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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2019-04-11 14:11:15

Spring 2019 - To Dragma

Spring 2019 - To Dragma

Spring 2019

AOII's Journey Life After College: Making Cents
To Policy Governance Leadership In Action Of Savings

Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U)

2 | Spring 2019


24 26

28 32

4 Editor’s Letter 26 Things We Love

7 Viewpoint 28 Making Cents Of Saving

8 Fraternity News 31 AOII For A Lifetime

10 AOII’s Journey To Policy Governance 32 Life After College: Leadership
In Action
12 NPC News
34 2018 Alumnae Chapter News
15 2019 Convention
52 Life Loyal AOIIs
16 Leadership Academy 2019 Recap
54 Spring Photos
20 Foundation Focus
58 Shop The AOII Emporium
22 Post-Grad Checklist

24 Ace Your Interview

On the cover: Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), photo by Emily Kim Photography 3

About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College Icannot believe another graduation season is upon
in New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella us. It is so much fun to see our members celebrate
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. this exciting life event and enter the work force. With
The Object of the Fraternity: that also comes the transition from collegiate mem-
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage ber to alumnae member.
a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; I remember being very emotional during my alumnae
to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholar- transition ceremony. It felt as though my AOII chapter
ship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support was coming to a close all together. Little did I know,
the best interest of the colleges and universities my AOII journey was just starting.
in which chapters are installed, and in no way to Kay Elam, member of the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the recently wrote a post about life in AOII after college, and one particular
sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity part really stood out to me:
or any of its chapters. You are a collegiate member for only four years. You will be an AOII
Mission Statement: alumnae for the rest of your life, which will hopefully be at least another
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. half-century. It stands to reason you will meet more sisters over your
Culture Principles: alumnae years than during the four years in college. (Flip to page 31 to
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability read more!)
& Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, We know when we join AOII, it is for a lifetime, but how quick we are to
Innovation, Open & Honest Communication forget that when it is time to part from our collegiate chapters.
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: I still have close relationships with many of my collegiate chapter sisters,
Visit the AOII website (, or but the bulk of my AOII relationships have been formed after gradua-
contact [email protected]. tion. My circle of AOII friends has been significantly widened to include:
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: sisters I work with, sisters I met when I moved away from my college
Visit the Chapter Locator page on the AOII website town and to other states, sisters I met after joining an alumnae advisory
for contact information on an alumnae chapter committee, and the list goes on. I graduated just a few short years ago,
near you. but the number of sisters I have met in my alumnae years has already
International President far surpassed that of my collegiate years.
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) All that to say, your AOII membership will continue to be a large part of
Executive Director your life as long as you allow it to. You can become a Life Loyal member
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) or join an alumnae chapter. Even something as simple as updating your
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National contact information helps ensure AOII can remain part of your life. Head
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity over to page 22 for more ways to remain engaged.
Communications Association. Your AOII experiences will follow you as well. Whether you realize it or
not, your role as a member or chapter leader likely provided you many
4 | Spring 2019 opportunities to learn and grow that will shape you in your career. On
page 32, we shared some responses from alumnae women regarding
how their AOII experience prepared them for life after college.
You may even be able to call on those experiences in a job interview.
We have a great interview best practices Q&A in this issue on page 24
and a round-up of a few awesome products, apps and resources on
page 26 to ensure you ace your next interview.
This issue is loaded with graduation and life after college content that
we hope will help you transition to this next phase of life and hit the
ground running as an engaged and loyal AOII member.

Haley Cahill-Teubert, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor

We want to feature

your photos!

Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email your photos to
[email protected] to be featured.* Don’t forget to follow
AOII to stay in the know!

About To Dragma:
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905.
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is:
to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub-
jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our
members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII
involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.

Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill-Teubert, Sigma Gamma
(Appalachian State U)

Graphic Designer
Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)

View To Dragma Online:

How to Contact To Dragma:
Mail: To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN
37027; phone: (615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736; or
email: [email protected].

How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to the For Members page on the AOII website
(, email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.

How to Subscribe to To Dragma:*
Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by
check or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII,
should be mailed to:

Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting

Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
only) should email [email protected].
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi

*To be featured in To Dragma, photos must *Collegiate members receive every copy of
be emailed and at least 1 MB. To Dragma, as well as dues-paying alumnae
chapter members and Life Loyal members. All
other members receive the summer issue only.


Delta Omega (Murray State U)


As we approach the world. Our Founders gave us the guidance
the end of the and wisdom through our Rituals on the respon-
biennium, it is a great sibility of choosing our members who will carry
opportunity to take on the ideals and values of our beloved AOII.
a moment to reflect We are all members of AOII today because
on the accomplish- during our recruitment experience, we made a
ments of AOII over connection with an AOII sister and the ideals of
the last two years. our organization.
The strength of our Your connection to AOII is just beginning during
organization comes your college days. Your years as AOII alumnae
from our members’ can be filled with many great AOII adventures.
efforts working col- Whether it is joining an alumnae chapter, get-
lectively to advance ting together with chapter sisters, making new
AOII. Using our AOII friends in a new city or volunteering for
2015-2019 Strategic AOII, there are many opportunities to be con-
Plan as our guide, nected to AOII. When visiting alumnae across
we have focused on the country it has been amazing to see such
advancing the Fra- strong sisterhood and connection to AOII.
ternity through our key initiatives in the areas of In this issue you will read about AOII’s journey
Experience, Service, Advancement and Growth. to Policy Governance. The article discusses the
It is inspiring to see the great outcomes of our work the Executive Board has accomplished
collective efforts. towards our adoption of Policy Governance for
One of my favorite experiences as International AOII. This is the first of many communications
President is attending Leadership Academy, and updates to our membership on our gover-
and this year was no exception! It has been a nance leadership model.
phenomenal opportunity to spend time with It has been an incredible honor and privilege to
the leaders of our collegiate chapters to hear serve AOII and our membership as International
about the great work they are doing with their President. AOII is a dynamic and ever-evolving
chapters and on their campuses. This year, organization. It takes every member and chap-
the programming at Leadership Academy was ter working together to advance AOII. I thank
focused on all things recruitment. Recruitment you for your dedication and commitment to our
of our members is one of the most important beloved AOII. I look forward to celebrating our
privileges you have as a collegiate member of many successes and our great sisterhood at
Alpha Omicron Pi. What started as four in 1897 Convention. See you in Orlando!
has grown to over 190,000 AOII sisters all over


Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President

Fraternity News Coming To A Ballpark Near You...

2019 Walk To Cure Mark Your Calendars For the 2019 Strike Out
Arthritis Events Arthritis! Games With Major League Baseball!
Below are 18 of the 30 games that will be
Walk To Cure Arthritis (WTCA) scheduled in 2019. As more games are sched-
is the largest arthritis gathering uled, information will be available on the AOII
in the world, raising funds for website!
research, resources and a cure.
AOII collegiate and alumnae chapters are encouraged to form • Arizona Diamondbacks April 13
teams and participate in Walk events near you! WTCA events • Miami Marlins April 13
are held in cities all across the US, mostly in the months of • San Diego Padres May 4
April and May. Go to to register a team today! • Chicago White Sox July 7
Please register all AOII chapter teams under Team AOII using • Oakland Athletics August 25
your chapter name. • New York Mets August 29
• Chicago Cubs September 14
What’s Happening In • Detroit Tigers September 14
Properties? • Philadelphia Phillies September 14
• Toronto Blue Jays September 14
• Lambda Psi held their house • Atlanta Braves September 21
dedication ceremony on • Cleveland Indians September 21
March 30, 2019. • Milwaukee Brewers September 21
• Minnesota Twins September 21
• Resources, such as a • Los Angeles Angels September 28
Corporation Relations Adviser Manual, Vice President of • Kansas City Royals September 28
Finance Corporation Guide, Corporation Budget • Colorado Rockies September 28
Explanation and Property Manager Manual are all available
on Fulfilling the Promise.

• AOII Properties staff held calls with every chapter to discuss
their Five Year Plan, which lays out what Properties hopes
to accomplish for each chapter in upcoming years.

Digital Media Toolkit
Now Available!

Alpha Omicron Pi is proud
to announce our new Digital
Media Toolkit is now available
online! This toolkit offers a digi-
tal communication guide to take
your chapter's digital footprint from fair or good to great! It is
a resource for Vice Presidents of Communication, along with
many other officers and advisers, to enhance everything from
social media and digital communication calendaring to how to
create or outsource exceptional videos. You can access the
Digital Media Toolkit on the Officer Resource Library on Fulfill-
ing the Promise under the Public Relations tab.

8 | Spring 2019

Save The Date!

Pack your sunglasses and sandals! 2019 International Convention is
June 26-30, 2019 in Orlando, Florida! Head over to page 15 for more
details and the AOII website for FAQs and other information!

Celebrating Milestone Anniversaries

Is your chapter celebrating a 25th, 50th, 75th or 100th anniversary this
year? We would love to hear about your event! Send a recap and your
photos to [email protected]. Be on the lookout for chap-
ter anniversaries in the summer issue!

Pictured: Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama) alumnae members
celebrating the chapter's 50th anniversary

Training & Recruitment Ambassador Team Applications

Have a passion for recruitment or working with advisers? Do you enjoy
facilitating? Are you looking for a new way to serve the Fraternity? Con-
sider becoming a Recruitment or Training Ambassador for AOII! Both of
these applications will be posted on the AOII website in April.

New Alumnae Challenges Coming Soon!

Alumnae, be on the lookout for a brand new way to learn from your
fellow alumnae members and challenge yourself. Keep an eye out on
your email to read more about living, learning, leading and serving as
an alumna!

Pictured: San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter

2019-2020 Educational Leadership Consultants Announced

The 2019-2020 ELCs have been announced! Head over to the AOII
website to meet next year's team and stay tuned for the Meet the ELCs
article in the summer issue of To Dragma!

Get the latest Fraternity News by visiting


Governance In AOII

To Policy Governance

At the 2009 International Convention, AOII Coun- August 2018, we formally adopted the Carver Policy
cil took a transformational vote to transition our Governance Model and thus began an intensive multi-
Executive Board from an operational model to a step and multi-year process of transformation for AOII.
governance model of leadership. Prior to the 2009
International Convention, AOII’s Executive Board What is Policy Governance? Simply put, it, “enables
served specific functional areas – for example, opera- boards to provide strategic leadership in creating the
tions, alumnae, or collegiate chapters. From the 2009 future for their organizations.” To make this transition,
Convention onward, our leaders are now elected into the Executive Board started by developing a set of
the role of International Vice President, charged with policies, grounded in the values of AOII and based on
the overall strategic direction of our organization and member input, to set the vision for the Fraternity and
not a particular functional area. to provide guidance to our professional staff. Once
these policies were finalized, they were turned over to
As with any major shift in structure and approach, this the Executive Director for interpretation, an iterative
transition to governance has been a journey. For the process involving extensive review and collaboration.
past 10 years, AOII had implemented several facets This process of discussion and monitoring progress
of governance, but had not adopted a specific gov- is a key part of policy governance, with measurable
ernance model. At the 2017 International Convention outcomes and a schedule for ongoing review through-
in Washington, D.C., a resolution was put forward out the biennium.
to convene a task force to review gov-
ernance practices, as well as the 2009
goals and outcomes for the governance
style model specific to AOII. The task force “Working with the AOII leadership on Policy Governance has been
was to recommend potential changes to a thoroughly positive experience. They’ve balanced being both
practices, education and communications strategic and ambitious in taking up this governance journey. The
methods. Following an extremely thorough Executive Board made sure that due diligence in vetting the Policy
process, this task force charged the Execu- Governance principles was done meaningfully. But once confident
tive Board with taking a closer look at our in the effectiveness of the model, and most importantly its appro-
board practices and governance structure. priateness for AOII, the board got right into policy development.
Policy Governance is an advanced system of governance, and

From there, the Executive Board reviewed nothing like a quick fix. I am impressed with the energy and thor-

AOII’s history of moving to a governance oughness with which the AOII leadership has engaged this work.

model, evaluated governance practices for It’s a privilege to work alongside them.”

non-profit boards, and reviewed practices - Joe Inskeep, Certified Policy Governance Coach
of our fellow NPC organizations operat-
ing in a governance model. After a year-
long process, the Executive Board was
introduced to the Carver Policy Governance Model You might ask, “how does the Executive Board func-
at Leadership Institute 2018 and began working with tion in Policy Governance?” The Executive Board is
a certified Policy Governance coach, Joe Inskeep. In the body that provides strategic leadership to the Fra-

10 | Spring 2019

ternity, creating written governing policies that address What are Ends?
all levels of decisions and situations. We must ensure
organizational performance, including monitoring the In Policy Governance, "ends" are defined as the
Executive Director. We are also charged with creating benefits the organization is to produce, for which
a supportive environment for the success of Properties people, at what cost. The global end is an umbrella
and the Foundation. Most importantly, we are charged statement, with the ends supporting the big pic-
with maintaining the connection with our members ture. These "ends" for AOII were developed based
and volunteers, who will all play a significant role in on the XB’s knowledge and interactions with our
providing input and feedback throughout this process members, to whom the XB is accountable.
through our Membership Connection Committee. GLOBAL END: AOII members are enriched
Policy Governance is a journey that we are excited to through lifelong friendships and an exceptional
take with all of AOII. The focus on strategic direction, membership experience rooted in our Rituals and
coupled with the ongoing monitoring and connection Culture Principles. These benefits are achieved
with our membership, will truly allow us to Inspire Am- with good stewardship of resources.
bition for generations to come.
• AMBITION: AOII members are confident,
For urther reading… ambitious, and high performing.

• Official Policy Governance Website: • SENSE OF BELONGING: AOII members have a strong sense of belonging through friendships
and a genuine connection to the Fraternity.
• Boards That Make A Difference: A New Design
for Leadership in Nonprofit and Public • LEADERSHIP: AOII members have relevant
Organizations by John Carver (Jossey-Bass, leadership and life skills that yield impactful
1990; 2nd edition, 1997; 3rd edition, 2006) results.

• CHARACTER: AOII members have values-
driven character, honoring the Object of the
“The object of the Fraternity shall be to
encourage a spirit of Fraternity and love
among its members; to stand at all times for
character, dignity, scholarship, and college
loyalty; to strive for and support the best
interests of the colleges and universities in
which chapters are installed, and in no way to
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests
for the sake of prestige or advancement of the
Fraternity or any of its chapters.”

