Chis, there is something due from each one of us to our chapter
meeting. Let us each do our part: give the best of our thought
and best of ourselves toward making our chapter meeting fulfill
the purpose for which we came together.—Lyre of A X fi.
VOL. I V . J U L Y , 1909. No. 4.
To D R A G M A is published at 165-167 Main Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoftice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, A p r i l 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1879.
To DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and July.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.
V I O L A C. G R A Y , Editor-in-Chief. H E L E N M . PIPER, Business Manager.
In order to keep our Directory correct all members of Alpha
Omicron Pi are requested to send changes in name or address to
Helen M. Piper, 1731 D Street, IJncoln, Nebr., as soon as such
changes occur.
Adomeit, Lucretia Loring (Mrs. Erich), Theta, '10.
P. 9920 Parkgate Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Ahlers, Blanche Evelyn, Sigma, ' u .
P. 1985 Oak St., San Francisco, Cal.
T. 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Ahlers, Viola Emily, Sigma, '08.
P. 1985 Oak St., San Francisco, Cal.
T. 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
.Aiken, Edith Nora, Gamma, '07.
P. Brewer, Me.
Albers, Emma Carhart, Omicron, '05.
See H u n t .
Alderman, Madge, Zeta spec.
P. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Allan. Alice Ruth, Alpha, '09.
P. 206 Midland Ave., Montclair, N . J .
Allen, Anna, Epsilon, '09.
P. 812 Auburn Ave., Buffalo, N . Y .
Allen, Catharine Moore, Epsilon, '10.
P. 812 A u b u r n Ave., Buffalo, N . Y .
T. Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Allen, Lucy Estile, Theta, '08.
P. 11 Spring Ave., Greencastle, I n d .
Allen, Mabel June, Theta, '11.
P. 2151 No. New Jersey St., Indianapolis.
Alverez, Florence, Sigma, ' n .
P. 2801 Ellsworth St., Berkeley, Cal.
Anderson, Helen Beatrice, Alpha, '05.
P. 400 W . 1st St., New Y o r k City.
Anderson, Merl Virginia, Rho.
P. Preston, Minnesota.
T . W i l l a r d H a l l , Evanston, 111.
Antrim, Elizabeth Belle, Theta, '11.
P. Wabash, Ind.
Arnold, Blanche Haumett (Deceased), N u .
Arnold, Gertrude Davis (Mrs. Julian H . ) , Sigma, '04.
P. American Consulate, Amoy, China.
Aron, Beatrice Marguerite, Alpha, '09.
P. Liberty Road, Englewood, N . J.
Arthur, Helen Van Tych, Nu, '01.
P. 220 Broadway, New York City.
Ashley, Jessie, N u , '02.
P. 5 Nassau St., New York City.
Atkinson, Martha Louise, Delta, '00.
P. Laconia, N . H .
Atwood, Louise Russell, Delta, '97.
P. Gardner St., Med ford, Mass.
Averill, Helen Willard, Gamma, '11.
P. Milltown, Me.
T. Baring, Me.
Ayres, Mattie Garland, Pi, '04.
P. University Place, Knoxville, Tenn.
Bachus, Hattie Fish ( M r s . George), Sigma, '06.
P. Smuggler, Col.
Baker, Theodora N . (Mrs. Frank), N u , '08.
P. 480 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Balentine, Elizabeth Abbott (Mrs. Walter), Gamma.
P. Orono, Me.
Balentine, Marion, Gamma, '07.
See Reed.
Bancroft, Helen Davis, Sigma, '10.
P. 1940 Summit St., Oakland, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Barlow, Mae Martha, Rho, '11.
P. Galva, 111.
T . W i l l a r d H a l l , Evanston, 111.
Barnum, Laverna Pollard, Zeta, '07.
See Cheney.
Bartlett, Emily Mary, Gamma, '12.
P. College Ave., Orono, Me.
Bartlett, Gertrude Elizabeth, Delta, '07.
P. Kingston, N . H .
Baskerville, Margaret Luois, Kappa, '08.
P. 231 Linden St., Memphis, Tenn.
Bates, Ceilia, Theta, '12.
P. Winchester, Ind.
T . A O I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Batz, Grace Fay, Sigma.
P. 1803 19th St., Bakersfield, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Bauman, Eunice, Zeta, '10.
P. West Point, Neb.
T . 226 N . 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Baumann, Minnie Gussie, Zeta spec.
P. West Point, Nebr.
Baxter, Sarah Edith, Rho, '09.
P. Evanston, 111.
Bean, Anna Coffin, Gamma, '08.
P. Waltham, Mass.
T. Littleton, N . H .
Bean, I d a May, Gamma Spec.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Beaumont, Luree ( M r s . Frederich), Zeta Spec.
P. Madrid, Neb.
Bedford, Huella, Kappa, '07.
See T h u r m a n .
Beemer, Lurel, Zeta Spec.
See Beaumont.
Bell, Martha, Zeta, '12.
P. 4746 Friendship Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
T . 226 N . 26, Lincoln, Nebr.
Bennett, Emma, Zeta Spec.
P. 1546 S. 21st St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Berry, Clarice Watkins (Mrs. Lyman), Kappa, '09.
P. 711 H i g h l a n d Ave., Birmingham, A l a .
Bickford, Katherine Neal, Delta, '11.
P. 12 Lawrence St., Dan vers, Mass.
T . 12 Raymond St., W . Somerville, Mass.
Bickford, Miretta Lydia, Gamma, '12.
P. Skovvhegan, Me.
T. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Bigelow, Lulu King ( M r s . Clifford), Zeta, '04.
P. 1607 So. 6th Ave., Maywood, 111.
Birkner, Alma, Zeta, '10.
P. 226 S. 27th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Birkner, Gisella, Zeta, '12.
P. 226 S. 27th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Blair, Mary, Theta, '10.
P. 1024 Madison St., La Porte, M d .
Boardman, Esther C, Sigma.
P. Immaculate Heart Academy.
T. Hollywood, Los Angeles, Cal.
Bodine, Mattie Durell, Epsilon, ' i t ,
P. Mansfield, Pa.
T . Cascadilla Place, Ithaca, N . Y .
Boland, Marion Genevieve, Gamma, '02.
P. Le Grange, St. Worcester, Mass.
T. Meridian, Miss.
Booth, Laura, N u , '04.
P. 6 Charles St., New York City.
Boss, Anna Marie, Alpha, '05.
P. 14 W . 95th St., New York City.
Boyd, Roberta Bliss, Sigma.
P. Yuba City, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Bowen, Minnie Alma, Theta, '08.
See Travis.
Boyce, Florence Bessie, N u , '05.
See Bryant.
Boynton, Beth, Zeta, '11.
P. 510 S. 28th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Brackett, Mary Morrell, Alpha, '99.
P. 604 W . 115th St., New York City.
T. Box 234, Covington, La.
Bradshaw, Blanche Laracy, Kappa, '06.
P. Hight Point, N . C.
Bramhall, Helen Hilliard (Mrs. Otis), Delta, '99.
P. 6 Cleveland St., Cambridge, Mass.
Bratt, Frances, Zeta Spec.
See Gorman.
Bray, Bertha, Delta, '04.
P. T u f t s College, Mass.
Bres, Marie Ernestine, Pi, '06.
See McLellan.
Bres, Nell, Pi, '07.
P. 1427 Calhoun St., New Orleans, La.
Bridenbaugh, Nell, Zeta, '08.
P. 2344 R. St., Lincoln, Neb.
Bright, Carrie Maxwell, Sigma.
P. 1512 W a l n u t St., Berkeley, Cal.
Britton, Josephine, Epsilon Grad.
P. 610 Benson St., Camden, N . J.
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Brodie, Eleanor Van Cott (Mrs. Orrin Brodie), Alpha, '02.
P. Westerleigh, Staten Island, N . Y . C.
Brooks, Marion Louise, Delta, '11.
P. 47 Auburn St., W . Medford, Mass.
Brown, Dorothy Temple, Delta, '06.
P. "Hillcrest," Winchester, Mass.
Brown, Florence Evelyn, Gamma, ' l l .
P. Oldtown, Me.
Brown, Sarah Ellen, Gamma, '08.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Brunning, Florence Edith, Nu, '07.
P. Graham Court, 116th St. and 7th Ave., New York City.
Bryant, Bernice McNeal (Mrs. Oder M . ) , Sigma, '07.
Bryant, Florence Boyce ( M r s . Frederick H . ) , N u , '05.
P. Park Ave., Malone, N . Y .
Bryne, Blanche Bruce (Mrs. John), Delta, '03.
P. 120 Curtis St., T u f t s College, Mass.
Bryant, Mabel Roper (Mrs. Glen A . ) , Zeta, '04.
P. Andover, So. Dak.
Bucknam, Alice Adeline, Delta, '09.
P. 8 Norway St., Boston, Mass.
Buchanan, Laura Finney, Zeta, '06.
See Shockey.
Buchanan, Mary Hart, Omicron, '10.
