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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-06 18:43:17

1988 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXIV, No. 7

Setting the Standard

By Becky Montgomery Pena Kappa Pi (Ohio Northern) Associate Director
As we look forward to the upcom- ing fall months, most of us associate that time of year with formal rush. Whether you are a collegian or an alumna, I am sure that in thinking about that experience you can relate to the following phrase— "putting your best foot forward."
The summer issue of the magazine is typically dedicated to rush. As we began planning for this issue that was certainly our intention. But, a funny thing happened on the way to the print shop....
As we began to work with the material that was to be included in this issue, a broader picture began to emerge. Certainly, our focus on rush is an important element. But, this issue goes beyond the immediate ex- perience of rush. As you flip through the pages, in addition to the rush coverage you will find an excellent article on image by International Public Relations Chairman, Gloria Rowland, Pi Kappa (Texas).
€t>ftors Place
As a part of that, you will read about Lara Robinson, Omicron (Ten- nessee), who was one of four Nash- villebusiness women who were select- ed from over 1000 applicants to be featured in Glamour magazine's image make-over section in the April
1988 issue. You will enjoy, I think, Lara's observation of how her rush experience at Omicron has provided her with some valuable skills that she uses i n her daily professional life.
All of the material including news of two more chapter installations, our new "Bulletin Board" depart- ment, the announcement of Keystones, our personal development program for women, and the alumnae and col- legiate news make this more than our rush issue. Rather, this issue focuses on image makers who set the stan- dard—not just follow it.
Our collegiate chapters are taught that rush is the time to put their best foot forward. From that experience, we learn collectively and individu- ally to put our best foot forward . . . . in life.
It is to that concept that this issue is dedicated.
Debbie Harper Stillwell, Nu Omi- cron (V anderbilt), accepted the ap- pointment as To Dragma editor in the fall of 1985. Under Debbie's leader- ship, the magazine has continued to evolve and develop. She has found it necessary to resign due to family and professional commitments. We salute her for her service to the Fraternity in this capacity and wish her well in all future endeavors.
As this issue goes to press, Execu- tive Director Sue Lewis is interview- ing candidates to fill the newly created position of Coordinator of Editorial Services.
As a part of the transition to a new editor, the T o Dragma Advisory Com- mittee has been formed. Members are Executive Director Sue Lewis, Asso- ciate Director Becky Pena, and Pub- lic Relations Coordinator Melanie Doyle.
The committee has put together this issue and will serve as a resource and planning committee for future issues.
NEW programs are being designed for Alpha Omicron Pi women of all ages. The announcement of KEY- STONES is elsewhere in this maga- zine issue; it is an expanding series of programs that will address women's issues as they surface. We are confi- dent that KEYSTONES will meet an on-going need in the lives of our members. It is a vital service that can be added to the long list of advan- tages to AOII membership.
tance rape. Because one or more such issues will impact a large percentage of our membership, AOII leaders feel a responsibility to offer education and guidance. Why? Because we care.
At the college level, Greek organi- zations have been challenged by non- Greeks and particularly by col lege ad- ministrators to examine our conduct and activities in order to determine how closely we are following the tenants set forth in our Ritual. Many alumnae have been questioned by non-Greek friends about the value of Greek organizations.
Alpha Omicron Pi has always been a proponent of "truth in advertising." We have been proud to tell our detrac- tors about our policies and programs, excellent training materials, and of the opportunities we provide to enable women to develop their potential. Since AOII is dedicated to meeting the needs of today's woman, exciting
By Peg Crawford
(U. of Illinois) International President
Do you ever wonder how our Foun- ders would react upon hearing about the issues facing women today? I do. They would certainly relate to sexual harassment on college campuses and in the work place. Although it is still a very real problem, the complete dis- regard for women's intellectual abil- ity that our four Founders faced from the male population is not as wide- spread today. However, I am certain they would be stunned to hear of the magnitude of such problems as stress management, alcohol/drug abuse, eating disorders, AIDS, and acquain-
Key to your participation in KEY- STONES with your sisters, collegians and alumnae is your awareness and concern with the needs of each other. Why KEYSTONES? Because we care.
To Dragma

Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
Setting the Standard in Rush
Image: In the Eyes of the Beholder Rush Directory
New Chapters Installed
1988-89 Chapter Consultants
Sigma Tau Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Editor's Place/Perspectives Alumnae Chapter News Bulletin Board Endowment Fund Emporium
Collegiate Chapter Commentary
TO DRAGMA Deadlines
Jan. 15 April 1 July 1 Oct. 1
•The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Telephone: 615-383-1174
Guest Editor
Becky Montgomery Pena, KIT Associate Director
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA Executive Director, CAE
Becky Montgomery Pena, KII Associate Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, A2 Public Relations Coordinator
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life sub- scription: J50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghom Ave., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215. Second Class Postage paid at Nashville, T N and additional mailing offices.
On the Cover
Omicron Chapter, University of T ennessee, is featured on our cover. The current holder of the prestigious Jessie W allace Hughan Cup for the outstand- ing collegiate chapter in the Fra- ternity, Omicron sets the standard of excellence for our collegiate image makers.
Summer 1988
ofalpha omicron pL
Summer 1988
Vol. LXIV No. 7
6 11 14
16 18
2 20 22 24 26 27

To Dragma
Setting the Standard....In Rush!
Of the many learning opportunities that are available to our members in their collegiate AOII experience, per- haps the potential for the greatest learning is found in participating in rush—both formal rush and contin- uous open bidding.
One of the greatest lessons that rush teaches us is the importance of being aware of our image—how we present ourselves, how we intend to be perceived, and how we are actually perceived. Image is a crucial part of rush success. In addition to putting your best foot forward during formal rush parties, campus image plays a big part in rush success. For our chapters with deferred rush—rushing conducted during the second academic term rather than the fall—this is very
apparent. The two chapters that you will read about a bit later—Tau Lambda (Shippensburg University) and Delta Upsilon (Duke University) both have first hand experience with deferred rushing systems.
But, back to image for a moment. Image is more than illusion. Image is a reflection of how your chapter feels about itself and about its Fraternity. It is a reflection of the pride that a chapter has in being a part of Alpha Omicron Pi. A chapter with a suc- cessful rush is most often a chapter that is very successful in other areas as well. Its members are campus lead- ers. The chapter is often an award winner in the Fraternity. Omicron (University of Tennessee) is featured on the cover of the magazine because
they are the current holder of the prestigious Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup. It is no coincidence that the chapter was also the recipient of the International Rush Excellence award for their size category.
As chapters make final prepara- tions for their formal rush, the key to a successful rush experience will lie in their ability to project their pride, enthusiasm, and excitement about AOII to the rushees. Long after the trappings of the parties are forgotten, that image of the AOIIs as the most friendly, most enthusiastic, and most sincere is what will remain in each rushee's mind. And, that ultimately is what causes the final transforma- tion of a rushee into an AOII pledge!
There are many, many elements that are needed to execute a successful rush. Attention to detail, planning, and total member commitment are certainly essential. Another important element is being as informed as possible about the rushees. Using Membership Information Forms is a vital part of that process. Below, International Rush Chairman, Charlene Meyer, Zeta (Nebraska), explores the importance of Membership Information Forms from both the collegiate and alumnae perspectives.
Why DoI NeedToDoAMIF?
As fall formal rush approaches please take a minute to remember those hectic weeks before you went to school. Remember, the anticipation and anxiety about rush week? Wouldn't you have loved to have had someone to help you understand it all? W ouldn't this be a great time to be that helper?
Do you know someone who is going through rush? Take a few minutes to visit with her. Help her understand what she is about to experience. Tell her what kind of questions to ask and answer those questions she already has.
When you have finished that take a few more minutes and do a Membership Information Form (MIF). To some of us alumnae they look much like a recommendation form. There is, however, a difference. These forms can be used to provide information only as well as endorse a young lady as a potential sister. Fill it out completely and mail it to the appropriate chapter. Y ou will find a complete listing of chapters in this issue.
Please help all you can. Include a picture when possible. Any information is appreciated, and if you know the girl personally, all the better. Achapter appreciates knowing all it can about a prospective sister and having its decision making process made easier.
Thank you in advance for the service you are going to provide!
Why DoWeNeedMIFsAnyway?
Every year following formal rush the rush chairman has to report on the effectiveness of the MIF solicitation and if the information was helpful. If there are no MIFs they can't be very helpful.
However, it is the chapter's responsibility to ask alums for MIFs and to explain why your individual chapter needs them. It is not the purpose of a MIF to be done at Membership Selection sessions and counted on a report.
The information that is asked for on a MIF can and should be used to augment any information that is on a rush applica- tion form. In the case where rushees sign up for rush only a few days before rush, a MIF can be an invaluable tool for advance notice of an outstanding young lady.
Personal information is most helpful if your rushee is hesitant to talk about herself. And if a young lady is having a hard time communicating, a MIF can help a sister start a conversation.
It is important to include a note of explanation when you mail out a MIF form. Tell the receiving person how you plan to use it—pre-rating, augumenting application infor- mation, to start conversations, etc. This will allow the alum to go into as great a detail as is needed.
Once you have received the form from the alumna, be sure to acknowledge it. A postcard will do nicely. If you wish you can wait until after rush and let the alum know if the girl pledged AOII or not. However you do it, be sure to acknow- ledge the information form.

ALPHA OMICRON PI Rush Information
PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHAPTER ADVISER WHOSE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE LISTED IN YOUR TO DRAGMA FOR THE COLLEGE WHICH THIS RUSHEE WILL ATTEND. If you are not able to locate this name and address, send form to the Regional Extension Officer responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend college—or to International Head- quarters for forwarding. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated. Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
Rushee's Name
Permanent Mailing Address City
Parents' Names
Campus Address if Known Zip City
State Zip
Age H.S. Graduation Date
Home Phone
Campus Phone
Name of High School
City State
Size of Student Body/Grade Point Aver.
Parents' Address if different from Rushee's
State Zip
special talents (describe)
social poise
personal standards/values
academic seriousness
financial stability
*On back, name organizations, describe involvement (member, officer, etc.)
varied interests
group adaptability
group leadership-
interest in sorority membership interest in AOTT
special honors and achievements (name—use back if needed)
Name (include maiden name if known)
Name (include maiden name if known)
Collegiate Chapter Relationship Collegiate Chapter Relationship
YOUR Name Address
Collegiate Chapter?
Alumnae Chapter?
(2) (3) (4)
On back side, please provide information which might help the chapter in getting to know this rushee.
Phone (Area Code) (Number)
FOR CHAPTER USE ONLY.. . Dale Received:
Date acknowledgement sent:
Write signature here to indicate endorsement of this rushee as an AOTT pledge.
Are you a collegiannow?
Sorority Rushee pledged:

i/i tAe
By Gloria Rowland
Pi Kappa (U. of Texas) International Public Relations Chairman
A seagull gracefully soaring and dip- ping—freedom of spirit!
A mother hugging her child—love!
The American Flag waving in the breeze— pride!
The first golden daffodils of Spring— beauty!
What menial pictures do you get when you hear the words, "Alpha Omicron Pi"?
• A group of chatting women stuff- ing envelopes.
• Girls in red sweats playing touch- football.
• Roses and candles and ladies in white.
• Four young women in old- fashioned dress climbing a nar- row stairway to an attic room.
All these and many more come rushing through ones mind as we think about our experiences with Alpha Omicron Pi. So the IMAGE of AOIl is a collective one, of chapters and individuals, of places and events, of caring and sharing. Close your eyes and bring to mind a picture of Alpha Omicron Pi. What do you see?
An image is created in the mind of someone by what that person sees and hears, influenced by past exper- iences. Therefore, we the members of
o f tAe
Alpha Omicron Pi determine what the IMAGE of AOII is, on our cam- puses and in our communities, and for every person with whom we come in contact. Each of us has the oppor- tunity and responsibility to project to the world the qualities upon which our Fraternity is based.
The collegiate members of AOII have the greatest impact on the fu ture of our Fraternity. It is a two-fold responsibility—that of choosing and of being chosen. Such a special feel- ing of mutual choice! Why does any- one choose AOII over all the other sororities in the Greek system? IMAGE! Every collegiate member represents AOII to her campus, to the community, to other Greeks, to non- Greeks, and most importantly, to potential rushees. Each pledge has chosen AOII over all the others be- cause of the mental picture she has of AOII—of individuals and of the chap- ter, collectively. In turn, the collegians must choose wisely the future mem- bers, for they will enhance or detract from the IMAGE of AOII. Remember, you are selecting, not only your sis- ters, but the sisters of all our members throughout the world.
The alumnae of Alpha Omicron Pi also have a responsibility to main- tain and contribute to our IMAGE, individually and collectively. When an alumnae chapter sponsors a fund- raising event and it is publicized through the local media, they project an IMAGE to the community of a group of women who work together
for a worthwhile project. Also it says that AOIIs can accomplish something requiring organization and commun- ity support. When any of our members go into Panhellenic groups as leaders of a committee, or a project, she pro- jects an IMAGE of leadership. Thus, the entire Fraternity becomes a leader.
If an individual is honored on her campus, in her profession, or in other activities, then that honor is reflected back to AOII. Of course, this only happens when she considers her AOII association important enough to talk about. When an alumna volunteers her time and talents as an adviser, corporation board member, or region- al or international officer, she is tell- ing the world, " I care about my Fra- ternity and the IMAGE it projects. I am PROUD to be an AOII."
If the IMAGE of our sorority is important, then the personal IMAGE of each member is equally important, because "the whole is made up of the sum of its parts." You may be the only AOII someone knows. Thus, they may judge the whole Fraternity by you. Your appearance, actions and words tell our story. If we want Alpha Omicron Pi to present a good IMAGE to the public, then each of us must do our part. This implies that the IMAGE of AOII is intimately- mixed with the self-image of each individual member.
Each of us has a different priority for our self-image and appearance. Some enjoy the easy-going casual image. Others enjoy the athletic, or
To Dragma

