A Mark of Honor . . . Symbolic To DRAGMA
of Her Office
»» MARCH • 1934 ««
H p H E D I S T I N C T I O N which the K E Y MOUNTINGS
Chapter Officer holds in her frater-
President Gavel
nity has inspired us to create a new
and different charm in parchment Vice President Torch
scroll design to symbolize her office.
The cleverly-designed chapter office Secretary Quiu
mountings form the key ends and in-
dicate the office which the wearer Treasurer
proudly holds.
10K Solid Gold-Encrusted Sterling Cor. Secretary Bottle and Qufli
This unique combination of precious
metals (the front quarter of solid gold Recorder Scroll
and the back of sterling silver) is a
new and original development com- Chaplain Cross (
bining the beauty of solid yellow gold
with the economy of sterling silver. Sergeant at Arms Mace
Your Official Jeweler Guard Sword
No. 19004-B
Sterling Silver $2.50 /
Gold Filled 2.25*
10K Gold-Encrusted Sterling 4.75*
• I t is necessary to add 1 0 % Gold Sur- I
charge to all gold or gold-filled articles. I
Neck chains are supplied at 75c
Attleboro, Mass. of Fraternity Jewelry
Gentlemen: . . . . Please send me: in the
1954 Balfour Blue Book
[ ] 1934 B L U E B O O K , free
[ ] Chapter Officer's Charm WE PRESENT . . . Spring Kit Tucker
[ ] Sterling Silver Identification Medallion Page 18 Respect Rightful Ownership The Editor
[ ] Gold Filled*
Ye Olden Knife of Page 19 N.R.A. and the Socialist Party . . . Jessie Wallace Hughan
[ ] 10K Gold-Encrusted Sterling* Remembrance Page 43
Page 27
Office — — Zipper Suede Bag Life in a Poet's Home Una Call Jeffers
Fraternity Wooden Bracelet Page 24
Checkerboard Camera
[ ] Cash [ ] C.O.D. (20% Deposit must The Practical Side of Fraternity Life . . Edith H. Anderson
be enclosed if C.O.D.) Compact
(Add 10% Gold Surcharge) Write today for your free copy I
Signed Problems of a Society Editor Mary Sears
Street A "Homegrown" Nursery School Marian Moise
City and State. J L.G. BalfourCompany *
Attleboro - - MassachusetM
Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
ALPHA—Barnard College—Inactive. OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. °Pol 29 ^S^gf O f f i c i a l ' tpuGficafion of
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New
OMICRON PI—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Orleans, La. Mich. *
N o — N e w York University, New York City.
OMICRON—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Or*.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, OkU.—
KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynch- Inactive.
burg, Va. Pi DELTA—University of Maryland, College Park.
ZETA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Md.
THETA—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
BETA—Brown University—Inactive. TAU DELTA—Birmingham Southern College, Bip.
DELTA—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
GAUM A—University of Maine, Orono, Me. mingham, Ala.
EPSILOH—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, III. KAPPA THETA—University of California at Lo* I In the MARCH • 1934 Issue-
LAMBDA—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto,
Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICRON—Southwestern, Memphis, Tena.
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, I I I .
TAU—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, C « r . Spring --- 2
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y. vallis, Ore.
UrsiLOH—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Respect R i g h t f u l Ownership 3
No KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal- C H I DELTA—University of Colorado, Bouldtr 4
Colo. 6
las, Tex. 9
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. BETA THETA—Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. 10
ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. ALPHA P I — F l o r i d a State College for Women. 11
ALPHA PHI—Montana State College, Bozeman, 12
Tallahassee, Fla. 13
Mont. 14
No OMICRON—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State College, State N.R.A. and the Socialist Party : 17
Tenn. College, Pa. e r 23
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. THKTA ETA —Univ si t y of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 24
PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Ohio. Life in a Poet's Home 34
BETA TAU—University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. The Practical Side of Fraternity L i f e 41
ALPHA TAU—Denison University, Granville, Ohi*. 47
BETA KAPPA—University of British Columbia. Do You K n o w That?
Vancouver, B. C.
ALPHA GAMMA—Washington Slate College, Pull- Being a Society Editor Presents Its Problems
man. Wash.
Convention—Will You Come?
DELTA PHI—University of South Carolina, Colum-
bia. S. C. In Memoriam
W h y Not Start a " H o m e g r o w n " School?
ALUMNAE CHAPTERS A Study of First Causes
Textile Designing
NEW YORK A L U M N A — N e w York City. CLEVELAND ALUMNA—Cleveland, Ohio. The Quiet Corner
SAN FBANCISCO A L U M N A — S a n Francisco, Calif. MEMPHIS ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn.
PROVIDENCE ALUMNA—Providence, Rhode Island. MILWAUKEE ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis. The Pride of Alpha 0
BOSTON A L U M N A — B o s t o n , Mass. BIRMINGHAM ALUMNA—Birmingham, Ala.
OKLAHOMA CITY ALUMNA—Oklahoma City, Okla. Alpha O's in the Daily Press
LINCOLN A L U M N A — L i n c o l n , Neb. CHICAGO-SOUTH SHORE ALUMNA—Chicago, I I I .
L o i ANGELES A L U M N A — L o s Angeles, Calif. MADISON ALUMNA—Madison, Wis. L o o k i n g at Alpha O's
INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNA—Indianapolis, Ind. DENVER A L U M N A — D e n v e r , Colo. Glances at Greekdom
NEW ORLEANS A L U M N A — N e w Orleans, I .a. CINCINNATI ALUMNA—Cincinnati, Ohio.
MINNEAPOLIS ALUMNAA—Minneapolis, Minn. TULSA A L U M N A — T u l s a , Okla. Directory of Officers
BANGOR A L U M N A — B a n g o r , Me. A N N ARBOR A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.
PORTLAND A L U M N A — P o r t l a n d , Ore. FORT WAYNE A L U M N A — F o r t Wayne, Ind. Do You W a n t to W o r k ?
SEATTLE ALUMNA—Seattle, Wash. ST. LOUIS A L U M N A — S t . Louis, Mo.
KNOXVILLE ALUMNA—Knoxville, Tenn. ROCHESTER ALUMNA—Rochester, N . Y. Help Swell Our Social Service F u n d
WASHINGTON ALUMNA—-Washington, D. C. SAN DIEGO A L U M N A — S a n Diego, Calif. To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne-
DALLAS ALUMNA—Dallas, Tex. NEW JERSEY ALUMNA—Metropolitan New Jersey, sota, am! is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul
PHILADELPHIA ALUMNA—Philadelphia, Pa. BUFFALO ALUMNA—Buffalo, N . Y. Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special
KANSAS CITY ALUMNA—Kansas City, Mo. WESTCHESTER ALUMNA—Westchester C o u n t y ,
OMAHA A L U M N A — O m a h a , Neb. p.fate of postace provided for in the Act of Februarv 28, 1925, Section 4 1 2 , P.L.&R., authorized February
SYRACUSE ALUMNA—Syracuse, H, Y. X. Y. 1930.
L To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October. Taminrv, March, and May. Send all editorial
DETROIT ALUMNA—Detroit, Mich. ATLANTA A L U M N A — A t l a n t a , Ga. Material to 2042 University Avenue,' St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.
NASHVILLE ALUMNA—Nashville, Tenn. * The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
Respect Rightful Ownership
By K I T T U C K E R , Upsii ''it Lf- IT'S SPRING HOUSECLEANING T I M E ; records and good pictures disappeared
from scrapbooks, a very crude beginning
Sprint/ looked in my T f d e a n windows shine against a clear of that business we speak of disgustingly
dow words to tblue s k y : the w i n d has lost its c r i s p y as divestment o f public property to
sting- I t ' s 'l n i e to put a w a y w i n t e r private interests. A small beginning,
And whispered thoughts as well as wear and get out but at least a tolerance of the thing that
vie. spring apparel. A shout of "Where are has sapped respect, confidence and finan-
m y roller skates? What's happened to cial support f r o m an increasing number
vn l i u i n p i n g rope? W h o has m y h a l l ? " of more immaculate citizens.
[goes t h r o u g h o u r house and puts me i n
[>iiiind o f something I've wanted to say I hate chains of any kind. They
for a long time. aren't necessary i f all o f us w o u l d prac-
tice a home-made maxim, "Leave unto
-Wake up," she said, "ani I I t might he entitled, " A L e c t u r e o n others the things which belong to them
and unto the chapter house its r i g h t f u l
follow, Private Ownership" or " A Plea Against belongings."
| Appropriating Thy Sister's Property,"
Making up that pat phrase made me
Be happy and he free." but it won't he quite that, f o r T'm not think of the original, "Deliver unto
'speaking of the b o r r o w e d stockings or Caesar the things which are Caesar's,"
and I come to remind you and your non-
So, gladly did L wander that speck o f rouge to tide over a pale subscriber friends to return the informa-
cheek; I ' m t a l k i n g ahout chapter house tion blank which was sent in the January
T o DRAGMA. These make u p a record
Out across the hills possessions — newspapers, magazines, which is kept in the Central Office, and
whether you belong to an alumnse chap-
Through paths all strewn [books and all the easily a p p r o p r i a t e d ter and are a subscriber or not, it should
[articles supplied by the chapter treasury be mailed at once. I f you know a non-
subscriber who enjoyed receiving the
with clover • and o f t e n c a r r i e d o f f quite guilelessly hy magazine, tell her she may never get
another copy unless she returns the
And lined with daffodils. members. N o t long ago, I called a soror- blank. I f returns warrant, a like con-
ity house to ask to b o r r o w a b o u n d tact will be made annually. Tell us you
want it by sending the blank to the Cen-
I listened to the robins, Volume of the s o r o r i t y magazine w h i c h I tral Office now.
[needed. T h e a c c o m m o d a t i n g member
The alumna? notes are omitted this
And whistled hark a - who answered m y i n q u i r y searched d i l i - time. The reporters were faithful in
gently f o r the book. Finally she re- their work, but since two numbers f o r
the year have contained personal news
/ heard a mirthful gurgle Burned, and, w i t h embarrassment, t o l d items, we decided to leave them out this
time. You'll get an extra large section
foe that someone had taken i t f r o m the the next time we publish it. I n the
meantime send news to your alumnae
As the brooklet sped alotlfr library and hadn't brought i t back. H e r notes reporter.
So free and happy was /• [embarrassment was caused by the fact
rthat she had gone i n t o some detail to e x -
My joy I wished to shari{ plain to me that I ' d have to use the book
| n their library f o r it could not he re-
But Sprin,) in other wi- moved f r o m the r o o m !
dows everywhere B remember, too, no few times that I
Was looking, Bave been annoyed because the most i m -
tportant news story i n the evening's news-
Paper bad been clipped b e f o r e the
[paper had gone the rounds. I n t e r e s t i n g
4 VIAKCH. 1934 5
-f- AFTER T H E FUMBLING 1928, leaving i n operatic rket is concerned, not a great deal has been and the unemployed will be absorbed in giv-
the same cause , u ° n The four million restored to employ- ing additional service.
POLICIES of the last
four years, we are all brought the disaster- u?' meint have been given an approximate aver- 3. Until the idle workers are thus nor-
cheered to see President is, as we believe, the - of seven hundred dollars per year, mally absorbed, we must give relief to the
Roosevelt really acting ^ l i m u m subsistence wages. Minimum com- entire body of unemployed at something more
against the depression, and tern by which industr?-' f r t is estimated at from $1,500 to $2,000. than subsistence wages.
acting in the right direc- owned by the capital;!? Hjese people were subsisting even when idle
tion. The Socialist criti- minority, and the- rest f 4. Money should be obtained f o r these pro-
cism is, however, that usi aarree aalllloowweedd ttoo wW oo °£u - id the $700 income does little more than to jects (after a temporary bond issue), by par-
neither in principle nor in anidd lliivvee oonnllyy iiff ^ fflieve somewhat the taxpayers who formerly ing down all super-incomes, say to the income
We imported them without giving them any more level of the President of the United States.
NRA rsuade some capita]^
• •• * ¥ ¥ *
practice does he go far j, • • • * * *
enough, or can he go far
enough without losing the and Ihe Socialist Party
support of the political
party which elected him. * * • • •* • • •-¥••¥••¥••¥••¥•
His policy of restoring that our labor can hrina money than before with which to purchase Why should anyone be paid a higher salary
die purchasing power of him a profit. Roosevelt is Iwnforts and small luxuries for themselves. than he? The change could be effected
the people is thoroughly reconditioning the old car At this rate the increase in effective demand through excess income and inheritance taxes
sound. Socialists have con- without changing the ma- which is needed to restore a healthy market in such a way as to injure no one, but to
sistently accounted for the chinery or brakes, and try- seems to be almost negligible. divert effectually the surplus wealth of the
depression by the steadily ing to set it up again at I There is, of course, a great deal of chiseling nation from stock gambling to investments
increasing disproportion the top of the slope from l going on under the N R A . Even reputable profitable f o r the whole people.
between wages and profits, which it will only proceed Rouses have been known to lower pay or
which has at last made it to roll down again into lengthen hours when they have found them- There is a deep and wide gulf between us
impossible f o r the masses the mud. selves on the right side of the Code. A t and permanent prosperity. The President is
of manual and intellectual Ipest, the multitude of small employers are building a bridge in good faith. His farthest
workers to buy back the The President has ac- [bnable to raise wages or reduce hours until plan, however, includes the spannng of only
tremendous p r o d u c t o f complished some definite ffhe market has first been restored. They one-half or one-fourth or one-tenth of the
machine industry which results, though our judg- promise hopefully, but are compelled to back- gulf. And half a bridge is no bridge at all!
they have created and f o r ment must, of - v. In Hide or go out of business. Big industries, We Socialists demand a bridge all the way to
which they must furnish modified by the fact that on the other hand—coal mines, iron works, the other side, where lies the solid mainland
the bulk of the market. other countries also are [:and isolated factories—are able to defy the of planned industry f o r use rather than profit.
The super-capitalists, who starting slowly upon the [NRA, keeping the workers from complaint
receive the lion's share of up-grade. He has placed by threats of "firing" or a shut-down, Miss Hughan suggested at Convention that
the national wealth, can an efficient woman at the f Conditions will not materially improve be- each chapter make an effort to have discus-
spend only a portion of head of the Labor De- tfiause Roosevelt does not wish to molest the sions of timely subjects related to government
this income on luxuries partment; he has set up profit system; he only wants to patch it up. during the year.
and have nothing to do Civilian Conservation He avoids taking anything f r o m the rich, but
with the surplus but to re- Camps and made large ap- K is the income of the very wealthy which The following questions are suggested f o r
invest it in producing propriations f o r public has caused the present deadlock by its rein- discussion in the chapter house:
more and more of the works; he has used social vestment in industries f o r which no sufficient
staple goods with which pressure in urging capital- demand exists. Such surplus income should Is the capitalist system collapsing?
the market is a l r e a d y ists to raise wages and rae diverted f r o m the banks and the deposit What is Socialism?
flooded. take on employes. The fig- [boxes of the rich into the pockets of the I f not capitalism, What? Fascism, Com-
ures seem to show an in- middle class and the workers. munism, Socialism?
The President is right, crease of four million em- I What do we Socialists demand ? Roughly Shall you and I support the next war?
therefore, when he pro- ployed, an addition of Bhe following immediate measures: Can poverty be abolished?
poses to fight the depres- thirty million to the pay- What lies behind civic corruption?
sion by raising wages and roll, and a prospect of 1. We must nationalize credit and the Shall we vote for personalities or prin-
restoring employment four million more persons banking system. Then the government will ciples?
rather than by cutting pay- returning to the job by be able to carry out its plans without cur- I f NRA fails, what then?
rolls and lending money to 1934. Ifency experiments or truckling to the finan- In this connection, it is suggested that you
the wealthy in hope that [tiers. read articles concerning the T V A , the Reeds-
it may eventually filter On the other hand, there H p . We must socialize, one after another, ville Project, and Upton Sinclair's EPIC.
down. were twelve million un- the public utilities which have been ripe f o r
employed last March; even Pocialization the last twenty years. I n this
Yet he goes not nearly if eight million are back p a y prices will be reduced to the consumer
far enough. His goal, as at work by 1934, there will
far as wages are con- still be four million still By JESSIE W A L L A C E H U G H A N , A l p h a
cerned, is mere!}' to bring without employment. We
back the good days of must remember also that An Address Given at the Founders' Day
much of this work is arti- Luncheon in New York
ficial, and that the CWA
appropriation is expected
to last only till February.
As f a r as building up a
T o DR PARCH, 1934
Robinson Jef Una Call Jef-
fers and the fers, Sigma, is
twin sons the mistress of
pause at Hawk
Tor House.
it v.
1 ' 'U RTESY
LIFE in a POET'S H O M E Described by Una Call Jeffers, Sigma
-4- W H E N R O B I N S O N JEFFERS and I were mar- ward the village but do not hide the sea from Dead." Two recent summers we have spent tion) which lies nearer to California than to
ried in 1913 we expected to go to Eng- us to the west or Pt. Lobos and the Santa with Mabel Luhan in Taos, New Mexico. Last any other mundane state; indeed he is one of
Lucian Mountains to the south. Summer we also motored to the H . F. Bar those poets, and they are not the least impor-
land to live. One thing or another held us Ranch in northern Wyoming. tant, whose work is an emanation f r o m an
here in California until the next year. We Here, then, in this most magically beautiful environment definitely geographical as well as
had reservations for sailing in August, 1914. spot my husband has written all those books Interesting people and many famous ones spiritual, and an interpretation of Nature in a
The War prevented that and we came to of verse which are so interwoven with the Continually come through Carmel—life is busy way which Wordsworth and Emerson would
Carmel—for a few months as we thought— wild coast and canons south of us. Here our and exciting but somehow7 we manage to keep have understood. His poetry, which is cer-
and here we are still! Presently our twin sons boys have grown—they are now seventeen— ,tne seclusion and quiet about us necessary f o r tainly major at its best, stands apart f r o m
were horn; then we hought five acres of land swimming, riding, horseback, and always 111c- BJ.'s writing. cults and schools. I t is as untroubled by the
a mile outside the village on a bare wild point day-long tramps in the hills f o r all of us. We intellectualisms of the metaphysical school as
ending in jagged broken cliffs against which have stayed here very steadily except for near- {OUT OF T H E QUIET which Una Call Jeffers the mist-wreathed, sun-baked slopes of the
the sea is always thundering. Here we had a ly all of 1929, which we si>ent in the British preserves for her husband has come of late, California foothills. The passion f o r perfec-
small house built of sea granite. M y husband Isles. We kept house f o r some month- 0% Give Your Heart to the Hawks (Random tion of the imagist, and also his reticence be-
grew so interested in the work of the masons the north coast of Ireland, in the glens of An- pouse). In the Saturday Review of Litera- fore the common passions of humanity, are
that he began to build, too, and gradually trim ; another few months we lived twelve nules ture Henry Seidel Can by writes: unknown to i t ; like California, it is made up
added a garage and the high "Hawk Tower" f r o m Oxford. Besides we motored ten thou- of masses where fineness of detail is lost in
and a stone wall which encloses the courtyard sand miles up and down in search of sceneo Robinson Jeffers lives on that Pacific Coast the sensationalism of violent contrast. But it
and connects the other buildings. Then he and ruins, particularly in Ireland, the Round Which for good and f o r i l l has so powerfully escapes even less than the metaphysics of T. S.
planted a little forest of three thousand cy- Towers with their half-legendary history. |hrred the American imagination; he draws Eliot from the current implications of this
press trees which are a complete screen to- Here my husband wrote "Descent to the Bs themes from a territory of the imagination
J « region of strong and often morbid sensa-
EBCH, 1934 9
troubled period. Indeed, like so man)' of the realities they had ignored. Life drops f The Practical Side
best novels of our time, its uncritical inclusive- the happy commonplace into horrid denn?*11
ness makes i t a better register of the Zeitgeist the old human struggle, familiar in start??
than work more withdrawn into the inner eras, begins again.
rooms of the scholar's or the esthete's mind. Cr
Now Jeffers has been known as a poet of Give your heart to the hawks, says the yo
cruelty and horror, who has celebrated in wife caught in casual adultery, to her husbanl
dramatic narrative, sensational to the point of who has killed his brother, the courts will o l of Fraternity Life
melodrama, the harsh incoherences between free your body, conquer your own reniors
man's expectancy and his fate. The inhuman- and trust nature which is beautiful and Sf
ity of his monotonously beautiful coast seemed which perversions, like you and me, are o
to weigh upon him until, ignoring its cities a part. The hawks of nature feed the futurjf
and bungalows, he peopled the empty canons thus osWeu»r»n*vh»d»iei•nn•ng»gdGeweoipdt h,jp. aa.e.ns.rsd-r^io.o^ rfn. .os^ wrahrtieh^cah-st"twiiysrierov e.ruivdi e,,msmthuHes*ttoelpealnyne-v fc. I N THKSK HAYS when every organization the feelings of others. With understanding
of its wildernesses with figures in which per- dure. and every undertaking is being questioned and tact she can be a power f o r constructive
verted passions broke through suppressions comp •'as to its worthwhileness, it is well to put f r a - thinking in her own chapter and on the cam-
into blood and fire. His rather loose verse ternities to the same test. Is there a worth- pus, even though she is only a freshman.
