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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-01 16:05:00

1909 November - To Dragma

Vol. 5, No. 1

The University School of Music

Affiliated with the University of Nebraska, at Lincoln,
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To Dragma


Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity

fflabb of (Eottfrnta 4
History of De Pauw University
History of J. F. F. and Theta Chapter 8
Traditions and Customs at De Pauw
Installation of Rho 10
On Choosing Candidates 12
The Rushing Season 16
Eighth National Pan-Hellenic Conference
Report of Eighth Pan-Hellenic Conference 17
Editorials 19
Active Chapter Letters
Alumnae Chapter Letters 27
Weddings 2^
News of the Alumnae 42
News of the College and Greek Leter World 43




Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '98, Andrews Avenue, Uni-

versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, '98, Overlook Avenue, Hacken-

sack Heights, N. J .
Elizabeth Heywood Wymann, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .



Grand President, Jessie Ashley, 5 Nassau Street, New York City.
Grand Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Iverson Toms, 44 West

128th Street, New York City.
Grand Treasurer, Ruth Capen Farmer (Mrs. Walter), 24 Man-

chester Street, Nashua, N. H .
Grand Vice-President, Sue K . Gillean, 1625 Second Street, New Orleans, L a .
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry, Overlook Avenue, Hackensach Height, N. J .
Registrar, Lillian G . MacQuillan, 87 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, R . I .
Auditor, Florence Parmelee, 1924 Corber Street, Omaha, Neb.
Examining Officer, Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Carrie Green Campbell (Mrs. W m . ) ,

893 Brush Street, Detroit, Mich.
Editor of To D R A G M A , Viola C. Gray, 1527 So. 23 Street. Lincoln, Neb.
Business Manager of To DRAGMA, Helen Piper, 1731 D . Street, Lincoln, Neb.


Delegate, Lula K . Bigelow (Mrs. C . G . ) , 1607 S. Sixth Avenue, May wood, 111.
Secretary, L . Pearle Green, K A 0, 15 East Avenue, Ithaca, N . Y .


Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
California Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, L a .


Alpha—Hazel Wayt, 161 Franklin St., Astoria, Long Island, N . Y .
Nu—Grace Woodelton, 307 W . 93rd St., New York City.
Pi—May Thomas, 1231 Washington Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Omicron—Ailcy Kyle, 1617 Highland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Zeta—Martha Bell, 226 No. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Helen Bancroft, 1940 Summit St., Oakland, Cal.
Theta—Jennie Farmer, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Zilpah Wilde, 12 Raymond Ave., West Somerville, Mass.
Gamma—Margaret Flint, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Mildred Mosher, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Margaret Wyne, Willard Hall, Evanston, III.
New York Alumnae—Mrs. James E . Lough, 2190 Andrews Avenue, University

Heights, New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—Isa B. Henderson, 1128 loth Street, Sacramento, Cal.
Boston Alumnae—Blanche H . Hooper, Tufts College, Mass.
Providence Alumnae—Mrs. Alanson D. Rose, 27 Fruit H i l l Avenue, Provi-

dence, R. I .
New Orleans Alumnae—Rochelle Gachet, 1640 Arabella Street, New Orleans, L a .



Alpha—Hetty Dean, 607 W. 116th St., New York City.
Nu—Marion B. Cothren, 173 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Pi—Safford, Dorothy, 1306 Webster St., New Orleans, L a .
Omicron—Myrtle Cunningham, U . of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—No address.
Zeta—Mabel Salmon, 226 North 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Olive Cutler, 2260 Grove St., Oakland, Cal.
Theta, Grace Norris, A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Katherine N. Bickford, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Celia M. Coffin, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Josephine Britton, Sage College, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Merva Dolsen, Pearson's Hall, Evanston, 111.


New York Alumnae—Jean H . L . Frame (Mrs. J . E . ) , 155 East 72nd Street,

New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Helen Eddy Rose (Mrs. A. D . ) , 25 Fruit H i l l Avenue,

Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Mary I . Lambert (Mrs. Fred D . ) Box 42, Tufts College,

New Orleans Alumnae—Katherine M . Reed, 4423 Pitt Street, New Orleans, L a .

To D R A G M A

VOL. V . N O V E M B E R , 1909. No. I .

T o D R A G M A is published at 165-167 Main Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1879.

T o D R A G M A is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and July.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.

V I O L A C . G R A Y , Editor-in-Chief. H E L E N M. P I P E R , Business Manager.


The Methodist ministers of Indiana, in their annual conference
assembled in 1835, drew up a formal resolution—that they would
found an institution for higher learning, to be known as "The Indiana
Asbury University." A t the conference session of 1836, Greencastle
was selected as the seat of the new colloge, but a charter was not
granted until the tenth of January 1837.

A building was begun and its corner stone was laid amid great
ceremony on June 20, 1837. The first home of the school, however,
was a room 12 by 15 feet, but this was quite large enough for the
five students, who made up the enrollment at the opening of the
first term. The new structure was first used at the opening of the
second term of the scholastic year, in 1840.

The close of the school year of 1840 witnessed a great event,
the graduation of the first class from the "University," a class of

At a meeting of the board in 1839 Prof Matthew Simpson was
elected president. The list of presidents is as follows: Rev. Lucien
W. Berry A. M . (1849-1854), Rev. Daniel Curry D. D. (1854-
1857), Rev. Thomas Bowman D. D. (1858-1872), Rev. Reuben
Andrus D. D. (1872-1875), Rev. Alexander Martin D. D. (1875-
1889), Rev. J. P. John D . D. (1889-1896), Rev. H . A. Gobin, A.
M., D. D. (1896-1904), Bishop Edwin H . Hughes (1904-1908),
President Francis J. McConnell (1909- ) .

The year 1867 witnessed a real innovation; after careful con-
sideration it was decided in June, that ladies should be admitted

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to the college classes. With the opening of the next school year,
a number of young women availed themselves of the privileges for
higher education, and in 1871 four young women were in the grad-
uating class.

Naturally amid all the growth and expansion of the times, the
one building that had been so ample in its first years, was entirely
too small to meet, even tolerably well, the present needs. A n ad-
ditional building must be erected. After much deliberation, with
but little money for it in hand and not much more in sight, but with
large faith in the possibilities, the work was undertaken, and on the
20th of October, 1869, the corner stone was laid for a new building—
the one now known as East College.

On February 10, 1879, the old college building was nearly
destroyed by fire. A little later it was rebuilt, enlarged and refitted.

On May 5, 1884, there came to a happy termination a series
of negotiations that had been in progress for nearly three years, and
that resulted in the change from "Indiana Asbury University" to
"De Pauw University" with the beginnings of all that it has meant
in the way of strength and enlargement.

At present the buildings of De Pauw are as follows: East Col-
lege, West College, Science H a l l , McKim Observatory, Woman's
Hall, Music Hall, Art Hall, Florence Hall, Minshall Laboratory
and Carnegie Library.



On Dec. 21st 1903, the J. F. F. Club was organized with six
charter members. As the name implies it was organized "Just For
Fun," and all the members, but one, were seniors in high school;
when they came to college the club came too. During the freshman
year J. F. F. lost one of its members, as one of the girls went away
to college, but the five remaining girls kept up the spirit of the club
and enjoyed the meetings to their fullest extent.

Until the time of the club's sophomore year, we had no constitu-
tion, by-laws, oath or anything that pertained to a formal organiza-
tion, but this year four girls entered college who had a claim to J.
F. F. both by the right of relationship and friendship. You can
imagine the prolonged sessions, the club held, to prepare rituals, in
order that these four worthy girls might be impressively initiated.

After our first initiation we looked for other worlds to conquer,
and the result was, that we added four more girls to our ranks. We
closed this memorable year of our club's history with fourteen active
girls. With the dawn of the next year, our love for expansion had
grown to such bounds that by May 1907 we had twenty-one J. F. F.
girls in college. Of course such a body of girls, wearing the little
silver badge with a little J. F. F. in black enamel, could not help
making its presence known in college activities.

Before the year 1907, De Pauw University had only four national
sororities and one local sorority represented here, and the need for
more such organizations was felt by all the faculty. I t was suggested
to the club that they apply for a national charter and after the sub-
ject had been discussed pro and con, it was finally decided that the
J. F. F. club petition the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority for a charter,
which was granted by the June, 1907 session of the Grand Council.
Theta chapter has every reason to be proud of the sorority whose
ranks she has joined, and none of her members have ever had any
reason to regret the step that was taken by the J. F. F. club in
April, 1907.


Theta chapter was installed Aug. 23, 1907 in De Pauw Univer-
sity, Greencastle, Indiana, at "Sunny H i l l , " the home of Jennie
Farmer. Like Sigma chapter, Theta had seventeen charter members,
who are—Cora Frazier, Minnie Bowen, Lucy Allen, Edith Heuring,
Goldie Huffman, Helen Savage, Bessie Medbourn, Ethel Carver,
Jennie Farmer, Cleo Ferguson, Lucretia Loring, Flora Frazier,



Edna Stafford, Frieda Pfafflin, Bessie Levering, Ruth Stafford, and
Myrtle Spaulding.

At the time of Theta's installation, Goldie Huffman was elected
president and during the year 1907-1908 the chapter was under her
guidance. With only nine girls back in school at the opening of the
f a l l term, we began to work for the future and prosperity of Alpha
Omicron Pi in DePauw University. When school had been in ses-
sion only two weeks we initiated Louise Kiefer into our number, and
a little later Irene Newnam; On pledge day we pinned the red
ribbon on seven girls, and all year we were busy adding new girls to
the chapter and initiating girls who were members of J. F. F.

During our first year we were located near the college campus,
at the home of an uncle of two of our girls; the next year we moved
into the house vacated by the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. This year,
Theta chapter is located in a large three-story brick house, which
was remodeled this summer for a sorority home. We have occasion
to feel proud of our house as it accommodates eighteen girls nicely,
has a lovely suite of rooms for our chaperone, a beautiful dining
room and kitchen, and two large parlors. We own quite a little of
our own furniture, and every year some new pieces find their places
in our home, as we make it a custom for both our out-going seniors
and our in-coming freshmen to present the frat with a gift.

Theta's social life has not been neglected either, since her in-
stallation; the first year, the chapter entertained with an afternoon
party for the faculty ladies, later for the town ladies, and an evening
reception for our college friends. Last year we gave a progressive
dinner during the "spike" for some of the freshmen girls, and in
April gave an evening party at the home of Avis and Leona Kelly.

