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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-08-18 15:28:25

1930 October - To Dragma

Vol. XXV, No. 2


of Alpha Oniicron Pi

- Number 2

I, Vol. X X V


We Peep Into Foreign L a n d s (Frontispiece) \
Soviet Russia, Land of Work and Beauty \
Mew Homes? Yes, By the H a l f Dozen 7
Here are the "New District Superintendents g
Are Co-eds Unconventional? O h My No, Says Anna Many 1*
The Glamor of Moviedom Hides the Strain of H a r d Work 16
Have Fashions Gone to O u r Ankles? «J
We Extend Sympathy to Three Alpha O's 20
WinaJred Steele, O u r New Assistant Registrar 21
Wherein My Picture is Taken With a Tiger and a Rajah 22
Students on New Westwood Campus at Loa A n n i e s 26
A Breath of the Mediterranean—the New Kappa Theta House 30
Lovely Sweden, Land of Cleanliness and Charm 32
Artist Surprises Eta With Painting 37
Forty-Five Minutes With A n Author's Agent 38
Try For Alpha Omicron P i $1,000 Fellowship 41
Women Have Set the Pace in Medicine 42
The Grand President Makes H e r Freshman Tour 45
No Fraternity is 100 Per Cent Perfect 55
New York Panhellenic Scholarship is Announced 56
Witter Bynner Award Goes to Alpha O 57
To DKAOMA Will Celebrate Twenty-fifth Birthday 58
Founders' Day Around the Circle •• •• 65
The Quiet Corner «
Sigma Kappa Tells of Novel W a y T o Interest Alumnss *J
The Editor Speaks 73
Alpha O's in the Daily Press '*
Alpha O Sketch Book 76
Active Alpha O's {7
Pledge Personalities ]»*
The Bulletin Board *«*
The Active Chapters
The Alumnz Chapters
The Directory of Officers


A L P H A [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. E T A [H]—University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wis.
Pi. [ I f ] — I L Sophie Ncwcomb Memorial
College, New Orleans, L a . A L P H A P H I [A*]—Montana State Col-
lege, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu IN]—New York University, New
York City. Nu OMICRON [NO]—Vanderbilt Univer-
sity, Nashville, Tenn.
OMICRON [0]—University of Tennessee,
Knoxvilie, Term. Psi [•+]—University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa.
KAPPA [K]—Randolph-Macon Woman's
College, Lynchburg, Va. P H I [<1>]—University of Kansas, Law-
rence, K a n .
Z E T A [Z]—University of Nebraska, L i n -
coln, Neb. OMEGA [0]—Miami University, Oxford,
S I G M A [ £ ] — U n i v e r s i t y of California,
Berkeley, Calif. OMICRON P I [On]—University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
T H E T A fO]—DePanw University, Greek
A L P H A S I G M A [AS]—University of Ore-
castle, 1ml. gon, Eugene, Ore.

BETA [B]—Brown University—Inactive. X i [S]—University of Oklahoma, Nor-
man, Okla.
D E L T A LA]—Jackson College, Tufts Col-
lege, Mass. Pi D E L T A [nA]—University of Mary-
land, College Park, Md.
G A M M A [ I ' l — University of Maine,
Orono, Me. TAU DELTA [TA]—Birmingham-Southern
College, Birmingham, Ala.
EPSILON IE]—Cornell University, Ithaca,
N.Y. KAPPA T H E T A [KO]—University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles. Los Angeles,
R H O IP]—Northwestern Universily, Calif.
Evanston, III.
KAPPA OMICRON [KO]—Southwestern,
LAMBDA |Aj—Leland Stanford Univer- Memphis, Tenn.
sity. Palo Alto, Calif.
A L P H A R H O [AP]—Oregon Agricultural
IOTA Ul—University of Illinois, Cham- College, Corvallis, Ore.
paign, 111.
C H I D E L T A [ X A J — University of Colo-
T A U [T]—University of Minnesota, Min- rado, Boulder, Colo.
neapolis, Minn.
BETA THETA [BQ] —Butler University.
C m [X]—Syracuse University, Syracuse, Indianapolis, Ind.
A L P H A P I [An]—Florida Slate College
U P S I L O N [T]—University of Washington, for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.

Seattle, Wash. EPSILON ALPHA [RAJ—Pennsylvania
Slate College, State College, Pa.
N u KAPPA [NK]—Southern Methodist
T H E T A E T A [OHJ—University of Cincin-
University, Dallas, Tex. nati, Cincinnati, Ohio.

BETA P H I IB*]—Indiana University,
lllocruingtun, Ind.


N E W Y O R K A L U M N A New York City. PHILADELPHIA ALUMNA—Philadelphia.

SAN FRANCISCO A L U M N A — S a n Fran- Pa.
cisco, Calif.
P R O V I D E N C E A L U M N A — P r o v i d c n c e,
Rhode Island. Mo.

BOSTON ALUMNA—Boston, Mass. O M A H A A L U M N.E—Omaha, Neb.
L I N C O L N A L U M N A — L i n c o l n , Neb.
Los A*fGELFs A L U M N A — L o s Angeles, SYRACUSE A L U M N A - Syracuse, N . Y .

Calif. DETROIT ALUMNA—Detroit, Mich.

INDIANAPOLIS A L U M N A — Indianapolis,
MEMpHts ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn.

M I L W A U K E E ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.



La. A L U M N A — Minneapolis, City, Okla.

Minn. cago ,111.

SEATTLE ALUMNA—Seattle, Wash. Ind.
D E N V E R A L U M N A — D e n v e r , Colo.
LYNCHBURG ALUMNA—Lynchburg, Va. A N N ARBOR A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.

D.C. Ind.
ST. L O U I S A L U M N A — S t . Louis, Mo.

?yllpha Omicron Pi

VOL. X X V JANUARY, 1930 NO. 2

> V



Send all editorial material to

• 405 Elm Street,
Menasha, Wisconsin


50 Broad Street,
Bloom field, N. J.

To D R A G M A is published by Alpha Omicron P i fraternity, 4 0 5 E l m Street,
Menasha, Wisconsin, and is printed by T h e George Banta Publishing Company.
Entered at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, as second class matter under
the Act of March 3 , 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro-
vided for in section 1 1 0 3 , Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 1 2 , 1 9 2 0 .

To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March and May.
Subscription price, 5 0 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; L i f e
Subscription $15.

MM ^




J ~"
I 'H





In this issue we peep into foreign
lands. Isn't this a quaint corner?


of Alpha Omicron P/

Vol. 25 * .2

^ o v i et Cl^u s s i a

"-ar or Soviet really make little difference to Russian youngsters as long as they can have
H e , r music. Here are two youths gaily singing to the accompaniment of their con-

certinas. And what are they singing—perhaps the famed "Volga Boat Sing."

ynd of Work and 'Beauty

By E L I Z A B E T H S. U N D E R H I L L , NU

ABOUT a year and a half ago, when traveling in Russia was be-
h ginning to be possible, if not probable, once more, my father,
whose ambition it is to see all of the world and then some an-
unced that we could go to Russia in one month if we liked. Says I ,
t us go, and how."


For anyone who is accustomed to the fairly simple ritual of con- The
tinental travel, Russia seems to offer enough red tape to reach around sain
the world and back, but behold us on an August day a few weeks later, one
in Helsingfors, Finland, awaiting permission from the Soviet Central
Committee in Moscow to have our passports vised by the Russian Consul, are
they having been sent over from home to be examined, then sent back we
to us just as they were without the desired stamp, as of course Russia Th
has no consular representative in the United States. exp
We waited a week in Helsingfors, cooling our heels and going to hear abl
the choir in the Greek Church—Finland, of course belonged to Russia up ove
to the time of the Revolution. There we received our vises and departed tha
to Leningrad by a very comfortable night train which arrived at the thin
border in the early hours of the morning. Our luggage was most carefully the
examined by most polite Russian officials, special attention being paid Len
to all written matter, and I had a choice collection of books ranging from Ked
Tolstoi to Trotsky. Nothing was confiscated, and we proceeded on our J-en
way, finally arriving in the former St. Petersburg in time for luncheon rev
which, to our horror, the leisurely Russians eat at three o'clock. y
I am sure Leningrad was one of the world's most fascinating capitals eyen
in the halcyon pre-war days. Now, it is like a "banquet hall deserted." *he
Its beautiful broad streets, stately palaces and extensive parks, seem to wan
demand a population of czars, ambassadors and wealthy aristocrats, uM ea
stead of the simple, poorly-dressed peasants and workers that now swarm »n f
in the streets.




Looking down the Moskva river you see the famous and historical Kremlin, old time C * f f l H
palace, and now the seat of the Bolshevik government.

ANUARY, 1930 5

e famous red mausoleum in Red Square in Moscow houses the remains of Lenin, patron
nt of Russian Reds. The old wooden structure,_ shown above, is now being replaced by

built of maiblc. The three previous reproductions have been loaned to T o D R A G M A by
the editor of the Delta Chi Quarterly.

But these are the people who are making the new Russia. These
e the people who are keeping the palaces and art galleries just as they
ere so that the world outside and the Russian peasant may see them.
hese are the people who are responsible for the greatest communistic
periment the world has ever known. And if we deplore broken
ndow panes, muddy streets, lack of good roads and none too comfort-
le hotels, we have to remember that a country which is making itself
er from the bottom has more important things to think of at present
an beautifying its cities. As our guide in Moscow said, "We must
nk of the people first, we must have schools, day nurseries, hospitals,
en we can take up the other things."

