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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-04-27 20:14:46

1927 February - To Dragma

Vol. XXII, No. 3

Committee on Examinations—Chairman, Examining Officer. Atlantic—Katherine Stewart, Gamma. Southern—Margaret Lyon Pedrick (Mrs. P. B.), Pi. Ohio Valley- feraldine D. Canfield, Theta.
Great Lakes—Beatrice Bunting, Omicron Pi. Mid-western—Doris Ingram, Alpha Phi. Pacific—Edna Betts Trask (Mrs. W. M.), Rho.
Committee on Nominations—
Chairman—Edith Dietz Janney (Mrs. S. M.) Alpha; 217 West 105th
St., New York; N. Y . ; Alumnae Superintendents, members.
Committee on Jewelry—
Chairman, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), Alpha; Juliij
L. Tillinghast, Nu.
Mid-Western—Pauline Mills Edwards (Mrs. W. H.),Xi. Pacific—Carolyn Paige, Upsilon.

No. 3
Elizabeth Bond, 3201 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. F. H.), 2116 St. Clair St., St. Paul, Minn.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.
TO DRAGMA is published at 415 Third Ave., N„ Minneapolis, Minn., by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Min- neapolis, Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1 8 '9. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, September, November, February and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.00.

THE BIENNIAL CONVENTION of Alpha Omicron Pi will be held June 27-July 2, 1927, in Seattle, W ashington, with Upsilon and the other Pacific Coast chapters as hostesses.
The actual scene of most of the convention activities will be Bainbridge Island in Puget Sound, and a more charming spot would be hard to find.
To one and all, we send an urgent call that you plan to be present. Those who have been to a convention, can tell you that it will exceed your fondest dreams and if you knew half the plans which are being made, you'd realize you can't afford to miss it.
To all members of Grand Council, active delegates, alumnae representatives and members-at-large, the executive committee extends a very cordial invitation to attend.
TRICK FALLS. Glacier National Park

Upsilon President
LOUISIANA, New York, Cali-fornia, W isconsin. Nebras-ka. It sounds like a lesson ingeography, but when we addW ashington what does it bringto your mind? To us it is thecalling of the chapter roll; thefirst thrill of convention.
Fifty dollars, a hundred, twohundred, three hundred. Thissounds like an adding machineor the chant of the bank clerk,but when we say "Seattle", i{means those tickets*which willbring to vou and many otherAlpha O's the joy of steppingaboard the convention special.
Tudor-Gothic building^ sur-rounded by green lawns and nes-tling among green trees; gloriousexpanses of blue lake; inspiring giimpses of snow-covered moun-tains—our campus. Huge ocean liners; quaint shops, reflectingthe charm of the Orient; long stretches of boulevard; an occa-sional Indian squaw selling baskets; a bustling business section;picturesque homes—our city. Canoeing; riding; driving; salt andfresh-water swimming; yachting; mountain climbing; tennis;golf; beach parties—our sports. The Olympic Mountains; theSan Juan Islands, the jewels of Puget Sound ; Rainier NationalPark; Lake Washington; Lake Crescent; Glacier National Park;Moran School on Bainbridge Island—our playgrounds.
Our campus, the University of Washington; our city, Seattle;our sports, and our playground, the Great Northwest; these andall the girls of Upsilon welcome'every Alpha O to convention.
Gwendoline Showell. President of L'jjsilon.

246 TO PRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI SEATTLE ALUMNAE CHAPTER WELCOMES YOUE SHALL CHANGE the som ew what hackneyed expression and sav. "Come West. mygirl, come W est."
And that is just what we wanevery one of you Alpha O'over this vast country of ourto do this summer from June 27to July 2. If you come for thiperiod, we feel sure that you wilplan to prolong the visit becausereally our summer climate hereon Puget Sound (unless Naturplays a trick on us this vearis just irresistible. Very likelysome of you have already heardof it, and if you have enjoyed one—well, we know you will bewith us.
ELLEN JOLI.IFFE, President, Seattle Alumnae
Just think what a glorious and inspirational gathering this wilbe to really get to see, touch and talk with so many of our ownsisters of whom we have read and heard and are proud, but whomwe have never seen! When we think of our convention out hereon this West coast, we can hardly believe it.
But on the other hand, we are aware that time slips awayslyly and quickly, and that there are but a few months left inwhich to prepare for the greatest event in the life of our chapter(iirls, we are just doing everything we possibly can to makeyou enjoy our virgin wooded scenery with the majestic mountainranges as a background. If you care for swimming at all, besure to bring your suit as we have natural swimming pools anearly any desired temperature, that is—natatoriums. many lakesrivers and the invigorating waters of Puget Sound. Facilities forhiking and outdoor sports of all kinds are good.
For those who prefer a less active vacation, we have one ofthe finest hotels of the northwest in the center of our shoppingdistrict, and numerous delightful inns up in the mountains oralong the Sound. E n e n jollift'e.

ORDERED on three sides by Nature's lovely lakes, with mountain
X5 ranges towering in the distance from either direction, the University of Washington has rightly been set aside as one of the beauty spots of our Western country. The 582 acres devoted to this institution of higher learning, partly in its natural state of virgin woods, affords an ideal background for the beautiful build- ings which are being erected each year.
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WEST ENTRANCK, EDUCATION HALL, University of W ashington
It was in 1860 when two of our pioneers "put their heads together and a University was produced." that our college origi- nated. After a desperate struggle in those early days, the legisla- ture donated ten acres of land for building purposes. Today that
land is in the very heart of the growing city of Seattle and is covered with magnificent business structures.

The young institution grew slowly, at times recesses of six months would be necessary as funds would be low, but with the rapid growth and development of Washington and Seattle, the University, too, shared in the progress. In 1893 one of the pro- fessors, who, by the way, still graces a chair in the history depart- ment, again appealed to the legislature, with the result that the University was given a thousand acres of granted lands, as an endowment, a campus of 355.19 acres between Lakes Washington and Union, and an appropriation for new buildings.
Since that time the advance has been steady. The Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition was held on the campus in 1909. For that privilege, it was agreed that they leave three permanent build- ings, in addition to several more temporary ones, some of which have served the University well.
The year 1926 has witnessed the erection of one of the most beautiful buildings in the northwest, the new campus library, built at a cost of $750,000. It is an adaptation of the Tudor-Gothic, designed to fill the needs of the University, and has been pro-
claimed by critics as an outstanding work of art.
Ground has just been broken for a new Women's building,
estimated at about $220,000. It will house the women's gym- nasium and will meet all the needs of the University women. It will also be another unit of the Tudor-Gothic scheme.
Philosophy hall, the new Henry Museum, which is a gift building to the University will house a rare art collection which Mr. Henry has donated to the University, our old historic Denny Hall, which was the first building to be erected on the campus, the columns and sylvan theater—all of these, we feel sure, will interest you. And then there are the wonderful gardens, so carefully landscaped, and yet so carelessly natural, too..
We must not forget our stadium, where the East and West have met in football combat, and where, perhaps, we may be able to witness some kind of a protluction together. The stadium faces beautiful Lake Washington with the Cascades in the background. In this stadium the late President Harding gave one of his last speeches.
The campus may be said to extend several blocks past the recognized line, for the University students monopolize the sur- rounding district with their lovely fraternity, houses. W ashington

has 23 sororities. 21 of which are national and of this number, all but one own their own homes. The Alpha O's are convenientlylocated directly across from the campus, with the gym and tennis courts in ball throwing distance. O ur house occupies a short block between 19th and 20th on East 45th street, and we are allworking hard to ''pay off the mortgage" so we can move the old house off and erect a beautiful monument to Alpha O on the site.
C . Korres.
OUTDOOR GREEK "THEATRE. University of Washington Mi unit Rainier in background

IF I WERE TO TELL you all the things that Upsilon and Seattle Alumnae want to do and hope to do while you are with us during Convention, I should have to use all of this magazine. For this reason I am going to give you just a little idea and leave the details and particulars for your imagination and anticipation.
Anticipation and realization are tw o very important words, and we hope that you will find them in exact coincidence. First of all we want you to know that you are welcome in Seattle whenever it is best for you to come—we will try to meet you and make you happy whether you come alone or with the special train.
Monday morning will be taken up with "arriving", registra- tion, etc. Monday afternoon we must give a little time for the business of the day. But Monday evening belongs to Upsilon and Seattle Alumnae. W e have planned an evening typical o f Puget Sound; we have ordered a full moon; a warm eveningand a low tide—with these we know that we can win you to our Pacific Northwest.
Then Tuesday evening is yours and ours together—stunt night. Have you a stunt? I f not, there are only a few months left to work up one, and we will help you to procure the last minute accessories f o r your costumes. W e are looking forward to the discovery o f wonderful new talent along dramatic lines!
Then Wednesday w e are planning to make you love Seattle— the University of Washington campus; Lake Washington; Seattle as a city; the Women's University club, and our open meeting with an opportunity f o r y o u to meet o u r lovely mothers and sisters and a few of our Greek letter friends. W e do so want you to feel that this meeting has brought you a few new friends. And on Wednesday evening Upsilon has a surprise for you, and since it is a surprise I must not talk about it.
Since conventions are supposed to settle weighty business affairs, we must allow Thursday for such matters. A nd in the evening you m ay see the beautiful rituals o f AOI1. T o meet as sisters before the altar of AOFI and to see and hear the inner things of our order is truly a wonderful opportunity and inspira- tion.

