic of some kind that is sure to break out with all the diseased people here. A n d there are 35,000 refugees here now .
"And I wasn't going to write anything about the flood! But I just got started. As a matter of fact I don't know enough about it to write an article. I have been so busy with my newspaper jobs—I have been doing my society column, as well as work on the city desk— that I have been able to give none of my time to actual relief work. M y knowledge is really second-hand, just what I hear the reporters say and what, like Will Rogers, I read in the newspapers. Our paper has established a missing persons bureau, trying to help people to find their loved ones, and so I have seer some of the most pitiful case? "
Louisville, the river was forty miles wide. Imagine it if you can.
she said she has been unable to devote a great deal of time to sorority activities since gradu- ation. She does, however, occasionally attend Founders' Day banquets, but added that she gets to feeling old at such gatherings and be- lieves that "the kids don't know what to make of the old grandmothers."
I hastily explained that "we kids" didn't feel that way at all; that we thought it quite won- derful to find a group of such divergent years meeting for a common cause, and to feel that they were all members of the same organiza- tion.
"That's true," she considered. "There is that feeling of continuation. Of course, the friend- ship part is the best thing."
She added that she had recently spoken be- fore an AOIT political meeting. "I'm a Repub- lican," she added with apparent pride. "They
needed some one to speak for the underdog . . ." she paused, then added characteristically, "but at that time we didn't know we'd be un- der . . . so much."
Law has always held first place in Miss Ilin- net's interests, and been the thing she's wanted to do. Her recreation is politics, and at pres- ent she is active as Republican leader of the 10th assembly district of New York City. "It is natural for lawyers to go into politics," she explained. "They are all interested in govern ment, and politics is practical or applied gov- ernment.
"Oh, yes, I once ran for the office of Regis- trar of New York County . . . hut wasn't elected," she continued.
Miss Burnet lias the distinction of being the
FEMININE LEADERSHIP IN POLITICS THE importance of women in the political scheme has perhaps never been so strikingly shown as today. Women, since gaining the vote, have not been disposed to play second- fiddle to the men's organizations. Especially is this true of business and professional wom- en, who have realized the value of their strength in political affairs, who know their own minds, and have the executive ability to organize politically and drive forward to the
goals they set for themselves.
In point is the "Lick Lehman League" an organization of business women headed by Margaret M . Burnet, lawyer of New York City. Miss Burnet is not only prominent as a
lawyer, but is rapidly becoming an impor- tant political figure in the Tenth Assembly District. The League of which she is or- ganizer is devoted to the defeat of Governor Lehman on the grounds that his administra- tion has failed in the most important matters of administration. Some members of the league voted for Governor Lehman previously, but they have concluded that he has shown himself "to be Jim Farley's man" and not the independent candidate they thought him. The increase of the State debt by $132,004,- 225 in the period from January I, 1933, to June 30, 1936, in spite of enormous tax in- creases, is one of the major reasons impelling
the opposition.
Miss Burnet is demonstrating genuine lead- ership that, we venture to think, will place her in the forefront of political affairs. She has formulated a definite objective. She knows the value of concentrated effort in political affairs, for in the last analysis, it is concen- tration on gaining a particular point, not a diffuse stand upon generalities, that counts in politics.—American Business Review, October, 1936.
Margaret Bumet: Lawyer By CLARA ALYSE FONYO, Nu
"READ THIS, and you'll be surprised," smil-
ed Margaret Burnet, pointing to an inter- view in the scrap book we were examining to- gether. Obediently, I read the paragraph— but I wasn't surprised, for the description of her neatly waved white hair, high forehead, keen blue eyes, and pleasant, considerate manner, made me think only of how well the writer had interpreted her character, and how true the highly complimentary phrases were.
From the moment that I met Margaret M . Burnet in the officesof Burnet and Smith, 280 Broadway, I realized that she was, above all,
a person of quiet charm, frankness, directness and consideration; totally lacking in all traces of artifice, pretense, or affectation. She speaks fluently, but slowly and with deliberation, sea- soning her statem ents with unexpected little comments, revealing a rather Unobtrusive, sub- tle sense of humor.
Miss Burnet attended law school at New York University with Helen St. Clair Mullan, who was very eager to establish there a chap- ter of the then recently-founded AOIT. It was formed with three members of the class of '02 as actives, and Margaret Burnet was elect-
ed the first president of Nu.
Having always been a "poor working girl,"
MARCH, 1937
first women ever to have received an appoint- ment as U . S. Customs Attorney. Her scrap book contains many items dealing with this phase of her career. "Y ou see what lovely pic- tures I always take," she commented, showing me her clippings. "They are too conservative to give the customs bar to women. That's why everybody thought it was so wonderful when I got the appointment."
Her duties consisted of passing on the rate of duty each item would be charged. There is a certain rate on an item entered as a toy, and another if it is considered a manufactured ar- ticle. It was up to her to determine the correct rate for each article, and then to write long briefs on her decisions.
"I didn't find it particularly thrilling," she
Finding herself unable to make enough to live on, in that position, she resigned, and now regards the period as but a brief interlude in her career as attorney with a general prac- tice. At present she is doing mostly surrogate work (wills and estates to us).
