To Dragma of Alpha Craicron Pi
a message from our President
What A O n has done for me.
This edition of To Dragma focuses on what AOfl has done for each of us. Although this may seem like a very easy subject, as I started to put my thoughts down on paper, I decided it was not as easy as I first thought. I know that AOFI has taught me many things, such as leadership, communication and verbal skills, but it's the FRIENDS that I think o f first. Each of my friends is very special to me and I truly value them all. Isn't it ironic that no matter how long it has been since you talked to an AOn friend, it only takes a moment
to renew that special bond.
This was especially true for me this summer as I went back to Oklahoma to my collegiate chapters' reunion in July. C h i Omicron had only been an active chapter for a few years and there were not many members during those years, so I knew most everyone in our entire chapter. I had not seen the major- ity of these sisters since 1963 and 1964 - that's 33 or 34 years. It was a wonderful weekend. We laughed at all the funny things we did back in the 60s. We toured campus and were amazed at all the changes. We went to the dorm and remi- nisced about dorm mothers, curfew hours, the same furniture in our rooms (yes, they still had some of the old furniture), professors, and the old student union where everyone gathered
to socialize. We looked at old yearbooks and scrapbooks and laughed at ourselves many, many times. AOFI gave me these special women that I cherish and continue to count as my friends.
AOn has also given me the chance to travel and visit many of our collegiate chapters. It is revitalizing to visit with our collegians and feel their energy and enthusiasm. It makes me want to botde it and take it all around the country. This is our lifeline and we should trea- sure and nourish our collegians. We can also learn much from them.
AOFI has also given me very special friends in my alumnae chapter. If it weren't for a very special friend I met 20 years ago, Nancy, I probably would not be as active today as I am. She made that special personal effort when she found out that I was an AOFI to get me to an alumnae meeting; and as they say, the rest is history. My alumnae chapter, Northern Virginia, is very special to me. We represent collegiate chapters from all over the country. I think we had over 30 chapters represented at our last Founders' Day. My closest friends are members of this chapter. My husband and I have formed bonds with other couples and have a wonderful time together. Since we do not have a large personal family in Virginia, these friends are now our extended family.
Special friendships - that's what AOFI has really done for me. I could go on about leader- ship skills, organizational skills, public speaking and confidence. A O n has also given m e these skills and talents and I appreciate it greatly. I am not minimizing these attributes as they are extremely important to my career. AOn has enriched my human resources career by giving me the opportunity to work with all types of people. It has been invaluable, but
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To l)ra<;ma/MNTER 1997
when I think of AOFI, it is the wonderful friends in my life that I remember. A O n has given you such special memories and friends.
I hope that
Now, as I will travel all over the US and Canada representing AOn as your International President, I have the opportunity to make even more new friends. I look forward to sharing AOn with others in the Greek community and I look forward to making new memories.
Linda Peters Collier International President
To Draarma
2 4 8 24 26 41 43 44 45 46 47 48
A Message From our President WhatAOTThas done forme.
Collegiate News Emporium Alumnae News
Alumnae Chapter Presidents List Power of Friendship. AOTT. National Panhellenic Conference AOTT Foundation
Leadership Institute'98 Announcements
Change of Address
Our cover:
This issue focuses on "What A O n has done for me," through the reflections of several of our members. The cover quote comes from Beverly Landes Townsend, Alpha Phi (Montana State U). You may also read news from each of our collegiate and alumnae chapters as they were all given the opportunity to share their activities in this issue. As you read, we hope you will be reminded of the significant role that Alpha Omicron Pi plays in your life, and how our Fraternity has successfully sought to better the universities and communities of which we are a pan
Dragma/WINTER 1997
(What hasAOIIdoneforyou?)
Time and time again, AOFIs have found that their loyalty and commitment to the Fraternity has been returned many times over through rewarding experiences and friendships which last a lifetime. AOF! teaches leadership, cooperation and communication skills. AOFI involvement builds self-confidence, responsibility and good citizens. A O n ojjeTS friendship, sisterhood and love. Just as these sisters have shared here, we hope you will take a moment to consider the impact that "The Power of Friendship. AOFI" continues to have on you.
To Dra<rma/WINTER 1997
Cjwen Tiveretts Xxe, "Mo 3 5 , Northwestern Li 'Ritual, 'Traditions and Jewelry Committee Chairman
"When I went to college, I knew that Northwestern U had a strong Greek system. I would go through rush and hopefully I would "pledge." Beyond that, I really didn't have much of an idea of what sororities were really all about. Bette Eikenhout (Pettinga) had called on me before I left my home town of Grand Rapids, Michigan, so she was the familiar face in a sea of strangers when I entered the AOn house. By the end of rush, I had visited most of the other houses on campus. Somehow, the faces at the AOn house seemed more familiar and more friendly, and I knew what my choice was going to be... but, in my wildest dreams I never thought that 58 years down the road would find me still involved in growing with and loving AOn.
My Rho foundation was strong. We had Mary Dee Drummond, Past International President, living just around the comer from the AOFI house. Her love of AOFI, her wis- dom and her common sense guided us through many a rough spot. We had a full advisory committee and I think that was myfirstclue that AOFI did not end with graduation, because each of them worked diligendy for our welfare. Two of them were Maty Lindrooth and Peg Miller, both of whom went on to serve on the Executive Board. The local alumnae chapter was always there when we needed support and to cel- ebrate our special AOFI days with us.
I graduated, went back to Grand Rapids to work... and to no AOFI! I found out there were AOFIs from the U of Michigan and from Michigan State who also wanted to start an alumnae chapter, and so we did. Mary Lindrooth
and Peg Miller were the installing officers... and so it began. It was a wonder that wherever I went, AOn was there... each time offering opportunities... and new experiences, either as an already established alum- nae chapter or a nucleus of members ready to start an alumnae chapter
It wasn't long after the founding of the Grand Rapids Alumnae Chapter that I was married and moved to San Francisco. It was there that Muriel McKinney involved me in the Delta Sigma Chapter at San Jose State. She had just installed the chapter and they were about to go into rush. They needed a house furnished... a housemother hired... rush parties planned. It was a challenge, but a good one. From San Francisco we moved to Detroit, MI, and from Detroit to Urbana, IL, and AOn has always been there.
Each place I have lived has offered me an opportunity in AOFI. I started with Vice President (Pledge Trainer) in col- lege and I still think that it is the best job in the house! I've had the opportunity to grow with many jobs... District Director... Chapter President... Alumnae Director... National Second Vice President... Regional Director... Regional Vice President... R T . & J. Each has brought its challenges, its rewards, and its AOn love. Each has brought newfriends,new skills, learning experiences and a greater love and respect for AOFI, and it has given me an AOFI daughter. I thank you Alpha Omicron Pi for 58 years of growth, of love, of friendships, and of sharing."
er Wnnhs. TV .Kappa 'bS. 1J Terns nf instill
<Tast International'Tresident
"I've often said that my AOn involvement has benefitted me constandy in my career. That faa was graphically underscored by a day at the office I had recendy.
I had spent the weekend in Nashville participating in strate- gic planning with AOn's Fraternity Management Committee. At work the following Monday morning during meetings with two department directors I supervise, I used several techniques and strategies I had learned during the weekend.
Just after lunch on that same Monday, another depart- ment director asked for suggestions for an upcoming strate- gic planning retreat. I described a process we had used in Nashville two days earlier.
Continued participation in A O n is mutually beneficial - to the Fraternity and to each one of us. I hope my contribu- tions during the Fraternity's strategic planning weekend were helpful to AOFI. My experiences at the office the following Monday demonstrated, once again, that my AOFI involve- ment always will be enormously beneficial to me."
To Draiima/WINTER 1997
^Beverly Jiandes ^Townsend, S^lpfia 'Tfii 557, Montana State U
TAucation and 'Trainmg Committee Chairman
"A funny thing happened on my computer the other day while I was spell-checking a report. The letters "AOP" (which font I would later change to have read "AOFI") came up as a misspelled word. The option of "Aorta" was given as a replacement. Knowing that an aorta is the artery straight from the heart which carries nutrients to all parts of the body, I said to myself, "Yes, perhaps I do mean aorta after all."
How fitting... to believe that AOn comes straight from the heart. In thinking about what being an A O n has meant to me, and what it has done for me, this is it... straight from my aorta.
WereitnotfirAOII, Iwouldneverhave:
had a sister of my own
learned to live, work, and play with a diverse group ofwomen lived with decisions that were not always agreeable to all pushed myself to be involved in many walks of campus life known the support to achieve my scholarship goals
seen 80 pairs of children's eyes light up when our sorority spent an entire day visiting an orphanage
met my husband
travelled to Tennessee, Louisiana, Washington D.C., Florida, Calgary, Arizona, California, Texas and New York learned how to form an alumnae chapter
met thousands of collegians from all over the country
been touched by the lives of hundreds of international volunteers who share my badge and motto
met hundreds of outstanding men and women who
wear other Greek badges
met a Miss America
had the opportunity to turn an avocation of creative writing into published works
developed personal skills in the areas of leadership
mastered Robert's Rules of Order
learned so much about arthritis
read the Ritual from front to back many times over, embracing it as my personal guide through life
hoped that I might make a difference in a young woman's life by serving as her adviser
learned that problems and crises are really only opportunities for change and growth
obtained the skills which led to a second career as a campus Greek Adviser, following 25 years of elementary teaching learned that when someone believes in you, you begin
to believe in yourself
There it is... straight from my heart. Thank you, AOn, or "Aorta." You have made me proud."
neatly. Smhn Tnwler. Dmirrnn V ?. 11
"The launching pad for my cal ligraphy business was my collegiate years spent in Alpha Omicron Pi at the U of Tennessee's Omicron Chapter. During these magical years, I spent many hours dedicat- ing myself to enjoying every opportunity that A O n offered to me on such a large campus. Through my weekly pledge meet- ings and offices held, I learned how to interact with a wide variety of young women in our chapter pur- suing the good of our sorority and its growth on the UT campus. After initiation, I developed greater networking abilities and responsi- bilities. Asthesorority'sCarnicus director my senior year, I reveled in the arduous task of bringing my sorority together with a top notch fraternity, as we all intetacted to produce a quality musical sketch for which everyone could be proud. Later ,after graduation, my involvement with AOn included being a chapter adviser for chapter relations. All of these opportuni- ties were paramount to developing my communications skills with people, and finding working solu- tions to problems during tense and stressfultimeswhendeadlinesand decisions had to be made.
As I work with young brides and their mothers planning a wed- ding, whether it be in Knoxville or Hong Kong, I am so grateful for
the years I spent broadening myself through my sorority. It taught me many valuable lessons and enabled me to build a reputa- tion as a wedding consultant, cal- ligrapher and etiquette specialist. By finding my niche in Alpha Omicron Pi, I was able to develop further my self-confidence, poise and determination in doing a good job through my communi- cation of ideas, delegation of responsibilities, networking of contacts and my leadership abili- ties, both in large groups and small encounters.
I truly don't think that I could have ever gotten where I am today if it had not been for my contact through AOn. Many Knoxville AOIls have daughters of marrying age, and because of my business and our common AOn bonds, I had a foot in the door where others had failed. There is a mutual sense of trust immediately because all of us know that the chapter here is made up of girls who are able to get the gob done and present themselves to others in a poised manner. I shutter to think what opportunities I would have missed and where I would be today, if I had not pledged Alpha Omicron Pi and taken an active part in this superb collegiate women's organization."
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
JGmberh McCormick Class, SZlpfia Sigma '8A, U of Oregon
T^itnK^rlw ('"'lice Pir\lrlc n nniniip Kimberly Class holds a unique
position as President of the Siapan Chamber of Commerce. Siapan is located in the far west Pacific Ocean (Micronesia) around 15* Northby145*Eastinthe Mariana Islands. Credited, most likely, with travelling the farthest distance to attend Centennial Convention, Kimberly credits AOn as one of the best learning experiences o f h e r life. Communicating through the AOn website, she writes:
"I had a wonderful time seeing folks again in New York this sum- mer. Just wish I could have been a litde less jet laggedi I did go on to enjoy a wonderful two week whkl- wind tour of France and Prague. - first time to Europe, and boy was it great. I am back at work now, very busy with projects. I just complet- ed hosting th e 3rd annual Micronesian Business Conference wherein Chambers and private sec- tor representatives from all over the Micronesian islands (Guam, Palau, Chuuk, Kosrae, Kiribati, and Majuro) gathered for a weekend conference on strengthening the regional economy.
Now I am preparing tor our annual formal dinner/wine tast- ing/art auction fund raiser for scholarships and community ser- vice projects called "An Evening
ximfh rVifi> f^ltimKpr T"Kic ic rln/= with the Chamber." This is the
third year for this event also. I don't know why I manage to pack all of these things into November. I am keeping very busy.Icanhonestlysay-and please feel free to share this with any collegians or alumnae you wish - that the experience and training I received as a member of AOn has been the most signifi- cant in preparing me for my job and interactions in business.
I fall back on my 'find the com- mon denominator/melt the brick wall' rush conversation skills week- ly, if not daily. I feel comfortable with table manners and where to place the teacup at luncheons with ambassadors and other state/coun- try representatives. I coordinate and manage numerous commit- tees and their volunteers daily, use organization and multi-tasking time management skills constandy, and a whole bunch of other tools that I learned at Alpha Sigma - things that are nowhere to be found in accounting, statistics, marketing or management tests."
In another message, Kim summed it up best by saying, "I credit my experiences in AOn among the most applicable training for my career - dealing with real people in the real world."
Jan Marie tXisobrook, Sig
tfCtdfrnda -<ftgfly
"How has AOn helped me in my career? I am a lobbyist for the American automotive parts industry. My prior job was a political fund raiser and event planner. The skills that I learned through AOFI are skills that I use every day. In my current (and pre- vious) job, I spend my days selling intangibles, networking, organizing and compromising. All of these are skills that are taught at AOn.
Rushing (both as a rusher and rushee) significantly contributed to making me successful in my job. You learn how to interview, how to make people comfortable, how to draw peo- ple out, how to make people laugh and how to keep a conversation going. I cannot tell you how useful my rush- developed small talk skills are at politi- cal dinners or fund raisers. Rush kicks in when I am seated next to a Congressman who would rather be at home with his wife than listening to a lobbyist tell the merits of his case. I learned in rush that girls don't want to talk about their classes or major. They want to swap funny stories. I tell the Congressmen funny stories and I can guarantee that I am remembered when I stop by their offices to actually lobby my cause."
Jieatlier 'Daiuson, Xappa Xappa '9 3 , ^BalL State IL
"I am a recent graduate of Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball State U. After I left Ball State, I moved home to Columbus, Ohio. It had been quite a while since I had lived here and I had lost touch widi most of my friends. I decided to join the AAC of the Ohio State U chapter. I feel really good about this decision, not only because I am helping my sisters in another chapter to grow stronget, but also because I have made newfriendsand acquaintences through this process. Relocating can be a very dif- ficulttimefor a recent college graduate. Alpha Omicron Pi has helped to make this transition a litde bit easier. I never realized how true the saying "AOn is for life" is until this year. I value my continued membership and thank you fot making the Fraternity such a wonderful organization to be a part of."
Tn Dragma/WINTER 1W7
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U
Out of respect and love for our president, Sarah Beth Young, the chapter voted to initi- ate her mother, Ester Young, as an associate member of AOFI. Ester has donated much time and effort to Alpha Chi and we saw the love we share as sisters in her. Ester was initiat- ed September 14, 1997 by Sarah Beth. It was a touching moment to see a daughter place the badge of AOFI on her own mother. Ester's sponsors are Leslie Muilwitz and Heather Robbins who are collegiate members ofAlpha Chi.
Alpha Delta
U of Alabama
Our chapter is proud of the faa we have die
highest percentage of members of a sorority involved in campus
aaivities. Not only
are our members
involved, but several hold key leadership positions as well. Several of our mem- bers hold presiden- tial positions of vari- ous honoraries and organizations, or committee chairper- son positions in SGA, Panhellenic and homecoming. This success can only be attributed to
Phi (Montana
State U)
ate news
the tradition of excellence we hold throughout rush. We pledged quota with 44 incredi- ble young women and our chapter is at the highest capacity possible for membership at the university. This fall we have been busy implementing plans from the spring semester. We have restructured our commit- tees into three centralized net- works: member-
ship retention, pro-
gramming and events network. We have also suc- cessfully implemented our new
risk management program. Our program has already been intro- duced and implemented by other sororities on campus.
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern U
The sisters of Alpha Lambda had a
very fulfilling year. Last fall the sisters raised $500 trick-or-treating for Arthritis Research and our fall formal was held at the DeSoto Hilton in Savannah, Georgia. Before the holi- days, the sisters got together for a gift exchange. Winter quarter began with a Founders' Day celebration. Many alumnae came as well as sis- ters from other chapters. The best part of win-
ter quarter was parents' weekend when we initi- ated several associate members. The highlight of the weekend was the dinner followed by a white elephant gift auction that raised money for our future house. During spring quarter, the sisters and New Members sponsored a cam- pus clean-up on Earth Day. We colleaed trash from the roads surrounding the Georgia Southern campus. At the end of the year, we held a scholarship banquet at a local restaurant. The banquet gave everyone recognition for a job well done.
Chi (W esi
Alpha Phi
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
ng Green State U)
Montana State U
We were very honored to have received a visit from our Programming NS, Andrea Dill, diis semester. We all had a great time showing her Montana State U and what our sisterhood is all about. We received some great, innovative ideas and began putting many of them into place immediately. Thank you, Andrea! The very first annual Run for the Roses was a big hit for our philanthropy. We had participants from other greek and campus organizations, and from around the community. This has beenoneofour biggestfundraisersforArthritis Research, and we are hoping to keep it going strong in the years to come. The Alpha Phi Chapter started out the semester strong with a very successful fall rush, pledging 27 fantastic New Members. We are very proud to be at campus total again with 75 members.
Alpha Psi
Bowling Green State U
Alpha Psi has been having a remarkable year. We have been working extremely hard to achieve chapter excellence. This year, we won
awards in three categories:
ship, and programming. Alpha Psi has also had some great opportunities come our way. We were asked to appear on television during the Jerry Lewis Telethon, which sponsors the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This defi- nitely gave our AOFI spirits a boost, and just when we needed it the most... during rush! This year, our parents sent us bouquets of red roses. If we ever felt grumpy, we could just stop and smell the roses. This helped to make rush a success. We are excited to have 21 New Members this year. Alpha Psi is honored to have these ladies as sisters.
Coe College
Alpha Theta has began the year with a great start. Our rush went great and we ended up with a total of 16 New Members who will all be assets to our chapter. We are looking for- ward to this fall with hayride and teeter-tottet- thon. We also are going to try to keep our first place status with the homecoming floats. We know this year is going to be great and wish all the other AOFI chapters good luck.
Alpha Theta (Coe College)
twist to this years festivities is the addition of a speech by one of our Beta Gamma collegiate sisters, Jennifer Norris, VP of Education. So, 20 of us will head from Michigan State to Rochester Hill, MI to support our alumnae chapter and hear our sister speak. Jenni was chosen by the alumnae chapter based on her continued involvement and positive reinforce- ment of the values and ritual of Alpha Omicron Pi. Congratulations Jenni.
