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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 16:06:23

1936 May - To Dragma

Vol. XXXI, No. IV


MAY 1936 « «

9trale<dance ^ ^Animal
Cleopatra {Party
journalistic 9arh/ t g D c i k Accessories


7it£ /A'f o| ffcg Pa*fy Reason

The Party Plan The Program The Favor

T H E P A R T Y P L A N . . . Make your next party the VOLUME XXXI • NUMBER IV
"Talk of the Campus" by following one of the many
Balfour party schemes described in the new 24 page *
Party Plan Book. Decoration, program, and favor
suggestions feature many clever and original ideas.

T H E D A N C E P R O G R A M . . . Clever, gay programs
carry out the party scheme. Special samples will be
sent upon request.

T H E D A N C E F A V O R . . . Select your favors to
enhance the party scheme. F o r a Jail Dance, we
suggest a "Ball and Chain Bracelet," while the Pirate
Party calls for a very glittering gold mesh bag. Write
us for suggestions and a copy of the B A L F O U R
B L U E B O O K illustrating new and clever favors.

The BALFOUR Advice to the Graduate Sir James M . Barrie


PARTY BOOK BLUE BOOK Why P. T. A.? Martha Neal Crosby

Decoration, program, IIIiiHtrates clever and original favors Concerning Children E. Louise H o f f e d i t z
and favor ideas. in a wide price range.

WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY I WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY! Accidents Don't Happen . . . . Katherine D. Stewart

Official Jeweler to Alpha (tinieron Pi An Etching in Black A True Story

Cj. Saljjou'i Companxj *I Work on an English Newspaper . . Helen McLennan



[In alphabetical order.} To -JfSjk Dragma

House Address—119 ALPHA PHI Mailing Address LAMBDA University. °PoL V ^ j ^ W Official '^CUficafioM of
Wettings—Tuesday So. 6th Avenue. Bozeman, Mont. Calif. -Box 1367. Stanford
Lloyd. President—Gertrude Blancbard.
evenings. Meetings—Mondays.


House Address—A0I1 House, Tallahassee, Fla. President—Virginia Bradshaw, 573 H i l l Street, Ath-
President—Doris Godard.
Meetings—Mondays at 9:00. ens, Ga.

House Address—503 T h e Ju dson, 53 Washington
House Address—-1680 Alder Street, Eugene, Ore.
President—Violet Mae Jones. Square South. New York, N. Y . , 3£" '
President—Margaret A . Zinneckcr. 535 Hillside Ter-
Meetings— Mondays at 7:00. race, West Orange, N. J .

President—Miriam ALPHA TAO Meetings—Mondays at 6:00.
Dorr, Beaver Hall, Granville, U. Nu KAPPA Tex.
Moiling Address— AOII Box, S . M . U . , Dallas.

BETA GAMMA President—Mildred Browne. » In the MAY • 1936 Issue «
Meetings— Mondays at 4:00.
House Address—235 Ann Street, East Lansing. Mirh.
f'rv.ftoVni—Laura Kronquist, Nu OMICBON

BETA KAPPA - _^ President—Doris Bushy. 208 23rd Avenue North,

President—Valelta Morris. Matsqui, B. C , Canada. Nashville; Tcnn.
Meetings—Wednesdays at 5:00.
Meetings—Monday evenings at 7:00.
President—Mary OMXCA Home Economics Hope in May Frontispiece
House Address—-703 East 7th Street, Bloommgtori, Of Prizes, Holidays and Heritage 3
Jane Carothcrs, Advice to the Graduate 4
Why P. T. A.? 6
-I , u l House, Oxford, O . Ohio State Day Attracts 86 A O I T s 8
Meetings- W e d n e s d a y evenings. Concerning Children 9
President—Geneva Craydon. Accidents Don't Happen 12
Meetings—Monday evenings. "Sentimental Selma" Isn't a Real Swede 14
OMICKON * • An A O I I in the Print Shop 15
Delta Phi Leads in Scholarship 15
BETA TAU .. President—Bessie Mitchell, 306 Scenic Drive, Knox- An Etching in Black 16
1788 Pieces of Clothing Sent to Kentucky 18
President—Phyllis Morgan. 27 Glebe Road East. To- ville, Tenn. "I Work on an English Newspaper"
ronto, Canada. Star A O I T s 19
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30. Meetings— Mondays at 7:00. From Baltimore to Washington 21
The Press States 22
y-. BKTA THKTA OMICRQN PI Housemothers Have Three-Fold Duty 25
House Address—1319 Hill Street. Ann Arbor. Mich. And She's an AO n — 28
ffOMC -4J.Jr.-w—428 West 48tb Street. Indianapolis President—Esther Scthncy. Ohio Valley to Meet at Denison 30
Rushing Blank 30
Ind. *- , , Meetings—Monday evenings. 32
President— Marian Messick.
Meetings— Wednesdays at 7:30. House Address--1144 PHI .V..
CHI ' ^. - v , Louisiana Street. Lawrence.
College PUoe. Syracuse. N. Y .
House Address—117 J aggers. President—Maxine Earhart. Robert Street. New
President—Dorothy evenings. Meetings— Mondays at 7:00. •*
C H I DELTA President— Marthalce Craft. 1689
House Address—1015 Boulder. Colo.
President -1 sabeUe 15th Street. Hall. Orleans. La.
Meetings—Monday*. P. ic_e. Meetings—Mondays at 4:30.

Home Address—AOU House. College Park. Md.
President—Marguerite L . McKa> President—Flora Waldman. |
Tufts College. Mass.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:15. Meetings—Tuesdays at 7:00.

House Address—3331 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. Pa.
President— evenings at 8:00. President—Margaret E . McCausland.
Meetings—Monday Meetings—Monday evenings.


House Address—The Knoll. Ithaca. N. Y. House Address- 626 Emerson Street. Evanston. 111.
President—Incs Squassoni.
Meltings—Sunday evenings. President— Drlphine Wilson.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
House Address—AOU House, State College. Penna. SIGMA
president—Ruth Evans. House Address—2311
Meetings—Mondays at 6:30. President—Dorothy Prospect Street. Berkeley. Calif..
Meetings—Monday*. Davis.

House Address—636 ETA TAU
President—Margaret House Address—1121 5th Street N . E . . Minneapolis.
Meetings—Mondays. I-angdon Street. Madison. Wis.
President—Elizabeth Hcinecke.
GAMMA _ . • '. . President—Alice Eylar.
Meetings—Mondays. Steetings—Mondays at 5:30.
Gardiner. Main Street. Orono.
House Address—704 TAU DELTA
President— Sara Dominick. 3S00 11th Avenue South.

IOTA Birmingham, Ala.
Meetings—Every other Wednesday at supper.
South Mathews Street. Urbana.
House Address—AOIT House, Grcenrastle. I n d .
President— Margaret Baker. President—Ruth Locke. Edited hy W i l m a Smith Leland
Meetings—Monday evenings.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. T o DHAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul. Minne-
KAPPA ' ,J sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul
TnETA E T A Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special
President—Margaret Martin. R.M.W.C.. Lynchburg. President—Maxtne Cooper. 3122 Parkview Avenue. rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P . L . & R . , authorized February
Cincinnati, O . at 6:45. 12. 1930.
Meetings—Mondays To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial
Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00. material to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.

KAPPA OMICBOW UPSILOW The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $1 per year, payable in advance; L i f e subscription $15.

President—Elizabeth Cobb, 2232 Washington. Mem- House Address—VW, East 45th Street. Sesttle. Wash.

phis. Tcnn. President— Betty Finger.

Meetings—Fridays at 2:30. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.


House Address—394 Hilgard Avenue. West Los An ZKTA
House Address—1541 S Street, Lincoln, Neb.
geles, Calif. President—EWen Srb.

President—Harriet Anne Stone. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.


Of Prizes,
Holidays and Heritage

HOPE IN MAY -+- S P E A K I N G of prize reporters, I would like reasonable in our party and service w i l l be
to recommend t w o o r three o f the 1935-36 superb. W h y not class reunions and chapter
Life is dark today delegations? One alumni association I knowf
The dreary clouds hang near To D R A G M A staff f o r Pulitzer prizes. Sophia gives a prize at commencement time to the
But this I know— Hoenes, IIA, has heen the most helpful o f all alumnus or alumna coming f r o m the most dis-
That cheery May and to Pi Delta will go the book inscribed with tant place. H o w many members can you per-
Will surely come and chase away Sophia's name. P i Delta has had leading re- suade to compete f o r one?
Strange doubts that blight those things porters ever since Margaret Cook used to
1 hold most dear. write reports. There is no doubt about the W hen you write to those distant alumnae
chapter being outstanding—it is alert to its ask them to give you names o f acquaintances
good points and wants you to know about in t h e i r cities o r towns w h o m a y be attending
them. D o r o t h y Bentz, Z , should be named AOII schools in the fall. Summer rushing in
n e x t f o r she has been so consistent in her towns beyond the environs of the universities
good work. Haven't you noticed the lovely will help the chapters with their fall rushing
Zeta pictures this year? Patricia Spearman. on campus. There are girls in every town
Nu Omicron; Nannette Manning, Omicron; going some place to school. Y o u know them,
Edith Jensen, Delta; Janice Torre, P i ; Bertha t h e i r f a m i l i e s , and y o u can find out quite a
Cutting, Chi; Martha Jump, Alpha Tau, are bit about the slightly acquainted i f you make
worthy of commendations. A l l of the re- the effort. Let them know you, what your
porters and c o n t r i b u t o r s have my sincere chapter is doing, what it means on the cam-
gratitude f o r their patience. I know that it pus and after graduation to belong to a
is not satisfactory to write reports and ar- sorority. There are e x t r a c o p i e s of To
ticles f o r a deadline and then find them cut D R A G M A which we will send gladly to inter-
to pieces or run several issues later, and the ested rushees. I f you have a daughter who
cutting and delay are not easy f o r the editor like the Gaar Williams' cartoon thinks your
either, but with your cooperation, the maga- chapter is not what it was when you were i n
zine has presented a fair picture o f all activi- school, tell her that she w i l l j o i n a s o r o r i t y
ties. This issue is small because the October f o r life, not just f o r f o u r years. Strange as
number was sent to all members whether sub- it may seem to her w h o thinks you are a
scribers or not; both the January and March hundred years older than herself, ten or twelve
issues were fat ones. Next year the numbers years will do wonders in diminishing those
w i l l be consistently the same size and in a years between. Y o u r interests will become
few more years we hope that the number of hers; y o u r alumnae chapter hers, i f she w i l l
pages may be increased as o u r revenue gains allow it. What enjoyment the new president
again. of Buffalo Alumnae Chapter must have at
meetings f o r she is none other than Carolyn
A l l o f you have one way in which you may Piper Dorr, a charter member of Rho. H e r
increase the revenue o f the magazine. The lite daughter, Carol, A T '35, is the new reporter.
subscription plan was not effected until 1921. Another daughter. M i r i a m , is at Denison and
Many, many members initiated before that president of Alpha Tau. Margaret went to
date are not subscribers. Perhaps they do not Northwestern and her mother's chapter ini-
have $15 f o r a l i f e subscription n o w ; $1.00 tiated her while her mother watched and later
will bring the magazine to them f o r a year. became president. A t that time it was j o y
A n y member can be a g o o d AOIT w i t h o u t the for mother, but we guess that now it is daugh-
magazine, but she can't be an i n f o r m e d AOIT. ter's t u r n to be glad, too. Y o u r chapter needs
Why not include the subscription in the alum- daughters, cousins, nieces with an AOIT tradi-
nae chapter dues o f those members w h o are tion—they usually t u r n out to be presidents
pre-1921? in their senior years. Y o u r chapter needs the
names of all the girls in your town over whose
T h e date f o r Convention has not been set hearts y o u w i l l want to see o u r p i n . H e l p
as this number goes to press, but the October by m a i l i n g in the blank y o u w i l l find on the
issue will give you dates and details o f the last page.
Yellowstone Park holiday. Don't go there this
summer; skip a vacation this year and go
along w i t h AOIT in 1937. Prices w i l l be m o r e

By trious predecessor, Lord Balfour. That name L o r d Balfour's charm has been talked o f
SIR JAMES has a tang to it that is sweet to the Scottish by some as i f i t was the m a n h i m s e l f , but o h
M. BARRIE ear. I once had an argument, across the wa- no, it was only his seductive introduction to
ters that lie between us and Samoa, w i t h Rob- us, playing around him, p e r h a p s to guard
Text of an address ert L o u i s Stevenson, about w h i c h was the fin- against our ever getting nearer to "the man
est-sounding Scottish name. H e voted f o r himself." I t still played around him when he
delivered at his in- one who was, I believe, a kinsman, Ramsay faced the blasts i n his country's cause. I t
Traquair. But I thought, and still think, that loved the great adventure. D i d you ever no-
stallation as chancel- Balfour is better. H o w like our great Chan- tice how much g r o u n d he covered with his
cellor to have the name as w e l l as a l l the easy stride? I t was so also w i t h the stride o f
lor of Edinburgh rest! his mind. So many offices did he adorn. I
was once speaking to h i m about some past
University I first saw h i m here—I mean in the o l d c o l - event, and he said, "Yes, I remember that—I
was prime minister at the time—or was I ?
Advice to the Graduate lege—in my student days. H e was addressing At any rate I was something of that kind."
one of the university societies on Philosophic So light apparently his knapsack.
[ N O T E . — T h e Masson, Catnpbell-Fraser, I dared? O, why left I the eyrie of a soli- Doubt. I can not now recall with certainty
tary to go wandering in the great unquiet which, but it was the one I tried to become a I have seen h i m — t o w a r d the end—writing
and Blackie referred to below were well- places? This college of renown,—for wher- member of and they wouldn't have me. H o w - the memoirs o f his early days that have just
ever I find myself to-day I feel that I a m i n ever, I did contrive an entry that night, and been published. I t was in one o f the loveliest
known professors at Edinburgh Univer- the o l d college; these walls dissolve; it is the abiding memory is the dazzling presence
more like Masson's lecture room; Campbell- of h i m , his charm—though as D r . Johnson of English gardens, and he was reclining
sity in Sir James Barrie's student days. Fraser raises his beard again; I hear Blackie never said, is there any Scotsman w i t h o u t under the tulip tree on a long chair, swal-
singing,—what has m y old college been about charm ? lows sailing r o u n d , j o t t i n g d o w n as i f the
He has written of them in his book, A n in r e m e m b e r i n g me, she w h o was once so not- life and times of Arthur Balfour were only
ed f o r her choice o f pilots? A l l I can say to another s w a l l o w flight.
E d i n b u r g h Eleven. The Lister mentioned you in my defense is: yours the wite for hav-
ing me. I dare say you could still get out As f o r myself, I vowed as the alarming
is Lord Lister, the famous discoverer of of it, f o r I question whether Edinburgh has day o f this august ceremony drew near to
asked Whitehall's permission to elect a chan- model my installation address on his; and
antiseptic surgery. "Wite" is a Scottish cellor. on sitting d o w n to read it I f o u n d he had
never made one. Instead, I see h i m to-day
dialect word meaning blame or fault. M y anxious desire is to follow—very hum- smiling charmingly at my predicament.
bly as needs must—in the ways o f my illus-
"Smiddies" are blacksmiths' shops, and The University is now a very different
place f r o m what it was when I matricu-
"bothies" cottages where ploughmen live lated. Even on that day the old college,
which perhaps never wore an alluring beam
in common.] o f welcome on her face, seemed so f o r -
midable that a famous Edinburgh divine,
I W A S U P L I F T E D — h o w could i t be other-
wise?—when I found that my Alma Ma- Dr. Alexander Whyte, had to ac-
ter w a n t e d me to come b a c k f o r another company me to her awful portals
course. But now that the lightnings are upon and push me in. For some time I
me I am riven with misgivings. What have hoped he w o u l d do this every da>'.