The "experiment" was to be studied more fully in Moscow than in
ningrad, for there is the seat of government. There in the picturesque
ed Square, where Ivan the Terrible did unspeakable deeds, is buried
nin, whose name is revered by all "new" Russians and whose tomb is
verently visited once a month by hundreds of devout "Comrades."

Within the walls of the Kremlin, surely the most fascinating group
buildings in Europe, the mysterious power which governs Russia,
Actions. We were not allowed to enter—in fact a sentry at the gate
n forbade me to take shelter under the arch of the entrance one day
en I Was caught umbrellaless under the Kremlin Walls. Rut we
ndered the streets of the lovely old city. We saw wonderful museums,
ard services in candle-lighted churches, visited the home of Tolstoi
» were taken to model nurseries, prisons, schools and clubs for workers.


The city of the Czars and the city of the Soviets is not to be de-
scribed in a few words, for while the present government is busy undoing
the social mistakes of the past, it is also occupied in preserving the
artistic achievements and is more than ready to acknowledge them.

In the Crimea, where we spent a week or two, we saw the fairy
palaces of Czars and nobility on the Black Sea turned into sanatoria
or summer homes for factory workers. Private property has all been
confiscated on the theory that the land belongs to the working people.

Whatever we in a comfortable democratic country may think of this
overwhelming experiment and glad as we were to have visited the land
where it was being tried, we admitted that seldom in our travels had we
met with a more absorbing problem. Never had we enjoyed a visit to a
foreign country more, never had we been less comfortable, never had
we met more polite but more chaotic people, never had we tasted such
excellent caviare and never did we want to go there again—for at
least ten years.

Elisabeth Underbill says she doesn't
want to no back to Russia very soon

Russia is essentially oriental, rather than
loiekie i'deanptpael,arainvcheich accounts for the Hindu
of this native Russian
learning to use the telephone.

Western ^Atmosphere J^ends 3\ovelty to a

Upsilon's *Best Tarty

U PSILON'S most successful rushing party was an Indian Powwotf
The guests were greeted by Indian maidens and given shingl'
slabs, cleverly decorated, with the name of their reservations ol
them. The reservations were groups of pillows placed at various spots <*
the floor; each one bearing a sign with its name on it.

JANUARY, 1930 7

m es P


Sigma's new home looks out upon Golden Gate.

yes, • "By the J f a l f "Dozen


'[ IS very proud of its new home, and indeed it is a home of
which we can honestly boast. I t is constructed of buff brick
and is of a modified Italian type. Inside it resembles an ice castle,

for overhead hang silver icicles, and the crystal drops of the chandeliers
reflect rainbow tints when the room is lighted.

The living room is two-thirds the depth of the house. The dark red
velvet drapes and soft thick rugs, together with the inviting chairs and
comfortable divans combine to give this room an impression of hominess
and repose.

Back of the living room is the sun room, one of the cheeriest rooms
°f the house. The tone color of blending shades of orange, yellow and
red, combine to make this room the most popular. To one side of this
is the library, which is all that a library should be and proves to be
an admirable place for studying.



Note tlic lovely arched ceilings and door Sigma's dining room is thus seen fi
ways 'in Sigma's house. the reception room.

As you enter the door, into the reception hall, the first thing that
attracts your attention is the grand staircase which ascends to a landing
where it divides, turns and continues on each side to the second floor.

Another side of the entrance hall is the spacious dining room. Back
of this is the butler's pantry and kitchen. There are guest room and
housemother's room also.

On the second floor there are ten rooms and a large sleeping porch.
Each room is furnished according to each girl's taste.

Our chapter room is located in the basement, and is very spacious.
The beautiful lighting fixtures and wall furnishings, together with its
other admirable features, make Xi's home the most admired home on
the campus.

*A Qolonial Jfome Jfouses ^4lpha *Pi

By H I L D R E D N E W L O N , Alpha Pi

WA L K I N G down West Park Avenue towards the Florida State
College for Women one sees a new brick house. But note! I t
is not just an ordinary house, for three raised letters stand out
clearly against a white background above the arched entrance. Yes. you
are right! They are the Greek letters, A O IT, which adorn the new
house of Alpha Pi chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.

Colonial style architecture gives to the house a certain dignity and
charm. The thing that interests one, however, is the terrace extending
across the front of the house on which there are the most inviting "linger-
awhile" looking chairs.


From the terrace one enters the reception hall through an old-fash-
ioned door set back in the arched entrance. On the left of the hall
one looks into the main living room, warm yet reserved in its tones
of mauve and mulberry, brightened by touches of blue and gold. A
lovely fireplace invites you in. Then—happy surprise! A delightful sun
porch appears off to one side.

On the other side of the reception hall, opposite the living room, is
the music room, more often used as a "date" parlor.

Back of this one finds a breakfast room, large pantry and a nice airy
kitchen, off of which extends the back porch.

Now one returns to the reception hall and goes upstairs to discover
four big bedrooms, a fine long sun porch (very popular with the pledges
as well as the members), and the bath. Of course, there is no need of
describing the furnishings of the bedrooms. Every college girl should
know. They are quite collegiate.

One of the nicest things is saved for the last—a great back yard
covered with grass and shaded by huge oaks and pecan trees—a lovely
place for summer lawn parties.

Alpha Pi chapter is proud of her new home and hopes all the other
Alpha O's will like it too.

c 5 \ « drives in Quarters in Qreenwich tillage


NU IS sending you a few pictures of its home. I t consists of a
duplex apartment in one of the rambling old houses on Minetta
Street, in one of those unexpected little streets which pop out at
one in Greenwich Milage. The interior of the apartment does not belie
its inviting exterior. Downstairs, there is, first of all, a large living room.
Here, three front windows, a fireplace, and a huge lounge provide for
the chapter comfort, while gay hangings of cretonne, colorful lamps,
and roly-poly footstools add to the decorative scheme. Next in order
comes a study, quite properly equipped with lots of light, roomy book-

Another corner of Nu's new living room. "Come into our parlor," says Nu chapter
to all of you, "Here's a cosy wing
chair by the fireside."



Alpha Pi is at home in this hospitable and
looking brick and stucco house. ope

cases, and a broad work table. In this cozy corner, any A O n could |\ A
wrestle with the toughest of algebra problems. When one becomes and
hungry, there is, of course, a most modern kitchenette. "sui
The bedrooms, three in number and large and airy in their propor- two
tion, form the second story of the apartment. One approaches them affo
from a sky-blue stairway, which is quite in keeping with their gay furnish- gree
ings. In these pleasant surroundings, five of our resident students find velo
that almost impossible thing, a home in New York City near the campus. gree
The house has been furnished through the combined efforts of active oak
girls and alumna?. We have to thank our enterprising house committee
and many of the alumna? for their hours spent in haunting furniture of d
shops, in ransacking attics for "antiques," and in shopping about for effe
rugs, curtains, linen, and all the other accoutrements of domesticity. to th

If you cannot have a house on the campus, X u recommends an apart- T
ment-duplex. yello
(§igma's cyfttractive Jfouse Completed *Aug. 10 aid

By H E L E N C U L L E N , Sigma od
SIGMA'S attractive stucco house was completed August 10, just in •eep
time for the summer rushing at the University of California. Its
location is a very good one, being near the California memorial sta- .I
dium, and commanding an excellent view of San Francisco Bay and the elu
Golden Gate.
Directly above the chapter room and the garages (in the front of ('t;
the house) is a wide terrace, overlooking the bay. Winding steps ascend
to a huge oak door with the Greek insignia, A O IT, above it. The house th i
itself is a three-story building, that is, without counting the chapter bl e
room. This room as I mentioned before, is built over the garage space,
^| (


NUARY, 1930

* Xi's house is the pride of many hearts. *

d is cut off from the rest of the house, having a separate entrance
ening into it.

As one enters the front door a spacious hall leads to the living room,
adjoining it is the dining room and two smaller wicker rooms, or

itor" rooms, as the girls have named them. The living room is twenty-
e by forty feet, so you can judge how large it is. Four long windows,

of which open into a patio, and the other two which face the terrace,
ord plenty of light. The color scheme of the room is carried out in
en and deep red. The rugs are a soft green; the drapes are of wine
our; the davenports of the same; while the lamps are a combination of
en, tan, and red. A highly decorative fireplace is one of the most
utiful features of the room. Looking up, a beamed ceiling of carved

in the natural coloring, meets the eye.

Two massive doors of carved wood lead into the dining room. Tables
deeply stained walnut give a dignified air to the room. The lighting
ect adds to the impressiveness, while flowered chintz drapes lend charm
his otherwise formal setting.

The bedrooms are uniform in their furnishings, green, lavender, and
ow being the predominant colors. A buying committee, composed of
member of the board, an alumna, a mother of one of the house girls,

two house girls, were in charge of selecting the furniture. A l l the
dern conveniences have been provided, including numerous showers,
aundry room, clothes chute, and an incinerator, not to mention the
pmg porches and abundant closet space.

I he chapter house was built by Sigma Chapter Corporation, which
udes lour alumna? and three members from the active chapter. The

? i U e e W a s l e d b y yD a i s Shaw who presided as president and Florence
;ks was secretary and treasurer. Construction was begun on the house

i! 4 ' " '1 9 9 m o s t characteristic feature of the architecture is
beautifully arched ceiling in the hall.

igma chapter wishes to express its appreciation to its alumna? mem-

'or the unfaltering toil exercised in the building program.