P. Granada, Miss.
Bullitt, Margaret Talbot, Kappa, '11.
P. B i g Stone Gap, V a .
T . College Park, Va.
Bumps, Imogene Martha, Gamma, '11.
P. Dexter, Me.
Burchenal, Emma Howells, Alpha, '07.
P. 514 122nd St., New Y o r k City.
Burd, Adelma Helene, Nu, '03.
P. 5 Nassau St., New York City.
Burhitt, Pauline Clarissa, Zeta, '09.
See Reynolds.
Burnet, Margaret May, Nu, '01.
P. Madison, N . J.
Burnham, Agnes Rowena, Gamma, '00.
P. 124 F r a n k l i n St., So. Braintree, Mass.
Burrage, Louise Eames ( M r s . A l v a h ) , Delta, '06.
P. Reading, Mass.
Burrows, Edith Maie, Alpha, '08.
P. 25 Neperan Road, T a r r y t o w n , N . Y .
Bushnell, Nina Gookin (Mrs. Charles), Omicron, '03.
P. 414 N o . E l m St., Greensboro, N . C.
Bussell, Edith Mae, Gamma, '02.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Butler, Ella Lillian, Kappa, '06.
P. 313 5th St., Lynchburg, Va.
Buxton, Sara Lucy, Delta, '05.
P. 58 Judson St., Maiden, Mass.
T . S. Manchester, Conn.
Byrne, Julia, Pi, '07.
P. 1103 H e n r y Clay Ave., New Orleans, L a .
T. Bronssard, La.
Byrnes, Elinor, N u Special.
P. Womens U n i . Club, 17 E. 26th St., New York City.
Caldwell, Harriet Moore, Omicron, '07.
P. 408 Main Ave. Knoxville, Tenn.
Caldwell, Katherine, Omicron, '07.
P. 408 Main Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Calhoun, Emma Shaw, N u , '07.
See Stephens.
Campbell, Carrie Green ( M r s . Wm. J.), Gamma, '96.
P. 893 Brush St., Detroit, Mich.
Campbell, Mary Rebecca, Kappa, ' n .
P. Tullahoma, Tenn.
Cannell, Florence Walker (Mrs. Winburn S.), Delta, '04.
P. 122 Orchard St., W . Somerville, Mass.
Carr, Cleora May, Gamma, '03.
P. Oldham, Me.
Carter, Alice Sandidge (Mrs. Thomas), Pi Grad.
P. 108 Wesley H a l l , Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Carter, Helen Gurley (Mrs. Charles C ) , Pi, '07.
P. Hammond, La.
Carver, Ethel, Theta, '09.
P. Rockville, Ind.
Carvill, Lizzie Maude, Delta, '99.
P. 28 H i g h l a n d Ave., Somerville, Mass.
Cassasa, Ida, N u , '10.
P. 46 East Ave., Long Island City, N . Y .
Caulkins, Edith, Omicron, '08.
P- 503 W . Vine Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Caulkins, Fannie Lee, Omicron, '04.
P. 415 Georgia Aye., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Chambers, Bessie May, Zeta, '10.
P. 2902 N . 25th St., Omaha, Nebr.
Chapman, Elizabeth Russell ( M r s . Chas. E . ) , Delta, '02.
P. 2211 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal.
Chapman, Lillian Donovan (Mrs. W. A . ) , Kappa, '08.
P. Macon, Ga.
Charlton, Ruby Deliah, Zeta, '08.
P. Loup City, Nebr.
Chase, Florence Polleys, Gamma, '09.
P. Baring, Me.
Chace, Mary Ella, Gamma, '09.
P. Bluehill, Me.
Cheney, Laverna Barnum (Mrs. W a r d ) , Zeta, '07.
P. Union, Nebr.
Cherry, Frances Geraldine, Kappa, '08.
See Parks.
Clark, Flora Rachel, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, Texas.
Clark, Florence Fray (Mrs. Walter R . ) , Delta, '09.
P. 774 Williams St., Bridgeport, Conn.
Clarke, Ethel Browning, Sigma.
P- 3323 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal.
Clark, Margaret Elizabeth, Alpha, '02.
See Summer.
Cleland, Clara Murray (Mrs. James), Kappa, '08.
P. Box 23, Lynchburg, Va.
Clement, Amanda, Zeta, '10.
P. Hudson, S. D .
T . 226 N . 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Clough, Emma Rosalie, Delta, '09.
P. 22 Emery St., T u f t s College, Mass.
Cochran, Jessie Isabelle, Alpha, '09.
P. 120 W . 12th St., New York City.
Coddington, Elizabeth Cadmus, Alpha, '02.
P. 38 Hamilton Ave., Passiac, N . J.
Coffin, Celia May, Gamma, '12.
P. Bangor, Me.
T. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Colcock, Elizabeth, Alpha, '02.
See Sinclair.
Colcord, Joanna Carver, Gamma, '06.
P. Searspont, Me.
T. Orono, Me.
Colcord, Maude Brown, Gamma, '06.
P. Searsport, Me.
T. North Plymouth, Mass.
Collins, Elinor Osborne, Delta, '12.
P. 51 H i g h St., Exeter, N . H .
T . Metcalf H a l l , T u f t s College, Mass.
Conant, Bessie Scott ( M r s . Frederick B . ) , Alpha, '05.
P. 282 Lafayette Ave., Passaic, N . J .
Cook, Carolyn Gugol (Mrs. Abner H . ) , Pi, '09.
P. 1902 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Cook, Helen Adelaide, Delta, '03.
P. 217 College Ave., W . Somerville, Mass.
Copeland, Lennie Phoebe, Gamma, '04.
P. Bangor, Me.
Cothren, M a r i o n Benedict ( M r s . Frank H . ) , N u Spec.
P. 173 S. O x f o r d St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Couchman, Jessie Gilbert, Theta Spec.
P. Farmerburg, I n d .
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Courtian, Gladys Dewey, Sigma, '10.
P. 2642 Derby St., Berkeley, Cal.
Corell, Maude Clarke (Mrs. Louis E.),
T. Care of L . E. Corell, Starkweather & Shepley Co.,
Custom House St., Providence, R. I .
Creagh, Genevieve Smith (Mrs. W . H . ) , Kappa, '07.
P. Selma, Ala.
Crippen, Josephine, Pi, '02.
P. 1537 T h a l i a St., New Orleans, L a .
Crowe, Frances Hinckley ( M r s . James), Delta, '03.
P. Schenectady, N . Y .
Cunningham, Myrtle, Omicron, '12.
P. 636 Mississippi Boulevard, Memphis, Tenn.
T. Barbara Blount Hall, U . of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.
Curdy, Anne Hall (Mrs. Robert J.), Alpha, '98.
P. 2544 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Cushing, Mary Magdalen, Delta, '04.
P. 168 Newberry St., Boston, Mass.
Cutter, Olive Eastman, Zeta, '11.
P. 2260 Grove St., Oakland, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Cal.
Damon, Corns Mabel, Zeta, '04.
See Peake.
Damon, Lucy Edna, Zeta, '07.
See Keeler.
Darling, Louella Fifield (Mrs. Lyman Morse).
P. 37 Kossuth St., Pawtucket, R. I .
Darville, Marian, Epsilon, '12.
P. 549 Decatur St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Davies, Marion, Kappa, ' 1 1 . \
P. Magnolia, A r k .
Davis, Beatrice Labaree, Delta, '12.
P. 5 Negus St., Webster, Mass.
T . Metcalf H a l l , T u f t s College, Mass.
Davis, Ethel, Delta, 'oo.
P. Yarmouthport, Mass.
Davis, Ethel, Epsilon, '09.
P. 77 Congress St., B r a d f o r d , Pa.
Davis, Mary Adelaide, Sigma, '10.
P. Altadena, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Davis, Mary Knight ( M r s . Sidney Hupper), Gamma, '09.
P. Port Clyde, Me.
Day, Alice Hooker, Nu, '04.
P. 28 F i f t h Ave., New York City.
Dean, Hetly Anna, Alpha, '10.
P. Little Silver, N . J.
T . 521 W . 122nd St., New York City.
De Forest, Mabel Grace, Epsilon, '12.
P. 461 W . 155th St., New York City.
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Denegre, Amelie, Pi.
P. 2343 Prytania St., New Orleans, L a .
Devalon, Esther, Zeta, ' u .
P. 2213 Locust St., Omaha, Nebr.
T . 226 N . 26th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Dickson, Agnes Lillian, Alpha, '99.
P. 52 Summit Ave., Jersey City, N . J .
Dietz, Edith Augusta, Alpha, '05.
P. 217 W . 105th St., New York City.
Dillingham, Alice, Nu, '05.
P. Englewood, N . J.
Dolbear, Mary Elizabeth, Delta, '08.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
Dolbeer, Loverne Anna, Rho, '06.
P. 11542 State St., Chicago, 111.
T. Muskegon, Mich.
Dolson, Meroyna Barbara, Rho, '10.