Would she advise women to study law to- day? She replied that despite the statement in a recent pamphlet of the New York County Lawyers Association to the effect that due to overcrowding of the field, there is no chance for any lawyer in the state, she does believe that if it is the thing you like to do better than anything else, there is room for you in the profession.
And to this statement, may I add: especially should you be fortunate enough to possess the charm, personality, and determination of a Margaret Burnet.
Dayton President Has
Numerous Capabilities
By RUTH COX, Omega
of all seasons, is susceptible to her moods for decorations. Besides that her capabilities arc backed by the attitude that whatever one does must be done well.
Although she has lost most of her southern accent, she has not lost her southern sen- sitivity to the warmth of real friendships and the value of keeping them alive. Just as she can always be depended upon to do her job well, so can she be counted upon as a real friend.
Last summer at the Ohio Valley District Convention she suggested a district philan- thropic project which would broaden our in- terests and add money to the coffers. There upon she was made chairman of the project of which she tells below .
explained. " I t lacked 'human interest,' are so fond of saying nowadays."
as they
-f- JKAN HILL BOLES (n) was born in New .+- WHEN Bland Morrow and Mary Dee
e Vear „^" -
h she belongs. Perhaps values re-
balance. "y eenavervare
for ii' ' K measure responsible
ter ibrk
S su,)f)er
°«—a H i - Founders' banquet and so
A . 't S
Dayton Alumnae Chap-
s uccess of ollr
k e e " i n t e r e s t
i n
o u r
Orleans, educated at Sophie Newcomh, taught Home Economics at the University of Arkansas, married Chalmers Boles of Fayette- Pie, Arkansas, has two daughters, Molly and
Betsy, and now lives in Dayton, Ohio, where s"e is president of the A O n Alumnae Chapter and of a P.-T.A. group.
Because she is willing and reliable and be- i "s e . °f her training in Home Economics, - an is greatly imposed upon by any organiza-
Drummond told us again, at the Ohio Valley District Convention last summer, about the many things even a small amount of money can do in the mountains, they made us feel that perhaps we had been loafing on this very important job.
We said to ourselves and to each other. "Couldn't we find more money somewhere?" "Were there not some sleeping dimes in our pocketbooks that could be lured into ac- tive, useful service at the front in the war on worms?" "There must be some way, pleasant or at least painless, of getting hold of these idle bits of silver and setting them to work!"
"But what? How?"
"Rummage sales? Bridge parties?"
"Too old!"
"Yes, raffles, too, have had their . . ." "Say,_do you remember the quilt that Bland
brought to Lake Forest in 1935 for the ex-
'•n to
couf r has! •'
rC CqUal to va,ues and tMat ac
in particular Jean's name was put ery Comin
to kl - i t t e e where a lovely party was glven t,R
MlriVt ' ' rush party, the rose tea,
H because lean has ideas which c , e ver and her garden, so full of flowers
Ata ratcsne
-+- WEmight have titled this article, "How to Raise Money" or "Benefits That Pay," but bad we, there is a question that you would have read this far. So many people feel that way about alumna; meetings. Not that they don't enjoy a good dinner of Virginia ham or hot Dutch potato salad and frankfurters in company of the same friends they would in- vite to dinner at home. Oh, no, it is just the idea of raising money—having a quota that is
expected of their chapter.
Our first "don't" in telling you how to raise
money is to say: Don't plan your money-rais- ing at your first meeting in the fall. Don't even mention money. Have a real party with the real purpose of getting June's sen- iors acquainted and the people who were too busy last year so inspired by an atmosphere of camaraderie that they will have to come again—P.-T.A., the Woman's Club, church or ten children and no maid notwithstanding. Money must always be the secondary reason for any gathering, pleasure, study or service being the primary. In case of alumna; chap- ters the financial side represents service either to our undergraduate chapters or to our neighbor Kentucky hill folk, but few alumna- chapters would survive were they organized only to serve.
The second "don't" has to do with the psy- chology of bugbears. Our children are taught that anything can be fun with the approach made from that direction. Likewise raising money can be. If you have bored your friends and em barrassed yourself selling chances, tickets, try having a dancing party. Your friends may enjoy dressing like hill billies or the Victorians to dance in a hay loft or an old-fashioned lodge hall. Progres- sive dinners for small groups or a plantation dinner for large ones give the ticket buyers their money's worth in food and fellowship. For bridge fans, tournaments are just an- other chance to play and because teams often play together have advantages over large ben- efits where a table plays all afternoon and there's an end to it.
Of course, you can sell "things"—vanilla, metal sponges, cook books, coathangers, lunch- eon sets, hand lotion, tea, stationery, Christ- mas cards and wall cleaner, but they go slow- ly and must be handled with that in mind. In a large ffroup money is to be made by such stock if all the members can agree on one brand and patronize the chapter's merchan- dise.
If there is talent in your midst, a silver tea may bring you renown as well as remunera- tion for what is more pleasant or lovely to a woman's heart than a musical tea with a gifted entertainer and a pretty table? If tal- ent is lacking but beauty in profusion, a fash- ion show will make a tea a success.
All ticket buyers get their dollar's worth or so out of theatre benefits, especially if it is
good Little Theatre or stock or a play oil tour. Occasionally a fine movie may be had for a benefit and there is money in it. Com- missions are forthcoming on tickets sold to lectures or concert courses.
