Spring 1983 Vol. LXII, No. 10
It is not too much longer until we can be part of all the plans which have been charted out for us at Con- vention in New Orleans.
Come join collegians, alumnae, re- gional officers and international offi- cers June 28-July 3 and get charged for AOII. It promises to be filled with leadership training, time to visit and there's even a little time left to see some sights.
More about the Convention pro- gram is in this issue. The registration form was printed in the Winter issue. You can write International Head- quarters, too, if you need the form.
International President Ginger Banks has prepared for To Dragma readers comments from a television program discussing today's Greeks with a number of national Panhellen- ic leaders, including herself.
Also featured in this issue is a re- port from our Historical Society and a discussion of our early years and Registrar Alice Cullnane who recent- ly died.
Rush next
The summer issue will be AOII's Rush issue. We also will be printing the Rush Directory so everyone will know where to send those important Membership Information Forms . . .
One of the New Orleanssights awaiting AOTIs this summer.
Uninvited guest
Dear Sisters,
Do you believe your newspaper
announcement could get into the 2
wrong hands? The Dearborn alums found out the hard way it does happen.
A notice of our upcoming Decem- ber Potluck/Meeting in the paper was responded to by a woman claim- ing to be a AOII. Never doubting her word we welcomed her into our eve- ning activities and our homes. Throughout the course of the evening our suspicions were raised about the authenticity of her membership. Her presence was unpleasant and fright- ening to our members.
With our suspicions aroused we postponed a planned ritual. A simple name check through International Headquarter tapes could have re- vealed confirmation of membership. Later, finding out her AOII member- ship was non-existent, our doubts were validated.
Her hoax revealed multiple viola- tions to our group's atmosphere and pilferage to our homes and belong- ings.
For everyone's protection, present and future, this type of situation should be handled immediately by: 1) filing a police report, 2) notifying all area AOII alumnae chapters, 3) notifying regional officer(s) and In- ternational Headquarters, and 4) contacting area Panhellenic associa- tions.
We wanted to share our experience with our other alumnae chapters so
Conversely, one of the biggest disap- pointments is not seeing anything. If the sisters you knew are no longer active,TDistheonlywayofgetting news many times.
Alpha Love, Ember Beck Phi Delta
(Editor's Note: To Dragma encourages the collegiate and alumnae chapters to re- port their activities quarterly as well as participate in any special features pub- lished in the magazine.)
The following corporations have announced Annual Meetings scheduled during the next months:
May 4, 7:30 p.m.
Lambda Beta chapter house 3980 East 8th St.
Long Beach, C A 90804
For more information contact: Celeste Brandlin
3672 Toland
Loa Alamitos, CA 90720
May 11, 6:30 p.m. Sigma chapter house 2311 Prospect Berkeley, C A 94704
For more information, contact: Helen H . Keohane
5840 Lawton Apt.B
Oakland, C A 94618
June 4, 2 p.m. (followinguniversity alumni luncheon)
Theta chapter house
225 S. Bloomington St.
Greencastle, I N 46135
For more information, contact: Karen Horth Powers
3002 Bayside Drive Indianapolis, I N 46224
May 2, 7:30 p.m.
Chi Alpha chapter house 203 First St.
Davis, C A 95616
For more information, contact: Stell Eriksen
861 Stonehaven D r .
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
The €t>\tov$ Place
you can become aware HAPPEN T O YOU!
Linda Heaton Grates
Sue Yagerlener Wozniak Patricia Musson Gazdecki Dearborn alumnae
Dear Editor
Just a quick note to let you know
how much I enjoy To Dragma. Each issue seems to just get better and better!
One note though—some collegiate chapters are great about sending in regular pieces to you, some rarely think to do the same.
I'm sure I speak for most alums who live far away from their chap- ters when I say that one of the major highlights of To Dragma is seeing news about the "folks back home."
Published since January, 1905 b y
ALPHA OMICRON PI FRATERNITY, Inc. Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn A ve. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Telephone: 615-383-1174
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, Ar NW 1445 Kenny Pullman,WA99163 (509) 332-1168—Home (509) 335-4527— Office
Administrative Director
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, TN 37215
TO DRAGMA O F ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $25.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi,3821CleghornAve., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, Sue Hinz, N W 1445 Kenny, Pullman, W A 99163. Second Class Postage paid at Nashville, T N and additional mailing of- fices.
On the Cover
Spring brings roses and a warm feeling of sisterhood which will be in full bloom during Alpha Om- icron Pi's International Conven- tion that begins June 28 in New O rleans.
ofalpha omicron pL
Spring 1983
Vol. LXII, No. 10
4 12 27 28
AOLTs president discusses Greek life Convention to offer something for everyone Chi Beta installed
Historical Society begins catching up
A moment into our past
The Editor's Place
Alumnae Chapter Activity Superwomen
College Chapter Commentaries
6 2 1 2 8 2 9
2 10 12 18
On July 21, 1982, WNEV-TV in Bos- ton brought together representatives of national women's fraternities to discuss elements of Greek Life on "Weekday," a morning talk show hosted by Ted O'Brien.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Pres- ident Ginger Banks was on the panel along with Alpha Gamma Delta Grand President Dottie Skinner, Alpha Kappa Alpha President Barbara Phillips, and Mary Barbee, chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference.
Topics of conversation included membership selection, fees, chapter housing, philanthropies and possible discrimination. The following is ex- cerpted from the transcript of the hour- long program, which was punctuated by several film clips and questions phoned in by viewers.
Ted: Dottie, what's the purpose of your organization?
Dottie: "I think probably it could be de- scribed as being making yourself the best person y o u can be. Self-develop- ment and self-awareness, the best per- son intellectually, and physically, spiri- tually, socially and to be a contributing member of society."
Ted: "And doing this beginning with a voluntary association, freshman year." Dottie: "Right."
Barbara: "W e have very similar goals. We try to keep balance between focus on the sisterhood, love and unity with each other and for each other as sisters, and secondly, and perhaps equally an important purpose, is to serve the exter- nal community with many kinds of projects to enhance the quality of life." Ted: "Looking inward and outward." Barbara: "Looking inward and out- ward."
Ginger: " I think it's very similar for all the groups. In fact, there are probably more similarities than there are differ- ences because we were all founded with the same principles, essentially, and the same ideas. We are all together for the sisterhood and the enjoyment of each other, but also for making contribu- tions to society."
Ted: "Let's deal with some of the issues that were raised in the film clip we just saw. The issue of exclusivity, the roots were exclusive as the narrator points out. That was the situation in colleges a hundred years ago. Now, it's different, now diversity seems to be in. Is that re- flected in the makeup of your chap- ters?"
AOII executive joins discuss today's Greeks
Barbara: "Very much so for us, and has always been . . . "
Ted: "Ginger, Alpha Omicron Pi, does this follow the traditional form of the white, Christian, young women?" Ginger: " I think to a large extent it does, but we are very open todifferent ideas, new ideas and, in fact, our mem- bership isn't exclusive to just one type of person. It's open to people who share common beliefs and common objec- tives, but we have never excluded any- one from membership because of race or religion."
Ted: "How does that work out in prac- tice? Are there integrated chapters is what I'm asking."
Ginger: "Yes, there are. And, I think to a large extent it depends on the location of that chapter as to how it works out." Ted: "What do you look for in some- body for your organization? How did you decide when you were a member?" Ginger: "To a large extent, it depends on the personality of that particular group. As I said earlier, I think there are a lot of similarities between the groups, but each chapter will also de- velop its own personality and, of course, different individuals will be at- tracted to any group based on the per- sonality or objectives of that particular group."
Ted: "How do you know what you're getting? I mean, you've got a freshman class that's coming in and how is it done7 How is it put together?"
Barbara: "In Alpha Kappa Alpha our emphasis has always been on scholar- ship."
Ted: "O.K.-
Barbara: "Andwe do not have the open rush as many of . .
Ted: "What's an open rush?"
Barbara: "The open rush, as I under- stand the concept, because we don't have it, is that the invitation is open to all students who would be members. We seek out our members based on leadership, scholarship and summer parent orientation or to public service kinds of projects."
Ted: "Miss Banks, do you have open membership?"
Ginger: "No, we invite them to join. The selection process is done during
rush, which is generally a series of par- ties where the people who are interested in joining have an opportunity to meet those who are in the group, and it's dur- ing that formal, structured time that the basic acquaintances are made and the information is communicated about the group and about the woman. It think it's important to remember that the se- lection is a mutual selection— that while the group selects members, the mem- bers can also select the group."
Ginger Banks
Dottie Skinner
Ted: " . . .O.K. the idea of an individ- ual showing up on campus, saying, gee, I'd like to be a part of this thing and nope, can't do it. What about that, how do you deal with that pain, or do you just say, hey, it's up to that individual group?"
Dottie: "On many campuses there are far more women interested in belonging than there are spaces in the different groups to pledge them, which is an un- fortunate situation, and something we would like to be able to deal with a little better."
Ted: "Are you expanding to meet that need?"
Barbara: "Well, we certainly are grow- ing in membership. We take the posi- tion that the group can be no better or stronger than its members. So we en- courage as a strategy that those of us who are members seek strategic posi- tions, leadership positions, on campus, thereby being in position to make ap- propriate identification of future mem- bers."
Ted: "O.K. But, I still haven't heard an answer to the idea that one person just isn't what the local chapter wants." Mary: "Or maybe there isn't a sorority there that the woman wants. Very often the woman has chosen a group that they haven't matched for what ever rea-
others to
via television
son and she may have set her heart on a single group and be unwilling to look at the other group. W e sincerely believe that a woman could be a member of any National Panhellenic Conference group and if she does not look at the overall opportunities that exists for her, then she may have set herself aside and been unable to associate with a group. That's determined by the number of spaces they have available, which is what Dottie alluded to, and a variety of
ground to work from, it's not intended to be just that. It's intended to be a springboard to leadership opportuni- ties, to community involvement, and a branching out into the community." Ted: "O.K., how about political ac- tivity?"
Barbara: "W e encourage political par- ticipation and awareness."
Ted: "Does that set you apart from the others here?"
Barbara: "No, I don't think so . .
Ted: "Would your organizations do anything like that?"
Mary: "In the mid 1970s we did. When Title IX came into our awareness and it was looking as though single-sex organ- izations were very threatened. A t that time the inter-fraternal world truly got together, set aside a very strong lobby regarding it and followed through on it. It wad a very political act, pro-active move and it was successful, as you know. Single-sex organizations were held at that point."
Ted: "That's true, as private voluntary associations."
Caller: "What I have to say is a real in- dictment of the system, I think. I went to a school where sororities were very important in the midwest. I have since transferred. I was in a sorority and there are people who don't get in—who it wrecks their freshman year. Part of why I transferred was because I couldn't be a part of a school where that kind of system, that breeds discrimination, elit- ism, etc., was so big."
Ted: "Wow.O.K., responses."
Mary: "For everyone who would see it as elitism, there will be someone who sees it as that community within a com- munity, which is truly what we see the design as. Every campus has a campus community and there are many people who then seek those systems within it, where they may exert their leadership in one thing and another and those who are fortunate in viewing it in those terms and see it that way do participate within the sorority system success- fully."
Ted: "O.K., caller, what did you mean by discrimination?"
Caller: "There are black sororities and white sororities, and on the campus that I was at there were no black girls within the white system, and no white girls within the black system, and I thought college should be an experience where you mingle with people who are differ- ent from the way you are . . . "
(continued on pg. 30)
Barbara Phillips
Mary Barbee
other things. But, the thing that hap- pens at that local campus, is that the Panhellenic Adviser and the Panhellenic will then bring that woman in along the week as she goes through rush, counsel with her regarding the decisions that she is making and the way she is optioning for her choices."
Ted: "O.K. Ginger, you mentioned that they are looking for like-minded peo- ple, people that share a lot of the same values. Isn't one of the purposes of col- lege to expose yourself to a diversityof people and past experiences and groups, and isn't one of the things that a sorori- ty could lead to is a kind of cocoon type existence?"
Ginger: "That may be a philosophy, however, I think that we all have a need to belong to some extent or another, and that sororities provide that oppor- tunity. I think it's important to remem- ber that the women's fraternities or so- rorities do not try to be inbred, they try to reach out to other groups. They encourage their members to be involved in other student activities, to participate in community activities, to devote countless hours to all different philan- thropies. A l l the women's fraternities have philanthropies that they support nationally. And so while the sorority can provide a base and a common
Something for everyone
Convention to mix programs, activities
By Teri Anderson Executive Board Director
AOII: The Source of . . . Friendship
Leadership Tradition
AOII International Convention '83 promises . . . knowledge, sharing, en- couragement, entertainment, and more!
A SOURCE is defined as the point of origin, especially a place or thing that provides something needed. The Missis- sippi River, a major source of transporta- tion and nourishment to North America, inspires our '83 Convention theme. New Orleans, the largest port along that source, promises to be the ideal location seeped in tradition itself to explore our theme together.
AOII . . . Source of Friendship. The grand time that we will have together in New Orleans will prove just that! If this will be your first convention, be prepared to meet the best, to make friends that will last a lifetime, and to discover that what you learned while a pledge—"AOIIs are automatically your sisters wherever you go"—is really true!
If you are a "repeater," you are already looking forward to renewing a friendship with that special sister you met years ago at just such an occasion. Convention in New Orleans is designed to give you TIME to cement those friendships. Y ou
Teri Anderson, Theta Omega Executive Board member
will be able to enjoy sisters' company lounging around the pool one afternoon at a JAZZ POOL PARTY. You will be able to see New Orleans and dine out one evening during our NITE ON THE TOWN. And, of course, friendships are always strengthened during our tradition- ally scrumptous luncheons and evening banquets. Rumor has it that Fairmont cuisine is the best yet! Yes, there will be ample opportunity to realize that AOII is a Source of Friendship!
AOII . . . Source of Leadership! Semi- nars will demonstrate this fact. No matter whether you are a newly elected officer or long-term in your position, an alumna or a collegian, a delegate or a non-dele- gate, you will find that convention semi- nars provide you with the time to refresh your knowledge, the chance to acquire additional leadership skills, and the inspi- ration to tackle new challenges.
You will have the opportunity to col- lect ideas and to share your thoughts on a wide variety of topics including alumnae programming, philanthropy, fundraising, extension, scholarship, and rush. Y ou will be able to investigate these and other topics through like-officer seminars, pot- pourri sessions, panels, presentations, and round-table discussions. Our experts are already hard at work preparing these seminars designed not only to support you in your alumnae or collegiate AOII positions, but to enhance your personal life as well.
