To and from Convention
Stop at Allerton Hotel
in Chicago
Name*—addresses—telephone numbers of all Al- tha Omicron Pi's in Chicago tin file at the AL- ERTON sorority information bureau. For com- plete information about all meetings, dinners and parties write to Opal M. Cannon. Director, Wom-
en's Department.
Seven separate floors reserved exclusively for women quests
$12.50-520.50 per week per person— single rooms $ 8.50-$15.50 per week per person—double rooms
$ 2.50-$ 1.00—Transient
W .
W .
iff, • •"•
State College, Pennsylvania Here is my new address:
Name Address Comments
TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi
Bitten of Alpha O Frontispiece Tufts Alumnx Plan Memorial to Ruth Capcn Farmer 3 Washington Alumna; President Is a Social Worker 5 An Alpha O Malihini Looks at Honolulu 7 Crimea—That Strange Land m Southern Russia 12 Tau's House Embodies Charm and Utility 16 Career Means Sacrifices 1" Fratcrnnlism Is Like Happiness 21 Troutdalc—A Paradise in the Rocky Mountains 24 Meet Margaret Gorton—Convention Chairman 28
Volume 26
Number 3
The Editor Speaks The Active Chapters Alumna- Notes Directory
Let's Visit Kerckhoff Hall
The Ideal Member Is Measured by Four Essentials Strength of Family Life Often Found in Cottages To Europe with Alpha O's
Distinctive Younger Alpha O's .
New Books
Alpha O's in the Daily Press ..
30 33 35
ALPHA [A]—Barnard College—Inactive.
Pi [II]—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
No [N]—New York University, New York City.
OMICRON [O]—University of Tennessee, Knoxvillc, Tenn.
KAPPA [Kl—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, V a,
ZETA [Z]—University of Nebraska, Lin- coln, Neb.
SIGMA [Z]—University of California, Berkeley. Calif.
TIIETA [G]—DePauw University, Green- casde, Ind.
BETA [B]—Brown University—Inactive. DELTA [A]—Jackson College. Tufts Col-
lege, Mass.
GAMMA [T]—University of Maine. Orono, Me.
EPSILON [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
RHO [P]—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
LAMIIDA [Al—Lelnnd Stanford Univer- sity. Palo Alto. Calif.
IOTA [II—University of Illinois. Cham- paign, 111.
TAU [T]—University of Minnesota, Min- neapolis, Minn.
C m [X]—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.
UPSILON [Tl—University of Washington, Seattle, W ash.
No KAPPA [NK1—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, T ex.
BETA P H I [B<t>]—Indiana University. Bloomington, Ind.
ETA [H]—University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.
AXFHA Pui [A4>]—Montana Sute Col- lege, Bozcinan, Mont.
No OMICRON [NOj—Vanderbilt Univer- sity, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi [+]— University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Put [4>J—University of Kansas, Law- rence, Kan.
OMEGA [QJ—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
OMICRON PI [OH]—University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
ALPHA SIGMA [AS]—University of Ore- gon, Eugene, Ore.
Xi [2J—University of Oklahoma, Nor- man. Olda.
Pi DELTA [I1A]—University of Mary- land, College Park, Md.
TAU DELTA {TA]—Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA [K01—University of Cali- fornia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICRON [KO]—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn.
ALPHA RHO [API—Oregon Agricultural College, Corvnllis. Ore.
CHI DELTA [XA1—University of Colo- rado, Boulder. Colo.
BETA TIIETA [B01—Butler University. Indianapolis. Ind.
ALPHA P I [Ani—Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee. Fla.
EPSILON ALPHA [ISA 1—Pennsylvania State College. State College, Pa.
TIIETA ETA [0111—University of Cincin- tiati. Cincinnati. Ohio.
BETA TAO [BT1—University of Toronto. Toronto, Ont.
ALPHA TAO I ATI—Denison University. Granville, Ohio.
cisco, Calif.
Rhode Island.
Los ANGELES At.oas*—Los Angeles,
ALUMNA— Minneapolis,
D. C.
ALUMNA — Birmingham,
cAlpha Omicron 'Pi
MARCH, 1931
NO. 3
College, Pa.
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin, and is printed by The George Banta Pubhshing Company. Entered at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro- vided for in section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March and May.
Subscription price, SOcents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life Subscription $15.
313 Twelfth Neenah,
Street, Wisconsin
Send all editorial material to WILMA SMITH LELAND
^isters of^ytlpha O
^/l 11 together, bound in friendship true,
L oving sisters even to eternity;
*P ledged ere to that which is binding, H eld secure by our sheaf of gold
zjt hvays to thee,—Alpha O.
0 ft in trouble zue come to you—
zjbt othered by the sympathies we love.
1 n sorrow, in happiness, joy or pain,
Q omfortcd by every one—always the same.
R caching for the light of the red ruby's glow0 nzvard forever,—barriers forgotten
N ever forsaking you,—sisters of Alpha O.
5P rotcction,—guidance,—and all that means L1 n you wefind,—DearSisters of Alpha O.
MARCH, 1931 No. 3
Vol. 26
Alumnae Tlan <^Memo- rial to Ttyth Qapen Cfarmer
RUTH CAPEN FARMER en- tered the Alpha Omega Chapter of Al-
Alum nae Jfall will be a memorial to the founder andfirstpres- ident of Tups College ^Al- umnae Asso- ciation, a for- mer Qrand
was a beloved member. Alpha Omicron Pi paid tribute to this splendid character when we established our Alpha Omicron Pi Fel- lowship in memory of Ruth Capen Farmer. Five members have been assisted with graduate work through
this memorial.
Now comes word that Ruth Capen Farm- er's Alma Mater, Tufts
pha Omicron November 10,
She had been a living emblem of service and talent. She had served her fraternity in the highest capacity pos- sible—as Grand Presi- dent. Before that she had worked with and for Delta of which she
Pi on 1921.
Ruth Capen
alumna headquarters.
Hall will
. ——
College, is to dedicate a memorial to her. It is to be in the form of aalumna? hall. How fitting this memorial will be, for it was Ruth whfounded the Alumnae Association of Tufts College. Moreover, she wareared in the atmosphere of the school, for her father, the late ElmeHewitt Capen was its president.
How fitting, too, that the architect's plans call for a Little Theatein the building. While Ruth was in college, dramatics received a greaimpetus, and the outdoor presentation of Comus was quite a landmark iTufts' history. Ruth did professional work as a reader until her marriage in 1908. Dramatics were always one of her interests. This newLittle Theatre will be used by undergraduates as well as by alumnae.
The building will fulfill the dream of Tufts alumnae. For severayears they have longed for a place to hold their meetings, to stayover night at Homecoming and Commencement times, a meeting placwhere they might meet and be met by returning friends. Ruth CapenFarmer Alumnae Hall will meet all these requirements. Besides, ththeater and assembly hall, there will be a reception room, kitchen, bedrooms, and on the basement floor rooms which may be used for studenactivities.
But Alpha Omicron Pi has a two-fold interest in this memorial. AliceSpear (A '12), is president of the Tufts Alumnae Association, as well achairman of the project. It is her earnest hope that, ere her termexpires in 1934, the cornerstone will have been laid. Money, is beingraised through benefits, dances, bridges and by personal contributionJust now the Association is looking for some kind friend, interested indramatics, with faith in college people and their needs who will contributegenerously to the fund. It is a large undertaking for a small collegeand its alumnae, but they are sure it can be accomplished because sucha building is so necessary to sustain the interest of Tufts alumnae andto meet the needs of the undergraduate body.
MAECH, 1931
FEW PEOPLE would suspect, at first glance, that behind the baby- like, sparkling eyes of "Petie," there lies a wealth of wisdom and sane reasons. "Petie," as she is known to us is really Bess Anita Peters
(II A '28), active worker of the Associated Charities. She is also presi- dent of the Washington Alumnae chapter, and we have great hopes that some day she will develop for us a local philanthropic unit.
It was with a sinking feeling that we learned back in 1926 that "Petie" planned to leave Pi Delta, and complete her work at Sweet Briar. We have never regretted it, however, for she came back well prepared to enter her chosen field. T h e summer after graduation she gave her time to the Associated Charities, and later was made a perma- nent member of the staff. Now you will always find her visiting her "families," taking a baby crib here, a chair there, and so on.
The thing that has impressed me so much about "Petie's" work, is her attitude towards the poor people she works with. When she had only been working a short time, I asked, "Don't you find it hard to control your feelings when you see people living under such conditions?" Her reply was, " I merely realize that such conditions do exist, and I am here to do what I can to relieve them. It would never help these people to know how I feel about them."
'Washington <yHumnae 'President
Ss a foetal 'Worker
n o s r r t n - l e e - t s .
of Associated
families White
ready House.
for the
at the
(Alpha 0 t^talihiniBy HAZEL V . WILLIAMS, Alpha Rho
a* 8H
Iolani Palace, the house of Hawaiian kings, is now used by the Territorial Legislature.
Four o'clock, morning, the seventh day from Los Angeles, mcabin-mate, an attractive girl from Phoenix, and I were awakened byone of the more energetic passengers, by the exciting news that landcould be seen. In those few seconds that it took us to '"hit, the deck,"my emotional reaction to that simple word "land" made me feel akindred spirit with Columbus. Hands to the forehead in proverbiamanner, we scanned the horizon only to realize that the report wafalse.
However, the culprit who had given us the alarm, was soon forgivenWhat a spectacle confronted us! *The sun was just announcing the newday—calm tropical waters caught the sun's rays and sparkled like asea of crystal. Myriads of flying fish, silver in the sun, were disturbedby the ship and winged their ways to right and left. Never shall Iforget that quiet, peaceful, colorful sunrise.