• SERVICE: AOII members have a commitment to
meaningful service to the Fraternity, campus
communities and the world.



Lawsuits Challenge Harvard’s Sanctions Policy
For Punishing Members In Single-Sex Groups

This article was originally published in the 2018 fall issue of Alpha Epsilon Phi’s magazine, Columns.

On December 3, 2018, a group of sorori- ABOUT THE LAWSUITS
ties, fraternities and students filed a pair
of lawsuits challenging Harvard’s sanctions In the federal lawsuit, a broad coalition of stu-
policy that punishes students who join off- dents and women’s and men’s organizations
campus, single-sex* social organizations. The impacted by Harvard’s sanctions assert that
National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), the through the sanctions policy, the president
North American Interfraternity Conference and fellows of Harvard College have inter-
(NIC) and the Cambridge Coalition support fered with students’ right to be free of sex
the filing of these lawsuits as well as the pub- discrimination, as guaranteed by Title IX and
lic relations efforts to “Stand Up to Harvard.” the U.S. Constitution.
“Sororities were founded around the idea of The plaintiffs in the federal case are Kappa
women supporting other women,” said Carole Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma
J. Jones (Alpha Omicron Pi), NPC Chairman. Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha
“And the NPC members who are party to Epsilon-Massachusetts Gamma Chapter and
these suits specifically opened their doors three current Harvard students who are mem-
to female students at Harvard with the goal bers of men’s organizations. The students are
of providing support in an environment that included as John Doe plaintiffs out of fear of
hasn’t always been friendly to women.” retaliation from the university.
But, starting fall 2018, Harvard’s sanctions In the suit filed in Massachusetts court, Alpha
policy prevents members of single-sex orga- Phi, Alpha Phi-Iota Tau Chapter and Delta
nizations, such as sororities, fraternities or Gamma Fraternity Management Corporation
all-women’s or all-men’s final clubs, from hold- assert Harvard has interfered with student’s
ing leadership roles in Harvard organizations rights to free association and equal treatment
and athletic teams or obtaining post-graduate based on sex, both of which are protected by
fellowships and scholarships influenced or the Massachusetts Constitution. Alleging vio-
controlled by Harvard. lations of the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act,
With these sanctions, Harvard is interfering the suit seeks to bring a stop to Harvard’s
with students’ rights protected by the First sanctions by calling for an injunction prohibit-
Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment and ing the University from continuing to unlaw-
Title IX. “It’s a dangerous precedent by one of fully punish students.
America’s bellwether higher education institu- The state case also contains a tort claim in
tions,” said Jones. which Delta Gamma Fraternity Management

12 | Spring 2019

Corporation is seeking damages related to respecting the constitutional rights of stu-
a chapter facility that remains vacant due to dents and not punishing or intimidating them
the closure of the Zeta Phi Chapter of Delta based on their associations with off-campus,
Gamma. private organizations.”

Notably, the lawsuits describe how Harvard She added the efforts to Stand Up to Harvard
has used threats and intimidation to scare have broad support from all 26 NPC mem-
students into abandoning their fundamental ber organizations, noting every organization
rights to free association and to live free of shared the Stand Up to Harvard campaign
sex discrimination. with their members within 48 hours of the an-
nouncement of the lawsuits.
Rebecca Ramos, a 2017 Harvard graduate
and former president of the Delta Gamma Jones concluded: “NPC will continue to work
chapter in Cambridge, has described a with the plaintiffs and other NPC member
“culture of fear” among members of single- organizations to push back against this unjust
gender clubs. “They are scared to admit they policy for the sake of the women at Harvard
were part of an organization in which they and as part of our ongoing efforts to advocate
take great pride,” said Ramos. for and preserve the sorority experience for
women everywhere.”
The impact on women’s organizations has
been particularly devastating. Before the • Visit for information
sanctions, one in four Harvard undergradu- about the lawsuits and sign the petition.
ates belonged to a single-sex social organiza-
tion. Now, all of the sororities and women’s • Follow #standuptoharvard on social media
final clubs open to Harvard women have for updates.
closed or renounced their status as women’s
social organizations. • Email questions to
[email protected].
“Though Harvard touts their policy as a way
to provide a safer environment
for women, it has only caused
the elimination of spaces
where many women felt safest,”
said Jones. “Sadly, we have
now reached a place where a
lawsuit is required to compel
Harvard to stop intimidating
women who choose to gather
with other women for friendship
and support.”

“By seeking an end to the
sanctions, we are not asking
Harvard to become a ‘Greek
school’ or put resources toward
fraternity/sorority life on cam-
pus,” said Jones. “This is about

*The term “single-sex” is used throughout the Stand Up to Harvard website and related documents in reference to NPC 13
member organizations that are women’s only. Although each NPC member organization defines “woman” differently,
“single-sex” is used in these materials because Title IX uses the term “sex” and these lawsuits use Title IX as a basis for
the legal claims. AOII membership is open to women and those who identify as women, per our Governing Documents.


New Governance Structure Announced For NPC

by Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), 2017-2019 NPC Chairman

In October during the monitor organizational performance. The
National Panhellenic Con- Council of Delegates will also elect the
ference annual meeting, NPC chairman.
the board of directors ap- The first Board of Directors to be established
proved revised governing under the new bylaws will be appointed and
documents that allow for elected by the Council of Delegates in May
the development of a new 2019 and will assume office on July 1. The
organizational and gover- new NPC chairman will be elected by the
nance structure designed Council from the seven members who com-
to make the Conference more nimble and prise the Board of Directors.
responsive to the most pressing challenges This historic change in governance will equip
facing students, campus partners and the NPC to be a stronger, more strategic ally to
greater Panhellenic community. our campus-based colleagues on topics such
has hazing, alcohol abuse, sexual assault,
The new governance structure will include: diversity and inclusion, among others. The
• A council of delegates, consisting of one Panhellenic community is increasingly look-
representative from each of NPC’s 26 ing to us as a resource and a convener and
member organizations and having primary this new organizational structure reflects our
responsibility for Conference membership desire to further expand our capacity to serve
and Panhellenic policies. such a role.
The new structure is also intended to ensure
• A new seven-member Board of Directors that greater resources and staff-level engage-
consisting of five members elected to ment can be brought to bear on priorities
service by the Council of Delegates and ranging from recruitment and membership
two directors appointed by their member growth, enhanced data collection and com-
organization (on a rotational basis). The munications efforts advocating for the sorority
Board of Directors will lead NPC and have experience. The NPC professional staff will
authority and responsibility for oversee- continue to accomplish their work alongside
ing the affairs of NPC. They will establish the organization’s volunteers.
corporate policy, set the strategic direc-
tion, oversee and secure resources and

NPC delegates at the 2018 annual meeting.

14 | Spring 2019

AOII International Convention 2019 will take the Fraternity to “The City Beautiful” – Orlando, Florida! Known as the theme
park capital of the world, this family-friendly city is the perfect place to gather to celebrate AOII. All AOII members are
invited to attend this exciting event where they have the opportunity to network with sisters, experience AOII Rituals and
fun traditions, celebrate chapter accomplishments and experience the best of our AOII sisterhood.


• June 26-30, 2019
• Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida (6677 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32821)


• Council member registration opens April 1 at 9 a.m. CDT and these members must register by April 15 at 9 a.m. CDT
• Full-time general member registration opens April 17 at 9 a.m. CDT*
• Part-time general member registration opens May 1 at 9 a.m. CDT* pending maximized full-time general

membership registration

• Tri-Board Elections
• Convention Kickoff Event • Closing Ritual • Travel to Orlando in your AOII letters!
• Candle Lighting and • Cocktail Hour
• Rose Banquet • Business casual attire (One outfit)
Opening Ritual • Emporium and Exhibit
• Keynote Speakers • Business Attire (Three outfits total; One should be red, pink
• Celebration Luncheon Shopping
• Education Tracks • Free Time Opportunities and/or coral)
• Service Activities
• Three Business Sessions in Orlando • Candle Lighting and Opening Ritual Attire (Refer to
• Panhellenic Brunch
• Awards Banquet online FAQs for more information)

• Ritual Attire (White dress or white skirt and blouse with

black, closed-toe shoes)

• Semi-Formal Attire (Awards Banquet)

• Formal Attire (Rose Banquet)

• Any other items you wish to wear during your
visit in Orlando!


• AOII’s Forever Friends program is a wonderful way to say “thank you” to a sister for all she contributes to AOII. It is
designed specifically to recognize the women who make AOII stronger through dedication and love. You can honor a
sister for $30.00 through this special program.

• Panda Donation: AOIIs have the opportunity to donate money to help purchase pandas for children who attend
Juvenile Arthritis Conferences. With your support, the Fraternity will purchase pandas in bulk to ensure that each child
gets a panda that is the same size and quality as their peers. Donations are typically given in the amounts of $5, $10,
$25, $50 or any other amount you wish to donate. Any level of donation is greatly appreciated.

• Rose Tributes are a special tradition during International Convention! Learn more on page 21.

*Dates listed are subject to change based on ticket and room availability
**For more information on AOII’s 2019 International Convention please visit the FAQs on the AOII website located under News and Events

Event Recap

Chapter Presidents, Recruitment Advisers, Vice out the weekend, singing and chanting to welcome
Presidents of Membership Recruitment and attendees in to the ballroom and performing the
Network Specialists of Development and Recruit- preference ceremony. Headquarters staff members
ment came together from across the Unites States served as recruitment counselors, guiding attendees
and Canada during the first weekend of February in through the experience and leading them in discus-
Tennessee to experience all things recruitment. sion following recruitment parties. In addition to the
Alpha Omicron Pi’s 2019 Leadership Academy was example recruitment parties that occurred during
an exciting weekend filled with learning, sisterhood the Leadership Academy experience, AOII Head-
and fun. The weekend was designed to feel like quarters staff and Education Committee members
attendees were going through recruitment. Some teamed up to present trainings and lead discussions
local chapters played the part of recruiters through- on all facets of recruitment strategy, preparation and

16 | Spring 2019

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Kentucky U) introduced the Education Committee
and thanked chapters who sent members to help
WELCOME & SISTERHOOD ROUNDS with recruitment rounds this weekend – Alpha Chi,
(Western Kentucky U), Delta Omega (Murray State
Attendees gathered in the hallway outside of the U) and Omicron (U of Tennessee).
ballrooms in the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs with
anticipation of the event to come. Leadership Acad- Attendees exited the ballrooms to another high-
emy 2019 kicked off much like recruitment kicks off energy chant and met up with their small groups for
on many campuses each year – the ballroom doors the first time of the weekend for dinner and discus-
opened, revealing chapter members and HQ staff, sion. These recruitment groups met throughout
clad in red, pink and coral, welcoming attendees the weekend – led by Collegiate Experience and
with smiling faces and cheerful chants. Growth staff members and the Educational Leader-
ship Consultants – to debrief after each recruitment
“Boom boom, I wanna go AOII round and discuss how they could take what they
Don’t you?” saw and make it work on their campus.

Alex LeForge, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) and Following dinner and thoughtful recruitment group
Danielle McCullough, Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State discussions, attendees were greeted with an AOII
U) welcomed everyone to the event and introduced rendition of “Hollaback Girl” as they made their way
International President Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha back in to the ballroom for Sisterhood Round.
Rho (Oregon State U), who opened the weekend
with Ritual. She shared the excitement she had for “Few girls can have fun like that, so this is where
the weekend ahead and encouraged attendees to you’re gonna wanna come back.
begin making new connections with sisters in atten- ‘Cause we’re the AOII girls! We’re the AOII girls!”
dance and introduced the welcome round keynote
speaker, Executive Director Troy LeForge, Beta Phi During Sisterhood Round, attendees heard from
(Indiana U). Ali Cox, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U); Rebecca
Easterling, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U);
LeForge’s address encouraged members to give Mary Faith Erwin, Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U) and
their all to learning this weekend and their recruit- Madison Smith, Kappa Delta (Wright State U) about
ment efforts back on campus. Attendees ended the importance of conversations and members shar-
the session doing the Hokey Pokey as a reminder
to “put my whole self in.” Next, Education Com- ing their stories of sister-
mittee Chair, Sandy Stewart, Alpha Chi (Western hood, regardless of what
this round of recruitment is
called on their respective
campus. They also shared
best practices for outfits
and décor and showed
examples of outstanding
sisterhood videos. The eve-
ning ended with a variety of
sweet treats for dessert and
recruitment group discus-
sions focused on selling
sisterhood and keeping a
strong sense of sisterhood
during recruitment.

Rho Delta (Samford U) Lambda Chi (LaGrange College)


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Cactus recruitment group
Chi Phi (U of South Carolina Aiken), Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U),
PHILANTHROPY & PREFERENCE ROUNDS Beta Sigma (Boise State U) and Omicron Pi (U of Michigan) VPMRs

Saturday began bright and early with the next round Attendees representing chapters from Alabama
of recruitment, Philanthropy Round. Attendees were Attendees representing chapters from Network 2
welcomed in to the ballroom with a new song, “Wel-
come to AOII.” Chapter members were dressed in
all shades of blue – the international arthritis aware-
ness color. Haley Cahill-Teubert, Sigma Gamma
(Appalachian State U), Katherine Nixon, Omicron (U
of Tennessee) and Mariellen Sasseen, Alpha Delta
(U of Alabama), and Madison Smith, Kappa Delta
(Wright State U) shared the importance of inspir-
ing and connecting during this round of recruit-
ment. Smith presented AOII’s official philanthropy
video and tips for creating a chapter-specific video
focused on philanthropy. To end the round, attend-
ees wrote words of inspiration to be given out at
the Juvenile Arthritis conference, one example of a
meaningful activity that can be used during Philan-
thropy Round to allow potential new members to
connect with our international philanthropy.
Following recruitment group discussions about
philanthropy round, Vice Presidents of Membership
Recruitment headed to AOII International Head-
quarters for tours and photos. Chapter Presidents,
Recruitment Advisers and Network Specialists of
Recruitment and Network Specialists of Develop-
ment each started their training with sessions
focused on their role before everyone reunited for a
lunch and learn focused on collaborating intention-
ally to advance chapters’ digital footprint. Follow-
ing lunch, attendees split up by role again with the
Chapter Presidents heading to get Headquarters
tours and VPMRs to their position-specific session
before meeting up for rotations for all collegiate
attendees. These sessions focused on improving
facilitation skills, having intentional conversations,
recruitment 365, and using strategy and intentional-
ity during recruitment.
Recruitment Advisers rotated between sessions that
mirrored the collegians’ tracks about recruitment
365 and strategy and intention before heading to
Headquarters for additional sessions about inten-
tional conversations, recruiting advisers and han-
dling difficult conversations. All attendees reunited
again at the hotel for dinner and a recruitment panel
before breaking out into evening rotations. Attend-
ees experienced a moving Preference Round cere-
mony, performed by Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
and discussed bumping and membership selection,
ending a long and productive day with a discussion
with their recruitment groups.