Chi Defe
Uof Colorado
Chi Delta has had a gteat year so far! Many of our members were lucky enough to attend the Centennial this summer and have brought their enthusi-
asm and AOFI love
back to share with our
chaptet. Recently we
initiated a new group
of ttuly phenomenal
women and are excited
about the great contri-
butions that each of
them will make to the
chapter. We are also
keeping busy planning
our philanthropy, Run
Fot Roses, and hope to
have even more participants than last year. In our free time, we had fun at a crush party in October, a masquerade formal in November, and a sisterhood holiday party in December. We wish you all a great year.
Chi Epsilon
The Ohio State U
Chi Epsilon is adapting to a new tecruitment process in which formal recruitment will take place in winter quarter instead of in the fall. During the fall quarter, we have been busy with COB events and pteparing for thtee small forums which will introduce women to sorority
Cilegate ew
life. We improved our house by giving it a face- lift this summer. Plantingflowerson the front walkway, painting rooms, replacing old furni- ture, and installing cable T V are just a few improvements made. Our new housing corpo- ration played a big role in helping us make these improvements. This year, we plan to attract New Membets through increased involvement in our community. We participat- ed in activities such as painting pumpkins for a children's hospital, and we are getting involved in an adopt-a-school program.
Chi Lambda
U of Evansville
There is always something exciting happening in Chi Lambda Chapter. We began 1997 by celebrating Founder's Day at Kirby's Restaurant. AOn sisters were especially excit- ed this year, as we celebrated our Centennial. February brought our second annual Alpha Love Connection, our version of MTV's Singled Out. Following an extremely success- ful publicity blitz, our chapter raised $1082
scholarship, leader-
for the
A O n
for Arthritis
Beta Gamma
Michigan State U H
Chi Lambda (U of Evansville)
Chi Delta (U of Colorado)
This fall, the Beta Gamma Chapter wel- comed many wonderful New Members to help us contin- ue the excel- lence o f sister- hood by cele- brating our cen- tennial year.
Research. April brought Greek Week, and Chi Lambda took first runner-up in Greek games. Several of our sisters were honored with awards. Our chapter began the new school year on an exciting note, as we wel- comed 29 beautiful New Members into our suite. The excitement continued as we watched Susan Abel win first tunnet-up at homecoming festivities. In November, Chi Lambda held elections and the new officers begin the transition into their new roles. 1998 promises to be just as exciting for the women of Chi Lambda.
One event that we are looking forward to is the Founders' Day celebration with the Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter. A special
To Dra-mu/WINTKR 1997
collegiate news
Chi Psi
California Polytechnical State U
AOri's Chi Psi Chapter is
fired-up for the upcoming
school year. Over the sum-
mer, Tina Pate, Sarah
Russell, and Karen Scott
joined thousands of AOITs
in New York to celebrate our
Centennial anniversary. The
fall quarter here at Chi Psi is
full of many fun-filled activi-
ties. C h i Psi has already
kicked off the year with an
outstanding New Member
class. Erin Ross, our rush
chairman, made our fall rush
spectacular with hard work
and dedication. Fall rush
brought us 29 great girls. We are proud to say that Chi Psi is pumped up and ready to share the bond of our sisterhood with our new initi- ates. In October, Chi Psi dedicated time to help our fellow fraternities with a successful rush. On October 10th, with the help of Kory Kittl, Chi Psi broke loose with an Italian wedding with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Also, we are proud to support Kappa Sigma with their soccer tournament. In November, Chi Psi participated in the homecoming events at Cal Poly, boogied down at our crush party and danced the night away at our semi-formal.
With our many fun-filled activities, Chi Psi knows that the bond between sisters is grow- ing stronger.
has three contestants in the Miss Northeastern State U Pageant. Selena Rabe, Jami Roush and
Chi Psi (California Polytechnical State U)
Northeastern State U Chi Theta is very proud of its women
and their many successes. When Northeastern State University nar- rowed down candidates for home- coming queen, two of the five chosen were members of AOIT Allison Page and Tracy Rathbone were both select- ed. The chapter was very excited when reigning Queen, Michelle Clifton, AOfl membet, crowned Tracy Rathbone as homecoming queen 1997. Alpha Omicron Pi also
Delta Chapter
Tufts U
The sisters of Delta Chapter have had a fan- tastic year, both individually and as a chapter. Our former president, Jenn Curley, is now a CO She has promised to visit during het time off. In Glamour Magazine's October 1997 issue, Delta Chapter's Andi Friedman is named as one of the Top Ten College Women. We also had several of our sisters run in the 1997 Boston Marathon. Delta Chapters enthusiasm has soared since spring rush. We have planned homecoming events, Halloween activities, and philanthropic events. We have even planned to go apple picking as a chapter.
Uof Southwestern Louisiana
Delta Beta has had a very busy semester with successful sisterhood retreats, philan- thropy events, and on-going COB's. The chapter had a terrific time at our rush/sis- terhood retreat. The initia- tion retreat was also a perfect time for our sisters to strengthen our bond with each othet. The chaptet
planned a retreat for home-
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Elizabeth Couch.
bers hold numerous leadership positions with the university and community. Those positions range from vice president of the student body to president of Kappa Pi, a Christian women's sorority. The women of Chi Theta believe to help our chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, which is only a few months old, become a leading organization on campus, we must strive to be leaders in all areas of campus service.
coming to work on the float and more sisterhood activities. We are get- ting more involved with on and offcampus organizations as sisters and as a chapter. The local arthritis chapter is helping us
organize a lock-up and we are also partici- pating in the annual Lambda Chi Alpha food drive.
Many of Chi Thetas mem-
Chi Theta (Northeastern
State U)
Delta Beta (U of Southwestern
Detta Delta
Auburn U
Auburn AOils had a blast in New York this summer. We were honored to receive the JWH Cup, DSA, Rush Excellence, Scholarship and Highest Contribution to the Foundation awards. Also, congratulations to our awesome adviser, Patsy Vincent, who won a Rose Award. Delta Delta is off to an exciting start on the plains o f Auburn. W e are very excited about the 51 New Members who pledged this fall. Our New Members are already making their mark on campus and continuing to uphold our high ideals. Elizabeth Ragan was selected as a member of Freshman Forum. Older sistets have been actively involved on campus as well. Elizabeth Cbthran and Melissa Sutliffwere cho- sen as Top 20 Miss Homecoming along with Katie Gilbert who was chosen as Top 20 Miss Auburn. Several sisters have been representing AOn in Panhellenic. Shamim Johnson served as this year's vice ptesident of rush and Kristy Lafferty as assistant head Rho Chi.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
Home of a Distinguished Service Award, 1997 has been a landmark year
for Delta Omega. We are
very proud of our sister
Meredith Major, who was
named Senior Woman of
the Year 1996-97. We
had eight contestants
compete in the Miss
Murray State pageant, one
of whom, Angie Butler,
was first runner-up; and
three sisters were on
homecoming court this
year. In All-Campus Sing,
performing songs from
Grease, we won both the
.sorority division and best
overall. Rush this year
Our philanthropic event, Mr. MSU, was themed "AOFI Strikes Back", and AOIl did strike back, raising over $3000 for Arthritis Research. As we grow, we hope to continue and surpass all these achievements.
Delta Pi
Central Missouri State U
Delta Pi did very
well through for-
mal rush, receiv-
ing 23 New
Members and
reaching our
quota. Fot our
fund raising
event, Delta Pi is
proud that our
school was cho-
sen as one of only four schools that Pepsi Ball came to and the only Division II school. Our Philanthropy event this year went very well; it was our 20th annual Rock-a-thon. The theme was From Dusk to Dawn, A O n Rock-a-thon.
Pi (Central
S ta te U)
(Auburn U)
was especially successful - meeting quota. We now have 37 new, wonderful sis- ters, including 6 legacies. Kiley Newell was just elect- ed Freshman Senatot. Scholastically excelling, Delta Omega had the high- est Greek GPA on campus.
collegiate news
Delta Psi
U of Albany
The sisters of the Delta Psi Chapter are pleased to report a successful year on the SUNY Albany campus. A self-defense course, sponsored by A O n , was a huge success and all of the student participants had a great time learning many important skills. Delta Psi also sponsored a lecture on campus regarding the dangersofthedrugRohypnol. Wehaddoc- tors and counselors, as well as victims of the drug speak and we succeeded in reaching the ears of almost 800 students. The members have also continued volunteering their time at the Ronald McDonald House, cooking din-
ners for the families of the sick children stay- ing there and donating time to the American Red Cross for their blood drives. The chapter graduated 32 seniors, but our ever growing number of New Members is already proving
to be an asset to AOn.
Detta Rho
The sisters of Delta Rho Chapter have many exciting things planned for this year. For the second year, we passed out candy at Spooky Zoo for thousands of children at the Lincoln Park Zoo, which is one of the largest philanthropies in Chicago. We are also planning our second annual semi-formal. So far this year, we attended an all Greek service day in which we painted Chicago housing authority
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Delta Omega (Murray State U)
colle atenews
homes for the elderly. The sisters are also looking forward to many mixers with frater- nities and the other sororities. All of our hard work and determination has really paid off. We look forward to another great year.
Delta Upsilon
Delta Upsilon experienced a busy and exciting fall. The sisters began the semester by hosting their annual Back to the Beach event, where hundreds of students relaxed on the quad and competed in the three-legged race, limbo, dizzy bat and hula hoop events. This years back to the beach raised more money for Arthritis Research than ever before - over $1000. In addition, Delta Upsilon successful- ly restructured chapter programming, thus improving the focus and direction of each meeting. The sisters were enthusiastic and supportive of the change. They were especial- ly excited about the more focused educational meetings, as well as about brainstorming for new sisterhood meetings with ice cream socials, acapella group performances, sister- hood games, and pot luck dinners. Chapter members also busily prepared themselves for formal rush, which takes place in the spring.
Cornell U
Epsilon sisters are active members of the Cornell community. Our involvement in the Foodnet program allows us to interact with our elderly neighbors. Once a week we serve lunch to residents of a low-income senior citizen apartment house. We also sponsor monthly events, like a halloween dance and a casino
Epsilon Chi (Elon College)
Epsilon Chi
fall, we are pleased to wel- come 21 New Members, just in time to think happy thoughts with us for our Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory homecoming theme! As winter approaches, we are looking forward to defending our first place tide in Greek sing.
Each semester we have co-hosted, with
the brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha, an after- noon of fun and games for children from the local community center. Our fund raising was hugely successful. Epsilon supported Arthritis Research and sent 8 local children to summer camp. In the spring, we held a penny drive and co-hosted Pi Kappa Phi's annual Jail-n-Bail. We threw campus celebrities in jail and didn't let them out until they raised enough bail money for charity. In the fall, we also co-hosted Delta Tau Deltas Singled Out. In honor of our Centennial, Epsilon established a book endow- ment fund. This fund will be used to restore books in the Cornell Library published over a century ago. Epsilon further distinguished our- selves by having the highest sorority CPA at Cornell. In between studying and volunteer- ing, we found time to have fun at mixers, for- mals, and just hanging out with each other.
Pennsylvania State U
The Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State fin- ished the 1997 spring semester without a fumble - in our football challenge philan- thropy, that is! We raised over $5000 for the Arthritis Research fund with the help of our six spring New Members. Hershey Medical
Elon College
The 1996-97 school year was an exciting one for Epsilon Chi. We began the year having the honor of our homecoming representative, Stephanie Matous, win homecoming queen. Following, the year was full of exciting activi- ties such as AOPie in the Face, a fund raiser with all the proceeds going to Arthritis Research. Our sisters helped other Greek organizations with fund raisers throughout the school year, and had a great time in the process. At Christmas time, we helped a fami- ly through a local organization and provided them with clothes, food, and toys. The chap- ter celebrated Founders' Day at Duke University with other North Carolina chapters and we celebrated our own 10 year anniver- sarywithaweekendlongcelebration. Atthe Greek awards ceremony, we were presented with a Chapter of Excellence Award, Highest GPA, and House Manager of the year. Epsilon Chi holds a bond of sisterhood that we keep strong through activities such as movie nights, CR retreats, social events, rose- ball, and a spring semi-formal. In April, we were awarded a new house on campus and made the big move this fall.
Epsilon Omega
Eastern Kentucky U
Epsilon Omega has once again had a fantastic year. To begin, we had an outstanding fall rush We met quota and are excited about ini- tiating 19 great New Members. Epsilon Omega is also working hard on improving our scholarship. We met our chapter goal of 2.9 in the spring and are now working hard to "Strive for Pi" by having our chapter GPA be a 3.14. Our members received first place overall in scholarship on campus. Epsilon Omega has participated in four other chapters'
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U)
Center's Four Diamonds Fund for children with cancer also benefitted from our efforts in Penn State's 25th annual 48 hour long dance marathon. Not only did AOFI sister, Alyssa Cherkin, serve as an overall chair for this event, but our chapter as a whole proudly came in first place in the spirit competition. This
Gamma Alphc
philanthropy events and had a large number of chapters participate in AOiTs philanthropy event. Epsilon Omega is looking forward to having yet another spectacular year filled with fun, laughs and sistethood.
Gamma Alpha
and Stroke Foundation. In May we had a car wash and raised donations for Arthritis Research. During formal rush this fall, we gave out 9 of 13 possible bids. Thanks to rush chair, Christine Hostetter, and assistant rush chair, Danielle Chapman, we are very close to total. This promises to be another greatyearfor ourchapter.
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
The sisters of Gamma Delta have had some very busy and exciting few months. We fin- ished out the '96-'97 academic year winning
collegiate news
off. We would like to congratulate Myta Barginear, a Gamma Delta alumna, for win- ning 2nd runner up in the Miss America Pageant. Despite out summer rush workshop being interrupted by Hurricane Danny, we managed to have a great rush. We are proud to welcome 24 beautiful New Members. A spe- cial thanks to Donna Cunningham, out rush adviser, and Aimee Campbell, our rush chair-
George Mason U
This year Gamma Alpha was
tunity to help our campus bookstore during the busiest time of the year. The first few weeks of school are exciting for everyone. Our chapter divides the hours given to us by hav- ing fout sisters work per hour. Our sisters help from eight in the morning to as late as ten at night. Getting to wear our AOFI letters during the first few weeks of school also helps for a great rush. Our smiling faces are seen while providing service to our campus. The hoursarealsofun for eachofus andgreat for sisterhood. This is a wonderful time for us to teptesent AOFI in a great way.
Gamma Chi
Carleton U
This past year was a very busy and eventful one for the sisters of Gamma Chi. Over the year, 13 New Members were initiated. Our Rose Ball Formal was held in November at the Chateau Laurier Hotel with a record attendance, as parents wete invited. At for- mal we sold corsages
and boutonnieres for
Arthritis Reseatch.
To celebrate the
Centennial, we col-
lected one hundted
cans o f food and
donated them to a
local food bank. I n
February we made
and sold candygrams
and rose-o-grams for
Valentine's Day, rais-
ing several hundred
dollars for the Heart
To Dragma/WINTER 19<)7
given the oppor-
anothetgreatyearin AOH
for making rush such a special time. we are al excited and looking forward to
first place in the annual songfest competition and the annual Derby competition. We are also very proud to have been one out of eleven recipients to receive the DSA award. We were
Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U)
Gamma Sigma
GeorgiaState U
The Gamma Sigma Chaptet of Alpha Omicron Pi was established on the Georgia State U campus on October 6, 1956.
Throughout the past forty-one years, Gamma Sigma has stood strong as a campus leader in acade- mics, athletics, communi- ty, campus involvement and sistethood. The chapter contributes to local philanthropic activi- ties including Ronald McDonald House, a homeless shelter, and we support our national phil- anthropy by participating in the Arthritis Walk and othet events. Gamma
al very pleased to see al of our
hard work pay
Gamma Cni (Carleton U)
collegiate i lew
Sigma sisters are leaders in numerous campus organizations, including Panhellenic, Conclave, and Order of Omega, to mention a few. The sisters of Gamma Sigma strive to maintain the ideals and treasures of AOFI, and continue to seek other young women to share the love and keep it a living, lasting orga- nization. We want to congratulate our 16 awesome New Members who we know we will keep AOFT alive!!
great deal of time together through sisterhood events such as a roller skating party. The Iotas have also been working hard to get involved on the U of Illinois campus and the community. We have women involved in a variety of activi- ties including; Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, Order of Omega, Golden Key, and Marching Illini. We also have 10 members on Panhellenic committees and many volunteers.
for an awesome spring semester, too. Some events planned are AOI! kidnap, our spring formal and our annual porch fling.
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
During the past year. Kappa Alpha has been very busy. Our chapter has been recognized for its excellence on campus and through AOn internationally. Homecoming was a success for our chapter. Our trike team won first place for the third year in a row. We also finished first at qualifications and took the pole position. Jennifer Zortman, a senior member of the trike team won the tide of Hot Wheels. This means she had the fastest time. Paired with Alpha Sigma Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Tau Gamma, we won every competition. This also includes the most important category, sweepstakes. Kappa Alpha shined at convention. For the second year, we were the recipient of a prestigious Distinguished Service Award, and our adviser, Glenna Timmons, was the recipient of the Muriel T. McKinney Outstanding Adviser Award. Kappa Alpha is honored to have our adviser receive this award.
Kappa Chi
Northwestern State U
The sisters of Kappa Chi would like to congrat- ulate our newly initiated sisters. We have a fun- filled year ahead of us. Rush kicked off the semester as we received 25 of the most wonder- ful women. Following rush, we celebrated with out fitst social, fall bash. We have several exchanges planned this semester as well as our environmental highway cleanup. Greek week kicked-off in October, closing out the week with the annual Greek Halloween carnival. Our New Member retreat was held in
U of South Florida
Football came to the University of South Florida this year. Gamma Theta Chapter has been actively participating in our Bulls inaugur- al year. Football has brought school spirit and great unity to our university. Gamma Theta was recently awarded the Intramural Champions trophy. This trophy is a year long goal of every chapter at USE and we are proud to have received it. Philanthropy day was a new addition to formal rush. On this day, we made a craft with our rushees that was later donated to the charity of our choice. Our chapter made boo bunnies, which are bunny rabbits made out of a wash cloth. They hold ice and are placed on children's bruises and scrapes. We donated hundreds of these boo bunnies to all children's hospitals in Saint Petersburg, Florida.
U of Illinois at
The women of Iota are off to an awesome start, initiating a fabulous New Member class. Our New Members have been spending a
Party, and Sigma Chi's Derby Days. The members of Iota are also looking forward to many social events for the fall semester with exchanges and happy hours. We are hoping
Gamma Theta (U of South Florida)
This year we are doing the most publicity ever to increase participa- tion in our philan- thropy, Run for the Roses. Our goal is 500 runners and $10,000. We will be advertising on major television and radio stations. W e are also participat- ing in various phil- anthropies includ- ing Lambda Chi Alpha's Regae Fest, Delta Chi's Block
To Dra-rma/WINTKR 1997
lota (U of Illinois at
September which was both exciting and educational. Lasdy, the Kappa Chi sisters would like to extend some impottant thank you's to five visiting women from Kappa Tau Chapter, our wonderful chapter consul- tants, Ali and Kristin, and to Ginger Banks for her visit during initiation. Gookluck to all AOris this yeat and
especially our Kappa Chi's.