The generosity of members, either in donat- ing or allowing substantial discount on mer- chandise, will give selling chances a stimulus. After all, we can't let our free-giving donor feel we arc letting her down. Dresses, furs, turkeys, hams, jewelry are among the best items for raffle. Book club memberships, football or symphony tickets, $50 bills are other possibilities.
Rummage and old paper sales are hard work, but in the former the contact with hu- manity makes it worth the effort. Don't for- get that good, left-over rummage can be usejj by our Social Service worker, Bland Morrow, whose address is elsewhere.
The auction of "white elephants," home baked goods or "pig baskets" is amusing and lucrative if the auctioneer is loud and long- winded.
Easter egg rollings, marionette shows, chil- dren's Christmas parties are means of enter- taining the AOII's of later years, their friends and their youthful escorts at a profit.
Then there are the quiet, so-called painless ways of raising quotas—much more painful than many believe because the psychology >s different; they make giving a matter of steady contribution with no apparent or glam- orous return. You have a savings bank with a Bank Night; you give twenty-five cents at each dinner meeting or party supper or pro- gram; you pass a penny box at meeting- m you sell your refreshments. Painless, yes 1 1 your membership wants it that way, but take heed of grumbles about "always money. They are evidence that it is time to use a different method and take a year's moratori- um on the monthly donations.
If that alone will not put new spirit into
your group, take Barbara Clark Marsh's ad- 1
vice and do a* San Diego Alumna; Chapf"- of which she is president, did.
"T'm proud of San Diego Alumnae. I told the chapter that personally, and now I »' glad of a chance to tell the whole sorority- Last fall I wrote Mary Dee Drummond that we couldn't possibly raise a $25 quota; ^'l t j1 only a dozen active members, it was too much to expect of us. By the time she replied, *
MARCH, 1937
was able to write her again not to worry; we had raised it. In addition, we had sent two big boxes of things to Bland Morrow. That's why I'm proud of San Diego Alumna;, since I was in charge of the philanthropic work. I only hope we can do as well this year, when I am president.
names of the colors written in. Poor Miss Kelly must have slept very badly for several nights for Mrs. Phillips cannot read] How- ever, her husband, and a nephew who had been to high school, came to her rescue and ours and soon word went up and down the "branches" and "forks" of the wonderful quilt Molly Phillips was making and all the neigh- bora came to see it.
Now it is finished and it is wonderful! It is the rainbow pattern with orchid and green the predominating colors. So finely quilted and neatly made and Mrs. Phillips worked only by the light from the door— there are no windows in her cabin!
We are selling 1,000 tickets throughout the Ohio Valley District and I believe we could have sold 2,000. Everyone is so enthusiastic, especially after they see the quilt. Now, don't you all wish you lived in this district?
Mary Dee is to do the drawing ami the proceeds are to be over and above our "We got off to a flying start by selling regular quotas—an extra gift from Theta, Beta Phi, Beta Theta, Omega, Theta Eta, and Alpha Tau, and the alumnae of Indianapolis, Bloomington, Ft. Wayne, Terre Haute, Cin- ject up at every meeting. We mentioned it cinnati, Cleveland and Dayton. There really
Alumna; were asked to take charge. Arrange- ments were made through Ruth Segar and B|ss Xora Kelly of the F.N.S. to have Mrs. H*Olly Phillips make it. We wanted to donate me material, so picked out the design from one already made up and bad the store send °|'t one of these boxed outfits in which all the pieces are cut ready to be pieced. We were
;d that a diagram was enclosed which Jpy child could understand— alas! and alack; me diagram was not in colors as we had supposed but in black and white with the
My experiences with the Portugese maid those first few weeks are well worth remem- bering—she not speaking a word of English and I , of course, not being able to understand her. But I entered school and am now able to speak the language quite well.
chances on a $20 bill. W e made $22 over ex- penses that way. Then we began harping on magazine commissions. We brought the sub-
ever} time we called one another. I made a
pest of myself on the subject. We not only handled our own subscriptions, but we talked our friends into taking magazines which tin \ hadn't realized the}- wanted. W e thought of setting a quota of $1.00 in commissions from each Alpha O in San Diego county, which is the district included in our chapter, but since not everyone helped, some of us had to dou- ble ,,ur $1.00.
"Slowly the amount grew. Last spring a statement showed that we were tied for third place in the commission list. The October To DRAGMA shows that we came up to sec- ond among all the alumna; chanters, though we ranked twenty-seventh in number of paid members. This year we give fair warning to Bangor Alumnae that we're out to beat their record i f we can— after all, with eight more members, they only raised $4.90 more!"
Mbil and how it was auctioned off on a few minutes' notice and how- proud the lucky win- ner was to have that quilt, actually made in 'he mountains, for her hope chest?"
is a small pot of gold at the end of this rainbow .
A Theta Lives in Rio
before dawn and 1 can frankly say we wit- nessed the most beautiful sccr.e I have thus far had the pleasure of seeing. There seemed to be a difference in the air. It felt suddenly soft. We entered the harbor which resembles a light bulb in shape. On one side of the har- bor was the famous Sugar Loaf Mountain, seemingly coming up out of the sea and tow- ering high, almost into the clouds. Then there were hundreds of tiny islands scattered here and there. It was a view I shall always re- member.
