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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 13:09:26

2010 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. 74, No. 2

To<253A l p h a O m I c r o n Pi

VOL.. 74 N o . 2





4lpia 7


Welcome to AOII!
Madison Lane, a Delta
Omega new member,
is all smiles as she
receives a hug from Kirby
O ' D o n o g h u e on Bid Day
2009 at Murray State U.



it 7 Viewpoint
8 Fraternity News
€5^ 10 Sense and Sensitivity

L W h a t can we learn from studying our five senses?

r 2 2 AOII Structure Update
2 4 Preparing the Current Generation

for Higher Education
30 Alumnae Chapter Profile

Reno/Tahoe Alumnae Chapter

3 2 Collegiate Chapter Profile

A l p h a Chi ( W e s t e r n K e n t u c k y U)

34 Member Profile

Jessi Peretti, A l p h a Phi ( M o n t a n a State U)

37 Seven Sisters For Life

T h e story of lifelong Phi A l p h a friendships

40 In Your Own Words - Poetry
43 Making the World a Better Place

A n AOII brings awareness to Celiac Disease.

47 AOII's First International Day of Service

AOII Goes Blue on March 4th

4 9 Alumnae Chapter News
6 0 Foundation Focus

AOII Foundation programs Touch Hearts and Lives

64 From the AOII Archives
66 Life Loyal AOIIs
68 Things We Love
7 0 Report from NPC 2009

SSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010 T o DRAGMA • 3

From the Editor

l o iJraemaLI • I( g\

To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi I learned long ago that we each perceive the world around us through
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission our sense of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. In last Fall's To Dragma
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and article, "Walk This Way," we mentioned a trend that encourages walkers
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our to engage their senses during a walk rather than clutter their minds w i t h
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime conversation, thoughts or music. After testing and being amazed by this
AOII involvement, to salute excellence; and to serve as a simple and relaxing walking technique, I began to question how well I
permanent record of our Fraternity's history. really understood our five senses. So, for part t w o i n our three part series
on the healthy woman, this issue takes a look at one intriguing aspect o f
How to Contact To Dragma: each sense in "Sense and Sensitivity." Better understanding the potential
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 of our senses may help us become more sensitive to the world around us.
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,,
[email protected] Do we perceive A O I I through our senses? Sure we do, but each of us in
very personal ways. For me, A O I I is best revealed when I look at college
How to Update Your Name or Address: photos or catch sight of one o f our symbols. It's h u m m i n g " A Rose Ever
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website Blooming" or forever associating the smell of yeast rolls w i t h chapter
(, email your new address to dinners. It's biting into a pepperoni pizza and k n o w i n g that no pizza w i l l
[email protected], or call (615)370-0920. ever taste as good as the ones we ordered for late-night studying i n the
sorority house. It's my sense o f touch that teaches me A O I I is best revealed
How to Subscribe to To Dragma: in a hug and in a handshake. We all have hundreds of perceptions of A O I I
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check and I hope this issue inspires you to reflect on the A O I I sights, sounds,
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be smells, tastes and touches that have been most meaningful to you, too.
mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027, Attn:
Accounting. Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or I'd like to share w i t h you something I recently read that touched m y
Discover only) should email [email protected]. heart. I opened a package that contained a scrapbook of M a r y TherofFs
1981 Kansas City Convention experience and her obituary. The
A Note to Parents of Collegians: obituary began, as most do, by announcing the date of her death and her
Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home hometown. The next t w o sentences read: "She attended Bishop Ward
address while she is in college. If your daughter is no longer High School and the University of Kansas where she earned bachelors
in college or living at home, please send us her updated and masters degrees. She remained active in the alumnae group of her
address, as indicated above. sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, all her life." I often see A O I I acknowledged
in obituaries, but I can never recall seeing it listed ahead of so many other
Director of Communications important facts. Before listing that M a r y was a loving wife, mother,
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) grandmother, teacher, loyal church member, avid bridge player and world
traveler, it acknowledged she was a lifelong A O I I .
Graphic Designers
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) I never met Mary, but I ' m confident that w o r d i n g does not imply A O I I
was more important to her than her family. I can only assume her family
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U) worded her obituary that way because they knew that was h o w their m o m
or sister would want to be remembered. I suspect M a r y probably had
W o m e n Enriched through Lifelong Friendship. a keen sense for what was truly meaningful in her world and A O I I was
probably near the top o f that list. Equally as important, she had probably
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in New shared her feelings w i t h the people she loved. This little clipping made
York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen me pause to think about how hard it w o u l d be to sum m y life up in t w o
St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry & Elizabeth paragraphs. Would my family perceive m y life the same way? It's worth
Heywood Wyman. pondering.

International President Regards,
Barbara Dunn Zipperian, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)

Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)

Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the Fraternity Communications Association.

Li F R A T E R N I T Y Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen
COMMUNICATIONS Alpha Delta ( U of Alabama)
ASSOCIATION Director of Communications


2009-2010 Founders' Day Message

"We wanted a society that should continue our companionship through life and
extend the likejoys to others, usefully, unselfishly, and without pettiness."

Stella George Stem Perry 1936

Early on, the founders cautioned that Founders' Day was intended not to honor them, but to stop and measure how closely the
fraternity had come i n actively performing the task each member had accepted when she was initiated into Alpha Omicron Pi.

This display o f selfless, gracious and unpretentious character demonstrates the integrity and simple spirit of the four women
who founded Alpha Omicron Pi 113 years ago. Their hope was that their own personal devotion to each other could be eter-
nalized and multiplied. They wanted to perpetuate that beautiful something that bound them together. It was their desire that
this particular loyalty that motivated them should endure, should bind, and inspire others. This was their expectation for us.

So today, in 2010, we stop to remember our Founders and to ask ourselves i f we've been accountable to the tasks asked of us
as members. Take time to remember our pledge. T h i n k back to your initiation and those first feelings o f loyalty and devotion.
Tell others proudly that you are a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, where ever you go. You never know when you will meet a
stranger who in an instant is a sister when she finds out you are an A O I I and she announces that she is an A O I I too. Find a way
to give back, financially and w i t h your time. Stella, Jessie, Helen and Bess would expect no less and would be proud to know
that their cherished sisterhood is flourishing and blooming.

Fraternally with love,
The 2009-2011 Executive Board

Barb Zipperian Gayle Fitzpatrick Rebecca Herman
Krista Whipple Karen Galehan Kathy Jensen
Allison Allgier Linda Grandolfo Susan Danko

To Dragma Distribution Information

If y o u are: 1) an AOII collegian, 2) a Life Loyal AOII member, 3) an alumnae chapter dues paying member,
or 4) an annual To Dragma subscriber, you will continue t o receive all three issues of To Dragma. If you are
not a m e m b e r of one of those four groups, you will begin noticing a reduction in the number of magazine
issues you receive each year based on the following schedule:

L5US 1 I To 0 ggma

To(/>«£^To(/)rag m a

Yourselt |

Fall 2008 - Summer 2010 Fall 2010 - Summer 2012 Fall 2012 and Forward

All members will receive 2 issues. All members will receive 1 issue. Only Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs,
Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs, Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs, Alumnae Chapter dues paying
Alumnae Chapter dues paying Alumnae Chapter dues paying members and annual subscribers
members and annual subscribers members and annual subscribers will receive the magazine.
will receive all 3 issues. will receive all 3 issues.





O n e o f the best things about being an A O I I is our instant ability to make a new f r i e n d
when we meet a stranger and discover she is a sister. Over the last several months,
I have had several encounters with women, both planned and unplanned, where
I was able to meet new A O I I sisters and develop new friendships. The unplanned
meetings are what I call "random sister encounters" such as when I meet a w o m a n
at Pilates class, a n o n - p r o f i t board meeting, or a business dinner and discover she is
an A O I I . Usually, it's revealed when I mention that a good deal o f my "free" time
is spent volunteering f o r my sorority, A O I I . That instant bond and realization is
something that brings a smile to both o f us. Examples o f planned encounters occur
w h e n the Foundation and Executive Boards venture out to meet A O I I sisters to
re-connect and "friend-raise." We set up coffee dates w i t h sisters i n the area o f our
board meetings and just talk. These women graciously took the time to meet w i t h
us and I have, personally, enjoyed making these new friends and sharing our A O I I
stories. W e don't ask for money or any type o f c o m m i t m e n t to volunteer d u r i n g
these talks, but simply come together to enjoy each other's company as sisters.

That, m y friends, is the mission o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi. It's the power o f what a
l i f e l o n g c o m m i t m e n t in A O I I can b r i n g to our lives and enriches us forever. You
can go out and friend-raise, too. Let others k n o w that you are an A O I I . Reach out
to sisters i n your area and get together! Reconnect w i t h a chapter sister you haven't
seen i n years. Take advantage o f the instant bond that came w i t h our membership
badge. You won't regret it.

Roses are red, violets are blue, AOIIs are sweet and so are you! O K , I ' m not the
best poet but I bet that we have some pretty talented sisters w h o can w r i t e poetry.
T h i s is yet another advantage o f being a member o f A O I I . We can experience and
enjoy the talents o f our sisters and maybe even live vicariously
t h r o u g h them. So even though poetry isn't m y strong suit, I bet
I can reconcile a mean checkbook faster than most! Luckily, our
To Dragma editor chose to publish poems f r o m our members i n
this edition and not my checkbook reconciliation!


I am l o o k i n g f o r w a r d to 2010. Your A O I I is t h r i v i n g , g r o w i n g ,
changing and adapting as we begin this new decade. I can see
continued success coming our way. I can hear songs being sung
d u r i n g recruitment parties. I can smell the aroma o f roses being
presented to our newest collegiate members. I can taste the
flavor o f old friendships being renewed i n our alumnae groups
and I can feel that sense o f belonging that only comes f r o m
being a member o f Alpha Omicron Pi.


Barbara Zipperian, International President T o DRAGMA • 7


Fraternity News

International Badge Day - March 1st New AOII Alumnae Chapter

Wear your A O I I badge w i t h pride! N P C encourages you A O I I International President Barb Zipperian had the honor
to join members of all 26 National Panhellenic Conference of installing the Mississippi G u l f Coast Alumnae Chapter on
organizations by wearing your badge on March 1st. W h e n Friday, January 8, 2010, i n Saucier, M S . This new chapter
someone asks, tell them you are proud to be an A O I I and includes members f r o m Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Ocean
a Greek woman. International Badge Day recognizes the Springs and surrounding areas.
contributions of sorority women and promotes the value o f
fraternal membership as a collegian and an alumna. Saluting Milestone Anniversaries

AOII Foundation Annual Report The T o r o n t o A r e a A C , w h i c h was installed on February 10,
1935, celebrated their 75th Anniversary on February 7th, 2010.
The 2008-2009 A O I I Foundation Annual Report and Donor A special engraved brick for the A O I I Brick Walkway was
Listing is now available on the A O I I Foundation website at purchased for the chapter by the Fraternity. Allison Allgier was Please take a moment to review all in attendance to present this gift.
that has been accomplished this year, thanks to your
generous gifts. O n February 20th, the sisters o f Rho O m i c r o n ( M i d d l e
Tennessee State U) gathered to celebrate their 25th
Become A Foundation Ambassador anniversary. The chapter was installed on February 23, 1985.
Past International President, Susan Danko, was on hand to
The A O I I Foundation is looking for alumnae volunteers to be recognize the anniversary and present an engraved brick for the
ambassadors. I f you are interested in making presentations on A O I I Brick Walkway from the Fraternity.
behalf o f the A O I I Foundation to chapters i n your area, please
f i l l out an application on the A O I I Foundation website at w w w . Zeta Psi C h a p t e r (East Carolina U) celebrated their 50th anniversary on February 27th. The chapter was installed on
February 6, 1960. The Fraternity purchased Ritual robes for
We're Everywhere You Are the chapter in honor o f this milestone and Past International
President, Ginger Banks, joined the chapter for their celebration.
• Find us on Facebook! Visit and search
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. Summer Internships Available at AOII HQ

• Find us on Twitter! Go to and search A O I I is accepting applications for unpaid summer internships
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. at A O I I International Headquarters located i n Brentwood,
Tennessee. Opportunities may be available in the f o l l o w i n g
• Visit the main A O I I Fraternity website often at operational areas: " M y A O I I " is an area on our
main website for sisters only. Archives, Chapter Services, Communications,
Email [email protected] i f you do not know Graphic Design, Education, Events, Marketing, a n d Properties, Inc.
your member number.
Past interns have found the experience personally rewarding
• Visit the A O I I Foundation site at while being able to gain valuable career experience. Students
should live in the surrounding Nashville area or be able to
• Shop the A O I I Emporium at secure your o w n housing. Interested applicants should submit a
resume and cover letter to: Mariellen Sasseen, A O I I Director o f
u M yAon Communication, [email protected].
Deadline: March 15, 2010.

8 • T o DKAGMA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2010

Every event requires the perfect pair of shoes, and Leadership Institute 2010 is no exception!
Bring along your favorite shoes for the interactive leadership event where AOII leaders across

the United States and Canada will learn to "Walk the Talk!"