Kappa Lambda
U of Calgary
With rush and its fury here and gone, U of Calgary's chapter is going strong! Beautiful women, strong and proud, We welcome our New Members - and do so loud!
New buds are enfolded in Alphas love. Our chapters new girls are a cut above! Sarah, rush chair, worked long and hard, To make rush a winner by a yard!
It's too bad this poem is such bad poetry
Not everyone can rhyme quite like me.
Kappa Lambda rocks - and we know why, Because of our love ofAlpha Omicron Pi.
by Stephanie Savage
Kappa Omega
U of Kentucky
Kappa Omega has had quite a successful year.
contributed their time and money to make Pi- Athlon a success. Finally, during fall rush, Kappa Omega exceeded a quota of 44 to obtain 45 wonderful New Members. These girls have helped to add a great sense of enthu- siasm and commitment fot an exciting and eventful fall semester. As you can see, Kappa Omega is ready for the challenge of another successful year.
Kappa Apna (Indiana State U)
Kappa Kapppa
Ball State U
Kappa Kappas spring 1997 highlights include raising over $4000 for the A O n Foundation in our annual basketball marathon, and hav- ing 14 New Members pledge. We were proud of our outstanding Greek achiever, Amy Jones, who also received the Order of
State U)
To start things off, we placed second in grades out of 13 sororities at UK, with a 3.1737 chapter GPA We also won first place in the IGPA sorority division. Pi-Athlon, our new philanthropy event for Arthritis Research, was voted best new philanthropy event and non-alco- holic philanthropy event at UKs 1997 Greek Banquet. We are continuing this fall with our second annual Pi-
Kappa Rho
W estern Michigan U
The 1997 year has proven to be very success- ful fot the sisters of Kappa Rho. During the winter semester, Kappa Rho achieved a number of accomplishments. Three of our sisters were elected to Panhellenic positions, Kappa Rho won the most improved GPA award at Western's Greek Awards Banquet, and a number of our members were initiated into Order of Omega. After starting the
1997 year off with a bang, the sisters of Kappa Rho jumped into fall rush with great excitement. Kappa Rho
Omega award along with Stephanie Young and Kim Indelicate Marie Roy and Alicia Pease were recognized as Indianapolis 500 princesses and Courtney Casteel participated in the Miss Indiana pageant. Over the summer Kappa Kappa received several awards at our Centennial Celebration including the Philos Award, a Rush Citation, the Foundation Award, a Performance Certificate, and an award
for Outstanding Corporation Board. Three of our members were presented with Diamond Jubilee Scholarships. Fall 1997 began with our annual retreat to renew sisterhood and practice for rush. 28 New Membets pledged and Kappa Kappa went full speed ahead for an exciting homecoming week participating in a dance/Iipsync- ing contest and riding on afiretruck in the parade. We are all looking forward to another exciting year.
Atlon which raised over $1300 for Arthritis Research in 1997. We are extremely grateful to many local department stores, businesses, and restaurants which helped to sponsor and
ToDragma/WIMTER 1997
Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky)
I 1
welcomed 31 beautiful New Members with open arms. Throughout the busy fall semester, Kappa R h o planned a number of PR and philanthropic events. The sisters of Kappa Rho hosted such events as a fac- ulty mixer, a greek ice-cream
social, and our second annual twistet competition. Coming off our Centennial year, the sisterhood at Kappa Rho Chapter has never been stronger.
collegiate news
Kappa Sigma
U of Wisconsin - River Falls So far this year has been busy for the Kappa Sigma Chapter. Formal rush produced five New Members this fall and our New Member retreat was in October when we had a chance to bond with our new sisters. We held our Walk for the Roses and raised approximately $250 dollars for Arthritis Research. We have several upcoming events including carving pumpkins with Alpha Gamma Rho to give to local retirement homes, as well as, a parent- alumnae picnic. We also have some exciting news. One of our graduates got getting mar- ried in November and we all enjoyed attend- ing her wedding.
Lambda Beta
the Hammond State School for the Mentally Challenged. W e also collected canned goods for the homeless dur- ing Thanksgiving. W e have increased our Panhellenic relations by hosting a picnic with another sorority. Our busy and exciting events keep our sisters focused and ready for another great semester.
California State U - Long Beach
Lambda Beta Chapter has participated in every fraterni-
ty philanthropy event and has placed very high in all of them. Not only are we growing in numbers, but our house has gone dirough a lot of changes on the inside and out with new paint, tile, carpet and a few other new items. This year we are con- centrating on having a few, very intense, COB efforts. It will be our informal rush for fall. Not only are posters and flyers going out, but buttons can be seen every- where. Following with new PR ideas, CSULB has start- ed a new article in the school
We have activated our sober sister program this year, which means, on Friday and Saturday nights, two sisters stay at the house in case they are needed to providerides.This program has enabled fun, but also safety and responsibility as an AOn. Everywhere people go, AOFI is there and is always seen. This is a great PR tool.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
The sisters here at Lambda Chi Chapter have had a very exciting and busy year. In February, we visited a local nursing home and delivered Valentines to the elderly. During spring quar- ter, Lambda Chi held a faculty/slave day where the sisters volunteered to help out faculty mem- bers with different daily chores and running errands. We also donated 100 panda bears to
Lambda Chi (LaGrange College)
Southeastern Louisiana U The sisters of Kappa Tau Chapter, are very active and dedicated this sem ester. A t Centennial, we were awarded the Philos Award given for Panhellenic Excellence. Fall began with a suc-
cessful rush wel-
coming 20 New
Members into sis-
terhood. We dis-
played our good
sportsmanship in
intramural events
such as flag foot-
ball, volleyball, and
floor hockey. Our
events are a tremendous pan of this semester just as in the past. KappaTau is donating 100 pandas in honor of the Centennial to an area children's hospital. For Halloween, we visited
newspaper every
month about a Greek member on campus. Our own president was voted to be the first winner. Another big PR event for us is our Greek Row. Seven fraternities on campus are participating and are looking forward to competing in our fun filled philanthropy. From limbo to rowing races, our events are very
competitive. While we do have fun
Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
local,underprivilegedchildren. Butthespring wasn't all hard work; we participated in greek week this year and were paired with Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. Fall quarter has been exciting so far with rush and all the other annual events. Rush went well for Lambda Chi this year. We met quota on bid day. Next year we are plan- ning a road trip to headquarters. This, we feel, will give our new initiates a better sense of their AOn heritage.
Lambda Eta
Grand Valley State U
The sisters of Lambda Eta Chapter are happy to inform you of our accomplishments for
To Dragma/WIINTER 1997
lota (Northern
Illinois U)
with the fraternities on campus, we feel that sisterhood is what makes our chapter who we are. From eating pizza and watching movies, to being there for a fellow sister, our sis- terhoods events are exciting and meaningful.
collegiate news
AOris Centennial year. This past summer, our chapter president and chapter adviser accepted the Coat of Arms Award and Founders Award on our campus. This is our eigth year at Grand Valley State U. During formal rush this fall, 11 women accepted bids from AOn, and we were the only sorority to meet and go over quota. We hosted an all- you-can-eat spaghetti dinner and will be taking part in the Jingle Bell Run and other philan- thropic events to raise money for Arthritis Research. We have been very busy with our studies also. Last year we had the second high- est GPA of all the sororities on campus. Besides being involved with AOFI, each mem- ber belongs to at least one other campus orga- nization. This year is off to a fantastic start and we look forward to continued success.
Lambda lota
U of California, San Diego Lambda Iota is off to an incredible year. Our 13 dedicated members worked hard and planned ahead for formal rush, and our efforts paid off. We are proud to announce that 11 fabulous women have pledged AOFI already, and informal rush has not yet begun. We are looking forward to getting to know our New Members at their retreat and other events. Aside from that, we are looking for- ward to many other activities such as inter- sorority sports and a visit to Lambda Beta Chapter at Cal-State-Long Beach. Our annua] formal will be held in downtown San Diego this year and everyone is excited. Lasdy, we would like to give our thanks to our Lambda Beta sis-
ters. These women
sent some of their
chapter members to
San Diego to help
support us during
rush. We truly
enjoyed their visit
and greatly appreciat-
ed their help. Once
again we have been
reminded that there
are women every-
where who are
bound together by
Lambda Sigma
The past year proved
to be incredible
for Lambda Sigma
Chapter. Our ele-
gant Centennial ball
started things off on
an exciting note. Jacqueminot weekend in the spring was another highlight. O n Friday night, our parents and dates joined us for our spring formal. Saturday afternoon began with a cook- out held on our front lawn followed by an out- doot concert that night. We continue to partic- ipate in philanthropic events such as Habitat for Humanity, baby-sitting for the hearing impaired, Red Cross blood drives, and dance marathon. Our annual Kick-off Classic flag football tournament and Aerobathon both benefit Arthritis Research. The spring rush retreat was a great success. Sisters escaped to a rural camp for relaxation and enthusiastic plan- ning for rush. Our hard work definitely paid off this fall when we pledged 46 New Members. Lambda Sigma is now the largest chapter at the U of Georgia!
Northeast Louisiana U Lambda Tau has been busy this year. Two specific events we participated in were A O n 5K McRun and Penny Pinch. The AOn 5K McRun was a race held in the community park to benefit the Ronald McDonald House
and we raised over $1500 for the charity. While organizing the AOn McRun, we participated in Penny Pinch, a contest between sororities to collect pennies. W e collected more pennies than any chapter and won first place. Philanthropy projects have been keeping us busy; however, it has enriched our chapter and our members. W e still know how to have fun, including our graf-
Omega (Miami U)
fiti social, karoke social and pajama party to name a few. Our favoritesocial was the graffiti social. The fraterni- ty members and AOITs wore white t-shirts and we
the sisterhood Alpha Omicron Pi.
o f
wrote on each other's shirt with markers. This helped us to mingle
and meet everyone.
Nu Detei
Canisius College
Nu Delta Chapter is very active on the Canisius campus and in the Western New York community. A O n has had tfre oppor- tunity to participate in the Freshmen Welcome Weekend. We also participated in the American Heart Association Walk, the Diabetes Walk, Homecoming Weekend and the Sigma Phi Epsilon Thanksgiving Reception. AOFI will also host various speakers on topics ranging from date rape to health and well being, fund raising events for the Arthritis Foundation, an Piaster egg hunt for neighborhood children, the third annual Teacher of the Year Award and the Rose Ball. A O n enjoys working closely with the Student Activities Office, the Office of Student Retention, the Campus Programming Board and the Sports Promotion Offices.
Nu lota
Northern Illinois U
Nu lota has been very busy. We just finished homecoming activities, where we were paired with Delta Sigma Phi and placed third over- all. This semester we are participating in two philanthropies. In one, we put on a haunted house with the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. It was for the whole community with chil- dren entering free. The girls got a chance to dress up and catch a few screams. In the other, we will participate in a food drive with Lambda Chi Alpha. This is a two week activity that is planned to end with a bar- beque. The chapter is busy, but we are help- ing the community.
To Dra^ma/WINTER 1W7
Omega Upsilon (Ohio U)
collegiate news
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt U
The sisters of Nu Omicron are excited to be back for the fall semester. Shortly after school began, we took a fall New Member class and have enjoyed getting to know these wonderful girls throughout the semester. AOIls at Vanderbilt also love to get together to attend swaps, sisterhood activities and community events. N u Omicrons enjoy meeting for any bonding activity, whether it be during a meal at the house or attending a Vanderbilt lecture. Our largest and most recent event was the annual Fajita Fest, which benefits Arthritis Research. The sisters organize an afternoon of food and live entertainment on the A O n lawn which is open to all Vanderbilt students. In the Nashville area, we also volunteered for the Salvation Army and participated in a walk to benefitAIDS research. Our members have fun at our fall social events and love to dress up for theme parties. Our annual fall party was entitled Harley Heavens and everyone dressed in biker attire. Some o f our recent swaps, beachcomber and pajama party, have also given sisters an opportunity to dress a lit- de differendy than usual.
Omega Upsilon
Omega Upsilon continues to prosper and excel. This past spring, we earned the coveted Spirit Award in Greek Week and were awarded Outstanding Scholarship Programming for sororities. W e enjoyed another successful rush this fall by meeting quota and welcoming 40 New Members into our sisterhood. Homecoming festivities were cele-
brated with the men of Pi Kappa Alpha. Currently, Omega Upsilon is a leader in community service. This fall we coordi- nated Breast Cancer Awareness Week for the entire campus, donated money to M y Sister's Place for battered women, collected money and volunteered with stray dogs for Pound Rescue and sponsored our annual volleyball tournament for Arthritis Research. W e also collected stuffed pandas and coordinated an all-greek trick-or-treat for community chil- dren. This winter, we will sponsor our sec- ond annual Mr. Ohio Universe-ity philan- thropy pageant and A O n State Day. I n April, Omega Upsilon celebrates 10 strong years on Ohio University's campus.
Omicron chapter is proud to continue a tradi- tion of excellence on campus. Our enhanced energy level is due to Omicron winning the ACE (All Campus Events) Cup for the second year in a row. This award is the most presti- gious award for any campus organization to receive. First, Omicron chapter, along with Alpha Tau Omega, placed third overall in All- Sing, a campus singing competition. In the
Miami U
The Omega chapter is off to a great start this school year. First, we recently completed Greek Week, where we were led by outstand- ing performances by the first place swim team, the second place soccer team, the sec- ond place handball team, and our second place finish in Bandstand, a lip sync/dance contest. W e enjoyed our Dad's W eekend, which included the opportunity for our dads to watch the final event ofGreek Week,Mud Tug. During the last weekend of September, we had our fall date party, AOris Paddle Party, where Omegas and their dates canoed down the Little Miami River. Some of the other events that we participate in include a
Pi Alpha (U of Louisville)
parents' weekend brunch, our second annual faculty appreciation open suite, Founders' Day Brunch, and our Red Rose Formal. W e have also added an assistant public relations chair in the past year, whose primary respon- sibility is to update our home page. Check us out on the World Wide Web. The Omega chapter o f A O n has greatly enjoyed this Centennial Celebration and would like to wish all other AOFI chapters the best of luck for a successful year.
Omega Omicron
Lambuth U
The ladies of Omega Omicron have had an awesome year. I n the spring, we received two wonderful new girls. We helped to raise
m 0 n e y for Arthritis Research by holding an AOPie sale and storming the dorms for spare change in Stick-up For Arthritis. W e carried the Centennial theme through to our schol- arship with 100 As for AOFI. We also worked on our social skills with a MyTie Party and Rose Ball. So far, this fall has been busy. W e were blessed with 18 terrific girls from rush who have already proven to be assets. Once again, Omega Omicron has shown its Lambuth spirit by participating in many activities around campus. W e have several swaps planned and an initiation for- mal as well. Several girls are volunteering as mentors to elementary students weekly. W e also had a birthday party to commemorate Omega Omicrons 40th year on campus -
happy birthday Omega Omicron.
Phi Beta f£ost Stwudsburg u)
Omicron (U ofTennessee)
To Uragma/WINTER 1997
collegiate news
fall, AOn and Lambda Chi Alpha placed third overall in homecoming. Victory was even sweeter when the chapter won first place overall in Carnicus with our rendition of Alice in W onderland. Interestingly enough, lead actress Alice Leonard, won best actress. In Carnicus, an all-campus competition, sorori- ties and fraternities perform highly choreo- graphed skits filled with humor, singing, and dancing. We are the only chapter to ever win the competition as a single group. Fall rush proved to be one of the best yet. Forty-four
new AAC and Corporation Board being reor- ganized this year. Phi Beta has been working hand in hand with our alumnae for upcoming social events and our homecoming reception. Phi Beta is very grateful for all their help during this semester so far. Our chapter has gathered 100 cans of food for a local church in East Stroudsburg to Celebrate our Centennial year. AOFI had a great rush this year. We have the highest number o f New Members on campus. We put on a skit to the theme song Friends, served refreshments and showed a slide show of
Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee Stole U)
chapter has also developed a study buddy program in which members have a sister they study with each week. The program has been very successful and we continue to keep up our good work.
Rho Delta
Samford U
This has truly been an awesome year for Rho Delta. Last spring we participated in our sec- ond Step Sing show where we performed on stage to a theme o f Storm W arnings. W e also held our second annual Bowl-a-Thon, in which we raised more than $1,000 for arthritis in just one day. We ended the semester by winning the Chapter Proficiency Award for reaching our chapter goals for the year. The sisters got off to a busy start when we arrived for fall by immediately having another successful rush where we pledged 28 wonderful girls. In addition to playing intra- mural football and volleyball, we have many sisters participating in other areas o f campus such as the homecoming and Miss Samford committees. In November, we held our first ever Red Rose Ball. Rho Delta is looking forward to a great year to come.
New Members were welcomed into our chap- ter. We are so proud of them. Last, but not least, Omicron held our 37th annual AOFI barbecue before the South Carolina football game. Collegians, alumnae and the Mothers club worked to pull off yet another successful year raising enough money to not only sup- port Arthritis Research, but also support other local philanthropies and scholarship funds. This barbeque is one of the largest fund raisers in the country for Arthritis Research.
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
Phi Beta is working very hard to get our chapter back on track this year. Our President, Courtney Phillips, as well as leaders council, have been concentrating on the areas that need improvement. We are very excited about our
Sigma Chi Derby Days in which we came in second place in coin wars. We were extremely proud to help raise money for Kosair Children's charities. The
Rho Delta (Samford U)
the previous year's events. AOFI is very excited about our New Members of fall 1997.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
The Pi Alpha Chapter has certainly been busy. W e have not only pledged some out- standing young women, but we have also been working extremely hard to serve our community. W e recently held our annual Guys and Dolls Calendar competition in which the chapter selected 28 men and women from differ- ent student organizations to be in the calendar. Allearn- ings from the calendars bene- fit Arthritis Research.
Members participated in
To Drafima/WINTER 1997
Sigma (U of California Berkley)
collegiate news
Rho Omicron
Middle Tennessee State U Rho Omicron had an excellent rush this year adding 43 New Members, including six lega- cies. New Member retreat was held at Fall Creek Falls State Park. The girls roughed it by setting up and sleeping in their own tents. There were no showers, but it was an incredi- ble bonding experience. This year the New Member class visited headquarters to see the archives. It was an opportunity for them to learn more about the founding of our sorority and get more excited about AOfl. On November 8th, Rho Omicron held our first annual Smoke Arthritis Barbeque. This event
was successful and raised over $2000 for the foundation and show the Murfreesboro com- munity that A O n cares.
U of California Berkeley
We began the semester on the right foot with a very successful rush. Our 15 New Members got into the swing of things and are having lots of fun as they are learning the basics of our Fraternity. We've had many social events and sisterhood activities as well as educational modules. These include a dinner exchange with a fraternity, barbeque on our deck after
MILE 1:4
football games and an alcohol education semi- nar. We are planning a domestic violence workshop in observance of Domestic Violence Month, and we are hosting a schol- arship dinner where the members invite their professors to a fotmal dinner at the house.