took on aspects of grandeur as it lifted the while, practical side to fraternity life with These powers develop with age and experience
mountains and the sea to a plane of wild wood and the bungalows is a way to destn," jfcfiich the members and the institutions in in college and the chapter.
imagination, then too often broke into sensa- the soul.
tionalism as the passions and despairs of his Tortured by inarticulate remorse, driven by which these organizations are located cannot Then there is the comparatively short period
homely people were unloosed, like hopeless .dispense? There is, i f the fraternities are liv- when a girl is an active member of the f r a -
souls of sinners in some old illuminated manu- her. will, the husband tries to rely on a self ing UP t o 'l n c r possibilities and the ideals upon ternity, four years at most. Her responsibility
script, writhing toward the eternal pit. which in the easy days has never met spiritual during this period is threefold. She has a
emergencies. He fights a g a i n s t nature, he lwehriecnht they were founded. What are the dif- duty to the college or university, to maintain
His cruelty, his almost brutal pessimism, has fights literally against the hawks which carry aspects of the practical side of frater- high scholarship and take part in activities.
been in close accord w i t h the spirit of the nity life which might be considered? She is always democratic and has friends in
newer American novelists, although the dif- his wife's symbolism. The poem sways bJ r First, there is the period of pledgeship. I t all groups. She has a loyalty to the college
ference i n style, and especially in subject mat- tween a majestic beauty of encompassing land- and an interest in its problems both as an
ter, has obscured the resemblance. The read- scape where the decor is a vital part of a K a period of development into the kind of undergraduate and as an alumna.
ers who rushed f o r Hemingway or Faulkner, active the pledge wishes to become, and the
have hesitated before the poet's l i f t out of human story (in this how often do Amerieaftl chapter and fraternity hope she will be. The She has a duty to the fraternity, a loyalty
realism into a superworld as heroic as a Wag- f a i l ! ) , and a battle of minds, made morbi<jfe to its ideals and traditions. She serves cheer-
ner drama. But relative neglect does not i m - concrete in bloody circumstances, when (£§ ideal pledge is a well-rounded person who can fully in little tasks as well as the bigger
ply lesser significance. 'apnedrsodneews haocceecphtoerse spon sibility. She is not a duties and responsibilities given to her. She
brute creature lifted by his wife's will toward the opinions of others or is responsible f o r seeing that her chapter is
"jeffers's new book is called "Give Your self-reliance smashes and kills as he slips lack up to the standards of the fraternity and the
Heart to the Hawks, and Other Poems." The toward convention, superstition, self-pity, and tries blindly to fit into her environment. She
poet, he says in "Triad," is one whose affair |s a thinking, progressive person, but, in giv-
is "to awake dangerous images and call the mere despair. She loses him, of course; in the ing her opinions, she is tactful and careful of
hawks." Like science he feeds the future, he moment of his yielding he kills himself be-
serves God, cause he cannot "peel off" his humanness. rise
to her belief that all human feelings, repent-
Who is very beautiful, but hardly a friend ance, and bloodthirst too, are not very impor- By EDITH H. ANDERSON
of humanity. tant in so vast a world. Her will and the un-
How often when writers of our cheerful race born child she has forced from him remain.
(Poe, Melville, O'Neill) look into the depths The poem ends, unlike Jeffers, in a stoic tri-
they find God to be no friend of humanity! umph f o r those who are free of a world that
The God of Jeffers approves of stoicism. His believed God cared f o r its pleasure—for those
title poem, a battle of souls in a mist of blood, "more hawk than human."
differs f r o m the relentless poems of his past
in that stoicism wins through at the end, when And it is recorded here not only for its
the genial optimism of our progressive period current moral significance but for the extra-
and the laissez-faire of conventional act and ordinary beaut)' of its descriptive verse, its
orthodox religion have all been defeated. That skilful blending of the familiar and exalted,
poem begins on what might be called the 1929 which suits the changed temper of a new day
levels of familiar experience. "Under the vast that is repelled by mere heroics yet craves a
calm vaulting glory of the a f t e r g l o w , " a l i f t above realism, and for the singularity of
drunken party is under way on a w i l d and sadistic cruelty, spiritual torture, revealed and
lovely California beach. I t mounts into vulgar resolved in a culture which has given us gold,
horseplay and sexual desire, while undercur- oranges, sentimental movies, the open-air life
rents of finer emotions sweep through the —and now this. But it is recorded particularly
protagonists, hot contraband liquor not suf- for its moral significance, since here is aa
ficing to i quench the consciousness of the American poet who, while Hollywood danced
"enormous peace of the sea," and the cruel and Los Angeles sold real estate below him
beauty of the cliffs overhanging. Then in a and San Francisco played the market above,
release f r o m inhibitions, retarded action breaks like some morbid Hebrew prophet saw visions
out of the subconscious where it has long of blood and disaster on his mountains, and
been willed. There is adultery, murder—a now that the iron has crushed the soul of so
brother kills a brother, and a guilty wife be- many pleasant illusions, seems perversely to
gins a long struggle to save her guilty hus- have felt the strength of will, the depth ot
band f r o m moral disintegration. energy, behind the aimless scurry of American
life, and has made a woman the symbol of the
Now, as after the easy self-indulgences of anti-defeatism of a race that, even if God is
the twenties, the characters in this story face no friend of humanity, will accept the rigors
of nature, seeing its grandeurs, and fight on
toward a future.
Is this too metaphysical an interpretation ot
a poem of adulterv, murder, and the fruit? o
(Continued on Pag<- W
10 T ° T)KAGMj I Being a
Society Editor
college. She is a true friend and lives the again, but fraternities cannot get alone B^OJ [ Presents
idealism of her fraternity ritual. She is tol- out colleges. *U h Its Problems
erant, balanced, and her opinions are sound.
Thcre is an old saying that "Customs nial-
She has a duty to herself. She possesses eth man." We should be g o v e r n e d by th
all the qualities of good moral c h a r a c t e r , wisdom of this truth and encourage only "cphar,°"
sound unbiased opinions, and has a sane and tices, customs and habits in frater nity
well-informed outlook on life. She has the ters which will give our members intellectu I
ability to sift the evidence in any case which and moral strength, thus making sure they ca
comes to her and to put the emphasis in the live durable and satisfied lives. These attri1
right place. butes come f r o m having a strong mental grin
a wholesome capacity f o r hard work with th
And what of the ideal alumna? She has mind. Use keeps the mind flexible and attuneH
the responsibility of perpetuating her obliga- to new problems. Disuse makes it become nar-
tions to her college, her fraternity and her- row and bigoted.
self. She is as interested in her chapter as
when she was an active, but f r o m a broader When Charles W. Eliot was president of
and more mature point of view. She is inter- Harvard, he stressed the fact that college stu-
ested in Panhellenic relations and the prob- dents constitute a privileged class, the class
lems of all fraternities as well as her own. that has opportunity f o r prolonged education
She has a knowledge of other fraternities and and that the educated class lives mainly by
their accomplishments, and a pride in their the exercise of intellectual power. He de-
achievements. She is interested in current so- clared that to possess this power is to be sure
cial, economic and international problems, and of satisfactions which will endure.
in making her chapter house a center of intel-
lectual activity, with well-founded opinions on May I quote the words of a prominent fra- By MARY SEARS
current subjects, and an interest in them. I f ternity man and statesman, Harlan F. Stone.
she has the privilege of being in an alumna? Justice of the United States Supreme Courti Delta
Panhellenic or an alumnae chapter of her own and a former president of Alpha Delta Phi?
fraternity, she stresses friendship and good He says: " I n my judgment, fraternities are ^ B T H E M A N O N T H E STREET, meaning the
fellowship in a common bond, rather than undesirable in educational institutions if they ^average reporter, does not have much re-
raising money which mars the activity of so do not recognize that the main objective of
many groups of the kind. college and university life is to stimulate and spect for the society editor, thinking her job
develop young people morally and intellectu- B s o f t and stupid. But i f he has to sit on
As important in the fraternity system as the ally. When fraternities fail to do that, college fie society desk all day and try to talk tact-
duties of the individual is the duty of the authorities are fully justified in considering fully to dozens of women, by telephone or
chapter to the college or university, and to their abolition." fiersonally. be emerges from his experience
its members. Every chapter should constantly jwith a healthy respect for the society editor.
inquire what can be done to increase the spirit- This pronouncement I give to you as our W0T, after all, the society department of any Mary Scars, Delta, has had some humorous
ual strength of the fraternity system and pro- challenge. We do not need to be convinced fcwspaper handles about 75 per cent of the experiences being a society editor, as well as
mote its usefulness to the colleges. I n some that fraternities are worthwhile, or that they matm-N in the paper, and they must be correct;
chapter houses there is a gross perversion of do have a practical side which is highly valu- [the society desk must deal with women, which some pathetic ones.
those student homes which should be centers able to the institutions in which they are [itself is a real problem; the society desk must
of thought and study into mere social clubs located and to their members. It is not merely ^ • S and secure pictures f o r the front pages am off when I am through, usually about 8.
in which the members cultivate the art of f o r us fraternity officers to ponder this chal- of the Sunday Society Section, and must see But often, there is copy to be got out early,
what they call "having a good time." From lenge and try to inculcate such aims in our ffijat all promiment social events are accurately or a luncheon to be covered, so that I get to
such centers a demoralizing influence must chapters and members. I t is the individual BOvered. It is no small job—at least I have work about 10:30, go out on an assignment, or
necessarily spread among all the students of responsibility of every fraternity member ev- Sot found it so. maybe several, during the afternoon and then
the institution. It may not seriously affect the erywhere, f o r our responsibilities do not cease work until nine or ten that night. Large so-
best either in or outside the fraternities, but with the cessation of college days. On the Of course, working f o r a privately owned cial events at night, such as debut balls, for-
it does not inspire them, nor does it radiate other hand, they increase with our increased had published paper as I do presents its own mal dances given by clubs and that sort of
the ideals and real purposes of fraternities. I t knowledge and experience. May we all be Broblems. The owner and publisher, Amon thing have to be covered personally. The so-
is little wonder that campus opinion disap- ready to meet the challenge whenever and M r Carter, is a prominent figure in State ciety editor is always invited and may take an
proves such fraternity chapters. Everything wherever it comes to us, and thus perpetuate Hociety. politics and business; he also has re- escort—which is one of the things the evening
nowadays must justify its existence. Colleges the fine ideals and purposes to which some llpived a good deal of national recognition. paper editor and 1 never do, feeling that we
have got along without fraternities and can of us pledged allegiance many years ago? [Fort Worth, with a population of 165,000, is go f o r business rather than pleasure and it
Will small enough for too many people to might be a little annoying to a man to go
Bland Morrow was asked by the Govern- Barbara Trask Clark gives twenty per cent Know the business, personal and otherwise, under the circumstances. At times it becomes
ment to take charge of the Federal Relief of her profit on bags of stamp- which she of too many other people. That puts a very hard to determine the nature of one's invita-
Program in her territory? The Frontier Nurs- makes up for sale to the AOIT Social Service Bersonal aspect on the society editor's job, tions—are they personal or are they " f o r
ing Service and Alpha Omicron Pi, although Fund? Which aspect does not exist on larger papers business"? Having lived here nearly all my
wanting Bland to do as she wished, are glad ^ c i t i i s where the blue book or social register life, I know many people and am usually
that she remains with them. Social Service The Central Office would like to start a col- •dmit< or bars you from the society page. I pretty sure about the invitation situation—
workers with her training and special aptitude lection of AOH books, photographs, et cetera^ HKirk for the morning edition of the Fort but sometimes funny situations arise. A
are scarce and we are proud that her abilities Will you help by contributing your work- Worth Star-Telegram, which also has an woman invited me to a tea once saying, "You
are recognized beyond the organizations she They should be sent to the AOn" Central Of- Wternoon edition, and my work includes get- don't know me, but I would like to have you
serves so well. fice, State College, Pa. IBng out the Sunday Page 1, Society Section, come so that you can describe my $350 gown
KP'ctunK-ad and other copy. I am wearing." Another time a "nouveau
I Morning paper hours are enough to disor- riche" woman in asking the other society edi-
ganize any household, but once used to them, tor and me to a ball remarked, "By the way,
I f would be difficult to live a normal life I suppose you know you arc supposed to wear
pfain. 1 begin work, ordinarily, at noon and evening clothes?", to which I replied that we
had been covering these things for some time,
and we had never disgraced our hostesses, the
club or the Star-Tetegram yet. Which may
12 hen, 1934 13
sound unduly snippy, but after weeks of place. A t a home wedding, the pet w : It'
worrying with such women one's nerves some- haired terrier walked over and over
times grow thin. Anyway, she got her story bride's long, beautiful Brussels lace -f
and has since become a very friendly nice finally sitting down at the feet of the bridl
person to deal with. A f t e r the paper or my
page is up, then I can play—which newspaper Fake wedding announcements and hirthH JC^KiM-UJil»fitlBJ? K il.UK*
people do until all hours. parties cause society editors a good deal
trouble and f o r that reason are rarely tak i
The tedium of society work, which includes oovveerr mthee pphnoonnee.. rE.vveenn ssoo,, wwnheenn ttthieevy ccoommer»^
boresome church parties and parent-teacher the mail all such data must be personal]11 FRANCESKA CHANDLER KIRKPATRICK, A
notes, W.C.T.U. and Y.W.C.A. routine an- verified. Society, news and other editors kept! 1.II.I.IK ELIZABETH LAWSON DE YOUNG, S
nouncements, is lifted by an occasional inter- "date books" of clippings in order to keep DR. L I Z Z I E M A U D E CARVILL, A,
view with a celebrity or a covering of a show. touch with and reminded of approachin L i DA M . K N O W L E S S M I T H , r.
We have strict rules about accepting passes events. MARTHA DORIS WALKER DEMER
to shows except when we are covering them, I am not required to make up my pwaprgjiat_e*s ' SHIRLEY MCDAVITT LAKE, K .
but after all, one now and then gets in with- tho ugh I do dummy the Sunday one. I VIOLET J A N E R A N S O M E GALE, E.
out a pass and it is fun to get in on a prize the art f o r week days and Sundays, and GEORGIA MEREDITH OLIVER,
fight, a wrestling match, a play or lecture by practically all my ow n copy. On the sshideclafs0sr FRANCES WORSTELL MARSHALL, N .
virtue of the "power of the press." I have several years 1 had a priv ate Engl i
had the thrill of interviewing Prince Mach- of 14 women. Just now I am doing a series A N N A CORDELIA STAFFORD, 9.
tabelli, the "royal Russian refugee," a Swedish of four radio broadcasts in connection with E M M A J A N E M I L L E R EARI*, N .
girl f r o m Goetteborg, who has since been pre- style shows being presented weekly by one R H E A BURGESS PERRIN, N K .
sented at the Swedish court; Ethel Barry- of the fine stores here at the Worth Theater E D N A I R E N E B I C K N E L L , O.
more; John Cowper Powys, the writer; Leon a Publix house. This is just a little extra ex- AGNES FULLER WARD, I .
Dabo, the artist; a singer from the Chicago perience to add to my other radio work, book PEARL IOLA ROPP, I .
Grand Opera Company; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin reviews, etc. I also cover one movie a week MAE STUART, on.
Hughes, the New York piano duo-artists; being "assistant movie critic." whatever that
Mr. William Beller, New York pianist; Rich- means—aside from that one has passes to all
ard Burton, lecturer; Richard Halliburton, and the movies, which is very nice indeed! For
others, though of course I do this sort of the past two years I have edited the Texas
thing "on the side" just because I want to. Music News, magazine of the Texas Federa-
I am sure the most charming person I have tion of Music Clubs, as an "extra" job. The
ever met was Barbara Gould, the beauty ex- Neii's is issued once a month except during
pert, who was here a week last spring, and the summer.
with whom I became quite well acquainted.
I recently met and covered a lecture by The daily, humdrum routine of the job gets
Henry Noble MacCracken, whose Manual of irksome often, but it certainly keeps one busy
Good English was taught in my freshman and alert, so that days slip into weeks and the
English class at Jackson College by Miss Ruth weeks become months before one realizes i t
Tousey. It's fast work, requiring much detailed atten-
tion, but it is fascinating, and after having
People say such amusing things and do taught f o r two years and worked in an ex-
such funny things. One bride (and quite a clusive gift shop for several months, I am
nice girl) told me her train was to be carried sure there is no job which confines you so
by "four little pall-bearers" and never knew much, yet gives you so wide a scope, so much
she had said anything funny. Another time excitement, interesting contacts and experi-
a bridegroom dropped the diamond circlet and ences, a sort of care-free companionship and
practically the entire bridal party joined in the a never-flagging interest. It is hard but it-
search f o r the ring—this in a Methodist loads of f u n , and after all there arc few jobs
church where a formal wedding was taking of which that can be said.
^ i f f <gou (Some? IK MEMORIAM
C O N V E N T I O N is one of the most im|>ortant happenings in the national life of a
sorority. Its exchange of ideas, experiences, advice and ideals means progress to the
group. Its good fellowship and new friendships give a real meaning to the words
"national sorority."
In order to have a record attendance at the next convention, to be held in 1935, the
Executive Committee calls on you to express a preference of location. Chicago and
New Orleans have invited us. Won't you tell Anne Nichols, Box 262, State College,
Pa., where you wish to go? She must know by April 15.
The time is ordinarily late June or early July. You might state your preference
concerning that, too.
14 T O ' ^ C M J >tie -lory period followed by a lunch of graham 15
r rarkt'r~ f i d water. The table is set with
Why Not Start a "Homegrown" uate of Newcomb College and the University
School? laper napkins and cups and saucers by the of Chicago. Both have previously received
jjiildren. and is cleared by them as well. A f t e r awards from the Athenee Louisianaise f o r
Asks MARIAN MOISE, Pi hinc"'1 there is a short period of indoor hand similar work in this field.
[ work with paint, clay, crayons, et cetera; then
-4- D U R I N G E V E L Y N MAGRUDER'S undergrad- B o u t d ° o r P ' a v a K : i i n until twelve o'clock, when "Give Your Heart to the Hawks"
uate days at Newcomb, her s|>ecial interest t],c school day is over.
(Continued from Page 8)
was Child Psychology and Nursery School r The music period is a great favorite with
work. During her Senior year she spent an j l , e tots, and varies as to its position in the remorse? Murder has supplied the trivial
hour each day at the New Orleans Nursery k schedule. The children learn to skip and reading of Americans f o r a decade now; we
School—observing, taking notes, writing rec- niaroh to the music; they learn the words to murder more freely than other races; violence
ords, etc.—in preparation f o r a career in the children's songs, and sing them together and is in our blood, mixed with benevolence and a
field. But the day after her graduation with ^Brarately. They gradually develop an or- restless energy; here is a murder story (like
honor in June, 1932, she was married to llrhestra with horns, triangles, bells, drums and Browning's) intended to hold the mirror up to
Tucker E . Dawson of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, tambourines. nature—the inhuman nature of the hills, the
and launched on the career of keeping house. too human nature beneath the superficialities
I f The whole routine and procedure is more of the American scene. Malicious critics will
Dr. Behre, Professor at Louisiana State R j r les* ^M e a u nursery schools, except that say that Jeffers and O'Neill should sit telling
University at Baton Rouge, who heard through old tales together with a pool of blood between
Miss Violet Knight, director of the New Or- aII schools of the kind are not so fortunate them. But good-natured peoples go to excess
leans Nursery School, that Evelyn was plan- L a s to have someone like Evelyn in charge. She when they feel deeply. I n spite of its mor-
ning to live in Baton Rouge, got in touch with Kg a very efficient, competent person, with a bidity, and perhaps because of it, here is a
her. Dr. Behre, who had just adopted a little Echarmiug personality and a way with children, poem that troubles the water as i f there jessed
boy, and some of her friends thought that ighe has the same aims and ideals in view as by some angel of judgment.
there might be a good opening f o r a f u l l time [ do other teachers of the pre-school child, as
nursery school there. A t that time, there were Shirley McDazntt
many kindergartens, but only one nursery her own statement will show: " — I try to
school, and that in connection with the Home Iteach them to be as self-reliant as possible and Written in memory of Shirley
fet the same time to enter into group play, Lake, Kappa
irwhich T encourage into as constructive a form
as possible without interfering too much. They
fjearn the right habits as to person, property, Formerly Pastor St. John's Methodist
Memphis, Tenn.
et cetera—and I have the same old problems
to deal w i t h : thumbsucking, temper tantrums, 0 dear and selfless life,
|fct cetera." That tented in our midst
i Evelyn's training, personality, sympathetic So brief a while
Biature, and interest in the work make her the Loved deeply, and zvas deeply loved,
Then vanished from our tear-dimmed eyes,
ideal person to be in charge of a prospering And winged its zvay triumphant to the skies.
