Alpha Omicron Pi
I Summer, 1975 Volume LX Number 4
> oon
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—a new challenge—in the "world
of AOIP — the recolonization of g*^^*
our I psilon Alpha Chapter at ^
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the University of Arizona.
Under the supervision of t h e ^ rr2*L^^ §
Executive Committee with the ^ u ^ ^ ^ ^ , 4^
superb d i r e c t i o n of overall *^J>>
planning by Janie L. Callaway, *«! I "
0, International Administrative Vice President, the
"story" began more than a year ago.
A team of four Special Chapter Assistants — a
remodeled and redecorated chapter house — the
cooperation of the university administration — a
presentation of an
WM 1 l a B J Arthritis Foundation
Highlighting the recolonization of Upsilon Alpha
Chapter at the University of Arizona in early
October was a brilliant reception at Tucson's Sky-
line Country Club honoring officers of the uni-
versity administration and AOll alumnae in the
Tucson area. Four principal personalities at this
festive affair are Norma M. Ackel, K®, Inter-
national Treasurer; Maureen Reagan, daughter of
former Governor of California Ronald Reagan
and Jane Wyman, Honorary National Chairman
of the Arthritis Foundation, who represented AF
at the party; Janie L. Callawy, O. International
Administrative Vice President, and Donna Fulton,
Y A . president of the Tucson Alumnae Chapter.
research grant—two
Diamond Jubilee
Foundation scholar-
ships — the support
of the local alumnae
— the membership
Janie L. Callaway presents the AF Research
Grant check to Dr. Eric Gall, University of Ari-
zona Medical School. Dr. Gall is working in
arthritis related research. President of the Uni-
versity of Arizona John P. Schaefer, center,
witnesses the presentation.
selection assistance
of a group of former
and present inter-
national officers —
Upsilon Alpha
chapter has
a new beginning
The presentation
of the grant and two
Top left: Vice President of the University of
Arizona Marvin D. Johnson, right, presents Dia-
mond Jubilee Foundation scholarships checks to
Lenore Olson of Tucson and Beverly Hart of
Phoenix as an added highpoint of the reception.
The Diamond Jubilee Foundation presents annu-
ally to one university, scholarships to entering
freshmen of very high scholastic standing and
outstanding accomplishments. Recipients are
selected by the university.
Bottom left: AOIl's team of Special Chapter
Assistants join Dr. Eric Gall, Janie Callaway and
Norma Ackel at the reception. Left to right are
Anne Sampere, AS- Dr. Gall, Clarnita Diamond,
OO. Janie, Norma. Marcia Raeber, X A . and
Sheila Bo.xley, V Q .
DJF scholarships alumnae in the
took place Oct. 3 Tucson area.
at a reception at
Tucson's Skyline AOII had its
Country Club honor- "new" beginning the
ing officers of the week of Oct. 6 at
university adminis- the University of
tration and AOII Arizona with a
membership pro-
Si gram presentation
immediately after
Formal Rush.
Top left and riglit: In connection with the re-
colonization of A Oil's Upsilon Alpha Chapter was
the University of Arizona, the chapter house
entirely remodeled and redecorated. Shown
two views of the drawing room.
Center: Addition of the Arizona room provides
an ideal place for informal gatherings and dou-
bles as a chapter room.
Bottom: Upsilon Alpha's first pledge class of
recolonization is pictured with four Special
Chapter Assistants.
Alpha Omicron Pi
Summer 1975 Vol. L X , No. 4
Published since January 1905 by
A L P H I O M I C R O N PI Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
2 The Upsilon Alpha Story
6 More News Bulletins on AOII Extensions
7 Greater Pensacola Area Alumnae Chapter Is Installed
8 Beaumont. Texas. Alumnae Chapter Installed
9 North Central Texas Council Organization
9 Founders' Day Observance in Southern California
10 Lynn Irish Johnston Receives Award
10 Another AOII's Panhellenic Award
11 AOII Take-Over of O'Hare Inn
12 Diamond Jubilee Foundation Board
13 California Resident Initiated By Proxy
14 K. C . Founders' Day Luncheon
16 Tennessee's New Commissioner of Revenue
17 Milwaukee Alumnae Retrace 50 Years
18 Greek Coeds Infiltrate Northwest Missouri State's Inde-
pendent Dorm
19 Sure-Fire Winner For Theta Pi
19 AOII Doll House
20 Campus Sights and Sounds
22 Oustanding Collcgiates
28 May Goodan Receive "Uncommon Man Award"
29 The Excitement of Rush
30 Rush Directory
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office TO DRAGMA is published by Alpha •'/a 'J laynia i
Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar- Alph^OmicronPi
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway. ters at Suite 109. 3000 Meadows Park-
way. Indianapolis. Indiana 46205. Sec- > Id NOcDIWO V H d l V
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 ond Class Postage paid at Indianapolis.
Indiana, and at additional mailing offices. ON T H E COVER: An
Telephone: 317-545-6553 design by Alumna, Phyl
TO DRAGMA is printed four times a Garrison, AA-
Send all editorial material and corre- year in Fall, Winter. Spring and Sum-
spondence to the mer by Williams Printing Company. 417
EDITOR Commerce Street, Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. Millie M. Murphy 37219.
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Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy,
Send all changes of address, death no- $3.00 per year. Life Subscription.
tices and T O D R A G M A subscriptions $25.00.
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway-
Indianapolis. Indiana 46205
More News Bulletins
On AOTT Extension
DAVIS, CALIF. (Special)—April 5 and 6 were the dates of installation ceremonies and social events
connected with AOTT's new Chi Alpha Chapter at the University of California here.
Saturday, April 5, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. the Voyager Inn was the scene of installation and initiation
with International Extension Vice President Peg Kramer Crawford, I, and International Treasurer Norma
Marshall Ackel, k m , as installing officers.
These ceremonies were scheduled to be followed by a Dutch treat luncheon and later a reception at
the inn.
A formal Rose Banquet was slated for that evening.
From 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. Sunday, April 6, a reception was given at the Sigma Nu Fraternity House
welcoming the new sorority chapter to the Davis campus scene.
,. of COBpan9
at a
reception in h o n o r of
the vn iversity >fatCali f o r n i a , D ^ i s
F r a t e r m ty House
a Nu
A Streets
R u s s e l l and
tt yy - f i ve
SV hu ndred and s e v e n i r t y o'c
f o u r - t h lock
ninetee n
f r o m two- t h i r t y u r i * 1 1
Greater Pensacola /Uea Alumnae Chapter
Is Installed With \29 Charter Members
A festive atmosphere prevailed Sat- Region I I I Extension Officer, Wendie Jean Norris Brown, ATI- president of the
urday, Jan. 25, in Pensacola, Fla., Nowlin, Alpha Pi, and assisting with recently installed Greater Pensacola Alum-
when the Greater Pensacola Area the ritual of installation were members nae Chapter, receives a rose and congratu-
Alumnae of Alpha Omicron Pi was in- of Gamma Delta Chapter, University lations from Region HI Director, Judy
stalled w i t h 18 charter members. of South Alabama. Mobile and Mobile Jolly, AS-
Alumnae Chapter.
Pensacola area alumnae had been WH
meeting as a group since the 1940's, A special guest was Judy Jolly (Mrs.
and the installation was the f r u i t i o n of E. Burke, Lambda Sigma) Regional D i -
concentrated effort begun in September, rector and former Pensacolian who now
1974, for formal installation. resides in Tallahassee.
Jean Norris Brown, Alpha Pi, is Following the ceremonies, a lunch-
president of the new group. Other offi- eon was given.
cers are: Eleta Parris Burch, Delta
Delta, vice president; Sylvia McCadam V
Richardson, Alpha Pi; corresponding I *B
secretary; Gene Akin Martin, Tau At the festive luncheon which followed the installation are officers of the new group
Delta, recording secretary, and June with the installing officer. Standing, left to right, are Gene Akin Martin, TA. recording
Teal, Alpha Pi, treasurer. secretary; Wendie Nowlin, A l l - immediate past Regiotial Extension Officer; Jean Norris
Brown, AIT, president; and June Teal, A H . treasurer. Seated are Sylvia McAdam Rich-
Other charter members include: ardson, AIT. corresponding secretary, and Eleta Parris Burch, AA. vice president.
