The ancient jewelry craftsman, following in the steps of his father and grandfather before him, prided himself on his handiwork which stood alone in its high quality and fine craftsmanship.
Just as in the manufacture of your own fraternity badge today, the old craftsman was satisfied only with the best materials obtainable and through his years of ex- perience put forth his skill to fashion fine gold, silver, and precious stones into jewelry which was truly beautiful and which would be a worthy symbol of all that is fine, permanent, and beautiful.
Balfour craftsmen today create your fra- ternity badges, keys, and rings, adding those finishing touches by hand which set such jewelry on a plane high above ordi-
nary insignia and personal accessories a class alone in quality.
35 Branch Offices 70 Representatives
1935BALFOUR BLUE BOOThe Smart Revue of Fraternity JewelL. G.
Sole O f f i c i a l Jeiceler
to A l p h a Omicron
Scotty Picture Frame Zipper Suede Bag Horseshoe Charm Hand-hammered Rings Clever Dance Favors..—
JPage 46 " 43 " 39 " 12 " 44
Known Wherever There Are Schools and Colleges
o Dragma
»» MARCH 1935
iq K
jDhicago 1935
|\.U.W. Fellows
jbtricted Housing Interests AOII Architect mn D a y s i n I t a l y
*"Brought-On" Christmas for 5,000. .' jpto Deal Thresholds
Dorris Bennett Johnson The Editor
Jerelyn H a d d o c k G r a c e P a r k i n s o n B l a n d M o r r o w Grace L. B. Milligan Irma Hammerbacher
M *
ALPHA—Barnard College— Inactive.
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, N ew
Nn—New York University, New York City. OUICBON—University of Tennessee. Knoxville,
burg, Va.
ZBTA—UniTersity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SIQMA—University o f California, Berkeley, Calif. THETA—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. BETA—Brown University—Inactive. DELTA—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass. GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, Me. EPSILON—Cornell University, Itbaca, N . Y . RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
O M I C R O N PI—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynch-
Pi DELTA—University of Maryland, College Park,
L A MB D A —L e l a n d S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y , P a l o Calif.
A l t o , TAD—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, III.
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y .
UraiLOM—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
No KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal- las, Tex.
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
B E T A KAPPA—University o f V ancouver, B . C .
A L P H A GAMMA—Washington man, Wash.
British Columbia,
State College, Pull-
A L P H A PHI—Montana State College, Mont.
N o OMI CRON—V a n d e r b i l t Tenn.
U n i v e r s i t y , Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
N a s h v i l l e , PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
DELTA PHI—University of South Carolina, Colusa-
ALUMNA—Cleveland, ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn.
P R O V I D E N C E ALUMNA—Providence, Rhode
B O S T O N ALUMNA—Boston, Mass.
Los A N G E L E S ALOMNA—Los Angeles, Calif. CHICAGO ALUMNA—Chicago, 111. INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNA—Indianapolis, Ind.
D E N V E R ALUMNA—Denver, Colo.
C I N C I N N A T I ALUMNA—Cincinnati, Ohio.
T U L S A ALUMNA—Tulsa, Okla.
D A Y T O N ALOMNA—Dayton, Ohio.
SAN DIEGO ALOMNA—San Diego, Calif.
N E W JERSEY ALUMNA—Metropolitan New Jersey. BUFFALO ALUMNA—Buffalo, N . Y .
WESTCHESTER ALUMNA—Westchester County,
N. Y.
ATLANTA ALOMNA—Atlanta, Ga. BALTIMORE ALOMNA—Baltimore, Md. T O R O N T O ALUMNA—Toronto, Ontario.
F B A N C I S C O ALUMNA—San Francisco, Calif.
M I N N E A P O L I S ALDMNAA—Minneapolis, BANGOR ALUMNA—Bangor, M e.
P O R T L A N D ALUMNA—Portland, Ore.
S E A T T L E ALOMNA—Seattle, W ash.
K N O X V I L L E ALDMNS—Knoxville, Tenn.
N A S H V I L L E ALUMNA—Nashville, Tenn.
York City.
A L P H A SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.—
TAU DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College, Bif. mingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA—University of California at Lot Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
K A P P A OUICBON—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. A L P H A RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
CHI DELTA—University o f Colorado, Boulder. Colo.
B E T A THKTA—Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. ALPHA PI—Florida State College for Women.
Tallahassee, Fla.
E P S I L O N ALPHA—Pennsylvania State College, State
College, Pa.
T H E T A ETA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
BETA TAD—University of Toronto, Toronto, One. \A L P H A TAU—Denison University, Granville, Ohio,
vallia, O re.
bia, S. C.
B E T A GAMMA—Michigan State
A.A.U.W. Fellowship Reports Interest AOITs 4
Restricted Housing Interests Santa Fe Architect 6
AO 11 Mothers and Daughters 8
DoYouKnowThat 9
Ten Days in Italy
Travel and Transport
A "Brought-On" Christmas for5,000 New Deal Thresholds
Alpha O's in the Daily Press Looking at Alpha O 's
Alumnae Notes
Directory of Officers
Convention Reservation Blank
-Stilted { 7 Wilma
15 17
20 21
? 44 Cover I I I
Dragma C^iciaf ^|Qu£fication
In the MARCH • 1935 Issue « Convention Bound Frontispiece
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul Minne- sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at S>l. I*aul Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided forin the Act of February 28, 192S,Section 412, P.L.&R., authorized tebruary 12, 1950.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial material to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.
The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
(2 o n v e n f i O H
J35 O
14 »i
77*? fireplace in the dining room at Ferry Hall lends beauty to a
HICAGO—1935 By Dorris Bennett Johnson, Rho
I'ttu Gourmet invites you to dine in the open BEOurt under gay colored umbrellas or inside j$S you prefer.
served on oil cloth at long tables. No style.
If we haven't had brioche or croissant since Across the boulevard is Diana Court— we were in Paris, Mine. Casse on Rush street pamed for its bronze fountain. The Vassar has a pastry shop, the products of which will
[jcertain nights of the week the illumination IQl the fountain draws great crowds to ad- mire. We should also give the decorative Worses in Grant Park our consideration before [moving on to Lorado Taft's charming "Foun- tain of Great Lakes" with Art Institute as
pits background.
In the next block north is Woods' tea room, s'which along with Huyler's, Grayling's, The ^Trading Post, and Jacques is where smart
Chicago women lunch.
•f As we approach the bridge, we realize that [the lower level takes truck traffic by day iwhile housing many jobless by night. T o some jthe name "Hoover Hotel" will ring a bell—
and ibis is it! One block past the bridge |bxings us to Ohio Street, where to the east is the Rococo House, a splendid Swedish res- HjUrant with its "smorgasbord." The Italian [Court is next, a scenic spot which reminds
At Oak Street we leave the Drive after a glimpse through the sumptuous new quarters of Spaulding-Gorham in the Drake Hotel. If we go in for the unusual, Futaba will be happy to serve us in a manner which will
.augment any jaded respect we might have for Japanese cooking. The specialty which is available is sukiayaki. Each course from the appetizers garnished with sea weed through the fish course of French fried shrimp, the entree, to the dessert brings food for the eye as well as the body. The main course is prepared on our table under the personal su- pervision of the host or hostess. We have the opportunity of using chop sticks and find ourselves quickly proficient, much to our con- sternation and delight. It adds greatly to the fun. Don't miss this.
\ Even after a lifetime of residence in this f jnidwestern metropolis, new corners and unique experiences draw us to places never before ^discovered. Chicagoans, it seems, know little Fof their city, but the Fair did a lot toward
toakening our self-consciousness. Unques-
tionably the Art Institute, the Planetarium, Kjhe Field Museum, the Shedd Aquarium, and \ Marshall Field's are of great value, and nei-
ther native Chicagoan nor visitor cares to
admit not having "done" these places. How- j.ever, we would like to pass along some sug- Bjrestions for new places not mentioned by H*rubber-neck wagons," nevertheless dear to [.those who found them.
I From Balbo Avenue to a few blocks north of the water towers which survived the Chi- •cago fire, we can get a typical cross section f.ol Chicago with almost no divergence from .Michigan Avenue on which we will base mosl
not know exists.
Yamanaka's in the Saks Fifth Avenue
Building launches us on an Oriental section superbly manifesting rarities which in many instances should be museum pieces. We cer- tainly cannot afford to miss hundreds of min- iature animals, birds, and characters of semi- precious stones and ivory, the ivory flowers tinted to resemble iris, violet, chrysanthemum. Bronzes, brocades, flower arrangements, paint- ings on silk are only a few of the art objects holding us in awe. Across the street again is a Japanese shop which deals in prints chief- ly, we understand. If one is interested, these can be had along with many other little treas- ures at very nominal prices. T h e gentleman in charge used to repair the prints at the I n - stitute; therefore, he is well qualified to sug-
gest or assist in selection.
4become a part of their Chicago-feeling. We'll "Start, then, after such contemplation, with the -Buckingham Fountain, which compares so fa-
tery, pewter, pajamas, runners, furs, screens, and jewelry entice our coins from the prover- bial sock or tea pot. The jewelry is unique,
x. HAVE YOU ever eaten sukaiyaki? Are you rior court reflect the lovely columns, the sil- interested in brioche, croissant, "reds," houettes in glass, and an unique floor design modern architecture, pottery, Italian courts, —a really beautiful contemporary expression ; Orientals If not—well, read this anyway! in architecture and sculpture which many do
Under the shadow of the beacon on the [of our observations. The sky-line first be- Palmolive Building is still another Oriental ijcomes a real entity to those who allow it to shop—Caroline Wilson's—where china, pot-
vorably with famous fountains around the very inexpensive. Here, may be found gifts
world that we should see the displays which to satisfy that most discriminating relative Sotcur at regular intervals during the day; back home.
T w o other restaurants in the vicinity and next to one another are A Bit of Sweden •S of old New Orleans. It contains artists' (more picturesque than Rococo House and studios. Hull House Shop, Indian ware, and equally good food) and Julien's, serving BTatman's, famous for glass, china, silver. Le French meals, specializing in luscious food and excellent dressings—very inexpensive—
Pa room as well as shops around this inte-
A. A. U.W . Fellowship
-+- LISTENING to numerous reports on A.A. U.W. Fellows at Fellowship luncheons, given at the -Minneapolis College W omen's Club this year, has made me unusually inter- ested in the recipients of the Fellowships granted by the Committee of Awards of the
tution and an M.A. from Columbia Uni sity, and is the daughter of Dr. H. A. Morgan, former president of the University ofTennessee and now one of the directors othe Tennessee Valley Authority."
The notice failed to tell that her sisterFay, has been a loyal assistant and was thco-author of the guide, Health—in HomeAmerican Association of University Women Sclwol and Community; that Lucy servedin February. My interest seems to have been rewarded by their choice, for whom should I find listed but Lucy Morgan (0), two women from the University of Minnesota and Marion Louise Rice, who will be our Alpha Omicron Pi Fellow for the year of 1935-36.
Since many of you know Lucy, Pll tell you about her Fellowship first. Says the A.A.U.W. notice:
"Lucy S. Morgan, health education spe-
cialist, Tennessee State Health Department.—
Mary Pemberton Nourse Memorial Fellow-
ship, to study the science of public health at
Yale Liniversity, with a view to returning to
public health education work in Tennessee.
Miss Morgan has already played an important
part in public health education in the state of
Tennessee. In 1931 when the Commonwealth
Fund made a grant to the University of Ten-
nessee for a project to raise the health knowl-
edge of the people of the state, Miss Morgan
Knoxville Alumnae Chapter as president threeyears out of four; that the good wishes ofAlpha Omicron Pi go to her.
Before I tell you about Miss Rice, I wanto mention that Maude Frame will holdthe Fanny Bullock W orkman Fellowship givenby Bryn Mawr College this next year and wilstudy abroad, while Florence Harden (•&)earned the University of Pennsylvania Scholarship for graduate work.
Miss Rice was born at Estherville, Iowaon July 4, 1909. She worked her way throughthe University of Wyoming, from whence shewas graduated in 1931 and which granted hera master's degree in 1932. In the autumn of1933 she worked at George Washington University and did research in the Library ofCongress. At present she is at the Universityof Chicago, a resident of Gates Hall. Her research is in the field of American history withwas appointed fellow and later assistant to emphasis on the capitalistic activity in thework on the project. She developed plans period of the American Revolution. Duringwhich are now being followed for public her year in Washington she worked under thehealth education in high school, college, and guidance of Dr. J. Franklin Jameson, Chief ofadult groups—all with reference to the par- the Division of Manuscripts, in the Lihrary ofticular problems of Tennessee. To the task Congress, holding the Jameson Fellowship uof popularizing health education, Miss Morgan American History. This year she has thebrings a rare and much-needed combination Cleo Hearon Fellowship at Chicago.
of scientific background and qualities of lead- Miss Rice writes as follows of her plansTO DRAGjership, and her work has not only been approved by educators and scientists, but hawon popular support. The State ParentTeacher Association has enthusiastically adopted Miss Morgan's course for adult groupsOne specific result has been a city-wide caijpaign for diphtheria immunization, sponsoredby the Knoxville Parent-Teacher AssociationAfter a year's research in public health problems at Yale, where she will complete the requirements for the Ph.D. degree, Miss Morgan plans to resume her work in educating thpeople of Tennessee in regard to matters ohealth. She is a graduate of the Universitof Tennessee, with an M.S. from that instiMarion of the ship,
Louise Alpha granted
Rice is the winner
Omicron through
Fellow- A.A.U.W.
Reports Interest AOII'S
- f ,
[early capitalism in America. Although in re- cent years a number of historians have treated American history from the standpoint of its economic aspects, little attention has been di- rected to the growth of capitalism as an insti- tution and particularly as it was related to a similar development in Europe. Moreover, al- though some studies have been made of par- ticular aspects of economic life in the colonial ^period and the years after the war, the years fot the Revolution itself have been neglected. It was these years, when the old trade struc- ture was shattered and there were new de- mands and needs as well as unusual oppor- tunities f o r speculative enterprise, that appear to have been of special significance as a stim- ulus to the appearance in America of the techniques of capitalism which were already
well established in Europe.
E "Looking for evidences of this, I was so
"As I have already indicated, eight months, September 1933 to June 1934, have been de- voted to research on my thesis topic. Several weeks of the summer were used in classify- ing and organizing the material. At present, an article intended for publication entitled 'The Structure of Franco-American Trade Relations, 1777-1783' is under preparation. I n addition, several chapters introductory to the main body of the study were written last year in Washington for a Seminar.
"Although the research for my thesis can- not be carried on here in Chicago, the dis- sertation will be written under the direction of the Department of History of the Liniver- sity of Chicago. I have also the privilege of the advice and assistance of Professor Fred- erick L. Nussbaum at the University of Wy- oming, to whose field mine is closely allied.
"Because of the new material which I am presenting and the interest which is being manifested of late in my general field, I ex- pect that the thesis when finished will be pub- lished.
t l - , - -
fortunate as to encounter the extensive col-
lection of the papers of John Holker, the first
French consul, which are of recent acquisition
||y the Division of Manuscripts in the Library
of Congress and hitherto unused. In them
I found important evidence of business con-'
sections between leading French and Ameri- of American history and continued research
can entrepreneurs and material for a detailed study of commercial and financial enterprise 'during this period. I spent most of last year, therefore, in an analysis of the information given in these papers. To complete the study * must investigate the papers of Holker's part- ners, especially those of Robert Morris and William Duer in Philadelphia and New York, *ud to do justice to material which I believe |? significant, I must spend another year in
research and writing.
in the field which I have begun, that is, American economic history from the stand- point of the development of economic institu- tions."
On May 1, the Alpha Omicorn Pi Fellow- ship in Memory of Lillian MacQuillin Mc- Causland will be awarded. In May, 1936, the Fellowship in Memory of Ruth Capen Farmer
will be given.
Members of AOII are eligible; each Fellow- ship amounts to $750.
i s - - jl - - - e f y -
MARCH, 1 9 3 5
R«I wish to spend next year in research for and the w r ' t m S °f m y doctoral dissertation. rrue most important materials that I have yet
use are in Philadelphia and New York, Ljd I shall need a short time in Washington at the conclusion of my research.
«My thesis is upon the subject of French a I 1 j American businessmen in the American Revolution and is based upon a study of the activities of John Holker, French consul at Philadelphia and representative of important French business interests, and his American partners, of whom Robert Morris was the J^jost important. It is a limited phase of the field which I hope later to develop, that of
Lucy Mary
Morgan, Omicron, Pemberton Nourse
holds the Memorial
"My ultimate purpose is the college teaching
6 To DRAGMRestricted Housing InterestsAn office and apartment building in Rancho Santa Fe looks more like a lovely residence.
provement Company payroll, making sketchin connection with the sales ottn thproject as well as designing homes.
The project was an ideal one with whicto work, for the deeds to the property incoporated certain requirements: everyone muguarantee to improve his property within onyear after purchase and he had his choice oplanting an orchard, of landscaping the proerty, or of building a home. The exteriodesign of all buildings had to be approveby the company's representative. A few piecof property had the restriction placed upothem that a purchaser must start building hhome within ninety days after purchase.
As these architectural restrictions expirein January, 1933, the property owners forn?an association and adopted a covenant wifunctions similar to a city charter, except th-4- A T LAST I have prevailed upon Lilian Rice ( 2 '10) to tell me a little bit about her interesting profession; that of an archi-
While working with Requa Jackson, in 1922,
she was sent to Rancho Santa Fe by them to superintend construction of some buildings they had designed. Rancho Santa Fe, by the way, is one of California's most exclusive and unique communities. Lying between moun- tains and sea, in a protected area of rolling hills, its presents a beautiful sight of avocado and citrus groves, dotted with colorful Span- ish haciendas. After several months she was transferred to the Santa Fe Land and I m -
es i? h r- st e f p- r d es n is u |jj tn at
This friendly gate leads into the garden of a residence in La Jolla, designed by Lilian Rice, Sigma.
the voting power rested in the hands of the (property owners instead of the registered pub- lic. This covenant provided for an art jury of three members whose duty it is to pass ton the design of all buildings or structures. Lilian has served as secretary to this art jury
since its beginning.
I Lilian has had many interesting commis- sions, but one of the most unusual, I think, is that of doing the Bing Crosby group. Mr. Crosby bought an old Spanish grant which included several old adobe buildings. Lillian superintended the reconstruction of these, to make them usable as guest houses, and then she planned a beautiful home for him to be built out of real adobe bricks and designed similar to the original hacienda. Her office in Santa Fe is ideal for residential work there, but her fame has spread afar and she has had work in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego tounties. She even designed a California
house to be built in Connecticut.
She tells us that no architect's life is tran- quil, for something unusual is happening at «1 times and in as many places as there is Work being done— new inventions, new prices,
new building laws, misinterpretation of work- ing drawings and specifications, carelessness of workmen, lack of coordination between the various branches of the work and the human element on all sides. It is a work no definite portion of which one can ever be satisfied with but which always holds out a beckoning hand to attempt to reach perfection.
The only sad part of this Rancho Santa Fe business is that it keeps Lilian so busy that we in San Di£go very rarely see her. It is about thirty miles from San Diego so she is not able to get in to many of our evening meetings, but I assure you we are all thrilled when she can come and give us some of her pep and enthusiasm. Once you meet Lilian, you can hardly wait to have her design your dream house, because you just
know that it will fill your fondest hopes and desires.
When you all come to San Diego to the California Pacific Exposition in 1935, you must be sure and take the trip to Rancho Santa Fe and call on Lilian, and I am sure you will be just as enthusiastic about her and her artistic work as are we.
Annetta Stephens Shute, lota, has a daughter in her chap-
Wood Fowler, (below).
the daughter of Atha
Iota, is lota
Catherine Kappa,
daughter of Linda
Kappa, Bernice Heard,
Kappa (left).
Alice mother
S he ppard
Heard's, is
Ter- is the
MARCH, 1935
Do You Know That-
LORRAINF. HITCHCUCK ( Z ) is president of
the Y.W.C.A. at the University of Ne-
• Winona Gould, A president, will he Chapel IQrator a t Jackson College's Commencement; •Patricia Gavin, A corresponding secretary, will Ibe Tree Orator; and Ann Maher (A) is on [the banquet committee?
\ The vice president of W.A.A. at Indiana Hjuversity is Elizabeth Garber (B*) ? You ],a v < been told that the president is A n n
I'Greenawalt (B*).
L Tau Chapter has an Intersorority Dinner to : which two members from each sorority on
the Minnesota campus arc invited?
Carolyn V ogt and Eleanor Quirk OTA') there made sponsors of R.O.T.C. companies
at the I'niversity of Maryland?
I Harriet Gilchrist and Jean Van Sice (A#)
Rwere pledged to AAA, freshman scholastic hon- orary, at Montana State College?
[ Margaret Smith and Mildred Granicko (XA) were initiated into W.A.A. at Colorado? Pauline Megenity, a O pledge, is secretary
.of the Y.W.C.A. at He Pauw?
'. Margaret Mayer (911) is vice president at
the National Sociological Society? She was selected at the Chicago Convention in Decem-
Nu Omicron intertaiiied for BT*, a new
Sorority on the Yanderbilt campus?
c Dorothy Fuller ( A T ) made a straight A
average at Denison last semester?
[ The size of Alpha Tail's library was in- Kreased when each member brought a book ifrom home at holiday time?
I Clara Belle Matthews, All pledge, directed [the play, "The Scoop," given at the governor's [mansion at Tallahasse e on 1-Yhruary 5? Eva- Nine Rankin (AN) was in the cast.
Ix"d by Rosemary Edmonds ( B K ) , assisted by Barbara Baird (BK) and I.ennie Price ( BK), a new system, "Club-rushing" was in- augurated on the British Columbia campus this term? Rosemary, as president of the newly- [•Rankin, Alice Porter, Nina Hughes, Sara formed club, "The New Literary Forum," Graham. Ruth Daniels, and Mary Carson. presided at a large tea-meeting given by Dean L Edith Huntington Anderson spoke at the Boiler! to establish the new idea? Miss Bil- BJniversity of Toronto Panhellenic banquet lert praised the work of the AOn's in this
Edith Cope (fi) is treasurer of Hie Y.W.C.A. at Miami University and was in charge of the Christmas Sale?
Adria Veleke (Ar) is president of TAX, ad- vertising honorary?
Dorothea Ferguson's (E) name will appear in the first Who's Who of Cornell University students? She is a member oi *K«t>, *BK, and Mortar Board.
Vivian GJea and Gwen Bittle (0) won the intersorority shuffleboard tournament?
Ernestine Moise (H) is captain of her class hockev team ?
Dorothy Browne (NK) was elected secre- tary of the Commerce School at S.M.U.?
Margorie Alice Lenz (KO) is associate edi- tor of the Southern Campus, U.C.LA.'s year- book?
Helen Le$ and Louise Muncie ( B r ) are leading freshman discussion groups at Michi- gan State College?
Tau Delta has meetings in the chapter room every other week after the style of a "cookie shine," each girl bringing some food which she has prepared?
Frances Maxon (T) has just passed the Washington bar examination? She is the. first woman who has passed the examination in two years.
Chi has enjoyed the fireside chats held dur- ing the winter? Dr. M . Beebe, connected with Syracuse University since 1892, was the honor guest at one. She related the history of the University.
Elleanor Shaffer, X pledge, had one of the highest averages in the freshman class with six A's to her credit?
Kappa Chapter initiated eighteen pledges on February 10?
The names of nine members of AH ap- Kpeared on the honor roll at F.S.C.W. for 'the first semester? They were Marjorie Car- ler, Mildred Williams, Alice Stone, F.valine
When she visited Beta Tau Chapter?
» Grace Waring (KO)was elected to S.T.A.B., [4n intersorority society for brunettes at South- western ?