We will again offer the opportunity to focus upon AOII interest in women achieving their creative potential in their homes, businesses, and personal experi- ences. The personal growth and develop- ment seminar on networking offered last convention was so well received that a similar type session will be available for all in New Orleans. This offering will be on the topic most requested by Conven- tion '81 participants—TIME MANAGE- MENT!
Making this feature especially exciting is the fact that our speakers will be two of our own AOII "superwomen" who are time management experts in their own ca- reers and homes. Caryl Krueger will speak to alumnae on the finer points of time management, while Anne Clark will address time management techniques with collegians. Everyone will want to participate in this personal development opportunity. All of these sessions and seminars will surely highlight AOII as a Source of Leadership.
AOII . . . Source of Tradition! Build- ing friendships and reinforcing leadership skills will become especially meaningful as we build upon our AOII traditions to- gether in New Orleans. Y ou will be able to rediscover our history while browsing through historical and philanthropic dis- plays. Our exciting past will come alive
during Storytelling Time when some of the Past International Presidents share memorable AOII experiences.
Seminars on pledge programs, fraterni- ty education, and Ritual will spotlight the value of AOII as a source of tradition. Honoring our Founders and other out- standing AOIIs through major awards to chapters and individuals will focus upon the tradition of excellence carried on by AOIIs everywhere. Sisters will return home with the renewed realization that AOLI is a Source of Tradition worth building upon in their own chapters.
Join us in New Orleans where together we will experience
AOII: The Source of . . . Friendship
Leadership Tradition
plans meeting
During Convention, 1983, there will be a meeting of the Historical Society. A l l members of the Historical Society are cordially invited to attend the meeting.
During Convention biennial member- ships in the Historical Society will be so- licited. We ask that your chapter and chapter corporation consider membership at that time and be prepared to pay the $20 to become a member. Individual memberships will also be solicited at $5 per biennium.
The Historical Society has accom- plished many things this past biennium, a report of which will be available at Con- vention. It is hoped that many more things can be accomplished with in- creased financial support of the member- ship, reported Norma Ackel, Kappa The- ta, chairman of the Historical Society.
See you in A/.O.
Caryl W. Krueger Rho
Anne Clark Sigma Lambda
CO's newest faces
The Fraternity has two new faces in its International Headquarters: Diane Moore Douglass, Omicron '63; and Linda Berry Holmes, Omicron '73.
Diane is the new Public Relations Co- ordinator. She is in charge of developing and coordinating internal publications such as Piper and Pacesetter. She coordi- nates the development of public relations materials/brochures to enhance the fra- ternity image. The resource network of alumnae, too, is one of her responsibili- ties.
Diane formerly was membership coor- dinator for the Better Business Bureau of Nashville/Middle Tennessee. She has been a contributing writer for several publications and was a staff writer and feature reporter for the Chattanooga News-Free Press.
Diane has two daughters, Chandler, 13, and Elliott, 8.
"It's a real job to be back in the fold again," she exclaimed. "The saying that once an AOII, always an AOII can't be denied."
Pair to review time management
Two alumnae will be in charge of dis- cussing the finer points of effective time management during the New Orleans Convention in June.
Caryl Krueger, a writer, educator and lecturer, will be discussing the topic with alumnae while Anne Clark, a senior asso- ciate for a Denver-based organizational/ management firm, will talk with colle- gians.
Delegates and non-delegates, too, will have an opportunity to gain a lot from these two enthusiastic speakers, empha- sized Teri Anderson, Executive BoardDi- rector and training director of the Con- vention.
Caryl, the author of Six Weeks to Bet- ter Parenting, earned her degree in com- munications from Northwestern Univer- sity and was initiated into Rho chapter, 1948.
She has written for many magazines such as Parade, Sunset, etc., served as an advertising account executive and writer, and owned her own public relations and advertising firm.
Caryl has lectured in some 30 states on subject such as time management.
A former To Dragma editor, she also has served as president of the alumnae chapter in Honolulu and as Panhellenic president there. Currently she is a mem- ber of the San Diego Alumnae Chapter.
Anne, Sigma Lambda chapter '67, Uni- versity of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, is Senior Associate for PMG Incorporated, a Denver-based organizational/manage- ment development consulting firm.
She earned her B.S. in education from UW-Lacrosse and a master's in counsel- ing and guidance from the University of Colorado-Denver.
Anne taught in a number of schools in Wisconsin, Germany and Colorado be- fore finishing he master's degree last May.
She is an experienced professional in training, group facilitation and communi- cation. She is a specialist in working with personnel in identifying current goals/ values, skills/abilities, and options for future development.
Anne chairs the Alumnae Advisory Committee for Chi Delta chapter, univer- sity of Colorado-Boulder. She worked di- rectly with the Executive Board on the chapter's reorganization during the fall of 1980.
Come to Convention
Remember, every AOII is invited to share in the experience of Internation- al Convention!
Linda Holmes
Diane Douglass
Linda's responsibilities as Chapter Services Coordinator include develop- ment of Chapter Consultant program planning and personnel recruitment.
Linda previously was an administrative assistant with United American Bank, Nashville.
"In my job, I feel especially lucky to be working at the very heart of our Fraterni- ty on the collegiate level which I liken to a continual rush party," Linda explained. "It's a lot of time, preparation and hard work, but worth it, indeed.
"It is a privilege to be associated with an organization that is truly people-ori- ented and dedicated to preserving our high ideals which we, as initiated mem- bers of AOII, hold dear," she added.
Luxurious Fairmont home
for Convention
In November 1965, the eminent Roose- velt Hotel was to begin a new era in its distinguished history, for that was when Benjamin H. and Richard L. Swig, own- ers and operators of the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, purchased the hotel from the New Orleans Roosevelt Corpo- ration. The Fairmont Company thus be- came the fourth owner to operate a hotel on the block-long site since 1893 when Louis Grunewald had erected the first ho- tel that bore his name.
In every major city one hotel stands out as the leader in the community. This distinction was first enjoyed by the old Grunewald, erected in 1893, later by the Roosevelt Hotel, and now by the Fair- mont.
The Grunewald began as a six-story structure on Baronne Street. Today, as we move through the '80s, the hotel com- plex not only encompasses the old Grunewald area on Baronne, but has tak- en in almost an entire city block.
Throughout its colorful history the ho- tel has been, and continues to be, the site
The elegant lobby of the famous New Orleans Fairmont Hotel.
of the city's most important and exciting events. With 832 luxurious rooms, the Fairmont finds itself headquarters for the most prestigious conventions which come to New Orleans, and it stands as a luxury "home away from home" offering its im- peccable brand of Fairmont hospitality to the hundreds of thousands of visitors who come to the city for such major events as Mardi Gras, Sugar Bowl, Super Bowl, Spring Fiesta, the Jazz and Heri- tage Festival, or just plain sightseeing. In 1984, the city will host the World's Fair.
The hotel's guest register is a glittering, star-studded international "Who's Who." Eight U.S. Presidents have stayed under its roof. World leaders such as the late General de Gaulle, Haile Selassie, King Paul and Queen Frederika of Greece have all called the hotel home during their New Orleans stays.
The Grunewald Hotel's Cave and the Fairmont's Blue Room, each in its day, have been the key entertainment attrac- tions in New Orleans. On Dec. 31, 1935, the Blue Room was opened, bringing the biggest names of show business, as well
as the big bands of America, to New Or- leans.
This exquisite Supper Club continues to provide the city with rich and grand entertainment. Tony Bennett, the Mills Brothers, Anthony Newley, Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald, Foster Brooks, Pearl Bai- ley, Ginger Rogers, Mel Torme, Marlene Dietrich, Rich Little, Bernadette Peters, Robert Goulet, Carol Channing and Ray Charles have all brought their talent and glamor to the room.
And then there's the food.
The Sazerac Restaurant is the Fair- mont's premiere dining establishment. It has been a four-time Travel/Holiday award winner.
The Fairmont Court is a perfect late night spot for drinks and music, and dur- ing the day is a fine rendezvous spot for beverages. Bailey's is casual fun, has su- per food and grog, and is open day and night every day of the week.
Creative and professional hotel exper- tise keep the Fairmont second to none as the luxury address on the New Orleans hotel scene.
Initiation at convention began busy years with AOII
By Virginia Sheely Thompson, Beta Theta
In 1933, it was a great honor, as I had just finished my freshman year at Butler University. Two were chosen from all over the country, based on activities, scholarship, leadership, alumnae recom- mendations etc.
Convention was held in a girl's school in Washington, D.C. Three alumnae from Indianapolis, Ruth Brown, Frances Fessler, Ada Trueblood and myself drove over. They helped me bone up on every- thing in the pledge manual. Had to know the entire Greek Alphabet, all of the chapters by name and the university where located (Like Tau-Minnesota). Ironically, the exam was short and barely covered all that I had studied.
After nearly 50 years—only some things stand out in retrospect. The night of the big dinner-dance, college students from several universities came for the dance. My date, from Washington U., was the son of the U.S. Attorney Gen- eral.
After the dance, we went for some- thing to eat in his car. Being a girl's school, they locked all the doors at 11 P.M. We didn't know this. So, about 1:30 we came walking across the grass, and it was wet with dew. I had on a pair of new shoes, linen, dyed blue to match my formal. (When they dried, several days later, they were white again.) We could not get in any of the doors. Fortu- nately, our group was in a first floor room, so we banged on the windows un- til they awoke, and came to the front door and let us in. Believe me there were some snide remarks made, about the hour, where we had been and my wet shoes.
I also remember very clearly standing on a fire escape, in my white formal, when Stella George Stern Perry ap- peared. She came to talk and reassure us, also to be sure we had our responses cor- rect, and worked with us to pronounce our Greek right.
Becky and I went down stairs, hand in hand to give each other courage. The Na- tional President was Katherine Bremer Matson, she was so beautiful, so regal, and conducted the ritual. Two Founders stood on each side of her, Jessie Wallace Hughan, tall and austere with a craggy face; Stella George Stern Perry, short, dark haired and bouncy. On the other side, Helen St. Clair Mullen, dignified
with dark hair and next to her, Elizabeth Haywood Wyman, with glasses and smiling.
The ritual ceremony was so impres- sive, it even now brings a lump to my throat. And then—my AOII pin was giv- en me.
Next year will be 50 years in AOII.
More about Virginia
AOII has been a very great part of my life for many years," Virginia added. She went through all the offices from pledge trainer to president while in college.
Virginia S. Thompson Beta Theta
"I fought to keep our chapter at Butler University and went to Chicago Conven- tion, to present our petition to stay on campus and get help. Mary Dee Drum- mond was National President then," she explained. "We fought, we begged, we tried, but conditions, circumstances and finances were against us at that time, '36, '37 and '38. It was rough and we lost our charter. We were all tired, had worked so hard in vain, but we never lost faith in Aon.
"I then joined the alumnae group and went thru all the offices and was presi- dent in 1951-52. Went to National Con- vention in Colorado in 1951—didn't feel well on the train out of Chicago—coffee tasted terrible all the time I was there. When I returned, found I was 3 months pregnant, and in Jan '52, had our son, Doug.
"I have not been as active in last five years but we have such marvelous, capa- ble talent available, I have not felt the need. I feel we are in good hands with new blood and new ideas.
Virginia's volunteer work started in College. She worked at Christamore Set- tlement House as a social service project, with foreign born children and on the Christmas Clothe-a-Child project for three years.
"Although I worked full time from 1937 to 1957, I always did outside things," she added. "W e were charter members of Orchard Park Presbyterian church, and I helped the pastor in the of- fice. I was a deaconess for 5 years and as- sistant director & treasurer for summer Church Camp 14 years for 4th, 5th & 6th graders.
Then in the mid '60s when her son was in school, Virginia tried the Art Museum, but that wasn't for her. In 1969, she saw a notice in the newspaper about the start of the first docent class at the Indiana State Museum. The museum was moved from the basement of the Statehouse in '63 and opened to the public in '67.
"This Museum is strictly on Indiana History, and being a native Hoosier and interested in Indiana history, I joined," she said. "We cater to 4th graders, since that is when they study the history of In- diana in school. We have a covered wag- on program that we take to the schools, to show the children what the early set- tlers brought with them to settle the NorthwestTerritory."
"I have been there ever since and love every minute of it!" Virginia exclaimed. She just finished a term as docent chair- man last year. She also is a member of Carmel Business & Professional Women's Club since 1954 and was honored as W oman of the Year in 1974-75. Her other activities include membership in Coun- tryside Garden Club since 1954, a Home- maker's Group, a Scottish Rite women's group and the army officers' wives club.
Both husband and son have been sup- portive and interested in the Museum and all of her activities. Husband, Tom, is a graduate of Butler University and mem- ber of Delta Tau Delta. He was in the Army 22 years, and since 1966 he has been with First Federal Savings & Loan, now as assistant vice president.
Son, Douglas, graduated from Carmel High School and Indiana University, 1974, and has been in the banking busi- ness since.
A]umnae Chapter Activity Activities, fund raisers fill chapters' calendars
Sisters of Rochester Colony were busy
stitching and stuffing 20 tote bags at a re- cent meeting for their philanthropic proj- ect. Each bag was crafted from sturdy remnants of fabric, some flowery pastels, some plaid, some canvas, and some Americana prints, and all with squared bottoms and one-inch straps.
The Arthritis Foundation of the Health Association of Rochester, N.Y ., received bags filled with personal grooming aids (shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, pens, combs, etc. donated by the AOIIs. These bags were fashioned with velcro closures on the straps, for easy opening and closing on walkers or wheel- chairs of the arthritic patient, reported project organizers, Sandra Lutz and Judy Wien.
More bags were given to Alternatives for Battered Women, a temporary shelter for women who often leave home sud- denly with little or no personal posses- sions. The bags hold their personal things until they return to a safe home environ- ment or establish a new residence.
It's been a busy philanthropic year for the members of AOII. The final AOII pledge reached $100 to the Strong Memo- rial Hospital Children's Fund as a result of PiOA Ray Feasey's run across America in September.
In spring, a slide show and talk is scheduled with Frontier Nursing Service on nurse-midwives in rural America. Rochester colony has supported this group each year.
More than 300 Southern California alumnae and collegiate members celebrat- ed Founders' Day with a luncheon Feb. 5 at the Saddleback Inn in Santa Ana.
Marilyn Herman, Upsilon, a member of the Executive Board, gave the Found- ers' Day message and Marianne Carton, Upsilon, gave the Ruby Fund message. Others participating in the program were Joan Neckerman, Nu Lambda, as toast- mistress; Marguerite Butler, Sigma, who welcomed the members; Carol Dovala, who gave the invocation and Nancy Heard, Chi Delta, who read the chapter roll call.