Karen Rickard Welch, Kappa Alpha;
Libby Sanford Prochaska, Delta Beta;
Sue Hutchins Kubitz, Phi; Doraldine
Miller, Iota Tau; Martha Wilson Hay-
ford, Alpha Pi; Natalie Brown Shep-
ard, Theta; Martha Post Blackwell, N u
Omicron; Margaret LeRoy Hansen,
Kappa Gamma; Sandra DeGuire Mead,
Alpha Pi; Jean White Daniel, Kappa
Pi; Donna Rush, Phi Upsilon; Pamela
Porter, Alphi Pi, and Gay High Con-
over, Phi Upsilon.
Installing officer was immediate past
r. •
Charter members of the Greater Pensacola Area Alumnae Chap- diate past Region III Extension Officer; Natalie Brown Shepard,
ter and visiting dignitaries pose for a picture at the luncheon.
Standing left to right are: Karen Rickard Welch, K A ; Libby San- (»): Jean Norris Brown, A l l ; Martha Post Blackwell, NO: Region
ford Prochaska, A B : Sue Hutchins Kubitz, 4>; Doraldine Miller,
I T ; Martha Wilson Hayford, AIT; Wendie Nowlin, A l l , imme- III Director Judy Jolly, A S ; Margaret LeRoy Hansen, KX-
Seated are Gene Akin Martin, T A ; Sylvia McAdam Richardson,
AIT; Ella Parris Burch A A ; and June Teal. r i A -
Region VIPs Director Jan Spencer Installs
Beaumont, Texas, Alumnae Chapter
• Scores o f beautiful, white azaleas
lined the walkway leading to the
Mr entrance of the residence of Dorothy
Hello Smith (Mrs. Sam, n K ) in
0 Ji Beaumont, Texas, Feb. 26 when a
new A O I I alumnae chapter was in-
\N stalled in that city.
V The chapter was instigated by Lou
Ellen Cargill Phelps (Mrs. John, n K )
/ when she and her husband moved to
Beaumont two years ago.
At the installation Feb. 26 of the Beaumont, Texas, Alumnae Chapter are, seated,
She recalled, while serving as presi-
left to right, Ruth Pyle Geis, and Florence Medlin, AO. Standing are Faye Hen- dent of n K Chapter during its 25th
anniversary celebration, hearing a
drix Thames, TA» secretary-treasurer; Sandra Hollo-way Diamond, AO, Panhellenic speaker tell o f how she and her hus-
band had moved many times and
delegate; Jan Spencer, SO, Region VII Director; Lou Ellen Cargill Phelps, n K , how she always contacted the A O I I
alumnae chapter in each new town
president, and Dorothy Hello Smith, n K , vice president. and immediately had a new family.
The Executive Committee L o u Ellen obtained the names and
Of addresses of A O I I s in Texas' Golden
Triangle from Barbara Kramer (Mrs.
Alpha omicioti Pi Raymond, B * ) , Region V I I Exten-
the pledging sion Officer and contacted each per-
announces sonally or through announcements in
of a Colony local newspapers about an organiza-
tional meeting. As a result, 13 A O I I s
at signed a petition for the Beaumont
Alumnae Chapter.
Huntingdon College
Montgomery, Ma. A t the installation, Jan turned over
the Ritual Book and president's note-
book to the chapter president, Lou
Other officers are Dorothy Smith
(Mrs. Sam, n K ) , vice president;
Faye Hendrix Thames (Mrs. Carl,
T A ) , secretary-treasurer, and Sandra
Holloway Diamond (Mrs. Harvey,
AO), Panhellenic delegate.
Also present for the installation
were Ruth Pyle Geis ( M r s . John, 4>),
Florence Medlin (Mrs. Richard, AO).
Charlsie E. Berly, K , and Jeanette
Gaines Gonzales, n K .
After the ritual ceremony, a short
business session was conducted fol-
lowed by a seafood luncheon.
Highlighting the new alumnae
chapter's M a y meeting w i l l be the
presentation of 50-year pins to char-
ter members, Charlsie Berly and
Mary Cecil (Mrs. Lamar, K ) .
All Member Alumnae Groups Represented
At North Central Texas Council Organization
Alumnae numbering 25 f r o m Dallas-
Ft. Worth-Arlington, Texas, were pres-
ent Jan. 25 at the Ramada I n n in A r -
lington f o r the organization of the
North Central Texas Council.
Seen in the photo are members of
Region V I I operations committee at the
L e f t to right, they are Georgiann
Grace, Lambda Tau, Regional Direc-
tor; Grace LaMarca, Lambda Tau,
Finance Officer; Jan Spencer, Sigma
Omicron, Regional Director; Jo Beth
Heflin, Pi Kappa, Regional Vice Presi-
dent; Carol Barrow, Kappa Theta,
Regional Director, and Barbara Kra-
mer, Beta Phi, Extension Officer.
Officers of the new council are:
Becky Walker, Arlington-Mid Cities
Alumnae Chapter, president; Pat Lock-
hart, Dallas Chapter, secretary-trea-
surer, and Numa Surgeon, N u Kappa,
Ft. Worth Chapter, chairman of by-
tderi/ance Southern (Gallicorma
More than 125 A O I I s including Sig-
ma Phi and Lambda Beta collegiates
and members o f seven alumnae chap-
ters observed Founders' Day at San
Diego Atlantis Restaurant at Sea W o r l d .
Susan Davies Holtkamp (Mrs.
Philip, Omega), right in the photo. In-
ternational Scholarship Chairman, de-
livered the principal address.
W i t h her at the speakers' table are
Helen Irish Johnston (Mrs. Carl B.,
Epsilon), president, Glendale Alumnae
Chapter, and Helen Haller, Omega, past
International President.
Lynne Irish Johnston, E '38, Receives Glendale, Calif.,
Panhellenic "Woman Of Year" Award
Lynne Irish Johnson, (Mrs. Carl B.. She has been District Fraternity Edu- of Lynn's life, too, through Cub Scouts,
Epsilon) of Glendale, Calif., has re- cation Officer and was District Alumnae Camp Fire Girls and P T A . She was a
ceived the second, annual Panhellenic Director f o r six years. Named a mem- member of the founding committee of
"Woman of the Year" Award. Presen- ber of the Board of Trustees of Alpha the Glendale Community Concert As-
tation was made at the Glendale Pan- Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Founda- sociation; is a member o f Glendale Me-
hellenic Scholarship Benefit Luncheon tion in 1959, Lynne served as secretary morial Hospital Guild and National
Feb. 22 at the Castaway Restaurant . during the years of incorporation and Charity League. She was chairman of
tax exemption proceedings, then as the Teen A i d program at Glendale A d -
The award is based on fraternity Public Relations Chairman until June, ventist Hospital and later co-organized
service and involvement in strengthen- 1974, when she was elected Vice-Pres- and supervised a Teen A i d program for
ing the Greek system as well as partici- ident of the Fund. 14-15 year old girls (too young to
pation in community, church and youth serve in a regular hospital) in a local
affairs. For the past 13 years, Lynne, has convalescent hospital.
been A O I I ' s delegate to Glendale Pan-
Lynne was graduated in home eco- hellenic where she has been files chair- She has been area chairman f o r the
nomics f r o m Cornell in 1938 where her man, ways and means chairman, schol- Republican party, Mother's March of
participation as collegiate chapter dele- arship chairman, treasurer and is cur- Dimes and Arthritis Foundation.
gate began her interest i n Panhellenic. rently secretary. During her four years
She was a member o f Philadelphia. as scholarship chairman, the orienta- The Johnstons have three children.
Washington, and Los Angeles Alumnae tion for high school seniors was reor- Carl, Jr. a Phi Gamma Delta, and two
Chapters before moving to Glendale in ganized into a program which received A O I I daughters. Missy (now Mrs.
1949. She is a charter member and first national interest; the brochure she Ronald Read of Carmel, Calif.) Alpha
president of Glendale Alumnae Chapter wrote, "Greeks Will Light The Way" Rho, and Sherry (initiated at Iota A l -
and currently is assuming presidential has been distributed widely; and Glen- pha) now a senior at Oregon State
responsibilities of the chapter for the dale area pledgings led all Southern University. Carl, a Phi Gamma Delta,
third time. Additionally, she was active California Panhellenics. and Lynne are proud of their all Greek
in the formation of the Southern Cali- family and the family is proud o f their
fornia Council of A O I I , presiding over Community activities have been part Panhellenic "Woman of the Year".
that group for two terms.