P. E l g i n , 111.
Donaldson, Ada Beatrice, Kappa, '09.
P. Morristown, Tenn.
Donovan, Lillian, Kappa, '08.
See Chapman.
Donlon, Katherine Agnes.
P. 1306 Catherine St., Uttica, N . Y .
T. Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Donthat, Kathleen Mavourneen, Omicron, '07.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Dorr, Carolyn Piper (Mrs. L . B.), Rho, '07.
P. Berwyn, 111.
Doty, Madeline Zabriskie, N u , '02.
P. 21 West 8th St.
T. Barbara Blount Hall, U . of Tenn., Knoxville.
Drew, George Mary, Alpha, '99.
P. 342 Gregory Ave., West Orange, N . J.
T. Noble Institute, Amiston, Ala.
Druley, Eugenia Lee ( M r s . Waldo P . ) , A l p h a Spec.
P. 1151 Dean St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Du Bois, Blanche Merry, Sigma Grad.
P. 922 Lafayette St., Alameda, Cal.
Dudley, Margaret Henderson (Mrs. Clarke D e W i t t ) , Sigma, '03.
P. Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Care of Capt. C. D .
Dudley, 14th U . S. Cav.
Duggar, Marie Robertson, Epsilon Grad.
P. Ithaca, N . Y .
T. 5 East Ave., Ithaca, N . Y.
Duncan, Mary Martin, Theta, '08.
P. Greenfield, Ind.
Dupre, Cleveland Genevieve, Pi, '04.
P. Opelousas, La.
T . Lake Charles, La.
Dupre, Edith Garland, Pi, 'oo.
P. Opelousas, La.
T. Louisiana Industrial Institute, Lafayette, La.
Dupre, Mary Lilybel, Pi, '07.
P. 0]>elousas, La.
T. Marksville, La.
Durbin, Florence, Zeta, '08.
P. Melvin, Iowa.
Durbin, Cora, Zeta, '08.
P. Melvin, Iowa.
Earle, Ruth, Alpha, '02. See Lawrence.
Earp, Emma Miller (Mrs. Wilbur F.), Nu, '07.
P. 67 Riverside Drive, New York City.
Eastman, Catherine Crystal, Nu, '07.
P. Elmira, N . Y .
T . 237 W . n t h St New York City.
Eaton, Mary Helen, Delta, '99.
P. 954 Main St, N . Woburn, Mass.
Echols, Grace Harris (Mrs. Dyke S.), Kappa, '06.
P. Decatur, Ala.
Echols, Mary, Kappa, '06. See Elliot.
Edmonds, Jessie Mary, Omicron Spec.
P. Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, Tenn.
Edson, Helen Adele, Sigma, ' n .
P. 64 H a m i l t o n Place, Oakland, Cal.
E l l i m a n , Margaret Grote, Alpha, '02. See Henry.
Elliot, Mary Echols (Mrs. Council B.), Kappa, '06.
P. Decatur, Ala.
Emery, Lorenz, Zeta Music Student.
P. 327 N . n t h St. Lincoln, Neb.
Estabrooks, Marion Corthell, Gamma, '12.
P. Main St., Orono, Me.
Estabrooks, Nina Rice (Mrs. F. B.), Delta, '01.
P. Marlboro, Mass.
Etcheverry, Celeste La Caste ( M r s . Michel H . ) , Sigma graduate.
P. 1810 Devisadero Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Farmer, Mary Jennie, Theta, '10. See Marsh.
P. Greencastle, I n d .
Farmer, Ruth Capen ( M r s . Walter H . ) , Delta, '02.
P. 61 Franklin Street, Nashua, N . H .
Farnsworth, Alice Belle, Gamma, '08.
P. W . Sullivan, Me.
T. Canton, Me.
Fay, Margaret, Delta, '04.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
Fee, Mary Evangeline, Theta, ' n .
P. Clarksburg, Ind.
Fellows, Goldie Huffman (Mrs. R. S.), Theta, '08.
P. Broken Arrow, Okla.
Ferguson, Cloe L i l l i a n , Theta, '10. See Wood.
Fettretch, Edith Berrell (Mrs. Hyram F . ) , Alpha, '05.
Fields, Florence, Theta, '11.
P. 125 East Wiley Street, BlufTton, I n d .
Fitch, Mary Alida, Epsilon Grad.
P. Warrensburg, Mo.
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Fitzgerald, Elsie Eunice, Gamma, '01.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Flannigan, Irene, Sigma, '12.
P. 2607 Cedar Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Flint, Margaret, Gamma, '12.
P. Port Deposit, M d .
T. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Folsom, Edith, Gamma, '12.
P. Stillwater, Me.
Folsom, Josie Burbank, Gamma, '07.
P. 35 College Ave., M e d f o r d , Mass.
Forkner, May Harriet, Theta, '11.
P. Red Key, I n d .
T. Alpha Omicron Pi House, Greencastle, I n d .
Fosdick, Genevieve Louise, Delta, '10. Grad.
P. 17 Grand View Ave., Somerville, Mass.
Foster, Kate Brown, Sigma Grad.
P. 2234 D w i g h t Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Frame, Jean Loomis ( M r s . James E . ) , Alpha, '04.
P. 155 East 72d Street, New Y o r k City.
Francis, Sallie Woodard, Omicron, '05.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Fraser, Beatrice Maude, Delta, '07.
P. 39 Marathon Street, A r l i n g t o n , Mass.
Fraser, Carolyn Genesta, Delta, '08.
P. 39 Marathon Street, A r l i n g t o n , Mass.
Frazier, Cora Ellen, Theta, '07.
P. Hillsboro, Ind.
T. Ardmore, Okla.
Frazier, Flora Olive, Theta, '10.
P. Hillsboro, I n d .
Frere, Mary Temperance, Pi, ' n .
P. 1325 Carrollton Ave., New Orleans, La.
Frierson, Lucia Davidson, Pi, '08.
P. 101 South Main Street, Columbia, Tenn.
Fuller, Flora Todd (Mrs. Bert C ) , N u , '03.
P. 750 Halsey Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Fulton, Eva Anna, Delta, '10.
P. Ferry Street, Maiden, Mass.
Furlong, Martha Rice (Mrs. Herbert Furlong), Sigma
P. Pleasanton, Cal.
Gachet, Rochelle Rodd, Pi, '09.
P. 1640 Arabella Street, New Orleans, L a .
Gammon, Edee Dakin, Gamma, '03.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Gammon, Edee Gamma, '03.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Gardner, Inez, Theta, '12.
P. Idaville, Ind.
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Garland, Olive Rosamond, Nu, '02.
P. 220 Broadway, New Y o r k City.
Gans, Daisy, N u , '04.
P. 497 Halsey Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Genung, Anna Belle, Epsilon, '09.
P. Ithaca, N . Y. R. F. D .
Gibson, Anna Williamson, Omicron, '07.
P. Corner 7th and Chestnut Streets, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Gifford, Frances Crocker, Delta, '98.
P. Provincetown, Mass.
T. Boston Athenaenen Library, Boston, Mass.
Gilbert, Anna Hoadley, Gamma, ' n .
P. Old Orchard, Me.
T. Orono, Me. (Campus).
Gillean, Sue Katharine, Pi, '03.
P. 1625 Second Street, New Orleans, La.
Gimper, Alma Wilson (Mrs. Earle), Pi, '00.
P. 1116 South Ash Street, Spokane, Wash.
Glenn, Helen Lewis, Alpha, '04.
P. 33 Forest Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
T. Hotel Regent, Sherman Square and 70th St., New York City.
Glidden, Bernice Evelyn, Delta, '10.
T . 11 Cross Street, M e d f o r d , Mass.
Good, Anabel, Zeta, '12.
P. Wahoo, Neb.
T . 226 N o r t h 26th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Gorman, Frances Bratt (Mrs. Bernard), Zeta, '07.
P. Genoa, Neb.
Graham, Margaret, Epsilon, '08.
P. Westchester, New York City.
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Grant, Beatrice, Alexandria, Delta, '98.
P. Woburn, Mass.
Graves, Gladys Alpha, Delta, '09.
P. 57 Richmond Ave., Worcester, Mass.
Gray, Viola Clarke, Zeta, '02.
P. 1527 South 23d Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Greagh, Genevieve Smith ( M r s . John W . ) , Kappa, '08.
P. Selina, Ala.
Green, Jeanette, Sigma, '05.
P. 1936 Toberman Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Gresham, Katherine Okey, Omicron, '07. See Harrison.
Greve, Harriet Cone, Omicron, '06.
P. Douglas Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Greve, Dorothy, Omicron, '06. See Jarnigan.
Guerdrum, Elsie, Epsilon, '12.
P. 2418 14th Street, Washington, D . C.
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Gurley, Helen T o r r y , Pi, '07. See Carter.
Guyol, Caroline Beuregard, Pi, '09. See Cook.
Hackley, Sarah Matthew ( M r s . Philip H . ) , Sigma, '08.
H a l l , Anne Richardson, Alpha, '98. See Curdy.
