Fraternlly Jewelry
f w Fraternity people:
avors by Balfour carry an assurance of satisfaction that has gained the confidence of the entire world o f Greek letter organizations.
No effort has been spared to create an array of favors that can rightfully recognize no equal, in un-
limited selection and enduring quality. L*G*Balfour Company
Sole Official Jewelers to Alpha Omicron Pi BRANCH OFFICES
New York Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburgh Kansas City Denver
Washington Columbus Atlanta Richmond Ann Arbor Dallas Ithaca
Indianapolis Des Moines San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle
State College
Vol. XXIII MAY, 1928
No. 4
Alpha O's in the Daily Press Active Alpha O's
The Bulletin Board—Calendar The Active Chapters
The Alumnae Chapters Alumnae Notes
Directory of Officers
52 53 54 56
• 57 85 101 126
To Alpha Omicron Pi—By Stella G. S. Perry 2 Sunshine Farmers Raise Health 3 Oklahoma Greets Second Chapter 11 Make Me Some Medicine 12 Edith Dupre Helps Flood Sufferers 14 Westward Ho—Around the World 15 I Count Only Happy Hours 20 War Playgrounds of France 25 I Went A-Nursing in America's Oldest Hospital 29 Rushing—Helpful Hints For Successful Parties 31 District Conventions Make Good Vacation Tours 35
Dental Hygiene Offers Fascinating
National Panhellenic Congress
Do You Know That—
Fellowship Winner Expresses Gratitude to Alpha O 45 Alpha Pi Installed at Florida State College for Women 47 Alpha Pi Has Members from Many States 49 Florida State College for Women Has Steady Improvement... 50
W ork 36 39 44
of *AIpha Omicron *Pi JraternityACTIVE CHAPTER ROLL
ALPHA—Barnard College— Inactive. Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Mcmoriul
BETA Put—Indiana University. Bloomlngton, Ind.
College. New Orleans, La. No—New York University. New York
ETA-Unlyerslty of Wisconsin. Madi- son, Wis.
OMICBON — University of Tennessee,
ALPHA P H I — Montana State College. Boxeman, Mont.
Knoxvllle, Tenn. KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's Col-
N » O*"?0* — Vanderbllt University. Nashville. Tenn.
lege, Lynchburg, Vn. ZETA—University of Nebraska. Lin-
•,^7,U NI.V<?7,ITY« o t Pennsylvania.
coln. Neb.
SIGMA—University of California, Berke-
PhilaJdelphia, Pa.
PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence,
ley. CaL
THETA—De Pauw University. Green-
castle, Ind.
BETA—Brown U niversity— Inactive. DELTA—Jackson College. Tufts College.
0*EUA — Miami University. Oxford. Ohio.
GAMMA—University of Maine. Orono.
ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.
EFSILOX—Cornell University. Itbaca. p» D k l t * — V^vmtor of Maryland.
N. Y.
RHO—Northwestern University. Evans-
College Park. Md.
TAD DELTA—Birmingham-Southern Col-
ton. IB.
LAMBDA—Lelnnd S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y .
lege. Birmingham. Ala.
KAPPA THETA — University of Call-
Palo Alto. Cal.
IOTA—University of Illinois. Cham-
lornla at Los Angeles.
K ***A OKICIOK — Southwestern,
paign. 111.
TAD—University of Minnesota. Minne-
Memphis, Tenn.
ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural Col-
apolis. Minn.
CHI—Syracuse University. Syracuse.
lege. Corrallis. Ore.
UPSILON — University of Washington. CHI DELTA—University of Colorado.
Seattle. Wash. Boulder. Colo.
Nu KAPPA — Southern Methodist Uni- BETA THETA—Butler University. Indi-
versity, Dallas. Texas. anapolis. Ind.
ALPHA PHI—Florida State College for
SAW FRANCISCO ALDMNAR— San Fran- S° ALUMNAE — Alumnae Assoc!»-
cisco. Cal. Hon, Tacoma. Wash., Inactive. PROVIDENCE ALDMNAR — Providence. SYRACUSEALUMNAB—Syracuse, N. Y. 9
Rhode Island.
BOSTON A L U M MAR—Boston. Maas.
ATION—Chaimpaign. 111.. Inactive. INDIANAPOLIS ALDMNAR—Indianapolis. MIAMI VALLEY ALUMNAE—Oxford, Ohio,
Ind. Inactive.
BOZEMAN ALUMNAE—Boxeman, Mont. inactive.
PORTLAND ALUMNAE—Portland. Oregon.
ALUMNAE—Kansas City.
OMicaoN Pi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Michigan.
^—University o f Oklahoma. Norman. Okla.
BIRMINGHAM ALUMNAB — Birmingham. Alabama.
MADISON ALUMNAB—Madison. Wis. DALLAS ALUMNAE—Dallas, Texas. B Indl s c n i l ALUMNAB — Bloomlngton,
A L U M N A B —Cincinnati. TULSA ALUMNAB—Tulsa, Okla.
5 7 1 5 Minnetonka
Blvd., Minn.
50 Broad Slrccl Bloom field, N. J.
No. 4
vided for in section 1103. Act Of October 8. 1917. authorized February 12. 1920.
To DRAGMA is published four times a yeur, October, January'. March and May.
Subscription price. 35 cents per copy, $1 per year, payable in advance; Life Subscription $15.
["Published Quarterly at I
* 425 South Fourth St., * L Minneapolis, Minn. J
Send all editorial material to WILMA SMITH LELAND
To DRAUMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. 425 South Fourth Street. Minneapolis. Minn., and Is printed by Augsburg Publishing House. En- tered ut the Postofnee at Minneapolis, Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March a. 1H70. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postnge pro-
Of my rich youth, as bright as gold,
To you I gave a part;
And now I never can grow old, Because you bring, a thousand-
My youth back to my heart.
# Y)ragma )1. 23
of Alpha
Qmicron P/
The Sunshine Farmers feed Billy Whiskers his spinach.
unshine Farmers Raise Jfealth By KATHARINE BARNES HIBBS, Lambda
T HAD always hoped for a large family of children, but when A our little girl, who followed her brother by twenty-two months, came to us and had a birth injury that looked at first as if she would pjways be a little crippled invalid. I gave up that hope, that is I pve it up for five years. During that time I "speeialed" my two children, going through all the dark days and nights with pneu- monia, mastoid and measles.
Helen was still in plaster, recovering from her last orthopedic operation, when the boy was stricken with a frightful case of measles. He was very ill.and after the disease itself was gone, his strength ffifj not return. I waited a week or two, and then took him to San Francisco to Dr. William Palmer Lucas, who within the year had gotten Helen ready for that last big operation. He examined him fts onlv he can examine a boy or a girl. His verdict came the next
day, "the measles had left a chronic bronchitis, glands in the chest were involved, a spot on the left lung: the child must be taken away from the Bay fogs at once. At once, not in six weeks, or three weeks, but within a few days." He suggested Los Gatos.
In five days the children and I were established in a charming vine-covered cottage in the center of a three-acre prune orchard in Los Gatos. Los Gatos is a small town, situated almost in the center of the Santa Clara valley, one of our richest fruit valleys, and is internationally noted for its equable climate the year around.
From then on, for three months, I carried out to the letter, the instructions which Dr. Lucas gave me for my children. They had two sun-baths a day, stripped for one hour at a time. They rested in bed two hours every afternoon. They drank quarts of milk, and ate tons of green vegetables. They lived in the open air all day, and they slept in it at night.
