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_ _...Page 4Page 4Sole Official Jetceler to Alpha Omicron Pi
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DRAGMA »» MAY 1935 ««
1 ,i 4il
Black Bland
Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
* y! - e- n
V rd n e, o
61 #J
Elizabeth Marion
"o You Are Going to Convention I Married Carl Carmer
Esther Black
Vincent Gartner Wagner Morrow Howorth
lome South American Experiences
Jeems Didn't Die
The Consent of the Governed * Lucy Somerville And the Roses Shall Wither Elizabeth Hey wood
Nu OMICBON—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
NEW Yuan ALUMNA—New York City.
SAN PBANCISCO ALUMN* San Francisco, Calif. PBOVIDENCB ALUMNA—Providence, Rhode Island. BOSTON A L U M N A — B o s t o n , M a s s .
Los ANGELES A L U M N A — L o s A n g e l e s ,
SEATTLE ALUMNA—Seattle, W ash.
NASHVILLE ALDMNA—Nashville, T enn.
man, Wash.
DELTA PHI—Univeraity of South Carolina, Colum-
bia, S.C.
BETA GAMMA—Michigan State College, Lansing,
LAMBDA SIGMA—University of Georgia, Athens,
ACTIVE CHAPTER ROLL [Listed accordinf to charter date]
AIJHA—Barnard College—Inactive.
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New
No— New York University, New York City.
OMICBON—University of Tennessee, Knoxville. T enn.
KAPFA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynch- burg, V'a.
ZBTA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SIOMA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif. THETA—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. BETA—Brown University—Inactive. DELTA—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass. GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, Me. EPSILON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y . RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111, LAMIBA—Leland Stanford University. Palo Alto.
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, III.
TAB—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
UPSILOM—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal- las, Tex.
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.
ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
OMICSOK PI—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mich.
ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla
Pi DELTA—University of Maryland, College Park.
TAD DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College, Bir-
mingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA—University of California at Lai
Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICBON—Southwestern, Memphis, T enn. ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis. Ore.
CHI DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder.
BETA THETA—Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. ALPHA PI—Florida State College for Women,
T allahassee, Fla.
EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State College, State
College, Pa.
THETA ETA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati.
BETA TAU—University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. ALPHA TAD—Denieon University, Granville, Ohio. BETA KAPPA—University of British Columbia.
Vancouver, B. C.
Orleans, La.
ALPHA PHI—Montana State Collage, Bozeman, ALPHA GAMMA—Washington State College, Pull
C a l i f
SAN DIEGO ALUMNA—San Diego, Calif.
NEW JEESEY ALUMNA—Metropolitan New Jersey BUFFALO ALUMNA—Buffalo, N . Y .
W fin. HESTER N. Y .
C o u n t y ,
T o
°Pol )0
°J|S|l Dragma ^gS^ Official' ^pMCficanon of
In the MAY•1935Issue
Chicago . . and Convention Frontispiece So You Are Going to Convention 3 You Are Welcome... 4 We Are Meeting All Trains 8 After Convention . . . Where? 11 I Married Carl Carmer 12 Some South American Experiences 14 Jeems Didn't Die 19 You Will Meet These Delegates 20 Colonized Chapter Is Chartered 25 The Consent of the Governed 27 Why We Started Quarter Circle V-Bar Ranch 30 Party Hints of Young "Rushers" 33 Award of McCausland Fellowship 36 And the Roses Shall Wither 37 Interviewing Prominent Alumnae 38 Two Student Deans Explain New Vocation 43 Three State Days Bring Members Together 45 Looking at Alpha O's 47 Do You Know That? 53 Alpha O's in the Daily Press 56 Sing a Song of Alpha O 68 The Alumnae Chapters 70
To DBAOMA is published by Alpha Oniicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue. Saint Paul.Minne- sota, and is printed By Lel&hd Publisher?, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P.L.&R.. authorized February 12, 1930.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial material to 2642 University Avenue. St. Paul. Minn., before Sept 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.
The subscription price is 50 cents per copy. S2 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
The Directory
Edited by Wihna Smith Leland
•••• •
W" • ft. •
Chicago and Convention
To OPHOMA immimmism
_|_ AND WHAT a good time you are going to have! You will take along that new sports frock and that sun-hecoming bathing- suit and those diaphanous party things, to say nothing of your tennis shorts and your riding habit (if it be that you hit a mean back-hand or love the feel of firm horse- flesh beneath you). And you're going to board that bus or train or plane, or perhaps ',your own car, and whiz away over the ex- citingly romantic landscape to Chicago and
Evanston and Ferry Hall at Lake Forest. Whether you come from sunny California for from rock-bound New England, from [iDixie-land or from the pine-scented North, 'you are going to love the 1935 Convention!
For it is held in the most beautiful of Chi- Icago suburbs, in a classic college atmosphere, amid oaks and elms and tender green maples, along the shores of the "fairest of inland [seas." Not far from the glamorous, metro- 1 politan, second city of the nation, it offers opportunity to "stop and shop" at Marshall IField's and other great department stores, or in the myriad small, smart, fascinating shops [ where you can purchase jewels from the •Orient or hats from Paris. Further, it offers a chance to visit the world-famed Field Mu-
wonderful sisterhood. Incidentally, you will take note of the pretty Freshman bell-hdps and of the novel candy, cigarette and what- ever-you-need store run by the very young AOII's. In the afternoon the Chicago and South Shore alumna; will offer you special welcome and ply you with tea and substan- tials as well as with jolly and interesting con- versation. That night you will learn, if you aren't already aware of it, that yours is a singing fraternity. New songs and old songs, lilting and grave, will strengthen old ties and bind you yet closer within the golden sheaf.
Each morning, after horseback riding and breakfast, you will attend the business meet- ings, and then play at tennis or swimming un- til luncheon. A n d every afternoon there will be something divinely different to do. Mon- day there will be a wondrous trip along the lake shore, south to Evanston. And you'll see all the points of interest on the way, and finally Northwestern University with its lake- side campus, ivy-clad halls and old oak trees. Tea will be served at the Rho Chapter House with its lovely quadrangle and still lovelier girls. That night there will be a most inspir- ing initiation ritual and the lovely memorial service.
So You Are Going to Convention
seum, the great Aquarium with its population
of fishy marvels, the Adler Planetarium, one
of the few in the world, where astronomers
put the stars and planets through their paces
for your especial benefit. And there is the
Art Institute with its priceless collection of that carry you back to the Italian Renais- prints and its modern French paintings which sance, some of them simple and American,
Tuesday's luncheon will honor the new ini- tiates. Later in the afternoon you will have the very special privilege of seeing the gar- dens of the great Lake Forest estates, some of them formal, with lovely, planned vistas
even the French themselves come to Chicago but equally attractive with their bits of the to admire. And there are scores of other at- real wild-woods. At night the Rho actives
tractive things in Chicago-land just waiting are giving a lovely party for you, where you
jl ••••••
for you to enjoy them.
But, of course, the greatest attraction is the [Convention itself! Even with the most beau- tiful of surroundings and with the most fas- cinating of accessories, it is Alpha Omicron
Pi herself that is calling you.
I You will arrive on Sunday, June 30, and [be met with bells on (literally!) by happy [hostesses who will take you to register at
Ferry Hall. How proud you'll be to be there and to add one more name from your own beloved chapter. You will meet old friends and charming new ones, while your heart glows with pride that you belong to such a
can wear that new dance frock and meet a new boy-friend—who knows?
And the next afternoon there will be a big, thrilling, aristocratic Panhellenic tea with all the prominent local Greeks in attendance, and something widely different in the way of en- tertainment. In fact, it's far more than mere entertainment! It's a professional concert,
my dear, given by no less renowned artists than Rho's Helen Hawk Carlisle and Phi's Mary Rose Barrons (Mrs. H. P. von Furste- nau). Helen, chosen by the Chicago Musi- cian's Club of Women to give the represen- tative piano recital of their year, is a musi-
cian Ear beyond the ordinary and is possessed of a most engaging personality. Mary Rose's lovely contralto has thrilled many a Chicago Civic Opera audience and her attractive pres- ence has graced the stage of many a concert hall throughout the country. At this beauti- ful musicalc Alpha () will show herself in a most talented and distinctive way as a glowing star in the dignified crown of I'an hellenism. And each distinguished Panhellen- ic guest will he made to feel that she and her fraternity are the personally honored friends of Alpha Omicron PL
On Wednesday night will come the beau- tiful candle-lighting ceremony, the re-dedica- tion of each loyal Alpha O to the spiritual and eternal values for which our fraternity stands and to which she has pledged her last- ing allegiance.
Thursday's luncheon will honor Mrs. Breck- inridge, who afterward will tell us about our own Social Service Work in the Kentucky hills. Specially invited guests are Jane A d - dams and other nationally known social work- ers. You arc sure to enjoy Mrs. Breckin- ridge, for she's one of the best, with charac- ter and talent, and with a passion for her work. Your heart will thrill with loving pride, because of the helpful hand that your sisterhood is giving to "the least of these." That night, the Fourth of July, you will join in the joyful festivities celebrating America's birthday. Each group will present a colorful frolic typifying a nation, Italy or Spain or Japan or what you will, and at the close, all will pay homage to America, whose birthday it is. Be sure to bring a costume so that you
can take part with your group.
On Friday you will happily join in honor- ing the sports' winners at luncheon. Special features in the way of entertainment will at- tend each luncheon throughout the week, but this one will probably reach the height of luncheon delights. A last afternoon, and then a glorious climax at the Convention Banquet, than which no banquet will ever have been more wonderful! The already lovely dining hall will be transformed into a bower of beauty, the banquet will be a grastronomic dream, the talented song group will delight your ears with new Alpha O part songs, and the special entertainment will surpass even
-+- ODD YEARS! Do they mean anything to you? No? Well, that's because you've never known the every-odd-year welcome that Saturday morning you will regretfully pack a hostess group gives to Alpha O's assem-
your greatest expectations.
your bags, bid fond farewells to sisters, old and new, and make your departure down the winding, tree-lined roads of Lake Forest, treasuring in your heart the glow of happy comradeship, of warm, friendly sympathy, of a renewed spirit of social service, of deep ap- preciation of the wondreous beauty and glory of Alpha Omicron l'i.
Just a reminder as to the cost of conven- tion. Room and board for the six days from June 30 until the morning of July 6 will be $30.00. The Registration Fee of $5.00, which should be sent with your reservation, includes the cost of the banquet and AO Pizette,
bled in Convention; you have never known the joy of renewing that intimate friendship which is kept alive by correspondence only i» the even years; you haven't the memories of the red rose sheaf, of Stella Stern Perry's voice as she tells again the story of our founding, of the gaiety and sadness ol tW banquet . . . no, you've never been to Con- vention or odd year would conjure such mem- ories that little Master New Year would hear your enthusiastic welcome.
Convention in momentous 1935 will have its particular problems for discussion. Our Pres- ident, Edith Huntington Anderson, calls you to come and help settle some of them:
The North Lounge will be a gay place
You Are
AY, 1935
W elcome . . . Thanks!
[ Probably never in the history of fraterni- must go if such organizations arc to continue.
ties has it been so important for members to assemble in conventions to discuss the prob- lems and responsibilities of these organiza- tions as now. It is, therefore, a privilege to extend a cordial invitation to active and alum- nae members of Alpha Omicron Pi every- where to attend the 1935 Convention to be .'held at Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Illinois,
June 30 to July 6.
We are definitely out of the house-building age. and have rendered some service to the colleges and universities by our cooperation in student housing. Something has been ac- complished in I'anhellenic cooperation, but much remains yet to be done both by na- tional and local groups. We have aided in improving scholarship by our insistence on high standards, and by the giving of Fellow- ships, but we must go farther. We are of
• We have adopted as our Convention theme
the splendid one used by the Pacific District the so-called "social fraternity" group, a
•when Alpha O's meet at Ferry Hall. Lake Forest.
at the Convention of last fall—"The Univer- designation to which I greatly object, for if
sity, the Fraternity and the Individual." We we ever did have any place in the education- are all aware of the wave of criticism of al world as a purely social group, that day
fraternities that has gone over the country in the last two or three years. We believe that » new era for fraternities has begun and that many of the practices of the era just passed
is long past.
Where is the fraternity challenge coming from today? First, as it has frequently in the past, from the general public, which is
not always too well informed as to the real purposes and accomplishments of fraterni- ties; second, from the college and university administrations; and third, from the college and university students who are our poten- tial members. To meet this challenge it is not necessary to change any of our ideals, pur- poses or rituals, but merely to get back to the fundamentals on which we were founded. To do that we need to develop a closer relation- ship between the institution, the fraternity and the individual. How can such a purpose be made practical ?
First, by giving the real fellowship and friendship upon which our organization and similar ones are based. This can be best done in smaller chapters, and is not so readily possible in the larger groups to which some chapters have grown as a result of the house- building era. I believe this help to the insti- tution is vital particularly in large urban in- stitutions where students have little or no col- lege life except what they get through such small groups as fraternities. Then the ideal-
ism exemplified in our rituals gives the stu- dents something to tie to at a critical age, and we must, therefore, make our rituals beauti- ful and impressive as they were intended to be. We must eliminate the problem of rush- ing and its show, expense and artificiality. Members should be chosen on the basis of mutual helpfulness, and if they are, rushing as we have known it would be largely unnec- essary. We must cut down the cost of mem- bership in order to extend our usefulness to a larger group, and make it possible for more persons of limited means, particularly at this time, to belong. Then there is the matter of Panhellenic cooperation which must be ex- tended and improved. This would come about largely through revised rushing procedure and elimination of expense which emphasize the competition of groups. We must carry our emphasis on and aid to scholarship far- ther than we have heretofore. It must in- clude general cultural development,—the right interest in good literature, art, music, and the knowledge of and ability to discuss cur- rent world problems. If students do not get the foundation in such training in college, they probably will never acquire it. And final- ly and very important we must give more
time and attention to the development of the individual and her character. We have al- ways been too prone to expect a person to be perfect when we take her into the chapter, and expect her to give everything to the group without realizing that the chapter has a responsibility for her development while in college. In the small group of a fraternity chapter we have the set-up to analyze in a sympathetic and friendly way the needs of our members, the qualities lacking and where- in personality and character may be devel- oped. If the member needs training in lead-
ership, the social graces and in making social contacts, cooperation in learning to live and work with others, general cultural develop- ment and the ability to think accurately and speak with clarity and confidence, it seems to
me the fraternity chapter should be abl give her training in any of these essenf**} things.
In all of the program which I have
ized above and which I sincerely believe
be the program of fraternities if they are continue in this new era of education I k said nothing about the place of the college*^
university and our cooperation. All the° things are of vital importance to the instif tion, things in which it desires that student" have training and help in order to get th most out of college. Such help can be give only through small groups, and the fraterni" ties have the organization already worked 011 and set up. Only through complete coopera- tion with college administrations can thev hope to make the most of these opportunities
Here I have outlined briefly the goal T have set for Alpha Omicron Pi, and in fact for all fraternities. Won't you all be think- ing seriously of these problems, come to Lake Forest in June in order that we mav discuss them together, and thus help Alpha Omicron Pi to lead the way in this new era which has come to education and to fraterni- ties as a part of the educational system? Convention will not be all such serious busi- ness. There will be many sessions for fun and fellowship, the making of new friends and the renewing of old acquaintances. That Ferry Hall is a beautiful place, suited to every need we could anticipate, and that the program arranged by Dorothy Dean (P) and her committees is most enticing I need not tell you. Read this issue of T o DRAGMA care- fully for details. If you have ever experi- enced a Convention, you will need no urging to come; if the 1935 Convention is to be your first one, you have much to look forward to. All we need for a perfect week isYOU!