Sigma Delta
Huntingdon College
Sigma Deltas year has started off with a bang. After an awesome rush, we achieved our quota of 21 ofthe brightest, most beautifulwomen AOfl has ever seen, which is appropriate
for our 21st year at Huntingdon. We began the year with our favoritephilan- thropic event during our parents' week- end, the third annual AOPie in the Face. Students, faculty, administration, and par- ents paid to throw a pie in the face of their favorite sister. W e have also been showing our AOFI spirit by playing intra- mural football and volleyball in our new AOn team jerseys. We had a very suc- cessful New Member retreat to Gulf Breeze, FL, one uhat we will never forget.
We spent the day playing on the beach,
and the night sharing laughter, tears and AOn. Sigma Delta is having a wonderful Centennial year with a bright future and a strong spirit.
Sigma Phi
California State U - Northridge
The sisters of Sigma Phi have been busy recendy. T o start things o f f Centennial was a blast. Eight of our members and many alum- nae were involved from being pages to partici- pating in the Centennial production. Sigma Phi volunteered for Arthritis Research in the Los Angeles Marathon, AIDS Walk, LA Heart Walk and Breath Walk sponsored by the
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State II
Sigma Omicron Chapter has been very active both on and offcampus. This year we held our second annual Bull
Jam, which raised approximately $2000 as compared to last years total of $1700. All of the money raised went to local Arthritis organizations. Bull Jam is asso- ciated with the NFPBR (National Federal Professional Bull Riders, Sanctioned). Therefore, all of the profes- sional bull riders that participated in the event received national points and credit for the money they earned. Also, Sigma Omicron was the proud recipient of the annual Presidents Cup Award, presented for participation in homecoming. Sigma Omicron also received the second place award for originality on the float we built for Homecoming.
Asthma Foundation. We held our famous Make Life Bearable project, which collects bears for children. It was even more of a suc- cess this year. Next semester we will hold our annual philanthropy Mr. C S U N , a male talent show that welcomes all organizations to com- pete and have fun. Recendy our chapter won Order of Omega awards for Best AJumnae Relations, Best External Programming and Best Campus Adviser. To add to our excite- ment, we are proud of our wonderful New Members. They are quality women who will be greatassetstoSigmaPhiandAOn.
Washington College
The Sigma Tau Chapter has earned die repu- tation of being one of the most spirited and involved groups on our campus. For a chap- ter of under 40 girls, our involvement on and off campus is tremendous. We have sisters involved in our nationally ranked field hockey team, swimming, tennis, lacrosse and basket- ball. A O n is represented in the SGA, in envi- ronmental organizations, acting groups and campus public safety. We are resident assis-
To Dragma/WINTK.K WW
Sigma Phi (California State U - Northridge)
Tau Lambda
(Shippensburg U)
rants, orientation leaders, dorm senators, class officers, and have members studying abroad, yet we still have time to get our work done. Over half of the sisters of Sigma Tau achieved the honor roll last semester, many reaching Dean's List. O u r chapter draws from a broad spectrum of girls... girls who under normal circumstances may never have met each other. The most wonderful aspect of Sigma Tau is that we are a very close knit group of girls who, although diverse, seem to always come together at the right time.
U of Minnesota -
Twin Cities
Greetings from Tau Chapter. We have had a huge year. First, we would like to congratulate our Corporation Board for winning an Outstanding Corporation Board Award at Centennial Convention. Also, congratula- tions to Carrie Nevitt, the new Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes. We had a wonderful Rose Ball this winter that was quickly followed by our sweetheart week where we are proud to announce we raised over $2000 for Arthritis Research. After continuing with successful COB efforts,we took second place at our spring Jam Event and won first place in phil- anthropy by raising over $850 for Sharing and Caring Hands. Tau Chapter was also able to donate $2000 to the AOFI Foundation in the names of five Past International Presidents from Tau. We also reached our goal of send- ing half of our leaders council to Centennial Convention. Additionally, we initiated 22 New Members this fall.
Tau Omicron (U ofTennessee at Martin)
Eastern Washington U
The Tau Gamma Chapter is very excited about our newly formed Parents Club. We are happy that our parents now have a way to become involved in AOIl. We believe that by educating our parents and encouraging their involvement, they will come to understand how important Alpha Omicron Pi is to each one of us. Tau Gamma is trying to encourage a better perception of the Greek community by showing our parents all o f the positive
Tau Omega (Transylvania U)
rollegiate news
Organization Award. Monica Hilty, Jodi Hutter, Jennifer Wisner and Chapter Adviser Heather Swartz all had a wonderful time at the Centennial Celebration in New York In September, 10 sisters were videotaped giving the introduaion for Good Morning America. AOFI, Tau Lambda and the Centennial were mentioned. The air date is still to be deter- mined. Two of our sisters, Amy Zelinsky, rep- resenting Delta Upsilon Fraternity, and Angela Eck, representing the cheerleaders, were elect- ed to the 1997 Homecoming Court. We also participated in a car wash. A portion o f the proceeds was donated to a local boy suffering from leukemia.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
Tau Omega would first like to congratulate its 34 New Members. We are very proud of our
aspects A O n provides for all of the members. The women in the chapter feel that the Parents Club brings us one step closer to prov- ing to the surrounding communities the many advantages of greek life.
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U
Tau Lambda has had an exciting Centennial year. A t the greek awards banquet in May, we received the following awards: Greek Organization of the Year, Excellence in New Membership Development, Excellence in Scholarship, Excellence in New Member Scholarship, Highest GPA, and the Five Star
Theta (DePauw U)
bright and beautiful additions to the chapter. Tau Omega has started the year off with much enthusiasm. Coming off a very success- ful rush, we hosted a faculty reception to pro- mote AOITs scholarship. Tau Omega was also the fitst chapter on campus to hold a function which was our Mystery Date Informal. It proved to be a very fun time. Coming up for Tau Omega is a Brown Bag Luncheon on gender communications with a discussion led by Professor Gary Deaton, and our Centennial formal.
To Dragama/ WINTER 1997
collegiate new-
Tau Omicron
U of Tennessee at Martin The 1997 school year has been a great time for Tau Omicron. AOIl finished out the spring semester with a first place win in the intramural Softball competition, as well as winning first place and Best of Show in the
1997 All-Sing competition. Our fall semester began with an incredible rush, where we met quota with 35 great New Members. The girls of Tau Omicron have been busy playing intra- mural football, getting ready for the home- coming pyramid competition, and volunteer- ing for various philanthropic events. Tau Omicron recendy spent a Saturday volunteer- ing at the annual Goodyear Employee picnic. Our helped allowed the employees to enjoy a goodtimeandadayoffofwork. Tau Omicron is proud of all of our accomplish- ments, but perhaps our biggest took place on October 11, 1997. This was our initiation day, when all 35 New Members became members of Alpha Omicron Pi.
On August 24, 1997, collegiate members and alumnae gathered on East College Lawn to celebrate Theta Chapters 90th anniversary and AOITs Centennial. During the past year, Theta Chapter has continued its tradition of leadership on campus, receiving the Outstanding Volunteer Award for community service for the second year in a row. The Second Annual A O n Euchre Tournament and AOPie in Your Face Philanthropy raised
over $250 in support of Arthritis Research. During Litde 5 Spirit week, Theta Chapter placed second in special events and swept the awards for Cyclorama Sing, winning overall first place honors. AOFI congratulates A m y Wachholtz, Jennifer Hackett, Allison Niggemyer, and Sara Peters on their initiation into Phi Beta Kappa. Heather Leichry and Rickie Bolyard were chosen as New Members of Mortar Board. Beth Wells was inducted into the psychology honorary, Psi Chi; and Allison Niggemyer was inducted into the national music honorary, Pi Kappa Lambda.
Theta Beta
Towson State U
This year Theta Beta has been hard at work strengthening relations with the community through many projects. Sisters have been col- lecting clothing that will be donated to a homeless shelter in Baltimore. W e participat- ed in an arthritis walk in Baltimore's inner har- bor and won first place for having the largest team. During Halloween, we will be trick-or- treating for cans of food for those in need. Theta Beta also participates in many sister socials to places like Adventure World, where we volunteer our time and run a haunted hay ride. We have also visited Washington D.C. to
Theta Omega (Towson State U)
Iowa Adopt-a-Highwayprogram. We are getting prepared for officer elections and Christmas Cozy is coming up in December.
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U
Theta Omega Chapter has had a very busy semester. Following a successful fall rush, the chapter jumped right into philanthropy pro- jects and has accumulated more than 1,000 community service hours. Theta Omega is proud to lead the NAU greek system in phil- anthropy hours. The chapter is also excited to be the co-sponsor of the Arthritis Jingle Bell Walk and Run in Flagstaff. This is the second year this community-wide event will be held in Flagstaff and we are looking for- ward to contributing to our international philanthropy. Theta Omega has also made time for fun this semester. Our first func- tion, A Touch of Class Roaring 20s party, was a great success in September as was our Ruby and Pearl formal in November. The semester has been full of excitement and we look forward to more to come.
Wagner College
The sisters of Theta Pi have a lot to be excited about. The most exciting news about this year's homecoming is that sister Rosa Graziano represented AOIl, Theta Pi, and Wagner College as this year's queen. Congratulations Rosa, we are proud of you. Another homecoming event the sisters enjoyed was building our float. The theme this year was organizations and the chapter worked around the clock to make the float the best. Theta Pi's float overflowed with support for our Seahawks football team, as well as showed AOPride. To round up the excite- ment for the Homecoming festivities, the sis- ters enjoyed the annual homecoming tea. During this event, all alumnae, collegians, and parents were urged to attend. Thank you to the alumnae and parents for their support.
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Upsilon Lambda (U ofTexas at San Antonio)
spend some quality time together. We are proud to welcome from fall rush, 22 New Members to our chapter.
Theta Chi
Morningside College
Greetings from Theta Chi. T h e fall sem ester has been goodsofar. Weareasmall chapter, but have added three New Members. They were initiated in October. As part
of our philanthropy, our chapter participates in the
Upsilon Epsilon
Saint Louis U
In the spring o f 1997, our university and chapter expanded to become a part o f St. Louis U . After completing both informal and
the summer with fun filled educational sessions to prepare for what turned out to be one of the best rush weekends ever. We pledged 25 new rosebuds, and were the only sorority to meet quota. We went bowling for bid day, and shared a true bonding experience at our sister-
hood retreat. W e imple- mented a new scholarship program, and were recog- nized by Panhellenic for Most Improved GPA, and Highest New Member Class G P A W e held our trick-or- treat in October, and our date night in November.
U of Nebraska- Lincoln
Zeta Chapter is looking for- ward to another great year. We had a successful rush and now have 28 great new sisters in Alpha Omicron
colemate new-
U of Alabama -
Zeta Pi began a new year with a bang. We were privileged to have had 20 outstanding New Members join us in the fall. The school year started busily with football games and tailgate parties with our parents. Of course, every member has been studying extra hard to maintain our outstanding scholarship. Homecoming brought lots of giggles as Zeta Pi entered the parade and spirit activities of the week. AOFI was rep- resented well as we brought home first prize in the parade, second prize in the overall spirit competition, and the prestigious spirit stick o f the blazer bonfire. O f course, A O n is not all work and no play. Zeta Pi has already had an animal house mixer and is looking forward to a crush party later in the fall. Our philanthropic calendar was also full while we trick-or-treated in the fall and plan to wash cars in the winter.
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
This school year has proven to be a busy and strong one for the Zeta Psi chapter thus far. W e had a very exciting formal rush. O n the house tour day, we had a Centennial birth- day party for AOn. We had banners, bal- loons, and made up a great birthday song. W e also spent an afternoon volunteering at the local homeless shelter during a carnival designed to get support for a new play- ground. Our homecoming theme this year was "Remember When". We tied our 100th birthday with ECU's 90th birthday during the celebration weekend. W e have many exciting activities planned. W e also have a special week coming up where we have spe- cial Ritual workshops that celebrate and emphasize our Ritual and how important it is to each and every one of us. This is the year ofchange forZeta Psi as we continue to strive to be the best.
formal rush this year, we have tripled our size and are still going strong. We have put forth special effort to get ourselves known on cam- pus through switches and philanthropy events. We are extremely proud of our first philanthropic event of the year, the BigWheel Race, which we plan to make an annual event. This race raised almost $200 for Arthritis Research, and we donated 14 big wheels to the local Ronald McDonald House.
Upsilon Lambda
U of Texas at
San Antonio
The Upsilon Lambda Chapter had
an awesome year. I n the spring,
AOn was nominated by the uni-
versity for it's Outstanding
Scholarship Enhancement Award.
We participated in Greek Week
events, and took the championship
tide. We also won the homecom-
ing golf cart decorating contest
using our 100th birthday as the
theme. Later that semester, we
enjoyed a beautiful night at Roseball, entitled, A Roomful of Roses. This semester began during
Pi. The members of Zeta have been very busy in and out of the classroom. Last semester we had 154.0s. TwoofZeta'smembers,Jody Ambroz and President Jaime Stelzer, were selected as homecoming queen candidates. Jody and Jaime are also members of Mortar Board. Senior Angie Johnson has done a great job this past year serving as U N L Panhellenic president. Junior Sara Russel is getting pre- pared to start her campaign for student body president. Zeta is proud to have been chosen as co-sponsor of Sigma Alpha Epsilon's annual Do It Sober philanthropy, an annual alcohol education/awareness presentation.
Zeta Pi (U of Alabama -
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Psi (East
4 T10A White Cap, cotton. Embroidered front & back. '14.00 • HOC Black Watch PlaidCap,flannel.'l&etT'l2.00SALE• HOPWhiteCap,redbardesign. '18.00• 110E Forest Cap w/mustard bill. '15.00 • 110F f Flag Cap, US & Canada design 18.00 » H O C Khaki Cap w/circle design.'! 8.00 • 110R Red "Sport" Cap. '18.00
4I10R Red "Sport" Cap. '18.00 • 218F Forest Polar Fleece Pullover Oversized.M,L.'60.00•315Champion'Sweatshirt Oversized.L,XL 52.00 • 348 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/white stripe. L, XL. '48.00 • 351 Red Sweatshirt w/plaid letters. L, XL '38.00 • 352 N a w Sweatshirt
w/red checked letters. L, X L '38.00
• 123S C) Stadium Blanket colortast knit 50x50 inches. '50.00
Classic St les
^ 4 0 ^) Historical Poster. Memorabilia collage from A O n Archives.l 8x24 inches. Information key included. '12.00
Order Toll Free:
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5 6 a Centennial Brass Ornament. Centennial Logo Collector's Ornament gift ooxed w/Centennial informa tioncard. '16.00»56Atp Historical Brass Ornament Barnard College/Columbia University. Depicts O l d Columbia U . Library, t h e site of AOn's founding. Collector's Ornament gift boxed w/historical informa- tion card. '14.00
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T h a n k y o u ! Emporium sales benefitAOTI!
33L Wooden "Love Is" Frame. '25.00 • 33S Wooden "Sisters" Frame. '22.00 • 38 Bright Star Design's 3-D Art. Hand painted. '50.00 • S 3 Flowerpot. Hand painted ceramic. '10.00
53 «K
T 37A f Insulated M u g w/offi- cial logo. Microwave a n d dish- washer safe.20oz. '4.00• 37C
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17 y)Mousepad. '10.00
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'1 3.00« 356 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/forest stripe. Forest & white embroidered letters. L, XL. '48.00
things to remember
alpha omicron pi
121 J7A 43$
•4 2 0 9 Indigo T-shirt w/khaki embroidery. L, XL. '22.00
• 2 3 0 Burgundy T-shirt w/black & khaki plaid letters. L, XL.'22.00 • 346 Khaki T-shirt w/red & navy plaid let- ters. L, XL.'22.00 • 3S3 Navy T-shirt w/burgundy checked letters. L, XL. '22.00
22P balloons
'12.00 SALE • TIOW White Cap,cotton w/mixed plaid AOIT, '14.00 » 124 Navy
T 97-98 Chapter Consultants
|enn White, U of Washington; Ali Skaar, Montana State U ; Hannah Jacobs, U of Alabama/Birmingham; Sarah Cross, Washington State U; Angie Hammerli, U o f Mississippi; A li Amatulli,UofEvansville;|enCurley,TuftsU;& KristenAustin, U of Tennessee/Martin
68P -
• 1 7 4 Forest Flannel Lined Anorak w/navy stripe.
B ck to the Basics
Navy & white embroidered letters. L, X L s 48.00 • 3 5 6 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/forest stripe.
Forest & white embroidered letters. L, X L
• 22P tSPanda Balloons.'.30 22R f Rose Balloons.'.30
alumnae news
The Alranra Alumnae Chapter is excited to be involved in the rare opportunity to bring a panda to Zoo Adanta! Other philanuhropic projects we are involved in includes donating toys at Christmas, planting camelias at Piedmont Park and hostessing Christmas at Callawolde and the Decorators Showhouse. Our upcoming programming includes finan- cial planning, a Christmas luncheon, a fashion show and others. W e proudly support four col- legiate chapters with monetary gifts, advisers, corporation members, ritual hoods and more. The chapter is also proud of our convention Philos Citation, Performance Certificate and Centennial Connibution Award, plus our three members who received Rose Awards: Ann Edwards, Dot Williams and Pam Thomas. Othet chapter notables include Dr. Virginia Spencer Carr, named one of AOITs 100 Women of Achievement, and June Gordon, named Sorority Woman of the Year by the Atlanta PanheMenic
Honor in appreciation fot her many contributions to AOn. A variety of activities, including senior welcome for Delta Theta at Texas Woman's University, was culminated when Linda Webb, Shirley McCracken and Beckie Walker journeyed to the Big Apple for the 100th anniver- sary convention. They enjoyed sharing stories and pictures
with the rest o f the upon their return.
The Austin Alumnae Chapter continued its involvement with the Center for Battered Women (CBW)- Our mem- bers donated money, clothing, toys, and time during the holi-
days and at CBW's annu-
al 5K Walk for Safe
Families. Monthly lunch
bunch get-togethers are
still as popular as ever and
fall 1996 activities includ-
ed visiting eighty year member Frances Swanson, initiated at N u Kappa 1/20/17. The Centennial year kick-off Founders' Day included two collegiate chapters, Zeta Kappa and Upsilon Lambda and the San Antonio and Houston alumnae. Our alumnae stay on the go with meetings all around Central Texas. W e have traveled to Sun City, Georgetown, the National Wildflower Research Center, and historic Greune. Area collegians were treated to a
dessert social in July and the chapter cele-
Qloomlngton -Normal Alumnae Chapter
Austin Alumnae
The highlight of the past year was our special Centennial Founders' Day Tea at the home of Linda McLaughlin. Our members along brought personal photo albums or memorabilia from their college days to share. Excitement was generated for the upcoming Centennial and Shirley McCracken received a Certificate of
Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge had a great year of fun and sisterhood in celebrating our 50th anniversary! The year began with Centennial Founders' Day at the Country Club of Louisiana. One hundred alumnae and colle- gians from Baton Rouge, Hammond, Lafayette and the New Orleans area attended. For philan- thropy, we collected stuffed panda bears to give to the Baton Rouge police to help children involved in domestic crimes or auto accidents. Summertime brought on conven- tion, attended by nine of our chapter members who returned home with memories never to be forgotten. For the sixth straight year, our chapter is proud to have received a Performance Certificate. This years fall season opened with assistance to
brated our distinguished award winning members with a reception. Austin proudly supports Zeta Kappa Chapter by providing assistance during rush, adviser involvement and corporation board representation.
