Committee on Examinations—Chairman, Examining Officer.
Atlantic—Katherine Stewart, Gamma.
Southern—Margaret Lyon, Pi.
Ohio Valley—Geraldine D. Canfield, Theta.
Great Lakes—Beatrice Bunting, Omicron Pi.
Mid-western—Doris Ingram, Alpha Phi.
Pacific—Edna Betts Trask, Rho.
Committee on Nominations—
Chairman—Edith A. Dietz, Alpha; Alumnae Superintendents, members.
T o Subscribers: I n order to receive your magazine regularly,
send notice of change of address to the registrar by the twentieth of
the month preceding publication.
69-71 Barclay St. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Vol. XXI MAY 1926 No. 4
Our Newest Phi Beta Kappas 289
Visitin' Around with the Grand President 305
Dear Old Oxford 320
"Rushing" Here and There 325
"Mother" Templeton, of Lambda 338
Fellowship Awards 344
The Great Northern Way to the Pacific Northwest 354
The Chapter Newspaper 357
A Brief History of Mortar Board 362
Alpha O Mothers' Club
Kappa Alpha Theta Makes a Study
Panhcllenic Deans of Women
Make It A Tradition
Interesting Items
"Our Say" ••
Active Chapter Letters
Alumnae Chapter Letters
of A l p h a O m i c r o n P i F r a t e r n i t y .
Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive. ,
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, i a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Term.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactive.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.
Pi Delta—University of Maryland", College Park, Md.
*J^Tau Delta—Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala.
'Kappa Theta—University of California at Los Angeles.
JCappa Omicron—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass. -A
flffcos Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.f GflUtA^y
v^sLincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb. I * W(M^"^
Chicago Alumnae—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumnae—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, L a .
Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor Alumnae—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumnae—Portland, Oregon.
Seattle Alumnae—Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville, Tenn. )
Lynchburg Alumnae—Lynchburg, Va. \ks*
— Washington Alumnae—Washington, D. C.
f Philadelphia Alumnae—Philadelphia, Pa. V Qh/A/^^'
^Dallas Alumnae—Dallas, Texas. $
Kansas City Alumnae—Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Alumnae—Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma Alumnae—Alumnae Association • (temporarily), Tacoma, Wash
Syracuse Alumnae—Syracuse, N. Y .
Detroit Alumnae—Detroit, Michigan.
Nashville Alumnae—Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland Alumnae—Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Association—Champaign, 111.
I Memphis Alumnae—Memphis, Tenn. \ £>. A £ _
^Miami Valley Alumnae—Oxford, O h i o . V * ^ * * ^
Ht^reman Alumnae—Bozeman, Mont.
TTrrmingham Alumnae—Birmingham, Alabama.
Oklahoma City—Oklahoma City, Okla.
M A Y , 1926
Elizabeth Bond, 3201 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. F. H . ) , 2116 St. Clair St., St. Paul, Minn.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.
T O D R A G M A is published at 415 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn.,
by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis, Minn.,
as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for
mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
T O D R A G M A is published four times a year, September, November,
February and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.00.
A L I C E T O I ' S L E Y , Delta L E O N A R E E D , Gamma
EV E R Y T W O Y E A R S i t is o u r custom to honor those o f o u r mem
bers who have been awarded that highest o f scholastic recog-
nition, the key of Phi Beta Kappa. W e congratulate our new Phi
Beta Kappas, and proudly present them to Alpha Omicron Pi.
Mary Renaud Owen came to Newcomb, then discontinued
her course in 1920. She came back and resumed her study, gradu-
ating last year w i t h a Phi Beta Kappa key. T h i s year she is con-
cluding her work.
In the Senior Class of nineteen twenty-six, nineteen of the
one h u n d r e d and fifteen members were recently elected to the P h i
Beta Kappa society. Twelve o f these were fraternity girls and
Kappa is very proud to say that Anne Jeter is one of the twelve.
While we are proud to deatli of her attainment in intellect,
still we are prouder to say that she has many other sides.
Every year A n n e has been a member o f her class hockey
squad and A team and has participated i n field day events. She
is quite literary, having been a member o f both the College year
bo.)k staff and the College magazine staff. She has also served
on the Y . W . C. A . cabinet and on many important committees in
A n n e is very popular i n College. She was elected vice-presi-
dent o f her class f o r the sophomore year and was elected presi-
dent o f her class this, her senior, year.
For the past t w o years A n n e has been a maid i n M a y court
and this year she is t o be M a i d o f H o n o r . A n n e is also a member
of the Coffee Club—an honorary society whose meml>ership con-
sists o f selected seniors—and a secret society.
Kappa can hardly express just how p r o u d she is o f Anne
f o r the great honor which she has brought to Randolph Macon
and to the f r a t e r n i t y . W e feel that she is a splendid combination
of beautiful qualities and we are mighty proud to claim her.
Helen Reynolds was awarded Phi Beta Kappa honors in
1925. She was active on the campus, was a member o f the Y . W .
C. A . , W o m e n ' s S e l f - g o v e r n i n g Association, was o n the Awagan
staff (university publication), was a member of the Classical Club
and the Secondary Education Society. Helen was treasurer of
Zeta f o r two years. She is now a Latin instructor in the Classi-
cal Department of the University of Nebraska.
Irene Rachdorf is a graduate student at T u f t s , having been
awarded a Braker Fellowship last June. She instructs i n eco-
nomics and is w o r k i n g f o r an M . A . in the same subject. She was
elected to Phi Beta Kappa at S m i t h College, f r o m which she was
graduated last year. D u r i n g her career at S m i t h , she was active
in athletics, was president of her House, and was chosen to be one
of the Junior ushers. She is faculty representative at Capen
House. N e x t year she w i l l continue i n the same position at T u f t s .
E d i t h McKee, or " D i c k , " has been a very definite help to the
f a c u l t y d u r i n g her last t w o years. H e r first and second years she
had time f o r class teams in basketball and hockey, and proved to
be quite an athlete. H e r second year, too, she served o n the Tufts
Weekly staff as a news reporter. H e r t h i r d year, she served as
student Assistant L i b r a r i a n , and i n her f o u r t h , as Student Assist-
ant to the Economics Department. She is now working at T u f t s
f o r an M . A . i n sociology, and besides taking courses has done
much active social w o r k in the settlement houses around Boston.
D u r i n g her college career, D o r o t h y H e t t i n g e r has served as
Vice-President of A l l Around Club (club f o r purpose of social
unity, o f which every g i r l at Jackson is a member) ; as Secretary
of Athletic Association and of class. She is a member of "Pipers
( p o e t r y ) C l u b " and " L i b e r a l C l u b . " T h i s year she has served as
a very efficient President of the local Panhellenic Council. The
highest honors of the college were bestowed upon her at the time
she recieved her election to P h i Beta K a p p a . N e x t year she w i l l
work f o r an M . A . in English at Radcliffe.
Alice Tousley was only at T u f t s for two years. During this
time she waxed athletic and dramatic, i n the time not taken up by
her studies and w o r k as Secretary to D r . Wooster ( E c o n o m i c s ) .
I n the summer she helped M r s . L a m b e r t w i t h her girls' camp at
Jouth Harpswell, Maine. Since college she has been affiliated
with the Russell Sage Foundation, and took courses at N . Y . U . ,
looking f o r w a r d to an M . A . L a s t September she came t o N e w
L o n d o n as Secretary and Research Assistant to the D i r e c t o r of
the "Study of Ethnic Factors in Community L i f e , " a three-year
study under the direction of Brown University, made possible by
a grant from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial. This
offers also interesting field w o r k and n e x t year she w i l l be at
Brown University.
Gamma is very proud of Leona Reed, '25. She not only
graduated with a Phi Beta Kappa Key, but with a Phi Kappa Phi
one also.
W h i l e i n college she was very active on the campus. She was
on her class basketball and track teams her freshman and sopho-
more years, student representative to the Round Table, a member
of Sodalitas Latina, class secretary her Junior year, a member of
the Contributor Club, Y . W . cabinet, Panhellenic delegate, a
member of Student Government, and president of Gamma her
senior year.
This year she is teaching in Rennebrink H i g h School.
These sound like cold, impersonal facts, but these are insig-
nificant beside her as a f r i e n d and sister.
D u r i n g the past two years we have had two girls, Louise
L o w r y and Margaret MacKay. elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Louise
brought double honor to Rho, f o r she was elected a member of
Sigma X i , as well as P h i Beta Kappa. D u r i n g her f o u r years at
Northwestern she took part i n many campus activities. She was
a member of the Y . W . C. A . Council and president of the Girls'
Glee Club. She belonged to the Poetry Club, admission to which
depends on one's skill at verse making. T o be admitted to the
Poetry Club is considered quite an honor at Northwestern. Louise
was also a member of the Cubs' Club, an organization of reporters
f o r the D a i l y Northwestern. L o u i s e spent the first year a f t e r her
MARGARKT M A C K A Y , Kho L o i ' i S K Lowkv, Rho
graduation studying and traveling in Europe. T h i s year she has
been assisting i n the Mathematics Department here at N o r t h -
Margaret M a c K a y , of the class of 1925, is our other Phi Beta
Kappa. T o be elected to P h i Beta Kappa is a great honor i n i t -
self, but to go through college in three years and make Phi Beta
Kappa, as M a r g a r e t has done, seems little less than miraculous.
A t the same time, Margaret took a prominent part in women's
athletics. She was a member of the W . A . A . B o a r d , as head of
Archery, and was a member of the Varsity Archery team every
year she was i n school. She took part in enough other sports to
amass the 1,000 points necessary to secure a woman's " N . " A t
present Margaret is teaching school, but just where I cannot say.
Dorothy Dickinson was graduated last year. Some of her
most prominent activities were Phi Beta Kappa, Theta Sigma Phi,
Alethenai, F i r s t Council of W o m a n ' s League, and Mini w o r k .
She was very active on campus and was liked by everyone be-
cause o f her .charming personality and pleasing disposition.
Dorothy was also president of our house and carried on her work
admirably as only our D o r o t h y could do. A t the present time,
she is i n Chicago w o r k i n g i n the advertising business.
Cherrie Malcolmson is our Phi Beta Kappa f o r this year. She
spent last year at Wellesley College. She is a member of Alpha
Lambda Delta, a Freshman Honorary Scholastic Society, and won
the Freshman Scholarship cup. Cherrie is also interested in ath-
letics and has made several first athletic teams. She is, an asset
to the house and we are more than proud of her.