Chicago-land sends its welcome, too. Dor- othy Dean ( P ) , Convention Chairman, speaks first.
Every two years AOIT's from the far west, the great valley of the Mississippi, the At- lantic seaboard, from the North and the South convene in the interest of their fra- ternity. In 1931, Troutdale-in-the-Pines lured them with its glorious mountain scenery. In 19.33, colonial Virginia opened wide its doors. This year, 1935, with that contrast so stim- ulating to us in this vast land, a great mid- western metropolis will furnish the setting for our AOIT Convention.
W e Chicagoans love its quick, pulsating life, its great emporiums where the treasures of the whole world are offered for sale, its art galleries, its theatres, its universities and beautiful churches. Most of all we are proud of its superb inland sea, Lake Michigan, which makes Chicago one of the finest resort cities in the land.
Close upon the lake, a fifty-minutes ride from the heart of the city, is the beautiful suburb of Lake Forest where so much of the wealth and culture of Chicago is concentrat- ed. No street cars, no industrial establish- ments of any kind mar its quiet-wooded ravines; beautiful gardens, palatial homes are
visual- must 10
r 56
WAY, 1935
•»s essence. On the east side of the village, a stone's throw from the lake, is Ferry Hall, a -ambling, ivy-covered structure, for many vears one of the well known girls' schools of j^e middle West. Its spacious, sun-lit rooms
[offer every comfort.
cago Alumna? are so very busy planning your convention here at Ferry Hall. We have room and fun for all of you. We will miss any one of you. Of course you already have plans for coming! What finer vacation could one plan, a glorious week in fairyland with sisters from all over the country. Plan re-
l^jujnnaj, hope to bid you welcome to the 1935 £0n Convention. The week of June 30 to Tilly 6 will be filled to the brim with those things which give most savor to life-friend- ship- comradeship, the stimulating interchange n{ ideas, much good fun and gayety, and the
Renewing and strengthening of that feeling of ["one for all and all for one" so dear to, and
go full of inspiration for, every AOIT.
you could never see any other way. Write to them now. Everyone will be here for 1935 Convention. It is such a beautiful place, this 'Fairy' Hall; one week here will be worth many weeks any place else you might select. You will love the scenery, the comfort, the parties, the gayety, your sorority in conven- tion.
1 It is here that Chicago AOII's, actives and unions and get-togethers with special friends
"Have you never been to convention be- tees are Carol Anger, publicity; Alice Smith fore? Then it will be a dream come true.
[ The chairmen of the Convention Commit-
, Thomson, transportation; Dorothy Hills Hoff- igted, rooms; Dorothy Speirs, local finance; !X,ydia Lacey Brown, hospitality; Virginia .Speirs. entertainment; Helen Hawk Carlisle, music; Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira, ban- Equet; Ruth Batterson Solheim, Stunt Night;
Carol McNeil, Athletics; Melita Skillen, Rit-
ual ; Dorothy Duncan, post convention trips; Fj&yself as general chairman and my assistant, Catherine Lang, stand read}' to make this a
[convention long to be remembered.
I Now read Rho's message sent by Catherine iLang, past president. "Rho Chapter sends •her greetings to all AOII's everywhere and fetends to them a cordial invitation to the
See and know and love our four founders; they will be here, and other illustrious names which you long ago committed to memory will be present in person. Chicago Alumna? urge you to come. There is nothing we will not do to make you happy and comfortable. Just come, and that will be our reward.
"Au Revoir then until we see you at con- vention !"
The towns on the south shore of Lake Michigan have an alumna? chapter, too, and Lucile Brown ( Z ) , its president, bids you welcome.
"We of the Chicago South Shore Alumna?
Chapter are waiting eagerly for June 30th so 1935 Convention. We of Rho welcome you to we can greet all of you who are coming to
Chicago, with its noise and light and harsh convention. We know that lots of alumna?
beauty, and to Lake Forest, a quiet, scenic will be there because this convention is to
suburb. W e welcome all, and know that your have a special part just for 'alums.' Do come [toterests, no matter what they may be, will —all of you—and have a grand vacation and
[find fulfillment here in Chicago, the City of time of fellowship with us. We are looking
Paradox. We look forward to meeting our forward to living our school days over in the
sisters, young and old, from all parts of presence of the actives, consequently, we hope
JAMERICA. We shall take you to our hearts that a great corps of you actives will come.
and make you feel at home. Come!"
We most heartily invite and welcome all to Ferry Hall where AOII will reign supreme for one glorious week."
men's fraternities on the Northwestern campus to attend the dance on Tuesday evening.
Every IIOA is very cordially invited to make the pilgrimage to these parts. Three noted ITOA's are George Dean, Edgerd Franco-Ferreira, and Warren Drummond. "Brick" Drummond has asked that all husbands who are com- ing along get in touch with him at 610 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. H e and his committee have some rare plans for all IIOA's.
Bring your constitutions, song books and May To DRAGMAS as well as a
note book and a good pen.
Says Mary Fletcher Parthemer (B#), pres- ident of the Chicago Alumna? Chapter, "Chi-
onvenfioM oJi^ijes . . .
Helen Hawk Carlisle, our noted cho- ral director, asks that airyone who likes to sing or who can play a musical in- strument to report to her the very first day of convention; she has a very nov- el idea to offer.
Conventionites do not need to fear of running out of "bobby" pins, stamps, paper, candy, or anything else for there will be a real old time "General Store" right in the building.
Pressing service has been arranged so that no one need to fear a wrinkled gown; and also a beauty parlor is in- stalling their equipment for our needs.
Invitations have been sent to national
1935 (2cmverifioij C\f r C\f
LJXouv b j ? LJXouv Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111.
Sunday, June 30 10:30—Registration
1:00—Buffet Dinner
5:00—Tea, Chicago and South Shore
Alumna; Hostesses 8:30—Sing
Monday, July 1 7:30—9:00—Breakfast
9:15—Business Sessions 12:00—Sports—Swimming and Tennis
1 :00—Luncheon
2:00—Bus trip along the Lake Shore to Evanston, including all points of interest along the North Shore, tea at Rho Chapter
House 6:30—Dinner
8:00—Model Initiation and Memorial Service
Tuesday, July 2 7:30-9:00—Horseback ride with break-
ALICE THOMSON Says We're Meeting
-+- BY THIS time your Transportation Chair- man has begun to feel like the celebrated "Toonerville Trolley that meets all trains" Only the wheels of the trolley seem to be in her head instead of the usual place. There are many ways to get to Convention, but if you will just use one of them we shall be satisfied. T h e train service is, of course, ex- cellent. Trains from all points of the com- pass will land you in Chicago on Sunday morning, in ample time to attend to any small errands and take the Lake Forest train, which leaves the Northwestern Station at 12:15 P. M. If you arrive by the Chicago & North- western Railroad from the North, take the "Victory," scheduled to reach Chicago at 9:15 A. M. and it will drop you off at Lake For- est about 8:30 and you will not have to go in to Chicago at all. This is a fast train, which is making Lake Forest a special stop
for this trip only.
By taking the "Overland Limited," the "Los Angeles Limited" or the "Portland Rose," passengers from the West will arrive early on Sunday morning, before nine, at the Northwestern Station and will not have to change stations. Special cars can be arranged on any of the trains, if we know in advance about the number of reservations.
From the Fast and South, you will come in at one of the other stations; if you are alone, a Parmalee bus will take you and your hand luggage to the Northwestern station at a cost of 50 cents. If you are with a group, a taxi will be cheaper, but it is a short trip to the station in any case. Trunks will be rechecked wherever you come in, over to the North- western station. All excursion rates are gen- erally figured to Chicago, so if your ticket ends here, purchase a local round trip ticket to Lake Forest (cost $1.03). It is possible that we can arrange a special car to take every one to Lake Forest together. A rep- resentative of the railroad will be on hand to help you, and we shall have an official looking Alpha O, with bells on, to meet trains at any Chicago station, if we know that even one single delegate is to arrive.
The March T o DRAGMA contained impor- tant railroad rates. W e are supplementing this information with lower berth Pullman rates which may be a guide in budgeting your expenses.
fast in the woods. 9:15—Business Sessions 12:00—Swimming Relays
1 :00—Luncheon honoring New ates
2.00-4 :30—Round Tables 5:00-6:00—Visit to the beautiful gar-
dens of Lake Forest 6:30—Buffet Dinner
8:30—Dance—Supper Wednesday, July 3
7:30-9:00-THorseback ride—Breakfast
9:15—Business Sessions 11 :30-l :00— Round tables
1:45—Convention Picture 3:00-6:00—Panhellenic T ea 7:00—Dinner
8:15—Candle Lighting—Story Telling
Thursday, July 4 7:30—Breakfast
9:15—Business Sessions 12:00—Contests at Golf
1:00—Luncheon honoring Mrs. Breck- inridge
2:00-3 :00—Talk by Mrs. Breckinridge on our Social Service Work
6:00—Dinner on the Beach 8:00—Frolics—Hostess Night
Friday, July 5 7:30—Horseback Ride—Breakfast
9:15—Business Sessions 12:00—Final Sport Contests
1 :00—Luncheon honoring sports.
7:00—Convention Banquet Saturday, July 6
Pullman rates are as follows: Jacksonville, Fla
Mobile, Ala. (no through «*leeper)
Breakfast—Weekend free for lake trips and sightseeing in Chicago Land.
Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash.
$8.00 6.50 1c75
Los Angeles, Calif
San Francisco, Calif. J
AH Trains .
Now as to the bus. You will arrive at the [Union Bus terminal at Roosevelt Road and [Wabash Avenue. Then by taxi to North- Iwestern Station, to catch the 12:15 to Lake [Forest. As bus schedules change so greatly
during the summer, we shall not quote them,
but if you arrive at least an hour before the fLake Forest train leaves, it would be well. We shall be glad to meet a group at the bus
terminal, if we are notified in advance.
Well, maybe you're going to drive. If so, that's fine. There is plenty of parking space faround Ferry Hall and you will enjoy your car a lot while you are here. All roads lead [to Chicago, and once you strike town even the proverbial strangers who always seem to be picked to impart information can direct you to "Sheridan Road"—that famous thor- oughfare mention of which warms the heart Lof every true Chicagoan. Once on Sheridan, follow the route (42 to you) north through Evanston and the other beautiful suburbs, ;along the shore of Lake Michigan, until you come to Lake Forest. Almost immediately you will locate Ringwood Road, which quick- ,ly curves into Mayflower Road. Follow this
i'a few blocks and you are at Ferry Hall. If [you come from the North, after reaching ILake Forest follow Sheridan Road to Deer-
path Road; then a short block east to May- flower Road and you are right at Ferry Hall campus. We hope to have some special markers to guide you, but even without them you will find the way.
Come to the magic of Ferry Hall
Come where the lake and trees and all Play for you a sweet AOII tune
Under the spell of a campus moon.
Here zve await you—eager to greet you:
So take a train, bus, auto, or plane, and
1 come to convention. Start saving, if you madness
you to make it a success. Are there any
transportation worries we haven't solved? If Traveling by land, by zvaier, by air so, will you drop a line to Mrs. W . S. Thom- To their goal—Chicago Convention— son. 926 Forest Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. Surely we all will want to be there!
can knotv. •history of the sorority, and we depend upon Founders, actives, alumna' are coming
ffiCo& 9 \.fC penver, Colo
Lincoln, Neb
Kansas City, Mo
5t. Paul. Minn.
' Minneapolis, Minn.
Dallas, Texas
[ Phoenix, Ariz
; Santa Fe, N. M
Boston, Mass .New York City
Philadelphia, P a Washington, D. C Buffalo, N. Y
( j
7.25 3.50 3.00 2 50
7.00 14.00 9.75 10.15 9.00 8.25 8.25 5.63
haven't already. We want this to be the big- Only those at Convention gest and best convention ever known in the
You ivill come—that zve You'll share the gladness—the
thrills, yes, the
^^onverifion ^ia$^c$ . . .
Ruth Solheim, 7385 North Damen Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, is in charge of stunt night, and she is planning a Carnival of Nations. Each district will be notified to work up a sketch along the lines of a certain nation. Delegates, be sure you have your instructions about this before leaving.
Your convention chairman can make accommodations at Lake Forest Acad- emy for any friends or relatives who wish to stay in Lake Forest while you are there. Write to Dorothy Dean for information.
Don't forget to refer to the March To DRAGMA for railroad and bus rates. Also if you plan to stay over in Chi- cago, you will find an article on points of interest and places to eat in this issue.
AOII Convention
-4- "BOOTS—BOOTS—BOOTS." Clothes—clothes clothes! The everlastingly fresh subject dear to the heart of every woman. However,
don't let such contemplation scare you out of coming to Convention. There will really be no need for a wide variety of clothes, and quan- tities of wearing apparel will be more of a hindrance than a help so don't worry if your wardrolii seems low. Just bring along what you have.
Vogue "Fashion Firsts" informs us that sport clothes will be very much in order this year, and so will they at Convention. Cool summer things which can be worn for meet- ings, luncheon, golf, or sightseeing will be best during the daytime and will relieve you of making so many changes. F o r evenings you perhaps will want to slip into a simple dinner frock, and Tuesday and Friday evenings are set aside for the dance and the banquet, and a formal dress will be needed. Trie hikers and horseback riding enthusiasts should not forget to bring comfortable clothes—boots, breeches,
and so forth. Most important is a bathing suit; you will surely want to take advantage of the wide sandy beach and the invigorating water of Lake Michigan or the lovely inside
A tennis and golf tournament and also a track meet have been planned Ferry Hall has a fine pool where a swimming meet is to be held. Real prizes arc to be offered to the winners. Better begin to practice at once!
Reservation of room will be made in order of receipt. Those reserving rooms early will have the choicest lo- cations. Send your reservations to Mrs.
George Dean, 902 Oakton Street, anston, Illinois.
E v -
Y our address for the convention be Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Illinois.
If you are a journalist who wants some experience on a daily newspaper notify Wilma Smith Leland, 2642 Uni- versity Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Reporters are needed for the AO Pizcttc.
swimming pool. You'll want a robe or beach pajamas to slip over your suit and a pair of rather sturdy beach shoes to wear down to the shore. Usually Chicago is quite warm during the first week of July, but we can't always be sure, and often along the lake, the nights espe- cially are cool so don't forget a warm wrap. Lounging pajamas are rather popular at con- vention so if you possess a pair, bring them along. And don't forget a costume for your
MAY, 1935 11
After Convention . . .
You'u. PARDON us, perhaps if we maintain
the naive assumption that all travel in [whatever direction begins and ends in Chicago. [If you're not already infected with a virulent
disease known as wanderlust you'll catch it ,when you come to Convention. That's both a
warning and a promise!
In the last issue of To DRAGMA a brief out-
'line was given of some of the possibilities for Sgoing places and seeing things either on your [way here or on your way home. One of the (fascinating phases of going home is finding [how long a way around yon can take to get [there. I have a desk-ful of reading matter [before me now, the sort that causes involun- tary smiles to play with the corners of your [eyes and the soles of your feet to itch. I still
think that a long list of steamship sailing dale-- with ports of call is more exciting read- ing matter than anything else. But then, I'm funny that way. Well, here's a practical con-
[densation of lake winds, pine forests, sun- [warmed beaches, far horizons and new ideas
to tease and stimulate your imaginations:
L Take a lake cruise. Ships as large and luxurious as ocean liners. You've heard of them . . . the "North American" and the "South American." They sail once a week
Colorado Springs, Denver and back. This in- cludes all meals every day, all sightseeing trips, Pullman, Railroad and Steamship fares, and can be joined anywhere along the line you choose. I know the company who han- dles these tours anil you'll always get more than your money's worth with them. They're the top in the tour business. (Don't look at me that way. I'm not getting anv commis- sion!) Price? Oh, yes. $146.00 to'$156.00.
