The AOII Connection Fall 2017
Alpha Omicron Pi’s Quarterly Fraternity & Sorority Advisor Newsletter
THE AOII BRAND passionate and powerful women – women who are impact-
ing the world through a shared vision of inspiring ambition to
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded by four women in an effort to achieve what the heart desires. Sisters who are living these
develop lifelong friendships while enhancing one another’s values are changing the future.
lives through scholarship and service.
The infinity rose was created
The simplicity of their message has crossed generations, and exclusively for Alpha Omicron
now as the image of Alpha Omicron Pi continues to evolve Pi Fraternity. The Jacqueminot
through campus growth across the United States and Canada, rose is a prominent symbol of
a bold brand identity enables our organization to communi- Alpha Omicron Pi, and its thorn-
cate our Fraternity’s purpose. less nature connects with the
simplicity and timelessness of
For several months Alpha Omicron Pi partnered with Rhyme & the Fraternity’s founding values.
Reason Design to conduct research on the AOII brand by look-
ing inward at the Fraternity’s print and digital platforms and The infinity symbol is subtly
how the materials were being executed and used. The overall intertwined, recognizing the lifelong bond of friendship and
consensus was that AOII’s material was inconsistent and not membership of Alpha Omicron Pi. There are four distinct infin-
cohesive. The result was a diluted brand. ity signs woven through the infinity rose to create each of the
petals. Each infinity sign symbolizes a specific meaning within
In addition, a competitive analysis was conducted as well as Alpha Omicron Pi.
focus groups and surveys to gather quantitative and quali-
tative data. From all of the information collected, Rhyme & Our four Founders: Stella, Helen, Jessie and Bess.
Reason compiled all of the research into a research deck and
creative brief to begin the design process. Rhyme & Reason The four pillars of the Fraternity: live, learn, lead and serve.
designed, sketched, erased, revised and refined until they
were able to narrow to a handful of logo options. From there The four principals within the Object of the Fraternity: charac-
they worked with the Fraternity to narrow and refine even fur- ter, dignity, scholarship and college loyalty.
ther until “the one” was selected.
AOII’s timeless and relevant Ritual; teaching us to let our light
shine, to strive for that which is virtuous, to practice kindness
and tolerance, and to guard what we love.
Today, AOII is opening a new chapter is our history!
The tagline “Inspire Ambition” was crafted to encompass the We would love for your campus to be a part of that by includ-
mission of the Fraternity into two impactful and intentional ing our new main mark, tagline, infinity rose and more on your
words. Alpha Omicron Pi not only provides the tools for aca- fraternity and sorority life materials! Visit our new website to
demic and personal achievement, we inspire the courage to download any logos you might need from our Logo Library!
reach these objectives and beyond. The words inspire, in-
novate, hope and love are all words used to describe Alpha For more information on AOII’s new brand, please contact
Omicron Pi. The word ambition was drawn from these four Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters at (615) 370-
characteristics and indicates a strong desire for success 0920 or [email protected] should you need further
through hard work and determination. assistance regarding use of AOII’s new brand.
The tagline speaks to this mission and communicates to mem-
bers and non-members that Alpha Omicron Pi is filled with
AOII LOVES NPC our Panhellenic Delegate, any AOII that The Object of our Fraternity in AOII re-
serves as a Panhellenic Council Officer, minds us that we do not merely exist for
NPC is one of the largest organizations or our Chapter President be the repre- our own benefit, but rather to support
advocating for women, and is the um- sentative of your campus at Carole’s the best interest of the colleges and uni-
brella group for 26 national and inter- installation. Each chapter is currently versities in which chapters are installed.
national sororities. NPC sororities are restricted to one student due to space We are charged each day to promote
located on more than 670 campuses restrictions at the events. a spirit of Fraternity and love within the
with 411,242 undergraduate members in Greek community, keeping in mind that
3,288 chapters. Further, we want to ensure that this each organization on campus plays a
isn’t just a one-day opportunity that a role. We are thrilled to have the oppor-
This October, Alpha Omicron Pi’s Past few women get to experience, but that tunity to share the celebration of AOII’s
International President and current NPC all attendees share what they saw and leadership in NPC with each collegiate
Delegate, Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha learned with your entire Panhellenic chapter of AOII and as an extension, to
Delta (U of Alabama) will be installed as Council. To that end, we would ask that your Panhellenic community as well.
the NPC Chairman. This is significant the AOII sister who travels to Denver be
for AOII not only because this opportu- asked to share a short presentation at a AOII is proud of the role we have played
nity occurs only once every 52 years, Panhellenic meeting following the Oc- over the past 112 years as a member in
but also because each member of AOII tober installation, so that she can speak the National Panhellenic Conference.