Jfere "ew District il.
By W I L M A S M I T H L E L A N D , Tau j 3.
DISTRICT Superintendents! Have you 5.
been very curious to know something aboutJ o.
the woman who holds that office in y o g
district and to know what she looks like? W ell, her
here you are! First, let us introduce them form- B
ally, Pacific Coast chapters, may be present Lilian
Force Fletcher (Lambda). Midwest girls, here is Liv
Lucile Zeigelmaier Haertel (Tau). back again. ou
Aren't you glad? Great Lakes chapters, you have wit
a treat before you if you haven't met Margaret Melaas Spengler (Eta). Bu
Mary Gertrude Manley ( Keta Phi), will help you of Ohio Valley District bay
to settle your problems. The Atlantic District has a new superintendent, Wi
Joyce Cheney Stevens (Gamma). Mamie Hurt Baskervill i Kappa), •De
will serve as rudder for the Southern District, to Stu
the joy of that groups heart, we know. Pa
We're not going to tell you much about Lucile me
Haertel and Mamie Baskervill because you in yea
Rn a
their districts know them personally, and the rest

of you have read about them within the last two

years. We welcome them back, for their excellent
judgment and fine fore- DUDLEY PARK!
sight proved their value
as district leaders. Mary Gertrude Mi
Ohio Valley
And so let's get ac-
quainted with Lilian da). She is a
Force Fletcher (Lamb- 102S graduate of

Leland Stanford

University, Palo

Mamie Hurt Baskervill, Alto. Her frater-
Southern nity experienced
have been many

and unique. Initiated at Sigma, she rushed:

three classes there. In 1927 she returned to

Stanford where she had gone after six

months at California, but which she had left:

after difficulties with her credit s. She rushed.

Margaret Melaas
Spengler, Great Lakes

UARY, 1930 13


introducing. .

M A R Y G. M A N L E Y

Lilian Force Fletcher,

three Lambda classes

and rushed at Alpha

Sigma one season. She

Lucile Zeigelmaier was a member of Cap
Haertel, Midwestern and Gown. I t was her

novel experience to at-

tend a convention with Rose Gardner Marx

and Daisy Shaw before she had attended a

chapter meeting. She lives in Palo Alto and

is in close contact with Stanford campus.

She is captain of the Campus Girl Scout

Cheney Stevens, Troop which Mrs. Herbert Hoover first or-
.'It Ian tic ganized. Her knowledge of problems
peculiar to two quite different chapters in

r district makes her a splendid choice for the whole district.

Margaret Melaas Spengler is Eta-born and Eta-bred, we might say.

ving in Menasha. Wisconsin, where her husband is city attorney, she is

ut a few hours from Madison and almost every Monday night finds her

th Ft a. Shi has edited Eta Clips, a fine alumnae paper, for several years.

ut editing is a far cry from her profession. You see she is a chemist,

ying received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of

isconsin in 1919. And here's a secret;

Dean Goodnight told a friend of ours that

was one of the most outstanding

udents in her class. For a while after

aduation she was bacteriologist for a large

iry in Chicago. Then came an appoint-

ent as Assistant State Chemist for the

airy and Food Commission. For two

ars this was her work and then came mar-

Re. For a while she was city chemist in

[Continued on page 103]

^Are Qo-eds Unconventional?

•; 1I :



Oh, !


zJMiss zAnna <^Many, Pi

^ COLLEGE girls of today are not unconventional. They are as
conventional as the girls who attended this college when I did.
If anything they are even more strongly swayed by public

opinion," said Miss Anna Many, Counselor to Women of Newcomb Col-

She wore a sports sweater, very different from the costume teachers
donned twenty years ago. As she talked, a loud chatter rose, and the
hall outside filled with young women clad in short skirts and extremely
sparkling in their lipstick, rouge and bobs.

"Conventional behavior means the behavior approved by public
opinion. Usually a girl's conventions are the ones taught or permitted
by her parents.

"Of course young people are adventurous and whenever they get the
chance they like to edge a wee bit across the boundary line and then
look around to see who is watching.

"At any rate public opinion has been gradually changing all the time,
and when the war came along it compelled an emergency shake-up over-
night. Before the war I did not think of working. Then I joined a col-
lege Red Cross canteen and went to France in the last days of the conflict.
I came back with a discovery: I enjoyed working. I remained in Red
Cross service here and in Atlanta, Georgia, for two years and then be-
came affiliated with Xewcomb, my alma mater. M y whole outlook upon
life had been turned turtle, and for the better. Consider that I was only
one citizen of one of many nations that experienced the same jolt to pub-
lic opinion, and you can see what I mean.

"After the war, people were not unconventional, they were merely
living up to new conventions approved by the majority.

" I said college girls of today are probably even more observant of
public opinion. Newcomb has student government. This takes the re-
sponsibility of student behavior upon itself, and since it is composed of
voters and representatives from the homes of several states, and because
it feels its responsibility as a body tremendously, its actions are very
wisely conducted.

"Girls have an allotted number of nights out a month, each case de-
pending on grade and scholastic standing. The freshmen have one night
out a month, exclusive of holiday nights.

"The girls do not approve of smoking on the campus. That is one
instance of public opinion, as enforced by the students themselves. They
are also careful not to permit extremes in style that they believe is not
wise for the student body as a whole.

[Continued on page 44]


The Qlamor of ^Moviedom tu
Hides the §train of Ideally Jiard "Work th
* Says * ar
Therese Allen ei
Kappa Theta Movie Star
K APPA T H E T A has a movie star! Therese Allen, who was one of w
our active members up until last year, is now devoting all of her th
time to motion picture work. Her specialty is dancing, and with p
the coming of the musical comedy to the screen, Therese has had a w
chance to work in many productions. it

She has worked at Paramount for nearly six months, playing in such m
pictures as "Why Bring That Up," "Sweetie," "Illusion," and others. ju
At the present time she has a good part in "The Vagabond King," starring st
Dennis King and Jeanette McDonald. She plays the part of one of the K
court pages. S
"And when I get all dressed up in my flaming red wig and page cos- c
By J A N E T M A R T I N , Kappa Theta c



ANUARY, 1930 17

ume, even my own mother wouldn't know me," laughed Therese as she
was telling us all about i t . "Although the movies hold a glamour for
hose on the outside, it's really nothing but hard work. It's just as much
f a business as teaching school or working in an office, only the hours
re much longer and much more irregular. Sometimes I work from
ight o'clock in the morning until after four the next morning," she
went on to say.

• She has always been interested in her dancing, so when she found
hat keeping up her college work and trying to go on with the former
was too much of a strain, she dropped college. There is a great possibility
hat she will come back and continue her university work, but at the
present time she is busier than she ever was in college. Although her
work is hard, she says that she enjoys every minute of i t , and finds
t fascinating.

Besides dancing and acting, this industrious Alpha O has coached
many famous stars in dance steps. Did you see "Sweetie"? I f you did,
ust: remember that Therese was the girl who taught Jack Oakie his
teps, and taught him how to dance that collegiate routine with Helen
Kane. She has coached Colleen Moore, and has taught Sharon Lynn
Steps at the Fox studio, where she has also been working. At Fox, she
has hern acting as assistant dance producer to Earl Lindsay who has
charge of the biggest Fox production of the year, tentatively entitled

Happy Days." Therese enjoyed working at the Fox studios, and de-
clares that Stoloff, the director of "Happy Days," is one of the nicest
and most democratic men in filmdom.

You know, at U.C.L.A., Alpha 0 is noted for its good choruses,
and this reputation is largely due to Therese's efforts. Whenever the
tudent body plans an assembly of the all-entertainment nature, it most
always calls on Alpha 0 for a chorus act. Then, Therese comes over and
works out a dance routine for the girls, and helps them practice. Every-
one knows that when Alpha O is on the program, their entertainment
will not be slipshod or amateur.

In our rush seasons, Therese generally contributes a number to our
Amateur Theatrical night. She is always ready with a clever tap dance
or something similar to it. She is a most vivacious person, as her pic-
ure hints, and she has everything which should go to make up a present
day, successful film actress: brains, poise, talent, personality, and a
Pretty face.


h tons

COURTESY N OT until after
MENTOR dark does the.
MAGAZINE tall slim silhou-
ette make her appear-
ance in and about
Madison. On the Hill
and Langdon Street,
dresses that are more
than three inches below
the knee are not seen.

This may be true be-
cause sport coats are
not long. But it is hard
to hurry up and clown
the Hill"with long skirts
twirling and tangling

"Long dresses are
pretty and feminine,
but they're too much of
a nuisance and look out
of place on the H i l l " is
the general opinion.

At dances, however,
the more extreme m
dress is, the more atten-
tion it attracts. To onlookers it ap-
pears as if the girls are having a race
of outdoing each other in length of

Fortunately, tulle and net are in

vogue for formals. Old formals are

rejuvenated by setting yards of thin

filmy tulle on the bottom, and out of

what was once discarded clothes there

comes new evening garb. Parents

would be proud to see their daughters

becoming so economical, for in the

sorority houses, this "making over

The <SWode 1928-29 fever is quite prevalent, and seemingly
"Yes, I like the long dresses," most every girl will answer. But the

reasons vary. They add to a girl's dignity. They re
"They make a girl look slim.

JANUARY, 1930 I"

(jone to Our ^Ankles?