Imogene Beamer (4>) made fifteen hours of A?
lean Dragoo and Ruth Ferguson ( I ) will
have their pictures in the Campus Leader section of the Illio? Jean is woman's editor of The Illini and Ruth a member of the board of control.
Marjorie Berryman (I) is a member of the varsity debate team of Illinois?
Margaret Hall (A) is the laboratory assis- tant to Dr. Ferris, Curator of Entomology at Stanford?
Hour? Mary has just been initiated into the Stanford student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Alpha Sigma was represented on the honor roll at the University of Oregon by Jean Aiken, Evelyn Schaefers, and Gladys Battle- son?
Marian Messick (B9) was chairman of a benefit bridge sponsored by Spurs at Butler? Marian is a new initiate ofW.AA.
Each member of Delta Phi bought hand- kercbieves, socks and other clothing f o r a child at Wilson Mill, a settlement near Co- lumbia, South Carolina? They also sent money to buy shoes for our Kentucky children.
Ellen La Borde (A<i>) is the president of Panhellenic at the University of South Caro- lina?
Margaret Simpson, A4> pledge, has organized a dramatic club at Carolina?
Shirley Hatch ( r ) is president of Balentine Hall at Maine?
Anne Eliasson ( r ) is spending the semester at the Merrill-Palmer School in Detroit? A committee from the Home Economics depart- ment at Maine recommended Anne because of her high scholarship and her exceptional promise.
Nu Chapter held rushing second semester and entertained at a dinner party followed by a dance at AK* house and a tea at Long Island?
E. Marion Tomlinson and Frances Laubach (EA) were graduated from Pcnn State with second honors?
Sigma members arc interested in Univer- sity of California publications? Ellen Cran- mer works on the Daily Californian; Jane Kendall and Barbara Johnson on the Pelican, and Patricia Appleton on Blue and Gold.
The literary editor of Pennsylvania's Rec- ord Book is Doris Bastian (*) ?
"Pincky" Davis (^), who was chairman of Junior Prom at the University of Pennsyl- vania, is the chairman of the mid-winter ball sponsored by W .S.G.A. ?
The editors of two of the four best Baro- meters published during January at Oregon State College were Georgena Samson and Althea Bruhl? They received staff efficiency awards last fall.
The Mothers' Club at Northwestern gave new furnishings for Rho house?
Eta Chapter filled its pledge quota this sem ester?
Romance Cowgill (H) was initiated into Wisconsin Players?
T o
DR,\I;M CWVat-g tpefers
by Mary Ellen Chase
-+- WERE MARY ELLEN CHASE (r) a com-poser instead of an author, her musicform would be symphonic, a recurrent themeMuriel Pleasant (A) sang over the N.B.C. measure would tie her work into a unifiednetwork on February 18 on the Stanford whole; her frequent tone pictures of seasonalMary Atkins, Gertrude Blanchard, and
changes would bring beauty of overtone to abackground of heavy, sombre, immutablemusic of sea and weather. Were she artistinstead of writer we might expect her to drawwith infinite detail. I like best to think of heras a weaver of Gothic tapestry for MaryPeters is, to me, a lovely Milie Fleur tapestryof the late nineteenth century and early twen-tieth. M any o f the characterizations are ofpeople whom I know now but whom 1 havenever met. They are as distinct as the figuresin the tapestry, set apart by lines which keepthem separate from their background and yetwoven so completely into it that they couldbelong to no other part of the world. Thereare myriads of finely drawn details, brightas the tiny flowers of the tapestry, but so in-trinsically a part of the whole that they, too,belong only to it. Through the book as acrossthe hanging runs a repeated motif, the after-glow of sunlight on the sails of a disappear-ing ship; the brilliant whiteness of Cadiz;the tiny, bewildered face of the kitten.
Mary Ellen Chase is an essayist, a com-mentator on life, a chronicler of the passingof time in Maine places. Mary Peters pre-sents her at her best. I found whole sectionsof the book, which, with little explanation,could be taken out in entirety. Sarah Peters'philosophy of life belongs to a woman whoknew the futility of complaint against forcesbeyond human control. Only with such a phi-losophy could she have lived in such com-pleteness after her body became helpless.Mary is like her, influenced by the samepowers of water, storm, sun and calm. Tous whose lives have been lived on prairiesor in places where ponds are called lakes and creeks, rivers, Sarah and Mary are strangers;Ellen and Mrs. Kimball belong to our im-patient, much-ado-about-nothing environment.A vast reading public has chosen MaryPeters as a "best seller." I inquired about itspopularity at several rental libraries. Onelibrarian told me that young people like itbest, "because of its dark mood." Anothersaid older people enjoyed it most because theyhad lived through the change in life which the coming of steam, the telephone, and the automobile brought. Be that as it may, MaryEllen Chase has written a splendid book and that the public has read it must be a satisfac-tion to the woman who has sought to teach students to read less and absorb more.
While her book is enjoying popularity in this country, Miss Chase is in Cambridge,England, on sabbatical leave from her dutiesat Smith College.
[AKCH, 1935 11 Ten Days in Italy
I SUPPOSE the most exciting part of the
year in Europe was my Easter holiday open to the public. She took three of us
most beautiful cities in the world, with it* wide streets, lovely white houses and magnif- icent gardens. One of the girls was fortunate enough to be given special permission to visit the Vatican gardens which are not usually
tell you about what I saw in those ten days. of seeing not only the marvelous Vatican
which I spent in Italy, so I have chosen to along with her, so we had the great privilege
The trip was arranged by the American Uni- versity Union in Paris for American and Canadian students. A group of twelve signed up, and most of us were taking courses at the Sorbonne in Paris, so we were more or less acquainted before we started out.
The date of our departure from Paris was the night of March 25. My American chum and I managed to get off to a good start by nearly missing the train. But we got aboard
: just as it started. W e had two compartments , between the twelve of us, but, of course, there KIS no room to stretch out. One of the girls, however, ingeniously suggested the bag- gage racks as beds, so all night we took turns climbing up there and sleeping in rather cramped positions—with our weather eye out,
museum and art gallery, but also the magnif- icent formal private gardens of the Pope.
On Thursday we left at nine o'clock for Naples and arrived about noon. At last I coidd really believe I was in Italy. Rome is such a modern city that it might be found in another country. But surely Naples is typi- cally Italian. Even on the cold rainy day we arrived, the washing was suspended across the narrow streets and alley-ways in true Italian fashion.
Friday was, I think, the most enjoyable day of all the trip, for that was the day we went to the island of Capri. When we set out it was rather dull, but once we had left the harbor the clouds began to break and before long the sun was shining brightly and the Mediterranean had taken on the wonderful
Of course, for the train guard.
In the morning we were tired and dirty. fCONTINUED
4 3 ]
• but soon forgot about that when we began grossing the French Alps. They were star- tlingly beautiful in the morning sunlight, 'towering up into a sky of unbelievable blue. The little villages nestling at the foot of the
huge peaks were so picturesque.
After passing through lovely fertile farming
country, we at last reached Genoa and the •Mediterranean. The trip down the coast from Genoa was very lovely. On either side of us were beautiful Italian villas surrounded by luxuriant gardens. Behind were the moun- tains, and the hills were covered with olive orchards. I couldn't overcome the impression that the country we were passing through was stage scenery. The Italian houses are painted
tin the prettiest pastel shades. We even saw mauve houses with yellow shutters. W e passed through Genoa and Pisa, catching a fleeting glimpse of the Leaning Tower and finally reached Rome about midnight.
'm sure we all fell asleep that night as soon as our heads touched the pillow, Italian trains are not the most comfortable in the world! I think Rome must be one of the
Beta Governor- General's medal for leading her graduat-
Parkinson, held the
ing class and unnner of the
arship the
was French schol- year at
a Sorbonne.
C on
T o
DRAG Mv c n tio n
B o u n d . . .
From the court at Ferry Hall you can see from eft to right Ferry Hall, the Chapel, South Hall.
ALICE THOMSON, T V ^ ^ l and TransportAlpha, Tells About lIaVt51
-+- AFTER TWOyears of viewing the Travel and Transport exhibit at "A Century of Progress," to say nothing of the "W ings of a
Century" pageant, any Chicagoan should be able to tell you how and how not to come to convention. We do not advise ox carts, canal boats, stage coaches, nor even the famous early pullmans with their kerosene lamps and peculiarly constructed bunks. \\Y suggest in- stead all the railroads and all the buses that connect every corner of the United States with Chicago and Lake Forest. And if you are air minded, we can give you information on plane service, too. The: railroads make special rates in some cases, as you will see from the list of special trips, and later on in the traveling season there may be some rates further reduced. This is also true of the bus rates. The bus, by the way, is an ideal cheap way of getting to convention, which the
There are many trips which may be takeeither before or after convention. We suggea motor trip around Lake Michigan, a botrip to Mackinac Island, which takes a weethe boat trip to Detroit and one to Buffalo, oup the Saguenay, the St. Lawrence and thThousand Islands. Have you any special ideain regard to a trip? If so, write to DorothDuncan, 225 Wood Court, Wilmette, IllinoiShe will plan anything your heart desires anhave a heart for your pocket-book at the samtime. If you have any questions as to exaccost of any special part of your trip herwhich must be answered soon, write to youtransportation chairman, "greeter-in-generalbaggage master—in fact, the person who hato do what it takes to get you here—Mr\V. S. Thomson. 926 Forest Avenue. EvanstqiIllinois.
The following railroad rates have l»ecTransportation Chairman recommends from quoted to us. These are quite definite thougpast experience. Of course, everyone can't subject to change without notice. The raiexpect to meet Clark Gable, but the scenery road companies indicate that there will his beautiful, the buses comfortable, and you summer tourist rates from the East and thhave material for a book afterward, just West. However, these rates have not beewatching your fellow passengers. So try it posted as yet, but the fares below will givif you're operating on a small budget. You you an idea of the cost. Delegates must takmust not miss Convention! advantage of the lowest possible rates as the>
j^ARCH, 1935
ment founded by Miss Jane Addiims. Out on west Madison and Monroe Streets are the Rufus Dawes and Mary Dawes Houses where men or women may receive a night's lodging for twelve cents.
The Merchandise Mart has nearly ninety- two acres of floor space. It is here that the National Broadcasting Company studios are located and are opened to visitors through su- pervised tours. At Lincoln Park and North Avenue is the Chicago Historical Society, which has man}* interesting exhibits and now has Mrs. Thome's famous miniature rooms which should be seen if wc have not done so at the Fair.
Another point of interest is Chinatown at Wentworth and Cermak Road. This area is devoted to Chinese for their businesses and professions. The drug store, city hall, and res- taurants as well as the shops are all of great attraction.
If we have money to spend, St. Hubert's Grill on Federal Street gives us every phase of an English menu served in elegant old English style. The Red Star Inn is unique in its German cuisine, and Ireland's is one of the finest fish houses in Chicago.
We could go an ad infinitum. Anyway we will have seen plenty after attempting this. So welcome all—let's go!
Reunion at State Days
-f- OHIO STATE DAY was held at Dayton on March 16 with luncheon at the Engineers' Club with Edith Anderson, Katherine Davis and Bland Morrow as guests. On April 20, Tennessee alumna: and actives will meet at the Hermitage Hotel, Nashville, at one o'clock; $1.25 includes luncheon and tea. Reservations with Lucy E. Cooper, 901 Arthington Avenue, Nashville, are in order. On April 6, Indiana State Day will be repeated at Indianapolis. Luncheon is in charge of Mrs. Herman Phillips and Marion Olive is making plans for the
formal dance.
Phi Reporter Wins Award
-+- P H I CHAPTER wishes to announce that
jU he reimbursed only for the lowest fare W direct route from starting point to Chi-
$28.80 23.40 38.70 16.20 14.40 23.40 21.60 13.05 24.30 28.80 20.55 18.45 26.95 10.80 53.10 53.10 53.10
n st at k, r e s y s. d e t e r ," s s. sj n
A la
The donor of the To DRAGMA award wishes to have a change in the presentation of the award announced. Hereafter the prize, a book, will be presented to the president of the chap- ter whose reporter contributes the best ma- terial for the year at the convention banquet.
e e
n e e
Rst is typical of Russian and Jewish customs. name of the reporter whose efforts have
ff| is closed on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. brought the addition to the library will be in- Not far off is Hull House, the noted set lie- scribed in the book.
Jacksonville, Fla. Mobile, Ala. Portland, Ore. Cattle, W ash
Angeles, Cal.
6-mos. return $ 54.10 35.00 43.70 85.80 107.25 85.80 107.25 88.75 111.00 88.75 111.00 41.45 51.80 22.15 27.65 18.40 23.00 15.90 19.85 16.30 20.35 38.20 47.73 73.55 91.90 52.30 65.35
H n Francisco, Denver, Colo.
coln, Neb. Kansas City, Mo.
vft. Paul, Minn.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Dallas. Texas
Phoenix, Arizona 55.13
Santa Fe. N. M.
Boston, Mass. New York, N.Y.
Philadelphia, Pa. W ashington, D . Buffalo, N . Y . Bangor, Me.
I Boston, Mass
New York Citv Bangor, Me. ..'. Buffalo, N. Y Pittsburgh, Pa Washington, D. C Philadelphia, Pa Nashville, Tenn Dallas, Texas Tacksonville, Fla Atlanta, Ga Birmingham, Denver, Colo
St. Paul, Minn Portland, Ore
Los Angeles, Cal Seattle, W ash
Chicago —1935 [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 ]
$32.46 26.22 64.34 64.34 66.53 66.53 31.06 16.59 13.78 11.89 12.21 28.63
10-day return $43.35
Round trip bus rates are as follows:
30-day return on sale Tues. and Sat.
$36.65 $60.95 32.70 49.05 29.46 44.20 27.78 41.70 18.81
Alice Wesely, chapter reporter for 19.33-34, thrill our hearts, heads and stomachs all over was awarded a copy of Mary Ellen Chase's
again. It's the only place we've found in Mary Peters for her excellent contributions to
Chicago of its kind.
- Now most all of this can be done in a well
To DRAGMAI Phi is very proud to have a book earned by one of its members.
filled day or two, but for those who wish still
other diversion and more of it, there is New-
berry Library in the shadow of which on
rammer evenings and Sunday afternoons
would-be "reds" hold forth on soap boxes.
In the same vein is the Dill Pickle Club giving
expression to radicals of all states and stages.
There is the Ghetto on Maxwell Street be- The book will belong to the chapter library tween Halsted and Jefferson Streets; the mar- and may be enjoyed by the entire chapter. The
rjRAGidYour Moneys Worth
Christmas turned ll'cndover into a toy shop where AOII dolls attracted many a doll-longing child
To see a truck is a treat for the mountain lad of Kentuc- ky, but, oh. to own one! That is what Christmas brought to this child.
"As for us, well, ivc'rc look- ing to you and you and you for Christmas next year; for the encouragement Miss Bland brings to our mothers and the seeds she brinijs to our fathers." But she won't be able to bring the things we need unless you remem-
ber Mary
to send Dec Hinman,
your dollar to Drummond, 610
Please insist that your
chapter remember
Santa got there with your helpI
sends its
full quota and your dollar.
JJARCH, 1935
n Brought-On"
Will it seem too belated to tell you about Christmas now? I do want you to hear about .Jt and this is my first opportunity. I assume
your permission!
\" To begin with Beech Fork: If that Christ- fjnas party was not well-staged, it was not for
lack of planning. Nurse Stevenson had been fbusy for weeks, getting her plans worked out. •Weeks did I say? Months would be nearer
the truth, for it was last fall when she began |singing Christmas carols with the children, 'getting them in form for the occasion. For flhe Christmas party itself, the plan was to
spread things out over two days, so that the [crowds could be more easily accommodated. The children on certain creeks were told to come on the Saturday morning before Christ- mas, those on other creeks on Saturday after- fiioon, still others on Monday morning and the final lot Monday afternoon. The men with 'wagons and teams promised to bring in as ;tnany of the far-away "least ones" as possible.
On Friday, Miss Stevenson and her maid baked a thousand gingerbread men for the Saturday party. Sunday the process was re- peated, to take care of the Monday crowd.
lA neighbor supplied gallons and gallons of milk (to apply as payment on a hospital bill), which was the making of the cocoa. The big clinic waiting-room was transformed with
[greens, Christmas trimmings and a bewilder- ingly beautiful tree. The toys were divided into four lots, to make sure of the four groups' sharing alike. The room adjoining the waiting-room was decked out like a veritable toyshop. Dolls, tea sets, toy furniture and the like held sway on one side of the room. Knives, balls, marbles, harmonicas and drums filled a huge table. Nearby the mechanical toys made a brave showing (and every miniature motorcar is a "truck" in the eyes of these out-of-the-way children to whom a motorcar is still a miracle and trucks more familiar than any other kind, while a toy "truck" is a gift that would put almost any child in rapture!). A broad shelf arranged with beads, handkerchiefs, purses, books, was the special
'Corner for the larger giris. The toddlers had their collection of blocks, rubber balls, funny animals on wheels and so on, which proved t<> be one of the most generally amusing
^assortments in the room. And finally there Were the things for the babies, warm woolies
first and foremost, squeaky rubber dolls, rat- tles and stuffed animals. Near the door was an enormous carton filled with bags of candy, to be given the children as they went out.
Time was when the children in this dis- trict, if asked to sing Christmas carols, launched forth on "Nellie Gray," the tragedy- haunted phrases of a mountain ballad, or a camp-meeting song dwelling on the horrors of the Judgment Day. This time, it was "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Joy to the World," "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing"! Accompanied by the reed organ (a gift to the center from an old lady in the neighbor- hood) with Miss Stevenson playing the air, the childish faces grew radiant as "Silent Night" was sung through from beginning to end without a note missed or a word for- gotten. Then there were "pieces" and more singing and hot cocoa and gingerbread and no end of gay laughter and friendly banter. Several of the neighbor women who had come in to help, the ever-present indispensable courier and Miss Stevenson's incomparable lit- tle maid grew busier and busier as the crowd increased, as if they were being visibly wound up so that they would automatically spin fast enough to meet the thousand and one require- ments of the moment. And over all Miss Stevenson presided, everywhere at once and so gay in her most frivolous frock as to be quite unfavoring herself—or so the folks said by way of expressing the contrast between this Miss Stevenson and the Miss Stevenson of the usual blue or whiteuniforms.
Soon the toyshop itself was open and be- came at once the center of interest, though games and singing went on apace in "the big room." For lack of space, the children went in relays into the toy-room to select each his gift—six or seven youngsters at a time, or often a mother with her whole brood so that she could help the little ones. A toy for each child, warm clothing for at least some members of each family and a bag of candy
for everybody.
Saturday morning's crowd was loath to give up the party, even after everyone had had his turn in the toyshop. Children tended to settle down to play with their toys. The young folks went on with the fun in the waiting room. Grown-ups stood 'round and admired the children's "tricks" (toys), showed the children how to make the mechanical toys go, cracked jokes with each other and munched
Christmas for 5,000
Being a Letter from Our Social Worker in the Kentucky Hills
PRAGing's affairturned itself into an all-day munity gathering, with the singing of cand the speaking of "pieces," with much "ing" among neighbors and kinspeople—aon the inexhaustible gingerbread. At last the
place was almost cleared when the afternoon
crowd began to arrive. Those who had spent
the morning ladling cocoa, passing around
plates of gingerbread, handing out bags of this uoing -.i! I'oi hour-. And verycandy and doing the countless other things feature of Confluence's Christmas celebrTO
which kept the party going were both visibly and audibly tired. It was amazing to see how the excitement and joyous enthusiasm brought by each new batch of children seemed at once to infect with new energy these bodies that had hitherto seemed little more than a col- lection of tired arms, legs and heads! Ginger- bread, cocoa, carols, banter and laughter and a continual sharing of the children's joy in their gifts: Saturday morning's crowd; Sat- urday afternoon's crowd; Monday morning's crowd; Monday afternoon's crowd—all of them got both the atmosphere and the stuff of a real party. Altogether almost five hun- dred children shared in Beech Fork's Christ- mas party, or should one say parties? As for the grown-ups, no one had even time to count them!
was a party at the center for all those bad shared in the work of the big Chrisparty.
At Wendover we tried this year forfirst time the method of allowing the chilto select their own gifts. Two office-the living room were preempted to givroom for this arrangement. The living converted into a toyshop made such a wonful picture that we became quite enchawith our own handiwork and had to hashowing the night before to make sureroom was properly seen in all its gloryspite of a rainy day, it was a grand pBy seven o'clock in the morning, the was swarming with people. By noon, two hundred children had made their jouthrough the toyshop, had had hot cocoa cookies and had warmed and dried themseas best they could.
As a new way of doing things for tof us who usually plan the Wendover pwe learned things: that each child shYear after year, at center after center, I
have seen and heard of Frontier Nursing
Service Christmas parties. And yet I never
cease to marvel at the variety that enters have at least a half-hour in which to sinto them. Doing, year after year, funda- mentally the same thing everywhere, each party always succeeds in being not quite like any other.
this long-looked-for, long-to-be-cherished that it takes eloquent persuasion to conva four-year-old that he wants something othan the dangerously effective pocket knifhas selected; that even big girls still yfor dolls; and that with a huge supplydolls, knives and trucks, with these tthings alone in sufficient quantity, one make a wonderful Christmas party for tchildren! Is it that games and tea setsso unfamiliar? Or is it that dolls and knand trucks, so much to be desired and so infrequently come by, are irresistibly fmost? Perhaps it is something of bothonly remember feeling a bit sad, as welamused, at seeing, over and over, all the in the toy-room lined up before the couchThe Confluence party this year was perhaps
less like the others than usual. Confluence's
waiting room is far too small for the Christ-
mas crowd and one year the porch collapsed
trying to share the load. This year the nurses
got permission to use the "church house,"
which is conveniently near the center of things
and the most commodious building in the
neighborhood. The teachers in the district and
several other young i>eople made up a com-
mittee to help with preparations. The Christ-
mas wagons had hardly arrived before every-
one was busily sorting toys, selecting them
for the various children, labelling them and which the dolls were displayed, solemthen making them up into still larger pack- ages according to families, to facilitate the actual distribution. The preacher from "yon side of the hill'' was asked to be present and make a short talk appropriate to the occasion. The final program of the day was settled upon. The church house was decorated. The tree was set up and trimmed. With all the ready helpers, everything could hardly be got through with before the day f o r the party arrived—"Christmas Eve Day"!
And when the day arrived, practically the whole countryside turned otil for the event. Those who had thought the church house so amply large were amazed to see it fill up to the very door. Everything went off beauti- fully, down to the final votes of thanks; to the private owner of the church house who had lent the building; to the preacher who had presided over the occasion; to the young peo- ple who had worked day and night to get things ready; and to the children's friends all over the country who make it possible for us to give our children a real Christmas. Finally what was originally expected to be a morn-
earnestly considering the question of wone, finally choosing but with evident refor the sacrifice entailed by the choice.
Some of the centers know exactly how mchildren participate in their parties, otknow only approximately, depending uhow each party is arranged. Five thousanan estimate of the total attendance is, Isure, conservative. Seeing that figure, rembering very vividly what heaps of toylakes for even two or three hundred childI find myself wondering, even when Christis still a thing of the near past, how we get 'round. And yet how well I know answer! Week- before Christmas, the band barrels begin coming, the stream ofrivals continuing and increasing steadily rup until Christmas itself. But my amazemonly grows as I realize anew that it i -we, who know and love these children at hand, but you and others like you, who know about them, who make possible [CONTINUED ON FACE
com aroK \i5 jj ll of
IIARCH, 1935 17
1*9 ation
who tmas the dren arid e us room der- nted ve a the . In arty. place over rney and lves hose arty ould*
toy; ince ther e he earn of hree can hese are ives yet ore- . I l as girls on
New Deal Thresholds
/ • i- class
how to help the den- tist with instruments.
here what is done in science, English, math- ematics, economics and history. Perhaps you are not seeing in nearby schools activities like our tea room, occupational therapy, interior decoration, hairdressing and manicuring, book- binding, printing, machine, automobile, elec- trical and carpenter shops, placement bureau, student-conducted assem blies and e x t e n s i v e student self-government.
