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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-07-13 23:15:55

1996 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. LXVII, No. 2

6J l

To Dragma/SPRING 1996
a message from our President
Go for the Gold.. .keep your standards high.
The airport had a different look this past week as I passed through. It was not only the crowds ofcol- lege students coming and goingfromexoticpoints of pleasure. There were also those who were in remarkable physical shape andfilledwith anticipation. Activity has picked up in Indianapolis, the ama- teursports capitaloftheworld. Across die city,finalcompetitions were taking place for the selection of members of the US Swim Team as well as our Track & Field Team for the upcoming Olympic Games.
Our Canadian sisters will cheer on their teams with the same enthusiasm as those of us in the United States. Our sisters in Adanta will experience the international atmospherefirsthand. So too will those members who travel to the area to participate in some manner in the festivities.
As you read about the dedication and training of these individual athletes, you realize the depth of their desire and the lengths to which they will go to achieve their dreams. Are we willing to do the same for AOIl?
Their success did not come overnight. Just as each chapter begins their journey toward a successful presence on their campus...the ath- letes have worked hard and developed the skills of their chosen sports category. They have set their goal - the gold - and have been challenged every step of the way.
Their challenges may have been in the form of other athletes who, at that particulartime,were better prepared. In AOIl, it might be another chapter on the campus who had determined their plan, set their goals and believed in their efforts to a stronger degree.
Those Olympic hopefuls may have started young and found their
body's abilities changing along the way. This called for new direction and adaptation. So too with our AOFI chapters. Not only does the membership within a particular
group evolve over time, the general demographics of the campuses are changing as well. Are we alert to the changes? Do we make our expectations clear?
It is not an easy task. While individuals may have shown prowess early in their effort, they will face periodsofdisappointment.Theywillcomeinsecond,thirdornotatall.Theymaywonderifitis worth the effort. AOFI? Most certainly! Wefindchapters not quite meeting the competition. O f course, it is worth our efforts to attempt to help them achieve the goal.
Your team of volunteers - your team of coaches and trainers, so to speak, shares the same hope and dream for each of our chapters. They will, and have, put forth their time, effort, money in many cases, and ridden the emotional roller coaster with the members. Just as the parents and coaches share the joy when their particular athlete beats the clock or exceeds the distance... Alpha Omicron Pi takes pride in the achievements of our members and our chapters. When the goal escapes our grasp, we suf- fer the pain just as strongly.
In the times of celebration, we must not forget those participants who did not quite make it. They fought long and hard. They suffered disappointments. Sometimes they strained until it hurt...but, there wasalwayssomeonefaster,stronger,orwithmoresupportfromtheirteam.Thistoocanbeparalleledto our Fraternity.
When the race was won by someone else, the timekeeper did not shave a few seconds off the stop clock. When the competition jumped a little higher or a little further, they did not lower the pole or shorten the tape.
Our expectations in AOn are high. Our founders set them that way and we intend to maintain their anticipation of excellence. When people fall short of the standards, they can be forgiven. However, this never means that standards should be lowered just because we fail to meet them. Those athletes whoarenotrepresentingtheUSAthissummerare,Iamcertain,disappointed.However,Iwouldantici- pate there will be many of them in the crowds, cheering on their fellow Americans. Understanding that those are the ones who achieved the goal.
As you consider the future of your chapter and participate as we Celebrate the Century of our great frater- nity - go for the gold...the roses... the best you can be... AOFI!
TELEPHONE 615/3700920 FAX615/371-9736 E-MAIL aoiihq@
(I Sl^-MI-ftM I)the officialons I Alpha Ornieron Pi. is published (|uartrrl\ by Alpha Omicron Pi. <Kii"i(hvri<mkBlvd..Bn-mw L T N . Si•(•onil olas> postage paid at Brentwood. T N .
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Ann McClanahan Gilchrist International President
S U B A C H \iTKi i A T B \ K \ \ K I > ( k9U£GE OrCmj MBUUNIVERSITYAND
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To Dragma
2 4 9
13 15 15 16
20 24 27 28 32 33 40 42 44 47
a message from our President
Are we willing to admit ifs a problem?
Headquarters Staff - W h o are they?
Progress Report: AOTT Moves forward
Leadership Institute keynote speaker
New Executive Board Members
Preserving your memories
Alumnae News
AOTT Emporium
AOTT Magazine dollars at work
Collegiate News
AWoman ofAchievement
A Salute to Our 50Year Members
AOII Foundation News
The Power of Fnendship. AOTT
Our cover: Thisissuetakesacloserlookatthemostwidelyuseddruginour society - alcohol; particularly the effect it is having on our Greek com- munity and on each of us, as women. Cover statistics provided by the Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Council of Nebraska, andThe Bacchus Peer Education Network See article on page 4 for more information.
To Dragma/SPRING 1996

it's an issue...
it's a concern...
arc we
to,admit its a
Plastered, Wasted, Polluted, Smashed... How
many different ways can you talk about the
four drinks in one sitting for a woman and five drinks for a man. It went on to define:
• 80% of the sorority house residents
had binged in the last 2 weeks • compared with 58% for non- resident sorority women, and
• 35 % for non-members.
"Unless colleges come to grips with this problem, they are not going to get control o f their alcohol prob- lem," said Henry Wechsler, a profes- sor of public health at Harvard.
As for the men:
• Among those who lived in
fraternity houses, 86% had binged in the two weeks prior to the survey.
• 71% of the fraternity members who lived elsewhere had binged
• only 45 % of the men who weren't fraternity members had done so.
The question arises of whether Greek societies attract or create binge drinkers. The study's data indicates that both dynamics are at work for the men. For example, 60% of those who lived in fraternity houses had been binge drinkers in high school; and over three-fourth's of fraternity
excessive useofthesocially acceptable
drug of choice - alcohol
Is fraternity membership still popular? Yes - according to a survey done in 1989, about 15% of the white, under- graduate population belongs to Greek- letter organizations. These organiza-
tions arefilledwidn outstanding young men and women who are excelling in countless endeav- ors. Greek out- reach and philan- thropic projects are on the rise as mem- bers donate thou- sands of dollars and service hours to needy causes.
these good deeds do not make the headlines. Greeks are continually coming under fire for conduct considered extreme.
Many of these instances are linked directly to alcohol.
Alcohol is the most widely abused drug in our society and alcohol abuse is THE most pressing prob- lem facing college campuses. Alcohol is a drug, a toxin, an addic- tive chemical with the potential to damage virtually every cell in the human body.
A recent study by the researchers at Harvard University on the abuse of alcohol on college campuses does not bring good news. It is news, however, that we can not ignore.
The study tevealed that residents of fraternity and sorority houses are far more likely to go on drinking binges than their classmates (Chronicle o f Higher Education, 1995).
The Harvard study, based on responses from 15,000 students on 115 campuses, defined a binge as
ToDtagraM/SPRING 1996

residents who had not binged in high school became binge drinkers in col- lege. O n the other hand, sororities do not seem so much to attract binge drinkers; one in three women who lived in sororities had binged in high school, only slightly higher than the proportion among other students. But three out of every four women who had not binged in high school
drinking. A few of these include: absenteeism from classes.
• poor grades,
• physical altercations,
• property damage,
• automobileinjuries,fatalities,and • reduced productivity (Engs &
Hanson, 1988; Gonzalez & Broughton, 1986).
XA/h^^J^^^^C^^U^j^^ A standard drink contains one half ounce
of alcohol, which is generally the amount of alcohol an individual can metabolize in about one hour. This is equivalent to the amount in a 12 ounce beer, a one ounce shot of 100 proof liquor, or a four ounce glass of table wine.
Ever had a double? What about a kamikaze? Or had a friend or a bar- tender be "generous"? Don't fool your- self into thinking you have had only one drink. Many restaurants serve wine and mixed drinks in oversized glasses, and some wine coolers have nearly twice the amount of alcohol as is standard. And "light" beer means less calories - not less alcohol!
became binge drinkers while residing A number of initiatives have been
in sorority housing.
Does this mean, indeed, that sorori- ties are creating binge drinkers? And, is the problem getting worse?
According to another study o f 34 colleges in New England, the pro- portion of men who said they drank to become inebriated doubled between 1977 and 1989, from 20 to 40 percent (W echlser, & Issac,
undertaken in an effort to eliminate hazardous use of alcohol, including legislation (e.g. PL 101-226, Drug- Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989), additional campus-based substance abuse pro- grams, and more rigorous enforce- ment of campus policies and civil laws. Yet the drinking behavior o f college students has not changed for the better.
1992). Duringthatsame "A|C Ohol IS the mOSt WidelyaDUSeCIdmg. in our period, the proportion of
womenwhodranktoget society and alcohol abuse isthe most pressing problem drunk tripled, from 10 to
about 30 percent.
Consider these alarming statistics on the campus of a university in the nordieast:
What will it take to stop the destruc- tion? As a fraternity, Alpha Omicron Pi has a thorough alcohol policy in
place: "The Executive Board's intent in establishing this policy is to provide chapters with the knowledge and sup-
port necessary to make responsible and mature decisions regarding alcohol consumption. Alcohol usage is a pervasive part of our society, and it is our desire to help educate members so that they can make wise and informed choices regarding alcohol usage when they are legally entided to do so."
A O n requires each chap- ter to present a program on Alcohol Awareness within the first six weeks of the fall academic term to the entire chapter. I n addition, one program must be presented to each new member class. At the time of the presen- tation, each initiated member and new mem-
• • •
• •
85% of sexual assaults, 50% of suicide attempts 75% of campus police
80% of residence hall
damages, and 70% of discipline
referrals, between 1987 and 1990, were alcohol related (Upcraft, 1990).
f a c i n g college campuses.
No wonder more than two-thirds of college presi- dents recently indicated that substance abuse, pri- marily alcohol, topped their list o f concerns regarding the quality o f campus life (Carnegie Foundation, 1990).
National studies have documented the nega- tive consequences associ- ated with college student
To.DtragHna/SPlING 1996

ber must sign a form saying she has read and understands the Alcohol Policy.
Every time a chapter sponsors a function with alcohol, the Social Chairman is responsible for com- pleting a Social Event Approval Request form, obtaining a copy of proof of insurance from the licensed host establishment, send- ing this three weeks prior to the event to the Regional Director.
it's more than a college
Two points to remember: alcohol does not cease to be a problem when college ends, and the abuse of alcohol by women is not a new problem. It is, however, being brought into the open as more money than ever is being devoted to studying women's drinking problems.
As more women compete with men in
"Our Chapters should expect to be held to our expectations of acceptable behavior."
Even if your chapter has an approved variance from the Executive Board, the Social Event Approval Request Form must be sent.
As our International President, Aim McClanahan Gilchrist, wrote in To Dragma, Winter 1995, " is a time of realism. The real world is different, my sisters. Different from when the majority of us were colle- giate members. The young women of today come to their undergraduate experience with a wide range of chal- lenges... Alcohol abuse is well known as a key element of college life. An element which for one reason or another continues to be a cause and effect of many problems within the Greek System. You read the papers.
I doubt that I could tell you anything new. What I can tell you is that our Fraternity does not con- done actions which vio- late the policies and basic principles of Alpha Omicron Pi. You will find your Fraternity unwilling to look the other way. Our chapters should expect to be held to our expectations of acceptable behavior."
During this biennium, which began June 1995, Alpha Omicron Pi has disciplined eleven of our chapters
Hereareafewofthethingsthat you Can do for your chapter:
• There are people on your campus who can educate your chapter on alcohol. Be sure to utilize their talents.
• Make sure your VP/E is doing a module on alcohol EVERY semester and each New Member Class is presented with an Alcohol Awareness program
produced by AOII. Additional presentations are also encouraged. To assist in uhis education, a new BRIDGES module with afocuson Alcohol Awareness will be included in the Fall 1996 mailing.
• Learn to confront your sisters. If someone has had too much to drink, make sure they don't drive, that they do get home, don't leave them alone, and discuss these situations when the individuals are sober.
• Have a sober driver system in place at every AOFI sponsored event.
• Educate your chapter on the Alpha Omicron Pi Alcohol Policy. Alpha
Omicron Pi does care about you.
• Educate your chapter on your local, state and federal laws, as well as the
university's policies concerning alcohol.
• Encourage chapters to work with other organizations on campus and with-
in the community for effective programming.
for violations to their university's or to AOITs alcohol policy. Depending on the severity of the offense, these chapters have been placed on either International Probation or International Monitoring status.
the workplace, stress and conflict are an ever increasing part of the picture. Social acceptance continues to grow for women drinking in public. With this, doctors predict that more young women are apt to become problem drinkers, turning to alcohol at lunchtime or after work to help them "cope". (Lang, 1991)
These are just a few of the things
that Alpha Omicron Pi Inter-
national is doing to educate,
inform, and influence our mem-
bers. But to really make a differ- something bad happens, to frequent
ence, it's up to our chapters and our individual members to take control of the situation.
problem behavior. The bottom lineis that if a person's drinking gets in the way of those things which should be
Drinking problems come on many lev- els, from the occasional events when
To Dramna/SPRIM; l<)%

more important, health, relationships with family and friends, etc., there is cause for concern. (Bacchus, 1990) Any one of the following behaviors is considered unhealthy and perhaps dangerous. A combination of several is certainly a sign that you or your loved one has lost control.
drinking to get drunk or until passing out
drinking at badrimes,or to "get through" something
becoming violent, yelling, fighting not doing well at work because of drinking
switching peer groups or seeking heavy drinkers as "friends"
having drinking related health problems
experiencing blackouts or memory losses
starting to use other illegal drugs having a family history ofchemical dependency
experiencing changes in personality, a "JekyI and Hyde" effect
denial to all of the above.
What can I do
to help someone
cane about?
• Decide to do something
• Don'tkeepitasecret-ifyouneed
to talk to someone else, do so.
• Make sure the person sees what you
see - often an alcoholic is blind to reality and has no idea what effect their drinking is having on the lives of others, let alone themselves.
• Be prepared for a negative response - reply calmly and objectively and do not take their replies personally.
• If they respond positively, have a plan - If your loved one agrees and reaches out for help, be ready to help themfindit.
• Don't try to solve the problem alone. Seek the help o f a professional
When it comes to drinking alcohol, men and women are not created equal. (Lang, 1991) Research shows that, in general, women get drunk faster than men.
The main reason for the differences is that women have less of a metabolizing enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase. This enzyme helps neutralize and break down alcohol from the system. As a result, when a woman and a man drink the same amount, proportionately, for their size and weight, about 30% more
alcohol enters the woman's bloodstream than the man's.
Hormonal differences are another factor. The female hormone estrogen, for exam- ple, may impair the functioning of the woman's liver, making it even harder for her body to process alcohol. The menstru- al cycle and the use of oral contraceptives may also influence a woman's response to alcohol due to drese hormonal changes.
Body Composition is another factor. The average female body contains more body fat than the average male, and body fat contains little water. Because alcohol dilutes uniformly in water, the woman has less body water to dilute the alcohol. This produces a higher concentration for her body to absorb.
Due to all these factors, a woman can expect a greater effect, more quickly, from alcohol than a man, even in equivalent doses.
When compared to women who don't abuse alcohol, women who are heavy drinkers, suffer more problems with their periods, with sex and with getting pregnant. They also have more hysterectomies, earlier menopause, suffer more miscarriages and have more babies with birth defects. Some studies suggest that breast cancer more often strikes women who drink - even moderately - than women who don't. And heavy drinking by women has been linked to anxiety and depression, low self-esteem and suicide.
As if those statistics were not enough, 50,000 Anerican newborns each year are ravaged by alcohol, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has become so common that experts suspect alcohol may be the leading cause of learn- ing problems and hyperactivity. According to the findings of some researchers, one-fifth of all the retardation in the country has been traced to drinking by pregnant women.
To Dragma/SPMNG 1996

Positive rhnirP,
For all that we do as a Fraternity, and all you do as a chapter; we still face one weak link - an individual's right to choose. We can not always control an individual's actions when she elects to abuse alcohol. But perhaps you
Arnold, James C and Kuh, George D„ (October 19, 1992) Brotherhood and the Bottle: A Cultural Analysis of the Role of Alcohol in Fraternities, I n d i a n a
University - Bloomington.
Bacchus of the U.S., Inc. - a college-based alcohol abuse prevention program. Why Do I Know It And They Don't (1990).
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, (1990), Campus life; In search of Community, Princeton University Press.
Chronical of Higher Education, students section, (September 22, 1995).
Engs, R., & Hanson, D., (1988), University students' drinking patterns and prob- lems: Examining the effects of raising the purchase age. Public hlealth Reports, 1 0 3 , 667-673.
GAMMA (Greek Advo- cating Mature Manage- ment of Alcohol) resource materials. The Power of Positive Choices.
Gonzalez, G.M., & Broughton, E., (1986), Status of Alcohol Policies on Campus: A national survey. NASPA Journal, 24, 49-59.
Harvard School of Public Health, (August 1995), Binge Drinking on American College Campuses: A New Look at an Old Problem.
Lang, Susan S, (January 20, 1991), When Women Drink,
Parade Magazine, 18-21.
Upcraft, L, personal com- munication, (September
I I, 1990).
Wechlser, H„ & Issac, N., (1992),"Binge" Drinkers at Massachusetts Colleges,
journal of the American Medical Association, 267, 2929-2931.
Wilkerson, I., (October I989),New York Times
National, AI.BI I.
can make a difference by confronting a sister
behaved irresponsibly. It's not easy, but it is necessary. If no one expresses concern, perhaps the actions become justified in the mind of the indi- vidual and she is more likely to make the same mistake again. We need to empow- er our members with the ability to make positive choices.
choose if when, and how much you are going to drink.
choose not to drink without feeling pressure from others.
choose to stay out of dangerous situations involving alcohol, whether in a car a bar; or a bedroom.
choose to tell a friend how you feel about her drinking, and encourage people close to you to take cane ofthemselves.
choose to manage your time and priorities, balancing studying and socializing.
choose positive relationships with diverse people who respect and support the decisions you make.
choose! It is your right.
You have the power Don't give it away.
Fee/ the Power of Positive Choices
(Bacchus and Gamma Peer Education Network)

m m JzMdmm m
you have the
power to...
choose a healthy lifestyle for yourself
by Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U ofAlabama). Contributors: Leigh Perry. Upsilon Lambda (U ofTexas - San Antonio) and Lori Hart. Delta Delta (Auburn U).
To Dragma/SPRING 1996

