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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-08-06 12:55:01

1934 January - To Dragma

Vol. XXIX, No. 2

1 WELL LIVED »» JANUARY • 1934 « «



EET your fraternity jeweler help By Appointment *VOLUME XXIX • NUMBER 2
I you to enjoy fraternity life to Sole Official Jeweler
the full—the thrill of campus achieve- » Alumnae Number «
ments, college social affairs, frater- to
nity dances, and the many chapter Alpha Omicron Pi
35 Branch Offices
In the 1934 edition of the Balfour 70 Representatives
Blue Book will be found a choice
selection of fine gifts—from a bright and to serve you
gay little remembrance to the more
elaborate and sophisticated gift. FOR YOUR
And Thus We Grow The Editor
\ Founders' Day Song Mildred E. Williams
AND MAY WE SUGGEST BLUE BOOK I p M a n Cannot Live by Bread Alone" . . Stella G. S. Perry
Cat Book Ends : They Live for What the Ages Brought Them . Martha A. Snell
Fraternity Officers' Charms Page 29 MAIL SLIP BELOW
Silver Locket Ensemble Page 16 \ Tea for Diplomats Jane Scully
Page 13
' Psi Wins McCausland Cup Alice Cullnane

L G. BALFOUR C O . This Bequest of Wings Fay Morgan
Attleboro, Mass.
Gentlemen: f Little Acorns Joanna Colcord

L. G. BALFOUR Kindly send copy of | A New Deal in Alumnae Contacts . . . Anne Jeter Nichols •
COMPANY Balfour Blue Book to:

Name — I*


City and State

Fraternity. __ — Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity




ALPHA—Barnard College—Inactive. OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New OMICBON PI—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor OVo. 2 ' ^TfS 9 \ l ' f l > Omicron
Orleans, La. Mich. *

Nu—New York University, New York City. ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore.

O MIC RON—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.-—
Tenn. Inactive.

KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynch- PI DELTA—University of Maryland, College P a r t
burg, Va. Md.

ZETA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. TAU DELTA—Birmingham Southern College, Bir- In the JANUARY ' 1934 Issue-
SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif. mingham, Ala.
THETA—Del'auw University, Greencastle, Ind. And Thus We Grow
BETA—Brown University—Inactive. KAPPA THETA—University of California at Loa Founders' Day Song
DELTA—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass. "Man Cannot Live by Bread Alone"
GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, Me. Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. They Live for What the Ages Brought Them
EPSILON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Superintendents, Eight Strong
RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, III. KAPPA OMICBON—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. Tea for Diplomats 3
LAMBDA—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- Do You Know That? 4
Psi Wins McCausland Cup 5
Calif. vallis, Ore. This Bequest of Wings 7
Little Acorns 8
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, III. C m DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder Your Money's Worth 12
TAU—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Colo. All in the Day's Work 13
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y . Not a Will o' Wisp, This Social Work 14
UPSILOH—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. BETA THETA—Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. A New Deal in Alumnae Contacts 15
No KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal- ALPHA PI—Florida State College for Women, Convention Reports Show Real Progress 17
Alpha Omicron Pi Balance Sheet 18
las, Tex. Tallahassee, Fla. N. P. C. Welcomes Two New Members 20
To Dragma Editor Presides at Editors' Meetings 23
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State College, State "Come Easy" Goes to Broadway 25
ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. College, Pa. Looking at Alpha O's 26
ALPHA PHI—Montana State College, Bozeman, The Quiet Corner 30
THETA ETA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Alpha O's in the Daily Press 31
Mont. Ohio. The Pride of Alpha 0 32
Nu OMICBON—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Let Me Introduce the State Chairmen 34
BETA TAU—University of Toronto, Toronto, O n t State Chairmen Speak to You 35
Teiin. Alumnae Notes 39
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. ALPHA TAU—Der.isnn University, Granville, Ohio. Directory of Officers 40
PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. 44
BETA KAPPA—University of Itritish Columbia, 61
Vancouver, B. C. 61
ALPHA GAMMA—Washington Suite College, Pull- 109
man, Wash.

DELTA PHI—University of South Carolina, Colum-
bia, S. C .


N i w YORK ALUMNA—New York City. CLEVELAND ALUMNA—Cleveland, Ohio. The Fraternity Press.To DBAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne-
SAW FBANCISCO A L U M N A — S a n Francisco, Calif. MEMPHIS ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn. sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, Entered at the post office at St. Paul,
PROVIDENCE ALUMNA—Providence, Rhode Island. MILWAUKEE ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis. Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special
BOSTON ALUMNA—Boston, Mass. BIRMINGHAM ALUMNA—Birmingham, Ala. W e of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 192S, Section 412, P . L . & R . , authorized February
LINCOLN ALUMNA—Lincoln, Neb. OKLAHOMA CITY ALUMNA—Oklahoma City, Okla. 12, 1930.
PORTLAND ALUMNA—Portland, Ore. ANN ABBOR A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.
SEATTLE ALUMNA—Seattle, Wash. FOBT WAYNE ALUMNA—Fort Wayne, I n d .
PHILADELPHIA ALUMNA—Philadelphia, Pa. NEW JERSEY ALUMNA—Metropolitan New Jersey.
OMAHA ALUMNA—Omaha, Neb. WESTCHESTER ALUMNA—Westchester C o u n t y ,
DETROIT ALUMNA—Detroit, Mich. N. Y.


To DBAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May.

The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; L i f e subscription $15.


TO 0RA6MA mmm mmm


And Thus We Grow

$ftfc§ in ^ imc

A T E M P T A T I O N B I D S M E S A Y , "Hello, came to you each year about your soror-
Everybody" or "Good day, world,"
but those expressions are too trite to ex- ity-
press properly the thrill that I feel at this We who have had the companionship
opportunity of getting into every one of
7,500 Alpha O hands. I wonder how of sorority sisters, the encouragement
many of you haven't seen a copy of your of women whose friendship came to us
sorority magazine in the last ten years? through candlelight have thought of you
I wonder how many of you had tucked often. We've wanted to tell you in a
your golden monogram of AO I I away graphic way what we have done and how
with old brooches and lockets and have your sorority has fared. I n one small
forgotten that once you vowed to work issue this time we can't make up for all
for and with Alpha Omicron Pi forever, the things you've missed, but we can give
and do you recall the vow that your you enough of a taste so that we hope
chapter president gave for the sorority your appetite will be whetted for more.
as she initiated you? Ah, yes, I knew
you'd remember if you stopped dead Over a few pages you can read about
still long enough to read this far. Don't our Social Service project in the Ken-
stop now please, for I've more memories tucky hills. I f you are one who said,
to recall. "But the chapter does nothing but re-
place furniture which the actives ruin,"
Remember way back when your chap- you'll find you are mistaken. Then you
ter was installed and how you'd worked can read about our new alumna? organ-
to get an Alpha O charter? Remember ization plan. I f you'll turn to the back
when a national officer came to visit; of the magazine you may read of what
when you went to convention; how the alumna? chapters are doing. Aren't
proud you were for the honors that came you surprised to find so many? Glance
to your group locally ? at the chapter roll, too, and see how long
it has grown. "The Pride of Alpha 0 "
And then you were graduated. You impresses you with the fact that the un-
left the campus and went out where dergraduate chapters are certainly not
there were no other Alpha O's or if dormant. Will you also note the notices
there were you didn't know them, nor of Fellowship gifts? Besides these, a
they you. Your pin poked holes in your non-member Fellowship of $1,000 is
dresses, and it was a nuisance to change given by Alpha O every other year and
it from one to another, so you put it is granted by the committee on Fellow-
away with the other old jewelry. And ships of A. A. U . W.
little by little you wrapped up the me-
mories and put those away, too. I f you There is a blank enclosed for you to
did meet or hear of Alpha O's nearby fill out—each and everyone of you.
or in alumnae groups, they weren't from There's a space at the bottom of the sheet
your chapter and besides you've been too for you—tell us a bit about yourself.
busy with your sewing, gay fling or big Make use of it because we want you to
business and then making ends meet to complete the circle of this message. Un-
spend much time on the letter or so that less you return it we won't know but
what you belong in our Chapter Eternal,
Alpha Omega.


Man Cannot Live by Bread Alone

Founders' Day Song mn

Alpha Pi > >- 0

r i : • i
0 i i l!


At altar burns the white and wax- •J
ened flame,

The rose holds thousand petalled

And do we o f f e r here with singing [This greeting from the Founders was delivered at the Founders' Day
Luncheon in New York, preceding the speech of the day by Jessie
Wallace Hughan ( A ) on economic political problems.]

New grain, new wheat in close -f. N E W Y O R K A L U M N A , New Jersey Alumnae, just now and desolate. Barren wastes sur-
bound sheaves. round us.
Westchester Alumnae, N u Chapter, Alpha
As in beginning, go we still together, and all those scattered chapters personally I t does not take urging to make men wish
represented here, and all chapters of Alpha to plant grain in this desert, to feed them-
For aye behind and yet before our Omicron Pi here, though not visible! Your selves with bread. I t takes only a good agri-
face • Founders appreciate your honoring them today cultural expert, like our Jessie here, to show
and are proud and happy to be with you. them how to till, to plant, to harvest, and espe-
The four hands clasped upon be- cially how to share the harvest with equity, so
lieving, Bess, Helen, Jess, "what a thing friendship that there may be bread f o r all. We are all
is, world without end." willing to learn that—must learn it or we
The first flamed candle in the first perish. We are slow only because we are be-
lit place On Founders' Day, we are humbly over- wildered by the conflicting plans of so many
come by the knowledge that we have received authorities. Jess will speak of that.
rather than achieved the honors that -AOII
extends to us. We know that though we But let this, too, be your Founders' message
started the fraternity, we did not really make today: Man cannot live by bread alone. Not
it. We know that another Founder, the true "he should not," he C A N not. I f that be a
Founder, built this house of many mansions. mere sentiment and not practical, at least it
And, though He built it inevitably, because is highly authorized and I am not reluctant to
we had chosen our love each to each f o r cor- take it literally.
nerstone, still even that love was a g i f t rather
than an accomplishment. I will not be transcendental, yet I believe
that it is precisely because our generation has
No one could receive, as we have done to- tried to live by bread alone that the world
day, messages of affection f r o m Maine to today lacks bread.
Southern California, f r o m Vancouver to Tal-
lahassee, f r o m Canada to the Gulf, and not be The hungry world will find its p h y s i c a l
put upon her knees. Through the hard years, bread, and praise to those of every honest con-
many people became "hard boiled," cynical viction who would help i t to do so.
ias to the worth of pure feeling, as to its en-
durance, as to its portion and potency in the I must be brief, so I will leave only this
life of man. To such, i f such there be, I rec- with you concerning a bread as essential. Love
ommend a reading of our mail of this past and friendship are among those words of God
week. Indeed, I recommend a reading of my by which, too, men must live. Saints and sages
mail of any week. have even said they were qualities, synonyms,
of the very Logos, other names f o r H i m ,
And when I read the youngest letters, f u l l bread potent to sustain. I n gatherings like
°f enthusiasm, idealism, ardor, warm affection this everywhere in our country and in Canada,
*o generously expressed, I remember that all in intimate groups and single memories all
°* us in our youth were as ardent and so over the world, we have proof that in Alpha
* know that Youth is a rose, which though Omicron Pi we have plenty of love, plenty of
, t s Petals fall, holds in its heart the seeds of friendship. And for these the world is starv-
many gardens. ing!

My sisters—my children—the world is bleak


Peek at
China . . . IA. SNELL,
By One Nu
Who Lives Omicron

They Live for What L In Soochcu; the Venice of the East, the waterways are used for traffic, laundry and drinking purposes.

the Ages Brought Them

To W R I T E A B O U T C H I N A is a task stupen- happen, anyway. could visit the great South, or the Yangtze directly on to the street, and argue forever
dous in its mere outlines. Being just a I certainly do not intend, however, to talk Gorges, or the famous old city of Pieping, or about the price of a single chicken. Seventy-
college student, a sophomore at that, and in- about such matters. I have said this is to; the many other scenic and historical spots of five cents the shopkeeper asks at first.
capable of anything stupendous, I intend only be but a sketch, and I said truly. It is but old Cathay, but still you would not know "Too high, too high," comes f r o m the dis-
to sketch China. M y attitude of humility is a skimming view of China. China. Go instead, or rather after, to gruntled customer.
distinctly Oiinese. some genuine Chinese city, and walk around
"You have a lovely home, my friend." I f you want to see China, do not go to the streets for a day. There lies the life "Well, what do you ask?"
"Oh, no, very poor, very poor." Shanghai alone. But if you go to China, cer-, "Forty cents at the most."
Such is the polite thing to say. One must tainly do not miss seeing Shanghai. I t is the of the nation; there in the passing pano- "Forty cents!" And then he expands f o r
fifth largest city in the world, hut that is the rama of faces and the gray-black back- five whole minutes on what a fine, fat chick-
always belittle everything he has or does. A t least important thing about it. Shanghai is ground of houses.
least the danger of conceit is not so great not Chinese, nor American, nor English, nor en it is. I f the customer is stern, i f he
mft knows his business, he will still say forty
there. The art of boasting French, nor Russian, nor In such a city, in the narrow, gray can- cents, or raise it to a mere forty-five. The
is hardly known. Japanese, nor any other na- yons called streets, one day I met an old shopkeeper does not agree. The customer
tionality; but rather it is a man. He was a blind fiddler and a begger, starts walking away.
But 1 boast when I proud- composite of them all. It is quite a profitable profession. I stopped and
ly say the population of like a cake, made of many talked to him. He had a dog, a little thing, "Come back, come back. I take fifty."
China is one-fourth that of things, chiefly flour (chiefly more resembling a fox terrier than the The purchase is made with fifty the price,
the w o r l d ; the culture of Chinese), but the whole is usual shaggy street prowler. He told me and the shopkeeper is still discoursing on
China that exists today is different f r o m any one of what a mercy the dog had been to him. what a fine chicken it is.
as ancient as that of the its constituents. I lived in
Greeks and Romans. I boast Shanghai f o r four years. The clever animal led him safely through The morning market hour has passed,
when I say that China has On one side of a streel crowded streets. He never got lost. Such and soon lunch calls all, but not away f r o m
produced one of the three a school (distinctly Ameri- Mind beggars are not uncommon sights, but the streets. The shopkeeper still lolls over
or four greatest men in the can). We would often dash usually only a cane and a bell lead them his counter, but with a bowl of steaming
world : standing near Christ, across the street to a 1 i111o through the city streets. I t is not that rice and meat-vegetable mixture held up
Confucius. Someone has stall in a hovel of a shop there are no dogs, for dogs are everywhere, to his mouth. Between words he uses his
said, "What a wonderful to buy cakes and candies scrawny, mangy specimens, they haunt the chopsticks to shovel the rice, with a loud,
thing it would have been i f (distinctly Chinese). The sunny spots of the streets, and the trash sucking noise, into his mouth. Do not say
Christ and Confucius had policeman, riding a bicycle piles, and sniffle occasionally into gloomy he is impolite. What is impolite in one
met;" the first who has doorways. When a stranger passes by, country is polite in another. The more
done so much f o r the world, in the street was French. they run barking at a safe distance behind. noise one makes the more one is enjoying
The policeman, menacingly They live as best they may. They are part his food. The official at a feast eats just
the second who has done turning the traffic down- of the common life of the people. as loudly. I think, however, the common

so much f o r one-fourth the town, was a bearded sheik. The people, like the dogs, love to lounge man enjoys as much his bowl of rice and
world. Indeed, I echo that The cars kept to the left, 'n the streets. Children skim under rick- a single vegetable as does the official his
wish. I f Confucius had met English fashion. Truly there shaw wheels along with the skurrying twenty or thirty courses. Chinese feasts
Christ, we would have no is no city in the world quite chickens. Old folks sit on benches and are truly affairs at which to marvel. Or
need of sending mission- like Shanghai. gossip the whole of a day. Women sit on 'J rather one should marvel at the Chinese
aries to China today. Rather their door steps, nursing their babies or capacity to eat. Americans think they do
would China be s e n d i n g But i f vou want to know sewing on shoes. They talk to each other I rather well with their entrees, soups, baked
across the narrow, cobbled street. Shop- meats, souffles, light breads, and pies, not
missionaries here. Some China, go further than the keepers loll over their counters, that open
port city of Shanghai. Yon (Continued on Page 11)
have suid that would soon
Martha Snell is a student at Vander-
bilt and a member of Nu Omicron.

To D R RNUAKV. 1934

Superintendents Eight Strong

S I N C E M A N Y a chapter report started, "We Irma Fliehr Regan ( T ) , who has know* Hventure in the business world before she
enjoyed a visit f r o m Ann Anderson Sale, Dorothy Womrath long and intimately, writ?1 ntinued her music. The spring and fall of
our District Superintendent, this f a l l " ; "Our of her: tO^O saw Dorothy in the advertising firm of
District Superintendent, D o r o t h y Womrath, Benton, Bowles & Company, Newr York. The
helped us rush"; "Mrs. Norgore, our District "To those of you who have not met th fallowing year she came home and started
Superintendent, inspired us with her charm," new Great Lakes District Superintendent I practising her piano in earnest.
we know that most of the u n d e r g r a d u a t e have a very real pleasure in introducing Doro "Now she is under the e x c e l l e n t tutelage
chapters have made an early acquaintance with thy Womrath. She has been very dear to all 4 Gabriel Fenyves, Hungarian pianist, who
their District Superintendents. Three of the the Tau girls since her affiliation in 1922. onies from the same musical center as Eu-
eight served as s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s last year; gene Ormandy, the conductor of Minneapolis'
Edith Ramsey Collins ( N ) , Atlantic District, " I n her undergraduate days she was one of Symphony Orchestra. She has three recitals
has served a biennium. these hustling, active campus leaders. She to her credit thus far. Beside her diligence
Our space is so limited that we can't repeat was Tau president her senior year, and grad- as a pupil, we cannot help but marvel at her
all of the details of life, careers, and per- uated the spring of 1926. From then until
sonalities of the superintendents reappointed. now she has left us with mouths agape. And EDITH RAMSEY COLLINS ( N )
The issues f o r October, 1931, and for January, for fear you will think that a bit exaggerated
1933, will supply those i f you wish to refresh let me relate a few of the high spots in her
your memories. Suffice it to say that Edith career since she left Minnesota.
Hall Lansing ( Z ) , M i d w e s t e r n District, is
kindly and gracious beyond description; that "The June of g r a d u a t i o n she sailed for
Ann Anderson Sale ( K ) , Southern District, Paris. A f t e r some traveling about she en-
writes beautifully; Betty Stow Norgore ( E ) , rolled at Sorbonne University. Some months!
Pacific Northwest, is much younger than this later she was presented with a 'Degre supe-
picture reveals and is a distinct addition to
any party; and, when Edith Collins ( N ) , A t - BETTY STOW NORGORE ( E ) senior, Charlotte was again successful in the
lantic, wires that she's coming, you must pre- debate with Randolph-Macon. This year she
pare f o r a flash of wit, prettiness and good ability to teach less advanced students, sand- was elected president of the chapter, and was
judgment. wich in an occasional research program f o r also chosen as a maid in the May Day Pag-
Now f o r the four whom you don't know Benton, Bowles & Company, not to mention eant. As a fitting climax, she was awarded,
so well. her responsibilities as District Superintendent the day of her graduation, the 1909 prize,
to the six chapters under her care." which is a bronze trophy given each year
EDITH HALL LANSING (Z) ANN ANDERSON SALE ( K ) by the class of 1909 to the senior who, dur-
Elizabeth Quarles (IT '26) introduces Char- ing her four years in college, has been the
rieur de la civilisation franchise.' Whereupon lotte Voss Kearney, South Central District most outstanding in scholarship, school spirit,
she returned to the States and took a very Superintendent: leadership, and general ability in all college
intense business course. That fall I remem- activities. Three candidates are chosen f r o m
ber her in Powers* Book Store under the ex- "Charlotte Voss Kearney ( I I '26) merits the senior class by the juniors and seniors
cellent guidance of Mr. Wells, a well-known this new position of honor primarily because for this prize, and the faculty gives the final
bibliophile. But that winter she bid us good- of her college c a r e e r and her outstanding decision.
bye again and took up a post as secretary work and loyalty to the chapter. When a
with the National F e d e r a t i o n of Business freshman, Charlotte was chosen as a member "Since her graduation, Charlotte has taught
Women in New York. I t was not until Octo- '.of the varsity debating team and that year school in Morgan City, Louisiana, Gulfport,
ber, 1929, that Paris beckoned again. She 'went to Agnes Scott College as the Newcomb Mississippi, and New Orleans, and has served
sailed again, traveled a little until Christmas r e p r e s e n t a t i v e in the annual Agnes Scott- as alumna advisor to Pi Chapter for two
and returned to Paris, where she studied piano Randolph-Macon-Newcomb debate. During years. I n June, 1931, she married Richard
with Professor Weckslar. That must have her sophomore year, Charlotte won the de- Kearney of New Orleans, and now lives in
given her an appetite f o r music from winch bate with Randolph-Macon which was held in Mobile, Alabama."
she hasn't recovered. But there was another [New Orleans. She was president of the debat-
ing team her junior year, and this time revis- Dorothy Bogen F a r r i n g t o n ( A ) says of
•ted Agnes Scott, where she was once more Claire McGregor ( A ) :
victorious. She was also class president at
that time, which made her an ex-officio mem- "The bare facts of the last three years of
'Per of the Newcomb Student Council. As a Claire McGregor's existence point more elo-
quently than anything else to her personality,
ability and service to Alpha O. Taking her
Master's Degree in Public S p e a k i n g from
Stanford in 1930, she was sent in 1931 to
Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls, South Da-
kota, to act as the head of the Public Speaking
Department, and gained thereby the title of
"The Youngest College Professor in the Unit-
ed States.'' I n her year at Sioux Falls, Claire
undertook varied phases of her work, such as
reorganizing the department, radio broadcast-
ing, managing the debating team, and produc-
ing elaborate dramatic productions so brilliant-
ly that she was recalled to Stanford to fill a
position on the Public Speaking faculty there.
She was immediately elected alumna advisor of
Lambda Chapter and filled that exacting office
with such expertness and responsibility that she

i n To D R A G M ^ Ihuary, 1934 11
and honors and because of her constant, imv
mate contact with her chapter and with' AOrr viuing journalists. Katherine's associations edge of. Our life is hurry and skurry. Their
in general. She g r a d u a t e d with distinction ''•^tli Theta since graduation has been as a life is long and calm. We live for what to-
f r o m DePauw University in 1925, and whi] * n i t °^ '1 , e r advisory board and morrow brings. They live f o r what the ages
in college was a member of 02$, honorarv l ie a u i m n 2 e brought. Thoughts seldom pervade our sanc-
journalistic society, Panhellenic Council, \A/ § tities. Philosophy is their life. Much can we
G. A. Judiciary Board and various departing,' a member of the house association com- learn f r o m them, but will not. Much can they
tal clubs such as French Club and Press Club" 3S'ttee. She has made many return trips and learn from us and do. Who has the broader
She was elected assistant treasurer of Theta t^nt in close touch with each new group of nature? Who is now the more progressive?
Chapter shortly after initiation, assuming f u | | • Is She attended Knoxville, Minneapolis,
duties her sophomore year and continuing j a T ntitdale da n Washington Conventions, the Ruth Capen Farmer
this capacity until she was chosen president . t t w o as a representative of Theta's advi- Fellowship Offered
in her senior year. The next year she went ,.- board. On several occasions she served
n the editorial staff of the A. O. Pizette, the I F Y O U W A N T to do graduate work and
'.'.''mention newspaper. lack the where withal, why not apply to
"Katherine is a member of M$>E, honorary Octavia Chapin, chairman of the Alpha Omi-
j ls c a at the Louisville Conservatory of M u - cron Pi Fellowship Committee, 102 Summer
g& and also of KKK, Indiana State sorority, Street, Med ford, Massachusetts, f o r the Alpha
•fhe Tri Kappa Grand President appointed her Omicron Pi Fellowship in Memory of Ruth
to the state publicity committee, and before Capen Farmer which will be awarded on
* j , e state convention last spring asked her to May 1 ? The amount is $750 payable in two
edit a convention newspaper similar to our installments of $375 on September 1, 1934,
o W I 1 Pizette." and January 1, 1935. You are eligible f o r it
if you are a graduate of an accredited college
CLAIRE MCGREGOR (A) • They Live for What or university and a member of Alpha Omicron
the Ages Brought Pi. The field of work is not limited. The
recipient will be considered on the basis of
—A (Continued from Page 7) her fitness f o r her chosen profession, her atti-
f o r g e t t i n g coffee and that l o n g line of tude toward life, and her general needs and
DOROTHY WOMRATH ( T ) drinks. But just watch a well-practiced Chi- qualifications.
nese official ingest for, literally, hours deli- The Fellowship in Memory of Lillian Mac-
I cious dishes of shark's fins, fish, pork, bean Quillin McCausland will be awarded in May,
sprouts, bamboo shoots, shrimp, chicken, ham, 1935.
KATHERINE DAVIS ( 9 ) and infinite other intricate dishes, ending with Application blanks may be obtained by writ-
the inevitable rice and also not forgetting tea, ing to Miss Chapin, but must be returned to
greatly enhanced the prestige of the office, and V the universal drink. Whoever thought of bear a postmark not later than March 1.
was popular with both the local chapter and drinking cold water. I f water must he drunk
the alumna?. Surely there can be no higher CHARLOTTE VOSS KEARNEY (TI) at all, let it be hot. Pi Members Serve on
praise! I n the time not given to Alpha 0, Newcomb Committees
Claire has held classes and conferences, collab- to Northwestern and received her Masters They do not drink water hot because that is
orated in writing a text-book, written articles Degree f r o m the Medill School of Journal- its natural condition. Not by any means. But -+- T H E S O P H I E N E W C O M B College Alumnae
for magazines of Public Speech, attended con- ism ; then took a position on the A r t Magazine l i t ?s a good thing that they do boil it first Association will hold its initial meeting
ventions of Public Speech Associations, and of the Chicago Evening Post, where she made [•for i f they did not the population of China
worked up dramatic readings that have won a name f o r herself among Chicago's promts- would very probably be greatly reduced. The for the fall on the evening of November 22 at
her much attention. A l l in all she is a busy people draw their water freely from dirty, 7 :30 o'clock and a reception afterwards in the
person, but she is never too busy to give her city wells, or still more dirty, green canals, alumnae quarters at the college, Mrs. Charles
sorority the benefit of her time and experi- that thread their way through the cities and Rose, president, announced Saturday.
ence." ramble through country fields.
Recently named committee chairmen who
Elizabeth Morrison Proud (G) writes of In the city of Soochow (my home city) can- will assume their duties at that time are: Miss
Katherine Davis ( 9 ) : als are practically as important thoroughfares Florence Dymond, Dixon Hall; Mrs. A. W.
as streets. They are bordered directly by McLellan, loan f u n d ; Mrs. Ernest Riedel,
"Katherine Davis has been wisely chosen as streets or by the back steps of houses. Boats press; Mrs. Laura Lake Ihrie, book loan
Superintendent of Ohio Valley District be- are poled slowly through the cities: fishing f u n d ; Miss Elizabeth McFetridge and Miss
cause of her record of varied achievements boats, house boats, passenger boats. Families Dorothy Schlesinger, banquet; Miss Ethel
live and die on a single boat. They cook, they Ketchum, athletic; Mrs. Oscar Schneidau
eat, they fish, they sleep, all on a little boat. ( n ) , group alumnae; Mrs. Isabel Colcok
Nor are the families small. There is no honor Carre, membership; Mrs. Fred Hughes Ogden,
in having a small family. The more sons he college affiliation; Mrs. A. W. Jackman, enter-
has, the more blessed is a man. A wife that tainment; Mrs. Esther Finley Harvey, scrap-
bears sons is to be honored all her life and book; Miss Marion Moise ( n ) , motion pic-
never be divorced, although women can be tures ; Miss Adele Drouet, operetta; Mrs.
divorced f o r such minor matters as talking William Ulmer, marionettes, Mrs. Robert Po-
too much. Quite a sufficient excuse, I am Iack, Eliza Carsen, Dixon scholarship; Mrs.
sure our men would agree. The tragedy ( ? ) Joseph M . Rault, children's party; and Miss
is that women cannot f o r any reason divorce Anna Koch, recording gifts of classes.—New
their husbands. But, perhaps, that is why Orleans Tim es-Picayune.
there are so few divorces. Maybe we need
to learn a lesson on peaceful living.

Much else might we learn from China, we
*ho call ourselves advanced. The art of be-
gl n content is something we have no knowl-

2 To D R A G M A January, 1934 13

r u t h JCMISON finished and delivered before most o)ff the luncheon f o r G o v e r n m e n t and other office
tests arrived, not, however, without great workers. Being situated among the Govern-
P R S T R Y 5 HOP vcitement and commotion in the pastry shop ment buildings inspired the idea to make up
fnd in the kitchen of the hostess a paper plate luncheon of salad, rolls, pickle
9 or relish, and a piece of cake in summer ( i n
The best story, though, is about the time winter there is a hot substitute f o r the salad),
tnl iiefyicewnterteeag etting ready for a large and mag- all in a paper bag with a paper fork, f o r
given by a prominent author in the sum of one quarter. The idea has been
Washington. The sandwiches and hors d'oeuv- so successful that last summer the shop had
wr e hS enwethree just finished and in their boxes all the appearance of a cafeteria at the rush
oil burner began to smoke. The hour, the line extending out on the sidewalk.
olace was filled with black smoke and it looked The workers can take the lunch out into the
os if the whole building was on fire. The park, go f o r a drive, or go back to the office.
colored boy was dispatched to get the oil Thus they save time and can enjoy the lunch
burner mechanic and the rest set to work to hour much more than if they had to rush
get the boxes out of the shop—the shop might into a restaurant and right out again.
\o up in flames, but not the tea things! The
boxes were carried out and set on the side- Another innovation which makes this shop
walk with a Girl Scout standing guard, the individual in its attractions is the furniture
boy came back with the report that the man for sale. A Vassar woman sells spool tables
"would be up in a few minutes," and Mrs. and lovely fireside stools which are made in
Jemison herself had to run down the street Pennsylvania. The proceeds go to charity and
for the mechanic. When help finally came, college scholarships. Mrs. Jemison has also
ns ooo t and ci nders were a ll ov e r the shop, but secured those beautiful hand-woven rugs f r o m
serious damage had been done, and best the Virginia mountains. I n fact, through the
of all, the tea sat safely on the sidewalk! Pastry Shop, the interior decorators for the
restoration work in Williamsburg, Virginia,
Tea for Diplomats The ever-shifting official Washington dis- ordered three hundred yards of rugs for the
covered Ruth Jemison and her shop some halls and rooms of the hotel—a perfect god-
-+- NOT FAR from the White House, Washing- wiches f o r her! She will put up the grandest time ago and many orders come in f r o m the send to the women who make them. A n d the
ton's social center, is a tiny little pastry boxes f o r school or college feeds—her own embassies and cabinet officials. During the last North Carolina mountains are represented by
daughter, away at school f o r the first time, is administration one of the White House cars cunning cornhusk dolls, little and big, which
shop run by Ruth Williams Jemison, Kappa. one of those lucky students who gets a regu- often stood outside the shop, f o r the White make clever favors for luncheons and bridge
The shop, painted green, has a large shining lar box with every kind of tid-bit one could House secretaries were frequent customers. parties.
plate glass window, behind which tempting possibly want. The official W h i t e H o u s e teas have also
cookies and cakes are arranged. Inside it is served Mrs. Jemison's sandwiches and cookies I asked Mrs. Jemison f o r some recipes, but
homelike and simple, with only two small 'through the Gentlewomen's League (an old she modestly disclaimed having any unusual
counters f o r cookies, cakes and breads, and ^Washington institution very similar to the ones—if they aren't unusual, she must give
a long table f o r jellies. I n the back is the Women's Exchange). And then there is the some special touch to them, f o r her cakes and
kitchen, planned f o r the speedy dispatch of never-to-be-forgotten time when they made sandwiches are delicious. I did get one sug-
sandwiches and other tea accessories. Ruth two thousand sandwiches f o r the garden party gestion which I ' m passing on to you. When
Jemison started this pastry shop just three at the British Embassy. They started at mid- you make cream cheese sandwiches roll them,
and one-half years ago (before that she had night the day before and worked through to cover the ends with a tiny bit of cheese and
a charming tea room in Georgetown, the old- noon of the day of the party—calling f o r dip them into chopped nuts. They give the
est section of Washington), and now she has coffee between relays! effect of muffs and are particularly appro-
built up a flourishing business. Her specialties priate for winter parties.
are tea sandwiches, cookies, cakes, plum pud- While I was in the shop one day, a prom- The Pastry Shop's pet innovation is the
dings, mince pies, c h e r r y t a r t s , jelly—all inent Washington society woman came in to
sorts of goodies—doesn't just reading about buy some cookies and her departure started
them make your mouth water? She speaks a train of reminiscences about early days with
nonchalantly of sandwiches by the thousand the pastry shop. This particular society woman
and f r u i t cakes by the hundred pounds! Can — I wish I could mention names—always gives
any of you make up six dozen tea sandwiches a large party at high noon on New Year's v^O ^OH f?rlO& ^C^af
of at least four different kinds in half an Day. Ruth Jemison took her order for sev-
hour? The shop supplies any amount or kind eral hundred sandwiches thinking that they
of tea refreshments from sandwiches to nuts, were to be f o r a four o'clock tea. New Year's
in fact, one day a customer came i n with morning she started down to the shop about Our President, Edith Huntington Ander- Martha Ann Shepardson ( A T ) received
a bunch of water cress and some cheese and ten to begin making sandwiches. When she son, presented society w i t h an eleven-pound an award for having the highest grades on
asked Mrs. Jemison to make a dozen sand- arrived she discovered that the cleaning wom- son, Arthur K., Jr., on the night of Janu- the Denison campus?
an had gone off with the key in her apron ary 9? Edith has three daughters.
pocket and her home was several miles out Florence Ashley ( X ) is president of W .
of the city. By the time the locksmith had Abbie Ray (IT) is Newcomb College's A. A . at Syracuse University?
come to break in the door it was almost head cheer leader?
twelve and Mrs. was telephoning fran- Alice Wolter ( X A ) was chosen "Miss Co-
Gladys Phillips (T) won the McDonald- operation" at the A. W. S. banquet at the
tically about her order. She was assured that Skillen Cup awarded to the Upsilon senior University of Colorado?
the sandwiches would be ready in time (this who has the highest scholarship and most
while Mrs. Jemison and her three helpers activities on the University of Washington Amy Chisholm (H) won the scholarship
were frantically cutting bread and spreading campus ? cup awarded to a freshman woman in the
filling) ! But the sandwiches actually were Commerce School at the University of Wis-
Helen Thorpe ( A * ) is president of Ham- consin?
ilton Hall, women's dormitory at Montana
State College? Rosamond Kaines (EA) is president of
Archousai and Ethel Filbert (EA) is treas-


UNUARY, 1934 15

McCausland Cup This Bequest of Wings

By ALICE CULLNANE "He a t e a"d drank the precious zvords,
Beta Phi, Registrar B p His spirit grew robust;
f{e knew 'no more that he zvas poor,
Nor that his frame was dust.

- + . " W H I C H C H A P T E R wins it?" Anne NichoU He danced along the dingy days;
had stopped her busy typing and \Vas And this bequest of zuings
waiting, all attention.
ty'as hut a book. What liberty
"Psi, with an average of 92.5," I answered A loosen'd spirit brings!"
We were delighted, both of us, that a chapter Emily Dickinson.
which has been wo r kin gcacmopnusisstesnhtoluyldtohavpeu
itself to the top on its t i T H E R E S E E M S to be a rather general agree-
ment that an era in the history of our
by winning the McCausland Scholarship CUD
f o r its work in the year 1932-1933, this in- country has definitely ended and that Amer-
centive and encouragement toward the at- ican democracy will march henceforth upon
tainment of their goal. a new highway. Most of the route ahead is
as yet uncharted, but a forward step already
"Lambda, Theta Eta, Tau Delta, and Epsi- has been made by the provision of more lei-
lon Alpha are runners-up, all being first on sure time f o r the average citizen with the
their respective campuses," I continued, and consequent opportunity f o r self-improvement.
we fell to discussing how intelligent we were
becoming, or whether we were working hard- * By F A Y M O R G A N , Omicron
er and more earnestly.

A l l of us congratulate Psi chapter at Penn- Aside f r o m this revolutionary measure, f o r at Commencement f r o m this m i c r o c o s m i c
sylvania f o r being the first to receive this hon- the first time an experiment in national plan- world bounded by campus walls into a larger
or. The cup, graceful and glowing, stands ning, affecting the social, economic, and spirit- universe where life is real and often grimly
f o r excellence and attainment in scholarship ual welfare of its citizenship is being made earnest, a universe also where a premium is
and will be their property until December by the government under the provisions of the being set upon the rightful use of leisure time
1934. Perpetuating the memory of Lillian' Norris bill. The Tennessee Valley region, em- —in the phrase-of-the-month, "can he or she
MacQuillin McCausland, who gave to Alpha bracing seven states of the South—Tennessee, take it?"
Omicron Pi so much of her fineness, we hope Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Missis-
that it will inspire them to first place among sippi, Alabama, and Georgia, has been desig- Any process designed f o r improvement, ei-
other phases of their college life. Two of nated as the gigantic laboratory of this experi- ther of the individual or the race, has as its
their members, Edna Diehl and Estella von ment, and it is hoped that the results obtained first requisite straight thinking with a pre-
Hagen, are members of Pi Lambda Theta, will point the wray to a balanced civilization requisite of accumulated knowledge as the
honorary educational fraternity, and Vivian of the future in which mankind may attain basis of thought. There would seem to be,
Falk, president of the chapter in 1932-1933, the expression of its highest efforts. Along therefore, a dual advantage in learning to use
was graduated with honors. with the projects of electrification, navigation, leisure periods wisely while in college: one
reforestation, diffusion of agriculture and in- of the original aims of education would be
Certificates, given f o r highest scholastic dustry, regional planning, and various others fulfilled and a better preparation would be
averages in each chapter, will be sent to Mary of tremendous significance to the entire coun- had f o r the business of living afterward in a
Schoessler, Alpha Gamma; Esther Blake, try, a definite part of the Valley Program world beyond campus horizons—a world which
Alpha Phi; Mary Marjorie Carter, Alpha Pi; includes the proper utilization of leisure on hails as a "new day" the opportunity f o r self-
Elizabeth Gabler, Alpha Rho; Jean Aiken, the part of those who are to work in this improvement provided through lessened work-
Alpha Sigma; Martha Ann Shepardson, national proving ground. ing hours.
Alpha T a u ; Grace Parkinson, Beta Kappa;
Yetive Browne, Beta P h i ; Mary Alice Burch, Theoretically, the college s t u d e n t during And so, Alpha Omicron Pi, holding schol-
Beta Theta; Helen C. Henry, Chi; Eleanor four years of travel along the "pleasant paths arship as one of its tenets, would point the
Lloyd, Chi Delta; Geraldine Gothwaite, Delta; of academe" acquires the ability of a trained way toward the most natural employment of
Rosamond W. Kaines, Epsilon Alpha: Ma- mind to make profitable use of his or her leisure time among its members in college—
rian A. Douglass, Eta; Margaret Tallichet, tune. I n reality the opposite too frequently reading—not for a purpose but f o r what the
Kappa Omicron; Marjorie Gillmore, Kappa is true. Off hours f r o m classes are spent in "liberty of a loosen'd spirit" can bring:
Theta; Harriett Pillsbury, Lambda; Floellen catching up with sleep lost at some festivity
Feild, N u Kappa; Mary Eleanor Rodenhau- of the night before or in search of the stu- AAA"Funnnldddl tfuwgrrneoeiddalidgsieseu,hcnrtofeervdedeieasryewlesdsisetahcsaondudoenflitkrguiinhnegsitm,doaanmgdinsentdoewbblekisiswn, o."n,
ser, Nu Omicron; Isabelle Clark, Omega; dent who wrote an " A " theme the past week
Marie Smith, Omicron; Patricia Woodward, m an attempt to borrow ideas f r o m the pos- The establishment of a library in every A O I I
Omicron P i ; Oleta Markham, P h i ; Mary sessor of the " A . " Extra-curricular activities chapter has been made a national project by
Elba Marshall, P i ; Ruth Gilbert, Pi Delta; absorb the time remaining after the daily ren- the fraternity and, though the work is still
Estella Von Hagen, Psi; Evalyn Gilpatrick, dezvous at the drug store. The University in the initial stage, the cooperation and inter-
Rho; W i n i f r e d McCargar, Sigma; Ruth library with its thousands of rows of books est of practically all groups has been pledged
Brace, Tau; Alice Nelson Burton, Tau Delta; Is a place wdiere one goes on dragging feet to it. A few fortunate ones already have the
Phyllis Dodds, Theta; John Alice Morris to glance through the most hopeful-sounding nucleus of a chapter library. The great major-
title listed among parallel requirements.
(Continued on Page --> - I f , then, the college student is to emerge ity have none and the idea is new to them.

Estella von Hagen had the highest average
in Psi chapter. She is associate editor of
"Bennett's News," H A G , and appeared in

"Midsummer Night's Dream."

16 To DRAGMA U U A R V , 1934 17

The list of books selected as the foundation books. Other chapters, doubtless, will k
of our libraries has been sent to each chapter equally ingenious at devising ways and means6
librarian and also to alumna? chapters in close
proximity to the active groups. Alumna; are Leland F. Leland. the able national librarian
being asked to familiarize themselves with the of Tau Kappa Epsilon who has done so much
list and to help the actives fill the shelves with in arousing the interest of his fellow-Tekes in
a volume or two whenever possible. chapter libraries, once pertinently observed*
" I t takes a book and an inclination to make j!
To meet the problem of financing its l i - reader." Since all of our AOLT groups a r e
brary, one chapter has set up a "book batik," starting f r o m practically the same level with
which is a tin safety box with a small opening regard to library, progress will be made only
in the lid. Each Monday night when the according to the enthusiasm aroused in each
actives and pledges gather f o r their respec- chapter by the new undertaking. But if the
tive meetings everyone present drops a nickle books are on the chapter shelves perhaps the
into the "book bank" and at stated intervals inclination will follow inevitably on the part
during the year the chapter librarian will use of the individual members to accept "this be-
the total deposit at that date for purchasing quest of wings" and soar to the far horizons

I Little Acorns

^C&o ^?eatg 9V^o 9\.fp^a © (2a5f a, ^)eeh

(^LC^on Q^crfife (^vounh £K,oG> (^veai Q^.avGe$t


Director, Charity Organisation Department, Russell Sage Foundation

4- W E A R E A L L getting our minds stretched those better off. You can see what this will
{ these days o n economic problems; we are mean to Bland and to the Nursing Service.

seeing how large-scale economic and industrial 2. I n November, 1933, a new and sweeping
policies reach down and touch the daily life policy was d e t e r m i n e d at Washington, of
of our people. No more cozy little corners transferring at once all able-bodied unem-
where we can carry on our small-scale con- ployed from home relief to "civil works"—
cerns u n p e r t u r b e d by these larger aspects! public work projects, where they will work
And so* though we may have been thinking and be paid cash wages according to N R A
of Alpha O's national work as a delightful, standards. Mrs. Breckinridge, who has long
remote, self-contained effort to help an iso- been besieging the forestry services of Ken-
lated community, 1 want to point out that it tucky and the nation f o r an adequate refor-
has taken on national ramifications and aspects estation program in the Kentucky hills, will
as well. seize the opportunity this affords, we may be
very sure. She may shortly see realized her
1. The new Federal Emergency Relief A d - dream of labor colonies of forest workers
Well stocked are the shelves in the library of the Alpha Delta Phi house at Dinartmeovuetrhyy. ministration reaches out into the remotest and their families, scattered throughout the
Comfortable chairs and soft reading lights are part of the necessary equipment community in the land. Bland Morrow, our forested area, drawn off their marginal farms
chapter house library. and out of their miserable cabins, and living
social worker with the Frontier Nursing Serv- under sanitary supervised conditions, earning
pce, has been called upon to do an important real wages, doing the work they understand,
work in her region in distributing aid f r o m and increasing the national resources of wealth
Former Art Editor of St. nected f o r many years with the Century Federal sources. Within the present month and beauty. She may see broad highways
Nicholas Magazine Dies Company, 353 Fourth Avenue, and had charge (November, 1933) the Federal Administration, through the region, making its remoter spots
of illustrations f o r the Century Dictionary. disgusted with the delays and invasions of the more accessible and turning it to its appro-
-+- MRS. FRANCES WORSTELL M A R S H A L L ( N ) , The company later named her art editor and 'Kentucky Legislature in appropriating funds priate uses as a hunter's and fisherman's para-
associate editor of the "St. Nicholas Maga- ^tp carry its share o f the relief burden, has dise—a national asset f o r healthful recreation.
former art editor and Associate Editor of zine," which was a Century publication at the . .taken over" the relief job i n that State. The
"St. Nicholas Magazine" and widow of Clifton time. During the years that Mrs. Marshall Governor's appointees o n the State Relief 3. Not far from Wendover, in the Tennes-
G. Marshall, a pianist, died Tuesday night in was connected with the publishing firm, she j-'Ommission have resigned, and been replaced see Valley, the United States is embarking on
the St. Luke's Hospital, Amsterdam Avenue studied law at New York University and was t$y persons designated by the Federal Admin- a most stupendous project f o r developing the
and 113th Street. Her home was at 105 Cam- admitted to the bar. She was an occasional istration, which will be directly responsible dormant power resources of Muscle Shoals.
bridge Place, Brooklyn. contributor to high-class magazines—essays, hereafter f o r standards of relief and admin- A new community will spring up about these
tales, articles on art and poems. * . . ! ' 's t r a Kentucky. This means that local enterprises, drawing in population from all the
Mrs. Marshall was born in New York, a on n neighboring regions. But this community is
daughter of the late John P. and Abbie Doane Surviving are two sisters, the Misses Mary
Worstell, and was a graduate of Mt. Holyoke V. and Jessie D. Worstell.—New York Herald Politics and local niggardliness will no longer (Continued on Page 22)
College, South Hadley, Mass. She was con- Tribune. Ipve a chance to operate; and that relief will
| p equalized in the poorest communities and

18 To D R A G ; In Human Progress

Your Money's Worth

Report of Christmas Boxes Packed and Sent to Bland Morrow for
Distribution Among Kentucky Mountaineers



Pi _ 1 _ 1 Phi _
Omicron I $3.00 Omega .— —1 2.20
Omicron Pi 3.00
Kappa _ _ 1 9.25 Alpha Sigma 3.00
Zeta _
Sigma _ „ 3.00 Xi _ 1 1

Theta „ _1 Pi Delta
Tau Delta
Delta 1 Kappa Theta
Gamma 3.00 Kappa Omicron
Epsilon _.
Rho 1 Alpha Rho
Chi Delta
Lamhda 1 Beta Theta _1
Iota _ 3.00
Tau 1 Alpha Pi *
Epsilon Alpha 1
Chi . _ 1 Theta Eta
Upsilon _ 1
Nu Kappa 1 4.00 Beta Tau -
Beta Phi _ Alpha Tau 1
- Beta Kappa
Eta 3.00
Alpha Phi 1 Alpha Gamma Two of our girls ask you to Bland Morrow starts these children Because of Bland Morrow s
help widen their oppor on the first stretch of their journey help this child will learn to
Nu Omicron tumties. utndtehrestaSncdhoolherfor cothmepanDieoanfs.
to the School for the Blind.

For 1933-34, although having no assigned quota to fill, the active chapters are endeavoring
to raise one dollar ($1.00) per member. Boxes are being sent containing books, magazines,
toys and clothes.


