T O D R A G MA of Summer, 1966
Alpha Omicron Pi
annual directory issue
plus study styles
and six new chapters
published since January 1905 by Vol. LVII, No. 4 THE COVER
Summer, 1966
Seated from left are Barbara Ba-
ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraterni+y sham and Nancy Roser. Standing
from left are Mary A n n H u l l and
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897 Sandra YanArsdall. They are mem-
bers of Chi Lambda chapter—
editor, Barbara Doering Healy (Mrs. James H.) Evansville College. A story on the
cover feature chapter is on page 144.
Send all EDITORIAL material to the editor,
1611 Traveller Road, Lexington, Kentucky, 40504 E V A N S V I L L E study grant
Not only is the collegiate chapter in
News copy deadlines: See GUIDE for copy calls Evansville conscious of scholarship
Collegiate reporters: news due June I, 1966. and an avid campus competitor, but
the local alumnae chapter has its own
Alumnae reporters: news due September 15, 1966. kind of scholarship promotion.
and November I, 1966.
A $150 Wahnita DeLong grad-
Send all C H A N G E S O F ADDRESS, death notices, uate study grant was established
all magazines and all TO DRAGMA subscriptions to: March 31 at Evansville College by
the Evansville alumnae chapter.
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Suite 601-5, Six East Fourth Street Wahnita DeLong is a member of
Chi Lambda chapter. She joined the
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Evansville College faculty in 1920
and in 1924 became the school's
POSTMASTER: Please send notice of undeliverable copies to Dean of Women, a position she held
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office, Suite 601-5, until 1947. She was head of the
English department f r o m 1951-57,
Six East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202 and in 1957 became acting dean of
women until her retirement in 1958.
TO DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris,
Illinois 61054 and is printed by Kable Printing Company, 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois During her early years at the
61054 Second-class postage paid at Mount Morris, Illinois 61054 college, Wahnita was adviser to the
Castalian Literary society which be-
TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, September I, December I, March I, and May I. Sub- came Chi Lambda chapter of Alpha
scription price is 50c per copy; $1 per year; Life Subscription $20.00. Omicron Pi.
Annual D I R E C T O R Y Issue All Evansville College women who
Features will enter graduate school by autumn
are eligible for the grant. Selection
113 1967 Convention hotel and dates will be lased on academic per-
124 P. S. from the T. S. formance, ambition for graduate
134 for sale: Christmas cards study, need, leadership on campus
140 In Memoriam and personality.
141 Betty Brotherhood—Elizabeth Cole joint scholarship
142 Are you guilty of murder? Marilyn McCutchan of Evans-
ville was named the first study grant
NPC editors' conference: operations brass tacks •winner in late April. Marilyn is an
Third cover Indiana University, the golden year AOII of Chi Lambda chapter, but
Study Styles as the grant states the award does
Second cover Evansville alumnae chapter study grant not need to be given to an AOII.
114 University of Arizona study program
115 through 123 How collegiates promote studving Proceeds f r o m Evansville alumnae
120 and 121 Phi Beta Kappa initiates chapter's November card party will
144 Cover story be used f o r scholarship this year.
Fourth cover Study while you still have time $150 has been designated for the
Directory Wahnita DeLong graduate study
125 Founders grant and $100 for Diamond Jubilee
125 Executive Committee Foundation with another amount set
125 Central Office for a Chi Lambda scholarship fund
125 Editor of TO DRAGMA to form a backlog for the grant to
125 Standing committees become an annual g i f t .
125 Special committees
125 Trustees Scholarships available
125 National directors
125-127 Alumnae chapters and clubs Information on scholarship offers to col-
128 Collegiate chapters, alphabetical list legiates and potential women graduate
128-129 District map students is available for many campuses.
130- 131 Make-up of Districts I through X I I I A O I I Scholarship Director. Ruth Landis
132-133 Make-up of Districts X I V through X I X Wible, (Mrs. Philip). 1017 S. Mitchell,
131- 133 Collegiate chapters and colonies, state and province roster Bloomington, Ind., 47403, should b ; con-
Expansion tacted for data on scholarships.
135 Colonies in 1965-1966 by Virginia Boggess Mylander, K
135 San Fernando Valley State College
135 St. Norbert College
135 Stout State University
135 Slippery Rock State College
137 Ohio Northern University colony
138 Install Pan American College chapter, Texas
139 Install Indiana University of Pennsylvania chapter
141 Install Morningside College chapter, Iowa
Things to do
Send your zip code to central office
June -Mark J U N E 17—June 22, 1%7
as red letter days on your Alpha < >inieron I'i calendar—•
17-22, for these are the dates of the 47th biennial International Convention
1967 of Alpha ()micron Pi at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan.
i fistoric Mackinac
The Indians worshiped it as a shrine
and the Jesuits made it the first outpost of civilization in the Northwest.
Then it became the citadel of the Lakes
under whose flags Mackinac has lived.
and the battle-point between French, British, and Americans,
Stockades, blockhouses, forts and missions stand as a reminder of colonial
America, as do the landmarks of the early f u r trade—
the original homes of the Astors and the Biddies.
The use of horsedrawn carriages as the main mode of transportation
on the Island serves to link this historic past
with the modern accommodations and conveniences of present day.
For the past century Mackinac has been a famous summer resort,
and a royal welcome awaits us all
at the red-carpeted entrance of the Grand Hotel,
the world's largest summer hotel.
From the hotel's 880 foot long porch, the longest in the world,
one can enjoy a panoramic and breathtaking view
of the clear blue waters of the Straits of Mackinac.
Plans are already well underway with Geraldine Martindale King (Mrs.
Jack B . ) , Omega Omicron—Lambuth College
serving as International Convention chairman, ably assisted by local
convention co-chairmen from Detroit—
Irene Doherty Matheson (Mrs. All>ert), Omicron Pi—University of
Michigan and Vivian Hiltner Kreasky ( M r s . John T . ) , Psi—
University of Pennsylvania.
The collegiate chapters and alumnae groups in Michigan's District V I I I
will serve as hostesses for the convention. They include the collegiate
chapters of Beta Gamma—Michigan State University; Beta Pi—Eastern
Michigan University; Kappa Rho—Western Michigan University; Omicron
Pi—University of Michigan; the alumnae chapters of A n n Arbor,
Birmingham, Dearborn. Detroit, Detroit north suburban. Grand Rapids, and
Lansing; the alumnae clubs of Battle Creek, Detroit northeast suburban,
and Kalamazoo; and the Detroit area council.
The Grand Hote
Study Styles
vary from campus to campus and even within states. Thirty-nine chapters reported they sponsor
study halls of some kind. Twenty-six chapters do not conduct any study hall and believe that
studying is an individual concern. Twenty-eight chapters indicated that they give award dinners
of some kind, with many of these called bean-steak dinners.
Chapters who hold special campus scholarship awards are:
Chapter University Award
Alpha Chi Western Kentucky State University Phi Delta Theta Trophy
Alpha Pi Florida State University Scholarship plaque
Beta Kappa University of British Columbia Plaque for greatest improvement
Beta Lambda Illinois Wesleyan University Scholarship trophy, j W H cup, Sweepsteaks Trophy by
Delta Beta University of Southwestern Louisiana Panhellenic Council
Agnes Edwards Scholarship, Pledge class trophy for
Kappa Gamma Florida Southern College highest average of all sorority pledge classes
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt University
Omega Omicron Lambuth College Panhellenic Improvement Tray
Pi Delta University of Maryland Most Improved scholarship trophy
Sigma University of California at Berkeley
Sigma Chi Hartwick College Highest overall grade average
Sigma Tau Washington College Susan Landrieu-Adele Stamp Scholarship Trophy
Theta Omega Arizona State College 2nd in scholarship for women living groups
Highest sorority scholastic average
Errol Fox loving cup
Scholarship plaque for senior with highest G.P.A.
I F T H E P L E D G E is the lifeline of the chapter, then surely scholarship is the support of the
The search for the perfect scholarship program is as neverending as the search f o r the perfect
chapter. Yet, we of Upsilon Alpha—University of Arizona—feel that we have the best working
program we could possibly have. And we should. We've revised the program so many times
that everyone's lost count—and tempers, and time, and valuable study hours.
Our basic problem was, of course, that everyone studies differently. Some are bleary-eyed
night-owls crash-studying before the test and others, as regular as tuition fees, study in the
same place at the same time, all the time.
We tried the three-hour study hall four days a week, and people were writing letters and
bothering others. Undaunted, we tried the honor system which lasted one fun-filled and non-
studying week. The next meeting, Lyn Berry, intrepid scholarship chairman and brave soul,
announced the results of D-week testing. Three-quarters of the house were on the lists for
failing or below-average grades. Obviously, something was wrong. W e were not passing,
and if these grades were carried to the end of the semester, we wouldn't even collect the two
hundred dollars.
A f t e r much debate and thinking, we evolved a plan which we believe combines both the
honor system and a supervised study hall and also some side benefits.
Each collegiate on the D list must turn into the scholarship chairman a signed list of 25 hours
of studying by Friday night. I f the list is not in, the collegiate spends Friday night studying.
Twelve of these hours are from the supervised study hall, and the rest are signed study hours
with an active. The two study together anywhere they please. They study and during their
breaks get to know each other better.
Those not on the D list have no hours to turn in and no study hall to attend. Thus the honor
system and supervised study are combined in what we, of Upsilon Alpha, consider the best
of all possible study programs.
114 SUMMER of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI
HOW Arizona
Theta Omega—Arizona State College—study program
promote is based largely on the merit system. We use weekly
studying cards and require each collegiate to record her study
hours. Actives are required 15 hours a week and pledges
20. Also, all pledges are required to spend five of their
20 hours at supervised study tables, as are actives who
have not made sorority grade average or better the
previous semester. We are given one week to make up
a loss of study hours or supervised hours. We have
self-enforced quiet from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Monday
through Thursday during which no radios or record
players are on and no visiting is permitted. A.W.S.
quiet hours are also enforced. Positive merits are given
for hours put in above the required and minus merits
are given for disregard of any of these rules. A t the end
of each semester a formal scholarship banquet is held
and the senior with the highest grade average is honored
by having her name engraved on the scholarship plaque.
A l l coUegiates with a 1.5 grade average or better are
given a red rose. Different kinds of "smarty flowers" are
given f o r grades of 2.0 or better and 2.5 or above.
Canada Upsilon Alpha—University of Arizona—see feature
story page 114.
Beta Kappa—University of British Columbia—occupies
a room in Panhellenic House. Because we do not have Arkansas
our own house, our scholarship promotion must be Sigma Omicron—Arkansas State College—scholarship
adapted to the existing conditions. A record is kept of banquet is quite a treat—if you're a 4 pointer. We go
the lectures missed by the coUegiates. When this is totaled, out to eat and each member is given a certain amount of
fines are imposed and the group having missed the fewest money, according to her grade point. I t usually starts at
lectures is treated to dinner by the others. Each year, about three dollars and descends to 10 cents.
after results of Christmas exams have been announced,
a plaque is presented to the collegiate who has shown
the greatest improvement.
Kappa Phi—McGill University—each collegiate mem- California
ber must report weekly to the whole sorority any lecture
she missed during the week and the number of hours Delta Sigma—San Jose State College—members must
she studied that week. A t the end of each term, a chart tread on cat's paws during the hours of 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
shows each member's study hours. at the chapter's house at San Jose State College in Cali-
fornia. These are "quiet hours" for the sorority.
A l l pledges are required to attend a study table held
Delta Delta—Auburn University—began winter quarter in the chapter's dining room three nights a week from
with a new scholarship program which includes provisions 7 to 10 p.m. However, the pledge must still turn in a
for a study hall and f o r quiet hours on the sorority floor sheet showing at least 16 study hours outside of the study
of the dormitory. The study hall is held three nights a table. Pledge points toward initiation are given each
week f o r two hours each night in a reserved classroom week f o r the number of study hours earned. I f grade
in one of the campus buildings. A sister is in charge of warning notices are not received by a pledge from the
each session. Pledges and sisters making below a 1.0 the college at mid-semester, she is excused from study table
preceding quarter serve six hours a week, and those for the remainder of the semester.
making below a 1.3 serve four hours. On the sorority
floor of the dorm, a general quiet with no excessive noise Yet, it is not always serious study at the study tables,
on the hall is enforced f r o m 1:00 until 5 :00 p.m. Mon- pledges enjoy mischievious plots against the actives.
day through Thursday. Strict quiet hours last from 8 :30
until 10:30 p.m. During this time members remain in One evening during a study break all the pledges
their rooms except for phone calls. sneaked out the back door of the house. The actives
returned to the room to discover they had disappeared
Tau Delta—Birmingham-Southern College—as com- and started search of the entire house. The doorbell rang
petition at BSC is very high, scholarship does not need to —and there stood the pledges, serenading their sisters.
be stressed. Pledges are encouraged at the beginning of
their training. I f any at mid-quarter are having a hard A scholarship dinner is one of the highlights of each
time, an active study-buddy is assigned. Grades on quizzes semester at the Delta Sigma chapter. CoUegiates who
and papers are turned in each week and put in a file have a grade point average of 4.0 (straight "A's") to
in order to check to see if any help is needed. There 3.0 are served steak and may come to dinner dressed in
is a tutor assigned f o r coUegiates for those needing help casual clothes. CoUegiates who have a 2.9 to 2.5 come
in a specific subject. For those failing to make a two- to dinner in dressy sport and eat chicken with all the
point, they are put on social probation for the next quar- trimmings. Yet, the A O T T with a 2.5 and below must wear
ter. The pledge with the highest point average receives cocktail clothes and eat . . . hamburger.
a scholarship cup. Cookies are given to all actives with
a 3.0 or above by the alumnae each quarter. The Mothers' Club awards $25 scholarships t o : the
sophomore with the highest grade point average; and
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SUMMER of 1966 the senior and the junior with the highest grade point
average; and the person with most improved grade point
Study tables Individual help Alone with Books
Lambda Beta—California State College at Long Beach Florida
—the study habits are still growing. Our chapter has its
own scholarship trophy. A t the beginning of each new Alpha Pi—Florida State University—the main aspect
semester, at our beans and steak dinner, the collegiate of this chapter's scholarship program consists of its study
who has achieved the highest cumulative G.P.A. is an- hall requirements. The hours range f r o m three to fifteen
nounced and her name is placed on the scholarship depending upon each collegiate's point average f r o m the
plaque. The first to receive this honor was Diane Herring, preceding trimester. I n this way it is hoped that each
with 3.3. Her successor was Trudi Millerberg with a will have incentive to reduce her study hall hours re-
3.15. Trudi was exceptional, as she went from the lowest quirement by raising her average. This year a tutoring
chapter scholarship to the highest in one semester's time. program has been set up to help those who may have a
problem in her studies. A n atmosphere suitable f o r
Also, we have a rose bracelet which is given to the studying is obtained i n the chapter house through the
collegiate who has achieved the highest G.P.A. for any observance of quiet hours in the afternoon and evening.
semester's work. But most important, scholarship is promoted by the
attitude of each sister i n her acceptance of responsibility
Our beans and steak dinner is a lot of f u n and helps to herself and to the sorority to strive f o r improvement
to promote good scholarship. The almighty G.P.A. in her work. A scholarship plaque is given to the active
determines who the bean and steak eaters will be. To and pledge with the highest grade point average for the
have steak, the G.P.A. has to be above the all women's trimester. A steak dinner is given for those who have
average for the college. Along with the steak, our in- made a 3.0 average or above.
tellectuals wear graduation caps, and each receives a
small scholarship trophy. The bean eaters wear dunce
Sigma—University of California—last summer the Gamma Omicron—University of Florida—the scho-
study room was repainted and made generally more lastic program requires all pledges to attend study hall
pleasant for studying. I n addition to this a list of mem- in the chapter house. This is held three nights a week,
bers majors was posted for others to consult who had three hours a night. Pledges failing to attend study hall
problems in their specific fields. are required to attend a six hour make-up study hall.
Actives are required to study a minimum of 15 hours per
Mothers club helped promote scholarship by paying week and keep a written account of these hours. Those
half the fee for a tutor for those with difficulties. Schol- lacking these hours are required to attend the make-up
arship bracelets for highest grades and for the most im- study hall with the pledges. Under its scholastic program
proved scholar were given. The chapter holds second in the chapter was able to w i n in 1965 the second place
scholarship for women's living groups with a 2.6 for award for the most scholastically improved A o n chapter
spring semester. Linda Kungel became a member of in District V.
<£>BK and Pat Hamilton a member of Honor Students
society (scholastic). Kappa Gamma—Florida Southern College—three study
balls are held per school week. Pledges and sisters must
Colorado attend two of the three. Big sisters are encouraged to
attend study hall with their little sisters. Members who
Chi Delta—University of Colorado—the scholarship do well in a certain subject make themselves available
program is developed by the scholarship chairman with to tutor someone having difficulty. Extra hours or work
the pledge trainer at the beginning of each scholastic are encouraged and each member hands in her total
year. The main stress is on the freshman pledges be- study hours to the scholarship chairman. Last June we
cause the upperclasswomen should have developed their received the Panhellenic improvement tray as the sorority
study habits. Pledges and those collegiates whose aver- that had improved the greatest. Last semester's tabula-
ages are less than a 2.0 (4.0 system) are required to tions put A O I I in second place. The sisters had over a
attend "study tables" which are in the library on an 3.0 (out of 4.0) average, and Kay W i l l i f o r d finished
honor system. the semester with straight A . Each week individual con-
ferences are held with the scholarship chairman. Sisters
During the "steak-bean" dinner, one can hear vows of and pledges have a different chairman who work to-
"next time I ' l l get steak too!" I t seems to be a good gether. A t the end of each semester, the pledge with the
incentive as the collegiates who have the lower averages highest grades has her name engraved on a trophy. A n
must sit at the lower end of the tables and eat "beans". award is made to the sister with the highest grades also.
The scholarship dinner is also used as an opportunity for
bettering professor-student relationships. Professors arc
invited to dinner and afterwards to a jam session.
116 SUMMER of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI
Awards for grades More awards Steak or beans
(Janet Wagner of lota—University of Illinois, photos)
Georgia is given by the chapter itself. The scholarship chairman
checks all collegiates' averages at mid-term. Any col-
Gamma Sigma—Georgia State College—the scholar- legiate having an average below " C " in any course must
ship chairman of Gamma Sigma continually urges sisters attend one study table a week. I f a member is studying
and pledges to study. We maintain a card file on every and does not wish to be disturbed, she puts a towel on
sister and pledge, stating name, address, etc., and major. the door. A l l know this means absolutely no entrance or
I f anyone has trouble with a particular subject, she a five dollar fine is levied. Quiet hours are in effect daily
refers to the card file and gets help from a sister who is and are particularly emphasized during final week.
majoring in that subject.
Pledges are also encouraged to study through the re-
We handle our scholarship situation in this manner quired 15 hours a week library time, and two required
because we are an urban college, and most of our col- study tables. "Grill hours" are also imposed on those
legiates work during that portion of the day when they pledges with below a " C " average in any class. This
are not i n class. The fact that the school has no housing means they cannot be in the student union until after
facilities, and all students live at home, makes a night 9 :30 p.m. during the week.
study hall ineffectual. Therefore, we stress the impor-
tance of scholarship and depend on each of our members Iota—University of Illinois—sponsors a nightly semi-
to see that a high level of achievement is maintained. nar which is compulsory for pledges and voluntarily
attended by initiates. W e have a scholarship steak-bean
Lambda Sigma—University of Georgia—as of Janu- banquet each semester at which awards are given for
ary 25, 1966, Lambda Sigma requires all of her sisters highest individual average; highest pledge mother-pledge
with a below eighty average and all new pledges to attend daughter combined average; and greatest improvement
study hall three nights a week. Proctored by sisters with award. Two-girl study rooms are featured in the chapter
an above eighty average, this study hall held Sunday house.
through Thursday is two and a half hours of concentrated
study. Nu Iota—Northern Illinois University—scholarship, of
course, is always emphasized. A n active member may
Idaho be relieved of all sorority functions i f her grades neces-
sitate it. Study time is a personal matter; thus we do not
Iota Alpha—Idaho State University—has won the set up special study hours. The rewards the chapter
President's Achievement Award, Carl Mcintosh award, offers to scholastic achievement are a scholarship plaque,
for the past seven years. This award is given to the given to the highest mother-daughter grade average, and
sorority which graduates the most seniors each year. a rose bracelet, given to the collegiate who achieves the
Iota Alpha rewards the active with the highest grade highest semester average. Collegiates who improved
point each semester with the Muriel T . McKinney schol- greatly or achieved a 3.0 or higher (4.0 system) are given
arship plaque. Actives do not have any specific require- honorable mention during the scholarship award assem-
ments about study. The chapter won the first place of the
scholarship for spring semester of 1965. Pledges have Rho—Northwestern University—Rho voted this fall to
study table three nights a week for two and one half have a party in honor of the class which had the highest
hours. Also, they are required to put in seven more hours grade average for the first quarter to be given by the
a week i n the library. The pledge who has received the other three classes. Other scholarship helps are: pledge
highest grade point is given $25 to pay for part of her mothers take their pledge daughters studying at least
initiation fee. once a week; study tables are set up in the basement
of the chapter house every day with coffee and snacks
Illinois served at night; upperclass study buddies are assigned to
freshmen in trouble with courses. They study together
Beta Lambda—Illinois Wesleyan University—holds at least twice a week; and actives sign up to tutor other
several honors given partly or wholly for scholarship sisters who are having difficulty with a certain subject.
achievement. W e received an A O T J scholarship trophy and A token g i f t is given to the collegiates in each class who:
the J W H cup at Convention in 1965, and also hold the achieve the highest grades fur one quarter; have the
svveepsteaks trophy given by the Panhellenic council. highest accumulative average; and base improved grade-
This award depends partly on the scholastic average of wise the most from the previous quarter.
the chapiter.
These facts in themselves say much for the study habits
of the Beta Lambda collegiates. But additional stimulus
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SUMMER of 1966 117
the end of the last quarter. Recognition was also given
to those achieving above a 3. "Fire-up" activities are done
at the meeting before finals begin. Once balloons were
given out to blow up and pop after each final. Each time
the activities are different but are designed to cheer up
the chapter before finals begin. Quiet hours f o r study
are maintained in the suite during finals. "Study stars"
pillows are given to the two collegiates who improve
their grades the most f r o m quarter to quarter. A steak-
bean dinner is given to recognize those who raise their
grades during a designated quarter.
If Phi Omicron—Hanover College—we give a rose to each
member who makes the Dean's List (3.5 to 4. average),
and a dozen roses to the one whose point average has
increased the greatest amount. The Big Sis and pledge
who have the highest, combined average have their names
engraved upon the scholarship cup. Awards are given
at a steak-bean dinner.