Headquarters Staff: Who are they and
AOn International Headquarters is located in the community of Brentwood, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. The custom designed build- ing houses a conference center, business offices, historical archives, the AOIl Emporium, and sleeping quarters for up to 18 guests attending one of the numerous training sessions held each year. The building is open during nor- mal operating hours, Monday through Friday 8:30-4:45 CST, for tours.
towns. Only H Q staff works at Headquarters, although there is daily communication and a close working relationship between the Board and staff. While most staff members live or went to school in the area, it is not uncommon for a someone to move to Nashville to accept a staff position.
AOn's staff is representative of AOITs membership. They represent twelve different collegiate chapters in nine dif- ferent states. During their collegiate years, staff members' collegiate chapters varied in size from 25 to 200 members and were located on campuses sup- porting between 3 to 18 NPC groups. They experienced all types of housing conditions including homes with sleep-
leader holding one or more Leader's Council offices. Of the 15 staff mem- bers who were collegiate AOFIs, four were Chapter Presidents, and four were VPs. As alumnae, eight have served on various regional teams, one as a member of the Executive Board, five have served as Chapter Advisers, four on corporation boards and two have been alumnae chapter presidents.
Staff is here for our members to call upon. So, the next time a question comes up, here are the faces and names of whom you call:
Melanie Nixon Doyle
Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia) Melanie is in her sixth year as AOOs Executive Director. In this role, she serves as the chief administrator of the Fraternity, supervises the Headquarters staff and is an ex-officio member of the Executive Board. Prior to joining staff, Melanie was the Executive Director of the Ballet Arkansas and had been a dedicated AOLI volunteer for over 15
Many members assume that Executive
Board members live in Nashville and
work at Headquarters. Board mem-
bers and numerous othet volunteers Almost every AOLI are occasionally there on visits, but live member of staff was a and work in their respective home- collegiate chapter
Sandra Click Office Manager;
Executive Director; Mary Ann Caldwell.
To Dra«ma/SPHING 19%
what do they do?
Headquarters is staffed by twenty-six
employees who provide support to our
chapters, volunteers and our member-
ship. These women bring to our
Fraternity a varied background of tal-
ents and professional experience in
business, education, non-profit, service ing quarters, lodges, AOIl suites and know and sales. Each is uniquely qualified even those whose chaptet was without
to serve the Fraternity.
Have you ever heard this statement... "because Headquarters says so!"? This sratement is representative of one of the most common misconcep- tions heard daily by Headquarters staff members. Actually, the responsi- bility of making decisions lies with the Executive Board, who is elected by the International Council, AOITs legislative body. So, it is the Executive Board, not staff who determines, sets and creates policy.
Staffs primary function is to provide stability and support to the member- ship by maintaining effective opera- tions. From die preparation of annu- al financial statements, to the daily monitoring of chapter programming, the role of staff is essential to the daily operations of our collegiate and alumnae chapters.
housing or storage.
work part-time and include women in all life stages: single, married, divorced, no children, young children, grown children and empty nesters.
Two staff members represent othet there?" National Panhellenic Groups, Zeta Tau
Alpha and Gamma Phi Beta, and
many members are
Staff hails from Los Angeles, CA, to
Springfield, Va, and Green Bay, WI, to
San Antonio, TX. Most are in their
early 30's, but ages range from 18 to 70. at HQ, Twenty employees work full-time, six
surprised to learn that staff includes four AOn associatemem- bers and six others with no Greek affiliation. A O n benefits gready from these back- grounds because of the constant reminder that no two AOn chapters are created alike.
Sandra Marchetti Click
Nu Omicron Associate Member (Vanderbilt U)
Sandra has been a member of staff since 1981 and Office Manager since 1984. She was the mother of five young boys when she joined AOIl fifteen years ago and we might add that those boys look much dif- ferent today! Sandra is our purchas- ing agent, and is responsible for
coordinating council mailings and 9
would like to
who works
years. She has served as Chapter and what President of the Little Rock and Nashville Area Alumnae Chapters, Regional Director, Regional Vice President, and two terms on the Executive Board. Outside of the office, Melanie is on the Boards of the Williamson County Heart Association and the Williamson County Arts Council. Her five children include two A O I l daughters plus one A O n
they do
Information/Hospitality Pauline Overdorf
Coordinator; Receptionist.

the production of new manuals, maintains staff records, prepares and distributes XB votes and so much mote. As her title suggests, she man- ages the daily operations of the office.
Mary Ann Caldwell
Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern U)
As Information and Hospitality Coordinator, Mary Ann has the responsibility of inputting our mem- bership address changes. She also acts as tour guide to the countless visitors we have through H Q each year. Mary Ann was honored as a 50 year member "a number of years ago" and began working on staff as a part time employ- ee 15 years ago. Her previous volunteer experience includes serving as a rush adviser, Regional Director and a Regional Vice President. This past fall, she had the great privilege of seeing her granddaughter initiated into AGTI at Nu Beta (U of Mississippi).
Pauline Hettlinger Overdorf
A native of Pennsylvania, Pauline is a retired RN who graduated from St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing. When not working as AOris part-time receptionist, she is usually found shop- ping for her three granddaughters, or enjoying golf, bowling or cross-stitch. She and her husband of 39 years, Don, love to travel.
Beth Swartz
Beth is a member of a Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority and a graduate of the U of Tennessee. She is AOITs Controller and joined the staff three years ago from a managers position with Deloitte & Touche. Besides overseeing the accounting department, her numerous responsibilities include preparation of financial reports and working on the year-end audit.
Mary Anne Wolfersberger
Rho Omicron Associate Member (MTSU)
Mary Anne has been AOLIs Property Coordinator for four years and supervis- es the AOn Loan Fund. Her job includes the management of all proper- ties owned by AOFI including the Headquarters building. This involves everything from loaning chapters' money to managing the property insur- ance. In her spare time she is involved with the Jr. Chamber of Commerce.
Jackie Lynch
Rho Omicron Associate Member (MTSU)
Jackie has been on staff for nearly 9 years and serves the fraternity as our Accounting Coordinator. She is responsible for AOIl3s membership records as well as countless other duties. Known for always being the first to arrive at work each morning, she is a dedicated runner and avid movie fan.
Lisa Brown
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
Lisa moved to Nashville just over a year ago to accept the position of Finance Coordinator. She's the one who handles most of the chapter billings, and handles Convention and Leadership Institute Registrations. Her AOil volunteer experience is extensive including eight years as treasurer for the Memphis Alumnae Chapter, Chapter Adviser, Pledge Adviser and Corporation Board Director for Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) and served as RRO in Region V for two years. She is currently the Corporation Board Treasurer for N u Omicron Chapter at Vanderbilt U.
Colleen Caban
Rho Omicron (MTSU)
Colleen began working at H Q as a col- legiate intern. After graduation, she was hired to become the Archives/ Centennial Celebration Coordinator and works closely with the Centennial Celebration Committee on coundess activities planned for next year. She currendy serves as a member of Rho Omicron's AAC and is the Corresponding Secretary for the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter.
Dina D'Gerolamo KappaTau (Southeastern Louisiana U)
Dina holds the position of Systems Admin., supervising the fraterni- ty's computer opera- tions. She previously was the Data Processing Manager for the City of Kenner, LA (pop. 300,000) and moved here to accept this job. AsanAOnvolunteer, she has served Kappa Tau as Chapter, Rush
and Philanthropic Adviser, and as a member of their Corporation Board. Currently she serves as a member of Nu Omicron's Corporation Board and is an officer in the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter.
Do our
inter- national
ToDragma/SI'KINC IW6
B eth
Controller; Accounting
Jackie Lynch, Coordinator.
AmyWorsham officers Rho Omicron (MTSU)
to live in
or do
they have
to move there?'
Donna Nellums Kumar Rho Omicron (MTSU)
A charter member of her own collegiate chapter, Donna has served AOLI as Chapter Services Coordinator for the past five years.When a call comes in regarding a collegiate chapter, she is the one who usually handles it. She is also the person who reads all those collegiate reports! She continues her AOIl involvement after hours as an officer in the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter.
Leigh Perry
Upsilon Lambda (U ofTexas,
San Antonio)
Leigh was a charter member and a for- mer president of her collegiate chapter. As an alumna volunteer, she has held nearly every collegiate advisory position and also served as a Regional Director. She is currendy active in a variety ofcivic organizations including Rotary International. Leigh joined AOLIs staff three years ago from Xerox Corporation in San Antonio. She is the Coordinator of Programs and Training, which
Amy Worsham, Administrative Assistant Colleen Caban, Archives/Centennial Celebration Coordinator; Dina D'Gerolamo, Systems Administrator.
As Administrative Assistant, Amy just handles all the behind the scenes work
for trainings and meetings, and assists happen the ExD as needed. She also is the Assistant Magazine Coordinator for the AOn Magazine Program. While in school, Amy held numerous chap- ter offices and worked at H Q as an
intern. She joined H Q staff immedi- ately after graduation.
(front) Mary Anne Wolfersberger, Property Coordinator; (back) Lisa Brown, Finance

includes, among other tasks, the devel- opment of new programming for all collegiate chapters.
Paula Bourgeois Daigle LambdaTau (Northeast Louisiana U)
Paula was a two term collegiate chap- ter president who went on to serve the Fraternity as a Chapter Consultant. She has also volunteered as Pledge
Adviser for Delta Omega, Alumnae RD, RPRO Region V and was a member of the new Extension Committee before joining staff last fall from Bankers Trust Company. Paula holds a Masters Degree in Organizational Communication. Now she is AOITs Chapter Co nsultant/Extension Coordi nator, overseeing the C C Program and AOITs extension opportunities on new campuses.
(front) Ann Griesmer, Alumnae Services Coordinator; Leigh Perry. Coordinator of Programs and Training; (back) Paula Daigle, Chapter Consultant/Extension Coordinator; Donna Kumar, Chapter Services Coordinator.
Ann Conlon Griesmer GammaAlpha
(George Mason U)
Our Alumnae Services Coordinator, Ann, loves her work with AOIl which currendy includes serving as an officer in the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter. She has also served as an RD, an officer in the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter, held posi- tions on Gamma Alphas Corporation Board and most notably served as their Chapter Adviser. Her staff posi- tion is a liaison between the alumnae chapters/members and the Alumnae Regional Directors/ Executive Board.
Ann and her husband, Dan, are proud parents of an infant son, Conlon.
Dana Swindal Ray
Alpha Delta (U ofAlabama)
Her PR degree and vast work experi- ence as a journalist and editor has well prepared Dana for the position she
Coordinator; Design/Marketing S a s s e e n . Coordinator of Editorial Services.
Coordinator. She is the designer for all Fraternity publications, including To Dragma, The PIPER, Emporium cata- logs, brochures, etc. She also has a hand in the design of our Emporium Exclusive merchandise. Outside the office she is an officer in the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter.
Shannon Mitchell
Shannon is currendy working toward a degree in graphic design from Watkins Institute in Nashville. She is the Emporium Assistant/ Customer Service representative and is in charge of all cus- tomer services. When you order any- thing from the Emporium, that friend- lyvoiceisprobablyShannons. Inaddi- tion to serving as assistant to the Emporium Coordinator, she also super- vises mini events and helps with mer- chandise design.
Linda Hendrixson Fuson Omicron (U ofTennessee)
As Emporium Coordinator, Linda manages the marketing and sales of AOITs mail order boutique. A store front for "walk-in" customers is located at Headquarters. This former school teacher has served as Nu Omicron's Chapter Adviser and Corporation Board member, an officer in the Nashville Area
Dana Ray, Public Relations/Conference Rebecca drown, Graphic
holds as Public Relations/ Conference Coordinator. Besides coordinating the fraternity's public relations activities, she oversees all the logistics of Convention and Leadership Institute. In her spare time, she is AOITs Magazine Program Coordinator. Outside the office, she and her hus- band, Mark, love to bicycle and wind- surf. Dana has previously served as Rush Adviser for Pi Omicron (Austin Peay State U).
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen
Alpha Delta (U ofAlabama)
As the Coordinator of Edirorial
Services, Mariellen serves as editor of
AOris two primary vehicles of com-
munication, ToDragma and The
PIPER. She brings to this position
extensive experience in the fields of Alumnae Chapter, and a Regional
journalism and advertising. She served as Alpha Delta Chapter President, and later as president of the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter, Regional Director, and RRO in Region V. At the end of each day she enjoys returning home to her hus- band, Bobby and her two young sons, Wesley and David.
Rebecca Brown
Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Rebecca has been with AOFI H Q since her graduation and currendy holds the position of Graphic Design/ Marketing
Director. Linda has formerly served on staff as the Foundation's Director of Development and is a Rose Award recipient.
Alison Costantine
Alison is participating in a Co-Op program from Brentwood High School and is a part-time staff mem- ber. She assists in the Emporium with shipping, inventory control and customer service.
Christine Anneken
Christine Anneken is also a Co-Op student from Brentwood High School. She helps out in ship- ping and receiving and is inter- ested in pursuing a career in the field oflaw.
To Dragma/SPRING 1996
Alison Constantine. Emporium Assistant; Linda Fuson,
Emporium Coordinator; Shannon Mitchell. Emporium Assistant/Customer Service; Christine Anneken, Shipping/ Receiving Assistant
Pat Helland
Rho Omicron Associate Member (MTSU)
Pat has been the Director of Development of the AOn Foundation since 1990. She is a board member of both the

Tennessee Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation and the Nashville Branch of the Arthritis Foundation, and serves as the Corporation Board President for Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U). Pat recently completed her Masters Degree and will be leaving us this summer to pursue her doctorate in educational leadership.
Kristie Prichard Ryan
Rho Omicron (MTSU)
Kristie is the Assistant Director of Development f o r th e AOFI Foundation. She is responsible for edu- cating our members about the mission of the Foundation through the develop- ment of brochures, newsletters, fund raising programs, and the annual report. She currendy serves as Rush Adviser for Rho Omicron and also volunteers regu- larly for the March ofDimes.
Pat Miszewski Larson
Pat is the Administrative Assistant for the Foundation Office. She and her husband moved to Nashville two years ago from Mequon, WI, where she was a real estate sales associate. She is an active volunteer in the community with special interest in 4-H, Girl Scouts and the Red Cross.
Denise Scott
Denise is one of two members of our staff initiated into another NPC orga- nization. A Gamma Phi Beta from UCLA, she works as a pan-time book- keeper for th e A O n Foundation. Denise has held various accounting, auditing, and management positions through the years and loves to enjoy her passion... travel.
AO!! Headquarters Staff seeks to better understand AOlTs Volunteers
who to call at Headquarters?
Accounting/ Finance
Beth Swartz
Alumnae Services
Ann Griesmer
Billing Questions
Lisa Brown
BRIDGES/ Programming
Leigh Perry
Centennial Celebration
Colleen Caban
Changeof Address
Mary Ann Caldwell
Chapter Consultants
Paula Daigle
ServicesDonna Kumar E-mail/ Computers
Dina DGerolamo
Emporium Sales
Shannon Mitchell
Executive Director
Melanie Doyle
Foundation Donations
Knstie Ryan
MaryAnne W olfersberger
Leadership Institute
Joyce 6. Straut, Phi Sigma, lead the session
The Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters Staff attended an upbeat, exciting training session on January 22, 1996. The topic was "EfFective Communications with our Volunteers."
Headquarters staff believes that by better understanding the role that A O n volunteers serve, they better understand th e role
"Effecwe with
Communications our Volunteers."
DanaRay Dana Ray
Member/ Initiation Records
Jackie Lynch
Public Relations
Dana Ray
Supply Orders
Lisa Brown
Mariellen Sasseen
they serve. This workshop helped put into perspective the differences and similarities that they each offer. I t also revealed that we both serve the Fraternity for the same reason-aloveforAOn.
The training was facilitated by Joyce Bryan Srrout, Phi Sigma ( U o f Nebraska-Kearney) , CEO and President ofJ.B. Strout & Co. The session centered on such topics as: The Role of the Staff, The Role of the Volunteer, The Stages of Volunteerism, The Volunteer Paycheck and the Staff Commitment to the AOFI V olunteers.
After defining their roles, the staff members then defined the role of the volunteer through discussion, sharing, and role playing.
An insightful discussion was held about the stages of volunteerism. The typical A O n today moves from college to career... marriage to motherhood. During these stages, AOIls demonstrate spurts of energy, peaks of dedicated time vs. the valley for a time of rejuvenation.
So how do we keep the AOn volunteer motivated? We see th e Fraternity grow because of our volunteer base... the hundreds of talented women that give sofreely,willingly, and lovingly to our Fraternity. We could never do without the volunteers and their talents!
The AOn Volunteer Paycheck was a thought-provoking facilitation. How do our volunteers get paid? Answers varied from mentoring to motivating, from recognition to resume building, from accomplishment to appteciation, and from love of A O n to legacy. And die average "Vivian Volunteer" is the trea- sure of AOn. The AOn volunteer is the reason for our success.
In summary, the session was enlightening, educational and motivating.
Magazine Program
To Dragma/SPRm; 19%
Pat Larson, Foundation Administrative Assistant: Pat Helland. Foundation Director ofDevelopment Kristie Ryan, Foundation Assistant Director of Development:
Denise Scott. Foundation
Leigh Perry
Unsurestill - Just ask the receptionist'

Progress Report:
Structure Plan Implementation
AOIl Moves forwan
One hundred years...such a long time! Through those years, Alpha Omicron Pi has experienced many changes in structure. The status of pledge was introduced after many years of nonex-
istence; an extended period oftimewas devoted to this level of membership; and now we have returned to a reduced time frame. We have evolved from one nationwide organi- zation to districts, into varying combinations of regions, and we now return to the interna- tional aspect of ONE.
Five years...such a short time! It seemed so long ago when we firstbegan to talk. It was at the Dallas
The Executive Board is proud to announce the following appointments that have been made for Network Directors:
Alumnae Network Directors
Janis Nelson and Kim McGowan
Alumnae Advisory Committee Network Directors
Renee Smith and Kay Jones
Collegiate Finance Network Director
Joanne Earls
Collegiate Corporations Network Director
Shirley Knipfel
Collegiate Programming Network Directors
Rebecca Herman and Kristi Lykins
Rush Network Directors
Mary Ann Stark and Kathy Sowell
Network Specialists are currendy being selected. A listing of these women will be announced at a later date.
The following committees have been appointed:
Chairman/HumanResourcesCommittee (HCR)
Lisa Hauser - Chairman
Members: Louanne Condreay, Kelly Lang-Ramirez, Marilyn Herman, Anne Allison
Chairman/Extension Committee (EC)
Linda Mansur - Chakman
Members: Lisa Ivkanec, Troylyn LeForge, Caroline Craig, Laurie Snyder, Melissa Courson
Chairman/Training and Ed. Committee (TEC)
Beverly Townsend - Chairman
Members: Tracy Maxwell, Cynthia Skaff, Karen Towell,
Lori Hart, Susie Craig
Chairman/Leadership Institute Committee (LIC)
Sally Wagaman - Chairman
Members: Wendy Erlenbach, Elizabeth Lawson, Barb Long, Beth McCuskey, Rosalie Barber, Liura Sergeant
To those members who have submitted applications, we are so pleased to have such a strong showing of dedication to Alpha Omicron Pi. If you are still considering your options, please let us know if you have questions. Even if you are unavailable to serve at this time, your application will indi- cate your interest fot the future.
members Anne Alison, Louanne Condreay. (standing} Manlyn Herman UsaHauser. andKellyLang^omirez
Applications of the
are reviewed by
HRC (seated)
Convention in 1991 that the Fraternity Development Committee began their discussions on the structure of the Fraternity. Out of their meetings with a variety of participants and surveys throughout the intervening years, the structure changes as approved at the 1995 Convention emerged.
Since the time of Convention in June, a great deal of activity has taken place along the road to implementation of the new structure of our Fraternity. During this period of recruit- ment, designation and training, we have attempted to answer both new and recurring questions.
Our Collegiate Chapters will be placed in groupings of five. These five chapters will be serviced by a team o ffivespecial- ists. The networks represented will be Rush, Programming, Chapter Finances, Chapter Corporations and the Alumnae Advisory Committee. These women will work together on a continuing basis in the best interest of their assigned chap- ters. From time to time the specialist working with the Alumnae Chapters in the geographical area of individual chapters will be called upon for assistance.
It is important to understand that each chapter has specific needs in all areas of operation. One need plays upon the oth- ers. Knowledge of the overall health of the chapter will be of vital importance as goals are set forth and long range planning is developed. Depending on the nature of the challenge, the specialist to visit the chapter will be determined by an interac- tive process of the Specialist Team. It could be any of the five. It could be more than one. The team will make the decision.
ToDraS ma/SI'RIN<; IW(>
byAnn McClanahan GilchrisiTheta (DePauwU)

Advising Collegiate Chapters (AAC) Alumnae
Collegiate Finance
Collegiate Programming Rush
Training & Education Extension
_ Long Range Planning (fiat. Dev. Com.) . Panhellenic (NPC)
. Human Resources
Alpha Omicron Pi Application for Volunteer Position
Maiden Name:
Alumnae Chapter:,
mailing label).
Name: Address:
City Phone: (home)_
Chapter and year of Initiation:.
Member # ( 7 digit number found on your To
Zip/Postal Code
Please rank in order your major areas of interest:
Please explain why you are interested in those areas of service.
List any AOIl collegiate and alumnae experience related to the areas you indicated. Position/Chapter Term Dates Position/Chapter
List other applicable volunteer or employment experience/training. Position/Organization Dates Position/Organization
List members of Alpha Omicron Pi familiar with your activities.
Name Phone Name
Term Dates
Optional: Attach a resume or additional information as necessary, (please limit to 3 additional pages)
Send completed f o r m to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
ATTN: Human Resources Committee 9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood, T N 37027 (615) 370-0920 or Fax to: (615) 371-9736
Date Acknowledged:.