There was much excitement going into the harbor. Friends met us there and after going through the Custom House with us, took us to a hotel. We were helpless as neither of us could speak a word of Portugese. For the first few days we ate just what the waiter brought us and didn't venture out of the hotel alone. But I was getting anxious to have a place of my own and with the help of our friends we found a house in a beautiful section of Rio. The mountains were back of us and
And there was the answer! The Dayton we could sit on the front porch and see the
a > -«ir
communities of Southern California and Ari- zona. Nina's vivacious and charming per- sonality have so popularized these schools that she has found it necessary to have an assistant to help in her platform demonstrations, al- though Nina has complete charge of her own cooking schedule from the standpoint of ad- vertising, publicity and platform work.
During the week of October 26 she not only conducted a cooking school for the San Fran- cisco Chronicle at I.arkin Hall, San Francisco, but she also contributed to a radio broadcast over K P O , the Chronicle station.
Barnard Establishes Meyer
Drama Library
-+- BARNAKO and Alpha Omicron Pi are so closely allied in their early history that cooperation and service may be expected from AOIl's who were its early graduates. With pride the fraternity notes that Barnard, too, turns to our members for leadership in proj- ects that mean progress to the College. The Executive Committee of a committee in charge of The Annie Nathan Meyer Drama Library includes Dean Virginia C. Gilder- sleeve, Mrs. Bernard Naumburg and Stella Stern Perry ( A ) . On the committee itself will
be found Helen Arthur.
Alpha O'sYou
Crotevant ing schools
on the
Iota, Pacific
Beatrice Levy Hamilton, Iota,
Tells of Nina Abbey
The establishment of the library marks the seventieth birthday of Mrs. Meyer, the foun- der of Barnard, on February 19 and the Mey- ers' golden wedding anniversary on February 15. Books are to be.marked with an appro- priate bookplate and will be housed in a spe- cial place in the new building. The commit-
-+- NINA GROTF.VANT ABBEY (I) lias brought joy to the hearts of many housewives on the Pacific coast! In her famous cooking schools she brings fresh inspiration to women who have not had time to delve into the necessary research which frees modern cookery
from much old-time drudgery.
Iotas who lived at 712 West Oregon re-
member Nina Grotevant as our efficient com- missary in her senior year as a student in the Home Economics Department at the Uni- versity of Illinois. Since that time her ac- complishments in this particular field have been widely publicized in the leading news- papers on the West Coast. But perhaps you are not living in "sunny" California. That's the "why" of this brief sketch of her activi- ties.
In 1930 Nina accepted a position with the Southern California-Arizona Association of Ice Industries. In this capacity she appeared before various women's clubs and parent- teacher meetings at which she discussed food preservation from the standpoint of the ice industries. Gradually she was asked to par- ticipate in newspaper cooking schools where the advantages of ice over electric refrigera- tion were most convincingly elucidated.
Three years ago Nina started her own series of cooking schools which have the distinction of being the only set of ice refrigeration schools in the West. Each year they reach about thirty thousand people in the larger
conducts coast.
Mary Leighton,
"BUI of Divorcement," is a reporter
Gamma, played on the "Maine Campus."
0 1
Record after record told the sad story of child struggling for words. At the end a few weeks in most cases the changes
Should Know
tee invites money to endow the library, income from which will be used to purchase books.
AOII Works with Speech Sufferers
-+- THERE is only one public place in Maine where children with defective speech may obtain help. At the Portland Dispensary each Friday, children, as well as a few adults, eagerly seek to cultivate a normal
voice or correct their speech.
Slowly this door of opportunity is being
opened to more and more as the public be- comes conscious of the improvements that are made even among the most serious of cases. Doctors, nurses and educators are working together to help overcome a handi- cap that affects thousands of people. Less than two years ago Helen Furbish Streeter (r) came to this city to start the work. Be- sides working with private cases in her schoolrooms on West Street, she finds time to give her services at the dispensary once a week in the summer and twice a week during the school year.
. Perhaps the most astonishing demonstra- tion of Mrs. Streeter's work are the talking records she makes herself at the start. At the end of a month's time another record is made and the results compared. During a recent interview M rs. Streeter played these records as illustrative of what is being ac- complished with these courageous children.
MARCH, 1937
are almost unbelievable, for instead of halt- ing, undistinguishable words, uttered in an unnatural voice, fluent, understandable words were given in a modulated tone.
Mrs. Streeter's normal day is filled with the child who has developed infantile speech following a serious accident, the college girl with defective speech, the high school senior who is an acute stammerer, a boy sufferering
Ines Squassoni, Epsilon, belongs to •K+
Like all other new projects in health and education, correction of defective speech has been slow to become recognized. False pride
in many cases causes the sufferer to recede more and more into the background.
"Are all cases given help?" Mrs. Streeter was asked.
"Perfect development is not certain, but in every case improvement is marked ac- cording to the physical and mental condition of the child or adult."
Medical care is always in correlation with the help given children of defective speech. Mrs. Streeter in addition to her work with the children also lectures on the subject for the local hospitals. She has received recog- nition in the Maine Medical Journal and has written a recent article on "Defective Speech" for the "R. N." She has taught and done research work in her chosen field. She attended the University of Maine and was graduated from the speech clinic of Ithaca College. She was on the staff of the Maine School for Deaf in 1936.—Portland Tele- gram.