Image (continued)
the intellectual image. Some prefer theprofessionalbusiness-woman look, and many are proud to be the home- maker and mother. Allof these are IMAGES that enhance the amalgam of AOII. Within this wonderful mix- ture of positive personal images there is no room for a negative one. Each of us should remember that when we put on our pin, or wear our letters, or attend an AOII function, we repre- sent and contribute to the total IMAGE of AOn. Do it proudly!
Stella George Stern Perry insisted from the very beginning that AOII was founded upon the ideals of Friend- ship, Scholarship, and Service to others. There are many, many quali- ties that contribute to each of these ideals: care, pride, understanding, leadership, responsibility, commit- ment, love—to name only a few. As a chapter selects the qualities it wishes to exemplify, it must also set out the programs and activities which por- tray these qualities to the public. We know we have these good qualities, but we must let the rest of the world know also. A positive IMAGE is the result of positive action. The public won't see anything unless we do something; and the word doesn't get around unless we find ways to express it.
Now is the time to take control of the IMAGE you are setting! In plan- ning for the coming year, make a spe- cial effort to improve your own per- sonal IMAGE and that of your chap- ter. Evaluate the past and plan for the future. Strengthen the good qualities and eliminate the poor ones, always keeping in mind that our individual images and our group image reflect credit or discredit upon our Frater- nity.
-4 e.i
GLAMOUR Magazine Features AOII Alumna In Image Makeover

"Do you remember the part in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy was in the Emerald City and had someone giving her a manicure and someone else giving her a pedicure at the same time? It was just like that. All of the attention was wonderful," Lara states.
A 1984 graduate of the University of Tennessee, Lara had headed to the university with an enrollment of 25,000 after graduating from a class of 400. She had an aunt, cousin and good friend who were already AOIIs, but it was the friendship and the way the members made Lara feel at home that encouraged her to pledge AOII.
Lara served Omicron as Vice Presi- dent/Administration and Correspond- ing Secretary. "That group of girls was my family. Without them, I would have been lost at such a big university," she says.
Omicron is well known for its commitment to rush excellence and Lara was asked about what she learned from that experience that has been helpful in her career. After reflec ting, she states with assurance:
"The dedication to rushing, learn- ing to grab a girl walking through the door and being able to start a conversation with her has been very helpful in the workplace. You have to be able to talk with strangers in the business workplace. I also learned the importance of presenting myself in a lady-like manner."
Those important lessons are prob- ably part of the reason Lara stays active with AOII as a part of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter. Just as she has continued to benefit from her membership, the Fraternity is cer- tainly proud to claim her as one of our image makers!
By Becky Montgomery Pena Kappa Pi (Ohio Northern) Associate Director
Lara Robinson, Omicron (Ten- nessee), joined 1000 other business women and sent in her application and picture to Glamour magazine to be considered for participation in Glamour's featured image make-over of the Southern business woman. Nashville had been the city selected to represent the South.
"I never thought I would be chosen," says Lara.
It is a good thing she has a success- ful career as a credit analyst on a management training track with a large Nashville bank; Lara would have never made it as a fortune teller. She was indeed selected as one of four Nashville business women to be fea- tured in the image make-over section in the April 1988 Glamour.
The initial 1000 applications were narrowed down to 20. The 20 candi- dates were interviewed and finalists were asked to submit another photo- graph. After the exhaustive selection process, Lara was selected because
. she was an excellent representative of Southern women professionals.
After a trip to New York for a fit- ting, the actual shooting took place in Nashville. What was the experience like?
Summer 1988

Delta Upsilon Shines....
"Winter Wonderland" Sets the Standard at Duke University
Sisters prepare to welcome guests to "Jay Gatsby's Garden Party
Delta Upsilon has had a non-stop spring semester. Upon returning from Christmas break, we put the finishing touches on our rush par- ties. Rushees were introduced to AOII at Alpha Oasis. Study breaks gave rushees more of an oppor- tunity to discover why AOII is so special. The next round, Dorm Coffees, allowed everyone to relax a bit at "Jay Gatsby's Garden Party." Everyone was entertained by a delightful skit while they feasted on caviar. Rush came to an end with our new Formal Party theme "Winter W onderland."The ceiling was covered by silver and white balloons and the room was decorated with small silver trees and lit by shimmering lights. T o add to the effect sisters wore silver, gold, and white. Perhaps the most wonderful was the introduction of
new musical arrangements. A trio of violin, flute, and piano played as rushees entered the room. Dur- ing the party, a group of nine sis- ters sang an original arrangment of Loggins and Messina's "Forever Like A Rose." Before asking the rushees to join our friendship cir- cle, a trio sang "The Rose," and sophomore Carol Cavin's solo left everyone misty-eyed. Delta Upsilon was pleased to welcome our Re- gional Rush Officer, Ruth Shorter to our final two rounds of rush. We enjoyed her visit and benefit- ted greatly from her suggestions. Needless to say, we had a very suc- cessful rush thanks to our rush chairman Camilla Lapwing. Delta Upsilon again pledged quota and welcomed 37 wonderful women to AOIL
Musicians take a much deserved break during "Winter Wonderland."
To Dragma
Delta Upsilon sisters' special friendship shines through rush.

NPC Rush System Adopted..,.
AOITs Lead Followed at Shippensburg
by Jennifer J. Masse
Tau Lambda (Shippensburg)
The Tau Lambda Chapter of Ship- pensburg University experienced a big change on campus. This spring the University adopted the National Panhellenic Conference which took the place of Inter-Sorority Council. The University has an enrollment of 5,000 undergraduate students which include nine sororities (four national and five local). We are basically a small school and at times very slow to change. It was a definite and positive step forward for Shippensburg.
The previous rush system lasted for six weeks at the beginning of each semester. Instead of the rotational style of NPC, each sorority had two to three rushes per week at night which usually involved alcohol. When Tau Lambda was established in 1984 it became the first sorority to have dry rushes, i.e. non-alcoholic. We felt to know the real person was impossible if alcohol was involved. Therefore, Tau Lambda was very excited and enthusiastic to have NPC and its new system of rush on Shippensburg's campus. Many of the sororities were unsure of the new system because alcohol was strictly prohibited. How- ever, Tau Lambda looked forward to it with much confidence and en- thusiasm since we have always con- ducted our rushes similar to the NPC style.
After Christmas break the new sys- tem with 80 girls enrolled took place on Friday, January 22, starting with Rush Orientation. Rushes were held in the dormitory rec rooms on cam- pus. Two members of Tau Lambda were directly involved with NPC Rush. Gretchen Tyson was a rush counse- lor and Sharon Madden served as Chief Justice of NPC.
Saturday, January 23, started with nine 20 minute rotational parties. Tau Lambda's theme was our tradi- tional "Rose Rush." For a striking affect we decided at every rush to dress alike. T h e attire was a red
blouse, white skirt and white pumps. The room was decorated according to the theme and had a table displaying AOII items.
The second party was on Sunday, January 24, consisting of six one-half hour parties. Tau Lambda chose "Up, Up and Away" as the theme. Sisters were dressed in pastel polos, white skirts or pants and white pumps. The room was filled with pastel balloons and crepe paper. Refreshments were served.
During the week each sorority had one 50 minute Informal Rush which was not mandatory to attend. A "Safari" theme was chosen. The room had an appearance of a jungle. Sisters wore khaki shorts, Hawaiian print shirts and sneakers. Animal crackers, pineapples and fruit punch were served.
The fourth party was on Friday, January 29, consisting of four one- half hour parties. The theme was "Soda Pop." The room was set up as a 50's diner. A skit was performed by several of the sisters to three songs from the movie Grease. "Greek is the Word," "AOITs Devoted to Y ou," and "AOII Lightening". Rootbeer floats were served in the AOII Take- Out Booth. Sisters wore white T - shirts, jeans, white socks and sneak- ers. We felt this was our most success- ful party.
Saturday, January 30, was the fifth party with three 45 minute parties. "AOII Night at the Movies" was chosen as the theme. Sisters wore a white shirt, black pants, black pumps, a red cummerbund and bow tie. A ten minute video about life as an AOII at Shippensburg was shown. Sisters really had a lot of fun producing it. A cute and ingenious skit was performed by Rush Chairmen, Pam Hiestand and Lynne Reddington. Refreshments served were popcorn, soda and nachos. The walls were covered with posters of various movies and buttery aroma was in the air.
The final party was the traditional preference party. Tau Lambda had a total of 29 girls attend. There were two parties at one and one-half hours each. We look forward to this party as it is very special to our chapter. A "Candlelight Ritual" theme was chosen. Each rushee goes up to the table at the front of the room and places a rose petal in a silver bowl while making a wish. We always hope it is the same as ours—to become a member of AOII. Then another tra- ditional event takes place. Amanda Manthorpe and Karen Beardslee sang
"The Rose" while Amy Hoffsetter accompanied them on the piano. The song is very special to our chap- ter and really expresses the true friend- ship and bonds of sisterhood we share. Cake and punch were served. Sisters were dressed in white and proudly wore the badge of AOII.
Nine bids went out from our chapter on Monday, February 1. Tau Lambda was among the four sororities on the campus who made quota. Open bid- ding lasted for one week. On Friday, February 5, we had given a total of 12 bids. Tau Lambda has a spring pledge class of 12 girls.
We felt very accomplished and good about our chapter after rush was completed. Rush Chairman, Pam Hiestand commented, " I was very proud of our chapter. I feel we have given 100% of ourselves to the new system of rush."
President, Barbara Horn said of NPC rush, "It was a change in the right direction and Tau Lambda backs it all the way.,"
The new system of NPC rush helped Tau Lambda to come closer together and accept many new challenges and responsibilities. We are proud of our presentations and look forward with much eagerness and anticipation to
1988's Fall Rush.
Summer 1988

"When any of us has a legacy, we dream of the possibility of her joining us as a member of AOII. How special it is to want our family ties to be supplemented by the fraternal bonds of friendship with all the opportunities implied by that association. Indeed, a legacy is a gift to each of us and to the Fraternity, a gift which deserves extra care and attention."
Ginger Banks
Past International President
Chapter University/College
ill be attending
as a: freshman sophomore
Uii'tle one) beginning:
Her school address will be Signed:
sister This is to inform you that my daughter granddaughter
Zip University/College Year of Initiation _
A Very Special Bond
The bond between mothers and daughters who share A O n sisterhood is truly special. Three members of the 1985-87 Executive Board shared the special experi- ence of having daughters pledge AOII. Pictured at the 1987 International Con- vention in Palm Desert from left to right are: Krissy Hunt, Barbara Hunt, Lori Doyle, Melanie Doyle, Jennifer Williams, and Mary Williams.
To Dragma