At the end of three months I took the boy up to San Francisco, to Dr. Lucas; he examined him again. He patted the boy's shoulder, then he came over and patted my shoulder, and he said, "Fine Oh," as only he can say it. And we returned to Los Gatos to cement in the sunshine awhile longer.
During this time the little sister "also ran," and gained, tanned, and bloomed as she never had before. She got up on her feet, and then on her legs, and one day, she walked, walked alone across a twelve-foot room. Alone, by her self! Hundreds of you have watched your babies stumble and totter, and then take their first steps; but I hope that not many of you have watched your four- year old child take its first steps; to those of you who have, my heart goes out in deepest sympathy.
We returned home the last of August, with two very brown and husky Indians. The boy went through the winter without miss- ing a single day of school.
So, very sanely we thought, Dr. Hibbs and I decided that we wished to live in Los Gatos. But as a doctor cannot fiv from his practice in one town and find a flock of patients already alighted on his doorstep in the next one, we had to postpone the actual move, but not the thought of it.
However, the longing to establish ourselves where the children would always have the opportunity of out-of-door life was so great, that we finally made the most momentous decision of our lives, and in March of the next year, just seven months afterward, we were settling ourselves in a house on Top o' the Hill. 2300 feet above
the Santa Clara Valley back of Saratoga—of Blossom Festival fame —the village which adjoins Los Gatos. The five year incubation period was over. I was to have my large family, for I was opening a Sunshine Farm for children, to help other little people attain the glorious health which had come to my own two in this climate and under this simple regime. I had been granted a special license by
_AY, 1928
A Busy Sunshine Farmers1 Day.
7 :30-8 :00
8:30-4:30 Various groups or individuals are having school in 15 or
Rising bell.
Dressing and making own beds.
30 minute periods.
In winter, quarts lamp therapy in treatments up to one hour.
Sun baths up to one hour in summer, and zvhen possible in winter. {Four to five days a zveek.)
Milk, 8 ounces.
Corrective exercises.
Bell to wash for dinner. Dinner.
Sun baths.
pajamas). group.
After supper games, a story, or a magic lantern show. 7:00 Bed for younger group.
8:00 Bed for older group. The day is done!
the State of California to run a "private preventorium" with a capacity for twelve children.
Acting with the advice of Dr. William Palmer Lucas (Professor of Pediatrics, University of California, but better kown to the world as the doctor who fed the French and Belgian babies and organized the child welfare work done abroad during the W ar) and profiting very considerably by his judgment and experience, we are endeavor- ing to follow in the footsteps of the great Rollier of Switzerland.
The greater number of the youngsters who come to the Farm have chronic bronchitis, malnutrition, rickets, and enlarged glands in the chest, all of which heal so remarkably under the sun. We have had many asthmatic children, all of whom have been greatly bene- fited, and who have been entirely free from attacks while with us. We have also had twelve or fifteen habit cases with which we have had splendid results. The children usually stay with us from three to six months.
We take no tubercular cases. The surety which we give the Parents on that score is merely our response to their query—"We have our own two children with us."
The youngsters are gradually hardened to the sun and air, and in winter very soon build up a remarkable resistance to the cold. Indeed it is not at all uncommon to see the visiting parents wear- ing overcoats, while their child, whom they have always dressed heavily, runs about clothed only in cotton trunks. They wear a min- imum amount of clothing all the year round: in summer, running
9.00-5 :00
10:30 11:45 12:00 12:15
1 :30
2:30-4:30 Rest period (in bed wearing 4:30-5:30 Free play time for entire 5:30 Bell to wash for supper. 5:45 Supper.
trunks, the boys khaki, the girls white with a cotton jersey gym shirt: in winter sweaters of different weights are added. W e always insist upon full rain regalia, as we do not house the children for inclement weather.
In the spring of 1926 we found that, in order to keep children of school age the time necessary for them to thoroughly establish their health, we would have to have a teacher. To the lay mother the child's schooling is very important. The work which Miss Gerard accomplishes is quite remarkable, even though she only has them in fifteen and thirty minute periods. We have had the word of several teachers around San Francisco Bay that the children are so well grounded in the fundamentals that they are usually ahead of their grade.
In April of 1926 we purchased an old farm of eight and three- quarters acres just east of Los Gatos, lying against the foot-hills at an elevation of 1000 feet. It is a charming spot, protected from the wind, getting all the sun and above the fog. There are several huge oak trees on the place, and five acres in fruit. Praise de Lord! We have moved for the last time. It is quite a test of one's disposi- tion to move with a family of 24 people, 19 of them children, and three of the 19 babies: to serve a nice unhurried breakfast in omi house, and an equally nice unhurried supper in another house ten miles away. Between meals you oversee the loading of the trucks, so that at a glance you can detect the whereabouts of the tooth- brushes, the tea-kettle, the soup-spoons and twenty-four pairs of pajamas.
The two frame buildings on the place we altered to suit our needs. In the old farm-house we removed central partitions, and lightened the old stain with white paint. That is the kitchen and dining-room unit. On each side of this house we built a very simple redwood cottage, exact duplicates, one for the boys and one for the girls. Each contains two large sleeping porches for six beds each, a bath, a toilet, and attendant's room. In the back is a dressing-room which is heated in winter. Across the south side are eight-foot porches. Wide doors permit the beds being pulled in and out.
The other structure which was on the farm, and was used t>| the farmer as a shed and garage was made to occupy the dignified position of our residence and the school room. It has a terrace to the east which commands a marvelous view of the foot-hills, with the mountains in the background.
Nearly two years have passed, and with the years the Sunshine Farm has passed its infancy. We have cut our first teeth and are now in rompers, or sunshine suits, I should say. We have ceased to be an experiment. Our state license reads, "a private preven- torium, with a capacity for twenty-four children."
We have had over 150 children, sent to us by twenty different doctors, ranging from six months to sixteen years in age, fron l
MAY, 1028
"England, Ireland and the Dominions beyond the Seas." W e have had small broken-hearted girls bring their headless dolls to us, small puzzled carpenters bring their stubborn saws to us, larger brothers bring their punctured footballs, and still older groups bring then- problems to us, just as all of you mothers have had. But have any of you ever had a little English Miss of three with a charming cock- ney accent, bring to bed a long narrow, decidedly ill-wrapped pack- age, and upon inquiry be informed that "it is a wee mousie that Tortie caught for me, Aunty Kay." It must be added that Tortie is a gentleman cat, weighing twelve pounds, who does not allow the dogs to eat until he has finished.
The children, 17 of them, have just gone through the coldest winter of which there has been any record f o r thirty-five years, sleep- ing in the screened rooms, and there has not been a cold or a sore throat or a sniffle in the house.
Our routine has become fairly well established through experi- ment and elimination. It is very simple. The children are kept so busy at the great game of getting well that there is little time for sorrow. When the time comes for play, they can play just as hard as they wish with no one nagging at them; as soon it will be time for exercises or sun-baths, school or rest period. So with this in- finite variety of activities and "quietivities" the routine does not chafe them at all. And moreover, whatever the thing is that they are doing every one else is doing it too. "The group situation has been found to be of great socializing value."
A year ago and 25 children basked in the sunshine.