By J U L I E C A E R , Eta



more feminine. They cover up legs
that are not especially well-shaped.
They make a person feel more
dressed up. Long formals make a
party more picturesque."

Xo girl ever makes the com-
ment that "long skirts are warmer,"
even though it is cold here in the
winter. She seems to think only
of the beauty and gracefulness of
the moulded bodice and flaring

Girls tell the same story about
getting used to long skirts. "When
I was shopping in the fall, I could
not get used to the idea of skirts
dangling about my ankles, so I
chose more modest lengths. Then
when I came back here, mine
seemed short compared with the

That long skirts will be a perm-

anent fashion, at least for a time,

for evening and formal wear, but

moderate lengths for street and

sport wear seems to be the general

opinion. The J^atest 1930
Men here rather like long skirts.

They are never heard to make fun

of them, although some have diffi-

culty in getting accustomed to seeing them. I n fact, the longer a girl's

formal is, the better they like it, and the more they notice it. The trend

seemingly is for effeminate women (with educated minds), and certainly

long skirts carry out this idea.

But with the wearing of long dresses, more attention must be and
is paid to posture and clothes that especially become the individual. The
tendency is away from standardization, which is the opposite of what
short skirts did.


Wisconsin girls are independent, though. They refuse to be slaves
to fads and styles. They wear whatever looks better on them. Those
who can wear long skirts do, and the others still wear the short skirts.

We Sxtend Sympathy to Three <j4lpha O's

OUR sympathy goes out to three prominent Alpha O's whose hearts
have been visited by sorrow during the past months. Kathryn
Bremer Matson, our Grand Treasurer, lost her mother on
October 11; Melita Skillen, past Grand Secretary, lost her mother earlier
in the year; and Rochelle Rodd Gachet, former Panhellenic Delegate
lost her mother on September 28. Rochelle has taken her father to live
with her at 1612 Tenth Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama.

During Lincoln's day, women thought that the tight waists, hoop skirts, and bustle were the
latest dictates of fashion and slavishly follozved them.

JANUARY, 1930 21

Chat With


Our 3\ew



WI N A F R E D STEELE of Lincoln. Nebraska, was graduated from
the Albion, Nebraska, high school in 1922. She entered the
University of Nebraska in 1923, where she attended and took a
most active part in student social activity and political affairs for three
years. " W i n " was the type of freshman who aspired to begin where
most leave off.

In 1923 she was one of the twenty-five students appointed to Fresh-
man Commission. As a freshman she was also elected to the Y.W.C.A.
Cabinet, and continued a very active part in Y.W.C.A. affairs through-
out her college career. As a sophomore " W i n " was one of the founders of
the Tassels, girls' honorary pep organization, which is now one of the
most prominent and largest organizations on the campus. I n addition to
being a charter member, she was elected president both her sophomore
and junior year. I n 1924 she was chosen one of the two most prominent
girls in her class as May Queen attendant in the annual Ivy Day festivity.

After leaving college, " W i n " taught in the Valley high school and the
following year was a science instructor and playground supervisor in one
of the largest junior high schools in Lincoln. Last year she taught in a
junior high school in Schenectady, New York.

Now you will find her working busily at Alice Cullnane's old desk in
the Central Office, for she has been appointed to fill the position of As-
sistant Registrar, left vacant when Alice was appointed Registrar.


herein ^My 'Picture is Taken W


From time to time it has been our privilege to publish excerpts from travelogs and
written in letter form by Miss Schoedler as she vagabonded over the world- Start- cou
ing with this issue, one installment will appear in each number of To DRAGMA. The stu
letters are far more thrilling than the best travel books we've ever read, and we know
°/ t
Myou will enjoy them. »1 0 r
Y PREVIOUS letter, if I am not mistaken, was written from Delhi, Pal
in India, just after I had left our wonderful houseboat in Kash- om
mir, in the early part of last April.* That was almost eight jui
months ago— but perhaps it will interest you if I go back and pick up Pur
the thread from that point.
* Editor's note: That letter is not in our possession, but the experiences of
these letters are so interesting that their chronological order seems of small import- y

ance now.


With a Tiger and a Ttyjah"

Nothing, anywhere, could of course quite measure up to the enchant-
ent of those blissful days in the Kashmir Valley under the unusual cir-
umstances that surrounded our stay there. The weeks that followed,
snt in some of the Native States in India, were certainly not without
eir own touches of interest and enjoyment, however—particularly
the repeated contacts I had with Indian royalty. I n Gwalior, for
xample, I was visiting the palace of the Maharajah when the Maharajah
Baroda, who was a guest there and who is one of the wealthiest native
lers in India, brought in a huge tiger, still warm, killed barely an hour
fore in a nearby jungle. I had my picture taken with it, and with the
aharajah's brother—at his suggestion! A few days later, in Jaipur,
ue simply to a chance word as I was being shown through the royal
ables, the head elephant of the Maharajah of Jaipur, a huge 11-foot-
gh beast, came to my hotel, resplendent in gold trappings and embroid-
ies and jingly bells, and with a gorgeously attired attendant, to take
e for a thrilling ride! At Udaipur, still later, I stopped on the street one
y to admire an extraordinarily beautiful horse, and the outcome of a
ief conversation with its handsome rider, who appeared at that moment

(j[ The Cjfirst installment
of ^Another Travelog


d who proved to be one of the high nobles from the Maharajah's
urt, was that for all of my stay in Udaipur I had at my disposal a
unning coal-black stallion belonging to Udaipur's Crown Prince!

L daipur was a wonderful place, anyway. I t is by far the handsomest
the cities in Northern India, and one of the few built with any imagina-
». It has several beautiful lakes, from one of which the Maharajah's
lace rises sheerly with gleaming massive white walls and towers to
minate the entire neighborhood. I t makes a fairy-like picture at any
ie, but under the full moonlight for which I had the luck to be in Udai-
r, it w a s beautiful beyond words. I was the only guest at Udaipur's

hotel, and slept out of doors every night, waking rather more than
eping however, in order to look from my bed over the moon-flooded
y and the shining white palace that crowned it. On one of these moon-


light nights in Udaipur, also, a young Indian friend and I spent hours Th
riding on bicycles all around the lakes—an exciting as well as an un- the
forgetably lovely trip, for as we pedaled silently along the still, deserted tw
roads, dark except for the moonlight, dozens of wild boars and other the
game, scared from the woods and underbrush, kept charging in panic and
out of the shadows and across our paths. eli
At M t . Abu, where the exquisitely carved marble Jain temples are, |°
I had my final encounter with Indian royalty, spending an entire after- .un
noon there walking over the hills with a prince. We met on one of the ?a
trails, just by chance. His secretary, who accompanied him, told me p
his rank, but I never learned his name, for he asked, unfortunately, to
be allowed to be " M r . Smith"—and since I went directly to the bus and
train for Bombay from our walk, I couldn't make later inquiries. I
wish you could have seen the people bow and salaam, however, wherever
we passed!

After the Native States, where for ten days at one stretch I never even
saw a white person, Bombay seemed very civilized and "citified." As
a place to see, it was very much prettier and more attractive than Cal-
cutta, but like Calcutta, it was very Europeanized, and held little that
was of particular interest from a native standpoint, except the Parsees.
I remember one rather gruesomely interesting afternoon there, how-
ever, when I went to the place where the Parsees expose the bodies of
their dead in large towers, to have the bones picked clean by the vul-
tures which circle over the city, and then crossed from there to watch
the Hindu dead be consumed on the huge wood funeral pyres out of
doors on which they are put to burn until they are reduced to ashesl

Most of my time in Bombay, as I look back on it now, however,
was spent not so much in sightseeing, as in trying to come to a decision
as to which of four directions to set out in from there. Perhaps you
remember my writing about coming back to Delhi from Kashmir last
spring on my way to Ceylon and thence to Japan, and finding myself
suddenly confronted by three other wonderful possibilities which pre-
sented themselves unexpectedly. One, you may recall, was an invitation
to go again into Kashmir; a second, to go into the Himalaya Mountains
on a trek led by a high official in the British Army; a third, to make
a trip into Persia; and the fourth, of course, to continue the present
journey to Colombo and go by boat from there to Japan.

I t certainly was difficult to decide whether to turn north, east, west
or south. The Kashmir invitation involved going back with other friends
for further blissful days on a houseboat in that lovely valley at its love-
liest time of year. The Himalaya trip held thrilling possibilities for
two months of trekking and camping with complete equipment of tents,
ponies, food and everything in stunning and little known country. Japan
would have meant wonderful excursions through the whole of the blossorn
season with friends who knew Japan well. And Persia—as far as *
could find out, Persia offered nothing—unless one were deliberately
looking for a land of desert wastes, brigands, crawling things, untrust-
worthy natives, hardships and high expenses, with dangers and uncer-
tainties of travel which gave little in return that was interesting to see.

ANUARY, 1930 25

I -1

; I

r. •r-


— V

: -I



One of the wonders of India is this ancient iron pillar at Lalkot, India, cast
"» 360 A.D. Of such pure iron is it that not one fleck of rust is to be found on

if. The secret of this forging process has been lost.

he travel bureaus had no information whatever on file concerning
e country; friends knew almost nothing about it, except for one or
wo who repeated dreadful tales of other people's experiences. Only
e person who had made the original suggestion recommended my going
and I wonder even now why, in the face of all the discouragement,
nd the lack of information, that I met on every hand, I didn't simply
iminate Persia and turn toward any one of the other only too tempting
ossibilities. But I didn't. For some unexplainable reason, I decided
go to Persia. And thanks to the decision, I had perhaps the most
ndamentally enjoyable and interesting months that I have ever had
>a n T of my travels. [ You may read of those exciting Persia experiences
the March issue.]