School, Chapter
Alabama, Univ. of Alpha Delta
Early August
Alabama, Univ. of Birmingham
Zeta Pi
Late August
Arkansas State Univ. Sigma Omicron
Mid August
Auburn University Delta Delta
Late August
Austin Peay Stale U . Pi Omicron
Early September
Ball State Univ. Kappa Kappa Early September
Birmingham Southern College
Tau Delta Mid August
Calgary, Univ. of Kappa Lambda Late August
California Polytechnic State Univ.
Chi Psi
Earlv September
California, Univ. of Berkeley
Early August
California, Univ. of Davis
Chi Alpha Late August
California, Univ. of San Diego
Lambda Iota Early September
California State Univ. Long Beach
Lambda Beta Early August
California State Univ. Northridge
Sigma Phi Mid August
Canisius College
Nu Delta
Early Sept./Mid Dec.
Central Missouri State University
Delta Pi Mid August
Chicago, Univ. of Phi Chi
Early Sepl./Mid Dec.
Chapter Adviser
Mrs Doug Rhodes R.R. 2. Box 13 Northport. AL 35476
Mrs. Ronald Burcham 8641 9th Court South Birmingham, AL 35206
Mrs. Thad Wyatt 3629 Blueridge Circle Jonesboro, AR 72401
Mrs. Don Vincent
Auburn University Aviation 700 Airport Road
Auburn. AL 36830
Mrs. Joseph Stephens 1262 Hillwood Drive Clarksville, T N 37040
Mrs. Larry Thornburg 2804 W. Purdue Road Muncie, IN 47304
Mrs. Bradley Spencer 638 Idlewild Circle Birmingham, AL 35205
Willemein Van Der Wal
403 3717 42nd St., NW
Calgary, A.B.. Canada T3A 2W2
Dr. Sarah Burroughs
2251 Shell Beach Road #21 Shell Beach, CA 93449
Kathleen Ann Ryan 522 Chestnut Street, #9 San Carlos, CA 94070
Sharon Casey
920 Cranbrook Court #4 Davis. CA 95616
Mrs. Gerald Herman 8805 Cliffridge Ave. Lajolla. CA 92037
Mrs. David Jesse
10870 El Mar Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Mrs. Stan Gilson
6628 Woodlake Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91307
Mrs. Theodore Zollendeck 3648 Eckhardt Road Hamburg, NY 14075
Joyce Hall
7820 West Ridge Raytown, MO 64138
Mrs. Steven Bowsher
602 Shawnee
Prospect Heights, IL 60070
School, Chapter
Coe College Alpha Theta Early September
Colorado, Univ. of Chi Delta
Early August
Delaware, Univ. of Delta Chi
Late August
DePauw University Theta
Early August
Duke University
Delta Upsilon
Early Sept./Early Jan.
East Carolina Univ. Zeta Psi
Early August
East Stroudsburg Univ. Phi Beta
Mid January
Eastern Kentucky Univ. Epsilon Omega
Mid August
Elon College
Epsilon Chi
Late August/Early Feb.
Evansville, Univ. of Chi Lambda
Early August
Florida Southern College
Kappa Gamma
Late August/Early Jan.
Florida, Univ. of Gamma Omicron Late July
George Mason Univ. Gamma Alpha
Late August
Georgia Southern U. Alpha Lambda
Late August
Georgia State Univ. Gamma Sigma Early September
Georgia, Univ. of Lambda Sigma Mid August
Hartwick College Sigma Chi
Late August/Late Jan.
Huntingdon College Sigma Delta
Mid August
Illinois, Univ. of Iota
Early August
Illinois Wesleyan Univ. Beta Lambda
Early September
Chapter Adviser
Martha Moore
308 Fourth Avenue. Apt. #6 Coralville, IA 52241
Mrs. Mark Mitrev 2026 10th Street Boulder, C O 80302
Cathy Complon
5 Courtney Street Newark, DE 19716
Mrs. Howard Pelham 4740 E. 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
Mrs. William Mattern 204 Lake Court
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Mrs. Glenn Barnes
403 Williamsburg Road Washington, NC 27889
Mrs. Joseph Zywicki 1224 Saddle Drive Nazareth, PA 18064
Mrs. Donald Dewey 316 S. Third Street Richmond, KY 40475
Mrs. Jeffrey Vondy 2846 Forestdale Drive Burlington, NC 27215
Toni Reitz
521 South Runnymeade Evansville, IN 47714
Mrs. Hugh Kemp 3926 Kathleen Road Lakeland, FL 33809
Mrs. Dennis Hipsley 3426 NW 42nd Terrace Gainesville, FL 32605
Lisa Disher
3224 Allness Lane Herndon, VA22071
Michelle Welch Barton 8 Wimbledon Court Statesboro, GA 30458
Lisa R. Freeman
4132 Whispering Forest Court Lilburn, GA 30247
Dr. Pamela VanVoorhees 205 Idylwood Drive Athens, GA 30605
Mrs. Fred G. Hickein 82 Elm Street Onconta, NY 13820
Mrs. George Kyser
1606 Limestone Court Montgomery, AL36117
Mrs. Butch Zunich 704 W. Healy Champaign, IL 61820
Julia Whalen
15 Norbloom Avenue Bloomington, IL 61701
Summer 1988
Rush Directory
Chapter Advisers should receive Membership Information Forms (MIFs) NO LATER than dates noted. This is the time chapters review MIFs prior to rush.

To Dragma
School, Chapter
Chapter Adviser
School, Chapter
Chapter Adviser
Indiana Slate Univ. Kappa Alpha
Mid August
Indiana University Beta Phi
Mid October/Late Dec.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Gamma Beta Late December
Iowa State University lota Sigma
Early August
Kansas, Univ. of Phi
Early Augusl
Kearny State College Phi Sigma
Early Augusl
Kentucky, Univ. of Kappa Omega Early Augusl
LaCrange College lambda Chi
Early September
Lambuth College Omega Omicron Mid August
Lehigh University Lambda Upsilon Early January
Louisville. Univ. of Pi Alpha
Early Augusl
Maine, Univ. of Orono
Gamma Late Augusl
Maryland, Univ. of Pi Delta
Mid August
Miami University Omega
Early August
Michigan, Univ. of Omicron Pi
Mid August
Middle Tennessee State University
Rho Omicron Early August
Minnesota, Univ. of Tau
Late August
Mississippi, Univ. of Nu Beta
Early August
Missouri, Univ. of Columbia
Delta Alpha Early August
Montana State Univ. Alpha Phi
Early September
Morningside College Theta Chi
Mid August
Murray State Univ. Delta Omega
Early Augusl
Nebraska, Univ. of Lincoln
Early Augusl
Mrs. Paul Gibbons
35 Gardendale Road Terre Haute, IN 47803
Mrs. David Heine
2704 Forrester Bloomington. IN 47401
Mrs. Cynthia Lexon-Ray 708 Wall Ave.
Pitcairn, PA 15140
Mrs. Don Muff 1312 Scott Circle Ames. IA 50010
Mrs. Carl Hoffman 1271 Medford Topeka, KS 66604
Mrs. Jerry Grossart 819 W. 30th Street Kearney, NE 68847
Kristi Farmer
539 Chinoe Road Lexington, KY 40502
Mrs. Mike Wilson 949 Malibu Drive LaGrange. GA 30240
Mrs. David Hardee 10 Fairfield Place Jackson, T N 38301
Mrs. Lee Snyder
2651 Main Street Bethlehem, PA 18017
Mrs. Gary Miller 3407 Hillsboro Road Louisville, KY 40207
Mrs. John Schroder 9 Heather Road Bangor, ME04401
Linelle M. Garber
4600 W. Virginia Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814
Mrs. James Rohr 6500 Fairfield Road Oxford, O H 45056
Mrs. Eric Aupperle 3606 Chatham Way Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Mrs. Troy Baxter
1619 Hanover Drive, S-3 Murfreesboro, T N 37130
Mrs. Michael Montgomery 5501 Malibu Drive
Edina, MN 55436
Mrs. David Shaw 211 Price Street Oxford, MS 38655
Melissa VanWinkle
1607 Eastwood Drive, Apt. Columbia, MO 65201
Mrs. Stuart Townsend 8040 Lupine Lane Bozeman, MT 59715
Jacque Jensen
3823 Garretson Avenue Sioux City, IA5U06
Mrs. Ricky Garland Rt. 7, Box 886 Murray, KY 42071
Mrs. Charles Rigoni 2210 South 37th Street Lincoln, NE 68506
Newcomb College Pi
Late Augusl
Northeast Louisiana Univ. Lambda Tau
Early August
Northern Arizona Univ. Theta Omega
Early August
Ohio Northern Univ. Kappa Pi
Laie August
Ohio University Omega Upsilon Late Augusl
Oregon Stale Univ. Alpha Rho
Early September
Oregon, Univ of. Alpha Sigma Early September
Parks College Upsilon Epsilon Mid Augusl
Pennsylvania Stale U. Epsilon Alpha
Mid August
Purdue University Phi Upsilon
Mid December
Rhodes College Kappa Omicron Early September
Shippensburg University Tau Lambda
Mid September
Slippery Rock Univ. Sigma Rho
Mid August
South Alabama, U. of Gamma Delta
Early September
South Florida, U. of Gamma Theta
Early Aug./Mid Dec.
Southeastern Louisiana University
Kappa Tau Late July
Southern California, University of
Nu Lambda Mid Augusl
St. Leo College Gamma Upsilon Early Sept /Early Jan.
Syracuse University Chi
Mid August
Tennessee, Univ. of Omicron
Early September
Tennessee, Univ. of Martin
Tau Omicron Late Augusl
Texas Woman's Univ. Delta Theta
Early September
Mrs. Henri Louapre
220 E. William David Parkway Metairie, LA 70005
Lori Kaye Roberts 705 Lakeshore Monroe, LA 71203
Mrs. Richard Baker 1508 N. Aztec Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Dr. Elizabeth Roberts 815 South Johrtson St. Ada. O H 45810
Karen Weaver
405 6th Street Marietta, OH45750
Mrs. Sid Moody
3329 SW Cascade Drive Corvallis, O R 97333
Mrs. Don Brockman 2932 Elysium Eugene, O R 97401
Mrs. Michael Christopher 2454 Cripple Creek Dr. St. Louis, MO 63129
Pat Antolosky
1260 Fairview Drive Bellefont, PA 16823
Jane Hamblin
1105 W. 750 North
West Lafayette. IN 47906
Jenny Janson
1883 Rainbow Drive N. Memphis, T N 38107
Louise Thompkinson 35254 Cabrillo Drive Freemom, CA 94536
Mrs. Richard Coffman 9765 Possum Hollow Road Shippensburg, PA 17257
Carole Lepore
318 Highland Ave., Apt. #5 New Castle, PA 16101
Mrs. Jim Gulledge 6050 Greloi Road, #206 Mobile, A L 36609
Donna Stewart
1110 Axelwood Circle Brandon, FL 33511-6283
Vicky Warren
1235 Oak Lane #7 Hammond, LA 70403
Mrs. James Crawford 9615 L a Cima Drive Whiltier, CA 90603
Mrs. Robert McCraney 6952 124th Terrace N. Largo, F L 34643
Dr. Harriet O'Leary 309 Waring Road Syracuse, N Y 13224
Mrs. Charles Bettis 7709 Bennington Drive Knoxville. T N 37919
Sandy Belote
Route 2, Box 346-A Martin. TN 38237
Kathy Wilson
6906 Custer Road, #504 Piano, T X 75023

School. Chapter
Texas, Univ. of San Antonio
Upsilon Lambda Late August
Thomas More College Alpha Beta Tau
Early August
Toledo, Univ. of Theta Psi
Late August
Toronto, Univ. of Beta Tau
Early September
Towson State Univ. Theta Beta
Mid August
Transylvania Univ. Tau Omega
Late August
T ufts University Delta
Mid Aug./Early Jan.
Vanderbilt University Nu Omicron
Mid Aug./Mid Dec.
Villanova University Beta Delta
Mid Aug./Mid Dec.
Virginia, Univ. of Chi Beta
Mid December
Virginia Commonwealth II. Rho Beta
Late August
Wagner College Theta Pi
Late August
Washington College Sigma T au
Late January
Chapter Adviser
Liz Bostic
5407 Timber Trail
San Antonio. T X 78220
Mrs. Colleen Kleinsch 3208 Laurel OakDrive Edgewood. KY 41014
Mrs. Gary Moorman 2942 Shoreland Drive Toledo, OH 43611
Joanne Onadera
52 Nymark Avenue Willowdale. Ontario, Canada M2J 2G9
Mrs. Melis Erlbeck
206 E. Northern Parkway Baltimore. MD 21212-2925
Kenna Sapp
3861 Belleau Wood Drive Lexington, KY 40503
Debra Verrill
81 Forest Street Medford. MA 02155
Michelle Stephens
3010 West End Ave.. Apt. 3-D Nashville, T N 37203
Sarah Jean Wagaman 522 C2 Regis Court Andalusia, PA 19020
Jane Lee Wehland
138 Ivy Drive #5 Charlottesville. VA 22901
Mrs. Rick Barefoot 807 Holbein Place Richmond. VA 23235
Mrs. Thomas Welch 24-E Franklin Lane Staten Island, NY 10306
213 Philosopher's Terrace Chestertown, MD 21620
School, Chapter
Washington State Univ. Alpha Gamma
Late July
Washington, Univ. of Upsilon
Late August
West Virginia Univ. Sigma Alpha
Mid August
Western Kentucky Univ. Alpha Chi
Early August
Western Michigan Univ. Kappa Rho
Late August
Western Ontario, U . of Iota Chi
Early September
Wisconsin, Univ. of Milwaukee
Phi Delta Mid August
Arizona, Univ. of Upsilon Alpha Colony Mid August
Eastern Washington U. Tau Gamma Colony Mid August
Grand Valley State College Lambda Eta Colony
Mid August
McGill College Kappa Phi Colony Mid August
Virginia Wesleyan College Sigma Beta Colony
Mid August
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Martin Jinks S.W. 605 Crestview Pullman, WA 99163
Mrs. Stephen Graunke 2723 36 SW
Seattle, WA 98126
Mrs. Ron Justice
741 Johnson Avenue Morgan town, WV 26505
Mrs. David Towell
1551 Chestnut Street Bowling Green, KY 42101
Mrs. Peter Brownell 10173 Woodlawn Kalamazoo. MI 49002
Michelle Chui
1-297 Hyman Street
London, Ontario, Canada N6B 2G6
Kristin Maegh
4481 N. 74th Street Milwaukee, WI 53218
Susan Duggins 1017 N. Bedford Tucson, AZ85710
Tracy Pendarvis
3915 Randolph Rd. #17 Spokane. WA 99204
Suzie Carpenter
6681 Boca Vista Drive Rockford, MI 49341
Mrs. Gary Giannetti 98 Fieldsend Avenue Beaconsfield, Quebec, Canada H9W 5J1
Thea Steidinger Scioscia 3717 Joppa Lane Virginia Beach, VA 23456
"DJF -1 hope every sister learns how much the scholarships mean to our future!''
—Kathy Sigler Price, Lambda T a u DJF W inners' Circle (1979)
DJF scholarships— gifts that last a lifetime.
Send contributions to
Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St., Building B., Suite 372 Princeton, New Jersey 08540-3512
Summer 1988