Our diet follows that generally found on the lists of most pedia- tricians for the child from 5 to 12. We have a heavy breakfast- fruit, cereal (usually cooked), eggs or bacon, toast with occasionally bran or corn-meal muffins for a change, and milk, eight ounces. Our dinner is at noon and we have a meat, fish or fowl, one starch and two green vegetables, bread and butter, milk, eight ounces, and a simple dessert. For supper we have soup, either a cream vegetable or stock, as we find tliat soup at the noon meal takes the edge off the appetite. With it we have either a salad or a cream dish of some kind, or rice or spoon-bread, bread and butter, and the proverbial eight ounces of milk, followed by a simple dessert, usually stewed fruit.
By the middle of April our boys' house was full, the little girls' house was engaged for the summer, and we were receiving more applications each week. We faced the rather disturbing proposition of turning away children or of increasing our capacity. I say "dis- turbing," for while every one wishes their business to prosper, yet with us it was as if you had made Mary's whole summer wardrobe during the winter when you had plenty of time to do it, and when summer came Mary had outgrown it all. Y ou had spent all the money which your budget allowed, but Mary was as if naked.
There were many discussions, some cool, some heated, but all deeply wrought with the intentness of our purpose. The final plan, as agreed upon between Doctor Hibbs and me, was. that first of all we would make some necessary changes which would be for perma- nent use, and for the easier handling of the children. So porches were roofed and others added; an isolation with two beds was added to each cottage, and the bath rooms were enlarged. W e built a tiny open-air school house. W e put a lovely sunroom on the east end ot the dining room, giving room for twelve more at the table. We added an 18 by 20 room to our kitchen. But when all this was done, and vye had stepped over carpenters and plumbers for weeks, we were still no better off for sleeping quarters. Once more the council of war. And we began work on a shack for ourselves in the orchard; as it would cost only half the price of another cottage. Our residence was turned inside out and came up as a dormitory for the older group of boys, giving them a living room, a bedroom, a huge sleeping- porch, a toilet and wash-room. And in July, 1927, our state license read "48 children." They were all there on the Farm. But that license did not read between the lines. There was written that our fervent prayer for an easier winter must go unanswered for yet another year. For all that we had done in doubling our capacity from housing facilities to pots and pans added to a much greater sum than one summer could possibly pay for.
But the middle of January has passed. Today I picked wild currant blossoms and pussy willows—and last year on the fifteenth
MAY, 1928
Firecracker carries the convalescents, braces and all.
of March we had sixteen kinds of wild flowers in the house, and c
still more children.
I wish that we might show with television to the parents and
grandparents (please note that I always include the grandparents) how the small person involved respond to life on the Farm. A great many are "only children" ( I was one) ! Many others have been little invalids all their lives. And all have been "don'ted" and "be carefuled" until their little spirits are almost crushed.
Doctor Hibbs and I have always held and think that we have
proved that children will progress better both physically and men-
tally if they are let alone as much as it humanly is possible to do so.
The average adult, (of course, I do not mean intelligent college
Women) starts "don'ting" the moment the child appears on the hori-
z °n. I suppose it is the protecting instinct, but how soon it becomes
nagging habit!
Top o' the Hill—A Sunshine Farm for Children is one of the
few places on earth that is run specifically as a place for children t° be happy in. For no child can attain health, or anything per- taining to health unless he is happy—and I mean happy, free, easy, comfortable, serene—joyously happy. And these youngsters here on the Farm are surely that. Everyone who comes up here, trades- People, visitors, doctors, parents and even the super-critical grand-
mothers speak of their spontaneous joy.
Children love the country. Their little natures respond instantly
10 To DRAGMA Ifto all the deeper forces which are at work around them. Forces with
which primordial man lived and breathed and had his being. We have watched so many who brought the child while they made the tour of inspection, as suggested by Doctor So and So. The child strains at the car door to be let out—they are in the country—they hop and jump, then stretch a bit, unconsciously taking a great deep breath—there seems to be more air than there is at home—they look up at the unobstructed dome of the heavens—there seems to be more sky here—they kneel down and feel of the grass, or run to pick a
wildflower; they let a few handfuls of earth sift through their fingers —the ground seems different—and there is so much more of it; an- other breath, an excited gasp, and "Oh, mother! I like it here, may I stay; Oh! please, mother, let me stay!" And the day is lost for Mrs. Mother, who has assured Dr. So and So that Johnny has never been away from her, not even one day, since he was born, and she knows positively that he cannot get well away from her— he will be too miserably homesick.
There are two big collie dogs and very often soft fluffy puppies; there is a huge Persian cat, Tortie, of the dead mouse tale. There is his soft dainty little wife, and sometimes kittens. There are rab- bits who always oblige at Easter, so that each child may have its very own Easter Bunny. There are ducks, the silent hissing Mus- covies : a pair of wild mallards, all kinds of pigeons and some coo- ing ring doves. There is Billy Whiskers, the huge Orpheum circuit goat who performs dozens of time a day to a most enthusiastic audi- ence. Then if we have not yet won, we open up with all our guns, and produce Firecracker, the Farm pony.
Rest regime, as ordered for the under par child, here does no! mean weeks of isolation in one's own bed room, dependent upon mother or grandmother for amusement. It means first a few weeks in a bed which is taken out onto a sun flooded porch after breakfast where one can see everything that goes on. There may be a pup on the bed, (if it happens to be the open season for pups i : and those who are up come and sit on the bed and swap varus. Then to be pi""" moted to a lounging chair out in the yard, where one is right in the midst of things. And before long the final degree, ''general rou-
tine,"—one of the gang at last.
Do they die of home-sickness? Does a bride on her honeymoon? Do they respond to the treatment? Does a withered plant respond to watering? And when the story is told, it all narrows down to one thing, educating the parents, or shall I say re-educating them • Professor Terman, Professor of Education at Stanford, says. "Every normal child can be trained to be orderly, punctual, obedient. c n e £[" ful. willing and industrious. The difficulty with the imcontrollatw
child is the sad fact that his parents have been too lazy or too indit- ferent to take the trouble to train him."
M A Y , 1928
Upon reaching Tulsa, I eagerly greeted old friends. Ten of the alumnae are X i chapter girls, all of whom 1 knew and had worked with in the active chapter. I was delighted to meet Mrs. Warren, (Nu Omicron), and Ethel Brooks, (Iota), such charming women.
During my entire stay, both before and after the installation, I was entertained with the most fascinating events. First there was a luncheon at M rs. W arren's, followed by a tea at Elizabeth Elgin's home. Then an Alpha O banquet at the College Club, where Kather- ine DePuy, the alumnae chapter president, presided ably as toast- mistress, calling on different guests to contribute their share of the entertainment. Natalie Warren interestingly recited the history of the Tulsa Alumnae chapter, followed by Katherine's inspiring talk, most of which concerned what the chapter intended to do in the
future. Their plans as outlined were modest, they are not attempt- ing too much, but realizing the enthusiasm of those workers that compose the new chapter, there is no doubt they will be successful «n their undertakings.