Leadership Institute 2010

June 25-27, 2010 Franklin Marriott Cool Springs Franklin, Tennessee

The three-day journey will take you step-by-step Come prepared to:
through an exciting course. You'll join hundreds of
other sisters as you learn h o w t o navigate the route of • Get the most up-to-date leadership training
leadership, condition your skills, and overcome obstacles. from AOII!
Leadership Institute allows y o u t o experience all that AOII
has to offer, while making lifetime memories with other • Choose from 20 different learning path
members that share your passion! sessions, featuring t o p i c s such as: Ritual,
Finances, Relationships, and much more!
You don't want to miss the opportunity to experience
the best of AOII! Registration will b e available in early • Seethe heart of AOII first-hand! With the
March! For more information or questions, visit bond of our sisterhood taking center stage, and select "Events" or you'll cherish g e t t i n g t o e x p e r i e n c e all of AOII
email A b b y Mason at [email protected]. with 700 of your sisters from across the
United States and Canada!

}I S E C O N D I N A T H R E E P A R T S E R I E S O N T H E H E A L T H Y W O M A N
by Lee Boone, Omega Omicron (Lambuth U), AOII Director of Education and Research

T h e way i n which our bodies perceive the world H o w can we even begin to harness the amazing
around us is primarily determined by our five senses: power that our five senses have to offer? First we
seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Each must realize the innate capabilities and incredible
sense holds enormous potential for enriching our lives. possibilities that these senses provide. When do our
From our very first breath, we are awash in smells that senses develop and what impacts each one? How
swirl around us as even infants are accurately able to can they work together? H o w can we improve the
discern different scents. Soon our sense of smell joins sensitivity and awareness of each of our senses?
with our sense of taste to allow full enjoyment of
the richness in foods we eat. Every day a symphony Common sense tells us that learning answers to just
of sounds soothes and stimulates us and opens up a few of these questions can help us begin to use our
opportunities for communication. Through our senses to their fullest. Knowing how to protect each
sense of sight and touch, we are able to interact with sense is also vital to enhance our personal wellness and
our environment i n ways that foster physical and our overall good health,
emotional growth and development.

Test Your Knowledge

1. p e r c e n t o f t a s t e is actually smell. 6. MP3 players at full volume can have greater intensity than:
a. a j a c k h a m m e r
a. 50 b. a chainsaw
b. 60 c. a bulldozer
c. 8 0 d. all of the above
d. 90
7. Four c o m m o n l y i d e n t i f i e d t a s t e sensations are:
2. Color has been shown t o impact: a. sweet, bitter, b l a n d , sour
b. bitter, salty, bland, sweet
a. heart rate c. sweet, sour, bitter, salty
b. how fast you eat d. bland, salty, sweet, sour
c. m e m o r y
d. all of the above 8. In s p e a k i n g o f t o u c h , skin:

3. W h a t should you consider regarding sound safety? a. is t h e largest o r g a n in t h e b o d y
b. originates from t h e same cells as t h e brain
a. H o w l o u d t h e s o u n d s are (volume) c. d e v e l o p s b e f o r e h e a r i n g a n d sight
b. Extreme high and low pitched sounds d. all of t h e above
c. L e n g t h o f e x p o s u r e
d. Both a and c 9. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g has b e e n s h o w n t o
provide vision benefits:
4. T h e o n l y s e n s e t h a t is fully m a t u r e at b i r t h is:
a. see a. video games
b. smell b. reading in soft light
c. hear c. f o o d s high in unsaturated fat
d. taste d. regular exercise

5. Certain f o o d s that have b e e n shown t o impact 10. Research has shown that touch can cause:
mood include:
a. faster g r o w t h in premature infants
a. fish b. lowered glucose levels in children with diabetes
b. whole grains c. i m p r o v e d i m m u n e systems in p e o p l e with cancer
c. e g g s d. all of the above
d. all of t h e above
A n s w e r s t o a b o v e : 1)d; 2)d; 3)d; 4)b; 5)d; 6)d; 7)c; 8)d; 9)a; 10)d


12 • T o DRAGMA Focus on Vision

O u r sense o f sight is considered the most complex of our five senses. From the
moment our eyes open in the morning, we rely on our vision to interpret the
images around us. O u r eyes adjust to changes in light, focus on objects o f varying
distances, and enable us to perceive a world filled with color. We are not born
w i t h all o f these abilities fully matured. Infants are nearly 8 months old before
they have developed the neurological and muscular abilities to see their world as
adults can. Although slower to fully develop, our sense o f sight enriches our life in
amazing ways. I f we want to fully appreciate all that our eyes give to us, we can
explore the way they allow us to perceive color and the influence o f color on our
daily life. Can certain colors impact our mood, decision making, and
memory retention.

What Can We Learn?

Science is telling us that color can influence how you experience life. It has
been found that blue can decrease the heart rate and have a calming effect in
moderation. Overexposure seems to have the opposite effect. Some color studies
have shown that blue/green makes you eat slower while yellow/orange/red makes
you eat faster and more. T h i n k o f the restaurants you visit frequently and consider
how their use o f color may be influencing your perceptions when dining there!

A study was recently conducted to observe i f a connection exists between
personality types and their optimal environmental colors. In the study, extroverts
responded better to bright colors than monochromatic ones while, i n fact, the
latter colors tended to agitate them. Introverts were just the opposite. Additional
studies have concluded that a combination o f the colors black and red can provoke
aggression, black and yellow has been linked to self-destructive choices, black
and green sometimes encourages egocentric behavior, and a black and white
combination can precipitate neurotic decisions. What color combinations are best
for memory retention and legibility? Research showed that a yellow^ background
w i t h black type is the best color combo for reading printed material, and it was
also the color that the human eye noticed first.

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 1 0

Practice Regular Eyes-r-cize

One study has shown how time spent playing video games can
enhance visual abilities that are crucial for reading and driving at
night. This ability, called contrast sensitivity, allows us to detect
subtle changes in shades o f gray against a solid background.
W h i l e this is one o f the first visual aptitudes to diminish w i t h
age, regular practice w i t h video games has shown to train the
eyes for longer lasting visual power.

Another way to strengthen your eyes Jennifer Blevins suggests the following exercise for your eyes:
is found i n a series o f yoga moves
designed to exercise the orbital 1. Without moving your head at all, choose a point you can
muscles. Six different muscles in see from the right corner of your eyes when you raise them,
each eye can benefit f r o m a workout and another from the left corner when you lower them,
that is especially important for keeping the lids half closed. Be sure to pay attention to
people who spend hours staring at a your posture: spine erect, hands on knees, head straight
computer monitor every day. and still.

2. Look to the point in the upper-right corner, then to the one
in the lower-left corner. Repeat this movement four times.
Blink several times. Close your eyes. Relax.

3. Repeat the same m o v e m e n t in reverse. Then blink, close
your eyes, and relax again.

Protect and Promote Your Sense of Sight

Follow these tips to keep your vision sharp: Foods. These are amazing nutrients that can be found
in salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, halibut, shrimp,
1. Protect your eyes f r o m the invisible, high energy tofu, snapper, scallops, and winter squash.
ultraviolet ( U V ) rays that can damage eye tissue.
Sunglasses should be worn by adults and children to 4. Keep blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol
prevent damage to the eyes that cannot be reversed. w i t h i n healthy limits. Each o f these factors can
Cloudy days can still pose problems so sunglasses cause problems w i t h vision i f they are not
should be a regular accessory. maintained properly.

2. D o not smoke and l i m i t alcoholic beverages. Smoking 5. Have regular eye examinations to promote eye health.
and alcohol can negatively impact the health o f your
eyes and tend to make them more dry and irritated. 6. Healthy eyes can offer the chance to perceive all the
beauty o f the world around us and part o f that benefit
3. Eat foods that promote healthy eyes. Beta-carotene, is the impact o f color. Enrich your environment w i t h
lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, colors that positively influence your mood. To be sure
and zinc are shown to support ongoing maintenance that you can enjoy these colors for years to come, take
o f our eyes. Several o f these vitamins and antioxidants care to protect and nourish your sense of sight.
are found i n fruits and vegetables including oranges,
grapefruit, tangerines, kiwis, tomatoes, peppers, raw
carrots, kale, spinach, green beans, green peas, corn,
and broccoli. Nuts, eggs, seeds, and dairy products
have many benefits as well. Foods that provide hearty
portions o f omega 3 fatty acids have been called Super

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010 T o DRAGMA • 13


J Follow Your Nose

What smells do you recall f r o m your childhood, your
favorite season, or a particular holiday? Certain scents have
the ability to instantly trigger memories w i t h staggering
intensity and depth. The power o f the sense o f smell is
often taken for granted, but it has incredible potential for
influencing and enhancing many areas o f our daily life.

Human beings are born w i t h the sense o f smell fully
developed, although it becomes most acute between the ages
of 20 and 40. Studies show that even before birth, infants
respond to odor signals received through the mother's body.
In the first 48 hours after birth, a child can recognize her
o w n mother by using her sense o f smell. A l l throughout
our lives, our sense o f smell enables us to determine food
preferences, warns o f dangers, helps us make decisions about
products, places and people and enhances our sense o f
well being.

Because the sense o f smell is so closely tied w i t h taste, food
choices are often connected to reactions to particular aromas.
We enjoy most o f what we can taste due to the experience
of smell. As much as 90% o f taste is interpreted through the
olfactory cells. O u r sense o f smell can protect us f r o m eating
food that is spoiled and can warn us o f danger. Even when
we are sleeping, our sense o f smell is active, which explains
why we wake up when we smell smoke.

"Smell is a potent
wizard that transports
us across thousands
of miles and all the
years we have lived."

~ Helen Keller



What Can We Learn?

Over 2000 years ago, Plato recognized that fragrances have the ability to influence the m i n d and the
body. Most recently, studies conducted by Dr. Joel Warm and Dr. W i l l i a m Denber have shown that in
the work place the use o f pleasing scents can impact employees. In particular, the scent of peppermint
can increase employee alertness, performance, and their overall attitudes toward their jobs.

In addition, aromatherapy is used frequently for relaxation Essential Sunshine
and even incorporated into healing programs for patients.
Aromatherapy is the use of volatile liquid plant materials used 50 drops o f Lime essential oil
to affect someone's mood or health. The minute molecules o f 50 drops o f Grapefruit essential oil
essential oils are readily absorbed into the bloodstream when 10 drops o f Orange essential oil
they are inhaled and the lungs work to oxygenate the blood, 10 drops o f Patchouli essential oil
where they not only help to k i l l bacteria and viruses but also M i x w i t h 4 ounces of pure water
stimulate the body's i m m u n e system. Some essential oils
increase the circulation and help w i t h the efficient elimination Essential Flower Garden
o f toxins, while others promote new cell growth and encourage
the body's natural ability to heal itself. It has been discovered 75 drops o f Ylang-Ylang essential oil
that various relaxing oils work by stimulating a neuro-chemical 25 drops o f Orange essential oil
called "serotonin" that is naturally produced by the body to 20 drops o f Clove essential o i l
help relaxation and induce sleep. It is this action that makes M i x w i t h 4 ounces of pure water
these oils so invaluable in helping long-term conditions such as
insomnia, stress and tension.

Although elderly people have fewer olfactory receptor cells, Essential Rain Forest
research has shown that "consistent, creative, conscious use o f
all o f our senses can keep them at peak performance well into 40 drops of Pine essential oil
old age." Be intentional about bringing fragrance into your life 40 drops o f Cajuput essential oil
and make it a daily practice to enjoy specific smells that provide 20 drops o f Cypress essential oil
you joy. Your sense o f smell is an ability that can be nurtured 20 drops o f Sandalwood essential oil
to remain strong all throughout your life. You may want to M i x w i t h 4 ounces o f pure water
explore some of the examples o f aromatherapy listed here.
Essential Spice for your Life

25 drops of Marjoram essential oil
25 drops o f Sage essential oil
25 drops o f Spearmint or Peppermint essential oil
25 drops o f Clove essential oil
20 drops o f Patchouli essential oil
M i x w i t h 4 ounces of pure water

Essential Room Disinfectant

65 drops o f Tea Tree essential oil
50 drops o f Thyme essential oil
35 drops o f Eucalyptus essential oil
M i x w i t h 4 ounces of pure water

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010 To DRAGMA • 15





1 6 • To DHAGMA Can you hear me now?

H o w are we impacted by the sea of sound waves that engulfs us each day? I n our
homes, television volume levels now rival movie theatres as surround-sound-style
speakers offer the same intensity of a theater experience. Sporting events, lawn
mowers, vacuums and even a crowded trip to the mall provide opportunities for
our ears to be bombarded w i t h a multitude of sounds for several hours at a time.
Whether it's the bass vibrating from the car next to us or music streaming f r o m
our mp3 players, sound is increasingly a constant part o f our day.

What Can We Learn?

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, since 1971, the number o f
Americans, age 3 and older ,with some f o r m of auditory disorder has more than doubled trom 13.2
million to approximately 30 million. O f those 30 million, one-third are believed to have noise
induced hearing loss.

In studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 percent o f American
children between the ages o f 6 and 19 have some type o f noise induced hearing loss. That
amounts to more than 5 m i l l i o n children and the number is rising.

W h y are the numbers so high? Scientists are looking at not only the extent o f damage that can
be caused by volume, but also the duration o f exposure. W i t h the advent o f extended mp3 player
use due to longer life batteries, many experts fear that constant, long-term exposure to moderate
volume levels o f music can cause early hearing loss. Dr. Robert Fifer, director o f Audiology
and Speech Pathology at the University o f Miami's Mailman Center for C h i l d Development,
commented, "once [mp3 players] became portable and full-time usable, we really started noticing
more noise-induced hearing-loss problems in younger children. We are seeing the same k i n d o f
hearing loss we used to see i n older people who worked in factories for years."

In October of2008, the European Union's Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly
Identified Health Risks stated that 5 to 10 percent of people w h o listen to personal music players
can risk permanent hearing loss i f they listen for greater than an hour each day at high volume
settings for at least five years.


How Much is Too Much?

D r . Fifer tells his patients, "the general rule o f t h u m b I give t h e m is that they
should be able to hear the conversation around them. I f not, it's too loud."
S o u n d is measured i n decibels, so it is h e l p f u l t o understand the k i n d o f decibel
levels y o u are exposed to d u r i n g a typical day. A t m a x i m u m volume, mp3s
or iPods can reach nearly 120 decibels and many children's toys reach well
above 85 decibels. Consider the level o f noise y o u are exposed to each day by
comparing your daily activities with some on the following chart.

Sound levels of common noises

Safe range

30 Whisper
60 Normal conversation
80 Heavy traffic, garbage disposal

Risk range

85-90 Motorcycle, snowmobile, lawn mower You should limit the
90 Belt sander, tractor amount of time you
95-105 Hand drill, bulldozer, impact wrench spend exposed to noise,
110 Chain saw, jack hammer especially above the safe
level. When possible,
Injury range use noise canceling
headphones that allow
120 A m b u l a n c e siren you to listen to music
140 (pain threshold) J e t e n g i n e at t a k e o f f without needing to have
165 Shotgun blast the volume extremely
180 Rocket launch high. Even so, be nnndful
of the length of time
I t is also u s e f u l to understand the tremendous influence that your ears are being
that what we hear can have on our mood, our mind, surrounded by even a
and m a n y physiological processes w i t h i n us. moderate level of sound
and allow for quiet.
T h e potential s o o t h i n g i m p a c t o f music has been
w i d e l y studied and has been s h o w n to lower the levels
o f the hormone Cortisol, which becomes elevated
u n d e r stress and m a y lead t o w e i g h t gain. M u s i c w i t h
a definite r h y t h m i c a l element can affect heart rate and
b r e a t h i n g as w e l l as cause the release o f e n d o r p h i n s ,
k n o w n as n a t u r a l p a i n k i l l e r s . R e d u c i n g muscle tension
a n d b l o o d pressure as w e l l as p r o m o t i n g r e l a x a t i o n are
also possible effects o f listening to music at soothing
levels. Studies have also shown that even anxiety and
depression have been positively influenced by music,
and music therapy has p r o v e n beneficial i n helping
patients suffering f r o m Alzheimer's Disease
and Dementia.

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2010 To DRAGMA • 1 7


* | j r I T T T f itTI ' J ' Food and Mood

1 Y o u are what y o u eat, but have y o u ever considered that
your m o o d may be a reflection o f what foods you choose to
«. - c o n s u m e , as well? Y o u l e a r n e d l o n g ago t h a t t h e f o o d s y o u
choose to eat i n f l u e n c e y o u r body's g r o w t h , development,
and overall health. N o w research is s h o w i n g h o w p a r t i c u l a r
foods can i m p a c t y o u r m o o d .

Foods can alter the p r o d u c t i o n or release o f n e u r o -
transmitters that carry messages f r o m one nerve cell to
another. A c c o r d i n g to D r . R i c h a r d W u r t m a n at M I T , w h o
studies n u t r i t i o n a n d the b r a i n , t h e n u t r i e n t s i n foods are
"precursors to neurotransmitters, and depending o n the
amount o f precursors present i n the f o o d y o u eat, the more
o r less o f a c e r t a i n n e u r o t r a n s m i t t e r is p r o d u c e d . " A l s o
i m p o r t a n t t o consider is the w a y that foods c o n t a i n m u l t i p l e
nutrients that interact to impact the p r o d u c t i o n and release
of neurotransmitters.

What Can We Learn?

Protein boosts your alertness

As your body breaks d o w n protein, the amino acid called
tyrosine will stimulate the production o f dopamine,
norepinephrine and epinephrine to increase your alertness
and energy. Foods that are h i g h i n protein include fish,
poultry, meat and eggs. O t h e r relatively h i g h protein foods
include cheese, m i l k , legumes, and t o f u .

Relax and reduce stress
with carbohydrates

Insulin, released w h e n carbohydrates are eaten, clears the
blood o f a m i n o acids w i t h the exception o f tryptophan. I n
the brain, tryptophan becomes serotonin w h i c h reduces
pain, decreases anxiety, and i n large quantities can m a k e
y o u sleepy. Studies have s h o w n that dieters w h o drastically
reduce t h e i r levels o f carbohydrates o f t e n find themselves
feeling depressed after a f e w weeks o f dieting due to the
drop i n the level o f serotonin being produced. Suggested
carbohydrates include whole grain breads, crackers,
cereal, rice, pasta and fruits. Eat protein and carbohydrates
separately to m a x i m i z e effects each can provide.

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRJNC; 2010

Caffeine can lift your mood Not enough selenium can make
you grumpy
It may surprise you to know that caffeine can be a very mild
antidepressant and work effectively to elevate mood. In People who do not have enough selenium have been found
addition, evidence shows that there is no need to drink more to exhibit anxious, irritable, hostile, and/or depressed
than one or two cups of coffee to achieve the same effect. behavior. To moderate these tendencies, simply enjoy Brazil
nuts, tuna, swordfish, sunflower seeds and whole
Folic acid fights depression grain cereals.

Studies show that deficiencies in folic acid have been Improve memory with eggs
connected to patients suffering from depression. For some
people the deficiency can be alleviated by a cup of cooked Although cholesterol is a concern for many people, eggs
spinach or a glass of orange juice. do provide choline which aids the brain neurotransmitter,
acetylcholine which is linked to memory function.

Improve Your Mood

I f thinking about neurotransmitters, amino acids, and various vitamins and minerals seems complicated as you make first steps

toward eating to improve your mood, begin by planning a few meals that incorporate several key foods. Whether eating out or in,

keep these foods in mind when making choices. You may find that you are smiling more and feeling more healthy.

O a t m e a l - Oatmeal is high in Salmon — With research confirming • Tea - An ancient Chinese proverb
soluble fiber and instead of the sugar that vitamin D can increase the level says, "Better to be deprived of food for
rush and irritability that many cereals of serotonin and improve mood, it three days, than tea for one." Studies
provide, it slows the absorption of is no surprise that salmon is a food have shown that there may indeed
sugar into the bloodstream, which has often recommended. It is a frequent be some truth to this statement.
a positive impact on mood. Oatmeal option on menus and readily available There are many tea options that can
also keeps you feeling full longer. A in many forms at the grocery store. positively impact mood even with
coarsely chopped apple, granola, or Fresh, frozen, or canned salmon make little or no caffeine. Green tea is rich
strawberries make great toppings for healthy choices in meal planning. in antioxidants and can be enjoyed
warm oatmeal any time of day. Baked Canned salmon with bones is not hot or cold. It is one of the most
fruit covered in oatmeal and a little only rich in vitamin D, but also offers frequently recommended teas due to
cinnamon and brown sugar also make a great source for omega-3 fatty the many health benefits connected to
a delicious and nutritious dessert. acids. Replace tuna for sandwiches it. Chai is an Indian tea that combines
or other dishes with canned Alaskan black tea with spices such as cinnamon
Walnuts - Walnuts look much like pink or sockeye salmon with bones. and cardamom that add flavor and
the brain food that they are. The Water-packed salmon will offer lower sweetness. Cinnamon and cardamom
two lobes and wrinkled appearance calories than oil-packed. have been shown to improve mood
resemble the brain itself. In actuality, as well. The herbal tea rooibos is a
walnuts are a source of omega-3 fatty Lentils - Lentils offer an excellent reddish brown tea that has a sweet
acids that can support mood lifting source for folate. The B vitamin flavor many people enjoy. It means
brain function to fight depression. seems to be strongly linked to mood "red bush" in Afrikaans and contains
Use walnuts in salads or chopped in and nerve function in the brain. A antioxidants, as well as zinc. It is less
yogurt. Walnuts and an apple make study conducted at Harvard found bitter than some teas and can be used
a great snack that can boost mood that 38% of depressed women were in soups, marinades, stews, and sauces.
and curb appetite longer. A n ounce deficient infolate.Just a cup of cooked
of walnuts, about 1 4 shelled walnut lentils offers 90% of the folic acid
halves, equals one single serving. recommended each day. Since they
also contain protein and fiber, they
are an excellent food choice. Replace
rice or noodles with lentils for more
overall health benefits and
elevated mood.

I S S U E N O . 2 • S P R I N G 2010 To DRAGMA • 1 9


The Power to Calm

F r o m d i f f e r e n t textures to different temperatures, t o u c h helps us t o perceive
the w o r l d a r o u n d us and respond almost instantly. O u r skin connects us t o o u r
e n v i r o n m e n t t h r o u g h t o u c h as w e l l as safeguards us w i t h a p r o t e c t i v e shield.
M u c h emphasis is placed o n the i n t e r n a l organs, b u t s k i n , o u r largest o r g a n , is
often considered more in regard to vanity than overall wellness. A deeper look
can show h o w our skin health and the impact o f touch can have a tremendous
influence on our life.

What Can We Learn?

Recent studies have l o o k e d at the ways that a soothing touch can i n f l u e n c e
feelings o f stress and m o o d . Scientists e x a m i n e d h o w physical contact can
positively impact everyone f r o m infants to elderly patients w i t h a variety o f
health related needs. T h e p o w e r o f h u m a n t o u c h has been v e r i f i e d i n b r a i n scans
i n w h i c h significant changes were shown i n response to patients' hands being
t o u c h e d . T h i s t y p e o f physical contact helped to c a l m and reduce the stress o f
the people studied. Massage has been d o c u m e n t e d to alleviate the physiological
effects o f a n x i e t y as w e l l as t o i m p r o v e m e n t a l alertness. P r e t e r m i n f a n t s w h o
received massage showed increased weight gain and developmental progress over
those babies w h o were not stimulated.

Massage has s h o w n benefits i n other areas f r o m asthma and h i g h b l o o d pressure
to migraines and c h i l d h o o d diabetes. Other research findings hint that touch may
n o t j u s t l o w e r stress levels, b u t that it can boost the i m m u n e system a n d h a l t o r
slow the progress o f disease. Social contact w i t h friends and f a m i l y w h i c h include
sympathetic t o u c h or hugs can cause the release o f hormones that m a k e w o u n d s
heal m o r e quickly. H o w can y o u be impacted b y touch? O n a daily basis w e
can take a f e w m o m e n t s t o reduce stress b y u s i n g some simple steps f e a t u r e d o n
W e b M D that soothe us t h r o u g h touch:

20 • To DRAG MA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2010

Relieve Tired Eyes Soothe Tired Feet

DaleGrust, President of the New York Chapter of the • B r i n g y o u r l e f t f o o t o n t o the seat o f y o u r chair so
American Massage Therapy Association, recommends y o u can see y o u r instep. U s i n g y o u r r i g h t t h u m b ,
the following treatment for eyes that are tired from apply very f i r m pressure along the side o f your
staring at a computer: foot, w o r k i n g f r o m the heel to the big toe. Walk
y o u r t h u m b across the ridge where the toes meet
• Close y o u r eyes. Place your thumbs under y o u r the ball o f your foot. W h e n you get to the small
eyebrows, starting at the inside corner o f each toe, use y o u r t h u m b and index f i n g e r to squeeze
eye socket. Press and gently m o v e the thumbs and twist along the entire surface o f the toe. Work
in tiny circles, w o r k i n g slowly towards the each toe individually until you get back to the
outsides o f your eyebrows and continuing this large toe. Take all o f your toes i n one hand and
m o v e m e n t all around y o u r eyes, ending back at stretch t h e m back and f o r t h , b e n d i n g and flexing.
the bridge o f your nose.
• W h i l e supporting the top o f your left foot with
• Repeat this several times, spending a little extra y o u r left hand, use the knuckles o f y o u r right hand
t i m e at the indentation of the inner eye socket, to apply deep pressure to the entire surface o f the
where the bridge o f the nose meets the ridge o f b o t t o m o f your foot, w o r k i n g f r o m the heel to the
the eyebrows - an especially tender point on toes and back d o w n .
many people.
• Stretch y o u r toes, flex a n d e x t e n d y o u r feet, and
Ease Headaches and Tension do a few ankle rotations.

