To Dragmaof Alpha Omicron Pi
Vol. 81 No. 1 Fall/Winter 2016
SPACE p.36
2| Fall/Winter 2016 Kappa Lambda (U of Calgary)
14 30 contents
36 51 On the Cover:
Upsilon Lambda (U of
4 Editor’s Letter 20 History in the Making Texas at San Antonio)
7 Viewpoint 22 Volunteer & Collegiate enjoys fall at a local
8 Founders’ Day Message Chapter Directory pumpkin patch.
9 Ruby Fund Message 28 Things We Love
10 Fraternity News 30 In Focus and En Pointe 3
12 Collegiate Chapter Installations 36 Sisters, Science, Space
14 AOII Convention 2017 42 New Year, New Apps
16 AOII Foundation Scholarship 51 Fall Photos
Information 57 Life Loyal AOIIs
18 NPC Annual Meeting Recap 58 Shop the Emporium
About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in Hello! I hope you have all had a fantastic fall full of
New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan,
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry & sisterhood and seasonal activities. As I write this
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. in November, I am very excited to celebrate the many
upcoming holidays with friends, sisters and family. This
The Object of the Fraternity: time of year brings me a great deal of joy, as well as an
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit opportunity to reflect on the past year.
of Fraternity and love among its members; to stand at
all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college When I reflect on 2016 as an AOII, I think about the
loyalty; to strive for and support the best interest of the several evenings spent with sisters during AOII Night
colleges and universities in which chapters are installed, Out. I think about staying connected with sisters all over the world through
and in no way to disregard, injure, or sacrifice those the #WhereIsRosie social media campaign, which we rolled out at Leadership
interests for the sake of prestige or advancement of the Institute last June. I think about the one chapter we established last spring and
Fraternity or any of its chapters. the five chapters we colonized or recolonized this fall. AOII remained steadfast
in delivering an unparalleled membership experience, championing a culture
Mission Statement: of service and leadership, providing exceptional resources, and fostering
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. membership growth in 2016, and 2017 will surely be no exception.
Culture Principles: As we reflect on the accomplishments of 2016, we can also look forward to the
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability & many things 2017 has in store for us. Our annual Leadership Academy will be a
Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, Innovation, fantastic weekend of officer development for our Chapter Presidents, Chapter
Open & Honest Communication Advisers and Panhellenic Delegates. In June, we will gather in Washington,
D.C. for Convention for lots of education, sisterhood and celebration. October
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: will be a historic time for AOII as we rotate into Chairmanship of the National
Visit the AOII website (, or contact Panhellenic Conference. Past International President, current NPC Delegate and
[email protected]. NPC Vice Chairman Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) will become the
NPC Chairman from 2017 to 2019. AOII has only filled this role twice before, as
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: this opportunity is only available to each of the 26 NPC groups every 52 years.
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an
alumnae chapter near you. This issue of To Dragma highlights many reasons for celebration and
anticipation. Read about the personal accomplishments of three of our
International President collegiate members starting on page 30. Learn about the Fraternity’s growth
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) in 2016 on pages 10 and 12 through 13. Take note of Convention 2017 dates on
page 14 and enjoy photos from the past semester beginning on page 51.
Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) I hope 2017 provides each of you and our entire Fraternity even more blessings,
opportunities for growth, time for sisterhood and reasons to celebrate.
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity Happy reading and Happy New Year!
Communications Association.
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
4| Fall/Winter 2016
We want to feature your AOII photos! To DragmaofAlphaOmicronPi
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email About To Dragma:
your photos* to [email protected] to be To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
featured. Don’t forget to follow AOII to keep up with the Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The
hashtag of the month! mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform,
educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to
our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life; to
encourage lifetime AOII involvement; to salute excellence;
and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity’s
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Graphic Designer
Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
View To Dragma Online:
How to Contact To Dragma:
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, or
[email protected].
How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to Update Info tab on the AOII website
(, email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be
mailed to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting
Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover only)
should email [email protected].
Stay Connected: Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
*To be featured in To Dragma photos 5
must be emailed and at least 1 MB.
Xi Omicron (U of
Arkansas) shows their
school spirit before a
2016 football game.
6| Fall/Winter 2016
Like many of you, I find it hard to believe we are preparing to ring in another new year, which will mark ViewPoint
AOII’s 120th year as a sisterhood. The Fraternity has much to look forward to in the new year. After two
installations at East Tennessee State University and Missouri State University late this fall, we begin 2017 with
three additional installations at University of Michigan, Texas A&M University and University of Connecticut.
Installations are milestone events for our Fraternity and have proven to be some of the most rewarding
moments I have experienced as International President. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to
be the installing officer for these special occasions. The sisters I
have met and the positive emotions shared are contagious. This
excitement is certainly something I wish every AOII
could experience.
Just around the corner in February, hundreds of collegiate and
alumnae members will gather in Franklin, Tennessee for our
Leadership Academy. There, our Chapter Presidents, Chapter
Advisers and Panhellenic Delegates will interact and inspire
one another on ways AOII can position ourselves on individual
campuses to be Panhellenic leaders and advocates for advancing
the sorority experience. Fittingly, this emphasis comes as AOII,
through the leadership of Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of
Alabama), assumes the chairmanship of the National Panhellenic
Conference later in 2017. This opportunity comes around
only once every 52 years, so the Fraternity’s commitment to
Panhellenic excellence at this time is an honor.
I wanted to take a moment to say what a privilege it has been to
represent AOII as the Arthritis Foundation’s 2016 Jingle Bell Run
Chair. As I write this in late November, I do not know what our
final total contribution will be, but I am already amazed at the early figures raised. On behalf of the entire
Fraternity, I want to thank every chapter that registered a team and every individual who signed up to walk
or run in an event or donate to Jingle in Your Jammies. YOU are making a difference and these efforts are
helping AOII make an even greater impact. Earlier in November, AOII presented a check to the Arthritis
Foundation for $575,000. This gift represents dollars contributed by our members and chapters during
this past year through many avenues such as Strike Out Arthritis! events, MLB game revenue, Walk To Cure
participation and last year’s Jingle Bell Run. Our impressive Jingle Bell dollars for 2016 are not even in that
total yet! Both AOII and the Arthritis Foundation thank you for your hard work and generosity!
In closing, though there are many other meetings and occasions between now and late June to celebrate,
we will soon find ourselves gathering in Washington D.C. for the year’s biggest showstopper - Convention
2017. Plans are fully underway and it is certain to be a spectacular event in D.C. I hope you will consider
joining us. Until then, I wish for you all the warmest of greetings for a Happy New Year!
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President
Founders’ Day Message
Dear Sisters,
Happy Founders’ Day! In celebration of our 120th year, let us pause to salute the
founding of our sisterhood and especially the four young women who set us on a
path of lifelong friendship. What began as four with Stella, Bess, Jessie and Helen,
now numbers a sisterhood of almost 190,000 initiated members.
Stella Perry charmingly wrote in 1936, “…in the ‘90s [1890s that is], we were just four
regular college girls, very like yourselves. I used to say that, if the clock could turn back
and put us four on your campus as students, you’d know the difference only by our
clothes. Remembering our young days, with their many un-heroic phases, it amuses us
and makes us feel apologetic, too, to appear before you so often as on pedestals.”
While our founders may not have chosen the word “brave” to describe themselves
individually, we know they were brave and quite deserving of our praise. Opportunities
for women in higher education, and in society, in the late 1890s were limited at best.
Our founders were four determined young women, with unwavering passion for
the high ideals they shared. They knew that they were seeking, “…a fraternity that
should carry on the delightful fellowships and co-operations of college days into the
workaday years ahead and do so magnanimously, both in school and afterwards.”
They also understood that they, “… wanted a high and active special purpose to justify
existence, a simple devotion to some worthy end.” Rather than settle on membership
elsewhere, we are the beneficiaries of their labor of love.
A few years earlier, in 1930, Bess Wyman shared her wish for our AOII sisterhood, “Let
us be young together, savoring the sweetness of comradeship and mutual endeavor.
Let us grow old together, uplifted by the consciousness of younger hands that will
carry our banner on to greater heights of idealism and service.”
For our youngest new members to our oldest alumnae, we invite you to, once again,
relive the first moments of Alpha Omicron Pi as reminisced by Stella Perry in 1936:
“Now, having determined to make this democratic, unostentatious, simple society,
we climbed up a little winding stair into the stackroom, a small upper chamber of the
old Columbia Library, a beautiful Gothic building, now demolished. This was a little
tower room, rarely used, where Anglo-Saxon tomes and ancient vellum manuscripts
were stored. We sat in a deep seat built under a mullioned window of that quiet
room, pigeons outside and snow lightly falling, and there, with what emotion you can
imagine, we pledged one another, at the very beginning of the year 1897. And you
were all there, though we did not know it!”