^tudents on ^\ew r


(T Of beautiful Mediterranean architecture is :
^ the new Westwood campus of the Univer-

sity of California at Los Angeles, on W**GI
campus, Alpha Omicron Pi was the first to
construct a house.

JANUARY, 1930 27

Qampus where Kappa Theta is

Cfirst to ^Build ^A(ew J£ome

^ m!

rr r rr

By J A N E T MARTI N, Kappa Theta

THE University of California at Los Angeles came into being on
July 19, 1919, for it was on that date that the Governor signed the
bill handing over the grounds, buildings, and records of the Los
Angeles State Normal School to the Regents of the University of Cali-

I t was not until 1923 that a third and fourth year of Letters and
Science college work were added. The Regents thus created two colleges
with four year courses. Their growth since 1919 has been phenomenal.

On March 17, 1925, the Regents voted to accept 384 acres of land
west of Beverly Hills, as a new campus for the University of California
at Los Angeles. This land was given by the cities of Los Angeles, Santa
Monica, Beverly Hills and Venice and a number of citizens. In a bond
issue authorized the following November, $3,000,000 were allocated to
buildings on this new site.

The acquisition of this new land was a wise move on the part of the
Regents, for the enrollment of the University at Los Angeles was grow-
ing so rapidly that they saw that the buildings on the old Vermont ave-
nue campus would be far from adequate. I n 1919-20, there were 250
students enrolled in the College of Letters and Science, and 1,125 in
the Teachers' College, with no special students. Now, in 1929-30, there
are 4,257 enrolled in the College of Letters and Science, and 2,237 en-
rolled in the Teachers' College. The number of faculty members has
reached 281.

There are four buildings and a bridge completed on the new campus,
now known as the campus of the University of California at Los An-
geles. Josiah Royce Hall, an auditorium and classroom building; the
Library, housing the administrative offices temporarily; the Chemistry
and Physics buildings, not complete with additional wings. The Educa-
tion building is not yet built, but is included in the present plan. The
motif of the campus as a whole is Italian, Romanesque, with some
Spanish-Romanesque and some early Italian-Renaissance in the interior
decorations. This period and style unite the warmth and freedom which
are characteristic of a southern climate with the proper air of dignity

which should prevail on the campus of a university. The result is most
beautiful. ~^^^P
The removal to the new campus marked the tenth birthday of the ic
institution under the present arrangement. In that length of time the H
university has become the fifteenth largest university in America.
With the building of the new campus came the gradual building of ,,^JB: w
Sorority Row on a beautiful winding street by the University. Alpha ml'lete with
O and Delta Gamma were the first sororities to move into their new 1 modern
homes in time for the opening of college last September. Then followed
Pi Beta Phi, Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Sigma Kappa, Gamma Phi Heta, as
Alpha Delta Pi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Gamma Delta, and Delta ids
Delta Delta. The other houses are renting duplexes or houses in the
neighborhood of the University, with plans of building as soon as possible. li
It will not be very long until the gaps in the new Sorority Row will be tl college
filled up.

The houses are all of stucco, and range in architecture from the severe
plainness of the Gamma Phi Heta house, the Colonial type of the Alpha
Phi house, down through the rambling Spanish-Colonial style of the Tri
Delt's, and the Spanish Kappa house.

The land is very hilly and rolling, so the houses have a tendency
to be on different levels. The Alpha Delta Pi house is 'way up on top
of a little hill, while others are on more level ground. The whole effect
is very pleasing. U.C.L.A. Sorority Row is a street of beautiful homes
with little brass name plates on the doors, and is just as much of a show
place as are the grand new University buildings. The Angeleno taking
her Eastern friend around to show her the California country, always
heads for Westwood, that little college community which has developed
in a year or so from almost nothing but plots of ground.

Kappa Theta's new home clings to a hill in Westwood.

post set
the sleepy
colored tiles
e lagging
H beautiful
e United
was planned
the idea of

s a conse-

the kaphas-



One catches a view of
tiled stair rises, and
beamed ceilings that
carry her back to the
palaces of Toledo and
Burgos, Spain, and
sharply call attention
to the fact that once
upon a time the Moors
came for a visit and
left a measure of
architecture in pay-
ment of the bill. Al-
pha O's daily are
treated to this beauti-
ful view in Los


a bre^athr^of. the cy $ medi.iterranean— t

By JANET M A R T I N , Kappa Theta

K APPA T H E T A , after holding myriads of theater benefits, bridge
parties, rummage sales, and other money making affairs, has
finally built the new house on the new campus of the University
of California at Los Angeles. Every chapter letter for the past year or
two has always said something about it. The first that was said was,
"We're planning to have a new house when the University moves to
the new campus." Later, "The plans for our house have been drawn
up." Then, "The foundation has been laid." And now, finally, the
chapter can cry joyfully, "We're in our new house, and the novelty of it
is just as strong as it was the first part of September!"

The house is of Mediterranean architecture, built on a sort of terrace,
and is three stories in front and two in back. One of the most enjoyable
features is the wide front porch which is really on the level with the



The living room in Kappa Theta's house has a hand-hewn beamed ceiling and a
hooded fireplace as its special features.

JANUARY, 1930 31

the 3\ew Kappa Theta J-Couse

*Westwood QampuszAlpha
O's are *Z)ery Troud of
Their 'Beautiful 3\ew

Jfome as they have
every right to be

/EiS?' Mary Poulton and
Fern Johnson
stopped in the
doorway of Kappa
Theta's house long
enough to smile
their pleasure at
life in the new
quarters. Note the
grill work on the
%ppa Theta dressed up in garlands door behind them.
for Homecoming time.

second slory. From this point of vantage, the actives can keep tab
°n who goes by, and whether their classmates are going to or from the
campus. They are also able to study, read, or merely gossip under the
unibrelh table (four chairs complete this set) which Mae Goodin, an
enterprising alumna, gave them. The porch and dining room are directly
ver the combination chapter room and ballroom and the overly large

°set in which everything connected with ceremonies are kept.

ih g y furnished sunroom andt h e l a r g e l i v i n g r o o m
is a deli ntfull

^ irary which looks out onto a patio, in one corner of which is a large,
Pen air fireplace. The other two doors to the patio lead into the guest
° T i f -n d a d o w n s t a i r s dressing room and hall respectively.
A he kitchen, back porch, and pass pantry are a cook's dream. All

{Continued on page 54]










ANUARY, 1930 33

^and of Qleanliness and Qharm

By Mary D .


J^ikes Sweden

the editor should
have asked him to
write about the Swedes,
nferring that he knows a
great deal about them, but
since something is wanted
about Sweden too, he
thought best I should
write it after all.

Who knows anything
about the Swedes? They
are a blonde people. Their
country is cold. They emi-
grate to America and say,

I bane gona do it." Right,
but not altogether. Some
of them are dark. Sum-
mers may be hot as any-
thing. "1 bane" there. " I

The Swedes are really
ery nice persons, self-
contained, selfrespecting.
They mind their own busi-
ness and are very polite,
sometimes excessively so.
They are passionately fond
°f the out-of-doors. I n
fact, when the short, but
glorious summer arrives, it
seems as if the population


moves out to make up for the long winter. They sleep out and live out- S
of-doors. They dance, sing and have their concerts outdoors. That does ze
not mean, however, that they are, conversely "sewed-up" for the winter co
indoors. Their joy in the summer comes to a climax at mid-summertime
when there is daylight twenty-four hours a day. I t is a time of song and s
flowers. Eight years ago I spent a most gorgeous midsummer night in s
Sweden. After helping deck the house in garlands and wreaths of flowers, t
and celebrating generally, it pleased me to spend the night on the lake. o
There was a warm softness in the air; the lake was still and clear as a c
mirror; deep impenetrable shadows of the forest fringed the shores. The f
sun crept reluctantly to bed in the northwest, but left a glow as a re- H
minder that it was not for long. A big lugubrious moon hung over a w
mountain, looking rather pale and surprised that he had to be present at n
all, on such a night. The scent of the twin flowers, linnea, and of lilies of b
the valley stole out from a wooded point jutting clearly out into the quiet t
waters. The farm houses in the shadow of the forest were like bunches of w
red roses clustering in the lighter green of the fields. b
At two the sun was done resting, so were the cuckoo birds and the m
starlings. The larks rose on joyous wings higher and higher into the n
blue of the sky, evidently thrilled beyond all telling at the splendor of b
the new day. A flock of loons coming from the terns in the forest s
swooped down into the lake and settled down to their sort of concert t
which is far from pleasing. But one laughs at them as one would at n
a rowdy crowd of noisy children. They seem to have so much fun. The w
sun was very high when I beached my boat and even now the memory s
of that midsummer night lingers. w

Parts of Sweden remind one of Scotland as does this view of Giansfjorden near StaiWS-

JANUARY, 1930 35

Sweden is very proud of its beautiful scenery, many portions of -which exceed that of Swit-
erland in beauty. Traveling along over smooth railway roadbeds or paved highways one
omes continually upon litt'e villages situated among the pines near a bay or inlet. This

view is of the outskirts of Brunskogs forest near Varmland.