I learn f r o m the University of
Edinburgh Journal, itself a nota-
ble g r o w t h , that since ten years
after they got rid of me (they did
not put it i n that w a y ) seventeen
new chairs have been added. M a n y
vast a c a d e m i c departments have

arisen. The methods o f
lecturing, of examinations
have been o v e r h a u l e d .
T h i s magnificent hall has
sprung up, and all the av-
enues leading to gradua-
tion i n i t have been made

appropriately s t i f f e r
and steeper. Unions
and hostels, such as,
alas, were not in m y
time, now give Edin-
burgh students that
social a t m o s p h e r e
which seemed in the
o l d days to be the
one thing lacking; the
absence of them
maimed some of us
for life. The number
of s t u d e n t s has i n -
creased by over a
t h o u s a n d . Perhaps
~ \ greatest change of all
—woman. Yes, "fe-
male forms whose gestures beam with mind."
W h a t a glory to our land has this University


6 To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936 7


"He who helps a liitle child helps humanity with children and the background thus gained f o r State President of New Hampshire
hu- her school work was invaluable. However,
can the time came when teachers ceased to "board- cuts and Teachers called an International Con-
round" and that early contact between home ference in Washington; these international
and school ended. The need f o r some way conferences continued until the war ended
to bridge that fast-developing gulf was real- them, with no permanent organization. How-
ized and the need f o r parents to become bet- ever, in 1927, the I n t e r n a t i o n a l F e d e r a t i o n o f
ter parents was a widely discussed subject Home and School did come into being with
everywhere. As a result of much discussion an organized body representing twelve coun-
on the subject of training f o r parenthood, tries. Today the shadow of the Oak Tree,
mothers' classes and circles began to spring our emblem, falls upon forty nations, all
up over the c o u n t r y . I t was in 1895, that one working along the ideal our basic principle
mother of three children felt her responsibility sets f o r t h , that the home and the school and
keenly and by light of material available per- the community, w o r k i n g together, can make
fected herself in Infant Hygiene. Realizing this a safe world for all children, the future
what this knowledge had meant to her, she citizens of the world.
was anxious that every child might have a
mother well informed on this subject. So W h a t a challenge that last sentence i s ! A
with Mrs. Alice Birney originated the idea safe w o r l d f o r the f u t u r e citizens can be
of a Mothers' Congress which should gather made by us. W e can't waste any time about
together material f r o m various resources and it either. T o o much time has been lost and
make it available to all mothers. Thus orig- we have been insensible to our responsibilities
inated our present voluminous and valuable as parents and as citizens. T h e great need
publications. This Mothers' Congress soon for closer cooperation between homes and
schools is fundamental. The phenomenal
growth of our movement proves this. Any
organization that can grow f r o m a member-

an immediateness which no other help given to
man creature in any other stage of human life
possibly give again."—PHILLIPS BROOKS.

- f - E V E R Y O N E must have a hobby these days --
and apparently " o r g a n i z i n g " is g o i n g to be
Martha Neal Crosby, Delta, has found P.T.A.
mine as i t is fast c o m i n g to a point where work a solution for those who -would give
any group that needs t o be reorganized or service for the space they occupy.
wants to get started seems to seek me out.
I told my husband the other day that just b »• • our interest for a while and hold it, but often
once I ' d like to be asked to take over a only our own pleasure and aggrandizement
well-organized and functioning group, but I fir' • ship o f 2,000 t o t w o m i l l i o n in so b r i e f a are served. The true Parent-Teacher or-
probably do not really mean that f o r then time has untold possibilities and power. That ganization offers an opportunity f o r every
h a l f the f u n and interest w o u l d be lacking. gained recognition and the educators soon power should be used to train our children right-thinking citizen to join a group of
However, there is a big thrill out o f starting realized the value and need o f teacher co- and see that o u r schools t r a i n o u r c h i l d r e n people who are working wholeheartedly f o r
to plan a year's work, especially on a state- operation, so by 1899 this was the new note in such a w a y that we shall never have to see the future, with the children of the present.
w i d e scale, and g r a d u a l l y see that w o r k de- in the Congress. another crime-wave. The average age o f the W h a t is finer than helping y o u n g people?
velop and increase until it almost runs away criminal is nineteen and the delinquent child Certainly nothing is more important than see-
with itself and you, too. Parent-Teacher groups began to organize ten to fifteen. I f parents and teachers are ing that every child in every community may
in all sections of the country, N e w Y o r k and both doing their job, there would be no approach life with every practical advantage.
That has been m y experience w i t h Parent- Massachusetts being among the first. What chance f o r the criminal ever to get started
Teacher work. The more I do the more high enthusiasm must have held these pioneer wrong. Parent-Teacher work is all-absorbing. A f t e r
there is to do and a f t e r t w o years o f con- women in Child W e l f a r e to be able to sustain one once gets into it all other w o r k fades to
stant and unremitting effort, I am beginning and endure the anxieties, trials and bitter There is a great deal of satisfaction to feel insignificance. T h e r e is so m u c h to be done
to see the actual results by h a v i n g o u r m e m - disappointments which the Congress went that as individuals we can enter upon a real and such f u n in doing it. Never, in any w o r k
bership g a i n 1,000 new members i n a year. through. Well, "the workers pass—but the service to bring about constructive reforms I have been in, have I met the unselfishness
That means we shall have a larger treasury w o r k abides"—and bow gloriously it has and legislation f o r the good of all children. and self-sacrifice evidenced everywhere by
and w i l l be able to do better w o r k . I t also grown. The need f o r cooperation between I often think of the statement made by the Parent-Teacher workers. M y life, since 1
shows that with a good organization the home and school is an ever present one, not instructor o f our leadership training classes began my service in Parent-Teacher w o r k , has
work is bound to grow. W o r k i n g with chil- only in our own country but in other coun- last summer to the effect that "Service is the become so enriched that I can not conceive
dren and f o r children is fascinating and the tries. I n 1908 o u r N a t i o n a l Congress o f P a r - price we pay f o r the space we occupy." There of the barrenness of it before and I dread
many, many phases of Child Training and are many types of service, the Parent-Teacher to think what my children might have had to
Parent Education offer unlimited opportunities is only one; other organizations may attract endure f r o m me as a parent i f I had not be-
f o r service through local Parent-Teacher as- come a member of a Parent-Teacher group.
sociations. I have put much time into m y w o r k as State
President of the New Hampshire Congress
Parent-Teacher work is the most vital and of Parents and Teachers, but what I have
fundamentally constructive force in the edu- put in is as nothing compared to what I
cational world today. In our early American have gained. The educators, met all over the
life there was no need to span the gap be- State, have been interesting. Then the con-
tween home and school f o r in those early tacts made at the national board meetings
days the teacher was an integral part o f every have been most inspiring. I t was at a na-
family in it. In her "boarding-round" the
teacher came to know the families o f her

8 To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936

tional board meeting that I met Katrina Mac- The origin, the purpose, the plan of the par- CONCERNING CHILDREN
Donald, NO, who is State President o f the ent-teacher movement falls w i t h i n the scope
Mississippi Congress of Parents and Teach- of a planned and functioning program of adult By E. Louise Hoffeditz, Epsilon Alpha,
ers; and I presume it was her suggestion that education. The National Congress of Parents
made W i l m a Smith Leland ask me to write and Teachers, which presents and interprets Research Fellow, The Training School, Vineland, New Jersey
why I enjoyed doing Parent-Teacher work. the movement i n A m e r i c a n l i f e today, is its
own unique contribution to adult education. -+- S O M E W H E R E in your travels, or perhaps And although the mental ability o f these lat-
Participation in the program and activities It is commonly said that the Parent-Teacher even in your home neighborhood, you may ter m a y be no l o w e r than that o f persons
o f the Parent-Teacher movement as developed association provides greater opportunity f o r who are able to succeed in the world, even
through the national organization becomes an understanding and appreciating all types of have seen a child w h o was so socially i m - though i t be o n a l o w level, yet t h e i r social
important phase of adult education which people than any other group. Its democracy mature that it could not compete with chil- competence is inferior to the extent that they
readies hundreds of thousands of individuals. welcomes all races, creeds and classes; its dren its o w n age. I t seemed attractive enough are dependent on others f o r existence. When
Efforts directed toward the conservation of work provides contacts which develop friend- and lively enough, but it just was not able these people are adults according to life age,
the welfare of children have ramifications liness and fellowship. Its sacrificing promotes to t h i n k as q u i c k l y o r help itself as m u c h they are still children with respect to per-
which penetrate to the very foundations of unselfish devotion to others. as the other children did. I f matched against sonal responsibility and they are children ac-
the individual and collective life of adults. a child several years its junior, it compared cording to their total mental ability.
favorably, but with those its own age it was
Ohio State Day Attracts 86 AOII's a misfit. And i f it continued to remain with For these children—and we call them chil-
those its o w n age it became more and more dren no matter what their age, be it 5 or
By RUTH COX SEGAR, Omega, Ohio District Alumnae Superintendent m a r k e d l y a m i s f i t as t i m e w e n t on. 75, since they cannot take t h e i r places i n
the normal adult world—there are schools
S T A T E D A Y S in Ohio are bound to become to the K e n t u c k y M o u n t a i n s . " H i s keen sense That child belongs to the portion of our and institutions throughout the country adapt-
of humor and "at homeness" with the group population which is called feeble-minded, ed to their needs: custody, training, or both,
tradition. Perhaps we are a bit prone to made him a very welcome guest. During the which includes those who are socially in- as the case may be. T h e y are not numerous
meal good old mountain music was played competent due to arrested mental develop- and large enough to provide f o r all these
brag in this part of the country, yet we believe to lend the proper atmosphere f o r the orig- ment. They are not a group separated by a children, variously estimated to f o r m one to
inal playlet, which was one o f the outstanding definite line f r o m the vast number who are two per cent o f our population, and many o f
not unduly so—for even the Ohio River features of the program. I t was written by called normal, but they are just a little duller them remain in their homes, where they are
three Cincinnati members: Jeannette Merk, and less competent than the dullest o f the frequently misunderstood because they are
rushed forth this year with one of its big- Dorothea Wurtz, and Erna Kramer. I n normals, while some may show traits and "different."
order that the dialect might be authentic, abilities developed to the same degree as
gest floods t o help us celebrate o u r second the script was submitted to Bland Morrow those found in normal individuals. They are Those who, by public or private funds,
for correction. The title was "Mountain at the lower end o f a long scale o f develop- are able to be a d m i t t e d to an i n s t i t u t i o n as
State gathering in Cincinnati. However, not H o l l y " ; the scene, a one-room log cabin ment; their growth has proceeded at a slower young children, are given training that suits
overlooking "Hell-fer-Sartin." T h e cast was rate and i n most cases i t has stopped sooner their level o f mental ability and seeks to bring
only the elements, but, most important of all, carefully selected f r o m Theta Eta Chapter, than the growth of the normal. They range out whatever talents the child may have,
and their interpretation of their roles most f r o m total incapacity, demanding care in all no matter how meager they may be. I n this
our national officers honored us with their amusingly done. Susan, 18-year-old mother, things, to what casually appears to be nor- manner it is altogether possible that some o f
was played by Virginia H o r t o n ; Granny, malcy, demanding only slight supervision. the more capable may be able to return, i n
presence (we almost burst with pride over aged 70, by M a r g a r e t Spriggs; Margaret, shy.
t i m i d c h i l d o f 12, by Jeannette M e r k ; Poppy The children at Vineland Training School care for the pets that live on the grounds.
that). Mary Dee D.ummond, Anne Nichols, B r o w n , about 45, by Nancy Poe; Bland M o r -
row by Maxine Cooper.
Helen Haller, Katherine Davis, and Edith
Since the alumnae are always interested in
A n d e r s o n almost—at the eleventh h o u r she hearing about the active chapters and vice
versa—the presidents of all chapters gave
was snowbound at Granville, Ohio. five-minute talks on " H i g h l i g h t s o f AOIT D u r -
ing the Year." Greetings were heard f r o m
M u c h credit should be given to the Cin- the national officers. I feel sure that every-
cinnati active and alumnae chapters who were one went away truly inspired, much amused,
co-hostesses f o r the occasion. A luncheon and happier for having met old friends and
was held at the Vernon Manor, with 86 new in a genial fraternity atmosphere. The
guests in attendance and ten different chap- day was completed by an Open House at the
ters represented, on Saturday, March 21. The Theta Eta apartment on Probasco Avenue.
plan was to make the get-together an informal
m i x e r , that f r i e n d s h i p s i n AOU m i g h t flourish I feel it necessary to add here that the
under new stimulus and new associations. northern part of the state was not included
T a b l e seatings were so arranged as t o sepa- in this celebration. The Cleveland Chapter
rate delegations f r o m various cities and felt that it was too far removed f r o m any
schools. city in close range to the other chapters in
the state to make their attendance possible.
The theme of the program was "Frontier W e regret very much that distance has to
Day." In keeping with that, memorandum make a difference, but it has been suggested
pads covered w i t h calico and labeled with that, u n t i l flying becomes m o r e general, w e
horses' heads were given as souvenirs. T h e have two state celebrations in Ohio—north-
tables were decorated with samples of needle- ern and southern. W e hope such can he
w o r k and handcraft characteristic of the work worked out next year and we will welcome
being supervised by Bland M o r r o w in the suggestions.
Kentucky mountains. Mary Dee Drummond,
whose heart strings are tangled in AOII's
work in the mountains, was the guest speak-
er. H e r witty descriptions o f her recent visit
w i t h the staff o f the F . N . S. and her ardent
appeal f o r greater help in this worthwhile
field of endeavor gave a l l a m o r e tangible
grasp of just what our social service work
is accomplishing and what it hopes to achieve.
W e also had with us a member o f ITOA—
Carl Rich, Cincinnati attorney and godfather
to Theta Eta Chapter, who added local color
by giving a talk on "Cincinnati—a gateway