As we look to our bright future, may we always hold true to our deep roots. On behalf
of the AOII Executive Board, we send our warmest greetings to AOIIs young and old
on this 120th anniversary of the founding of Alpha Omicron Pi!
The Executive Board
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho, International President Grace Houston, Lambda Tau, Vice President
Susan Bonifield, Nu Beta, Vice President of Finance Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi, Vice President
Crystal Combs, Nu Beta, Vice President Krista Whipple, Omega, Vice President
Amber Countis, Pi, Vice President Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega, Past International President
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon, Vice President
8| Fall/Winter 2016
Ruby Fund Message 9
Happy Founders’ Day! In celebration of our 120th year, let us be reminded of the four
women who began our sisterhood so many years ago. Stella referred to the other
Founders, and herself, as “four regular college girls.” AOII and our sisterhood still
reflect and value the humbleness and modesty on which Stella, Bess, Jessie and Helen
founded our Fraternity.
Today, our undergraduate sisters may hold an elected office on campus, may be the
only female in her chosen academic discipline, or she may be a sister fighting the daily
battle of living with a mental illness.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), more than 25% of
collegiate students have been treated or diagnosed by a professional for a mental
health condition within the past year. Chances are, you or someone you know is
battling this illness. It is comforting to know that as AOII sisters, we pride ourselves in
celebrating our differences, being authentic and supporting each other in our greatest
time of need.
When we think of the Ruby Fund, we often think of helping a sister who has suffered
a loss through a natural disaster, or who is physically ill for a temporary period, or even
one who has experienced domestic violence. What we may not have considered is
the sister whose difficulties are a part of who she is, a part of her inner make-up, so to
Recently, a sister was awarded a Ruby Fund grant to help pay her living expenses after
losing her job during her fourth hospitalization for psychiatric care. This sister recently
shared, “My hospitalization gave me the opportunity to take a step out of the stress of
daily life, allowing me to focus fully on my mental health. My recovery has been a long
road after being diagnosed bipolar in 2014. While hospitalizations can greatly benefit
my recovery, you can only put your life on hold for so long. The Ruby Fund allowed me
to get back on my feet after four hospitalizations in one year. I am so grateful to have
such loving and supportive sisters.”
As you consider donating to the Ruby Fund this year, we ask that you remember the
challenges that our sisters face every day—the challenges that you cannot necessarily
see. May we always vow to be “regular girls” who hold true to our deep roots. Thank
you for your support of our sisterhood and of AOII.
The Ruby Fund Committee
Tracy Herand McCarty, Chairman, Upsilon Alpha
Debbie Welsh Koenig, Beta Lambda
Theresa Ngo-Anh Ludvigson, Chi Psi
Toni Flowers Morgan, Alpha Chi
Michelle Lopez, Foundation Board Liaison, Delta Theta
To be read at your chapter’s Founders’ Day celebration or reprinted in your newsletter.
FraternityNews 120 Fall 2016 Growth
AOII turns 120! Delta Gamma at Missouri State University
Colonization Dates: September 16-18, 2016
Though AOII was founded 120 years ago on Colonizing Officer: Susan Bonifield
January 2, 1897, we celebrate Founders’ Day Colonization Team: Susan Bonifield, Mandy Doyle, Kate
each year on December 8 before collegiate Novinger, Shirley Lin, Rebecca Easterling, Emily Bulkley, Mary
students part ways for winter break and in Faith Erwin, Mary Kate Sweeney, Alicia Gauker, Ankita Naik,
recognition of Founder Stella’s birthday. If Ali McLaughlin
you have recently celebrated, or are planning Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Delta Pi (U of Central Missouri)
to attend a Founders’ Day celebration,
share your photos with us by using Phi Alpha at East Tennessee State University
#AOIIturns120 in your captions or by tagging Recolonization Dates: September 23-25, 2016
@alphaomicronpi. Recolonizing Officer: Grace Houston
Recolonization Team: Grace Houston, Lauren Smith, Jordan
Mark your calendars for Seaman, Mary Faith Erwin, Mariellen Sasseen, Haley Cahill, Ally
Leadership Academy Howard, Ashley Dumat, Sarah Elliott
Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Sigma Gamma (Appalachian
and Convention! State U) and Pi Omicron (Austin Peay State U)
Leadership Academy: February 3rd-5th Lambda Lambda at University of Connecticut
Convention: June 28th-July 1st Colonization Dates: September 23-25, 2016
Leadership Academy is for designated Colonizing Officer: Amber Countis
collegiate chapter officers and advisers. Colonization Team: Amber Countis, Koren Phillips, Kaya Miller,
Please visit Danielle McCullough, Alex LeForge, Jessica Li, Amy Simonini,
academy1 for more information. Mary Kate Sweeney, Maddie Archer-Burton, Tanasia Jackson
Turn to page 14 for more information about Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Beta Upsilon (Bryant U),
Convention 2017 in Washington, D.C. Gamma Phi (Seton Hall U) and Iota Theta (Monmouth U)
10 | Fall/Winter 2016 Tau Mu at Texas A&M University
Colonization Dates: September 30-October 2, 2016
Colonizing Officer: Crystal Combs
Colonization Team: Crystal Combs, Michelle Lopez, Debbie
Tam, Troy LeForge, Joelle McWilliams, Courtney West,
Katherine Kirby, Taylor Donahue, Robin Johns, Ali Kresslein,
Mary Kate Sweeney, Mary Kate Berger, Meghan Brown, Andi
Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s
U), Theta Sigma (Tarleton State U), Sigma Theta (Sam Houston
State U) and Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U)
Omicron Pi at University of Michigan
Recolonization Dates: October 20-23, 2016
Recolonizing Officer: Jessie Wang-Grimm
Recolonization Team: Jessie Wang-Grimm, Mikaela Crosby,
Kandyce Harber, Andrea Theobald, Jackie Petrucci, Amanda
Highland, Kate Donahue, Mary Faith Erwin, Miko Guzzardo,
Erin Mullaney, Rochelle Toth
Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Phi Upsilon (Purdue U), Beta
Phi (Indiana U) and Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U)
Start searching today!
Career Center
Career Portal
Recently graduated and looking
for your first job?
Seeking a career change in another city?
Hiring at your company?
Check out the AOII Career Center,
where you can search for internships
and jobs around the world, or post a
job opening at your own company.
Continuing Education Site 11
Bonus! The AOII Career Center has resources for continuing professional education for
alumnae at a 10% discount, thanks to a partnernship with FinLogic and Lorman Education.
Phi Alpha Chapter
at East Tennessee State University
Reinstalling Chapter 68
November 6, 2016
The Chapter is proud
to have members
involved in Resident Hall
Council, the Well ministry
group, Phi Sigma Pi
honor society, the East
Tennessean newspaper
and several acapella
groups. The members
also participated
in PrideWalk and
Homecoming activities
on campus this semester.
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Savannah Allen Charity Flores Alyssa Kearney Katlyn Rivera
Brooke Amos Kinsley Ford Andrea Leonard Patricia Roberson
Lauren Annas Allyssa Garlock Amanda Lockhart Hannah Rouse
Rená Baker Hailie Gerhardt McKenna Mabe Anne Sandelovich
Anna Barnett Victoria Good Sarah Matson Kinsey Seal
Morgan Baskett Katherine Gortney Savannah McCarter Hanna Sigmund
Heather Bishop Kendyl Gresham Carly McClendon Lawren Smith
Julia Brockman Sarah Halfacre Nancy Medford Olivia Snyder
Jenny Brummett Valerie Haney Hannah Mingioni Erica Stout
Elizabeth Bullock Casey Helmick Michaela Montgomery Virginia Stacy
Ashlee Burris Victoria Hobbs BreAnna Moran Odyssie Thomas
Macy Davis Larady Hoffmann Heather Morse Destinie Thomas
Rachel Dobrozsi Adrienne Hutton Danielle Niezgoda Alexandra Truelove
Samantha Donoho Simran Jagasia Julia Owens Elizabeth Varghese
Emily Dugger Alexandra Jennings Gabriela Paladino Alyssa Whisnant
Cara Farr Lauren Johnson Felicia Parks Anna Wright
Sophia Fledderman Tristin Johnson Hayley Parton Jordan Zurcher
Emily Fleeman Aubrey Jones Taylor Reed
Submotto: Faithful Always
12 | Fall/Winter 2016
Delta Gamma Chapter
at Missouri State University
Installing Chapter 210
November 13, 2016
include giving the
largest sorority donation
during a philanthropy
competition hosted
by Delta Chi Fraternity,
competing in every
Homecoming event and
receiving a standing
ovation at the campus
stomp competition.