18 | Spring 2019

Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3
Attendees representing chapters from Network 8
Delta Xi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
Attendees met with their recruitment groups one
last time on Sunday morning to receive their Bid Day
bags, complete with t-shirts, AOII swag, and Bid Day
sticks! There was excitement in the air as all attend-
ees came together for Bid Day brunch, celebrat-
ing the end of a successful weekend. New friends
clustered for photos in front of AOII branded back-
drops and took boomerangs with brightly colored
donuts in front of the donut wall. As attendees ate
brunch, staff members who served as recruitment
counselors to their small groups during the weekend
gathered at the podium to reveal their campus of

Troy LeForge took the stage to present her closing
keynote on building lasting relationships, reminding
attendees that Did Day is not where the work ends.
She gave examples of chapters who are operation-
alizing love – putting fraternity and love at the cen-
ter of all that they do as a chapter – and noted that
chapters must always keep love in mind in order to
strengthen their recruitment, retention and relation-

Following closing Ritual, attendees gathered in the
friendship circle to sing the “Epsilon Chapter” song,
closing another impactful weekend filled with new
ideas, new connections and passion for AOII.

Leadership Academy 2019 was partially funded
through education grants from the AOII Foundation.
This year, 25 chapters received grants from the AOII
Foundation to attend Leadership Academy.

Coffee cup recruitment group 19

AOII Foundation Focus

Pi Day - A Success!

Thanks to the tremendous support of our sisters and friends, our fifth annual Pi Day was a huge suc-
cess! This special day of giving raised $28,159.61 in just over 24 hours!
We would like to recognize our AOII Tri-Board (Executive Board, Properties Board and Foundation
Board) for their matching gifts throughout Pi Day totaling over $10,000! A special thanks also to our Pi
Day Ambassadors, made up of our Foundation Ambassadors and Young Alumnae Council, for being
our social media advocates.

Pi Day Ambassadors

Taryn Ashdown, Gamma Chi Brittney Liesmann, Sigma Theta
Hoori Barkh, Beta Kappa Sandy Lykins, Lambda Sigma
Sara Beamish, Epsilon Gamma Karen Marchese, Phi Lambda
Sharon Bowers, Delta Theta Paige Martin-Capon, Kappa Chi
Barbara Bruning, Theta Psi Erica McCarthy, Alpha Gamma
Carley Bruscato, Xi Omicron Lynnette McMahon, Lambda Beta
Laura Flessner, Chi Psi Dana Moreland, Delta Alpha
Debbie Gardner, Alpha Kappa Shelby Pelon, Tau Gamma
Katy Geppert, Epsilon Sigma Maggie Pendergrass, Zeta Psi
Linda Grandolfo, Nu Iota Michelle Scali, Beta Upsilon
Laura Hargett, Nu Omega Ashley Sherman, Beta Zeta
Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma Annalise Sinclair, Gamma Theta
Summer Hitchens, Beta Gamma Nicolette Stanfill, Tau Gamma
Leah Horton, Tau Gamma Marjorie Stevens, Beta Kappa
Christina Kiley-Teixeira, Upsilon Epsilon Susan Story, Omega Xi
Cindy Lai Amendariz, Lambda Alpha

Days of Giving like Pi Day and #GivingTuesday allow the AOII Foundation to raise funds for the Loyalty
Fund, which meets the immediate needs of our Fraternity. Mark your calendars to join us for Pi Day
2020 on Saturday, March 14!

$28,159.61 raised

from 304 donors

20 | Spring 2019

Rose Tributes New donor rose!

Rose Tributes are a special tradition during International Convention! For a $5
USD contribution, a Rose Tribute can be purchased in honor of a special sister.
The honoree will receive an acknowledgement card and a small embroidered
rose for each Rose Tribute purchased in her honor.
New this year, for every $100 or more donation in Rose Tributes, the donor
will receive a large embroidered AOII Foundation replica rose. The rose will
be added to the donor’s name badge as added recognition for their level
of support.
To purchase Rose Tributes, please visit our website at The pre-order deadline to purchase Rose
Tributes for them to be included in mailboxes upon Convention arrival is Friday, May 24.



Stay Connected After Graduation

Graduating in May? This helpful checklist will help ensure you stay
connected with the Fraternity well after you move your tassel!


Whether you have just graduated, moved or created a new email
address, make sure you update the Fraternity of any personal
information changes to stay looped in for announce-
ments! You can follow the QR code to update your
email, phone, address, etc. Simply open the camera app
on your mobile phone and hover it over the QR code.


You can pay your annual alumnae dues directly to the Fraternity
via the AOII website under the “members” tab. Your $35 annual
alumnae dues ($19 for Life Loyal members) help continue to
support the Fraternity and alumnae-specific programming. Your
payment also allows you to receive quarterly newsletters keeping
you up-to-date on alumnae events and education!


A great way to stay connected with AOII after graduation and
continue to give back to the Fraternity is to become a Life Loyal
member. AOII’s membership is constantly growing, and connectiv-
ity with our membership is key to AOII’s success. Once a member
of Life Loyal, you will receive a beautiful lapel pin to wear along-
side your AOII badge, an AOII Life Loyal gift, a lifetime subscrip-
tion to To Dragma and permanent exemption from the operating
portion of alumnae chapter dues to AOII. Head to page 52 for
more information!


Did you know there are over 160 alumnae chapters in the US
and Canada? If you are moving to a new area or staying in your
college town and want to meet new sisters, consider joining an
alumnae chapter! You can find more information on our alumnae
chapters under the “members” tab of the AOII website. Are you
interested in learning more about what our alumnae chapters do?
Turn to page 34!


Follow your local alumnae chapter on Facebook, Instagram and
other social media sites. Also, be sure to follow the Fraternity, and
stay connected by tagging us in your posts!

22 | Spring 2019

Digital Media Tips To Land The Job

Are you preparing to graduate from college and looking for your first job? Are you
ready to advance your career and looking for a new opportunity? Before you hit “sub-
mit” on that application or schedule that first interview, be sure to assess your digital
footprint and enhance your personal brand online.

Did you know 60 percent of employers use social networking sites to research job
candidates, according to CareerBuilder’s annual social media recruitment survey? Be-
yond that, 49 percent of hiring managers say they have found information that caused
them not to hire a candidate. We have five tips to enhance your personal brand
through social media and digital communication.

Instagram (Finsta) or a Snap-
chat, where you post or send LinkedIn is an incredible way to network with professionals while also
inappropriate things, this is the representing who you are and what you offer as an employee. A great rule
perfect time to delete this ac- of thumb is to connect on LinkedIn with peers, professors, employers and
count and stop sending things internship connections before you graduate. Ask them to endorse you and
you wouldn’t want an employer the professional skills you have added from your resume.
to see. Anything you put online
or send (especially on your 2. EVALUATE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA
story) can be screenshotted and
shared with the world. Sharing Put on the lens of an employer in your field and look over all of your social
even one foolish photo may media. This does not just mean your Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Do
be enough to deter employers you have spring break pictures from two years ago on VSCO that are not
from offering you your dream something you want your employer to see? Do you have an old Tumblr
opportunity. account that may not accurately reflect who you are now? Partying on your
PRO TIP: Ask three people Instagram story is not going to land you the dream job.
you trust before posting to edit
tion or photo to ensure it could
not have a negative impact on Who is your biggest inspiration in your professional field? Are you following
someone else’s viewpoint. them online? This is important because these people are influencing the
PRO TIP: Answer all emails field you are looking to enter, and likely sharing relevant content for you to
from potential employers or know and share yourself. This gives you a leg up when employers review
human resources professionals your social media or even bring up certain topics for you to discuss in your
within five hours of receiving interview.
the email.

Know who you are and what you stand for to best represent yourself
through your digital communication. Stay consistent, whether you are blog-
ging or sharing thoughts on Twitter, keep it in your “voice.” One negative
or uneducated blog post or Tweet can certainly reflect negatively on you


If you are entering the workforce, email is more important than ever. You
must follow professional email etiquette when sending emails, and this
includes addressing the person at the beginning of the email, spelling their
name and title correctly, using full sentences and ending the email with your
name and appropriate contact information.


Feature Q: What is one of your top tips for
ensuring you give a great interview?
Whether you are a graduating senior apply-
ing for jobs, or looking to land a job in a new A: I like to think of interviews in terms of the 80/20
industry, acing an interview is a critical step to rule. It's 80 percent preparation and 20 percent
getting you closer to that job offer. Lauren Carter, execution. Part of that preparation requires coming
Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U) is a human up with something called STAR stories. STAR stories
resources representative at PepsiCo. With an are the format you can follow to answer interview
educational and career backgrouond in hiring and questions. Most companies use behavioral-based
human resources, Carter was happy to share her interview questions because it is believed that past
best advice for acing your interview. performance will dictate future performance. Com-
panies do not want to hear what you will do but what
24 | Spring 2019 you have already accomplished. It is very important
to understand that, or you will not grasp the concept.
STAR stands for situation, task, action and result. It
outlines the steps of how you will tell your stories for
each chosen competency. You need to take the job
description and scan it for competencies, which are
things like teamwork, analytical skills, self-motivation,
etc. Once you have identified those competencies,
you need to start formulating your STAR stories. So,
if one of the job competencies is analytical skills, you
should be prepared with a story that explains a situ-
ation, task, action and result you experienced which
effectively showcases your analytical skills. Additional
preparation includes researching your interviewer and
the company beforehand, so you can be prepared
with questions at the end of the interview. For ex-
ample, you may say, “I saw Q2 earnings were down.
What do you attribute that to?” That will blow your
interviewer away.

Q: Wardrobe selections are usually a
large consideration when preparing for an
interview. What advice do you have here?

A: College kids can be so focused on fashion and
being trendy they forget that while the outfit is cute, it
might not be business casual or professional. Busi-
ness professional is not always the right attire for
an interview though; I think it really depends on the
industry, so be sure to research what is appropriate
for that company or industry.

Q: What should you always take to your
interview? And what should you leave at

A: Always take a padfolio. They are awesome to store
notes on the company and any questions you have
for the end of the interview. If you forget your ques-
tions, just unzip the padfolio and
there they are, ready to go. Also
Check out the AOII bring a water bottle in case you
padfolio in this issue’s get a tickle in your throat. As for
Things We Love on what to leave at home… Gum.
page 26! Never chew gum in an interview.

Q: What are some general rules when it Q: Is it ok to negotiate salary?
comes to having questions prepared for
the end of the interview? A: Always, always, always negotiate salary. There is never
a situation in which you shouldn't because if you get it,
A: Generally, the rule is between three and five questions you'll be better off than you were before; and if you don't,
in case some get answered during the interview. The you have nothing to lose. Candidates get worried if they
one question you should always ask is "What are next counter the salary, it will be rejected by the company, or
steps?” or “When will I hear back?" I used to ask so many the job offer may even be rescinded. That could not be
students how their interviews went or when they would farther from the truth. Companies likely have invested so
hear back, and they wouldn't know because they forgot much time in you that they will truly work with you if they
to ask. This clears up any confusion and steers you clear can. That being said, you have to do research before you
of sending an awkward follow up email as you anxiously negotiate. You need to know the market rate for the posi-
await a response. tion, competitors’ benefits and so on, because you need
to be justified in your requests. If it is reasonable, and
Q: What can women do to really stand they can accommodate, you will end up better than you
out in an interview? started. Also, companies generally don't offer at the top
end of their salary range, so know there is usually some
A: As women, we have a terrible habit of making our con- wiggle room. It might not be in base pay, but maybe it is
tributions sound more like a group effort than they gener- in an end-of-year bonus or additional vacation days.
ally are. Men are much more likely to take ownership
than women. I like to think it comes from our caregiver Q: Can you share one final “Do” or
and collaborative nature. There is research that suggests “Don’t” for interviewing?
women often do not interview as well as men for this
reason. Women are hesitant to take total credit, so they A: Don’t forget that interviewers often ask the reception-
will say something was a collaborative effort, when in ist their opinion of the candidate "while no one is watch-
reality they spearheaded the whole thing. The interview ing." The minute you are inside the office, it's game-on,
is your 30 minutes to sell yourself, not anyone else. If you which means no personal conversations or scrolling
downplay your contributions or don't sufficiently sell your social media on your phone. You want every person to
skills or ideas, you have done a disservice to yourself. view you as professional and polite.

Q: What are some best practices to Lauren Carter currently
follow-up after the interview is over? works as a human re-
sources representative
A: Email your interviewer within 24 hours thanking them at PepsiCo. Prior to this
for their time and consideration. There are no excep- role, she was a recruiter
tions here--this is a must for all candidates. Outside of 24 at Dogfish Head Craft
hours, it could be viewed as more of a desperate plea to Brewery and served as an
see where they are in the decision-making process and intern at Sierra Nevada
less about how appreciative you are for the opportunity Brewing Company. She
to interview. So, be sure to always ask for their email ad- is a graduate of Appalachian State U,
dress in the interview if you don’t already have it. If you where she earned a bachelor of science
have the time for a handwritten note, though, that will in health care management. She earned
really set you apart. a master's degree in human resources at
the University of South Carolina, where
Q: When is it appropriate to ask about she worked in the Graduate Assistant
salary and benefits? Office of Career Management in the Darla
Moore School of Business.
A: Not until the offer is made or the final interview. Even
then, unless it is of major concern I highly recommend
waiting until the offer. If your current salary or salary ex-
pectations listed on your application are not in alignment
with the position, a good recruiter will usually bring that
up in the first phone screen so that no time is "wasted" by
either party. Generally, if the recruiter is not flagging it as
an issue, you are probably within the right range.