Bursery school. She is filling a long felt need
in her community, and we expect to hear of
Iner increasing success. I t has taken initiative
rand ingenuity as well as perseverance to estab-
lish and maintain a school in her home, and
Kvelyn has done wonderfully well.
A home-made climbing tower serves a 1 i French Academy Prize Award 1 think, if ought could mar
sturdy crowd at the nursery school. to Newcomb Member The joy of those who pass
school in October, 1932, with six pupils. Her • p T H E " P R I X DE L A L A N G U E F R A N C A I S E , " an Beyond the Veil,
class, all children of pre-school age, has been Who dw^ll serenely in the Light of Lights,
increasing steadily, and this year Evelyn has r award of the French Academy f o r dis- Sad woulds't thou be tliat thy departure
added a great deal to her equipment Although pnguished literary endeavor, has been be-
all of it is homemade, and rather rough and stowed iqton two members of the French fac- caused a pain,
crude, it serves her pur]K>se very well. She ulty of Newcomb College for their contribu- And in unselfishness zvould fain return to
has a tower gym, two see-saws, a sand pile, tion to French and French-American litera-
two swings, gym rings, a trapeze, a W | | Bire, it was announced yesterday. suffer here again.
wheelbarrow, a small cart, and some lawn 6 The award has been made to Mrs. Simone
blocks f o r out of doors. There is a large yard de la Souchere Delery and Miss Gladys Anne We weep therefore, in joy—
enclosed by a nice white picket fence. _ Kenslnru' ( F I ) f o r their book, "France tfAmeri- 0 paradox of faith
wue," a collection of writings about Louisiana
Inside the house is a large room with a by French and Louisiana authors. The book Through Christ our Lord—
big fireplace, some shelves, and a long table. Ippeared in 1932 and was published by the Rejoicing in thy victory over death;
Here the children paint, model with clay, ctll University of Chicago press. In tenderness ive gather around this empty
pictures, color, use paste, pencils and scissors; I The prize is a gold medal with a bust of
blocks, dolls, and other nursery school ma- the Cardinal Richelieu, founder of the acade- urn,
terial. Adjoining the school room is a screened fer, in relief. I t was made to the authors f o r Nor would we seek thy happy soul's return.
porch containing a table, an indoor sand pile, the best work of its type.
It is play time at Evelyn's school for and a carpenter's work table equipped with L Mrs. Delery, a native of France, is a grad- They err who deem immortal vase; and
tiny tots. saw, hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriv er, a great uate of the Sorbonne and Bryn Mawr. Miss Life is lost to earth, of pain
many pieces of soft pine, etc.—fine for rainy 'Renshazv, a native of New Orleans, is a grad-
Science School at L. S. U . I t is open only day occupations. That they zvho cross
three days a week f o r one semester of each The border leave but the broken
year, and is a demonstration class f o r the The day starts at nine, and the children play Though she has passed the vale
Home Science students. out-of-doors until hall" past ten. Then comes
Death's dread power, of a life,
With the interest of Dr. Behre and her There lingers still the fragrance
friends, E v e l y n started a private nursery
God's rarest floiver.
16 T o DRA A Study of
First Causes
r ...
(jC*ea6$ io a .(Keffer ^LXn&er-
Wendover, Kentucky, factor is the whole of the external situation.
February, 1934. That it does underlie practically all phases of
this problem is, however, a conclusion that
H E A R A I I - H A <>'S: we cannot escape. Some of the basic economic
| i . I CAN'T GET A W A Y FROM the letter form facts that we need to face are these: (1) In
• g of writing for you. It somehow lets me these remotely rural areas practically the only
Ifeel more as il I were really talking with source of livelihood is farming on a subsis-
lyou. ' ' u n d m i n t<> ponder "first causes" tence basis, which does not really support the
I g j thi> in!, of diirs that 1 have a desperate major part of the population, it only keeps
urge tlii- time to discuss our task in those them alive. (2) Subsistence farming itself,
&nns. I think it is only by that process-- however good or bad of its kind, is not, un-
[discovering fundamental causes and under- less supplemented by some source of cash in-
l-Standing their implications—that we can hope come, an adequate way of living. One simply
--- to d" a n intelligent piece of work. can't raise on any farm, much less a mountain
farm, everything that is needed to live decent-
IT In a very simplified form our question, a ly and to contribute one's share in maintain-
ing a reasonable minimum of social institu-
Btvo-siili-d question it is, seems to me to be tions according to the lights of this Twentieth
this: (1) To what extent is the human factor Century. (3) Industry as now managed does
[involved in this composite that we call the not need mountain labor, so, f o r the near
problem of the super-rural mountaineer? Or future at least, there is little hope from that
ho put it another way. what has happened to quarter, either of reducing the population?
the human entity, the h u m a n spirit, through group dependent on mountain agriculture or
the years a n d years of struggling with the of supplementing with cash the income f r o m
[yarrow, harsh, unyielding environment which this basic source. (4) On the quantitative
[has been the lot of our mountain folk for gene- side, large "spots" throughout the Southern
rations, an environment ruthless in its conse- Appalachian area are in the toils of this inade-
quences for human life? (2) The other side quate agricultural economy and the people in-
ot the question is. what new or revamped volved run up into the hundreds of thousands.
Economic possibilities are there, within the (5) The "way out" of this situation is long
mountain area or out, which might be devel- and devious. I t isn't really the "way out," it's
oped to relieve this terrific economic pressure "ways out," and will require the effort of in-
that has human life literally against the wall? dividuals, private organizations, public agencies,
Pfhat is, let's remind ourselves anew7 of the in concerted and patient, intelligent devotion
[fact that human life a n d environment are to the task. ( A discussion of these possibili-
[intimately related, irrevocably bound to each ties f o r reconstructing the economy of the
' tin r and endlessly complicated in their inter- region is not my first interest here, but I do
BiCtions. What the mountaineer is like, in so- want to suggest some of the possibilities that
cial, psychological or broadly spiritual terms. are already evident, such as: Forests, scien-
Icannot be understood apart from his back- tifically handled as a regular crop, f o r that
ground. N'o more can we tackle, or what is large portion of the land that is admirably
M o r e important help him to tackle, his social suited to that and nothing else, plus fish and
land economic problems without that under- game to make these forest preserves still
'Hell fer Sartin a scene of Human Dereliction in a setting of Xatimil Bcautx. more productive as attractions f o r tourists;
standing. local wood-working industries; intensive
• To look briefly at the economic aspect of
[the question first, we shall have to face at the
[outset certain hard, stubborn facts. Of
bourse, we are not assuming that the economic
..V / S M ^ , , , ;7;>;-:, -
: 17
18 MARCH, 1934 19
farming of the more adaptable land, with very warp and woof of the whol e beg reo in» p ' s shoes and thinner clothing, cutting dead or cornbread and white gravy, at noon corn-
crops better suited to the peculiar mountain psychological past. Their forc e has lying chestnuts (the only trees the company bread and wild greens, at supper some of the
situation; marketing developments and better cumulating through generations of living ac- will permit him to cut), snaking the logs out same but less of it, as "it don't take as much
marketing facilties—these will indicate some der a "do-without" un- of the woods with the old nag, splitting them to sleep on as it does to work on"—can't you
of the variety of economic possibilities still see what this endless, fruitless toil does to
to be realized.) system that has necessitated doing without'11)0 into rails and laboriously rebuilding the fence, human beings? T o wonder that they don't
most everything of a material nature exc i f j s thus with almost everything he under- fence off the yard, tote in wood dirt, dig and
There is still another aspect of the economic enough to keep body and soul together, f u ^ takes. Lacking tools and equipment, almost plant and weed f o r flowers "to beautify the
situation that we should not pass over. I "do without" economy has gone much deen'$ jury desired end must be achieved by the crud- home," is a little beside the point. Heaven
think the present prospect of there being un- than material things, though its psychologic i est, most laborious, most time-consuming knows they need the beauty and the experi-
dertaken a thoroughgoing attack on this te- significance is deep and pervasive even a ! method. The nag needs a new feed box, for ence of creating it, but to grow querulous
nacious, omnipresent economic problem is relates to material things. In the world s of jgtample. He may either hew it out of a log, about it in the face of the price they pay in
brighter than it has ever been. Recent years toil for thirty or f o r t y bushels of corn at the
have brought a more adequate appraisal of ideas, the mountaineer has had to be conteni spending many hours doing i t ; or he may best—barely enough to "bread" them through
the facts in the "mountain problem," a more with traditions (dating back to the Eighteentl! «eek the company's permission to cut a tree, next crop time and keep the nag and cow just
honest facing of the implications to be de- Century, many of them), the guess of his fpi ^mriallg, the log some five or ten miles to a saw- this side of starvation until grass comes—
rived therefrom. There seems reason f o r be- lows, his own speculations and unverified ob" leave part of the lumber in payment for well, to grow querulous about it is just to
lieving also that the economic debacle has servations. The scientific approach to a prob" the sawing, drag or sled the remainder back shut one's eyes to bald, raw, primary economic
given us as a nation a heightened sense of lem, with its dauntless search f o r facts and home, and then wait that uncertain moment facts.
social responsibility. And finally, Government bold facing of their implications, has never when he will have the money to buy a few nails.
is itself displaying a special interest in the reached the isolated mountaineer. Do you see K y e n the lumber and nails, the box would be How endlessly the struggle repeats itself.
social and economic handicaps of the subsist- the deadly effect of having to confmi done in half an hour. Instead he hews out The roof of the two-room cabin begins to
ence farmer, caught as he is in the circle thinking to the narrow circle of Eighteenth Hie log and spends hours and hours doing it, leak. Through the company's agent and after
of poor land, distant markets, lack of capital, Century tradition, one's own very limited ex- pith probably a dozen other things that need considerable delay our farmer gets permis-
lack of social institutions, and all of the ham- perience and the speculation of untutored "tp be done nagging at his mind. sion to cut a certain white oak to make boards
pering influences that grow out of social and minds? Can you sec also how years, genera- E Soon he and the boy and the women folk for a new roof. I t must be cut "on the right
intellectual isolation. We have a long way tions of helplessly watching the ravages of [frill start again on the thankless, backbreaking of the moon," however, so the boards won't
to go yet, but 'tis rather thrilling, isn't it, to typhoid, dysentery, tuberculosis, diphtheria task of cultivating that steep, bleached field, curl, and there is more delay. Finally the tree
be in on the ground floor? seeing over and over again women idt,yisnegeinjgn ' fohere nag and ploughman tussle with the is down, sawed into rounds with a cross-cut
childbirth without means to prevent jrpeks at every step. ( A recent study in one saw (a back-breaking job at which the mother
That is, as I see it, our job in its broad the crippled and deaf and blind (loomed to fef the Kentucky mountain counties estimates periodical!)' relieves the stripling lad on his
sense. I f we can, out of our intimate contact useless lives—can you see the stoic fatalism that on the steeper land the corn yield is end of the saw), the rounds "rived" by hand
with people, glean a real appreciation of the that that sort of thing engenders, crippling Gightly more than one bushel of corn f o r each with axe and maul into boards and the boards
human element involved, interpret that ele- and stultifying when it becomes, as it inevi- (day's labor, as against fifteen bushels of corn stacked ready for use. But they don't go on
ment to others, and participate intelligently tably does, a part of the group's spiritual in- per day's labor in a lowland Kentucky at once. They may stay there until they
in the delicate business of helping people to heritance ? county.) T o work from daylight until dark, blacken with age, while the house gets more
make constructive adaptations to a changing father, mother and children, on a hillside and more leaky and the family gets the habit
order—to enhance the quality and rate of With this as a very inadequate suggestion where it is exhausting just to walk about, of shifting their beds and clothing whenever
change by their own energies and intelligence of the mountaineer's psychological past, per- puch less to w o r k ; to battle with stones that it rains to ever-diminishing dry spots. I t takes
— i f we can do something of that we shall haps we can create something of a panorama prst tear up one's shoes, then the soles of nails to put boards on a house, quite a lot of
have done some real groundwork for a new of the circumstances and experiences which pone's feet, dull the edge of one's hoe and nails, and nails cost money, and our farmer
order of things. I n a narrower sense, it is the tend to mold and control the mountaineer of jireak the edge of one's patience; with noth- can't get a day's work f o r cash anywhere.
fascinating task of trying to build up more today. To start with the breadwinner, let's say p g in one's stomach at breakfast but a little
hopeful, more aggressive, more imaginative at- that he is a renter, but he lives on "company
titudes on the part of the families we serve, land" (more than half the land in Leslie <
more efficiency, that is, in a changing world. County is owned by companies), paying cither
I am convinced that the measure of success a small cash rent or a "rent" consisting of cer- •
we can hope f o r in this kind of undertaking is tain services to the company in the way of
the measure of success we achieve in under- upkeep and protection of the property from V
standing our people, as families and individ- fire, unlawful cutting of timber, etc. Easy X
uals and as they represent "mountain" char- terms apparently, but on the other hand the
acteristics. company forbids his clearing any new ground, •
so that his farming must be confined to a small
'Tis that need f o r understanding that makes plot of bottom land which is the family garden mm 1
me think and talk in terms of "first causes." and perhaps ten acres of hill land, with a slope s
Understanding isn't really big enough in its of f r o m twenty to forty degrees, land that has
meaning to include all that I intend. 'Tis more been farmed f o r years, leached by rains, ex- Work, work, work! Back-breaking and hopeless work with inadequate tools. Nothing to
like thinking and feeling oneself into the sit- hausted by repeated planting to corn. Last anticipate, nothing to vary the passing days. You can help change the future of these
uation of another person until one finds him- fall hog cholera was rampant. Almost nobody
self compelled to try, on the one hand, to had the money to pay f o r vaccination, our neighbors, if you will.
improve that situation, and, on the other hand, family included, and the hogs are dead. Per-
finds it possible to be endlessly patient and haps the man will be able to "work out" a
faithful with the person wdio is caught in that little grease and meat along from a merchant
situation. I suppose this is really my own in- or a more fortunate neighbor, otherwise they
terpretation of that command that one should will do without. At any rate, the hope for an
love his neighbor as himself—that is, pene- adequate supply of meat and lard for the win-
trating the "neighbor's" situation with such ter is gone, his brood sow is dead and un-
acumen and sympathy that his problem be- born is the litter of pigs that were to have
comes as vital and urgent as one's own. made next winter's meat supply.
Before we begin thumbing through some This is only the beginning of his trials-
of those experiences which are actively con- Last fall hunters' torches set the woods afire
ditioning the mountain people here and now, and burned a long stretch of his rail fence.
we must remind ourselves that many of these To replace it he and his eldest son h|Wjj
and similar experiences have gone into the worked f o r weeks, in wet and cold, with UHB
20 To DRAGia | j A R ( l i . 1934
' Do you understand the >und into which these children Were bornt What future Says
will you offer to themt MARION H. MOODY
The only thing he has left that he might sell ciability, only to end up one of a crowd of Marion Moody found that three French phones whose
are the nag and the cow. I f he sells the nag, wild, gun-toting youths who are in the same an art school education was bells sounded exactly alike,
subsequent crops will be more meager than plight; to be able to offer your daughter no rare among textile designers, and keeping people out of
ever. I f he sells the cow, the little 'uns choice but an early marriage, with motherhood flight: _ Original designs for the studio. One day a tall
won't have any milk. The cow's getting before she is hardly more than a child herself gentleman entered it in
nothing to eat now except "roughness" (that and then the old, old round of children, drud- chiffons and crepes. spite of my best efforts.
is, corn fodder) and she gives only milk gery, struggle against hopeless odds, and old The gentleman was M r .
enough for the little 'uns to have a mite. Per- age at forty. To my mind the women whose -4- D E S I G N I N G T E X T I L E S be- Cheney.
haps he will eventually, in desperation, sell spirits are broken by this kind of life are
the cow f o r next to nothing, and get the nails much more easily understood than those who, gan f o r me with my At length I discovered
for the roof. I f out of that same money he in spite of it, manage to hold on to a love search five years ago for a that all of the originating
buys some food and the family eats to the for cleanliness and order, to continue patient job in New York, when I of designs except those f o r
full and ravenously f o r a few brief days of and gentle with their children and find time started out with a three cravats was done in the
grace, it shouldn't be a matter f o r surprise. to dream wistfully of their future. foot roll of cretonne de- Cheney Paris Studio. Be-
signs and a diploma from
I often think that this "do-without" econ- There is a whole series of sociological max- the College of Fine Arts in cause this policy o f -
omy hears even more heavily on the women ims that describe the thing I have been trying Syracuse University. Though fered no promise f o r
folk than on the men. Day in and day out to say in more specific terms. "Poverty tends in disgrace at doors marked the future I left
the woman must try to cope with housekeeping to produce poverty." "Without some new ele- "People with packages use Cheney and I found
and family-raising while facing endlessly the ment in the situation, people do not tend to rear entrance," the three a job painting designs
handicap of having to work without the bar- create a very much higher standard of living foot roll secured a desk for of big, wopsy flowers
est necessities. T i s sickening to sense what than that in which they have grown-up." me in a little studio on low- for chiffon. A l l went
it must do to one to be responsible f o r feeding These are some of them; but I am not trying er Broadway. The diploma beautifully until the
children and have almost nothing to give to find a pat phrase to describe the situation. 1 never showed. I kepi studio closed because
them; to try to make your meager offering What I am most desperately trying to say is, that desk f o r the same of a disagreement
of food acceptable when your only cooking •that fighting a losing battle against hopeless length of time it had taken among the partners.
utensil is an old frying pan or perhaps only economic odds, as the isolated mountain farm- me to obtain it, exactly two
a lard bucket; to try to keep house and chil- er and his family have been doing for genera- weeks. Then out came the
dren clean without soap (when cholera takes tions, with attitudes, habits, tolerances handed trusty old roll of designs.
the hogs there isn't even fat with which to down from one family to the next—this ex- There was, it proved, only
make homemade "lye soap") ; to mend clothes perience is, f o r the human entity, exhausting one thing that roll didn't
until even the patches won't hang together; to and debilitating in the extreme. The ordeal contain—experience. In or-
see your children sicken, your home remedies through which the mountaineer has passed, der to supply it, I painted about a dozen patterns for
of brews and poultices fail, and watch them the deprivations, the life-long insecurity to decorative paper, and through them obtained orders
die with no doctor available or no money to which he is subjected, these things so condi- for envelope linings, Christinas wrapping paper, candy
pay his fee; to see the youngsters going to tion his attitudes toward personal and social and stationery box tops. In a few weeks came an op-
school year in and year out with no books, problems that we cannot hope to really serve portunity to work in Cheney Brothers' art department
not even pencils and tablets; to see your ado- him unless we first understand the war he has office. I accepted it as a possible step to the inner pre-
lescent boy gropingly searching f o r some out- to wage just to live and the psychological con- cincts of the studio. Among my duties were the match-
let f o r his energies, some expression f o r the sequences thereof. ing of colors on the French croquis, the answering of
bewildering impulses making themselves felt
within him, some answer to his need f o r so- Faithfully yours,
Bland Morrow.
22 To DRA,,MA 1934 23
But I was very fortunate in securing a place
as a colorist in Foremost Fabrics silk house. financial return to the studio. But we stonnp/i £ Figure Carved in Bronze Moon's Wane
There were only two of us in the studio. Our having coffee. There was no leisure.
work consisted of styling the line of printed fly VICTORIA HANSON, Alpha Gamma B y MILDRED E . W I L L I A M S , Alpha Pi
silk which the firm sold f o r dress goods. We There is a fine little studio just west of When hair is white
helped select the designs bought f r o m other F i f t h Avenue on Fortieth Street where f A figure canned in bronze— As foam blozvs zvhite
studios and then we made about ten color worked harder than anywhere else. Durin A perfect woman On the curi'e of a ivave
combinations f o r each design. Toward the the rush season we worked from nine until Poised high on perfect toes, Near dawn.
end of each season we originated patterns to five, cut our lunch hour short, and often [folding aloft her immaculate hands. Now have a
complete the line. The biggest seller was a moved it past two o'clock in order to finish \ifense, strong arms Thousand shells moved high
design of only one color, black on white, some pattern of roses, daisies, or hepatica* 'Stretched in ecstasy Prom tides that are come
whose motifs we selected f r o m an exquisite f o r Miss Marion to take to an eager customer Above a lifted face. And gone.
cup and saucer secured f r o m an exhibition. A t five o'clock there was an industry still in Glorious, flowing liair When eyes are dry
Foremost Fabrics changed its ownership three the air which kept us working another hour -Held back by a sensuous wind As the sand is dry
times and finally went out of existence. A f t e r dinner I often made more designs which To admire the perfect form In the salt washed heat
were sold on the commission basis, fattening Of a slender back, softly curved; Of noon.