On Friday evening March 23, just preceding the installation,
Alice W ard Friend, entertained at an enjoyable and informal buffet
supper, after which we proceeded to the home of Virginia White,
a "d renewing our fraternal bonds, the Tulsa Alumnae chapter was
duly installed with all the proper dignity and formality belonging
that occasion. The chapter roll includes Katherine DePuy, Alice Ward Friend, Edna Brooks Hill, Madge McWhorter, Elizabeth El- £>n, Vera Daggs, Virginia White, Leone Farris Brown, Stella For- mer, all from the Xi chapter, and Natalie Overall Warren, (Nu
Omicron), Ethel Brooks, (Iota), and Eva Drumm Stacy, (Phi). From the Norman branch of the Oklahoma City Alumnae chap- Marjorie Stafford, Ruth Black Endicott, and Edna White, ar- r 'ved Friday to witness the installation. I t was indeed a happy foment for us all when after the services, we greeted the newly '"stalled, and read the telegram of congratulations from Oklahoma's
a c »ve chapter.
Oklahoma Qreets Second
Alumnae Qhapter
1 )
WE of Oklahoma are very proud of the installation of our sec- ond alumnae chapter. Beginning with the third week in March, a warm sun ushered in the spring. Following a bitter prolonged win-
ter, Nature suddenly thrust upon us her new buds and blossoms. It was at this time, with the arrival of the first balmy days of an Oklahoma spring, that the Tulsa Alumnae chapter was installed.
Jttake Me (§ome ^Medicine
has f o r its
der the public in safeguarding the handling, sale, compounding
and dispensing of medical substance.
Pharmacists are required to pass certain educational tests iflf
order to qualify under the laws of our states. The College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota now has a minimum four year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. The state requirement is two years of University work
and two years of practical experience. The candidate must then appear for examination before the State Board of Pharmacy in order to become a registered pharmacist. This training prepares one for different branches of the work such as drug-assay, research, manufacturing or dispensing. It is the last named which is of in- terest to the public, that is the dispensing of doctors' prescriptions.
When a patient receives a prescription from a doctor, he w3W see the symbol R on it which comes down to us from the early Romans and is the sign of Jupiter. Its use continues today merely as ornamentation. The prescription is written in Latin, the lan-
guage of science, because it is not subject to change. Abbreviations are freely used which are understood by Pharmacists the world over. It would be a difficult proposition to fill prescriptions from foregifl countries if it were not for this universal rule.
The use of drlugs which we find in our prescriptions today began long before this present age. We may well assume that since the advent of man upon this planet he has suffered various ills and pains and that he has tried to relieve himself of these disabilities. So it would seem that Pharmacy is as old as mankind and one may picture his ancient forbears seeking among the woods for curative roots, barks and herbs.
There is a certain romance about drugs if we study its early his- tory. The following are just a few of the drugs known from ti'I R ' immemorial :
Our garden friend. Rhubarb, known as long ago as 2700 B. Q flourishes best in China. It has a beautiful large root which is sliced and then allowed to dry. The Chinese drug, through a secret
object the
it can ren-
MAY, 1928 "
process, assumes a bright yellow color while the variety in this coun- try becomes a dull red, although the therapeutic action is found to be the same.
During excavations of the Egyptian King Tutankahmen, another ancient drug came to light—one with which we are all familiar, especially those who eat "not wisely, but too well"—none other than Castor O i l .
The ancients were also familiar with Opium "a gift of the gods and a handmaid of the devil." T o the sick and suffering it brings sleep and oblivion when all else fails. We think of it with horror leaving victim addicts to its use. (Morphine and Codeine are de- rived from this source.) It is one of the indispensable remedies which must be used with great discretion.
Today there are three common sources for our drugs: vegetable, mineral and animal. Quinine is derived from Cinchona Bark: iron salts from wire filings'; and thyroid from glands. New preparations
from these sources are constantly being put on the drug market. Liver is now obtainable in a powdered extract form for the treat- ment of anemia. A more thorough study is being made of Cod Liver Oil for its vitamin value. There is a tendency toward needle medicines such as the use of insulin for diabetes.
• Besides the new preparations, we are asked every day for drugs which never have existed. It would facilitate the work of a drug- gist if he could be a mind reader. Just the other day a man asked for "Ethics of Turpentine*' when he wanted "Elixir of Terpin Hy- drate." "Bon Amagaziz" looks like a Russian college, but is really
Don't Be a Pharmacist Unless —
1. You 2. You 3. Ytm 4. You 5. You
ewe patient.
arc accurate.
arc cleanly.
have a sense of humor. can he a confidante.
(x You care to serve humanity.
Abrahamson laboratory.
in her
just an attempt at Baume Analgesic. Catnep and Fennel becomes "Catnip and Flannel or Fiddle" as the case may be. Our appren- tice was asked for a paper tablet and went to the drug room to look for it! A lady who had been hearing so much about peritonitis stepped into the drug store and asked for a bottle of it. Not long
ago, a party brought in a prescription for a very bitter powder which we carefully put into gelatin capsules to prevent its being tasted. The next week she brought back the empty capsules to be refilled. So not only the drugs, but the patients are often the prob- lem. I am convinced that secrecy concerning prescriptions has its value. The average person today is familiar with many drugs and
this in part accounts for the increasing use of preparations known as specialties. This is a deplorable condition for many reasons, but the chief objection is when all or a part of the formula is kept secret. The druggist and not the doctor prescribing is held responsible for-, the medicine dispensed and naturally he does not care to handle preparations with any mystery about them.
Other important matters that a druggist must keep in mind are: the latest schedule of the street cars, who won the football game, on what day Vogue comes out. what time the mail is col-J lected, and which movie is showing Clara Bow. Besides an Infor- mation Bureau. I believe a Wedding Bureau would be useful be- cause people like to be confidential with a druggist about anything from thier troubles to their love affairs. How true is the slogan, "Your Druggist is more than a Merchant."
However, there is something fascinating in the practice of this profession which demands accuracy and cleanliness to a high de-1 gree. An error may mean not loss of time or money but loss of j life. There is real enjoyment in making a smooth ointment or a perfect emulsion or round pills. But most of all there is a feeling
of doing a service to humanity in helping to restore health or tb lessen suffering.
Edith Dupre Helps Cfilood Sufferers
The 1927 national convention of Alpha Omicron Pi voted to send to Edith Dupre of Lafayette, Louisiana, and Alpha Omicron Pi, $100, that we might have a part in assisting sufferers of the Mississippi flood. The situation itself is fresh in the minds of us all. In a personal note Edith Dupre expresses her appreciation of this small help which it was our privilege to give. She says, " I have found a thousand places to put the money as you can readily imagine. I certainly do appreciate your making it possible for me to have
the pleasure of stepping into the various financial breaches that open up before any thoughtful person dwelling in this flood-stricken land. I was truly proud of AOn for remembering us in our mis- ,
MAY, 1928
YES, the world reallv is "round, like an orange or a ball." This, at least, remains true, in the wreckage of my Victorian school books. On August 9. we set forth from West 33rd Street and Penn- sylvania Station, traveled with the setting sun always before our prow (or our locomotive), and by February 1 found ourselves at the Chelsea docks at West 18th Street. It is an odd sensation to realize the distance widening between ourselves and home until let- ters arrive a month old and even imagination must lag fourteen hours behind, then, without changing our onward course, to feel the dif-
ference of time and space drawing again to the vanishing point at New York.
What shall I tell, and what leave out? Many of you have jour- neyed over the same route, and some of you have really lived in the strange lands and not merely glimpsed them; but the traveled sis- ters will be tolerant, I know, while I say what comes to me first, and that is, to tell about some of the surprises Japan held for me.