Another AOII's Another A O I I alumna, residing in high school entered Stanford University.
Panhellenic California, Dorothy Quinn McAllister A f t e r graduation she obtained her M . A .
Endeavors (Mrs. Angus Ray, Lambda), has won in English and Public Speaking, also at
Bring Her individual recognition for her outstand- Stanford. Upon completion of her grad-
Individual Honors ing Panhellenic endeavors. uate work Dot worked in teaching and
In California in adult public speaking classes. In
She was named Panhellenic Woman Stockton she was active i n the forma-
10 of the Year by the East Bay City tion o f Junior A i d and served as its
Panhellenic. president.
Dot has long been active in Pan- Dot and Angus Ray McAllister have
hellenic activities as well as the activ- one son K i r k , who serves as deputy dis-
ities o f East Bay Alumnae. She was trict attorney of Stanislaus County.
president of the San Francisco East Bay
City Panhellenic f r o m November, 1968 In Alpha Omicron Pi Dot has worked
to November, 1969. She served as co- actively with Sigma Chapter as adviser
chairman o f the first East Bay City and rush adviser. She has held numer-
Panhellenic fund raiser. Panorama # 1. ous offices.
It was held at Blake Gardens, the home
of the chancellor of the University of A talented book reviewer, she has on
California. Dot's job as co-chairman numerous occasions donated her ser-
was to coordinate and act as com- vices to both the chapter and alumnae
mentator of the fashion show. in fund raising programs.
Born in Stockton, Calif., she attended A member of Palm Branch of Chil-
local schools and upon graduation f r o m dren's Hospital Medical Center in Oak-
land, she is the recipient o f A O I I ' s Rose
Three Decades Later California Resident
Is Initiated Into Sigma Omicron By Proxy
r - £V
St f Omicron
AOII roses to Wanda Bunker of Glendale, Calif., as she's initiated into Sigma
Chapter by proxy at the Lambda Beta Chapter house, California State at Long Beach.
Karen DeMunbrun, Lambda Sigma president, is at Wanda's left. Glendale Alumnae
Chapter president, Helen Irish Johnson, E. who played such a major role in this inter-
esting initiation, is at the right in the photo.
That fraternity is not f o r college Several questions later, Lynne was
years alone became a proven fact to quite convinced that A O I I had been
members of Lambda Beta Chapter, that national and asked Wanda, i f it
California State University, Long was still possible and i f , indeed it was
Beach, last fall when their president, A O I I , would she be interested now.
Chris Evans, initiated Wanda Pfaff With a very affirmative reply from
Bunker into Sigma Omicron Chapter Wanda, Lynne went to work.
by proxy.
Lynne was led to the right source,
Sorority f o r Wanda began at Arkan- International Executive Vice President
sas State College in 1942 when she was Rosalie Barber of Sigma Omicron
pledged to Alpha Sigma local, later Chapter. She confirmed that, indeed,
becoming president of the chapter. Wanda's local was now 26-year-old Sig-
A f t e r she left school Alpha Sigma be- ma Omicron Chapter of Alpha Omi-
came Sigma Omicron Chapter of Alpha cron Pi, and that they would be de-
Omicron Pi. As a young married wom- lighted to initiate Wanda into member-
an, Wanda felt sorority life was behind ship.
her and so did not exercise her privilege
to be initiated into A O I I . Since Jonesboro, A r k . , is quite re-
moved from Glendale, Calif., arrange-
Twenty-two years later, living in ments were made for Lambda Beta
Glendale, Calif., she and Lynne Irish Chapter at California State University
Johnston, (Mrs. Carl, Epsilon), became at Long Beach to perform the initiation
friends through their association in Na- ceremony. Alumnae f r o m Pasadena and
tional Charity League. The mother- Glendale Chapters, and Wanda's daugh-
daughter charitable organization also ter, Carolyn, attended dinner at the
introduced Lynne to Wanda's daughter, chapter house prior to the ceremony.
Unconsciously, for years, Wanda and
A f t e r Carrie was graduated f r o m col- Lynne had been drawn to each other,
lege, Wanda told Lynne how much she feeling a special bond. On November
regretted not being able to share the 18, 1974 it was formalized when Lynne
Greek world with her daughter and how placed her A O I I pin on Wanda, who
she wished she had availed herself of became a member of Sigma Omicron
the opportunity to be initiated into the and Glendale Alumnae Chapters all at
national, which had taken in her local one time.
Walters, A* '/<?- f £ £ Fenders' 3m£ Eleanor Oyer * mas,ermind of ft, rosel^r^
Alumnae founders' D,,,', i , '
™ ff* f _t a b l e - ^,on, arranges
Fashionable Foray, "Through The Years With AOII",
Proves Smash Hit At K.C. Founders' Day Luncheon.
Alpha Omicron Pi's 77th birthday Central Missouri State, Warrensburg,
was celebrated with pizzazz by more Mo., and the Topeka Alumnae joined
than 110 alumnae and collegiates when in the observance, but Lambda Omega
Greater Kansas City Alumnae gathered collegiates and pledges f r o m Northwest
Dec. 14 at the beautiful Alameda Plaza Missouri State, Maryville, Mo., had to
Hotel, Country Club Plaza, for their miss the festivities because o f exams.
annual Founders' Day celebration.
After luncheon and introductions,
Previously Eleanor Oyer, Phi, '35 Helen Walters, Alpha Phi '30, started
mistress of ceremonies, devoted long the review. Attired in a slinky, ankle-
hours of recovery from a broken hip length, black dress, she waltzed f r o m
and, later, a fractured knee, both at the her seat to the microphone at the speak-
hospital and later at home, in telephone ers' table. There she related her expe-
conferences with her program members. riences at Montana State where snow
It paid off. "Through the Years With remains on the ground most of the
A O I I " was a smash! winter. Fads o f those days, she said,
included four-buckle galoshes never fas-
Nine alumnae attired in styles remi- tened because "flapping" was the vogue
niscent of their college days, told "how and ratted puffs of hair worn over the
it was" on their respective campuses to ears.
the delight of the audience.
Hazel, P h i *32, said the Roaring 20's"
Collegiates from Delta Pi Chapter,
had stopped roaring and the depression Joyce Hall, Delta Pi '64, Kansas City The Outstanding Alumnae Award, an
was underway when she began her col- Alumnae president, passed out long- engraved silver tray, was presented to
lege career at Kansas University. Col- stemmed red roses to each o f the visit- Cherie Wray Smith, Phi '58, by Sharon
legiates wore long, f u l l , fluffy formals ing pledges and music was provided by Martin, last year's recipient.
to receive rushees at parties and 10 a quartet composed of Nancy Johann-
p.m. was the zero hour to be in during sen, Phi '68, Region V Director; Jessie Marie Cramer, Phi '27, past
the week. Karen Smith, Delta Pi '64, Regional International President, lit the candles
Extension Officer; Joyce Hall and f o r our founders and each person pres-
Her greatest A O I I thrill was being a Sharon Martin, Delta Pi '66, Regional ent lit a red candle in their honor. As
house guest of the late Stella George Vice President, accompanied by guitar- the words of "Alpha Omicron Pi" were
Stern Perry after driving her car home ist, France Gratzer, Delta Pi '69. sung by all assembled, everyone agreed
f o r her at the conclusion of a con- that it had been a great day for A O I I .
Joyce Hall, A l l , Greater
Eleanor Oyer held the audienct rapt
with her description of her velvet tri- Kansas City Alumnae
corn shaped hat with two hugh ostrich
feathers, popular songs of the M i d - Chapter president, helps
Thirties, and the "Puff Pants Prom"
when girls borrowed tuxedoes for their in getting ready for the
roles as males in the couples' event.
luncheon held at Ala
Phi Chapter won the trophy that
year and Eleanor's been married to the meda Plaza Hotel, Coun
"guy" whose suit she borrowed f o r
more than 40 years. try Club Plaza.
Roberta Abbot, Pi '49, and daughter Wi I
of Helen Walters, in a soft Southern
accent, spoke of her days at Sophie TP
Newcomb in New Orleans where rigid
rules, early closing hours and strict Karen Smith, A l l , Regional Extension Officer; Joyce Hall, A l l . Greater Kansas City
discipline were followed. N o slacks or Alumnae president; Sharon Martin, A I T , Region V Vice President, and Nancy Johann-
shorts were allowed and casual dress sen, $ Regional Director, composed a quarter for the occasion.
meant matching skirts and sweaters.