AOTT's first Leadership Institute
features keynote speaker Martha Rogers
This personal and professional development weekend will feature a respected and internationally renowned AOIl, Dr. Martha Rogers, Tau Delta 71 (Birmingham Southern U).
A pte-eminent thought leader in the explosivefieldof customer relationship marketing, Martha Rogers,
Ph. D., is one of two founding partners of marketing 1:1, inc., a customer relationship management consult- ingfirmbasedinStamford,Connecticut.Thefirmpracticestheprinciplesof1:1marketingasdevel- STARTUPCASESTUDY:ANEWWAYTOSELL CARS oped by Dr. Rogers and co-author Don Peppers in their best-selling business book, The One to One
Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a Time, (Currency Doubleday, 1993). Dubbed "oneb e
of the bibles of the new marketing" by Business Week, "1:1" is a seminal work on the use of technol-
ogy to enable individualized customer relationships. With rights sold in 10 countries, "1:1" is cur-
rendy in its eleventh U.S. printing.
A former copywriter and advertising executive, Dr. Rogers is also Professor of Telecommunications at DOC Bowling Green State U in Ohio, where she taught for nearly a decade and earned the University's dis- tinguishedMasterTeachetdesignation. SinceearningherPh.D.attheUofTennessee,asaBickel Q:HOWDOYOUMAKE<W
fellow, she has served on the National Advertising Review Board, and testified as an expert witness before the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC.
Dr. Rogers also has a M A . in English from the U of New Orleans ('79) and a B.A. in English from Birmingham Southern College (74).
Executive Board Changes
The Executive Board is pleased to announce the acceptance of the position of Vice President of Development by Haine James Kennedy, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U). Elaine had previously been serving as a Director on the Executive Board. In her new position, she will supervise Extension and Public Relations for the fraternity. Elaine has been a member of A O n s Executive Board since 1991.
To fill Elaine's previous XB Director position, the Board has appointed Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama). Carole's most recent AOn experience was in the area of rush, where she was serving as the Rush
Beyond her own research publications in Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, and other scholarly publications, Dr. Rogers
has co-authored a wide range of articles with Mr. Peppers. They include an in-depth Harvard Business Review article, and many articles in Wired, Marketing Tools, and other journals, books, and ' newsletters. Internationally tecognized as thought leaders of the new paradigm in marketing, Rogers and Peppers appeared together on the cover of Inc. magazine (October 1995) and appear regularly on CNN-FN and in Forbes ASAP
(October Rogers and
Formerly an Executive Board Director, Elaine James Kennedy .Alpha Chi ("W estern Kentucky U) has now assumed the position of Vice President of Development
To Dragma/SPRING 19%
Network Director and previously as Internationa] Rush Chairman (IRC). Her responsibilities will include programming, as well as serving as the XB liaison for the Chaptet Consultant Program.
Both of these positions were approved upon a recommendation by AOITs Human Resources Committee. The HRC Committee is in place to help cultivate and recruit potential volunteets for AOn's leadership positions. The Executive Board wishes to express their ongoing gratitude to this committee for theif efforts during this period of implementation.
Newly appointed Executive Board Director. Carole Jurenko Jones.
featur- co-author Don Peppers' best selling book, The One to One Future: building Relationships One Customer at aTime.
inc. magazine ing Dr. Martha
Delta. (U
of Alabama).

AOfl Historian/Archivist emeritus and Past international President Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi (left) and Nancy Mover McCain, current Historian/Archivist and Past International President Rho, painstakingly sort through boxes of AOTJ memorabilia. Edith will celebrate her 100th birth-
The tradition of keeping a scrapbook album has continued for generations. The albums kept by our families and those kept by our AOFI sisters give us terrific insight into our ancestry and tradition. Be careful, though, as some can be more harmful to our treasures than keeping them in a box or drawer. The "magnetic" style album is the most popular, inexpensive and yet most dangerous on the market today. These albums' pages are made of acidic cardboard with caustic adhesive, and the plastic overlays are usually made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC -like the plumbing pipes). The acid speeds up dete- rioration as does the adhesive, and the PVC emits a chlorine gas which, over a short time, will turn your treasures yellow. Another popular album, with "pocket pages," is also typically made with PVC plastic and the ones that are "PVC-free" allow little room for documentation o r creativity. The problem of unsafe albums is not a new one. Our mothers and grandmothers kept scrapbook-type albums which permitted great flexibility and creativity. These albums, though, were usually made with paper not only high in acid, but also had a high lignin content. Lignin is a by-product of paper pulp and is the substance which turns newspapers yellow and crumbly over time. T h e weight of the paper combined with poor bindings also made the long lasting appearance o f the album itself questionable. So what's th e solution? Your best option is a scrapbook type album which has acid-free, lignin-free, buffered pages.
To Dragma/SI'RING 19%
yJ our memones
In just over one year, Alpha Omicron Pi celebrates our Centennial... 100 glorious years of tradition and history. Fortunately for AOFI, our heritage has been painstakingly archived through the years, and we are richer today for these efforts. We now have the continued responsibility of recording our fraternity and chapter histories for the next generation of AOFls. The same is true in our own families. Each of us leaves an imprint on the heritage of our family, and we have the opportunity to provide priceless information to those who will follow us. Today, we are living our children and grandchildren's history. How we preserve our past, present and future can be one of our most grat- ifying and important endeavors - as a fraternity, as a chapter and as individuals.
Most of us recognize the importance of preserving our history, but most of us unknowingly dam- age the very materials we've sought to protect. The most significant culprits are the storage and dis- play methods we employ. For instance, we spend hundreds of dollars on the right type of camera and film, rush to get our pictures developed, flip through them, then promptly shove them in a drawer or box. Our good intentions of organizing them into albums and scrapbooks never occur. Even sadder are those of us who, unknowingly, put them into an environment which will cause substantial deterioration over a short period o f time. The most common culprit usually is o u r photo albums.
day during A Off s Centennial year.

How you affix photos in your album is also important, as the wrong adhesive will attack your photos and memorabilia from the backside. There are several options, some good and some not. The decorative black (and sometimes pink) photo corners have a great old fashioned look and allow you to remove the picture from the album, if you so choose. As you may have experienced, though, they don't stick very well and your keepsakes end up falling out. There is now on the mar- ket a better form of the same thing which is typically clear so that you can see the edge of your photo through the corner and adheres to the album pages well. Rubber cement has been widely used for years but contains acid
that will speed up deterioration. Use, instead, a paper cement which has all the same proper- ties as rubber cement without the acid. While masking tape, cellophane tape and double stick tape have been used in a pinch, there are a number of double stick tape-type products now on the market which will be much safer. Such products come in tabs, tape strips and runners. Find whichever works best for you but be sure to determine whether the product is photo- safe or archival.
As important as safely preserving
our memories is the meaningful
documentation of those memo-
ries. Alltoooftenwegethand-
ed a box full of beautiful old
photos, invitations, announce-
ments, etc. with no information
or stories to accompany them.
We inAOnaresoveryfortunate
to have written letters, stories and documents which give us insight into our early fraternity history. Sadly, we don't always have memories recorded in as much detail within our chapters or our indi- vidual families because we fail to gather these treasures while they are still attainable.
The way a story is told tells us as much about the event as it does about the storyteller. The story- teller's handwriting, as unattractive as she may think it is, tells a great deal about her. Don't you treasure letters written by someone special? It's the same principal. Don't be shy about detailing your personal experience of an event; and ifyou can, get differentpeople to write their experi- ences, too. Think about Stella George Stern Perry's flair for the dramatic (sometimes exaggerated) views of the world around her as compared to the more practical, conservative view of Helen St. Clair Mullan. Our history is richer because of the differentperspectives. Talk about the world around you, too. Our personal experience and perspectives are closely tied to the world around us and that should be reflected in our records. What was going on in the country, campus, city or state, the arts, politics, fashion and entertainment? Alpha Phi Chapter (Montana State U) in pub- lishing a history book for their 75th Anniversary, providing a summary of local state and national milestones for each chapter as an introduction to their own history during the same time period. Their chapter history has a much richer texture because of the extra effort and research. Ifwe keep track of this information as we go, those who follow us will get a broader perspective of who we are and what influences us now. Plus, no one in the future has to go back and determine what may or may not have been the influencing factors in our lives.
"What's important is not the mechan- ical means of communicating but the spirit and joy with which your thoughts and fee lings are put into
words. And just as important is the recipients pleasure... discovered and read fifty years later; it may become one of the richest and most rewarding
warm memories and insights into the personality of a person they hardly or
never knew."
Leonard L. Knott WritingfordieJoyof It
To Dragma/SPRING 1996 17

—• S
To Dragma/SPRING 1996
Some of the most beautiful albums kept by some of our collegiate and alumnae chapters are special because of the care and creativity of the sisters who put them together. They saved programs, arti- cles, greetings, dance cards, invitations, you name it - and some had included beautifulartwork whose style reflected the time masterfully. Much can be accomplished in documentation when w e allow ourselves to be pack rats. When preserving photos around memorabilia, be cautious to keep acidic cards from touching the more sensitive photos (including those on facing pages). You can get photo-safe plastic sleeves to cover either the offending article or the whole page, creating a shield which can double as protection from fingerprints, spills and such. Because newsprint is made with lignin and doesn't take long to turn yellow, you may prefer to photocopy them onto acid-free paper or bond. They will last longer and be safer against your photographs. Additionally, it is always best
to wear cotton gloves while handling any o f these materials to protect them from fingerprints and oils from your hands.
1»« uS
mfi i
Archival materials should not only be accurately preserved and displayed, but should olso have detailed records concerning the events. Personal insights and perspectives make the moments much more
meaningful to later generations

Decorate your scrapbook pages using acid-free, lignin-free colored papers and acid-free ink stickers and pens. The sky's the limit when it comes to your decorative options. Be careful not to get too carried away and forget the star of the show - your photos and memorabilia - but don't be afraid to have fun with your pages either.
A significant saboteur to archival materials is their environment. Photographs and memorabilia have a natural deterioration process, and there are four factors which will contribute to the acceleration o f this process - light, heat, humidity and air quality. Direct sunlight is th e most harmful, but fluorescent light is not much better. Incandescent light is the preference. Extremes o f heat - as when materials are stored in the attic, and extremes o f humidity - when they're stored in a damp base-
ment, are also very harmful. Also to be avoided are exterior walls, bathrooms and places near heat sources. A n interior closet is best. Keep your albums, documents, pictures and storage containers at temperatures less than 70°F and in humidiry of 40% or less. Airquality also contributes to the aging process. Significant air pollution, harmful chemicals, paint fumes, plywood and janitorial supplies are allharmful to your treasures. The bottom line is that memories are best kept and experienced when they live where you live.
Be cautious with your shelving as well. Avoid raw wood shelving and cabinets and instead try metal or wood sealed with polyurethane or paint. Albums are best stored upright vs. stacking to avoid any unnecessary abrasions between articles placed on facing pages.
Numerous companies are marketing photo and negative storage boxes and these can be a great way of keeping photos protected (particularly duplicates and ones that won't fit into an album). Be cautious, however, because many o f these are glorified shoeboxes made with highly acidic card- board. Ensure that your photo storage boxes are made with photo-safe materials. Store your nega- tives in sleeves made ofsafe plastics such as polypropylene, polyester or polyethylene. Putthe sleeves in a regular #10 envelope labeled with the date and occasion. Ifpossible, store your nega- tives in a place other than where your albums are stored. That way, if something unfortunate hap- pens to your album, you can go back and recreate your albums without experiencing a total loss. Your efforts to keep things organized will help you in putting together albums, as well as speeding up the search time when you want to find and/or reprint a photograph.
Follow the same rules for boxing memorabilia and historical paper items as you do for photograph- ic material. When storing documents, minutes, and other memorabilia, be careful to remove rub- ber bands, paper clips and scotch tape as these will cause great harm over the longrun. Additionally, when creating files and/or envelopes for such materials, make sure that these are also made o f acid-free, lignin-free material. Again, note dates, occasions and other information and organize chronologically.

Your hanging pictures are as susceptible to deterioration as anything else, maybe more so. Photographs, documents, paintings, and other hanging artwork should follow all of the same envi- ronmental rules as for albums and stored materials. As best as you can, isolate precious pictures and documents from elements that will harm them, as most of the time these pieces are not easily replaced. If possible, it is best to have a copy made of the original photo and display it, rather than displaying the original. If you prefer the original, avoid artwork touching wood frames, particularly with black and white photographs. Matting artwork with 100% cotton ragboard will protect it from acidic materials on the front. Backing materials should also b e o f archival quality, like inert aluminum sheet high-quality acid-free, lignin-free mounting board o r corrugated polypropylene "cardboard". Glass should not touch the photograph or document and should be framed with UV- Ray Protectant or Archival glass. As noted, try to avoid handing artwork in direct exposure from windows and harsh light. I f fluorescent lighting cannot be avoided, consider fitting the light with an ultraviolet filtering screen. Be certain to document the origins and history of the photograph o r document on the backing so that years later the significance won't be lost. All of these extra mea- sures may seem excessive now, but in the long run will prove invaluable.
The preservation of out culture and history may seem a daunting task. Take itslow and steady, and you'll win the race. Remove the most precious items from particularly harmful situations, prioritize the work ahead, organize your materials and keep it simple. Like most meaningful endeavors, i t is not as much a matter of time as a matter of commitment. You are creating a legacy - preserving tradition and giving texture to the history of your family, your chapter, your fraternity.
For more informa- tion and classes on historical preserva-
tion, contact your local genealogical society or library.
Additionally, Creative Memories consultants throughout the
country provide in- home classes and materialsfor creat- ing meaningful, photo-safe albums - call (800) 468- 9335 for a consul- tant in your area.

To Dragma/SPRING 1996
77IIS rugged old chest was used for years by Stella George Stern Perry to carry AOI7 displays to conventions. Past International President, Nancy Moyer McCain. Rho.flips through som e of the priceless pieces of AOI1 history displayed with the chest during a recent exhibit The chest, and countfesz other items,arecurrentlyondisplayintheArchivesExhibitatInternational Headquarters.
by Knstme Hanson Rouse. Seattle Alumnae Chapter Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U)
Centennial Area

love all of #ic

Idea Exchange:
One of the greatest challenges facing our alumnae chapters is to come up with creative programming that will keep their membership active and encour- age new members to join. A vibrant chapter is one
that is always searching for new ideas or how to improve on the events they already find successful.
Idea sharing between chapters may be one of the most helpful ways to invigorate a chapter and this sec- tion of the magazine has been devoted to the exchange of information between chapters on various subjects. All chapters have been asked to share their most successful programming idea. Here are a few of
the ideas that are already working.
The Summer issue's alumnae Idea
ture Fund-raising Ideas. Ifyour chapter has an idea they wish to share, and has not already done so, please sub-
alumnae news
An evening of Crazy Bridge requires no knowledge of the game, but brings out a lot of silliness. The game requires part- ners, with winning partners having to move to a new table after each round. It is a great chance to get to meet many people in one evening. The event is held at a member's home and the evening begins with a delicious dessert.
Bowling Green
One program that this chapter enjoys is their New Member Taco Supper to help get acquainted with the Alpha Chi New Members. A phone committee calls local alumnae and assigns them a specific item to bring to assemble the tacos. A get-acquainted activity is included to help match names with faces.
This chapter holds an "Oscar Party" where members meet to view the Academy Awards. There is enjoyable competition to see who chooses the most winners. Other successful programming ideas have includ- ed hosting a murder mystery and having a designated Career Night. The latter offers a member the opportunity to explain and demonstrate her career. This works great for many professions, such as a cosmetic representative or nurse.
Chicago-Beverly Hills
This chapter has fun participating in a candle party. Dessert and coffee is served as a product demonstrator shows how to use candles efficiently and effec- tively. The party is held in October, just prior to holiday entertaining and gift-giv- ing season. It turned out to be of interest to members of all ages. Cooking demonstrations are also successful for this chapter.
Chicago Northwest Suburban
A long standing program that this chapter wants to share is their Birthday Cake Club. Any member can join. All
mit with photos to the editor no later than May I.
To promote more sisterhood activi- ties, this chapter sets up a schedule of monthly lunch and after work meet- ings with routine places and times. For example, the first Friday of each month, a lunch group meets at Bennigan's from 11:45 - 1:15 pm. Reminder calls are made at the beginning of each month to those who have shown interest. Likewise, after work meetings are held on the 3rd Friday of each month at Mama Mia's from 5:30 to 7:00. Making the meetings routine, helps everyone to schedule in advance and participation has increased.
hapter plans••• TnlWmu/SI'mNC l'Wf>
Baton Rouge
This chapter finds success with a tast- ing fair where each person brings a favorite dish along with multiple copies of the recipe. A mini fund raiser is added by selling the recipes for a bargain price. Everyone enjoys sampling the great food and "buying" the new recipes. Another event that is a hit with their membership is a "Behind the Scenes at the Zoo" day. Families get together for a specially arranged tour of their local zoo and get up close and personal with the animals. The tour makes the day different from the average visit to the zoo.
will fea-