Delta Sigma Is Back at San Jose!
By Patricia Batchelor Penning Omicron (U. of Tennessee)
At the apex of the San Francisco Bay is San Jose, a city of almost one million people. Forty years ago on March 14,1948, Delta Sigma chapter was installed at San Jose State Col- lege (now University.) The first ban- quet was at the Hotel Sainte Claire in San Jose. Delta Sigma's charter was held in trust in 1969, a casualty of the unrest on college campuses across the nation.
Almost twenty years later on March 12, 1988, 55 colony members and pledges of the re-colonized chapter
gathered for the day-long installa- tion, initiation and pledging at the Great America Marriott Hotel in nearby Santa Clara. From Friday din- ner through Sunday, International President Peg Crawford welcomed new members, parents, and alumnae and husbands.
When AOII returned to campus this year, the former AOII house which is now the Faculty Club was used for rush parties, presentation of pledges, and inspiration night. AOII was chosen by a campus committee to join Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta and Kappa Delta. The presentation was made by Re- gional Director Lisa Richtermeyer Shemwell and the first members of Chi Psi chapter from California Poly- technic State University in San Luis Obispo.
Nebraska's Laura Buchtel, Chap- ter Consultant, and Berkeley's Sigma president Marisa Galvan of San Jose came for the colonization and recep- tion at the San Jose State Student Union in September. Vice President/ Development, Anne Witt Allison, Omicron (U. of Tennessee), presented the colony pins. Pincy Polese, Region- al Director, attended from Arizona. Melanie Doyle, Public Relations' Co- ordinator from International Head- quarters in Nashville also assisted.
Special guests for March installa- tion was Rosemary Kappes Schwier- john (Iota), Region X Vice President, and Chapter Consultant Laura Buch- tel. Among the many special guests at the Rose Banquet that evening was Dorothy Bogen Farrington, Lambda (Stanford). Dorothy is a former Delta Sigma Corporation President and served as International Treasurer and International Chairman of the Board. The installation committee, chaired by Aimee Dugan, was instrumental in providing a special weekend of memories that ended with a recep- tion on Sunday for fraternities and friends at the Campus University Room.
The Alumnae Advisory Commit- tee provided invaluable support dur- ing this important developmental period for the new Delta Sigma Chapter. Members of the committee
include: Louise Tomkinson, chair- man; Teri Senger, rush; Jeanne Pit- man, assistant rush; Margaret McCarthy, finances; Sherry Otten, pledge; Deb W arp, administrative; Kerry Boyd, chapter relations; Lisa Corwin, membership/ritual; Cyndy Frederick, scholarship; and Gail Lancaster, social.
Chater members include Michelle Blouin, Kristi Carpenter, Beth Clarke, Marikit Del Rosario, Colleen Devlin, Jennifer Devlin, Tobi Kleiner, Cindy Lee, Jessica Mac, Kristine Sandoz, Stephanie Sierra, Michelle Taylor, Paige Townsend; Kirsten Vodegel, Anh Vo, Katherine Ann Becker, Lia Lynne Boone, Suzanne Connell, Patty Cross, Gwendolyn Sue Dapper, Shawna Di Biaso, Angela Lyn Davi, Becky Denny, Nancy Donegan, Christine Econome, Suzie Ferguson, Catherine Anne Haney, Kelly Hogan, Karen Johnson, Maria C. Lagasca, Julia Lanham, Melanie Jayne Lapadula, Sandra Denise Manor, Paulette Miles, Julie Rook Miller, Jerry Lynn Price, DeeDee Richards, Vera Schwirzke, Kristina Specht, Lisa Jean Tollner, Pam Treadway, Janeen Vitalie, Myra D. Garcia, Marcee McClelland, and Nora Hendrykes.
Delta Sigma Chapter with visiting dignitaries.

Parks College Home of New AOII Chapter
By Lisa Ann Burch
Upsilon Epsilon (Parks College)
Saturday, March 26, 1988 will be a day twenty-four young women will remember for the rest of their lives. This was the date that the Upsilon Epsilon Colony at Parks College in Cahokia, Illinois became installed as the 157th chapter of AOIL Before this dream became a reality, the journey between colonization and chapter in- stallation was faced.
The AOII colonization at Parks College took place on September 12, 1987. At that time, fourteen girls pledged themselves to AOn. Then our task of fulfilling colony duties began. To assist in teaching us the traditions of AOn, Chapter Consul- tant Ginger Mylander was sent to us in October. Her help was instrumental in establishing a foundation of order among the new colony members. Officers were elected and their duties were made clear. Chapter President Angela McManaway worked diligently to outline exactly what needed to be done to become a chapter. The amount of work, at first, seemed overwhelm- ing; but gradually, we started to pull together and became true sisters. The beginnings of this strong bond began with a retreat in November at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. The three days spent there were vital to the growth of friendships needed in the endeavor to become a chapter. T o share the good spirit we felt toward one another, our Philanthropic Chair- man Deborah Reynolds organized a gift wrapping booth during the Christ- mas season. At the St. Union Station shopping mall, the Upsilon Epsilon Colony wrapped gifts for shoppers where all proceeds would go toward Arthritis Research. Considering the spirit of the season, the project was a great success and it was decided this would become an annual event.
Although things were running smoothly for our colony, we knew that to reach our full potential we needed the help of others—namely more sisters. Our Rush Chairman Helen Albrecht and Rush Adviser Cynthia Christopher remedied that situation by attracting seventeen pro-
spective members to our open rush party. We colonized eight new mem- bers as a result of our successful rush. Soon after that, we were pleased to have visit us our second Chapter Consultant Laura Buchtel. Before her arrival at Parks, we never imagined the kind of guidance and support she would offer. Upsilon Epsilon bene- fitted from Laura's leadership and support.
Finally, the day of installation drew near. Rose Inspiration night on the Friday before the big day only height- ened our anticipation and excitement. To share in our enthusiasm, collegians from Iota Chapter at the University of Illinois and several from Chi Lambda Chapter at the University of Evansville, Evansville, Indiana at- tended. Installation ceremonies were conducted by Nancy Bowers, Execu- tive Board Director. Special guests assisting during the weekend's festiv- ities included Jean Zimmermann. Re- gional Vice President, Judy Flessner, Regional Public Relations Officer, Jane Crawley, our new Regional Director, Nancy Messick, Chapter Adviser, Mary Nolde, Financial Ad- viser, Cynthia Christopher, Rush Ad- viser, Virginia Walker, St. Louis Alumnae Member, and Laura Buchtel, Chapter Consultant. Nancy Bowers
made every single person feel her spe- cial sincerity and the warmth and love that AOIJ has to offer. Imme- diately following the initiation, Upsilon Epsilon Chapter was installed along with its officers into Alpha Omicron Pi. Then each new initiate had the privilege to sign her name on the Upsilon Epsilon Charter. The impact of our accomplishment was not fully realized until the celebra- tions were under way at the Rose Banquet.
The setting for the Rose Banquet was the Lemp Mansion which over- looks the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri. Many parents at- tended to share the special event with their daughters. That evening was a moment we will remember for a long time to come. It was then that Upsilon Epsilon Chapter realized all AOII has done for us. Now, we are only too willing to see what we can do for AOII in the future. Of course this dream would not have been possible without the continued support of the alumnae members in our area. A special thanks also goes out to Cap- tian Vivian Lewis, our Associate Alumna Member. It was with her efforts we were able to earn the name of Upsilon Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
1 «s«
Summer 1988
Upsilon Epsilon Chapter at Parks College with Executive Board Director Nancy Bowers, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt).

1988-89 Chapter Consultants
By Julie Martin
Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama) Chapter Services Coordinator
While many of us are engaging in our favorite summertime activities, whether it be a beach vacation, gardening, summer school, or plain oV R&R, there are eight very special AOIls preparing for an exciting year of travel! The 1988-89 Chapter Consultant Staff will begin their training in Nashville on August I , 1988. August 16th will find them embarking on a journey to visit all of the collegiate chapters of the Fraternity, where they will find memories to last a lifetime! Many of you will have the pleasure of meeting and working with these women in the year ahead!
GRACE AVANT is from Gamma Sigma Chapter at Georgia State Uni- versity. She served the chapter as President, Vice-President/Adminis- tration, Pledge Educator, and As- sistant Treasurer. She was active in Student Government and was a member of the Homecoming Court. Grace is from Sandersville, Georgia.
EDEN EDWARDS hails fromAl- liance, Nebraska and was a member of Zeta chapter at the University of Nebraska. Eden was President of her chapter and was the 1987 winner of the AOII Perry Award, given to the outstanding Collegiate Chapter Presi- dent. She worked extensively with New Student Orientation at the Uni- versity of Nebraska.
TRACY HOUCHINS was a mem- ber of Lambda Sigma chapter at the University of Georgia, where she served as President, Recording Secre- tary, and on the Chapter Relations Committee. Tracy, a former Peach Bowl Hostess, is from Dunwoody, Georgia.
MELISSA NOLLEN is from San Antonio, Texas and was a member of Upsilon Lambda chapter at the Uni- versity of Texas-San Antonio. She served her chapter as President, Vice- President/Administration, Chapter Relations Chairman, and Panhellenic Alternate. Melissa was selected the "Most Outstanding Sorority Woman" at UTSA for 1985.
DEBBIE PRETTO was a member of Chi Psi chapter at California Poly- technic State University, where she served as Rush Chairman and Scholar- ship Chairman. She has lived in a variety of different places, but cur- rently resides in Granada Hills, Cali- fornia.
STACY SANDERS was a member of Delta Pi chapter at Cental Mis- souri State University. She served as President, Pledge Educator and Fund Raising Chairman. A native of Kan- sas City, Missouri, Stacy was active in Greek Affairs on campus and served as Greek Week Talent Show Director.
To Dragma

..The Best of the Best!
Send To:
Julie Martin
Chapter Services Coordinator AOII International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, TN 37215
Please Send Me More Information About Becoming A Chapter Consultant
Graduation Date
BETSEY SMITH was a member of Beta Phi chapter at Indiana Univer- sity. She is from Alexandria, Vir- ginia. Betsey was the recipient of the "Girl of Beta Phi" award. She has been extremely active in Panhellenic, serving as Vice-President of Inter- Greek Affairs, and Director of Inter- nal Greek Unity.
"DTF scholarships help dreams come true!"
—Attorney Elise Moss. T a u Delta DJF Winners' Circle (1972)
DJF scholarships— gifts that last recognize education's importance.
Send contributions to
Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St., Building B., Suite 372 Princeton, New Jersey 08540-3512
VICKISHERICK is the past Presi- dent of Alpha Phi chapter at Mon- tana State University. She has also served as Corresponding Secretary. She is from Butte, Montana and is a member of Mortar Board and Order of Omega. She has been doing her student teaching in Butte with fourth graders.
Summer 1988

Sigma Tau Celebrates 50th Anniversary
By Karen R. Reisinger
Sigma Tau (Washington College)
The Sigma Tau chapter at Wash- ington College celebrated its 50th Anniversary on Saturday, March 26, 1988. A luncheon was held in the Hynson Lounge drawing close to one hundred Sigma Tau alumnae, rep- resentatives of several other chapters and members of the Alpha Omicron Pi Executive Board. Speakers in- cluded Peg Crawford/International President; Mary Jean Polaski/Re- gional Vice President; Kathleen Campanella/President Baltimore Alumnae Chapter; Dolly McCool Thorton/Charter Member and First Chapter President; Dale E. Scarlett/ President Sigma Tau Corporation; and Sandy Reeder/Regional Direc- tor. The charter members in attend- ance were presented with 50 year pins and certificates by Peg Crawford and Chapter President, Elizabeth Lund.
A wonderful time was had by all who attended as stories were shared and friends were reunited. Pride in Sigma Tau and AOFI was felt from the charter members of 1938 to the pledge class of 1988. Everyone was more than pleased to hear that over $2,000 was received from alumnae for the Sigma Tau 50th fund,which will be used to purchase new ritual equipment.
A very special thanks to Sarah Dunning for organizing the event with the help of her committee of: Dana Loy, Georgia Schafer, Sandy Reeder, Mackey Streit, and Joyce Davis. Thanks also to April Dean who served as toastmistress and Judie Berry, our soon-to-be chapter adviser. As one of the nineteen oldest chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi, we are looking forward to another half century of Sigma Tau!
Sigma T a u Charter members seated from left to right: Maryanna Reed Maguire, Dolly McCool Thornton, Polly Taylor Horner. Standing from left to right: Elizabeth Thibo- deau, Mary Berry Brown Moore, Hilda Ott Micari, and Margaret Russell Vangilder.
To Dragma
International President Peg Crawford shared the 50th Anniversary celebration with Sigma Tau chapter.