Margaret Glockler, Tau, is the daughter of Ruby Clift Glockler, charter member of Upsilon. At the University of Washington Mrs. Glockler was a member of <t>BK, £ £ , ON and IEII. Last year she was president of Minnesota's Faculty Women's Club. At Minnesota where she is a sophomore, Mar- garet is hostess chairman in the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, a Masquer and a member of
and O N at
Cornell. affairs at is women's president
She is publicity Willard Straight
direc- Hall chairman
tor for where
all she and
activities' her
from paralysis since birth, with a cleft palate, and so on.
another child
Have YouHeard That—
SIDNEY S M I T H (XA) was an attendant in
the Queen's Court at Colorado's Junior From ?
Honorary sorority members of N u Kappa at Southern Methodist are: Laurel Jane Sam- ple, Senior Arden Club, dramatics; Hazel Hawthorne, Junior Arden; Ruth D'Arlene Hogg, M*E, music; and Mary Frances Brad- ley, • X , psychology?
Gladys Phillips (T) was the only woman who passed the Washington state bar exami- nation in January?
Helen Mitchell (A2) was chosen one of the ten best dressed coeds at Oregon?
Edna Louise Harrison (T) was chosen queen ui Maine's IVum ( 'arnival?
Pi Chapter held its dance for the benefit of our National Social Service Work on March 12 at the Orleans Club? As an incentive to spur the men who helped sell tickets, they gave one free for every ten sold.
Upsilon honored the Dean of Women, Miss Mary Bash, and her sister at dinner in Feb- ruary ?
Harriett Sarazin (A2) is vice president of Oregon's Y.W.C.A.? Ruth Ketchum, a mem- ber of the rifle squad, Marian DeKoning and Harriett are members of the Y .W . sophomore commission.
The Daily Californian has Marjory Merrill, Alice Davis and Jane Archer, all of Sigma, on its staff? Beverly Streeter ( 2 ) is on the ad- vertising staff.
Sally Taber (A), a reporter on the Stan- ford Daily, recently passed her solo flying test and won her "wings"? She is Lambda's Panhellenic delegate and a member of 02*.
Edith Jensen, Delta, is president of Jackson's W.A.A., of the glee club; vice president of the history club; his- torian of the senior class.
Gladys Battleson ( A 2 ) , 824», *BT. is chair- man of the ASL'O and AWS speakers com- mittees, society editor of the T.merald and chairman of the Mum sales at the fall games?
Ines Squassoni (E) was elected to *K<I' at Cornell ?
Epsilon members are active in Cornell dra- matics? Ruth Linquist played in "Charley's Aunt" during Junior W eek; Marjorie Sauler had the freshman lead in "Alice in Wonder- land"; and Catherine Hitz had a part in "Around the Corner."
Persis Harper (T) won the award for the best feature story written by a college >iu- dent in a contest sponsored by The I'ublishcrs' Auxiliary! She works on the W.A.A. Hoard, the Minnesota Daily, and on the radio skit committee forWLB.
Sara Anne Vaiden (ITA), a Maryland fresh- man, led the Junior Prom? She is secretary of the freshman class.
Pi Delta had six of the twelve Maryland beauties chosen from its number? The girls are Connie Nash, Muriel James, Frances EH iot, Betty Weaver, Sara Anne Vaiden and Flora W aldman.
Eight members of Rho are busj with Northwestern's Waa-Mu Show? Helen Pick- ing is assistant director; Eileen Stonich is co-chairman of music; Adele Kuflewski and Lu Clarke have leads; and Marjorie Raney and Jean O'Donnell are in the chorus.
Edith Stokely (O) was recognized as the University of Tennessee's outstanding fresh- man last June?
Dagmar Hauge (T) led the sophomore hall at Minnesota?
Ruth Evans belongs to Pennsylvania State's Players, was junior attendant to the May Queen, junior class senator to IV.S.G.' and president of Epsilon Alpha.
MARCH, 1937
and the Miriam,
Theta Eta presented the pledges at 11 o'clock at their pledge dance? They stood in a row, each with her face covered by a book on the back of which were letters, spelling Alpha Omicron Pi Pledges. One by one they were introduced and given the traditional bracelets.
Margaret Stanley (<f>) is the granddaughter of Dr. James Naismith, inventor of basket- ball and instructor at the University of Kan- sas ?
Epsilon raised $21.00 for the National So- cial Service Work at a rummage sale and a like amount for the Ithaca Community Chest? Good clothes that were left were sent to Bland Morrow.
In early February Omicron was presented the scholarship cup at Tennessee's chapel ex- ercises?
At the Odd Demonstration at F.S.C.W., Alpha Pi entertainers were Doris Godard and Jane Sutton who tap danced; Betty Mc- Mullen who was on the makeup and scenery committees and Margaret Tyler, a member of the Glee Club, Little Theatre orchestra and College Symphony, who played a xylophone solo?
Theresa Irwin ( A T ) is vice president o f Denison's chapter of AO? Dorothy Lanning (AT) is treasurer and Dorothy Walton, whose original piano composition was played at a student recital by the head of the Conserv- atory of Music, Ruth Geil and Kay Wolf are
Sybil McKinley (A pledge) is manager of
basketball at Jackson College? Grace Kelly (A) is her assistant.
