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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-12-11 14:49:13

The Piper - December 2015

The Piper - December 2015

TheP i p e rAlpha Omicron Pi | December 2015

AOII Volunteer Opportunities
AOII Foundation eCard Gifts
AOII & NPC... and more!

Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee, Martin) collected
over 15,000 pairs of shoes in coordination with
TOMS Shoes to support those in need.

SAVE THE DATES BoaErxdeMcutievsesage

Leadership Academy Amber Williams Countis
Registration Deadline International Vice President
December 29
ELC Applications Due (Pi/Tulane U)
January 4
Collegiate Chapter As we enter this busy and hectic time
SOEs Due of the year, it’s important to pause and
February 1 reflect on all the wonderful things we’ve
Leadership accomplished together as sisters, both as
Academy 2016 an international organization and in our
February 5-7 respective communities. We sadly see and
Alumnae Chapter experience so much suffering and tragedy
SOEs Due in our world these days that the good work
March 1 and contributions from all of you help keep
2016 Leadership me motivated and encouraged about the
Institute Award difference we can make in the world.
Submission I recently celebrated my 21st anniversary
Deadline as an initiated member of AOII! Thinking
March 1 about that anniversary date always makes me grateful for the many gifts I have
Foundation received through my continued involvement over the years. Whether that is measured
Scholarship in new friendships, experiences, travel, challenges, or conference calls, I am forever
Applications Due changed by the many gifts I have received from joining AOII.
March 1 I think AOII strives to give us all many gifts and my greatest hope is that you are
up for the challenge of accepting and utilizing these gifts to their fullest potential in
1 your life whatever that looks like for you. This semester I have had the opportunity to
write notes for new members joining our new colony at Tarleton State U as well as my
own cousin who was recently initiated at Delta Beta Chapter at the U of Louisiana-
Lafayette. How do I encapsulate in one note card what the 21-year journey for me has
been like? How do I articulate that in a way that is meaningful to someone recently
initiated? It’s not easy, but I always welcome the opportunity to share my story.
What gifts does AOII offer? There are many, but some of my favorites include:
• Unparalleled membership experience – No matter where you are in your AOII

journey, we have the tools to provide each member with a positive, engaging, and
empowering experience that will benefit lives and help build skills and experiences
that will enhance us in nearly every aspect of our personal and
professional development.
• Leadership opportunities – There is a long list of ways you can lead in a wide
variety of positions (with various time commitments and prerequisites) from
collegiate and alumnae chapter officers to advisers to staff to Network and other
international volunteer roles. Finding the right position that best fits you and where
you are at that time in your life is half the fun!

• Strong values and sisterhood – Our founders created a ritual and philosophy that ensures we can make a difference in
AOII and our own lives. We just have to follow the path and the example they set. Those values provide the common
link that allows women from all generations, campus experiences, and professional backgrounds to be lifelong friends
and sisters.

What gifts do we have to offer AOII?
• Individual talents – Are you a great trainer, public speaker, budget builder, event planner, singer, artist, athlete, note

taker? Your strength is our strength. Leverage your passion and expertise to grow and benefit your chapter or group of
sisters. We value you!
• Leadership experience – Have you led a group, family, committee, or business? AOII could benefit and better itself
from your lessons and successes. Our organization is continually improved by the input and ideas from our diversity
of proficiencies.
• Financial and Service – Do you donate to the AOII Foundation or Arthritis Foundation (or other worthy causes)? Do
you commit community service time in your community or with nonprofit organizations? AOII involvement and our
impact grows exponentially by your individual pledge of time and money.
As you are doing your holiday shopping and checking off your list of gifts, I challenge each you to discover the gift you can
offer or benefit from. Collectively, we will keep moving our Fraternity forward by using those gifts now and in the new
year! Sisters. Living our Values. Changing the Future.
Happy Holidays, sisters!