New York Syracuse
San Francisco _
Providence Detroit
Nashville $1.00
Boston Cleveland ~ 5.00
Lincoln 6.00
Los Angeles _ Memphis
Milwaukee 3.00 5
Chicago _
North Shore Birmingham „ I

Central _ Oklahoma City 1
Chicago South Shore •
Westside _ Madison _ mmmm i• u
New Orleans Bloomington
Minneapolis Cincinnati —
Bangor „.
Portland Tulsa _
Ann Arbor
Seattle _ Fort Wayne
Lynchburg St. Louis
Washington Dayton
Philadelphia San Diego

Kansas City _

The November 10 report to the Social Service Committee shows that boxes are being This tumbled shack houses a family in the Kentucky Mountains. The people who live
prepared by every alumna? chapter. Money is also being sent in small sums for shoes. within could build better with guidance. First to help is Bland Morrow. Alpha Os social
This amount being in excess of the chapter quota.
worker. What wonders a teacher in handcrafts and a school for adults might dot

20 To D RA O -MA [ANUARY, 1934 21

ALL in the Day's Work j s its way in from every direction. I n the cept with his parents who have already a f u l l
rner is a n o x o t " -s m a wizened apples, to house, no job, no land to farm, no means f o r
C°\ rich, with a shy but eager hospitality, Mrs. setting up housekeeping, it won't be an au-
r-ker' invites ns to help ourselves. spicious beginning; but the two are undoubted-
ly fond of each other and it seems quite clear
Lite a s ' l ' ° ° k s o u t from Mrs. Baker's that circumstances rather than disinclination
I adowy eyes seems very ephemeral, indeed. have kept them f r o m marrying before now.
Thin, stooped, shivering, hugging her bare, There is a certain dignity in the calm way in
nonv' arms across her bosom, one recalls her which Lula accepts her situation—no furtive-
flness of a few months ago and wonders that ness, no whining, no fear apparently. With
f'L|eRaa.rr-ioinslgdhedbroeouyba.ttlecaslislnlg. sthTafhteea "least one," a three- smooth black hair in braids wound 'round her
j]*„rS rfully to her skirts— head, large serious eyes, clear pale skin, and
the presence of the her clothing clean though faded and nonde-
e "means bis mother may go away again. script—there is something more in her appear-
veiled language, and wit hf ear ha unting ance than mere robust handsomeness. One
her gentle, patient face, Mrs. Baker tells the feels, somehow, that the person looking out
nurse that she suspects she is pregnant. With- from that face has found poise and courage by
|gl Uj,jarmp-ofarecedadoadothleescyeonut,ngreorunddasughupter,thea lanky a uniting and integration of the self within.
yttle boys da i , takes them outside to sit in the Lula is troubled that she hasn't been able
jjjfo fitful sunshine where their father is to sew some f o r the new baby, but there has
working. As the girls l i f t s the least one in been no money to buy material. The nurse
her arms, his scrawny little body is bared f o r suggests that we try to get some material from
a moment, until she hastily pulls down the one the Red Cross. Lida affirms eagerly that she
brief petticoat-like garment be is wearing. can do the sewing, though she isn't sure that
she can cut the garments properly without a
cCeaf i$ai §(iffeb 0 u < of f e With tactful questioning, the nurse pieces pattern. The nurse offers to do that f o r her.
,,ut Mrs. Baker's descriptions of her feelings, Diet again comes up f o r discussion, and again
BLAND MORROW yielding to her delicacy of feeling by using there is the dictum of no meat. Lula ac-
her own quaint indirections of speech. I t is quiesces, adding whimsically that she'll save
not necessary to grasp the exact significance of her share of the shoat until after her baby is
Symptoms for the onlooker to realize that Mrs. born.
Baker's condition and another confinement
hold grave possibilities. The nurse makes her The nurse returns to a discussion of Mrs.
examination and confirms Mrs. Baker's sus- Baker's condition and I wander outside to have
picion-. The doctor must see her again as some talk with Mr. Baker. An earnest, patient
soon as possible. Discussing her general con- face he has and as he talks he smiles often, a
dition and the illness back in the summer, Mrs. cheerless twisted kind of smile that does noth-
Baker says she has tried to do just what the ing to the dead seriousness in his eyes. He
doctor told her, saying "when I doctor with a continues with his board-splitting between
body I doctor with him and don't try to work scraps of conversation, explaining that neigh-
on my ownself." bors are coming tomorrow to help put the roof
on and the boards must be readyr. He is very
•+- O N C E we got over that mountain I knew Up the creek a bit (and again the path Guessing, as one may, all too certainly as to deaf, but I find that by standing on a log
the trail to Brown Baker's was advance hangs precariously to the top of a high bank), the food limitations in this house, there is that brings me on a level with his ear, my
we found the Brown Baker's cabin, set down something cruel in having to discuss diet. shouting goes over very well.
notice of the conditions to be found in the among large boulders. I n the tiny yard, Pleasure—'tis more than pleasure, 'tis relief—
cove on the other side. A narrow ledge worn Brown was bus\r driving boards, around him and apology complete with each other in Mrs. Yes, he owns this place—twenty acres—
there by use passed muster f o r a path, making the clean, new oak in stacks of golden tan. Baker's voice as she tells that they killed a though it is mortgaged f o r all it is worth.
first a steep ascent, hanging f o r a stretch (Inside the cabin, the light streaming through shoat yesterday. ( I t is not necessary f o r her He's heard that the Government is going to
dangerously near the edge of space and then a roof that was in shreds, one remembered Jo explain that the shoat was too young and help farmers with their mortgages. He aims
wriggling tortuously up the final steep climb with comfort those new shingles.) too thin to be killed now with the most profit.) to go tonight, when he has finished his boards,
to the top. Traveling ahead of me, 1 saw the She goes on to explain that Ltda (the elder up to M r . Sizemore's—six miles up the river
nurse's horse slip on a huge rock that jutted One room (an ancient log structure) and daughter, who is also pregnant) has been —to find out about it. No, he hasn't lived
up in the path. For a split second I was sure a lean-to kitchen, the latter made of poles yearning for meat all summer and then saying, here much f o r a long time—seventeen years
they would both go tumbling down that hill- with wide spaces between; one window, which with a sad gentleness, "Seems like I hate not come last spring. He worked at the mines f o r
side which was so steep as to be nothing less is nothing more than a square hole in the |fa> give a body what they want to eat i f I years, until his hearing got so bad they would-
than a precipice. A t last, having divided the wall, supplementing numerous other holes of can. Milk? No, the cow fell on a slick rock n't employ him any longer. His wife wasn't
task between riding and walking (the former varying sizes and shapes; a rough stone fire- and broke her neck; yes, that was a long healthy at the mines either. It's seven years
out of concern for one's own breathing, the place and chimney (which eighteen-year-old while ago, but they haven't been able to buy now that she's been sickly. For three years
latter out of concern for the horse when his Lula boasts as having been built by her father another." they rented a farm down the creek where the
pounding heart began to make itself felt and herself) ; two beds, innocent of sheets land was better. Last spring they had to move
through the saddle), the "up" part of the trail or pillow cases; a few threadbare quilts; an Will Mrs. Baker do this and that, includ- back here because the man who owned the
was accomplished. A f t e r a rest on the top, old sewing machine; some shelves with a few ing leaving meat out of her diet? the nurse other place wanted it f o r a nephew who was
we started walking down the washed, winding jars of canned food; a mantel clock that asks. Will she, i f necessary, go to the hos- just moving back f r o m the "public works."
path on the other side, with our horses skid- doesn't r u n ; an old suitcase, carefully hung Jifal or the nursing center again? To every- Yes, he has made enough corn to do him,
ding after and sending loose stones rattling high upon the w a l l ; a cheap, gaily colored cup thing Mrs. Baker agrees with a pathetic trust- pointing out his fields strung along near the
around our heels. A few months ago a very on the mantel; a small tin trunk, which sup- fnlness and a readiness that one suspects of tops of the mountains on each side of the
sick woman was carried over this trail on a plements the two chairs as well as serving w wing fed by desperation. valley, above old fields so exhausted that even
stretcher! A n d occasionally the two mothers the capacity f o r which it was designed—thus the weeds and bushes almost spurn them. Still
who live in the valley tussle with this moun- the interior of the house. A wood fire scarcely Lula's examination comes next. Her baby smiling, Mr. Baker recounts his difficulty with
tain to get their babies to clinic! affects the chill in the damp, raw wind that js due very soon. Her remark that the baby's moonshiners up the hollow who use his fence
lather will marry her before the baby is born rails f o r firewood, adding that he doesn't f o l -
P an old story, but her own quiet confidence
prries conviction. With no place to live ex-

To D K A G M J L N U A R Y , 1934 23

low drinking himself, "there ain't no benefit ilies do in return f o r the things we sdloendfe0 rJ Not a
in it." them. Gifts of apples f r o m a too Will o' Wisp-
store, gifts of nuts, pumpkins, popcorn ha iol (*j
Nearby the four children have made them- Lizzie Morgan's jelly, delicious jelly, but This
selves a little blaze with scraps from their desperately her own children need for these Social
father's shingles and four pairs of bare feet cold days the energy that is in that jelly! Work
crowd near the fire. The least one is blue Weighing food value against values for the
with cold in spite of his sister's efforts to giver in terms of self-respect and emotional
warm him by hugging him close to her own satisfaction derived from being able to gjjjvy»j
body. Comments on how plump and healthy I always decide in favor of the latter,
Len, the eldest boy, appears in contrast to the privation that accompanies their gifts—J
the pale scrawniness of the others, brings cannot forget i t !
forth the explanation that he and the big girl
went to the hospital a while back and had the Little Acorns •
worm treatment. "Yes, the two little ones
had ought to go too—whenever we can find a (Continued from Page 17) By MARY DEE Mary Dee Drummond, Alphi Phi,
way to git them there." not to be allowed to develop haphazard, as DRUMMOND
such have done in the past, with exploited .is Second Vice President in charge
The conference indoors ended, the children workers, miserable housing, unchecked vice Alpha Phi of National Work.
need no urging to return to what little pro- hand-in-hand with commercialized recreation.
tection f r o m the wind the cabin affords. The President Arthur J. Morgan of Antioch Col- I are now great enough for us to step out into
youngsters out of hearing, Mr. Baker explains lege has been placed in charge of the social other fields and there give to others from the
that Len is the boy who accidentally killed his and health aspects of the Tennessee Valley + DID O U R National Social Service Work abundance we have built f o r ourselves."
sister with a shotgun two years ago. " H i t wor- Authority, and is associating with himself ex- spring up like a mushroom over night, or
ried him a sight, seemed like he couldn't git perts in housing, sanitation, recreation and During the war an appeal went out to all
hit offen his mind f o r a long while. He's social work. A model community is projected, did it mature into a plant of rare beauty members of our fraternity asking them to
better now. ****No, they don't git to go to in which old abuses will not be allowed to because of p a i n s t a k i n g cultivation? Alpha contribute to an ambulance fund. $2,050.00
school any more. There's ice on the creek get a foothold. The effects throughout this Omicron Pi spent nearly twenty years in the were collected and the money actually went
every morning now and it just about ruins a whole region of the South will be incalculable preparation f o r a National Work which would to reclaim little children from the ravages of
fellow's feet 'thouten any shoes on. Stella, —and we may be sure that the lessons learneq enlist the interest of all members. The first war in the Chateau Thierry sector. The late
she went to school 'reglar' until the weather at Wendover will be availed of. editorial on the subject appeared in the To Lillian MacQuillin McCausland said, "We have
got so rough. Len, he didn't go much. Some P R A G M A in 1914. I t stated among other things, done a great work and have done it together
of the children teased him about that shootin' So our tiny hill-project has, you see, wide *Let activity and service be our watchword For years I have hoped f o r alumnae work.
and when they did that it would be days be- connections and implications that were not jor the coming year." I n another issue Marv Let us unite in some big worth-while work
fore he wanted to go again. M y wife and I , thought of when we embarked upon it. It Ellen Chase said tersely, "Don't be local in and make it a national movement."
we don't have the heart to make him go when is extremely important that we continue to soul. That's the trouble with society."
he's feeling like that."***** support Bland Morrow in her connection with , In 1916 an issue of To D R A G M A was dedi- A n editorial in To D R A G M A For September,
the Frontier Nursing Service, not only for the cated to social service. Jessie Wallace Hughan 1921, had this to say, "The question of alumna?
It is time f o r us to go.- Again we are urged reasons that motivated us originally, but be- Wrote an article f o r this number in which she or national work has agitated our fraternity
to help ourselves to the apples and Len fills cause of the strategic- importance of having said, "Walk humbly and helpfully with those for a number of years. A l l sorts of schemes
our hands with walnuts from his little hoard someone of her qualifications in the center whom life has not favored." Anna E. Many have been advanced. These years have proven
beneath a dry ledge. Lula goes with us down of such a rapidly changing situation, charged Wrote on the subject of "The Modern School conclusively that we need closer organization
the creek a way to show us how to avoid a with such important p o t e n t i a l i t i e s for the Building as a Social Center." New Orleans among the alumnae than the existing one
rail fence that otherwise must be taken down future. Was then as vitally interested in social service before we can enter upon any great work
for our horses to cross. problems as it is now. Margaret Weeks ( 2 ) nationally. Two general plans were discussed
Psi Wins McCausland Cup and Florence Harder ( r ) had articles of note and voted upon. The first provided f o r better
***** in this particular issue. organization of alumnae f o r local projects with
(Continued from Page 14) a national one to follow later. The second was
'Tis several weeks ago that I made that visit Theta Eta; Gladys Phillips, I'psilon; Gret- Rocbelle Gachet became chairman of the to begin at once on some national work f o r
to the Brown Baker's. I n the meantime the chen Schrag, Zeta. National Work Committee in 1919. The sub- which suggestions were given. The first plan
new roof is on the house and some of the ject of social service has interested her always. received the majority of votes and accordingly
worst cracks in the wall have been stripped I must acknowledge that, in computing this What she had to say then might be said with was put into execution. When this is done we
over. Between the Red Cross and The Fron- rating, no reports have been received from equal conviction today. "These are difficult shall be ready to embark upon some great
tier Nursing Service, the clothing problem has Beta Tau, Epsilon, Gamma, Iota, Kappa, and grnes and in them no little thing can survive. national work with the assurance of its being
been made less acute and the family is again Nu chapters. In several of these instances it Here is a world calling f o r stalwart devotion a success and a source of pride to every Alpha
receiving relief. But still that family haunts has been impossible to obtain the needed in- w tremendous services." Later as Vice Presi- O." I t was at this point that local projects
me, the more so in that I have learned how formation. dent she said, "Our strength and resources came into being, such as those of New Or-
to read through what they say, to discover leans, Seattle, Nashville, Minneapolis, Chicago,
suffering and privation they are themselves This period of revaluation demands much and many others. Chapters which had no par-
unwilling to reveal. For example, Mrs. Ba- of the college student, demands an eager in-
ker's remark that she doesn't wear a wrap quiring mind, an intelligent comprehension.
when she is busy because the sleeves are in Real scholastic interest can not help but be
the way—but there were no "unemployed" reflected tangibly in our chapters and their
wraps in that house the bitter day I was positions on their campuses. We will, then
there. M r . Baker's strained casualness when (again) to quote Anne, "be living our hveS
asking about the possibilities of "road work" more earnestly, more intelligently, more
(that is, work relief) being again available in abundantly."
the county—the truth about his concern on
the subject was much more nearly revealed in
his next remark, " I don't know how we would
have made out last winter i f it hadn't been
for the road work."

I am haunted, too, by the things these fam-

24 T U '^ACJM*! |A>-L-ARV. 1934 25

ticular philanthropy of their own sent in dona- humbly with those less favored; we give t A New Deal mm
tions to the then slowly accumulating national others of our own abundance; we are unjfpj
work fund, to be distributed wherever needed. in a great movement of national proportions* in Alumnae
in these difficult times no small thing can sue' Contacts
In 1922-23 Katherine Thomas made a study ceed; the work is unique and satisfying.
of prospective social welfare work in which pha Omicron Pi, 7,500 strong, is rapidly lininp Asks Anne Jeter Nichols
the whole fraternity might participate. Laura up behind this our venture.
Hurd, who was the Grand Secretary then, Kappa
said, "The great need is to crystallize, to make Two Alpha O Cheer Leaders Ii
tangible and living, the hopes and aspirations at Maryland
of the fraternity, that Alpha Omicron Pi shall ANNE JETER NICHOLS
find the realization of her ideals and principles -+- C H E E R L E A D E R S in white skirts will do
in a work which shall not be f o r self alone." their bit f o r the Old Line on Home-Com- National Secretary
Further, "The work should be unique, satisfy-
ing and engage in common interest the great- ing Day Saturday, when the University of 4- I N T H E S E D A Y S of "new deals," we are try- commission on each periodical order (new or
est possible number of members." Again, " A l l Maryland football team meets Washington I ing an experiment which we hope you will renewal) sent in through the Central Office
members in time, it is hoped, would be solidly and Lee here in the Byrd Stadium. [like. The member-at-large and state letters, and gives this money f o r our Kentucky Moun-
behind such a movement. There is a place f o r usuallv mailed to you by first-class mad are tain work. We can secure any magazine at
both local and national interest." College Park, which f o r a number of years being included in the January issue of l o the lowest price offered by the publisher and
has had one surprise after another waiting D R A G M A which every A O I I will receive. This are glad to have attractive cards sent with
Again in 1924 one issue of To D R A G M A was for the alumni when they made their annual is an Alumna; Number. We hope it will bring g i f t subscriptions. I t is more than gratifying
devoted to social service. Many chapters were visit to the alma mater, now has something [to those of you who are not regular sub- to see the splendid response which we are
well established in their local work and ap- altogether new and different to startle the scribers, a stronger realization of the splendid having f r o m our members. May we urge you
peals for funds went out to all members. u n s u s p e c t i n g grad—the soprano voices of progress that has been Alpha Omicron Pi's. to help others at no extra cost to yourself by
Josephine Pratt was n a t i o n a l philanthropic three coeds shrilling through their mega- To D R A G M A gives to its readers an alert, at- cooperating with us in this plan?
chairman at that time. She said, "We hope phones before the grandstands one of the tractive cross-section of our sorority l i f e ; its
that each of you will respond to its appeal college yells like: many pictures, its feature articles, its personal As is customary, the Convention reports of
and help us with this, one of the biggest news will impress you with the extent of our the President, Secretary, and Treasurer are
things your fraternity has yet attempted—the "He-Haw-Ho-Go-Mar-y-land! growdi, the unity of our organization. You being printed, so that you will have the op-
carrying into the world about us the spirit He-Hawr-Ho-Go-Mar-y-land ! Will enjoy reading intently Mary Dee Drum- portunity to follow in detail the development
underlying our fraternity structure." [mond's account of our Social Service W o r k ; of AOII under their administration. Since
Team ! Team ! Team !" [ft will thrill you to know that you have a these reports, Delta Phi Chapter has been in-
The trend of National Philanthropy among It was one of those inevitable developments. :part in an undertaking that brings new life to stalled at the University of South Carolina;
college sororities was reviewed in To D R A G M A Maryland became a university, and that meant a forgotten j>eople and make you glad to be the revised edition of the Constitution, By-
in 1926. Then followed a few years with re- becoming coeducational. One coed led to an- 'aible to give the dollar which we are asking Laws, and Standing Rules has been printed;
ports on the continuance of local projects other, and they increased until now there are pf each alumna. This copy contains news of the McCausland Cup presented by Mr. L . G.
which in the majority of cases were enlarged more coeds than ever before. They organized jfclose friends, too, a letter from your chapter, Balfour in memory of Lillian McQuillin Mc-
and improved upon. The interest in social one girls' athletic team after another. And the one from your state chairman. The enclosed Causland has been awarded f o r excellence in
service did not diminish, but continued at an logical consequence was girl cheer leaders. Sheet provides f o r sending in your address, scholarship to Psi C h a p t e r ; the Graduate
even pace. A girls' cheering section was assembled re- ;your $1.50 member-at-large dues, et cetera. Fellowship f o r 1933-34 has been given to V i r -
cently, and last week three cheer leaders were (Please do not neglect returning this with your ginia Webb, M.D. (TA) ; a National Librarian,
At the 1931 Convention in Colorado, Chicago selected f r o m among them. One Baltimore girl dues, news, and contribution to National Fay Morgan (O), has been appointed to stim-
Alumnae p r o p o s e d that Alpha Omicron Pi achieved the distinction—Miss Helen IVollman Work. I f you wish to write to your state ulate interest in chapter libraries.
should underwrite a Social Service Depart- ( I I A ) , a junior, whose home is at 2842 Guil- chairman, you will find her address in the
ment of the Frontier Nursing Service. I t was ford avenue. She has had previous experi- Directory in the back of the magazine. We hope that this issue will mean so much
stated that in aligning ourselves with an al- ence leading cheers, at Eastern High School J One project on which we are placing par- to you in renewing fraternity interest that
ready established organization well known for Miss Cliarlotte Hood ( I I A ) , of Mount Airy, ticular emphasis this year is the Magazine you will want to read To D R A G M A regularly.
its health work in the remote regions of east- and Miss June Barnsley, of Olney, M d , a Subscription Fund. The fraternity receives a Please write us frankly of your reactions to
ern Kentucky, we would gain a great deal senior and sophomore, respectively, are the this medium of reaching you a l l ; tell us of
because our funds could then be put to imme- other two. They have determined that i f this your criticisms, suggestions, visions f o r AOII.
diate use without preliminary work and inves- women's cheering section is not a success it
tigation. Furthermore, it was pointed out that will not be their fault. These pages bring you, too, the best wishes
nowhere would be found the acute need and "We are only experiments," Miss Hood of the Executive Committee.
unlimited opportunity f o r service as in these stated, pointing out that the institution of
mountain f a s t n e s s e s where dwell a people coed cheer leaders may not be permanent
woefully neglected and environmentally handi- The school has not issued any uniforms to
capped to an almost unbelievable degree; a them yet, but by Saturday they will have col-
people devoid of almost every opportunity lected white sweaters and white skirts. They
which we consider necessary to civilized living. are practicing daily—the feminine rooters
convene each day after lunch—and Nick Car-
This project was enthusiastically endorsed ter, one of the male yell conductors, gives
by the Convention. Inside of a year we had the leaders expert cheering lessons.
one worker in the field. Her report in this They will lead not only the girls, but the
issue will speak f o r i t s e l f . Marion Abele mixed sections of the grandstands as well,
Franco-Ferreira became the Chairman of the and they say they are not a bit nervous about
National Work Committee. In a message to the prospect. I t will be impossible, moreover,
the membership she said, "This is our job— to have "dates" at the game—either for them
the biggest we have ever attempted. We need or the girls in the cheering section—but they
every Alpha O, active and alumnae, affiliated pass it off with a shrug.
and unaffiliated, to cooperate." And the old grad will lend his tenor to the
soprano chorus—when he gets his breath.
Here, then, is the crystallization of that idea, Baltimore, Md., Sun.
the outward and visible sign of the fraternity
ideals, f o r which an intensive search and study
has been made f o r over a period of nearly
twenty years. Alpha Omicron Pi is walking

26 U N I T A R Y , 1934

Convention Reports Show Real Progress

resioenf important in esprit de corps. While it is tru» 'bv neglecting philanthropy and other human- EDITH H . ANDERSON
that some of our chapters have been through itarian work. A f t e r ten years of working with
Spouse fo trying times, I am pleased to report that eco t j , e fraternity as a national officer and not as National President
nomic conditions have not f o r c e d a singu 0ne chapter against another, I believe that 1
To T H E M E M B E R S O F A L P H A O M I C R O N P I A N D chapter to relinquish its charter. Of course can truthfully say I have been rewarded f o r
GRAND COUNCIL: we are not yet out of all our difficulties. It [1 whatever efforts I have made by seeing Alpha
not only possible but probable that one or two Omicron Pi become a leader among national
-+- Y O U R G R A N D P R E S I D E N T has to report f o r of our chapters will have to dissolve. But in academic fraternities. Too much c a n n o t be
the two years i n office that she has visited view of the circumstances, I think we can be said for the splendid foundation which was
extremely proud of our situation. Many 0 { started by our Founders, but the enthusiasm,
every active chapter and all but two alumna; our chapters have taken upon themselves large progressiveness, and right thinking of our or-
chapters of the fraternity. These have been obligations in building or buying new homes ganization has placed it on a plane much to be
two of the most trying years that not only the and to be able to state in these unusual times' envied by similar organizations many years
fraternity but business in g e n e r a l and the that we have only one group that will possibly older. I t is with pride that I realize because
whole country have ever experienced, yet A l - default is, I think, a record that few can equal of such a solid foundation and splendid tradi-
pha Omicron Pi is in exceptionally good con- tions our organization will be successful year
dition, not only financially but what is more As f o r the type of girl in the chapters, her after year, and regardless of individuals our
ability and her outlook on life, there is no or- fejwrpose is so well-founded that we must sure-
ganization in academic life that surpasses Al- rjy carry' o n the ideals of Alpha Omicron Pi.
pha Omicron Pi in the splendid girls of all- kl-Respectfully submitted, K A T H R Y N B R E M E R
around ability who are our members. It is my [ W A T S O N , Grand President, 1931-33.
firm belief that in our history, comparatively

Delegates visitors at the Alpha Convention last

HELEN HALLER brief as it may be, no similar organization ha? >a$is on Grand Council letter and two issues of the
progressed farther nor has come closer to at- Member-at-Large letter each year and other
National Treasurer taining its high ideals than has Alpha Omicron .MADAM P R E S I D E N T A N D M E M B E R S O F A L P H A form letters. The m a t e r i a l f o r the alumnae
Pi. I t has been a privilege to work for and OMICRON P I : chapter presidents' books was typed, books pre-
with the fraternity, and I feel that I have been pared f o r District Superintendents and District
highly honored to be your president. I be- ^4- T H E R E T O R T O F T H E G R A N D S E C R E T A R Y , since Alumnae Superintendents, and the Manual of
speak f o r my successor the same splendid co- her work has also been in the Central O f - Information r e v i s e d and issued in printed
operation and absence of petty jealousies that form. The bulk of the letters written were in
it has been my pleasure to have during the past fice, should be divided into two parts. I shall, answer to inquiries or to carry out policies of
two years. May I now officially thank you as jflowever, leave to the Registrar the main re- the Executive Committee with the chapters and
I have personally f r o m time to time f o r your port f o r the Central Office and merely note officers. I might digress here to say that I be-
sincerity of purpose and your altruism? that the Grand Secretary has written 2,644 let- lieve the progress of the fraternity would be
ters during the biennium as compared with ap- hampered and the work of the Grand Secre-
It is fitting that at this time some mention be proximately 1,500 letters f o r the previous bien- tary added to very materially if her office and
made of the splendid accomplishments of prac- nium when she was in the Central Office less that of the Central Office were ever again sep-
tically all of our chapters in scholarship, hon- than one year. I n addition, the Grand Secre- arated. I t is the logical arrangement and since
ors, and activities which will be given more m tary has prepared the usual three issues of the I have been in the office of Grand Secretary
detail in later reports f r o m officers and chap- both when it was outside and in the Central
ters. I challenge any other sorority to exceed Office, I believe I am capable of judging just
our accomplishments in s c h o l a s t i c standing how fine the present arrangement is f o r her
which after all is the prime requisite of a suc- work. I believe others who have served in
cessful college career. But I would like to em- that office would agree with me i f they could
phasize that this fine record has not been made

28 To D R ;A ( M A y ,J A N U A R 1934 29

see the great difference in the work under the During the biennium the Grand Secretary nhtar •l I believe that expenses to chapters and spirit. I have enjoyed particularly my work
present arrangement. Perhaps what we shall visited five active chapters, and installed • div'duals in the chapters should be cut to the with the other members of the Executive Com-
'"inimuni, ^a n < ^ make that recommendation. mittee and the Central Office staff, and appre-
come to eventually is an executive secretary in alumna? chapter. \\e have during the past two years reduced ciate their services as I know you all do.
charge of the Central Office who will be more
or less permanent as is the case with some The routing of the National Social Servir. -neiise? on some chapter equipment, notably —Respectfully submitted, E D I T H H . A N D E R -
other nationals. Time will see this worked out Work film to the various chapters who haw- fig robes and altar tables, but I hope the S O N , Grand Secretary, 1931-33.
in the best way, and I am sure the Grand called f o r it has been handled by the Grand Grand Council dues or convention tax can be
Council will use the same good judgment in Secretary in the Central Office. reduced, as well as the cost of the pins, i f at (2oti8ifiori
this detail that it has in meeting and settling II possible. This is in line with the recom-
many other problems of the fraternity. During the spring of 1932 no District Con- mendation just above, and I believe that it is To T H E E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E A N D M E M B E R S
ventions were held by any District of the f r j OF A L P H A OMICRON P I :
The Executive Committee appointed a mem- temity. Due to the economic sit uati omnattten «r essential at this time to the f u t u r e healthy
Executi Com mi tee voted to leave the growth of the fraternity. We do not wish to -+- I A M P L E A S E D to submit herewith the A u -
v e t L t ourselves in the position of catering only ditor's report of my accounts for the bien-
ber-at-large, lone Barrett ( E ) , who is a spe- of the district conventions to the judgment of
cialist in Constitutional Law, to aid in redraft- the District Superintendents and the chapters wL isah wealthy class of girl, and neither do we nium ending August 31, 1933. The investiga-
ing the Constitution and By-Laws f o r presen- in the district, and every district voted to fore, to liar from membership those who are tion was not quite complete, but the audit was
poor financially but often rich in other virtues. closed and the report made on December 11,
tation and action at this m e e t i n g of Grand go the meeting at that time. If we do, the fraternity will not be adhering in order that it might be included in the Jan-
Council. The Grand Secretary spent consider- uary To D R A G M A .
able time this spring on this revision and in The former six districts of the fraternity •o its purpose or to the fundamental principles
getting the material into the hands of Grand have been increased to eight to facilitate th« upon which it was founded. ^-Yours very truly, H E L E N M . H A L L E R ,
Council previous to Convention. work of administration. What was formerly Treasurer, 1931-33.
the Southern District has been divided into the 4. I would make a plea, too, f o r more em-
Since the Convention of 1931, two a c t i v e Southern District during the past year, with phasis on the fundamentals—scholarship, read- To T H E E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E A N D M E M B E R S
chapters have been installed, Beta Kappa at Kappa, Pi Delta, O m i c r o n , and A l p h a Pj ing, thinking, and plain living. Such organi- OF ALPHA OMICRON PI :
the University of British Columbia, and Alpha Chapters; and the South Central District with zations as ours should be a reliable source of
Gamma at the State College of Washington. Nu Omicron, Kappa Omicron, N u Kappa, Tan informed public o p i n i o n , and as a c o l l e g e We have made an examination of the ac-
A charter has been granted to Pi Delta Phi, a Delta and Pi Chapters. The alumnae chapters group we have some responsibility in seeing counts and records of the current funds of A l -
local group at the University of South Caro- in this territory are also re-districted on the that our chapters are such units. We need as pha Omicron P i which are maintained by the
lina, Columbia. This chapter will become Del- same plan as the active, Washington Alumna; do many others to do more thinking and read- Treasurer (formerly Grand Treasurer) for
ta Phi Chapter and will be installed at the now being included in the Southern instead of ing, and less talking f r o m superficial knowl- the biennium ending August 31, 1933. The ex-
opening of school in the fall. Five alumnae the Atlantic District. The former Pacific Dis- edge and information. I recommend that vis- amination did not cover: the accounts of the
chapters have been i n s t a l l e d , New Jersey, trict is now the Pacific N o r t h w e s t District iting officers and alumna? committees take this Anniversary Endowment Fund; the record of
(metropolitan area), Buffalo, Atlanta, Balti- with Beta Kappa, Upsilon, Alpha Gamma, Al- recommendation seriously and do all they can and the data supporting expenditures by the
more, and Westchester. Several other alumnae pha Rho, Alpha Sigma, and Alpha Phi Chap- to steer the chapters in the right course. We Central Office; data substantiating To D R A G M A
groups have been holding meetings more or ters; and the Pacific District with Lambda, must remember that everything these days is publishing expenses; and certain minutes of
less regularly and will no doubt become organ- Sigma and Kappa Theta Chapters. being put to the test of its usefulness and de- the Executive Committee not made available.
ized chapters within the next year or so. This In connection with this report I wish to sirability, and we cannot expect that fraterni-
stimulation of alumnae interest is very gratify- make the following recommendations f o r what ties will escape close scrutiny along with other During the examination we satisfied our-
ing, and we feel is largely due to the splendid they may be worth in the future guidance of things. Unless we can show that we do have selves as to the clerical accuracy of the rec-
work of the District Alumnae Superintendents the fraternity: a real purpose, and there need be no argument ords and accounts, we traced all recorded col-
and the State Chairmen. advanced to such a group as this to justify lections into bank accounts, and we examined
1. I would like to repeat my recommenda- fraternities, and get back to our fundamentals, invoices, approved expense reports, and au-
The 1931 Convention authorized the Execu- tion of 1931 that some way be d e v i s e d to the small wave which has started in a few thorizations or ratifications of the Executive
tive Committee to conclude arrangements to finance coorganizers or girls sent by the Exec- institutions to abolish fraternities may take on Committee in support of expenditures. No at-
have the non-member Fellowship given every utive Committee to aid new or undeveloped larger proportions. Colleges can and have got- tempt was made to determine that all income
two years handled by the Committee on Fel- chapters. We have already used this system ten along without fraternities, but fraternities which should have been received was actually
lowship Awards of the American Association for one chapter, and there are other chapters cannot get along without the colleges. I t is collected, but all recorded income was traced
of University Women. This was done, and in that would be greatly benefited by such aid. our duty to see that we become so indispens- into the accounts.
order to have this Committee accept the ad- I would suggest that one of the Fellowships, ible that they cannot do without our organi-
ministration of this award, it was necessary to probably the one in memory of Lillian \Ic- zations. As to assets: cash in bank and on hand was
make a graduate of any college or university, Causland, f o r i f Lillian were with us, I believe . verified by correspondence with the custodians
not just those in which the f r a t e r n i t y has that she would heartily approve of such a 5. I suggest that alumnae advisory commit- or depositaries thereof; notes receivable were
chapters, eligible to receive the Fellowship. plan, be split in two or three parts according tees arrange regular conferences between their verified by inspection of promissory notes on
This plan was agreed upon and the first award to the existing circumstances and used in this group and the college administrative officials, hand; chapters were circularized for the pur-
was made this year to Janet Martin of Bar- way. I f such action were taken, more mem- at least three or four times a, year. I n this pose of verifying accounts receivable—all
nard College. I t is an interesting coincidence bers of Alpha Omicron Pi would be helped in way they can come to know what the admin- chapters have not replied to date, however, we
that the first recipient should be a graduate of gaining an education, and at the same time our istration wants to accomplish and be of some have no reason to question the collectibility in
the college in which our fraternity was found- chapters would be given aid which can be real help in making our chapters "strive to full of the amount shown; the account of X i
ed. One of our own members, E. Louise given them in no other way. support the best interests of the colleges" in Chapter was transferred f r o m the Anniversary
which they are located. Endowment Fund and charged off during the
Hoffeditz (EA) was chosen alternate. 2. That some plan be worked out whereby biennium ending August 31, 1933, by authority
I n the fall of 1931 rushing help was sent to girls bid by chapters and financially unable to Other recommendations of the E x e c u t i v e of the Executive Committee; prepaid expenses
four chapters, and again in 1932 to four chap- afford membership may be initiated. This, of Committee are contained in the newly drafted represent charges properly applicable to future
ters. Fifteen pledges were broken with Exec- course, applies only to outstanding persons. I Constitution, By-Laws and S t a n d i n g Rules periods.
utive Committee approval during the biennium, happen to know that a number of very desir- which are offered f o r your approval. Those
and two members placed on probation, with able persons in the last few years have not will be discussed at the proper time and our As to liabilities: the amount shown as due to
four reinstated who had been on probation become members of the fraternity f o r financial reasons and recommendations given. Anniversary Endowment Fund has not been
earlier. Four members have been indefinitely reasons alone. These persons are most desir- confirmed, and it does not take into account
suspended, and one who was indefinitely sus- able in every way, would be a credit to the May I say in closing that it has been a pleas- income earned by the Endowment Fund, i f any,
pended had been reinstated. Two chapters chapter and the fraternity while in college and ure to have served as your Grand Secretary
have been on probation and two on previous certainly as alumna?. I have no suggestions for for almost six years? I have gained f r o m my (Continued on Page 108)
probation have had p r o b a t i o n lifted. One the operation of such a plan, but I know the contacts and associations much more than I
chapter had a chaperone supplied at national officers and chapters would welcome any th3t have been able to give, and I am deeply in-
expense during the last year. may occur to anyone. debted to the fraternity and to you all who
have cooperated so loyally and with such fine

30 To DRAGM^ R d U A R Y . 1934 31

Exhibit I ]\J. P. C.Welcomes Two Associate


Cash in hank and on hand Members to Full Privileges

Commercial accounts $2,775.91
I^ss: Reserve f o r difference in exchange 120.25 $ 2,655.66

Savings account - 3,125.41
Officers' petty cash funds.
$ 6,242.25

Notes receivable—payable on demand 3,750.00
($2,000.00 secured by life insurance policy) 4,411.53

Accounts receivable—chapters $3,000.00
Due from X i chapter, fully reserved

Prepaid expenses -- 800.00 $15,203.78
$ 149.05
2,592.00 2,741.05
Due to chapters, etc * $15,627.52
Due to Anniversary Endowment Fund of Alpha Omicron
P i before providing for income on investment thereof 3,164.79 $12,462.73
accruing to the current fund -


Surplus, balance August 31, 1931 ...
Deduct: Excess of expenses over income during the bi-
ennium ending August 31, 1933, before providing f o r
income on Anniversary Endowment Fund investment
accruing to the current funds—Exhibit I I _

Exhibit I I books, d i r e c t o r i e s , 1,684.47
etc 3,809.85
ALPHA OMICRON PI Royalties on pins
CURRENT FUNDS Interest earned _ _ 868.72
INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT Harriet Tuft (MA) is the The new chairman of N.P.C. N. P. C.'s treasurer is Mrs.
FOR T H E BIENNIUM ENDING $12,767.60 new N.P.C. secretary. is Gladys Redd (KA). Ansel F. Hemenway (AAO).
A U G U S T 31, 1933 3,527.37
(with attached comments) Deduct—Expenses 3,433.46
Income ' 8,247.76
Salaries and expenses 2,000.00
Grand Council dues, —central office 4,840.32
Expense of officers 772.38
after t r a n s f e r r i n g Special aid to chapters 2,364.15 -f. W H E N HUTH run NATIONAL PANHKI.I.KNK and Anne Jeter Nichols, Secretary. A t one of
8,225.73 the early sessions the two associate members,
convention tax and Printing and publish- 50.00 I Congress and the Interfraternity Council Beta Sigma Omicron and Phi Omega Pi,
3,000.00 ronvened in Chicago f r o m October 12 to 14, were welcomed into the full membership of
To DRAGMA appro- ing To DRAGMA 12025 Die Palmer House became the headquarters of the Congress.
the largest group of fraternity leaders ever
priation $19,823.00 Scholarships paid $49,349.02 assembled. Despite the fact that the associa- Among the outstanding reports given at this
National pledge fees tion of the two was purely social, culminating meeting was that of Miss Louise Leonard of
and life s u b s c r i p - National social service % 3,164.79 in an impressive banquet at which Mrs. Amy Alpha Gamma Delta. Miss Leonard empha-
work Parmelee, editor of the Trident of Delta Delta sized the fact that the time had come f o r the
tions to To DRAGMA, Investigating and in- Delta, jointly presided with Dr. Wieland of organization to introspect, analyse its pur-
c o l l e c t e d for and Delta Tau Delta, the coinciding of the two poses, and accept the challenge f o r construc-
transmitted to Anni- stalling new chapters conventions emphasized the wide scope and tive thought and action expected of fraternity
Purchases of supplies- common purpose of both organizations. leaders today. The report was received enthu-
versary Endowment Convention .... I The twenty-third National Panhellenic Con- siastically, and much interest manifested in
Fund $16,390.00 gress opened Thursday morning with Mrs. the recommendations that in the future the
Panhellenic dues Jlader, president of Phi M u , presiding f o r the Congress concern itself, not with the minor
thairman, Mrs. Prince ( * M ) , who unfortu- details of routine, but with the intelligent in-
Accounting services Provision for uncol- nately was i l l and unable to attend. Twenty- terpretation of the principles of the fraternity
lectible X i account.... frne active and two associate delegates, as well system, its usefulness and value.
paid for and billed Provision for differ- Is many visiting fraternity officers were pres-
to chapters $ 2,692.50 ent. Alpha Omicron Pi was represented by A proposed model constitution f o r College
ence in Canadian ex- Pinckney Estes Glantzberg, N . P. C. delegate, Panhellenics was presented as well as the re-
change Mary Dee Drummond, Second Vice President, port of the committee on the method of elec-
Convention tax 8,778.50 Wilma Smith Leland, Editor of To DRAGMA, tion of the N . P. C. Executive Committee.
1,322.98 The decision of the meeting was that the pres-
Fees f o r installing new
chapters 5,201.50
To DRAGMA—appropri-
ation of dues, sub- 4,251.71 Excess of expenses
scriptions, advertis- 443.50 over income b e f o r e
ing, and fines providing for in-
National social service come on Anniversa-
work — contribu- ry Endowment fund
tions and magazine investments accruing
subscriptions .- to the Current Funds
Fines - — —Exhibit I

Sales of supplies, song


ent system of having fraternities take office in "Responsibilities of Panhellenic and the Futn •
rotation be retained. >
of the Organization." Dean Wells, who i fe
One of the most interesting features of the s
Congress was the c o n f e r e n c e with College
Panhellenic delegates. Alpha Omicron Pi was member of Gamma Phi Beta, is thorough*
very proud to have Alary Alice Burch ( B 0 ) ,
Mad re Brown ( * ) , and Janette Fisher ( 6 ) , in sympathy with the fraternity system ja n
representing their respective campuses. Much its contribution to college life. You had th
of the discussion centered on rushing with
particular emphasis on the maximum quota privilege of reading her entire lecture i n th*
idea, which has just been tried with success November issue of The Fraternity Month anit
at Ohio Wesleyan.
if you missed it, do go back to it.
Perhaps the most helpful phase of the meet- Another highlight, especially f o r AOri's> w ,
ing was the opportunity f o r round-table dis- the lovely luncheon given f o r all delegated ja n
cussion and individual talks at which rushing visitors by the Oak Park Panhellenic Associa-
costs, the eligibility of Junior College entrants, tion of which our own Kathryn Morrnan
inactive members, house finances, and other ( 8 ) is president.
pertinent fraternity problems were gone into It is difficult to summarize the actual result,
f r o m all angles. I t is gratifying to know that of a meeting of this kind. They are found
the next Congress plans to allot much more mostly in intangible things—helpful exchange
time to this informal type of group gathering. of methods, greater understanding, realization
of mutual aims. We are fortunate in having
No account of the Congress would be com- as our delegate Pinckney Estes Glantzberg
plete without mentioning particularly the de- who brings to the discussions intelligence and
lightful, forceful a d d r e s s by Dean Agnes humor, perspective and vision. Alpha Omicron
Wells of the University of Indiana on the Pi, through her, is instrumental in shaping
the future policies of the Congress, so that it
will develop along the lines of real usefulness
inherent in such an organization.

f o r ovovtt

-f- TWENTY-THREE "ladies of the Greek press" ifOPS c m ecfin5 Photographed at the Chicago session of the Interfraternity Conference were these four men
gathered at a luncheon meeting Thursday who Participated in the first meeting twenty-five years ago, and Afrs. Bessie Leach Priddy,
•• president of Delta Delta Delta, who participated in the first Panhellenic Congress forty years
noon, October 12, at the Palmer House, Chi- ago. From left to right: Clifford Swan, Delta Upsilon; George D. Kimball, Sigma Alpha
cago, Illinois, when the biennial session of the Epsilon; Mrs. Priddy, Delta Delta Delta: A. S. Bard, Chi Psi; William L. Phillips,
Editors' Conference of the National Panhel- Sigma Phi Epsilon.
lenic Congress was called to order by the
Chairman, Wilma S. Leland, editor of To - editor, The Lamp o f AZ, and Irene C. Bough- thropic Work." A general d i s c u s s i o n and
DRAGMA. Shirley K Krieg, editor of Themis ton, business manager, Margaret Daigh van question box followed. Topics covered i n -
of ZTA, acted as secretary. Shirley K. Krieg, ZTA, who succeeds Wilma Aalst. editor, The Aldebaran of B#A; Chris- cluded everything from the major subject of
S. Leland as chairman of the Sorority telle Ferguson, editor, The Eleusis of XQ; economics to type sizes, exchanges, general
Since a joint dinner with the College Fra- Editors Conference. Amy O. Parmelee, editor, The Trident of AAA; contents, and the perennial subject of the dis-
ternity Editors' Association was scheduled f o r Pearl Bonisteel, business manager, and Daisy position or form of presentation of chapter
evening, the sorority editors departed f r o m By SHIRLEY K. KRIEG Payne Young, staff member, The Trident of letters. This latter subject is always of great
precedent in their program arrangements, and Zeta Tau Alpha AAA; Florence Merdian, editor, The Aglaia interest to the editors, and is one productive
planned a luncheon meeting, instead of a din- of * M ; Gertrude I . Barlow, editor, The Urn of varying opinions and policies, although pres-
ner session, as had been customary in the M i l l e r K n o t e , editor, The Alpha Xi Delia of BZO; Mary Katherine Lutz, editor, Tlie ent day trend seems to be in the direction of
past. But there was no departure f r o m prece- Quarterly; L . Pearl Green, editor, The Kappa Arrow of I I B $ ; Jean James, editor, The Adel- limiting chapter letters to two or three issues
dent in the group's evident enjoyment of this Alpha Theta; Agnes Aronson Smith, editor, phian of AAIT, and Nadine Newbill Jenner, a year. When the time f o r adjournment came
biennial gathering of which, in 1931, Mrs. Le- The Dial of 0 T ; Helen C. Bower, editor, The associate editor; Frances Warren Baker, edi- the shop talk was still continuing briskly and
land most aptly wrote, "in the estimation of Key of K K T ; Ruth Sanders Thomson, editor, tor, The Triangle of SK, and Marian S. Hem- helpfully, and the meeting dispersed only be-
the editors, our meeting is the most enjoyable The Alpha Phi Quarterly; Margaret H . Pease, ingway, staff member; Helen Sims Hall, edi- cause of the lateness of the hour—not at all
of the Panhellenic Congress and this dinner tor, The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly; Theo- because the editors ran out of anything to talk
proved no disappointment." The 1933 meeting dora Maltbie Collins, editor, The Lyre of about.
lived up to tradition, and perhaps went a bit
beyond it. Not only through the delightful Axn. The new officers elected at this time were:
personal contacts, but through the frank and Chairman, Shirley Kreasan Krieg, editor of
helpful interchange of ideas and experiences • Place-cards were clever miniature replicas Themis of ZTA; Secretary, Frances Warren
do the editors find this meeting of inspiration ;Pf the various magazines, copies that were Baker, editor, The Triangle of SK.
as well as constructive usefulness, and this identical in design, color and even cover stock.
year, i f we may be permitted to say so, we These were the work of the staff artist of the From the days of its inception in 1913 the
thought the meetings just a little better than Leland Publishers. editors' meetings have grown in usefulness
usual. 1 Following luncheon shop talk began in earn- and popularity until now there is no more
est and a magazine clinic was conducted by important feature of the Congress than the
A t any rate, an interested group met late Shirley K . Krieg, ZTA. Helen Sims Hall, Editors' C o n f e r e n c e . And the end of the
into the afternoon, discussing their mutual AFA, spoke on the timely subject of "Ways twenty-year period, as demonstrated by the
problems, and exchanging ideas and plans— to Cut Corners on Diminished Budgets," while Chicago meeting, found the conference more
and there was never a lagging moment. Mary Katherine Lutz, IIB$, discussed the topic strongly engrounded than ever—in usefulness
' General Publicity, with Emphasis on Philan- —and unquestionably in popularity.
Seated around the long table which was
festively decked with fall flowers for the oc-
casion were: Chairman, Wilma Smith Leland,
editor of To DRAGMA; Secretary, Shirley
Kreasan Krieg, editor of Themis, ZTA; Anna

34 T O DRAGMA 1934

Goes to


Tau Delta

-+- I N 1923, WHILE TEACHING school in Annis- Felicia Metcalfe, Omicron, went to see her •
ton, Alabama, Felicia Metcalfe became in- play open on Broadway.
Adlyii Moeller, Zeta, is one of fire Representative Nebraska Worn
terested in the theater, joined the local Play- and the stock rights already have been pur- picked bv the student body.
ers Guild and began writing one-act plays chased by several other leading stock compan-
which were presented in the homes of different ies. I t is said to be essentially a stock play
members of the group. Ten years later, after and probably its biggest success w i l l really
notable successes in amateur dramatics, she come f r o m stock presentation.
has experienced the supreme thrill of a sea-
soned playwright when she sat in the Belasco Two other f u l l length comedies preceded
Theater in New York and saw the curtain go "Come Easy" f r o m Felicia's assiduous type-
up on her play, "Come Easy." writer, " A l l Night Long" and "Auntie Up."
Both of these were sold to eastern publishers.
This was more than an ordinary thrill be-
cause the announcement of the production of Among the best known of her short plays
the play in New Jersey and of the possibility are "The Second Daughter" and "Dark Pre-
of its being carried to the Great White Way lude," the former having been written while
came just in time f o r the author to rush f o r she was living in Anniston. "Dark Prelude,"
a train and reach the Lyric Theater in Sum- a one-act play with a mystic theme, won first
mitt as the curtain rose f o r the last act of prize in the Birmingham Little Theater con-
the last performance. "Come Easy" was car- test of 1930.
ried to New York, and after several changes
in the cast was given a run of three weeks— Felicia is a resident of Birmingham, having
and Felicia says, "The miracle is that it ever lived there f o r the past seven years. She
reached Broadway at all." teaches French in Ensley High School and
writes in her spare time. She treats her writ-
"Come Easy," which previous to production ing, she says, as one does knitting—just picks
in that mecca of dramatists had been awarded it up and puts it down. But she always has
first prize in the 1933 Alabama College con- something at hand and has had since those
test, deals with the reactions of a happy-go- Players Guild days in Anniston.
lucky family to the ups and downs of the
depression. They carry on with good cheer in A f t e r one year at the University of Tennes-
spite of a good many downs and, of course, see, where she was an active Alpha O, Felicia
come out on top at last. studied at the University of Chicago, Columbia
University and Peabody Teachers' College. I t
Before opening, last August at the Belasco was not until after her student days were over
Theater, Miss Metcalfe's play was presented that she became interested in writing and in
in Summitt, New Jersey, with a cast that in- the theater. A f t e r ten years of spare time
cluded Edward Raquello and Jean Adair. work her efforts are rewarded by an appear-
Later, the lead was given to Helen Lowell, ance on Broadway. Not many authors have
who will always be remembered as Mrs. a better record than that.
Wiggs in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch."