Mary Ellen Rennick (I) was the only I l - linois coed to make a straight A in the Col- lege of Commerce? Having taken 90 hours of credit she has received 84 hours of A.
Iota gave a formal reception for Vladimir Golschmann, conductor of the St. Louis sym- phony, following a concert on the Illinois campus ?
sister Pi.
Janet Ralph (left),
Alpha awarded given to ing Junior th" M.S.C.
P hi, was the cup the outstand- Woman on campus. President of W omen a member Student Sen- ate, Mortar Board. •TO, Spurs and was
She is Associated Students, of the
an attendant
to the Junior
is president
Student Council of
queen Prom.
at the
Newcomb president
Goodman Scales,
Jot a, of
Scales, Pi, of the
College, of the soph- class in 1935
honorary senior
A £ X ,
society. She is the daughter of Leola
a member of
Dorothy Pickett (BP) is a freshman coun- selor at Michigan State, a member of Tow- er Guard, service honorary for sophomore women, and secretary of the Home Economics Club?
Pennsylvania State's Mortar Board has Bertha M. Cohen (EA) as president? She is a Senior Senator on W .S.G.A.
Olwen B. Evans (EA) is vice president of W.A.A. and a member of Pre-Med. Society? Jacqueline Jones (P ,A T) played the lead in
the Denison production of "Laburnum Grove" ? Theta won the DePauw loving cup for having a 100per cent membership inY.W.C.A.? Helen Burress (0) is chairman of the Cur-
rent Affairs group, corresponding secretary of 92<£, president of Sodalites Latina.
Mildred Gadient (0) is president of AAA and Pauline Megenity is treasurer of Mortar Board at De Pauw?
Nu Chapter gave its winter formal at the Hotel New Y orker? T o cover expenses a raffle was held before the party.
Bette Paine (Z) is back at the University of Nebraska with speaking engagements be- fore clubs and societies in Lincoln? Elfreda Stauss with whom Bette lived at the home of Elfreda's uncle, Dr. Emil V on Stauss, vice president of the Reichstag, in Berlin, has gone to Vienna for a month; thence to San Mar- tino for a skiing party; April in Paris and then to England for an indefinite period.
Merrill-Palmer School of Home Economics in Detroit has Hannah Srb (Z), Evelyn G. Kraybill (EA) and Adolphine Voegelin ( D as scholarship students? Adolphine will enter next fall.
Mildred Poland and Jaynet Pickerel, both of Beta Theta, belong to Kappa Beta at Butler?
Beta Theta won second place in Butler's doll show ?
The Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship cup at Miami University passed from one AOIT to another when Katherine Ascham (fi '37)
turned it over to Eleanor Mitchell (0 '38)? Eleanor is president of junior women and the first woman associate ' editor of the campus newspaper.
Jeanne Long, Bettie Hanson and Kay Asch- am are members of Miami Mortar Board?
Lambda Sigma has initiated Martha Greene, Cathryn Simmons, Monolita Solano, Mary Claude Tiridel and Carolyn W arnell?
Lambda members at work on Stanford pub- lications include Dolly Hyatt, picture editor of the Quad; Norma Godfrey and Elizabeth Norton on its staff; Rita Szekeres, copy editor on the Stanford Daily, Betty Kline also a copy editor; and Edith Allen, a member of the business staff?
Dorothy Jaggers (X) is president of Syra- cuse's W.A.A., a member of HI1T, senior women's honorary, and W .S.S.?
Harriet Scott, Shirley Howell and Virginia Lee Eellmy, all of Beta Phi, are on the busi- ness staff of Indiana's Bored Walk?
Raydene Green (K9) is a reader in the political science department o f U.C.L.A. ?
Alpha Phi Is Convention Hostess
history; and about values of groups such as ours, but nothing I could say would express it half as well as it has been expressed by a great man. This man said of such things as we have talked about, and I believe it to be a fitting birthday greeting to you: "Ifwe work upon marble, it will perish ; if we work upon brass, Time will efface it; if we build temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds, if we imbue them with principles, with the just fear of God, and love of our fellow-men, we engrave on those tablets something which will brighten to all eternity."
Fraternally yours,
Since the founding of Alpha Phi, when twenty-three girls were initiated, the chapter has grown to the present size of forty-two members. There have been struggles and hard-
Mary Virginia Pounds (K) is editor of ships in the history of this chapter, but we
Randolph-Macon's Old Maid?
have always come out on top.
When the present house was chosen, in 1919, the girls did not have money enough to make a down payment, and all the furniture they owned was a piano lamp. Their friends in Bozeman donated and loaned furniture for them to use. In 1934, the last indebtedness was paid on the house, so we own the house, and all the furniture in it. This last year we were able to build an addition, so twenty-four girls and the housemother can be accommo-
Alpha Phi is proud to be able to welcome all Alpha O's this year, and will do her best to make the convention an inspiration to all who attend.
Mary Elizabeth Gilliam ( K ) were Pi Societies?
W ilson brought
( K ) out
and Clerimond by Omega and
The president of Kansas' chapter of Om- icron Nu is Imogene Beamer (*) ? She is also secretary of the Etymology Club, Campus Sister captain, Y .W . and Rifle Team.