At this time the Reuss Studio was just at- my week's salary by about ten dollars for each The smooth, firm beauty Now is one April
taining its ascendency. I t is today one of the home painted design which was sold. Of young breasts; Candle flame to a
three leading design studios in New York. A lithe 'waist Thousand wanes of
Miss Reuss needed a chiffon designer at the Designing is rather stimulating, partly be- That is strong and free. The Moon.
time I applied f o r work. So again I painted cause of the uncertainty of continued work
large, exotic flowers. T w o of us originated which accompanies it. I t necessitates mental A figure carved in bronze— divine
the chiffon patterns; another group painted hospitality to new ideas and a keen imagina- Woo beautiful to know sliame!
small floral designs f o r silk crepe and cotton, tion. I t is more of a trade than a profession, God's noblest handiwork made more
and others painted geometric, abstract designs. and its success is linked with the underpaid Bfy its reflection cast in bronze.
When these sketches were sold they would and dissatisfied cutters and wholesale dress
come back to be put into repeat by girls called workers. I was usually the only college grad- Blue Interlude April
finishers, and f o r sets of color combinations uate in a studio, and for harmony and friend-
to be made by the colorists. When the season ship, seldom divulged the identity of my art B Y K I T TUCKER, Upsilon B y MARGARET BURTON HARTER, Iota
closed the studio force was reduced, and school. Most of the designers knew what de- Blue water, deep and clear, The April sun brings airy hopes
when the season opened again the same studio signs the silk buyers wanted for inexpen- Of castles far in Spain—
force was reemployed and additions were sive and flashy dresses, because the designers Unchanging year on year. / want to wander across the sea—
made. themselves wanted the same things. I learned Blue sky, so cold and bleak, To be carefree again.
what was wanted by becoming acquainted with Imagination stirs my soul
Few of us had the opportunity to visit a those designers, and by acute awareness of the Where dark clouds sift and creep. With scenes of fancied lands,
silk printing factory, but one Saturday after- buyers' requests in the sales room, and of Blue music, sad and slotv, I want to hear tlie ocean's roar
noon a friend arranged f o r me to go through their manner of expressing these requests— And see the shifting sands.
a factory in Passaic where copper rollers were qtiite as colorful as the designs. And idle tears that flow. I ivant to feel the sky's caress
engraved preparatory to the printing on silk. Blue cliffs of ancient shale, And breathe the mountain air,
I was interested to learn that each design was Dream Fabric But April showers quench desire
first enlarged about four times and then re- A lone loon's plaintive wail. And leave me in despair.
duced to its original size; this was done to B y K I T TUCKER, Upsilon Blue flames, so pale and cold,
assure that it would repeat accurately. The Musing in Solitude
design was placed in a metal camera on glass. The last cold ray of a northern twilight is Like passions burned and old.
A high powered electric light shone through Blue eyes that won my heart. B y JEAN LACKEY, Eta
it and carried its pattern through the glass to broken. The trees—bidding their last farewell to lovers
the surface o f the paper on the table below. O love, why should we part? Who walk beneath their beauties—
This image of the design was enlarged in I lie in the hallowed dusk—alone. Blue letter yesterday, The moon—waving her last adieu from the
proportion to the distance of the original de-
sign above the table. A n artist would then Sleep plays restlessly about my eyes Blue car you drove aivay. feathery throne—
trace the enlarged design on the paper. This Blue dreams my whole life through; The grasses—shimmering soft, sweet murmurs
design was placed on a pentagraph where all While gloomy shadows settle—gulping up the
the motifs were traced with a point on a Blue world—because of you. of goodbyes—
metal arm of the machine which operated a dtiy. A nightliawk, with his eery wings
diamond point. This point engraved on a cop- They are overwhelming in their poiver, Dreams Flapping farewell in yon tree—
per roller the same marks reduced to their Bringing forth thoughts—fantastic, unbeliev- All—they all say goodbye,
original size. A separate roller was engraved able; B y E D N A L E E COOMBS, Xi But you, my dear, are not with me!
f o r each color. The pattern was then in- Each shadoiv like a thin dusty curtain of the The rain is dripping from the eaves
dented by acid. A f t e r several hundred yards past, A quiet, soothing, kindly sound,
of fabric are printed from the design on a The brown and soggy earth sleeps on
set of rollers, the surface is planed down and Reveals echoes of long forgotten years. While darkness slowly settles down.
another pattern is engraved on it. One is lonely, long, and stabbing. Another spring is yet to come,
Another is feathery and elusive, The summer gone a memory;
Since the season never closed in all the Weaving lazy patterns of dream fabric across On such a day, at such an hour
studios at the same time, I used to return to the floor. As this—/ dream.
one of them when work stopped temporarily
in another. Such a studio was Decart, origi- They are all creeping toward me;
nally one f o r cretonne designs. Here we had Black shadows—
coffee every afternoon and painted creditable, Grey shadoivs—
pretentious Georgian and scenic designs on or- Delicate blue shadows—
der f o r Schummacher. Later we started to Roaming and slotv shadoivs—
make silk patterns with a definite increase in Flushing, darkening—burning, endless,
Sifting, throbbing, seeping, haunting,
. . . . I am lost in sluidows . . . .
. . . . I am asleep.
The in f^c
Pride of and or) i(yt
Alpha O
A r Marjorie Kidder is back in school this on Founders' Day. Since we had not expected l - A n Mary Lee Davis has been initiated into Prom will be held on this campus on the eve-
semester. Doris Brawley is doing her it until after the Christmas holidays, it added KAit, national education fraternity. On ning of April 14. During the afternoon Alpha
much to the day. Virginia Hansen ('37) was Pi will give its customary tea dance. Chapter
cadet teaching in Physical Education at North pledged to AAA, Freshman women's national • February 2, the members and pledges of guests and campus guests will be invited.
Central High School in Spokane. However, scholastic society, of which Esther Blake I Alpha Pi entertained rushees with a bridge Alpha Pi is anticipating with great pleasure a
she returns each week-end and plays basket- ('36) is local president. Margaret Kunkel Lparty in the chapter house. On February 9, a visit by Edith Huntington Anderson.
hall on the senior team. Both Doris and Car- C34) is living in the house again, returning: iValentine bridge was given by members. A P Anne Shannon Monroe, Oregon author,
olyn Wolters distinguished themselves by from the Home Management House where tRushees and pledges were invited, and coffee
making the honor roll last semester. Opal she spent six weeks. Mary Balkovatz, presi? [[was served with valentine cakes. Evaline Ran- was a guest at Alpha Rho on January
Jenkin is assisting in the supervision of a lo- dent, is living there now. Since all ot our hkin has been made chairman of the Commit- 16 and 17. She was honored at a formal fac-
cal C W A Nursery School. Frances Lowden pledges live at the dormitory, the actives do I'tee on Religious Emphasis. During the week- ulty dinner at the chapter house on Tuesday
and Evelyn Krause are playing basketball, the not have the opportunity to become acquainted [<end of February 23 and 24, Florida State night, followed by a public reception and lec-
former on the sophomore team and the latter with them as they would by living together. {Woman's College held its Mid-Winter Festi- ture in the Memorial Union building, where
on the senior team. We recently entertained So we have Courtesy Week. Each pledge tVal: Alpha Pi's pledges represented the chap- she spoke on "God Lights a Candle," her
a group of alumna; from Spokane at dinner. leaves the dormitory f o r three days to come iter in Skit Night, on the twenty-third; on the latest book. A kitchen shower f o r Mary Col-
They told us of the high-lights of their ac- down and live at the house. Since this is Ifivening of the twenty-fourth the chapter held lins Hertz, who was married after her gradu-
tivities. Last month wc gave the first in a se- prior to initiation, the pledges are required (open house and served after dinner coffee to ation last June, followed our Founders' Day
ries of personal guest dinners. We plan to to do small services. On January 12, the ac- (its guests and those of the campus fraterni- festivities. Betty Ames was chairman of the
continue this custom throughout the semester. tives were entertained at a fireside given by>; Bies; after coffee, house guests were escorted cooking committee at the AAA house f o r a
We are looking forward to hearing Carl the pledges. Our formal dinner-dance was Kb a general student's dance on the campus. waffle luncheon given by the Y.W.C.A. Mar-
Sandburg and Maurice Hindus at assembly. held at the Baxter Hotel on February 3. Kath- On March 14, the Glee Club will present its garet Bales, Ardath Sneed, and Mabel Eidson
A $ Through gifts of our patronesses and leen Vaughn ('33) is working in the Chemis- annual spring concert. Rosalind Kennedy, assisted her. Jean Allison was on the refresh-
trv department at the college and is living at [Mildred Williams, and Sara Helen Smith are ment committee f o r the Home Economics
the cooperation of the girls in the chap- the house. Ethel Sales ('33) is teaching KUnong the members of the club. During the Club tea. Georgena Samson has been elected
ter, we were able to have a new grand piano kindergarten in the Bozeman schools. latter part of March, Alpha Pi will have as recording secretary and Margaret Bales, the
tllouse guests several member of ZTA's prov- Panhellenic delegate of the chapter. Georgena
[ince convention. The annual Junior-Senior
24 25
26 y\ v K C H . 1934 27
was recently appointed assistant day editor on very enjoyable evening packing a hamper fn,. Rillie Bolton, their general theme being built in Columbia last summer. Ellen LaBorde, one
the Oregon State Daily Barometer. She is the needy family which we had adopted a I n the plan of the rose-bush. Instead of the of our members, has recently been elected
also working on the staff of the Beaver, Ore- our special care over the holiday. As soon a* sual Christmas basket f o r the needy, the vice president of the Hypatian Literary So-
gon State annual. Margaret was appointed to we got back on the campus we started a ve il l ,f e3Spht e r decided to send two children to a ciety and also secretary of the Carolina Chris-
the general staff of the Barometer. Inez Lehr- intensive rushing program under M a r j 0 r ? r \ e a i r camp next summer. On January tian Service Club.
bach has been named as a candidate f o r queen {A the chapter held a subscription dance at the
of the Junior Prom. Althea Bruhl was ap- Beeuwkes' generalship. As well as oofurlaritnrdp,"C cce3 'svsafrui ln. Restaurant which proved most suc- E The date f o r initiation of our twelve
pointed publicity chairman for Women's vidual rushing we had a number We were pleased to have with us pledges has been set f o r February 24, and
Week-end and publicity manager f o r "Both parties. The evening of January 9 found u
Your Houses," Pulitzer Prize play which will at a Cootie party at Avis Hall's home; Janu! u a r v Keeling, f r o m Macdonald College in after initiation ceremony, a banquet, which
be given by the Workshop Theater Players. ary 11, we had a Variety party at the home -Guelph- February 6, the annual banquet of Ethel Brown, our social chairman, is supervis-
A S A t a lovely initiation sponsored by the of Margaret Hubbs; January 16, we entertain, E Panhellenic League took place. This is the ing, will be held in Willard Straight Hall. As
tained at a Depression Supper at the home of fj e t vear that a dance has been held after- is our custom, we hope to have one of our
Eugene Alumnae seven pledges became r S alumnae act as toastmistress and, also to have
Alpha O's. A formal breakfast followed ini- Eleanore Walker, and on January 22, we ofuirn. wards. I t was a tremendous success and at
tiation. Three of the Portland Alumna? came ished up with a theatre party. This was ' A0n's suggestion the proceeds went to the a good number of our alumnae come back to
down f o r the occasion: Roma Whisnant, formal rushing event and a party of about 40 Students' loan fund. Ithaca to attend the ceremony and banquet.
chairman of the Alumna? Advisory Committee girls enjoyed a very thrilling murder drama. On January 20, we had an informal dance to
in Portland; Helen Cantine, charter member After the theatre we went to the Vancouver which each of the active members invited sev-
of Alpha Sigma; and Evelyn Hogue, presi- Hotel f o r supper. And now when it is ^j] X Mary Pepitone has become a member of eral friends. A number of our more recent
dent of Portland Alumnae; and Mable Robert- over, we are in the enviable position of hav- m?" the staff of the Daily Orange. Ruth Hunt alumnae living in Ithaca and the vicinity at-
son ( 2 ) , dean of women f r o m Salem High ing six of the nicest girls on the campus as Ka a member of the Social Committee of the tended the dance. The intramural basketball
School. Marian Vinson was on the Senior our newest pledges. I must just pause to say tournament, an annual event at Cornell, be-
Ball Directorate. Kathryn Liston and Eleanor that among them is Dorothy Rennie, the Jtfath Club. Lucille Muldoon and Florence gins in a week or so, and Eleanor O'Brien has
Coombe were two of the senior cops picked President of Women's Athletics. A f t e r the Ashley are members of the Press Club. Fran- been appointed manager of our team. Jean
f r o m prominent senior women to keep all pledging ceremony we all stormed a hot dog Lees Davison, Katharine Fox, Gladys Lunn, Maloney and Janet Stallman represented us
men out of "Co-Ed Capers." Edith Clement stand and had a very hilarious supper party ( Barbara Phillips, and Florence Ashley are on in a bridge tournament held in Willard
was chairman of the Senior Stunt for the treating other patrons to several A O I T songs the basketball team. Frances Davison is try- Straight Hall and succeeded in reaching the
Capers. Edith is also chairman of Honoraries during the evening. The latest campus event »ng out f o r manager of basketball and M i l - finals but were defeated by two members of
for the 1934 Oregana. Floy Young made the of more general nature was Hi-Jinx, the an- fdred McDuff f o r manager of dancing. Jami- SAT. Ruth Sharp expects to show a Guernsey
honor roll f o r fall term. A l l the girls are en- nual carnival and masquerade f o r co-eds only. fcjrine Hope sang in the "Messiah" at Christmas. cow in the live stock show to be held during
thusiastically working f o r the swimming cup As president of the Women's Undergraduate [iBernice DuFlo and Jamisine sang in the Glee the Annual Farm and Home Week at Cornell.
and the All-Sports plaque to be presented Society, Eleanore Walker acted as hostess for llClub broadcast over WSYR. Our Christmas
spring term. So f a r we are undefeated in [marty and formal were exciting. We sent our
swimming and basketball. ten cent presents to the Y W C A f o r distribu-
AT Theodora Jones is the convention chair- the evening and, owing to the illness of one tion. The actives cooperated with the alumnae
of the girls, also had to fill the place of MSgg fan buying tickets f o r the benefit f o r the Civic E A Billie Rhoads, a sophomore pledge, be-
man of North Eastern Section of Athletic tress of Ceremonies and Head Bouncer (the Repertoire Theatre. Mary Jane Hartman was came Mrs. Daniel Snyder on January 12
Federation of College Women; Lucille Perry male element traditionally attempts to crash chosen as one of the Freshman beauties.
is chairman of the recreation committee; H i - J i n x ) . One of our pledges created quite and left school at the end of the first semester.
Edith Breining, chairman of food committee, Virginia Detweiler, captain of the varsity
and Carol Dorr, chairman of publicity. hockey team, was graduated February 2. M u -
Others of our girls are on the committees. a sensation by arriving as an infant—woolly sical numbers written by Josephine Stetler and
Phyllis Taber and Miriam Dorr are on the shirt, diapers, safety pin and pacifier. Our 'XA Thelma Roadarmer, Evelyn Thomas, Frances Christine have been accepted by the
freshman debating team which debated Feb- chapter's social program f o r the future in- Eleanor Lloyd, and Jo Anne Abercrom- Thespians for their spring musical comedy.
ruary 9 at Ohio Wesleyan. Incidentally, M i r - cludes, among its immediate events, a tea at Nancy Stahlman, president of the junior class
iam Dorr won first place in the competition which the mothers of our pledges will be in- bie were pledged to W . A. A. Betty Kittle and member of Cwens, has been elected to
of the freshman debaters. Jane Gebhard, vited to meet our mothers, and our spring Received a sweater, and Winnebcth Rankin, a n r M national social science honorary. Peggy
Miriam, and Phyllis make up our AOIT fresh- term formal scheduled f o r March 9. pin. Betty and Alice Wolter are charter mem- Borland, member of Archousai, senior wom-
man debate team. Mary Estey and Theodora Lbers of the Girls' Club, recently established. en's honorary, has returned f r o m Merrill-
Jones as members of varsity will go on a B $ Mildred Akey ('34) has returned to; Mo Anne is playing in "The Lone Sentinel" at Palmer School where she was an exchange
debate tour to the Universities in Illinois and school after an illness of a year. Martha Rhe Little Theatre. Naomi Lewis was made a student. Marion Tomlinson has been elected
Michigan. Dorothy Fuller, Mildred Hull, and ftriad in the Woman's Club. Lois Earl is a to the editorial board of La Vie, Penn State's
Christine Mattison planned a sport dance f o r Clevenger, freshman, has made A A A . fresh- [member of the committee f o r the Sophomore yearbook. Enid Stage has been assigned the
the chapter on February 2. On February 16, man scholastic organization. Beulah Hoadley Prom. Eileen Hayward has a specialty num- leading role in Tolstoy's "Redemption" to be
the sophomores entertained the freshmen at did not return to school this semester. Yetive ber in the Rhythm Circus. Viola Wagner is presented by Penn State Players on March 24.
a formal pledge dance and buffet supper. I n Browne graduated after the first semester, and [candidate f o r queen of the Dodo.
the spring the sororities join to give one large is now working in South Bend. Newly elected
Panhellenic formal dance. For the Junior officers are: corresponding secretary. Emma A A t the end of rushing the Alpha O's led H Helen Marck ('36) has been given a posi-
Hop, the biggest social event of the year, L u - Martin; Panhellenic delegate, Betty Van with nine new pledges. On December 16, tion on the society staff of The Daily
cille Perry, Dorothy Hartshorn, Carol Dorr, Sandt; To D R A G M A Editor, Mary Gray. Lela
and Miriam Sears were chosen to serve on Scott is a candidate f o r Junior Prom Queen. vail the sororities on the hill held a joint Pan- Cardinal. Barbara Buell ('35) has returned
committees. I n scholarship, Miriam Dorr and Plans are being made f o r a lounge upstairs at Hellenic pledge dance at the Copley Plaza in after a year's absence. Jean Lackey ('35) won
Dorothy Fuller set the pace with straight A's. the house. I t will be furnished with wicker [Boston. Our representatives on the committee first place in the Badger all-sorority sales con-
B K On December 21 we had a party at which furniture. Plans are being made for the State Iwere Phyllis Howard ('34) and Elizabeth Mac- test; she has a Wisconsin College of the A i r
Luncheon and Dance which will be held in HLeod ('35). Kay Ecke ('34) was the spokes- radio program weekly, and has been enter-
twelve children f r o m the poorer part of Indianapolis in March. p a n f o r the senior class at the Junior-Senior taining at the 770 Club; she has a desk edi-
the city were our guests. I t was sponsored by B T On the afternoon of December 9. Beta jlbanquet held at the Hotel Commander in torship on the Cardinal and has a position on
our alumnae group and Jean White organized Cambridge, on January 9. We had our i n i - the editorial and business staffs of the
the games. A f t e r an informal meeting at Tau held their initiation in the apart- pation banquet at Wyman's Tavern in Arling- Octopus; she has been made publicity manager
Morea Bowie's on December 23, we had a ment. In the evening a banquet and dance ton on January 22. of Glee Club and also Bradford Club, a stu-
took place in the Yellow Room of the King A<I> The members of Delta Phi Chapter gave dent church group.
Edward Hotel in honor of the initiates and f a lovely informal tea Sunday afternoon, r Rushing has just started at the University
Founders. A n inspiring speech to the Found- [January 14, at the home of Mrs. Ehrlich
ers was given by Margaret McNiven, last Thomson. Valree Lide, who is the sister of of Maine under the new system. This new
year's president, who had been to convention. Eulee Lide, president, was initiated December system provides f o r two days of "open house"
Other speeches were given by a representa- . B . She is studying advanced music in A t - for all eligible women, two small parties, and
tive of each year and by the alumna adviser, lanta. Valree is a talented musician, and gave one larger one to be given by each sorority.
per graduating recital at the Hotel Columbia, Gamma Chapter has a new president and vice
28 To D R A G M A 29
held the usual tea for girls home f o r the holi-
president: Ruth Walenta and Effic Mayberry, Y.W.C.A., made the introductory sp,.rcu , j t l a v s sponsored by the Y.W.C.A. and directed days. Nu is experimenting by inviting our
respectively. Ruth has been very prominent Dr. Koo of China, visitor to the campus 1°,* I''', |.,11' Mad iregor, our District Superintend- pledges to come in to chapter meetings. We
in campus activities. She is a member of die Cunningham was elected member of n p u \ who is an instructor in public speaking at hope that in this way a better spirit of co-
«I»BK and Neai Mathetai. She has been a social science honorary. Mary Virginia R a operation will be fostered and that the two
member of the debating team, on the Maine is a member of T K A , debating f r - m w * * [1 'ntord. Helenc Boorse ('36) is chairman groups will learn f r o m each other.