It was nearly four hours later before the distant shore of Molokaithe first of the Paradise Isles, was cited to the port. On Molokai, wewere informed, is located the famous leper settlement. We gazed withinterested curiosity at the distant shore for "leprosy" was a word thatdid not seem in keeping with these beautiful surroundings. As we pro-ceeded up the channel nearing Oahu, the placid sea became choppy,breaking into white-caps over the coral reefs.
to "the
fleet of Isles anchored in an:
y l s . , y
Diamond Head rises in majestic glory as one looks toward it from IVaikiki Beach
j£jo ok s at j i onolulu
The Kamaainas (old timers) who were on board took pleasure in pointing out the landmarks as we approached Oahu, the third largest of the eight islands. On the lee side of Oahu is Honolulu (haven of rest). We rounded Koko Head (koko meaning blood in Hawaiian) which stood out bright red in contrast to the blue sky and the vivid green foliage in the background. Then came majestic Diamond Head, an extinct crater which' stands out as a friendly sentinel. Passing Diamond Head, a crescent shaped inlet presented itself to view. The shore was fringed with palms and the water had an opalescent lustre. The stately white form of the Moana Hotel and the pink stucco of the Royal Hawaiian stood out boldly. So this was Waikiki! We strained our eyes to catch a glimpse of the beach boys at their native sport of surfing. An overwhelming desire to leap into the warm water and race ashore seized us, but we were detained by a promise of a real thrill ahead.
And what a thrill it was! Steamer day in Honolulu! The whole town was gathered at the pier—the Royal Hawaiian band was playing "Aloha"—and the chorus singing—beach boys diving for coins—native women in their picturesque holokus were selling leis—and everyone was decked with gorgeous flower necklaces. What color! What spirit! and what a welcome to the "Paradise of the Pacific!" We immediately knew that we were going to like Honolulu.
Leaving the pier at Aloha Tower where the ship docked, we were driven down Ala Moana (road by the sea) to Waikiki (spurting water), a distance of some three and a half miles. Enroute we learned among
MARCH, 1931
8 To DRAGMmany other interesting things that one never refers to directions aseast, west, north, and south in Honolulu, but to makai (toward thesea) opposite, mauka (toward the mountains) ewa (toward the planta-tion by that name) and opposite, waikiki (toward the beach colony)So we were now traveling Waikiki on the Ala Moana!
Nearly all Malihinis (newcomers) join the beach colony and spendthe major part of the time in a bathing suit. In this we were noexception. The beach itself was a surprise as it is so much smallerthan I had pictured it. One of the charms of Waikiki is the absenceof hot dog stands and the motley concessions that one finds at mostbeach resorts on the mainland. The sand is so clean and warmwhile the water is most delightful—usually one or two degrees warmerthan the air. It is ideal for moonlight swimming which we soon founda popular diversion of Waikiki. The sea breaks hundreds of yards outon the coral reefs and rushes toward shore in beautiful even breakers—perfectforthesurfboardandtheoutriggercanoe. Youshouldseethosenative boys, even to the youngest, ride the surf with their Apollo-likegrace! I knew better than to attempt the surf board but can heartilyendorse the outrigger for a real thrill.
No fooling, girls, there's magic in Hawaii's moonlight! Imaginesuch a setting—a garden of graceful, swooping, cocoanut palms—a fullmoon—a group of Hawaiians strumming their guitars and ukuleles, andsinging their plaintive meles (native songs)—accompanied by the softswish of the surf in the distance. Enter into the garden—dark maidenswith hula skirts of green ti leaves, flower leis, and wearing their mostinsidious smiles—all swaying rhythmically to the beat of the hula gourd.Always flowers and music! Somehow it sort of steals your heart away. And nearly every night the beachboys serenade in their high falsetto voices. There is romance in these islands—"bojrn of the night, sired by the sun, cradled in the sea, with the moon for godmother."
Waikiki, we soon learned, was only a part of Honolulu and we had much in store. My first impression of the city was in June. It was one riot of exotic colors—all the trees and shrubs were in full bloom. There were pink and golden showers, scarlet poinciana, purple bougainvillia, and hundreds of shades of hibiscus which is the national flower. If one were planning to visit Honolulu, he couldn't select a more colorful time than May, June and July, although January and February are
considered the tourist months.
The population of Honolulu is no less colorful than nature's back- ground. Here one sees every shade and tint imaginable for this is the "Crossroads of the Pacific" where Orient meets the Occident. In the polyglot mass one can easily distinguish the Oriental, who is in the majority, the Filipino, the Portuguese, Hawaiian, Porto Rican, Spanish, and Haole (white). Then there is every possible combination of the foregoing nationalities. Believe it or not, but I found a Portuguese- Hawaiian married to a German-Eskimo-Filipino.and they had three
children! The various races with the exception of the Hawaiians and Hoales have been imported during different periods of immigration to
MARCH, 1931
W O rk on the sugar and pine- apple plantations. Many oi these, tired of plantation life, have moved into the city thus causing an overabundance of unskilled labor and adding seri- ously to Honolulu's social prob- lems. But the beautiful thing is that all these various na- tionalities reside in close prox- imity and in seemingly perfect harmony. One never hears of
race riots such as occur on the mainland.
The costumes are as varied as the races which wear them. The little Japanese women in their bright kimonos, obis, and wooden sandals are most dainty. There are the Chinese women in bright jackets and trousers.
Some among the older genera- tion shuffle on tiny feet which were bound in babyhood. Fili- pino women with sleek black hair, earrings, crisp dresses of embroidered pina cloth with big sleeves that resemble butterfly wings are reminiscent of old
Manila. Then there are the Hawaiian wahines (women) who still wear the holokus in- troduced by the early mission- aries. These are patterned after the old mother - Hubbards, spacious and long. Like the blend of races there are many combinations of styles such as eastern jackets and footwear worn with western skirts, et cetera. Added to these are
the strictly western dress of the haole people—in the latest Fifth Avenue mode—with whites and linens predominating.
The city itself reflects the influence of its cosmopolitan in- habitants in its architecture.
A client, Malihini
Malia smile
Mahi Kanaka at the January
and the sun.
Malihini ple
examines a
in Honolulu.
Buddhist tem-
PRAGMThe business section, typically western, is very progressive with a welplanned civic center. Among the outstanding structures are the PostOffice, Judiciary and Territorial Buildings, new administrative buikhWHall of Archives, and the Iolani Palace, not to mention many splendidnew office structures.
At the Hall of Archives they permitted us to examine the originaof treaties, and other legal documents, bearing signatures of kings andqueens of Europe and Hawaii. Here we handled a real crown em-blem of former Hawaiian royalty. At Iolani Palace is the only throneroom in the United States. This building is now used by the TerritoriaLegislature. The Bishop Museum is an interesting place to spend a dayHere on finds Polynesian antiques, feather capes, and other relics of oldHawaii.
Then there are Japanese and Chinese districts with their schools andtemples, Filipino tenements with their amusement places. Althoughthere is a general intermingling of nationalities, they have a tendency tocolonize in certain sections and preserve their native customs. All thesights and odors of a little Shanghai may be found in the Orientadistrict. Here there are also many interesting bazaars and enticingshops for one to spend money. Not to mention Aala Market, with itopen display of fish, meats, and all the delicacies of the Orient—plua rare commingling of odors, is to overlook one of the most picturesquespots in Honolulu.
In "Hell's Half Acre" adjoining the Oriental section near RiveStreet is located a large portion of Honolulu's so-called underworldwhere the unfortunates of East and West gather.
Driving in Honolulu is quite another thrill. With narrow streetsa haphazard system of traffic signals, and pedestrians leaping acrosat random, it is often hazardous. There is little observance of the rigidtraffic rules that one finds on the mainland. The policemen, comfortablyseated under picturesque umbrellas, direct traffic by whimsically turningthe "go" or "stop" signals—and sometimes if they are engaged in conversation cars line up. But time means little in the tropics!
To know Honolulu and its people is to love it. It has a fascinatingcharm all its own. No one seems to be in a hurry as life is leisurelyand life is sweet in Honolulu. This malihini intended to remain onlythree months, but somehow time lengthened into a year, and as amember of the staff of the social service bureau, I thoroughly enjoyedgetting better acquainted with the lanes of Honolulu.
And "don't sing Aloha when I go for I'm coming back you know."Such is the spirit of Honolulu.
"Aloha Oe." Do you know its meaning?
Aloha means farewell to thee,
Aloha means Good-bye: r It means until we meet again
Beneath a tropic sky.
Aloha means Good Morning
And always to be true,
But the best thing that Aloha means,
Is I love you.
I Cjfail
l l l l s s r , s - Sun bathing at a tuberculosis sanat ni turn
near Yalta, in the Crimea
.11 »•
C~IA Pnrt Arthur ^^J^T ^9
A high
monument hill.
to the
a crm tkt
"7urther Travel Jfyavesfrom the Diary of
This huge modern athlet.
h My Soes
That Well Known ^Alpha 0 Vagabond
C \ I<M8
A bathing at Yalta, Russian rivals the
beach i in- Crimea,
That grange J^and
in Riviera.
FROM the standpoint of enjoyment, I think I enjoyed most, irj£j those two months, my visit to the Crimea. It came at the end of my Russian stay, and was like a bit of delicious frosting on top of a rather heavy cake, after the drabness and stolidness of the rest of the country. Aside from the natural sparkle and loveliness of its Taormina—or Amalfi-like scenery, here was life once more, and a joy of living of which one saw little in other parts of Russia. Here, too, much was being done to preserve the beauty of the old palaces which
used to be holiday homes for czars and nobles but were now used as tuberculosis hopitals and places of rest and recreation for thousands and thousands workers. In other parts of Russia, because of lack of money or care or interest, such places were for the most part being allowed to
fall into decay. In the Crimea they were being well kept up.