10 To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936 11

the future, to normal society where they their play and civ, "Take me, take me." testing young children and not so weighted fill out o u r picture m o r e f u l l y . K i n d e r g a r t e n
make a living, some with, others without, su- Only when one is selected do the others give w i t h verbal items as is the Rinet, his mental t r a i n i n g w i l l proceed as usual w i t h special
pervision. They learn slowly even though up their efforts. Among the older children age was five years. W h e n g i v e n the task attention given to drawing out verbal re-
their interest may be keen, and, with patient I find i n q u i r i n g eyes and soundless lips shap- on the W i t m e r formboard of fitting ten vari- sponses and correcting speech, while cottage
teaching and repetition of instructions, they ing the words, "Do you want me?" Half the ously shaped blocks into their appropriate socialization is f u r t h e r encouraged toward
respond to the training situation, some very task is accomplished, f o r the ardor of those holes as quickly as he could, his best o f three an even better adjustment.
slowly, others more quickly. who are most interested soon spreads to the performances was equal to that of the aver-
indifferent and newcomers. O f f we go to the age six-year-old boy, upholding the superior Since in our institution, the clinical psy-
I t must be realized that some o f these lal)oratory conversing of this and that. No results o f the Merrill-Palmer scale. While chologist is a member of the Research De-
boys and girls never develop beyond two or child is ever brought to us; we go f o r him his physical growth was one year retarded, partment, he is more than one who studies the
three years mentally (nursery school age) and use those f e w minutes o f walking to put his psychophysical applications, strength of children solely with the aim of helping them
a n d others never beyond f o u r o r five years him entirely at ease w i t h the one who is go- grip and lung capacity, were average f o r a as individuals. Besides that v e r y i m p o r t a n t
(kindergarten age), while others progress on ing to evaluate his activity and wants it to boy three years younger. This retardation aspect, there is the responsibility to others i n
to eight or nine years and above. Their be as nearly natural as it can be in a test was consistent with his mental retardation. clinical w o r k w h o m a y be able to p r o f i t f r o m
trainability differs widely and depends, then, situation. the results found here when they are inter-
on their status, combined of social, mental, He was, then, a feeble-minded boy of eight preting the performance of other children.
emotional, behavioral and other factors, with Our w o r k is f u r t h e r made easy by the fact years, since his social competence o f only I t is, then, a part of the clinician's w o r k to
respect to their l i f e age. T o obtain an under- that it is expected that the children will be f o u r years, 50 per cent retarded, was due to prepare f o r publication the more enlightening
standing of that status, a clinical psychologist taken f r o m school, cottage, or industrial his mental development o f but f o u r to five case studies and the more useful research o f
studies the child, aided by information ob- schedule to go to the laboratory. Even when years. There was indication o f a predominat- a clinical nature. W e are expected to bring
tained f r o m the doctor, the teacher, the continued research means repeated breaking ing manual type of intelligence. He appeared innovations into procedures, always question-
parent. into other activities, the children are willing- to have an emotional set causing h i m to be ing the usual and traditional, and attempting to
ly relinquished. Members o f each o f those slow in adjustment to new situations and to find a m o r e p r o f i t a b l e m e t h o d o f a t t a i n i n g
A f t e r being an apprentice in clinical work in departments discuss the child with the psy- inhibit verbal responses. I t was tentatively the goal in view. Such an atmosphere is
the psychological laboratory at The Training chologist so that a c a r e f u l check o n his p r o g - estimated that he w o u l d probably develop to conducive to a more inquiring attitude than
School at V i n e l a n d , N e w Jersey, f o r but five ress may be made. a mental level o f about seven years. Prog- is f o u n d where hide-bound procedures have
months, I have come to agree with some of nosis f o r training was greatly dependent on always been and w i l l always be.
those who have attained the status of a mas- The information concerning the child, gained his socialization and the degree to which he
ter craftsman that a determination of the f r o m interviews, reports, and tests is the basis retained his emotional set. Endeavoring to understand and interpret
status of a child is an art. Like all other for the laboratory report which aims to in- the individuality o f these children " w h o
arts it gains its significance only through ex- terpret him to others. Then a schedule that H e was transferred to a cottage of older never g r o w up" is a challenge to anyone who
perience and practice. Reading books and is best suited t o his needs may be planned boys, many larger than he, w h o w o u l d be is seeking to f a t h o m the intricacies o f human
hearing class lectures may serve to f o r m so that he may be kept as happy as m o t h e r s stimulating along social lines.' Adjustment in- nature. H e adds art to science and aims to
a background on which to proceed, but the dream their children should be. ( A n d these creased remarkably and his disposition has help each c h i l d . W h i l e d o i n g i t he m a y find
interpretation and evaluation penetrate to the are a happy l o t ! ) In six months or a year proved to be extremely sunny. N o w , six some cue that will c l a r i f y even though only
crucial point only a f t e r they have been mel- the laboratory check-up is repeated and activ- months later—much sooner than we expected slightly, our understanding of feeble-minded
lowed and short-circuited by continued usage ity and ability are again evaluated; we weigh —he enters into most o f the group activities. children and through them an understanding
w i t h respect to similar cases that have de- the results against the expectations and gain His social age shows an increase to about of normal children and adults.
veloped within the range of experience. The a further picture of the child. 4.5 years w i t h both self-help and c o m m u n i -
signs that were at first o v e r l o o k e d are later cation items revealing improvement. In kin- Lambda Member Active in
so prominent that they cannot be missed. Consider, f o r instance, a boy almost eight dergarten he responds acceptably to training, Republican Assembly
years old, slightly retarded in physical growth, being especially willing to follow simple di-
I n an effort to understand one of our chil- who made an u n f a v o r a b l e first impression rections. His new general freedom of action -f- A I ' I - O I N T M E N T of permanent committees of
dren we collect facts about him : his family, because of his being extremely apathetic and is noted in examination and verbal responses the Alameda County Republican Assem-
birth, and developmental history, his educa- uncommunicative. He was not negativistic. are easier f o r him to make, though his speech
tion, l i f e age, social maturity, his mental level but remarkedly reserved and shy. He had is still as i n f a n t i l e as f o r m e r l y . H i s mental blv was announced yesterday by Burchard H .
as demonstrated in various tests designed to been transferred f r o m another institution two growth on the Binet in the six months has Styles, president of the organization, in prep-
tap most of the phases o f his ability, his weeks b e f o r e he was seen at the l a b o r a t o r y been normal, a rather unusual occurrence in a r a t i o n f o r p a r t i c i p a t i o n in the 1936 political
personality characteristics and similar infor- and was used to the sort o f l i f e he was feeble-minded children. Mental age is 4.5 campaign. The assembly has opened perma-
mation. A l l these go to make up the picture living here. His adjustment, however, was years, intelligence quotient almost sixty. Man- nent headquarters at 380 Seventeenth Street.
of the child and through them all runs his only f a i r ; he stayed away f r o m the group ual ability is increased even more and his
particular "style," his own mode of perform- and seemed rather unhappy. H i s social age, performance on the W i t m e r formboard is Following are the committees named by
ance. T h i s is affected by his physical condi- as measured by the V i n e l a n d Social M a t u r i t y average f o r an 8.5-year-old boy. Physical
tion, by his glandular functioning, by his sta- scale, was just under f o u r years and he was and psychophvsical averages remain as re- Styles:
bility—ideational, emotional, behavioral—by retarded in items of socialization and com- tarded as before.
his drive to complete a task, and by other munication. I n f o r m a t i o n is obtained by ques- Executive committee—Burchard H . Styles,
factors too numerous to note here. They tioning one who knows the child, in this case T h e first picture o f the boy has n o w
are guide posts to the clinician and indicate the cottage attendant, about the things he does changed. H i s personality is favorable to chairman; Homer W . Buckley, Fuller Lyman.
present methods of handling him together for himself. This scale o f social accomplish- training and his increased social age along
with the most probable expectation of his ment has items arranged in order o f difficulty with the mental growth indicates greater Da« i d V . Rosen and L o r e n z o S. B u c k l e y .
outcome. These factors are frequently ap- f r o m birth to twenty-five years o f age. possibility for future development. W e can-
preciated without being scientifically shown not expect that the rate of growth in the Convention committee—Robert S. B a r k e l l ,
through controlled experiment. It is along In examination he was cooperative except past six months w i l l be continued, f o r that
these lines that clinical procedures are being for verbal responses which were very meagre is too r a p i d f o r a c h i l d retarded as this one chairman; Allen G. McCauley, Martin Rirk-
refined. and frequently refused. W h e n he d i d speak he is, especially since feeble-minded c h i l d r e n as
used an infantile type o f .speech. I n situations a g r o u p decrease i n rate o f g r o w t h as they land, A l f r e d E . H o p k i n s , Miss Eunice Force
Study of our boys and girls at The Train- requiring performance with his hands,, such g r o w older. Either the environment has
ing School is made extremely easy because as copying a square or comparing t w o weights, caused h i m to lose his emotional set so that ( A ) , Sybil Wagner, Prentiss J. Rercovich,
they enjoy going to the laboratory. There he seemed more free. On the Terman revi- the mental ability present could more easily
are a f e w who protest but these are usually sion o f the Binet-Simon Intelligence scale, his operate or the mental g r o w t h has made it C l i f f o r d ' R u r n h i l l , M a r y A . Heath, and C. L .
won over. The intense interest is especially mental age was slightly more than f o u r years, more necesary for him to express his ability
vivid in the kindergarten, f o r when the "lab- yielding an intelligence quotient (mental age in a verbal way. General prognosis is brighter Zeigler.
oratory lady" walks into the room, the hands divided by l i f e age) o f 55. On, the M e r r i l l - but we wait f o r future development to help
fly up, or the youngsters come running f r o m Palmer Scale of Mental Tests, one used f o r Platform committee—Laurence E. Dayton,

chairman; A l f r e d Nelson, H a r o l d C. Holmes.

Jr., Mrs. Newton Cleaveland, Ralph York,

Calvert L . Rowles, Neal Harris, John H .

Painter, H a r r y E. Perl, Stanley D. Whitney,

Taylor Lee Douhit, Eugene M . Short, James

Corlev and L o r e n z o S. Ruckley.

Styles added that district units are now

completely organized throughout Alameda

county and are holding regular meetings.—

San Francisco Chronicle.

M A Y , 1936 13

COVRTESY SHELL OIL COMPANY with a hurried dash f o r home or errands to of the owner. H i s honesty is like that of the
be done, and the feeling o f being pressed f o r small child who confesses to telling a lie
Accidents Don't Happen time—result, carelessness again. The third before he is found out by his elders.
noticeable danger hour was f r o m nine to ten
-+- So M U C H has been written in the past of the problem is comparatively simple. I n - o'clock in the morning, and these accidents Ninety-six per cent o f the automobiles had
year about automobile accidents that every stead o f having to deal with matters o f largely involved commercial vehicles rather no mechanical defects. Only three per cent
traffic engineering, motor construction, and than pleasure cars. A young man or boy had defective brakes, and an almost negligible
m o t o r k t and pedestrian should be w e l l i n - other physical factors, we must concentrate driving a grocery truck would have orders number had defective lights and steering gear.
f o r m e d as to w h a t causes them and h o w they on the mind of the man and woman behind f r o m his employer to rush Mrs. Smith's butter
can be prevented. T h e public at last has be- the wheel. W i t h national, state and city gov- and eggs to E l m Street; i n the meat market Pedestrians present a big problem in this
come conscious of the appalling number of ernments, as w e l l as private enterprises, spon- a driver would be told that M r s . Jones, on matter of highway safety. A n equal number
persons killed and injured in this country soring safety campaigns, and with radio talks Maple Street, was demanding her roast beef of pedestrians and persons in two-vehicle
every day in the year, and individuals are be- broadcast to millions of listeners practically and vegetables at once. Fearing that a com- accidents were injured. W i t h the pedestrians,
ginning to realize that i f this situation is every day, it cannot help but impress the plaint about his service might cost him his as w i t h the d r i v e r s , carelessness was the m a i n
g o i n g to be remedied each one o f t h e m must motorists of this country that the responsibil- job, each driver indulged in a bit o f reckless cause o f i n j u r y or death. Only thirteen per
pledge himself to drive safely at all times, ity rests w i t h them as individuals, and that driving around corners and approaching in- cent o f the pedestrians had apparent physical
and i f he is a pedestrian to observe traffic only by their efforts can this greatest menace tersections, until finally, where E l m Street defects, and still fewer were intoxicated. M y
laws as strictly as i f he were a driver. to human life be abated. crosses Maple Street, the two trucks came statistics show that the greatest danger to
together in a head-on collision. This corner pedestrians is crossing the road at places
For two years I have made a study of every A graph made by plotting the number of was protected by a large yellow sign with the other than intersections. Next come crossing
accident within the city limits, investigated accidents which occurred each hour o f the word S T O P in bold, black letters. Again at an intersection where there is no signal,
by the Police Department, and have arrived day i n 1935 reveals the f a c t that they reached carelessness on the part o f the drivers was the and at an intersection protected by a signal
at some interesting and unexpected conclu- their highest peak between five and six o'clock sole cause o f the accident. but deliberately going against that signal.
sions. By far the majority o f accidents take in the afternoon. Probably more cars were Walking i n the roadway is always hazardous,
place on pleasant days, in broad daylight, with on the streets at that time. Tired men and Eighty-one per cent of the drivers involved especially at night. I f one must walk in the
the cars in perfect condition going straight women had ended their day's work and were in accidents were men; nineteen per cent were road, by all means keep to the left in order
ahead over dry, smooth-surfaced roads, and hurrying home, their minds beginning to relax, women. T h i s seems to me quite out o f pro- to face oncoming traffic and give traffic ap-
neither the motorists nor the pedestrians are a little dulled by fatigue. Is it to be won- portion to the total number of men and proaching f r o m the rear a clear path. Every
under the influence of liquor or have any dered at that they were careless in their driv- w o m e n d r i v e r s , a l t h o u g h I have no figures on motorist knows the sinking o f heart he experi-
mental or physical defects. A t first this ing, unless they made a special effort to keep which to base my conclusion that women are ences w h e n he sees c h i l d r e n p l a y i n g in the
seemed to me a hopeless state o f affairs. I n t h e i r senses alert f o r emergencies? T h e sec- safer drivers than men. T h e largest age roadway. Our Maine winters always bring
spite of improved roads, motor vehicles, traffic ond highest peak came at noon. These acci- group o f drivers, of both sexes, was f r o m many accidents to children sliding. T h i s seems
signs, signals and road markings the death dents were caused, not by tired muscles and thirty to forty-nine years. Only three per to me to be the one type o f accident i n
toll mounts up each year. Upon second nerves, but by speed. A short lunch hour, cent o f the accidents were caused by drunken which the driver m a y be absolutely blameless.
thought, however, I realized that the solution drivers. When a small boy or girl on a sled suddenly
shoots out f r o m a side street or driveway
As I have stated before, an overwhelming directly in front o f an oncoming automobile,
proportion of the accidents was caused by and up to that moment has been hidden by
automobiles which were going straight ahead snow banks on the sides of the road, what
—59 per cent, in fact. Eight per cent came possible chance has the motorist o f avoiding
to grief making left turns, and a slightly an accident?
smaller number making right turns. Draw-
ing away from, or backing into the curb, That bad weather conditions greatly increase
and stopping in the line of traffic, presented the hazards o f driving goes without saying.
about the same amount o f danger. A f a i r l y Fog, rain, snow, wet and icy roads, all present
large number of parked cars were damaged dangers which the motorist must guard
by moving vehicles. Oh, the agony o f com- against. However, these are such evident,
ing o u t o f a store o r theatre to find a tangible dangers that I feel that they do not
crumpled fender or bent bumper on a brightly need to be stressed as much as those less
shining new car which was carefully parked easily recognized enemies o f safe d r i v i n g :
in accordance with the l a w ! ' But my faith carelessness, inattention, recklessness, fatigue,
in my fellow men has gone up every time a and disregard f o r traffic laws. I t is the human
motorist has reported to me that he struck a element that causes most automobile accidents,
parked car, and could not learn the identity and i t w i l l be the human element that w i l l
put a stop to them.