Our short history may not reveal much of the past, but it fore-
tells a splendid future for Theta chapter and the fraternity at large.
And by this meagre article may the other chapters of Alpha Omicron
Pi see that we, as a chapter, are striving for the highest that Alpha
can attain.



Each college year at DePauw, as at all other schools, is f u l l of
the things that have grown dear to students from generation to
generation. A t first the freshman feels only awe for all these things,
that are to play so large a part in his college life. He next feels
that wonderful enthusiasm for it all, and when, at the latter part of
the year, farewells are being said to the senior class, that is going
out to do honor to its Alma Mater, he feels a tender reverence.

Once each month, there is a university service at which the
president preaches. On this especial Sunday afternoon Me Harry
Hall is packed with a crowd, that contrasts strangely with the one
seen in the same place on the morning of some big athletic event.

Perhaps the grandest day in the DePauw year is "Old Gold Day"
which comes at the close of the foot ball season. I t is the day on
which we count proudly the "scalps" we have won, and quite easily
forget i f we have lost any on the athletic field. I t is on this day,
that the supremacy of the two under classes is decided in different
ways. First of all, in the morning there is the stirring chapel where
classes vie with one another in songs and yells, but "all unite to shout
and sing in praise of Old DePauw." There is a foot ball, a basket
ball and a "scramble" contest, in which the freshmen and sopho-
mores fight for the glory of their class. Then there is the 'Varsity
game which closes the foot ball season, and happy is DePauw i f
the old gold is victorious. There is also a May-pole dance on the
campus in which the girls of the two under classes participate.

At night, there is a huge bon fire on the campus around which
college songs are sung, and weird dances are executed. These no
doubt are closely related to the Indian war dance. After the bon-
fire burns low, there is a great mass-meeting in Me Harry Hall.
Here of course is the usual amount of yelling, and after a time, the
very heart and soul of each DePauw man and woman is poured into
the songs that long afterwards live in their memories. The foot-ball
heroes and faculty members are called upon for short speeches, and
the day is closed by awarding the "D's" to the men who have so well
represented the old gold on the foot-ball field.

Until a very few years ago, the freshmen and sophomores su-
premacy has been decided by a flag rush on Washington's birthday;
but it was decided that a better way was to be found of settling
that momentous question, and also a more profitable way of spending
that holiday. The college carnival was instituted. This is given
for the benefit of the athletic fund. I t is given in the gymnasium


and each organization in school has a booth of some kind. A variety

of shows and concerts is to be seen and heard on this occasion.

The Pan Thygeterian is another event much enjoyed by the

girls. This is a masquerade given at Woman's H a l l , and the "doings"

on this occasion never f a i l to arouse an immense amount of interest

and curiosity among the men students.

I n the spring term the Mirage, the college annual is published

by the junior class. The "Junior Prom" of course always holds its

time honored place.

No time in the year is so f u l l of traditions as commencement

week. The senior class presents the university with some appropriate

gift, which is to be a monument to the memory of the college days

of the out-going class. Then at a chapel service, the seniors leave

the hall, and the juniors move down and take the time-honored

seats. Each year an ivy is planted by the senior class and the spade

presented to the juniors, who will the next year add another to the

number of vines that make the building so beautiful. On commence-

ment day, the senior class marches in a body to all the buildings as

a formal farewell to each loved hall, and i t is not without some

degree of sadness that each year ends. JENNIE FARMER, 0



Thirteen must hereafter be considered the lucky number of Alpha
Omicron Pi. I n our thirteenth year we admitted a new chapter, com-
posed of thirteen very active and ambitious members, which will
undoubtedly prove very fortunate for us indeed,—and even they
were next thing to making our thirteenth chapter.

The first to hear inklings of the beginning of this happy event
last year, was Bess Medbourne, who had left Theta and DePauw
the year before, to study oratory at Northwestern. Later we three
Zeta alumnae, Corris Damon Peake, Laura Buchanan Shockey and
I , who then made up the sum total of Alpha O's in Chicago, went
out to Evanston to see for ourselves what was starting our way.
Still later in the winter, Mrs. Campbell came down from Detroit
in her official capacity to "inspect" the girls and the college. After
that there was the long, slow waiting for results, at times hopeful
and at others anxious.

The last few weeks before the close of school at Northwestern
last spring, were certainly very exciting for a baker's dozen girls at
that institution, and for a few alumnae, who had become very much
interested in them. Then the climax came in the shape of tele-
grams, which informed us that their petition to Alpha Omicron Pi
for a charter had passed, and that Rho chapter must be installed
Friday, June eleventh.

Mrs. Campbell arrived in Chicago at the enterprising hour of
7 :30 in the morning, and we spent most of the day "adopting" our
new sisters. When we finally reached Evanston after our long
journey from Maywood, the girls refreshed us with an informal
little luncheon at Pearson's Hall, after which we repaired to the
home of Mrs. Rowe, one of their patronesses, for the installation.
There we had almost the whole house to ourselves, and Mrs. Rowe
says that the Rowe home will always be open to Rho chapter in the
future. Bess Medbourne, who had already gone home, and Grace
Norris, Theta. came up for the installation, so there were four alum-
nae to handle the ten enthusiastic candidates. Three of the girls
had been obliged to return home earlier, so we initiated the following
girls as charter members: Carolyn Piper, Graduate; Laverne Dol-
beer, Graduate; Gladys Kaye, '09; Edith Baxter, '09; Merva Dol-
sen, '10; Julia Norton, '10; Avalyn Kindig, ' 1 1 ; May Barlow, ' 1 1 ;
Merl Anderson, '11 ; Edith Moody, '12. (The others who made up
the thirteen, Fay Smith, '10. Margaret Wyne. '11. and Anne Curry,
'12 were initiated at the opening of the fall term.)


The rest of the afternoon was spent in driving around Evanston
and viewing the campus of the University. A t six o'clock, we all
went to the Avenue House, an Evanston hotel, for the installation
banquet. Mrs. Gates and Mrs. N . D. Harris, two other patronesses,
were present on this occasion. We had a very enjoyable evening,
up to the very last, when Carolyn Piper acted as toastmistress and
called on several of us to respond without any previous warning
whatever. Nevertheless Carolyn and some of the girls had been
forearmed and were very entertaining, especially Gladys Kaye, who
had worried the girls by being so late to the banquet that they feared
she had become absorbed in some poetic day-dream (which it seems
is habitual) and forgotten to come. However, the brilliancy of her
toast was sufficient explanation for her delay. Afterwards we bade
the girls good-bye, congratulated Carolyn Piper on her approaching
marriage and took our departure, feeling we had helped to establish
the foundation of a brilliant future for Alpha Omicron Pi at North-

The chapter letter elsewhere will tell you what wonderful pro-
gress this chapter has already made for its first year's work. I am
sure that Alpha Omicron Pi will always be glad she has welcomed
this group of girls into loving sisterhood, every one of whom our
fraternity may well be proud to own. The spirit of love and good-
fellowship among them is almost ideal, as all the alumnae who have
met them can testify. Their standards are high and have every reason
to remain so. I give fair warning to all our older chapters, that
they must look to their laurels i n the near future, or they will find
that our "star" chapter is located in this great university of the West.




A recent number of T o DRAGMA contained an able and timely
article by our Grand President, concerning the use of the black-ball.

That paper made so strongly for inclusiveness, breadth and the
larger fellowship, pointed so definitely to the nobler, more service-
able ideal of fraternity life, that I rejoice in the opportunity still
further to follow the upward trail.

The more charitable use of the black-ball, the use of it based
solely on realities rather than trivialities, I understand to be Miss
Ashley's thesis. Mine is that the same principle of fundamental
resemblances be applied to the choice of girls to be voted upon,—
that this matter, too, be stripped of narrowness and the smaller per-

I t is very important, of course, that every chapter should have a
firmly established ideal as to the kind of girl it considers eligible.
A well established ideal will save many heartburnings, both to our-
selves and to the student body. But it is even more important that
the chapter should have an ideal, rather than a preference.

We must select the "possibilities" not because they appeal to
our eye, or have a taking manner, not for any external merit, not
because of a sudden affection,—experience has taught us all to how
many black-balls this policy leads. We must choose candidates, as
we would choose any other things in life, for their fitness for the

That leads to a deeper question. What then is our purpose for
them? That they should be merely pleasant comrades? That they
should be merely "pretty to walk with and witty to talk with and
pleasant, too, to think on?" That we may flaunt them proudly as
ours? That we may lock ourselves up in their companionship away
from an envying and plebean world?

I f that be the ideal of a fraternity or a chapter, well may it
select girls for superficialities, well may it "rush" them for their
beaux yeaux, and drop them for reasons as trivial. But may all
the powers that guard girlhood's aspirations and womanhood's f u l -
filments forbid that such a spirit should impel our Alpha! I , for one,
would rather see our order swept out of every college in the land,
than have it foster a spirit of snobbery, superiority and exclusiveness
in any one of them.

As I see it, and as I am sure you see it too, a fraternity should
want these girls for two things:

First. To form part of an organized body in every college,
bound by the closest ties to act as one in pushing the life of that


college forward and upward on every side,—educational, athletic

and social,—to make it mellower, finer, richer, more enjoyable and

more spiritual.

For this purpose we desire girls who will be earnest, active, inter-
esting, devoted. And we want them varied, some for one phase of
college life, some f o r another. Above all, we want girls whose devo-
tion will be tendered to the college life as a whole, not given only to
Alpha; nor must their friendships be circumscribed. Then, indeed,
they will love truly, bound by a cause. Then, indeed, will they be
prepared for the larger alumnae spirit, the purpose of which is to
apply the same large duty to life.

But, some critics of fraternity-life may say, "Why not have
mere clubs for this purpose?" And that leads us to the second ob-
ject for which the members of a fraternity are chosen.

Second. That they, as our sisters, may have with us a home in
our Alma Mater for all time, where we are none of us ever passee,
but always welcome and in touch with the college-life. That we
may all have sisters and friends ready at our call forever in all
corners of the earth,—women who speak our language, are our kind,
share our personal interests, are already beloved.

A l l fraternal orders are on this side splendid instruments of
preparation for the larger brotherhood of man. And where is a
better rooting-place for an order of sisterhood than in the pure and
delightful garden of college friendships? For this purpose we choose
girls with whom we feel at ease, girls with the simplicity and frank-
ness of manner and action, that make understanding direct, girls
who are real and true, girls who will not come unless they care for
us and will care for us loyally, i f they come.