MIMI KEANE, Rho—Northwestern University, a junior in the college Theta—DePauw University—a unique method of view-
of arts and sciences, was chosen Navy Ball queen out of 27 candidates ing the scholastic achievement of the chapter as a whole
representing each sorority and living unit on campus. The Navy Ball was devised by Theta's scholarship chairman. W e have
is an annual event at Northwestern given by the NROTC at a a "Rose Scholarship Bush" which hangs on a bulletin
Chicago hotel. board. Whenever a girl receives a high mark, she is
entitled to pin a paper rose on the bush. A low mark
Indiana entitles the girl to pin on a paper thorn. Whenever too
many thorns appear, we all work harder than usual. I n
Chi Lambda—Evansville College—is featured on cover addition to having a scholarship chairman for the actives,
and in a story on page 144. we also elect a pledge scholarship chairman. The col-
legiate works with the pledges and attempts to help them
Kappa Alpha—Indiana State University—after the first with any academic problems they might have. She ar-
semester grades are received, our chapter has a scholar- ranges for tutors i f needed and gives them useful study
ship dessert. Those who have maintained a " B " average tips. A t every pledge meeting, a scholarship box is passed
or above receive cake and ice cream, while those with around for the collegiates to record their grades in. Thus,
below a " B " average receive an ice cream cone. Kappa our pledges learn early the importance of scholarship
Alpha chapter places great emphasis on scholarship, within A O I I .
especially during pledgeship, requiring pledges to study
eight hours a week in the library and four hours a week Iowa
with active members. This not only encourages the
actives and the pledges to spend more hours a week Nu Sigma—Parsons College—pledges have a two-hour
studying, but it also aids in the growing bond of friend- required study hall four nights a week. A l l initiates are
ship which is attained as a member of Alpha Omicron also required to attend this study hall i f they have not
Pi. We also encourage the members to budget their time maintained a 2.0 average at mid-terms. I f a collegiate is
in order to spend at least two hours an evening studying maintaining an A or B in a course, her name is posted so
on their own. During final exam week at our university, that a collegiate who needs tutoring i n that particular
the active chapter sent one red rose to each pledge. course could refer to her. A large pledge paddle is used:
Along with the rose was sent a note which was to remind the pledge with highest grades has her name inscribed
the pledge of the important part scholarship plays in on paddle. Big and little sister scholarship awards are
sorority life. The scholarship chairman has placed a given each trimester.
chart on the wall of our suite showing the index of each
member f r o m the highest to the lowest. Kentucky
Kappa Kappa—Ball State University—has a well or- Alpha Chi—Western Kentucky State University—the
ganized scholarship program directed by Janet Royer. A 3>A© scholarship award was won f o r the second straight
study table is held on week nights f o r collegiates whose time this fall. The award is based on the pledges having
grades slipped M o w their total accumulative the previ- the highest point standing during the semester and dur-
ous quarter. They are required to study a certain number ing pledging.
of hours at the study table, and others may join i f they
wish. A t the end of each quarter, some type of scholar- Delta Omega—Murray State University—during open
ship recognition is shown to those who achieved grades house we display a scholarship rose with the names of
above a B average. Ceramic loving cups were presented the members with the highest grades on the petals. This
to those who received above a 3.5 (4 point system) at encourages many collegiates to work harder. Scholarship
is stressed f r o m the beginning pledgeship. A l l pledges
are required to spend 10 hours a week studying i n the
library. The chapter recognizes the person with the high-
est grade average every semester with the rose bracelet.
This person wears the bracelet until someone obtains a
higher point standing. Each member has also adopted a
plan to help sisters who are weak in one subject—espe-
cially during finals. This works in a "trade" manner
with exchanges between those strong in one subject and
weak in another.
118 SUMMER of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI
Louisiana Maine
Delta Beta—University of Southwestern Louisiana—in Gamma—University of Maine—this year Panhellenic
the promotion of scholarship, we have found it advan- Council voted to have early rush, since mid-semester
tageous to appeal to each member as an individual rather grades had been abolished; high school records were used
than as part of a group. Due to the extreme difficulty as the scholastic criteria. To help the freshmen pledges
experienced in locating an adequate place to hold com- develop good study habits from the start, our scholarship
pulsory study halls for the entire chapter, the scholar- chairman, Midge Thurlow, organized some study halls
ship committee turned to the standards committee for aid in the sorority room. Quiet was mandatory and coffee
in the promotion of scholarship. By working closely to- was served. In order that the pledges and sisters can
gether, the scholarship and standards committees devised easily get help or information in a particular course, a
the following scholarship program. Throughout each record is kept in the room of all the coUegiates' major
semester, the standards committee talks to the chapter subjects and courses taken. The collegiate who makes
on the importance of scholarship and emphasizes its the most marked improvement during the semester is
significance in the full development of each individual. awarded a rose bracelet.
Also during the semester, the scholarship committee
makes frequent checks on each member's grades. These Maryland
checks determine which members are not conforming to
scholarship standards and to find out if any member needs Pi Delta—University of Maryland—as the scholastic
assistance. Those members who are not making satis- averages of all sororities at the University of Maryland
factory grades are individually brought before the are rising, Pi Deltas must try extra hard to maintain an
standards committee. Delta Beta has won the Agnes effective scholarship program. Last semester (spring,
Edwards scholarship trophy for the past four consecu- 1965) the chapter's overall average was a 2.6, an ac-
tive semesters. This trophy is presented by the Dean of complishment well worth working for.
Women to the sorority on campus with the highest av-
erage each semester. Last semester the pledge class also Every fall we have a scholarship workshop for the
won a trophy for having the highest average of all the coming year. One bi-annual event is the scholarship
other sorority pledge classes. This outside competition dinner. Those with a 3.0 and over are served steak, those
for scholarship awards has kindled in each member the with a 2.0 and up, hamburgers; and those below a 2.0,
desire to make good grades. hot dogs. The "hamburgers" act as waitresses and pro-
vide entertainment while the "hot dogs" dress in funny
Alpha Omicron—Louisiana State University—Donna costumes and clean up after dinner. A new idea we
Corales (scholarship chairman) instituted a new system used this year is separate bulletin boards posting actives'
whereby the sorority attends a monitored study hall at and pledges' grade averages throughout the semester.
the L S U library, each collegiate responsible for one hour
for each hour she is taking for credit, or fine of 50 cents As most other colleges, Maryland effects a system of
for each hour missed on a weekly basis. Our scholarship quiet and noisy hours. Pi Deltas enforce quiet hours on
record progressed this fall semester from less than a 1.3 an honor system. We also have a study room which is
to approximately a 1.7. At mid-semester, of 50 col- quiet and pleasant. As grades are very important to us,
legiates 14 had 2. or above. Recognized with the highest a weekly file is kept and a major file assists in main-
average was Charlene Hutton with a 2.6. The previous taining a tutoring system for the pledges.
system was an honor system which ran aground soon
after it was founded. Sigma Tau—Washington College—since there are 600
students, scholars are recognized by the college at con-
Lambda Tau—Northeast Louisiana State College—a vocations and honors assemblies. The chapter gives a
successful scholarship program was carried out for the silver charm to the member of each class with the best
fall semester, 1965-66 by Carolyn Rea, chairman, with average at the initiation banquet. We also have a chart—
the cooperation of Louise McLawchlin, AT, alumna a tree. Your place on the tree represents your standing in
scholarship adviser. comparison to the standing of your sisters.
Carolyn compiled a notebook of forms the members Massachusetts
completed. Through the "Study Plan" form, each mem-
ber gave an estimate of the hours spent a week in Delta—Jackson College-Tufts University—scholarship
study for each course taken; a tentative study plan for is accepted as the major pursuit and AOTIs are often aca-
the remainder of the semester; and the personal goals demic leaders. Thus our scholarship program is geared
expected to be obtained from this study plan. The schol- to providing services to the sisters rather than to pressing
arship information form supplied Carolyn with data of us to study more. I n addition, many of us volunteer our-
each member, such as curriculum, classification, complete selves as tutors in a major field. I f another sister needs
class schedule including instructors, curriculum adviser, help with her studies, she knows she can turn to AOTI
grade averages from previous semesters and mid-semester to receive it.
average for current semester. Included on this form was
a section for remarks by the chairman. Michigan
As chairman, Carolyn gave a report at each chapter Beta Gamma—Michigan State University—has a pro-
meeting. Weekly, she collected individual grades with a gram where the pledges spend three hours weekly at a
statement indicating whether or not a conference was study table plus three required hours of study with big
held with an instructor. sisters. A scholarship bracelet is given each term for the
active who has improved her grades. The pledge with the
The mid-semester grade averages were posted during highest grade point has her name engraved on a trophy.
a chapter meeting. When necessary, Carolyn had private A scholarship committee consisting of a member from
conferences with coUegiates to try to help with difficulties. each class sets up rules dealing with scholarship pro-
The same procedures were carried out in the pledge
class by Georgette Varino, pledge trainer.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SUMMER of 1966 119
Ellen Knox McClain Carol Ebersol Patricia Coleman
NO—Vanderbilt University ft—DePauw University 0—DePauw University
Phi Beta Kappa Phi Beta Kappa Phi Beta Kappa
Beta Pi—Eastern Michigan University—at a dinner cer- study a cheery yellow, (this color really encourages
tificates are given for the most improved and highest efficient brain action) Some of the more ambitious col-
in each class. Each semester a charm bracelet is given legiates also rented a floor polisher and went to work
to the most improved. During pledging, our pledges are with scrub brashes, pails, and rags. Now everyone wants
required to have at least ten study hours a week. We have to spend more time in our beautiful study room.
study buddies where two coUegiates compete against
each other for higher grades. Every quarter we have a scholarship dinner. The walls
of the dining room are covered with banners proclaim-
Kappa Rho—Western Michigan—has each collegiate ing the battle cry of Tau—" Scholarship-A-Go-Go!" W e
hand in at mid-semester what they think will be their have awards for the student who gets the highest
final grade in each course. A file is also kept of all the G.P.A., the student who most improved, the pledge with
grades they have received in courses they have completed. the highest G.P.A., the active with the highest G.P.A.,
Then those who seem to be having trouble in a course and the best big-little sister team. The big sisters all gave
ask for help f r o m those who have done very well their little sisters "study baskets" of apples, pens, pencils,
in the course. The chapter does not sponsor a study erasers, and rulers. The awards at the scholarship dinner
hall because we are scattered apart on campus and off consisted of sets of tickets to the Tyrone Guthrie theater.
which makes it inconvenient and impractical.
Tau also formed "study teams" where the coUegiates
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan—Oil's study meet and study and report grades to each other and
styles have proved effective in the recent past. Last spring compete with the other teams.
the chapter tied for fifth place in scholarship with three
other houses. Oils have successfully overcome the pres- Mississippi
sures of the trimester system by the creation and enforce-
ment of study laws. Nu Beta—University of Mississippi—a study hall is
held in the university library for pledges, requiring each
To promote enthusiasm. Oil holds a scholarship dinner pledge to study for a minimum of 10 hours a week. The
each semester to honor those who received over a 3 study hall is held f r o m one until five in the afternoons
point average and those who made improvement. The and from seven until ten each night Monday through
fare is the traditional rice balls and steak, and in addi- Friday. There is also a study hall held in the house f o r
tion those who received from a 3.0 to a 3.5 received coUegiates and pledges, Monday through Thursday nights
yellow roses, those who earned f r o m a 3.5 to a 4.0 from seven until nine. To provide f o r more conducive
were given pink roses, and those who attained the high study conditions, the house is closed to all guests f r o m
honor of a perfect 4.0 received white roses. seven until nine.
The chapter maintains strict quiet hours through most As an extra incentive to study, the chapter sponsors a
of the day and night, with an occasional break for letting big-little sister scholarship award f o r the highest com-
off steam. Social visiting between rooms is curtailed bined grade point. A t the initiation banquet the new-
on week-day nights. initiate having the highest grade point receives a rose
bracelet which is passed on f r o m year to vear.
Oil has several areas in the chapter house which are
exclusively for study purposes. During the evenings the Tennessee
dining room is used for coed study, while many people
choose the den in which to type. Nicknamed the cave, Kappa Omicron—Southwestern University—fosters
another room on the first floor is stocked with chairs and better scholarship by a scholarship committee composed
sofas for studying. Oil awards a special cup to the pledge of three or four members. The committee tries to help
with the highest scholastic average. members who are having difficulty in various subjects
by appointing coUegiates as tutors. A t the end of each
Minnesota semester the committee collects each collegiate's grades
and sends a report to her parents ranking her i n the
Tau—University of Minnesota—this fall our Mother's sorority.
Club sponsored a rummage sale to raise money to re-
furnish and modernize our study room. They bought Then, twice a year we have a scholarship dinner. This
desks, chairs, and study lamps and placed them in the year we gave cherry pies to each of the coUegiates making
study room to promote good study habits among the a B average or above. (The other members got cup
coUegiates. On Friday night, Jan. 7, the coUegiates of
the chapter got together and painted the walls of the
120 SUMMER of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI
Susan Abney Janice Magnuson Sallie Fisher
NO—Vanderbilt University AT—Washington State University B—DePauw University
Phi Beta Kappa Phi Beta Kappa Phi Beta Kappa
cakes.) We also have a pledge award for the pledge perfect 3.0 grade average is presented with a recognition
making the highest average first semester. bracelet for her achievement. The scholarship chairman
has a hard job, and in Omega Omicron she must be a
We are very proud of Mike Cowan, our president, who conscientious worker. Vet each collegiate must realize
had a straight A average first semester. Also, Kathy that the responsibility rests on her and only she can learn
Simpson received an award for having the highest grade things for herself. She must understand that learning is
point average in the sophomore class. the primary aim of college life and a necessity to a well-
rounded AOII. Through this realization, Omega Omicron
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University—every semester strives to help each and every one of her members. No
the sorority sponsors a steak-hamburger-hot dog supper program is definite; it must be changed to meet the indi-
to honor the sisters with the highest grades. In the late vidual's needs and new methods are constantly being
spring two trophies are given: the scholarship trophy is tried. Yet, in every program, scholarship is stressed
given to the AOn with the highest point average and for and incorporated into the overall sisterhood shared in
the most improved scholarship. Alpha Omicron Pi.
A n important part of our pledge training is our scholar- Omicron—University of Tennessee—has a definite
ship program. Pledges are required to report a minimum scholarship and study program. A study hall type of plan
of 30 study hours a week, and they receive pledge points has been maintained in which the pledges are required
for outstanding grades. Special study halls are held to study 35 hours per week. Big and little sisters are
before freshman tests, and a list of tutors is always encouraged to study together.
The middle of each quarter marks consultation appoint-
Spring semester anticipates the lecture of a professor ments between the scholarship chairman and standards
f r o m the University counseling center. He will speak board and each pledge. These consultations are held to
on the development of good study habits. Last semester determine the progress of each pledge and to remedy
our chapter room wall was decorated with the AOII any study or scholastic problems. Such interest in the
B.U.S., Bringing U p Scholarship. I t is hoped that the academic abilities of the pledges has proven to be quite
B.U.S. will head in the direction of good grades, good successful.
study habits, and good academic attitudes for N u Omi-
cron. We hold scholarship banquets each winter and spring
quarter. A steak-chicken-bean dinner is given and scholar-
Omega Omicron—Lambuth College—a person who ship awards are presented. A bracelet is awarded to the
studies is one who has a better chance to learn. Thus pledge with the highest scholastic average: charms to the
scholarship is one of Omega Omicron's main aims and sophomore, junior, and senior with the highest scholastic
is stressed in our pledge program. Because of this, we average; a charm to the active with the most improved
now hold the scholarship trophy in 1964-65 to the Greek- scholarship.
fraternity with the highest overall grade average.
Phi Alpha—East Tennessee State University—begin-
When each is pledged, the scholarship standards she ning this quarter the chapter has study hall hours in the
is expected to maintain as a member of Alpha Omicron sorority suite three nights a week for the actives and
Pi are carefully explained. A letter explaining our pledges that did not make their grades.
scholarship program is mailed to parents. During the
time of her pledging, each collegiate is expected to spend Tau Omichon—University of Tennessee—to fulfill the
time each day studying in the library in an honor system scholastic requirements for initiation, we have established
study hall. I f she is having trouble with a subject, a definite study rules. A l l members must study in their
member who is strong in that course is asked to help her. rooms from 7 until 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday
This also applies to a collegiate with a below C average. nights, with the exception of one night out which the
She, too. is a member of our honor study hall and in member may choose. I f a member is found not studying
addition is exempt from all sorority activities until her during study hours, she is brought before the standards
grades are improved. This means that she is allowed committee.
to participate at will, giving her more time to study. She
is also provided with a specific tutor to help her. As a reward for her hours and hours of hard study,
the member with the highest scholastic average at the
Each year before exams and mid-semester tests, our end of the vear will receive a rose bracelet.
alumna scholarship chairman gives us a talk and tries
to inspire each collegiate to work hard through the ex-
amination period. A t semester every collegiate with a
To l>ragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S U M M E R of l<H,r, 121
Missouri New York
Delta Pi—Central Missouri State College—since we Sigma Chi—Hartwick College—at our steak and bean
just moved into the new complex, this is the first time our dinner, those improving their grades .3 or more, or those
chapter has been together. I n the fall, we did not believe with a 2.75 semester average or higher, eat steak; others
we needed a special study schedule; however, we soon settle for beans. The pledge with the highest average is
found differently. given an AOII lavaiiere at our spring formal. Also, the
sister showing the greatest scholastic improvement since
Around November we tried to require each member the previous academic year.
and pledge to spend at least an hour a day in the chapter
room, which we used for a study hall. This worked for Ohio
some but didn't for others. Some had projects which
made a lot of noise. Alpha Tau—Denison University—tries to encourage
everyone in the chapter to gain the most she can from
Since January we have installed a new program. This her courses and to work for her own satisfaction, feeling
program requires each member to spend four hours a that in this way we can avoid the hypocrisy of working
week in the study hall. However, they may acquire two merely for a grade point average and not for the knowl-
of these hours in the library. And pledges must now edge gained.
spend eight hours a week in the library. We have a
traveling scholarship trophy which goes to the collegiate In order to aid any of the members who may need help
each term with the highest grade point. If the same col- in a specific subject, a file of sophomores, juniors, and
legiate wins the trophy three times in a row, she can seniors, their majors and any other areas in which they
keep it. Our chapter holds second place in scholarship excel is kept and open to anyone's use. This semester we
among seven sororities. initiated a new program for the pledges. Scholarship
chairman, Kela Dodd, assigned each pledge a "study
Montana buddy" from the collegiate members. The main function
of the "study buddy" is to show the pledge that AOII is
Alpha Phi—Montana State College—has discontinued interested in her academic welfare. The "study buddies"
study table for those with low grades. We now have often study with their pledges regularly or on certain
"morgue" hours (the same as during final week) every specified occasions, whatever is convenient to them. She
night starting at 7:00 with a break at 10:00 to 10:30. is also responsible for9 finding help among other collegi-
We use the honor system when study nights are con- ates if the pledge is having trouble with a specific
cerned. Improper conditions for study table only hind- subject.
ered study habits, and we found our new method much
more effective. The pledges are no longer required to Phi Lambda — Youngstown University — emphasizes
take part in the study table. scholarship not only to benefit the sorority itself but the
campus as well. Besides the scholarship bracelet given
Beta Rho—University of Montana—has a study table by the sorority, a scholarship tray is given by Pan-
for all pledges and those who received a grade point hellenic Council to the sorority with the highest accum
below the sorority average. The study table is from for the previous spring and fall semester and is awarded
7 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each spring at the annual Greek Sing Concert. These
evenings in a designated room of a campus building awards give the collegiates a goal to work for sorority
because we do not have a chapter house. We also have a besides benefiting themselves.
more relaxing study period in our dorm corridor be-
tween the above mentioned hours for those who have the Oregon
grade point but would like to raise their grades.
Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon—the collegiate
Nebraska who has the highest grades in the house receives an AOII
bracelet. The one who has made the greatest improve-
Zeta—University of Nebraska—the dinner we give is mentment in her grades also receives a bracelet. The room
either a steak-bean dinner or a dinner where you come with the highest grade average receives a stuffed animal
dressed according to averages. For example, if you re- as does the room with the lowest grades.
ceived a high average you can come to Monday night
dinner in casual clothes, if you received an average grade Pennsylvania
report you dress in school clothes, and if you received
below the house average you dress up in cocktail dresses. Epsilon Alpha—Pennsylvania State University—this
This offers the collegiates with good grades a chance to term a scholarship ice-cream party was held with more
dress as they would like for a Monday night dinner (and toppings allowed for higher averages. A silver plate is
they usually choose to go casual because it's different inscribed each year with the name of the senior attaining
than normal.) the highest overall average. A badge with alternating
pearls and rubies on the " O " is given each term to the
Every semester we list top scholars in the house and sister whose average improves most. A rose bracelet is
their averages. We also have a "Red Carpet" in the main given to the one whose scholarship improves the second
hall where all honors are placed, including top grades in most. A bracelet is also awarded to the pledge with the
tests, papers, etc. These grades we find out at every highest average. These awards rotate each term or with
Monday night meeting by passing around a file box each pledge class. Pledges are required to study three
where every active and pledge has a card with all grades hours per week in the suite area.
received recorded on it. This helps the scholarship com-
mittee to find out if a collegiate is having trouble in a Texas
class or who might be able to help someone who is having
trouble with a class. Also along this line, we all have a Pi Kappa—University of Texas—gives pledges 10
list of each of the collegiate's majors and minors so that hours required weekly in proctored study hall. Incentive
we know who to go to for help with certain assignments, for extra study will operate on pledge point system.
etc. Scholarship chairman holds frequent conferences with
pledges who have consistently low grades. A tutoring
122 program is set up. Pledges are required to read a good
SUMMER of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI
Coming next issue:
A story on Founders' Day
by Wilma Smith Leland
Installation articles
of chapters at:
U . of Tennessee . .
Martin Branch,
St. Norbert College,
Slippery Rock State College
MISS LAMBUTH and her 1965-66 court; from left are Joanne Livingston, second alternate;
Queen Peggy Russel; Kay Fields, Lambuth's 1964-65 queen; and Beth Bond, first alternate.
All are members of AOII's Omega Omicron chapter—Lambuth College.
How-to Study manual and to keep a personal record of Wisconsin
study hours. They w i l l be informed of the University
reading improvement program. Some incentives for Phi Delta—University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee—em-
study are: pledge of the week bracelet awarded partly phasizes and promotes individual scholastic achievement
for scholarship; big sister-little sister scholarship award; and attainment. A n y member desiring information about
best pledge scholarship award; pledge-active grade chal- a course, its instructor, etc.; writes a memo on the " I n f o
lenge; and also pledges making a 2.3 (3.0 system) or Board" and immediate response follows. When in need
better will be exempt f r o m study hall in the spring semes- of tutoring each member requests specific need(s), and
ter. assistance within the sorority or via the school's own
tutoring program is found.