Things We Love: Interview Prep

Personal Business Cards Job Interview Questions And Answers
App by Vinh Tran
You never know when you will meet a valuable profes-
sional contact, but you should always be prepared! It may This free app provides a variety of questions you may be
not always be feasible to have a resume on hand, but you asked in a job interview. While you never want to sound
can always have a personal business card in your wallet. scripted in an interview, it may helpful to think about how
Consider ordering a few business cards with your contact you will answer certain questions in an interview setting or
information and links to an online portfolio, resume or consider how your answers to certain questions may vary
LinkedIn profile. There are plenty of sites like Etsy where based on the type of jobs for which you are applying.
you can create unique cards that will complement your
resume or personal brand. Tea For Tranquility

University or AOII Padfolio Nervous energy is perfectly normal before a big interview.
Try sipping this tasty herbal tea beforehand to calm your
Dressing the part for an interview is critical, but having pro- nerves and soothe a jittery stomach. Just be careful not to
fessional supplies on hand is important as well. Invest in a drink too many fluids before your interview so you don’t
high-quality padfolio where you can neatly take notes and need to take a bathroom break in the middle of it!
safely store resumes, business cards and writing samples.
Show off your Greek or university pride by purchasing a
branded padfolio online or even in your university book-

Monday Morning Pep Talks Rothy’s

Whether it is a Monday, an interview day, an exam day or A great pair of heels can certainly complete your polished,
something in between, kicking off your day with a pep talk interview look, but invest in a great pair of flats as well. We
will set you up for success. Written by AOII alumna Colene love these Rothy’s for career fairs, company tours or long
H. Elridge, this book is the perfect dose of motivation. With interview days that may require significant time on your
super short, easy-to-read chapters, you can start every day feet. Plus, it’s never a bad idea to keep a quality pair of flats
with a pep in your step! in your bag in case you need to swap your shoes mid-day.
They come in a variety of styles and colors, and they are
Etsy Resume Templates sourced from recycled plastic water bottles. And did we
mention they are machine-washable?
Your resume is often the first impression an employer has
about you. Make your resume stand out with a custom tem- Trunk Club
plate. Sites like Etsy offer a variety of aesthetically pleas- If your wardrobe consists mostly of Nike shorts and event
ing templates at a low cost to make your resume more t-shirts, it might be time to invest in a few professional
memorable. Be sure to be mindful of the types of jobs you pieces. Trunk Club by Nordstrom is a personal styling
are applying for before selecting a template. Some designs service subscription box that sends you clothing based on
and color schemes may be more appropriate for some your needs and preferences. It is a great service for stock-
industries than others. ing your closet with interview-worthy garments.



Making Cents Of Saving

by Judy Kuschel, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)

Summer is approaching, which means graduation for An early start to retirement saving is so important. The
many of our AOII sisters. I enjoyed my chapter experi- earlier that retirement money is invested, the more it
ence at Oregon State University, and it gave me a group has time to grow and compound.
of women to go to for advice and support when making charts the power of compound interest. Three inves-
decisions on classes, professors and careers. We spent tors each save $10,000 a year for varying 10-year pe-
hours studying, writing papers and taking tests to pre- riods. One person invests from age 25-35 and stops;
pare for our future careers. the second invests from age 35-45 and stops; the third
But where was I unprepared? To be honest, I was not invests from age 45-55. Each person invests the same
fully prepared for what happens after winning that new amount ($10,000 annually) and hypothetically earns the
job—a human resources representative hands you a same return (7 percent annually). Ultimately, though, the
packet of information that requires a series of quick, but money earned ranges from a low of $373,407 for the late
important decisions. Choices often involve health insur- saver, to an eye-opening $1,444,969 for the investor who
ance plans, life insurance, disability insurance and retire- started at age 25.
ment plan options. These are demanding decisions with
a short deadline. I remember feeling overwhelmed. Waiting to save can mean significantly fewer funds for
Decisions involving a retirement plan can occur at your retirement. So, if we are going to live five years longer, an
initial hire, or you may enroll in a plan that allows you early start is valuable. If you have delayed this, start now
to change your contributions or even your investment or as soon as possible.
So why should you already be thinking about retirement I spent an evening with my 30-something son a couple of
as a recent college graduate entering the workforce? As weeks ago. We both listen to podcasts about investing,
a woman, you should take retirement planning seriously retirement and related subjects. I asked him to attend a
and consider the key decisions as early as possible. Do meet-and-greet in Seattle with the hosts of one of the
not be overwhelmed but use the information as an op- podcasts. On the way to the event, my son was lament-
portunity to think ahead. Here are some financial plan- ing that he did not invest more in his retirement accounts
ning factors that are especially vital for women in the during his 20s, as he could look now and see the ef-
workforce: fects on his savings. He is still young, but already he has
WOMEN LIVE LONGER THAN MEN realized that it is easy to look back and rethink our early
Great news, right? Statistically, women have about five choices.
more years of life span when compared to men. And that
means more time with those we love or to pursue our THE GENDER WAGE GAP
dreams. But this also presents a financial challenge be- Studies on the gender pay gap vary, but in general,
cause we have to fund five additional years of retirement. women make about 80 cents on the dollar when com-
pared to men. The gap is even larger when
it comes to women of color according to a
2017 report from the National Partnership
For Women & Families. Essentially, women

28 | Spring 2019

typically make less money than men during their working Retirement Savings
years. This only amplifies the importance of having a re- Plan Options
tirement plan, starting early and staying on pace. As one
example, my deferred retirement savings plan allowed WHAT IS A 401K?*
me the choice of investing a set dollar amount per pay A 401k is a retirement savings plan sponored
period or a percentage of my pay. I picked the percent- by an employer that allows employees to
age, so each time I received a raise in pay, a portion of invest a portion of their paycheck before it
the increase would also be invested in my retirement is taxed. In doing so, an employee's taxable
plan. income is less. However, you do pay income
taxes on contributions upon withdrawl of
TIME AWAY FROM WORK the money. It is important to note you do not
Many women primarily focus on careers and do not take have access to your funds before the age of
time off for child or family care, but statistics show that 59 1/2 or you will be assessed a penalty.
women on average spend 11.5 years out of the work-
force. By contrast, men average about 16 months out of WHAT IS A ROTH IRA?*
the workforce according to data from the the Teachers A Roth IRA is a retirement savings plan that
Insurance and Annuity Association. For women, this time allows you to invest a portion of your income
out often involves caring for children or perhaps aging after it is taxed. Therefore, no taxes are paid
parents. upon withdrawl of the money and you can
access at any time as long as you have had
I made the choice to stay home during my son’s the account for five years.
early years, and at the time did not think about
the long-term effect this would have on my retire- WHAT IS A SPOUSAL IRA?**
ment planning. Social A spousal IRA is a strategy that allows a
security calculates aver- working spouse to contribute to an IRA in
age earnings for the the name of a non-working spouse to cir-
35 years during which cumvent income requirements. This creates
an exception to the provision that an individ-
ual must have earned income to contribute
to an IRA.

*Source: Wall Street Journal
**Source: Investopedia


you earned the most, so my child-rearing years definitely to change employers, are you vested in your retirement
affected my expected benefit. I also did not contribute to plan? If you are not vested, which usually takes at least
a retirement plan during those years. What a difference I several years, a change may mean you are sacrificing a
could have made for myself by making retirement invest- future benefit from that plan.
ing part of my plan during those years! In the event of a divorce, some pensions will give ben-
My daughter-in-law is currently taking a break from her efits to a spouse, but some plans will not give a spousal
career to spend more time with my two grandchildren. I benefit if you remarry. Finding the answers to those ques-
have talked to her about the importance of investing in tions is important for planning.
her retirement during those years. We discussed the op- In short, retirement planning has a major impact on our
tion of a spousal IRA for this season of her life. quality of life in our post-working years. What are some
If you find yourself in a similar situation, or if you change for the most important steps we can take?
jobs and your new employer requires a certain amount
of time with the company before you can contribute to • Learn about the retirement plan choices at your
a 401k, use that time wisely by paying off debt or sav- employer if they are available. Read the materials,
ing money as part of an emergency fund. In the event ask questions and know the deadlines. Take
you change jobs, it is important to note your 401k can be advantage of any employer match that will boost
transferred to your new company. The money must trans- your personal contributions.
fer directly to the new plan and not be issued to you or it
would trigger significant taxes and penalties. • If your company does not have a retirement plan,
PERSONAL PENSIONS & SPOUSAL PENSIONS look into setting up a retirement account on your
When planning for retirement, pension plans are an own. Several websites can help: NerdWallet and
important part of the solution, assuming your company Investopedia are two great resources. Podcasts also
offers one. But there are many reasons to save beyond are an engaging option for becoming educated on
a pension plan. Such savings can be used during retire- the topic.
ment years for additional income, large purchases or
unexpected expenses later in life. It also helps when • Understand your decisions for retirement planning
encountering unexpected setbacks. Tragically, compa- and evaluate your investing plans at least yearly.
nies have gone bankrupt, which can hurt employees who
planned on a pension benefit. Often, these situations I spend New Year’s Day each year with a valued friend.
come as a shock because no one expects a company to We each talk about our personal and financial goals.
fail financially. What did we do well in the last year? What changes we
Public pensions also vary in their funded status and plan for the next year? This yearly tradition has deepened
stability. Some are well-managed and funded, and others our friendship and helps me with my own accountability
are facing uncertain futures. If you have a public pen- in meeting my goals.
sion, ask questions and do some research. If you want Wherever you are in your career or education, it is never
too early to think about and start planning for your finan-
cial well-being later in life.

About Judy Kuschel

Kuschel is the vice president of the Washington Federation of State
Employees’ (Council 28 AFSCME) and Chair of the Washington State
Investment Board. As Chair, she represents the active members of
the Public Employees' Retirement Systems. She graduated from
Oregon State University with a degree in political science.

30 | Spring 2019


by Kay Elam, Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College), Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee

For most of us, college is the first time we find our- Think about it. You are a collegiate member for only
selves totally independent to make our own deci- four years. You will be an AOII alumna for the rest of
sions from which we either reap the rewards or live your life, which will hopefully be at least another half-
with the consequences. There is the inherent safety century. It stands to reason you will meet more sisters
net within the college community to lead us during this over your alumnae years than during the four years in
pivotal time. I contend part of the educational process college.
is to prepare students for all aspects of their futures. This diversity is one of the things that makes AOII so
With graduation right around the corner, many of you special. While older alumnae members often men-
are about to enter the next phase of your lives. The tor younger sisters both professionally and socially,
world holds so many possibilities: a career, graduate or younger sisters bring fresh perspectives to energize
professional school, travel, marriage, and motherhood, their new alumnae chapters. Because we share our
to name a few. Which ways will you go? Ritual, the age and chapter differences among sisters
While all of these paths are exciting, they can also be a disappear, leaving the universal bond of sisterhood
little scary. Well, here's the thing—no matter what you first experienced in our collegiate chapters. Addition-
choose, you don’t have to be alone. I dare say, what- ally, what you experience through alumnae involve-
ever you do, or wherever you go, you will not be the ment can be far more fulfilling and rewarding – on
first AOII in your new situation. many levels – than your time as a collegiate member

That's just one of many reasons to stay connected to So, when you graduate, I urge you to continue your
your sisters and involved in AOII after graduation. AOII experience. Don’t deprive yourself or AOII of your
If you stay connected, I can almost guarantee you AOII involvement. Alumnae dues are annual, and, within
sisters will be among your closest friends for the rest five years of graduation, your first year is free! After
of your life. As a new graduate, you probably think I’m that, dues are only once a year and very affordable.
referring to your AOII collegiate chapter sisters as your You can't beat that!
best lifelong friends. While that could be true, (I am still Mark your calendar to join the AOII alumnae chapter of
in touch with several of mine, and it has been way too your choice upon graduation. A complete list is on the
many years to count), the reality is, as you begin your AOII website. Welcome to the wonderful world of AOII
alumnae experience, you will befriend sisters from a alumnae.
variety of collegiate chapters.




Leadership In Action

As graduation season approaches, many AOII sisters will be making the transiiton from collegiate mem-
ber to alumnae member, and with that comes a time of reflection. We asked several AOII alumnae how
their leadership roles in AOII prepared them for life after college. Check out their responses below!


Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U) Alpha Phi (Montana State U)

Canelos currently lives in Austin, Texas Vanata currently lives in Bozeman,
where she is a sales account executive Montana where she is the director
at Dell Technologies. of development at the Montana
State University Alumni Foundation.
I approach networking as a way to establish a true sym-
biotic relationship, not for the sole purpose to connect What truly helped shaped me the most was not one
with people. My AOII experience, especially having been defining experience, but more so a culmination of years
an officer who held responsibilities that went beyond our of interacting and working with a variety of different
own chapter (since it affected the Panhellenic community personalities. You begin to learn that there is tremen-
as a whole), helped me to not be afraid of rejection or dous value in working and living side by side with a
voice suggestions/concerns in a setting that included diverse group of women. Each has their own combina-
peers with the same position, if not 'higher' than you. It tion of leadership styles, approach to conflict resolution,
allowed me to work on my public speaking skills, miti- ambitions, and belief systems. Learning how to work
gate information accordingly to chapter members and with such diversity has aided me well in my personal and
the Panhellenic Council, and most importantly, allowed professional life.
me to have a glimpse of my future as a businesswoman
by, "having a seat at the table."


Beta Eta (Gettysburg College)
Schwartz currently lives in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania where she is the
marketing and media coordinator at Klunk & Millan Advertising.
My entire experience as a founding member of the Beta Eta chapter has shaped who I am outside of college
because of the passion and persistence we all contributed towards establishing a sisterhood and community
we were proud to identify with. Today, that same fearlessness paired with an unbridled passion for marketing
communications allows me to create the career experience that I want. Being Chapter President gave me the op-
portunity to communicate and work with multiple organizations and different personalities to handle a variety of
business-like situations. More often than not, personalities clashed and beliefs did not align, however, it was my
job to represent the organization (or now in advertising, the clients) to get the best outcome possible. I feel more
confident handling client meetings, pitches, sales calls and overall public speaking thanks to the communication
and leadership skills I gained through AOII and the Panhellenic community.