Mary Jane Carothers (Q)will play the role of Lady Macbeth on Miami campus?
Joan Newbiil (*) is secretary of the fresh- man law class at Kansas? She is vice pres- ident of the Young Democrat Club and a member of 4>ZA, Rifle Club and associate member of 40£.
Betty Caspar (H), a second year law stu-
dent at Wisconsin, spoke at Rockford College
on "The Legal Profession for Women"? She
is on the board of editors of the Wisconsin Emily Tarbell Sends Invitation Law Review.
Jane Haslanger (H) received the Italian Club prize given for the best final exami- nation paper written in Italian?
The assistant director of B.C.U.'s Players Club production, "The Brontes," is Adelia Thurber (BK) who has a part in the play?
Willa Elliot (BK) has the soprano lead in "Robin Hood," while Molly Shone is in the supporting cast? Priscilla Boyd is leading violinist and manager of the string section of the orchestra.
Betty Bold (*) is manager of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Rifle Team? She sings with the Philadelphia orchestra and belongs to the Glee Club Chorus.
Stella Botelho (^) is on the swimming team and plays basketball?
The chairman of Vanderbilt's freshman class is Ruth King (NO) ? She serves on the W.S.G.A. Board and, with Lulu Brockman
(NO) was elected to Lotus Eaters. Jean Adams (NO) is president of the group and Frances Spain a member.
Tau Delta gathered clothing and food for a needy family in Birmingham at holiday time?
To New York Staters
-f- SYRACUSE Alumna? Chapter will be host-
ess for New York State Day this year. Women's Day at Syracuse University which comes Saturday, May 8, has been chosen as the date of the occasion. Guests at State Day will have opportunity to see the annual W omen's Day pageant.
Drumlin's Golf club—once the barn of the University Farm, remodeled by Dwight James Baum into a spacious clubhouse, set amid the famous Central New York drumlins will be the scene of the luncheon. This will be held promptly at twelve o'clock, eastern standard time. An informal reception WH! precede. Syracuse AOFI's will open their homes for all who wish to remain over nigh1- Chi Chapter house will welcome all guests who may drop in before or after the lunch- eon.
Syracuse alumnae extend a hearty invita- tion to all AOn's in New York State (and to those beyond the State line, too) to journey to Syracuse May 8 for Alpha O State Day-
MARCH, 1937
honorary, Chairman of Pan-
of senior Show.
Quill, hellenic
senior Ball
and co-chairman of 'Riters' Roundup.
Their trip will include a drive along the
Lake Shore to Evanston, where they will be
the guests for tea at the Rho Chapter House
at Northwestern University. Tuesday after- all come back with the remark that our
Theta Eta's
who won the Chapter's cup as its most out- standing girl of the Cincinnati group. She
is Maxine
Cooper Junior
of Butler's
Theta's Y.IV.C.A.,
Use Atlanta's Pre-Convention Publicity as Sample
to be held at Ferry Hall in Lake Forest, Illi- nois, the week of June 30 through July 6.
The party spent Saturday in Louisville, Kentucky, where they were the guests of two former Atlantans, Mrs. David Cook, who was Miss Helen Wayt, and Mrs. A. A. Patjens, the former Miss Clara Kendrick.
Convention to Stage Song Contest
-+- HELEN HAWK CARLISLE, national song chairman, will stage a song contest at Convention. Each delegation come prepared to sing its favorite AOII song. Get your alum-
nae delegates together and practice now.
President Entertains Senior Girls
-+- MRS. A. K. ANDERSON, President of Al- pha Omicron Pi, who resides at State Col- lege, the home of Epsilon Alnha, has entertained all the senior women of that chapter at her home for Sunday dinner. Each Sunday for the past few months Mrs. Anderson has had
two members of the chapter at her home. In this way it is quite informal and the girls
Fay Pearce and Mrs. Alan Ford, members of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, left Saturday to attend the national convention of the sorority
the Chicago Civic Opera.
noon they will visit the gardens of the Lake Forest estates.
President is as fine a cook as she is an of- ficer.
D I S T R I C T ALUMNyE SUPERINTEN- DENTS—Pacific—Mildred Hunter Stahl (Mrs Leslie), 2, 2683 Ellendale Place, Los Angeles, Calif.
Other social features will include the tea
W ednesday afternoon honoring the members
of Panhellenic, which will feature a concert
by two members of the sorority, Helen Hawk
Carlisle, chosen by the Chicago Musicians'
Club of Women to give the representative
Piano recital of their year, and Mrs. H. P. ALUMNUS CHAPTER PRESIDENTS—Ann
Von Furstenau, concert contralto and member
Arbor—Edith Forsythe, Oil, 480 South 5th Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Memphis—Mary Allie Taylor Robinson (Mrs. Dixon), KO, 129 North Belvedere, Memphis, Tenn.; San Diego—Barbara Trask Clark Marsh (Mrs. Joseph W.), T, Box 303, La Mesa, Calif.
ALUMN7E SECRETARIES — Alpha Phi— Henriette Moebus Bolitho (Mrs. Irving), 2523 State Street, Butte, Mont.; Kappa Thela—Dorothy Graham Ralston (Mrs. Melvin E.), 400 East Alvarado, Pomona, Calif.; Phi—Elizabeth Freyer Favreau (Mrs.