Before crossing the Pacific, I had a picture in my mind's eye of Japan, a filigree landscape of miniature gardens and dwarf trees, where'dainty little people smiled incessantly over decorated tea-cups. Even though sometimes a sinister shadow of earthquake or war crept over the picture, it was so familiar that I said to myself, "W e know enough of Tapan from the souvenir shops," and was eager to cross over to inscrutable China.
The landscape was a true one, as far as it went. When I see a Tapanese print nowadays. I feel that I can almost name the place and the people, so accurately have the artists caught the bizarre fea- tures of their homeland. But how much else besides!
Now, when I picture Tapan, I think, not of miniature trees, but of the great cryptomerias," giant trunks like the California redwood, towering straight to the sky in an avenue more than twenty-five miles across country, built three hundred years ago by a pious daimyo
The tori at
Westward Jfo!
Around the World
To DRAGM Here we. see
sister Kvelyn
hat on) and
seated) nn th4e hanks of the Dr. Hughan, her (seated villi thr Mrs. Rums (also
Jordan. as an approach to the Nikko temples. I think of the twisted pine branches in the midst of Tokyo, bending low over the palace moat where they have crouched for centuries. I think of the forest- covered mountain at Ise, oldest and holiest shrine of the Shinto faith, where the sunlight sifts down through summits of ancient trees and the worshipper kneels at the clear flowing stream to cleanse his hands, his feet, his mouth before mounting the silent stairway to pray.
There are miniature trees,—yes,—on the hotel table, in the Ja- panese home, in the tea garden, not because Japan loves miniatures, but because it loves trees, and spends infinite pains over these little substitutes for the primeval forest.
In fact, there is much of the forest folk about the Japanese, de- licate, and austere, far as the poles from the luxurious and stone- built civilizations of Egypt and Rome. Enduring architecture is practically unknown to them, for everything, outside of the new city structures, is of wood. At the end of forty years, the shrine is
destroyed, and a new one built beside it, sometimes brilliant with lacquer, as at Nikko, more often of unpainted wood, with roof thatched with thick layers of pressed bark. The simplicity of Ja- panese buildings seems almost unreal to us to whom architecture means Gothic windows and Corinthian pillars. Palace, cottage and shrine are as rigidly simple as a log cabin. The indescribable grace of Japanese architecture is due almost entirely to the gentle upward curve of the roof, in origin, of course, Chinese, and in the cities,
where dark tiles are used, closely resembling roofs in China, but characteristically Japanese in the steeply thatched farmhouse and the moss-covered shrine.
Where Rome has the arch, and China the pagoda, Japan has the tori, always the same, always of stark simplicity, a mere gateway of wood or rough stone, with two horizontal bars and above them an upcurving arch. Diminutive ton's dot the countryside, leading to village shrines embowered in ancient pines or featherv bamboo; a
great tori stands in the Inland Sea at Miajima, where at low tide
HAY, 1928
This team of oxen pull a heavy
load along the shady road Cevlon. Note the Ule roof.
sacred deer wander over the beach, and at high tide fishing boats sail through the archway to the shrine on the shore. A tori of massive granite is the sole decoration of the shrine of the Emperor Meiji in Tokyo, where the gardeners of twentieth century Japan have within four years transformed city lots into a green and shadowy forest.
About the people of Japan, as about its architecture, there is an air of simplicity, of serious grace, of woodland mystery. Never boisterous like the Chinese, or insistent like the Arabs, dodging the camera where the Chinese hails it with glee, the Japanese is al- ways ready to give smiling service, but seldom wears his heart upon his sleeve. He returns in the evening from his modern equipped office, doffs coat and trousers for the kimono, and, sitting upon his heels on the straw matting, eats rice from a doll's house table. At bed-time he brings out his bedding from a delicately flowered cup- board, pulls down wooden shutters outside the paper windows, and lies down upon the same matting in the midst of his family.
Upon the same sites where four years ago. thousands of ]>eople perished by earthquake and fire, they rebuild their tinder box bouses of wood, matting, and paper, crowded together like the cheap bun- galows we see on American beaches. Only one portion of the struc- ture has the solidity of a real house,—the heavy roof of gray earthen t'les, unchanged from those that crushed the flimsy walls like egg- shells when they fell in the earthquake.
They know that the destruction may come again. Slight earth- quake shocks are frequent, and it shakes one's nerves to hear the Windows rattle and see the mirror swing to and fro in Yokohama, where all about one still are refugee shacks, unpaved streets, and Overgrown gardens where homes once stood. Last year a financial C r 'sis, the aftermath of the earthquake, brought anxiety and suffer- l n g. this year the influenza epidemic. Y et they go about their busi- n e s s as usual, smiling and asking no odds. We wonder what lies Underneath this cheerfulness, and every now and then there is a tragic little item in the newspaper, a quiet story told by a friend.
that lets us see. The Japanese is uncomplaining and unsensational, but, like the ancient Romans, he considers life as a feast, from which, if it is distasteful, one may take a courteous departure.
My gay lacquered picture of Japan has not faded; but behind it I see something that gives it significance,—a people that in the whirl of twentieth century luxury and display has kept rigidly to the sim- plicity of its forest ancestors, that in the midst of expanding Chris- tianity has clung with tolerant pride to the dark shrines of Shintoisni; and that has taken from the Western world only such knowledge and methods as give it power to withstand, alone among nations, that same civilization of the West.
Now as to the rest of the trip. There was Korea, where we saw the Japanese, whom we had learned to love in their own homeland, in the ugly role of conquerors. On a glorious mountain top where the city of Seoul once had its palace park, the Japanese have erected a great Meiji Shrine, costly and dignified, modelled after the national shrine at Ise,—but somehow different. Perhaps the forest shrine fails to flourish in the more bracing climate of Korea; perhaps the Japanese builders were unable to keep from their work a touch of arrogance and display; perhaps we CQuld not forget the college girl of whom we had just heard, arrested and browbeaten because of a
rashly patriotic utterance in the student paper. The gentle charm of Japanese austerity was gone.
Japan was not the only nation tht wore a strange and unlovely aspect when extending its civilization over unwilling subjects. The England of York and Cambridge and London, the England of my fathers, I had long loved, but it was a different England I saw in Ceylon. "Get away.*' said a lordly Briton to a group of natives gath- ered around a rickshaw, "what are you dogs doing here?"
France was very lovely as we passed through to Cherbourg,— our first outpost of home with its green fields and Normandy farm- houses. Paris had never seemed to us so charming, with its gay bridges and the flowing Seine, its gray buildings rich with our own
McabnrisfsbtatulSotaAThe old
gate in
AY, 1928 19
ulture rather than that of the bizarre East. Yet in our minds was sinister picture of the ruined homes of Damascus, block after lock in the midst of the ancient city reduced to heaps of rubbish, ot by earthquake, but by the wanton bombardment of the French ulers entrusted with the sacred mandate of the League.
It was pleasant in Hawaii and the Philippines to see prosperous ndustries, friendly people and American efficiency in the public chools; yet we were not far from blushing when our Kanaka chauf- eur told how American planters had filched the rich land from the imple islanders, and when we passed in Manila the ruins of a eautiful Spanish church which the Americans had once been "forced o bombard" because rebels had taken refuge there. And as we sat t tea in the home of a Filipino senator and saw the kindling emo- ion in the dark eyes of our hostesses as they tried to explain to s how, even with real love and gratitude for America, they still onged for that liberty for which their fathers had rebelled against
pain,—we felt somehow that we, the inheritors of the Declaration f Independence, were playing a role that did not quite fit.