W i l m a S m i t h Leland. better k n o w n as W i l m a Helen S m i t h ,
before she came to Minnesota in her Junior year, was a member
of the Socratic Club (honorary scholastic society) and also of the
championship Varsity Debating Team at Rockford College, I l l i -
nois. A t Minnesota she was treasurer of T a u chapter of A . O . P i
f o r a y e a r M a n d was L i t e r a r y E d i t o r o f the Alumni Weekly. She
graduated with Magna Cum Laude Honors in June, 1925, and
was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Lambda Alpha Psi. She was
awarded the class of 1890 scholarship offered f o r the greatest out-
standing scholastic achievement during junior and senior years
and she w o n a F e l l o w s h i p i n the E n g l i s h Department. A n d , as a
f i t t i n g climax to such an amazing career, she m a r r i e d Leland F .
L e l a n d , distinguished E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f o f the Minnesota Alumni
Helen Howalt, a tall,' blond, Danish beauty, is just the type
of g i r l one expects to excel i n everything she undertakes. Thus
she earned a P h i Beta Kappa key. N o t surpassing a scholarship
alone, she was as adept at p i l i n g up her tennis score as she was at
piling up her scholastic record, and she was the tennis champion
of her senior class. Helen was our chapter Vice-President and
Corresponding Secretary. I n every lark Paulie is always prime
mover—first in ideas and first in action.
Since graduation she has taken a business course and now
has a very good position w i t h Church & D w i g h t Company, who
make the well known A r m and Hammer brand of soda.
Kathryn Bolitho, '26, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Decem-
ber 10, 1925. She will graduate at the end of this semester.
Katie is an exceptionally studious g i r l , which is verified by
the fact that she is a M a t h , m a j o r and a P h i Beta Kappa at the
same time ! D u r i n g her f o u r years i n school, however, she has done
much on the campus. She has made V a r s i t y teams in nearly all
sports, belongs to W . A . A . , has an " I . U . " sweater, and is a
M o r t a r Board g i r l . She has also been on " Y . W . " cabinet f o r
the last two years.
Kate is president of our chapter this year, beside her outside
activities, and that j o b has been performed i n the same superior
w a y that she has accomplished other things she has attempted.
Roselyn Beal, '26, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, December
10, 1925. She w i l l also graduate i n Tune, 1926.
Roselyn has never been interested i n athletics, but she has
done a great deal of excellent w o r k in social service. She is a
history and sociology m a j o r , and she is w o r k i n g w i t h the city
authorities of Bloomington this year, in trying to better conditions
here. She has always done practically "straight A " w o r k .
TH E B E L L S had just rung in the N e w Year, when I bade my
family a tearful farewell—tearful over the thought of a six
weeks' absence—and caught a train Texas-hound. O n the Pull-
man the next morning, 1 observed a Greek letter pin and felt sure
it was another traveler bound for Panhellenic Congress. It
proved to be A l p h a B u r k a k a r t Wettach, National President of
Zeta T a u Alpha. Rochelle
I iachet and I met in Rochelle
as we had arranged, and
traveled together to Dallas,
where N . P. C. convened
January 4th to 8th. We have
told you already of that meet-
ing, hut we did not have a
chance to tell you much about
Nu Kappa.
Good-looking Peg Bent-
ley met us at the train and
was much in evidence at the
various affairs. The chapter
gave a formal dinner f o r us at
the Adolphus—a sumptuous
repast with everything f r o m
s h r i m p cocktail and roast duck-
through baked Alaska and
coffee. The girls of the active
chapters were like so many D A V I D and J U N I O R M A C I X>NAI.I»
gay butterflies i n their eve-
ning gowns and there was much talk of debutante parties. Lura
Temple was there, prettier than ever, with several other alumnae
whom I remembered f r o m a previous visit. Some of them joined
us at the Country Club luncheon given f o r N . P. C. delegates, and
the night o f the final banquet we had ten at our A . O . Pi table.
I must not forget to tell you of the adorable wrist bouquets the
chapter sent Rochelle and me that night.
T h e day we were so d e l i g h t f u l l y entertained at F o r t h W o r t h
we met four Alpha O members of their City Pan-hellenic, and
they proved to be f r o m widely scattered chapters—Pi, X i , Delta
and Kappa. The day after Pan-hellenic Congress closed, I lunched
with Eleanor H u l l , attended chapter meeting and spent the night
y with Catherine Rasbury.
x The next morning I was on my way to San Antonio to make
- connection with the Sunset Limited for Los Angeles. A l l that
e day, I traveled through oil country, where the streams are a greasy
black instead of clear and sparkling. Everyone you meet is a
geologist or an engineer or connected in some way with the oil
game. I soon showed my ignorance by calling the oil town of
Mexia. "Mex-e-e" instead of "Maha'-i-a." I did not even realize,
at first, that we were t a l k i n g about the same place.
I had never been farther west than Dallas and the scenery of
the Far West,was an experience I shall never forget. W e traveled
along the R i o Grande, where f o r quite a distance, we could see
Mexico on one side and rising c l i f f s on the other; then, sage brush,
bare, bald mountains, queer looking to one accustomed to seeing
them green with trees and dense underbrush; little towns where
every house had its w i n d m i l l ; long sandy stretches where the only
break in the monotony was a concrete highway; towns again, with
squatting Indians selling beads; cold, crisp air in the high altitude
and then down, like a miracle, into date farms, almond orchards
and the rich, fertile country of Southern California. As we crossed
the line, bud vases holding pale pink carnations were placed on the
tables in the d i n e r — " W i t h the compliments of the state." T r u l y ,
California begins early to deserve her reputation f o r charming
Dot Graham, Mildred Porter and several other Kappa Theta
girls met me in Los Angeles. Soon after we reached the house;
M u r i e l M c K i n n e y , w h o m I had been so anxious to meet, came
over. M u r i e l , as most of y o u k n o w , is a L a m b d a g i r l w h o is
alumnae advisor to Kappa Theta. and it is to her and the Los
Angeles alumnae we owe our splendid new chapter and Southern
Branch. The girls were solicitous about every detail for my com-
fort and pleasure—even to early morning coffee, which they had
heard was a custom around New Orleans.
They entertained with a formal tea, and the Los Angeles
alumnae, whose president. Martha Benkert, was at convention,
gave a delightful luncheon at the Women's Athletic Club. I am
wondering i f they haven't the most cosmopolitan chapter roll of
any of the alumnae groups, as there are at least fourteen chapters
represented. There I . met Edna Trask, Rho; Jane Graham of
Zeta, the Psi girl who was last year's president of the Philadelphia
Alumnae, two girls who were in Tau chapter when my own N u
Omicron was voted on, and many charming Lambda and Sigma
W e had a long drive one afternoon through Pasadena, by the
Rose Bowl, back through Beverly Hills and Hollywood to Santa
Monica and a view of the Pacific by setting sun. Most cities have
sections of beautiful streets, palatial homes and terraces, but Los
Angeles is a city beautiful, where all the streets are lined with
palms, flower beds, gorgeous stands o f cut flowers, c o l o r f u l homes
and velvet lawns; the slums and ash cans must be under ground.
I reached Palo A l t o in a cold, heavy f o g and was met by Wana
Keesling, w h o m I remembered so pleasantly f r o m Convention.
She had taken refuge f r o m the weather i n a new purple slicker
and F o r d Coupe. I found the atmosphere of Stanford, after the
f o g lifted, delightful. Lambda has an attractive house and their
guest room is a symphony in rose. The quadrangle, the awe-in-
spiring chapel with its marvelous approach, the campus with its
Eucalyptus trees, cactus garden, brilliant toyon' berries and the
hedge o f purple heather in f r o n t of the President's home, were
unique and wonderfully interesting to one of Southern birth.
" M o t h e r " T e m p l e t o n , w h o has been w i t h L a m b d a so long,
lends an air of grace and distinction to their home. Members of
Panhellenic Council were asked i n the first a f t e r n o o n to tea. T h a t
evening, Dean M a r y Yost and Delie Bancroft, beloved since our
meeting many years before at Newcomb and who is there study-
ing f o r her Master's, came to dinner and we all attended a Glee
Club concert later. I had an opportunity next morning of driving
w i t h A b b i e W o o d , and Velda B e r r y , alumnae advisor, invited us
to tea that afternoon in her lovely new home. A f t e r initiation and
formal dinner, I took the eight o'clock train for San Francisco.
There I had instructions about the ferry to Berkeley, but it
wasn't so simple as i t seemed. I reached the f e r r y b u i l d i n g by
t a x i , but once there I almost wept tears because I could find no one
to carry m y heavy bags. T h e n I took the S. P. route instead of
the K e y and there was some c o n f u s i o n as to where I was to get
o f f . W h e n I finally caught sight o f Daisy Shaw i n the Berkeley
station, I emulated the example of the Bible characters of old and
fell on her neck.
She drove me out to Rose Marx's, where a w a r m welcome
awaited me f r o m Rose and Laura H u r d , who had journeyed down
f r o m Seattle f o r a conference w i t h us: The next morning, though
it was mid-January, Rose's two dear little girls presented us with
Valentines. Mine had four lines of sweet sentiment on i t , but I
refuse to tell you the verse on Laura's. A s k her.
A f t e r a morning of business and discussions, we went over
to Sigma's house f o r Sunday dinner. I n our room was the loveli-
est box of s p r i n g flowers sent by the alumnae. L a t e r , M i l d r e d
Bell and two other Sigmas drove us around the University grounds,
through Oakland and Berkeley. The tendency of fraternity houses
at C a l i f o r n i a seems to be to "move u p . " I n the late a f t e r n o o n we
had a wonderful view of the Golden Gate and the harbor. The
active girls dropped Laura, Rose and me at Daisy's beautiful new
home f o r tea. Only it wasn't "tea" alone, but cream soup, sand-
wiches, Nesslerode pudding, etc. I f you ever wish to make a loaf
of three layer sandwiches covered w i t h Neuchatel cheese and have
it look like a cake w i t h white icing, ask Daisy the secret. She is
laughing yet at our attempt to "cut the cake" f o r her.
W e spent the next day in San Francisco conferring with the
Great Northern representative about Convention rates, and then
one of the alumnae took me f o r a most enjoyable drive through
Chinatown, out through the Presidio, by the Cliff House, down
to the beach and back through one of the parks. W e had lunch
at the "Temple Bar,"(the site of a famous saloon, many years ago,
but now a quaint place with delicious food, where the Chinese
girls in native dress lend atmosphere.