alumnae news
you have to do is bake a birthday cake for one other member on her birthday. In return, someone will bake a cake for you on your birthday! Many members also include napkins, a rose or some other treat with the cake. It was started many years ago to insure that all A Oris have a special cake on their birthday. Participa- tion is by choice.
Chicago West Suburban
Everyone in this chapter loves gather- ing together for a craft night of painting sweatshirts (or t-shirts). The casual atmosphere allows plenty of time for vis- iting while creating something special for themselves, or perhaps an item to raffle off later in the year at their fall auction. Members attending split the costs of the
new members to join them. A private dining room is reserved for a time of socializing and a sit down high tea. Plans are to hold the event again next year at another historic location.
Evansville (IN)Tri-State
Each meeting of the year for this chapter always has an AOFI theme. For example, in the month of February they host a "Love and Roses" party. A salad luncheon is held at a members' home and everyone is asked to bring their wedding pictures to share. This year a member who raises roses, gave a brief program on roses and the evening ended with everyone making chocolate candy roses to take home.
Senior Picnic. This event is well attended because a centrally located home is chosen to accommodate their older members. The main dish is pur- chased from a local catering company and evetyone else brings their choice of a salad or dessert. Following dinner, three special awards are presented to the seniors along with Senior Kits provided by Headquarters. Then each is asked to share her future plans. It is a great opportunity to get future mailing addresses and add those staying in Knoxville to the alumnae chapter's mail- ing list. Immediately afterwards, they hold a brief business meeting, which gives the seniors first hand experience in an active alumnae chapter.
We just enjoy being together...for craft nigh
materials such as appliques, paint, etc. Everyone brings their own shirt and the hostess provides several irons and ironing boards, along with refreshments, of course! The theme works great around Christmas, Halloween, Valentines or Easter, but also works for a non-holiday meeting for creating A O n shirts!
Their annual Founders' Day theme,
"The Decade of Delightful AOris,"
highlights a different decade each year. For example, they might spotlight the 40's this year and recognize members initiated as well as other memories during that era. Certain people are asked to reminisce of their college days and A O n in the 40's, or whatever appropriate decade.
Nashville Area
Blue jeans, prairie skirts, cowboy hats and boots are the appropriate attire for one of Nashville's most popular events, a Western BBQ and Line Dance. A local country club is reserved to host the event and a buffet dinnet is served. Entertainment is provided by a profes- sional dance instructor, who is hired to teach the latest line dances and lead cou- ples in some "two-steppin."
New York-New Jersey Metro Area
A Mother-Daughter Theater Outing
at Wagner College is a popular event for this busy chapter. Group tickets are obtained for a May theater performance around Mother's Day. Each alumna then invites her mother, mother-in-law, daughter, or daughter-in-law as her guest. The evening begins with dinner out together, or ends with dessert at a nearby restaurant. The details may vary from year to year, but it is always a really great event. Another fun and out of the ordi- nary program that this chapter holds is a psychic palm reading. They arrange for
Without a doubt, the favorite program
for this chaptet is their "Make It Bake It
Auction." Each member was asked to Kearney
make, bake, sew or grow something to
auction off. The turnout for the event is
great and they raise a lot of money as an
added benefit. They attribute their suc-
cess to three factors: members donating a member's home for a home cooked great items to auction, the location for
this event is in a gorgeous home that is a
definite draw, and the auctioneer is hilari-
ous! Everyone loves getting into the spirit
of the auction.
This chapter selects an historic loca- tion, such as the Brown Palace, as the site for their Valentines' Day Tea. These locations are great drawing cards to entice
meal. The seniors love the food and the alumnae love the opportunity to find out more about their future plans. Ritual is performed to welcome the seniors into alumnae status and the chapter presents a gift to each senior, along with the senior kit from Headquarters.
This chapter elects to honor the grad- uating Omicron members with an annual
One of the best attended meetings of the year for this chapter is their Senior Dinner. Allseniors from their local col- legiate chapter, Phi Sigma, are invited to
cooking lessons, theater outings, luncheons
99 ToDrasmu/SPRlW IW(>

a psychic to come to the home of a mem- ber and donate a portion o f the proceeds the psychic charges to philanthropy. Obviously, this detail has to be approved by the psychic in advance.
"It All Fits" is the theme of one of this chapter's unique programs. They pur- chase a blank jig saw puzzle, customize it for A O n , and mail one puzzle piece to each member of their chapter. Each member is asked to bring their piece to the next meeting and be prepared to share a thought or memory about an aspect o f A O n that was written on their puzzle piece. These include: "Favorite chapter tradition", "Your big sister", "First A O n alumna you met", "Ritual",
during that decade. For example, their September meeting focused on the roar- ing 20's.They learned that AOITs origi- nal Central Office was established in 1925 and Elizabeth Heywood Wyman was appointed registrar. The program included a tour of a member's collection of antique cars, and the refreshments included Prohibition punch, among oth- ers clever items. The October meeting followed with emphasis on the "lean" 1930s. A speaker presented a program on financial issues for today's women, and members were reminded that AOIl became international in the 1930s with the installation o f our collegiate chapter at the U of Toronto The same format was continued throughout the year.
In preparing the 1994-95 calendar for
alumnae news
This chapter salutes Alpha Delta's graduating seniors with a Senior Appreciation night. Alumnae supply the refreshments and bring with them a small gift valued between $5-$8, such as stationary, picture frames, etc. Numbers are given to each senior as they arrive for the gift giving later that evening. They also hand out the senior kits from Headquarters, which have been found to be a powerful tool to keep these women involved in the Fraternity.
West LosAngeles
This chapter loves to get together to see the latest shows. One of their mem-
, picnics, holiday gift exchanges, banquets,
etc. The promotional mailout for the event states, "Each of us brings to our A O n sisterhood our own experiences and feelings. Together, we are AOIl...Don't be the missing piece!"
One of Portland's more successful pro- gramming events is a dessert party. Special emphasis is placed on reaching the recent college graduates who seem very busy, very mobile and therefore, very hard to get involved. The time is set to allow members to get home from work, eat, then come out for a worthwhile
this active chapter, members were encour- aged to "Update Your Passports." Their monthly "world travels" would find them visiting famous landmarks, dining on exot- iccuisineallwhileenjoyingfuntimeswith their A O n sisters. The theme for the year was "Where in the World is Stella George Stern Perry?" and each month they were off to a different destination in search of Stella. For example, in September they were off to Australia where they learned a bit about this continent and it's capital city, Canberra. Dinner, consisting o f Aussie salad sand- wiches and crocodile colas, were served "outback" in the garden of a member's home. Their October meeting was an appropriate time for an Oktoberfest family fun night. O f f to the Black Forest o f Munich (aka Pearson Park), members and their families gathered for a delicious German feast on brats, franks and root beer. Their young "Hansels and Gretels" enjoyed scavenger hunts and storytelling. Popular tales of the day included those of the Brothers Grimm. Other stops throughout their adventure included a ride on the Orient Express, an evening of "Moonlight in Moscow", and an English Auction, to name a few.
bers organizes several theater nights each year that always produces great turnouts. This is used as a small fund raiser because they buy group tickets in advance and tack on a small surcharge of $1 or $2 to go to back to the chapter.
dessert - usually a chocolate buffet! a big success.
Toledo Area
It is
This chapter programs an entire year based on a theme filled with excitement and creativity. Their 1993-94 year fea- tured a decade salute. Members found themselves reminiscing about the events, styles, and personalities o f the selected decade, plus AOFI history during that decade is incorporated into the program for membership education. It was also fun to salute those members initiated
eminars, auctions and so much more!99
To Dragina/SPRING 1996 23

Sale! $40 Sale! $10 88
We havear . sense of style
thatfitsthe attitude ofAOTT.
The best of Spring and Summer
merchandise is only a phone call away!
to place your order or to request a free
8 page catalog! Ask about our
express delivery!
A.the future's so bright 166 Embroidered Zig-ZagT-Shirt. Multi-colored
designonwhitet-shirl. L&XL14.00
188 Tea I Gear Jacket. Embroidered. Cardinal &
purple accents. Soli sanded nylon. I.&XLNS4£0 Sale!'40.00'
192 Old West T-Shirt. Multi-colored design on whitet-shirt. L&XL Sale! ' 10.00
194 Sunshine T-Shirt. Design reads:"the Effltoe'sso bright! ....Alpha Omicron Pi." l & x l u&ecr Said«10.00
213 Cup of Roses T-shirt. Design reads: "AOII is a cup of roses... always over flowing with friendship." L&XI. s l 5.00 motto poster 206 One Motto Poster. This limited edition
poster was designed to compliment our ()ne Motto T-shirt (p. 2). Quote from founder. Stella George Stern i'errv. 27x18 inches. »8.00
C.&D.alumna essentials 145 Navy Alumna T-shirt w/official alumna.
E&XTllSeOSale! '12.00
I45A Mumna Athletic T-shirt. Ash w/nawd< -sign.
149 Grey Shorts w/ pockets & navy letters.
I & XI. 16.00
0M C&O*
E. 7 2 5
I49N Navy Shorts w/pockets & white letters. S
Order toll-free « 1-800-shop aoii Or call •(615)370-0920
hiirgundv/naw laurel leaf design. Oversized.
M.E&XLs3fteO Sale! '24.00
177 Natural Mumna Sweatshirt. Paisley letters
w/forest embroidery. L&XLs38.00 I77B Burgundy Mumna Sweatshirt. Floral
lettersw/navyembroidery. L&XL '38.00
e.acrylic frames
72L Engraved Frame w/script. 4x6 inches.s 11.00 72S Engraved Frame w/ribbon. 4x6 inches.s 6 5 0
L&XL I6.00
196 Polo Shirt. Cotton pique. Embroidered

Uniquely AOTT.
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Our line of sportswear & gifts that can
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this symbol 0 representing
"Emporium Exclusives."
A. s u n n y t e e s
146A Red Rose T-shirt. A Rose II sewn on
letters. L&XL s23.00
1521 'niversity T-Shirt. Lists AOII chapter
established since 18()7. Front and bark
design. L x X L s 15.00
l93Chili Pepper T-Shirt. Pocket t-shirtw/muM
eolordesign. L&XL "16.00
210 Sunflower T-shirt. Huuterw/se'
tetters. LS XLs22.00 -
B.just for feet
34A Crew Socks. AOII letters. ',5.00
34ETurnDownSocks.AOII letters.s5.00
34D Hose Socks. AOITand rosedesigtt. '6.00 34FTurn Down Socks. Plaid design turns down
toshowAOn letters. "6.00
34G Argyle Crew Socks. AOII design. "6.00
c frame your sisters 71 Acrylic Frame. 2.5x4 inches. "4.50
71R Fabric Frame, cardinal moire. "5.00 7IW Wooden Frame w/polka dots. 3.5x6.5
inches. "1100
117 Small Rose Frame. 3x5 inches. "6.00
D.ours exclusively
I4A Panda T-shirt w/meaningful AOI7 words
& roses. L&XL "15.00
182 Ilistory'l'-Shirt. Lists meaningful AOII
facts and phrases. L&XL "15.00
Order toll-free * I-800 -shop aoii Or call •(615)370-0920
i4h 34A f m
\ll>luiO>ni,i,,, /j l
^ 2 1 2 Backto the BasiesT-shirt Red t-shirt. design
reads: "Alpha Omicron Pi*all natural •genuine •noartificial ingredients. L&XL "15.00

95-96 AOIT Chapter Consultants
Hm Chapter Consultants travel toAOIl chapters across the I inked States ami Canada. The C(Cs are: Top row: Chrissv Kowalezyk. U. of Georgia: Cami Wacker. U. of Nebraska; Andrea Miner. 0 . of Lvansville; Michelle Newton, li. of Kentucky: Lisa Darnley, U.
of Alabama. Bottom row: Kristin Ingwell. DePauw LL: Susan Bonifield. I', of Mississippi; & Kim Koepke, California Polytechnic State U. in style MOCUIackWalclil'laidiap. flannel. Leather
strap, navy embroidery. s 15.00
HON Navy Stone Washed Cap, cotton w/forest
bill Shatters. "14.00
13 IB Mack Watch Plaid Boxers. Flannel w/white
letters. Oversized. M.L&XL "16.00 131CCampbell Plaid Boxers. Flannel Wwhite
letters. Oversized. M.L&XL "16.00
I42A I .ong Sleeve T-Shirt. White w/campbel I
plaid Mini on letters. L&XL s 27.00 I64H Forest Sweatsbiit. Ileavweight cotton.
Campbell plaid w/embroirlery. L&XL "52.00 164R lice I Sweatshirt. Heavyweight cotton. Red Stewart plaid w/embroidery. L&XL "52.00
176Grev Sweatshirt. Flannel black watch plaid letters. L&XL '36.00
208 Burgundy Lined Anorak. Embroidered w/navy letters. Oversized. L&XL s 45.00
210 Sun flower T-shirt. 1 lunter w/sewn on letters. L&XL "22.00
211 Sun. Moon K Stars T-shirt. Natural w/sewn on letters. L&XL "22.00
g g ,
BVPORILM• Call M onday-Friday,9to5cst. • Friendly service & prompt deiwery •Size M & XXL available for some
^ & 2 I 5 Gear Outback Jacket. Khaki sage w/laurel H | leaf design. Oversized. M. L & XI. "56.00
If-B. historical ornament ^ ) 5 6 A Ilistorical BrassOrnainenl. Barnard
College/Columbia University. Depicts Old Columbia College Library, site of the found- ing of AOn. Collectors ornament in red gilt hoxw/historical information card. "14.00
c. ribbons & roses I23A Ribbons & Roses Throw. Back by popular demand! 100% cotton. 3 ply
Mail Order To:
AOn International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
OrderToll Free:
1-800-shop aoii
(I-800-71-6-726 I) Or Call: 615-370-0920 Fax To: 615-371-9736
Daytime Phone: (
Evening Phone: ( State/Prov: -Zip:
Name: Address: City: ltem#
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Expiration Date: Card Number:
f~]Visa Discover
Price Each
TN residentsadd 8.25% sales tax
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items. Call for information.
^Shipping & Handling $0to$5 $3
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$ 4 $5 $ 6 $ 7
Shipping & Handling (see chart)
Total amount enclosed
Please add $ Ifor every $ 2 5 after $100. *Canadian customers please
•hipping & handling charges.
Thank you! Emporium safes benefit AOIT!
w/reversible design. 46x67 inches. "45.00

Putting your AOTT Magazine ProgramDollarsto work
As our first year of participation in the AOIl Magazine Program draws to a close, we are beginning to reap the benefits from our members' participation. One of the many areas being supported from the proceeds of this program is Adviser Training. A O I l has made a commitment to provide in-depth, hands on training for the women who are mentoring our chapters' leaders. So far this school year, proceeds have helped fund four
weekend adviser training workshops with 54 of our collegiate chapter advisers attending. Other trainings have also taken place for our rush advisers, Network Directors and others.
By purchasing your new magazine sub- scription or renewing your existing ones through this program, you are helping A O n have funds available to provide bet- ter programming, training, and services for our collegiate and alumnae chapters. Many thanks to those who are already par- ticipating and we strongly encourage oth- ers to support this commitment.
We are pleased to be working with QSP, Inc., a subsidiary of The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., and the number one fund- raising company in the magazine industry.
The AOIl Magazine Program enables AOITs to get the lowest prices available on magazine
subscription orders and renewalswhile also benefitting AOn. Alpha Omicron Pi International will receive 40<f out of every dollar you spend.
This program is NOT intended to replace the philan- thropic efforts your chapter
already partici- 404 outofevery dollar you spend comes back to AOn, to benefit our chapters. pates in to benefit Rush Advisers met at Headquarters in February. 1996, for specialized training designed
Arthritis Research
or the other
fundsintheAO n foundation, and it is NOT intended to be a door-to-door solicita- tion program for our members.
It IS intended to be an easy way for our current membership, their family and friends to renew and order subscriptions at the lowest rate available and benefit AOFI as well. This new program, which will continue for years to come, will allow us to hold increases in collegiate and alumnae feesandduestoaminimum.
to strengthen the rush programs in our collegiate chapters. Training sessions like these are made possible through proceeds from the AOn Magazine Program.
You may order through your collegiate or alumnae chapter, as well as through International Headquarters. All collegiate and alumnae chapters have received order booklets and collegiate chapters have a Magazine Program Chairman to direct chapter sales. Placing your order through your chapter will allow them to receive award credit for your order. Each year, A O n will offer incentives to our members for their efforts. These include:
• $250 for highest chapter per capita sales (Collegiate & Alumnae)
• $250 to the chapter with the top total sales (Collegiate and Alumnae)
• $ 150 for each alumna and collegiate member with the top total sales.
If you are an alumna and live in an area where there is no alumnae chapter, please contact AOIl International Headquarters to receive detailed order information and an informational booklet.
For more information, contact: DanaRayorAmy Worsham AOn InternationalHeadquarters 615-370-0920
Chapter Consultant Training is another area supported with the proceeds from this program. Above, new CCs are introduced to the laptop computers they will carry with them on chapter visits.
To Dragma/SPRING 1996

collegiate news
Idea Exchange:
Scholarship Incentives
Every AOTT collegiate chapter has a scholarship program, and most offer cre- ative incentives for members who have excelled or shown improvement in this area. Some of these incentives are offered weekly and some annually. Some are merely public acknowledgements of a job well done, and some involve winning a special gift.
We know that chapters who consistently acknowledge outstanding efforts show improved scholarship results. Both the individual members and the overall chapter benefits. Here are a few of the ideas that our chapters have elected to share. For more details on any idea listed here, we encourage you to contact that chapter. Share your ideas with others.
The Summer issue's collegiate Idea Exchange will feature Sisterhood Building Ideas. If your chapter has an idea to share, and has not already done so, please submit with photos to the editor no later than May I.
Chi Epsilon
Ohio State U
There are many scholarship incentive ideas in use by this chapter. There is an Alph-A Drawing to recognize members who received an A with candy, a Pi Party to recognize those who have met a GPA goal set at the beginning of the quarter, the Pi Club and Rose Roll that each recognizes high scholastic achieve- ment, a tutor program that has been established for one sister to help a fellow sister, and finally, structured study tables that are run three nights a week for a total of eight hour,s for those who need to increase their GPA or who like to study quietly.
Delta Epsilon
Jacksonville State U
Delta Epsilon is proud of their number one campus scholarship ranking during the 1994 fall semester. This was accom- plished by requiring sisters and New Members to have study hours each week. If they do not do their study hours, they were not allowed to go to social func- tions. Sisters are also rewarded for mak- ing good grades. For example, a jersey is given to the sister and New Member with the highest GPA each semester.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
This chapter's scholarship chairman prepares test files, assembles lists of every- one's majors and has open study hours once a week. The Top 10 GPAs and Most Improved Scholarship are award- ed $25 checks from their corporation.
Cornell U
Each week during chapter meeting, the Alpha A's container is sent around. Every sister who received an A on any assignment that week puts in a slip of paper with her name and class. At the end of the meeting, two names are ran- domly chosen to be recognized and to
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U
This year's Scholarship Program is filled with new ideas and incentives. Every semester they start a new Pi Tree which lists the names of the sisters who achieved a 3.0 GPA or better the previ- ous semester. Names are written on a leaf or fruit pattern and placed on an artwork tree. Also, they present a Smart-E-Pi' award which is handed out every two weeks to the girl who has made a con- scious effort to improve her grades. Two banquets are held in honor of those who have achieved a 3.0 or better GPA. One is sponsored by their Panhellenic and the othet is hosted by the chapter's scholar- ship chairman.
Alpha Gamma
Washington State U
During chapter meeting, they have Study Bug Awards to recognize the peo- ple who have been studying hard during the week. They also have "A"and"B" Bags. Members put their name in the appropriate bag for each "A" or "B" earned on an exam; then a name is drawn
to be read to the chapter. A Scholarship Week is held twice a year, and activities include studying with their "family", cre- ating semester goals, and hosting an Awards Banquet. Members are recog- nized for top grades.
U ofToronto
Several forms of chapter recognition are utilized including a formal announcement at meetings of achievement. The chapter sponsors a Scholarship Dinner and offers a gift certificate for highest GPA.
Chi Delta
U of Colorado
This chapter's scholarship ideas include offering study tables, a test file, tutors, and study buddies. They also have a Big Sis/Little Sis GPA Competition, post- ing of members who received As and picking a Brain of the Week which is submitted by nominations. One other idea is a House War, which is declaring "war" on another Greek house on campus to see who receives the highest overall GPA. The losing chapter treats the other to ice cream.
ToDragma/SPRING I'Wi