1 1 The Human Resources International Standing Committees

Committee always accepts Human Resources Committee (vacancy 1/1/2016)
applications. To speak to a
member of the HRC team Public Relations Committee (vacancy 1/1/2016)
about which position is right Network Teams
for you, please email hrc@ To Network 3 Network Specialist-Finance
complete a volunteer application, Network 4 Network Director (vacancy 1/1/2016)

visit Network 5 Network Director (vacancy 1/1/2016
volunteer-opportunities1 and Network 7 Network Director (vacancy 1/1/2016)
click on the link at the bottom of Network 7 Network Specialist-Recruitment
the page. New Chapter Development
Network Specialist-Development – Delta Nu (U of Nevada, Reno)
The following positions are
currently open - HRC is actively
2 recruiting to fill these vacancies: Special Committees
Perry Award Committee (vacancy 1/1/2016)


AOII’s social media outlets are the best way to stay up-to-date on AOII news - from
recruitment results and photos, to Strike Out Arthritis! and other philanthropic events,
to notes of congratulations to exemplary members and chapters for accomplishments and
good works in the community, we are always sharing the latest information. If your chapter
has news or photos to share with us, please send them to [email protected]!
Photos to be considered for To Dragma should be sent to
[email protected] and must be 1MB or larger in size.


FOUNDERS’ DAY MESSAGE This year’s Founders’ Day celebrates 119 years of sisterhood based on a lifetime commitment to
love, friendship, leadership and service that has extended from four friends in 1897 to more than
160,000 members today. This time of year gives each member of Alpha Omicron Pi a chance to
pause to remember what inspired her to make this lifetime commitment. For some, it was the
personal connection with like-minded women who supported one another throughout shared
experiences. For others, it was the spirit of philanthropy embodied in our passion for service to
others through our partnerships with the Arthritis Foundation and local service organizations.
Still for others, it was being a part of an organization that continues to provide a forum for women
to enhance leadership and professional skills in each stage of life.
The future of our Fraternity will be guided by the ideals captured in our newly created Culture
Principles: Accountability and Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, Innovation and Open
and Honest Communication. These Culture Principles will lead us into a future that continues to
enhance and support current and future generations of Alpha Omicron Pi. While these principles
may seem new to us, they are the very embodiment of our Founders and the commitment they
shared with one another, and ultimately with each of us.
Helen, Stella, Elizabeth and Jessie held themselves to the highest level of accountability and
ownership when they made the decision on that cold winter day to meet in the library of Barnard
College and pledge themselves to one another. It was a pledge they would keep for a lifetime; and
during those lifetimes, they set the example of each of our Culture Principles.
While sharing that they themselves could not have imagined the depth and breadth of our
membership and how it would continue to grow in the years following our establishment, their
continued collaboration and open and honest communication – with one another and their peers
– created a foundation that would provide a sisterhood for thousands of initiated members across
North America. Their commitment to our Ritual and its values, as well as to ensuring that every
member of Alpha Omicron Pi has an exceptional membership experience as defined by each
generation, demonstrated their lifetime engagement to our Fraternity and continued innovation
as they worked to shatter the traditional boundaries established for women everywhere.
As we prepare to embrace the Culture Principles of our Fraternity, we should strive to maintain
the highest commitment to accountability and ownership, representing our sisterhood in every
aspect of our character and action; to collaborate with one another to build a stronger foundation
for future generations of our sisterhood; to continually refocus our engagement within AOII to
forever honor the obligations that we have voluntarily taken upon ourselves, always striving to
reflect credit upon our Fraternity; to have the courage to embrace innovation in all areas of our
sisterhood, challenging the status quo and creating value for our members; and to always have
open and honest communication with one another, listening first, practicing inclusivity, and
valuing different perspectives. Our founders would have expected nothing less of the legacy they
created, of the 119 years of shared history, and of a future that is filled with opportunity. Happy
Founders’ Day!

2015-2017 AOII Executive Board

Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President
Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance
Crystal Combs, Vice President
Amber Countis, Vice President
Susan Danko, Vice President
Grace Houston, Vice President
Krista Whipple, Vice President
Jessie Wang-Grimm, Vice President
Allison Allgier, Past International President


Happy Founders’ Day!