New Songbook in the Works!
the music department of your college a music student to whom you could sing the melody and he or she could write it down for you.
Tapes? If you wish to send in tapes of your favorite songs, that's fine, too. We can accept them, preferably with typed lyrics, and we'll transcribe them to the written page. Yes, the tapes chapters gave Chapter Consul- tants will be considered, too.
The deadline for sending in music or tapes is not being announced as yet but the date will probably be in December 1988, so do not procrasti- nate! Remember that Rush Week and registration take up time in Fall '88.
Mail your music and lyrics to: AOII Headquarters
3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, T N 37215
Mail your tapes and lyrics to: Mrs. Lis Donaldson
1726 Croom Drive Montgomery, AL 36106
We're anxious to get started on the Songbook and we want to see the selections you'd like to have in the new book I
By Gerry Walker Flagle Alpha Sigma (U. of Oregon) Songbook Committee
How often have you wished that we had a new Songbook? Someone has said that too many people to count have requested, pleaded, and begged for a new AOII Songbook! Wellnow, we'regoingtohaveone— a new AOII Songbook. As we leave Convention everyone says "we didn't sing enough." And it seems that no one knows all of the sanie songs. There seem to be some basic songs we all know, and then there are some where we all know the tune but the words are different. There are many songs from certain regions/chapters which are really great but no one else knows them. All of these statements we want to correct with a new loose- leaf Songbook.
The songbook committee is anxious for your input. In addition to the author, committee members are Lois Roeder Critchlow, Mary Jane Bell
Sharp, and Lis Lester Donaldson. Innisbrook, the site of our 1989 convention in Tarpon Springs, Flor- ida is the place for the introduction of our new Songbook—and we'll sing at Convention. In fact, plans are being made to sing at several events!
So, now is the time for all collegians and alumnae to help this proposed Songbook into becoming a living book.
Send in your favorite AOII songs! This means lyrics (preferably typed) along with the music to the songs you would like to see included. If the music to a favorite song is a pop tune, please be sure to mention the name of that pop tune. We must write to pub- lishers to seek permission to use their music with AOII lyrics. (Copyright law, you know.) Or else we'll print the lyrics along with the title of the pop tune. So, we'll need the title. If you feel no one in your chapter can write the music of your favorite AOII songs, perhaps you could locate i n
Please number this list from #1 thru #12 with #1 being the most important.
AOII Sweetheart songs AOII Pep songs
Initiation songs
Pledging songs
Founders' Day songs
Rose songs Rounds. Rush
AOII lyrics to pop tunes
Old favorites
New songs
Easy 2 and 3 part songs. With piano accompaniment A particular title you'd like
to learn
If a cassette tape of some of the songs in the new Songbook was available for sale, would you buy one? yes no maybe
Chapter & Year of Initiation School .
Mail your questionnaire, please, with or without songs to:
Mrs. Pat Hardy, 176 Mountain Brook Court, Marietta, GA 30064
Summer 1988

Alumnae Chapter News
Lisa Aupperle reported that the Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter joined the Dearborn, Macomb County and Detroit North Suburban alumnae for a Founders' Day Celebration on March 5th. Also participating were colleg- ians from Omicron Pi at the Univer^ sity of Michigan and colony members from Grand Valley State College. The guest speaker was Jo Nowak, Regional Public Relations Officer, who did a mock extension presenta- tion. Future plans include joining the Oil seniors i n their welcome into alumnae status celebration. Also being planned is a trip to the DetroitArt Museum to see a Margaret Bourke White display in May.
Austin's historic Driskill Hotel was the location selected for the Austin Alumnae Chapter celebration of Founders' Day, 1988 reported Bar- bara Simpson.
Twenty four women, including two international officers, were pres- ent to celebrate ninety-one years of sisterhood. Past International Presi- dent and current National Panhel- lenic Conference Delegate Ginger Banks was the keynote speaker. Her message encouraged responsibility to us, AOn, and the community. On a much lighter note, Ginger and JoBeth Heflin, Fraternity Development Chairman, regaled us with tales of AOIL A skit about the Founders was also presented.
Recent programs for the Dallas Alumnae Chapter were on geneol- ogy, arthritis/osteosporosis and low cost travel, reported Karen Peterson. During February a group of alums got together for lunch and a special tour of the Bybee Furniture Collec- tion at the Dallas Art Museum. Our April meeting included installation of officers and a welcome to the seniors of Delta Theta.
Amy Wiedeman reports that the Day- ton Alumnae Chapter and the Day- ton community has been the theme for the chapter in past months. The chapter has been i n the process of identifying local charities in the Day- ton area that the chapter can support.
Two local organizations were selected. One is DAYBREAK, a local house for runaway teens. The other local bene- ficiary is the Battered Women's Shel- ter.
Debra Eilert reports that each year the Denver Area Alumnae Chapter holds a fundraising event called the Bridge of Roses. The proceeds benefit the Chi Delta collegiate chapter at the University of Colorado. Under the guidance of Betty Ann Glascock, a Doneaster fashion show and Eng- lish tea in the historic home of member Margot Griffith Hartman was held. Over eighty members and guests gathered to watch the models glide down the intricately carved staircase dressed in the new spring and summer fashions. Guests later enjoyed refresh- ments and informal tours of Margot's home.
Judith Lacinta West reported that East Bay Alumnae Chapter members have kept busy this year under the able direction of President Barbara Stehno. Brunch preceding the CAL vs USC football game i n September was successful in terms of food and fun plus earned some money for the treasury. Founders' Day, planned by Sandy Jaeger, was, as always, a mov- ing AOII experience, plus the atmos- phere and food at the Faculty Club was wonderful. A raffle for dinner for eight prepared and served by the board worked well and may be at- tempted again next year. The Arthri- tis Foundation Bachelor Auction was terrific and we thank Jocelyn Herrick for arranging to have us help and enjoy the event.
The Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter has been selling popcorn and taking inventory as a money making project reports Mary Jane Ogle. Before Christmas we made a snowman decoration to hold pop- corn. Pumpkins have been decorated to give to sisters who have been unable to attend meetings because of illness and to a nursing home. Pro- gram ideas have also included a speaker on unusual fruits and vege- tables; wellness; historic slides of Johnson County, Kansas; and a fashion seminar from the store where we do inventory.
Carol Martin reports that the Lex- ington Alumnae Chapter has had a very busy schedule this year. It started in the fall with a Potato and Salad bar dinner. Other activities included a trip to Ethan Allen Galleries to chV cuss furniture buying and designing tips, a Christmas cookie and appe- tizer recipe swap, and programs on plant care and colored gem stones. A very successful fundraiser was im- plemented this year thanks to the Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Chap- ter, who provided us with the infor- mation needed to get us started on selling "Survival Kits" to our area collegians' parents during finals week.
The 1987-88 season started with a bang for the Macomb County Alum- nae Chapter when the chapter received two awards at the 1987 International Convention: the Certificate of Achieve- ment and the Philos Award. The Sep- tember meeting covered these and other Convention highlights reported Maxine Hedgecock Ross. After at- tending the Detroit Area Alumnae potluck in October, a "work night" was held in November for our Christ- mas auction. This auction, held in early December, is the chapter's way of raising funds for charities each year. A total of 30-35 members and guests attend and bid on items which are mostly handmade. The first auc- tionwasin1964,and$30.00wasnet- ted. Ten enthusiastic years later the auction netted$230. Imaginehowexcited the chapter was last year when our
1987 auction proceeds totaled $934.00! To Dragma
Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter celebrated a "beary" wonderful Founders' Day i n December. More than ninety alumnae, collegians and their mothers enjoyed a delicious luncheon. Each table was decorated with a stuffed Christmas bear which was later sold as a fund-raiser. Toni Reitz shared facts about the Founders, and alumnae and collegians shared songs of the past and present.
W alsh

The Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter has experienced a busy and fun-filled year according to Patti Sell Shaw. A schedule of truly entertaining and informative programs thanks to the efforts of Vice President, Lynne Radtke Ferger have been presented. In October, Barbara Daugs Hunt (Alpha Omicron Pi Vice President/ Operations) served as hostess for "Home Decorating on a Budget" Regional Director, Pat Vioni Ben- son, hosted the Christmas party and auction. Appropriately, after the Christmas holiday a "Get Fit with Jazzercise" program was enjoyed. An appetizer cooking demonstration was hosted by Cathy Benjamin during the month of February.
The North Houston Suburban Chapter has been busy this winter recruiting members reports Mary Sue Metz Dornier. At the February meet- ing election of officers was held. Officers are: Kathy Freeman/presi- dent; Bonnie Nezin/V.P. Membership; Phyllis Spencer/Secretary; and Linda Hall/Treasurer. They will be installed at the May meeting which will be a wine and roses dinner. Congratula- tions to these outstanding ladies!
The Omaha Alumnae Chapter is once again proud to announce the success of the volunteer community project with Make-A-Wish, an or- ganization committed to granting wishes to terminally i l l children. Paula Kluge reports that $500.00 was donated to Make-A-Wish from sales of macaroni angels. Other chapter activities included a "II-O-A" cook- out, the annual Bunco party, a Christ- mas craft meeting, a Founders' Day celebration at Grisanti's, and an energetic aerobic workout.
Cathy Connelly Wieand reports that on January 24, 1988, the Phila- delphia Alumnae Chapter met for a Founders' Day Celebration at the Jef- ferson House in Norristown, Pennsyl- vania. All of the arrangements and reservations were made by Founders' Day Hostess, Kathy Donovan, Phi Beta. The afternoon's program was highlighted by several events: a Ruby Fund collection, the awarding of the Founders' Day Certificate of Honor to Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau, and the announcement that the Phila- delphia Alumnae Chapter had more
than doubled its membership from 21 to 43! To close out the program a Candlelighting Ceremony in memory of our Four Founders was led by Kim Carson McGowan, Phi Beta.
Phoenix Alumnae Chapter is con- tinuing to celebrate sisterhood with its 77 members reports Jane Haver Behrens. $1,408.00 was raised for the AOII Philanthropic Foundation at the "Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It" auction during the Christmas sea- son. Founders' Day was celebrated on January 23 at the Paradise Valley Country Club. On that day, generous donations were made to the Ruby Fund and Diamond Jubilee Founda- tion. Members continue to bring non- perishable food items, which are taken to the Interfaith Cooperative Minis- tries, an ecumenical group. Over the past two years the chapter has been inspired by the leadership of our president, Mary Riley Michel, N u Omicron. Marilyn King Irvin, Beta Phi, is our newly-elected president for the next term.
Lisa ToIIiver reports that Janu- ary's chilly temperatures were warmed up a bit as the Piedmont North Carolina Alumnae Chapter proved once again that we have many talented gourmets. Many thanks to Marie Binder for opening her home for a delightful evening of feast, fellow- ship, and fun. Epsilon Chi chapter at Elon College benefitted tremendously from an impressive array of prefer- ence party hors d'oeuvres, beautifully arranged by Debbie Harllee and Betty Stokes.
Under the leadership of President,
Heidi Herlong, South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter more than doubled its membership this past fall. The Board with Anne Dauen- hauer, Program Chairman, set all meetings i n one location with var- ious co-hostesses to bring refresh- ments. This unique format seemed to appeal to the membership which is geographically spread out. Each month members bring small items to donate to the 1736 Street Project, a home for battered women and chil- dren.
Nancy Zendt reported that State CollegeAlumnaeChapterheldameet- ing to honor 1987 Convention Rose
AwardwinnerJeanHolcombeLundy, Epsilon Alpha, and hear reports of Chapter awards and certificates, in- cluding the Distinguished Service Award. The fund raiser of selling pink T-shirts with a white rose on a grey background was successful at the Convention. The shirts are still being sold and can be ordered from Anne Rohrbach, 619 East Fairmount Avenue, State College, PA 16801. Founders' Day was celebrated i n December at a Brunch with Epsilon Alpha (Penn State). The alumnae presented a Certificate of Recogni- tion to Helen Savard Galbraith who served as Faculty Adviser to the Arte Club at Penn State, which became the Epsilon Alpha Chapter. Helen has given many years of service. Arthur K. Anderson, member of the Penn State Faculty and son of Edith Ander- son, was the speaker for the occasion.
Syracuse Alumnae Chapter, thrilled to realize that over 150 new Chi members have been initiated since re- colonization at Syracuse i n April, 1985, planned programming for 1987- 88 to Recognize, Rejoice, and Renew. Monthly events were scheduled on various days of the week and divided between evening and daylight hours to accommodate the needs of our diverse age groups, reported Harriet O'Leary. The September covered-dish supper at Alice Foote Gwynn's (Chi, 1925) recognized superb culinary talent, rejoiced in Convention awards and international news, and renewed old acquaintances. In October, alum- nae rejoiced in meeting the 45 new pledges of Chi at the Chapter House— exchangingcollegiatereminisence for "collegiate-now" views over popcorn and cider. Syracuse has a snowy, grim winter, so Founders' Day was moved forward to November in order that alumnae from a radius of 75 miles could attend.
Summer 1988