The Southern Orange County Alum- nae Chapter hosted the event. Co-chair- men were Mary Leigh Blek, Kappa The- ta, and Rosemary Safer, Delta Sigma. Committee members included Olga
Vatcher, Lambda; Gale Paul, Beta Lamb- da; Carol Frogue, Nu Iota; Penne Ferrell, Nu Lambda; Ann Cordes, Beta Lambda and Coralie Katch, Epsilon Alpha.
The alumnae chapters represented at the luncheon were Glendale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Northern Orange County, Pasadena, Riverside, San Diego, San Fernanco Valley, South Bay Palos Verdes and Southern Orange County.
Collegiate members from Lambda Beta, California State University at Long Beach; N u Lambda, University of South- ern California; Sigma Phi, California State University at Northridge, and Lambda Iota, University of California San Diego also attended.
This year the Pocatello Alumnae
Chapter is sharing talents and learning new skills together. We have had meet- ings on cake decorating, went to a local boutique to learn flower arranging, view- ed two films and received information on arthritis from state arthritis foundation, and made plans to hold the annual Spa- ghetti Dinner which has been a tradition for 20 years, explained Elaine Smith.
This year the members will participate in the silent auction as a fund raiser. Each member is bringing an item or items that she has made for the special auction. Lat- er this spring, members will have an eve- ning learning how to take care of their cars. May is always a hectic month so members will visit a local health club for a relaxing but invigorating time.
c ;
Honored guests at the Southern California Founders' Day Banquet were, left to right, Norma Ackel, Kappa Theta, Historical Society chairman; Marilyn Herman, Upsilon, Execu- tive Board director; Susan Holtkamp, Omega, Alumnae Membership chairman; Marianne Carton, Upsilon, Ruby Fund chairman and Olga Vatcher, Lambda, Southern California Council Treasurer.
When does it snow in Dallas? . . . On Dec. 11 when the Dallas Alumnae Chap- ter celebrated Founders' Day with a luncheon at the Doubletree Inn! Thirty five sisters shared AOII memories and passed the loving cup.
Rose recognition went to Beverly Brinkman Allen, N u Iota; Karyn George Angstadt, Gamma Iota; and Sudi Mead, Lambda Tau, for their contributions, participation and support during the past year.
To help our collegiate chapters through finals, "Christmas—Keep Up The Spirit" bags were sent to Upsilon Lambda chap- ter and later a Texas size can of popcorn went to Delta Beta chapter.
"Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It" says it all about our November philan- thropic project. Sisters shared their many talents to raise more than $200 to benefit arthritis. This spring the chapter plans add to that with its annual Charity Ga- rage Sale, reported Beverly Allen.
It is a spring of fund raising and activi- ty for the Pullman Alumnae Chapter.
A couple's dinner began the spring for the Palouse-area membership.
In late March the group plans a bridge dessert as a spring fund raiser. Also in the spring the chapter plans to host an "Up with Greek" evening to recognize the new Greek leaders in the W ashington State University fraternities.
The Zelda Baker Jaekel Award was given to Kitty Byrne, a past chapter pres- ident and criminal justice major.
The Knoxville Alumnae Chapter con- tinues its 22-year tradition of joining forces with the Omicron chapter at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and the Mothers' Club to sponsor a fall bar- becue.
The combined efforts provide support to the Arthritis Foundation and a scholar- ship on campus.
The Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter—helped in last year's Health Fair and the Western Missouri-Greater Kansas City Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation's Public Education Forum. Various members have volunteered an accumulative of 35 hours preparing for the Foundation's spring canvasing. A n d
Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary in October. Nancy Mover McCain, International President when the chapter was installed, spoke to those attending. Pictured from the left is Vivian Hiltner Kreasky, Phi, one of the charter members; Alice Wessels Burlingame, Marion Tanner Rylander and Mary Howlett Barrett, both Omicron Pi, who received 50-year pins; Speaker Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho, and Chapter President Barbara Miller Price.
the chapter is working as volunteers in the office for gifts campaigns.
Second vice-president Linda Mansur, Delta Pi, has been actively involved in the Western Missouri-Greater Kansas City Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. She first served its board of directors in 1980 and then chairman of its Public In- formation/Public Education Committee in 1981, a position she still holds, report- ed Leanne Mebust.
Brightly colored balloons and long- stemmed red roses led the way at the Epping Forest home of Minerva Rogers Mason, Kappa '47, where the Jackson- ville alums had 30 sisters together for their '82-83 kickoff meeting.
Everyone brought an appetizer to share, and as always, AOIIs showed their flair for cooking—and eating! Old friend- ships were renewed as many sisters saw each other for the first time in years. Doris Godard Mitchell, Alpha Pi '37, brought a '48 issue of To Dragma that we all thoroughly enjoyed reading. It was great meeting and making new friends as we enjoyed the beautiful autumn after- noon on the St. John's River, reported President Candy Kirdwood Colyer, Kap- pa Kappa '70, who led the executive board in its efforts to reorganize the chapter getting in touch with more than 100 sisters in the area.
Karen Rogers Breault, Kappa Kappa '81, Dottie Juskoviak Lieufau, Gamma Omicron '81, Cheryl Waldorf McGinnis, Gamma Omicron '74, Barbara Miller,
Gamma Omicron '79, and Rita Vaughn Kelly, Alpha Pi '71, were keys to the suc- cess, giving their time and love, working through the geographical print-outs.
The alums were invited to Gainesville to share in their Founders' Day celebra-
tion in November. The dinner/dance was especially enjoyed by the recent Gamma Omicron alums who attended. A wine- testing party will cap their spring activ- ities.
The Evansville-Tri-State Alumnae Chapter began the spring series of meet- ings with a couples' Progressive Dinner in February. The second annual Style Show Benefit for Arthritis Research is in March. Jane Mengon Bernhardt, Chi Lambda '68, was general chairman of the event which featured women's and Men's spring fashions.
In April the Spring Luncheon will hon- or and welcome to alumna status the Chi Lambda collegiate chapter seniors from the University of Evansville. For the first time they will be working into the sum- mer months to hold a large auction to benefit Arthritis Research.
Unusual items such as "Vacation Pack- ages" are being solicited for this July event by Gariann Bauer Small, Chi Lambda, and her committee. The auction will be held at a well-known local area, Curran Miller Auction Barn. Auctioneer will be Hugh Miller husband of Judith Graul Miller, Chi Lambda, added Rita Mengon.
m mm
Left to right, Candy Kirkwood Colyer, Kappa Kappa '70, president; lulia Redmond, Gamma Omi- cron, secretary; Barbara Miller, Gamma Omicron '79, treasurer; Martha Crane Linton, Alpha Pi '31 and Dottie Juskoviak Livfau, Gamma Omicron '81, vice president, helped with the fail kick-off of Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter activities at Minerva Rogers Mason's home, Kappa '47.
Alumna fights battle of arthritis
In March 1975 Frances McCully, Beta Theta '28, Butler University, was stricken almost overnight with rheumatoid arthri- tis and lost use of her hands and arms within two weeks.
However, she and her family main- tained the fighting spirit and with fine medical direction spent six weeks "learn- ing a very strange new life for all of our family," she said.
"I am so fortunate that it struck me at 65 instead of 25 when my three children were small—and that I have a wonderful husband who has gone above and be- yond the call of duty . . . , "Frances quickly added.
Her comeback has been the hardest work she has ever done.
"The transition from 'super active' to 'super nothing' was a tremendous one and most difficult," she explained. " I made up my mind I would not let it ruin our lives and that I would live each pre- cious God given day to the fullest and do everything in my power to make a come- back.
Frances' arthritis was wide spread and later brought on a heart attack the fol- lowing year. "That," she recalled, "was only a setback and not an impossible hur- dle."
Frances has dedidcated her energy into doing what she can to fight the crippler of 31,000,000 Americans.
"Ken's and my whole life has been based on 'before and after rheumatoid,'" she said. "We feel that God has given me a second chance at life to perhaps help others who have suffered as I have and giving them hope and help to better cope with their lot."
She has always considered herself a "Jill of all trades, but master of none."
But she and her husband have made tapes on care of arthritics, and have giv- en a number of programs on public tele- vision. Frances, too, is a popular speaker.
Just three years after her arthritis was discovered Frances was named Indiana State Fair's Senior Queen and spent the next year traveling all over the state rep- resenting senior citizens.
can imagine the depths of my feeling as I was permitted to be a part of the lovely ceremony."
Now at 72 Florence says she has evolved from the depths of shock and pain to experiences that "the shy little freshman from Rushville, Ind., who be- came an AOII at Butler University that fall in 1928 could never have imagined.
"That fall I found the love and friend- ships I so needed with these young wom- en whose high ideals, social graces, aca- demic requirements, and deep religious convictions helped me carry on the life I had found with my own dear parents. These friendships I deeply treasure to this day.
"Therefore you can see why I never was so proud to be a member of AOII as when I picked up the first issue of To Dragma which carried stories of our asso- ciation with the National Arthritis Foun- dation and its importance and vital work," she added.
"Although arthritis is not a potential killer, it is life imprisonment to those en- gulfed in its clutches of pain and frustra- tion," she stressed.
But Florence has come back from what she described as a "super nothing" to what sisters see as a leading spokesman about arthritis.
She has served on the Board of Direc- tors for the Arthritis Foundation. She has testified in our nation's capital on behalf on Arthritis Research and her activities continue on and on . . .
One of her favorite poems certainly fits this outstanding woman—Robert Brow- ning's "Grown Old Along With Me,"
"The best is yet to be, the last is lifefor which the first was made.
"I have so much to be thankful for and hope my experience can help others to know it is never 'too late' to seek help. There may be no cure for arthritis yet, but there is definite help if you have enough faith, courage and plain hard grit to see each day through," she stressed.
And speaking to the rest of us Frances added, "take that first step, touch anoth- er life, and get involved."
thritis Foundation before a congressional committee.
"The shining point of all had to be on May 1, 1979, at the Statehouse in Indian- apolis. It had been four years since that morning I had entered W inona Hospital with a very dim future in sight and no concept of the veritable hell I would go through in pain, suffering and frustration before things got any better," she said. "But there I stood to receive from Indi- ana's governor the proclamation making May the Older Americans' Month. You
A r -
Past TC describes benefits of AOII training
One former Traveling Consultant,
Chris Mosher, Sigma Iota, Western Illi- nois University, may not have realized it when she was visiting chapters for AOII that her "pick up and go spirit" would come in very handy in her career, too.
She is the Special Assistant to the Sec- retary (of Agriculture) for Public Liaison. Her responsibility is to serve as the secre- tary's liaison with all of the special inter- est groups. This includes farm organiza- tions and commodity groups, of course, but also others who are interested in agri- culture such as consumer groups, envi- ronmentalists, and rural development groups.
Her office, too, is the contact point for all constituents who have a question or suggestion.
"Working with them includes every- thing from referring them to the appro- priate person who can help," Chris added, "or just listening—sympathizing with a farmer who has had too much—or not enough—rain."
The job involves a lot of travel.
"The traveling reminds me of the 'good ole days'—on the road again," she said. "I'm really enjoying revisiting some of the cities I visited as a TC, seeing the AOII houses and even having a chance to re- new some of the friendships."
Chris emphasized how her AOII experi- ences have helped her.
"I do a lot of speaking and workshop planning. Thank goodness for all I've learned from AOII in that area," she said. "And everywhere I go people will see my AOII ring and say 'My daughter is a AOLTor"MywifeisanAOII, etc."
"One thing I've learned since gradua- tion is that AOII really is forever," Chris said. "It's remained just an important in my life as when I was in college, if not more so. Graduation is just the beginning of all the special times and friendships AOII can bring."
In her career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and with her earlier posi-
Books requested
With the purchase of our new Interna- tional Headquarters building in Nash- ville, AOII will now have adequate space to display books and publications of AOII authors. If you are an AOII author and would like to donate a signed copy of your work to the Headquarters li- brary, please send it to Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, T N 37215.
Hon with the Illinois Department of Agri- culture she has incorporated many "AOII skills."
"Even the training in manners that I laughed at as a collegian have proven in- valuable in the social situation in which I have found myself," Chris quickly added. " I often use the group dynamics and workshop basics we used in AOII."
Because of her TC training and back- ground she became the training officer at the Illinois department and she continues some of the training priorities at the fed- eral level.
Chris said the most valuable skills AOII taught her were those for dealing with people—how to be a good listener when those unhappy farmers call—how to treat all people fairly and professionally—how to communicate with those with whom you differ.
"Those kinds of abilities are extremely important to our success in accomplish- ing the goals of the present administra- tion," she said. "AOII has given me confi- dence in myself and taught me to rely on
myself, to be innovative, and to set my goals high and strive to attain them.
"The very most important thing AOII has given me is something (Administra- tive Director) Sue Edmunds Lewis ex- pressed when she said AOIT is a tapestry for life," Chris added.
"Our ritual is a guideline for living that is with me always," she said. "It is uni- versal and eternal. My goal is to live my life according to the principles set forth in the Ritual. It has often helped me to make decisions and to get through diffi- cult times."
To collegians Chris said: "Seize the op- portunities that AOII offers you. Every- thing you give of yourself will be re- turned to you many times over!!"
Following her year as a TC, John Block was beginning his directorship of the Illi- nois Department of Agriculture and had a file drawer filled with applications. However, Block felt her TC experience was very valuable and the job was hers.
Chris is chapter adviser for Pi Delta at the University of Maryland.
Chris Mosher, Sigma Iota, and Secretary of Agriculture John Block.
Cloethiel Smith earns UO service award
Cloethiel Woodard Smith, an Alpha Sigma from the University of Oregon '32, continues to earn the respect of her soror- ity, university and architects throughout the world.
The most recent award given to the Washington, D.C., architect was granted last June by the University of Oregon, the "Distinguished Service Award." The award is UO's equivalent of an honorary degree and was presented at spring com- mencement.
The award is presented to an individu- al "who, by knowledge and skill, has made a significant contribution to the cultural development of Oregon or soci- ety as a whole."
She studied architecture at Oregon and then completed graduate work in archi- tecture and city planning at W ashington University in St. Louis.
Choethiel worked for the Federal Housing Agency and then began her own architectural firm in W ashington, D.C.
Since that time she has maintained a distinguished practice and is acclaimed for her contributions toward developing a more livable urban environment.
Her tremendously varied work in- cludes the design of individual residences, townhouses, apartment buildings, shop- ping and recreation centers, hospitals, schools, clubs, a parking garage, an ex- pressway, and a metro station.
She is well-known as the master plan- ner for the major southwest Urban Re- newal Area Project in W ashington.
Among her firm's recent projects are the master plan for the Washington Ca-
Hines prints
'Alum Lines'
One Beta Lambda alumna has been successful bringing together "Alum Lines" to keep track of AOIIs from Illinois Wesleyan University during 1965-71.