Our girls conduct a tea room patronized by twenty-five to thirty faculty members daily. They plan, purchase, cook, serve, supervise,
hich gret any hers pon d as am em- s it ren, mas ever the oxes ar- ighj ent not first- only this
SORORITY ALUMS.I: are learning, many of
them at great cost, that the business world the New- Deal calls f o r capacity to do, interest in getting done and the habit of com-
paring what is sought with what is done. If the Edison Vocational and Technical High School of Mount Vernon, New York, merits audience with Alpha Omicron Pi, it is be- cause we are trying to prepare girls and boys of high school age for such New Deal re- quirements.
The Edison School not only provides train-
ing for girls and boys who do not wish to take cash. As members of art and sewing
continue their education beyond high school, classes they decorated the room, with the help but training is also provided for those who of boys from the carpenter shop. Not least maywishtoentermoreadvancedfieldsof important,theylearnandpracticetheman- education. ners, graces and attitudes of successful con-
Readers of To DRAGMA are too familiar tact with strangers and daily associates. with academic subjects to warrant repeating Experience rates this training as personally,
denial learning
T o DRAGMAThis recreational period is supervised byone member of the faculty, assisted by a student committee. The only phase of this "technical" training which any parent has thus facriticized is the principal's prohibition of cheekto-cheek dancing. I f any sorority membefeels that for health posture, grace, mannersbeauty, democracy, etc., the principal is wrongshe will be glad to hear!
The "self-starting" student activities are regarded as more than supplements to the academic work. We are coming to feel quitegenerally, as one principal said recently, "Iwe were forced to choose between the academic essentials and the newer activities, I'dsave the activities." Fortunately we do nohave to choose. Our records and our observations prove that academic work is rated higheand its standards more easily maintained andraised because of the self-starting and selfresponsible activities among students.
Our school placement bureau is an educa-tional and economic necessity—it effects cooperation among employers, students, parentsand faculty. Even older people take advantage of this service. This service finds positions which students can fill, helps employerswhile helping students and remembers enoughabout each to help students make the nexmove up and to help employers find new em-ployees to fit their jobs.
Does it seem a far cry from algebra stu-dents who pass regents to a vocational "beautyparlor" in a school? Sorority members learnquickly at business that personal appearanceranks with Phi Beta Kappa keys. How's yourhair done? is more urgently important thanwhat was your sorority? or even what wasyour college ? There are vocational opportunities beckoning for girls competent as hair-dressers and manicurists. The training forone's own living also qualifies this course.
In our Edison High building there is an-other kind of school which we are glad tohave because we believe it symbolizes a sectorof education that is bound to expand. I referto the continuation school which has employedchildren under 17 years old four hours aweek for Civics, English and some hand workMany students of education think that thesecondary school and college of the futurewill be progressively patterned on the con-tinuation school; will be "testing stations" and"reconditioning stations" rather than "fillingstations."
The sorority girl's first month in businessafter college frequently starts more questionsthan a year of class assignments. Even morestriking is the effect of contact with workersupon adolescents. They come back to schoolwith unanswered questions which mean thebest attitude f o r schooling.
Because the problems of our Edison Schoolare universal, I venture to suggest that read-ers may secure free upon application AntiochNotes, a monthly discussion of educationalproblems. This is the organ of Antioch Col-lege, Yellow Springs, Ohio, edited by Presi-dent Arthur E. Morgan.
Grace L. B. Milliyan is one of a few women who di- rect a strictly trade high school.
economically and socially valuable. That it increases receptivity and ambition in academic studies is believed by our teachers.
The same is found true of boys in the auto- mobile shop who repair real automobiles for real people; by boys in the carpenter, print, machine and electrical shops who, while learn- ing, make real things for use in the city's schools. These classes saved the city last y e a r $6,100.
Both girls and boys have a bookbinding course given by a workman artist furnished us by William Edwin Rudge, founder of the shop famous for beautiful printing and bind- ing. Besides gaining a many-sided training in precision, form, color and taste, these stu- dents did work last year for the schools that had a market value of $1,000.
Our Nurses' Preparatory Course gives a thorough preparation f o r entering hospital training. I t includes, among other subjects, hygiene, household science, food selection, nutrition, dietetics, biology, chemistry, occupa- tional therapy, typewriting and office practice. This training not only lays an excellent foun- dation f o r hospital training, but the course also prepares f o r greater success in the home. Mount Vernon has the distinction of being the first city in the state to give this kind of course.
Will your readers be surprised that during the noon hour there is dancing in the gym- nasium ?
- - r - r ' - - f - t - r - - - - t - .
"THOSE HAVING LAMPS will pass them on
to others." This short sentence sums up quite clearly, I think, the meaning of the light »©f Alpha Omicron Pi; that is, that the pur- pose and ideals of this fraternity shall be kept constantly before us and shall be carried on from one generation to the next. True it is, that this light shall, no doubt, in the future, • as it has in the past, change in its outward ap-
pearance with the advancement, progress o f the age—but, regardless of the superficial and apparent alteration, its purpose will forever be the same. Our ideals of fraternity, friend- ship and good fellowship and thought of so- cial progress will always remain as they are now.
Thus with the humble candle of love and friendship did our Founders start burning the light of this great international sisterhood
•Of ours which has become more powerful with the passing of the years. Through its various stages of growth from the oil lamp and gas light up to the present stage of the electric light, it has constantly become more dazzling in effect, but never more lovely and whole- some than the soft glow of that first candle light.
. We undergraduates are the present light of this fraternity, and our place in this organi- zation is to give to it new energy and new material to keep this light burning surely and constantly. W e are to reinforce it and give it new life each year, but above all, we must see to it that in the bright glare of the great spot- light in which we are now standing, we do not allow it to blind us to the extent that we fail to see the true principles of service and love upon which this organization was found-
led. We must remember that we have pledged ourselves to keep forever burning the light of Alpha Omicron Pi, and that we have no right by any of our thoughts or actions to dim it in any way or make it any less beautiful. We are a part of that light forever.
Perhaps to the alumnae of the fraternity, our efforts, fraternity spirit, and loyalty do not seem to be as sincere or in any way the same as those exemplified when you were in school. Let us keep in mind, however, the fact that as time goes on, our social and eco- nomic life becomes more and more compli-
cated and the light before which we stand is not the soft gleam of the light of bygone days, but a light which is so strong and pierc- ing that it penetrates deeply and lays bare our every motive and action. Let us also bear in mind the fact that each active chapter has a greater burden than the one before it and even
though our motives and actions may seem to be different they are essentially the same.
Living under such a light which reveals al- most our very souls, it behooves us, therefore, to take our burden of carrying on for the glory of Alpha Omicron Pi more seriously than ever before. Let those who come after us say that although we were blinded by too bright a light—that still we did not lose sight of the principles of Alpha Omicron Pi. Let them see that our own inner light so reflected that it brought nothing but credit, beauty,
and love to our fraternity.
Irma Hammerbacher, T , received an hon- orary cadet colonel's commission before the Military Ball at the University of Minne- sota. She is president of Tau, and is active in IV. S. G. A., IV. A. A. and Y. W. C. A.
A Founders'
LAMPS 'pass ^en, ^Co Gtfa
Day Toast by IRMA HAMMERBACHER, President of Tau Chapter
To DRAGNation Will Be Controlled by Con- high standard of living, plenty of space, risent of the Governed, says Mrs. Howorth, When Intelligence Is Applied at Home
-4- "WHEN THE American people, led by the educated and intelligent citizens, apply in- telligence to governmental affairs, beginning with the home precinct—then and not until then will the consent of the governed actually control our destiny," Mrs. Joseph M. Howorth (K) of Washington said yesterday in con- cluding an address on "The Consent of the Governed," which she delivered at a meeting of Lynchburg Chapter, Randolph-Macon W oman's College Alumnae Association, held
in Smith Memorial building.
Mrs. Howorth, member of the Mississippi legislature, and of the law firm in Jackson of which her husband is the senior partner, is in Washington to serve as one of three women on the veterans' appeals board. She was for- merly Miss Lucy Somerville of Jackson and is a graduate of the college at which she spoke yesterday. Miss Almeda Garland, pres- ident of the alumnae chapter, presided and the speaker was presented by Mrs. Powell Glass,
chairman of the program committee.
Explaining that she selected her subject from "a remarkable document phrased by one of the earliest Virginians to possess a college education," Mrs. Howorth quoted the Decla- ration of Independence that in order to se- cure to all men their inalienable rights "gov- ernments are instituted among men deriving their powers from the consent of the gov- erned."
She reviewed rapidly the various changes in governmental machinery, pointing out the spread in democratic forms of government and the spread of suffrage and recalling for the benefit of the Randolph-Macon graduates the antipathy of John Randolph to women's appearance in public. " I t is probably just as well," she said, "he cannot see the women members on the floor today and know that not only do the daughters of the college bear- ing his name vote, but also hold offices!"
Forms of government have been modified so as to be responsible to the expressed will of the people, she said, but it does not follow, she maintained, that a democratic government is an actuality.
Never before, Mrs. Howorth said, and "only here in the United States does there ex- ist the machinery for a government responsive to its people's wishes, with a people even in the midst of depression having a relatively
in resources and a common school educatioat least, available to all."
"With such a setting," she said, "the Ameican people shoidd give to the world a demonstration of not only a more perfect uniobut a more perfect government."
That this is not true, Mrs. Howorth sais due to many factors, chief among thocited being the susceptibility of the Americpeople, especially those of the south and weto oratory, to emotional appeals. These clouthe issues at stake, she declared, and said althat to both office-holders and their constuents in the majority of instances, "holdinoffice is simply a means of earning a living"Issues should be considered entirely unrlated to their effect upon individual fortunesMrs. Howorth said, asserting that they nevare and declaring that she used the wo"never" intentionally.
"The supposedly educated people are not uing their education in their political and civactivities," she said, and that until they dthe consent of the governed will not contrgovernment.
Pi Members Assist With Play
"THE IMPORTANCE of Being Earnest," rmantic comedy by Oscar Wilde, will presented by members of the Newcomb Colege faculty today at 8:15 p. m. in Dixon Hafor the benefit of the Newcomb Alumnae BooLoan Fund.
The play will be directed by Miss ElizabeMalone, instructor in the department of phyical education.
The cast will include Miss Mildred Chritian as Cecily Cardew, Miss Mildred Tongas Gwendolyn Fairfax, Miss Lydia Frotschas Lady Bracknell, Miss Katherine Hartley Miss Prism, Rudd Fleming as John P. Worthing, John Canady as Algernon Moncrief, Hebert Parks Riley as the Rev. Chasuble, StuaNoble as Merriman and Harold Lee as LanThe production committee includes MiCaroline Burson, prompter; Miss Anna Man/electrician; Miss Aline McKenzie, stage manger; Mrs. Ted Bank, assistant stage manageMiss Cerda Donovan, properties, and MiKatherine Osgood, make-up.
Patronesses are Misses Mary B. Allen, Cmille Cambon, Dorothy Barker, Margaret Davis, Mrs. Laura Lake Ihrie, Misses CorJahucke, Aline McKenzie, Elizabeth McFeridge, Vada Odom, Nan Pipes, Jane RiedeJanet Wallace, Alma Wirth and Jane Raine—New Orleans Times-Picayune.
n r- - n id se an st d so it- g ."
e- ," er rd s- ic o, ol o-
be l- ll k th s- s- e er as - r- rt e.
ss fa a- r; ss a- - a t- l, y. -
Betty and Alice Eylar are expert skaters. Alice is an active member of Ton, while
Ruth Pyle, Phi, is secretary of the House Presidents' Association, presi- dent of TT; business manager of the Glee Club.
Mir jofit Hungerford and Marjorie Neil, Alpha Phi, sponsored Companies B and D at the Military Ball at Mon- tana State College.
ook S af
Mildred Williams, Alpha Pi, is seated in this scene from "Craig's Wife," given at the University of Florida.
led the AAA and Shi-Ai.
Slie is junior editor of the ' lllio,"
Junior Illinois.
Florence Ashley,
in the May Day
She is working on the Panhellenic com-
mittee to investigate rushing rules.
Chi, WOS Jean pageant at
d'Arc Syracuse.
Petri, Iota,
at the University of
WHEN THEMUSICAL Society of the Uni-
jyfARCH, 1935
Canadian Girl Sings Character
Ellis Todd, who will be remembered for his outstanding performance as "Ko-Ko" in last year's production of the "Mikado," will play the part of Robin, a Baronet of Ruddigore, who disguises himself as a simple country youth to escape a family curse and to win the love of the unsophisticated Rose. Rose will be portrayed by Alice Rowe, who also starred in the "Mikado" as "Yum-Yum."
A third principal of the "Mikado" cast, Gordon Heron, last year's "Lord Poo-Bah," has been chosen as the terrible villain—he will impersonate Sir Despard.
Supporting players are also talented sing- ers, notable among them being John Stark as Richard and Lillian Walker ( B K ) , sister of Eleanore (BK), who sang the title female
role last year, as Hannah.
Gordon Stead as Adam, Jack W orthington
as Sir Roderic, Margaret Atkinson as Mar- garet, Grace Thomson as Ruth, and Kay Coles as Zorah complete the exceptional cast. •^-Vancouver Ncivs-Herald.
Kentucky Mountaineers Given Advantages by Sorority Fund
KENTUCKY MOUNTAINEERS, 150 y e a r s be-
hind the times, are given many modern advantages by the philanthropic fund of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority.
The charitable work of this national organi- zation of college women was described last night by Miss Charlotte Buckey Clemson at the local alumna; chapter's founders' day sup- per at the home of Mrs. John S. Boulden. The president of the chapter, Mrs. Roger S. Whiteford, is arranging the observance.
The Alpha Omicron Pi fund provides for the employment of Miss Bland Morrow as di- rector of the social service department of the Frontier Nursing Service of Kentucky. This organization is sponsored by a number of other societies and individuals. D r . John M . Bergland, of Baltimore, has been active in the work.
Miss Morrow used the sorority funds to buy everything from "store teeth" for the mountain mothers to shoes for the barefoot mountain boy.
She has a number of children under her entire care, placing them in foster homes or boarding schools, or giving them partial care, such as the buying of clothing or schoolbooks. She makes arrangements for several handi-
versity of B. C. present Gilbert and Sulli- van's opera "Ruddigore," at the campus Audi- torium Feb. 21 to Feb. 23, it will have a fine cast of amateur singers performing this musi- cal satire on melodrama, for without exception every chosen principal possesses both a pleas- ing voice and an admirable stage presence.
capped children to be sent to schools for the blind and deaf.
Miss Morrow is a member of a committee which arranged for a dental clinic for ten days last summer, in cooperation with local officials and dentists in Hazard, the chief town of Leslie county, where the work is centered. The dentists, preferring to do the work in their own offices, donated their cars and chauf- feurs to take the 250 patients to them. Many of the patients, unaccustomed to riding on anything but a mule, suffered nausea while riding in the automobiles to the offices.
The sorority worker has found that the Kentucky mountaineer is "an exceedingly high type of individual, of original American pio- neer stock and well worth the effort" ex- pended in giving aid. The work is not char- ity, she points out. The mountaineers pay for the services, although the payments often must be long deferred.— The Baltimore Sun.
New System Inaugurated by AOII
-+- T H E FIRST attempt at a system of "club rushing" took place on the University campus on Friday afternoon, when Dean M.L. Bollert entertained at tea in honor of the new Literary Forum. Judge Helen Gregory Mac- Gill addressed the club and their invited guests on "Modern Developments in Juvenile Court Work," after which Miss Bollert, honorary president and critic of the club, spoke on its
aims and objectives.
The new system inaugurated by this affair has caused widespread comment in University circles this week. It is generally felt that it will remove the serious overlapping of club activities, such as has occurred in former years, and that it will enable freshettes to fall
H'alker (see left).
T o DRAGMsored by the Lincoln Junior League and made up students in the dramatic departmenand in the children's dramatic classes, wipresent the program.
Miss Polly Gellatly ( Z ) , instructor speech, is the Junior League member who directing the play.
Mary, one of the leading roles in "The Scret Garden," will be played by Carol Ladwiwith the other lead, Colin, being portrayed bGeorge Blackstone. Margaret Straub will plthe part of Martha. Other roles will be playeby the following: Nurse, Irene Barry; SusanPortia Boynton; Medlock, Lorraine BrownDoctor, Delford Grummer; Ben, Mark \Allister; Craven, Charles Alexander; StatioMaster, Paul Bogen; Dickson, Bob Agee; anJane, Anne Kinder.—Daily Nebraskan.
Otto Buerger Becomes Grand Sigmi Pi
-f- SIGMAPI'SGrandSageisOttoM.Bueger, husband of AOII's Atlantic DistricSuperintendent, Johanna Bruecking BuergeMr. Buerger was graduated from CorneUniversity, Johanna's Alma Mater, in 1921After a year and one-half in the office of Certified Public Accountant in Buffalo, hentered the University of Buffalo Law deparment in 1923 and received his June1925. At Buffalo he was a member of Daniels' Inn and of <£A<i>. For three years MrBuerger was assistant district attorney foErie County, prosecuting criminal cases. I1934 the Buergers moved to New York, wherMr. Buerger became associated with OlcotPaul and Havens, attorneys. He has been retained by Tufverson family in their casagainst Poderjay.
In Sigma Pi Mr. Buerger organized andbecame the first president of the BuffalAlumni Club; he was Archon of Alpha Province, Grand Fourth Counselor and now hhas been honored by the Grand PresidencyOtto Buerger, an AOII husband, heads his fraternity.
Rosemary Edmonds is active at the Unii'ersity of British Columbia.
into suitable and profitable activities directly upon entering college. The executive in charge of Friday's tea and "rushing" meeting included Miss Rosemary fidmonds ( B K ) , as president, assisted by Miss Barbara Baird (BK), Miss Margaret Biggs, Miss Lennie Price (BK), and Miss Helen Braidwood.
Miss Clare Brown and Miss Miriam Day- Smith, president and vice-president of the Women's Undergraduate Society, were asked to pour tea. Freshettes invited to serve were Miss Eunice Alexander, Miss Merle Turnbull, Miss Betty Jones, Miss Helen Brown, Miss Betty Thomson, Miss Alice Gavin, Miss Janet Davidson, Miss Helen Crosby, Miss Cicely Hatcher, Miss Jean Meredith, Miss Betty
White, Miss Anna Eichenberger, Miss Cather- ine Washington, Miss Marjorie Jack and Miss Madge Neill.—Vancouver Province.
Children's Theatre Presents "SecretGarden"
-4- AMONG ALL THE BOOKS at the disposal of Lincoln children at the city library, there is one whose popularity surpasses that of all others, the delightful story of "The Secret Garden." Indeed, the librarian declares that so great is the demand for this book among the young readers that it is impossible to keep
a copy of it in the library for any length of time.
It is because of this widespread interest in the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett that it has been dramatized by Claire Tree Major and will be brought to the Temple theater stage on February 26, for a morning perform- ance at 9 and an afternoon performance at 2:30. The children's theater, which is spon-
\s t ll i„ Js e- g v a y d - \cl n d r- t r. ll . a e t- , - . r
n e t, - e
o - e .
IIARCH, 1935
These pictures were taken by Florence Summerbell Crawford. On the left is "Cellar Shadows," chosen for exhibition purposes. On the right is a dramatised portrait of Virginia IVatson,
"Cellar Shadows" in International Exhibit
\N OUTSTANDING Alpha O photographer, Florence Summerbell Crawford, had one of photographs chosen f o r exhibition in the International Salon of Photography. "Cellar
Shadows" was seen at the Los Angeles M u - seum during January and in San Francisco at the de Young Museum during February. Washington convention-goers may remember a large print of the photograph in the con-
tention exhibit.
Fraternity Tea Honors Mothers
EL MEMBERSof Beta Kappa Chapter ofAl- pha Omicron Pi Fraternity entertained at the tea hour on Saturday at the home of Mrs. W. E. Price, East Boulevard, honoring their mothers and patronesses. Receiving the many guests with Mrs. Price were Miss Lennie
Price and Miss Alice Daniels, president of the active chapter. Presiding at the urns were Mrs.C.McLeanFraserandMrs.H.M.King, while Miss Donalda MacCharles and Miss Dorothy Rennie cut the ices. Acting as seryi- teurs throughout the afternoon were Miss Madeline Bowden, Miss Phoebe Riddle, Miss Betty Morris, Miss Edna Carter and Miss Donna M oorhouse.
During the afternoon a most interesting ad- dress was given by Miss Jean Whyte on the philanthropic work of the chapter. Miss Whyte announced that Alpha Omicron Pi was now doing local and not international charity work and has chosen as its special field the Unem- ployed Girls' Cooperative Club, the director
"Katisha" is Virginia W atson
-+- WHEN the Fresno Elks staged "The M i - kado" in one of the city's largest theatres, they chose Virginia Watson (KG) for one of the leads, the role of Katisha. Reviewers said that her acting was as fine as her lovely soprano voice and that she was beautiful in the authentic royal Japanese robes she wore. Virginia is head of the music department at Fresno High School.—By Florence Summer-
bell Craivford, KG.
W omen's League Hears Lecture
on Make-up
A COSMETOLOGY and dermatology lecture
and exhibition will be presented tomor- row afternoon in the Mitten Hall Clubroom from 3 to 5 o'clock under the auspices of the Women's League.
Six students have been chosen for the ex- hibition. They will wear different types of clothes and will model the various types of coiffures and facial makeup.
Katherine McCarron, of the Richel Hair- dressing Shop, 1921 Walnut st., will be in charge of the coiffure arrangements, and Dr. Patricia Drant ( * ) will lecture on the appli- cation of cosmetics.
Jane Thierolf, Irene Biglia, Rebecca Carson, Nadeine Reiter, Edith Schmidt and Berna- dine Seyfried have been chosen as models.
The clothes will be furnished by the Claire
•6f which, Miss Kathleen Cumming, is affili-
ated with the sorority.—Vancouver Province. Temple University News.
T. Sucker Shop, 8438 Germantown avenue.—
ToDRAGuality of the point of view rather than
their value as a mere travelogue.
Cash prizes of $50, $35 and $15, with oweek's stay at Beekman Tower included the first prize and week-end stays in the seond and third prizes are to be given. Beeman Tower is the New York headquarters the National Panhellenic Fraternities.
A group of prominent persons will be apointed^ to judge the contest, which closes June 15. A l l essays should be sent to MiDorothy Gaylord, Contest Secretary, Beeman Tower, 3 Mitchell Place, New York CiMildred Shaw Is Newcomb's Yell Leader
And so she came to Newcomb and wasgood girl for two years, and lo and bhold, the student body made her a cheeleader. Mildred Shaw (IT) comes to her jowell-equipped—she has been twisting and twiing for a good many years now at interpretivdancing, and is thoroughly familiar with tknack of swaying herself and her audiencShe is stuying in the art-school, but intento make dancing her career. When duty calour cheer-leader is there with the necessapep, but in private life she prefers to takMarjorie Junior
Higgins, Pi Prom at the Maryland.
Delta, led University
the of
New York Panhellenic Sponsors Contest
To FURTHER inter-fraternity relationships,
the Panhellenic House Association of New Pi, dreiv many of the
Y ork City, which sponsored the construction seven years ago of The Panhellenic House (now Beekman Tower) is sponsoring a nation- wide essay contest in which members of all national women's fraternities are invited to
A secondary purpose of the contest, launch-
ed in cooperation with the Courier Service of this city, is to determine the points of inter- est in New York which would appeal most to college students visiting this metropolis.