The San Francisco alumnae gave a beautifully appointed
luncheon at Rose Bell's. I f y o u could see the h i l l i n f r o n t o f her
house, y o u ' d want to be sure the brakes on your car would hold
b e f o r e p a r k i n g . D r i v i n g i n the flat c o u n t r y of our G u l f Coast
and driving i n San Francisco or Seattle would take separate les-
sons of instructions f o r beginners.
The initiation that afternoon was followed by a banquet with
fifty-five A l p h a O's present. R e d roses were m u c h i n evidence
and they had an attractively planned program of toasts. W e missed
Kate Foster, who came to Convention with Rose and whom we
had counted on seeing, but illness in her family kept her away. I
think the happiest person there must have been Hattie Backus,
whose daughter was initiated. Not many chapters can boast Alpha
O daughters. Isabelle Henderson Stewart, who was Grand Presi-
dent when N i l Omicron came in, and who visited us officially, took
L a u r a and me to the t r a i n . I t seemed so good to see her again,
even though at the same time, it brought back poignant memories
of Mary D.
E n route to Eugene, we had a soul-satisfying ride for thirteen
hours through Oregon mountains, where the trees were snow laden
and the dwellings few and far between. W e had a glimpse of M t .
Shasta, gleaming in the early morning light. Laura and I found
Alpha Sigma happily and comfortably located in a large rented
house. They hope to build next year on the lot which they have
purchased. Virginia Judy Esterly, Sigma, came over the first
night and took us to a concert. Someone said of her, " A s a dean
of women, she's too good to be true." T h e girls gave a tea and
we had an o p p o r t u n i t y to see h o w graciously they entertain.
I enjoyed the meals with them around the large oval table,
w i t h f r e s h m e n d o i n g table d u t y . I liked the fine spirit o f har-
mony and co-operation between the girls, even though there was
quite a difference i n the ages of some of them. I didn't have an
opportunity to sight-see much i n Eugene, but I d i d go through
their Woman's Building, one of the most beautiful in the country.
T h e i r A l u m n a e A d v i s o r is D o r a Thayer M i n o r , of Delta, and she
went w i t h us when V i r g i n i a drove us over to Corvallis to meet
the local group, Alpha Rho. W e enjoyed meeting the University
authorities of O. A . C. and had a delightful luncheon at the Alpha
Rho house, where we met Ruth Sherwin. President, Miss O'Neal,
their Alumnae Advisor, and some twenty members.
It was only a three-hour ride f o r Laura and me to Portland,
where Carolyn Paige and her father met us and took us out to
Carrie Bechen Braman's for dinner. I t was something of an
Upsilon reunion f o r the girls there and the rest of us enjoyed the
free discussion and gossip about the University and chapter mem-
bers, as well as city and state politics. Other alumnae came in
after dinner.
W e reached Seattle next morning in a drizzling rain. I be-
lieve Seattle officially has only seventy-two sunshiny days a year,
but j u s t dare say(anything about their climate. " I t is the healthiest
in the w o r l d , and as f o r C a l i f o r n i a , they have too much sunshine."
Myrtis White. Arta Pollom and two other Upsilon girls met us
and took us to breakfast. Myrtis was taken sick later in the morn-
i n g and i t proved to be rather serious—a b r e a k d o w n — a n d she is
out of school f o r the rest of the year. Once out at the house, I
found my room spring-like with a pot of yellow tulips, and Ruth
Cockcroft, who roomed next door, proved herself a good fairy
in helping me attend to some much needed details on my wardrobe.
Later I saw Melna Rogers w i t h that lovely auburn hair one
couldn't forget.
I had the pleasure of meeting Laura's mother, and on Sunday
both M r s . H u r d and Dean Haggard came to dinner. While in
Seattle, I had m y first glimpse of galoshes. I even w o r e a pair
(borrowed f r o m Eugenia Page) when we made a boat trip to
Bainbridge Island to view the M o r a n school as a possible site f o r
Convention. I saw a real holly tree on the island and the waxy
leaves and big, red berries were a treat to the eyes. One of the
chief diversions of tourists in Seattle is waiting f o r M t . Rainier to
"come out" and one morning at seven I really had a glimpse of i t .
The alumnae came Sunday afternoon f o r tea and I enjoyed meet-
ing many who had been mere names before. Louise Oliver is
their Alumnae A d v i s o r and, I understand, is to be Convention
Chairman also.
I left Seattle in the morning and consequently had a daylight
ride through the Cascades. T h e summer trip will probably be
wonderful but it is hard to imagine anything more beautiful than
the mantle of winter upon it. A t one town, we heard a band
playing and I saw two men. who had been sitting opposite me in the
observation, get o f f . I had noticed them because they were so
earnestly engaged in conversation and I was later informed one
was the governor of the state.
When I reached Bozeman the next afternoon I found it snow
covered also, but we were blessed with clear, sunshiny days during
my visit. The girls gave a formal tea which was well attended,
and Dorothy Scott gave a charming luncheon f o r six of us in her
apartment. I met lovely Pauline Mills Edwards of X i , who was
there t e m p o r a r i l y , but I am sure, by this t i m e , she must be l i v i n g
i n Seattle. T h e chapter is blessed i n h a v i n g such ,a capable presi-
dent as A l t a A t k i n s o n and I understand Elizabeth H a r t (better
k n o w n as B i l l ) has been a most e f f i c i e n t house manager. A l p h a
P h i is unique i n having several patronesses w h o are as interested
as alumnae could possibly be and I had the pleasure of meeting
I left Bozeman at the unearthly hour of one-thirty in the
morning, but several of the girls bravely stayed up and went to the
train with me. I shall have to admit it was cold (even i f Mon-
tana does claim one of the mildest winters on record). I t was a
wonderful experience, however, a bit later to look out the window
of my w a r m berth and enjoy the white mountains glistening in the
brilliant moonlight—particularly b e a u t i f u l to one who had not seen
snow f o r six years.
Next day, we traveled through Wyoming—an unending ex-
panse of white—and watched children on sleds, older people on
errands, all muffled to the ears. I n the late evening, we were all
gazing out toward the west, admiring the gorgeous sunset, when
we happened to glance out the opposite window and beheld an
immense golden disk; it took us several minutes to realize it was
the moon.
In Denver next day, I met by appointment, Gladys Rice, Ex-
pansion Committee member f o r the Mid-Western district, and
Edith Simanek, Zeta President. They served with Irma Greena-
w a l t , E p s i l o n , o f Denver, and me, as an Inspection Committee
for a petitioning group at Boulder. Irma, "Buster" Giles of Eta
and a member f r o m far off N u entertained us at lunch. W e had
a pleasant afternoon at the University. The group gave a charm-
ing tea and there was a formal dinner at the hotel that evening.
Edith and I left on the late night train for Lincoln.
I was told some of the Zeta girls had gone home f o r the
week end, as there was a delay i n the mail and they d i d n ' t k n o w
I was coming. T h e chapters at L i n c o l n are so large, however,
that i t was difficult to realize ten or twelve were missing. I t
seemed good to see V i o l a G r a y at the t r a i n and P o l l y Gellatly,
whom I remembered f r o m the Convention at Knoxville. They
tried to scare up a blizzard f o r me so that I could e n j o y everything
typical of the country, but they only succeeded in having rain, an
hour's snow and then a freeze. This made the going exceedingly
dangerous—cars literally crept along and it was worth your life
to cross the street.
Zeta is working hard on plans f o r her new house and it will
mean much to the chapter both i n location and better living quar-
ters. They are fortunate in having such a splendid house mother
as " M o t h e r " A y r e s . T h e alumnae entertained at a c h a r m i n g l y
arranged tea on Sunday afternoon. Monday noon we all lunched
together down town and at two, I left for Omaha. The girls
brought a parting g i f t to the train and won my heart by having
some Valentine candies and gum drop animals i n the package f o r
my young sons.
Mattie Higgins and several other Omaha girls were waiting
to take me driving and to spend the afternoon with one of their
members. The whole group had dinner at one of the hotels and
afterwards, we enjoyed the screen version of "Lady Winde-
mere's Fan." The next morning I reached Kansas City and
thoroughly enjoyed the day in the company of Irene Peterson,
Rho, and Margaret Chandler, Phi. The chapter had dinner to-
gether that night and I went to Lawrence on the late train.
M a r y Rose Barrons, District Superintendent, was with us
that night at dinner and both she and Irene came to Phi's initia-
tion the next night. Jessie M a r i e Senor is President of Phi now,
as I c y Purcell, w h o represented her chapter at Convention, had a
breakdown. Some of the University authorities feel it is a real
problem to find the happy m e d i u m where a g i r l can keep u p a
high grade of work, take part in college activities and yet not
overtax her strength.
I was happy to meet charming Katherine M i x of Epsilon, a
past District Superintendent, but regretted very much seeing her
"play invalid." P h i has centered all interests on remodelling her
home and she expects by next f a l l to have practically a new one.
T h e first a f t e r n o o n , the g i r l s gave a lovely tea w h i c h was w e l l at-
tended by faculty members and representatives of the other houses.
I t seemed queer on m y trip, to have the men attending the teas.
A t my own Alma Mater, I could not imagine them being dragged
to such an affair and i f they should be, I feel quite certain they
would spill their tea.
Late that night after initiation, I put in a call for my sister's
home in Tulsa, Okla., and was thrilled to talk to my husband who
had come that far to meet me. H e arranged to meet me in Kansas
City the next afternoon. We returned to Tulsa, where to my sur-
prise, I found three-year-old David who had come with his father
to meet me. A f t e r a happy two days there, I left them f o r the
week end while Mary Rose Barrons and I visited X i .
Lucille Roberson and her mother, with M a r y Beth Davies,
drove up. to Oklahoma City to meet us when we arrived. Norman
is a very attractive university town. W h i l e there, we had an in-
teresting interview with Dean Gerlach. whom I had met at N . P. C.
A number of other f r a t e r n i t y representatives came i n f o r tea Sun-
day afternoon, and later our girls took us to supper at one of the
College Inns.
O n the way home, I stopped for a day with the Kappa Omi-
cron girls at Memphis, renewed friendships, met the new mem-
bers of the group, had lunch with them and a good long talk.
