Alpha O micron Pi
Spring • 1972
A Message From Our International President
Timing is of the essence. Look at the rose cut too soon:
It never reaches f u l l bloom; or the rose cut too late seldom
fulfills its purpose. Goals in our fraternity must be timed
for fulfillment.
I n June, 1971, your Executive Committee set goals f o r
the biennium that recognized the cycle of history. There
is a return to real concern, to care demonstrated by action,
to respect, tradition, law and order. Look at our fashions,
listen to our music, observe the growing interest in campus
Anticipating these trends, we urged our membership to
demonstrate Greek achievements by positive involvement
and a strong public relations program. Have you read the
first publication of the biennium, AOII Facts and Figures?
Are alumnae using the 7972 Alumnae Chapter Operations
Manual} The new Regional Meetings Manual provides
know-how for this activity.
"Every member an informed member," is one of the
goals we are achieving.
International officers and chairmen are working closely
with members in the areas of finance, scholarship, rush, fraternity education, public rela-
tions and housing. The traveling secretaries and graduate counselors (now called special
chapter assistants) undergo continuous training, structuring and direction. Chapters may
request assistance f r o m these highly trained, experienced personnel to help strengthen the
role of Greeks on campus, to structure programs for effective rush, scholarship, leadership
and/or public relations. Leadership training, another goal, is being implemented through
these programs. I t w i l l be given emphasis at the regional meetings.
Regional officers are giving additional attention to the development of our alumnae chap-
ters. Particular emphasis has been placed on the involvement of graduating seniors i n
alumnae activities. Programs designed to appeal to these members include job clinics, pro-
fessional "big sisters," marriage and family seminars, a workshop on "making it in the big
city." These provide a positive approach to the concept that membership in our fraternity
is a lifelong relationship.
Chapter, regional and international officers w i l l be asking you to help achieve our goals.
Loving and living in our fraternity are dimensions f o r life that involve all of us. There is a
time f o r everything. N O W is the time to strengthen every facet from pledgeship through
alumnae membership. W e need you. Take time to take care, and Alpha Omicron Pi w i l l sur-
pass the dreams of the most idealistic.
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy
IA-Idaho State University
Alpha Omicron Pi
Spring, 1972 Vol. LVIII. No.
published since January 1905 by
ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Alpha Omicron Pi Centra] Office CONTENTS
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Goals For Fulfillment Second Cover
Telephone: 317-545-6553
Send all editorial material and correspon- 1972 Emphasis Is On Regional Meetings 66
dence to the
Facing Today's Realities, NPC Report 67
Mrs. Robert C. Murphy DJF Seal Is Out 68
4534 Shy's Hill Road,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Southern DAR Activities Are Dominated By AOIIs 73
Send all changes of address, death no-
tices, magazine and TO DRAGMA sub- Memorable Anniversary Observances 74
scriptions to
Phi Mu Promotes Collegiate Sorority Life 75
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office A Library Like No Other 76
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Can Meetings Come To Order? 78
TO DRAGMA is published by Alpha AOII Directory , 79
Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar-
ters at Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Park- Installation Set Feb. 12 79
way, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, Second
Class Postage paid at Indianapolis, In- Attends Seminary On Scholarship 79
diana, and at additional mailing offices.
Send 3579 to above address. Collegiate Commentaries 80
TO DRAGMA is printed four times a AOII Action / Fight Arthritis With Books 85
year in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer
by Kable Printing Co., Mount Morris, Some Outstanding Seniors 86
Illinois 61054. Deadline dates are June
15, Sept 15, Dec. 15 and Feb. 15 for Fall, AOII Helps Break Tradition, Wins Library Board Post, Too...88
Winter, Spring and Summer, respectively.
Notable News And Quotes From Alumnae Luminaries 89
Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy,
$3.00 per year. Life Subscription, $25.00. Is This Pan Am Stewardess In Wrong End Of Plane? 90
Pan Am Jet Clipper Hatches Three Chicks 91
Two Of Five Ranchers' Wives in Film Are AOIIs 91
Miami's "Miss Jake" Retires 92
AFS Volunteer On International Board Of Trustees 93
Greek Apologia* 94
Las Vegas Wine-Tasting Party 94
Reflections As A T.S 95
Knoxville Alums Give $400 To U.T. Arthritis Clinic 95
AOIIs Cite Floridian For Service 96
Invited On Holy Land Singing Tour 96
On The Cover: Just prior to his departure for Stockholm, Sweden, where Dec. 10, he was presented the Nobel Prize for Medicine, Dr.
Earl W. Sutherland, Jr., professor of physiology of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, received a delegation from AOM's Nu
Omicron Chapter. They presented him with Alpha Omicron Pi's Founders' Day Honor Award for outstanding contribution in his field and
personal service. He is seen above examining the certificate which was accompanied by a single rose, with, left to right, Mary Beth O'Brien,
NO President Barbara Benson, Katie Bright, Carla Brewer and Mary Lee. Dr. Sutherland was cited for his discovery that the vital, second
messenger hormone Cyclic AMP, one of the fundamental discoveries of the life process, also occurred in bacteria, which apparently had
no use for hormones. Cyclic AMP is regarded as the first primitive hormone regulating the behavior of unicellular organisms. The photo-
graph is used through the courtesy of The Nashville Banner and staff photographer, Jack Gunter.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 65
Is On Regional Meetings
BY PEG MALECKI FRERK, program of songs, skits, charades Peg M. Frerk
I-University of Illinois, and displays covering a variety of
subjects (such as extension, bou- Sunday's breakfast will be conti-
Regional Meetings Chairman tiques, etc.). nental and will be followed at
Regional meeting time is fast ap- 9:15 a.m. by a 45-minute session
proaching for A O I I again. At 8:45 p.m. the meeting will on fund-raising with the meeting
This will be the third time that break up into informal small groups breaking up into Collegiates and
Regional Meetings will be held. This with the collegiates investigating Alumnae.
year they will be more informative, "Rush Know-How" and the alum-
more imaginative and more in- nae, "Helping Collegiates Rush." The business session beginning at
formal. We have tried to take into 10:15 a.m. will be devoted to rec-
account the criticisms and applause Starting Saturday's ball to roll- ommendations, resolutions and the
resulting from the last two groups ing will be a buffet breakfast at 8 evaluation of the Regional Meeting.
of regional sessions and have come a.m. followed by a brief business
up with a meeting more tailored to session and preview of the day's At 11:15 a.m. officers will be
the needs of AOIIs clear across the program at 9 a.m. installed at a closing ritual.
The agenda has been designed so Attendance is required at the two Luncheon is by reservation at
that it is flexible. It allows for each and one-half hour session beginning noon, and the Regional Meetings
region to insert the topics that are at 9:30 a.m. when collegiates will will be closed by a training session
most relevant to their area. have a choice of joining one of four for Regional Officers at 1:30 p.m.
Where topics of discussion are of groups looking into case studies in-
interest just to alumnae, or just to volving: Chapter Presidents, Pledge Region I will convene for their
collegiates, then the two groups will Trainers, Rush Officers, and Others/ session June 9-11 at Pi Delta's
meet in separate sessions. as needed. Chapter house, at the University of
But, on other occasions, they will Maryland, College Park, Md. Mrs.
meet together to share ideas and ex- Meanwhile alumnae will split into John Haggarty, 11450 Waterview
change points of view. the following three groups to look Cluster, Reston, Va. 22070, is chair-
Evenings will be set aside for into actual problems which have man and her reservations chairman
small informal parties and gab ses- beset: Chapter Advisers, Alumnae is Mrs. Lester Gilbert, 5909 Nama-
sions. A special emphasis will be Chapter Presidents, and Others/as kagan Road, Washington, D.C.
placed on the changing rush scene Needed. Non-officers may attend 20016.
and how to update individual chap- the sessions of their choice.
ter rush to meet today's needs. New Scene of Region II's meeting will
methods of discussion will be em- Luncheon will be served at 12:30 be Lambda Phi's chapter house at
ployed in the form of case studies so p.m. Regional meeting delegates Wisconsin State University, White-
that more new ideas will be forth- will be offered the opportunity at water, Aug. 18-20.
coming. 2 p.m. to sit in on two to three
One of the best features of the of a selection of approximately five, Mrs. Eldon Barbieri, 751 High-
Regional Meetings has always been hour-long discussions on the fol- way 143 Rt. 1, Cedarburg, Wis.
their informality. This will not be lowing subjects: AOII's Many Pub- 53012 is general chairman. Reser-
changed. Everyone will get to know lics (Public Relations); Person-to- vation chairman is Mrs. Arthur
each other on a one to one basis. Person (Philanthropy); Teaching Stead, W. 15 N . 5503 Kenmore
Now is the time to check the sched- Ritual; A Two-Way Street (Col- Drive, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
ule and circle your calendar with legiates, Alums); Panhellenic (Col- 53051.
the date of your Regional Meeting. legiate, city, etc.); Others accord-
Plan to attend for it will be a mem- ing to regional needs. At 3:15 p.m. June 9-11 are the dates for both
ory to linger through the years in there will be a repeat of the above Region I I I and Region VPs meet-
knowledge and friendships. required programs. ings.
Informality will keynote Friday's Slated for later in the afternoon Region I I I will convene at the
beginning session of the regional is the election of new Regional Op- Alpha Delta Chapter House, Uni-
meetings with registration for all erations Committees and Collegiate versity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa,
and a training session for Regional Liaison Members and the evalua- Ala. Overall chairman is Mrs. D.
personnel from 1 until 4 p.m. tion by collegiates of the Humanis- Rundell Curtis, 3504 Mountain
tic Pledge Program as directed by
The opening ritual from 4 until Council at the Dallas Convention. (Continued on page 72)
5 p.m. will be followed by a brief
business session when introductions, The Rose Banquet at 6:30 p.m.
program previews and announce- will be starred by the presentation
ments will be made. of awards, introduction of new offi-
cers, CLC, and the listing of regional
The dinner hour will be fol- accomplishments.
lowed at 7:30 p.m. by a 30 minute
At the informal rap sessions at
66 9:30 p.m., each Regional Director
will meet with her assigned chap-
ters when their delegates will have
the opportunity of becoming better
acquainted with their regional offi-
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
Facing Today's Realities...
A Challenge To National Panhellenic Conference
By Ardis McBroom Marek, rt; 1
Gamma Phi Beta
Editor's Note: When National Pan-
hellenic Conference delegates joined The National Panhellenic Conference Executive Committee pose prior to the beautiful final
forces with National Panhellenic banquet hosted by Alpha Gamma Delta whose delegate, Mrs. L. D. Foxworthy, ascended
Editors and Central Office Execu- to chairmanship for the 1971-73 biennium. Left to right are Mrs. Robert L. McKeeman,
tives early in November at the Delta Zeta, treasurer; Mrs. Carl A. Frische, Zeta Tau Alpha, retiring NPC chairman, who was
Mountain Shadows, Scottsdale, presiding officer at the five-day Scottsdale session; Mrs. Berne Jacobsen, Alpha Delta Pi,
Ariz., the idyllic setting dynamic per- secretary, and Mrs. Foxworthy.
sonalities involved, and forceful,
exciting program combined to make Dr. George F. Hamm, vice-presi- given by Elizabeth Janet Mitts, <£M,
the whole experience delightful, re- dent for student affairs at Arizona Mississippi State. Introductions of
warding and most educational. State University, welcomed the Con- the incoming Executive Committee
ference to Arizona. He spoke briefly were made by Mrs. Frische: Mrs.
From such a rich, colorful con- of the stability and moderation L. D. Foxworthy A r A , chairman;
ference, we're sure each delegate which is brought to the college Mrs. Berne Jacobsen, A A n , secre-
has her own, individual resevoir of campus in turbulent times by sorori- tary; and Mrs. Robert L . Mc-
pleasant memories. For this editor, ties and fraternities. Education for Keeman A Z , treasurer. Delegates
attending her first NPC meeting and leadership in a free society must be were then introduced, and they in
National Panhellenic Editors' Con- the number one purpose of these turn presented alternates and visitors
ference, it was panoramic, dynamic groups, said Dr. Hamm. from their groups.
proof of the life-time commitments,
labor, love, rewards and fulfillment President of the College Panhel- Keynoting the Undergraduate
that involvement in collegiate Pan- lenic at A.S.U., Carol Woodard, Session was Mrs. Foxworthy who
hellenic organizations presents to IIB<£, welcomed the collegians on delineated the Breakthrough Con-
dedicated members. behalf of the 12 campus, sororities. cepts to be studied during the ses-
A response of appreciation was sion. These included chapter in-
It was arranged by the Editors'
Conference that all its members be
provided with a detailed report of
the five-day session by a reporter
steeped in National Panhellenic
Conference leadership.
She is Ardis McBroom Marek,
Gamma Phi Beta, who for the last
two years has served as chairman
of the publications committee for
NPC. Her story follows.
When National Panhellenic Con-
ference met in its 42nd session at
Scottsdale, Ariz., Nov. 5-10, dele-
gates were challenged to develop
new and decisive patterns of action
to fit the realities of today's campus
and to serve the changing needs of
collegiate and alumnae members.