The scholarship chairman also records attendance of
Gamma Tau—Utah State University—are taking turns each member's classes, along with grades from themes,
meeting with the collegiates in the library and at the term papers, speeches, quizzes, and tests at every regular
chapter house. The pledges all have grades that are com- meeting, in order to alleviate and eliminate trouble areas.
mendable but we hope to get them even higher. To us,
scholarship is a primary rush topic. Many have found Each big sis spot checks her little sis as far as study
that this is exactly what they wanted to hear and have hours. A t the end of each semester two scholastic brace-
joined us because of that. lets (gold rose) are given out: one, the "Susie" given
to the collegiate who has attained the highest gradepoint
Washington average in the chapter; and one, the "Pammy" given for
the greatest improvement in grades since the previous
Upsilon—University of Washington—gives a scholar- semester. A lavaliere is awarded for the highest grade
ship ring to the highest G.P.A. member. We have a point average in each pledge class.
S.P.I, club (Society for the Preservation of Intellegencia
or the Society for the Prevention of Ignorancia) which Each fall semester our annual scholarship dinner is
has as its members all those students with over a 3.0 held where the loser buys her winning opponent's steak
G.P.A. for one quarter. A rose tree is mounted in the dinner. Winners of the "Susie" and "Pammy" awards
study hall, with all of the collegiates names with either are Lois Vitato and Sharon Limberg respectively. Chris
a thorn, a leaf, a bud and a rose. Thorns are for all those Viscioni won the pledge lavaliere.
with under a 2.0; a leaf up to the university's all-woman's
average; a bud f r o m the all-woman's average to a 3.0; Sigma Lambda—Wisconsin State College—gives a
and a rose f o r all those with over a 3.0. (readjusted scholarship to a deserving junior every year. Our only
quarterly) award for scholarship is the Susie bracelet which is
awarded to the person in the chapter who has the highest
West Virginia grade point for the semester.
Phi Kappa—Morris Harvey College—Mrs. G. A . Shaw- Sigma Sigma—St. Norbert College—during pledging,
key, AT, has given the chapter a ring with A O T J on it. the pledges have two hours of required study in their
This ring is given to the collegiate with the highest rooms and two hours with their big sisters each week.
scholastic average for a semester. She wears the ring for Each year Panhellenic presents a trophy to the pledge
the following semester. class with the highest average. We're working for it.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SUMMER of 1966 123
P. s. DOES I T S E E M possible that another school year is about to draw to a
close ? I t has been a prosperous one f o r A O I I (witness news of colonies),
from the and I am indeed proud to have been a part of it.
T. S. Possibly you are thinking about the past two semesters, trimesters, or
three quarters with some nostalgia. But perhaps they also should be con-
by Wendie Nowlin sidered in light of the accomplishments, both individual and as a chapter.
Alpha Pi—Florida State University Before exams approach, it would be good to sit down as a chapter and
TRAVELING SECRETARY evaluate the past year. You will probably discover that many good but small
things have happened which, up to now, have gone unnoticed. Some un-
pleasant occurrences may also emerge, but they can be evaluated and some
thing worthwhile learned from the experience, I feel quite sure. Take out
those goals you set when the new officers were installed and see i f you are
on the right track. I f you have not set any chapter goals, then now is the
time to plan for the fall in these suggested areas : rush, scholarship, activities,
and the intangibles, enthusiasm, cooperation, service with a purpose.
But the year is not ended. There are still those exciting and frivolous
occasions which make spring one of the most memorable in one's college
career. For some there are May Day programs, spring formals, fraternity
weekends, initiation; the list is endless. Spring also brings Mother's Day;
a time when we honor our own mothers as well as those diligent members
of your chapter's Mothers' Club. Maybe some of you do not have one. This
would certainly be a good time to begin a club in your college town. Several
I have met in my travels are as hard working and dedicated as the alumnae.
Mothers' Clubs can he a real spark to chapter-community cooperation. T r y it
For a select few, this spring brings the close of four years in college which
many consider the most broadening four years in their lives and certainly
the most adventuresome so far. Campus life is like none other we will ever
live, and we can be particularly grateful that we have had a sorority as part
of it. I t truly makes leaving school even harder when you realize you are
leaving sisters of four years, most of whom you may never see again. Some,
you will rediscover when least expected.
But then, too, there are those new sisters you can get to know by becoming
active in alumnae chapters and clubs. I think this would be a real pleasurable
experience for an A O I I senior. Most become active alumnae, I believe, f o r
one of two reasons.
Number one would be because the alumnae in the college town where your
chapter was were dedicated and anxious to be of service to the chapter, and
you want to carry this spirit on in gratitude for what they gave you and your
The second might be that the alumnae at your school were inadequate in
support so that you have vowed and are determined to do better than they
wherever you are, so the same thing w i l l not reoccur to another chapter.
This is indeed a challenge to any A O I T senior now reading T O D R A G M A .
As I recall, you have taken vows to this effect. Now your opportunity has
come to do what is in your power to strengthen A O T J collegiate-alumnae
relations. The future rests with us. A r e you with me?
At Right
MAVIS M c C U A I S is the first legacy mem-
ber to be initiated into Beta Kappa—Uni-
versity of British Columbia. Her mother is
Mar]orie Scott McCuaig (Mrs. M.), BK.
At Left
G L O R I A MOORE, Sigma—University of
California, found her hard work rewarded
with good luck when she won a Volkswagen
contest. One boy and one girl were selected
from the United States for scholarship and
activities. The prize for Gloria was a year
at the university of her choice. She is a
Spanish major and her natural choice was
the University of Madrid. Gloria also
reigned as Daffodil Oueen 1964 of the
campus chapter of Lambda Chi. She will
continue her studies at the University of
California at Berkeley in the fall of 1966.
124 SUMMER of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI
d i rectory SUMMER of 1966— ALPHA OMICRON PI
Jessie Wallace H u g h a n CONSTITUTION INTERPRETATION President—Mrs. Verne W . McKinney (Muriel
Helen St. Clair M u l l a n ( M r s . George V . )
Stella George Stern Perry ( M r s . George IT.) AND REVISIONS Turner, A ) , 528 N . Formosa Avenue, Los A n -
Elizabeth Heywood W y m a n
Chairman—MRS. L O U I S C. D O R W E I L E R (Josephine geles, C a l i f o r n i a 90036.
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter
at B a r n a r d College, and all are deceased. S m i t h , T ) , 6004 H a l i f a x A v e . S., E d i n a , Vice President, Chairman of Scholarship—Miss
Minnesota 55424. H e l e n M . H a l l e r , S2, 9 0 4 K e n d a l l A v e n u e ,
Members—Miss Charlotte P. Thayer, + , 209 South Pasadena, California 91030.
Vice President, Chairman of Seals—Mrs. J.
E. 74th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64114. M a u r i c e Jones ( M a r l y n J u d d , A*!*), B o x 547,
Mrs. John N . Case ( M a r y Ellen K r u g , T ) , Bozeman, Montana 59715.
1604 R a v e n n a B l v d . , S e a t t l e , W a s h i n g t o n Secretary^ Scholarship Committee—Mrs. Mar-
98105. s h a l l j . V a t c b e r ( O l g a Seibert, A ) , 12038 S.
CONVENTION Rives Avenue, Downey, California 90242.
Chairman—Mrs. Jack B. K i n g (Gcraldine Mar- Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Grafton Linn
tindale, S>0), 9029 M a p l e Grove D r i v e , St. ( D o r o t h y W o o d b u r y , K 0 ) , 1720 Bates Court,
Send A L L Directory Changes and Louis, Missouri 63126 Thousand Oaks, California 91360.
Treasurer, Scholarship Committee—Mrs. Justin
Personal Address Changes to: FINANCE M i l l e r ( M a r g a r e t W o l f , I ' ) , 3913 N . l l o y n e
Chairman—Mrs. Robert F. Lindrooth (Mary Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60618.
Alpha Omicron Pi P a s c h e n , 1'), 5909 N . K c n m o r e A v e n u e , C h i - Publicity Chairman—Mrs. Joseph E. Bantle
cago, Illinois 60626 ( C l a i r e Pierce, A ) , 1080 S. E l M o l i n o A v e n u e ,
Members—Mrs. Robert S. B a r k e l l ( E u n i c e Pasadena, California 91106.
Central Office Force, A, 3000 Claremont Avenue, Berkeley, Chairman, Christmas Cards—Mrs. Wilma Smith
California 94705. M r s . W i l l i a m M . Westerman Leland, T, 2642 U n i v e r s i t y Avenue, St. Paul,
Suite 601-5 6 East Fourth Street (Phyllis A r n e r , 1'), 365 E w i n g Road, Youngs- Minnesota 55114.
town, Ohio 44512. Chairman, Tape recordings project—Mrs. Carl
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 B . Johnston ( H e l e n e I r i s h , E ) , 1600 Royal
FRATERNITY EDUCATION Blvd., Glendale, California 91207.
AND PLEDGE TRAINING Scholarship Committee—Mrs. Rudyard K . Stick-
Chairman—Mrs. Dwight C. Kreiscber (Jean ney ( L i l l i a n H e r m a n , O i l ) , 624 Eaton Drive,
Geis, A T ) , Hiawatha Avenue, Wcsterville, Pasadena, California 91107.
Ohio 43081.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman—Mrs. Stephen C. Clouse, Jr. (Marion CANADIAN ADVISER
President Grassmuck, X ) , 2220 Lamberton Road), Cleve-
Mrs. Grant L a r n e d (Tessie M c A d a m , T ) land Heights, Ohio 44118. Adviser—Miss R u t h Richardson, BK, 5326 Con-
2354 N . 84th Street
naught D r i v e , Vancouver, 13, B.C., Canada.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
T e l . G l e n v i e w 3-6587 Chairman—Mrs. NOMINATIONS CORPORATIONS A N D HOUSING
Lee, e * ) , Mahlon P. Leichtamcr (Ruth
43606. Director—Mrs. Karl Youngstrom (Glenna M y -
3455 Goddard Road, Toledo, Ohio
ers, * ) , 4201 W . 90th Terrace, Prairie Village,
First Vice President
Kansas 66207
M r s . Robert D . M a c C u r d y (Eleanore Dietrich, TA)
132 A l b a n y A v e n u e , Shreveport, L o u i s i a n a 71105
AND JEWELRY Director—Mrs. W a l t e r C. Mylander, Jr. ( V i r -
Tel. 865-2962
Chairman—Mrs. W i l m a Smith Leland, T, 2828 ginia Boggess, K ) , Stevensville, Maryland
Assumed districts IV, V, VII, X, X I , X I I ,XV
France Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minne- 21666.
Second Vice President sota 55416. HISTORIAN
Mrs. Donald Sanders (Josephine Stetler, EA) Miss L a u r a A . H u r d , T, 101 O l y m p i c Place, Director—Mrs. W a r r e n C. D r u m m o n d ( M a r y
5616 Garv Avenue, Alexandria, V i r g i n i a 22311 Apt. 409, Seattle, Washington 98119. Danielson, A * ) , 610 H i n m a n Avenue, Evans-
Tel. 481-9380 M r s . W a r r e n C. D r u m t n o n d ( M a r y Danielson, ton, Illinois 60202.
Assigned districts I , I I ,III.VI, VIII, IX A<I>), 610 H i n m a n A v e n u e , E v a n s t o n , I l l i n o i s
Third Vice President M r s . Robert F . L i n d r o o t h ( M a r y Paschen, 1'), Director-
Mrs. Charles Kallevang (Fern Robinson, II) 5909 N . K e n m o r e Aventte, Chicago, Illinois
Assigned districts
147 S. L i n c o l n A v e n u e , 60626.
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 M r s . Walter C. M y l a n d e r , Jr. ( V i r g i n i a Boggess, PHILANTHROPIC
Tel. 823-7477 K), Stevensville, M a r y l a n d 21666.
Mrs. Walter M . McCain (Nancy Moyer, P), Director—Mrs. George Callaway (Janirae Line-
XIII, XIV, X V I , XVII, 38775 Byriver D r i v e , M o u n t Clemens, Michi- baugh, 0 ) , 2400 Craghead Lane, Knoxville,
XVIII, XIX gan 48043. Tennessee 37920.
cx-officio members Social Service Secretary—Miss Betty Lester.
Secretary Mrs. George B. Baskervill, Jr. (Mamie H u r t , Magazine Promotion—Send a l l o r d e r s t o AOTT
M r s . D o n n S. Estabrooks ( K a t h e r i n e P l u m e r , K ) , Gold H i l l , Alabama 36857. Central Office; make checks payable to same.
M r s . John Gilmore (Rose Gardner, Z ) , 1028 Frontier Nursing Service—Send clothing and
1520 N . L i m a , B u r h a n k , C a l i f o r n i a 91505
Tel. 848-4768 O x f o r d Street, Berkeley, California 94707. other articles to A O H Social Service Secre-
tary, c/o Frontier Nursing Service, Hyden
SPECIAL COMMITTEES Hospital, Hyden, Kentucky 41749. Freight or
ACTION express s h o u l d be sent to H a z a r d , K e n t u c k y
Treasurer 41701.
Mrs. Theo. K. Farrington (Dorothy Bogen, A)
Chairman—Mrs. Mahlon P. Leichtamer (Ruth PUBLIC RELATIONS
1615 D r y Creek Road
San Jose, C a l i f o r n i a 95125 Lee, (-)*), 3455 Goddard Road, Toledo, Ohio Director—Mrs. Frederick W . Hinton (Adele K.,
Tel. A n d r e w s 9-5809 (Oct. to June)
Box 431, Carnelian Bay, California 95711 43606. I'), 6128 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, Tennes-
Tel. 961-583-3067 (June to Oct.)
SURVEY see 37215.
Chairman—Mrs. Walter M . McCain (Nancy REGIONAL MEETINGS
Moyer, P), 38775 Byriver D r i v e , M o u n t Director—Mrs. Robert V . McCan (Barbara
Clemens, Michigan 48043. Beck, 9 ) , 5457 N . P a r k Drive, Indianapolis,
Mrs. Director of Projects TRUSTEES Indiana 46220.
Slaton T. R o d n e y H a r r i s ( C a r o l y n F l u e y , A I )
M a n o r , 2965 Pharr Court South, N . W . , ANNIVERSARY ENDOWMENT FUND SCHOLARSHP
A t l a n t a , Ga. T e l . 237-1487 Chairman—Mrs. Wesley G. Cramer (Jessie Director—Mrs. P h i l i p W i b l e ( R u t h L a n d i s , B<I>),
Marie Senor, * ) , 8830 Delmar, Prairie V i l - 1017 S. M i t c h e l l , B l o o n i i n g t o n , I n d i a n a 47403.
Panhcllcnic Delegate-Secretary of National lage, Kansas 66207.
Mrs. George
Panhcllcnic Conference Members—Miss Dorothy R. Matchett, AT, 10000
K . Roller ( M a r y Louise Filer, AIT) S. B e l l A v e n u e , C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s 60643. M r s .
4261 Palm Lane, Bay Point C h a r l e s B . A n d e r s o n ( M a e M o b l e y , H<I>), 1325 ALUMNAE CHAPTER AND
M i a m i , F l o r i d a 33137 Winding Way, Anderson, Indiana 46011. ALUMNAE CLUB PRESIDENTS
Tel. Plaza 9-5227 (June to Sept.) CHAPTER A I D REVOLVING FUND I Alumnae C l u b s in Italic)
B o x 198, Balsam, N o . Car. 28707 Chairman—Mrs. Robert S. L a w s o n (Janet Os-
Tel. Waynesville 456-6284 good, O i l ) , 47818 Powell Road, Plymouth,
Michigan 48170.
Alternate Panhcllcnic Delegate Members—Mrs. John LaPota ( L a V e r n Giles, P ) , CANADA
Mrs. Walter M . McCain (Nancy Moyer, P) 1711 Chancellor Street, Evanston, Illinois
38775 B y r i v e r Drive 60201. Mrs. Henry L . Pond (Selma Drabing, BRITISH COLUMBIA • District XVII
M o u n t Clemens, M i c h i g a n 48043 B $ ) , 14 A l p i n e L a n e , Chappaqua, N e w Y o r k
10514. V A N C O U V E R alumnae chapter BK)
Mrs. M . M c C u a i g (Margery Scott, 14, B . C . ,
Editor of To Dragma RUBY FUND 1513 W . 66th A v e n u e , Vancouver
Mrs. James H . Healy (Barbara Doering, I) Chairman—Mrs. George P. Dean (Dorothy
1611 Traveller Road, L e x i n g t o n , K e n t u c k v 40504 B r u n i g a , 1'), 2219 C o u n t r y C l u b D r i v e , M o n t -
Tel. 277-7781 gomery, Alabama 36106. ONTARIO • District II
Members—Hiss M e l i t a S k i l l e n , E , S t . M a r t i n s -
Traveling Secretary by-the-Sea, N e w Brunswick, Canada. M r s . Le- T O R O N T O alumae chapter
Miss Wendie K. Nowlin, All land N . Allen ( D o r o t h y Whitaker, 0 ) , 3128 Mrs. Frederick Kaspar (Vancy Gordon, BT)
360 A r d m o r e Circle N . W . , A p t . 40 S. C o u r t Street, M o n t g o m e r y , A l a b a m a 36105. 72 B r i a r H i l l A v e n u e , T o r o n t o 12, O n t a r i o ,
A t l a n t a , Georgia 30305 Can.
send Diamond Jubilee Foundation OTT AW A alumnae club
donations to:
Mrs. William N . Peppier (Isabel Huehn, BT)
IS R o t h w e l l D r i v e , B o x 511, R.R. # 1, Ot-
send seal requests and envelopes to:
CENTRAL OFFICE Vice President— tawa, Ontario, Can.
A l p h a Omicron P i Central Office MRS. J . MAURICE JONES QUEBEC • District I
Suite 601-5, S i x East F o u r t h Street M O N T R E A L alumnae chapter
M i s s N o r m a W i l s o n , K<I>
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 79 M e l b o u r n e A v e n u e , M o n t r e a l 16, Quebec,
Tel. 241-6594
Executive Secretary—MRS. J. A N NHUGHES, H
Secretary—Miss FRANCES R. JOHNSON, Q
125 More alumnae chapters next page
D E N V E R alumnae chapter Mrs. John Winzler (Ruth Piper, P)
ALABAMA • District VII Mrs. David Pearson (Dorothy Frederickson, 624 Surrey L a n e , Glenview, Illinois 60025
B I R M I N G H A M alumnae chapter T) CHICAGO SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN alum-
Mrs. Wayne McCain (Ann Palmer, AA) 412 Nile, Aurora, Colo. 80010 nae club
1327 Columbia D r i v e , B i r m i n g h a m , A l a . 35226 BOULDER alumnae Club Mrs. David Bach (Sue A n n Miericke, NB)
H U N T S V I L L E alumnae chapter 9 5 0 0 C o n g r e s s P a r k A v e . , B r o o k f i e l d , 111.
Mrs. George R. Grumbles (Lenora Tillman, C O N N E C T I C U T • District I 60513
A2) H A R T F O R D alumnae chapter FOX VALLEY alumnae club
3300 O ' H a r a R o a d S . W . , Huntsville, A l a . Mrs. Robert Munson (Nancy Roberts, T ) Mrs. John R. Morris (Sally Terry, 0)
35801 523 Foster Street, Wapping, Conn. 06087 5 South View, Aurora, Illinois 60506
M O N T G O M E R Y alumnae chapter ter alumnae club
Mrs. Laddie Price (Darian Zeigler, AA) Mrs. Charles Sampson (Margaret Jerome, T ) Mrs. Howard Beitel (Mariam Lee White, A T )
2863 N . Colonial Drive, Montgomery, A l a . 27 Ellery Lane, Westport, Conn. 06880 2 5 2 9 3 1 s t A v e n u e C o u r t , M o l i n e , 111. 6 1 2 6 5
36111 NEW HAVEN AREA alumnae club PEORIA alumnae club
AUBURN alumnae club Mrs. Leo Vecellio (Audrey Kathjcn, Ofl) Mrs. George E . Jaeger (Mariellen Damon, I )
Mrs. George R . Spears (Charlotte Irene 159 Campbell A v e n u e , W e s t N e w H a v e n , 9 1 7 5 N . P i c t u r e R i d g e R o a d , P e o r i a , 111. 6 1 6 1 4
Gleeser, A S ) Conn. 06516 SOUTH SUBURBAN alumnae club
302 Denon D r i v e , A u b u r n , A l a . 36830 Miss Elizabeth A . Beeman, AT '
MOBILE alumnae club DELAWARE • District III 570 W . H i c k o r y Street, Apt. 2, Chicago
Mrs. H . Roy Kennedy (Gail Palmer, A) WILMINGTON alumnae club H e i g h t s , 111. 6 0 4 1 1
817 Challen Circle, Mobile, A l a . 36600 M r s . W i l l i a m H . W a l s h ( C a r o l e Ziclkc, E!) CHICAGO COUNCIL
Mrs. Wilbur Mottweiler (Patricia Jacobs, G)
ARIZONA • District XIX 4500 Verona Drive, Klair Estates, Wilming- 504 S . O w e n , M t . P r o s p e c t , 111. 6 0 0 5 7
P H O E N I X alumnae chapter ton, Del. 19808 INDIANA • District IX
Mrs. E d Lane (Diane Boyd, P) DISTRICT O F COLUMBIA • District III B L O O M I N G T O N alumnae chapter
6625 N . 14th Street, Phoenix, A r i z . 85014 W A S H I N G T O N alumnae chapter Mrs. Philip Wible (Ruth Landis, B * )
M r s . H e r b e r t M . H o o v e r ( D o n n a B o l t , B<1>)
FLAGSTAFF, alumnae club 10300 Chapel Road, Potomac, Md. 20854 1017 S. Mitchell, Bloomington, I n d . 47403
Mrs. Allen B. Gray (Rosemary Lueras, GQ) E V A N S V I L L E T R I - S T A T E alumnae chapter
503 W . A p a c h e R o a d , Flagstaff, A r i z . 86001 FLORIDA • District V Mrs. Jerry Purdie (Jane Grafton, X A )
TUCSON alumnae club 724 S. Englewood, Evansville, I n d . 47714
Mrs. David McCoy (June Oltmans, TA) C O C O A - M E L B O U R N E alumnae chapter F O R T W A Y N E alumnae chapter
4130 E . B r o w n W a y , Tucson, A r i z . 85711 Mrs. Bill H . Keller (Barbara Clifford, An) Mrs. Fred Precise
ARKANSAS • District XI 185 E l m A v e n u e , Satellite Beach, F l a . 32935 (Janet Rupp, K K )
G A I N E S V I L L E alumnae chapter 231 S. Seminole, F t . W a y n e , I n d . 46807
J O N E S B O R O alumnae chapter Miss Priscilla Ann West, TO H A M M O N D A R E A alumnae chapter
Mrs, Howard Moore (Elizabeth A n n
10) Bednar, 708 S . W . 16th Ave., Apt. 214, Gainesville, Mrs. Donn Kaupke (Dorothy Schmitz, B $ )
1202 Cardinal Road, Jonesboro, A r k . Fla. 32601 9146 Grace Street, Highland, I n d . 46322
M I A M I alumnae chapter I N D I A N A P O L I S alumnae chapter
Miss Marcia Elizabeth Beebie, K P Mrs. Stephen W . Sutherlin ( K a y Hansen, ©)
CALIFORNIA • District XIX 14720 N . E . 9th Avenue, Miami, F l a . 33161 4072 Adams Court N . , Indianapolis, Ind.