I n all of this, there is no necessity apparent that every girl so
chosen should dress to please every member of a chapter, should have
been popular with somebody's cousin's brothers at some place or
other, should have "social position" whatever that may be, should be
pretty,—though all clean, high-minded, clever girls are that,—and
so forth. You know, every fraternity knows, some of the absurd
objections that often cause the strongest girls to be neglected, until,
in the junior or senior year everybody wants and regrets them.
There are not few girls fit to help us to form such a gathering. There
are many. And, of course, we want to choose the most fit.

How can we do so at sight, by wild diving into a new class, one
fraternity grabbing the show girls from the clutches of another, as
at the traditional bargain counter? There is no real need for haste.
There are always enough to go 'round; and nobody can know who is
best at this breakneck speed. I t seems to me quite necessary that
fraternities get over the hysteria attendant upon "rushing." Quiet-


ness and confidence would be better not only for the fraternities,
but also for the freshmen themselves. How can they see what we
really are like in our normal state, when we "play up" to them so?
Would you be willing to choose for your close personal friend some
girl who liked you only because you gave more and better parties
than someone else? Why imply that the girls you are to make your
sisters, will be governed by such a motive?

Somewhere between the high condescension by which some fra-
ternities make themselves ridiculous, and the eager courtings by
which others achieve the same end, lies a calm, quiet, natural table-
land, where we say, "Here we are. Thus we are. We like you. I f
you like us, let us know each other better, to see whether we may
learn to love." Why is it a necessary implication that every
friendship a fraternity member makes with a freshman means a
probable invitation? Why cannot we be ourselves and refuse to per-
mit the fraternity,—the very influence that broadens us in so many
ways—to make us narrow and self-conscious in learning to know
girls who attract us? This over-self-consciousness defeats its own
ends, for the more we meet new friends as persons, not as probable
fraternity members, the better we shall know them when it comes
to choosing them for the fraternity. The self-conscious attitude
keeps us, too, constantly choosing to know girls too much like our
fraternity sisters, and that prevents the chapter from growing varied
and many-sided, with new blood and fresh ideas.

A few paragraphs ago, I said that there were many unattached
juniors and seniors who were longed for by the regretful fraternities.
You all know that to be true. Why regret? Why not remedy? Of
all the foolish traditions that cling so easily round us, tangling our
steps, there are few more foolish than the notion that it is "poor
policy" to take an upper-classman, however we may admire her.
Why "poor policy"? " I t may look" is the usual answer, "as i f we
took what the others left."

Well, i f the others overlooked, and i f you overlooked for one,
two or three years, a girl who is desirable,—is she the less desirable
for that? Because no one else was wise enough to see merits, that
are plain to you, must you act as i f you were blind? Must the other
fraternities indicate the girls that are fit for you; or are you inde-
pendent enough to choose them for yourselves? I f you have made a
mistake in the past, rectify it now. I f a girl has developed late,
be glad to accept her when she has developed. I f you have not
known her earlier, the only shame in that is that you are ashamed
to make up for it now. I f other fraternities do not like her as well
as you do, what is that to you? Some of the finest and most useful
members of Alpha Omicron Pi,—the superlatives are carefully


chosen,—became sisters late in their college course. That is the

proof of the pudding.
My advice to you, then, so far, is briefly:
L Choose for real qualities, not exterior attractions, though

the combination, of course, is good.
2. Do not make superficial objections. T r y to like, rather than

to dislike. I t is good soul-exercise, and usually justified.
3. Get to know new comers naturally, slowly, normally, keeping

the fraternity in the back ground.

4. Do not condescend. Alpha is a duty and a privilege, not a


5. Do not curry favor. Meet face to face. Stand on your


6. Choose upper-classmen i f you want them.
7. Be independent of the action of other fraternities, except
where you can co-operate for the good of the college. Do as you
think right, and let stand.
Your chapter will grow better for this simple common-sense
plan, "Quality is i n oneself, after all is said."
Of all these little rules, none, perhaps, needs more general empha-
sis than 2 and 4. Do not make superficial objections. Do not con-
descend. Have the welcoming spirit. Be properly critical, of course.
But whenever you cannot subscribe to a sister's admiration for a
girl under discussion, be sure your objection is real, be sure you hold
it with regret. Be ruled as far as you can by your admirations; and
be sure that your admirations are for things admirable.


Alpha, '98.



The rushing season's drawing near,
Its signs are manifold.
A spirit of unrest's abroad
And timid ones grow bold.
Frat. sisters meeting anywhere
Have many a word to say,
And new girls are quite overwhelmed
(Till after Pledging Day).

Each year the choice material
Grows choicer than before,
And Greek meets Greek in tug-of-war
To win these rare ones o'er,
Until the girls are fairly spiked
We dare not look askance,
For fear the other frats may note
And seize their only chance.

But I'll admit we feel each year
The keenest kind of pleasure
When we again our strength with that
Of other frats. can measure.
And so I bid you one and all,
In spite of rhyme or reason,
To come and join me in the toast—
Here's to the Rushing Season!

R O B E R T A W I L L I A M S , Omicron, '08.



The Eighth National Pan-Hellenic Conference, (the new name
which has been substituted for Inter-Sorority Conference) met in
Chicago, September 17th and 18th, and was in many ways one of
the most successful ever held. The official report of the conference
gives in detail the work accomplished, but other issues are fully as
important. One was the spirit of enthusiasm, which prevaded the
meetings, as we realized that Pan-Hellenic, both National and Local,
is really accomplishing something of the purpose for which it was
organized, and is steadily gaining in strength and preparation for
more progress in the future. Another was the addition of two new
fraternities to the conference, Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Gamma
Delta, who were heartily welcomed. This makes a total of fourteen
national fraternities of university rank, now represented in the con-

The most enjoyable feature of the Conference was the luncheon
on Saturday, the 18th, for all fraternity women of Chicago and
vicinity, which promises to be a regular number on the conference
program hereafter. One hundred guests (each was her own hostess)
were seated at small tables in the pleasant banquet room of the Chi-
cago Beach Hotel. After the luncheon, Miss Green, president of the
conference, called the Pan-Hellenic roll, and every fraternity re-
sponded with from one to twenty members present. Although Alpha
Omicron Pi had a delegation of only five, we did not feel at all dis-
couraged, for we realized the youthfulness of our Chicago member-
ship, and were sure our strength would increase very fast with age.
The five were Alice Smith Thomson, A ; Bess Medbourne, ® ; Caro-
lyn Piper Dorr and Julia Norton, P; and Lula King Bigelow, Z .
A short program of three-minute talks or papers was then presented
by members of the conference more familiar with its work through
continued service as delegates, in order to give an idea of its purpose
and achievements to the fraternity women present. Miss Pearle
Green Kappa Alpha Theta, introduced the following speakers and
their subjects:

Mrs. E. N . Parmelee, Grand President of Delta Delta Delta,
"Summary of Previous Conferences."

Miss Edith Stoner, Grand President of Kappa Kappa Gamma,
"Works of the Present Conference."

Mrs. J. H . McElroy, Alpha Phi, "The Rushing System."
Mrs. Richard Tennant, Alpha Chi Omega, "Chaperones and
Chapter Houses."


Mrs. C. G. Bigelow, Alpha Omicron Pi, "Scope of the College

Mrs. J. R. Leib, Grand President of Alpha X i Delta, "Relation

of the Pan-Hellenic to the College."

Miss Margarethe Shepard, Grand Treasurer of Delta Gamma,

"Alumnae in College Pan-Hellenics."
Former conference delegates and Grand Officers from several

fraternities were present at the luncheon and at the conference meet-

ings, among them Mrs. Ida Shaw Martin, well-known in Greek circles

as author of "The Sorority Hand-book." I t was a great pleasure

to many of us to meet her personally for the first time, though we

have long felt her interest and influence in the broader scope of fra-

ternity life.

On Monday following the conference, Mrs. Parmelee held an
informal reception at her home in Rogers Park, in honor of Mrs.

Martin and other Grand Officers of Delta Delta Delta who were in

the city. A similar pleasant occasion some months before was the

luncheon given by the Grand Council of Kappa Alpha Theta to

Grand Officers and Pan-Hellenic representatives of other fraternities
in Chicago, during their national convention held at Chicago Beach
Hotel the last week in June.

On the whole, we feel that the fraternity women of Chicago are

at a great advantage in thus having the opportunity to come in close

touch with the National Pan-Hellenic movement, and sincerely wish

that alumnae of other cities could have or make an occasion for such
a general fraternity function, to the benefit and enjoyment of all.
At any rate, cannot every alumna (as well as active) member of

Alpha Omicron Pi keep herself informed on the workings of the

Pan-Hellenic Conference, and make an earnest effort to carry out

its suggestions and assist its progress towards ideal fraternity con-

ditions? L U L A K I N G BIGELOW, Z, '04.






The Eighth Pan-Hellenic Conference was called to order Friday,
September 17, 1909, at 3 P. M . , by Miss L . P. Green, Kappa Alpha
Theta, presiding officer. Miss Edith Stoner, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
acted as Secretary.

The following delegates presented credentials and were duly

Pi Beta Phi.—Miss May L . Keller, 1822 Linden Avenue, Balti-
more, M d .

Kappa Alpha Theta.—Miss L . Pearle Green, 15 East Avenue,
Ithaca, N . Y.

Kappa Kappa Gamma.—Miss Edith Stoner, 1529 Wabash Ave-
nue, Kansas City, Mo.

Delta Gamma.—Miss Margarethe Sheppard, 1434 Sheridan Road,
Evanston, 111.

Alpha Phi.—Mrs. John Howard McElroy, 1514 East Fifty-
fourth Street, Chicago, 111.

Gamma Phi Beta.—Miss Laura Hutchins, Sheldon, 111.
Alpha Chi Omega.—Mrs. Richard Tennant, 824 South F i f t h
Street, Terre Haute, Ind.
Delta Delta Delta.—Mrs. E. N . Parmelee, 1057 Chase Avenue,
Rogers Park, 111.
Alpha X i Delta.—Mrs. J. R. Leib, 1271 West Washington Street,
Springfield, 111.
Chi Omega.—Mrs. H . M . Collins, Tyrone, Pa.
Sigma Kappa.—Mrs. Antha K. Miller, 379 East Fifty-sitth
Street, Chicago, 111.
Alpha Omicron Pi.—Mrs. C. G. Bigelow, 1607 South Sixth
Avenue, Maywood, 111.
Zeta Tau Alpha.—Miss May Agnes Hopkins, University Rail,
Galveston, Texas.
Alpha Gamma Delta.—Miss Marguerite Shepard, Forestville,
N'. Y.
Although her credentials and reports were sent in, the delegate
from Sigma Kappa found it impossible to attend the meetings
Motion carried that the reading of the minutes of the Seventh
Inter sorority Conference be dispensed with, as copies were in the
hands of the delegates.