The Courier Service is an organization spe- cializing in unusual itineraries for students of art, history, sociology and architecture.
The subject for the essay is "What I Would Like to See When I Visit New York." Two hundred suggestions f o r the essay are given in a list prepared by the Courier Service, which has already been sent to all fraternity chapters, and which may be had upon request addressed to Beekman Tower, 3 Mitchell Place, New York City.
The contest entrant is asked to select an itinerary for a week's visit to New York City, and to write an essay of between 500 to 1,000 words covering this itinerary. Not more than fifty suggestions are to be used in the itin- erary.
Persons need never to have visited New York to be eligible for the contest. Essays will be judged on the integrity and individ-
sketches, including this one of Mildred. Among Pi notables in Campus
things easy.—The Xezvcomb
"The Lagniappe" is a new literary magazine at Newcomb. Janice Torre,
were Anna
Many, and
Dean Halcyon
Women, Colomb.
MA n i * k" of p- on ss k- ty
e- r- b rl- e he e. ds ls ry e
*cn, 1935
Alpha Gamma
By Evelyn Krause
p ; I can remember. I hope I haven't left
a n v one out. Since the last "alum" report,
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Purcell (Sylvia Top-
ping, '31) arc the happy parents of a fine boy working; she didn't say on her Christmas horn September 23. His name is Jimmy card. I also had a card from Alma Schier- Peter, and he has red hair. Mother and I man Schuster (ex '34), who is happily mar- saw Sylvia during Christmas week and she ried and living near St. John, Washington. said that Jimmy can nearly say the alphabet Theresa Hawk Pease ('32) has moved to backwards' already. It was a terrible shock Yakima. Her address now is 611 South
Ho hear of the sudden death of our dear sis- Eighth Avenue. Had a letter from Ruby ter, Wilma Thorn (ex '34) on September 23, Hazlett Todd ('32). She's happily married 1934. She had only two weeks of nurses' and is living in Portland, Oregon, at 424 N. training to complete her three-year course W. 21st Avenue. I was pleasantly surprised from St. Luke's hospital in Spokane. "Tom- to hear from Fern Dilts Turner (ex '33). my" was a grand girl, and memories of her She's living in Walla Walla, where Lee is shall always remain in our hearts. I have employed as Associated Press editor of the heard from a number of the sisters in the Walla Walla Bulletin. Fern's address is 25 past few months. "Casey" and her sister are Whitman Street. I have heard that Marjorie coming over here to Wenatchee this after- Kidder ('35) is going to be married in June noon to visit me. and we're going to take to Dave Allmendinger, <I'KT from Washington
» IIAZKI. PI.ASKF.T ('32) revealed her en- camp for another aunt. Kay and her mother
plan to start a circulating library soon. Kay's address is 535 16th North, Seattle, Washing- ton. Edna Berkey ('32) is still in Seattle and she has cut her hair. Guess she is still working in a law office. "Mitzie" Hibbard Erickson ('33) and Elmer are living in Mount Vernon where Elmer is associated in business with Mr. Hibbard. They moved there from Wenatchee last November. They are well pleased with their new home. Adria Veleke is our latest "alum." In a recent let- ter she said she was to receive her diploma this month, but she was planning to do post- graduate work this semester. She has been painting water colors for the State College. I don't know where Carolyn Wolters ('34) is
Bfcarnrna Chapter house the early part of Tan-
gagement at a dinner party at the Alpha
nan.' and the man's name? . . . Cleao McCain, also a Washington State College aliimnu- There were several "alums" back
• at the house for Homecoming. The house looks so attractive, too, all redecorated. In- ! eluded in the reunion were: Dots Meyers ('29). Louise Kahse (ex '31), Allie Kalin
("31), Hazel Plasket ('32), Victoria Hansen Savage ('32), Rose Tones ('33), Doris Braw- ley C'34), Gala Peed ('34), Carolyn Wolters ('34). and your news editor. That's as many
lessons and has studios in both Portland and Seattle. Kay has been designing a model home for her aunt to build in Olympia and she's going to work on plans for a summer
tin the Annual Northwest Ski Tournament State College. "Marj" is attending the Uni- E|t Leavenworth, Washington, February 10. versity of Washington this year. The Spo- Last fall, while "Casey" was visiting me, we kane alumnae had a special meeting at the had a pleasant visit with Pearl Smallidge Davenport Hotel in honor of Mrs. Chess- man, housemother of our chapter at Pull- man, while she was in Spokane during Christ- mas vacation. I was sorry that T wasn't able to attend. I had a visit with Lucille Buch-
Phipps ('28). I see Pearl quite often here
in town. Doris Brawley ('34) tells me she
is being kept plenty busy coaching basketball
and teaching dancing for the operettas in
addition to her regular teaching at the Ritz-
ville High School. She is arranging a health
show to be presented soon. Concerning cli-
matic conditions in this great Pacific North-
west, Doris mentioned that one week she
went skating and the next week she and the mountains meet them there for a reunion Allie Kalin ('3D went bicycling. Gala Peed picnic. They did it once before and re- C34) has already been promoted in the Ex- ported it a grand success. So let's try again, tension office at the State College of Wash- shall we? Let me know, girls, what you ington. Gala is convention treasurer for the think of the plan and when you would like National Business and Professional Women's to do it. Remember, you have a standing
Club. The national convention will be held invitation to visit "Spuddy" whenever you in Seattle in July. I learned from both are in Wenatchee. Look me up either at Casey" and Kay Nealey ('31) that Stella KPQ or at 425 Orondo. If you can't come,
Fraser ('28) is now teaching private piano write!
holz Peebles (ex '35), while I was home at Christmas time. Kay and I think it would be a splendid idea for the girls from the Coast to come over to Blewett Pass this spring and we girls from the East side of
Alpha Rho
By Althea Bruht
-f- SEVEN ALPHA O alumnae in Corvallis have
been Mrs. Darrel E. Parker since Julv
s started holding regular monthly meetings.
They are Audrey Wicncken Smith ("30),
Erna Taylor (A), Mrs. Azalea Sager (A*),
Juanita Chaney Manning ('21), Mary Lou
Collins Hertz ('33), Wynctta Guthrie (ex '34),
and Marie Dew (ex '34). In December they
met with Audrey; in January, with Marjorie
Beeuwkes, active chapter president; and in of Washington early last spring, married February, with Marie. Helen Pietarila ('33) grandest man in the world, who was fra high wire fence divides U. S. A fMexico, right down the middle of a streetthe two towns, Nogales, U. S. A. and gales, Senora. Without any fuss' or srunotoriety, I simply went quietly into the «claw, Washington, early in January. They atmosphere on the border for the winterhave bought a grocery store in the residential •TM"Vfc H e r b fr t H a r t , e y ( S u e »akdistrict of Astoria and are living in the Trul- . 30) of Chicago have a little girl Awas married to Edward Anderson of Enum- Michigan, and we are now enjoving (
0rpand Kermit were in Albany recently for Ker- mit's brother's wedding.
Alpha Sigma
/> v Barbara Crowell
-+- MARRIAGE of Mahalah Kurtz ('30) to Francis E. Sturgis of Hillsboro was sol- emnized New Year's afternoon at St. Michael and All Angels Church by Rev. Richard F. Ayres. The bride wore a simple frock of
ivory panne velvet with long ivory veil, December 23, to Walter B. Lichtenstein. Tflecked with gold. She wore gold slippers wedding ceremony was read at 1:30 in and carried talisman roses. They are now Rose Parlor of the Claypool Hotel and Mliving at Bridge, Oregon. Another wedding Lichtenstein and her husband left direcof interest took place at Siccawei Lodge, afterward for a trip to New York. ThNorth Hatley, Quebec, Canada, on October are at home now at 3702 North Illinois Stre27, when Georgie Davidson C27) became the lone Agnew, who came down from Milwbride of George Stanley Lowden, (QKty, kee to spend Christmas with her family University of Oregon) of Boston, Massachu- Frankfort, stopped over in Indianapolis v rtl
# e y . a r e " l i v " i n ' ? g a t o S i t c e v v e e n n s s o o n n , , wW a a s h s h n i nie Vivian Eiker Howard (ex '27) writes - "Vivian T«iL-ot- T-fr»tiii '•yn\
cansurnrisethesistcrc \wi r l , n ' can surprise the sisters by advising them >U \1 am married and living in this fascitis'border Inurn' c«. n «
border town'—so nearly being Mexico r
months trip around the world. Last heC24) left last fall with her sister for
afrom, they were in Rangoon. Loren Alo{, ,) ls„£*ch.m% m Klamath Falls. FMoller ('29) is teaching in the high schat Marshfield. Neill and Eleanor g Camp( ^4) have opened an enamel and paint sin the Pacific Building in Portland. AAnn Gorman Weigant ('29) and her husbaare in Portland at 253 N . E. Broadway Kaenne Ltston (ex '34) is working i„ Portlabe married in May. Yerna Hurley Carrig(ex 36) stopped for a short visit at the houon her way home to Alaska from a trip Southern California.
Miriam Acting
Cosand Reporter
Beta Theta
-f- OUR MOST recent bride is Bertha Fursta
l „ \ f >"> tberg Lichtcnstein, who was married •. 'elinger apartments. The engagement of Osa Sedgewick who ,s about a year old Lautner ('31) to Thomas Heater) (ArP) was Mr. and Mrs. Imn Jetter (Henriette Hannounced in Portland last October. Thomas sen, ex 29) have a son. Margaret I ivis an Oregon State graduate. Wythle Fitz-
patrick Brown ('29) and Lloyd visited Cor-
vallis on January 12 to attend the Oregon
State-University of Oregon basketball game.
They are spending the winter in Portland.
Delva Chandler Daggett (ex '32) and Mau-
rice visited Delva's parents in Wendlung re-
cently. They also visited Audrey Wiencken
Smith in Corvallis. Dorothy Lamb Bishop
('27) and Lionel spent Christmas in Califor-
nia with Lionel's mother and his sisters. Mar-
garet Bales Yocum (ex '35) and Thurston m a hat designing shop. At a small raare now living at the Riverview apartments enng of friends, Isabelle Crowell ('33) in Oregon City, where "Tonk" works as nounced her engagement to Clifford E Clchemist with the Crown Willamette Paper sen (ATA, University of Washington) CCompany. Irene Griggs Brandeberry ('31) ford is an architect in Portland. They wr
setts. Mr. and Mrs. Lowden went to Ber- attend Bertha's wedding. We have two nmuda on their honeymoon and are now babies in the chapter. The first to arrive wliving at 6 Newport Road, Cambridge, Massa- born to Joseph and Ruth Lindenborg Hoochusetts. Gwendolyn Metzger (ex '33) was on January 19. It is a girl, named Sigmarried to Joe R. Maginnis (2X, Oregon Lindenborg Hood. The latest arrival wasState College), on October 9 at Marshfield, boy, born to Robert Gage and Eleanor DugOregon, where they are living. The marriage Mills, on January 21, in Connersville. Hwas announced in Portland at a party given name is Robert Gage Mills, Jr. Helen Milby Lila Desler. Theresa Young ('30) sur- Porter, who was here to spend the Christmprised us by announcing her marriage to Ken- neth Goff which took place in Weiser, Idaho, on December 27. They are living in Cottage Grove and Theresa is finishing out her year of teaching. Peggy McKie (ex '35) has
holidays, reports that she has been verv buwhat with her two little daughters, Nancy aSue, and with writing a paper on Pan Amican Relations to give before the Interntional Relations group of A. A. U W. S
A[AI:. II, 1935 29
lijso served recently as chairman of an A. A. Church, and aided by Mildred's coaching, was R W. luncheon committee. Mary Morrison most successful. Then Christmas Eve a
f M >-°i S?!
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O'bear (G) varied the holiday procedure by
entertaining her whole family here in Indian-
gpolis. Louise and Herman Phillips took their t
little daughter to Rushville to spend Christ- rnias with her grandparents. Louise says that Beulah Phillips came from Connersville to kpend Christmas day with her family in Rush- ville. And while we're still speaking of trips jt is nice to be able to report that Mary Gert- rude Manley Marbaugh (B*) and her little daughter, Mary Ann, are taking a sunning just now in Miami, Florida. Vivian Strahm Smith (*) became chairman, recently, of the "Government and Its Operation" committee of the Indianapolis League of Women Voters. On January 30, she read a paper on the "Di- rect Costs of War" for one of the general League meetings, sponsored by the committee on International Relations, of which she is a .member. Elsie Noel W aldo ( I ) is chairman
of the Fellowship Committee of the A. A. iU. W. This committee is responsible for the student scholarship activities of this branch of A. A. U. W. Ethel Bender Hippensteel (B#) says she is working herself into a dither, managing the ticket sale for Eva Le- Gallienne in "L'Aiglon," which is coming to Indianapolis under the sponsorship of Pan- hellenic. Her husband, Dr. Russell Hippen- steel, you will be interested to hear, has re- cently moved into a beautifully equipped new office on the north side—40 West Maple Road, to be exact. And while we're speaking of moving—Ruth Phillips Evans (9) has trans- ferred her household goods to a bungalow at 5107 Washington Boulevard. You may, or may not, have heard that both Roslyn Beal Singer and Marian Olive are engaged in so- cial service for the Governor's Relief Com- mission. Some one told us at a recent bridge party that Eleanor Maris is wearing a Sigma Chi pin from the University of Illinois, and Hannah Secttor attended the same party wear- ing a handsome new diamond ring. _Her fiance's name is Max Klezmer, and he is an Indianapolis man. The last alumna? meeting was at Mary O'bear's. The assistant hostess- es were Ruth Evans, Alice Hill Steger, and Mary Wells Scholl. Part of the evening was spent making plans for the state luncheon and dance. Louise Phillips is general chairman for both, and according to her latest report the day finally arrived at by all the Indiana chapters is April 6, and the place, the Indian- apolis Athletic Club. Katherine Davis was in town, February 7 and 8. She and Edith An- derson, we understand, had been visiting Val- ley chapters, and stopped in Indianapolis on their way back. Kate saw several of the alumnae here, and helped demolish a birthday
dinner at Katie Schmidt Cox's.
By Alice Foote Gwynn
-4- WORD COMES from Rushville that Mildred Riese Haight spent a very busy Christmas season. A pageant, put on in the Methodist
group of people whom Mildred had helped direct, renewed that nice old custom of sing- ing carols throughout the town. We next skip over to Brooklyn and find Mildred Wright using all her spare time to study music in a very serious manner. She is at- tending all sorts of musical concerts and re- views besides keeping busy daytimes at her position with the Brooklyn Edison Company. Marjorie Townsend Bartlett's happiness is quite complete now, for last August 2 brought Bobby, her small son, a new baby sister, who will soon help him in his mischief-making. Chi had a very nice letter from Lorraine Brett, this fall, welcoming any of the girls who happened in New York at any time Lorraine can be reached through the Bur- sar's office at Columbia. Kay Becker and Helen Neubauer are sharing an apartment at 5 Jane Street, New York City. Kay writes that Dot Mapes is still teaching out on Long Island; that Helen Mason is in Montclair, New Jersey; that Mary Keith Jones is in Baltimore, and that Gertrude Koch is living at home in Newark. At the Christinas for- mal I had a long talk with Elsie Strough. who married Barton Morris, last August, and is now living in Vernon, New York. At our last meeting one of the girls said Ruth Thomas can be reached at Minetto, New York, and that Betty Sadelmyer French was living in Binghamton.
By Dorothy Hilton Downs
-4- OF OUTSTANDING interest to our Boston Alumnae Chapter was the opportunity to hear Mrs. Mary Breckinridge speak. Monday evening, January 14, Mrs. Breckinridge gave a most enlightening talk at the annual meet- ing of the Boston Committee of Frontier Nursing Service. In the attentive audience of doctors, society leaders, and young "debs," some of whom have acted as couriers in Mrs. Breckinridge's service, I saw our alum- nae president, Mary Heald, and our active president, Winona Gould; Margaret Anion (0), who is a member of the Boston Com- mittee; Mrs. Ethel Harkness, June Kelley, and Elizabeth Bright, all of Gamma; Mildred Ward Eldridge, Esther Fowler Schmalz, Dor-
othy Gustafson, Kay Haff Anthony, Gladys Bryant Moore, Beth Ringer, Frances Heald, and Dorothy Buck.
A second event attended by several of our members was the Jackson Alumnae bridge party, given to boost their Alumnae Hall Fund. Esther Fowler Schmalz ('23) was one of the committee in charge; Lorea Jameson ('22) and Olive MacPherson ('32) were mem- bers of an orchestra which gave us music with our bridge. Sally Clark, Mary Arnold, Mildred Eldridge, and I played a "pivoting" game wherein each had her chance to look around the big Westminster room in search of other Alpha O's. There were Mary and '•Fran" Heald, Mildred (Boots) Sproul Mac-
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Leod, Gladys Bryant Moore, Kay MacDonald, ble collection of Indian relics. Beth RinDorothea Cunningham Chisholm, Alice Spear ('32), alumna adviser, has given the activand Ruth Penniman, Clara Russell, Isabel every assistance in redecorating their chanCoombs Healey, Blanche Bruce Bryne, Edith rooms, making couch covers and pillows anKinne Hapgood, Edna Webb, and Pauline aiding in their plans. Mary and "FraLamprey Hall. If we missed seeing you, we Heald are already thinking ahead to the sumare sorry! Lovely gardenia sprays were the mer when they can open their log cabin prizes of the day, and at our table Sally Littleton, New Hampshire, to guests. Clark ('23) earned the bouquet. I am in- quire from them about arrangements, thdebted to Ruth Coughlin ('34) for news of idea sounds most attractive, as does the locour most recent alumna?. Ruth, herself, is a tion. Louise Prescott ('21) has an agentechnician in the Neurological Unit at the for magazines at her home in Foxboro. £Boston City Hospital. Constance Kenney is eanor (Iggie) Leadbeater ('23) is happteaching in grades 1-6 in Somerville. Helen engaged in writing advertising copy at WooChristian is in a secretarial school in New ward and Lothrop, a department store York. Kay Ecker is instructing in "gym" Washington, D. C. Happy, too, is MaryAwhile studying for her master's degree at nold ('23), who is traveling once again, thTufts. Phil Howard is teaching in the time to Nassau. Her Christmas vacation wfourth grade in Walpole. Janet Woodman spent in visiting her sisters, Edith Leach (21is doing substitute teaching in Somerville. at Montclair, New Jersey, and Margaret GilElizabeth Upham is still at her home in ('26) in Haverford, Pennsylvania. Kay Ha(9) sees that our quota for our Frontier Nursing Fund is raised. Ann White (8) planned our January meeting and we should like to learn more of her article that ap- peared in a recent Boston Transcript edition. Ann is in the research chemical department of Lever Brothers, Cambridge. Marie Ruten- bar Leslie ( I ) talks most entertainingly about her recent stay in Russia and completely won her audience at our last meeting. We want to know you all; Georgie Davidson from Oregon University, now Mrs. G. S. Low- den of 6 Newport Road, Cambridge; Mrs. Helen Wallin (T '29), now at 47 West Cedar Street, Boston, and a dietitian at the Massa-
chusetts General Hospital: Mrs. George M. Moses from University of Maine, now at 1 Crawford Street, Cambridge, and Dorothy Jackson from Miami University, now at 33
Russell ('31), a son. To Peggy Neal Wilso('22) a son. To Portia Russell Winslow, Borland ('34) is doing social service work iMaple Avenue, Newton, and working in a Harrisburg. Peggy was confronted by thdress shop on Boyston Street in Boston. Cherrie Malcolmson (I) has left Boston. Her husband has transferred from the Geology
Department at Harvard University to the Christine ('34) is teaching in the music deState College, Pennsylvania. Marion Perkins partment of the Stroudsburg school system(T '05) is with Margaret Fay and her mother this winter.
Grace Moyer ('34) has a similar position inthe consolidated schools near Reading. Botgirls visited in State College at house parttime this past fall. Louise Everitt ('33) camto State College from Mercer, in JanuaryThe alumna? are happy to note that Octavia
Chapin is so much better than at the time
of our last letter. She has added to her for the Pennsylvania State College Extensionactivities the presidency of the Massachu- setts T eachers' Federation. Blanche Hooper has been ill with an ear infection and she, too, has been missed. Marion Hall Chandler is active in the Daughters of New Hamp- shire and is secretary of that group. A n - nette McKnight Harvey ('14) is again sub- stituting in the Brookline High School. Alice Rich W akefield ('09) of W estfield, New Jer- sey, gains her glory in her son, a Dartmouth - student who has majored Archaeology, and the state of New Jersey is exhibiting his valua-
Division annual meeting at the Nittany LionShe was in charge of the sewing exhibit athe Farm Show in Harrisburg the followinweek. Ethel Filbert ('34) spent the firssemester of this school year in East LansingMichigan, doing graduate work and assistingthe baby AOII chapter, Beta Gamma. Kathryn Schleicher ('34) and Alfred Funke ('33)were married November 3, at State CollegeThey are now living at 86 Cedar StreetBridgeton, New Jersey, where Al is continuing his work with the Ritter CompanyAnthony ('25) is at her mother's home Newton this winter, not in Rhode Island, previously planned.
son, Russell Austin.
Our sympathies are with Eunice Bassamin the loss of her father; with Ruth EarAndres in the loss of her mother; witEsther Schmalz who lost her father; witBlanche Hooper and Leslie MacMillan in thsudden death of their brother.
Dorothea Cunningham Chisholm ('20) hEpsilon Alpha
By Helen M. Savard
KATHRYN AUNGST ('33) is now
serious business of deciding which of threpositions to accept, which puts Peggy in class by herself in these times. France- f -
engagein dietetics work at the Columbia HospitaWilkinsburg, a suburb of Pittsburgh. PeggWakefield recuperating from a serious illness.
Betty Morris ('33) has a position with the
New York Herald-Tribune. K a y Holcomb
is at the Greenfield Hospital Training School.