Linda Gitzendanner Hines '68, worked with alumni officials at IWU and mailed out 91 letters to alumnae. Some 57 responded and a 17-page newsletter was developed.
"I'm sure there are other alums who would consider initiating such a project- but just haven't gotten around to it,"Linda said. "Ihad a terrific response. Everyone seemed so eager to receive their copy.
iis I
thedral, a master plan and design for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Cen- ter, the new YMCA building and Wash- ington Square, a 130-high, block long building.
W ashington Square, whose developers wanted "a prestige office building" carries a $50 million pricetag and Cloethiel's dra- matic design.
According to the W ashington Post . . . "Her buildings..are characterized by a tasteful, unornamented elegance and by some attention . . . to public needs and spaces.
Called an unreformed modern archi- tect, she has been practicing architecture in Washington, D.C., for three decades.
Cloethiel also has been extremely ac- tive in civic affairs and has served on the President's Council on Pennsylvania A v - enue, the board of the National Building Museum, and the Committee of 100 in the Federal Way.
In 1978 she was awarded the Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award from AOII for outstanding success in her profession.
Cloethiel Woodard Smith Alpha Sigma
Rosalyn Franta elected V.P.
Rosalyn Franta, Phi Upsilon 7 0 , Pur- due, has been elected to vice president of nutrition and chemistry by Kellogg Com- pany's Board of Directors.
She is responsible for the company's worldwide activities in nutrition, food chemistry, analytical testing and the tech- nical library.
Rosalyn joined Kellogg in 1974 as a home economist, developing recipes and evaluating children's breakfast eating habits. In 1975, she was named nutrition and consumer specialist in Kellogg's Pub- lic Affairs Division. T w o years later, she became manager of children's advertising in the Marketing Division. During that tenure, she testified in the Federal Trade Commission's advertising to children proceeding.
In 1979, Rosalyn served as corporate administrative assistant in the company's executive offices, working on corporate planning, and merger and acquisition analyses. In December 1979, she became the company's director of nutrition; and in January of 1982, she was promoted to director of nutrition and analytical serv- ices in the company's science and quality area.
The AOII graduated from Purdue Uni- versity where she received a B.S. degree, with distinction, in home economics edu-
Rosalyn Franta, Phi Upsilon Vice President, Kellogg Co.
cation and a M.S. degree in foods and nutrition.
She is a member of the International Life Sciences Institute's Board of Trus- tees. Rosalyn is a registered dietitian and is a member of the American Dietetic As- sociation and Dietitians in Business and Industry.
Zimmerman cited
Marian A. Zimmerman, a second grade teacher at M t . Airy Elementary School, Cincinnati, Ohio, was one of the six from the district honored with the Distin- guished Teacher-Service Award.
According to James N . Jacobs, superin- tendent of Cincinnati Public Schools, "Miss Zimmerman is a dedicated . . . and respected member of the Mt. Airy staff having served as chairperson of the discipline committee, faculty representa- tive for CTA . . . and on many other committees.
"Her enthusiasm is ever present and she continually demonstrates her sensitiv- ity and commitment to the needs of the pupils she serves," he added.
Alum enjoys time behind camera
It only took one dog sled race and
Lucy Malahal "Mally" Kurtz Hilands, Al- pha Sigma, University of Oregon '30, was hooked.
She couldn't take enough pictures of the beautiful animals and found herself, by 1970, printing her own black and white photographs.
At one time Mally was the official pho- tographer for five West Coast sled dog race clubs and you still find her sled dog photographs in a number of books sold internationally.
Mally has continued to study her hob- by through work with camera great Ansel Adams and his staff at Yosemite National park and at many workshops.
She has a "star rating" in the Photo- graphic Society of America's pictorial print division and the photo-journalism division which involves international competition.
The Clackamas County Fair of Oregon has benefited from Mally's talents through the photography department she organized. As superintendent for 12 years she has organized the judging of/more than 350 amateur prints annually, during the fair.
Three years ago this Portland Alumnae Chapter member started to make her own color prints. Mally has given a number of photography shows combining her black and white work with the color prints.
This P.E. major combines her love of the outdoors, a feel for the athletic chal- lenge and her love for photography. She keeps busy darting from one "event" to another introducing herself to interesting people, places and things through pho- tography.
TN's female car dealer is AOII
Mary Maude Hearn Pi Kappa
Meet Tennessee's only female Chevro- let dealer—Mary Maude Algee Hearn, Pi Kappa'45, of Tiptonville.
"I have lived most of my life with Chevrolet," she began. Her father went into the Chevrolet business in 1928, and when Mary Maude left the University of Texas in the spring of 1945, she became his accountant.
In 1964 her husband, James, became dealer and as his health failed in the last few years, Mary Maude assumed more
and more responsibilities—just at a most difficult time in the automobile industry.
Since the death of her husband in 1980 Mary Maude has been the first woman dealer in the Memphis Zone which in- cludes West Tennessee, West Kentucky, Southeast Missouri, and northern half of Mississippi and all of Arkansas. (For the record, there is no other woman dealer with east Tennessee either!)
Her years with the family business have helped her gain the respect of her peers.
"I knew many of the other dealers and most of the zone management—all of who have accepted me very well," she added. "They have never seemed to make any exceptions and have listened to what I have had to say without any reserva- tions or compromise because I am a woman." Mary Maude has served as di- rector of music for the First United Meth- odist Church in Tiptonville for more than 30 years. She has been president of the Federated W omen's Club and the Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary. She serves on the West Tennessee Area Development Council representing private industry, a position appointed by Tennessee's Gov. Lamar Alexander.
She has two sons, one who is married to Luanne Gowan, Omega Omicron, Lambuth.
"Even though Tiptonville is a small town of about 2,000, we are primarily an AOII town with the finest alumnae and collegians in many chapters throughout the area," she proudly reported.
Stampede Finish by Mally Kurtz Hilands, Alpha Sigma
Elly Hendricks honored as volunteer
with the Arthritis Foundation," United W ay's V olunteer Action Center officials reported. "In addition to the duration of her service, her versatility in volunteer contributions has added immensely to the growth of the Arthritis Foundation in the Dayton area."
She has been a volunteer with the Ar- thritis Foundation since 1967 when, as president of the Dayton Alumnae Chap- ter, she attended International Conven- tion at which the arthritis cause was adopted as the official philanthropic project.
That fall she was one of the founding members of the W omen's Auxiliary (now called Arthritis Volunteer Action Com- mittee), and served as its secretary for nine years. In 1979-80 she was president of AVAC.
Elly has been a vice president of the Dayton Branch of the Southwestern Ohio Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. She has served on many branch committees.
Her service to the Arthritis Foundation includes home visits to arthritis patients, knitting knee-warmers, assisting with the warm-water exercise program, helping with receptions and education classes, helping at health fairs and speaking about the foundationand United Way.
Her energies, too, are there for fund raising. During the 1981 Swim-a-thon, Elly swam 50 lengths of an area pool and collected more pledge money for her ef- forts than any other participant. A year later she joined the Swim-a-thon effort by AOIIs at Wright State University.
Our Dayton alum chapter does a lot for arthritis, Elly emphasized. The chap- ter sponsors a summer picnic for patients. And works with Kappa Delta's (Wright State) Swim-a-thon. and individually, members spend many hours in volunteer work.
The V oluntary Action Center of Unit- ed Way of Dayton made the presenta- tion
Elly V oss Hendricks Alpha Tau
There are so many ways to help the Arthritis Foundation and one AOEt has received special recognition for showing just how.
Elly Voss Hendricks, Alpha Tau, Den- nison University '57, and a member of the Dayton Alumnae Chapter, was named one of the Top Ten Volunteers for Dayton, Ohio.
"Loyalty and longevity are hallmarks of Elly's 15-year service as a volunteer
Directors elected
There are a number of new faces in the leadership of Region II.
Former Regional Vice President Barba- ra Hunt, Phi Delta, Grafton, Wis., has accepted an interim Executive Board po- sition following the resignation of Neen Neale, Kappa Phi.
Charlene Potter, Beta Gamma, Worth- ington, Ohio, was appointed to the re- gional vice president position to replace Barb. New regional directors for II are Betsy Payne Watson, Omega Xi, Cincin- nati, Ohio; Ellen Kinch, Iota, Mundelein, 111., and Fudge Skaff, Theta Psi, of Tole- do, Ohio. Cindy Skaff, Theta Psi, of To- ledo, is regional rush officer.
Arthritis note
There are 6,500,000 with arthritis severe enough to require medical care. Each year it claims 1,000,000 new victims.
Volunteering was the beginning
Dorothy C . Sallee, Omega, went from volun- teer to director, at the Benjamin Harrison Home.
Dorothy C. Sallee, Omega '51, Miami University, found her "volunteer" job took her right to the top.
Dorothy moved to Indianapolis, Ind., about ten years ago and in 1974 offered her services to the Benjamin Harrison Home in 1974.
She began the Home's education de- partment which today offers extensive number of classes and programs to schools in the museum as well as out- reach programs.
Two years later when a staff position came along Dorothy was made Director of Education and in a year became Di- rector.
She has served as president of the Indi- anapolis Alumnae chapter and earlier as president of the Dayton (Ohio) Alumnae Chapter.
She is a past president of the Associa- tion of Indiana Museums, state represent- ative to the Midwest Museums Confer- ence and a member of more than a dozen professional societies.
Dorothy has served as a officer for the Indianapolis Panhellenic Council, a vol- unteer for the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and director of the Harrison Com- munity Council.
A member of DAR, she has lectured at several museum conferences and has pub- lished two magazine articles and one anthology.
Assistant historian named
AOII's Assistant Historian is Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha '46, Pennsylvania State University.
"When asked if I was interested in do- ing anything for AOII, my immediate an- swer was YES," Jacque said. As to where she would like to serve, well that took a little time.
She wrote to International Historian Edith Anderson, Beta Phi, and mentioned scholarship, Fraternity Education pro- grams—"or how about as a helper for the Historian?"
That's all it took for AOII's Historian to put the Epsilon Alpha alum to work.
"We truly have a fine heritage. We should make every pledge more aware of it," Jacque added.
Through many moves as a military family Jacque has tried to stay involved with the sorority. When there was no AOII chapter she became active in local Panhellenic groups. She served as presi- dent of the Dayton, (Ohio) Alumnae Chapter and during that time received the Rose Award at Convention.
After the family's move to Palo Alto, Calif., in 1964, she served as alumnae chapter president there as well as scholar- ship adviser for Delta Sigma chapter. She became Alumnae Director for the region and was responsible for organizing and supervising the first Regional Meeting that AOII held there.
Her next move was back to the East Coast and while at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, she helped as pledge and scholarship adviser at Pi Delta chap- ter, University of Maryland, and then be- came a regional director.
Her position at the White House with the Carter Administration absorbed four of her years. She worked with sensitive materials and had complete authority to grant access for anyone to the White House complex.
1mi Jacquelyn S. Dinwiddie
Epsilon Alpha
One very special lady deserves recogni- tion for her unending service, according to Lambda Beta chapter.
"This terrific woman is our financial adviser, Virginia Chapney Batey," re- ported Suzanne Elken.
Virginia pledged Kappa Theta at UCLA. From Kappa Theta, she trans- ferred to Upsilon chapter in 1940 at Uni- versity of Washington, where she was part of an organizational program. She was vice-president and rush chairperson there.
Virginia married in 1942. She and her husband had one son, Everett. After her husband died in 1950, she and her son re- turned to California. She received the first AA in Escrow in the State of Cali- fornia.
She has been financial adviser for two years. She's also Corporation Board treasurer, a position she's held for four years. Virginia was a member of South- ern Orange County Alumnae but is now a member of the Long Beach Alumnae Chapter.
Virginia is still reaping benefits from Alpha Omicron Pi. With friends being the backbone of social life, AOII is like a second family to her. She loves the wom- en and finds it a very rewarding experi- ence, although sometimes its a little nerve-wracking.
"I am so impressed with the women of this generation— how they handle them- selves with school, jobs and a multitude of sorority activities and how successful they are," she emphasized.
Virginia C . Bailey Kappa Theta
Chapter cites alumna effort
Members of Alpha Pi's 1970 pledge class Janet Lester Lisle, Terry Wander, Anne Cannon Olmsted, Elaine Cuagliardo Belt, Julie Dunn, Arlyn Creighton Colley, Donna Maire Verso Rinaldi, Donna Lee Pylman and Rhonda Johnson during their reunion last summer.
Colle^fote Chapter Commentaries Chapters report busy school year
OMEGA OMICRON Lambuth College
There is only one word to describe Omega Omicron's semester: successful.
Summer was successful due to a rush workshop where we reviewed goals and took time to share each other's summers.
"We continued this success as we re- turned to school and pledged 16 women, the only sorority on campus to pledge quota. The 16 became our sisters and we enjoyed 100% initiation," reported Ann Ewing.
In October, the chapter began the cele- bration of its 25th anniversary at Lam- buth. This included a dance for area alums, a tea, and a banquet. Rena Hunt Hampton, long time chapter adviser, spoke at the banquet and recalled some of her experiences.
The thrust of her speech, however, was inspired by the ancient proverb: "Help your sister's boat across, and you will find your own has reached the shore." It was a speech which reminded us of the true meaning of sisterhood. Lynn Mc- Allister Wills, a more recent chapter pres- ident and adviser, also spoke expressing her feelings for the chapter, Ann added.
November was the month of Home- coming and further success. The chapter won second place in the banner contest, first place in the float contest, second place in the effigy contest, thus winning the overall Homecoming trophy. Decem- ber would up the semester and brought our second place victory in volleyball intramurals.
Phi Omicron chapter is well on the road to a great year. "We are out to prove the 24 women together can really add up," reported Nancy Meredith.
Greek Week this year was special and, with the help of some freshmen, the
The AOI1 Executive Board an- nounces plans for the construction of Phi chapter house on Sigma Nu Cir- cle at the University of Kansas. Har- ris Construction Co., of Lawrence, Kan., will be in charge of the million dollar plus project due to be com- pleted in the fall, 1983.
The Tudor style house will con- tain 19,300 square feet with plans to house 75 women. Two and three-girl study rooms with sleeping dorms have been planned as part of the two-story structure. According to the architectural renderings, the pub- lic areas will include a formal living room, dining room, kitchen, recre- ation room, chapter room and li- brary.
End loan financing has been se- cured through The First National Bank of Lawrence. The KU Endow- ment Association is also accepting contributions for the AOII house with the repayment of the loan being designated to provide scholarships for AOII members at KU.
chapter finished first of the sororities in the Greek games.
Its second annual Pig Roast to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation was a success, with the Sigma Chis lending a helpful hand. Not only did it draw well but the food was good!