Submotto: Devoted and Genuine
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Samira Abdullahi Brittany Dickherber Briana Isakson Alyssa Mueller Abby Schembra
Nadine Abuhamdeh Erin Drees Olivia Jaeger Danielle Mullins Madelyn Schnell
Alex Alatorre Sarah Dunn Alison James Allisyn Napoli Jenna Sears
Anna Altice Amanda Eigenmann Jenna Joachimstaler Mikayla Nebel Phoebe Sienkiewicz
Sabrina Antle Kayli Farris Kate Johanns Rachel Nehring Mikala Sisco
Lydia Baldridge Bailey Fischer Olivia Jones Alyson Nichols Andrea Sparks
Sydney Banton Taylor Gallatin Katherine Keith Jacqueline Oelrich Sammie Spencer
Kate Barnstable Catie Goetter Meghan Knobbe Jennifer Ohnesorge Laura Joy Stewart
Danielle Beeler Namira Gogumala Jacqueline Krekeler Katlyn Oldani Grace Stroup
Kelsey Bledsoe Emily Graham Kelly Krepel Caitlin Pace Anna Surrell
Rachel Boldt Bailey Grassley Emily LaFentres Hailey Parks Amber Theobald
Samantha Brown Mikayla Greene Natalie LaTurno Lexi Parks Emily Tierney
Morgan Brueseke Mae Haler Katie Lauer Taylor Payne Kara Todt
Samantha Burger Felizia Hamilton Katie Mack Magdalena Phegley Bailey Vassalli
Nikki Busbey Rachel Hanson Lauren Madlinger Jessica Pope Julia Vitale
Shannon Cahill Holly Harding Beca Maloney Megan Prather Alexis Voyles
Nicole Christman Angela Hartman Lydia Masnado Amy Ramirez Samantha Weber
Kayla Crawford Margaret Henak Shannon McCarthy Jordan Rawson Rachel Welch
Allison Cruts Cassidy Herrmann Haley McCool Madyson Reiboldt Sydney Wilhelm
Clare Cunningham Tegan Hogan Alli Melting Alli Roberts Taryn Yoakum
Kyley Cunningham Brittany Hughes Brooke Mitchals Jodi Russo Kerri Young
Timber Daniel Mackenzie Hulbert Tayler Mitchell Becky Ruth
Ashlyn Dickey Jade Ingle Amanda Moody Mikaela Samples 13
Alpha Omicron Pi
Convention 2017
Washington, D.C.
June 28th - July 1st
14| Fall/Winter 2016
Accountability & Ownership. Collaboration.
Engagement. Innovation. Open & Honest Communication.
Revealed at AOII International Convention 2015, these five
principles provide guidance for how we, as AOIIs, operate, how
we live our values and how we keep the Fraternity moving
forward in the changing world around us. This summer, we
will take these principles to the District of Columbia for AOII
International Convention 2017.
Located in the Woodley Park neighborhood of D.C., the historic
Washington Marriott Wardman Park hotel is close to the 19
Smithsonian Museums and the National Zoo, which houses four
giant pandas. The hotel is a short ride to the National Mall and
Dupont Circle, where you can find boutiques and cafes local to
the area.
While the city has much to offer, we are most excited about the
many events and educational opportunities we have planned for
Convention. We cannot wait to celebrate 120 years of sisterhood
with you through AOII Rituals and chapter acknowledgement,
while continuing to progress in our policies, standards and
We hope you join us for International Convention 2017!
Registration opens early spring 2017.
FoundationFocusSOteSuprfpOtoieSrnupgrfpiosiUSrntegirpsUsterps AB
StepS�tep � Complete a Named Scholarship
Questionnaire, determining the All endowed funodr so
Complete a NsachmoeladrsShciphoclaritreshriiap and eligibility.
Questionnaire, determining the StepS�tep �the fluctuations (Agdad
scholarship criteria and eligibility. or other cash eqluaivrga
Additional gifts are
larger awards or m
Finalize your commitment by signing
a Scholarship Gift Agreement that
Finalize your choamsmbietmeennctubsytosmigizneindgto fulfill the
a Scholarship iGnteifnt tAogfreyoemuresncthtohalatrship.
has been customized to fulfill the
intent of your scholarship.
StepS�tep �
Decide on how your scholarship will be funded:
Decide on howO$5py,o0tiu0or0nsca1hn:odMlaarasghkreiepeawntoililncbiotieanltfrucibnadustehe*da:cdodnittiroibnuatilofunnodfsaotvleear
Option 1: Manekextafinveinyiteiaalrcs,afsohr*acmoinntirmibuumtioonf o$f2a5t,l0e0a0st.
$5,000 and a(gInrietiealtococnotrnibtruibtiuotnesamdudsitiobneaml faudnedsboyvOerctthoeber 1 of ea
next five yearsy, efoarrainmoinrdimerumto oafw$a2rd5,a00sc0h.olarship the following spr
y(Ienaitirailncoorndtreibr ut$Ootio2apn5wts,i0oam0nrdu0s2a.t:bsLecahumonalcadhresthhbiepystOchhecoftoolalblrosehwrip1ingwoifsthpearaincgcha).sh*gift of
Option 2: Launch the scholarship with a cash*gift of
16| Fall/Winter 2016
aasatesiinoalhdesnrne/efstuqsloi(n.ungdsivvasseaeisnalsetserno/edtfsloi.ntthhsvsereoesmustegaodhrfkttsehhoetr)ou.mnu*dgaChrianksevsohet)us.mnt*mdaCeyiannavtslhevsosemthmraeiceyfleneartsltvsoaoendhrdeiocfnleaearrsettiooasnndusdobonjaefarcsetittoostncouskbojef csttotcok Step � Visit the AOII Foundation website
e geinftcsoaureraegnecdo,utoraignecrde,atoseinthcerecaoserptuhseocfotrhpeusfuonfdthaendfunadlloawndfoarllow for
maurdltsipoler mscuhlotiplalersshciphsoloavreshritpims eo.ver time. for details about applying for a
StSepte�p � scholarship and for the application
link on November 1st.
The AOTIhIeFoAuOndIIaFtoiounndSachtionlaSrschhipolarship
CommiCtteoemsmeliettecets saelreecctispaienret cbipaiseendt based Step �Complete your I
upon thuepcornitethrieacyroiteurhiaayveouspheacviefiesdp.ecified. T
application and a
HoHw YowoYu BoueBnefeintefit upload your a
transcript before s
You havYeothuehaflveexitbhielitfyletoxibsuilpitpyotortssuispteprosrwt shisotearsrewmhoemabreermseomf bers of the March 1st e
your chaypotuerrcahnadp/toer anda/roeraaonf astruedayothf asttu’sdyimtphaotr’tsainmt ptoorytoaun.t to you. deadline.
The AOTIIhFeoAunOdIaI tFionunsdtaaftfiomnasntaafgf emsaanllaagdems ainllisatrdamtiivneistrative Step � f
processepsrofocersysoeus finocrlyuoduinigncinluvdeisntmg einnvt,ersetmciepniet,nrtesceipleiecntiot sne,lection, c
Don’t forget to give your recommenders i
marketinmgaarknedtinpgubalnicdityp.ublicity. plenty of time to complete their portion i
Your schYoolaursshcihpowlairlslhbiep ewnidllobweeedn,daolwloewdin, galyloowuirnggifytotourligveift to live of the application by the March 1st c
on in peorpneintupitye.rpGetiuftistyt.o Gyoifutsr tsochyooluarrshcihpoalarreshinipveasrtedintvoested to deadline. m
providepinrocovimdee itnocboemeawtoabrdeeadwaasrydoeud haasvyeoduihreacvteedd.irected. Step �
You’ll reYcoeuiv’ell rinefcoerimveaitniofonrmonatthioensocnhothlaersshcihporlaecrsiphiipenrteacinpdient and
may havmeatyhehaovpeptohretuonpitypotortumneiteytttohemreeectipthieenrteocifpyieonutrogfifyt.our gift. You’ll be notified by May 31st
as to whether you’ve been
awarded a scholarship.
