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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-21 16:30:33

1980 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXII, No. 11

ofalpha omicronpL

Summer 1980 Vol. LXII, No. 11


That contagious AOII spirit invades the University of Kansas

.-Editor's \ • each of our colony members? We want
I As I reflect over the past two years in represents that makes the magazine to make use of all the rushing informa-
(BS) which 1 have had the privilege to reside something. tion, as well as the philanthropic ideas.
Rather than try to copy a whole issue, I
i - f ^ in The Editor's Place, a multitude of To Dragma chronicles the life of the thought I would just ask for the extra
thoughts and feelings tumble through Fraternity. It. tells the story of the Fraternally,
my mind. Each issue brought its own Nancy Andrews, Omega
unique challenges . . . for example, the accomplishments of individual Colony Adviser, Kappa Delta (Wright
biggest challenge of this issue was to members. It tells the accomplishments State)
pull together the Council Directory. Do of groups of members. It tells the story
you know how hard it is to get AOIls to of AOII. Each issue is but a page in the As a former editor of the Miami
volumes of the progress and accomp- (Ohio) student newspaper while a
stay in one place for any length of time? lishments of AOII. member of Omega chapter and now a
Thanks to the tremendous Central free-lance writer/editor in New York, I
It has been no coincidence that the truly enjoyed the articles about Omega
Office secretary, Charlotte Boyd, we issues in which I have had the privilege and careers in communications that
have the latest address of each Council to edit have all had a central theme. appeared in the Spring 1980 To
member. Whether it be a celebration of the Dragma.
leadership that has brought us to the
No matter how different each issue point of development that we are, or Keep up the good work! 1 look
was from the other, there was one whether it be an issue (such as this very forward to receiving the magazine for
common bond that will forever hold one) dedicated to that indescribable just such articles that are interesting,
them together in my memory. No spirit of AOII, each was tied to an even informative, and well done.
matter how challenging the challenges, larger theme. And that theme was
there was always one redeeming factor PRIDE Sincerely,
that quickly washed those difficulties Kay Lockridge, Omega
out of mind. That bond, that
I wanted to tell you how much I
redeeming factor was a great feeling of To Dragma has many responsibilities. enjoyed the letter, "Welcome the New
PRIDE. Certainly there is a certain By far, it's most important is to always Volunteer," by William A. Butler, Jr. of
amount of personal satisfaction or be a publication which reflects the Delta Upsilon. It is so easy for we AOIls
pride in seeing a finished issue . . . in pride that each of us has in being a to make a judgement on a situation
fact, the staff used to say I was worse member of this great Fraternity. These given our own viewpoint But to see
than an expectant mother as I waited past two years have been dedicated to what someone from another fraternity
anxiously for the advance copies of the that ideal. I feel privileged to have had has to say on a subject which affects us
magazine to arrive. However, the pride the opportunity to try my hand at it and all is enlightening. I'd like to encourage
was much deeper than that. thank each of you for making it a you to use as many of these type articles
as possible. It helps to see that we are
The pride I felt and continue to feel memorable experience. Welcome our not alone with our problems, and just
maybe somebody else has come up
as I'm about to lay aside my AOII editor- new editor as you welcomed me and with a good solution.

ial blade pervades every nook and To Dragma will continue to be the type Fraternally,
Schyler Louapre, Pi
cranny of this Fraternity. In and of itself, of magazine that will reflect the pride
I want to thank you for the Spring
the magazine is nothing. It is what it we all feel in our Fraternity. — RSM 1980 To Dragma. My picture is on the
cover along with an article written
-Isflito fi(D to MM about my chapter, Lambda Sigma,
I The spring issue of To Dragma job. The program was a different form here at the University of Georgia. Need-
(25 came today and that woman of awe- of communications, and it was fun to less to say, we were all very impressed
S D s o m e tenure wants to teH you that it is plan it and then to present it Three of with the article and the extra features. I
S 3 an issue of which I am very proud. I us made the presentations. Bill Butler's really appreciate the opportunity to be
comments to DGs made me think of represented in To Dragma.
know that . . . it took time not to be this project
•t believed by those who have not spent it I want to ask a favor of you. I was
I turn down P.R. jobs, but I write hun- wondering if you would please send
f A to excerpt, review, type, edit, discard, dreds of words as an unpaid volunteer me five extra copies of this issue. We
» and edit again, before copy and the and, sometimes, for a fee. There are so. would like to use them as rush displays,
many dividends besides money. The etc. We are very proud to be in this
issue were ready to go off to the Printer. AOII friends 7b Dragma has brought issue, and I just want to makesure l had
me are many. And there are others with some extra copies.
9 I know! I am still a part of i t . . . whom 1 have lost contact who surface
in To Dragma .. . Thank you for all of your support
But the joy of the finished product is Fraternally,
always worth the sweat, isn't it? This last Alpha Love,
year I edited a brochure which we have Wilma Smith Leland, Tau Katie Kroeger, Lambda Sigma
Past International President, Editor of
4 ) ,i been using as a focus for the presenta- To Dragma 1927-46

tion of a pre-retirement program given The last issue of To Dragma was
| ^ for employees of companies which do excellent One of the best ever.

not include such psychological aspects I wonder if we could have a copy for
@9 in their programs. I was chairman of

the task force which put the task
C ^ 1 program together so I had members

I write sections. None were writers, but
I with encouragement, they did a good



I ofalpha omicron pi

Summer 1980 Vol. LXII, No. 11

Published since January, 1905 by A Conference of Contrasts 5
Safeguards for Traditions 7
ALPHA OMICRON PI Alpha Omicron Pi Continues to Support
Arthritis Research 10
Founded at Barnard College, Alumnae Chapters are 50 Years Young 13
January 2, 1897 Council Directory 22
Membership Information Form 23
Founders Alumnae Colony Formation 24
Jessie Wallace Hughan Phi Installed at Kansas
Helen S t Clair Mullan
Stella George Stem Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia
University and all are deceased.

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103

Nashville, Tennessee 37212
Telephone: 615-383-1174


Becky Montgomery, K n
2401 Hillsboro Rd, Suite 103

Nashville, TN 37212


Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA
2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103

Nashville, TN 37212

T O DRAGMA O F ALPHA OMICRON PI, The Editor's Place 2 Executive Board Perspective 4
(USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Letters to the Editor
Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha 2 Collegiate Chapter Commentaries . . . . 26
Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per
copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription:
$25.00. Send change of address and
correspondence of a business nature to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro Road,
Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee 37212.
Address all editorial communications to the
Editor in care of /Central Office. Second
Class Postage paid at Nashville, Tennessee.

On the Cover: That contagious AOII spirit shines in the eyes of these charter
members of the newly installed Phi chapter at the University of Kansas. They are
pictured beside the famed KG Jayhawk. Photo by Jan Dubin, Phi.


PerspeCtive:.The Year in Review and a Look Ahead

By Joan D. MacCallum, K4> In addition, we are increasing the In addition to the special rush train-
collegiate programming emphasis on ing at RMs, we took another big step in
International President the lifetime commitment involved in the collegiate rush training program
AOll. Pledge training materials, this year. We have increased the net-
S3 fraternity education materials, and the work of rush assistance to our chap-
(=) development of the collegiate office of ters through the creation of regional
alumnae relations are instilling a rush coordinators. There is one region-
The halfway mark of the biennium deeper commitment to serve AOll as al rush coordinator per region who has
an alumnae volunteer. Along the same the responsibility of working with
@3tsoegeemthseranat appropriate time to look lines, the FDC also surveyed the chapters and Regional Directors to
where we have been this collegiate presidents at Regional evaluate rush plans and needs and who
S 3 past year and where we are headed as Meetings. Through this survey, the will coordinate rush teams on the
committee was seeking to discover the regional level. The creation of this
we enter the second half of the level of awareness of our collegiate volunteer leadership position solely to
leaders of the alumnae opportunities concentrate on rush is an exciting step
biennium. As International President, 1 available to them. Secondly, the FDC in our continual augmentation of the
was trying to ascertain the expectations rush assistance available to chapters.
feel it a privilege, as well as a collegians have in regard to alumnae
involvement. Someone once said that The other area that we realized
c=a responsibility, to share with you the alumnae are born the day collegians progress in was our desire to provide
pledge. With that philosophy, it follows additional training to the volunteers
p j j j j progress of the Fraternity this year. that alumnae development begins with serving as collegiate chapter advisers.
pledge training. We are excited and The chapter adviser position is one of
Last summer at our organizational encouraged with the progress we are the most vital positions in AOll, and we
meeting after Convention, the Execu- seeing in this area. The foundation of are extremely pleased that we were
tive Board set the fraternity goals for research provided by this year will be able to implement a training for these
the biennium. As with goalsetting in the stepping stone to increased women in conjunction with Regional
any organization, the real use of goals sensitivity to the needs and expectations Meetings. Every facet of the advising
is in their evaluation. Our goals for the of alumnae. Through that sensitivity, role was covered . . . from nuts and
fraternity were focused in the areas of AOll will be able to structure the type of bolts procedures to counseling skills.
alumnae development, collegiate rush fulfilling volunteer experience that you, The design of the training provided an
training, collegiate chapter adviser our alumnae volunteers, are seeking. experience that allowed for theoretical
training, and permanent headquarters presentations and the practical applica-
search. We are also pleased at the progress tion of theory. With this additional
made in the area of collegiate rush training, the women involved as
This year we have seen real progress training. During the year, the intensive chapter advisers have attained a firm
in each of the above areas, but I want to rush training provided during regional grasp of the duties and responsibilities
specifically highlight our progress in meetings this summer was developed. entrusted to them. This will result in
the areas of alumnae development, This rush training was not something increased fulfillment for the advisers
collegiate rush training, and collegiate new, but rather another step in the and better service for the chapters.
chapter advisers' training. evolution of the rush training approach
that has been used for the last several It has been a good year for the frater-
Alumnae Development has been years. The philosophy behind our rush nity. Next year can be even better. IF. If
targeted as a priority area for the training program is that the skills used we continue to increase the support
Fraternity during the coming years. in the rushing situation are vital skills that we have had this year. You can
This year has primarily been a year of used throughout life in all interpersonal support your fraternity through your
research. Our emphasis in alumnae communications. One of the basic service as a volunteer on the local,
development is two-fold: alumnae tenets of the fraternity is to provide for regional, or international level. You can
chapter development and alumnae the personal growth of her members; support your fraternity through your
leadership development. This year in teaching effective communication and financial contributions to the Develop-
the area of alumnae chapter expression skills is but one way to live ment Fund, the fraternity fund desig-
development we have worked on up to that challenge. The training done nated to fund such things as chapter
devising the alumnae colony program at Regional Meetings this summer was adviser trainings, special rush train-
as directed by Council last summer. developed by some of our volunteer ings, etc. You can support your frater-
After much research and consultation, leaders with rush expertise with the nity through sending membership
the program has been finished. For guidance of professional consultation. information forms on prospective
more details, see page 23 of this issue. In many ways, this summer's training rushees to our collegiate chapters. We
was a culmination of the groundwork are depending on you and look forward
The Fraternity Development Com- laid during the initial implementation of to meeting next June in Kansas City to
mittee has also been delegated the the lifetime skills approach to rush that celebrate our success. As AOll moves
responsibility of researching both past was introduced at the 1977 Scotsdale into the 80s, let's continue to show our
and future trends in alumnae involve- Convention. pride and appreciation to the organiza-
ment in the fraternity. Those of you tion that has served us so well.
alumnae who attended Regional
Meetings this summer had the opportu-
nity to share your thoughts on alumnae
involvement through a survey done by
the FDC. The results of that survey are
now being compiled and will be used
by the Executive Board in devising the
type of programs that will optimally
serve our alumnae as well as the


National Panhellenic Conference Meets at the Greenbrier

A Conference of Contrasts . . .

By Kathy M. Hyett 1) an emphasis on alumnae concerning their alleged action in
NPC Public Relations Panhellenics order to resolve the problem."

It was a conference of contrasts -one 2) moving from competition to New to the conference this year was
well-suited to the subtle reminders of cooperation the one day Fraternity Advisers' Sym-
the Greenbrier. The quiet elegance, the posium. Sessions dealt with: values,
white columned edifice, the nearly 3) Promoting a better understand- legal issues, educating the academic
perfect grounds served as reminders of ing of the conference community, the professional growth of
campus sorority life for over 128 years. the adviser, How To's for College Pan-
"We, as the leaders of the women's hellenics, management by agreement,
Surfacing above the atomsphere of fraternities, have many options," said campus needs assessment; and an
days gone by was a fresh injection of Adele. "Decisions must be made. The advisers' intergroup session.
ideas; a friendly exchange of solutions look ahead to the eighties is exciting. It
to common concerns. Within hours of is the time of opportunity. We must be Recognized by many as the "high-
arriving at the Greenbrier, it became innovative; we must be flexible. We light" of the conference, the symposium
obvious that the 80's were upon us. must be supportive of educational not only gave delegates, presidents
goals. Coupled with these, we must and advisers the opportunity to gain
Nora Nell Jackson (Mrs. Richard), have a real understanding of the needs information but another chance to
Zeta Tau Alpha president, felt positive of our members, and we must have a voice common concerns.
about the conference. "Everyone was deep commitment to the purpose of
cooperative and willing to work to the National Panhellenic Conference "With the inclusion and participation
improve the Greek system," she said. " I and to our individual fraternity." of the delegates in the fraternity sym-
enjoyed the opportunity to get together posiums, I felt it was the best National
with other national presidents and The opening night speech set the Panhellenic Conference we ever had,"
swap ideas and common concerns." mood for the conference and with the said Margaret Blackstock (Mrs. Jerry),
concerns and solutions always in mind, Phi Mu president.
'Common concerns' — changing the meetings continued.
membership, campus values, the Betty Norris (Mrs. W.S. Jr.), Delta
changing role of women, inflation, A reality brought about by the 1977 Gamma president, thought the con-
housing —issues facing each of the 26 conference was the appointment of an ference was "tremendous". A four-
NPC groups were discussed and dis- ad hoc committee on ethics. The conference veteran, Betty felt the
cussed again. committee, chaired by Ruth Miller (Mrs. symposiums were "a step into this
Karl B.), Sigma Kappa delegate, gave century".
In the opening night Chairman's their report on Monday. The report
Report, Adele Williamson (Mrs. Floyd recalled NPC's beginnings and the In the keynote address for the sym-
Williamson Jr.) outgoing NPC chair- spirit of cooperation that has weathered posiums, Dr. Margaret Berry, adviser at
man, echoed the sentiments. "Twenty- adverse reactions to the Greek system. the University of Texas at Austin, talked
five years ago, our thrust was in the The report further indicated that the of the power and influence of the
area of internal education. Today, 1 strength of the conference rests with Greeks. She cited the need for Greeks
believe our thrust must be turned the unanimous agreement. to initiate positive reform and to provide
outward." the framework for the achievement of
"The problems we face today calls goals and bettering the quality of
Adele defined the outward forces as: for renewal of our faith in the fraternity campus life.
"increased cost of higher education; ideal on the part of the member groups,"
the decline of public support for higher the report said. "It calls for working "For 150 years, they (the Greeks)
education; a decrease in the number of together to realize that ideal. It calls for have been extremely influential to the
'traditional freshman students'; a a faith in the integrity of each national. It campus culture, but not always in the
changing classroom atmosphere; calls for a steady movement forward in direction you and 1 would hope they
housing; and a national awareness." a cooperative undertaking that will might be. Studies of the psychological
match our achievements of the past 77 development provide us with some of
The present concerns may seem years." the reasons why fraternity advisers and
more pressing than the goals set by the administrators might be at a dead-end
conference just two years ago. But the The ad hoc committee recommend- street. The age group with which you
past biennium's accomplishments ed that; "Where it appears there is are working, roughly 17 through 22,
have been the foundation for the sufficient cause for concern regarding are highly motivated to meet members
accomplishments of the 80s. In her the adherence to the spirit and intent in of the opposite sex, to get married, to
1977 speech, Adele listed the goals as: complying with the provisions of the better their social conditions, to experi-
unanimous agreements, it is recom- ment. The peer group is a greater
mended that the Executive Committee
shall consult those member groups


influence than you or I, except in a few 1st place — University of Oklahoma The conference concluded with the
isolated instances." 2nd place — University of Ten- swearing in of Minnie Mae Prescott,
nessee at Knoxville Kappa Delta, as the 1979-81 NPC
If Dr. Berry's speech was one of 3rd place — Oregon State chairman. Mary (Mrs. David) Barbee,
insight into the Greek system, then Sigma Sigma Sigma, is the new secre-
there are others who most certainly felt For the College Panhellenic Committee tary and Sybil (Mrs. Thomas J. Jr.),
the conference went one step further Award — Alpha Sigma Tau is the new treasurer.
as a learning experience.
1st place — University of Southern Seven resolutions were passed by
"Each one (conference) addresses Mississippi the forty-sixth conference. Probably the
itself to different problems and I think 2nd place — Louisiana Tech strongest stand yet to be taken against
this one was a learning experience," 3rd place — Ball State hazing was agreed upon by the
said Mary (Mrs. Robert) Boyd, Alpha member groups. That resolution
Phi president. A category for fraternity publications defined those actions and situations
was added this year. Sponsored by the which constitute hazing. It was further
The learning and the spirit of cooper- Interfratemity Research Advisory resolved that all member groups
ation continued through the Wednesday Council, an award was given for the inform their membership of the resolu-
night awards banquet. Adele Williamson magazine article best showing a positive tion on hazing.
served as toastmistress and Polly (Mrs. reflection on a sorority subject. The
Landon) Freear, Phi Mu, gave the invo- Alpha Phi Quarterly was the recipient The "cooperative undertaking" was
cation. Dr. J. Woodrow Hearn's for the article, "Animal House Revisit- evident at all levels of the five day
address was more than just an ed", by Mary Carr Void, international conference. From breakfast meetings
inspiration to those attending the president. through late night campus meetings,
banquet. The Baton Rouge minister there was the chance to meet, discuss,
gave an insight into the fraternity Honorable mentions were given to: share, solve. " I brought with me a
system and a look at values in a shopping list of things to discuss with
changing society. — The Aglaia of Phi Mu forthe article, people," said Barbara (Mrs. James)
"two million women, twenty-six Tootle, dean of Greek affairs at Ohio
In his address — "Holy Waste — A national sororities: volunteerism State University. "The conference gave
Look at Values" — Dr. Hearn spoke of — a way of life" me the chance to sit down with other
the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Sister advisers and brainstorm solutions."
Teresa. Her work with India's "poorest — The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly
of the poor" earned her the admiration for the article, "Are Sororities Throughout, there was an underlying
of the world. "There are those," Dr. Super?" urgency to solve the system's concerns
Hearn said, "who probably looked at and to be totally aware and prepared
the teen-age Teresa as she was about — The Angelos of Kappa Delta for for the emerging student of the 80's.
to take her vows and thought her life to the article, "Little Sister Groups
be a waste. If that's a waste, then it's a Demean Women"
holy waste."
— The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta forthe
Dr. Hearn talked of the dedication of article, "Some Keys for Security"
the thousands of women who have
given their time and talent to the Greek The AOII delegation to the biennial meeting of the Rational Panhellenic Conference included
system. "There are those," he said, Becky Montgomery, editor, To Dragma: Mary Louise Roller, NPC Delegate; Janie Callaway,
"who might consider your volunteer incoming first alternate; Joan MacCallum, International President; Peg Crawford, outgoing first
efforts a waste, but if it's a waste, it's a .alternate: and Sue Lewis, Administrative Director.
holy waste."