There I also saw Lillian Marshall, who had just started on her
inspection trip.
I have purposely omitted mention of the business meetings,
interviews and numerous details, which I know you have taken
for granted. But I am sorry I had to leave out a number of inter-
esting things we did, many more charming people we met and
gracious, lovely courtesies which were tendered us but Betty
wanted a few other things in this issue. One of the joys of niy
w o r k is meeting and k n o w i n g so many w o n d e r f u l g i r l s and women
all over the country. T r u l y , this trip hung innumerable pleasant
pictures on the walls of memory.
Arc Y O U one of the people who are saying this.
If you are can you answer Y E S to the following; questions:
Q U E S T I O N 1. Have you on completion of your life payment noti-
fied your chapter treasurer of your correct address, and are you sure she
has reported it with your completed payment?
Q U E S T I O N 2. Have you on leaving college reported your correct
address to your chapter secretary and made reasonably sure that she will
report it?
Q U E S T I O N 3. If your life payment is incomplete and you are no
longer active are you paying the necessary annual subscription pending
complete payment?
Q U E S T I O N 4. If you are out of college are you keeping the Regis-
trar informed of your change of address or name or both?
If all your replies are in the affirmative blame the printer or Uncle
Sam or the Registrar, and N O T I F Y T H E R E G I S T R A R . S O M E O F
T HE merry clerks of Oxenford, they stretch themselves at
ward, beneath
Vnhelmctcd ease, unshrivelled trees."
on unbleached
TH E C H A R M o f O x f o r d is that e v e r y t h i n g , or nearly e v e r y t h i n g ,
is old, but still preserved in beauty ; the hoary Colleges being in
active use. filled w i t h the vigorous l i f e of y o u t h .
T h e Univer-
sity was n e v e r
founded; it grew.
Among the uni-
versities of Europe
it ranks in antiq-
uity second only
to Paris, boasting
of eight hundred
years of recorded
activity. U n t i l the
i ii 8 thirteenth century
it was only a shift-
11 ing mass of schol-
ars and masters
without lecture hall
or dormitory. The
students were
lodged in the homes
of the townsfolk
and lectures were
heard in the private
rooms of the mas-
ter. But the thir-
teenth century saw
a great growth, a
T O M QUAD and C H R I S T C H U R C H g r o w t h that was
fostered by some
of the leading men of the day. A m o n g the earliest colleges are
University, Balliol and M e r t o n . T r a d i t i o n has i t that A l f r e d the
Great was one of the founders of University College.
But today the little town of O x f o r d is a fairyland with its
diversity of architecture. One may search Europe in vain f o r a
more picturesque bit of scenery. I t is impossible f o r me to tel!
you how delighted we were with the quaint narrow streets, the
beautiful Isis river, the gardens and meadows.
W e reached O x f o r d a f e w days b e f o r e our w o r k i n the. so-
called Summer Meeting was to begin. T h i s gave us time to ma-
triculate and accustom ourselves to our new surroundings. I may
say that the number of American students was limited to one hun-
dred, so we f e l t very lucky. T h e n w o r k began i n earnest. We
sometimes think that we have to work hard in our colleges here,
but how is this f o r an intensive course? W e attended three one
hour lectures each morning, one or two lectures or demonstrations
each afternoon, and a lecture again at night. O f course this
ambitious schedule applies only to the summer school and not to
the regular terms. There was outside work, too. I wish you
m i g h t glance at m y R e a d i n g L i s t , — f i v e pages o f fine p r i n t .
The general theme of the session was the d r a m a ; ancient,
mediaeval, and modern, but there were also lectures on religion and
ethics as related to the play and the theater. I t was a rare privi-
lege to study under men like D r . Gilbert M u r r a y , D r . John Mase-
field, D . N i c h o l S m i t h , L . W . W i l k i n s o n , R e v . W . H . Cadman, D r .
W . B. Selbie, and others.
I have said that the w o r k was intensive. There were, how-
ever, very delightful occasions that lightened the day and renewed
our spirits. A m o n g these were teas. I remember one charming
tea at Fullers when about thirty of us were the guests of some
of the representative women of O x f o r d . I ' m sure that all of you
who have traveled in Europe have learned to enjoy the afternoon
tea. T o us it was the most restful and the most sociable hour of the
day. There was boating, too. Every pretty day there were many
punts and canoes on the water, and every one seemed to have such
a good time. The entire river took on a gala day appearance with
the girls in their dainty summer frocks and the boys in their white
trousers and blue coats. I don't think that we enjoy our rivers
as the E u r o p e a n e n j o y s his. T h e plays are also w o r t h y o f com-
ment. D u r i n g the Course the O x f o r d Players presented several of
the plays of Ibsen. Bernard Shaw, Strindberg, Richard Hughs,
Tchechov and Pirandello. They were extremely interesting and
were representative of the thought provoking tendency of the
drama of today.
But I mustn't use all m y time in talking of m y happy stay in
O x f o r d . Y o u w i l l probably be more interested in O x f o r d ' s Col-
leges and her traditions. T h e most important and most peculiar
characteristic of O x f o r d University is that it is a university of
colleges and not merely a university and colleges. T h i s curious
inter-relationship has only one counterpart in the university w o r l d
and that is Cambridge. The Colleges seem to have more promi-
nence than the University. A t any rate, except at matriculation,
examinations, degree days, and in contests with Cambridge, the
University counts for very little in the life of the undergraduate,
and the College, f o r very much. The University consists of
twenty-one Colleges, several halls, and recognized societies, and
o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y fifteen thousand undergraduate and graduate
nu mbers. The teaching staff is made up of University Profes*
sors, Readers, Lecturers, Demonstrators, College Fellows, and
T u t o r s , all o f w h o m are grouped into Faculties as f o l l o w s : T h e o l -
ogy, I ^ w , Medicine, Literae Humaniores, Modern History, Med-
iaeval and Modern Languages, Oriental Languages, and Natural
Science. • :•
f he system o f instruction is very different f r o m ours. I t i n
dudes lectures, informal group conferences, and personal tuition
W h e n an undergraduate enters a College, he is assigned by the
College to a tutor. This tutor directs his work, advising him to
attend certam lectures, either in his own College or others and
read certain books. Once or twice a week the student meets with
his t u t o r and reads an essay that he has w r i t t e n covering the
week's work. A n informal discussion follows the reading of the
essay. Y o u see the student is m o r e o r less f r e e t o do as he pleases;
there is no compulsion. " H o u r s " and "credits" are unknown and
no record is kept of attendance upon lectures. The undergradu-
ate's obligation is measured only by his ambition except f o r occa-
sional and final examinations.
Each College is rich in history and tradition. Christ Church
is the largest, having a student body of about f o u r hundred. T h i s
College also has the distinction of being founded by Cardinal W o l -
sey and H e n r y the Eighth. Pembroke is happy to be the A l m a
Mater of D r . Samuel Johnson. University College is now proud
of Shelly, w h o m she expelled in the early days when he published
The Necessity of Atheism. Merton tells how Queen Henrietta
Maria lived within her walls during the Civil War. Magdalen still
clings to two interesting old customs; one, the singing of a hymn
f r o m the Tower at five o'clock each M a y Day, and the other, the
preaching of a sermon f r o m an open-air pulpit on the feast of St.
John the Baptist the twenty-fourth of June. A l l Souls is the last
word in scholarship. There are no student members, just fellows
and masters. T w o new members are selected each year through
competitive examinations. A n d we could go on and on for there
is something fascinating at every t u r n .
L i f e at O x f o r d is d i f f e r e n t f r o m college l i f e here in America.
It was d u r i n g the reign of Charles the F i r s t that O x f o r d first be-
gan to take on that aristocratic charm of living conditions which
has since marked it above all other universities of the w o r l d .
Each student has a bedroom and living room, and there is a valet
for every six men. Breakfast and lunch are served i n the rooms
and one may order anything that he wishes. T h e evening meal is
served i n the H a l l and each man is expected to be present at least
five times a week. T h e other days may find h i m i n his r o o m w i t h
an elaborate meal spread f o r his friends. The cap and gown is
much in evidence at O x f o r d . Both student and professor wear
them to lectures and to dinner, and even on the street.
M y time is u p ! There is so much to tell about dear old O x -
f o r d . Perhaps no one may describe her real w o r t h but to see her
is to love her. T h e real secret w h i c h inspires her l i f e may be
learned only by living there, and can be told only to those who
have seen.
L I L L I A N O. E A R N E S T , Pi Delta.
To D R A G M A is essentially a woman's magazine. A l t h o u g h an
Alpha O husband recently complimented us, with the air of
an old subscriber, on the last issue, we maintain that our appeal is
primarily to the female of the species. W h y not, then, we thought,
emulate the woman's magazine in having a department devoted to
entertainment. A n d , since rushing is the f o r m of entertainment of
greatest importance to our undergraduate body, we have asked each
chapter to let ,us have a description of its most successful p a r t y
of the last rushing season. W e include i n this symposium only
those parties which seemed especially clever or out of the ordi-
nary. M a y at least one of them be new to your chapter—and
may some weary rushing chairman get at least one good idea out
of the results of our questionnaire!
Cabaret parties seem to have been quite the thing last season,
and Delta, Pi Delta and Upsilon contribute plans. A t Delta's
dinner "the large living room was transformed into a cabaret hall
with small tables in two semi-circles. The room was illuminated
by red candles, and at each freshman's place was a red and white
dog with big, round, flat feet, big ears and grotesquely appealing
face embroidered in black. A regular dinner was served, and in
between each course was a clever l i t t l e b i t o f five-minute cabaret
production. T h i s took u p the first t w o hours, and w h i l e the g i r l s
wandered out into another room, the cabaret room was quickly
t r a n s f o r m e d i n t o a l i v i n g r o o m w i t h a huge blazing fire a r o u n d
which we gathered. N o w had come the time to put f u n aside f o r
a bit and enjoy some real A O Pi thrills. W e sang, this time
introducing some new ones. As a solo number, the "Red Rose"
song f r o m "Monsieur Beaucaire," transformed into an A O Pi
song, was very beautiful and effective. W e concluded the evening
with "Alpha Omicron P i " and a good night song which we have
adopted f o r such occasions."
Pi Delta sends a description of her gypsy cabaret.
" W e sent to all the girls we were rushing novel invitations
which read:
H O ! For the Gypsy Band
Ye Maidens fair!