2015-2017 NPC Executive Committee: Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, Advocacy Chairman;
Lynnda Hoefler, Delta Zeta, Finance Chairman; Donna King, Sigma Kappa, Chairman; Carole
Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi, Vice Chairman; Frances Mitchelson, Phi Mu, Panhellenics Chairman
2016 Annual
Meeting Recap
by Jules Schenk, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
NPC Director of Marketing Alpha Xi Delta, InGiNuity, guided lively The afternoon included training for new
conversation on NPC memories and area advisors and those who serve on
The 2016 National Panhellenic what NPC does best. NPC platinum the Alumnae Panhellenics and College
Conference annual meeting offered partners also joined the excursion: Panhellenics committees.
delegation members, inter/national Billhighway, CrowdChange, Herff Jones
presidents and executive directors an Greek Division, MJ Insurance Sorority That evening, attendees gathered to
opportunity to reflect on and discuss Division and OmegaFi. discuss the proposed legislation, hear an
how the 26 member organizations are update from the Government Relations
advancing sorority together. The leaders Friday, Oct. 21, began with the executive Committee and learn how the inter/
met Oct. 20-23 at the Renaissance St. leadership gathering for a facilitated national presidents of the organizations
Louis Airport Hotel. conversation led by Carroll, including represented at Harvard University are
breakouts into their specific designations responding to Harvard’s ban on campus
For the first time, in an effort to build as board members, inter/national participation for members of single-sex
relationships among the executive presidents and executive directors. Lunch organizations. During dinner, sponsored
leadership, the delegate, inter/national offered a learning opportunity on the by gold partner CSL Management,
president and executive director for Circle of Sisterhood Foundation and delegations had time to catch up and
each member organization attended further networking. The annual meeting discuss the proposed legislation.
an off-site event. The group visited the then opened for all alternate delegates,
Missouri History Museum — home of NPC Foundation trustees and guests, Friday continued with the official
the first Thomas Jefferson memorial — including nondelegation area advisors. opening of the business meeting.
to tour the Route 66 exhibit and have
dinner Thursday, Oct. 20. Ginny Carroll,
Delegations introduced members and down at us from somewhere over the say thank you for advancing the sorority
guests, legislation was proposed and rainbow.” She then sang a touching experience. Janet Brown, Alpha Omicron
adopted, and the chairman gave the rendition of “Over the Rainbow” while Pi, NPC Foundation Board of Trustees
state of NPC presentation. This year, the a video shared the panhellenic spirit of President, announced during dinner that
address took on a new twist as a video 10 women who served NPC and had this year’s sales raised more than $8,000
complementing the annual report passed away during the year. for the spirit fund. She also noted that
displayed the accomplishments of the After the business meeting, that night’s 17 member organizations met the 100
past year. Chairman Donna C. King, dinner celebrated the accomplishments percent delegation donation challenge.
Sigma Kappa, closed the presentation of the NPC Foundation. Before and
saying, “Thank you to each of you for The annual meeting concluded with a
working together to ensure the town hall gathering Saturday
achievements of 2015-16 send a night. Jon Coffin, VOX Global,
strong message to our publics moderated a panel discussion on
that the sorority experience is the evolution of gender identity.
alive, well and growing.” After The conversation presented
the business meeting, first- an educational opportunity to
time attendees adjourned to a listen and learn about a topic
reception hosted by King, and that intersects with the unique
others gathered at a reception to position NPC organizations have
celebrate the retirement of long- as all-women’s groups. Panelists
time delegation member Patty were Tim Burke, President of
Disque, Chi Omega. Manley Burke and its Fraternal
Law Partners division; Jessica
Early morning committee Pettitt, Delta Gamma, Diversity
meetings kicked off Saturday, Consultant for Good Enough
Oct. 22, followed by inter/ Michelle LaPlatney, Theta Phi Alpha; Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho, Now; Dr. Lori Reesor, Vice Provost
national presidents and International President; Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, NPC Delegate. for Student Affairs and Dean of
executive directors visiting the Students at Indiana University
37 NPC partners in the exhibit – Bloomington; and Beth
hall to learn about the valuable Stathos, General Counsel for and
services they can provide member of Chi Omega. After this
member organizations. During thoughtful discussion, attendees
the exhibit hall hours, College enjoyed each other’s company at
Panhellenic and Alumnae a dessert reception.
Panhellenic Area Advisors met AOII representation at the 2016 NPC Annual Meeting: (standing) Janet On Sunday, Oct. 23, NPC hosted
by region and then attended a special educational summit for
breakout sessions to delve into communications decision makers.
specific areas, such as finance In opening the summit, Donna
and recruitment. All attendees Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, NPC
then enjoyed a networking Advocacy Chairman, explained
lunch with the partners. that “I like that phrase ‘a rising tide
The afternoon featured campus Brown, Delta, NPC Foundation Board of Trustees President; Courtney lifts all boats’… and I hope we
meetings where member West, Gamma Delta, Assistant Director of Public Relations; Troy LeForge, can keep that in mind as we tell
organizations met to discuss Beta Phi, Executive Director; Mary Ann Stark, Delta Delta, 1st Alternate the stories of our own member
NPC Delegate; Lisa Moore, Chi Lambda, 3rd Alternate NPC Delegate;
specific concerns identified on (seated) Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, NPC Delegate; Gayle Fitzpatrick, organizations and promote the
certain campuses. The closing Alpha Rho, International President broader sorority experience
business meeting included at the same time.” In total, 35
additional proposed legislation and throughout the annual meeting member organization representatives
special presentations from member delegation members, inter/national learned about internal communications,
organizations. Then, for the first time presidents, executive directors, College brand ambassadorship, how to talk to the
at an even-year meeting, NPC held the Panhellenics, Alumnae Panhellenics and media and how to leverage social media.
memorial service. Said Malaea Seleski, Panhellenic friends purchased sunflower Participants wrapped up the day by
Zeta Tau Alpha, “Open your hearts and stickers for $5 each. These stickers were breaking into small groups to apply
reflect on these amazing women who given to attendees — or emailed to the concepts to case studies.
touched us. We know they are smiling them if they weren’t in attendance — to
FromTheArchives History in the Making
The AOII Archives contain collections beyond those directly related to the Fraternity’s
history and the history of our chapters. One important collection contains the history
of the National Panhellenic Conference. Some of the more interesting items in the
collection include a document containing a condensed history of NPC’s first 20 years,
annual reports and the published reports from the 1923 and 1969 meetings, which
were led by AOII’s two NPC Chairmen Laura Hurd, Upsilon (U of Washington) and Mary
Louise Roller, Alpha Pi (Florida State U). These records, and many others, contain the
story of NPC and the ongoing hard work by the conference to maintain the fraternal
ideal as defined by the member organizations. In October of 2017, another chapter will
be added to the AOII Archives when Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
assumes the role of NPC Chairman.
20| Fall/Winter 2016
2016-2017 volunteer directory
aoii executive board past international
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho
Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance, Nu Beta Joan MacCallum, Kappa Phi, 1979-1981
Crystal Combs, Vice President, Nu Beta Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 1981-1985
Amber Countis, Vice President, Pi Peg Crawford, Iota, 1985-1989
Susan Danko, Vice President, Phi Upsilon Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta, 1989-1993
Grace Houston, Vice President, Lambda Tau Mary Williams, Phi, 1993-1995
Jessie Wang-Grimm, Vice President, Phi Chi Ann Gilchrist, Theta, 1995-1997
Krista Whipple, Vice President, Omega Linda Collier, Chi Omicron, 1997-1999
Allison Allgier, Past International President, Epsilon Omega Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, 1999-2003
Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau, 2003-2005
aoii foundation board Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon, 2005-2009
Barb Zipperian, Kappa Kappa, 2009-2011
Koren Phillips, President, Phi Chi Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega, 2011-2015
Andrea Dill, Director, Chi Psi
Judy Flessner, Treasurer, Iota committee chairmen
Linda Grandolfo, Secretary, Nu Iota and appointments
Kathy Jensen, Director, Theta Omega