In contrast the long winter night has a short crisp, and sometime
startling bright day. The swish of skiis in the snow; the sound of steel-
shod feet joyously skimming the ice; the howl of the wind in the forest;
the thunder of freezing lakes; swift horses drawing sleighs to the tune
of merry bells, night comes too soon, but there are more such days to

Sweden is such a nice clean land. One can see so far, and the pine
forests look indigo-blue in the distance. The air smells of pine and fir.
Houses are clean; factories are not recognized as such because the
windows are clean and sport geraniums, and the grass is kept nice and
neat on the lawns. Railway stations are models of perfection, flower-
beds, and hanging baskets tend to make them rather more interesting
than one usually expects railroad stations to be.

As for personal cleanliness, I ' l l tell you a personal story. I went
with my nieces to the city natatorium which happens to be one of the
best in Sweden. We were given keys to the dressing room. I donned
a bathing suit. As I stepped out an attendant appeared, looked at me
m quickly veiled astonishment and informed me that bathing suits were
not allowed. When I again emerged properly unclothed, the attendant step into a tub (a tile basin sunk in the floor), and she per-
sonally applied soap and water with a brush resembling the one I scrub
the floors with at home. I assure you no part of my anatomy was
neglected. I was then showered, after that put into a Finnsk Bastu
which is a steam room. After I felt pretty near annihilated by the heat,
said exponent of personal cleanliness, took mercy upon me and forth-
with I Was vigorously showered from up and from down. Then at last


I was allowed to enter the pool. But what a pool! What a marvelous M
sensation it was to slip into it! The water is salted to increase bouyancy
and to nearly approach salt water bathing. Perhaps some facetious g
person might say, perhaps I needed such a thorough scrubbing, but I w
assure you, it is the rule and not the exception. a
The province where dwell my people is Varmland, famed in song t
and story for its beauty. I t is also the province of Selma Lagerlof and t
my home is not far from the scenes of "Gosla Berlings Saga." I t is a b
land of evergreen forests, blue terns and lakes. The Swedish country D
side is charming. Nearly all farm houses and farm buildings are ver- c
milion red with white corners. Why? Undoubtedly to relieve the som- c
berness of the forest background. An English woman scornfully said b
it was a "beet-root red." What if it is, sometime, when the vermilion hue a
has been weathered I adore beet-root red, but then, I'm Swedish born, M
not English. W

The cities and towns are lovely. Stockholm has been called the
"Venice of the North," I imagine more or less imperfectly, yet Stockholm
has a perfect setting of water and islands, country and sea. I t is a
cosmopolitan and cultured city.

Gothenburg on the west side is unlike any seaport I've ever seen.
It lies on and between windswept cliffs. I t is traversed by river and
canals. I t has gorgeous "alles" bordered by dignified oaks, horse-
chestnuts and maples. Everything looks clean, is clean and smells clean.
A traveler in Sweden, in contrasting southern and northern cities para-
phrased the facts, "See Naples and die," into "Smell Naples, and you
will die," whereas in Sweden "all senses are tickled agreeably and in
equal measure.

Do you know what a "smorgasbord" is? Ask Marion Abele (Rho),
she loves it. This summer, Marion, her mother and I wound up at a
"smorgasbord" in Sweden after we had seen, heard and eaten many
strange things in England, France and Germany. I f , when we entered a
restaurant, the "smorgasbord" was not in sight, Marion would say,
"Don't you suppose we will have it?" But we usually did. There is
a saying about, "fish, flesh, and fowl," and this is all that with much
more beside. A "smorgasbord" is a table laden with hors d'oeuvres.
I t has everything, caviar, anchovies, cheese, eggs, salads, strange fish,
familiar fish, headcheese, puddings, sweet and sour, jams and jellies.
You help yourself to any or all of this and eat it with bread and butter.
When you are in the small boy's vernacular "stuffed", you still have
your meal to eat, but you eat it. And the coffee! After vainly drinking
cup after cup of bitter chicory on the continent in hope of accidentally
getting a cup of coffee, what nectar that cup of lovely amber fluid com-
monly known as coffee!

These are but inadequate glimpses of the land where I was born, a
place that I adore because that is where I spent a happy childhood, and
because it is there my family lives, and I think my family is very nice.
Some day I ' l l go back again, perhaps to hunt the first snowdrop in the
spring or to capture once more the charm of a midsummer night.

JANUARY, 1930 37




With Tainting



Julie Carr

, Eta

M EMBERS of Eta chapter are not the only ones who are pleased
asked Mrs. Fishburn, our chaperon, if he might be permitted to
go through and look at the house. He had heard that its decorations
were unusual and beautiful.

In the spring he returned and asked if he might look at the library
again. He made the comment, "This room seems a little dark. I think
a little something bright would improve it. I wonder if I might presume
to paint a picture for it?"

Mrs. Fishburn granted this request, but said nothing of it except
to the president, Marian Bain.

When the girls returned early this fall to prepare for rushing, a
beautiful oil painting of a basket of flowers all framed greeted them.
Directions accompanied this picture designating that it be hung on a
certain wall in the library.

The painting bore the signature, "Merton Grenhagen," who is Wis-
consin's foremost painter.

The decorative scheme and the atmosphere of the whole house had
been carried out in this picture. Even a portrait of Julia Due ('31),
appeared in the background of the picture. Julia formerly posed for
Mr. Grenhagen for his portrait painting. Both persons are from Oshkosh,


^spends Cfiorty-five cjTYiinutes

Jean Wick (in the
figured dress) is
discovered in her
pent-house apart-
ment. Her hus-
band, Achmed Ab-
dullah, and a
young friend are
seen with her.

FIVE-thirty, into a taxi and across town to Fifth Avenue. Twenty o
minutes to six, and my name being announced at the desk of 24 w
Fifth Avenue, New York City. se
Fifteen minutes to six—a silent pause on the landing—and then, v

into the holy of holies—the presence of Miss Jean Wick, Author's Agent. sh
A bare three quarters of an hour for an interview. co
And so home and to meditate. li

Naturally, I'm still breathless. To say nothing of being overwhelmed. p
All over in a twinkle to be sure, yet now that I have once again as- in
sumed my every-day role of an inconspicuous being, I have very much in
of a clear impression of my visit and mean to tell you about it right Y

now. . ,j th
Miss Wick, who in private life is Mrs. Achmed Abdullah is no other he
than our own Jeannette Wick, Alpha, Barnard College, 1904. sh
"Shall I call you Miss Wick?" I asked hesitatingly, almost at the
beginning of our chat.
"Why, of course," she replied promptly, "Everyone calls me Jean ti

Wick—friends as well as clients."

But that was only the beginning of her hospitality of which, in a

very short while, I was to know the abundance. She ushered me into

her delightful home, busy to see that lights were convenient and com-

JANUARY. 1930 39

^With an <^y4uthor9s ^4gent

—and tells you about

Jean Wick

who is


in Private J^ife

ortable, and chatting all the while. Tiny and very tremendously alive,
with soft waves of brown bobbed hair circling her head, she seated her-
elf opposite me. And, all due to Jean Wick's faculty of coziness,
hortly I was feeling as much at home as if I had had many a previous

We began to talk about herself and her work.
She explained that directly after she had graduated from Barnard,
he became the Executive Secretary to the president of Silver Burdett
nd Company, publishers of text books. Presently she was no longer
onnected with that house, but was doing promotion work with Mr.
Robert Foresman on the merger of Everybody's Magazine and the De-

As she herself expresses it, Miss Wick "served her editorial ap-
prenticeship." But editorial work was too confining, Miss Wick found.
t offered little scope for creative writing and so, with such a thought
n mind, she began very shortly to free lance. To such periodicals as
Collier's, Miss Wick contributed short stories and to other publications,
nterviews and kindred articles. A t intervals, moreover, during the
while that she was producing literature, she taught English in the New
York City high schools.

There came a year when she went abroad. Living in England for
he most part, though visiting in summer months such continental coun-
ries as France, Holland, Belgium, and Germany, Jean Wick busied
herself with the art of writing. George Bernard Shaw, Hugh Walpole,
nd the like of such British literary lights, were among those with whom
he obtained interviews—reports Miss Wick in a modestly offhand man-

Came the war. And back to those shores traveled the little lady—
not one whit the less vigorous for her European sojourn.

The plunge into literary agency work was almost immediate and,
o cover some fifteen years in a short yet emphatic sentence, her ac-
ivity along those lines has been anything but passive. Among the


American and British authors whose work Miss Wick markets are Elinor Ju
Mordaunt, Faith Baldwin, Fulton Oursler, Achmed Abdullah, George is
F. Hummel, Nat Ferber, Grace Perkins, Austin Parker, H . W. Lanier, m
Amber Lee—to say nothing of countless others. The list is not so long, si
however, that it is not selective. Miss Wick prefers it to be so—one of
her most insistent rules being that her agency must remain "personal." w
And aside from her profession: Jean Wick has found energy and ad
time to be visiting lecturer at the Bread Loaf School of Creative Writing th
(1927, 1928); to be the author of "What Editors Buy and Why"; to m
be the American representative of John Hamilton, Ltd., London; to no
—but the list is lengthy. pl
"Won't you tell me a little about how you carry on your work?" Fi
I asked when my amazement upon hearing of her accomplishments had th
subsided. Miss Wick quickly and kindly explained. She reads and
criticizes personally the manuscripts which come to her. is
" I f the story is marketable," she said, " I say so at once, attempting pe
to give the author a better idea of the market values of this and future
work. he
" I f the story needs revision, I point out its defects, giving reasons. ha
"When ready for the market these scripts are handled as are those by m
my authors who sell regularly, subject to the same commissions. th
" I cannot teach anyone to write by correspondence. I cannot re- ch
make an impossible script by suggestion. I cannot make every manu-
script marketable. I do not guarantee sales. I f a manuscript does not T
lend itself to revision another may be substituted.
" I f a rewritten manuscript, even when reshaped in accordance with
my suggestions, does not come up to my selling standard, I will not submit lo
it. co
" I know from experience that I can help the arrived writer and the
one who wants to learn. Fe
" I am always interested in the work of those who are taking the
writing profession seriously."