32 | Spring 2019


Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
Furmanek currently lives in Chicago, Knoebel currently lives in Washington,
Illinois and works for Aerotek, a staffing D.C. and works for the United States
and recruiting company. Senate as a Staff Assistant.
AOII has taught me how to be a more professional, ma- Surrounding myself with women who come from all dif-
ture person. I think being in a sorority and having others ferent backgrounds and life experiences, has allowed
holding you to certain standards and having the respon- me to better understand that each person has a story to
sibility of being an officer helped me mature faster in tell and is unique in their own way. When we support and
college and I’ve transferred that to my work life, as well. encourage each other as women, we foster a positive
environment, where we can come together and cel-
TORI BISHOP ebrate each other’s accomplishments. This experience
has shaped who I am throughout my everyday life, as I
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U) hope to be a more encouraging and positive voice not
Bishop currently lives in Hammond, only to the other women in my life, but to my community
Louisiana where she is the owner as a whole.
and buyer of Obsession Boutique and
Tailored Clothing + Home. SARAH ALMARAZ
Being local and still having strong ties with Kappa Tau
chapter continues to shape me nearly three years after Delta Nu (U of Nevada, Reno)
graduating — both in my career and personal life. The Almaraz currently lives in
relationships and connections with the alumnae, my Washington, D.C., where she is the
pledge class and collegiate members are the biggest internal marketing manager and events
takeaway for me! Through holding an officer position — coordinator at Rescue Agency.
not only did I learn how to execute a plan and host an Being Chapter President and VPMR prepared me for my
event, but it taught me to rely on others and ask for help. professional career by teaching me how to work and col-
As a business owner, I’ve called on these experiences to laborate with different people, help others through diffi-
remind me to ask for help and build my tribe of reliable cult challenges, delegate tasks to others as well as build
employees who believe in my vision and values to help my confidence to be able to run large meetings, gain
grow my businesses. public speaking and networking skills. I truly thank AOII
for giving me the opportunity to build lifelong leadership
and professional skills.


Omicron (U of Tennessee)
Flores currently lives in Washington, D.C. where she is
a participant in the Capital Fellow Program.
My time spent serving as Chapter President taught me so many valuable life lessons that have shaped me both
personally and professionally. I encountered many challenges and many victories, all which taught me the value
of hard work and determination. One of the biggest takeaways from my time as chapter president is learning
how to lead with love. Love for my chapter, love for my fraternity, and love for my community. I learned what this
love felt like by knowing the members of my chapter who lead with love every day. I am a better leader for know-
ing them, and they truthfully stood next to me throughout the whole process and led with me.


Alumnae Chapter News




Alabama week. In November, we held an alumnae pasta potluck
with collegiate new members. We had a great turnout with
HUNTSVILLE over 15 alumnae in attendance! Our best turnout for the
The Huntsville Alumnae Chapter again had a busy year! year was at our Christmas party. Everyone in the chapter
We continued to sell final exam survival kits, also known as loves a good Christmas party and it did not disappoint this
Pandagrams, to parents of area collegiate members, and year. We had a Mexican fiesta where we played Dirty Santa
we used the funds to support local AOII chapters as well as and other Christmas games, and everyone walked out with
the AOII Foundation. We enjoyed supporting Delta Tau (U a gift they loved!
of Alabama in Huntsville) during recruitment, and we were
excited to attend their housewarming ceremony in Octo- California
ber. Our alumnae have also shared sisterhood at several
social activities including ax throwing! We concluded our GREATER LOS ANGELES
year with our annual mother/daughter holiday tea! 2018 was a landmark year for the Greater Los Angeles
Alumnae (GLA) Chapter. GLA sisters came together for a
Arkansas wonderful Italian luncheon to celebrate the 25-year anni-
versary of the chapter. We ended the year with our ever-
JONESBORO popular holiday potluck. In 2019, we will continue to gather
monthly for social, business and philanthropy occasions,
The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter kicked off the year with including our annual yard sale fundraiser.
our annual Founders’ Day banquet with the Sigma Omi-
cron (Arkansas Sate U) collegiate chapter. Throughout the GREATER SACRAMENTO VALLEY
summer, the alumnae chapter 2018 was a great year in California’s capital! The Greater
donated money and supplies Sacramento Alumnae Chapter increased membership by
We love the idea of for the collegiate members to 20% over the previous year and we enjoyed a variety of
an ice cream party to have an ice cream party during events that mixed philanthropy and fun. In October, we
kick off recruitment the week before formal re- held an Adopt-A-Kid Halloween drive to donate costumes
season on a sweet cruitment and a catered lunch

note! during the formal recruitment

2018 Recap


and candy to homeless children in our area and volun- ing the Bonnie Berger Award at Founders’ Day. We hosted
teered at Sacramento’s Jingle Bell Run. We also enjoyed several fundraisers throughout the year, including a dinner
sisterhood events such as wine tasting, our holiday orna- at BJ’s restaurant and a shopping spree at Vera Bradley.
ment exchange and the Strike Out Arthritis! game with The chapter enjoyed many sisterhood gatherings, includ-
the Oakland Athletics, where we saw a no-hitter! We have ing painting canvases together at Paint Nite, sipping coffee
also started a monthly happy hour at different locations with sisters at Blvd Cafecito and admiring the blooms at
throughout the Sacramento area that make it easy for our Descanso Gardens. We supported the Lambda Beta (Cali-
sisters to attend. fornia State U, Long Beach) collegiate chapter by sending
them Halloween goodie bags. We finished the year by join-
SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY ing the San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Chapter’s fundraising
team at the Jingle Bell Run in Glendale.
The Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a
full year of sisterhood, fun and philanthropy. We kicked off SAN FRANCISCO
the year with a sangria party, which was an evening filled The San Francisco Alumnae Chapter continued its mission
with fun and laughter. Our annual fall fundraiser, Stella’s to connect local women with each other through engag-
Trunk, was a great success raising money for the AOII ing and fulfilling events. We hosted our monthly happy
Foundation, the Ruby Fund and our own annual scholar- hours as informal gatherings at various San Francisco area
ship. All who attended enjoyed a morning brunch and locations, giving new and returning residents a chance to
speaker. We awarded a scholarship to a collegiate mem- explore more of our beautiful town. We even paired up
ber of Sigma Phi Chapter (California State U, Northridge). with the San Francisco Tri Delta alumnae to encourage
We also partnered with Lambda Beta Chapter (California Panhellenic spirit and friendship. We remained active with
State U, Long Beach) to host social media efforts and are excited for even more planned
the senior to alumnae transi- activities, fundraisers and fellowship with our newly elected
Is your chapter tion. Sisters participated in leadership at the helm.

participating in a the Jingle Bell Run and Walk SAN JOSE
Walk to Cure Arthritis to Cure Arthritis, working as To welcome spring, the San Jose Alumnae Chapter met
volunteers, running and walk- with other alumnae to socialize for happy hour. We held
event this spring? ing. In December, we gathered a senior luncheon at a member’s home to celebrate the
Visit for a for our holiday party at a local local collegiate women transitioning to alumnae status.
complete list of 2019 restaurant called Muldoon’s. In May, we supported our local Delta Sigma collegiate
events! Monthly events have included chapter (San Jose State U) by participating in their Ritual,
welcomed graduating seniors and presented them with
making DIY signs, lunches, din- their senior gifts. During the summer, we also went to see
ners, philanthropy workshops, attending the Los Angeles the movie Mama Mia 2. With fall came alumnae helping
Angels game to Strike Out Arthritis! and sharing Ritual. with collegiate recruitment and our annual brunch at the
Each month, we select a charity to support. We have Cheesecake Factory where we made Halloween candy
collected coats for the homeless and donated socks to bags for the collegians. We rounded out the year with a
Working Wardrobes, and we also donated school supplies holiday get-together and collected stuffed pandas for chil-
for needy local students, collected cards of support for the dren in traumatic situations. These were donated to a local
troops, and supported local collegiate chapters with notes, fire department.
small gifts and monetary donations.

The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter kicked off the
year in celebration with member Crystal Compese receiv-


Alumnae Chapter News

our local area, we provided a night out with dinner for our
sisters to de-stress and celebrate our sisterhood. We’ve
also had periodic lunches out. Our latest one was at a local
restaurant called Stella’s - what more appropriate place for
AOII sisters to gather?

The Denver Alumnae Chapter is having another fantastic
year! We started the fall season with our classic program-
ming: Back to AOII, Strike Out Arthritis! at a Rockies Game
with our Epsilon Gamma sisters from the U of Northern
Colorado, volunteering at Stand Up for Kids to serve meals
to homeless youth in Denver, and the Jingle Bell Run
in Loveland, Colorado, where three women from Team
Panda made it to the podium! In January, we held Found-
ers’ Day with 100 sisters from around Colorado where we
celebrated the four women who created our Fraternity in
order to sublimate their friendship and carry it with them
for a lifetime. This spring, Denver Panhellenic President
Diane Herman will host the Panhellenic Awards Luncheon
where Carole Jones, National Panhellenic Chairman, will
be our special guest. We are also working hard at facilitat-
ing meaningful connections among our members though
“grassroots” sub-groups organized around special inter-
ests. Members can participate in outdoor activities and
fitness, fun and entertainment, eats and drinks, Colorado
Springs, arts and crafts, and bridge club. These smaller,
more casual activities, make it easy to get in touch with
sisters of similar interests, build friendships and help those
who are new to the area get involved!


The Ventura County Alumnae Chapter had another great This year, the Central Connecticut Alumnae Chapter en-
year! We supported a local women’s shelter with bags of joyed supporting our sisters and sisterhood through our
toiletries and played Bingo to Strike Out Arthritis! We had many events, including the Jingle Bell Run, summer hikes,
a team, led by Judy Flessner, participate in the local Jingle fall apple and pumpkin-picking, attending Northeast Week-
Bell Run. This was a fun family activity for the chapter. end and our newest (and most popular) event, Friendsgiv-
We worked a polling place for the last election, earning a ing! We love to find new ways to help each other through
substantial amount of money for the chapter and highlight- life’s ups and downs.
ing AOII. We supported the Chi Psi (California Polytechnic
State U) Chapter in San Luis Obispo by providing Hallow- Delaware
een goodie bags for all 275 members and wrote notes
of congratulations to all the graduating seniors. A little DELAWARE
closer to home, we also supported Sigma Phi (California The Delaware Alumnae Chapter started 2018 by celebrat-
State U, Northridge) Chapter with food for their sister- ing Founder’s Day on a snowy January day. We had a
hood event,  Lambda Beta (California State U, Long Beach) nice luncheon and our speaker was Susan Story from. In
Chapter and Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) Chapter with February, we had our annual secret alumnae sister reveal
financial support for house upgrades and help for Lambda luncheon. Sisters “adopt” a senior from Sigma Tau (Wash-
Alpha’s (U of La Verne) Chapter activities. When the shoot- ington College) and send her cards and small gifts during
ing happened in Thousand Oaks followed by the fires in the year. We also hosted the senior to alumnae transition
36 | Spring 2019 Ritual. Delaware alumnae participatined in the Walk to
Cure Arthritis in May and the Jingle Bell Run in December.

We also collect school supplies or canned goods, and bak- 2018 Recap
ing cookies for local troops who are away from home and
participating in DELAWARE
Attack Addiction.
Throughout the GREATER MIAMI
Did you know AOII recently year, we gather
updated the Sisters for Soldiers for luncheons Margaret Bourke-White,
to celebrate our Omicron Pi (U of Michigan)
In A Box resource? You can sisterhood in was an American photog-
access it on the Officer Resource variousparts of rapher who was the first
Library on Fulfilling the Promise! female war correspondent
and the first female allowed
the state. A few to photograph in World
sisters also attended Northeast Weekend. We wrapped War II combat zones. The
up 2018 by celebrating Founders’ Day with the Sigma Tau first issue of Life magazine
(Washington College) Chapter in November. featured one of her photos
as the cover photo. You
Florida can view a gallery of her
work during your next visit
FORT LAUDERDALE to AOII International Head-
The Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter kicked off our year quarters.
with a southern dinner cooked by one of our members. We
participated in the Jingle Bell Run and a diabetes walk. Our 37
Founders’ Day was at the Lighthouse Point Yacht Club. We
have several fun events scheduled for the rest of the year,
including Ritual with a potluck brunch.

GREATER MIAMI White and ended with
The Greater Miami Alumnae Chapter (GMAC) held various the Jingle Bell Run and a
events throughout the last year. They celebrated love in holiday tea. It has been
February with a Galentine’s wine night and organized a a busy and fun year!
sisterhood Sunday by the bay in March. In August, GMAC
hosted a fun-filled mermaid pool party and organized a PALM BEACH
back to school drive. They also helped their local collegiate COUNTY
chapter welcome new members at their bid day celebra- To kick off the year, the
tion. GMAC gave thanks together in November and held Palm Beach County
their annual Friendsgiving dinner. Toward the end of the Alumnae Chapter en-
year, philanthropy was the chapter’s main focus. In De- joyed our Annual Found-
cember, the chapter helped host a holiday dinner for their ers’ Day luncheon at the
handicapped neighbors that was filled with good food and beautiful Sailfish Marina.
cheer. The chapter also participated in a Jingle Bell Run In the spring, we made
while raising awareness and funds for the Arthritis Founda- baskets for local foster
tion and organized a Toy Drive for Big Brothers Big Sisters families. We also col-
of Miami. It was a great year for GMAC and they are excited lected items at a sister-
to see what 2019 has in store! hood happy hour event
for NICU nurses for
The Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter has been working
toward goals of increasing membership, meeting the
needs of our members, supporting the Mu Lambda Chap-
ter (Rollins College), living AOII Ritual every day and giving
and getting recognition for successful alumnae engage-
ment. Our many activities included Founders’ Day at Rollins
College with Mu Lambda (Rollins College), a St Patrick’s-
themed couples party, enjoying the musical 9 to 5 at
Rollins college, business meeting with elections and Ritual,
happy hours, lunches, a boat tour in Winter Park, a mu-
seum tour featuring our own AOII sister, Margaret Bourke-