Michelle Lopez, Director, Delta Theta Ginger Banks, Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry, Pi Kappa
Dionn Tron, Director, Omega Janet Brown, Constitution Interpretation and Revision, Delta
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho Barbara Hunt, Perry Award, Phi Delta
Carole Jones, NPC Delegate, Alpha Delta
aoii properties board Joan MacCallum, Historian, Kappa Phi
Dana Moreland, Human Resources, Delta Alpha
Julie Bishop, President, Gamma Theta Natasha Sherwood, Public Relations, Gamma Omicron
Lacey Bowman, Vice President, Chi Delta Sandy Stewart, Education, Alpha Chi
Susan Bonifield, Treasurer, Nu Beta Sally Wagaman, Parliamentarian, Sigma Tau
Caroline Lazzara, Director, Lambda Beta
Cindy Visot, Director, Gamma Theta
Krista Whipple, Director, Omega
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho
22 | Fall/Winter 2016
network 1 network 4 network 7
ND - Melissa Schoenfeld, Delta ND - Ashley Dumat, Rho Omicron ND - Sky Ruhlman, Pi
NS-A - Kay Welch, Theta Pi NS-A - Melissa Underwood, Tau Omega NS-A - Rhonda Evans, Lambda Tau
NS-A - Bridget Scanlon, Theta Pi NS-D Phi Alpha - Laura Johnson, Alpha Chi NS-A - Patti Dowie, Kappa Tau
NS-D Alpha Mu - Kim Carroll, Delta Chi NS-D Pi Omicron - Sarah Elliott, Delta Omega NS-D Delta Gamma - Shirley Lin, Delta Alpha
NS-D Beta Eta - Gretta Blatner, Upsilon Alpha NS-F - Melissa Caudill, Rho Delta NS-D Upsilon Beta - Sandy Lykins, Lambda Sigma
NS-D Delta - Kelly O’Dwyer-Manuel, Gamma Chi NS-F - Amanda Zellner, Pi Alpha NS-F - Jennifer Ryder, Gamma Delta
NS-D Gamma Phi - Colleen Fagan, Phi Beta NS-L - Rachel Higdon, Tau Omega NS-F - Sharon Pasqual, Theta Chi
NS-D Lambda Lambda - Amy Simonini, Beta Phi NS-L - Whitney Wilgus, Kappa Omega NS-L - Anna Davis, Alpha Kappa
NS-F - Barbara Carnival Dannenberg, Phi Beta NS-R - Stephanie Burdick, Kappa Kappa NS-L - Debbie Gardner, Alpha Kappa
NS-F - Heidi Butler, Nu Delta NS-R - Linnea Herbert, Nu Iota NS- L - Caitlin Dartez, Kappa Chi
NS-L - Jin Hu, Lambda Epsilon NS-R - Laura-Catherine Parham, Nu Beta
NS-L - Trista Angelisanti-McDermott, Sigma Rho network 5 NS-R - Darcy Kaul, Gamma Delta
NS-R - Aioni Ortiz, Pi Theta NS-R - Kristi Fulgham, Zeta Pi
NS-R - Laurie Deakin, Kappa Phi ND - Sally Becking, Gamma Sigma
NS-R - Amy Kumpel, Delta NS-A - Amy Jo Rawson, Zeta network 8
NS-A - Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma
network 2 NS-D Alpha Pi - Leanne Mallory, Sigma Delta ND - Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi
NS-D Lambda Delta - Celia Reed, Alpha Kappa NS-A - Clara Tomsula, Alpha Omicron
ND - Carey Unger, Nu Omicron NS-D Phi Gamma - Morgan Harkrider, Gamma Sigma NS-A - Boualoy Dayton, Lambda Beta
NS-A - Melissa Harto, Chi Epsilon NS-F - Laurie French, Theta Psi NS-A - Phyllis Gilson, Sigma Phi
NS-A - TBD NS-L - Heather Turner, Alpha Lambda NS-D Alpha Rho - Addie McNeal, Chi Psi
NS-D Alpha Epsilon - Emily DeHaven, Zeta Psi NS-L - Kaelin Moore, Gamma Theta NS-D Beta Sigma - Laura Pope, Mu Lambda
NS-D Kappa Delta - Karen Marchese, Phi Lambda NS-R - Ashley Sherman, Beta Zeta NS-D - Delta Nu - Sarah Gondek, Iota
NS-F - Marissa Schultz, Omega Upsilon NS-R - Bianka Gomez, Pi Theta NS-D Lambda Iota - Ashley Harrier, Sigma Phi
NS-L - Ashley Sarna, Sigma Alpha NS-D Zeta Theta - Esther Nickelson, Alpha Phi
NS-L - Jenny Meade, Omega Upsilon network 6 NS-F - Shala Sweet, Kappa Lambda
NS-L - Brooke Wesley, Kappa Omega NS-F - Jessica Austin, Theta Omega
NS-R - Janet Evers, Theta Psi ND - Debbie Tam, Beta Phi NS-L - Wendy Espinoza, Delta Sigma
NS-R - Tracy Lyons, Delta Delta NS-A - Ally McArdle, Iota Tau NS-L - Kelly Abbott, Sigma Phi
NS-A - Rene Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa NS-L - Carly Petersen, Sigma Phi
network 3 NS-F - Karen Meyers, Gamma Beta NS-R - Meghan Granito, Tau Gamma
NS-D Lambda Rho - Lisa Dutt, Phi Sigma NS-R - Quinn Duane, Chi Psi
ND - Shari Kagan, Nu Iota NS-D Phi Delta - Lorraine Frederickson, Iota Tau NS-R - Deene Souza, Chi Psi
NS-A - Sharon Boison, Kappa Kappa NS-D Sigma Theta - Becki Scribner, Upsilon Lambda
NS-A - Stephanie Mete Spletzer, Delta Rho NS-D Tau Mu - Joelle McWilliams, Kappa Tau
NS-D Beta Nu - Nora Behan, Delta Rho NS-D Theta Sigma - Erica Mohai, Beta Gamma
NS-D Omicron Pi - Rochelle Toth, Alpha Psi NS-L - Stephanie Chandler, Delta Alpha
NS-F - Allison Marshall Davidson, Iota NS-L - Christina Kraft-Andersen, Kappa Lambda
NS-L - Christine Brown Pompa, Lambda Eta NS-R - Jill Subera, Tau
NS-L - Jessica Kay, Beta Gamma NS-R - Kristy Pacheco, Upsilon Lambda
NS-L - Niki George, Iota Sigma NS-R - Mandy Hedstrom, Alpha Phi
NS-R - Jessica Casteel, Phi Chi
NS-R - Mikaela Crosby, Beta Gamma
network 3 network 4
Beta Gamma Iota Chi Alpha Chi Nu Omicron
Michigan State U U of Western Ontario Western Kentucky U Vanderbilt U
East Lansing, MI London, ON, Canada Bowling Green, KY Nashville, TN
Beta Nu Kappa Alpha Beta Chi Omicron
Illinois State U Indiana State U Kentucky Wesleyan College U of Tennessee
Normal, IL Terre Haute, IN Owensboro, KY Knoxville, TN
Beta Phi Kappa Kappa Delta Omega Phi Alpha
Indiana U Ball State U Murray State U East Tennessee State U
Bloomington, IN Muncie, IN Murray, KY Johnson City, TN
Beta Tau Kappa Rho Epsilon Omega Pi Omicron
U of Toronto Western Michigan U Eastern Kentucky U Austin Peay State U
Toronto, ON, Canada Kalamazoo, IN Richmond, KY Clarksville, TN
Delta Rho Lambda Epsilon Kappa Omega Pi Alpha
DePaul U U of Waterloo U of Kentucky U of Louisville
Chicago, IL Waterloo, ON, Canada Lexington, KY Louisville, KY
Chi Lambda Lambda Eta Kappa Omicron Rho Omicron
U of Evansville Grand Valley State U Rhodes College Middle Tennessee State U
Evansville, IN Allendale, MI Memphis, TN Murfreesboro, TN
Delta Xi Omicron Pi Lambda Omicron Tau Omega
Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech. U of Michigan Cumberland U Transylvania U
Ann Arbor, MI Lebanon, TN Lexington, KY
Terre Haute, IN
Epsilon Sigma Phi Chi Nu Beta Tau Omicron
Quincy U U of Chicago U of Mississippi U of Tennessee at Martin
Quincy, IL Chicago, IL Oxford, MS Martin, TN
Iota Phi Upsilon Nu Omega
U of Illinois Purdue U Northern Kentucky U
Urbana-Champaign, IL West Lafayette, IN Highland Heights, KY
network 5 network 6
Alpha Lambda Kappa Gamma Alpha Phi Phi Sigma
Georgia Southern U Florida Southern College Montana State U U of Nebraska at Kearney
Statesboro, GA Lakeland, FL Bozeman, MT Kearney, NE
Alpha Pi Lambda Chi Alpha Theta Sigma Theta
Florida State U LaGrange College Coe College Sam Houston State U
Tallahassee, FL LaGrange, GA Cedar Rapids, IA Huntsville, TX
Beta Zeta Lambda Delta Chi Theta Tau
Kennesaw State U Dalton State College Northeastern State U U of Minnesota
Kennesaw, GA Dalton, GA Tahlequah, OK Minneapolis, MN
Chi Phi Lambda Sigma Delta Theta Tau Mu
U of South Carolina Aiken U of Georgia Texas Woman’s U Texas A&M U
Aiken, SC Athens, GA Denton, TX College Station, TX
Delta Lambda Mu Lambda Epsilon Gamma Theta Sigma
Columbus State U Rollins College U of Northern Colorado Tarleton State U
Columbus, GA Winter Park, FL Greeley, CO Stephenville, TX
Gamma Omicron Phi Gamma Iota Sigma Theta Chi
U of Florida Georgia College & State U Iowa State U Morningside College
Gainesville, FL Milledgeville, GA Ames, IA Sioux City, IA
Gamma Sigma Pi Theta Kappa Sigma Upsilon Lambda
Georgia State U Florida International U U of Wisconsin-River Falls U of Texas at San Antonio
Atlanta, GA Miami, FL River Falls, WI San Antonio, TX
Gamma Theta Lambda Rho Xi
U of South Florida Texas Christian U U of Oklahoma
Tampa, FL Fort Worth, TX Norman, OK
Omega Sigma Zeta
Oklahoma State U U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Stillwater, OK Lincoln, NE
Phi Delta
U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI
26 | Fall/Winter 2016
network 7 network 8
Alpha Delta Kappa Tau Alpha Gamma Lambda Beta
U of Alabama Southeastern Louisiana U Washington State U California State U, Long Beach
Tuscaloosa, AL Hammond, LA Pullman, WA Long Beach, CA
Delta Beta Lambda Tau Alpha Rho Lambda Iota
U of Louisiana at Lafayette U of Louisiana at Monroe Oregon State U U of California, San Diego
Lafayette, LA Monroe, LA Corvallis, OR La Jolla, CA
Delta Delta Rho Delta Beta Kappa Sigma Phi
Auburn U Samford U U of British Columbia California State U, Northridge
Auburn, AL Birmingham, AL Vancouver, BC, Canada Northridge, CA
Delta Epsilon Sigma Delta Beta Sigma Tau Gamma
Jacksonville State U Huntingdon College Boise State U Eastern Washington U
Jacksonville, AL Montgomery, AL Boise, ID Cheney, WA
Delta Gamma Sigma Omicron Chi Psi Theta Iota
Missouri State U Arkansas State U California Polytechnic State U California State U, San Marcos
Springfield, MO Jonesboro, AR San Marcos, CA
San Luis Obispo, CA
Delta Kappa Tau Delta Delta Nu Theta Omega
Washington U in St. Louis Birmingham Southern College U of Nevada, Reno Northern Arizona U
St. Louis, MO Birmingham, AL Reno, NV Flagstaff, AZ
Delta Pi Upsilon Beta Delta Sigma Upsilon
U of Central Missouri U of Arkansas - Fort Smith San Jose State U U of Washington
Warrensburg, MO Fort Smith, AR San Jose, CA Seattle, WA
Delta Tau Xi Omicron Kappa Lambda Xi Rho
U of Alabama in Huntsville U of Arkansas U of Calgary Sonoma State U
Huntsville, AL Fayetteville, AR Calgary, AB, Canada Rohnert Park, CA
Gamma Delta Zeta Pi Lambda Alpha Zeta Theta
U of South Alabama U of Alabama at Birmingham U of La Verne California State U, Chico
Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL La Verne, CA Chico, CA
Kappa Chi
Northwestern State U
Natchitoches, LA
Chocolate Stirring Spoons from Sweet Home Cookies & Brownies
Harry and David. from Dancing Deer Baking Co.