Hall, Netha Alice, Sigma, '11.
P. 303 Ilellevue Ave., Oakland, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Hamlin, Emily, Gamma, '01.
P. Orono, Me.
Hanaburgh, Florence Balentine ( M r s . Emory), Gamma, '05.
P. Buchanan, N . Y .
Handy, Caroline Vose ( M r s . Russell I I . ) , '04.
P. Manville, R. I . «
Handy, Josie, Pi, '07.
P. Box 631, Virden, Manitoba, Canada.
Hapgood, Edith Kinne (Mrs. Ernest), Delta, '01.
P. 19 Forest Street, Newton Highlands, Mass.
Hardie, Flora Sanders ( M r s . Eben), Pi, '05.
P. 815 Pine Street, New Orleans, La.
Harmon, Helen Althea, Delta, '12.
P. 114 Curtis Street, T u f t s College, Mass.
Harpham, Edna May, Zeta Spec.
P. 1546 South 22d Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Harris, Sallie Frances ( M r s . Edward C ) , Omicron, '05.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Harrison, Katharine Gresham (Mrs. Raymond), Omicron, '07.
P. Corner Eleanor and 3d Streets, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Hart, Marion Smith, Zeta, '09.
P. 2632 Elmwood Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Harvey, Florence Evelyn, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
T. St. Luke's Hospital, Amsterdam Ave., New York City.
Hascall, Florence King, N u , '02.
P. n o East 16th Street, New York City.
Haven, Genevieve Marie, Delta, '09.
P. 69 Curtis Street, West Somerville, Mass.
Haynes, Ethel, Zeta, '06. See S. Keen.
Haywood, Ethel Bartlett (Mrs. D. Baxtor), Delta, '98.
P. East Braintree, Mass.
Hazelett, Helen Savage ( M r s . Richard M . ) , Theta, '09.
P. 2529 N o r t h Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, I n d .
Healey, Isabel Coombs ( M r s . Warren), Delta, '03.
P. 13 Park Ave., Winchester, Mass
Henderson, Isabelle, Sigma Grad.
P. 1128 Tenth Street, Sacramento, Cal.
Henry, Helen Natalie, Sigma Grad.
P. Mills College, Cal.
Henry, Margaret Elliman (Mrs. James), Alpha, '02.
P. Care F. P. Freeman & Co., 25 Broad Street, New Y o r k City.
Henring, Edith Mary, Theta, '08.
P. New Harmony, I n d .
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Herzog, Sadie Rothschhild ( M r s . Samuel), N u , '04.
P. 71 East 87th Street, New York City.
Hincks, Antense Consens ( M r s . Joseph), Gamma, '00.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Holden, Eleanor Sanford, Alpha, '06.
P. Madison, N . J.
Hooper, Blanche Heard, Delta, '04.
P. T u f t s College, Mass.
Hopson, W i l l i e Lee, Kappa, '06. See W i l l i a m s .
Horn, Irma, Theta, ' n .
P. 315 Washington Ave., Greenville Ohio.
H o w a r d , L i l l i a n Alica Katherine, Alpha, '06. See Perry.
Howe, Eva Marie, Pi, '04.
P. 1627 Josephine Street, New Orleans, L a .
Hoy, Greeley Helen, N u , '03.
P. 526 West I22d Street, New Y o r k City. (2 Rector St., office).
Hubbard, Grace Lawton (Mrs. George), '08.
P. Norton Street, New Haven, Conn.
H u f f m a n , Goldie Ellen, Theta, '08. See Fellows.
Hughan, Ethel Margaret, Alpha, '04.
P. 61 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Hughan, Jessie Wallace, Alpha, '98.
P. 61 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y.
Hulbert, Edythe Josephine, Alpha Grad.
P. 64 West 68th Street, New York City.
Hunt, Emma Albers (Mrs. James), Omicron, '05.
P. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Hunt, Minn Elois, Omicron, '12.
P. 509 East H i l l Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Hunter, Emma Schreiber (Mrs. Fredrich), Zeta, '06.
P. Norfolk, Neb.
Huntington, Frances Willard, Gamma, '10.
P. Lynn, Mass.
T. Orono, Me. (Campus).
Hurt, Mary Neal, Kappa, '09.
P. Birmingham, Ala.
Hurty, Kathleen Elizabeth, Alpha, '07.
P. 44 West 106th Street, New York City.
Irwin, Florence, Theta, '12.
P. Roachdale, Ind.
T. Greencastle, I n d . A 0 I I House.
Ives, Edith Prescott ( M r s . Frederick A . ) , N u , '05.
P. 145 West 123d Street, New Y o r k City.
Galley 6—TO DRAGMA—Directory
Ivy, Alice Palfrey, Pi, '03.
P. 1556 Calhoun Street, New Orleans, L a .
Jackson, Mabel, Delta, '06.
P. Lexington, Mass.
Jacques, Laura, Theta, '11.
P. 822 Pearl Street, Columbus, I n d .
T . A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Jacques, Mary Vorhees, Alpha, '10.
P. 112 West Jersey Street, Elizabeth, N . J.
James, Nellie Kitchen ( M r s . John H . ) , Zeta Spec.
P. 320 Grant Street, Springfield, Mo.
Jarnagan, Dorothy (Mrs. Milton), Omicron, '05.
P. University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
Johnson, Lucetta Pitney, Alpha, '07.
P. Morristown, N . J.
T . 419 West 118th Street New Y o r k City.
Jones, Annie Elizabeth, Zeta, '07.
P. 1710 B . Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Jones, Gertrude May, Gamma,- '06.
P. Corinna, Me.
Jones, Jennie Preston ( M r s . Benjamin F . ) , Alpha, '01.
P. 67 South Prospect Street, South Orange, N . J .
Jones, Mary Eilleen, Kappa, '06.
P. Anderson, S. C.
Jordan, Edith Louella, Gamma, '10.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Jordan, Lucretia Howe, Omicron, '08.
P. White Ave.; Knoxville, Tenn.
T. Sullin's College, Bristol, Tenn.
Jewett, Blanche Isabelle, Delta, '08.
P. 44 Boston Ave., West Medford, Mass.
Jung, Lillian Marie, Pi, '08.
P. 1409 Louisiana Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Kaye, Fanny Gladys, Rho, '09.
P. Calmar, Iowa.
T . F r a n k l i n Grove, 111.
Keating, Helen Brown (Mrs. Maurice G.), Delta, '97.
P. 244 Weston Street, Waltham, Mass.
Keeler, Edna Damon (Mrs. Burr Curtis), Zeta, '07.
P. Mason City, Iowa.
Kelley, Clara Avis, Theta, '10.
P. 619 East Anderson Street, Greencastle, I n d .
Kelley, Lida Leona, Theta, '12.
P. 619 East Anderson Street, Greencastle, I n d .
Kelley, Margaret, Gamma, '12.
P. 25 E l m Street, Bangor, Me.
T. Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Kemp, Rosemarjorie, Sigma, '12.
P. Sansilito, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Ketcham, Lottie Moore, Epsilon, '10.
P. Box 81, Laurel, M d .
T . Farm Street, Ithaca, N . Y .
Kiefer, Louise Bernheimer, Theta, '09.
P. 123 N o r t h Jackson Street, Greencastle, I n d .
Kimball, E. Genevieve, Sigma Grad.
P. Heraldsburg, Cal.
T . 1722 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Kinbig, Araline Hull, Rho.
P. Renssalaer, Ind.
T . Pearson's H a l l , Evanston, 111.
King, Delia, Kappa, '11.
P. Waycross, Ga.
T. College Park, Va.
King, Edna Browning, Zeta, '07.
P. Aberdine, S. D a k .
K i n g , L u l u , Zeta, '04. See Bigelow.
Kingsley, Mary Winship, Delta, '03.
P. Tuft's College, Mass.
Kistler, Lucile Ella, Sigma, '11.
P. 1328 Spruce Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Kitchen, Nellie Omsbee, Zeta Spec. See James.
Knight, Mae Isabel, Sigma Spec.
P« 337 Cedar Street, Long Beach, Cal.
Knight, Mattie Grover, Gamma, '09.
P. Deer Isle, Me.
Kreidler, Jessie Gertrude, Zeta, '10.
* P. Fullerton, Neb.
Kiister, Una Call (Mrs. Edward G.), Sigma Grad.
P. 3612 South Flower Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Kyle, Ailsy, Omicron, '10.
P. 1617 H i g h l a n d Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Laad, Esther Evelyn, Delta, '08.
P. 68 Brackenbury Street, Maiden, Mass.
Lamb, Elsie, Kappa, '06.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Lambert, Mary Ingalls (Mrs. Fred D . ) , Delta, '00.
P. Tufts College, Mass.
Lamprey, Pauline Adriana, Delta, '12.
P. 11 Fulton Street, M e d f o r d , Mass.
Lawrence, Ruth Earle (Mrs. Richard W . ) , Alpha, '02.