Wrapping up the conference was the
presentation of awards by Ruth (Mrs.
William) Katz, Sigma Delta Tau.
Presented were:

For the college Panhellenic with the
most outstanding PR program —

1st place — University of Illinois
2nd place — Auburn University
3rd place — University of Georgia

For an outstanding campus Panhel-
lenic —

1 st place — Transylvania University
2nd place — University of California
at Irvine
3rd place - Boise State

The NPC award for the meaning of
fraternity —


Safeguards for Traditions

By Wilma Smith Leland, Tau '25 ed from among the older alumnae by Members: Founders, Laura A. Hurd,
Past International President the Founders. As Mrs. Perry expressed and Rose Gardner Marx, in the May,
it, 'The Committee should have no 1932, issue of To Dragma.
For many members of Alpha executive power but should serve as
Omicron Pi the purpose and the history advisers and expositors in the matter of The Committee remained without
of the Rituals and Traditions Committee tradition. The purpose is that, in case of change until 1937. Helen S t Clair
as well as the Jewelry Committee have death of the Founders and first mem- Mullan died on July 29, 1936. To the
been confused and virtually unknown. bers, there may always be those who Committee the Founders and other
can explain such basic traditions as our committee members added Mamie
Perhaps the slow evolution of the fundamental democracy and simplicity; Hurt Baskervill, Kappa.
personnel of the Committee accounted why we have no shields and coats of
in part for this image. The Founders arms and elaborate rituals; why frater- The October, 1938, issue introduced
who were life members of the Grand nity jewelry and all other ostentations the new member who was chosen to
Council were in charge of ritual at the are opposed to the spirit of Alpha replace Helen. It gives us standards
Conventions. It is assumed that, since Omicron Pi.' which members set up for the selection
Helen St. Clair Mullan attended chapter of new members. The article was written
installations as the fraternity expanded Under Special Committees listed in by Stella, chairman of the Committee
across the country, she was responsible the Directories in To Dragma, 1921-23, on Rituals and Traditions (note this
for teaching proper presentation of two committees continue to be shown: change in name).
ritual and of traditions. Ritual with the Founders only, Mrs.
Mullan being chairman; and Fraternity Speaking first about the Grand
The first mention of the Ritual Com- Traditions: The Founders, Gladys Council meeting in Nu Chapter's glass
mittee in To Dragma was in the Sep- Courtian Britton and Laura A. Hurd, house on the roof of the New York
tember, 1920, issue. Lucretia J . Bickley being the members. University building on December 29,
(Mrs. W.G.), Omicron, of Knoxville, 1907, she reminded readers that, for
Tennessee, was indicated as chairman, By 1925 the two committees had the first time, the first active chapter
but she was evidently without named been consolidated as the Rituals and delegates came from afar.
committee members. Traditions Committee, with Stella Perry
as chairman. Members included the "From the South came Marie Bres of
In 1921, a Special Committee on other Founders, Laura A. Hurd, Upsilon, Pi and Lola Wanamaker and Mamie
Ritual was organized with the Founders Rose Gardner Marx, Sigma, and the Hurt from Kappa. We saw Mamie then
as members and Helen Mullan as chair- Grand Secretary, Joanna Donlon functioning for the first time — she
man. The Committee on Fraternity Huntington, Epsilon, and Study Plan astonished us by her poised maturity of
Traditions was another committee: the Officer, Octavia Chapin, Delta. (Note thought, delighted us with her flaming
Founders, Gladys Courtian Britton, the change in officer terminology.) Life enthusiasm, and encouraged our
Sigma, Examining Officer, and Laura membership was indicated in listing hopes with the nobility of expressed
AJHurd, Grand Secretary, being mem- members of the Committee in 1928. At ideals." There followed an account of
bers. "The chairman and two associate that time the Jewelry Committee had her college honors and then "She
members are to be announced later by been separated from the larger com- always had time to serve us. She was a
the Founders," Etta Phillips MacPhie, mittee. Stella Perry was its chairman wife, a mother, and, in recent years, a
Delta, Editor of To Dragma, reported. and the single member was Julia L. member of the faculty of Arlington Hall."
Tillinghast, Nu, an attorney. Her selec- Mamie was alumna adviser, Superin-
The February and September 1921 tion was probably prompted by neces- tendent of the Southern District, hostess
issues set out the purpose and sity to patent and/or copyright Alpha at the Arlington Hall Convention, organi-
membership of the committees for the Omicron Pi insignia. Contracts for its zer of Tau Delta Chapter, Birmingham
first time in the publication. manufacture had always been under Southern in 1925.
Stella's supervision and her work with
"Mrs. W.G. Bickley, O '08, has resign- the official jeweler, L G . Balfour, was on "But no list of offices would begin to
ed as chairman of the Rituals Commit- a personal basis. tell of Mamie's active contributions.
tee and Mrs. George Mullan has been How many members and how many
appointed in her place . . . As the For reasons unknown to us, but chapters gladly relate her work in
Committee now stands, it is in the perhaps because of professional making them better, happier, more
hands of the Founders and it seems commitments, Julia was replaced on successful, and, above all, more truly
only fitting they should guide the the Jewelry Committee in 1932 by representative of what we try to be — or,
fraternity with the ideals and ceremonies Jessie Wallace Hughan. Rose Marx had synonymously, of what she is herself!"
they hold dearest to their hearts." married and she became Mrs. John
Gilmore. That year the Council Mamie was the first committee
"The Convention approved the members were dropped from the member who had not served as Grand
appointing of a Committee on Frater- Committee and for the first time, the President of the Fraternity with the
nity Traditions. At the suggestion of Committee on Rituals and Traditions exception of Jessie Hughan, a Founder.
Mrs. Perry, the Committee to consist of members were reported as Life All other Founders, Laura and Rose
the four Founders, the Grand historian, had held the executive office. Mamie's
the Grand Secretary, the Examining selection set a precedent.
Officer, and two members to be appoint-
(continued on page 12)


Alpha Omicron Pi Continues

/V By Carolyn Huey Harris, Lambda Sigma Denver, Colorado. James T.
Vice President, Philanthropic Rosenbaum, M.D., was approved for
Xi Foundation his work in the relationship between
the Human Major Histocompatability
Over the last decade, physicians Alpha Omicron Pi continues to sup- Complex, Shigella Infection and the
have begun to recognize that many port Arthritis Research with $30,000 Development of Reiter's Disease. He
diseases are more likely to develop given this spring to the Arthritis Foun- will be working at the Stanford
among individuals with a particular dation for use by three scientists at the University Medical School, Division of
histocompatibility antigen. These University of Colorado, Stanford Univer- Immunology. Gail A. McCarty, M.D.,
histocompatibility antigens are inherited sity, and Duke University. This brings was selected for her work in Immuno-
markers found on the surface of many the total to 15 grants and $180,000 regulation of Auto-antibody Production
cells in the body. For example, most which has been presented by the in Murine and Human Systemic Lupus
individuals with rheumatoid arthritis Fraternity to Arthritis Research. Erythema-tosus, which will be done at
have the inherited DrW4 and most with Duke University Medical Center.
insulin dependent diabetes have the The Directors of The Alpha Omicron
antigen DrW3. Pi Philanthropic Foundation met in The Philanthropic Foundation was
April to determine the distribution of approved by a vote of Council, and the
My work has been devoted to trying the funds collected by the membership Directors were elected at the 1979
to understand why one particular tissue over the last two years. International Convention in Nashville.
marker, B27, makes people more Funds collected in 1979 through dona-
prone to developing a form of arthritis Mary Hansuld Moore, lota Sigma, tions and fund raising events by chap-
known as spondylitis and a form of eye Philanthropic Chairman and President ters were not allocated at that time in
disease known as iritis. While the of the Foundation, chaired the April order to permit Foundation action.
reason that B27 predisposes to disease meeting held in Atlanta. Directors Prior to the formation of the Foundation,
is still elusive, we have succeeded in present were: Carolyn Huey Harris, all decisions and programming of
showing that persons with these Lambda Sigma; Phyllis Arner Wester- Philanthropic matters were handled by
diseases have an abnormality in their man, Rho; Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, an individual who was appointed to the
blood known as immune complexes. lota Alpha; Sharon D. Martin, Delta Pi, International Philanthropic Chairman
We also discovered that laboratory Patricia Cowley Hardy, Gamma Sigma, post.
animals develop iritis after injection of a attended the meeting as an alternative
portion of a microorganism's cell wall. representative from the Executive The development of the Foundation
We hope that these two findings will Board. was the second major step in Alpha
eventually help explain why B27 and Omicron Pi's commitment to Arthritis
other histocompatibility tissue antigens Three outstanding recipients were Research. This Philanthropic project
predispose to disease. named from a list of 56 who had been was adopted at the 1967 Convention at
approved for fellowships by the Arthritis Mackinac Island, Michigan. The growth
One of the three researchers partially Foundation. Carol Tipton Aitcheson, of interest in this worthwhile philan-
M.D., will be studying Epstein-Barr thropy created several needs within the
funded by grants from AOll, James T. Virus Antigens and Antibodies in Fraternity: a need for a tax-free proce-
Rheumatoid Arthritis at the University
Rosenbaum, M.D., works in the Autoantibodies are commonly
0of Colorado Health Sciences Center in found in connective tissue diseases. In
Division of Immunology at Stanford human systematic lupus erythema-
tosus, a specific autoantibody called
(Jniuersity. Dr. Rosenbaum did his anti-Sm is made to a nuclear antigen,
and this antibody is considered a
undergraduate work at Harvard marker for this disease, but it is not
present in all patients with SLE. A new
College and has done his graduate strain of mice, the MRLs, possess this
autoantibody marker, and are different
work at Stanford. from previously investigated lupus
mice such as the NZB/Ws in this re-
spect. We are currently looking at the
patterns of antibody production to Sm
antigen in the MRL mice, and in


to Support Arthritis Research

dure by which individual contributors contribution receipts for these J
could benefit from a donation; a need purposes.
for separate bookkeeping from regular The cause of rheumatoid arthritis
operational finances; a need for a Members and chapters will continue remains unknown, despite the efforts
process through which local contribu- to send their philanthropic checks to of many investigators in this field. Viral
tions could be credited; a need for Central Office and their reports to the infection has long been considered a
establishing a non-profit foundation Philanthropic Chairman, Mary Moore possible cause of this form of arthritis
which could cover any Philanthropic (Mrs. Wayne), 1627 Amherst Drive, but no one has been able to isolate
endeavors beyond the scope of scholar- Ames, Iowa 50010. Contributions such a virus. Recent work has suggested
ships as authorized under Diamond designed for local AF chapters may be that a specific virus, the Epstein-Barr
Jubilee Foundation or the misfortunes sent to CO. They will be credited in full virus, may be involved. This is the same
of our members as specified under to the specified address and cause as virus that causes infectious Mono-
Ruby Fund. indicated. However, since AOII is nucleois, a common illness in young
committed to Arthritis Research only, adults.
Philanthropy is as basic to AOII as the funds designated and earmarked
our ritual, or reason for being. Philos — for local causes will not count against Patients with rheumatoid arthritis
the Greek word for "friend" enables us quota for a chapter. For, although have a greater frequency of an antibody
to fulfill our promise — "not only to many local causes are worthwhile and to a specific substance, called rheuma-
ourselves." deserving, they do not actually pertain toid arthritis-associated nuclear antigen
to RESEARCH, and research will or RANA, than do normal people or
The newly formed Foundation will continue as our basic program as long patients with other rheumatic disease.
be under the guidance of four directors as Council sees fit to direct the Frater- RANA has been found only in white
elected by Council, and three represen- nity Philanthropy in that direction. blood cells that have been infected with
tatives of the Executive Board. They will Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Thus, it
meet annually to evaluate and allocate In channeling local funds through appears that there may be some asso-
funds that have been collected from Central Office, we will be able to realize ciation between Epstein-Barr virus and
the membership and other sources. the broad scope of our interest in rheumatoid arthritis. The planned
Arthritis. It has been estimated that research project will further investigate
In order to handle the clerical, finan- local manpower and contributions this possible relationship.
cial, promotional and administrative exceeds the total given through the
expenses of the Philanthropic National philanthropic program. This will be done by the study of
Foundation, ten per cent will be blood, joint fluid, and tissue from
deducted from funds directed to The creation of the Philanthropic involved joints of patients with rheuma-
general Arthritis Research. Although Foundation is in keeping with the prac- toid arthritis for evidence of infection
this percentage does not actually cover tices and policies of most Panhellenic with Epstein-Barr virus.
expenses, the consensus was that it and Interfraternity groups. This pro-
would dilute the effectiveness of each gressive step of the Fraternity simplifies Carol Tipton Aitcheson was born and
contribution to use any larger amount. the program of building a non-profit raised in Kentucky. An undergraduate
The Arthritis Foundation itself, of organization for the proper handling of math major at the University of Ken-
course, has to utilize some 30% of their the charitable activities of AOII. tucky, she attained her M.D. from
Tulane. Dr. Aitcheson interned at
humans with SLE, to determine, using number of the same type of autoanti- Baylor and then moved to Denver to
new assays we are developing to resolve body, or different sets of different continue her training at the Univer-
the numerous kinds of antibodies antibodies. The relationship of idiotypes sity of Colorado Health Sciences
made on the basis of electric charges. are important in a complete network Center. As of July 1, Dr. Aitcheson
A similar analysis of the antibody that determines how much and what began a teaching, research, and
patterns in humans with SLE who kinds of antibodies are made to a given patient care position at the Denver
make anti-Sm may serve to define the antigen. Veterans Administration Hospital.
pathogenic mechanisms of autoanti-
body regulation in these autoimmune Gale A McCarty has done both her
diseases. Another line of investigation undergraduate and graduate workat
involves the creation of an anti-antibody Duke University. Her postgraduate
by injecting a rabbit with a purified anti- education has included her intern-
Sm antibody from a patient with lupus. ship at Duke, a junior assistant resi-
This is another approach to determining dency, a clinical fellowship, and her
whether individuals make a limited present research fellowship.


Fort Wayne, St. Louis

Alumnae Chapters are 50 Years Young

X Kay Sutherlin, Director, brought
greetings from the Executive Board in
1 the form of a beautiful glass gavel,
while the Regional Officers sent special
salutations with Joan Piper, Regional
Director. One of the highlights of the
evening was the presentation of the
distinguished service award to Susan
Crunk Miller, Kappa Kappa. Susan
meritted the award through her exem-
plary efforts in organizing and imple-
menting the chapter's philanthropic
efforts which included a benefit style
show for the Arthritis Foundation, an

\ a do pt-a-patient program through the
State Hospital and Training Center,
and other fund raising events. Karen
Anderson, of Arch Inc., the local historic
preservation group in Fort Wayne,
received the community service award
for her efforts in saving historically
significant buildings.

Charter members in attendance at the celebration included Alda Jane Woodward Carson, Beta All would agree the evening was
Phi: Mildred Schneider Eichensehr, Beta Phi: Pearl Koegl Wilkens. Beta Phi: and Marge OwneLink, most enjoyable and well suited as a
Beta Phi. 50th anniversary celebration. The
planning committee did an excellent

By Angela Derheimer, Kappa Kappa chapter members: Alda Jane Wood- job in providing a memorable tribute to
ward Carson, Beta Phi, Pearl Koegel the chapter right down to the angel
Angels adorned the reception hall Wilkens, Beta Phi, and Marge Owen favors that were also Christmas tree
for the celebration of Founders Day Link, Beta Phi. ornaments.
and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the

founding of the Fort Wayne, Ind. Alum-

nae Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. The

celebration of the chapter installation

was complete with historical narrative, a

festive dinner, the traditional ritual

ceremony, AOPi distinguished visitors,

awards, and the traditional birthday

cake. Approximately 50 sisters

attended the gala event.

President Susan Kirkwood Sheetz,

Kappa Kappa, presided over the tradi-

tional ritual ceremony while each sister

joined in the passing of the candle flame

during the friendship circle. Perhaps

the most enjoyable part of the evening

was a reading of the chapter's history

by Mildred Schneider Eichensehr, Beta

Phi, as she recalled how the fledgling :

group organized themselves, suffered

through the depression and war years,

took turns at officer posts, and built the

organization into a strong and philan-

thropic sisterhood that is still carried on

today. Mid was joined by three other Susan Crunk Miller, Kappa Kappa, right receives the Distinguished Service Award.


By Betty Bamett Stokes, Phi Alpha -

The University Club was the setting iS
of the Fiftieth Anniversary celebration
of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. This group gathered to say "Happy 50th!" to the St. Louis Alumnae chapter.
President Barbara Frey Scott, Delta R
'75, welcomed everyone and introduced
guests. Four charter members attended:
Eleanor Rench, Eta '25, Dorothy Schiele
Berry, Ruth Baldwin Herdlein, and Helen
Barron Moss.