An undergraduate session pre-
ceded the regular biennial meeting
and included officers of College Pan-
hellenics from 73 campuses. Invita-
tions to this session were issued to
Deans from NPC campuses in Ari-
zona and New Mexico, as well as
members of the Liaison Committee
and Advisers to the College Panhel-
lenics which were trophy winners
for the biennium. At the opening
meeting, Friday, Nov. 5, Mrs. Carl
Frische, NPC Chairman presided,
following the invocation by Carol
Talbot of ASA and the singing of
"The Star Spangled Banner" and
"Oh, Canada."
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 67
volvement, direction, the individual, action for the benefit of all groups Carr E. Dix, and Mrs. W. F . Wil-
the Panhellenic, education, and might be discussed and projected. liamson, who had planned and co-
reaching out. Tracing briefly the Intra group sessions followed the ordinated the collegiate program.
history of NPC, Mrs Foxworthy opening meeting with the collegians
stressed that it was never meant to being assigned to one of four groups The Intra Group sessions con-
be a superfraternity, but rather a with alumnae leaders Mrs. Robert tinued on Saturday morning, with
meeting ground where cooperative White, Mrs. Lambert Peterson, Mrs. discussion centering on "As Others
See Us" and "As We See Our-
Present for the undergraduate session, "Breakthrough," which was first on the agenda of selves." At the poolside luncheon,
the 42nd session of the National Panhellenic Conference held early in November at the collegians sat with their Area Ad-
Mountain Shadows, Scottsdale, Arix., were seated, left to right, Candy Scott ^ A , incoming visers to become better acquainted
Panhellenic president, University of Arizona; Adele K. Hinton F—Northwestern, and Norma with them and the services they offer
Nierstheimer Berry P—Northwestern, International Extension Vice President and National to the College Panhellenics.
Panhellenic Conference Delegate; and Sue Edmunds TA—Birmingham Southern, AOII Travel-
ing Secretary. Standing, left to right, are Becky Eiler, A«J>—Montana State, Margo Hansen "How to" programs were set up
<i>2—Kearney State, and Judy Winchester 8J2—Northern Arizona University, all top Pan- and included "Reaching Out" with
hellenic executives on their respective campuses. Mrs. Gustave B. Week and Miss J.
Finale to the undergraduate session was the awards breakfast which was highlighted by the J. Frazier; "Coordinating a Reach
presentation of The Fraternity Month Trophy for the most constructive public relations pro- Out Program" with Mrs. Darell Lis-
gram to Memphis State University by Mrs. H . E. Wittenberg r * B , Awards Committee ton, Mrs. David Green, and Miss
chairman, right. Sarah Ellen Morris, A r A , and Memphis State Women's Panhellenic Dean, Jocelyn McCall; "Using Panhellenic
Miss Emily Withers, accept the trophy from this publication, edited by AOII's Wilma Smith Counselors Effectively" with Mrs.
Leland T—University of Minnesota. Robertson Page, Miss Maxine
Blake, and Miss Sue Edmunds; and
• "Communicating and Involving"
with Mrs. Howard Rossner, Mrs.
is. James Marek, and Miss Barbara
Capsule Seminars were presented
at the afternoon Together Session.
These included brief talks on "Your
Rights as a Greek," by Mrs. George
Rudolph; "Panhellenic Leadership
and Organization," by Mrs. Robert
McKeeman; "Jurisdiction of a Col-
lege Panhellenic," by Mrs. Kent
Morgan; "The Role of the Area
Adviser and Area Panhellenic
Workshops," by Mrs. Frederick
Questions from the collegians
were welcomed at the "What Would
You Like to Know" session with
Mrs. Carr E. Dix as moderator, and
again late in the evening when a
panel of ten alumnae members acted
as tellers at the Answer Bank.
A resource room was equipped to
show movies and slide film presenta-
tions and also a display of College
Panhellenic materials and those pre-
pared by the various member
groups. Showings were presented
between and after business sessions.
Alpha Delta Pi members served
as hostesses at the Saturday evening
formal banquet. Large gold letters
designated tables alphabetically, and
these were surrounded by colorful
flower arrangements as accent to the
gold and white theme.
Guest speaker was John L . Put-
man, president of ATQ. He was
recognized as one of the ten out-
standing young men in America, in
company with such men as John F.
Kennedy and Dr. Tom Dooley. He
has an enviable record as a teacher
and has traveled in 49 of the 50
states, talking to youth, fraternity
members, and people in all walks of
life. He has also written a book
68 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
which will be published soon. A l l it
this, and he has been totally blind
since age 19! I
He spoke of the contributions that AOII's official delegation at the 42nd N P C biennial session which combined forces with the
Greeks have made in the past and National Panhellenic Editors' Conference and national session of Central Office Executives
was optimistic about the future. were Norma Nierstheimer Berry P—Northwestern, Adele K. Hinton P—Northwestern, and
"Although we read that there is Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy I A — U t a h State, International N P C Delegate, Extension Vice
decreasing interest in fraternities, President and President; Millie Milam Murphy NO—Vanderbilt, TO DRAG MA Editor, and
our fraternity headquarters received Marie E. Hughes B*—Indiana University, Central Office Executive Director.
130 requests to colonize last year,"
he said. as the National Panhellenic Award, cies governing College Panhellenics,
but is given to those Panhellenics Mrs. Frear, chairman of the com-
He feels that the desire to belong having six or less member groups. mittee, presented a booklet pre-
is being renewed and that the "do pared by the committee which con-
your own thing" philosophy has run NPC Biennial Session Begins densed this material under one
its course. " I t is a rewarding experi- Sunday afternoon found the Con- cover.
ence to know there are people who ference assembled for the regular
have a love for you. That is what biennial session with Mrs. Frische, Mary Pat Kasun, executive secre-
fraternity is all about. I t is not the chairman, presiding. The invocation tary of A A I I , reported on a National
number of trophies, or songfests, or was given by Mrs. Norman Brown, Leadership Conference in Atlanta
physical fitness that is important," followed by the introduction of past which she attended as a representa-
he commented, "but what you have Chairmen, Mrs. William Nash and tive of NPC.
from other people who express love Mrs. Karl B. Miller. Greetings were
and human compassion." sent from the Conference to Mrs. Conference Hears Speakers
Edith Crabtree, former Chairman, At the evening session, Miss Mar-
Awards To College Panhellenics who resides in the Scottsdale area. garet Jameson, Dean of Women
Finale of the Undergraduate Ses- Appointed to the Committee on at Louisiana State University and
Resolutions were Mrs. G. G. Brig- chairman of the NPC-NAWDC
sion was the Awards breakfast on den, chairman, Mrs. James W. Liaison Committee, addressed the
Sunday morning. Miss Nancy Scott Hofstead, and Mrs. Joseph Backs- Conference. Outlining the continu-
Williamson presented several appro- man. The committee on Courtesy ing need for communication between
priate vocal selections, followed by Resolutions included Mrs. J. H. Deans and national officers of wo-
Mrs. Williamson's Wrap-up of the Merrill, chairman, Mrs. Carl W. men's fraternities, Miss Jameson
Breakthrough sessions. Drew, and Mrs. W. D. Berry. feels the real key to success lies in
Printed reports from Standing coordination between national offi-
Mrs. Carr E. Dix then presented Committees were adopted. Reports cers, administrations, and collegians.
the list of College Panhellenics re- were then made by Mrs. Jacobsen, She noted the recent lack of com-
ceiving commendations from NPC. Treasurer, Mrs. Foxworthy, Secre- mitment among young people and
Approximately 25 per cent of the tary, and the Chairman, Mrs. remarked that the sorority is a good
College Panhellenics across the Frische. place to re-learn certain values.
United States and Canada were Work of the Education and Cit- Robert D. Lynn, I I K A , NIC
commended for their work in de- izenship Committee was reported by President, traced the history of NIC
veloping and strengthening Panhel- the chairman, Mrs. J. Allen Frear, since 1909. Phase I , from 1909 to
lenic on their campuses. Jr. 1959, saw NIC as an advisory body
Mrs. Joseph Backsman, NPC only. Phase I I was described as pro-
Excitement swelled as Mrs. H. E. delegate to IRAC, reported on the viding more effective planning and
Wittenberg, chairman of the Awards 1970 and 1971 meetings and an- service to the member groups, in-
Committee, stepped to the podium nounced that Mrs. Charles J. Chas- cluding the dissemination of infor-
to name the winners of traveling tang, Jr. had been named secretary mation, but without NICs becoming
trophies presented at each biennial of IRAC. The IRAC Bulletin will a "super fraternity." Phase I I I ,
meeting. be edited by Mrs. Landon A. Frear. beginning in 1969, describes NIC as
Reporting on the resolution from a service organization, with an Ex-
The Fraternity Month trophy was the 1969 Conference that a commit- ecutive Director and three under-
won by Memphis State University tee consolidate all provisions for graduates as members of the Board.
and accepted by Sarah Ellen Morris, organization, procedures, and poli- Efforts are being made to strengthen
A r A . Oklahoma State University regional conferences, to provide a
was named to second place, and the
University of Wyoming placed third.
The National Panhellenic Award
went to the University of Oklahoma
and was accepted by Nancy Clark-
son, K K T , with second place going
to Bowling Green State University
and third place to Texas Christian
The Awards Committee trophy
was presented to North Dakota State
University with Mary K. Amstett,
r * B , accepting. Second place went
to Jacksonville (Florida) Univer-
sity, and third place to Louisiana
Polytechnic Institute. This trophy
was presented for the first time and
is based on the same requirements
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI-^SPRING of 1972 69
speakers' bureau, and to facilitate of the College. Panhellenics Com- articles since 1963. More than
the exchange among member groups mittee was given by Mrs. Carr E . 8,000 reprints of the articles have
of materials beneficial to the entire Dix. A panel discussion by four been sold, while requests to reprint
fraternity world. The hope is that committee members followed the re- have been received from innumer-
NIC may become a problem-solving port. These members were Mrs. able publications, including the
mechanism for its 53 member Kent Morgan, Mrs. Lambert W. Christian Science Monitor. A brief
groups. Peterson, Mrs. Robert White, and wrap-up was given by Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Robert Leonard. Foellinger, who concluded with a
Dr. Lynn touched upon the pres- plea for positive action by all groups
ent concerns of fraternities in the A review of undergraduate par- and all individuals, urging their use
areas of costs, housing, changing ticipation in NPC meetings was of active rather than passive verbs.
patterns in the universities, women made and it was concluded by the Her list of the eight most active
in fraternities, junior college ex- committee that the efforts to include verbs of your life included:
pansion, and the tax situation for students in the national meeting had
voluntary associations. He urged not met the desires of the students. Do more than E X I S T — L r V E ;
that fraternity membership for both It was recommended that area con- Do more than T O U C H — F E E L ;
men and women offer something of ferences be held annually, with area Do more than LOOK—OB-
real value to collegians. advisers present to direct them, as
it would seem the smaller meetings SERVE;
Committees Report would be more beneficial, less ex- Do more than READ—AB-
Introduced by Mrs. Frische at the pensive, and would rquire less travel
Monday morning session was A. J. time. In the area of public relations, SORB;
Collins of the Scottsdale Chamber it was recommended that a College Do more than THINK—PON-
of Commerce. He welcomed the Panhellenic newspaper be initiated
delegates to the area and then spoke and a slide program prepared to DER;
of the need for fraternities to help meet the needs and interests of high Do more than T A L K — S A Y
young people define their goals. school students, college students and
Dietrich Mayring, manager of for use as summer programs. SOMETHING;
Mountain Shadows Hotel, was also Do more than HEAR—LISTEN;
introduced. It was suggested that, in rushing,
A report of the Awards Commit- values rather than mechanics be and
tee was made by Mrs. H. E . Witten- emphasized. Noting that less struc- Do more than LISTEN—UN-
berg, chairman, who told of the new tured rush still requires organiza-
Awards Committee Trophy, pre- tion, member groups were urged to DERSTAND.
sented for the second time this year. plan carefully and make every effort
Applications for the various trophies to simplify rules. Reports and Recommendations
were up over the past biennium, and Reporting for the City Panhel-
it was noted that a decided increase Individual groups must take the lenics Committee was Mrs. Richard
in applications came from the newer initiative in pointing out the privi- Palmer, chairman. Recommenda-
and smaller College Panhellenics leges and responsibilities of member- tions included granting charters to
who were eligible for the new ship; they should demonstrate their state associations, increasing dues,
trophy. service, social, and cultural activi- providing copies of information
Reporting for the Eligibility and ties; they should emphasize the con- forums, ways and means ideas, and
Nationalization Committee was Mrs. tributions that Greeks make to the service projects on request of City
Henry A. Reinhard, chairman. campus. Our basic commodity is Panhellenics, and providing a new
Representatives of AAS were pre- friendship, good for a lifetime, fol- film.