Also in '82 was the Mad Hatter Dance, an all-campus dance where hats are worn and the best rewarded, and Tri-Level, a Christmas dance—the dance upstairs, gift-giving in the living room and refresh- ments downstairs—a great start for a merry Christmas and a great end for the first term!
U. of Kansas
Phi chapter at the University of Kansas returned from summer break refreshed and ready to begin a new year by realiz- ing the need to keep membership up. Open rush was held and three new pledg- es were rushed by 65 actives. Their initia- tion was held in December before going into Kansas City to celebrate Founders' Day with the women of Delta Pi and the Lawrence, Topeka and Kansas City alumnae.
Elections of the new officers were held in November with Elizabeth Scherzer and Lenna Mallin being elected as President and Vice President. Anne Smith's sum- mer surely must have been a good one to come back and show everyone how it is done by winning Phi's cookbook selling contest, being elected alumnae relations chairman, and by being nominated for Rho Lambda a Greek honorary society.
For the second year in a row Phi suc- cessfully retained its first place trophy for the best non-movable Homecoming float with the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. Many long hours were spent and every- one really showed how AOII can shine under the direction of Karen Koenig.
As always a lot of the time was spent making preparations for spring rush. Rush Chairman Margie McManus suc- cessfully led the chapter's return from se- mester break to rush a pledge class of 43.
Spring semester is filled with pledges training initiation, the walkout, philan- thropy activities for the Arthritis Founda- tion, scholarship dinners, and social functions, reported Jan Clason.
But most importantly, it will bring the long awaited ground breaking ceremonies for a new chapter house to be ready for the fall semester in 1983. When it is com- pleted it will house 75 initiated members.
Phi's look to come.
Omega started out the second semester with a Christmas party and a surprise visit from Santa Claus. W e celebrate after Christmas so that first semester exams would not get in the way of our fun. This proved to be a worthwhile idea because Omega finished the first semester third place with their GPA, proudly reported scholarship officer, A m y Martz.
Soon after we arrived back on campus Omegas hit the road for Walkout to Uni- versity of Illinois. More than 60 AOIIs participated and it was all made possible by W alkout Chairman, Julie Ferguson, also Omega's Outstanding Pledge. Laurie Gump received the pledge class scholastic award with a perfect grade point for the sem ester.
Omega's basketball team may not be perfect, but they have f u n trying. Playing in an inter-sorority league, the women demonstrated their stuff on the courts ev- ery week.
In addition to all these activities the pledges have had more. They started with an early morning breakfast with the seniors, paddle party with their big sises, a pledge banquet, a rose ceremony and fi- nally their initiation, reported Bobbie Smith.
ALPHA DELTA U. of Alabama
Although December signified the end of the semester at the University of Ala- bama, for the Alpha Delta football team it brought an exciting, fun-filled trip to the flag football championship in New Orleans.
After winning their first game, the women lost the next two and were elimi- nated from the tournament. But even though they were eliminated early, they all had a wonderful time meeting people and touring the city. Everyone agreed that the highlight of the trip was getting to watch the Liberty Bowl with the men's flag football team from the University of Illinois, added Linda Brown.
The beginning of a new semester at Alabama also brings the time for the an- nual Student Government Association elections. Alpha Delta is very proud of several members who were elected to var- ious offices. Carole Jurenko was elected to the office of president of the School of Communication; Hope Wedell was elect- ed as a senator in the School of Nursing; and Rhonda Davis was elected as a sena- tor in the School of Engineering.
Another event starting the semester off right was the Founders' Day Banquet. Good company was well as good food were highlights of the evening. Everyone enjoyed a lovely speech by Regional Vice-President Nancy Bettis, Omicron. Several awards were given for outstand- ing service. Most active on campus was
From the left, Lynn McAllister Wills; Laura Schubert; Melissa Bryan Dennison, current chapter adviser: Robbin Lau, current Omega Omicron chapter president; and Rena Hunt Hampton at the Omega Omicron's 25th anniversary banquet.
LAMBDA BETA Long Beach State U
In the first annual Sigma Pi softball tournament, Lambda Beta at Long Beach State University, were so rallied and ex- cited, that the chapter took the spirit award.
In October, Lambda Beta presented its Fall pledge class to friends and family. Later the chapter was pleased to award the first Alpha Omicron Pi Scholarship.
The scholarship is open to all sorori- ties. The women have only to meet two requirements: they must be a junior or senior, and have an accumlative grade point average of 3.5 or better. The rest is based on involvement in school, sorority, and community. There is an informal in- terview done by faculty and advisors of the university, to determine the recipi- ents.
Cal State's Panhellenic awarded AOIIs not only the Spirit Award, but also the Scholarship Award!
The annual mystery date dance for Halloween had a number of interesting guests. Little Abner and Daisy Mae, Den- nis the Menace and Margaret, and who could forget Hugh Hefner and his own playboy bunny! The night was full of mystery and romance.
The 1982 Fall pledge class put on one of the best Christmas formals in the early part of December. We even had two candlepasses at the festival event and ev- eryone had a great time, added Suzanne Elken.
The fund was extra from our annual play benefit fund raiser. Scholarship chairperson, Jeanne Boyer, who estab- lished the scholarship is very optimistic it will be awarded annually.
KAPPA KAPPA Ball State U .
Kappa Kappa's pledges worked up plenty of excitement about their initia- tion. They felt, it was coming up soon but they didn't know when. To relax the pledges decided to "kidnap the seniors" by waking them up at 7 a.m. and an- nouncing that this was the day for "walk- out." Later that night, the pledges took the seniors to a secluded campground where they ate hotdogs, sang, and the seniors shared some valuable experiences about their college careers. It was a spe- cial time and brought the chapter closer than ever.
The chapter is finishing up its final plans for its annual Basketball Marathon for Arthritis. In the past Kappa Kappa has contributed large amounts to the Ar- thritis Foundation from its Marathon ef- forts. Teresa Lee is this year's chairman.
On Jan. 15 the chapter celebrated Founders' Day by inviting various alum- nae to a brunch. The guest speaker was Jean Reiche who was one of the women who began the chapter at Ball State.
Jean's stories and experiences along with her charm, made it an interesting time for everyone. She made Founders' Day so special by actually reliving the past for our chapter. We appreciated having her wisdom and charm at our banquet, reported Peg Stokel.
Miami University
The popular saying, "Christmas falls but once a year," was proven false, by the AOIIs at Miami.
awarded to Carole Jurenko; most im- proved active, Sarah Gillette; and most outstanding active, Robin Sandidge. Faye W atts was recognized for outstanding service as our financial adviser, and Sally Ann Pulliam was recognized for out- standing public relations for Alpha Delta. Sarah Gillette served as chairperson for the evening.
LAMBDA SIGMA U. of Georgia
Lambda Sigma ended the fall quarter in style and started the winter quarter off on the right foot. Throughout fall quarter festivities Lambda Sigma was well repre- sented in evey aspect on campus.
Kim Smith was crowned Homecoming queen. The chapter also was winner of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Hairy Dog Spirit Drive for the second consecutive year, af- ter winning in two and placing in three of the six events. Pledges took first place in the "Yell like Hell" cheering competition, and placed in the "hate a tiger" parade and the window painting competition. Lambda Sigma sister Rhonda McLean was crowned Miss Georgia Spirit.
The Red Rose Ball was in January. Fol- lowing a dinner at the Holiday Inn, we danced to the orchestral arrangements of the "Atlanta Seventeen" at the Athens Country Club, reported Diane O'Don- nell.
Founders' Day was celebrated this year with the sisters of Gamma Sigma and Lambda Chi at the Northwest Atlanta Hilton. After the luncheon, each chapter contributed to the celebration with the candlelighting ceremony, songs and skits. The guest speaker was Carolyn Huey Harris, past international president and past president of Lambda Sigma.
Lambda Sigma initiated fifty-three pledges in January. The Annie Stuart Pearce Award for an outstanding pledge went this year to our resident athlete, Aida Irastorza. The pledges honored for top grades were A m y McFadden, Lisa Coker, Robin Waters, and Mandy White. The five received the Ruby A pin upon their initiation.
The spring quarter was busy with Sig- ma Chi Derby, Kappa Sigma Trophy Jam and Lambda Sigma's own Trophy Week- end, in which it sponsors the Fraternity of the Year award.
GAMMA SIGMA Georgia State
The 1982-1983 school year has gotten off to a great start for Gamma Sigma. The chapter pledged quota both fall and winter quarters for a total of 33 pledges. The fall quarter pledge class had the high- est GPA for all national sororities at Georgia State, inspired by their sisters
who also placed first. For the third quar- ter in a row Gamma Sigma has had the highest overall GPA of all national soror- ities on campus, reported Andrea Ready.
Individual sisters are also having a great year, and are involved in many GSU activities. Maria Hanes and Helen Berkshire were named to Who's Who Among Students in American Universi- ties and Colleges. Maria was also chosen for O D K and, Kelly Bell, an Inceptor (Student Orientation Leader) for next year. Betsy Reese is IIKA Dream Girl and Carol Combs is Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon. In the Ms. Rampways (Ms. GSU) competition Rene Costley was a fi- nalist, and Paige Eisenman and Diana Roper were semi-finalists.
Rhonda McLean, Lambda Sigma Miss Georgia Spirit 1982
Philanthropic activities are another area in which Gamma Sigma shines. So far this year the chapter has participated in the Tau Kappa Epsilon Toys for Tots campaign, the Pi Kappa Phi Feed the Kids drive and Sigma N u Sweepstakes, where they raised over $1800! AOFI Ath- letes is coming up spring quarter. Last year they raised over $5000 for arthritis research, and we're excited about doing even better this year, Andrea said.
Gamma Sigma also sponsored this year's AOII Founders' Day luncheon at the Atlanta Northlake Hilton. Three hun- dred AOIIs participated, including sisters from Lambda Sigma and Lambda Chi chapters. Rose Awards went to Sherry Cook and Sonja Reckeweg; recognition pins, to Maria Hanes and Joy Dawson; and Certificates of Honor, to Sandy Smith and Lisa DiBuono.
SIGMA DELTA Huntingdon College
The second semester for Sigma Delta started off with a bang. Sixteen pledges were initiated on Feb. 5. Held at Mont- gomery Country Club, the Founders' Day Banquet, too, was a great success. About 15 alumnae were present and Past International President Dorothy Dean, Phi, was awarded a special plaque for her outstanding service to the area chapters. Several other awards also were given. A model pledge award was given to Terri Hodges and a most creative pledge award was given to Karen Sweatt. The two most scholarly pledges were Jan Shackle- ford and Cindy Bradford, who both had perfect 4.0 averages. Sigma Delta's presi- dent, Nancy Jo Keith, and vice-president, W endy Hutchison, performed a skit in which Wendy acted as Stella George Stern Perry's trunk and told Nancy of the first chapter, explained Romona Reeves.
During the fall semester, Sigma Delta took first place in the annual phonathon and Donna Hodges was named editor of the campus newspaper. Homecoming elections also were held and Nancy Jo Keith was named Homecoming Queen. W endy Hutchison, Minnie Lamberth, Al- lene Gibson, and Anita Owens of Sigma Delta were elected to the court.
The Valentine's Day dinner held at the Lamplighter Dinner Theatre was a "hearty" time for the chapter and Rose Formal was held the last weekend in March. Overall, second semester kept Sigma Delta in high spirits and high hopes.
U. of Montana
"The AOIIs are on the move!" That's the new slogan for Beta Rho. After a slow start this fall, things are really look- ing up for this enthusiastic group of women who doubled the size of their chapter for Winter Quarter!
Fall Quarter was a busy one for all, starting with winning second place in the Homecoming Parade for the AOII/Sigma Nu joint-effort float entitled "Welcome to the Big Sky Family" in the morning, and have an Open House for the parents after the game that evening.
The fall pledges held their annual cos- tume party function in November with the theme, Favorite Eras, that was a huge success. After Thanksgiving, there was a whirl of activity getting ready for the Christmas Party and a much-enjoyed Founders' Day celebration, reported Su- san L. Wordal.
One thing about being an AOII, you are never lacking for things to do. That can be attested to by three of our sisters
who are members of SPURS. Two of them are active participants in this soph- omore organization, and the third, our chapter president, is Junior Advisor, she said.
The New Year and Winter Quarter was welcomed in with a very special Rose Week and the initiation of the entire For- mal Rush Pledge Class. Not to be out- done, the late fall pledges, w h o will finish their pledgeship this quarter, are looking forward to ending Winter Quarter in the same spirit of love and sisterhood with their own uniquely special Rose Week.
U. of Cal-Davis
Davis AOITs whirled into the New Year with informal Rush and Inspiration Week for Fall pledges. Fifteen pledges were kept busy that special week by hav- ing a pledge sneak, attending their big/ little sis dinner, and being inspired at Symbols night.
Chi Alpha's president, Jan W aken, was honored at Founders' Day with the "Most Outstanding Collegian" award. Also honored were Karen Mills with the "Most Outstanding Alum" award, and chapter adviser, Alice Huston, was honored by her alum chapter.
Davis AOIls danced at the Hyatt Re- gency in San Francisco with neighboring chapter, Sigma, at the annual Rose Ball formal in February.
We'll all be keeping busy Spring quar- ter with exchanges, building a float for Picnic Day—a UCD campus open house and parade, sponsoring the movie Rag- time, and competing in Greek Week, re- ported Traci Whitlock.
ALPHA PHI Montana State U
There were five days in January that will stand out in the minds of 19 women as a very important time of their college careers. The activities ceremony wel- comed these pledges into the sisterhood Alpha Phi chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
The members treated the 19 to a special week of activities which brought every- one closer, and gave us a chance to think about ourselves and the ideals we all stand for as AOIIs, explained Linda V ogel.
Participation in officer elections also brought a lot of enthusiasm into the A l - pha Phi Chapter home.
To welcome the new officers after in- stallation the Alpha Phi AOIIs went sere- nading. The new officers were introduced to the 11 Montana State University fra- ternities with an accompaniment of song.
International President Ginger Ganks with Anne Vaughan, president, and Cathy Acierno, past president, of Chi Beta at its installation activities.
Chi Beta installed at Virginia
The State of Virginia now can boast about its "second" AOII chapter joining Gamma Alpha of George Mason Univer- sity.
Chi Beta became AOII's newest chapter Nov. 13, 1982, at the University of Vir- ginia in Charlottesville, in installation and initiation ceremonies conducted by Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, International President from Austin, Texas. Ginger was assisted by visiting collegians from George Mason University and the Uni- versity of Maryland.
Other out-of-town guests were Carmel Martin Kaiser, Psi, Cockeysville, M d . , regional vice president; Marilyn Blue Mikesell, Delta Sigma, Silver Spring, Md., regional director; Helen McMahon,
area. Thomas Jefferson was the founder of the University of Virginia and his in- fluence is still felt.