Abandon books and care
Come to our cabaret
While castinets gaily play galore
N e a r f l i c k ' r i n g firelight
Fortunes, treasures tales
Will you delight!
It was a gala affair when all the girls came garbed in bright
colors, some as g i r l s and some as men.
The evening was spent in dancing in the usual cabaret fash-
ion, stopping at intervals to become refreshed with the cider and
pretzels which were served on the small tables around the room.
During the evening our girls gave a sort of vaudeville program.
Songs, dances, and a playlet comprised the main entertainment.
The music was furnished by an orchestra composed of a piano,
three ukeleles and a tamborine.
During the intermission of the program, spaghetti and coffee
were served.
The evening was full of f u n f r o m one minute to the next, first
dancing, then eating, then enjoying a play, then dancing again, and
so on into the n i g h t . "
Upsilon tells of her cabaret in more detail.
"One of the most successful rushing parties we have ever
given was a year ago last fall. W e gave a cabaret dinner, turning
the living room and sun porch into a real cabaret with a low ceiling
of softly colored crepe paper, small tables, confetti and balloons.
T h e active members acted as men escorts to the rushees and were
seated at the tables by the head waiter as they came i n . T h e
guests were given paper money with which to buy the various
novelties sold by the attractive cigarette girls, who sold chocolate
cigarettes as well as various f a v o r s such as caps and horns and
serpentine. Napkin covered gingerale bottles and fancy freezes
added to the menu—and local color. The entertainment included
dances, chorus and solos, i n costume. Also dancing to orchestra
music. The informality of the affair proved a splendid medium
for getting well acquainted with the girls."
Alpha Phi and Chi contribute two especially attractive parties
in which the oriental element predominate. Alpha Phi's is an
evening garden party. Perhaps i f you haven't a lawn "enclosed
with tall lilac hedges" for a background, you can adapt the idea
to your chapter house living room, plus a few branches of arti-
ficial c h e r r y blossoms and w i s t a r i a vines.
"Several years ago the girls of Alpha Phi planned four enter-
taining parties which we repeat each year. One o f these is the
Dutch party, another a Pullman party, and a third a backwards
party, and the f o u r t h a Japanese party. The latter I have chosen
to tell about because i t is the prettiest and proved, last year, to be
the most clever one of all.
This party is given the latter part of July on a lawn enclosed
with tall lilac hedges. The maple trees and the vines which cover
the house are filled w i t h Japanese lanterns, w h i c h are lighted w i t h
cords of Christmas tree lights, while in between the lanterns
twisted strips of pink and white crepe paper represent wistaria.
T i n y Japanese parasols make excellent lamp shades f o r decorat-
ing the card tables which are placed in the open space at the back
of the lawn. Underneath the trees footstools covered with gay
Japanese tablecloths are placed in a ring. Beside each footstool
there are two cushions and on top of them are two pairs of black
chop sticks with A . O. I L in gilt on each, two napkins and two tiny
Japanese tea Clips.
The invitations are written in this manner:
Otoya invites you to
the garden of O Lotus San
on Monday, August
seventh at eight P. M . ,
404 VV. Olive
Alphi Phi
Alpha Omicron Pi
One of the girls dressed in costume, impersonating Otoya,
greets her guests at the garden entrance. Her maids, also in cos-
tume, take the wraps and the guests are conducted to the card
tables and while games o f Fan Tan or Mali Jongg are being
played Japanese nuts are served.
D u r i n g the evening a little Japanese bride dressed in her
wedding kimono of white silk embroidered in gold sits upon a
throne of cushions and plays quaint music on the Japanese harp.
A t about ten o'clock the guests are told to squat upon the cush-
ions in front of the footstools and they are given large bowls of
chop suey w h i c h must be eaten w i t h the chop sticks. Tea and little
rice cakes follow, after which the guests depart. The chop sticks
serve as f a v o r s .
Chi gave an afternoon party which promises to have been
very decorative.
" A tea dance! rushees and rushers, all declare that is the
joiliest party. I t is not only less expensive than the Japanese
party which was a great success, but it gives more opportunity
for individual rushing and personal acquaintance. I t is captivat-
ing because it is so dainty.
The music and dancing start at about four o'clock. T h e
chandeliers are decorated with balls of wild purple asters tied with
yellow tulle bows, giving the effect of large corsages.
A n interpretive dance is given by one of the girls dressed in
the pastel shades. T h e n we all join hands i n a large circle about
the room, and one of the girls dances into our midst dressed i n a
ballet dancing costume of lavender and green, filmy tulle. O n her
a r m she carries a basket tied w i t h a large yellow tulle bow. Singing
her song to the tune of " T h e Love N e s t " she dances among the
girls and gives a little corsage of w i l d purple asters to each guest.
The words of the song written by Larue Crossen of Psi are:
Just a flower we g i v e to y o u ,
Just a token of f r i e n d s h i p so true
W h e n f r o m this little tea dance you depart
May you hold its memory ever in your heart
Mav its fragrance tell to you here
J he story of our love so dear
Mav you never, never want to say 'Good-bye'
To Chi Chapter of A O Pi.
For refreshments we served tuna-fish salad with pimento A O
Pi's, rolls, ice cream and cake with ' A O P i ' in red frosting on top.
together w i t h flouncy, candy doll f a v o r s . "
Using our o w n red rose as the central m o t i f , Rho and Beta
Phi planned very delightful sounding a f f a i r s ; one a formal dance,
the other a dinner. Rho's rose (sounds like a pun, doesn't it?)
formal may be just the thing f o r a "last party." A t any rate, the
attractive programs could be used by many of you.
"Rho's most successful rushing party this year was a rose
formal. Every year Panhellenic allows each sorority to have one
f o r m a l rushing party. A s no dinners are permitted, this must be a
dance. R u s h i n g rules allow no flowers or f a v o r s , do not p e r m i t us
to have men at our rushing dance, and limit our orchestra to three
pieces. W e held our formal at the Ridgemoor Golf Club just
outside the city. Ridgemoor is a very attractive club, w i t h a beau-
tifully furnished lounge and good-sized ballroom. Our programs
were of white cardboard, round, with a rose on the cover. The
pasteboard was completely covered by the rose making the pro-
gram look like a rose. W e made the roses ourselves by cutting
out tissue paper petals, curling them on hatpins, and pasting them
on the program. W e bought yellow stamens for the center of the
rose, and the programs were tied with gold cord. W e served pink
ice cream i n rose molds, little cakes w i t h pink and white icing, and
candy. O u r entertainment consisted of a charming colonial dance.
Dorothy Pearson, dressed i n a white satin suit w i t h a powdered
wig made a most gallant colonial gentleman, with Bernice Ander-
son, i n a colonial dress and w i g , as her partner. T h e dancers stood
on a small platform behind two doors. When they were ready to
dance, the doors were thrown open. For a moment they stood
perfectly still. W i t h a dark background they looked f r o m a dis-
tance like two figures in a painting. Then they stepped down to
dance. W h e n the dance was finished, they stepped u p , o n the plat-
f o r m again, stood motionless for a moment, and the doors were
Beta Phi's is a rose dinner, and while all our houses are not
blessed w i t h patios, the party would be very lovely anywhere.
" I n the minds and hearts of Beta Phi girls, no rush party,
however b e a u t i f u l , elaborate or w o n d e r f u l i t may be, can be com-
pared to our Rose dinner. A l l we old girls look f o r w a r d to it,
f r o m year to year, f o r i t is our most b e a u t i f u l , impressive and
successful party, and it is the annual event which starts Beta Phi's
It is always formal, and all the decorations are carried out
formally. Besides the tables in the regular dining room, we make
a round table in the patio. That is the most beautiful part of the
whole rose dinner. Our patio is in the center of our house and
can almost be called the heart o f i t . T h e r e is a fish p o n d i n the
center of it, around which are palms which stand up tall and
splendidly. There is a bird cage there where we keep two love
birds. The tall palms, the birds and the music of the fountain in
the m i d d l e of the fish pond w o u l d i n themselves be b e a u t i f u l
enough, but when you think of sitting at a round table the center
of which is the pond and palms, that indeed is a beautiful picture!
Picture sitting at the round table, with no light except rose-shaded
candles, a great red rosebud at your plate, a place card, decorated
with a big red rose and your own name, and girls who talk to you
and make you laugh and entertain you! A n y Beta Phi girl who
ever came to a Rose dinner, w i l l say i t is the most b e a u t i f u l party
they ever attended and I have heard it said that girls have pledged
A . O . I I . h a v i n g been so impressed by t h a t dinner.
Everything at the house on the evening of rush dinner is rose-
colored, and just that seems to sort of put the girls at ease. Each
upperclassman is given a rush guest to be responsible f o r through-
out the evening, and when there aren't enough rushees to go
around, the other girls go around to all the groups and get ac-
quainted. Good food, girls who smile a lot, and a setting that is
truly beautiful and appropriate are things that appeal to lonely
f r e s h m e n away f r o m home f o r the first t i m e , and i n Beta Phi's
annual rose dinner, her first rush p a r t y , a l l can be f o u n d . "
The remaining parties do not group themselves easily, but
some of them are most unique. Psi's Russian party would be
most effective, don't you think?
"Let me tell you about our Russian party. I t was in the
f o r m o f a dinner. I t is so hard to choose a place to begin i n a
description of the affair.
Anyway, i t was a thing composed of a hundred splashes of
color, each one different, but w o r k i n g together and blending har-
moniously so as t o c r o w n w i t h success as well as beauty, the event.
I'm sure you will gasp in amazement,—perhaps horror, when I
tell you that we did all of our rushing (starting with sixty
rushees), in one little room. This night, f o r t y people were being
entertained. W e solved the problem by making the room 'atmos-
pheric.' T w o tables, made by putting crude boards together, were
put lengthwise i n the room. The means of being seated were also
long boards. The most bizarre of crepe paper adorned the walls
and covered our distinctly American pictures. O n the tables were
tall, hand-dipped candles of. red, green, blue and yellow hues.
These were the only light.
Serving maids, dressed in the peasant costumes of the vodka
land, darted here and there, serving the most delicious of Borsk
and Russian cream cake.
One could not have helped being thrilled that night. I t was
truly 'un soir Russe.' The low, steady flicker of a few candles
the brilliance and flash of color, the odor of savory foreign viands
together with the ceaseless chatter and bright laughter, made it a
night not easily forgotten.