5. Automobile Trips. I should tell you about those! Look at a map and pick your own route.
6. Europe. Don't laugh. They're going again. It's the tour company's risk, not yours, if you pay your money down before you go, all expenses guaranteed by them. I'm pretty thrilled over the possibilities. That's my spe- cialty, you know. Or do vou care? Here's an English trip for $227.00. Sail on the "Britannic" or "Georgic" (no choice, I love them both), land at Southampton, four days in London, including a day's trip to Shottery, Warwick, Stratford, Kenilworth and Oxford, and sail on the Ascania for Montreal. Twenty-four days. If you want to stay long- er on your own you always have your return fare in your pocket. No tips, no luggage transfer, no hotels, no railroads to worry about. They're all the best. You can spend your time and energy having a good time.
days. Or less for fewer days. Cost includes all meals and berth in an outside stateroom. I'll tell you more if you ask.
[ 2. St. Lawrence Cruise. I have no definite [rates on this as yet. Down the St. Lawrence, [with stop-overs at Montreal, Quebec and up
the Saguinay River. These trips are all priced from Chicago. Make your own itinerary and I'll Rive you rates and schedules. This one ap- proximates $169.00, covering nine days.
3. Alaska? Very well. All expenses paid, leaving Chicago July 13th, sail from Seattle, call at Victoria, Ketchikan, Sitka. Skagway, Haines, Juneau, Taku Glacier, Petersburg, Wrangcll and back in sixteen days. Send for
a folder and see what it does to you. $180.00 will cover it.
three days in Paris and sail from Havre for Montreal for $18.00 additional.
Then there's my favorite tour which goes on from London to the Hague and a motor tour over Holland. Brussels and Paris and Versailles and a tour through Normandy, in- cluding St. Germain, Rouen and so on. $295.00. I have irresistible folders with full descriptions. Y o u can have all of this plus Cologne, a Rhine trip to Weisbaden, Heidel- berg, Lucerne, a marvelous trip across Swit- zerland via Berne to Geneva, five days in Paris and back via Havre for $385.00. Shall I go on? There's the one that includes, plus all the rest, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Genoa, Nice. Marseilles, Paris for a week and such like. Six or seven weeks for $555.00. Let's see . . . we could sail from New York on July 13. Very seriously, I expect to do
just that, on the "Georgic." I said it was a chronic disease. After all, I met that grand Scotsman I'm going to marry . . . but who said anything about that?
At your service—225 W ood Court, Wil- mette, Illinois.
[from Chicago, and you visit Georgian Bay,
[Mackinac Island, Parry Sound, Detroit, Cleve-
•land, Buffalo and back again. $66.00 for seven Or you can spend two days in London and
4. Grand
about that for those of you from the east, south or middle west? It's an amazing vaca- tion trip. Leave Chicago July 1st, or 15th. Listen! Yellowstone Park, the Bad Lands, Butte, Spokane. Seattle . . . Steamship to Vic- toria and back . . . Portland, Oakland, San Francisco, L o s Angeles (several days in each
'of the last), Salt Lake City, Royal Gorge,
H o w
-+- IT WAS in a Frenchtown book shop in prisoned in a gilded cage. That was ironic, New Orleans that I first saw Carl Car- too.
mer. I am sentimental about that year. Over Our life in New York began in a furnished my beer in the back room at "Eddie's" or niie-mom basement apartment in (ireenwich over my coffee at the Old French Marketf Village. It seemed very romantic sitting on learned much about the ways of reporters, the floor peeling potatoes while Carl edited. poets, artists, sculptors and truck drivers. It There were hockey games and the theatre and was the year that Oliver LaFarge was writ- the long nights when Carl chewed the ends ing Laughing Boy, that Roark Bradford was of pencils and wrote Deep South. There was writing 01' Man Adam and His Chillcn. the the awful morning when the first publisher year that Carl Carmer wrote and published to whom it was submitted returned the manu- his first book of poems. With Frederic Hicks script, and I hid it for three days for fear (the illustrator) and his wife we designed Carl would be disapppointcd. But he laughed the jacket, folded it ourselves, chose the and I learned how little a poet cares what types, pasted the labels that read Frenchtown. others think of work in which he has con- We had a hard time selling them and now fidence.
it seems ironic that we have none to sell and My job was selling books at Brentano's. collectors are searching for them. At the end of the day came the gay hours After Carl Carmer had gone to New York when I tried to make my Fourteenth Street and become Assistant Editor of Vanity Fair diamonds vie with Tiffany's. Carl left Vanity we were married. Frank Crowninshield, edi- Fair to help edit Theatre Arts Monthly. tor-in-chief of the magazine, gave us a wed- Then for four years we went to the theatre ding present consisting of a red Mexican almost every night. Rain or shine, snow or gourd made to resemble a gorgeous bird im- wind, after a day of editing for Carl, of
Carl Carmer is a north- erner, educated at Hamilton and at Harvard. Before be- coming a writer by profes- sion, he was an English in- structor at Syracuse Univer- sity, the University of Roch- ester, and at the Univer- sity of Alabama. From a professor of English he be- came a columnist on the New Orleans Morning Trib- une.
"I Married
MAY, 1935
selling books for me, we had to go to a play. Even the hardiest soul will wilt under a schedule like that. We hated the sight of a theatre ticket. There were never any free nights or days and no time for writing, lim- ing those days we lived on the top floor of an old, edd bouse on Ganscvoort Street—near the Hudson River docks and the markets. Nights when we had to dress Carl used to fold his opera hat and hide it under bis over- coat until we were safely around the corner. Experience had taught us it was too tempting a target for the hoodlums of the neighbor- hood.
It was nice on Gansevoort Street. The Hudson was only a block away and there was an open pier. No one minded the dirt and noise when we could sit on the pier and watch the great liners go and come. We even got so we could sleep through the toolings of a midnight sailing.
A summer came when Carl was too worn out by the years of editing and playgoing to continue and was obliged to take a long va-
Elisabeth Black Carmer is not just the wife of a well- known poet, for her inter- esting black and white sketches have found their way into several New York publications. Graduated from Sophie Newcomb, she was not content with a debut and a conventional social life, hut she studied art and de- signed wrought metal jew- elry.
Carl Carmer"
cation. In the hills of New Hampshire, al- most in the shadow of Monadnock, he wrote Stars Fell on Alabama.
Now the days of editing are over, our en- thusiasm for the theatre has returned, and we worry quite as hard about getting out a hook a year as we used to about getting out a magazine a month.
I am frequently amused by people who ask me if life with a writing husband is not filled with extraordinary and difficult experience. Carl Carmer is not at all like the traditionally romantic conception of a poet. He wears neither Windsor tic nor long hair. Nor does he have fits of violent temperament. He docs not require special feeding when he is work- ing. He does not mind being interrupted while he is writing if the interruption is pleas- ant, and I regret: to report almost any in- terruption is SO considered. The couch in his study is more used than his desk—he even writes on it, lying on his stomach over a badly mussed sheet of paper. The hint of a
4- PERHAPS you would like to know sonic- thing of a wonderful experience my hus- band and I had last year in South America. We sailed from New York in a blizzard, roll- ed and pitched for a couple of days, then stopped at lovely Bermuda. From there eleven delightful days of shipboard fun to Rio de Janeiro. We were all on deck at four-thirty in the morning to see "Rio's diamond neck- lace," the string of sparkling lights that ex- tend for miles along the shore line. Rio has the most dramatic scenery! The green jagged mountains rise abruptly behind the city, and the colorful houses run up and down hill and in and out of the valleys. We stopped at Santos, the great coffee port. We drove up that steep road which leads to the plateau some twenty-five hundred feet above sea level,
where is located the surprisingly large city of
Sao Paulo. Of course we saw the Snake-
terrible, with thousands of taxis, street carS collectivos and horse-drawn, bigh wheeled carts. Traffic moves on the left side of the street, making it most terrifying at first to us The right of way seems to be achieved by tooting your horn first at an intersection. The noise continue- through the flight. We went to the horse races at the famous Jockey Club This is a beautiful place; four courses, parked in the center, and M\ spectator -lands. ( ) p
era in Buenos Air es is thrilling. I hat gorgeous Colon Theater with its nine tiers of boxes and balconies is itself an experience. The lowest
Farm. W e were disappointed in Montevideo—
they spent all their money on the beautiful F.lman receive equally appreciative demon-
Congressional Palace, where the recent Pan American Congress was held.
Then on up the wide muddy Rio de la Plata to Buenos Aires. That fascinating city was headquarters for five months, so we had a chance to absorb some of it> delightful at- mosphere. It's a bit of the world. You hear every language on the street. T h e city of about three million is spread out for miles:
strations. I loved the dances of the country, the Tango and Ranchera particularly. We were especially fortunate in attending a Na- tional Industrial Exposition ami seeing a colorful pageant of the life of the country some fifty years ago. The most beautiful dancing, singing and then competitive riding by the Gauchos in gala array, lace panties and all.
Some South American
row of boxes have iron grill work in front reserved for families in mourning who wish to hear the beautiful music without being seen. We heard Lily Pons in "Lucia," lovely in itself, but so thrilling to see that emotional audience rise to its feet anil shout and clap and throw white roses. We saw Hcifetz and
The brilliantly lighted buildini/s around the Plaza Mayo in Buenos Aires make the city gay in celebration of May 25, a national holiday.
absolutely flat, with no hills for relief. But the man-made parks, boulevards and beautiful buildings make the city interesting. The older buildings are very ornate, using lots of "gin- ger bread"; the new ones are severely modern, employing much glass and metal. The traffic is
A bit of local color for the children. Down by the river a black bearded, pink pajama-ed man with one of those shoe blacking straw hats, has a flock of pigeons, all artificially colored in the most fantastic hues and com- binations imaginable. It's evidently harmless.
MAY, 1935
for the gayer the birds the prouder they strut. The children love the fancy pigeons and eager- ly buy corn and grain (from the pajama-ed man) to feed them. On May 25 and July 9, the two chief national holidays, the birds were all blue and white, the Argentine colors. There are many holidays in Argentina, national and religious. AH activity stops and business houses are closed tight. I mean just that, be-
cause the shutters are drawn and the great doors are locked. We had to change our ideas of routine We never did quite get used to a nine o'clock dinner, being almost shock- ingly early. 1 tried to have dinner at the un- heard of hour of eight o'clock one night in the City Hotel, one of Buenos Aires' largest. I found the dining room dark and a few wait- ers eating over in one corner. I never tried that again. Most stores are closed from twelve until two-thirty, then open until seven in the evening.
It's a gracious way of living, unhurried, and they do take time to be polite. One of our North American friends observed that it takes twice as long to do half as much in any of these Latin American countries. But after all. is the hustle of what we do so terribly im- portant?
There are some fine stores in Buenos Aires, the main one being Harods of London. I en-
Over the ,'lndcs and none too warm in blankets.
joyed exploring the little specialty shops, also. Every afternoon Calle Florida, where the prin- cipal shops are located, is shut off to auto- mobile traffic, and the people parade the mid- dle of the street and stop and gossip with their friends.
1 longed to have my two little girls with me when we went to the zoo. F o r the children there can ride llamas, just as the children here mount ponies. The Zoo with its marvelous collection of animals is in a lovely park. There is a puppet show with a shrill steam whistle, beckoning the boys and girls to each new per-
Casa Torre Taijle in Lima, Peru, shows fine old carted balconies.
lormance. W e liked those funny Patagonian hares that were all over the lawns.
I wish I could tell you of our fascinating trips into the back country, and my husband's flying into Patagonia. But I think I shall con-
centrate on the great adventure of the journey to the famous lguazu Falls. My traveling companions were two California women, one, a professor of Spanish at the University of Southern California, a charming person. She, speaking the language, did most of the talking for ii- Bernice Smith McDowell, an Alpha O from Berkeley, was the other adventurer. We started from Buenos Aires in the midst of a particularly glorious sunset. It looked like a fairy city with its many towers and steeples in silhouette against the red and purple sky. The trip to Puerto Aguirre is a matter of some twelve hundred miles along these wide South American rivers. It is astounding to think we traveled nearly the distance across
our country on seven river boats. Each boat Brazil side. We tried to flip and sine- atwui
was of shallower draft than the last and
capable of penetrating farther up the tributary
system. We had to go through rapids that
the larger boats couldn't negotiate. The rivers
were quite low; still I had the greatest respect
for all that water. The trip, sixteen (lays
from Buenos Aires, is too long and wearing
to attract many tourists. The scenery isn't
spectacular over the first part of the trip—
as far as Posadas it is very fiat and there arc
miles of mud bank. Then the banks grow
steeper and the greenery more dense. It is
typical jungle growth, every sort of vine and
fern you can imagine. Lovely air plants and
so many beautiful trees we have never seen.
The tall bamboo looks like great feathery
ferns. There are yellow, pink and white
flowering trees to add som e contrast. W e
stopped at many little ports. It was fascinat-
ing to watch them load and unload the various
products, sometimes on row boats, sometimes
man after man carrying heavy sacks up steep
mud banks. The main product of the Alto Commission. These men were of representa-
Parana is the verba mate, although they are starting to grow wonderful citrus fruits. W e watched people moving. Their household goods consisted of a bed and a few boxes— very simple. We had a whole delegation of soldiers on board one day. T h e boats are comfortable and an enormous amount of food served, as usual. Puerto Aguirre is near the boundary of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. We had about an hour's drive from there to the surprisingly nice hotel at the Falls. T h e Cataratas del Iguazu are always compared with Niagara. I'm not sure of the figures, but I think they are twenty feet higher and almost twice as wide. They are beautiful in their gorgeous green jungle setting. The old timers said there wasn't as much water as usual. But they were that much more beautiful to me. So many separate falls like Yosemite's spray-
ing misty Bridal Veil. There are thirty-two falls in all, some of them connected. I sup- pose we didn't get the impression of the great volume of water, but it was lovely anyway. We had three days there. The first morning, we walked the main trail to see as many points as we could from the Argentine side. In the afternoon, they took us in little boats right to the brink of the main Falls. I sup- pose it's perfectly safe, but 1 had some qualms when I thought of my husband and little girls.
tive Argentine families and positions and were such interesting types. They, were making their first official visit. Iguazu is the second great National Park. It's a blessing it will be kept for the people in its "lindo" nainral state. I^Irs. McDowell and I felt much ham- pered in not being able to converse, but w c used our four and a half words and our hands to good advantage. We were sorry not to go- to Asuncion, the. capital of Paraguay. People! said it is in a bad state. Windows in all the public buildings broken, and no money for repairs. Meredith Nicholson, the novelist, is the American representative there. We had a few hours at El Dorado, a colony of about eight thousand people. It is only eight years old, is self supporting. T h e jungle has had to be cut away. The days of pioneering are not over. It's a shame we didn't have places like this for people to go to in our time of depres- sion. The main product is mate. We saw it
growing, cut and picked. I have never seen such gorgeous poinsettias, and I, from South- ern California. They put ours to shame. And bananas and pineapples, gardenias and citrus, all growing together. Everything seems to thrive. The soil is marvelously fertile and as they have about six feet of rain a year, there's no need to irrigate. T h e colonists at El Dorado are mostly German, thrifty and neat. I loved the picturesque village with all the German signs. Victoria, another colony now stai ting, is mostly English. •
Luckily we had a gay crowd which helped
ease a tense situation. One man said he
didn't mind so much if he went over but he'd
hate to have Ins bottle of citronella broken.