Waldo S.), 5026 Lydia, Kansas City, Mo. PHILANTHROPY—Send parcel post to Bland Morrow, Leslie Co., Wendover, Ky.
At the luncheon Thursday Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, director of the Frontier Nursing service in the mountains of Kentucky, of
which Alpha Omicron Pi maintains the social Se cewor De ie
Tu- k - will t' distinguished guest.
Miss Weltner is president of Lambda Sig-
rs. Ford is president of the Atlanta Alum- J1*- Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Ford will return to. Atlanta July 7, while Miss Weltner will d r »ve to Texas to visit Miss Gene Chastain, a recent graduate.—Atiania Journal.
**ia Chapter at the University of Georgia, and earce s
Vf ' ^* ' alumna director to this group.
ident of GS*, KTA,a member of Scarlet
New Directory Changes
president, is vice pres-
Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
June 27 - July 3,1937
Canyon Hotel—Convention Headquarters
American Plan per person for convention
This rate is from dinner, June 27, through breakfast, July 3. Excellent accommodations in the AOII wing of the luxurious Canyon Hotel.
Hotel Rates per person per day S8.00-S9.00 Breakfast only 1.25 Luncheon only 1.50 Dinner only 1.50 Room (without bath) only 2.75
American Plan per person per day $4.50 Breakfast only 1.00 Luncheon only 1.00 Dinner only 1.00 Lodging only 1.50
The lodge consists of the main lodge and nearby cottages. The cottages are fully equipped for sleeping and include both maid and bell boy service.
Single cabins will accommodate one or two persons. Double cabins will accom- modate two to four persons. No bedding or linen of any kind furnished The prices are as follows:
One person $1.00 Two persons 1.25
Prices decrease slightly for two to four people in the double cabins. Guests wishing to stay at these cabins may also rent a cabin equipped with bedding and linen for the same rate as the Lodge cabins. In housekeeping cabins, meals may be prepared or taken at the nearby cafeteria. No cooking utensils are furnished, however.
Any AOI1 visitor wishing to take special meals at the Canyon Hotel may do so.
Those registered at the Lodge will submit their lodge ticket and pay an additional 50c for any luncheon or dinner at the dining room door of the Hotel. Guests from the Camp will pay $1.50 for any luncheon or dinner which they wish to attend at the Hotel.
ARRIVAL*** *0 n SSSfH f
Mail to Mrs. Bryan Anderson, Box 1473. Billings, Mont.
Almost a mile around this magnificent hotel.
Weicome to Yellowstone!
appreciates trie honor of entertaining Alpha Omicron Pi at Grand Canyon Hotel in Yellowstone National Park in June, 1937 and assures officers and members of the fra- ternity that Y ellowstone's finest facilities will be devoted to giving you an inspiring and memorable convention.
For Information, please address
Yellowstone, Wyoming
One of the moat beautiful convention rooma in the world.
a Omicron Pi Convention, June, 1937
for AlphT
HE Yellowstone Park Hotel Company
Your Party I. Q.
Q. Are YOUR parties different?
A. Write us for party ideas including decoration, program, and favor suggestions.
Q. Is YOUR Chapter following the new more formal trend in using fine invitations?
A. Low prices, new papers, and dignified styles fea- ture Balfour invitations.
Q. Are YOUR programs treasured by your guests?
A. Your programs will be in many "Mem" books if you select Balfour designs.
Q. Are YOUR party favors the hit of the evening and the talk of the campus?
A. Balfour favors are clever and original. Priced low. Write for suggestions.
'faoote | o*
New designs in paper, celluloid, and leather dance programs offer a wide price range. Write for free samples.
Invitations lend prestige and dignity. Sam- ples of new styles Bent on request.
Have you seen the new BLACK stationery, the small note sheets for short letters, and our brown oak grain sheets? All with your
crest engraved. Samples on request USE THIS COUPON
Kindly send me the following free:
Balfour favors will make your dance one long to be remembered. With prices so low and discounts so generous, can you afford not to use Balfour favors to
enhance your Chapter reputation?
These clever favors will be found in the 1937 BLUE BOOK:
[ | FAVOR suggestions based om
L. G.
quantity party date BUDGET Q $4.00 Q $3.00 Q $2.50 Q $2.00
Addresa •$1.00 City ft State
Scotty Cigarette Box Treasure Chest Compact
Top Hat Manicure Set Ebony Dangle Bracelets
Page 52 Page 31 Page 51 Page 23
Send Coupon for Your FREE COPYI
Write for special discounts on favors, advisinj quantity to be used.
• •
Omicron Pi BALF0UA
Jeweler to:
LHJUTDmuuni, IMC. [THSrumxin P»M1.
»» MAY • 1937 ««
Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
Fraternity Problems Confront Convention
Margaret Bourke-White Honored
Cleveland Panhellenic Points W ay
To the Old Faithful and the New
Diary of a Dude Ranch Owner
Gardners Join Official Family of Philippines. . .Inquiring
Alice Margaret
Frontispiece Edith H. Anderson T. 0. Nail W. Burlingame Ruth Cox Segar
Hayner Reporter