P. Sedgwick Ave., University Heights, New York City.
Lay, Sara Emma, Alpha, '07.
P. 2137 F i f t h Ave., New Y o r k City.
Leavell, Jessie Read, Theta, '10.
P. Winchester, Ind.
T. Albany, Ind.
Lee, Eugenia Converse, Alpha Spec. See Druley.
Lee, Catherine Mary, Zeta Spec.
P. 1944 East Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Le Gore, L i l a Marie, Zeta Spec. See Ritchie.
Leland, Fannibelle, Alpha, '05.
Care Manhattan Storage Co., 42d St & Lexington Ave., N . Y . C.
Levering, Mary Bessie, Theta, '09.
P. 607 South Center Street, Terre Haute, I n d .
Lewis, Blanche Olive, Sigma, '09.
T . San Jose, Cal.
Lewis, Leona Roberta, Pi, '04.
P. Ocean Springs, Miss.
Little, May, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, A r k .
Longley, Pearle Embgene, Delta, '12.
P. 77 W a l n u t Street, Winchester, Mass.
Loomis, Jean H e r r i n g , Alpha, '04. See Frame.
Lorenz, Alice Washburn ( M r s . George B . ) , Sigma Grad.
P. 1826 G. Street, Sacramento, Cal.
L o r i n g , Lucretia, Theta, '10. See Adonieit.
Lough, Dora Bailey (Mrs. James E . ) , Delta, '98.
P. 2190 Andrews Ave., University Heights, New Y o r k City.
Lowell, Charlotte Raymond, Delta, '03.
P. 37 Harvard Street, Somerville, Mass.
Lyon, Elizabeth Barringer, Pi, '07.
P. 602 College Street, Clarksville, Tenn.
T. I . I . & C, Columbus Miss.
Mabry, Lucie Mabel, Kappa, '10.
P. Seattle, Wash.
T . R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Macdonald, Evelyn Blunt, Alpha, '08.
P. 431 Riverside Drive, New York City.
Mac Quillin, Lillian Gertrude, '99.
P. 87 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I .
Manchester, Alice Howard, '05.
P. 82 Olney Street, Providence, R. I .
Manning, Cora Hilda, Sigma, '10.
P. 2706 Central Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal.
T . 2411 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Mansfield, Daisy Julia, Sigma, '07.
T . 2411 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Mansfield, Mildred Charlotte, Gamma, '07.
P. Orono, Me.
T. Cherryfield, Me.
Many, Anna Estella, Pi, '07.
P. 1327 H e n r y Clay Avenue, New Orleans, L a .
March, Katherine, Delta, '12.
P. Easton, Pa.
T. College Park, Va.
Mariner, Hazel Folsom, Gamma, '12.
P. M i l f o r d , Me.
M a r r i n , Marie Josephine Ainsworth, Alpha, '07. See Picabia.
Marsh, Edith Fettretch Mrs. Hyram F . ) , Alpha, '05.
P. 31 Bartlett Ave., Arlington, Mass.
Marshall, Frances Worstell ( M r s . Clifton G.), N u Grad.
P. 155 West 58th Street, New Y o r k City.
Martin, Muriel Eastman (Mrs. William M . ) , Sigma Grad.
P. 2259 Central Ave., Alameda, Cal.
Marty, Eva Allen, Sigma, '05.
P. Rio Vista, Cal.
T . 6431 H a r v a r d Ave., Chicago, 111.
Mathis, lone Augusta, Kappa Spec.
P. 1210 Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
Matthews, Sarah Wheat, Sigma, '08.
P. 2009 Lincoln Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Matthews, Win gate, Kappa, '10.
P. Oak Hall, Va.
T . College Park, Va.
Maxon, Mary, Alpha, '08.
P. 239 South 10th Ave., M t . Vernon, N . Y .
Mayo, Janie, Omicron, '08.
P. 721 Eleanor Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Mayo, Laura Swift, Omicron, '09.
P. 721 Eleanor Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Maze, Pearl White, Theta, '08.
P. Cloverdale, Ind.
T . 49 F i f t h Street, N . E. Linton, I n d .
McCausland, Elise Emeline,
P. 14 East M a n n i n g Street, Providence, R. I .
McCaw, Mary Agalice, Kappa, '08.
P. Y o r k v i l l e , S. C.
McCownell, Queenie, Omicron, '07.
P. 517 East 5th Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
T. Barbara Blount Hall, University of Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn.
McCoy, Hazel, Theta, '11.
P. Greenburg, Ind.
McCready, Cora Beele, Theta, ' n .
P. Royal Center, I n d .
T . A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
McEachron, N . Allene, Zeta, '05.
P. 2821 N . 19th Ave.
McKeen, Hazel Josephine, Kappa, '05.
P. 136 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
McLellan, Marie Bres (Mrs. Charles), Pi, '06.
P. 2100 Marengo Street, New Orleans, L a .
McManus, Margaret Ellen, Pi, '11.
P. 182 Y o r k Street, Bangor, Me.
McNeal, Berenice, Sigma, '07.
P. Winters, Cal.
McPherron, Grace, Sigma Grad.
P. 1016 Orange Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Meader, Bertha Estelle, Pi, '99. See Patton.
Melbourne, Bessie E m i l y , Theta, '07.
P. Culver, Ind.
T . 1634 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111.
Menise, Mary Young (Mrs. John), Pi, '00.
P. 3418 Serento Street, Meridian, Miss.
Mercier, Adele Wathilde, Pi, '02. See W i n n .
Metcalf, Felicie Leigh, Omicron, '09.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Miller, Flora, Sigma Grad.
P. Los Angeles, Cal.
Miller, Jennette Laurie, Sigma, '11.
P. 230 Stanyan Street, San Francisco, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Cal.
Miller, Helen Marie, Delta, '09.
P. Hotel Long, Washington Street, Dorchester, Mass.
T . Start House, T u f t s College, Mass.
Mills, Earla, Theta, '06.
P. Andrews, Ind.
Mitchell, Elizabeth Eleanor, Zeta Spec.
P. Omaha, Neb.
Mohler, Gertrude, Zeta Spec. City.
P. Falls City.
Moise, Lo Bres ( M r s . Harold A . ) , Pi, '00.
P. Box 234, Covington, La.
Mosher, Jessie, Zeta Spec. See W i g t o n .
Montgomery, Estelle, Theta, '10.
P. Roseyville, Ind.
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Moody, Edith Sarah, Rho.
P. Rochester, Minn.
T . Woman's H a l l , Greencastle, I n d .
Moore, Martha Wickham, Alpha, '02.
P. 76 Passaic Avenue, Passaic, N . J.
Morrill, Evelyn, Sigma, '09.
P. 2519 Hillegrass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Morris, Irmes, Pi, '10.
P. 1637 Palmer Avenue, New Orleans, L a .
Moses, Harriet Roberta ( M r s . Elliot L . ) , Delta, '04.
P. Middleton, Mass.
Mosier, Mildred Arvilla, Epsilon, '11.
P. Demarest, N . J.
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Moss, Elizabeth Jackson, N u , '05.
P. 23 East 127th Street, New Y o r k City.
Mullan, Helen St Clair ( M r s . George V . ) , Alpha, '98.
P. Andrews Avenue, University Heights, New York
Munro, Ruth Harmon (Mrs. Melville S.),Delta, '03.
P. 101 Talbot Avenue, T u f t s College, Mass.
M u r r y , Clara May, Kappa, '08. See Cleland.
M u r r y , M a r y Beatrice, Kappa, '07. See Wooley.
Myers, Priscilla R., Nu, '09.
P. 12 East 9th Street, New Y o r k City.
Mysing, Lily Anna, Pi, '09.
P. 1309 Felicity Street, New Orleans, L a .
Nelson, Bessie Swan ( M r s . A r t h u r M . ) , Alpha, '04.
P. 422 Homestead Ave., M t . Vernon, N . Y .
Nelson, Katherine Braxton, Kappa, '09.
P. Winchester, Ky.
Nesbit, Lois, Zeta, Music Student.
P. Tekomah, Neb.
Newman, Irene Belle, Theta, '10.
P. 612 East 13th Street, Indianapolis, I n d .
Newton, Iris Rosa, Kappa, '11.
P. Monroe, La.
T . College Park, Va.
Nickerson, Abigail Waldron ( M r s . Nathan G.), Delta, '05.
P. 62 Prospect Street, Wollaston, Mass.
Nolan, Sarah Louise, Kappa, '08.
P. Adams Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Norcross, Louise Bellows (Mrs. Josiah), Delta, '99.
P. 31 Woburn Street, Reading, Mass.
Norman, Mary Marguerite, Pi, '06.
P. 3811 Charles Avenue, New Orleans, La.
Norris, Grace Mae, Theta, '11.
P. Renssalaer, Ind.
T . A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Norton, Julia Ellen, Rho, '10.
P. 727 Foster Street, Evanston, 111.
Norton, Mildred, Pi, '05. See Waterman.
Norton, Ruby Evelyn, N u , '10.