Last but not least were the chance contacts with Alpha O sisters hat gave a homelike touch to the strange world. First there was Berkeley, where I dropped like a bolt from the blue into the midst of an initiation party, and had the pleasure of introducing my sister nd her friends to Rose Marx and her charming garden of girls. t Tokyo our first attempt at school visiting took us to a pleasant Jo-Gakuin where, to our surprise, Pauline Place greeted us and, after a good American luncheon, conveyed us to the beautiful Meiji Shrine, of which I have told you. A t Thanksgiving Time, when we were sweltering in tropic seas in the Dollar Line steamer, President
Polk, we fell in with Lillian Schoedler, still gathering world ex- perience as we ordinary tourists can never hope to do. Best of all, as we emerged from the fog at the Chelsea docks on February 1, there on the pier were Stella, Bess, and my own little Alpha O sister, Marjorie Rockwell, to welcome us home.
My time is Up, and I have not said a word of vast and turbulent China, of Ceylon's Isle, where "every prospect pleases" and real ele- phants meet one on the mountain roads, or of Christmas night in the starry fields of Bethlehem. Those of you who have already felt a ll this and more besides will supply it from your own store of memories; those for whom it still lies in the future are urged to make that future as near as possible, before the movie and the motor car have completed their flattening work.
Next year we hope to have at least one article from our travelling sis- in each issue of To D R A G M A , with the January number devoted to1
the girls who live in distant lands. Send us your summer travelogues.
T o
"& Count Only Happy Hours"
•l 'Being the cjMemoirs of a (jrand
1T\\0 Y O U remember the couple who kept a
their honeymoon trip to Europe? The result was a series o
titles something like this: The bride, on the S. S. "Leviathan"; the groom at Wimbledon, international tennis in the background; the bride, Ann Hathaway's cottage to the left; the bride and groom at the Arc de Triomphe, and so on, ad infinitum. If I could present to you pen pictures of the experiences of three weeks of visiting, they would be not of one, but of many, personalities. For the chap- ter bouses, and Panhellcnic Congress, and Boston, and M r . Balfour's establishment, and the Universities "where our several chapters are installed" have as decided a personality as the Deans and chapter
chaperones. the members of other nationals, and our own actives and alumnae, whom it has been my recent privilege to meet.
To begin with, there was Harriet Tuft. Just as I had disposed of various impediments—including an entirely unnecessary um- brella which was finally abandoned in the Nu chapter room—and was resigning myself to a mild degree of boredom between Davis and Chicago, a person in the opposite section produced Banta's Creek Exchange. That served to introduce Harriet Tuft. Beta Phi Alpha,
and Rose Marx. Alpha Omicron Pi, en route, of course, to National Panhellenic Congress. She is a woman whose friendliness and will- ingness to give of her own fraternity experience was typical of the
spirit of the whole Panhellenic group, as I was to find later. We joined forces as far as Chicago where we parted the morning of March 21. planning to meet again in Boston when Congress opened.
I had gratefully accepted a complicated itinerary from a harried agent, and it was not till the hours on the train afforded a hit of leisure that the realization of a nine-hour stop in Chicago dawned upon me. This afforded an unexpected pleasure—a brief glimpse of Rho chapter, where I lunched with the girls in their beautiful new home, and met their chaperone. Mrs. Johnson. Later, guided by an alumna whose nickname of "Slats" is the only title that remains in my mind—isn't it unfortunate to have that kind of a
mind? we visited the NWthewestern campus on the shore of Lake Michigan and had a most gratifying interview with the Dean of Women.
At five-thirty I was on the train again and was emerging from the diner when a kindly fate prevented a head-on collision with Kathryn Matson, hound
camera record o
MAY. 1928
as I was for State College, Pennsylvania, where the Executive Committee and Hess Wyman were to assemble for the first meeting of our administra- tion. We were met at Tyrone by Mr. Anderson—yes, he is Edith's husband, and as if that were not enough, a great deal more, being a faculty person at Penn State, not to mention a mild interest in Barbara Jane and Mary Eldred. Then came a drive of thirty miles through lovely rolling country; hills and woods that arc not austere like our western mountains and forests, but gentle and friendly, with many streams and a light faH of snow whiten- ing the whole landscape.
It was so satisfying to be all together at Edith's for an afternoon and evening session—Edith, Kathryn, Bess and I; to talk and talk, after the months of correspondence between officersin New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Min- nesota, and California. Do you wonder that it was three in the morning when we adjourned? But I haven't told you of the very pleasant occasion when we were the guests of the Arete Club, of whom you have heard through our Extension Officer. We gathered at a most attracti.e country club which crowned a hill and afforded a panorama of woods and meadows. We appreciated the gracious spirit of our hostesses, discernible in so many
ways—in the president's call that afternoon to extend their invitation in per- son; in the table, bfossoming with red roses; and in the place cards, whose
design repeated our flower.
I haven't told you of the business that was considered at our meeting,
because Edith's special Grand Council letter has already given you much that was under discussion. It was, as I have said, a satisfaction to us all to be together and a great pleasure to be Edith's guests. We hope the results of our discussion will affect favorably the general good of our fraternity.
At six o'clock the morning of the twenty-third I enviously left the rest of the committee sound asleep, and set off for Washington and Pi Delta. That day's travel was through Pennsylvania and Maryland. An hour be- tween trains at Harrisburg gave an opportunity for a glimpse of the Capitol, with its massed flags carried by the Pennsylvania regiments in the Civil War. In the late afternoon we arrived in Washington, where Grace Laleger, president of Pi Delta, and another of the girls were waiting. It was so nice to renew with Grace an acquaintance begun at last convention. We went at once to tne chapter house at College Park, visited the campus of the
University of Maryland, and in the absence of Dean Stamp, who had al- ready left for the Deans' conference, talked with the Vice-President of the University, who has always been much interested in our group. Here again the University is on a hill, and one has a view of other hills, woods, open country, and pretty homes.
Pi Delta is finding its own house inadequate and will this summer pur- chase a lot, which means, of course, a home of its own in the near future. The chapter is youthful, but is firmly on its feet, and was rightfully proud of having just initiated 100% its freshman class *>f fourteen pledges! After dinner, where Molly Shoemaker appeared, of course you remember Molly Shoemaker, recent District Superintendent and now member of the Expan- sion Committee for the Atlantic District—a business and ritual meeting was held. The spirit which pervaded the chapter as Grace conducted the service showed an appreciation of its significance that gave to the beautiful words their deepest meaning.
Molly drove me to Washington the next morning—the twenty-fourth— and once more I was enroute, this time for New York. And how can I ever describe the next two days, packed so full of the most interesting ex- periences 1
The thrill of renewing acquaintances and of adding so many to that men- tal memory book of Alpha O's! The first afternoon was spent with Nu chapter, first in a visit to their University. New York University is strictly *n urban institution, without a campus, its many-storied buildings flush with
Washington Square. The chapter has as its headquarters a most attractive apartment, and it was there that we had tea and rituals, after dinner in what had iMI>i |>e»-n a home and has still the feel of its former stately days. Alice Cullnane, our Assistant Registrar, appeared at tea, but I ' l l not tell you what a nice person she is, for it wouldn't be at all the part of wisdom. . . . I cannot leave Nu chapter without an expression of the feeling that had been growing with each visit. The background of the chapters had been so dif- ferent—Rho, at Northwestern, an endowed college, originally Methodist, with the sororities permitted houses for the first time; Pi Delta at Mary- land, a state University, recently an agricultural college; Nu, at New York, as I have said an urban university; later Delta at Tufts, with the girls in dormitories, the chapter having rooms for meetings in the home of a faculty person; Omega at Miami, a state University where the chapters have no quarters of their o w n ; Beta Theta, our baby chapter, at Butler, again a
Methodist, endowed college, in the throes of moving to its beautiful new site, the girls meanwhile occupying a room in a house near the campus; Beta Phi at the University of Indiana, where the situation is that of our own western universities, with an extensive campus and attractive fraternity houses. Theta, at De Pauw, has the same setting, though De Pauw is not a state university. . . . The backgrounds, then, so different, the girls them- selves from different states, but always that something, that spiritual quality that made you realize that here you were at home with Alpha O's.