So much has been written about the life on the beaches in the Crimean Peninsula that it is probably too much of an old story to be worth even mentioning. Sun and sea bathing "as is" I had seen on the river in Moscow, but I certainly was totally unprepared for anything
like its scale in the Crimea. My initiation on the very first day of my stay in Yalta was certainly a thorough one! With fifty or sixty Russian men and women (I was the only non-Russian in the group), I was being taken on a trip through some of the former estates that were now
being u s e ^ ^o r w o r ^e r s ' hospitals and rest homes. At one point our route took us to the beach, where some women were lying stark naked on the sand, directly in our path. The beach was narrow, and the entire party had almost literally to step over their bodies, but they neither moved nor covered. Finally we stopped for a moment at the water's edge. "How good it would feel to go in," I said to a woman next to me. "Thai's what we came down for," she answered. "What a pity that I forgot my suit," I said. "Y ou don't need a suit, do you?" she answered. And even while we were talking, although the beach was almost directly on the main road, the men had gathered in a group about forty feet away, and both men and women were busily stripping where they stood. A moment later the entire sightseeing party had turned into a bathing group, and I , not wanting to be the only one left out, of course, joined. Presently the swimmers came out, dried in the wind and browned a bit in the sun, dressed on the beach, and the tourist party continued! Later I found that there are separate fenced-off places for men and for women on private beaches, and one where they bathe together in suits-but mostly the beaches are public, and undesignated, and men and women, with or without costumes, bathe or lie in the sun or play on the sands in mixed groups or not, as they choose. And for the most part, the statement that I once heard in Japan holds good, namely, that "nakedness is seen, but not looked at."
On August 25, with decidedly mixed feelings of relief and regret at ending my stay in Russia, I boarded the train in Moscow for the Trans-
Sn Southern 6T) jjg g
Siberian trip. It seemed strange
to be getting on a train for an
unbroken journey of seven days,
without even a change of cars,
and with four of five days more of train riding at the end of that stretch, and I looked forward to it with little pleasure. It proved to be a thoroughly comfortable and delightful experience, however. In spite of the time of year, the weather was cool, and we were fortunate in hav- ing only a short half-day of dusty riding. The scenery was never par- ticularly thrilling, except perhaps around lovely Lake Baikal, but on the other hand, it was also never dull, and it was constantly changing. Rolling hills, farmland, birch or pine forests, treeless steppes, scrub land and little villages followed each other in interesting diversion. T h e food problem was not only simply solved, but offered agreeable breaks in the daily routine. One meal a day was eaten in the train's diner. The others were taken either at station restaurants, while the train waited, or picnic fashion in one's compartment from food bought from the farmer women at the various station stops, who sold delicious roasted chickens, fried meats, potatoes, butter, eggs, milk, fruit, fresh bread and rolls, pickles, cookies or light sponge cakes, honey, pine nuts, sugar buns and all sorts of other necessities and delicacies. The train
MARCH, 1931 13
T o DRAGMAstopped every two hours or so at a station, and as in all Russia, at each station platform there were great vats of boiling water supplied by the railway, from whose taps people filled their teakettles free of cost, and made tea. ( I used it also for hot bath purposes!) T h e stations them-
selves bore names to conjure with—Sverdlovsk, where Nicholas I I and his family were shot; Omsk; Novo-Sibirsk, the capital of Siberia; Irkutsk, et cetera. All in all, it was a decidedly enjoyable trip, and certainly one which gave a startling picture of the vast wealth of Siberian resources which have hardly begun to be tapped as yet.
At Manchouli, on the Russian—Manchurian border, the dreaded customs formalities were easily and painlessly over, not even my films being examined. The one fly in the ointment was not finding my shoes there. ( I went through all of Russia with only one pair. T w o were left me, but one I had brought in from Berlin for a friend, and had to part with to her. Fortunately, it didn't matter, since the Russians have nothing in the way of style or good clothes, and the shabbiest belongings of people from "outside" seem wonderful to them. Local shoes were
so expensive and so trashy that it was money thrown away to buy them. I lived for the moment when I could get back to my old ones at Man- chouli. My feelings at not finding them there can be better imagined than described!) Nothing was to be gained by waiting, however, and I went on, little comforted by the thought that if the shoes did ever turn up, in addition to the high transportation charge I had already
paid for the package's trip across Siberia, there would be still further costs from Manchouli to wherever I happened to be at the time they appeared.
The courtyard
of Peiling
Tombs) near Mukden, great trees.
is skirted by
MARCH, 1931
Ayer Dag (The Bear Mountain) juts into the Black Sea from the Russian Crimea.
I was tempted to stop at Harbin on the trip across Manchuria, since it was at the moment the center of the Chinese-Japanese-Manchurian- Mongolian disturbances, but I didn't. I did stay for an interesting few days at Mukden, however, before going on into China. Had the Muk- den-Peking railway been running, the journey from there to Peking would have been simple. Bridges along that line destroyed in the fighting had not yet been repaired, however, and so it was necessary to go still further south through Manchuria by rail to Dairen, travel by steamer to Tangku, and thence by rail to Tientsin and Peking, all of which I did.
On the way, I made a short trip from Dairen to Port Arthur, with its picturesque fortified harbor and its conspicuous hill-top monument of the Russian-Japanese war. With usual luck, too, I not only found a place without a day's wait on a boat for Tangku, even while people were sitting in Dairen waiting for days and weeks for accommodations on the heavily booked little ships, but I went right through from Tangku
to Peking (with a stop-over to see Tientsin) without either trouble or delay, another occasion on which the gods were good, for transportation in Northern China is a game that is entirely in their laps these days. When the armies moved out of that part of the country, they took with them all the rolling stock that would roll. What they left behind was only what was too crippled or.too old to bear moving—and it is on those remnants that North China is now traveling. The particularly serious
factor is the shortage of engines. If an engine is available, trains run. If it isn't, they don't—and sometimes for days at a time service is suspended, as engines break down or are commandeered for military purposes. Travel from Tangku to Peking is normal now as far as danger is concerned, but from the point of view of service, comfort or dependability, the story is a rather different one.
(Continued on page 55)
T P PRAGMAThe living room is homelike in spite of its size. Note the terrazzo floor.
Tail's JTouse Smbodies By PEGGY F . EBELING, Tau THE HOUSE is English Tudor in style, of red brick with a white limestone trim. A wide terrace extends across the front and forms the approach down the side to the entrance door. Above the door
is our Alpha O insignia in carved stone.
A small vestibule opens into the broad hallway which runs through
the center of the width of the house itself. Of unusual beauty are the furnishings given by Mrs. Schlampp, an Alpha 0 mother. A pair of screens in tooled leather done in golds and greens, an antique Flemish table and mirror, a carved English credence in Gothic tracery and linen- fold paneling, and two long oak benches stand against the walls. Be- neath a group of windows is a built-in seat. The draw curtains there
and at the stair landing are of soft red linen.
Our living room is long and low-ceilinged, giving it a home-like at-
mosphere. Architecturally, the main features are a broad ariel window with a built-in seat, and a fine English fireplace in white limestone and veined marble. The walls throughout the downstairs floor are of rough plaster tinted a warm tan. The furnishings are carried out in russet and soft greens. Three russet-colored velvet davenports give ample
lounging space; two of these are drawn up before the fireplace and
MARCH, 1931
I !
The sun parlor was furnished by the Mothers' Club.
I Qharm and Utility
with two footstools form an inviting group. Before a group of windows is an Italian carved oak table with two cane arm chairs. Another corner carries out the green note with a lovely wrought iron and tile table, and a draw-up chair of green tapestry. A gate-leg table, a tressel type desk and chair, and the piano complete the effect. The curtains are of an English imported print repeating the general color scheme in their flowers. A rug in dull green and tan pattern covers the entire floor.
Our particular pride is the sun room so exquisitely furnished by our Mothers' Club. French doors opening onto the front terrace and win- dows along one side give an abundance of light. Here the curtains are a pale green glazed chintz in a very charming scenic pattern. All the furniture is early American maple: a slat-backed davenport and matching chair cushioned in green homespun, a butterfly table, a com- bination magazine rack and smoking stand, another winged chair in denim, and a cabinet victrola make this room most livable.
In our reception room we have utilized our old furniture to excellent advantage with orange wicker table and chairs, a davenport and a .bookcase. Orange and green striped curtains and upholstering add a gay feeling. A large clothes closet and a lavatory are provided for the
Our dining room expresses both dignity and charm. Four large pol- ished oak refectory tables with pull leaves seat eighty persons at a time. The chairs have AOI1 carved in the backs. A large English tapestry hangs at the short end of the room, and the long series of windows are hung with gayly flowered cretonne of a blue-green background. The service apartments are the last word in equipment. There is a large butler's pantry equipped with abundant service cupboards and a sink. Off the very conveniently arranged kitchen is an alcove for our electric refrigerator, and two more rooms, a supply pantry and utility room complete the lower floor.
We are very proud to exhibit our basement floor -also. There is a large sunny study room, but the loveliest feature is the chapter room with its altar, fireplace and built-in benches around the wainscoted walls. A good sized anteroom .has cupboards for our chapter records and a storage space for our robes.
There are two bedroom floors housing twenty-five girls. T h e first of these floors has eight bedrooms furnished in early American maple, tables with adjustable bookends, two chairs—one a comb-backed arm chair,—and twin beds with much appreciated coilspring mattresses. The dressers are built into the wall with an overhead light. Each room has a different color scheme—blue, green, yellow, or orchid. Our house- mother's room is also fitted out in early American pieces and an easy arm chair. She has a private bathroom.
One room we all love to peek in and gaze at is our guest room given by Kathryn Bremer Matson and Marie Bremer Reim in memory of
(Continued on page 111)
Tau's house
is of
red brick with
M ARCH, 1931
Qareer <^Means Sacrifices
| 'Raymond % J s*y* t
: »>->»->>>*«<-«<-«J;
^Marriage |
| toJttan * interest- | ed in t
Science J£as Jfad
interest ^
Similar % I ^ Jfer I I Own |
By ELIZABETH KELL In the New Orleans Item
I Keen f | ture x
j Woman | % tunate %
I Who I | rjMarries f
Share ^Mak- t
Man I
With { NOTED A O n
| ing Jfer |
THE professional woman should not be expected to keep house any more than the professional man, although the world expects the woman to be able to do both. This is only one of the unreasonable
attitudes that have persisted in regard to women."