P. 950 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Nunn, Virginia Lee, Kappa, '09.
P. Frankfort, Ky.
O'Neil, Laura Isabel, Pi, '02.
P. Baldwin, La.
O'Rear, Helen Hazelrigg, Kappa, '12.
P. Frankfort, K y .
T . College Park, Va.
Orevill, Helen Willard, Gamma, ' n .
P. Milltown, Mass.
Paine, Alice Peabody, Delta, '06.
P. 358 Main Street, Groveland, Mass.
Paine, Lillian Lowell (Mrs. Frederick C ) , Sigma, '01.
T . Box 34, Lonoma, Cal.
Parkerson, May Stirling, Pi, '03.
P. 2912 Prytania Street, New Orleans, L a .
Parks, Frances Cherry (Mrs. Frank), Kappa, '08.
P. Halls, Tenn.
Parmalee, Florence Mathewson, Sigma, '07.
P. 1924 Corby Street Omaha, Neb.
Patton, Bertha Meader (Mrs. Avery P.), Pi, '99.
P. Greenville, S. C.
Peake, Corris Damon ( M r s . Edmund J.), Zeta, '04.
P. Barrington, 111.
Pearce, Mary, Pi, '10.
P. Punta Gonda, British Hondurah, Central America.
T . Josephine Louise House, 1231 Washington Ave., New
Orleans, La.
Pease, M a r j o r i e , Omicron, '12.
P. Johnson City, Tenn.
T. U . of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.
Perkins, Ethel Marie, Zeta, '10.
P. 1644 Washington St., Lincoln, Neb.
Perrin, Ola Helen, Gamma Spec.
P. Oakland, Me.
T. Orono, Me.
Perry, Emma, Zeta, '09.
P. 2637 P. St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Perry, Estelle M . , Gamma, '06.
P. Penobscot, Me.
T . Spearfield, S. D .
Perry, Lilian Howard (Mrs. Francis T . ) , Alpha, '06.
P. 45 St. Mark's Place, New Brighton, L . I . , N . Y . C.
Perry, Stella Stern, (Ms. George H . ) , Alpha, '98.
P. Overlook Ave., The Heights, Hackensack, N . J.
Peterson, Laura, Zeta, '12.
P. n o i N . 23rd St., S. Omaha, Nebr.
T . 226 N . 26th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Pfafflin, Frieda, Theta, '07.
9P. 881 6th Ave., Milwaukee.
T . Wauwatosa H . S., Wauwatosa, W i s .
Philbrook, Beulah Frances, Gamma, '11.
P. Sanford, Me.
T. Islesboro, Me.
Picabia, Mary Marrin, (Mrs. Loranzo M.)
Pierce, Maude Elizabeth, Zeta Spec.
P. 74s S. 15th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Pilsbury, Marguerite Dorothy, Gamma, '08.
P. Belfast, Me.
Pipe, Monica, Delta, '01.
P. Chandler St., W . Somerville, Mass.
Piper, Carolyn, Rho, '07.
See D o r r .
Piper, Elsie Ford, Zeta, '04.
P. 1731 D . St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Piper, Helen Maria, Zeta Spec.
P. 1731 D . St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Piper, Jennie Louise, Zeta, '04.
P. 1731 D . St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Pitney, Elizabeth Chadwell (Mrs. Frederick V . ) , Alpha, '07.
P. Morristown, N . J.
Pol, Frances Mae, Gamma Grad.
P. 1215 French St., Bangor, Me.
Pollak, Wilma Vera, Alpha, '02.
P. 1730 Broadway, New York City.
Pope, Elizabeth Sophia, N u , '06.
P. s Nassau St., New York City.
Porter, Helen, Nu, '08.
P. 315 W . 97th St., New Y o r k City.
Potter, Mary Grosvenor, Nu, '07.
P. 9 E. 46th St., New York City.
Powell, Ailsie Kyle, Omicron, '02.
P. Rogersville, Tenn.
T . Dalton, Ga.
Powell, Alfreda, Zeta, '10.
P. 2424 B St., So. Omaha, Nebr.
T . 226 N . 26th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Powell, Mabel Frances, Gamma, '05.
P. Orono, Me.
T . Ipswich, Mass.
Powell, Mildred Louise, Gamma, '99.
P. Orono, Me.
Prahl, Josephine Anna, Alpha, '08.
P. "The Pinehurst," 180th St. and Fort Washington Ave.,
New York City.
Pratt, Josephine Southworth, Alpha, '07.
P. 56 Lockwood Ave., New Rochelle, N . Y .
Prentiss, Mildred Louise, Gamma, '11.
P. Brewer, Me.
T. Orono, Me. (Campus.)
Prescott, Jennie Perry (Mrs. Harold S.).
P. Care of M r . John Perry Manville, R. I . , R. F. D .
Preston, Jennie Florence, Alpha, '11.
See Jones.
Pritchard, Roberta Estelle (Mrs. Fred J.), Epsilon Grad.
P. 520 E . State St., Ithaca, N . Y .
Provosty, Andree Jeanne, Pi, '06.
P. 2936 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, La.
Provosty, Eliska Paule, Pi, '01.
See Tobin.
Pyke, Margaret Learning, Theta, '09.
P. Romney, Ind.
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Quackenbos, Mary Grace (Mrs. Henry F.), Nu, '03.
P. 159 W." 88th St., New York City.
Radtke, Eve Pauline, Nu, '07.
P. 213 Prospect Ave., Mount Vernon, N . Y .
Radford, Laura Gray, Kappa, '06.
See Yates.
Ramey, Janet, Zeta, '12.
P. 1301 Q St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Ramsy, Margaret, Kappa, '11.
P. Camden, A r k .
Rankin, Jessie Svvann ( M r s . L a m a r ) , Omicron, '06.
P. Peach-Tree St., Atlanta, Ga.
Ranlett, Helen A.
P. Women's University Club, 17 E . 26th St., New York City.
Rauh, Ida, Nu, '02.
P. 54 E. 73rd St., New York City.
T. 21 West 8th St., New York City.
Rawls, Bernice Margaret, Zeta, '10.
P. Creston, Iowa.
Ray, Verna Margaret, Sigma, '10.
P. 2154 Blake St., Berkeley, Cal.
Read, Loey Carol, Theta, '12.
P. Albany, I n d .
T . A O n House, Greencastle, I n d .
Reed, Edna Lyman, Pi, '03.
See Whaley.
Reed, Katharine Marguerite, Pi, '00.
P. 4423 Pitt St., New Orleans, La.
Reed, Madge Anthony (Mrs. Walter H . ) , Delta, '00.
P. Maxon Road, R. F. D., Schenectady, N . Y .
Reed, Marion Balentine (Mrs. Lowell J.), Gamma, '07.
P. Orono, Me.
Rembaugh,"Bertha, N u , '04.
P. 1435 Poplar Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
T. 1 Broadway, New York City.
Remele, Ethel Mason, Delta, '08.
P. 56 I r v i n g Street, West M e d f o r d , Mass.
Rextrow, Jennie Mildred, Delta, '10.
P. North Andover, Mass.
T. Start House, Tufts College, Mass.
Reynolds, Pauline Burkitt ( M r s . C. A . ) , Zeta Spec.
P. 2819 I . Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Rhoades, Laura Alida, Zeta, '08.
P. Belle Fouche, S. Dak.
T. Fremont, Neb.
Rice, Mrs. Frances Martin, N u Grad.
P. 615 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Rice, Lillian Jeannette, Sigma, '10.
P. National City.
T . 2519 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Rice, Marie Cecilia, Gamma, '02.
P. Bangor, Me.
Rich, Alice Matilda, Delta, '09.
P. 17 Lawrence Street, Chelsea, Mass.
T . Metcalf H a l l , T u f t s College, Mass.
Rich, Bernice Marie, Gamma, '12.
P. Bradley, Me.
Rich, Marion, Gamma, '12.
P. 17 Lawrence Street, Chelsea, Mass.
Richards, Marie Woodhill, Epsilon, '08.
P. 2 West 95th Street, New York City.
T . 717 East Buffalo Street, Ithaca, N . Y .
Richardson, Adelaide Agnes, Alpha, '09.
P. 1105 Jennings Street, New Y o r k City.
Richardson, Irene Clara, Gamma, '09.
P. Oldtown, Me.
Ritchie, L i l a Le Gore ( M r s . Chas. D . ) , Zeta Spec.
P. McCook, Neb.
Roberts, Lillie Belle, Kappa, '10.
P. Valdosta, Ga.
Robertson, Mabel Pearl, Sigma, '10.
P. 1132 Center Street, Salem, Oregon.
T . 2411 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Robinson, Elizabeth Devereux, Alpha, '08.
P. University Heights, New York City.
Robinson, Ethel Fay (Mrs. Thomas), Delta, '00.
P. 31 Marseland Avenue, Newton Centre, Mass.
Roman, Essie Belle, Zeta Spec.