To Dragma
Corporation Meeting Kappa Kappa
November 6, 1988 2:00 p.m. A0II Suite
Ball State University Muncie, I N
For more information, contact:
Tamra Redden 4301 W. Riverside Muncie, IN 47304
Bulletin Board
Phi Upsilon Chapter Plans 25th Anniversary and Dedication of New Addition to Chapter House
The Anniversary and Dedication will be held:
Sunday, October, 2, 1988
(Purdue University Homecoming Weekend) West Lafayette, Indiana
For more information, please contact: Chris Annis
3120 Courthouse Drive, #1A West Lafayette, I N 47906
(219) 261-2542 (daytime)
(317) 463-2058
"Piper" Subscription Now Available
"The Piper" is the Fraternity's monthly newsletter that is published 8 times yearly September-April. Tradition- ally, it's readership has been limited to the elected leadership of the Fraternity on the local, regional, and international level.
Because of the international Executive Board's commitment to providing updated Fraternity information to our membership-at-large, it is offering this opportunity to subscribe to "The Piper."
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity to be even more informed of current happenings in your Fraternity, send your subscription today. This subscription will begin September 1988 and is good through April 1989.
PLEASERETURNTOINTERNATIONALHEADQUARTERS:3821 CleghornAvenue,Nashville,TN37215. Subscription Price: $10.00. Subscription price must be included with order.
Name Address
(Last) (First)
Regional Officer International Officer
Chapter/Year of Initiation
Would you be interested in serving A0I1 as: Alumnae Chapter Officer
Alumnae Advisory Committee Member Regional Director

Alpha Omicron Pi is de- lighted to announce the fol- lowing colonizations planned for fall 1988:
University of Arizona—Re- colonization of Upsilon Alpha chapter
Michigan State University—Re- colonization of Beta Gamma chapter
State University of New York at Albany
Bowling Green State Univer- sity (Ohio)
If you know of young women planning to attend these in- stitutions, please complete the Membership Information Form found on page of this issue and return it to International Headquarters by early August.
Our fraternity is proud of our note- worthy AOIls. Please let us know about your accomplishments in pro- fessional or volunteer efforts. Or let us know about an outstanding sister's success. Send information to Eliza- beth A. Coffey, 7754 N. Whittier Place. Indianapolis, IN 46250.
Name: Address:
T elephone
Chapter/Date of initiation:
Area of recognition, awards, honors, etc.
If you are submitting the name of a sister, please fill in your name, address, and chapter/date of initiation on the following lines:
Chi Delta
October 4, 1988
7:30 p.m.
Chi Delta Chapter House 1015 15th Street Boulder, Colorado 80302
For information, contact: Carol Touzalin
1470 Kennedy Drive Northglenn, CO 80234 (303) 452-5416
Harris Directory
During the month of April, all alumnae with current addresses were mailed an important Alumnae Direc- tory Questionnaire. We are delighted at the response we have received from thousands of our alumnae members.
A reminder mailing is being sent so that alumnae who did not respond will still have the opportunity to do so. The information from the question- naire will be used to publish Alpha Omicron Pi's Fraternity Alumnae Directory.
Once received, your information will be edited and processed by our pub- lisher, Harris Publishing Company, Inc. If you don' t return your question- naire, there is the possibility you may be inadvertently omitted. So, please send your questionnaire back as soon as possible. Please note that a change has been made in the Occupational Code information that is provided with the questionnaire. In response to many thoughtful comments from con- cerned alumnae, we have added the following section: HOMEMAKER/VOLUNTEER
999 Homemaker/Volunteer
In composing the Occupational Code listing, we inadvertently omitted listing this most important occupa- tional choice. If your occupation is that of homemaker and professional volunteer, please list "999" in the Occupational Code space.
Bozeman, Montana Alumnae
Alpha Phi Chapter Invite YouTo
The 2nd Annual AOII Reunion
Sunday, July 17, 1988 Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Wear Red
Gates of the Mountains north of Helena, Montana
Bring food for your family Excursion Boat Trip
For further information contact:
Beverly Townsend 406/586-6422 or
8040 Lupine Lane Bozeman, M T 59715
Summer 1988

Decade of Endowment—AOLTs Path To The Future
Q: What is the purpose of the Endow- ment Fund?
A: Since its founding over 90 years ago, AOII has been committed to developing excellence among its members. Educational programs and activities that reflect this com- mitment are supported by the Foundation through the Endow- ment Fund.
Q: How does the Endowment Fund support educational programs?
A: The principal of the Endowment remains intact and only the in- come derived from the investment of contributions may be used to augment the financial capabili- ties of the Foundation.
Q: What educational programs does the Endowment Fund support?
A: The Chapter Advisers' Training Program is funded by the endowed Jesse Marie Cramer Fund to sup- port this critical leadership train- ing. In the future, the Endow- ment Fund will be able to support training workshops forregional and international officers, corpo- ration board officers and alumnae chapter presidents and educational materials for col- legians.
Q: What is the Decade of Endow- ment?
A: Last year, the Foundation began a program, the Decade of En- dowment, to increase the Endow- ment to $1 million by our Cen- tennial in 1997. Income from this significant base will support the goals of our Fraternity to meet the educational and professional development needs of AOII alumnae and collegians.
Q: How are funds raised to support the goals of the Endowment?
A: The Endowment Fund seeks con-
tributions from AOII sisters primarily through deferred giv- ing, such as long-term pledges, bequests and charitable annuity trusts. Of course, cash gifts are always welcome, since the more funds we have earning income now, the sooner our educational goals can be met.
Q: What can I do to support the Endowment Fund?
A: The easiest way to support the Endowment Fund is by writing a check. Other ways to contribute include: making a short- or long- term pledge; giving long-term appreciated property; giving securities or their proceeds; nam-
ing the Endowment Fund the beneficiary of a life insurance policy; making a bequest; and establishing a trust. You should seek the guidance of your legal or financial advisor so your gift can give you the best tax advantage.
To increase the value of your support, contact your Personnel Department, even if you are re- tired, to find out how your gift can qualify for a corporate match- ing gift from your employer.
Volunteer opportunities are also available if you prefer to make a non-financial contribution.
You can make a difference! Regardless of its size, your gift to AOII and its Endowment Fund not only gives you personal satis- faction; it is an investment in the future of our Fraternity and its ideals of sharing and caring for each other.
Join your sisters in supporting AOII's future and take a few minutes to complete the pledge card below, clip it out and return it to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund
3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37215
YES, I CAN contribute to The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund during The Decade of Endowment. I will help to insure AOTTs future in one of the following ways:
• •
• • •
My check for $ I pledge $
is enclosed.
I will send $ to AOTT headquarters:

I will contact AOTT headquarters to make arrangements for a charitable annuity. I have remembered AOTT in my will and will send a copy to AOTT headquarters.
I have added a codicil NAME
to my will and will send a copy to AOTT headquarters. PHONE
• quarterly • semi-annually • annually
Donations, gifts and bequests to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law.
To Dragma

KEYSTONES: Because We Care
Introducing The AOn Keystones Program
At our Leadership Conferences held in June, collegiate chapter members and their advisers were introduced to the AOII Keystones Program. A keystone, you will recall, is the central, topmost stone of an arch—a very essential part. The ruby in the apex of our Alpha is a keystone of great significance to each AOII.
The Keystones Program is designed to aid our members in their personal development. It is made up of individual segments, each a self-contained unit. Each unit contains instructions for a facilitator and activities in which the entire chapter may participate. Members are encouraged to share ideas and feelings as well as ask questions. Each unit requires a maximum time of one hour of participation.
Alcohol Awareness
Stress Management
Date Rape
Eating Disorders
Plans for future units include: Personal Fitness, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), Etiquette for Today's W oman.
Watch for feature articles on units included in the AOII KEYSTONES PROGRAM in future issues of T O1DRAGMA.

AOII Exercise Shorts: red or black,
small, medium or large $18.00 J!
AOII Stadium Cushion: inflatable ' $4.60"; AOII Bumper Sticker $1.00 «
AOII Visor: white plastic with red letters. $2.00 AOII Mugs: Thermal Mug, 12 oz. with lid. $2.50. Mega Mug, 34 oz., with lid $4.1)0 i
AOII Rose Print: Matted, ready to frame $8.00 AOII Umbrella: 50 inches $18.00
r• • *
Item(s) (specify quantity, and size)
Send order form to:
AOII International Headquarters
3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215
(615) 383-1174
T otal TN Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax Total Amount Enclosed
Name Address