This statement came from a woman who as a mother and a pro-
fessional woman speaks with a full knowledge of the question. Five years as one of the city's three professional women anesthetists and as the mother of two charming children, have given Dr. Mary Raymond
Gould this knowledge.
"It is physically impossible for a woman to attempt to keep a house
and nurse children and carry on her professional duties properly. To try it she either sacrifices her work, or her home and children, and cer- tainly her health," continued D r . Gould.
And what is the solution for the woman who does not wish to sacri- fice either of the three, her work, her home, and her health? Why
trained servants and a home that is ordered as efficiently as a business head would order his office, she says.
"Of course, one can't honestly say that a profession doesn't entail some sort of sacrifice. I get up a little earlier than the average house- wife to arrange my menu, to order groceries for several days ahead, in case I am too busy the next day to attend the ordering. But the corner groceries and a trusty automobile that carries me about on my hurry calls facilitates things a great deal," she said.
"There is the sacrifice, too, of things that are very dear to many women, such as parties, cozy little bridge games in the afternoons, teas and calls. These can't be considered, for I must be ever ready to go."
"It is impossible for me to keep up with a host of friends as some women can. I simply don't have the time." And here Mary Gould laughingly added, " I see most of my friends in the hospital either as patients or doctors. I have many real friends, and because it is difficult for us to see each other we know that our friendships are genuine."
When asked if this sacrifice for a profession is worth it, her dark eyes lighted up with an almost fervent expression as she replied, "Cer- tainly, any work that one loves is within itself a reward. M y daily in- terest in what I consider the most applicable of sciences is what makes me feel that I am really living. When the moments of play come I en- joy them all the more."
To this slim, alive young doctor, her interest in her work and all that pertains to medicine amounts almost to a religious zeal. She de- cided to be a doctor very early in life and when she entered Newcomb the idea was still in the back of her head, although several times during her college life she despaired of ever fulfilling it because she felt that she could not financially afford to go away to study as Tulane at that time did not offer the medical course to women.
"I shall never forget the thrill that I felt one evening in my junior year when my father, who had just returned from a T ulane board meet- ing, announced at dinner that the medical course at T ulane would hence- forth be open to women. I shouted jubilantly that I could now be a doctor."
Laboratory work was Mary's specialization, but after a year of this work she decided that she wanted a more direct contact with the pa- tients who were benefited by her work. T o be shut away from the world dealing only with blood tests and diabetic experiments seemed less in- teresting than to be able to see the application of science on the in- dividual. So at the suggestion of D r . Allgeyer she became an anesthetist, becoming a partner of D r . C . J . Vedrenne.
Marriage with a man, who like herself, is interested in science, has had a share in making her life one keen adventure, Mary Gould admits. "Our interests are similar and yet different. As head of the biology department at Newcomb he is interested in research work and the study of the theories of medicine while I am more interested in seeing those theories applied. It is most fortunate for a woman who has a career to
marry a man with interests similar to hers," she said.
MARCH, 1931
raternalism &s J^ike
WERE I an ardent follower of the school of technicalities, I should indulge in a lengthy and somewhat ponderous explanation of the word "Fraternalism." It would be a delightfully cunning design by which to impress one's readers with one's supposedly extensive lin- guistic knowledge; but to follow such a procedure would be as absurd as the episode in one of Stephen Leacock's Nonsense Novels wherein a governess was selected to teach languages because of her ability to reply 'yes' in every known tongue. Who isn't aware that 'frater' means 'brother' in Latin, but who cares enough to be reminded of those un- fortunate and altogether miserable days spent in a Latin classroom, and besides, would all the boring explanation aid us one iota in fathoming the mysteries of that most abstract of qualities—Fraternalism? I doubt it most emphatically.
Fraternalism, possibly, has numerous definitions for the prosaic- minded, but for us, the members of an active fraternal organization, it bears more than a stilted significance—it is the very soul of our sorority experience. The soul is that part of us most elusive and most difficult to describe. Science has made it possible to segregate almost any part of our anatomy and dissect it in order to study each composite section and its function. But the soul is that portion of our beings that most stubbornly defies dissection, so only by conjecture can we determine its composition. Hence with that quality Fraternalism we can only offer suppositions as to what it is and what it is not.
However, for the sake of discussion Fraternalism may be given several synonyms, none of which is a satisfactory substitute for the whole, though it is an essential ingredient of that whole. Friendship, that beau- tiful "gift of the Gods" heads the list, and the subheads which are the stones with which the edifice of friendship is constructed follow: toler- ance, brotherhood, love, loyalty, cooperation, sympathy and charity. T o draw a distinct line of separation between these qualities would be im- possible as they are all intricately interwoven as they contribute to the molding of Friendship, the kernel of Fraternalism.
A fraternity, to me, is just an opportunity for many fascinating ad- ventures in friendship and supplies the common tie by which individuals may work, play, think and act together. From time immemorial the
22 To DRAGMtribe or group spirit has triumphed over the individual desire for thepurpose of protection and association. Of what benefit would be abrotherhood or a sisterhood without various individuals, each with hior her peculiar identity, to share its ideals, its problems, and its ambitions? The individual is a wonderful machine, but he amounts onlyto what he can give of himself to his associates and what he can assimilate into his personality from them. Who among us does not cherishthe dear friendships born of sorority days in college, some of whichare still alive today? The friendship which springs from common purposes, common interests, common problems, and common ambitions, isthe best. Our experiences in Fraternalism furnish this sort of friendshipA fraternity, though it frequently is lacking in this respect, throughno fault of the organization however, but due to the vagrancies of itmembers, is not the place for selfishness, for petty quarrels and rivalriesfor intolerance and false pride. It is not the place for "cliques" whichadmit only the favored few into their shrines. It should not encourageintolerance of those who are not accepted into its restricted mem-bership, or of others who belong to similar organizations. Of course, itis fitting that we should with justifiable pride proclaim ourselyes to bemembers of Alpha Omicron Pi because we, and we only, understandappreciate and cherish those ideals and practical purposes upon whichit so firmly stands. However, true Fraternalism does not intend thatwe should be condescending in manner towards those who are not ofour order, or that we should cultivate petty disputes and rivalries amongourselves; it bids us practice friendliness and tolerance with others aswell as with our own sisters—We must remember that this world wouldindeed be monotonous and uninteresting if all its inhabitants were alikeAnd so it is with a fraternity group—every type of worthy girl is neces-sary to complete the pattern of its organization. It is natural, as wellas inevitable, that we shall be attracted more to some individuals thanto others, but every girl, regardless of how unattractive she may be toour personalities, has something to give us, that element perhaps whichwe most sadly lack, and we, smug in our own conceit and selfish in-terests, may in turn be able to radiate something to that other girl."The True Road," says David Grayson in his Adventures in Friendship"is not open to those who withdraw the skirts of intolerance or liftthe chin of pride."
A fraternity nurtures in its members loyalty, both national andindividual. We are to stand by the vows we so solemnly accepted Uponour initiation and to live them daily in our relations with our sistermembers and our other acquaintances. A young fraternity man, keenlyobservant and intelligent, recently remarked how strange it seems thatfraternity brothers do not fight over differences. He explained it inthis way. Men associated together closely in business and very staunchfriends sometimes match fistic prowess to solve disagreements whilefraternity brothers generally substitute a more gentlemanly and peace-able method of solution. What it is that curbs and stifles the desire todo bodily harm to another we did not exactly know, but we hazarded a
MARCH, 1931 23
s - - - .
s , , .
sUpposition. It is perhaps that innate feeling of loyalty, that bond of comradeship and kinship, and that love and reverence for the frater- nity code; or perhaps it is also that splendid self-control and tolerance that should be the product of a fraternity association.
Fraternalism means cooperation—a systematic and congenial order of work with each individual contributing his or her share. In my col- lection of memories is the very vivid picture of a group of local girls working and planning tirelessly towards the goal of Alpha Omicron pi. How we did strain every faculty of our beings to attain our mutual ambition, and when that tremendous occasion of our installation in May, 1925, came, how we did thrill and rejoice together! Now after six years away from school, though some of us are married and com- pletely engrossed in the affairs of the home, while others are wholly absorbed in fascinating and productive careers, we still cherish for each other that indescribable feeling of friendliness—that sentiment animated by similar difficulties, similar despairs, similar elations and similar suc- cess. It was great to have worked together—to have cooperated.
Several summers' ago while some thousand miles from home this in- cident occurred. Have you ever been far from home for the first time and felt that aloneness and insignificance peculiar to a stranger in a strange place? Then you are acquainted with my sensations. I was going to the city via a street car trying vainly to be brave and to lose my mournful demeanor in a feigned interest in the delightfully varied scenery all about me when a young girl exchanged her place across the aisle for a seat next to mine. She addressed me and we soon became involved in animated conversation and my spirits promptly brightened. She was an Alpha O and had recognized my pin across the crowded street car. My feeling of lonesomeness magically disappeared before a sense of joy in having made a friend in that alien city. I have for- gotten the girl's name and all minute details of the incident, but the experience will always be a shining one in my cherished group of mem- ories. That is fraternalism—that inborn feeling of kinship which dis- regards the bonds of sectionalism and class and recognizes only that
common relationship of sisterhood, of participation in the same order.