The Co-Star Players of New York City
now include "Come Easy" in their repertoire.

To DRA p f U A R Y , 1934 37

CWovtb jZooh at 9\Ua O's ^ o r f o aCoods at ?K(^a O's



Gertrude Casper and Mary Garrison
Walker, Theta, are members of

and an honor student.

Maybe the girls' cheering section had something to do with the way the Old Liners
routed Washington and Lee at College Park. Co-ed cheer leaders are, left to right:
Ellamae Dodds, Lambda, is night Charlotte Hood, Pi Delta, Helen Wollman, Pi Delta, and June Barnsley.
editor of the Stanford Daily, a 9£$,
KEYSTONE PHOTO social chairman of the Y.W.C.A. —Washington Star.

Ruth Stafford MacDonald, Theta, and a honor student.
sailed for Geneva with her husband,
James Grover MacDonald, and her
two daughters. Her husband has
been appointed high commissioner
for German refugees by the League
of Nations.


Marion Vinson, second from the left, Edith Clement, eighth, and Eleanor Coombe, last,
all of Alpha Sigma, are members of the Senior Pep Patrol at the University of Oregon.
Jessamine Jackson, Phi, is the presi- Eleanor is chairman.—Oregon Emerald.
dent of the Jay Janes, women's pep
organisation at the University of

38 To D R A G J ANJTJARY, 1 9 3 4 39

^Wovk JlookS at £kUa O's

• • Luna Moth What Price Freedom

- B Y A N N ANDERSON S A L E , Kappa B Y H A R R I E T T JOHNSON, Alpha Tan

fluttering, helpless princess of night, Why are we bound by conventions?
Caught in the lure of the lantern's gleam, I'd like to make some inventions,
And change all this rigid thought.
Held in the power you cannot resist, Even if my freedom must be bought.
You, with your wings as light as a dream, I want to live as God would wish
To live, enjoy life and study.
You, with the dust from the silver zvebs Giving my kisses to the four winds
Woven with care in the land of the moon Skipping over the hills and dales, being my

Caught on the delicate green of yourself, sins.
As you flew out of your dull cocoon; Love nature, live ivith her
And never in this world would infer
An opal dot on each pale wing- Anything else, but this, would I ask
Is it a tear that life is so short? Throw off my society, imprinted mask.
I want to be healthy, and live as the free
Did you divine—did the night winds tell People on the plain, and hill, with glee.
You never would find the moon that you Nearer and dearer to God, I desire,
sought? And the pleasure and love of the open fire.
This would I ask of life to be,
Here on the post—an hour to live, To let me live and just feel free.
Did you, then, feel the power of the light,

Whose gleam would enchant you and strangely

You—fluttering, lovely, princess of night?

Dian Manzer (Upsilon) is a freshman Catherine Allen Sharp (Epsilon) grad- The Painted Desert Dream Bubbles
at the University of Washington. uated from Cornell in 1910. A member
Mother Manser was Charlott Cowie of of Epsilon Chapter note is her daugh- B Y E D N A L E E COOMBS, Xi
Sigma Chapter, University of California. There it lies azvay off yonder
ter, Ruth Marion Sharp ('36). In its barren desolation
Seething in the heat of noon day,
Waterless; its vivid colors B Y F R A N C E S C H R I S T I N E , Epsilon Alpha
Softened in the haze of distance.
High beneath a sky of turquoise Pretty lad—
Mystery reigns as a presence
Brooding in its speaking silence, Would you like one of my dream bubbles?
Dreaming in its solitudes They're a deep milky white—and
Untold tragedies and histories. They're all of pearls.
Its delicious evening coolness They float in the air like
With the fiery clouds of sunset Those red balloons you wanted.
And its stars divine and glorious— They have streaks of pink and blue and green,
All its moods and all its changes too.
Lure and draw me, fascinate inc. They dazzle people,
almost blind them—sometimes—
and they float—float—float—
mm* Gayly, sadly,

Whirling madly—
Bouncing here and bouncing there—
Better than your old b'loons—
So there!
Pretty lad-
Would you like one?

Song of a Fugitive Palabras Por El

B Y J E A N L A C K E Y , Eta B Y M I L D R E D E . W I L L I A M S , Alpha Pi
Now that we quit the place, I am become
Into the hills of silence, where stars are bright, More quiet than the sunset on a sea.
I ran, Without fault I find you heedless of my kiss,
Pauline Burkitt Reynolds (Z '06) is a Pauline Reynolds, Pauline Burkitt's All this has been, and so is naught to me.
genealogist as well as a loyal Lincoln daughter, is a Zeta pledge this year at Alone with the shimmering birch trees I have, to hold unto myself forever,
the University of Nebraska. And a purple ground to scan; If not your love, albeit your desire.
alumna. Far from the lowlands I ventured, It is the same, a safest truth to knoiv
As earth from the stars apart, In the half darkness of a dying fire.
And when I returned to the lowlands,
I went with the hills in my heart.

40 To D R A G M A JANUARY, 1934 41

Barnard on the West Coast ing, in some cases after many years. One of Fay Morgan, Omicron tion which follows the division of Part Four,
the members, Lillian Howard Perry ('QQ\ "The more extensive one's knowledge of what
-+- W H E N YOU TRAVEL to California this win- could not come as she was taking her daugh- • has been done, the greater w i l l be his power
ter you will find a lively Barnard nucleus ter and granddaughter home f r o m the hospj! • of knowing what to do."
tal. That is the second granddaughter i n
there, in the form of the Barnard College Alpha Chapter in the past few months Lucy Morgan, Omicron Knoxville Alumna; Chapter is including a
Club of Los Angeles. This group is composed Eleanor vanCott Brodie ('02), is the other course in the study of Health in its year's
of some twenty-five active members, and its member who now belongs to the third genera- Alpha O's Write Health Book program. Other chapters would find this little
aim is to bring alumna; of Southern Califor- tion. book a splendid guide f o r the study.
nia together, and to do some constructive pub- ^4- "HEALTH—in Home, School, and Com-
licity work for Barnard. On December 9, New Y o r k Alumnae Chap- munity" by Lucy S. Morgan and Fay Read for Thrill, Says Mary
ter had its Founders' Day celebration. This Ellen Chase
Some of the members so engaged are: Dr. year there was a decided change in the type Morgan, both of Omicron Chapter, has re-
Betty Trier Berry, '01—attorney, writer, and of celebration. A luncheon was held at the cently been released by The Patteran Press, "READ FOR the thrill of experience which
in educational work at the University of Panhellenic House, rather than a dinner. At Knoxville, Tennessee. I n the Foreword, the you can not hope to have in actual l i f e "
Southern California . . . Tilla Tewes Kolde- the present writing, opinion seems to be di- authors explain that the book has been writ- was the message Miss Mary Ellen Chase ( r ) ,
hofe '20—active in local civic affairs, corre- vided as to whether a luncheon or dinner is ten for women's organization "in an attempt of the faculty of Smith College gave to mem-
sponding secretary of the Friday Morning to be preferred. Sixty-seven sat down with to sketch the broad aspects of general health bers of the College Women's Club Monday
Club (one of the clubs in Los Angeles), and the Founders. Josephine Pratt presided. Stella which an intelligent person living in a modern afternoon. Miss Chase, writer of "A Goodly
whose husband, by the way, is the architect Perry greeted us in her own loving fashion World should know." Part Four of the book Heritage" and earlier books, and a former
who did the fine exterior sets f o r "Cavalcade" and Jessie Hughan spoke on "The Roosevelt :JS designed to help plan a detailed study in member of the faculty of the University of
. . . Maydelle Alderman '23—assistant statis- Administration from a Socialist's Viewpoint." health factors with a bibliography of refer- Minnesota, is in Minneapolis to give a course
tician at the Union Bank & Trust Company —By Josephine Pratt, A. ence material. The writing is concise and of lectures at St. Catherine's College.
. . . Jessie L . P. Brown '02—one of the direc- straightforward. I t sets forth its information "Books are not a substitute f o r life, but
tors of the Hollywood Y.W.C.A. . . . Carol College Women Hostesses m language simple enough f o r the layman and are life itself," Miss Clxase said. "Seldom do
Grimshaw Dupy '18—last year in Japan, this to Mary Ellen Chase yet does not insult one's intelligence. I t con- we come, among our friends, upon a person
year in New York . . . Julia and Elsa Gottlieb bins facts enough to send the reader toward who is a universal figure such as we meet in
'17 and '13—who energetically pursue real es- - f - T H E CHICAGO SMITH CLUB and the Chi- the goal of which Disraeli spoke in a quota- the great literary works. The things which
tate and stock market hobbies . . . Rosalind cago College Club are sponsoring a joint we know and feel but often do not under-
S. Jones '23—Secretary and trader of William stand, are frequently interpreted to us through
A. Lower & Company, (being still in the bond meeting at the College Club at 11:30 a. mA books. There is more of life to be learned
business is rather a rare distinction these today, at which Miss Mary Ellen Chase ( r ) , f r o m books than the most of us w i l l ever
days) . . . Marie Luckenbacker '21—assistant is speaking. Miss Chase, who is professor of learn f r o m living."—Minneapolis Journal.
in the Bacteriology Department of the Los English at Smith college, is talking on "Hope-
Angeles General Hospital . . . Olive V . Moore f u l Tendencies in Current Literature." Later Harriet R. Moses Named Di-
'19—Playground director in Pasadena . . . she is to be the guest of honor at a luncheon rector of Welfare Staff
Adaline Wheelock Spalding '97—organizer of at the club.
the club and associated with the Marlborough - f - MRS. HARRIET R. MOSES ( A ) , 307 Mon-
School f o r Girls in Los Angeles . . . Erica Among the guests at the speakers' table are roe street, affiliated in social service work
Weary '19—continuing work f o r her Ph.D. Nettie A . Baumann, president of the Chicago
at the University of Southern California . . . Smith Club; Mrs. Edward D . Pomeroy, presi- in Kalamazoo f o r several years, has been ap-
Florence Nye Whitwell '05—associated with dent of the College Club; Dr. Mable Blake, pointed supervisor of investigators in the city
the Bible Institute of Los Angeles . . . and Mrs. L . Sherman Aldrich, Mrs. Byron L. welfare department, it was announced Tues-
Marjorie Barrington Lewis '19. Margaret Pond, Ruth Griffenbagen and Mrs. Bruce day by City Manager Edward C. Rutz.
Kutner Ritter (A '12), Elinor Taylor Oaks '19 Scott.
. . . and of course there are Aline MacMahon Appointment of Mrs. Moses to the city wel-
'19—who is fast establishing herself as a This evening the boards of directors of the fare post was made upon recommendation of
screen favorite, one of the most versatile of Chicago Smith Club and of the Evanston- the federal government emergency relief ad-
character actresses, and Helen Gahagan '24— North Shore Club w i l l give a dinner f o r Miss ministration. The federal government rec-
who has played two successful seasons in Los Chase in the trustees' lounge of the Hall of ommended an addition to the investigating
Angeles, and is now home with a very small Science at A Century of Progress.—Chicago corps in the department.
son. Daily News.
Mrs. Moses served f o r two years with the
The club officers f o r the year are: Presi- AOII is District Leader children's bureau at Wilmington, Del., as city
dent, Margaret Ritter ( A ) ; Vice-President, secretary of the Y . W . C. A. at A n n Arbor,
Olive Moore; Treasurer, Elsa Gottlieb, and -f- T H E NEW YORK City League of Women and as a case worker o f the Kalamazoo Civic
Secretary, Rosalind Jones, who may be ad- Voters has started an extensive campaign League.
dressed at 427 South Normandie Avenue, Los
Angeles.—Barnard College Alumna Monthly. in this section to urge all women to exercise She assumed her duties Monday.—Kalama-
their privilege of voting. zoo Gazette.
Alpha Holds Reunion
Mrs. Jeannette E. Wintrab ( N ) of the Knoxville Celebrates Foun-
-f. O N NOVEMBER 25, Helen Mullan ( A ) F i f t h Avenue Hotel, is the district leader of ders Day
gave a tea f o r Alpha Chapter. About the 10th Assembly District. Aiding Mrs. Win-
trab in this work is Mrs. William A. Walling, -+-"FOUNDERS D A Y " in Alpha Omicron Pi so-
twenty-five were there, and all enjoyed meet- wife of Judge Walling of Special Sessions, of rority was observed locally by the alumnae
60 W . 10th St.—The Villager.
and actives and pledges of the Omicron chap-
ter of the U . of T. by a dinner given at
"Moralfa," home of Dr. and Mrs. Harcourt
A. Morgan.

Miss Lucy Shields Morgan is president of
the Alumna; Chapter and Dean Harriet Greve

Mrs. Clarence Edmunds sang, Miss Ann

42 To D R A G M A I J JANUARY, 1934 43

Wagner, president of the active chapter, made fourhand and the arranger f o r piano sol though a novice at politics, she held her own ...
a short talk. should be stated, in this case no doubt Harold v j t h these veteran campaigners. (Was that :
Bauer's excellent arrangement which is »u w h y La Guardia won the election?) Jessie's
Mrs. H . M . Cox gave reminiscences of the best extant. I t was played entire, which is the masterly address was challenging and thought- 'Miss Ipana" is Lilyan Dillard, Rho, in
university as remembered 20 years ago. only way to treat it and in which the various compelling and turned the after-meeting into life.
forms of the intermittent "promenade" theme a Symposium o n Socialism, until the wait-
Special greetings f r o m the grand president, at last is elaborated into the impressive key- resses homeward wended their weary way. Phi Beta, 14; Kappa Alpha Theta, 28; Kappa
Mrs. Arthur Anderson, and greetings from stone music of the Bogatyrs gate at Kiev as Delta, 9; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 23; Phi M u ,
charter members of Omicron chapter were a sublime expression of the Russian f 0 | v The'1 Mary Donlon summarized with a quo- 6; Phi Omega Pi, 6; Pi Beta Phi. 23; Sigma
read. spirit of the past. tation f r o m our Mary Ellen Chase's book, Delta Tau, 8; Sigma Kappa, 5, and Zeta Tau
laying that—like Mary Ellen's grandmother- Alpha, 5.—Minnesota Alumni Weekly.
I n the guest list of 55 were included eight Miss Womrath gave the proper carefree all these enthusiastic partisans' interest in
former presidents of the chapter, two former character to the meandering promenade theme truth was "more esthetic and dramatic than "Miss Ipana" is an AOII
southern district superintendents. and endowed each of the pictures with its intrinsic."
proper character, whether it was humores- -f- AFTER WEEKS of searching throughout the
The member present f r o m the most distant quely grotesque, romantic, parodic or starkly A high-spot was the presence or our great country, IAlyan Dillard, (P) of Birming-
point was Mrs. Harriet Martin (Miss Mary realistic. The closing number was built up Joanna Colcord ( T ) , who said, on request, a
Neil Black) of Denver, Colo.—Knoxville with magnificent strength.—By Victor Nilsson few poignant words about the present needs ham, Alabama, was chosen as the "dental
Journal. in The Minneapolis Journal. of relief and their implications. charm girl" of a A Century of Progress Ex-
position at Chicago. A comely brunette with
Interpretive Pianist Plays New York Holds Campaign Dinner Ethel McGary (N) had charge of the phys- beaming personality, Miss Dillard was selected
ical arrangements which, appropriately, went by a committee of experts f o r her near-
-f- DOROTHY WOMFATH ( T ) , f r o m the master -+- NEW YORK ALUMN.-E Chapter began the swimmingly. And the Chapter President, Ma- perfect "dental personality." Her teeth are
class of Gabriel Fenyves, Hungarian pian- the season with a memorable election bel Anderson Mclndoe ( N ) , who had turned valued at $64,000. She is a graduate of North-
the meeting over to Mary Donlon, lent grace western University and of Stephens College
ist, last night gave a piano recital at Mac- campaign dinner in the banquet room (so- and charm to the occasion. at Columbia, Missouri.
Phail auditorium which bespoke her interest called) of Child's Savoy-Plaza Restaurant on
and skill in modern music. Her highly devel- 59th Street. New York Alumna: Chapter's alive this A t the Chicago World's Fair, Miss Dillard
oped sense f o r interpretation was evinced in year, sisters. Everybody, come!—By Special was known as "Miss Ipana." On a dais under
every selection she played and triumphed, par- Almost everyone came to hear four of us: Correspondent to To DRAGMA. a gleaming chromium-plated star, revolving
ticularly in her final Mussorgski number. electioneer,—one f o r each of the four candi- atop a high staff and beckoning visitors to the
dates f o r Mayor of New York in the recent Miss Jolliff Makes Plans Bristol-Myers exhibit, the "charm girl" re-
Beginning was made with "Chorale, Prel- hotly contested election. for Banquet vealed her "dental smile" to thousands of
ude and Fugue" by Cesar Franck, one of the sightseers.
Belgo-French composer's finest creations f o r Mary Donlon ( N ) served as leader and, if _f- Miss E L L E N JOLLIFF ( T ) , chairman of the
piano alone. I t is built up on themes familiar you ever want a chairman to steer an occa- committee which has been planning the A t this exhibit was seen the first public
to the Franck student (a species which seems sion to success, it would pay you to send for demonstration of the complete manufacture
to go on multiplying) from his organ, sym- Mary, no matter where you are. She directed Founders' Day banquet f o r Alpha Omicron Pi of a tube of tooth paste. I t represented an
phony and chamber music and is filled with the fun and the earnestness with a merry but sorority announces completed details f o r the investment of nearly $100,000 and was located
his ardent emotion and inspired religious up- firm control, was pithy and witty, and kept the affair which will be given tomorrow evening in the General Exhibits building. A manu-
lift. speakers to time and everything moving. at 6:30 o'clock in Hotel Edmond Meany. facturing unit similar to that used in the
Ipana plant at Hillside, New Jersey, pro-
The first mood expressed by the chorale The order of the speeches was decided by Mrs. Kenneth C. Mclntoch w i l l be toast- duced about 25,000 tubes each day. Every
had in Miss Womrath's interpretation contri- lot, in scaled envelopes, and they emerged: mistress calling upon Mrs. R. Lester Kally step in the process was visible, starting with
tion, but not without hope. To the thematic Virginia Mollenhauer ( N ) f o r McKee and the of Tacoma, Mrs. Raymond Davis, Miss Ellen the small tin disc f r o m which the tube is
nucleus phrase, even though played pianissimo Recovery Party; Pinckney Estes Glantzberg Mudgett and Miss Gladys Phillips, represent- fashioned to the finished and filled tube final-
at first, should f r o m the beginning have had (•"I') f o r O'Brien and Tammany; Jessie Wab ing the college chapter, f o r responses. Miss ly packed in a souvenir carton.
somewhat more luster, but in its further ap- lace Hughan ( A ) f o r Solomon and the So- Dorothy Hall will sing during the evening,
plication soon rose to brilliance. The abso- cialists; and Mary Kent-Miller Tennant (OH) with piano accompaniment by Miss lib Carey
lute correctness in notes attacked in the arpeg- f o r LaGuardia and Fusion. We were afraid and cello obligato by Mrs. Edward Meimeier.
gio of crosshand character was, at the start, they were going to "pull their punches" and Assisting on the general committee are Miss
not without slips. Otherwise the whole per- be too polite to one another, but they went Margaret Evans, Miss Dorothy Hall, Mrs.
formance was full of merit and convincing warmly, though gaily, to the fray, and there Wakins, Mrs. M . F. McMinn.—Seattle Times.
feeling as well. surelv was fun and mavbe enlightenment for
all. Sororities Pledge at
A group of smaller works of contemporary Minnesota
or almost contemporary composers was well A f t e r each of the other speakers had had
chosen and charmingly performed. The most her fling at Tammany, Pinckney ottered her H L A T FIVE O'CLOCK on Monday afternoon of
beautiful of them all seemed the B flat minor opponent a pink rose f r o m the table decora- last week 280 young hopefuls fell into the
etude by Szymanowski, the new Chopin of tions. " H o w generous," somebody applauded
Poland, which is a poem in music, wistful at laughing. Pinckney rejoined like a shot "Tam- waiting arms of the watchful Greeks, took
first hut through intensification of mood built many is always generous!" "Yes," said Mary the mystic vows and were pinned with the
up into a fine emotional climax. I n such com- Tennant's quiet voice, "with other peoples* emblem of the house of their choice. This
positions where the new musical idiom is not roses!" marked the close of a strenuous week of
impertinently militant, as in the prokofiev rushing on sorority row. The usual large
march that followed, its radicalism is hardly Jessie Hughan, in f u l l sail, said " I can pledge night parties were abandoned this year
apparent. The latter was played with the speak on that point f o r . an hour!" "No-o! in'accord with the Panhellenic decision, and
proper saucy humor and insouciance. You can't," said the chairman, tapping her were replaced by small theater parties or even
glass, "time's up, Miss Hughan." "homier" forms of entertainment at the va-
Debussy's "Reflets dans 1'eau" was traced rious houses.
like the noble piece of "Japonaiserie" that it They were all fine. Virginia drew such a
is. Gay and glittering was made the Gieseking human and trustable picture of her neighbor The number of girls pledged by each soror-
transcription of "Staendchen" by Richard McKee, that we liked him whether we voted ity follows: Alpha Chi Omega, 10; Alpha
Strauss, while of Dohnanyi's F sharp minor for him or not. It's well-known what Pinck- Delta Pi, 10; Alpha Gamma Delta, 24; Alpha
rhapsody was made not only a splendid piece ney's brilliant wit always does and how her Omicron Pi, 15; Alpha Phi, 27; Alpha X i
of virtuosity but also an interpretation of rapiers flash. She was in top f o r m ; we'd Delta, 7; Chi Omega, 18; Delta Delta Delta,
Hungarian folk moods. rather hear Pinckney than do almost anything 23; Delta Gamma, 17; Delta Zeta, 7; Gamma
else. Mary Tennant's rich trained voice and
Opposite the title of "Pictures at an Expo- beautiful diction delighted the ear, and,
sition" only Mussorgski's name was given,
but this is a composition written f o r piano

The levemenfs
Pride of
Alpha O assroom

cmb or) f-fii

T H I S METHOD of printing the news of the for the A d Club. Doris Brawley has recently we tied with IIB<t> f o r honors in the home- honorary home economics. Esther Blake
undergraduate chapters eliminates the won a Crimson W sweater and a minor W coming sign contest. We thank our alumna? ('36) is president of AAA, freshman women's
credit which should go to the faithful chapter letter. Doris was manager of Interclass vol* for making our sign f o r us. scholastic organization, and is treasurer of
reporters. When spring comes, a list of the leyball teams and won honors in hockey and Spurs. Kathleen Bownes, Mary Ellen Bielen-
girls who have furnished the chapter news volleyball. She organized the house volley- Lucille (Mitzie) Hibbard ('33) was married berg and Marian Warner are on W. A. A .
will be published with special mention given ball team. Adria Veleke is president of TAX, in August to Elmer Erickson (AXA) and Board. Mary Lou Bailey was pledged to
to those whose contributions have been accom- secretary of the Ad Club, and art editor of the jives in Spokane. Ruby Hazlett ('32) is now IIAN, chemistry honorary. Ebba Young ('34)
panied by good photographs, preferably "ac- Chinook. Evelyn Krause is treasurer of M$B, Mrs. John Todd and lives in Portland, Ore- is laboratory instructor in bacteriology. Opal
tion" pictures and by feature stories to which national music honorary, secretary of TAX, gon. Mable Smithey ('32) is Mrs. Joe Kirk Petrausch ('35) has pledged A#K, secretarial
a by-line may be given. A prize of $5 will assistant editor of the Chinook, and a member of Spokane. Alma Schierman (Ex. '34) was honorary. Mary Ellen Bielenberg is society
be given to the chapter reporter sending the of the A d Qub. Lenore Morse has been initi- recently married to Bob Schuster and they are editor of The Exponent. Jean Carruth, Mary
best material during the next two years. I f ated into TAX and is our junior Panhellenic living in Endicott. Mildred Guptil ('26) is Ellen, Lois Eatnes, and Esther Blake are ac-
photographs are needed before the May issue representative. Floy Lewis appeared in ' Uncle how Mrs. H . G. Storey, of Auburn. Miriam tive Spurs. Jane Jaccard is secretary f o r
is out, please indicate the fact and they will Tom's Cabin" and will star in "Mrs. Moon- McCroskey of Alpha Sigma chapter, whose <£T0, home economics honorary sorority. The
be returned immediately upon use. Otherwise light." Mary Schoessler belongs to AKS and home is in Colfax, Washington, has announced social arts fraternity, Eurodelphian, pledged
all pictures will be returned on June 1. Please is one of our Spurs. Her scholastic average 'her engagement to Marvin Lynn (SN) of Lois Eames, Esther Blake, and Jean Carruth.
follow the exact form of the letters as printed warranted the engraving of her name upon the Tacoma. The wedding took place December Lois is secretary of the Home Economics
here f o r your next assignment, due on Febru- School of Pharmacy plaque f o r freshmen at- 22 at St. John's Cathedral in Spokane. Qub. Helen Thorpe is president of Hamil-
ary 10. Sign your name at the end of it. taining the highest grades in the department. A*—On October 6, a fireside was held at the ton Hall, the women's dormitory, and Janet
Ar—Carolyn Wolters, president, is a regis- The PX award f o r high scholarship was given Ralph and Isabel Ford are members of the
tered assistant pharmacist. She belongs to her and her name was engraved on our chapter house on the Montana State Council. Out of a possible score of 1,000 the
to AKS and PX, Pharmacy honoraries, being house freshman's scholarship plaque. Her College campus f o r the new pledges. Mar- rifle team scored 951, w i n n i n g f r o m the
treasurer of the latter at Washington State average for last semester was 94. Frances garet Kunkel ('34) is vice president of the Kappa Delta's by one point. High scores f o r
College. Gala Peed is president of TB, busi- Lowden is our other Spur and a member of A. W. S. and Marion Warner ('35) is secre- individuals went to Mary Ellen who scored
ness administration honorary f o r women, the Ellen H . Richards Club. Three T mem- tary. Una Barber ('35) was elected to $TO,
member of TAX, women's advertising frater- bers visited us at homecoming, at which time
nity, and chairman of the finance committee


46 To DRAG.MA UNUARY, 1934 47
was on the floor committee f o r the junior ( r the best math papers in the freshman They are all doing good work in keeping us
196 out of 200 and Opal Petrausch whose score prom. Thalia Larson was on the publicity lass Gwendolyn Jenkins and Marjorie Jump before the public eye. We had a letter f r o m
was 195. The proceeds of a card party at the committee f o r the Olvera Puppet Show, and have'been pledged to AO, and Sara Montgom- Grace Parkinson a few weeks ago. Grace
Baxter Hotel on December 7 were used f o r Betty Ames and Margaret Bales were on the wL was invited to join H S * . Carol Dorr was seems to like Paris very well and is settling
National Social Service Work. guest committee f o r the Co-ed Ball. Betty i 8 anpointed on the W.A.A. Board as publicity down at the Foyer International to continue
A n — T h e pledges of other Florida State a Beaver salesman and on the Y.W.C.A. mem- manager. The college D was awarded to her usual scholarly work. Eleanore Walker
bership drive committee. Ardath Sneed has Theodora Jones and Lucille Perry at the fall was general convener at a Tea Dance on No-
Women's College sororities were enter- been working on the Y.W.C.A. freshman com- banquet. At the same time we learned that vember 11, after the big rugby game between
tained at an AO Pirate Party by the 21 pledges mission. A faculty tea in honor of our house- xfan Bingham, past president was one of the U.B.C. and the U . of Alberta's Golden Bears.
of A l l in October. From October 28 to Octo- mother, Mrs. Wynn Johnson, and our faculty four of the class of '33 to win the highest As vice president of Council, Eleanore is hop-
ber 31 members of A X f i who were visiting the adviser, Mrs. D. T. Ordeman, was given on award of W.A.A. On October 25, Katherine ing something really big will come along f o r
campus f o r a province convention were October 15. Davis, our District Superintendent, made us a her to settle while the president is in the East
guests in our house. A t homecoming the A S — O n Hallowe'en a large reception was held short visit. attending a conference this Christmas. And
chapter had as house guests, Florence Cam- n*—Martha Clevenger and Louise Willardare now f o r the big social event. A O n had a
eron ('33), Mrs. J. A. Graham, Sara's mother, for our new house-mother, Mrs. Bertha bridge-tea and fashion show in the Crystal
Mrs. Henry Filer, Mary's mother, Mrs. I . T. Larson, and our District Superintendent, Betty members of the Glee Club at Indiana Ballroom of the Vancouver Hotel on the
Pierson, Laurita's mother, and Mrs. Preston Norgore, of Seattle. Patricia McKenna, presi- University. New W . A . A . members include afternoon of December 2. This was our first
Ayers, Edith's mother. On Thanksgiving dent, was elected president of AKA, sociology Marydale Cox, Elizabeth Garber, Mary Mas- big public venture, but as i t was under the
afternoon, a six o'clock coffee was given for honorary. Edith Clement has been appointed terson, Grace Thompson and Catherine Ed- auspices of our alumnae group, it was also a
all open-house guests. A f t e r dinner, the chap- chairman of Senior Stunt f o r Co-ed Capers. wards. Catherine also belongs to AAA, fresh- great big success. The proceeds f r o m the
ter house had an informal dance. Rosaline Lee Chapman made frosh debate; Floy Young man scholastic organization, is on the Arbutus affair will go to our philanthropic fund. W e
Kennedy had the highest average of all stu- pledged * B , music and dramatics honorary- staff, was chosen on the Mortar Board recog- are very grateful to our alumnae f o r the money
dents enrolled at Florida State Women's Col- Eleanor Coombe, president of W.A.A. at the nition list, and reports f o r the Daily Student. and even more grateful f o r the splendid pub-
lege. On the approbation list were Mary Lee University of Oregon, and secretary of Mortar Elizabeth Garber belongs to Taps, junior licity. The most recent occasion of note was
Davis, Marjory Carter, Beth Kehler, and a Board, presided at the all-campus tea held dramatic organization and Mary Frances our Founders' Day banquet held at the Geor-
pledge, Alice Porter. The annual Christmas during Health Week. Jean Aiken was chair- Spurgeon is a member of K A n , national edu- gian Club on the evening of December 8.
party took place on December 15. A l l the man of the poster contest, Marion Vinson cational, and I S n , chemistry honorary. Ann B T — I n final examinations during the spring
gifts and toys on the Christmas tree were was winner of the interhouse posture contest Greenawalt is on the W . A . A . board and has
sent to Bland Morrow f o r her to distribute and Arita Davis of the poster contest. Eleanor been initiated into Pleiades, social organiza- at the University of Toronto, Margaret
among the small Kentuckians. Four A l l ' s are was also chairman of the Senior Pep Patrol tion. Mary Sullivan, president, is on the Christilaw came first in her year in the House-
members of the Glee Club: Rosalind Kennedy, which consisted of prominent senior women. A.W.S. Board and was chosen to ON, home hold Science Course. Marion McLaughlin,
Mildred Williams, Doris Goddard, and Sara Marion and Edith were also on the PatroL economics honorary. Marcella Beaber is a Audrey Thomson, Margaret Cowan and others
Helen Smith. A t the Christmas vespers, As a little tribute to the memory of Mrs. new member of * X 9 , commerce fraternity. passed with A standing. The B T house-party
Rosalind presented the solo. The annual Lucy Abrams, our house-mother f o r ten years The senior class committees include Mary was also held the week of May 24 at the sum-
Christmas dinner was held on December 29 whose death occurred during the summer, the Sullivan, invitations; Doris Ward, breakfast; mer home of Margaret Cowan at Indian Point,
in the Soreno Hotel at St. Petersburg. Mary chapter walked to her grave on Sunday after- Yetive Browne, Siwash dance committee. Burlington. Four of our girls, Elinor Do-
Jane Sheldon is treasurer of A X A , journalistic noon, December 10, and placed flowers on it. Selma Drabing is associate editor of the herty, Margaret MacNiven, Margaret Cowan
sorority and secretary of the senior class. Her friendship f o r the girls and her devotion Arbutus and treasurer of the junior class. and Margaret Robb attended the convention
Margery Carter has been initiated into * B S , to AOII endeared her to us. She and Lela Scott were chosen to Pleiades. and brought Mabel Wackerman ( n A ) home
Spanish fraternity. Beth Kehler, president of Yetive belongs to 6 S * . The old oaken bucket with them. A t a tea in honor of Mabel given
B n 9 , French fraternity, has been appointed AT—Our Mothers' Club helped us finance the which is the trophy sought b y Indiana U n i - by Elinor, we heard all about Convention.
chairman of the Board of Student's Social alteration of the outside of our house versitv and Purdue University at their annual Katherine De Puy ( 2 ) and Eleanor Massman
Activities. Mary Filer is also a member of football game came f r o m Mary Gray's grand- ( * ) spent a few days with Margaret Cowan
this board. Mary collaberated with Evalyn during the summer. Jean Carle is a member father's farm. at her summer home as they were returning
Rankin to present an original one-act play of the freshman Y.W.C.A. Council at Deni- BK—News from the University of British from convention. B T met them at a lawn tea.
on Skit Night. Evalyn had a speaking part son; Frances Longley of Glee Club; Miriam The first three weeks of October were given
at Odd Demonstration. Alice Porter and Mary Dorr, Mary Myers, and Martha Stubblefield Columbia and the far Northwest! This over to rushing, with pledging on October 30,
Carson were chosen for the Even Demonstra- made first teams and so joined W.A.A. at the *is the first report I have ever had to write, followed by an informal party at the home of
tion. Alice was script compiler. fall banquet. We missed winning the scholar- but it was explained most simply to me. I Margaret Cowan. Our pledges were hostesses
ship cup by one-tenth of a point, and were must merely convince Alpha 0 that Beta at tea to the pledges of other sororities on
AP—Alpha Rho has moved to a larger house thrilled at the college scholarship banquet to Kappa is not only up but also coming. My the campus the following week. The first
on Twenty-third and Monroe Streets, just hear that Martha Ann Shepardson had re- 'sisters, that will be a great pleasure. I won- week-end in November, ten of our members
ceived an award f o r having the highest grades der i f Marjorie Beeuwkes has confided to the visited o n chapter at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
a block from the Oregon Agricultural College among the enrollment f o r last year. Edith girls in Seattle just what she thinks of our They came back with wonderful reports of
campus. A sign designed by Maxine K i r k - Breining is vice president of I I S * , honorary campus in the rain. I t is rather a dismal all the AOn's. Dorothy Womrath, our Dis-
patrick ('35) f o r the homecoming sign contest classical fraternity; Martha A n n is vice presi- place, but having "Ditto" with us this year trist Superintendent, visited us the second
won a silver loving cup as second prize. On dent of AO, Barbara Jackson is secretary of does much to cheer us up—we are very pleased week in November.
October 27 a fireside was given f o r Betty T K A , debating fraternity; Miriam Sears is vice to have vou, Ditto. While on the subject of
Norgore ( E ) , District Superintendent, at president of Cosmopolitan Club. Edith at- visitors I must tell you that we have had a B0—Mary Frances Spurgeon, a pledge at I n -
which the A P alumna; and actives became in- tended I I S * convention in Saint Louis. Theo- visit from our District Superintendent, Mrs. diana University, was a guest at a wiener
corporated under AP. Georgina Samson was dora Jones is vice president o f W.A.A. and Martin Norgore. She arrived on Saturday,
initiated into K A n , honorary society in educa- went to Texas, and Barbara Jones, as W.S. December 2, just in time to see our Fashion roast at the home of Mary Alice Burch on
tion. She is working on a freshman scholar- G.A, president went to Cornell University for Show. Having no chapter house makes enter- November 4. Our annual open-house at But-
ship project f o r AAA, underclass scholastic a convention. Last spring three of the small taining rather difficult f o r us, but we flatter ler University was given at the home of
honor fraternity of which she is a member. number chosen f o r Cap and Gown belonged to ourselves that we had a very nice Panhellenic Frances Messick on the afternoon of Novem-
Althea Bruhl, who is assistant day editor of A T : Mary Estey, Barbara Jackson, and Theo- .tea in Betty's honor, on Sunday, at Avis Hall's ber 26, and on homecoming day, October 28,
the Barometer, was initiated into 0 S * , and is dora Jones. Dorothy Hartshorn and Lucille home. A f t e r the tea we had an informal meet- we entertained our alumna? at dinner. Eileen
treasurer of * X 9 , honorary commerce. Marie Perry were elected to Crossed Keys, sopho- ing at which various matters were variously Rocap has been initiated into Spurs; Frances
Dew and Inez Lehrbach are on the Barometer more honorary. The freshman honorary, Phi discussed. Four of the girls who graduated Messick is a member of Chimes, and Mary
staff and the Student Directory staff. Inez Society, has Dorothy Fuller and Mildred Hull last year are back taking Education this year. Alice has been initiated into T K A , de-
and Jeanne Bauer are on the Beaver staff. as members. They won first and second place bating fraternity. Thespis has pledged V i r -
Jean Allison will sing in Madrigal Club. She

48 T o DRAGBCA UNUARY, 1934 49
ginia Sheely and Bernadeen Patrick. They are South Carolina campus in scholarship, a * Rubinkam, Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, secretary of
on the costume committee. Mary Alice is mid-semester Ruth Carter was one of thre j j 0 m e Economics Club, sophomore class by Charlotte LaChance. Ruth Walenta, Alice
chairman of the tea committee of Women's girls on the campus making a straight A aver6 hockey team; and Selena Wunderlich. presi- Sisco and Kitta Davis also took part. Marie
League and Leonora Winter is a member of age. She is carrying six subjects. Gertrude dent of sophomore class, W.A.A. Board, Y . W . Archer was chosen "Queen of Autumn"; Fern
that committee. Rosemary and Eileen Rocap, McDaniel, vice president, was bid to H2$ q A. Cabinet, Cwens, Varsity hockey team, Allen, associate editor of the Campus; Louise
and Frances and Marian Messick have been Latin fraternity. Elizabeth David (piedgeV captain of sophomore class hockey tean, rifle. Steeves, secretary of the sophomore class;
pledged to Newman Club. When KAII held received a bid f r o m B l i e , French fraternity Billie Rhoads is vice president of the sopho- Alice Dyer, president W.S.G.A.; Mildred
its state meeting at Butler on December 19, We gave a weiner roast in honor of out more class, a member of AAA, Cwens, Y . W . Haney, president Y.W.C.A. On the Y.W.C.A.
Mary Alice was in charge of the luncheon. pledges on Lake Murray. A few weeks later C.A. Cabinet, sophomore senator, sophomore Cabinet are Louise Steeves, secretary, Rena
She is also on the committee in charge of the the pledges entertained the actives with a class hockey team, Players, Penn State Col- Allen, treasurer, Anna Eliasson, freshman
annual old clothes campaign, and represented pajama party at the home of Gertrude M C w legia" , recipient of the Louise Carnegie leader, Dorothy Moynihan, music committee,
Butler at the College Panhellenic's meeting Donald. On Founders' Day we all wore our Scholarship, and was class president her Jeannette MacKenzie, social service, Dorothy
in Chicago. cardinal ribbons under our pins very proudly freshman year. Edna Ogelvee is a member Romero, vocations, and Lucinda Ripley, co-
X—Gladys Lunn, president, is also president That night we initiated our three pledges and. 0 f the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet. Enid Stage ( ' 3 5 ) chairman of the social committee. Dorothy
served supper to them. We burned our four sw a elected assistant intermural sports man- Moynihan is president of Balentine Hall, Alice
of ZXA. Margaret Tower, Panhellenic cardinal candles in honor of our beloved ager, women's fencing manager, and is a mem- Sisco is AOII representative, and Fern Allen
delegate, is president of TE. Florence Ashley Founders. We were properly thrilled by our ber of choir and of Glee Club. She was cast is Proctor at The Maples. The "Sister Coun-
is president of W . A . A . Representatives at first initiation. Edna Louise Lent has spon- in the role of the Virgin Mary in the Nativity cil," which was organized last year to advise
Syracuse University, a member of W.A.A. sored a new library club at the University Play presented by Players in conjunction with the freshmen girls, has seven AOII's on its
Board, member of the basketball committee, Junior High School. Five members to the the Glee Club D e c e m b e r 12. M . Theresa membership list; Marie Archer, Rena Allen,
on the staffs of the Onondagan and the Orange new interfraternity dance club are Eulee Lide Baer, who has played in Penn State's produc- Lucinda Ripley, Louise Steeves, Anna Elias-
Peel. Frances Davison and Lucille Muldoon Gertrude McDonald, Shirley Bailey, Margaret tions of "Holiday," "Berkeley Square," "But- son, Annie Maclellan, and Elizabeth Philbrook.
are on the staff of the Onondagan. Jane Niggel, and Madeline Spanogle. Shirley Bailey ter and Egg Man," and "Hay Fever," was Anna Eliasson and Marie Archer belong to
Leonard is the first woman's editor of the and Ellen LaBorde spent the week-end of De- elected to 8A<I>, dramatics honorary. Rosa- "Neai Mathetai," an organization consisting
Camp Log and junior associate editor of the cember 1-3 in Birmingham where they at- mond Kaines ( ' 3 4 ) and Ethel Filbert ( ' 3 4 ) of the ten highest ranking freshman girls.
Orange Peel, she is also on the Business A d - tended the South Carolina-Auburn football are president and treasurer of Archousai, re- Of the four girls nominated as candidates f o r
ministration Honor Roll. Jane Burlingham is game. spectively. Elizabeth Lewis ( ' 3 4 ) and Frances Honorary Lieutenant Colonel at the Univer-
president of her Freshman Cottage and Mary E—Margaret Kincaid and Edith Campbell Laubach ( ' 3 5 ) are members of the women's sity of Maine, two were AOII's: Dorothy Saw-
Jane Hartman of hers. Mildred McDuff was varsity hockey team. Mary Elliston ( ' 3 5 ) re- yer and Charlotte LaChance. A t the Military
in the chorus of "Midsummer's Night Dream." have been retained f o r freshman basket- ceived a Home Economics Scholarship. The Ball on December 8 Charlotte was announced
XA—Ivalo Laughery, Betty Kittle, Alice Wol- ball at Cornell University. Mary Bull is a Council of Campus Scholarship Cup was the Colonel.
member of Women's Glee Club. Greta Moul- awarded E A Chapter f o r having attained the
ter, Jo Anne Abercrombie, Clare Canning, ton has entered the editorial competition of highest group average of the year 1933. The I—On Saturday afternoon, November 11, Iota
and Winnebeth Rankin made class teams in the Cornell Countryman. Ruth Sharp is &4 chapter entertained women students trans- and the Champaign-Urbana Alumna? enter-
hockey at the University of Colorado. Ivalo, member of the Countryman business board. ferred from other colleges at a tea November
Betty, Jo Anne, Evelyn Thomas and Thelma On November 17, the pledges entertained the 27, and were themselves entertained at a tained Mary Dee Drummond and Dorothy
Roadarmer were on the class volley ball team. freshman friends of other sororities at 1 Christmas party given by a patroness, Mrs. Duncan at an informal tea. Mrs. Drummond
Alice and Betty are thus f a r undefeated in the Swedish Coffee. On December 15 and 16 we Wopdruff, at her home, December 10. Chap- spoke to us about our Social Service W o r k
tennis tournament. Having won all of our had a rummage sale, the proceeds of which ter members attended Penn State's annual in Kentucky. A t our Founders' Day banquet
games f r o m sorority teams, we were finally were contributed to the Community Chest Panhellenic Ball January 12 at the Nittany Atha Fowler told us of the founding of our
defeated by the independent team. Alice W o l - Helen Fagan, president, served on the com- Lion Inn. chapter on this campus. Sixteen alumna
ter was chosen "Miss Cooperation" at a ban- mittee of the New Deal Ball given December joined us. Marjorie Berryman has been
quet of A.W.S. Eleanor Lloyd and Arloa 8 f o r the benefit of needy students at Cornell. H—Amy Chisholm ('36) won the scholarship chosen f o r membership on the Varsity Debat-
McCanne were pledged to IZ1T, honorary Jean Maloney was a member of Junior Ad- cup awarded annually to freshman women ing team. She was a member of the tag
chemistry; Leona Pense to 9 2 # ; Naomi Lewis visory Committee this fall. Ruth Harder and committee for Dads' Day. Lois Littlejohn
to AZII, honorary French; Wilma Carey to Dorothea Ferguson attended the Raven and of the Commerce School at the University of was in the cast of "Gold in the Hills," Illini
2ES, freshman honorary; Evelyn Thomas to Serpent house-party in Sage and Risley Halls, Wisconsin. Jane Billyield ( ' 3 5 ) was elected Theatre Guild production. Eleanor Hoehn and
KE, honorary pharmaceutical fraternity; Jo December 4-8. to 2E2, freshman honorary. "Kathie" Knell, Dorothy Jane Brunswick represent AOII in
Anne Abercrombie is a member of Players' Charlotte Goedde, A n n Saunders, Evelyn athletics, both of them being members of
Club and had a prominent part in "Cock EA—Janet Beman is treasurer of W.S.G.A. Keck, Helen March and Beatrice Thompson W.A.A. and the soccer team. Charlotte Mc-
Robin." Eileen Hayward danced at the home- at Pennsylvania State College, a member visited the Illinois and Minnesota chapters Glade is a member of the Y.W.C.A. all-asso-
coming dances at the Camion Park Night during the football season. Eta gave a tea ciation committee and is also a hostess on that
Club. Evelyn Thomas and Thelma Roadar- of Cwens and of AAA, freshman scholastic for the new chaperon, Mrs. Bruins, at which committee. She is working on the business
mer are on the staff of the Colorada'n. honorary ; Jean Beman on Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, the deans, chaperons and presidents of all staff of the lllio. Jean Gougler was a mem-
AAA, recipient of freshman scholarship; Grace sororities were entertained. Forty members ber of the Homecoming Stunt Show commit-
A—Our Panhellenic Council at T u f t s College Bierstein, secretary of Cwens, Y.W.C.A. Cab- attended Founders' Day banquet. "Kathie" tee, and is working on the society and church
has devised a new system of rushing this inet, sophomore hockey team, class secretary Knell, Mrs. Oscar Peterson ( ' 3 1 ) and Helen staffs of The Daily Illini. Catherine Van
her freshman year; Virginia Detweiler, cap- Thompson ( ' 3 0 ) spoke on the history of AOII. Gerpen is also working on the society staff
year which began November 26 with pledging tain of varsity hockey team, senior class Charlotte Goedde is chairman of the Grand of The Daily Illini. Grace Rothwell is a
on December 11 instead of the second semes- hockey manager, W.A.A. Board, track, basket- March of the annual Junior Prom. June member of Terrapin. Evelyn Howard works
ter rushing that has been the custom formerly. ball ; Betty Frear, golf manager, choir, Glee Schroeder is on one of the Prom committees. on the business staff of the lllio. Helen Cur-
We had the banquet f o r the new pledges at Qub, contributor to Froth; Dorothy Hull, Evelyn Keck is social chairman of the Grid- tis has been elected to membership in the
the Hotel Commander in Cambridge in con- member of the House of Representatives; iron Ball. Home Economics Club. Harriet McLean is
nection with our annual Founders' Day ban- Dorothy Jeter, freshman basketball and hockey T—On November 18, a World's Fair was working on the society and church staffs of
quet. On Saturday, December 16, all trie sor- teams, sophomore class basketball manager; The Daily Illini, Mary Courtright has been
orities on the " H i l l " had a joint pledge dance Ruth Koehler, Penn Stale Collegian, Y.W. given in the Gymnasium Memorial at the initiated into AAA and she is working at the
at the Copley-Plaza in Boston. C.A. Commission; Ruth McCoy, hockey; Jane University of Maine. Mildred Haney was co- Y.W.C.A. on the all-association, hostess, social
A*—A lovely tea was given in our honor by Roope, swimming team, freshman basketball chairman of the affair and many of her assist- and doll show production committees. Mary
team, recipient of Penn State Riding Cup; ants were AOII's: Lucinda Ripley, Dorothy is a member of Orange and Blue Feather
AAA in October and the University of Edna Rosenberger, treasurer of Y.W.C.A. Romero, Fern Allen, Dorothy Moynihan, Anna Council and chairman of the Orange and Blue
South Carolina chapter of SAT presented us Commission, Home Economics Club; Emma Eliasson and Elizabeth Philbrook. The leading Feather social committee. She has been initi-
with a beautiful table lamp. Delta Phi led role in "Death Takes a Holiday" was played ated into Shi-ai, and was chairman of two