As we celebrate 119 years of sisterhood, it is imperative that we look at today and the future. Today,
we celebrate 160,000 sisters across the United States and Canada, compared to the four friends who
founded our fraternity more than 100 years ago. As we move forward, we recall our Fraternity’s
newly developed Culture Principles, specifically our accountability and ownership to each other as

As members of the Ruby Fund Committee, we are reminded of the sister who had significant
medical issues and could not afford her medication. Or, the sister who recently received Ruby Fund
assistance, enabling her to get back on her feet, secure a new home and start her own business. As
we think of the future, we wonder what issues our sisters will be facing that will introduce them to the
Ruby Fund.

Unquestionably, the introduction of the Ruby Fund into a sister’s life is not a welcomed one. It
exposes that this sister has fallen on difficult times, maybe more difficult than any of us will ever
experience. It is our responsibility, however, to help that sister. By pledging ourselves to this
Fraternity, we have pledged both accountability and ownership to that sister in her time of need.

Take a moment to think about future sisters who will be in need of the Ruby Fund. Now, take a look
at the sisters around you, or even at yourself. These are the faces of the Ruby Fund, and these are the
sisters to whom we are accountable. We never know in advance which sister will need our assistance.
She may be a sister in your alumnae chapter who has been suffering in silence at the hands of an
abuser. She may be a collegiate sister who is close to graduation, but cannot afford her last semester
of tuition because she is the sole breadwinner in her family, supporting her mom, dad and younger
brother. She may be you. We are accountable to each of these sisters because of the pledge we made
when we were initiated into Alpha Omicron Pi.

Now is the time to be accountable. Now is the time to step up for our sisters with a donation to the
Ruby Fund. You may have helped a sister in the past with a donation at Founders’ Day or directly
to the AOII Foundation, but today we ask you to consider how you can help one of our sisters in the

As you determine how you will support the Ruby Fund, we leave you with the following words from a
recipient of the Ruby Fund this year:

“During a year of difficulty supporting myself and my children, with no one else to turn to, AOII did
more for me than I could have ever imagined.”

The Ruby Fund Committee

Tracy Herand McCarty, Chairman, Upsilon Alpha
Debbie Welsh Koenig, Beta Lambda
Theresa Ludvigson, Chi Psi
Antonia (Toni) Flowers Morgan, Alpha Chi

To be read at your chapter’s Founders’ Day celebration or reprinted in your newsletter. 4


Register NOW !
Leadership Academy 2016 – February 5-7
Collegiate Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment and Recruitment
Advisers are invited to create connections at Leadership Academy 2016!

Held February 5-7, the time is now to register for Leadership
Academy 2016! With completely specialized programming
for communication skills, year round planning, membership
selection and much more, Chapter Presidents and Vice
Presidents of Membership Recruitment will gain valuable
strategies to build relationships with potential new members
as well as lead their chapter in the selection of well-chosen
members. Officers and advisers will also receive specialized
training for their office. Register online by visiting AOII’s

2016-17 ELC TEAM

The application process is still open for our
2016-17 Alpha Omicron Pi Educational
Leadership Consultant team! Can you
picture yourself working and growing with
a dynamic team of sisters as ambassadors
for the Fraternity? AOII ELCs serve as a
liaison between our collegiate chapters
and International Headquarters through
individualized chapter support and
education. Along the way, our ELCs create
lasting memories and friendships that
make this an exciting opportunity full
of many rewarding experiences! More
details including application instructions,
a position description, responsibilities, and
expectations for the role are accessible on
AOII’s website at www.alphaomicronpi.
org/career-opportunities for available
Fraternity positions. Get your application

started today!