sent as auditors during the Under- lowed by academics, leadership, and The special Publications Commit-
graduate Session and conferred with getting along with people. tee report was given by chairman,
the Executive Committee on their Mrs. James J. Marek. Two bro-
eligibility for membership. In the "Involvement is the new word," chures were printed and distributed
report of the Extension Committee, said Mrs. White, "and this should be during the biennium: "Because We
Mrs. George Rudolph, chairman, good news for Greeks." Care," a summation of the Philan-
noted that inquiries in the past bien- thropic Projects of the 27 member
nium had been received from 27 Editors, Executives Perforin groups and "National Panhellenic
states and Mexico, involving corre- On stage for the Monday evening Conference—Greeks," which in-
spondence with 66 colleges. Reprint- session were the Executive Secre- cluded information about NPC
ing of the leaflet on Extension taries and the Editors. Slides were along with testimonials from out-
Procedures was necessary and cop- shown of several executive offices standing leaders in education, reli-
ies are available as an aid in an- with Mrs. Walter Vaaler comment- gion, and national affairs. A third
swering inquiries. ing. Miss Kathryn Lenihan reported project was the revision of "Speak-
A report from the special com- on a survey made among the secre- ing of Sororities" with a bright, fresh
mittee to prepare proposed amend- taries, and Miss Eleanor Sieg com- cover and new art work These were
ments covering the Binding Agree- mented on executive offices of the ready for distribution Nov. 15.
ments was made by Mrs. James past and the present, and predicted Breakfast sessions for correspond-
Hofstead, chairman. what offices of the future might ing officers of the member groups
Mrs. William Nash, chairman of provide. were held and reports made to the
the Liaison Committee, outlined Mrs. John E . Stevenson told of Conference. From the Presidents'
plans for the Spring 1972 NAWDC the history of the Editors' confer- group came suggestions for a Public
meeting to be held in New York ence which started in 1913, noting Relations planning committee, as-
City in March, in the absence of that the Editors presented the Pan- sistance in training Panhellenic
Mrs. Charles Chastang, the report hellenic Creed in 1915. Chairman Advisers, an informative document
of Operation Brass Tacks, Mrs. on rush guidelines for College Pan-
70 Herbert L. Garrard, traced the evo- hellenics, a basic interpretation of
lution of this facet of the Editors' quota-limitation, research of drop-
Conference which has printed 19 outs from rush, urging immediate
fall rush and accelerated pledge pro-
grams, pilot plans to deal with prob-
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
lems of alcohol and open visitation, Mrs. Carl A. Frische, N P C chairman, turned one evening session over to a panel of Central
and a team of Panhellenic Field Office Executives and Panhellenic editors including Mrs. Walter Vaaler KAO, Miss Kathryn
Secretaries working in trouble spots. Lenihan AXtt, Miss Eleanor Sieg IM'B, Mrs. John E. Stephenson, J r . A r , 1969-71 chairman,
NPC Editors' Conference, Mrs. Herbert L. Garrard KAO, chairman of the Editors' Conference
Adopted unanimously was a rec- Brass Tacks project, and Mrs. Kenneth Foellinger Z T A .
ommendation from the Collegiate
vice-presidents' session to provide a ber groups. Ceremonies. Guest speaker was
list of retiring field secretaries for 9. Changing the title of the Bind- Charles W. Wiley, journalist and a
NAWDC which would assist the member of the National Committee
Deans in finding well qualified ing Agreement "Limitations of a for Responsible Citizenry, who
candidates for the position of Pan- College Panhellenic" to "Jurisdic- spoke on "Closing the Generation
hellenic Deans, assist the field secre- tion of a College Panhellenic Coun- Gap." He urged his listeners to
taries in finding jobs, and assure cil." judge the world by reality, not by
proper guidance for the College Utopia, and said that parents, not
Panhellenic. 10. Sponsoring Area Confer- teachers, should be responsible for
ences to be held for all College Pan- teaching realism and moral fiber in
Mrs. James Hofstead reported as hellenics under supervision of Col- the home.
chairman of the Research and Pub- lege Panhellenics committee and im-
lic Relations Committee. She noted plemented by Area Advisers and With Mrs. Walter Vaaler, K A 0 ,
that, as efforts have been made to collegiate leaders. presiding, Central Office Executives
equate fraternity membership with met to discuss areas of mutual in-
status and the "establishment," both 11. Refraining from extensive en- terest and concern. Representatives
questioned by youth, the need to tertainment of local sororities for of Data Science Corporation con-
make public the real values of fra- extension purposes. ferred with the group to discuss their
ternity has never been greater. A services in the area of chapter ac-
report from Mrs. Mary Love Col- 12. Reminding all fraternity counting as well as membership.
lins, Councilor to the committee, members of their right to wear their
was read. pins and encouraging them to exer- A joint meeting with the Editors
cise this right. on publications was held and repre-
A report was made by Mrs. sentatives from the George Banta
Gustave Week on the International 13. Allowing each member group Company spoke on offset printing,
Fraternity Foundation, followed by to have one delegate and three its advantages and its limitations.
a report of the Survey and Projects alternate delegates to National Pan-
Committee by Miss Ray Sommer, hellenic Conference. Following this meeting, the Banta
chairman A resolution to participate Company hosted a luncheon for
with other fraternity association 14. Providing more program Editors and Executives. Kenneth W.
units in a survey program which time at National Panhellenic Con- Dean, longtime Chicago representa-
would be advantageous to NPC ference sessions for comparing and tive of the company, was warmly
was passed unanimously. sharing mutual concerns. praised by both Editors and Busi-
ness Managers for his friendly co-
Resolutions 15. Emphasizing to College and operation over the years and was
Under the chairmanship of Mrs. City Panhellenics the channels of presented a gift from the two groups.
G. G. Brigden, the Resolutions communication to NPC, namely
Committee worked long hours and through the delegates and through Elected to serve for the 1971-73
the following brief resume presents the Area Advisers. biennium as officers of COE were:
only the highlights of actions taken Mrs. Walter E. Wert, AHA, presi-
at this session. 16. Issuing the consolidation of dent; Mrs. Ralph E. Schulenberg,
L Limiting rush registration fees provisions for organization, pro- IIB4>, vice-president; Miss Mary Pat
to a minimum clerical fee. (Reaffir- cedures, and policies governing Col- Kasun, A A I I , secretary; Miss Rose
mation) lege Panhellenics, with only new ma- Marie Felin, ASA, treasurer; Miss
2. Provision for an interim ses- terial requiring approval of the Kathryn E. Lenihan, AXQ, Program
sion of National Panhellenic Con- Delegates. Chairman.
3. Authorization of a special 17. Authorization of a study of Chairman, Mrs. John E. Steven-
committee to study advisability of Quota-Limitation. son, A r , presided at the Editors'
establishing chapters in Junior Col- Conference. A re-affirmation of the
leges. 18. Revision of the Manual of NPC statement of 1967 regarding
4. Increasing annual dues of City Information. fraternity auxiliary groups was
Panhellenics to $6.00 and affiliation made and it was agreed that infor-
fee to $2.00 Finale mation on such activities would be
5. Extending National Panhel- deleted from the magazines.
lenic Conference affiliation to well Climaxing a constructive session
established regional associations. of NPC—was the beautiful banquet Joe W. Milner, chairman of the
6. Extending full membership in hosted by A r A whose delegate, Mrs. Department of Mass Communica-
City Panhellenics to NPC fraterni- L. D. Foxworthy, accedes to the tions at Arizona State U., was the
ties even though a fraternity may not office of Chairman for the 1971-73
have a local alumnae chapter. biennium.
7. Re-emphasis of several resolu-
tions pertaining to City Panhellenics' Serving graciously in her last offi-
relationship with College Panhel- cial duty was Mrs. Carl Frische,
lenics. Chairman, who was Mistress of
8. Representation on the College
Panhellenics committee of all mem-
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972 71
- • Seal Is Out!
i The handsome, new Diamond
Jubilee Foundation Scholarship seal
*• is finally out and ready for you to
National Panhellenic Editors, 22-strong, pose for a picture during their biennial session at
A full-blown, red rose on a rich
the N P C meeting in Scottsdale. Incoming chairman, Mrs. Oelbert M. Zoerb, editor of Phi gold background super-imposed
Mu's The Aglaia, and 1969-71 chairman, Mrs. John E. Stevenson, Jr., Delta Gamma's 7Ae with the simple words, scholarship
Anchora editor, are seen in the foreground, second and third from the left. On Fran Stevenson's foundation, the design is the cre-
right is Mary Margaret Garrard, Kappa Alpha Theta'i magazine editor and retiring chairman ation of Marlene Read, Alpha Sigma
of the Editors' Conference's successful Operation Brass Tacks. AOII's TO DRAGMA Editor, '67 and was unveiled at Interna-
tional Convention in Dallas.
Millie Milam Murphy, is seen in the center, back row. She's flanked by Delta Zeta Lamp
Marguerite Gist Butler 2, DJF
editor, Mrs. Arthur J . Minor, and Delta Gamma's associate editor, Barbara Carvill. publicity chairman, points out that
despite delay in delivery due to
guest speaker and presented new Robert W. Haverfield, r * B ; secre- printing difficulties, the seal has been
aspects of typography, graphics, and tary-treasurer, Mrs. James F. Mc- mailed to you
layout which could be utilized by Intyre, 222; chairman of Operation
the editors of fraternity magazines. Brass Tacks, Miss Ann Hall, AXO. DJF Trustees know you'll like
He had critiqued all magazines and Serving on the Brass Tacks commit- this beautiful, modern, self-sticking
supervised a workshop at the after- tee will be Mrs. William W. Ford, stamp and will receive a great deal
noon session, as well as having in- Jr., I I B * ; Mrs. Herbert L. Garrard, of pleasure using it on your cor-
dividual conferences. K A 0 ; Mrs. Arthur Miner, AZ; Mrs. respondence.
Sidney R. Stanard, AA n . The Ad-
Social events included a reception visory Board includes the three ma- "Don't bother to send us a letter
for Central Office Executives and jor officers, Chairman of Operation of congratulations," says Mar-
the traditional Brass Tacks dinner, Brass Tacks, outgoing chairman, guerite. "Just a check will be suf-
held at Camelback Inn. Mrs. J. Mrs. Stevenson, and member-at- ficient."
Stannard Baker served as toast- large, Mrs. Carol R. Gast, ASA.
mistress and Miss Barbara Carvil Iota Sigma Chapter House, Iowa
was in charge of arrangements. An interim meeting of the Editors' State University, 2007 Greely,
Advisory Board will be held in Chi- Ames, Iowa 50010.
Officers for the coming biennium cago late next year.
will be: Chairman, Mrs Delbert Mrs. Thomas Betts, 2408 Fair-
Zoerb, 3>M; vice-chairman, Mrs. way Drive, Baton Rouge, La. 70809,
is general chairman of the Region
(Continued from page 66) versity of Washington, Seattle, V I I meeting to be held at Alpha
Lane, Birmingham, Ala. 35213. Her Wash. Mrs. Harlan Humason, Omicron Chapter House, Louisi-
reservations chairmen are: Mrs. 14548 Edgewater Lane, N.E., Se- ana State University, Baton Rouge.
Patrick H . Browne, 1720 Saluter attle, Wash. 98155, is general chair-
Road, Birmingham, Ala. 35209, and man of Region VPs meeting. Her reservation chairman is Mrs.
Mrs. John Bruce, Northport, Ala., Harold Mele, Jr., 343 West Chal-
or Box 2407, University of Ala- The weekend of June 2 through font Drive, Baton Rouge, La.,
bama, Ala. 35486. 4 has been chosen by both Region 70815.
V and Region V I I for their sessions.
Region V I will be meeting at Miss Jayne Hager, 2823 West Street, Region I V will be getting to-
the Upsilon Chapter House, Uni- Apt. 3, Ames, Iowa 50010, is gen- gether at Iota Chapter House, Uni-
eral chairman of the Region V versity of Illinois, Champaign, 111.,
Meeting which will get together at June 14-16 under the chairman-
ship of Mrs. Robert Zolomij, 1902
Diana Lane, Champaign, 111. 61820.
Reservation chairman is Mrs. Larry
Gibson, 1403 Garden Lane, Cham-
paign, 111. 61820.
Region VIII's session May 5-7 is
the earliest on the agenda. This
group of collegiates and alumnae
will gather at the Bahia Hotel, 998
West Mission Bay Drive, San Diego,
Chairman is Mrs. W. Carton,
1262 Upas Street, San Diego, Calif.
92103. Her co-chairman is Mrs.
Phillip Holtkamp, 6727 Radcliffe
Court, San Diego, Calif. 92122,
while reservation chairman is Mrs.
Richard M . Histon, 6501 Tamilynn
Street, San Diego, Calif. 92122.
72 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
Southern DAR Activities
Are Dominated By AOIIs
•: Incidentally, not only was Ellen
elected to another state post, that
Ellen Henderson Seeley NO, State Chairman of Junior DAR Members, presents the award of historian, but another AOII, Mrs.
for Tennessee's Most Outstanding Junior DAR Member to Grace LeBaron Sandefur TO, of O. B. Hofstetter, Jr. (Virginia Car-
Nashville, Tenn., and Jacksonville, Fla. The citation was made during a Tennessee DAR convo- son, Nu Omicron) was named state
cation in Chattanooga. treasurer.