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
the local collegiate chapters during rush and a pot luck dinner. We are looking forward to an exciting state day in January 1998 in Baton Rouge. All Louisiana collegians and alumnae
are invited to join us.
The highlight of the year for the Bloomington- Normal Chapter was our Centennial Founders' Day Celebration at the Bloomington Country Club. Proclamations were read by the City o f Bloomington Mayot and a representative o f the Normal Town Council declared December 8, 1996 "Alpha Omicron Pi" Day in die two cities. We learned how the Ruby Fund helped one of our members and her husband and honored two longtime members for lifetime service to the fraternity. A t our June salad supper, we had the opportunity to meet five area collegians from Iota Last summer, four mem-
look forward to a new year o f exciting events and meeting new alumnae in our area.
Bowling Green
The Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter has had a busy Spring 1997. We planted trees for Operation Pride to celebrate the Centennial and hosted an annual reception to welcome the seniors into alumnae status at the home of Karen Towell. The program was on business etiquette and interviewing tips. Three of our alumnae members attend- ed convention in New York- Rachel Allen, Karen Towell and Cindy Hines. Everyone is looking forward to another successful year o f friendship with new events scheduled such as a pot luck brunch and a progressive dinner. It seems like a lot of our
au na news
Because Montana State is always included in our programming, a Centennial Car was entered in the Homecoming parade and our alumnae helped serve and provide goodies for their parents' weekend brunch at the Alpha Phi house in October. The chapters first auction will be in February, when we share household recycling tips and recycle gifts, at our white elephants for Arthritis Research program. Since many of our members are also A A C and Corporation board members, we plan sisterhood meet- ings and encourage members to bring non- active members to enjoy the fun. In November, we met at a popular gift and home furnishing shop for a holiday surprise. There we made holiday crafts, Martha Stewart style, in lovely holiday surroundings.
and Beta Lambda.
bers attended convention and the chapter
activities are centered around food! W e invite all area alumnae to join in any of our activities.
The Bozeman alumnae chapter kicked offthe new year in September with "New York! New York!" at Beverly Townsend's home featuring convention trea- sures, stories, the conven- tion video and cheesecake.
Rowling Green Alumnae
received a Distinguished Service Award.
W e
Hozeman Alumnae Chapter
The Buffalo Alumnae Chapter has been busy rebuilding our chapter. We have grown from 11 members last year to 16 after just the first monthofthisyear. Wearebackontrackwith fun events planned including an international pot luck dinner, luncheons, Shakespeare plays, and uips to vineyards. W e also volunteered in the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis Research. Everyone is looking forward to meeting more new members and having lots more fun.
Central New Jersey
We started the year with the annual new mem- ber tea at the home of Shirley Vanderhoof in Morris Plains, New Jersey. Upcoming activi- ties were discussed and plans were made
To Dragma/WIINTER 1997
Chicago City Alumnae
a percentage o f the sales went to the chapters trea- sury. Twenty AOIT alum- nae, new and old, enjoyed a pleasant, interesting evening. Friendship, frater- nity and fun. What could be better?
Chicago City
The Chicago City Alumnae Chapter is ofFto an exciting second year. This year we've planned a Cubs game, rock-a-bowl, collegiate support night, Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis Research and a ritual meeting. The sum- mer garage sale was very successful and we plan to continue that event this year. Everyone enjoys the monthly board meetings at a Chicago restaurant where all are welcome.
and Joyce Strout to help generate excitement for our Centennial. In New York, we had one of the largest groups in attendance. Including husbands, there were almost 20 representing our chapter. Not only did our members enjoy every aspect o f convention, we received numerous awards. W e are especially proud o f Nancy Clark for winning the Mullan Award and Jan Juckett for winning a Rose Award. Additionally, the chapter was recognized with a Distinguished Service Award and first place for the Philos Award. This year, we will con- tinue our two successful fund raisers. The first is our annual auction and the latter being the spring flowet show in April 1998. Funds raised will help offset the cost o f sending our members to Leadership Institute in June of 1998. W e congrarulate the other Illinois D S A chapters and expresses our thanks to Judy Flessner for assistance in all aspects of our chapter. We especially thank Nancy Clark for her hard work and dedication to AOITs
100th Celebration.
ChicagoWest Suburban
Upon our return from Convention, the Chicago West Suburban Alumnae held a Texas barbeque to hear all about the event. The POA's were invited, too, and over 30 people came in their denim, bandannas and boots. In keeping with the Centennial theme, the September meeting was an auc- tion and ice cream social. Each member brought 100 items, beautifully wrapped, to be auctioned off. Items included everything from comics to stickers and candy to pasta; and we raised over $75- In October, we tried our hand at rubber stamps and made 100 rose and panda bookmarks for the colle- giates. We also learned some clever ways to wrap Christmas gifts.
which included a walk-a-thon for the American Diabetes Association in the fall and a women's health fair in the spring. Last year we celebrated Founders' Day at the home of Angela Metzger and this year plans are being made to join together in celebration at the Knights of Columbus in Somerville, New Jersey. Presendy we have seventeen members and are looking forward to increasing our membership roll.
Chicago Beverly Hills
Many members serve on both the Phi Chi and Delta Rho AAC and Corporation Boards. During Centennial Convention, Aileen Wright teceived a Centennial Scholarship, Lisa Hackbart participated in the Centennial production and the chapter received a Performance Certificate in our first year. Overall, we are having a great time find- ing old A O n friends and making new ones.
Chicago Northwest
1997 has been a wonderful year for Chicago Northwest Suburban. Peg Crawford spoke at a chapter meeting along with Nancy Clark
One of the goals our chapter has set for the 1997-98 year is an increased membership. W e have expanded our territory by contacting A O n sisters in the nearby southwestern subur- ban area as well as the areas they have
served in the past. We offer a forever friendship, updates on what is going on in AOfl at the local and international level, and a year filled with programs that span many interests and age groups. Our October program was Listen, Watch and Shop and was presented by Sara Villalobos, a Chicago area porter. Sara demonstrated pottery making tech- niques such as glazing and firing as well as speaking of her love of making pot- tery and teaching others. A selection of the work was for sale at the meeting, and
Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter
ToDragma/lfTNTER 1)997
Cleveland Area
The Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter has had another busy and exciting year. W e stayed busy preparing hundreds o f things starting with 100 invitations to sisters for their Founders' Day Celebration. We developed a strong sense o f friendship and sisterhood through AOFI pride night and a delightful conversation on AOIl: The Next 100 Years. Each person put their 10 most helpful hints together to form 100 (or more) helpful hints! We have all enjoyed hearing stories and look- ing at pictures from convention. The whole chaptet is looking forward to another wonder-
member, Jean Kreischer, were all part o f this special event. Events this year include an open- ing dinner to reacquaint members, a Christmas party for arthritis patients in June, making goodie bags for Chi Epsilon members, and a spud dinner. Other events include tours, pot- tery making and supporting Columbus Panhellenic activities. Next summer, our mem- bers will be making lap blankets for our next year's arthritis Christmas dinner gifts.
The Dallas Alumnae Chapter reports a record 75 dues paying members in 1997. Two keys to our success have been dynamic
alumnae news
From January through May, 1997, the Dearborn Alumnae Chapter meetings focused on American women in the past 100 years. In January, material was presented on the equal rights amendment and the struggle for women's rights. In February, we focused on women in the arts. In March, the emphasis was on civil rights, and education for women and in April, we highlighted women in literature and folk- lore. In May, as a prelude to the Centennial convention in June, we stressed women's frater- nities and sororities with an emphasis on AOn, as well as a history of the Dearborn chapter.
Detroit North Suburban
AOn and Pearls are Forever was the theme for an October 18th Founders' Day and anniversary celebration. Our chapter celebrat- ed forty years with a gala day at Meadowbrook Hall in Rochestet, Michigan opening with a tour of the mansion and a his- torical overview of AOITs Centennial, com- plete with a visit with our founders portrayed by Fleur Guskey, Judy Kruger, Mary Lou Sloss, and collegian Jennie Morris. After lunch, Sandy Tomlinson, historian, honored Nancy McCain for her many years of service and recognized Gwen Lee who installed our chapter during her term as National Vice President. After the Honorable Joan Young addressed the group with her pearls of wis- dom, a raffle and auction were held to help fund a scholarship in honor of our fortieth anniversary. Plans for another full year of activities, include a visit to the Detroit Institute of Art, a victorian Christmas lunch, the annual flower sale, spring golf outing, and much more. Detroit North is a very active chapter, and we enter into our next century with enthusiastic anticipation.
East Bay
Stepping Out is our theme fot this year. The year started with four members stepping out to New York to attend the Centennial celebration. The fall activity with be a theatre night, begin- ning with dinner and die play, Stepping Out. Weekend brunch meetings will be ourregular fare and we are hoping more area alumnae will step out and join the fun.
ful year as A O n holds the Cleveland Area Panhellenic presidency. We are proud of Chris Weiland for representing AOn in this capacity. AOFI also hosts the Panhellenic presidents' luncheon with the keynote speaker being A n n Gilchrist. W e also look forward to another inspiring speaker, Ginger Banks at the spring card party and luncheon.
The Columbus Alumnae Chapter and Chi Epsilon Chapter at Ohio State gathered at the Columbus Park of Roses for Founders' Day 1996. A rose garden to commemorate AOn's Centennial was dedicated. A ritual service, refreshments and recognition of our 50 year
Successful changes were made to our mem- bership recuritment program this fall includ- ing professional looking newsletters, and per- sonal phone calls from our members to other members of their own chapter. This effort to reconnect sisters from the same collegiate chapters created special interest in the kick off function. Subsequent monthly calling is done by geographic area to encourage car- pooling. We tip our hats to Marcia Grenade Wehrle and Elaine Witt for spearheading this year's remarkable recruitment campaign.
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Chicago Beverly Hills Alumnae
chapter programming and aggressive mem- bership recruitment. The best attended meetings included our September Get Back to AOn social hosted by Carol Miller Stevenson, the November Make It, Bake It, Grow It, Sew It craft auction to be held at the home of Allison Massey Wotam, and January Founders' Day Brunch at Prestonwood Country Club. Thirty or more members par- ticipated in each of these events, helping taise $700 for the AOFI Foundation and S1000 for other philan- thropic causes through sales and raffles.
alumna news Lambda at Shippensburg U , a presentation
like to experience the Power o f Friendship, meet new friends and establish ties in the community. Our plans include a Valentine's Tea for mothers and daughters to promote Associate Membership, and an Irish Coffee Night. A day of shopping and lunch to rediscover the city of Homestead, five years after Hurricane Andrew, is also planned. The chapter is seeking support to collect
Ft. Lauderdale
The Centennial Celebration year was a great time to be a Ft. Lauderdale Alumna. The year began with an Alumnae Recruitment Campaign. We held a tailgate party where everyone wore their school colors and brought their favorite dish. W e welcomed new members and caught up on the events that happened over the summer. In November, we held a wine tasting party, and
December brought the highlight of the sea- son - Founders' Day with the Miami and Boca Raton chapters. During this celebra- tion of the lastingness of our sisterhood, we presented over 100 children's books to Kids in Distress. Following the program, our annual holiday auction was held and raised over $600. The spring included a dinner out and movie at the IMAX 3-D theater and a Postal Food Drive. The season ended with the Kentucky Derby couples party. At Convention, the chapter was honored as a Distinguished Service Award finalist and we were represented by three members. The 1997-98 season has even more excitement in store as we enter a new century of sisterhood.
Greater Harrisburg
At our Cinco De Mayo fund raising dinner, we honored Deborah Allen Wirth for being one of six state finalists for Pennsylvania's Elementary Teacher of the Year. Our 1997- 98 activities, in addition to the usual business meetings, include a luncheon/theater event at Allenberry Resort, a Penn State Football party, Founders' Day luncheon at the West Shore Country Club, a picnic at Lake Meade, the spring senior tea with Tau
on Elderhostel travel/study opportunities, and a living history interpretation from the state museum. The chapter gave a generous contribution to the state museum in honor of the fraternity's Centennial Celebration. We continue to donate food, blankets and other supplies to local charitable-support organizations. I n late fall, a care package o f goodies was sent to
Tau Lambda during finals week. W e also donated our salaries from working at Hersheypark and held yard sales to provide extra money for our treasury.
Our chapter contin-
ued to Celebrate the
Century beyond
convention in New
York by collecting
100 pandas to be dis-
persed in the commu-
nity to children in need. Members also con- ducted an annual garage sale to benefit the Arthritis Foundation and raised over $1000. Meetings have included making rush goodie bags for the N u Beta Chapter, learning cre- ative ways to keep good scrapboolcs, cooking class, and a fall fashion extravaganza. On May 2, 1998, we will extend an invitation to all AOIls to join them for a cocktail buffet and private viewing o f the Splendors o f Versatile. This event will provide a once in a
lifetime opportunity to view exquisite treasures from France. Mississippi is presenting the exhibit as a follow-up to the Palaces of St. Petetsburg from Russia. We are providing a chance for all sisters to visit and share in a won- derful cultural experience.
Greater Miami
Greater Miami Alumnae continue to celebrate our first 100 years and encourage more than 200 A Oils in the Miami area to become membets of our chapter. We challenge potential new members to learn what it is truly
Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter
clothes and toiletries for A Women's Place, a woman's homeless shelter in Miami. Everyone is invited to join us.
Greater Pensacola
Our chapter experienced a great year, yet realized once again what sisterhood is all about, as several members faced personal and family illnesses. O u r casual Saturday lunches helped to keep us in touch and renew friend- ships, and we were thrilled to be invited by the collegiate chapter at South Alabama to celebrate Founders' Day in December. It was an impressive event planned by Gamma Delta. Kitty St. John Pettus, out ANS, visit- ed in May and her visit was enjoyed by everyone. W e send heartfelt thanks to Kitty for her help and support over the years.
Greater Pinellas
Members of Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter are enjoying another year o f sister- hood, fellowship and dedication to our goals. The Convention was a wonderful experience, especially for our own Marion Clouse who received a presidential citation
To Dragraa/WIJNTER 1997
Columbus Alumnae Chapter
as chair of the Centennial History book, and Betty Dyer, president, who accepted four awards on behalf of the chapter. Former member, Jane Dickman, deceased, was rec- ognized as one of the 100 Women of Achievement and Doris Rudisill designed and made a beautiful square for the alumnae quilt. Our major fund raiser, Roses and Treasures Luncheon, Fashion Show and Boutique continues to be very successful as a benefit for Arthritis Research, scholarships and education and training. Our lunch bunch celebrated its fourth anniversary in
May and a new group, Sunset at the Beach, is attracting many young members. Other planned friendship circles include a book club and investment club.
Hilton Head
Our past year began with a Get Back to A O n party, and a Founders' Day luncheon. Guests included Hilton Head and Georgia alumnae. A bittersweet January luncheon at Sea Pines Country Club honored Dawn Hansen McCormick who would soon leave usforhernewhomeinOhio. JaneWonders Stitt represented our chapter at Centennial Convention and the chapter donated 100 cans of food to Deep Well and 100 pounds of dog food to the animal shelter to honor our Centennial. Following an August tour of the Coastal Discovery Museum, we enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant where we met an AOn new to the area seated at the next table. In September, we enjoyed a fami- ly picnic with blue skies, delicious food and delightful company.
The Hopkinsville Area Alumnae Chapter cel- ebrated the A O n century with a sisterhood Sunday. Our members attended Church together and later enjoyed a buffet luncheon.
January 1997 provided an exciting beginning for Houston alumnae and family members who participated or volunteered in the Methodist Healthcare Houston Marathon and 5K Run. We raised nearly $4,000 for AVANCE, an educational and family support organization in Houston. Congratulations to Susan Fields Fruit who was selected as one of AOLTs 100 Women of Achievement. Susan and her mother and four other area alumnae
attended convention in N Y C . W e believe Friendship in AOn is so valuable, so the chapter started a monthly, casual dinner get together held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. These events are in addition to our regular activities and appeal to many of our alumnae who like to meet when their schedule allows. Events for the coming year include attending sporting events, a wine tast- ing party, Founders' Day brunch in January, and bunko/game night. New faces join each month and they would love to meet more
Our chaptet began the year with a cooking demonstration by Anne Marie Franz and we were able to enjoy something most AOOs love - eating. In March, we held our annual Arthritis luncheon at the Crystal Yacht Club. The atmosphere was beautiful, the food deli- cious and the fashion show entertaining. W e raised $2,500 which was donated to the multi-purpose Arthritis Center. In April, we attended a performance about the Grand Canyon at the Cinedome, a 270° panoramic theater. May provided a very interesting dis- cussion on women's health issues with Dr. Laura Rueter. We hope everyone will take her advice to eat healthy and drink milk to keep their bones strong for the many things our lives demand.
alumnae news
We began the year with a very successful Italian dinner party held at the home of Nancy Young. The honorees were the 35 New Members of Sigma Omicron Chapter. Twenty-two alumnae also attended. November was our membership recruitment meeting and annual craft auction. A Christmas party is planned for the at which time we will exchange ornaments and bring food items to furnish a needy family's holiday meal. Founders' Day will be celebrated with Sigma Omicron in January. The March meeting will be on the ASU campus in the AOfl suite. The program is "The Human Engine." Keeping with the health and fitness theme, healthy refreshments will be served. Other events we have scheduled include a
salad pot luck for the graduating seniors and a geranium fund raiser sale.
The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter is thrilled to have had several members in attendance at the Centennial Convention. We felt it was spectacular and were honored to have been a part o f this beautiful celebra- tion. The year has kicked off with a sister- hood luncheon, a happy hour outing, a trip to Keeneland Race Track and more to come as we look forward to another year offun and sisterhood. This year the Kentuckiana
To I)ra«ma/WINTER 1997
Greater Pinellas Alumnae
alumnae new.
Alumnae Chapter will celebrate our 50th anniversary at Januarys Founders' Day. All Kentuckiana area alumnae are welcome to make a new friend and be reminded of all the wonderful reasons you joined AOFI.
The Knoxville area AGTI Alumnae Chapter has had a very busy fall season. W e helped the Omicron collegians kicked off the new semes- ter with a salad supper. It was during this rime that we were able to meet the 1997 New Member Class, as well as spend some time with the collegians. Also, we each paired up with a New Member to be an Alum Pal. This consists of several gatherings throughout the fall, and allows the New Members to have someone to talk to and show them around their first semester away from home. In addi- tion, the alumnae chapter, Omicron, and the Mother's Club teamed up for the 37th annual A O n Barbeque, the chapter's largest philan- thropic event, before the U T vs USC football game. After many hours of sorting tickets and stuffing lunch bags, our chaptet knows that "volunteer" spirit is the best gift we can give our collegians.