E A S T B A Y alumnae chapter T A M P A alumnae chapter 46205
M r s . J . B r o o k s L a y m o n ( E l i s e M o o r e , SZO)
Mrs. Robert G. Howell (Anne Lane, P) 8330 Archwood Circle, Tampa, F l a . 33615 L A F A Y E T T E alumnae chapter
1589 F e r n w o o d D r i v e . O a k l a n d , Calif. 94611 BROWARD COUNTY alumnae club M r s . D o n a l d K i n g ( P a t r i c i a G r o v e r , - <I>T)
G L E N D A L E alumnae chapter Mrs. Warren Webbon (Muriel Anderson, * ) 179 Blueberry L a n e , Lafayette, I n d i a n a 47906
Mrs. Perry Hadley (Susanna Tyler, KG) 2831 N . E . 26th Court, F t . Lauderdale, Fla.33306 L A K E C O U N T Y alumnae chapter
1114 L a Z a n j a , Glendale, C a l i f . 91207 CLEARWATER alumnae club M r s . J a c k C o r n e a ( P a u l i n e E l l i s , B4>)
L O N G B E A C H alumnae chapter Mrs. W i l l i a m Grant (I.ila Peterson,_ K P ) 1074 Vermillion, Gary, I n d . 46408
Mrs. J . W . Long (Gwendolyn Earlene Living- 13 B a y w o o d A v e n u e , C l e a r w a t e r , F l a . 33515 M U N C I E alumnae chapter
ston, K G ) JACKSONVILLE alumnae club Mrs. Donald Mavis (Donna Hutcheson, K K )
6010 E . W a l t o n St., L o n g Beach, Calif. 90815 Mrs. J . M . Good, Sr. (Frances Morton, NO) 114 Gillcrest Drive, Albany, I n d . 47320
L O S A N G E L E S alumnae chapter 4539 Ortega Forest Drive, Jacksonville, S O U T H B E N D alumnae chapter
Miss M a r t h a L o u i s e H i l a n d s , AT' 32210 Mrs. Richard L . Nelson (Janice Myers, G)
547 N . B u n d y D r i v e , L o s Angeles, C a l i f . ORLANDO-WINTER PARK alumnae club 19648 Cowles Ave., South Bend, I n d . 46637
90049 Mrs. Jerrold Witsil (Joan Wilson, All) T E R R E H A U T E alumnae chapter
P A L O A L T O alumnae chapter 1520 Roger Babson Drive, Orlando, F l a . 32808 Mrs. Paul Stewart (Joan Sutherland, K A )
Mrs. Gilbert R. Haugen (Juanita Sakajian, PALM BEACH COUNTY alumnae club 2418 North 7th Street, T e r r e Haute, I n d .
NA) Mrs. Allan V. Everard (Kathryn Lundy, E ) 47804
3844 Nathan W a y , Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 867 Fathom Court, North P a l m Beach, Fla. ANDERSON alumnae club
P A S A D E N A alumnae chapter 33403 Mrs. Maurice L . Clem (Betty Jean Busby,
Mrs. H . W . Wagner (Alyce Dickey, P) ST. PETERSBURG alumnae club B4>)
420 S a n L u i s R e y , A r c a d i a , Calif. 91006 Mrs. Gene Downs (Bettie-Love Blackburn, 325 W i n d i n g W a y , Anderson, I n d . 46011
P O M O N A - C O V I N A alumnae chapter l'O) ELKHART alumnae club
Mrs. Edwin E . Petrak (Ann Wynkoop, B r ) 6177-6th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, F l a . Mrs. Richard Golden (Mary Carolyn Neff,
1011 S. F a r b e r , Glendora, Calif. 91740 33709 KK)
R I V E R S I D E alumnae chapter 2216 Sunnyside Drive, Elkhart, Ind. 46517
Mrs. Thomas H . Longmire (Norma Loye, KP)
5219 J u r u p a Avenue, Riverside, Calif. 92504 G E O R G I A • District VII RICHMOND alumnae club
A T L A N T A alumnae chapter Mrs. Joseph M . Koch (Nancie Penske, G ^ )
Mrs. Steve A . Manthe (Genevieve Mattson,
SACRAMENTO alumnae club T) 720 Northwood Drive, Richmond, I n d . 47374
1165 Kingston Drive N . E . , Atlanta, Ga. 30305
M i s s A n i t a B i a n c h i n i (GS2) I O W A • District XIV
A T L A N T A T R I - C O U N T Y alumnae chapter
2810 Corabel Lane, Apt. 25, Sacramento, Miss Mary Jane Mills, TA A M E S - D E S M O I N E S alumnae chapter
913 Briarcliff Road, Apt. C-5, Atlanta, Ga.
Calif. 95821 30306 Mrs. Richard W m . Goetz (Patricia Gleasner,
S A N D I E G O alumnae chapter I)
Mrs. John H . Gilliland (Mary Kokes, Z) 221 Benton, Boone, I o w a 50036
5575 V i a Bello Street, S a n Diego, Calif. 92115
I O W A • District XVI
S A N F E R N A N D O V A L L E Y alumnae chapter HAWAII • District XIX
Mrs. Frank Sugden (Jaynet Pickerel, BO) SIOUX CITY alumnae club
3989 W e s l i n Avenue, Sherman Oaks, Calif. HONOLULU alumnae club
91403 Mrs. Irving F . Jenson, Sr. (Elizabeth Mac-
Mrs. Stratford Whiting (Anita Berg, KG) Iowa
S A N F R A N C I S C O alumnae chapter Farlene, Z)
Miss Julia Nixon Chase, K G 3868 Poka Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
440 W . Portal Avenue, S a n Francisco, 3801 Country Club B l v d . , Sioux City,
Calif. IDAHO • District XVI 51103
S A N J O S E alumnae chapter P O C A T E L 1 . 0 alumnae chapter KANSAS • District XV
M r s . B r u c e A b e l l ( J u d i t h A n n R i c h a r d s , KZ)
19491 Saratoga-Los Gatos R o a d , Saratoga, M r s . Tames Tones (Patricia Groom, TA) LAWRENCE alumnae club
Calif. 95070
939 W a y n e , Pocatcllo, Idaho 83202 M i s s P r i s c i l l a C a m p , '!>
S A N M A T E O alumnae chapter
BOISE alumnae club 1515 W . 9th Street, A p t . 10, L a w r e n c e , K a n .
Mrs. Richard E . Smith (Joan Miller, TA) 66045
Mrs. E v a n A . Hamley (Betty Margaret Woods, 1737 S. A s h P a r k L a n e , Boise, Idaho 83704 MANHATTAN alumnae club
ILLINOIS • District XIV Mrs. W . Ray Fields (Janet Lee Sloan, * )
3147 Sunset Terrace, San Mateo, Calif. 94403 C H A M P A I G N - U R B A N A alumnae chapter 117 N . Delaware, Manhattan, K a n . 66502
BAKERSFIELD alumnae club Mrs. Robert Ince (Betty Harrison, * ) TOPEKA alumnae club
M r s . J a m e s K . H o l m e s ( L o u A n n e W e s t , KZ) 2 0 2 0 N . M a t t i s , A p t . 2 0 4 B , C h a m p a i g n , 111. M r s . T h o m a s E b e n d o r f ( A n n e Peddie, 4')
Granite Station, Bakersfield, Calif. 93301 61821 440 S. A r t e r , A p t . 4, Topeka, K a n . . 66007
FRESNO alumnae club C H I C A G O B E V E R L Y H I L L S alumnae chap- WICHITA alumnae club
Mrs. Guy B . Blakey (Ruth Terwilliger, I ) ter Mrs. James D . Dye (Halbar Bartlett, *)
1641 E . O l i v e A v e . , F r e s n o , C a l i f . 93728 Mrs. Charles MacKcnzie (Elaine Nelson, NI) 631 Brookfield, W i c h i t a , K a n . 67206
MARIN COUNTY alumnae club 14220 S . U n i o n A v e . , R i v e r d a l e , 111. 6 0 6 2 7 KENTUCKY • District X
Mrs. Gordon Dunn (Joanne Westerfield, P) C H I C A G O N O R T H S H O R E alumnae chapter K E N T U C K I A N A - L O U I S V I L L E A R E A alum-
83 S u m m i t A v e n u e , S a n R a f a e l , C a l i f . 94901 Mrs. Lyman E . Goss, I V (June Haye, I) nae chapter
SANTA ANA-SOUTH COAST alumnae club 520 7th S t r e e t , W i l m e t t e , 111. 60091 Mrs. E . Barney Ciotti (Mary Jane Robertson,
Mrs. Robert Batman (Ann Harrington, XA) C H I C A G O N O R T H W E S T S U B U R B A N alum- B4»)
20401 V a r s i t y Avenue, W a l n u t , Calif. 91709 nae chapter 1507 V i v i a n L a n e , Louisville, K y . 40205
SANTA BARBARA-VENTURA COUNTIES Mrs. Robert Juckett (Janet Taverner, G) LEXINGTON alumnae club
alumnae club 1823 W . C r e s c e n t A v e n u e , P a r k R i d g e , 111. Mrs. George H . Procter (Sally Milliken, NO)
Mrs. John Beazeley (Elizabeth Mulvihill, K G ) 60068 1721 Shenandoah D r i v e , Lexington, K y . 40504
100 K i n g ' s P l a c e , N e w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f . 92660 C H I C A G O W E S T S U B U R B A N alumnae chap- OWENSBORO alumnae club
STOCKTON alumnae club ter Mrs. John W . Trudo
Mrs. Donald Drake (Shirley Wheir, AP) Miss Ruth Wessman, 9 (Charlotte Riley, B X )
115 E . Robinhood D r i v e , Stockton, C a l i f . 725 N . M a r i o n S t r e e t , O a k P a r k , 111. 6 0 3 0 2 2306 Bittel Road
95207 R O C K F O R D alumnae chapter Owensboro, K y . 42301
WEST SAN FERNANDO VALLEY alumnae Mrs. Richard Berglund (Barbara Babcock, I ) PADUCAH alumnae club
club 6510 K n o l l w o o d R o a d , R o c k f o r d , 111. 61107 Mrs. Doug Coakley (Patricia Vaughan, AQ)
Mrs. John Muntean (Lorraine Moe, T ) BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL alumnae club Box 465, Gilbertsville, K y . 42044
17160 Signature D r i v e , G r a n a d a H i l l s , Calif. Mrs. Stanley Springer (Phileta Burnham, I) LOUISIANA • District XII
91344 S t a n f o r d , 111. 6 1 7 7 4 L A F A Y E T T E alumnae chapter
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COUNCIL CHICAGO-DU PAGE VALLEY alumnae club Mrs. F . S. Negrotto (Elizabeth Ahern, AO)
Mrs. Marshall J . Vatcher (Olga Seibert, A) Mrs. Cameron Brodt (Catherine Promer, AT)
12038 S . Rives ^Avenue, Downey, Calif. 90242 251 W . F r e m o n t , E l m h u r s t , 111. 6 0 1 2 6 406 Wilson, Lafayette, L a . 70501
126 SUMMER of 1966—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI
C O N T I N U E D . . . A L U M N A E C H A P T E R A N D A L U M N A E C L U B P R E S I D E N T S M / u m n o e Clubs in italic!
Louisiana—continued NEBRASKA • District XVI O R E G O N • District XVIII
M O N R O E alumnae chapter L I N C O L N alumnae chapter E U G E N E alumnae chapter
Mrs. Leslie Roberts (Sue Kirkman, Z)
Mrs. Grayson Guthrie (Frances May, AT) 4131 Pioneer Blvd., Lincoln, Neb. 68512 Mrs. Donald MacLaren (Beverly Drosta, AS)
2604 Beloit, Monroe, La. 71201 O M A H A alumnae chapter 2010 E. 26th Ave., Eugene, Ore. 97405
N E W O R L E A N S alumnae chapter Mrs. Vernon H . Wood (Genevieve Calhoun, P O R T L A N D alumnae chapter
Mrs. James L . Reynolds (Liz Fontaine, II) Z) Mrs. Verna Wilson Foley, AS
10421 Valley, Omaha, Nebr. 68124
496 A u d u b o n Street, N e w Orleans, La., 70118 6530 S.W. 21st Ave., Portland, Ore., 97201
S H R E V E P O R T alumnae chapter CORVALLIS alumnae club
M r s . P. R. Gilmer, Jr. ( I r m a Kennev, AO) Mrs. Ed. Derrickson (Idelle Rassmusson, AP)
205 Gladstone B l v d . , Shreveport, L a . '71104 N E W JERSEY • District II 2246 N . 11th, Corvallis, Ore. 97330
ALEXANDRIA alumnae club
M r s . B. F. Walton, Jr. (Nannette Carr, II) M I D D L E N E W J E R S E Y alumnae chapter P E N N S Y L V A N I A • District III
1422 Planters Court-Plantation Acres, Alex- Mrs. James E. Coleman (Joyce Hatfield, II) P H I L A D E L P H I A alumnae chapter
Miss Elaine Holden, I T
andria, La. 71301 14 W i l s h i r e R o a d , M e t u c h e n , N . J . 0 8 8 4 1 4140 loshua Road, Lafavette H i l l , Pa.
BATON ROUGE alumnae club N E W J E R S E Y alumnae chapter 19444
M r s . H o r a c e W i l k i n s o n 111 ( E l i z a b e t h S e a l e s , Mrs. William Hinman (Emily Granger, 0 ) GREATER HARRISBURG alumnae club
10 28 D r u i d H i l l Road, S u m m i t . N . J . 07901 Mrs. Robert W . Heck (Anne Ewmg, EA)
Monte Vista Plantation-Port A l l e n , La. 70767 CAMDEN AREA alumnae club R 1) 1, • • S t o n e b r i d g e , " D a u p h i n , P a . 1 7 0 1 8
M r s . E. Stephen B r o t z m a n , 1003 E m e r a l d PITTSBURGH alumnae club
M A I N E • District I Avenue, Westmont, N.J. 08108 Mrs. Bruce P. Smith (Alice Boulden IIA)
1374 Sky Ridge D r i v e , Bridgeville, Pa. 15017
M A R Y L A N D • District III club STATE COLLEGE alumnae club
B A L T I M O R E alumnae chapter Mrs. Stephen Capkovitz (Evelyn DcRosa, N) Mrs. Charles Edwin Wilson (Joanne Ander-
Mrs. William G. Tidd (Jacquelvn
4 Tenbury Koad, Luthcrville, M d . Shaffer, Z) 11 K n o l l Road, T e n a f l y , N . J . 07670 son, o n )
N E W M E X I C O • District XIX
MASSACHUSETTS • District I Earlystown Road, Boalsburg, Pa. 16827
B O S T O N alumnae chapter ALBUQUERQUE alumnae club R H O D E I S L A N D • District I
Mrs. Richard Boyden (Caryl Magnus, A) Mrs. John Anderson (Joan Ullrich, TO) PROVIDENCE alumnae club
6 Cerqua Street, Woburn, Mass. 01801
7208 Kathleen N . E . , Albuquerque, N.M. Mrs. Philip R. Siener, Jr. (Virginia Arnold,
87110 K)
78 E. O r c h a r d A v e . , Providence, R . I . 09206
M I C H I G A N • District VIII N E W Y O R K • District II
A N N A R B O R alumnae chapter S Y R A C U S E alumnae chapter S O U T H C A R O L I N A • District IV
Mrs. Robert Sedchenko ( l u d y Swensen, Oil) Mrs. Ronald Becker (May Lieu, X ) G R E A T E R C O L U M B I A alumnae chapter
2428 Fuller, A n n Arbor, Mich. 48104 1326 Westcott Street, Syracuse, N e w Y o r k Mrs. Clifford Swauson (Maxine Wolfe, Oil)
B I R M I N G H A M alumnae chapter 13210 3643 Deerfield Road, Columbia, S.C. 29204
Mrs. James Preish (lane McBride, Oil) ALBANY alumnae club CHARLESTON alumnae club
4128 Arlington, Royal Oak, Mich. 48072 Mrs. Philip Carabateas (Clarissa Dedrick, E ) M r s . L a r r y C. Millhouse (.Mary Ellen Beck
D E A R B O R N alumnae chapter The Brier Patch, R.D. # 1 , Nassau, N . Y . An) ,
M r s . Gordon M i t t o n (Caroline N i x , OTI) 12123 1408 Orange Grove Road, Charleston, S.
1553 N . K i n g s b u r y , D e a r b o r n , M i c h . 48127 BINGHAMTOX-SOUTHERN TIER alumnae Carolina 29407
D E T R O I T alumnae chapter club TENNESSEE • Districts IV & VI
M r s . J. C. Knott ( E l m a Pospisil, Z) Miss Rita Slesser, X
3550 Cass, Detroit, Mich. 48201 36 P a r k Street, B i n g h a m t o n , N . Y . 13905 J A C K S O N alumnae chapter
M r s . J o h n H a r t m a n ( J o a n E v a n s , V.O)
D E T R O I T N O R T H S U B U R B A N alumnae BROOKLYN alumnae club 51 Lesa D r i v e , Jackson, Tenn. 38301
chapter Mrs. Thomas Hussey (Caryle Goldsack, Oil) J O H N S O N C I T Y alumnae chapter
M r s . H . A . L e u t h o l t ( H e l e n F r e e m a n , <I>A)
Mrs. Charles Beattv (Janet Cameron, AT) 55 G r a n d A v e . , F r e e p o r t , L . I . , N . Y . 11520 1917 Granby Road, Kingsport, Tenn. 37660
27065 Wellington, Franklin, M i c h . 48025 BUFFALO alumnae club K N O X V L L E alumnae chapter
Mrs. Robert Pierson (Ann Woods, 0)
D E T R O I T N O R T H W E S T S U B U R B A N alum- Mrs. Richard Smalter (Dorothy Warmcling, 4500 Exemouth Road, Knoxville, Tenn. 39914
nae chapter Oil) M E M P H I S alumnae chapter
Miss Patricia A n n Karnowsky, KO,
M r s . Ross J. Wagner (Phyllis Beu, KP) 114 Woodgate Road, Tonawanda, N . Y . 14150 179 N . Goodlett, M e m p h i s , Tenn. 38117
35223 Gary Drive, Farmington, M i c h , 48024 ITHACA alumnae club N A S H V I L L E alumnae chapter
Mrs. Gene Clark (Helen Grizzard, NO)
G R A N D R A P I D S alumnae chapter Mrs. Homer H . Merrifield (Eleanor Gwynn, 2818 Hillside Drive, Nashville, Tenn. 37212
M r s . Gerald Robinson (Terry Schissler, AT) EA)
1840 Fruitwood, Jenison, M i c h . 49428 121 Crescent Place, Ithaca, N . Y . 14850
L A N S I N G alumnae chapter NEIV YORK alumnae club
Mrs. A . Richard Ash (Lynne Thompson, BP) Miss Virginia A . Weaclock, Oil
11816 Watson Road, R. # 1 , Bath, Mich. 48808 2974 Perry Ave., Bronx, N e w Y o r k 10458
BATTLE CREEK alumnae club OX FONT A alumnae club TEXAS • District XV
Mrs. W . J. Lingenberg (Patricia Peter, NA) Mrs. George R. Beech (Catherine Martin, S X )
160 Edgebrook D r i v e , Battle Creek, M i c h . 26 S. B e l m o n t C i r c l e , O n e o n t a , N . Y . 13820 A U S T I N alumnae chapter
49017 ROCHESTER alumnae club M r s . Bill Fitzgerald (Rene Strong, 1IK1
DETROIT NORTHEAST SUBURBAN alum- Mrs. Richard Knight (Elizabeth Hopkins, T ) 1801 Winsted Lane, A u s t i n , Texas 78703
nae club 85 C h a r l t o n Road, Rochester, N . Y . 14617 D A I - L A S alumnae chapter
M r s . D a v i d Sloss ( M a r y L o u K i e r d o r f , O i l ) STATF.X ISLAND alumnae club M r s . Gilbert A . Eimann (Bonnie Jo Newton,
18010 Rainbow, Fraser, M i c h . 48026 Mrs. Robert Scialla (Joan Sutter, Oil) IIK)
KALAMAZOO alumnae club 89 T a r r i n g St., Staten Island, N . Y . 10306 9636 Brentgate Drive, Dallas, Tex. 75218
Mrs. Bernard Balinski (Marilyn Gruhl, KP) WESTCHESTER alumnae club H O U S T O N " alumnae chapter
1904 Lauralwood, Kalamazoo, M i c h . 49002 Mrs. Donald Lind (Nellie Davis, AT) Mrs. Maurice A. Riordan (Billie Strawbridge,
DETROIT COUNCIL 89 T a r r i n g St., Staten Island, N . Y . 10306 IIK I
Mrs. William Kennedv, (Annabelle Pink, BT) WESTCHESTER alumnae club 6126 Lynbrook, Houston, Tex. 77027
23430 Suncrest, Dearborn, M i c h . 48127 Mrs. Donald Lind (Nellie Davis, AT) LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY alumnae
M I N N E S O T A • District XIII 9 S. Beechwood, B e d f o r d H i l l s , N . Y . 10907 club
Airs. Ermina Smith Price, I
M I N N E A P O L I S alumnae chapter N O R T H C A R O L I N A • District III 820 K i n g Road, Box 908, San Juan, Tex.