' It's hard adjusting t the new freedo "'
thatcplege if brngs. It'sespecia
hard when it studyi:
Fortunately my chapter's scholarship
program keeps roe focused.''

collegiate news
receive a small gift (socks, photo album, current holiday candles, etc.)
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
This past semester this chapter chal- lenged a fraternity on campus in a competition in order to improve the chapter's grades. They feel it worked. The chapter beat the fraternity's grades and Gamma Alpha made "All Women's Average" on campus. Initiating manda- tory New Member and sister study hours also proved successful in attaining better grades.
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
Throughout each quarter, they dis- play a Smarty Pants bulletin board. Whenever a member makes an "A" or a "B", she writes her name on a pants- shaped piece o f construction paper and tacks it onto the board. At the end of each quarter, the scholarship chair draws from these "smarty pants" and awards prizes.
Gamma Omicron
U of Florida
One of their favorite ideas is Alpha As. Ifa sister gets an "A"on a test or paper, she writes it down and puts it in the Alpha As box. At chapter meeting, these names are announced, and the sis- ters are rewarded (usually with candy). Another idea is class lists which is a comprehensive list of all classes that sis- ters had taken the previous semester so others can know who has already com-
pleted a particular class or subject.
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
This chapter has study groups instead of study tables and each group meets when it is convenient for them. Groups and individuals earns points for accom- plishments such as As or Bs on tests or studying with other AOFIs. At the end of the year, the individual with the most points wins a monetary prize and the team with the most points wins dinner.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
Lambda Tau
Northeast Louisiana U
To Dragma/SPRING 1996
Lambda Tau gives an award at new scholarship incentive ideas. For Founder's Day for the highest G P A
Kappa Kappa has developed several example, a $10 gift certificate is award-
ed to the sister with the most As on tests. A scholarship dinner for chapter members who have greatly improved their GPAs is held, and the chapter awards points for academic achievement towards the Kappa Kappa Overall AOFI Participation Award, which is a spring break incentive.
Kappa Phi
McGill U
Their scholarship chairman has each sister write down every course she has taken for the benefit of other members. In addition, throughout the year she will give information sessions on time and stress management.
Kappa Pi
Ohio Northern U
This chapter keeps a Jar of Success for members to nominate others, or them- selves, for a successful week academical- ly. Nominations can be for making it to every class, or getting an "A" on an exam. Each week a member is selected to be recognized for their efforts in meeting their goals.
Kappa Sigma
U of Wisconsin-River Falls
Kappa Sigma Chapter awards the junior with the highest GPA a traveling Onyx imperial ring purchased from The Emporium. The gift is paid for by their Corporation Board. A Most Improved GPA Award is also given at their formal.
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
Every quarter, a Scholarship Banquet is held in honor of the sisters that made Dean's List and 4.0s. A t the banquet, gifts are given out to the sisters being honored. Also, goody bags are given weekly to rec- ognize good grades, and a brag board called Smarty Pants is posted to show off sisters' accomplishments.
among big sisters and little sisters. They also host an ice cream party for anyone who has a GPA of 3.0 or better, and throw a bar-be-que dinner for mem- bers with an improving GPA.
Nu Beta
o f Mississippi
Every semester during scholarship ban- quets, they honor sisters who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship. Monetary awards are given to sisters who received a 4.0 the previous semester, and recognition is given to all members who successfully reached their scholar- ship goals, which are set at the beginning of each semester. Members who are on academic probation are also placed on social probation.
Miami U
This chapter offers tutors, course files and study groups. As an incentive, they offer As for AOFIs in which members write down their name i f they received an A that week. A name is then randomly drawn for a treat.
Phi Chi
U of Chicago
Phi Chi has always tied with a couple of other fraternities on campus for the title of highest average GPA of its mem- bers. They plan study night at the library every Wednesday night. Everyone meet on the 2nd floor to study and them go out afterwards. It's easier to put in a few hours of studying when they know they will spend the rest of the evening having fun with their sisters!
Phi Upsilon
Purdue U
This chapter holds a scholarship din- ner to acknowledge everyone with awards and certificates who had high grades. These include those members with a GPA of 3.5-4.0, and those with a GPA of 3.0-3.5. They also acknowledge the top

ten semester honors, the top ten cumula- tive GPAs, the Most Improved GPA, the highest GPA, those on Dean's list and semester honors. The awards include roses; cups; certificates and a monetary sum of $100, given by the Parents' Club to the Most Improved GPA and to the Highest GPA!
Psi Delta
C.W. Post Campus of Long Island U
This chapter has started a reward pro- gram. Anysister who earns a 3.0 or better receives a t-shirt and a mug. Those earning between a 2.5 and 3.0 receive a mug, and those between 2.0 and 2.5 receive a certifi- cate of good work and improvement.
Rho Delta
Samford U
One of this chapter's scholarship incen- tive ideas is a Study Ferry. These are members who pay surprise visits to others to deliver baked treats and encourage study. Another scholarship incentive pro- gram is their Brag Bag. When a sister or New Member makes an "A," her name goes into the bag. Once a month a name is drawn from the bag and the winner receives a surprise.
U of Minnesota
They hold a quarterly scholarship banquet honoring any members receiv- ing a 3.0 GPA or better, and recognizing highest Big Sis/Lil' Sis GPA, highest roommate GPA, most improved GPA, etc. Also a rose pin is awarded to any AOn receiving a 3.0 GPA for six quar- ters. Each week, Einstein, the study panda is given to the AOFI seen studying the most.
Tau Delta
Birmingham-Southern College
This chapter gives a special award each semester to their 4.0 members, o f which they always have several. They also give awards to the New Member with the highest GPA and the member with the most-improved GPA.
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U
Tau Lambda has recently enhanced their scholarship incentives. They name a Scholar of the Week for the sister who has earned the most "As" and that person receives a gift certificate for a free Dairy Queen sundae, a poster is hung up for her in the student union building, and a letter is sent to her parents congratulating her academic success. They also make sure to pair up New Members with older sisters in their major to help them with classes that they find difficult.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
Some o f the incentives this
offers include: "A'Signs given with a stick- er for each "A" received on a test or paper, Grade-o-grams sent through the mail to a sister wishing her luck on an upcoming test, and a Scholar of the Week.
Tau Omicron
U ofTennessee - Martin
Tau Omicron remains first place in scholarship on their campus. Each week they are eager to reward the member who has received the best test scores with a scholarship jersey. The jersey is passed throughout the chapter, rewarding the member with the most As for the week. They also pass a panda bear around to recognize the individual members who show dedication to their academics.
This chapter offers a study buddy program which includes studying with a buddy, keeping track of hours and awarding the pair with the highest num- ber of hours with a prize. Their Smart Cookies program offers prizes for As received on papers and tests, and their Study Geek of the Week is a prize for the sister who studied the most or the best during that week. Also a scholar- ship dinner is held once a semester to recognize highest GPAs, Dean's List and Most Improved.
coflegiate news
Theta Pi
Wagner College
In order to provide scholarship incen- tives, Theta Pi implements the following ideas: Smart Cookie, which is a treat given to the sister who puts in the most study hours in a week; Panda Paws, which allows sisters to put a paw on the panda chart for each "A" they make; and Scholar of the Week, which is given to the sister with the best academic achieve- ment overall that week.
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
Theta Psi enforces scholarship year round. The scholarship chairman gives out annual awards for best grades and most improved grades, and passes out treats when she sees someone studying.
Upsilon Epsilon
Parks College
They have a Smarty Pants Poster. Members get a gold or silver star for every "A" or "B"they receive on a test or paper. At the end of the semester, the one with the most stars wins a prize.
Zeta Pi
U ofAlabama - Birmingham
This chapter has mandatory library study hours based upon the individuals' GPA. Each sister is required to monitor these study hours for 4 hours a month.
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
The sister with the highest GPA gets to take $50 off her dues for that semes- ter, and the same for the New Members with the highest GPA. Only sisters with a 2.0 or above GPA are eligible to adopt a little sister.
To Dragma/SPRING 1996

Capturing the past,
Women of , Achievement
Looking to the future - Lynn Donaldson, Alpha Phi
Just a couple years ago, she was a senior at Montana State U in Bozeman, majoring in photography. Today, Lynn Donaldson is a photographer and writer for several Montana newspapers and magazines, and even has her own monthly feature depart- ment in the prestigious Big Sky Journal, an award winning magazine. Her depart- ment, called Montana Portfolio, highlights Montana and its people. It is an outstand- ing accomplishment for someone of her age.
"I do photo essays on people and places around the state. I like meeting people and hearing the stories they tell," she explained. "Because o f the camera, I can walk up to people I would ordinarily never walk up to and say, 'May I take your picture?' and they start telling me stories."
This talented photographer from Denton, Montana, was Public Relations Chairman of Alpha Phi Chapter at Montana State U . Appropriately, she incorporated photogra- phy into all her chapters PR events. Lynn has a great sense o f history and finds a fla- vor of the past in the faces of the people she selects as her subjects. Her favorite form of expression is through a process called Polaroid Transfers.
Her unique photographic talents landed her a job as a srill photographer on the set of "Return to Lonesome Dove" during the summer of 1993. That experience helped her win the role of assistant locations manager for 20th Century Fox during the film- ing of "Broken Arrow," last summer. Filmed in Montana, she served as the liaison between the company and landowners, and oversaw coundess details.
Lynn has also created her own line of greeting cards, featuring her photography. She is marketing this line as her steady income, while freelancing her other many talents.
She has appeared in countless photographic exhibits, one of the most notable being "Photographing the American West." in which her work hung in the Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art in Great Fall, MT. She has also delivered lectures, led work- shops and been published in several magazines and newspapers.
Her work has not gone unnoticed by the national publications, such as the LA Times Sunday Magazine, PEOPLE, and WORTH. "I have started getting calls from some national magazines," she says. " M y dream is to work for a magazine like Life. A n d 1 may possibly do books some day. In everything I'm doing, I think ahead."
Lynn loves her work and is enthusiastic about her future, whichever direction it will take.
These images represent the unique
way Lynn Donaldson views faces
and places. Her own self portrait is
pictured above top.
ToDragma/SPRlNC 19%

This list includes women initiated July 1, 1946 toJune 30, 1947.
Alpha Omicron Pi salutes these women who have been members for 50 years. May they continue to share our sisterhood for many more years! This list includes each member's name, city and state ot Canadian province. If International Headquarters has no cur- rent address, no city is listed. I f you know of an address for any of these "lost" alumnae, please notify Headquarters.
Colleen Marie Hise Tilney, Riverside, C A
Barbara Louise W ilson, Moraga, CA
Mary Jane Schermerhorn Wolf, Portland, O R
Alpha Sigma U of Oregon
Lois Elinor Sakrison Bjorklund, Portland, O R
Norma Jean Stearns Bradfish, Tigard, O R
Lois Marie Hill Dahlen, Eugene, OR
Hazel Jean Trollinger Ferdinandisen, La Grande, O R
Evangeline Howard
Betsy Ross Youmans McLure,
Coos Bay, O R
Phyllis Brout Hoffmann Miller Joy Marie Miller Perry,
Portland, O R
Joanne Elizabeth Nichols Rathjen,
Pleasanton, CA
Beverle Joan Shorb Roberts
Margaret Louise Wickender Robinson Norma Solveig Berg Schnabel,
Tucson, A Z
Alpha Tau Denison U
Catherine Ellen Jansen Bowles, Palatine, IL
Jane Elizabeth Baldwin Brock, Sandusky, O H
Janet Rettig French, Elmhurst, IL
Grace Isabella Loucks George Grace Evangeline Smith Greene,
Sarasota, FL
Helen Elizabeth Miesse Hunter,
Cincinnati, O H Jo Ann Johnson,
Marietta, O H Susan Jane Kellogg,
Cincinnati, O H
Patticia Ann Reed Kingsbury,
Bloomington, I N
Jean Alberta Geis Kreischer,
Westerville, O H
Dorothy Jean Cooper Kutchera,
Cincinnati, O H
Cora Evelyn Case Noges,
Bothell, W A
Ruth A n n Calvert Patks,
Grayling, MI
Alpha Omicron Louisiana State U
Gene Tydings Robin Gilchrist, Laurel, MS
Lorelli Elizabeth Hornuff Langhart, San Rafael, CA
Mary Ann McManus
Geraldine Bruchhaus Morris Catherine Helen Keeny Nunnally,
Prospect, K Y
Betty Nell Mixon Pace,
Mobile, A L
Betty Jean Youngblood Ranna,
New Orleans, LA
Elizabeth Ann Whitney Russell,
Madisonville, L A
Eleanor A. Watson Shirley,
Northtidge, CA
Elizabeth Degeneres Stewart,
Baton Rouge, L A
Betty Jean Janssen Tillery,
Chalmette, LA
Mary Helen WalkerTurpin,
Bastrop, LA
Jane Ann Atkinson Unger Rachel Martin Vigneault,
Liberty, MS
Alpha Phi Montana State U
Roberta Joyce Rowse Anderson, Butte, M T
Margie Ann Morrow Brickley, Tigard, O R
Bernette Stiff Casey
Leona Marie Logan Constenius,
Whitefish, M T Mary M . Eaton Dahl,
Billings, M T
Shirley Ann Marie Hould Dalen Constance Teresa Campbell Fostet Nancy Lee Nye Heine,
Billings, M T
Kathleen Ann James Hovren,
Challis, I D
Barbara Ellen Simpson Huisenga,
Billings, M T
Martha Lee Pope Hutchison,
Hayward, CA
,Eunice Jone Hunt Hutton,
Richland, W A
Ida Harriet Burns Kuhr,
Great Falls, M T
Helen Marie McLeod Leach,
Excelsior, M N
Glendamae Chadbourne Mecklenbere,
Sidney, M T
Helen Carolyn Reese Milligan Margaret Jean Marquis Norderhus Charlene Andre Richter Phillips Geraldine Fitzgerald Schessler,
Bozeman, M T
Frances Rosalie Coleman Skiftun Dolores Lee Johnson Smith
Clara Mae Quinnell Splittstoesser,
Geneva, N Y
Phyllis DarleneTodd Sundberg,
Bridger, M T
Marion Huntley Amos Wainwright,
Fountain Valley, CA
Alpha Pi Florida State U
Alice Margaret Allen Milspaugh
Alpha Rho
Oregon State U
Virginia Rosalie Eddy Anderson, John Day, OR
Carol Anne Wrausman Berwald, Seattle, W A
Jane Julia Obrien Bower, Portland, OR
Maxine Eleanor Firestone Deteiko Beverly A n n Suksdorf Eddy,
John Day, O R
Edith Gwendolyn Tuttle Frame,
Houston, T X
Shirley Jo Spaulding George Lura Lee Smith Glass,
Sun City, A Z
Matgatet Louise Boise Helleck,
Roseburg, OR
Coralie Joyce Crosby Hubbard,
Florence, OR
Jean Agnes Kimsey,
Portland, O R
Margaret Ellen Petersen Laursen Beth June Smith Lee,
Sacramento, CA
Marilyn Elna Russell MacGregor,
Davis, CA
Muriel Ann Walker McFarland,
Milwaukie, O R Kathryn Nash, Newport, OR
Evelyn Marie Hilfiker Peterson, King City, C A
Rosemary Catherin Raeburn Pullin, Beaverton, OR
Margaret Lucile Benton Russell, Salem, O R
To Dragma/SPRING 1996

Lois Ann Dixey Reinehr, Mt. Blanchard, O H
Kathryn Marie Rourke Storing
Beta Gamma Michigan State U Barbara A n n Beranek
Louise Theresa Bodwin Rosanne Renno Carpenter,
Arvada, C O
Maxine M . Clow Cole Barbara Ann Cunningham,
Flushing, MI
Suzanne Abigail Elliott
Jean Ann Ewing
Helen Jamieson Johanson Jacqueline Ann Corey Loving,
Sawyer, MI
Donna Corey Maddock,
Carson City, N V
Mary Elizabeth Bostick McQueary,
East China, MI
Beverly May Walker Montgomery,
Minnetonka, M N
Dorothy Ann Williams Muench Louise Christine Ferguson Norden,
Gainesville, FL
Virginia Elizabeth McAfee Richmond,
Saint Stephen, SC
Gloria Eleanor Starr Stephens,
Grand Ledge, MI
Betty Lenore Williams Strand,
Farmington Hills, MI Rose Mary Nahra Wells, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Donna Joyce Parker Wright
Beta Kappa
U of British Columbia
Rose Marie Anne Glover Cloutier, Burnaby, BC
Shirley Maxine Chisholm Gaudreau, Gloucester, O N
Margaret Manson Mouat Johnston Joyce Constance Fawsitt Morton,
V ancouver, B C
Shirley Adelaide M . Gunn Richards Winifred Eleanor Johnston Ritchie,
V ancouver, B C
Margaret Helen Craig Rogers,
West Vancouver, BC Catherine Maud Shaw June Leonore Smith,
Vancouver, BC Elizabeth Stuart Thorne,
Powell River, BC
Dorothy Muriel Patterson Woodbury,
Huldah Elizabeth Slagle Clark, Virginia Beach, V A
Jean Drevenstedt, Athens, O H
Carolyn Bell George, Saint James City, FL
Joan Carmichael Green, Rushville, I N
Ellyn Jeanne Metz Hawley, Mt. Vernon, I N
Dorothy Louise Watson Hilton, Tampa, FL
Marie Jean Hlavacek Holbrooke, Lajolla, CA
Mary Jean Parkes Marx, W ebster Groves, M O
Harriet Dean Colter McQueen, Flat Rock, I N
Iris Joann Leighry Tracy Mary Ann Beckman Zabel,
Winter Park, FL
Beta Tau
U of Toronto
Marion Joanne Arrowsmith Joyce L. McCreath Arthurs Ruth Evelyn Bolsby
Ann Louise Taylor Glover,
Danville, CA
Barbara Joan Chisholm Gwynntimothy Pamela Walker MacDonald,
Ottawa, O N
Marion Lorraine Smith McMahon,
Willowdale, O N
Margaret Ann McKee Pattison,
Toronto, O N
Jean Margaret Pearson,
Toronto, O N
Margaret E. Ruttiman
Mary Marguerite Robinson Taylor,
Picton, O N
Jean Grace Saunderson Thorne,
Mississauga, O N
Wilma Louise Purdy Warriner,
Winnipeg, M B
Shirley Marie Smith Weis,
Collingwood, O N
Joan Ann Graupner Wiggins
Chi Syracuse U
Jacelyn Elise Waitz Bennett, Newport Beach, CA
Betry Lou Barton Bornhurst, Liverpool, N Y
Erna Rose Juli Dillenback Jean Leslie Karcher Eldred,
Mohawk, NY
Catherine Iannone Hakanson,
Clearwater, F L
Joyce Lorraine Herlihy
Jane Elizabeth Brooks Kaskela,
Whitesboro, N Y
Janet Elizabeth Constine Larrabee Marjorie Lou Kirk Morrison,
Durham, N H
Jean Margaret Hubbell Nash
Martha Dorothy Shelton Parker, Colorado Springs, C O
Martha Jane Phillips
Jane Laverton Stewart
Joan Patricia Uszynski Westhoff Norma Jane Robinson Wilcox
Chi Delta
U of Colorado
Beverly Jacklyn Beck Bartlett, Littleton, C O
Winifred Theresa Watson Bauguss Eleanor Ann Yockers Becher,
La Mesa, CA
Marjorie Mae Flores Bunting,
Evergreen, C O
Eleanor Louise Tait Cousins Ellen Leslie Gray Dufour Lettybelle J. Ganatta Goodman,
Denver, C O
Jane M Hardy Jones
Joan Elizabeth Maly
Eloise Jean Ackelbein Mangan Martha Elizabeth Reese Martin
Alice Norine Maize McKnight, Palo Alto, CA
Jean Frances Darrington Nelson, Grand Junction, C O
Peggy Louise Nicklos, Norwood, NJ
Patricia M . Hollingsworth Owens, Sedona, A Z
Eloise Gertrude Bryant St John Lavera Joyce Hinkle Taylar
Laurene Joyce King Thompson, Boulder, C O
Dorothy Jean Alexander Tipton, Lander, WY
Jane Chalmers Weaver
Chi Sigma Centenary College
Florence Norma Britain Brown Marjorie Emma Eachus
Betry Carolyn Moppert Ferreira,
Carriere, M S
Lois Elaine Richmond Forrestar Dorothy Dick Towery Marks Mary Ethelwyn Holtsclaw Martin,
Shreveport, L A
Colleen Patricia Moore Drucilla Ann Byrne Mueller Annie Muriel Bowden Oakes,
Shreveport, L A
Martha Julia Haley Pope,
Fort Worth, TX Catherine Onita Sale,
Clayton, GA
Marjorie Reba Bogue Simmons Alice Gay Murray Stacey,
Shreveport, LA
Mary Jacqueline Pembert Young,
Shreveport, LA
Tufts U
Laura Jean Bradley Chodos,
To Draama/ SPRING 1996
Francisco, C A