Lafayette Alumnae Chapter has an exciting year planned. W e started off in October with an educational program about the changes and future of AOFI given by Louanne Condreay. In November, we met at Mary Claire Cartwright's to learn how to creatively organize all our family photos. Upcoming events include the Founders' Day celebration hosted by the Phi Upsilon Chapter. The col- legians treat us to a lovely dinner and pro-
Hilton Head Alumnae Chapter
comes in January when we assist with their rush. In February, a baby shower at Kim Morris' home is planned and the gifts will be donated to Lafayette's Head Start program. Elections will be held in March at our favorite meeting place, Pizza H u t and we will wrap up the year by welcoming the seniors into alumnae status. W e invite anyone in the area to please join us. There is always room ar our table for one more sister.
Lake County of Illinois
Lake County Alumnae have enjoyed an exciting centennial year. Five of our mem- bers attended convention. Lisa Hackbart & Shirley Aiken were a part of the Centennial production, and Linda McElhany received a Rose Award. W e have decided to collect anothet 100 books for our local literacy project. This fall we wel- comed two new members at a social where photo albums and centennial videos were shared. Upcoming plans include: a microwave cooking class combined with a Tupperware fund raiser, a holiday fashion show, an annual holiday dinner and grab bag, Founders' Day, a craft evening with the children at A Safe Place, a spring garage sale and a membership education program. We will continue out Adopt-a-Highway clean up twice a year and a summer POA barbeque is also in the works.
The Las Vegas Alumnae Chaptet success- fully teorganized and is looking forward to seeing all the alumnae in the greater Vegas area. W e kicked off our fall schedule with a September brunch at the new home of Krisy Luthy. Additional activities planned
O u r
turn to
1 T
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Houston Alumnae Chapter
this year include baking Halloween cooking for the Chi Theta collegiates, selling See's candy as a fund raiser, a holiday cookie exchange at the home of Cynthia Darcy, rit- ual, and a POA barbeque. This year's Founders' Day is scheduled on Sunday, January 11 at the Mayflower restaurant oper- atedbyAOnTheresaWoo. Weareavery diverse group representing over thirty colle- giate chapters. Anyone new to the area or new to the alum experience is always wel- come to join.
Lehigh Valley
The Lehigh Valley Chaptet has had an excit- ing year. W e reorganized and
have held meetings at local restau-
rants and at our members' homes.
We held a successful event where members brought new packages of children's underwear to donate to Community Services for Children. W e helped stuff and mail newsletters for one of our local collegiate chapters - Phi Beta, and as a result many o f our alumnae volunteered for Phi Beta's Alumnae Advisory Committee and Corporation Board. We celebrated in New York and are looking forward to AOITs future. All Lehigh Valley alumnae are invited to join us to make your future even better.
The Lexington Alumnae chapter
enjoyed an eventful 1997 full o f
exciting and cherished memo-
ries. In January, we attended
high tea at the Elmwood Inn.
On Panhellenic Pin Day, the
group met at Beaner's Coffee
Shop and read a letter from
member Cindy Ice studying in
Australia. April was busy with the collegians of Kappa Omega and Tau Omega, both par- ticipating in the MS Walk, and the alumnae induction of their seniors soon after. Over the summer, we held a mock baby shower at Flag Fork Herb Farm for the Florence Crittenton Home for expectant mothers, and had four members attend the Centennial Convention. We also cooked out at Mill Ridge Farm. During the fall, we met for a desert potluck, and attended an
exciting University of Kentucky Wildcats alumna n w
football game. We look forward to ending the year with an Arthritis Research bowl-a- thon and hosting Founders' Day featuring Past Internationa] President, A n n Gilchrist, as speaker.
Little Rock
The Little Rock Alumnae chapter is made up of 27 different collegiate chapter mem- bers. We are looking forward to another year of enjoying friendships. We want to thank Michelle Kleypas for being a great president for the past two years and con-
Long Island
Fun and games was the theme as the Long Island Alumnae Chapter begin our 1997-98 program. Sisters shared stories of the Centennial and summer vacation while munching on a delicious autumn brunch prepared by Nan Dowling. We were excited to find one of our own, Fradell Serpe, fea- tured in the "People On The Move" section of Newsday, the Long Island newspaper. Fradell, an associate o f Ehasz Giacalone Architects, heads its interior design depart- ment. In addition to our annual paper sale
gratulate her on her engagement.
We are
fund raiser, sisters gathered at Nancy Francis' home in November for a Chinese auction. The fall program culminated with our annual Founders' Day lun- cheon. Included in the spring program is a Valentine's Day Tea, a dinner at a murder mystery the- ater and a ritual meeting. As always, we would like to extend an open invitation for area alum- nae to join us.
Four members joined President Joanne Nelson Nowak to attend the Centennial Celebration. Our midsummer meeting highlighted a display of convention memora- bilia, including our Distinguished Service Award, Performance Certificate and the Citation fot highest per capita donation to the Foundation. O u r chapter's local Centennial projects included cre- ating an alumnae quilt square, making several collegiate chapter banners and a one hundred dollar
contribution to Grosse Pointe
To Dragma/WlINTER 1997
Lake County Alumnae
looking forward to making holiday decora- tions with Imelda DeLoen Home, walking and running in the Arthtitis Jingle Bell Run in December, and enjoying a reunion o f the area collegians and alumnae in the Little RockareainMarchforAGatheringofthe Roses. We are also looking forward to the second century of A O n .
Wood Beautification Commission and to Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic (D.A.P.A.) 1997 Scholarship Fund Drive. BecauseVirginia Krupa Shaw is the 1997-98 president ofDATA, we honored her with a tea in the home of Milly Schiele Neuder, a former AOil DATA, president. We are too far from Michigan's collegiate chapters for on-going association, so our chapter delights in annual remembrances with V alentine candy and a ritual robe. Nine of our
alumnae news
Macomb members traveled to Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) to hostess a party for graduating seniors and attend the ritual wel- coming them to alumnae status. Honorees received red totes containing information about AOITs alumnae program, fact sheets about the three metro-Detroit alumnae chapters and other goodies.
The Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter began our program year with a Centennial Convention review in September. Members who weren't able to attend the convention in New York City were able to see the conven- tion highlight video while they caught up on summer activities. Other activities slated for this year include a networking/career night meeting, cooking with spices, a philanthrop- ic meeting and a joint meeting with mem- bers of other NPC groups in the Milwaukee area, sponsored by the Milwaukee Alumnae Panhellenic. This year we will celebrate Founders' Day in January in a joint lun- cheon with the Madison Alumnae Chapter. We also presented the University o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee Day Care Center with a check for $200 for the purchase of children's books. Each book will have a sticker noting the donation from AOFI in honor of our Centennial.
Muncie Alumnae kicked off our year with a salad/dessert carry-in. Our upcoming meetings will feature an annual crafts food auction; a vocal program by the daughter of an alumnae, a tour and talk about author Emily Kimbrough at her childhood home in Muncie and a possible AOFI cruise. The summer visit of our ANS Robbi Peterson was special. Reports of the Centennial Celebration and sharing of photos made it come alive. The on-going goal o f enticing new members continues as does our relationship with Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball State University.
The Napa Valley Alumnae Chapter takes advantage of its unique location in the culi- nary and oenological capital of the USA. On January 10, 1998 we will hold our membership recruitment social at Charles Krug Winery in St. Helena and adjourn to the Culinary Institute of America for din-
Long Island Alumnae Chapter ner with our spouses. In the spring we will
show off our own culinary talents at a pool side barbeque at the Silverado Country Club. We hold about six meetings each year and help each other with volunteer projects, most notable is the Napa Valley Wine Auction. Last year, the auction raised 3.2 million dollars for Napa Valley Hospital and Health Charities.
Nashville Area
This year has been an exciting one for the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter. We kicked off the year with a goal o f attaining 100 members in honor the Centennial. With events centered around the "100" theme, we dined with 100s of stars at the new Planet Hollywood restaurant, and we welcomed N u Omicron New Members with 100s of Mardi Gras beads at a Mardi Gras Party at Patsy Anderson's home. We also prepared over 100 exam survival kits for Rho Omicron and N u Omicron at the end of the spring semester. One of our most exciting activities was a flower arranging demonstration by Kristie Ryan at the home of Donna Kumar. O f course in June, many members of our chapter attended the Centennial Celebration in New York City. The fall is already proving to be a great suc- cess with a kick-off party at Stephanie Sundock's home, an evening out at All fired Up to create pottery, and the appetizer sup- per recipe swap. A tree trimming party at Duncanwood Elementary School completes the year as our chapter offers something for everyone to show our city and local A O n alumnae what we are all about.
Piedmont, North Carolina
1997 was a fantastic year for the Piedmont Alumnae Chapter which ended with our chapter receiving a Distinguished Service Award at Centennial, and three of our mem-
To Dragm a/WINTER 1997
Lexington Alumnae
bers receiving Rose Awards: Suzanne Bowman, Debbie Harllee and Jane Vondy. We look forward to another great year as we begin with a fall fund-raising project, a Saturday morning brunch for the parents of Epsilon Chi and membership recruitment month in October. Plans also include a speaker on the subject of breast cancer aware-
Before the close of the centennial year, we presented a Centennial History Book to Newcomb College. Upcoming in January, wewillwelcomethestartofAOilssecond century by celebrating a special Founders' Day at Commander's Palace Restaurant in New Orleans.
alumnae news
wish every AOI1 could have been here. Now we look forward to the next 100 years beginning with our plans for the coming year. We held a Halloween costume party and are planning for an annual Holiday party also. We enjoy being secret alumnae sisters to the Theta Pi seniors and held a November social night with them. The chap- ter will share Founders' Day with our Manhattan AOIl sisters. Most of all, our chapter enjoys being together and laughing and sharing our A O n lives. While many members advise for the Theat Pi chapter, others members are active volunteers in the community, at our children's schools and working full or part time jobs. Having a night out with AOFI sisters is something we look forward to each and every month.
The installation ceremony of the Northeast Alabama Alumnae Chapter was held October 26, 1997. Our first chapter newsletter was mailed to area alumnae as a special invitation for each member to Get Back to AOIl. The newsletter included a program-filled calendar for our chapter's charter year. The emphasis of our first meet- ing was on reunions and recruiting. The chapter wishes to salute Melissa Crow, our president, for her diligent dedication in forming our chapter.
Northern Virginia
The Northern Virginia Chapter opened the year with an annual potluck dinner. A din- ing out night, held in October, recognized alumnae membership month and brought out old and new members. A very success- ful auction was held in November, which is the major fund raising activity for our chap- ter. Our December Founders' Day pro- gram was extra special this past year, with Rosalie Gorham Barber as guest speaker. The January meeting was held in conjunc- tion with the Northern Virginia Alumnae Panhellenic Association, where we shared some of the traditions and history of AOn. In recognition of the Centennial year, February and March were dedicated to pro- grams on the Centennial Celebration, including our version o f A O n Jeopardy. Adding to that was the announcement of two Northern Virginia Chapter members in
ness and our annual ornament auction. We are planning our first super bowl party in January, a girls afternoon at the movies in February, a multi-purpose party, wardrobe planning and a progressive dinner.
New Orleans
The New Orleans Area Alumnae Chapter is ready to start o f f our second century o f AOn with a bang. Some of our chapter's new leaders attended convention, inspiring the chapter to continue sharing the Power of Friendship. A t an A O n summer fiesta in August, they shared pictures and memo- rabilia from New York City. In October, we held our fall general membership meet- ing with the theme AOFI around the World, as members were asked to bring a dish from their favorite vacation destina- tion. In November, we volunteered at a local food bank and collected canned goods. In December, we gathered for an annual holiday dinner and collected pandas for donation to a local children's hospital.
NewYork CityArea
The New York City Area Alumnae chapter has had an exciting fall. We welcomed members, new and old at our bi-annual organizarional meeting. November brought on the New York City Marathon and we continued the tradition of volun- teering at one of our city's biggest events. In December, we followed tradition and honored the Founders with a Founders' Day Tea. For a night on the town we plan on attending a local performance of ballet and when February arrives we will hold another organizational meeting to elect officers. Anyone residing or working in the New York City area is invited to become a part o f our chapter.
New Jersey Metro
Of our chapter's thirteen active members, seven were privileged to take part in the birthday celebration in our hometown. We enjoyed every minute of the experience and
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Nashville Area Alumnae
alumnae news
the AOFI 100 Women of Achievement. Springtime brought the year to a close with our annual luncheon and a Centennial send-off program.
Northern Orange County
President Karen W atson o f Northern Orange County Chapter and members, Janie Crawford and Shirley Hastings, felt honored to have had the opportunity to attend Convention in June and truly share the experience o f celebrating our 100th anniversary. They report it was indeed memorable and inspirational. The chapter kicked-off our 1997-98 activities with an annual Salad Supper and we enjoyed making new friend- ships and renewing old friendships with sisters we have not seen for a while. We look forward to our ornament exchange in December and sharing Founders' Day in February with other sisters throughout Southern California. We extend an invitation to all AOris in Northern Orange County to join us.
New Orleans Alumnae Chapter
Northwest Arkansas
The Northwest Arkansas Alumnae Chapter kicked off our year with a sack-it supper for our planning meeting. This summer we again had success with our annual garage sale
fund-raiser. The local battered women's shel- ter will be the recipient of needed items this winter and in October, we assembled Halloween gift bags for our adopted colle- giate chapter. Our Founders' Day will be held at a local historic bed and breakfast inn.
Northwest Montana
The Eagle Bend Club House in Bigfork, was the site of the Installation of the Northwest Montana Alumnae Chapter on October 11, 1997. Beverly Landes Townsend, International Education and Training Chairman, was our installing offi- cer and keynote speaker. Aimee Dugan, President, welcomed all those present. Callie Langohr, Secretary/ Treasurer, read cards and congratulatory messages from alumnae from all over and Bev Townsend delighted everyone with her talk about the value of ritual and alumnae friendships in our lives. Charter members include Callie Langohr, Alpha Phi; Betty Thompson, Alpha Phi; Cindy Christopherson, Beta Rho; Helen Clark, Alpha Phi; Judy Butterfield, Kappa Kappa; Joan Bahr, Alpha Phi; Charlotte McCahill, Alpha Phi; and
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
New York City Area Alumnae
Aimee Dugan, Delta Sigma. Other alum- nae present for our installation were Marcia Litchfield and Mary Pat Murphy.
Okaloosa CountyArea
The new Okaloosa Area Alumnae Chapter has had an eventful and exciting beginning and we are eagerly anticipating growth and continued sisterhood this year. W e were installed in February and were thrilled to have Ann Allison perform the beautiful and meaningful ceremony. We are a proud chap- ter of 22 extremely diverse women who all share a love for AOLI. The chapter has been strengthened by an appreciation event and a family picnic, and encouraged growth with themes like bring a new sister and desert and coffee socials. We enjoyed a community charity auction in November and look for- ward to the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis in December. We expect great things and lots of sisterhood from our new chapter.
Orlando Area
The Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter is geared up for AOIls second century. We have planned ten months full of sisterhood events to make this year a memorable one. The September meeting was a huge success as we spent the afternoon highlighting the Centennial Convention by sharing pictures, videos and stories. Our chapter was fortu- nate to have over ten members attend the 100th anniversary convention in New York City. As AOLI looks to the future, we, too, look to continue our wonderful sisterhood by expanding our membership and continu-
last years highlight had to be the Founders' Day brunch, followed up by the Centennial monetary donation to Carleton University's Paul Mendel Center for persons with disabil- ities. The money is to be used for new learn- ing aids and equipment. We stocked up on Christmas goodies at our candle making and cookie exchange in November, held a skating
alumnae news
favorite events, as is cleaning out closets! Our members give clothing to the Neighborhood League thrift shop every sea- son. In addition to philanthropic efforts, our chapter enjoys monthly social activities, with even more fun in store for 1998. Alumnae in the Philadelphia area are encouraged to join us.
ing our fraternal support. is forever, and we love it.
Alpha Omicron Pi
party with our partners in January, toured the National Art Gallery in April, raised $100 at a garage sale in May and concluded with a Strawberry social/swim and barbeque in July. Life in the AOIl lane is always ful- filling and exciting.
The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter experi- enced significant ups and downs in 1997. Six of our members were honored at Convention; three with Rose Awards, and three as Women of Achievement. We are also the proud chapter of new Executive Board Director of Alumnae, Kim Carson McGowan. Unfortunately, the chapter suf- fered a great loss this year. Past Chapter President, Polly Quigley, Sigma Tau, died in May. In her memory, and in continued support of Polly's favorite charity, members assembled one hundred care packages for Laurel House, a shelter for abused women and their children. December's Jingle Bell Walk for Arthritis is always one of our
Northwest Montana Alumnae Chapter
The Pocatello Alumnae Chapter sent Betty Howard and Marianna Beers to the Centennial Convention in New York City. We held everal fund raisers to accomplish this. A t the September meeting, Betty gave us a very complete report of the convention including lots of pictures. The October meeting featured a celebration of the 45th birthday of the Pocatello Alumnae Chapter. Members are looking forward to the November meeting at which an exchange teacher from Japan will present our program.
Through chatting and sharing about fami- lies, our chapter came up with the idea of having each member invite a female guest to our final meeting last May. They called this meeting AOFI and Friends and met for breakfast at a local restaurant. Members invited mothers, daughters or friends and
The magnificent scarlets, crimsons and golds of the glorious eastern Ontario autumns are nostalgically reminiscent of the powerful A O n ambience at Centennial convention. Most happily, eight of our Ottawa Alumnae; M.J. Jacobsen, Cathy German, Dorothy Breeze, Jane Wandell, Anne Orton (a Woman of Achievement) Louise Archer, Diana Pilsworth and Shirley Gaudreau, joined sisters in New York. It was a time for joyful reunions, rededication, and yes, rejuve- nation for everyone felt like collegians again. Bouquets of roses to all sisters who made convention so memorable. Back in Ottawa,
To Drajriiia/WINTER 1997
everyone had a great time meeting one another and putting faces with names of people we have all heard about but never met. It also gave our guests an opportunity to hear about AOITs associate member pro- gram. Our chapter was represented at the Centennial convention in New York City in June. Special thanks and roses are sent to Cindy Ondria who relocated to Connecticut - we miss you Cindy! Our chapter is a small and casual group. Anyone is welcome to join.
Rochester, NewYork
Nearly twenty members of our chapter met at the home of Gerry Davis Prister to get reacquainted and catch up on the summer events. Each person brought an ingredient for a dinner of hearty salads and delicious desserts. Animated discussion followed to explore the question o f reactivating our chap- ter. After much discussion, the votes were cast and the result was affirmative. W e plan to gather in December for the traditional Founders' Day lunch and holiday party and look forward to hearing about the 100th anniversary convention from Alice Taylor and Jessie Wang-Grimm, our chapters two attendees. W e will also wrap up the day with an unusual gift exchange.