The chair appointed as a committee on recommendations: Miss
Hutchins, Gamma Phi Beta, and Miss Shepard, Delta Gamma.

The report of Miss Green, Secretary of the Conference 190S-0 >,
was read. She gave the following summary of the year's work:
Secretary's Report:

Eight hundred copies of the report of the Seventh Conference
were printed and distributed.

A letter was written to inform Alumnae more definitely in regard
to the purposes and plans of Pan-Hellenic. Four hundred copies
of this letter were printed and distributed.

Other work of the Secretary was the compiling of a list of the
Deans of Women; the preparation of the list for the exchange of
fraternity magazines; the writing of a paper for the fraternity maga-
zines on the results of the National Pan-Hellenic Movement during
the first seven years; and all the correspondence with local Pan-
Hellenics incidental to the office of Secretary.

During the year two fraternities were admitted to conference,
Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Gamma Delta. No provision having been
made in the National Pan-Hellenic Conference for admission of
fraternities during the year between Conferences, the Secretary, on
the advice of former Secretaries, submitted the petitions to the Grand
Presidents, whose vote on both fraternities was unanimously favor-

The Secretary has noticed during the year that the constitutions
of local Pan-Hellenics are lacking in some essential provisions, and
thus many difficulties have arisen which could have been avoided
with the proper constitutions.

There should be a realization of the need of broader activities in
connection with the Pan-Hellenic work, and less emphasis should be
placed on rushing as such.

Each delegate then presented a report from her fraternity, giving
convention action on subjects of Pan-Hellenic interest, and presenting
recommendations from her fraternity to the National Pan-Hellenic

These reports, together with the Secretary's report, were referred
to the committee on recommendations.

Special reports were presented as follows: Woman's College of
Baltimore, University of California, Washington University of St.
Louis, Washington State University, Syracuse University, Northwest-
ern University, Barnard College.

These reports were referred to the committee on recommendations.
The report from editors of fraternity magazines were read.

Exchange of Fraternity Magazines:
Motion carried that the plan of exchange be continued; that the


Secretary of the Pan-Hellenic Conference be authorized to write to
all librarians, asking i f magazines will be received, and the disposi-
tion to be made of same; that the lists of libraries willing to receive
magazines, together with the names and addresses of the grand officers
of the fraternities, be sent to the editors of the magazines; that the
corresponding secretaries of the chapters of all fraternities represented
in the Conference be required to report to their editors concerning
the arrival and disposition of their magazines in the college libraries;
and that the editors report the results of such investigation to the
Secretary of the National Pan-Hellenic Conference.

The Conference voted that three copies of each magazine be
sent as exchange, including the ones sent to the Conference delegate
and the editor, the other to be decided upon by the Grand President.



The second session was called to order at 10 A. M . , Saturday,
September 18, 1909.

Rushing Policy at Yale:

Mrs. McElroy, Alpha Phi, the chairman of the committee on
rushing policy at Yale, presented her very able report, the conclusion
of which follows:

In this brief and imperfect study of clubs and fraternities famous
at Yale and Harvard, one impression is fixed—that the students and
authorities, because of experience, have agreed that a man must
evince some ability to gain election to these organizations, and these
influential societies must have time, a year or more, to study and select
their new members.


The committee on chaperones, Mrs. Tennant, of Alpha Chi
Omega, presented a report as follows:

"During the year there have been but five applications for chaper-
ones. A number of letters regarding the duties and requirements
of chaperones have been received. Some of these have been from
women wishing positions, but more have come from girls asking in-
formation. I t has been a matter of surprise to learn how definite the
expectations on both sides are, and indefinite the requirements. This
evidently comes from inexperience on the part of the most concerned.
The Deans seem to regard the chaperones as a kind of shadow or
shade, and the girls appear to regard the same individual as a person
with whom they must deal very indirectly. I t seems to me that the
whole matter has not had a 'square deal.' Just so long as the chapter
house is a necessity, the chaperone is a necessity. I n my judgment,


no fraternity should attempt to afford a chapter home until it is
able to employ a woman whose dignity and character can and will
be a helpful influence and power in the home, and whose personal
qualities command a social standing in the college community. No
organization is worthy of support whose whole object is to shelter
and entertain itself. The true fraternity has for its purpose the bet-
terment and improvement of its members. This involves adherence
to principles of living and conduct that society will respect and ad-
mire. Gentle manners and good breeding come from the right kind
of environment—from the home in which the girl lives. To the
better management of that home, the committee recommends: (1)
that a small salary in addition to board and room be offered the
chaperone; ( 2 ) that the chaperone be required to confer twice a
month with the Dean of Women, and once a month with the social
committee, where one exists; (3) that a definite and clear agreement
be entered upon on the part of chapter and chaperone, and that a
printed or typewritten copy of the same shall be sent to the chapter's
Grand Council."

The report of the committee to draw up an interfraternity code
concerning the dismissal of members, withdrawing of invitations,
breaking of pledges was presented by the chairman, Chi Omega, and
was referred to the Grand Presidents for action.

National Pan-Hellenic Constitution:

The vote of the delegates, as instructed by their Grand Presi-
dents, made it possible to change the name of the Conference to
National Pan-Helleic Conference, and the Secretary was instructed
to make the necessary change in the Constitution, substituting the
new form for "Intersorority Conference."

The Conference recommends:

1. That the word "fraternity" be substituted for the word "sor-
ority" in the Constitution of the National Pan-Hellenic Conference.

2. That to Article I V of the Constitution be added a section as

"The application of any fraternity for membership in the Nation-
al Pan-Hellenic Conference shall be referred to a committee of three,
which shall investigate the standing of the petitioning body, and
report on same to the Secretary of the National Pan-Hellenic Con-
ference. The Secretary shall refer the report to the Grand Presi-
dents, whose unanimous vote shall be required to admit the petitioner
to the Conference. I f elected, f u l l membership shall be accorded the
petitioner at the first Conference following the election."

These recommendations are to be submitted to the Grand Presi-
dents for a vote before the changes can be made in the Constitution.


Local Pan-Hellenic Constitution:

I t is recommended to the Grand Presidents that there be a re-
vision of the local Pan-Hellenic constitutions, in order that certain
points not included in the present constitutions may be provided for.
This work is now in the hands of a committee, and will first be pre-
sented to the Grand Presidents, and, i f an affirmative vote is received,
instructions will be sent to the local Pan-Hellenic Associations.

Distribution of Pan-Hellenic Literature:

On instructions from their Grand Presidents the delegates de-
cided that each National Pan-Hellenic delegate shall have control
of the distribution of National Pan-Hellenic reports and papers,
within the fraternity, and of instructing the chapters as to the use of
the same. She may, at her discretion, delegate the work of distribu-
tion to another officer of her fraternity.

The Conference adjourned to attend the luncheon for fraternity
women at which there were one hundred representatives.


The third session was called to order at 4 :30 P. M . , Saturday,
September 18, 1909.

Michigan Pan-Hellenic:

The petition from the Michigan Pan-Hellenic Association was
granted by unanimous vote of the delegates, acting on instructions
from their Grand Presidents. During the next year, until September,
1910, the fraternities at Michigan may pledge girls in senior year of
high school; provided, that i f a pledge is not initiated within a year,
she is regarded as dropped.

The Conference desired, however, to go on record as opposing
any further dispensation to Michigan, and desired that the recom-
mendation be made to the Grand Presidents that, i f the Michigan
Pan-Hellenic again petitions for a dispensation, it be not granted.

Recommendations to Fraternities:

The following recommendations were adopted by the Eighth Pan-
Hellenic Conference:

1. That the fraternities be asked to vote on the following ques-
tion : That there be no rushing before matriculation. Matriculation
to be defined as the day of enrollment as a student in the university
or college.

2. That the delegates to the National Pan-Hellenic be members
of the national governing bodies of the fraternities, or ex-coun :il
members, or persons well versed in Pan-Hellenic matters.

3. That there be no initiation of any pledge until ten hours'
work is completed, and that there be a common entrance requirement


made by the fraternity. To assist in this work, the Conference ap-
pointed a committee to investigate the scholarship requirements of
Conference fraternities.

4. That each fraternity make a report at each Conference on
chapters added to the roll or dropped from it during previous year.

5. That each delegate file with the Secretary of Pan-Hellenic
the date of her next convention.

6. That chapters send copies of local Pan-Hellenic Constitu-
tion and Contract to all alumnae.

7. That all fraternity conventions held during college year in
college locations shall be entertained by local Pan-Hellenics instead
of local chapters of various fraternities, in order to save expense, and
to promote more general acquaintance among college fraternity

Contracts Within Contracts:

Motion carried that Conference disapproves of the contracting,
by two or more fraternities making only a part of the local Pan-
Hellenic Association, to keep some rules or regulations not accepted
by the local Pan-Hellenic Association.


Motion carried that a committee be appointed to investigate the
facilities offered by various colleges and universities for formal enter-
tainments given by students. The committee is to inquire as to
where entertainments are now held, and what is being done by facul-
ties to improve conditions.

Committees Appointed by Conference:

Committee on extension: Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Gamma

Committee on investigation of college facilities for student social
affairs: Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta.

Committee on scholarship standards in Conference fraternities:
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Zeta Tau Alpha, Gamma Phi Beta.

Committee on list of chaperones: Alpha Chi Omega.
Committee to report on Dean's Conference: Delta Delta Delta,
Alpha Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi.
Motion carried that next Conference hold its first session on
Friday morning.
Motion carried that the National Pan-Hellenic Constitution be
reprinted, separately, as soon as the vote of the Grand Presidents on
constitutional changes can be taken.
Motion carried that each fraternity be assessed five dollars
($5.00) for Pan-Hellenic Conference expenses.


The Pan-Hellenic Conference was declared adjourned until Sep-
tember, 1910.

E D I T H STONER, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Secretary of Eighth Pan-Hellenic Conference.


The National Fraternities, on recommendations from the National
Pan-Hellenic Conference have passed the following regulations:

1. That Pan-Hellenic Associations shall be formed in every
institution where two or more National Sororities exist; and they
shall consist of one active and one alumna member of each Sorority.