Adele Clark ('26) is at Columbia. The girls
from other chapters are such welcome addi-
tions to our alumna?. Margaret Harter (I) a new daughter, her third. To Ruth Libbcontacts all our newcomers. Margaret Amon
IjAKCH, 1935
e p e! ts ri n'' hi
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a- cy j ily d- in r- is as ) es ff
„ \. Schwalbe Garrahan ('31) has a new have an interesting new member in our t
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% Isabel Hall ('32) has changed her po- alumna? chapter' this year in Mrs. Raymond rtion 1S teaching home economics in Coffman. Her husband is the nationally known
Montrose this winter. Marian Terwilliger
"Uncle Ray" who writes nature and historical articles for children. These articles appear daily in newspapers throughout the country. "Glee" Durand Crutcher ('30) writes that she is kept busy with activities in the Younger
itj es
) has a position of a similar nature in i Chester. Rosamond Kaines ('34) is
orkimj on a music project for patients at
JL State Hospital in Harrisburg. Frances
jaubach ('35) and Marion Tomlinson ('35) Women's Club of Louisville, Kentucky. In
e added to the alumna? of Epsilon Alpha Mien they graduated in February. "Fran" is continuing school, while Marion has a posi- tion as social editor on a newspaper in Wil- Hamsport. Elizabeth Martin ('32) is taking -riduate work at Temple University this
November she had a leading role in a play put on by the Little Theatre of that city. Glee is also a member of the Junior League of Louisville. Their friends will be happy to hear that both Dorothy Stangel ('31) and Dorothy Ellen Thomas ('34) are recovering from recent illnesses. Dorothy underwent an appendectomy in December but is back at her teaching position in Oconto. "Dotty" Ellen is regaining her health rapidly and would be very pleased to hear from her out- of-town friends. Elynore "Shorty" Bell (29) participated in the Western Women's Golf Tournament in Los Angeles in October. One hundred and thirty-two women competed in sixteen flights and "Shorty" won the cup in her flight. Hazel Kramer ('34) is operating a sweater and knit wear shop on the Lower Campus in Madison. Elizabeth "Biz"_ Os- born ('32) has an interesting new position. She is assistant society editor of the Wis- consin State Journal, a Madison newspaper. Marian Douglas ('33) has distinguished her- self by the fascinating feature articles she has had published weekly in the Madison papers. Her subject is chinaware, and each week she gives a complete history and de- scription of the fine old china such as Wedg- wood, Spode, Lenox, et cetera. Loraine Mc- Manamy ('29) has been employed in Madison since last March. She has been doing secre- tarial and clerical work with the Home Own- ers Loan. I am sure many will be interested in hearing of Grace Degan Schultz. She has just moved and is now located at 620 South St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. Alnora Sheahan is most fortunate in being able to enjoy a winter vacation. She left Madison the first of February to spend three weeks in Florida. After visiting friends in Miami she took a cruise to Havana, Nas- sau and the Bahama Islands. The marriage of Alice Bauer ('29) of Wisconsin Dells to James Wimmer took place on December 27. They are at home in that city. Mary Pit- cairn ('31), Tarentum, Pennsylvania, and
Powers Pace, Jr., were married on October 24. They are living at 1139 Part Street. Tarentum. Betty Sears Boulden has moved from Baltimore to St. Louis. Betty was Panhellenic delegate for the Baltimore alum-
y ter. Betty Preston ('33) is living at 124 South 36th Street, Philadelphia, at Psi Chap- ter house, while she is working with the Abbott Dairies, Inc., in that city. Gertrude Bryant ('31) is teaching in Media this year. Mary Richards ('25) has announced her en- gagement to P. G. Roberts ($n*, Penn State). She plans to be married next summer. Josephine Stetler ('34) and Marvin Walters were married October 4, and are living in HJddleburg.
By Grace M. Conklin
^x. FLORENCE ANDERSON was most active in December in making the Empty Stocking Oub bridge party the triumph that it was. The receipts from this party are used to
bring joy to needy families in the form of toys for children and food for the whole family. It is a large and important annual affair in Madison and its success is due large- ijjy to untiring efforts of such women as Flor- ence. She also assisted generously in the newspaper work connected with the produc- tion of the Empty Stocking Club play, "The Nervous Wreck," the receipts of which are used for the same purpose as the party.
. Mary Rennebohm is also very generous with her time in aiding those less fortunate. She is president of the Women's Auxiliary
J&f the Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Associa- tion. This organization sponsored benefit widge parties in various cities throughout Wisconsin. One was held in Madison in January. The proceeds from these parties make up a pharmaceutical student loan fund which enables needy students to continue their professional studies where without this aid they would be forced to drop out of
Mildred Engler's interests center around dramatics. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Madison Civic Theatre. The purpose of this organization, which is an ex- perimental theatre, is to afford an opportu-
nity for non-professional as well as semi- jfrofessional actors to express themselves freely in dramatics in an atmosphere which js conducive to free expression. "Nemo" also J? a graduate assistant in the Speech Depart- ment of the University of Wisconsin. Ruth •Reinert is in Madison, this year, obtaining her Master's Degree in medieval history. We
By Helen Murphy
-+- ONE OF the most outstanding acts of the local alumna? groups this year is the com- bining of forces, both financially and phys- ically, to edit the new Iota Echo, which pub- lication was sent out to all alumna? of Iota in the late fall. Socially speaking, the an-
nual husbands' party has been the outstand- ing affair of the group, held hi the president's home, Ruth Snyder Hayward ('26), with twenty-five guests at the buffet supper-bridge. JustawordabouttheannualFounders'Day banquet, at the active chapter, on December 12. The "Iota Echoes from the Past,"in- formal talks by eight alumna? and an active Iota representative, were unusually enjoyable, each girl taking up the thread of the story of the founding of Iota from the local so- rority to the present. Man' Bruner Tehon ('13) was toastmistress. Others who spoke included Margaret Gorham Ebert (ex '13), Atha Wood Fowler ('17), Ruth Percival New- ton ('18), Frances Cottrell ('28), Ruth Sny-
der Hayward ('26) Angelene Saling Mitchem ('28), and Kathleen Howell ('33).
To DRAIwhile the latter recuperates. Marion Kenfonly crowd each time (about twenty-fivEvery other meeting is a dinner meetinwhich is a popular event.
Our sympathy is extended to Frances Fow-
ler Browne ('19), whose father, Judge R. R .
Fowler, of Marion, Illinois, recently passed
away. A n early 1935 wedding took place on
January 26: Virginia Stotler ('33) to Wilbur
Payne, of Streator. Virginia previously at- people was given early this winter by tFredericka ("Freddy") Schrumpf ('32)teaching in Effingham High School this yeMarjorie Gore C34) is a new addition to local group. "Marge" is enjoying her p otion with a local finance company and co'33) also has a position in a local office dowtown. "Rabbit Fever," a dreaded disease, to meetings often. Frances Wiseheart been keeping Daphne HutSon Martin (ex '2on the sick list lately at Sesser. A t Chrmas, "Dash" was unable to enjoy anythiaccording to word received here. DorotIwig of Peoria visited the alumnae meetat Grace Dallenbach Finfrock's (ex '16) January. A social affair for alumnae town, their mothers, and other special towntended Ward-Belmont, and had been teaching
east of Streator at the Emery Green School
before her marriage. M r. Payne attended
Eureka College, where he was prominent in
activities. H e is with the Streator Drain Tile
company. Another lovely Iota wedding w as
that of Marian Kusz ('33) to Tohn Hammer
(*2K '34), in Chicago. Hedvic Lenc ('34)
and Gene Losee ('34) attended the couple.
The Edgewater Presbyterian Church of Chi-
cago, with the Reverend W . N . Woodfin of-
ficiating, was the scene of the wedding. Marian in Richmond, Virginia, there were almoKappa
and a 92*. Until recently she was with the ing. Anne Lamb ('28) is the president of tChicago American, classified department. M r . club and Louise Anderson Hodges ('28) Hammer is with the wholesale department of the chairman of the Program committ-f- AT A RECENT meeting of the Alumnae Clof Randolph-Macon Woman's College, hewas prominent in journalistic circles at Illinois enough AOII's present to hold a chapter meMarshall Field & Company. Marjorie Morri- Elizabeth Call ('28), Sara Anderson Tarrason ('33) was at the wedding. "Marge" is ('30) and Ann Anderson Sale ('26) were thpublicity director of the Chicago Stock E x - change, Chicago.
Since the writing, on October 28, a son, Robert Dove Jenkins was born to Katherine (Kay) Coughlan Jenkins (ex '29) and Sam, in Springfield. O n November 6, a daughter, Cynthia, was born to Virginia Fisher Dolan (ex '31) and "Tommy," who is a member of the faculty in the department of theoretical and applied mechanics at the University. Mil- dred Wilcox Lewis ('33) and Horace Lewis recently announced the arrival of Catherine
Louise Lewis, born December 17. The Lewises are living in the Harvard apartments. A group of the younger alumnae met, late in January, at Helen Granger's ('32) to honor the newcomer in the Lewis family and present a useful gift. Since Helen Granger's kin- dergarten teaching at Homer is over, she has, she claims, too much spare time. Priscilla Wilcox Hausserman (ex '29) and Ford Haus- serman are parents of a new daughter, Sandre Anne, born January 3. This is the Hausser- mans second child; Eric, the son, is almost
Ruth Snyder Hayward's mother, while vis- iting Ruth this winter, fell and hasn't fully recovered. Ruth and Mrs. Snyder are spend- ing a month or so in Palm Beach, Florida,
other Alpha O 's there. Virginia BlantoBroaddus (ex '26) has closed her house Bowling Green and rented a home in Ricmond fo r the winter. H e r three childreReuben, Claire and Virginia, are preciouCoralie Bland ( M r s . George G . Miller, '29) is living in Summerville, South Carlina. Anymembers of Kappa or Pi,her tchapters, who are going to the Charlestogardens this spring a r e invited to stop band see her,savs a letter from Coralie. RuReed ('34) and Marie Askew ('34) habeen taking courses at the University oGeorgia while they were colonizing the nechapter of AOII which will be installed sooAddie Cunningham ('34) has been workinthis winter as a case worker for the DistriEmergency Relief in Washington, D . C. H eaddress is 3109 Cathedral.
Mr. Henry Archer Allen announces thmarriage of his daughter, Frances Mauri(ex '13), to William Henry Hickson, Octob30, at Lynchburer. The couple are at homat 205 Madison Street, Lynchburg.
Mr. and M rs. Christopher Ryan Win fr(Nannie Howard, '25) have a son.
active chapter at the chapter house. Eveone enjoyed looking over the house agaand many were the comments on the beaof the girls' rooms. Peggy Gorham Eb(ex '13) presided at the pretty tea table.
By Ann Anderson Sale
,MA ny
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d* |A R CH, 1935
Kappa Omicron By Grac'xa Allen
hopes to be up and active very soon. Dorothy Bogen Farrington ('30), too, has been quite ill, lint is improving. Josephine Wilson ('33) has moved with her family to N ew Orleans.
iMcKellar (ex '30) is engaged to be married
to C Irwin Dunn of Washington and Balti-
more. Mary McEddins (ex '35) is engaged February. She and Reed will rejoin Jimmie
m ar the ;.
\{r . and Mrs. J . D . Nunnally (Martha A m - versity Theatre and finds the classes of this
s mes
German, Cuba, visited here during the Christ- can find a position as a professional designer.
v n- has
mas holidays. Caroline Stockley Humphreys (ex 31) is out west vacationing. Dorothy Vaiidon ('29) is working in the office at
Southwestern College. Ann Trezevant ('30)
f both Kappa Omicron and Kappa is visit- ing h c r aunt. Mrs. Clark Fain (Virginia Hunt, 0), in Jefferson City, Tennessee. Caroline
Harriet Pillsbury Stallings ('33) is living in Urbana, Illinois, where her husband is doing advanced work at the University. Juanita Dall (ex '37) returned from Europe in No- vember. Grace Reed ('25) is living on the Stanford campus and attending classes. Mar- ion Littlefield ('31) is teaching school in Shaffer. Greta Reed Cowan (ex '32) is ex- pected in San Francisco about the middle of
6) ist- ng hy ing i i s-
n n
to marry Louis Powell of Powell, Arkansas. Mary McCollum ('34), Mary Laughlin ('34), and Ella Kate Malone ('34) are now in busi- ness school and doing fine. Betsy O'Brien
Cowan in Bakersfield. Dorothy Kimberlin Thayer ('29) and her young son have been visiting in San Mateo. Norma Mead Gra- hanVs ('23) husband was injured in an auto- mobile accident, but has recovered.
The new officers of the Peninsula Alumna? Association a r e : president, Alice Sohlinger Galliher ('2 8 ) ; «vice president, Harriet D a y ('31) ; secretary, Doris Holston Prather ('28); treasurer, Katharine Carr ( 2 ) . Their
yL,WEWERESOsorryMrs.MarionMcQueen They will be located in various southern W (Pauline Gilfillian, ex '27) lost her mother, towns for an indefinite period. Eleanor Furst
Mrs. W. J. Gilfillian. A son was born to ('33) continues her work at the Yale Uni-
brose, ex '28) in October. Mildred Rain- year particularly interesting. Helen Hamble-
water McRac (ex '28), who now lives in San ton ('33) is working for her father until she
('36) is working press shop.
in M rs. Taylor's L a m b d a
he is
By Francis McNelly Johnsson
ub ld et-
have published a book for children about wild flowers. H e r mother is illustrating it. Frances Jongeneel Mohrhardt ('26) is re- covering from a recent operation, but in spite of that she is active in several organizations. She has done very excellent work in the Volunteer Service of the Woman's City Club
between alumnae and actives, and to promote teas at the chapter house as a social meeting ground. Helen Delatour ('28) spent the holi- days in Los Angeles and went to the Rose Bowl game. While there, she saw Dorothea Hawkins ('27), who is teaching at the Lilac Ranch School. "Dee" says that she does everything from bathing babies to teaching
nt e
',pf San Francisco, and she is on the board
of directors of the San Francisco Stanford seniors, but she enjoys it. H er address is Woman's Club. Genevieve Morse Roberts Lilac Ranch School via Escondido. Califor-
n at h- n, s. ex o- wo n y by ve f w n. g ct r
e ce er e
ee ('16) is now president of the San Francisco nia. Helen stayed one night at the Kappa
ry- in us ert
ALINE LARIMER GREEN ('21) will soon aims this year are to encourage cooperation
and East B ay Panhellenic Alumnae Associa- tion. Lilian Force Fletcher ('28) is active in the Fenton League in Oakland. She has two charming daughters. Elizabeth Wilbur ('27) is playing in "Merrily W e Roll Along" at the Curran Theatre in S a n Francisco. iLucile Curtis English ('15) was honor guest
Theta house and spoke enthusiastically of the gracious hospitality o f th e girls there. Ruth Mcissner Darling ('22) w as in L o s Angeles for several days after Christmas. Claire MacGregor ('29) went home to Montana fo r Christmas. Ellowene I)elahoyde Evaris ('24)
is going to a secretarial school in Los An-
St the Stanford Woman's Club of Los An- geles and likes it very well. Doris Welch geles in January. Judge Bledsoe's beautiful C27) has gone to Arizona with her grand-
home was open for the occasion, and Lucile read and interpreted dramatically, Philip Barry's play, "The Joyous Season," a recent New York success. She did this same play at the drama breakfast of the Woman's Uni- versity Club of Los Angeles in December.
mother and her sister, Jean, and will be at the Biltmore Hotel near Phoenix for a month. Florence Pixley Shlaudeman ('23) • is living on the campus while her husband is doing research work at Stanford. Abbie W ood Martin ('1 8 ) is assisting h im . Har-
May Chandler Goodan ('14) has taken up riet Day ('3D gave a party for Pat Crofoot
photography as a hobby and has done some outstanding portraits, among them, one of little Alan English. Erna Taylor ('16) is
teatly missed in Southern California. S h e
a= Lione to Corvallis. Oregon, to take charge of the Alpha O house there. Beulah Dimmitt
de Silva before her marriage in September, and Jane Nikirk Hoopes C32) gave one for Lucile Morgan Gettcns. Alpha O 's glimpsed on one or both occasions were: Adele Gist Davis ('30). Dorothy Bogen Farrington ('30), Bobbie D a y ( 2 ) . Frances W orthington ('29),
('33) read extracts from Robinson's Tristan Antoinette Schulte ('3D, Helen Bom ('33),
St an Alpha O tea given at the home ofLu- cile Curtis English, and the audience w as very enthusiastic over her presentation. Eunice Force ('34) has been ill for some months, but says that she is feeling much better now and
Louise Ruggles C33), Louise Whitaker ('36). and Francis McNelly Johnsson C 2 8 ). There were several parties given fo r Antoinette Schulte ('31) hefore her departure for M a- nila in November. Alpha O's who enter-
tained for her were Dorothy Bogen Farring-
ton and Beth Pinkston ' Schulte ('31),
"Tonie's" sister-in-law. There were many
people to see her off when she sailed on the
President Hoover with Celeste Etcheverry
(2) her aunt, and their stateroom was filled
with flowers and gifts. Jane Mead ('23)
sailed on the same boat, also bound for
Manila. Claire Pierce Bantle ('30) and her Rust Wasmus ('32) and husband, Rc,]ehusband were up from Los Angeles for the have left their home in Columbus for a threStanford-U. S. C. game and attended open weeks sojourn in Florida. In December, Ruhouse. Dorothy Quinn ('28) came from Cox Segar ('20) and family moved to BellStockton, and came for the Big Game in vue, Kentucky. Already the Dayton AlumnBerkeley, in November. After the Big Game, Chapter miss the ever happy and willing spirJane Nirkirk Hoopes ('32) held open house, which so dominates Ruth's vivid personalitand many Alpha O's enjoyed the hospitality The Cincinnati Alumna? will probably havextended. Ruth Leiter Babson ('29) sees the pleasures and benefits of her affiliatio"Deede" Thayer ('29) and Ruth Patterson which we enjoyed so much while she was ('30) quite often, and Olga Seibert ('23) and part of the Dayton Alumna-. Mary ConovEleanor Willett Austin ('27) occasionally. ('34) is now in Dayton, employed by thAileen Brown Small ('27) and "Mac" and Personal Finance Company. Grace Du Bo"Tiny" and "Wee" spent five montlis in Duns- C19) is head of the "East Dayton Branch omuir last year, returning to San Diego in Unemployment Relief." Louise Murray ('26November. Alice Schlinger Galliher ('28) who has been teaching at Fairview Higwent to see "Brownie" recently when she School in Dayton, is doing graduate worwent south with her husband on a geology this year at Columbia. Thelma Thornberrtrip. Frances Hadenfeldt Boynton's present ('29) has had a promotion in her work address is 733 Laguna Honda Boulevard, San
Francisco. Marriages
Gladys Crofoot ('32) was married to Paul de Silva on September 15. The ceremony took place at the home of Dr. Holman in San Francisco, and the service was read by D r . Holman's father. A small reception was held after the ceremony, and "Pat" and Paul are now living near the Stanford campus while Paul continues his studies. Lucile Morgan was married to Harry Gettens on October 20 in the Stanford Chapel. Lucile wore her mother's wedding dress and was attended by Jane Nikirk Hoopes ('32). A reception was held at the Alpha O house. They are at home in San Francisco. Antoinette Schulte ('31) was married to Kenneth Hobbs of
Washington, D. C , in the old Malate Church
McCall's Publishing Company, Dayton, OhiShe is to be head of the circulation deparment. The Dayton Chapter is glad to welcomLois Murray (ex '32) who is doing stenographic work at the Courthouse. Our deepesympathy goes to Mildred King Brawley ('26whose mother died December 19 after a lonillness. Kathryn Pearce Hedges is proving be a perfect young matron in her new aparment in Columbus, according to her husbandwhom I contacted when he was in Daytonrepresenting the Heyvvood-Wakefield Company. "Katie" is still working in the officeof Ohio State University. Omicron
By Fay Morgan
in Manila on November 26. Celeste Etche- -+- THERE HAVE been several changes in fverry (2) was present at the ceremony, as cation since the fall news notes appearedwas Janet Durfey White ('30). Kenneth is Tillie Tuttle ('29) received the Lewisohn feconnected with the Afable College of Medi- lowship in Home Economics at the Universitcine, and their present address is Syquia of Tennessee and gave up her teaching dutieApartments, 1131 M. H. del Pilar, Manila. at Canton, Mississippi, to return to "The HillElizabeth Wicher (Ex. '25) was married to and finish her work for a Master's degreRev. Kenneth Feaver on January 4, in San She is living at the Practice House, 812 TemAnselmo, California. Nora Blickfeldt ('31), ple Avenue, while thus engaged. JosephinMarion McElwain ('34), and Louise Whit- Wallace Deaver (ex '28) and Everette havaker ('36) assisted at the reception following
moved from Birmingham, Alabama, to Johnson City, Tennessee, which puts Joe withicalling distance for alumnae activities. LucMorgan ('22) took up her residence in Nashville on November 1 to carry out her dutiewith the State Health Department. Ne(Scotchman) Nowlin ('34) has been a member of the Huntsville, Tennessee, High Schoofaculty for the past several months and iaddition to her classroom teaching has devethe ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Babson announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara on Novem- ber 25, in Wilmington, California.
By Florence Rench
-+- ALUMNAE NEWS of Omega sisters has oped a winning basketball team which habeen scarce these past months, but now conquered all the other cagesters in that secand then a letter or two will arrive to help tion. Claire Harwood Patterson (ex '28) ankeep me posted. Perhaps the announcement in "Pat" have changed their headquarters fromOctober of my engagement to Leon F..Smith, Pulaski, Tennessee, to Birmingham,Alabamaan ATJ2 from Ann Arbor, Michigan, has h its effects, causing me to miss many things interest. Amid all the usual pre-nuptial conf sions I'll do my best to relate what newshave gathered. A letter from Margaret (PP Barr ('32) reveals the fact that she is hapily employed in Columbus, Ohio, with thColumbia Gas and Electric Company. f
MARCH, 1935 35
"Pat's" business connections necessitating the Alumnae for Tennessee and predict she will o V e . Petie Hunt Osborne (ex '31) and be as successful in her new position as she [olm are living in Washington, D. C , where was when president of the Nashville Alumna?. Tnlm 's doing special writing work for one Ethel Davis (ex '36) of Jackson, Tennessee, { the governmental agencies. Elizabeth Ken- was one of the visitors at our Founders' edy Seale ('19) is spending the year at the Night celebration, the distinction of being the University of Chicago taking extra training member from the most distant point present
,a^ p' tu e a; it
y e
n a er e is f
) h
k y at o t- e - st ), g to t- , , - s
mingham, for the present. Jennilee McCrack- Alabama, after April 1.
en Nelson ('25) still finds the west greatly to her liking according to reports from Phoenix, Arizona, where she and Air. Nelson have been living for the past several years. Their ad-
- e
- n y - s ll - l n l-
her official capacity as assistant buyer for a on Februar3r 13. Knoxville department store, and managed to
s - d
combine business and pleasure to a marked ;degree according to rumor. Blossom Swift Edmunds ('11) was one of the speakers at the regional conference of Girl Scouts held •at Chattanooga in January. We are all grati- fied over the recent appointment of Lucy
The sympathy of the chapter is extended to Elizabeth Kennedy Seale ('19), Helen Ken- nedy ('13), and Helen Camp ('33) in the death of their father and grandfather, Dr. John M. Kennedy, pioneer citizen and physi- cian of Knoxville. We also extend our sym-
t T \ ~ e
eral social service workers awarded scholar- in Jackson this year. Ann Wagner ('34), now ships i" colleges throughout the country. directing the destiny of Chi Delta Chapter,
social service study. She was one of sev- for the occasion going to her. She is teaching
I Anne Brakebill Morgan ('32) and Milt have achieved a long-held wish when she attended
oved from Memphis to Knoxville, where the Rose Bowl game in Los Angeles on Jan- Afilt is connected with the engineering divi- uary 1 after spending the holidays in Los An- ' sion of the TVA,much to our delight. They geles with Edith Shinn (KB), who is with were among the most loyal rooters for Omi- Ann at Boulder this year. Elisabeth Witsell cron's basketball team during the recent an- ('34) changed her mind about remaining in nual tournament at the University. Mary Washington and is back home in Memphis. Stokely Eberts (ex '31), Ken and young On a business trip which your Alumnae News Marvin have returned to Indianapolis after Reporter took recently to Pulaski, Tennessee, Several months' stay in California. Emily a particularly happy reunion was held with
Mahan (ex '33) and "Lib" Caffey ('34) are several Omicroners through the hospitality of temporary residents of New York, where they Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Smith, parents of are taking specialized study in dramatics and Marie ('33) and Dorothy ('35), who tendered art respectively. Each has made quite a repu- a strictly AOIT dinner party to your corre- tation locally in her field and we are hoping spondent. The guest list included Marie, Jane that additional success in New York will not Zuccarrello Rackley ('30), Sue Rogers ('26), prevent them from returning to Knoxville Margaret Rogers Stone (ex '17), and Mar- later on. "Lib" Koella Vestal ('32), Park and garet Rawls Moore (NO '30) who is now a small Joan spent Thanksgiving week with resident of Pulaski. Marie deserted her teach- homefolks in Knoxville, which brief time per- ing at Prospect, Tennessee, for a few hours mitted us to catch only a flying glimpse of in order to be present and many reminiscences them before they returned to Arkansas City, of past days were indulged in. "Zuc," Joe Arkansas. Katherine Hale ('33) spent the Matt, and young Bill Rackley took a trip to Christmas vacation period with her brother Florida shortly afterwards to bask in the sun- Harrison and his wife in Jersey City, New shine which Tennessee has lacked during the Jersey, and reports a delightful time. She is past weeks. Frances Coykendall ('30) as AOIT Sack in Memphis attending to her library du- representative to the Knoxville City Pan- ties at the Christian Brothers College. Mary hellenic was in charge of the December lunch-
Moore Dominick ('33) and Paul came up eon given by the Panhellenic Association and from Montgomery, Alabama, where they are received high praise for her efficient handling now living, to spend Christmas with the fam- of the job.
ily. Elizabeth Christrup Callaway ('28) has
recently returned to the new home she and Marriages
John have in LaFollette, Tennessee, after a
two-months visit with Mrs. Christrup and Lila Witsell ('28) and Nick Charles (ATJ2)
Frances (ex '31) in Memphis. Evelyn Isom were married in Memphis on October 4. ('34) stopped over in Knoxville at Thanks- They are making their home in Memphis. giving time en route to Birmingham from The wedding of Glenn Thompson (ex '36) .Boston, where she spent several months taking and Robert Eugene Orr took place on March special training. She is with her aunt, Felicia 2, at St. John's Episcopal Church, Helena, Metcalfe (ex '06), 2173 Highland Drive, Bir- Arkansas. They will be at home in 1)ecatur.