We certainly had an idea then of the enor-
tnous roar and strength of that great volume
of water tumbling over the high cliffs. T
wondered what the placid stream up above
thought when it found itself hurled into space
like that. The second day, it poured so we
sat around a big fire. In the afternoon, we Chile. We went way South by the Chilean climbed down to the river below the Falls, Lakes. There we found beautiful scenery, not so easy a task, as the going was slippery. snow-capped mountains and lots of water, We gave many thanks for alpargalas, which comparable to Switzerland. It took two days
are hemp-soled canvas topped sandals, worn by Argentine railroad, then three days by boat, so generally in this country. The third day, bus, and horse to Osorno, Chile, where we
we crossed the river above the Falls to the took the Chilean National Railway north. We actually crossed the Andes on horseback on a little trail through the snow. Southern I'hile is so like California with the brown hills, eucalyptus and acacia that we felt right at home. Santiago is a beautiful city in a lovely
".lolly Boating Weather," but one of the S j S said we should be raising a prayer for th
in peril on the deep. The view from ^ Brazil side is more beautiful. It is high and you have the full sweep of that gorgeo!** panorama. We saw flocks of green anrf brightly colored parrots and many brilliant butterflies and big billed toucans. The be gonias, maiden hair fern and some of the ai" plants were lovely. There is a huge half finished hotel, a pet project of some man whn fell from political power. It is rather ghost like. While Brazil has the better side of the Falls, she hasn't the roads to get through her treacherous back country. The rivers are not navigable north of Mendez so most of th<. visitors come from the South as we did. We were particularly fortunate in our companS kindly interesting Argentine people; ttt® honeymoon couples, some families and six men, members of the Argentine National Patl
Our homeward journey was by the West 1 "a-t of South America. We spent six days going from Buenos Aires to Santiago de
jdAV, 1935
The main falls at Iguasu are beautiful in their tropical setting.
IMarried Carl Carmer (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 3 )
leap and writing will be over for the day. lie is very social and loves to play host. This is his only domestic quality aside from insist- ing on making the scrambled eggs for our late Sunday morning breakfasts which are usually too well attended. When he was a small boy he once made some money picking apples and bought a violin. He learned to
Suffice it to say that he must usually be the well kept beautifully green area on either checked over carefully before he goes out.
district's stunt which you should have been in-
formed about before you leave for conven- tion. If you haven't heard from your district Superintendent about your part in the Carnival of Nations, get in touch with her at once. Well, add your camera, golf clubs, tennis rac- quet, and a powder puff, and your bags are
all packed, and you're ready to start!
about our large adventure.
say that many agree with me that he is the sort of person who becomes a legend. One of the many proofs of this is the fact that practically every one of the thousands of students he taught when he was a college professor looks him up whenever possible. Just now I am having a little difficulty keep- ing them and many others away from him while be works at his next book, which is about New York State. He says Ilie material is even more fascinating than any he found in the South and he is having great fun at it. We both are.
Coast are interesting. We were especially in- pgued with Lima. It is so individual and has such beautiful buildings, with the old carved
The cities of
the West
(balconies and lovely iron grill work. We took tennis game will bring him to his feet in one
Eh a cargo of cotton, sugar, bananas, coffee,
copper, silver, Panama hats and ivory nuts.
The stop at Manta in Northern Ecuador will
long be remembered. The lighters there are
all picturesque sailboats. We saw them start
out from shore in the stiff breeze, and mar-
•veled at the skill of the men who could man-
gage those huge sails and maneuver the boats
alongside our ship. Near Manta is Monte play many old fiddle tunes and now frequent- fcristi where such fine hats are made. Did
you know that tons of ivory nuts are shipped §from Ecuador every year, principally to fiFrancc, to make buttons and buckles ? \ \ e pere proud to be Americans when we went Ithrough the Panama Canal. Everything seemed
so quiet and orderly to us, after all the chatter
and shouting at the other ports. We marveled Eat the wonderful engineering feat, and also at
ly struts up and down the living room fid- dling them violently. His piano playing is a little better than his fiddling and his favorite songs are old sob ballads.
side of the Canal.
One of the high lights of our stay in New York on our return was the day spent with .Stella Perry. That's why you are reading
Though not an efficient person myself I have learned that I have to be in this one respect.
Should I tell how charming my husband is
Bese impressions—because she told Wilma I would be accused of prejudice. I can only
1 0 )
Stories about Carl (farmer's absent-minded- ness arc legion and they have been told so many times I will not relate any of them.
Your Moneys Worth
After several years of droiif/ht, the Kentucky mountains are flooded with torrential ra;t
Winter is over and clothes toothing toAffi place under the trees m the primitive fashion in use for hundreds of years.
One of our boys wants to know wheth- er you have contributed your quota.
LAV, 1935 19
[eems Didn't Die
Being <» Letter on Spring Travel by Alpha O's
Social Worker,
ley. I CANNOT trust my memorv in the matter of this interminable rain. I am quite aware of those evidences which prove that it start< (1 no longer ago than the middle of jfebruary, but my emotional memory tells me that the beginnings of this downpour were sometime in the very, very dim past, much too remote for actual reckoning. During the pa-t winter, sleet and snow have had their day in these Kentucky mountains, but such A brief day in comparison to the continuous downpours of rain that sleet and snow are all tout forgotten. Likewise have come the winds jjBid sometimes days of golden sun. All, sun «nd wind, sleet and snow and bitter cold, all are forgotten, their memory blotted out by the
And not only the skies, the very innards of |he earth seem to have opened also. Our own mountainside at W endover has spouted water at every pore. Lost underground streams,
•Overcharged with their loads, have burst Hthrough to the surface as full-grown creeks. I Roads have washed out; debris has washed in. • The fords along the more sandy-natured •streams are full of quicksand Tons and tons Hof rock and earth and trees have been loos- ened from their moorings on the mountain- Hndes, often blocking roads or changing the Bbeds of streams, and always hastening the wastage of soil. The rivers, normally clear and shallow enough at the fords to make the rapids innocuous, have become noisy, rush- ing, mud-laden torrents. Days and days have gone by when an attempt to ford the river was nothing short of foolhardy and a boat- crossing was chanced only as an extreme ne- cessity. Even harmless young creeks have been changed momentarily into bold tyrants, with such fury and speed in their waters as to in- spire for them a very proper respect in the
heart of the would-be wayfarer.
Would-be wayfarer is a description that has applied very aptly to most of us here in the mountains during the past several weeks. However cautiously one may plan one's goings and comings, all one's reading of weather forecasts and consulting of local weather
Wand Morrow
prophets can hardly prevent one's being caught, sooner or later, miles from home, with a full, angry river, or perhaps two of them, between oneself and where one wants to be.
How often does life in the mountains seem to resolve itself into a struggle to adjust to the rigidity of the mountains and the doings of the elements! Plans, schedules, seasons, the needs of individuals, the pressure of work —these are as nothing when the vagaries of mountain weather set in. One learns the trails that go along the ridges and the other round- about ways by means of which one can some- time avoid high water. One learns to wait, to wait with a patience strongly resembling the fatalism that the mountaineer so often manifests. One also learns to defy weather, to take a chance on landslides, quicksand and high water when the need becomes too great in permit waiting.
So it was with Jeems Gilbert. Jeems was five years old. He came to our hospital at Hyden on horseback, a ride of about twelve miles, which on that particular day meant four hours in the rain. Jeems was found to have pneumonia. His pneumonia was followed by empyema and other chest complications. Our hospital is not equipped to give the treat- meal required for empyema, so Jeems had to he sent to the Children's Hospital in Cin- cinnati. The limitations of the telephone sys- tem (and thereby of the telegraph service) being what they are, it took two days to get the necessary arrangements made for his ad- mission to the hospital and for the trip to Cincinnati. Five o'clock of the morning for his departure dawned on a world of sleet, mud and water. The road down the long moun- tainside from the hospital was a treacherous mixture of ice and mud, to which the falling sleet was adding a steadily thickening frozen crust. T h e flat in the midst of the village was Hooded by the backwater from Rockhouse Creek.
Jeems without several thicknesses of blankets would make no mean load for that mountain trail. Fortunately the taxi driver
Jeanne Long, Omega, won the Mortar
FiOrine Petri. Iota, was Junior Prom
Lillian Walker, lida Kappa abm the character role of i ' i „Ruddigorc at the UniversBoard
scholarship cup with a 3.94 erage at Miami University.
at Illinois, a member of vice president of AAA.
Phyllis Howlish. Tan, made an all A- averagc at the University of Minnesota last quarter. She was among the Jun- ior Ball leaders and belongs to and Gavel Club and Mortar Board.
girl at Birmingham cm.
of limestone in the Gothic man all-round
International House at the Vsity of Chicago, one of thl buildings at this great metropolistitution. This building is consBritish Columbia. Marion Bruce, Tan Delta, spefirst year at Sophie Ncwcoml
f t hoi
bt - . . | ity
Catherine Lang, Rho, is assistant chairman of Convention. Delegates and guests who attended Great Lakes District Convention last year remember her as president of the
niu net. tan tflft
nt , attractive Presbyterian
Chicago sky- Church.
Newest of
scrapers is the Palmolive Building on Upper Michigan avenue seen here from the Gothic colonnade of the Fourth
Mildred Hull, Alpha Tau, is Betty Lord, Omicron, will head Irene IVagar, Beta Gamma, was finance chairman of the Y.W. the University of Tennessee co-winner of the Marintha Jud- C.A. at Dcnison University. Panhellenic Council as well as son scholarship award in home
Omicron. economics.
Marjorie Drcyer, Rho. belongs Ruth Miller, Delta, was presi- Delta Glass. Omicron Pi, took to Alethenai. HS*. W.S.G.A.. dent of her class from 19*3-i5; part in the Junior Girls' Play at
W.A.A., the Class Commissions, vice president of the All Around
the University of Michigan.
and Y. W.C.A.
Catherine O'Neill, Pi, is hold- Elaine Schofield, Eta, is the Mary Lou Bailey, Alpha Phi, er of an honor scholarship to chapter president for next year. is a chemistry major and lives
Ncwcomb College, a member of the Student Finance Committee.
at Butte.
Dian Manser, Upsilon, is an Margaret Kyle, Theta, is on Ruth Kochler. Epsilon Alpha, AOIT daughter, the first in the the Mirage Board of Control, is managing editor of the La University of Washington chap- A.W.S. Board 0 1 * . Panhellcnic Vic, Pcnn State yearbook, the
ter. Council, and the Student first woman to be elected to the
Mary Frances Dobbins, Beta Janet Turner, Lambda, was on Frances Davison, Chi will ret,. Phi » treasurer of rfs+, a the staff of the Quad. Stan- resent the Syracuse Unverfity
member of AAA and Classical Club.
ford's yearbook; she is a tal-
chapter " , l f r " 0
Janet Stallman, Epsi- lon, is the sorority representative on the activities Committee
of Willaid Hall.
Wynnfred Holloman, Nu Kappa, belongs to +X and Swastika at Southern Metho- dist Uuiz'crsitv.
The University of Chicago's new chapel is imprcssh'c in its massive beauty.
Sara Graham,
represent Florida State
for women's chapter at conven- tion.
Jean Cunningham. Sigma, was
I.ilia E. Arguedas, Nu, was voted chapter treasurer last year. She Alpha
Pi, will College
one of the prettiest coeds at New York is active on the University of
University, treasurer of MKT.
California campus.
Margaret Schivartc, Phi, is on Betty Temple's chapter has re- Robin Eastes, Nu Omicron, won the Dean's Honor Roll at the elected her president. Here you the Freshman ring, band sponsor University of Kavas. a member sec her with her sifter, Jane, at the Vanderbilt-Tennessee game,
of KB.
also a member of Zeta.
president of Bachelor Maxdes.
Sheeley. Physical Education Club. Thespis.
Dorothy Ann Ferguson, Kappa Sigma, is a member of «I>X9. is co-chairman of the Social Omicron. is a member of S.T. president of Amphibian, treasurer Service Committee of the Y.W. A.B. at Southwestern of W.A.A., vice president of C.A. at Butler, a member of
Hunt, Alpha
Beta ThJ
V 1
—- i
Banquet given by the Atlanta alumna- at the Georgian Hotel in honor of the installation of Lambda Sigma Saturday night, April 27, 1935. Reading left to right: Front row, Lucille Miller, Vivian McGahee, Sarah Brown, Irene Williams. Gene Chastain, Edith Anderson, National Presi- dent; Callcndar Wcltncr, Evelyn Lancaster, Ruby Billingslea, Nell Wilson, Dorothy Jarnagin, Alumna Adviser.
Second row: Annie Stuart Pearee, Bibbs Nichols, Frances Smith, Martha Miller. I'ivian Evans, Elisabeth Anne Davis, Sara Graham, Ethel Gibson.
Third row: Mary Brouglxton Taylor, Edith Walthall Ford, Dorris Bowers Carton. Kitty DuBose, Esrene Bouchelle, Mary Ella Bowman, Marie Askew, Margaret Lyman,
Colonized Chapter Is Chartered
By VIVIAN McGAHEE, Lambda Sigma
+ THE DREAM of the Atlanta alumna; has this cheering sound only added to our self just come true, with the installation of the confidence, as one might imagine. But how -Lambda Sigma Chapter at the University of happy we were when we were really mem-
bers of AOn, with a beautiful pin.
Having recovered from our mysticism Sat-
urday evening, we were awed by the splen- dor of a banquet at the Georgian Hotel, given by the alumnae. The jacqueminot 'rose, and the colors of red and white were carried out in the place cards and table decorations.
Mrs. John M. Nichols presided as toast- mistress, and toasts were given by Mrs. An- derson, Mrs. Pearcc, Gene Chastain, of Lamb- da Sigma Chapter, and Mrs. Alan Ford. A toast was proposed to us, much to our em- barrassment later. While it was proposed, the butler was noisily raising windows, and we drank a toast to ourselves, or rather pretend- ed to drink, since most of OUT glasses of water had been emptied long before. During the evening we sang those grand AOII songs and read as many telegrams and letters as possible. That night we went to bed tired but happy AOII's.
chapter house.
| Saturday initiation and installation services ourselves to the campus, at a Lawn Party,
Nrere held for eight girls in Memorial Hall. given at Mrs. Dorothy Jarnagin's, Omicron. INever were girls more eager than we. When, Members of the faculty and representatives during the initiation of the first girl, we heard from the sororities and fraternities were in- p chair fall we were mystified. Of course vited to meet the new chapter. However.
[ After pledging, thirteen happy girls went to Ithe first of a series of parties to be given in •honor of Alpha Omicron Pi. This, a buffet supper, was given by the Tri-Deltas at their
Keorgia. The week-end of April 27 proved to Ibe the most exciting and pleasant week-end Im my life and in the lives of everyone in- terested in Lambda Sigma. For months we •had anticipated this greatest moment in our •jives. To add to our enjoyment all the At-
lanta alumnae came. They were as interested Rand enthusiastic as we were. Annie Stuart I'Pearce rushed here and there, ami attended to Revery detail. To prove our love and appre-
ciation for her we have elected her our alumna adviser.
Friday afternoon, April 26, Edith Hunting- Eton Anderson, our National President, pledg- ed thirteen girls at Memorial Hall. We were
[greatly service.
by our first
Sunday afternoon we formally presented
Bibbs Nichols', Nu Kappa, baby stole the party.
Sunday night Mrs. Anderson conducted our first meeting, while a black cat playfully as- sumed responsibility as mascot.
Teas and buffet suppers were given by the ATA's, AAn's, KA's, and A*E's, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
All our girls are outstanding in activities, and nearly all make the. Dean's list. Calen- dar Weltner led the Grand March at the Mil- itary Ball, and Gene Chastain and Miss Cal- lendar were in the leadout at the Woman's Panhellenic Ball. Gene is featured with eight other girls in the beauty section of the Pan- dora, university yearbook. Callendar was cho- sen as one of the twenty-five prettiest girls on the campus. Activities in which our girls are interested include Fencing Club, Fresh-
man Fellowship Committee, Debate T eam and Glee Club.