Alumnae Chapter News


nurse appreciation month. We had a great presence at the AACs, attending alumnae Attending a Major
Walk to Cure Arthritis, where we raised $500! We rounded transition rituals and hosting League Baseball SOA!
out the year with donating a bike and Amazon tablet to a recruitment workshops. At event is a great way
Christmas Angel trough the Salvation Army. Leadership Institute, we were to support our inter-
honored to accept awards national philanthropy,
SARASOTA AREA for excellence in sisterhood but it also makes a fun
The Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders’ and communication, as well sisterhood event! Invite
Day with the chapters from Greater Pinellas and Tampa as the Philos Award. The local collegiate chapter
Bay. A beautiful day of sisterhood across the Bay area! We chapter enjoyed monthly members to join you at
also enjoyed events such as a ballroom dancing demo and events such as girl’s night the next game in your
class, garage sale fundraising for our chapter, a potluck out, friends and family picnic, area for an afternoon
with a book discussion and then celebrating Mother’s Day pumpkin carving, Thanks- full of sisterhood and
with a special brunch and honoring our sister, Mary Lou Hu- giving potluck dinner and a philanthropy!
ber.  We gathered to open the fall with a kick-off luncheon holiday gift swap held by our
with a speaker from the Arthritis Foundation.  Other events Rose Circle.
were an evening of tasty appetizers and book discussion
and supporting the local Jingle Bell Run with funds, fun and NORTHWEST GEORGIA
sisterhood! The Northwest Georgia Alumnae Chapter kicked off the
year with a welcome back dinner at our favorite Mexican
TALLAHASSEE restaurant with our fiesta-themed event, complete with
The Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter spent 2018 rebuilding. door prizes! In November, to celebrate the holiday season,
The chapter joined with Florida State U’s Alpha Pi Chapter we had a painting party at Project Studio to give members
to celebrate Founders’ Day at the house, and alumnae a chance to socialize and to make a great holiday gift.
were welcomed back to the house in October for a home-
coming tailgate. Illinois

Members of the Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Chapter
ATLANTA held dinner meetings in March and August. In May, we took
2018 was an exciting year for the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter a tour of Destihl’s Craft Brewery and had dinner. Our chap-
as we celebrated our 85th anniversary at our Founders’ ter participated in the local Founders’ Day event with the
Day luncheon! We had the privilege of co-hosting Georgia Beta Nu (Illinois State U). We also wished collegians well
State Day with Kennesaw State U (Beta Zeta), where over with treats before final exams. During Illinois Wesleyan U’s
90 sisters from across the state gathered to celebrate homecoming in October, several of us met and renewed
sisterhood. There were education sessions, as well as a sisterhood friendships on campus.
special message from keynote speaker Dr. Lori Hart, Delta
Delta (Auburn U) and over $1,000 were raised for the CHAMPAIGN-URBANA
Ruby Fund. To support our philanthropy, we participated The Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Omi-
in Kick Out Arthritis!, which was sponsored by the Georgia cron Pi is currently in a restructuring year. We held three
State chapter (Gamma Sigma) as well as the Walk to Cure meetings since August 2018 and completed a fundraiser
Arthritis in the spring. We also participated in Strike Out in December 2018 where we created finals survival kits for
Arthritis! with the Atlanta Braves and the Jingle Bell Run. the Iota collegiate chapter (U of Illinois).
We supported our collegiate sisters by serving on their
38 | Spring 2019

2018 Recap


The Chicago City Alumnae Chapter has made a name for
itself as a top contender at their favorite Irish pub’s trivia The Chicago South Suburban Alumnae Chapter kicked off
nights throughout the year. “The Stellas” have taken home the year with a “Getting To Know You” sisterhood event.
many prizes for their combined wisdom and appreciate Everyone brought a childhood picture and samples of
learning new facts from sisters of all ages. When not test- their favorite candy to share. We enjoyed an Escape Room
ing their knowledge, members have enjoyed time spent outing in October. By working together, the team was
with each other over brunch in the city, sharing dinner in successful in solving the puzzle and “escaping” the room
each other’s homes, celebrating Halloween at the Great with minutes to spare. November had us Jingling in our
Pumpkin Glow at Lincoln Park Zoo and savoring good- Jammies for the Arthritis Foundation. A donation of $370
ies from the talented bakers in the chapter at the annual was made to the
holiday cookie exchange. Participating in the Chicago Walk Arthritis Foundation.
to Cure Arthritis and Jingle Bell Run allowed members The annual Christ-
to take in the beautiful scenic lake views together while mas Pot Luck this Want to learn more about
raising money for the Arthritis Foundation. Many milestone year included an ugly
anniversaries were celebrated at the successful Founders’ sweater contest and a chapter’s fundraising
Day event, where they honored founding members of the toy donations to a lo- success? Don’t hesitate to
Chicago City Alumnae Chapter dedicated to the growth of cal hospital’s pediatric connect with other alumnae
their sisterhood. oncology unit. AOII (or collegiate) chapters
mugs with chocolate- for tips and best practices
CHICAGO NW SUBURBAN coated spoons and for implementing a similar
The Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter had a busy cocoa mix are on the fundraising event at your own
year filled with sisterhood and fun! We strengthened our chapter! You can find contact
sisterhood through monthly meetings, game nights and
meals out together. Highlights from this past year were way to Epsilon Sigma info for each chapter using
the Chicago Area Council Founders’ Day celebration, our
annual spring fundraiser called the Auction for All Seasons, in Quincy. We are the chapter locator on the
installation of new chapter officers, sisterhood potluck grateful for another
and our holiday gathering and gift swap. We raised over year of sisterhood! AOII website!
$5,400 through our auction and fall nut sale to donate to
the AOII Foundation, support collegiate chapters and other CHICAGO WEST SUBURBAN
charities. Other philanthropic activities included donating The Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter continues
and distributing school supplies at the Palatine Township to be involved in many activities throughout the year. In
Apple Tree Campaign, joining local Panhellenic to pack the spring, we raised $2,200 at our second annual Strike
food at Feed My Starving Children and jingling in our Out Arthritis! luncheon and raffle. We held a garage sale in
jammies to support the Wheaton Jingle Bell Run. We sup- September and had another successful fall nut sale allow-
ported our adopted chapter, Beta Nu (Illinois State U) with ing us to increase our charitable donations this year. The
cards, gifts and support. We continue to learn and grow to- chapter enjoyed getting together with other local AOIIs at
gether in all of our activities. Chicago Northwest Suburban both the Cubs and White Sox Strike Out Arthritis! games.
Alumnae Chapter continues to be a strong group of caring Our members even gathered for a tailgate before the
women who celebrate sisterhood. White Sox SOA! game in September. Many of our members
volunteered, walked or ran the west suburban Jingle Bell
Run in November. Running in the snow was beautiful and
two members won their age groups. This year, our mem-
bers were challenged to try one new thing. Members have
tried something new by participating in the garage sale,
volunteering at JBR, packing boxes for Feed My Starving


Alumnae Chapter News


Children, mentoring a collegiate AOII member, and try- were official! Just two days ago we hosted a sweet swap
ing sisterhood yoga for the first time. Members continue where the winner and the hostess each received an AOII
to enjoy our book club, sisterhood activities, and getting decal prize. Earlier this year, we organized our first official
together at monthly meetings, especially at our September meeting over dinner at a local restaurant and were able to
appetizer night and December gift exchange meetings. include our local chapter’s ELC. June took us to a Cedar
Rapids Kernals baseball game! In July, we organized a trip
LAKE COUNTY OF ILLINOIS to Minnesota for the Color Run and participated as an AOII
The Lake County of Illlinois Alumnae Chapter celebrated Team (Go Panda Power!). We also collect toiletries from
their 30th anniversary with a wonderful celebration at hotel stays and donate them to local organizations in need.
Chocolate Sanctuary in Gurnee, Illinois. We had a delicious Most of our AAC members are also involved in our AC
brunch and a great time catching up with our sisters. Five and so we have organized and participated in many of the
previous alumnae chapter presidents attended. Our meet- collegiate chapter’s activities, such as senior send-off and
ings this year have focused on sisterhood, education and Founders’ Day celebrations. We look forward to having a
philanthropy mixed with a fun holiday party, dinner and a roster, budget, and many more events in this next year!
play. We sadly said good-bye to our dear 75-year member
Shirley Aiken. Spring plans include a cannoli making class, Idaho
Founders’ Day with our Chicago Area AOII sisters, rituals
and of course dinner out! We continue support our local TREASURE VALLEY
Walk to Cure Arthritis, Jingle Bell Runs, local collegiate After being installed in October 2018, the Treasure Valley
chapters and Feed My Starving Children. Alumnae Chapter has been busy recruiting alumnae for
our chapter. We attended the Beta Sigma (Boise State U)
Indiana Founders’ Day on January 27. In February, we
hosted a couple’s Mardi Gras party at a local alumna mem-
INDIANAPOLIS ber’s home.
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter had a busy year with
another successful ‘Party with a Purpose’ for the Arthritis Kentucky
Foundation! The event continues to become bigger and
more exciting each year. Many chapter members also at- CENTRAL KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS
tended the Arthritis Foundation’s annual gala and partici-
pated in Walk to Cure Arthritis and the Jingle Bell Run. The The Central Kentucky Bluegrass Alumnae Chapter enjoyed
fall kick-off brought many new faces and friendships. The a year full of sisterhood activities! The chapter enjoyed at-
chapter hosted NPC Chairman Carole Jones for a lun- tending a baseball game with our local collegiate women,
cheon, Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U) visited the an- celebrating homecoming, providing assistance during
nual business meeting, sisters gathered for tea and lunch recruitment and putting
at the LS Ayres Tea Room, and many enjoyed Christmas together cookie packages
cheer and goodies at the Carmel Christkindlmarkt. for the collegiate chapters Planning a special
to celebrate the end of the
Iowa semester! We were pleased event for graduating
to host a ceremony for the
EASTERN IOWA senior class in May and wel- seniors is a great way
The Eastern Iowa Alumnae Chapter was installed at the come several new women to to welcome members
very end of May, though we have been hosting events our chapter. into alumnae status
for potential and interested members since before we and encourage them to
40 | Spring 2019 join your chapter!

2018 Recap


KENTUCKIANA cluded a pigskins and picnic tailgate, pizza and pinot girl’s
The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 70th year night out, pilgrims and pies AOII Thanksgathering, sweet
as a chapter this year! In addition to our fun monthly social and savory pie-tasting dinner, piggies and pineapples fam-
meetings, we held our first Cocktails for a Cure to benefit ily luau, pinkies and pints high tea and beer-tasting after-
the Arthritis Foundation, which along with other fundraising noon, pioneers and pillars Founders’ Day, and we closed
efforts, raised over $5,000 for the Jingle Bell Run in Louis- the season with picante sauce and piñatas at our favorite
ville! We recently celebrated Founders’ Day along with Pi Cinco de Mayo end-of-the-year fiesta! We were proud to
Alpha Chapter (U of Louisville), and members from Kappa lead the Louisiana AOII alumnae with the Jingle Bell Run
Omega (U of Kentucky), Lexington Alumnae Chapter and and Walk to Cure Arthritis, hosting teams for both events,
the Northern KY/Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter. We are look- finishing as a top-10 team and raising over $1,000 this year
ing forward to our Spring events including a painting party, for the Arthritis Foundation. We also supported the four
and our Champagne and Roses reception for local seniors Louisiana collegiate chapters with financial donations for
transitioning to alumnae AOIIs! their recruitment efforts. It has been another amazing year
in Baton Rouge.
The Acadiana Alumnae Chapter had a fun-filled 2018! We 2018 began with a Mardi Gras-themed Murder Mystery! It
started off the year celebrating Founders’ Day with the was a blast as we dressed in costume to figure out “who
Delta Beta (U of Louisiana at Lafayette) Chapter. Everyone dun it?” We laced up our bowling shoes in March and
was excited to have International Vice President Grace aimed to Strike Out Arthritis! with the ladies of Kappa Tau
Houston, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe) as our (Southeastern Louisiana U). April brought crawfish season
guest speaker. We continued our tradition of having meet- with our families, and we welcomed recent graduates to
ings on the 15th of each month. Some of our favorites were alumnae life. We continue to show support for the ladies of
expressing our inner artist by painting a rose in “Painting Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U) by participating in
with a Pi,” starting the week off with a Sunday morning mock recruitment, assisting with dinners and volunteering
yoga class, learning about local history and tasting deli- during Recruitment week. The Aunt Stella program contin-
cious food on a Cajun food tour and decorating cookies at ues to be a hit as Stellas and
our annual Christmas cookie and ornament exchange. One their new members got to
of the highlights of the year was receiving awards in know each other during the Volunteering to assist
alumnae excellence in sisterhood and collegiate relations new member retreat. New with a mock recruit-
at LI. We supported Delta Beta by providing food for them
during recruitment. We had a silent auction at Founders’ members were presented ment practice is a great
Day and hosted fundraisers providing finals survival kits to
Delta Beta collegians. We were able to support the AOII roses at initiation. Bringing way to help your local
Foundation, provide graduation stoles for AOII graduates together alumnae from vari-
and establish a sunshine fund to support sisters who are ous chapters, the Hammond collegiate chapter pre-
going through a rough time. Area Alumnae Chapter host- pare for recruitment,
ed a tailgate at the SLU vs while also getting
BATON ROUGE NSU football game. Families to know the chapter
The Baton Rouge Area Alumnae Chapter is happy to attended and enjoyed each members!
present our “Life of Pi” year! Our events centered around
events titled with the letters “Pi.” A few of the events in- other’s company outside
Strawberry Stadium. In October, we held a wine tasting
where members learned lots of interesting facts while sam-
pling various types of delicious wine. Sisters got together
in December to participate in the Jingle Bell Run.


Alumnae Chapter News

into our exercise routines with a private yoga session. In
April, we held our relaxed Ritual, and celebrated with one
of our members as she became the President of our local
Alumnae Panhellenic! In the fall, we launched our theme
for the year, “Travel the World with AOII,” with a delicious
worldly cuisine potluck, then took our first “trip” to Okto-
berfest! We ended the year with a holiday book exchange
while enjoying cakes and cocktails! We are looking forward
to an exciting 2019!

BALTIMORE The Shreveport-Bossier City Alumnae Chapter had a
great year with several events where we got to enjoy the
company of our sisters. We celebrated Pi Day on March
14, where we ate dinner and enjoyed a slice of pie. The
chapter also came together to go to a local college’s
book bazaar where we got browse, shop and mingle with
friends. Our chapter enjoys a good football game, so we
held an event open to members’ families, so we could all
come together and cheer! In the fall, we volunteered our
time to the humane society. We were able to donate two
overflowing boxes of some much-needed necessities to a
local non-profit. In November, we attended a local Panhel-
lenic event and celebrated AOII Night Out. We ended the
year with a delicious friendsgiving meal where we were all
able to come together and express gratitude that AOII has
bonded us all together.