"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these three is charity." A fraternity should emphasize the social aspects of our lives, for what is more indigent to friendship than for us to play together in perfect harmony and complete abandon, but per- sonal pleasure and selfish enjoyment should not be its chief aims. There are so many worthy causes to be championed, so much improvement to be initiated! One has only to observe, and that very casually, to view the changes necessary to convert our communities into better, cleaner, and happier places to live, and there are thousands of beautiful little children with lives unbelievably warped by the sordidness and narrow- ness of their environments, and who need direly to be taught beauty and joy and virtue and the fullness of living. Their little minds are com- pletely starved for information and those childish stories and thoughts
(Continued on page 55)
To DRAGM<( "By "Plane, Some of the hudreds of Qpnventionites will comeTroutdale—a
aradiseSO M E T I M E S mountains are scenery, a back- drop for events that just happen to take place there instead of somewhere else: and sometimes they are the whole of the living uni- verse, the question and the answer to days of dreaming, the reason why you feel fortunate to be a tiny speck held in the warmth of their benevolence.
Of course, the sea has a fascination for me. It is cold and
The ball room at Troutdale-in-the-Pinet convention hall.
will be used as our
MARCH, 1931 25
and by Qar, as Well as by %ail, Will come the Others
<&n the cl^ocky
cruel, and the master of many moods. I like to test my strength against the force of its winds, and escape by an inch from the greedy arms of its waves. But the mountains . . . the mountains are a part of my being, an under- standing answer to my thoughts, happy friends that welcome me again and again whenever I return to the quiet in-
tensity of their com- panionship.
I shall never forget my first sight of them.
You can hear the waters of Bear Creek chuckle as they slide over- the rocks if you dine on this porch.
A faint blue jagged line on the horizon. We had been watching for prairie-dog holes, and Mother told us the Rockies would soon be coming into view. They seemed a miracle to me then, and they have been a new miracle to me each time since as I've watched for a bank of blue clouds to appear over the edge of a bleached Nebraska prairie.
My grandfather and grandmother drove into the young settlement of Denver on the buckboard of a covered wagon. They didn't call themselves pioneers then, because they didn't realize that they were opening a country and helping to build a city. But because of them
Denver has always belonged exclusively to me. M y pride in the name was consuming whenever we found the black dot of it on a map.
It's an unself-conscious place, with its funny "little town" look to the business streets, curio shops, ugly facades and Indian names. Sun- browned farmers, miners and Mexicans throng up and down its sunny streets. Denver pretends to be a modern, commercial city. But it
isn't; it's still a western settlement at the foot of the Rockies.
If you ride out by the little house where Mother and Daddy first started housekeeping, straight toward the western sun, it's about twenty minutes before you reach the foot-hills. They always look to me like upturned chins in need of a shave, with their stubble of young pines in silhouette against the sky.
Morrison, the first and last town on the way, is a funny little water- ing-tank growth at the foot of the red rocks. In the ten years I've known it neither a store has been added nor a house painted. It used
wabospsplolrmftftiThe main
room it
cheery and
Tj 1
MARCH, 1931 27
to be the place where you left the train, bought great supplies of groceries to last hungry people for weeks, hired a buggy with three seats and fringe around the top, and started off for a summer in the wilderness. The buggy returned by night-fall, but you didn't come down again until the end of the season. Now, in the simmering heat of summer and red dust, Morrison is only a blur on the landscape that you pass through hurriedly before you put the old motor into second and start to climb through the red rocks into Bear Creek Canyon.
Is anything in the world as sweet as that first rush of pine-scented air, straight from sunshine , and a miraculous blue sky and the rush and tumble of water hurrying over rocks? We always watch for Lin- coln's profile on the left as we pass the second bend, and then we turn our faces into the wind, silent in the pure delight of sight and sound and smell. If you know what mountain air feels like, nothing can make you forget the delicious way it causes you to tingle all through while you long for deeper breaths of it. If you don't know what mountain air does to the sparkle in your eyes . . . oh, you poor dears, come on out to Colorado.
I have a favorite gray horse out in the Troutdale stables. He ambles when the occasion demands ambling instead of cantering, and he carries me to far places that my own two feet and nobody's car could find. He knows a mountain top that overlooks the broad green valley of Bear Creek, and if you want to lie the pine needles and feel alone ith yourself and heaven he just munches grass and pretends he's not round.
And then, did you ever hang over a porch railing and watch speckled trout cavort around in the water below? I've never seen the cooks go out with a pole to catch them, but I know they're served crisp and rown on the table at night. Woolly white clouds float across the mirror f the pool, and more fish than you ever saw in one place come up to the urface to catch the penetrating rays of sun on their rainbow colors.
The Troutdale golf course streches for miles up and over the hills, ast the dam at Evergreen, around by Cub Creek and on to Little Cub Creek. When you're on it the great pines stretch out and up to the ky, and everywhere you look new vistas of beauty unfold to differing oints of view .
From the porch of our cabin, over toward Squaw Mountain, the ength of green looks no more than a fairy clearing among darker shades f emerald. Toward sunset the shadows turn from gray and green to avender and then to purple, and great crags stand out warmly in the eflected light.
Those are precious hours in the day before lights go on and a thin ist creeps down into the valley. By common consent it is the hour or wandering. Little Cub Creek gurgles and runs ahead to show us he way. We climb down over the rocks, cross the yellow road, and ind our way into the soft grass along the banks of the creek. Through he underbrush, over rocks, losing our way among the trees, and out nto a clearing again. A mile or more through the valley, going down
(Continued on page 55)
eet (^Margaret Cjorton
Convention Chairman By IRENE DAWSON, Zeta
( Z ) , Troutdale a delegate to
Moore chairman,
convention Seattle
WE WISH to introduce to you Margaret Moore Gorton, Zeta's beloved "Peg" Moore, who will manage Alpha Omicron Pi's national convention at Troutdale this summer.
When Zeta was given the privilege of being hostess chap- ter we were so thrilled the "business" part of it escaped our eyes entirely. This fall the awful question of "who?" arose. Then, what should "Peg" do, but marry a fine A Y, Don Gorton, and move into a cun-
ning little house (it actually is a vine covered cottage) right here in Lincoln, and consent to "do" it all for us. Now you
But four
Gorton was
see why we love her so dearly! Only three short years ago, she was our president. Her graduation did not succeed, as it so often does, in severing her interest and activity
in Alpha 0. "Peg" has always been an active.
During her undergraduate days "Peg" was a member of Mystic Fish, freshman girls' honorary, a member of the University Girls' Octette and in Vesper Choir. She held the offices of corresponding and record- ing secretary as well as president and Panhellenic delegate for Zeta. Seattle convention delegates and guests will remember her as the very capable Zeta delegate.
"Peg's" worth and dearness can't be expressed in words—we can only •; ask that you wait and know her yourself. It is Zeta's greatest desire to • live up to her leader, and be as gracious a hostess at Troutdale as "Peg" is in her own little house.
Crystal 'Birch
There's a penetrating beauty in a birch tree limned in crystal.
Its whiteness sends the sunbeams back with added wealth of shimmer, Its supple grace articulates a universe of rhythm,
On every tip of every twig a star point sets its glimmer.
Come to
Another Alpha 0 convention—this time at lovely Troutdale-in-the-Pines.
Can you resist the prospect? Zeta, assisted by other chapters in the district will be hostess.
Can you resist the call of magnificent Colorado in the spring, especially lovely Troutdale? Can you resist spending an entire week in this entrancing, moss-covered building of mountain stone with rustic cabins nestled near, a gem of a lake, a little island, a swimming pool, a golf course and a winding creek dashing over rocks, crossing and recrossing the scenic drives through the grounds?
Can you resist the thought of a hike to a nearby peak to see the sun rising over the distant mountains, or of a steak fry up the canyon to watch the sun slowly sinking in the west, hiding itself from view. Miles below, a stream, a tiny, silver ribbon fascinates you and you stay on. You stay as the tiny, twinkling lights begin to outline the distant cities of Golden and Denver; you stay as the tiny lights twinkle in the heavens above; and you stay as the moon rises, dimming the tiny lights below and those above and flooding the distant peaks with moonlight.
Can you resist the thrill—if this is your first convention—of meeting your fraternity sisters from the West, North, East and South and for the first time from Canada, girls who have been only names to you before? If this is not your first convention, can you resist the prospect of friendships to be renewed, of happenings to be recounted since you met last at Seattle or Ithaca?
We know you cannot resist, so Write At Once to Mrs. Donald Gorton (Margaret Moore) at 3432 South Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, for a reserva- tion. Zeta will be there to welcome you on June 21 and to bid you fare- well on June 26.
June 21-22-23-24-25-26
78 •
T o
Kerckhoff Hall is a lofty pinnacled English building, affording every comfort to students.
et'sVisit Kerckhoff Jfall
By JANET MARTIN, Kappa Theta
NE morning approximately two years ago, the thrilling announce- ment spread over the old campus that some anonymous donor had presented a student union building to us. No specifications
as to cost were made: only that the building be adequate in every respect. The entire college left classes and gathered underneath the Director's window. Could this actually be true? When D r . Moore stepped to the window and confirmed the statement, one of the greatest rallies in the history of the university was held. Here was a gift coming "like a bolt
from the blue," and filling a long-felt need.
MARCH, 1931 31
Later, the name of the donor was made known. Mrs. William G. Kerckhoff was giving this building as a memorial to her husband, who had been one of the Southland's leading figures up to his comparatively recent death.
Two months ago Kerckhoff Hall was completed. Governor Rolph left his duties at Sacramento and flew down to U.C.L.A. in order to accept the deed to the building from Mrs. Kerckhoff in behalf of the people of California. The dedication of this new structure, costing well over $800,000, was truly fitting the occasion.
We had not been allowed to enter the building until the day of its dedication. When we stepped into it, it so exceeded our expectations that everyone felt like saying, "Can so luxurious a place be for us?"
An example of the beauty of this new student-faculty center is to be found in the various lounges. Luxury would be the word to use here if it did not convey the impression of impracticability. Deep- cushioned window seats and low inviting divans and chairs lure us weaker ones to stay in their depths instead of going to the library, for instance.
The style of the building is purely English, from its brick exterior and its leaded glass windows with their interesting inlays, to the finish- ing of the woodwork. The interior decoration was done entirely by one of the Coast's leading decorators, Mr. Howard Verbeck; he succeeded in choosing the richest and most restful color harmonies in the fur- nishings and drapes that it would be possible to find. Not only that, but he must have personally sat in every chair and davenport in order to pick out the most comfortable!