Vivian Evans is vice-president of AAA, Freshman honorary society, and Evelyn Lan- caster is also a member. Ruby Billingslea is Treasurer of ©2* national journalistic so- ciety for women.
The girls initiated are: Ruby Billingslea. Albany; Vivian Evans, Savannah; Elizabeth Anne Pavi\ Atlanta; Evelyn Lancaster, Ilartwell; Lucille Miller, Bainbridge; Vivian McGahee, Augusta; Frances Smith, Elberton, and Irene William--. Savannah, all in Georgia.
Ruby Reed, the Atlanta alumnae, and espe- cially Gene Chastain and Callendar Weltner, have worked like slaves for the establishment of this chapter. Our hat is off to them!
To DRAGMA Jeems Didn't Die
managed to get across the backwater and UD the hill to help, else the nurse would never had made the journey down. The driver took the huge bundle which was Jeems-plus- blankets; the nurse carried an extra rug and her suitcase. Somehow, in spite of the steep gullied, muddy, half-frozen path, they reached the foot of the hill. The driver had located a small flatboat on his way up, which was now put to use to get the party across the back- water and landed onto the Rockhouse bridge from which they could cross to the higher ground beyond and the waiting automobile.
And this was only the beginning of that trip. Then there came twenty-four miles of driving on a glassy, winding road, with the windshield so hopelessly covered with ice that the driver soon gave up all efforts to keep it clear but drove instead with his head out of the win- dow. A trip that ordinarily takes about forty- five minutes took that morning an hour and forty-five minutes. For a desperately long time it looked as if they could not possibly make the train. At last they were there and on the train, without a moment to spare for a bite to eat or a cup of coffee, and with a ten-hour trip ahead of them before Jeems could have the comfort and resources of a hospital again. * * * Jeems didn't die. For weeks Jeems was a very sick boy, but he is home again now, not as good as new yet, but rapidly arriving at that state.
Of all the miscellaneous varieties of social work that we attempt here in the mountains, I am sure that the type we call medical social work mixes least well with mountain weather at its worst. I think mountain weather, some of it at least, was designed for only those occupations in which one can, when the occa- sion arises, sit for days on end, waiting for the rain to cease and the streams to run down. Medical social work in the mountains, partic- ularly those cases for which we must arrange hospitalization outside the mountains, seem to me to offer the maximum in acute moments. In the course of the past three years, we have sent out fifty-four such cases—work that is relatively easy and simple when the weather is good, but work that becomes a nightmare when the elements are "agin" you.
Convention Flashes . . .
Horseback riding will be $1.00 per hour and golf 50 and 75 cents for 18 holes. You may have a taxi fare in Chicago to get to the Northwestern station if you arrive at another terminal, and the round trip fare to Lake Forest will be $1.03. Other than this there won't be any expense except for personal needs.
Gene Chastain, Marie Askew and Ruby Reed were co-organisers of Lambda Sigma Chapter.
hjAY, 1935 27
The Consent of the Governed
Lucy Somcrvillc Howorth, Kappa, according to a small pamphlet entitled "Women You Hear About in the New Deal," inherited her ardor for the vote from her mother, who was one of the suffrage pioneers. Mrs. Howorth was elected twice to the Mississippi Legislature and now she is one of the three women members of the Veterans' Board of Appeals.
Being a part of an address delivered January 19, 1935, before the Lynch-
Virginia, Alumna:
Chapter Association
of the by Lucy
Randolph-Macon Woman's College Somerville Howorth, Kappa
vote, a smaller per cent were eligible for public office. Somewhat reluctant\\ Jefferson gave his support to a Constitution which con- tained many devices designed to retard the responsiveness of the government to popular demand. The history of the nation records the passing or circumvention of many of those provisions; as witness the direct election of Senators by the people instead of election by state legislatures, the method originally pre- scribed, and our party system of pledging presidential electors. The Congress recently convened marks the passing of the old "lame duck session." Now, under the 20th Amend- ment, members of the national House of Rep- resentatives take their seats two months after election with the ink scarcely dry on their commissions, fresh from the mandate of the people. Our State governments, with perhaps
•+• MY SUBJECT is taken from a remarkable document written by one of the earliest Virginians to possess a college education- Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Inde- pendence used these words "all men—are en- dowed with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these, rights gov- ernments arc instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." In that last phrase, "The consent of the governed" is my subject. This early Virginia Collegian stated a principle—Let us, modern collegians in Virginia, consider its
No one can say what was in Jefferson's
mind as he used this phrase. Though devoted
to the cause of education and of democracy it
his time scarcely one free man in ten could —in form—to the will of the people and are
is doubtful that he contemplated either uni-
versal education or an universal suffrage; in a few exceptions, have been more susceptible
to be regarded in form at least as more plans a special appeal to college or subbnr^i
democratic than the National Government. With the adoption of more democratic forms and procedure in government has come
educated people. That is. really, an S i 7 fact, but a fact it remains. The campa 2
the extension of the right of suffrage, the committee believes and has learn.-,1 throutrv! property-less can vote, the frced-man can vote, experience that Mr. and Mrs. Van Ippingtor,
and, Shade of John Randolph, the women too graduates oi Campuslore College, will resnonrf can vole! The 1 r Shade of John Randolph to the same emotional appeals as the laborer has probably long since retired to a far corner on the road in front of their residence, h *s of the Elysian Fields. He it was who more worse than foolish for our government to hf than a century ago protested the presence of dependent upon that sort of consent. Onl
a small percentage of people can be leaders ten per cent is a generous allowance; these should surely be supplied from our supposedly educated groups—they should lead with clear
women guests in the Halls of Congress by
saying to the Speaker: "What, pray, are all
these women doing here, so out of place in
the arena? Sir, they had much better be at
home attending to their knitting." It is just thinking and command the support of the
as well if he has given up, what with women on the floor as members of Congress and daughters of the College which bears his name voting and holding public office.
thousands of college people in our country We search almost in vain for illustrations of clear thinking; slogans and appeals to mass emotion abound instead. T h e teaching 0 f psychology and the spread of information as
The governed therefore arc now free to to how the human species reacts, knowledge give or withhold their consent, the forms of formerly possessed only by a few able ob- government are so adapted as to be quickly servers, now in possession of every salesman responsive to the expressed will of the people. has not improved matters. The campaign com- The conclusion should follow that we have mittee composed of collegians only concocts actually a democratic government. But I more subtle appeals to prejudice and emotion. wonder, do we? The political atmosphere, instead of clearing
History records more powerful empires becomes obscured in a thickening fog.
than the United States are, or, in fact, aspire We can all observe improvements in the to be. There are, probably, some would say manner of living of our college trained undoubtedly, instances of a higher culture. friends. But on the whole, that mental alert- But never before, and only here, in these ness which cuts through the fake stock prop- United States does there exist the machinery osition is abandoned when the subject for for a government responsive to its people's consideration becomes the selection of a can- wishes, with a people even in the midst of didate or support of a question of govern- depression having a relatively high standard ment policy. It is no wonder we are ruled of living, plenty of space, rich in resources by cajolery, by imposition, and by injustice.
and a common school education available to all. With such a setting the American people should give to the world a demonstration of not only a more perfect union but of a more perfect government.
We are a group of college graduates; it is
problems of democratic government. Educa- to divert public attention as it did in 1835. tion is wasted unless it brings about clearer Actually I think the situation is something
thinking, a sound sense of values, I think you more than mental inactivity or inertness among
will agree. You will also agree, I believe, that our college people; they have become condi- the ability to think clearly, to assess values tioned to react only to emotional stimuli in with assurance are qualities that can be used the realm of politics.
in dealing with governmental affairs. They The great mass of elective office holders
can be used also by each individual voter as fervently pray that no appreciable portion of she marks her ballot—How often arc they! the electorate will ever apply a considered Voltaire, years ago, wrote, "So long as it judgment to the solution of governmental endures, the world will continue to be ruled problems. T o a large percentage of our by cajolery, by injustice and by imposition." elected officials, holding office is simply a
as such we should consider these aspects and
The successful politician knows no appreciable portion of his constituency will approach an issue in a clear-headed manner. All he needs is to inject an emotional element and he is safe. T h e old red herring, highly lacquered and fancifully decorated though it may be, serves as successfully in this year of grace,
In occasional frank moments statesmen and politicians have echoed that comment. One of my first and wisest political advisers said to me. "Remember and never forget people vote their impulses not their judgment." It is a fundamental principle of law that consent only be given with full understanding of what is proposed. T h e people of Virginia, the peo- ple of Mississippi, the American people are
means of earning their living. I doubt if you fully understand the import of that fact—the effort to maintain one's self in the economic world today is among men the real struggle for existence. Now public office being the only means these officials have of making a living the status quo is their ideal. Actual corruption among office holders is much less than the cynically minded would have you think, but office holders want to stay in ornce; hence they love the old familiar, well trodden paths. With the personal interest of officials,
not consenting when they fall for llim-flam
and llub-duli, appeals to mass emotion, prej-
udices that characterize many of our local as
well as national campaigns. But here is the
significant point—the one thing I would have
you remember—No campaign manager ever considered on their merits and without rcla-
ever alert to the protection of their own careers, it is always difficult for issues to be
MAY, 1935 29
tion to the careers of individuals. I mention believe that freedom and happiness rest upon lithis merely as one of the many elements knowledge, but rather upon the acceptance of muddying the waters as the governed try to the proper belief, the myth best suited to the
gee clearly issues to which they may or may not consent, and the phrase "elected officials" is used to distinguish between officers who serve for a specified term and clerical and technical employees who may properly regard government work as a life career.
Van Loon in his Story of America has directed attention to our national love of oratory. He says. "If I were asked to state wherein the History of the United States differed from the history of all other coun- tries. | would answer. 'In the influence which the art of oratory has been allowed to exercise upon the political and social development of our nation'." That is true. 1 believe, and just as oratory was losing its sway, the radio has come to renew its power. And today sound trucks and loud speakers not only add to the noise but tighten the grip of oratory upon
:TIS. It is a fine thing to hear a candidate, to have a direct impression of the candidate's personality, hut the powerful, eloquent speaker nearly always depends upon aroused emotion for his effects. The result has been that the smooth, eloquent speaker can win regardless of his real capacity for ihe office sought. T o o frequently a young man learns that an agrec- ahle personality, a deep voice, and a few phrases culled and memorized from masters of oratory will carry him comfortably and honorably through life in public office. I am thankful women do not have this talent. This weakness for oratory accounts for many, if not all, the political excrescences that have disfigured our history. These personalities, both past and present, who make us wonder about democracy, have all been masters of oratory. Fortunately for our country some great leaders have also possessed this gift. But this susceptibility to oratory does not lead to reason and a calm considered judgment— rather it tightens the grip of emotion and the evils of mass psychology upon our people.
tradition and temperament of the people."
Just one illustration of the confusion now reigning in public affairs, to remedy which intelligence instead of emotion might well he applied, we can understand the cost we pay for this jig-saw puzzle in the field of govern- ment :
The Social Science Research Council in a recent survey financed by the Spellman Fund disclosed the following facts:
175,418 local governments 127.(HX) school districts
20,(100 townships
16,000 cities or villages
3,000 counties
8,600 miscellaneous districts, park, levee,
sewer, etc.
Most of these units require officers to ad- minister them, all are taxing units and even allowing for duplication and errors, it takes no Solomon to see the possibilities in reduc- tion of taxes by the application of intelligence to the consolidation and elimination of some o| these units without anywise surrendering properly cherished rights of local self-gov- ernment. This situation is described by a verse which appeared in the Neiv York American early in January.
"The ancient cab of government Resounds with body squeaks;
The brakes are gummed, the axles bent, The engine full of leaks.
But while the running gear goes wrong The meter sings an endless song.
The politician at the wheel Delights to hear the meter;
Its golden music makes him feel That nothing could be sweeter;
What I have been attempting to lead you to see is simply this : though certain fundamentals in form are necessary to insure democratic government, the real essential, the sine qua non, is the sincere desire of the people, expressed through their votes, their conversation, their actions. And when the American people, be- ginning each with her home precinct, apply intelligence to their governmental affairs, then and not until then will the consent of the governed control and shape our country to the fair destiny we believe is ours. I hope college women will come forward and assume their responsibilities, making of public leader- ship and public office a public service and a public trust, applying knowledge and talent to
the need was never greater. The gates to the arena, which John Randolph would have per- petually barred—are open.
or should derive from an informed public opinion in the democratic sense. They do not
This power of words, rather than facts, is
amazing, words used to befog rather than
clarify issues. I)orsey in Man's Ozi-n Show
Civilization expresses it thus: "Our civiliza-
tion wobbles because there are too many hol-
low, unsocial word-made ideas in its founda-
tion, too many false words in its vocabulary.
The tribute this nation alone pays to the
voices of the dead is incalculable." Words
may be used to explain an issue; generally
they are used to arouse feelings, prejudices.
In Europe today there is an astonishing recog-
nition of this power of words to command an
apparent consent of the governed. In a recent
article in the Saturday livening I'ost. Dorothy
Thompson describes vividly the control exer-
cised over the radio by the various govern-
ment- and tin- "war of words" now betOg
waged on the air. Modern dictators rest their
authority upon an apparent consent of their
governed. But as this writer says, "What social and political problems of the day. The they reject is the idea that this consent must
And thus the victim pays the fare But is not going anywhere."
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Orme, owners of the Quarter- Circle V-Bar Ranch School for Girls.
On the ranch lake, a source of happy recreation.
Quarter Circle
ORME Lambda
•4- SOME PEOPLE may wonder why a real western cow ranch would make the ideal campus for a ranch school for girls, so we are going to tell you the story of the Orme Ranch and how we happened to start the Quarter Circle V-Bar Ranch School out here
in the Arizona mesas.
In the first place, we think ranch life is the
best life in the world and have thought so ever since we left Stanford University in 1916. Except for one year when we were lured to the city by the mistaken idea that city life is better for children (and we soon learned il couldn't hold a candle to life on a ranch) we have lived the lives of Arizona ranchers. Let us tell you something about the ranch itself.
It lies in northern Arizona at an elevation of about -MUX) feet, in the Agua Fria I'.asin, thirty miles i:ist of Prescott. We are un- rounded on four sides by high mountain ranges and broad mesa lands with magnificent scenery close at hand.
The ranch consists of thirty thousand acres of grazing land and is crossed by Ash Creek, which is lined for some five miles with verdant groves ol Cottonwood-, sycamores, box elders, willows and ash trees. A stream of water is diverted from the creek to form two lovely lakes, which are stocked with fish. From these lakes we irrigate about 100 acres of fertile tillage soil. Over the range lands graze
about l.(KK) head of white-faced Hereford cattle. We also raise horses, turkeys, hay,
fruit and vegetables.
The beauty of the ranch can .scarcely be
described adequately and must be seen to be appreciated. Herds of wild antelope roam in the Hats. Golden eagles nest in the cliffs and in the rocks of the lava mesas. Many varie- ties oi beautiful birds make their homes about the place. Those who have spent their vaca- tions on the ranch share the view that this is one of the most beautiful spots in all the W est.
We believe this to be the most healthful climate in the United States, as the experience of many of the young people who have been with us shows. Likewise, that of our own family. The winters are quite mild, though
liven the pets learn to come and get it at Circle V-Bar Ranch School.
Way, 1935
V-Bar Ranch
A Delightful Story of a School that is Different
not so warm as Phoenix or Tucson. The September and May weather, however, is much pleasanter than that of those lower places. Our humidity is probably as low as can be found anywhere in the United States. During the five years we have lived here not one of our three children has been ill enough to require the services of a physician. This has been the experience of all of the guests who have stayed with us any length of time on the ranch. In fact, the children who have stayed with us have grown in strength and health and size most amazingly.