has the opportunity to share in service to the spirit of cooperation, responsibili- However, now we want to encourage
through the development of character, ties of shared governance, and fellow- our collegiate members that this is a
mutual respect and helpfulness, and to ship that NPC advocates for all member time to look forward and identify ways
renew her sense of pride and commit- organizations. AOII can uphold the legacy of those who
ment to participation to building bridges have come before us. Today, the world
between Panhellenic organizations. We Additionally, we want to make each of desperately needs women to stand up
are proud to share that AOII has invited you aware that every AOII Panhellenic and lead through service and commit-
(at the Fraternity’s expense) a represen- Delegate is being asked to organize a ment to higher ideals. The time is now
tative of each AOII chapter to be present group photo of the Panhellenic Officers to show steadfast support for women’s
in Denver, Colorado at this installation to on her campus. Our intention is to cre- fraternities and the contributions col-
witness this history. ate a video of the officers on every cam- legiate members make in order to
pus where AOII has chapters. We plan speak with one voice to shape AOII and
Attendees will get to witness first-hand to show this during the NPC Annual NPC’s future.
NPC’s commitment to wide and wise Meeting in order to highlight the magni-
human service and more importantly, tude of Panhellenic leadership.
to bring that experience back to your
campus community. We have asked that
Pictured: Carole Jones presents the Mary Louise Roller
award at AOII's 2017 International Convention, which honors
a collegian who has provided outstanding service and lead-
ership to her local Panhellenic, campus and community. This
award is named in honor of Past International President Mary
Louise Roller, who served as chairman of NPC and was com-
mitted to Panhellenic service.
Supporting Our Chapters
Alpha Omicron Pi’s chapters and chartering chapters operate within regional networks. Each network has a dedicated team
of volunteers working in the areas of alumnae relations, finance, leadership, and recruitment. For chartering chapters and
new chapters, staff members partner with an international volunteer who works solely with one chartering/new chapter until
the group is ready to transition and work with all other network volunteers.
Our Collegiate Experience Department is comprised of a Director of Collegiate Experience and eight Assistant Directors
of Collegiate Experience (ADCE). Each ADCE is assigned to one network to assist in the leadership and management of our
chapters in collaboration with their network of volunteers.
Our Growth Department is comprised of a Director of Growth and two Assistant Directors of Growth (ADG). Each ADG,
with assistance from our Educational Leadership Consultants, plans and executes the chartering of new chapters including
public and campus relations, recruitment, development and the chapter's installation. Following the chapter's installation she
assists in the leadership and management of these chapters in collaboration with their assigned volunteer. States marked
with an asterisk (*) have a chartering or new chapter that works with an ADG.
Who to contact:
Director of Collegiate Experience: Jackie Petrucci, [email protected]
Director of Growth: Joelle McWilliams, [email protected]
Network 1 Network 4 Network 7
Staff Partner: Taylor Donahue, ADCE Staff Partner: Danielle McCullough, ADCE Staff Partner: Kate Donahue, ADCE
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Connecticut* New York Kentucky Tennessee* Alabama* Louisiana
Delaware Nova Scotia Mississippi Arkansas Missouri*
Maine Pennsylvania
Massachusetts Quebec Network 5 Network 8
New Hampshire Rhode Island
New Jersey Vermont Staff Partner: Ali Kresslein, ADCE Staff Partner: Meagan Smejdir, ADCE
[email protected] [email protected]
Network 2
Florida South Carolina Alaska Idaho*
Staff Partner: Emily Bulkley, ADCE Georgia Arizona* Nevada
[email protected] Alberta Oregon
British Columbia Utah
Maryland Virginia Network 6 California Washington
North Carolina Washington, D.C. Hawaii
Ohio West Virginia Staff Partner: Rebecca Easterling, ADCE
[email protected]
Network 3 Colorado North Dakota Growth Department
Iowa Oklahoma
Staff Partner: Robin Johns, ADCE Kansas Saskatchewan Staff Partner: Mary Faith Erwin, ADG
[email protected] Manitoba South Dakota [email protected]
Minnesota Texas*
Illinois Michigan * Montana Wisconsin East Tenn. State U Troy U
Indiana Ontario Nebraska Wyoming Missouri State U U of Connecticut
New Mexico
Staff Partner: Mary Kate Sweeney, ADG
[email protected]
Arizona State U Texas A&M U
Boise State U U of Michigan
Panhellenic Community Updates
We want to keep up with your campus!
Have you reset your campus total or has it recently been auto-
matically reset following primary recruitment? Have your grade
reports been finalized? Will one of our members be serving on
the Panhellenic Council during the next term?
Email us any Panhellenic community updates at
[email protected]!
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way • Brentwood, Tennessee • 37027
Phone: 615.370.0920 • Fax: 615.371.9736
[email protected] •