Then Friday belongs to Upsilon and Seattle Alumnae. Wyyou go with us on Friday morning—then to lunch in PleasantValley and with us again in the afternoon? Our girls say y0 uwill enjoy it—we will count on at least 175 for that trip. Andthen we will all return home—everyone—for our last dinner atMorans—our last chance to he together informally at dinner Can you picture a big dining-room, heavily beamed, with a lovelyfire-place at one end; with small round tables and seven sisters ateach table, and all of these AOOs? We can, and that is why weknow all of us will he there.
And Saturday morning we bring our Convention to a formalclose. The windup of business and then the election of officersand the closing ceremony. After lunch we shall say good-bye toMorans and return to Seattle—to the Olympic Hotel for ourformal reception. In the evening we have our lovely banquet,which marks the real close of our "1927" Convention. But youdo not need to rush away, for,as I said before, you are all welcometo come just as early as you wish, and we want you to stay just as long as you can. Remember Mt. Rainier, Big Four, LakeCrescent, and ever so many other places that are worth your time,and we will help you make your plans to include them.
Upsilon and Seattle Alumnae are yours as long as you want or need us.
Louise Benton Oliver. Chairman.


"I will make a place
Fit for you and me; Green days in forests And blue days at sea."
All the beauties of the Puget Sound country center at Moran School, Bainbridge Island, Washington, where Alpha Omicron pi will gather for convention in the glorious days of June. The blue waters of the Sound, the shadows of the untouched forest and beyond these the rounded breasts of the Cascades on one hand and the jagged spires of the Olympics on the other.
Moran School is a short boat ride from Seattle and is situated on a point of land on one of the several large islands that lie in Puget Sound between Seattle and the opposite mainland. The school has a campus of thirty acres with a fine bathing beach, attractive landscaping and at the rear, a section of untouched natural forest with trails and quiet woodland ways, thick with the beautiful evergreen shrubbery that is native to Washington.
As you approach the school by boat you see smooth lawns and graceful trees rising on a gentle slope from the water and crowned with white buildings bright with red tiled roofs, window boxes of gay geraniums, and broad verandas. The buildings are in attractive southern Italian architecture and stand out in brilliant contrast to W ashington's prevailing green.
The boat lands right on the campus, and the first building you see is a dormitory down by the beach, where some of the lucky ones will sleep with the soft sound of the waves on the shore in their ears. By winding paths and short flights of steps you pass up to the main structures. On the right as you approach the main hall, you will see a natural amphitheatre converging at a charming little white stage, the wings marked by groups of shrubbery. Here Alpha O will produce the annual pageant, while the delegates watch from the gentle slope of lawn looking out upon the Sound.
To the left on the way up the hill is an older building, not so beautiful, but very useful, for here are the gymnasium, the print- ing department and also the school store, where needful supplies and very necessary stocks of candy can be purchased. The con- vention newspaper will be the chief attraction issuing from this building.


The main hall at the top of the hill will be a center of many of the most absorbing convention activities, for here the dining-room js located, the big parlor, some of the rooms and the suites for the national officers. The dining hall is a beamed room with a great fireplace and attractive small tables where the delegates will he seated in groups. A piano is in an orchestra alcove at one side. Upstairs the parlor is full of easy chairs, with a sun-room and reading-room off it, and of course, a big fireplace at one end.
A short distance to one side of the main hall is the administra- tion building. This houses the auditorium, where the meetings w ill be held, the class and study rooms where the committee ses- sions will convene, the school library and most important of all to the homesick, the postoffice. The auditorium seats about 150 and has a fine stage and motion picture equipment, so we will be able to give almost any desired stunts there.
There are a number of tennis courts .about the school and, of course, there is swimming, though we warn the tenderfoot that Puget Sound waters are cold. There will be boats on hand also and plenty of chance for hikes in the woods or along the beaches.

Moran School is the leading boy's private school in the statand was chosen as the place of convention, because it was mosconveniently situated near Seattle, thus allowing the conventioncommittee considerable latitude in arranging the program. It ha«the advantage of being near many attractions and yet sufficientlyfar away so that the delegates will have uninterrupted sessionsand no distractions from the business and pleasure of the convention.
Frank G. Moran is headmaster of the school and is planningwith the committees to make the 1927 convention of Alpha Omicron Pi, a memorable one. There will be comfort and convenienceand every service that one can desire. With this charming set-ting as a background the western Alpha O's feel certain that con-vention will get off to a glorious start when the clans gather inJune.
Beryl Dill Kneen.


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THE UNITED STATES is a nation of travelers, and few of us
lack the urge to "go places and see things." Probably that
j why conventions were invented. They give such a nice excuse s
to wander about the world and see what there is to see.
The district around Seattle is one that will well repay a con- siderable stay, for there are many natural beauties to enjoy, and the climate and scenery are different. There are several natural assets in the Puget Sound country, and the visitor should have a
good look at as many as possible before returning home.
First of all there is our climate. Nothing irritates a Seattlite more than to hear the remarks about rain. Of course it rains here, but so it does other places. Furthermore when records are looked up, it is found that the summer precipitation is lower in this section than any other part of the country, and likewise the record for the entire year is lower by many inches than in New York, Chicago, St. Paul and most of the other large cities of the country. One hears of the Sesqui-centennial being ruined by the rain in Philadelphia, but no one ever heard of summer affairs being ruined
by rain in Seattle. It doesn't happen.
Nearly every one who comes to Seattle will want to see Mount
Rainier. The Seattle Alumnae and Upsilon chapters would love to take every delegate to Mount Rainier, but two to three days are really required for the trip, and time forbids. Mount Rainier is probably our most famous attraction, and thousands of tourists come every year to see it in the summer, while in the winter many make trips there for winter sports. The writer once heard an eastern girl refuse to make the trip, because she demanded, "What is there at Mount Rainier? Anything but a mountain? If that's all, I'm not going to bother." Her query so non-plussed the repre- sentative of the park company to whom she was talking that he did not recover for some time. Had he been able to speak he might have replied, " A mountain, yes, but what a mountain it is."
Mount Rainier is 60 miles from Seattle, 40 miles from Tacoma. It is 14,408 feet high and is the greatest in mass and height in the main part of the United States, Alaska producing its only rival. It is an extinct volcano, though in its snow-filled crater there are still steam caves testifying to the fire still hidden within. Busses from Seattle take one high on the mountain side to Paradise Valley

MCDEHMOTT FALLS Glacier National Park
Glacier National Park
HEAVENS PEAK Glacier National Park

which lies at 5,557 feet at the edge of the timber line. The mountain is covered with snow the year around and great glaciers cover its sides many from four to six miles long. It has one of the greatest glacial systems in the world. Below the snow line heavy forests of fir,cedar and pine clothe the slopes, and lesser peaks rise in long ranks to the north and south of Rainier, which is the center of the great Cascade range which runs through Washington and Oregon. From Paradise Valley hikes and rides may he taken with guides to many magnificent ice-caves, over glaciers, to great waterfalls and wonderful open parks bedded with flowers. For the greatest glory of Mount Rainier are the flowers. The visitor finds flowers spreading all over the mountains and peeping up through the snow. Heather is present in great quantities, lupine, and daintiest of all the white avalanche lilies which break up through the snow in early summer and bloom
profusely all season. There are hundreds of varieties of flowers on Mount Rainier which grow in great masses coloring all the slopes with red and purple and pink. Two days at least should be allowed for Mount Rainier, though the trip can be made in a day and return. This, however, allows no time for real exploration. Many days and weeks can be spent there. At the guide house complete hiking equipment can be obtained and horses and guides obtained for excursions. A climb to the summit is, of course, the height of achievement for the real enthusiast.
Puget Sound runs north and south through the state of W ash- ington. To the east lies the Cascade Range, to the west the Olympics. The Sound'connects at the northwest with the Pacific Ocean through the straits of Juan de Fuca. Farther north of Seattle and reached through Bellingham are Mount Baker and Mount Shuksan. Lodges on the slopes of these mountains may be reached by bus from Bellingham,and while the peaks are not as high as Mount Rainier, the scenery is wonderfully wild and beauti- ful. I f one drives to Bellingham or goes by stage, the greatest
attraction is the beautiful Chuckanut Drive. This is a ten mile stretch of highway approaching Bellingham with the waters of the Sound on one side and the foothills and overhanging cliffs covered with evergreens on the other. Along Chuckanut Drive, too, one looks out over the San Juan Islands, the famous archipelago of 172 islands which lies in the northern section of Puget Sound.