• Start by placing your thumbs on your • Repeat the entire process on the right foot.
cheekbones close t o y o u r ears, and use y o u r
fingertips to gently apply pressure and rub the Enhance Skin Health
temples (the soft spot between the corner o f
y o u r eye and y o u r ear). Our skin weighs roughly 8 lbs and if laid out flat it
would cover an area of approximately 22 square feet.
• Using very f i r m pressure and a tiny circular Fortunately, we have over 300 million skin cells because
motion, gradually move your fingers up along we shed up to 40,000 skin cells every minute. To keep all
your hairline until they meet in the middle of those cells thriving, it is i m p o r t a n t to eat a healthy diet.
your forehead, massaging your entire forehead
a n d scalp as y o u i n c h a l o n g . Recommended foods include:
• Lowfat dairy products
Relax the Hands • Fruits such as blackberries, blueberries, plums, and

Here are several moves that will relieve the strain from strawberries
p o u n d i n g the keyboard all day. • Foods rich i n omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

• Stretch y o u r hands and fingers out. R u b each w h i c h i n c l u d e s a l m o n , w a l n u t s , a n d flax seed o i l
f i n g e r f r o m the base to the tip, gently p u l l i n g • Selenium, a mineral f o u n d i n whole wheat breads
a n d t w i s t i n g each f i n g e r as y o u go.
as w e l l as t u r k e y , t u n a , a n d b r a z i l nuts
• N e x t , rest y o u r left hand, palm upward, on • Green tea
y o u r lap. Squeeze the fleshy p a r t o f y o u r p a l m • Water (approximately 8 t o 10 glasses daily)
between your right thumb and index finger,
m o v i n g f r o m y o u r w r i s t to the base o f y o u r In addition, we should always remember to protect the
thumb. health and wellness o f skin cells by guarding against
exposure to ultra violet rays i n sunlight and toxins
• N o w squeeze that web between your left index found in cigarette smoke. Nourishing our bodies
finger and t h u m b several times, looking for any through good nutrition and protecting our o w n natural
tender points. a r m o r can enable o u r sense o f t o u c h to positively
enhance our lives.
• Then rub the entire palm with your right
t h u m b , applying f i r m pressure and using
g l i d i n g strokes f r o m the w r i s t to the base o f
each finger.

• Repeat this process on your right hand.

Resources to recommend:

•; •
• http://www.vrelaxation.eom/induced/#motion%20lounge; •

SUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 1 0 To DRAG

Aon For the past ten years, A O I I has extensively researched collegiate
STRUCTURE and alumnae structures that support our membership. W e most
recently tested a support structure i n t w o Beta Districts that began
OVERVIEW in Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. W e regularly surveyed Council
members and staffin the Beta Districts to gain insight into the
explaining our next phase structure's overall effectiveness. T h e i r feedback has been invaluable
in identifying strengths and opportunities. A f e w o f the strengths
identified include the geographic alignment o f chapters, increased
interaction between alumnae and collegiate chapters, and staff
involvement within the network team.

After compiling numerous "lessons learned" throughout
experiences w i t h i n the Beta Districts, team structures w i t h i n
the networks, past geographic support i n a regional structure,
and our membership's ongoing feedback, we have taken the
best components and suggestions f r o m each to develop a
comprehensive structure that we believe you will find
exciting, engaging, and supportive.

O u r goal is to p r o v i d e o u r m e m b e r s h i p w i t h enhanced stability,
while empowering our collegiate chapters to increase g r o w t h
through fully-supported Alumnae Advisory Committees and
strong alumnae chapters w o r k i n g i n collaboration w i t h i n their
network to maintain lifelong bonds o f friendship.

• To DRAG MA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2010

T o accomplish this requires a support structure that is n i m b l e A n area that was i d e n t i f i e d as an o p p o r t u n i t y for us was i n regard
e n o u g h t o a l l o w flexibility a n d the a b i l i t y to change w i t h out- to chapter visits. Today, chapter visits are made as requested or as
needs; however, still f i x e d and stable enough to provide stability and a volunteer may be available. These visits are often for a specific
c o n t i n u i t y t o o u r m e m b e r s at all levels. I n such a system, i t is critical purpose (i.e., officer transition, initiation, or recruitment) and
that i n f o r m a t i o n is shared freely and that a u t h o r i t y f o r decision- comprehensive visits have been infrequent. G o i n g forward, our
m a k i n g , w h e r e v e r possible, resides at the local level. I t is o u r hope N D s w i l l design an annual visit plan to be implemented to include
and belief that the next phase o f our chapter support structure, to be NS, N D , and other visitors to our chapters. T h e addition of our
implemented in June, w i l l accomplish those objectives. Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) program w i l l enable
comprehensive support to collegiate chapters i n all areas o f chapter
W h a t w i l l it look like? O u r network structure will continue to operations. The ELCs w i l l w o r k in partnership with A O I I volunteers
be volunteer-led and incorporate both the Network Director and staff as they serve the Fraternity as ambassadors, liaisons,
and N e t w o r k Specialist roles w i t h appropriately updated position resources, and educators to our collegiate chapters and members.
descriptions. Currently, o u r networks are functional - collegiate,
alumnae, and colony. Based o n what w e have learned, our You may view a comparison chart between our current and future
networks w i l l transition to be geographic and all-inclusive. structures, on the private side o f the A O I I website under A O I I
Alumnae and collegiate operations w i l l be functioning together Today/Organ izational Restructuring.
so that greater levels o f collaboration can occur. A l t h o u g h w e
w i l l maintain a colony network to provide specialized nurturing In addition to the staff E L C positions, there w i l l be additional
and support for our newest chapters, those chapters w i l l also be modifications to the staff structure to maximize team efforts within
integrated i n t o the geographical n e t w o r k so that they w i l l b e n e f i t each network. A new position, Assistant Director of Chapter Services
f r o m a d d i t i o n a l resources and b u i l d a sense o f c o m m u n i t y . (ADCS), will be implemented. W e plan to hire and or reposition
existing staff members into four o f these positions. T h e A D C S w i l l
One t h i n g that was consistently communicated in all o f our collaborate w i t h and provide support to assigned N e t w o r k Teams.
research was that our volunteer leaders are essential to our collective They w i l l be responsible for the operational and administrative
success; therefore, w e desire to capitalize o n o u r volunteer aspects o f the assigned chapters. I n partnership w i t h the N e t w o r k
capabilities. Currently, we utilize 9 Network Directors (NDs) Teams' volunteer leadership, the A D C S w i l l oversee and ensure the
including 6 Collegiate N D s , 2 Alumnae NDs, and 1 Colony advancement o f the chapters' f u n c t i o n a l i t y and success.
Development N D . O u r f u t u r e n e t w o r k leadership w i l l also consist
of 9 N D s ; however, in addition to the Colony Development N D , Y o u m a y ask, " C a n w e m o v e forward w i t h o u t an o f f i c i a l vote o f
we w i l l have 8 N D s w h o w i l l serve i n a more comprehensive role. Council?" W h e n we originally embarked on this journey, we
These directors w i l l have strategic responsibility for their network anticipated radical changes to our current structure and that w o u l d
and their role w i l l include analysis and careful deployment o f have entailed m o d i f i c a t i o n s t o o u r G o v e r n i n g D o c u m e n t s . B u t as
v o l u n t e e r resources as needs and wants are i d e n t i f i e d . I n a d d i t i o n , w e w o r k e d t h r o u g h the lessons learned and feedback, w e realized
N D s w i l l collaborate w i t h staff and one another. that w h a t was needed was not really so d i f f e r e n t f r o m w h a t w e
have today. Instead, we truly only require modifications or shifts
Today w e have 54 N e t w o r k Specialists (NSs) w h o w o r k directly in how we deploy our networks and volunteers. Our Governing
w i t h our collegiate and alumnae chapters. W e currently utilize Documents indicate that we have Networks, Network Directors,
32 Collegiate NSs, 13 A l u m n a e NSs, and 9 Beta Pilot NSs i n and N e t w o r k Specialists - and as indicated above - the next phase
addition to our 8 Colony Development NSs. Today's NSs work o f our support structure w i l l include all o f this; thus, changes to the
w i t h specifically assigned chapters i n a generalist role. O u r future G o v e r n i n g Documents are not required for implementation.
state w i l l continue to have a C o l o n y Development N S w o r k i n g
one-on-one w i t h an assigned chapter; however, we w i l l have 6-8 For this to be a success requires dedicated volunteers w h o have the
NSs assigned to each n e t w o r k . These NSs w i l l have specific area desire f o r change and also possess the capabilities to operate i n a
of expertise (Recruitment, Leadership, Finance, and Alumnae) team environment. W e are very pleased to have already identified
and w i l l be deployed as needs a n d wants are i d e n t i f i e d . As subject o u r N e t w o r k D i r e c t o r s as they are extremely capable w o m e n w h o
matter experts i n t h e i r n e t w o r k , they w i l l also be proactive for are ready to serve i n this expanded capacity. Biennial N e t w o r k
their area o f expertise and collaborate w i t h similar NSs i n other Specialist appointments are scheduled f o r this S p r i n g and it is o u r
networks. W e anticipate m a i n t a i n i n g the same approximate sincere hope and desire that o u r current NSs w i l l seek a N S role i n
number o f NSs (54). this next phase o f o u r chapter support structure.



I• 1



24 • T o DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRJNG 2 0 1 0

mm mm mm m

•m mm mmmm v

College f II


[SSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010

Step One - Getting Started

T h e first step i n the entire process is t o start p l a n n i n g . G e t t i n g online research, and w o r d o f mouth. D o they require certain
started is always the hardest part, a n d the p l a n n i n g phase is r i d d l e d admittance tests? A r e there specific courses that they require? H o w
w i t h questions like, " w h e n do w e start?," or "where do we begin?" m u c h is t h e i r cost o f attendance? W h a t sets t h e m apart f r o m other
Start N o w ! Even i f y o u r student's h i g h school career is just • Talk w i t h your counselor about w h e n to take the A C T or SAT for
b e g i n n i n g , y o u r concentrated p l a n n i n g f o r college should begin as a college admittance.
h i g h school f r e s h m a n . It's never t o o early to b e g i n to find courses o f • Stay involved i n extra-curricular activities. Inquire about
interest or begin researching institutions of higher learning. leadership opportunities w i t h i n these clubs and organizations.
• T h i n k i n g about getting a summer job? Look for something that
Freshman Year: falls into your student's area o f interest. For example: I f your student
is interested i n b e i n g a nurse, encourage h i m / h e r to seek summer
• M a k e sure that y o u r h i g h school student's schedule is following employment or internship opportunities at a doctor's office.
the college preparatory path, e n s u r i n g that four years o f English,
m a t h , history, science, a n d foreign languages are included. Y o u r Junior Year:
student's h i g h school counselor w i l l be able to provide you w i t h a
comprehensive list o f courses for the d u r a t i o n ot h i g h school. • Since y o u r student has already i d e n t i f i e d their interests, encourage
• A t t e n d local area college fairs. M a n y times, these are offered i n h i m / h e r to research careers and majors that support those careers.
the fall terms and are an excellent source o f information on the • W a n t to find the r i g h t fit i n a college? Use the " C o l l e g e Search"
offerings o f potential colleges. Ask questions involving admittance feature on to identify colleges w i t h your
requirements, scholarship opportunities, overall college costs, and unique characteristics.
financial aid. • B e g i n t o seriously seek o u t financial aid opportunities t h r o u g h
• H e l p y o u r student t o i n q u i r e about any prep tests that m i g h t be trusted scholarship search engines. I n f o r m a t i o n f o r student aid is
recommended b y teachers or counselors for the S A T or A C T t w o available at
standardized tests used f o r college admissions. • Have y o u r student make a list o f 1 5 - 2 0 potential colleges based on
• Encourage your student to get involved in extra-curricular all o f the research that has been completed.
activities o f interest. Believe it or not, your student's life outside the Help your student develop a resume which includes all of his/
classroom is e x t r e m e l y i m p o r t a n t i n the college admittance process her coursework, grades, extra-curricular activities, employment,
and can make a difference! and references.
• D o n ' t j u s t use t h e s u m m e r as a break! U s e t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y t o • Start planning ahead for your senior year: make certain that your
volunteer, talk to local college students home for the summer, student's schedule includes honors and advanced courses.
and make sure that y o u are t a k i n g advantage o f summer • Help your student plan his/her summer employment based o n
reading programs. areas o f interest.
• O v e r the summer, schedule tours at interested colleges and set up
Sophomore Year: admissions i n t e r v i e w s at schools i n w h i c h y o u r student is seriously
interested. M a k e a calendar o f these i m p o r t a n t dates, as m a n y
• Continue to meet w i t h your counselor to ensure that your student schools have very early admissions deadlines for early admittance.
is e n r o l l e d i n the p r o p e r college prep courses. H e l p y o u r student
i d e n t i f y p r o d u c t i v e elective courses that follow their l i n e o f interest. Senior Year:
• Start researching colleges of interest through college fairs, visits.
• N a r r o w y o u r list o f potential colleges t o less t h a n 10. M a k e a
master calendar w h i c h includes the dates that applications are due,
test dates and fees, and deadlines f o r scholarships, financial aid and
• Encourage y o u r student to w r i t e application essays that are
inclusive o f your student's high school experience, while including
all e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r experiences as w e l l . Ensure that these are
proofread by parents and teachers.
• A p p l y f o r admission. Early admission deadlines are early i n
the fall w i t h regular admission deadlines early i n the spring,
d e p e n d i n g o n the i n s t i t u t i o n . R e q u e s t financial aid e l i g i b i l i t y
estimates f r o m each u n i v e r s i t y , as w e l l . S u b m i t y o u r Free
A p p l i c a t i o n for Federal Student A i d ( F A F S A ) i n the s p r i n g t o
q u a l i f y f o r federal financial aid.