*i :
lounge of the new students' building at the University of California at Los Angeles resembles a luxurious drawing room.
T o
The courtyard of Kerckhoff Hall presents a lovely view u-ith its cloistered balcony.
Of course, the student offices, the newspaper, yearbook office, and cashier have ample space here, along with the student store, cafe, and employment bureau. Anything you'd ever hope to find is in this build- ing.
It is built on rolling ground, and the windows to the west overlook the strip of silver or blue (depending on the day) that we know as the sea.
Mrs. Kerckhoff, herself, worked hand in hand with the architects and decorator, even down to helping choose the knee-deep rugs and the patterns on the dishes. Because this was a supreme memorial to her husband, she worked constantly in order that Kerckhoff Hall might be a fitting tribute to him, and a source of delight, relaxation, and use- fulness to the students and faculty. Do you wonder that we thrill to our generous gift?
The 1(ose
There is a rose in AOU
Deep as the ruby's red.
It stands for truth and loyalty And love that will not die. Roses of red forever glow, Petals as memories dear, Linking as friends for evermore
Sisters in Alpha O.
&M A R C H , 1 9 3 1
he SDEAL ^Member IS
By BERTHA C . GARDNER Grand President, Zeta Tan Alpha
HE relative importance in qualities desirable in the social and spir- itual makeup of a fraternity member has long been a subject of spirited thought and debate, and yet the selection of such essential
^Measured by Cjfour Essentials
qualities for the purpose of discussion is more difficult than it seems. In the eyes of all of us there stands upon the horizon the ideal fra- ternity girl who will become the strong fraternity woman of tomorrow, and we who are jealous of the destinies of the fraternity seek her as we seek the choicer blossoms of the June garden for the bouquet. And just as we make possible the finer blossoms through selection, we must use the same means to make of the fraternity bouquet our most heart- felt ideal. The ideal girl has certain definite attributes which we are agreed upon; still there are further fine delineations necessary to clarify the exact meaning of the qualities we have chosen. If a questionnaire were to be sent to all members over America asking them to list the elements of character which, in their opinion, they thought paramount to meet fraternity standards, and to rank them in the order of their
importance, there would be a varied and most interesting compilation of answers, and one would then have created indeed the portrait of the ideal fraternity girl. Even though her colors would be rich, and she would stand out sharply from the canvas, still one could find this very charming lass in the fraternity houses of our universities. From the pages of the questionnaire, would come an unanimity of choice of certain characteristics.
Let us for a moment discuss, as though the answers were before us, the essentials necessary for a girl to qualify as a real fraternity woman.
To me, these group themselves in four essentials. They are family background, the girl's scholarship, her ideals, and her honesty. To create the great fraternity body which we each seek, the girl must cer* tainly come from families of truth worth. Naturally a construction may be placed upon the word, yet the hearthstone of the family of standing
is well defined, and family blood speaks a clear language. arise leadership, which we need, and here will be prestige. add this valuable blossom to our fraternity bouquet.
We demand good scholarship records of our candidates.
is another prime necessity. By no means do we seek prodigies in the academic classroom, but rather ambitious, persistent students, and prob- ably above everything else, the young woman with a clear objective, that most sparkling stone of the cluster.
The objective is closely akin to the ideal. Choose for your candi- date the young woman with ideals. She will be the Jane Addams of to- morrow, the Florence Nightingale of the useful years to come. Ideals, of course, are the things which govern our lives. They are the things which mould personalities, and to cause others to form opinions of us. The ideals we hold for our fraternities will fashion and shape them for the future just as they have in the past. Honesty, in the broad sense, is an outstanding necessity—inherent honesty. As I might interpret it, it causes us to be generous, to be democratic, to be social, to be tolerant— and we find in that word an important thought to be considered in choosing the fraternity girl—and to be co-operative. This term may appear to be overplayed, for it runs through the entire social thread today, but we may apply it with grace and profit.
Should we find an ideal member, combined with these essentials, she would possess leadership, personality, optimism, tact, health, and I hardly need add, an appreciation of spiritual development. And she is here with us, this girl of the idealist's canvas, this perfect flower in our bouquet. She is here in such numbers, critics to the contrary notwith- standing, as never before. Y o u will find her if you just look around the corner. You see her! . . . and isn't she sweet in her gown of culture with its jabot of scholarship, a broad, flaming sash of ideals, and a train of inherent honesty? I see her in real life, walking up over the horizon and melting into the mystic figure of the girl who was our ideal but whom perhaps some of us thought was but a dream.
Trees that curve across the path Tall and cooling green—
What a gracious aftermath
To trees that I have seen
Gaunt and grim against the sky, Embittered by the cold—
Trees which rallied by and by And would not yet grow old I
Here will So let us
T o me that
MARCH, 1931 35
Joanna C. Colcord (r), is well known throughout the country
for her work in social service. She is director of the Charity Organi- zation Department, Russell Sage Founda- tion. A previous article by her,appearing in To DRAGMA was entitled ''The Progress of Char-
trength of Cjfamily
in Cottages
By JOANNA C . COLCORD, Gamma Written for The Family
AMONG students of the family, there appear to be three schools of opinion, closely parallel to the divergencies we meet in that other controversial subject which has lately been hammering at our
jaded powers of attention. In regard to monogamy, at least, one group is for strict enforcement, another for modification, and a third for repeal! Until the last few years, the only people who had much to say in print about the family were the anthropologists and the novel-writers, whose points of views, as may be imagined, were widely differing. Dur- ing the last five or ten years, the sociologists, biologists, psychologists, philosophers, and specialists in child guidance have added their voices, and swelled the total to a resounding chorus of printed pages. The family has all of a sudden become a Major Social Problem. Most voci- ferous of all, as might be imagined, are those who vote for repeal. The entire family idea of lifelong cohabition, of control and guidance of children by their own parents, is anathema to them. They are for the extirpation of the family, root and branch. For an extreme type of this reaction, I would refer you to the curiously uneven book just pub- lished: The New Generation, a collection of essays by different au- Jnors. In it, Samuel Schmalhausen, writing on "Family Life: A Study
m Pathology" has these things to say:
Family life, as I feel and perceive it, is about the very best raw material which Psychopathologist has at his disposal for studying intimately every kind of
j ,.e
'°Cy and imbecility, every phase of insanity. Family life, when it is not a
Pa'pable study in mental deficiency, is obviously enough a study in lunacy
36 To DRAGMAThe fundamental fact, psychiatrically, is emotional bondage. Family life, as we knowit, creates, perpetuates, glorifies this neurotic bondage There is a secrepoison that circulates in family intimacies which does a terrible damage to everemotional attitude in adolescence and maturity Parents are dead soulclutching with a drowning person's maniacal insistence the young life that is soclose by—and yet so callously unaware and even indifferent to that sad fate. . . . There is but one real problem in our lives: to seek liberation from neurotic bondage"To be free—to be free—from those who would enslave and crucify us—with theilove! Hate can be hated. But what weapons are subtle enough against the insidious power of love ? Especially mother love.
Even at its best, family life cultivates self-complacent personalities that livfar too cozily within a sort of intra-uterine comfort and satisfaction . . . . thtypical little bourgeois household apparently symbolizes love's coming of age, buactually represents a small coalition, practicing a provincial hate of fellow-men[breathing in the exhilarating poison of self-love . . . . the home] in reality iinimitably selfish, emotionally clannish, psychologically egocentric, spiritually aprovincial and dwarfish and de-civilizing as can well be imagined I givit as my sober and most thoughtful judgment that an insane asylum is a placof peace and repose and sw eet reasonableness compared w ith the institution omarriage as generally practiced The only joy human beings derive fromtheir forced intimacy in (coercive-conventional) marriage is the sadistic joy odestroying whatever is sw eet and promising and significant in one another'life The austere dignity of fatherhood is no more real to the contemporarImagination than certain famous pterodactyls and dinosaurs of old. The quiveringsacredness of motherhood brings gales of laughter even to those who try futilelyto be sentimental in an age that has developed a callous and penetrating sense ohumor . . . . we must good-humoredly (with tears unshed) kiss farewell to thtraditional family and its sacred hocus-pocus in favor of more impersonal groupings.1
"There is no solution for these unsolvable problems," he says. "Somefresh winds must blow from the cosmos at large to ventilate the asphyxiated atmosphere of the home."
Others as eager as Mr. Schmalhausen to get rid of the home havemore of a program than his "wind from the cosmos at large" for accomplishing it. They would remove all bars to free sex associationsand have the resulting children brought up communally, away fromtheir parents. Two things they have never explained: one, how underthose conditions could women be induced to undergo the pains andsuffering of childbirth, and two, how could men and women, living singlyand never seeing their children, be induced to work hard enough toproduce the necessary taxes to permit every child to be reared, andeducated by highly-paid specialists? What would be the inducementto parenthood, industry and self-sacrifice under those conditions?
Fortunately, along with tirades such as we have just sampled, someaid and comfort have been forthcoming for those of us who still believethat the family, with all its faults, has some virtues. In the same volumeI have been quoting occurs a scholarly paper by the eminent anthropolo-gist, Bronislav Malinowski, in which, after a study of the family fromprimitive times to the present, he concludes that:
The knowledge of real facts established the value of marriage and thfamily [These] institutions are indispensable, they should be saved at al'Schmalhausen, Samuel, "Family Life: A Study in Pathology." The NewGeneration. (The Macaulay Company, New York, 1930).
t y s r - e e t s s e e f f s y f e - - - , e l
jtfARCH, 1931 37
costs in the present wrecking of so many things old and valuable. But, like all really conservative tendencies, the functional view advocates intelligence and even drastic reform wherever this is necessary. If marriage and the family are in need 0 f a much greater tolerance in matters of sex and parental authority, these reforms
uffht to be formulated, studied and tested in the light of the relevant sociological k w s and not in a mere haphazard, piecemeal fashion.