They Are Caused- Says KATHERINE1


11 To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936 15

'Sentimental Selma" An AOII in the -
Isn't a Print Shop
—— :
Real Swede By Emily Tarbell, Chi

Katherine Hodgson Stocklin, Rho, is Sentimental Grace Oberlandcr, Chi. can set type, make up
Seltr.a whose adventures are broadcast by the the heads and put the newspaper to bed.

Columbia Broadcasting Company.

-4- A S S I S T A N T manager o f a printing estab- i

she wrote articles and stories f o r several lishment—an assistant who, in emergency, n
nationally circulated magazines, contributed
original poems to various publications, and, can set type, r u n a l i n o t y p e machine o r oper- I
what is more, she maintained a most credit-
able scholastic record. ate a press, a manager who revels in helping and more prosaic statements and bill-heads
are among the many jobs.
K a t h e r i n e made her r a d i o debut i n 1933, in the shop—such is the unusual position o f
and became immediately successful as the au- The shop force numbers seven. D u r i n g
thor and leading character o f her own radio Grace Oberlandcr, Chi. a rush, Grace leaves the office and fills i n at
dramatizations. I n the few intervening years the shop at a platen press, at the composing
since then she has l>een exceedingly success- Brought up in an atmosphere o f printer's table or at the linotype, wherever the call
ful, having appeared in numerous radio plav- m a y be. I n the shop she feels p a r t i c u l a r l y
lets. i n k — f o r the o l d and established firm o f Ober- at home.

-+- T A U . , vital, energetic Katherine Avery, A s "Sentimental Selma," Katherine is heard lander Press is composed of three brothers, Attractive booklets and programs f o r Foun-
Rho, is an authoress, an actress and a over Station W B B M in Chicago on Tuesdays ders' Day and other special occasions at the
and Thursdays at 11:15 A . M . , and on Sat- with her father and two uncles f o r m i n g the chapter house, Grace has designed and set
comedienne, and she excels at every task u r d a y s at 11 :30 A . M . " S e l m a " is K a t h e - up herself. F o r she is never too busy to
she essays. rine's own characterization, and her Swedish trio—it was perhaps but natural that, after help out Chi and Syracuse alumnae chapter.
dialect inspires the admiration o f even the As president of the active chapter, presi-
A native o f a small Minnesota town, she most critical Swedes. She learned the dialect finishing a L i b e r a l A r t s course at Syracuse dent o f the alumnae chapter, and alumna ad-
is the daughter of a clever woman who wrote, from Swedish expatriates who were living in viser, she has been a wise leader and an i n -
published, and produced her own theatrical her girlhood home in Minnesota, and since U n i v e r s i t y i n 1930, Grace should enroll at the defatigable worker. A summer in Syracuse
sketches. Perhaps, then, Katherine came nat- she has a perfect m e m o r y and an amazing i m - isn't complete without a jollification at the
urally by her talent. She owes her success itative ability, she has little or no difficulty Empire State School of Printing at Ithaca Oberlander Camp.
as a radio star, though, to her f u n d o f i n - in her character portrayals. Last fall her
exhaustible energy, which enables her to work dialect got her out o f a sticky spot. Driving for a year of practical training. The only T o those who have felt the lure of the
tirelessly hour a f t e r h o u r as long as there is through northern Minnesota with her mother press room with the cheerful clatter of ma-
w o r k to be done. during a heavy snowfall their car got stuck g i r l in the school, and the second g i r l to be chinery and the fascination of arranging Bo-
in a huge snowdrift. It was beginning to look donis and Caslons, bold face and italics,
M i s s A v e r y made her first theatrical ap- as t h o u g h she were g o i n g to have to stay registered there, the young apprentice learned Grace recommends work in a print shop.
pearance in " A l i c e in W o n d e r l a n d " when she there forever, when a farmer came along There is prestige i n the printed w o r d ; there
was only four years old. Since that time the driving his plow. the most up-to-date methods in modern print- is satisfaction in the printing o f it.
theater and its kindred professions have been
her leading interest in life. Throughout her " Y o u ban stouck in the m u d ? " he asked ing machinery. The head of the school, d u - Delta Phi Makes Highest
childhood her yearnings f o r the stage met brightly in the thickest Swedish accent. Be- Scholarship
w i t h the disapproval o f her parents. A s she f o r e she could think. Katherine was answer- bious at first at h a v i n g a g i r l o n his roster,
grew older and developed interest in jour- ing h i m in her best "Sentimental Selma" - f - A L P H A O M I C R O N P I sorority of the U n i -
nalism and radio, in addition to her love of manner. She had to go on in the same was soon giving her f u l l responsibility on versity of South Carolina led all frater-
the theater, she continued t o meet w i t h par- grotesque manner f o r fear that he w o u l d
ental objections to her chosen professions. think that she was aping h i m and get mad. individual projects. T o this efficient student nities and sororities at the institution in scho-
Teaching was the only profession f o r a young While her mother tried to keep a straight lastic standing f o r the first semester o f the
lady, thought Katherine's parents; but the face, Katherine and the farmer carried on a he entrusted the arranging and setting o f all present session, John A . Chase, Jr., registrar,
child had a mind of her own which told her crisp conversation until the car had been said yesterday. Deltas Delta Delta sorority
quite definitely what she wanted to do in this transported f r o m the snowdrift. When they the advertising copy f o r the annual sale o f one t o o k second p'lace and P h i E p s i l o n P i f r a t e r -
world. were safely back on the road again, Katherine nity third. Eleven fraternities and sororities
reached for her pocketbook, but the man large store. made averages above the all-student body
A s a small c h i l d she appeared in both a m - shook his head. " I always like to help a average.—Columbia, S. C, State.
ateur and professional theatricals, and ever Svede," he said, and drove o f f on his plow. T h e next year, o n the Cortland Democrat,
since she has managed to devote most o f her
time to some branch o f the entertainment I n private life, at her Evanston home, she Grace had both reportorial and composing
world, even succeeding in winning a state is k n o w n as K a t h e r i n e H o d g s o n Stocklin.
declamatory contest when she was i n high room duties. I n addition to interviewing
school in Minnesota.
local and visiting celebrities f o r human in-
While attending Northwestern University
she was active w i t h all the theatrical groups, terest stories, she ran a linotype machine, d i d
and was chosen to direct two o f the univer-
sity's outstanding shows. A t the same time hand composition f o r head-lines and adver-

tisements and read, literally, rods of proof.

Back at the family press, Grace started in

the shop, working at the various machines.

She has been promoted now to the f r o n t office,

where she handles the firm's books, p r o o f

reads all copy, checks on each incoming and

outgoing j o b (her keen eye Tecently detected

a slight e r r o r that m i g h t have sent 119,000

post-cards to the wastebasket) and takes care

of the building rentals.

Since the company does general printing,

there is wide variety in the copy that reaches

the f o r m s . T h e Syracuse Union—a w e e k l y

paper which is in its eighty-seventh year of

publication—is printed there. Pamphlets of

all sorts, f r o m women's club hand-books to

brochures o n " H o w to Raise Chickens," pass

through her hands. Election ballots, the court

calendar f o r the county, wedding invitations,

16 To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936 17

Paul Wagers has reached the end of the trail. He needs courage, a chance ETCHING BY L.EVON WEST The trouble grew partly out of the bad of cornbread, white gravy and pinto beans.
Whose hand will lead him and Mamie f grow strong, decent food. weather. Snow, ice and high water made it She is n o w at the point where she cries f r o m
very difficult f o r Paul to report regularly to
An Etching in Black his job, yet lost time meant the loss of pre- hunger and then g r o w s sick at the sight of
cious wages. W h e n he first started w o r k i n g , f o o d . Meantime the nurse does what she can
He knows, and he will wish he did not know. at most only now assuming the responsibilities he had only f o u r miles to walk each way, and worries about Mamie and the baby that
That hunger is not simply a desire of marriage. As it is, with Paul twenty-two but later, as the w o r k on the road progressed, is coming, fully aware of the risks involved
For dainty things it is a warping pain and Mamie twenty, those responsibilities are that distance came to be six miles, and it f o r a prenatal on a diet such as Mamie is
That lasts, and leaves a mark on bone and brain. already an old story, and growing heavier is still increasing. Eight hours o f w o r k in having.
That cold is not the absence of a fire as the years go by. I n M a y there w i l l be icy slush, w o r k done with his feet wet and
But something keen that hurts the hands and feet another baby. in clothing wretchedly thin—this alone was The most heartbreaking thing about the
Of those who do not have enough to eat. more than enough f o r a man of Paul's en- Paul Wagers is that they are not just one
L a s t year P a u l f a r m e d a steep hillside field durance. Then there was the additional family. T o get the real picture o f the priva-
GERALD RAFTERY. that belongs to one o f his brothers, a field fatigue o f a twelve-mile walk each day, go- tion that is all about us, one must multiply the
that must have been f a r m e d o f f and on f o r ing to and returning from his work. Toll Paul Wagers many times over—multiply the
- f - P A U L W A G E R S was one o f the first per- fifty years, by the w o r n look o f i t . D e a d land was also taken by the lack of enough or the Paul Wagers many times again, and, when
sons that I came to k n o w a f t e r I arrived it is, land so eroded, so t h i n and bare that its right kind of food to support this prodigal one has done that, fight desperately the sense
v e r y appearance is skeletal, the soil so sterile expenditure o f energy. Eventually that of being overwhelmed. For overpowered and
in the mountains. Seven years ago he was that the corn grown on it last year was itself scrawny, loose-jointed physique of Paul's gave hopeless we must not be so long as there
o n l y a l a d , fifteen o r sixteen years o l d ; but suggestive of starvation. Still the Wagers out under the strain. H e developed a deep, are these f e w things that we can d o : a sack
even then the sight of his thin, slightly droop- made out through the winter somehow—a stubborn cold, which hung on f o r weeks. o f cowfeed here and there, so that h a l f -
i n g figure, the l o o k o f puzzled weariness i n struggle, a matter of much stretching, of U n t i l then he had been working very hard in starved children may continue to have at least
his somber eyes, the white meagerness o f his much doing without, but a struggle not unlike the hope of getting the promotion and in- a mite of m i l k ; now and then an emergency
face left one with the certain and unhappy that being waged by about ninety per cent creased pay promised to those who put their supply of food when the wolf actually comes
conviction that life was not proving very kind. of the population in this region. I n spite of best into their work—an effort that in Paul's inside and sits at the f a m i l y fireplace; a f e w
H i s mother was dead and he lived about their youthfulness, in spite of Paul's ob- case was never rewarded. Finally, one day, sacks o f seed potatoes f o r the planting sea-
w i t h relatives. W h e n I first k n e w h i m , he viously limited strength, in spite of the fact he gave out completely and the f o r e m a n told son (this a meager but urgent effort to en-
lived in one o f our nursing districts. Later, that they farmed knowing that the land would h i m to q u i t t r y i n g and go t o see a doctor. hance the food supply f o r the months ahead) ;
one o f his married sisters moved to another yield hardly enough com to replace the energy clothes and shoes f o r the w a n youngster w h o
part of the county and Paul went with her. that went into its cultivation, both Paul and But a doctor cannot always be seen in these has just "scraped t h r o u g h " an attack o f i n -
For several years we saw h i m only occa- Mamie worked last summer, worked hard, parts merely by deciding such a step is de- fluenza and pneumonia; a sickeningly large
sionally. A few years ago the sister died. worked w i t h a zest the source o f which I sirable. O n Paul's first attempt, a n d a f t e r a number o f noes to requests f o r the w o r k
cannot begin to fathom. They made a little long trip to Hyden, he found the Public that we cannot give because we cannot pay
T w o years ago Paul moved back into our "stuff" (vegetables, potatoes and corn) with Health doctor away f o r several days in a f o r it, but noes that must be said, coupled
locality, this time with a w i f e and a baby. which to begin the winter. In the early winter remote part o f the county, the Frontier Nurs- with an effort to hearten at the same time
H i s w i f e is a nice little person, quiet, pa- Paul was assigned to a W P A job, working on ing Service doctor in an adjoining county the men who come when we have exhausted
tient, gentle, forever busy with Polly, the the road f o u r days a week at a wage of on an emergency call. W i t h a f e w days' our resources. These are the things we are
little girl, busy with keeping orderly and clean $21.00 a month. T h a t helped. I n fact, that rest, Paul felt better and decided he could go t r y i n g to do. M e a g e r as they are w h e n
the crude, miniature cabin in which they live, wage has been their mainstay t h r o u g h the back to work. A f e w days later he developed balanced against the numerous Paul Wagers,
yet still finding tune to w o r k i n the vegetable winter; with it, and by buying chiefly such an acute conjunctivitis—a condition that was at least these we must do so long as we
garden, time to look after the f e w hens f r o m relatively cheap staples as cornmeal, l a r d and at its worst just when there was a heavy snow can; and go on doing them, never forgetting
w h i c h she hopes "to get a real start o f chick- pinto beans, they made out through the ter- on the g r o u n d and the glare was so p a i n f u l that, in spite of us, hunger will continue to
ens," t i m e to g r o w a f e w cherished flowers rible months just passed. But lately things that Paul could hardly stand to open his eyes leave its "mark on bone and brain."
around the house. But she is just a child, is have begun to pile up. in the light. D u r i n g this interval when he was
Mamie. They are both mere children, f o r that unable to w o r k , he finally managed to see a Note: Bland Morroiv has etched this pic-
matter. In another environment, brought up doctor, only to be told that he should have ture in black; your quarter, half dollar, dollar
under different circumstances and customs, a chest x-ray. B y getting f r o m one source the will help color it rose.
they might both easily still be in school, or funds to pay f o r the x-ray, f r o m another the
money f o r the trip to the nearest hospital Advice to the Graduate
equipped to do x-rays (a trip that Paul made
partly on a borrowed mule, partly by automo- [CONTINUED FROM PACE 5]
bile, and p a r t l y by t r a i n ! ) , w e finally managed
it—and gave thanks when the reading proved been since the first acorn, w h e n one man—but
to be negative f o r tuberculosis. The diagnosis what a man, Principal Rollock—did all its work
now stands: a chronic bronchial condition, single-handed near bv the site o f the K i r k of
malnutrition, intestinal parasites and general Field! No wonder that we, in gratitude, have
debility, to which I , myself, would add over- erected a monument to him and called a chair
taxed fortitude, for Paul losing the after him. Or have we? I learn now—for his-
will to go on with the struggle. Meantime, tory sleepeth not—that the K i r k o f Field is
Paul's checks have grown smaller and smaller famous f o r a marital rumbling close by, in
by reason o f the time he has had to lose which the aim of a husband was to blow up
f r o m his work. The smaller the checks the M a n ' Queen of Scots. That is the new theory.
lower the food supply, the lower the food
supply the less able is Paul to carry on—and Since that small b e g i n n i n g — E d i n b u r g h of a
so the vicious circle goes. daughter—the University has risen nobly to the
grapple; she has searched the w o r l d f o r the
Both Paul and Mamie are worried that best everywhere to incorporate it in her o w n .
they are behind with the garden and that H o w parochial i f she had done otherwise.
they haven't the money with which to buy A n d n o w so much has been accomplished that
the necessary seeds. A n d things are not right one m a y ask w h a t remains t o do. It is easier
with Polly. Apparently her digestive system to cry, "Onivard!" than to say whither. W e
has rebelled against a too-long-continued diet m i g h t go o n w a r d t i l l w e g o t clean o u t of
Scotland. Many o f our students are f r o m
across the border. They come f r o m every
civilized land; and it is our proudest compli-
ment, f o r it means that they think they get

[ C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 20]

I S To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936 19

1788 Pieces of Clothing Sent to Kentucky I Work on an English
Report of the Clothesline Committee—1934-35 Report of the Clothesline Committee—1934-35

T h e report of the Clothesline Committee showing the A s the statistics of alumna? chapter work for the year
contributions of both active and alumna; chapters for the 1935-1936 are as yet incomplete, we shall hold them un-
year 1934-1935 follows. I f there are any errors, please til the first issue of T o DHAGMA in the fall. However,
notify us; we shall be glad to correct them on our rec- the report of the active chapter work for this year fol-
ords. Kappa was the first to respond to our call for lows. Kappa and Iota both deserve honorable mention,
Christmas funds and sent in the largest donation. W e for. although Kappa had mailed her check a day earlier,
are very grateful for the interest of the actives and their contributions were received by V e r a Riebel in the
alumna; as well as that of the Mothers' Clubs and same mail. The increase in interest in our national
Alpha O's whose gifts are included in the alumna: work among the actives this year has been splendid.
report. We thank you very much, active Alpha O's. May this
be a sign that next year will be our best yet in interest
and activity.