And there is still another point in common: The first questions which your President asked of every Dean were these: Does our chapter contribute to the general good of your campus? Can you count upon our girls for the cooperation which your office may upon occasions need? Is the chapter demo- cratic? Is its spirit one of interest—does it play a positive part in the affairs of the University? . . . And in every instance the reply was a whole-hearted affirmative. And I can think of nothing which should make a visiting officer, and all of us. more proud.
But I am leaping ahead at too great speed, and must return to New York to tell you of the beautiful reception that Helen Mullan gave at her home that first evening. New York alumnae were her guests, and at last after years of hearing Pinckncy Glantzberg's name in song and story, I laid eyes on the woman herself. And she is all and more than I anticipated—but you will just have to come to next convention to know her. And heavens, the famous people there were. Founders, past Grand Vice-Presidents. I'an- hellenic House Directors, dignitaries of every description volleying and thundering! It was a perfect party, and it was good to know that Conven- tion next year will bring us together again.
That night was spent with Gladys Britton, who initiated me into Sigma chapter. She has served Alpha O in many official capacities, as she will in the future when Jack, Jr., is not so engrossing. We drove on Saturday morning to Bloomfield for a visit to our Central Office, and I can't tell you how impressed we were with the evidence that our fraternity has grown into an organization that necessitates such housing for our two full-timeofficers and our equipment. Bess and Alice had just moved in and had bought the minimum amount of furniture—so minimum, in fact, that if a visitor was
seated, one of the full-time officers stood. But all that has been taken care of, and our office now is adequately furnished. One realized what a debt Alpha Omicron Pi owes the Wymans in housing the Central Office for the past two years.
Back to New York, for luncheon at the Waldorf, the New York Alumnae chapter entertaining also Mrs. Hepburn of Kappa Kappa Gamma, President of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic House. A Panhellenic bridge fol- lowed, but Bess and I begged off and had a most interesting hour at Inter- national House, a glimpse of Barnard College and Columbia, and a moment in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
MAY, 1928
Then came dinner in one of New York's fascinating restaurants and I know you will envy me the hostesses—Stella Perry, Bess Wyman, and Alice Cullnane. The risque name of the play we saw I never can reveal. Since Samuel Pepys was the leading character I leave it to your imagination. This brings us to midnight of Saturday, just a week—such a crowded, wonderful week—from the day I left California. And again I was on the train with Helen Mullan, headed for Boston and the Congress. We arrived early Sunday morning with the thermometer at zero, but perhaps the great open spaces of the West have innured the natives to all degrees of tempera- ture, for it was not particularly disturbing.
After registering at the Parker House, the headquarters for N. P. C, I started out with Alice Spear, our Boston Panhellenic delegate. And for a soul-satisfying experience, let me commend the sight-seer to the graces of an ardent Bostonian like Alice. To tell you of what we saw would fill a guide book, and I am already becoming too voluble. But I must just men- tion luncheon with Wilkie Hughes of Beta Phi, Superintendent of nurses at the New England Hospital; tea at the Women's Republican Club with Bqston Alumnae as hostesses; and initiation and banquet with Delta at a down-town hotel in the evening. It was here that we enjoyed quite the most refreshing scheme of toasts imaginable. Can you picture in Boston each speaker introduced as a blob of protozoic matter? I quite swelled with pride
at appearing as the "Grand Blob"!
Congress opened next morning, the twenty-seventh. At the tapestried Congress table, shaped like a U, sit only the delegates. Alternates and visit- ors, who are limited to present and past Grand Presidents, make up the audience. You will no doubt read elsewhere of the subjects under discus- sion, the surveys presented and the resolutions adopted. The interchange of ideas was immensely valuable, and every day meant new friendships and new points of view. The week included an Alpha O supper with our Grand Vice-president, Octavia Chapin, and Alice Spear as hostesses, at a tea-room in a made-over sail loft on T Wharf; luncheon with our Alpha O Deans, Anna Many and Virginia Esterly, in Boston for the Deans' conference; a delightful afternoon and evening as the guests of Mr. Balfour, our fraternity jeweler,
in his establishment at Attleboro, where we saw our pins in every stage of the making. An elaborate dinner was served at the Chamber of Commerce, where the seventy-five visitors were again Mr. Balfour's guests, and where every member of the organization contributed to our entertainment.
Congress closed with a banquet at the Statler, where each fraternity had its 'own table, and so we were able to enjoy an exchange of songs. Last of all came a beautiful pageant, the work of Boston City Panhellenic, as- sisted by actives from the various colleges in the city. Figures summoned from the void represented the various sororities. Gowned in the period of the sorority's founding and carrying a representation of the pin, each girl ap- peared to the strains of "Traumerei" and took her place in an increasingly long line as a double quartet sang a song of that group. At the close Mother
I'anhellenic, a beautiful, white-haired figure in Greek robes, blessed us all with the thought that no matter how differently we might be named, we are one in our hope of service to bur universities and our communities.
I could talk cheerfully on forever about our girls and their wonderful hospitality in the week that followed, but I am sure that if I do not restrain roy enthusiasm, our editor will, and so I must try to be brief. Before leaving Boston there was time for an afternoon at Lexington and Concord, a meet- ing with the Dean at Tufts College, and an evening with Delta. At noon of March 3 I started for Cincinnati, where, on the fourth, Cincinnati Alumnae chapter was installed. Helen Wolfe, of Omicron Pi, is President of the Eroup. which includes twenty-two enthusiastic members. After an after- noon of driving with Ermina Price, of Iota, and several others, installation
was held at the Hotel Gibson, Martha Taques, of Omega, assisting. The ser-
vice was followed by a banquet, and though 1 needed nothing to keep memqry of the girls' hospitality and of an occasion which means as much t our fraternity as the establishment of an alumnae chapter, a beautiful pi of Rookwood pottery was presented as a lasting evidence that once I was Cincinnati with these dear sisters.
Next day Ermina drove three of us down to Miami where we vis Omega, met their wonderful Dean, attended chapter meeting and rituals, were entertained at a banquet. The three from Cincinnati cast husbandsa~ families to the winds and yielded to the girls' insistence that they stay, that it was not necessary to say good-by until later. The girls of Omega a a delightful group—(did I say that of Delta? And of Nu? And Pi Delt It was equally true)—and are planning to overcome the disadvantage of bei without headquarters by arranging Sunday suppers, or sings, or informal ps ties as often as possible, so that the spirit of sisterhood may be fostered,
it always is, simply by being together.