2. A pledge day shall be adopted by the National Sororities in
each college where two or more of them exist.

3. The pledge day in each college shall be fixed by the Pan-
Hellenic Association existing there.

4. No student shall be asked to join a Sorority before she has

5. Matriculation shall be defined as the day of enrollment as
a student in the university or college.

The National Pan-Hellenic Conference has made, among others,
the following recommendations:

1. That the Pan-Hellenic Association shall consist not only of
the National Sororities, but also of such locals as they may see fit to
admit. (Report of Sixth Conference.)

2. That Pan-Hellenics endeavor to restrict the expense, number
and duration of social functions and engagements by women's fra-
ternities as far as is compatible with local conditions. (Seventh Con-
ference. )

3. That Pan-Hellenics be careful not to create feeling between
fraternity and non-fraternity college women through too many or
through inopportune Pan-Hellenic meetings and functions. (Seventh

4. That Pan-Hellenics are urged to avoid all public press notori-
ety and to endeavor always to keep the respect of their university and
town communities. (Seventh Conference.)

5. That each Pan-Hellenic have some general meetings to which
all fraternity members are invited and allowed to take part in dis-
cussions; meetings to read and discuss Pan-Hellenic Conference Re-
ports ; shortcomings of our last compact; effects of a Sophomore
pledge day in our college, etc. (Seventh Conference.)

6. That Pan-Hellenics have meetings twice a month.
7. That Pan-Hellenics have a conference with Deans of Women
and other faculty members at least once a semester.


8. That Pan-Hellenics have an "annual" to which all women of
the college are invited.

9. That Sororities take some pains to inform alumnae that ten
years have wrought great changes in conditions with the growth of
chapter houses and the multiplication of Sororities.

(6, 7, 8 and 9 are taken from the Report of the Social Service
Committee, 1906-1907.)



Are your back numbers of To DRAGMA bound?

The editor realizes the present issue of the magazine may be a
disappointment to some of its readers, because the chapter letters
seem to hark back to what has passed and been forgotten. I f To
DRAGMA is to furnish a quarterly history of the fraternity, these
letters should be printed as they were written, and this issue of the
magazine should reflect accurately the history of the period which
it was intended to relate. For this reason, the editor has seen fit to
give you the magazine as it was originally planned, hoping you will
be charitable in criticizing its contents, and trusting that the next
issue, which should follow this one almost immediately, will be more
to your liking. The cause for the delay in publishing is familiar to
you all, so we need not take space and time to repeat a well known

I f the editorial column of a paper is the place for suggestions,
we should like to suggest that the various officers of the chapters be
more prompt and business-like in fulfilling the obligations of those
offices. Familiarize yourself with the duties you are held accountable
for, and then see to it that no one is ever obliged to remind you that
you have forgotten something. Aggravating delays and numerous
letters are necessary many times to remind some of us, that the work-
ing of this organization has been hindered by our carelessness. See
to it that you are not standing in the way of your fraternity's pro-
gress, by your inattention.

A bit of information, which will be interesting to all our readers,
has just reached us, and is to the effect that the convention will be
held at Boston, June 16, 17 and 18. Let all our efforts from now
on, bend toward Boston, and let us make this the best convention
yet. Boston is a long way from Nebraska, Louisiana and California,
but let us make a special effort to swell the attendance to larger pro-
portions than the convention of 1908.

I t is still necessary to remind you that our subscription list is
not as long as it should be. Almost all the names added to our list
since the last issue, have required at least one personal letter, and
sometimes two and more urgent appeals for support. Many refusals
to renew a subscription have been accompanied by the objection
that the magazine failed to reach its destination. We do not censure


anyone for hesitating to pay for something not likely to be received,
but we are inclined to feel that we should be notified at the time you
f a i l to receive a magazine, so that we may show our good faith in
tracing the lost copy, or in substituting another one. I t is a hard
task to make all the magazines go where they should, but it would be
easier i f every subscriber would co-operate with us to the above extent.
Please notify your business manager, whenever you fail to receive
your magazine, and above all, notify her of any change in your ad-
dress. The magazine's management would greatly appreciate a con-
certed action on the part of the chapters to interest their alumnae in
their fraternity, especially to the extent of subscribing for the maga-
zine. I t is our impression that our alumnae need too "constant arti-
ficial stimulation." To quote from the Shield of Phi Kappa Psi,
"Unless steady alumni interest is maintained, a college Greek-letter
society is in no real sense a fraternity. I t is merely a boy's club. . .
There must be spontaneous desire arising within each man to know
and hear about the fraternity—to see familiar faces and to sing the
old songs again." Until this spontaneous desire does arise, please
administer the artificial stimulation, and plenty of it.

A new magazine has made its appearance in the college and
magazine world. I t is a monthly. The American College, published
by the Higher Education Association and edited by Clarence F.
Birdseye. The material presented through its pages is such that a
college graduate can hardly afford to be without it. Its editor says:
"For every graduate the college days linger as one of the most pre-
cious among memory's treasures, and a college graduate holds touch
with those days through his own alumni magazine or some under-
graduate publication; but he can not by such means get the wider
view, nor appreciate at its real value the importance of college life
and training as a great factor in the progress of our country."

To enable the graduate to keep in touch with his own fraternity
journal and to have access to this broader information, The Ameri-
can College makes the following offer: " I f remittance for such
subscription (your fraternity journal) is made through The American
College, $2.00 additional will be accepted in payment for a year's
subscription to The American College; regular price, $2.50."

Another publication to which it is very well worth while calling
your attention, is the appearance of the third edition of the Sorority
Hand Book, by Ida Shaw Martin. The last few years have brought
about such changes in sororities, that one can not be well posted with-
out a copy of this last edition. De Luxe Edition at $1.50 or 10 copies
for $12.00; College edition at $1.00 or 10 copies for $5.50. Address
all communications to The Roxburgh Press, Roxbury, Mass.



A t the beginning of this college year, we felt very discouraged.
The new rule regarding a late sophomore pledging day seemed most
disastrous to us, in view of the fact that we had only three active
members. Conditions have improved materially, however, pledge day
has been decided on as the first Monday in December; a new Pan-
Hellenic rule has abolished all forms of formal rushing, and hence-
forth the relation between fraternity and non-fraternity girls is to be
purely one of social intercourse. Besides, we have initiated two mem-
bers: Beatrice Rich, 1910, a transfer from Oberlin, and Louise Rush,
1911. With pledge-day less than a month off, and with the prospect
of many new members, Alpha is beginning to ftel truly encouraged.
Hazel Wayt, '10, is chairman of the undergraduate play commit-
tee, and Hetty Dean, '10, is vice-president of her class.

N u has reunion suppers each month, and to prevent the members
from talking "shop"—meaning law and suffrage—she is trying the
plan of having one of the girls give an informal talk on her particu-
lar "ism". Crystal Eastman started the ball rolling speaking on the
work of "The Employers Liability Commission." As it was only a
night or two after Mrs. Pankhurst's great speech—"shop" simply
couldn't be entirely banished. However we are going to try again!
The November supper was omitted and a luncheon to Dr. Mary
Squier Potter was substituted. O f course every one knows that Dr.
Potter was Prof, of Economics and History in the University of
Minnesota and now is secretary to the National Suffrage Association.
Between the entree and the ices, she sandwiched in a very clever
speech given before the N . Y. University Branch of the Collegiate
Equal Suffrage League. Suffrage Again! But then we are all suffra-
gettes or suffragists^ except Elizabeth Moss, and she has the courage
only to admit of being on the fence, which at times is very rickety.

Honors have been showered upon N u girls during the last few
months. Jessie Ashley has been made president of the N . Y. Col-
legiate Equal Suffrage League, which includes among its members,
graduates from almost all of our colleges. Crystal Eastman, '07, is
so famous in N . Y. state, that we have already picked out her niche
in the Hall of Fame up at the Heights. After doing such wonderful
work in the Pittsburg Survey and publishing a book, Governor
Hughes has appointed her on his "Employer's Liability Commission"


to substitute something humane for that mediaeval Employer's
Liability Law. She is the only woman on the Commission, and is

Helen Hoy, '03, is president of the Co-operative Suffrage League,
and she originated the clever idea of raising funds and furthering
the cause by selling suffrage stamps, which you all should buy.

Mabel Witte, '10, passed the best "contract examination" in the
law school and since 2/3 flunked and none even approached her, you
may guess that is an honor.

Ida Raub, '02, has added to her innumerable vocations, that of
sculptor, and of course being a N u girl, her first production was a

Helen Ranlett, '09, Pricilla Myres, '09, and Marion Cotbren, '10,

have been admitted to the Bar , —and i f it weren't such bad

form to sing our own praises we would tell you more of the honors

that are simply thrust upon us,—but the rest will keep.

The calendar on my desk reminds me that the college year is well
advanced, and still the glorious opening day of college seems but
yesterday. Weren't we proud of our senior, Innes Morris, when she
marched into chapel adorned with the insignia of a senior, and look-
ing as i f the world rested on her shoulders! We hope to have another
cap and gown hanging in the room soon, but until that time Dorothy
Safford merely tries to look wise in a rain-coat, recently acquired.

Pledge day was on the fourth of October, and then even the
seniors cast aside dignity and rejoiced greatly! To say that we re-
joiced is putting it mildly, and to speak the truth would be endanger-
ing all the rules of rhetoric. The only way to let you know what our
sophomores are, is to invite you to "come and see." Marguerite Har-
rison Cope, '12, Cora Margie Spearing, '12, and Dagmar Adelaide
Renshaw, Art '12,—there they are. As you walk through Newcomb
halls you hear a dignified Professor say with enthusiasm, "She is a
gem!" Pass on, he is merely talking of Marguerite. It's a habit.
Cross the campus and stand near that group of excited sophomores;
they are discussing class elections; go to the next, it's just the same!
you wonder i f anyone but Cora will hold an office ? Very few do!
Then you reach the Art School; the hall is somewhat cluttered with
art material for "Miss Renshaw," and you ask what she does with all
of it. Here she, herself, is creating posters for everything, from a
foot-ball game to a mild Y. W. C. A. rally. You need not try to
get nearer—all those girls are waiting for "just one more poster!"