The San Juan Islands are the backs of a submerged mountarange and include quite large islands, as well as tiny rocks wisometimes a solitary tree on them rising a few feet above thwaves. England and America disputed for the islands until 187when they were awarded to the United States. Old blockhouserelics of this time, still stand on some of the islands where rivtroops encamped. Deception Pass is one of the most interestinchannels among the islands. Here the shores are so close togeththat it seems that a ship can hardly squeeze through,, and thDOWNTOWN SEATTLE AND THE OLYMPIC RANGE
Sound vessels that make the trip time the journey with favorabltides for the waters crowd through the narrow pass like a real milrace at certain times of the day. The islands may be enjoyed bya day boat trip from Seattle and longer stays may be made aattractive resorts.
The Monte Cristo region is an interesting mountain sectionwithin a day's trip north of Seattle. It is probably the wildest andmost mountainous section that may be conveniently reached in the

Cascades. The trip may be made by train or bus from Seattle connecting at Hartford with a gas car railway that carries one into the mountains with Big Four as the terminus, a noted resort that lies in a pocket of the Cascades with jagged mountains on every side. This region is a mountain valley lying along the south fork of the Stillaguamish River. Both sides of the valley are lined with s n ow capped spire-like peaks with glaciers and great snow fields, parks and beautiful mountain lakes. It is an ideal spot for the person who loves mountaineering.
On the western side of Puget Sound there are the Olympic Mountains. These are more jagged and broken than the Cascades and are not volcanic. They are much more wild and unknown than the other mountains of W ashington, and many are still unex- plored. Mount Olympus, a triple-peaked mountain covered with great glaciers, is the highest. A favorite trip into these mountains is to Lake Crescent lying in the northern section of the peninsula. Lake Crescent is reached by bus from Port Angeles or may be reached by ferry and auto from Seattle. It is a great blue lake lying among mountains, and the beautiful Olympic Highway runs along the shore at one side. Storm King, a steep rocky mountain, rises on one side of the lake sheer from the dark tumbling waters. At the west end of Lake Crescent one enters into the great forest reserve and strict precautions are enforced by the fire wardens to prevent forest fires. A trip through this great forest is of great interest for the road winds through great aisles of the huge Doug- las fir. one of the largest trees in the world. Heavy undergrowth marks the forest also, great evergreen bushes of huckleberry, salal. Oregon grape and rhododendron crowding thickly about the bases of the trees. If one really penetrates the mountains and forest somewhat farther than the highway, she may get a glimpse of the famous Roosevelt elk, the greatest elk known, which is native to these regions. If one continues on the main highway to
the end, the Pacific Ocean is reached and the interesting Indian village of La Push.
One could write indefinitely of the Olympics and the many places which one may visit in them. A whole summer would not give one time enough to see all of this region. At the south end of the peninsula, if one wishes to go to Aberdeen and Hoquiam
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one may reach Lake Quinault, a beautiful spot, from which pactrains also may be obtained to go into the Olympics.
The girl with no time or inclination for mountaineering, however, will probably prefer to visit the Washington Beaches, on thshores of the Pacific Ocean. Many of these may be reached fromAberdeen, and the sight of the ocean and the fun of surf bathinis well worth while. About three days should be allowed for short visit to these points from Seattle. You will want to stalonger, but you can make it in that time and have some fun at thocean.
Since the girls who come from the east will have the extrside trip to Vancouver and Victoria, it will be of interest to knowsomething of these Canadian cities. They are reached by a trithe full length of Puget Sound. Victoria is reached first, a quielittle city picturesquely situated on Vancouver Island. Victoria isaid to be very English, and you will note that it is, at least tthe extent of the accent, though I am told by those who have beenin England, that other English features are mostly imaginery. Iis, however, most beautiful, and while there one will want to takthe Malahat Drive, if possible, a forty-six mile trip about thshores of the island that affords beautiful views of the water anhills. The drive is adorned by tea houses every little distance instead of the American hot dog stands, and it is really an improvement, since most of them are really attractive. The Butchargardens near Victoria should above all not be missed. They arvery famous and have wonderful flowers the year around.
Vancouver is more American and a larger city. It is on thmainland and is the principal port of British Columbia. StanleyPark, a thousand-acre park of magnificent beauty, is one of thsights of Vancouver. English Bay, the famous bathing beach, ian attraction for those of aquatic tastes. By ferrying to NorthVancouver, one may also reach Capilano Canyon, where a deepriver gorge is spanned by a suspension bridge 450 feet long and200 feet above the river. If you have never walked across a greasuspension bridge yet, you do not want to miss this. It is anindescribable sensation.
These are only a few of the interesting features of the PacificNorthwest. W e have not told you of the cities, Tacoma, SpokanePortland. We have said nothing of the Puget Sound Navy Yard

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a t Bremerton, where the Pacific Fleet spends much of its time. We haven't talked of the great Columbia River Highway, reached through Portland. We haven't talked of beautiful Lake Chelan in Washington, of Mount Hood and Mount Adams or of Hood Canal, the great natural waterway that runs down the east side of the Olympic Mountains from Puget Sound.
In fact there are many things we have not told you, but the best we can do is to urge everyone who can to come west this summer, and we will show you all wc can and send you back wish- ing you could return to see all that you missed.

UPPER EXPST.MARY LAKE Glacier National Park

W HEN AT convention your post office address will be MorSchool, Bainbridge Island, Washington. The school itseis a postoffice and mail will be received and distributed there daiin one of the school buildings.
Don't forget that Washington is cooler than the eastern climBring a warm coat and a sweater suitable to wear evenings on tbeach and about the grounds. You will find that some light wrawill be useful almost any time when you are outdoors unless yare playing tennis or in some way moving about energetically, fthere will always be a breeze from the water.
When you purchase your ticket be sure to insist upon the freside trip to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. and return, by thwater route on the boats of the Canadian Pacific Steamship CYou are entitled to this at no extra cost, but unless you insist upoit when you buy your ticket you may not get it. Ask for the watetrip for it is more interesting than the train ride to those citieIf you are going back by way of the Canadian Pacific, see thyour return ticket takes you to Vancouver by boat, also. Othewise you may be routed by train while everyone else goes by boaand it will be difficult, if not impossible, to change after you arrivDon't overlook these things and then want us to change them foyou after you arrive in Seattle, for we can't do it.
All official communication about convention should be addressed to Mrs. DeWitt Oliver, 5727 29th Ave. N . E., SeattlShe is marshal and will see that all queries reach the propesource. To save confusion send all your questions to her.
If you are not coming by the special train, let us know wheyou are coming, so we can meet you. Remember that this information must be mailed well before you leave also, or you will beayour notice here. Seattle is not the terminus of your trip. Afteyou arrive there is a short boat ride to Moran School, and we wihave to look after your connections with the boat. There wibe someone at the stations during convention time, but don't takany chances. Let us know beforehand any irregularities in youmode of travel.