Adding to the pomp and cere- of 60% DAR experience and 40% Grace Sandefur is a poised
mony which characterized a re- community service. beauty with long, blond tresses. She
cent Tennessee convocation of is interested in a diversified list of
Daughters of the American Revolu- Winner of the coveted title is projects. Since 1949, when she
tion in Chattanooga was the presen- Mrs. John Sandefur (Grace Le- joined the CAR, and 1959, when
tation of a galaxy of awards. Baron, Gamma Omicron) of Nash- she became a DAR, there's hardly
ville and Jacksonville, Fla. Her se- been an office or duty that she
Outstanding among these cita- lection alone sufficiently indicates hasn't held at the local level.
tations was the conferment of the in what a wide field of interests she
title, Tennessee's "Outstanding Jun- maintains active participation. At the national level, she's served
ior Member." twice as delegate and five times as
The presentation was made a page at the annual Continental
Selected by a panel composed of doubly interesting for AOIIs by the Congress. She was state conference
three Southern governors as the fact that Grace received her award delegate for five years and regent of
"OJM" for the entire Southeastern from Mrs. Warren Seeley (Ellen Fort Nashborough Chapter in Nash-
Division comprised of seven states, Henderson, Nu Omicron) of Nash- ville for two years.
the recipient is judged on a basis ville, state chairman of junior mem-
bers. But the DAR is just one phase of
Grace's activities. Since student
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 days at the University of Florida,
she's been immersed in AOII.
Choosing the career of airline
stewardess, Grace spent 11 years
flying for American and retired two
years ago with the No. 2 seniority
in Nashville.
Marriage to Jack Sandefur
caused her voluntary grounding but
both before and after, she involved
herself in everything from the As-
sociation for the Preservation of
Tennessee Antiquities, U.S.D.,
1812, to the Historic Landmarks
Association and the Tennessee Fine
Arts Center and Botanical Gardens
at Cheekwood.
Somewhere in between, she man-
aged to be listed in Outstanding
Young Women of America, win the
American Airlines Award for Out-
standing Service and be chosen one
of the five Outstanding Young
Women of Nashville by the Nash-
ville Magazine.
Now ensconced in Jacksonville,
where her husband's job has taken
the Sandefurs, Grace has begun a
new career in a new field. She is di-
rector and teacher of a modeling,
fashion and grooming course for
teen-age girls as well as a coordi-
nator for fashion shows.
Her airline background proves
helpful in this new post and she
finds working with youngsters excit-
ing and rewarding.
Virginia Hofstetter, new State
DAR treasurer, is regent of Col.
Thomas McCrory Chapter, Nash-
ville, and also heads the Regents'
Council in that city.
Memorable Anniversary
A l l roads led to Memphis for
AOIIs in that area in January when
International Board of Directors
Chairman, Dorothy Bogen Farring-
ton A, gave the keynote address at
Southwestern University's Kappa
Omicron Chapter's Founder's Day
Dorothy, right, in the photograph
at the right, is seen with Linda Hall,
KO's social chairman, Priscilla Rush-
ton KO chapter adviser, and Gwen
Martin, KO president.
Two past Traveling Secretaries, Deb. Mathis AJ2 and Becky Thurston Memphis Alumnae Chapter president, Gloria Howell, and Denise
Of2 turned out tor the festivities. Deb's part of the administrative
staff now at the University of Mississippi and Becky, who serves as Henderson, Memphis Stato University'* AOII Club president, left
Region Ill's Extension Officer, is a librarian in Memphis.
and right, respectively, enjoy an informal chat with Mrs. Farrington.
Terry Quick K , immediate past International Convention Chairman, Comprising a Panhellenic trio are K O president, Gwen Martin,
and Dorothy Farrington at the gala luncheon. Margarita Thomas, Southwestern University Panhellenic adviser and
a Sigma Kappa, and Susan Whitt K O , Southwestern's 1972-73 Pan-
74 hellenic president.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
Vanderbilt University's Nu Omicron Chapter and the Nashville Alumnae Chapter shared the spotlight at a Founders' Day Banquet in
December at the University Club when the latter organization marked its golden anniversary. Feature speaker was Mrs. Theodore Morford
(Helen Hawkins NO), right, in the first photograph, who was elected one of Nu Omicron's first presidents and later installed the alumnae
chapter. She receives a memento of the occasion from International Extension Vice President Adele K. Hinton P, as Nu Omicron's president
and chapter adviser, Barbara Benson and Anne Cowan Beauchamp NO, and Region III Vice President Mary Ann Caldwell TA observe.
Another highlight of the banquet was the presentation of $50 by Nu Omicron Chapter to the Diamond Jubilee Foundation. Other major
participants in the Founders' Day celebration seen in the right photograph, left to right, are Pat Dickerson, Nashville Alumnae president,
Ann Tipton, Phyllis Garrison II, decorations chairman; Jackie Lane II, banquet arrangements chairman; Mrs. Morford and Millie Milam
Murphy NO, TO DRAGMA editor, who served as mistress of ceremonies.
Cleveland Alumnae Chapter celebrated its Recent graduate, Jackie Ball, and Cherry Sweeder Matthews (Mrs. Leo L . ) , Panhellenic
50th anniversary in December with a cookie
representative, pose with Dorothea Dollar Walker (Mrs. Stanley), right, who was honored
exchange. On this occasion, Jane Wonders as a 50-year member of the alumnae chapter. This same chapter, during their Founders' Day
Stitt AT, Region II Director, presented J luncheon in January donated $25 to the Cleveland Arthritis Foundation.
Schad A T , Cleveland East Alumnae Chapter
president, with a gavel on behalf of the
Executive Committee. Cleveland alumnae
gifted DJF with a $50 contribution.
Phi Mu Promotes Collegiate Sorority Life
With Color Slide, Sound Commentary
A new approach to promoting hellenic Conference sororities and to sorority life. Faculty, administrators,
college sorority life, with emphasis all college Panhellenics. It was first Greeks, non-Greeks and local high
on Panhellenic involvement, is in- presented at the November meet- school girls and their parents par-
troduced in a color slide and sound ing of the National Panhellenic ticipated in their four-day program.
commentary, "What the Panhel," re- Conference at Mountain Shadows,
leased in November by Phi Mu, Scottsdale, Ariz. The slide package contains either
national collegiate sorority. a reel-to-reel or cassette sound
"What the Panhel" tells how one track and can be ordered for viewing
The 13-minute presentation, college Panhellenic, Newcomb Col- by writing to Phi Mu Fraternity, 22
showing an innovative approach to lege of Tulane University, planned North Front Street, Memphis, Tenn.
Greek Week or rush programming, their Greek Week with special em- 38103. Orders should specify type
is being made available by Phi Mu phasis on the educational, social, of sound track required and should
to other chapters of National Pan- cultural and philanthropic aspects of include $10 handling charge.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 75
A Library Like No Other
Throngs of Tourists from President Nixon on down, find
the LBJ Library an exciting place
: tionery containing the statement
drafted by President Johnson imme-
n• Unlilil nl *l l«l!l5l 1* diately following President John F.
Kennedy"s assassination.
This exciting photograph of the magnificent new Lyndon B. Johnson Library at Austin was taken
by AOII Traveling Secretary Ginger Banks ITK while she was working as a reporter for The The husband did not seem par-
Texas Star, Sunday magazine edited by her father, Jimmy Banks. ticularly impressed with that, nor
with the gifts given the President by
This summer, between graduating of the historic pictures taken at the foreign heads of state. Although he
from the University of Texas and time President Richard Nixon toured and his wife were following in the
assuming her new duties as AOII the library. footsteps of President Richard Nixon
Traveling Secretary, Ginger Banks and other celebrities who toured the
UK, managed to sandwich in several BY GINGER BANKS huge edifice when it was dedicated
months of working as a reporter on A young married couple with two on May 22, they found the first few
The Texas Star, the all-Texas Sun- small children in tow recently began exhibits far less fascinating than had
day magazine which is distributed a journey through the admission-free the high and the mighty.
with the Lone Star State's leading Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Aus-
Sunday newspapers. tin with a ho-hum attitude. It seemed President Nixon, on the other
obvious that these tourists expected hand, had gulped it all in eagerly
Being the daughter of this attrac- little more from their visit than a and even vowed to return when he
tive, newsy, Sunday supplement's brief respite from the summer heat. could take time for a more leisurely
editor, Jimmy Banks, the buzzin' Written all over their doubting look.
cub reporter found herself handed faces was the question, "What's so
some most interesting and meaty as- special about a library?" At first, the family of summer-
signments. The skeptical expression remained time tourists failed to share the
during the first few minutes of their President's enthusiasm. Then they
Among them was a feature story self-conducted tour. Pictures of the rounded a corner and suddenly
on the recently opened Lyndon B. former President's boyhood home found themselves at the foot of a
Johnson Library in Austin. didn't seem to overwhelm them. But massive, tan travertine staircase,
there was a faint glimmer of interest spectacular even in its huge, 5-story
Her justifiably proud father, Mr. in the eyes of the wife as she viewed high room. But the utter magnifi-
Banks, most graciously has accorded the "Aboard Air Force One" sta- cence of the staircase itself was up-
To D r a g m a the pleasure and privi- staged by the attention-commanding,
lege of rerunning portions of Ginger's four-story display above it of 40,000
article on the library along with some red boxes containing 31,000,000
pages of LBJ's papers.
Each of the 4,200 boxes on the
front shelves bore a gold Presiden-
tial seal. The striking red, white, and
gold display, guarded by colossal
glass walls, was bathed in a soft
white light.
All things considered, it was
enough to make anyone sit up and
take notice—even the doubting
As our four tourist friends stood
goggle-eyed and open-mouthed look-
ing up at the majestic sight—remi-
niscent of a castle scene in a Cecil
B. De Mille movie—their compla-
cent attitudes took a turn toward
awakened interest, if not sheer won-
All the husband could manage
was, "Wow!"
And his wife seemed to sum up
the situation quite well when she
said, "That just takes my breath
Similar reactions, popping up
as often as summer television re-
runs, have been occurring to the
tune of approximately 2,000—and
sometimes around 3,200—visitors a
76 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
day at "Lyndon's Library" since its President Lyndon B. Johnson nostalgically surveys The President's Diary, June 5-10, 1967, as
opening to the public on May 23. At he tours the living history book with President and Mrs. Richard Nixon.
that rate, Library Director Harry
Middleton's prediction made in early The real Mrs. Luci Johnson Nugent checks the display of wedding dresses worn by her and her
May that the $18.6 million structure sister, Mrs. Lynda Johnson Robb, at the LBJ Library.
might have 500,000 visitors a year
will be surpassed by at least 200,000. happy to arrange tours for large of the events they see depicted in
groups—of all ages. But we espe- the displays, or simply to wander
And the great size of the building cially want to provide an occasion through the buildings, absorbing the
permits a comfortable accommoda- for young people to brush against sights and sounds just like any other
tion of large groups of visitors. the history of the '60's." tourist.
The former President's wife must In providing that brush with his- During its planning stages, John-
have had some inkling of how many tory, the Library may also provide son was much more concerned about
people would tour the facility. In the the visitor the opportunity to bump the contents of the Library than
July, 1971, issue of Reader's Digest, into the former President. Lyndon about how the building would look.
the former First Lady firmly empha- Johnson who seems to relish pop-
sized that the Library was developed ping into the Library unannounced "I'm more concerned about what
for the people, not just for scholars. to give visitors a first-hand account the building will be used for," he
"Scholars, after all, come in trick-
les," write Lady Bird. "The public
comes in thousands."
That thought in mind, Mrs. John-
son, at the President's suggestion,
started educating herself in 1965 as
to what type of facility would best
suit all Americans. For two years,
she visited the four existing Presi-
dential libraries, talked with archi-
tects, and studied innovations in
display techniques.
Largely the result of her activities
was a vigorous forging of a museum
and library, echoing with life, and
molded with the conviction that un-
derstanding the past helps to build
a better future.
Although the jury is still out as to
whether the Library's displays are
successful in that respect, it is diffi-
cult to imagine anyone touring the
large, walk-in, living history book
without gaining new perspectives
about some aspects of history.
"We want to make the Library a
facility for enjoyment as well as for
education," said Middleton. "We are
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 11
By Virginia Cooper Westall Can Meetings "Blow a dollar on instant coffee
Come and paper cups. Ask them for coffee
Margaret is my best friend. She at 10:00 and start the meeting at
regularly does Good Works and I To Order? 10:30 after they've exchanged greet-
frequently espouse Good Causes so ings and small talk. Then maybe
between us, we attend a lot of meet- so late. It must be terrible to have there wouldn't be so much whis-
ings. Last week we were coming your audience disappear, one by pered chit-chat after the business
home together from our separate one, right under your nose. starts."
civic duties and I asked, "How did
your meeting go?" "Actually, our meeting never did "Or if you have the meeting at
end, at least not all at once. It just home, get a buddy to come answer
"Aargh," she replied with great disintegrated." your phone and take messages while
feeling. "About as usual—just aw- it's going on. In fact, I bet if you
ful. The bad part about Good Works I wondered aloud how Margaret developed a post card habit it would
is all those meetings that never start and I ever got mixed up in so many save a bunch of calls."
on time. Our chairman breezed in meetings and she said, "I don't know
15 minutes late, short on breath and about you, but I opened Pandora's "Well now. After we get them to-
long on apologies." box about 15 years ago when I gether, make them comfortable, give
agreed to drive five second-graders them a chance to visit, and start on
Margaret mimicked the tardy to visit the telephone company. time . .
chairman's bright voice: "I'm sim* They called a meeting of the moth-
ply so terribly sorry. I do hope you ers to decide what was the best "Exactly," I said, picking up her
went on without me." Warming to route to take to town and where to train of thought. "We get down to
her subject and obviously vexed park and all that and I've never been business and we wouldn't ever, not
which is something she usually isn't safely anonymous again. What's ever, take the time of the whole
because she is the soul of patience, your excuse?" group to decide something that
she continued, "We couldn't begin should be settled in committee, if
until she came because she had all "I don't have one," I answered this is a board meeting . . ."
the reports and records. Besides, if sheepishly, "I volunteered."
we had gone on without her, she "Or between individuals if it's a
would have made us stop and tell Like Margaret, I am a great be- committee meeting. And if you have
her everything that had happened so liever in the light-one-candle ap- a guest speaker, he is first on the
we wouldn't have gained any of the proach to problems so I said, "We program and you've already warned
lost time. both know that a certain number of the group they're expected to stay
meetings are an absolute necessity until the meeting is over."