50 To D R . \ . , \ , A 1934 51

Homecoming committees, tickets, and awards McKinley were elected to Sock and Buskin
and decorations. Mary is a member of the dramatic club. Mattie Todd Little was man-
Woman's League social committee. Hedvic ager of the freshman basketball team and be-
Lenc is one of "dem wot rate" on this campus wlohnigcsh to the all star team. In the wedding
and was invited to attend the Axe-Grinders' solemnizes the union between the fresh-
ball, exclusive to raters. Hedvic is chairman man and junior classes, Margaret Martin was
of the social committee of Woman's League. the bride, Ann McKinley the maid-of-honor
She was general chairman of the booth's com- Lolita Hodges a bridesmaid, and Alice Allen
mittee for the Y.W.C.A. Doll Show and is the ring-bearer. Man,' Hurt was in charge
chairman of the Mothers' Day reception com- of the music. Edith Christain was a grooms^
mittee. Florine Petri was elected vice presi- man f o r the juniors. Five of the pl^dpes are
dent of AAA and was toastmistress of AAA members of the Glee Club. Our Founders'
initiation banquet. She is a member of the Day was celebrated at the house with a sup-
social service committee, the finance commit- per. On October 21 the juniors gave their
tee, and captain of the finance drive at the annual play. Nancy Gates was soloist, Mary
Y.W.C.A. She was on the ticket committee Hurt musician, and Edith Christain was in
of the Y.W.C.A. Doll Show. Florine was a charge of costumes. Sue Wood and Janice
member of the badge committee f o r Home- Hunt were in the cast of the sophomore play.
coming and of the reception committee for Cora Craddock, Mary Randolph and May
Dads' Day. She has been initiated into Shi-ai Crute had parts in the German Christmas
and is a member of the decorations commit- play. Addie Cunningham and E. A. Pfeiffer
tee of the All-University meeting. Florine is were in the receiving line f o r the senior recep-
working on the editorial staff of the Illio and tion. Addie was on the floor committee for
is a member of the Sophomore Cotillon com- the Christmas Dance. Our District Superin-
mittee. Jean Dragoo is a junior assistant to tendent, Ann Sale, visited the chapter recently.
the woman's editor of The Daily Mini and The chapter gave a Panhellenic tea f o r her.
was pledged to 02*. She is a member of Among the alumna? back to visit during the
Torch and rated Axe-Grindcrs. Beth Fowler year have been Kitty Coulbourn, Louise Wolff,
is working on the editorial staff of the Illio. Annie Boisseau, Lida Stokes and Julia Dod-
Doris Overturf is a member of the finance son.
committee, hostess committee, and all-associa-
tion committee at the Y.W.C.A. Betty Ross KG—Our pledges are very active on the U.C. INNEAPOLTS JOURNAL PHOTO
was property mistress of "Good Morning, L.A. campus, due to the efforts of Mar-
Dearie," Mask and Bauble production, and When Minnesota played Northwestern, Tau Chapter zisited WM^g^
chairman of the house committee o f "Gold in jorie Alice Lenz, activity chairman, who has
the Hills." Helen Murphy was a member of established a most interesting point system. Foote and Mary Stone enjoyed the hospitality.
the property committee of "Gold in the Hills," Stella Wilhelm has been pledged to A X A ,
and she worked on scenery f o r "Good Morn- economics honorary. Marjorie Gilmore won
ing, Dearie." Helen is also a member of the scholarship ring given by the Mothers'
Torch. Janet Creutz is a member of the Club to the undergraduate making the high-
senior cap and gown committee, and she was est grades. Our faculty adviser, Miss Martha
a member of the Charity Ball committee. K. Deane, is making such a name f o r herself
Louise Mollman was elected president of the that we can not fail to speak of her. She
Y.W.C.A. Girl Reserve Committee and is a has been chosen to play in "Moon and Six-
member of the Y.W.C.A. reception commit- pence" at the Pasadena Community Playhouse.
tee. Ruth Ferguson rated Axe-Grinders' Ball Harriet Stone ('36), president of the pledges,
and was a member of the scenery committee managed a lovely dinner dance with which
f o r "Yellow Jackets." She was one of the the pledges entertained the actives at Hotel
five women chosen f o r the finals f o r Junior Knickerbocker in Hollywood, the n i g h t be-
Prom Queen and was a member of the Junior fore Christmas vacation. She was assisted by
Prom Committee. She was a member of the Mary Ellen Kirk, Portia Young and Sara Sim-
Charity Ball committee. Lois Davis is work- cox. Founders' Day was celebrated by the
ing on the business staff of the Illio. She was alumna? and active chapters at a formal ban-
a member of the cast of "Gold in the Hills," quet given at the Women's Athletic Club.
and "Good Morning, Dearie." She is chair- Jane Graham, president of the Los Angeles
man of the fashions revue of Dolphin. Lois Alumna? Chapter, was in charge.
is a member of Terrapin. Amieta Meislahn
was initiated into 2A* and was in the cast of A—Returning to Stanford for the autumn Glady I.unn, Chi. is president of 1 X A , Gala Peed, Alpha Gamma, is
"Yellow Jackets." Dorothy Massman is work- term, members of Lambda wrere informed public school art honorary, and ts on president of TB, business ad-
ing on the editorial staff of the Illio. the honor roll of The SJwol of Fine ministration honorary, TAX, Ad
by the administration of the University that Club, and is chairman of the
K—Addie Cunningham was elected chairman for the second consecutive year they had re- Arts at Syracuse. finance committee of Ad Club.
of Judiciary Committee at Randolph- ceived the highest scholarship rating of any
sorority on the campus. Helping towards the
Macon; Edith Pfeiffer, president of Y.W. attainment of this honor were the election of
C.A.; Nancy Gates, treasurer of Y.W.C.A., Harriet Pillsbury ('33) to #BK and the selec-
and Mary Hurt, treasurer of the Student Body tion of Louise Ruggles ('34), Martha Springer
Association in the May elections. Margaret ('35), and Louise Avery Whitaker ('35), to
Martin is president of the freshman class. receive Lower Division honors. The latter
Four of the pledges are members of the fresh- compares to a junior organization of <f>BK.
man Y.W.C.A. Cabinet. Alice Allen and Ann But the list of extra-curricular activities in
which Lambda's members participate proves

52 JANUARY, 1934 53
literary honorary; Florence Bushong, Lucille usual gracious custom, Emily Mahan ('33)
that they are not mere book worms. Anna Day was celebrated at the Panhellenic Hous Bailey, Nancy Carmean, and Mary Jane Caro- entertained the actives and pledges at dinner
Louise Aynesworth ('34) is president of the by a luncheon. thers, who are all members of freshman on the evening of pledge day. Omicron's i n -
Y.W.C.A., an alternate night-editor of the dramatics; Frances Cenfield; Alice Coltman, tramural standing was boosted by the shuffle-
Stanford Daily, member of the all-star swim- NK—Laurelle Ray, who was initiated in Octo- ofie of our journalists working on the Student board team, composed of Nell Nowlin and
ming and hockey teams, member of the ber was our representative f o r the staff and a member of 2AII, the Spanish f r a - Katherine Gaston, reaching the finals in the
women's Block S society, member of II2A, ternity; and Loraine Crichton, president of fall tournament. Our swimmers added further
and member of Cap and Gown, a local honor- "Duchess of Southern Methodist University'' our pledges and social chairman at O x f o r d points by their fine performance in the De-
ary society f o r women outstanding in both who was chosen at the dance following the College (one of the freshman girls' dorms). cember meet. A n n Wagner, Dorothy Dunn,
activities and scholarship comparable to Mor- S.M.U.-Texas game. We had an attractive There is also Dorothy Davis, a volley ball and Delia Peet carried off honors in their
tar Board. Josephine (Judy) Wilson ('34) float in the parade preceeding the game enthusiast on the freshman team; Sara Dun- events and our relay teams composed of Wag-
for three years outstanding in campus drama- Frances Rand ('34), an AOII daughter, was lop who was pledged by Alpha Tau chapter ner, D. Smith, Mayo, Bessie Mitchell, and
tics and formerly a toe dancer on the Fanchon selected as having the personality of the ideal last year, is another AOII on the Student staff; Elisabeth Witsell, splashed through into the
and Marco circuit, has been elected to $B, co-ed. Frances was elected secretary of the Caroline Dunbar; Mary Anna Farley; Doris winning column. A l l sororities at the U n i -
women's honorary society of dramatic arts, senior class. Ruth Peoples was elected secre- Gutknecht; Bettie Hanson; Ann Harris, a versity assisted the Red Cross in its Roll Call
as has also Beulah Dimmitt ('33). Blanche tary of the freshman class and Carroll Berley member of the Latin Classical Club; Marjorie this year and in conjunction with our alumnae,
Coe ('34) is treasurer of the German Honor vice president of the junior class. The newly Lee Horner; Caroline Korb; Phylis Kreuz- AOII secured the largest number of member-
Society and active i n German dramatics. organized Mothers' Club met on December weiser, who is in the German Club; Jeanne ships in Knoxville. The alumna? entertained
Eunice Force ('33), president, is secretary of 8 and a book review was given. A f t e r our Long; June Moore; Pauline Newman; Henri- the actives and pledges with a dinner at the
Women's Conference, and Elizabeth (Betty) weekly meetings we have been having suppers. etta Perfect, secretary of the pledges; V i r - home of Lucy and Fay Morgan in observance
Camm ('34) is a star tennis player. Eleanor Dallas alumnae and N u Kappa enjoyed a ginia Randt, treasurer of the pledges; and of Founders' Day. Dean Harriet Greve ('06),
Furst ('33) and Helen Hambleton ('33) have seated tea on Founders' Day, an original poem Mary Ellen Waddell. Our rush captain, Helen presided and during the evening special mes-
by Laurelle Ray was included on the pro- Leon, was greatly honored when she received sages of greeting were read f r o m Edith H .
gram. Reba Browne was in charge of ar- a scholarship f r o m Oxford College f o r Anderson, and the charter members of Omi-
rangements. Women, where she is house chairman this cron chapter. Elisabeth Witsell ('34) is
year. Lois Stringfellow, treasurer of Omega president of Cap and Gown this year and in
just been elected to 0 2 $ of which Ellamae NO—Nu Omicron pledges at Vanderbilt are chapter, and Isabel Clark, chapter historian, the role of captain will attempt to lead our
Dodds ('34) is president. Ellamae is also the each working very hard f o r the Fresh- were initiated into K A I I , educational honorary. AOII basketball team to another champion-
only woman night-editor of the Stanford Our artist, Alberta Neiswonger, is now a ship in the January tournament.
Daily, and secretary-treasurer of the Stan- man Ring which is awarded to the best all- member of A#A, the art honorary fraternity on—Helen Wroughton is a member of the
f o r d Press Club. Janet Turner ('36) is active around freshman each year. This ring was on the campus. For the observation of
on the business staff of the Quad, Stanford's won by Robin Eastes last year. The pledges Founders' Day, the Dayton Alumnae—whose Freshman Girl's Glee Club at the U n i -
year-book, and Virginia Blair ('35), Martha entertained the actives at a breakfast in De- kind help has been much appreciated by us— versity of Michigan. Music circles have i n -
Springer ('35), and Eleanor Cross ('35) are cember after the actives had entertained them joined Omega Chapter to celebrate with a terest f o r Mary Alice Baxter, who is active
members of the junior class social committee. at a tea dance in October. Charlotte Kear- formal banquet on December 8. We want in the University Girl's Glee Club and is a
Eleanor, a "pre-med" student, has just made ney, District Superintendent, visited us in No- you to know, too, of our two actives who member of Choral Union, as well as working
a discovery in embryology formerly unknown vember. Nita Lanier is on the staff of the transferred; one is Susan Jane Hughey f r o m on the 'Ensian, annual year book, of which
to medical science concerning which she has Commodore year book. E l o i s e Robinson, Alpha Tau Chapter, and the other is Jeanette Joan Barnette ('34) is women's editor and
been asked by the medical department to Robin, and Elizabeth Finn are writing f o r the Cenfield f r o m Theta Chapter. Needless to Stella Glass is Junior Women's editor. Har-
write a paper f o r a national medical maga- Masquerader, the comic magazine. Mary Alice say, they are both welcome additions to riet Oleksuich, Betty Evans, Ruth Sonnan-
zine. Mary Atkins ('36) is a member of the Farr is co-editor of the Hustler, the weekly Omega. Since we do not have the opportu- stine and Laura Jane Zimmerman are also on
sophomore class social committee, member of newspaper, and Robin Eastes is assistant edi- nity f o r frequent active-pledge parties as we the lower staff. Betty Miller has recently
the Stanford choir, and one of three women tor. Eight of our pledges are freshman re- undoubtedly would i f we had a sorority been accepted as a member of the girl's swim-
enrolled in the School o f Engineering. Juan- porters on the Hustler staff. Doris Busbee house, our chapter has decided to have every ming team, to which Betty Evans belongs.
ita Dall ('36) is also a member of the sopho- was a band sponsor at the Sewanee game and month a dinner to which distinguished guests Our president, Helen Gray, has been elected
more social committee and of the Y.W.C.A. Nita Lanier sponsored the Tennessee game. will be bidden. A t our first dinner in Novem- librarian of the University Girl's Glee Club.
cabinet. Harriet Pillsbury ('33) has returned Robin is vice president of "Co-Editors," and ber, we had as guests Miss Elizabeth Hamil- She is also active in W . A . A . and on the
to the house this year and is now an instructor Lorraine Binkley is a member. Shirley Kirk- ton, Dean of Miami women, Miss Schlenck, Board of Representatives of the Women's
of Spanish. Mary Ross, a graduate student patrick is vice president of "Scribblers" and Mrs. J. B. Dennison (Mildred Rothar), Miss League. Billy Griffiths ('35), vice president,
of history, is A newest pledge. She comes Winn Ownbey and Ellen Henry are members. Jessie Myers, and Miss Martha Jacques, our is busy with many activities. Her "blues"
from Missouri. Mary Eleanor Rodenhauser, Elizabeth H i l l former faculty adviser. voice has been heard at the Inter-Fraternity
N—Nu has moved to 13 Christopher Street, a and Winn Ownbey are Batchelor Maids. 0—Operating under a completely revised set Ball and at the League dances. Being presi-
Robin and Douglas Levine are Lotus Eaters. dent of W . A . A . in her junior year has been
smaller but better apartment than the one Mary Eleanor is president of W.S.G. and the of rushing rules at the University of quite an honor. Her duties on the business
we have occupied f o r the last two years, near Student Body Association. She is also presi- Tennessee and with only eleven old girls in staff of the University Daily paper are great.
New York University campus. W i t h new cur- dent of Women's Honor Council and a 4>BK. the chapter this year, Omicron nevertheless I n addition she has been named to Wyvern,
tains, drapes and rugs we have a cheery home Sue Lanier and Martha Roberts were made surmounted all handicaps to come through a and is a committee member of her class, a
where we shall be happy to welcome any members of #BK. Winn Ownbey was elected very successful rushing season. As proof of position which Stella Glass also holds. Ruth
AOII who is in New York during the re- recorder of the Vanderbilt Christian Associa- our prowess we pledged sixteen girls. Emogene Sonnanstine ('36) is a committee member of
mainder of the year. W e welcomed our tion. Patricia Spearman is vice president of Francisco has been chosen president of the the Sophomore Cabaret, presented by girls
pledges officially by entertaining the Dean of the Freshman Cabinet and Vivian Moore is pledges with Vivian Gies and Katherine Gas- of the sophomore class. Eleanor Heath ('35)
Women f r o m Washington Square College at secretary-treasurer of the Cabinet. On Found- ton serving as secretary and treasurer re- is in the Glee Club and Mary Alice Emmet
a tea. A t Thanksgiving time each of us en- ers' Day Nu Omicron celebrated with a buffet spectively. Delia Peet is the second Omicron has been appointed assistant chairman of
joyed the thought of knowing that we had supper at the house. daughter to attend the University and follow ushers at the League. The Outdoor Club
done our little share by donating our annual in the footsteps of her mother (Ailcy Kyle takes a share of Polly Woodward's interest
basket of food, toys and wearing apparel to 0—Having succeeded in capturing twenty-four Peet, Ex. '07). Varina Mayo is the niece of as she is vice president. Patricia Woodward
a deserving family. This year we are fore- of the choicest girls on the Miami's Laura Swift Mayo Jernagin ('11), and Vivian is on the executive board and is also a mem-
going our usual large Christmas dance f o r a Gies is the sister of Caroline ('30). Our ber of the women's rifle team. The high spot
small party to be held on December 22 at the campus, Omega prides herself in her laudable annual rushing tea was held at the home of of our activities, Founders' Day, was cele-
A K * house. On Friday afternoon, December comeback after last year's disheartening ex- Emily Handly ('35), and according to her
29, we gave a tea at the chapter apartment perience of getting so few girls. W e arc
for all Alpha O's in the city. On December proud to name the following girls as being
4 a lingerie shower was given f o r M a r j o r i e real boosters of Alpha Omicron P i : Martha
Jervis, our alumna adviser, who was married Ascham, who is in the Liberal Arts Club, a
to Frank Schell on December 16. Founders'

54 J A N I A K Y . 1934 55
Vail ('36), business staff secretaries. Work-
brated in our new house. Seventy-five T O URAGIJ ing on the Student Directory were W i n i f r e d
alumna?, actives and pledges were present. Austin ('37), Mary Eva Dyar ('35), Harriet
mules jogged along a country lane to the « J Kasket of white chrysanthemums to the presi- Church ('35), Jean Lorentz ('37), Carol Mac-
of AOII songs, spiritedly rendered bv JH dent of W. and L . T o add to the success of Neil ('36), Tessalvn Malmgren ('36), Barbara
{he week-end many alumna? returned. Among Trumbell ('37), and Elizabeth Shepherd ('37).
*—We had our open-house on October 7. Alpha O's and their "rushees." When the- \ them were Gene Wright Smith, Minna Can- Our Homecoming skit in the Frolics, a take-
Founders' Day was celebrated on Decem- ignated picnic spot was reached, a large h fc non, Mildred Kettler, Marion Bates, Ruth off on the "Big, Bad Wolf," won honorable
fire was built and a delicious supper Miles, Norma Persons, who came down mention.
ber 8. Mrs. A. J. M i x , our adviser, was a served. Our pledge list proves that tV from'New York. 2—On September 1 an informal dance was
guest. We are going to have a Christmas 'rushees" were convinced that it is eonri .
party f o r twelve poor children on December held at the chapter house in Berkeley in
14. This is a part of our social service work. honor of the new pledges. Ida Dohrman ('34)
Our formal Christmas party was December 9. A«_Psi Chapter was pleased to have Anne was in charge. On September 25 a banquet
The house was decorated beautifully with IIA—Gretchen Van Slyke is president of t k j j Nichols, Secretary, and Edith Collins, Dis- was held at the chapter house following the
snow, dark blue sky and Christmas trees. Home Economics Society, and secret^ initiation. W i n i f r e d McCargar ('34) was in
Madre Brown is the president of Panhelleni- trict Superintendent, visit the house at the charge, and Gautier Harris ('32) presided as
at the University of Kansas. Five Alpha O's of the Student Government Association University of Pennsylvania. Betty Balburnie toastmistress. Open House was held before
of Phi chapter were chosen f o r the University the University of Maryland. Evelyn B r ' u * l : s a n active leader in the Zelosophic Society the football game with University of South-
Women's Glee Club: Ruth Pyle, Lois Lip- baugh spent this summer at Columbia \W and Jean Harcum is designing costumes f o r ern California on October 28. Bobbie Day
versity in New York City in order to K» the leads in "Snowdrop" to be given by Bowl- ('35) was in charge, and luncheon was served
ing Green Dramatic Society. Edna Diehl and to over three hundred guests. An exchange
pitt, Velma Markham, Betty Brown, and Al:ce Estella Von Hagen were initiated into IIAG, dinner with X f i took place on November 6.
Wesely. Ruth Pyle is president of T 2 , busi- honorary education fraternity. Edna is also Marjorie Slaughter has just received her j u -
ness manager of W.A.A., secretary of the vice president of the Spanish Club. Estella nior appointment on the Daily Calif ornian
Women's Glee Club, secretary of AOII, a ' Govern nw o the scholarship ring given by * Chapter; and on the Women's Counselors Committee.
member of the Union Operating committee, ment Association. Martha Cannon is women'* ^sbe is also associate editor of Bennett News, Our annual fall formal was held November
a member of Quack Club, active in Y.W.C.A., editor of Reveille, the yearbook. She is soror women's weekly publication. Our Founders' 10 at the San Francisco Golf Club. Mary
she is left wing on the varsity hockey team, lty representative to Student Congress and a Day luncheon at the Christian Association Isabelle Elberg ('36) and Virginia Simpson
and was chosen as one of our campus per- member of the Junior Prom committee She brought together a large number of actives ('36) were in charge. The Mothers' Club en-
sonalities. Betty Hinshaw is president of is also on the rifle team which is headed hv and alumna? members. A ritual meeting at tertained at a bridge tea at the chapter house
2HX, vice president of Mathematics Club, Margaret Burdette. Elizabeth Quirk repre the house followed the luncheon. We are glad on November 23. Some of the girls gave a
corresponding secretary of AOII, point system sents the coeds of the sophomore class as to have our vice president, Marion Miller, fashion show during the afternoon. The pro-
manager of W.A.A., she is an active member secretary. And Elizabeth Leffel is president with us again after a long illness. ceeds of the affair are to be used to buy
of A2N, physical education fraternity; ITAO, of the Women's Athletic Association. Theda something f o r the chapter. One of the most
honorary education fraternity; TIME, honor- Wonders, a pledge of this year, was elected p__The ring awarded annually by the alumna? enjoyable affairs of the s e m e s t e r was the
ary mathematics fraternity. She is a member president of the Freshman Commission. Helen to the outstanding initiate of the year was Founders' Day banquet which took place No-
of Spanish Club. She is right wing on the McFcrran, Gretchen Van Slyke and Elizabeth vember 27 at the Claremont Country Club.
varsity hockey team. Besides she has the Quirk were all chosen as battalion sponsors^ awarded to Geraldine Fenlon ('34), who is Ruth Burckhalter ('29) was in charge, and
Carolyn M u m f o r d Winston Scholarship. Jes- at our annual Military Ball. But most of all in the hospital just now with pleurisy. "Gerry" Isabelle Jackson ('25) acted as toastmistress.
samine Jackson is president of Jay Janes, the Pi Delta is proud of its three seniors who is president of W. A . A . at Northwestern, a Twelve chapters were represented. The chap-
University women's pep organization; secre- were elected to the Women's Senior Honor member of Senior Governing Board, secretary ter has been well represented in activities on
tary and treasurer of 0 2 * , honorary journal- Society: Sarah Louise Short, Helen McFer- of IIA*, secretary of the W A A - M U show- the campus throughout the semester. Edith
ism fraternity; member of Panhellenic Coun- ran, and Margaret Burdette. A high B aver- board, a member of Education Council, presi- Musser ('34) was initiated into the Spanish
cil ; and in on the Jayhaivker staff. age and campus activities are prerequisites dent of Chapin Hall, pledge captain, on Senior Honor Society. May Layne ('34) is intra-
tor this honor. In the production of "Berke- Commission, and does personnel work, too. mural sports manager for the Woman's Ath-
ley Square," given December 6, 7 and 8, by The award was made at Founders' Day ban- letic Association, and she also represented the
the Footlight Club, four AOn's names ap- quet, before one hundred AOII's. Evalyn Gil- house in the Livingston sorority fashion show
IT—In regard to campus activities, I I chapter peared in the cast: Sarah Louise Short. Mary patrick ('35) was given honorable mention. and tea. Marion Force is a member of Treble
may well display the Blue Eagle motto Leslie Stallings, Betti Buschman, and Boone We seem to run to social functions lately. Clef, and is on the Women's Councilors and
Stapp, a pledge. Much credit is due Helen The homecoming banquet was a great success, A. S. U . C. teas committees. Jane Lovell is
"We Do Our Part." Abbie Ray, as New- Wollman, our new vice president, who engi- as was the reception in honor of Mrs. Breck- on Personnel, Women's Councilors, and Vo-
comb college's head varsity cheerleader, in- neered a very successful rush season during inridge. We have had three open houses and cational Guidance committees. Jean Cunning-
spired the sideline "rooters" to give spirited are planning a winter formal before Christ- ham ('36) is a member of Mortar Board,
support to the team of their Alma Mater. which we pledged seventeen girls. On Octo- mas. Evalyn Gilpatrick has been elected presi- and is active on the Pelican publications staff.
Glendy Culligan participated in a debate with ber 8 a tea was given to introduce our new dent or RoKuVa, sophomore women's hon- Margaret Killian ('35), Jean Kennedy ('36),
a British team from Cambridge University, housemother, Mrs. E. Y. Laughlin of Waco, orary, and is also president of Meristem, a Marion Force ('37), and Virginia Goodrich
and did not at all surprise those who know Texas. Mrs. Laughlin was formerly at Arling- new botany club. Virginia Sanders (35) is ('37) were named on the Women's Rally com-
her by making her side victorious. Halcyon ton Hall in Washington and is a friend of on Junior Commission and the social chair- mittee. Bobbie Day and Ardeth Fluharty were
Colomb occupies the coveted position of so- Mrs. Baskervill. Mrs. Baskervill had aided us man of the Commerce Club. Mildred Boehm on the Junior Day committee, while Winifred
ciety editor for Tulane's weeklv. "The Hulla- by her interest and help and comes frequently ('35) has just been initiated into Shi-Ai, and Solinsky, May Layne, and Priscilla Davis were
baloo." Among those AOII's holding college to our Tuesday meetings. Anne Nichols' visit has charge of all sororities' Christmas parties on the Senior Dance committee. The fresh-
offices are: Virginia Rembert, Athletic Coun- in September was delightful. We were so for the Settlement children. Katherme Grid- men are all active on Personnel. Patricia A p -
cil director, and Student Council and Execu- glad to have Evelyn Brucckner Hockensmith ley ('34) and Jane Hupman ('34) are treas- pleton ('37) and Jean Coughlin ('34) have
tive Committee member; Glendy Culligan, back to see us this month. Evelyn was mar- urer and program chairman, respectively, of reached the semi-finals in the intramural ten-
sophomore class secretary; and Janice Torre, ried to George Hockensmith (2N, University Alethenai literary society, into which Marjorie nis tournament.
sophomore class vice president and represen- of Maryland, '33) in August. They are now Dreyer ('36) has just been initiated. Cath-
tative f o r The Arcade, Newcomb literary living near Buffalo. Homecoming Week-end erine Lang ('35) is now Northwestern chapter T—We were hostesses at a buffet supper on
magazine. Charity work, of course, plays an was marked by two outstanding events to the president and grand treasurer of Anonian lit- pledge night and gave a dance in their
important part in the affairs of the chapter. AOII's. A t the Washington and Lee and erary society. Virginia Speirs ('34) is chair-
A "Charity Ball" for the benefit of AOII phil- Maryland game, Charlotte Hood and Helen man of Settlement Contacts f o r the Y . W . C. A. honor November 25 at the house. We owe
anthropic work will be given in the near f u - Wollman gained the distinction of being two Caryl Erikson ('36) is co-chairman of the
ture. Several other projects will be attempted of the three first coed cheer leaders at the committee making Christmas stockings for the
in the course of the year. Many colorful University of Maryland. Helen and Charlotte Settlement children. We are well represented
parties were given last "rush season." One received a great amount of publicity and spent on the Sxllabus. Mildred Boehm ('35) is plat-
of the outstanding features of a houseparty most of the time during the game posing for form editor; Judith Baird ('37), freshman
newspaper men. And then between the halves assistant; Alice Eichhorn ('35) and Elizabeth
at the beautiful Tivoli Hotel on the Missis- Sarah Louise Short marched across the field
sippi Gulf Coast was an old-fashioned moon- in front of the band and presented a large
light hayride. Two huge wagons pulled by

56 To DRAGMA J A N U A K Y , 1934 57

many thanks to Dorothy Womrath ( T ) , Dis- elected to the Y. W . C. A. freshman cabinet ntertained the deans of the university at an ing. They all have entered campus activities,
trict Superintendent, f o r her wonderful sup- We are very proud of our scholarship TC U niial Christmas formal dinner. Also lending Doris Berry and Celia Scofield being especially
port during rushing. Dorothy was present at which we won f o r having the highest average holiday atmosphere to school life was the active. Doris, a public school music major,
every function and every meeting during that of any sorority on the campus. We are work, belongs to the women's chorus, which is a
strenuous week at Minnesota. Mary Stone, ing hard and coaching our freshmen so W I Christmas dance f o r the pledges given De- very active organization. Celia has done well
Margaret Baird, Helen Huseby, Jeanette Ek- can keep the cup another year. The visit of cember 16. as a salesgirl f o r Columns, campus monthly
lund, Virginia Perkins, Mary K. Black. Elea- our District Superintendent, Mrs. R. A. Kear o g ^ O u r pledges were formally introduced magazine, is working on several Associated
nor Mulled, Esther Sethne, Vivian Murray, ney, of Mobile, was d e l i g h t f u l . The ac- Women Students' committees, and has won a
Vivian Ory, Irma Chapman, Jayne Foote, tive chapter entertained her with a luncheon to the University of Cincinnati at a dance position as usher f o r the entire A. W . S.
Francis McDonald, and Sylvia Striegl enjoyed in the sorority room on the campus. The 3 t the Cincinnati Club, December 9. A t mid- concert series through her efforts as a con-
the hospitality of Rho Chapter the week-end alumna? had her f o r dinner one night and night the pledges stepped out of a large red cert ticket salesgirl. She is the sister of Susan
of the Northwestern-Minnesota football game. a meeting afterwards. The pledges entertained rose- As each girl was introduced, she was Scofield Johanson, an Alpha O who was prom-
Francis McDonald traveled to Ann Arbor for in her honor with a buffet supper at the presented with a beautiful silver bracelet en- inent on the University of Washington cam-
the Michigan contest two weeks later. Ethyl- home of Mary Virginia Pounds. Mrs. Kear- graved with AOII and her name. When the pus a few years ago.
mae Eylar is president of W . S. G. A., a ney is most charming, and we did enjoy her jast pledge had been presented, we formed in Z—Gretchen Schrag is the first girl to have
member of Mortar Board, and AAT, medical visit. For our philanthropic work Thanksgiv- a semi-circle to sing "The Garden of A l -
technician sorority, of which Martha Morgan ing we sent a basket of canned goods and pha O." Jane Fordyce, who won the ring the position as managing editor of the
and Alta Davis are new pledges. Kappa Epsi- food to an elderly lady who is in need. We which Theta Eta annually awards to its most Conhusker, University of Nebraska yearbook.
lon claims Vivian Murray and Rowena Laska, are working on a plan now f o r the alumna* outstanding pledge, has just been elected sec- Gretchen is also president of French Club.
while Maxine Swenson and Helen Huseby and actives to work together on some phase retary of the sophomore class. Jane is also Adlyn Moeller was chosen this fall as one of
answer roll call at 112* m e e t i n g s ; Helen of relief work. We feel that this will bring a member of s o p h o m o r e forum, WigWag the most representative girls on the campus.
Huseby was chairman of a tea given by 112* the two chapters into closer contact with each Council, Household Administration Club, and There were five girls chosen out of all the
on December 7; Maxine is vice president of other. We have also planned to have the AAA, the freshman honorary scholastic fra- girls in the student body. Adlyn is a member
our chapter and corresponding secretary of alumna? play bridge once or twice a month ternity. We are well represented in Glee Club of 2A and TAX, honoraries. Allene Mumau,
IIA9. Phyllis Hawlish, president of our with the actives. P a n h e l l e n i c has already by Maxine Cooper, Martha Rhu, Gladys Rob- an Alpha O daughter, is a member of TAX,
pledges, also sounds the gavel at 2 E 2 meet- posted rules f o r midterm rushing and are all erts, Rachel Cox, Jane Fordyce, and Edith Senior Staff Member of the Conhusker, and
ings. She is a member of Gavel Club, a excited over new ideas and plans f o r rush- Boedeker. Four of our girls, Martha Rhu, is on the Panhellenic Council. Marjorie Ley,
political organization, and was recently elected ing, and more of that next time. Marie Huwe, Irma Seifferle, and D o r o t h y our president, is our other representative on
to membership on the Student Forum. I n the 6—The number of Theta women participating Sintz, are on the staff of the Cincinnatian, our the Panhellenic Council. Mildred Kirkbride is
athletic field we have "Prexy" Irma Hammer- annual. Nancy Poe (pledge) is an outstand- kept very busy with her work in the School
bacher in Trailers and in charge of W. A. A . in DePauw activities has been steadily in- ing hockey player. She was selected as a of Business Administration. She is a member
tap dancing; Eleanor Marshall is correspond- creasing. The Alpha O's rounded off last member of the first team of the University. of the Commercial Club, on the Bizad Execu-
ing secretary of W . A. A . ; Charlotte Techan year's activities with Betty Gadient making Mummers Guild, dramatic organization, has tive Board, Student Council, and is treasurer
is a member of the Physical Education Asso- Mortar Board, and Mary Jo Enochs, * B K . among its members Eloise A r c h i b a l d and of <t>X9, honorary. Three of the girls, Myra
ciation, Trailers, and W. A. A . ; Alice Eylar, Betty Gadient, our president, is vice president J e a n n e t t e Merck. J e a n n e t t e is also a Grimes, Phyllis Ridle, and Happy Kean, are
Gertrude Woldrick, and Martha Morgan are of Mortar Board, treasurer of 9 2 * , secretary- member of the Y. W. C. A. Council, as are members of the Big Sister organization. Irene
working f o r their W. A. A. awards. Cooley treasurer of Panhellenic Council, and a mem- Rachel Cox, Gladys Roberts, and Jane For- Hentzen is vice president of German Club and
Carruth, a transfer from Alpha Phi Chapter, ber of History Club. Mary Garrison Walker dyce. Jeannette is on the honor roll of Mortar collegiate member of ATA. Marjorie Seaton
Mary Stone, Virginia Perkins, Helen Claire was pledged 9 2 * . She also made the Board Board, vice president of the Junior League of is a member of the University String Quar-
Landrum, and Margaret Baird were in the of the Association of Women Students, and Women Voters, leader of WigWag Current tet, and Eleanor Pleak is secretary of TAX.
University Singers p r o d u c t i o n of "Desert she and Ruth Braeutigam are members of the Events Group, a member of the debating team, The big event of the year is the Military Ball.
Song" and sang with the Minneapolis Sym- board of the Women's Sports Association. and a junior adviser. We have been busy this There were six Alpha O's in the Grand March.
phony O r c h e s t r a at one of their Sunday af- We are represented in the Symphony Orches- fall giving a bake sale, a rummage sale, and Betty Temple served as sponsor f o r Company
ternoon "Pop" c o n c e r t s . Jayne Foote was tra as Lucille Klauser, Janette Fisher, V i r - a skating party. We hope to repeat these L. We also had a candidate up f o r Nebraska
recently appointed to a position on the edi- ginia Rossman, Martha Conn, Mary Evelyn activities next spring and thus increase our Sweetheart, Elfrieda Stauss. The sweetheart
torial staff of the Ski-U-Mah, and Eloise Martin, and Helen Morton are all members. active chapter treasury still more. is selected by the men on the campus and
Smith is secretary f o r the publication. AOII Marjorie Mclntyre is a member of the Uni- presented at the annual Kosmet Club Review.
is represented on the Minnesota Daily staff versity Choir. $21, national language frater- T—The McDonald-Skillen Cup, awarded annu- During the football season Zeta had the pleas-
by Alice Nienaber, secretary, and Margaret nity, pledged three of our girls, G e r t r u d e ally at our Founders' Day banquet to the ure o f entertaining three Alpha O sisters f r o m
Baird and Jeanette Eklund, reporters. Helen Casper, Mary G a r r i s o n Walker, and Julia Phi Chapter, who came up f o r the football
Huseby works on the Mentor, the University Chapman. Lucille Klauser made Latin Club; senior highest i n scholarship and activities, game. We enjoyed their visit very much and
education magazine, and Mildred Dudding de- Mary Evelyn Martin made German Club; and was won this year by Gladys Phillips. Gladys, hope they will come again soon. We owe a
signs the covers each month. The " U " Farm Betty Gadient made History Club, thus keep- besides having an excellent grade average as great deal to our Mothers' Club f o r the sup-
Campus sends Margaret Dodds to the Gopher ing us in evidence among the departmental a student in law, has been prominent on the port they have given us this year. They re-
editorial staff. Helen Huseby is co-chairman organizations. Janette Fisher was sent by Pan- University of Washington campus in politics cently gave us a Sunday night buffet supper.
on the radio talent campaign. You may hear hellenic as a delegate to the N . P. C. held and debate, is a Y. W . C. A. worker, a vio- A l l the girls brought their dates to the supper
some Alpha O's on a national broadcast i f in Chicago at the Palmer House. She will be linist of ability, and is president of Mortar and then afterwards we went on a treasure
Minnesota wins the contest f o r the best pro- the president of Panhellenic next year. She Board. Barbara Trask Clark was one of the hunt. A t the end of the hunt we all came
grams and talent. This contest is on in all was also elected a member o f Student Sen- guests at Homecoming dinner this year. She back to the house. The couple that arrived
the " B i g Ten" schools. We gained citywide ate. G e r t r u d e Casper and Mary Garrison had just returned from Australia and was in first and had followed the directions most
publicity this fall when we subscribed $20.00 Walker represent us in A M i l , sponsors of R. Seattle f o r a wreek as the house guest of accurately received the first prize. Everyone
to the Community Fund and another $20.00 to O. T . C. Ruth Braeutigam is in charge of Uni- Margaret Evans. News from the Beeuwkes had such a good time we decided to have
the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. versity bowling f o r the women, and Mary household is that Martha, one of the famous these suppers often during the year.
TA—The actives gave the pledges a dance on Garrison Walker is in charge of coed basket- twins, is still visiting in the East, where she
ball. Three of our girls made W . S. A., Wom- has been f o r some time. Marjorie is going to KO—Six out of our thirteen pledges made the
October 13 at Miles' Studio. I t was the en's Sports Association: Laura Mitchell, Mari- school in Vancouver, B. C , and is acting as Southwestern Players, and Mary Walton
first sorority dance of the season at Birming- beth Homer, and Virginia Berry. adviser to the chapter there. Margaret Ben-
ham-Southern, and it was a great success. edict, a graduate of last year, has been up Sohm and Betty Jane Bloompot have already
Mary Virginia Pounds was elected secretary- Founders' Day was observed with a banquet, twice from her home in Vancouver, Washing- distinguished themselves i n plays. Thus f a r
treasurer of the freshman class and also was December 8, at which we entertained all town ton. She is doing social welfare work there S. T. A . B. has brought out Ellen Canale,
alumna? and pledges. On December 19 we and loves it. Our pledges this year are lovely
girls whom we are looking forward to initiat-