Stir these fun chocolate spoons in hot milk for an Cookies with your cocoa? Great! Cookies with
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Aromatherapy Blankets the Sweet Home Project, a philanthropy
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families in Massachusetts.
Curl up with a cozy, soothing, flaxseed and
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What’s hot chocolate without fluffy
Wall Mounted Electric marshmallows? These fun marshmallows are a
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No fireplace? No problem. Any room of your Homesick Candles.
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Panda Mug from Society 6. state burning with candles from Homesick.
Hot tea, coffee and cocoa seem to taste even
better in this sweet, ceramic panda mug.
28| Fall/Winter 2016
Nicasia Solano Reed in the Meatpacking Distrcit of New York City at 6:30 am.
Deanna Gerde in the subway in New York City at 2:30 am.
by Haley Cahill, Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Collaborative. Organic. Revealing. These are three words full-time undergraduate student Allison
Armfield, Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U), uses to describe her dance photography.
Deanna Gerde in the Seaport District of Manhattan. Armfield has been a dancer for Knowing Armfield was searching for
nearly 12 years, but she did not a summer internship, her professor
begin photographing dancers until encouraged Armfield to look into
she took a photography class her opportunities with the photographer.
freshman year at TCU.
“We could choose whatever we
wanted to photograph, so naturally, In March 2016, Armfield went to
my subject choice was dance New York City for one of Greenfield’s
because I was always in the dance workshops. Armfield knew Greenfield
building,” Armfield said. “And I was accepted interns, but did not have
always around dancers, so it made a formal application process. At the
it easy for me to find people to conclusion of the workshop, Armfield
photograph and photograph things stepped out on a limb and asked
that were interesting to me.” Greenfield for an opportunity to work
with her.
That interest quickly became
a passion as Armfield began “I had to go up and say, ‘I am
photographing dance performances interested in working with you, and I
and rehearsals on campus. hear you have an internship program.
Are you currently seeking interns for
In September 2014, Armfield decided summer 2016?’ That was probably
to take her passion to the next one of the most nerve-racking
level, beginning her own business, moments of my spring.”
Allison Armfield Photography, while
continuing to take courses as a full- Greenfield asked Armfield to submit
time undergraduate student. a resume and if she was interested
in Armfield, she would contact her.
During her junior year, Armfield Much to her surprise, Armfield was
learned one of her dance professors offered the summer internship with
was a model for Lois Greenfield. Greenfield shortly after.
Greenfield is a a fine art and
commercial photographer who has Armfield packed her bags and
photographed dancers from some of moved to Brooklyn in May 2016
the world’s most well-known dance for the duration of the summer
companies, including the American internship.
Ballet Theatre and Alvin Ailey.
36| Fall/Winter 2016
Shaina Wire of Charlotte Ballet on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York.
CONNECTIONS, LOCATIONS, In addition to navigating the Big Allison Armfield, Lambda Rho
MORE CONNECTIONS Apple, Armfield dedicated significant (Texas Christian U) is a senior
time to calling on previous contacts, modern dance major, general
Having previously spent time in while also creating new, valuable, business minor from Grand Blanc,
New York for other dance-related professional connections. Michigan.
opportunities, Armfield had no
problem acclimating to life in the “I had to go find them on my own,
Big Apple. When she was not in the which was fun. It was part of the
studio emailing clients, identifying adventure,” Armfield said.
models for photography workshops
or retouching photos, she was hitting Armfield was able to build a network
the pavement or hopping on the of models by reaching out to dancers
subway, looking for new locations to she found on social media or by
photograph and contacting dancers re-connecting with dancers she met
to be subjects for her images. as a trainee at Joffrey Ballet School in
New York City.
“I was never really in one place when
I went to photograph,” Armfield DO MORE, LEARN MORE
said. “A lot of the time, the dancers
I worked with would help me pick Though she stayed busy with
the location of the shoot because photoshoots and studio work,
they were living in the city, and they Armfield said some of the most
often felt connected to where I was beneficial learning experiences came
photographing them, so we would from asking for additional work and
collaborate on picking a location. I embracing any opportunity that
would take what I know about the presented itself.
location and the dancer and I would
make the art based off of that.” “I never wanted to be at a
standstill—I always wanted to learn
When choosing locations, Armfield more and do more,” Armfield said.
considered the light, background, “I would always ask if there was
colors, how long it would take her something more I could do and I
to get to a location or if a location ended up learning more that way.”
would be particularly busy based on
the time of day. Armfield returned to Texas in
August for her senior year. While she
Over the course of the summer, continues to expand her skillset and
Armfield photographed in a portfolio through her coursework in
variety of locations including the Fort Worth, she said New York is the
Meatpacking District, by the Brooklyn hub for dance photography, and she
Bridge and even underground by the plans to move back to the city after
subway. graduation to pursue her passion.
by Haley Cahill, Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Women are making more headway than ever
before in science, technology, engineering, math
and medicine (STEM) careers. As demands for
these jobs rise, so does the role women play in
these crucial fields. Allision Daniel, Delta Tau
(University of Alabama in Hunstville) and Amy
Comeau, Phi Upsilon (Purdue University) are
two AOIIs making their mark on Earth and in
space through their respective undergraduate
Allison Daniel, Delta Tau
Goal: Create an automated Python October, Daniel
was notified that
script that assesses agricultural drought she was chosen as
in the Mekong River Basin through the one of five grand
use of NASA satellite datasets of land prize winners.
surface temperature, vegetation and
precipitation. As a grand prize
winner, Daniel
That was Allison Daniel’s goal during received a $2,500
her summer 2016 internship with the travel grant to
NASA DEVELOP National Program. attend the 2016
The senior Delta Tau (University of AGU Fall Meeting,
Alabama in Huntsville) Earth system a $2,500 travel
science major dedicated her summer grant to attend an
to analyzing periods of drought and Earth and space
flooding in the Mekong River Basin science meeting
from 2000 through 2016 to better in 2017, a $1,000 travel stipend to
predict and detect the onset on visit a NASA center to collaborate
agricultural drought. with NASA scientists in 2017, and the
opportunity to present her project
At the conclusion of the summer, via the NASA Hyperwall at the 2016
AGU Fall Meeting and other affiliated
Daniel learned the American meetings. Additionally, Daniel will have
the opportunity to present an abstract
Geophysical Union was hosting its as part of her senior research project
that she submitted in the poster
first data visualization storytelling presentation competition.