We should place Malinowski, I think, with the modificationists. Here also belong Mr. and Mrs. Binkley, with their excellent book What is Right with Marriage?, an outline of domestic theory which takes into account the new conditions while proclaiming a faith in the essential
basis of marriage and family life.1
Last, in this revise of recent literature, we have the voice of a con-
vert. Floyd Dell, the novelist, whose earlier books reflect his period of "Sturm und Drang" has come through into the peace of settled con- victions with a book called Love in the Machine Age.2 He is as down on the patriarchal family as Mr. Schmalhausen could be; but being a writer by profession, he puts his ideas in lucid and interesting form. And he sees light ahead. The patriarchal family, with its over-emphasis on conformity, its meddlesome interference with the lives of its children, and its attempts to control their matings in the interest of family finance and family status, must go, he says. It is the patriarchal family which is to blame for prostitution, for polite adultry, for homosexuality, and for martial unhappiness generally. The safest guide for the young, he says, is their own intuitive impulses; as they develop they are provided with a natural reticence, which will guard against imprudent choices until by experimentation in the post-adolescent period they have found a person of the other sex with whom they can form a permanent marital relationship. "Petting," according to Mr. Dell, is only a modern form of courtship which helps in the process of choice. He is triumphantly sure that the progress from infantile self-love through fixation on parents, and then on contemporaries of the same sex, to the heterosexual love of late adolescence, must be completed by an additional step—that is, by the discovery of a mate with whom one can maintain a satisfactory and permanent monogamic relationship. This and parenthood consti- tute, he says, the only complete adjustment to adult life; anything short of this means arrest at some childish-to-infantile stage. And in strong contrast to some modern writers, Mr. Dell seems to feel that this com- plete progress to adulthood is not only desirable but possible for the majority of the human race. He makes one further interesting sugges- tion, which it seems strange that we have not heard before; namely, that parents might take out endowment insurance policies for their children in infancy, to mature at about twenty-five years, and thus make possible setting up a home at an earlier date than many young people now feel able to do. It's an interesting and refreshing book, which I
1 Binkley, Robert C. and Frances Williams, What is Right with Marriage? (D. Appleton and Co., New York, 1929).
2 Dell, Floyd, Love in the Machine Age. (Farrar and Rinehart, New York, 1930).
T o DRAGMadvise you to read, as showing that some radical views are not withoupractical constructiveness.
Nevertheless, for the conscientious person who desires to become parent, there is little encouragement to be found in the modern literature directed at him. The task of bringing up a family appears, aftea course of such reading, as quite beyond ordinary powers. If he swallows these new ideas whole, how can he be so rash as to take the fiftyto-one chance that association with him will not ruin his children'emotional adjustments and success in life? He knows all to welthat children will no longer be to him, as they were to parents in thpast, a financial asset—rather poignantly the reverse. And now he itold that he cannot seek enjoyment and personal happiness from hichildren because that would be exploiting them to serve his own desires. When to a feeling of his own inadequacy for the task is added stern injunction that he must hope for no personal delights in parenthood except the ascetic joy of successfully weaning his children fromemotional dependence upon him, what incentive is left him except thrarified concept that it is his duty to add to the population? It seemto me that the net effect of this drive against parents will be further toconfirm the more literate in failing to have children, and to leave thtask of populating the earth to more care-free and less well-read parentsWhich may be precisely what Nature intends. At least, Professor Jennings, in his latest book, The Biological Basis of Human feature,1 appearto feel no particular alarm for the species on account of the childlessness of the so-called, "better" classes.
Some years ago, I read an article by a young newspaper man on thmethods used by himself and his wife in bringing up their family ofive children. Before the birth of the first he said:
I resolved . . . . not to make the error of regarding my children as an invesment from which I should draw dividends at some remote time. Either they werto be enjoyed from the beginning or probably not at all. I decided that I would dfor them all that I comfortably could without inflicting hardship upon my wifand myself; that we had our own lives to live, too, and that undue sacrifice woulinevitably create in our minds an impression of debt. Debtors and creditors arseldom comfortable companions I decided that it was not necessary texert any influence, at least consciously, upon children to mold their characterThey cannot avoid learning from their parents either for good or for ill or foboth. Whatever influence was to be exerted, I resolved, would be aimed at myself.8
The article briefly and delightfully describes how it worked out; andwhat a good time they all had along the way. If I were making up abibliography for prospective parents, I should be inclined to put thashort article, rather than any ponderous volume on child care that have ever read, at the head of the list.
1 Jennings, H. S., Biological Basis of Human Nature (Norton and Co., NewYork, 1930).
2 Crowell, Chester T ., "Notes of an Amateur Father." American Mercury, October, 1924.
MARCH, 1931
t a - r - - s l e s s - a - e s e .
- s - e f t- e o e d e o s. r - t I - II.
I apologize for so much time taken in book reviews, but the recent
literature has been so pertinent to the subject that I couldn't resist. Now to turn from the weaknesses to the strengths of family life. Some 0 f you may be for strict enforcement, but I imagine that most of us here admit the necessity of some modification, and in fact see it at present going on. A short time ago I was asked by the chairman of a committee on the family of which I am the only social worker member to prepare a statement for the committee's use on the principles which we family workers accept as being true about family life, and upon which we in some measure base our own behavior toward our clients. I found this a surprisingly difficult task since it meant neither a com-
plete philosophy of the family on the one hand, nor a complete state- ment of our practice on the other, but only the place, so to speak, where the two things join. Moreover, I found, on thinking it over, that a con- siderable number of the things our predecessors took for granted were being questioned by their successors of the present day. I managed to get together eight "basic principles" that seem to guide us in our dealings with families, but to at least half, I had to add an explanatory note say- ing that this principle was by no means universally held in our group, or that it had been considerably modified from a former and more uncom-
promising view.
I will not inflict the memorandum on you—it is too long; but one of the difficulties I had was always to keep in mind the people who were going to read it. This group has the usual intelligent layman's viewpoint about what we do and about the qualities of our clients. Our research to them is suspect because we deal with the "industrial misfits," with broken families, with a submerged and in their opinion, altogether a typical group. No doubt domestic discord among people with narrow opportunities and little money to cushion shocks is all the more dis- cordant when it does occur, but on the other hand, is it not true in our experience that we often find, among the families that come to us as victims of economic distress, more adequate nurseries of childhood than we can easily match with examples drawn from among our friends on a higher economic level? Homes where there are enough children to take over from the parents part of the duties of tending and disciplining
each other, do seem to produce more stable children than those where there is the most anxious parental cossetting. Homes where both par- ents are too busy at useful tasks to interfere unnecessarily in the chil- dren's development secure better-developed children. Homes where children necessarily and, as a matter of course, participate in the work of the household send them forth better equipped for useful lives. Homes where care and frugality have to be displayed in expending the family income do not so often produce in the children habits of selfish-
ness and extravagance.
We ought to try to get some of these statements about the families known to us across to the public, in simple justice to the mass of our clients; and I think you will be glad to know that the Family Welfare
40 To DRAGMAssociation of America is collecting and has collected examples of wisparenthood among the humble folk known to us. One family handcapped by illness and blindness of the breadwinner and dependent fosix years upon charitable assistance shows a bright record in the upbringing of its eight children that few better advantaged families coulmatch. These are some of the things that record shows:
1. Strong affection between all members of the family. The marriagwas in the beginning a youthful love-match, the husband and wife botcoming from happy and stable, though humble, homes. The children aloved equally, though treated differently. Each child has been welcomeThe fourteen-year-old daughter is "so sorry" for small families. "Whawould we do without Charlie?" The older ones begin, at two or threyears of age, to care for and share with the next younger.
2. A sense of security. While the children share in the family plansthey are not allowed to feel the full burden of family anxieties. Thmother says, "There's been nothing really hard except circumstancesand we've always been happy." The children, greatly undernourishedand pre-tubercular when the family was first known, gained more rapidlat home than in a convalescent home.
3. Sharing pleasures and successes. They have "good times together" with much laughter and family jokes. Plays seen by the oldechildren are re-enacted at home. When the case worker took one othe girls to tea at a restaurant, her first question was whether it wouldbe too expensive for her to bring her mother there.
4. Unselfish attitudes. T h e children are taught to let their playmates use their toys. Frances had to be prevented from giving henew coat to her younger sister. When two of the children were to havenew shoes, they asked if the money could not be put into a pair fortheir father instead.
5. Hopeful and unified aims. The mother got up from a sick bed toclean taxicabs rather than have her eldest daughter leave Normal SchoolThis girl will undertake to put two younger sisters through school"After that I might get married." On learning that the second daughter was barely of normal intelligence, the family's own plan is to leher spend one year more in school taking domestic subjects, then becomethe homemaker, for which she has talent, while the mother, a formerclerical worker, goes out to earn. The contribution of each member imapped out for years to come. "We have each other and our hopesfor the future." They are eager for the time when they can get onwithout outside help.
6. Fortitude. There is no trace in the family atmosphere of selfpity, self-seeking, or complaint, even in the past, when pain, cold, andhunger have had to be endured. One makes the best of these thingsfortified by religion and hope.
7. Utilization of opportunities. While at first somewhat ingrowingthey are now reaching out. "There is never any question whether thechildren can go to a concert, join the settlement club, go away for thesummer, or go to college. The moment an opportunity is open the
e i- r - d e h re . t e , e , y - r f - r . . - t s
- , ,
MARCH, 1931
whole family pull together to make it possible." Their father teaches them to appreciate the essential humanity in everyone. The children are becoming increasingly fearless in meeting the outside world.
"Life under such surroundings," says the worker who contributed this record, "seems almost certain to turn out children with habits and prin- ciples which will ensure the foundation of wholesome homes of their own."