Collegiate Chapter Commentary
Alpha Chi Chapter, Western Ken- tucky U., snatched 3 awards at the annual Panhellenic Academic Awards Banquet, reports Tammy Owens. AOIT Amy Branch was elected Pan- hellenic President for 1988, and the chapter improved Greek relations with a roller skating "Mixer on Wheels."
Philanthropic chairman Michelle Watts of Alpha Gamma, Washing- ton State U., organized a highly suc- cessful "Rosebowl Tournament" which netted $1350 for arthritis re- search. Many chapter members keep AOII's name out on campus, with Cari Vimont and Ahnna Setterquist selectedascheerleaders, AngelaStevens and Melissa Anderson Coug Guys and Gals, Krista VanPatter an Asso- ciated Student WSU Senator, and Michelle Butcher, Robin Schwartz, Debbie Slocum, and Carol Warren chose as 1988 rush counselors.
Initiation week started the winter quarter at Alpha Phi Chapter at Montana State U., including snow sculpturing contests, f u n times with big sisters, and of course the special formal ceremony. Winter formal was another highlight for the chapter, and Jamie Hould was named "Girl of AOII." The highly successful phi- lanthropic project was "Style Show '88."
Teri Berg reports that Alpha Rho Chapter, Oregon State U., sponsored two informative workshops, one on "Selling Self Image" and another on Substance Abuse in conjunction with National Collegiate Alcohol Aware- ness Week. Janet Erskine made the National Dean's List and Debbie Pilcher was inducted into Order of Omega. Cheryl Huey was tapped by business honorary Alpha Kappa Psi and Erin McDonnel became a member of Phi Kappa Phi, a scholarship honorary for students in the top 5 percent of their class. Sandy Butler was named Outstanding Junior Painter and nominated for Outstand- ing Senior in the Collegeof Liberal Arts.
Ninety-three members of Beta Phi Chapter, Indiana U., volunteered and/or gave blood in the spring Red Cross blood drive, more than any
other group on campus. Beta Phis also participated in IU's "Spirit of Sports" all-nighter, raising money for the Indiana Special Olympics. The chapter snatched second place in the 59th annual IU Sing competition with a 7-minute production entitled "Lifestyles of the Fresh and Frozen." Another highlight was Career Day, organized by Alumnae Relations Chairman Anita Ritter and featuring alumnae discussions in finance, medi- cine and health administration, re- ported Natalie DiPietro.
Catherine McPhee reports that members of Chi Alpha Chapter at the U. of California at Davis were in- volved in many diverse activities dur- ing winter quarter. Some fun events included going Polynesian to take second place in a contest for the most inventive water aid station at the Davis Stampede Fun Run and going formal as Chi Alpha held their Rose Ball at the spectacular Saint Francis Hotel on Union Square in San Fran- cisco. Chi Alpha members will always treasure the precious AOII patchwork quilt which their fall '87 pledge class made and presented to the chapter on initiation night.
The Chi Beta Chapter at the U. of Virginia held its first annual Battle of The Bands fundraiser, a contest to determine which of UVA's top ten bands reigns supreme. Ashbrooke Tullis was the Queen of Carnival 1988 at this year's March" Gras in New Orleans. Carin Coblentz went to nationals with the varsity women's swim team and made the NCAA All American team for the fourth year i n a row. After working extremely hard on rush, Chi Beta now boasts 36 wonderful pledges.
U. of Colorado Panhellenic saluted Chi Delta Chapter with their Pledge Program Award, recognizing their well-rounded pledge program that involved some 60 pledges. The chap- ter's innovative "Oktoberfest" fund- raiser brought in more money than ever before and promises to become an annual event. Chi Delta captured first place in Greek Week Songfest competition with a song and dance
AOII Kerry Whitford was awarded Outstanding Freshman, reports Deanna Drury.
The fall pledge class at Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville, was truly outstand- ing with the highest pledge GPA on campus. Eighteen AOIIs made the Dean's List last fall as well, reports Stephanie Wilcox- Chi Lambdas in- volved with Student Congress are Lisa Dyer and Amy Anderson, Vice President. The chapter hosted its second annual Administration Social for the university president, vice pres- idents, deans and favorite professors. AOII Notables included Carrie Wing, Homecoming queen; Shannon Cook, Athlete of the Week for the Woman's Varsity Tennis Team; and Katie Malcolm, Shannon Henry and Kris Doba on the All-Star Bike Team and Di Griffen, Sarah Creech, Shannon Henry and Pat Edwards are on the All-Star soccer team.
Diana Bentley of Delta Chapter, Tufts U., writes about the chapter's support of a Snow Box Derby, spon- sored by a local chapter of the Arthri- tis Foundation. In addition to selling tickets and assisting with registra- tion, AOIIs entered two snowboxes in the derby. The chapter entry was dec- orated like a die and "rolled" down the hill, while the pledges entered themselves as the Jamaican Snowbox Team. They dressed themselves in brightly colored running tights and turtlenecks with bikinis over them.
Spring semester at Delta Chi Chap- ter, U . of Delaware, has seen many special activities for the spring pledges, including a sleepover at the house, a kidnap by the "Big Hearts," and a sisterhood week in March.An Alumnae Tea, a Scholarship Tea and participation i n Greek Games were also on the spring agenda, reports KarenJennings. Barbara Tramontana has been inducted into Chi Epsilon, the national Civil Engineering Honor Society. Both Barbara and Holly Walterscanbragabouttheir4.0GPAs, with this being Holly's third consecu- tive semester with the perfect marks!
The Delta Delta Chapter at Auburn U. has received one honor after another during the past Winter Quarter. Jenny
Summer 1988
routine based
on a

Jackson was crowned Miss Auburn University and was chosen to be a War Eagle Girl. Margaret Haughery was selected as a top six finalist for Miss Auburn, and Penny Sims received the honor of Alpha Phi Omega Sweet- heart. Sally Young was chosen Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sweetheart and was fourth runner-up in the Miss Glome- reta Beauty Pageant. During the quar- ter Delta Delta had a fundraiser with Sigma Pi Fraternity and raised ap- proximately $2,000 for Arthritis Research. They hosted a second fund- raiser with Pi Kappa Alpha also for Arthritis Research, reports Susie Smith.
Delta (Tufts)chapter members enjoy the Snow Box Derby. Proceeds from the event benefitted Arthritis.
The Delta Omega Chapter at Mur- ray State U . began the semester with its annual Red Rose Dance at the Peabody in Memphis. Initiation was a special day with all of the thirty- two new members as great assets to the chapter. The semester has been full of mixers and intramural sports as well. Delta Omegas participated in a phonathon for the University and celebrated the chapter's 27th anniver- sary on February 18. AOII Peggy Hofmann was coordinator of the year's Miss MSU Pageant, and Jana Davis choreographed dance steps for Cam- pus Lights and for the Pageant. Itsy Galloway played "Annie" inAll Campus Sing, reports Cathy Cope.
The Delta Thetas, Texas W oman's University, have had many philan- thropic activities, including working at Texas Stadium in the consession at Dallas Cowboy football games. Donna
Woolsey reports that the spring pledge retreat at Twin Points resort on Eagle Mountain Lake turned out to be a huge success. AOII Olympics was the theme, with chapter and pledges divided into teams and Gold, Silver and Bronze metals awarded at the closing ceremonies. The pledge pro- ject this year was "LAMROF" (for- mal reversed), with nacho sales on campus.
Stacy Mahler, Epsilon Alpha Chap- ter, Penn State U.,reports that the chapter has assisted in numerous fund- raisers of other Greek chapters on campus. One of the most notable is the IFC Dance Marathon, which is the nation's largest student-run phi- lanthropy, netting over $324,000 for the Four Diamonds Fund. Addition- ally, the chapter's own philanthropy, the Alpha Omicron Pi Football Chal- lenge for Arthritis Research was also highly successful. Epsilon Alpha was named "Most Outstanding Chapter" by Panhellenic for the fourth time in the past five years, based on individ- ual involvement in campus activities and academic achievement. Katelyn Ritenbaugh, Deann Pferdehirt and Patty Smith were inducted into Mor- tar Board National Honor Society, while Beth Gregal and Tracey Depel- legrin were inducted into Order of Omega. Tau Lambda chapter of AOII at Shippensburg U . joined Epsilon Alpha in their spring rush workshops.
Julie Smead, Epsilon Omega Chap- ter, Eastern Kentucky U., proudly reports the initiation of their very first pledge class on January 22nd. AOII Jennifer Feldman was recog- nized across the state for her journal- istic talents and Pam W atson was chosen to appear on the Pike Dream Girl Poster. Rhonda Rush and Beth Whitfield were committee chairs for Greek Week. The chapter also enjoyed Parents' Day and the celebration of their first year on Eastern's campus.
Gamma Alpha Chapter, George Mason U., started spring, 1988, with a feeling of accomplishment. On this primarily commuter campus, AOII was the only sorority to fill quota, and they initiated more women than any other sorority at GMU. What an excellent way to start a semester cele- brating the chapter's tenth anniver- sary, writes Amy Green. The actual celebration took place at the annual Rose Ball in April, and all alumnae
from the chapter were invited to attend. Gamma Alpha also donated a shadow box to Alpha Phi sorority, new on campus; adopted a grand- father; and volunteered at the annual Special Olympics. Patty Morrison reports highlights at Gamma Beta Chapter, Indiana U. of Pennsylvania, as a most successful rush with quota, a twenty-second birthday celebration and a wintry barbeque date party. The chapter also participated in intra- mural volleyball and softball for the first time in several years. Gamma Beta performed in Greek Sing and enjoyed a lovely spring formal in April.
Gamma Delta Chapter, U. of South Alabama, held a garage sale as a phi- lanthropic project for Arthritis Re- search, as well as participating in the philanthropies of other Greek groups on campus. Donna Hayden repre- sented AOII in a local television commercial for the Keep Mobile Beau- tiful campaign, a city-wide beautifica- tion project. Amanda McCrary was elected Panhellenic President, reports Jean Calametti.
Georgia State U.'s Gamma Sigma Chapter hosted Founders' Day for all chapters in the state, and welcomed especially the new colony of Alpha Lambda from Georgia Southern Col- lege. Past International President Mary Louise Roller was the speaker. Gamma Sigma also assisted in the in- itiation and installation of Alpha Lambda in April. The chapter had the highest sorority GPA average on campus, with fourteen members earn- ing a 4.0 winter quarter. They also won first place in both soccer and basketball. AOII Traci Cheek was crowned Homecoming Queen and was also an outstanding basketball player for Georgia State. She received player of the week and won the Peach of an Athlete Award, which is given to only one amateur athlete in the state of Georgia. Kristin Lindsey was elected Intersorority Council Presi- dent and Sally Rowell and Carol Ann Parker were both elected Senators for the Student Government, reports Emily Beresford.
Jennifer Carito, Gamma Theta, U. of South Florida, reports on their successful spring semester. They have won Most Improved GPA with a 2.777, Most Improved Sorority, and first place with Sigma Nu in Home-
To Dragma

coming. New members of Order of Omega are Melissa Longstreet, Cindy Lyons, and Susan Schwartz. Cindy Lyons has also won the Most Out- standing Greek Award, and Kathy Haywood, a former president of Gamma Theta, is now President of Panhellenic. The Gamma Theta chap- ter has also helped to raise $4,500 working the Senior Classic Golf Tour- nament at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club with proceeds going to Panhellenic for Fall Rush 1988.
Kappa Gamma Chapter, Florida Southern College, snatched first place in both the Greek Day Games and Sigma Chi Derby Week Games. They hold second place overall in intra- mural sports. In February, chapter members chartered a bus and took their new faculty adviser for a day of fun watching the pandas at Busch Gardens in Tampa. The semi-formal was held in April and the chapter conducted their annual "ARREST for arthritis" fundraiser.
A beautiful initiation started off a great spring semester at Kappa Omega Chapter, U.of Kentucky.The chap- ter participated in various Greek activ- ities and performed a song and dance medley from "Westside Story" for Greek Sing. Chapter members spon- sored an Easter egg hunt for less for- tunate children and highlighted the semester with a black tie formal in April, reported Tonya Hatfield.
The past few months have been busy and exciting for Kappa Omi- cron Chapter at Rhodes College. As Michelle Angel reports, late January ended with the Founders' Day Ban- quet and Initiation. Awards were given to Courtney Ward, Most Out- standing Pledge; Stephanie Kincaid, Model Initiate; and Kim Groat, Best Pledge. The chapter also participated in Parents' Weekend activities, the second term date party and various philanthropic endeavors. AOIIs Beth Blake and Lisa McClelland were tapped into Omicron Delta Kappa. Dawn Ashton and Robin Bearden were asked to be part of Sigma Iota Rho, an International Studies honor society; while Sigma Tau Delta, an English honor society, took Jody Casella into its membership. Mary Cotton and Stacy DeZutter were tapped by Order of Omega. Chapter pledges assisted in an Easter egg hunt at St. Jude's Children Hospital, and the
chapter held its annual Balloon Lift for Arthritis Research in April.
Kappa Pi Chapter at Ohio North- ern U . was one of only 2 groups to pledge quota last fall. Philanthropic Chairman Jenny Nagy organized a Mistletoe and Kisses sale near Christ- mas and an exam care package at exam time as fund raisers for Arthri- tis Research. Congratulations go to Uma Murthi, Panhellenic Executive Secretary and to Michelle Anderson, Student Senate Vice President, re- ported Wendy Sorvari.
Lambda Beta Chapter, California State at Long Beach, held its annual Mystery Dance in a decorated air- plane hanger. The evening was a Halloween spectacular. The Winter Formal was sponsored by the pledge class and was also a success. AOIT April Storm participated in the Miss Long Beach Pageant, and Adrienne Noles was awarded Little Miss Scho- larship and a 4.0 plaque.
Beth Helsley reports highlights from Greek Week at N u Beta Chapter, U . of Mississippi. Lindabeth Wiley was selected as Campus Wide Model Pledge, marking the second year in a row for AOn to capture this recogni- tion. Michelle Hyver was named among Ole Miss' top ten best dressed. Bitsie Hillery, Kelly McLaughlin and Lucy Lehmann were inducted into Phi Kappa Phi honorary, and the Executive Board of AOII selected Lori Doyle to represent AOII at the Alpha Tau Omega LeaderShape Institute this summer.
Nu Delta Chapter, Canisius Col- lege, has held several fundraisers for Arthritis Research, including a bal- loon launch and a swim-a-thon. Chap- ter members participated in a March fashion show benefitting the United Way. Sisterhood events included a t- shirt painting party, a pot luck dinner, a panda party and a color analysis conducted by Carrie Heary. A high- light of the spring was the initiation of the newly-installed chapter's first pledge class, writes Maria Becking- hausen.
Nu Omicron Chapter, Vanderbilt U., kicked off an exciting spring semester by welcoming 33 fabulous pledges. Pledge projects included a house appreciation day, a trip to International Headquarters, and par- ticipation in a local Arthritis Foun- dation Phone-a-thon. Paige Moore
was selected Best Pledge. AOII Mary Nell Bryan became the third woman in Vanderbilt history to be elected President of the Student Government Association. Other AOIIs elected to campus leadership positions were Elizabeth Boucher, Vice President of George Peabody College for Teachers, and Lagenia Belcher, Speaker of the Student Senate. AOIIs were also honored in the annual Athenian Sing with the Miriam McGaw Cowden Award for the "Best Overall" group. Spring social highlights included a Mystery Date party, a Psychedelic Sixties Party and the "Bon Voyage" Formal honoring the seniors.
Several members of Omega Chap- ter, Miami U., have received campus recognition. Lisa Mitchell was named Panhellenic President, and AOII had more rush guides selected than any other group. Wendy Brown served as Greek Week chair. Jackie Caneparti, Gina Ford, Emily Millen and Debbie Frederickson were all inducted into Phi Sigma Epsilon, a national mar- keting fraternity. The chapter has enjoyedasuccessfulwalkouttoIndian- apolis to enjoy shopping and swim- ming and an A-O-Pirate Date Party, reported Kimberly Coy.
Jenny Harrison of Omega Omi- cron Chapter, Lambuth College, cap- tured the Miss Lambuth Crown, with Janna Warren winning second runner- up. AOII took second place in Greek All-Sing and had the highest GPA on campus. Omega Omicron sponsored an AO "Pie" sale for Arthritis Re- search and concluded the semester with the lovely Rose Ball, reports Camille Horton.
Omega Upsilon colony at Ohio U. has been busy with preparation for their April 30 installation. Activities included an "AOII Goes to Monte Carlo" night to support Arthritis Research, a V alentine's Day sister- hood gathering, and a Saint Patrick's Day "Green with Envy" party. Kath- leen Aitken and Amy Greene became members of Kappa Delta Pi Educa- tion Honor Society and Debbie Sar- ick was inducted into Science Honor Society Pi Gamma Mu. Wendy Hol- comb of Omicron Chapter, U . of Tennessee, writes of several spring social events such as AOII Crush Party, Luau and Jamfest. The chap- ter will join Sigma Phi Epsilon to participate i n Carnicus and hope for
Summer 1988