competition. Thinking her research
would make a great project
submission, Daniel decided to continue
her research and
The purpose of the American enter her project in
Geophysical Union is to promote the competition. “I am definitely proud of myself. This
discovery in Earth and space isn’t something I was aware of the
science for the benefit of humanity, The competition magnitude of it at the time that I
according to its mission statement. was open to all U.S. applied,” Daniel said. “Now that I have
citizens enrolled as received it, I am really excited for it,
and I would say overall, it proves my
undergraduate or graduate students. work ethic and my dedication to
my academics but also my genuine
Submissions required a statement of interest in what I am doing.”
purpose about the project’s data and
its scientific potential, a description
of the data set use, a proposed story Though Daniels’ project was an
individual submission, she said the
presentation with visual elements work of her fellow summer interns and
the guidance of her mentor were key
lasting 10 minutes or less, and a components to her success.
playlist of media files meetings NASA’s
Hyperwall requirements. Additionally,
submissions must relate to one of three
specified categories: 2015/2016 El Niño, “I could not have A Hyperwall* is a high-resolution
done this without video wall capable of displaying
innovative use of new and emerging my teammates first multiple data visualizations and/or
who helped me images simultaneously across an
technologies, or extreme events and get the data, and I arrangement of screens. A 3x3 grid
had a mentor who of screens is most common, with a
natural hazards, from cause to effect worked me through 10th screen for accompany text.
the Hyperwall
and beyond. application.” *According to “A Guide for
Preparing Hyperwall Content” by NASA.
Daniel met with her college mentor
every week for a month to perfect
her work, and she submitted the
completed project in September. In
Daniel was excited to share the news Daniel said. “So why not join the two
of her award with her fellow interns together?”
and hopes to connect with several
of them at the Fall Meeting, as they Daniel is hopeful for a career with an
may be representing their respective environmental conservation group like
universities at the conference as well. the Environmental Protection Agency.
However, with the NASA Marshall
With more than 24,000 attendees Space Flight Center in her college
at last year’s conference, Daniel said town, Daniel is also interested in
she is particularly excited about the additional opportunities with NASA.
networking opportunities, in addition
to presenting her projects. Daniel will Whatever she chooses to pursue,
also have the opportunity to recruit Daniel said she hopes to be known as
potential new students on behalf of an AOII woman who dedicated her
her department at UAH. life’s work to the betterment of
society and the Earth.
Aside from attending the Fall Meeting,
Daniel is also preparing for life after
undergrad in December. She is most
interested in graduate school programs
related to urban sustainability or
environmental policy.
“I see it as a field I can make
such an impact in and
I am passionate
about it,”
38| Fall/Winter 2016
Amy Comeau, Phi Upsilon
Ask Amy Comeau, Phi Upsilon different social media
(Purdue U) where social sites. While NASA
media can take you in life and Socials are great
her answer might be “the opportunities for social
International Space Station.” media users and NASA
supporters themselves,
The sophomore aeronautical the goal is for those
and astronautical engineering users to leverage their
major was recently selected personal sites to share
to watch the launch of the details of the event
Orbital ATK Commercial and encourage their
Resupply Services Cygnus respective followers to
(Cargo Resupply OA-6) follow and engage with
mission through the NASA NASA online.
Socials program.
When Comeau Purdue FIRST Programs is a student
NASA Socials are events for a discovered this organization at Purdue University
select group of NASA’s social opportunity, she where students serve as mentors
media followers where they decided to apply, to area youth, teaching them about
have the opportunity to learn calling on her social science, technology, engineering
more about NASA’s missions, media experience and mathematics.
get a behind-the-scenes as former director of
look at NASA facilities, and
network with NASA scientists, public relations for in NASA programs through
engineers and astronauts. The Purdue FIRST Programs and FIRST Robotics.
events are exclusively offered her involvement in the Purdue
to individuals with prominent
social media presence, FIRST Robotics Program, Her strategy proved
whether that be through a which NASA also sponsors. successful. She was notified
blog, Instagram account or
Youtube channel, who also Comeau capitalized on that in March she was one of 30
pre-existing relationship space enthusiasts selected
follow NASA on several in her application, stating to attend the event, with
she could use the Purdue less than five of those being
FIRST Facebook and Twitter college students.
accounts to encourage their Comeau traveled to Florida
followers to become more with her dad for the event.
engaged with NASA, as so She had the opportunity to
attend the official NASA press
many of them are conference about the launch,
already involved
see the launch pads and
rockets, and tour some of the
facilities at
Kennedy Space which was delivering supplies think of,” Comeau recalled.
Center, including to the International Space “That totally started my love
the iconic Vehicle Station. for space for sure.”
Assembly Building.
Finally, Comeau was “I had never seen a launch “I remember looking up at the
able to watch the before—that was on my sky every night and I remember
launch of the Orbital bucket list,” Comeau said. telling my mom, ‘I’m going to go
ATK’s Cygnus spacecraft, “Going out to the launch there some day.’”
pad knowing that Comeau and her family moved
was about to leave back to Massachusetts when
the planet was pretty she was in elementary school,
incredible.” but her passion for space
remained in the forefront of
Touring the NASA her mind throughout high
facility and watching school. She wanted to pursue
the launch was more a career where she could
than a bucket list item use her love for science to
for Comeau, though; help people, so she thought
it was one step in the engineering was a good fit
direction of her lifelong for her. However, she wanted
dream of becoming an to learn more about space
astronaut. as well. When it was time to
choose a college, Comeau
Comeau was born selected Purdue University,
in Massachusetts, whose School of Aeronautics
but spent part of her and Astronautics within
childhood on a Pacific the College of Engineering
Island where her combined her passions for
parents were stationed space and for helping others.
for work, and where
she first fell in love with Purdue’s aeronautics and
space. astronautics program is ranked
the 4th best in the nation and
“The night sky that I got has been called the “Cradle
to see every night— of Astronauts” according
no light pollution to the U.S. News and World
whatsoever, brilliant Report. Twenty-three Purdue
sunsets, followed by graduates have been chosen
the deepest night sky
you could possibly
40| Fall/Winter 2016
to travel to space and Comeau On top of extremely
hopes to be the next. demanding curriculum,
Comeau said her coursework being in the minority of her
is extremely challenging, classes was an adjustment
but remains steadfast in her for Comeau, but she said she
studies on even the most has a great support system in
difficult days, saying she is her classmates and her AOII
driven to learn as much as she sisters.
can to stand out as an expert “I think if I didn’t have AOII,
candidate to NASA. I would lose my mind,”
Being a stand-out, expert she said. “I would get so
applicant certainly is caught up in school,
important when pursuing a but I think my sanity
career with NASA. Of the 6,300 would start to falter a
people who applied to be part little bit. They act as
of the 2013 astronaut class the light at the end
which will travel to Mars, only of the tunnel for
four men and four women me.”
were chosen. Though
Though the 2013 team had Comeau will
an equal ration of men to not graduate
women, and women are until 2018, she
making great headway in the is eager about
industry, Comeau said she her next steps,
wants to see more women as she is already
continue to enter the field. looking at graduate
programs related
“In my sophomore design to aeronautical and
class of about 100 people, astronautical engineering,
there were nine girls, including as well as opportunities in
myself, which is something the private sector to gain
I really want to see change,” technical experience. Though
Comeau said. “It is changing, there is a long road ahead of
but at Purdue, for the Aero/ her to become an astronaut,
Astro school, it has been at Comeau believes the dream
about 16 or so percent.” she has had since she was a
little girl will one day become
a reality.
New Year,
New Apps
As 2016 nears an end
and 2017 approaches,
you may find yourself
reflecting on what you
accomplished in the
last year and what you
would like to achieve
in the coming year.
Perhaps 2017 is the
year you will stress
less, develop healthier
habits, improve your
grades, increase your
productivity at work or
become more financially
savvy. Whatever your
resolutions are for
the new year, there is
probably an app to help.
42| Fall/Winter 2016
Master Your Money
If 2017 is your year to finally build a better budget, start investing your
extra cash or simply cut back on your trips to Target, there are several
apps to help you master your money.
This app is a great tool
to help you track your
spending and saving habits.
You can set reminders when
bills are due and request tips
for saving more money or
for reducing fees. You can
sync the app to your bank or
credit card accounts for an
accurate depiction of your
financial status right down
to the penny.
Did you spot your
roommate your spare
cash for pizza over the
weekend? Did you pay for
your coworker’s lunch when
your waiter forgot to split
the bill? A few dollars here
and there can really add up.