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As THE DATES for the Alpha O Convention draw near, the various committees are increasing their efforts and expend- ing every energy in endeavoring to make this Convention of Alpha Omicron Pi an outstanding event in her history. But the ultimate success of the Convention depends as much on you who are not members of any committee. It will be your presence in Seattle, your participation in the discussion of your fraternity's problems a n d your whole-hearted sharing of all the thrills and joys of Con- vention which will make the Convention truly successful. Every member of every committee is giving generously of her time and energy, and you can cooperate by making early reservations.
Since convention dates are from Monday, June 27, to Satur- day, fuly 2, inclusive, arrangements have been made to have the "Alpha O Special" leave Chicago on Wednesday, June 22. This will permit the breaking of the transcontinental journey by a two-day stop-over at < ilacier National Park and will give an opportunity for seeing many of the beauty spots and wonders of that place. A complete itinerary of the trip from Chicago to Seattle is given on another page, together with the cost of the trip.
Decisions as to post-convention trips should be made as early as possible for the return route must be designated when the special summer tourist round trip is purchased. This summer tourist round trip ticket permits return by any of the so-called "direct" routes from Seattle to Chicago, without extra charge. The cost of this round trip ticket is included in the "Expense of Tour" item included in the itinerary of the trip to Seattle. Hence, to compute the entire cost of the trip, there need only be added to the total of $153.55, the cost for a lower berth from Seattle to Chicago which is $23.63 and the cost of meals enroute which can be figured at $9. This makes the total cost of the trip, includ- ing the trip to Seattle on the "Special" with a two-day stop-over at Glacier National Park and the return to Chicago direct, without stop-over, by way of Yellowstone, the Canadian Rockies, Banff and Lake Louise, Council Bluffs, etc., $186.18. Expenses at Con- vention will amount to approximately $37.00, including banquet tax and a subscription to the convention paper.

Wed. June 22—Lv. Chicago, 111., C. B. & Q. R. R
Ar. St. Paul, Minn., C. B. & Q. R. R
Route—C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago to St. Paul, Great Northe: St. Paul to Seattle.
Fri. June 24—Lv. Glacier Park Hotel, auto Ar. Many-Glacier Hotel, auto
(Daylight ride along the Mississippi River)
10:45 P. 8:00 A. M8:15 A. f12:00 NooLuncheon at the Many-Glacier Hotel in the wild heaof the Rockies. The afternoon is left open for yoown amusement. YnU can hike or ride horseback ovthe beautiful forest and mountain trails, go boating Lake McDonald or enjoy the afternoon rest at fMany-Glacier Hotel. Dinner and lodging at the ManGlacier Hotel. Entertainment and dancing in the evLv. St. Paul, Minn., Gt. Nor. Ry Thur. June 23—Enroute across North Dakota.
Fri. June 24—Ar. Glacier Park, Mont., Gt. Nor. R y
Sat. June 25—Breakfast at the Many-Glacier Hotel.
Lv.-Many-Glacier Hotel, auto Ar. St. Mary Chalets, auto Lv. St. Mary Chalets, launch
Ar. Going-to-the-Sun, launch
Luncheon at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. There will ample time for short hikes after luncheon to nearbwaterfalls and scenic high spots before returning othe launch. This is one of the most beautiful and pituresque spots in Glacier Park.
Lv. Going-to-the-Sun, launch
Ar. St. Mary Chalets, launch
Lv. St. Mary Chalets, auto
Ar. Glacier Park Hotel, auto
Dinner at the Glacier Park Hotel and lodging. Aftdinner there will be special entertainment arranged fothe part}'. Glacier Park is the original home of thBlackfeet Indians, and they will gather in the eveninfor a big Pow-Wow and Indian Dance to welcome thmembers of Alpha Omicron Pi and extend' to them thtribal hospitality.
Sun. June 26—Breakfast at the Glacier Park Hotel.
Lv. Glacier Park Station, Gt. Nor. Ry.... 8:05 A. M10:35. A 10:35 P.
8:15 A. M9:50 A. M11:00 A. M12:00 NooAr. Spokane, Wash., Gt. Nor. Ry Lv. Spokane, Wash., Gt. Nor. Ry
Mon. June 27—Ar. Seattle, Wash., Gt. Nor. Ry
7:35 P. M8:00 A. M8 :<£) P. M2:30 P. M3:15 P. M3:40 P. M6:00 P. M

EXPENSE O F TOUR ooundtrip fare, Chicago to Seattle, Wash
Lower berth, Chicago to Glacier Park
Lo\ver berth, Glacier Park to Seattle
(Two day tour of Glacier Park per schedule, including transporta-
$ 90.30 16.50 8.25
2.25 3.00 -75 2.25 -75

cj n rt ur er on M y- e-
Dining car meals:
Lunch and dinner, June 22 Breakfast, lunch and dinner, June 23 Breakfast, arriving Park, June 24 Lunch and dinner, June 26 Breakfast, arriving Seattle, June 27
be y n c- er
r e g e e ?
Any of the members of Alpha Omicron Pi who cannot leave Chicago
[fcn June 22 to include Glacier National Park can arrange to use the regular train from Chicago, 10:35 A. M., via the Burlington and Great Northern, June 24, joining the main party at Glacier Park for the balance of the trip to Seattle.
Lv. Chicago, 111., C.B. & Q. R. R
Ar. St. Paul, Minn, C. B. & Q. R. R Lv. St. Paul, Minn., Gt. Nor. Ry
Ar. Glacier Park Sta., Gt. Nor. Ry Lv. Glacier Park Sta., Gt. Nor. Ry Ar. Seattle, Wash., Gt. Nor. Ry
3'' M I
tion by automobile and launch, all meals and lodging at the Many-Glacier Hotel and Glacier Park Hotel, rooms without bath
Rooms with bath, $1.00 to $3.00 extra.
. . n
10:35 A. M. Friday, June 24 10:35 P. M. Friday, June 24 10:45 P. M. Friday, June 24 .8:00 A. M. Sunday, June 26 8:05 A. M. Sunday, June 26 8:00 A. M. Monday, June 27 The regular lower standard berth rate, Chicago to Seattle direct, is
. . .
. . . .
SPERRY CHALET Glacier National Park

REALIZING THAT a pleasant and thoroughly enjoyable trip Convention had been assured through the arrangemenmade with the Burlington and Great Northern railroads and thdesignation of those roads as the official route to Convention,thExecutive Committee felt that the one big question in the mindof the delegates would be "How shall we return home?" It Wibe the wish o f every Alpha O attending Convention to make thtrip as big an event as possible, and everyone will wish to seeverything that it is possible to see in the time she can give Convention and the incidental sightseeing trips. T o answer thquestion and to make easy the arrangement of trips after Convetion, the Executive Committee has appointed the American Exprecompany to act as Transportation Agent f o r Post-ConventioTours. Through its wide experience in handling transportatioand arranging trips, this company can place at the disposal of thdelegates an almost innumerable number of delightful tours whicmay be taken after convention. While the use of this agency iplanning post-convention trips is wholly optional with the delgates, the company makes no charge for its service, andareservations and accommodations are provided at the same raas you would pay if making your own reservations.
This unique travel organization, with offices located in principal cities, will be very pleased to arrange independent inclsive expense tours. Under this plan you can conduct your owtrip, but have all arrangements made for you in advance, resultinin saving time, trouble and expense. The travel experts of thconcern will outline your trip, furnish a complete descriptivitinerary, and provide all tickets, and Pullman reservations, wicoupons for hotels and sightseeing. Y ou will thereby eliminathe many petty annoyances, and troublesome details of huntinand investigating hotels i n strange cities, wiring f o r reservationmaking payments, waiting in line to procure information antickets, and struggling for accommodations during the rush seasoTwo suggested itineraries have been arranged and are outlineon the following pages. The price of these tours includeatransportation, Pullman berths, meals and berths on steamehotel accommodations, and sightseeing as specified in the itinerar

t0 ts e e « l] i« e to is n-
ss n n e h n e- ll te all u- n g is e th te g s, d n.
d ll rs, y.
Atpointswherehotelsareoperated ontheAmericanplan,meals also are included.
Itineraries and prices of tours other than these outlined, start- ing and terminating anywhere, will be gladly furnished upon appli- cation to the nearest District Office of the American Express company. (See return slip on last page.)
Whether you are interested in a Two-Day All-Expense Trip to Rainier National Park at $31.75, or a return trip through Yellow- stone, Canadian Rockies, Lake I^ouise, Yosemite, California or the Grand Canyon, the American Express company will consum- mate all arrangements and quote the lowest possible rates.
For reservations and further details, apply to any of the fol- lowing offices:
Atlanta 29 Baltimore 132
Cleveland 1003 Dallas 1306 Denver 1643 Detroit 23
Luckie Street
W est Fayette Street North 19th Street
259 1106 724 •• 366 619 521 876 707 65 H8 18 200 565 1708 Pittsburgh 347
Portland, Ore Salt Lake City San Francisco Seattle
St. Louis
Toronto, Ont Washington, D.C
Fourth and E lm Street Huron Road
Commerce Street
Stout Street
Fort Street, W est South Meridian Street McGee Street
South Olive Street Broadway at Michigan Marquette Avenue Phillips Square
Broad Street
Gravier Street Broadway
West 39th Street Chatham Square
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue
Chestnut Street
Fourth Avenue
Sixth Street
Indianapolis Kansas City Los Angeles Milwaukee Minneapolis Montreal Newark
New Orleans New York New York New York New York New York Philadelphia
333 W ashington Street
Main and Erie Street 70 East Randolph Street
26 West 2nd South Street
Market Street at Second 804 Third Avenue
1306 Fourth Avenue
Ninth and Locust Streets
218 Bay Street
1331 "G" Street, N.W.