Kathleen Long, Epsilon '59, Cornell,
wearing a velvet, "Alice Blue Gown",
part of her wardrobe during collegiate
days, and with her hair in a pony tail,
easily could have passed f o r a colle-
Dorothy Gregory, Delta Pi '69, was
attired in a red skirt, checkered red and
white jacket and white blouse, official
costume of AOIIs on the Central Mis-
souri campus in the 60's. Dorothy was
on that campus when Delta Pi was in-
A collegiate at Arkansas State at
Jonesboro in 1963, Charlotte Shelton,
Sigma Omicron, recalled her pledge
duty of scrubbin' the Totem Pole (a
gift of Sigma Omicron to the univer-
sity) with a tooth brush.
"Around the World in 80 Days" and
"Moon River" were tuneful hits of
1965 when Ginny Struble, Phi '65, and
president of the Topeka Alumnae Chap-
ter, lived i n the A O I I house with 42
sisters at K . U .
Summing up the program was Genice
Tyler, Delta Pi '69, who recalled the
period of panty raids, "sign outs" for
going beyond a five-mile limit and mid-
night closing hours.
As each representative reviewed her
college years and told what A O I I had
meant to her, it was a time for each
luncheon guest to renew acquaintances
and notalgically to recall her own col-
lege days.
OenneSSees l^jew (Commissioner Of ,e venue
^9s Pleasing
(Combo Of d^eautu ^4ncl (]3rainS
Tennessee's new Commissioner of An aura of radiant beauty surrounds
the Department of Revenue in the one of the members of the cabinet of
cabinet of Gov. Ray Blanton, Tennessee's new governor, Ray Blanton.
beauteous Jayne Ann Woods, NO. She is Commissioner o f the Department
arrives at the inaugural ball in of Revenue. Jayne A n n Woods (Mrs.
January on the arm of her hus- Frank, Nu Omicron).
band, attorney Frank Woods, with
whom she engaged in the practice Beauteous Jayne, a native of Paris,
of law prior to her appointment. Tenn., is the second member of Vander-
bilt University's N u Omicron Chapter
I Frank Woods gives Tennessee's to serve i n the cabinet of a Tennessee
16 new Commissioner of Revenue
Jeanne Stephenson Bodfish, now a
Jayne Woods a kiss. Barrister and paralegal in Daytona Beach, Fla., was
in the cabinet of the late Gov. Frank
former Tennessee Beauty Pageant Clement.
finalist. Commissioner Woods is Former Tennessee beauty pageant
finalist, Mrs. Woods is a pleasing com-
the second member of Vanderbilt bination of gracious loveliness and
brains. She was graduated cum laude
University's Nu Omicron Chapter with a B . A . degree f r o m Vanderbilt
University, majoring in political science,
of AOII to serve in a governor's and later received her J.D. f r o m Van-
derbilt's School of Law where her pri-
cabinet. Jeanne Stephenson Bod- mary study and dissertation was in the
field of taxation.
fish, Nashville native now residing
Prior to the inauguration in January.
in Daytona Beach, Fla., was in the 1975. she was a practicing attorney in
the law firm o f Woods and Woods, a
cabinet of the late Gov. Frank professional association with her hus-
band, lawyer Frank Woods. Her prac-
Clement. Photos are used through tice included major lawsuits involving
property assessments and appraisals.
the courtesy of The Nashville Ten- The Woods arc parents of two daugh-
ters. Ashley and Grayson.
Jayne is a member o f the board of
directors and an officer of the Tennessee
Valley Broadcasting Corporation which
owns and operates Radio Stations
W S E V - A M and F M in Sevierville/
Gatlinburg. Tenn.. and W B R T - A M in
Woodbury, Tenn., and also of Town-
send Broadcasting Corporation which
owes and operates radio stations in
Parsons. Tenn. and Monticello, Fla.
Her family participated in organizing
and founding the Carroll County Bank
in Huntingdon. Tenn.. and the Robert-
son State Bank in Springfield, Tenn.,
and owns major equity interest in these
banks along with the Cheatham State
Bank in Kingston Springs, Tenn.
A member of the Nashville, Tennes-.
see and American Bar Associations.
Jayne also has chaired the 1974-75
Nashville Women's Political Caucus, a
chapter of the National Women's
Political Caucus.
Milwaukee Alumnae
Retrace 50 Years At
Jessie Me Adam Larned, T, Mary Danielson Drummond, A4>, two past
International Presidents, and Region II Vice President Alice Alderman,
©^/, at the 50th anniversary banquet of the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter.
Past International President Jessie tiful Swedish accent and reminescences anniversary observance were Margaret
McAdams Larned (Mrs. Grant, Tau) of AOII's founders and the sorority's Weeks Ball, who traveled from Pennsyl-
retraced steps of the Milwaukee A l u m - accomplishments through the years. vania to attend the affair, and Dorothy
nae Chapter through 50 years and E. Paull.
emphasized their many accomplish- Two charter members present at the
ments at this group's golden anniversary
observance recently at the Western Alice Aderman, Jessie Larned and Mary Dee Drummond are seen with two of Milwau-
Racquet Club in Milwaukee. kee Alumnae Chapter's charter members, Margaret Weeks Ball and Dorothy E. Paull,
and the chapter's current president, Barbara Hunt, <J>A-
Alice Aderman (Mrs. Ralph M.,
Theta Psi), Region I I Vice President,
introduced Jessie. .
Barbara Hunt (Mrs. C. M . , Phi
Delta) chapter president, presided at
the dinner when a festive atmosphere
was created with quantities of roses and
the soft glow of candlelight. Lovely
keepsakes of a memorable occasion
were the smart gold programs.
Barbara presented a check to Phi
Delta Chapter, University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, and accepted a gift from
the Executive Committee and a new
Ritual Book.
International Historian and Past In-
ternational President, Mary Danielson
Drummond (Mrs. Warren C , Alpha
Phi), who represented the Executive
Committee and was principal speaker,
charmed the assemblage with her beau-
Guests gathered at Milwaukee's Western Racquet Club for the alumnae chapters golden anniversary celebration.
Greek Coeds This semester has been different in went up for volunteers. Move from
Infiltrate Northwest the dorms for everyone at Northwest Roberta, the Greek dorm, leave all their
Missouri State. sorority sisters, the familiarity and the
Missouri State's closeness—and f o r what? To move up
Independent Dorm But for AOIIs, Donna Pinnick and to "the hill?" T o move into one of the
Liz Hinkle. the adjustments have been high rise dorms out there on the edge
even greater. This September they had of campus, when they had been in the
more than their share of shocks. They center of everything?
lost the same old securities—and their
dorm, as well. It's a long story. Surprisingly, they did have a volun-
teer. Sophomore Liz Hinkle's hand
It started last spring when the girls of went up, and then junior Donna Pinnick
Alpha Omicron Pi started thinking decided to go along with her. Donna
about possible re-location for their and Liz were alone in their Lewis and
sorority: in Donna's words. "Roberta, Clark spirit; many of the girls didn't
the Greek dorm, isn't going to be think the situation would w o r k at all.
around much longer." The sorority Leaving Roberta to go to Franken pre-
dorm could deteriorate in five more sented all kinds of set-backs. It's not
years. With the thought of a new lo- as though anyone had a gun to their
cation, the girls also thought of the heads, either. Their advisers hinted
added chance to meet new girls and broadly that Liz and Donna could come
bring them into A O I I . right back to Roberta i f they wanted.
The upshot was that the sorority Why didn't they?
decided to send two of the girls over to "We'd decided that we'd made a com-
Franken Hall, an independent dorm, mitment, and we'd carry through with
to recruit new pledges and break some it." Donna explained. Sitting in her
stereotypes, too. The best way f o r the room in Franken, with everything
independents to find out what makes around her indicative o f life at Roberta,
A O I I work would be to live with them. it was an incredible statement.
It all sounded great until the call Girls who have lived in Franken
since the beginning of school cannot
In an experiment at Northwest Missouri State University designed to improve relations realize what it means for a Roberta
girl to live there. L i z is a Biology
between Greeks and independents. Lambda Omega Chapter members. Donna Pinnick major, so she at least was closer to
Garrett-Strong. Donna, though, found
and Liz Hinkle spent a semester in an independent dormitory. The feature story regard- herself far away f r o m everything, since
all her classes were in Colden or Mar-
ing this duet's experiences which appeared in The Northwest Missourian follows. tindale. They were also much farther
away from Roberta, and this meant a
lot of extra walking back and forth.