another first place victory.
Omicron Pi Chapter, U. of Michi-
gan, sponsored a dance contest at the beginning of Greek Week and raised over $2000 for Arthritis Research. They also sponsored a party on St. Patrick's Day at Mott's Children Hospital, bringing refreshments and a puppet show for entertainment. AOII Michelle Epstein received the Angell Scholars Award and Order of Omega tapped Caryn Lilling and Lucy Savona, reports Lisa Berger.
Phi Upsilon's successful winter rush at Purdue U . was enhanced by the addition of an "A0TI Chorus Line" to the rush program. In February, chapter members sold singing Valen- tines in support of Arthri tis Research. Another philanthropic project is AOITs "Men of Purdue" calendar. Other highlights of the spring in- cluded Mom's Weekend and Univer- sity Sing, writes Jana Sinn. Jenny Evans of Pi Chapter, Newcomb at Tulane, reports on a very special Inspiration Week and Initiation at the Clarion Hotel in New Orleans. Founders' Day Brunch at Command- er's Palace followed initiation. The Rose Formal was planned on a river- boat down the scenic Mississippi River. The chapter sponsored a tele- thon and a can shake for philanthropy.
Pi Delta Chapter, U. of Maryland, started the semester with the initia- tion of 54 pledges. Social chairman Joan Zilly surprised the new initiates and the sisters with a "Destination Unknown" party for the annual Val- entine's formal. Chapter members have held two campus blood drives and local philanthropy. Alumna Paula Fedele gathered several sisters to visit the Veteran's Hospital. Rush chairman Kim Bilicic and Tracy Martindill organized excellent rush workshops in preparation for fall, reports Ann Reynolds.
Additionally, Pi Delta Debra Jynne Barracato has been named the recipient of the 1988-89 Wendy Lou Stark memorial scholarship. The scholar- ship is given to journalism students and was established to remember Wendy Lou Stark, an AOII who was murdered in 1982.
Lisa Sullivan of Pi Omicron Chapter, Austin Peay State U., writes of the chapter's successful Rosebowl competition for Arthritis Research. Pi Omicron also sponsored a bowling tournament for all Greeks on campus.
Laura Seltzer of Rho Beta Chapter was responsible for the successful Panhellenic fashion show held at Virginia Commonwealth U . Sonni Gittelman was elected Panhellenic President and attended the South- eastern Panhellenic Conference i n Memphis. Sonni was also inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa honor- ary, and Jenny Vittorini was named to the National Dean's List.
Kim Harding of Rho Omicron Chapter, Middle Tennessee State U., reports that her chapter had a busy spring with "Operation Easter Bunny," a fund-raising effort for Easter baskets for children at Vander- bilt Children's Hospital. Other chap- ter highlights included a tea for alumnae, third place in the annual "All-Sing" competition, and partici- pation in the Heart Foundation "Jump Rope for Heart." AOIIs Linda Spence and Eva Camara were elected as president of the Panhellenic and InterSorority Councils, respectively.
Sigma Chapter, U. of California at Berkeley, participated not only in the initiation of their 33 wonderful pledges but also shared in the instal- lation of Delta Sigma Chapter at San Jose State U. Later, Sigma collegians enjoyed a weekend of sisterhood; and skiing at Lake Tahoe. They also par- ticipated in a Bachelor Auction to benefit Arthritis Research. The chap- ter has hosted the biweekly Greek Alcohol Advisory Board meetings at the chapter house and several col- legians have been active in health awareness issues on campus.
Sigma Alpha Chapter, West Vir- ginia U., started the spring semester with initiation and election of offic- ers. The chapter has enjoyed a Valen- tine's Day Mystery Date Party and their Rose Formal, reports Lisa Kelley.
The Chapter Relations program at Sigma Delta Chapter, Huntingdon College, has been especially strong, with a variety of awards given out at each chapter meeting and special study breaks planned. AOIIs have captured many campus offices, in- cluding four of the five freshman class positions, five sophomore class offices, two junior offices and the senior class President and Secretary. Jennifer Gaston was named Home- coming Queen and eleven of the 20 Miss Huntingdon contestants were AOIIs.
The ladies of Sigma Omicron Chap-
ter, Arkansas State U., had a fabulous year shining on campus as a group and as individuals. Fayeth Williams was crowned Homecoming Queen and Alyce Heeb was named Home- coming Maid. Alyce, who served as Panhellenic president, was also named the first recipient of the Dean Stroud scholarship given by ASU's Panhel- lenic. The scholarship is given to an initiated member of a sorority i n good standing who has demonstrated excellent scholarship and contributed in bettering the Greek system. Sigma Omicrons enjoyed their own Rose- ball as well as a joint Sweetheart Ball with Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Philanthropic chairman Terri Schull organized the 39th annual Songfest, raising money for Arthritis Research with the theme of "Songs from the Silver Screen." The Alumnae Dinner was a Mexican fiesta, thanks to Alum chairman Brenda Brinkley. Mother- Daughter Banquet was a fun down- home barbeque, reported Georgia Robinette.
Alyce Heeb, past Sigma Omicron Chap- ter President, is the first recipient of the prestigious Dean Stroud scholarship pre- sented by the Arkansas State Panhellenic.
Jillian Newman reported Sigma Phi Chapter number one in scholar- ship at California State at Northridge. AOIIs Janice Morris and Kriten Brown won the Upper and Lower Division Senate seats respectively. Order of Omega tapped Christine Barth, Nancy Dunbar, Julie Faulkner, Lisa Montes, and Jillian Newman. Sigma Phis sent valentines to the military over- seas, visited a Jewish home for the aged, and took some handicapped children for a fun-filled day of roller-
To Dragma

skating. Jenni Craig is also serving her second year as a Community Crisis Helpline V olunteer. Many Sigma Rhos at Slippery Rock U . have had special recognition this year, reports Dawn Bailey. Chrissy Truxell was inducted into Alpha Kappa Psi pro- fessional business faraternity and Denise Gerace is the president of TOPA, students of public adminis- tration. Lisa Astrab and Joyce Schell made the Dean's List and Joyce is one of the top 10 students at SRU.
Christine DeFor, Tau Chapter, U. of Minnesota, reports that the chap- ter turned out in strong support of the All Greek Blood Drive, placing third. They also participated in the annual Campus Carnival, which raises money for the Heart Fund, with this year's theme being "W aterfront." Yvonne Fuhr was elected Panhellenic Secretary.
Jennifer Hardy, Tau Delta Chap- ter, Birmingham-Southern College, reports that Joelle Jam es and Pam Jones both won preliminaries to Miss Alabama. Phi Beta Kappa inducted Vicki Van Valkenburg and Ginger Nettles. Additionally, Ginger received a full scholarship to attend law school at Emory University. Leslie Blake was crowned Homecoming Queen. Once again, the chapter captured the intramural basketball championship and also celebrated their winter for- mal in a festive spirit.
Tau Omicron Chapter, U. of Ten- nessee at Martin, had a special initia- tion week to start the spring semester. February brought Founders' Day and the annual Rose Bowl competition between sororities and fraternities pro- moting scholarship. Chapter members have been active in intramural sports and participated in the Jump Rope for Heart competition. The chapter also sponsored the annual Miss Weakly County pageant, which raises money for Arthritis Research as well as showing potential rushees how great the AOIIs are, writes Donna Hooper. Amy Fuss reports that Theta Beta Chapter, Towson St-.te U., started the semester by initiating 27 new sis- ters at a weekend retreat in Western Maryland. In Towson State's annual Spirit contest, 15 AOIIs illustrated true spirit by capturing first prize in a Greek yell-off. Graduating senior Teisha Whitson has the second high- est GPA in her class and was one of
only four candidates for Outstanding Woman of the Year. Theta Beta came in 3rd place out of 20 groups partici- pating in the third annual Almost Anything Goes, a non-alcoholic event sponsored by Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Tracy Anderson and Colleen Ryan were inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa, and Theta Beta boasts the highest sorority GPA. The chapter held a successful Bowl-a-Thon for Arthritis Research and made it to the playoffs in Intramural Soccer.
LeeAnn Dula writes of Theta Chi Chapter's participation in Greek Week at Morningside College. The week was filled with events of sharing and awards, and AOII April Hlad was named Greek Woman of the Year. Sharon Schuth and Kim Heim had highest GPA for spring semester and Kim, along with Cathy Schlosser, captured the honor for fall semester.
At Theta Pi Chapter, Wagner Col- lege, Nina Ferrara was crowned Home- coming Queen and the chapter won first place in the float competition. Pledging quota, Theta Pi is now the largest sorority on campus. Dean's List designatees included Deborah Devine, Rosemarie Giordane, Maria Giura, Grace Maniscalchi, Alex Mijs and Petrina Sheldon. Three of the group were also inducted into Omi- cron Delta Kappa. The chapter has also supported the campus Commun-
ity Chest and enjoyed their Christ- mas semiformal, reports Francine Hupfer and Maria Jiura.
Theta Psi Chapter, U . of Toledo, held their annual semi-formal in March with the theme "Rally by the River." Chapter members participated in a bowl-a-thon and Winterfest, a city-wide event. Laura Koppert was nominated for University of Toledo Woman of the Year and Jennifer Stewart was appointed as one of only three Greek women on the Presidential Greek Housing Committee. Renee Shaw was elected Panhellenic Presi- dent.
Upsilon members returned to the U. of W ashington after spring break just in time to help the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation with their 24-hour hot tub marathon "soak-in." The chapter also held a Bowl-a-Thon for AOII Arthritis Research Grants. Their Songfest program included a beautifully harmonized rendition of "Let My Love Open the Door" and "Softly As I Leave." Parents' week- end included a cruise on the Puget Sound and a slide presentation by the chapter. Upsilon also hosted the Pan- hellenic Spring Conference, with a helpful exchange of ideas, reports Ame W atkins.
Upsilon Lambda Chapter, U . of Texas at San Antonio, started a fabu- lous semester with initiation and informal rush, with the chapter reach- ing campus Total. AOII Denise Valco was crowned Homecoming Queen by outgoing Queen and sister Jeana Jones. The chapter also sponsored the Third Annual Spring Fashion Show for Arthritis Research, writes Rachel Chavira.
Zeta Chapter, U . of Nebraska, has been busy working with philanthro- pies spring semester. Several members teamed up with Sigma Chis to help out at a carnival at Saratoga Jr. High School, with money going to support the school. Zeta once again held HOOP-IT, a basketball tournament between fraternities. The "Mr. Legs" contest was held before the final game, and $2,400 was raised during the day-long tournament.
Congratulations to the Zeta Psi Chapter at East Carolina U. for being named Sorority of the Year! Corpora- tion President Lydia Morgan was also selected as Outstanding Alumna Adviser.
Summer 1988
Nina Ferrara, Theta Pi, was crowned Homecoming Queen at Wagner College.

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