Alpha Omicron Pi
1st Day Leave Seattle or Vancouver by steamer. Stateroom berth anmeals included.
2nd Day Arrive and leave Alert Bay.
3rd Day Steamer calls at Prince Rupert and Ketchikan where passengers are allowed ample time for shore excursions.
4th Day Stops are made at Wrangell and Juneau.
5th Day Arrive Skagway in the morning. Leave 9:30 a. m. on WhiPass and Yukon Route for rail trip over White Pass Summit, thence along the shores of Lake Bennett to Carcross anWhitehorse, stopping at Hotel White Pass overnight.
6th Day Leave Whitehorse at 9:20 a. m., connecting at Carcross witsteamer leaving at 2:00 p. m. for Lake Atlin. At Hotel AtlInn. Room only included.
7th Day At Atlin. Steamboat excursion on Lake Atlin through TorreInlet and around Goat and Copper Islands included.
8th Day Leave Atlin at 8:30 p. m. Stateroom berth on steamer included9th Day Arrive Carcross about 7:00 a. m. Leave 11:50 a. m. ArrivSkagway 4:30 p. m. At Hotel Pullen House. Room and meaincluded.
10th Day Leave Skagway in the evening on steamer. Stateroom, bertand meals included.
11th Day Inside passage.
12th Day Inside passage.
13th Day Inside passage.
14th Day Arrive Vancouver and Seattle.
R. O. T . C. Repartee
Freshman: "Sir, I have neither pencil nor paper."
Major: "What would you think of a soldier who went to battlwithout rifle or ammunition?"
Freshman: "I would think he was an officer, sir."—Wabash Caveman

- te - d h in s .
ls h e .
Alpha Omicron Pi
1st Day Leave San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Seattle.
7th Day 8th Day 9th Day
10th D a y llth Day
12th Day
13th Day 14th Day
Arrive Honolulu. Motor to Hotel.
Morning drive to Round Top and Mt. Tantalus.
At disposal: shopping, etc.
At 4 p. m. motor to wharf, Pier No. 12, board S. S. "Halekala". which sails at 5 p. m. for Hilo.
Arrive Hilo. After breakfast on steamer, proceed by train along scenic Hamakua Coast. Return to Hilo at noon for luncheon at Hilo hotel. Afternoon, motor via Rainbow Falls to the Kilauea Volcano House in the Hawaii National Park. Evening drive to Halemautnau (Fire-Pit). Night at Volcano
Sightseeing trip to Uwekahuna Bluff, Lava Tubes, Extinct Craters, etc., thence to Halemaumau. Afternoon, return to Hilo and board S.S. "Halekala," which sails at 5 p. m.
Arrive Honolulu. Motor to hotel.
Automobile drive around Island of Oahu (approximately 85
miles, taking about 8 hours). Luncheon served at Haleiwa hotel.
Motor to wharf, steamer leaves for Coast 10 a. m.
15th Day
21st Day Arrive San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Seattle.
Final Exams
"A blizzard is the inside of a hen."
"Gravitation is that which if there were none, we should all fly away." "Tennyson wrote, 'In Memorandum.' "
"The President takes the yoke of office."
"The organs of desperation are the lungs and diagram."
"A ruminating animal is one that shows its cubs."
"Benjamin Franklin produced electricity by rubbing cats backwards."—
Xi Psi Phi Quarterly.

MONDAY MORNING/ The great bell in the courthouse towwould have been striking nine o'clock had one been cloenough to hear it. W e weren't, but we knew it must be abothat time because already four o r five clean, b u t ragged childrhad brushed past us as we stood on the stairs. As a group passewe heard one say, "What time's yer 'pointment!"
Just then a white-clad woman offered to take us downstairdown to the dispensary of Wells Memorial Neighborhood Houwhere Tail's own dental clinic is located. I t w as with a thrill pride that w e passed through th e door o f that small, white rooThere it was before us—with its dental chair, engine, bovcabinets, instruments and all—as white as an operating room aprobably the very shiniest place most of the small patients wousee for a long time.
We of T au have furnished all the equipment and the instrments as a part of our national work. The room was supplieand redecorated by the settlement house. Dr. S. B. Beugethe dentist, is paid by the City Community Fund. In timewhope to assume this cost, too. Thesettlement house pays for materials and the cost of laundry out of their budget from thChest. But the establishment of the clinic is our own work.
The alumnae of T au had been poking around, as it were, fsome time to find a goal forour efforts in social service worWe have done little things such as th e Christmas party f o r po

er se ut en d s- se of m
vl nd ld u- d n, e
the e or k. or
hildrenforsometime,butnothingdefinitehadbeendonetoward hip- end. Then came convention and its inspiration. Other chap- jgrs told of their endeavors. Most of their work had been done
in th e orthopedic field.
We found that that work w as well maintained in the Twin
Cities bv the Shriners' hospital and the Dowling school as well lg other smaller institutions. That meant w e must find a new direction in which to work. But fervor w as aroused so we didn't have towait foranother year ortwo.
Joanna Colcord. General Secretary of the Family W elfare Asso- ciation, w ho knows well the needs in charity work here, and an Alpha O from Maine, met some o f the girls at luncheon early last spring and outlined for them several plans which seemed feasible for our work. Among the needs was a dental clinic at Wells Memorial. By coincidence Tau chapter has five or six dental nurses, and so this plan naturally fell on fertile ground. Every- one else liked the plan, so a committee with Myrtle Abrahamson as its chairman went ahead with investigations.
Asa result, on October 8, the dental clinic opened for the first time. In the first four days of its existence, 37 children were treated. The main work will be forchildren,butmothers of day ntirsery charges and expectant mothers will be cared forasfar as possible.
The work in the clinic fits in splendidly with the work in the di-]>ensary where there are clinics for eyes, ears, nose and throat, chest, skin, pediatrics, venereal diseases, and medical cases. For- merly, dental cases had to be sent either to clinics at the General or the University hospitals. Patients were required to spend car faresandtopayseveralregistrationfees. Toooftenthesewere real hardships, for Wells Memorial is very careful to whom they give service. Their people are the real needy of the north neigh- borhoods. I n sending patients away f o r dental care there were duplication o f examinations, lost time a n d frequently n o results i n the end.
The House was unable to finance equipment itself, and the Community Fund supplies only the money necessary for upkeep, not expansions. So that was the way matters stood when the Alpha O s found them last spring. W e played fairy godmothers, and now there is a clinic.

It is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 until 12. The dental nurses in the public school recommend the children, and they in turn make their own appointments. So far the work has been only fillings, since Dr. Beugen wants a specialist to make ex- tractions. T h e House hopes to have this done once a month.
The policy in the dispensary as a whole, is against pure charity, and wherever a patient is able to pay even a very small amount, a charge is made. So in the dental clinic, the children pay from a nickel to a quarter for a filling.
JrsSwwAtPa St^tcwTo give you just a tiny idea of the work that will be done before the year is over, let us tell you that last year there were 2.000newpatientscared forbyallthedepartments ofthedis- pensary. There were some 250.000 people served, entertained, and taught by the Settlement House in its entire work. There were children o f 2 1 different nationalities i n th e d a y nursery at onetime. Soyouseewewillbehelpingagreatnumberofpeople of every color, nationality a n d creed.
For you who would like to follow in our footsteps we might say that our equipment cost about $500 including the cost of instruments, $150 of which was loaned to us by th e National Work Fund. T h e remainder has been raised b y o u r annual bazaars, the sale of tea and by gifts.
Wilma Smith Leland, Tau.