" I feel like I ' m commuting," L i z re-
marked at one point. Since the girls
spent so much time at Roberta, they
have to t r y to stabilize their lifestyle at
both places. That means two tooth-
brushes, two pillows, the works.
It was easier to put up with incon-
venience than to put up with home-
sickness. "The day we moved in here,
we said, 'Let's move b a c k , ' " Donna
recalled. A O I I is a tightly knit
group of girls, and when Liz and Donna
f o u n d themselves living amidst seven
floors o f strangers, it was rough.
Judging from their many new friends
and their healthy attitude, Liz and
Donna's experiment at Franken has
proved their point. Room 521 Franken
is usually filled w i t h people, noise, and
good-natured bravado. While they're
maintaining their ties at Roberta, they
can also get away f r o m it f o r a while,
and this helps L i z and Donna to have
increased appreciation f o r their sisters
on the other side o f campus when they
go back.
Sure-Fire Winner For Theta Pi At Wagner College
A mechanized Jack-in-the-box pulled
by Theta Pi collegiates, attired in color-
ful clown costumes, proved a sure fire
winner for number one prize in home-
coming float competition at Wagner
A l l the A O I I clowns carried vari-
colored balloons and when they reached
the judges platform, they let them loose
The sign declaring, "Box 'em I n , " is
being carried by Nancy Darin, float
chairman; Susan Jacobs, president, and
Becky Harding, co-chairman.
Thanks to the innovative chapter's
efforts they received a $100 prize and
had their name engraved on a perma-
nent plaque in the Student Union.
Kappa Alpha Chapter at Indiana State University donated a doll house, which was made during
rush parties, to a local child care center in Terre Haute. Pictured with some of the children at
the center are Jackie Ehrlich, rush adviser; Carta Showers, chapter president, and Debbie Lu-
bold, rush chairman.
camDus siahts
CLASS OF '75 and what it can expect of the job situ- parking, protection, and vacation storage. Locked
ation is being discussed by everyone. W i t h statistics garage space is rented some places, while in dorms,
available to support any line of thinking, the projections where it is allowed, students tote their bikes with them
are reminiscent of Charles Dickens' " I t was the best of to their rooms. Sorority house lounges and formerly
times, it was the worst of times. . ." I t does seem clear gracious entrance halls have become cycle parking
that the days of the giant rush f o r new degree holders areas, and the University o f Illinois offered an indoor
is over, but jobs are there and waiting f o r the man or tennis court f o r bike storage with guaranteed protec-
woman who is not tied into a single job expectation tion from theft and damage over the Christmas holi-
image or location. days.
F R E S H M E N , F A L L 1974. Educational publications C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N was a new term a de-
eagerly await the results of studies and polls which cade ago. It meant programs encompassing courses,
focus on the newest crop of college freshmen. This primarily in the self-enrichment areas, available to
interest was no doubt further generated by the student women who either wanted to continue an education
of the late 'sixties and his effect on the college campus. interrupted by marriage and children or women bored
This year the pollsters report a "middle of the road" with bridge and shopping and in search of new dimen-
crop who seem to believe what most other people sions. Today about 500 institutions offering continuing
believe. The Chronicle of Higher Education says they education programs—and many others where women
are more cautious and more conservative than their enroll like other students—report that this segment
recent predecessors in political, social, and academic of the student body has continued to grow and to
views. Applied sciences are growing in career choices develop new directions. These are mature women,
while the number of freshmen aiming toward a teach- serious about their studies, with well formed direction
er's certificate is the lowest in many years. and dedication, women who "won't put up with ir-
relevant learning." One literature professor, who had
C A N ' T R E A D , C A N ' T W R I T E is the continued cry anticipated his continuing education class as an assign-
of persons dealing with the student population, and ment he had to put up w i t h , reported that this could
it is a subject which has already received comment in be the most exciting audience he had met in his years of
this column. Many critics are quick to blame, and teaching. "These women read with perception and
there are remedial trends in the making: (1) a number understanding. They relate to literature and experience
of colleges are returning to required basic English because they have had a lifetime o f experiences, too."
courses—though they feel the meat and potatoes should The current term f o r these students is "reentry women."
have been offered and digested in high school; (2) re-
medial reading is offered f o r those who know they I N T H E BOOKSTORES: As 1974 ended the campus
don't read well, and ( 3 ) in at least one academic reading survey reported that across the nation How
area (economics) a new text finds the subject matter To Be Your Own Best Friend, The Joy of Sex, and
presented in basic, common sense words which the Tales of Power were one, t w o , and three respectively.
author says-might be pretty dull to a bright student. Centennial, number eight, surprisingly made the top
ten within weeks of publication in hardback and with-
B I C Y C L E S have a place on campus, but a place f o r out paperback yet on the market.
on-campus bicycles has proved to be a problem in
and sounds
W A T T S L I N E : More than a decade ago telephone evenings a week. This also makes the same course
companies contemplated a new discovery, that a small available to the person beyond commuting range, pos-
segment of the population—the college student—was sibly driving 100 miles or more f o r the single Saturday
the greatest user of long distance during the late evening or Sunday session.
hours when businesses were closed and most other peo-
ple had gone to bed. Heady thoughts indeed when one I N F L U E N T I A L LOBBIERS: The University of Cali-
considered the possibilities: an existing market ready fornia Student Lobby was rated among the 12 most
to be doubled, even tripled, w i t h such incentives as influential lobbies in the state capital, according to a
lower evening rates, direct dialing, etc. Habits could poll of legislators by the California Journal.
be formed which could result in a lifetime of phone
revenues. A n d so, as not only the college student but F O R E I G N L A N G U A G E requirements, either for en-
the entire population learned to direct dial and was trance to college or for graduation or both, have
convinced that it was cheaper and more satisfactory brought generations of groans and grumbling f r o m
to phone than write, the word W A T T S line entered the all but language majors. I n the past decade the number
vocabulary of further convenience. Students, though of schools dropping this requirement has dropped
not considered a market for W A T T S , were quick to significantly. The Association of Departments of For-
realize its potential and anxious to make it fit their eign Languages' survey shows that 1965's 90% with
well-formed phone habits. They did some figuring. degree requirements in foreign language diminished to
A state-wide W A T T S line installed in a fraternity or 76% in 1970 and 5 6 % this year. H a l f of these
sorority house could save money and eliminate those schools do have at least one department retaining
troublesome individual bills. A t the University of language in curriculum requirements, however.
Mississippi one chapter with 100 members installed a
state-wide W A T T S line and bills its Mississippi mem- FOR E N G L I S H M A J O R S the job hunting scene has
bers $7.50 each month, out-of-staters $2.00. Every- never been easy, and many secured a teacher's cer-
body has ample phone time, everybody saves money, tificate as a sort of insurance. The University of
everybody is happy—the treasurer happiest of all. Missouri may be a pioneer in amending this situation.
I t has established its first placement bureau f o r the
P U T T I N G W E E K E N D S T O W O R K is the goal o f a College of Arts and Science w i t h an emphasis on aid
growing number o f institutions which are loath to see to this silent majority who are "qualified f o r a variety
campus facilities idle and at the same time are aware of jobs because they are trained to be competent re-
of potential students out there. Employed persons say searchers, careful readers, skilled writers and orderly,
that the weekend class time is preferable to evenings creative thinkers," according to a University spokesman.
because "we have more energy then." Where the idea
has been put to work, both students and schools are N E W L O O K A T G R A D E S is being implemented by
agreeing that it is a success. Class hours are between a program in the California university system. After
7 and 10 Friday evening, 9 t i l 4 Saturday, 1 t i l 4 on a five year waiting period, a student may erase an entire
Sunday, and courses range f r o m judo or square dancing year of poor grades and start over. The same approach
to graduate seminars, often advanced degree require- is being applied to disciplinary records at the University
ments which a student may attend for three hours on of Miami where students can clean the disciplinary slate
Saturday rather than shorter evening sessions two by serving a period of community volunteer work.
-Prepared by the Operation Brass Tacks Committee of the National Panhellenic Editors Conference.