Since the beginning of Alpha Omicron’s membership in the AOII & NPC
National Panhellenic Conference in 1905, we have been investing
loves time and resources to preserve and enhance the sorority experience
– not just for our sisters, but for sorority women in all 26 member
organizations. 6
As you know, this is an historic time for AOII in the National
Panhellenic Conference as we rotated into the vice chairman role for
the 2015-17 biennium. Since the inception of NPC in 1902, AOII has
provided leadership twice (detailed information will be featured in
To Dragma). This year, 2015, marks the beginning of the next leadership
years of Alpha Omicron Pi. I will serve as the vice chairman of NPC in
2015-17 and chairman in 2017-19. During the next two years, AOII will
share leadership with Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha.
What does this mean for AOII? Leadership of NPC, the umbrella
organization for the 26 inter/national women’s groups, is determined
biennially through an executive committee (vice chairman and
chairman) rotation process, based upon the order in which an
organization joined NPC. A typical rotation cycle takes approximately 50
years. Together, a dedicated AOII NPC delegation, Executive Board and
Headquarters staff has been diligently preparing for many years for this
historic time.
What does this mean for me? Having served AOII for over 30 years,
including the AOII NPC delegation since 2003, I have witnessed and
experienced firsthand the evolution of women’s sororities. The skill sets
gained through service will provide the grounding necessary to lead NPC.
It is an honor and privilege that AOII chose me for this extraordinary
Job responsibilities will include travel, industry meetings, campus visits and
leadership for the NPC board of directors and staff based in Indianapolis.
More important will be the daily opportunity to advocate for the sorority
experience. The scope of work NPC provides through resources, advocacy
and collaboration is far reaching: public policy, housing initiatives, industry
partnerships, educational programming, support and training for college and
alumnae Panhellenics, statistical/data management, and much more.
What does this mean for you? What I most want for you to gain from this
historical time for AOII is a sense of pride, a new or renewed commitment
to participation in the larger fraternal community, empowerment to bring a
voice and leadership to your college or alumnae Panhellenic, and a greater
appreciation for the relevance and impact of the sorority experience. This
is the perfect time to reach out and build bridges within your Panhellenic
communities. As sorority women, we value friendships that extend beyond
the badge. When we recognize that we have common ideals and goals with
others in the Greek community, we can achieve great things.
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta
AOII National Panhellenic Conference Delegate
Vice Chairman, National Panhellenic Conference
AOII Past International President


1 Get Started on Your Scholarship Application! 2
Diamond Jubilee Scholarships are available for undergraduate, graduate 4
and returning alumnae sisters; several named scholarships are also
available. Don’t miss your opportunity to apply for tuition assistance!

Visit the Foundation website at and click
on Programs/Scholarships to apply using our on-line application. The
deadline to apply is March 1, 2016.

Please contact Michelle Ceylan at [email protected] with
any questions.

2 Honor a Sister with a Holiday eCard!

Looking for the perfect gift? Look no further! Send an AOII holiday
eCard to that special sister on your list. Visit our website at to celebrate the holiday season with a
personalized eCard!

3 Ruby Fund Message

In addition to being printed in this issue of the Piper, the Ruby Fund
Message can be found on our website under Programs/Ruby Fund to
share at your Founders’ Day celebrations! In addition, donations to the
Ruby Fund can be sent to us at:

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027

4 #GivingTuesday Goal Surpassed!

Thank you to all our donors and Foundation friends who donated to
#GivingTuesday. We are proud to announce that we surpassed our goal
and raised more than $5,400! That is more than double what we raised
last year!

The AOII Foundation wishes to thank each one of you who shared our
posts and donated to the Loyalty Fund. You made #GivingTuesday a
huge success and your gifts will be used to administer the Ruby Fund,
Scholarships, Educational and Arthritis Foundation Grants. We Give
Thanks for YOU!



The 2016 Awards Competition will open later this month Mark Your Calendars
at The application deadline is March 1st.
Additional communication will be distributed when the site is February 1st – Collegiate Chapter SOEs due
officially open. To be eligible, Collegiate and Alumnae SOEs March 1st – Alumnae Chapter SOEs due
must be turned in by their deadlines (February 1 for CCs and March 1st – 2016 Leadership Institute Award Submission Deadline
March 1 for ACs).


AOII will again be hosting interns during summer
2016. The application process and information will
be available in January. Collegiate chapter presidents
will be notified when the information and application
forms are available.

HQ Operational Information:

AOII International Headquarters will be closed from December 21st through January 1st.
Normal business hours will resume on Monday, January 4th.


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