Rex ford, '
Margot Elizabeth Hofmann Dibble,
Gaithersburg, M D Marie Kean Hewey,
Doraville, GA
Jean Esther Pillsbury Lincoln,
Hanover, N H
Margaret Ann Pickett Lund,
Orleans, M A
Muriel Elaine Manson,
Dover, N H
Jean Nelora Benvie Perkins,
Marblehead, MA
Joan Marie Lord Piccolo
Barbara Margaret Aldrich Scan Ion,
North Attleboro, M A
Delta Delta Auburn U
Ida Will Lee Benson,
Idaho Falls, I D Jane Pope Blake,
Decatur, A L
Elizabeth Terrell Dixon Brown,
Chattanooga, T N Anne Amos Burdette,
Spartanburg, SC
Martha Ann Rogers Butler Ann Esslinger Cochran,
Huntsville, A L
Dorothy Summers Cooper,
Auburn, A L
Dorothy Virginia Bost Curley Frances Augusta Vick Davis,
Fayette, A L
Clara Nale Gantle Gentle,
Russellville, A L
Virginia Octavia White Glass,
Greensboro, A L Myrtle Love Good,
Auburn, A L
Martha Gladys Knight Hall,
Dadeville, A L
Sara Carolyn Clark Hodge
Mary Howard
Mary Virginia Lee Bridges Jenkins,
Garner, N C
Lucinda Lester
Betty Ruth Chambers Lyttle,
Enterprise, A L
Marjorie Prince MacKenzie Martha Lacey G. Maddox Virginia E. Stephens March Jacqueline Davis Marley Martha Nichols Mathews,
Athens, A L
Katherine D. Shelburne Murray,
Seattle, W A
Mary Fay Clements Sasser Marie Virginia Davis Schmidt Helen Walden Silvernail,
Fairhope, A L
Mary Frances Kilpatrick Stokes Eloise Killion Sweeney,
Winter Park, FL
Carolyn Virginia Knight Tamblyn,
Auburn, A L
To Dragma/SPRING 19%
Annie Rooney Currey Weaver, Huntsville, ^L^^
Virginia South West, Sylacauga, A L
Marian Moody Wheeler
Epsilon Cornell U
Janet Elizabeth Lippincott Amadeo Nancy Hubbell Adams Anderson Thelma Jean Bush Blood,
Titusville, PA
Lucille These Glabach Boehm
Eunice Ann Morris Compton Joan Ray Latshaw Goundry,
Royersford, PA
Patricia Mary Haller Harbach,
Melbourne, FL
Jeanne Marie Chamonland Kimmell,
Cheyney, PA
Barbara Loring Lorig Sally Jane Richards Miller Constance Price Payne Carol June Smith Randel Sally W oodcock Rhodes,
Estill Springs, T N
Virginia Walmsley Fortin Schwint Polly Merrill Standinger
Mary Louise Olsen Stanley,
Indianapolis, I N
Joan Bayette Holden Witte,
Geneva, N Y
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State U
Barbara Plumly Bacon, Gettysburg, PA
Joan Elizabeth McKeon Barry, Bethlehem, PA
Mary Louise Humpron Jones, Falls Church, VA
Elizabeth Ann Stanley Lee, Laurel, M D
Joanne Mildred Snyder Leiss, Bethlehem, PA
Prudence M . Roat Quimby Elizabeth Jean Peterson Rice,
Whitehall, PA
Laura E. Johnston Sallade,
State College, PA
Virginia Deane Brown Taricco,
Palos Verdes Peninsul, C A Jane Ann Randall Whitledge
U ofMaine-Orono
Joan Engle Harvey Bither, Milo, M E
Barbara W ood Brookings, Bangor, M E
Miriam Hepburn Mosley Everett Lois Ann Nicholson Healey,
Lexington, M A Martha Fogler Hobbs,
Bar Harbor, M E Dorothea Butler Marsden,
Lunenburg, M A
Alice Virginia Kennedy Nickless,
Waterville, M E
Kathleen Rome Kennedy Nickless,
Portland, M E
Jo Anne Libby Olson,
Swampscott, M A
Mary Nelson Whitcomb Stover,
Perkinsville, V T Ann Burbank Taylor,
Plymouth, MI
Diane Elizabeth Rusk Unger,
Melbourne, FL Ruth Holland Walsh,
Mystic, CT Emmaline C. Welch,
Boothbay Harbor, M E
U of Illinois
Susan Elizabeth Halcott Brandis, Streator, IL
Helen Joan Hasty Dommermuth, Pasadena Hills, M O
Martha Clark Ingram Highfill Marilyn Jane McClure Lawrence,
Iowa City, IA Janet Birch Miles
Marilyn Ruth James Roche, San Diego, CA
Barbara Jane Hibbard Schultz, Woodside, CA
Nancy Lou Schmeling Shugart, Rockford, IL
Romona Elizabeth Boehmer Sutcliffe, Pittsburgh, PA
Frances Dickinson Ingram Teehan, Tinley Park, IL
Sylvia Jane Andrews Wallin, Staint Charles, IL
Shirley Jeanne Corduan Wilton, Antioch, IL
Kappa Randolph-Macon Woman s College
Celeste Craig Abernathy, Murfreesboro, T N
Anneke Jan Fleetwood Bounds, Richmond, V A
Mary Sue McNally Bryant, Bowling Green, KY
Marcille Fuller Gray, Selma, A L
Betty Ruth McFaden Lange, Metairie, LA
Jean Frances Morton McCoy, Newport News, V A
Jean Kincannon Land McKinney, Chattanooga, T N
Leila Johnson Buck Noble, Kinston, N C

Yvonne Frances Spalding Banta, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Vivian Fern Ownbey Barkley, Pasadena, CA
Miriam Webb Bobb, Riverside, CA
Patricia Lou Buchanan Brooks, Los Osos, CA
Elizabeth Louise Yonick Calder, London, England
Alice Genevieve Theal Favor, Santa Barbara, C A
Mary Louise Kreason Gilliland, San Jose, CA
Joanna Beth Acosta Jakway, Palm Springs, C A
Patricia Elizabeth Peter Lingenberg, Battle Creek, MI
Juanita Robinson Lovret,
To I)r ni/SPRIJNG 19%
Susan Hurst Riggs Walker, Shorter, A L
Mai Adair Lovin Williams, Alpharetta, G A
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern College
Frances Mcqueen Crosby Barnes Beverly Louise Bearden
Mary Helen G. Sincavage Borsch,
Scottsdale, A Z
Catherine Hall Cotter Bonnavere Jean Bartlett Delk,
Orlando, FL
Margarer Ericson
Mary Virginia S. Gilman
Virginia Riggins Hardin
Frances Jeanette Johnston
Myra Luce Jones
Betty Jane Irby Muray
Beverly Anne McFarland Murphy,
Jacksonville, FL
Shirley Ann Daboll Parker Norma Anna Post
Mary Louella Ulmer
Mary Omah Vent,
Bartow, FL
Ellen Ford Watson,
Lakeland, FL
Frances Dockery Banks Woollard Mary Louise Zipprer,
Lake Wales, FL
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College
Margaret Catherine Arnold, Lynnwood, W A
Ann Carolyn Dewar Blecken, Memphis, T N
Margaret Aleene Graeber Clark, Lauderdale, M S
Margaret Marshall Crutcher, Ripley, T N
Anne Josephine Zahner Flaniken, Louisville, K Y
Evelyn Frances Givens Carolyn Jane Rier Glenn,
Memphis, T N
Mickey Elizabet Dougherty Hale,
Brookhaven, MS Ann Avery Miller,
Diamondhead, MS Katharine Hoag Mullen,
Tampa, FL
Pattie Sue Shappley
Jane Francis Stewart Swanton,
Memphis, T N
Bettie Amelia Connally Welsh,
Memphis, T N
Denys Mary Clarke
Mary Elizabeth Gage Farquhar Sheila Kathleen Kearns Harold,
Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ
Dorothy Elizabeth Smeaton Heron,
London, O N
Constance Anne Merston Johnston,
Kappa rhi
Mctfill U P
Diana Patricia Baillie, Downsview, O N
Julia Milburn Brigham
Lucy Carolyn Satterwhite Brown,
Atlanta, GA
Susan Henrietta"'Brown,
Griffin, GA
Charlotte Anne Gaulding Cook,
Atlanta, GA
Marie Hammond Danniell Virginia Mary Dupree Nancy Brewster Eleazer Patricia Ann Hudgins Isabel Frances Fausett Lyle,
Elberton, G A
Mary Jo Mayton
Barbara Edwina Pause McGough Edna Jean Morris
Annette Lynn Manley Parr,
Athens, GA
Martha Eugenia Harris Sessions Charlotte Irene Gleeson Spears,
Clarkesville, GA
Mary Griffith Gartrell Taylor Martha Ann Griggs Webb,
Marietta, GA
Theressa Anne Stevens Whetstone,
Fredericksburg, TX Kathryn Wright
New York U
Joan Theresa Guinessey Bennett, El Paso, T X
Peggy Joan Klaessig Brennan, Brooklyn, NY
Irene Eleanor Balthazar Daw, Norristown, PA
Florence Louis Weinheimer Denagy, Federalsburg, M D
Dorothy Ann Deniff, Southampton, N Y Sigrid Alice Hansen
Marilyn James
Georgiana Kingsbury
Lillian Frances Arvay Kravatz Elizabeth Keeler Mapes Nielsen Muriel Adele Starbecker
Sidney, BC Anita Kathleen
Montreal, Q C
Barbara Agnes Dornbush Niedermeier Hilda Ellaine Ritchie Painter,
Willowdale, O N
Elizabeth Paxton Brewer Prinn,
Kitchener, O N
Beverly Ruth Reid
Elizabeth Bayley Rendell Temple,
Morrisburg, O N
Janet Cameron Edwards White,
Ottawa, O N
Kappa Theta
U ofCalifornia-LA
Gay Jeannette Hayward Arnott Gloria Joanne Smith Ashton Marilyn Lundin Chandler,
Naples, FL
Joy Weinstock Clement Margaret Dahm Dane,
Arleta, CA
Kay Bluhme Duquette,
Irvine, CA
Elizabeth Arrants Enders,
Watsonville, CA Abby Wilder Foss,
Carmel Valley, CA Mollie Milliken Hayes,
Yucca Valley, CA
Lois Ann Davy Jackson,
Los Angeles, CA
Audrey Telley Jonas-Strutt,
Crystal River, FL
Susan Haverstick Kaufman Jule Rodgers Kind,
Walnut Creek, CA
Harriet Virginia Warne McLaughlin,
Harwich, M A
Carolyn Keller Odenthal Mary Mather Reinhardt,
Southbury, C T
Elizabeth Ann Wiley Searles Claire Sheehan Shin
Ann Nona Harrington Thompson Ruth Risser Turner
Maxine Walden
Dorothy Clark Weinstock,
Chatsworth, CA
Krisry A. Koestner Young,
Sherman Oaks, CA
Lambda Sigma U of Georgia
Evelyn Bird, Arlington, V A
Nu Lambda U of Southern

Santa Ana, CA
Virginia Cecile McGurty Michael,
Miami U
Ruth Lenore Vinnedge Brien
Joan Elizabeth Cole Clark, Fort Myers, FL
Marilyn Joan Carlson Connine Suzanne Rose Hakius Deeren,
Palm Bay, FL
Jean Gray Dodd
Eleanor Jean Sharp Furney,
Old Greenwich, C T Helen Louise Hambleton Mary Ellen Kaylor Holzen,
Cape Canaveral, FL Catherine P. Redinger Lee,
Chicago, IL
Ruth Margaret Brandeberry Schaffner,
Fayette, O H
Marjorie Faye Jones Shew Ann Trigg Wheeler Smith,
Alexandria, V A
Marjorie Ann Smith
Mary Ellen Patricia Riley Van Camp
U of Tennessee
Frances White Crowder Ayres Alice Slater Guille Bailey
Jerry Evelyn W orsham Burdette,
Lenoir City, T N Harriett Ann Dooley,
Knoxville, T N
Jane W atson Fagg Ftancis,
Nashville, T N
Mary Margaret Harris Gillespie,
Knoxville, T N
Betty Mckee Reeder Houston,
Knoxville, T N
Elizabeth Ann Runnion Kane Sarah Randolph Lowry Lay Mary Carolyn Sawyer Popp,
Westport, CT
Jessie Evelyn Wilson Ridenour,
Loudon, T N
Frances Elizabet Ptoffitt Rowell,
Bristol, T N
Mary Ruth Hale Tuttle,
Motristown, T N
Mary Ellen Robertson Whittaker,
Knoxville, T N
Omicron Pi U of Michigan
Mary Luella Fratcher Arbelaez Dorothy Leona Malanick Basting,
Cherry Hill, NJ
Lois Audrey Doyle Bradstteet,
Palm Desert, CA
Pauline Ftancin Antonucci Comstock,
East Lansing, MI
Lois Jean Smith Dickinson,
Ann Arbor, MI Constance June Skaff Ellis,
East Grand Rapids, MI
June Rose Anne Schauer Froula Irene Lucille Pacak Jusko,
Granada Hills, CA
Marjorie Ann Lundahl Klinger
Villa Park, C A Dorothy Johnson San Diego, CA
Noreen Ridley Smith Politiski, Orange, CA
Patricia Owen Haggerty Ross, Saratoga, CA
Kaye Follette Scheter Georgia Glen Lane Shotbolt,
Juniper Hills, C A
Nancy Jeannette Pehl Vandelinder,
San Jose, CA
Nancy Lee Anderson Vivas,
Honolulu, H I
Helen Supple Waterbury,
San LuisObispo, CA Virginia Jean Gardner Yerkes,
Sun City, CA
Barbara Gayle Ferner Zeamer
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt U
Elizabeth Arnold
Betty Brown Pointer Bankston,
Metairie, L A
Norma Hyde Scarborough Berry,
Franklin, T N
Sara Margaret Coleman Bond,
Decatur, GA
Clate Anne Dtowota Carpenter,
Nashville, T N
Aubrey Louise Conner Cooke,
Evansville, I N
Mary Bush Hommack Dostet,
Nashville, T N
Maty Marshall Crow Dunn,
Daytona Beach, FL Mary Littell Rust Ellis,
Nashville, T N Mary Jean Faulkner,
Saint Joseph, M O
Leetta Jeannette Carr Gastil
Helen McKinney Clark Hawkins,
Albany, GA
Evelyn Evans Coker Kleber,
San Diego, CA
Ann Boynton Heatn Matthews,
Silver Spring, M D
Barbara Ann Bryant McCollum,
Altamonte Springs, FL Margaret Sivley Hearn Mehall,
Torrance, C A Carolyn Rust Miles,
Nashville, T N
Frances Norman Miller Owen,
Sarah Ewing Parker Peay,
Franklin, T N
Donna Lee Ralls Robinson,
Florence, AL
Ellen D . Williams Sanders,
Nashville, T N
Joyce Major Sessoms Tallent,
Johnson City, T N Margaret Fay McKeel Tate,
Waverly, T N
To Draama/SPR[NG 1996
Mary Virginia Wertin Lindet, Towson, M D
Margaret Ann MacDougall Carolyn Johnson Vicinus Miller Carolyn Jean Schwartz Stebbins,
Walla Walla, W A
Marion Lois Miller Stoller,
Newburgh, N Y
Patticia Mildted Maloney Taylor,
Chapel Hill, N C
Carol Jean Johnson Tuer Touzalin,
U ofKansas
Frances Deane Carter Armstrong Dorothy Agnes Heschmeyet Barth,
Sequim, W A
Mary Lucille Garron Beckman,
Ames, IA
Joann Clarice W ebstet Catdwell,
Durango, CO
Lee Duncan Hulen Hanes,
Ogdensburg, N Y
Corel Dunkley Head Margaret Louise Hessick Nola Jean Hosey Hutton,
Kansas City, KS
Beverly Joan Emerson Locke,
Rapid City, SD
Ardyce Louise Wilson Mastets Nellie Mae Nordeen May,
KansasCity, MO
Marcella Louise Cousins Robinson Maryjanelle Corsaut Scarlott Betty Joan Bennett Smith,
Topeka, KS
Elizabeth Olive Tice Stewart,
Kansas City, M O
Melba Elizabeth Mather Swaim,
Dodge City, KS
Nancy Johanna DilleTimms,
Boulder, C O
Wanda Lee Denio Weekly,
Las Vegas, N V
Betty Ruth Cattell Williams,
Blacksburg, V A
Alia Evangeline Beebe West
Newcomb College-Tulane
Renee Marie Bousquet, New Otleans, LA
Edith Harriet Carter, New Orleans, LA
Mary Anne Hebert Creagan, Stone Mountain, GA
Jeanne Marie Perrin Edell, Metairie, LA