The climate is particularly good for chil- dren afflicted with sinus or respiratory diffi- culties. One girl who came to us from the East was so weakened by sinus illness that she could walk only a few yards without stop- ping when she first arrived. After a few months she had become so robust that she could romp and play as strenuously as our own youngsters, and was able to ride for hours on horseback. She had gained fifteen pounds in three months, and thirty pounds during the year. We do not. however, take any child with any kind of communicable ail- ment.
Our idea in establishing a school on the ranch was to offer to a limited number (not more than eight or ten) of other children the same marvelous opportunity for building sound healthy bodies that our own youngsters are enjoying. We decided to concentrate upon a girls' school because, while there are many ranch schools for boys, it is a rare thing to find a perfect natural outdoor environment such as this for girls in the delicate forma- tive ages of from nine to fourteen.
Our own young daughter is going through those important years. We offer to the other girls who come here not only a good educa- tion, ideal outdoor living conditions, but also the same intimate family life that our own daughter enjoys. We are prepared to give in- finite patience to developing the girls who are with us, not only physically and education- ally, but also from the point of view of char- acter.
What we are offering is really a school which embodies all of the advantages of fam-
City children learn the ways of wild anttnals.
Horseback riding becomes a habit.
A rest during a horseback ride across the ranch often becomes a picnic.
ily life in a happy home plus a healthful way large double room- with separate baths and of living that is particularly beneficial to showers in the dormitory. Two of the roots! children who are subject to colds or throat are equipped with screened sleeping poreIns and sinus infections. The ranch houses are modern, well lighten
We realize that this type of school is a and adequately heated. There is an unlimited marked contrast to the normal boarding supply of pure mountain water, kept under
It is our hope to appeal to parents of children who are seeking this healthful outdoor life for their girls.
A few more words regarding the educa-
tional side of the school. The curriculum fol-
lows the course of study prescribed by the is sixteen, a sophomore in the Phoenix High public schools of our state, which stand high
in reputation. T h e school work is carried on
by university graduates, experienced instruc-
tors who teach under our own direction.
T eachers are chosen for outstanding ability
to handle special work, such as music and
foreign languages, in addition to the regular
school atmosphere in most finishing schools. pressure by an automatic electric pump. Ex _
pert medical attention is available quickly from Prescott, in which there are two spe- cialists of exceptional reputation in dealing with sinus ailments.
We have three children. Charles Ornu- [r . School, an A-l student in every subject and a
grade-school curriculum.
We believe that the Quarter Circle V-Bar
Ranch is literally a child's paradise. Where else can a girl enjoy so many exciting and romantic adventures of childhood as on a real western cow ranch! First of all there is the riding. We have fine, gentle ponies which a child can learn to ride easily under the di- rection of our ranch foreman, who is a great lover of children. There are the lakes for boating, swimming and fishing. The sur- rounding mesas abound in wild flowers and wild life. Near by are ancient ruins in which the youngsters explore for Indian relics. No child will ever forget the stirring memory of the brilliantly clear Arizona nights.
The ranch living accommodations are ade- quate though not elal>orate. There are four
The trail may lead down to the lake where swimming and fishing are good sport.
member of varsity football team. He is known as the best tackle in the state. His aim is Stanford, of course, where his father was on the Varsity Crew for four years and rowed at Pougiikeepsie. Morton W ang Orme is thirteen and is in the eighth grade on the ranch. He is the hunter, trapper and fisher- man. Kathryn is nine, very developed for her age—this life is making a child more self- reliant, I believe, than city life.
What can I tell you about myself? I was a very ordinary student at Stanford, where I was a member of Lambda. I always loved the outdoors—always felt there was some- thing interesting for me to do somewhere, other than just being an ordinary housewife. We've been here for six years. So many Stanfordites have visited us—many intend to send their children to us when they are old enough. I believe the country life, and we are away out, develops the Soul, gives a bet- ter philosophy than any place else can. For, have not the greatest thoughts grown in soli-
Story time is rest time at the Ranch School and u-hat could be better than a history lesson un- der the trcesf
Party Hints for
Y oung "Rushers'1
Theta F.ta's invitations to two of their rushing forties are worth copying. The dog's tail is thrice folded paper inserted into a slit and bearing the party time and
COMES summer and time to make plans
for fall rushing. Perhaps those bothersome parties won't be so hard to plan after you know how other chapters have given theirs.
Theta Eta's most popular rush party this last year was a breakfast given from nine to twelve, and to which all the rushees on our first rush list of the year were invited. Given at one of the girls' homes, the party proved most successful. We think it is a good idea when you have a large guest list and a small budget for rushing.
The breakfast was not of the ordinary type, for as the title suggests—Breakfast in Style—members of the chapter modelled clothes kindly lent to us by the department stores, and as each girl appeared in her out- fit, a master of ceremonies, so to speak, in- troduced her and briefly gave a sketch of her college career, telling her particular col- lege and her outstanding activities. While some of the girls modelled, the other actives were serving the girls wattles and coffee, and in between style shows the models came out and met the rushees, so that all the girls be- came acquainted with the guests. This party works very successfully when there happen to be sorority functions other than your own. for in this way a girl may stay as long as she wishes and if she must leave for another party, she at least gets to meet the girls and
stay for a short time. When the show was put on, we used the front yard, which was well-protected from the street by a long row of shrubbery, and the modelling took place on the porch directly in front of the lawn, making a lovely setting for the pretty clothes.
Tau Delta's most successful rush party of the year was a cabaret party given at Patsy Knopf's home. All decorations carried out this type of party; tables were placed against the walls, bottles with candles in them served for lights. One of our girls was dressed as a bell-hop and delivered telegrams to the rushees during the evening. There was also the cigarette girl dressed appropriately with a tray containing candy cigarettes, stick candy, mints and gum. The majority of the chap- ter were dressed in their brothers' tux and called for the rushee. During the evening we had a floor show where we discovered talent we had never known right in our own chap- ter. Refreshments were served later and a Santa Clans favor made of bright red apples was given to each rushee to "remember us by." A local orchestra furnished music dur- ing the evening.
Last fall's informal rush party given by Alpha Tau Chapter was an Aunt Jemima breakfast. T h e tables were set up on the back lawn. They were covered by red and white checkered tableclothes and had center
AUI! date.
pieces of red candles with cotton bases. The Spotlights furnish most of the illumination favors were little Aunt Jemima dolls made Some kind of entertainment is provided on nipples which were bought at Marshall usually dancing and singing. It is a bit; hen Field's. The invitations were made of brown if an orchestra plays for the dancing. wrapping paper on which were crayoned pic- A most successful rush party is Chi Delta's tures of Aunt Jemima. The menu included traditional Night Club part}'. We remove all
sausages and pancakes. After our sextet had sung AOIT songs, we went inside and danced. Nu Kappa's most successful rush party of
the year was a carnival party which we gave at the cabin of one of our alumna* on White Duck hike. Lack of a similar place might prove a handicap in copying the party, be- cause part of its charm was its rustic, out- door flavor, but we feel that chapters with houses might copy it.
We strung the cabin and trees around the cabin with colored lights, and flew bright col- lored signs and flags everywhere. Outside, we had a weight-guessing booth with striped candy hung on trees as the prizes, a fortune telling tent, and long tables where lotto and similar games were played with peanuts in- stead oi glass covers.
Inside, we had three or four booths with gambling concessions such as throwing darts, spinning wheels, fishing for numbers, ct cet- era. Favors were Mickey Mouse dolls and knickknacks of all sorts. Then, too. we had a bar fixed up in our room where "cokes" were served in beer mugs with hamburgers, chewing gum, candy. As a climax to the party we had professional slcight-of-hand ar- tists to give a performance.
The motif of lota's most sucessful rushing
the furniture, except the piano, from the drawing room and arrange card tables around the sides of the room, leaving the center clear for dancing. Red and white tablecloths are used. A three-course dinner is served, and dancing is enjoyed between courses. The li- brary is turned into a barroom, a long table serving as the bar. One girl dresses as a . tender with white coat and a long moustacm and serves drinks of root beer. Cigarette girls offer their wares of confetti and ser- pentines. Music is provided throughout the evening, and the dancing is made lively by frequent "cutting in." T h e party is always very gay and both quests and hostesses have
a good time.
Pi's most unique rush party was a German tea. We were fortunate in being able to «ive it in a genuine German rathskellar, decorated with picturesque old beer steins, queer little clocks, and odd dishes. T h e walls were in- scribed with curious old mottoes, and the furnishings were long wooden tables and benches. Owing to rushing rules prevailing on the campus this year, we were not allowed to send out invitations, and so had to content
ourselves with giving favors—tiny beer mugs filled with root beer. Refreshments were of the solid German kind—pretzels and tinv cheese sandwiches of all kinds. pickle>, po-
party this year was patriotic. Red. white,
and blue balloons rose from the backs of tato chips, and myriads of little German
chairs, sprouted from the centerpieces of cakes, served on heavy pottery plates. The
red. white, ami blue asters, and drifted about against the ceiling. Tiny soldiers stood at at- tention beside the places, guarding the name of each guest. The meal was carried out in this same color combination. After the meal the balloons provided amusement for both the rushees and the active chapter. This effec- tively ended formal manners and stilted con- versation as we sent the balloons heaven- ward with "lucky" little notes attached, or danced to the music of a well-known campus band, with our toy balloons floating gaily about us.
Beta Gamma's outstanding rushing party was a hike to the Women's Athletic Asso- ciation cabin. After the twenty-four girls got there we had a wiener roast, told stories, and sang AOII songs. Later we had enough cars to take every one back to town.
The cabaret is one of Phi's most successful parties. One can use as many or as few dec- orations as desired. T h e bar is placed in one corner of the room. Wine glasses, et cetera, ran lie used to decorate the bar. Card tables with checked paper table cloths on them arc placed around the wall.
rushees proved that they liked the party by toasting AOIT in foaming root beer, served in blue pottery mugs.
One of the most enjoyable rushing parties at Chi is the N'ight Club party. The rushees are asked to wear formals as the party is in the evening.
The refreshments, consisting of an AOIT salad and a strawberry sunda?, are served about the middle of the evening. The salad is most effective because it forms the letters AOTI. The "TT's" are made of crackers, the "O's" are rings of pineapple and the "A's" are
made of cheese strips. While the refresh- ments are being enjoyed, we present our floor show. The first part of the show is a fashion parade displaying all types of clothes and the second part of the show consists of reading done to music. After the refreshments, there is dancing until ten o'clock when the rushees must be taken home.
One of Sigma's best parties is the Baby Party. T h e active girls wear baby costumes, while the rushees wear sport clothes. Every- one plays children's games, such as London Bridge Is Falling Down, Drop the Handker-
During the evening ginger ale is served at chief, and jump rope. The dining room is the tables and at the bar. After the guests decorated in the proverbial pink and blue of
have danced awhile serpentine, confetti, and baby parties. Crepe paper, with pictures of balloons are given out. Some of the balloons children and animals upon it, is used for ta-
have been inflated with gas, the others are ble cloths and napkins. Nuts and candies kicked around the floor. are on the tables with pink and blue candles.
MAY. 1935
throughout dinner.
Omega's most successful rush party was a
washday bridge-luncheon. We used a white- washed room in the basement of one of the university buildings. It was decorated realis- tically with lines of clothes, our tallies were colored replicas of Chipso, L u x , Oxydol. and Palmolive soap chip lioxes, and our favors were little clothes baskets, sample cakes of soap, and miniature clothespins. The univer- sity served us a true washday lunch—bean soup and sandwiches.
In February Lambda gave a Cabaret dinner party for rushees. The small tables were cov- ered with red and white checked cloths and lighted by candles held by tallow-covered bot- tles. The room was decorated with Mickey Mouse and Snake balloons which were dis- tributed to the guests later. At everv place there were a serpentine whistle and some other noise-maker. As coffee was served one of the members, who was dressed as a cigar- ette-girl, distributed cigarettes to the guests anil members. After dinner there were danc- ing, games, and a peanut hunt.
Beta Theta's most successful rush party was held early in the fall. It took the form of a carnival. All the yard back of the house was decorated with balloons of many colors. Each section of the yard was roped off for a different game. Three of the most popular ones proved to be the fish pond, marble roll- ing, and palm reading. This last had contin- ual business. Miriam Perry, one of our alum- na*, kindly consented to do this for us. She has had a lot of experience in this work. Wiener sandwiches and lemonade were served to the guests. The guests were also given balloons and candy.
Theta had a "Dutch Tarty." Invitations in the form of Dutch mills were sent. The fa- vors consisted of small wooden shoes with the Greek letters AOII burned in the side of the shoe. Decorations consisted of cardboard pots of flowers about three feet high around the walls. Then at the entrance of the house was a tall windmill made of very heavy card- board ami supported by boards. This was a large imitation of the invitations. Refresh-
ments of Dutch apple pie, cheese, and coffee were served.
During the intermission of the dances two of the girls, dressed in Dutch costumes, sang "In a Little Dutch Town" and another gave a tap dance.
A Sunday evening waffle supper proved a successful type of rush party for Upsilon chapter. The first part of the evening was in the form of a fireside, with ping-pong and other games being played. Later, waffles were made in the dining room; the smart new bat- ter crocks which the chapter received for Christmas were used.
Gamma's most unusual rushing party took the form of a nautical party. The rooms were decorated in keeping with the idea by
different games such as Beano, Roulet, etc. There were different prizes given for each game, usually bearing the letters AOTI on them.
The girls were dressed in slacks, sailor dresses, shorts and helped create the desired atmosphere. After dinner we had our enter- tainment on Itoard. O u r theme song was "The Good Ship AOIT" which took the tune of "Good Ship Lollypop," and one of the girls wrote some very clever verses for this.
Each year Alpha Phi has an "International Dinner." After the guests have removed their wraps they are escorted to an American soup line where they are usually served cream of tomato soup. This line is in the front hall. In our house we have an attic which we turn into a Monte Carlo and here the punch is served and the guests have a chance to play a few card games. A bar can be easily fixed up with very handsome bartend-
ers serving the punch. After this brief in- terlude the guests arc taken downstairs to the dining room. This is usually either Spain or Italy and the main dish of the dinner is fre- quently spaghetti. However, this may be any country and the menu may be carried out ac- cordingly. One year we served dessert in France—the living room—and had delightful French pastries. This year it was served in Switzerland, and we had skis and ice skates around the room, and girls dressed in ski suits served the dessert, which was ice cream. This party always seems to be quite enjoy- able and can be kept moving quite rapidly so time doesn't drag.
Eta's informal dinner early this spring proved a good type of party. We grouped the tables in the form of a Pi in front of the fireplace. The room was lighted by candles and the light of the fireplace. Bowls of flow- ers were placed on the tables. We served a demi-tasse in the living room after dinner and sang some original songs. We then danced in the library.
Alpha Ti's best party was !>iven on Valen- tine's Day. The house was decorated in red and white crepe paper banners. Chapter members wore red or white evening dresses. During the evening a crystal gazer told for- tunes; we played matching games and "hon- eymoon" bridge. Refreshments consisted of heart-shaped sandwiches, heart-shaped cook- ies, red and white mints and coffee.
Tau's spring rushing party had a "sports" theme. T h e house was decorated with ath- letic equipment. After dinner a style parade showed what was new in sports clothes.
A novel game for a spring party can be played after dinner while the guests are still seated at the tables. A dish of spring vege- tables, beans, peas, parsley, radishes, carrots is placed on each table together with pins, toothpicks, small potatoes, candy Easter eggs or similar round or oval objects. Each guest is asked to fashion an animal from the mate- rials and a prize is given for the best one.