Representing the Executive Board
was Sharon Martin, Delta Pi, who pre-
sented the chapter with a gavel. Karen
Smith and Ginny Struble represented
the Region and presented us with an
engraved guest register. These officers
all graciously brought messages to us
filled with warm and good feelings
about AOII and the St. Louis Alumnae
Chapter. The afternoon came to a
close with AOII songs (led by Linda
Frey, Delta Pi collegiate and sister of
our president) and a candle lighting

A Founder's

By Eleanor B. Rench, Eta •

I'm not very good at remembering Four /?/iy year members attended the St. Louis anniversary celebration; Eleanor Rench. Helen
dates but, when there is a seventy-five Barron Moss. Ruth Baldwin Herdlein. and Dorothy Schiele Berry.
year span, it really matters very little.
Ladies Home Journal. After a busy Louis Alumnae Chapter started in
I was born in Canton, Ohio, in 1904 and exciting year in New York I accepted November, 1929.1 have been President,
and lived in Columbus and Cleveland a job with Rich's In Atlanta for four Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
before being brought to St. Louis at the years. and Panhellenic delegate more than
age of eight. I graduated from public one time around.
schools here at age 16.1 then headed I then returned to St Louis and started
for Ward-Belmont School for girls in my final career as a librarian. I worked My hobbies are needlepoint and
Nashville. My parents thought I was too at the main branch of the St. Louis knitting and I'm a volunteer for the St.
young to be turned loose on the Univer- Public Library in the circulation and Art Louis Visitor's Center, Meals on Wheels
sity of Wisconsin campus so I arrived Departments, taking courses at and at the Harry S. Truman Reabilita-
there in my junior year where I became Washington University in order to tion Center (through Altrusa Club — a
a member of the Eta chapter of AOII. I qualify for promotions. The thirty year service club of which I am a member).
graduated in 1925 with a Bachelor of library career ended with retirement in We entertain patients with programs,
Arts degree with a major in social work. 1973. games and refreshments once a
I returned home and took typing and I was a charter member of the St.
shorthand at a local secretarial school.
My first job was at a private psychiatric
clinic for children. I did social work in
St. Louis and for the state of Missouri. I
then read about the opening of a
fashion school in New York to be called
Tobe-Coburn. It was run by Tobe who
was a fashion consultant serving
department stores throughout the
country, and Julia Coburn, editor of


(continued from page 7) The beginning of activism on cam- and standards set by the Founders. It
puses had made it advisable to discon- would be betraying that trust if it
Upon the death of Elizabeth Heywood tinue wearing fraternity badges. Other approved, changed, swayed with every
Wyman, August, 1953, the next change identifying symbols were requested by whim of fashion and of the other
in membership occurred. In the Winter the collegiate chapters. The lavalier fraternities.
issue of To Dragma, 1954, an article was authorized to meet that need.
signed by the entire committee an- In 1965 Mamie and Rose asked to be
nounced: "The Rituals and Traditions The Rituals had been reprinted in relieved of committee responsibilities.
Committee, the self-perpetuating 1928 under the Committee's direction. In discussing the problem of such
committee established to maintain, Because additional rituals and services action in the face of life tenure, the
secure, and protect forever the basic had been written, it was advisable to Committee decided that they should
objectives, traditions, customs, ritual, revise and issue a new book in 1961. be ex officio members of the Commit-
insignia, and meanings of Alpha Under the chairmanship of Rose tee. Upon their deaths, such ex officio
Omicron Pi, has recently had the duty Gilmore, the Committee completed membership ceased to exist, with this
of selecting a member for the place the revision and the publication. The change, it became the Committee's
now vacant (to human sight) of Eliza- new Rituals included those for the privilege to elect two members. Nancy
beth Heywood Wyman. Installation of the Collegiate Chapters, Moyer McCain, Rho, past International
for the Installation ofAlumnae Chapters, President, 1957-59, and Virginia
"It is with gratitude for the present, and for Colonization. The House Boggess Mylander, Kappa, were
reverance for the past, reserved and Dedication Service and the Welcome chosen. Virginia's AOII service had
assured hope for the future — and the of Collegiate Seniors into Alumnae included work on the Executive Com-
knowledge that, in selection, we have Status were added. mittee as well as Extension Officer and
honored them all — that we announce special duties with chapter problems.
the unanimous selection to life member- It is not known when the Book of
ship on this Committee of Mary Daniel- Ritual Instructionswas first produced, At the 1969 Convention in Los
son Drummond, and our thanksgiving but it was in use prior to 1957. Angeles, Council approved a motion to
for her acceptance ofthis responsibility." discontinue life appointments to any
During the 1963-65 biennium, so committee. Since the only Standing
Mary Lee Drummond, Alpha Phi, many questions about jewelry, the Committee whose members had life
had been President in 1937-39. official manufacturer, additional tenure was the Rituals and Traditions
requests for new pieces, came to the Committee, it was the only committee
When Jessie Wallace Hughan died committee's attention that it seemed affected by the motion.
on April 10,1955, Wilma Smith Leland wise to consolidate the two committees.
was selected to the Committee. She That action gave the entire Committee It was, however, not implemented
had completed 19 years as Editor of To the responsibility for the design, use during the following biennium.
Dragma in 1946, and was associated and control of jewelry and gifts.
with the Minneapolis Alumnae Chapter The 1969 motion concerning tenure
as president in 1948-49, and, on occa- Pants suits came into vogue about of members of the Committee became
sions, had worked with Tau Chapter. that time. Was it proper to wear the action at the 1971 Convention in
badge with pants suits? If so did one Dallas. "Title L Article VIII, Section 9.
Through the years Stella remained wear it on the jacket or on the blouse? Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry
chairman of the Committee and a Stella had said, "Always wear the Committee. The Rituals, Traditions,
chairman of the separate Jewelry badge closest to your heart." This was and Jewelry Committee shall consist of
Committee. The second member of the rule. Placement had been designat- six alumnae members of the fraternity.
that committee remained a Founder ed as the spot measured by the hand In each odd calendar year from lists
until Jessie's death. For the following from the throat to the breast submitted by the Committee and by
year Stella was the only committee the newly-elected Executive Committee,
member. What about wearing the badge'on the Executive Committee shall appoint
sweat shirts with shorts? Stella had said two members to serve a term beginning
Stella's death occured on November that it was to be worn when you looked September 1 and ending August 31 six
6, 1956, the last of the Founders. The your prettiest. Was that when you were years thereafter or upon appointment
oldest member of the Committee in in shorts and sweat shirts? She disliked of a successor. The President and the
terms of appointment was Laura Hurd, sweat shirts immensely. But AOII most recent recipient of the Perry
who then assumed the chairmanship. competed in sports so sweat shirts Award shall serve ex officio on this
At the Edgewater Beach Hotel Conven- became a necessity and the Committee Committee. Committee members
tion in 1957, the Rituals and Traditions approved. shall designate the Chairman.
Committee met for the first time without Vacancies shall be filled by the Execu-
the guidance, but with the spirit of the Therein lies one of the fallacies tive Committee." The Jewelry Commit-
Founders. Mary Paschen Lindrooth about the Committee's image. "A tee as separate from the Traditions and
who had been International President, bunch of old women who don't know Rituals Committee was removed from
1949-51, was elected by the Committee much about the times." Not at all! the By-Laws at this time. Under duties
for life. Although the Jewelry Committee History shows flexibility bom of of the President at the same time, she is
continued to be shown as a separate customs and change. BUT if you have designated as an ex officio member of
committee, at the Edgewater, the followed the purpose of the the Committee.
Rituals and Traditions Committee Committee, you must be aware of the
acted as a whole on jewelry matters. fact that this Committee has the (continued on page 31)
responsibility for maintaining the ideals



Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Keep This Directory. The
founded at Barnard College Directory Is Printed Only

January 2,1897 Once A Year.


Jessie Wallace Hughan Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Becky Shook Weinberg (Frank), XA
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V.) 2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103 859 E. 9th Place
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) Nashville, TN. 37212 Mesa, AZ 85203
Elizabeth Heywood' Wyman Telephone: 615/383-1174 Telephone: 602/969-0114

"The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at RITUALS, TRADITIONS, AND JEWELRY
Barnard College of Columbia University and all are
deceased. STAFF Chairman: Rosalie Gorham Barber (Michie M.), 20
1713 Mac Arthur Park
Administrative Director: Sue Edmunds Lewis (Rex), TA Jonesboro, AR 72401
Telephone: 501/935-3393
Office Manager: Jeanne Ascolese
Receptionist/Secretary: Charlotte Boyd Members: Edith H. Anderson (Arthur K), B *
EXECUTIVE BOARD Chapter Services Coordinator: Suzanne Colgan, AT Gwen Everetts Lee (W.D.), P
Membership Secretary: Mary Ann Caldwell, TA Wilma Smith Leland, T
President Bookkeeper: Ben Hollins Nancy Moyer McCain (Walter C ) , P
Joan Deathe MacCallum (John D ), K * Shipping Clerk: Karen Kremer, AA Mary Louise Roller (George), AH

13195 Edison Crescent Field Staff: Ex Officio Members: Joan D. MacCallum, K<t>
Pierrefonds, Quebec H8Z 1Y5, Canada Lori Bairn, ST Carol Anne Wooten A2
Telephone: 514/626-7690 SCHOLARSHIP

(Through July and August) Debbie Brewton, AA . Anita (Neen) Demato Neale (Ross), K *
c/o D.W. MacCallum Janet Fellwock, KK 391 Brookhaven Avenue
South Shore Road, RR.No. 2 Liz Hafner, B * Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9S 2N6
Clarenceville, Quebec JOJ 1B0, Canada Troy Johnson, B"J> Telephone: 514/631-9796

Vice President/Development Diane Johnson, KA SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND FUNDS
Peg Crawford (Richard C ) , I
9113 S. Massasoit Avenue Janice McDonald, AP
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Terri Parker, AT President: Eleanpre Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert C ) , I A
Telephone: 312/422-5244 100 Norlen Pari
June Perkins, P0 Bridge water, MA 02324
Vice President/Operations Dearie Waters, AT Telephone: 617/697-7855
Ginger Banks, flK Kathy Wilson, A®
Scholarship Chairman: Mildred Ward Eldridge
3108 West Terrace Drive PARLIAMENTARIAN (Raymon), A
Austin, TX 78731 Florence Dodge Ennis (John D.), KA 27 Mourttfort Road
Telephone: 512/454-8572 Newton Highlands, MA 02161
200 Gardendale Telephone: 617/332-4964
Secretary/Treasurer Terre Haute, IN 47803
Jo Beth Heflin (Hugh), UK Telephone: 812/877-1355 CENTRAL OFFICE ACQUISITION FUND

11200 Pinehurst Drive Chairman: Mary Ann Caldwell (Robert), TA
215 Rolling Fork Court
Austin, TX 78747 ' Nashville, T N 37205
Telephone: 61*5/352-2646
Telephone: 512/282-2655
Marilyn Herman (Gerald), T ; Chairman; Phyllis Arner Westermari (William), P
8805 Cliffridge Avenue REVISION 97 Sunset Drive, No. 301
Lajolla, C A 92037 Sarasota, FL 33577
Telephone: 714/452-8453 Chairman: Sue Elder Roach (Eric), B r • Telephone: 813/955-3263
6065 Carriage Hill Drive
Director East Lansing, MI 48823 HISTORICAL SOCIETY
Sharon Martin, All Telephone: 517/351-5270
Chairman: Wilma Smith Leland, T
2212 Hall Road Members: Alice Rath Alderman (Ralph), e* 4330 Minnetonka Blvd., Apt. 310-A
Independence, MO 64037 Ingrid Schulz (Carl, Jr.), BA Minneapolis, MN 55416
Telephone: 816/252-0617 Telephone: 612/922-0094
Kay Hansen Sutherlin (Stephen), 0 Edith Huntington Anderson (Arthur K ), B *
836 S. Henderson, Apt. 1 Chairman: Jessie Marie Cramer (Wesley), *
2239 Rome Drive Bloorriington, IN 47401 8830 Delmar
Indianapolis, IN 46208 Telephone: 812/336-1996 Prairie Village, KS 66207
Telephone 317/293-0894 Telephone: 913/648-5335


(Collegiate correspondence should be directed Chairman: Sharon Jaacks Bley (Les), IIA Mary Hansuld Moore (Wayne R.), 12
to 1st Alternate) 1204 F.dgemont Avenue (See Standing. Committees -;Philanthropic listing)

AGn Delegates . Towson, MD 21204 Members: Carolyn Huey Harris (J. Rodney), A2
Telephone: 301/828-il02 Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert), IA
Delegate: Mary Louise Roller (George), An *• Phyllis Arner Westerman (William), P
Box 933 Members: Peggy Kelley (Michael), * 2 Joan Deathe MacCallum (John), K *
Mt, Dora; FL 32757 .-. JoAnn Gibbons (Paul), KA Jo Beth WaUing Heflin (Hugh.), UK
telephone: 904/383-6376 Alverna Swan (Forrest E.), T Sharon Diane Martin, All
Denise Hembree, XA
1st Alternate: Janie Callaway (George), 0 . RUBY FUND
2400 Craghead Lane , PHILANTHROPIC
Knoxville, TN 37920 Chairman: Marianne Davies Carton (W.A.), T
Telephone: 615/573-2336 Chairman: Mary Hansuld Moore (Wayne), 12 1262 Upas Street
1627 Amherst Drive San Diego, C A 92103
2nd Alternate: Jan Spencer (Tommy), 20 Ames, IA 500.10 telephone: 714/298-2150
Box 297 telephone: 515/292-8555
Pagbsa Springs, C O 81147
3rd Alternate: Joan MacCallum (John), K4>
(See International President, J Mary Jane Ogle (Lynri), ATI
Executive Board listing) 7309 North Euclid
Gladstone, MO 64118
telephone: 816/436-0643



Vice President: Helen McMahon, P, 7432 Colshire Dr., No. 5, McLean, VA 22101. Telephone: 703/893-4746
Extension Officer: Lois Klotz (Harold), X, 506 Shannon Lane, State College, PA 16801. Telephone: 8141238-1274
Finance Officer: Ruth Healy Furhouden (Terry), 811, 4280 Persimmon Path, Liverpool, NY 13088. Telephone: 315/652-3206
Rush Coordinator: Leslie Carolyn Welch, <J>T, 124 Dyckman Place, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Maryke Loos, 24 Madison Ave., Toronto,
Beta Tau Diana Taylor Pressey (Donald), I1A, Jeanie Sells (Arthur), Z, 29
University of Ontario, Canada M5R 2Sl, 416/922-3646
Toronto 44 Charles St. W., No. 4111, Parker Rd., Framingham, MA
Deborah Griffith, 322 Wyoming Road,
Delta Chi Newark, DE 19711, 302/731-7989 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 01701, 617/879-7094
University of
Delaware Cynthia Peacock, AOII, Penobscot Hall, M4Y 1R8, 416/967-0887
UMO, Orono, ME 04473, 207/581-7083
Gamma Pam Munford Hay (James), AO, 36 Carmei Gabriele Kaiser (Martin), ^P,
University of Nancy Krewatch, GMU, Student Union, 4400
Maine-Orono University Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030, Stature Rd„ Newark, DE 19713, 115 Bosley Ave., Cockeysville,
703/938-2984 302/737-1248
Gamma Alpha M D 21030, 301/666-7756
George Mason Mary Rowader, 709 South St., Indiana, PA
University 15701, 412/463-3247 Jeanie Sells

Gamma Beta Dawn Fry, ESSC, Box 882, Stroudsburg, PA Charlotte Casey Hays, EI, 9718 Julie Jo Santiago (Al), KA, 4327
Indiana Univ. of 18301, 717/421-4726 Kingsbridge Dr., No. 1, Fairfax, Ravensworth Rd., No. 318, Annandale,
Pennsylvania VA 22030, 703/591-5218
Pamela Fennel, 4517 College Ave., College VA 22003, 703/941-3710
Phi Beta Park, M D . 20740, 301/927-9871
East Stroudsburg Paula Daskivich (Thomas), TB, Becky Pennington Wolfe (Ray) <t>K,
State College Michelle Burns, 17 Maple St., Oneonta, NY Box 453, Black Lick, PA 15716, 5209 Venable Ave., Charleston,
Pi Delta 13820, 607/432-4271 412/248-7193 WVA 25304, 304/925-8743
University of
Maryland Mary Bellissimo, 150 Towers, Slippery Rock, Bonnie Lipton, XV, 804
Sigma Chi PA 16057, 412/794-9918 Cussewago Rd., Meadville, PA
Hartwick College 16335, 814/333-4503
Sally Wagaman, Washington College, Chester-
Sigma Rho town, M D 21620, 301/778-2800 Effie M . Cottman, IIA, 137 S. [ulie Jo Santiago
Slippery Rock Fairfax St., Alexandria, VA
State College Diana Skubliskas, Wagner College, 822 22314, 703/836-8559
Harbor View Hall, Staten Island, NY
Sigma Tau 10301, 212/447-9005 Eleanor Brown Hickein (Fred), leanie Sells
Washington College 2X, 82 Elm St., Oneonta,
NY 13820, 607/432-6596
Theta Pi
Wagner College Miriam McCullough (Mike), 2P, Becky Pennington Wolfe
RD No. 1, Rural Valley, PA 16249,

Karen Gossard Price (Frederick),£T, Carmei Gabriele Kaiser
P.O. Box 92, Chestertown, M D
21620, 301/778-1163

Nancy Cochrane, 811, 327 Maitland Carmei Gabriel Kaiser
Ave., Teaneck, NJ 07666,

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Albany Northern Virginia Janet Marx (Robert), T, 8312 Oakford Dr.,
Clarissa Dedrick Carabateas (Phillip), K, The
Baltimore Briar Patch, RD 1, Nassau, NY 12123, Philadelphia Springfield, VA 22152, 703/451-9158
Boston Pittsburgh Joan Krause Simonin, ty, 600 Park Lane,
Barbara Green ST, 4 K View Ridge Court, Rochester (Colony) Wyncote, PA 19095, 215/884-6961
Charleston, WV Baltimore, M D 21236, 301/668-3045 South Jersey
Connie Anderson, PB, 622 South Lang Ave.,
Greater Allentown/ Donna Sheridan, <t>0, 10 Lanark Rd., Southern Connecticut Pittsburgh, PA 15208, 412/241-3513
Bethlehem Wellesley Hills, MA 02181, 617/235-6422
State College, PA Susan Tharp (Thomas), * B , 416 Albany Ave.,
Mary Naylor, $K, Box 563, Clendenin, Westmont, NJ 08108, 609/429-3601
WV 25045
Cicely Hindenach (Lee P.), EA, 158 Linden
Freddie Kalil Shutten (Terry), TA, RD 1, Tree Rd., Wilton, CT 06897, 203/762-1969
8 College View Ct., Schnecksville,
PA 18078,215/799-4620 Marie Fedon (Richard), EA, P.O. Box 842,
State College, PA 16801, 814/238-1774
Greater Harrisburg Inga Brook (Edward), EA, 36 Brownstone Dr., Staten Island
Greater Portland Hershey, PA 17033, 717/534-1749 Syracuse Sarah Jane Haycox Grant (Joseph), B*, 6
Long Island Toronto Robin Hill Rd., No. Caldwell, NJ 07006,
Anne Varney (William), T, 34 Independence Washington, D.C, 201/228-3487
Montreal Dr., Westbrook ME 04092, 207/797-8969
Margaret Henry (George V.), A, 3954 Willow-
Diane SeeKamp (Roy), 011,180 Nassau Blvd., brook Lane, Liverpool NY 13088,
Garden City South, NY 11530, 315/457-7236
Helen B. Chomolok, BT, 187 Burndale Ave.,
Sandra Amos (John M ), K4>, 46 Charles, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2N l T l ,
Dollard des Ormeaux, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H9A 1V7, 514/683-4993 Nancy Gaines Bernard (Richard), 8H, 10009
Renfrew Road, Silver Springs, M D 20901,
New Jersey Dottie Catena (Frank), 811, 2135 Wilmington 301/593-9038

Berwyn St., Union, NJ 07083 Mary Jane Polaski (Frederick), AX, Seymour
Rd., Bear, DE 19701, 302/322-3697

I-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Carmei Gabriele Kaiser-Baltimore, Long Island, New Jersey, Staten Island, Wilmington.
Bonnie Lipton-Allentown-Bethlehem, Greater Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, State College, Syracuse.
Julie Jo Santiago-Northern Virginia, Philadelphia, South Jersey, Washington, D.C.
Jeanie Sells-Boston, Greater Portland, Montreal, Southern Connecticut, Toronto.
Becky Pennington Wolfe-Charleston.