BECAUSE O F circum stances outside of her control, Achsa M . Bean, Gamma, w ho
received th e Alpha Omicron P i Fellowship in Memory of Ruth Caj>en Farmer for the year 1926- 1927, has found it impossible to make use of the award in Gradu- ate study.
In this emergency, th e Fel- lowship Committee has been for- tunate in having among its ap- plicants a worthy substitute i n the person o f Mary Arden Young, Omega, who is doing a final year of work at the Uni- versity of Chicago and who be-
Mary Arden Young w as graduated at Miami university in une, 1921, with major work in Economics and Sociology. She eceived the degree of M . A . from Chicago university in the pring of 1926. H er major subject there has been and still is ocial Service Administration. Dean Hamilton of Miami writes armly of her ability and responsibility in campus relations as ell as in the class room, and Dean Abbott of the Social Service dministration Department of Chicago university predicts an ex- remely useful career for her in the social service field.
In addition to her academic training, Mary Young has had ractical experience in Juvenile Court work, Playground work 'id Girls' club work as well as three years' teaching experience. he has also conducted an Extension class in Social Work and he Schools forIndiana university and was fora timeWelfare 'rector in th e W ayne Knitting Mills.
Her chief interest, however, is in Child Welfare work. In his connection she writes:
"In thefieldofsocialwork,itseemstomethegreatestpieceof reative work m a y be achieved i n th e proj>er care a n d training
lieves it is a fairy godmother ho has smoothed the wayforthe completion of her training.

of children. Here the work is not palliative as it is in so-many other phases of social work, but protective and preventive; thus early recognizing bad conditions so that they may be corrected or avoided."
In pursuance of this interest, she has already completed some research work, as her Master's thesis was a study of Chicago children between the ages of fourteen and sixteen who had been given permits to stay at home to do housework. For this quar- ter and the last of her work in Chicago university her time will be given to other research work in public welfare administration, particularly in child welfare lines. Opportunity for this sort of study is afforded in an orphans' home sponsored by the Univer- sity, and she is expecting to find practical work in this institution in administration, child guidance, child placing, follow-up work and investigation. Again, therefore, as in the case of Achsa Bean, we are afforded the privilege of having a small share in the devo- tion of one of our number to the object toward which we are directing our National Work, the greater fitness and happiness of the children who need skilled hands, trained minds and loving hearts to compass it.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Chairman Fellowship Committee.
of the phonograph?— California
Y ou've
catsup on his shoestrings and tied knots in his macaroni, but how about the fellow who twisted the baby's ear and then walked the
with the
all heard
absent-m inded
professor who

"Please excuse the torn condition of this card. My young son saw it first."
"I should like to contribute to every single thing AOII does, but my circumstances are such that it is impossible." (Accompanied by check for membership dues and To DRAGMA subscription.)
Occupation—"Bank clerk, but hopeful."
"I have not received a copy of To DRAGMA for years." (Writer has been out of college a year and a half and magazine has been sent to two different addresses, and the third could not be supplied because no one knew just what it was.)
"Are there any AOH's near me?"
"I am very happy to see—in your report of "Where the Money Goes" the help being given children. What Alpha O's live near me?"
"Last winter while in New Orleans, Mother and I spent a most de- lightful afternoon at the home of Gladys Renshaw where I met seven other A. O. lis. It was very sweet of her. Hope this may be put in To DRAGMA chapter news."
"The following AOITs are living here " (Does not mention her occupation as such but she really is a philanthropist!)
Occupation—"Have husband and two children."
Occupation—"Busy mother of three boys, Charles, five years old; Bob and Bill, twins, seven months old."
Occupation—"Running a household which contains three boys—all of them babies."
Occupation—"Various things."
Occupation—"Bringing up four lively youngsters! The untidy blot, for which I humbly apologize, is one proof of their energetic careers. Things happen too suddenly to be forestalled!"
Occupation—"Wife of "
"It is a pleasure to know that Alpha O is doing so many worth-while
things. Your little pamphlet makes me ashamed of years of careless indifference."
Occupation—Housewife (!!)
"Always am anxious for any news of AOII." Occupation—"House Wife-ing! !"
" am planning on going to Convention."
'Am too far away from a chapter and am glad to do my part in
this alumnae work."
Occupation—House Work.
"Be sure and have lots of Delta news in the To DRAGMA.** Occupation—"Rearing boys—( ?)"
Occupation—"Amateur Art—'Keeping House.* " Occupation—"Housewife and Mother." Occupation—"Housewife". Remarks : "Minister's Wife."

278 TO DRAUMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI Occupation—"Mother and concert artist with the emphasis on the first
Occupation—"Combining home and happiness.'' Occupation—"Journalist-writer of stories and verses for children's
publications—and busy mother of two children."
Occupation—"None—as yet."
Occupation—"Until marriage in was associate editor of .
Now occupied in 'running' a home, a husband and a baby girl." Occupation—"Busy housekeeper and proud mother of two most dyna-
mic youngsters."
Occupation—"Executor of Domesticity!"
Occupation—"Housewife and globetrotter."
N.B. Judging by the exclamation points, question marks, underlinings t
and adjectives this "housewifing" and mothering must l>e thrilling busi- ness, or are they meant for danger signs? And at that, the one who combines "housewifing" with globetrotting uses never a one of them!!!
Tacasogttoaaimt°tbpaThe supreme art above all others is the art of living together justly and charitably. There is no other thing that is so taxing.-requiring so much education, so much wisdom, so much practice, as the how to live with our fellow man. All skill and knowledge aside from that is as nothing without it. The business of life is to know how to get along with our fellow man.

in: HAPPIEST and proudest day for every girl was Decem- ber 8, no other than the occasion of Founders' Day Banquet in the new chapter home. A number of alumnae were back with
the active girls for the gathering. Every AOI1 that had planned nd loaned for the time when the new chapter house would hange from a dream to reality was truly joyful when she drew little red chair from under the banquet table, as we were all eated at long tables, with Jacqueminot roses as centerpieces.
But why, you ask, make special mention of being seated ? Well nly those who have been with Zeta girls at the Founders' Day atherings during the past few years and have tried to balance a hree-course dinner on their laps with the water glass close to he danger point, can fully appreciate what a convenience plenty f tables, and especially table space, may .be. Needless to add, ny unusual number of guests in the "old house," meant changing from the security of table service to the dreaded "lap-dinner." But all is different now.
Our chapter mother, M rs. Ayres, had planned a lovely dinner nd it truly seemed as though everything had contributed to mak- ng the first Founders' Day Banquet in Zeta's home one to be re- embered always.
Mildred Sweet, our beloved president, presided as toast mis- ress, in her usual delightful way. Jennie Piper, a charter member f Zeta, used the subject of tempora praetenita—"Past" for her oast and especially stressed the number of moves Zeta had made efore moving in the fall of 1926 to its new home. Tempora raesentia—"Present" was the subject selected by Marie Bowden, senior in the sorority, who in closing used this verse.
"Let me live in a house on Sixteenth and S Where the race of the college go by,
With girls who are proud, unselfish and true Loyal members of AOH.
I could not yearn or ask for more As my college days draw nigh
Than to live in a house on Sixteenth and S And be an Alpha Omicron Pi."