naus, .
Virginia Mae Eberharter Helga Mae Erdman
Jean Frances Sargent Fagella Mary Catherine Felter,
Barnegat, N J
Tetu Marie Nakano Graves,
Port W ashington, N Y Janet Palmer Hatch,
Napa, CA
Eleanor Dore Holland,
Yardley, PA
Grace Mary Reiter McNatt,
Lemoyne, PA
Catherine Doris Gibson Oppenheimer,
Lancaster, PA
Edna Roberta Ritchie Dorothy Theresa A. Scanlon,
Dennis, M A
Rho Northwestern U
Mary Jean Taylor Bach Diane Beverly Bleiberg,
New York, NY
Kate Anna S. Blomberg
Barbara Ann Cryer Bowermaster,
Ottawa, IL
Jane Marr Figley Clark
Gloria Alice Schweikle Granert,
Sun City Center, FL
Barbara Marie Leonard Hardy Sadie Bagby Tillman Hudson,
Midland, T X
Vivian Amanda Ryser Jansen,
Glenview, IL
Betty Lou Ende Koenecke,
Salem, WI
Peggy Jeanne Lou Thompson Lee,
Palo Alto, CA
Lucia A n n W estbrook Levey Nancy Lou Linhardt Peacock,
Vero Beach, FL
Margery Ames Pflughaupt,
Hendersonville, T N
Kathryn Elizabeth Prigg Suzanne Jane Newcomb Schatz,
Defiance, O H
Juanita Claudis Creedle Smith,
Manitowoc, W I
Nancy Lou Giles Snyder
Dorothy Evelyn Fergusson Southard Marjory Jean Elster Wack
Marylou Connolly Wall
Kathryn Elizabeth Craig Wiss,
Riverside, IL
Marjorie Alice Danne Wright
U of California-Berkeley
Ivagene Ellen Shuck Brauner Frances Marie Kirk Cole Betty Lou Boyd Erlandson Margaret Louise Read Huber,
Kentfield, CA
Dorothy Jean Mel Kulp,
Jeanne Ralston Smith Murray, Napa, CA
Jean Frances Lonn Nixon, Lafayette, CA
Ruth Elkinton O'Connor, Kensington, CA
Christine E. Bothwell Pedroncelli, Geyserville, CA
Marilyn Peterson Russell, Santa Clara, CA
Meredith Ann Baker Smitter Rodna Jeanne Walls Taylor,
Oakland, CA
Laura Jean Bepler Wheeler,
San Luis Obispo, CA
Sigma Tau Washington College
Nancy Claire Sparks Derringer Jean K. Sears Earnshaw
Jean Elaine Fisher Hall,
Pocomoke City, M D Geraldine Anne Fisher Jackson,
Towson, M D
Margaret Carroll Butler Machale,
Callao, V A
Julia Pauline Baker Stewart,
Fairfax Station, V A
U of Minnesota
Sally A n n Feit Adler, Saint Paul, M N
Elizabeth Anne Steichen Beiriger, Bella Vista, AR
Marilyn Ann Miller Cox, Saint Paul, M N
Audrey Ann Graupmann Eickhoff, Crookston, M N
Sally Munro Harper, Fort Collins, C O
Marilyn Joanne Dixon Haugen, Edina, M N
Susan Florence Methven Holefelder, Scottsdale, A Z
Janet May Christy Liem, Richardson, T X
Betty Jo Clevenger Lundegard, Edina, M N
Barbara Anne Smith Pearce, Long Lake, M N
Dolores Torras Phillips
Mary Elizabeth Crumley Sperl,
Balsam Lake, W I
Helen Margaret Michael Stageberg,
Edina, M N
Beverly Dawne Ness Thorson,
Bemidji, M N
Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern College
Betty Ann Landrum Edwards Ruth Isabelle Harris Fleetwood,
Dunbar, W V
38 ToDragma/SPR[NG19%
Elsie Rita Charbonnet Flower, New Orleans, LA
Joel Beth Suhren Gibert, Metairie, LA
Catherine Zolite Hodges Hepinstall, Little Rock, AR
Elizabeth Jackson Lamar Jones Dora Adile Martin Miller,
Waveland, MS
Patricia Pomeroy O'Brien
Joan Kastler Parsons
Elizabeth Lavanue Prague Eustaria M . Bouanchaud Stouse Vera Louise W right
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
Betry Jean Tovell Belt, Reisterstown, M D
Ann E. Luetzenkirchen Cansler Elizabeth Ann Peter Cissel,
Corvallis, OR
Jean Evelyn Lowry Fischer Peggy O'Connor Howard Marian Aggola Lawrence June Josephine Hall Lovell,
North Hadley, M A
Betty Burke Janney Myers Nancy Jean Price Schade,
Fairfax, V A
Rose Marie Kelley Silling,
Salisbury, M D
Corinne Mary Ann Davis Strickler Joan Martha Ryan Volk,
Charlottesville, V A Nancy Jane Hand Walker,
Santa Cruz, CA
Shirley Adelle Mitchell W alker Helen Elaine Casteel Watson
Pi Kappa
U of Texas-Austin
Billie Rose Blair
Margaret Ann Carson Boatright,
Dallas, T X
Elizabeth Jean Speer Chittum,
Orlando, FL
Alicemarie Margurit Meyer Miller,
St. Louis, M O
Dorothy Elizabeth Stansel Montieth,
Centre, A L
Edith Sue Alexander Shields,
Burnet, T X
U of Pennsylvania
Florence Meta Kirmse Alder, Drexel Hill, PA
Dorothy Cox Abbott Chapman Patricia Agnes Galvin Cobes
Santa Cruz, CA
arrier J Pasadena, CA

Sara Hite Lesucur Moore, Trussville, A L
Sue Patrick Santmyer Seay
Patricia Anne Bowers Skantze
Jean Keith Collins Sloan
Merlee Sue Sears Wagner
Margaret Rosali McClendon Wilson Morwenna Louise Robinson Yackzan
Theta DePauw U
Grace Elizabeth Jannasch Athey, Shawnee Mission, KS
Shirley Ann Cloud Bledsoe, Memphis, T N
Marillyn Sue Garrison Callendine, Worthington, O H
Jean Ann McCoy Delor, Canton, O H
Jean Elizabeth Taylor Furrow, King City, OR
Marjorie Mae Gardner
Barbara Lee Daniels Laundergan,
New Fairfield, CT
Dorothy Ann Conrad Masten,
Greencastle, I N
Elizabeth Jane Kuentzel Maulbetsch,
Ann Arbor, MI
Dora May Hildebrand Meredith,
Rockford, I L
Elizabeth Zillah Janes Novak,
La Crescenta, CA
Carol Ruth Downie Regan Elizabeth Ann Horn Schumacher,
Elmhurst, IL
Joan Louise Zagar Severns,
Champaign, IL
Barbara Rose Simpson Spore,
Perrysburg, O H
Marilyn Melrose Smith Steinbrecher,
Glen Carbon, IL Virginia Ann Mays Taylor,
Portola Valley, CA
Clara Marjorie Barr Thompson Pamela Jean Auxter Young,
Franklin, I N
Theta Eta
U of Cincinnati
Marjorie Ann Schubert Beaver, Cincinnati, O H
Ann Adair McKinley Brown, Charleston, W V
Carolyn Ann Sautter Hoenig Eunice Mae Buehler Thielen
Theta Pi Wagner College
Carol Elizabeth Johnson Miller, Brick, NJ
Theta Psi U of Toledo
Nancy Ann Haverstock Ballinger Ruth Matilda Wentisch Beglin,
Mahwah, NJ
Mildred Casmaire Todak Best,
Sylvania, O H
To Dragma/SPRING 1996
Carol June Newbury Cook
Oregon, OHJ!|19M**^9 Ruth Hazel Kane Elendt,
Maumee, O H
Irene Tokles Foussianes,
Bloomfield Hills, M l
Suzanne Elizabeth Barry Furrer,
Toledo, O H
Janet Eileen Reister Gannaway,
Adrian, MI
Phyllis Marie Weiker Gogel,
Perrysburg, O H
Mary Ruth Freshour Greiner,
Junction City, KS
Florence May Beran Hawley,
Toledo, O H
Margaret Jane Koepp Kane Betty Jane Gallo LaConto,
Sycamore, I L
Yvonne Julia Cousino Morgan,
Oregon, O H Nancy Lee Neale, Port Orange, FL
Barbara J. Mishler Nightingale, Rock Island, IL
Helen Pearl Freeman Parker Nancy Sue Hoist Pavlica,
TheW odlands.TX Suzanne Lee Jaggers Reid,
Tempe, AZ
Delores Mae Kuntz Schwalbe,
Toledo, O H
Pauline Jane Petros Spiropoulos,
Pacific Palisades, C A Patsy Jane Dietz Tadlock,
South Pasadena, FL Betty Fay Draper W arrick,
Spring Hill, FL
Helen Virginia Wetnight,
Bullhead City, A Z
Carol Lou Good Woodling,
Maumee, O H
Vella Ann Snare Zeigler,
Toledo, O H
if of Washington
Merle A n n Sisson Anders, Tucson, A Z
Jeanette Kindelan Anger Connie Mae Kane Bezer,
San Diego, C A
Marie Clare Etzkorn Brockway,
Seattle, W A
Janice Louise Dodge Edwards,
Bellevue, WA
Cathleen Mary Nicholls Frerwell,
Mercer Island, WA
Mildred Ann Bratcres Goe Mildred Joan Dreis Grimsby,
Seattle, W A
Charme Campbell Hughes,
Livingston, T X
Dorothy Rosalie Jacobsen Jensen,
Seattle, W A
Doreen May Softky Jones,
Moscow, ID
Darothie Mae Syverson Mansergh
Eleanor Marie Bahlkow McCall, Seattle, W A
Norma Marguerite Madison Mills, Seattle, W A
Phyllis A. Hyde Morgan, Mercer Island, W A
Katherine Patricia Murphy Evelyn Yvonne Nelson Robinson,
Manson, W A
Betty Attlesey Roundhill,
Seattle, W A
Doris Keithly Shay,
Seattle, W A
Edna Marian Smith,
Seattle, W A
Evajone Thomas
Nancy Caroline Thomas,
Tacoma, W A
U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Charolate Faye Simpson Amsden Frances Jean Bohner Bauer,
Beatrice, N E
Marjorie Jean Walker Beaman Wendie Lou Corkin Blanchard Patricia Anne Nordin Bruce,
Lincoln, N E
Phyllis Irene Jones Johnson,
Decatur, IL
Lois Jean Kelberg Kleinhauf,
Los Altos, CA
Jo Ann B. Koehler
Irene Joann Johnson Larson,
Golden, CO
Anne Agatha Figge Laugharn,
Phoenix, A Z
Evelyn Josephine Lukovsky Lavaty,
Lincoln, NE
Ann Genene Jensen Lewis,
Port Angeles, W A
Mae Ann Mnuk Maxwell,
Tucson, A Z
Anne Crowley Nedrow,
Sac City, 1A
Margaret Ella Odonnell Serafini,
Omaha, NE
Valora Jean Fiddock Stewart,
Omaha, NE
Jean Beverly Sevengel Theisen,
Lincoln, N E
Darlene Lucille Pothast Tomsik,
West Linn, OR
Doris Ann Gibbs Wiar,
Omaha, NE
Caroline Sue Jones Worcester,
Seattle, W A
Janet Rae Nutzman Young,
El Cerrito, CA

This issue ofTo Dragma begins the foundation's four part series of articles each focusing on different program services: educational grants, arthritis research, Diamond Jubilee Scholarships, and the Ruby Fund. Part one of this series spotlights educational grants to the Fraternity.
oh Educational Grants
Educational grants to the Fraternity allow Alpha Omicron Pi to uphold the high standards of our sister- hood and remain a leader for women's fraternal organizations. In the past, money for educational grants came through donations to the Development Fund. Now, educational grants are provided through unre- stricted gifts to the Annual Fund. Foundation grants help fund Fraternity education programming such as BRIDGES; LeaderShapeTM, Inc.; and special motivational speakers for International Convention and Leadership Institute. We continue to provide members with leadership techniques and the opportunity for exposure to information about real-life skills, careers, values, health, and self-enhancement. Foundation grants also help keep AOITs past alive with funding for archives maintenance, restoration and display.

The non-profit LeaderShapeTM, Inc. has taught more than 1,500 young men and women from across the U.S. and Canada how to lead with integrity. Thanks to Foundation grants, three Chapter Consultant teams have experienced this dynamic leadership training program.
Educational grants from the A O n Foundation provided computer training for select collegiate chapters to enhance their financial skills through the use of Quicken® accounting software.
BRIDGES stands for building relationships and ideas, developing goals, and enriching our- selves. This total chapter programming concept is taught at collegiate chapter meetings and focuses on learning real life skills that can be used for a lifetime.
The AOn Foundation is helping to preserve Alpha Omicron Pi's rich history by setting aside funds to be granted in 1997 for a historical presentation at our Centennial Celebration.
Motivational speakers including Heather Whitestone, Miss America 1995; Liz Carpenter, Press Secretary to former First Lady, Ladybird Johnson; and Sarah W eddington, famed attorney, polit- ical liaison, and lecturer, have been funded by the Foundation to provide inspirational messages to A O n International Convention delegates.
Foundation seeks applicants for Director of Development
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is seeking an experienced professional to assume the responsibilities of Director of Development effectiveJuly 1, 1996. The Director is responsi- ble for planning, implementing and evaluating a comprehensive fund-raising program, as well as administration of the day-to-day operations of the Foundation. Qualifications include a bachelor's degree, at least four years experience in development or a fund-raising related field, and an established record of success in personal solicitation. The successful can- didate will possess management experience and highly developed communication skills. Campaign experience and computer literacy preferred.
Salary competitive and commensurate with experience. Position in Foundation Headquarters, Brentwood, T N .
Send letters ofapplication and resume by May 10 to: Rosalie Barber, President
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation 300 E. Nettleton Avenue Jonesboro,AR 72401
To Dragma/SPRIIMG 19%

Correction to Foundation Annual Report
A list of all donors to the Foundation was printed in the recendy pub- lished Foundation Annual Report. The list includes all members who contributed to the Foundation for the 1994/95 fiscal year (July I, 1994 to June 30, 1995). Each year, due to various reasons (i.e. postal delays), a num ber of gifts m eant to be part of the current year giving, are received after June 30. It has been the policy of the Foundation to include these contributors in the annual donor listing.
The following donors were mistakenly omitted from the 1994/95 Annual Report. We apologize for this error and would like to now
U. of Maine-Orono Sustaining Member Phyllis Jordan Hanson
Gamma Omicron U. of Florida Sponsor
Carol Gibney Thigpin
U. of Illinois Friend
Kelly Rosenbohm Adamitis
Iota Sigma Iowa State U. Friend Carol Wee Millar
Kappa Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Sustaining Member Katharine Northern Land
Kappa Tau Southeastern Louisiana U. Friend
Debra Bennett Farrell
Kappa Theta
U. of California-Los Angeles Sponsor GwendolynThompson Ward
Lambda Stanford U. Sponsor
Fran Bennett Krikwood
Sustaining Member
Marny Say Jones
Gloria Kellogg Knickerbocker
Lambda Sigma U. of G eorgia Wheat Club Joni Farmer Frobos
Sustaining Members
Zelma Reidfine Bannister Cary Cunningham Perry
Nu Beta
U. of Mississippi Wheat Club Catherine Hirsch
Julia Meyers
Nu Iota Northern Illinois U. Friend
Lvnda Marie Pack-Dowell
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt U. Friend
Joan Mcintosh Van Hulzen
U. of Kansas Sponsor
Oiga Wallace Smith
Phi Alpha
East Tennessee State U. Sponsor
O. Jean Seal
Pi Kappa
U. of Texas-Austin Sponsor
Phyllis Kemp Carter
Sustaining Member
Elinor Fisher Shoop
Sigm a
U. of California-Berkeley Wheat Club
Jane Rea Duveneck
Jean Kennedy Innes
Sustaining Member
Karla DiGrazia
Mary Ager Hennigan Doriel Goltz Parkinson
Sigm a Chi Hartwick College Friend Michelle Eliuk Parker
Sigma Tau
W ashington C ollege Friend
Patricia Hunt-Burrows
U. of Minnesota Sustaining Member Donna Bary
Bessie Dornberg Pettit
Tau Delta Birmingham Southern College Rose Club
Elisabeth Lester Donaldson
Theta DePauw U. Friend Michelle Silkowski Judith O'Dell Stanley
Theta Omega Northern Arizona U. Friend
Tracey Ragel Pritulsky
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln Sponsor
Margaret Capron Jones
Joerta Carter Nelson
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U. Friend
Brenda Foley Carroll
recognize these m em bers the 1994/95 fiscal year.
Alpha Delta U. of Alabama Friend Jennifer Peel Cullen Linda Curry Miller
Alpha Gamma
W ashington State U. mm Club
Sue Wayenberg Hinz
Linda Broeckel-Fry
Sustaining Member
Joanne Brown Robison
to the
A l p h a Phi
M ontana State U. Sustaining Members Alice Perrin Barber Gretchen Thornton Frisby
Aloha Pi Florida State U. Friend Gwendolyn Hopkins Tenold
Alpha Tau Denison U.
Wheat Club
Barbara Easterday Scliwarting
Sustaining Member
Edith Breining*
Joanne Kunz
Beta Lambda Illinois W esleyan U. Sponsor
Lisa Setlak Roth
Beta Phi Indiana U.
Rose Club
Wanita Gilchrist Hinshaw
Chi Syracuse U. Sustaining Members Margaret wootton Dow
Chi Alpha
U. of California-Davis Friend
Jennifer Kahsen
Chi Omicron Central State U. Sponsor
Patricia Howard-Peebles
Delta Delta Auburn U. Friend Melanie Thorpe Pam Cook Williamson
D elta Pi
Central M issouri State U. Sponsor
Linda Mansur
Rebecca Zobac Mauch
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State U. Ruby Club Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie
Sustaining Member
Evelyn Lewis* Maybelle Penley Lineweaver Janet Holmes Linsenmaier
Nancy Nelsen Evers Patricia Terrell Mutolo Jaye Graham Tupponce
Epsilon Omega Eastern Kentucky U. Friend
Allison Allgier
Cumulative Giving Clubs honor all levels of giving to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. Gifts to any area of the Foundation are counted toward membership in a giving club.
Founders' Roll $100,000 or more Pi Circle $10,000-$24,999 Wheat Club $500-$999
Alpha Circle $50,000-599,999 Ruby Club $5,000-$9,999 Sponsor $250-$499
Friend $1-$ 125
Omicron Circle $25,000-$49,999 Rose Club $l,000-$4,999
Sustaining Member $125-$249
If you would like a copy of the 1994/95 Annual Report, please contact the Foundation at (615) 370-0920.
ToDragma/SPRIlNG 1996