Helen Erskine, Statistician of the Clothesline Committee

Money Alumna; Money Articles
Chapters donated of Materials Doll
Toys donated Ann Arbor . . . . !$ 2.00
clothing Toys dresses
and for doll?, Atlanta 5.00 127
Baltimore 20.00
Active Money Sewing knives, and Bangor 10.00 19
Chapter donated Birmingham 58
Clothing Material underwear Bloomington . . . 10.50 58
207 105
Alpha Gamma... $3.50 .70 Boston "... §m -•
Alpha Phi 4.60 Buffalo 50
Alpha Pi 5.00 67 By HELEN McLENNAN, Beta Tau
Alpha Rho 3.00 Chicago
Alpha Sigma 1.20 1.80 Chicago S. Shore 100 -4- T H E S U N L I G H T is shining on the blue o f for news, quite near Hampton Court. A l -
Alpha Tau 2.00 Cincinnati 48 the long water at Hampton Court, and in though within thirty minutes of London, it
Beta Gamma 6.00 3.90 Cleveland is an extremely parochial district, interested
Beta Kappa 1.00 1.00 Dallas 280 the distance there is the glimpse of the pal- m a i n l y i n its o w n l i f e , so t h a t small items
Beta Phi 2.00 1.10 Dayton 34 ace, the trees are beginning to bud, and w h i t e are of great importance, and the residents
Beta T a u 5.00 2.40 Denver sheep are grazing on the green grass o f the are outraged i f a whist drive is not reported.
Beta Theta 5.00 1.10 Detroit 55 park. Just beneath is the Thames, where Contrary to expectations, the people have
Chi 25.00 3.00 freshly painted yachts, sailing dinghies, punts, been very friendly to me although inclined to
Chi Delta 6.00 1.30 Fort Wayne (.1 and an old fishing boat lie cheek by jowl. show their amusement at my strange man-
Delta 1.40 Indianapolis S4 T h i s is the scene f r o m m y w i n d o w , and, sit- ner o f speech. I am regarded not as a per-
Delta Phi 10.00 Kansas City 40 ting here, I am wondering just how to de- son, but as a "colonial," one w h o has, amaz-
Epsilon 3.00 14 scribe m y experience as a j o u r n a l i s t i n E n g - ingly enough, survived the long white w i n -
Epsilon Alpha 3.10 Knoxville land. ters o f Canada and has lived in an uncul-
Eta 18.15 23.50 Lincoln 45 tured country among Indians, gangsters, bears
Gamma 25.00 Los Angeles I imagine almost everyone is familiar with and wolves, and who simply must know their
Iota 6.00 Lynchburg 51 the general idea of newspaper work, and the cousins, who live somewhere in Canada. A t
Kappa 5.00 Madison 24 strenuousness of its life. Even on a paper first I was appalled by the ignorance a m o n g
Kappa Omicron.. 5.00 3.50 20 which is published twice a week, it means many people and their strange ideas regard-
Kappa Theta 4.60 10.00 Memphis working every day but Sunday and almost ing Canada and America, and zealously at-
I^ambda 24.00 Minneapolis 44 every evening, but as a w h o l e i t is a most tempted to extend their knowledge. But alas,
I I, Sigma.. 2.20 Milwaukee 96 interesting life, and for anyone interested in I have given it up, f o r they are simply not
Nu 2.30 Nashville the idiosyncrasies of human nature, it has interested. One day, having been requested to
Nu Kappa 5.50 New Jersey -.1 an incurable fascination. speak to a local women's organization, I
Nu Omicron 16.59 New Orleans suggested to a friend that I might speak on
Omega 10.65 New York 77 The paper I w o r k f o r is one of the oldest Canada. " B u t do you think they would be
Omicron 6.00 Oklahoma City county newspapers, and in Fleet Street is re- interested in Canada," he almost pityingly
Omicron Pi 2.50 Omaha garded as the Times o f county papers. I t replied.
Pi 1.50 Philadelphia centers, of course, about Kingston-on-Thames,
Pi Delta Portland a typical old market town, busy with life, The general reporting of lectures, concerts,
Phi 8.85 and historically noted f o r its coronation stone, debates, political meetings, amateur dramatics,
Psi 5.30 Providence where English kings were crowned—the last, interviews, inquests, police court and sports,
Rho Rochester I think, in Norman times. The only girl on is, to a novice like myself, fascinating, but
Sigma 2.70 St. Louis a staff of fifteen, practically all women's some days when things seem to pile up on
Tau San Diego activities fall to my lot, and the writing of one another I say to myself it is committing
Tau Delta 1.50 a weekly column, a heterogeneous collection mental suicide. One's originality becomes
Theta San Francisco of gossip, fashions, beauty and household
Theta Eta Seattle hints. Besides that, I have general reporting ( C O N T I N U E D 0.V P A G E 24]
Upsilon Syracuse to do, and a district to cover twice a week
Zeta Toronto
Ohio Valley Tulsa
District Westchester
Des Moines

Individual Gifts $ 47.50 1649 155

Marion Bennett $ 4.00 45

Katherine Davis 4S
Mrs. R. H. Davis 30

nary Dee Drummond.,
Marion Franco-Ferreira
Mrs. Gervas H u x l e y . . . 10.00

Edna King

Louise T. Lowry 55.00
Helen McNees 1.00

Rho Mothers' Club
Mrs. Leslie Stahl

Theta Eta Mothers' Club

$ 70.00 139
47.50 1649

$132.55 $160.89 $117.50 1788

20 To D R A G M A Star
Advice to the Graduate ried with it a message f r o m your University.
" A l l hopelessness abandon, ye who have en- Edith Brechbill, Pi Delta, is presi-
[CONTINUED FROM PACE 17] tered here." She trusts your wallets contain, dent of Maryland's Mortar Board
as her parting g i f t to you, "those instruments and a member of the Y.W.C.A.
something here which is not to be got else- with which high spirits call the future f r o m Cabinet.
where. its cradle."
Ella Lee Gardener, Beta Theta, was Marion Mcssick, Beta Theta, worked on
T h e y are all welcome so l o n g as we can She hopes that you are also graduating in the Collegian staff at Butler, chairmaned
contain them, and so long as they are satis- the Virtues, in which, being an old hand at property manager for Thrspis at Butler; the attendance committee of Women's
fied that w h a t is best f o r us is also best f o r granting academic honors, she knows better a candidate for Freshman Rose.
them. But our universities must remain what than to expect more than a pass degree. I t is League and belongs to 6£<i>.
our forbears conceived with such great tra- quite possible that your time here has done
vail—men of the smiddies and the plough, the you not good but harm—if it has made you Gladys Elise Huey, Pi, carried off
loom and the bothies, as w e l l as scholars— vain, f o r instance, of your accomplishments, too debutante honors in New Orleans dur-
they m u s t remain, first and f o r e m o s t , some- solemnly serious about their magnitude. I ing Carnival by the number of Courts
thing to supply the needs o f the genius o f have seen L o r d Haldane sitting w i t h his head in which she took part. She was first
the Scottish people. in his hands because he knew so l i t t l e . M r . maid at Athenians; second maid at
Einstein has a m e r r y face; he looks at us Rex. Proteus, O lympians; maid in
Those needs are that every child born into almost mischievously, and no wonder. Mithras, Nereus; third maul in the
this c o u n t r y should as f a r as possible have an Betty Dunn, Delta, is president of Billie Withers, Sigma, presided over Court of the Prophets of Persia, Bards
equal chance. The words "as f a r as possible" Has your learning taught you that Envy is Jackson's All Around Club, member of the Big C Sirkus as queen. The Sirkus
tarnish the splendid hope, and they were not the most corroding o f the vices, and also the Student Government, basketball is given every Leap Year by the ath- of Bohemia and Osirus. She was the
in the original dream. Some day we may greatest power in any land? A r c you a little first to be presented at the Eros Ball.
be able to cast them out. I t is by education, more temperate in mind? Have you more manager, W^i.A. Council.
though not merely in the smallest meaning charity? Do you follow a little better—say
of the w o r d , that the chance is to be got. about as m u c h as the rest o f us—the dictates
Since the War various nations have wakened of kindness and t r u t h ? Y o u may be very clev-
to its being the one way out; they know its er, destined f o r the laurel, and have smiled
value so well that perhaps the only safe boast at the unfortunates who fought f o r bursaries
l e f t t o us is t h a t w e k n e w i t first. T h e y seem, o f to pass in, failed, and had to give up their
however, to be setting about the work, w i t h dear ambitions, but i f their failures taught
ultimate objects that are not ours. Their stu- them those lessons they may have f o u n d f o r
dent, f r o m his earliest age, is being brought themselves a better education than yours.
up to absorb the ideas o f his political rulers.
That is the all o f his education, not merely in You may discover in the end that your life
his academic studies, but in all his social life, is not u n l i k e a play i n three acts w i t h the sec-
all his mind, all his relaxations; they are in ond act omitted. I n the neatly constructed
control f r o m his birth, and he is to emerge play o f the stage each act moves smoothly to
into citizenship with rigid convictions which it the next, they explain each other; but it may
is trusted w i l l last his l i f e t i m e . not be so w i t h y o u r s — i t is not so w i t h many
of us. I n less time than I hope you now
The systems vary in different lands, but that think possible, f o r I would have you gay on
seems to be their trend, and I tell y o u they your graduation morning, you will be f a r ad-
are being carried out with thoroughness. Noth- vanced i n the final act.
ing can depart more f r o m the Scottish idea,
which I take to be to educate our men and There has been a second, your longest one.
women primarily not for their country's good, but how little record you have probably kept
but f o r t h e i r o w n , not so m u c h to teach t h e m of i t ! A l l you know may just be that this
what to think as h o w to think, not preparing man or woman you have become is not what
them to give as little trouble as possible in you set o u t to be i n the days o f the F i r t h o f
the future, but sending them into it in the Forth. That may not even damp you much,
hope that they will give trouble. if prosperity has made you gross to some old
aspirations. You may not know how or when
There is a small group o f the intelligentzia the thief came in the night, nor that it was
very much a f r a i d o f any such creed, because you who opened the door to him.
its members are so despondent about their
fellow creatures. They are not little minds, But something bad got into you in the mid-
they contain some o f the finest brains in the dle act, and lay very still in you till it was
country, but they are as gloomy as i f this your familiar. Slowly, furtively, it pushed,,
were their molting season. They think their never stopped pushing slowly, f o r it never-
land may endure a little longer if the new tires, until it had you out and took your place:.
generations are plied with soporifics. A l l they You may sometimes roam round the earthly-
ask o f us, especially o f youth, is a little all- tenement that once contained you, trying to-
round despair. No more talk about hitching get back. Perhaps you will get back. That:
your wagon to that star. Few o f us have sometimes happens. W e may hope, however,,
wagons, and there are no stars. that by the grace of God what cnteredi was.
something good.
H o w do you like it, you new graduates?
Are those the resilient notions you are carry- A l l I can assure you is that in that second'
ing away with you in your wallets? Is it act, now about to begin, something will get
Lochabcr no more f o r you? I don't believe in which is either to make or to destroy you.
it. The flavor cannot have gone out of the I t has got in already i f an uphill road dis-
peat. The haggis can still charge uphill. I ' l l mays you. Would you care to know my
tell you a secret. Have you an unwonted de- guess at what is an entrancing life? Carlyle
licious feeling on the tops of your heads at said that genius was an infinite capacity for
this m o m e n t , as i f an a n g e l ' s w i n g had taking pains. I don't know about genius, but -
brushed t h e m h a l f an hour o r so ago? I t the entrancing l i f e , I think, must be an i n f i n i t e ;
d i d — I speak f r o m old m e m o r y ; and it car- love of taking pains. Y o u t r y it.


Margaret Kyle, past president Dorothy Joggers. Chi, is Syracuse's new MOSES STUDIO
of Theta. is a new Mortar Board
at DePauw. She is on the Stu- president of W.A.A., a member of
Women's Student Senate, Dance Produc-
dent Senate and belongs to Phi tion Group, and H T I T , senior honorary.
Sigma Iota.