2 6 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPHJNG 2 0 1 0

• Search and apply for outside scholarships through w w w . Start Now! Even if your and
• O n c e y o u r acceptance letters begin c o m i n g i n , make sure to student's high school career
compare the award packages f r o m these institutions closely. Contact is just beginning, your
the Financial A i d O f f i c e for specific questions. concentrated planning for
• A l l acceptance letters must be c o n t i n u e d b y M a y 1st and deposits college should begin as a
w i l l have t o be m a d e b y this t i m e as w e l l . high school freshman.
• M a k e certain that y o u r student's f i n a l h i g h school transcript is sent
to his/her selected college.

Step Two -

Picking A School

W i t h the p l a n n i n g tools i n place, y o u r student can begin to select
the r i g h t college. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , there is n o mathematical formula
for f i n d i n g the perfect f i t , as m u c h o f this is left up to preference.

Things your student should consider:

W h a t type o f college d o they w a n t to attend? There are m a n y
more options available other than choosing between a large
university and a smaller liberal arts school that offers degrees i n
the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Students need to
decide whether they would prefer to attend a two-year school,
specialized school, or colleges that meet their special interests, such
as r e l i g i o u s l y - a f f i l i a t e d i n s t i t u t i o n s o r historically black colleges.
• W h a t type o f degree is y o u r student seeking? D e p e n d i n g o n what
profession y o u r student is interested i n , there are a variety o f degree
options that could determine what kind of institution they attend.
Does their m a j o r o n l y require an associate's degree? A r e they
seeking a traditional bachelor's degree? Does their area o f interest
only require a certification? W i l l they be seeking a professional
degree after initial completion o f college? Each o f these questions
w i l l help y o u and y o u r student to determine what types o f colleges
w i l l appeal to your student's specific needs.

W i t h all this i n m i n d , exactly h o w does y o u r student select the student but cost is not, the smaller liberal arts private institution
r i g h t school f o r them? Students need t o set a list o f priorities t o might be the better fit.
determine this. M a k e certain to keep these considerations i n
m i n d : size o f student body, location, variety o f academic programs L o o k at selecting a college as p u r c h a s i n g a car. I t is a b i g purchase!
offered, the level o f campus involvement, diversity, and cost. For Just because you like the way it looks doesn't always guarantee
e x a m p l e , i f the v a r i e t y o f academic p r o g r a m s is y o u r student's top that y o u w i l l l i k e the w a y it drives. I t is a package deal, complete
p r i o r i t y a n d l o c a t i o n p r o x i m i t y is n o t o n the list at a l l , the larger w i t h interior and external features that make the car an ideal
public university a bit farther f r o m home might be the better purchase for y o u . W e a l l have o u r o w n preferences, and y o u r
o p t i o n . I t the size of the student b o d y is a m a j o r p r i o r i t y for y o u r student w i l l have t o m a k e that decision, as w e l l .

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2(11(1 To DRAGMA • 27

Step Three - • O r g a n i z a t i o n is k e y i n h e l p i n g this process flow as seamlessly
Submitting as possible. H e r e are a f e w t h i n g s y o u can d o t o get o r g a n i z e d :
The Applications • Keep a calendar o f all o f the important deadlines for your target
schools. Y o u w i l l need to denote deadlines f o r the application
After you have selected several colleges of interest, the application and/or early admission, scholarships, financial aid, required fees
process begins! Based o n y o u r student's criteria o f interest, you for application and transcript submissions. I n this calendar, ensure
should apply to each o f these schools placed on your student's that y o u r student is a l l o t t i n g e n o u g h t i m e f o r essay preparation
"target list" o f 5-10 schools. Be disciplined, consistent, and and reference letters.
realistic i n d e r i v i n g y o u r target list, as m o r e applications equates t o • Make a spreadsheet to record your progress and check it twice!
a frenzy. Keeping up w i t h information from twenty applications This checklist should include each college for w h i c h your
w i l l keep everyone i n your family f r o m sleeping! student has applied, as w e l l as each a c t i o n i t e m that is needed
from the institution. Have you mailed your application? Mailed
How can your student stand out? all fees requested? Sent y o u r transcripts? Sent A C T / S A T scores?
W r i t t e n , p r o o f e d , a n d m a i l e d y o u r essay? C o m p l e t e d y o u r college
T h e r e is n o clear-cut answer to this question, since, l i k e y o u r interview? Sent "thank-you" notes to those w h o conducted your
student, colleges are t r y i n g to f i n d the right students for their interview? Completed your FAFSA? Received a response f r o m
campuses, as w e l l . H o w e v e r , the best r u l e o f t h u m b is t o p r o v i d e school? Received your financial aid award package? A n s w e r to
a comprehensive picture o f w h a t y o u r student has accomplished. these questions are crucial i n m a k i n g y o u r final, overall decision.
H i g h e r education institutions are l o o k i n g for w e l l - r o u n d e d
students, ideally w i t h a balance o f intelligence, leadership, and Step Four -
activity. Demonstrating this balance of education, service, Paying the Bill
involvement, and personal hobbies t h r o u g h o u t h i g h school is
crucial and relaying this information w i t h i n potential admissions
applications is critical.

O n e o f the last components i n the admissions puzzle involves
funding your student's education. Regardless o f who w i l l be
picking up the tab, you never want surprises w h e n the bill for
t u i t i o n arrives. T o m a k e sense o f e v e r y t h i n g , y o u need t o educate
yourself regarding financial aid.

What is financial aid?

Financial aid is the c o m p i l a t i o n o f grants, scholarships, loans, a n d
personal savings that are used to f u n d a student's education.
• Grants: Generally based upon need, the federal government
requires that you complete a Free Application for Federal Student
A i d (FAFSA) each year to determine a student's eligibility. Some
states m a y require a d d i t i o n a l f o r m s f o r state grants, so check
w i t h y o u r f i n a n c i a l aid o f f i c e . W i t h deadlines s t a r t i n g as early
as February, this f o r m s h o u l d be c o m p l e t e d as s o o n as y o u have
accurate financial information w i t h each new year.
• Scholarships: T h e o p p o r t u n i t y f o r scholarship a i d is limitless
and completely dependent on your student's merit, activities
and ambition to search. M u c h like applications for admission,
scholarship applications should require the same amount o f
attention, ensuring that resumes are included and reference letters
are offered, unless otherwise noted. Encourage y o u r student
to check often w i t h the high school counselor for available
local scholarships, i n addition to seeking out any scholarship

8 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 1 0

opportunities f r o m service organizations, ft
places o f employment, and local education
foundations. The most comprehensive baeck
scholarship searches can be f o u n d t h r o u g h r
FastWeb, the largest and most updated
scholarship search engine. Like grants, s
scholarships do not generally have
to be repaid. Think your Child's too Young for college planning?
Student Loans: T h e reality is that almost t w o - Think Again! Use these tips to get your family ready
thirds of students graduate f r o m a four-year for life after high school-regardless of their age!
institution w i t h some sort o f student loan
because m u c h o f the grants and scholarships Talk about School with your children. Whether your
do not cover the entire cost o f a college children are five or thirteen, opening dialogue with your
education. W i t h three types o f loans available c h i l d r e n a b o u t s c h o o l is healthy. Have o p e n conversations
for collegiate and parents (Student loans, Parent about what they want to be when they grow up and
(PLUS) loans, and Alternative (private) student going to school when they get older. Even though these
loans, the federal government offers a variety o f conversations might be limited depending on age, they
student loans at a reasonable interest rate to help plant the seed of the importance of higher education.
finance this gap i n f u n d i n g for your student's Enroll them in extra-curricular activities that peak these
education. I n order to qualify for these options, areas of interest for them.
students w i l l need to file the FAFSA each year.
Additional applications may be required for Start saving money now! With college tuition rates rising
alternative loans, depending on the lender. at an e x p o n e n t i a l rate, it is never t o o early t o start p u t t i n g
aside money for this endeavor. Here are some of the more
• Educate Yourself: H o w m u c h does it really popular venues of saving:
cost? T h e cost o f college attendance includes • Section 529 Plans: K n o w n as a Qualified Tuition Program
m u c h more than just your student's tuition. (QSP), these have grown to b e one of the most popular
T u i t i o n , fees, textbooks, housing, and food methods of educational savings. With two types of
are the major expenses that your student w i l l plans specifically tailored for college savings and pre-
incur. Each college w i l l have an individual paid tuition, the Section 529 Plans offer flexibility and
"Cost of Attendance"—a very comprehensive g r o w t h for those interested in overall college savings and
figure that the institution deems its total guarantee for those wanting to ensure their investment
cost. T h i s n u m b e r is also the cap f o r the total with the pre-paid tuition. These plans can be established
amount o f aid that your student can receive. by your investment or banking institution.
• Coverdell Education Savings Accounts: Previously
• H o w m u c h aid is m y student g o i n g to referred t o as Education IRAs, these savings accounts
receive? B y adding together all the scholarships are trusts that are established strictly for the educational
f r o m the college, private scholarships earned by expenses of the beneficiary. With a maximum annual
your student, and eligible grants received from contribution of $2,000, these accounts are exempt from
the FAFSA f o r m and subtracting this f r o m the federal taxation under certain income ranges.
total cost, y o u can f i n d the amount o f money • Loyalty Programs: O t h e r w i s e known as an affinity
that your student needs. program, these offer a painless way to save additional
• T h e terms o f y o u r financial aid can be money for college without a large amount of effort. Similar
confusing since all types o f aid have different to frequent flyer miles on your favorite airline, loyalty
requirements. Talk w i t h your student's financial programs track your purchases with your registered credit/
aid counselor to determine the options that are debit cards at participating retailers. UPromise (www.
best for you and y o u r family., BabyMint (, and Little
• T h e application process for college admission Grad ( are some of the largest loyalty
is a l e a r n i n g experience i n and o f itself program participants.
w i t h new developments, opportunities and
information always forthcoming. B y utilizing To DRAGMA • 29
the helpful information above, you and your
f a m i l y are set to e m b a r k o n a j o u r n e y —
ending w i t h a treasured diploma and the
accomplishment of k n o w i n g that you all got
through it together!


Chapter Profile


It m a y be k n o w n as "the biggest little city i n the B e f o r e the date was even set f o r installation, the
w o r l d , " b u t there is n o t h i n g little about the A O I I forming chapter was already busy w i t h events. W i t h
sisterhood in Reno, Nevada. Every month, the D a n a M o r e l a n d , c u r r e n t A l u m n a e President, as the
chapter remains extremely active w i t h diverse events, d r i v i n g force, several w o m e n attended the kick-
book club meetings, and even nature hikes through off event where they received a goody bag w i t h
the picturesque scenery that landscapes the Nevada E m p o r i u m catalogs, luggage tags, and Arthritis
and California border. While the geography and Foundation favors. A f t e r the successful kick-off, it
mountain weather could quickly fizzle out the f u n was f u l l steam ahead planning events leading up to
i n the w i n t e r months, these w o m e n use this u n i q u e installation. N o t only did the chapter participate
setting to their advantage by enjoying everything in their local Arthritis Walk, Chris Moran, Elaine
the area has to offer. W i t h i n close p r o x i m i t y t o Carrick, and R u t h Frazier all volunteered to serve on
California, a carload of women even plan to attend the p l a n n i n g c o m m i t t e e . W i t h plans f o r spa nights.
the Northern California Council's Founders' Day to Pampered C h e f parties, and book club meetings, the
help spread their sisterhood even more. ladies were w e l l on their way t o a lasting b o n d .

R e n o / T a h o e became an o f f i c i a l chapter at perhaps
the most unique installation setting i n A O I I alumnae
chapter history. O n M a y 6 , 2 0 0 9 , the group was
installed at Sam's T o w n Casino, i n true R e n o
fashion. Installing Officer Kathy Jensen remarked
h o w perfect the secured casino setting was for
preforming R i t u a l because the r o o m even locked,
keeping out all interruptions. As an extra touch,
Dana gave each attendee a special rose candle,
detailed chapter directory f o r all area sisters, and a
p r o g r a m m i n g calendar. Afterwards, several w o m e n
enjoyed each other's company and sharing stories
over a lovely steak dinner. W i t h such a unique and
special installation, it's no surprise that the chapter
continues t o plan creative and diverse events as t h e y
g r o w as a chapter and add members.