Outstanding Collegiates
Margaret Louise Sigmon, fiX, is the re-
cently installed president of Morehead
Judy Laragon, CiX, graduating senior at Cynthia Lewis was elected to Phi Beta State University's Cardinal Key organiza-
Morehead State University, treasurer of Kappa national scholastic honor society,
Community and Student volunteers and at the University of Alabama where she's tion. A member of the M.S.U. women's
chapter relations chairman and assistant a member of Alpha Delta Chapter.
tennis team, an initiate of Sigma Alpha
pledge trainer, is featured in "Who's Who
in American Colleges and Universities." Iota and a member of the Concert Choir,
she holds membership in the Student Mu-
sic Educators National Convention.
Lambda Sigma's Donna Gude was gradu- Barb Kelly, A f i , CLC member from Re- Nu Zeta Chapter's Cynthia Studnicka is
ated Phi Beta Kappa in three years from
the University of Georgia and currently gion V, is chapter president, representa- a member of Cardinal Key, women's
is a student in Georgia's School of Law.
tive to the Panhellenic Council, debate national scholastic honorary.
squad member and a member of the hon-
orary debate fraternity.
Anne Quirke, A2> is Panhellenic rush
chairman at the University of Oregon.
Sigma Lambda's Sue Corona was a
member of the homecoming court at
the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
Miss America, Shirley Colhran, poses with Sigma Lambda Chap- Kienitz and Bev Honer. Second row: Maggie Arnold, Kathy
Pelzer and Deanne P f a f f .
ter members during the Miss LaCrosse-Miss Oktoberfest at the
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. In the foreground are Anne
BY 1
At Northern Illinois, Barb Fudem is Nu J
Alpha Sigma Chapter members, Becky
Iota Chapter president and Panhellenic Hart and Georgia McQuizin, are Fraterni-
rush chairman while Jackie Nitz serves as In charge of Nu Iota's rush activities are of Sigma Nu and Delta Upsilon
Laurie Weber and Joanie Kane.
chapter relations chairman and treasurer ties' courts, respectively.
of Panhellenic.
Nu Iota Cliapti r's new home at Northern Illi
nois University, DeKalb
n Four initiates (in white) at Theta Chap-
ter, Depauw University, pose with dis-
tinguished alumnae present for the ritual
and banquet. Front row, left to right, are
Jan Neibert, Hazel Longden, Janet Wong,
Laura Collom and Jane Farmer Hayes.
Center row: Martha Ellen Johnson, Ed-
riss Lovelace, Rozelle Ross and Mrs.
Forest Wildman. In the background are
Minna Mae Rightsell and Julie Tucker.
Mrs. Hayes was a member of Theta's
first pledge class.
Represented on Western Illinois Univer-
sity's jazz precision dance squad, the
Western Wranglers, are Sigma Iota Chap
ter members, Elizabeth Pankau, Dawn
Anderson and Gayle Knysz and flag
twirler, Linda Hutchison
Just a portion of Theta Chi's pledge class at Morningside College Members of Beta Pi Chapter join Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
practice the song they presented at Parents' Weekend. This class at Eastern Michigan University in staging a party for children at
was the largest group of pledges on campus. Rockham School.
' II!
as Delta Omega's pledge adviser, Treva Everly Mathis, is declared
Mrs. Murray State University.
Donna Bell, Janette Snyder and Marcia Blidy are members oj
Western Illinois University's Arista. This women's honorary re
cently has had its petition accented by Mortar Board. Donna is
president of the honorary while Marcia served this past year as
Sigma Iota Chapters president.
Carmen Arnold, A f i , is crowned Homecoming Queen at Murray State University
/ Cayle Miller, Delta Omega, is )ust one
AOII who is a Murray State University
hp blue and gold majorette.
Lori Cuerou, left, Pi Delta-University of
Maryland, who has distinguished herself
both in the Student Government Associa-
tion and with her chapter, by holding a
variety of offices, will be featured in
"Who's Who In American Colleges and
Judy Bro, right, Pi Delta-University of
Maryland, under a special program, is
studying at the university in Risshov, Den-
Beta Epsilon Chapter, Bemidji State College, is especially active in volunteer efforts of
the Arthritis Foundation. In the photo with Mrs. Jean Maltais, extreme left, com-
munity Arthritis chairperson are: Front row, Sharon Midkiff, Adriane Tenney, Chelle
Denman, Vicki Schoonover; Second row, Nancy Ainsworth, Kathy Dahl, Karin hind,
Mary Warner, Sandy Burns, Rosalie Streiff. In the background are Sue Westberg; Joni
Vanvalkenburg, Mary Hinkley, Amy Budris, Gay Lowth, Diane Wilczek, Marie Chris-
tianson, Denise Flavin and Becky Amundson.
Of the four fraternities at Birmingham
Southern College, two selected AOIIs as
their official favorites. Sally Ripatti, left,
is Crescent Girl of Lambda Chi Alpha,
while Lynette Bradley, right is Sweetheart
of Alpha Tau Omega.
Homecoming was an especially happy occasion at Bemidji, State College,
Bemidji, Minn., for Beta Epsilon Chapter when their own Mary
was crowned Homecoming Queen.
Highlighting the grand opening of the five and one-half million dollar Fine
Arts Center at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, was the theater
department's production of "Hamlet." AOII star was Deb Lewandowski,
left, who portrayed Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude. The rest of the
chapter ushered for the events in their red and white lace dresses.
Spotlighting Sigma Iota Chapter
This striking AOII art which adorns a wall in the dining room at the Sigma Iota 1 1W E ' V E | <§H§)\
chapter house is the work of Renee Rugg.
COLLEGIATES, we want to know
where you're.going!
If you will be transferring to another
campus in Fall, 1975, please complete
this form and send to Central Office.
Name Chapter
Address (home)
Transferring to .
Name of college or university
School Address—Fall, 1975
Well represented in the freshmen women's honorary scholastic organization, Alpha Send to: Alpha O m i c r o n Pi
Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
Lambda Delta, is Sigma Iota Chapter-Western Illinois University. Left to right are
Donna Bell, Elizabeth Rankou, Susan Fioretti, Gale Minnick and Jonalyn Lawson.
Janette Snyder, Debros Perna and Victoria Members of the education honorary. Wendy Meyers, Linda Adams and Jeanne
Justinick are Sigma lota members who be-
long to the women's business Kappa Delta Pi, at Western Illinois Uni- Logan are Sigma Iota Chapter members
Phi Gamma Nu. sorority,
versity are Sigma Iotas, Teresa Craig and who serve as baton twirlers.
Mary Elizabeth Cerling.
May Goodan, Is First Woman to Receive
Stanford's "Uncommon Man A w a r d "
May Chandler Goodan (Mrs. 5 Harry Chandler, was a Stanford
Roger. Lambda) has become the trustee for nearly 20 years, and her
first woman to receive the Stan- I husband, the late Roger Goodan
ford Associates' "Degree of U n - (Stanford 1913), was a Stanford
common Man." said that "the great human ad- Associate. Their f o u r children are
vances . . . were brought about by Stanford graduates, as are five
Richard W. Lyman, Stanford distinctly uncommon people with grandchildren, and a sixth grand-
University president, presented the vital sparks of leadership." child was expected to be graduated
honor to Mrs. Goodan at a re- in March.
cent luncheon at the Century Plaza. Only eight persons have received
the honor since its creation in 1953 The event marks the first time
Mrs. Goodan, a Phi Beta Kappa by the board of governors of Stan- the award has been granted since
graduate of Stanford in 1914, be- ford Associates. 1965 when George A . Ditz, ' 1 1 ,
came the first woman trustee of the and Herbert Hoover (posthumous-
university since Mrs. Leland Stan- Mrs. Goodan's father, the late ly) were honored.
ford and served on the board f r o m
1942 to 1962. I n addition to her Stanford Associates President A .
work for Stanford. Mrs. Goodan A. "Bud" Milligan introduced the
has received national recognition latest recipient of the Uncommon
for her efforts f o r the American Man Award. In addition to Presi-
Cancer Society. dent Milligan and President L y -
man, remarks were offered by
The "Uncommon M a n " award is Dave Jacobson, Emeritus Secretary
given for "rare and extraordinary to the University and former secre-
service" to Stanford. Its origin was tary of Stanford Associates, and
an address by President Herbert Chancellor Wally Sterling. The
Hoover, a member of Stanford's Stanford Board of Trustees were
first freshman class and a university special guests.
trustee f o r 50 years, in which he
Mississippi's Lucy Somerville Howorth AOTT Savory Ford
Lifelong Battler For Women's Rights
Lives In Interesting
Lucy Somerville Howorth (Mrs. Nominally retired since 1958, Mrs.