The Power of Frie
Vancouver Alumnae Chapter members attending their chapter's 65th reunion.
770 Years of AOTT and Growing
In October 1995, the Vancouver Alumnae Chapter hosted an afternoon o f memories to celebrate the start of AOlYs 65th year in Vancouver. Members in attendance were from Beta Kappa, Beta Tau and Kappa Phi.
By adding up the years each woman was a member of AOn, they determined over 770 years of service to our sorority. It would be incredible to
see asimilar statistic from all attending our Centennial Convention!
from the
Pi Kappa Alphas "On behalf of the Pi Kappa Alpha
Memorial Headquarters, I would liketothanktheAOn Sorority at Slippery Rock U (Sigma Rho) for their outstanding support and assistance in the establishment of our newest colony at
Slippery Rock University. The women of AOn... went out of their way to make our visit both enjoyable and success- ful. Our success was due in large part to the assistance your chapter provided."
Five in a Row!
The members of Phi Beta Chapter of East Stroudsburg U are all smiles in their t-shirts recognizing their out- standing efforts in Greek Week. This year marks their fifth win in five years!
Phi Beta Chapter members win GreekWeekagain- for the fifth year straight!
"How would you like to hear some good news for a change? It concerns a small act o f kindness directed to me by the Delta Epsilon Chapter (Jacksonville State U.)
Earlier this semester, I was making final arrangements
for a campus
blood drive.
Amy Morris,
A o n
stopped by
and heard me mention that we still needed a few more volunteers
to staff the blood drive. I am happy to say that several AOris came the next day to help. Their service was instrumental to the American Red Cross reaching their goal for the drive. To
shows five o f the seven attending at "The Huddle", which con- tinues to be the meet- ing place for students and alumnae. The reunion weekend included a grand tim e filled with activities. They discovered that after 40 years, the sis- terhood is as strong and wonderful as ever.
Pictured at the Rho Class of 1955 reunion (I to r):
Barbara Brooks Simons, Chris Coering Billies, Helen
Claire McMahon, Dee Meyer Murray, Ellen English
Wiseman. Not pic- tured: Merry Kay Johnson Optizand Nancy Innis Heistand.
Dear Editor:
"I am the Special Events
Coordinator for
the Arthritis Foundation, San
Diego Area Chapter. On December 9, 1995,
r ,
San Diego AOITs, Cynthia Forsythe,Jennifer Doddand TarabethAccardiareall
smilesat4:00AMfor the areasJingleBellWalk/Run to
benefit the Arthritis Foundation.
I hosted the Jingle Bell/Walk/Run for Arthritis at San Diego's Balboa Park. I was touched by the number of AOn sisters in the area who support the event. A contingent o f women from the San Diego Alumnae
Chapter walked in the event. In addition, sev- eral new alumnae and collegiate chapter mem- bers volunteered as part of the core team that arrived at 4:00 AM! The photograph depicts three smiling AOris in the 4:00 A M darkness ready to help with regis- tration. They have my heartfelt thanks!"
- Stephanie Putnoky (Lambda Iota)
Pictured (I to r): Jen and PaulJensen (AOil and <t>ZT), Maggie Jensen (legacy), Steve and Sara
Williams, fAKE andAZ), Mary and Bob Williams (AOn and ATA,), Eric Williams (AY), Betsy
Rochamny (AZ) and Smoky Williams , the cat!
A Greek Family
Our most recent PIP, Mary Williams (Phi) sends along greetings and a photo of her family - truly represen- tative o f the greek sys- tem that Mary has sup- ported for so long.
the casual observer, this may seem
like a small gesture. But it is often the little things that can have
the most meaning. Hats offto the Delta Epsilon Chapter."
- TerryMcCarthy Director o f Student Activities Jacksonville State U
Rho Class Reunion
Rho class of 1955 gath- ered to celebrate their Northwestern U Class reunion. The photo
To Dragma/SPRING 19%

sh PAon.
Three members of Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) get togetherfor a "much overdue" reunion. Pictured: Lisa Horner Bolatto with Clair and Michael, Beth Wilson Egerer with
Anderson and Kaylee, and Jeannie Browning Hester with Jacob.
Dear To Dragma: "Over the Christmas holiday, I had the won- derful privilege to see
two sorority sisters, one I hadn't seen in 16 years and the other in 11
years. The laughing and smiles had not changed onebit. Wewereableto let our children meet and play while we visited. It is truly one reunion I
will never forget."
- Beth Wilson Egerer
Alpha Chi
Sisterhood in Space?
"Every AOn has proba- bly commented on the bond ofsisterhood at one time or another. 'No matter where you go in life, you can always count on your sistets.' So just how far does it go?
"The US Space and Rocket Center, in Huntsville, AL, has been my workplace, and home, for the past two summers. Last summer I worked as a tour guide at the centet and met hundreds ofpeoplefrom all over the world. The
most interest- ing introduc- tion, howev- er, happened within the department.
"One day I noticed a Space Camp counselor carrying an AOn water bottle unique to my chapter's Rose Formal. Sure enough, not only was Heather Andre an AOFI but she was an alumna from my own Sigma Delta Chapter (Huntingdon College). I had just been initiated into the chapter that past year so the rela- tionship that followed helped me to learn more about my own chapter and AOIL
"Later that day, I shared my story with some coworkers. In doing so, I realized that another fellow employee, Amanda Ransburgh, was also a sister, Delta Delta (Auburn U.). A mutual friend of ours, Sarah Merritt, ended up rush- ing at Birmingham Southern College that fall. The result? Yet another sister in AOn.
"Returning to the cen- ter this past summer, I decided to be a Space Academy I counselor.
In what turned out to be another educational summer, I met several other AOris. I even had campers tell me that their moms were AOIls! Amy Reeves from N u Beta(UofMississippi)
and Brandy Marshall of Omega Omicron (Lambuth U)worked
as fellow counselors. Brandy, in particular, became a friend, a roommate, and a confi- dante. Through our friendship, we were able to introduce each other to other sisters from
our o w n chapters.
Brandy reminded me that despite m y having to move out west and take some time off from school, m y sisters would always be there for me. That's not hard to believe now. For no matter where I go, I always manage to meet an AOFI. It reminds me how lucky I am to be a part of this unique soci- ety of individuals. I am proud to be an AOn."
- Kimm McEntire Sigma Delta
The "Pathfinder" in Huntsville is the only full
scale model of the Space Shuttle. It's an appropriate
namefor a wonderful experience shared by Kimm McEntire, Sigma Delta
Chapter (Huntingdon College)
Omega Sponsors Campus Speakers Impressed by theif pre- sentation at AOlTs Convention last sum- mer, Omega Chapter (Miami U) has spon- sored a major event on their campus. They
brought in Joel Goldman and T.J. Sullivan to present an inspirational message on "Friendship in the Age of AIDS". The chapter was commend- ed by the Miami University Director of Greek Affairs, Brian Breittholz. He wrote "many students raved to me about the quality of the program and the educational message... which was critical to college students." He concluded with
"Thank you for spon- soring this outstanding program, and for your chapter's commitment to enhancing the quali- ty of campus lifefor Miami students."
Tennessee), Rho Delta (Samford U),Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee-Martin), Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U), Zeta Pi (U Alabama- Birmingham), Omega Omicron (Lambuth U), Nu Omicron'sBid Day (Vanderbilt U), Tennessee State Day, Indiana State Day and Kentucky State Day and Rho Omicron Founders' Day.
If you would like The Emporium to visit your chapter or special event, give them a call! "We would love to have The Emporium represented at chapter events. It's always f u n to meet everyone and feel their excitement at seeing our sportswear and gifts in person!"
IS tfcS'4 WIL 10 'o
Linda Fuson (Emporium Coordinator), Raye Littlejohn (Tau Omicron member), and Shannon Mitchell (Emporium
Assistant) in the Tau Omicron chapter room during one of The Emporiums road trips thispast fall.
AOTT Emporium Hits the Road! Since last fall, The Emporium
has visited 11 different chapters
and events to share in sisterhood and display merchan- dise.
i-xSv *HSC1QO
To Dragma/SPRING 1996
"In each
case, we had been invited to visit, and welcomed by the members when we arrived. They were all very receptive and excited to have us!" said Linda Fuson, Emporium Coordinator.
Chapters visited were: Omicron (U of

,I..|!I,T1 till Ing her regu Sunday
II Simla fc
Hotel: I only ulay bv ear ^ntlIhaveU' play when It
placeInmy p«L"
Albuquerque Journal/Sage Magazine, March 1996.
Our Fraternity
e> AOn is the sponsor of one of the major awards presented each year to a Panhellenic System during the National Panhellenic Conference. The Public Relations Award recognizes constructive public relations program- ming in the areas of scholarship, good health, high standards and com- munity service. The win- ner was the U of Florida. The U of
Pittsburgh and
Indiana U placed
second and third respectively. AGTI
NFC delegate,
Barbara Hunt,
was on hand to
present the award last October in St Louis, MO.
• : Seven collegiate chapters attended Tennessee State Day, including two from other states. Chapters in attendance included Tau Omicron (\JT- Martin), Nu
Omicron (Vanderbilt U), Omicron (U of Tennessee), Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College), Nu Beta (U of Mississippi), and Delta Omega (Murray State U).
& The Zeta Kappa chapter house (SouthwestTexas State U) in San Marcos.Texas has been listed in the prestigious National Register of Historic Places. The home will be listed as the Goforth-Harris house because it was built in 1906 for JamesT. Goforth and later sold to Thomas Green Harris, the first presi- dent of Southwest Texas Normal. Zeta Kappa
has occupied the house since 1993.
Congratula- tions to Kappa Omicron Chapter (Rhodes College) for achieving the high- est GPA for Greek women on campus for the fourth semester in a row. Member, Elizabeth
Moore, will be recog- nized by the Memphis Panhellenic Association for having the highest GPA of any Greek Woman on Campus. Congrats to Elizabeth and Kappa Omicron.
b> C h i P s i C h a p t e r (California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo) recently celebrated their 10th birthday with an A O n Alumnae W eekend Celebration. Plans included a dinner dance, open house, "family photos" and a presentation entitled "Chi Psi Through the Years". A great time was had by all.
i Members of Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U) made a road trip to Toronto's Beta Tau Chapter (U of Toronto) for an inter- national sisterhood event Besides sister- hood building activities, they participated in a rit- ual workshop led by Leigh Perry, Coord, of Programs and Training from HQ, who was a special guest The group is pictured in front of
the Beta Tau chapter house built around the turn of the century.
e> At their Panhellenic Banquet Tau Omega (Transylvania U ) received top honors in the areas ofAcademic Excellence, Most Improved GPA Philanthropic Excellence, Public Relations, and Campus Involvement Congratulations to
Tau Omega.
Our Members
i - Jennifer Day, a junior at W estern Kentucky U (Alpha Chi) has recently been selected Panhellenic President
Sigma Phi
(California State- Northridge) is proud of
Keri Evilsizor for being selected 1995 Homecoming Queen.
e> Seven Kappa Sigma members (U of
e> Eleanor Steinert, lota (U of Illinois), is 88 years old and still going strong. She spends
every Sunday at the Eldorado Hotel, a 5-star hotel in Santa Fe, playing the piano for guests, a career she picked up after her retirement as a journalist for 40 years with the Chicago Daily News. Every Friday evening, she plays the "cocktail hour" at the Ponce de Leon retire- ment complex and
other locations by spe- cial request As a jour- nalist she interviewed the likes of Queen Elizabeth ("Actually I prefer Prince Philip"), Frank Sinatra ("I was smitten") and Georgia O'Keeffe ("I didn't like her one bit she was so full of herself').
=: An alumna of Sigma (U of
Our Chapters
e> Congratulations go to Gamma Omicron (U of Florida) for receiving the William E. Rion Award and for being selected one of the winners of the Presidents Award for Fraternal Excellence on their campus. These were both presented to the chapter during their National Panhellenic Council Awards Ceremony.
Wisconsin-River California-Berkley),
Falls) spent their spring break travelling to over a dozen AOn collegiate chapters to meet their sisters in other areas. A few of the stops along the way included Phi, Nu Omicron, Deta Omega, Omicron, Epsilon Chi and two stops to Inter- national Headquarters, as they were "coming and going."
Sheila C. Salido has been named Marketing Manager for QVC.Inc.the world's largest electronic retailer, and known to most as the televised shopping network.
To Dragmu/SPKI'M; IW6

A lastin "impression
The Inspiration Walkway to the Founders' Circle is a permanent testimonial to our members and their achievements during AOITs first 100 years. To commemorate our Centennial, a time capsule will be buried in the center of the Founders' Circle. The capsule will be dedicated and sealed on our Centennial Founders' Day, December 8,1996.
We invite you to purchase an engraved brick so your message will be a part of our visual history in this Centennial Memorial at Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters.
What a wonderful way to donate to the Centennial Celebration! These funds will finance the special events of our Centennial year including the largest ever AOJT1 reunion...AOn Centennial Convention, June 27-30,1997, in New York City, the birthplace of AOI1. Send in your order today!
Ordered by
Chapter of Initiation. Address
City, State,Zip_ Phone
Visa Masercard Credit Card Acct.# Name on Card
$50.00 $100.00
Mail form and check to:
Alpha Omicron P i International Headquarter1' 9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood. TN 371127
Fill in the form and mail with your check to AOI1 Headquarters today!
Inspiration Walkway
Single Brick Double Brick
Founders' Circle
Single Brick 4 x 8 in.= $50
Double Brick 8 x 8 in.= $100 o r $200
Yes, I would like the (lentt'tinial < lelebration Committee to send u card acknowledging the jjilt.
Send to
Chapter of Initiation Address
City, State, Zip_
Only one character (letrer. number, or punctuation mark) or space per block Position or center your name or message exactly as you want it to appear on your brick Hyphens, periods, apostrophes, commas, the symbol and Greek letters are available.To order more than one of either size brick print engraving information for each additional brick on a separate sheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single brick can have 2 to 3 lines, double 4 to 5 lines with no more than 13 characters per line including spaces. Please consider your wording carefully. Note: If using Greektettersfor your chapter, spell out the greek name in English on the following line so the engraver can verify (i.e. for "D," spell out"Delta"on the line). _ ^
Discover _Exp.Date_
TotalAmount $
AOFI-1ami ration ViaIkwav
Double Brick
$200.00 Make Checks Payable to:

Arthritis: MajorImpact on Nation's Health,
A newly published study finds musculoskeletal condi- tions such as arthritis have a profound impact on the nations health and economy, costing nearly $150 billion per year or 2.5 percent of the gross national product (GNP) - equivalent to a chronic severe recession. Arthritis alone accounts for more than half the economic costs of these conditions, excluding injuries.
"Arthritis is a pervasive yet silent national health problem that is slowly consuming the health and economy o f the U.S. Its grip will get only stronger as the nation ages and the number of people with arthritis increases 57 percent in the coming years. Fortunately, we can take action now to help limit its impact," said Doyt L. Conn, M.D.,the Arthritis Foundation's senior vice presi- dent for medical affairs.
"Even though arthritis is a huge problem, people don't rec- ognize the human and econom- ic hardship it causes. There are over 6 million Americans who say they have arthritis and haven't yet seen a doctor because they think nothing can be done. In fact, there are many ways to limit the impact of arthritis," Dr. Conn said.
"We must address the prob- lem of arthritis by focusing greater attention on the disease and providing appropriate resources. Funding for quality arthritis research that today is going unfunded can be a first step in finding lasting solu- tions," Dr. Conn said.
Overall, about half the costs for musculoskeletal conditions were direct costs from medical care and
about half the costs were from indirect costs of lost wages due to illness. The study was published in the most recent issue of the scientific journal, Arthritis & Rheumatism. For free informa- tion about arthritis, contact your local Arthritis Foundation office
or call the Arthritis Foundation toll-free at 1-800-283-7800.
Please complete thisformand mail by February 15,1997 to: Joyce Strout, Centennial Talent Director,4Ambrose Lane, S.Barrington,IL 60010
seeks to improve the quality of life for people with arthritis.
The Arthritis Foundation is
the source of help and hope for
nearly 40 million Americans
with arthritis. The foundation than $870,000 to Arthritis supports research to find ways to
cure and prevent arthritis and
Talented AOTT's
Centennial Convention Centennial Production, June 28, 1997
Can you sing! Dance! Play an instrument! You may be just the person we are looking for!
We are looking for: Singers • Dancers (Jazz,Tap, Charleston.Twist) • Models • Rollerbladers • Acrobats • Batonists • Instrumentalists (Banjo,Violin, Brass, Piano)
A search is under way to locate members, of all ages, to participate in the Centennial Production to commemorate our 1997 Centennial Convention in New York City.
Requirements are very simple. You must register to attend the 1997 Convention and arrive by noon on Thursday, June 26 (this night's room will be paid for by the Centennial Committee), be a quick study and be willing to rehearse during your convention free time. You will be a part of history in the making and are guaranteed to have a great time!
Yes, I'm interested in participating in the Centennial Production for AOTT's Centennial Convention - June 28,1997 in New York City
Address:. State/Province:. Chapter:;
Talent (be specific):
_City:_ _Zip/Postal Code_
Pleaseenclose: 2.resume 3.demotape
To Dragma/SPRING 1996
Editors note: Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation has contributed more
Research since 1967.

Medical Coverage Available to all
Continental U.S. Only
Medical Plan:
• Office Visit
• Each Routine Physical 100% after a $20 Co-pay
AOTTto Colonizeat DePaulU.
Alpha Omicron Pi has been selected to colonize a new chapter on the campus of DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. Colonization activities are expected to be held in mid-April and any area alumnae inter- ested in assisting with these efforts is encouraged to contact Paula Daigleat HQ. Ifyou have already vol- unteered,thank you. You will be contacted soon.
A salute to our successful presentation team comprised of Elaine Kennedy, Vice President/Development; Judy Flessner, Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter President; Kim Koepke, Chapter Consultant; and Phi Chi chapter members Dorothy Aronovich and Elizabeth Peterson. Several other AOIls were also on hand to provide assistance.
Annual Meeting Announced
The annual meeting of the Omega Corporation will be held on April 24, at 7:00 pm in the chapter suite. For more information contact Barbara Harnish 513-444-7217.
AOil MembersandAlumnae
• In Hospital
• PCS Drug Card
• Lifetime Maximum
Dental Plan:
100% after a $300 Co-pay $ 15 Co-pay
• Basic Services
• Major Services
• Calendar Year Maximum $1200
• Lifetime Deductible
Cancer Plan:
$100 per person
100% after a $20 Co-pay
80% after a 3 month waiting period 50% after a 12 month waiting period
• Low Cost
• Guarantee Issue
• Pays expenses that your health insurance does not cover for cancer • Major Medical policy required
Vision Plan:
• Low Cost
• 50% off retail eye wear
• Over 5,000 network providers
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death o fa member? (Date of death:_
Maiden Last
State/Province:_ _Phone: ( )
Year Initiated: .Occupation:.
State/Province:_ _Phone:( )
Current AOTT Office: Qno
Zip/Postal Code:_ Chapter/College where initiated:. Place of Employment:
Zip/ Postal Code:_
Alumnae Chapter:,
Please inform me about the nearestAlumnae Chapter: Special Interests:
Please complete thisform,indicating the change above and return to:
A O n International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, T N
Please help AOT1 save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50<t, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changingyour name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances arewehaveanincorrectaddressforthemaswell Encouragememtonotifyusassoonaspossible.
To Dragma/SPRING 1996 47

Four billion
cans of beer are consumed inone year on college campuses. Stacked end to end, the cans would reach to the moon and 70,000 miles
One out of every i0 of your sorority sisters
willbeor already is an
Two high-risk factors for heavy drinking among women are a college degree and a high income.
Postmaster- Please send notice of undeliverable copies on form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi,9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027
;cond Class tstage Paid Brentwood Tennessee

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