Review and Prism Boards, and on the Betty Anthony, May Crute, Ann Ranev if the I'nion dormitory hostess committee and N K On Founder's Day, N u Kappa and the
Y.W.C.A. Cabinet. Natalie Birchall, our for- Edith I'll ilTei have bei n in studcnl re'ciSS S. in complete ( barge of the Union's Saturday
mer president, was obliged to leave school be recently. Last Sunday the pledges ecu,l<(.,i l s j?ht dances. Margaret Hull ('35) is secre- Dallas Alumna; entertained with a seated
cause of illness. Fern Allen, Dorothy Moyni- per for the chapter at: the house. Coat ot" the Union's lockout committee. Judith tea. Included on the program was an original
han, and Annie MacLellan were voted two followed, of which Lucia Desha was ih< poem by Laurclle Ray ('36). Before the
membership to the All-Maine Girls' hockey editing attorney, Marie. Askew the judge Hjyle ('35), who has won many honors in Christmas holidays, we had a Christmas tree.
team and Marie Archer received honorable the sophomores the jury. A f t e r this court th archei'v. is a member of the Women's Glee We delivered baskets of food to some poor
mention. The Y.W.C.A. sponsored a stag pledges had a court: for the chapter W h ok Syi, Beth Moulthrop ('37) is president of families. The Mothers' Club bad a book re-
dance in Alumni Hall last week. On the com- was most amusing. May court election result! Stanford's off-campus women and a member view on . December 10. We had our annual
mittee in charge were several A O n ' s : Ruth will be announced at the Valentine party Wed formal dance on January 5. Irma Sigler ('34),
Barrows, chairman; Edith Gardner, Lucinda nesday night. The orchestra, of which k u | . I f jhc executive committee of the I'nion Club. Frances Rand ('34), and Mabel Robb ('35)
Ripley, and Marie Archer. Elizabeth Phil- Reed is the leader, will play. | Alice Landon ('37) is on the freshmen worn- were in charge of the arrangements. There
brook won the second prize in the contest f o r En's basketball team, a member of the publi- have been no inter-sorority athletics since
securing subscriptions to the Prism put out hy We were delighted to have Mrs T ? ^ cations stall of the (Juad. Stanford's yearbook, Christmas, but the basketball games are to
the Class of 1935. Arlenc M e r r i l l recently Graves (Julia Desha. Ex. '3-D at the |,ou2 start immediately after the beginning of the
directed a play given in the Little Theater of for Goat Court. Catherine Laugh C32) Mrs „n(] a member of the Y.W.C.A. hostess com- second semester.
Alumni Hall. New pledges to the Maine Duval Royster CM). Margaret Lr'andon Unittec. Among the new activities of the ini- N O A f t e r our Christmas party, the toys at
Masque are Dorothy Sawyer and W i n i f r e d ('33), and Mamie H u r t Laskcnill n)9) tiated: Mary Atkins C3o) and Juanita Dall
Cushing. Alice Crowcll is an associate mem- have been other recent visitors. |7'36) are members of the sophomore class the tree were taken to the charity wards
Ibasketball team. Kllamae Dodds ('34) was re- of the Vanderbilt Hospital. Initiation was
ber. Several weeks ago Mildred Haney was Icently elected to Cap and Gown, a local Mor- held f o r fourteen pledges on January 16.
sent to Houlton as a member of the Y.W.C.A. K » Marjorie Alice l.enz has again distin- A f t e r initiation an informal buffet supper was
deputations committee. guished herself by being given complex 1 ; i r Board, besides which she has just been served. AH our freshmen are now wearing
charge of the Administration section in thc Epointcd woman's editor of the Stanford Alpha O pins. Nu Omicron has been holding
Southern Campus. Portia Young has recently fjjaily- Anna Louise Ayncsworth ('34) is a a series of g i f t teas f o r the house. The guest
I Ruth Ferguson was selected Prom Queen been pledgee! to Tri-C, Women's Journalistic •member of the Associated Women Students' list is restricted to members of the active
by vote of all those attending the Prom honorary. The following were initiated j n j 0 Committee to deal with the problem of sorori- chapter and alumna; living in Nashville. Each
from a list of five final candidates voted the I'hratcrcs: DeKtte I'...mgarten. Larbara Fin- Ejes on the campus. Josephine (Judy) Wilson person brings something that she thinks is
most popular junior women on campus. She ley, Raydeen Green. Harriet Hinds, Marjorie ¥('33) lias just been elected to Masquers, needed in the house. Many nice things have
is a member of the I Mini Board of Control Alice Lenz, Harriet Stone, and I'ortia Young. {woman's honorary dramatic societv, and been given in this way. Tn the basketball class
for Publications. Florine Petri is a member Ruth Oberg, as our philanthropic chairman pBlanche Coe ('34) has been re-elected treas- tournament, Elizabeth H i l l played on the first
of the program committee of the Y.W.C.A. had charge of the very successful raffle with urer of the German Honor Society. Muriel team f o r the seniors, with Mary Eleanor Ro-
Stunt show and will dance in the chorus f o r which we raised money for our contribution WMike) Spaulding C35), sister of Neil denhauser on the second team. Winn Ownhey
"Hit the Deck." Florine is assistant cam- to thc national philanthropic work. Dottie F.Spauldiug, who plays the piano in Phil Har- was on the first team f o r the juniors and Do-
paign manager f o r the Illini Mule party. Lauth has been very active in dramatics this ms' orchestra, returned to Stanford in Janu- ris Busby and Lela Fryc were on the fresh-
Louise Mollman is chairman of the Y.W.C.A. year, in fact so much so that she was recently ary after a year's absence. "Mike" is a mem- man team. The seniors won the tournament.
Girl Reserve committee and a member of the chosen to play at the Pasadena Community Kcr of the Stanford choir. Virginia Blair Our formal dance took place February 10 in
Y.W.C.A. social committee. Louise is work- Playhouse. Hetty Bradstreet has been busy K'36), working in the chemistry laboratory, Alumni Memorial Hall. Ours was the first
ing on the activities staff of the Daily Illini holding down the secretaryship of both Discovered a low boiling point f o r a mixture of the formal sorority dances. Invitations
Catherine Van Gerpen is working on the W.A.A. and X A * (honorary English sorority), K f benzyle cyanide and benzyle chloride. were sent to representatives f r o m each of the
church staff of the Illini and Jean Dragoo is as well as serving as a hostess for the W.A.A. •Chemists had previously believed it possible other sororities and also to the "stray
junior assistant to the woman's editor on the Intercollegiate play-day. with which U . C . L ^ H ED secure a low boiling point f o r this mixture, Greeks" on the campus. Representatives f r o m
paper. Alice Duval and Charlotte McGlade entertained all the Southern California Uni- nut had never been able to reach it and prove Omicron Chapter at Knoxville and Kappa
are working on the business staff of the Illio versities. Kappa Th. ta's Mothers' Club ha* nheir belief. Eunice Force ('33), Lambda's Omicron at Memphis were also invited.
and Beth Fowler on the editorial staff. Char- again presented the house with a lovely pres- J •president, has just been appointed to an As-
lotte belongs to A r X . Dorothy Dean Cook is ent in the form of furnishings for several sociated Women Students' committee f o r the Q Plans f o r the Ohio Valley District Con-
a member of the Accountancy Club. Marjorie of the bedrooms. We indeed appreciate this Revision and codification of lock-out rules. vention are still in an embryonic stage.
Berryman was chosen for membership on the g i f t . WEunice went to Berkeley on February 2
Varsity Debate team. She is a member of inhere she was given thc privilege of initiat- Omega anticipates with the greatest of pleas-
Edith Wilson is working on the properties ing her sister, Marion Force, into Sigma ure the honor of being hostess to all of the
committee for the Y.W.C.A. Stunt show. Betty A Emerging from the maze of rushing which IChapter. Mrs. Force, formerly Myn Bow- chapters in this district. In order to have
Ross was initiated into Arepo and was chosen occupied the first two weeks nf winter pnann ( Z ) , was also present to see her younger such benefits as may be derived from our
vice president of Mask and Bauble. Betty was daughter initiated by the older one. meetings go into immediate effect, we hope to
assistant house manager for "Yellow Jacket," quarter. Lambda threw open her doors to the H i Our alumna adviser, Marjorie Jcrvis. was have the convention in the fall preceding
a Mask and Bauble production, and assistant men of thc campus January 12, pledge night, freshman week at Miami. Mary Conover is
to the director f o r "Pagliacci." She was prop- so that they might come in. look over, and married on December 16, 1933, to Frank vice president of Miami Panhellenic Council.
erty mistress for "Adding Machine." another dance with her nine new pledges. Pledging IP. Shull, J r . ('32), at the Church of the By way of acquainting our pledges with
M,hk and Bauble production. Lois Davis, took place after the men had been c\ ictcd at Kood Shepherd in New York City. They girls of other sororities on Miami campus, the
A I ' X , was chosen Bowling Queen of the Uni- midnight, and following pledging, the nine foent a few days in Atlantic City before re- actives sponsored an afternoon tea on Janu-
versity of Illinois. new neophytes got their first taste of sorority turning in time for the AOiI Christmas dance. ary 11. The dean and the assistant dean and
life in the form of a paiama party. The I Marjorie Shull, our alumna adviser, wasn't the patronesses were special guests. We had
pledges were guests of honor at a special •he only one, however, to make wedding a rollicking holiday party at Mrs. Millie
luncheon held at the house the following noon, Pews, for Marion Kilpatrick ('34) and Janice (Rothar) Dennison's home. To enliven the
and have since been honored at various I V I I S P Keller ('33) are both planning for similar evening, we had a dime g i f t exchange. Omega
K As studying has been our principal occu- and alumnae parties and teas, outstanding [brents. Marion is engaged to Charles Van Chapter filled a box with toys, clothes, and
pation it is appropriate to say that the among which was a Valentine Sunday night fPelt. Jr., and Janice is to become the bride magazines which was sent to Kentucky f o r
supper dance on February 11. The m a j o n t j M I f William Frankel ('33). Everyone appro- the social work being done there by AOII.
chapter average is 90.2. Edith Christian re- of Lambda's new pledges are alreadv active . priately celebrated the first evening of the
cently gave a talk in the International Relations in extra-curricular a c t i v i t i e s . Gertrude poliday season by attending the winter dance
Club on President Roosevelt's speech about Blanchard ('37) has participated in several j Much was held at the A K + house on Decem-
Latin-America. Arline Allen has been enrolled wtr 22. On the following Friday the Chapter
in the club. E. A. Pfeiffer, president of the
30 31
her sister, Marion. Activities continue to hold
0 Intra-mural athletic activities and social student and teacher. Patricia Woodward Lords of finals go to Margaret Burdette ('34) the interest of many. Marjorie Slaughter
affairs have kept us busy since the holi- quite active in this event and Eleanor Henti8 who gained a straight A average. W e are ('36) and Claire Laughlin ('36) are on the
Pauline Woodward, and Ruth Sonnansti tfLenTyly proud of "Peg's" accomplishment for Daily Calif omian. Jane Lovell ('36), Jean
days. The pledges gave a benefit bridge at the are on the general committee. Next week n C f|VC o t n r t n c University of Maryland Kennedy ('36) and Virginia Simpson ('36)
Cherokee Country Club on January 7, clearing will have with us an alumna, in the person rs m served on the Y. W. C. A . emergency loan
$50 f o r the treasury. June Bayless took over Ruth Van Tuyl ('28), who was prominent J fund drive which has just been completed.
the general chairmanship of the benefit after campus affairs. She will appear in a dan LHt,aadnieor equally as good grades. A f t e r the Janice Hesser ('35) is on the Pelican promo-
Katherine Gaston went to Florida and was recital at the Women's League and afterward from*. IIA scattered to various places tional staff. Betty Costello ('35) is on the
ably assisted by Ann Wagner, head of the will be guest of honor at a small tea. [tor entertainment. Sarah Louise Short visited Daily Califomian and the Vocational Guid-
chapter. On January 27, we entertained with fljuth Finzel ('31) in Mt. Savage; Catherine ance Committee. Jean Kuerzel ('37) and
a tea dance, extending invitations to the fac- Eoorc went up to Cumberland with Helen Lorrine Wood ('37) are on Personnel. W i n i -
ulty and student body. Each Alpha O wore SfcFcrran. Gretchcn Van Slyke spent the fred Solinsky ('34) and Gladys Dowden ('34)
a shoulder bouquet of white gardenias while jwcek-end at Washington and Lee f o r the are on the committee for Senior Day. V i r -
our dates were identified by a Jacqueminot $ As a reward to the pledge who made th Fancy Dress Ball. Martha Cannon went to ginia Simpson ('36) and Patricia Appleton
rose on their coat lapels. During the special best grades this semester, Phi is criving ->C C37) were on the committee for the Soph-
"AOJI no-break" the orchestra played "AOIT Alpha O recognition pin. Margaret SchwartV jfl,e *A0 house party and Charlotte Hood to Frosh dance. Ida Dohrmann ('34) has been
Sweethearts Forever," a number written by 3*2. When we returned f o r second semes- given the honor of election to the national
a member of the Kappa Omicron chapter. A who made fifteen hours of A. is the fortunat ter, we were all glad to welcome back V i r - Bacteriology Honor Society. Winifred Mc-
tea honoring Ann Anderson Sale during her girl. Phi is very proud of Marg a rAetltaongdetha ]eJr: Cargar ('34) was awarded the chapter scholar-
visit here in January was given by Mrs. H . A . of all the rest of her pledges. ginia Hester. Our annual Open House is ship cup f o r the second consecutive time. We
Morgan and Mrs. Thomas McCroskey, two of given this year on Sunday, February 11. are naturally very pleased to have won one
our patronesses, the guest list including ac- about fifty hours of A was mgardaedesbywet jr,e' hundred dollars by taking second place in the
tives, pledges, alumnae and patronesses. We pledges and the rest of their Livingston Brothers sorority contest. Need-
all fell victim to our District Superintendent's above average. B Psi was very happy to receive notes of less to say, the money can be used in sev-
charm. I n the realm of athletics our relay m acceptance recently f r o m Mrs. Merle M . eral ways to add to the house, though its
team composed of Nell Nowlin, Elisabeth IT The present pride of Pi Chapter is VirJ iOdg<rs, wife of the Dean of the College of definite use has not yet been decided. A large
Witsell, Betty Lord, and D. Smith came sec- ginia Freret, pledge of last September. In. Eberal Arts for Women; and Mrs. John H . percentage of the house has signed up f o r
ond in (he annual Indoor Carnival, being only Minnuk, wife of the Dean of the School of W. A . A. Spring Intramurals, and we are
a split second behind the winners, Zeta. Our a recent dramatic competition to select the Education, University of Pennsylvania to be hopeful of regaining the plaque awarded at
faithful mother, doctor, and coach—Fay Mor- casl for Milton's Counts, which Newcomb Col- patronesses of our chapter. Our mid-winter the end of each semester to the winning group
gan—developed a fine basketball team in spite lege intends to present in the spring, Virginia [dance will be held in Philadelphia on February judging on the basis of score and representa-
of losing several good players due to illness. a Freshman, was chosen above others of more E T Activities f o r the spring term are getting tion.
Although we lost, our team fought until the experience to portray the title role. We, who under way and the AOII's at Pennsylvania are
final whistle. Winning or losing, our teams caught a glimpse of her dramatic talents at a planning participation in them. Florence T Our house was decorated as a pullman car
under Fay's leadership always show the finest recent A o n banquet, feel certain that New- Harden, recently initiated, will graduate this when the pledges entertained the actives
AOIT spirit and sportsmanship. Glenn Thomp- comb's faith in her ability will be justified. Month.
son did not return to school after the holidays In accord with the spirit of Mardi Gras » Kayc Stahmer ('36) was operated on f o r with an informal dance on February 3. Doro-
and Betty Lord has been elected as recording revelry pervading the city, the annual formal thy Worn rath ( T ) , District Superintendent,
secretary to succeed her. We are all rejoic- was given by the Alpha O's on the Saturday appendicitis. Sidonia Spinka is leaving gave a tea at her home in honor of our pledges.
ing over Betty Stewart and Nell (Scotch- preceding Mardi Gras. And now that the school on doctor's orders. She will go to We initiated several girls Sunday afternoon,
man) Nowlin being chosen to * K + recently. Lenten season is here, the AOII charity b a l l j S [Texas to visit an aunt. Betty Vail ('35), one February 18, after three days of probation.
O n The Junior Girls' Play is the center of being anticipated by all as a pleasant break %i our most popular and active girls, has Margaret Dodds marched fourth in line at the
in the monotony of the season as well as an: Junior Ball. "Mike" is on the editorial staff
interest these days. Omicron Pi girls tak- opportunity to assist the Kentucky Frontier nsferred to Hartford Academy to study of the Gopher, a member of the Home Eco-
ing part in this production are Eleanor Heath, Nursing Service. The proceeds derived from Iigious education. "Gerry" Fenlon ('34) nomics Association, the senior social seminar,
Stella Glass, Helen Flynn, Harriet Oleksiuch. the rattle of a Cadet radio will go for the left school at Christmas time on doctor's or- and the Y. W. C. A . social committee. Our
Virginia Matthews, Patricia Woodward, and same purpose. Bers. Glenn Leins, who left school last president, Irma Hammerbacher, has added
Billie Griffiths, who has a character part. Spring, has returned to complete her journal- some more activities to her responsibility of
Billie is a well-known actress in campus pro- We are soon to extend full membership to ism course. Carol MacNeil has been in the being president of two sororities. She is a
ductions and recently played in "The Last of Ernestine Moise. Throughout her term as » j (infirmary f o r months on and off. The pledges member of the student book store committee,
Mrs. Cheney." Jean Durham ('36) is a tryout pledge Ernestine has displayed fine loyalty, in- were hostesses to the active chapter at a chairman of the floor committee f o r the junior
for Comedy Club. Pauline Woodward ('36) terest, and spirit. We shall be glad to wel- splash party at Shawnee Country Club short- bridge, and chairman of the program f o r
has accepted the office of president of the come her as our sister. She has been very l y after the holidays. Bridge and swimming the W. A. A. playday. Alice Eylar ('37) is
University Outdoor Club and promises many active on the athletic field, having made the were followed by a real feast at the chapter the leader of a Y. W. C. A, interest group,
activities. Her twin, Patricia, held second Newcomb hockey and basketball teams. Other mouse. Virginia McLean ('35) received a vice president of the Y. W. C. A. freshman
place in the rifle team tournament. Betty AOII's to make the college teams were: Vir- fialf-scholarship for the second semester. cabinet, and a member of the W. S. G. A .