"She didn't really need to call that for Good Works and Good Causes.
meeting anyhow because she's one What would you suggest to improve "Or meet at night so no one will
of those steam-roller types who have them?" have another appointment and
everything decided before we get maybe even invite the husbands.
together. I feel as though a Mack "Start on time," was her prompt And be sure you offer to pick the
truck just ran over my instep. reply, "and end on time." speaker up and take him home.
Then thank him promptly in writing
"If time is really money, as they "Have at least a speaking ac- no later than next day. What else?"
say, then I'm the biggest spender in quaintance with Robert's Rules," I
town, waiting for people who are proposed, "and that goes for mem- "If you plan on slides or films,
always late. Their time may not be bers as well as the chairman." be sure the operator knows how to
valuable to them, but mine is to me." operate the particular machine you'll
"Pick a meeting place that is cen- be using so the pictures won't be up-
I knew Margaret was bothered trally located, preferably with plenty side down or on the ceiling or some-
because that was her day to help the of parking places, and choose one thing. Also check to see that the
little kids in the swimming pool at appropriate to the size of the group amount of light in the room can be
the orthopedic hospital, and she had where you won't be stuffed into a controlled."
already announced she had a bushel room too small, nor rattle around in
of errands to do. Minding her man- a room too big." Margaret paused for breath and I
ners to allow me equal time, how- jumped in again. "And if I were
ever, she inquired, "How did yours "Like the Y ? Or the fellowship chairman, I'd never, never describe
go?" hall of a church?" anything as either relevant or mean-
"I'm sorry we were late getting "Sure. Or the board room of a
out," I began apologetically, "but bank. The community service room "And I would make careful dis-
you know that even meetings which of the power and light company. tinctions between group opinions
start on time seldom end on time, The new Boy Scout building or the and personal opinions. I would re-
although they might if speakers old Red Cross building." mind myself periodically that, first,
would confine themselves to plain it is not necessary for me to have
English. Our chairman used expres- "But not the day nursery—we an opinion on everything and, sec-
sions like viable infra-structure and met there one time and their chairs ond, if I do, it's even less necessary
told us what to do to orchestrate are too little." for me to express those I do have."
creative listening. Whatever all that
means. "I wouldn't spring new business
surprises on the president at a gen-
"We had a good speaker, though, eral meeting."
and I felt sorry for him. He stuck to
his allotted time, but the chairman "Nor dredge up old business de-
put him last on the agenda so while cisions for rehashing."
he was still talking, people began
leaving for ear pools and other ap- "Wow! We've sure made out a
pointments because we were running tough schedule for the chairman."
"Oh, she doesn't have to do it all
herself. Let her delegate as much as
she can, but she should know what
78 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI-^SPRING of 1972
needs to be done and how to do it." ALPHA OMICRON PI
"After all, good meetings are a Directory
combination of maybe one part Send ALL Directory Changes and Members
brains, two parts executive ability, Personal Address Changes to: Mrs. Wesley G . Cramer (Jessie Marie Senor * )
and four parts of tact, consideration Alpha Omicron Pi
for others, or whatever you want to Central Office (Treasurer, Loan Committee Chairman)
call it." Suite No. 109, 8830 Delmar, Prairie Village, K.S 66207
3000 Meadows Parkway Telephone: 913-648-5335
"Like good manners?" Indianapolis, Indiana 4620S Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn* Huey AS)
"Precisely." ( C O . Adviser)
"Think we could do it?" Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity 2965 Pharr Court South, NW, Atlanta, G A
"Might. Why?" Founded At Barnard College
"The powers that be are thinking 30305
about linking your Cause and my January 2,1897 Telephone: 404-237-1487
Works and confidentially, they're Miss Martha Hilands (AP)
going to ask us to be co-chairmen." FOUNDERS (Secretary)
"We could streamline the meet- 547 No. Bundy Drive, Los Angeles, C A 90049
ings, but it would take the wisdom Jessie Wallace Hughan Telephone: 213-472-8733
of Solomon . . ." Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) Mrs. Charles J . Kallevang (Fern Robinson H)
"The grace of Queen Eliza- Stella George Stem Perry (Mrs. George H.) (Vice Chairman' and Loan Committee)
beth . . ." Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 147 South Lincoln Ave., Park Ridge, EL 60068
"The poise of Helen Hayes . . ." The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter Telephone: 312-823-7477
"And a cram course at the sense at Barnard College of Columbia University and Mrs. Robert F . Lihdrooth (Mary Paschen P)
of humor school. Shall we try?" all are deceased. (Investment Program)
"Let's. Say, has anyone ever writ- 1241 Burr Oak Lane, Barrington, I L 60010
ten a book we could pass around on EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Telephone: 312-381-6222
how to be good members of an or- Miss Dorothy Matchett (AT)
ganization?" President (Expediter of New Projects)
Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy (Eleanore Dietrich IA) 10000 South Bell Ave., Chicago, I L 60643
Operation Brass Tacks 100 Norlen Park, Bridgewatef, MA 02324 Telephone: 312-238-3923
Virginia Cooper Westall, author Telephone: 617-697-7855 Mrs. George C Miller (Verginia Long I )
of "Can Meetings Come To Order?" Administrative Vice President (Corporations)
is a free lance writer who has pub- Mrs. George B. Callaway (Janirae Linebaugh O) 5776 N.E. Circle Ave., Chicago, EL 60631
lished in the Presbyterian Journal, 2400 Craghead Lane, Knoxville, T N 37920 Telephone: 312-631-6864
Teach, Eternity, Military Review, Telephone: 615-573-7558 Mrs. George K. Roller (Mary Louise Filer AH)
among others. She is also a long- Executive Vice President (Housing Director)
time community volunteer in her Mrs. Wilbur R. Mottweiler, Jr. (Patricia Jacobs 4261 Palm Lane, Bay Point, Miami, F L 33137
hometown of Asheville, N.C., hav- Telephone: 305-759-5227
ing headed and/or worked for such 504 South Owen, Mount Prospect, I L 60056 Box 198, Balsam, NC 28797
groups as PTA, AA UW, the YWCA, Telephone: 312-259-2288 Telephone: Waynesville 456-6284 (June-Sep-
the Junior League, Citizens Com- Extension Vice President
mittee for Schools. A graduate of Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (Adele K . P) tember)
the University of Oklahoma, she is 6128 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, T N 37215 Miss Jean Graham Whorley (NO)
d member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Telephone: 615-297-8022
"Can Meetings Come To Order?" Secretary (Loan Committee)
is one of a series of articles prepared Miss Bobbye L . McCarter (NO) 2010 Overfull Drive, Nashville, T N 37215
for sorority magazines by the Opera- Box 2436, Stephens College, Columbia, MO 65201 Telephone: 615-292-1652
tion Brass Tacks Committee of the Telephone: 314-449-5811 Ex-officio Members
National Panhellenic Editors Con- Treasurer Mrdse.ntRobert D. MacCurdy, International Presi-
ference. Mrs. August Ackel (Norma Marshall K8) Mrs. August Ackel, International Treasurer
12218 Sarazen Place, Granada Hills, C A 91344
Installation Telephone: 213-363-0271 CENTRAL OFFICE
NPC Delegate
Mrs. Willard D. Berry (Norma Nierstheimer P) Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
3030 West Laurelhurst Drive, N . E , Seattle, W A 3000 Meadows Pkwy., Suite 109, Indianapolis,
98105 IN 46205
Telephone: 206-523-9763 Tele.: 317-545-6553
Executive Director—Mrs. Marie E . Hughes (B*)
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Financial Secretary—Mrs. Forrest Smith (Nell
Chairman B*)
Mrs. T . K . Farrington (Dorothy Bogen A) Traveling Secretaries
1615 Dry Creek Road, San Jose, C A 95125 Miss Ginger Banks (IIK)
Telephone: 408-269-5809 Miss Sue Edmunds (TA)
Box 431, Carnelian Bay, C A 95711 Miss Robin Lee (I)
Telephone: 961-583-3026 (June-October) Miss Michal Lord (IIK)
Editor—Mrs. Robert C . Murphy (Millie Milam
4534 Shy's Hill Rd., Nashville, T N 37215
Tele.: 615-269-6563
Set Feb. 12 Attends a counselor of youth in the future.
Seminary On Before leaving for Texas, she served
A particular bright spot on the Scholarship as a youth director of the First Bap-
winter calendar was the week end tist Church in Calvert City, Ky.
of Feb. 12 when Epsilon Iota Col- MELISSA TREVATHAN AQ, after She's a native of Murray.
ony at Eastern Illinois University, receiving her B.A. degree in June
Charleston, was installed as Alpha from Murray State University, is at- Melissa's background work with
Omicron Pi's 97th collegiate chap- tending South Western Baptist Semi- the Marriage and Family Counsel-
ter. nary in Fort Worth, Texas, under a ing Center in Fort Worth and the
full service scholarship. Integrity Therapy Group in the
Present for all the festivities sur- Guidance Counseling Center there
rounding this happy event was Re- She is working towards a degree will help her to attain the goals she
gion IV Vice President, Mrs Wil- in religious education with hopes has set for herself in the future.
liam D. Lee (Gwen P ) , Past In- of working as a youth director or
ternational President and currently Her contributions to Delta
a member of the Board of Directors, Omega Chapter were outstanding.
Fern Robinson Kallevang H , and Twice she was named "Ideal Colle-
other international and regional lu- giate" and she served as vice presi-
minaries. dent of the chapter her senior year.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 79
Collegiate Commentaries
Cindy Anderson, Iota Alpha, is Miss Idaho
State University. She is majoring in nursing.
Delta Omega's Elaine Stritch was Murray State University's representative in the Mountain
Laurel Queen competition. As Miss Paducah, Ky., she also competed in the Miss Kentucky
Berglhjot Behrens of Oslo, Norway, attending Kris Knauer, Gamma Delta, was chosen July Linda Roe, Beta Lambda, was elected 1971
the University of Montana on an Alpha Calendar Girl by Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Kiwanis Pancake Queen at the all Greek
Delta Kappa Fulbright Scholarship, is a at the University of South Alabama. house at Illinois Wesleyan University.
member of Beta Rho Chapter. She finds
sorority life a completely new and rewarding To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972
system since Norwegian students are not
familiar with the Greek system.
Beta Lambda Chapter Initiated one hundred percent of their pledge class. They are, front row, left to right, I leu Tanaka, Judy Broclcway,
Marilyn Wankel, pledge trainer, Lyn Burns, and Gail Zuhn. Standing in the background are: Patty Svendsen, Debbie Belzer, Patti Swanson,
Mary Jo Gigante, Diane Learned, Susan Schenlc, Kris Southwell, Viclci Snyder, Marsha Magill and Helen Gaebe.
Debbie Gilbert was Homecoming Maid for
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State University.
The Executive Committee Listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities are Vicki Forrester, Deitra Crane,
of seated, Susan Doty, and Mary Ann Prothro, Sigma Omicron, University of Arkansas.
Alpha Omicron Pi Members of the R.O.T.C. Princess Platoon from Sigma Omicron at Arkansas State University
has accepted an invitation from are, left to right, Cindy Trux+on, Mary Jane Reese, Vicki J o Givens, Phoebe Cyrus and
Gayle Tamburo.
The University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware
to establish a chapter
on this campus
Colonization of Delta Chi
took place November, 1971
Installation will take place in
the Spring of 1972
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972 81
Judy Almdale, left, is lota Sigma's rush chairman and also Panhellenic informal rush chairman, Iowa State University, She's a member of Phi
Upsilon Omicron, national home economics honorary. Mary Alice Bonnefil, center, has been lota Sigma's foreign exchange student. A
native of Haiti, she lived in Costa Rica before her father's job with the United Nations brought him to the United States. Kim Powell,
right, assistant rush chairman and a member of I.S.U. Volunteers, was a finalist for Homecoming Queen.
Mrs. Aubrey Stevenson, Sigma lota Corpora-
tion Board president, Mrs. S. Holiworth,
chapter adviser, and Carol Hamm, vice pres-
ident of Sigma lota, Western Illinois Uni-
versity, officially brealc ground for a new
chapter house on Western's campus in
Frances Pappas, Pi, was elected Newcomb Terri Martin was AOII finalist for Iowa State University's Engineer's Queen. Recipient of the
Panhellenic Council secretary while still a Freshman Outstanding Leadership Award and a Homecoming Queen Semi-finalist, Terri is
pledge. With the rotation system she has Greek Week service co-chairman, Iowa Engineer " E " Girl and is a member of Angel Flight.
been serving as president of this important
student organiiation. Co-chairman of fresh- To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972
man orientation, she spent a summer in
Greece through an American Hellenic Edu-
cational Progressive Association Scholarship.