Vice President: Barbara Daugs Hunt (Cecil), *A, 930-17th Ave., Grafton, WI S3024. Telephone: 414/377-7766
Extension Officer: Barbara Zolnierczalc, BII, 29165 Hayes No. 10, Warren, MI 48093. Telephone: 313/776-9502
Finance Officer: Carolyn Weschrob Katz (Morton), 2X, ,2245 Lane Rd., Columbus, OH 43220. Telephone; 614/457-2807

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Sandra Mauge Sklenar (Fred), NI,
Beta. Epsilon Holly Evans, Bimidji State University, Hobson Liz Proud Brown (James), 6, Rt. 1,
Bemidji State Union, Bimidji, MN 56601, 218/751-7417 Box 266, Bemidji, MN 56601, 3916 Lynn Ave., S„ Minneapolis,
University 218/751-1535 MN 55416, ,612/920-5586
Sue.Malmgren, 403 13th Ave., W., Menomonie, Lynne Ann Radtke, 4>A, 5284 N.
lota Tau WI 54751, 715/235-3257 Jan Pierce (Sten), IT, 214 13th St., Lovers Lane, Milwaukee, WI
University of Menomonie, WI 54751, 53255, 414/461-8282
Wisconsin-Stout Cathy Grobrheier, 3640 Col. Glen Hwy., 7.15/235-7513 Charlene Brown Potter (Warren), Br,
Dayton, OH 45435, 513/278-4580 1468 Briarmeadow, Worthington,
Kappa Delta (Colony) Nancy Andrews (D.M.), fl, 7909 OH 43085, 6147888-9762
Wright State Missy Green, 116 W. Highland^da, OH Northland Ct., Dayton, OH Joyce Murdock Leff (Myron), 4>A,
University 45810, 419/634-5520 45415, 513/890-1811 1761 Ramblewood Ave., Columbus,
OH 43220, 614/459-2933
Kappa Pi Cindy Haston, Miami University, Richard5 Elizabeth Roberts, KI1, 815 South Joyce Murdock Leff
Ohio Northern Hall, Box 222, Oxford, OH 45056, Johnson, Ada, OH 45810,
University 513/529-3684 419/634-8988 Charlene Brown Potter

Omega Christine Kaczmarek, 800 Oxford, Ann Alice Schuette (Robert F.), II, 9 Sandra Mauge Sklenar
Miami Arbor, MI 48104, 313/994-5572 Robin Ct., Oxford, OH 45056,
University Joyce Murdock Leff
Shelly Naylor, N91W16870 Laurel Lane, . 513/523-5282
Omicron Pi Menomonie Falls, WI 53051__. Lynne Ann Radtke
University of Lynhe Garvey, Ml, 12076
Michigan Karen Snyder, 45 Broadway Ave., Nathaline, Redford; MI Sandra Mauge Sklenar
Youngstown, O H 44505, 216/744-7132 48239, 313/937-8477
Phi Delta Charlene Brown Potter
University of Teri Berge, University of Wisconsin- ... Kristin Maegli, <f>A, 3519 N. 97th
Wisconsin-Milwaukee LaCrosse, c/o Cartwright Center, Place, Milwaukee, WI 53222,
LaCrosse/WI 54601, 608/782.4721 414/461-8925
Phi Lambda
Youngstown State Martha Roisum, 11215th St., SE, Minneapolis, Elaine J. Glaros, 4>A, 3360 Alleh-
University MN 55414, 612/331-1381 ^ dale Ave., Youngstown, OH

Sigma Lambda Laurie Kujawa, 2909 W. Central Ave,, Toledo, 44511, 216/799-4031
University of OH 43606, 419/531-7821
Wisocnsin-LaCrosse Chris Hill Koukola (Peter), fl, 426
N. 22nd St., LaCrosse, WI
Tau 54601, 608/785-1862
University of
Minnesota Lynn Aaze, BE, 4575 W. 80th
Circle, 211, Minneapolis, MN
Theta Psi 55437, 612/831-8455
University of
Toledo Fudge Skaff (George), f l * ,
2674 Drummond, Toledo, OH
43606, 419/535-7092

Alumnae Chapter President ; Alumnae Chapter President
Ann Arbor Detroit North
Cincinnati Judith Douglas Monaghan (James), BII, 811 Suburban Pamela Smith Mooradian (Paul), tin, 13326
Lowell, Ypsiianti, Ml 48197, 313/482-3919 Grand Rapids Sherwood Dr., Huntington Woods, MI
Cleveland East 48070, 313/547-8630
Kathy Simpson Tirschek (John), 4>T, 7594 Macomb County
Cleveland West Whitehall Cr., West Chester, O H 45069, Madison Kathleen Snyder (David); KK, 1763
Weymouth, SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508,
Columbus 513/777-7907 Milwaukee 616/455-7039
Dayton Nancy Fenner (Nelson), Kfl, 3701 Winchell St. Paul Sandra Tbmilson (Eugene), KP, 1414 Lake-
Dearborn Rd., Shaker Heights, O H 44122, . side, Birmingham, MI 48009, 313/645-5994
216/295-2167 Toledo
Karyl Hoyle Andreoli (Clifford), P, 205 S.
Phyllis Kiss (Frank), fl; Cliff Towers, Apt" Youngstown Owen Dr., Madison, WI 53705,
26A, 2159 Wooster, Rocky River, O H 608/231-2209
44116, 216/333-6637
Nancy Fiorina (Mark), IT, 9731 W. Lisbon
Jean Geis Kreischer (Dwight), AT, 77 Ave., Milwaukee; WI 53222, 414/463-737?
Hiawatha Ave., Westerville, OH 43081,
614/882-7887 Charlotte Scarlett (Theo), A*, 6628 South-
crest Dr., Minneapolis, MN 55435,
• Carol Muldoon (J:), AT, 2025 Tweed Circle; 612/920-8472
Dayton, OH 45459, 513/435-2027
Mary Ann Wanatick (Michael), 4857

Rudgate Blvd., Toledo, OH 43623,

Robbi Ruth Peterson (Carl), KP, 45788 419/882-1572
Drexel Rd., Canton, Ml 48187,
313/455-5963 Sandra Graham;. AT, 201 Edna St., Poland, .
O H 44514

II-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Joyce Murdock Leff - Cincinnati, Cleveland' East, Cleveland West;. Columbus, Youngstown.
Charlene Brown Potter - Ann Arbor, Dayton, Dearborn, Detroit North Suburban, Macomb County, Toledo.
Lynne Radtke - Grand Rapids; Madison, Milwaukee.
Sandra Mauge Sklenar-r Mihneapblis/St. P,aul.



Vice President: Nancy Bettis (Charles), 0, 7709 Bennington Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919. Telephone: 615/693-1514
Extension Officer: Sally Muck Drea. (Harold), XA, 4311 Crystal Lake Dr., No, 303, Pompano Beach, FL 33064. Telephone: .305/781-4602
Finance Officer: Mary Rawlings Reese, TA, 3202-B Post Woods Dr., NW, Atlanta, GA 30339. Telephone: 404/955-2500
Rush Coordinator: Deb Strickland, AK, 709 Gum Ave., Russellville, AL 35653. Telephone: 205/332-3336

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Delta Ann Capps, University of Alabama, P.O. Box
University of Carolyn Diener, BA, 1164 Norths Carolyn Ann Sweeny, TO, S3 N.
Alabama 2407, University, AL 35486, 205/348-4920 wood Lake, Northport, AL Belvedere, Apt. No. 3, Memphis, TN
Alpha Kappa 35401, 205/339-9726 38104, 901/726-4239
University of Mary Louise Barnes, UNA, Box 5516, Florence
North Alabama - AL 35630,205/766-4100 Susan Melinda-French, AK, Carolyn Ann Sweeny
Delta Delta
Auburn University Alice Samples, Auburn University, AOII Box, Chateau Orleans, Apt. 4, Muscle
Dorm C, Auburn, AL 36849; 205/887-9615
Delta Phi Shoals, AL 35660, 205/767-2135
University of Lynne Taylor, USC, P.O. Box 80i72,
South Carolina Columbia, SC 29225, 803/777-5038 Patsy Faulk Vincent (Don) AA, 308 Sandra Johnson Dowell, TA, 240 21st

Delta Upsilon Susan Gold, Duke University, Box 5225, Duke Tullahoma Dr., Auburn, AL Ave., Apt. No. 4, Birmingham, AL
Duke University Station, Durham, NC 27706,919/684-0343
36830 35205, 205/328-2051
Gamma Delta Kim Graham, 705 Spring Station Rd., Mobile,
University of AL 36609 Sue Mattern (William), XA, 2429 Nancy Perry Bowers (Robert), NO,
South Alabama Rosewood Ct., Chapel Hill, N C 729 Summerly Dr., Nashville, T N
Cheryl Cafr, 819 W. Panhellenic Dr., 27514, 919/;9*2-430:8< 37209, 6151352-8174
Gamma Omicron Gainesville, FL 32601, 904/373-4550
University of Margaret Hook, NB, 2660 Ralston Sandra Johnson Dowell
Florida Pat Topley, GSU, University Plaza, P.O. Box Rd., Mobile, AL 36606,
540, Atlanta, GA 30303, 404/659-1743 205/478-8904
Gamma Sigma
Georgia State Amy Quist, FSC, P.O. Box 4868, Lakeland, FL Susan Baley Adair (Jim), TO, 7 S.W. Linda Ekberg Blau (Arthur), fl, 7913
University 33802, 813/683-5521 Ext. 455 23rd St., Gainsville, FL 32601, Venetian St., Miramar, FL 33023,
904/377-513? , 305X983-6381
Kappa Gamma Beth Bruce, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN
Florida Southern T N 38112, 901/458-5669 Lucy Hawes (Charles), AX, 16 Linda Ekberg Blau
College Hager Dr., Riverdale, GA 30274,
Jennifer Bullock, LaGrange College, P.O. Box 404/471^8296
Kappa Omicron 158, LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/884-2943
Southwestern Debbie Sims (Roger), K r , 92 Lake Linda Ekberg Blau
at Memphis Julie Rhodes, 1190 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Wire. Dr., Lakeland, FL 33801,
GA 30605, 404/548-6402 813/682-1161
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College Kristie King, University of Mississippi, P.O. Barbara Ashcroft, KO, 1726 Patricia Keister Lewis (Greg), NB, 207
Box 7987, University, MS 38677, Morley Place, No. 1, Memphis N. Sequoia Blvd., Florence, AL
Lambda Sigma 601/234-2718 TN 38111„?01/744-7666 35630, 205/766-5057
University of
Georgia Nina Martin, 2415 Kensington Place, Linder Snider (Ed), AK, 201 N. Lucy Hendren Hawes (Charles), AX,
Nashville, TN 37212, 615/329-3760
Nu Beta Lewis St., LaGrange, GA 30240, 16 Hager Dr., Riverdale, GA 30274,
University of Lee Warren, Lambuth College, Box 277, 404/471-8296
Mississippi Jackson, TN 38301, 901/422-4963 404/884-2552

Nu Omicron Sheree Hartman, 1531 W. Cumberland Ave., Claire Pease, A2, Rt. 1, Box 135, Lucy Hendren Hawes
Vanderbilt Knoxville, TN 37916, 615/974-5720 Cleveland Rd., Bogart, GA 30622,
University 404/353-7693
Janet Lenz, Huntingdon College, Box 58,
Omega Omicron Montgomery, AL 36106, 205/265-0840 Debely Fenstermaker (Van), Afl, Carolyn Ann Sweeny
Lambuth College 403 S. 5th, Oxford, MS 38655,
Debbie Gonia, BSC, Box A-56, Birmingham, 601/236-1904
Omicron AL 35204, 205/322-6417
University of Susan Sturrup, NO, 1900 Rose- Sandra Johnson Dowell
Tennessee Jennifer Smith, UTM, Box 126, Martin, TN wood Ave., Apt. B-5, Nashville,
38238, 901/587-6817 TN 37212, 615/297-0378
Sigma Delta
Huntingdon College Sandra Skellie, 805 Johnston St., Greenville, Lynn McAlister Wills, 16A Patricia Keister Lewis
NC 27834, 919/758-4290 Willa Drive, Jackson, TN 38301
Tau Delta 901-422-6148
Birmingham Southern
College Nancy Mills (Jack), 0, 3543 Iskagna Nancy Perry Bowers
Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919,
Tau Omicron 615(522-8508
University of
Tennessee-Martin Ann Ingram, £A, 1267 Huie St., Lucy Hendren Hawes
Prattville, AL 36067,
Zeta Psi 205/365-6298
East Carolina
University Janice Ingram (Dick), TA, 808 Nancy Perry Bowers

16 11th St., Pleasant Grove, AL

35127, 205/744-9333 .

Kaneal Gay, TO, University Courts, Patricia Keister-Lewis
No. L-12, Martin, TN 38237,

Marsha TyndaU (Carl), Z * , 404 „ June berry Hodge (H.E.), 2, 5601
Elizabeth, Greenville, NC 27834, Windy Ridge Dr., NE, Atlanta, GA
919/752-1253 30342, 404/252-3104

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Athens Jacksonville
Patti Connell McWhorter (Ted), AS, 390 Valerie Holmes (Chris), TO, 3907 Gadsden
Atlanta Milledge Terrace, Athens, GA 30605, Knoxville Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32207
Atlanta 404/546-5545 Lakeland Area
Tri County Martin Debbie Diddle (John), O, 1221 Brook Green
Birmingham Zadie Scott (J.H.), M, 555 Sherrell D r . , N E , Memphis Rd., Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/588-2391
Altanta, GA 30342, 404/252-1304 Mobile
Broward County Montgomery Pamela O s t h o f f , , 4327 Lisa Ave., Lakeland,
Charlotte, NC L y n n Wheeler, PX, 624 C u m b e r l a n d Rd., N E , Nashville FL 33803
Chattanooga Atlanta, G A 30306, 404/876-1531 Orlando-
Winter Park Kaneal Gay, TO, University Courts L-12,
Columbus, GA Fran Robertson (Charles E.), AA, 127 West Shoals Area Martin, T N 38237, 901/587-7024
Glenwood Dr., Birmingham, A L 35209,
Greater Pensacola 205/879-4425 Tallahassee Gail Cook, KO, 6555 Westminister, Memphis,
Triangle T N 38138,901/683-7424
Greater Pinellas Carol Kohn (Anthony), AH, 1907 North 35th
Ave., Hollywood, FL 33021, 305/963-7639 Tuscaloosa Sue Banks (Don), AA, 3000 Demetropolis Rd.,
Huntsville West Palm Mobile, A L 36609, 205/666-1287
Jackson Joyce Rosemary Allen (Melvin), 0, 3513 Beach
Highview Rd., Charlotte, NC 28210 B.J. Gordon, (H.S., III), AA, 3163 Knights
Bridge Curve, Montgomery, AL 36111
Carolyn Fox (Charles), O n , 1264 M t . Brook
Cr., Signal Mountain, T N 37377, Pam M c H u g h , NB, 6022 Sherwood Dr.,
615/886-5546 Nashville, T N 37215, 615/373-9238

Darlene B. Williamson, HO, 6730 Charter Sally Gies (Larry), B * , 1840 Huron Trail,
Oaks Cr., Columbus, GA 31904, Maitland, FL 32751, 305/628-0921
Patricia Keister Lewis (Gregory), NB, 207 N .
Elizabeth Prochaska, Jr. (Otto), AB, 332 Sequoia Blvd., Florence, A L 35630,
Valencia St., Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 205/766-5057
M a x i n e M i t c h e l l (J.W.), B<t>, 212 Cactus St.,
Marion Grassmuck Clouse (Stephen), X, 1530 Tallahassee, FL 32304, 004/575-1384
86th Ave., N . , St. Petersburg, FL 33702,
813/577-0861 Janelle Haseman (Joe), KO, 2408
Ferguson Rd., Raleigh, N C 27612,
Pat Abel Lowery (Richard), KA, 10014 Conrad 919/781-4265
Dr., Huntsville, AL 35603, 205/881-1194
Joy McNees Lambert (Buford), A A, 20
Clarentina Hamilton (Howard), (10, 9 Joyce Academy Dr., Tuscaloosa, A L 35406
Dr., Jackson, T N 38301
Helen Lawton Zientek (Chester), KT, 2070
Pleasant Dr., Juno, FL 33708, 305/626-2475

III - Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Linda Ekberg Blau-Atlanta Tri-County, Lakeland, West Palm Beach.
Nancy Perry Bowers-Knoxville, Birmingham, Triangle, Greater Pensacola, Jackson
Lucy Hendren Hawes-Atlanta, Montgomery, Athens, Columbus, Macon.
Sandra Johnson Dowell-Nashville, Mobile, Chattanooga.
June Derry Hodge-Tallahassee, Broward County Orlando-Winter Park, Charlotte, N C .
Patricia Keister Lewis-Memphis, Jackson, Martin, Huntsville.
Carolyn Ann Sweeney-Shoals Area, Greater Pinellas, Tuscaloosa.