{ To return for just a moment to recent literature about the family,
my attention was sharpened while reading that very didactic work of Bertrand Russell's Marriage and Morals in coming on a passage in which he states that the institution of the family was never suitable to sea-fearing peoples . . . . "when one member of the family went on a long voyage while the rest stayed at home he was inevitably emanci- pated from family control, and the family was proportionately weak- ened."1
This statement ought to interest New England!
I suppose we would agree that of all handicaps to family life and mutual interest frequent and prolonged absences of the husband and father would be likely to be the most disastrous. And yet—was Mr. Russell's a careful statement? Is it particularly true of his own coun- try—the greatest seafaring nation in history? There happened to fall into my hands some time ago a series of letters written by a sea-captain to his New England home from all over the world some sixty years ago. At the time they were written, he had been going to sea for about twenty-five years, in a trade which kept him absent for two or three years at a time, interspersed with visits of a month or six weeks to his family. On rare occasions, his wife and one or more of the children would accompany him for a voyage, but this meant a still harder break for the child or children left in school, and was not of frequent occur- rence. At the time the letters were written, the eldest boy was away at school, and the younger boy and girl were with their mother.
There is nothing of the rollicking sailor about these letters—no tales of hair-breadth 'scapes or jolly adventures. They are the letters of a desperately homesick man, whose every thought and emotion turns to his distant family. After a voyage on which the wife and small boy accompanied him, he sets out alone for Montevideo and writes from there:
My health has been good, but you can guess I have been awfully lonesome. Tell B. that after I had been at sea two or three days, I found one of his little boats, and it made me sick to my stomach. Afterwards I found one of your old hair-nets, and it had the same effect. There is no sale for lumber, and I shall probably go to Buenos Aires . . . .
In port, he lives from mail-day to mail-day, and no number of letters from home will satisfy him. He writes eagerly to his wife, about the management of the home farm—she had better sell the pretty cow and keep the homely one—"but do as you think best." He shares with her
1 Russell, Bertrand, Marriage and Morals. (Horace Liveright, New York, 1929).
all his triumphs and failures in conducting the ship's business: a g o 0charter secured to Valparaiso; the way he was robbed on repairs tthe ship in Samarang. When times are good, he writes her:
I am glad to hear that you and family are all well and that there is a prospeof your getting a [hired] girl; if you get her I shall feel that you can take thingeasy and live a lady! Hope you will be suited with your carriage and enjoy fAbove all pray do take the best care of yours and the children's health; don't suffefor the want of good things, for it gives me far greater pleasure to know my famihave them than to have them myself.
He is troubled by a tendency in his oldest son to value acquaintanceby the wealth and position rather than their real worth, and writes him letter full of tenderness, but warning against this error. The littldaughter is told that he wants her always to be dressed prettily and becomingly but not to set too high a value on fine clothes. His gropinaffection toward these children whom he found so changed at eachome-coming is plain through the repressed idiom of the New Engender:
I have had large expectations from the children. Your praise of them easmy spirits.
From Batavia he writes to his wife:
Say to the children that if they love me the best thing they can do to pleame will be to do everything in their power to please you. Shall not have a gredeal of money to spend foolishly, but shall try to get a bird of paradise for you I can find one Tell B. that the coolies sing the same tune that they useto and I almost see him when I hear them singing.
And from another Sumatran port:
We are bound to Falmouth for orders, and I hope you will see your way clear meet me on arrival but still don't want you to against your own judgment. Youinclination I know would say "Go." Should like very much to have you combut not at the family detriment. If you don't shall know it was not because you dnot want to. At any rate be sure and have lots of letters. Write me all the littlocal news; it may look small to you, but it interests mer
But she is unable to join him, and his orders at Falmouth are to loaand proceed to South America. On the eve of sailing he writes:
I think if you were going with me that I should be in fine spirits. It lookto be a long dreary time to me. When you write me and mention anything aboit it makes me sick for a day or two, so don't mention anything about not beinwith me. I write this in a hurry for I am going to try to get to sea tonight possible. * "
A little while back we saw vigorous, constructive family life persisting under conditions of illness of breadwinner, physical deprivationand limited opportunity. In these letters we see the essential bonds ofamily affection strong in the face of continued separation. There aralmost no imaginable conditions which are bound to extirpate thstrengths of family life, if they have once really existed. Certainly thforms taken by the family will change, along with every human situation. But when the essential strengths of devotion, mutual enjoymenand sacrifice leave it altogether, then the human race and its civilizatiowill be ended too—and that is not likely to come about for some timThe wise Havelock Ellis says that founding a family is always an adventure. But he says:
(Continued on page 76)
f j o ct s t r ly s a e - g h - es se at if d to r e id le d s ut g if - , f e e e - t, n e. - F
MARCH, 1931
To &urope To {&urope
With tjllpha O's
To Europe, to Europe To see a fine castle Home again, home again To make others dazzle.
EBRUARY and March bring letters of temptation to dash off to see the lands beyond the Atlantic. We always think of the old nursery
rhyme which we've parodied above because we do feel dazzled when we've talked to one who has been, seen and returned.
T o DRAGMSo many Alpha O's are conducting parties abroad this summer thawe felt we'd just have to tempt you in To DRAGMA. Barbara PorteCowen ( I ) , is taking a group through six countries, sailing on July 7 othe 5.5. Europa. She can give you all the information—73 NorwooAvenue, Albany, New York.
Dorothy Herrington (A '23), is acting as a kind of travel broke(without fee). She will book passage for you on any steamship line any port. She will arrange an independent trip for you or see that yoare placed in a congenial group. Besides doing these necessary servicfor you, she will act as your "travel counsellor," sending you titles obooks to be read before going to Europe, addresses of just the righshops, and help you with all sorts of little things.
She is conducting a party herself this summer. Her group sails oJune 13 on the 5.5. Volendam. They will visit France, SwitzerlandItaly, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Holland and England, being gonseventy-two days. Not the least interesting feature of this trip are thmotor journeys. Dorothy studied in France so she is well equipped guide a party. This is her second tour with a group. Alpha O's wishing more information, may reach her at 425 San Mateo Drive, SaMateo, California.
Dorothy Duncan (P), is taking a group to Europe for $229. Shhasn't told us much about it because she is so anxious to have everyonat Troutdale for convention, and she's afraid most of us can't go to convention and Europe in the same summer. She's sailing in July, wunderstand. Perhaps, if you can assure her that you can go both placeshe'll tell you more about her plans—225 Wood Court, Wilmette, Illnois.
Two Minnesota housemothers have arranged a student tour so wmay expect many Alpha O's and Gamma Phi's to return to school nexfall with glowing reports of the canals of Venice, the Swiss Alps, funnold German cities, Dutch shoes and Belgian laces, Paris at night anLondon fog. Mrs. D. S. Cummings, chaperon for Tau Chapter anMrs. F . J . Evans of the Gamma Phi Beta house will be hostesses othis tour. They sail June 24 on the M.S. Vulcania. You may reacMrs. Cummings at 1121 Fifth Street Southeast, Minneapolis.
So off to Europe
To see the old world
Then home again, home again, To see Old Glory unfurled.
Bork (P) played the lead
ounger ^Alpha O's
t r n d r to u es
f t n , e e to - n ^j e - e s, i- e t y d d n h yi v ;c n
Maeterlinck's Tintagiles" given
"Death of the
University Evanston
at the Theater.—The
T o DRAGM(§eniorWo manT"Belongs To A 2HOUGH it sounds very hyperbolical to say of RebaBrogdon that "none knew herbut to love her, none named herbut to praise," it is generallyknown fact the campus over. Hewarm smile a n d genuine interesin people mark her apart. Thjunior class elected her vice president of their class last year, andshe was elected vice president ofthe Associated Women Students inthe spring elections.
Reba was chosen a Kwamahonorary sophomore service or-ganization, a high honor. She wasvice president of the freshman classin 1927 and has served on in-numerable committees. She wassocial chairman for Alpha Sigmalast year.
Reba was general chairman fothe big University of Oregon bene-fit dance given last April, and wain charge of the banquet for Moth-ers' Day, one of the big events ofJunior Week-end.
She is Senior Woman, studentbody office. —B Y BOBBY
*Pi Delta
W in J{ onorsVirginia Smith (T1A '31),boasts three honorary societies,<I>K<p', BI10 and SAIL Her activi-ties vary from Opera Club to par-ticipation in the tennis tourna-ment. She is a member of theDiamondback staff, symphony or-chestra, University Chorus and thenew Mercer Literary Society. Shehas been active in Y.W.C.A. andWoman's Student GovernmentREID
J^ARCH, 1931
f t e - , r s
work, too. So you see in Virginia's case honors share alike- scholarship goes hand in hand with campus activities.
pi Delta has two members of Wom- en's Senior Honor- ary Society. Six seniors a r e chosen each year so you may be sure we are proud to claim a third of the mem- bership.
Elgar Jones (IIA '31), was elected to Poe Literary Society in her freshman
year, becoming
treasurer in her third
year, and she is sec-
retary this year.
That first year she
"made" Grange and
was captain of the
freshman basketball
team. S h e served
again in her sopho-
more year and was a
member of the All-
Maryland basketball
and volleyball teams
as a junior. A ten-
nis player, she was
tennis manager i n
her third year. It
follows that she was
a member of the
"M" Club. She is
their president this year. As chairman of the music committee she helped with the last May D ay celebration. Last year she was on the Woman's Student Government Council and is on the Executive Council of the Woman's Athletic Association now . She is also serving as house president for W.S.G.A. She is secretary of BH© and vice president of Women's Senior Honor Society. Last year she was study plan officer; this year she is treasurer of the chapter.
Martha Baird is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi at Southern Methodist University. She was chosen as one of the five most popular girls on the campus. At the present time, she is doing graduate work. She has been on the "Rotunda" staff for four years, and is a member of Swastika. Last year she went to Beta Lambda's summer camp at Glen Rose, and we hear that she will be going this year, too.—THE KAPPA ALP HA JOURNAL.