Jacque Dunnaway, Beta Lambda, president
of Beta Lambda Chapter and recipient of
the Dedicated Service Award of AOII, was
nominated for the Hall of Fame for National
Sororities and Fraternities.
Mia Breen, Sigma, is studying music at the
University of California, Berkeley under a
scholarship. She sang in the recent opera,
"Fairy Queen," is a member of the woman's
swim team and holds a number of awards
for horseback riding.
Joan Patton, Phi Lambda, Youngstown State, is Engineer Queen. Chosen from a field of ten
candidates, she also serves as recording secretary and song chairman of her chapter.
One of Sigma's busiest members is Sue Ryel. Practical, as well as classroom, education is of major concern at the University of California,
She is Aiguillettes Projects chairman. Berkeley. Sigma reflects this concern by the fact that nearly half of its members are involved
Lambda Chi Delta Daffodil Princess, an SRU in some community or civic project. Seen above are a portion of these AOIIs. They are, front
tutor and a member of Panhile, sophomore row, left to right, Debbie Freeman, Laurie Linville, Barbara Reinhart, Barbara Tucker, Sue
honorary. Ryel. In the background are Margaret Frick, Lynn Brenner, Lee Lemon and Carol Shapiro.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972 83
Reviewing 20 years of AOII af Chi Lambda, University of Evansville, are left to right,
Deborah Knopsynder, Jeanne McCutehan, past vice president; Becky Creech, president, and
Mary Lannert Manion, alumnae adviser for pledges and ritual.
(Above) Marilyn Taylor as Miss Auburn is
an honorary member of War Eagles, official
hostesses for the university. Anne Mabie,
below, is president of her dormitory.
Delta Delta president, Dee Lee, alumnae relations officer, Jean Howard, Ira N. Morris, execu-
tive director, the Arthritis Foundation, Birmingham, Ala., and Auburn's chapter adviser, Mrs.
Betty Odum, discuss this chapter's extensive philanthropic projects.
Nu Betas, Margaret Hook, Barbara Phillips, Marcie Shelburne and Susan Ramey are all Karen Short, lota Alpha, as Miss Wool of
members of Alpha Lambda Delta. Idaho State University, competed this fall in
Boise, Idaho, with seven other Idaho girls for
the Miss Wool of Idaho title.
84 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972
AOII Action/Fight Arthritis With Books
No. 1 Weapon
Against Arthritis
Is Education
By Patricia Batchelor Penning,
O-Univershy of Tennessee,
International Philanthropic
Theme for AOII Action this year
is to learn about arthritis. In addi-
tion to The Arthritis Foundation, a
major source of information is the
Books about arthritis are big busi-
ness. Seventeen million arthritics
seek relief from pain and spend mil-
lions of dollars for books.
Some books are helpful; some
misleading or even dangerous. Books
are evaluated by being in general
agreement with current medical
practice (Note publication dates.)
Check Library write to the local A F office or AOII Principles etc.: (for professionals), Lit-
International Philanthropic Chair- tle Brown, 1959, $9.50.
Please set up an AOII local com- man if you have questions or to re- Gaynor Maddox, Food and Arthritis:
mittee to check each school or pub- port your findings. Taplinger Publishing, 1969, $6.50.
lic library for availability of good Faith Perkins, My Fight with Arthritis:
books on arthritis. Start with the For every dollar spent on research Random House, 1964, $3.95.
card catalog and then examine the for cause and cure, $25 will be spent Charles Peterson, Answer to Arthritis:
books. Keep this list for an inven- on useless quack cures and reme- Frederick Fell, Inc. 1969, $6,95.
tory. dies. However, legitimate treatment Rossman M.D. & Schwartz R.N., Family
can bring relief and prevent disa- Handbook of Home Nursing and Med-
Are there enough materials? bility. ical Care, Random House, 1959, $4.95.
Can AOII suggest more books to Loring T. Skwain M.D., Arthritis, Medi-
A guide to generally helpful cine and Spiritual Laws: Chilton Books,
the librarian? books on arthritis might include: 1962, $3.75.
Could AOII help pay for more (* new this year)
The arthritis quackery illustra-
books? John H . Bland, M.D., Arthritis: Medical tion is used through the courtesy
Could AOII gifts include a book- Treatment and Home Care: Collier of The Arthritis Foundation.
Books, rev. 1963, $ .95.
Could the library use free bro- James W. Brooke, M.D., Arthritis and Fraternity Education — Miss Karen
You: Harpers, 1960, $3.00.
chures from AF? Gamm, 7924 North Link Place,
Would the library use an annual •Calabro, M.D., & Wykert, The Truth Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223
About Arthritis Care: David McKay Rush—Mrs. Richard Crawford, 9113
display by AOIIs? Co., Sept. 1971, $6.95. Massasoit Ave., Oak Lawn, Illinois
Are there books on the shelf that 60453
*A. B. Corrigan, Living with Arthritis: Perry Award Committee—Mrs. Louis
seem questionable? Grosset and Dunlap, 1971, $l/$4.95. Dorweiler (Chairman), 6004 Hali-
With tact, could AOII ask the fax Avenue South, Edina, Minne-
Darrel Crain / The Arthritis Handbook: sota 55424
librarian to remove undesir- Patienfs Manual: Exposition Press, rev. Mrs. Edmond E . Talbot, Cardinal
able books? 1971, $6.50. Drive, Covington, Louisiana 70433
The books that are not recom- Mrs. Grant Lamed, 2354 North 84th
mended should not be given pub- L . Stone & L . Lamb, There's Help for Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
licity by a general list. However, Arthritis: Enterprise Publications,
$1.00. 85
HELP Pearson H . Corbett, Arthritis and 1:
EDUCATE Vantage Press, 1963, $3.75.
for the Edward W. Lowman, M.D., General
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI^-SPRING of 1972
some outstanding seniors
These Exceptional AOIIs Made Note-
Beth Hooper has enlivened the University of Tennessee at Martin and Tau Omicron Chapter Kathryn Cooney, who served Pi Kappa as
with her total involvement. Her interests range from teaching in the Head Start Program, to president during her days at the University
representing UTM on a Memphis department store's fashion board, to serving the student gov- of Texas, was selected as one of 50 women in
ernment as a member and cleric in the House of Representatives. As chairman of the student the United States to attend the Marine Corps
government's Hospitality Committee, she organized and served as official hostess at important Women's Officer Candidate Course and will
university functions and aided the administration in entertaining visitors on campus. The Rotary be commissioned a second lieutenant after
Club sponsored her as a candidate for a graduate fellowship to use for further work at the training.
University of Hawaii.
Phi Omicron's Nancy Cadle, an I Shirley Pinneka, lota Sigma, as a senior ma-
active sorority woman, was head joring in home economics, was Panhellenic
of Hanover College's Young Repub- Alpha Gamma's Glenna Treat was honored rush coordinator for Iowa State University.
lican Club, edited the college weekly as Washington State University's outstanding
newspaper for a year, was on the senior woman by being chosen May Queen
student staff of the College Library and reigning over Parents' Weekend.
and was a top drawer student.
she was recipient of the Best Direc- versity into a forceful political
Miami University's Omega Chap- tor award for the university's an- party. She has been a leading force
ter cites their 1970 chapter presi- nual production of "Musical Mad- in the formation of a city-wide Pan-
dent, Gwen Dudas, as their out- ness." She held membership in hellenic organization in Jonesboro,
standing senior because of her Alpha Lambda Delta, Cap and Ark. She received the Service and
personality and devotion to the Gown and Phi Kappa Phi. Leadership Award given annually
chapter. She conducted meetings in to the outstanding business major,
an orderly fashion and was willing Sigma Omicron Chapter's imme- was a nominee for the Wilson
to aid any officer or committee diate past president, Susan Doty, Award, highest honor on campus,
chairman with their individual prob- was instrumental in organizing of
lems. the Greeks at Arkansas State Uni-
Chi Lambda's Janie Carlile, while To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972
a student at the University of Evans-
ville, was active in Student Govern-
ment Association and the Associa-
tion of Women Students. She was
named to Cap and Gown and listed
in Who's Who Among Students in
American Colleges and Universities.
Now associated with Mead Johnson
Incorporated of Evansville, she al-
ready has accepted the responsi-
bilities of corporation treasurer for
the local alumnae chapter.
Paulett Brehob Tacoma was
cited as the University of Evans-
ville's Chi Lambda Chapter's Out-
standing Senior. Chapter president,
worthy Contributions To Their Alma
Maters, Greek Way Of Life
Alpha Gamma's new Mortar Board members, Joyce Korus, Pam Lee and Dot Fleet, pose with Mary Ellen Hargett, Omega Omicron vice
Glenna Treat following their initiation. president and president of Lambuth Col-
lege's Panhellenic Council, promoted Greek
and is listed in Who's Who in Student Union Association. unity by working for and seeing established
American Colleges and Universities. an annual Panhellenic workshop on campus.
Theta Psi Chapter at the Univer- As a two-year Student Government Associa-
Editor of The Sentinel, yearbook sity of Toledo cites their immediate tion representative, she supported, cam-
of the University of Montana, Anita past president, Janet Sutton, Sharon paigned for and saw through the realization
Schroeber was a member of Phi Sheline, Nancy Wiedeman, Karen of student representation on the Board of
Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Woods, Michelle Young, Nancy Trustees.
Board and Spurs. She served as Scharbach and Jackie Bell as out-
president of Beta Rho Chapter. standing seniors. Tapped for Pep- Marilyn Elliott's involvement in activities at
pers, Janet was Sigma Epsilon the University of Illinois helped fellow lota
Gamma Beta Chapter, Indiana Sweetheart and a Little Sister of the Chapter members find areas which interested
University of Pennsylvania, hon- Golden Heart. them and made AOII a vital house on cam-
ored Nadine Ronning and Sue pus. She was program and activities chair-
Knepper with their Outstanding Sharon, who took at least 19 man for Triton, Navy Women's Auxiliary, and
Senior and Most Active Senior hours each quarter, maintained an was chosen Outstanding lllini Union Activ-
Awards. average of 3.5 or better and grad- ity Chairman for 1969-70. In charge of the
uated a year and a half early. Nancy Homecoming Queen Committee, she served
As chapter president, Nadine led served the chapter as corresponding as a counselor at the Freshman Conference
Gamma Beta to winning the scholar- secretary and is teaching elementary during New Student Week.
ship trophy at Greek Week for the education in California.
third consecutive time. She per- 87
formed in university musicals, Karen, who's working on her
"Mame" and "Kismet." M.A. degree, headed the Panhel-
lenic Council during her senior year
Sue served on the President's and was a member of Peppers.
Council on Youth this fall in Wash-
ington, D.C. On campus she was Michelle was Theta Psi's candi-
vice president of the Student Gov- date for Homecoming Queen, and
ernment, chairman of the Home- Nancy and Jackie are both listed in
coming Committee and a member Who's Who in American Junior Col-
of the Board of Directors of the
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972
leges. Northern University's May Day Ohio Northern Choir, the univer-
Kappa Pi presented Mary Ruth Queen. Vice president of the chap- sity's concert band and the Women's
ter, she held membership in the Glee Club.
Dunham as their candidate for Ohio
Beta Lambda's Wendy Vroman made a name Illinois Wesleyan University's Beta Lambda,
Johanna Comisak, Delta Omega, Murray for herself at Illinois Wesleyan with her AOII Kathy Shrag, a nursing major who consistently
State University, was selected to take part and campus activities. She was selected a made the Dean's List and graduated magna
in the Dow Jones and Company-sponsored V.I.P. and nominated to the Hall of Fame for cum laude, served her chapter and major
Newspaper Fund Editor Intern Program. She National Fraternities and Sororities. Election campus organizations ably and loyally. Listed
was among 60 aspiring student journalists ac- Committee Chairman and Campus Dad's Day
cepted into the program which combined a Chairman, she served on the Greek Involve- in Who's Who in College Fraternities and So-
short college course, practical experience and ment Committee, Student Education Associa- rorities, she served on Panhellenic, Student
a $700 scholarship. She served as news and tion, Student Senate, Greek Week Commit- Welfare and Human Relations Committees,
managing editor of the campus paper and tee, Contemporary Dance Theater, Campus was Homecoming Queen Committee chair-
newscaster for the university radio station. Carnival Committee and Marching Band. man and participated in Women's Recreation
Activities. She was a member of the College
Bowl Team and was AOM's candidate for
Homecoming Queen and Outstanding Greek
(MRS. ROBERT A T ) Wins Library Board Post, Too
For 35 years the caucus system several charged they had been disen- tions for their homes for 50 cents
was used in Wilmette, 111., for elec- franchised because they had to go a month.
tions. Over the years public inter- home before voting.
est waned and as a result a small As assistant to the vice president
group of citizens controlled the The Villager party took the elec- of Films, Inc. in Wilmette, June
caucus. tion to court and after six months, has a busy schedule. She recently
and publicity that reached the na- returned from a one month trip to
Many citizens felt that the in- tional level, a judge declared the the Far East. June visited Hawaii,
cumbent executives of the village election was not legal and ordered Guam, Philippines, Taiwan, Oki-
were not truly representative of the another. The election was held and nawa, Japan and Korea.