You have seen our girls as the college world sees them, but the
time to know and love them, is when they meet at their own A O I I


fireside, and show what they are to us and each other. How we
wanted you,—yes, every one of you—on that night when Alpha
claimed you as her own, our pledges! The mock initiation had been
the night before and was a great success, since Innes Morris and Mary
Thomas had it in charge. And so on the next night we wanted one
thing—just one—and that was A O I I , our fraternity in the broadest
sense and the deepest. There were many roses and much happiness.
The roses were sent to us by a very loyal patroness, Mrs. Safford, and
the happiness—well, it just grew there! Not a little was added to
our joy when after the ceremony, we received a proclamation from
the local chapter of I I B * expressing congratulations upon our new
sisters, and hopes that I I Chapter would always consider I I B $
among its very best friends. I t is an act like this one, that makes
A O I I feel that she is standing for the best in the eyes of the college.
Needless to say we prize the friendship of I I B $, and also the man-
ner of its expression.

About this time, the Y. W. C. A. gave its annual reception to
freshmen. For some time Dorothy Safford and her committee had
been meeting mysteriously and had greeted all questions with an
icy stare, which was not surprising when a North Pole Party was
found to be the result. I t was a great success, 'tis said,—anyway,
it's over! Then the Latin Club had a party for the much-feted
freshmen, and Cora and Dorothy divided their interests between
lemonade and Roman costumes. There were other festivities, and
between these were numerous elections some of the results of which
are as follows: Innes Morris is president of the Glee Club and the
Newcomb senior representative on the Tulane Debating Council; a
member of the senior music committee and of the committee for the
selection of players in the Dramatic Club. Dorothy Safford is New-
comb editor-in-chief of the Jambalaya, the university annual; literary
editor of the Arcade, the Newcomb quarterly; chairman of the Y. W.
C. A. social committee; a member of the executive board of the
student-body; and a member of the senior commencement committee.
Mary Thomas is class historian, a sub-editor of the Arcade, a member
of the junior class "stunt" committee, and of the Y. W. C. A. music
committee. Cora Spearing is sophomore editor of the Tulane Weekly,
secretary of the student-body, chairman of the Inter-collegiate com-
mittee of the Y. W. C. A., leader of the city mission class of the Y.
W. C. A., and a member of several class committees. Dagmar Ren-
shaw is president of the 1912 A r t Class, assistant business manager
of the Tulane Weekly, and a member of the Art basket-ball team.
Innes, Mary, Cora, and Dagmar are members of the Newcomb ath-
letic association; Marguerite, Cora, and Dorothy are members of the
Latin Club; Mary, Innes, and Cora belong to the Glee Club; Innes,


Dorothy, Cora, Marguerite, and Mary belong to the dramatic club;
and all belong to the Y. W. C. A.

Even with so much work, we yet have time for play. We illus-
trated this fact recently by an " A t Home" in honor of Blythe White,
'11, who is visiting us. A l l of her college friends were invited, and
we were also fortunate in having as our guest Mrs. Thomas, a cher-
ished patroness from out of town. The chapter rooms were very
attractive with palms, ferns, roses, and girls—such a lot of them!
The sophomores were i n charge of affairs, and certainly their first
appearance as A O I I hostesses was a success. Dorothy and Blythe
received the guests with feelings unruffled as to details, while Mary
and Innes were altogether carefree and charming. The success of
the afternoon made us long for more, and already we are planning
other parties and dreaming of improvements in our rooms,—as i f
they could be improved! I t is a great temptation to relate some of
these dreams, but perhaps you have them too—one kind or another!—
and I confess the chapter letter is too long. So i f you are truly in-
terested in I I Chapter and its plans, come, pay us a visit—really,
Alphas, our welcome is always hearty!


For the first time in its history, Omicron is unable to announce
in the November To DRAGMA, a number of new sisters. But as the
rules passed by the faculty and upheld by the Pan-Hellenic Associa-
tion, forbids pledging until February, we are sitting calmly aside
watching the little freshmen pass in array, and mentally selecting
Alpha material.

Our chapter consists at present of four members,—Laura Swift
Mayo, who is working for her Master's degree in Science, one
senior— Myrtle Cunningham, a junior—Ailcy Kyle, and Marjorie
Pease exulting in the proud rank of sophomore. Our number will
be increased in January by the addition of Minn Elois Hunt and
Nettie B. Armstrong, both of whom were prevented from returning
to college in September. But as few as we are, we are not without
recognition, and hold one or two offices in college life—Laura Swift
Mayo is secretary of the Co-ed Cotillion Club, and Myrtle Cunning-
ham holds the offices of president of the Cotillion Club and presi-
dent of the Rouge and Powder Dramatic Club.

Omicron also feels herself lucky in her alumnae. A number of
our old girls are living in town and are helping us, doing as much
for us, as i f they were themselves actives. We feel that we are
almost robbing Kappa by having with us Ada Donaldson. And oh,
what grand times we have had, listening to your escapades, Kappa,
and how we envy you your plans for a chapter house. And that


reminds me, that Omicron is simply camping in regard to rooms,
until several new buildings are erected on the campus in which we
have the assurance of commodious quarters.

So far, we have been very quiet socially, but beginning with Hal-
lowe'en we expect to give a number of large entertainments. How
we wish that all of you might be with us on October the thirteenth,
when the witches are to assemble for our especial benefit in the home
of our patroness, Mrs. R. W. McCargo! Little yellow pumpkins
were sent around to about fifty of the chosen ones, and promptly
at eight on the eventful evening the guests, disguised in masks and
dominoes, will assemble, to be carried for a few hours into the
realm of the supernatural. And, i f you want any Hallowe'en ideas,
just write to us. Then we tell you how to decorate your rooms with
jack o'lanterns, black cats, witches and autumn leaves! How to have
your witch reach into a boiling cauldron and bring forth cards bear-
ing your fortune, and what grand things to have to eat! We can't
begin to tell you in this letter.

We have heard that Zeta has nine pledges! Our heartiest con-
gratulations and hopes that in February, we may be able to announce
as large a number. We feel that we will be able to do this, as the
material this year is far better than ever before. The enrollment in
the university for 1909-'10 exceeds that of the previous year by more
than a hundred, and the number of girls is exactly doubled.

So Omicron feels very cheerful about the future, and wishes all
success to her sister chapters.

Perhaps To DRAGMA is beginning to wonder what has become of
Kappa. No, we have not been entirely buried by our Virginia
Mountains, but have simply been swept over by the flood of freshmen,
and, in listening when the freshman speaks and pretending there is
wisdom to her words, have committed the unpardonable crime of
letting the chapter letter go by unwritten.

The whirl of college opening brought the usual stream of beam-
ing and innocent "prospectives." Alpha O, of course, immediately
became interested, then followed that dreadful time, known to us
all—the rushing season—when we must listen to the stories of high
school, of last summer's house-parties, of "Jack," and of "George,"
and the time when we are interested in, smile upon, and admire our
"witty" and "attractive" freshmen.

Kappa, however, extends her most heart-felt desire that no other
chapter has had to bear just such trials as she. She is in the stage
of house-moving, and the whole miserable month has been spent in


wild tearing of hair in search of the knife, that can't be found, and
the can-opener that insists upon being lost. A t our parties we have
entertained the frantic fear always that the girl who is so charmingly
entertaining in the next room will forget, and let the rushee sit i n
the wrong chair, where she may get a view around the screen into
the terrors of a six-foot temporary kitchen.

However, for the sake of both the nerves and the self-respect of
the "Greeks," this excitement lasted for only a month before pledge
day, and now each member is revelling in the delight of disagreeing
with, and at times even contradicting our freshmen pledges.

Kappa returned this fall with fear and quaking, for last spring's
graduation had taken from her her pride in wisdom, in power, and
in charm. Wise and pretty little Olga Sheppard had taken her
basket steeped with high grades and honors on up to Columbia, to
venture further in philosophy for her A. M . degree; grave, serious
Mamie Hurt, the father-confessor and advisor of every Kappa girl,
honored with various titles of "president" and "chairman," swept
majestically away from us out into the wide, alluring, old world;
and Kappa's fascinating little charmer, Ada Donaldson, who was
always sent to entertain the "prospective," tripped gracefully out
into the teachers' world, all leaving Kappa to glory in its past hon-
ors and mourn its loss. Nine staunch Kappas, however, trooped
gladly back to their post, ready for a long pull, a strong pull, and
one altogether for Alpha O!

They want to give a most enthusiastic welcome to their new
little sister, Rho, and make an appeal for more Southern chapters.
Our Northern sisters can hardly realize how anxious we, who are in
the sunny south, are to see Alpha O spread down into Dixie, where


The members of Zeta are glad to be together once again, and
all are working hard to make this a successful year.

We have a new chapter house this year, one much larger and
nicer than the other. The town girls moved f o r us during the
summer, and had everything ready for us, when we came back to

During rush week, we pledged ten splendid girls, all fresh-
men : Nina Troyer, Stella Butler, Eloise Harper, Helen Harper,
Sarah Harrington, Melvina Waters, Helen Fiske, Kathleen Ryan,
Meda Nunemaker, and Edith Hall. On October 2, we had formal
pledging, and finished the evening with a most enjoyable fudge


October 9 we initiated Katherine Folmer '10, and Meda Nune-

maker '13.
October 23, we gave an informal dance at the house in honor

of the freshmen, and on October 30, they gave a most enjoyable
Hallowe'en party for the older girls. The house was decorated
with lanterns, cornhusks, and black cats—everything appropriate
to the day. We all voted it a great success, and are very proud of
our freshmen.

Ethel Perkins '10 is a member of "Black Mask," the senior

class organization.

Alfreda Powell '10 is a member of the Cornhusker staff, and

in on the senior play committee.

I t was to a strenuous f a l l term that fifteen of Sigma's mem-
bers returned at the beginning of the college year. While all our
time and energy have not been devoted to that important problem,
"rushing," the freshmen question has assumed its usual prominent
role. The Pan-Hellenic rule for this term governing the pledging of
freshmen, was in the nature of a compromise between two oppos-
ing factions, one favoring a short rushing season, the other a long
dignified one. The result is—two pledge days; one at the begin-
ning and one at the end of the term, and—general dissatisfaction.
Sigma, however, has not wasted time grumbling over an unpleasant
situation, but has boldly set to work in quest of the desirable fresh-
men. Six new members have been initiated, Norma Singleton,
Marian Crosett, Evelyn Bancroft, Ethel Porter, Wynne Meridith,
all regular members of the freshmen class, and Rose Gardner, a
member of the class of 1911. Meanwhile rushing goes merrily on,
with the second pledge day looming up in the distance. Many of
the affairs have been so enjoyable that we have often lost sight of
the fact that they were given for the freshmen's pleasure, rather
than our own. The event which the girls looked forward to most,
was a launch party planned for a certain Saturday in September.
Here at the last minute, a rain-storm, put an end to our plans f o r
a trip around the bay, but it took more than a little water to dampen
our spirits. A picnic lunch on the dining room floor, with the girls
grouped comfortably around the fire-place, an impromptu bridge-
party, followed by a visit to the theatre, made a good substitute for
the day's pleasure. We are still hoping to have the launch party
sometime in the near future. Another event, which proved to be a
big success, was a trip to the Cliff House with lunch on the beach
and swimming at Sutro's. With all this mention of launch parties
and swimming parties, you will begin to think that Sigma has a de-


cided tendency towards the aquatic in rushing. That might be the
case, but we have our share of sedate card parties too, less sedate,
though perhaps more enjoyable, theatre parties, and dinners in
profusion, formal and otherwise. Now to another topic, for I am
sure rushing must be the same the world over.