Kakki Pennybacker Doughty (ex '31) and Jack have a second daughter born on Septem- tdress, 1802 Washington Avenue, remains the ber 20 at their home in Knoxville. Another same. Elizabeth Bickley Eason (ex '25) and future AOIT is the daughter who was an Oc- John are now living at 202 High Street. Chat- tober arrival at the home of Eleanor Phillips 'itanooga, Tennessee. Dorothy Brown Camer- Crawford (ex '29) and Hugh in Memphis. ipn (ex '26) spent a week in Pittsburgh, Penn- Paul Jackson, Jr., was born to Mary Moore sylvania, during January in connection with Dominick and Paul at Montgomery, Alabama,
(Pat) Cooper ('30) as State Chairman of pathy to Katherine Caldwell (ex '08) of Knoxville in the recent death of her mother.
To DRAGMOmicron P i
By Virginia Van Zandt Snider
SANTA came in a big way to Jackie and
Bob Armantraut, and Jo Weiler Arman-
trant ('26) back again in Detroit and feeling
much better, bustled with preparations and few days later at a quiet home wedding guests. A note came from Harriett Weston
Ansley ('26) who divided her attention be-
tween holiday festivities and Beta Gamma ac-
tivities. During the busy shopping days, I
caught a glimpse of Emma Jacobs Bergman
('20). Frances Murray Burridgc's ('25)
mother and father spent the holidays with
Marian Murray Elliott ('24) and Schulycr in
Philadelphia. Marian writes that she certain-
ly does enjoy her home and friends. Annette
Burkhardt Brown ('27) breezed into town
twice this fall bringjng greetings from Jean
Greenshield Rex ('27). Annette attended lit-
tle Billy Rex's birthday party. Marian Reich
Bain ('30) put in an appearance on Founders'
Day and was royally welcomed. Christmas
greetings came from Louise Boer ('25) bear-
ing the same postmark so she is still in Grand
Rapids. Blossom Bacon Dick ('31) they say and Jacqueline. Nell Dickinson ('27) spenis all bound up in her housekeeping. Eliza- holidays in Ann Arbor with her brother, beth Cody Breckenridge ('27) is settled in faculty member, and Irene Lutz DunhamFlint and lives very near Elva Langdon Capa- ling (ex '24). Elva seems very busy, and as Janet keeps Betty occupied they see little of each other. Another Detroit visitor was Alice Wessels Burlingame ('28) who came over from Cleveland with her two children for Thanksgiving. She says that Margaret Smith Davis ('27) is living in Cleveland where Gor- don is connected with one of the newspapers. Marjorie Weber Bleaklcy ('27) and Don made their annual fall visit to Iowa. The Burgers, Dorothy Oodle (ex '31) and Franklyn, are still in Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor reminds me of the fact that Margaret Hanselmen Under- wood ('25) and Merle made the longest Christmas trek of any of the gang. They went to Florida for several wreeks. Mary
Howlett Barrett ('23) has been thankful that her father missed meeting her uncle in Lan- sing, where her uncle met his death in the tragedy of the hotel fire. I include this, as there have been so many queries about this tragedy. Mr. Howlett was to have met his brother there, but illness kept him confined to Iiis home. Frances Barrett ('25) is very busy working on the school paper and an annual this year. Sally Bond ('27) is still in Grand Rapids and works for Bell Telephone. During the Christmas season Florence Brady ('335 announced her engagement to Dr. Ralph M. Atherton. The announcement was made at a tea, and the wedding will take place in the near future. Sue Crawford Williams (ex '25) drops in to see Irene Swain C24) frequently. Irene says that Sue's daughter is "most at- tractive." It is reported that Pat Brown Wis- dom ('25) was in Chicago this summer. Ra- dio activity is the center of interest for Vel- ma Leigh Carter ('24) these days. Sally Knox ('29) sent the old year out with a bang in an automobile accident. She is working for the Central Dctroiter. Doris Kuhn Sev- erence ('29) is going visiting in February
C24) is still busy with any number of activties, mainly the University of Michigan Women's Association. Janey Dieterle now has thchickenpox, so Larry O'Bryan Dieterle ('23says she sees a siege ahead as Marty wiprobably be the next one. Faith Dumas (e'28) awoke from a nap to answer my quetion. Faith, herself, is fine and busy as aschool teachers are wont to he. She saithat Margaret Bonine Fox ('26) and Gerawhave been in California for a vacation, homfor the holidays, and are now on their wato Ames where Gerald is teaching. Sally Bonine Morrison ('27) has a baby boy and livein Ohio. She plans to visit in Detroit soonElizabeth Wylie Swartz' ('21) two childreare in excellent health now. Dorothy WyliMartin ('24) and Charles spent Christmawith Marjorie Wylie ('20) and Mrs. Wylie iCalifornia. A Christmas message from Jessamine Gray ('25) brought the news that shwas in Madison, where her husband is aassistant pastor and in charge of student activities. I can alwa3rs depend on news fromRuth Morey Eisisle ('25) at the holiday timShe, Lloyd, and the children are well anbusy with activities in Phoenix. Bea HoeFinley ('23) and Kate Swayze Monroe ('23made a short surprise visit to Detroit late ifall. Mary Greenshields Faulman ('27) anMartha Greenshields ('32) were in Romefor Christmas and then visited Jean in Chcago. Helen Gray ('34) is taking her Masterat Michigan and spent the holidays in RomeoMargaret Smith France (ex '24) hoped to bin New Orleans for the vacation. Mary F.llefAppelton Fralich ('26) was in Ann ArbofHelen Whipple's ('27) family were in Detroiwith her for several weeks. Lorraine l'ricHowell ('24) didn't go to Russia after all, buHarold has been over and back again. GladyHinmon Hirt ('23) is not quite so often iDetroit since the arrival of little Paul Stanleywhen she will journey to Columbia, MissouFlorida seems to be a popular place and Milbourne you'll find Jerry Wilkinson ('3Qkeeping shop. Margaret Clark ('27) is n o Mrs. Stanley Coddington. It all happened aMargaret says, very suddenly as Stanley Jcided it all for her. They were married Mr. Clark could be there, before leaving fFlorida. Margaret and Stanley were in Clevland on their honeymoon. Christmas greetincame from Xell Gratton Coffmau C2(>) athey bear her Madison address. Irene Swai('25) sent a greeting, but it contained the mesage that she had lost her mother last f a Cheerier news came from Eleanor EatoCavanaugh ('21) announcing the birth of ("aol Annette on November 11. This fall Dorthea Comfort ('20) rejoiced in the fact thasome of her paintings were exhibited in thGallery. She was thrilled especially as thart is a new hobby. Helen Dye is teaching ouWyandotte way and comes into Detroit foweekends. Winifred Benedict Dudley ('26has had a siege of the flu, but was feeling tiptop to plan a big Christmas for Nancy Su
fjtfAKCH. 1935
•Horseback riding seems to have been the lead-
fj! activity of the Newbys and Helen Howard c
tention. Joan Barnett ('32) sent a nice little chatty note and told about the variety and in- terest of her social service work. Ruth Mc-
s0 t a
i- - e ) ll x s- ll d e y - s .I n e s n - e n - e.
d k ) n d fl i- 's1 . e l i t e t s n .
' Jackie and the latest books off the press. She drawing. That story about matches Alda
ri ' at1 \ ^ s g. a
tfewby f'24) writes enthusiastically about it.
Pnllcky and Beverly are into all sorts of Lean ('32) is doing feature work with the
0 r e- jj ji
f tricks, so life is never dull for Helen. An- ther 'Clevclander is Frances Hines ('33). She t-5 been in Ann Arbor for several games,
titleu Maynard Hubbard ('30) as chairman : the Panhellenic Bridge Tournaments has found herself the center of much activity. It
f one of the most important appointments of f panhellenic and we are proud of Helen. It has been good to see Ruth Sargeant Harding />20) at several meetings. I regretted that I pissed the call she and Bea Bunting Scott P20) made me when Bea was making her usual fall visit here from New York. Mar- jorie Kerr Lanning ('23) had a long letter from Lillian Herman Stickney ('23) in which Bjl" told all about her own interests and Alpha O meetings. She sees Louise Duncan Walker ('20) quite often, and in fact Louise had just entertained the girls at a supper. News of Margaret Bourke-White (ex '26) Iflashes itself across the country as the Picto- rial Review devotes a long article to her in- teresting personality and achievements. E s - ther Bradley Ham ('28) is still living in Wy- l,andotte. Doris Bessinger Howlett C25) de- jvotes much of her time to Marylinn and
Central Press, and Betty Rowe (ex '31) is in- terested in advertising work. Frances John- son ('31) was Florida bound and then was planning to seek new laurels in New York. It was news to hear that Harriett Olekseich is now Mrs. Vernon Stewart. Abigail Rob- erts Van Wagcnen ('24) and "Van" spent a belated vacation at Lake Mohawk in No- vember and then finished with a visit to New Haven. Helen Holden ('21) is to be married February 23 and then will live in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Judy Wilkinson ('32) is home at Lakeside. Eleanor Culbertson (ex '30) docs dash about the country and is now at Colum- bia. Wmifred Hall C33) is teaching at Brown City. Katherine Clifford ('31) certainly does things in a big way, as she is now principal of a school for English students on the Is- land of Guam. California and warmer climes claimed the vacation of Mary Louise Behy- mer ('31) who still lives in Seattle. Greetings came from Irma Shnauffer Tomlinson ('22) who also lives in Seattle. Can you imagine such grand luck? Elizabeth Cossitt Fricker ('28) went to a grocery store, received a coupon, and won a new Pontiac on the lucky
n s- ] | n
r_ o- t e e t r ) - e
[has stirred the rest of us into action and your Detroit sisters are reading. Eleanor W elsh | ('33) sent me a card from Cleveland where she writes that she was "gadding" and hav- ing a "grand time." Adele Ewing ('33) is working in the library and Jean Mitchell ('33) is employed at Halles. The Kellar family (Marjorie Mitter '27), Karl, and Charles were &in Romeo for the holidays. Marjorie has dis- continued her social service work. Virginia Smith Keltz ('24) has been given the added [responsibilities of her own children's room in |6ne of the branch libraries. Rumor says that Mary Lawton ('28) is in the east. Leone Lee ('29) sent a greeting: from Marshall where
she is teaching. Marjorie Kerr Lanning ('24) Stopped off the Christmas week with a "flu" •spell. She and Brown were in Samia. New
S and interesting is the work of Molly Peckham [Locke ('27) in the book bindery of the Board lof Education. Molly spent several days in SGrand Rapids. Annette Brown writes that [Helen Boorman Tucker ('25) and her hus-
band have been in Chicago for a visit. Al- ibertina Maslin ('31) is still interested in her Social work, and enjoys memories of her won- derful summer trip. Elizabeth Hayes Monay- han ('25) spent the holidays in Toronto, which is unusual for the Monayhans. Vir-
Webber's winning a Ford. June Davis Thisted ('28) has had more than her share of hospi- tals and we are sorry to hear that June has had a third operation. For some time now Mary Roach ('30) has been wearing a dia- mond and the lucky man is Dr. Stewart Terry. Commuting has become second nature to Betty Morley ('30) as she goes between
Detroit and Rochester. Lucille 1 little Har- rington C28) wrote that this was the merriest Christmas she had enjoyed for some time. Lucille heard from many of the girls. She sent me news of Josephine Norton Housman ('28) who lives near Detroit, but whom we seldom see. Ruth Kimberly Witter (ex '29) finds her outside activities and housekeeping are time filling. Ruth Weiler (ex '31) is home after a summer at the Lake and finds pleas- ure in sewing every spare moment. Helen Belcher Winter ('28) writes glowing reports of Tom Jr. Marian Smith ('30) has been resting from the holiday rush at Halle's in Cleveland. Grace Manheck W ebber ('30) is active these days with Cleveland Alumnae and contract bridge groups. Last minute word
comes that Harriett Arnold Rhorbach ('30) proudly proclaims the arrival of a little girl on January 19. A news flash came that Lela Crump La Rocher has been a hospital pa-
ginia Crossman Maguire ('28) entertained tient, but she is home now and doing nicely.
pfcuests, and with her young son David she Managed to keep quite busy. Once in a while Bea Smith Miller ('21) and I have a real chat via the telephone. She is still busy with
'her library and house work. Clubs, clubs, dubs—that is all Jeanette McCall ('26) eats, thinks, and writes for the Detroit Free Press. Helen Baughey Nolan (ex '32) dropped in to
gee Molly Locke when I was visiting her, and we three had a nice chat about "college" days. [Helen has three sons now to demand her at-
June Davis Thisted didn't have her operation and is much better.
By Valborg Szvenson
-4- No DOUBT all Phi girls will be as pleased as I was to know that Charlotte Hall Uhls (ex '19) is nearer Kansas City again. In fact she has been for over three years
dietitian and matron in the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind in Colorado Springs. She had previously served in the same ca- pacity with the Washington State School for the Blind in Vancouver, Washington. "The latch is out," she says, so all Phi girls who travel to Colorado this summer remember to stop in and say hello. Mary Lou is eleven
years old. Leah Mae Kimmel Coburn ('30) is now in Hollywood, California, with her aviator husband; Hazelle Hedges ('32) has her Hazelle Marionettes on the market and has volunteered to teach an arts and crafts classforunemployedgirlsattheY.W.C.A. in their leisure time activity program; Marie Isern Waggoner ('27) is living in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, where her husband is con- nected with the Telephone Company; Dorothy Miller Slasor (ex '20) writes from her new home in Detroit of the many activities of the Detroit alumnae; Dorothy Atwood Holmes (ex 31) is now living in Manhattan, Kansas; Velma Beard Ross C33) of Albuquerque, New Mexico, visited her parents in Kansas City last fall and attended the November meeting of the Kansas City Alumnae; Thora Collins Judkins ('28) of Wichita and Ida Logue Sanborn (ex '23) of Belleville were recent visitors in Kansas City. Alida Brau- cher Fugate's ('24) year-old son, Joseph Braucher, had his picture in the Wichita news- paper on New Year's Day, depicting one- year-old 1934 saying, "Bye-bye, it's been a tough year, but it's over now." Jessie Kinman McKelvy ('30) and her husband are back in Kansas City again. They left last spring on a six months' tour of the west, and after spend- ing several months in Waterville are back in Kansas City. Ruth Geisler ('29) is now do- ing government work in Leavenworth, Kan- sas. Frances Thompson Raynolds ('31) drove up from her home in Tulsa the first part of February to spend a few days in Lawrence, Kansas City and Eudora. Mary House ('31) gave up her position as teacher of domestic science in the Washington Rural High School the first of the year to do some demonstrating work for the General Electric Company with headquarters in Lawrence. Faith Kelley was bom to Dr. and Mrs. Julius Kelley (Ruth Bennett '29) in January in Providence, Rhode Island.
Glenna Myers ('30) to Dr. Carl Young- strom, December 2, 1933; Frances Thompson ('31) to Robert Raynolds, September 19. They are at home at 2208 East 17th Place, Tulsa, Okla. Kathryn Koons Smith ('25) to John V. Snook, October 14. Their new ad- dress is 2820 Thayer, Evanston, Illinois. Eleanor Massman (ex '35) to John Oyer Jr. in Kansas City, Missouri, October 19; and Avis Stoops ('28) to Julius Tillman. Novem-
ber 12, Beloit, Kansas.
Milo Milton II to Mr. and Mrs. Milo Kes- ner (Frances Ringle (ex '24), of Le Roy, Kansas, on September 6; John Loomis to Mr. and Mrs.J.Wayne MacParlane (Lena Loomis '27), October 14 in Tulsa; a second son. Rich-
To DRAard Chandler, to Mr. and Mrs. C. EuCayot (Marguerite Chandler '25), N ove6 in Kansas City, Missouri; Mary Jo to and Mrs. Claude Huyck (Helen Tatum 'December 26 in Kansas City, Kansas; GEdward to Mr. and Mrs. John Gere (Ix;nBird '27), January 21 in Blackwell, OklahoKelley (Ruth Bennett '29) in Providand Faith Goddard to Dr. and Mrs. |
February 3.
Phi wishes to extend sympathy to GlaBradley ('31) whose mother died last Novber in Agenda, Kansas, and to Berneice Pesen ('28) and Irene Petersen Keener (p) Urbana, Illinois, whose father passed awPi
By Marion Moise
THE LUNCHEON held on Founders' Dproved a great success as a "get togethfor alumnae and active members. CharlVoss Kearny ('26) was in New Orleans foweek during the fall, and as usual everyenjoyed seeing her. We have heard that IrClark ('28) is now principal of a school in North Louisiana—rapid p r o g r e s s sgraduation! Beverly Walton has beenJohns Hopkins University all winter, takcourses in Medical Art. Beverly ('32) entertained at tea during the Christmas hdays by Clara Mae Buchanan ('31) and mAlpha O's were present. Winifred Folsc ('is an art instructor at Baylor College (Women) in Texas. Margaret Folse ('29)a visitor for the E.R.A. here this win"Baby" Williams Wilson ('30) is also wthe E.R.A. since her marriage last fall. IrSompayrac Willard ('20) was invited to teArt in Munich, Germany, last year—a grhonor—and since her return to the I'niStates she has been an instructor in ArtOrlando, Flarida, where she is wintering the sake of her little son's health. MargaBovard C32) was one of the three workat the E.R.A. chosen to attend the TulSchool of Social Work last term, and sithe completion of her course a few weeks ashe has been back at work in the capacitya supervisor. Georgia Belle Gillean Duvo('12) paid a visit to her sisters, Sue ('and Grace Gillean ('14) this winter. BevWalton is a new member of the BaltimAlumnae Chapter. Rose Chavanne Radfo(ex '28), and her husband, Manson, are nin New Orleans, and have taken an apartmin the Franch Quarter. Mrs. Elizabeth LCox ('07) represented T ulane University the occasion of the Semi-Centennial Celebtion of the founding of the Mississippi StCollege for Women held on October 21-23Columbus, Mississippi. Ruby Foster ('28) aAdele Foster Benson ('30) came down wthe mumps on the same day. We are gladsay that the "children" are quite well nGertrude Webb Smith's ('28) little sister. Dothy, pledged AOII at Randolph-Macon tpast fall.
eP n X * \'jer 2R\' il nrS ma!
i; ' ent
JjrfARLiL 1935
<ri»eyoung couple is residing in Mer Rouge, to a misunderstanding, as a result of which I 11113
j^oui?' - Sophie Rollins ('33), to Moya have agreed, most reluctantly, to send the [flatten, of Gulfj>ort, Mississippi, on January following news. Marian Culin (ex '31) and
Mary Emma Williams ('30) of Mer Rouge,
jsiana, to Thomas Fitzhugh Wilson (ATA)
An September 2. They are living at 1532 -+- MANY PSI girls sighed because of the
B« p
By Helen Wallauer Horner
cher Street, New Orleans. Jane Williams'
l'il) husband is Thomas H. B. Rankin, and October To DRAGMA. This omission was due
have a second son, Stephen Chalaron, born in
Helen Brennan Murphy ('28) visited in Phil- adelphia during the Christmas holidays. She and her husband are living in Chicago and have two lovely children. Betty Herbst Tru- itt ('30) came up from Roanoke for Christ-
January, 1935.
Pi Delta
By Margaret E. Cook
• L MADELINE BERNARD has a secretarial posi- mas. She has been taking trips through the
tion with the Textile Labor Board and south with her husband. She decided to look has been advancing since her appointment last up Alpha O's in the various towns in which
fall- Ruth Miles was made head of her de- they stayed, and she told us that she made
^partment at the Home Owner's Loan Corpora- some very delightful and interesting contacts. tion and was transferred to Baltimore. Edith Maude Frame ('27) has received the Fanny
Bumside Whiteford is with the Baltimore Bullock Workman Fellowship of $1,000 from
Bank of Cooperatives. Gwendolyn Sargent Bryn Mawr College for a year's study abroad.
Blanz is in charge of the McKinley High Florence Harden ('34) was awarded the Uni-
School Cafeteria. Buckey Clemson is en- versity of Pennsylvania Scholarship for grad- gaged to a very lucky Baltimorean. Myra uate study at our Alma Mater. Maybella
Lewis married Everett I-ang in November. Badgley ('30) and Dorothy Masterson ('31)
Their home is in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, are doing graduate work in psychology at the
Myra was graduated from the Union Memo- University. "Dot" did social service work at
St. Christopher's Hospital last summer.
rial Hospital, Baltimore. Charlotte Hood 7
married Tommy Neff on February 1. Char-
lotte has been in New York since fall. Kay
Seiler Wdsy gave birth to a baby in October.