Joseph M . . Kappa) recently was the Howorth, a former U.S. Commissioner, Old Home Place
subject of a detailed feature story in state legislator, longtime member of the
The Clarion Ledger. Jackson. Miss. U.S. Board of Veterans Appeals and The Independent, Nevada County,
general counsel of the U.S. War Claims Calif., newspaper, recently saluted Miss
She has served both in the f o r e f r o n t Commission, she is still active in local, Savory Ford. Sigma, and her interesting
and the background of the battle for state and national affairs and in her and historic home in Nevada City.
equal rights f o r women and say^ prog- efforts to advance the rights of women.
ress in the field has been slow in com- It dates back to 1890 or 1891. Born
ing—"too slow"—but that women are Speaking recently at the annual meet- in it, w i h the exception of her years at
partially to blame. ing of the Mississippi Historical Society, the University of California-Berkeley,
she was preceded by M r s . H . L . Mere- Savory has lived in it all her life.
They have not felt the urge, largely dith, Jr., whose subject, "Nellie Nugent
speaking, to participate in public life, Somerville, Mississippi's Pioneer Femi- Steeped in F o r d history, the house
Mrs. Howorth observes, and they are nist," was Mrs. Howorth's mother. and its furnishings point to the family's
too easily discouraged. pioneer past.
28 D u r i n g a 41-year career as a teacher
at Nevada City Elementary School.
Savory has been proud and happy to
live in her historically rich home.
With Summer's Advent
Comes The Excitement of Rush
As an A O I I , it's your privilege to let that chapter know about her. Use necessity, is briefer than in years past.
share in this excitement. the following form or write a letter The collegiates will appreciate infor-
giving the information requested.
Although membership forms are no mation you send them on prospective
longer required, they are a great help The 1975 Rush Directory follows. rushees. Y o u will be helping them keep
to collegiate chapters because chapters A O I I at the top of the Greek groups.
want to know about the girls going Because of the early deadline of this
through rush. T O D R A G M A and the rapidly ap- Let the collegians know about that
proaching dates of the 1975 Interna- friend who would make a great A O I I !
If you know of someone going to tional Convention, the directory, by A O I I is love, so share that love with
college where there's an A O I I chapter. others.
Information Form
Rushee's Name (Attach Picture If Possible)
High School Graduated-
Name and Location Yea
Class Rank
D O Y O U K N O W T H E G I R L P E R S O N A L L Y ? IF S O , W H A T A R E Y O U R C O M M E N T S ABOUT HER. (Please, be
specific.) .
Is she familiar with Alpha Omicron Pi? From:
Does she have Alpha Omicron Pi relatives? Who? Name
Relatives In other N P C Groups?
To: (Chapter)
Chapter ALABAMA • Adviser Beta Lambda ILLINOIS. Mrs. Roger Schwierjohn
Alpha Delta Iota (Rosemary)
Alpha Kappa School and City Mrs. J . Donald Banks Nu Iota Illinois Wesleyan University 608Vi E . Walnut
Delta Delta University of Alabama (Sue Ellen) Sigma Iota Bloomington, Illinois Bloomington, I L 61701
Gamma Delta University, Alabama 1015 7th Ave., Apt. 7 Mrs. Russell Young (Linda)
Tau Delta Tuscaloosa, A L 35401 Beta Phi University of Illinois 505 S. Draper
Huntingdon University of North Alabama Miss Kathy Kochendorfer Chi Lambda Urbana, Illinois Champaign, I L 61820
Colony Florence, Alabama 322 Cardinal Dr., Apt. M Kappa Alpha Mrs. Peter Tauberheim
Theta Omega Decatur, A L 35604 Kappa Kappa Northern Illinois University (Barbara)
Upsilon Alpha Auburn University Mrs. Gus Barnes III Phi Omicron DeKalb, Illinois 524 White Oak Dr.
Auburn, Alabama (Charlotte) Phi Upsilon Roselle, I L 60172
Sigma Omicron 320 Shelton R d . Theta Western Illinois University Mrs. James Conley (June)
University of South Alabama Auburn, A L 36830 Macomb, Illinois 152 Penny Lane
Lambda Beta Mobile, Alabama Miss Margaret Hook Alpha Theta Macomb, I L 61455
Sigma 2005 Dauphin St., # 5 lota Sigma INDIANA
Sigma Phi Birmingham Southern College Mobile, A L 36603 Theta Chi Mrs. Arthur Anderson
Chi Alpha Birmingham, Alabama Mrs. Thomas Gibbs (Jane) Indiana University (Edith)
1217 Greensboro R d . Alpha Chi Bloomington, Indiana 836 S. Henderson, # 1
Gamma Huntingdon College Birmingham, A L 35211 Beta Chi Bloomington, I N 47401
Omicron Montgomery, Alabama Mrs. James A. Beck (Diane) Delta Omega University of Evansville Miss Antoinette Reitz
Kappa Gamma 3127 Old Dobbin R d . Omega X i Evansville, Indiana 521 Runnymeade Ave.
Montgomery, A L 36111 Evansville, I N 47714
Gamma Sigma Alpha Omicron Indiana State University Mrs. Paul Gibbons (JoAnn)
Lambda Chi ARIZONA - Mrs. William Epperson Delta Beta Terre Haute, Indiana 35 Gardendale R d .
Lambda Sigma (Susan > Kappa Tau Terre Haute, I N 47803
Northern Arizona University 1720 N . Navajo Dr. Lambda Tau Ball State University Mrs. William Huber
Beta Sigma FlagstalT, Arizona FlagstalT. A Z 86001 Pi Muncie, Indiana (Mary Lou)
Iota Alpha Mrs. John Leiber (Cheryl) 2000 W. Jackson St.
University of Arizona Miller Star Route. Box 4 Gamma Hanover College Muncie, I N 47303
30 Tucson. Arizona Tucson, A Z 85726 Hanover, Indiana Mrs. Fred Mullett (Thelma)
Box 73
ARKANSAS Mrs. Thad Wyatt (Carolyn) Purdue University Hanover. I N 47243
1812 Eldridge Lafayette, Indiana Mrs. John Wagoner (Nancy)
Arkansas State University Jonesboro. A R 72401 18 Spring Valley C t .
State University, Arkansas DePauw University W. Lafayette, I N 47906
Greencastle, Indiana Mrs. James Johnson
• CALIFORNIA - Mrs. James T. Ferrell (Martha)
(Penne) IOWA- 314 Highfall
California State at Long 21152 Binghampton Greencastle, I N 46135
Beach Huntington Beach, C A 92646 Coe College
Long Beach, California Mrs. Neil MacNeil (Leah) Cedar Rapids, Iowa Mrs. Allen Pesavento
7033 Hemlock (Renee)
University of California— Oakland, C A 94611 Iowa State University 1425 36th St. S E
Berkeley Mrs. Joe Compese (Crystal) Ames, Iowa Cedar Rapids, I A 52402
Berkeley, California 23063 Baltar St. Mrs. Robert Shirk (Karen)
California State University— Canoga Park, C A 91304 Morningside College 1314 Top-O-Hollow R d .
Northridge Mrs. A. L . Blubaugh (Esse) Sioux City, Iowa Ames, I A 50010
Northridge, California 3010 Dorlaine Ct. Mrs. Steve Wenberg (Barb)
University of California— Sacramento, C A 95821 KENTUCKY 2722 S. Coral
Davis Sioux City, I A 51106
Western Kentucky University
Davis, California Bowling Green, Kentucky Mrs. Neil Allen (Rachel)
459 Brentmoor
University of CCOolLorOadRo A D O Mrs. Judith Sullivan Kentucky Wesleyan College Bowling Green, K Y 42101
3320 Martin Dr. Owensboro, Kentucky Miss Ellen Fortune
Boulder, Colorado Boulder. C O 80302 R. R. 1
Murray State University Utica, K Y 42376
DELAWARE Miss Debby Trueax Murray, Kentucky Mrs. Kenneth Harrell (Ellen)
3 Allendale Dr., #12 Doran Road
University of Delaware Newark, D E 19711 Morehead State University Murray, K Y 42071
Newark. Delaware Morehead, Kentucky Dr. Mildred Quinn
1379 Sherwood Forest
FLORIDA Mrs. David Cox (Patsy) LOUISIANA Morehead, K Y 40351
1125 N W 36th Terrace
University of Florida Gainesville. F L 32601 Louisiana State University Mrs. Harold Mele, Jr.