Place cards take the form of funny balloons having ships, beach (hair-, umbrellas and the with the names of the active girls and rushees like around the room. After the girls ar- upon them. Children's songs are sung rived we all boarded the ship and then played
The Award of The Lillian MacQuillin McCausland Fellowship
-+- ON THEDAY that word reached us of Oc- of Johns Hopkins. She has studied Cross tavia Chapin's going came the announce- Anatomy at the Tulane Medical School wbjflg ment of the award of the Lillian MacQuillin waiting for the opportunity to go to ]>,UUs McCausland FeHowship, the last piece ol Hopkins. Her work at Hopkins since the work Octavia could do for Alpha Omicron Pi. work began October 1 has been most fasci- The Fellowship holder for the year 1935-36 nating and she feels she is making progress will he Florence Bevcrh Walton ( n ) , who as the Professor*s criticisms are very encour-
was graduated from II. Sophie Newcomb aging
Memorial college for women with a Bachelor of Design in 1932.
The alternate is Helen Elizabeth Flyrm who will receive her Bachelor of Arts del Mis-- Walton wishes to do graduate work gree in June, 1935, from University of Mich- at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, igan. She wants to get her Master's degree in Art as applied to Medicine, i.e.,—the il- in Economics, with particular reference to the lustrating of operations and specimens for field of money and banking. Tf she gels he- text-hooks and research papers; intending to Master's degree, she intends to become a
hecome affiliated with a Medical ( enter or
Hospital and thereby aid the profession of
Medicine with her work. She intends to de-
vote all her time to the course of art as ap- public control of industry or money and plied to medicine as outlined by Max Brodell
Lofton of TfhiS
As a senior at New- comb College, Bever- ly Walton won the archery championship in the annual tour- nament.
teaching fellow in some large university and at the same time work for her doctorate in economics. Her field will be either taxation
MAY. 1935
Jn ILomnii ifflemory
3fiaitl?ful &crtiant
of .Alpha ODmicron Bi
And the Roses Shall Wither By ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN, Alpha
-4- FOR SOME MONTHS we who have known ness of the succeeding executive she took
Octavia Chapin have awaited anxiously the reports of her condition. She fought gal- lantly a losing battle and we hear with deep sadness the news of her passing.
over the burdens of the office generously and efficiently. She later sacrificed her spring va- cation to assist in the preparation of material for the convention, ready if it should be nec- essary to preside once more. Outside of the
Few of our members have served Alpha
Omicron Pi so continuously and in so many fraternity Octavia was equally active and
capacities. Prominent as an active she be-
came successively Alumnas Superintendent,
Examining Officer, Vice President for two
terms and Chairman of the Fellowship Com-
mittee. She has also been President of Bos-
ton Alumna? Chapter and Alumna Adviser to
Delta Chapter. Never officially President of
Alpha Omicron Pi she served in that capacity
on two occasions. In 1929 she presided at the tavia's New England virtues of simplicity, in- Grand Council meeting at Cornell in the ab- tegrity and steadfastness. Her life is a tes- sence of Rose Gardner Marx (now Mrs. Gil- timony to their value and an inspiration to more). During the two or three months' ill- us to cultivate them more earnestly.
''''11'ijili11 IIMM"') III! HHi I'lhi •
able as teacher, officer of a regional scien- tific society and leader in Tufts Alumnae projects.
With rare perception and absence of van- ity she seemed never to consider the outward importance of an office. Whether its scope was wide or comparatively limited, if she was able to fill it she did so. In these days of confusion, doubt and difficulty we need O c -
Interviewing "Wise, Busy, Humanly Delightful"
.+- SUSAN GII.I.EAN ( n ) is an attractive, brown haired woman blessed with a sym- pathetic and charming personality. Through- out her career — college girl, teacher, war worker, social worker—she has achieved a quiet, pleasant, thorough efficiency. Today, in her capacity as Executive Secretary of the Children's Bureau in l^ouisiana, she has made an important place for herself and offers real
service to her community.
Following are excerpts from an interview by Helen Hyman, published somewhat recently in the New Orleans Item.
on. "And I found that instead of being an- noyed because many of my pupils disliked mathematics I was only interested. I wanted to find out why, I wanted to understand the girls' attitude. I guess that was what made me realize that, although all my life 1 had thought I wanted to teach, what I really want- ed most was to find out why people behave as they do.
"My first interest in social work began with the study of industrial social problems, but I began to see that most problems begin when
"Webster defines social work as 'relating to -people are children."
the national understanding and intercourse of individuals.' "
It was to this, in its most practical form, that Miss Susan K . Gillean turned after eight years of teaching the "dead languages."
Miss Gillean, who has so successfully been Executive Secretary of the Children's Bureau, Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruel- ty to Children, since 1925, says, "Although I still retain my respect for Latin and the teach- ing of it, I think it was the realization that Latin has so little relation to life that drove
me so far in the opposite direction—that is, to social work.
"For instance, at old Newcomb High School 1 also taught mathematics," Miss Gillean went
Susan Gillean, Pi, is Executive Secretary of the Children's Bureau in Louisiana.
The Louisiana S. P. C. C. is the only one in the county that calls itself a "children's bu- reau." T h e term became official in 1926, less than a year after Miss Gillean became super- intendent of this state S. P . C . C . It was her idea to change the name.
Miss Gillean explains that when the Louisi- ana S. P. C. C. was founded in 1892, it, like S. P. C. C.'s all over the country, was an or- ganization of persecution and punishment. In modern times, the S. P. C. C. believes in treatment instead of punishment, and tries to keep children with their parents whenever pos- sible instead of taking the parents away from them.
"We had a hard time making people under- stand we were trying to help them—that we wanted to adjust the problems that led to cruelty—rather than send the parents to jail. The S. P. C. C. just meant punishment to them, and, frightened, they fought our efforts to help them. So we decided to change our name to 'Children's Bureau' and we find we can get at people's problems now.
"Miss Gillean, the daughter of a Scotchman, attended Newcomb High School and College. While teaching at Newcomb High she took iter Master's degree in sociology at Radcliffe College, and studied a year at the University of Chicago. During the World W ar she was assistant director of personnel at a munitions factory in Virginia. After the war she organ- ized rural community groups for the Red Cross in Louisiana and Mississippi, and was later field director for the Gulf division of the Red Cross. While still with the Red Cross she became social service director for Louisi- ana, Alabama and Mississippi; organizing vo- cational training centers.
"For a year she directed social work in the South for the National Travellers' Aid, and in 1<J24 the National Family W elfare Association gave her a fellowship to study case work methods at the New York School of Social Work. At the same time she worked in the Brooklyn Bureau of Charities. After several
MAY, 1935
months more of social work study in Boston, she came to the Children's Bureau. She or- ganized the Consumers' League here to study industrial problems and was once president of the League. She is a member of the Chil- dren's Code Committee to study Louisiana's laws with the view to getting them revised to meet present day conditions."
Besides being an AOII, Susan Gillean is a member of the Colonial Dames, the Newcomb Alumnae Association and the American Asso- ciation of Social Workers. Between duties and interests, she enjoys the theatre and read- ing biographies—her favorite books. She is wise and busy and humanly delightful.
Phi Alpha O Makes Hazelle Marionettes
classes at the Kansas City Y.W.C.A.
Saturday mornings she has about 250 school children in a Marionette class. The child makes his own characters from objects, paint- ings, or tapestries in the Gallery of Arts. A play is written concerning the selection and then it is produced, with the other children in the audience.
At Christmas time the toy departments of Emery Bird Thayers and the Jones Store Company, of Kansas City marketed the Mar- ionettes and Hazelle was in charge of the sell- ing. They proved extremely popular with the Kansas City youngsters, and an excellent re- sponse was forthcoming.
Hazelle and her staff have presented numer- ous performances for organizations in the city, the most popular play being "Old King Joel and His Bag of Gold."
"It's really more or less of a hobby," says Hazelle. "3 began my work with Donald Newland, a next door neighbor, and from a small beginning the field is enlarging rapid- ly."
Since this young lady is so interested in costume designing, she makes splendid use of her talents and, in addition, designs her own stage, costumes, scenery, and writes her own script. This sounds like enough for one per- son to be doing, doesn't it? But not for H a - zelle.
Perhaps the greatest value is being realized from her classes in clay modeling, leather tooling, jewelry, making of marionettes and staging, for both unemployed and employed girlsoftheY.W.C.A. Themembersof these classes, about 50, have had no training whatsoever and they are finding these classes intensely interesting. In addition to occupying their leisure time, discovery and development of talent is taking place.
So far, the Hazelle Marionettes arc in the amateur class and it is the desire of the orig-
B y
-+- YOU'VE HEARD of cats having nine lives! Well, here is a story about a girl who must surely have more than one life, else how
could she do all of the things she does? Hazelle Hedges (* '32) leads one of the busiest lives of Kansas City's younger set. I called the other day to inquire whether Hazelle could attend the regular Kansas City Alumna?
meeting and thus the conversation ended: "I'm sorry but I have a rush order for a series of movie star heads and I'm dropping everything and working night and day until they are finished. Right now I am working on Janet Gaynor and you'd be surprised at the difficulty of obtaining the right expression for
each fare."
But I haven't even told you about what we
were talking. Hazelle is one of the few girls who is realizing a childhood ambition. She is the originator and designer of the Hazelle Marionettes which are now on the market. As a child she was always interested in dolls and had about forty or fifty in her collection.
Hazelle graduated from the Kansas Univer- sity Department of Fine Arts in 1932. After graduation she attended the Kansas City Art Institute annd manages even now to find one day a week to attend. Most of her summers during her attendance at Kansas University were spent teaching craft at the Topeka, Kan- sas, Girl Scout camp but while not thus oc- cupied she devoted iter time to attendance at the Institute.
This very busy girl is on the staff of the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Arts of Kansas City and the Atkins Museum. On
Hedges, Phi,
inator to keep them so as much as possible. Hazelle does work in water color and oils and last summer had a still life in oil in the Annual Exhibition of the Denver Art Mu-
She is an active member of the Kansas City
Alumna?, a member of the Kansas City So- ciety of Artists and of the Atbeneum Jun- iors. In addition she finds time for bridge club and the routine activities. Kansas City newspapers are finding much to write about Ffazelle and her work. ]>uring the past year seven interesting write-ups have been pub- lished.
day, Thursday, annd Saturday mornings at 10:15. In February she was given a new name, Carolyn Calvert, for a new program "The Woman's Hour," given on opposite days but at the same hour as the Mary Landis pro- gram. At this time she devotes her talk to the "Problems of the Home" such as: Wall- papers, Moving, Feudal Oak Furniture, and Better Lighting. Bettie also gives dramafifj sketches over the air from time to time
Mary Landis and Carolyn Calvert receiyl many fan letters every day asking for recipes and information on furniture, wallpapers, elec- tric appliances. Not only is she heard over the air on WBAL every morning of the week but her name appears as Mary Landis in the Baltimore Wholesale Grocery Company adver- tisements, Hopper McGaw's Food Show Book- let which is sent to all their customers, and on the advertising literature which the Bosco Company puts out for her program. Wnra talking to Bettie concerning her work she said, "So now I am Mary Landis three days and Carolyn Calvert three days a week. It's only on Sunday that 1 can be Bettie McCall
Maine's One Woman Senator Belongs to Active Chapter at Maine
-+- THEONEWOMAN member of the Maine Senate is Marion E . Martin, Gamma ('35). How she has managed to combine a home and social life in Bangor, a political career in the State Capitol at Augusta, seventy-four miles to the west, and a college course at University of Maine in Orono ten miles to the north, is somewhat of a mystery. But she is highly
successful in all three.
In 1917 she graduated from Bradford Acad- emy, Bradford, Massachusetts. She attended W ellesley College four semesters, but was
forced to leave in 1921 because of ill health. She is now completing her senior year at University of Maine, where she has majored in Economics, and has also taken courses in History, Psychology and Journalism. She is a member of a local honorary Psychology
fraternity, and has recently been elected to <I>BK.
The years between leaving W ellesley and entering University of Maine brought Marion in contact with many people, and surely must have been the foundation on which was built the sound judgment, keen interest in her fel- low men and women, and the poise and charm which she possesses today. F o r four summers she taught riding at Camp Tccla- Wooket in Roxbury, Vermont, and for two summers at Camp Abena, Belgrade Lakes, Maine. She was instructor one year at Dana Hall Riding School, Wellesley, Massachusetts. In 1926 she went around the world, and in 1927 spent six months in Europe. Marion has
What's in a Name?
you are a Radio Cooking
-+- THE CHAKMINC PERSONALMY, gifted ability and talent of Bettie McCall Roberts (I1A). have made her a member of the artists' staff of WBAL. Quite a number of people had auditions for the position. She attributed her success over the rest of them to the fact that she had specialized in Home Economics and Dramatic Training at the University of Mary- land and had taken graduate work at Colum-
bia University.
At first Bettie had only one program to write and give over the air. That was "Come Into T h e Kitchen With Mary Landis." She carries four commercial accounts at a time such as: Ceresota Flour, Bosco, Candy Cod, and Land-O-Lakes Finest Vegetables. This program is given three times a week on Tues-
Bettie McCall Roberts, Pi Delta, becomes Mary Landis and Carolyn Calvert in her broadcasts.
Not much when
MAY. 1935
been active in club work in Bangor, being a past president of Quipus and of Junior Wel- fare League, and a former vice president of the Business and Professional Women's Club.
When I asked her how she became inter- ested in politics, she replied that she was never very interested in politics until she was asked to run for representative to legislature. She made her first appearance at the Capitol in 1931, and served as Representative for two terms. She was a member of the Committee on Administrative Code, Committee on Legal Affairs, Maine Publicity, and was Secretary of Recess Committee on Old Age Pension. In 193-1 she was elected to the Senate, where she has served very ably as Chairman of Federal Relations, Chairman of Committee on State
Prison, and has been on the Committees on Pownal State School and Legal Affairs.
Marion enjoys practically every phase of political life, except the campaign end of it. She likes the social life at Augusta, "when there is time for it"—enjoys public speaking, as a usual thing, and has talked before men's service clubs, women's clubs, teachers' clubs, granges, Chambers of Commerce and political rallies, on subjects of taxation, legislative mat- ters, and travel.
She has had many funny experiences, es- pecially during her first session in Legisla- ture, which she attributes to the fact that she spells Marion with the masculine "o" rather than the feminine "a." A guest card was sent her by the Masonic Club in Augusta asking her to use their club rooms freely. This was followed by the Y . M. C. A. guest card, with a note urging her to make use of their swim- ming pool. The choicest one of all was a no- tice she received from a haberdasher inform- ing her that she could rent a suit very reason- ably for any dress occasion.
"I am particularly interested in the legisla- tive phase of the political game." says Marion. "What I have hoped to accomplish is to see that no legislation which prejudices against women receives a passage. I would feel that
I had accomplished something if I interested other women in politics, and by my conduct made it any easier for them to be elected to office." She is chairman of two joint com- mittees on Federal Relations and State Prisons as well as a member of Legal Affairs and
Pownal State School Committees.
Then, perhaps thinking that the interview was ending on too serious a note, she added, "The only other things I can imagine you might want to know are that I am an Episco- palian, and that I like to play golf and con- tract, to knit, cook, and do needlepoint.''
After graduating from University of Maine Marion plans to attend law school, either at Yale or Northwestern University. In the lat- ter event you Rho sisters and Chicago Alum- na; will have the pleasure of her acquaintance.
Marion E. Martin, Gamma, is the only woman senator in the State of Maine legislature.
An AOII Gift Creates a Business
Epsilon Alpha
ALLOW ME TO PRESENT to you all, Kathryn
Irwin Chambers (* '26), a lady of many interests and of interest to many.