Miller, a pledge, has been initiated into the ginia Rembert, Marietta Griffin, Catherine Margaret Rowc ('35) and Judith Baird ('37) social committee. Alice and Ethylmae Eylar
Girls' Swimming Club and bids fair to make O'Ncil, Stella O'Connor, and Sarah Douglass. made the women's singing unit in the W A A - took part in a figure skating contest held in
good. Helen Gray ('34), our president, as- The pledges entertained the actives at a de- ! M U show, and Florence Reddington ('34) Minneapolis February 10 and 11. Z*H, a na-
sisted in a dance recital given by members of lightful banquet at the Pirate's Chest, a pic- Kathryn Quan ('37), and Grace Tomchek tional speech arts sorority, was recently i n -
Play Production. Our three initiates enter- turesque tearoom in the Vieux Carre, New ('34) made toe chorus. stalled at Minnesota. Mary K . Black is treas-
tained with a banquet at which they were Orlean's famous Frenchtown. Red and white urer, and Elaine Nortz and Helen Claire
presented with dark red roses by their soror- was the color scheme used to decorate the jj2 Our six new pledges were honored at an Landrum are among the new initiates. We
ity mothers. Later they were feted with a tables. Amusing entertainment was furnished informal dance held at the chapter house pledged seven more girls to AO this quarter.
formal dance. Laura Jane recently won an by the pledges. Evelyn Pearson is on the social committee of
award f o r selling the largest number of ton February 24. The Cuban Cafe motif was the Y. W. C. A., and is also working f o r
'Etisians, the Michigan yearbook. The Spring 17 A Tuesday evening, December 12, we gave •Tried out in detail and the decorations were Masquers, and Ski-U-Mah, campus humor
Parley will soon be held and many of our a miscellaneous shower for Marion Bates jstriking and effective. Much credit and appre- magazine. Evelyn took a week's vacation f r o m
members are committeewomen f o r this func- ciation f o r the success of the informal is due school to attend the Mardi Gras in New
tion. It is a meeting of students and profes- Daniels ('33), who was married to Dr. Eugene Way Layne ('34) and Virginia Simpson ('36) Orleans. Peggy Jerome is the freshman rep-
sors at which various subjects are discussed Daniels, professor of economics at the Uni- and Mary Isabelle Elberg ('36) who assisted resentative on the Home Economics Council,
freely, thus offering more contact between versity of Maryland. According to IIA's usual per. On February 5, eleven girls were ini-
custom, we gave a Christmas party for a fam- tiated. The ceremony was followed by a ban-
ily of poor children on December 20. Just quet in their honor and a birthday celebration
before we left f o r the holidays we had for- in honor of 2 Chapter. The affair was well
mal dinner and the singing of carols around attended and several other chapters repre-
the tree to give us some yuletide spirit. Ger- sented. Bobbie Day ('35) was in charge.
trude Chestnut and "Betty" Roberts both (Eunice Force, president of A. came to initiate
came back to spend that evening with us. The '
32 To DRAGM^I PARCH. 1934 33
T Upsilon has reaped new honors this
and is active in the Y. W. C. A. Margaret Pledges T—Izetta and Elizabeth Poindexter, Bremerton;
F'utnam earned a place on the swimming team quarter with its president, Alice McLean Laura Katherine Bahl ('34), Violet Olive Nolan ('37),
and is a member of Aquatic League, W. A. A. a member of Totem Club and Caroline David' I br[_-Agncs Goss, Pensacola. Seattle.
and the Y. W. C. A . Mary Putnam is active a recent pledge of the chemistry honorary. A! L iP—Lucile Fox, Marshficld; Shirley Johnson,
in Y. W., Gopher, and W. A. A. Basketball. scholarship ring which is being worn this term transfer from the University of Nevada. Z—Janet Swift, June Wilson, Jane Temple (a
by Dian Manzer is making our grade average L AX—-Miriam McBride, Juneau, Alaska; Therese sister), Lincoln; Helen Naeve, Cook.
T A During the holidays Tau Delta filled her rise, f o r all the girls are trying hard to wi„ Ijelson. Pendleton; Mary Margaret Hunt. Nyssa.
pantry with dainty tea sets as well as it. A recently formed basketball team cap. | A T — l'hylli- Taher, West Field, New York. Initiates
tained by Lorene Fairborn has placed T's name I BK- Katharine Mary Carpenter ('35), Nanaimo.
pots and pans. The active chapter entertained on the intramural contest list. Margaret ft C : Edna May Carter ('36). l-ennie May Price AP—Georgena Samson and Margaret Bales.
friends and alumna? with a kitchen shower tea. Woog, Mary Jane Brooks, Dorothv Morgan AS—Jo Skene and Arleta Davis. Eugene; Myrna
We have already put these to excellent use by Frances Faurot, Louise Lutey, and Dian Man- 'ponna Lorenda Louise Moorehouse ('36), Van- Bartholomew, Springfield; Lee Chapman, Portland;
cooking lunch in the room each Thursday be- zer are the other members of the team. Our E L c r , 15- C ; Olive Phoebe Riddle ("36). Victoria, Nan Smith, Dufur; Frances Fearnley, Aurora;
fore meeting. The pledges seem to take great District Superintendent, Betty Norgorc, paid B? c>;'])orothy J "c : l Rermie ('34), New Westminster, Frances Tigglebeck, La Grande.
pleasure in washing the new dishes. The Pan- us a much enjoyed visit the last week in B*—Alice Baylor ('35), Speed; Mary Frances
hetlenic Council was hostess to the graduates January. We entertained f o r her at tea and, | g4>—Hazel Evans Combs ('36), Tcrre Haute. Spurgeon ('34) and Hazel Combs ('36), Terre Haute;
of the hi eh schools just preceding open rush at a formal dinner. The pledges, a few days i jA Lillian M. Erickson ('36), Johnstown; Cyrilla Louise Willard ('34). La Grange; Marydale Cox
season with a large tea in Stockham Woman's before initiation, entertained the actives with knnc Miller ("37), Crested Butte; Elizabeth Maloney ('37), Gary; Elizabeth Garber ('37), Dunkirk; Ruth
Buildinsr. The rush rules f o r the past season a vaudeville. One of its hit numbers was an ;/«36), Littleton. Thompson ('37), Bloomington; Martha Clevenger
were changed and proved to work out very AOIT song written by Doris Berry which has f A—Jean Barker ('37), North Andover; Phyllis ('37), Winchester; Catharine Edwards ('36), Wind-
successfully. A l l dates with the rushees were since become one of our favorites and fully Brur '('37), Lowell; Charlotte Newton ('37), Worces- fall.
made through the Dean of Women's Office. deserves a place in the AOIT song-book. At Sgt- Mildred Burns ('37), Lynn; Emilie Farnsworth BT—Marjorie Ruth Johnstone ('36), Whitby, Can.
This helped to avoid all confusion which has a fireside honoring the freshmen a few weeks &>37) Ashland; Audrey Moran ('37), Somerville; B0—Eileen Margaret Rocap ('36), Indianapolis.
occurred in the past. Alpha Omicron Pi was later, the sophomores, who were in charge of ftlna' Nelson, Winthrop; Mary-Ellen White, West XA—Lois Maxine Earl ('36), Casey, Iowa; Wilma
hostess at the regular Sunday Afternoon Tea the entertainment, brought back in burlesqttS jSomerville. All are freshmen. LeVcta Carey ('35), Trinidad; Carmelita Rose Hoover
in Stockham Building. Tau Delta has started llii- old-fashioned amusement of silhouettes, ft j5A--Carlyn S. Goldsmith ('36). Wynnewood; Mil- ("36), Laura Theresa Catherine Dussart ('34),
a labfary in the Southside Community House. played behind a sheet. Margaret Rourke, our dred Wagner Isenhcrg ('35), State College. Boulder.
This is one of the four Community Houses in social chairman, has plans for a formal dinner I H—Romance Cawgill ('37), Madison; Eileen J . A—Hazel McCarthv ('35). Mildred Burns. Emilie
the city which takes care of unfortunate chil- dance to be given on February 24. Frances |i)berwetter ("3"), Milwaukee. Farnsworth. Audrey Moran and Mary-Ellen White.
dren. F.ach member is to bring five books to Faurot and Jean Bainbridgc have been mak- I K—Alice Avery Allen ('37). Memphis. Tenn.; Ar- A4>—Valree Lide (Ex '34), North; Maude Lee,
start the librarv and as time goes on we w i l l ing periodic visits to the summit lately to ski, Lie Allen ('37). Mattie Todd Little ('37), North Em- Charles ('35), Greenville.
add to this collection. We are to see that all usually meeting Evelyn HofT on the way. „ori.v Elizabeth Anthony ('37), Pallas, Texas; Cora 1-—Grace Angeline Rothwell ('36), Mt. Pulaski;
of these books are kept in good repair. Tt is Connie Ellis and Mary Jane Brooks have iCraddock ('37). Rebecca Graves ('37), Mary Isham Eleanor Dolch ('37), Margaret Jeanette Gault ('36),
our desire to start a library in each of the come back to school this quarter. Celia Sco- (Randolph ('37), Lynchburg; Elizabeth Daniel ('37), Jean Louise Gougler ('37), Urbana; Alice Spottswood
other Community Houses i f this one proves field is teaching Lorene Fairborn to ride. Anna Colita Hodges ('37). Anne McKinley ('37), Birming- Duval ('37), Chicago; Beth Louise Fowler ('37),
to be a success. Marie Radovan, a last-year's graduate, dashed ham, Ala.; Lucy Gordon ('37), Roberta Gordon ('37). Champaign; Kathryn Mildred Graham ('35), Tampico;
into the house the other day on her way home gBfobile. Ala.; Frances R. Jones ('37), Carol Aston Edith Kostner Lang ('37), Park Rid«e; Louise Elinor
0 Mary Garrison Walker is the publicity from her latest trip. Sallie Sue White has jparhatn ('37). Petersburg; Margaret M. Martin ('37). Mollman ('36), Millstadt.
manager f o r the Monon Revue, and Judy moved her dance studio to larger quarters, Krfolk: Emmy Lou Smith ('37), Decatur, 111. NO—Doris Evelyn Busby ("37). Laurel; Margaret
enlarging her classes at the same time. Dickinson ('37), Madison; Martha Elizabeth Finn
Chapman is in charge of properties f o r this Katharyn Farr has spoken before several I K9— Eleanor and Raydeen Green. (Omitted in ('35), Virginia Houze ('36), Bowling Green, Ky.;
production. Gertrude Casper is one of the Seattle Music and A r t groups recently o » nonary list.) Ellen Morris Henry ('35), Clarksville; Virginia Dare
dance trainers f o r Monon. The Mirage, De Chinese art. 1' A—Gertrude Blanchard ('37), Crete, III.; Helene Moore ('37), Vivian Dodds Moore ('37), Lillian Cath-
Pauw year book, is sponsoring a beauty con- Boor-. ('36), Hollywood; Judith Boyle ('35), Fen- erine McLaurin ('37), Charlotte Evelyn Norred ('37)
test in which we arc entering one of our Z Marjorie Ley, our president elected last Sana; Alice Coen ('371, Los Angelea; Margaret Hull Mary Pepper Wells ('37), Loraine Binkley ('36),
freshmen, Harriet Knapp. Our basketball spring, graduated at mid-semester and has &»3S), Denver; Beth Moulthrop ('37). Redwood City: Mary Elizabeth Corley ('35). Lela Rebecca Fry ('37).
team succeeded in reaching the final game Diary Teanne McHale ('35). Sacramento; Alice Lan- Nashville; Patricia Vogan Spearman ('37), Balboa,
with an undefeated record. We were very a position in the Social Welfare Office in Lin- don ('37), Gustinc; Fanita Yoakum ('37), Oakland; Canal Zone.
happy to have Elizabeth Roberts Cole, who coln. Myra Grimes, our former vice presi- Muric-1 Pleasant. Palo Alto. *—Margaret Frances Schwartz ('36), McPherson;
is one of the trustees of the Anniversary dent, is our new president and Betty Temple is |-W)- -Clarine Bell. Columbia. Elizabeth Imogcne Beamcr ('37), Billoween Macoubrie
Endowment Fund, visit us. vice president. Phyllis Ridlc is our new rush \ C—Eleanor Jane Hopkins, Friendship; Dorothy ('37), Elda Mae Clevenger ('37), Lawrence; Velma
chairman. Our formal is next week-end at aEleanor Brooks, Middletown; Betty Jane Edmundson, Maurine Markham ('37), Topeka; Lois Burke Lippitt
@H On Friday evening, January 5, the the Cornhusker Hotel. Two hundred bids fWinnctka. 111.. February 14. ('35), Mcadville. Mo.; Rachel Jeanette Shetlar ("36).
pledges entertained the active chapter have been sent out. Lorraine Hitchcock, an I OB—Thais Julia Bolton ('36), Ann Arbor. Johnson; Alice Irene Cunningham ("37), Rulo, Neb.
AOIT sister, has recently added another activ- I HA- Ruth Summcrville, Cumberland; Frances K. TT—Ernestine Elizabeth Moise ('36), New Orleans.
with a scavenger hunt. A f t e r spending hours ity to her list. She has been appointed to uPowell, Brookeville. *—Florence Harden, Mary Dry and Elisabeth Hold.
in driving all over town in search of purple work on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Dorothy • ^—Jewell Potts, Iola; Mabel Green, Lawrence, OIT—Lama Jane Zimmerman ('36); Virginia Mat-
buttons and Sunday school papers, we re- Bentz, a pledge, is making a good start in. i 2—Helen Basler, Sacramento; Betty Costello, thews ('35); Mary Alice Baxter ('36).
turned to spend the rest of the evening activities. She is a member of the Cofn- [Berkeley; lanice Hcsser, Auburn all juniors; Jean 2—Ardith Fluharty. Marjorie Hearn. Carroll Mc-
in ping pong, bridge, and dancing. We husker staff and also on the staff of the "A " [Kuerzel, Oakland; Susanne Crane. Richmond; Lorrine Grath, juniors; Jean Cunningham. Jane Lovell, Mar-
announce the marriage of Martha Shelby Book. Gretchcn Schrag, besides being kept Woo< 1, San Francisco—freshmen; Jane Loughery, San jorie Slaughter, sophomores; Patricia Appleton, Betty
('34) to John Bullock. The scholastic average very busy with her work at the Cornhusker •Francisco—sophomore. Armstrong, Dorothy Davis, Marion Force, Virginia
of the pledge class was exceptionally high this office, is active in the Tassels organization, f-T—Margaret Jerome ('37), Margaret and Mary Goodrich, freshmen.
year. To foster a better spirit of coopera- which is a honorary pep club, is a member of BPutnam ('37), Melissa Robbins, Minneapolis; Evelyn TA—Mary Ethel Duke ("34), Marion Frances Bruce
tion, the sororities on this campus have each X A * , and secretary treasurer of Vestals of I he (Pearson ('3M. St. Paul; Rachel Friswold ('36), Rush- ('36), Mary Virginia Pounds ('37), Mary Jane Wing
been inviting representatives from other soror- Lamp. Zeta has two candidates f o r the Corn- [ford; Jean Hehrends ("37), Albert Lea. ('35), Birmingham.
ities as guests at their dinner meetings. I t is husker beauty section, Lorraine Hitchcock and r_TA—Mary Ethel Duke ('34), Grace Hughes ('37), T—Laura Bahl, Billie Jane Steele, Helen Abram-
too soon as yet to notice any definite results Lucille Berger. Our Mothers' Club is busy, Birmingham. son, Doris Berry, Nancy Mason.
of the experiment. As an additional means of again planning another good time f o r us, 4B
promoting inter-sorority friendship, OtH held sleigh ride i f there is enough snow; i f not, I 6-Florence Griffiths ('37), Gary.
open house f o r the other sororities and frater- a buffet supper at the house.
nities on the campus.
raiaEEm9Himi!^i»iiH9g»i| t j j A R C U . 1934 35
Look for Dorothy Borcherdt at Alpha O Teaches Music at Former Grand President Heads
The Panhellenic Arlington Hall State P. T. A. Marjorie Bcrryman. lota, is a member
of the University of Illinois Varsity De-
T H E ATTRACTIVE POMPEIIAN RESTAURANT - + - NUMBERED among the Atlanta girls mak- L W I T H A NEW SLATE of officers chosen, the bating team. She is also a member of
ing rapid progress in their chosen career
of the Panhellenic in New York boasts of Mississippi Congress of Parents and
a new hostess and she wears the insignia of is Miss Margaret Brandon ( K ) , attractive Teachers today turned interest of its closing
Alpha Omicron Pi. She is Dorothy Borcherdt daughter of Mrs. R. M . Brandon, who re- convention session on plans f o r increased
( X ) . Dorothy is the daughter of M r . and turned this week to Washington, D. C, after membership, recreation and discussion of the
Mrs. W. O. Borcherdt, of 50 Dartmouth Road, spending the holidays with her family in West Exceptional child."
Mountain Lakes, New Jersey. She attended End Park. She teaches music and Latin m I Mrs. C. C. McDonald (NO), Bay St. Louis,
the College of William and Mary from 1928 Arlington Hall, a fashionable finishing school Las elected president of the state association
to 1930 and then Syracuse, until her gradua- for girls, located near Washington, being es- f p r the new year.
tion in 1933, where she majored in Home Eco- pecially talented in music ! The Congress heard outstanding addresses
nomics. She is a member of AEE, honorary •,[ sessions last night f r o m Gov. Sennett Con-
Home Economics; the University Chorus, Last year Miss Brandon was a student at Epr, Dr. N . B. Bond, University, and Miss
and the Sociology Club. Randolph-Macon College, where she majored Mary England, membership chairman for the
in music and language, and received her A. B [National P. T. A. Congress. Gov. Conner ad-
I f you think she isn't enterprising, listen to degree in June, 1933. Madam Blanch Renard,* dressed a dinner meeting, giving a ringing en-
this! While still in school, she assisted in head of the music department of Arlington dorsement of P. T. A. work in its efforts to
running the Graystone Coffee Shop in Wythe- Hall, was in the audience when she graduated [improve educational opportunities in Missis-
ville, Virginia, and after her graduation from f r o m Randolph-Macon, and, recognizing the sippi. Dr. Bond and Miss England addressed
.Syracuse, she started a catering business of unusual talent of the brilliant young musician A general meeting in the State Teachers' Col-
her own in Mountain Lakes which continued asked i f she would like to continue her study lege auditorium which followed the dinner
until she came to the Panhellenic. of music at Arlington Hall. .session.—Jackson (Miss.) Daily.
She is interested in Girl Scout Work, in the Miss Brandon replied in the affirmative, but Grandma Samsell Passes Away
College Club of Mountain Lakes and in the stated that it would be impossible, in view of
Engineering Woman's Gub of New York the fact that she must secure a position, so mm - 4 - A L P H A OMICRON P I extends to Mrs. John-
City. Madam Renard offered her the position of
teacher of music and Latin at Arlington Hall, son, Rho's housemother, sympathy and
The Panhellenic restaurant has a great rep- in order that she might continue her music understanding in the going out of Grandma
utation f o r weddings and engagements. There under her supervision. Samsell from this life. Rho and all who knew
have been nine weddings among the staff of Grandma Samsell miss her. Not even death
dietitians and hostesses in the five years of its Miss Brandon attended the Atlanta public could obliterate the marks of Grandma's char-
existence. Dorothy is replacing Mable Wel- schools and graduated at Girls' High School. acteristic sense of humor and kindliness, it
ton, a ITB*, who came in September, got en- She began her study of music when she en- marked only the end of one road. I t seemed
gaged in October and is to be married in tered Randolph-Macon College and her nat- as i f her eyes might open and that a chuckle
March! ural talent was rapidly developed and as a. might come from her lips at some merry
sophomore she composed all the music for the thought; that her hand might l i f t to caution
Pauline Gellatly Directs sophomore operetta. one to stop some foolishness. She was glad to
Children's Play go; her life had been long, beautiful and use-
She has the faculty to concentrate and the ful. Her days at Rho's house were among the
- 4 - T H E CHILDREN'S THEATER presented The ability to work hard. Even during her holiday loveliest things that have happened on North-
visit to Atlanta she devoted five hours a day western's campus. Let not those who love her
Steadfast Tin-soldier Saturday, January to her beloved music. As a schoolgirl in At- grieve, f o r it must be that there is rejoicing in
13, at the Temple theater under the direction lanta, Miss Brandon was favorite among her heaven.
of Miss Howell and Miss Pauline Gellatly classmates and on her vacations spent here she
(Z). is popular with the younger set.—Atlanta Con- Edna Mae Diehl, Psi, has been initiated Delta Eye Specialist Dies
stitution. into IIA9, honorary education frater-
The play, based on the story by Hans Chris- nity. She is vice president of Spanish - f . DR. L. M A U D E CARVILL (A), noted eye spe-
tian Andersen, concerns the adventures of the Alpha O Photographer Speaks Club and treasurer of Psi Chapter at
tin-soldier played by A r t Bailey and the paper to Club cialist, died this afternoon at her home in
doll lady portrayed by Beth Langford. Of the the University of Pennsylvania. Sommerville after an illness of five months.
other characters Lois Patterson and Betty - + - T H E A N N U A L LUNCHEON of the Cornell
Ladd play the part of teddy bears, Margaret Expedition Members Like "A Born at Lewiston, Me., she attended the
Carpenter is the Jack-in-the-box and Virgene Women's Club of New York, of which Goodly Heritage" Chauncy Hall School, Boston; the Sargent
McBride plays Raggedy Ann. Mark Edwards Miss Martha Dudson is president, was given School of Physical Culture ; and was graduated
Doolin, who gave the saxophone solo at the yesterday at the Park Lane. Dr. Livingston R - DR. MARY ELLEN CHASE (T '09), profes- from both T u f t s College and T u f t s Medical
Military ball and who is a student of Miss Farrand, president of Cornell University, was School. She practiced in Sommerville and
Gellatly ( Z ) , will also be featured. the principal speaker and Dr. Charles R- sor of English at Smith College, received Boston f o r twenty-nine years, having been in
Stockard, biologist at the Cornell Medical a thrill a few days ago in the form of a radio- general practice before she specialized in the
Sponsored by m e m b e r s of the Junior school, described the work of the school. Miss gram signed by four members of the Byrd eye.