Mrs. Edwin Markle (Sandra Rodgers, T) 78589
8501 Kell Ave., South O H I O • District VI U T A H • District XVI
Minneapolis, M i n n . , 55424 C I N C I N N A T I alumnae chapter
ST. P A U L alumnae chapter Mrs. Willard Sweeder (Jane Cockerill, A T ) S A L T L A K E C I T Y alumnae chapter
M r s . B a r d A . M e r r i t t ( J o y c e B a k e r , A<f>)
Mrs. John Sundquist (Barbara Anderson, T) 241 T w a i n Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45233 3508 Eastwood Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah
424 S. 4th Street, B a y p o r t , M i n n . 55003 C L E V E L A N D - E A S T alumnae chapter
MANKATO alumnae club Mrs. Leo Matthews (Cherry Sweeder, h T )
M r s . James A r t h u r Zimmer (Elizabeth Cooper, 26801 Brush Ave., Apt. 161, Euclid, Ohio LOGAN alumnae club
SO) 44132 Mrs. Edward Staufler (Becky Havens, I T )
320 N . Redwood D r i v e , Mankato, M i n n . 56001 C L E V E L A N D - W E S T alumnae chapter 357 East 5 N o r t h , Logan, U t a h 84321
T W I N CITIES COUNCIL Mrs. Louis A . Bodnar (Jane Morgan, P) V I R G I N I A • District III
Mrs. Richard A. Rohleder (Nancy-Dell Lund, 783 E l m w o o d Road, Rocky R i v e r , O h i o 44116 N O R T H E R N V I R G I N I A alumnae chapter
Mrs. Frank Mertes, Jr., (Corjnne Cameron, P)
T) C O L U M B U S alumnae chapter 6722 Bellamy Ave., Springfield, Va. 22150
4 Spring F a r m Lane, St. Paul, M i n n . 55110 M r s . D w i g h t C a r d i f f ( S i b y l M c A u s l a n , TW>)
MISSISSIPPI • District XI 47 E. Torrence Road, Columbus, Ohio 43224 W A S H I N G T O N • District XVII
J A C K S O N alumnae chapter D A Y T O X alumnae chapter
Mrs. Walter A . Moses, Jr. (Jean Denton, Mrs. Thomas A. Hendricks (Eleanor Voss, S E A T T L E alumnae chapter
A—) AT) M r s . Walter Cochran (Jessie Denny, T )
1720 W i l h u r s t St., Jackson, Miss. 39211 3300 N . Diamond M i l l Road, Dayton, Ohio 5600 45th N . E . , Seattle, Wash. 98105
OXFORD alumnae club 45426 SPOKANE alumnae club
Mrs. Richard M . Tutor (Hazel Harris, KB) T O L E D O alumnae chapter Mrs. George Hoffman (Helen Wolf, A + )
Rt. # 2 , W a t e r Valley, O x f o r d , Miss. 38965 Mrs. George A. Skaff ( Fadwa Hanev, 0 + 1 East 12318 - 20th, Spokane, Wash. 99216
2667 Kendale Drive, Apt. 101, Toledo, Ohio TACOMA alumnae club
MISSOURI • District XV 43606 Mrs. Leonard H . Voelker (Constance Ellis, T)
K A N S A S C I T Y alumnae chapter Y O U N G S T O W N alumnae chapter 10423 Brook Lane S.W., Tacoma, Wash. 98499
Mrs. H . Stanley LaVelle (Barbara Cash, $ )
627 H u n t i n g t o n Road, Kansas City, M o . 64113 M r s . V i r g i n i a K r u p a S c h o e s s e l , <I>A WEST V I R G I N I A • District VI
ST. L O U I S alumnae chapter 4249 New Road. Youngstown, Ohio 44512 C H A R L E S T O N A R E A alumnae chapter
Mrs. Don H . N i n n o w (June Dheim, IT) M i s s K a v M a v n a r d , <1>K
14 H e a t h e r b r o o k D r i v e , St. L o u i s , M o . 63122 CANTON.MASSILLON alumnae club
841 Carroll Road, Charleston, W . Va. 25314
Miss Brinca Root, AT,
205-19 X . E . , Canton, Ohio 44714
HAMILTON alumnae club
Mrs. Robert VanOver (Patricia Topper, 2) W I S C O N S I N • District XIII
M O N T A N A • District XVII 6472 Canastota Drive, Hamilton, Ohio 45011 M I L W A U K E E alumnae chapter
M r s . J a c k L e n t z ( R u t h M a l o n e , <I>A)
B O Z E M A N alumnae chapter O K L A H O M A • District XV
Mrs. Kenneth Nicholson (Daryll) O K L A H O M A CITY* alumnae chapter 2784 S. F u l t o n St., M i l w a u k e e , W i s . 53207
M r s . Tames R e e v e s ( S h i r l e y H o w e l l , B<*»1
1013 Alderson, B o z e m a n , M o n t . 59715 3617 N . W . 67th Street, Oklahoma Citv, Okla. MADISON alumnae club
BILLINGS alumnae club M i s s D i a n a D a v i s , <t»A
TLTLSA alumnae chapter
Mrs. John L . Hansen (Jean Lenham, A + ) Mrs. Carl A . Martin (Mary Rawlings, KO) 1010 Sequoia T r a d , Madison, W i s . 53713
6557 E. 26 Court, Tulsa, Okla. 74129
2424 L v m a n Ave., Billings, Mont. 59102 WAUKESHA COUNTY alumnae club
MISSOULA alumnae club M r s . Richard Kowalczyk ( M a r i l y n Roser, B * )
M r s . George H e f t y ( S y l v i a W y p p e r , A'I>) 16029 W . Pleasant Drive, New Berlin, Wis.
622 Dearborn, Missouia, Mont. 59801 53151
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S U M M E R of 1966 127
Membership forms are available -from the new assistant A l u m n a e Di-
rectors (addresses p a g e s 131 a n d 133 o f this T O D R A S M A ) or f r o m
city m e m b e r s h i p c h a i r m e n . M i m e o g r a p h e d lists of rush dates and
membership chairmen are being prepared by A O I I Central O f f i c e for
use by c o l l e g i a t e a n d a l u m n a e c h a p t e r s a n d assistant a l u m n a e d i r e c t o r s .
districts Collegiate Chapters and Colonies
X Alpha Chi — W e s t e r n Kentucky Slate College, Bowling Green, Kentucky
XVII Alpha Gamma — Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Alpha Omicron — Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
XII A l p h a Phi — Montana State C o l l e g e , Bozeman, Montana
XVII Alpha P i — Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Alpha R h o — Oregon State University, CorvaWs, Oregon
V Alpha Sigma — University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
V I Alpha Tau — Denison University, Granville, Ohio
X Beta C h i — Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, Kentucky^
VIII Beta G a m m a — Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
XVII Beta Kappa — University of British C o l u m b i a , Vancouver, B . C . , C a n a d a
Beta Lambda — Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois
XIV Beta P h i — Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Beta P i — E a s t e r n Michigan University, YpsIIanti, Michigan
Beta R h o — University of Montana, Missoula, Montana
XVII Beta Tau — University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, C a n a d a
X V I C h i Delta — University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Alpha Rfi
X Chi Lambda — Evansville College, Evansville, Indiana Alpha Sigma
X V Chi Omicron — Central State College, Edmond, Oklahoma
I Delta — Tufts University, Jackson College, Medford, Massachusetts
Delta Beta — University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana
XII Delta Delta—Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Delta Omega — Murray State College, Murray, Kentucky
VII Delta Pi — C e n t r a l Missouri State C o l l e g e , W a r r e n s b u r g , Missouri
X Delta Sigma — San Jose State College, San Jose, California
I I I Epsllon Alpha — Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
I G a m m a — University of Maine, Orono, Maine W « Alpha
III G a m m a Beta — I n d i a n a University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania
G a m m a Omicron — University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
V Gamma Sigma — Georgia State College, Atlanta, Georgia
VII Gamma Tau — Utah State University, Logan, Utah
X I V l o t a — University of Illinois, U r b a n a , Illinois
XVI lota A l p h a — Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho Chi De/ta
IX Kappa Alpha — Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana Angeles,
V Kappa Gamma — Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida
Kappa Kappa — Ball State University, Muncle, Indiana
IX Kappa Omicron — Southwestern University, Memphis, Tennessee
XI K a p p a Phi — McGtll University, Montreal, Q u e b e c , C a n a d a
Kappa Rho — Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
I Kappa Tau — Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, Louisiana
VIII Kappa T h e t a — U n i v e r s i t y of California at Los Angeles, Los
XII California
XIX Lambda Beta California State College at Long Beach, Long Beach,
VII California
L a m b d a Sigma — University of G e o r g i a , Athens, G e o r g i a
Lambda Tau — Northeast Louisiana State College, Monroe, Louisiana
XT Nu Beta — University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi N.M.
Nu lota — Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
IV Nu Omicron — Vanderbllt University, Nashville, Tennessee
XIV Nu Sigma — Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa
VI Omega — Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
XI Omega Omicron — Lambuth College, Jackson, Tennessee
IV Omicron — University of Tennessee, KnoxvIIle, Tennessee
VIII O m i c r o n PI — University of M i c h i g a n , A n n A r b o r , M i c h i g a n
XV Phi — University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Phi Alpha — East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
IV Phi Delta — University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
XIII Phi K a p p a — Morris H a r v e y C o l l e g e , C h a r l e s t o n , W e s t Virginia
Phi L a m b d a — Youngstown University, Youngstown, O h i o
VI Phi Omicron — Hanover C o l l e g e , Hanover, Indiana
Phi UpsMon — Purdue University, W e s t Lafayette, Indiana
VI Pi — H . Sophie N e w c o m b C o l l e g e , New Orleans, Louisiana
Pi Delta — University of M a r y l a n d , C o l l e g e Park, M a r y l a n d
X Pi K a p p a — University of Texas, Austin, Texas
X I V Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
X V Rho Alpha — Pan American C o l l e g e , Edinburg, Texas
X V I I I Rho Sigma — Portland State College, Portland, Oregon
XIX Sigma — University of California, Berkeley, California legend • collegiate chapter
Sigma C h i — Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York * collegiate colony
II Sigma Lambda — Wisconsin State University, LaCrosse, Wisconsin
XIII Sigma Omicron — Arkansas State College, State College, Arkansas
Sigma Sigma — St. Norbert College, West DePere, Wisconsin
XI Sigma Rho — Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
Sigma Tau — Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland
XIII Tau — University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
VII Tau Delta — Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Alabama
XT Tau Omicron — University of Tennessee-Martin Branch, Martin, Tennessee
IX Theta — DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
XVI Theta Chi — Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
XIX Theta Omega — Arizona State College, Flagstaff, Arizona
II Theta Pi — W a g n e r C o l l e g e , Staten Island, New York
VI Theta Psi — University of Toledo, Toledo, O h i o
X V I I Upsilon — University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
X I X Upsilon A l p h a — University of A r i z o n a , Tucson, Arizona
X V I Zeta — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska AOII chapters m the Ur
I I I Z e t a Psi — East C a r o l i n a C o l l e g e , G r e e n v i l l e , North C a r o l i n a
XITT Iota Tau Colony — Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin Fernando,
VI K a p p a Pi C o l o n y — O h i o Northern University, A d a , O h i o
Sigma Phi Colony — San Fernando Valley State C o l l e g e , San
128 I o Oragma of A L P H
XIII This district map and seven pages of Directory
are placed in the center of the summer T O D R A G M A
for your easy removal and saving.
The directory is published once annually in the summer issue.
The map has been revised since being published two years ago.
The directory includes:
Executive Committee and officials • page 125
Alphabetical list of collegiate chapters • page 128
District map • 128-129
State list of collegiate chapters, president address • 131-132 and 133
District make up with assigned directors • pages 130-131 and 132-133
State list of alumnae chapters and clubs • 125-127
> Sigma Lambda*
p|V, Delta <
ivm- * B e ' a 7a„
-Theta Ch" . XIV Mich. > Theta P i
Nu Sigma • Beta Gamma 1a»
Zeta • iBeta Lambda > Omicron Pi •
Beta Pi < ai f
. Kappa Rho
, f i DeltaV
Kappa Kappa I A*!** Tau .
, Phi U P " Zeta
* Kappa P;
, Theta -'mega
> Kappa Alpha
, Phi KaPP*
Phi' PW Omicron"
XV a, Delta B Lambda
. Beta CWAlpha
> Delti Omega
Chi Omicron < T«nn -W"'Alpha,
Tau Omicron Omicron
I O'm e g„aa sOmicron J Tenn.
^L, Omicron •
I Nu Beta
Pi Kappa «
>TaU Delta to4»
Delti Delta' Sigma
, Gam^a
iRho Alpha!
Kappa Ta \
ha Omicron «
ted States and Canada
• M I C R O N P I — S U M M E R of I'JM
Stales Collegiate University or Collegiate Ass't Collegiate
or Chapters College Director Director
No. Provinces Gamma University of Maine Mrs. I . W m , Dingwell Mrs. John Donald MacCallum
(Constance Clark, A) ( J o a n D e a t h e , K4>)
Connecticut Delta Tufts University 50 Lorena R o a d 13195 Edison Avenue
Maine Kappa Phi McGill University Winchester, Mass. 01890 Pierrefords, Quebec, Canada
New Brunswick Tel. 729-4986
Newfoundland Mrs. Fred H i eke in
New Hampshire Mrs. Lyndon M . Keller (Eleanor Brown, I X )
Massachusetts (Adolphine Voegelin, T) 82 E l m Street
N o v a Scotia 78 Beverly Road Oneonta, N e w Y o r k 13820
Quebec Upper Montclair.
Rhode Island N e w Jersev 07043 Mrs. John F. M o h r
Vermont Tel. 744-6106 (Nancy Peeples, 0 )
3543 Iskagna Drive S . W .
I I N e w Jersey Sigma Chi Hartwick College M i s s M a r g a r e t D u g g e r , <J»A K n o x v i l l e , T e n n . 37919
New York Wagner College 1000 Southwest A v e n u e
Theta Pi University of Toronto Johnson City,
Ontario, Toronto Beta T a u Tennessee 37601
Tel. W a l n u t 6-6562
III Delaware Pi Delta University of Maryland
District of Sigma Tau Washington College Mrs. Bill H . Keller
Columbia Zeta Psi East Carolina College (Barbara Clifford, KT)
Maryland Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State University 185 E l m A v e n u e
Gamma Beta Indiana University of Penna. Satellite Beach, Florida
North Carolina Sigma Rho Slippery Rock State College 32937
(N.E.) Tel. 305-262-6271
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt University
Pennsylvania Omicron University of Tennessee Mrs. Edward H . Reifeis
Phi Alpha East Tennessee State University ( B a r b a r a B r o w n , IW»)
Virginia 3536 Camille D r i v e
Alpha Pi Florida State University Toledo, Ohio 43614
I V North Carolina Gamma Omicron University of Florida T e l . 385-3130
(Southwest) Kappa Gamma Florida Southern College
South Carolina
(Eastern H a l f )
V Florida
VI Ohio Alpha Tau Denison University
West Virginia Omega Miami University
Phi Lambda Youngstown University
University of Toledo
Theta Psi Morris Harvey College
Ohio Northern University
Phi K a n m
Kappa Pi Colony
V I I Alabama Delta Delta Auburn University Miss Annette Ray, AA Mrs. Charles N . Neubauer
Georgia Tau Delta Birmingham-Southern College 216 Spring Tree R o a d (Gayle Miller, AA)
Gamma Sigma Georgia State College Athens. Georgia 30601 3812 D M e a d o w View-
Lambda Sigma University of Georgia T e l . 546-8033 M o n t g o m e r y , A l a . 36105
VIII Michigan Beta G a m m a M i c h i g a n State University Mrs. Napier Shelton
Beta Pi Eastern M i c h i g a n University (Elizabeth W o r t h , (HI)
Western Michigan University 422 Crest A v e .
Kappa Rho University of Michigan Ann Arbor. M i c h . 48103
Omicron Pi Tel. 313-NO3-0479
Indiana University
I X Indiana (with Beta Phi Indiana State University Mrs. L. Victor B r o w n
exception of Kappa Alpha Ball State University (Ruth McCIurg, B0)
Evansville and Kappa Kappa Purdue University 811 East 80th Street
southern part Phi Upsilon DePauw University Indianapolis. Ind. 46240
along Ohio Theta Tel. CL5-3422
X Indiana (southern Chi Lambda Evansville College Miss Bobbye L . McCarter, NO
part along Ohio Phi O m i c r o n Hanover College 206 W o o d l a w n
River) Murray, Kentucky 42071
Alpha Chi Western Kentucky State University Tel. 753-6341
Kentucky Beta Chi Kentucky Wesleyan College
Delta Omega M u r r a y State University
X I Arkansas Sigma Omicron Arkansas State College Mrs. M . M . Barber Mrs. R o b e r t C . Tones
Mississippi N u Beta University of Mississippi (Rosalie Gorham, SO) (Frances Farabee, 1 0 )
Tennessee Kappa Omicron Southwestern University 427 Campus 1319 V i n e Street
Omega Omicron Lambuth College Jonesboro, A r k . 72401 Jonesboro. Arkansas 72401
(Western half) Tau Omicron University of Tennessee- Tel. W E 5-3393
Martin Branch
X I I Louisiana Alpha Omicron Louisiana State University Mrs. P. R. Gilmer, Jr. Mrs. Marc L. Kerlin
Delta Beta U. of Southwestern Louisiana (Irma Kenney, AO) (Cynthia Stone, II)
Kappa Tau Southeastern Louisiana College 205 G l a d s t o n e B l v d . 5826 River Road
Lambda Tau Northeast La. State College Shreveport, La. 71104 Shreveport, La. 71105
Pi H. Sophie Newcomb College Tel. 868-6198
XIII Manitoba
Minnesota Tau University of Minnesota Mrs. Lowell R. Sullivan
North Dakota (Eddice Dochterman, T)
Saskatchewan Phi Delta University of Wisconsin- 615—9th Ave. N . W .
Sigma Lambda Milwaukee Minot, North Dakota
(Eastern) Sigma Sigma 58701
South Dakota Iota Tau Colony Wisconsin State University Tel. 837-9166
Wisconsin ,ct. Norbert College
Stout State University
130 S U M M E R of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N PI
Alumnae Ass't Alumnae No. ROSTER COLLEGIATE
Director Director chapters and colonies
Mrs. Norman Stafford Mrs. Herbert D . Lamar
(Jean Colgate, A) ( M a r g i e A r b o u g h , XA)
15 R i d g e f i e l d R o a d 16 D a r t m o u t h Street,
Winchester, Mass. 01890 Winchester, Mass. 01890
( a d d r e s s is o f g r o u p ' s president)
Mrs. F. H . LaDue Mrs. Fay K . B r o w n CANADA G E O R G I A . District V I I
( M i l d r e d Stewart, X) ( M a r i e H o w a r d . M')
26 Glenside Road 302 W e s t h o l m B l v d . B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A • District XVII Georgia State College • Gamma Sigma
South Orange, N . J . 07079 Syracuse, N e w Y o r k Miss Sandra Floyd
13219 University of British Columbia • Beta Kappa c/o Alpha Omicron Pi \
Miss Judy Smith 33 G i l m e r Street S.E.