May Dezendorf Fouts, Evelyn Kuhnle, Grace boro, New Jersey, Virginia Derr ('32) in Maxsell Price, Ruth Miles, Mildred Kettler, Norristown, Jane Evans ('32) in Prospect Myra Lewis Lang, Christine Finzell Caldara, Park, and "Kay"Knauss (\31) in Harrisburg. Grace Lallegher Sneider were visitors in Dorothy Maloncy ('32), who has been teach- Washington during the last few months. Bar- ing at the Harcum School, Bryn Mawr, is bara Schelling Everstein has joined the Bal- thrilled at her appointment as a teacher of timore Alumnae Chapter. Dr. Cooke has ac- Physical Education and Hygiene in the Mast- cepted a position with the Crown Cork and baum Vocational School in Philadelphia. Mil- Seal Company so Anne Dorsey-Cooke now dred Taylor ('32) is teaching "Young Phil- lives at 5616 Magnolia Avenue, Baltimore. adelphia" how to swim at the Gerraantown Edna Bumside Howard vacationed in Florida Y. W. C. A. Vivian Falk ('33) is lecturing
in the fall and returned looking splendid. at the University Museum. Patricia Steven- Minna Cannon vacationed in Florida for two son ('29) who worked at the Conde-Nast Pub- weeks in February. Eloyse Sargent and Bazil lishing Company until the Philadelphia office Postelthwaite culminated a long romance by was closed, is now with the Geare-Marston their marriage on December 22. All kinds of Advertising Agency. Her sister, Evelyn Ste- joy was wished for Eloyse and Bazil in their venson Webster ('28) who lives in Mercer "ew home in Newark, Ohio. So it is with has organized some very successful bridge deepest sorrow that their friends learned of tournaments in that town. "Ev" is a very
Wsdeath from pneumonia on the eleventh day
good bridge player as well as a wonderful manager, so I imagine Mercer is thoroughly "hridge-minded" by this time. Genevieve Mc-
their marriage.
lack of alumnae news about them in the
C e -
24. Sophie has continued teaching in the Gulf- port High School since her marriage.
Frances Hadley ('34) were seen frequently strolling on the boardwalk at Ocean City last summer. Avis Hunter Rumpp ('19) and Eleanor Rohner Spencer ('20) brought cheer
Jolley Jr., born October 10. Little Nannette Avenue. Catherine Langell ('32) is spending
dys em- ter- j
Born to D r . and M rs. Joseph W . Reddoch
\ (Elizabeth Lyon '27), a son, Joseph William to Sea Isle City. Marian Simon Willis ('28)
j0 ay
u on August 31. Jolley and Nannette Tom- spent the summer at North Wildwood. She and Dave have moved to Haddonfield, New linson Carr ('29), have a young son, William Jersey. Their new address is 240 Ardmore
i'jg now about three years old. William and part of the winter in Florida. Margaret Mc-
er" otte r a one ene up ince at
ing was alf! any 32) for is ter. ith ma ach eat ted in for ret ers ane nce go, of isin 03) crn ore rd ow ent yon on ra-
ate , at Ofl ft| to ow. o« ins horn October 31. "Smitty," small son of Carl and her husband took a cruise to the West and Cora Heaslip Smith ('28) has a little sis- Indies in November. Sylvia Sutcliffe Crowe
Dorothy Cockerham Reeder ('30) are the Henry ('25) is still lingering in foreign lands proud parents of a daughter, Dorothy Lynn, on her trip around the world. Your writer
ter, Cora Jane, born November 17 in Minne-
apolis. Born to Tucker and Evelyn Magruder
Dawson ('32), a son, Tucker Jr. on January
2. Judson and Helena Chalaron Hardy ('28) meetings. We'd be delighted if she would.
('20), who lives in Ocean City, says that she is going to buy a commuter's ticket to Phila- delphia if she comes up to many more alumnae
Rebecca Robbins ("31) is teaching in Glass-
Dermott Murphy ('23) is a psychologist in the thy Gale Sciutto ('31). The $107 which Philadelphia Schools. Eleanor Partridge ('30) taken in will be used to do a little redecois doing settlement work in Glenside. Frances ing at the chapter house—painting the kitcHadley ('34) is pursuing a business course and doing over the furniture in the suiat the Peirce School. Dorothy Bartlett Mc-
Ardle ('26) is very busy these days at Flem-
ington, New Jersey. She is a feature writer
for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and each morn-
ing we see an article about the Hauptmann
trial written by her. Last but not least, let
us mention Ann Warner ('31) who, with a
friend of hers, maintains an art studio at 1512
Walnut Street. The girls have done the art versity and now has a fine position in the work for the Blum Store windows—quite an ramento library. Marian Selig ('34) is leachievement. I dropped in to see Ann at the ing how to manage her father's store. Dstudios the other day, and she informed me that she would make some lovely pictures for me, if 1 wanted to buy them.
Marie Campbell (ex '26) has announced her
engagement to John McAllister, a graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania, class of '23,
rooms—as well as to buy the house a bday present. Edith Musser ('33), having pleted her graduate studies, is now worfor the Oakland SERA as a visitor. HRenwick is now working for the state, hersition being in the Home Owners Loans sion. Catherine Kuchman ('32) has returfrom the east after a year at Columbia thy Young ('33), after working for a and a half as a doctor's assistant is attenSacramento Teachers' College. Jean Colin ('34) and Gladys Dovvden ('34) are goto dramatic school; Gladys is also studtyping and shorthand. Jane Rea ('33)working in the office of the Claremont HSchool mornings and going to a secretaschool in the afternoons. Bernice HeywHickey ('33) had an unusual Christmas pent—a trip to Mexico, which she reports most enjoyable. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sci(Dorothy Gale '31) spent the Christmas hdays in Yosemite. Jean Stoll (ex '32) just returned from a trip to Boulder DDorothy Will ('32) and Gautier Harris ('are spending a few weeks in Los AngeBernice Smith McDowell ('31) and her hband have returned to Berkeley after a yand a half honeymoon which took themTO DRAG2AE. Mildred Taylor ('32) has announced
her engagement to David Haylor, a <t>K^' ('34) has her own little business—she's dfrom Penn States.
Dr. Patricia Drant (* '18), August 18, to
William Warren Rhodes (University of Penn-
sylvania '10). Beatrice Y eo ('31), October
20, to J. Howard Reiff (AT, Penn State '29).
Ruth Ash ('32), October 13, to James Henry
Moulder (University of Pennsylvania '31).
They are living in East Orange, New Jersey.
Mary Martin ('32) in October, to "Bud" Par-
beautiful embroidery for a clientele. ker (K2, University of Pennsylvania '32).
Joan Krause ('31) to Charles Fred Simonin. many interesting places including the SoRosalind Marsh ('27), June 30, to Ernest Paul Nolte. Margaret Pennypacker Hunt (ex '29) was in the wedding party. Other Psi girls attending were Irva Bair Jamieson, Gladys Brennan Avis, Katherine Irwin Chambers, Eleanor and Marian Culin.
To Louise Seyforth Miller (ex '30) and her husband, a daughter, Ellen Louise, on August 16. To Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Town (Isa- bella Hunter '33), a daughter Joan Isabella, on September 3. To Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Odiorne (Dorothy Bottoms, ex '27), a sec- ond daughter, Susan, on September 3. To Mr. and Mrs. J. Hazen Hardy Jr. (Isabella Kapp, ex '30), a daughter in June.
Our most sincere sympathy is extended to Dorothy Bartlett McArdle ('26) in the loss of her mother; to Ellen Jarden Nolde ('26) and Mary Louise Jarden (ex '30) in the loss of their father, and to Isabella Rapp Hardy (ex '30) in the loss of her mother.
By Priscilla Davis
-+- O N FEBRUARY 6 Sigma Chapters in con- junction with the San Francisco Alumna1 chapter held a rummage sale that was a great success, due, primarily, to the efforts of Doro-
Sea Islands. Doris Finger has been in Eurfor a long time studying music, but she's bnow we are glad to report. Our marrranks are increasing rapidly. Alfreda Sbboro ('30) is now Mrs. Matthew Cullinan is living in Santa Cruz. Katherine Ge('31) and her lawyer husband, Stanley Ruers, are at home in Sacramento. On Decber 15 Harriet Ballard ('31) was marriedDr. Everett Finger in a lovely ceremony. pha O's in attendance were: Doris FingDelight Frederick and Dorothy Gale SciuVivien Young ('31) was married on Decber 23 to William Blevin. They are now ing in St. Louis where Mr. Blevin is atteing medical school. On Christmas Eve KTraugh ('34) became the bride of JamKeefer; and after a honeymoon at Lake Arowhead they are making their home in Gdale. During the last few months many gagements have been announced. Janet Lson ('33) will marry Sherlock Hackley summer. Clara Forsterer ('33) will soon come the bride of Charles Cummins, GauHarris ('32) will be Mrs. Wilbur Halsey afApril. Tberma Duarte ('33) has named Mas the month in which she will marry GordPhelps. The marriage of Grace Reiser (and Richard McCarthy Jr. will be an eventthe early spring. W inifred Solinsky ('and John Ransome are to be married March. Barbara Barber and Yolney Labarhaven't named the day, but it won't be lo
^AKCH, 1935
w , rat hen tor '
Jennie Robinson ('30) was married to Ansul Suckerman in Dickinson, North Dakota, on September. 15. Beatrice Anderson ('30) be- came the bride of Harold McGrath, a lawyer at Chisholm, on September 15. They are mak- ing their home at Moorhead, Minnesota. Bessie
Sac- arn- oro^
resident of that city. As Irma Fliehr Regan bad driven down with Dorothy, and Harriet Howard Gano was also visiting there, the
Ifoursome had a grand time. Dorothy's pro- Itfram, mainly of short English subjects, was enthusiastically received. She is now in New York doing secretarial work for the National
To Edna Schlampp Johnson, a daughter, Margaret Louise, on September 7.
To Grace Scofield Wilson (ex '31), a daugh- ter, Ann Lee, on September 9.
irt}S C 0 J* kin* elen n0 divf ned Uni-
year ding ugh, ing ying j igh rial ood
„ res- was utto oli- has am.
32) les. us- ear to
By Alice Dornberg
I now' Congratulations,
Efated ones, to Mr. and Airs. Creswell Cole ' /ignore Selig '30) who have a baby daughter [ born in August.
^ WIDELY SCATTERED though Tau girls may Dornberg ('31) was married to Dr. Charles
, be, small reunions are held now and then.
Pettit on November 10 at Grace Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. Margaret Miller was married to Rodney L. Jones in September.
night in November, Dorothy Womrath wasfie
\ Q
' ('25) ' g^est artist at the Round Ta-
fble Club of Worthington, Minnesota, at the They are at home at 2315 Irving Avenue [.invitation of Margaret Borum St. John, a South, Minneapolis.
' fessronal Women's Clubs and is also contin- To Peggy King Koenig, a second son, Rob- uing her music studies. Last fall Betty Ebe- ert, in October.
ling ('30) joined the English department at tin- University of Minnesota, while Helen Richardson is continuing her work at the Uni- versity library. Speaking of teaching, Harriet Spencer is now teaching at Miller Voca- tional High School. Elsa Steinmetz, who is president of the Women's Advertising Club of Minneapolis, was one of the three judges in the Minneapolis Journal's Northwest Towns Contest. Doris Lohff Schlampp combined
Measure with business when she took a trip [to New York in February with her husband. While there she visited with Dorothy Wom- rath and Myrtle Abramson, who was a patient fin Jamaica Hospital. A stork shower was [given for Dorothy Riebeth Wilson (ex '30), wow of Los Angeles, by Charlotte Verrell
To Doris Ward Allen ('32) of Livingston, Montana, a daughter, Patricia, in September. Doris's husband is a lawyer.
winter in civic affairs as well as in the sorority. Among some of our shining lights are Lois Greene Seals, Ellen Wood and Jane Hammill W estbrook who have been assisting Dorsey Whittington in working up interest in the Birmingham Civic Symphony Orchestra as well as being very prominent members of his staff. Ellen Wood is also a member of the
ope ack ied ar- and ary ck- em- to Al- er, tto. em- liv- nd? uth es r- len- en- «t- this be-
tier ter ay on 33J of 34) in the ng
nacobson ('31) at her mother's home on Feb- Junior League. Evelyn Coffin Stafford is a ruary 8. The shower was t^iven by proxy, member and is working extremely hard to "Dorothy's mother, Mrs. George Riebeth, being make their Follies a success, some of the
To Charlotte Verrell Jacobson ('31), a federation of American Business and Pro- daughter, Sarah Jane, on January 8.
Tau Delta
By Idalene Fuller
T H E ALUMNAE have been quite active this
the proxy. Mrs. Riebeth left the middle of
February to visit Dorothy and her husband. r'lElizabeth Reinertsen Mills, formerly doing so- cial service work in Los Angeles, accepted a similar position with the Federal Relief A d - ifclinistration in Marshall, Minnesota, and ex- pected to be located in Minneapolis eventually. Alva Prouty Sutherland and her husband took a ten-day 2200 motor trip last No- vember through Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, Amarillo being their destination. Jim- lay is now working for the McCord Adver- tising Company and handles the Minneapolis LQas Company account. Mentioning new posi- tions, Helen Rask Morgan's husband is now Working for the Menasha Paper Products 'Company. Ruth Brace ('33) is teaching sci- [?nce in North St. Paul High School, while Lorraine Crouch ('33) is teaching in the high
proceeds of which will go to the Crippled Children's Clinic. Lila Mae Thigpen and Elsie Morrison have been on the sick list for the past couple of weeks. We grieve Lila Mae's passing on February 20. The alumna? chapter gave a rummage sale just before the active chapter gave theirs and they made a very help- ful profit from it. On Founders' Day we had the accustomed meeting of active and alumna?
chapters together. We had supper together with the pledges, after which we had a very beautiful and inspiring meeting. The attend- ance was very good. The Panhellenic Coun- cil is having a dance on March 22 at the Pickwick Club. Everyone is looking forward to this event. It is to take the place of the an- nual luncheon. This same organization is also to have a luncheon on April 20. The Amazons, an inter-sorority organization, are giving their
school at Cokato, Minnesota, and Marjorie yearly dance at Hollywood Country Club on Jensen ('33) is teaching in the high school February 28. All the girls go to this affair
at St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin.
as stags; they do the breaking, et cetera. Only the members can have dates and each member is entitled to ask three girls to come as stags. Everyone has a marvelous time. This is usual- ly the m ost popular and m ost enjoyable dance
Mary Pettit ('32) is now proudly wearing of the year. Helen Moore is visiting in Mo- 4 diamond ring given to her by Bernhard bile, Alabama, where she is making her debut
Grangaard (#A9).
and attending Mardi Gras. Minnie Elliott Dewberry is living in Winter Haven, Florida, now. She spent part of the Christmas season here visiting her parents. After this she went to Miami for a while.
By Minna Mae Bartley
man, is associated with the bond departmof the Aetna Life Insurance CompanvHartford. Our sincere sympathy is extento Dorothy Ellen Barr Lemen, whose fatdied suddenly December 15, at Bicknell, diana.
The marriage of Mary O'Rear to HermBinkley has been announced by the bri-+- THETA ALUMNAE have enjoyed several mother. The wedding took place Aprilget-to-gethers at the house this fall. At 1934, in the First Methodist church, Marsthe tea in honor of our new house-mother, Mrs. Davis, Jane Farmer Hays, Rozella Ross, and Faye Messersmith were in the receiving line. Other alumna? assisted in the dining room. The actives entertained at dinner in honor of Mrs. Drummond, national second vice president, and Mrs. Thomson, both of Evanston, Illinois. The annual Founders' Day banquet was celebrated and Jane Hays gave an instructive talk about our national philan- thropic work. Greencastle alumnae entertained at the Studio Tea Room in honor of the pledges. Mary Garrison Walker, president, Teanette Fisher, pledge supervisor, and M rs. Davis were also guests. Marjorie Mclntyre and Mary Binkley were responsible for the success of the party. The long table was lighted with red tapers and red roses marked each place. Old Gold Day, October 20, brought back many alumnae to the campus. Those returning were Mary Alexander, Ade- line Kriege Campbell, Louise Dobbins, Mary
Jo Enochs, Elizabeth Gadient, Eileen Jarod- sky, Margaret Tohnson, Margaret Leins, Vir- ginia Leins, Dorothy Ellen Lemen, Mabel Dill Manuel, Margaret Martin, Ruth Bush Radebaugh, Virginia Rossman, Pauline Townes, Dorothv Trautman, Helen BIy Wahl, Ruby Larkin Collins, Margaret Bryan Poole, Louise Kyle, Mabel Hurst Alvis, Ruth Phil- lippe Evans, and Fern Weir. At noon the ac- tives served a buffet luncheon and an alumnae meeting was held. Greencastle alumnae pres- ent were lane Hays, Faye Messersmith, Avis Kellev Etter, Imogene Cooper, Janet Crawley, Marjorie Mclntyre, Florence Hughes Sigler, and Minna Mae Bartley. We should feel very proud of five of our alumnae living in Chica-
go, who have banded together and are earning money for the active chapter. Helen Bly Wahl, Martha McQuilken, Ena McQuilken, Virginia Berry, and Margaret Johnson gave a benefit bridge and earned thirty-seven dol- lars. Indianapolis alumnae have promised to provide wardrobes. A group at New Albany plan to buy the rubies for the scholarship pin. Greencastle alumnae held a rummage sale^ and have made part of the basement into a "bum room" with the proceeds. Musette Williams Hammond (ex '27) and her husband spent the month of January in Florida. Thelma Sells Kitterman ('17) and daughter Jean are spending the winter in T ucson, Arizona. M r . and Mrs. Earl Collins (Ruby Larkin '25) and son, Earl Jr., have moved from Miami to Chicago, 111. Mrs. Ethel VanCleave Fosbrink (ex '23) is head of the training school for employees of G. Fox and Company, Hartford, Conn. Her husband, Roy Fosbrink, a Purdue
Illinois. The Rev. Howard Oborn read ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Binkley are at hoat 11 Olive street, Greencastle. Meredith ('32) became the bride of Selwyn F . Husof Pittsboro, Indiana, December 21, in a cmony at the First Christian church, Crfordsville, Indiana. After a wedding tripChicago, the couple will be at home in Blooington, Indiana, where Mr. Husted is atteing the law school of Indiana University.
Prof, and Mrs. P. G. Evans (Ann Jo'23) of Greencastle, announce the birth, vember 8, of a son, Richard Bates Evans. and Mrs. Ted Proud of Chicago are the pents of a son, Ted Jr., born November Mrs. Proud was Elizabeth Morrison. Mr. Mrs. James O'bear (Mary Morrison '27) nounce the birth of twins, a boy and a gMr. and Mrs. John M. Dill are living at Wabash Ave., Mattoon, Illinois. They havson, John Dickwin Dill, born August 18. MDill was Elizabeth Houck ('27).
- + -
Theta Eta
By Maxine Cooper
m e m b e r 2AI, honorary musical fraternity, topart in a program given on January 20. Mjorie Dewey (*33) is employed in an uniposition in the home lighting department the Gas and Electric Company. Marjorieaiding those in greater Cincinnati who dethe information to use their lighting systeto the best advantage. By means of demstration, Marjorie displays how lights mayplaced so as to receive the greatest amoof illumination. Viola Momich and DonGilbert have announced their engagemeThe chapter extends its sympathy to DaDOROTHY KRATZER ( ' 3 2 ) a
Pott in the loss of her beloved mother.
By Charlotte lames
.4- THERE ARE a few marriages to reportwe'll start with them. Mary Allingh(ex '30) was married to William FitzgeraOmaha, on September 29; Helen Klein ('3married Harold N. Olson on November They are living in Lincoln at 1840 JeffersAvenue. Another November marriage toplace Thanksgiving evening when "MigWright ('30) married "Bob" Anderson. Thlive in Sioux City, Iowa. LaVerne Wrig('26) who teaches in Denver, was her sistattendant. A summer marriage which I faito report was that of Ruth Palmer ('28)
e n t d^! h \J an dge
||A RCH, 1935
phiH'P Schmelkin. They are living at 2019 feilar Avenue, Lincoln. Two weddings that •nrik place during the Christmas holidays were
hundreds and hundreds of articles of very nice used clothing that were a godsend. And of the thousands and thousands of things that came, Alpha Omicron Pi toys were among the
1 hall
ayford Boatsman of Beatrice. Marie Robert- con Deeter (ex '33) of Omaha was her at- tendant.
And now for the new babies. To Mr. and !\frs. Raymond Otto (Dorothy Jean Wilson) [of Aurora, a daughter, Judith, last April. To
\|r and Mrs. Richard Brown (Frances Hoo- ;per, ex '31) of Holdrege, sex unknown, on Pec'ember 9. To Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hallam /"Cordy" Ayres '30) of Lincoln, a daugh- ter, Margaret Eleanor, born in December. To
•Jr. and Mrs. John Graebing (Mercedes Ab- bot '23) of Youngstown, Ohio, a son, John Abbott, on January 9.
I The latest Alpha O to succumb to the wiles [of the stronger sex is Marjorie Ley ('34) 'whose engagement to Dick Armstrong (ATA)
was recently announced. Another engagement
f interest is that of Lucille Hendricks to Ralph Spencer. Their marriage will take Solace this summer. Lincoln visitors this fall and winter have been few. Beryl McClure Williams ('27) of Streator, Illinois, visited friends here during October. Marie Robert- son Deeter (ex '33) and son, John Howard, of Omaha are frequent Lincoln visitors. Foot- ball games drew some alumnie back to their lAlma Mater. Betty Hummel ('31), Norfolk, attended the Iowa game on October 3 as did Leola Jensen McKie ('30) of Omaha. Jean
children will soon forget those beautiful big dolls, beautifully dressed (one hundred and fifty-two of them), sent by Chicago AOII's. (Mothers are still telling me about how won- derfully dressed were their little girls' dolls, as if every last one of them had not already been admired here!) As for items which may properly be called a godsend, I know of noth- ing that qualifies better than a gross of Boy Scout knives at Christmas time! All in all, it was a magnificent Christmas.
Faithfully yours,
Ten Days in Italy
blue color for which it is famous. Capri is the loveliest island one can imagine, a green jewel on a shimmering blue velvet back- ground. Before landing we were taken to visit the Blue Grotto, the high light of the
After leaving the Blue Grotto, we were landed on the island of Capri. We fell in love with the picturesque beauty of both Capri, the fishing town on the shore, and Ana-Capri, the little village at the very top of the mountain. Ana-Capri was so quiet
the me RiC e ted ere- aw- to m- nd- nes No- Dr. ar- 14. and an- irl. 300 e a rs. 0
Steele (ex '26), Council Bluffs, attended the
Wright-Anderson nuptials on November 29. ffionnie Scott Rodwelj (ex '31) and daughter, Nancy, were Lincoln visitors during the holi- day season. Darlene Woodward Jones ('25) and daughter, Janet, of Wilmette, Illinois, spent the holidays in Lincoln with Darlene's parents. Helen Piper Hagenbuch of Roanoke, Virginia, visited relatives in Lincoln during December and January. Gladys Lamnie Big- ger ('30) is now working for the Book-of-the- Month Club in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Austin (Marjorie Nelson) and daugh- ter, Marilyn, are now living in Omaha. They recently visited in Lincoln. Irene Brooks Mc- Manigal (ex '33) of Glenwood, Iowa, was in Lincoln in February. Julia Simanek ('32), who teaches at Wilber, is a frequent Lincoln visitor. Out-of-town alumnae who attended the formal were Harriet Nesladek (*32) of Omaha, Doro- thy Crouse ('34) of Seward, Irma Mattingly ('31), Sioux City, Iowa, and Lucille Hen-
another world. However, I saw on a bill- board that "King Kong" was the film at the local picture show, so I suppose it isn't so out of the way after all. You could spend a fortune on the exquisite woven articles and coral jewelry at Capri. And are those Ital- ians high-powered salesmen!
We left the same night for Florence, arriv- ing about 5:30 a. m. After some much needed rest we were taken by the guide to see the city, and what a wonderful day we had, visit- ing the gorgeous cathedrals, palaces and art galleries. Each Italian town seems to have an atmosphere of its own. We loved Florence with its narrow cobbled streets, lovely shops and buildings. Several times I narrowly es- caped being run down by the carriages and wagons which came careening around corners every few moments. No one seems to use the sidewalks in Florence, preferring to walk in the center of the road. We were fas- cinated by the silversmiths' shops which line
Ohler Urban ('31), Omaha, and Winifred and peaceful that it seemed to belong to
ok ar- que of is sire ms on- be unt ald nt. isy
o f
so am ld, 4) 26. on ok
gs ey ht ers led to
dricks ('32), Wahoo. Bernice Giesler Mousel the Ponte Vecchio from one end to another. ('30) and husband are now living in Ponca. As we gazed in those dazzling windows, it
hose of Helen Belle Dierks ('33) to Don
* llcClay and Mary Margaret Douthit ('30) to really marvelous lot. Neither we nor the
Bonnie Hess Drake ('24) was recently elected president of the Nebraska Legislature L a - dies' League.
A "Brought-On" Christmas
[CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16] jnagnificent "brought-on" Christmas. Alpha Omicron Pi members alone sent over five hun- dred toys this year, to say nothing of several beautiful layettes, children's new clothing and
was difficult to imagine we were on a bridge above the Arno.
I should love to tell more about Florence and Fiesole with its lovely Franciscan Monas- tery, but this article is already far too long. So I shall conclude by saying that after leav- ing Florence we visited Pisa and Genoa where we found very much to interest us. The Leaning Tower certainly lives up to its name. In mounting it we swayed from side to side of the stair-way like "drunken sailors."