League, the play will be presented at 9:30 in Margaret Bourke-White ( O n ) , class of '27, Exposition who had just read her latest book,
the morning and at 2:30 in the afternoon. photographer and author, also addressed the 'ji Goodly Heritage. The message which came She was a fellow of the American College
Tickets will be on sale at Walt's music store guests.—New York Times. go Miss Chase read as follows: " A Goodly of Surgeons and was ophthalmologist for the
and at the Temple theater the day of the per- Heritage read with keen enjoyment and appre- New England Hospital for Women and Chil-
formance.—The Daily Nebraska*. ciation of tradition while sailing Antarctic dren in Roxbury and assistant surgeon at the
waters hitherto unseen aboard S.S. Jacob Rup- Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.—New
;pert, Byrd Antarctic Expedition Two."—Maine York Times.
36 To D MA* H . 1934 37
Kappa Members Interested only to Deans and off campus chapters of Q u _ , Ji
in Little Theatre sorority. ^
- + . T H E PRESENT SEASON of the Little Theatre (6) Discussion of Circus to bo sponsn—j
opened in October with the production of by Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. in the sprf*
Panhellenic voted to assist financially, A ^ '
A Murder Has Been Arranged, a ghost story nouncement of meeting f o r those interested
in three acts, by Emlyn Williams. Miss Ethel in helping with the Circus on its various com
Winterficld, of the College faculty, played the mittees. Each sorority asked to send renre*
part of Miss Grozc, which was one of the sentatives to this meeting. l"
leading roles. Miss Aileen McKall Bond was
chairman of the Committee on Costumes, and (7) Dean of Women asked or suggested
Miss Grace Haskins ('29) served as a mem- that sororities arrange luncheons with thei
ber of that committee. Mrs. Henry D. Black- various chapters in the state, to be held an-
well (Virginia Strothcr, K '17) is this year nually and each on a different campus, these
president of the Little Theatre League, and luncheons to be held in place of state dances
Mrs. R. M . Woodson (Dot Manning, '20) is at which very little mixing is done and oni„
on the Board of Directors. The Randolph- a few new acquaintances arc made.
Macon alumna: and faculty are represented on
the standing committees as follows: Stage (8) Dean of Women requested that girls
Settings, Mrs. H . S. Bryant (Lucille Lamar, K take a stand against liquor, stating that she
'24) and Mrs. Lawrence Horton (Rosina thought the control of it on the campus was
Rasch, '24) ; Costumes, Miss Aileen McKall in the hands of the girls.
Bond, chairman; Membership, Mrs. R. M .
Woodson, chairman; Play Reading, Miss (9) Sorority exchange list given:
Mary Ware ('22), and Miss Martha Bell; Ex- AOIT to go to AAA.
tension, Mrs. R. M . Woodson, chairman—R. #M to come to AOII.
i f . IV. C. Alumna: Bulletin.
A Panhellenic Officer's Model
Report For repealing of Panhellenic law prohibiting
decorations of sorority and fraternity houses
DEAR MRS. GLANTZBERC : on Homecoming Day. Every house is asked
Following is the Panhellenic report f r o m to decorate on that day with an expense limit
of ten dollars.
Beta Phi Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
NOVEMBER MEETING I hope this report is satisfactory.
(1) Report by Dean of Women on her BEULAH HOADLEY, B*.
address at National Panhellenic Congress. Indiana University, I.loomington, Ind.
"Future of Panhellenic and Organized
Groups." Margar ( Burdette. Pi Delta, is manager of the Rifle Team. She gained the dxsHnction
of bang one o f the six students at the University of Maryland to get an A average for
L Privileges of wearing pledge pins
2. Worth and ideals of sorority to be held this last semester.
. up by freshmen Alice Wolter, Chi Delta, was chosen
3. The ideal sorority house "Miss Cooperation" at the University
4. Better cooperation needed toward other of Colorado. She is chapter president,
chairman of the Big Sisters, Point
sorority houses System chairman, besides bring a mem-
5. Better and more friendly attitude toward ber of the Senate, the Women's Club
Council, and IV. A. A. Board. She
unorganized girls
6. More extensive use of state alumna: asso- was treasurer of the junior class.
ciations, etc.
(2) Panhellenic Scholarship Cup to be
given to XQ sorority f o r the third consecutive
By vote Panhellenic will continue to award
this cup. A committee was named to pur-
chase a new cup.
(3) Announcement that B20 is no longer
an associate member, but a full member of
National Panhellenic Congress.
(4) Discussion:
May X f l initiate Jane Miller?
May AOIT initiate Lela Scott?
Both votes were affirmative.
(5) Voted that no exchange of Christmas
cards be necessary among sororities and f r a -
ternities on the campus. Cards will be sent
38 To DRAGJJ men, 1934
C|e CWorlh
* " C ^ e *"^^orfe (yCsOob$ at at t k U a O's
PHOTO BY JULIAN STEIN. Martha Ann Shepardson, Alpha I au Gretchcn Schraoff, Zcectiaa, U managing
The role of Venus in "The Gardener's Dog," a comedy by Lope De Vega, given by the received an award for having the eodf itoNr eborfaskthae YCeoarrnbhouoskk. University
highest grades in the enrollment at
Wisconsin Players in Milwaukee, was played by Cat of Dela Hunt, Eta. Denison Univeidrs'eitnyi. of SAhOe. i's vice pres She is tht
first woman on the campus to hold
t thhee ppoossiittiioonn..
Pauline Gellatly, Zeta, directs plays for E, Marion Tomlinson, Epsilon Alpha, Ruth Ferguson, Iota, was Junior Prom Madre Brown, Phi, is president of
the Children's Theatre at the ifniver- is a debater at Pennsylvania State Col- queen at the University of Illinois. Panhellenic at the University of Kansas.
sity of Nebraska. "The Steadfast Tin lege, president of AAA. debating hono-
Soldier," is the last one presented. rary, member of the "Froth" staff and
Pauline belongs to the Lincoln Junior
on the La Vic" board.
40 To fcjicn. 1934 41
Evelyn Krause, Alpha Gamma, is as- May Layne, Sigma, is chairman of Intrcducing N. P. C.'s 1933 Why didn't all the present active members
sistant editor of the "Chinook," Wash- intramural sports for W. A. A. at the Model help organize N . P. C ?
ington State College's Yearbook, treas- University of California, a member of
urer of M*E, secretary of TAX, a guard the Women's Executive Committee, and E L " W H A T I S N . P. C ? " "What does N . P. C. Because some of them were not yet born,
on the senior basketball team, and on the Senior Commission. She rep- I do?" because some had not yet become national in
earned a key for five semesters' work resented Sigma in the Livingston so- I Those questions are often asked visiting f r a - character, because some were not then strictly
iternity officers: the first one g e n e r a l l y by college fraternities but had chapters also in
on the "Evergreen." rority fashipn show. felomnx, the second by college girls. normal and preparatory schools, and because
F s i n c e in the fall of 1933 N . P. C. met a few, perhaps, preferred to wait and see i f
(tor the twenty-third time (some time before the movement was a wise one before partici-
fcyou read this), its Publicity committee deems pating in such a novel enterprise. The years
i'-this an opportune time to broadcast informa- since N . P. C. was organized have witnessed a
• tion that may satisfy this general curiosity rapid growth in the number and importance of
about N . P. C. national college fraternities for women. To-
day the approximate number of such college
What does N . P. C. stand for? fraternities is 45, most of whom may in time
t National Panhellenic Congress, qualify f o r N . P. C. membership. The increas-
r What is the National Panhellenic Congress. ing demand for fraternity life at colleges al-
[' A gathering of official and visiting delegates ready established, and in possible new colleges,
^representing women's national fraternities. may any month add to the number of such
Who are delegates?
i_ An official delegate is a fraternity officer des- How does a fraternity get to be an active
ignated by the executive council of a fraternity member?
MO be its representative at an N . P. C. meeting.
[Visiting delegates are all other fraternity of- The seven fraternities that, in 1902, accepted
ficers attending any meeting of N . P. C. the invitation of Alpha Phi to meet together
h How many fraternities belong to N. P. C? to discuss rushing, became members automati-
I Today 23 fraternities hold active member- cally as organizers. Other fraternities, joined
i ships. by invitation, or by petition. I n 1905, when
f Who are the 23? there were 11 member fraternities, standards
I Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha f o r further admissions were set up as follows:
Delta Theta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omi- "No fraternity having less than five chapters,
feron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha X i Delta, Beta Phi or that has a single chapter in a school below
[Alpha, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta collegiate rank may be admitted."
Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa
[Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gam- These regulations were altered, or elaborated
raa, Phi M u , Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa, Theta in detail, by various congresses, until today
fijpsilon, Zeta Tau Alpha, Beta Sigma Omi- membership is by petition; with recommenda-
Sron, Phi Omega Pi. tion by an N. P. C. committee and a unanimous
vote of delegates admitting, first to associate
Helen McFerran, Pi Delta, is sponsor Jo Anne Abercrombie, Chi Delta, had ...
of First Battalion of R. 0. T. C, a important roles in the Homecoming
member of the Women's Senior Honor play, "Cock Robin," and in "The Lone What will become of the sorority lodges at Swarthmorc now that sororities have been
Society and GV, honorary home eco- Sentinel," a Little Theatre play, at abolished there?
nomics sorority, at the University of
the University of Colorado.
42 T O PRAGMA jtfAKCH- 1934
membership, from which a group may progress lary meetings w e d g e d i n t o congress " f r
hours" such as round tables f o r fraternity ed'C
to active membership, after four years as an tors, presidents, central office
associate member, i f it has been established ten workers,
years and has at least ten chapters, the young- have come to be so highly valued by those wh*'
est at least two years old. The original rules participate in them, that they may run a « J |
as to collegiate standards and number of chap- with the show, become the main features of
ters are still the basis f o r admission as asso- future congresses.
ciate members. How is the N . P. C. financed?
Each fraternity is assessed $25 per year Alpha Omicron Pi
What is the purpose of N . P. C ? which provides funds f o r carrying on the work*
"To maintain on a high plane fraternity life of committees, purchasing supplies, paying fn-
and interfraternity relationships, to cooperate prlnting of reports, etc. Travelling and h o S
with college a u t h o r i t i e s in their efforts to expenses f o r the official and visiting delegates Founded at Barnard College, New York City, January 2, 1897
maintain high social and scholarship standards of each fraternity are the concern of that f r ?
throughout the whole college, and to be a ternity. CENTRAL OFFICE
forum f o r the discussion of questions of inter- What is the relation of N. P. C. to C o l W . Masonic Building, Box 262, State College, Pa.
est to the college and fraternity world." I'anhellenics?
How can the 1933 meeting be the twenty- Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B*.
third meeting of an organization founded in A sort of mother and grown-up daughter
1902? relationship. N . P. C. met originally to discuss FOUNDERS OF ALPHA OMICRON PI
From 1902 to 1915 the congress met annual- rushing evils. It involved a plan of organize Jessie Wallace Hughan, A, 171 West 12th Street, New York, N . Y .
ly, after that date sessions have been biennial. lions on college campuses that should agree on Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , A, 70 Pine Street, New York, N . Y .
Where did the 23rd congress meet, and rules to govern rushing activities, work for j Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , A 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N.Y.
when? friendly feeling among fraternities, and for co- Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N.J.
At the Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, Oc- operation in service to their individual college^
tober 12-14, 1933. communities, these organizations to be called1
How many delegates were present at this College Panhellenics. To the fraternity first OFFICERS
meeting? established on a campus was given the respon-
sibility of organizing the college Panhellenic. Wtfesidetit—Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) , B4>, 127 South Sparks Street, State
Twenty-one official active delegates and four on that campus; such college Panhellenic to be] College, Pa.
official associate delegates. formed on every campus where two or more- Kecrelary—Anne Jeter Nichols (Mrs. Edward J.), K, Box 262, State College, Pennsylvania.
What is the administrative set-up of N . P. C.
X. P. C. groups had chapters. X. P. C. provided, [Treasurer—Helen Haller, ft, 2138 La Salle Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.
An executive committee of three, who act a simple model constitution f o r these college Vice President—Muriel Turner McKinney ( M r s . Verne W . ) , A, 528 North Formosa Avenue,
groups, a few generally agreed u[>on rules, and I Los Angeles, Calif.
respectively as president, secretary, treasurer a court of appeal in case no load settlement
of the organization. The executive committee of some friction could be found. Then it left Second I'ire President—Mary Danielson Drummond (Mrs. Warren C ) , A*, 610 Hinman Ave-
is supplemented by a number of standing com- every college Panhellenic to work out its own- nue, Evanston, III.
mittees, every active member fraternity having destiny in keeping with conditions on its cam-;
a representative on at least one of these com- pus; N . P. C. like the mother of a grown-up Historian—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York,
mittees. daughter, being always ready to apsrkofefder advice N.Y.
(and more concrete aid), when to do sof
What do these standing committees do? —but otherwise keeping its hands off. So, dear Assistant Historian—Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N . J.
Their titles define their functions, so read alumna, when you are not satisfied with fra- .Editor of To P R A G M A — W i l m a Smith Leland ( M r s . Leland F . ) , T , 2642 University Avenue, S t
the titles:
Eligibility and n a t i o n a l i z a t i o n of social Paul, Minn.
groups ternity conditions at your Alma Mater, don't NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONGRESS
College I'anhellenics continue to "wonder why N . P . C . doesn't do I
("ity ranhellenics something about i t " but remember it is not \Chairman—Mrs. A. M . Redd, KAPPA DELTA, Peachburg, Ala. 35 Claremont Avenue,
Studv of social standards N . P. C.'s business, but the business of you canodl- Son Panhellenic Delegate—Pinckney Estes Glantzberg (Mrs. Ernst),
Study of personnel of executive the rest of the fratern ity alumnae of that New York, N . Y.
What legislation does N . P. C. enact?
None, its functions are merely advisory. It lar, working in friendly cooperation with the DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS
recommends action to fraternities, and is the
medium through which results of fraternity college members of your chapters, to solve the ' tlantic District (Nu, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Chi, Great Lakes District (Rho, Tau, Eta. Omicron Pi,
action on N.P.C. recommendations, are an- local difficulties. Psi, Epsilon Alpha)—Edith Ramsey Collins (Mrs. Beta Tau. Iota)—Dorothy Womrath. Tau. 3215
nounced, such announcement of ratification by [ G. Rowland), Nu. 302 West 12th Street, New Irving Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn.
all member fraternities, changing recommen- A t the same time, don't forget, college and [ York, N. Y.
dations into effective legislation. alumna; fraternity members, that N . P. C. i n tSouthcrn District (Kappa, Omicron, Alpha Pi, Pi Mid Western District (Zeta, Phi, Chi Delta)—Edith
What beside such transfer of recommenda- interested in your problems, and ready at all'J ¥ Delta, Delta Phi)—Ann Anderson Sale (Mrs. W. Hall Lansing (Mrs. Harry W . ) . Zeta, 1537 C
tions into effective legislation, does N . P. C. times, to send you helpful suggestions, to seek F Goodridge, Jr.), Kappa, Welch. W. Va. Street, IJncoTn, Neb.
accomplish? to influence all chapters through their own na- fSouth Central District (Pi, Tau Delta, Nu Omicron,
Many, so called, intangibles, such as serving tional administrative units, and in every way I Kappa Omicron, Nu Kappa)—Charlotte Voss Kear- Pacific District (Sigma, Lambda, Kappa Theta)—
as an exchange for experiences and methods to holster up all local efforts to make fra- k ney (Mrs. Richard A., Jr.), Pi, Azalea Court, Mo- Claire MacGregor, Lambda, Box 1367, Stanford
of approaching and s o l v i n g administrative ternity life a vital, dependable element in canv • f bile, Alabama. University, Calif.
problems f r o m which every fraternity receives pus life. [Ohio Valley District (Theta. Beta Phi, Omega, Beta
valuable ideas; the development of interfra- i Theta, Theta Eta, Alpha Tau)—Katherine Davis, Pacific Northwest District (L'psilon, Alpha Phi. Alpha
ternity understanding and friendship which in f Theta, 2403 East Market Street, New Albany, Ind. Sigma, Alpha Rho, Beta Kappa, Alpha Gamma)—
turn improves interfraternity relations all over Elizabeth Stow Norgore, (Mrs. Martin), Epsilon,
the country; the free discussion of college and 3403 West 71st Street, Seattle, Washington.
fraternity problems which lead toward their
solution. In fact its intangibles and the auxil- What is the relation of N . P. C. to city Pan- STATE OR PROVINCE C H A I R M E N OF A L U M N A
A sort of step-sister relation. N . P. C. had labama— Cornelia Lamb Rountree (Mrs. Walter B.), Colorado (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah)—
nothing to do with starting city Panhellenics. Nu Omicron. 216 2nd Street, Thomas Station, Birm- Mary Virginia Wells, Chi Delta, 2929 South Broad-
Like Topsy, city P a n h e l l e n i c s just grew, ingham, Ala. way, Englewood, Colo.
springing up spontaneously in various places. ifornia—Lucile Curtis English (Mrs. Walter A . ) ,
Soon they were asking N.P.C. to answer ques- Lambda, 502 North Plymouth Boulevard, Los Georgia (Florida, North and South Carolina)—Eliza-
tions that arose, f o r program suggestions, etc Angeles, Calif. beth MacQuiston Nichols (Mrs. John M., J r . ) , Nu
So N . P. C. appointed a standing committee on j [Canada (Eastern, Foreign)—Jessie I. Grant, Beta Kappa, 1896 Wycliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia.
city Panhellenics that helps these grout*. » Tau. Apt. 107, 2 SuTtan Street. Toronto, Ont.,
Canada. Illinois—Dorothy Duncan, Rho, 225 Wood Court,
tCanada (Western)—Kathleen Cumming, Beta Kappa, Wilmette, III.
I No. 2, 1994 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B. C ,
I Canada. Indiana (Kentucky)—Hannah Blair Neal (Mrs.
Hershel). Beta Phi, 813 North Maple. Bloomiiigton,
Kansas (Missouri)—Derneice Petersen, Phi, 5307 Vir- New York (Metropolitan Area)—Josephine S. Prut 1 ALPHA RHO President—Meriam THETA ETA
ginia, Kansas City, Mo. nati, O. Hatton, 2925 Cleinview, Cincin-
at 7:30.
Louisiana—Willie Wynn White, Pi, Box 1550, Alex- Alpha, 250 East 105th Street, New York, N. Y . } I Ho*'e Address—2332 Monroe Street, Corvallis, Ore. Meetings—Mondays
andria, Louisiana. New York (exclusive of metropolitan district—Carol' president—Marie Dew. BETA TAU
House Address—Apt. 107, 2 Sultan Street, Toronto,
Maine (New Hampshire, Vermont)—Estella Beaupre, L . Kendall, Chi, Sunset Knoll, Horseheads, N. y. I tytetings—Mondays at 7:30.
Gamma, 396 Hammond Street, Bangor, Me. Ohio—Ruth Cox Segar (Mrs. William), Omega, 19M CHI DELTA Ontario, Canada.
President—Margaret Christilaw.
Maryland (Delaware, District of Columbia)—Eliza- Benson Drive, Dayton, O. I House Address—1015 15th Street, Boulder, Colo. Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
beth Sears Boulden (Mrs. John S.), Eta, 6101 President—Alice Wolter.
Blackburn Lane, Cedarcroft, Baltimore, Md. Oklahoma—Pauline Mills Edwards (Mrs. Warren HAI ALPHA TAU
[ Ugetii'iis Mondays.
Massachusetts (Connecticut, Rhode Island)—Alice J . Xi, 1220 West 39th. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Spear, Delta, 32 Pierce Street, Hyde Park, Mass. Oregon (Idaho)—Gwendolyn Mctzgar, Alpha Sigm» BETA THETA President—Mary Estey, Gilpatrick Hall, Granville,
Michigan—Virginia Van Zandt Snider (Mrs. George 1702 S. E . 57th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. ^ House Address—714 Berkeley Road, Indianapolis, Ohio.
R . ) , Omicron Pi, 14026 Northlawn Avenue, De- £ Ind.
troit, Mich. Pennsylvania—Elizabeth Martin, Epsilon Alpha, 6132 | KtfesiJeiit—Mary Alice Burch. Meetings—Monday afternoons.
^Bltttings—Wednesdays at 7:30. BETA KAPPA
Minnesota—Irene Fraser, Tau, 1214 22nd Avenue PMreeBes.tiidneCgnst,——CFAaivrnissatda.aHnadll,th8i1r2d0 Cartier Street. Vancouver,
North, Minneapolis, Minn. Lebanon Avenue, West Philadelphia, Pa. ALPHA PI Tuesday of month at 4:30.
Tennessee—Frapces McKee, Nu Omicron, Pixis Aptt. i House Address—AOII House, Tallahassee, Fla.