Vice President: Nancy A n d e r s o n Clark (Jack), P, 1207 West H a v e n D r . , A r l i n g t o n Heights, IL 60005, Telephone: 312/392-1936
Extension Officer: Dea Abbott Beck (James), XA, 10922 Williamsburg Ct., N e w b u r g h , I N 47630. Telephone: 812/853-9194
Finance Officer: M a r y M c C a m m o n Williams (Robert), * , 1113 East M o n r o e , Bloomington, IL 61701. Telephone: 309/829-3656
Rush Coordinator: Jane H a m b l i n , <t>T, 918F M a x w e l l Terrace Apts., M a x w e l l Lane, B l o o m i n g t o n , I N 47401. Telephone: 812/332-0683

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Chi Shawn McCullough, WKU, College Heights,
Western Kentucky Rachel Smith Allen (Neil), AX, 459 Karen Fiddelke Towell (David), AX,
University P.O. Box 291, Bowling Green, K Y 42101 Brentmoor Dr., Bowling Green, 1551 Chestnut, Bowling Green, KY
502/748-2620 KY 42101, 502/843-8570 42101, 502/843-1231
Beta Chi Diana M o t t , 2411 Duke D r i v e , A p t . 9.
Kentucky Wesleyan Owensboro, KY 42301, 502/683-0445 Marian Hutchinson (Mark), Afl, T o n i Reitz, X A , 521 S.
College RR No. 1, Box 362A, Philpot, Runnymeade, Evansville, IN 47714,
Lori Roselli, 1314 N . Fell Ave., Bloomington, KY 42366, 502/281-5948 812/477-0005
Beta Lambda IL 61701, 309/829-1890
Illinois Wesleyan Betty Smith (Timothy), 708 laa Jeanne Hays C r i o n i n (Larry), BA, 21 S.
University Elaine Luebbe, 901 E. 10th St., B l o o m i n g t o n , Drive, Bloomington, IL 61701, Illinois, Villa Park. II sOiOl,
IN 47401, 812/332-7296 309/662-5053 312/279-1057
Beta Phi
Indiana Sharon Miller, A O I I Suite, 400 S. R o t h e r w o o d , Rita Conray Hurtt (Barry),. KA, Lynn Stouse Redmon (Thomas), KK,
University Box 80, Evansville, I N 47714, 812/477-6838 3611 Bainbridge Dr., Blooming- 1709 Carlsbad Dr., Lafayette, I N
ton, IN 47401, 812/332-0671 47905, 317/447-2984
Chi Lambda Lisa K . Slater, M S U , Box 2399, University
University of Station, Murray, KY 42071,502/753-9174 Virginia Meyer Kreke (Kenneth), Liz Romine Coffey (William), XA,
Evansville XA, 8344 Angel Dr., Newburgh, 7754 N . Whittier PL, Indianapolis,
M a r y Carol N o v a k , 706 S. M a t h e w s , Urbana, IN 47630, 812/853-8555 IN 46250, 317/849-3030
Delta Omega IL 61801, 217/344-0136
Murray State Ellen White Harrell (Ken), KO, Toni Reitz
University Box 3026, University Station,
Murray, KY 42071,
Iota 502/753-1642
University of
Illinois Faye Valbert (Paul), BA, 1720 Jeanne Hays Crippin
Lincoln Rd., Champaign, IL
61820, 217/359-3623


Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Jeanine Kimmerle, ISU, Lincoln Quad, Suite
Kappa Alpha Jo A n n Bonn Gibbons (Paul), K A , Lyhn/Stouse Redmon
Indiana State 122, Terra Haute, IN 47809,812/232-1051 35 Gardendale Rd., Terra Haute,
University IN 47803,812/877-2279
Judy Flora, BSU, P.O. Box 219, Student
Kappa Kappa Center, Muricie, IN 47306, 317/285-4416 Mary Lou Niedenthal Huber Ann Gilchrist (R. Kieth), 0, 5613 Sky-
Ball State
University Anne Mahon, 918 Kimberly, Dekalb, IL . (William), KK, 2000 W. Jackson, ridge Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46250,
60115, 815/758-5332
Nu. lota Muncie, IN 47303, 317/288-3100 317/849-6142
Northern Illinois Elizabeth Blakeslee, M S U , U P O 1284,
University Morehead, K Y 40351,606(783-3525 Mary Diaz (Angel), IIK, 1548 Jane Karasick. (Bernard), * T , Mare
Timberwood Ct., Sycamore, IL Barn Lane, Wayne, IL. 60184,
Omega Xi Peggy Youtz, A0II, House, Hanover College, 60178, 815/895-6667 312/584-5055
Morehead State Hanover, I N 47243,812/866^2151, Ext. 278
University Dr. Diane Ris, OX, 39? Bays Ave., Karen Fiddelke Towell
Jan Brutcher, 1001 David Ross Rd., West Morehead1, K Y 40351,
Phi Omicron Lafayette, IN 47906, 317/463-9566 606/784-4862
Hanover College
Diane Mellon, 901 West Carroll, Macomb, Katie Forness, * T , 2213.Michigan Lynn Stouse Redmon
Phi Upsilon IL 61455, 309/837-4002 Rd. No. 6, Madison, I N
Purdue 47250
Karen Blank (Richard), * T , 4606 Liz Romine Coffey
Sigma Iota Marimar Dr., Lafayette, IN
Western Illinois 47905, 317/589-8153

June Lowman Conley (James), S I , Jeanne Hays Crippin
16 Briarbrook, E . , Macomb, I L
61455, 309/837-9020

Alumnae Chapter President Mumnae Chapter President
Blbomington Kentuckiana
Shirley Keith (John), B * , 3125 Snoddy Rd., Mary Bryant (William), A H , 2113 Maryland
Bloomington, IN 47401, 812/332-6515 Ave., Louisville, K Y 40205, 502/458-1202

Bloomington- Patricia Carman (Richard), NO, 2901 Kokomo Barbara Graves (Mark), * 0 , 102 Breezy
Normal Kingsbury Ct,, Bloomington, IL 61701, Layfayette Lane, Kokomo, IN 46901, 317/457-2614
309/663-1498 Lake County
Bowling Green Lexington Dianne Hill (Charles), * T , 4430 State Rd.,
Judith Bryant McGinnis (Bill), AX, C202 Muncie 25 N., Lafayette, IN 47905, 317/589-8321
Champaign- Carriage Hill Apts., 1225 College St., Rockford
Urbana Bowling Green, K Y 42101 Barbara R. K u z m a n , B<t>, 2809 W. 130th,
Chicago- South Bend Crown Point, IN 46307, 219/769-6818
Beverly Hills Linda Frank (Ted), NI, 2513 Stanford Dr., Springfield
Chicago- Champaign, IL 61820, 217/359-5125 Terre Haute Janet Brown, HH, 2150 Richmond Rd., No. 87
North Shore • Lexington, K Y 40502, 606/269-5937
Chicago-West Joanne Macander, 11,1580 Woodbridge St.,
Suburban Harvey, IL 60426, 312/333-4369 Nancy Campbell (Larry), K K , 69 Cherrywood
Lane, Muncie, IN 47302, 317/284-2001
Evansville Joanne Zolomij (Robert), E A , 3205 Hartzell
Tri-State St., Evanston, IL 60201, 312/869-6845 Wanda King Sabien (Leo), I, 6530
Fort Wayne Cunningham Rd., Rockford, IL 61102,
Linda Dell Luxem (William), BA, 8215 815/963-0588
Indianapolis Garfield, Burr Ridge, IL 60521,
312/887-1273 Linda Russell (J=D.), , 716 Patterson,
South Bend, IN 44615
Jane Bernhardt (Richard), XA, P.O. Box 116,
Elberfield, IN 47613, 812/983-6966 Leslie Leach, S I , 22 Somerset, R R No. 3,
Sherman, IL 62684
Susan Sheetz (Larry), K K , 4714 Williams-
burg Ct., Ft. Wayne, IN 46804, Dr. Marilyn Lee Faris, 8, 1810
219/432-8058 North 7th St., terra Haute,

Dee Ehmke, BA, 5607 Scarlet Dr., IN 47804, 812/232-1905
Indianapolis, IN 46224, 317/293-0111

IV-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters

Liz Romine Coffey-Evansville Tri-State, Indianapolis, Lafayette.

Jeanne Hays Crippin-Bloomington-Normal, Champaign-Urbana, Springfield.
Ann Gilchrist-Fort Wayne, Kokomo, Muncie, South Bend.

Jane Karasick-Chicagb Area Council, ChicagorBeverly Hills, Chicago-North Shore, Chicago-Northwest Suburban, Chicago West Suburban, Lake County, Rockford.
. Lynn Stouse Redmon-Bloomington, Terre Haute.
Toni Reitz-Kentuckiana, Owensboro.
Karen Fiddelke Towell-Bowling Green, Lexington.


Vice-president: Virginia Zenishek Struble (William), * , 2330 S.E. Alamar Rd., Topeka, K S 66605. Telephone: 913/233,0842
Extension Officer: Jayhe Hager Dee (Eric), 12, 106 3rd St., N E , State Center, IA 50247. Telephone: 515/483-2576
Finance Officer: Sara Kirkman Welsh (Don), Z, 13577 Shirley, Omaha, NE 68144. Telephone: 402/333-9628
Rush Coordinator: Charlene Meyer (Lloyd), Z, 11475 Frances, Omaha, NE 68144. Telephone: 402/334-9030

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Lori Swanson, Coe College, Box 554, Cedar
Alpha Theta Joan Ackerman, , Coe College, Susan Dunlap Schmidt (David), I S ,
Coe, College Rapids, IA 52402, 319/399-8410 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 R R No. 3, Box 183, Iowa City, LA
52240, 319/683-2610
Delta Pi Kelly Weight, Central Missouri State
Central Missouri University, A211A Panhellenic Hall, Jan Rhodes, AIL 323-A King St., Shelley Ann Schleselman, All, 12817
State "University Warrensburg, M O 64093, 816/747-3235 .Warrensburg, MO 64093, 13th St., Apt. 53, Grandview, M O
Iota Sigma Sara Warman, 2007 Greeley, Ames, IA 64030, 816/966-9304
Iowa State 50010, 515/292-3993
University Karen White Shirk (Robert), IS, Susan Dunlap Schmidt
Gayle Burgess, NMSU, 105 Roberta Hall, 2854 Monroe Dr., Ames, IA
Lambda Omega Maryviile, M O 64468 50010, 515/232-7903
Northwest Missouri
State University Diane Widger, All, 912 N. Walnut, Charlene Hametz Meyer (Lloyd), Z,

No. 19, Maryviile, MO 64468, 11475 Frances, Omaha, N E 68144,

816/582-8296 402/334-9030


Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Phi Leanne Mebust, c/o M r s . James Bondurant, Patricia Bondurant (James), A H , Shelley Ann Schleselman
University of 3021 Sagebrush, Lawrence, KS 66044 3021 Sagebrush, Lawrence, KS
Kansas 66044, 913/841-6740

Phi Sigma Kay Provorse, Kearney State College, AOII Jeanne Deyle Blausey , Charlene Hametz Meyer
Kearney State House, C o n r a d Hall N o . 112, Kearney, NE <t>S, 3702 Ave. M , Kearney, NE
College 68847, 308/236-4050 68847, 308/234-3659

Theta Chi Jeanine Jorgenson, 3823 Garretson Ave., Brenda Washburn (Ron), «X, Susan Dunlap Schmidt
Morningside Sioux City, IA 51106, 712/277-5603 2522 S. Cornelia, Sioux C i t y
College IA 51106, 712/276-9547

Zeta Pam Rosenau, 1541 "S" St., Lincoln, N E M a r y Jane Bruce, Z, 4307 F. Charlene Hametz Meyer
University of 68508, 402/474-9238 Street, Lincoln, NE 68510,

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President

Ames Eileen M u f f (Don), Z, 1312 Scott Cr., Ames, Lincoln Suzanne M c G a n n (John), Z, 4801 Goldenrod
1A 50010 Lane, Lincoln, NE 68512

Columbia- Diane Poole Sprenger (Gary), TA, 1802 Maryville C h r i s t i n e H o u g h t o n (Ben), A l l , 300
Jefferson City Juniper Dr., Columbia, M O 65201, Omaha M a t t h e w s Lane, Box 486, Gower, M O
314/443-8416 64454, 816/424-6248
Des Moines
Jo L y n n Jenkins Baltzley (Rod), IS, 4117 Rebecca T o r r e n s , <P£, 15111 Westchester
C l i n t o n , Des Moines, I A 50310, Cr., Omaha, NE 68154, 402/334-5669

Greater Kansas Jean Harper Kraus (Richard), A l l , 9412 Saint Louis Barbara Frey Scott, A l l , 7821 Parkwood D r . ,
City Sycamore, Kansas City, M O 64138, Topeka St. Louis, M O 63123, 314/631-3894
Kearney Melinda Sears Oberhelman (Richard), A l l ,
Peggy Nabity (Steve), <t>S, 3112 G r a n d Ave., 5412 Sena, Topeka, KS 66604,
Kearney, NE 68847, 308/236-6114

V-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Charlene Hametz Meyer-Kearney, Lincoln, Maryville, Omaha.

Shelley A n n Schleselman--Columbia-Jefferson C i t y , Greater Kansas C i t y , St. Louis, Topeka.

Susan Dunlap Schmidt-A mes, Des Moines.


Vice President: Audrey Hoenshell Humason (Harlan), T, 14548 Edgewater Ln., NE, Seattle, WA 98155. Telephone: 206/363-0151
Extension Officer: Mary Daly Enwall (Robert), IA, 4512 West Shawnee Ave., Spokane, W A 99208. Telephone: 509/466-1314
Finance Officer: Pamela Davenport H o w a r d (Kent), T, 17814 N.E. 8th Place, Bellevue, W A 98008. Telephone: 206/747-8504
Rush Coordinator: Darci Sullivan D u f f y (James), AS, 4570 S.W. M u r r a y , No. 50, Beaverton, OR 97005. Telephone: 503/644-5209

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Gamma Cheri Kircher, NE 820 Campus, Pullman, Polly Craine (Lloyd), Z, N.W. 236 Norma Loye Longmire (Thomas H.),
Washington State WA 99163, 509/335-8502 Timothy, Pullman, W A 99163, KP, 5615 Mohawk Dr., Spokane,
University 509/332-6673 W A 99206, 509/922-2466

Alpha Phi Patty M c D o n n e l l 1 1 1 9 S. F i f t h A v e . , M a r y Jane Griffanti (Ernest), Mary Palffy, A * , 1105 Durston Rd.,
Montana State Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/587-0691 2904 Colter, Bozeman, M T Bozeman, M T 59715,406/586-2144
University 59715, 406/586-5231

Alpha Rho Peggy Newell, 2435 N.W. Harrison, Corvallis, Ruth Gillmore Baines (John), AP, Mary O. Barnes Haller (Allen), AP,
Oregon State OR 97330, 503/757-1552 204 N W 27th, Corvallis, O R 22315 6th Ave., S., No. 401, Des
University 97330, 503/752-2968 Moines, W A 98188, 206/824-7377

Alpha Sigma Margie Zink, 1680 Alder St., Eugene, O R Constance Fullmer Hixson (Lester), Mary Barnes Haller
University of 97401, 503/686-4691 AS, 1532 Russett Dr., Eugene,
Oregon O R 97401, 503/345-9991

Beta Kappa Tonni Hellenes, Uni. O f British Columbia, Judit Putti Spence (Kerry), B K , Mary Barnes Haller
University of Panhellenic House, N o . 10 - 6478 N . W . 4128 Virginia Crescent, N. 3Z6,
British Columbia Marine Dr., Vancouver, BC, Canada Vancouver, B C , Canada V7R
V6T 1A5 604/980-5154
Beta Rho
University of Diane Mudd, 220 Daly, Missoula, M T 59801 Susan Squires Lucas (Tom), SA, Norma Loye Longmire
Montana 406/728-2151 3008 Bancroft, Missoula, M T
59801, 406/728-8291
Beta Sigma Christine Ripley, Boise State University,
Boise State AOII House, 1906 Potter Street, Boise, S h a n n o n P h i l l i p s ( R u s s ) , AX, 701 Mary Palffy
University ID 83706 Warren, Boise, I D 83706,

Iota Alpha Tamara Dutton, ISU, Box 8801, Pocatello, I D Joyce Sokel, IA, 2101 Marigold Mary Palffy
Idaho State 83209, 208/236-3504 No. 7, Pocatello, I D 83201,
University 208/237-0486

Upsilon Regina Hauser, 1906 NE 45th, Seattle, W A Kathleen Oliver Busch (Bruce), T, Norma Loye Longmire
University of 98105, 206/524-4O69 5700 29th N E , Seattle, W A
Washington 98105, 206/522-1239