58 To DRAGMA: JANUARY, 1934 59

and Pi has brought out Betty Bruce, Beverly Margaret Shaw, New York Mills, N . Y . ; Marv Tr , e - Ellen Henry, Clarksville; Virginia and Vivian Mildred Dudding, Jean Reiter, Sue Stewart, Sylvia
Boothe and Frances Portlock. Our District Marshman, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Sfoore' Old Hickory; Lillian M c L a u r i n , Natchez, Mis- Striegl, Helen Weeks, all of Minneapolis; Rowena
Superintendent, Mrs. Richard A. Kearney, vis- sissippi Patricia Spearman, Ancon, Panama Canal Laska, Rochester; Louise Casey, Ellsworth, Wiscon-
ited our chapter for two days and was tre- XA—Betty Kittle, Douglas, Wyo.; Clare Cannin ^"oflMartha Aschan, Findley, Ohio; Florence Bus- sin; Phyllis Hawlish, Brycelon; Frances Holes, Huter,
mendously admired and liked by all the girls. Denver, Colo.; Leona Pense, LaGrange, 111.; \y:i ^* . n e Lima, Ohio; Lucille Bailey, Greenville, Ohio; N. Dak.; Esther Sethney, Menominee, Mich.; Gret-
Her advice and ideas were a great inspiration Carey, Trinidad, Colo.; Lois E a r l , Casey, Iowa- r"^* Nancy Carmean, Oakland, Calif.; Mary Jane Car- chen Schaefer, Madison, Wis.
to the Chapter, and we hated to see her leave. Harris, L a Junta, Colo.; Lo Rayne Pyle, Stratt
Mrs. Kearney was here December 8 for our TA—Marion Bruce, Bessemer, Ala.; Mary Virginia
Founders' Day banquet and was one of the " e Mi Pounds, Birmingham, Ala.; Dorothy Smith, Birming-
honored guests. The banquet was under the ham, Ala.
capable direction of Mary Allie Taylor, who HA1
not only planned it but was also toastmistress. Boulder, Colo.; L a u r a Dussart, Trinidad, Colo*! 0—Virginia Berry, Chicago; Margaret Lou Mace,
The A-shaped table was beautifully decorated Cecilia McWilliams, Erie, Colo. Sheridan; Mary Evelyn Martin, Richmond; Harriet
with red roses and candles. Attractive toasts A—Jean Barker, North Andover, Mass.; Phvr c ? tr oa D unlop, Cadiz, Ohio; Caroline Dunbar, Worth- Knapp, Ft. Wayne; Martha Conn, Chrisman; Helen
were made by Sara Naill, Mary Laughlin, Brug, Lowell, Mass.; Mildred Burns, Swam pFsaCr0m*j??! ^ a n Ohio; Mary Anna Farley, Bellevue, Ohio; Burress, Gary; Ruth Locke, Taylorville; Maribeth
Beverly Boothe, Mrs. Boyce Gooch and Mrs. Mass.; Emilie Farnsworth (daughter of Frida noris Gutknecht Youngstown, Ohio; Bettie Hanson, Homer, Hartford City; Laura Mitchell, Mt. Vernon;
Richard Kearney. A f t e r the banquet, Mary Mansfield. Ohio; Ann Harris, Bellevue, Ohio; Mar- Harriet Guthrie, New Albany; Myrtha Coyte, New
Walton, a very talented dancer, entertained us worth, A), Ashland, Mass.; Dorothy Hawkins, M]>,ie^4Z 'nrie Lee Horner, Greenville, Ohio; Caroline Korb, Albany; Mary Ellen Fine, Crawfordsville; Helen
with two unique numbers. Mary Day also kill, N. Y . ; Edith C. Jensen, Worcester, Vhtabula, Ohio; Phyllis Kruzweiser, Youngstown, Morton, Gary.
added to the pleasure of the evening with her Audrey Moran, Somerville, Mass.; Elna A . Nelson!
songs. Among the Alpha O's in Memphis Winthrop, Mass.; Charlotte Newton, Worcester Ohio- Teanne Long, Convoy, Ohio; June Moore, GH—Mary Meyer, West Alexandria, Ohio; Grace
who stopped school to make their debuts were Oavton." Ohio; Pauline Newman, Portsmouth, Ohio; Cross, Susan Jane Ward, Kathleen Geraci, Fay Bun-
Ann Montedonico, Zelda O'Brien, Clara Mc- Mass.; Mary E l l e n White, West Somerville, Mass! Henrietta Perfect, Marion, Ohio; Virginia Randt, nell, Maxine Cooper, Dorcas Meyer, Mary Huwe,
Gehee and Mary Fay. They have had a lovely A*—Marguerite Andrews, Columbia, S. C . ; Shirlev Venda Tow, Martha Rhu, Mildred Link, all of Cin-
winter, being among the most outstanding and Bailey, Columbia, S. C ; Ruth Winslow Carter, Greer iVkew°od- Ohio; Mary Elizabeth Waddell, North Bal- cinnati, Ohio; Eloise Archibald; Nancy Poe, Butler,
popular of the debutantes. The Chapter gave timore, Ohio. Ky.
S. C ; Maude Lee Charles, Greenville, S. C ; EDleinzta"!
Pledgesa formal tea dance in their honor just before beth Anne David, Florence, S. C . ; Bernice 0 Dorothy Dunn, Gwendolyn Bittle, Bessie Mitchell, T—Nancy Mason, Edmonds, Wash.; Celia Grace
Columbia, S. C ; Alyne McNeill, Waterloo, S. C*S Vivian Gies, Mary Catherine Livingston, Catherine Scofield, Tacoma, Wash.; Margaret Woog, Seattle,
the Christmas holidays. Margaret Niggel, Columbia, S. C . Gaston, Varine May, Elizabeth Price, Betty Mellon, Wash.; Susan Koke, Bremerton, Wash.; Billie Jane
Emogene Francisco; Delia Peet, Knoxville; Margaret Steele, Seattle, Wash.; Helen Abramson, Seattle,
Ar—Dorothy Clithero, Seattle; Mildred Hann, E — M a r y Bull, Ithaca, N. Y . ; Virginia Goff, Ithaca. Tvman. Birmingham; Catherine Crowe, Asheville, Wash.; Doris Berry, Wenatchee, Wash.; Violet Nolan,
Enumclaw, Wash.; Frances Lowden, Walla Walla; N . Y . ; Helen Mordoff, Ithaca, N . Y . ; Ruth Lin<£ }j. C ; Ella Dudney, Collieville, Tenn.; Katherine Seattle, Wash.; Laura Bahl, Seattle, Wash.
Alice Janine Shepard, Wendell, Idaho. quist, New York City; Edith Talbott, East Aurora Badeett, Richmond, V a . ; June Bayless, Hinsdale.
N. Y . ; Margaret Kincaid, Blawnox, Penna.; Edit? Z—Dorothy fientz, Betty Paine, Marian Craig, Mar-
A*—Helen Thorpe, Glendive; Isabel Ford, Helena; Campbell, Pittsburgh, Penna.; Virginia Withers (a^ Oil Helen Broughton, Detroit; Delta Glass, New jorie Bannister, Pauline Reynolds, Helen Humphrey,
Mary Lou Bailey, Butte; Janet Ralph, Butte; Elfrida niece of Grace Morin, I ) ; Greta Moulton, East Au- York; Mary Alice Baxtel, Philadelphia, Pa.; Jean Dorothy Bose, Marguerite Kurth, all of Lincoln;
Lloyd, Butte; Alice Knowles, Hardin; Marjorie Hun- rora, N . Y . ; Virginia Lauder, Binghamton, N. yv3 Durham, Corunna; Virginia Matthews, Betty Miller, Marjorie Marsh, Omaha; Muriel Hook, Logan, Iowa;
gerford, Miles City; Marjorie McKinnon. Miles City; Mary McCaffrey (cousin of Mary Donlon), New both from Detroit; Marian Gordon, New Y o r k ; Lora Betty Peake, Omaha; Lucille Berger, Omaha; Mildred
Helen Bolton, Warm Springs; Roberta Pond, White- Hartford, N. Y . Jane Jimmerman, Edythe Forsythe, both from A n n Nuerenberger, Wakefield; Leona Shelburn, Alma;
fish; Marjorie Neil, Forsyth; Margaret Millice, Bill- Arbor. Willa Perry, Red Cloud; Arlene Vanderhook, Pickrell.
ings; Margaret Johnson, Roundup; Virginia Hansen, E A — E d n a Ogelvee, Somerset, Pa.; Billy Rhoades,
Choteau. Selinsgrove, Pa. Isabel Olsen, Kansas City, Mo.; Lois Lippitt, Initiates
Meadville, Mo.; Rachel Shetlar, Johnson, Kans.;
All—Sara Helen Smith, Lakeland, Florida; Aline H—Eleanor F . Arps, New Holstein, Wis.; Jane Vilma Markham, Topeka, Kans.; Billoween Macou- Ar—Doris Brawley ('34), Whitefish, Montana;
Day, Pensacola; Jerry Waldon, Palatka, Florida; Billyeald, Chicago; Amy Millis Chisholm, Madison, brie, Lawrence, Kans.; Jane Lewis, Kansas City, Mo.; Mary Schoesller ('36), Ritzville. Washington.
Doris Goddard, Miami, Florida; W i s . ; V e r n a Fossum, fieloit, W i s . ; Margaret Hein- jane L a Pierre, Kansas City, Mo.; Vivian Deichert,
ecke, Belleville, 111.; Florence E m i l y Hubbard, Ash- Lawrence, Kans.; Elda Mae Clevenger, Lawrence, A*—Esther Blake ('36), Grass Range, Mont.; Lois
AP—Georgena Samson, Corvallis, Ore.; Margaret land, W i s . ; Dorothy Marbeck, Madison, Wis.; Jane Kans.; Hilda Mae Bushy, Lawrence, Kans.; Imogene Eames ('36), Butte, Mont.
Bales, Corvallis, Ore.; Maxine Kirkpatrick, Astoria, Wilkinson, Madison, Wis. Beamer. Lawrence, Kans.; Alice Irene Cunningham,
Ore.; Jeanne Bauer, Corvallis, Ore.; Helen McClew, Rulo, Neb.; Margaret Schwartz, McPherson, Kans. ATI—Sylvia McAdams, Pensacola, Fla.
Eugene, Ore.; Mabel Eidson, Eugene, Ore.; Ardath T—Marie Archer, Millbridge, Me.; Anna Eliasson, AP—Beatrice Ames ('36), Portland, Ore.
Sneed, Eastside, Ore.; Mary June Wheeler, Cottage Ellsworth, Me.; Dorothy Romero, Bantor, Me. n—Beverly Colomb, Martha Lee Craft, Noelee Cur- AT—Hazel Wisch ('34), Niagara Falls, New York.
Grove, Ore. rey. Virginia Freret, Minter Mae Moran, Josephine BK—Barbara Baird ('35), Vancouver, Canada; Alice
I—Margaret E . Baker, Shelbyville; Mary Bradney, Murphy, Stella O'Connor, Elizabeth Scales, Adelaide Daniels ('35), New Westminster, B. C , Canada;
A2—Lee Chapman, Portland, Ore.; Arlita Davis, Panama Canal Zone; Dorothy Jane Brunswick, Pitts- Radebaugh, all from New Orleans; Miriam Ash, Eloise Sanderson ('34), Vancouver, Canada.
Eugene, Ore.; Dorothy Jensen, Springfield, Ore.; M. field; Ernestine Calvin, Dorothy J . Massman, and: Lexington, Miss.; Dorothy Barker, Ripon, Wisconsin; B0—Eileen Rocap, Indianapolis, Ind.
Jo Skene, Eugene, Ore.; Nan Smith, Dufur, Ore.; Alice Duval, all of Chicago; Celia B. Cook, Rantoulj Sara Douglass, Birmingham, Ala.; Rosemary Dubuis- A—Jean Ciocker ('36), East Boston, Mass.; Lois
Floy Young, Ashland, Ore. Vera F . Cook, Compton; Kathryn Graham, Tampicao; son, Opelousas, L a . ; Dora Deane Graham, Corpus Towne ('35), Wollaston, Mass.; Patricia Gavin ('35),
Evelyn Howard, Wilmette; Edith K . Lang, Park Christi, Texas; Leona North, Corpus Christi, Texas; Natick, Mass.; Ursulla Tully ('34), Fitchburg, Mass.;
AT—Helen Barbour, Canton; Jean Carle, Canton; Ridge; Louise E . Mollman, Millstadt; Doris Rothwetl, Ethel Rollins, Gulfport, Miss.; Louise Scales, Colum- Dorothy Hawkins ('36), Peekskill, New York.
Lucille Goodman, Canton; Mary Myers, Canton; Ruth Mount Pulaski; Catherine E . Van Gerpen, Hartsburg; bia, Tenn.; Lillie Thompson, Monroe, L a . ; Julia EA—Janet Beman ('36), Sunbury, Pa.; Jean Beman
Klingstedt, Canton; Marjorie Beville, Chicago; Miriam Edith K . Wilson, Argo; Dorothy Yetter, Winnetka; Wetteran, Washington Depot, Conn.; Ruth Somer- ('36), Sunbury, Pa.; Grace Bierstein ('36), Shenan-
Dorr, Snyder, N. Y . ; Marie Dray, Youngstown, Ohio; Harriet F . M c L e a n , and Beth L . Fowler, both of; ville, Cumberland, Md. doah, Pa.; Virginia Detweiler ('34), Smullton, Pa.;
Jane Gebhard, Bryan, Ohio; Jeannette Hazen, Cleve- Champaign; Eleanor Dolch, Margaret Gault, and Jean Betty Frear ('36), Montrose, Pa.; Dorothy Hull
land; Ruth Kenniston, Cleveland; Frances Longley, L . Gougler, all of Urbana. ('36), Allentown, Pa.; Dorothy Jeter ('36), Forty
Granville, Ohio; Dorothy Lea Pratt, Parkersburg, W. Fort, Pa.; Ruth Koehler, ('36), Rutherford, N. J . ;
V a . ; Nellie Reader, Swissvale, Pa.; Martha Stubble- K—Alice Allen, Memphis, Tennessee; Arline Allen IIA—Anna May Baines, East Riverdale, Md.; Mary Rugh McCoy ('36), Philadelphia, Pa.; Jane Roope
field, Rochester, N . Y . ; Dorothy Walton, Woodstock, and Mattie Todd Little, Emporia, Virginia; Elizabeth Blandford, College Park. Md.; Clare Boekhoff, Chevy ('36), Allentown, Pa.; Edna Rosenberger ('36),
Daniel, Lolita Hodges, and A n n McKinley, Birming- Chase, Md.; Katharine Hardy, University Park, Md.; Quakertown, Pa.; Edna Rubinkam ('36), Jamison,
B41—Martha Clevenger, Winchester; Louise Wil- ham, Alabama; Cora Craddock and Mary Randolph, Marjorie Higgins, Hurlock, Md.; Carol Hutchinson, Pa.; Selina Wunderlich ('36), Pottstown, Pa!
lard, LaGrange, Ind.; Marydale Cox, Gary, Ind.; Lynchburg, Virginia; Betty Anthony, Dallas, Texas; Tacoma Park, Md.; Virginia Kuhns; Eunice Miller, H—Evelyn Keck (*35), Mt. Vernon, Ind.; Mar-
Elizabeth Garber, Dunkirk, Ind.; Mary Masterson, Carol Parham, Frances Jones, and Nan Seward, Beltsville, Md.; Margaret Price. Ridgewood, N. J . ; garet Olson ('34), D e K a l b , 111.; Lois Belle M c K e e
Wabash, Ind.; Grace Thompson, Whiting, Ind.; Cathe- Petersburg, Virginia; Margaret Martin, Norfolk. Vir- Bernice Preston, Washington, I ) . C ; Boone Stapp, ('36), Savannah, Missouri.
rine Edwards, Windfall, Ind.; Mary Frances Spur- ginia; Lucy and Roberta Gordon, Mobile, Alabama; Baltimore, Md.; Virginia Terry, Washington, D. C. ; T—Dorothy Romero ('34), Bangor, Me.; Kitta
geon, Terre Haute, I n d . ; Mary Kate Steinkamp, and Emma Lou Smith, Decatur, Illinois. Flora Waldman, Washington, D. C . ; Marjorie War- Davis ('36), Mechanic Falls, Me.; jeanette Mac-
Jasper, Ind.; Alice Baylor, Speed, Ind.; Ruth Thomp- ren, Baltimore, Md.; Ella Weaver, Ellicott City, Md.; Kenzie ('36), New Haven, Conn.; Ruth Shurtleff
son, Bloomington. KG—Cecelia Butterworth, Elizabeth Cain, Darlin Helen Whitmer, Washington, D. C . ; Theda Won- ('35), Portland. Me.; Lucinda Ripley ('35), South
Dowell, Mary E l l e n Kirk, Beatrice Leahy. Jane ders, Washington, D. C . ; Paris, Me.; Shirley Hatch ('35), Shirley, Mass.
BK—Rosemary Edmond, New Westminster, B. C , Miller, Catherine Sargent, Sara Simcox, Beverley A—Virginia Blair ('34), Colorado Springs, Colo.;
Canada; Doris Knox, Vancouver, B. C. Streeter, Elsa Venn, Portia Young, Virginia Herring, *—Betty Balburnie, Philadelphia, Pa.; Betty Bold, Constance Camm ('34), Palo Alto, Calif.; Elizabeth
Dorothy Humphrey, and Beatrice Leahy, of Los Philadelphia, Pa.; Dorothy Davis, Overbrook, Pa.; Dall ('36), San Francisco, Calif.
B8—Marian Messick, Bernadeen Patrick, Elizabeth Angeles. Mary Dry, Nazareth, Pa.; Jean Harcum; Eleanor N—Margaret Louise Colson (*36), Richmond Hill,
Williamson, all of Indianapolis. Hibschman, Philadelphia, Pa.; Helen Holloway, Mer- N. Y .
KO—Gracia Allen, Betty Jane Bloompot, Beverly chantville, N. J . ; Mary Winter, Philadelphia, Pa. A—Helen Marr Merry ('35), Somerville, Mass.;
X—Virginia Atticks, Middlepoint, N. Y . ; Mary Boothe, Day Brennan, Betty Bruce, Ellen Elizabeth Martha Henderson ('36), West Roxbury, Mass.
Brodbeck, Mt. Vernon, N. Y . ; Jane Burlingham, Canale, Dorothy Ann Ferguson, Ann Grymes, Elizas P—Jane Karen Austin, Winifred Austin, both of BT—Jean Snyder ('36). Toronto, Canada; Hilda
Englewood, N. J . ; Mary Jane Hartman, St. Mary's beth Harvey, Frances Portlock, Mary Walton Sohm, Highland Park, I I I . ; Judith Baird, Edwardsville, 111.; Butler ('37), Toronto, Canada; Margaret Brace
Penna.; Veronica Kallfelz, Syracuse, N. Y . ; Lucille Ernest C- Trigg, all of Memphis; Ellie May Powell, Mary Eva Dyar, Frances Elizabeth Lindsay, Barbara ('37), Toronto, Canada; Doris Christilaw ('37), Blind
Muldoon, Willard, N. Y . ; Rose Mysliwiec, New York Helena, Arkansas. Trumbull, all of Evanston, 111.; Isabel Queen, Lake- River, Canada.
Mills, N. Y . ; Mary Pepitone, Frankfort, N. Y . ; wood, O . ; Betty Shepherd, Paris, 111.; Marion L . B*—Lela Ruth Scott ('35), Griffith, Ind.; Mary A.
A—Mary Krusor Ross, Weston, Missouri. Ehrmann, Winnetka, III.; Caryl F . Erickson, Kathryn Gray ('36), Indianapolis, Ind.; Marcella Beaber ('34),
N—Dorothy Downward, New York City; Margaret Quan, Dorothy Robins, Mary Spencer, Grace C. Tom- Fort Wayne, Ind.; Emma Martin ('34), Kokomo,
Colson, Richmond Hill, L . I . ; Marjorie Kline, chek, Dorothy Lee Wilson, all of Chicago; Jean Lo- Indiana.
Brooklyn, N. Y . ; Irene Wolinnin, New York City; rentz, Kingston, N. Y . ; Elizabeth Meacham, Jack- K—Margaret Brinkman ('36), Shreveport, L a . ;
Margaret Powelson, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J . ; Muriel sonville, Fla.; May Ruth Norton, Sedalia, Missouri. Frances Dunnington ('36), Lynchburg, Va.
Sturtevant, Rutherford, N. J . KG—Jean Bergren ('35), Beverly Hills, Calif.; De
NK— Ruth Peoples, Dallas, Tex.; Ruth D'Arlene I — M a r j o r i e Hearn, Carroll McGrath, both of San
Hogg, Dallas, Tex.; Maxine Graves, Dallas, Tex.; Francisco; Barbara Dolan, Sacramento; Betty Lay- (Continued on Page 87)
Mary Frances Scroggen, Dallas, Tex.; Carroll Berly man, Jean Cunningham, both of Berkeley; Patricia
(AOII Sister), Beaumont, Tex. Appleton, Betty Armstrong, Dorothy Davis, Marion
Force, Barbara Gale (sister of Dorothy Gale, '31),
NO—Doris Busbee, Laurel, Mississippi; Lorraine Virginia Goodrich, Doris Robinson, all of Berkeley;
Binkley, Mary Elizabeth Corley, Lela Frye, Charlotte Marjorie Slaughter, Berkeley.
Norris, Mary Pepper Wells, all from Nashville: Vir-
ginia Houze, Elizabeth Finn, both from Bowling T—Alice Eylar, Ruth Pettit, Margaret Richardson
Green, Kentucky; Margaret Dickinson, Madison, Ten- (all sisters of AO's), Betty Anderson, Maxine Beatty,


60 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1934 61
Allene Mumau was se-
lected as an outstanding Let Me Introduce
sophomore at the Univer- the State Chairmen
sity of Nebraska last year.
Eunice Force graduated from McKINNEY, A, First Vice President
Stanford University in June.
A Lambda member, she was Harriet Fish
active in her chapter and on Backus (S E x . '06)
and Harriet Anna HAVE YOU MET your State Chairman? I f
her campus. Backus (2 '29) are not, let me introduce her by her letter in the
in other- daughter following pages. Do you know why she is?
members of San Do you know what she does? Do you know
Francisco Alumna what officer she has replaced? I f not, read on.
The State or Province Chairman has re-
Allene McEachron Mu- placed the District Alumna? Superintendent. of touch with your fraternity? So this offi-
mau, Zeta, Mortar Board Her geographical field is smaller than that cer is the fraternity's method of reaching you.
and *BK, is the mother covered by the superintendent, but she is in This officer will contact you twice a year, that
of Allene Mumau, direct contact not only with alumnae chapters, you may know the latest news of your f r a -
Zeta. but also with those of you who are scattered ternity. Answer her letters with news of your-
here and there in her district. Alumna? chap- self; cooperate with her in any requests, so
ter presidents take their problems as well as that through her we may know where you are,
their joys to her. But those of you who are how you like our progress, what you want that
not affiliated with an alumna? chapter, do you progress to be, but most of all that you are
know that you far outnumber those in chap- with us.
ters and that many of you have drifted out
So again I say, "Meet the State Chairman."

(3fafe ( 2 ^ a i p^ttien

Marion Force, daughter of Alabama members in Paint and Patches ( d r a m a t i c
Min Baumann Force ( Z ) , if club), four members in Belles Lettres Literary
a freshman at the University DEAR ALABAMA A L P H A O's: Society, two members on the Y.W.C.A. cab-
of California and a member inet—one holding the treasurership—a member
Again I greet you as State Chairman of of the Freshman Commission, and treasurer
of Sigma. Alumna? f o r the state of Alabama. This year of the Freshman Class.
Min Baumann Force (Z) I hope your response to my letters will be
has an Alpha O daughter greater in number than in the previous two This year we are concentrating on our Na-
at Stanford and one at years. From your answers I am able to learn tional Philanthropic Work more than our local.
more about you and your activities and as a So f a r we have not been able to give as much
U. of C. result my letters bring you more news of the to it as we wanted to, so each member this
alumna? in your state. Again I urge you to year is donating one dollar and trying to make
Write me when you will and as often. I would as much money with this as she possibly can.
Be so happy to have another alumna? chapter A l l we have planned so f a r f o r our local work
in Alabama. is to give baskets and clothes to families at
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I am including copies of letters f r o m the
presidents of the Tau Delta and Birmingham A l l of our rushing this year was done in
Alumna? Chapters. These will give you a per- the summer, because pledging took place the
sonal message as to what the chapters are day school started. Our major parties were
doing and planning to do. a tea, two bridge parties, and a treasure hunt.
We had several small informal affairs also.
The active chapter enjoyed c e l e b r a t i n g
These are just a few lines to let you know Founders' Day with the alumna? at a Rose
how the active chapter is starting out this Banquet.
year. The outstanding thing f o r Tau Delta
is in winning the Scholarship Cup. I f we win Fraternally,
this cup two more years we get to keep it, E L I Z A B E T H S M I T H , President.
and we are really going to try to do this. We
are also proud of the activities of our girls. DEAR AOn's:
We have one member on the Co-ed Council, Of course, weddings are always the most
two members on the Athletic Council, two
exciting news—and there are always some to
tell about even in times of depression. Char-

To DRAGMA U N U A K V . 1934 63
ever. Jerelyn Haddock ( K 9 ) , who teaches art
lotte Matthews was married to Hamilton West Upthegrove, to attend the wedding of Mar- California in Chula Vista and Sweetwater High Schools,
( 2 A E , Birmingham-Southern) in the fall at garet's brother, Benjamin F . Vaughan, Jr., to is very proud because five of her pupils won
the Church of the Advent. Hamilton is Rector Margaret Armstrong. Lois Moseley ( N K ) , for- PEAR WEARERS OF T H E AOII INSIGNIA I N C A L I - prizes in the art contest at the State Fair. It
of the Episcopal Church in Moscow, Idaho. merly of the Dallas Alumnae, is now in New was the first time those schools had ever en-
We were heartbroken that Charlotte had to go Y o r k , where she is accompanist for the Coun- FORNIA : tered the contest, and they competed with
so far away. Elizabeth Crabbe and William tess Albani, radio singer, and other N. B. C. every other school in the state. Congratula-
Nelson were married just a few weeks later. artists. Frances Rand ( N K ) , a senior at s! Yes, t i " i e I o r another letter! M a y I quote tions, Jerry! B a r b a r a Q a r k ( T ) is very
Luckily for us, " E " is living in Birmingham. M. U . , was selected as one of the "types" for i | T line of my duty as directed by our C e n - prominent in the local stamp collectors' society
She is a very busy person keeping house and the S. M . U . typical girl composite picture, be- l( r a Office? " T o keep in touch with associate in S a n Diego. She has offered to make up
managing her girl scouts, too, and she still cause of her personality. (flcinbers in her area." Now, a personal con- packets of stamps suitable to give young col-
has time for anything that has to do with tact is preferable, of course, but rather imprac- lectors in packets from 50c up. She will give
AOII. Someone ran into Thelma Edmundson Beryl Madison ( K ) is teaching in a high ticably therefore, once a year I will greet you one-half of the money thus made to the S o -
Evans ( M r s . L a u r e ) down town the other day. school at Monroe, Louisiana, and her sister w i t h a letter, hoping that further response will cial Service Fund. Her address is 1626^
She has moved from Anniston to Talladega. Lessie Madison Garrett ( n ) , although kept come from you through renewed interest in Myrtle Avenue, San Diego.
She comes to Birmingham quite often to shop. busy with her two interesting children, finds alumna: groups, or an attempt on your part
Eugenia Roebuck visited Celia (Mrs. Leon time to trace ancestors just f o r the pleasure to stimulate a group near you for furthering Los Angeles Alumnae are experimenting on
Walker) in L o s Angeles this summer. She of the "study and the correspondence," she the growth and development of AOII through-
says Celia's two sons are almost grown now. says. out the recognized educational institutions of group meetings. Six are going strong. E r n a
We wonder if her friends there keep her busy the United States
singing for them as we did here. They say Dagmar Renshaw LeBreton's son, Edmond, Taylor ( A ) superintends the evening working
Esther Merrell Folsom has an adorable bun- is a successful reporter for the Item in New All of you know that Alpha Omicron P i re-
galow in Montgomery, and she and T o m are Orleans, and was elected to • P B K last spring. ceives commissions on magazine subscriptions girls under the c o l o r s — O E D O . In case you
certainly the nicest hostess and host. They Dagmar and Gladys ( n ) are the proud aunts sent in by members through the Central Office.
are always e n t e r t a i n i n g some friend from of no less important a person than little Mil- This money is used for our social service work are curious, address Erna. Beth Phelps ( Z )
Birmingham who is passing t h r o u g h Mont- dred Anne Stouse, who arrived in November. jn the Kentucky M o u n t a i n s , and even the
gomery. Montgomery has also claimed Polly Elizabeth Lyon ( I I ) was married in Novem- smallest commission helps immeasurably. Give looks after a housewife group; Elsa Older
Crim Greenhill. Lorena Norton Moore was ber to Dr. Reddock. Dagmar writes: I under- or snid your new or renewal orders to: B a r - ( A ) the contract bridge fiends! Kappa T h e t a
here with her two babies this summer. She stand Charlotte V o s s Kearney has gone to live bara T r a s k Clarke, 1626:/2 Myrtle Avenue, San
is still living in New Y o r k . A n d speaking of in Mobile. Mary Bradburn's son is recover- Diego, California; Helene Collin ( M r s . O. V . ) , bands under three: Marian Gill Medley, L i l -
New Y o r k , Blanton Sanders Parks has been ing from a serious automobile accident which Box 403, Manhattan Beach, C a l i f o r n i a ; E l e a -
here visiting her mother. She came to our last he and Ernestine McLellan's son, Leigh, were nor Austin ( M r s . H . C ) , 118 C a r r Avenue, lian Vanderloon, and Virginia Battey Daniels.
alumnae meeting and we were certainly glad in, on their way to the Georgia game. Dorothy Glendale, California.
to see her again. O f course you have all read Safford's daughter, Dorothy Barker, is a fresh- Jean Graham says : "Have you joined a group
about Felicia Metcalfe's play, "Come Easy," man at Newcomb and is an AOII pledge; so Here are bits of news which I hope will be
which was on Broadway this fall. Aren't we is Elizabeth Scales, another daughter. Soli- spicy. Olive Freuler ( 2 ) and Be Freuler C y k - or do you want to form a group of your o w n ?
all proud of her! delle Renshaw Fortier and her family have "ler ( A ) , motored to L o s Angeles in September.
moved to Ardmore, Philadelphia, Pennsylva- "Be" was placing her talented young son in Phone me, E x . 2864."
nia, after spending the summer in New O r - Black Fox Military School for his last year.
leans and part of the fall in Ridgway, Penn- Frances Stevens, youngest daughter of Reba The Kappa Theta recent graduates are not
sylvania. Lilybel Dupre Buller is spending the Bland Stevens ( A ) , has been down at Sunny
winter in Opelousas. Mary Bolton's husband, Hill Farm in Los Gatos. ( K a y Barnes Hibbs' allowing opportunities to escape them. T h e
Dr. Charles Brown, has been named head of (A) marvelous experiment in health for young
the eye, ear, and nose department of the Children.) Celeste Etcheverry ( 2 ) , District following have found many fields filled, so
Baptist Hospital. Superintendent for the past two years, was
muchly loved at Convention. H e r beauty and have turned to further study in a Commercial
M a r y Thomas Whittington ( I I ) is spending charm were appreciated by all the girls. Jane
the winter in New Orleans. Evelyn Beard ( H Graham ( Z ) is president of the L o s Angeles School: Madelene Hannon, Bijou Brinkop,
active) and Harriet White ( n pledge) spent Alumnae this year. H e r fertile brain has de-
the Thanksgiving holidays in Alexandria. Vir- vised many innovations. May Chandler Good- Jean Cook, Janet Martin, Hester Johnson, and
ginia Rembert, president of I I , is president of an's ( A ) eldest daughter, R u t h , entered Stan-
the athletic council at Newcomb. ford this fall. Nina Abbey ( I ) , a loyal mem- Beth Caldwell. Margaret Poulton Needham
iber of the newly-organized Pasadena group, is
Y o u will be grieved to learn that Maxine ;itl charge during business hours of demonstra- has joined her husband in Pensacola, Florida,
Packer Compton and Mamie Packer ( I I ) re- tions featuring the advantages of ice refriger-
W e should be more than pleased to have you cently lost their father, Dr. J . A . Packer, of ation. A t the fall meeting she gave a luncheon where her navy husband is attending the air
with us at any of our meetings. Please write A l e x a n d r i a , and Delie Bancroft ( I I ) her demonstration to the group, furnishing delec- school. Betty Johnson shows her ability by se-
or come to see us when you can. brother, Donald, of Shreveport. table foods in new and fancy dress. A s a pro-
fessional lady she is ace high. Edna Betta curing a physical education position in San
Bernie Palfrey Robertson ( K ) is building a •Ketchum has joined the P a s a d e n a group.
beautiful colonial home in Alexandria. Julia During the last few years she has been active Pedro High School.
White File ( K ) visited her father and mother iti the Sunset Magazine as a "garden consult-
GERTRUDE MOORE, President. and family in Alexandria in December. ant." She is an expert in canary-raising as Fraternally yours,
[Well. Calista W a r r e n ( E ) , although now a
A n d so until my next letter to you, Please keep me informed of any change in ^resident of B e v e r l y H i l l s , made so many L U C I L L E C U R T I S E N G L I S H , A, State Chairman.
Fraternally, address of yourself or other alumnae, and send friends over Pasadena way that she journeys
me any questions, suggestions, or criticisms clear across country to their meetings as well Eastern Canada and Foreign Countries
CORNELIA L. ROUNTREE which may occur to you in Alpha O enter- a s belonging to a L o s Angeles group. H o w
prises. I want you to help me render as effi- ;3oes your loyalty compare? Carol Shaw ( A S ) DEAR A L U M N A OF A L P H A OMICRON P I :
(Mrs. Walter B . ) , NO, cient service as Margaret L y o n Pcdrick has Was down in a fascinating mining town in
State Chairman. done as State Chairman of Alumnae the past Mexico hoping to return to sunny San Diego Once again the time comes around to send
two years. (Wealthy! Alice Heilman teaches all day at the you a letter of fraternity news and events.
Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Francis Parker Private School in San Diego, We in Toronto have resumed the meetings of
out continues to keep house as perfectly as our Alumnae Club this year with an increased
DEAR ALPHA O : Fraternally, membership. O c c a s i o n a l l y our out-of-town
members are with us for these meetings, and
Greetings and best wishes to you for a year W I L L I E W Y N N W H I T E , n, we all wish they would come more often.
full of h a p p i n e s s and—yes—prosperity, and
good works and endeavors for Alpha Omicron Province Chairman A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of a
Pi. Y o u may ask what your share of the en- visit from Dorothy Womrath, our District S u -
deavors is. I answer, first, familiarize yourself perintendent. She was kept busy on a round
with what our sorority as a whole is trying of engagements which would have affected the
to do nationally and by chapters and individ- strongest of us, but it did not ruffle Dorothy's
uals. There will follow a realization of re- pleasant manner in the slightest. She made
sponsibility of each member and, I hope, a herself thoroughly a part of us, and it was
desire to enlist in carrying forward the vari- with regret that we saw her leave for New
ous projects undertaken. York. We sincerely hope she will come soon
again to visit us.
Y o u may be interested in news of some of
the alumnae and the following items have re- A t this time we also ask you to send in your
cently come to my attention. national yearly alumnae dues of $1.50 as well
as a donation for Philanthropic work of $1.00,
Carolyn Davidson ( N K ) is making a name or more if possible. The Social Service De-
for herself as a lecturer and is popular in club partment of T h e Frontier N u r s i n g Service,
work in Dallas. Mrs. Harvie Branscomb ( M a r - which is administered entirely by Alpha Omi-
garet Vaughan) of Durham, N. C , was in cron Pi, is supported by your donations. Out
Dallas November 25th, as was also Elizabeth

64 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1934 65

Social Service Worker visits hundreds of fam- national dues and a contribution to our Na- Boulder were Alpha O's. T h e chapter reached Boulder, are now living in Salt L a k e City, and
ilies, whom she encourages to be self-support- tional Social Service Work. 5,6 finals in the Intramural Hockey T o u r n a - K a n s a s City, respectively. T h e y will be missed
ing. No matter how far away you are, you ment, and we hope they won. T h e girls spent greatly this year.
will be glad to know that you may assist in Please let me know if you change your ad- •he fiVst week in November in preparation for
this great work. It is but a small beginning of dress. the various activities connected with H o m e - Eugena Wilkinson (XA, '32) is alumna ad-
a project which will one day stretch to each coming, which many alumnae attended. viser to the chapter this year.
frontier on the continent. T h e Social Service Fraternally,
Committee has carefully p r e p a r e d a budget Those alumnae familiar with the conditions I shall be glad to be of any assistance to any
which must be met if they are to carry out K A T H L E E N C U M M I N G , BK, 0 n the University of Colorado campus feel group who wish to organize alumnae groups.
their plans effectively, and we all must do our rtiat the chapter is doing well—and have faith I sincerely hope that Arizona will soon have a
part to make their work a success. Province Chairman in the ultimate outcome. chapter.

Fraternally, Chairman. Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Dorothy Gannon ( Z ) , president of the Den- If any alumna has suggestions for alumnae
J E S S I E I . G R A N T , B T , Province Mexico, Utah ver chapter, came back from convention teem- work and contacts, I should be very pleased to
ing with enthusiasm. Soon after convention, receive them. Let me hear from any of you.
DEAR ALUMNA : she had the opportunity to talk with K a t h r y n
Bremer Matson, who told her that Chi Delta Fraternally,
Alumnae contact, the printing of a cook book, had advanced as rapidly as any of the chapters
and news about Chi D e l t a and the Denver of Alpha O , and more rapidly than many. M A R Y VIRGINIA W E L L S , XA,
Alumnae chapters—these are a v a r i e t y of
Western Canada things for one letter to contain. The alumnae chapter is planning many things Province Chairman.
for the year. F i r s t of all, Dorothy Gannon in-
DEAR ALPHA O A L U M N A : First, I will dwell on obvious truths. The spired us all, so that almost every member mo- Florida, Georgia, North and South
chapters in the Colorado-New Mexico-Utah- tored to Boulder to attend at least one of the Carolina
Another fraternity year has begun and an- Arizona province are faced with a decided dis- rush week parties. Some of the grads, Eliza-
other letter from your province chairman of advantage in the fact that Alpha Omicron Pi beth Lamont, Louise Carter, Ruth Thompson DEAR ALPHA O:
alumnae is due. There are still many of you is comparatively unknown in this particular (all X A ) , and Ruth Dunn Coburn ( * ) spent
whom I know only by name. Won't you who section of the country. T h i s statement may be the entire week there. Another year has passed since I last wrote
are still strangers to me drop me a line, so we distasteful to some of our members, but the to all of you and such a lot has happened.
can all become acquainted? fact is undeniable. Until Chi Delta chapter The next big enterprise on the chapter slate T h e first big event in this section of the coun-
was established at the University of Colorado ;|s the editing of an Alpha Omicron P i cook try was the installation of the Atlanta Alumnae
A few of us alumnae in Vancouver were for- in 1927 few Colorado college students knew book. T h e book w i l l contain r e c i p e s from Chapter last February. Then Convention and
tunate in having a few hours with Mrs. Verne that such a fraternity existed. every active and alumnae chapter, and will be last, but not least, our new active chapter at
McKinney and Mrs. Celeste Etcheverry when attractively printed and bound. I f you have the University of South Carolina. I think I
they passed through Vancouver on their way Hasty growth does not lend stability. Our some favorite recipes, send them in. Address can truthfully say it's all been fun. I n my re-
from Convention in July. growth here, therefore, must be slow and over ;Dorothy Gannon, 1301 Sherman, Denver. I f ports I find that there are enough girls in M i -
a period of years. E v e r y alumna in the dis- you can sell any copies of the book in advance, ami and Jacksonville to organize alumnae chap-
Last winter we organized a local alumnae trict, can, if she will, help in the growth of her try. T h e price will not be more than $1.00. ters there, so w h y not get together and let's
chapter in Vancouver. W e started with thir- fraternity, if it is only by advertising it and The proceeds will be used to help C h i Delta, have more chapters in this district? I'll be
teen members and our number has now in- making it known. Each alumna can acquaint and to aid the Social Service W o r k . glad to help—just write me for any informa-
creased to twenty. W e have been able to help the eligible high school girls in her town with tion and let's see if by next year we can have
the Beta Kappa Chapter at the University of the fact that Alpha O exists. She can strive The alumnae chapter is again contributing two more chapters.
British Columbia by making gowns, helping to establish alumnae chapters wherever possi- articles of wearing a p p a r e l to the Denver
with rushing, and taking over the plans for the ble. Needlework Guild. The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter is working
Founders' Day banquet. We work in conjunc- with the problems of putting in an active chap-
tion with the active chapter in their local phil- A group of Alpha O's in Phoenix are inter- Denver alumnae chapter is not static, for ter at the University of Georgia. I'm sure
anthropic work and last winter held a com- ested in establishing an alumnae chapter there, some twenty-two members are now in regular we'd all like to have one there. I f you'd like
bined meeting of actives and alumnae once a and M r s . H . S. North, 1133 Willetta, West, attendance at the monthly meetings. Among to offer any suggestions either for or against
month for this purpose. This year we are Phoenix, has already corresponded with na- the new members who have come to Denver this, please let us know.
holding a bridge in the Hotel Vancouver to tional. I am very pleased to hear of the plan, during the summer are Ruth Dunn Coburn
augment our funds for philanthropic work. and Denver alumna? chapter will encourage (*, '33), Florence Miller Lynch (XA, E x , '33), Our National Philanthropic W o r k is pro-
and aid the founding in any way possible. Elizabeth Lamont (XA, '33), Ruth Thompson gressing splendidly for a first venture during
Marjorie Beeuwkes ( T ) , who is taking post (XA, '32), Frances Raynolds (XA, '31), Louise these hard times. It is hoped the budget for
graduate work at the University this year, is There are now only two chapters in this dis- Carter (XA, '33), Katherine Montgomery (XA, the year 1933-34 can be entirely raised by do-
doing a great deal to strengthen both the ac- trict—Chi Delta, at Boulder, and the Denver '33). L y d i a Weber ( A T , '31) has returned to nations from the active and alumnae chapters
tive and alumnae chapters here. W e appreciate alumna? chapter. Chi Delta is undergoing a Denver, where she is doing p h y s i o t h e r a p y and the associate m e m b e r s . Many alumna
very much the time and work "Ditto" is giving period of hard struggle. T h e last chapter to work at Fitzsimmons General Hospital, the chapters responded last year with large boxes
us. be established on a campus where sororities largest government hospital, and is again do- of very good clothing, others sent money for
had existed for more than 50 years, the chap- ing active sorority work. Nell Scott (XA, '26), shoes, and one chapter "adopted" a boy. T h i s
Grace Parkinson ( B K '33), winner of the ter has never known a moment when it could librarian in the Technical department of the year the "Clothesline" C o m m i t t e e is asking
Governor General's medal for the leading stu- falter. N o w that fewer girls have the money Denver Public library, is also finding time for every Alpha O to d o n a t e something, even
dent in the graduating class, also of the French for sororities, the task is doubly hard. active chapter participation. though the contribution may be small. Stock-
Government scholarship, is taking post grad- I Margaret Drennon ( # ) is studying voice in ings, dresses, underwear, coats, suits, in fact,
uate work at the S o r b o n n e in Paris. Mrs. Ivalo Laughery, senior, who for two years Denver. Frances Kimsey ( X A ) is doing sec- anything that is neat and clean and mended,
George Hopping (LaVelle Yantis, AP '25) has was a member of X i chapter, is attending retarial work. Audrey Lamont Gregg (XA) and woolen if possible, will be most acceptable.
left Vancouver to live in Vernon, where her school in Boulder, and was elected president has a baby son, born in October. Our Kentucky children are depending on you.
husband has been transferred. Helen Crosby at the end of rush week. T h e results of rush
( B T ) has returned from Toronto and is living week pledging were not very favorable, but E v e l y n V a n H o r n ( A ) was married to A r - Fraternally,
at her home in Vancouver. Verna Bolton ( B T four girls have been pledged since then. T h e thur Nelson on September 12 in a lovely cere-
'31) is teaching at the Preventorium in V a n - girls have a long and promising rush list. mony at St. Thomas's Episcopal Church. Dor- ELIZABETH MACQUISTON NICHOLS
couver. Morea Bowles, Alice Davidson, Mar- othy Gannon, L a Verne Wright ( Z ) , Frances
garet Hubbs, and Gladys Frost (all B K '33) The girls are taking part in activities—al- Raynolds, Frances Kimsey, and Ruth Evers- ( M R S . J O H N M . ) , N K , Province
are taking Education at the University. E v a ways a help to any chapter. Alice Wolter, man ( I ) assisted at the reception. Evelyn is Chairman.
Heath, Flora White, Connie J o h n s o n , and senior, was voted "Miss Cooperation" at the making her home in Denver. Violette Ward
Edith Bickford are taking a business course. annual Associated W o m e n Student banquet Sorensen (XA, '29) and Vivian Gingles (XA, Illinois
held recently. JoAnne Abercrombie, freshman, '32), two of the mainstays of the chapter in
Please send me all your personal news items, was a member of the cast for the Homecom- DEAR A L U M N A :
so that we can make this part of the letter a ing Day play November 4.
"get acquainted column." First, greetings and salutations and all such
Seven of nine models appearing in a recent things to my new "constituents," both those I
In reply to this letter I should like to see a fashion style show at the Curran theater in know and those I haven't met but want to
one hundred per cent response to our plea for soon.

F i r s t I want to ask you a question and then

66 To DRAGMA JANUARY, 1934 67

I want you to answer the question for your- ing us that whether we can pay dues or not Gretchen Van Slyke, Pi Delta, is spon- Helen Leon, Omega, is house chairman
self. A r e you proud of the fact that you are we'll still find our friends there. sor of Company A of R. O. T. C, of Oxford College, a freshmen dormi-
a member of Alpha Omicron P i ? A r e you? president of the Home Economics Club tory. She has a scholarship at Oxford
T h e Central Group, by the very nature 0 f and secretary of the S. G. A., Univer- College for Women at Miami
Somehow or other, without our quite know- itself, serves a different purpose and an incen University.
ing how it has come about, the big things in live peculiar to itself. I t originated and it has sity of Maryland.
life we've always thought of as stable have continued as a group composed almost entirely
gone awry. W e haven't enduring faiths any of Alpha O's who are working in Chicago Betty Gadient, Theta, is vice president Joan Barnettc, Omicron Pi, is woman's
more, we can't believe in chivalry and honor That means that it is partly a transient groun of Mortar Board, treasurer of 8Z4> and
and capitalism and the vision of our fathers. as its members marry or move away or both* secretary-treasurer of Panhellenic editor of the Michigan Yearbook and
Shibboleths and words and jingoism won't It means that the girl just out of college or the is active in H'yi'ein, junior women's
carry us through. A n d yet we're all crying girl who has been out of college a long while Council. honorary.
out for something we can believe in. W e but still finds her interests centered in com-
want the feel and assurance of something that mercial life, will find in the meetings of the
is solid and unchanging and indubitably good. Central Group a stimulus to thought, a forum
of discussion of those things in which she is
A n d so w e turn our eyes back to the sim- vitally concerned, a warmth of friendship i n
ple things, fundamentals, small beauties. I f the sharing of problems and solutions achieved
we cling to those we shall be able to hold on. together. During the coming year the Central
A s we share our hopes and failures we gain Group looks f o r w a r d to growth on a new
courage and strength, for we need the help basis. Perhaps out of the evenings of discus-
of those who believe in us, whose goals are sion and mental furrowing will come the pres-
the same as ours. age of what alumna? group membership can
mean in the future. E a c h member of the
Thus we find ourselves meeting in groups, group has her fingertips on a different phase
some large and same small. The size doesn't of the turbulent spots in American life. She
matter. It's the pooling and sharing of inter- may be a designer for the Gossard Company
ests and plans and achievements that keep us or an investment counsel on LaSalle Street, or
together. A n d just as we are homogeneous a personnel worker, or secretary or artist's
in individual groups, so are the groups all wife. But she has something to give as well as
strengthened by their oneness of purpose in the something to find.
whole of Alpha Omicron Pi. We aren't held
together by duty or habit; we come together T h e South Shore Alumnae Chapter in Chi-
and stay together because we have something cago is busy about its well-established plans
fine to w o r k for in which w e believe a n d be- for work and play. V e r y happy, they are, to
cause we know that friendship is still one of have Janet Weissmiller back again after her
the fundamentals we can't do without. accident and prolonged convalescence in the
east. T h i s chapter w o r k s diligently for the
Well . . . what of the groups in Illinois? Frontier Nursing Service. I f you live any-
There have been experiments and change, where near the south side of Chicago, plan to
there have been some steps retraced and much attend their meetings.
growth. Such decided growth, in fact, that if
you haven't been out to a meeting within the T w o active chapters in Illinois give us am-
last few years, as so many of us haven't, you'll ple outlet for enthusiasm, pride and help in
be astonished at the changes in atmosphere and that direction. Both Rho and Iota are singu-
purpose. I know how easy it is to slip out of larly alike in achievements and goals, but suf-
the habit of attending alumnae m e e t i n g s . I ficiently dissimilar to make the contrast stim*.J
slipped out, and then got pulled back almost ulating. Catherine McCord, president of Iota,
by the hair of my head. A n d I've stayed to sent me a prideful outline of their activities,
watch and wonder and applaud an organization past and present. They do things at Illinois,
and a group that has undeniably answered the you know! Mortar Board members, Woman's
question, is it worthwhile? Editor of the Daily Illini, scores of members
in honorary societies, and new cups all the
The three component parts of the Chicago time for the pledges to keep shiny. They
Alumna? Chapter are busy in their several have been able to s p e n d a g o o d l y sum of
ways. I didn't have a report from Lola Burk- money on refurnishings for their lovely house,
hardt, chairman of the VVest Side Group, but I twenty-three new pledges, and a wide hospital-
know that they are very happy in the new ity for everyone who knocks on their front
plans whereby they report direct to the Central door. I know! Y o u should have seen the tea
Office. Many of them came into Chicago the they held for Mary Dee and me last week,
night we met Pinckney Glantzberg and Anne where we had an opportunity to meet a num-
Nichols and Wilma Leland after Panhellenic ber of those very good friends of the Iota
Congress had adjourned. girls, their local alumnae.

T h e North Side Group has shown the great- Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Association is
est a d v a n c e in n u m b e r of m e m b e r s and composed of a group of 24 members, at pres-
planned meetings. Each month brings a dif- ent ; a few of these are not very active this
ferent sort of program, from travel talks to fall, due to new arrivals in the family, and!,
musicales and teas for the a c t i v e s . When other good excuses!
Mary Breckinridge was in Chicago in October
a reception—oh, a very g o r g e o u s reception, Officers of the organization are elected in
with orchids and beautiful gowns and Deans June, annually, at the luncheon meeting at U r -
and their wives—was held at the chapter house bana Golf and County Club. F o r this year,
in Evanston. Gretchen Baarsch, chairman of the slate is as follows: President, Peggy Ebert
the group, sends a cordial invitation to every-
one roundabout to attend the meetings, assur-

(vS To DRAGMA T A N I J A K Y . 1934 69

(Mrs. F . E . ) ; vice president, Mary Tehon good things in store for you. Won't each of K n l l be sorry to hear of the death of M r s . burden to a few instead of each realizing our
you spend a little extra effort to make this Eleanor Chase in June in Hawaii. Mrs. Chase own responsibility. We, here in the West, lit-
(Mrs. Leo R.) ; secretary-treasurer, H e l e n year a most successful one for Alpha O ? « a s the much beloved house mother at Beta tle understand the needs of those in the K e n -
Wilson ( M r s . Douglas) ; alumna adviser to phi for many years. tucky Mountains. True, at the present, our lo-
I f you live in Indianapolis, F o r t \\";iyne, or cal needs for charity may be calling us, but
Iota, Agnes C. King; and Reporter-Historian Bloomington and are not affiliated with one of I appreciate very much the fine response I those conditions are only temporary, while the
these chapters go to the next meeting and be- have had f r o m active and alumnae chapters. I conditions in the district where we have chosen
to T o D R A G M A , Helen Wilson. come a member. E a c h group has a fine pro- should like to hear from each of you, too, to give our national aid have been most de-
gram of work and play outlined for this year about yourself, your family, and your AOII plorable and will continue to be until these
There is no meeting in August, but all other It's loads of fun to belong to an alumna* chap! friends. Especially would I appreciate hearing people can be taught the better way to live.-
ter. Just try it! These chapters extend an from some of you in Kentucky. I f every AOLT mother could read the reports
months are active ones. The meetings are invitation to those of you who live near to be- of Bland Morrow or Mrs. Mary Breckinridge,
come a non-resident member of the chapter Do you know that: I am sure we would find a little from our a l -
held on the second Monday of the month, be- you are nearest. Surely you will be able to at- Frances Messick ( B 9 ) belongs to Chimes, lowance or at least some outgrown clothes to
tend some of the meetings. Before long w e junior honorary? send to these little children who are really in
ginnning with September, through July. Every hope to have alumna? groups o r g a n i z e d in Margaret Kyle ( 9 ) was elected secretary of need. Hazel S. Pearson of Sioux City, Iowa,
Louisville, Kentucky, Greencastle and Terre the sophomore class? sent me a most interesting article from a local
other meeting is a dinner meeting, except such Haute, Indiana. K a t h r y n Pfau, Louisville paper telling of Mrs. Breckinridge's visit and
Mrs. Harold Ross, Greencastle, and Kathryn Betty Gadient ( 0 ) is a member of Mortar talk in S i o u x City. B o t h she and E d i t h
months as contain an annual date, such as, No- M c F a l l , T e r r e Haute, have been appointed to Board, treasurer of 9 2 * and secretary-treas- Phenecie ( * ) attended the dinner just to hear
help get members together in these cities. Get urer of Panhellenic Council? the speech, and Hazel says, "She gave one of
vember : A n n u a l T e a for F r e s h m e n ;• Decem- in touch with one of them very soon and help the finest talks I have heard, and from later
to form an alumna? chapter. Gertrude Casper, Mary Walker, and Julia comments, it seems to have struck everyone
ber: Formal Dinner, honoring Founders' Day, Chapman ( 9 ) made 4*21, romance language the same way. It gave us an unusually proud
Mary Gertrude Manley Marbaugh, president honorary? feeling to hear her mention AOII in connection
at the Chapter H o u s e ; M a y : Annual luncheon of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, reports with her work."
that they held a meeting during the summer Mary Walker ( 9 ) is woman sports editor of
for g r a d u a t i n g S e n i o r s at Southern T e a and heard reports of convention. An interest- The Depauzv and made 9 2 * (honorary j o u r - I had hoped that at least one city in our dis-
ing September meeting was held with good at- nalistic) ? trict would be granted an alumnae charter at
Room; and the a n n u a l June Luncheon, for tendance and a unique social hour. In Octo- Convention this year, but not one from our
ber, a talk w a s given on South America by a Anna K . Greenawalt ( B * ) made Pleiades, States even filed application. Let's have sev-
election of officers, at the U r b a n a Country man from the T r a v e l B u r e a u . Games of social honorary, and is on W . A. A. board? eral already formed by next year. Des Moines
bridge are often enjoyed after the business and Ames, Cedar Rapids, Sioux City, Norfolk,
Club, and the annual Picnic in July. meeting. A bridge tournament held during the Marcella Beeber ( B * ) is a * X 9 ? Southwestern Nebraska, and those living in
winter is one means of making money. Dues Mary Sullivan, president of Beta Phi, is a the Southeastern section, too. A f t e r we are
There are two Standing Committees named have been lowered for this year. Besides their new member of ON, home economics honor- away f r o m school, we are inclined to relax
money quota to the Social Service Work, they ary? our interest in the fraternity, and I believe by
by the president: Finance and Publicity. T h e plan to send clothing, toys, and books to Ken- alumnae organizations or just a group meeting
tucky. Yetive Brown ( B * ) is a 9 2 * ? in different localities will stimulate new en-
Finance committee meets early in the fall, and Selma Drabing ( B * ) is treasurer of the thusiasm and will do wonders for ourselves
Fort Wayne Alumnae meet the second Mon- junior class and is on the Arbutus staff? and the fraternity. Every one of us has several
soon presents two or three workable plans to day evening of each month. A business ses- Elizabeth Garber, B * freshman, made Taps, future AOLTs in view, no doubt, and if they
sion is followed by bridge. Money for Na- dramatic honorary? realize how strong our group is, they will be
the Association, to be carried out during the tional Philanthropic Work is taken from their Alice Lee Ward ( B * ) r e t u r n e d in June more apt to come our way. T h e g r o u p of
treasury. T h e y give b a s k e t s of food and from a six months' trip to E u r o p e ? She is Alpha O's that went out last year are an ex-
year to supplement the dues in the T r e a s u r y clothes to local families who are in distress. teaching in Fort Wayne. ceptionally fine class; let's get together with
some of them living near, and they will "pep"
(which are only a dollar per member). Reports of Convention were given at a meet- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Whitlock came all the us up and we can start making interested
ing of the Bloomington Alumnae Chapter in way from Washington, D . G , to Bloomington alumnae of them. Gladys S h a r r a r Pollock of
Last year money was earned by means of a September. Bloomington has a group of twen- to have Douglas, J r . , christened at the Episco- Stanton and Hazel Pearson, 3706 5th Avenue,
ty very active members who meet the second pal Church where they were married? Sioux City, have both written that they were
large Benefit Bridge, for members and hus- Wednesday night of the month at each others' very interested in organizations. Edna Waite
homes. A t the October meeting it was decided Mary Alice Burch ( B 9 ) and Janette Fisher at McCook is most enthusiastic. Won't some-
bands; "White E l e p h a n t Sales," after each that each hostess would contribute one dol- ( 9 ) attended the National Panhellenic Con- one living in other places mentioned or addi-
lar to National Philanthropic Work instead of gress in Chicago as representatives of their re- tional towns take it upon h e r s e l f to get a
meeting, which afforded much amusement and giving bridge prizes at the parties following spective Panhellenics? group together? I ' l l be glad to furnish names
the business meeting. Beta P h i freshmen were and addresses. I'd like all the AOII's living in
a little revenue; and a large Rummage Sale, entertained at a wiener roast in October at the Don't forget to boost for AOII every day in Southeastern Nebraska to come to Tecumseh
home of Mary K Lockridge. every way. sometime soon for a luncheon. Are you in-
which was especially successful. This money terested? Just the reminiscing that could be
Good word has come to my ears about Beta Fraternally, done in two or three hours would be worth a
helped the active chapter (new draperies, up- Theta Chapter. Many people have commented trip of fifty miles.
holstering of furniture, new telephone stand on the fine type of girl in this group. HANNAH BLAIR NEAL (MRS. HERSCHEL) B*.
The Omaha Alumnas Chapter, which is one
and chair for the chaperone, et cetera). T h i s T h e t a Chapter pledged fourteen girls this State Chairman. of the most progressive ones we have, has sim-
fall. T h i s chapter feeds a girl every day and plified their monthly luncheon menu and asso-
group also contributed to Charity: furnished a gives food to a family daily. T h e y expect to Iowa and Nebraska ciate members, whether in or out of the City,
send a box of clothing to Kentucky at Christ- who cannot attend regularly, may pay but a
Free Luncheon for children of Central School, mas time. Twelve girls from Mansfield Hall, GREETINGS TO A L L IOWA AND N E B R A S K A AOn's: small sum and then only when they are pres
which burned recently, are living at the AOII ent.
where Marion Kenny teaches Home Econom- house. Zeta Chapter was very well represented at
Convention held at Arlington Hall, Virginia, in
ics, and p l a n n e d the menu and work, and Beta Phi pledged t h i r t e e n girls this year. June. Those attending were Dorothy Gannon,
Lorene Hendricks, Edith Lansing, Marjorie
bought milk and crackers for undernourished Girls in this group are very active on the cam- Ley, Irene Smith, Janet Weissmiller, LaVerne
and Mildred Wright. I t was a wonderful con-
school children, through the local Milk Fund, pus. E a c h girl will contribute personally to vention ; true southern hospitality was shown
every minute. One of the outstanding features
paying a certain amount, monthly. National Work this year. Beta Phi alumn* was that all four of our Founders were pres-
B y the January meeting, each member is to ent ; another event never to be forgotten was
a short visit and talk given by the First Lady
have earned at least one dollar, for the Fund, of the L a n d , M r s . Franklin Roosevelt.

and is to report on the method used, at that I wonder just how many of us realize the
importance of our N a t i o n a l Social Service
time. ( M a n y rumors have come to my ears Work. I'm afraid that we are leaving the

of girls who are shining their husbands' shoes,

to help earn it; baking cakes and selling them;

selling Polishing Cloths to acquaintances; and

other interesting ways.)