San Jose
A group of San Jose alumnae had a great time at convention in New York City. We were able to share our pictures with those not in attendance at our annual fall brunch. In the winter, we will gather in December for a Christmas Party and in January for Founders' Day with other Northern California collegians and alumnae. This March marks both the 50 year anniversary of the original installation and the ten year anniversary of the reinstallation of Delta Sigma Chapter at San Jose State. A joint anniversary celebration with Delta Sigma will be the highlight o f our spring.
Sarasota Area
Our Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter has found great success in building the strength of our sisterly bonds through three programs. This year we started a secret sister program.
1Social Chairman, Lynn Martinez, matched sis- ters together to drop a friendly note or card to a special sister through- out the year. We are looking forward to revealing their identities to each other in the spring. It is always nice to get mail that is not a bill. Secondly, we have started an AOFI's out on
the town program, a purely social gathering for AOITs and their dates, mates, and friends. We announced the outing in our newsletter and then we'll see what kind of crowd shows up. It's always fun to go out for the sole purpose o f having a good time. The third way in which we have built sister- hood is to have a handout at each meeting (SAAC News and Current Report) which acts as our agenda for the meeting and is then mailed to all members who were absent who are current on their dues. This helps sisters feel like they are still in the swing o f things even i f their busy schedule does not allow regular attendance.
Ottawa Alumnae Chapter
Orlando Area Alumnae
ToDragma/WliNTKH 1997
St. Louis
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter has been busy with many new activities including a ladies' dinner out, and a Habitat for Humanity work day with the Upsilon Epsilon Chapter. W e are reorganizing our fund raising efforts, and will present our first annual trivia night in March. This event will be widely marketed in the com- munity, and has interested many new members in helping. Working with and for the good of Upsilon Epsilon Chapter at St. Louis University has been an enrich- ing and rewarding experience for all our alumnae members.
State College
The State College Alumnae are back in full swing. O u r chapter was delighted to win a Distinguished Service Award at Centennial Convention. The past year has been fun starting with a dinner at a local pizza place with POA's, volunteering at the local T V station for an on-air membership drive, and welcoming new members with a senior desert at the home of Judy Moyer. In addition to attending convention this summer, many of our members also attended a memorial service for Edith Anderson in June. Penn State's collegiate chapter, Epsilon Alpha, was founded by and named for Mrs. Anderson and she held a special spot in everyone's heart. This fall we are helping with the Epsilon Alpha rush and tailgating together at one of the football games.
South Bay/PalosVerdes
Our South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter had a busy and eventful year. We continued to support a local battered women's shelter. Every meeting, our mem- bers bring clothing and household items for the shelter. For the second year in a row, our group collected Christmas presents for children at the shelter. The chapter hon- ored Shannon Strohson with the "Unsung Hero" award at Founders' Day. For the past several years, Shannon has created newslet- ters, held meetings in her home, and kept in touch with lost members. She is thoughtful, good-hearted, and always con- cerned about others. O u r chapter wishes to thank her for everything. With emphasis on f u n and friendship, several cookouts and
holiday parties are planned. Picnics, craft parties and monthly lunches are also on our calendar. Our members are looking for- ward to another great year.
Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter is proud to be celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. In order to recognize the occasion, we are hold- ing a golden anniversary brunch in November. W e plan to reflect on the history of the Tampa chapter as well as improving the future by helping out the Florida Department of Children and Families Foster Care unit with a panda collection project. We kicked offthe year with a Get Back to A O n luncheon and are looking forward to other exciting fall events including the Make it, Bake it, Sew it, Grow it auction and a fes- tive holiday parry. Our chapter is also pleased to announce that through the Tampa Alumnae Chapter - Total Involvement Campaign (TAC-TIC) we have seen an increase in the involvement of their sisters and are looking forward to continued success with this program.
Toronto Area
Toronto Area Alumnae celebrated A O n's 100th birthday by reorganizing. With a social at Soul of the Vine restaurant on February 18, a Rose Tea on March 2, and a post initiation brunch for the Beta Tau chap- ter on April 13, we had a fun spring getting acquainted with each other. O n June 8, Past International President Joan MacCallum conducted our chapter installation and helped celebrate at the social afterwards. Other activities included a barbeque, the Terry Fox Run where, aided by the excep- tional effort o f Elfreda Chang, we collected over $700 in pledges single-handedly. Our entire team raised over $1,100 for cancer research and we collected clothes for the Fred Victor women's shelter. Other events include a potato potluck in November and a
Founders' Day Tea in December.
Triangle Alumnae began our year with a barbeque at the home of Beth Hoffman. Next we lunched at Jasper's in Cary in October. Sue Mattern hosted the holiday ornament exchange and formal ritual in November. Founders' Day was celebrated
alumnae news
with Delta Upsilon and the new year will begin with lunch at the Fox and Hounds. Duke seniors will be welcomed to alumnae status with a home cooked dinner in February and Laura Cobel will host a make- up demonstration. In April, we plan to dine at Nikko's in Durham and the year will con- clude with a salad dinner at Joy Lashley's home in May. Twice during the year, goody bags are sold to the parents of Delta Upsilon collegians. Our alumnae bake homemade goodies supplemented with fun and useful items for this fund raiser.
The Tucson Alumnae Chapter has had a very active year. As part of the Centennial, we committed that 50% of our meetings would be philanthropic. This new focus
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
revitalized our membership. In addition to our usual f u n gatherings such as pasta sup- pers, luncheons, and Homecoming brunch- es, we added our city's Panhellenic Scholarship luncheon, YWCA sister closet support, a toy drive for the Children's Hospice, packaging 14,000 holiday cards for the Arthritis Foundation and participated in the Jingle Bell Run. We are thrilled with our participation and are looking forward to the coming year and even more activities.
To Dragma/WINTER [997
alumnae news
V entura
The V entura County
Alumnae Chaptet welcomed
our members back to anoth-
er year with aloha greetings,
leis and a luau luncheon.
One of our members, Joni
Necherman attended having
returned the night before
from a trip to Hawaii. As
always, we are looking for-
ward to out annual garage
sale to fund our philanthrop-
ic endeavors. Additionally,
plans fot the fall include a lit-
erary evening of book
reviews, an evening o f self-
enhancement in skin care
and a beauty makeover, and
the Christmas cookie
exchange. The spring calen-
dar includes a community
service night, a night out at
the movies and a day out for
a luncheon, shopping and sis-
terhood. Our last meeting is sure to bring out
Bay Alumnae
the sense of wonder in all of us. Hatters Tea Party.
It is a Mad
The Virginia Tidewater Alumnae started the season with a business meeting where we
planned for the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Mixer for the benefit of children with JRA and the Jingle Bell Run. Cool weather brought about a canned food drive and a trip to Washington, DC for Founders' Day with the Northern Virginia Chapter. The annual holiday cookie swap, hosted by Mary Gentry, fin- ished off a terrific year. W e all toasted in the New Year at Cathy Adams-Davis' home and Alice Vitga hosted "Poket Face", our version of game night where everyone is a winner. The rest of the year included more community involvement and gatherings at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, and a trip to the beach. Last summer, we took turns being culinary expert tasters on delicacies at Kelly's. Upcoming activities include "Chardonnay On The Bay", Jingle Bell Run and Founders' Day. There's never a dull moment with the Virginia Tidewater and everyone is welcome to join us.
Winston-Salem Area
The Winston-Salem Alumnae Chapter had a busy first year schedule after being organized in the fall 1996. We held monthly meetings which included guest speakers, dinners at clubs and testaurants, and a Panhellenic pasta potluck. Our chaptet also made trips to a baseball game, a local vineyard and a jazz con- cert. Monthly meetings are planned again for our second year and include dinner parties, a concert, a craft presentation, a cooking class, and a holiday auction. Our chapter is most proud o f Debbie Harllee for serving as a lovely toastmistress at the Rose Banquet and for receiving a Rose Award at convention. Additionally, Debbie Harllee was honored with a diamond and ruby bracelet and a scrapbook from all of the alumnae chapters and volunteers she served while on the Executive Board. Also, members recently vis- ited Lyda Nantz Royster at Salemtowne and presented her with a 50 year certificate. Lyda was fearured in a local newspaper for knitting caps and booties for premature babies at Brenner Children's Hospital. She is still an active sister at age 87.
To Drufima/WINTER t9§7
A l u m n a e
Alumnae Chapter Presidents
Ames, IA Malisa Word (515) 836-4486
Anchorage Area, AK Deborah Foster (907) 338-4453
Ann Arbor, MI Kayla Utsunomiya (313) 741-7447
Arlington/Mid-Cities, T X Linda Webb
(817) 468-4862
Athens, GA Gayle Copeland (706) 543-8633
Adanta, G A Renie Lehman (770) 458-1747
Augusta Area, G A Charlotte Carr (706) 863-9914
Austin, T X Janna Heliums (512) 869-7674
Baltimore, M D Margaret Stoddard (410) 276-3870
Baton Rouge, L A Susan Mele
(504) 752-4638
Beaumont, T X Janet Shackelford
(409) 722-2996
Birmingham, AL Kelly Wright (205) 491-7401
Bloomington,IN Beth Rowe
(812) 333-4124
Bloomington-Normal, IL Sheila Kaurin
(309) 263-1434
Boca Raton Area, F L Donna Jenner
(561) 997-6151
Boise Valley, I D Renee Munn (208) 344-9917
Boston, M A Jodi Harger
(508) 250-9186
Bowling Green, K Y Cynthia Hines (502) 781-9982
Bozeman, M T Heidi Dougherty (406) 585-0237
Buffalo, N Y
Heidi Schmalheiser (716) 839-1202
Calgary, ALBERTA Joanne Anderson (403) 271-6967
Central New Jersey, N J Laurie Stauffer
(908) 754-9063
Champaign-Urbana,IL Kathleen Holmes
(217) 235-4317
Charlotte, N C Amy Rawson (704) 522-8390
Chicago Area Council, I L Lisa O'Reilly
(708) 852-2237
Chicago Beverly Hills, I L Elaine MacKenzie (708)596-4049
Chicago City, I L Andrea Phillips (773) 334-2421
Chicago N W Suburb., IL Victoria Plan
(630) 295-8465
ChicagoW Suburban,IL Karen Matthews
(630) 279-8338
Cincinnati, O H Diane Fraser (513) 528-0485
Cleveland Area, O H Kathleen Goebel (216)943-0611
Columbus, O H Jenney Seely (614) 764-8971
Dallas, T X Carol Stevenson (972) 596-3266
Dayton, O H Kathleen Carder (937) 845-0505
Dearborn, MI Rosemary Malish (313) 278-7268
DeKalb-Kane, I L Linda Munson (815) 756-3366
Denton County, T X Paige Callaway (940) 566-3458
Denver, C O Clara Tomsula (303) 467-0957
Des Moines,IA Heather Martin (515) 222-1619
Detroit N Suburban, MI Mary Jane Levi
(810) 654-5471
Diablo Valley, C A Kathy Rager (510) 946-9698
East Bay, C A Jocelynn Herrick (415) 831-7178
Evansville Tri-State, I N Lisa Trulove (812)474-0305
Fort Lauderdale, FL Rosa Zingarella (954) 421-3236
Gainesville, FL Kelly Gallaher (352) 336-8966
Grand Rapids, MI Kathleen Snyder (616) 957-1219
Greater Harrisburg, P A Marlene Rutt
(717) 238-6909
Greater Jackson, M S Angela Ladner
(601) 853-3309
Greater Kansas City, M O Carol Schneider (816)331-5072
Greater Lafayette, L A Ann is Shields
(318) 988-3077
Greater Miami, F L Lauren Mehalik (305) 443-1645
Greater Pensacola, F L Karen Stewart
(904) 434-1259
Greater Pinellas, FL Betty Dyer
(813) 360-9831
Greater Pordand, M E Michelle Neal
(207) 375-4607
Hammond Area, LA Janin Johnston
(504) 764-1319
Hilton Head, SC Lisa Schucker (803) 785-5551
Hopkinsville Area, K Y Carrie Joy Brookshire (502) 466-5589
Houston, T X Karen Roush (713) 890-4765
Huntsville, AL Vicki Kretzschmar (205) 534-0632
Indianapolis, I N Karen Brewer (317) 877-6061
JerseyShore,NJ Kathryn Conte (908) 919-1272
Jonesboro, A R Carolyn Wyatt (501)932-1155
Kalamazoo, MI Stacie Phillips (616) 323-8535
Kearney, N E Lori Moore (308) 234-1935
Kentuckiana, K Y Linda Stroud (502) 231-9007
Kentucky Lakes, K Y Dorothy Kraemer (502) 759-1850
Knoxville, T N Kandyce Morgan (423) 675-7265
Lafayette, I N Millicent Mitchell (317) 743-2054
Lake County of IL, IL Lisa Hackbart
(773) 388-9098
Las Vegas, N V Cynthia Graves (702) 657-9092
Lehigh Valley, PA Shawn Mendel (610) 588-8915
Lexington, KY Lea Box
(606) 271-8959
Lincoln, N E Patricia Lewis (402) 423-1868
Litde Rock, A R Jane Prather
(501) 663-2473
Long Island, N Y Lynne Worth (516)665-5664
Macomb County, MI Joanne Nowak
(810) 791-3914
Madison, WI Jamie Gunter
Memphis Area, T N Mary O'Ryan (901) 454-9659
Mid-Missouri, M O Elizabeth Rackers (314) 634-8060
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
5* Alumnae Chapter Presidents *b
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
Milwaukee, WI Kathleen Batdes (414) 542-6866
Minneapolis/St. Paul, M N Theresa Jones
(612) 379-2780
Mobile, AL Elizabeth Chandler (334) 450-0556
Monroe, L A Evelyn Zagone (318) 323-0167
M o n t g o m e r y , A L Vonda Wood (334) 279-8510
Montreal, QUEBEC Yvonne Kaine (514)697-0863
Muncie, I N Elinor Briggs (765) 396-3218
N Houston Suburban, T X Lynn Martin
(409) 321-3559
NapaValley,CA Helen Megan (707) 254-8040
NashvilleArea,TN Pat Helland (615)646-6336
New Orleans,LA Alysia Sutton (504) 733-6412
New York City Area, N Y Nancy Salgado
(718) 893-8249
Northeast Alabama, AL Melissa Crow
(205) 782-7803
Northern CA Council, C A Judith West
(510) 537-0149
Northern Kentucky, KY Coleen Klensch
(606) 341-5819
Northern Orange Co., CA Karen Watson
(714) 826-2065
Northern Virginia, VA Angie Mitchell
(703) 455-3632
NorthwestArkansas, AR Kathi W alker
(501) 521-5727
Northwest Montana, M T Aimee Dugan
(406) 257-7366
N Y / N J M e t r o , N J Kay Welch
(718) 966-3585
Okaloosa County, FL Anne Walker
(904) 243-4525
Piedmont, N C Suzanne Bowman (910) 584-3757
Pittsburgh, PA Karen Galehan (412) 695-8474
Pocatello,ID Kathleen Willecke (208) 232-8359
Portland, O R Susan Dalrymple (503) 774-5472
Q u a d C i t y A r e a , I L , LA Michele Sapp
(309) 797-1874
Reading Area, PA Adele Miskie (610) 796-0490
Rochester, N Y Barbara Gibson (716) 544-8713
Rockford, I L
Dora May Meredith (815) 399-5349
Sacramento Valley,CA Nancy Griffiths
(916) 887-8274
San Antonio,TX Evangeline Loh (210) 342-4973
San Diego, CA Marie Holbrooke (619) 454-6983
San Fernando Valley, C A Marta Pemberton
(805) 498-1799
San Francisco, CA Janet Siegel
San Jose, C A Karen Ryan (408) 268-2831
San Mateo,CA Jo Hawley (415)342-7085
Sarasota Area, F L Julianne Hutchingson (941) 922-4440
Seatde, W A Alyson Turner (206) 525-3188
South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA Christy Winters (310)316-5091
SouthernCACouncil, CA Heidi Gould (310)945-1131
So. Connecticut, C T Jacqueline Niedermeier
(203) 972-0047
S o u t h e r n O r a n g e C o , C A Jamie Corlde
(714) 347-9679
St. Louis, M O Ellen Duncan (314) 984-0504
State College, PA Anne Rohrbach (814)237-1920
Syracuse, N Y
Elizabeth Perrotta (315) 6224275
Lynne Mitulinsky (813) 961-8026
TerreHaute,IN Sandy Marling (812) 299-8691
Toledo Area, O H Jennifer Stewart (419) 478-1938
Topeka-Lawrence, KS Rhonda Beardsheard (913) 841-6850
Toronto, ONTARIO Kristina Hunt
(416) 531-8048
Triangle, N C Mary Ann Smith (919) 460-9877
Tucson,AZ Chris Flores (520) 795-2396
Tulsa, O K
Erica Warwick (918) 369-3530
Tuscaloosa, AL Krista Poole (205) 750-0892
Vancouver, BC Elaine Peterson (604)244-1197
VenturaCounty, CA Genie Lownsdale (805)498-1876
Virginia Tidewater, VA Jennifer Arthur
(757) 853-7194
W e s t L o s A n g e l e s , C A Cynthia Wilen
(310) 858-0390
Williamsburg, VA Hud Clark
(757) 564-0802
Wilmington, D E Alisia Carnovsky (302) 834-8007
Winston-Salem, N C Stacy Vanden Heuvel (910) 785-4974
York/LancasterCounty,PA Katy Smith
(717) 767-4168
If your city is not listed, wouldyou be interested in
forming an AOTJ alumnae chapter? For more informa- tion, please contact Ann Griesmer, Alumnae Services Administrator,
A Oil International Headquarters, (615)370-0920, or email: aoiihq@edge. net.
Oklahoma City, Kathleen Sands (405) 340-4972
Omaha, N E Linda Hall (402) 895-1837
Orlando,FL Kathy Doerr (407) 895-0195
Ottawa, ONTARIO Mary Jane Jacobsen (613) 837-3361
Oxford Mississippi, MS Kimberly Austin
(601) 236-3897
Palm Beach County, FL Helen Zientek
(407) 624-2018
Palo Alto, CA LisaShemwell (415) 965-2041
Palouse W ashington, W A Nancy Shrope
(509) 332-6253
Philadelphia,PA AmyToth
(215) 393-5376
Phoenix, A Z Carolyn Barbieri (602) 494-7430
The Power of Friendship. AOIL
BuffaloAlumnaeChaptermembers&NuDeltaChaptermemberswith mayor, Anthony Masiello during Buffalo's Jingle Bell Run.
AOris take part
in Buffalo "Jingle Bell Run"
On July 13, 1997 the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter and N u Delta Chapter (Canisius College), joined togeth- er for the annual 5K "Jingle Bell Run" bene- fitting the Arthritis Foundation. Pictured above is Buffalo Mayor Anthony Masiello with AOris in attendance.