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Carol Bray Henderson (Bill), 0 f l , 2995 Golden Portland Elizabeth Corlett, PS, 1724 N E 48th Ave.,
Poca tello Ct. H i l l , Missoula, M T 59801 Pullman Portland, OR 97213, 503/284-2771
Marianna Beers (Kenneth), B, 3595 Johnny S u s a n D a i g e r S c h e l l ( G a r y ) , AF, S E 9 1 5
Creek Rd., Pocatello, I D 83201, Vancouver, B C
208/233-0684 Skylark, P u l l m a n , W A 99163,509/332-4923

VI-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters: A n n Beardsley (Cordy), T, 2430 136th Place,

Norma Loye Longmire-Missoula, Pullman, Seattle. S W , A l d e r w o o d M a n o r , W A 98036,
Mary Palffy-Pocatello.
Mary Barnes Haller-Portland, Vancouver, BC. 206/742-2368

Judit Putti Spence (Kerry), B K , 4128
Virginia Ct., N. Vancouver, B C , Canada
V 7 R 3Z6, 604/980-5154



Vice President: Melanie Nixon Doyle (Edgar), AZ, 2624 Arkansas Valley Dr., Little Rock, A R 72212. Telephone: 501/225-8427
Extension Officer: Barbara O w e n s K r a m e r (Raymond), B«t>, 7516 C h a t t i n g t o n D r . , Dallas, T X 75240. Telephone: 214(233-6495
Finance Officer: Pamela Hathcock DeZevallos (Edward), NO, 12020 Naughton Dr., Houston, T X 77024. Telephone: 713/467-8560
Rush Coordinator: Cynthia Walker, AA, 5801 Preston Oaks Rd., No. 1906, Dallas, f X 75240. Telephone: 214/385-1455

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Omicron c/o L S U , P.O. Box 16990-A,
Louisiana State Martha Mouk (George), AT, Route Susan Bloxham, AT, 1238 Peavy,'
University Baton Rouge, L A 70893, 504/387-4294
Delta Beta 5, Box 925, Denham Springs, L A No. 117, Dallas, T X 75218,
University of Susan Pauli, University of Southwestern
Southwestern Louisiana, Box 42130, Lafayette, L A 71726, 504/664-8328 214/324-3926
Louisiana 70504, 318/233-0134
Kappa Tau Susan Bloxham
Southeastern Margaret Heroman, SLU, P.O. Box 948,
Louisiana Hammond, L A 70402, 504/549-3680 Elaine Spell Welsh (Tom), KT, 1211 Frankie Frazier Roberts (Lloyd), NB,
Lambda Tau Greta Waller, NLU, P.O. Box 4556, Monroe, Magnolia, Hammond, L A 70401, 3705 Vicki Dr., Jonesboro, A R
Northeastern L A . 71209, 318-'342-3617
Louisiana 504/542-0944 72401, 501/935-1875
University Rebecca Cooper, Arkansas State University,
Sigma Omicron P.O. Box 928, State University, A R 72467, Judy Nicholson (Tom), AB, 1001 Frankie Frazier Roberts
Arkansas State 501/972-2182 - McKeen Place, Apt. 1401,
Upsilon Lambda Prisilla Ingle, 2326 Texas Ave., San Antonio, Monroe, L A 71201, 318/323-5235
University of TX 78228, 512/432-7607
TexasrSan Antonio Carolyn Swindle W y a t t (Thad), SO, Jane Kenner H o f f m a n Games), K A ,
Alumnae Chapter Virginia A n n Jennings Hildebrandt (Gary), 1812 Eldridge, Jonesboro, A R 8911 Lea trice Dr.-, L i t t l e Rock, A R
• K , 14i3 Woodway Dr., Hurst, T X 76053, 72401,501/935-1155 72207,501/225-0796
Austin 817/284-3221
Minette Naquin, I I K , 2109 Glendale Place, Marie Louise Dieu Cooper Jane Kenner Hoffman
Baton Rouge Austin, T X 78704, 512/447-5679' (William) U K , 6030 Forest
Martha M o u k (George), AT, Rt. 5, Box 925, Ridge, San Antonio, T X 78240,
Beaumont Denham Springs, LA 70726, 504/664-8328 512/684-5188
Dorothy Smith (Sam,p.), IIK, 5680 North
Dallas Circuit Dr., Beaumont, T X 77706, Alumnae Chapter President
713/892-9487 Little Rock
Fort Worth Gloria C.Jay, IIK, 312 Fall Creek, Richardson, Bonnie Dineen (Daniel), NI, 6 Sugar Creek
TX 7SQS0, 214/234-2196 iMonroe St., N o r t h Little Rock, A R 72116,
Greater • Numa Ablowich Surgeon (Edward), NK, 3717 New Orleans 501/758-2231
Lafayette Overton Park, E., Ft. Worth, T X 76109,
817/923-8003 Northwest Carol Baker Robinson (Oscar), AT, 2209
Hammond : M a r y Toce (W. Oran), AB, 421 K i m D r . , Arkansas Emerson, Monroe, L A 71201, 318/325-0304
Lafayette, L A 70503, 318/984-6570 Oklahoma City
Houston Marie McLellan (James), K T , N o . 10 Geri San Antonio Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre (Henri), n. No. 88
Jonesboro Court, Jefferson, L A 70121, 504/837-3554 Dream Ct., Metairie, LA 70001,
Debbie Bando, AO, 2601 Augusta St., Unit 13; Shreveport 504/833-8300
Houston, TX- 77057, 713/789-6515
Barbara Jenkins (Jim), 2 0 , 901 N . Caraway, Tulsa M a r t h a K a t h a r i n e T a y l o r (John), T, RR 1,
Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-8124 Box 112, Fayetteville, A R 72701,

Paige Finnigan (Rick), TO, 2617 N . Markwell,
Bethany, O K 73008, 405/787-0728

. Joyce M c l n t y r e McDonald (Robert), UK, 7914
Creek Trail, San Antonio, TX 78250,

Nancy Bozeman Cimino, AT, 910 Captain
Shreve, Shreveport, L A 71105

C a r o l B a r r o w ( N o r m a n ) , K 0 , 6 0 1 0 S. 75th St.,
E., Tulsa, O K 74145, 918/627,5267

VII-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Jane Kenner H o f f m a n - A r l i n g t o n , Beaumont, Dallas, Fort W o r t h , Jonesboro, N o r t h w e s t Arkansas*. Oklahoma C i t y , San A n t o n i o , Tulsa.
Frankie Frazier Roberts-Baton Rouge, Hammond, Little Rock, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport.
Susan Bloxham-Austin, Houston, Lafayette.



Vice President: Robin Lee Beltramini (Richard), I, 5924 S. Stanley Place, Tempe, A Z 85283. Telephone: 602/838-7475
Extension Officer: Crystal Paine Compese (Joseph), XA, 23063 Baltar, Canoga Park, C A 91304, Telephone: 213/884-9914
Finance Officer: Nancy Schlosser Batsford (Sterling), A S , 11 Raymond Court, San Carlos, C A 94070. Telephone: 415/368-2418
Rush Coordinator: Jeanine Dugan, AI, 22151 Cosada, Mission Viejo, C A 92675. Telephone: 714/837-4257

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Nancy Madsen, 203 First Street, Davis, C A
Chi Alpha Laurie Shahbaz, , 130 Navajo Leah Hardcastle MacNeil (Neil), AS,
University of 95616, 916/756-5572 Ct., Vacaville, C A 95688 7033 Hemlock, Oakland, C A 94611,
California-Davis 415/339-0312
Pam Guy, 1015 15th St., Boulder, C O 80302,
Chi Delta 303/443-0546 Anne Clark, S A , 1241 Pennsylvania lanice Gyger Pope (Cliff), (-Ml, 8090
University of
Colorado Sara Swee, 3980 East 8th St., Long Beach, C A St., No. 5, Denver, C O 80203, Allison Place, Arvada, C O 80005,
90804, 213/433-9592
Lambda Beta 303/832-4098 303/423-4870
California State Sian Lozano Hornby, 3935 Miramar Rd.,
University-Long Beach Lajolla, C A 92037 Barbara Karmer Rhinehart Phyllis Casteel Gilson (Stanley), S<t>,
18000 Collins, Encino, C A 91316,
Lambda Iota Phyllis Austin, 647 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, 213/344-9275
University of C A 90007, 213/746-8426
California-San Diego Ann Ballweg, XA, 6476 Friars
Linda Gammage, 2311 Prospect, Berkeley, Rd., No. 112, San Diego, C A
Nu Lambda CA 94704, 415/845-9279 92108
University of
Southern California Melissa Woods, 9950Zelzah Ave., Northridge, Debbie Samuelian, NA, 385 Copade Leah Hardcastle MacNeil
CA 91324, 213/885-9787 Oro Rd., Los Angeles, C A 90024.
University of Stacy Rosebrough, N A U , C . U . Box 7617, 213/472-7920
California-Berkeley Flagstaff, A Z 86011, 602/523-2917
Carol L. Rice, 2, 134
Sigma Phi Debbie Thomas, 1731 E. 2nd Street, Tucson, Journey's End, Walnut Creek,
California State A Z 85719, 602/795-9570 C A 94595
Lillian Palmer Baker (Richard), <->X, Phyllis Casteel Gilson
Theta Omega 1508 N. Aztec, Flagstaff,
Northern Arizona AZ 86001, 602/774-3659
Suzanne Levitz Payton (Ronald), Phyllis Casteel Gilson
Upsilon Alpha TA, 2701 E. Windsor, Tucson,
University of AZ 85716, 602/881-7997

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Amador-Livermore Palo Alto
Valley Juanita Sakajian Haugen (Gilbert), NA, 3845 Pasadena Janis Nelson (Peter), TA, 42 San )uan Ct., Los
Denver Pinot Ct., Pleasanton, C A 94566 Altos, C A 94025, 415/948-6583
Diablo Valley Phoenix
East Bay Amy Rice Young (Eric), XA, 5805 E . Mexico Riverside Janie Little Steckenrider (Troy), I, 501 W.
Glendale Ave., Denver, C O 80224, 303/757-6972 Coolidge, San Gabriel, C A 91775,
Sacramento 213/282-2979
Hawaii Helen Bolstad (James), <t>A, P . O . Box 1164,
Las Vegas Lafayette, C A 94549, 415/939-2849 San Diego Janie Norris, (-Ml, 6827 N. 14th Place, Phoenix,
Long Beach AZ 85014, 602/274-9444
Los Angeles Judy Blakely (Donald), Oil, 752 Longridge Rd., San Fernando
Oakland, C A 94610,415/444-1459 Valley Colleen Hise Munson, All, 8040 Magnolia
Marin County San Jose Ave., No. 5, Riverside, C A 92504,
Helga S. Maxwell, NA, 611 N. Howard, San Mateo 714/687-0618
Monterey Apt. 319, La Canada Flintridge, C A 91011,
213/790-2148 South Bay- Beverly Bauerman (Bruce), , 1376 San
Northern Orange Palos Verdes Clemente Way, Sacramento, C A 95823,
County Ann Burr (Timothy), FT, 407 Iliaina St., Southern Orange 916/428-8016
Kailua, HI 96734, 808/254-3905 County
Reba Shannon Traber (Arthur), T, 12007
Carol Gardner, 8Q, 220A Brookside Lane, Bajada Rd., San Diego, C A 92128,
Las Vegas, NV 89107 714/487-0408

Laureen Paisley, AB, 1770 Ximeno No. 316, Lynn Dickinson (Stephen), S<1>, 4059
Long Beach, C A 90815, 213/498-7170 Michael Ave., Los Angeles, C A 90066,
Cynthia Dickranian Norian (Ken), K B , 260 S.
Peck Dr., Beverly Hills, C A 90212, Jean King Brown (Lyle), AT, 5152 Rarton Dr.,
213/277-4490 San Jose, C A 95124, 408/266-3095

Mary A n n Hobbs (Gregory), EA, 1 San Rafail Barbara O'Brien (William), A S , 221 St.
Ave., Belvedere, C A 94920, 415/435-9959 Francis Blvd., Daly City, C A 94015,
Rosamond Castle (Maurice), S, 2429 San
Antonio Ave., Carmel, C A 93923, Donna Casper, , 5016 Steve Ann, Torrance,
408/624-1276 C A 90503

Karen Watson (Richard), KH, 10468 Santa Carol Frogue (Stephen), NT, 24912 Cavanough,
Clara St., Cypress, C A 90630, 714/826-2065 El Toro, C A 92630, 714/830-5218

VIII-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Phyllis Casteel Gilson-Long Beach, Northern Orange County, Phoenix, Riverside, South Bay-Palos Verdes, Southern Orange County.
Leah Hardcastle MacNeil-Amador-Livermore, Diablo Valley, Hawaii, Marin County, Monterey County, Palo Alto, Sacramento, San Jose, San Mateo, Los Angeles.
Janice Gyger Pope-Denver, Las Vegas.



name of college MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION attach picture here
rushee will attend ALPHA OMICRON PI

Rushee's Name_ Age Year in college presently.

Parent or Guardian's Name. Address.

Rushee's Home Address if different from above.

Rushee's Current College Address , . Telephone number.

Name of High School .

Date of Graduation from High School. . Approximate number of students in school.
High School Grade Point Average
College Grade Point Average.

Summary of Rushee's interests, talents, achievements, awards, involvement in organizations, group leadership experience:

(Please list on back of this sheet)

AOII Relatives: address relationship with rushee college chapter
address relationship with rushee college chapter
name (include maiden name if possible)
name (include maiden name if possible)

Relative or close friends in other NPC groups:

address name of sorority relationship

address name of sorority relationship

Is this rushee a personal friend, . or acquaintance. .of yours? If not known personally by you, what is the source of the

information oh this form?

Would you like to have this rushee bid by an AOII chapter? Have you talked with her about AOII?. Is this

rushee able to manage the cost of college and sorority membership?, . When does she plan to enter college (If she is not

now a studenti?

name and address, send the form to the Regional Extension Officer responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend

If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information to the return address in-
dicated immediately. A collegiate chapter's pledging depends on your prompt information.

Please use an additional page to explain or add any other information
which might be useful to the chapter in their getting to know this rushee.

Your Name. Address. Telephone.
Your Collegiate Chapter Area Code.
Your Alumnae Chapter For Chapter Use Only: Date Received.
Your Signature Date Acknowledgement Sent
Today's Date Sorority Rushee Pledged

Alumnae Colony Formation

And you thought only collegians could be colony members!
Last summer in Convention, Council passed a resolution
adopting a new status for alumnae groups: alumnae colonies.
Like collegiate colonies, alumnae colonies are groups working
to meet the requirements to be installed as an alumnae
chapter. With this new status, this will help groups of alumnae
working to organize a chapter publicize their existence since all
colonies will be listed in the To Dragma Council Directory. Why
not help gather together all those AOII sisters in your area?
Below are instructions and requirements for alumnae colony

Resolution: "WHEREAS, After the 1960's, fewer alumnae of any fraternity were
graduated; and
WHEREAS, Statistics produce an ever-shrinking total college enrollment, after
THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, That an AOII alumnae group not large enough
to be called a Chapter be given the status of an alumnae colony for a period of up
to three years and be so listed in To Dragma. If full membership is not accom-
plished by the end of three years, it will be understood that the listing in To
Dragma as an AOII Alumnae Colony will be deleted."
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To provide a program to enable alumnae to meet
with one another, join in AOII activities, and to be listed in To Dragma. It is to
create new alumnae groups, not to lessen the expectations of existing chapters.
This Alumnae Colony status will be granted where there are less than the required
fifteen members to form an alumnae chapter. The expectation is that this group
will grow to meet alumnae chapter membership requirements within three years.
In areas where the membership potential does not develop, the colony may apply
to the Regional Extension Officer for renewal of status. Existing alumnae
chapters may not request colony status.

POLICIES/PROCEDURES: Alumnae Colonies are supervised by the Regional
Extension Officers; requests for applications as well as completed applications
for recognition are sent to her. A group from 3 to 14 alumnae will pay an
application fee of $10 and annual colony dues of $15. They must meet at least
threetimes/year,and elect a chaiman whose name/address is reported annually
to the REO and to Central Office along with a summary type annual report due
April 15. Other officers may be elected at colony discretion. It is stressed that the
colony make contact with near-by collegiate and alumnae chapters, and supply
membership information as a part of their program. Alumnae Colonies will
receive the computer printout, Regional Newsletter, "Piper," Founders' Day
Message, plus other material relating to them and/or of Council interest. There
will be no regularly scheduled visits from Regional personnel; a special visit may
be recommended by the REO. Alumnae colony members are encouraged to
attend Regional Meetings and Conventions as non-delegates.


Phi Installed at Kansas

By Eleanor Oyer, Phi III iri
Installation Chairman II I
The weekend of April 11,12, and 13
was a memorable one marking the r JUL"
installation of the recolonized chapter
of Alpha Omicron Pi at the University of The charter members of Phi chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi,
Kansas in Lawrence. Ninety-one col-
legians were installed as a chapter. The f
number of persons who helped re-
establish this chapter has been an 1
inspiration to all of us.
With International President, Joan
Deathe MacCallum, serving as the Joan MacCallum, International President, LeAnne Mebust, chapter president; and Sharon Martin,
installing officer, the installation was Executive Board Director; admire the siloer punch set that was the fraternity's gift to the new
indeed memorable. Joan had become chapter.
known and loved by all when she helped
establish the colony in the fall of 1979.
The International and Regional officers,
the Greater Kansas City, the Topeka
Alumnae chapters, and collegians
from Delta Pi all took active parts. The
girls in Phi colony did an exceptional
job. They pledged thirty-six girls during
the K.LI, spring rush and were able to
prepare them to be initiated. A great
deal of credit should also be given to
the AOII transfer students, Anne
Kennedy, lota Sigma, and Karen Beck,
Chi Delta. Credit should also be given
to Special Chapter Assistant, Debbie
Packard, Beta Phi.