Venmo is an app that allows
you to transfer money from
your bank account or credit
card directly to your friends
without making a trip to
your bank or writing a check.
Eat Healthy
2017 could be your year to cut back on processed food and enjoy
more nutritious meals. There are several apps to help you develop a
lifestyle of healthy eating.
Whether you are looking to
lose weight, gain weight, up
your fiber intake, reduce your
sugar intake or something in
between, this app can help
you meet your health goals by
tracking your intake of calories,
nutrients and macronutrients.
You can scan the bar codes of
foods you purchase or search
for your favorite products or
menu items from the app’s
expansive database of more
than 5 million foods. Adjust
the serving size to reflect your
consumption of each food and
the app will calculate your total
calories, nutrients and macronutrients for the day. The app provides caloric and nutrient
goals based on your end goals and gives you a progress report after you submit your
food diary each day.
Need help eating healthier, but cannot afford to meet with a registered dietician? The
Rise app might be what you are looking for! For less than $15 per week, you can partner
with a nutritionist who will help you develop healthy eating habits. Share your goals
and information and photos of your meals with your coach and they will provide quick
recommendations and information about your foods to help you meet your goals.
Plant Nanny
Though not specifically food-related, drinking enough water is also an important
element of health. It can be difficult, though, when you are busy jumping from meeting
to meeting or class to class. Plant Nanny is a fun way to help you drink enough water
throughout the day. You simply pick a plant and a water goal for the day and when you
log your water intake, your plant grows. Keep your plant alive by drinking more water.
The app will even send you notifications to grab a glass of H2O if you have not logged
enough water for the day.
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Get In Shape
If 2017 is your year to complete a race for the first time, find a new
workout you love or increase your step count each day, there are a ton
of fitness apps to help you reach your goals.
Put your money where your steps are! Motivate yourself to get moving by participating in
a step challenge. Contribute some spare cash to the “pot” with other participants across
the country. At the end of the challenge period, you split the total amount of money in the
“pot” with all the participants who met their step goal.
Nike+ Training Club
This interactive app gives you a personal trainer at your
fingertips. With more than 100 workouts ranging from
beginner to advanced levels, low to high intensity,
and as short at 15 minutes, there are countless
options for whatever your goals or preferences
may be. The app guides you through each
exercise with simple instructions and video
demonstrations from Nike athletes and trainers
including Serena Williams and Ellie Goulding.
You can also use the app to track other activities
as well.
Couch to 5k
If completing a 5k is on your to-do list but you
are new to running, this app may be for you.
The app is designed to help users train for a 5k
race in nine weeks, by running and/or walking
for 20 to 30 minutes, three days per week.
With audio cues from motivational coaches
and music playlists in the app, Couch to 5k can
keep you excited and dedicated to reaching
that finish line.
Daily Yoga
This app has more than 100 yoga and
meditation exercises for beginners and
advanced yogis. With soothing background
music and demonstrative videos, you can have
your own yoga studio at your fingertips.
Give Back
Are you seeking to do more volunteer work or to give back more in
2017? A new year is a new opportunity to help those in need, and
there are several apps that make giving back easier than ever.
Charity Miles
This app packs a one-two punch. If you are
looking to get in shape and give back,
this app is for you. The app uses GPS
to track a bike ride, run or walk,
but it will also donate money
to a charity of your choice for
every mile you log. Select
your method of exercise—
run, walk or bike—and
then choose a charity to
support. There are more
than 40 charities to choose
from including She’s the
First, Feeding America,
Special Olympics, ASPCA
and Stand Up To Cancer.
Golden Volunteer
This app does not just share local
volunteer opportunities, it provides
personalized service recommendations based on
your schedule, expressed interests, Facebook likes and more, to help you find
the volunteer opportunities best suited for your personality and lifestyle. The
app even has a feature which allows you to share your service hours with your
chapter’s philanthropy chair, or with friends and other groups you belong to.
Pocket Rice
Give your smartphone games a worthy cause! Pocket Rice is a trivia app
that donates 10 grains of actual rice to people in need around the world.
Have a few minutes of down time between classes or meetings? Looking
for something to do on your bus ride to work? Helping others is as easy as
answering a few trivia questions in your free time.
While not an app, this site is a great tool for connecting users to new and
unique volunteer opportunities around the world.
Catch More Zzzs
Being attentive in your meetings or classes is difficult without quality
sleep. If you toss and turn at night or need to develop healthier
sleeping habits, these apps might be able to help.
White Noise
If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or
relaxing, this app might be a helpful tool for you.
With more than 40 looped sounds to choose from
like beach waves crashing, white noise, light rain
and campfire, the app has several
soothing sounds that you can listen
to with or without headphones
during a quick afternoon nap or
throughout the whole night while
you sleep.
Sleep Better--Sleep Cycle
Tracker & Alarm Clock
If you toss and turn all night, but
cannot seem to figure out what
keeps you up all night, check out
this app. You can track your amount
of sleep, your dreams and even your
caffeine and food consumption
patterns to identify which of your
daily habits may affect your quality
of sleep each night.
Fitness Trackers
Many fitness trackers and watches
from companies like Apple, Garmin
and Fitbit come with sleep tracking
capabilities. If so, sleep with your
device on your wrist and monitor
your sleeping patterns each night.
You can see how many hours you
were in deep sleep, light sleep or
when you were awake throughout
the night.
Stress Less
Leave your 2016 worries at the door, and resolve to stress less in 2017.
These apps could help you relax, improve your mood and reduce your
If adult coloring books are a stress reliever for you, check out this app.
You can import your own photos or choose from a variety of pre-
made images in the app. You just use your finger or stylus to color
and you can zoom in and out of the image for accuracy. Plus, there are
several color palettes available.
Managing the stress of everyday life can be made easier with
breathing practices. This app guides you through several breathing
exercises to help improve your mood, decrease feelings of stress,
anxiety or anger.
Aquarium HD
Have you ever noticed aquariums in doctors’ offices? Aquarium views
provide calming visuals that may help you relax after a long day or
before a stressful exam. This app brings those same views straight to
your phone without hauling around your own tank full of water.
Acupressure: Heal Yourself
If you are familiar with acupuncture,
you know it has been shown
to improve pain, anxiety,
depression and insomnia
among other ailments
by stimulating certain
acupuncture points of the
body with needles. This
app aims to provide relief
from mental and physical
symptoms of stress or
pain without the use of
needles. With illustrations,
the app guides you
through finding points of
stress or pain in your body and
how to self-massage for relief.
48| Fall/Winter 2016
Manage Your Time
Effective time management skills are crucial for accomplishing daily
tasks and meeting long-term goals at work or school. If you need help
staying on track, check out these apps.
It sounds counterintuitive, but if you think you
spend too much time using your cell phone
to play games or check email or social media
updates, this app may be able to help. This app
tracks the amount of time you use your device
and you can set daily limits and notifications if
you exceed those limits.
While not an app, this software runs in the
background of your computer or smartphone
and records the amount of time you spend
doing things like checking email, making phone
calls, playing games, sending text messages
or watching videos. Similar to Moment, this
software also lets you cut down on distractions
by selecting an amount of time you can access
distracting sites.
Stay on Task
Throughout the day, this app will send a notificaiton asking if you are
focused and working on task. The notifications are random, so you never
know when the app will check up on you or give you a gentle reminder
to get back to work.
This app helps you stay on task every minute of every day. Use the app to create
a list of tasks you need to accomplish and an exact amount of time for each task.
Start the app’s timer and it will alert you when it is time for the next task. If you
struggle with time management or need to accomplish many tasks in one day,
this app may be for you.
Ace Your Courses
2017 is your year to land a spot on the Dean’s List. Though technology
has the potential to distract you from your studies, there are several
apps designed to help you be a better student.
Turn in an A+ research paper with the help of EasyBib. The app helps you format your
bibliography in a variety of writing styles including APA, MLA and Chicago Style. Type
in the work you referenced and the app will produce an accurate citation for you to
insert in your bibliography. For even quicker citations, the app can also scan bar codes
of books.
Tiny Scanner
Gone are the days of lending out your carefully written classnotes to friends who miss
class. With the Tiny Scanner app, you can use your smartphone to take a photo of your
notes and turn them into a PDF that you can email.
Bulky decks of handwritten flash cards are a thing of the past. The StudyBlue app lets
you create flashcards with text, images and even audio that you can flip through on
your phone. Review key terms for an upcoming exam on your morning bus ride or
while walking to class.
If you are not familiar with CliffsNote
yet, this app is worth downloading
right away. The app provides
summaries and information about
the plot, characters and themes of
just about any novel you will read
in college. CliffsNotes gives you a
rundown of important information
for when you need a quick review or
if you were short on time and did not
finish your assigned reading
before class.
50| Fall/Winter 2016