U p o n first glance, Reno/Tahoe Alumnae Chapter's
event calendar is r e m i n i s c e n t o f a l o n g - s t a n d i n g
chapter. O n e w o u l d never guess that chapter is less
than a year old. A sampling o f their dynamic events
include: Game Night; a hiking trip; a movie in A r t
T o w n ; a creative class at A h h C o f f e e o n h o w t o

30 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 1 0

fashion truffles, candles, soaps, scrubs, and lip b a l m character o f this group, Dana even offered to
using coffee; l u n c h at famous Toucan Charlie's; facilitate a workshop to help Phi M u revitalize
and Founders' Day. Even raising money for the t h e i r o w n chapter. Needless t o say, e v e r y o n e
A O I I F o u n d a t i o n is approached i n a f u n , spirited w a l k e d away w i t h n e w pasta recipes, n e w
way. In addition to building i n a donation to the friends, and even greater pride for A O I I and the
Foundation w i t h annual dues, one sister brings a gift blossoming alumnae chapter.
to the December and M a y meetings. Raffle tickets
are then sold at a dollar a piece w i t h all the proceeds W h e t h e r it's g e t t i n g together f o r d i n n e r at a local
going to the A O I I Foundation. buffet, chatting about the latest best seller, ice
s k a t i n g at a local resort, or l e t t i n g t h e i r l i g h t shine
Perhaps the chapter's most innovative and unique to the local Panhellenic community, the w o m e n o f
event this year was t h e i r Panhellenic Pasta Potluck the Reno/Tahoe Alumnae Chapter truly exemplify
held in October. W i t h a former Reno Alumnae A O I I for a lifetime. N o t even a year old, the
Panhellenic President in their midst, Nancy Dali, chapter w i l l , u n d o u b t e d l y , c o n t i n u e t o set the bar
i t is easy t o see h o w t h i s g r o u p already fosters such h i g h for alumnae chapter p r o g r a m m i n g and pure-
a wonderful Panhellenic spirit. Each member sisterhood. As D a n a puts i t , " A O I I is m a k i n g a
was i n v i t e d to b r i n g a Panhellenic sister and a name in the Sierra Nevada!" I f you w o u l d like to
pasta dish. T h e results were phenomenal. Dana keep up w i t h the chapter, please visit their b l o g at
d e s c r i b e d t h e e v e n t as a h u g e success, a n d that " o u r
Panhellenic friends ooohed and aaahed about our
sisterhood and programming." One Panhellenic by Stacey Kay Lawrence, Beta Phi (Indiana U),
Phi M u sister even got out her checkbook to Alumnae District Administrator
write dues to the chapter. As a testament to the

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2010

Chapter Profile

A L P H A Cm

Western Kentucky University
Installed: May 8, 1965
Sub-motto: Our Dreams Are Tomorrow's Realities

A O I I ' s internal vision statement, "Be the best," is a Greek partnerships w i t h i n the community. A l l o f the
vision w h i c h Alpha C h i members aspire to achieve proceeds go to the A O I I Foundation to benefit arthritis
every day. These w o m e n are a constant inspiration research and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
to others at Western K e n t u c k y U as they c o n t i n u a l l y
raise the bar higher each semester on expectations. A sold-out crowd o f over 4,000 students, alumnae
Their support of local and international philanthropy, and members of the Bowling Green community were
in addition to their phenomenal sisterhood, advisory treated to an evening o f music f r o m Montgomery
base, operations, academics, Panhellenic efforts, and Gentry's gold and platinum-selling albums. Their
r e c r u i t m e n t results have t r u l y set t h e m apart. opening act featured music f r o m a recent graduate o f
A O I I Alpha C h i , Ashley Moore, an aspiring vocal
The most notable recent achievement for the women artist. T h e total amount raised was $64,490, o f which
o f Alpha C h i was a highly successful benefit concert Alpha Chi donated $32,245 to the A O I I Foundation.
o n September 17, 2009, f e a t u r i n g the C M A ' s award- Philanthropy Adviser, Tonya Cothern, stated, " I
winning music duo, Montgomery Gentry. This could not have been happier w i t h the outcome o f the
g r o u p is comprised o f A O I I dad, Eddie M o n t g o m e r y , concert! I a m so p r o u d o f the girls and so t h a n k f u l to
and Troy Gentry. The event was cosponsored w i t h M o n t g o m e r y G e n t r y for d o i n g the concert for us and
the Kappa Alpha Order in an effort to promote to Kappa A l p h a for a l l t h e i r help!

A O 11 Sty«''•»>


tI • It;


Terry Montgomery, of Montgomery Gentry, is surrounded by proud AXs, including his daughter Candace.

32 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010

Everyone worked so hard to make
this event successful. For a first
time event to raise over $60,000,
secure enough sponsorship dollars
to cover all the expenses, and sell
tickets out - twice -1 would say,
that's a success!"

The chapter also spear-headed a philanthropy project proud to be an A O I I , and I feel so
to help provide food for inner-city children called fortunate that I can give back to my
"Blessings in a Backpack." It is the first time such a chapter of initiation. I am A O I I for a
program has been enacted on a college campus within lifetime and being an adviser helps me
the United States. Alpha C h i made efforts to include fulfill that."
other N P C groups on this project in order to promote
Panhellenic sisterhood throughout the community. The legacy passed down within Alpha
C h i is truly substantial. Initiated
Alpha Chi was honored w i t h numerous awards members serve on AOII Standing
at Convention 2009, including the Ruby Award, Committees, Headquarters Staff, and
Philos Award, Academic Development Cup, A A C as international volunteers. One of
Performance Certificate, Campus Total, Corporation their charter members, Rachel Allen,
Board Performance Certificate, and Magazine still actively serves as their Academic
Program Total Sales. O n campus, the chapter has Development Adviser.
maintained top recruitment strengths for many years
amongst the seven sororities and currently has the Rachel is such an inspiration. Many volunteers state Above: Alpha Chi alumna,
highest number of members. They have also reached that their lifelong commitment to A O I I is due, i n Ashley Moore, performed just
out to the recently recolonized chapter of Alpha part, to her strong presence and example for so many prior to Montgomery Gentry.
Gamma Delta. The two chapters have conducted joint years. When asked of what she is most proud, Rachel
recruitment workshops, and the advisers have lent proclaimed, "...watching the development of members
additional support due to the low number of AGD after pledging. Students arrive on campus, very
alumnae in the area. They plan to continue offering insecure, but form a bond of sisterhood that continues
help with recruitment skills and cosponsor several for a lifetime. I am fortunate to see this take place and
sisterhood events this year. Chapter Development be included as a sister. The principles of A O I I become
Adviser, Cindy Hines, praised the members as "very such a guiding example for each of us that our lives are
responsible [who] exemplify leadership and sisterhood enriched daily by continuing to be active. I w i l l always
in all they do." be Life Loyal to A O I I and feel honored to be
a member."
Alpha Chi's academic development program continues
to foster excellence and challenges other organizations Under the guidance of such loving mentors, Alpha
to achieve higher success. U n t i l this past semester, Chi's sisterhood, philanthropy, operations, academics
Alpha C h i ranked # 1 over all campus organizations for and Panhellenic efforts w i l l continue to exceed all o f
four consecutive years. Currently, more than half the AOII's expectations for many years to come.
chapter has above a 3.5 GPA w i t h eleven 4.0s achieved.
by Jane McKee, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U), Collegiate District Administrator
The Alumnae Advisory Council consists o f 16
members who strive to motivate and support the
officers and chapter members. Women like Sandy
Stewart are involved w i t h A O I I at an International
level, but still continue to dedicate themselves to
Alpha C h i because of their o w n experiences within
the chapter. Chapter Adviser, A m y Pike, noted, " I am

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010 To DRAGMA • 33

by Courtney Dillard, Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee - Martin)



For recent A O I I alumna, Jessi Peretti, child. A m o n g many responsibilities,
making healthy decisions is not just Peretti was charged with helping to
an annual N e w Year's Resolution, it's analyze the extracted core-blood from the
truly a way of life. As a fifth-year senior umbilical cord o f these studied families
majoring in Food and Nutrition, Jessi, and processing these results w i t h i n the lab.
Alpha Phi (Montana State U ) is working
to ensure that these healthy choices Peretti's interaction on both o f these
are made available to everyone—most projects challenged the undergraduate
notably, children. to identify her o w n direction in this
quest to promote healthy lifestyles to
After entering Montana State U as an children and parents. Attaining funding
undecided freshman, Peretti's journey for an additional study aimed at offering
w i t h healthy choices and nutrition began healthier food options for children
after experiencing an introduction course at restaurants i n the Gallatin county
in Nutrition from an inspiring professor. area, Peretti accepted the challenge to
Still serving as a mentor to Peretti, provide residents w i t h a directory of local
Professor Anacker helped and guided Jessi restaurants offering healthy meal options
to f i n d her passion, and Peretti jumped in for children.
with both feet
To begin this study, all 50 restaurants i n
Peretti's hands-on approach and natural the Gallatin Valley area were evaluated
go-getter personality were a perfect fit for based on their menu selections for
the children of the Bozeman, Montana children. These results were later
area. After becoming confident in her discussed w i t h management at each
level of knowledge and abilities, Peretti restaurant, encouraging their involvement
partnered with Childcare Connection, w i t h i n the local directory by offering at
an organization that encourages quality least t w o healthy options for children.
child care. Peretti developed twenty-five W i t h almost half o f these local restaurants
interactive games, all 10-15 minutes in participating, Peretti is working to make
length, focusing on food and nutrition, the directory available at local elementary
healthy habits and hand washing, and schools, the Chamber of Commerce, and
physical activity. This activity provided online at
the groundwork for Peretti's continued
enthusiasm toward helping others make W i t h the myriad o f academic activities i n
healthy decisions. which Peretti is active, one would never
have guessed that Peretti began her time
Additionally, Peretti served as a at Montana State pledging to not be as
undergraduate researcher for The Blossom involved as she had been in high school,
Project, a study aimed at identifying the allowing her to not be overly committed.
correlation in D H A levels transferred After a semester o f not feeling as i f she
from an expectant mother to her unborn had found her place, Peretti followed


the advice of her Greek affiliated mother "Living in a house with my sisters,
to attend the informational sessions for I was always getting questions
spring recruitment i n 2006. It was then about food and nutrition for
that Peretti claims that she found her fit members personally."
w i t h i n A O I I . " A O I I has had everything
to do w i t h my involvement academically,
philanthropically, and socially. A O I I
gave me so many opportunities and
confidence, helping me stay plugged into
the activities on campus," explains Peretti.

Serving the Alpha Phi Chapter as As an active new alumna in the Bozeman Graduating this spring, she plans to attend
Treasurer, Philanthropy Chairman, and area, Peretti is transitioning f r o m graduate school in order to pursue her
Chapter President, Peretti's love for A O I I collegian to alumna by helping with fall long-term goal of becoming a registered
and nutrition overlapped immensely. recruitment and several other alumnae dietician, specifically hoping to study
" L i v i n g i n a house w i t h my sisters, I was activities. She was honored this past fall the effects o f nutrition on cardiovascular
always getting questions about food and to represent the university as the 2009 health, diabetes, and athletic performance.
nutrition for members personally," Peretti Homecoming Queen, a title that typifies With a collegiate experience littered with
says. T h r o u g h her time as an Alpha the commitment that Peretti has had to enough ambition to motivate each o f us,
Phi collegian, she provided education the college and her overall experience. we have no doubt that she'll succeed,
at meetings on heart health, helped add setting her sites even higher.
healthier options in the house w i t h the
cooking staff, and being a friend to help
listen and provide advice.


rj - —

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SSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2010 To DKAGMA • 35



visit www.aoiiemporium or call


A. Pearl and Garnet Necklace, 18", G. Jeweled Mother's Pin, #/728
with Rose Charm, #169 10K $156 GP.....$46
SS $72
H. Coil Bracelet, 7.5", with Greek Letter Tag, #128
B. Snake Chain, 18", #177 SS $112
14K $285 GF $42 SS $27
I. Founder's Pendant with rubies, 18", #J92R
C. Rose Lavaliere with A O n letters, #103 10K, 10KW $300 SS $77
14K $127 10K $87 SS $32 GP.....$32
J. Founder's Pendant with diamonds, 18", #]92D
D. Garnet Ring with rose mounting, #/85C 10K, 10KW.....$450
10K, 10KW $305 SS $188
K. Founders Ring with rubies, #]89R
E. Pearl and Garnet Bracelet, 7.5", 10K, 10KW $195 SS $102
with Rose Charm, #170
SS $47 L. Founders Ring with diamonds, #]89D
I OK, 10KW $400
F. Mother's Pin, #I12A
10K $156 GP.....$31 Prices subject to change without notice. Colored stones are synthetic.
K-karat gold, KW-karat white gold, SS-sterling silver, GF-gold-filled,

AnAOIITea, 1955.