Genevieve Calhoun, president of the fresh- man group used as her subject, spes reliqua nostua—"Future."
Special tribute was paid to the alumnae who have given so willingly their time and money and have carried the burden and responsibili- ty of building and fur- nishing the house. The
aclrrplflmsfcTawacdtgdgtuthdn l t taFounders' Day activities were brought to a close by a clever freshman stunt. Probably the AOITs of other chapters would be in- terested in the description of our home, and most important of all, how the house was financed. The Mothers' club, although only recently organized, took the entire responsibility of furnishing the guest room, a room which we believe cannot be surpassed in charm and loveliness.
Let Darleen Woodward, a Zeta alumnae, who planned the decorations and who is especially capable in interior decorating take you on a tour through our new home.
In every detail possible, our home has been furnished according to true early American style. An air of simplicity, comfort and stability, so characteristic of colonial architecture and interiors is evident throughout. No attempt at grandeur has been made, but the simple charm of attractive detail gives our house itsdistinction-
Anyone can feel welcome in a home when one enters through a broad door of French panel glass, with glimpses of cheerful maize curtains, shirred full.
While hesitating in the terra cotta tiled vestibule one wonders whether to follow the stair case to the left, leading to the lower floor, or take the door to the right through which can be seen three large adjoining rooms.
But one is not given a choice—but is ushered with welcome words into the reception hall where one can rest, or wait f°r others, in a nook of built-in seats with plum colored velour pa j din<r or stop beside the large console and mirror with a note

soft green in the scarf on the table. While in this room one is ttracted by the hanging lantern of colonial brass in the center eiling and the two brass shield wall fixtures with candle and flame ights.
A sparkle is noted from the fireplace side of the spacious next oom. Over the carved wood mantle are two quaintly shaped mir- or back sidelights, of bevelled glass and antique gold finish, re- eating the two attractive ceiling drop fixtures.
A feeling of hospitality is sensed in this room, due to a friend- y grouping of comfortable "Sleepy-Hollow" and graceful semi- ormal chairs and a fireplace bench about the hearth. The two ovely davenports, one of kidney shape, both of walnut frames, ohair and linene frieze upholstery, with matching chairs, three lender floor lamps with soft green pleated shades though having lame linings so the light is a warm glow, the grand piano, its ac- ompanying bench and lamp complete the furnishings of this room. he window draping of soft green and burnt orange damask, with touch of plum color in the stripes, lends a warming glow to the hole room. These hang from decorated wood poles and rings,
re looped back over attractively painted hold backs. The color is aught and repeated in the huge over-mantle tapestry which was onated by this year's group of freshmen as well as in the pat- erned bits of upholstering. It is reflected in the two Venetian lass mirrors given by upperclassmen.
The same colors are carried into the next room, the library in raping, upholstery, lamps, and the parchment shaded lamp on the ateleg table, placed between the two windows.
Through the archway, back into the reception hall one faces he stairs which are carpeted with the same taupe Wilton carpet sed throughout the house. One is beckoned to the second and hird floors to inspect the fourteen bedrooms in which each girl as been given opportunity to express her own individuality in the ecorations, with only the deep cream rough walls, which serve as e utral background all over the house, the various pieces of furni- U r e painted blue, green and the maize organdy curtains hanging u l l with a wide ruffle at the bottom.
From this beginning have been developed rooms of numerous ypes, some rose and fluffy, some orchid and neat, some flowered, nd ga y some orange and glowing, all according to the owners'

particular desires. All sorts of feminine decorative accessories have been brought in to add charm and distinction to the personal quarters of the girls, comfortable day-beds, weird doll creatures, pretty lamps, colorful rugs and some fascinating dresser appoint" ments. A t one end of each corridor is an arched window, at the other end two large bathrooms and a sleeping porch with a fire escape exit.
It is a long trip dow n to the basement, but it must not be over- looked f o r there is the dining room and spacious chapter room. These can be combined into one by sliding back the folding doors between the two. Both are made cheerful pleasant rooms by means of a tile-cemented floor, gay chintz curtains with green and red predominating on a green ground, and quaint red chairs and tables. The shining white kitchen and pantry, the fireplace in the chapter room are two special features of this lower floor as well
as the speaking tubes that connect all floors.
On returning to the first floor, one must investigate the chape-
rone's room, the telephone booth and of great importance, the guest room. These open off a hall extending back from the recep- tion hall.
Time, work, patience, and expense have been put in the fur- nishing of the guest room by our Mothers' club. Not only is it complete with colonial walnut bed. dresser, spinet desk and lamp and upholstered chair, but it is fitted with its own hand embroi- dered linens, blankets and loveliest quilt, all carried out in yellow
and lavendar. A n d we cordially invite officers and such, to come and feel at home in the place of honor as well as in our entire house.
The problem of collecting funds from the chapter members for building the house was not a tremendously difficult task, but one requiring time, organization and careful budgeting. Seven years ago Zeta's alumnae discovered that the active chapter's income from its large membership was considerably larger than its dis- bursements. Accordingly, to remove the temptations of spending the excess for parties and more parties, we found ways of direct- ing the income into the proper channels. The first step was to persuade the active chapter to give a self-appointed committee ol alumnae a thousand dollars for a building nucleus. The secon step was to get the active chapter to agree to a fair budget of living

TO DRAG MA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 283 expenses and social obligations, all money in surplus of these
needs to be added to the building fund. Having made this start, webegantolookaboutforotherwaysofincreasingthefund. The initiation fee offered the most likely point of attack. This fee in- stead of swelling the chapter's treasury, pays the initiates Grand Council dues for the first year, her life-subscription to To DRAGMA
and pays the balance to the house fund. Next, we decided upon individual pledges from both actives and alumnae. The approved amount was a hundred dollars payable in the case of alumnae in three yearly installments and in the case of actives in three yearly installments after graduation. This served very well while the lot was being paid for and funds were being accumulated for the house, but as soon as building activities began to loom closer, the plan was changed. The active members still pledge a hundred dollars, but pay at the rate of ten dollars a year while in school and faster when they are out.
Although a deal of money has been brought in by these means, the Omaha and Lincoln alumnae chapters have felt the urge of bringing in additional sums and have resorted to other devices. Those yielding the greatest income are the rummage sales, bazaars and bridge parties, any one being good for approximately two hundred dollars. Other devices yielding smaller but steady returns
are food sales, candy sales, raffles and the sale of flavoring extract, Christmas cards and magazines.
The task of actually getting a first and second mortgage cannot be discussed here satisfactorily for the reason that other chapters to borrow money will need to meet the conditions and require- ments of their local market. W e were assisted in getting a first mortgage by promise of the Alpha Omicron Pi Endowment Com- mittee to lend us $5,000 and take a second mortgage on our prop- erty as security. We advise any chapters planning to build soon to seek the aid of the Endowment Committee and learn what a benefit to the chapter the accumulated life subscription to To PRAGMA may be.
Zeta girls are very proud and happy in their new home. At Nebraska we happen to be one of many sororities and fraternities reJoicing in their new homes, as building on this campus has be- come quite an epidemic. We hope our rashness in undertaking so expensive a project and our pleasure in its completion will en-
courage other chapters of AOII, if they have not already done so, -° undertake a similar building venture. Eloise Reefer.

THE FOUNDERS' DAY BANQUET of Alpha Omicron Pi was held on December 10 at the Martinque hotel in New York city. The banquet was preceded by the Nu Chapter initiation so that
those who attended the banquet had the additional pleasure of wel- coming into the sorority the youngest sisters from N u . These new sisters were Louise Pessier. Maxine Cook, and Lorraine Jones.
W e were most fortunate in having three of our Founders pres- ent at the banquet. Edith Braun was chairman of the evening, and great praise is to be given her for the charming and delightful program provided. Pinckney Glanzburg was most delightful and entertaining as the toastmistress. When Pinckney stands up to propose a toast every one at the speaker's table trembles and shakes because they never know just where the ax will fall next. Pinckney's stories are the delight of our hearts; she knows all our weaknesses.
The speakers of the evening were our Founders. Jessie Wal- lace Hughan spoke on the importance and meaning of fraternities.
J Elizabeth Heywood Weyman had just returned from a reunion of the Boston Alumnae at which every class was represented from the beginning of the chapter, and being present at this gathering served to strengthen Elizabeth's great desire to visit every one of our chapters at least once ere she dies. Stella Perry gave a lovely talk on rituals, which left one with the feeling that every human at some time or other had a deep appreciation for the ideals of love, loyalty, honor and fidelity as expressed in the rituals of the majority of lodges and fraternities the world over.
Helen Henry and M rs. Ibes spoke of the extensive plans that were outlined for the Panhellenic House, and it may be added that thanks to their enthusiasm and hard work Alpha Omicron Pi has gone over the top in their quota for the funds to assist in the building of the Panhellenic House, which is now no longer a dream but very much of a reality. Josephine Pratt told of the national work that is being done by the various chapters. (By the v>a>. Jo has the darlingest Pekinese puppy; he can do every thing but talk.)
La Rue Crossin and Helen Dietrich entertained with sottjj and a ukelele. The girls of N u chapter put on a musical stunt
under the direction of their president. Ruth Gloria Lawlor.