Roses to all the local alumnae who worked so hard to make the weekend a memorable one. Connie Bolton, Rho, was installation chairman. She was as- sisted by Flora Reid, Pi Delta, banquet chairman; Eugenia Bibb, Kappa, Rituals chairman; Lillian Harpole, Nu Omicron, printing chairman; Janie Dubbs, Phi Beta, Rose Inspiration Night chairman; Nancy Lever, Gamma, gifts chairman; Ellen Spencer, Theta Phi, reservations chairman; Charlotte Carrell, Kappa Omi- cron, chapter adviser and reception chairman, plus the ongoing support of the Advisory Council, Anita Klein, Beta Phi; Tanya Richards, Alpha Delta; Cathy Mamantov, Omicron. Also Roses to the Richmond Alumnae Colony who provid- ed AOII favors to each new members and pledges, and a special thanks to Martha Gray, Omicron, of Gray's Floral Gallery, for providing a beautiful rose centerpiece and roses for each of the initiates.
Chi Beta, originally Chi Sigma, was founded by six collegiates Cathy Acierno, Kelly Kerr, Anne Pontiakos, Beth Campbell, Faye Ferguson and Pat- ton Conner in February, 1981.
Rapidly they organized and grew in number to 20 and were colonized in Janu- ary, 1982. Nina Martin, as traveling con-
Rho, McLean, president; and consultant.
V a., A m y
past regional vice- Forsythe, traveling
The weekend festivities began Friday Nov. 12, with a Rose Inspiration Night which set the proper mood of anticipa- tion for the big day. After the installation and initiation ceremony in which 34 be- came Chi Beta's charter members, 17 young women also became the chapter's first pledges.
Highlighting the day was the Rose Ban- quet held at Sponsors Hall at the Darden Business School. Even Thomas Jefferson graced the event with his presence in the form of a like-size statute in the reception
sultant, provided the group with her ex- perience and know how and got them well on their way to meeting all the colo- ny criteria.
Bringing this fantastic weekend to its conclusion was the reception on Nov. 14 attended by family, friends, faculty and representatives of all sororities and fra- ternities at U V A , reported Charlotte Peterson Carrell, Kappa Omicron '60.
Project developed
Christy Hoeing, fraternity education officer at Kappa Alpha chapter, has de- veloped a fraternity education program which explains all the special meaning of the Fraternity through activities, games, etc., all which would be enjoyed by any chapter.
If you have any questions about Chris- ty's project, drop her a note and learn what she has put together for her chap- ter. She can be reached at Lincoln Quad, Box 123, Terre Haute, IN 47809.
ALPHA GAMMA W ashington State
The 1982 pledge class of Alpha Gamma was busy during early December deliver- ing Santa-Grams to various sororities and fraternities, in hopes of raising mon- ey for its pledge dance. Santa's helpers were successful in selling a bag of Christ- mas candy and a message to a sender and delivering it to a special person. Activi- ties Chairperson, Julie Hildebrand, or- ganized the Santa-Grams operation.
Sophomore Jodie Nelson, social chair- person, was in charge of pledge dance de- tails. The dance, "Champagne and Ros- es," was held at Jan. 15, complete with a buffet dinner, reported Kimberly Bahren- burg.
One highlight of Phi Upsilon's season was spent with DePauws' Theta colony. In December, the women of Theta colony visited to celebrate Founders' Day.
Phi Upsilon now is preparing for its philanthropic project for the Arthritis Foundation.
The women finished third in an event called Anchor Splash in February. Mon- ey raised from the project is donated to Sight Conservation and to A i d to the Blind. AOIIs also helped with a Christ- mas party given by the men of Phi Kappa Sigma to aid children.
Phi Upsilons contribute to many staffs at Purdue University. Melissa Whiting has been named vice-president of pro- graming on the Senior Board of Panhel.
Patty Creed was chosen earlier this year as a Boiler Hostess. Patty aids Pur-
due by helping to recruite athletes. Nancy Powell represents AOII as an Employer Hostess. Nancy escorts visiting recruiters around the University.
Debbie Vestal and Karen Ashman will be representing AOII this coming year as Grand Prix girls at this springs Grand Prix races. Debbie also is on the staff for the "Composite." The "Composite" is Purdue's Greek yearbook.
The chapter also has six new additions to The Greek newspaper staff. Wendy Henry serves on the Junior Board and Heidi Hoyles, Susan Griffin, Linda Hood, Jennifer Corson, and Beth Berger serve on The Greek staff.
Phi Upsilon is anxiously awaiting U - Sing this year. We hope to once again make finals and win this year with the men of Pi Kappa Alpha, reported Beth Berger and Mary Pat Neiheisel.
Western Kentucky U .
When Alpha Chi chapter returned from Christmas Break, they not only had a great semester planned but also a new meeting house.
They had completed a successful fall by scoring their second consecutive victo- ry in powderpuff football with the aid of Becky Woods, the tournament's Most Valuable Player. At the same time the women were showing their agility on the playing field, they were also lighting up the stage in the annual November Non- sense at Western Kentucky University. For their musical version of "Living in the U.S.A." the Alpha Chis were rewarded with the third place trophy. They were also proud of their improved GPA and their second place scholastic rank among sororities on campus.
The women took advantage of Found- ers' Day to celebrate their sisterhood. Ev- eryone enjoyed the banquet and opportu- nity to introduce their families to all their AOII sisters at the annual Parents' Day.
Alpha Chi is very proud of its sisters' achievements. Two who have distin- guished themselves as outstanding cam- pus leaders are Susan Albert, the univer- sity's recently elected student government secretary, and Bonnie McClaren, a mem- ber of WKU's yell squad.
Becky Johnson reported the spring term started with the initiation of 27 pledges followed by a dance honoring these new members. Alpha Chi plans a trip to the University of Louisville for the initiation of this colony's pledge—What a wonderful opportunity to share in the chartering of a new chapter!
The chapter certainly has a fun and eventful semester in store as it defends the Sorority of Excellence title and tries for a third consecutive Greek Week Championship.
Wendy Hansen, Chi Delta Panhellenic V . P .
Ginger Adair, Chi Delta Panhellenic secretary
AOIIs elected to Panhellenic
The 1983 University of Colorado Pan- hellenic executive officers were elected and they include four AOIIs.
They are Kathy Walker, a senior ma- joring in political science, rush coordina- tor; Amelia Brown, a senior in radio-tele- vision production and political science, external vice president; W endy Hansen, a junior majoring in psychology, internal vice president, and Ginger Adair, a sen- ior, as secretary/treasurer.
The four pledged Chi Delta in the reor- ganization of the chapter the fall of 1980. They hold four of eight Panhellenic officesat the Boulder campus.
Amelia Brown, ChiDelta Panhellenic V . P .
Kathy Walker, Chi Delta Panhellenic Rush Coord.
THETA PSI U. of Toledo
"Clowning Around" was exactly what the sisters of Theta Psi chapter were do- ing during the 1982 Homecoming Parade at the University of T oledo.
AOIIs donned their best clown outfits and skipped along the parade route. Their costumes and antics brought many
smiles to the spectators. The playful clowns also handed out assorted candy to the children who were watching the festivities on that chilly November morning.
The theme of U of T's Homecoming was "Hats off to Toledo." AOII teamed up with Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and, with much work and determination, de- signed a float with a massive top hat with a giant white rabbit. While the float moved, the rabbit tipped his hat to the onlookers. AOII and Pi Kappa Phi earned a third place award for their big bunny!
Earlier during fall quarter, members and pledges sponsored a picnic for alum- nae at one of Toledo's beautiful metro- parks. Lunch was prepared by the colle- gians while new and old songs were shared.
The sisters of Theta Psi also treated their parents to a football game after an open house of the AOII apartment.
Involvement was a key word for Theta Psi during the fall. Once again AOIIs do- nated their time and in some cases, blood to the fall blood drive on campus. In No- vember, AOIIs grabbed their rollerskates and participated in a skatathon spon- sored by Pi Kappa Phi. A l l proceeds raised went to PUSH, Play Units for the Severely Handicapped.
Two important goals also were achieved by Theta Psi. The formation of a mothers' club became a reality with the club's first organizational meeting in November. After Christmas break, the sisters of Theta Psi psyched up for the initiation of 19 enthusiastic new sisters in January!
It's been a fantastic year so far for The- ta Psi and the outlook for spring looks even better, added Mary Fay Metzner.
SIGMA OMICRON Arkansas State U .
The setting was the majestic Peabody Hotel in Memphis, T N , for the chapter's annual Rose Ball. The women of Sigma Omicron chapter at Arkansas State Uni- versity begin the evening with a formal banquet where the 1983 officers were an- nounced and the eight new beaus were in- troduced and serenaded by the chapter. A dance followed the banquet.
After a semester of work 22 new mem- bers were initiated. Their semester of pledging was highlighted by Inspiration Week, Jan. 25-30. The week began with a Pizza dinner on Tuesday night, compli- ments of each pledge's big sis. On W ednesday, the soon-to-be initiates host- ed a party in honor of the members and presented each of their big sisters with a long stem rose. A scavenger hunt on Thursday night was a night of hunt and search. On Friday night, the pledges
showed their hidden talents to an audi- ence of members. They became official members of Sigma Omicron chapter on Sunday afternoon, reported Kim Bridger.
During the fall semester, several Sigma Omicrons were honored with special awards. Lee A n n Bruton, an elementary education major, was elected Panhellenic president. Lee Ann has been involved in Panhellenic forseveral years.
Two were elected sweethearts for cam- pus fraternities. Karrie Sims received the honors from Pi Kappa Alpha and Christy Satterfield, for Kappa Alpha. Monique Anderson was voted Who's Who Among American College Students. A m y Jenkins was voted "Miss Greek Pledge" and the fall pledges received "Cream of the Crop" at the Lambda Chi Alpha's Miss Greek pledge pageant. Karen Comer, an Arkan- sas State majorette, represented Campus Crusade for Christ as an attendant in Homecoming Court. Two sisters, Linda and Mary Graddy, have been valuable assets for the Tomahawk basketball team at ASU.
The Fall semester proved to be ex- tremely busy and fun-filled. In intramu- ral competition, AOII proved to be the number one volleyball team on campus. Sisterhood was exhilarating, with three holiday parties, each more exciting than the one before. A Punk Rock dance, complete with really "punk" outfits is an event few AOIIs will soon forget. The Alumnae chapter in Jonesboro hosted a dinner for the pledges at the beginning of the semester and a Christmas party in December.
AOIIs supported three sisters in the Miss ASU pageant in February. An excit- ing '50s theme dance was held in late February.
U of Cal-Berkeley
1983 started off on an enthusiastic note with the initiation of 26 women. This fol- lowed a Sisterhood Week which brought pledges and actives closer together through activities. Everyone celebrated the night after Initiation at a dance held at the Douglas Beach House near Half Moon Bay.
Winter weather means snow, and to many AOIIs that means skiing. A large contingent from Sigma spent a weekend in Lake Tahoe enjoying their favorite sport. Later in January, alumnae and col- legians gathered at the chapter house to observe Founders' Day. Sigma's anniver- sary was honored with an afternoon af- fair. Those in attendance were treated to house tours, a slide show, and a guest speaker.
As part of the chapter's scholarship program, one night during the quarter
was put aside for a Scholarship Dinner. Members invited professors and teaching assistants to dinner at the house. This en- abled Sigmas to become better acquaint- ed with their own instructors, and to meet those instructors in other fields of study, Karen Hashimoto said.
Last quarter the Mothers' Tea brought mothers and daughters together. This quarter the Father-Daughter Dance gave the fathers a chance to spend an enter- taining evening with their daughters, and to show off their talent on the dance floor. The highlight of this quarter's so- cial calendar was the Winter Formal held at San Francisco's Hyatt Regency in the Embarcadero Center.
SIGMARHO Slippery Rock State
Sigma Rho at Slippery Rock State Col- lege started the spring semester off with lots of enthusiasm and spirit which it shared with Traveling Consultant Sarah Jo Brunner.
Early in the term, a Greek Symposium was held for the benefit of Greeks on campus. Leadership, budgeting, and rush workshops were just a few of the sessions offered.
As the semester moved on so did Sig- ma Rho. The sisters proudly welcomed their newly initiated members following a week of inspirational activities.
Members planned "to play their cards right" while welcoming new women to "Casino Night," the theme of their spring rush party.
Competition is taking place between the Sigmas and the Rhos, two teams cre- ated by Fraternity Education Officer, Debbie Cunningham. Several games and projects were created to help strengthen our knowledge of AOII. A n award will be presented to the team demonstrating the most knowledge, explained Tracy Ray.
The rest of the semester promises to be a busy one with Greek Sing competition, Greek Week and the Spring Formal.
DELTA DELTA Auburn University
The thrill and excitement of having fel- low AOIIs entered in various contests seems to have overshadowed the usual winter quarter happenings.
Before the Christmas break, the sisters of the Delta Delta chapter were celebrat- ing the crowning of Valerie Benhall as Miss Glomerata. Patricia White and Tracie Howard were selected runners-up. The Glomerata is the university's year- book, featuring Miss Glomerata on two color pages.
Returning to the campus after a wel- comed vacation, the sisters of AOII and
the brothers of Sigma Pi fraternity went to work preparing for "A Night in New Orleans," the annual fund raiser for the Arthritis Foundation.
Next came initiation! Thirty-five pledg- es gave up their pins at the Rosebud cere- mony which began an exciting week. Rose Week consisted of a night of bowl- ing, kicked off with an ice-cream party, and a night of roller skating. The initia- tion banquet honored 11 seniors, as this was their last banquet.
While most awaited the winter formal at a lake resort, two "new" sisters ner- vously prepared for the Miss W ar Eagle Contest. This contest is a preliminary to the Miss Alabama contest. Tracie How- ard and Petty Hawkins placed second and fourth, respectively, in the event. More recently, Valerie Bendall and So- nya Smith were selected to be in the top 20 of the Miss Auburn Contest. The win- ner will be crowned in the spring.
The Delta Deltas up-coming quarter promises many events. Warm, sunny days spent at house parties on beautiful beaches and long hours of hard work spent on next fall's Rush are but a few of the thoughts running through the minds of all sisters, added Kaye Hutchins.
Indiana University of Penn.
The Gamma Beta chapter at IUP start- ed Spring Semester off with a fresh new look!
A Reorganizational Forum was held Feb. 5, and there were high expectations for informal rush. Regional officers, members of the Greater Pittsburgh Alum- nae Chapter and sisters from Epsilon A l - pha chapter at Penn State attended the Forum.