Gainesville. Florida Mrs. Amy Miller Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Susan)
PO Box 2505 343 W . Chalfont Dr.
Florida Southern College Lakeland. F L 33803 University of Southwestern Baton Rouge, L A 70815
Lakeland, Florida Louisiana Mrs. Charles Latchen (Patti)
Lafayette, Louisiana 214 Broadmoor Blvd.
GEORGIA Mrs. Fred Hill (Vicki) Southeastern Louisiana Lafayette, L A 70501
3039 Mission Ridge C t . University Mrs. Lionel Laurent (Rose)
Georgia State University Atlanta, G A 30339 Hammond. Louisiana 805 Louisiana Ave.
Atlanta, Georgia Northeastern Louisiana Hammond. L A 70401
Mrs. Michael Etheridge University Mrs. David Barnes (Felicie)
LaGrange College (Julianna) Monroe, Louisiana 243 Oregon Trail
LaGrange, Georgia 18 Cherokee St. H . Sophie Newcomb Monroe, L A 71201
Newnan. G A 30263 Memorial College Mrs. Jake Alford (Karen)
University of Georgia Mrs. Richard Joiner (Julia) New Orleans, Louisiana 7913 St. Charles
Athens, Georgia 150 Cedar Creek Circle New Orleans, L A 70118
Athens, G A 30601 MAINE
Miss Debora Adams
•IDAHO Mrs. Richard Smith ( R D ) University of Maine 751 N . Main St.
125 Heron Orono, Maine Brewer, M E 04412
Boise State College Pocatello, I D 83201
Boise, Idaho
Mrs. Ray W. Grant (Terry)
Idaho State University
Pocatello, Idaho 912 W . Wyeth
Pocatello, I D 83201
Pi Delta MARYLAND• Miss Victoria Vinton Theta Psi LTniversity of Toledo Mrs. Warren C . Kerry
Sigma Tau 14015 Castle Blvd., #402 Toledo, Ohio (Prudence)
University of Maryland Silver Spring, M D 20904 Alpha Rho 6510 Cornwall Common
Beta Pi College Park, Maryland Mrs. Alan Goldstein Alpha Sigma OREGON Sylvania, O H 43560
Washington College 110 Campus Ave. Oregon State University Mrs. John R. Baines (Ruth)
Chestertown, Maryland Chestertown, M D 21620 Corvallis, Oregon 204 N W 27th St.
Corvallis, O R 97330
MICHIGAN • Miss Jan Twork University of Oregon Mrs. William Hemphill
4834 Lakeridge, # 2 B Eugene, Oregon 2355 Friendly
Eastern Michigan University Ann Arbor, M I 48197 Eugene, O R 97405
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Beta Epsilon . MINNESOTA - Mrs. Robert Smith (Jane) Ciamma Beta PENNSYLVANIA- Dr. Joan R. Yanuzzi
Tau 1401 Beltrami Phi Beta 150 Dolores Circle
Bemidji State College Bemidji, M N 56601 Sigma Rho Indiana University Indiana, P A 15701
Bemidji, Minnesota Mrs. Robert Tukey (Joan) of Pennsylvania Mrs. Barbara Yeager
649 Jackson St. N E Kappa Omicron Indiana, Pennsylvania 2552 South St.
University of Minnesota Minneapolis. M N 55413 Nu Omicron East Stroudsburg Allentown, P A 18104
Minneapolis, Minnesota Omega Omicron State College
East Stroudsburg, Mrs. Joseph Marks
Phi Alpha Pennsylvania (Ramona)
Tau Omicron Rt. 4
Slippery Rock State College Slippery Rock, P A 16057
Alpha Gamma Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
Nu Beta MISSISSIPPI Miss Debely Mathis
Box 5433
University of Mississippi TENNESSEE
University, Mississippi University, M S 38677
Southwestern at Memphis
Delta Pi MISSOURI- Mrs. James Chrisman Memphis, Tennessee Mrs. Brian Rushton
Lambda Omega (Barbara) (Priscilla)
Central Missouri State 703 E . Gay St. Vanderbilt University 95 Hollyoke Lane
University Warrensburg, M O 64093 Nashville, Tennessee Memphis, T N 38117
Warrensburg, Missouri Miss Patricia Mitch
327 N . Grand Ave. Lambuth College Mrs. Ann Matthes
Northwest Missouri State Maryville, M O 64468 Jackson, Tennessee 500 Plantation C t .
University Nashville, T N 37221
Maryville, Missouri University of Tennessee Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton,
Knoxville, Tennessee Sr. (Rena)
Alpha Phi MONTANA Mrs. Douglas Hoxsey (Zan) 575 Lambuth Blvd.
Beta Rho 418 S. Black East Tennessee State Jackson, T N 38301
Montana State University Bozeman, M T 59715 University Mrs. Charles Bettis (Nancy)
Bozeman, Montana Miss Christine Larsen Johnson City, Tennessee 7709 Bennington D r .
1310 Gerald Knoxville, T N 37919
University of Montana Missoula, M T 59801 University of Tennessee at Mrs. Gary McConkey
Missoula. Montana Martin (Becky)
Martin, Tennessee 400 W. Maple St.
Johnson City. T N 37601
Miss Edith Mitchell
Clement Hall, U T M
Martin, T N 38238
Nu Zeta NEBRASKA Mrs. James Nordstrom • WASHINGTON -
Phi Sigma (Anita)
Zeta Chadron State College 240 N . Morehead Washington State University Mrs. A. A. MacKimmie
Chadron. Nebraska Chadron, N B 69337 Pullman, Washington (Jean)
Mrs. James Smith (Donna)
Kearney State College 22 Skyline Dr. University of Washington N E 1645 Lower D r .
Kearney, Nebraska Kearney, N B 68847 Seattle, Washington Pullman, W A 99163
Mrs. Sue Stelzer Mrs. Bruce Busch
University of Nebraska 5031 Cresthaven Dr. (Kathleen)
Lincoln, Nebraska Lincoln, N B 68516 5700 29th N E
Seattle, W A 98105
NEW YORK Phi Kappa Morris Harvey College Mrs. James Bohnert (Susan)
Charleston, West Virginia 305 22nd St. S E
Sigma Chi Hartwick College Mrs. Fred Hickein (Ellie) Charleston, W V 25304
Theta Pi Oneonta, New York 82 E l m St.
Oneonta, N Y 13820 WISCONSIN -
Wagner College Mrs. Michael Grannetto Iota Tau Mrs. Stennett Pierce (Jan)
Staten Island, New York (Mary Lou) Phi Delta Stout State University 214 13th St.
746 Armstrong Ave. Sigma Lambda Menomonie, Wisconsin Menomonie, W I 54751
Staten Island, N Y 10308 Mrs. Jerry Enloe (Lynn)
University of Wisconsin- 2202 E . Newberry Blvd.
NORTH CAROLINA - Milwaukee Milwaukee, W I 53211
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Mrs. Cecil Hunt ( R D )
East Carolina University Mrs. William Huffman University of Wisconsin- 930 17th Ave.
Greenville, North Carolina (Jane) LaCrosse Grafton, W I 53024
120 Library St. LaCrosse, Wisconsin
Greenville, N C 27834
Kappa Pi Ohio Northern University Mrs. Jeanne McLean Beta Kappa University of British Mrs. D. Jessiman
Omega Ada, Ohio Dept. of Philosophy
Phi Lambda & Religion, O N U Columbia #1404—1441 St. George
Miami University Ada, O H 45810
Oxford, Ohio Mrs. William Quigley Vancouver, British Columbia, N. Vancouver, B C , Canada
5440 Vonderhaar
Youngstown State University Fairfield. O H 45014 Canada
Youngstown, Ohio Mrs. J . Russell Swegan
(Joan) Beta Tau ONTARIO Miss Marianne Posnikoff
169 St. George St., # 5 0 2
3972 S. Schenley, Box 3096 University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario,
Youngstown, O H 44511 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Canada M5R 2M4
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable Second Class Postage Paid at
copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, Suite 109, Indianapolis, Indiana, and at
3000 Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 additional mailing offices.
Robert Caidvell m ^A ,, ,„ W»
Mary Ann Rice *J 2
215 R o l l i n g Fork Ct.
N a s h v i l l e , TN 37205
1 •J-