majority of citizens. Wilmette United Party won by a
landslide. The court litigation cost In her job, she represents her firm
Consequently, in 1969, when it the Villager party over one million as educational consultant on cur-
was obvious that the same small dollars. riculum to schools and libraries.
group would be controlling the Films Inc. is a large distribution
caucus, another group got together June, who lives at 520 Seventh company of educational and fea-
and formed the Wilmette United Street in Wilmette with her husband, ture films. June travels one to two
Party in opposition to the caucus A l , and son Lee, won a six year weeks in every month, but was for-
system. term on the Library Board. tunate to be able to take A l and 13-
year-old Lee with her for two weeks
.In turn, the people comprising Since the election, the board has in Hawaii.
the caucus, retaliated by forming agreed that it should not be political
the Villager Party. in nature and that the trustees of When she is home, June buries
the library will run on independent herself in the kitchen and turns out
Right in the middle of all these tickets and be elected on merit, not all sorts of culinary masterpieces.
political shenanigans was June Haye politics. As a member of the board,
Goss (Mrs. Lyman E., I V , I ) who June has helped to complete a new Her son is an aspiring veterina-
was nominated by the Wilmette humanities center in the basement rian and as a result their home is
United Party as a candidate for the of the library building filled with animals. They have three
post of trustee of the Library Board. dogs, cats, gerbils, snakes, toads,
Art, literature and music are salamanders and hamsters, as well
June's Wilmette United Party concentrated in this area. Stereo as fish. June herself wanted to be
won, but only six polling places tapes are available for listening and a veterinarian, so all this comes
were open because of previous small patrons may rent fine art reproduc- naturally.
turnouts in these elections. The
8,000 persons who turned out to To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
vote had to wait in long lines and
Notable News And Quotes
From Alumnae Luminaries
ANGIE PALERMO SHEA (Mrs. BALTIMORE ALUMNAE APPEAR pretty and perky as they sponsor a
John T. A l l ) , St. Petersburg, Fla., Boutique Bazaar at Towsontown's Spring Festival. Proceeds from their sale
Alumnae Chapter, was the subject of wares which included their own handicrafts and objects d'art went to the
of an interesting article by The St. Arthritis Clinic, Good Samaritan Hospital.
Petersburg Times food editor, Ruth
Blind for almost 10 years, Angie
was featured because this handicap
has never hindered her pursuing one
of her chief loves, cooking.
Partial sight was restored to
Angie recently with an operation.
Before this, however, she used a
special wrist watch with raised
dials, remembered the location of
all the foodstuffs and could tell by
the noise, how done the steak was or
if the hamburgers had browned
" I couldn't even pour coffee for
my husband," she said. Now she can
see the eggs turning white, the bacon
browning and how full a coffee cup
That faith i
- meaning and
JJSSLt4 human life-
That the br
of men tram
t econo
»est b<
INGRID SHELDON (MRS. CLIF- THE NEW IDEAS Committee of philanthropic projects. This group
FORD B I T ) , president of the Ann the Northwest Suburban Alumnae meets with Fern Robinson Kalle-
Arbor Jaycee Auxiliary, the largest Chapter, a brain child of Dianne vang, above. Front row, left to right,
in the state, has been actively in- Pellettiere, was featured in The are Vivian Jansen (Mrs. Stanley P ) ,
volved in community and AOII ac- Park Ridge, ML, Herald. It is prov- Sandy Graco (Mrs. Robert I ) , Joan
tivities since her graduation in 1966. ing most successful in involving Murphy (Mrs. Edward P ) , Betty
An elementary school teacher, sub- young members of this alumnae Conway, (Mrs. David # A ) , Nancy
stituting at the present time, she is group in interesting projects. Denison (Mrs. Frank I ) , Back row:
a member of the AAUW and works Joanne Frank (Mrs. Martin N I ) ,
actively with the Michigan Chil- The committee has been asked Rosemary Bachman (Mrs. Ray-
dren's Institute of Helping Hands. to contribute any ideas they've had mond I ) , and Fern Kallevang, Im-
regarding programs, activities and mediate Past International President.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 89
Is This Pan Am Stewardess
In Wrong End of The Plane?
Somehow you wonder if Pan married appear A-OK. She is five Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gualano, 2020
American Stewardess Adele Gua- feet, seven inches tall, with 130 well- Isabella Avenue, Monterey Park.
lano's career didn't make an un- arranged pounds and eyes as blue Her father is Coordinator of Per-
scheduled turn and land her in the as her Jet Clipper stewardess uni- sonnel for the Montebello Unified
wrong end of the airplane. form. School District and was an Army
Air Corps bomber pilot in Europe
The shapely, blue-eyed blonde Because flying types tend to talk during World War I I . Her brother
from Monterey Park, Calif., holds a a lot of shop, most of her dates have Tom, a pharmacist, got a pilot's
commercial pilot's (single engine), been with members of her college license after she got one.
and last year became top woman flying club. "But when they ask me
pilot at the National Intercollegiate if I want to take the controls," she Fulfilling another ambition, Miss
Air Meet. She has even logged an confided, " I say, 'No thanks.' On a Gualano majored in math at San
hour's instruction in a B-29 bomber. date I let the man do the driving." Jose State. She is a member of Alpha
Omicron Pi sorority.
Will flying high as a stewardess be Miss Gualano is based in New
something of a comedown? "Not at York, serving aboard Jet Clipper When her notice came to report
all. I wanted to be a stewardess long flights to exciting ports of call on to the stewardess college, Miss
before I wanted to be a pilot," Adele five continents. Except for a vaca- Gualano was busy practicing for
says emphatically. tion trip to Canada, it's her first this year's Pacific Coast college air
fling at foreign travel. meet and working for her commer-
The 21-year old graduate of San cial license.
Jose State University said she holds When she received her gold wings
no illusions about her prospect of April 9 at the International Steward- "My instructor said I couldn't
becoming Pan American's first wom- ess College in Miami, Florida, her possibly get the rating in the two
an pilot. family sent a telegram congratulat- weeks I had left, but I threatened to
ing the "Bozeman Bomber." The get another instructor and he said,
"Women's Lib may not thank me nickname dates from the Intercol- 'OK, we'll do i t , ' " she said. Her
for this," she said, "but I wouldn't legiate Air Meet in Bozeman, Mont., first paying passenger was her
ask for that job even if I were qual- when the fledgling pilot dropped a mother who came to San Jose to
ified. I know that eventually I ex- water-filled balloon overboard at a help her daughter pack.
pect to get married and raise a fam- target below.
ily and it wouldn't be fair to the air- " I charged her a dollar to fly back
line." "For this I am paying to send you with me," said the pilot, having
to college?" her father challenged. adopted a commercial attitude to
Miss Gualano's chances of getting go with the license.
Miss Gualano is the daughter of
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972
Pan Am Jet Clipper Hatches Three Chicks
And here's Adele again. She's one of three pretty Pan Am stewardesses who as licensed pilots have been making flying visits to cities in the U.S.,
the Bahamas and Caribbean Islands to promote winter tourism. Left to right, they are Bobbie Haapanen, Long Island, N.Y., based in Los
Angeles; Bonnie McLaurine, Memphis, Tenn., and Adele Gualano, Monterey Park, Calif., both New York based. Miss Haapanen, a Hartwick
College grad, and Miss Gualano, who graduated from San Jose State College and was the first woman member of its flying team, are mem-
bers of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Miss Gualano was top woman pilot in the 1970 National Intercollegiate Flying Association's air meet.
II " I I I I I • •III mm' mm mm mm
Two Of Five Ranchers' Wives In Film
For National Distribution Are AOIIs
of The Oregonian staff
Portland, Ore.
From an eastern Oregon ranch i mj?
to film stardom—that's show biz. m
Five homemakers from Baker LIKE IT IS—Oregon's Baker County cattlemen's wives presented first-hand picture of life on
County made the "big time" this the ranch in production filmed in Portland this week for national distribution. Checking strip
week when their production depict- of film they are, left to right, Mrs. Fred Warner, Mrs. Max Simpson, Mrs. Joe Freeman, Mrs.
ing life on a cattle ranch was re- Wayne Phillips and Mrs. Robert Steward. Movie covers year on the range, with humorous
corded in color for national distri- sidelights from these feminine "working ranchhands." Mrs. Warner is the former Betty Smith
bution to schools, civic and service A F and Mrs. Simpson was Paula Ouier A S .
To provide a live audience, the
filming was done during a presenta-
tion of the program by the Oregon
Cattlemen's Association at the reg-
ular weekly luncheon meeting of the
downtown Portland Kiwanis Club.
The filming was the culmination
of several years' effort in behalf of
the Oregon beef industry.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 91
Miami University's "Miss Jake" their communities and professions.
Retires After 52 Years On Campus Martha Jaques was born in Akron
Oxford, Ohio—A thousand peo- special talents, distinctive traits or and attended the University of
ple would have bet you it wouldn't special interests. Akron for a year, then transferred to
happen. It has: Miami's "Miss Jake" Miami in 1919 as a sophomore when
has slammed that big ole ledger shut, Through most of her years on the its enrollment totaled 1,049. She
patted that trusty Underwood No. 5 university's business staff, Miss became a history major and was
a wistful farewell, and retired. Jaques' job has been to check and among the 216 who graduated in
approve the financial accounts of 1922 (this year, from a three-cam-
Miss Martha Jaques Q, auditor of student organizations—which means pus enrollment of approximately
student accounts, has been part of she's taught a lot of youngsters 16,000, Miami had more than 2,300
Miami University as student and things about bookkeeping or arith- graduating).
staff member for 52 years. As Dr. metic they failed to learn in class,
Phillip R. Shriver, Miami president, impressed others with the impor- She was among the earliest mem-
pointed out at a retirement luncheon tance of accuracy and promptness, bers of the Miami's Omega Chapter
in her honor recently, this is almost and listened to a lot of sad stories in of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, es-
one-third of the total lifetime of the process. tablished in 1919; in addition to a
Miami University. Her retirement continuing interest in that group,
began July 1. The student publications, the fra- she has been a valued member of the
ternities, the clubs, the concert Oxford Arts Club, the Oxford Ar-
Believe it or not, neither her total boards, the committees for special chaeological Society and the Ameri-
association nor her length of employ- events or projects that cost money— can Association of University
ment is a Miami record; but she's the treasurers of all these had to Women. She has been a member of
among the champs in both respects. clear with "Miss Jake," and this the university's Student Publications
And she may be THE champ in generally meant other officers of Committee for so many years it's
terms of people who have had the those groups came along. like another club for her—with the
greatest enjoyment of their Miami student members changing every
associations, who have known and It meant also that over the years, year.
still know the most people, and who perhaps no other person has had
have instant recall of names, faces, broader association with Miami stu- The past four chairmen of M i -
who-married-whom and who had dent leaders, or with those who sub- ami's Board of Trustees have been
sequently would become leaders in men who as students in the Twenties
or Thirties brought ledgers for her
approval . . . she recalls with a gig-
gle, a shrewd observation or uncon-
cealed pride the undergraduate
achievements, pranks, or ambitions
of men and women who have
achieved national prominence.
And as President Shriver also
pointed out in his luncheon remarks,
"as an historian, in my own years at
Miami I have become increasingly
appreciative of the contributions of
such persons as Martha Jaques in
the strengthening of Miami tradi-
tions and in teaching the rest of us to
cherish those traditions."
around the city of Cleveland, Ohio,
A O I I Alumnae joined forces this
past year on at least two different
occasions. Number one was the
Founders' Day luncheon at the
Athletic Club when the A O I I Rec-
ognition Award went to Dorothy
Paxton of the Cleveland Playhouse.
Again in May, the two chapters
joined forces and combined their
numbers at their annual dinner.
been relegated to a wheelchair ever
since a 1953 bout with polio, has
served as the chief executive force
of the Des Moines Alumnae Chap-
ter this year.
Her cheerful, encouraging attitude
towards others and her ability to
maneuver about almost everywhere
in spite of her handicap serves as an
inspiration to all.
92 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
American Field Service Volunteer Tulsa girl, but the wedding took
place in Micronesia where he was
On International Board serving as a lawyer in the Peace
Of Trustees
After Tracy Reynolds' graduation
<» says it is true in her case. from college he was married in Ger-
As the program grew in Tulsa, many to a girl he met there when he
FRANCES THOMPSON was on a high school student tour.
REYNOLDS and expanded into more than one
high school in the area, she was The Reynolds' oldest son, Ron,
(MRS. ROBERT*) asked to coordinate AFS in the though involved in many things in
For 14 years Frances Thompson Tulsa schools. This eventually was his student days, is now practicing
Reynolds of Tulsa, Okla. has filled expanded to include all the schools law in Tulsa, and their youngest,
her life with the duties and pleasures in Oklahoma, which has involved the Doug, interested in rodeoing and
of the American Field Service, vol- responsibility of from 25 to 35 bull riding, is finishing his work at
unteering her services in many foreign students annually, and from Colorado State University where
capacities. Presently she is a mem- five to 15 Oklahoma students going he is preparing to teach industrial
ber of the Board of Trustees, an abroad each year to spend either a arts.
international policy-making group summer or a school year.
for this program which involves In addition to her interest in the
some 65 nations of the world. AFS explains their program thus: American Field Service, Fran has
It all began in 1957 when her son, "Young citizens of the world learn served as treasurer of the Tulsa
Mike, applied to participate in the to appreciate and to respect the sim- Panhellenic Council, president of the
program, and was sent to Spain as ilarities and differences of people Salvation Army Auxiliary, Travel-
the first AFS student from Tulsa. who, though they live in different ers' Aid Board and has been active
At this time she was told, "Once an countries, have dreams and efforts in the American Association of Uni-
AFSer, always an AFSer," and she similarly directed toward the goal versity Women.
of a peaceful and useful life."