Sigma has one piece of information of a somewhat startling
nature, to confide to her sister chapters,—the marriage of four of
her members, within the last two months, one in August and
three in September. Two of the weddings took place near Ber-
keley, and were attended by the entire chapter. But it is not
only in the matrimonial field that Sigma has been active. We
received a pleasant surprise not long ago, when the Daily Cali-
fornian informed us that the curtain raiser, chosen from among
the thirty submitted for junior day, was written by one of our
recently initiated members, Rose Gardner, '11. Lillian Rice, '10
has been elected a member of the English Club, a literary and dra-
matic society, and is also a member of the California Occident
staff. Rose Schmidt, '09, also a member of the English Club, played
the leading part in the senior extravaganza given at the end of last
term in the Greek amphitheater. We, who have always looked to
find Rose among the leaders of college activities, often wondered
how we could get along without her, and consider ourselves very
fortunate in having her with us another year in active membership,
during a post-graduate course. The social event which at present
is being most eagerly anticipated is the "Freshie Glee." Marian
Crosett, '13, is a member of the dance committee, while one of our
juniors is serving on the committee for the "Junior Prom.," the next
event of social importance.

Everyone i n college is looking forward to the production of
"Erminie" on October, twenty-ninth. Sigma will have two repre-
sentatives in the caste, Jenette Miller, '11, and Irene Flanagan, '12.
Jenette took one of the leading parts in the Gilbert and Sullivan
opera given last year, but this will be Irene's initial appearance.
She has been cast for the soubrette role of "Gavotte," and we all
have the greatest confidence in her ability to do justice to the part.

And now, before closing, we take this opportunity to express
our heartiest wishes for a prosperous and happy year to all our
sister chapters in A O I I .


College opened this year on Sept. 22, and found us with seven-
teen strong girls. Our rushing season was a hard one this year, as
it only lasted one week. We entertained our prospective pledges
by several little informal stunts. One, which every one seemed to


enjoy, was given at the home of Jennie Farmer, one of our town
girls, who lives just at the edge of town. We gave i t on Saturday
afternoon from two until five. We made a large bon-fire out in the
grove about which we gathered, sang our songs and toasted marsh-
mallows until late in the afternoon. After this we served the girls
in picnic fashion to sandwiches, pickles, salad, fruit, cake and coffee.

Although our rushing season was a hard and strenuous one,
nevertheless it was a triumphant one for us, and on September 27
we were proud to put the sheaf of wheat on ten splendid girls,
Estelle Johnston, Olive Brain, Verne Laming, Lura Wallace, Mary
Shock, Nell Foster, Elsie Downs, Mary Sutton, Lura Davis and
Anna Stafford. We held "open house" from ten until twelve, after
which an elaborate five course dinner was served to a l l the chapter.

Theta moved her residence this f a l l to a beautiful home at the
corner of Walnut St., and College Ave. I t is a spacious brick
house with fifteen large rooms. I t has a beautiful porch, which
extends to the third story. I n the spring we have ferns, palms and
pretty flower-boxes out on the porch which makes it very attractive

We have nineteen girls staying at the chapter house, and we are
proud to say we own a great deal of the furniture i n our house.
We feel very fortunate indeed in having Mrs. E. B. Doll as our
chaperone. Mrs. Doll is a fine and cultured woman, and adds
much to Theta's comfort and pleasure.

Aren't we all glad about Northwestern? We are proud of Rho
chapter for more than one reason. I t is our near neighbor and then
we are proud to own as our sisters in A O I I , the excellent girls
who have been chosen to join Alpha's ranks. We feel that they
are worthy to become members of Alpha Omicron Pi, and we know
they w i l l do much good for us. Grace Norris had the privilege of
attending the installation of Rho chapter. A banquet with splendid
toasts was held after the ceremony at the Avenue House i n Evanston,

We are proud to announce our two Phi Beta Kappa's of last

spring, Margaret Pyke and Bess Levering.
Pearl Wenger and Hazel McCoy visited us, a few days this f a l l .

Mabel Allen and Florence Fields spent a few days at the chap-

ter House this fall.

We held our initiation Oct. 30, and it was certainly very beauti-
f u l and impressive. After the initiation, we had a banquet at the
house. Our dining room was beautifully and artistically decorated
with smilax and the "Jac" roses.

DePauw had as its guest this fall Senator Beveridge, who gave

a fine talk to faculty and student body at the chapel hour.


The greater part of A's energy this fall has been expended in
rushing, or more correctly, in refraining from rushing. According
to the Pan-Hellenic rules for Tufts this year, pledge day is deferred
until the week after mid-years. Until then, there is supposed to be
no rushing whatever. The rules are so restricted, that they do not
admit a sorority girl and a freshman, to eat so much as a box of
candy together. For a while the relations seemed unusually strained,
but now that we are getting used to them, and the freshmen are
learning to seek each other's companionship, rather than ours,
things are not quite so bad. However, it is an experiment and time
only can prove its success or failure. There is a question whether
in such a small college as this, where there are less than one hundred
girls, it is wise to have a mid-year or sophomore pledge-day.

As to the effect upon the fraternity itself, there is much to be
said on both sides. While it is a great strain on the individual girls,
it tends to strengthen the bonds of union between us. The idea of
the sacrifice of the individual for the sake of the fraternity is con-
stantly brought before us, and we realize that only through united
action, "team-work" as i t is called, can we win out.

While the tendency this year is to devote too much time to the
consideration of freshmen, an extra effort is made to keep up the
past record of the frat along other lines. Plans for a dance are in
progress; current events are continued; several theatre parties have
been held; and the joint meetings and spreads of the active and
alumnae chapters have been renewed.

On the whole, "frat-spirit," that intangible something that is
so necessary to success, is strong in A chapter of A O I I .


After a long, happy summer the girls of Gamma are back, ready
for the good hard work and jolly fun, that college life brings.

Last spring there were three alumnae members initiated, Agnes
Burnam, '00, Mary Knight Davis, (Mrs. Sydney Davis) ex-'09,
and Frances Hinkley Crowe, (Mrs. James Crowe) '03.

At commencement, last June, were graduated six of our number,
Cora and Christine Shaw, Irene Richardson, Martha Knight, Flor-
ence Chase, and Mary E. Chase. I t is with pleasure that we are
able to say that Cora Shaw made the honorary society, Phi Kappa
Phi, while Frances Pol, who has been doing graduate work here,
obtained her M . A. degree.

At present there are seventeen active members in Gamma chapter.
We have decided not to pledge new members to the sorority until
mid-years, in order that we may know the girls better before pledg-


ing. I n the in-coming class there are certainly some splendid girls,
of whom any college might well be proud.

Two of our girls, Miretta Bickford, and Margaret Flint, are
the two girls who have been chosen to compete i n the sophomore
prize declamations on December third.

Mary E. Chase, '09, is soon to have a short story appear in The

American Boy.
Perhaps it may interest other Alpha O girls to know that Gam-

ma's camping party at Deer Isle, after commencement last June,
was all that could be wished. The weather was fine, and such good
things as we had to eat! We have only to mention lobsters and
clams ( ! ) to start the reminiscences. I wonder how many Alpha
O's know what good eating a flounder is,—and how much work it
is to prepare one. We had fish of all kinds, until one girl rebelled,
informing us that for one "she felt like an aquarium." We are
already making our plans for a second party next June.

Finally, in this, her first letter of the year, Gamma wishes to
extend her heartiest greetings to all the sister chapters, and especially
to the members of Rho, and wish them all, the happiest and most suc-
cessful kind of a new year.


The list of membership of the five sororities of Cornell is as
follows: K A 0 10, K K T 7, A T 11, A * 12, A O n 11, and is
valid only t i l l the middle of November, when we are all counting
on chapter enrollment in proportion to our rushing efforts.

The Pan-Hellenic conference has restricted the number of rush-
ing parties given by each fraternity to three, one large party, that
may be attended by all the members and as many rushees as desired,
and two small ones, at which four fraternity girls and an indefinite
number of "eligibles" may be present. Besides these official parties
the individual girls may give as many informal breakfasts, candy-
pullings, etc., as they wish, provided that at no party of this sort,
there be more than three girls of the same fraternity. Epsilon is
very busy, very happy and very confident.

Our most splendid piece of news this year so far, is the election
of Catherine Allen to the senior presidency; our next subject for
congratulation is Catherine Donlon, because of her efficient service
as vice-president of the sophomores. Other honors are not yet out
but we have our eyes upon several positions that we feel certain
A O IT girls are most capable of filling.

Like all our sister chapters, we feel keenly the loss of last year's
seniors, "take them for all in all, we shall not look upon their like
again." But this busy season fortunately leaves us little time for


regret, the freshmen need constant cheerful attention, and to them
we are dedicating our most precious time, trying to teach them how
to become loyal members of A O n.


Rho's first letter to To DRAGMA ! Only our smile-wreathed faces
could tell you how happy we are to join the ranks of A O I I . I t
is really only a very short time ago that we were installed, and yet
we are already bound to our sorority by so many close and precious
ties, that the days when we were not Alpha O's seem only dreams.
Our installation came June 11, 1909, and that spring lost to us five
girls—two post-graduates, two seniors, and a sophomore, who is
studying this year at the University of Minnesota. That left but
five of our charter members to inaugurate the success of the chapter
for this year. The number was soon recruited by the initiation, Oct, 2,
1909, of three splendid girls, pledged the spring before—Faye
Smith, '10, Margaret Wyne, ' 1 1 , and Anne Curry, ' 1 2 . We also
affiliated Bess Medbourne from Theta chapter.