22 To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936 23

From Baltimore to Washington are their treasury mainstays. Bidding at a nurses, of the diseases o f the mountaineers
—A Visit to Alumnae Chapters white elephant shower made a gala evening unknown in the city, of malnutrition. New
for F o r t Wayne alumnae and the silver total Jersey has hopes o f a State Day in Newark.
was surprising. That chapter with several They like dessert-bridges better than bridge-
other city clubs is sponsoring a lecture by
Richard Halliburton. Indianapolis was hostess teaa For their meetings since members live in
at the Indiana State luncheon and dance in
March. Edith Huntington Anderson. Presi- such scattered directions. A buffet supper in
dent, was their guest speaker. Their M a y June for escorts and husbands and a summer
meeting is a guest day musicale. R u t h Pyle, picinic are among their plans. N e w York
Phi tap dancer, Hazelle Hedges, and her heard Mrs. Breckinridge give her illustrated
marionettes provided Kansas City Alumna? talk on our work in Kentucky. Omaha and
Chapter with their talent for a benefit at Ep- Lincoln often enjoy each other's hospitality.
person Hall on Leap Year night. Kansas City Zeta and Lincoln were the May guests of
has a rush chairman to assist Phi w i t h rush- Omaha at a luncheon. The chapter appreci-
ing during the summer months. Their efforts ates Margaret Boothroyd Rasmusscn's efforts
to raise money f o r house improvements at to attend, f o r Margaret, Great Lakes Super-
Lawrence have been heroic with penny raffles, intendent, lives in Fremont, thirty-five miles
dessert bridges, rummage sales, white elephant from Omaha.
auctions. Roma Sue Pickering and her moth-
er, Roma Rush Pickering, o f Zeta, sang at Philadelphia has had a varied program this
the F e b r u a r y 12 meeting o f the L i n c o l n Chap- year—lectures on drama, gardening, oriental
ter. Zeta freshmen were guests and Annie rugs. Their annual card benefit had a fashion
lones Rosborough, Z, whistled and played. show accompaniment this year. P o r t l a n d has
John Rosborough is the director of Lincoln run into a new racket—a city fee against or-
Cathedral Choir which toured the east at ganizations g i v i n g r u m m a g e sales. I t is so
Christmas time and Annie told the chapter of prohibitive that the second hand clothing deal-
the trip. A number of Zeta girls sing in the ers have a f r e e field unmolested by women's
choir. groups. This came up just when the chapter
decided to establish an A O I T milk fund for
Carolyn Piper Dorr is a charter member A Sir/ma mother and a Sigma daughter Lynchburg doesn't meet regularly and no undernourished children in the public schools!
of Rho. Her daughters are Margaret, meetings had been held since January. Bessie W i l l you who have directories turn to the
Rho; Carol, Alpha Tau; Miriam, Alpha are Martha Rice Furlong and Marjorie M i n o r Davis sent a number of personal items listing f o r Providence? T o one who has been
Furlouii Johnson. Perhaps you have which space won't permit using. L i d a Stokes editing T o D R A G M A f o r thiry-seven numbers
Tau. Jean Aiken, Alpha Sigma, and noticed Marjorie's poems in some of made her debut in Louisville; Helen Fitzhugh that listing and the names in the Providence
Frances Longley are her nieces. was a lady-in-waiting at the Memphis Cotton reports tell a story of constant loyalty to
the national magasines. Carnival. Memphis has found a very lucra- friendship that no other chapter approaches.
tive benefit in sponsoring the opening of the The group is small; it represents Delta,
- f - B A L T I M O R E was properly proud to have rected by Dorothy Boodin. Their St. Patrick roof garden of the Claridge Hotel. Last year Kappa, Beta, Gamma and perhaps another
party was a tea f o r Rho mothers. Sewing the venture netted $335; early this m o n t h they chapter o r so. I n snow and high water the
Pinckney Estes Glantzberg, Panhellenic meetings at which dresses f o r young Miss repeated the sponsorship. T o those people number at meetings varies only one or two
Mountaineers are turned out wholesale take who put sorority and all it means with col- and the majority of all A O I I ' s in town attend
Delegate, speak at the City Panhellenic ban- place at Alice Thomson's, A . The seamstresses legiate memories' Milwaukee calls attention to every meeting. There has been no disintegra-
bring their sandwiches; Alice serves coffee. Mary Rose Barrons Furstenau, *. Europe, tion because o f small numbers—a common
quet on A p r i l 23. T h e i r year closes w i t h a The dress scraps are sent along to Kentucky grand opera, radio engagements, a family, con- bonds binds tightly. B y f a l l each member has
for quilts. Cincinnati's big occasion was State certs, M a r y Rose makes AOn a part o f her been asked to c a m o r give $2. I f earned, she
picnic for I I A seniors in June. Bloomington Day. reported elsewhere; A p r i l 17 was the daily living and Milwaukee appreciates her. is asked to tell the way. Have you heard of
date of their benefit bridge at Theta Eta's Those who can dial in W T M J may hear her gloom and sunshine bags into which you place
has had t w o rummage sales and a benefit per- apartment. Cleveland has meetings hostessed sing at 5:00 on Sundays. T h i s chapter f o r - a penny i f the clouds hang heavy before nine
by chapter groups and alternated with eve- mally installs its officers. Minneapolis has a or i f the sun shines? There should be a great
formance. At the April meeting Katharyn ning meetings of geographical divisions. Omi- gay time making money—a Dutch dinner with shining when the bags are opened. Rochester
cron Pi-ers in the city were in charge of the German potato salad, frankfurters and a Ger- celebrates its birthday with a party—this year
Hoadley Fell spoke on her travels and showed January meeting and had Mrs. John H . Mur- man band for friends and husbands invited at Margaret Folwell's. Articles f r o m To
ray. K K P , a reader editor f o r Woman's Home to eat and pay; hill billies in high shoes and D R A G M A , bridge, a r e v i e w o f Valiant is the
movies taken on the way. Boston heard Companion, as their guest speaker. Zeta g i r l s gingham dresses danced and paid; the bridge Word for Carrie—the p r o g r a m o f St. Louis.
entertained in March. A O I T boasted the largest group has a luncheon and afternoon o f San Diego is not a large chapter but it over-
Eleanor Chaplin, r . speak i n f o r m a l l y o f her representation at the annual Panhellenic ban- bridge once a month, all f o r a quarter apiece subscribed its N a t i o n a l W o r k quota by $10.
quet. Dallas helped Nu Kappa with a book —that g r o u p has bought $90 w o r t h o f silver Chances were sold on a $2().(X) bill and B a r -
honored sister, Margaret Flint, r , in February review benefit at which they raised money f o r for Tau. The book review group hears re- bara Trask Gark, T . reminded every member
their philanthropy. Dayton knows how fast views of the latest books followed by refresh- and her f r i e n d s that A O I I has a Magazine
and gave a surprise shower f o r Alice Spear, time flies, so, h a v i n g managed a successful ments at a quarter each once a month. The Subscription Agency and that commissions
rummage sale in the fall, they scheduled an- regular meeting at Tau's house is a dinner from subscriptions count on the quota. M i l -
A , whose marriage to Frederic Archer Ray- other f o r M a y 9—to get a good start on their affair followed by a program. W i t h seven dred Hunter Stahl, Pacific District Superin-
K e n t u c k y quota f o r 1936. T h e i r Rose T e a hostesses the cost is $1.15 each, so the quarter tendent, sponsored an "Active-Alumna? N i g h t "
m o n d on A p r i l 12 is o f interest to the w h o l e on June 7 is a nice tradition. Guests come collected f o r the meal goes into the treasury- at Sigma's house in Berkeley. Members f r o m
from Alpha Tau. Omega. Theta Eta and Nashville's " g i f t basket" is an easy money- San Francisco and Eastbay chapters attended
s o r o r i t y . She is at home at 113 Greenlawn Cincinnati Alumna? Giapter. The seniors are maker, too. A member starts the basket with and found that actives and alumna? do have a
encouraged to join an alumna? chapter at an article o f f o o d and sends it to the next common interest. T h e San Francisco group has
Avenue, Newton Centre, Mass. Esther Schmalz once. sister in alphabetical order. She takes the been reorganized and besides having a general
f o o d i n r e t u r n f o r cash; fills the basket again meeting there are a sewing circle, bridge and
told of her English visit. Birmingham cele- and sends it on its way. I n M a r c h Rosalie reading clubs. While San Francisco does hon-
Edmondson, formerly a secretary for the ors f o r Lambda seniors, Eastbay entertains
brated St. Pat's day with a tea in the recep- F X S. in K e n t u c k y , t o l d o f the w o r k o f the Sigma graduates. T h e i r big effort was spent
on a benefit bridge tea at Sigma with a
tion room of the Sorority Building at Bir- fashion show as an added attraction. Seattle

mingham-Southern, lanie Hill Linn and Mar-

garet Waitc, both of T A . planned it. Buffalo
A O I T ' s asked t h e i r f r i e n d s to the College Club

to hear an interior decorator. Proceeds f r o m

a dinner at Carolyn Piper Dorr's, P , home,

when the Kentucky movies were shown, were

sent to Alpha T a u Chapter at Denisorx A

basket o f groceries w i r e raffled at Chicago

Southshore's Leap Year party and their bridge

tournaments f o l l o w i n g supper have been en-

joyable as w e l l as remunerative. O i i c a g o

X m t l i s h o r c seems to have gone into play-pro- Twenty-three Detroit Alpha O's attended
the Panhellenic Bad) to w i n the attendance
ducing. In January they were entertained by record. Sale o f cook books and metal sponges

an original one-act farce, " O n the A i r . " d i -

24 To D R A G M A M A Y . 1936 25

took over the Penthouse, the Little Theatre An Appeal for Nominations Flora Waldman, Pi Delta, left, has been chosen president of Maryland's Y.W. for the second year. She
sponsored by the Washington drama depart- is secretary of the Student Body, the only co-ed office. Here she is shown with Marian Parker. KKT;
ment. Modern it is with the stage in the cen- - + - I N preparing this brief appeal to all mem- Harry C. Byrd, president of the university; officers of the Boumi Temple of the Shrine; Harry C. Nice,
ter o f the room. So successful the evening bers of A O I I , everywhere, I am reminded governor of Maryland; and Howard W. Jackson, mayor of Baltimore, taken during Homecoming festivities.
proved that a second night was planned. The
chapter's Christmas g i f t to Upsilon was Paul of that l i t t l e slogan that so many o f us have The Press States That—
Cezanne's "L'Estaque No. 2." labored over so patiently on o u r t y p e w r i t e r s :
"Now is the time f o r all good men to come M u r i e l Stewart, T, has prepared a series Pinckney Estes Glantzberg, was the
Betty Leist has made a hand lotion f o r to the aid o f their country." I f you substitute of broadcasts on great men and women who
Syracuse alumme to sell. A membership drive " A O I T ' s " f o r "men" and "fraternity" f o r "coun- have had tuberculosis and defeated it. Tho- guest speaker at a Penn State Panhellenic
is in order and each member has taken sev- try," you have my present feelings expressed reau was one o f these.
eral names o f unaffiliated AOLT's on w h o m she exactly. W e are going to need a lot o f help luncheon. Epsilon Alpha presented her and
will call. Toronto gave a check to the Star in preparing a slate of nominees f o r the next Gladys Renshaw, n , is the new president o f
Fresh A i r F u n d f o r they earned $80.00 at convention. There w i l l be many offices to be the New Orleans branch of A.A.U.W. Miss the other national officers in State College at
their Leap Year subscription bridge. They do filled, and w e must have g o o d m a t e r i a l w i t h Renshaw is a member o f the Newcomb fac-
all the "behind scenes" w o r k f o r Beta T a u w h i c h t o fill them. N o c o m m i t t e e can be ulty. She attended the sectional conference in a formal reception at Nittany Lion Inn. On
during rushing. Tulsa have sent eight boxes omniscient, but y o u can help us be m o r e Knoxville. A n d speaking of Renshaws, Dag-
of clothing to Bland Morrow in Kentucky this nearly so. A n y one o f you can give us sug- mar Renshaw L e Breton, n , was one o f f o u r Sunday she spoke at the installation banquet.
year. By alternating the time of their meet- gestions that may be o f great value. D o it New Orleans women decorated by the French
ings, afternoon and evening, they have had a now, w h i l e the thought is w i t h you, as you government f o r outstanding w o r k in the pro- Ruth Koehler and Selena Wunderlich were
larger membership. Washington enjoyed hav- read this article. Write and tell us of any- motion o f the French language and culture.
ing Pinckney Estes Glantzberg with them f o r one w h o m you think would make a good na- Mrs. Le Breton is chairman of musical and awarded recognition pins; Olwin Evans won
tea after the Panhellenic luncheon. Panhel- tional officer and why. The only qualification literary program o f Les Causerics du Lundi
lenic representatives were invited to meet her. necessary is that the nominee f o r any national and teaches French at Newcomb. the AOII sophomore ring; and the chapter
office must be an A O I I college graduate. The
From Baltimore to Washington, only a offices of our fraternity are those of Presi- Mrs. George Glockler, T. has been president earned the Panhellenic Scholarship Cup.
few miles, but you have visited all of AOII's dent, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, of the Faculty Women's Club of the Univer-
alumns chapters en route, alphabetically, ex- Second Vice President, Panhellenic Delegate, sity of Minnesota during the past two years. Beta Kappa has been w o r k i n g hard to earn
cept the four whose reporters forgot the dead- and Editor of To D R A G M A . D O not bother Sections include faculty brides, students, new- her share in the Students' Union Building
line. to ask your candidate whether she would comers and study groups. drive at British Columbia. A cartoonist liter-
like the office or not; send us her qualifica- ally drew a crowd at their carnival booth.
" I Work On an English Paper" tions and we w i l l ask. A n d do, each one o f A n e d i t o r i a l i n the New York Herald Tri- Later a recital by Jean de Rimonoczy, v i o -
you, take this personally; we want and need bune calls attention to an interesting a r t i c l e linist, and I r a Swartz, pianist, was well re-
[CONTINUED FROM PACK 1 9 ] your help in preparing an unusually excellent in Yachting by Joanna C o l c o r d , r . B o r n on ceived.
slate o f candidates f o r the offices to be filled a sailing vessel Miss Colcord traces the origin
almost snuffed out, for after a time, writing at the next convention. of words and phrases now well rooted in Pi mourns the deaths o f Josie Crippen King
news becomes more o r less a f o r m u l a , regu- the idiom of the landsman to the mariner who on M a r c h 14, Innes M o r r i s E l l i s o n M a r c h
lated by the style o f the paper, and the un- Mail information to Merva D. Pfennings is no more. A m o n g them are "truck," "hulk- 28; and Ashton Lewis on March 28.
deniable joy o f phrases well expressed is lost. ( M r s . A . J . ) , 2425 L i n c o l n St., Evanston, 111., ing", "tarpaulin," "crank," "bear down."
Personally, I have been very fortunate, f o r Chairman, Nominations Committee. Bessie M i t c h e l l and V i v i e n Gies, b o t h o f 0,
on many occasions I have been sent to do Among the Gold Hollow Camp directors were regimental sponsors f o r University of
a descriptive story about special events, when Advice to the Graduate who attended the Directors Conference in Tennessee battalions.
I can say what I like and laugh at the black Yosemite was Dorothy Richardson, K.
pencil of the sub-editor. [CONTINUED FROM PACE 2 0 ] Susan K . Gillean, n , executive secretary of
Way back on September 29 J e r r y l y n Glas the children's bureau of the Louisiana Society
There have been many amusing incidents One word more. The "Great W a r " has not was born to Jerry and June Rowley Glas, I T . for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,
in the course of my work. One in particular ended. Don't think that you have had the was a speaker at the delegate body o f the
when 1 got an amazing suicide story f r o m a luck to miss it. I t is f o r each o f you the war Council of Social Agencies in New Orleans.
man who thought I said I was the coroner's that goes on within yourselves—for self- T h e committee is w o r k i n g on juvenile de-
officer. mastery. Those robes you wear to-day are linquency.
your khaki for that war. Your graduation
Margaret Schwartz, Phi, won lau- day is y o u r first stripe. Go o u t and fight. Helen Henry, 2, was a discussion leader at
rels for the chapter by being Do not come back dishonored, as in many the Panhellenic spring luncheon in Oakland.
elected to Mortar Board and Phi ways I do.
M a r g e r i t e Johnson, A4>, was queen o f the
Beta Kappa at Kansas. A r c we not all conscious, fitfully, o f a w h i t e South Carolina Azalea Festival in Charles-
light that hovers for a moment before our ton. She was also a M a y queen attendant.
lives? I t comes back f o r us f r o m time to
time to the very gasp o f our days. Comes
back f o r us—to take us where? So quickly
fades, as i f unequal t o its u n d e r t a k i n g . I s
it a messenger f r o m that star? A r e stars
souls? The inaccessible star. I f any one o f
ours has reached his star, it was our Lister.
The inaccessible, friendly star. I f we could
follow the white light!