The installation weekend opened
April 11 with Rose Inspiration night in-
the Fireplace Room in Lewis Hall at the
University of Kansas. Refreshments
provided by the Topeka and Kansas
City Alumnae chapters were served,
and songs were sung. This was followed
by a candlelighting at which poems
were read. Joan MacCallum, an
honored guest, gave an inspirational
talk. The evening ended with a passage
from the old Bible that belonged to Phi

The initiation of the colony members,
the installation of the chapter, and the
signing of the charter took place the
morning of April 12 at the Holiday Inn
in Kansas City. This was followed by an
informal luncheon salad bar at the

In the afternoon, the new pledge
class was initiated and the installation


was closed by the signing of the roll Chapter Assistant; and Kathy Kuebler, Canfield, Beth Clawson, Amy Collins,
book by all the members. Taking part in Linda Weimer, Mary Hanaway, Suzie Michelle Crow, Anne Cunningham, Jill
the ceremonies were Joan MacCallum, Semonick, Leslie Shouse, and Cathy Cyr, Jan Dubin, Camille Farrell, Lisa
Sharon Martin, Executive Board mem- Huffendick, collegians from Delta Pi Fiscella, Nora Fisher, Janet Frank,
ber; Karen Smith, Regional Vice Presi- chapter. Laura Mead of Alpha Theta Linda Geiger, Cathy Gerber, Amy
dent; Ginny Struble, Regional Director; chapter also participated. Gregg, Elsye Gundersen, Tracee
Debbie Packard, Special Chapter Hamilton, Joy Hanson, Anne Johnson,
Assistant; Debbie Brewton, Traveling The charter members of Phi chapter Melissa Jones, Jennifer Lapp, LeAnne
Consultant; Brenda Mcintosh, Special are: Stephanie Baldwin, Ruth Baum, Mebust, Cindy Meyer, Gretchen
Sherry Boldt, Bernadine Buda, Kim Moeller, Laura Nelson, Linda Nelson,
Pam Perkins, Dianne Pfister, Lynn
Poretta, Dana Schieman, Judy Shelton,
Michelle Sieben, Carla Southard, Sheila
Steinauer, Kathy Stevens, Anne
Stucker, Nancy Timberlake, Juliet
Verzani, Kelly Searcy, Roxanne Walker,
Tracy Walker, Kathleen Waner, Amy
Wasmuth, Shellie Wheeler, Cindy
Wiens, Keva Williamson, Sandy
Winters, Michelle Wipfler, Janice
Young, Connie Schallau, Laura McCort,
Valerie Mease, and Lynn Schanze.

/ To climax the occasion was the Rose
Banquet held at the Holiday Inn. 185
» people attended the banquet including
29 parents. Sharon Martin served as
The head table at the Rose Banquet included: Front, Sharon Martin. Executive Board Director: Joan toastmistress. The red rose of AON was
MacCallum, International President: Karen Smith, Regional Vice President: and Betty Graham, presented by: its roots,Patty Bondurant,
Rose Banquet chairman. Back Debbie Packard, Special Chapter Assistant; Ginny Struble, colony adviser; its stem, Geniece Tyler,
Regional Director: Patty Bondurant. chapter adviser; Geniece Tyler. Greater Kansas City Alumnae Kansas City Alumnae Chapter Presi-
chapter president; and Eleanor Oyer, installation chairman. dent; its foliage, Ginny Struble; and its
beauty, Joan MacCallum. Greetings to
the new initiates were given by Debbie
Packard. Presentation of the fraternity
gift was made by Joan MacCallum.
Presentation of other gifts and
telegrams were made by Karen Smith
and Sharon Martin.

A reception and tea were held in
Lawerence the following day. More than
250 attended. The Pi Beta Phi sorority
graciously offered the use of their
chapter house. Those in attendance
included university dignitaries,
representatives from sororities and
fraternities, alumnae, parents, and

Much of the beauty and excitement of Phi's installation weekend can be attributed to the planning The recolonization of Phi chapter has
and work of area alumnae. Pictured above, left, are Eleanor Oyer and Barbara Burnet; right. Zoe come to an exciting conclusion with the
Moore and Hazelle Rollins. Eleanor and Zoe were co-chairman of the big weekend. Barbara was installation weekend. Special thanks
co-chairman for the tea. and Hazelle was co-chairman of publicity. goes to committee members: Zoe
Moore, co-chairman; Betty Graham,
banquet chairman; Rae Howe,
reservations; Jean Krause, printing;
Nancy Meditz, hospitality; Cheryl
Moore, ritual; Carolyn Hill, tea and
reception; Barbara Burnett, co-
chairman; Joyce Hall, supplies; Hazelle
Rollins, publicity; and Helen Huyck, co-



S 3 Spotlight on Spirit!

The Alpha Gamma pledges at Wash- excited about being selected as the together, a TGIF party, and a Halloween
ington State University learned the hostess for Region IVs Regional party were but a few of the CR-sponsored
meaning of the AOII spirit early in their Meeting. We look forward to sharing events that kept that spirit strong.
pledgeship. The Halloween Haunted our spirit with our sisters from Indiana,
House for Arthritis Research was a Illinois, and Kentucky when we all meet The pledge's spirit was obvious
great success, and for the second year in June. — Jenny Williams through their many activities. They sold
1§ in a row, we brought home the first popcorn at an on-campus movie,
The fall pledge class for Beta Phi at sponsored a Christmas dance, and
place trophy for Tau Kappa Epsilon Indiana University got very much into held a brownie sale. The fall was
Waterfollies. the AOII spirit of things. The pledge completed with a mother-daughter
trainers instituted a new segment to the luncheon and participation in the Davis
Other activities for the new pledges program this year — "Sister of the Christmas parade. Attending a Christ-
included the pledge sneak, Lambda Week." Each week a different sister mas party hostessed by the Sacramento
Chi Alpha Watermelon Bust, Home- was chosen to visit the pledge meeting Alumnae Chapter added to the Christ-
coming, and selling carnations for and tell about herself and her office. To mas spirit.
Dad's Weekend. For the pledge sneak, further the growing ties, the pledges
we took a late night trip to Spokane. came trick-or-treating to everyone's Inspiration Week and initiation were
door on Halloween. very special parts of our return to cam-
A get together with alumnae was pus. The pledge class presented the
held in late November. We have had a Hosting State Day this fall gave us chapter with its class project, a quilt
dinner recognizing the scholars and a the opportunity to share our spirit with with one square made by each pledge.
Founders' Day dinner. The Christmas collegiate and alumnae sisters through- Other exciting winter events included
spirit was set by fireside including out Indiana. We enjoyed meeting new Founder's Day which featured our first
entertainment and carols sung by the sisters and sharing ideas among president Denise Hembree. In addition,
girls and their guests. chapters. — Mary Mahon a Rose Ball was held jointly with Sigma
from Berekely and Lambda from
The Beta Chi spirit at Kentucky If the spirit felt during a recent rush Stanford.
Wesleyan was nearly tripled this year! retreat continues throughout the year,
Adding to that spirit was our Favorite everything will be coming up pledges The spring has been full, too. Greek
Guy selections and the picnic held in and roses for the Beta Rhos at the Week, Picnic Day, and our 5th Anniver-
their honor. University of Montana next fall. sary have kept that AOII spirit burning
at (JC-Davis. — Linda Miller
Anxious to share in the spirit of AOII, Enthusiasm was high during the Spirit is synonymous with Delta Chi!
three sisters will be traveling to Illinois retreat as we planned parties and skits Our spirits are flying high with the
for Regional Meeting. Dianna Mott, for the upcoming fall rush. But, even results often fantastic pledges taken in
Belinda Leathers, and Kimi Cogswell with all the work we did, we had time for our best informal rush ever. We have
have been selected as our delegates. fun. There was lots of singing, laughing, been busy with several activities this
The chapter looks forward to rush next and joking, and the entire weekend was spring but participating in informal
fall to share our AOII spirit with pro- capped off with a bonfire on the beach rush and planning formal rush has
spective new sisters. at Flathead Lake, Montana. been number one on our list!

Fourteen pledges, our annual Pine- Beta Rhos are proud of our spirit It We are all excited about Regional
apple Party, and Homecoming fired up has kept us going throughout the year Meeting in Baltimore this summer.
Beta Lambda's AOII spirit at Illinois in many of our activities, such as Sigma Also, with seven sisters sharing a house
Wesleyan! We had a busy and exciting Chi Derby Days and Homecoming. We in Newark, that AOII spirit should be
fall with all of these activities. are also proud of our first Sigma Phi alive and well. — Kim Murray
Epsilon Queen of Hearts, Cathie
That spirit carried through second Clemmons. All in all, we have had a 1980 is a special time for us at Beta
semester when we initiated our very good year, and we're looking Tau. This year marks our fiftieth
pledges. The rest of the semester forward to more such years in the anniversary, our birthday so to speak.
brought new leaders through elections, future. — Renda Greene Such occasions are not only times for
two new pledges, and Rose Formal. celebration but are times for reflection
Spring break found the Illinois version A fall retreat at lake Tahoe gave Chi as well. A time for looking at what has
of AOII spirit migrating south to Florida. Alpha at the University of California- gone before and for speculating on
Davis the opportunity to share with our what is yet to be. I would like to take this
As always, the spring has been largest pledge class ever that special opportunity to share some of our
especially full. Greek Week, Sigma Chi AOII spirit A bring-your-own-steak get- thoughts with you.
Derby, and finals have kept everyone
on their toes. We have been extremely


The story unfolds in 1929 when 15 We invited our parents to join in our spirit and who showed us how much
girls of the Beta Tau Delta chapter at spirit at Parent's Day, and we got really fun and learning AOIIs can share in
the University of Toronto were con- fired up for next fall at our rush work- even the most hectic situations. — Jan
sidering national sororities. Our chap- shop. Willy
ter president at that time, Elsie
Sumner, happened to have lunch with It was a year of beauty and frills for Gamma Beta at Indiana University of
one Adelaid Graham, Omega, and the Delta Pi chapter at Central Missouri Pennsylvania was involved in Derby
from that moment on, AOII was the State University. To fire-up our spirit, week this spring. The spirit of getting
number one sorority in consideration Delta Pi participated in the Home- ready for this event was overwhelming.
for the girls of Beta Tau Delta. In coming activities at CMSCJ with the Everyone worked together in making
February of 1930, the inspection theme of "Snow White and the Seven signs to plaster all over campus and to
committee arrived and on September Dwarfs." The girls were proud to decorate our coaches' fraternity house.
27,1930, we were installed as Beta Tau announce senior Sue Boland as Home-
chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. coming Queen for the university. Two Fifteen derbies were concealed in
other AOlls placed in the top ten finalists. various spots on campus each night
From pouring over old scrapbooks Gamma Beta made an attempt to find
and 7b Dragmas, I came away with a Jeanna Gagne and Leslie Shouse as many derbies as possible.
great admiration for the early members were contestants in the Miss Missouri/
of our chapter. Though their achieve USA pageant in November. Jeanna The last day of Derby Week was
ments both in college and later years placed in the top twelve finalists. Later most exciting. The whole chapter
are inspiring, what also comes across in the year, both girls were also entered competed in several different games
or should 1 say leaps out is the great in the Miss Johnson City/Miss America against other sororities. The competi-
sense of comraderie and love that pageant Leslie won the title of Miss tion involved egg tosses, tug-of-war, bat
existed among these women. The early Congeniality. spin, ice buckets, sack race, and many
30s and 40s were hard times, but AOHs more different games. Gamma Beta's
were ambitious, had high ideals, and During Greek Week at CMSU, AOII spirit was overwhelming in every event.
they were the type of people who could Jane Clogston was chosen to preside No matter if we won or lost, the cheers
handle whatever life had to offer. An over the ceremonies as Greek Goddess. and excitement never ceased. It was a
anniversary is a time to pay tribute to Jane was also voted Crescent queen great way to demonstrate our spirit to
such women. for Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. all of the Greeks on campus. — Jan
50 years have come and gone; To wind up the year, the Association
much has changed. The University of for Women Students at CMSU proudly Even though Hurricane Frederick
Toronto campus has grown consider- announced Paula Foster as runner up came into Mobile and put the University
ably larger, and yet remains the same in the Outstanding Co-ed contest. of South Alabama in a whirlwind,
for there is a continuity in our sister- AOH's boasted two more candidates in Gamma Delta not only survived but
hood. — Susan Byrne the competition. The accomplishments prospered. Hurricane Frederick deva-
of our sisters has spread the AOII spirit stated Mobile knocking down power
The AOlls of Delta Delta are across the CMSU campus. lines and trees causing rush to be post-
showing spirit throughout Auburn poned until after school started. But it
University. Our newly elected Duke University's own Delta Upsilon couldn't put a dent in our spirit Due to
cheerleader Debbie Barton certainly pledged and recently initiated the first Frederick's inconveniently coming
proves that as does Lindsey Jackins formal rush class of AOIIs ever. Things during the time planned for rush work-
who is a re-elected SGA Senator and were not always easy for our first rush, shop, we had to work quickly and
was chosen president pro-tem for 1980- but with the help of super rush teams together to prepare for rush. Gamma
81. Delta Deltas spread AOII spirit by from the University of Tennessee, Delta knew they had overcome the
winning Sigma Chi Scavenger Hunt University of Georgia, Purdue University, unusual circumstances when after
again. We placed second in the Alpha and Indiana University, we attracted an Round Robins only four girls cut AOII.
Psi Round-Up Goat Tying contest, third enthusiastic pledge class whose spirit This was the lowest number cut in the
in the Goat Dressing Contest, and third and sense of sisterhood has amazed history of sorority rush at U.S.A.
in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Lake Race even their big sisters. Incidentally, the
held during Greek Week. girls from Purdue and Indiana Everyone that came to Gamma
managed to overcome their traditional Delta's theme party, "The Wiz," would
Lucy Coughlin was chosen Kappa school rivalry for a few days to share have thought they were on Broadway.
Sigma sweetheart, and Tammy Mitchell with us and each other favorite chapter Using the original music we put our
was selected as Phi Gamma Delta songs and activities. Ronald McDonald talents together and composed our
sweetheart. 53 other sisters are also himself would have pledged if he could own words and dance to pertain to
fraternity little sisters. have heard our sisters from Tennessee making decisions about rush. The
sing "YOU — You're the one." The girls message "The Wiz" left with the
Of our beautiful ladies of Alpha O, from Georgia staged a truly professional rushees caused the AOIIs and "The
Cherie Casey was chosen a beauty for medley to charm even the most timid Wiz" to be the talk of campus.
Auburn's Glomerata. Cherie was also rushee. Delta Upsilon extends her
selected as first runner-up in the Miss warmest thanks to all our sisters who Already being the largest sorority on
Fall Rush Contest, and Laura Dunne taught us the true meaning of that AOII campus, AOII was delighted to find that
represented AOII in the Miss Greek they were one of two sororities taking
Week contest. quota. Not only are we the biggest we


are also the best! — Cindy Isaminger, Uncle Sams, army recruitment books, theme, "What I Want to do When I
Wendy Walker and flags. We practiced our marching, Grow Up," the AOIIs and their dates
singing, and dancing for many hours were very creative with their costumes.
The Gamma Omicron AOII spirit before try-outs. Only the ten best shows Doctors, stewardesses, pilots, beach
was quite evident at the University of are selected to perform in the final bunnies, and tennis buffs were all in
Florida fall term when Barb Zotz served show. AOII and Farm House were attendance.
as a Gator cheerleader. In addition, ecstatic when they learned thay had
Carol Valentine was chosen to be a made the top ten. This meant more A new twist to the typical Friday after-
"Gator Getter," part of the Florida practicing for the final show . . . more noon fraternity function was to have a
recruiting staff for prospective psych-ups. sorority function instead. When spring
additions to the Florida football team. fever hit, we had a "do it tuit" function in
The show may be over, but spirits are which we grilled hamburgers and
Our spirit also pervades through the soaring high. Relations with Farm hotdogs, listened to stereos, and raked
campus media. Laura Taulbe produces House are still strong. We enjoy wearing leaves. A highlight of this function was
for the WRUF radio and is a reporter our tee-shirts with the theme of our a few whipped cream-in-theface fights.
and co-anchorwoman for the WCJFT show printed on the front, and the
6.O0 p.m. news. The weather on AOIIs still tend to practice marching on These past two quarters have been
WUFT-TV is presented by Pat Walker the way to classes. — Clara Cook great fun. Our new initiates have
who is also a morning disc jockey and caught that AOII spirit that is going to
news anchorwoman for WGGG radio. Being busy has kept Iota Alpha's keep us at the top! — Becky Marolf
— Leslie Dunn AOII spirit strong at Idaho State Univer-
sity this semester. We held our annual Kappa Alpha is spirit personified at
SP-IR-IT, we've got Spirit! This familiar steak fry in October at Scout Mountain. Indiana State. From capturing sweep-
chant certainly applies to the Iota chap- Pledges and sisters along with dates stakes in the nation's largest student-
ter at the University of Illinois. A variety attended the event. In addition, we have sponsored parade to competing most
of p e p - u p s w e r e u s e d d u r i n g the year to had several fraternity exchanges. successfully in intramurals, that AOII
maintain a high level of enthusiasm spirit shines!
and spirit. To strengthen the spirit of our sister-
hood, we held a retreat at Lava Hot The year began by being selected to
The psych-ups began last summer Springs. We rented a condominium at represent ISU in the Indianapolis 500
for formal fall rush. During the summer, the resort and lived in luxury for two parade. Paired with the men of Alpha
a secret committee mailed psych-up days. We kept ourselves busy with Tau Omega, the first places in the
letters to the sisters at home. During officer training and bylaw revision. banner and bulletin board competitions
the hectic rush week, the committee also belonged to us.
upheld the chapter's spirit through The big event of the semester was
daily surprises. They disclosed their the preference dance sponsored by the In intramurals this year, we were
identity at a "goofy awards" banquet at Idaho State Panhellenic Association. sorority division winners in track,
the end of the week. Our spirit must With our chapter celebrating Founders' sorority division and campus winners
have shone through because lota Day at this time, we held a pre-function in women's volleyball, runners-up in
picked up thirty-four of the most spirited dinner at the Rodeway Inn. Awards and the sorority division softball and
pledges on the University of Illinois the pledge project were presented. — competed in the finals of co-ed volley-
campus. Shortly afterwards, the seniors Kim Byrne ball. We also participated in bowling,
proved they still had the spunk of whiffle ball, basketball, and badminton
pledges and took the "First Annual The spirit of AOII has left an indelible intramurals.
Senior Walk-Out" to Purdue University. impression at Iowa State University.
The pledges stormed Northwestern New events and chapter traditions have Individual sisters have also helped
University to see them play our own played a big part in sustaining Iota the AOII spirit pervade the campus. We
Fighting Illini and then went up to Sigma's spirit. have had members serving on Union
Northern Illinois University for a week- Board, Homecoming Committee
end of geeting better acquainted with Under the leadership of our activities Steering Committee, Campus Carnival
the other AOIIs. chairman, Ruth Fen, who transferred Steering Committee, Campus Revue
from Kearney State, we have added a Production Staff, and Student Govern-
A 21-gun salute to the Iotas for their new dimension to our activities pro- ment Association. We have members
spirited performance in the Atius- gram. Dad's Weekend included much represented in several of thehonoraries
Sachem Mom's Day Sing which was variety this year. Basketball, square and honor societies. — Sherry Hinton
held in April. The theme of our show dancing, plays, and movies . . . there
was a salute to war songs from the past was something for everyone! Dads Not only is our spirit well known here
and present. The psych-up committee even had the opportunity to stay in the at Southwestern, but the Kappa
was in action even before practices chapter house. Our moms weren't for- Omicrons have spread our spirit
began. They planned a surprise instant gotten, however; at the end of March, abroad. We have three sisters participa-
party with Farm House fraternity, our the moms had the chance to wine and ting in the foreign study program. They
partners for the show. Since our show dine their daughters. A brunch and will be in Paris, Spain, and Scotland
centered on patriotism, they stuffed fashion show were the highlights of the respectively.
our mailboxes with such spirit-boosters weekend.
as toy combat soldiers, miniature With three AOIIs serving as cheer-
We held a unique theme party this leaders that has helped to spread our
year and that kept spirits high. With the spirit, too. Our spirit was obvious in