1280 O t t a w a A v e . Atlanta, Georgia 30303
West Vancouver, B.C., Canada
O N T A R I O • District II University of Georgia • Lambda Sigma
Miss Wanda Watkins
Mrs. Robert J. Heaston III 1190 S. M i l l e d g e A v e n u e
( J o a n B a r n h i s e l , B4>) Athens, Georgia 30601
3619 Dannys Lane University of Toronto • Beta Tau
Alexandria, V a . 22311 I D A H O • District XVI
Miss Elaine Black
91 Alexandra B l v d .
T o r o n t o 12, O n t a r i o , Canada
Q U E B E C • District I Idaho State University • Iota Alpha
Miss Teresa Howard
M c G i l l U n i v e r s i t y . Kappa Phi 5095 Cherokee
Miss Andrea Stewart Pocatcllo, Idaho 83201
3570 University Street
Montreal, 2, Quebec, Canada I L L I N O I S • District XIV
Mrs. Robert R. Caldwell Mrs. Paul A . Moore IV UNITED STATES Illinois Wesleyan University • Beta Lambda
( M a r y A n n Rice, TA) Miss Judith Freund
215 R o l l i n g F o r k C o u r t ( M a r t h a J e a n n e P e e l e r , NO) A L A B A M A . District V I I 1314 N . Fell A v e n u e
N a s h v i l l e , T e n n . 37205 Bloomington, Illinois 61701
7921 Livingston Drive Auburn University • Delta Delta
Miss M a r y Frances Miller
K n o x v i l l e , Tennessee 37919 AOIT B o x , D o r m i t o r y C
Auburn University
A u b u r n , Alabama 36830 LTniversity of Illinois • lota
Miss Wanda Roberts
706 S. M a t h e w s
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Mrs. J. M . Kolisch Mrs. W i l l i a m T . Laurie, Jr. V Birmingham-Southern College • Tau Delta Northern Illinois L'nivcrsity * Nu lota
( B o b e t t e B i s h i n g e r , NA) (Evelyn Murray Durack, All) Miss George A n n Gibson Miss Mary Jane Noel
1702 N . W . , 185th T e r r a c e 5525 Sardinis Street Box 8f Birmingham-Southern College 917 Greenbrier
Opa-Locka, Fla. 33054 C o r a l Gables, Florida 33146 Birmingham, Alabama 35204 DeKalb, Illinois 60115
Mrs. Samuel Billig VI A R I Z O N A • District X I X Northwestern LTniversity • Rho
(Lois Zeigler, tM') Miss Janet Ostrom
3772 Schneider R o a d Arizona State College • Theta Omega 626 Emerson Street
Toledo. O h i o 43614 Miss Judy Berger Evanston, Illinois 60201
College U n i o n Box 5855
Arizona State College, Flagstaff, Arizona 86003
University of Arizona • Upsilon Alpha I N D I A N A • District IX
Miss Marguerite Anne Sheffield I n d i a n a LTniversity • Beta Phi
1731 E. Second Street
Tucson, Arizona 85719 Miss Karen Button
901 E. Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 43402
Mrs. Laddie L . Price VII A R K A N S A S • District XI
( D a r i o n Z i e g l e r , AA)
3863 N . C o l o n i a l D r i v e Arkansas State College • Sigma Omicron Indiana State University • Kappa Alpha
M o n t g o m e r y , A l a . 36111 Miss Tanet W a t k i n s
Box 928, Arkansas State College Miss Barbara Demske
State College, Arkansas 72401 c/o Alpha Omicron Pi
Memorial Union Building
M r s . T h o m a s S. M c M i l l a n Mrs. W i l l i a m W . Wilson V I I I C A L I F O R N I A • District X I X Indiana State University
( M a r y L o u i s e L a k o f f , NO) (Patricia K o w a l c h u k , Oil) Terre Haute, Indiana 47809
29729 O l d B e d f o r d Road 20231 Sunnyside. San Jose State College • Delta
Farmington, M i c h . 48024 St. Clair Shores, M i c h . 48081 Miss Catherine Olsen Sigma Ball State LTniversity • Kappa Kappa
408 South 8th Street
San Jose, California 95112 Miss Leigh Sellars
Box 219, Student Center
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana 47306
University of California at Los Angeles • Kappa
Mrs. David A . Garrett Mrs. R. Keith Gilchrist IX Theta Furdue U n i v e r s i t y • Phi Upsilon
(Deloris M a e B r i n k , KA) Miss Martha Moore
4430 Park Forest D r i v e (Ann McClanahan, 0) 894 Hilgard Avenue Miss Jane Elgin
Indianapolis, Ind. 46226 Los Angeles, California 90024 1207 T e r r y Courts
5613 Skyridge R o a d West Lafayette, I n d . 47906
Indianapolis, Indiana 46250
C a l i f o r n i a State College at L o n g Beach • Lambda DePauw LTniversity * Theta
Miss A n n Laurel Pate
Mrs. W i l l i a m R. Woods M i s s Jeanne Carter, XA Beta 217 S. B l o o m i n g t o n
(Miriam Oilar, 0) 2120 Washington Avenue Miss Norine Mortimer Greencastle, Indiana 46135
1206 Parrett Evansville, I n d . 47714 335 F l i n t
Evansville, I n d . 47713 Long Beach, California 90815
L'nivcrsity of California • Sigma I N D I A N A • District X
Miss Susan McShirlcy
2311 Prospect Street Evansville College • Chi Lambda
Berkeley, California 94704 Miss Connie Doughty
400 S. Rotherwood A v e n u e
Evansville, Indiana 47712
Mrs. W . Edward Quick Mrs. Ben C. Collier XI San Fernando V a l l e y State College • Sigma Phi Hanover College • Phi Omicron
(Lorena Terry, K) (Kay Hendrick, NB) colony-
120 N . Perkins 1227 Springdale Miss Margaret Baldwin
M e m p h i s , T e n n . 38117 Jackson, Miss. 39211 Miss Marilyn Lowe AOn House
18937 Labrador Street Hanover College
Northridge, California 91344 Hanover, Indiana 47243
C O L O R A D O • District XVI
LTniversity of Colorado • Chi Delta I O W A • District XIV
Mrs. Randel J. Abshire Mrs, B . H . DeHart, Jr. XII Miss Donna Foster Parsons College • Nu Sigma
( M a r g a r e t Bres, AO) (Lorelei Cangelosi, AB) 1015-15th Street
1640 Avondale D r i v e 402 M a r g u e r i t e B l v d . Boulder, Colorado 80302 Miss Phyllis Hobbs
Baton Rouge, La., 70808 Lafayette, La. 70501 c/o Alpha Omicron Pi
F L O R I D A • District V D o r m i t o r y 109
Parsons College
Florida State University • Alpha Pi Fairfield, Iowa 52556
Miss Wendy Anderson
Mrs. Thomas Richards XIII 123 N . Copeland Street I O W A • District XVI
(Alayne Anderson, BT) Tallahassee, Florida 32304
2328 N . 46th Street Morningside College • Theta Chi
M i l w a u k e e , Wisconsin 53210 University of Florida • Gamma Omicron
Miss Kathryn A n n Lees
Miss Susan M . H u n t 3301 Laurel Avenue
819 Panhellenic Drive Sioux City, Iowa 51106
Grainesville, Florida 32601
K A N S A S • District XV
PAGES 132 and 133 Florida Southern College • Kappa Gamma U n i v e r s i t y o f Kansas • Phi
Miss Judith Faust
Miss Roberta Eisen 1144 West 11th Street
Box 68, Florida Southern College Lawrence. Kansas 66045
Lakeland, Florida 33802
CONTINUED . . . ROSTER COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS AND COLONIES (address is of group's presldeni)
K E N T U C K Y . District X M A R Y L A N D • District I I I M I S S O U R I • District XV
Western Kentucky State University • Alpha Chi University o f M a r y l a n d • Pi Delta Central M i s s o u r i State College • Delta Pi
Miss Karen Jean Fiddelke Miss Susan Landrieu
117 T e r r a c e H a l l 4517 College Avenue Miss Marilyn Holterman
College Park, Maryland 20740 c/o Alpha Omicron Pi
Western Kentucky State University Al02a Panhellenic Hall
Bowling Green, Kentucky 47101 Washington College • Sigma Tau Central Missouri State College
Miss Christine Monsees
Kentucky Wesleyan College • Beta Chi Warrensburg, Missouri 64093
Miss Connie Morahan Alpha Omicron Pi Box, Minta
526 W a r w i c k D r i v e Washington College Martin Hall M O N T A N A • District X V I I
Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 Chestertown, Maryland 21620
Montana State College • Alpha Phi
M A S S A C H U S E T T S • District I
Miss Carol A n n Korizek
T u f t s University, Jackson College • 1119 South F i f t h A v e n u e
Miss Paula R. Riseman
M u r r a y State University • Delta Omega Hodgdon Hall, Jackson College Bozeman, Montana 59715
Miss Marion Belote Medford, Massachusetts 02155
Delta University of Montana • Beta Rho
Box 399, L'niversity Station
Murray, Kentucky 42701 Miss Charlene Goldhahn
109 Knowles H a l l
University of Montana
L O U I S I A N A • District X I I M I C H I G A N • District V I I I Missoula, Montana 59801
Louisiana State University • Alpha Omicron Michigan State University • Beta Gamma N E B R A S K A • District XVI
Miss Donna Corales Miss Lenice Lilley
Box 17015, University Station 505 M . A . C . A v e n u e University of Nebraska • Zeta
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Miss Rita Oestmann
1541 " S " Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
University of Southwestern Louisiana • Delta Eastern Michigan University • Beta Pi N E W Y O R K • District I I
Beta Miss Janice Clark
214 Wise H a l l H a r t w i c k College • Sigma Chi
Miss Susan McDonald
Eastern Michigan University Miss Susan Mateyka
Box 859, University of Southwestern Louisi- Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 17 M a p l e Street
Oneonta, N e w Y o r k 13820
Lafayette, Louisiana 70501
Western Michigan University • Kappa Rho W a g n e r College • Theta Pi
Southeastern Louisiana College • Kappa Tau Miss Lynne Ramay
Miss Carolyn Chalona 115 B r i t t o n H a l l Miss Marylou Foley
Box 948, College Station Western Michigan University Tower E 406,Wagner College
Hammond, Louisiana 70401 Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001
Staten Island, N e w York 10301
N O R T H C A R O L I N A • District I I I
Northeast Louisiana State College • Lambda Tau University of Michigan • Omicron Pi East Carolina College * Zeta Psi
Miss Georgette Varino Miss M a r y Ellen Lee
518 H i l t o n Street 800 O x f o r d Road Miss Jean Fritz
Monroe, Louisiana 71204 A n n Arbor, Michigan 48104
805 Johnston Street
Greenville, North Carolina 27834
O H I O • District VI
H . Sophie Newcomh College • Pi M I N N E S O T A • District X I I I Denison University • Alpha Tau
Miss Martha Trickey
63 N e w c o m b Place University of Minnesota •Tau Miss Lee Wright
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 Miss Joan Senum
1121 S.E. F i f t h Street Box 2350
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414
Denison University
M I S S I S S I P P I • District X I
Granville, Ohio 43023
University o f Mississippi • Nu Beta
Miss Susan Reed Miami U/niversity • Omega
Box 1974
M A I N E • District I University, Mississippi 38677 Miss Margaret Taylor
l'niversity of Maine • Gamma AOn Suite, H a m i l t o n H a l l
Miss Barbara A . Lester
329 Balentine H a l l . U n i v e r s i t y o f M a i n e Miami University
Orono, Maine 04473
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Continue to page 133
Continued . district make up
States Collegiate University or Collegiate Ass't Collegiate
or Chapters Director Director
No. Provinces
X I V Illinois Beta Lambda Illinois Wesleyan University Mrs. Joseph Sweeder Mrs. David A . Bach
Iota University of Illinois (Mildred H u l l , AT) (Sue A n n M i e r i c k e , NB>
Iowa N u Iota Northern Illinois University 3150 N . Lake Shore D r i v e 9500 Congress Park Avenue
Rho Northwestern University C h i c a g o , 111. 6 0 6 5 7 Brookfield, Illinois 60513
X V Kansas N u Sigma Parsons College Tel. 472-1134
Missouri Mrs. Paul L . Hilpman
Oklahoma Phi University of Kansas Mrs. John W . Oyer, Jr. ( B a r b a r a C o t t r e l l , <fc)
Texas Delta Pi Central M o . State College ( E l e a n o r M a s s m a n , 4>) 2531 Belle Crest D r i v e
Chi Omicron Central State College 523 Westvale R o a d Lawrence, Kansas 66044
XVI Colorado Pi Kappa University of Texas Kansas City, Kansas 66102
Idaho Rho Alpha Pan American College T e l . F a i r f a x 1-9085 Mrs. Cecil Metzgar
(Marilyn McDonald, Z)
(Southern half) Chi Delta University of Colorado Mrs. W . H . Kibbie 3035 P l y m o u t h
Iowa (Betty Dietze, Z ) Lincoln, Nebr. 68502)
Iota Alpha Idaho State University 2796 Sherwood D r i v e
(Sioux City) Salt Lake City, U t a h 84108 Mrs. Herman Stieglitz
Nebraska Theta Chi Morningside College Tel. 801-486-2141 (Stella Peterson, P)
Utah Zeta University of Nebraska 3206 E. Lexington W a y , A p t . 229
Gamma Tau U t a h State University Mercer Island, W a s h i n g t o n 98040
Beta Kappa Mrs. Harold E. Miller
XVII Alaska Mrs. Willard D . Berry (Rosemary R o t h , AP)
Alberta Alpha Phi (Norma Nierstheimer, P) 1045 T e v i o t Place, N . W . ,
British Columbia Beta R h o University of British Columbia 3030 W . Laurelhurst D r . N . E . Salem, O r e . 97304
Idaho Seattle, W a s h . 98105
Alpha Gamma Montana State College Tel. Lakeside 3-9763
(Northern half) Upsilon University of Montana
Alpha Rho Washington State University
Saskatchewan Alpha Sigma University of Washington
(West half) Rho Sigma
Washington Theta Omega
Upsilon Alpha
X V I I I Oregon Delta Sigma Oregon State University Mrs. Fred Hichens
Kappa Theta University of Oregon ( A l l e a n B e c h i l l , AT.)
Lambda Beta Portland State College 740 N . W . K i n n e y St.
Grants Pass, O r e . 97526
Sigma Tel. Greenwood 6-7222
Sigma Phi Colony
XIX Arizona Arizona State College Mrs. Walter Taylor
California University of Arizona (Rodna Walls, 1)
San Jose State College 5954 Rincon D r i v e
Oakland. Calif. 946U
U . o f California at Los Angeles Tel. O l y m p i c 4-2001
California State College at
Nevada Long Beach
New Mexico University ofCalifornia
San Fernando Valley State College
S U M M E R of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
CONTINUED . . . ROSTER COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS AND COLONIES (address is of group's president)
Y o u n g s t o w n U n i v e r s i t y • Phi Lambda Slippery Rock State College • Sigma Rho U T A H - District XVI
Miss Btxhara Chura Miss Dixie Winger
Younfjstown University Rhoads Hall Utah State University • Gamma Tau
410 W i c k A v e n u e Slippery Rock State College Miss Elaine Armstrong
Youngstown, Ohio 44503 Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057
655 East 4th N o r t h
Logan, Utah 84321
University of Toledo • Theta Psi T E N N E S S E E ( E a s t e r n h a l f ) • District IV
Miss Victoria Judith Howell
734 Barclav University of Tennessee • Omicron W A S H I N G T O N • District X V I I
Toledo, Ohio 43609 Miss Bettv Gail Cooper
1531 W . Cumberland Avenue
Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 Washington State University • Alpha Gamma
Miss Gwendolyn Jackson
Ohio Northern University- • Kappa Pi colony 702 Campus A v e n u e
Miss Janet Cole Pullman, Washington 99163
c/o M r s . Joseph Elias Vanderbilt University • Nu Omicron
616 South Gilbert Street Miss Lajuan Furgason U n i v e r s i t y of Washington • Upsilon
Ada, Ohio 45810 2415 Kensington Place Miss Shirlev W a r d
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 1 9 0 6 X . E . 4*5 t h S t r e e t
Seattle, Washington 98105
O K L A H O M A • District XV East Tennessee State U n i v e r s i t y • Phi Alpha
Miss Janice Sparks
Central State College • Chi Omicron Route # 8 W E S T V I R G I N I A . District VI
East Tennessee State University
Miss Sandra Hines Johnson City, Tennessee 37601
AOT1 H o u s e
401 College Circle M o r r i s H a r v e y College • Phi Kappa
Edmond, Oklahoma 73034 Miss Margaret Guinan
N . Dickinson Hall
O R E G O N • District X V I I I T E N N E S S E E ( W e s t e r n h a l f ) • District X I Morris Harvey College
Charleston, West V i r g i n i a 25302
Oregon State University • Alpha Rho Southwestern University • Kappa Omicron
Miss Diane Stacey
2435 Harrison Street Miss Lisa Meredith
Corvallis, Oregon 97300 480 Greenfield D r i v e
Memphis, Tennessee 38117
University of Oregon • Alpha Sigma Lambuth College • Omega Omicron W I S C O N S I N • District X I I I
Miss Rebecca Thurston
Miss Tia Moore Lambuth College U n i v e r s i t y of W i s c o n s i n — M i l w a u k e e • Phi Delta
1680 Alder Street Jackson, Tennessee 38302 Miss Sharon Limbcrg
Eugene, Oregon 97403 1635 N . 28th Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208
Portland State College • Rho Sigma University of Tennessee—Martin Branch • Tau
Miss Patricia Kuzirian Omicron
3943 N . W . Echo Court Wisconsin State University • Sigma Lambda
Portland, Oregon 97229 Miss Laura Virginia Thornton
Clement Hall Miss Dianne Smalancke
University of Tennessee—Martin Branch
M a r t i n , Tennessee 38237 \S2\y2 Market Street
P E N N S Y L V A N I A . District I I I LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54601
Pennsylvania State U n i v e r s i t y • Epsilon Alpha T E X A S • District XV St. Norbert College • Sigma Sigma
Miss Anne Elizabeth Cannon Miss Patricia Rignev
5 Bigler Hall University of Texas • Pi Kappa
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Mary M . McCormick Hall
Miss Lou Ellen Cargill St. Norbert College
2622 Wichita
A u s t i n , Texas 78705 West DePere, Wisconsin 54178
Indiana University of Pennsylvania • Gamma
Pan American College • Rho Alpha Stout State L'niversity • lota Tau colony
Miss Sara L. Smith M i s s To A n n H u n t Miss Nancy Rauhut
338 Stewart H a l l 2209 Camellia Room 431, MacCalmount Hall
Indiana University of Pennsylvania McAllen, Texas 78501 Stout State University
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701 Menomonie, Wisconsin 54/51
Directory Index
Alumnae Ass't Alumnae No.
Director Director XIV
125 Founders
Mrs. Richard C. Crawford, Jr. Miss Ruth E. Wessman, 9
(Margaret Kramer, I)
9113 Massasoit A v e . 825 N . M a r i o n Executive Committee
O a k L a w n , 111. 6 0 4 5 3 O a k Park, Illinois 60302
Mrs. Floyd E. Conway Mrs. John A . Overman, Jr. XV 125 Central Office
( N e v a A n n B r o w n , 4») Janet Joy Williams, K0)
3423 E. 13th 1226 W e s t Park R o w 125 Editor of T O DRAGMA
Tulsa, O k l a . 74112 A r l i n g t o n , Texas 76010 125
Mrs. Morris L. Quick Mrs. Charles E. Armstrong
(Jane Jones, I A ) (Barbara Eicke. Z) Standing committees
930 Park 529 S. 51st A v e .
Pocatello, Idaho 83202 Omaha, Nebr. 68106
125 Special committees
Mrs. Forrest E. Swan Mrs. Harlan Humason XVII 125 Trustees
(Alverna Ocker, T) (Audrey Hoenshell, T) National directors
7406-78th S.E. 98040 14548 Edgewater Lane, N . E . 125
Mercer Island, Wash. Seattle, W a s h . 98155
125-127 Alumnae chapters and clubs
128 Collegiate chapters, alphabetical
Miss Roma Whisnant, A2 Mrs. Geraldine Walker Fleagle, A 2 XVIII
1169 Fir Street South 3559 N . E . T i l l a m o o k St.
Salem, Ore. 97302 P o r t l a n d , Ore. 97212 District map
Mrs. A . R. McAllister XIX 130- 131 M a k e - u p o f Districts I t h r o u g h XIII
(Dorothy Quinn, A)
101 A l p i n e Terrace 132-133 M a k e - u p o f Districts X I V through X I X
O a k l a n d , Calif. 94618
131- 133 C o l l e g i a t e chapters a n d colonies; state,
province roster
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S U M M E R of 1966 133
For sale Cards
GET R E A D Y to take orders and to send your own for and summer and send the first accumulation in the late
the first AOIT Christmas cards ever to he sold. They are summer or after your first meeting in the fall. Then send
ready now so you can beat Father Time for once. By the second and third orders later.
time you read this, sample kits will be in the hands of
alumnae and collegiate chapter presidents and all members A l l of the designs were submitted by AOITs. Virginia
of Council. Dohm Tompkins, K 0 , designed two and Altha DeCavitte
Wargelin, OIT, gave her idea to her husband who provided
You will find three greetings available: a lovely modern the design. The greetings were written by Beth Boynton
star design in four colors with a Merry Christmas greet- Phelps, Z.
ing; a pastel greeting showing three camels, with a re-
ligious sentiment; and a Season's Greeting with a dove A l l orders must be i n the hands of the Christmas card
holding a red rose. A l l greetings are lithographed on fine chairman, Wilma Smith Leland ( M r s . ) by November 15.
paper stock in color with matching envelopes. They may A l l deliveries will be completed by December 1. They
be ordered in boxes of 30 of one kind or in boxes of 30, should be accompanied by checks made to the order of the
ten of each kind at $3.00 per box. You may have your Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation.
name imprinted on them at two cents a card in quantities
of 90 and at one cent per card for quantities above that. Address orders to: Mrs. Wilma Smith Leland, Chairman
No order for imprinting will be accepted for less than 90 Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation
cards or three boxes. 3000 France Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416
Individual orders from chapters—collegiate and alum- c/o Hoffman Callan Company
nae—will be handled as one order and should be covered
by a single check. Shipments will be made to the chapters Remember that the scholarships given to deserving
for distribution to individuals. Take orders this spring members come f r o m interest on the Foundation's prin-
cipal. Buy Christmas cards and sell them to your friends.
M I C H E L L E G A M B L E , a senior at the
University of Kansas and a member of
Phi chapter, was the subject of this news
p i c t u r e used in The Kansas City Star on
December 28, when the Kansas City, Kansas,
area C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e conducted its
"Operation Native Son" project for the
first time.
Michelle, who is skilled in the G e r m a n and
Spanish languages, was interviewed for
possible employment on graduation by
Ellsworth Titus, employment manager for
Hallmark Cards, Inc., nationwide company,
with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. The
company publishes greeting cards in both
The C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e project was
launched during the holidays when students
were at their homes. It is d e s i g n e d to put
Kansas C i t y residents to work in their
home areas.
Colonies can's chapter was installed February 5.)
We are growing! I n November Pat Vioni Benson
m 1965-1966
(Mrs. Robert), B<J>—Indiana University, and I followed
I N J A N U A R Y and February the Expansion Depart- up a visit made by Jessie McAdam Lamed, International
ment was playing a game, " W h o Has a Colony Pin?" President, to ST. N O R B E R T COLLEGE, DePere
Colony pins were all over the country in places where we Wisconsin and pledged AOII's first colony in a Catholic
wanted them to be and we wanted them in other places. college. I t is operated by the Norbertine Fathers. Delta
Nine colonies have been pledged with six being installed Zeta, Theta Phi Alpha, and Kappa Beta Gamma were
as chapters in this one year, more than i n any previous already on campus and they and Dean Kathryn Lenihan
biennium. helped us at every turn. We felt so welcome and we were
also thrilled with the responses of our alumnae in Wis-
Installation stories in this T O D R A G M A tell you consin and Illinois to whom we wrote. S I G M A S I G M A
about the new chapters in Texas, Pennsylvania, in Iowa. Colony was pledged November 10 at the home of Mar-
Later copies w i l l tell you about the installation of two garet Keenan Icks (Mrs. K a r l ) , H—University of Wis-
in Wisconsin, another in Pennsylvania, one in California, consin. Our new colony was composed of 16 sophomores
one in Ohio, and one in Tennesse. and three honorary members. Two days later Sigma
Sigma chapter entered Greek Games and won a beautiful
S I G M A P H I Colony at San Fernando Valley State trophy for first place. A few weeks later they competed
College, Northridge, resulted from long hard work by in formal rush and pledged 19 collegiates out of a possible
many Californians. Special credit goes to Norma Marshall quota of 25. Chapter installation was held April 23.
Ackel ( M r s . August), K0—University of California at
Los Angeles and Katherine Plummer Eastabrooks (Mrs. Across Wisconsin to Stout State University, Menomo-
Donn S.), KA—Indiana State University, international nie, where Jayne Thiele Lindholm (Mrs. Frederick), T—
secretary with help f r o m Dorothy Bogen Farrington University of Minnesota, and Catherine Burkhardt Larson
(Mrs. Theo K . ) , A—-Stanford University, international (Mrs. Clair R.) and I interviewed many collegiates eager
treasurer. W e first started hoping for a chapter at San to start a new chapter on a campus where Alpha Phi,
Fernando Valley in 1961 when NPC sororities were Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Zeta, and Sigma Sigma Sigma
being considered by the administration. The first, Alpha could not meet the needs of the growing student body.
X i Delta, was installed in the fall of '64 and Phi Sigma The collegiates had chosen to ask AOII to come and we are
Sigma in '65. W e chose to colonize in the fall of '65. proud to announce that Jayne, as colony supervisor,
Ribbon pledging was September 28 and colony installation assisted by Catherine, colony adviser, pledged 26 girls
conducted by Katherine Eastabrooks was October 2 f o r into Iota Tau Colony on January 16. Pledging was held
16 pledges. A most sincere thank you is sent to Kappa in the President's Reception room and was followed by a
Theta—U.C.L.A., and Beta Lambda—Long Beach State, tea at which our good friend, Dean Stella Pederson,
and a special salute to the West Valley alumnae club who poured. Jayne said the collegiates were singing like a
entertained the colony with a practice rush party. 25 year old chapter.
Norma Ackel, colony supervisor, wrote in late January, S L I P P E R Y R O C K S T A T E COLLEGE, Pennsyl-
" R H O A L P H A — P a n American College will be installed vania, is another fast growing college. When Panhellenic
as a chapter the day of our first spring rush party which decided to invite four more sororities we were happy to be
should be an excellent way to get across our National included with Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and
aspect and the fact that we are growing." (Pan Ameri- Alpha Sigma Tau. Already on campus were Sigma Sigma
Sigma, Delta Zeta, Alpha X i Delta, and Kappa Delta.
Phyllis Arner Westerman (Mrs. William), P—North-
western University, served as colony supervisor and Jean
Hofmeister Purdy (Mrs. John), EA—Pennsylvania
State University was colony adviser. Along with Nancy
Tucker Prine (Mrs. Lewis), AT—Denison University,
continue to page 136
STOUT State University colony members at reception table presided S T O U T State University colony members receive best wishes from
over by Dean Peterson. Dean Peterson.
ST. N O R B E R T College, Sigma Sigma colony: above from left, stand- E x p a n s i o n - continued f r o m page 135
ing: JoAnne Smith, Lynn Bernstein, Judy Sheets, Patti Rlgney, Colleen
Clifford, C o c o Brust, Mary Kaye Bartlett, Rita Behles. Seated, from wife of the Dean of Men at Slippery Rock, they ribboned
left, Mickey Nuccio, Raevean Kasprzak, Alyson Dietzmann, Eva Babler, 18 collegiates on February 2 and pledged them to
Mary Kay Delaney. S I G M A R H O colony on February 13 with five honorary
members. The tea following installation was held at the
ST. N O R B E R T College, colony, below, from left, standing: Carolyn college. Phyllis says her only regret was that we could
Zangrl, Joann Katzban, Vickie Olewin, Maryjo Kellogg, Marge Racky, not ask Dean Ellen Perrin, a member of another N P C
Judy Bauske, Sue Itzin, Lexie Forbrich, Sue Juetten, Ros Reed, Jan group, to l)e an AOIL Sigma Rho colony was installed
Pouchnik, Chris Chlevin, Sherry Simons. Seated, from left, Madonna as a chapter A p r i l 30.