A t Rho the matter of chief concern to every-

one in the chapter is scholarship. Twenty-one

pledges, and no lack of ability in any direction.

A chapter to be proud of, whether yours by

initiation or adoption. We are more than for-

tunate in this state of Illinois.

T h e first news letter of this biennium ends

as it began with best wishes and more saluta-

tions. I've fallen heir to an office that has

been tried and found worthwhile. It is no

good to me as an individual; it is of value to

you only as you use it.
What will the coming year mean to us all?

Ever sincerely,

D O R O T H Y D U N - C A N , P , State Chairman.

Indiana and Kentucky



A s state chairman I send you heartiest greet-
ings and hope that this year may have many

70 T O DRAGMA JANUARY, 1934 71
Well, now for some news. I've certainly Office informs me there are enough AOIT's in
bridge. B i r t h s : Mary Margaret to Mildred and five pounds, but best of all—Alpha O and Lawrence to form an alumnae chapter. T h a t
"scoured" both states for everything I could Sweet Gunnarson, Jul}' 25th, Sargent; a daurfi ro U sisters! is splendid. Won't someone drop me a line,
get and am indeed deeply indebted to many of ter to Ruth A n n e R h a m e y Witt, March'29th and we can arrange a meeting and form your
you for your splendid response. T h e P. E . O. at L i n c o l n ; T h o m a s J . E l l i s to M a r g a r p ^ Speaking of college, I want you all to know organization. Florence Searcy answered my
Convention in Lincoln this last spring attracted O ' B r i e n Ellis, September 17th, at Omaha- what a successful rush week P h i had. I t was inquiry in Phi Alumnae Notes in our last T o
several Alpha O's. Among them were Bernice daughter, Susan, to Frances Hooper Brown a wonderful time this year for us local alum- D R A G M A for information about the addresses
Simmons Freas, Lou Chase Schultz, and Mary at Holdrege; a daughter to Helen Betz Kratre jjg.; it seemed more like a reunion; over of several lost Alpha O's. T h a n k you, F l o r -
Davis Nuss. Ethel Chase Hollinger of Long in June at Sioux City. O u r sympathy goes to twenty-five alumnae were back. T h e actives ence, for your promptness and information.
Beach visited in Stanton this summer; she was Dorothy Crouse, who lost her father. Were glad to have us, since the active group I would love to have personal letters from
the incentive for several social affairs. Among js rather limited this year. It certainly was St. Louis girls and hear about their plans.
them a luncheon given by Win Moran Shaw at And now for some news of the active chap, a big thrill to be needed again in the "fall Kansas City Alumnae Chapter has grown a
Norfolk and a P. E . O. party. Gin Smith vis- ter: I wish every one of you could have been rush." Twelve desirable girls were pledged great deal. W e welcome Edith Adams M c -
ited in Sargent this summer, she is living in at the house during rush week. The Lincoln jnd prospects for future pledges quite prom- Pheren and her husband and baby boy into
Los Angeles. Edith Siminek Greer is Secre- Alumnae assisted and several of the loyal ising- T h e actives are most congenial and our group. Also Leah Mae Kimmel Coburn,
tary for the Humboldt Building and Loan A s - younger alumnae from our state were back. attractive, and they welcome all former Alpha who is our newest bride. T h e return of Myr-
sociation. W e notice by the paper that Maude T h e r e weren't nearly as many rushees this O's to return, if only for a short visit. H a v - tle Webber Brown adds charm and fun to
Pierce Logan's husband has been made Gener- year, and the girls had to rush hard for every ing gone back once to see the house and our meetings. M a r y House is teaching in W e l -
al Manager of the Peoria L i f e Insurance Com- one they got. O n e of the first "spikes" of the having met Mother Landis, Eleanor Massman, born, Kansas, and living with Helen Tatum
pany with offices in Omaha. Grace Roper summer was Pauline Reynolds, as charming house president, and the other girls, you will, Huyck. Sarah Rogers ( H ) is home, having
Stone is an officer of and very active in the a girl as her mother. Another pledge is Cor- want to drop in every time you are in L a w - finished at Madison, and we hope to know
League for the H a r d of Hearing in Lincoln. ns Peake, daughter of Corris Damon Peake rence Isn't it marvelous to have two real her better and enjoy her friendship. Vivian
After Convention M i l d r e d and L a V e r n e of Clear W a t e r , Zeta's first president. homes of your own? D o take advantage of Gingles Stone ( X A ) has married and is liv-
Wright and Dorothy Gannon took an extended this wonderful opportunity Alpha O has given ing here.
motor trip through the South and East. E u - And here is where the girls who graduated you. L e t us not mar these college memories
nice Gaskil Miller and her husband were here or didn't return to school a r e : Jane C a r r at- 0 f lose sight of those wonderful days by fail- Isn't it nice to hear about AOLT's you haven't
from Valhalla, N. Y . , this summer. Ruby tending Lincoln School of Commerce; Ethel ing to maintain close contact with our sorority heard from for some time? W e want to know
Hagen, Zeta Baird, Leola McKce, Florence Chittick, teaching in Stuart; Leah Ruth Cor- by becoming inactive alumnae. H o w you dis- what you are doing and where you are liv-
Harms, and Lucille Mauck belong to the new nelius, attending Penn Normal; Harriet Cra- liked inactivity when in college! Let us stay ing. Let's make my next letter a newsy one.
club at Aquilla Court. Ruby takes part in the ven, teaching at H o m e r ; D o r o t h y Crouse young with our sorority. Let us keep our This letter is my contribution; the next one
radio broadcasts. Pauline Hartnett took a Seward; Evelyn Hoars, E m e r s o n ; Lucille youthful outlook by working for the growth will be yours. A postcard will do, if you are
cruise on the Great L a k e s after seeing the Hendricks, father's secretary, Wahoo; Lucille and the success of A O I T . W e have splendid terribly rushed. Remember, I have a list of
W o r l d F a i r . She is assistant to Dean Senter Hitchcock, teaching at Dunbar; Miriam Huse, new national officers—but after all they can the alumnae in these states, and I shall check
at Omaha Central High. Among the wel- reporter for W a y n e Herald; Sylvia Kotouc only guide and direct our growth—we, the off your name as your letter is received. L e t
comed visitors in Lincoln this summer were Humboldt; Margaret M c D o n o u g h , Crestonj alumnae, are the real builders. us have a perfect score. It's up to you, Alpha
Gladys Rice Clark, Geraldine Heikes Sloan, Iowa; Lola Reckner, Creston, Iowa; Cath- O's!
Frances King Wiegel, and M a r g a r e t Long erine Stutz, Roanoke, V a . ; Margaret Upson, I am appealing to each of you as Alpha O's
Lumley and Wihna Jean, her daughter. teaching at Wymore. to want to have your part in our national
growth. T w o years ago at C o n v e n t i o n at
Gretchen Schraag is business manager for Troutdale-in-the-Pines a national philanthropic Fraternally,
the Cornhusker, and Allene Mumau is an as- project was undertaken. A t the convention
sistant editor. This year's Mortar Board, L u - this year everyone was enthusiastic about our BERNEICE PETERSEN,
cille Hitchcock, didn't return to school. social service work in the Kentucky mountains.
Dorothy Gannon is president of the Denver We have made a small start. W e see so many Province Chairman.
Alumnae and Janet Weissmiller of the Chicago results in this short time that we can vision
South Shore Group. Winifred Waters, who I know I've left out many interesting bits a marvelous d e v e l o p m e n t in this field. T o Maine
teaches in Indianapolis, spent part of her va- about you and yours that everyone would en- carry on as we should, and as all alumnae
cation with Edna Waite in Estes Park. Ruby j o y hearing about. Won't you drop me a line and actives want to, it is necessary to coop- DEAR A L U M N A OF A L P H A OMICRON P I :
Charlton, who lives in Pasadena, says that she sometime and tell them to me? erate and contribute your small bit. T h e or-
enjoys lots of AOIT m e e t i n g s . Elsie Ford ganized alumnae chapters, Kansas City and Alpha Omicron P i bids you welcome at the
Piper and Jennie L o u Piper took an extended Fraternally, § | t Louis, are contributing. W e alumnae who beginning of another year, which she hopes
motor trip through the West this summer. have the privilege of monthly get-togethers will be a pleasant and profitable one frater-
They called at the AOII house at Leland Stan- M A R G A R E T M O O R E G O R T O N ( M R S . D O N A L D ) Z, get so much more satisfaction out of our nally for e a c h of h e r m e m b e r s . If she
ford. There's one thing that always remains sorority. W e can develop through Alpha O is to be successful in her undertakings, how-
the same at 1541 S Street and that is Mother Province Chairman. development. I n time it is the hope of all ever, each individual member must bear her
Pullman's welcome. She's c o m p l e t i n g her .interested Alpha O's that we shall have alum- share of responsibility.
sixth year with the girls and is as popular as Kansas and Missouri nae chapters throughout each community, so
ever. no Alpha O will have to be alone with her H e r e are a few of the ways in which you
GREETINGS TO A L P H A O ' S I N MISSOURI AND memories. T h a t would be a true Utopia for can do your part: F i r s t give to our National
Now for just a few vital statistics—Mar- a fraternity. Let us keep this goal in mind. Social Service Work. I f you could have been
riages : Gladys L a m m e to Ralph Biggers, liv- KANSAS : In the meantime, however, it behooves you at the Convention and have heard Mrs. Breck-
ing in Omaha. K a y W i l l i a m s to Howard alumnae who are denied organization because inridge, D i r e c t o r of the F r o n t i e r Nursing
James, Menlo, Iowa. Charlotte Frerichs to Another year has rolled around, and the of lack of numbers to work doubly hard to Service, and Bland Morrow, our own worker,
Burton James, 1426 E , Lincoln. F a y e Williams youngsters are Hallowe'ening and the alumnae keep your friendships and contacts with A O n . describe to us in detail their work among the
to P e r r y Morton, 904 South 17th, Lincoln. are returning to their " A l m a Maters" and/: Grain! Council realized this need two years poor and needy families in the K e n t u c k y
Faye Rasmussen to Richard Blore, F o r t Snell- going collegiate with the actives and other . ago when they created the new office of state mountains, you would not hesitate to give a
Greeks over that "marvelous tackle" and that chairman. E v a Drumm Stacey so ably han- little—no matter how small a sum—to bring
ing, Minn. Gladys Mankin to James Schwi- "powerful fullback" and best of all "ye touch- dled this work the past two years. T h i s year a little cheer and comfort into the lives of
down." Don't you all day-dream occasionally it is my job. Won't you all help me? these destitute families. Why not send a box
ger, Chadron, Nebr. Irene Dawson to Otis and wish you had magic powers and could ! Now I want to ask a favor of you. L e t me of wearable clothing, shoes, stockings, caps,
Deitrick, Omaha. Ruth Hitchcock to Clyde drift back those many years and be in college have a newsy letter from you. T e l l me what et cetera, including books or toys, to Bland
H a r r i s o n J r . , Scottsbluff. Dorothy Lewis" to again? It would be a wonderful experiment, you are doing; if you are married and have Morrow, Wendover, Leslie County, Kentucky,
Walter Kirchefer, Sutton, Nebr. Gladys Math- but this life is rather interesting and wonder- children, let me hear about them. Central and be happy in the thought that you are
ews to Richard St. Clair, Ames, Iowa. D e - ful in spite of old man Depression, and I am bringing happiness to these poor people? In
L o r i a Dahlman to Donald Brownell, Chicago. afraid the comparison to our changed view- addition, send in your donation, however small
Donalda Perkins to Dr. B r en n a n , Omaha. points would be sadly disappointing. But col- it may be, to help those who are bearing the
Cornelia A y e r s to Oliver Hallam, Lincoln. lege days are marvelous ones and aren't we whole burden of this noble work and who
Virginia Gordon to W i l l i a m Hoppe, Lincoln. glad we have those wonderful memories of need very much to have your support finan-
Bonnalyn Scott Newby to Paul Rodwell, C a m - campus life, football, varsity dances, dates, a
little bit of learning, new clothes, frat pins

72 ,TANUARY, 1934 73
Delta, Mary Medinger and Virginia Cronin.
d a i l y to carry on their work, so well begun. to see the new college buildings and fraternitv Maryland, Delaware, District of Buckey Clemson had a swimming party at her
We, who live in the midst of civilization, can houses that have been built in that time Fra Columbia summer home on Gibson Island and the D o r -
hardly conceive of the potential comfort and ces W. Burke ('06) and Estelle I. Beaupjl seys, Anna and Elise, invited the chapter down
material aid that one little dollar represents ('14) motored to Convention held at Arlinp DEAR SISTER IN AOET: to their f a r m one Saturday. Joe Blandford is
in the isolated Kentucky mountain region. A ton Hall, Clarendon, V a . , near Washington" teaching art at the M a r y l a n d College for
dollar to us means so very little sometimes; during the first week of July. Frances wa<! /another year has rolled around, and it is Women at Lutherville; Martha Ross Temple
to our social workers there, it may even mean the official delegate, r e p r e s e n t i n g Bangor time for a talk with our alumna? again. T o is with the McCormick Food Company here
a matter of human lives—certainly a lessening Alumna? Chapter, and Estelle furnished her those of you are not fortuante enough to be in Baltimore and gives most enlightening talks
of human misery. car and was the chauffeur for the entire trm members of an alumna? chapter, I hope that on foods over the radio. Katherine Bean and
of about 1800 miles. Both had a wonderful you will make every effort to join the one Virginia Bogess (both Kappa) have welcomed
Thus, at this time, as we begin a new f r a - trip and returned with very pleasant memories nearest you or to find out from the Central Buckey Clemson into the fold of social work-
ternal year, the m o t h e r c h a p t e r takes the of a delightful week spent with big and little Office if there are any A l p h a O's living close ers. W e are all so distressed to hear of the
opportunity to inform you of this great phil- s i s t e r s from different p a r t s of the United to you and "get together." It's really a lot sudden death of E d n a Burnside Howard's
anthropic work of which she is so proud, and States and Canada. Business meetings were of fun to know your sisters who have gone baby son on November 7.
invites you to contribute directly by donations held every forenoon; there were sightseeing to a college other than your own, well worth
or indirectly by your magazine subscriptions. trips for afternoon recreation; and evenings the time and effort, and I know f r o m personal The members of the Washington Alumna?
Along with this information and the cordial were devoted to social times arranged for the experience that in moving around the country Chapter have been busy in the past year, too.
greeting which accompanies it, she wishes to delegates. They arrived on Sunday afternoon a n alumna? chapter in our "newest" home Marian Bates ( H A ) was married to Dr. E . B.
send you news of your alumna? and active in the midst of a bad thunder shower, and meant a great deal to me. Y o u have no idea Daniels in December. Dr. Daniels is a mem-
chapters, because only by knowing of one imagine their dismay, on arrival, to discover how nice it is to find some girls who have ber of the faculty at the University of Mary-
another's hopes and plans can we be truly that the reception tea was in progress and one college experience in common. T h e world land. M i n n a Cannon is engaged to C . R .
helpful and neighborly. that they were obliged to go through the re- '' js a small place, and you will find many Wilson. Grace Maxwell was married to R u -
ception hall i n traveling togs in order to bV mutual acquaintances, if not friends, once you dolph P r i c e at L u k e , Md., on September 8.
Lilla C. Hersey ('23), teacher of English in shown to their rooms. T h e delegates had many become interested in an alumna? group. She is now living in New York. Gene Wright
Norwich, Conn., and Rowena Hersey ('23), good times together, such as the picnic and was married to Claude Smith in June. A m o n g
librarian at Connecticut College, New London, boat trip down the Potomac and back by Convention was a great success. Several of the a t t e n d a n t s were Eloyse Sargent, Elgar
spent their summer vacation at their home in moonlight; the big dance at Arlington Hall; the girls f r o m our Baltimore Chapter went Jones, and Evalyn Rideout Taylor. Jane Ham-
Bangor, as did Betty Bright ('17) from H a r - and, best of all, the Convention banquet at the down to Arlington H a l l for some of the meet- mack and John O'Neil were married in June
vard Medical School, and June Kelley ('12), Mayflower Hotel in Washington. P i n c k n e y ings and social functions and all came away at a lovely military wedding. Madeline Ber-
who has an important executive position in Estes Glantzberg was the charming toastmis- wishing that they had had time to attend more nard was one of the attendants. Ruth Barnard
Norwood, Mass. Antoinette Webb (Wheaton tress and was witty and entertaining as usual. of the affairs and to know the Founders and and F r e d H e r z o g were married in June.
'13), with her husband and daughter, motored T h e candle-lighting service, held on the lawn, officers more intimately. Eloyse Sargent has a very interesting position
from St. L o u i s to spend the summer with her and the memorial service, held in the gym- on the staff of McKinley H i g h School in
mother in Bangor. Madeline Gillen, a teacher nasium, were very impressive. One of the Our Baltimore Alumna? Chapter is still in Washington; she is manager of the school
in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, spent part of highlights of the Convention was the presence its first year, but we are growing nicely. O u r cafeteria. Madeline Bernard has established
her summer vacation at her home in Bangor. of our four Founders whose companionship members come from the East, South, and Mid- herself as a public stenographer at the May-
Frances Burke ('06) and Katherine Stewart the girls all enjoyed exceedingly. Stella Stern dle West, and we get along as nicely as if flower Hotel. M i l d r e d B l a n d f o r d has a n
('21) had a most enjoyable evening with L e n - Perry's mother attended the Convention, and we had come from the same chapter—if not unusually interesting position in the Fnancial
nie Copeland ('04), assistant professor of math- her presence, too, was a gracious addition. better. W e were installed F e b r u a r y 18 at the Division of the Public Works Administration.
ematics at Wellesley College, who spent a few Hidden Garden T e a Room in Baltimore by Eleanor Meyer is studying at the Columbia
days in Bangor after an extensive motor tour W e invite those of Gamma Chapter who Kathryn Matson, then Grand President, Edith L a w School, Washington, D. C.
t h r o u g h Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. are not mentioned here to let us know some- Huntington Anderson, Grand Secretary, and
Lennie gave a very witty account of her trav- thing about you. No matter where you are or Mamie Baskervill, E x t e n s i o n Officer. Our Pi Delta Chapter, Incorporated, held a meet-
els as well as describing with a good deal of what you are doing, we are interested and we business meetings were postponed during the ing on September 26 in College Park and
"down E a s t " humor the trials and tribulations welcome heartily the news from our scattered summer and our first fall meeting was taken elected Elizabeth Taylor and Minna Cannon
of a college professor. Annie Gilbert Woods sisters. up with Convention news. W e plan to have to fill vacancies on the B o a r d of Directors.
('11) has a daughter, Nancy, in the freshman a series of small bridge parties that will en- Mildred B l a n d f o r d was elected president;
class this year at the University and to her O n Monday, October 16, the initiates of last able us to entertain or be entertained by every G w e n d o l y n Sargent Blanz, vice president;
goes the distinction of being the only fresh- spring together with the pledges gave the rest member of the chapter. W e will pay 25 cents Minna Cannon, secretary, and Elizabeth Tay-
man whose father and mother both attended of us a picnic. It was held in a wood behind a person, and hope to swell our treasury. lor, treasurer.
the University. Franklin and Paul Burke, two Edith Gardner's house and was the best ever.
sons of Frances Webber Burke, have also en- A f t e r "the eats," we sang songs around the Last spring a local Panhellenic group was And now I must bring this very lengthy
tered the University this year as freshmen. fire. T h a t night we also held a pledge service formed, thanks to the enthusiasm of an A A I I epistle to a close, I'm only hoping that this
Dr. Mary Ellen Chase ('09), professor of at which we gave pins to A n n a Eleason, Marie from Illinois. Alpha Omicron P i is secretary letter will do its bit toward keeping us all
English at Smith College, of whom we are Archer, and Dorothy Romero, who pledged on of this group. Most of the sororities felt that closer to Alpha Omicron P i .
very proud, received an honorary degree last October 5. they could not assume any more financial bur-
June from Bowdoin College. Katherine Stew- dens, so this group will be purely social and Fraternally,
art's annual vacation was made thrilling by an W e held a "Mae West" party at the Milford will endeavor to cement inter-sorority rela-
airplane trip to Merchantville, N . J . , from T o w n H a l l on November 17. It was in the tions among the alumna? living i n Baltimore E L I Z A B E T H SEARS BOULDEN (MRS. J O H N S.), H,
Bangor, to visit Florence M a c L e o d Ramsay. form of a costume dance and we attended in and vicinity and increase the number of so-
It was " K ' s " first experience in the air, and costumes of "the gay nineties." rorities at Goucher College here in Baltimore Province Chairman.
she enjoyed it all from a terrific shower over Panhellenic will keep an alphabetical list of
New Y o r k City where the earth was com- I n closing this letter we again send our best all sorority women with addresses on file at Massachusetts, Rhode Island and
pletely hidden by clouds to an "exclusive" trip wishes for the happiness and success of AOII's the College Club, 821 N o r t h Charles Street, Connecticut
from Boston to Bangor when she was the everywhere, and we hope that the reading of Baltimore, so if you come to Baltimore and
only passenger in the plane. Prudence Wads- it will be as pleasant as the writing of it has wish to find someone whose address or mar- DEAR AOn A L U M N A :
worth Tobey, Cohasset, Mass., with her hus- been. ried name you have forgotten, you will find
band and two children recently visited in Ban- it at the College Club. Another glorious Convention is over, and
gor. "Prue" hadn't seen the Maine campus Cordially and fraternally yours, it is my privilege to greet you as your state
for twelve years and was amazed and delighted And now for some personal news. During chairman, replacing Jeanne Relyea, who was
E 5 T E L L E I. B E A U P R E , T ] the summer Katherine Siehler was married married on September 30 to "Bunny" H o w a r d ,
and has moved to Silver Springs, N . Y . M a r - brother of Phyllis Howard, Delta's president.
State Chairman. garet Safford Dudley ( 0 '25) entertained the They will live in Philadelphia.
chapter at a tea at her home in Baltimore in
June to welcome the new alumna? f r o m P i I hope that in the next two years we may
become very well acquainted, so you must
write to me often and ask as many questions

74 | A N U A R Y , 1934 75

as you like. As you know, there are many erally from Maine to Washington. Among tt, m e at 1319 H i l l Street, that attractive stucco W o r k in Kentucky. Isn't that an easy way
alumnae who are not identified with any alum- eighty-six present were representatives fro house where now swings the name plate of to help? Place all your new and renewal sub-
nae chapter. T h i s means they lose touch with nine different chapters, including the nine trJr-K Alpha Omicron P i . A f t e r viewing the situa- scriptions with Anne Jeter Nichols and make
their friends, they become hazy as to the pur- tion from all angles, financial and location, it your checks payable to A l p h a Omicron P i .
pose and ideals of our fraternity, and they ..horn Delta had "pledged that day. T h r c S
are not up-to-date on the development and husbands s t u d y i n g at H a r v a r d , through as agreed that a rented house would be more T h i s is not a plea for charity, but an appeal
splendid philanthropic work it is doing. friend wiping dishes and discovering an AOtt advantageous. So at the new address you'll to your sense of responsibility and your devo-
spoon and in other devious ways we're rnak find y o u r favorite nooks a bit reversed, but tion to your fraternity. Active groups are
Do you folks who live in Rhode Island and ing acquaintances, and I hope you who havi> jt is still "the house." T h e girls are a busy struggling against heavy odds, alumnae chap-
the eastern part of C o n n e c t i c u t know that not contacted us yet will just make yourselve croup, keeping up with the trends of campus ters are using every means to put themselves
Providence has a very much alive alumnae known. Margaret Burton H a r t e r ( M r s . lohrA life, but they send through this letter a cor- over the top, the officers are working unceas-
chapter of which Merle Mosier Potter ( E ) Iota, is one of our most active advocates arid dial' welcome to all. You'll find M r s . James, ingly, and now won't you as one individual
is president? She lives at 209 University A v e - is planning to get together all Alphas who the new house mother, solicitous for your wel- put in your bit to make it a perfect whole?
nue, Providence, and will be glad to welcome fare, and Helen Gray, the president, anxious The maintenance of the social service work
you to that group. T h e n Milly W a r d Eldredge live in the vicinity of H a r v a r d Square and to take you under her wing. F r o m then on depends upon you and you and you who are
(A) leads the Boston group. H e r home is at you are one with Omicron P i . scattered here, there, and everywhere. Your
108 Tappan Street, B r o o k l i n e , with phone, there are a lot of them. T h a t will give those bit should be one dollar. O u r Bland M o r r o w
Aspinwall 8041. Just call her up and introduce who are strangers to each other, as well as You haven't forgotten, have you, that there and her charges will be grateful to you, N a -
yourself. She will be glad to send out her to Boston, a chance to get acquainted. j s Beta Gamma Chapter at Lansing which ex- tional will appreciate your response, and you
welcoming committee to bring you to the next I pects to petition Alpha Omicron P i soon? yourself will feel stimulated to renew again
meeting. A s for Connecticut—those who live Perhaps you've heard that in January j n . Our interest in them is sincere, for Harriet your service to your fraternity.
in the southwest corner might join the West- stead of a regular meeting twelve or more Weston Ansley and E l e a n o r Boyer Waldo
chester County group, E v a Adams Miller ( H ) , girls are opening their homes for bridge and have guided them. When they are ready and This letter is already too long for personal
president. E v a lives at 485 Gramatan Avenue, sociability for all Alpha O's in their neigh- need us, we promise them our cooperation and bits, but it is a pleasure to have established
Mt. Vernon, N . Y . , and can tell you all about borhoods! It looks now as if the aggregate support. F r o m all reports they are an up-and- this personal contact with you. Please write
this new and very active group. While Hart- of these parties will be as large as our Found- doing group and deserve our backing. You'll me a note and introduce yourself.
ford isn't organized yet, there are several ers' Day group. The proceeds will go toward hear more of Beta Gamma later.
Alpha O's there, so if you live nearby, call our National W o r k F u n d . I f you haven't been Fraternally yours,
Gertrude Hooper Osborne (Mrs. Stanley) of asked to attend or to entertain, won't you Blossom Bacon, p r e s i d e n t of Ann Arbor
41 Brace R o a d , West H a r t f o r d , and see if put aside any shyness and call Margaret Dou- Alumnae, writes so enthusiastically about their VIRGINIA V A N ZANDT SNIDER
you all can't start a chapter. I n Worcester, thitt Amon ( M r s . F r e d ) , G, who is general good times that it makes one want to pack
Charlotte L o w e l l , of 10 Olive Street, went to chairman? H e r phone is Wellesley 0983-J. her duds and move there to join the chapter. ( M R S . G E O R G E R . ) , OLT,
convention and is anxious to get a chapter I'm sure you'll have a splendid time. The meetings are held on the first Tuesday
started. A n d how about the rest of you? of each month. They ate pot-luck with the State Chairman.
Well, if there is some one tucked away up Y o u r fraternity needs your support to carry pledges and celebrated Founders' D a y in D e -
in the Berkshires or hidden on the tip of cember. T h e future schedules a joint meeting Minnesota
Cape C o d , just drop me a line and we'll see on the big projects which it has undertaken with the actives and an evening with the pa-
what can be done about it. We may discover tronesses. I n distant May the seniors are to DEAR ALPHA O'S :
another lone soul who is hungering to talk three fellowships, student loans, and social be entertained. I f you don't think this is enter-
over college and fraternity affairs and "do service work in the Kentucky mountains with prising enough, let me tell you there was a With the leisure of summer being replaced
you remembers." the Frontier N u r s i n g S e r v i c e . Aren't you successful bridge and bake sale on Novem- by the activities of fall and winter, it is some-
proud of your fraternity? W r i t e and tell me ber 4. N o w what do you think of that for times difficult for us to stop long enough to
We are always proud of Octavia Chapin all about it, f o r only with the opinion of all stimulating activity for actives and alumnae? catch our breath. But I warn you now—drop
as our representative in the many fields in our members can we fulfill our purpose. whatever you are doing, sit in the easiest chair
which she is interested. H e r latest honor is Detroit does not lag any and there you you can find, and relax—because so much
first vice president of the Middlesex County Fraternally yours, find Ernestine Wagner and the alumnae put- has happened since I last brought you news
Teachers' A s s o c i a t i o n . W e are sorry that ting through plan after plan. T h e opening that 'twill be a long stand unless you heed
Ethel Rabey Burke (fl '24) had to move back A L I C E J . S P E A R , A, tear was set aside to cooperate with M a r j o r i e this warning.
to Cleveland, but she is happy to be near Bleakley in the dance she planned for the
home. W e are also sorry to lose K a y H a f f Province Chairman. benefit of O m i c r o n P i . E v e r y one had a grand Convention was a fine success this year at
Anthony, our first vice president, who had time and that started the year wtih a "doing Arlington Hall with Washington, D . C , loom-
to move to Providence. 193 W a t e r m a n Street Michigan spirit." A part}' was given in November at ing in the background. Among Taus repre-
is her new address. But, of course, as near Ernestine Wagner's home and again everyone sented were Kathryn Bremer Matson, Wilma
as Providence is, K a y promises to drive up DEAR ALPHA O IN MICHIGAN: declared it was a grand success socially. T h e Smith Leland, Mary Pettit, E v a Hammer-
for meetings. profits were to swell the National F u n d . De- bacher Bloomquist, and Irma Hammerbacher.
As a new year of activities begins for Alpha cember found the Detroiters wending A n n You can imagine how thrilled they were to
Alpha O has a definite splendid philan- Omicron P i , I send my greetings to you. We Arbor-way to join in the Founders' Celebra- hear announced that T a u had won the Jessie
thropic work now, supporting the social serv- are widely scattered and so interested in our tion. W e wouldn't miss that because Gladys Wallace Hughan Service Cup for its splendid
ice worker in the Kentucky mountains. Both daily routine that we sometimes fail to pause Hirt had promised us a program unique and contribution to the fraternity, the University
she and Mrs. Breckinridge visited us at con- even for thought of our fraternity. Taking unusual. The magic crystal shows more meet- of Minnesota, and the city of Minneapolis. Its
vention, and they were most inspiring. If you for granted that you won't turn me away as ings devoted to plans for National W o r k and record of unselfishness includes a gift of $50,
cannot contribute money outright, there are a "big bad wolf," I take courage to ask you the actives, social events, and friendly times. ordinarily used for homecoming decorations,
other ways to help: w o r n but warm clothing to give me time for a little chat—oh, just Meetings are held on the first Monday evening given last year to the Minneapolis Community
is needed, toys for the children, and maga- a few interesting sidelights on our National of each month. F u n d ; $50 given to A O I I National Service
zines. Doubtless you s u b s c r i b e for several W o r k and Alpha O's in Michigan. W o r k ; Christmas boxes packed for the K e n -
magazines, and they make excellent Christmas Are you k e e p i n g up on the latest news tucky hill people; Red Cross sewing; the use
gifts. Won't you send your subscriptions to You have read and followed with interest events, reading the most interesting stories, of the recreation of their house to any or-
the Central Office, State College, Pa., so that noting the newest fashions, enjoying the finest ganization in need of rooms. Besides this,
we can make a profit for this so well worth- the work of Bland Morrow, who represents current articles? N o ? Well, here is your so- the chapter maintained a high scholarship, and
while work? lution: read m a g a z i n e s . Place your order its members took an outstanding part in cam-
us in Kentucky'- There she labors and finds right now with the Central Office. T h e Frank- pus affairs. A s is suggested, why not put away
Our quest f o r all A l p h a O's w a s almost 100 lin Square Agency gives Alpha Omicron Pi a dime a day for the next Convention?
per cent successful, for they came to F o u n d - happiness in bringing health, better living con- ?'a commission on all periodical subscriptions
ers' Day celebration of Boston Alumnae lit- sent in through the Central Office, and that "Our National Social Service W o r k is an
ditions, and encouragement to those who are money goes to our National Social Service established thing," says Edith Anderson, "and,
while we did not raise the budget required
so needy. Y o u r help and cooperation have the past two years, we know that increased
dissemination of information regarding the
made her work possible and to you we extend work to alumnae will increase the revenue for

in their behalf thanks. Support your National

w o r k ! A n y contribution is fine, but to make

our goal we need one dollar from each of

you. T h a t contribution does so much good

and keeps us united in one fine project. I

know your loyalty and I know y o u l l help

keep your part an active one this year. \

A n n A r b o r instinctively makes you think of
Omicron P i Chapter. You'll find a real wel-

76 T O DRAGMA IjANUARY, 1934 77

its support. Not all our members have been lection of oriental purchases she has! She
reached with the appeal for this worth-while turned via the P a n a m a Canal and flew he?~
project, for we have long wished for a unified from New York. lone Jackson, while denM
work to hold our interest. W e have such now, W. S. G. A. and Panhellenic Presidents
and do feel that every member wants to know cr romnvv penn tfiior mniinn rgr iannAd CCme-niitiut nrry *o-»ff rP>r^o«g« r e s s avd.iiewa -
our aims and to have a part in their realiza- ing, was rush ed to the ho spit al and h
tion." T h i s work is all to the good; if, as
Bess Wyman says, "We can prevent the un- emergency appendectomy. I n ten days she wa
necessary suffering of one child, the unneces-
sary failure of one man, this is well worth doing the F a i r again. Dorothy Womrath
the sacrifice." There are seven thousand and
more active and alumna? members in AOIT presented in a recital At M a c P h a i l S c h o o l ^
alone; just think what a dollar donation from
each m e m b e r would mean as a f o r c e to- Music Auditorium, October 24, and her stu-
ward progress in our fraternity philanthropy!
Won't you respond? pendous program was well received by thp

Marriages at T a u have been so numerous city's music critics. T h e sympathy of the charw
that the loveliness of each bride cannot be
quoted here. C h a r l o t t e Verrell became the ter is extended to A l m a Boehme Kuehn, Borc£
bride of Ralph Jacobson last June. T h e y re-
side in Minneapolis. Helen Strand and Ken- hild Erling Brunsdale, and Wilma Smith In-
neth Wallen were married in the garden of
the Strand home in Marine on the St. Croix, land for the death of their fathers during the
and live in Boston, Mass. Zelda Marquardt
and Dr. Henry Rippe exchanged vows in July past year.
and are at home in Minneapolis. H e l e n Stru-
ble and M a r k Regan chose August, and live T h e alumnae chapter had a most successful Ethelmae Ey-
in Minneapolis. Margaret Gleason and Ray spring dancing party at the house in May lar (Tau) is
Powers were married in Duluth in August, The seventeen graduating seniors and escorts president of
and live in the Leavenworth Apartments, S y r a - were honor guests. A big hand goes to Mar- W. S. G. A.
cuse, N. Y . Gladys Boehlke and Ernest Dahl garet B r i x , who planned and pushed the affair.
were married in September. Kathryn Haven
and Glenn had their wedding at the chapter Rushing was zippy this fall. Fifteen girls at Minnesota,
house in October. Mary Woodring wears the were pledged. Ruth Brace had charge of the toastmistress
diamond of Marshall Wells. formal alumnae cabaret dinner, and it was a at the annual
good party. Twenty-three rushees—over eighty Panhellenic
Margaret Skinner and M a r j o r i e Jensen there in all. Dorothy Womrath, the new Dis- banquet; Sen-
('33) are on the faculty of the primary de- trict Superintendent, has had a fine initiation ate Committee
partment at Summit School in St. Paul. Dor- into her new duties, for she not only assisted on Student
othy Verrell ('33) is working at Stout Insti- with T a u ' s rushing, but aided the Wisconsin Affairs; Alpha
tute at Menomonie, W i s . Helen Richardson girls this fall. Delta Tau,
has a position at the U n i v e r s i t y Library. medical techni-
Betty Ebeling is home from Copenhagen, Den- cian's hono-
mark, where she taught for two years. Cecile rary; chair-
Yelland McGinnis and sons were home for Informal groups are forming in Minneapolis vian of Hikers'
three weeks Cecile came out to several alum- and St. P a u l to raise money in an easy and group.
nae "doings." "Mims" T h o m a s Campbell and entertaining way. Bridge was successful all
Marion Kadlec Lindstrom were at the "alum" summer; cards in the morning and lunch at Penn State College Pan- Barbara Jackson (Alpha
meeting at Mary Pettit's. Lucille Haertel and 50 cents per person has netted quite a sum hellenic has Louise Everitt
her husband had an extended trip to Europe for the chapter. Book review groups, sports, (Epsilon Alpha) as its Tau) will lead IV. S. G. A.
this summer. Irma Regan saw Wilma Arnold and child study are to be organized by those at Denison University this
McGregor while in North Dakota and says, interested. president. She belongs to year. She is secretary of
"Wilma plays tournament golf and is very Archousai, Home Econom-
tan, very lean, very young, and full of the I suppose some of you will be disappointed ics . Club, a senior and T K A , national debating fra-
same old zest." Rita Heggerty Ligelbach was not to have news of some members of your ternity and a member of
in the city for a day or two. H e r second class, but remember, the only way I can tell junior senator and a senior Cap and Gown.
daughter, Emily, opened her eyes in June. someone else about what you are doing is for adviser.
While Rita and I were ambling up Niccollet, you to tell me all about it yourself.
whom did we meet but Min Hanson. Min Evelyn Brumbaugh, Pi A dd ie Cunningham
is now teaching at Mable, Minn., and likes it Fraternally and sincerely, (Kappa) is president of
because it is out of North Dakota.
I R E N E F R A S E R , T , State Chairman. Delta, is president of the the Judiciary Committee at
Marion Conlin L y n n and family motored to Y.W.C.A., and secretary of
St. Paul from Dixon, Calif., in August. About W.S.G.A. at the University Randolph-Macon Woman's
six weeks later her son was born. Marguerite Montana, North and South Dakota, College.
Lentner is with us again, and Wilma Smith Wyoming of Maryland.
Leland joins the Minneapolis folk once more.
Jeanette Sweeney motored to the Black Hills DEAR SISTERS IN A O I I :
and Yellowstone this summer, and Josephine
Smith spent a thrilling vacation in Spokane, Another year has rolled around, and as we
Wash. Betty Bond has returned to the city settle down to routine again, I know you will
after a gala year in Hawaii, and what a col- all be interested in news of our active chap-
ter and national plans for the year.

I have a letter from A l p h a P h i Chapter at
Bozeman containing much interesting news.
M a r y Balkovatz, Butte, is president for this
year. Mrs. Ritchie is the housemother. In
order to cut expenses, the girls at the house
have dispensed with a house boy, and each
girl is taking a turn at serving and helping
with the lunch dishes. They feel very useful
and enjoy doing something for the chapter.
T h e rushing season was very successful, ten
girls having been pledged. I believe one or
two more have pledged recently. Formal initia-
tion was held on October 15 for L o i s Eames,
Butte, and Esther Louise Blake, Grass Range.
T h e girls have had one fireside and one "after-
dinner coffee." They are inviting each frater-

78 To D R A G M A JANUARY, 1934 79

nity for after-dinner coffee and dancing at ers' D a y was celebrated with the New York that we all felt that we would continue to the Meadowbrook Country Club and a break-
different times during the year. take an active part in our national program
Alumnae Chapter. Both Mrs. Perry and Miss a S well as our own chapter's, but it is so easy fast with the husbands and "boy friends" as
I should like very much to hear f r o m some *o become interested in our personal affairs
of you in regard to forming alumna? organi- Hughan spoke. January 20 a meeting wi'l h P and forget outside responsibilities. A s our guests at Chestnut Ridge Park. I n the spring
zations. L a s t year the alumnae in Bozeman held at Mildred Stewart LaDue's (Mrs. F r a n k „ e w Executive Committee begins its two-year
had a very pleasant group, meeting socially program, I think it would be most inspiring they will be hostesses for the annual P a n -
at more or less regular intervals. After such to them if we would all express our interest
a good start, I hope the organization is pros- X ) , 206 Tremont Avenue, Orange, N . J . On j„ some way. hellenic Tea. F o r local philanthropic work,
pering and is stronger than ever this year.
The girls in Butte were interested in forming F e b r u a r y 17 the New Jersey Alumnae Chap- I talked with the president of Epsilon the several winter meetings are to be devoted to
a chapter and now is a fine time to go ahead other night on the telephone. In the back-
with it. I f you don't wish to become a char- ter will hold a bridge party at the home of ground of our conversation I could hear en- sewing for the Millard Fillmore Hospital.
tered chapter at once, at least start meeting thusiastic preparations for the annual pledge
together. It is lots of fun, and it surely pro- Mrs. James E g l i n , 53 E m e r s o n Road, Glen dance which was given for their eleven new The Westchester Alumnae group reports
vides a strong backing for the active chapter pledges. One of the girls is a transfer from
and the whole fraternity. Rock, N. J . n Sigma Chapter, and another is Helen Mor- some very worthwhile and pleasant meetings.
doff, daughter of L a u r a F i s h Mordoff ( E ) . One was devoted to learning A O n songs; at
I heard many of you got together in Butte The New Jersey Alumnae C h a p t e r has Two of the active girls are members of Raven
for the big game, and were at the Red Roos- and Serpent, junior honorary society.
ter for luncheon. There were about thirty pledged $25 for our National Philanthropic another, Mrs. Waugh of the Westchester
there, I believe, and I know that you all Chi bid ten girls and did not lose any to
enjoyed it. Work. W e have had lots of fun deciding and other sororities, but two were unable to join Lighting Company gave an illustrated talk on
this semester and two others were on scholas-
I haven't much alumnae news, but a letter arguing how we are going to raise this money. tic probation. T h e Mothers' Club, alumnae interior decoration. The November meeting
from Beth Griffith helped me out. Beth and and active chapters gave a shower for the
Caroline Busch are attending the Normal at A t each meeting we have a door prize, ten house on October 4. T h e gifts included lamps, had as part of its program the raffling off of
Dillon. Beth Pope is working in Willson's pillows, tables, and many things which have
at Bozeman. Evelyn Mattmiller is teaching cents a chance. T h e one who wins has to made the house more attractive. an angel food cake. T h i s is to be donated by
again at E l l i s t o n ; Virginia Keyes is at Cas-
cade and K a y Vaughan is visiting in Sheri- bring the prize for the next meeting. You The Rochester Alumnae Chapter has lost so one member and the money is to buy a pair
dan. Beth and Caroline found an AOII sister many members because of removal from the
at the Normal—Janet Aldrich ( T ) . see this taxes no one much, because if y 0 u city that they have decided to hold meetings of shoes for the Kentucky clothesline. Future
came to every meeting it would cost you only only four times a year—a fall meeting, a
I should surely be glad to hear f r o m any Founders' Day celebration, a chapter birthday plans include a party at the M a y f a i r Beach
of you at any time. I know you each have $1.00 for the whole year, and, as Miss Wyman party on F e b r u a r y 8, and a spring meeting. Q u b in Larchmont, a covered dish supper for
news that the rest of us would like to hear, They plan to make these four gatherings es-
and I hope that you will write to me soon. says, "It's extracted so painlessly, too." A n - pecially large and enthusiastic. T w o girls from husbands, and an invitation bridge.
Gamma Chapter have recently moved to Roch-
Fraternally, other way in which we hope to raise our quota ester and have joined the alumnae group. T h e alumnae presidents have expressed their
Grace Murray is a nurse for an insurance
is by commissions from magazines. Please company and A c h s a Bean is at the University interest in a state luncheon and have offered
of Rochester school of medicine. Helen
send your subscriptions to M r s . F r a n k L a D u e , Cleaves is delegate to the Rochester Panhel- to act as hostesses. I was not able to attend
lenic Association and will be president of the the Rochester luncheon, but everyone who did
206 Tremont Avenue, Orange, N . J . , and help group this year. She is also president of the
College Women's Club. Katherine Murphy
this way at no extra cost to yourself. (P) is president of the Parent-Teacher A s -
sociation and Charlotte Dickason is to be pres-
ident of her group another year, so you see go seemed to feel that it was most worthwhile.
Rochester alumnae are taking a real part in
A l l that I have written seems to be of community as well as fraternity life. I'd like so much to hear from many of you
interest just to the Northern New Jersey
group. T h e girls in Southern Jersey are more The Syracuse Alumnae Giapter, besides to know if you'd like such a luncheon. When
scattered. W e have tried to have meetings at sponsoring the shower I have already men-
different places, but it didn't work out so tioned, assisted the active chapter in rushing. you write, please suggest a central meeting
well; let's try again, though. Around Red The Mothers' Club has grown in membership
Bank there are at least four AOII's. Atlantic and enthusiasm and has filled a very real part place as well as the best time for such a
City has three. I f you live near Penns Grove in sorority activities. T h e alumnae chapter
and could hold a meeting, would you let me would welcome new members and asks that gathering.
know? D r . H e l e n Schrack, 100 Strawbridge newcomers to the city or vicinity make them-
Road, Westmont, N . J . , would be very glad selves known. T h e meetings are held the first I shall welcome any ideas or suggestions
to hold a meeting for people in her section. Friday of the month. T h e place of meeting
I f it is more convenient, you could get to- can always be learned by calling the chapter from any of you and hope that you will write
gether at her office in Camden. Please, South- house.
ern New Jersey, tell me what you would like me personally. Would you, who are unaffiliated
to do. I f you are lonesome and want to get Buffalo Chapter has had programs printed with an alumnae chapter, like to have small
in touch with an AOII near you, drop me a for each member. This program also serves
BERNEICE CRANE LOWMAN card and I will see what I can do. as a directory of active members and others Founders' Day affairs next year?
living in nearby communities. They are an-
( M R S . H A R O L D ) , A<f>, xious to add to their group and will be glad Fraternally,
to send a copy of the program and a real
Province Chairman. welcome to any in their vicinity who are not C A R O L L . K E N D A L L , X , State Chairman.
alreadv members. T w o very jolly get-togeth-
New Jersey ers have been held this fall, a luncheon at New York Metropolitan District