0<f ^i"


'I I '

i.. •


fcy Veronica Lima Kentish, Lambda Beta (California State U - Long Beach)
Collegiate District Administrator

Do friendships like the ones featured in Steele Magnolias, Beaches
or The Ya-Ya Sisterhood actually exist? Can friends from different
backgrounds form friendships that last a lifetime? Ifyou are an AOII,
you know the answer to that question is yes. AOII offers each of us
a solid foundation for planting the seeds of life-long friendships, but
it's up to each one of us to nurture and grow the relationships.

M a n y years ago, seven Phi Alpha sisters learned h o w to properly nurture and g r o w
friendships that last a lifetime and it's evident i n their relationships today. Back
i n 1954, Phi Alpha was still a local sorority at East Tennessee State University
in Johnson City, Tennessee. Three members o f this group o f seven were charter
members w h e n A O I I colonized the chapter on A p r i l 16, 1955. These ladies

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010 To DRAGMA • 37

would have been possible without two wonderful
advisers, Mary Florence Self (affectionately k n o w n as
Aunt Mary Florence) and Margaret (Maggie) Dugger.

Mary Florence and Maggie were dedicated, loyal
and loving examples to the chapter members, along
with other advisers and patrons from Omicron ( U o f
Tennessee). According to Lynn, "We had the most
dedicated and most wonderful alumnae. O u r advisers
were kind and wanted nothing but the best, and you
better live up to it or else!!" Evelyn recalls, "Aunt Mary
Florence was very much a lady. She taught us die
social graces and showed us the way to being ladies.
Maggie had the pleasure of also being a professor to
several of our girls. She was tough on the AOIls, as
to not show favoritism, but through out the years we
became like her children."

Photo Above: Reunion in include: Annette Self H a r m o n Pal, Patsy A l l seven sisters expressed their love and appreciation
Greenville, Tennessee. 1st row: Broyles Leach, and Barbara Ann Brown Payne. A for the two advisers. They all attest that because o f
Gem Jenkins, 2nd row: Patsy year later on April 7, 1956, Barbara Giles Taft, Evelyn the dedication demonstrated by these ladies, they
Leach, Evelyn Eiche, Barbara Quintrell Eiche, and Gem Thompson Jenkins joined felt even more compelled to live up to our Ritual
Payne, 3rd Roiv: Barbara the chapter. Lynn Beasley Whitfield joined this circle and their promise to one another. Patsy said, " I took
Taft, Mary Florence Self of friendship on September 27, 1956. classes, but I don't know that 1 learned as much i n
- Chapter Adviser, 4th Row: those as I did in dealing with the sorority. I learned
Annette Pal, Lynn Whitfield. As the oldest o f the group approached graduation about finances and leadership so I could represent our
Photo Below: Reunion 2001 in the spring o f 1958, no one could imagine what group on the university and at fraternity conferences.
in Jamestown, Virginia. Left the future would hold for their friendships. This I received on the job training tor life." The sorority
to right: Evelyn Eiche, Lynn is where their adventure and their friendship for a experience also taught them other things, as Patsy
I Vhitfield, Gem Jenkins, lifetime began. added, " I also learned some of the finer things in life
Annette Pal, Patsy Leach like entertaining, writing proper thank-you notes, and
& Barbara Taft. The photo Initiation, Teas, Potpourris, Chapter Retreats and etiquette. We put all these things to use i n sorority life
was taken by Barbara Payne. All-Sing are among their fondest collegiate memories. and took them with us in our chosen vocation or i n
Photo Opposite Page: Reunion From learning etiquette tips and how to write thank- our persona] lives, and we became more refined. O u r
2005 in Arlington, Virginia. you notes to sewing black dresses for All-Sing, it didn't advisers, they helped us, guided us, loved us, opened
Front row, left to right: Gem matter the event as long as they had the opportunity their homes to us and they were one o f us. We always
Jenkins, Annette Pal, Lynn to be together. Being able to create fond memories is had an abundance o f people who were there to support
Whitfield, Tina Jenkins what these women cherished. None of these memories us. They were like pseudo-mothers to us."
(Gem's granddaughter),
Barbara Taft, Barbara Payne.
Back row: Patsy Leach.

i. ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010

38 • To URAGMA

N o one is quite sure who had the grand idea o f These friends have enjoyed summers together, met
getting back together after graduation, but some prominent dignitaries, celebrated good times, consoled
of the credit was attributed to Mary Florence each other, and laughed together; and through it
and Maggie. They inspired several of the chapter all, these women believe they have experienced
members to gather for the first time i n 1960 at a lifelong magical friendship. The message they
Buffalo Mountain State Park outside o f Johnson City, learned as collegians was, "be committed and honor
T N . Maggie, Evelyn, Patsy, Annette, Gem, Lynn, your commitments." So, it comes as no surprise that
and Barbara Taft were among the first to meet. They commitment has always been the key for them to
had so much f u n they reunited i n 1962 at Deloris experience the kind of friendships usually reserved for
Glass' home in Gatlinburg, T N . I n 1968, the ladies the movie screen. They would explain, "You certainly
ventured on to Irwin, T N for another gathering. don't need a ya ya sisterhood when you are an A O I I ! "

As the years went by, they all began to raise families. r
A few moved out of the country, but everyone kept
in touch w i t h one another via Christmas letters. In w <I
1987, Annette found herself needing not just her
friends, but her sisters, shortly after her husband
passed away. So i n 1988, the women reunited at
Annette's home i n Greenville, T N . Annette shared,
" I was so strengthened by having them with me.
I knew what I had and who I was. What we have
is real and it has lasted... my deepest and my most
appreciative memory was when I was healing. They
helped me remember who they all were and helped
me keep being... despite everything." The circle was
complete at this union when Barbara A n n joined
them at this gathering.

Despite the long break, this reunion helped the women JL
rekindle their friendships. It was as though the years
had not gone by and they were able to pick up right Phi Alpha Reunions
where they left oft" Fittingly, Annette brought the
circle of Phi Alphas back to Greenville in 1996 shortly I 9 6 0 reunion at Buffalo Mountain State Park
before she remarried. 1962 reunion in Gatlinburg, Tennessee
1968 reunion in Irwin, Tennessee
Though the years have come and gone, their 1988 reunion in Greenville, Tennessee
friendships have stood the test of time. Barbara Ann 1996 reunion in Greenville, Tennessee
explained, "The seven o f us come f r o m various 1998 reunion in Blountville, Tennessee
economic backgrounds, but this never keeps us apart. 2 0 0 0 reunion in Nashville, Tennessee
Physical limitations can sometimes bring challenges 2 0 0 2 reunion in Surfside Beach, South Carolina
but we want to get together and the main thing is 2005 reunion in Abingdon, Virginia
that we do get together. The other things are nice 2 0 0 7 reunion in Jamestown and Williamsburg, Virginia
but we are perfectly happy and we never run out o f 2 0 1 0 (upcoming) reunion in Houston and Washington O n The Brazos, Texas
things to talk about. We have started meeting more
often over the past 10 years because of our ages. We
want to make sure we get to enjoy each other as often
as we can because we treasure our friendships."

Their 1998 reunion was the last time Aunt Mary-
Florence gathered w i t h the women. To honor her,
Evelyn cross-stitched an A O I I Rose w i t h a framed
photo of all of them as a gift. It was inscribed " A O I I
Friends Forever."

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 1 0 To DRAGMA • 3 9

IN our

W i n n e r !•


by Carolyn "Candy" Kohler Driscoll, REMEMBER
Gamma Omicron (U of Florida)
by Celia Austin Reed, Alpha Kappa (U of North Alabama)
They're just around the corner
or up the nearest street. Just a small token to remember me by,
Sisters, sisters everywhere o f love, laughter and tears, here at the Pi.
Some you are yet to meet. The years flew by but even f r o m the start,
We cherished each friendship we had made deep in our heart.
You joined AOII in college There are songs that you hear on the radio as the time flies by,
But it's yours your whole life through. That w i l l bring you back to your sisters and a laugh or a tear to your eye.
A whole cadre of sisters It w i l l take you back to remember when's,
out there always for you. O f days at college and your new best friends.
Remember, I'm only a phone call away,
You may find them at the grocery To hear about your new love or your exciting day!
or at your favorite shop. I'm so proud of your accomplishments and the things that you do,
They may be your children's teachers And honored to say that I had the chance to get to k n o w you.
or neighbors down the block. To all my A O I I sister's that I've met along the way,
Wow! What a ride it's been and something I can never repay.
So let your light shine brightly
as you go throughout our land.
It's AOII forever
that was our Founders' plan.

40 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 1 0


by Jane Harley Starner, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
She found inspiration in a 1957 Ball State yearbook photo of their AOII bike-a-thon victory.

L o o k at this s m i l i n g picture o f us h o l d i n g the trophy In the weeks before race day, Helen and 1 gathered to applaud men's teams.
with the little gold cyclist on the top washed our adopted bikes, checked spokes, the R O T C , Theta Chi's and Sig Tau's.
after pedaling t w e n t y laps over the track! adjusted brakes, patched and pumped tires: who provided the thrills and spills
Bobbie. Sandy. Pat. Sue, Donna. Helen and I and fitted one for racing w i t h the best parts. in their longer 120-lap competition.
had no matching T-shirts in red and white; We rode daily, tooling around the Still, the preliminary women's race
n o cute ball caps w i t h an A O I I rose; Indiana countryside, breezy i n springtime, between sorority teams drew excitement.
no snazzy Adidas or N i k e shoes. to gain power and endurance.
L o o k at us i n c o t t o n shirts a n d B e r m u d a shorts Riding with teammates on the cinder track, Cheered o n , riders gathered at the starting line.
w i t h bobby socks and c h u n k y saddle shoes! we leaned into curves, sped on straight-aways. 1 )oim.i led o f f and pedaled to the front o f the pack.
and practiced smooth exchanges. I followed, bent over handlebars, pumping furiously.
L o o k at that bicycle w i t h its U-shaped handlebars, Exchange after exchange, lap after lap.
l o w seat, fenders, b a l l o o n tires, and coaster brakes! Saturday, race day, was cool but sunny. each sister held the pace, w i d e n i n g the gap,
This must be a hybrid o f some Schwinn or Huffy, This was not Indiana University's Woops! Bobbie, w a t c h i n g w a v i n g sisters, nearly fell.
not a stream-lined cherry red racer. f a m e d " L i t t l e 5(10" later featured Helen, the fastest, the best, rode the last lap.
in the movie, "Breaking Away," Victory was ours! We hugged one another.
I n early s p r i n g . B i g Sis H e l e n was t h i n k i n g but our bleachers held screaming fans. L o o k at this s m i l i n g p i c t u r e of us h o l d i n g the t r o p h y !
o f the u p - c o m i n g bike-a-thon race.
W i t h a fifth w i n , w e c o u l d r e t i r e the t r o p h y . MB' •- / /
Alas! W e had no bicycle to race.
The yellow brick building in downtown Muncie
was typical o f old municipal buildings. r
Its lighted sign, "Police Station."
merely identified; it d i d not welcome us.
A bell signaled our arrival, and an officer
escorted us to the basement c r y p t ,
where unclaimed bicycles, confiscated f r o m thieves,
lay haphazardly or stood in a j u m b l e .
We were not owners here to identify our bikes:
we were borrowers, pleading to adopt.

I hc bearded police captain sh.n.k his head.

1)esiring to support the college and
us p o o r students, he was persuaded
to loan us t w o f o r l o r n women's models
needed for quick exchanges in the race.


by Rachel Plaster, Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U) in memory of Chelsea Dettloff, Kappa Rho

The golden grass stands tall and waits to be cultivated But when harvested-
Grains are ripped away f r o m their respective cocoons Gathered together, bundled into one, tied
Carelessly carried w i t h the breeze. Suddenly, solidity is revealed
They f i n d each other i n the w h i r l w i n d
In the moments when the world collapses
After a tumultuous and slightly rough landing Strength can be momentarily forgotten
Surpassing, exceeding all expectations And like a whirlwind they move forth
A fresh field is produced Surrounding, encompassing; perceptive and indulgent
Time passes and each rise individually, Forming a protective shield-
Stretching necks and tentatively exploring Personal troops for a delicate battle.
Forming and developing to the ultimate point of potential.
And the war will continue.
To reach out w i t h anything but a tender touch. And the struggles w i l l continuously shift.
Threatens destruction But the whirlwind w i l l forever envelop.
The thin straw of wheat cannot handle the constant pressure The sheaf w i l l forever stand.

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 20111 To DR\GMA • 41


In Your Own Words is your chance to share your thoughts and opinions
with other AOIIs, as well as an opportunity to be a published author.
The topics will be announced in the magazine and on the AOII website,
and the winning entry will appear in the following issue. Additional
qualified entries may be posted on the AOII website. Winners will be
selected by members of the AOII Communications Department.

A O I I legaciesFor the Summer 2010 issue, we will spotlight

Do you have an AOII legacy in your family? Are you an A O I I legacy?
In your own words, describe how you felt when you first learned your
daughter or sister had pledged AOII, or describe what it means to you
to be an AOII legacy. We encourage anyone to participate!