Gamma Beta also is looking forward to many activities held throughout the se- mester. Since AOII captured first place along with Alpha T au Omega fraternity in the Greek All Points Race last spring, the chapter now anxiously awaits the event in order to defend its title.
Derby Days will be another busy week for Gamma Beta and the sisters will knock 'em for a loop. But along with the fun this semester, fund raisers are being planned to take place throughout the Spring.
KAPPA OMICRON Southwestern at Memphis
Even though Christmas break lasted several weeks it didn't stop the AOLTs from Kappa Omicron.
Among many activities some members were plotting Big Sister/Little Sister ac- tivities, some were looking over bands for the March AOII formal, and others were busy getting things ready for the annual Founders' Day Banquet.
"We couldn't have had a better Found- ers' Day on the cold January Saturday on the top floor of the First Tennessee Bank building, reported Sherry Moore. Among many guests were honored to have Sue Edwards Lewis, the administrative direc- tor of AOII from Nashville, as banquet speaker, several others from headquar- ters, and actives from nearby chapters.
That same weekend, the AOLTs of Kap- pa Omicron held the first Informal Open Rush Party at the lodge, where everyone had a good time toasting marshmallows over the fire and eating popcorn. Open Rush ends soon and the chapter hopes to have several new pledges.
"Our own enthusiastic pledges worked hard and were initiated in March, "Sher- ry added. Among other events such as pledge swaps, Big/Little Sister Revela- tion, kidnaps and class parties, the pledg- es and many actives have also been busy preparing for Kappa Delta All Sing, at which they will sing movie selections.
Several AOIIs also were involved in the Annual Arthritis Foundation Roast of Memphis as hostesses of celebrities and politicians.
Delta Deltas Valerie Bendall, right, Miss Glomerata, and Patricia White, left, runner- up.
KAPPA T A U Southeastern L a .
Kappa Tau started the 1983 spring se- mester by initiating 23 pledges and one associate member. O n Jan. 23, 1983, Kappa Tau celebrated its 20th anniversa- ry on Southeastern's campus.
It was truly a memorable Founders' Day Banquet. The chapter also was hon- ored to have 13 selected as President's La- dies and nine named in a Who's Who among college students publication. Un- der the leadership of its intramurals chairman, Kappa Tau's volleyball team went to the state finals and came back with a third place trophy.
The Kappa Taus are looking forward to the 1983 International Convention since it will be held in New Orleans. More than 50 percent of the chapter is planning to attend the event.
LAMBDA CHI LaCrange College
On Jan. 23, the LaGrange College chapter joined the Georgia State and Uni- versity of Georgia chapters to celebrate Founders' Day.
Melanie Williams, president of the 1982 Pledge Class, received a rose for re- ceiving the most pearls. The pledge com- mittee started a new program this year where each pledge received a "pearl" for various activities such as good grades, membership in other campus activities, and willingness to help in our AOII chap- ter. The pledge with the most "pearls" at the end of fall quarter received an award.
Another new sister who received a rose was Katherine Keith, vice-president of the pledge class. She helped organize a program entitled "Mock Rush" for the en- tertainment of the sisters. The program consisted of different sketches, each showing some remembrance of this year's Rush. At the end of the skits, Katherine presented the sisters with a film projec- tor, a gift from all the pledges.
The other sisters who received roses from Lora were Becky Harris, treasurer; Dayna McKay, chapter relations; Jenny Horton, rush chairman; and Beth Floyd, vice-president. A l l of these sisters have worked hard this past year, improving the chapter so that AOII stands out as an important organization at LaGrange Col- lege, reported Lynne Carpenter.
OMEGA XI Morehead
Awards, Awards, Awards!!! That summarizes Omega Xi's fall semester.
After many semesters of being second in intramural Softball the chapter finally triumphed with a win.
"We also showed our athletic ability by placing first in horseshoes," reported Pam Jibb. Our concern for others' needs then prompted us to donate more blood than any other greek organization on campus. We also supported the American Lung Association in its annual Miss Christmas Seals contest. Our contestant, Barbie Berry, received third place in the contest."
The sisters of Omega Xi started the spring semester by winning a banner con- test held to support the university's men's basketball team.
Even though they were busy with events they didn't forget the AOII philan- thropy. This year Omega Xi held a skate-
Two prestigious national publications will contain exceptional Tau Omicron members. Valerie James and Leslie Hay- wood have been selected "Outstanding Women of American," while Cathy Fon- tana and Leah Jean Moss will be featured in "Who's Who in American Colleges."
More honor was garnered by Tau Om- icron when Taina Hampton, Lean Jean Moss, Linda Adams, and Abbe James were selected candidates for UTM's Homecoming court. The latter three were representatives of Sigma Alpha Iota pro- fessional music fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, and Kappa Alpha Fra- ternity respectively. But it was Taina Hampton, AOII's own representative, who evidently was elected to the court.
Tonya Hunt, a recent initiate, carried AOII's colors and Denise Fawcett was Al- pha Tau Omega Fraternity's candidate for MissUTMpageant.
The chapter was honored when Ad- ministrative Director of International Headquarters, Sue Edmunds Lewis, Tau Delta, journeyed to Martin to be our Founders' Day speaker. She was accom- panied by Diane Douglass, Headquarters new public relations Coordinator, Region III Director Nancy Perry Bowers and TC Chris Carlson, reported Edith Murphy.
University of Illinois
Spring, books, break in Florida, and graduation have been on the minds of Iota members all semester.
But the most immediate thought lately has been the Atius-Sachem Mom's Day Sing. This year we are teamed up with the men of Farmhouse and produced a fantastic show under the guidance of Kar- en Wollen and Stephanie Herbolsheimer. Iota Joan Stumpf was co-chairman of the annual show also.
The chapter initiated 41 women into the AOII sisterhood in February. Lisa Smith and Kristie Guiney were in charge of the Inspiration W eek. It was a wonder- ful week when all of the actives could re- new the bonds of AOII as new sisters joined.
Iota boasts three fraternity sweet- hearts. Suzanne Dawson is Moonlight Girl in Phi Sigma Kappa, Connie Barton is Evans Scholars sweetheart, and Connie Steiner is in the hearts of the men of Sig- ma Tau Gamma.
In planning for the Fall '83 issue of the Iota Echo the chapter would like to hear from Iota alums. A l l Iotas who have any interesting news to share or a change of address, should send this information to the chapter house in care of the historian, 706 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL61801.
a-thon i
for arthritis.
For the eighth consecutive quarter the Lambda Chi chapter at LaGrange College has won The Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup, a cov- eted award presented each quarter to the so- rority with the highest grade point average from the previous quarter. The award is given in honor of Mrs. Waights G. Henry, Jr., wife of the Chancellor of the College. Pictured with the cup and plaque for fall quarter are Denise Roberts, left, AOII scholarship chairman, and Lora Smith, chapter president.
U. of Tennessee-Martin
The word is "go" as all of Tau Omi- cron's energy is directed toward the Sec- ond Annual AOII All University Gong Show. Directed by Carla Rather, all pro- ceeds from the event will go to the Ar- thritis Foundation.
BETA LAMBDA Illinois W esleyan
Everything began with Formal Rush in September of 1982 when ten accepted bids from the AOLTs at Illinois Wesleyan University.
Anticipation filled the air as we, the new pledges, became acquainted with this new "addition" to our lives. We were overwhelmed by the love that our new sisters bestowed upon us. W e celebrated bid day with games, songs, and plain o\' good fun," reported Donna Rekau.
Shortly thereafter, the family of pledg- es began to grow through informal par- ties.
First came the Homecoming task of the Titan Games. Pledges rolled kegs and we ran in the four-legged race.
What they might lack in athletic ability they readily made up for in group organi- zation as they put together the Fall Infor- mal—the infamous Pineapple Party.
The spirit continued through Christ- mas time which was highlighted by the "family" Christmas Party complete with a tree provided by the pledge class.
University of Louisville
The chapter of Pi Alpha at the Univer- sity of Louisville reports a busy year.
AOLT is the first sorority to be char- tered at U of L in the last 53 years. One of the six national sororities on campus, AOLT colonized on June 6, 1981, and has been working diligently since then to build an AOIT chapter.
Our past President Tonya York, re- ceived the honor of being chosen a Louis- ville Belle along with two other AOLTs, Vice-President Tara Spencer and Scholar- ship Chairman Jean Hodge. Tara is presi- dent and another AOIT, Teresa Leezer, is vice-president of U of L's Mortar Board honor society in which Tonya also is a member.
In public relations, past Social Chair- man Jeanine Phillips is the secretary of Brandeis Broadcasting. The campus broadcasting club also boasts Teresa as its vice president. Several also work on the school newspapers, giving AOLT a re- ally good name in the Greek system.
AOITs new president, Linda Madden, held the office of treasurer on the Panhel- lenic Council and was voted "Most Out- standing Panhellenic Member" for her hard work on the council.
One new pledge, Denise Schmitz, held the office of historian in AOLT and secre- tary on the Junior Panhellenic Council. For her active philanthropic involvement in Panhel, she was awarded "Most Out- standing Member," an award that hasn't been given in three years. One of the rea-
You can't mistake Beta Lambdas.
sons she received this award was because she established the First Annual Panhel- lenic Dare-to-Care Food Drive. This food drive was a contest among the Greeks to see who could donate the most food at Thanksgiving. Of course, the AOIIs pulled together and won the first place trophy.
In other campus activities, AOIT is sec- ond in Greek Intramurals and only points behind the first place in Women's Open Intramurals. Last fall they placed second in soccer among the sororities. During Greek Week Games, they placed second overall. Laurie Donnelly, past Panhellen- ic delegate, won second place in the Greek Goddess contest.
During Fall Rush the original colony of 12 picked up 17 new pledges. The pledges have actively been participating in cam- pus and Greek activities, which included the infamous sorority pledge TKE skits.
A busy Spring Rush is already in pro- cess with the theme, "AOLT Wants You!". Everyone is excitedly looking forward to our first spring formal as a chapter, and our challenging years ahead to prove that AOIT is U of L's #1 sorority, exclaimed Denise Schmitz.
KAPPA GAMMA Florida Southern
The Kappa Gamma chapter at Florida Southern College had an exciting spring rush.
"We invented two new parties that were both a huge success," explained Lynn Domagala. "Slumber Party brought
out the little girl in everyone. We wore pajamas and decorated our lobby like a little girl's room, complete with sleeping bags, stuffed animals, and balloons. W e also presented 'Fraternity Feud.' Our two families, the Alphas and the Whiners, played a complete game of Family Feud with one of our sisters, Lisa Arcand, act- ing as Richard Dawson."
The chapter is in need of some new songs. " I f any chapters would like to swap songs with us, let us know! Send your songs to Box 4169, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL 33802. W e appreci- ate your help," Lynn added.
Founders' Day Banquet was held here at the school and many alumnae were able to attend.
The chapter also is preparing a city- wide run-a-thon in April to raise fund to help Beth Ceplinski, an area alum, who was seriously injured in a car accident last fall. The chapter hopes to collect a good start toward purchasing the many things her family will need in order to prepare her home for a wheelchair.
East Stroudsburg State College
Phi Beta recently teamed up with the brothers of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity for a Rock-A-Thon which raise more than $300 for Arthritis Research. With one gi- ant rocking chair, built and donated by a local lumber yard, Phi Betas rocked con- tinuously for 24 hours.
Amy Agnesini and Debra Xander have been the organizing forces for a Panhel- lenic 48 Hour Dance Marathon to take place this spring. The goal of the Panhel- lenic Conference is to raise $10,000 to be donated to the Deborah Heart and Lung Center, added Kimberly Carson.
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Phi Beta's Rockin for Arthritis Research.
Earns internship
Mary Elizabeth Byrd, a senior political science and English Major at Lambuth College was named a Lyndon Baines Johnson Congressional Intern. She served in the office of Congressman Carroll Hubbard in the month of June, 1982.
During her internship she became di- rectly knowledgeable of legislative pro- cess and governmental work in W ashing- ton, D.C.
Mary attended many governmental and cultural activities. One of the high- lights of her service in Washington was seeing President and Mrs. Reagan, Vice President and Mrs. Bush, and many members of the cabinet and congress when President and Mrs. Reagan re- turned from Europe.
She shared an apartment with Ann Markham from Tiptonville, Tenn., a re- cent graduate of Lambuth College now serving on the staff of Senator James Sasser from Tenn.
Both Mary and A n n are members of Omega Omicron chapter at Lambuth College, Jackson, Tenn.
NYC Panhelienic offers scholarships
New York City Panhellenic will award two $400 scholarships to fraternity wom- en doing fulltime graduate work at a col- lege or university in the New York City Metropolitan area during 1983-84.
The grants will be made in September 1983. Those interested should request an application from Mrs. Kelso Sutton, 2 Tudor City Place, New York, N.Y. 10017, and should return the completed form by Aug. 1, 1983.
In past years these scholarships have assisted women working for advanced degrees in such schools as New York Uni- versity, School of Business; Columbia University, School of Physicians & Sur- geons; Rutgers University, School of Law; John Jay College; Kean College of New Jersey and Adelphi University.
"We are pleased to be able to continue to grant these scholarships," Mrs. Sutton said.
Arthritis tip
Arthritis is many diseases, some mild, some severe. It can and does oc- cur at all ages, from infancy on. A l - most everyone, if she or he lives long enough, will develop some arthritis.
1 l^MMMHi
Lisa Stolz, president of Epsilon Alpha chapter at Pennsylvania State University, and Dr. Steven Mizel, recipient of the Alpha Omicron Pi Philanthropic Foundation award, examine substances under study by the researcher in his efforts to learn more about arthritis.
Foundation awards research grant
AOn Philanthropic Foundation has awarded a Pennsylvania State University scientist $10,000 to continue his work on arthritis.
Dr. Steven Mizel, associate professor of immunology, received the grant in No- vember from the foundation at a dessert party at Epsilon Alpha chapter's suite, State College, Penn.
Mizel told those attending the presen- tation that the AOII funds would be used to purchase a computer since "our experi- ments generate so much data that it is dif- ficult to efficiently analyze the data by hand calculations."
The scientist and his team at Penn State are studying a protein which is the signal used by one cell to tell inflammato- ry cells to make the substances which causes inflammation and, in the case of arthritis, destroys tissue in the joints.
Currently Mizel is trying to find a way to turn off or inhibit the protein.
Lisa Stolz, president of Epsilon Alpha, presented the scientist with the grant to aid his research.
In the three years since the foundation was chartered, it has awarded more than
$100,000 in grants to scientists in all eight AOn regions—four to women.
Mary K. Moore, president of the foun- dation, said the foundation needs contin- ued support from individual members as well as from alumnae and collegiate chapters and corporations.
Contributions can be sent to the foun- dation in care of International Headquar- ters, 3821 Cleghorn A ve., Nashville, T N 37215 at any time.