Thisyeartherewerequiteanumberofthevariouschapters represented at the banquet. Wouldn't it be glorious if next year
could see every chapter of A O n represented by at member ?
least one
^ 0 MUCH lias been written about the modern girl—her frankness, her iearlessness, her freedom—that the subject is seemingly exhausted. She has been defended and denounced; excused and excoriated; and now that rushing season is upon us, we are confronted with the fact that we are
about to open our doors to her.
All of which we are content to do if she be modern in the best and
finest sense; if her frankness means the scorn of subterfuge, the absence of affectation, and the desire to be true to her own self; if her fearless- ness endeavors to voice her own opinions, to stand for what she thinks is right, to solve her own problems; if her freedom brings a development of character, a newness of viewpoint, and a wise assertion of individuality. Frankness that results in any lowering of ideals we do not crave; fear- lessness that delights in the shattering of time-honored conventions and cherished traditions has no place in the chapter circle; freedom that ridicules the rights and privileges of others, that laughs at the restrictions of college and of chapter house, that emphasizes a selfishness of viewpoint W not an attribute to the true sorority girl. Freedom that characterizes the attitude toward college men may mean the fine comradeship and worth- while friendship that endures or it may be interpreted by the cheapening
f one's personality, the lowering of one's standards, and the forgetfulness f one's breeding. W hat is easily obtained loses its value; thoughtless ^abits result in the sacrifice of dignity-, of refinement, and of respect.
etter the attitude of the frank, fearless, and free little freshman who eclared: "Certain girls have cheap and vulgar ways of obtaining their Popularity; if I must depend upon these tricks in order to win attention 0 l r < men instead of relying upon my own intelligence and my own per-
ality, 1 11 forego the popularity."
—Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta.

GOLDIE BUEIILER opened her home in Kehilworth to Rho chap- ter and the Chicago Alumnae this year and made Founders^ Day a delightfully informal affair. W e ate our dinner off our laps, with real home-spun appetite, chattered constantly, gossiped little ; and the program was short enough not to interrupt our ardor too much.
Last year we had Stella Stern Perry with us, and not to be outdone by former records we had another Alpha member,who was initiated with all the Founders looking on—Alice Smith Thomson. '05, a former resident of Buffalo who is now living in Evanston. Five other chapters were represented—Zeta, Theta, Rho. Upsilon and Alpha Phi.
A wire from Mrs. Perry helped to bridge the hundreds of miles separating her from us. M rs.Thomson's intimate talks brought the founders very near to us.
While the last of us were lingering over our coffee Harriet Reynolds and Elinor Wallace entertained us with popular croons and oneortwoA.O.PisongstoElinor'sukeaccompaniment. Initiation for Teddy Johnson and Eleanor Raymond was beauti- fully conducted by Mary Stevenson, w ho afterwards served as toastmistress forthe brief program.
Marion Abele, president of the Chicago Alumnae chapter, pre- sented the cup which the alumnae award annually to the freshman of the past year who has stood highest in scholarship and college activities and who has shown herself to be the best all-round mem- ber in the class. This year Margaret Haire was chosen. Rita Biondi o f th e senior class, closed th e proceedings with a very gracious welcoming of the new initiates into the active chapter.
The list b y chapters o f alumnae present is as follows: Alpha—Alice Smith Thomson.
Zeta—Helen Gould.
Theta—Roberta Lochridge Taylor, Katherine Davis. Upsilon—Frances Stillman.
Alpha Phi—Mary D ee Drummond.
Rho—Merva Dolsen Hennings, Marion Abele, Helen Staten Nelson, Grace Gilbert, Helen Hawk Carlisle, Geraldine Mack Stevenson, Louise Lowry, Erna Aries, Dorothy Maltby, Alice Kolb Mason, Dorothy Scharf, Marion Rogers, Ann McCabe, Ag-

nes Eibirg, Dorothy Duncan, Beatrice Anderson, Frances Urwan, Frances McNair, Lola Busian Burkhart, Dorothy Danielson, Cora Jane Striker, Dorothy Spiers, Goldie Buehler. as hostess.
Katherine Davis, Theta.
In the mad haste to become owners of their own houses, a condition which seems to he prevalent in many fraternities, both men's and women's, we have become somewhat careless in insisting that the type o f building be suited to the needs of the chapter. In the first place, any Greek-letter organization, whether it be for m en or women, should insist that its chap- ter house be suited to the type of its organization, and that the style of architecture be simple and fitting f o r the purposes f o r which it is con- structed. Elaborateness in design and equipment should be avoided. Solidity and permanence should be the impressions created. A fraternity house is not a city (or country) club; it is not, on the other hand, a boarding house or a college dormitory. Its primary purpose is to create for themenandwomenwholiveinitafraternityhome,thebestsubsti- tuteforhomethatacollegecanoffer. Whilesomefewofusmaylivein elaborate castle effects, most o f us are plain, middle-class American m en and women. The needs of many people living together make it necessary for a fraternity house to offer more accommodations than one's home usually affords, but in style and arrangement simplicity should be the key- note of the motive in every chapter house.
—The LyreofAXQviatheAlpha Xi Delta.

ON JANUARY 1, 1927, only ten active chapters had, on the books of the Trustees of the Endowment Fund, a clean recorcLof all obligations met. These ten chapters which were not one penny in arrears in their payments to the Fund are Zeta, Sigma, Gamma, Epsilon, Lambda, Tau, Beta Phi, Omega, Alpha Sigma and Alpha Rho. Each of seven chapters owed twenty dollars or less, only slightly past due. Such small items of indebtedness are probably the result of carelessness somewhere in the chapter organization, and while they are danger signals not to be ignored if the careless- ness persists, they do not necessarily indicate any serious financial disorders in those chapters. These seven chapters are Pi, Theta, Rho, Chi, Phi, Tau Delta and Kappa Theta. Undoubtedly before this appears in To DRAGMA, many if not all of these chapters will have discharged their past due indebtedness and thereby will have entitled themselves to a place among those chapters with a clean record.
Of the remaining fifteen chapters, five owed on January first less than one hundred dollars each, and ten chapters owed more than one hundred dollars each. O f these, tw o chapters have been somewhat in arrears since 1923, and five have been in arrears since 1924. Chapters which have permitted their financial affairs to drift into chaos are manifestly verging toward other difficulties as well. Experienced fraternity men and women know that fi- nancial disorders-are often the forerunner of chapter dissension, and that in turn usually presages a bankruptcy of chapter morale
and chapter prestige on the campus. It seems therefore the duty of alumnae to interest themselves in these matters, not alone with a view to a temporary adjustment, but also by helpful and adequate supervision insuring against a repetition of the causes of chapter debacle. If your chapter is one of the fifteen not listed above as having a perfect or nearly perfect record, it is time for you and your sister alumnae first to talk with the chapter alumna advisor, the chapter president and treasurer, and then having learned the facts to act as the circumstances may require.
"A stitch in time saves nine," and although nine stitches and not one may be immediately required, they may save a great many more in the near future!

TJKCAUSE of her election to the presidency of Bangor Alumnae chapter, it was impossible for Katherine Stewart to continue her work as a member of the Committee on Examinations, and it was with regret that the Executive Committee accepted her resignation. Marion R. Bennett, Delta, as been appointed to act as the Atlantic District Representative on the Committee on Examination until Convention. The Execuive Committee is very glad to have been able to fill the vacancy so well. Her address
s 62 Franklin Street, Hempstead, Long Island, New York.
A NOTHER ALUMNAE CHAPTER was added to the Chapter Roll when Madison Alumnae chapter was installed at Madison, Wisconsin, on ecember 11. Melita Skillen, the District Superintendent, was the install-
ng officer.
URING THE later part of October and the first part of November, Directory Cards were sent from the Central Office to every member of Alpha Omicon Pi, accompanied by a notice of dues for members-at- arge and a brief survey of some of the things that Alpha Omicron Pi as accomplished and of some of the plans that she has for the future. The greater part of the cards have been filled in and returned to the Registrar. I f you have not yet returned your card, will you do so at once. It is absolutely necessary that the files in the Central Office be kept com- lete and up-to-date. If there are any members who did not receive cards, it is an indication that there is some error in records in the fra- ernity files and they are urged to communicate immediately with Miss yman.
T ANET HOWRY is still waiting to be swamped with material for the song book. Copy dead line has been extended. Send your songs soon. You
ay get a prize.
END NOMINATIONS for National offices to your District Alumnae Super-
not later than
M arch 8.

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