rush this year as we created a new skit, did in the seventeenth annual Sigma The spirit of the AOIls at Lambuth
"AOII Annie." The fruits of our effort Chi Derby Day. Fortunately all our College was realized through the
were 15 great pledges. Their spirit was efforts paid off. Our AOII spirit nabbed Omega Omicrons involvement
shown through bake sales on campus, us third place honors after a fun filled throughout the year. The fall was filled
kidnaps, and a Chinese dinner for the day of games and other festivities. with pledging activities for the 11 new
sisters. pledges gained in formal rush. Pledge
Our Pis were also active in other swaps and our Halloween party kept us
Also, this spring we were excited to areas on the Ole Miss campus. Nu Beta busy.
take second place in campus All-Sing. was awarded three red and blue spirit
Our winning performance was four sticks when we showed the most spirit Founders' Day was one of our most
songs from West Side Story. — Beth at Rebel pep rallies this fall. Most of the meaningful experiences. We celebrated
Mack noise, however, came from our junior this special day on December 2.
varsity cheerleader, Camille Fite. Our
The AOII spirit has been active at the campaign sponsoring Vicki Wills for This winter presented several oppor-
University of Georgia this spring. student body secretary was a complete tunities to show our spirit and pride to
Lambda Sigma's pledges participated success. the campus. During Homecoming, we
in the annual Sigma Chi Derby. Lisa won second in the display and banner
Popham, a new initiate, won the Sigma During the annual Dixie Week song- competition. We hostessed a faculty
Chi Miss Modern Venus contest, a great fest, Nu Beta capped off the year in coffee to recognize the faculty and staff
honor. Greek Week is upon us, and we style as we sang our way into the hearts at Lambuth. And, as always, inspiration
hope to win first place or second place of the judges with a downhome week and initiation were special events.
this year. Also, we were second runner- rendering of a medley from "Okla-
up as Sorority of the Year this year. homa." Add all this to our many dorm The spring has proved to be just as
council representatives, our Rebel hectic as the winter. The Miss Lambuth
We have been chosen to make a film Recruiters, our military sponsors and Pageant our Rose Ball, and plans for
of our third party for international AOII. fraternity little sisters, and our formal rush have kept our spirit grow-
We are all very excited to have been members of numerous other campus ing. It has been a good year for Omega
chosen for this honor. The graduating organizations, it is easy to see that the Omicron, a year in which our spirit has
seniors will play the role of rushees. Nu Beta girls have caught that AOII continued to grow and thrive at
spirit! — Nancy Finerty Lambuth. — Shannon Cate
Our annual Trophy Dance was held
on the river boat at Stone Mountain. It could not be anything less than a The date was April 19. The place was
The dance was romantic but also fun. great semester at Vanderbilt for the Ramada Inn, Lexington, Ken. The
spirited Nu Omicrons. On bid day, occasion was the 10th Anniversary of
This has been my first year as a thirty-two fantastic pledges ran up the Omega Xi chapter of Alpha Omicron
college student and myfirstyear as an lawn, and as pledging progressed, it Pi. Our founding was May 16,1970. We
AOII. After this year, I can truthfully say soon became evident that Nu Omicron began our celebration of ten years at
that I am very proud to be a part of had captured an abundance of spirit in Morehead State University with an
Alpha Omicron Pi because we are the its pledges. A second place win on open house on April 17, a tea on April
best. — Susan Hoover Sigma Chi's Derby Day highlighted the 18, and climaxed with our spring
pledging period and thirty-two decora- formal on April 19. It was a great boost
As a 1979 fall pledge of Alpha tive and expressive scrapbooks revealed to our spirit to share in this special
Omicron Pi, I was eager to discoverjust each and every girl's meaningful event. — Anita LeMaster
what made the girls of Lambda Tau at pledge experience. A date dinner, a
Northeast Louisiana University have scholarship dinner, and spaghetti? Winter Quarter 1980 was a great
that "something special" air about With "oodles and oodles" of noodles, success for the University of Tennes-
them. It did not take me long to be hardworking AOIls earned over $900 see's Omicron chapter. Although the
caught up in a whirlwind of activities for Arthritis Research at our annual winter was cold and snowy, our AOII
that combined spirit, service, and sister- spaghetti dinner. The formal, held at spirit kept us warm. Involvement in All-
hood into one exciting year. We began the Radisson Hotel in Nashville was a Sing, Founders' Day, initiation, and the
with a popcorn and slumber party, get- beautiful event which brought the Rose Ball was more than enough to
togethers at pizza parlors, and a trip to chapter together in elegance. keep us wonderfully busy.
church together. The pledges then
sponsored a Halloween party for the Bringing the whole chapter together Winter quarter for Omicron chapter
sisters. As elephants, mummies, and at the same time seems to get harder was essentially a period of strengthen-
vampires gathered around a witches' and harder as AOIls involve them- ing an already close sisterhood. It was
cauldron bubbling with dry ice, prizes selves in an endless list of activities. such a cheery, successful quarter that
were awarded for the best Big-Little Campus leaders abound in the chapter Omicron chapter was almost sorry to
Sister costume and various games. — as do members of different honor leave for spring break. — Susan
Rene' Ripley societies and honoraries. Herbert Hicks
Nu Omicrons are moving ahead at
Imagine 120 girls, all with black and great speed and nothing can slow Omicron Pi at the University of
red garters on their legs, dancing and them down. Our spirit is just beginning Michigan has had many opportunities
kicking up a storm for the Kidney to show itself! — Elizabeth Citrin throughout the year to show our spirit
Foundation. That is exactly what the
Nu Betas at the University ofMississippi


and enthusiasm. Among other beque on our porch was held this started well with philanthropic activities
activities, participation in intramural spring. It was a chance for us all to take like an in-house auction and a corsage
sports was a favorite past-time. Our time out of our busy schedules to sale at one of our big football games.
softball team won the division champ- come together for a night with each
ionship. Greek Week found the AOHs other. During initiation week, the pledges
out in full force for the Sigma Chi Derby showed their spirit and talent to the
Day Swim-a-thon and the ever-popular We just finished Campus Carnival sisters by putting on the annual "Vaude-
Greek Sing. activities. This year, together with Fiji ville Night" Show. It was a night of great
fraternity, we built the set of an airport fun and sisterhood.
Certainly the highlight of the term We had a band and dressed as pilots,
was a visit by International President ballyhoo dancers, and stewardesses. The highlight of the year had to be
Joan MacCallum. All of us who met her The band played Jet Airliner, Two the unexpected snow storm that over-
were inspired by her enthusiasm and Tickets to Paradise, and Travelin' took Seattle at the beginning of winter
dedication for AOII and hope to carry Band. We also had an inside skit about quarter. The University district was
on in the same spirit some Russian spies on an airplane try- transformed into a winter playland.
ing to find a mad doctor who was Between schoolwork, AOIIs found time
The year was brought to a close by identified by his limp. Naturally, before for snowball fights and the creation of a
our lovely Rose Banquet after initiation. the end of the flight everyone had a snowman, snowpuppy, and a snow
This year we resumed the tradition of limp, and the story was quite a comedy. Volkswagen.
presenting awards to members in Carni, as always, turned out to be much
recognition of their contributions to the fun for everyone. — Dawn Loberg With warmer days came studying on
chapter. Also, a day of appreciation the sun roof. Warmer days have also
was set aside for our departing Special The Theta Psi sisters at the University charged everyone's spirit, and we're
Chapter Assistant, Karen Kremer. She of Toledo have certainly lived up to that looking forward to what we know will be
was treated to breakfast in bed, cards, AOII spirit this year! Rush started off a successful 1980 rush. — Kimberly
flowers, and a night out on the town.— with a real "splash" using a nautical Campbell
Margaret Kavanaugh theme to bring the crew of eleven new
pledges aboard the S.S. AOII. With the ending of another semester
Where has the spirit gone? A real at the University of Arizona, it's fun to
problem for Phi Sigma chapter at Our pledges immediately distinguish- look back at all the new things Upsilon
Kearney State this year has been spirit ed themselves by receiving the "Best Alpha has done. Our 50s' theme party
Here are some ways we are trying to get Dressed Pledge Class Award" at a was more than just fun, it helped us get
our spirit back. fraternity Halloween party. Their our costumes ready for fall rush which
costume? A bunch of grapes! Sarah Jo has the theme of "Grease." We're cer-
Bionics and chapter activities have Brunner and alumna Carole Vinson tainly in the spirit for it!
been held this year to increase our chaperoned as Vineyard Owner and
knowledge of each other. We feel that wife respectively. It has been a productive and busy
we can be more supportive of our semester, but we wouldn't want it to
sisters if we know them better. If we Homecoming arrived with a flurry of change at all. Our AOII spirit is getting
develop a strong personal relationship, activity for the UT AOII's. Cindy Skaff known on campus as well as outstand-
we will be proud to say that we are acted as Homecoming Chair person ing members of AOII. — Pam Mayer
sisters. and handled everything from phone
calls from ABC to the smallest details What goes flip, flop over two uneven
A proposed plan for next year is a with smooth efficiency. As Kathy Finch bars with such style and grace? One of
chapter meal to be eaten before our vied for the title of Homecoming Zeta PsPs and East Carolina University's
meetings. This meal would be served Queen candidate, her sisters donned favorite gymnastic performers, Cynthia
to all members and pledges. We think smiles of a different nature. Complete Ann Roger! This is Cynthia's first year at
that this may bring us closer by getting with costumes and makeup, they ECU, and as co-captain she placed
us together more. Since the pledges clowned around passing out balloons fourth in the State Division II Champ-
don't meet with us, a meal will really in the Homecoming Parade. ionships on the beam. At Regional,
help us get acquainted with them. she placed seventh on both the beam
By November, the weather had and bars. Another one of our achievers
Our dedication to improving our cooled, but our hearts were warmed as this year was Sherry Lynn Jones, a
spirit is showing results already. But we mothers and daughters, sisters, French hom player and music major
won't stop yet, we want to be number pledges, and alumnae gathered who won the A J . Fletcher Award and
one in spirit! — Pam Moravac together for Founders' Day Celebration. Scholarship. Other activities we were
The evening was a rosy success. involved in included Student Govern-
Spring seems to bring out the best ment, honor fraternities, marching
spirit in the members of Tau chapter at The winter brought four new pledges band, and the pom pom team. The
the University of Minnesota. After the and seven newly initiated sisters. A AOII spirit is certainly well-known at
long, snowy, and cold Minnesota "Fix-Up-Your-Sister" Date Night was ECU!
winter, we all come out of hibernation. one of the many highlights of winter. —
Our front porch becomes the hangout Cheryl Yorke On campus, we give our all and that
for the sunbathers, water ballooners AOII spirit shines. From the Red Cross
(due to the seven surrounding frater- All of the hard work put into CJpsilon blood drive to using rush skills in help-
nities), and music lovers. chapter's rush at the University of ing the Alumni Center in a solicitation,
Washington paid off this year with Zeta Psi has done it all! — Catherine
A sisterhood night including a bar- twenty-four great pledges. The quarter Moses


(continued from page 12) the 1979 Convention when Mary Lee The Committee welcomes your
Since her appointment in 1959, few Drummond declined reappointment. questions and evidence of your interest
Edith had been an ex officio member in maintaining the traditional simplicity
of the Perry Award recipients have felt as Historian. She no longer had the ex and dignity which the Founders directed
that their work on the Committee has officio status of her office. us to practice. Only the slightest
been of value. The time is too short for changes have ever been made in the
proper understanding of the work done Council approved the addition of the major rituals as the Founders wrote
by the Committee. As liaison personnel Historian as an ex officio member and them. This indicated how basic and
with the undergraduate chapters, the a resolution was adopted directing the fundamental the ceremonies are.
Committee has felt that input has not publication of two articles in To
been helpful. Her excellent talents Dragma and two in The Piper, annually, Symbols by which we identify our-
should make her valuable in another to be prepared by members of the selves have and can change. Time was
area. Committee. when the badge was worn on the coat's
lapel. There were no rings, but a stick-
What effect has the elimination of The Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry pin was decorated with a rose. The ruby
tenure had on Committee member- Committee has been quite active in A in the badge became an honor to be
ship?The first appointments continued recent years. In 1972 Rituals was worn only by a member chosen by her
membership as it was and they were revised and issued in time for the 75th chapter. The AOII letters were never to
made in 1971 by the Executive Com- anniversary of Alpha Omicron Pi's be imposed, but to be used in sequence.
mittee under Fern Kallevang, President: founding. A service for the Presentation The Committee has authorized the
Laura Hurd, 1971-73; Mary Dee of 50th Membership Pin was added. manufacture of the lavaliere, the
Drummond, 1971-73; Mary Lindrooth, New Rituals for the Opening of recognition pin with the letters in
1971-75; Wilma Smith Leland, 1971- Regional, District, or Area Meetings sequence, the rose recognition pin, the
75; Virginia Mylander, 1971-77; Nancy and for the Installation of Officers of 50-year pin, the use by alumnae of the
McCain, 1971-77. The Chairman of the Region, District, or Area and for badge as a charm, the badge ring
Committee was Nancy McCain. Nancy Closing Meetings were included. The mount for alumnae, and a more
and Virginia had been appointed to the order of Rituals was revised for easier suitable ring. Silver as well as Balclad
Committee as life members in 1965 presentation and much material, gold has been authorized for jewelry.
when Rose and Mamie had become ex formerly unwritten, was printed. In The most recent authorization had
officio members. 1978 the Book of Rituals Instructions been for the use of Balclad gold in the
was again revised. Virginia Mylander badge purchased by initiates. With the
When appointments were made in offered to undertake the work although astronomical price of gold this change
1973, Mary Dee accepted reappoint- she was not on the Committee. was necessary.
ment and Virginia Miller, a former Subsequent illness and her death
Executive Board member, was appoint- prevented completion. She asked No, indeed, we are not "a bunch of
ed. Their appointments ran until 1979. Edith Anderson to assume old ladies making rules;" we are very
Virginia served a very short time and responsibility when she could not go much aware of needs and, within terms
resigned, the first time a member had on with the work. The main revisions of our commitment to the past, we, like
left the Committee except through took material concerned with traditions Medusa, look backward and forward.
death. Her term was filled through the rather than presentation ofritualsfrom The Founders envisioned this Com-
appointment of Gwen Lee, Rho, a the book and transferred it to the Book mittee as a special one whose member-
former Executive Committee member. of Policies. The new edition of Ritual ship would have continuity so that
Instructions was issued in the same tradition would not be lost as administra-
Virginia Mylander succeeded Nancy format as Rituals. tions change and pressures tend to
as Chairman in 1975. Her succesor replace it with fashion.
was Gwen Lee who served until 1979. The everyday correspondence of the
Rosalie Barber, former Executive Committee may involve a question Editor's Mote: To Dragma is indebted
Board member, assumed the position about the disposition of a badge of to Wilma Smith Leland for this article
in 1979 and is the current chairman. deceased members should a relative which is one in a continuing series of
Rosalie had become a member upon or friend wish to retain it for later use by articles by the Rituals, Traditions,
the death of Mary Lindrooth in 1976. a daughter or other relative. (Each and Jewelry Committee.
Mary Lindrooth and Wilma Leland had initiate must buy her own badge, but
both accepted reappointments, with sentiment may dictate her preference
terms running until 1981. Virginia to wear another should a relative's
declined renomination in 1977 and badge be available.) All new chapters
Mary Louise Roller, past President, and sub-mottoes are approved by the
National Panhellenic Delegate, suc- Committee's chairman. One recent
ceeded her. question asked about sexism in a ritual,
the word "he" for "she." Another
The present Committee members spotted an inconsistency in the printing
are: Rosalie Barber and Wilma Smith of the Object — an oversight in revision.
Leland, terms ending in 1981; Nancy Questions about favors, sale objects,
McCain and Mary Louise Roller, terms jewelry manufacture, jeweling of
ending in 1983; Gwen Lee and Edith badges come to the Committee.
Huntington Anderson, terms ending in
1985. Edith was appointed following,


Ruth Pickett, charter member of
Omicron Pi chapter at the Univer-
sity of Michigan was the first
synchronized swimmer to be
awarded the prestigious Brod-
erick Cup. The cup is awarded to
the outstanding female collegiate
athlete of the year.


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