Such a busy time as we had our first two weeks! I suppose our
younger sister chapters will know what that means, when they recall
the vicissitudes of new chapter life, and when they realize that
pledging at Northwestern can be done any time after matriculation.
We have been very fortunate in having both Mrs. Alice Smith Thom-
son, Alpha, ' 0 5 , and Mrs. Lulu King Bigelow, Zeta, ' 0 4 , living in
Chicago, to help us in these strenuous times. Rho has already learned
to know the value of national bonds through her friendship with
those Alphas, she has been fortunate enough to meet. I n accord-
ance with our own by-laws under the lack of local Pan-Hellenic
"rushing" rules, we confined our "rushing" to two weeks, giving
in that time a series of informal parties, teas, breakfasts, theatre
parties, and drives. At the end of the period, we were delighted
to have ribbons on ten fine girls—Louise Norton, graduate stu-
dent, Marie Vick, ' 1 1 , Marguerite Mee, ' 1 2 , Elizabeth Hiestand,
'12, Caroline Power, '12, Lenore Thompson, '13, Blanche Babcock,
'13, Margaret Pitman, '13, Pauline Pearson, '13, and Edna Betts, '13.

On Oct. 10, we gave a luncheon for our pledges at Marshall
Fields, and have since been entertained at dinner by Mrs. Harris,
one of our patronesses—and at luncheon by Mrs. Carolyn Dorr and
by Mrs. Thomson. Both of the latter events were in honor of Jose-
phine Pratt, Alpha, ' 0 7 , who though Mrs. Thomson's guest, was
kind enough to spend some of her time with Rho. October 23 was
formal pledge-day. Five of our pledges will be initiated on Nov.
16, but the freshmen we cannot initiate until the second semester, in
accordance with a faculty ruling in force here. We are allowed two


big parties a year—one informal and a formal party. On Nov. 5

we give our informal dance, and naturally we are looking forward

to that date with a great deal of pleasure.
So far our letter seems mainly concerned with social affairs, but

the girls of Rho chapter have also found time to take an active part
in the college life. Most of our girls are members of the various
literary societies here—Margaret Wyne has been elected treasurer of
Alethenai Literary Society and Merva Dolsen is president of Anon-
ian Literary Society. Avaline Kindig is a member of the ' 1 1 Sylla-
bus Board—the Syllabus is our annual college publication—Faye
Smith and Mae Barlow are members of the Willard Hall House
Committee; Julia Norton is treasurer of the Y. W. C. A . ; Julia
Norton and Merva Dolsen were among the thirteen members elected
last spring to Epsilon Eta—a senior society—;and Merva Dolsen is
class representative on the Woman's League Council.

The prospects for Rho's future seem very bright, and it is indeed

with optimistic heart that she wishes good luck to all her sister chap-

ters. As loyal members of A O I I , our desire is to make our chap-

ter worthy of the whole large sisterhood and one of which you need

never be ashamed. With f u l l hearts we drink the toast—"Vive la

Alpha O!"




Our last year ended with a pleasant and well-attended meeting
at Emma Lay's home, and our new year will begin Saturday Novem-
ber 13, with another meeting at the same place. A t the meeting in
June, Edith Dietz was unanimously elected secretary-treasurer for
the coming year, to fill the vacancy left by Margaret Yates' resigna-
tion. As was done last year, an announcement of the times and
places of meetings will be sent early in the year to every eligible

I t was delightful to have a glimpse of Helen Henry, 2, last
summer, and we earnestly request all alumnae from other chapters,
who may be in the vicinity to make themselves known.

After the meeting at Emma Lay's i n November, the calendar
for the winter as planned tentatively by the Executive Committee
w i l l be as follows:

Wednesday, January 12th—hostess, Jean Frame.
Saturday, March 2nd—hostess, Edith Dietz.
Saturday, May 4th—business-elections; hostess, Dora Lough.
Wednesday, June 13th—reception to graduating classes of N u
and Alpha; place to be decided upon later.

We are trying the experiment this year of having some meetings
on Wednesday afternoon, to accomodate those who attend the operas
or theatres and concerts on Saturday afternoons, or who want to
get away early for week-end outings, as well as for the married
women whose husbands get home on Saturday afternoons.


The San Francisco Alumnae Chapter began the new year by
meeting at the home of Miss Verna Ray in Berkeley on September
eighteenth. A l l had left their vacation experiences behind, and have
now nothing but reminiscences to enliven the accustomed routine.

The chapter, however, looks forward to happiness and prosperity.
The officers of the coming year are Miss Helen Henry, president;
Miss Verna Ray, vice-president and secretary, and Mrs. Celeste
LaCoste Etcheverry, treasurer.

No letter.




The engagement is just announced of Emma Lay, A, '07, to
Mr. J. Arthur Harris. The wedding is to take place in the spring.


Omicron takes pleasure i n announcing the engagement of Jess
Mary Edmunds to Mr. Carl Cramer of Des Moines, Iowa. The
wedding will take place sometime in the spring, when Omicron
expects to be quite gay with the round of festivities planned in Jess'


Kappa announces the approaching weddings of Miss Lucile
Sanderson, '10, to Mr. Maurice Sheppard on December 2, and
Miss Bernice Sheppard, '10, to Mr. Bryan Hurd on November 25.


Grace Batz, '09, recently announced her engagement to George
Guyles, '09, of Tacoma. Their wedding will be an event of the
early spring.



On the twenty-third of June, Josephine Crippen, n , '02, was
married to Mr. Stanhope H a l l King. The wedding was at the home
of the bride's father, and only relatives and a few friends were
present. The stately old drawing rooms of the Crippen home were
prettily decorated with palms, ferns, and cut flowers, and during
the ceremony several violin selections were played. The bride
looked lovely in a dainty lingerie gown with hat to match, and car-
ried a shower bouquet of lilies-of-the-valley. Her only attendant
was Mrs. Sinclair (Mary Colcock, I I , '02), who was becomingly
gowned in blue and carried hydrangeas.

Immediately after the ceremony a delightfully informal reception
was held, after which M r . and Mrs. King left on a short bridal


trip. They are now living in New Orleans much to the delight of
n girls for once became very quiet, and thought hard of a wedding

Another wedding of much interest to I I chapter, was that of
Laura O'Niell, n, '02 to Mr. Rene Hector Himel. The marriage
took place on the twenty-seventh of June in Charenton, Louisiana.
Owing to its being an out of town wedding few Alphas were there,
but the bride, who is a loyal A O n, had their very best wishes.

On October twenty-sixth just at twilight, the Jesuit's Church in
New Orleans was filled with friends who had come to the marriage
of Andree Jeanne Provosty, I I , '06 and Mr. Clifton Pierson Walker.
The great church was beautiful with palms, bride roses, and count-
less candles. After a number of attendants came Andree looking
more beautiful than ever in her exquisite bridal robes. After the
ceremony there was a large reception at the home of the bride's
parents, Justice and Mrs. Oliver O. Provosty. Mr. and Mrs. Walker
left the same night for an extended bridal tour.

Just at twelve o'clock on Wednesday, October the twenty-seventh,
I I girls for once became very quiet and thought hard of a wedding
then taking place in a little church up in Franklin, Louisiana—the
wedding of Mary Temperance Frere, I I , '11, to Mr. John M . Caffery.
Mary was at college only a short time but during that time she made
a place in the heart of A O I I which cannot be filled, now that she
is not here. We are looking forward to having her with us a great
deal, for her home will be not very far from New Orleans.


On July twenty-fourth, Florence Schultz, '09 and Melrowe Mar-
tin of Los Angeles, also a member of the class of '09, were married
at the Epworth Church in Berkeley.

Genevieve Kimball, '07, and Mr. Joseph Bingaman, '05, were
married on the night of September eighth, at the bride's home in

The wedding of Netha H a l l , '11 and George H i l l , '06 took
place September sixteenth, at the bride's home in Oakland.

The wedding of Ada Shreve, '05, and Mr. William Belshaw of
Antioch, was an event of recent date.


Bertha Walker, '05 was married in San Dionas, Cal., September
29, to Mr. James M . Egell. A t home after Nov. 1, Klamath Falls,
Oregon. Mr. Egell is a graduate of Nevada State University.


Frieda Pfafflin was married Sept. 22nd to Fred H . Dorner. She
is now living at 881 6th Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.

Ethel Carver was married Nov. 3rd to Mr. Marion E. Martin.
They will make their home i n Rockville, Ind.


Helen Farwell Steward, ex-'09 and J. Randolph Bradstreet

were married recently.
Mr. William Freeman Shoppe and Miss Marguerite Dorothy

Pilsbury were married Wednesday, August 4th, at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pilsbury, No. 4 Court
street. The lawn was enclosed with 170 feet of netting closely
covered with green, forming an enclosure in which the ceremony
took place at high noon. Miss Amy E. Stoddard played Mendels-
sohn's wedding march, at the first strains of which Misses Elizabeth
A. Quimby and Cora S. Morison entered the lawn from the side door
bearing garlands to form the aisles for the bridal party. The six
bridesmaids then appeared and formed a semi-circle under the
hawthorne tree. The bride, escorted by her father, were followed
and met by the groom and his best man. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. David L. Wilson of the North Congregational
church, who used the single ring Episcopal service. The bride was
given away by her father. Baskets of pink sweetpeas were suspended
from the trees, and tall jardineres of ferns were used with charming
effect on the lawn. The bridesmaids were Misses Alice Belle Farns-
worth of West Sullivan, Maine '08, the bride's roommate at Maine;
Joanna Carver Colcord, Searsport, Maine '07; Sarah Ellen Brown,
Old Town, Maine '08, all members of the bride's fraternity, Gamma
chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, and three Belfast young ladies, Misses
Clara Russell Steward, Mary Helen Bird and Evelyn Philbrook
Morison. Dr. George A. Phillips of West Sullivan was best man.

Mr. Schoppe is a graduate from the University of Maine (B. S.
in Agriculture) 1907, and is a member of Maine Alpha Chapter of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and of Alpha Zeta, the honorary agricultural
fraternity. After leaving Maine he was an assistant at the Rhode
Island Experiment Station, Kingston, R. I . , and then went to Mon-
tana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in Bozeman,
Montana, where he is an instructor and assistant i n the experiment
station.—Republican Journal, Belfast, Me.


Rho is happy to announce the marriage of Carolyn Piper to
Louis Barto Dorr, solemnized June 19, 1909.

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