P. 1435 L . Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Roper, Grace Candace, Zeta, '06.
P. 1732 Ryons Street, Lincoln, Neb.
T. Glenwood, Iowa.
Roper, Mabel Alice, Zeta, '04. See Bryant.
Rose, Helen Eddy ( M r s . Alanson D . )
P. 27 F r u i t H i l l Avenue, Providence, R. I .
Rothchild, Sadie Frances, N u , '04. See Herzog.
Russel, Clara Rebecca, Delta, '04.
P. 182 Cambridge Street, Winchester, Mass.
Russel, Mary Anna, Gamma, '12.
P. Orono, Me.
Safford, Dorothy Noble, Pi, 'io.
P. 1306 Webster Street, New Orleans, La.
Salley, Helen Wilson, Kappa, '10.
P. Orangeburg, S. C.
T . R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Salmon, Mabel, Zeta, '12.
P. 2209 Spencer Street, Omaba, Neb.
T . 226 N o r t h 26th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Sanders, Flora Mae, Pi, '05. See Hardie.
Sanderson, Lucille Ferguson, Kappa, ' i o .
P. Texarkana, Texas.
Sandidge, Alice Burt, P i Grad. See Carter.
Sandville, Florence Lucas, Alpha, '01.
P. 419 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Saunders, Marguerite Augusta, Pi, '07.
P. 2925 Coliseum Street, New Orleans, L a .
Savage, Helen Elizabeth. See Hazelett.
Sawyer, Mildred Beatrice, Delta, ' n .
P. 22 Baker Street, Maiden, Mass.
Schmidt, Ellen ( M r s . Nathaniel), Epsilon Spec.
P. Ithaca, N . Y.
Schmidt, Rose Everallyn, Sigma.
P. 1031 South Antonio Avenue, Almeda, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Schaubel, Hazel Skinner (Mrs. Carl), Sigma Grad.
Schramm, Ethel Bell, Alpha, '07.
P. 510 West 124th Street, New Y o r k City.
Schultz, Florence Elizabeth, Sigma.
p - 2335 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Sercomb, Margaret Grace, Alpha, '05.
P- 539 Terrace Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
Shaw, Christine Myrtle, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Shaw, Cora Mae, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Shaw, Mattie Grover, Gamma, '09.
P. Orono, Me.
Sheldon, Helen Sherman.
P. 1158 Westminster Street, Providence R. I .
Sheppard, Bernice Fairfax, Kappa, '10.
P. Texarkana, Texas.
T . R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Sheppard, Olga Degraphenreide, Omicron, '09.
P. Texarkana, Texas.
Shockey, Laura Buchanan ( M r s . George C ) , Zeta, '06.
P. 619 17th Avenue, Melrose Park, 111.
Shorley, Marion Christine, Delta, '11.
P. 19 Bellevue Avenue, W i n t h r o p , Mass.
Shreve, Ada Ruth, Sigma Grad.
P. 2911 Deacon Street, Berkeley, Cal.
T. Antioch, Cal.
Silberhorn, Rosina Josephine, Kappa Spec.
P. 89 Midland Avenue, Montclair, N . J .
Sinclair, Mary Colcock (Mrs. Frederick W . ) , Pi, '02.
P. 1504 Joseph Street, New Orleans, L a .
Skeen, Ethel Haynes ( M r s . D o n ) , Zeta, '06.
P. Gunn, Wyoming.
Skillen, Melita Hamilton, Epsilon, '11.
P. 157 Engert Avenue, Brooklyn, N . Y .
T . Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Small, Lottie Luella, Gamma, '04.
P. Auburn, Me.
Smith, Alice Vanworth, Alpha, '05. See Thomson.
Smith, Holmes Mary, Omicron, '07.
P. Obion, Tenn.
Smith, Genevieve, Kappa, '07. See Creagh.
Smith, Lida Knowles (Mrs. Rainsford J.), Gamma, '03.
P. Presque Isle, Me.
Smith, Wallace Angeline, Omicron, '07.
P. Obion, Tenn.
Somerville, Eleanor, Kappa, '12.
P. 205 Davis Street, Greenville, Miss.
T. College Park, Va.
Spang, Ethel Phillips, Theta, '12.
P. Georgetown, 111.
T . A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Spaulding, Maida Myrtle, Theta.
P. Monroeville, I n d .
Spear, Alice Josephine, Delta, '12.
P. 32 Pierce Street, H y d e Park, Mass.
T. Start House, T u f t s College, Mass.
Spears, Alice Rebecca, (Deceased) Zeta, '06.
Spears, Margaret Edna, Zeta, '05.
P. 630 North 16th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Stafford, Edith Mae, Theta, '10.
P. Albany, I n d .
Stafford, Ruth Jane, Theta, '10.
P. Albany, Ind.
T. A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Standish, Elaene, Sigma, '12.
P. Elmwood Place, Berkeley, Cal.
Stebbins, Katherine Louise, Delta, '98.
P. 347 West 57th Street, New York City.
Steinberg, Antonia Adeline, Delta, '11.
P. Webster, Mass.
T . Metcalf H a l l , Tufts College, Mass.
Steiner, Helen, Zeta, '11.
P. 9th & Washington Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Sterling, Katherine Grace, Zeta, '04.
P. 5002 11 Southeast, Seattle, Washington.
Stern, Stella George, Alpha, '98. See Perry.
Stephens, Emma Calhoun ( M r s . W . C ) , N u , '07.
P. 389 Bull Ferry Road, Weekautan, N . J .
Steward, Helen Farwell, Gamma, '09.
P. Skowlegan, Me.
Steward, Mary Weston, Gamma Spec, '98.
P. 20 Ericson Street, H a r v a r d Lawn, Belmont, Mass
Stoddard, Mildred Connie, Sigma, '11.
P. 732 20th Street, Merced, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Stoddard, Minette Lee, Sigma, '11.
P. 732 20th Street, Merced, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegrass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Stokeley, Anna May, Omicron, '06.
P. Newport, Tenn.
Stone, Isabel, Epsilon Grad.
P. Needham, Mass.
T . Athens, Greece.
Sturtevant, Ethel Powys, Delta, '07.
P. 78 Columbus Avenue, Somerville, Mass.
Sumner, Margaret Clark (Mrs. Francis B.), Alpha, '02.
P. Woods Hole, Mass.
Swain, Gertrude, Zeta Spec.
P. Greeley Centre, Neb.
Swain, Pearl Clayton (Mrs. John), Gamma, '99.
P. Maynard, Mass.
Swan, Bessie Louise, Alpha, '04. See Nelson.
Swann, Jessie, Omicron, '06. See R a m k i n .
Sweeney, Lora Rose, Alpha Spec.
P. 333 Park Avenue, Paterson, N . J .
T . Brooks Hall, Barnard College, New York City.
Symnes, Gertrude Locke, Delta, '05.
P. 251 Main Street, Winchester, Mass.
Tarment, Julia Kinne ( M r s . John H . ) , Delta, '05.
P. Foxboro, Mass.
Tate, Edith Mae, Gamma, '07.
P. East Corinth, Me.
T. Franklin, Me.
Taylor, Maybell Woodbury, Delta, '05.
P. Felton Street, Hudson, Mass.
T. Webster, Mass.
Taylor, Myra Fairbanks (Mrs. Amos), Delta, '05.
P. School Street, Belmont, Mass.
Terry, Eleanor Lee, Kappa, '11.
P. Wytheville, Va.
T. College Park, Va.
Thayer, Dora Hudson, Delta, '09.
P. 164 F r a n k l i n Avenue, Chelsea, Mass.
T. Metcalf Hall, T u f t s College, Mass.
Thomas, Mary Reeder, Pi, '11.
P. Centreville, Miss.
T . 1231 Washington Avenue, New Orleans, La.
Thompson, Eva M . , Theta, '09.
P. Versailles, I n d .
Thompson, Marva, Kappa, '12.
P Carthage, Mo.
T . College Park, Va.
Thompson, Maude, Kappa, '11.
P. Carthage, Mo.
T. College Park, Va.
Thompson, Ruby Fern, Theta, '12.
P. Liston, Ind.
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Thomson, Alice Smith (Mrs. Wm. S.), Alpha, '05.
P. 5802 Washington Boulevard, Austin Station, Chicago, 111,
Thorp, Anna Frances Murill, Alpha, '05.
P. 732 East 26th Street, Paterson, N . J .
Thurman, Huella Bedford (Mrs. Beverly), Kappa, '07.
P. McLenore Avenue, Memphis, Tenn«
Tillett, M a r y Ethel, Theta Spec.
P. Peru, I n d . R. F . D . Route 8.
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, I n d .
Tobin, Eliska Provosty ( M r s . John F . ) , Pi, '05.
P. 2522 Esplanade Avenue, New Orleans, La.
'Toms, Elizabeth Iverson, Alpha, '06.
P. 44 West 128th Street, New Y o r k City.
Toomey, Ella, Zeta, '12.
P. Spearfish, S. D a k .
Toomey, Maude, Zeta, '09.
P. Spearfish, S. Dak.
Towle, Mary R., Nu, '10.