McDunn, Maureen Walsh, Sue O'Connor, Betsy Buckley, Joanne Gruse. O N A S U M M E R evening in August, 1965. representa-
tives of the San Fernando Valley alumnae and the West
San Fernando Valley alumnae club gathered to discuss
the invitation f r o m San Fernando Valley State College
to colonize on its campus. W i t h only six weeks to the
formal rushing, the task seemed formidable. Undaunted
by our competition of five established local sororities,
one national chapter, and a colony of a national, we began
immediately with our plans.
Under the leadership of Norma Marshall Ackel ( M r s .
August) K0, the combined efforts of the San Fernando
Valley alumnae, the youth and vitality of the collegiates
from K0—University of California at Los Angeles, AB—
Long Beach State College, (itself recently a colony)
Sigma Phi colony resolved from mere discussion to a
Our 21 members began immediately to establish AOH
on campus. Their first venture was a booth in the Claim
Junipers, a money-raising project of campus, f r o m which
they realized a profit of $63.00. W i t h only six weeks of
organizing behind them, they entered the Homecoming
parade; the result being a float bringing them an honor-
able mention award.
The Sigma Phi colony members and escorts joined
their K©—U.C.L.A. sisters for a Christmas formal at
the Los Angeles Coconut Grove. This following a very
exciting luncheon for Founders' Day from which the
collegiates came away realizing what belonging to a na-
tional sorority could mean. They followed this with three
exchanges, one of these being a joint philanthropic p r o j -
ect with a fraternity. A Christmas party was given for
underprivileged children and everyone enjoyed playing
Santa Claus with stockings and Christmas candy.
The alumnae are eagerly awaiting the time when they
will be able to initiate these colony members they have
chosen and have so enjoyed working with their first year.
WEST S A N F E R N A N D O V A L L E Y alumnae club members Lorraine M E M B E R S of L a m b d a B e t a — L o n g Beach S t a t e C o l l e g e serenade
Muntean (Mrs. John) 0; Aileen Papiro (Mrs. Peter) KO; Genie prospective colony members for San Fernando State Colony (Sigma
Lownsdale (Mrs. Robert, J r . ) X A ; listening to the explanation of a Phi) rushing.
colony by Katherine Plumer Eastabrooks (Mrs. D. S.) K A .
O N U President'
T H E O H I O N O R T H E R N U N I V E R S I T Y first lady,
an AOn, was hostess to area alumnae and prospective
honorary members for colonization of the fifth collegiate
chapter in Ohio.
District V I alumnae and collegiates are excited at the
prospect of having a fifth collegiate chapter at Ohio
Northern University, Ada, and the probability of adding
a new alumnae club in the Ada area to our fraternity roll.
Ohio Northern University, founded in 1871, is
Methodist Church-related. Enrolled in the colleges of
liberal arts, engineering, pharmacy and law are 2000 f u l l -
time students, 600 women and 1400 men. Degrees granted
include bachelor of arts; bachelor of science; bachelor of
science in education; electrical, mechanical and civil
engineering ; pharmacy and law.
Nine national social fraternities and three NPC
sororities (AHA, AZ, ZTA) have chapters on the O . N . U .
campus. AOI1 will be the fourth women's fraternity.
January 28, 29, and 30 Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mrs.
Alahlon P.), Past International President, and
Barbara Brown Reifeis ( M r s . Edward), B<3>, Collegiate
Director V I , visited the campus to interview women
students and pledge the new colony. Martha Roberts
Meyer (Mrs. Samuel L . ) , NO, the wife of President
Samuel L . Meyer of Ohio Northern University, enter-
tained area alumnae and prospective honorary members in
her home during the visit.
Twenty-two young women were invited to become the
first pledges of the Ohio Northern colony and 22 accepted
this privilege. Pledging, followed by a tea, was held Sun-
day, January 30, in the beautiful new student union,
Mcintosh Center. The pledges come f r o m 21 Ohio cities
and one is f r o m West Virginia.
We are very proud of the six women who have ac-
cepted honorary membership. Among them is Miss
Priscilla R. Morton, Dean of Women of O.N.U. Five
who will serve as chapter advisers are : Mrs. Joseph Elias,
Mrs. Lowell Weitz, Mrs. Walter Wood, Mrs. Harold
Cotsmire, all of Ada, and Mrs. George Robinson of
Kenton. Dean Morton was very helpful in arranging the
colonization visit.
The colony leads the other sororities in scholarship for
the fall quarter, having the highest point average of any
woman's group on campus.
New library building at Pan American College. i
pha chapter of Alpha O m i c r o n Pi a r e : from left, seated, Cynthia
Imelda de Leon, Rebecca de Leon, Suzanne Ellison, Eileen Hughes,
Jones, and Jennie Lewis. Standing, from left, are Ruby Smithey Lewis,
a O g d e n , Ina Sue Padgett, Janyce Ply, Elaine Rennscheidt, Shirley
utherford, Connie Sotelo, Patsy Spillman and Sylvia Timmons. Initiate
a Trent. Honoraries are Mrs. Ralph Alexander, Helen Jean Blackburn,
. Dan Newey, Mrs. Robert Rodgers and Mrs. Ray Sasser.
T H E C O L L E G E C E N T E R of Pan American College
at Edinburg, Texas was the site of the formal cere-
monies initiating the Rho Alpha chapter into member-
ship of Alpha Omicron P i Saturday, February 5, 1966.
Rho Alpha is Alpha Omicron Pi's 80th collegiate chap-
ter and second in Texas.
Assisted by collegiates f r o m Pi Kappa—University of
Texas, the ritual initiation and installation ceremonies
were conducted by International President, Jessie Mc-
Adam Larned (Mrs. Grant), T—University of Minne-
sota. She was assisted by international first vice-presi-
dent Eleanor Dietrich MacCurdy ( M r s . Robert), I A —
Idaho State University, and Collegiate District X V
Director Eleanor Massman Oyer (Mrs. John W., Jr.), *.
Twenty-seven colony members were initiated into the
new chapter as collegiate and honorary alumnae mem-
bers, and four pledges were pledged.
A luncheon was held at noon recess of the ritual cere-
monies in the College Center cafeteria. Rho Alphas
used this time well, getting acquainted with AOITs of
Pi Kappa and Chi Omicron chapters who came for the
occasion f r o m the University of Texas at Austin and
Central State College at Edmond, Oklahoma, respectively.
The initiates were honored with the traditional Rose
Banquet held in the Hidalgo room of the Echo hotel
that night. Colony supervisor Valerie Benoist Adams
(Mrs. Wesley), NK—Southern Methodist University,
was toastmistress. Mrs. Bonnie Powers, Dean of Wom-
en, extended a welcome to Alpha Omicron Pi on behalf
of Pan American College. Mrs. Ralph Schilling, wife
of the president of the college, also was an honored guest.
"The Red Rose of AOIT" was described by Eleanore
MacCurdy; alumnae club president, Ermina Smith
Price (Mrs. Chester), I—University of Illinois; colony
rush adviser, Sandra Mathis Van Wie (Mrs. Stonewall,
I I I ) , IT.K; colony scholarship adviser, Florence Bailey
Stockton ( M r s . David), LT.K; and Jessie Larned.
Sunday, February 6, the Rho Alpha members attended
morning services at the St. Paul Lutheran Church in
McAllen. The members went in as a body, sat in a
reserved section of the church and received a special
greeting from the Reverend V . Buvinghausen.
The weekend festivities concluded Sunday afternoon
with a reception given at the College Center lounge.
continue to page 140
S U M M E R of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N PI
University of
G A M M A BETA chapter—Indiana University of Pennsylvania Installa- T W E N T Y - F I V E AOITs from Epsilon Alpha chapter at
tion attracted many from Epsilon Alpha chapter. Above, seated from Pennsylvania State University attended the installation
left are Carol Hudak, T B ; Margie McGarey, E A president; Lynne rites of the second collegiate chapter in Pennsylvania.
Kiminlcinen, T B ; Sandra Hoover, F B president; and Sally Smith, T B . Gamma Beta chapter was installed February 26 on the
Standing from left are Doree Widdowson (Mrs. Harold) AT, alumnae Indiana University of Pennsylvania campus in Indiana.
adviser Barbara King, F B ; Mrs. Edith Richards, E A chapter adviser; Pennsylvania. The new chapter is the former local Kappa
and Alice Ghrist (Mrs. John), T B chapter adviser. Phi Delta sorority. Sandra Hoover of Johnstown is
president. Mrs. Harold Widdowson, AT, was general
I N T E R N A T I O N A L officers and advisers at the Indiana University of chairman of the installation; assisted by Mrs. Thomas
Pennsylvania installation were front row, from left, Alice Ghrist (Mrs. Madill, EA, rituals; Mrs. John Ghrist, reception; Mrs.
John), T B adviser; J o Stetler Sanders (Mrs. Donald), international Paul Hicks, gifts; and Mrs. Alan Mewha, publicity.
second vice president; Jessie M c A d a m Lamed (Mrs. G r a n t ) . Inter- Jessie McAdam Larned ( M r s . Grant), T, International
national President. president, assisted by Josephine Stetler Sanders (Mrs.
Baclc row from left, Miss N a n c y Newlcerlc, Dean of W o m e n ; Doree W i d - Donald), EA, International second vice president, led the
dowson, F B adviser; Mary Recupero (Mrs. Frank), honorary alumna installation. The ceremonies were in Mack Hall of the
Gamma Beta. campus with the traditional Rose Banquet that night at
the Holiday Inn. Miss Nancy Newkerk, Dean of Women,
O F F I C E R S of the Rho Alpha chapter are: from left, Je nnie Lewis, extended greetings from the university.
treasurer; Eileen Hughes, recording secretary; Ruby Smithey Lewis,
president; J o Ann Hunt, vice-president; and Patsy Spillman, cor- Charter members are: Rebecca Baird, Marjie Bernath,
responding secretary. (PAN A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E ) Sandra Besaha, A n n Catherwood, A n n Curley, Virginia
Deem, Susan Eckert, Sandra Esposita, Geraldine Freda,
Sandra Hoover.
Carol Hudak, Sara Illig, Kathy Johnston, Donna Jean
Jones, Patricia Kaib, Lynne Kiminkinen, Barbara King,
Elaine Kosanovich, Marjorie McNauohton, Priscilla
Joan and Suzanne Miller, Judy Popovich, Judith
Rhodes, Bonita Sivi, Sara Smith, Judy Treese, Linda
Walker, and Mary Weidenboernor.
The Pittsburgh alumnae were instrumental in coloniz-
ing the new chapter.
Nestled in the scenic splendor of the rolling Appalach-
ian Plateau, Indiana University of Pennsylvania enjoys
the varied climate of the region which brings blazing hues
of the hardwood in the autumn, pure white of winter,
tinted pastels of early spring, and bright green of sum-
mer, all contrasted with the deep greens of pine.
The Christmas tree industry of relatively few decades
has expanded to the point where Indiana County is
known as the Christmas tree capital of the world.
W i t h an enrollment of 5.500, Indiana University of
Pennsylvania prepares students in the fields of art, busi-
ness, home economics, music, as well as the liberal arts
and the bachelor of science degrees in all the basic sec-
ondary and elementary fields. A large science research
laboratory is being constructed. Recently completed were
a dining hall and a spacious field house.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S U M M E R of 1966
Pan American IN MEMORIAM
continued f r o m page 138 DECEASED MEMBERS of Alpha Omicron Pi—March 16, 1965 to March 25, 1966
"date unknown
Attending the reception were par-
ents of the new members, college Ethel Marjorie Hughan Rockwell (Mrs. Frederick Frye) Alpha '04 Feb. 13, 1966
officials, faculty. representatives
from campus organizations and Lillian Howard Perry (Mrs. F . T . ) Alpha ex'05 Sept., 1965
other friends.
Josephine Southworth Pratt Alpha '07
Receiving the guests were Ruby
Smithey Lewis (Mrs. Lawrence Cecelia M. Sillcox Garvin (Mrs. Wm. C.) Alpha '08 1958
D . ) , B A president; Jessie Larned;
Mrs. Schilling; Dean Powers; Mrs. Louise Maria Sillcox Alpha '11 June 28, 1965
Robert Burks, wife of the dean of
students; Eleanore MacCurdy and Edith Agnes Ayers Alpha P i '39
Eleanor Oyer.
Varian Faye Helms Rowlett (Mrs. Robert Lee) Alpha P i '52
1 'an American College has gained
much national recognition for its Allieret Chrysler Morrow (Mrs. Roe Emerson) Alpha Tau March 10, 1965
dynamic athletic program. PAC
Broncos won a national basketball Pauline Grace Sherbondy Mentzer (Mrs. Robert W . ) Alpha T a u '42 June 9, 1965
crown in 1963 and the college's ten- Alpha P h i '23 Aug. 29, 1964
nis team has won four straight na- Chloe Cox Lyndon (Mrs. Charles) Beta Theta '29 Aug. 27, 1965
tional tennis crowns. Also well
known are the college's baseball and Ethel Malloch Beta Theta '32 Sept. 17, 1965
rodeo programs in the athletic
world. I n 1964, Basketball Coach Ruth Eloise Dale Wood (Mrs. Leland E.) Beta Theta '37 July 20, 1965
Sam Williams was voted "Coach of
the Year" in the N A I A (National Marian New Messick Davidson (Mrs. Joseph E . )
Association of Intercollegiate Ath- Frances Lorraine Stucker Blackwell (Mrs. Donald E . ) Beta Phi ex'48 April 9, 1965
letics) by the National Basketball Gamma '08
Writers association. Sarah Ellen Brown Sweetser Jan. 22, 1966
Gamma '12 June 1, 1965
The year 1965 marked what is Miretta Lydia Bickford
perhaps the greatest step forward— Gamma '25 Jan. 22, 1964
the Rio Grande Valley college be- Doris Frances Fifteld Shields (Mrs. Victor) Delta '09 Jan. 13, 1965
came the 22nd state supported col- Genevieve Marie Haven Delta '47 Aug. 27, 1965
lege in Texas. Also at this time, Hope Deering Benedict (Mrs. Bertrand A.)
three National Panhellenic sororities Delta '99 Oct. 17, 1964
were asked to come on campus to Louisa Bellows Norcross (Mrs. Josiah Crosby) Delta Sigma '54 1963 or
replace the several local sororities. Delta Sigma '55 1964
Besides Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Ada Brockman Van Cleave (Mrs. Ken) Epsilon '27 Feb. 13,
Zeta and Kappa Delta have new Carol Louise Brown Heumphreus (Mrs. J . D . ) Zeta '05 Dec. 20, 1966
chapters. Charter night is celebrated Zeta '10 1965
by all three as February 14. Elizabeth May Michael Brotherhood (Mrs. Francis M.) Zeta '10 May 5, 1965
Zeta '13
State support is the culmination Margaret Edna Spears Zeta '30 December *
of the 38 year history for the insti- Zeta '35
tution which started as a junior col- Katherine Follmer Zeta ex'Special July 26, 1964
lege in 1927. Known as Edinburg Alfreda Powell Frederick (Mrs. Karl P.) Zeta Special Feb. 12,
Junior College for 25 years, it at- Eta '31 A p r i l 6, 1965
tained senior college status in 1952 Stella Butler Collier (Mrs. N . M.) Theta '08 Aug. 3,
and the name was changed to Pan Faye Evelyn Williams Morton (Mrs. Perry W . ) Theta '10 Oct. 20, 1965
American College. Marjorie Elizabeth Seaton Cassidy (Mrs. Jack) Theta '12 Jan. 20, 1965
Theta '28 A p r i l 10, 1965
In 13 years as a four year col- Mynn Baumann Force (Mrs. Carl Emil) Iota '14 Jan. 18, 1963
lege, Pan American has tripled in Anna Lucille Johnson Maus (Mrs. E . J.) Iota '16 Aug. 29, 1952
student enrollment. There were 693 Iota '18 1965
students in 1951, the last year as Beulah Zimmerman Carroll (Mrs. Lawrence) Iota ex'24 1965
Edinburg Junior College. I n 1952 Minnie A. Bowen Travis (Mrs. Frank F.) Iota '32 1962
the enrollment jumped to 965 and Edith Mary Heuring Coons (Mrs. Charles S.) 1962
during the fall semester of 1964,
2,362 students were enrolled. lessie Cochman Diggs (Mrs. John)
Projected enrollment figures in- Mildred Elaine Humphreys McCollum (Mrs. George R.)
dicate there will be 3.500 students
by September of 1967. Frances Helen Trost
Opal Trost Sheppard (Mrs. Howard)
Pan Am offers students Bachelor
n l Arts degrees in ten fields. Bach- Martha Hedgecock Foote (Mrs. Lorenzo Stephen)
e l o r i l l Science degrees in mm fields Veta Holtermann Foote (Mrs. William R.)
and Bachelor of Business Adminis-
tration degrees in three. Mary Margaret Fernholz Swanson (Mrs. Stanley) Iota '33 January 1963
Virginia Burtis Stetler Pavne (Mrs. Wilbur) Kappa Jan. 9, 1966
140 Mary Buie Frith Turner (Mrs. Franklin)
Lola Matilda Wannamaker Matheson Kappa '08 *
Kappa ex'11 *
(Mrs. Robert Eugene)
Delia King Pettibone (Mrs. Hawley) Kappa '16 December 1964
Margaret B. Atkinson Roller (Mrs. John Baker) Kappa '23 June 4, 1965
Ellen Wood Kappa '63 *
Anne Randolph Keedwell Kappa Alpha '66 July 13, 1965
Gail Patricia Edington Kappa Omicron '30 *
Carolyn Bayne Stocklev Cranston (Mrs. John F . ) Kappa Omicron Aug. 31, 1965
Myrtle Irene Hyman Roberts (Mrs. lames Nebhut) Kappa Omicron '44
Jacqueline Palmer Walsh Uhlhorn (Mrs. W . B.) May 30, 1965
Alice E . Shinn Coleman (Mrs. N . L . ) Lambda '10 *
Hazel Hartwell Jenkins (Mrs. Samuel P.) Lambda '16 1961
Laura Wilkie Strain (Mrs. Victor) Lambda '17 March 1948
Rebecca Ann Terry Lambda Sigma '68 Feb. 11, 1966
Adelma Helene Burd N u '03 June 1, 1965
Dorothy Agnes Catlaw MacDonald (Mrs. George) N u '28 Nov. 3, 1965
Ethel Cortright Watson (Mrs. Chauncey Browne) N u Iota honorary Nov. 21, 1964
Jennie Sue Lanier Cochran (Mrs. Howard") N u Omicron '33 June 8, 1965
Alice Madison Hagler White (Mrs. O. D.) N u Omicron '39 Nov. 15,
Maude Rosamund Snell Brigance (Mrs.) *
N u Omicron ex'43 1966
Rosemarie Sprigg Ralls (Mrs. Rawleigh H . )
X i '52 Jan. 9,
Roberta Bright Williams Devine (Mrs. John M c C a l l i e ) Omicron ex'08 Nov. 13, 1965
Omicron '28 Aug. 23, 1965
Mary Katherine Alexander Ferrv (Mrs. Edward H . )
Omicron P i '20
Dorothea Comvort Mclntyre (Mrs. Ronald A.)
Omicron Pi '23 Jan. 2, 1966
Dr. Luvern Hays P i '03 February 1965
Susan Katherine Gillean P i '03
Pi '16 June 1964
Alice Palfrey Ivy Pi '26 1958
Clara Wendell Hall
Helen Bovard Franklin (Mrs. Robert Morris) June 1964
Margaret Letcher Showell Pi Delta '50 March 1965
Patricia Marv Margaret Hynes Pi Delta '62 Feb. 11, 1966
Ruth P. Bond Westcott (Mrs. M. W . ) Rho '16 Mav 17, 1965
Helen Mae Campbell Rho '24 June 20, 1963
Edna May Mclnness Mould (Mrs. W m . L . ) Rho ex'Suecial
Mary Sarah Preuse Carmodv (Mrs. Frank) Sigma '16
Elizabeth E. Roberts Cole (Mrs. Kenneth Stewart) Sigma March 17, 1966
Bernice Davison Marquardt (Mrs. Marlin) Tau '31 Sept. 18, 1965
continue to page 141
S U M M E R of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
T H E E S S E N T I A L rituals and the Initiates of fc)X chapter—Morningside College
original powerful meaning of the
rose were all part of the installation Back row, from left, Mrs. James Clemons, chapter adviser; C a r o l Biederman; Molly Darnell;
of the second Alpha Omicron Pi Marlys Merrill; Kathleen Hogan; Bobbi Ver Mulm; Joan Snell; Susan Raegan; Pam Hemann;
chapter installation in Iowa. Sharon Davis; Linda Williams; Alice Nelson.
On March 19, Theta Chi Colony Front, from left, Bunny Burman; Diane McClintock; Sally Glover; Marjorie Kaye; Pam Ericson;
at Morningside College, Sioux City, Kathry Lees; Janet Meyer; Ann C . Spidell; Jessie McAdam Larned (Mrs. Grant), International
was installed as the 81st collegiate President; Jo Weaver; Alice McDonald; Patty Weeber; Janice O ' G r a d y ; Judith Krumm; Kath-
chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. Ini- leen Kohrs; Gail Harrison; and Minette Longfellow.
tiation and installation ceremonies
were conducted by Jessie McAdam The C O M M O N S , Morningside College
Larned (Mrs. Grant), T, Interna-
tional President. She was assisted presented gifts and greetings from Foundation Plans
by Betty Dietze Kibbie ( M r s . W . other chapters. Betty Brotherhood,
H . ) , Z, collegiate director for Dis-
trict X V I . Mrs. Leon Wondra of Other guests included Mrs. Elizabeth Cole
Lincoln, Nebraska, national super- Charles Armstrong, president of the Joint Scholarships
visor, was general installation chair- Omaha alumnae chapter; Wendie
man. Also assisting were Mrs. James Nowlin, ATI, AOH traveling secre-
Clemons, chapter adviser, rituals; tary : and Rita Olstmanu, president
Mrs. Adrian Larson, banquet; Mrs. of Zeta chapter. Mrs. Dallas Dyer
Harold E. Jacobsen, reception; and of Omaha sang and Mary Kay Ka-
Mrs. Ray. V. Mitchell, housing. pustka was accompanist.
Mrs. Beaty McDonald, Mrs. John
Van Valkenburg, and Mrs. James
Yanney were initiated as honorary
alumnae members.