Isn't it nice? T h i s time when I write this New Y o r k Alumnae Chapter is trying a new
plan of reorganization and is asking your
letter we really have a New Jersey Alumnae T h e r e are 130 Alpha O's in New Jersey. help and cooperation. I know very well that
Chapter. O f course, as everyone knows, some- Wouldn't I be thrilled and proud if each of to some of you this will come as an old
thing that isn't organized never lasts. Now you wrote me a letter? Dues are $2.00 per story, but please be patient, for the idea is
we are all joined together and pulling for the year. $1.50 goes to National for their work a new one, to N e w Y o r k , at least. I t is one
same cause and having lots of fun while we and 50 cents to us for expenses. Please mail which has been tried with success for several
are doing it. your checks to Gertrude K o c h , treasurer, 907 years in Chicago. I n fact, so successful has
South 16th Street, Newark, N . J . it been there that the National is recommend-
T h i s season started off with a bang. O u r ing it for use in other cities where there are
president, Dorothy Catlaw, had the first meet- Fraternally, many alumnae, from various chapters, living
ing at her home in Hackensack with eight in widely separated sections, with a variety of
girls present. Our second meeting was held T H E L M A ROBERTSON MITCHELL interests.
in East Orange with Irma Corlies and May (MRS. EDWARD), X,
Fouts as hostesses. Fifteen were there that The plan is simple. It is a formation of
day and for some it was the first meeting. State Chairman. groups, within a parent chapter, based pri-
Let's hope they had such a good time they marily on geographical location, and to a
will come again. Last year at one time or New York somewhat less extent on community of inter-
est. It is often difficult for a person living
DEAR ALPHA O ' S : on the northern boundary of a territory to
go with any regularity to meetings held near
another each girl who attended the meetings A s I glance over the geographical directory the southern, or vice versa. A l s o it is not
had her turn as hostess. There are two host- of the sorority members living in this Empire human nature to expect a graduate of twenty
esses at each meeting, so the girls that have state in an attempt to arrange a program for or more years to thrill over the same things
too small a home to entertain help someone the year that will be of definite value to our as one of two or three years. A l l have a
else. This seemed fairer and gives everyone national organization as well as serve to bring fondness for their fraternity and want to
a chance to do the honors. us closer together, I am impressed with the work for it, but it is only natural that their
fact that we are well-scattered over hundreds view points and methods of expression should
Our program is not complete for this year of miles. I cannot hope to visit you all per- be different.
for the simple reason we hope to get some sonally so that the best I can do is to make
suggestions from you who have not been able suggestions and hope that in return you will
to attend our meetings as yet. On November give me ideas for bringing us all in closer
18 we held a sewing meeting at the home of contact. W h e n we first left college, I think
Mrs. Wakefield (A). On December 9 Found-

80 To D R A G MA JANUARY, 1934 81

So it is proposed to form groups, three or Ohio <r},ey are all fine girls and should keep up national program our eagerness to participate
four probably, membership in which shall be in the work.
determined by convenience of location of meet- DEAR OHIO A L U M N A : Alpha Tau's fine standing. T h e chapter as a
ing. T h e members in every group are invited W e are directly under the control of Muriel
to attend all meetings of N e w Y o r k Alumna? I recall a time, not so many years ago, when whole is top-notch in my opinion." Our Cleve- Turner McKinney, Vice P r e s i d e n t , one of
Chapter, shall be expected to pay their dues we AOII's at Miami complained that there land Alumnae Chapter seems to cater to Deni- whose duties is direction of alumna? organiza-
as a member-at-large of Alpha Omicron P i , were so few of us in Ohio. M y files show tion. I had the pleasure of meeting her two
make a contribution yearly, even though small, that we have quite a family now—about 500— son, so we seem evenly paired. Cleveland has years ago at Convention in Colorado. Some
to the National Social Service work, and pay with three active and three alumna? chapters of the rest of you who also know her will
a small amount yearly, about fifty cents for so we really ought to rise in importance. Much" the disadvantage of a large, scattered member- agree with me that we should make much
postage, et cetera, pledge themselves to attend depends upon the organized groups, for they progress under efficient management and in-
Founders' Day celebration and a meeting in can keep fraternity interest alive among them- shiPi but they plan to work hard to stimulate herent ability for organization. Incidentally,
the spring of the whole New Y o r k member- selves and help the active chapters, but y o u she is a most pleasant person with whom to
ship. Other meetings of the various groups unorganized folk are apt to become weaned interest. A l l of you who live near Cleveland be associated. T h e Second V i c e President,
will be held as the group desires. T h e chair- away from sorority life from disuse. Now I Mary Dee Drummond, is in charge of the
man of each group shall be expected either to am going to send you news of interest as I should try to attend several meetings a year; National Social Service Work, and I think
attend A L L meetings of the Chapter, or to have gleaned it about our activities at home you will find her equally efficient in her work
send a representative, and to report to the and abroad and in return expect you to come I know you would enjoy it. and extremely enthusiastic.
members of her group all important business to me with any fraternity news and problems
transacted. This plan, you see, keeps all mem- you may have on your minds. I am interested especially in forming new
bers of the fraternity in touch with local and
national affairs, but puts no burden on any alumna? groups. T h e constitution requires
individual member. Through the group chair-
man, or her representative, all members will seven members to apply for a charter. I f you
learn of what is going on in the fraternity
and will keep in touch with it. have the required number in your community,

Because I know that this letter will go to write me for the details of organization.
some who have been out of touch with their
fraternity for many years, and who know lit- I have had some most interesting letters
tle of the tremendous advancement of the past
few years, I am going to give some facts during the past two years, and I have enjoyed
which I believe they will find interesting and
perhaps astonishing. my new acquaintances. I hope more of you Although we all regret the failure of the
fulfillment of our plan undertaken in 1922, it
D i d you know that today there are 7,500 I understand Convention this summer was w i l l feel free to write to me about anything— is with somewhat of a feeling of relief and
members of Alpha Omicron P i ? Did you know quite a success: the constitution was revised criticism, recommendations, suggestions, per- renewed hope we now turn from combating
that we have forty-one active chapters, two and made shorter; a fine group of officers( no impossible and unfair institution administra-
of which are in Canada, and that there are longer termed "grand") was elected; our na- sonal griefs and so forth. I shall appreciate tive authority to a project in which our efforts
three inactive chapters? D i d you know that tional philanthropic program was enlivened will be purely unselfish and f r o m which we
twenty-three own their own houses or lodges, with possibilities by dynamic accounts of the your cooperation. shall reap d i v i d e n d s of a more permanent
with a total investment of $893,613? D i d you work given by Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, direc- quality.
know that we have had some form of national tor of the Frontier Nursing Service, and our Fraternally,
philanthropic w o r k since 1907, and that since representative, Bland Morrow. Alpha O cer-
1931 our efforts have been concentrated in the tainly has chosen a worthwhile field of en- R U T H SEGAR COX (MRS. W I L L I A M ) , Q
establishment of a Social Service Department deavor. W e , who have had so many advan-
to function with the Frontier N u r s i n g S e r v - tages, surely should be willing to help where State Chairman.
ice in the mountains of eastern Kentucky? help is really needed. How many of you are
And that many chapters have their own local going to send me just $1—your good deed for Oklahoma T o quote from Wah-Kon-Tah written by
philanthropic activity? Did you know that a needy mother?
the Anniversary Endowment Fund, built up DEAR A I . U M N . E OF A L P H A OMICRON P I : John Joseph Mathews of our own university:
on life subscriptions to T o D R A G M A is used Helen Haller, our claim among the officers,
over and over again to help finance the erec- the hard-working treasurer who has let her- Those of you who are members of X i have See if your heart doesn't feel this way if
tion or purchase of suitable chapter houses, self in for another two years of hard work, shared with me similar emotions in our recent
and to enable members to continue their col- stopped here in Dayton on her way home bereavement. However, it is a source of con- you do or don't contribute to our social serv-
lege work? A n d that this fund has now f r o m Washington, so we had a first-hand ac- solation to know that our destiny was in the
reached a total of approximately $80,000? count of the convention and her operation hands of a sympathetic Grand Council and ice fund.
during the wind-up of events. She admitted an understanding Executive Committee. Past
she expected to have one some time, but not assistance from them can leave no doubt in "Sometime when I go hunting I kill deer.
during a vacation. our minds of that fact. Surely we can trust
again their wisdom in the solution of the I come back and I am very happy. I see
I find that our active chapters are up and iproblem. T h e y have been wrestling with an
coming this year. Cincinnati has thirteen impossible situation. I hope in some later let- there will be plenty of venison. But soon I
pledges and eighteen actives—a good group ter to go into that with you, for I know that
and hard at it to make a name for themselves some of X i alumna? are not fully acquainted pass a lodge of woman. This woman had lost
on the campus. A committee from the alum- with the obstacles that prevented the further
na? group gives them effective aid. A chapter development of the chapter at this time. his man. This woman has some small children
is fortunate to have a large alumna? group at
its very door, and I'm sure the alumna? enjoy At Convention this year the office of dis- and there is no man to hunt for him. I stop
helping them. Miami had bad luck last year trict alumna? superintendent was a b o l i s h e d
which dampened their spirits, but they came and the State Chairman assigned the duties at lodge of woman who has lost his man and
back with plenty of fight this year, and as a of both. Because of the additional work of
result they pledged twenty-two fine girls. T h e two offices, the State Chairmen were given I cut off big piece of this venison. I say I
Dayton Alumna? attended their last rush party, smaller units to oversee. In this redisrict-
eight strong, and needless to say enjoyed the ing, Oklahoma was placed alone, which makes have brought you something to eat. A s I walk
occasion probably more than the actives; in me feel that I am talking with people I actu-
fact, one girl who hadn't been back in ten ally know and whose attitudes I can under- away my heart swells. I put my hand on my
years said she hadn't had such a grand time stand. Y o u will be sent letters from time to
in ages. It does help to know the girls per- time much more p e r s o n a l and intimate in heart and I can feel it swell. I feel happy
sonally, and since Ruth H a a s has been ap- nature. Just how interesting they will be de-
pointed alumna adviser, I know we shall have pends upon how much information you send and I am glad to see anybody. I feel of my
much in common throughout the year. I didnt me regarding yourselves and fellow AOLT's.
get down to Denison, but had a very inter- head but I cannot feel any change in my head.
esting account of their rushing from Kathe- F o r the present, I wish to remind you that
rine Davis, Ohio Valley District Superintend We are first of all members of a national or- It feels same. My heart is only thing that
dent. Quoting from her letter: "Alpha Tau ganization and that we owe certain obligations
has fourteen pledges; probably two more now. to it. Since we are no longer promoting the changes. T h e n I go out hunting again and
growth of a local group, I feel we should
enter wholeheartedly into our national work. I kill deer. I am happy. Soon I pass this
No doubt you share this desire with me. It
is our only means now of identifying our- lodge of woman who has no man. I see my
selves a c t i v e l y with the sorority. W e can
show by the shouldering of our share of the heart is happy for this woman. I look at

venison and I say we need all this venison.

I walk on and I do not cut off a piece of

this venison f o r woman. M y heart seems to

become very small. I put my hand on my

heart and it seems to have gone away. I can

feel nothing there. I do not want to see any-

one. I am not happy. When I put my hand

I have mentioned some of the reasons which to my head I do not feel anything. It has
have kept people away from New Y o r k Alum-
nae. Perhaps you have others. I f so, won't not changed. This is what I think about this
you please write me, and I shall try to remove
your objections, for I firmly believe that it is thing. Home of the spirit is in heart. This
possible to develop an organization which
every alumna of Alpha Omicron P i living in I believe. I would like to know what white
New Y o r k can join with pleasure.
man thinks about this thing."

See if your heart doesn't feel this way if
you do or don't contribute to our social serv-
ice fund.

Fraternally, Fraternally,


District Chairman. State Chairman.

82 To DRAGMA BijOJARY, 1934 83

Oregon marriage on September 21 to Elliott F r a n t i desirous of forming a local group. Won't you are teaching Home Economics, Marian in her
Wright. She is living in Bloomfield, N, TS u t there, who are also interested, get in touch hometown, Bloomsburgh, and Madge at Potts-
DEAR FELLOW A L U M N A : E l l a Anderson ( A P ) has been g r a n t e d her town. Ruth Gilbert is still in Lancaster teach-
M . A . from Columbia University. Emma Lee fjdth Mrs. E . J . Wade, 44 Academy Avenue, ing H o m e E c o n o m i c s at the W e s t E n d
Another year has swiftly and surely rolled Baldwin ( A S ) was married last November to Pittsburgh ? School. E d r a R u b i n k a m ( E A , '32) is in
around, and it is again time for our annual Wendell Phillips and is living in Cleveland Doylestown this year also teaching Home Eco-
get-together through the alumnae state letter. Ohio. She visited her mother in Oregon Citv Speaking of alumnae chapters—where are all nomics. Annette Murphy ( E A , '31) and Elea-
I know everyone is glad to have some actual this summer. Betty R u b y W a i t ( A P ) i s rS e < the AOLT's of Philadelphia and vicinity? I nor Culin (T,'30) are both doing social service
facts about what is going on in our active and retary to Adolph Spreckels in San Francisco know it is impossible for everyone to attend work, Annette at Dudley Street House in Phil-
alumnae chapters. W e have surely started off Bessie Stout ( A P ) is teaching in Scappoose revery meeting, but surely out of this great city adelphia and Eleanor some place in Ardmore,
well this year, and it is something to be proud Margaret McKie ( A S ) is attending Oregon w e should have more than an average attend- I believe. Miriam Gaige ( E A , '32) is a dieti-
of to know that we have sufficient interest to Normal this winter. Norma Chinnock (AJV ance of fifteen. Come out and give us your tian at the University Graduate Hospital in
start with as much spirit as when we left off is finishing at Southern O r e g o n N o r m a l support—we need you and you need us. M a - Philadelphia. Grace Bergholz ( E A , '33) is
last spring. Helen Smith Pease ( A P ) is the youngest Roy.! rian Culin ( T ) is president this year. T h e taking a business course in Philly. Mary Belle
al Matron of the Amaranth ever to hold office chapter has worked out a definite and inter- Zahn ( E A , '32) is secretary to the vice presi-
The Portland Alumnae put over a most suc- in Portland. Both the McCroskey girls, M i m s esting program for the year, and I know if dent at Penn Mutual L i f e insurance Company
cessful rummage sale on October 23 in co- and Gene, are on the ranch in Colfax, Wash. vou will just come visit us once, you'll always in Philadelphia. Catherine ( E A , '32) and Eliz-
operation with the Alpha Sigma Mothers' W e are wondering how long Mims will be come. Let's have at least one representative abeth ( E A , '33) Hayes are at Temple Medical
Club. T h e y both realized a worthwhile nest there, though. Helen Gilham ( A S ) is assist- from as many chapters as possible at every again this year. Kitty is a junior and Betty a
egg with which to start the year. A l o n g the ing D r . Noble in Political Science at Reed Col- sophomore. W e extend our deepest sympa-
philanthropic line we donated all the left-over lege. Dorothy Hallin ( A S ) is at the Univers- Those« " -e e t i n g ofr you wh. o ht ave movedI recentl|y, thies to them in the recent loss of their broth-
rummage to the Goodwill Association. On ity in Cleveland, Ohio, doing s o c i a l work. er, a Temple Medical senior. Ella Roberts (*,
October 5 we visited the Portland Crema- Edith Korhonen ( A S ) was married on Octo- please send your new address to Central O f - '25) is doing her first year's interning at Meth-
torium and realized a few more dollars. The ber 24 to G . W . H a l l . Dorothy Morgan ( A S ) fice so that all material will reach you prompt- odist Hospital. Gladys Kaufman ( E A , '32) is
social plans for the fall season centered is treasurer of Upsilon Chapter. She is also ly. I f each of you could visit Central Office teaching French and English in Paradise High
around the big dance held November 11 in active in Y . W . C . A . there. Both the active and see the many files you would realize what School. A g n e s G e a r y ( E A , '29) is again
the Rose City Club. That was the night of chapters have given large teas this fall. Alpha a job it is to keep them up to date. Only teaching at Center Hall. Louise Everitt ( E A ,
the U . O . - U . S. C . game in Portland, and we Rho honored their faculty adviser and house- with your cooperation can this be done. Just '33) is doing extension work for the Pennsyl-
certainly had a glorious time. mother. Alpha Sigma's tea was in honor of drop a notation of the change in the mail box vania State College out n e a r P i t t s b u r g h .
the new housemother, M r s . Larson. The new on a penny j>ostal and I know Alice Cullnane Alice Marshall ( E A , '33) is teaching Home
One important fact I want to impress pledge list of both houses isn't as long as it will he grateful. Don't forget your change of Economics at Imperial. "Bibis" Martin ( E A ,
strongly on your sisterly minds is rushing. It might be, but A l p h a R h o n o w h a s seven name if you have married. '32) spent most of the summer with her par-
isn't by giving money alone that you can pledges and Alpha Sigma eleven. ents at Ocean City, N . J . , except for a few
help, I'm asking for money sometimes, but at Both Psi and Epsilon Alpha chapter report weeks spent out west. T h e high spots of the
present I want your interest in sending the It is a sad thing indeed to realize our dear a most successful rushing season. P s i pledged trip being Pike's Peak (Colorado Springs),
chapter girls who will make good AOII's^ I t Mrs. Abrams has left us. Every Alpha Sigma eight and Epsilon Alpha fourteen. Mt. Washburn (Yellowstone P a r k ) , and the
is absolutely essential that we get organized has the loveliest of memories of her, and all Amos 'n' Andy Sky Ride (Chicago F a i r ) .
unto the utmost parts of the district and get those who came in contact with her remember The rush season at Penn consisted of an Gertrude Hayman Paton (*, '25) sailed on
material for next year. Now is not too soon, her for charity and k i n d n e s s . She passed opening tea; the next F r i d a y the Philadelphia November 15 for Antwerp, Belgium, to be
and it is up to one and all to send in any pos- aWay the last of August. Alumnae Chapter gave the active chapter a gone for three years.
sible material. Don't delay, and let's help the Rose Dinner as one of the parties; Sunday a
active chapters. You'll hear more of this Fraternally, parents' tea and the following Saturday the Beth S c h w a i b e G a r r a h a n ( E A '31) an-
again and again and again this year. G W E N D O L Y N M E T Z E R , A S , State Chairman. rushing formal, a dance held at the Walnut nounces the arrival of a daughter on July 25.
Park Plaza. Anne Nichols came down for the Eleanor Rohner Spencer (*, '20), a daughter
Elizabeth Gabler, 2925 N . E . 48th Avenue, Pennsylvania event. A f t e r rushing season is over, they are Eleanor.
Portland, Oregon, is magazine chairman for planning a tea in honor of Miss Crawford, the
this section, so be sure to send all subscrip- DEAR PENNSYLVANIA ALPHA O: Directress of Women at the University. Fac- Guess this is about all for news column this
tions to periodicals through her or direct to ulty members and parents are to be invited to time. P l e a s e let me hear from each and
the Central office. O u r work in the Kentucky A new and better year is before us all. this tea. T h i s year they have a new chaperon, everyone of you, especially the members-at-
mountains is greatly helped by commissions Let's make it the best ever for AOLT. Our big- Mrs. Burns. large. M y best wishes to you all.
on all orders. gest problem is our National Social Service
Work. L a s t year we did not meet our budget The letter from Evelyn Lewis ( E A ) tells of Remember our slogan "A contribution from
Now for some human interest news that you for this worthy cause, but this year with your their fourteen pledges. T h e chapter achieve- every Pennsylvania Alpha O."
all seem to eat up in a letter of this kind. help we . w i l l ! Everyone at Convention felt ments will be found in their chapter news,
I do wish some of you would be as interested that it was such a splendid opportunity for "The Pride of Alpha O." A very choice num- Sincerely and fraternally,
in dues, social work and chapter activities as philanthropic work that we should not aban- ber of outstanding and unusually attractive E L I Z A B E T H B . M A R T I N , E A , State Chairman.
you are in the personal column. O f course, don the field. Convention also felt that if the girls, too.
it is now the time to mention that if anyone alumnae were informed about our work in Tennessee
knows any news that should be passed around, Kentucky, each would be glad to do her part Now let's see what our "alums" are and
please tell me about it. I ' m also most glad to in the work. T h e Philadelphia Alumnae Chap- were doing. Before I tell you what I know, DEAR AOII's IN T E N N E S S E E :
learn of any changes in address for it's hard ter is to help to the extent of seventy-five dol- won't you all drop me a line about yourselves
to get anything definite from what I hear at lors or more. Now how about you members- and if you do, I'll promise you a newsy letter Greetings and best wishes to y o u ! Another
different meetings. C e n t r a l Office wants to at-large in the State of Pennsylvania? Can next time. year has started in our fraternity life, and I
know all changes as soon as possible. you go them one better? That's great, I knew want to urge each of you to try to make this
you'd say "Yes." No matter how small your Those from Psi seen at Ocean City, N . J . , an unusually successful one. I t shouldn't be a
Hazel Williams ( A P ) married Luke Gill on donation, it will help swell the fund—pennies were: Helen Wallauer Horner ('27); Betty hard job when one considers the good cap-
September 2, and they are in Honolulu. Ruth make dollars you know. Make checks payable Stiles ('32) ; Peg L y n n ('26) ; Marion ('27) tains at the head of all the alumnae and active
Hansen ( A S ) was married this fall to Neil to Alpha O m i c r o n P i and send to B o x 262, Kild Eleanor Culin ('30) ; Peg Pierce Ander- chapters and the inspiring Convention which
Francis Black, and they live in Portland. Mil- State College, P a . L e t our slogan be " A con- son ('28) ; P o l l y Partridge ("30) ; P e g B r o w n gave them such an excellent send-off. Unfor-
dred Vaughan was married on October 26 to tribution from every Pennsylvania Alpha O. ('31) and Molly Martin ('32). Those from tunately, I didn't get to Convention but by
Leroy D r a p e r , a T h e t a Chi f r o m U . O. Epsilon Alpha at the same resort were: Madge questioning the d e l e g a t e s in my immediate
Eleanor Ansty Gray ( A P ) is back in Portland I n this great state we have only one alumnse and Marian Terwilliger ('31) ; Ruthie Gilbert community, I've managed to acquire lots of en-
from Oakland. Mary L o u Collins (AP, '33) chapter. Surely there can be more. There C32) ; Gladys Kaufman ('32) ; Elizabeth Pres- thusiasm and interest.
was married on June 9 to H o w a r d Hertz, and are several Alpha O's in Pittsburgh who arc ton ('33); Grace Bergholz ('33) and Bibis
they live in Corvallis. A big surprise to the Martin ('32). Louise Hoffeditz ( E A '31) is I wish I had the kind of position that enable
friends of Cloethiel Woodard ( A S ) is her back at the University of Nebraska again this me to visit all the chapters and come into per-
year taking more credits toward her doctor's
degree in psychology. T h e Terwilliger twins

84 To DRAGMA • JANUAKY. 1934 85

sonal contact with the members. But since I Handly enjoyed a trip abroad, Rowena Krup K a P P a Chapter, being the only one in our beginning of a chapter formed chiefly from
can't meet you in that way, I want to know toured the western states and Canada and wa' territory^ is the only one I have any news alumnae of the W a s h i n g t o n State College
you as well as possible through these little let- bridesmaid in an elaborate wedding. group. Officers of the Spokane Alpha O club
ter visits. Won't you help me? I want you bout. T h e y had a most successful rushing were elected recently and are as follows: Mar-
to keep me posted about all the things which The K n o x v i l l e Alumnae are trying a net* Reason, pledging fifteen most attractive fresh- garet Wade ( A Z ) , president; Victoria Hanson
might be interesting to the other chapters and type of meeting in an effort to interest it* e n among them the president of the fresh- ( A r ) , vice president; Dorothy Myer ( A r ) ,
help me be a medium through which they can members. T h e y are planning an educational man' class. T h e first rush tea was carried out secretary; Gladys Ellen Sohn ( A r ) , treasurer;
be informed. L e t me know you, and I may be program to study P u b l i c Health in all fti along a Mexican scheme in the decorations, fa- Nellie McCall Owen ( T ) , P a n h e l l e n i c dele-
able to help you with your problems. It is phases. T h e y get outside speakers to come to -ors, a n ( l refreshments. T h e second tea was gate; Faith Toole, publicity chairman. T h e
especially urgent and necessary that we all get talk to them. L u c y and F a y Morgan have j n s * the usual rose tea, and it was unusually lovely Spokane Alumnae and a c t i v i t i e s residing in
together in our money-making schemes, so that published a book on Public Health. this year, I ' m told. R e d cellophane, red can- Spokane gave a rushing party for girls going
we may be able to make a good contribution to j j e s and green shrubs decorated the house. to Washington State College, at Glen T a n a ,
our National Social Service Work. No one Kappa Omicron also reports a good groun The Lynchburg Alumnae C h a p t e r made the on September 9. I n a charming rural setting
of us alone can accomplish a lot toward help- of pledges, but I'm sorry I can't tell the nunv. open-face sandwiches, carrying out the red and a bridge luncheon was held. T h e rushing com-
ing our organization and yet without the com- her. T h e October T o D R A G M A gave us lots of white scheme. T h e house, which was repaired mittee adapted the hotel idea suggested in past
bined efforts of us all, we cannot accomplish news of Kappa Omicron including weddings and painted last spring, was done over on the issues of T o DRAGMA. Girls found their places
as much as we would like. It is so essential and much interesting gossip. T u r n to page 55 inside this fall. Furniture was upholstered and and luncheon e s c o r t s by m e a n s of "hotel
for each one to do her part in order that the and read about this chapter. „ e w curtains were put over the whole house. keys;" a hand-bag at each place supplied can-
whole may be great. Plans are under way now for refurnishing the dy; and during the b r i d g e game and other
The Memphis Alumnae are, like the rest of chapter room. Kappa holds many important amusements that followed Ruth Quarry ( T ) ,
We've had some very good suggestions for us, struggling with finances but have thought offices on the campus this year, including A d - dressed as a hotel page, delivered telegrams
making money, but we are ready and waiting of some splendid ways of raising money. Try die Cunningham, president of Judiciary; E d i t h to the rushees. Invitations were sent in the
for more. T h e Memphis alumnae are selling them out, Memphis, and then pass them on to Pfeiffer, president of the Y . W . C . A . ; and form of telegrams summoning the prospective
chances on a pair of silk hose at each meet- the rest. Ruby Reed, leader of the College Orchestra. freshman to attend to "rushing business, at
ing. A l s o , at each meeting the3r pass around a AOPian Hotel, at the Sign of the Rose."
hat and whatever change is put in is applied to A f t e r a hectic rushing season at Vanderbilt The Lynchburg Alumnae Chapter entertained
the individual member's dues. T h e y are hop- Nu O m i c r o n pledged fourteen girls, all of Mrs. Susan Paige Ehrhardt ( T ) is vice pres-
ing to increase the collection of dues by this whom seem good and worthy material for the active chapter one week-end on a picnic. ident of the organization handling relief work
method. They always have an Easter Egg AOIT. N u Omicron claims three # B K ' s and in Spokane. The Spokane Alpha O's contrib-
H u n t in the spring which nets them about $50. one of the last year's pledges, Mary Alice It is the custom of the alumnae there to give uted thirty eight-hour days of work under Sue
F a r r , has the distinction of having been elected last year to help out the relief work of the
I understand that the Knoxville Alumnae are "Miss Vanderbilt" and also Co-ed editor of the this party every year. T h e girls enjoyed it im- city. Ruth Q u a r r y ( T ) is secretary to the su-
planning to take moving pictures of children Hustler, one of the school papers. perintendent of schools of Spokane County.
all over town and show them at neighborhood mensely. Gladys F r y ( A r ) is a teacher at the Libby
movie houses. What proud mother in or out The Nashville Chapter w i l l be glad to com- Junior High School in S p o k a n e . Victoria
of AOIT would not be pleased to see her off- pete with any c h a p t e r w h e t h e r north, east, I seem to have told you all the news I ve Hanson ( A r ) has opened a studio of speech in
spring on the screen? south, or west in marriages. I n the past six Spokane. Lucille Buchholz ( A r ) is doing ra-
months Agnes Cassels has m a r r i e d Curtis been able to pick up. I wish more of you dio work. She is playing the piano over K G A
The Nashville Alumnae are taking over an Blackwood; Margaret Rawls has married A l - and K F P Y Spokane radio stations, as part of
idea which they got from an issue of T o len Moore, Louise Cecil, L y n c h Bennett, and would write me; particularly, those of you in a regular program. Nellie McCall Owen ( T )
DRAGMA last year. They have started a mar- Elizabeth Frazier, Martin McNamara. is president of the Spokane Campfire Girls.
ket basket on its way around the chapter. West Virginia, so that you would find news Anita Pettibone Schnebly ( T ) , after several
Each week a member bakes or cooks some- If this letter doesn't contain the news you years of ill-health, is at work again at her
thing and takes it to another member who pays are looking for, see your chapter president and from that state in this letter too. Here's hop- writing and is completing a novel. Ethel V a n
whatever she thinks the article is worth to her ask her to make her letters to me a little fuller Zandt ( A T ) , who has been secretary with the
and then puts her culinary donations into the and a little newsier, and I ' l l see what I can do. ing we'll have a most successful y e a r ! Weyerhouser Sales Company, has been trans-
basket and in turn sends it on its way. I n this The letter is for you, so any criticisms and ferred to the St. Paul office, and plans to be
manner they hope to create a friendlier spirit amendments will be promptly taken care of. Fraternally, a member of the alumnae chapter there. R e -
among their members as well as to increase cent arrivals in Spokane include Mrs. Rives
their budget. Here's to a great year for u s ! L O U I S E W O L F F , K , Province Chairman. Waller, a member of Alpha O from Vander-
Fraternally, bilt College, Tennessee.
Omicron Chapter reports s i x t e e n pledges Washington
after a busy rushing season. T o quote from a F R A N C E S M C K E E , NO, State Chairman. On a Friday evening early in September, the
letter from that chapter: "Among our sixteen Alpha Omicron Pi Alumnae in the state of Seattle alumnae gathered for the traditional
attractive pledges we find much talent and Virginia and West Virginia Washington will probably have the same sur- picnic supper at the Krause's. It was a beau-
many charming personalities. I n this group prised feeling that I have at finding my almost tiful evening and the tables were set out on the
the north and south are w e l l - r e p r e s e n t e d . DEAR A L U M N A OF VIRGINIA AND W E S T VIR- too familiar name as state chairman of alum- porch and lawn. A delicious supper—the kind
June Bayless of Chicago has the well-known nae. Since the first inkling of my duties in this Pat K r a u s s p e c i a l i z e s in—was served buffet
Yankee brogue while Margaret Lynman of GINIA : position was that copy for a news letter was style. A f t e r w a r d s the group adjourned to the
Birmingham drawls out her Southern accent. due almost immediately, I was forced to call beach to sit chatting by a big beach fire, until
Bessie Mitchell, Dorothy Dunn, and Gwen- As your Province Chairman, I want to greet for help on very short notice. T h e response the lateness of the hour broke up the gather-
dolyn Bittle of this city are very popular girls. you and to tell you what a privilege I deem it was wonderful. My only disappointment was ing.
Jean Francisco is an accomplished pianist and to be working with you all. I am sure that, that there was no reply from the chapter at
is the author of several musical compositions, with your cooperation, we shall be able to ac- Washington State College, and I trust that the Seattle alumnae meetings will be held alter-
so we are looking forward to many new AOIT complish all that we set out to do. alumnae f r o m Alpha Gamma will not be too nately at the chapter house and at the homes
ditties. Betty Milton is a talented toe dancer. distressed at no news from the active chapter. of the alumnae. T h e meetings in the homes
Vivian Geis has two Alpha O sisters. Vorena The first thing we want to get to wrork on is Had it been my own chapter of Upsilon, 1 will be supper m e e t i n g s . F o r the past two
Mayo is the niece of the late Janie Mayo the raising of our quota of the budget for the would probably have been able to fill in the v a - years all meetings have been dinner meetings
and Delia Peet is an AOIT daughter." National Social Service W o r k . T h e r e cannot cancy by imagination, but not being familiar and have been highly successful. However, it
be a single one of you, who, if you have read With activities and procedure at Pullman, even was felt that the alumnae were not getting to
Further reports from Knoxville tell us that in T o D R A G M A of the great social service work my journalistic e q u i p m e n t for making two the chapter house often enough and the new
Maxine Christenberry and Emily Mahan are which our fraternity has undertaken, will not stories grow in the place of one fails me. plan was adopted.
making their debut in Knoxville, while R o w - be more than glad to do your share of work
ena Kruesi, Mary Cummings, and Lillian K i t - for or make your contribution to this great While the depression c o n t i n u e s to hover
trel are making theirs in Chattanooga. Emily cause. Since there is only one alumnae chapter over the west and hampers pledging and the
in these two states most of us are unorganized usual efforts put forth to help the National
and therefore working under a handicap. But Social Service Work, I am hoping that this
let's show the others that we are big enough to year our alumnae groups can manage some-
overcome it and can do our part as well as the what more generous aid to our social worker
highly organized states. With the F r o n t i e r N u r s i n g Service.

This year sees Alpha Omicron P i in Wash-
ington with only one real alumnae chapter. W e
hope that at least one other can be established
during the next two years before convention
time rolls around. I n Spokane, there is the

86 T O PRAGMA' JANUARY, 1934 87

The first meeting of the fall season was held $80. L a u r a H u r d ( T ) former Grand P r e , - , t , n 0 i group in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. E d - have to drop in and call on each one someday,
at the chapter house, and Louise Oliver dis- dent, is secretary of the Seattle Soroptunj J ward J- P ° l e (Merle Wofe, T ) of Tacoma, so don't be surprised to see a stranger on your
cussed the financing of the chapter house with Club and had a trip to the national conventi0 *dopted a baby boy a f e w days after his birth door-step, but if you should get to Oconomo-
the alumnae. A number of girls are buying Dr. Mildred L o r i n g Sylvester, one of UpsiloJ^I woc first, please do stop at 124 Lisbon R o a d a
shares on the installment plan. The new plan founders, who has lived in and near Pliilade]8 on J u ' y minute.
is working well. A s a girl gets a dollar or two phia for many years, is lecturing in psycholoot Among summer visitors in Tacoma this year
to spare, she sends it in to Margaret Gregory, at the University of Pennsylvania. Mildred But Wisconsin is a large state and it will
4205 5th Avenue N . W . , Seattle. Margaret has one child, L o r i n g ; and her husband, £ r . was Helene K r a u s ( N ) , who looked up the probably take all of two years to get around,
sends a receipt, and the payments continue un- mond, is with the First National Con/panv therefore, I beg of you to send your "Mem-
til $10 is received when the stock certificate is H e l e n Bogardus ( T ) , after studying for sev- Upsilon girls residing there and had a visit bers-at-Large" dues of $1.50 to the Central
turned over. eral, years in the east, and completing all work Office real soon and not wait for my call. A l l
for her P h . D . at H a r v a r d , except her thesis, w j t h them. Minnie Baker of Montana, visited alumna? members who are members of some
Helen M o r f o r d Carstens has been appointed has been appointed head of the Y . W . C. A Marion and Helen Lea. Florence Semmen alumna? chapter send in dues through their lo-
alumna? rushing chairman to work with U p - in Seattle and is reported to be doing splendid cal chapter.
silon Chapter in their rushing activities. Rush- work. Helen accompanied by Maud Moselev Heikel and her family from Hoquiam, visited
ing and pledging is a serious problem at the who is still with the University Library, spent
University of Washington this year, and the her vacation at Crater Lake. Kathleen Clif- Carrie Bechen Braman and her family. Sue
alumna? are giving their most active support. ford of the Michigan chapter, who has been
Alumna? who know of girls from their home in the University of Washington librarv, i e f t paige Ehrhardt and her children spend several Recently the M i l w a u k e e Alumna? Chapter
town or elsewhere who might be rushed by in August to go to Guam, where her father ^ y s with. R u t h Hazlett Kelly's family in T a - sent a huge box of clothes to Bland M o r r o w
Upsilon are urged to drop Helen a line. H e r will be stationed. Elizabeth L o v e went to the for "our" mountain folk, and from her letter,
address is 429-35th Street, Seattle. World's Fair in August. Lucille and Frank coma. Sue also visited the K r a u s ' home and I am sure they were very much appreciated.
Lockerby drove to the fair with M r . Licker- On December 6 the Milwaukians held their
Homecoming for Upsilon members was on by's parents, and t h r e e other U p s i l o n girls other friends in Seattle. Frances Reedy B e n - Founders' Day Service. I wish everyone could
November 18, the day of the University of drove to the F a i r and AOLT Convention togeth- have been with us and heard Mary Dee Drum-
Washington-University of California, Los A n - er. These latter three scattered about the iamin ( T ) is the p r e s i d e n t of the Parent- mond speak on National Work. Mary Dee
geles, game. There was a reunion dinner at world afterward. Julia Nichols found New fires you with enthusiasm, you can fairly see
the chapter house that evening. Upsilon is Y o r k so fascinating that she stayed there, ob- Teachers' association of one of the larger T a - those babes with little or no advantages and a
settling down to intensive formal rushing, and tained a job at Macy's and spends her leisure great need for help. They worship Bland
four dinners were on the program of the week seeing sights. Marian Elder returned home in coma grade schools. Ruth Hazlett Kelly had Morrow, AOn's Social Service Worker, and
following pledging. Several alumna? attended August, and was m a r r i e d to Nat Haynes, who wouldn't, for her tireless effort and work?
each dinner. Upsilon had three brides during while Dorothy H a l l caught the wanderlust and a thrill this summer when over a bargain coun- As a Social ServiceAVorker she is perfect and
October. Fern Taft is now Mrs. Walter Ney- kept on going to England, France, Germany doing all of her share, in many cases ours too.
lon. She was married on the morning of Sat- and Belgium and did not return to Seattle un- ter in an Oakland department store, she met Have you done yours? W e have hoped that
urday, October 14, at the Church of the H o l y til October. the Members-at-Large w o u l d send $1.00 in
Rosary. Mildred Sutter was married on Octo- Ruth Fosdick Davis. Ruth is just as much whole or part, to aid this work. Will you
ber 18 at her home in Ketchikan, A l a s k a , to T w o Upsilon alumna? recently became estab- please send yours now ? I know, as well as
Paul Stuart C h a r l e s , also of K e t c h i k a n . lished in California. Greg Moris, the profes- fun as when she ran the campus and brought each of you, it has been and still is, in many
Katherine Maxwell Croasdill was married Oc- sional name of Gertrude McCann, is in Oak- cases a bad year, and if you can't send any-
tober 27 at Christ Church, Seattle, to Russell land, one of the three artists employed by Cat- honors to Upsilon. Ruby Hazlett was married thing—no more said—but if you can—Please
Leroy Sweany ( T K E ) , of Port Orchard. Inez well's. M a r y Genevieve Scott is teaching prfc do. I f you cannot contribute, I ask you to read
Swartzlander was an attendant. Marjorie mary at Albany just outside of Berkeley, C alif. to John T o d d , J r . , on October 15. Sue Sco- about our work and keep informed of what we
Beeuwkes ( T ) , who graduated last December She attended normal school in San Francisco are doing as a fraternity. Y o u know a ^chaifl
from the University of Washington, has been last year, specializing in kindergarten work. field Johanson is teaching music as well as is only as strong as its weakest link," and
delegated to live with the British Columbia Helen Allen, after several years in New York, every AOII is a link in our chain. D o try to
chapter and assist them with the rushing and recently r e t u r n e d to S e a t t l e , and is doing running her household and caring for her baby be a strong one!
carrying on other sorority affairs. Marjorie is comparative buying for Frederick and Nelson,
living with a Vancouver AOLT, as the chapter until something else turns up. Upsilon alumnse gir'
has no house, and is taking art. She will re- will be sorry to hear that M r s . Grant, mother While this is the one official news letter of
main the second semester, if needed. Dorothy of Margaret Widrig and J e a n n i e Grant
Smith Falkenberg is back in the Seattle schools Anderson, has been very ill with tuberculosis. the state alumna? chairman, other news letters
this year. Edith Chapman Korres was mar- A f t e r several months of absolute quietness
ried to George Ollason on August 25, and is she is improved, and it is hoped that the case can be arranged if the Washington chapters
living at 5739 30th Avenue N . E . Other mar- is arrested. Nellis M c B r o o m ( T ) spent the
riages of Upsilon alumna? include those of summer in Seattle, but has returned to her po- wish to arrange for financing them. I will be
Peggy A n n Griffith to Calmer M c C u n e and sition i n V a s s a r . She expects to return to
Marian E l d e r to Nathaniel Haynes. M r s . K e n - Spain soon and complete the work for her glad to hear f r o m the alumna? groups in the
neth Mcintosh (Margaret Bare.T) after living Ph.D. Nellis has a small child. She uses her
in Longview for several years has returned to maiden name in her teaching work. Ada state who may be interested in such a letter.
Seattle to make her home. Mrs. Dean Nus- (Pat K r a u s ) went to the Chicago F a i r this
baum (Edith Broom) has moved from Wood- year. Minnie K r a u s made a vacation trip to B E R Y L D I L L K N F . E N , T , State Chairman.
way P a r k to S e a t t l e . Mrs. James H a r m s Yakima, and completed her holidays in Seat-
(Edna Robinson) after living many years in tle. Barbara Clark is living in San Diego. Wisconsin
Huntington Park, Calif., is now making her I r m a Crook ( T ) has been elected president of ]
home in Seattle. E d n a and her family lived the Seattle Public Council of Preschool Asso- DEAR WISCONSIN ALPHA O'S : Sincerely yours in AOII,
for a short time during the summer in Helen ciations. T h i s council heads 43 groups com-
Brewster Buzzard's home on Lake Washing- prising over 1,100 members. Alice Campbell As I sit down to compose this letter to you, R U T H LAWLOR MACFADDEN
ton, and did not discover until later that Helen Cole, is assistant chairman of the T i m e l y Top- I wish I knew more of you personally. But
is one of our Upsilon girls, also. Helen Nims ics luncheon club of Seattle. Margaret Pear- my first job seems to be getting the address ( M R S . H A R R Y A . ) , N, State Chairman.
whose husband is Vernon F i t z g e r a l d , has a son is publicity chairman for the Stevens Pre- file in order. Won't you all help and return to
young son. The Upsilon Mothers' Club held a me immediately, a card with your address? I f
rummage sale on October 11 and netted over I am to get to know you personally I'll first

(Continued from Page 60)

Ette Boitigarten ('35), Los Angeles, Calif.; Barbara ('34), Lansdowne, P a . ; Helen Euerle ("35), Philadel-
Finley ('36), Los Angeles, Calif.; Betty Hampton phia, Pa.
('36), Fullerton, Calif.; Frances Sheeler ('34), San
Pedro, Calif.; Stella Wilhelm (*36), Los Angeles, 2—Mary Isabelle Elberg ('36), Woodland, Calif.;
Calif. Claire Laughlin ('36), San Francisco, Calif.; Virginia
Simpson ('36), San Francisco, Calif.
NK—Laurelle Ray ('36), Dallas, Texas.
T_Margaret Dodd ('35), Tracy; Martha Morgan
0—Eva Spieler ('36), Lakewood, Ohio; Frances ('35), Pueblo, Colo.; Eleanor Mullen ('36), Cass
Hardy ('36), Celina, Ohio. Lake; Genevieve Matson ('36), Minneapolis, Minn.

II—Evelyn Beard, McComb, Miss.; Janice Torre, ©—Marjorie Mclntyre, Greencastle; Julie Chapman,
New Orleans, L a . ; Catherine Cellina O'Neill, New Or- Crawfordsville, Ind.
leans, L a . ; Florence Sidney Mize, Gulfport, Miss.;
Mildrtd Rae Shaw, New Orleans, L a . ; Halcyon A*—Caroline Smith ('36), Hendersonv-ille, N. C ;
Rhodes Columb, New Orleans, L a . Madeline Spanogle ('34), Sarasota, F l a . ; Grace Wine-
brenner ('34), Mountville, S. C.
•—Dorothy Davis ('36), Overbrook, Pa.; Eleanor
Hibschman ('36), Philadelphia, Pa.; Florence Harden T—Beatrice Jean Heitmann ('36), Seattle, Wash-

t ^ > _ E v e l y n Christian (*34), Western Springs, III.