I)R.\<;M President—Edith College, Pa.
Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K.),B#, 127 South Sparks Street, State,
Jeter Nichols (Mrs. Edward J.), K, Box 262, State College, Pennsylvania.
Vice President—Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs. Verne W .), A, 528 North Formosa Avenue,Haller, 0, 2138 La Salle Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif.
Second Vice President—Mary nue, Evanston, 111.
Danielson Drummond (Mrs. Warren C ) , A#, 610 Hinman Ave-Historian—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York.N. Y.
Assistant Historian—Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N. J. Editor of To DRAGMA—Wilma Smith Leland (Mrs. Leland F .), T, 2642 University Avenue, StPaul, Minn. Chairtnan—Mrs.
AOII Panhellenic Delegate—Pinckney Estes Glantzberg (Mrs. Ernst), 90 Wall Street, NewYork, N. Y.
Atlantic District (Nu, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Chi, Psi, Epsilotv Alpha)—Johanna Buecking Buerger (Mrs. Otto M.), Epsilon, 160 Middleneck Road, Great Neck, L. t, N. Y.
Southern District (Kappa, Omicron, Alpha Pi, Pi Delta, Delta Phi)—Ann Anderson Sale (Mrs. W. Goodridge, Jr.), Kappa, Welch, \V.Va.
South Central District (Pi, Tail Delta, Nu Omicron, Kappa Omicron, Nu Kappa)—Charlotte Voss Kear- ney (Mrs. Richard A., Jr.), Pi, 2115 Old Shell Road, Mobile, Alabama.
Ohio Valley District (Theta, Beta Phi, Omega, Beta Theta, Theta Eta, Alpha Tau)—Katherine Davis, Theta, 2403 East Market Street, New Albany, Ind.
Great Lakes District (Rho, Tau, Eta, Omicron Pi,Beta Tau, lota, Beta Gamma)—Dorothy Womrath,Tau, 353 West 57th St., New York, N. Y .
Mid-Western District (Zeta, Phi, Chi Delta)—EdithHall Lansing (Mrs. Harry W.), Zeta, 1537 CStreet, Lincoln, Neb.
Pacific District (Sigma, Lambda, Kappa Theta)—Claire MacGregor, Lambda, Box 1367, StanfordUniversity, Calif.
Pacific Northwest District (Upsilon, Alpha Phi, AlphaSigma, Alpha Rho, Beta Kappa, Alpha Gamma)— Marlyn Judd Hauseman (Mrs. Dean M.), AlphaPhi, 810 South Wilson, Bozeman, Mont.
Alabama—Esther Merrill Folsom (Mrs. Thomas D.), Tau Delta, 5 Earle Place, Montgomery, Ala.
California—Mildred Hunter Stahl (Mrs. Leslie), Sig- ma, 255 Lincoln Avenue, Bakersfield, Calif.
Canada (Eastern Foreign)—Margaret MacNiven, Beta Tau, 17 Whitewood Road, Toronto, Canada.
Canada (Western)—Kathleen Cumming, Beta Kappa, No. 2, 1994 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B. C , Canada.
Colorado (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico. Utah)— Mary Virginia Wells, Chi Delta, 275 South 5th Street, Brighton, Colo.
Georgia (Florida, North and South Carolina)—Eliza- beth MacQuiston Nichols (Mrs. John M., Jr.), Nu Kappa, 1664 Cornell Road, N. E . , Atlanta, Georgia.
Illinois—Dorothy Duncan, Rho, 225 Wood Court,Wilmette, III.
Indiana (Kentucky)—Hannah Blair Neal (Mrs.Hershel), Beta Phi, 813 North Maple, Bloomington.Ind.
Kansas (Missouri)—Berneice Petersen, Phi, 5307 Vir-ginia, Kansas City, Mo.
Louisiana (Arkansas, Mississippi)—Willie White, Pi, Box 1550, Alexandria, Louisiana.
WynnMaine (New Hampshire, Vermont)—Estella Beaupre.Gamma, 396 Hammond Street, Bangor, Me.
Maryland (Delaware, District of Columbia)—KatlirynStevenson Helbig (Mrs. Leo), Pi Delta, Oakland.Md.
Alpha Omicron Pi
Founded at Barnard College, New York City, January 2, 1897
Masonic Building, Box 262, State College, Pa.
Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B*.
FOUNDERS O F ALPHA OMICRON PI Jessie Wallace Hughan, A, 171 West 12th Street, New York, N.Y.
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V.), A, 70 Pine Street, New York, N.Y.
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N.Y. Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N.J.
CH, 1935
Ohio—Ruth Cox Segar (Mrs. William), Omega, 260 Ward Avenue, Bellevue, Ky.
Oklahoma—Pauline Mills Edwards (Mrs. Warren H.) Xi, 1220 West 39th, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Oregon (Idaho)—Mabel Parish McCord (Mrs. Frank), Alpha Rho, 223 S. E. 45th Avenue, Portland, Ore.
Pennsylvania—Elizabeth Martin, Epsilon Alpha, 6132 Lebanon Avenue. West Philadelphia, Pa. >
Tennessee—Lucy E. Cooper, Omicron, 901 Arthing- ton Avenue, Nashville, Tenn.
Texas—Alvira Lehrer Stephens (Mrs. Russell S.), Omega, 882 Santos Street, Abilene, Texas.
Virginia (West Virginia)—Louise Wolff, Kappa, 142 South Adams Street, Petersburg, V a .
Washington—Beryl Dill Kneen (Mrs. Orville H.), Upsilon, East 1107 Liberty Avenue, Spokane, Wash. Wisconsin—Ruth Lawlor MacFadden (Mrs. Harry A.), Nu, 124 Lisbon Road, Oconomowoc, Wiscon-
i Square South, New York, N. Y. President—Ruth Glidden. Meetings—Mondays at 6:00.
Meetings—Mondays at 4:00.
Utetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Ind. .
President—Ann Katherine Greenawalt. Meetings—Monday evenings.
' President—Nancy Gates, R.M.W.C, Lynchburg,Va.
EMtetings—Thursdays at 5:00. ZETA
House Address—1541 S Street, Lincoln, Neb. President—Betty Temple.
Utetings—Mondays at 7:00.
House Address— 636 Langdon Street, Madison, Wis.
H e a r n . THETA
Meetings—Saturday afternoons. Psi
House Address—AOII House, Greencastle, Ind. President—Mary Garrison Walker. Utetings—Mondays at 7:00.
•President—Winona Gould, 7 Barnard Road, West
President—Marion delphia, Pa. Meetings—Monday
Miller, 124 South 36th Street, Phila-
evenings. PHI
GAMMA E . Ripley,
President—Ruth Pyle. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Ueetings—Monday evenings. LAMBDA
President—Helen Wollman. Meetings—Tuesdays at 7:00.
House Address—AOIT House, College Park, Md.
President—Ellamae Ueetings—Mondays.
U TAU House Address—1121 5th Street
E . ,
mtetings—Mondays at 5:30. »*P"
\i»tsachusetts (Connecticut, Rhode Island)—Alice J. *'sp«r, Delta, 32 Pierce Street, Hyde Park, Mass.
MeHgan—Virginia Van Zandt Snider (Mrs. George R.). Omicron Pi, 14026 Northlawn Avenue, De- tail, Mich.
I ftfanesoto—Irene Fraser, T au, 1214 22nd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minn.
Wyoming) —
uoritana (North and South Dakota,
Berniece Crane Lowman (Mrs. Harold), Alpha phi, Poison, Mont.
Uibrasko (Iowa)—Margaret Moore Gorton (Mrs. • ponald), Zeta, 814 East Auburn Street, Chariton,
«,.,< Jersey—Thelma Robertson Mitchell (Mrs. Ed- ward). Chi, 245 Claremont Road, Ridgewood. N. J.
hfevi York (Metropolitan Area)—
V«i' York (exclusive of metropolitan district)—Carol
- L. Kendall, Chi, Sunset Knoll, Horseheads, N. Y.
' fresident—Halcyon Colomb, 1819 Pine Street, New
House Address—1906 East 45th Street, Seattle, Wash.
Orleans, La. Utetings—Mondays at 4:30.
President—Louise Lutey. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
I House Address—2311 Prospect
President—Marian Meetings—Tuesday
Calif. President—Marjorie Ueetings—Mondays.
Medford, Mass. Utetings—Mondays at 7:15.
House Address—1144 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kan.
Prtsidcnt—Lucinda Me.
Hall, Y .
President—Lois Stringfellow, Wells Hall, Oxford,
Ueetings—Mondays. House Address—The
EPSILON Knoll, Ithaca,
Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
House Address—626 Emerson Street, Evanston, 111.
House—1319 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
President—Jean Maloney. Ueetings—Sunday evenings.
President—Mary Alice Emmett. Meetings—Monday evenings.
RHO President—Catherine Lang.
'House Address—704 South Mathews Street, Urbana, President—Arnieta Meislahn.
House Address—1680 Alder Street, Eugene, Ore.
President—Mary Margaret Hunt. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Meetings—Monday evenings. IOTA
University, Minneapolis,
Wttsident—Irma Hammerbacher.
N^Y ^^
Prtsident—Katherine Burlirigham. ''tetings—Monday evenings.
1367, Dodds.
President—Nancy Kate Gilbert, 617 Altamont Apts.,
Birmingham, Ala.
Meetings—Every other Wednesday at supper.
House Address—894 Hilgard, West Los Angeles,
President—Lucile Burbeck. Meetings—Mondays.
President—Teresa Lilly, 1591 Vinton, Memphis, Tenn.
Meetings—Fridays at 2:30.
iHouse Address—503 The Judson, 53 Washington President—Mable Robb, 7638 Gaston Road, Dallas,
President—Evelyn Roth, 909 Mountcastle, Knoxville, House Address—703 East 7th Street, Bloomington,
President—Charlotte Goedde.
House Address—119 So. 6th Street, Bozeman. Mont.
Warner. evenings.
President—Winn Ownbey, 305 24th Avenue South, Nashville, T enn.
House Address—2332 Monroe, Corvallis. Ore.
T o t>RAGALPHA RHO President—Marjorie Beeuwkes.
House Address—Apt. 348, Cawthra Mansions, CollStreet, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. President—Margaret Cowan. Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
President—Rebecca Mathews, Beaver Hall, Gran».Meetings—Mondays at 7:30.
House Address—1015 15th Street, Boulder, Colo. President—Ann Wagner.
Meetings—Monday afternoons.
M eetings—Mondays.
President—Frances Messick, 4144 Central Avenue,
m BETA THETA Indianapolis, Indiana.
President—Alice M. Daniels, 4078 West 13th AvenMeetings—Wednesdays at 7:30. ALPHA P I
House Address—AOII House, Tallahassee, Fla. President—Mary Louise Filer. Meetings—Mondays at 9:00.
House Address—AOII House, State College, Pa.
Vancouver, B . C , Canada. Meetings—Wednesdays at 3:00.
House Address—1407 Opal Street, Pullman, WashPresident—Nancy Stahlman. Meetings—Monday evenings.
DELTA P H I LaBorde, 1116
Street, President—John Alice Morris, 817 Elberon Avenue, House Address—235 Ann Street, East LansTHETA ETA
House Address—225 Majestic Apts., 145 West Mc-
President—Ellen Iutnbia, S. C.
Millan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Meetings—Monday evenings at 8:00. BETA GAMMA
Meetings—Mondays at 6:45. NEW YOBK
President—Amy Brooklyn, N . Y .
Meetings—Arranged by Executive Committee. SAN FRANCISCO
President—Jean Stoll, Sigma, 851 California Street, San Francisco, Calif.
Meetings—First Monday of month. PROVIDENCE
President—Merle Mosier Potter (Mrs. Alfred L . ) , Epsilon, 209 University Avenue, Providence, R. I. Meetings—Second Saturday of month, October to
President—Mary Heald, Delta, 349 Pleasant Street,
Maiden, Mass.
Meetings—Last Saturday of month.
President—Bonnie Hess Drake (Mrs. Hugh), Zeta,
2427 Park Avenue, Lincoln, Neb.
Meetings—Second Saturday noon, October to June.
President—Virginia Davis Nowlin (Mrs. R. H.),
Kappa Theta, 5535 West 3rd, Los Angeles, Cal. Meetings—Fourth Saturday of month, September to
President—Grace nue, Syracuse,
Oberlander, Chi, 406 Highland AN . Y .
Bernhard, Nu, 518 Eastern Parkway,
Central Chairman—Katherine Bach Keller (Mrs. Ted W.), Eta, 6940 Jeffery Avenue, Chicago, 111.
North Shore Chairman—Gretchen Baarsch, Rho, 2125 Ridge_ Avenue, Evanston, 111.
West Side Chairman—Lola Busian Burkhardt (Mrs. Victor), Rho, 3208 Scoville Avenue, Berwyn, III.
Meetings—Last Friday of month. DETROIT
President—Ruth Kimberly Witter (Mrs. GordoOmicron Pi, 16029 George Street, Highland PaMich.
Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30. NASHVILLE
President—Mae Rawls, Nu Omicron, 2003 Blair BlvNashville, T enn.
Meetings—Second Saturday of month. CLEVELAND
Meetings—By arrangement. INDIANAPOLIS
President—Gladys Hawickhorst, Beta Prospect Street, Indianapolis, Ind.
President—Margaret Lyon Pedrick (Mrs. Parks), Pi,
5673 West End Boulevard. New Orleans, La. Meetings—First W ednesday of month.
President—Margaret Brix, Tau, 1610 James Ave. N.,
President—Grace Manbeck Webber (Mrs.
Omicron Pi, 2613 Dysart Road, South Euclid, OhMeetings—Alternate third Monday evenings and Surday noon luncheons of month. MEMPHIS
President—Elizabeth Williams Cooper (Mrs. A. BKappa Omicron, 1376 Carr Avenue, Memphis, TeMeetings—Last W ednesday of month, 3:30. MILWAUKEE
President—Dorothy Schmid Johns (Mrs. Richard)2121 East Capitol Drive, Milwaukee, Wis.
Meetings—First T uesday of month, 7:30. BIRMINGHAM
President—Lila Cantey Thigpcn (Mrs. George), TDelta, 111 Munger Avenue, Birmingham, Ala.
Minneapolis, Minn. Meetings—Second T uesday of each
President—Katherine Street, Bangor, Me.
Stewart, Gamma, 21 Ohio
Meetings—Third Saturday of month from September
Lamar Bryant (Mrs. H. S.), KapAvenue, Lynchburg, V a. WASHINGTON
to June.
President—Evelyn M. Hogue, Alpha Sigma, 2509
N. E . Flanders Street, Portland, Ore. Meetings—Second Thursday evening of month, Oc-
tober to June. SEATTLE
President—Hazel Turtle Davis (Mrs. Raymond), Up- President—Genevieve Bacon Herrington (Mrs. Asilon, 2220 Viewmont Way, Seattle, Wash.
bert), Xi, 2526 N. W. 16th Street, Oklahoma COkla.
Meetings—Second Thursday of month.
Meetings—Second Monday of house, 8:00.
CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE President—Ailcy Kyle Peet (Mrs. Albert S.), President—Lucille Bliss Brown (Mrs. Leo), ZeOmicron, 616 20th Street, Knoxville, Tenn. 8800 South Wood Street, Chicago, 111. Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30. Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at 6:30.
President—Lenore Morse. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Michigan. President—Marguerite Cork.
President—Emily Mitchell, Kappa, 1428 K StrN. W., Washington, D.C.
Meetings—Third Thursday of month. DALLAS
President—Eva Fulcher Cude (Mrs. Harold), Kappa, 5812 Edison Court, Dallas, Tex.
Meetings—First President—Marian
Friday of month at noon. PHILADELPHIA
Culin, Psi, 820 North 41st StrPhiladelphia, Pa.
Meetings—First Saturday of month.
President—Lucile Clippinger, Phi, 902 West 3Kansas City, Mo.
Meetings—Second President—Ruby
T uesday of OMAHA
Hodgskiss Hagen (Mrs. Roy), AlpPhi, 5018 Nicholas Street, Omaha, Neb.
Meetings—First Saturday of month. SYRACUSE
Meetings—Second Saturday of month, 1:00 in TDelta room.
E .
M Lf R(H, 1935 AA
President—Helen Howalt Lowe (Mrs. J . Gaylord),
Chi, 227 Mulberry Street, Rochester, N . Y . Meetings—Fourth Tuesday evening of month.
President—Ruth Shatsnider Haas (Mrs. Alfred),
Omega, 3815 East Third Street, Dayton, Ohio. Meetings—First Friday of month.
President—Verna Keane Werner (Mrs. A. J . ) , Zeta,
4645 East Talmadge Drive, San Diego, Calif. Meetings—-Fourth Thursday of month.
President—Kathryn Holden Wasserman (Mrs. E. A.),
Delta, 112 Lincoln Street, East Orange, N . J . Meetings—Third Saturday afternoon of month.
President—Helen Thomson, Eta, 146 E . Wilson Street, Madison, Wis.
Meeting*—Second Wednesday of month at 6:30 at 'jjemorial Union Buildin
president—Jennie Carpenter Bowen (Mrs. Donald),
Beta Phi, 1127 East Atwater, Bloomington, In- L di3na-
\ ugetings—Second and fourth Wednesdays of month. DENVER
president—Dorothy Gannon Smith (Mrs. Harold),
I Zeta, 1301 Sherman Avenue, Denver, Colo.
Ueeti>tS —Second Monday evening of month.
preside' !—Adelia Hanks, Theta Eta, 1617 Larch Ave-
nue, College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Meetings—Second Thursday of month.
Ipresident—Edna Mae Brooks Hill (Mrs. Murl F.),
« .
President—Helen nue, Hamburg,
r v
N . Y . Meetings—Third Monday of month.
Xi. 1048 Fast 37th Street. Tulsa, Okla. [Meetings—First Thursday of month at 1:00.
President—Florence Baker Nichols (Mrs. H. B.), Chi,
31 Summit Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y.
\ president—Winifred Hall,
' Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Meetings—First T uesday of
\President—Pearl Koegel Wilkens (Mrs. E. S.), Beta Phi, 1512 Tilden, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Meetings—Second Monday of month. ST. LOUIS
.president—Evelyn Wissmath Gauger (Mrs.), Iota, 3211 University Street, St. Louis. Mo.
President—Annie Stewart Ellis Pearce (Mrs. Fay),
Pi, 25 East 19th Street, Atlanta, Ga. Meetings—Second and fourth Wednesdays at 3:00.
President—Edith Burnside Whiteford (Mrs. R. S . ) .
Pi Delta, 3508 Clifton Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Meetings—First W ednesday of month.
ve- La Salle Gardens South, Detroit, Mich. manche, Norman, Okla.
Pacific—Carrie Bright Kistler (Mrs. Lewis A.), Sigma, 1046 South Wilton, Los Angeles, Calif. Pacific Northwest—Hazel Britton, Upsilon, 638 Cen-
tral Building, Seattle, W ash.
n), rk, d., II. Social Service—Chairman, Second Vice President; Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira (Mrs. E . C ) , Rho, 1340 Glen Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Vera Riebel, Rho, 1541 East 60th Street, Chicago, 111. District Superintendents.
Humboldt Street, Denver, Colo.
Great Lakes—Edna L. Kline, Iota, 7009 Calumet
Avenue. Chicago, III.
Pacific—Gladys Crofoot DeSilva (Mrs. Paul), Lamb-
da, 771 Cambridge Avenue, Menlo Park, Calif. Pacific Northwest—Osa Lautner, Alpha Rho, 3014
S. E . Tibbitts Street, Portland, Oregon. COMMITTEE ON NOMINATION
Chairman—Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. Frank- lyn H.), Tau, 1600 Portland Avenue, St. Paul. Minn.
Members—District Superintendents. COMMITTEE ON JEWELRY
Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), Alpha, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N.Y. Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, 171 West 12th Street, New York, N.Y.
TRUSTEES OF ANNIVERSARY ENDOWMENT FUND Chairman—Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George
io. at-
.). nn.
Chairman—Ermina Smith Price (Mrs. Chester A.), Iota, 515 Springfield Avenue, Wyoming, Ohio.
Atlantic—Marguerite Pillsbury Schoppe (Mrs. Wil- liam F.), Gamma, R. F. D. 4, Auburn, Me.
Southern—Mrs. Robert B. Taylor, Kappa, 1236 Piedmont, N. E., Apt. 7, Atlanta, Ga.
South Central—Nannette Tomlinson Carr (Mrs. W . Jolley), Pi, Second Street, Gulfport, Miss.
Ohio Valley—Mary Gertrude Manley Marbaugh (Mrs. Theodore P.), Beta Phi, 5826 Winthrop' Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.
Great Lakes—Eva Jervis Ruhl (Mrs. E. Albert), Rho, 225 S. Meramec, Clayton, Mo.
Midwestern—Lillian Hickman Bihler (Mrs. Ernest), Zeta, 1903 Emmet Street, Omaha, Neb.
Pacific—Virginia Clay, Kappa Theta, 364 South Cochran, Los Angeles, Calif.
Pacific Northwest—Katherine Mayhew, Alpha Sigma, 871 Montgomery Drive, Portland, Ore.
Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), Alpha, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N. Y . Life Members—The Founders, Laura Hurd, Up- ailon, 4756 University Way, College Center, Se- attle, Wash., Rose Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John),
Sigma. Box 437. Davis, Calif.
V.), Alpha, 70 Pine Street,
New York, N. Y .
month. FORT W A Y N E
Term expires June, 1939.
Josephine S. Pratt, Alpha. 213 East 58th Street,
New York, N. Y. Term expires June, 1935. Elizabeth Roberts Cole (Mrs. Kenneth), Sigma, 70 Haven Avenue, New York, N. Y. Term ex-
pires June, 1937.
Members—Executive Committee.
Associate Member—lone Barrett, Epsilon, Box 252,
Katonah, N. Y .
Chairman—Janet M. Howry, Tau, 1664 Van Burea Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Downing, Chi, 40 Woodview Ave-
eet Na [Meetings—Third Monday of month.
J. Fellowship Award—Honorary Chairman, Second Vice President; Chairman, Octavia Chapin, Delta, 102 Summer Street, Medtord, Mass.
TORONTO President—Margaret MacNiven, Beta
T au, 17
Scholarship Officer—Alice Cullnane, Beta Phi, Boa 262, State College, Pa.
National Library Chairman—Fay Morgan, Omicron, 2424 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tenn.
Committee on Examination—Chairman, Knoxie Faulk Johnson (Mrs. Eugene), Tau Delta, 2301- 15th Avenue, South, Birmingham, Ala.
Atlantic—Edna Faust Rignall (Mrs. Raymond H.), Chi, 110 North Fairview Ave., Kingston, N. Y. Southern—Ellen Jane Keiser Beavens (Mrs. E. Arthur), Pi Delta, 216 10th Street, S.E.,Wash-
ington, D.C.
South Central—Frances Rodenhauser, Nu Omicron,
308-20th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Ohio Valley—Marjorie B. Schaefer, Beta Theta,
Atlantic—Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, 171 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y .
Southern—Dorothy Greve Jarnagin (Mrs. Milton P.), Omicron, 630 Milledge Circle, Athens, Ga. South Central—Gladys Anne Renshaw, Pi, 3369
State Street Drive, New Orleans, La.
Ohio Valley—Katharyn Hoadley Fell (Mrs. John E.), Beta Phi, 1935 South Armstrong Street,
Kokomo, Ind.
Great Lakes—Albertina Maslen, Omicron Pi, 2496
ha ,
1513 High Street, Logan sport, Ind. Mid-Western—Marjorie Stafford, Xi, 519 W. Com- Midwestern—Frances Raynolds, Chi Delta, 1165
Omicron Pi, 1530
wood Road, Toronto, Ont. COMMITTEES