The Greater Portland, Maine Alumnae Chapter celebrated
its 40th anniversary with 40 AOIIs at Portland Country Club
in June. It was such a special evening. Network Specialists
Kay Welch and Bridget Scan-
MINNEAPOLIS/ST.PAUL lon were present to help us
celebrate and were presented
MONROE with thank you gifts for their A tea party is a great
The Monroe Alumnae Chapter had a wonderful 2018! We years of service. Bridget gave way to celebrate
celebrated with Lambda Tau (U Louisiana at Monroe) our a congratulatory speech to all. Founders’ Day! For
60th anniversary in March of 2018. In July, we had a fun Special name tags, songbooks, more ideas for your
in the sun sisterhood/family event. In August, we were a video and a scrapbook of next Founders’ Day
privileged to help the Lambda Tau (U Louisiana at Monroe) 40 years helped to make the event, check out our
Chapter welcome their newest sisters on bid day complete
with a Mardi Gras theme! Our Christmas party was held at a evening complete. Flowers that Founders’ Day In A
local restaurant in early December. Some of us participated were provided by Susie Mar- Box resource avail-
in the Run for the Roses in Monroe to help support the shall made the atmosphere so
philanthropy efforts of Lambda Tau Chapter (U Louisiana at festive, along with the delicious able on the Officer
Monroe). We have had a wonderful year and steady plan- food. President Nancy Chard Resource Library.
ning for 2019.
welcomed all to the event and
NEW ORLEANS AREA Anne Scully Newman was presented with her 50-year pin.
The New Orleans Area Alumnae Chapter began 2018 with Deb Ledoux and Claudette Simms shared the history of
our annual Founders’ Day Luncheon, a beautifully simple our 40 years. Many sisters traveled from afar to make this
event. After indulging in several varieties of king cake to evening so special. We ended the evening with a circle of
celebrate Mardi Gras, we took time to relax and get back all 40 women singing AOII songs of yesteryear.
42 | Spring 2019

Maryland 2018 Recap

BALTIMORE to support the women of Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U)
The Baltimore Alumnae Chapter began 2018 with a Found- through advising. The KAAC participated in West Michi-
ers’ Day Tea at Tea on the Tiber in Ellicott City, Maryland. gan’s Walk to Cure Arthritis and held their own Wii bowling
Each year, the members of the BAC attend the Greater tournament to Strike Out Arthritis! Events for sisterhood
Baltimore Panhellenic Breakfast which supports the schol- included potlucks, shopping, dinner and pool parties.
arship fund for local collegiate members with a silent auc-
tion fundraiser. Welcoming Theta Beta (Towson U) seniors MACOMB COUNTY
to alumna status in May at their last Ritual meeting of the
school year has become a Baltimore Alumnae Chapter For the Macomb County Alumnae Chapter, 2018 was the
tradition. Adelaide Del Lloyd, member of Theta Eta Chapter year to celebrate anniversaries. In February, we had a
of the U of Cincinnati, received her 75-year member pin at lunch to honor Maxine Ross who pledged AOII at Beta
the casserole supper meeting. Packing elementary student Gamma Chapter (Michigan State U) in 1948. Seventy years
designed snack bags for the Theta Beta sisters of Towson of sisterhood and almost 50 of those years as an active
U is always a fun event and brings reminiscing thoughts of alumna showed that Maxine understood sisterhood for life.
undergraduate memories of being an a collegiate member Cards and greetings came in from collegiate and alumnae
of AOII. Participation in the Jingle Bell Run followed by a chapters across America and Canada. A planned interview
holiday brunch cheerfully ended our yearly events. with Maxine gave us a glimpse of college life and the chal-
lenges she faced when looking for a job. Maxine brought
Michigan her pledge manual
and other moments
DETROIT NORTH SUBURBAN from college days. We love when chapters share
The Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter enjoyed She recalled spe- such special events with us!
many activities in 2018 while continuing our tradition of
monthly luncheon meetings. The chapter began the year cial alumnae events Send your photos or stories to
with a luncheon at which member Chasity Savage gave and the annual
an update on the work of the Arthritis Foundation as well Macomb Christmas [email protected]!
as provided helpful information on diets. A team for the
Walk to Cure Arthritis was formed in the spring and the Auction in particu-
chapter supported the local arthritis camp for children held lar. In October, the 100th Anniversary of the Detroit Alum-
in the summer. Members continued to support the Bot- nae Panhellenic Organization was observed with a tea.
tomless Toy Chest, an organization that provides toys to Three of the past DAPA presidents are Macomb members.
pediatric cancer patients, by donating toys and wrapping Greek women from all NPC groups were invited to the tea.
toys at their warehouse. Founders’ Day, hosted by the When each sorority was recognized AOII had the honor of
Kalamazoo chapter in April, was an opportunity to renew having the most members present.
ties with many sisters. Special events this year included
joining Dearborn alumnae to honor Maxin Ross on her 70th Minnesota
year as an AOII. Detroit North was also pleased to honor
two of their members, Linda Demske and Sue Dinehart, MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL
with 50 year pins during the year. Installation of officers, The Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter is a very di-
held in May, proved to be very meaningful as the chapter verse group of women from all over the United States. We
now has a complete Ritual kit. The chapter hosted the fall strive to offer a wide variety of events appealing to various
get-together of the local groups. December meant Jingle ages, careers and lifestyles. Last year’s events included
Bell Run and once again the chapter formed a team and Arthritis fundraising activities, a walk-a-thon at the Mall
decided to jingle in the jammies with a brunch at a mem- of America in March, Strike Out Arthritis! in April and the
ber’s home. Arthritis Gala in October. In addition, we hosted an informal
pop-up happy hours and a PRIMP Boutique fundraiser for
KALAMAZOO AREA alumnae chapter projects. We enjoyed our interactions and
The Kalamazoo Area Alumnae Chapter hosted Michigan’s collegiate support at recruitment and the Founders day
Founders’ Day celebration in Battle Creek. Sisters gathered celebration hosted by Tau Chapter (U of Minnesota).
for the yearly message and learned about wildlife from
the Binder Park Zoo Conservation Club. From turtles to Mississippi
hissing cockroaches, and a rat name Poe, the women had
an excellent educational experience and the KAAC thor- GREATER JACKSON
oughly enjoyed hosting the event. The chapter continues This year, the Greater Jackson Alumnae Chapter has
enjoyed meeting new sisters and reconnecting with sisters
we have not seen in a while. Several of our members have
assisted collegiate chapters through financial gifts, recruit-
ment support, and one member was even the keynote
speaker at a Founders’ Day celebration at the U of Missis-


Alumnae Chapter News group as our long-time day group leader, Cherie Smith,
GREATER KANSAS CITY stepped down from her Leadership Board role. Yet, 2018
CENTRAL NEW MEXICO saw two new members join the Leadership board, one in a
newly created role focusing on scholarships. We awarded
over $10,000 in scholarship funds to women from the U of
Kansas and the U of Central Missouri and continue to sup-
port our collegiate sisters at Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri)
and Delta Gamma (Missouri State U) chapters. Overall,
KCAOII continues to grow and celebrate sisterhood in
social, philanthropic and academic ways throughout our

This year, the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter celebrated 100
years of the Muny in Forest Park! As is our tradition, each
of our events and activities went with our chosen theme. In
the fall we watched Meet Me in St. Louis, had a wine tast-
ing, made some meals to-go, visited the history museum,
and bought and wrapped gifts for a family in need, just
to name a few. To switch up our annual holiday party, we
each brought a book and drink pair for the white elephant
exchange, and fun was had by all!


The Kearney Alumnae Chapter hosted many great gather-
ings this past year, from cooking demonstrations to fun
dinners with our sisters, and great moments with the Phi
Sigma Chapter (U of Nebraska at Kearney)! We are in the
process of planning the Phi Sigma Chapter’s (U of Ne-
braska at Kearney) 50th anniversary that will take place in
October 2019. Cheers to an amazing 2019!


sippi. Most recently, our alumnae chapter enjoyed spend- RENO-TAHOE
ing time together at our own Founders’ Day brunch. We
are currently gathering cans and other food for a local food From sailing to Mexico on a Carnival cruise to raise funds
bank that helps needy families. for the AOII Foundation’s Betty Duke Scholarship to vol-
unteering with Reno’s inaugural Walk to Cure Arthritis, the
Missouri Reno Tahoe AOIIs celebrated their 10th anniversary year
in a big way! Our summer programming survey told us that
GREATER KANSAS CITY sisters wanted to do lots of physical and outdoors events.
The Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Omi- Based on that feedback, new events included AOII yoga
cron Pi had a great 2018. We started hosting regular coffee with Panhellenic friends and
and bagel morning meetings and got together for events collegiate sisters, food truck
ranging from wine and pumpkin painting to a “Meet the friday, and camp AOII camp-
New Grads” happy hour at a new restaurant in town. We ing trip were scheduled and A programming survey
supported the Arthritis Foundation as volunteers at Art for well attended. We’re wrap- is a great way to assess
Arthritis, by fundraising and participating in the Jingle Bell ping up the year with our member interests and
Run and by attending Strike Out Arthritis! with the Royals. 10th Anniversary gala - Toast plan activities your
We also supported a fellow sister’s non-profit by sorting to Ten! members are sure to
books and attending happy hour for Reach Out and Read love!
Kansas City. The year brought change for the KC AOII
44 | Spring 2019

2018 Recap


New Mexico dark days. We are most proud of our “sisterhood & service”
program. Each month we were able to support a local com-
CENTRAL NEW MEXICO munity based charitable cause. With members located in
The Central New Mexico Alumnae Chapter enjoyed eight different states, we definitely have to be innovative
potluck meetings at members’ homes and local establish- with programming. Our service projects enable everyone
ments. Our participation with the local Panhellenic chapter to participate, no matter where they live. We have had
continues as we help with fundraisers for local scholarships food, pet supply, book and toy drives. We also help support
for sorority women at the U of New Mexico. Our chapter two local collegiate chapters. The main focus is inclusion
will be tying off quilts again for a collegiate chapter soon, of all of our members in everything we do, enabling all to
and chapter member Julie Burnside donated a beautiful live their Ritual. Several members were also able to attend
fall-themed quilt for our raffle fundraiser. Our recent annual Leadership Institute and a Founder’s Day celebration which
December tearoom meeting/ornament exchange included was hosted by one of our New Jersey sister alumnae chap-
our alumnae, collegians, friends and collegians’ moms! ters. We are fortunate to be so close to New Jersey. The
New Jersey alumnae population continues to grow, and we
New York look forward to strengthening our relationships.

LONG ISLAND North Carolina
The Long Island Alumnae Chapter had a full calendar in
2018. In March, we visited the Secret Garden Tearoom for GREATER GREENVILLE
our annual tea party. We enjoyed sipping tea and eating The Greater Greenville Alumnae Chapter had a fabulous
traditional tea sandwiches, scones and desserts. In the 2018. We kicked off our year with breakfast at a local cafe
spring, we held catalog sales to raise money for Strike and enjoyed catching up after the holidays. Next came a
Out Arthritis! and other local charities. In May, we endured gathering with Zeta Psi (East Carolina U) women to cel-
the pouring rain at the Walk to Cure Arthritis at Belmont ebrate Founders’ Day. Spring brought a baby shower. In
Park. In June, two of our sisters traveled to Tennessee for April, we welcomed Zeta Psi (East Carolina U) seniors to
Leadership Institute. Visiting AOII International Headquar- alumnae status. The beach called us in July and we soaked
ters was a highlight of the trip! In October, we celebrated up some rays and buried out toes in the sand. We put
sisterhood and traveled to Lehigh U for Northeast Week- together recruitment baskets for fall recruitment. Sisters
end. The weekend included workshops, bonding activities enjoyed a tailgate before the homecoming game. We
and Ritual. In October we got our craft on! We painted and wrapped up the year with our annual holiday potluck and
decorated wood blank signs. December brought another donations for Toys for Tots.
Jingle Bell Run and the always well attended Founders’
Day celebration. We celebrate our Founders with a lun- NORTH CAROLINA FOOTHILLS
cheon, Ruby Fund collection and the “dirty shame game.” The North Carolina Foothills Alumnae Chapter has taken
Sisterhood is alive and well on Long Island! sisterhood to a new level by reconnecting with our sisters
and utilizing the time to really get to know our members.
NY/NJ METRO We participated in events such as hosting a different crafty
Greetings from the NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Chapter! Our event each spring, and of course our more annual events
group had a tough year, a few of our members were such as our ornament Auction. This year, such event took
affected by the loss of very close family members. Our place at a newer winery in the Hickory, North Carolina area!
ongoing support system has helped us manage everything We have been active as advisors or Network Specialists, as
that fate dealt us. The regard our members hold for each well as reaching out to newer alumnae to show them that
other and love of AOII’s Ritual helped us lighten some very AOII is for a lifetime. In addition, we have individually trav-


Alumnae Chapter News


eled the world from Navy Ship Commissionings, to walking U) Chapter at the Dayton Women’s Club. Collegiates and
around Rome and running into Sigma Gamma (Appalachian alumnae women were honored with awards. Care pack-
State U) sisters! No matter where we are, these letters are ages were prepared and sent to AOIIs in colleges that are
recognizable! from the Dayton area, as well as Easter baskets for those
less fortunate in our area. The Dayton Alumnae partici-
Ohio pated in the Dayton Area Panhellenic Association’s schol-
arship luncheon to especially support one of our members
CLEVELAND AREA who served as chair of the event. Scholarships are award-
ed to sorority women from the Dayton area. Members
Sisterhood and service are hallmarks of the Cleveland enjoy meeting at various restaurants in the Dayton area
Area Alumnae Chapter. Recognizing the growing food and celebrated Stella’s birthday with an ice cream cake
scene in Cleveland, we enjoyed dinner at a trendy down- and ornament exchange.
town eatery to start the year of discovering the gems of our
city. One such gem is the Cleveland Art Museum, where
we enjoyed a guided tour. We will explore the Botanical TOLEDO AREA

Gardens later this spring. Taking in the snowy views of the The Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter had yet another great
year full of sisterhood! 2018 started with learning all about
city from a sister’s home, we enjoyed a morning of holiday Ohio wines, and in February, the chapter’s annual Found-
crafting and conversation to start the holidays. One of our
favorite activities is supporting the Cleveland Kid’s Book ers’ Day event was held with 300 in attendance and Leigh
Perry as the special speaker. Continuing into the year in
Bank with a sip and sort event. Sisters and friends spent an April, the chapter held its annual Baskets ‘n Brunch Ben-
evening sorting and packing books to support the mission
of fostering literacy and a love of reading in our community. efit, where over $10,000 was raised for arthritis. Later that
month, new officers were installed and collegiate seniors
We supported the Arthritis Foundation’s annual Jingle Bell transitioned into alumnae status at a beautiful Ritual meet-
Run and the spring Walk To Cure Arthrits. We cheered on
our Cleveland Indians ing, followed by a
fun game night was
at the AOII Strike Out held in May. In the Congratulations on such an
Arthritis! game and
Do you plan to attend a Major are anticipating our fall, the chapter met impressive event! We love to
League Baseball Strike Out own Strike Out Arthri- with delicious food,
Arthritis! game this season? tis! bowling night! and had fun themes share the success of our chap-
Check out the schedule of to their meetings
including ceramic ters and give other chapters
games on page 8. COLUMBUS painting in Octo- inspiriation for similar events! If
ber, self-defense, you think your chapter’s fun-
The Columbus in November, and draising event would make a
Alumnae Chapter had a year of sisterhood and fun. Our our annual orna- great feature story, email
monthly meetings included AOII education, good food and [email protected]!
plenty of laughter. We celebrated Founders’ Day together
and participated in the Jingle Bell Run. Our favorite events ment exchange in
December. 2018 concluded with the Jingle Bell Run, where
included trivia night with the Chi Epsilon (The Ohio State money was raised towards arthritis research with Theta Psi
U) seniors and our Christmas cookie exchange and game
night. We look forward to more fun events to come! (U of Toledo) and Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U) attend-
ing as well.