And thus does an author's agent labor!
I glanced at my watch. The unwelcomed moment of departure
had all but arrived. But I had just one more question to ask-—the
most important of all, perhaps. I had only courage enough to put it m
a low voice. "Tell me, Miss Wick, won't you, what some of the things
are you say to young writers."

Jean Wick's eyes—it seemed scarcely possible that her graciousness
could increase much more—sparkled sympathy and enthusiasm. Her
advice was severe—yet extremely sound, authoritative, and wise.

"First, I should like to say to all those who have a desire to write,
she replied, "that it takes as long to learn and is as hard to become a
writer as it is to become a doctor, or lawyer, or musician. The art
of writing should be considered as much in the light of a career as is
any other profession. I have absolutely no patience with the would-be
author who says 'Oh, well, some day when I have time I shall sit down
and write a story or a novel'. I t is much more than a question of time.

ANUARY, 1930 41

ust because a woman can write sentences in a good English fashion
no indication that she will become a professional writer. I t takes

much more than that of hard work, persistence, and above all, the de-
ire to create, to be admitted to the writing profession."

"Furthermore," Miss Wick continued, "no one can write about things
which she has not personally experienced—or about places which have
ot been visited. The average college-educated woman—who has the
dvantage, certainly, of her background—is less fit to write about the
hings which American magazines and book-publishers are using for
material, than the little girl who comes from the lord knows where, with
othing but her toothbrush and a desire to write, who trots about from
lace to place, and who finally settles down and writes about her ex-

eriences—as only she who knows, can do. I n order to write about
ive and Ten Cent Stores, you first have to do all of your shopping in

"There is just this word to add. Novel writing—or the biography—
more easily achieved than the short story in which there is a great
mount of short-cutting that can be handled only by an experienced

Miss Wick had finished. And there I sat, wide-eyed with wonder at
er competent summing up of the literary art. I was grateful, of course,
or her words of wisdom. But I was ever so much more pleased to have
ad the opportunity to have talked with her. I f I may be, for the mo-
ment, the unimportant sorority sister of Jean Wick, I should like to say
hat I think Miss Wick is a "peach." I f I must be the reporter, dignified
nd professional, I should like to say that Miss Wick is completely

Try for zSflpha Omicron C P / $i,ooo (fellowship

THE attention of the members of Alpha Omicron Pi who are gradu-
ates and who desire to do further work in their field is again called
to the fact that the amount offered for the Alpha Omicron Pi Fel-
owship is $1,000. The work may be in any field. The applicant will be

onsidered on the basis of her fitness for her chosen profession, her
ttitude toward life and her general needs and qualifications.

Applications must be mailed to Elsie Ford Piper, Chairman of the
ellowship Committee not later than March 1. For information and
lanks write to Miss Piper, 1731 D Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.


(^zyllpha Omicron Ti Women i

"Women Jfave £et the ^Pace f
P V- fe
Says T H E L M A BRUMFIELD, Epsilon o
ME D I C I N E makes use of a diversity of talents, and offers a variety th
of interest to anyone following it. If one has skillful fingers o
and a liking for the concrete, surgery offers a field of endeavor. w
Internal medicine demands from its specialists the ability to understand a
obscure symptoms, to visualize the confusing processes of disease, and F
to effect a cure by using all the modern agencies of science. The pre- d
clinical, or scientific, branches of medicine have room for teachers, and ti
for imaginative and accurate research workers. Yet another opportunity In
for medical service which is becoming more important every day, is pre- m
ventive medicine and public health work, for which executive ability and A
the desire for unselfish social service are required. th
In such a profession as this there must be room for women. The clas- th
sical history of the beginning of the healing art relates how Hygeia, the a
daughter .of yEsculapius, received the secrets of health from her father, fo
the god of healing. Thus from antiquity it has been recognized that in
a profession touching so closely the welfare of humanity, the services of p
both men and women are needed. The contributions of women, how- m
ever, have most often been made as untrained nurses or as ignorant mid- It
wives, or as witch-like herb women who mixed magic and medicine to sc
no very wholesome end. Only within the last generation have women u
been trained in the science of medicine, and only within the last thirty d
years have women been accepted generally by the larger universities for th
medical training of the same type that men receive. Even today dis-
crimination continues, for few interneships are open to men and women w
alike. tr

ANUARY, 1930 43

Sn the Professional World

in <^M 8<D I C I <7^8

It is encouraging to note what women have acomplished under un-
avorable conditions. Thirty-four women holding the M . D . degree are
ncluded in Who's Who for 1929, making nearly 2 per cent of the pro-
ession represented there. Sixteen of these women distinguished them-
selves for services toward child welfare, or toward the health of women,
or as writers and lecturers on hygiene, especially as concerning women and
children. Among these sixteen are Dr. S. Josephine Baker, director of
he Bureau of Child Hygiene, and Dr. Alice Hamilton, who is an authority
on industrial diseases, and has studied especially the health of the woman
worker. Six women have been outstanding as practitioners of gynecology
and obstetrics, which are concerned exclusively with women patients.
Five have done notable work in psychiatry, showing humanity and wis-
dom in their care for the mentally sick. Four are distinguished as scien-
ists. One of these four is Dr. Florence Sabin, now of the Rockefeller
nstitute, whose researches in histology have placed her among the fore-
most anatomists. She is ranked among the twelve outstanding women of
America. One woman is recognized as a specialist in ear, nose, and
hroat surgery, and has attained her place competing equally with men.
The remaining women are recognized less for their medical contributions
han for their prominence in non-medical fields. Women physicians both
at home and abroad performed valuable services during the World War
or which many were individually honored.

Looking over the brief facts in the history of these women, one is im-
pressed by the struggle which the medical degree must have been to
many of them, for they were past thirty before the degree was gained.
t also appears that many of the degrees were received from small medical
chools, since women were excluded from the better equipped schools
until recently. I f women have accomplished so much with the preju-
dices and material obstacles to success existing in the last generations,
heir expectations for a future in medicine are bright.

A medical education is long and expensive, but not difficult to a
woman prepared to devote herself to it. At least two years of college
raining are required, and four years are desirable and even required by
ome schools. The medical course embraces four years of work. The
irst two are usually referred to as the pre-clinical, and this time is de-
voted to the basic medical sciences, Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology,
nd Pharmacology. The last two years are spent in studies directly con •
erned with the patient. Most schools confer the M . D . degree at the
end of this time, though some withhold it until the hospital service is
ompleted. With the M . D . degree in most states one is eligible for the
State Board Examination, and a license to practice, though some states


now require a year of hospital service first. The hospital service, or in- c
terneship, is a minimum period of one year, and where a specialty is
followed, it may extend to three years or longer. During this time the di
doctor lives in the hospital, and handles the patients under the super- th
vision of a staff of attending physicians. Hospital appointments are ca
usually made by preference to men, and some of the best hospitals ex- so
clude women internes. On the other hand, special hospitals for women sin
and children may accept only women internes, so that nearly every da
woman graduate is able to obtain some type of hospital service. Thus Pa
the minimum time after leaving high school is six years, and nine to an
twelve years are desirable. A t the end of this time one is ready to begin th
at the bottom of the profession. lis
Because of the time and the sacrifice of other interests required to hu
obtain this training, every girl should consider seriously before beginning hu
it. Once obtained the opportunities for work, and the returns for the
work are full compensations. The financial return seldom equals that of a
the male physician or similar training, and since medicine will continue
to be a man's profession, women should be prepared for accepting minor m
places, except where unusual ability is shown. Public health and social w
service in medicine, special positions in women's schools, and missionary in
service have furnished a demand for women physicians. The attitude sta
of men toward women in the profession is generally helpful and js
cooperative, depending always upon the ability and personality of the Js
woman. And in such a many-sided profession there should always be a gr
place for every individual talent, and an expression for every interest. gu


<y4re Qo-eds Unconventional? ^\ot(§ays zSflpha 0

[Continued from page 15]

Before student governments were started it was natural for the girls
to look upon their teachers as despots and to feel like revolting accord-
ingly even against their own ideas and ideals. Now their own ideas and
ideals are in power.

"Therefore my office as counselor, which corresponds to dean, is help-
ing the girls in more serious scholastic affairs. After all I find them very
sensible and interesting."