But the evening did not end with the disappearance of the
food. When the last crumb of cream cake had been eaten three
distinct knocks were heard on the outer door. Silence reigned. A
very strange visitor intruded on our party. He informed us that
he was the ghost of the late Czar, come upon us in our hour of
merriment, called up f r o m the dead by our spirit of old Russia
that we typified, l i e had, concealed in his ghastly attire, a case
that contained the jewels of the Romanoffs, dead these few years.
He then proceeded to distribute in the most graciously ghostly
manner, necklaces, bracelets, rings and brooches to each of our
guests. Then he disappeared, mysteriously as he had come.
When the freshmen left us that night, I am sure that deepest
sincerity lay underneath their words. 'Had a perfect time,' as they
And we're sure we'd have had the best time ever i f we had
had an invitation to Pi's street fair. This party could be used in
any sorority house, and is capable of endless possibilities in the
way of expansions and reflecting individual personalities.
" W e decided to have a street fair. Our fraternity room is
much longer than it is;wide and also a rather large room. We
allowed for an aisle down the center of the room and then pro-
ceeded to construct little stalls on either side of the aisle. We used
old boards and almost anything else we found f o r this purpose.
Then we decorated each stall in crepe paper of a different color.
We stretched string across the ceiling and held it in place with
thumb tacks. This string formed a base f o r making a new ceiling
of strips of crepe paper of all colors, interlaced. Our decorations
were inexpensive but yet very effective.
For entertainment, we gave a minstrel. We got a book con-
taining a variety of minstrels f r o m the Public Library, then we
chose the one most suited to our.number and our ability. We
added stunts for each one in the minstrel. We chose our own
songs such as Tt Ain't Gonna Rain No M o ' . ' We found some
new verses to these songs and they were very well received by
our guests. The minstrel was not very long so those of us who
could play musical instruments formed an impromptu band and
the guests danced the remainder of the evening.
Our refreshments consisted of pop, ice cream cones, hot dogs
and cakes. They were served at separate stalls. A t others we had
chances on candy, which was furnished free of charge through
the influence of one of our members. We had a fortune-teller
and comic exhibits to add to the enjoyment of the guests. As
favors we gave them balloons and little dolls."
But even rushees are not made of cast iron, and after even a
brief season of two or three parties a day, no girl could resist the
quiet charm of Sigma's fireside tea. I t is not particularly original,
only in that it would strike a simple, sincere, note in a week which
is apt to be filled with parties of a different nature. We include it
to remind you that such a party can be very effective and very
welcome as a contrast.
"The most successful rushing party which Sigma chapter
gave during the last Christmas season was a 'Fireside Tea.' We
feel that this was a success because it was so informal and we met
the girls in a more delightful manner and under much less strained
circumstances than our usual formal luncheons and dinners.
We played bridge from about five o'clock until seven, then
light supper was served around the fire. The day happened to be
dark and cold so the fires felt good and created a very friendly at-
mosphere. A f t e r supper we danced or played bridge, and Rose
Bell, one of our alumnae, gave a few of her clever dialogues. A t
eight-thirty, according to Panhellenic Rules, we took the rushees
home, and discussing our affairs for that week, decided that i n -
formal afternoon parties are the best."
Tau's Raggedy Ann and Andy Tea, complete down to its
toy tea set and ginger bread men promises a good time, too.
"One of our most novel parties of the past rushing season
was a Raggedy Andy Tea. The chapter house, dressed to simulate
a nursery, had a thumb-tacked border of Noah's A r k creatures
meandering around the walls. Elephants, chickens, crocodiles,
lambs and a host of others were cut of white paper and mingled
indiscriminately in a strikingly effective circus parade on the grey
of the wall-paper. We girls ransacked attics for discarded play-
things, or ruthlessly deprived little brothers and sisters of their
toys. The accumulation after the fevered search was gratifying,
and every space and corner we could spare from the dance floor
was filled with toys of all descriptions; while dolls—beautiful and
golden-haired—who had been tenderly cherished by the now hoary
actives, sat in a stiff row around the window-seats of the sun-
parlor. We hostesses dressed as small boys and girls, and enor-
mous tissue paper hair bows were much in evidence as well as
short socks and Mary Jane slippers. Lolly-pops, sugar-plums and
ginger-bread men accompanied the tea which was served in a
miniature tea-service. For entertainment, two little girls, sisters
of one of our own actives, danced a comical Raggedy A n n and
Andy dance, dressed in the customary many-patched overalls,
aproned skirt, woolly, auburn-yarn wigs, big white working-men's
gloves and very much feet."
And a pirate party, originated by Kappa, seems very appro-
priate in these days of clipper ship models.
"The tea which proved to be most successful was that given
on Wednesday, which was a pirate party. We were glad enough
that the ship fad was in f u l l force for we borrowed two for the
occasion. One we placed on the living room mantel. I n this ship
we placed two little dolls dressed as pirates. The other ship we
placed on the dining room table. On the living room table we
had a large basket of red roses and wheat. Also on the piano just
under the floor lamp we had another basket of roses. We served a
plate on which was a small cardboard ship, which had crossbones
and a skeleton at one end. I n the ship was chicken salad and stuck
in this was a small red flag with the letters A . O. I I . on it in white.
Also on the plate were crackers, sandwiches, nuts and a punch glass
of apple cider. There was a small money bag filled with pepper-
mint candy on the plate. Tiny tinfoil bottles of rum filled with
chocolate candy were served f r o m a basket which had in place of
a doilie a red bandana handkerchief.
Since this was a tea all we could do was to talk to the fresh-
men in the most delightful conversation possible and to modestly
smile at their exclamations over the attractive plate—for it really
was just adorable.
Every one seemed to have such a delightful time that we all
agreed that this was the most successful party we had had."
A balloon party, one of Iota's most successful, although not
very fully described, offers an original and very effective way of
decorating, which i f we were a rushing chairman we should cer-
tainly try out.
"Our Balloon dinner was given at the beginning of rushing.
I n the center of each room we had an electric fan turned face up
on the floor and hidden by palms, attached to the fan around the
edges were colored ribbons reaching straight up and tacked to the
ceiling. Inside of this cylinder effect different colored balloons
floated up and down when the fan was turned on. On the little
tables for four, candles of different colors formed the centerpiece,
the place cards had balloons. A paper flap to be lifted with a little
ditty underneath."
The following recommendations are offered to the chapters for the
betterment of scholarship:
1. That the initiation grade be raised to the highest possible point.
2. That during the coming two years all chapters shall keep a scholar-
ship chart for each year. The chart to list members, studies and hours per
week spent in study and the term grades.
3. That an activity chart be kept in addition to the scholarship chart,
this chart to give the list of members and all activities both in college and
in the chapter and the offices held in both.
4. That where the college does not make the comparative ratings of
women's fraternities that Delta Gamma encourage Panhellenic to make the
grade comparison and records.
5. That each chapter offer a prize to the highest pledge each year and
also to the highest member ih the chapter. A piece of novelty jewelry is
6. That each chapter appoint a scholarship chairman and that this
office shall be considered one of honor.
7. That a national scholarship cup be given to the chapter making the
greatest improvement by next convention.
8. That the alumnae offer a prize to the girl making the greatest im-
provement each year.
9. That at the next convention in 1926 a comprehensive report and
chart be presented covering the coming two years, 1924-26.
—The Trident of Delta Delta Delta
TH I R T E E N YEARS ago Lambda chapter was without a chaperone.
Acting upon the suggestion of Virginia Moore, '12, and Alice
Moore, '15, an old friend of theirs was invited to come to Stanford
as chaperofle of the Alpha O house. The girls in the house prob-
ably had no idea of what they were doing f o r the house when they
persuaded Mrs. Templeton to accept their invitation, f o r since that
time she has not only acted as formal chaperone to the chapter, but
has become mother of the house in the ideal sense of the word.
She has stood by the chapter through all of its troubles and has
helped to make its happy times
brighter. She is one of the
truest and most loyal of Alpha
O's. Although she knows
nothing of our ritual, the love
and friendship which we al-
ways associate with our f r a -
ternity is truly exemplified in
her to the girls who have been
members of Lambda.
Mother T , as all of the
girls call her, has the snowiest
of white hair and keenest of
blue eyes. I n her the girls
find an interested and even en-
thusiastic listener to their
hopes and plans. A n d as f o r
troubles, when they come
along, then it is that Mother
T is the mother indeed.
Mrs. Templeton came to
Lambda when the chapter was MRS. TEMPLETON
only three years old and the
chapter house was new. She has known every one of the Lambda
girls and has helped i n many ways the growth of the chapter house
into a chapter home.
Because of the fact that Mrs. Templeton has been with
Lambda chapter f o r thirteen years and has seen classes come and
go, she probably knows intimately more Alpha O's.than any other
one person. I t is Mother T that holds the alumnae of Lambda
close. The fact that all of them know her draws many of them
back and more often than they would come otherwise.
Afternoon tea is Mother T's specialty and i f the truth may be
known it is the specialty of most of the members of the house.
About four o'clock in the afternoon when returning f r o m a class
tired out, one is sure of hearing Mother T's cheery voice: "Come,
girls, come and have tea." Then in her small living room a refresh-
ing half hour ensues. Sometimes it is a quiet time with Mother T
alone. Other times it is a hubbub of merry talk and chatter with
most of the house present.
Lambda feels itself fortunate in having a woman as house
mother who in addition to having a charming personality is so
much a part of the house by virtue of her long acquaintance
with chapter traditions and who has a deep love f o r the chapter
which is only equalled by the Lambda girls' love and respect f o r
W A N A K E E S L I N G , Lambda.
0 round-faced girl, I shudder as you crush
With hare, brown, heedless foot, the lily there
So sweet with morn.
For sunrise flush
Between the spears of rice, for crane in air,
No joy in you is horn;
And yet, the while you plod, you must find rest
In clinging infant at your open breast,
Else why live on midst drudgery forlorn?
1 drink the beauty round you with a tear
At heart that life should crush your youth so fair,
So sweet with morn.
Osaka Manic hi.
The one hardship that confronts the Fellowship Committee
each year is the necessity f o r choosing only one of the applicants
for its award, since it feels a special personal interest in all candi-
dates who are also members of Alpha Omicron Pi and wishes it
could give the practical encouragement at its command to all who
are working with sincere purpose.