Montana (North and South Dakota, Wyoming) — Wpresideut—Beth Kehler.
Berniece Crane Low man (Mrs. Harold), Alpha 3. Nashville. Tenn. I Meetings—Mondays at 9:00. ALPHA GAMMA
Phi, Poison, Mont. House Address—1407 Opal Street, Pullman, Wash.
Texas—Alvira Lehrer Stephens (Mrs. Russell S.ljl President—Carolyn Wolters.
Nebraska (Iowa)—Margaret Moore Gorton (Mrs. Meeting—Each Monday at 7:00 p. m.
Donald), Zeta, Tecumseh, Neb. Omega, 882 Santos Street, Abilene, Texas.
New Jersey—Thelma Robertson Mitchell (Mrs. Ed- Virginia (West Virginia)—Louise Wolff, Kappa, 1421 EPSILON ALPHA DELTA P H I
ward), Chi, 245 Claremont Road, Ridgewood, N. J. South Adams Street. Petersburg, Va. President—Eulee Lide, Women's Dormitory, Colum-
\ House Address—SOW House. State College, Pa.
Washington—Beryl Dill Kneen (Mrs. Orville H.), President- F.thel Filbert. bia, S. C.
Upsilon, East 1107 Liberty Avenue, Spokane, Wash. Meetings—Monday evenings at 8:00.
I Meetings—Monday evenings.
Wisconsin—Ruth Lawlor MacFadden (Mrs. Harry 4
A C T I V E C H A PAT.)E, RNSu, 124 Lisbon Road, Oconomowoc, Wiscon-
President—Virginia Rembert, 2031 State Street, New UPSILON NEW YORK President—Evelyn Allen, Kappa, 1012 Federal Street.
Orleans, La. House Address—1906 East 45th Street, Seattle, Wash.
at 4:30. President—Alice McLean. president—Mabel Anderson Mclndoe (Mr«. Robert Lynchburg, Va.
Meetings—Mondays Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. F L.). Nu, 2538 Creston Avenue, Bronx, New York, Meetings—
Nu Nu KAPPA Meetings—Arranged by Executive Committee. President—Ellen Jane Keiser Beavens (Mrs. E .
HoNu.seY.Address—13 Christopher Street, New York, PreTseidxe. nt—Irma Sigler, AOII Box, S.M.U., Dallas, Arthur). Pi Delta, 216 10th Street, S. E . , Wash-
President—Elinor Dickey. Meetings— Mondays at 4:00, 5625 McComas, Dallas. I SAN FRANCISCO ington, D. C.
Meetings—Mondays at 6:00. esident—Delight Frederick, Sigma, 2929 Ashby Meetings—Third Thursday of month.
BETA P H I gAvenue, Berkeley, Calif.
OMICRON HoIunsde. Address—703 East 7th Street, Illoomington. eetings—First Monday of month.
President—Ann Wagner, 1618 West Cumberland Ave- President—Mary Sullivan. PROVIDENCE DALLAS
Meetings—Monday evenings. President—Margaret Harris WcddiiiRton (Mrs. W.
nue, Knoxville, Tenn. president—Merle Mosier Potter (Mrs. Alfred L . ) ,
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. , Epsilon, 209 University Avenue, Providence, R. I. Howard), Nil Kappa, 4032 Hershall Blvd.. Dallas,
meetings—Second Saturday of month, October to Texas.
KAPPA ETA I June. Meetings—First Friday of mouth at noon.
President— Ruby Reed, R.M.W.C., Lynchburg. Va. Langdon Street, Madison, Wis.
Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00. House Address—616 Knell. BOSTON PHILADELPHIA
President—Katherine president—Mildred Ward Eldridge (Mrs. Raymon
ZETA Meetings—Mondays. L W.;, Delta, 108 Tappan Street, Brookline. Mass. President—Marian Culin, Psi, 820 North 41st Street,
wieetmgs—Last Saturday of month? MePethinilgasd—elFpihrsiat , PSaa. turday of month.
House Address—1541 S Street, Lincoln, Neb. ALPHA P H I LINCOLN KANSAS C I T V
President—Marjorie Ley. HoMusoent. Address—119 South 6th Street. Bozeman,
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. 'President—Bonnie Hess Drake {Mrs. Hugh), Zeta, President—Ruth Elledge, Phi, 4044 Baltimore, Kansas
2427 Parke Avenue, Lincoln. Neb. MeCeititnyg, s—MSoe.cond Tuesday of month.
SIGMA President—Mary Balkovatz.
House Address—2311 Prospect Meetings—Tuesday evenings. Meetings—Second Saturday noon, October to June.
Calif. Avenue, Berkeley, Nu OMICRON OMAHA
President—Jean Coughlin. President—Mary Eleanor Rodenhauser, president—Jane Wallace Graham (Mrs. Harold S.).
Meetings—Mondays. 308 20tb .Zeta, 127 North Dillon Street, Ix>s Angeles, Calif. President—Mabel Salmon Shuman (Mrs. William F . ) ,
Avenue West, Nashville, Tenn. eetings—Fourth Saturday of month, September to Zeta, 2209 Spencer Street, Omaha, Neb.
THETA Meetings—Saturday afternoons. May.
CHICAGO Meetings—First Saturday of month.
House Address—AOII House, Greencastle, Ind. P»i tral Chairman—Katherine Bach Keller (Mrs. Ted SYRACUSE
President—Elizabeth Gadient. President—Frances Hadley, 210 West Maple Street. W.), Eta, 6318 Kenwood. Chicago, III.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. orth Shore Chairman Gretchen Baarsch, Rho, 2125 President—Grace Stowell Keller (Mrs. Walter J . ) ,
Merchantville, N. J . Ridge Avenue, Evanston, III. Chi, 920 Ackermann Avenue, Syracuse, New York.
DELTA Meetings—Monday evenings.
Meetings—Last Friday of month.
est Side Chairman— Lola Busian Burkhardt (Mrs. DETROIT
Victor F . ) , Rho, 4723 Lawn. Western Springs, III.
President—Phyllis Howard. Metcalf Hall, Tufts Col- PHI Street. Lawrence. eetings—By arrangement. President—Ernestene Wagner, Omicron Pi, 2081 West
lege, Mass. House Address—1144 Louisiana Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:15. Kansas. esident—Mary Gertrude Marbaugh (Mrs. Theodore Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30.
President—Eleanor Massman. P.), Beta Phi, 5826 Wintlirop Avenue, Indianapolis
GAMMA Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. Ind. NASHVILLE Arlington,
President—Ruth Walenta, North Hall, Orono, Me. 'Meetings— President—Lucy Cooper, Omicron, 901
M eetings—Mondays. OMEGA
NEW ORLEANS Nashville, Tenn.
EPSILON President—Gwendolyn Williams. 57 Wells Hall, Ox- Meetings—Second Saturday of month.
House Address—The Knoll, Ithaca, N. Y . ford, Ohio. evenings. president—Beverly Walton, Pi, 607 Nashville, New
President—Helen Fagan. Orleans, La. CLEVELAND
Meetings—Sunday evenings. Meetings—Wednesday
Meetings—First Wednesday of mouth. President—Marion Rothaar, Omega, 8104 Euclid, No.
OMICRON P I MINNEAPOLIS 17, Cleveland, Ohio.
Rno House Address—1119 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, Mich- President—Mary Pettit, Tau, 45 Luverne Avenue, Meetings—Alternate third Monday evenings and Sat-
House Address—626 Emerson Street, Evanston, III. President—Helen Gray. Minneapolis, Minn. urday noon luncheons of month.
President—Virginia Spiers. Meetings—Monday evenings. eetings—Second Tuesday of each month.
Meetings—Monday evenings. BANGOR MEMPHIS
ALPHA SIGMA esident—Katherine Stewart, Gamma, 247 Hammond
IOTA House Address—1680 Alder Street, Eugene, Ore. .Street, Bangor, Me. President—Pauline Barton Newton (Mrs. George L . ) ,
Ho1u1s1e. Address—704 South Mathews Street, Urbana, President—Patricia McKenna. eetings—Third Saturday of month from September Kappa Omicron, 1613 Peabody, Memphis, Tenn.
President—Catherine McCord. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. •o June.
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Last Wednesday of mouth, 3:30.
House Address—AOII House, College Park, Md. MILWAUKEE
President—Sarah Louise Short.
LAMBDA Meetings—Tuesdays at 7:00. President—Lenice Goodrich Hoffman (Mrs. Gilbert),
Mailing Address—Box 1367, Eta, 3013 North Cramer Street. Milwaukee, Wis.
Calif. President—Elizabeth Smith, 1026 16th Avenue, Birm- Meetings—First Tuesday of month, 7:30.
President—Eunice Force.
Meetings—Mondays. ingham, Ala. PORTLAND BIRMINGHAM
Meetings—Every other Wednesday at supper. President—Evelyn M. Hogue, Alpha Sigma, 2509
Stanford University, f | N . E . Flanders Street. Portland Ore. President—Gertrude Moore, Tau Delta, 1101 16th
"retings—Second Thursday evening of month, Octo- Avenue, South, Birmingham, Ala.
I her to June.
Meetings—Second Saturday of month. 1:00 in Tau
Delta room.
President—Winona Flanders, Upsilon, 5015 21st President—Genevieve Bacon Herrington (Mrs. Al-
House Address—1121 5th Street S.E., Minneapolis, KAPPA THETA .Street, N . E . , Seattle, Wash.
Minn. bert), X i , 940 East Drive, Oklahoma City, Okla.
HoCuaselif. Address—894 Hilgard, West Los Angele* s'oo***—^econ<' ^ ' 0 , 1 " a y °f month at chapter house, Meetings—Second Thursday of month.
President—Irma Hammerbacher. President—Hildegarde Mohan.
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30. Meetings—Mondays. KNOXVILLE CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE
Resident—Lucy S. Morgan, Omicron, 2424 Kingston President—Janet Ramey Weissmiller (Mrs. R. R.),
CHI ^ >l k e Knoxville, Tenn.
Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30. Zeta, 7844 Clyde, Chicago. 111.
"N" Y ^ ^ —r t S S 603 University Avenue, Syracuse, KAPPA OMICRON Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at 6:30.
President— Mary Laughlin. 17 North Belvedere, M*"1'
President—GGlaidaydsy Lunn.
M eetings—Morulaay evenings. phis, Tenn.
Meetings—Friday at 2:30.
MADISON ROCHESTER Alumnae-We Need Your Help!
Pre.<ident—1.« abel Thomson Peterson (Mrs. Wilbur President—Helen Howalt Lowe (Mrs. T. Gaylordll
AOTI Central Office
JOi Eta, 1553 Adams Street, Madison, Wis. Chi, 227 Mulberry Street, Rochester, N. Y. 9 Box 262
Meetings—Second Wednesday of month at 6:30 at Meetings—Fourth Tuesday evening of month. State College,
Memorial Union Building. DAYTON I haven't sent m y 1934 N a t i o n a l Alumna? D u e s of $1.50, w h i c h are n o w due,
President—Ruth Shatsnider Haas (Mrs. Alfred) so here they are. Below is my name and correct address.
Picsident—Helen Duncan, Beta Phi, 320 North Wash- Omega, 3815 East Third Street, Dayton, Ohio, m (Money Order Remittances Preferred)
Meetings—First Friday of month.
ington Street, Bloominglon, lnd. Name: Married -- -
Meetings—Second and fourth Wednesdays of month. SAN DIEGO Permanent Address: Maiden
President—Katherine Williams Robinson (Mrs. Brucel
DENVER Mailing Address for To D R A G M A :
President—Dorothy Gannon, Zcta, 1301 Sherman H.), Pi Delta, 3675-8th Avenue, San Diego, Calif, i
Meetings—Fourth Thursday of month.
Street, Denver, Colo.
Meetings—Second Monday evening of month. NEW JERSEY
President—Dorothy Catlaw, Nu, 54 Euclid Avenue,
President—Hope Johnson Tiemeyer (Mrs. E . H.), Hackensack, N. J .
Meetings—Second or third Saturday afternoon of
Thcta Eta, 5711 Marmion Lane. Bond Hill. Cin-
cinnati, Ohio month.
Meetings—Second Thursday of month.
TULSA President—Dale Davis Clark (Mrs. Howard). EpsilonJ
President—E>\i\i Mae Brooks Hill (Mrs. Murl F . ) ,
134 West Eagle Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Xi, 1048 East 37th Street, Tulsa. Okla. Meetings—Third Monday of month.
Meetings—First Thursday of month at 2:00.
ANN ARBOR President—Eva Adams Miller (Mrs. John T. B . ) , EtSv]
President—Blossom Bacon, Omicron Pi, 517 East
485 Gramatan Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
Madison, Ann Arbor, Mich. M eetings—
Meetings—First Tuesday of month.
FORT WAYNE President—Elizabeth MacQuiston Nichols (Mrs. John
President—Mildred Schneider Eichenseher (Mrs. Ar-
M. J r . L Nu Kappa, 1896 Wycliff Road, N.W., At-
thur), Beta Phi, 2940 Oliver Street, Fort Wayne. lanta, Ga.
Meetings—Second Monday of month. Meetings— Second and fourth Wednesdays at 3 P.M.
President—Evelyn Wissmath Gauger (Mrs. Earl), President—Edith Burnside Whiteford (Mrs. Koger)J
Iota, 3211 University Street, St. Louis, Missouri. Pi Delta, 3508 Clifton Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Meetings—Third Monday of month. Meetings—First Wednesday of month.
COMMITTEES ON NATIONAL WORK Scholarship Officer—Alice Cull nane, Beta Phi, Box | Chapter:
I. Fellowship Award—Honorary Chairman, Second 262. State College. Pa.
Vice President; Chairman, Octavia Chapin, Delta, National Library Chairman—Fay Morgan, Omicron,i
102 Summer Street, Medford, Mass. 2424 Kingston- Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. Information Blank for Personnel Department
Atlantic—Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha. 171 West
12th Street, New York, N. Y . Committee on Examination—Chairman, Knoxie I desire to place, m y name on file w i t h the personnel department i n order that
Southern—Dorothy Greve Jarnagin (Mrs. Milton Faulk Johnson (Mrs. Eugene), Tau Delta, 2301- National Alpha Omicron P i may call on me for volunteer service. I have paid
P.), Omicron, 630 Milledge Circle, Athens, Ga. 15th Avenue, South, Birmingham, Ala. my national dues for 1934.
South Central—Gladys Anne Renshaw, Pi, 3369
State Street Drive, New Orleans, La. Atlantic—Edna Faust Rignall (Mrs. Raymond H.), Name:
Ohio Valley—Katharyn Hoadley Fell (Mrs. John Chi, 110 North Fairview Ave., Kingston, N. Y.
E . ) , Beta Phi, 1935 South Armstrong Street, Address: Office held: Y e a r of Graduation
Kokomo, lnd. Southern—Ellen Jane Keiser Beavens (Mrs. E - Chapter:
Great Lakes—Albertina Maslen, Omicron Pi, 2496 Arthur), Pi Delta, 216 10th Street, S.E., Wash-
La Salle Gardens South, Detroit, Mich. in gton, D. C. T y p e of Service desired:
Mid-Western—Marjorie Stafford, Xi, 519 W. Com- (Chaperon; alumna adviser; inspection, secretarial, or journalistic work;
manche, Norman, Okla. South Central—Frances Rodenhauser, Nu Omicron,
Pacific—Carrie Bright Kistler (Mrs. Lewis A.), 308-20th Ave.. North, Nashville, Tenn. transfer or colonization.)
Sigma, 1046 South Wilton, l-os Angeles, Calif
Pacific Northwest— Hazel Britton, Upsilon, 638 Cen- Ohio Valley— Marjorie B. Schaefer. Beta Theta, Training:
tral Building, Seattle, Wash. 1513 High Street, Logansport, lnd.
I I . Social Service—^Chairman, Second Vice President; N E W S F O R To DRAGMA
Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira (Mrs. E . C ) , Rho, Midwestern—Eleanor Rench, Eta, 5544 Chamber- (Send interesting news about yourself and other A O I I ' s )
1340 Glen Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Vera lain, St. Louis, Mo.
Riebel, Rho, 1541 East 60th Street, Chicago, III. (OVER)
District Superintendents. Great Lakes—Edna L . Kline, Iota, 7009 Calumet
Avenue. Chicago, III.
Chairman—Ermina Smith Price (Mrs. Chester A . ) , Pacific—Cornelia Christmas Bishop (Mrs. H. F . ) t
Kappa Theta, 4628 Franklin Avenue. Los An-
lota, 515 Springfield Avenue, Wyoming, Ohio. geles, Calif.
Atlantic—Marguerite Pillsbury Schoppe (Mrs. Wil-
Pacific Northwest—Elsie Jones, Alpha Rho, 3630
liam F . ) , Gamma, R. F . I). 4, Auburn, Me. Merges Drive, N . E . , Portland, Ore.
Southern—Mary B. Broughton, Kappa, 38 Twelfth
Street, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Chairman—Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. Frank-
South Central—Nannette Tomlinson Carr (Mrs. W.
lyn I I . ) , Tau, 1600 Portland Avenue, St. Paul,
Jolley), Pi, Second Street, Gulfport, Miss. Minn.
Ohio Valley—Mary Gertrude Manley Marbaugh Members—District Superintendents.
(Mrs. Theodore P.). Beta Phi, 5826 Winthrop COMMITTEE ON JEWELRY
Avenue, Indianapolis, lnd. C/i<ii'rma»i—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George
Great Lakes—Eva R. Jervis, Rho, 208 Summit
Street, Rockford, III. H.), Alpha, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N. Y.
Midwestern—Lillian Dickman Bihler (Mrs. Ernest), Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, 171 West l 2 »
Zeta, 4201 North 22nd Street, Omaha, Neb. Street, New York, N. Y .
Pacific—Virginia Clay, Kappa Theta, 364 South
Pacific Northwest—Katherine Mayhew, Alpha Sigma, Chairman—Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George
871 Montgomery Drive, Portland, Oce.
V . ) , Alpha, 70 Pine Street, New York, N. »•
Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George Josephine S. Pratt, Alpha, 250 East 105th Street
New York, N. Y. Term expires June, 1935. ^
H.), Alpha, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N. Y. Elizabeth Roberts Cole (Mrs. Kenneth), Sigma, 12'
Life Members—The Founders, Laura Hurd, Up- West Uth Street, New York, N. Y. Term ex-
pires June, 1937.
silon, 4756 University Way, College Center, Se-
attle, Wash., Rose Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John), CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS COMMITTEE
Sigma, Box 437, Davis, Calif. Chairman—Secretary.
Members—Executive Committee.
Associate Member—lone Barrett, Epsilon, Box 2S*<
Katonah, N. Y .
Chairman—Janet M. Howry, Tau, 1664 Van Bureo
Street, St. Paul, Minn.
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so Child's Life goes to him. There's nothing so certain to be an accept- SATISFIED CUSTOMERS
able gift as a magazine subscription. I f it is a duplicate, the subscrip-
tion is merely extended. It's a monthly reminder of thoughtfulness.
Franklin Square Agency pays A l p h a Omicron Pi an agent's com-;
mission on all subscriptions entered through the Central Office. This
money is helping to bring a new aspect on life to our neighbors in the
Kentucky hills. D U R I N G the first year of its life as a publishing organization,
T H E F R A T E R N I T Y P R E S S has done satisfactory printing and publish-
Won't vou help by making this a magazine-gift Easter, Mother's ing for a number of well known fraternities and sororities, including
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one magazine.
American Magazine $ 2.50 Ladies' Home Journal 1.00 Delta, Pi Delta Epsilon, Phi Lambda Up-
Atlantic Monthly 4.00 Liberty 2.00
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Mrs. E d w a r d J. Nichols
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Lcland F . Leland, President
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Alpha Omicron Pi.
»'» MAY
flLong before the day of VOLUME X X K • NUMBER 4
Codes and Blue Eagles the
L . G. Balfour Company es-
tablished its own code of
business ethics—much of
which has been incorpo-
rated in the present Jew-
elry Code.
Owned and operated by the H i e Highway ]" y , - ' - . , . , . . . , . Jean Lackey
Employees on a profit-
sharing basis with the fra- "bnsider Our Heritage The Editor
ternities, free from outside
financial dictation or other Rlfhitby 106 ... . Sister Antonirte
obligations, responsible
only to our customers, we lans for Successful Rush Parties . . . * . Chapter Reporters
carry onward with the full
confidence of our associates T H E BALFOUR Access in Effeminacy Attends Dr. Drant . Elizabeth & Martin
and pledge our continued BLUE BOOK
good faith as— R J I Alpha Omicron Pi Fellow Writes from France . Janet Martin
Your Badge
WE DO OUR MITT Price List |lho's Twenty-fifth Birthday Catherine Lang
Sent Upon Rei"**
Sole Official Jeweler to Alpha Omicron Pi