Miss Many has keenly humorous dark eyes, quite capable of seeing
a golf ball, a tennis ball or a soul.—New Orleans Morning Tribune

ANUARY, 1930 45

The Grand President




cjMakesJfer Cfreshman Tour

By E L I Z A B E T H H E Y WOOD W Y M A N , Alpha

LEST you accuse the Editor of lack of
4 respect, let me hasten to say that
the reference to the Grand Presi-
dent's Freshman Tour is entirely my own.
When I set forth, I was adventuring into
the unknown like any prospective stu-
dent, and was just as anxious to be back
home for Thanksgiving and a chance to
igest the new experience, always provided that the Faculty, otherwise
he other Executive Committee members did not sternly insist that duty
alled elsewhere. However they didn't, and it is now possible to tell you
omething of the initial trip from the seclusion of my own upper room.

Cleveland was the first objective and the beginning was auspicious
nce the president, Irene Thurston (Omega), is a friend of convention
ays and Edna Studebaker (Omega), with whom we lunched at the
ark View Villa I had also met before. Together we discussed problems
nd plans and later met the members of the alumnae chapter at tea in
he home of Gisella Birkner (Zeta). The Cleveland Alumnae are good
steners and questioners and have ideas of their own. They tell me
hat one of their most successful meetings is their June picnic when
usbands and families are invited. So popular is this affair that one
usband came when his wife could not. Can you find higher witness to
good time than that! They are also planning to try out a book review
meeting for the benefit of the busy people who cannot read all the
orth while new publications. Their philanthropic work has taken the
nteresting form of assisting two unusually brilliant high school girls to
ay in school and make the most of their talents. Their chief problem
distance since some members live as much as sixteen miles apart. This
common to a number of alumna? chapters, and is being met by various
roup plans which as they develop I hope may be described for the
uidance of other chapters.

The next stop was Cincinnati. Hitherto the weather had smiled,


but it wept dolorously at 6:30 in the morning when my train pulled in t
through the darkness. However it did not daunt the two heroic mem- t
bers of our baby chapter, Theta Eta, who had volunteered to meet their p
Grand President. I have heard that in spite of a set alarm clock the p
chosen victims, Mariemae Forbus and Virginia Xolloth slept little, and m
it is easy to imagine their feeling of panic in preparing to meet an un- w
known national officer before full daylight on a gloomy morning. How- i
ever they showed nothing of their feelings, and we made rapid progress h
toward good friendship. After breakfast with Marie, we went to the Uni- s
versity to meet the first appointment on the program, an interview with f
the Acting Dean, Mrs. Palmer. Let me say at this juncture that we t
may feel proud of the progress made by this new chapter since its C
installation in July. The university has established second semester M
rushing for freshmen, but during the summer and early fall they se- t
cured the pledges of six fine upperclassmen, four of whom have al- G
ready been initiated. While Cincinnati has the usual disadvantages, h
from a fraternity point of view, of a city college, a large proportion of city t
students, all the groups are on the same basis. None have houses, but C
at Commons, the university lunch room they are permitted to get to- a
gether at the same table which is considered theirs unless a crowded a
condition makes it necessary for other students to use it. This brings lo
the girls together rather regularly. Moreover a kind Theta Eta mother
has offered the use of her third floor for meetings. Even so early in f
its career the chapter is starting a sinking fund from initiation fees so t
that in case conditions admit of or require houses or other large ex- o
penditures it will not be caught unawares, an example in thrift for any s
chapter to follow. f
To continue, I was invited by Ermina Price and Frances Rich to;, n
attend the Boosters' banquet arranged by prominent city men in the w
interests of university athletics and held in the same roof restaurant i
in which President Hoover was entertained at lunch the next day. The th
Mayor was toastmaster and the program included speeches from the o
university coach, the manager of the city baseball club, the coaches of A
St. Xavier's and of Wisconsin, all very interesting at the season when H
football is a live issue. The next morning there was a meeting of M
of Theta Eta's Advisory Committee consisting of Frances Ivins Rich
(Omega), Ermina Smith Price (Iota), and Amelia Seufferle Kaufmann
(Omega), together with officers of the Cincinnati Alumna* chapter in
the course of which we unanimously and without motion adjourned to
watch President and Mrs. Hoover and the Honorable and Mrs. Long-
worth as they passed in the rain. I t was the Cincinnati day of celebration
of the extension of navigation on the Ohio River. Business prevented
our immediate participation in the ceremonies, but the previous day it
had provided a real thrill to look down from the city heights upon
the curving river of romance and history with old Kentucky just across
its waters. The alumna chapter is still small, but it is being drawn
together and strengthened by its active chapter interest and faces a
hopeful future.

JANUARY, 1930 47


One of the new collegiate Gothic buildings on the Butler University campus, recently visited

by Elisabeth H'yman.

The next morning brought the beginning of one of the delights of
the trip, the company of Mary Gertrude Manley, our new Ohio Dis-
trict Superintendent and her cream colored roadster which provided
pleasant relaxation on the trips between chapters and afforded op-
portunity for a more intimate acquaintance with the charms of this
midwestern country, apparent even through the veil of rain or fog which
was usually present. Respect and affection for Mary Gertrude increase
in proportion to acquaintance and the chapters of the district will find
her judgment excellent and her attitude sympathetic. This is a digres-
sion but important. To pass on, the next day brought a charming tea
for mothers and college friends with beautiful flowers provided by
thoughtful patroness and music provided by several members of the
College of Music. I t brought, too, an invitation from another patroness,
Miss Jackson, to lunch the next day at the beautiful Woman's Club of
the City, a most delightful hour shared by Frances Rich and Mary
Gertrude. The same evening the ritual ceremonies were held at the
home of Vera Hesterberg after a dinner with the chapter members at
the Green Lantern tearoom. The next day at noon Mrs. Hahn of the
College of Music, also a patroness, entertained Ermina Price and myself
at lunch where we had the pleasure of meeting several of the faculty
and seeing a bit of the very interesting school. I n the evening came a
ovely banquet at a downtown hotel and reluctant words of farewell.

The next morning we started off in really beautiful weather for Ox-
ford and Omega chapters. For alumna of that chapter let me say
that Oxford is just as charming as ever, the perfect little college town,
one of the few places where the oldtime flavor is preserved without a
suggestion of decay. Here we plunged immediately into the college spirit
for it was Saturday and a football game was on. Of course, "we" won,
3-0 against Wittenberg. The strain upon the Grand President's dig-
nity was too heavy, and she was mildly accused of yelling "once,"
which was a bit short of the actual truth. For the evening came an
nvitation from Martha Jaques for dinner at the New England Kitchen,
the lovely old house at which we were staying. Also present were an-
other beloved alumna, Mildred Dennison, Dorothy Jackson and Helen
Albright. In the morning we attended church, had dinner at Hepburn
Hall, held conferences and finally drove to Hamilton for supper. On
Monday we had an interview with the Dean, other conferences and


finally in the evening a formal dinner at the New England Kitchen, en- a
livened with the songs which pledges are obliged to compose and sing c
when required through freshman and sophomore years. Omega is happy g
in having no heavy financial responsibilities, but like all the chapters M
it has the vital problem of choosing wisely and pledging only those girls o
who will be a credit to the chapter in scholarship and activities and who d
will have the character to appreciate and further our aims.
Again came the parting and a drive to Indianapolis in the rain, lunch a
at Mary Gertrude's home and the pleasure of meeting her mother, and i
the further trip by electric train to Fort Wayne, this time alone. Here m
I was met by Alda Jane Woodward (Beta Phi), and Nelle Covalt of the E
same chapter, and we had dinner together at a Chinese restaurant. Then h
on to the home of Marjorie Ashley Owen (Beta Phi), where Pearl l
Koegel, also of Beta Phi, joined us for a bit of bridge. The next morning o
was free for letters and for getting acquainted with the young son of the
family. I n the afternoon Mildred Eichenseher arrived with her husband G
and two year old daughter to drive me to her home and later to the Com- a
munity Center for the formal banquet and the installation described else- t
where. This night I spent as the guest of Mildred and the next day l
returned to Indianapolis and to the home of Vivian Smith who proved a g
delightful hostess for the several days' stay in the city. B
A pleasant feature of the stay in Indianapolis was the greeting of i
Alpha Chi Omega through flowers which reached me soon after my ar- p
rival. Mrs. G. L . Van Auken, Alpha Chi Omega Grand President, was o
visiting Indianapolis in connection with their establishment of a Central p
Office in that city, and it was my pleasure to attend a tea in her honor t
with representatives of the active chapter. v
All day Friday was taken up with interviews with officers, and in the
evening we all enjoyed together a delightful dinner with Mrs. Campbell, M
the Beta Theta chaperon, at the chapter house. Then followed a pledge
service at which Helen Pearson Williams was pledged, and a model ini-
tiation ceremony. On Saturday the alumnae chapter had the right of
way, and we enjoyed a luncheon at the Athletic Club with the president,
Ada Smith Trueblood (Theta), Ruth Ritchie Jones (Theta), and Mil-
dred Harley Macdonald (Iota). I n the evening the chapter held a formal
dinner at the Spink Arms followed by a meeting of the chapter and later
by bridge. The Indianapolis chapter has apparently solved the difficulty
presented by the different ages of its members as both younger and older
were represented and appeared to be equally interested. This result is
partly due to the chapter's interest in Beta Theta while the actives do
their part in fostering by having dinner at the house open to alumna?
one evening in the week, and partly due to the group meetings which
have been arranged to suit the convenience of members of different oc-
cupations and ages. These take the form of bridge meetings of two or
three tables each with a general tournament at the end of the season.
Lest this sound too frivolous, I may add that Indianapolis alumnae con-
tribute to a camp for children run by the Antitubercular Association and
help the active chapter very definitely in their house problem as well

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