However, f r o m what it hears it is confident that all those who
know Achsa Bean will approve of its choice, f o r Achsa seems to
have a rare g i f t for getting along with people, probably for the
reason that she confesses that people and not things are what
count most with her. She has been this past year Alumna Adviser
for Gamma Chapter and we are told has been most helpful in
that capacity. Going back over her career of active work she has
been Playground Director in Bangor, Maine, during one summer,
and Associate Director of Camp Wadaga at Weir, New Hamp-
shire, f o r three seasons. This has been in her so-called leisure
time. Since her graduation f r o m the University of Maine her
chief work has been teaching. She was an instructor in Biology
and Physical Training in the Reading, Mass., High School for
three years, then took an additional year of work in the University
of Maine, received her Master's degree and is this year teaching
Biology and acting as Research Assistant in her alma mater.
Achsa is apparently a versatile and all round individual. She
is a member of Phi Sigma, a biological fraternity, as well as of
Alpha Omicron Pi, was varsity basketball captain and tennis cham-
pion i n her senior year, was captain of the rifle team and in
addition was on the Y . W . C. A . cabinet and a soloist of the Glee
Club. She believes strongly in mens sana and the rest of it, and
is of the opinion that a normal healthy body is the foundation on
which the surest superstructure of mental and moral vigor can be
This leads to her reason f o r making application f o r the award.
Since her childhood she has felt that medical work was the field
for which she was best fitted but up to this time the way has not
seemed open. N o w she feels that the line of least resistance,
which means following up the success she has already attained is
not for her and she wishes to enter definitely on the medical career
for which her major work in Biology and her minor courses in
Psychology and Sociology certainly form a good background.
Children's preventive work or public health work are the lines
along which she hopes to use her training.
Contrary to possible conclusions to that effect, the Fellowship
Committee has no desire to favor the study of medicine in its
awards. This fact is exemplified in its award to a non-member.
I t has merely happened that in two cases students of medicine
have seemed to it the best qualified of those presenting themselves
as applicants f o r the fellowship. In this case it is a happy coin-
cidence that the winner of the award has a special interest in pre-
ventive work for children since it is the handicapped little ones that
we have taken to our hearts in our national work. We hope that
Achsa will live to realize her ambitions and honor our fraternity
by her success in this or other fields of her chosen profession.
A n Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowship for non-members only is
a new departure. Because of this fact the committee is particularly
happy in the feeling that the award is being made to one who is
unquestionably qualified to do honor to it.
Marjorie Ruth Clark, the recipient, is a native of the state of
Washington and a graduate of the University of California of the
year 1924. She completed her undergraduate course in the U n i -
versity in the space of three years and was honored by election to
Phi Beta Kappa. A t the same time she supported herself by act-
ing as secretary f o r the Department of History. A year of grad-
uate study in the University of California earned for her the
degree of M . A . and this year she has been continuing her work
in the Sorbonne.
Miss Clark through her entire course has specialized in
Economics. Her Master's thesis was on the British Labor Gov-
ernment of 1924, and is described by the professor under whose
direction it was written as an excellent piece of work. That same
year she received the Chi Omega award for the highest scholarship
in Social Economics. She now holds an honorary traveling fel-
lowship from the University of California.
At the Sorbonne Miss Clark is continuing her work in eco-
nomics under the direction of its most able professors. She is also
gathering material on the French labor movement. With the aid
of a fellowship she will be in a position to spend another year in
Paris studying and completing her thesis for a Doctor's degree.
Her ultimate aim is to become a professor of Labor Economics.
One of her professors writes of her as a student of exceptional
ability and promise. What is fully as important to us is his addi-
tional statement that she fulfills in a very rare degree our qualifica-
tions as to character, personality and disposition toward human-
itarian service. We hope that later she may be able to speak for
herself and give us some idea of the work that she is doing and
hopes to do.
Alpha Tail Omega has increased its chapter roll to 85 by granting its
third charter of the year to the Elwetas fraternity of the University of
Idaho, says Purple, Green and Gold of Lambda Chi Alpha. By this action
Alpha Tau Omega becomes the fifth largest fraternity, being led by Sigma
Alpha Epsilon with 95 chapters; Kappa Sigma, 94; Phi Delta Theta, 93;
and Sigma Nu, 90. Following are Beta Theta Pi with 84; Delta Tau
Delta, 71 ; Lambda Chi Alpha, 67 (68 including the one to be instituted at
Minnesota); Phi Gamma Delta. 66; Pi Kappa Alpha, 65; Kappa Alpha
(S), 57; and Sigma Phi Epsilon, 52.
To T H E P A C I F I C N O R T H W E S T visitor in search of a new variety
of scenery and a more interesting and diversified route to or
from the charmed land, we offer the "Great Northern Way,"
through America's real Adventure Land—on the world-famed
highway of steel which James J . Hill constructed in regions where
the bold Verendryes, the fearless David Thompson and our own
Immortals, Lewis and Clark, had explored but a few generations
The Great Northern is the route of the world famed Oriental
Limited, considered by travelers the finest train to the Pacific
Northwest. It is Pullman equipped throughout with observation
car, ladies' maid, and valet, shower bath for men and for women,
with all the comforts produced by master builders.
From your car window, look out upon the mighty Mississippi;
the broad bosom of the Missouri, waterway of a thousand hopes
and fears, along whose banks you still can see the site of old Fort
Union, most famous of the early fur-trading posts; the swift cur-
rents of the Flathead and the Kootenai, flowing between the high
peaks of the Great Northern Rockies; and the picturesque Colum-
bia, the great river flowing to the Salt Sea of the West.
This route makes a strong appeal to the transcontinental trav-
eler, because in addition to its numberless scenic attractions—com-
prising the glorious mountain scenery of the Glacier Park Rockies
and the Great , Northern Cascades—it takes the visitor also to
Spokane, the Capital of the "Inland Empire," of eastern Washing-
ton, and to the charming and hospitable west coast cities of Seattle,
Tacoma and Portland, anxious to show what real western hospi-
tality is and eagerly offering a choice of attractive and interesting
sights, things to see and do in a mild winter climate where the out-
doors is always green, and golf is a year round sport.
It is impossible to exhaust the beauties and attractions of this
trip through Adventure Land, which is the reason why tourists are
specifying "Great Northern" in at least one direction, year after
The westward ride over the-Great Northern Railway from
Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis to Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma
and Portland, across the Great Northern Rocky Mountains, by
way of Glacier National Park, and over the Great Northern Cas-
cades, is one of the most interesting rides by rail in all America.
Leaving Chicago the train follows the Burlington Route,
"Where Nature Smiles 300 miles," up the scenic and historic
Mississippi to St. Paul, capital of Minnesota and gateway to the
Northwest, built on the graceful terraces and majestic bluffs that
rise f r o m the banks of the river.
Ten miles farther on is Minneapolis, famous for its flour and
cereal mills centered about the Falls of St. Anthony. Here also
is Minnehaha Falls, made famous by Longfellow's poem.
Now traveling in a northwesterly direction the route is
through the Lake Park region of Minnesota, where the ten thou-
sand lakes of "sky blue water" are, and on into the Red River
Valley, the bed of ancient Lake Agassiz of the dim past after the
Ice A g e ; once the home of the Red River O x Cart and now a
diversified farming region of great productivity.
A t Moorhead the Red River is bridged, and you enter the
State of North Dakota. The t i e w frotn the car window as the
train speeds over the rolling prairies stamps the country as essen-
tially agricultural. Here, though, on the Great Northern's main
line are three sturdy and thriving young cities, the three largest,
as it happens, in North Dakota—Fargo, Grand Forks and Minot,
each with its own characteristics that make them interesting to
the traveler.
Then westward through the country of Verendrye and David
Thompson and across the high plains of northern Montana, toward
the Great Northern Rockies and Glacier National Park. Following
for miles the banks of the historic Missouri river—"The Big
Muddy," in the old steamboat days. Past the site of old Fort
Union, the headquarters post for this entire region when the f u r
traders ruled supreme. Skirting the Fort Peck Indian Reserva-
tion, the home of some 1,800 Assiniboines and Yankton Sioux,
many of whom took part in Sitting Bull's campaign; the battle-
field near Chinook where Chief Joseph surrendered to General
Miles; the Blackfeet Reservation where the "400" of the North
American Indians, the one-time landlords of Glacier National Park,
dwell; where Captain Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition explored while trying to find what is now Marais Pass;
these and many other interesting things are to be seen while cross-
ing the plains of Montana.
A t Glacier Park station the eastern entrance to Glacier Na-
tional Park is located but a few rods away the magnificent log-
built hotel of the same name and f r o m this hostelry begins the tour
of the Park.
Here is a challenge for your imagination. Close your eyes
and visualize a giant sprawling over a patch of ground containing
GoiNG-TO-THE-SuN M O U N T A I N — L . - \ K E ST. MARY
Glacier National Park
1,534 square miles on the roof of the world in the northwest
corner of Montana, a giant with his head to the South, his bronzed
face looking into the sun and his tawny feet to the North, touching
the fringe of the Canadian border. Imagine him with nineteen
hairy arms and legs, seven on his right side or Eastern side and
twelve on his left side or Western side. Imagine him with two
hundred and fifty blue-green eyes flashing with sapphires and
opals in a July or August sun. Imagine him with sixty hands all
cupped, and ready to receive and to give, even as the mighty hands
of the bronze Buddha, sitting under the open sky. in sunshine and
rain, in the "Land of the Rising Sun," Japan. Imagine myriads
of rocky fingers and toes. Imagine a flowing green beard, a green
moustache and a green shock of hair. Imagine a mountainous
backbone, i f you will, of solid rock, thousands of feet thick, blue,
red, green and tawny yellow.
Now that you have imagined this sprawling, mountainous
giant fast asleep in the sun, I hope you feel like Richard Hovey
when he said : " I am sick of four walls and a ceiling; I have need
of the sky; I have business with the grass." Then perhaps you
will buy a ticket f o r Glacier National Park, as Bonny Mac and I
did, and go vacationing in that wonderland and discover for your-
self, the giant, fast asleep in the sun. Y o u will discover that his
hairy arms and legs are nineteen glorious valleys, some of which
are celebrated and some of which are yet to command the homage
of world travelers. You will discover that his two{hundred and
fifty eyes are Glacier's sparkling lakes and his sixty mighty hands
are living glaciers, wise providers of booming waterfalls, spar-
kling lakes and tumbling rivers. Y o u will discover that his flowing
green beard, moustache and shock of hair are Glacier's healthy
forests of spruce, cedar, fir, pine and balsam. You will discover
that his mighty backbone is the Continental Divide, lying North
and South and I suspect that you will even hear his heart beat in
the vicinity of Many Glacier Hotel on the shores of Lake McDer-
mott. A t least Bonny Mac and I thought we heard it beating when
we were there.