H o w I have been preaching! I t is not usu-
al to me. I t is against the "stomach of my
sense!" I feel that it has gone to m y head. I
look around f o r others to preach to. M y
eyes fall on the honorary graduates. I re-
frain with difficulty. For the present good-
bye. I wish I was a little less unworthy o f
this g o w n . I w i l l do m y best.—London Sun-
day Times.

26 To D R A G M A M A Y , 1936 27

Mary Rose Barrons Sings With Lorraine Hitchccck Is Nebraska AOII ONU
Prcm Girl
L A S T N I G H T ' S concert by the Kansas City
Philharmonic Orchestra combined a wel- -+- L O R R A I N E H I T C H C O C K of Lincoln, and a
come and a farewell with even more than the member of Alpha Omicron Pi, amidst
customary enthusiasm f o r the music of the
orchestra. gales o f applause was acclaimed the 1936
The welcome was f o r a young dramatic so- P r o m G i r l when she was f o r m a l l y presented
prano, Mary Rose Barrons, * , making her
first appearance in her home c i t y since she before 2,000 people
became a professional singer. shortly before inter-
The farewell was for Convention Hall, mission at the annual
b e a u t i f u l in its f l o r a l adornment arranged as a Junior-Senior I ' r o m
special gesture o f leave-taking—a leave-taking Friday night.
that w i l l be duplicated tonight when an audi-
ence larger than last night's hears the same Miss Hitchcock was If r
program with the same soloist. popularly chosen by
t h o s e attending the \
Miss Barrons was beautiful in a costume prom over three oth-
,,\ white cliilinn with red chiffon panels (low- er candidates, Bonnie
ing f r o m her shoulders. She is much lovelier l;ishop, A * ; Nola A l -
than her p o r t r a i t s and has a voice o f finer ter I I B * , and Lorene
quality than may have been generally sup- Adelsack, AAA.
posed. I t is rich i n timbre, never strident
even i n f o r t e passages, but w i t h a soft glow In an unusual man-
throughout its range. I n lyric passages it was
particularly appealing, f o r she is in fact a ner of presentation, \
lyric-dramatic singer.
James Marvin, senior
Miss Barrons has kept the charm o f sim-
p l i c i t y t h r o u g h the five years o f her operatic class president, and
and concert singing, ami in her serenity and
poise and the lyric grace of her singing in the George Pipal, junior
flowing melody of "Traumc," in certain pas-
sages o f the aria f r o m "Freischutz" and in her class president,
second encore "Povera Pulchenelia" by Buzzi-
Peccia, the young singer made a strong appeal. stepped upon the

Santuzza's romantic aria made an excellent stage and knocked at
impression, which was sustained and deepened
by Wagner's "Dreams," one o f the few songs the doors of minia-
he gave to the world. I t was obviously w r i t -
ten f o r " T r i s t a n and Isolde." f o r it has the ture houses repre-
same m o t i f , but was separately published.
W a g n e r w r o t e the w o r d s as well as the m u - senting the candidates' Flora Rcith Hughson, Lambda, has a COURTESY, NEW ORLEANS TIMES-PICAYUNE.
sic, and Miss Barrons sang them in clearly
enunciated German. sororities. When they daughter, Paula, in Sigma Chapter Lucy Taliaferro Sinclair Carroll, Pi, is
this year. Sinclair,
The aria from "Freischutz" makes enor- reached the A o n the daughter of Mary Colcock
mous demands upon the singer, but they were
adequately met by the soprano whose poise house, the door open- Pi.
and artistic security were equal to the con-
trasting color and dramatic requirements. The ed and Miss Hitch- Radio Magazine Praises AOII tional miniature of her grandmother pinned
orchestra gave her skillful support in the Fellow to whatever f r o c k she happens to be wearing.
arias and the Wagner song, and Savino Ren- cock stepped out. A
dina played excellent piano accompaniments -4- W H E N President Roosevelt issued his f a - She is o f a theatrical f a m i l y ; the theater in
f o r the t w o songs sung as encores, the first large arm bouquet of mous fiat against the h o a r d i n g o f g o l d , which she won that treasured gold piece was
Hillidsfch's " S p r i n g . " — K a n s a s City Times, owned and directed by her father. And, while
carnations was given Helen Claire ( K A ) was one o f the most har- acting is her element, she long since has
r i e d g i r l s in the c o u n t r y . She f e a r e d at first proved that had her dramatic vein petered
her as she was escort- it might mean the sacrifice of that coveted out she still w o u l d have had a remunerative
$ 1 0 gold piece which she had won as an ama- field open to her as an a t t o r n e y - a t - l a w .
ed f r o m the stage to teur while she still was a little g i r l back in
I'nion Springs, Alabama. She not alone won her * B K key at Ran-
the d a n c e f l o o r by dolph-Macon College in Virginia, but ventured
For this Littlest Rebel of the air, who w o n on to Manhattan by virtue of a scholarship
both class presidents. her title as featured player in the Roses and (the AOII non-member fellowship) in Col-
Drums series, depicting romantic episodes in umbia University. She was well on her way
A t that moment Joe the C i v i l W a r . is a true daughter o f deepest to a degree when the stage reached out an:l
Dixie, a really modern counterpart of the claimed her f o r its own, only to have to
Venuti and his or- Betty Graham she impersonates in the long- yield her to radio when it was decided that
lived Sunday afternoon drama series. she and she alone c o u l d so c o m p e t e n t l y do
chestra swung into their theme song, and the the r o l e o f B e t t y Graham.—Radio Guide.
So steeped is she in the lore o f the South
first dance was taken by M a r v i n . that the first t i m e she heard o f D o c t o r R. E .
Lee. the Way I town Yeasterner, on a certain
The success o f the prom can be attributed T h u r s d a y night p r o g r a m , she t h o u g h t he was
an impostor and was going to call on some o f
to the w o r k o f Marylu Peterson and William the late General's Confederate cronies to come
N o r t h and avenge his honor.
Marsh, co-chairman of the affair, Jean Walt
One of the unusual things about Miss Claire
and George Pipal, in charge of orchestra ar- is that she rips radio t r a d i t i o n to shreds.
Listeners picture most o f their stars according
r a n g c m c n l s ; Sidney Baker and Dorothy ttcntc, to their individual fancies—only to learn, when
a personal view is afforded, that they fail to
Z, publicity; Roy Kennedy and Eleanor Clizbe, measure up to their mental impressions. But
Helen is identically the alluring lass that one
tickets; Arnold Levin and June Waggener, conceives upon hearing her soothing drawl via
the loudspeaker.
presentation, and Clyde White and Jeanne Spokane Alumnae Plan Congress
She is the S p i r i t o f D i x i e incarnate, w i t h a
Palmer, chaperons. The plans f o r presenta- mass o f golden-brown, ringleted hair, a pert
and t i l t e i l nose, c h a r m i n g figure, and the t r a d i -
tion o f the P r o m Girl were drawn by Bob

l ; u n k . Duilv Xcbraskan. -+- T h e local alumnae chapter o f A l p h a O m i -
cron Pi, enjoying a dinner meeting Mon-

day night with Mrs. Booth Toole, W . 1424
Tenth, discussed plans f o r this chapter's par-
ticipation in the forthcoming Panhellenic con-
gress to be held here late in February. Shar-
ing hostess honors was M r s . M . E. Peebles.

Miss Phyllis Walker ( T ) , new executive
for the Girl Scouts here, is a new member
of the chapter. She is an Alpha Omicron P i
f r o m the University of Washington chapter.

The program feature was a review of Mary

Ellen Chase's ( D book, Silas Crockett, pre-

sented by Mrs. W . J. Burgess. Mrs. J. F.

E l l c r s i c k was chosen treasurer t o fill out an

unexpired term.—Spokane Spokesman-Review.

Betty Lord, Omicron, has been an outstanding Catherine Edwards, extreme right, Beta Phi, was

/•resident this year. Here she is shown with secretary of QZ<\> which brought Faith Baldwin, cen-
Edith Stokely, president of the pledges, center ter, to Indiana for Matrix banquet. Margaret Wey-
and Bessie Mitchell, vice president, at the mouth Jackson, second from left, was another guest.
pledge banquet. Catherine belonged to Mortar Board, AAA, X T .

28 To DRAGMA M A Y . 1936 29

Housemothers Have 3-fold Duty


&\\\ V I


By KATHERINE DAVIS, Theta, Publicity Director

HOUSEMOTHER IN UTOPIA A O I I house. She is a vital f a c t o r i n the de- Ears are in order when the new members of Alpha Sigma Sigma, honor society for leaders, bowed to
WOULD POSSESS velopment of the chapter; good housemothers tlic student body at Newcomb. The senior members wear gowns and second to the left is Jantce Torre, Pi,
Character have been known to advance the chapter's senior class president, illustrator for the Lagniappc and the High Hatter, a Who's Who among students.
Intelligence prestige upon the campus, and they may help The new Pi member is a daughter, Elisabeth Scales, president-elect of the Student Council, tn front left.
Sense of humor in infinite ways to strengthen a weak chapter.
Loyalty And She's An AOII—
Efficiency has increased where the house-
Good judgment mother has taken over house and commissary . + . H E L E N Y O U N G , A l l , played the leading new vice president of the T u f t s College His-
Understanding; managing. She is generally more capable than role in the Even Demonstration at Florida torical Society. A t South Carolina Mary L i l -
Patience Student managers, in most cases having kept lian Walker, a A * freshman, made a straight
Personality a house of her own or, lacking this experi- State. She is assistant manager o f the Flam- A average. Marguerite Andrews, A*, ex-
Tact ence, having trained herself i n other ways. beau. Chosen as one o f the most a t t r a c t i v e hibited many o f her paintings at the Columbia,
Spirit and cheer She has more time than student managers, girls on Oregon's Campus, Jewel Bauman, A 2 , South Carolina, sesqui-centennial celebration.
Social graces and she is free in the morning, when house modeled at the W . A . A . "Health Week tea. Margaret Kincaid, E , was president of the
Sincerity duties are pressing. Then it has been found Alpha Tau's debate team won the W.S.G.A. junior class at Cornell, belongs to W . A . A . and
wise and economical f o r one policy to prevail debate cup. AOtl's to carry on, remarks AT, Cosmopolitan Club. E v e l y n K r a y b i l l , EA,
-f- H O W E V E R , since this is not Utopia, the over a period of several years. W i t h student f o r M a r y Reiter succeeded P h y l l i s T a b e r as served as president o f the home economics
A O n housemother tries to attain as many managers the policy usually changes annually. treasurer of W . A . A . ; Jean Carle replaced club and w i l l be one o f the t w o Perm State
Vangelen Cook as Head o f J u d i c i a r y on students chosen to attend Merrill Palmer
of these qualifications as possible. H e r s is In the compilation o f the Manual, ques- W . S . G . A , and M i r i a m D o r r is .Martha Ro- School in Detroit. Margaret Heinecke, H , is
not an easy j o b ; at times it is even thank- tionnaires were sent to all AOIT housemothers. buck's successor as vice president o f Y . W . C . A . editor of the honorary and professional so-
less. Girls i n college are a busy lot—or t h i n k Practically all have three-fold duties—chap- Jeanne Mann, B r , is on the H o m e Economics cieties' section o f the Badger, Wisconsin's an-
they are—-and are inclined upon occasion to erone, house manager and commissary man- Board at Michigan State. Lillian Walker, BK, nual. She and Josephine Pitz were invited to
take the housemother f o r granted, or forget ager—and expressed themselves as l i k i n g the sang the leading role in British Columbia's Matrix banquet f o r prominent women on the
her altogether. arrangement. I t seems they want to be busy "Pirates o f Penzance." Eleanor W i l k i n s , B«J>, campus. Catliryn H o c t o r , T, has had parts i n
and they consider a b i g j o b a challenge to was president of H i ) * at Indiana, on A.W.S. " K i n d l i n g " and "Berkeley Square," given by
To make her job a little easier is the pur- ilirir capabilities. Council, senior invitations committee, AAA, Maine Masque. She is president o f Balentine
pose o f a Housemother's Manual which has and orientation committee. A t the University Hall. Seven Illini women have their pictures
recently been compiled and which w i l l be Epsilon, Epsilon Alpha and Alpha Pi have of T o r o n t o Margaret Trench, BT, has been in the Illio as campus leaders. T w o o f them
issued this spring or in the early summer. AOIT members as housemothers. T h i s affords secretary of Women's Commerce. Ruth Brink- are M a r y Courtright and Florine Petri, both
a very close relationship between the chapter man, BG, was secretary o f 024> at Butler, on of Iota. Jean Wood and Virginia Perkins, I ,
The ideal housemother is a model of pro- and the housemother and is quite a desirable the Collegian staff and in I n t e r n a t i o n a l Re- took part in campus broadcasts over W I L L .
priety ; she is the perfect example. O f course, situation. Rho has had the same housemother lations Club. Mildred McDuff, X, manages T h e Old Maid, R a n d o l p h Macon's h u m o r
no h u m a n can be perfect, b u t i t is hoped that since the house was opened, eight years ago. the Dance Production group at Syracuse and magazine, w i l l be edited by M a r y V i r g i n i a
all w i l l be so w e l l above reproach that they They also have the same cook and maid, who Florence Ashley has become a member of Pound. Helene Wilkcns, A, danced in Stan-
will be i n a position to correct their girls moved with them into the new house, and 02*. A t Chi Delta Eileen Hayward took the ford's dance drama. Irene Williams and Stella
and have the corrections well taken. This their waiters serve f o r the entire time they lead in "Martha" when the University of Bvrd Darnell, AS, were in the fraternity Pan-
takes tact. are in school, be i t f o u r years o r less. Zeta's Colorado staged it. Edith Jensen, A, is the
housemother is a money maker f o r the chap-
W e should like the housemother to be an ter. Last year she cleared $500 serving extra
example o f culture also. By this w e do not meals to guests, the meals having been pro-
mean "veneer." W e mean refinement, to be vided out of the regular food budget.
sure, but something deeper than that. W e
should like her to be a gentlewoman; one In conclusion, here's an example of a house-
with an interest in the arts and world affairs; m o t h e r exerting a g o o d influence upon her
one w i t h an alert mind which can follow, girls. One chapter had dropped down in
or lead, varied conversations; one who can scholarship the first semester o f this year, a
see the possibilities i n her g i r l s and b r i n g fact which disturbed the housemother very
out the finest in them; one whose very pres- much. W h i l e she has promised to r e t u r n to
ence creates an atmosphere i n the house. W e the g i r l s next year, she has made i t clear
should like her to be w e l l i n f o r m e d as t o that she does not wish to be connected w i t h
college activities and take advantage of the any group that is not willing and able to
opportunities afforded by her surroundings; improve. She is in a position to make a
to be well i n f o r m e d as to f r a t e r n i t y activi- statement like this, f o r during the short time
ties, nationally and locally, and particularly she has been w i t h the chapter definite ad-
those of Alpha Omicron Pi. vancement has been made in other lines.
The chapter realizes this and will make a real
The position of housemotherinp; is a grow- effort to improve their scholastic standing, we
ing one. Formerly the housemother was believe.
simply a chaperone. But now even her duties
as chaperone have expanded to those o f host-
ess, and t o them has been added house and
commissary managing. H e r duties are mani-
fold—at the risk of a poor pun we might even
say she has her finger in every pie i n an