The new chapter was honored
the same evening with a Rose Ban-
quet, held at the Normandy in Sioux
City. Mrs. Adrian Larson was toast-
mistress, and Dean Elizabeth White
of Morningside College extended
greetings to the chapter on behalf
of the college. Mrs. Fonda Rock
DECEASED MEMBERS of Alpha Omicron Pi—March 16, 1965 to March 25, 1966
Continued f r o m page 140 *date unknown
Bess Gilder Malone McCorstin (Mrs. James B., J r . ) Tau Delta '44 Dec. 26, 1965
Feb. 14, 1965 scholarship in memory of ELIZA-
Ora Fulton Evans (Mrs. Alwyn K . ) Upsilon '15
Mildred Elizabeth Baker Copp (Mrs. Earle T.) Upsilon '17
Gladys Marion Byham Morgan (Mrs. James F.) Upsilon ex'17
April 13, 1961
Emma Pohll Ladenburg (Mrs. Francis) Upsilon ex'19 October 1963 ROBERTS COLE, %, is announced
Hazel M. Britton Kahin (Mrs. George) Upsilon ex'20 January 1965 by the board of trustees of the
Eileen Adair Monks Skosberg (Mrs. George E.) Upsilon '30 1960
Vivian Mae Gray Moore (Mrs. Bryant) Upsilon '31 Feb. 8, 1965 Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee
Pauline Adene Stewart Lien (Mrs.) Upsilon ex'33 Foundation. Anyone wishing to par-
Ruth Anne Talbott Hartsuck Hauntz (Mrs.) Upsilon '37 ticipate may send a check so desig-
Betty Karoline Totland Lunstead (Mrs. Harry) Upsilon '45 Jan. 3, 1965
Lillie Marjorie Price (Mrs. Terrill E.) Phi '20 Sept. 25, 1963 nated to the Foundation treasurer:
Dorris Dugger Lafferty (Mrs. Otho) Phi '30 Oct. 18, 1965 Mrs. Justin Miller, 3913 North
Jeanne Laurel Martin Phi '34 Nov. 5, 1965
Elizabeth Ann Nelson Allen (Mrs. Robert H.) Phi Lambda ex'63 May 27, 1965 Hoyne Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
Chi Delta '27 September 1965
Nell Irene Scott July 23, 1965 60618. All gifts to the Foundation
Frances Ivine Rich (Mrs. Carl) Omega '25 are tax deductible.
A li r A is z i i e i K A M x s o n P s t r * x i v.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S U M M E R of 1966 Ml
Operations Brass Tacks of ten? I f you do, your "killer" i m - Habitually negative responses can
NPC Editors' Conference pulses may be stronger than you become a life or death factor in any
realize. relationship. Even a friendship of
Are many years will come apart at the
A l l too often, we are guilty of seams under the continual impact
You this kind of murder. of down-grading another person's
ideas, thoughts and actions.
Guilty Equally often, we are unaware
that the impulse to give others the Mary J. was aware of her old
of cold-water treatment can. if un- friend's tendency to do this, but
checked, develop into an insidious managed to overlook it, feeling the
Murder? habit. And, quite without realizing woman's good qualities outweighed
it, this type of habitual response this irritating habit. But one day at
by Lila Lennon towards others is dynamite—which luncheon, she volunteered the infor-
blasts an unbridgable chasm between mation that she had just adopted a
The very idea that you ever think family members and friends. Chinese child in Hong Kong through
of committing murder is something the Foster Parent's Plan. W i t h en-
you would immediately and indig- One young serviceman, stationed thusiasm, she described how she did
nantly deny. half-way across the world from his this.
wife and nine-month old daughter,
Of course you don't. But—with- experienced many typhoon-like mo- Her friend's response was, "So
out knowing, or even thinking about ments of loneliness. To him, the 18 what?"
it, perhaps you do kill another per- months of active duty seemed to be
son's ideas, enthusiasms and dreams. an endless road, leading nowhere. Feeling as i f she'd just taken a
And, each time you do, that person's His rank, and regulations made him pail of cold water in the face, Mary
self-confidence and hope dies a little. ineligible for base housing for his J. replied lamely, "Nothing—I guess.
family, and their financial situation I just thought you would be inter-
Stop and think. How often have did not permit them to join him ested."
you listened to what someone said, under any other circumstances.
then scoffed goodnaturedly, "What "Well, f o r heaven's sake!" her
a dumb idea!" I n a letter to his wife he wrote friend replied. " I don't know what
wistfuly, "When I get back, maybe you're so excited about. There are
How often have you ridiculed, or we can take that first week and go plenty of children in this country
laughed at the thoughts, enthusi- on a honeymoon—the honeymoon who need to be cared for. Y o u didn't
asms, or aspirations of an adult or we never had. O f course, we'll have have to find somebody in Hong
a child? to take the baby along, but it would Kong. Whatever made you do a
be wonderful, anyway! What do you dumb thing like that?"
How often do you indulge your say ?"
impulse to demolish another per- Mary J. looked at her friend
son's dreams with devastating logic His wife, who had her problems silently for a moment, then ex-
by pointing out all the cold, hard, trying to live on a less-than-adequate plained quietly, "Because in this
negative facts that make the dream alottment, replied practically, "How country, we have a welfare state.
seem silly and implausible? can we go on a honeymoon? You Neglected and abandoned children
won't even have a job when you get are cared for, however inadequately,
1 low many times a day do you back. What will we use for money?" in orphanages and other institutions.
throw cold-water at someone in any In Hong Kong, and in many other
or all of these ways—three, five, He knew as well as she, that find- countries, such children don't have
ing a job had top priority, and rec- a chance to keep body and soul to-
142 ognized his "honeymoon" thought gether, without this kind of help,
was no more than a dream, at most. and I thought it was a good idea."
Mentioning it was his way of bridg-
ing time and distance—an expres- Even as she said the words, she
sion of his need to identify with the knew the explanation wouldn't mean
future. Although his wife's "practi- anything—that her friend's habit
cal" response was not intentionally- was, in a way, a form of incurable
unkind, it flattened his ego and faith blindness which prevented her from
in himself. "seeing" anything worthwhile in
what others did or said. The last
Belatedly, but fortunately, she seam came apart and their friend-
realized her reply might affect him ship was an empty garment, lying
that way, and immediately wrote in the dust of years.
him another letter, saying she really
thought his honeymoon idea was Laughter is often used as a mur-
great. They'd manage it, somehow! der xveapon, too. Those zvho always
twist zvhat anyone says into some-
More importantly, she realized thing "funny" may heatedly defend
that her naturally strong impulse to their "sense of humor" but—
see only the practical side of every laughter used against someone is a
coin was becoming a persistant habit stiletto that cuts the heart.
which could eventually " k i l l " her
husband's desire to share his
thoughts and dreams with her.
S U M M E R of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
At a dinner party, John M . , who With maturity, George B. real- need their hopes, dreams, aspira-
had just returned from his first trip ised that his particular combination tions and enthusiasms.
to Japan was asked by interested of talent and ability was better suited
guests to give them his reactions. to a less demanding profession, and Even if you honestly don't think
Still under the spell of what he'd had found both satisfaction and con- what someone says is sensible or
seen and done, he complied. Finally, tentment in his career as an illus- logical, even if it does sound wild,
someone asked, "Which experience trator. He remembered the dream improbable and unrealistic, you can
impressed you the most?" rarely and •without regret—but disagree—without using ridicule and
never completely forgot the chilling laughter as weapons, without down-
He paused a moment, thinking. effect of that long-ago laughter. grading and scoffing, without de-
Then hesitantly, he described his molishing someone else's ego and
overnight stay in a ryokan, how he Your responses to the thoughts, self-confidence.
awakened early, opened the soji and hopes and aspirations expressed by
stepped into the small rock garden. others need not be in any sense, The next time you have the im-
based on a feeling that you must pulse to throw cold water at some-
" I t was one of those green-gray "walk on eggs," or that you dare one, stop and think—as a listener,
misty mornings," he said, "and the not have differing ideas and opin- you can respond with simple, old
absolute silence in that little garden ions. Nor is it necessary to adopt a fashioned courtesy, at least.
was a completely new experience Pollyanna attitude about what
for me. I t seemed as if I was the everyone says or does. For, as Schopenhauer said, "Po-
only person in the world." liteness is to human nature what
warmth is to wax."
" I don't know how to explain it,"
he continued, "but f o r a few mo- The frequency of how you re- "Are You Guilty of Murder?" by Lila
ments, I felt I understood the mean- spond, however, will answer the Lcnnon is the fifth in a series of articles
ing of serenity—for the first time question of whether or not you are prepared for sorority magazines by
in my life." guilty of this kind of murder. I f "Operations Brass Tacks", a project of
you suspect you are, can you do the National Panhellenic Editors' Confer-
His date, Jane R., laughed. anything to control your "killer" ence.
impulses ?
John M . managed an embarrassed Permission to reprint the article or any
grin, and said slowly, " I guess it is A n old French proverb states: " A portion thereof must be obtained from the
sort of a funny thing to recall, at fault which is denied is committed "Operations Brass Tacks" committee.
that." twice over," but anyone who really
wants to, can make the effort to Members of the committee arc: Doro-
"It's hysterical," she replied. understand one simple fact—people thy Davis Stuck, Pi Beta Phi, chairman;
"Imagine! Going all the way to Margaret Knights Hultsch, Alpha Phi;
Japan to find out silence is golden!" Mary Margaret Garrard, Kappa Alpha
Theta; and Betty Lukcr Haverfield,
T w o years later, when a mutual Gamma Phi Beta.
acquaintance asked i f he was still
dating Jane R., he replied, " N o . Address: National Panhellenic Editors
I've never been a thin skinned per- Conference, Box 490, Marked Tree,
son, but I just don't have what it Arkansas, 72365.
takes to cope with her "sense of
Young people are particularly Karen Anne Fishloclt, BT—University of Toronto 1964 graduate, is shown in the highly heated
vulnerable to adult laughter at their pool used for hydrotherapy with a pupil of the Sunny View public school, Toronto, Ontario.
hopes and dreams, and probably Sunny View is for pupils in metropolitan Toronto with orthopedic and neurological handicaps.
everyone has at least one small scar It is operated by the Toronto board of education. The warm water makes it easier for the child
f r o m some childhood experience. to relax, relieves pain and facilitates movements.
Sometimes, years later, a brief, pain-
ful twinge triggers the memory.
Asked how he happened to choose
the field of medical illustration,
George B. mentioned jokingly that
perhaps his childhood dream of be-
coming a doctor had something to do
with it. When his interviewer ob-
served sympathetically that life had
a way of altering youthful goals,
George B. replied musingly, "From
the time I was a little kid, I has this
crazy dream of becoming a doctor.
But I was 16, before I ever found
the courage to mention it to my
He smiled wryly and added,
"They laughed me out of that idea,
32 years ago."
T o Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S U M M E R of 1966 143
Cover Story
Each day S C H O L A R S H I P P A R T N E R S in XA chapter are
chosen according to the last quarters G.P.A. (grade
point average). Each collegiate is ranked according to
her individual G.P.O., and then they are matched. The
includes top G.P.A. with the bottom one, and the next highest
with the next lowest and on until everyone has a partner.
The idea is for each collegiate to help her partner's study
habits improve.
As an incentive each gives 25 cents, and the money
study time collected is divided between the winning partners in the
form of a g i f t certificate. The winners being the sisters
with the best G.P.A. together.
Chi Lambda also gives special credit to those receiving
a 4.0, and to the collegiate with the most improved
grades. These members are simply recognized by the
T H E C O V E R : seated f r o m left are Barbara Basham chapter at the first meeting of the next quarter.
and Nancy Roser; standing from left are Mary Anna AOII S C H O L A R S H I P awards given by Chi Lambda
H u l l and Sandra VanArsdall. They are members of Chi chapter are to:
Lambda chapter—Evansville College.
The AOII having the highest average at the end of each
Activities and grade point average of the cover colle- grading period will be awarded an AOII pendant.
giates are: Barbara Basham, 3.56, Math m a j o r ; AOII
Diamond Jubilee Foundation winner; Kappa M u Epsilon, The AOII with the most improved grades at the end
math honorary, vice-president; Phi Kappa Phi, scholastic of each grading period will receive a pendant.
honorary taking upper five percent of junior class; Cap
and Gown, senior woman's honorary which will become The AOII who keeps the pendant for highest grades f o r
Mortar Board after the chapter has been on our campus three consecutive grading periods w i l l be awarded the
five years; Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women's pendant permanently. The pledge who is on the Dean's
honorary; Phi Beta Chi, science honorary; Sigma Pi List and has the highest average will be eligible f o r the
Sigma, physics honorary (first woman ever initiated into Chapter award which is the Ruby A — A scholarship
award for District X .
this physics honorary in history of Evansville College. Scholarship Promotion:
She is now serving as secretary.) ; Who's Who in Amer- Chi Lambda chapter strives to maintain a good balance
ican Colleges and Universities; Student N.E.A., treas-
urer ; Academic Alumni Scholarship; and AOII treasurer. between academic and social life and tries to discipline
itself so that each member plans her clay to include study
Nancy Lee Roser, 3.87, Elementary education: Alpha time.
Lambda Delta; Cap and Gown; Phi Kappa P h i ; Who's Members of Chi Lambda are required to attend classes
Who i n American Colleges and Universities; Pi Lambda regularly and failure to do so is reported to the Standards
Theta Award, for outstanding junior in education; Chi Committee. This committee, in turn, talks to the member
Omega education award, local; AOII president; Senior to see what may be wrong or to see i f i t can help in any
class secretary; junior class secretary ; and freshman class way.
treasurer; Vice-president of Association f o r Childhood We ask that members report scholastic difficulty to the
Education ; Student Senate member; President's Forum; scholarship chairman or scholarship adviser before they
Dean's List, 11 times; Ruby " A " award in pledge class; are too far behind. By doing so, perhaps members can
and Panhellenic council member. tutor each other until they are "back on their feet".
Mary Anna H u l l , 3.7, M a j o r in biology: President Members with grades below a 3.0 are required to spend
(past) of Junior Panhellenic; Cap and Gown, president; one hour each day in the library. This must continue until
Dormitory junior scholastic award ; Scholarship chairman their grades are above 3.0 again. Study time is usually
of AOII; Dean's List. 7 times; Academic alumni scholar- arranged with the scholarship chairman. Members with
ship ; Armed Forces clay queen; Pompon g i r l ; Miss A i r grades below a 2.5 must spend two hours each day in
Force Reserve; and Angel Flight. the library. This is continued until their grades reach 2.5
again and then the members will be governed on the 3.0
Sandra VanArsdall, 3.00, Nursing m a j o r : Vice- rule of study. Study time of these members is also ar-
president and pledge trainer of A O I I ; Homecoming ranged with the scholarship chairman. A record of study
queen; Military ball queen; Miss Armed Forces queen; time is given to the scholarship chairman at each chapter
Angel Flight; Who's Who in American Colleges and meeting, with a record of the time of study and where the
Universities ; Dean's List; and President of nursing class. member was studying.
A l l are seniors and their grade point average is based Failure to conform to the scholarship rules of Chi
on a 4.0 system. Lambda will mean chapter probation which will mean loss
C H I L A M B D A chapter holds the Panhellenic tray which of sorority privileges such as voting, holding office, and
is given by Panhellenic to the sorority having the best representing the chapter as queen candidates and study
average as a whole. Chi Lambda has won it for three con- elections, for one grading period. Continued probation
secutive quarters—one whole year. This award has been will mean discipline of a still more serious nature.
earned by Chi Lambda every year since 1962. Panhellenic rules that a pledge who does not make her
The McCausland Cup was awarded in 1965 at AOII's grades within a specified time will not be eligible to
convention to Chi Lambda chapter f o r its top scholarship remain a pledge unless certain Panhellenic procedure is
performance for the preceding two years. followed.
144 S U M M E R of 1966—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N PI
BETA PHI C H A R T E R MEMBERS honored were from
left, Helen Duncan, Vallie Messner Peyton (Mrs.
Eugene) and Vivian Day Allis (Mrs. Frank}.
DR. H E R M A N B. W E L L S , Indiana University Chancellor, pictured at speakers table above,
welcomed the group and gave congratulations to Beta Phi chapter for its 50 years of service
to and life with the University. H e told the group, "The mission of your organization is as
great or greater than it has ever b e e n . " His speech accented the greater need for fraternal
groups within the University as the size of the school itself increases. Dr. Wells also
reminisced about his early days as a student when Beta Phi was a newly established
sorority on campus.
The Golden Year
Beta Phi—Indiana University
M O R E T H A N 450 members of Alpha Omicron Pi from Indiana, surrounding states, A L U M N A E attending the Beta Phi anniversary cele-
and as far away as Virginia, met to pay homage to three founders of the Beta Phi bration who have or are serving in national positions
chapter of Indiana University as it celebrated its 50th anniversary March 19th in are from left, in rear, Florence Dodge Ennis (Mrs.
alumni hall of the Indiana Memorial Union, Bloomington, Indiana. J o h n D . ) , K A , parliamentarian; Deloris Mae Brink
Garrett (Mrs. David A . ) , K A ; alumnae director
District I X feted these founders at the annual District Day which was planned by District IX; Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Mrs.
the Bloomington alumnae chapter. Robert D.), I A international first vice president;
Ruth M c C l u r g Brown ( M r s . L. Victor), B 8 , collegi-
The three charter members honored were Helen Duncan, Bloomington, Indiana; ate director District IX; Edith Huntington Anderson
Vivian Day Allis, Anderson; and Vallie Messner Peyton, South Bend. Other founders (Mrs. Arthur K.), B*!\ Past International President
who were honored but unable to attend included Charlotte Abbott Templcton, Indian- and now collegiate director District X ; and seated
apolis; Edith Jones Grieger, Plymouth, Michigan: Fac Trible Maxedon, Evausville; from left, Mae Mobley Anderson (Mrs. Charles B.),
Pauline Day, Anderson: and Wilkie Hughes, Newark, New Jersey. B<1», member of Anniversary Endowment Fund; Ruth
Landis W i b l e ( M r s . Philip), B4>, scholarship direc-
Special tribute was paid to the memory of the two deceased charter members, Hannah tor; and Barbara Beck M c C a n (Brs. Robert V . ) , (->,
Blair Neal and Mary Neal Mcllveen, both of Bloomington. Mary's daughter, Rose regional meetings director.
Woertz Mcllveen, also of Bloomington, was introduced to the attending members.
M E M E N T O E S displayed were inspected by, from
The focal point for decorations in alumni hall was a beautiful ice carving of AOIT. left, Betty Scherer (Mrs. Don), Anne Carter Rinne
A large centerpiece of red roses highlighted the speakers table and a 50-year birthday ( M r s . W i l l i a m ) , B<t>; Ruth W i b l e , and Karen Button,
cake was displayed in the entrance to the room. Individual tables were marked with collegiate chapter president.
bouquets of red roses and golden sheaves of wheat.
Ruth Landis Wible (Mrs. Philip), chairman, was toastmistress.
First International Vice-President. Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Mrs. Robert D.)
presented greetings from the International Executive Committee and presented a gold
lined Paul Revere bowd to Beta Phi chapter.
Betty Pruett Scherer (Mrs. Don) co-chairman, introduced members who presented
annual or special awards. Dorothy Baughman Rumbaugh (Mrs. Lawrence), president
of the Terre Haute alumnae, presented the Mary Beth memorial award for outstanding
service as an alumnae to Nelle McCullough, member of the Indiana State University
faculty for her educational work both here and in several other countries. She also
presented the Rose Award to the outstanding senior at Kappa Alpha.
Kay Hansen Sutherlin (Mrs. Stephen W . ) , president of the Indianapolis alumnae,
presented its rotating collegiate chapter award to Kappa Alpha.
Anne Carter Rinne (Mrs. W i l l i a m ) , president of the Bloomington alumnae chapter,
presented eight pairs of silver candlesticks as a 50th Anniversary gift to Beta Phi.
Ruth McClurg Brown (Mrs. Victor), collegiate director of District I X , gave a short
address asking members to remember that character, dignity and scholarship are the
foundations upon which Alpha Omicron Pi is founded.
Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) . Past International President, gave
an inspiring main address. Pledged to Beta Phi during its infancy, and knowing most
of the founders, Edith presented a glimpse of the history and early days when Beta
Phi became the sixth sorority on Indiana University campus one week before com-
mencement, June 2, 1916.
She also presented many interesting hits of insight into the trials and tribulations, as
well as the joy and sisterhood, of the young women who were the cornerstones of the
Beta Phi chapter. She also showed slides of the different homes that Beta Phi has
enjoyed and a picture of the ceremony which marked the burning of the mortgage on
the past chapter house which took place 25 years ago.
Following the luncheon, many members visited the Beta Phi chapter house, enjoyed
the birthdav cake and coffee.
It takes a pretty smart gal these days to figure the Social Security for her maid, with deductions
and reductions and heaven knows what else. You must know what else.
When your wealthy husband dies unexpectedly and leaves you with a couple of safety
deposit boxes filled with stocks and bonds and deeds to property, my dear, you must know
what you're doing or some smart lawyer may steer you into heavy losses.
W i t h travel as simple as it is now, here today and Rome tomorrow, you must know whether
to pack for skiing or surfing and whether to ask for fondue. You wouldn't want to embarrass
your husband's friends. You just have to know a lot about everything. Who knows, you may
sneak a visit to the Louvre for a weekend next summer and La Scala for an evening.
You almost need a master's degree in home economics to intelligently buy a dress — what
with polyester fibres, orlon, acrylic, laminated foam, scotchguard. sanforized, fortrel, banlon.
kodel and arnel or a dozen combinations of same. A n d that man you admire across the room,
is he wearing a wool worsted, a silk sharkskin or a cashmere. You need to know if you are going
to point him out to your luncheon partner.
I f beta carotene is producing the color in juice drinks, before you expose your family to
it, you better bone up on your chemistry. Fumaric acid may be the big scoop in gelatin desserts,
but you'd better investigate before you serve it. Say, does everyone understand the role of food
irradiation? And what hungry man cares, you say? But then again, i f all the other women in
the block are on their toes about this great advance, is your husband's wife to be outdated? N O .
You may not have to be a nuclear physicist to get along with people, but just supposing you
marry one and all of his friends talk in formula, or is it formulae? It's really not so farfetched
when you see the budget allocated to the national space program. Your chances are getting better
every year.
They say that a salesman's greatest asset is not necessarily his ability and experience but
in many cases the business acumen of his wife. Why you have to be a musician, linguist, child
psychologist and physical ed enthusiast to lead a Rrownie troop these days, much less sparkle as
a dinner companion to notables.
It's a day when the mind is the most important frontier. Every guiding phase of our lives
is probing and delving into faster methods for reading, writing, and arithmetic. A career girl
finds this out fast for the competition is keen and the pay for the keenest keeps climbing higher
and higher. Shakespeare is not worthless background for there is a direct comparison with Lady
Macbeth and the actress on the horror show on television last night. W h y not be the alert one in
the group to predict the outcome?
Oh, what power you can have with knowledge. There is a current campaign among women
voters to familiarize the populace with government and history and political strategy. I t has been
estimated that the majority of our people have never read the C onstitution and that the vast
majority haven't read it but once, when forced to do so. I t establishes the rules by which we live.
They put up speed limit signs as rules, but the basic rules for our country go unnoticed. And how
does our Constitution compare or contrast with other nations? Could you enlist in the Peace
Corps or any corps without a working relationship with the seventh amendment ?
Find your own personal method to absorb this valuable knowledge. Make a date with yourself
for the library or post a curfew on your room door. Read aloud if it takes that double concentration
to get the message. Make notes of every page you've read or make up possible test questions f r o m
every page. Plan your work and work your plan, but give it a good try f o r
the days of the dumb blonde are over.