Mrs. Chambers was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and while there majored in English and Psychology. She then decided to study law at Penn. At the end of the first year she married William E . Cham- bers, now an attorney in Philadephia, and gave up further pursuit of her law course and sit tied down to married life.
She wasn't "settled" very long when Eliza- beth Stewart (Mrs. Willis Goodspeed * '29) presented her with some Guppies. Now when Mrs. Goodspeed gave these Guppies to Kath- ryn, she had no idea they would start Mrs. Chambers on her path to fame in the tropical fish world. Kathryn Chambers also obtained some Scalare—a tropical fish which no one had been aide to successfully breed or raise. With these two fish as a nucleus, Kathryn set about her work of finding out the cause of failure in breeding and raising Scalare. This aquarist converted her guestroom into a workroom and started a study of the chem- istry of water, and its relation to the success which aquarists had in breeding fish—espe- cially Scalare. She found that the proper pH (hydrogen-ion concentration) content of water is just as essential to successful fish culture as proper temperature, and that it can be determined and maintained just as easily. Kathryn had so much success in breeding her
Scalare that others began to be interested in customers and she sent her fish to all parts her work and wanted to know the "whys" and of the United States and Canada. The fish "wherefores" of her success. To answer these are shipped in large tin containers around many inquiries Mrs. Chambers devised the which was wrapped a heavy canvas cover to CHAMBERS K I T and the CHAMBERS help insure proj>er temperature. Two hundred COLOR-CONTROL CHART—an aquarium
water-testing and control kit. T h e operation of this kit is quite simple and very interest- ing. One drop of Indicator Solution is ob- tained from the kit and placed in a bottle to which is added twenty drops of the water to be tested. T h e solution is then held against the color-control chart and the corresponding or matching colors indicate the hydrogen-ion concentration of the tested water. A pH 6 is acid and a bright yellow a p H 7 is neutral and a greenish blue and a pH 7.6 is highly alka- line and a deep blue. There are further direc- tions with the color chart indicating how to reduce acidity and how to reduce alkalinity. The information about pH given on the chart
is based entirely on Mrs. Chambers' work and is the only information published about the effect of p H on tropical fish.
of the one-inch size fish can be shipped in these containers or eighty to one hundred of the two-inch size.
This device for testing and controlling the
pH of water was so successful and her de- ments.
mand for tropical fish so great, that it be- Mrs. Chambers has just recently sold her came necessary for her to move her quarters. business and apartment houses and moved to
To do this the back porch of her home was a suburb of Philadelphia. However, she still
removed and her new laboratory was built expects to keep up her interest in fish and as
there. A heating system, with a thermostat yet has not decided what interest will call her
and blower, was installed to insure a con- next. Whatever it will be, I know she will be
trolled temperature and the water system for the aquariums was the spray type. The water used in the aquariums is obtained from the city water supply. However, it must stand three days before being allowed to go into the tanks so that all excess oxygen will be re- moved. W ith this new equipment Kathryn decided to really make a business of what had previously been a hobby.
In order to obtain rare fish it was neces- sary to send skilled men with special equip-
successful in it.
Union Supervisor Is a Pi Member
-+• THE FINE Parish of Union selected as its supervisor Miss Irene Clark (II) of Oua- chita Parish. The mother and father of Miss Clark, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Clark, are natives of Union Parish. At present they live in West Monroe. Louisiana. Miss Clark is a
graduate of Ouachita Parish High School.
She holds an A . B . Degree from H . Sophie ment to get them. Most of the fish are Newcomb College in New Orleans of the
brought from Singapore, South and W est Africa. Kathryn had over twelve hundred
year 1928. She has attended college at Bay- lor College, University of Colorado, and T u - lane University.
All of her teaching has been done in the Crosley School of West Monroe. She has taught a total of six and one-half years.
During her college years she was a member of the Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. She has also been an active member of the Junior Charity League of Monroe, and is a charter member of the Altrurian Book Club, the first literary club to be organized in West Monroe.
Miss Clark is a woman of splendid educa- tional attainments. During her teaching ex- perience she worked under the direct super- vision of Superintendent T. O. Brown of Ouachita Parish and Mrs. Chrissie H. Wil- liams, the supervisor of that fine parish.
Miss Clark will be under the direct super-
vision of Superintendent P . L . Read, one of
the old and most progressive superintend-
ents of the state. Under his wise direction
Miss Clark will be able to contribute in a
remarkable degree to the educational devel-
Mrs. Chambers had some very rare fish One is known as the Glass Cat fish (krypto- plerus-bisirrhus) and is entirely transparent It is interesting to know that Kathryn had the first of these fish ever to be imported. Then there is the Angel fish (pterophy-llum scalare) a beautiful silver fish with black stripes. The Fighting Siamese (bettsa) arc also very beau- tiful. As their name implies—they are fighting fish and must be kept separated or they will tear each other apart. T h e fish are fed on white worm and Daphina—it is necessary to get a fresh supply of Daphina every few days and a man must be sent to a pond to obtain it.
In addition to her tropical fish business Mrs. Chambers also managed three apartment houses having a total of forty-eight apart-
opment of the great Parish of Union.—Loui- The Chambers Kit contains chemical correctives for siana Schools. .
testing and controlling aquarium water.
MAY, 1935
"The old order changclh, yielding place to new."
-4- THE WORDS of King Arthur have as much.
if not greater, significance today as they did in the days of the Round Table. Not only does the old order give place to the new, but the new order demands that young people, as well as old, be given an opportunity to bring about some of the transformation. Even among Deans of Women has change been wrought. White hair and the experience of time are no longer prerequisites for deaning. Youth has seized upon the opportunity to broaden and vitalize a position which youth itself has always looked upon askance. In the minds of the well-informed the old skepticism is rapidly giving way to a respect for the women who are devoting their energies to the guidance and better adjustment of girls of school age.
At Syracuse University, Dean Eugenie A. Leonard recognized the trend in modern edu- cation toward the development of the whole individual and appreciated the need of her student body for such development. Realizing also that the field of education was demand- ing trained individuals to carry out such pro- grams of guidance, in the fall of 1930 she suggested that a course for student deans be set up. The result was that a series of assist- antships in the office of the Dean of Women were offered to college graduates in all parts of the country. These assistantships allow the recipients to receive practical training in Per- sonnel Administration, while taking their Mas- ter's degrees in some subject.
Other courses for training in the theory of deaning have been in existence for many years, but it is in the opportunity for practical train- ing that the uniqueness of the Leonard plan lies. The dormitory system at Syracuse is particularly well adapted to the plan, in that it consists of a number of cottages, housing from fourteen to fifty girls. Each student dean is assigned to one of these cottages, where she carries out a threefold program of activity.
Probably the most important phase of her work is the direct guidance of each girl in academic, vocational and personality adjust- ment, although the second aspect of her work is so closely allied to the first that it is hard
to determine the superior importance of either. This second task involves the development of individuals through group enterprises. The student dean supervises the student govern- ment of her cottage in an effort to develop leadership and responsibility. She also acts as an adviser in planning the social program of the cottage, with a view toward giving every girl some chance to cultivate poise, charm and an appreciation of cultural as well as purely social affairs, while at the same time learning the details of their management. T h e third aspect of the student dean's practical training lies in her cooperation with the house- keeping office. It is her responsibility to re- port all necessary repairs and to see that the routine housekeeping details are cared for promptly and efficiently. On all of her work the student dean makes full periodic reports which serve as a check for her and a source of information to her superiors.
By no means the least interesting and valu- able part of the student dean's experience is her relationship with the other student deans. They come to Syracuse from all sections of the country, from colleges, universities and teachers colleges, segregated and coeducational institutions, small schools and large. The give and take in the exchange of opinions is there- fore lively and effective. Through discussion of individual and mutual problems, through helping others with their theses, through daily exchange of ideas and points of view, the stu- dent deans arc forced to remain alert and to broaden their own interests.
The requirements of the course make it necessary for the accepted applicants to spend two years in securing a Master's degree, but it is a two-year period which contributes much to the maturity, good judgment and insight of the "sub" or "debutante" deans, as they are sometimes called.
The interest recently evinced in the student deans at the convention of the National Asso- ciation of Deans of Women, is a testimonial to the fact that the movement is gaining rec- ognition throughout the United States. T h e contributions which the young graduates of the course have already been able to make in their deaning and advisory positions are a proof of the fact that such recognition is de- served.
A New
/ a i i f
n; «I»K«I» (i/ Syracuse university
Among Our New Scholars
Chi, is
a new
Elma Louise Day, Sigma, u an honor stu- Opal Petrawrh. Alpha Phi. winner of dent at the University of California. She the rifle trophy for women at Montana
is majoring in psychology.
State College, belongs to +K«t».
Fran, Messuk, Beta
ber of Starlet Quill, senior women's
Thcta, i.t a mrm honorary at Butler.
Mrs. Dwight Young, national alumnae secre- tary of AAA, who spoke on "Mow Alumna- Can Help the Present Fraternity Crisis"; Edith Huntington Anderson spoke on "Sorori- ties and Education"; Bland Morrow recounted
active chapter, were called on for brief toasts.
"Alumni Memorial Hall, on Vanderbilt Campus, was the scene of the tea, which was given Saturday afternoon, from 4 to 6
from BlootntngtOfl anil Indianapolis gather in reunion in Indianapolis has spread this year to Ohio and Tennessee. Under the guidance of the Stale Chairmen and with the cooperation of hostess alumna* these State Days have proved a success from the num- bers of alumnae attending and from their
Said The Dayton Journal of Ohio's first State Day:
"With the Dayton alumna* chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi as hostess, representatives of Ohio chapters will convene here Saturday. March 16. at the Engineers' club, for the first state meet of the sorority. Mrs. Alfred L. Haas, who is president of the local group, is in charge of arrangements being made here for the event.
Nursing Service; Ruth C. Segar's topic was "Because I'm Stale Chairman."
April 20 marked Tennessee State Day in Nashville.
"The active and alumnae chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi. national sorority at Vanderbilt University, were hostesses of a luncheon and tea Saturday, in the first annual celebration of Tennessee Day. Representatives were pres- ent from the active and alumna chapters of the University of Tennessee, at Kno.xvillc, and from Southwestern University at Mem- phis, with alumna? from all parts of the State coming to participate in the celebration. Miss Lucy Cooper. State Alumna Chairman, was in charge of arrangements.
"The luncheon was given at the Hermitage Hotel, Saturday at 1 o'clock, the 100 guests being sealed at an "A"-shaped table, the top of the letter forming the speakers' table. This was centered with a large basket filled with white snapdragons, larkspur, and narcissi, and red carnations, featuring the sorority colors
i• i
State Days Bring Members Together
-4- INDIANA'S plan of celebrating an Alpha O her experiences as Social Service Secretary Day in the spring when members from for AOIT and Dorothy Caldwell told about Beta Thcta, Beta Phi and Thcta, alumna? her experiences as a courier with the Frontier
"Among the guests at the state meet and
the principal speakers at the session will he
Mrs. Arthur K. Anderson of State college.
Pennsylvania, national president of Alpha
Omicron Pi; Miss Bland Morrow, director
of the social service department of the
Frontier Nursing Service of Kentucky; Miss
Dorothy Caldwell, of Cincinnati, a past cour-
ier in the Frontier Nursing Service; Mrs.
Dwight E. Young, of Dayton, national Places of the guests were marked with cards
alumna: secretary of Delta Delta Delta, and Miss {Catherine Davis, of New Albany, Ind., district adviser of Alpha Omicron Pi.
"The state meet will open with a luncheon
at 1 o'clock at the Engineers' club, and the Arthur K. Anderson, national president of program will follow. Mrs. William Segar. Alpha Omicron Pi, was the principal speaker. of Bellcvue, Kentucky, is chairman of the Mrs. Morgan Gordon, acting president of state day committee. Representatives from the Nashville alumna chapter, Miss Winn all alumna? chapters in Ohio and from the Ownbey, president of the active chapter at
three active chapters, which are located at Denison, Cincinnati and Miami universities, will be in attendance."
Mrs. Haas extended a welcome to the guests and introduced the officers. Music
was furnished by Martha H. Fry (Si) and from the alumna chapter, and Miss Theresa Gwendolyn Williams. Speakers included Lily, president of Southwestern University
of red and white, and red tapers burned in silver holders. Wide red ribbon ran the length of the tables forming the sides of the letter, and across the top to complete the emblem.
cut in the shape of the State of Tennessee.
Vanderbilt University, Miss Evelyn Roth, president of the active chapter at the Univer- sity of Tennessee, Mrs. Kyle Peet, president of the Knoxville Alumna Chapter, Miss Elizabeth Hale of Memphis, representative
"Miss Cooper introduced Miss Pay Morgan of Knoxville, national library chairman of the sorority, who served as toastmistress. Mrs.
o'clock. Stands of spring flowers were used scholarship cup, which is awarded at the in the decorations, and the lace-covered tea luncheon, went to the Beta Theta Chapter this table bad for a central ornament a silver year.
bowl of flowers, emphasizing the sorority
A program of sororit}- songs was given by Selma Drabing and Louise W. Payne of the "Receiving the guests were Miss Lucy Indiana chapter. One hundred and fifty res-
Cooper, Miss Fay Morgan, Mrs. Arthur K. ervations were made.
Anderson, Dean Ada Bell Stapleton, Miss The dance was given in the main dining- Winn Ownbey, and Mrs. Morgan Gordon. room at the club and was attended by about
Mrs. W. J. Campbell and Mrs. Martin Mc- one hundred and fifty couples. A large new
colors of red and white.
Namara poured tea, and those assisting in the serving were Miss Patricia Spearman, Miss Thayer Bamhart, Miss Frances Murrey, Miss Henrietta Sawyers, Miss Emily Tag- gart, Miss Josephine Hawkins, Miss Helen Bramwcll, Mrs. Claude Bell, Mrs. Robert Magruder; Miss Corinne Anderson, and Miss Mildred Cisco.
"Guests at the tea included members of the faculty of V'anderbilt L'niversity, and their wives, representatives from other sororities on the campus, and the out-of-town members."
Alumme and active members from over the state gathered Saturday, April 6, in the In- dianapolis Athletic Club for the annual In- diana state luncheon and dance. At the luncheon Edith Huntington Anderson dis- cussed "Fraternities in Education" and Han- nah Blair Neal of Bloomington, State Chairman, gave a report of the sorority's work in Indiana and Kentucky. Gladys Hawickhorst, Alumna: Chapter president, was toastmistress. The speakers' table was ar- ranged with bowls of spring flowers and tapers Smaller tables were arranged with similar bowls.
Mary Garrison Walker, president of the DePauw University active chapter; Frances Messick, president of the Butler University chapter, and Ann Katherine Grcenawalt, president of the Indiana University chapter, gave short talks on "Campus Activities." The
electrically lighted replica of an AOII pin graced one end of the room and special dances were featured with AOIT songs.
Eloisc Benjamin. Zeta, won the fresh- man beauty and popularity contest at the University of Nebraska.
this year's women's
of the "Michiganensian,"
book and active on the social committee of the women's league.
has editor year-
Ellen La
member of AKT and secretary of
of Panhellenic
of South Carolina, a
at the K.S.K. Spirit Club.
Ph\ it
Billic Griffiths, Omuron Pi, has been vice president of the Women's League this year. She has been active in Comedy Club.
MAY, 1935
Callcndar Wcltner, Lambda Sigma, led the Military Ball at the University of Georgia with Jasper Dorscy, cadet colonel. President of AOII'J newest chapter, site writes the feature section of the vearbook, is an honorary cadet colonel, on the Dean's list, selected as one of tlie four most popular girls on the campus and as one of the twenty-five prettiest coeds.