30 To D R A C M A Pi Delta has two pairs of three sisters in the chapter this year—Anna Marie. Betty and Eleanor Quirk;
Eunice, Bettye, and Jean Miller.
hellcnic leadout at Georgia's Little Conimence- Gold. Minnesota's M a t r i x b a n q u e t is the
ment dances. Nu Chapter ran away with rush- climax of activities on the campus. Tau's
ing honors at New York University by pledg- Dorothy Kuechcnmeister, as president of 02<t>,
ing fifteen. Kay Latham won the pla<|ue presides this year. Christine Bryant, TA, was
given to the best; all around pledge in Nu elected to 62A, honorary mathematics fra-
Kappa. \V.S.< i.A. at Vanclcrbill elected Frances ternity at Birmingham-Southern. A n o t h e r
Murrey, N O , president, and Pat Spearman, N O . H2'l> president is Mary Evelyn Martin, O. She
vice president. Betty Jean Smith, Ruth Tall- belongs to Duzer Du, dramatic honorary, and
man and Eleanor Mitchell, all of Omega, are Toynbee, sociology club at De Pauw. Dian
members of Cwcn, sophomore women's hon- Manser, T, writes continuity for all University
orary ;u Miami. Vivian GteS, O , was selected of Washington broadcasts. A member of the
Queen of Hearts, by the College of Engi- I'anhellcnic executive committee, she is also
neering at Tennessee to rule over their Ace scholarship chairman, ft ariorie Bannister, Z,
Day dance. Dorothy Ohrt, o n . played the was elected president of Coed Counselors at
lead in "Robin Hood" at Michigan. She is Nebraska. Sarah Douglass, n , is the new
vice president of +112. A O M ' S and the Kansas president of Newcomb's art school. With
Tbeta's joined ranks to have a freak show other art students she painted the murals in
at the W'.S.G.A. Carnival. ."Minnie the Mer- the J. L. dormitory smoking room. Beverley
maid," "Bolinda Liz" and "Rig-headed Harry" Colomb is Newcomb editor of the "Hulla-
were AOIT"s. Peggy McCausland, M''- presi- baloo." Jane Eordyce, 011, is a member of
dent, attended the Ranhellenic Congress of Mortar Board at Cincinnati and Virginia Hor-
Urban Colleges at Columbus, Ohio. She is ton, 0H. will chairman the annual Greek
chapter president of the Pennsylvania Chap- games. Marjorie Higgins, Ul, led Maryland's
ter. Marion \ \ irtz, P, headed volleyball at military ball.
Northwestern this year and La V'ern Giles, P,
bad charge of archery on the W.A.A. Board. ***
Jane Lovcll and Patty Appleton, 2, are new New York Alumna? Giapter invites all visit-
members of Prytanean, California's Mortar ing AOn's to make themselves known. Call
Board. Jane did fine work in Personnel while President 4-6691 or write Mary Estcy, 1357
Patty was junior manager of the Blue and President Street, Brooklyn.

Ohio Valley to Meet at Denison

H K M < Y K . all who are native to the Ohio Irene Wagar, Beta Gamma,
Valley! made Phi Kappa Phi at Michi-
The district convention will be held at gan State this year. She be-
Denison University, Granville, Ohio, June 17- longs to Omicron Nu and is
20, with Alpha Tau as the hostess chapter, treasurer of S.W.L. Jane Billycald, Eta. was elected to + K + Alice Porter, Alpha Pi rush captain, was
assisted by the Cleveland Alumna Chapter. at Wisconsin. She attended Matrix table, a guest at jothuernalPisat,nhcllKcnAictl, Sclwlarship
Phyllis Taber, as convention chairman, ex- worked on the Badger and was secretary banquet. A Das Deutsch
tends a hearty welcome to all AOII's who en- Vercin, and vice president of B I T 9 , she
joy a gathering of the clan. This is the first and treasurer of OX. led the chapter in scholarship.
time Alpha Tau has entertained district con-
vention, and they are enthusiastically planning Phyll's Tabcr, Alpha Tau. it waiting to I
a program of interesting activities and events. •welcome you to Ohio District
The convention will be housed in Beaver Convention.
Hall, one of the girls' dormitories, and meals
will be served at the Granville Inn. Ten Reservations should be made with Phyllis M O R T A R BOARD Qr A R T E R L V
dollars will cover the entire expense for each Tabcr. Beaver Hall, Granville, Ohio, by June
person. \0.—Kalhcri>u' Davis, Ohio Valley District
Bland Morrow will be guest of honor and Superintendent.
will be present throughout the convention.
Edith Anderson, Mary Dec Drummond and
Anne Nichols have been invited, and we hope
they can attend. Ruth Segar, District Alum-
na? Superintendent, will have charge of alum-
na- discussions and round tallies. A picnic,
swimming party, outdoor breakfast and oilier
forms of recreation are scheduled. A Pan-
hellenic luncheon will honor representatives
from other sororities. Dr. Prancis Shepard-
son, president of R O I I . who lives in Granville,
will also be an honor guest at this luncheon.
I t may be possible to schedule a visit to the
Beta house, where the national archives are
located. Model initiation and the formal ban-
quet will conclude the convention activities.

Janet Beman and Selena Wunderlich, F.psilon Alpha, were the two
senior attendants to the Pcnn State May queen. Both of them
Frances Battle Murrey, Nu Omi- were charter members of Mortar Board. Selena was secretary of
cron, is president of W.S.G.A. at Women's Student Government, on the varsity rifle team and presi-
I'anderbilt. The band chose her as dent of Mortar Board. Janet was a member of Women's Student
sponsor for the Alabama game.


President—Dorothy Romero, T. University Elemen- President—
tary School, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Meetings—First Tuesday of month. MADISON
President—Mary Brader Moran (Mrs. F r a n k T . ) . H ,
810 H u r o n H i l l , Madison, W i s .
ATLANTA Meetings—Second Wednesday of month at 6 : 3 0 at
ALPHA OMICRON PI President—Mary Memorial Union Building.
Broughton Taylor (Mrs. R. B . ) ,

K, 1236 Piedmont Avenue, Atlanta, Ga.

Recommendation Blank Meetings—Second and fourth Tuesdays at 3:00. MEMPHIS -.,
President—Mary Allie Taylor Robinson ( M r s . Rich-
BALTIMORE a r d ) , KO, 1830 Jackson, Memphis. Tenn.

Fill out the following and return to President—Edna Burnsidc Howard (Mrs. Joseph I I . ) , Meetings—Last Wednesday of month, 3:30.
Central Office, Box 262. Slate College. Pa. II A. 3713 Chesholm Road. Baltimore, Md.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month.

.Will enter \s BANOOS President—Margaret Johnson Gay (Mrs. Welland),
City Clas H , 913 East Kilbourn Avenue, Milwaukee, Wise.
President—Frances W. Burke (Mrs. Martin H . ) ,
State T, Water Works, State Street, Bangor, Me. Meetings—First Tuesday of month, 7:30.
Name School Meetings—Third Saturday of month from Septem-
Home Address ber to Jane. President—Harriet
Street apolis. Spencer, T, Plaia Hotel, Minne-
BIRMINGHAM / Tuesday of each month.
President—Margaret Waite, TA, 2731 27th Meetings—Second
•• *RC South, Birmingham, Ala. Place
Meetings—Second Saturday of month. 1:00 p. m. in NASHVILLE
Prep School or College did she attend? Average
Activities Tau Delta room. President—Dorothy Willett, NO, 2110 Dixie Place,
Special interests and talents (athletics, music, etc.)
Nashville, Tenn.
BLOOMINCTON Meetings—Second Saturday of month.
Rieff Million (Mr*. F r e d ) , B+, 818 NEW JERSEY

Stull Avenue, BloominKton, Ind. President—Irma J . Cornea, H . 89 Ridgcwood Ave-

Meetings—Second and fourth Wednesdays of month. nue. Glen Ridge, T*J. J .

Father's Business and Standing BOSTON Meetings—Third Saturday afternoon of month.
Church affiliations
Financially able to join? Presiilent—Beth Ringer Moraii (Mrs. Thomas), A, NEW ORLEANS
Is she influenced favorably to any sorority? It so, why? 508 Washington Street, Brookline, Mass.
Has she relatives in a sorority? Likely to join: Meetings—Last Saturday of month. President—Lucie Walnc, I I , 4310 S. Robertson
Street, New Orleans, L a .
Meetings—First Wednesday of month.
President—Caroline BUFFALO
Piper Dorr (Mrs. Louis B . ) , P,
200 Washington Highway, Snyder, N. Y . NEW YORK

Meetings—Third Monday of month. President—Mary Estes. 1357 President St., Brooklyn,
N. Y .
Does she know any one in Alpha Omicron Pi? Meetings—Arranged by Executive Committee.
Central Chairman—Susan Crawford Williams (Mrs.
Do you know her personally How long! Stuart R . ) . On, 4878 North Ashland Avenue, Chi- OKLAHOMA CITY
President—Faye Dougherty W e l c h (Mra. Norman J . ) .
In what way would you consider her an asset to Alpha Omicron Pi? cago. 111. 901 West 40th Street. Oklahoma City. Okla.
North Shore Chairman—
West Side Chairman—Mary Lloyd Capouck. P. 3 0 0 Meetings—Second Thursday of month.

(Socially, Scholastically, Activities, etc.) No. East Avenue, Oak Park, III. OMAHA Z, 5003
Meetings—By arrangement. J.). #.
Recommended by President—Jean Dow Carman (Mrs. F r a n k ) ,
Address Name Chapter CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE Western Avenue, Omaha, Neb.
President—Helen Wolfe Erskine (Mrs. H . H.), I , Meetings—First Saturday of month.

7756 Essex Street, Chicago, III. PHILADELPHIA
President—Irva Bair Jamison (Mrs. Robert
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at 6 : 3 0 .
Street City 638 E l l e t Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
CINCINNATI Meetings—First Saturday of month.

President—Virginia Hall. 8 H . 3310 Ormond Terrace, President—Emily PORTLAND
Cincinnati, O. Thursday of month. Hcrshbcrger Johnson (Mrs. H . W . ) .
T, 3105 N . E . 46th Avenue. Portland, Ore.

Buy Magazines President—Alice CLEVELAND Meetings—Second Thursday evening of month, Oc-
Oil. 2179 tober to June.
Mrs. Edward J. Nichols Heights. O. Wesscls Burlingamc (Mrs. William),
Box 262 Cottage Grove Avenue, Cleveland President—Merle PROVIDENCE
State College, Pa. Meetings—Third Mosier Potter (Mrs. Alfred L . ) .
Monday night of month. E, 209 University Avenue, Providence. R . L
Mail your order to above
address. DALLAS Meetings—Second Saturday of month. October ts>
President—Mariorie Siicler. NK. 5822 Belmont Ave-
Enclosed please find nue, Dallas, Tex. June.

$ for subscriptions Meetings—First Friday of month at noon. ROCHESTER

to ALPHA OMICRON P I CENTRAL OFFICE DAYTON President—Elizabeth Hcrrick, E , Park Avenue Hospi-

Box 262 President— Jean Boles (Mrs. C . B . ) . n . 233* Emer- tal. Rochester. N. Y .
State College, Penn. son Avenue, Dayton. O.
Meetings—Fourth Tuesday evening of month.
Please change my address and enter Meetings—First F r i d a y of month.
my subscription (or order) for ST. LOUIS
• To Dragma, • the New Song President— DENVER President—Eleanor
Book, or • f o r the Alpha Omicron Meetings—Second Louis, Mo. Rench, H , 5544 Chamberlain, St.
Pi Directory. Monday evening of month.
Meetings—Third Monday of month.
New Address.
President— Eunice Herald, BP, 239 Monterey Avenue. President— Barbara Trask Clark. T. 2147 Hickory
Street, San Diego, Calif.
Highland Park. Mich. Meetings—Fourth Thursday of month.
Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30.
President—Virginia Dwight Allen (Mrs. Emmet), I ,
President—Helen N. Henry, 2 , 2315 Durant Avenue.
Berkeley. CaL 175 Dorantcs Avenue, San Francisco, Calif.
Meetings—First Monday of month.

President—Bonnie Bennett Julian (Mrs. Clinton B . ) . SEATTLE
B * . 2910!4 Smith Street, Fort Wayne. Ind.
Meetings—Second Monday of month. President— Monday of month at chapter
President—Katherine Schmidt Cox (Mrs. Frank H . ) , house, 8:00.

9, 4205 North Illinois. Indianapolis, Ind. SYRACUSE
President—Gertrude Baumhardt Bailey (Mrs. J .
KANSAS CITV P a r k ) . X , 7000 South Salina Street, Syracuse.
President—Jessie Meetings—Last Friday of month.
Kinman McKclvey (Mrs. Ogden).
* , 3689 Summit, Kansas City. Mo.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month. TORONTO
President—Winifred Barlow, BT. 51 Grosvenor
KNOXVILLS Street, Apt. 314, Toronto, Canada.
President—Anne Brakebill Morgan (Mrs. Milton). 0,
Cross Valley Road. Knoxville, Tenn. TULSA
Your name Old Address.
Address Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30. President—Dorothy A n n Heeler (Mrs. Paul A . ) , X.

Li VCOLN 1146 North Elwood. Tulsa, Okla.

President—Gladys Whitford Misko (Mrs. George H . ) , Meetings—First Thursday of month at 1:00.

Z, 3141 Sheridan Boulevard, Lincoln, Neb. WASHINGTON

Meetings—Second Saturday noon, October to June. President—Margaret Cook Yearsley (Mrs. Wilbur).
IIA. Colonial Village, Clarendon, Va.
Los ANGELKS Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month.

President—Hertha Hermann Brown (Mrs. Ernest WESTCn ESTER
C . ) , S . 10467 Wrllsworth Avenue, West L o s A n -
geles, Calif. President—Myrtle Munson Ciccarclli (Mrs. Eugene),
X , Lebanon Road. Scarsdale, N. Y .
Meetings—Fourth Saturday of month, Sept. to May.

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