RUTH MORRIS (Mrs. James R.
Fran and Bob Reynolds and their K K ) , home economist and teacher,
five sons have led fascinating lives joined San Diego Alumnae Chapter
because of their interest in the about three years ago and has been
American Field Service. It has given an outstanding asset ever since.
their existence quite an international
flavor. They claim a sixth son, a Well known in the field of con-
young Dane who lived with them in sumer service, Ruth is supervisor of
1961. Adult Education for San Diego
Community Colleges. She appears
Mike is married to a girl who was regularly on television and radio
born in Berlin. He now is teaching programs, addresses clubs and or-
the children of loggers, fishermen ganizations, has written articles for
and Haida Indians (an almost ex- 11 newspapers and prepared bul-
tinct tribe) on the Queen Charlotte letins for homemakers, teachers, die-
Islands located off the west coast of titians, retailers, wholesalers and
Canada. doctors.
Kelly Reynolds married a former Selected by Mrs. Lyndon Johnson
in 1966 as one of Five Outstanding
- Women of America, Ruth was
called upon recently to meet with
/MMWiMi President Richard Nixon's executive
V consumer assistant to discuss orga-
nizing groups to help the consumer
SAN DIEGO ALUMNAE Chapter president, Terese M . Sutor E A , presents in the market place.
the group's first Founders' Day Honor Award to Clark McElmury, witty,
warm executive director, San Diego Arthritis Foundation. He is a great 93
favorite with that community's AOIIs. Honored at the same time with the
A O I I Recognition Award was Barbara Clark Marsh Y for outstanding
service and personal devotion. She's served in every office of the alumnae
chapter at least once and her hard work as magazine chairman for the
past 27 years has been responsible for San Diego always meeting its philan-
thropic quota.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1972
By Marcia Jacobson Holland, still exist; their ideals are even financial status, occupation, nor pos-
r—University of Washington, more applicable to the world today. session matter at all. You belong.
International Scholarship The major premise for the death Ah ha, you say! A flaw in this
Chairman of the fraternal system as advocated apologia. The selection process of
by its opponents is that the sys- the fraternal system is notorious
Editor's Note: This editorial ap- tem is outdated, irrelevant, and for being discriminatory. Are you
peared in the Jan. 1, 1972 issue of frivolous. Perhaps over the years sure? Who is turning down whom
The Bulletin of Interfraternity Re- members either forgot or ignored these days? Are the sins of the par-
search and Advisory Council, Inc. the original ideals of founders. But ents to be visited on the children?
It is by AOll's own International that is not reason enough to exe- Change is most possible. In fact, it
Scholarship Chairman. cute the whole system. On the other is the present battle cry of America.
hand, the system exists with its or- A sorority or fraternity house is the
In sending us a copy, she writes. ganizational structure intact and perfect place for the youth of Amer-
"It occurred to me after sending waiting to be put into productive ica to practice the equality and
this editorial to the Bulletin of the operation. National offices and staffs brotherhood they preach. The sys-
Interfraternity and Advisory Coun- are available to execute the desires tem exists to be used. A l l that is
cil that perhaps it had some value of the members. It is up to the necessary is the courage to use it.
for TO DRAGMA. If you think so, members themselves to determine What an opportunity!
I would be delighted to have other the course the organization with its
AOII's read it. I wrote it as a de- tremendous personal and financial This same organizational struc-
fense for the Greek system in gen- resources will take. Are you begin- ture can be harnessed to challenge
eral after becoming disgusted with ning to fathom the potential just the hypocrisy of our war-oriented
Greeks who could not think of a crying to be used? society. There are close to fifty so-
reason to support their own sys- cial fraternities and sororities in
tem not to mention opponents who Let's examine our materialistic, existence today each with tens of
have historically always attacked it." impersonal world first. What other thousands of members. With strong,
In a world condemned by the system exists in all the world where dedicated, idealistic leadership, a
young as materialistic, impersonal, young men and women band to- willing work force stands ready to
hypocritical, and war-oriented, an gether in a quasi-communal, quasi- attack the problems of America:
unexpected answer to part of these tribal fashion promising friendship poverty, pollution, poor education,
problems is the Greek fraternity and kinship for life. Used properly racism, war.
system. Does your brain cry "No!"? this declaration of fealty only begins
Are your eyebrows raised? Let me during the four years of college. Dur- Outdated? Irrelevant? Frivolous?
explain. ing those initial years a few, very Perhaps the fraternal system de-
Fraternities and sororities were close friends are made who will be serves a stay of execution, maybe
originally founded by idealistic dear and important to you for life, even parole. I t may be a useful tool
young people trying to better the no matter where you may travel. for achieving the idealistic, humane
society in which they found them- The following years may find you goals of America today.
selves. Charters, rituals, and con- hundreds of miles from home, fam-
stitutions were written with their ily, and your collegiate chapter. No *Apologia defined according to
ideals in mind; ideals such as love, matter where you may go, alumnae Webster: Something written to
charity, equality, service. These chapters are available to welcome justify an act or course of action
charters, rituals, and constitutions you and call you "friend". Neither that appears to others to merit
At Las Vegas Wine-Tasting Party
Members of Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter feted Panhellenic members of their community at a highly successful wine-tasting party earlier
this year. Deluca Importing Company provided the wine and Arden Farms, the cheeses, for the affair which was held at the apartment of Mrs.
Keith Hanna at the Castaways Hotel. Seen at the affair, left to right, are Mrs. Herman Adams, Mrs. Wanda Weekley, Mrs. John Dilley,
Mrs. Perry Halstead and Mrs. Hanna.
94 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI-^SPRING of 1972
Reflections As A T.S.
BY KRIS WAHLBERG Y " I t is frustrating to see a system "We have what others talk about:
Immediate Past Traveling Secretary designed to promote the values em- group interaction, broad learning
phasized today that is not aware of programs, service to our fellow man,
So here I am standing in front of its potential. I t is frustrating to watch etc. It's imperfect, but we try harder.
the mirror—reflecting I said to my- a system that in the past has violated So, let's meet the times, not succumb
self, "Self, what has i t meant to us its foundations, now become re- to them. We do this by a balancing
to be a T.S.?" solved to demise rather than spirited independence and dependence to
in a return to purpose. create individuals secure enough in
"Hey, lady, that's pretty heavy! their own identities that they are not
What do you have in mind?" " I t is frustrating to see the beauty afraid to be exposed to contradicting
of youth stripped from the young in philosophies. We do this by using
"Well, we could tell everyone the name of misconceived 'rele- toleration, charity and discretion.
about eating Poppy Seed Coffee vance'. We do this by learning that while
Cake for the first time; about learn- we are all so different, we are the
ing that Montana does not border "So where's the Hope i n this same.
on Minnesota or that Kentucky is monumental downer? It's in every
south of Ohio, not Iowa; about . . . smile of every imaginative, enjoy- "There is Hope i n the realization
you don't think so, eh? How about able program. There is Hope every that no one fights the world alone.
devotion? Like when we arrived time some honest individual is cou-
without our luggage and some sisters rageous enough to stand up because "Hey you, wake up! Does that
volunteered pajamas, soap, etc. Y o u he (and not because his peers) be- just about cover it?"
know, the traditional friends wher- lieves something is valuable. I n
ever you go, laughter in 15 states, every mind that recognizes the short- "You know, you're not half bad."
and those things." comings of the system and is willing
to work to improve, not destroy "Thanks. Do you have anything
"That's all true, yet, the most re- what it has taken years to build, else to say?"
occurring thoughts or feelings we there is Hope. I t is with every mem-
seem to have are frustrations, light- ber that understands and strives to "Yes, being a T.S. is learning to
ened by the freshness of Hope. reach the goals we set out to achieve talk to yourself!"
Okay, before you read me the riot 75 years ago.
act, let's look at the year from this "Come on, you nut, let's get to-
angle. gether. Our flight leaves in two hours
and Y O U forgot to pack!"
" A t one time, man emphasized
total conformity. Now it's total non- Knoxville Alums Give $400
conformity and the only thing that To U.T. Arthritis Clinic
has really changed is man's opinion
of himself. No two people are abso- Caroline Bowers (Mrs. Evans S.) and Anne Pierson (Mrs. Robert), co-chairmen of a most
lutely alike nor absolutely different, successful philanthropic project by the Knoxville Alumnae Chapter, beam broadly as they
so why pretend to be either? present a $400 check to the University of Tennessee Arthritis Clinic. The money was raised
by selling chances on a gift certificate to a local department store.
"We joined sorority for the things
we have in common and to share
those we don't. Yet, i t seems that we
are afraid to acknowledge our simi-
larities. A confident chapter expects
and allows its members to develop
their own interests and still be a
dependable part of the whole.
Likewise on a national scale, each
chapter is an individual; independent
to create and improve its programs;
dependent on each other for ideas,
solutions and publicity. Individual-
ism is something we should accept
and enjoy, not try to prove.
"Because our alumnae and colle-
giates rely on each other, we find
methods of bridging the notorious
Generation Gap. Since all campuses
are being affected by univer-
sal feelings of insecurity, we make
an effort to go beyond our indi-
vidual differences to resolve our diffi-
culties together. Fear of criticism is
forcing man into personal isolation-
ism. Neither a sorority nor a nation
can survive unless it builds confi-
dence in its members to overcome
Life's inequities. I n a society that
feels guilty enjoying itself, we learn
to stimulate laughter.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972 95
AOIIs Cite Floridian For Service A T L A N T A ALUMNAE, SPON-
SORING a "honey of a party" to
Members of Palm Beach County Alumnae Chapter singled out Frank M. Bethany, left, director benefit a "honey of a cause," com-
of the Children's Home Society of Florida as recipient of an AOII Certificate of Recognition. bined fashions, bees and magic and
Joy Haywood (Mrs. Earl A l l ) , president of the alumnae chapter, presents the award as Linda provided a "honey of a time" for
Blair [Mrs. Arthur E. J2), first vice president, stands by to present him with a rose. 250 youngsters and their mothers
and relatives who attended this
spring benefit.
The party idea originated with its
general chairman, June Adams Gor-
don (Mrs. Leonard A E ) , who hopes
this f u n way to raise money for the
A F will become an annual event on
the A O I I Atlanta calendar.
Winnie the Pooh was on hand to
greet guests and about 25 young-
sters modeled Pooh Bear fashions
for the 3 to 6x set. Since honey is
Pooh's favorite food, Beekeepers of
America representatives were on
hand to demonstrate how bees make
honey and distribute samples. A
local dairy sent a magician.
Invited On Holy Land Singing Tour
Roberta Walker of Franklin, Tenn., and Lynne Langstaff and Pam Johnson, both of Nashville, Tenn., were among Birmingham-Southern College
Women's Chorus who were invited on a 10-day tour of the Holy Land during a festival in Bethlehem by the Israeli Tourist Bureau. Lynne and
Pam are members of AOn's Tau Delta Chapter, and Pam is Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Sweetheart.
96 To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1972
Copy Call Information For TO DRAGMA REPORTERS
For Summer And Fall Issues
Collegiate Reporters Alumnae Reporters
For Summer—No reports are due, but feature For Summer—No reports are due, but feature
stories, good black and white photographs are stories, good black and white photographs are
welcomed no later than March 31. welcomed no later than March 31.
For Autumn—Requested May 1 and required by For Autumn—Requested May 1, required June
June 15: Chapter reports including major events 15: Chapter reports on major events and indivi-
on campus and within the chapter featuring AOIIs. dual honors of your members. Send good black
Send good black and white photographs illustrat- and white photographs of events and individuals.
ing these events where possible. List individual Use past tense as appropriate for September. Send
honors, honor societies. Report initiated legacies one to two pages on some member of your alum-
with relatives and chapters. Report in detail any nae chapter who has made a contribution to your
special events that have taken place recently, community and has made her presence felt where
state day, anniversaries, etc. Accompany reports some major issue of the day is involved. Accom-
with your chapter's news letter where possible. pany with a picture.
TO D R A G M A REPORTERS: Please send all copy to Mrs. Robert C. Murphy, Editor, T O D R A G M A , 4534 Shy's
H i l l Road, Nashville, Tenn. 37215. Type all stories and letters, double or triple space, on one side of paper only. I f
sending newspaper clippings, please note the names of publications, location and date news appeared. Sign your
name and chapter.
GAoHfe oj/IMteU 4o*m S E E OTHER SIDE
Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
Please Note: Self-addressed (see other side) Change
of Address or Name C a r d .
Cut out! Fill In! Mail!
To AOII Parents
Your daughter's magazine is sent to her home address
until graduation so you can learn more about A O I I and
TO D R A G M A . If she is no longer in college and is not
living at home, please send her present address to Alpha
Omicron Pi Central Office Address on the form below
To: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Husband's Name
Maiden Name
Collegiate Chapter-
New Address
(City) .of (State) (Zip I
New Address Effective. IMPORTANT!
Present Office Held For speedier service
Attach Old T.D. Label