Rudderow promoted
Peggy J. Rudderow, Lambda Beta '66, has been promoted to vice president and manager at Security Pacific National Bank's West Garden Grove Industrial of- fice, Los Angeles.
A native of California, Rudderow joined Security Pacific in 1974 as a man- agement associate. She previously served as a commercial loan officer and regional loan supervisor.
Rudderow received a bachelor's degree in economics in 1969 from California State University at Long Beach.
Historical Society begins catching up on the Fraternity's past
Stella George Stern Perry, one of the Founders of Alpha Omi- cron Pi, also served as Grand Historian of the fraternity for life. During all those years her fraternity records, memorabilia and treasures were kept in an old trunk. Stella probably first used the old trunk when she was the first President of Alpha Chapter and a bit later when she was the first Grand President of Alpha Omi- cron Pi. The old trunk is now being restored and will soon be in the beautiful new AOII International Headquarters in Nashville, Tenn., where it will again hold materials and interesting treas- ures from the fraternity's past.
Until 1981 Central Office, established in 1925, was moved from place to place and no doubt many things which can never be replaced were lost. Now with a permanent Headquarters building, no more costly moves will be necessary and all materi- als will be well protected and safe.
Realizing that it was necessary to begin collecting and saving many kinds of memorabilia, the group of Past International Presidents who were present at the 1977 Convention in Phoenix, founded the Historical Society of Alpha Omicron Pi. There plans were made "to collect and preserve memorabilia of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity."
Then the only funds available to the Historical Society were the biennial dues which were set at the meeting for chapters and individuals. These funds so far have been used to restore the old trunk; frame the pictures of Past International Presidents; frame the pictures of seven of the earliest Conventions, beginning with the first picture of a Convention 1912, held in Evanston with Rho Chapter as hostess; to rebind some early To Dragmas to save them; to buy a large album of 100 pages to preserve, iden- tify and date old pictures to keep them flat and in a protected and clean environment.
Work has started on writing the story of AOII's relationship with the Frontier Nursing Service, the fraternity's first national philanthropy, including excellent pictures and an album donated by the Cleveland Alumnae Chapter.
There are many other Convention pictures to be framed. Many collections of the various publications of the fraternity must be put in order and preserved. Then the history of each chapter, collegiate and alumnae, must be written and preserved with additions as history is made.
If there are members who have materials which they think might be needed in this effort, please write the International His- torian if you are willing to part with your holdings "for the good of the order." Please, do not destroy any AOII memorabilia until you have consulted the Historian, Edith H. Anderson, 836 S. Henderson St., Apt. 1, Bloomington, IN 47401.
International Historian Edith H . Anderson, left, and Archivist Nancy M . McCain, both Past International Presidents, have been labeling and iden- tifying pictures and putting them in albums for protection at Interna- tional Headquarters in Nashville.
All alumnae should have received a re- quest for the essential information re- quired to assure complete data in the new alumnae directory tentatively scheduled for release in late 1983. We sincerely hope that everyone has replied.
Publication of the directory will be handled by Harris Publishing Company of White Plains, New York. This compa- ny is the sole authorized agent for the production and marketing of the directo- ry, and assumes all financial obligation,
including the compilation, editing, bill- ing, and distribution of the volume and will cover its costs through individual book sales to alumnae only. This plan will assure the publication of a profes- sionally compiled volume.
During the next several months alum- nae will be contacted by telephone for verification of the information to be printed in the directory. At that time, and at that time only, they will be asked if they wish to purchase a copy. The
number of directories printed will be based on the number of advance orders received via the phone calls.
Alumnae who have not returned their questionnaires and are not reached by telephone by the Harris firm will be listed in the directory with the address, if cur- rent, provided by alumnae records. If you have not received your questionnaire or you do not wish to appear in the direc- tory, please notify us in writing.
Alumnae Urged To Return Data For Directory
A moment into our past
AOII's Assistant Registrar Alice Cullnane
By Edith H . Anderson, International Historian
Alice Cullnane. Beta Phi, left college at Indiana University at the end of her jun- ior year in 1927 to become Assistant Reg- istrar of Alpha Omicron Pi. In her three years of college Alice was a member of the Daily Student staff, of the YWCA Cabinet, the life saving squad and the University Library staff.
The Central Office had been estab- lished at the 1925 Convention and Eliza- beth Heywood Wyman, Founder, was appointed the first Registrar. She estab- lished the office in her home in Bloom- field, N.J. in the fall of 1925.
Elizabeth Wyman said of her first ac- quaintance with Alice: "Alice Cullnane is just as good as she looks and that is say- ing a great deal. She certainly was a wel- come sight as she stepped off the train one sizzling hot day in September, 1927. And she has been a welcome sight every morning since as she has come into the Central Office aglow with health and the joy of being alive in a good world." Then Bess tells how the office had become more than she "with one pair of hands and one set of brains" had been able to manage. Alice's work with ritual books, roll books, tying bundles and doing mo- notonous things ad infinitum "has left her with little time for the contact with the chapters which she most enjoys. A few of the nearby chapters know how throughly she can enter into their life, en- joy their successes and help in their per- plexities, because she is young enough to see things as they see them, yet in her contacts outside of college has gained a wider vision than is possible during col- lege days.
"As Assistant Registrar Alice has been honest, loyal, enthusiastic and untiring and now (1929) she is about to accept the direction of Central Office, well qualified through the experience of the last year and a half and still better qualified by her idealism, humor, remarkable sense of fairness and unalterable good will. Y ou will never find your new Registrar petty and if she is obliged to criticize, you may be sure there is good reason for it. To her we say 'Bon Voyage' on her new venture and to you we offer congratulations for your new Central Office head . . . She will always welcome you when you come a-seeking anything whatever that the of- fice can give you, whether you do it by writing or by dropping in at 50 Broad
Street, Bloomfield, N.J., when you visit the big city of the East."
The Central Office remained in Bloom- field until September, 1930 when it was moved to State College, Pa., the resi- dence of the Grand Secretary. Of the move Alice said: "The thought presented itself that to have the Grand Secretary in the office would make for greater effi- ciency and save much duplicating of work for the two do use the same materi- al. So when Edith Anderson, with a hus- band and family, could not come to us, we came to her . . . Being here is making work much easier. Now we can talk over matters which used to required numerous letters to be clearly understood . . . and we have an active chapter to help us in rush times."
On A u g . 1, 1940, Central Office moved again—to 68 Washington Square, South, New York City. Anne Jeter, Kap- pa, was Executive Secretary, the first per- son to hold that position, and Alice Cullnane continued to be Registrar.
Coming back home to the city of AOII's founding, the office was in a city of 300 members and many in nearby lo- calities. T w o of the three living Founders were in New York and Bess Wyman in nearby New Jersey.
Anne Jeter resigned as Executive Secre- tary in September, 1941 to be married and to live in Virginia. Alice as appointed Executive Secretary to succeed Anne.
Alice resigned as Executive Secretary in October, 1942 and Anne Jeter Ribble wrote in that issue of the magazine: "Al- ice's predominant talent is friendship, but there are no scales for weighing intangi- bles . . . As Alice leaves Central Office the whole fraternity roll book of us are grateful to have had her as an officer and to have her always as an AOII."
I could echo with emphasis the esti- mates that both Bess Wyman and Anne Jeter Ribble have given of Alice. When she first came to State College she lived with my family for sometime until she became chaperone, as we called them then, at the Epsilon Alpha cottage on the Penn State campus. The girls who were fortunate enough to have lived in the cot- tage during that time loved Alice dearly, as did anyone who came to know her.
It is only very recently that Alpha Om- icron Pi has learned of the sudden death of Alice Cullnane of a heart attack last March 12 (1982) at her apartment in Cambridge, N.Y. The many AOIIs who
Alice Cullnane
AOII Registrar 1929-1942
knew Alice during more than 10 years when she was an officer of the fraternity, as well as those members of Epsilon Al- pha Chapter who knew her when they were in college at Penn State, will be sad- dened at this news.
Send your contribution to: RUBY FUND
c/o Marianne Carton 1262 Upas Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Greek discussion
(continued from pg. 5) Barbara: "I think people seek their friends. I think that we spoke to the ele- ments of balance between being a sister- hood and then our external involve- ment. I think that we seek to join with those with whom we have some prior associations and affiliations, and I think that if is more this than racial discrimi- nation."
Ted: "The film clip we just saw showed three young women responding in a sense to the previous caller, saying I don't want to be a zero on a campus of 20,000 and this is a means of avoiding it."
Dottie: "I think that it is a very impor- tant comment and I'm glad that it came out, but it extends beyond just those undergraduate years, too. It goes into the alumnae area. In our mobile popu- lation that we have today, it's nice to move to a new city and have a ready- made group that you can move into and have friendships."
Ted: "O.K., somebody else wanted to respond to what we heard just before the break from the caller."
Mary: "It was simply to say that the in- dividual who is seeking that communi- ty membership is very important as these women have indicated in this clip. They didn't want to be someone in this huge population. There are many uni- versities with 35,000-40,000 people on them and to find that community with- in a community makes all the difference to theretentionto that individual in the university. Very often do you hear a woman say, I stayed in school because of my sorority affiliation."
Caller: "Good morning Ted. I kind of tuned in late, I started with the campus showing the University of California. I can't object strongly enough, I'm ap- palled! I'm appalled that these people are still alive and well and flourishing. I think it's terrible, I always did. I did not go to college, I would have been in the '40s if I did. My children did. I never encouraged them to join."
Ted: "Why?"
Caller: "I think they are the snobbish group. I think they are terrible. I think the things that they potentially damag- ing that they can do to any girl. I mean, I can't believe that a black woman would be a part of this, because they were so discriminated against in the past, that they now band together and be so strong. I can't, I'm, I'm amazed, I can't get over it."
Ted: "Alright, I'll ask you to sit back and be further amazed. Barbara, what about her question, was Alpha Kappa Alpha formed as a part of self-defense in a way, at a time when blacks no way
AOII Rose Roll
Roses and congratulations to these chapters whose academic achievements earned them campus recognition during the two report periods Fall, 1981 through Spring, 1982:
Alpha Chi
Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Beta Rho
Beta Tau Chi Lambda
Gamma Delta Kappa Alpha
Kappa Omicron Kappa Tau
Lambda Beta Lambda Chi
Nu Omicron Phi Delta Sigma Chi
Sigma Rho Tau Delta
Theta Chi Zeta Psi
28 Sisters honored by Panhellenic and IFC for CPAs of 3.0 or better
Highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982 Highest Sorority GPA, Fall, 1981
Panhellenic pledge scholarship for second consecutive year
Highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
Highest sorority GPA, Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, 1981-1982
Highest sorority GPA, Fall, 1981 and Spring, 1982
Honorable mention for outstanding scholarship, Greek Honors Banquet
Highest Sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
Greek award for highest sorority GPA, Fall, 1981; High- est sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
Highest Sorority GPA, Fall, 1981
Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup for fifth consecutive quarter, Fall, 1981; highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
Award for outstanding academic point average, Fall, 1981; highest sorority GPA; Spring, 1982
Highest Sorority GPA, Spring, 1982 Highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
Scholarship cup for highest greek academic average, Fall, 1981
Highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
City Panhellenic Scholarship Award for highest GPA and Alpha Chi Omega Pledge Scholarship Award, Fall, 1981; highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
Highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982 Highest sorority GPA, Spring, 1982
were taken into fraternities and sorori- ties?"
Barbara: "Alpha Kappa Alpha grew up on Howard University's campus and it was a felt need to address academic to- getherness, social togetherness needs. Now, I think a fault that may be de- rived from the film segment which we saw, as well as the caller's perceptions is perhaps that the film really depicts what sororities are about. I would take great
issue with the film segment and, there- fore, having seen that film segment I think the caller has internalized and come forward with a perception that I cannot in any way identify with."
Ted: "Alright, now, she said that she has felt this way since she was a teenag- er and her own children went to college, so this is not a lightly held view. Where does this perception come from if it's not grounded in some reality some-
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where, where people are, No, you can't get in?"
Barbara: "I think that we don't have to spend our time arguing the point with positions that people hold like that. It's no different from my desiring to be a member of a church fellowship and an- other person desiring not to be."
Ted: "Well, most church fellowships will take all comers if they band around a body of information. There have been sbme really strong charges leveled here today, and it has to do I'm sure with the initial choice process, who gets chosen and why? Has there been some weaken- ing of the rigidity that we saw in the old photographs?"
Barbara: "I think that perhaps there has been some weakening . . . We are not about elitism and never have been. Caller:"First, I wonder, they spoke of service projects, and I want to know what are some of the major projects. " Mary: "Generally, we contribute literal- ly millions of dollars to a variety from children's hospital outreach programs to the famous Alpha Phi lollipop thing for the Heart Fund to many, many, many things. It's a very broad spread program. I'd like to go back to some- thing we said earlier, about the woman who was concerned about financing. Over 70% of the women who belong to
one of the 26 groups of National Pan- hellenic Conference earn their own way for their sorority expenses, or at least partially . . . "
Caller: "Dr. Phillips, I would like to know, being a not too recent graduate of college, is it possible to join one of those sororities at this present time?" Barbara: "It is possible. Alpha Kappa Alpha has more than 360-some alumnae chapters across the United States."
Ted: "How about Alpha Omicron Pi?" Ginger: "Well, the membership starts in college, I think that is the case in all of our groups, the NPC groups. Different groups have provisions for alumnae to become members, but that varies quite a bit and I would suggest that if some- one was interested, they would contact the group and find out what their inter- nal rules are. If I might go back to an earlier point that was brought out about what good are sororities anyway, it seems like one caller was pretty skepti- cal about our existence and why we are still around. I'd like to speak to that from the standpoint that I think it's im- portant to remember that sororities pro- vide a network for women that has not been available in all kinds of organiza- tions, and I think that's really an impor- tant thing to remember that it provides a network that Dottie alluded to earlier,
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to get acquainted with people. And, now it's become more important to build business ties for women which wasn't the case several years ago."
Ted: "O.K., the last 20 years of the Women's Movement have seen great change in terms of the status of women. Why weren't the sororities on the cut- ting edge? You would have thought that they might be, maybe you can handle that, Mary."
Mary: "I feel that probably we were. It depends on what the woman was seek- ing. A single-sex organization is a rarity in the first place, and, in the second place, a single-sex organization whose total leadership is dependent upon its women and the training ground that it provides for women has been excep- tional. If you look at the track record of women in national politics, and so forth, very often they are sorority women."
Ted: "Thank you all very much for dealing forthrightly with this subject."
Editor's Note: Did the excerpt bring to mind any questions which have been on your mind? Send To Dragma those questions and Ginger will help to answer them.
Greek System discussion.
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