T . 707 Waverly Place, New Y o r k City.
Trabue, Gladys, Kappa, '12.
P. Carthage, Texas.
T. College Park, Va.
Travis, Minnie Bowen (Mrs. Frank F.), Theta, '08.
P. Rock Valley, Iowa.
T r i g g , Emily W i n i f r e d , Zeta Spec.
P. 1817 Sewell Street, Lincoln, Neb.
T r i g g , Grace Miriam, Zeta, '06.
P. 1817 Sewell Street, Lincoln, Neb.
T . Trenton, N . J. ( Y . M . C. A . )
Tufts, Elsie, Delta, '03.
P. 1 Boylston Terrace, West Medford, Mass.
Tupper, Margaret, Delta, '08.
P. Box 91 Lexington, Mass.
Ungar, Frida Emilie, Delta, '07.
P. 2 Fairland Street, Roxbury, Mass.
Vaden, Mary Lewis, Kappa, '12.
P. 120 Cowarden Avenue, Manchester, V a .
T. College Park, Va.
Van de Boygert, Edith Marguerite, Delta, '12.
P. Bearesville, N . Y.
T. 3 Magoun Avenue, Medford, Mass.
Van Cott, Eleanor Elizabeth, Alpha, '02. See Brodie.
Van Deursen, Helen Tewksbury, Alpha, '04.
P. 31 Bement Avenue, W . New Brighton, Staten Islands, N . Y .
Van Home, Katherine, Alpha, '00.
P. Miller Road, Morristown, N . J.
Waggoner, Laura Moore, Omicron, '08.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Waggoner, Lois Lafayette, Omicron, '05.
P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Waite, Edna, Zeta, '09.
P. McCook, Neb.
Waite, Gladys Marie, Delta, '10.
P. The Evergreen, T u f t s College, Mass.
Walker, Annie Laurie, Kappa, '11.
P. Waycross, Ga.
T . College Park, Va.
Walker, Bertha Bennett, Theta, '05.
P. San Dimas, Cal.
Wallace, Charlotte Jane, Zeta Spec.
P. 1320 South 16th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Wanamaker, Anna Ellen, Kappa, 'io.
P. Orangeburg, S. C.
T . Converse College, Spartanberg, S. C.
Wanamaker, Lola Matilda, Kappa, '08.
P. Orangeburg, S. C.
Waterman, Mildred Norton (Mrs. George A . ) , Pi, '05.
P. Pensacola, Fla.
Waters, Winnifred, Zeta, '09.
P. Stanford, Neb.
T . 226 N o r t h 26th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Watkins, Clarice, Kappa, '09. See Berry.
Watkins, Daisy Cummings, Kappa, '10.
P. 2933 Avenue, G. Birmingham, A l a .
T. R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Watkins, Julia Cooper, Alpha, '00.
P. 11 James Street, Montclair, N . J.
Watson, Bernice Emily, Gamma, '10.
P. Gardiner, Me.
T. Augusta, Me.
Watson, Geneva Elizabeth, Sigma, '11.
P. 2404 Dana Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Wayt, Hazel Irene, Alpha, '10.
P. 161 F r a n k l i n Street, Astoria, L o n g Island, N . Y .
Webber, Elizabeth Boswell, Kappa, '12.
P. Texarkana, A r k .
T. College Park, Va.
Webber, Mary Frances, Gamma, '06.
P. Bangor, Me.
Weeks, Anna, Sigma, '07.
P. Alhambra, Cal.
Weeks, Florence Elizabeth, Sigma
P. 1615 23d Avenue, Oakland, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Weeks, Grace Yale, Sigma, '12.
P. 1615 23d Avenue, Oakland, Cal.
T . 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Weeks, Helen Foss, Sigma, '06.
P. Alhambra, Cal.
T . 612 Le Moyne B u i l d i n g , Chicago.
Weld, Edith Claire, Gamma, ' n .
P. Oldtown, Me.
Wellman, Abby Ellen, Delta, '09.
P. Westminster West, V t .
T. Start House, T u f t s College, Mass.
Wells, Gladys, Delta, '09.
P. 153 Powder House Boulevard, Somerville, Mass.
Wells, Lillian Katherine, Omicron, '08.
P. 203 H i g h Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
T. Barbara Blount Hall, University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.
Wengor, Pearl, Theta, '12.
P. West Milton, Ohio.
T . Florence Hall, Greencastle, I n d .
Whaley, Edna Lyman, Pi, '03.
P. 1402 Senate Street, Columbia, S. C.
Wheeler, Grace Inez, Delta, '05.
P. Milan, N . H .
Wherry, Edith Margaret, Sigma.
T . 2411 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Whitaker, Gladys Philbrooke, Theta, '10.
P. 209 West Washington Street, Martinsville, I n d .
T. A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
White, Ellen Blythe, Pi, '11.
P. Alexandria, La.
T . 1231 Washington Avenue, New Orleans, L a .
Wick, Jeanette Magdalene, Alpha, '04.
Care Silver Burditt & Co., 231 West 39th Street, New York City.
W i g t o n , Jessie Mosher ( M r s . H a r r i s o n ) , Zeta, '07.
P. 3020 South 16th Street, Omaha, Neb.
Wilcox, May, Kappa Spec.
P. Fitzgerald, Ga.
T . R. M . W . C , College Park, Va.
Wilde, Zilpah, Delta, *n.
P. 12 Raymond Avenue, West Somerville, Mass.
Williams, Harriette Aiken, Omicron, '12.
P. 406 St. Charles Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
T. Barbara Blount Hall, University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.
Williams, Mabel, Zeta, '07.
P. 1445 C. Street,. Lincoln Neb.
Williams, Maude Elizabeth, Zeta, '06.
P. 1445 C. Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Williams, Roberta Bright, Omicron, '08.
P. 406 St. Charles Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Williams, Ruth, Kappa, '10.
P. 2105 n t h Avenue, S. Birmingham, A l a .
Williams, W i l l i e Lee Hopson ( M r s . Seaman), Kappa, '06.
P. Quitman, Ga.
Wilson, Harriet Elizabeth, Kappa, '09.
P. Tuscola, 111.
Winn, Adele Mercier (Mrs. William W . ) , Pi, '02.
P. 932 Carrolton, New Orleans, La.
Winters, Edith Brown (Mrs. Curtis), '05.
P. Phillipsdale, R. I .
Wintrode, Delia, Theta, '03.
P. Andrews, Ind.
Witte, Mabel E., Nu, '10.
P- 535 Second Avenue, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Withers, i r g i n i a Reese, Pi, '09.
P. Greensboro, Ala.
T . 1236 Fourth Street, New Orleans, L a .
Wonson, Martha Root (Mrs. Waverly), Delta, '98.
P. 129 Beech Street, Roslindale, Mass.
Wood, Ethel Harmon (Mrs. Edward H . ) , Delta, '00.
P. 114 Curtis Street, T u f t s College, Mass.
Wood, Cleo Ferguson ( M r s . F r a n k ) , Theta, '10.
P. Rockville, Ind.
Woodard, Minnie, Kappa, '06.
P. 9 North Camilla Street, Memphis, Tenn.
Woodberry, Edna Currier, Delta, '12.
P. 9 Howe Street, Winter H i l l , Somerville, Mass.
Woodelton, Grace A., N u , '10.
P. 307 West 93d Street, New York City.
Woodman, Caroline Luella, Gamma, '12.
P. Claremont, N . H .
T . Mills Street, Orono, Me.
Woodworth, Blanche, Zeta, '12.
P. 1300 G. Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Woodworth, Mattie May, Zeta, '08.
P. 1300 G. Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Wooley, Mary Murray (Mrs. Price), Kappa, '07.
P. 268 North Jackson Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Worster, Helen Charlotte, Gamma, '12.
P. Bangor, Me.
T . M t . Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Worthen, Carrie Leeds, Delta, '99.
P. 103 Youle Street, Melrose, Mass.
Wylie, Jennie Dwight, Alpha, '09.
P. 10 West 96th Street, New York City.
Wyman, Elizabeth Haywood, Alpha, '98.
P. 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J.
Yates, Laura Radford ( M r s . Richard T . ) , Kappa, '08.
P. 119 H a r r i s o n Street, Lynchburg, V a .
Yates, Margaret Hall, Alpha, '08.
P. 208 West 103 Street, New Y o r k City.
Young, Mary Kathleen, Gamma, ' n .
P. Greenville, Me.
T. Sangerville, Me.
Young, M a r y Mitchell, P i , 'oo. See Menise.
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To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
History of De Pauw University 4
History of J . F . F . and Theta Chapter
Traditions and Customs at De Pauw 6
Installation of Rho 8
On Choosing Candidates
The Rushing Season 10
Eighth National Pan-Hellenic Conference
Report of Eighth Pan-Hellenic Conference 12
Active Chapter Letters 16
Alumnae Chapter Letters
Engagements 19
Births 27
News of the Alumnae 29
News of the College and Greek Leter World 42