The Dayton Alumnae Chapter began the year with a 2018 flew by for the Mahoning Valley Alumnae Chapter!
Founders’ Day brunch with the Kappa Delta (Wright State Our sisters strived to inspire ambition by revamping our

46 | Spring 2019

annual philanthropy event. This year, Raffle for the Roses 2018 Recap
was held in October and offered attendees the chance to BUCKS COUNTY
win various beautiful raffle baskets while enjoying brunch
and supporting a great cause. With the help of our gener-
ous donors, sisters and attendees, we were able to donate
over $1,000 to the Arthritis Foundation! We had a great
time making memories at our favorite wineries and dinner
spots around northeast Ohio. We continued our support
of Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U) this year as well, and
look forward to this collaboration in the future. 2019 is sure
to be another great year for the MVAC and we cannot wait
to see what the year holds for our chapter and AOII as a

Pennsylvania STATE COLLEGE

BUCKS COUNTY don’t know what we would do without her. She is an amaz-
It has been another great for the Bucks County Alumnae ing sister and deserving of two celebrations - one with our
Chapter supporting the Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U) and Phi alum chapter and then a second with Epsilon Alpha (Penn-
Beta (East Stroudsburg U) chapters, and we could not be sylvania State U) at our joint Founders’ Day celebration.
happier working with these young women because of their
commitment to AOII at their universities. We held a very South Carolina
successful philanthropy meeting, where we raised money
not only for the Arthritis Foundation but also for a local ani- CHARLESTON
mal shelter. The AC presented a “Roses and Rubies Award” The Charleston Alumnae Chapter started off the year
to Kathleen Kuffe, Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U) for with a Founders’ Day celebration at the home of one of
her dedication and devotion to the chapter. Our “Random our members, who served us a delicious chili lunch. We
Act of Sisterhood” events have continued to be successful celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a corned beef and cab-
and much appreciated. We are looking forward to increas- bage luncheon along with a birthday cake for one of our
ing membership and activities this year. members. Another fun springtime event was traveling to
Hopsewee Plantation, where we experienced high tea and
PHILADELPHIA a tour of the grounds. We had our traditional picnic in Sep-
The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter laughed, loved, jingled, tember and ended 2018 with a holiday potluck party along
played, donated, inspired ambition and celebrated sister- with some fun games.
hood throughout 2018! Wonderful memories were made at
senior to alumnae transition and Founders’ Day Celebra- Tennessee
tions with Sigma Beta (Saint Joseph’s U), the Jingle Bell
Walk, themed meetings including chocolate, Ritual and CHATTANOOGA AREA
champagne, a holiday secret Santa celebration; friends-
giving dinner and January trash to treasure txchange, the The Chattanooga Area Alumnae Chapter let the good
Panhellenic Alumnae Scholarship luncheon, and numerous times roll in February with Mardi Gras celebrations at a lo-
happy hour/dinner events at local and historic establish- cal restaurant featuring Cajun cui-
ments. Most of our business meetings were centered sine. In the summer, sisters had fun
around the planning of our 100th Anniversary Tea on April in the sun at our annual pool party Did you know
7. Many alumnae chapter members also remained enthu- and attended the local Chattanooga AOII donated
siastic and active on AACs and in holding International Lookouts baseball game. Our year more than
volunteer positions. The highlight of the year was gather- closed out with B.Y.O.P. (bring your 800 pandas to
ing at Lehigh U for Lambda Upsilon’s hosting of Northeast
Weekend with collegians and alumnae from around the own panda) dinner, where sisters do- juvenile arthritis
nated over 25 pandas to the Arthritis patients last
This fall, the State College Alumnae Chapter celebrated year?
a very special member’s 50th year of being in AOII - Pat
Antolosky. Pat has been an officer of the State College
Alumnae Chapter since it began and has also been the
Chapter Adviser for Epsilon Alpha at Pennsylvania State U
for 37 years. Pat’s dedication to AOII is unmatched and we

Alumnae Chapter News

Things party which is always a blast. We also participated
in both the Jingle Bell Run and Walk to Cure Arthritis. And
to round it out, we continue to have several small groups
meet monthly for dinner in their respective areas outside
of Nashville proper. Being part of an alumnae chapter is
incredibly rewarding and the members of NAAC work hard
to make the most of it!

The Austin Alumnae Chapter had a busy and fun 2018!
We held our annual Founders’ Day in February, followed
by some fun social outings including painting and hearing
about fun global travels at a themed night! We also held a
very popular Ritual event, where we hosted Ginger Banks
and discussed our Ritual in a very casual, yet meaning-
ful way. In the summer, we held a successful Strike Out
Arthritis! event with our local minor league baseball team.
Starting up in the fall again, we held some of our favorite
annual events like pumpkin painting and the holiday party.
We also went to a local brewery for some beer tasting, par-
ticipated in the Jingle Bell Run and had a great girl’s night
with manicures and pedicures.


The Dallas Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 100th Anniv-
versary on January 26, 2019. The members marked this
occasion with an
intimate dinner at
Joyce Lacerte’s
home in Dallas. Spe- We love to hear about your
cial guests included milestone anniversaries! Send
representatives your photos and recap to
from the AOII Foun- [email protected]!

HOUSTON dation, Network 6,
AOII Properties Board, and Executive Board, including In-
NASHVILLE AREA ternational President Gayle Fitzpatrick. A historical display
The Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter had a very exciting was available, and members reminisced about their time in
year! We had our usual variety of fun events and are proud the chapter. A wonderful time was had by all.
to have so many members taking on leadership roles in
large and small ways. We started our year with our annual HOUSTON
kick off meeting and officer installation ritual. We partici- The Houston Alumnae Chapter lived its motto “Fun and
pated in sip n sort with Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern Friendship through Fraternity” in 2018, our 80th Anniver-
College) cleaning up donated books. Greeks Read Across sary. We began with a Founders’ Day celebration, honoring
Nashville Day expanded from providing readers to one 27 sisters for their loyalty to AOII and our chapter, includ-
school to providing readers AND books for all classrooms ing four 50-year members. We also joined Tau Mu (Texas
at three schools! Founder’s Day was attended by all four A&M U) and Sigma Theta (Sam Houston State U) for their
local collegiate chapter as well as many alumnae. We en- joint Founders’ Day celebration at Texas A&M. We donated
joyed attending the local Alumnae Panhellenic Luncheon. over $1,400 worth of AOII gifts to both chapters when we
We initiated an Alum Chum program, got together for our conducted the Ritual to transition the seniors to alumnae
virtual Education event, went to Arrington Vineyards, and status. We wrote welcome notes to the new initiates of
had fun at our annual pool party. Before the holidays, there those chapters and congratulatory notes to their gradu-
was an online vendor fair where sisters who have at home ating seniors. The fun continued with our well attended
businesses could sell their products to other sisters. Dur- annual lake cruise and dinner. In the fall, we held an Italian-
ing the holidays we got together for our annual Favorite themed kick-off and for AOII Night Out, we had a painting
48 | Spring 2019

Soldiers’ Angels is the party. To support the Hous- 2018 Recap
nonprofit organization ton Arthritis Foundation, SEATTLE
AOII works with to dis- we participated in Strike
tribute care packages to Out Arthritis!, the Jingle
deployed troops through Bell Run, and the Walk to
our Sisters for Soldiers Cure Arthritis, donating 20
In a Box program. You pandas to JA children. We
can access this program concluded the year with a
on the Officer Resource holiday party where we col-
Library on Fulfilling the lected snacks for Soldiers’
Promise. Angels and wrote notes to
those serving in our armed
forces. All in all, a success-
ful 2018!

The Seattle Alumnae Chapter had another busy year filled
with fun and meaningful activities. We started 2018 by
celebrating Founders’ Day with the Upsilon Chapter (U of
Washington) and honoring two 50-year members. Our oth-
er activities included a “Souper” Bowl and Salad Potluck,
Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras Night, Pandamonium Luncheon,
happy hour at a local brewery and a Sunday brunch. Our
members enjoyed fun times and great conversation at our
annual salad social and happy hour at Starbucks Reserve.
At Leadership Institute, we were honored to receive the
Ruby Level Award for our Standards of Excellence this past
year. Philanthropy is always a priority as we participated in
Strike Out Arthritis! with the Seattle Mariners in September,
the Jingle Bell Run and brunch in December, and support-
ed the Upsilon Chapter (U of Washington) at their Red Ruby
Auction in October. We are a member of two Panhellenic
organizations—Seattle and Overlake Panhellenic—and par-
ticipate in their fundraisers for scholarships for women.

The Madison Area Alumnae Chapter had another amazing
GREEN BAY-FOX CITIES year! Here are some of our highlights. We started the year
The Green Bay-Fox Cities Alumnae Chapter members en- celebrating Founders’ Day with Milwaukee area alumnae
joyed the Taste of Brown County while sampling appetiz- and collegians. Our high tea, a favorite activity, includes
ers, entrees, desserts and beverages, using WI produced Ritual, sharing memories as collegians and food. A member
foods. We also participated in a hike along the Fox River led us in yoga, followed by lunch where we put together
Trail, a free summer concert at Heritage Hill State Histori- birthday bags used at the local food pantry. A favorite
cal Park, a farmer’s market in Green Bay, and dinners out event is our AO-Pies with a twist. We celebrated a new
to enjoy sisterhood and share the events and happenings member attending, Ritual for women receiving their 50-
in our lives. For philanthropic projects, we volunteered to year pin, business meeting, eating and socializing. We at-
serve breakfast on the farm, (dishing up scrambled eggs, tended a local farmer’s market, went to the U of Wisconsin
sausages, and cheeses) and collected food for a local food Madison campus for lunch, and finally, we joined our sister,
pantry. Our favorite philanthropy event is jingling in our Angela Johnson, for a private tour of her project, Genetics
jammies during the December Jingle Bell Run. We love Reflection, at the Biotech building. We joined another sister
celebrating our Founders, showing kindness, and support- living at Attic Angels for lunch and socializing. We ate at
ing each other! our sister MaryAnn’s winery and farm-to-table restaurant.
We attended a Panhellenic brunch at UW Madison, sup-
porting their fundraiser for collegiate scholarships. The


Alumnae Chapter News April of last year, we invited graduating seniors and new
MILWAUKEE alumnae to participate in our ceremony of transition. Each
new alumna was given an AOII infinity necklace as a gift. A
few weeks later, area alumnae brought taco fixings to cam-
pus for Phi Delta’s (U of WisconsinMilwaukee) end of the
year fiesta. Over the summer, we were very proud that our
sister, Cheryl Hernandez was awarded the AOII Woman of
Leadership distinction at LI for her work to combat illiteracy
in southeastern Wisconsin. We ended our year celebrating
the holidays at Barb Hunt’s home with a lovely brunch, an
ornament exchange and a philanthropic project in which
we collected items for the Milwaukee Healing Center to
comfort victims of abuse.



The Calgary Alumnae Chapter had a great 2018! We
year ended with the Jingle Bell Run and lunch. Everyone started the year celebrating Founders’ Day with keynote
brought over 180 toiletries, socks and other items to be speaker Agata Starczyk, Kappa Lambda (U of Calgary) and
donated to one of our philanthropic, DAIS, a shelter for Foundation Ambassador Marjorie Stevens, Beta Kappa (U
women. It was a year of serving, Ritual, socializing, learning of British Columbia), where we recognized four members
and fun. with their 25-year anniversary certificates. In March, we
went bowling with Kappa Lambda for our Annual Strike
Out Arthritis! event. We welcomed eight Kappa Lambda
graduates into our chapter at our seniors welcome event in
April, and two more over the summer. In June, sisters par-
ticipated in the Walk to Fight Arthritis in both Calgary and
Kelowna B.C., during a weekend wine tour trip! Throughout
the summer we enjoyed the Calgary Stampede, getting
muddy in the Rugged Maniac 5k, weekends camping and
our annual summer sisterhood picnic. In September, we
celebrated Kappa Lambda’s most ambitious recruitment
results on bid day!

MILWAUKEE British Columbia

The Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders’ GREATER VANCOUVER REGION
Day with Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and the
Madison Area Alumnae Chapter at the Woman’s Club of This past year has seen us focus on attracting new or
inactive alumnae by offering a series of smaller events that
Wisconsin on January 27, help sisters learn more about
2018. It was an inspiring day,
We love a sisterhood and we raised $1,000 for the each other. One such event
event that allows for AOII Foundation. Our mem- was held in October - a morn-
great food and quality bership this year doubled ing horse ride - which was It is so great when
organized by a young alumna family members have
time together, while as we continued to vary our sister who had just joined our the opportunity to
chapter. This event was so experience the lifelong
supporting another programming and maintain well received by those who love of AOII as well!
an active presence with our
sister’s business, too! local collegiate chapter. In

50 | Spring 2019

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