Dear Editor,
Ever since I became an AOn, I have dreamed that my sister and my mother could one day experience the joy that I have experienced being anAOR In1995my sister pledged AOil and I couldn't have been more excited. This rein- forced my dream of my
mother also becoming an AOR
Last summer I attended Leadership Institute in Nashville, Tennessee, with several members ofmyTau Omicron Chapter. While there, I spoke t o several people about
associate membership for m y m o m . I became very determined to
make this happen. I dis- cussed with the Chapter Advisor, Melanie
Morris, and she thought it was a great idea. After following the proper channels, I was able to extend an invitation not
Phi Beta Reunion attendees featured clockwise from top: Cathy Terwilliger. Beth Calafati, Chnstine Cronin Damico, Carolyn Grossman Strong and Kim Mazenko Kenney.
ter gift could we have given in return than membership in our excellent organization?
Caryn Capers Tau Omicron Member Ed./ Ritual Adviser
Phi Beta's
"Baker's Dozen" holds
10 year reunion
Five alumnae from Phi Beta's (East Stroudsburg U) 1987 pledge class, affectionately referred to as the "Baket's Dozen" since there were thirteen initiates,
sorority and that these girls will be a part of your life even beyond your college years. Julie Laudeman and Emily Anderson, both from Iota chapter ( U o f Illinois) were able to
Members, she was sur- prised to hear about Emilys family ties to Illinois. Emily, from South Carolina, told about her family's background in Bloomington, IL.-
Tau Omicron new Associate Members and their sponsors pictured from tap row, L to R Caryn Capers,JenniferCapers, Leslie Gbson Page, Laurie Gbson, Daroa Gresham, McheJeMynckMerryBetfiMynckandBetsyWinstead Bottomrow,Ltoft Rosemary Capers, Carol Gbson Carolyn Gresham,Betty High,and Donna W instead
become friends and also learn about theif common backgrounds. Julie was the Assistant New Member Educator for Emily
and her New Member Class last year. Throughout the year, severalactivitieswere scheduled in order to help the New Members
get acquainted with
each other and withthe rest of the members.
The New Members often spent the night at the chapter house to get acquainted with Alpha Omicron Pi. During one o f these overnights with allthe New Members present, they were all telling about
their friends and fami- lies. As Julie listened to each ofthe New
Julie's hometown. Throughout the night, Julie and Emily talked with each other about their families. They soon learned that their grandparents had been good friends. N o t only were Julie and Emily able to form their own
friendship through Alpha Omicron Pi, b u t they were also able t o continue a friendship which began many years ago with their grandparents.
Pictured, L to ft Emily Anderson and Laudeman.
only to my mother, but to four others as well.
On October 5, 1996 these five women, along with 35 new members, became new initiates of the Tau Omicron Chapter. These five women have been very important to our chap- ter for several years. They have supported us through tush, socials, fund raisers and Greek competitions. What bet-
reunited fora ten year reunion. They celebrat- ed by taking a trip to Wildwood, N J this past August...just the girls. They had such a won- derful time that they have decided t o meet every year from now on!
Dear Editor:
It's a small world! Many people say that you will become united with others by joining a
To I)ra£tna/WINTER 1997
National Panhellenic Conference
55th Biennial Session October 16-19,1997
Alpha Omicron Pi NPC Delegation: (I to r) Peg Kramer Crawford, NPC Delegate: Robin Mansfield Wright 2nd Alternate Delegate: Mary McCammon Williams. Ist
The 55th Biennial Session of the National Panhellenic Conference convened at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott in a rain-drenched Norfolk, Virginia, October 16-19, 1997. Rallying around the theme, "NPC is a Shared Commitment", delegates and representative of the 26 member groups met in committee, general sessions and spe- cialized workshops prior to, during and following the conference to further the stated aims and ideals of the Conference.
Jean Wirths Scott, Pi Beta Phi, Chairman of the Conference spoke eloquently of the incredible journey of the past Biennium, highlighting NPCs many accomplish- ments: the Year of the Scholar, Something of Value, Wear Your Greek Letters Day, and the NPC/NIF Research Initiative, to name just a few.
During each scheduled session of the Conference, delegates voted on resolutions presented to the Conference and heard reports from the Standing Committees. Some of the significant resolutions passed during this session included one of support for
Delegate: Linda Peters Collier, 3rd Alternate D e le g a te
men's fraternities who have implemented the policy of substance-free fraternity housing, one that incorporated "Year of the Scholar" programming, one authorizing financial support to the Research Initiative 1997, and a resolution reaffirming the Conference groups' position against hazing. A special resolution, expressing thanks and gratitude to the National Panhellenic Conference Editors from the Conference was also passed
Other highlights of the Biennial session included:
• A luncheon honoring the shared Centennials of Alpha Omicron Pi and Kappa Delta. To
commemorate the event, the two organizations jointly contributed $25,000 to N P C to
help endow the "Something of Value" educational program.
• a luncheon honoring the outstanding Alumnae Panhellenic - Clear Lake, Texas.
• an address by Dr. Robert Deloian, National President of Phi Delta Theta. Dr. Deloian spoke
about hisfraternity'sinitiative in implementing substance-freefraternityhouses by the year 2000. • "In the Company of Women: Risk and Responsibility" This presentation, part of
the Conference's "Something of Value" program, featured an enactment of a national organization on trial in a civil suit resultine from hazing in one of the fraternity's chapters.
& ~ ~ / r
The formal Session concluded with an awards banquet and installation of the 1997-1999 ^ w n a i Prudent UndaCokr and
i * . Kappa Delta President Elizabeth Executive Officers. The Outstanding Panhellenic Adviser Award (sponsored by Alpha Chi wbker. presented a $25,000 check to
To I)ragma/Vi INTER IW7
Omega) was presented to Greg Singleton, formerly of Purdue University and now at the University
N P C Chairman.]ean Scott to help
. . . . . . . .
ofMami. Other Awards presented included:
Scholarship Award (sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Phi) • University of South Alabama
• UniversityofPennsylvania
• AuburnUniversity
Public Relations Award (sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi) • PurdueUniversity
• 2ndPlace-MiamiUniversity
• 3rdPlace-UniversityofPittsburgh
• University of San Diego (sponsored by Alpha Gamma Delta) • Birmingham Southern (sponsored by Sigma Delta Tau)
• University of Michigan (sponsored by Alpha Phi)
endow the "Something educational
Progress (sponsored by Delta Delta Delta) • Ashland University
• UniversityofWashington
Philanthropy (sponsored by Sigma Kappa)
• Northwestern State University of Louisiana • 2ndPlace-UniversityofGeorgia
• 3rdPlace-LouisianaStateUniversity
ofValue" program.
Officers installed for the Biennium are Lissa Bradford, Kappa Alpha Theta - Chairman; Marian Williams, Kappa Kappa Gamma - Secretary; Sally Grant, Alpha Phi - Treasurer. The Conference concluded with the Collegiate Vice Presidents and Housing/Financial Officers meeting in sessions through Monday, October 20.
Jo honor our shared Centennials. AOU
Overall Excellence
• University of South Alabama (sponsored by Kappa Delta) • University of Idaho (sponsored by Sigma Sigma Sigma)
• University of Kentucky (sponsored by Chi Omega)
MyGift ofLifeInsurance
38, Rose Award '85
Foundation News
Senior Challenge
International Representative
for Senior Challenge '98
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is proud to announce the selection ofAmyJones of Kappa Kappa Chapter as the International Representative for Senior Challenge '98. Amy is a senior at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. She is currently serving as Chapter President. Amy eagerly accepted this special position saying, "I am honored to be selected as I strongly believe in and support the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation".
Senior Challenge educates colle- gians about the important role the Foundation plays in AOFI and reinforces the fact that AOn is for a lifetime. The program provides seniors with an opportu- nity "to give something back to AOn" through a contribution to the Foundation. Seniors are asked to donate $ 10 to the annu- al fund of the Foundation.
Amy challenges her senior sisters to join her by contributing to Senior Challenge '98 and carry on the tradition of a successful Senior Challenge campaign. Her goal is for all chapters to achieve 100% participation.
* *J by Catherine Dougherty Cifers, Omicron 31
It has been a long time since I pledged AOI1, but having a good chapter (Omicron) and good hard- working alumnae has helped continue this tradirion in my family. Here are the AOlTs in my family and their initiation dates:
Catherine Daugheny Cifers Betty Daugherty Lathrop Vandy Cifers Leake
Sandy Mourfield Goode Beth Pettit Stivers
Patty Goode Cochran
Meg Cifers Manning Joanne Cochran Huddleston Lesa Pettit Smith
Gale Cifers Pettit
Allee Stivers LynneLeakeArnwine
'38 '43 '61 '66 '64 71 75 7 6 '84 '88 '90 '90
Sister-in-law of Gale Cifers Pettit Sandy Mourfields sister-in-law Daughter
Patty Goode Cochran's sister-in-law Granddaughter
Daughter of Beth Pettit Stivers Granddaughter -daughterofVandy
What pleases me the most is that this AOn tradirion that I started long ago has been kept alive because of the many collegians, alumnae and mothers who have worked hard and through their love for one another, have kept Omicron Chapter tops at the University ofTennessee!
My husband, Ed, who played football on the University ofTennessee's great football teams of 1938-1940, has been very supportive of aU of the AOris in our family through the years. Ed encouraged me to give a gift to the AOLI Foundation because so many members in our family are involved and also for the great things the Foundation does. I am happy to be able to give this gift.
Past International President Barbara Hunt, whom I admire, is also responsible for my gift to the Foundation. She and I had a deUghtful lunch when she was in Knoxvilie speaking to the Omicron Chapter and local alumnae about the Foundation. Barb explained how I could make a gift of life insurance to the Foundation. Ed and I discussed it and he thought it was a wonderful idea.
I feel very good about having given to the Foundation. I hope other AOFIs will consider doing the same. I have made this gift for my AOLI family and those whom the Foundation may benefit in years to come. It is with great pride that I stand with daughters, granddaughters and all family members and pass the Loving Cup at Founders' Day with the feeling of fraternity and love that I experienced many, many years ago. Nearer and dearer the old friendships and sweeter and keener the new.
The Alpha Omicron Foundation Board gratefully thanks Ed and Catherine Cifers for their gift of Life Insurance.
Planning your gift
of life insurance to the AOTT Foundation:
• By naming the AOFI Foundation the beneficiary and the owner of the policy, your monthly or annu- al premium payments can be made directly to the Foundation allowing the regular premium payment to be tax-deductible.
• The full legal name and address of the Foundation should be listed as: Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc., 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, T N 37027.
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation encourages you to consult your tax adviser or an attorney when considering any planned gift.
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
LeadershipInstitute 1998
u AOIL.. A Lifetime Journey99
Leadership Institute 1998 will be an exciting opportunity for all collegians and alumnae. This second Leadership Institute will continue to challenge individuals to attain leadership skills and knowledgefora lifetime of personal and professional development. Leadership Institute will also enable participants to function effectively within the AOFI community by. 1) Providing AOFI specific programming. 2) Fostering relationships between network specialists and their chapters. 3) Empowering each collegiate and alumna member to be an effective volunteer.
This year, we will also have an emphasis on ritual throughout the entire weekend so that attendees will leave the con- ference having explored AOFI and our ritual. W e will be kicking off the conference with an exciting new program on ritual. This program, which will take place instead of formal ritual, will be a dynamic and interactive session
focusing on the meaning and details of ritual in a casual environment. learn ourritualand take it back to all our respective chapters.
This should be an excellent way to really
Where? The Nashville Airport Marriott When? .Tune 26-28,1998
New this year is the collegiate "Stellar Starter" program. In addition to the Chapter President and Vice President of Education, collegiate chapters are being asked to send a sophomore woman identified as an emerging leader, or "Stellar Starter." It will be the task of each chapter, along with their Chapter Adviser, to select the "emerging leader," based on the principles of: furthering fra- ternity life, promoting leadership, scholarship, high moral and social standards, and serving the college community. The philosophy behind the addition of this mem- ber is to educate and train AOITs future leaders, who will then have up to two additional years of leadership opportunity remaining in their chapters.
The word "stellar" being similar to AOFI founder, Stella, is no mere coincidence. In Stella's words, "Founders are always self starters. They are courageously indepen- dent in their thinking, discriminat- ing in their choice of objectives, logical in developing their ideals, and energetic in making them work." O u r collegiate Stellar Starters will add a new dimension to Leadership Institute.
Cost? Registration Fee: $79.00
Room & Board Weekend Package: (per person)
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
$360 Single Room $ 195 Triple Room
$235 Double Room $ 175 Quad Room
recommended are:
Collegiate Chapter Presidents ** Alumnae Chapter Presidents * Collegiate Chapter Advisers *
Collegiate Vice President of Education * A "Stellar Starter" (Sophomore Leader)* Network Directors
Network Specialists
Executive Board PastInternationalPresidents Standing Commitree Chairmen Leadership Institute Committee Education and Training Committee
Cotporation Board Presidents * Education Advisers * Collegiate Chapter Relations Chairmen * Collegiate Alumnae Relations Officers* Collegiate Chapter Treasurers *
Collegiate Public Relations Chairmen *
* Chapterand/orCorporationExpense ''ChapterPresident's travelexpensenot covered
Make plans now to attend Leadership Institute 1998. lustration materials will be sent inJanuary 1998
to all collegiate and alumnae chapters, but if you are not current^ involved with a collegiate or alumnae chapter or do not hold a volunteer position and would like registration information about Leadership Institute 1998, please complete the section below and mail it to: Angela Mills, Conference Administrator, AOTIHeadquarters, 9025 OverlookBlvd, Brentwood TN 37027. Formoreinfo, call: 615-370-0920.
Please send me registration materialsforLeadership Institute 1998.
Zip/Postal code:_
. State/Province:
Northeast Alabama Alumnae Chapter Installed
The installation of the Northeast Alabama Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was held on October 26, 1997 at the Theron Montgomery Building at Jacksonville State U ,
Jacksonville, Alabama. Installing officer was Dolores W . Rhodes, Alumnae Network Extension Specialist, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) The Ritual was followed by a reception and tea. Charter members are: Connie Brechin, Lindie K . Brown, W indy Casey, Melissa Crow, Alice N . Cusimano, Alexia Daniels, Jennifer Dasinger, Sharon P. Dasinger, Kim Davis, Donita Dennis, Kelli Cobbs, Kathleen Frierly, Leigh Ann Harrelson, Rebekah Hill, Marty Norris Kirby, Katherine Toole Kirby, Stephanie Matthews, Noreen J. Pettitt, Kristi Regner, Kelli Souder, Louise Sowa, Melissa Spann, and Marcie Williams
Alumnae Chapter Installations
In addition to the above mentioned chap- ter, Alpha Omicron Pi is pleased to announce the following alumnae chapter installations:
Northwest Montana October 11, 1997 Williamsburg , V A December 14, 1997
Visit the AOII Website is the Alpha Omicron Pi website address. Visit our site for the latest AOFI News. Over 500 people every day use the website to exchange ideas, find lost sisters and make new friends. As Andi Smythe LaFleur, Gamma Beta (U of Pennsylvania) wrote in the website guest book, "Irecently got re-connected with two sisters from my chapter because of the AOFI website. I wanted to remind everyone how exciting it is to have connections with sisters that you may not even know personally but can get acquainted with through this and other means."
Wanted: A Few More Good Women
Due to a variety of circumstances, the Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter has shrunk in size and lost most of its officers. Our core of "die hards" are looking to
spread out the "fun" so that we will be able to do more with less of a burden on those of us who are already involved. We still have a full calendar for this year.
One of our events includes joining other Louisiana chapters on Founders' Day.
The New Orleans Chapter will be hosting a lunch at Commander's Palace. State
Day will be held in Baton Rouge and everyone will be invited to take their fam- ilies to a crawfish boil. Thanks to all of the 50 or so alumnae who came out to support Kappa Tau for rush. If you would like to renew old friendships or make new ones, contact Janin Johnston (504) 764- 1319.
February 18. 1933... What does this date mean to you?
It was the founding date of AOITs Baltimore Alumnae Chapter.
Mark Saturday, February 21, 1998 on your calendar to help us celebrate our 65th Anniversary. It is going to be a big day in our lives. O u r International President, Linda Collier, will be in Baltimore for the occasion.
Call your sorority sisters and per- suade them to celebrate with us - the more the merrier. There will be a lun- cheon, entertainment, and lots of memo- rabilia. Contact Event Chairperson Hilda Micari (410) 242-2527 or Chapter President Margaret Ann Stoddard (410) 276-3870 or [email protected] if you would like to receive more information. We look forward to celebrating with you.
Sigma Corporation Meeting Scheduled
January 10, 1998, 11:00 a.m. is the date of the annual meeting of Sigma Chapter Corporation. T h e site will be the chapter house located at 2311 Prospect Street, Berkeley, CA. Contact Joanne Luscher, (510) 254-5281 for additional informa- tion.
Iota Corporation Board to Meet The Iota Corporation Board will meet February 1, 1998, 1:30 p.m. at the Iota Chapter House, 706 S. Mathews Street, Urbana, IL. Contact Kathy Holmes, (217) 235-4317 for more information.
Kappa Gamma Corporation Sets Annual Meeting Date
The annual meeting of the Kappa Gamma Corporation will be held Sunday, March 8, 1998, 3:00 p.m., at the Florida Southern College AOFI Chapter House. For more information, call Lori Goede, (813) 962-6147.
AOII Emporium Thanks Our Supportive Chapters for a Great Fall and Holiday Season!
This fall, the Emporium traveled to 11 chapters within reasonable driving dis- tance from Headquarters, and consign- ment boxes also made their way to many of our chapters. Our Bid Day Program also contributed to our successful fall sea- son. Chapters supported the program and loved their Emporium Exclusive Bid Day T-shirts. These trips, along with the Bid Day Program, helped the Emporium break yet another record in sales.
As you know, Emporium sales help benefit the Fraternity. W ith the loyal support of our chapters, parents, and alumnae, AOII Emporium is sure to con- tinue its success and rising proceeds for the Fraternity. Thank you, again, for your help in making AOFI an even stronger women's organization.
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation
To Dragma/WINTER 1997
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• Moving? •
Jiave you moved? Changed your name?
Jias your daughter graduated
and established her own permanent address?
Ifyou answered "yes" to any ofthese questions, pleasefill out the form below and send it to International Jieadquarters.
Changing your name? •Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death: Please complete thisfirm, indicating the chanee above and return to:
Zip/Postal Code: Chapter/College where initiated: Place of Employment
City: . Zip/Postal Code:
State/Province: Phone: ( )
Year Initiated:
State/Province: Phone:( )
Current AOTT Office: Q no
AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027
Alumnae Chapter
Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter: Special Interests:
PleasehelpAOII savemoney!EachissuethatisreturnedtousduetoanincorrectaddresscoststheFraternity50<f,inadditiontotheoriginalcostof mailing. If you are moving or changingyour nameplease notify us in advance. If you know ofothers who are not receiving their magazine, chances
are we have an incorrect addressfor diem as well
Postmaster- Pleasesendnoticeof undeliverable copies on form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027
Encourage diem to notify us as soon aspossible.
SecondClass Postage Paid at Brentwood