Submit articles by email to ToDragma ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010 by April 1, 2010.
Submissions should be created in Microsoft
Word or Adobe InDesign. Include your full
name, chapter, telephone number and emai
address in your email submission.

42 • To DRAGMA

MBakienqttteher\APaIfcoe rld

You may have heard the term Gluten-Free. You may
have even seen Gluten-Free products in your grocery
store. But if you are like most people, you don't have a
clue what they are used for. Just as the newly popular
organic food industry products have started to multiply
on grocery shelves, so have these specialized products,
which are specifically directed towards anyone with
gluten intolerance.

About 75 m i l l i o n Americans suffer from one o f many types o f food intolerances.
Gluten intolerance accounts for 2.2 m i l l i o n o f those, most commonly in the form
o f celiac disease. This "disease" is actually an autoimmune disorder of the small
intestine. A t this time, this disorder is thought to be inherited through family genes.
Unfortunately, the symptoms o f gluten intolerance may show up at any point in one's
lifetime. The most common symptoms o f gluten intolerance are gastro-intestinal
problems (i.e. gas and digestive issues). They also include chronic fatigue, weight loss,
irritability, tooth discoloration, and rashes or burning sensations.

Most likely, you k n o w someone w i t h this disease. You may even have minor gluten
intolerance yourself and not even realize it. Once diagnosed by a doctor, a gluten-
intolerant individual must take the measures and life-adjustments required to relieve
her body o f gluten, a wheat protein that is most commonly found i n grains and cereals.
Gluten is also i n beer, cornbread, crusts, pizza, pretzels, soy sauce, imitation seafood,
licorice, cookies, and other baked goods.

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2(110 To DRAGMA • 43

sister,Luckily, an AOII Lisa Lundy... has dedicated her
life to proving that an intolerance to gluten does not
mean deprivation of all things that taste good.

Luckily, an A O I I sister, Lisa Lundy, Epsilon
Alpha (Perm State U ) has dedicated her
life to proving that an intolerance to gluten
does not mean deprivation of all things that
taste good. For Lisa, the complications and
difficulties of living with gluten-intolerance
have greatly impacted her life. She has
personally been anaphylactically allergic to
tree nuts and coconuts since childhood and
has given birth to three beautiful children
- all born with food allergies. Her youngest
daughter, Anne, has experienced the most
extreme difficulties. Born premature,
Anne immediately developed severe food
allergies. At the time o f her birth, doctors'
predictions regrettably sentenced Anne to
a bleak future that likely included brain
damage, numerous seizures, feeding tubes,
frequent hospitalizations, and the inability
to walk or talk.

After learning this devastating news,
Lisa still believed that there had to be
something she could do. This was when
she first started researching allergy
intolerance and ways o f lessening the
impact on her daughter's fragile body.
Due to Lisa and her family's interventions,
Anne has miraculously surpassed all or
these heartbreaking expectations and
has g r o w n to be a typical, talkative, and
healthy six-year-old. L o o k i n g at her
today, nobody could imagine that this
child once struggled through multiple

44 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 1 0

surgeries, experienced at least triple the famous bakery and restaurant chefs, appeared
amount o f hospital visits a child her age on Living Well with Montel, and addressed
should endure, and had been dubbed a national conventions to promote her cause.
"lost hope" just a few years earlier. Lisa She is also working with several national
and her husband have poured all their groups of physicians to improve health care
energy into helping Anne and their other in the United States. Lisa also manages
children live comfortable, normal, and another website devoted to simply helping
fun allergen-free lives. others lead better lives. The website, w w w ., features numerous
Lisa aspires now to do the same for all articles, personal blogs, and fun ideas that help
people with allergy-intolerance through improve an everyday, hectic lifestyle.
public speaking, and interviews. She has
also published a gluten-free allergy-free Born in Muncy Valley, Pennsylvania, Lisa
cookbook, entitled "The Super Allergy spent most of her childhood in State College,
Girl Cookbook." W i t h recipes learned PA, including her collegiate years as a Penn
through her own experiences, this State student. She and her husband, Randy
cookbook contains 225 "safe" recipe ideas Garrett, and their three children, Luke,
and 100 additional informational pages Noah and Anne currently make their home
that enable sufferers o f this disorder to in Buffalo, New York. Even through years
now enjoy foods that they once avoided of trials, a positive spirit glows strong in this
or she's found substitutes for foods that remarkable family. Lisa shared a story that
previously tasted like cardboard. her 10-year-old son, Luke, learned while
watching T V one day. Stephen Covey and
Her website is a source o f virtual hope his adult son were suggesting to viewers that
for everyone with food allergies. Visit all families create a mission statement to live by. Without hesitation, Luke said, " O h , I
It includes helpful tips, easy recipes, news know what our family mission statement
releases, and other resources on the topic, should be: We were made to make the
as well as a number o f hopeful pictures and world a better place!"
quotes to inspire the thousands o f celiac
disease sufferers who may be struggling. If you would like to learn more, visit,
In addition to her work with Celiac and j o i n Lisa's blog-ring, or email her at
autism communities, Lisa has taught [email protected].
gluten-free cooking classes, consulted with

By Gabrielle Nicole Gatnhitia,
Epsilon Alpha (Penn Slate U)


Delicious Gluten-Free Recipe

f r o m The Super Allergy Girl Cookbook b y Lisa L u n d y


2 cups gluten-free flour (your choice or use a blend)
2 teaspoons xanthan g u m
1/4 tablespoons baking powder
Vi cup cocoa powder
% teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
% cup oil
6 tablespoons hot water mixed w i t h
4 teaspoons Egg R e p l a c e r ™
1 to 1!4 cup rice m i l k or other liquid, more only i f needed
'A to 1/3 cups GFCF chocolate chips

M i x dry ingredients well. Add liquid ingredients and
chocolate chips. M i x well. Spoon batter into greased
m i n i or regular sized m u f f i n tins. Bake at 350°F for
15 to 20 minutes or u n t i l done for m i n i - m u f f i n s . Bake
regular sized muffins for 25-28 minutes, or until done.

Some of the ingredients may be unfamiliar. Xanthan
gum, a polysaccharide and stabilizer, is used as a substitute
for the missing wheat gluten, which is a main product o f
regular baked goods. Their base bacterium, Xanthomonas
campestris, is the same bacterium that forms the black
rot on leafy vegetables. W h e n used as a stabilizer,
factories combine w i t h corn sugar to create the clear
slimy substance used for baking.

A l l of these special ingredients can be found in stores or
online on gluten-free websites. Luckily, these replacements
are successful i n creating the authentic taste o f their gluten-
enhanced alter egos. One taste o f these muffins, and you
would never miss your wheat.

T i idVMIWW»aJFt%lr!Hi<Hiv i

46 • To DRAOMA ISSUE N O , 2 • SPRING 2010



FOR ARTHRITIS March 4,2010

March Forth to Serve Others

As one of the cornerstones upon which our Fraternity was built, our
commitment to service remains a strong component of our organization,
both locally and internationally. One of AOII's Founders, Stella George
Stern Perry, reiterated this fact when she so eloquently stated, "above all,
we wanted a high and active special purpose to justify existence and a
simple devotion to some worthy end." Therefore, the concept of service
is not a new phenomenon—it is what AOII has always been. To celebrate
and commemorate our continued commitment to serving others, AOII
will hold its first International Day of Service on March 4, 2010. Uniting
collegians and alumnae from across the United States and Canada,
members will join forces to "march forth" to serve a greater good by
demonstrating our collective service-oriented activities.

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010 To DRAGMA • 4 7


Staff and volunteers have prepared a guide to assist members in
developing ideas and planning tips for execution of their event. With
the overall theme of the International Day of Service as "AOII Goes
Blue," members are first encouraged to wear blue on March 4th in
order to show their outward support of arthritis research and education.
Blue was selected because it is the primary color associated with the
Arthritis Foundation. In addition, members are being encouraged
to donate $5 to the International Day of Service Fund through the
AOII Foundation to emphasize the philanthropic portion of the day's

In addition to donning their blue in support of arthritis related
illnesses, members are also encouraged to plan or participate in a local
community service project on the International Day of Service, entitled
"AOII Reaches Out". The importance of this portion of the day is to
allow members to reflect on the importance of giving of our time—a
difficult, but many times more rewarding, opportunity for everyone.
Members may want to develop their own service projects depending
on the local need of their community, or they could select from several
options offered in the guide.

"Each day, we all experience a myriad of distractions in our lives
that shift our focus to smaller and more insignificant details, and the
International Day of Service has allowed each of our members to
concentrate on the simple concepts of which AOII is comprised," said
Troy LeForge, Executive Director of Alpha Omicron Pi. "The united
level of participation, coupled with the excitement and eagerness from
our membership has been inspiring!"

With a wide variety of participants involved in countless different
service opportunities throughout their local communities, AOII hopes
to collectively energize our members' commitments to the concept of
giving of oneself. With this spark of enthusiasm for service glowing
strong, AOIIs can be proud that reaching out to others is who we have
always been and who we still are today.

48 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 201(1

Alumnae News

Stay i n touch

The following A O I I alumnae chapters share some of the f u n and meaningful

activities they held this fall or have planned for this spring. Each proudly

demonstrates how our sisterhood

continues to grow through the Arizona
years. I f you are not already Phoenix
involved, visit the A O I I website

and get in touch w i t h an A O I I O u r annual Fall brunch had a large turnout this year! W i t h
alumnae chapter near you. loads of good food and good friends, sisters from all over
the Valley o f the Sun were able to reconnect during busy
Alberta times. We wore panda hats and shirts, surrounded ourselves
Calgary w i t h cute stuffed pandas and even indulged in panda
cupcakes made by an A O I I mom.
Calgary had a very successful year beginning w i t h
the 2009 Jingle Bell K u n where we came in 3rd for Tucson
f u n d raising. We now have a busy time ahead of us
planning for our 25th Anniversary. We would love any April 2009 marked the Fiftieth Anniversary of Upsilon
visitors to j o i n in on the f u n . I f you are interested in Alpha. W h i l e the collegiate chapter is no longer open,
learning about our plans, visit or alumnae still came together to honor the chapter in a joint
email us at [email protected]. anniversary and Founders' Day extravaganza. A delicious
meal, pictures and mementos and lots o f laughter made
for a wonderful afternoon. A special thank you goes to
everyone who was able to join the celebration.

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRJNO 2010 To URAGMA • 49

Alumnae News Arkansas

Jonesboro Joneboro

The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter's
busy autumn started with a
September W i n e and Cheese tasting
followed by a new member dinner
and the Homecoming tailgate in
October. November's event was a
spa night - a huge success, as was
December's Christmas party. We
also assisted the collegiate chapter in
a fund-raiser for a St. Jude patient,
Ben Sherman. A f t e r expenses, we
awarded Ben and his family $5,000,
and made Ben an Honorarv I'i Guv.

California Long Beach/South Bay Northern Orange County

Greater Los Angeles We are happy to say that Long Beach Our November gathering is a favorite.
merged with the South Bay/Palos We were fortunate to hear arthritis
We've had a year full of philanthropy Verdes A C and are now the Long speakers w h o were informative, pleasant
and sisterhood starting with our Beach/South Bay A C . It has been and very knowledgeable since both
annual yard sale allowing us to great getting to know each other had been diagnosed with JA very
make a donation to the foundation and planning new events for the young. They spoke o f their personal
and a local juvenile arthritis camp. year. This year we added a cookie experiences and struggles. Afterwards,
This holiday season our chapter has exchange and a member tea party. we completed a philanthropy project
been able to support a local charity We look forward to many more dear to us - collecting toiletry bags for
by adopting over 10 families and adventures and supporting Project Dignity, a local organization for
providing them with gifts. The arthritis research. the homeless.
chapter also worked diligently to host
a great Founders' Day 2010. San Jose San Francisco

San Fernando Valley The San Jose/Silicon Valley Our chapter has been busy getting into
Alumnae chapter has been busy w i t h the holiday spirit! The group recently
We set a goal o f achieving the many activities. Sharon Keichers volunteered at the San Francisco Food
Ruby level award at convention Clampitt hosted a fabulous holiday Bank where we sorted through 9,000
and are pleased to report that we party where Sanaz Farzan chaired a pounds of plums donated by California
were successful! We try to provide panda drive that collected over 50 farmers! We also held a champagne
a varied program to appeal to the pandas. Jeannie Apostole hosts an brunch and Toy Drive in the heart of
different age groups and use the annual Spring luncheon to install beautiful San Francisco before heading
internet for newsletters, invitations recent graduates in a beautiful o f f to celebrate the holidays w i t h
and general news. Some o f our f u n outdoor, vineyard setting. We our families.
events include the Arthritis Walk- always love to see some o f our most
a-thon, meeting for dinners out, senior members such as Marge
making pottery pieces, exchanging Sutton ('49), and Joyce Osborn.
cookies, and playing Bunco. We also
helped provide interview clothing for
students at a nearby technical college.

50 • To DRACiMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2010

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