On your glorious tour of discovery in Glacier you will find
eighty-three mountain peaks and every one of them named and all
of them ranging f r o m 7,000 to 10,000 feet above the sea. Many
of these mountain peaks have been named by the Blackfeet and
Piegan Indians themselves, whose reservation now lies just east
of the Park. Not many years ago the Park was their joyous
hunting ground and ghat's why you will find among the noble
peaks, Little Dog, Running Rabbit, Rising W o l f , Loneman, A l -
most-a-Dog, White Calf, Red Eagle, Three Suns, W o l f Tail and
Going-to-the-Sun mountains, the last of which was named from a
thrilling Blackfeet legend worth remembering.
Great misfortune haunted the Blackfeet Indian tepees and
fear clutched the hearts of the squaws as well as the braves.
Gone were the days of plenty, prowess on the warpath and skill in
the homely crafts of the village. While the Great Spirit brooded
over the misery of his redskin children, suddenly, i n the midst of
their distress, a mighty chieftain came f r o m the land of nowhere, a
handsome leader and a man of great wisdom. He taught them
the lost arts and crafts of the old days and gradually the Black-
feet Indians recovered all their old power, and, plenty once more
abided with them. When all was well with them, their beloved
chieftain, son of the Great Spirit, so they believed, disappeared in
a great storm on the crest of the mountain, as he was going to
the sun.
After the storm
cleared away there
was a mighty profile
chiseled in perpetual
ice and snow, a profile
of their absent chief-
tain and well they
knew that as long as
that profile remained
on the face of the
mountain all would be
well with them. The
profile is still there to
this day and thus it is
the mountain is called
The highest
mountain in the park
is Cleveland which
looms 10,438 feet
above the sea. The
Blackfeet I n d i a n s
called Glacier "The
Land of the Shining
Mountains" and so it
is, a tumbled mass of
m o u n t a i n peaks,
twisted into the most
SWIFT CURRENT RAPIDS fantastic forms, even
Glacier National Park that of a sprawling
giant fast asleep in the sun. On the map you will find two main
divisions, of the Montana Rockies, the Livingston and Lewis
Ranges, and these two mountain ranges actually play hide-and-go-
seek on the Continental Divide, the backbone of the giant.
"To strengthen the soul, we must strengthen the muscles," and
hence you must climb when you go to Glacier, that is, i f you are
hungry for tons of inspiration on the roof of the world. There
are four leading passes over the Continental Divide tempting the
East Side traveler to become a West Side traveler as well. These
principal passes are Gunsight, S w i f t Current, Logan and Brown,
all of which are highways of the gods as well as of men, leading
east and west. While each one of them has an individual charm
of its own not to be confused with the charm of any other moun-
tain pass in all the world, yet Gunsight is the best beloved of them
all. One of the outstanding two-day trips in Glacier is to leave
Many Glacier Hotel on the frothy shores of Lake McDermott
and travel over Piegan Pass on the hurricane deck of a sure-
footed mountain cayuse to St. Mary Chalets at the foot of Going-
to-the-Sun Mountain and f r o m thence on the following morning
over Gunsight Pass to Sperry Chalet, one of the most delightful
and charming spots in all of Glacier in which to linger longer in
company with nibbling Rocky Mountain goats and bristling porcu-
pines. Gunsight Pass is a wind-swept nick in the Continental
Divide guarded on the one side by Gunsight Mountain and on the
other by Mount Jackson where the conspicuous dens or old apart-
ments of mountain lions peer like eyes, f r o m the rocky heights.
On the east side of the Pass is Gunsight Lake, a wild primitive
gem yet unspoiled by too much admiration f r o m visiting hordes
and on the west side lies Lake Ellen Wilson, a romantic body of
blue-green water hemmed in by precipitous walls of sheer rock.
There are yet other passes in Glacier where one with a spark of
T. R.'s superb strenuosity may drink in mountain views, each one
more vast than the others.
When you set out to discover Glacier's personality anew in
your own way and to see it through your own colored glasses you
are bound to agree with "The Great Ice Chief," John Muir, that
invincible lover of mountains and glaciers, who said: "Happy
nowadays is the tourist, with earth's wonders, new and old, spread
invitingly open before him, and a host of able workers as his
slaves making everything easy, padding plush about him, grading
roads f o r him, boring tunnels, moving hills out of his way, eager
to show him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and
foolishness, spiritualizing travel f o r him with lightning and steam,
abolishing space and time and almost everything else. Little chil-
dren and tender, pulpy people, as well as storm-seasoned explor-
ers, may now go almost anywhere in smooth comfort, cross oceans
and deserts scarce accessible to fishes and birds, and, dragged by
steel horses, go up high mountains, riding gloriously amid starry
showers of sparks, ascending like Elijah in a whirlwind and chariot
of fire."
When one thinks of matchless mountain lakes, one naturally
thinks of Glacier and vice versa. Glacier's two hundred and fifty
lakes constitute a wealth of beauty that is inexhaustible. Think of
glorious Lake St. Mary at the foot of Going-to-the-Sun Mountain,
MOUNT INDEX, Cascade Mountains
Iceberg Lake, Glacier Lake and Lake McDermott in Swift Cur-
rent Valley surrounded by rugged mountain peaks hobnobbing with
the stars and two hundred and forty-four other lakes to be explored
and absorbed into one's inner life.
Back of these lakes are the glaciers, sixty of them tucked
away on rocky shelves and friendly cirques on the shoulders of
the Mountain Alps. The Blackfeet Glacier, the patriarch of them
all, has a frozen face five miles in width.
Side by side, with these sparkling snow fields and glaciers are
Alpine gardens of enchantment, where flaming Indian paint brush,
blue-bells of Scotland, pale avalanche lilies, yellow arnica, purple
asters, larkspur, blue lupine, carpets of forget-me-nots, blue gen-
tians, scarlet heather and yellow columbine frolic in the wind.
Glacier's flowers are a joy to the eye f r o m June fifteenth to Sep-
tember fifteenth.
As you venture farther afield you will find more wild animals
and friendlier ones, f o r Glacier is the home of the Rocky Moun-
tain goat and the big-horn sheep, both of which love to stroll on
the edge of nothing high above tourist heads. This vast play-
ground is swarming with wild animal and bird life. I f you are
not in a noisy hurry you will doubtless make friends with whis-
tling marmots, yellow-haired porcupines, chipmunks and pine squir-
rels as you go switchbacking up the timber-line trails, and you may
even catch a glimpse of an elk, a deer or a "silvertip." Who knows ?
I f you are a fisherman you are going to discover paradise
in Glacier. I n all the lakes and rivers, the fighting trout are
waiting f o r victory or defeat at the hands of skillful anglers. The
cutthroat, the Dolly Varden, the rainbow trout and the Mackinaw
trout are there in abundance.
Perhaps the outstanding thing about Glacier National Park is
its spectacular way of massing stupendous combinations of natural
beauty and, Hippodrome fashion, throwing those combinations
of virgin wilderness yet unexplored, seas of shining mountains,
individual valleys of glory, rushing rivers, frothy cataracts, gleam-
ing lakes, living glaciers and Alpine gardens right in the unsuspect-
ing face of the traveler. I n time, Glacier will be the Mecca of
nature lovers around the globe and every year the stampede of
discoverers will be greater and greater.
Many a time have I been asked, "Which National Park is the
best?" to which I always answered, "They are all best—each one in
its own fashion." The American people have fallen heir to nine-
teen National Parks, every one of which is different, a shining i n -
dividual and not one of them blends with any other. This much,
however, is true when you have played in several or all of our
National Parks, you are bound to discover kindred spirits among
them, just as you would among people, luminous personalities tfiat
will challenge your admiration for the rest of your life. Glacier's
personality is distinctive and stands alone, a royal invitation to all
nature lovers.
Be a discoverer as well as a vacationer and when you have
discovered that Glacier is one of your kindred spirits in the chain
of parks, may I venture to suggest that you leave no stone un-
turned until you have explored every last bonnie corner of i t as
you would read a good book f r o m "kiver to kiver." A n d this
above all, "stand not upon the order of your going but go at
once." You will find the "Great L o g Lodge" at the eastern en-
trance to the park and in fact all the other hotels and chalets wait-
ing with open arms. I n no other National Park do the hotels
blend more completely with nature than they do at Glacier, there-
fore they are an invitation, not a commercial slap in the face.
Uncle Sam is constantly improving his roads in Glacier and
you will be agreeably surprised when you see them extending up
the eastern side f r o m the entrance to Many Glacier Hotel in the
heart of the Park, with several interesting stub lines. On the west-
ern side of the Park f r o m Belton to the head of Lake McDonald,
the largest lake in the Park, is another ribbony road. Day by day,
Coue fashion, the roads are getting better and better. Though
Glacier's nicknames, "The Saddle-horse Park" and the "Hikers'
Trail Park" tell the story, yet i f you are neither a horseman nor a
hiker you will still have a glorious vacation in Glacier with much to
see, thanks to the roads.
The air in Glacier is charged with romance and whether you
travel up the "Avenue of the Giants" or explore the backbone of
the slumbering giant himself, you will be guaranteed such a fes-
tival with Nature i n all her glory that you will go home singing,
laughing and dancing with the wisdom that you have gathered
from Glacier's "sermons in stones" and "books in running brooks."
Starting westward f r o m the Park the train follows the south-
ern boundary of the tremendous mountain land of northwestern
Montana, gradually rising until the Rockies are crossed through
Marias Pass, the lowest of the Rocky Mountain passes and one
that was long known but not explored until John F . Stevens ac-
complished the feat in the winter of 1889.
Spokane, Wash., is a most delightful place to stop off at.
This modern metropolitan city, the hub of the Inland Empire and
the largest city between the Rockies of Montana and the Cascades
of Washington, is set down in the midst of pine-clad mountains,
waterfalls, lakes, apple orchards and flowers.
And now comes the Wenatchee Valley, a generation ago a
brush-covered desert of volcanic ash, today, "The Land of the
Big Red Apple," its f r u i t f u l orchards covering the Valley f r o m
end to end and rising gently tier upon tier, about the city of