88 t j J U A K Y . 1934 89

Alpha Alumnae Notes for Fannibelle L e l a n d Brown, out there in her a S held at the chapter house and 64 actives Southern District, together with the newly i n -
Peter P a n House in that rapturously lovely *nd alumnae were present. T h e tables were stalled Delta Phi Chapter, at the University of
-f- I T H A S B E E N a long time since the mother garden. South Carolina. W e have adopted by-laws and
chapter appeared in these notes and she's . o r a t e d with red tapers, little red roses in established the status of every AOII alumnae
Bess T o m s is secretary and '"right hand ''-Hoy r e ( * fl°wer ^ts< -a n o lovely place-cards in whom we know to be living in this community.
glad to report. man" to Ogden Reid, publisher of The Herald We wish all members of A O n whom we have
Tribune. "Tommy" has often doubled by serv- m e shape of red roses. Entertaining and in- not reached would watch for notices of meet-
Edith Dietz Janney is still pursuing her im- ing on the Tribune as musical critic as well. niring speeches were presented by Helen Gray, ing in the newspapers and join us.
portant work as vocational counsellor for the President of the Omicron P i ; Ernestine W a g -
New York City Board of Education. Elizabeth Heywood W y m a n is busy with her ner president of the Detroit Alumnae Chapter; Mariann Garton was born to Dorris Bowers
writing, her civic and neighborly duties and Blossom Bacon, president of the A n n Arbor Garton ( T '25) and J . L . Garton, on August
Several members of Alpha are serving on her work as ever f o r A O I I — p r o m i n e n t in Alumnae; V i r g i n i a Snyder, Gladys H i n m a n 12. W e extend our sympathy to Annie Stuart
this years board of the Associate Alumna? of which just now is her fostering interest in the Hirt. Billie Griffiths, and Helen Maynard Hub- Pearce ( I I ) on the loss of her father. O n
Barnard College: Jennie Wylie is a Director; New Jersey Alumnae Chapter. bard. Members of the group at Michigan State May 31, we welcomed Hazel Hartwell Jenkins
Lucie Petri is 1914 Class Representative of the College who are |>etitioning for a charter in (A '16) as a new member. H e r sense of
Alumnae F u n d ; E l s a Becker is chairman of the Margaret Clark Sumner and her brilliant Alpha Omicron P i were also present. After humor is indeed a joy. Betty Hadley ( K '33)
Alumnae Association Endowment Fund Com- family live in the Scropps' Foundation Colony the speeches clever skits were presented by has affiliated. She is continuing her studies at
mittee; and Virginia Mollenhauer who, though near San Diego. D r . Sumner is conducting the pledges. T h e chapters are busily scurrying E m o r y on a scholarship, and we don't see her
initiated into Nu Chapter is also a Barnard some more of his b i o l o g i c a l investigations among their clothes to see what they can as often as we should like.
graduate, represents the class of 1910 on the there. T h e i r garden hangs over the Pacific and Spare to take to the next meeting to send to
Alumnae Fund. the next neighbor facing it is in Japan! o l i r industrious Social Service Worker, Bland Baltimore Alumnae Dress Dolls
Borrow, I" help make her Christmas a hap-
Jessie Wallace Hughan was a candidate for But New Y o r k City has its spectacles, too. pier one. By Joe Bland ford, IT A
the New Y o r k State Assembly on the Socialist Y o u should see the view from Helen St. Clair
ticket. Mullan's impressive law office on the forty- Atlanta Alumnae Sew for Kentuckians -f- " E D D I E " B U R N S I D E H O W A R D entertained the
second floor of one of the new skyscrapers.
Luise Sillcox, who is Secretary of the A u - Helen is working hard, of course, and we all By Emma Fritsche Gar>isey,y¥ November 1 meeting at her home; such
thors' League of America, has her hands full rejoice that she again looks well and feels a busy meeting too, fairly teeming with busi-
in these parlous times, which bring to her desk well after her summer in B a r Harbor—though T H E A T L A N T A ALUMN.-E meetings, held ness and activities. T h e constitution of the
many problems. she did w o r k instead of resting. s every other Wednesday at three, have been New Baltimore Panhellenic Council was read,
regular, enjoyable and most inspiring. W e are discussed, and voted upon. W e think it an
Speaking of authors, Margaret Hall Yates Ann Arbor Alumnae Entertain so grateful f o r our Atlanta Alumnae Chapter awfully good thing for the fraternity women
is said to be engaged upon a new novel, as is Patronesses and the contact with our A O n sisters. A f t e r of Baltimore. A t this time we collected clothes,
also Stella G . S. Perry. discussing all sorts of plans whereby we might shoes, and books in abundance. Buckey Clem-
By Ruth Van Tuyl, Oil make money f o r our contribution to the N a - sen (IIA '32) boxed and sent them off to the
Everybody will be glad to learn that F l o r - tional Social Service work, we agreed to sell Kentucky mountaineers. O n November 14, the
ence L . Sanville, a u t h o r o f " O n c e M o r e T H E F I R S T M E E T I N G w a s held in the new vanilla, have benefit teas and bridge parties. chapter enjoyed a delightful luncheon and
United," has completely recovered her health Our vanilla sale proved a profitable means to afternoon at the A m b a s s a d o r A p a r t m e n t s .
and is occupied as usual with her valuable so- chapter house early in September. Two acquire funds. Annie Stuart Pearce ( n ) was Mrs. George Hall presided over a very pleas-
cial welfare work in Pennsylvania. new members were welcomed to the chapter our delegate to Convention in Washington, ant gathering of many of us. Margaret Crunk-
at this time, "Winkie" H a l l ( o n '33) and H ) . C. Upon her return she told us of all leton was hostess at her home at St. Albans
We're all delighted that "Jo" Pratt is in V i r g i n i a S h e r m a n (A4> '33). Plans were . the convention news and the interesting talks Way on Founders' Day. A s substitute for our
charge of alumnae in the Metropolitan District formed for the year's social and philanthropic given there relative to T h e Kentucky Frontier traditional dinner, we contributed an approxi-
and hope that she'll be able to bring back into work, and after the meeting everyone chipped Nursing Service. It enlightened us greatly mate amount to be used in filling baskets f o r
line those Alpha girls who slipped out of it in a n d helped the "actives" fix up the new about this wonderful work and made us even deserving and needy families at Christmas.
after the fraternities were disbanded at B a r - house f o r rushing. T h e patronesses were en- more eager to do our part. I n connection with Food was also brought and other foodstuffs
nard and before New York Alumnae Chapter tertained at the October meeting and gave this work o u r last few meetings found us promised for additional baskets. During the
came into life. "Jo" can do it. She has the many helpful s u g g e s t i o n s for the coming sewing like beavers on garments to be sent to evening we dressed sixteen dolls (took a num-
high power "drag" with us all. bridge-bake sale which was held in the middle Kentucky. W e c o l l e c t e d woolens and any ber of others home to dress) f o r some o f
of November and brought the chapter about warm garments for men, women and children the children of Baltimore at Christmas. A l l
Bess Coddington is with the text-book pub- $20.00. T h i s was put in our fund f o r National and anticipate sending o u r box to Hyden be- of us appreciated Edith Anderson's letter, and
lishing house, Ginn and Company, and has Social Service Work and f o r a Christmas gift fore Christmas. A rushing tea was held at as she desired us to do, we thought lovingly
written at least one text-book herself. to the active chapter f r o m the alumnae and the home of Katherine K e l l y D u Bose ( K O and with admiration of our four Founders as
patronesses. T h e November meeting was held *28) on September 1. Active members and girls we later in the evening faced our four lighted
Margaret Elliman Henry is conducting wel- at the home of Dorothy Barnard and was a entering LJniversity of Georgia, Newcomb, Ran- red candles. Do come and join us when you
fare and religious work in New York under potluck supper honoring the pledges and the dolph-Macon and the University of Florida are in Baltimore.
the Episcopal Church. new house chaperone, Mrs. James. Everyone [were guests at this time. T h i s was a most de-
enjoyed herself so much that the business lightful affair. O n September 23 E d i t h Walthal A n n a Dorsey Cooke ( I I A '25, '26) drove
Marjoric Hughan Rockwell had a summer- meeting w a s all but forgotten. Plans were Ford ( K ) , Annie Stuart Pearce ( n ) , Hazel to the World's Fair, stayed over a week to
home-school for little girls at Cape May and made to collect clothing to send to the Ken- Hartwell Jenkins ( A ) , and Emma Fritsche attend the American Chemical C o n v e n t i o n ,
is now writing stories and essays for which tucky mountaineers before Christmas. Satur- Garnsey ( ^ ) , of the Atlanta Alumnae drove to and then went on to Rochester. Later she
she again has time since the three fine boys day, December 7, w a s Founders' D a y and was Columbia, S . C , to take part in the installa- visited in Virginia. I n addition to her other
are away at college and school and pretty as always, a very lovely event. T h e banquet tion of the Delta P h i Chapter of AOII at the summer plans, Anna became even more a m -
Peggy's big enough to help manage herself. [University of South Carolina. These activities bitious and published, in conjunction with the
Were most delightful and were completely Mayo Clinic, a paper on Bacteriology. Frances
We always watch Chicago notes f o r nftws told in the October T o D R A G M A by A n n A n - Lemen Knight (IIA '24), with her brother, her
of Alice Smith Thomson whom some of us fjlerson Sale ( K ) . T h e ceremony was most husband Bill (a really grand person), and
had the j o y of seeing again at Convention— inspiring, and it was a treat to witness this Betty Swenk, former president of the local
Los Angeles notes for "Miggles"—Margaret i-installation. A desire for a chapter at the which is I I A Chapter, motored out to Chicago
K u t n e r Ritter to the world—and Seattle notes BlJniversity of Georgia at Athens is the most and "did" the Fair. From there they went on
important topic of discussion at present, and to Canada f o r a week, and then to N e w Y o r k .
pre are working with the hope of installing a Frances is now successfully increasing our
Chapter there. T h i s will be a great asset to the chapter bank balance with magazine subscrip-
tions. Margaret Safford Dudley turned he'

90 To D R A G l | A K j j U A K Y , 1934 91

face toward the north. She spent two ex- year. O u r September meeting was held . J a picnic in June at the Cascades Park. trance of Delta Sigma into AOII, one of the
tremely enjoyable months there, the first in Ellen T i m m o n s ' home and was in the form *t strong forces in building AOII in the early
the mountains of Pennsylvania, and the last a tea honoring Felicia Metcalfe, our famo The g ' > ' lr l s husbands, and the Alpha days. M a y we, in the years to come, never
on Lake Erie. K a y Siehler (IIA '32) is now p l a y w r i g h t member. Felicia's play " C o U s nv te< tncir fail to cherish that same ideal both locally and
Mrs. Edwin M . Willse. K a y had a charming nationally! "Phil" Howard brought a cordial
wedding on June 24. She is now living in summer. During the party she entertained u L w h o were here in summer school were invitation to one and all of the alumnae to
Castile, New York. Elise Dorsey (IIA '27) with an account of her experiences in Ne* • vited. T h e r e were thirty-five people there come to the active meetings as often as pos-
has recently attended the national convention Y o r k , and related all the "red tape" incidental sible. This contact means not only a closer
of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to the presentation of a play. She has a mo!! *H together. Hannah Blair Neal ( ' 1 6 ) and contact with the Delta girls and their activi-
for which series of events she w a s selected a engaging manner of speaking, and she told i! ties, but also through them, a closer touch with
page by her local chapter. E d n a Burnside all so interestingly that we felt as if W e had tennie Carpenter Bowen ( ' 2 7 ) went to con- the college life and its progress. A college
Howard ( I I A '29) lost her six-months-old been with her on the trip and had sat with cannot advance successfully without the inter-
son on November 7. W e sympathize deeply her at the opening performance of her play tention in June. Our President, Edith Hunt- ested support of its graduates. October 20 was
with her in her b e r e a v e m e n t . M a r g a r e t Needless to say, we are exceedingly proud of the date for our second meeting at the C o m -
Crunkleton (IIA '30) is now a lawyer's secre- Felicia. O n October 21 we entertained with a 'neton Anderson, was here in September, and munity House in Dedham, with Virginia Col-
tary- Martha Ross Temple (IIA '30) is still luncheon f o r the new T a u Delta pledges. The bath Crandall ('23) and the Gamma Chapter
with T h e McCormick Company, of Baltimore. party was held in the chapter room, which was /•"ertrude Bailey Huntington ( ' 2 3 ) entertained members of Boston in charge. This new plan
She is kept busy with her foods research, filled to capacity, a number of our alumna; for the G a m m a members to take charge of one
demonstrations, radio cooking school ( W h y which w e had not seen for some time having the Alumnae Chapter in her honor with an eve- meeting seems to carry on the spirit of the
not tune in on Tuesdays from two to four on come for the occasion. O f course, we were Delta Sigma days when the Maine, Brown,
W O R K from Y o r k , P a . ? ) , and trips to points most pleased to see them. Among these alum- ning party- W e had our first meeting this fall and T u f t s chapters were one unit. We hope
in and out of Maryland. T h e last one in- nae whom we seldom see was Blanton Sanders this scheme may become permanent and be a
volved a week in Atlantic City. Park, who w a s here on a short visit. On the o n October 11 at the home of Jennie Bowen real reunion time. A t this meeting, it was
evening of November 15, we have a benefit with H e l e n D u n c a n ( ' 2 0 ) , as her assistant voted to charge the paid-up members 35c for
Bangor Alumnae Vote to Sell Lot bridge party at Margaret Waite's home. We their suppers at the meetings, while the non-
had nine tables. Everyone had a delightful hostess. W e voted in favor of giving money members would pay the customary 50c T h i s
By Beulah E. Osgood, V time, and the party w a s a success in several allows a certain reward to those who pay their
ways. O u r greatest pleasure of the year was instead of bridge prizes at each meeting and dues; and, at the same time, does not cause the
-f- K A T H E R I N E STEWART, our president, held Charlotte Kearney's visit to our chapter. VVe former embarrassment to the non-members
the first meeting of the year at her home all enjoyed having her so very much. T h e ac- donating it to our National Social Service who can attend only occasionally, but would
tives and alumnae gave several parties in her like to help the chapter a wee bit, when they
in Bangor. Estelle Beaupre and Frances Burke honor. T h e first evening of her visit, the work. O n October 19 we e n t e r t a i n e d B # do come. A plea from the National Social
gave most interesting and vivid reports of alumnae entertained with a dinner party at Service Committee asked for contributions of
Convention at Washington. A discussion of Waggoner's T e a Room. W e afterwards had pledges with a picnic at the home of Mary warm clothing for both adults and children.
"to sell" the house lot purchased f o r Gamma an informal meeting in the reception room of I f you have any, do get in touch with M a r -
Chapter followed, and with everyone relating Stockham Building at Birmingham-Southern. |(ay Geake Lockridge ( ' 2 8 ) . The November garet Amon, Glen Road, Wellesley, Mass. June
the high lights of the past summer's news, it A number of alumna? were unable to attend meeting took place at H a n n a h Neal's on No- Kelly ( r '12), who is connected with T h e
was a meeting. I n November, we had an eve- because of the inclement weather. W e are Lewis Manufacturing Company in Walpole,
ning meeting at the home of Madeline Robin- afraid that Charlotte will always have bad vember 8 with Rowena N a s h assisting, Christ- gave a most enlightening talk on the origin of
son Herlihy. T h e knitting fad has seemed to memories of her visit here because of the un- new products, with particular reference to the
invade our group, but although nearly half the merciful rains which descended upon us at mas card sales helped swell our treasury. lines of work pursued by T h e L e w i s Company.
members knit busily during the meeting, their that time. But we shall always hold the pleas- Founders' Day brought nearly eighty Alpha O's
conversational powers were none the less ac- antest memories of her visit. Kvcryone was Boston Alumnae See Initiation on together at the Hotel Commander in Cam-
tive. A f t e r listening to plans of the W a y s and completely captivated by her loveliness and Founders' Day bridge. Postponed from December 4 , when
Means Committee, it w a s decided to raise charm, and we are looking forward to her next the Delta "big rush party" was scheduled, this
money this year by food sales, the first one visit. O n F r i d a y night, December N. the actives By Mary Estelle Heald, A meeting on December 11 allowed us to meet
to be held in December; and by magazine sub- and alumnae celebrated Founders' Day. In spite the nine fine girls who were pledged that noon.
scriptions f o r our contribution to National S o - of the small crowd, we had a successful meet- BOSTON ALUMN.-E CHAPTER s t a r t e d its We doubly welcome Emily Farnsworth ('37),
cial Service W o r k . Because of the financial ing and a good time. Rochelle Cachet and whose mother is Frida Ungar Farnsworth
position of the active girls, and the improb- Elizabeth Smith, president of the active chap- 1933-34 season on September 2 6 with a ('07) ; and not only is she a T u f t s daughter
ability of building a house for many years, the ter, each talked about the Founders. Lila Mae delightful supper party at E d n a Woodbury but also a T u f t s granddaughter, for her grand-
alumnae chapter voted, pending vote of Gamma Thigpen told about the founding of T a u Delta Webb's (A ' 1 2 ) in Quincy. T h e guest of honor father was F . T . Farnsworth ( 7 3 ) . It was
Chapter, to sell the house lot if opportunity T h e s e stories of the founding of AOII and of was "Addie" Steinberg H a l l ( ' 1 1 ) f r o m Balti- particularly delightful to have so many rep-
provided itself. Plans for observing Founders' T a u Delta are always interesting to us all, and more, who with George w a s visiting E d n a and resentatives from other chapters. From U p -
Day were made. A s last year, the alumnae will each year we are proud to tell them to the Kenneth. W e were so glad to welcome Anne silon Chapter was Dorothy Dickinson Daniel,
furnish the dinner and the active chapter will new AOII's. White ( 9 ' 1 8 ) , who is doing research work whose husband is at H a r v a r d Medical School.
entertain during the evening. W e feel that this There were two representatives from Iota:
is quite an ideal way of getting acquainted Bloomington Alumnae Donate •for Lever Brothers in Cambridge, and to wel- Mrs. Frances Rutenber Leslie ('15), whose
with the "actives." A s there are almost forty Money come Margaret Burton H a r t e r ( I ' 2 7 ) who is husband is the well-known pastor of St. Marks
active girls, including the pledges, w e are hav- doing social service work in Cambridge while Church in Brookline; and Margaret Burton
ing it at the Y . W . C . A . in Bangor. A n y By Analie Shaw, B$> her husband is finishing his medical work at Harter ('27). T o represent Theta were Mar-
alumnae attending Military Ball at the U n i - Harvard. Another Theta girl, Margaret Dou- garet Duthitt Amon ('18), Anne White ('18),
versity of Maine were happy I know to see an thitt Anion, who was at D e P a u w with Anne, and Hazel Kladbourne S t a c k b a r g e r . From
Alpha O, Charlotte LaChance, elected to the was with us, of course; but Margaret is so Alpha Sigma came Roberta Robnett, formerly
office of honorary lieutenant colonel. much one of us that we are apt to claim her alumna adviser for A l p h a S i g m a Chapter.
as real Delta property. T w o other welcome Emma Calhoun Stephens ('07), Cambridge,
Birmingham Alumnas Enjoy Mrs. -4- T H E B L O O M I N G T O N A L U M N . E C H A P T E R en- guests were " P h i l " H o w a r d ( ' 3 4 ) and Margie represented N u Chapter. D o r o t h y C h u r c h
Kearney's Visit Baxter ( ' 3 4 ) from the active chapter. "Phil" Shores ('20), Watertown, was a representative
tertained the seniors of the active chapter is Delta's president this year—and, by the way, from Rho Chapter. Luella Fifield Darling
By Elsie Morrison, TA on M a y 10 with a dinner-bridge at the home Jeanne Relyea ( ' 2 9 ) is her new sister-in-law. (B '01) and Marion Wentworth P e r k i n s (T
of Coralie Maze Shaw (O '06) and Analie After the luscious supper, served by E d n a and
-4- B I R M I N G H A M A L U M N . C C H A P T E R have had Shaw ('30). T h e seniors were Bernicc Green- her co-workers, "Millie" W a r d Eldredge ( ' 2 5 )
wait, Katherine Williams, Wilma lane Bor- called the meeting to order. A t this time, O c -
several very interesting gatherings this land, Pauline Ellis, Mildred Frazee, Rowena
Nash, Violet DeBoe. and Clair Stalcy. We ; tavia Chapin ( ' 1 3 ) , our official delegate to the
Convention last spring, brought to us her re-
port, which was supplemented with short re-
ports from Alice Spear ( ' 1 2 ) , Beth Ringer
('32), "Phil" Howard C 3 4 ) , and "Margie"

[ Baxter ('34). One or two decisions reached
may interest those of you who could not be
at the meeting at E d n a ' s : the dues a r e not
to be decreased; the Social Service W o r k is
to be continued (don't miss your chance to
help the Boston Alumnae Chapter earn their
quota and come to one of the bridge parties in
January) ; State Alumnae Chairmen have been
appointed instead of District Superintendents,
and Alice Spear ( ' 1 2 ) was chosen to represent

, Massachusetts; it will be possible to have a
$25 life membership in the national organiza-
tion. Alice Spear's talk told of Stella Stern
Perry's reference, in her history, to the en-

92 KANI'AKV. 1934 93

'05) brought the two other corners of Delta T O PRAGMA • a was called the latter part of M a y at the inspiring talk on the Nursing service in K e n -
Sigma to the meeting. Also from Gamma were horne of Helen Stevens. There were fifteen tucky. It was an informal meeting so every-
Chicago Alumnae Give Tea for Mrs one was privileged to ask questions. A l l ar-
rangements were beautifully planned—thanks
Olive Perkins ('31), Marion's daughter, who Breckinridge and Miss Colcord rnber? present. On June 10 Janet W e i s - to Helen E r s k i n e and her committee. Joanna
is living in Cambridge this winter; Evelyn Colcord ( T ) was visiting in the city and also
Gleason ('33), Arlington, and Edith Living- By Ruth Ashcraft, P f joined us at that time. O u r November meeting
was held at the home of Katherine Clements,
"liller's home was the scene of a delightful assisted by Roberta Wood and Helen Erskine.
No wonder everyone was bubbling over with
stone ('32), Winchester. Alice Spear, as toast- , j rn I i e party our first occasion to celebrate a enthusiasm—Janet Weissmiller joined us for
mistress, introduced three members from Delta -f. CHICAGO A L U M N . E became much more \ n . Silver Wedding anniversary. Helen Stevens, the first time this fall. Naturally, we were all
terested and more convinced of the value eagerly waiting to hear the news concerning
Sigma, Gertrude Symmes Nash ('05) Marion chairman of the Committee, was ably asisted Convention, which she told in a most charm-
Wentworth Perkins ('05) and Luella Fifield of Alpha Omicron Pi's support to the famed ing manner. Lucille McCauley was appointed
Darling ('01), who spoke on their reminis- Frontier Nursing Service in Kentucky when • Helen W'ahl, Helen Erskine and Helen Chairman of a Committee on Citizenship and
cences of those days. A fine letter of greeting they heard M r s . M a r y Breckinridge, founder Brown As Eric and Lucretia Adomeit, our Social Problems. It was unanimouslv agreed
and inspiration was read from our President, of the service, describe her work at a meet- highly honored guests arrived, M r . H a w k e r that we adopt Baskem, "our boy" in Kentucky
E d i t h Huntington Anderson. "Millie" W a r d ing, Sunday night, October 22, at the chapter played the piano, in which everyone joined in for another year. Incidentally, Helen Brown
Eldredge, as president of the Alumna; Chapter, singing "Here Comes the Bride." T h e tables will be glad to place an order for magazine
presented to the active girls an electric j>er- house. Mrs. Breckinridge was available f 0 r were beautifully arranged with roses and can- subscriptions. W e are greatly in hopes that
colator for their chapter rooms. Following the her talk and entertainment during a short visit dles. Ralph Weissmiller read a clever toast to Katherine Maclntyre ( I ) , who is attending
toasts, Delta Chapter initiated two upperclass to Chicago. It was a happy coincidence that Lucretia. Later Lucille Brown presented an Chicago U n i v e r s i t y this year, will find time to
pledges, Martha Henderson ('36) and Helen Joanna Colcord ( T ) who is director of char- inspiring toast to E r i c , which everyone en- join us again at our next meeting. On Novem-
Merry ('35). A l l too soon one of the finest ities for the Russell Sage Foundation of Now joyed to the utmost. O u r gift to Lucretia com- ber 14 several members took sandwiches and
Founders' Day meetings was over, but with Y o r k , was also in the city ami was another prised a do/en teasj>oons and salad forks. T h e met at Janet Weissmiller's home, where the
everyone anticipating next December. Great honor guest at the meeting. More than 250 remainder of the evening was spent at bridge. day was busily spent sewing and mending
credit is due Madalene Beattie Farmer who attended the event. Marion Abele Franco- Fourteen c< uples were present. T h e latter part clothes. Three very large boxes were packed
had charge of this most successful meeting. A Ferreira was chairman of the reception, as- (of course, one box was for "our boy"), all
short business meeting followed in order to sisted by Merva Dolson Hennings. Mary Dec C o f August Helen W'ahl entertained at bridge in of which were sent to Kentucky the following
vote to accept the vote of the Trustees of Drummond, Mrs. W . B. Henderson and Ruth her attractive home friends, new graduates and day. Also a sewing machine was donated and
T u f t s College "to accept the $1,000 Scholarship T a r r a n t A s h c r a f t . On November 22 the North several alumna'. It was our only get-together sent by Katherine Maclntyre and her mother
Fund and, in turn, become responsible for Shore Alumnae gave a subscription dance at during the summer. Naturally the greater part to whom we all vote a word of thanks. Since
paying the scholarship of $50 each year." T h e the Edgewater Beach Hotel, proceeds of which of this last summer found every A O I I busily such a few member were able last year to join
entertaining guests to "A Century of Prog- Chicago Alumna; and Rho at the Northwestern
final step represents the goal toward which are to go to the Frontier Nursing Service. ress." Katherine Clements was elated to have Chapter House on Founders' Day, it was de-
we all have been striving these many years. T h e guests were enterained by a floor show ihree sifters from C h i Chapter visit her and cided we would have our own banquet. The
Last year Boston Alumnae started the scheme during the intermission and punch and cookies her daughter, Marilyn K a y , aged six months. music room of the Plaisance Hotel, on Decem-
of earning their National Work quota by a were served. W e owe many thanks to Betty Janet W e i s s m i l l e r , our p r e s i d e n t , and ber 8, was the scene of our Founders' Day
series of bridee parties in various sections of L o u W a r n e r and Ruth Batterson Solheim for Martha McOuilkin m o t o r e d to Convention. banquet. There were twenty present. The AOIT
Greater Boston throughout the month of J a n - making it a success. O u r last alumna' party Afterwards, Janet's son. Bob, joined them on programs were cleverly designed by Lucille
uary. Last year three groups earned nearly was given at the home of Goldie Buehler in a trip farther ea>t, visiting New Y o r k and and Vivian Brown. O u r most efficient toast-
$30. T h i s year there are to be ten parties; Boston. When "homeward bound" their car mistress, Lucille Brown, told us that " A " stood
certainly the fund should far exceed last year's Kenilworth and included the h u s b a n d s and collided with a cattle truck and was com- for Adventures, a toast given by Helen E r -
excellent showing. I f no one calls you to ask escorts. A very delicious buffet supper was pletely wrecked. T h e v were all rushed to the skine : " O " for Opportunities, by Helen Brown ;
you to play, please do call the chairman in served at 7:30, after which most of the hus- Burbank Hospital in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. and "Pi" for Personalities, by Katherine Mac-
your district and volunteer to come. Plan to bands disappeared to the playroom where the Bob a r m e d home in time for school, but Janet lntyre, who talked on our four Founders whom
be at one of these meetings; we not only want electric trains proved to be the center of at- and Martha had to remain. O u r September she knows personally. A copy of a letter,
your money, but also a chance to visit with traction. Later contract and auction bridge meeting at the home of Beulah Howards, vice "Greetings to R h o Chapter and Chicago Alum-
you again. H e r e are the parties: Foxboro, were played, and the prizes were won by the president, was a success from both a social na:" from our Grand President, Edith Hunt-
Louise Prescott Inman ('21) ; Cambridge, Anne husbands. K a y Hodgson Stocklin C27) has and a bu-im stand|x>int. T h e usual six-thirty ington Anderson, was read by Vera Riebel.
White ('18) and Margaret Burton Harter had such an active existence since college days dinner meeting, to be held the second Tuesday H e r thoughts were most inspiring for the
('27) : Brookline, Beth Ringer ('32) and Olive that it is not unusual that she is embarked in each month, was agreed upon. A monthly occasion.
MacPherson C32) ; Maiden, Mary ('22) and on a career as well as enjoying home life. She program as to places and hostesses was ar-
Fran Heald ('30) ; Medford, Genevieve Fos- is known under various radio names and ap- ranged for the year. T h e r e was a general urge Chicago, West Side, Alumna; Have
dick Sanborn ('10) ; Melrose, G. Margaret pears on sixteen different broadcasts a week. that we raise more money. It was voted that Husbands' Party
Rourke ('30) ; W a t e r t o w n , Dorothy Hilton She is a continuity writer and radio performer. I we have a ten cent raffle at each meeting.
Helen Ste\ens was chosen to be Grand Raffler. By Emma Haustvald, B«f>
Downes ('23) ; Wellesley, Margaret Douthitt M a r y Stephenson McClintock ('27) is living The prize will be a useful gift, not to exceed
Amon ('18) ; Walpole, Margaret Caverley For- at Glendale, Calif. Mildred Parker C30) was fifty cents in value. A l l proceeds will be -4- T H E W E S T S I D E G R O U P of the Chicago
sell ('29) ; Wakefield, Inga Little Bouve ('19). married to W i l l i a m Martin ('I>K2, A K ^ , North- turned over to our National Social Service
Over two hundred attended the Boston City western) on November 18 at F i r s t Methodist fund. It was agreed that everyone would send Alumna; has made plans for an extensive
Panhellenic tea held on December 9 at Strat- Episcopal Chapel in Evanston. Illinois. The 'their favorite "snapshot" to Maude Nolte, who program of work for this year. T h e season
ton Hall. Octavia Chapin ('13) was in charge. couple will reside in Evanston. K a y Kendrick was arranging a book to be sent to Janet opened with a Hallowe'en party in honor of
"Millie" W a r d Eldredge ('25) poured. E i g h t - ('27) was married to Nicholas Robert Wilson [Weissmiller at Burbank Hospital. We were the n e w l y w e d s at Lola Burkhardt's home.
een sororities were represented. F r o m each pleased to have Marion Smith ( O i l ) join us Since each couple was charged fifty cents, a
chapter, two girls assisted with the ushering on August 26. T h e marriage took place in \ mt this meeting. T h e October meeting was money making party was combined with pleas-
and serving. I n the receiving line were Mrs. Buffalo where the couple make their home. held at Mary Alice Ford's lovely apartment ure. Our two autumn brides are Bonita Busian
Minnie Hubbard. Grand President of Alpha Vivian Bork ('30) is in New York taking with Vera Riebel and Marion Smith assisting Beverly and Lucille Arnold Denker. On Sep-
Delta Pi, and Mrs. L . M. Emerson, Grand screen tests and doing radio work. Helen T h i s was our first meeting with the bride. A tember 9, Bonita Busian ( I '28) was married
Vice President of Sigma Kappa. At the Hotel Henderson is in Washington, D. C . with her most delicious dinner was served. D u r i n g the to Grant E . Beverly at a simple but very pretty
Touraine on J a n u a r y 27, at 2:15 p. m., the husband who is doing some government work. meeting we were delighted to hear that janct
Weissmiller and Martha McQuilkin had just
Tufts Alumnae Association is holding its an- returned home from the hospital in Massachu-
nual bridge party. This year there is also to setts. On October 25 were privileged to have
be a fashion show from Thresher's. H e r e is Mrs. Breckinridge, the organizer and director
an opportunity for an Alpha O get-together, Chicago South Shore Alumnae Send j-bf the F r o n t i e r Nursing Service, as our guest
at dinner held at the Plaisance Hotel. A f t e r -
and at the same time to help swell the Alumnae Boxes to Kentucky Wards other guests were invited to hear her
Hall Fund.
Helen Snoddy Stevens, B<T>

- + - T H E A N N U A L men's party was held at the
Cafe de A l e x in May. Helen Brown as

Chairman of the Committee decided we'd b e . «
different this year. A dinner and dance was
enjoyed by everyone. A special business meet-

94 To DRAGMA -JANUARY, 1934 95

home wedding. And on September 18, Lucille Cincinnati. Dorothy Dorsey (GH '31) is tak- w a S married to Clark Morrow of Granville, Dayton Alumnae Assist in Q Rush
Arnold ( I 29) and Dr. Merle Denker were ing graduate work at the University of MiojH Ohio, on September 16. The wedding took
wed at a lovely church wedding. Many Alpha gan and is living at the AOn house. Adelia place in the lovely chapel on Denison campus By Florence Rench, Q
O's were present. Hanks (GH) has accepted a position with T h e and D r - Shaw, president of Denison Univer-
Union Gas & Electric Company of Cincinnati sity, officiated. Avis Coultas Stevens ( I '14) is -4- S U M M E R found the Dayton Alumna? busily
Our first afternoon bridge party was held in Marjorie Dewey ( G H ) , who in June received talcing a year's leave of absence as supervisor engaged in preparations f o r their two par-
the social room of the Washington Court Apart- her bachelor of science degree from the school in one of the Qeveland schools to study f o r
ments on November 11. I t was well attended of child training, University of Cincinnati, now n e r Master's Degree at Western Reserve. We ties f o r prospective Alpha O's. One August
considering the fact that it was competing for holds a position at the Madisonville Children's have two babies, not exactly new, but not pre- morning a group of fun-seeking girls enjoyed
honors with two Big Ten games in Chicago Home, Cincinnati. Our sympathy is extended viously reported. Cecile Yelland Mclnnes (T a splash party in the Waynesville swimming
that Saturday. Emma Hauswald was hostess. to "Peg" North Robinson ( f t ) in the loss of •28) has a fine big baby boy, now seven months pool, followed by a picnic luncheon. Hazel
her father, a prominent Cincinnati attorney. old. Isabelle Terhune (B<i> Ex. '22) has a son, Engle Lowe's ( f t ) lovely new home was the
We were eagerly a n t i c i p a t i n g our first born on A p r i l 29. scene of the other party, a luncheon bridge.
Founders' Day banquet to be held at the Blue Cleveland Alumnae Hold Formal
Parrott Patio in Oak Park. Plans are made Initiation Dallas Alumnae Entertain Mothers Speaking of rushing, brings me to Omega's
for an interesting program. Mary Dee Drum- rush program. Mildred Engle Mattern ( f t )
mond w i l l be our guest of honor. Following By Esther Fowler Rosencrans, H By Dorothy Killian, N K and Ruth Haas ( f t ) filled their cars with Jean
the banquet there will be a "husband party" Boles ( n ) , Ruth Cox Segar (ft), Hazel Engle
at Dorothy Bowman's. -+- O N S E P T E M B E R 9, the chapter entertained T H E W I N T E R S E A S O N f o r the Dallas A l u m - Lowes (ft) Gertrude Bucher ( 9 H ) , Katherine
girls who were planning to attend Miami \ na? Chapter has opened with much en- Rice ( f i ) , and Florence Rench ( f i ) , and all
In October a new son, James Andrew, was thusiasm. A t our November meeting, held at motored to O x f o r d f o r the last day of rush-
born to Dorothy ( H ) and Don Bowman of University this fall, with a rush tea at Musette the home of Dorothy Saner De Witt, our week. We arrived in time to attend the garden
River Forest. Louise ( I ) and Bill Borst of Williams Hammond's (G '27) home. To the mothers were honored guests. We heard a party at Mildred Dennison's (fi) home and
Riverside are the parents of a son, born in October meeting, at Marjorie Keller's ( o n book review—Zweig's "Marie Antoinette," had the opportunity to meet most of the
October. '27) each girl took children's used clothing that which was most interesting as well as instruc- rushees before the evening party, a buffet sup-
was still good to be sent to the Frontier tive f r o m a historical standpoint. Later re- per at the home of Mrs. Spcncely, one of the
Cincinnati Alumnae Send 100 Books Nursing Service. The entertainment for that freshments were served and a social hour fol- patronesses of Omega. Twenty-two girls were
to Kentucky meeting proved a surprise to us all. Margaret lowed. The outstanding social event on the pledged. One Dayton pledge, June Moore, is
Penn White (St') played, and her friend sang year's calendar was the annual celebration of the daughter of John Moore, regional repre-
By Frances Morris Elliott, 6 H her new song just recently published. The Founders' Day on December 8. A tea was sentative to the League of Nations. A letter
title of it is "We Do Our Part." It lias since given to observe the thirty-sixth birthday of tell us that the Denison chapter is bubbling
- f - T H E C I N C I N N A T I A L U M N A C H A P T E R was been used over the radio several times. Of our sorority at the home of Mrs. C. F. Zeek. over with activities, and has eighteen new
course, we are very proud and happy for her Members of N u Kappa acted as hostesses pledges.
glad to join Theta Eta in welcoming Kath- success. and p r e s e n t e d a c l e v e r skit. We are
erine Davis, Ohio Valley District Superinten- very glad to have L i l l i a n Cox Ashby (Ex Dayton Alumna? has been h o n o r e d with
dent, to the University of Cincinnati campus in To the November meeting, at Grace Man- '30) back with us p e r m a n e n t l y after a visits from two outstanding AOn's. In July,
October. During the week-end spent with us. beck's (On '30) home, each girl took food to two-year stay in C h i c a g o . Lillian's young returning to California, after having attended
Miss Davis met with active, alumnae, and fill a Thanksgiving basket for a needy family. daughter, Nancy lane, is adorable. Lillian's Convention, Helen Haller ( f t ) , our National
pledge groups as well as alumna; advisers to The meeting was taken up with packing the husband, Dr. John Ashby, is connected with Treasurer, stopped off in Dayton to visit her
the active chapter. Actives, pledges, alumnae box f o r the Frontier Service and getting the the Bradford Memorial Hospital and Lillian niece, Ruth Haas ( f t ) who is our chapter
and mothers gathered f o r tea at the Univer- basket ready f o r delivery. "Peg" Smith (fi) has interested the Alumnae Chapter in doing president. Those of us who met Ruth's "Aunt
sity Y. | f . C. A . in her honor on Sunday thoughtfully added a bottle of cod liver oil local philanthropic work there. We are also Helen" f o r the first time all agree that she
afternoon before her departure f o r Omega for the undernourished baby which the mother glad to welcome Mrs. I r a T. Newby (Helen is a most delightful person, and the others
Chapter. Cincinnati Alumnae celebrated Found- receiving the basket appreciated almost more Howard, on '24) who has come with her fa- were happy to see her again. I n October,
ers' Day with Theta Eta actives and pledges than the food. Two bridge groups were also mily to reside in Dallas. Mrs. Newby expects Katherine Rice (ft) called a meeting at her
at the University Y . M . C. A., December 11. formed to play the rest of the winter, as a to become active in the alumna? group, and we home, presenting Katherine Davis ( 0 ) , the
Entertainment was furnished by the pledges. means of making money f o r our quota to Nar look forward to her presence at the meetings. Ohio Valley D i s t r i c t Superintendent, from
We are pleased to announce that Ermina tional Social Service Work. New Albany, Indiana. She was making her
Smith Price ( I ) was appointed chairman of Maurice Harris (Ex '33) became the bride annual inspection tour, h a v i n g v i s i t e d the
the Committee on Expansion. A Christmas Our Founders' Day Banquet was held at of Richard L. Hughston on the evening of Miami and Cincinnati chapters and was on her
bazaar and bake sale was given on December Crosby's Inn. A f t e r the dinner formal initia- October 25 at the East Dallas Presbyterian way to the Denison Chapter.
9 under the general chairmanship of Hope tion of new members took place at the home Church. Maurice's engagement was announced
Johnson Tiemeyer (GH). Frances Ivans Rich of Alice Burlingame (On). last June at a lovely party given by her Since our last letter, three members have
( 0 ) was chairman of the bake sale commit- mother, Mrs. Louise G. Harris, and a long had additions to their families. Dr. Robert
tee and Dorothy Kratzer (GH) had charge of Marian Rothaar (ft '27), our president, at- series of parties in her honor followed. Mr. Corwin and Florence C o r w i n (KG) have
the bazaar to which members contributed gifts tended Convention this summer, reporting a and Mrs. Hughston are now at home at 5515 named Carla's baby sister, Janet Mary, and
of all sorts in keeping with the season. The most instructive and glorious time. She came Vickerv Blvd., Dallas. The marriage of Alice Mr. and Mrs. William Segar (Ruth Cox, 0 )
December meeting held at the home of V i r - home by way of New York, visiting Lucille Reynolds (Ex '29) and J. Russell Marshall now have a trio of girls, Barbara being the
ginia Nolloth (GH) took the from of a Christ- Dvorak K i r k there. She says Lucille's baby took place at the Highland Park Presbyterian new arrival. Mildred Young Gallaher ( f t ) and
mas party at which the members each con- is a darling. We have four new members this Church on June 14 at four o'clock. A recep- Howard (Monk) Gallaher announce the ar-
tributed and received a small gift. Everyone year. Doris K u h n Severance (on '29), who tion at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mark rival of a little Phi Tau son, James Harley.
enjoyed the gaiety of the e v e n i n g . Toys, was married last May, has moved here from Lemmon, followed. M r . and Mrs. Russell are Word has been received f r o m Connersville,
clothes, jewelry, and other articles to please Detroit. Adele Ewing (on '33). who was residing in Ft. Worth. Mildred Pepple (Ex. Indiana, that Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Gregg, (Au-
those less fortunate than we are, together with president of her chapter last year, is an ac- ^9) and Cooper Burgess were united in mar- drey Lamont, XA) are the proud parents of
one hundred books furnished by the Cincin- tive alumna member here now. Jean Mitchell riage at high noon, September 18, at the home a son, John Lamont Gregg, born September 9.
nati Public Library, were g a t h e r e d from ( O n '33) is one of us now while she is taking &f the bride's mother, Mrs. Emma Pepple, 1721
among our membership and sent to Bland a business course here. Ethel Rabey Burke Bennett Avenue. M r . and Mrs. Burgess are Hazel Engle Lowes ( f t ) is president of the
Morrow in the hope that they would help carry (0 '24) moved here this fall f r o m Boston. Jt home at the Hershel Court Apartments, Panhellenic organization of Dayton f o r the
Christmas cheer to those of the Kentucky She was a former member of the chapter Dallas. M r . and Mrs. L . B. Dunlap (Beula current year. MoVee Lindsay ( 0 ) was recent-
mountains whom AOII is trying to help. while she was doing social work before she McGee) announce the arrival of a daughter on ly made buyer in the millinery department of
was married. We are delighted to have Hed- December 1. the L . S. Ayres Company in Indianapolis, I n -
Mary Bucher (GH) was appointed librarian wig Sloan (E '22) back again from last win- diana. Florence Rench ( f t ) spent her summer
of the Kroger Food Foundation in Cincinnati. ter's sojourn in Buffalo. We have lost one of in school at Miami and then returned to the
Alice Diehl (GH '31) is assistant bio-chemistry our newest members, Irma Hudson ( A T '3D Dayton Public Library, where she is devoting
instructor at the medical college, University of her time, exclusively, to children's work. In

96 TO DkAGijB fcuARV. 1934 97
Thatcher, was her only attendant. Dorothy
October she attended the American Library numerous favorite recipes that art continual! tJnssom and our Social Service work by Blos- Swift ('28) was m a r r i e d to Clarence W .
Association Conference in Chicago. Ardella pouring in to our secretary from all the cha Lntn Bacon, and the "love its fragrance typi- Deitsch ( B 8 I I ) at the Third Christian Church.
Barth (AT), who was with Dr. Gren fell's mis- ters. This will necessitate enlarging tin fornf* jjjgs" by Gladys Hinman H i r t . Mr. and Mrs. Deitsch are living at 5128 Park
sion in the Labrador, is with ns this winter thereby giving us a larger and more compre' Avenue. Miriam Cosand ('31) was married
and is doing private nursing here in Dayton. hensive cook book, which should satisfy th* Having exhausted the selling points that on December 23 to J. Douglas Perry, acting
most critical. ioduced our friends to buy wire sponges, we head of the Butler University Journalism De-
Irene Wilt and Florence Kench were joint f r t selling a gelatine product that comes in partment. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mills an-
hostesses to the chapter in November, at the One of the most delightful social events of ^dozen luscious flavors, to raise funds to meet nounce the birth of a son in December. Helen
latter's home, when plans were made for the the season was the (owAf e)DdadenindnvgeArarntAhdulurrmc(nc\ae?pXtCi,0hin aS r0f u'r Maddox is recovering from an appendicitis
celebration of Founders' Day. Friday evening, Evelyn Van Horn Social Service quota. operation.
December 8, we are going to have a formal at which members
banquet in conjunction with the active chapter ter assisted. The bride wore a stunning crea. Ft. Wayne Alumnae Prepare Kansas City Alumnae Entertain Phi
at Miami, at the New England Kitchen in Ox- Clothing Box By Amelia Woodzvard, $
tion of white satin and a veil of tulle. She By Alda Jane Woodzvard, B $ -4- As W E A L L made a special effort to go to
Irene Wilt, Jean Boles, Hazel Lowes and carried white rosebuds. Lawrence f o r rush week in September,
Mildred Gallahcr were the only Dayton girls L A S T M A Y the members of the Ft. Wayne
who returned to Oxford for homecoming this Detroit Alumnae Sell Gelatine Alumnae Chapter entertained their moth- our first official meeting was in October at
year, and f r o m their reports of the tea the rest By Marie Edington, O i l _C 1 at a dinner at The Town House and the home of Blanche Hill ('25). The assist-
of us certainly missed a most pleasant reunion. afterwards a bridge at the home of Virginia ing hostesses were Valborg Swenson ('24),
•+- W E STARTED our activities with a dance on Traxler ('31). In June we enjoyed a bridge Ruth Elledge ('27), and Berneice Petersen
The committee for our benefit, with Flor- September 9, sponsored by Omicron pj at The Town House in honor of Pearl Koegel ('28). A f t e r a delicious luncheon we turned
ence Rench as chairman, and assisted by Irene REx. '30) and Mary Geake Lockridge ('26). to our business meeting. As Bess Newcomb
Wilt, has scheduled the third Tuesday in Jan- Corporation. Marjory Webber Bleakley was Pearl was married on June 19 to Elmer W i l - (S), our former treasurer, had moved back
uary as the date on which we hope to meet chairman. Her grandfather had purchased a kens (2X, Indiana University). A f t e r a hon- to Oklahoma, we elected Berneice Petersen to
our quota for our Social Service work in public golf course in the past, and the club eymoon trip through Michigan and Wisconsin, serve in her place. We discussed ways and
Kentucky. house with a large porch f o r dancing was they are at home at 1512 Tilden Avenue. M r . means of raising money to fill our quota again
an ideal place f o r the party. The "Kentucky Wilkens is associated in business with the this year. Also, we voted to help Panhellenic
It looks as though this year will find us Mountaineers" furnished the music and "hill- Wilkens Meat Company, and Mrs. Wilkens with the family which they "adopt" at Christ-
doing a quantity of sorority work and with billy" entertainment. Best of all, we had the does substitute teaching. On July 24, Ann mas time. W e decided to have a dance at
two Omega alumna? advisers. Ruth Haas and use of the club house gratis, for which we Shockley was born to M r . and Mrs. Shockley one of the hotels which proved a very suc-
Katherine Rice, and the State Chairman of were deeply g r a t e f u l to "Marg" and her Lockridge (Mary K. Geake, '26). The parents cessful undertaking.
Alumna?, Ruth Segar, in our midst, not to family. are living this winter with M r . and Mrs. Ross
overlook each and every other AOII who is Lockridge at B l o o m i n g t o n , Indiana, from A t the November meeting at the home of
willing to do her utmost f o r the fraternity, Setting a precedent for all our meetings this which town Shockley works with the W o r l d Nadine Hodges ('22), Margaret Foreman (Ex.
Dayton Alumna: will not lack inspiration to fall, a large enthusiastic group turned out for Book Company. '29), Katherine Acton (Ex. '21), and Julia
spur them on to the highest goal for Alpha the September meeting which was a formal This alumnae chapter does not meet during Anna Smith ( K ) were assisting hostesses. A t
Omicron Pi. one held at Virginia Van Zandt Snider's new the summer, but we began our work this fall the meeting following the luncheon, it was
abode. Between chatter about vacations we with a rummage sale by which we added a announced that we had cleared approximately
Denver Alumnae Invite Orders discussed ways of raising money for our So- neat sum to our treasury. Our next meeting $25.00 f r o m our rummage sale. We decided
By Florence M. While, A S cial Service work in Kentucky. A "Rathskeller honored our Founders, at which the members to have a bridge party for ourselves only,
party" had the potentialities of a novel and who are new to us this year were initiated each one to pay 25c. This money will also
-+- T H I S Y E A R ' S activities o f the group has profitable evening. as alumnae. W e are happy to have i n our go toward our philanthropic work. The rest
interested many of the recent graduates group Clare Staley ('33), Alice Anstett (Ex. of our meeting was given over to a speech
On November 4 about twenty-five couples 1 $3), and Mildred Akey (Ex. '33). Alice Lee by a representative of the Youth Movement
and to whom we have extended a cordial gathered at the home of Ernestine Wagner for Ward (Ex. '34) is with us this year, having asking for our cooperation in this attempt to
welcome. They are Louise Carter ( X A ) , Ruth bridge and hearts. Later in the evening we returned after a six-month stay abroad. She clean up politics. One of these representatives
Thompson ( X A ) , Yvonne DeWitt ( X A ) , and descended to the Rathskeller for supper. It is is teaching school this term. called on almost every sorority group in Kan-
Mrs. Lynch. We know the activities they will a very modern basement with the usual equip- We prepared a box of clothing to send to sas City.
bring will serve more than a twofold pur- ment a r t i s t i c a l l y concealed. I n addition to . Bland Morrow as a part of our philanthropic
pose to the chapter. Our president, Dorothy singing all the college songs we could remem- work. As usual, wc did some local Christmas Our December meeting was held at the
Gannon ( Z ) , gave a most complete and help- ber and a few others to Irene Lutz Dunham's charity. home of F l o r e n c e Klapmeyer Bruce ('21),
f u l report of the Convention that was hold and Marie Wagner's accompaniment, Thelma who was assisted by Edith Adams McFerren
at Arlington Hall in Washington. Lavernc Shaw entertained us with three clever read- Indianapolis Alumnae Have Bridge ('28), Victoria Jackson Wilkinson ( X ) , and
Wright (Z) and Elizabeth Lamont ( X A ) also ings. Tournament Helen Darby Appolonio (Ex. '23). We were
attended. These three members reported a served a regular turkey dinner, but we man-
very enjoyable time and all brought back new The November meeting was devoted to a By Charlotte Peele, B 0 aged to go into a business session which
ideas. Erma Greenawalt ( E ) attended Colum- discussion of National Work and plans for lasted nearly two hours. The P a n h e l l e n i c
bia University this last year and lived at the Founders' Day, of which Gladys Hinman Hirt E L I Z A B E T H C H A R P I E G U T H R I D G E ('28) is report was given concerning the Christmas
International House. This summer she spent was appointed chairman. A large number of chairman of our well-organized bridge family. We agreed to help by giving cloth-
a great portion of her time in Germany study- us celebrated with the actives at our "new- tournament. Founders' Day was celebrated at ing now and later money. We heard the
ing the political and economic situation. A t to-us" house in Ann Arbor. The members o f f l treasurer's report and also that of the ban-
our next meeting she will address us on this Beta Gamma, a group at Michigan State Col- : a dinner at the Silver Cup tea room. Mrs. O. quet committee. The Founders' Day banquet
subject and will give us first hand informa- lege in Lansing, who arc petitioning Alpha M. Jones was chairman, assisted by Mrs. W. was held Friday, December 8, at the Phillips
tion relative to the new regime that has come Omicron Pi, were invited to be with us. Each T. MacDonald and Mrs. Frank Wood. Mrs. Hotel. The theme of the program was AOII,
to Germany and Europe. A l l members are pledge's place was marked by a rose in a red Lester Smith spoke on the National Social with toasts given by Julia Anna Smith, Blanche
looking forward to this meeting with great pot with AOn in gold letters. The speeches Service W o r k and a donation was made to it. Hill, and Dorothea Higgins ('32) tracing the
anticipation. were in answer to informal questions by the Mrs. Clay C. Trueblood, president, presided. growth, development and present achievements
pledges about the parts of the plant—the roots After the dinner, Beta Theta held initiation. of our sorority. Mary Hoernig Conklin ('32)
During the seemingly depressed times it has signifying the Founders, about whom Helen was toastmistress. We visited the active chap-
been our e x p r e s s i o n of gratitude to again Gray told us personal highlights from her as- 1 Catherine Murphy ('30) was married to J. ter on December 10 and offered our assistance.
assist the Denver Needle Work Guild in help- sociation with all four of them at Convention t j. Pelham (BOII) in August. I n October Mir-
ing to supply garments f o r those who are last summer; the stem and the national or-
more unfortunate. Since our first mention ganization were spoken of by Virginia Van iam Schad ( E x . '31) became the bride of
of a cook book, we are pleased with the Zandt Snider; the branches and the alumna Lester Nicewander (ATA) at a lovely wed-
gratifying reception it has received and the and active chapters by Helen Maynard Hub- ding in Christ Church. Her sister, Mrs. John
bard and Elizabeth Griffith, respectively; the

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