Next day, March 6, found me arriving in Indianapolis, to be greeted
Vivian Smith, alumna adviser of Beta Theta, and two of the actives. \ lunched at the Athletic Club and went out to Butler, to meet the girls a hold the usual conferences and meetings. No chapter could fail to succeed with the constant help and interest of such alumnae as Mrs. Smith, Mary
Gertrude Manley and Katie Schmidt, plus the beautiful spirit with which the chapter looks to them for guidance. The girls are in search of a house near the new campus, and will enjoy moving into their first home.
Indianapolis alumnae held a dinner meeting that evening, and once more there were former acquaintances to greet—among them Mildred McDonald, (Iota), and Lucy Allen, (Theta)—and many new ones to make. It was in-
teresting to hear of the State Luncheon, which had been held in Indianapolis the preceding Saturday. This is a custom which I believe is peculiar to In- diana—a luncheon and dance for all Alpha O's in the state, the group includ- ing actives from Beta Theta, Theta and Beta Phi, and alumnae from Bloom- ington and Indianapolis Alumnae chapters, as well as members not as yet af- filiated with either.
Mrs. Jones, President of Indianapolis alumnae, was my hostess for the night, and next day, with Mary Gertrude, and Vivian Smith, we were en route for Beta Phi and Bloomington alumnae. There were two—almost three —such pleasant days in Bloomington as guest of Mary Xeal Mcllveen, who is President of Bloomington alumnae and Assistant Historian. The first afternoon was the occasion of a tea given by the active chapter, I wish you could sec the home of Beta Phi, its great sun porch and rooms opening from a central court, with its vista of pool and ferns. The girls were perfect hostesses, rellccting the graciousness of their chaperone, Mrs. Chase. In fact,
I have never visited a chapter whose inner life was more harmonious nor who -nnied to be living college and fraternity life more completely. Mary Neal and I dined with the chapter and were vastly entertained by the pledges stunt, portraying the distress of a maiden of 1950 whose grandmother viouU
embarrass her with the abbreviated skirt, bobbed hair, make-up, cigarette and slang of her own day. Next morning we visited the campus, met Dean Wells, were the guests of Airs. Hoadlev, whose daughter is a Beta Phi, at a beau- tiful luncheon, and attended the Women's Faculty Club reception to house chaperones. Dinner was again a banquet—you will have realized by this time that to be a Grand President the first requisite is a digestion that positively cannot be impaired. The Bloomington alumnae were hostesses at Mrs. Neal s, Mary's sister-in-law, the guests being Mrs. Chase. Bernicc Coffin. Preside"
of Beta Phi, and myself. The chapter's regular meeting followed—anoth* interested group of alumnae, making one realize that while our fraternj. exists for the active chapters, active membership is, after all. a very brie thing. It is as an alumnae that there is lasting opportunity for service Alpha Omicron Pi. (Continued on page 46)
MAY, 1928
Further Incidents About
War 'Playgrounds of Cfranee
In the previous instalment Marion told of her vis,t to a dugo*toecupied by the Uerman Crown Prince, of the trees ringed at the Ib«e Jg1M»e/*«« die, of the presentation of tht Crpix de Guerre to ^Jyep^^m^'Ome- thing of Soissons. Now she tells more of her work with the children of France.
<J\(olv Qo On yvith Tart II
April 13.
This morning we had the cornerstone laying of the new athletic
field which the Committee is installing for the city of Soissons.
And now to tea in our big salon—amid much decayed splendor. The beautiful chandelier has many of its crystals missing, but for- tunately the only whole mirror in the house is there to add a bit to
the effect of grandeur. April 2 3 .
At last my program seems to have arrived at a permanent form. I have a full day of gym classes in the village schools around about Soissons and rim giving two evenings a week and Sunday afternoons to work with the Scouts. They are planning a large playground here which I shall probably supervise.
April 2 5 .
Have taken on one basketball class and two dancing classes, in case my evenings hang heavy on my hands!
May 19.
Had an interesting trip today. Three of us in a Dodge camionette went up to St. Quentin to lay out a course for a bicycle race. It was a very beautiful drive as the country all about here is simply lovely. Everyone is very much amused at me because I always jump at the °pportunity to take any kind of a trip—in any kind of a conveyance. May 21.
This morning I went out early with one of the chauffeurs—a girl
from Boston—on what is known as the "milk rim." We go up a hill some miles away to a farm to transport milk to Soissons for the "Goute de Lait"—the milk-depot for the babies. It was a wonder- ful ride in the early morning air. and the farmer's wife gave me a bouquet of the most enormous double peonies, daisies, syringa, and double white lilacs.
May 27.
This has been a terrible week. It has been fearfully hot, and I have been taking on some additional classes for Mine. Lubimoff, who is ill, so that I have been simply too fagged out at night to write. The "concours" (field day) comes off next Sunday. I am so anxious to make it a success that I am working very hard.
May 30.
Memorial Day, and a most significant one. Early this morning
one of the chauffeurs and I went out in the fields and gathered whole armfuls of poppies, marguerites, and corn-flowers to decorate our house in red, white, and blue. At 11 o'clock we all went out to the American cemetery of the First and .Second Divisions at Ploisy, one of our villages. This cemetery is beautifully kept up. Of course the grass is very new, but all the graves are so neat with their white crosses, and one each grave was a flag and a wreath. Colonel Frank Parker, who was in command of the First division, spoke. There were American and French officers, some French poilr.s. and, sweet- est of »all, villagers and farmers and French children with bouquets of wild flowers. For these, our soldiers had died defending that very spot, the home of these peasants. After Colonel Parker's talk, "Taps" was blown, and I do not believe there was a dry eye in the assemblage.
June 1.
I wish I could preserve in some tangible form the beauty of this
country. It is indescribable. The vistas from the plateau-tops; little villages tucked away in the valleys. And such wildflowers! There is a clover that is red, and some kind of a fodder plant that is pink. One passes field after field of solid color. The wheat fields, a deep golden yellow, are all clotted with scarlet poppies and clumps of daisies. Practically all the trees seem to be in bloom. I love it so!
June 5.
I am very happy tonight. M y concours was a success. The chil-
dren were wonderful, and everything went off like clockwork. There were eight big children, between 8 and 13 years of age, from each of eight schools, and about thirty or forty under 8 years. We have been drilling them only twice a week for a month, and of course they had no gymnastic training before we came. The youngsters all wore black tabliers (aprons), which is the almost universal dress of the village children, and each school had a differentcolored sash. We gave ribbons to the winners in all events and a beautiful silk flag to
AY, 1928
he winners of the concours. Strange what a great triumph this little
chievement seems! Its success has given me a much greater thrill han any other three things I have accomplished.
une 7.
My French seems to become worse and worse as to grammar,
lthough I have acquired quite a vocabulary.
une 21.
These days are so hectic and rushed that it seems almost impos-
sible to find time for writing. Yesterday Miss H. and I went to Reims to see the American Red Cross playground. While there we met two very interesting English wemen who were in Reims all dur- ing the war and who are now connected with the Committee. Both are nurses, and they have adopted two of the most adorable children I have ever seen—a brother and a sister whose mother is dead and
whose father has deserted them. They showed us a picture of the little boy taken when they got him at the age of three months, the most hideous-looking infant I have ever seen. Now at the age of 26 months he is as large as a child of four, sturdy and strong, and lias the sweetest manners imaginable. When be came into the room he came up and, in perfect seriousness, kissed our hands. And when
we were about to leave, he junij>ed down from his chair, opened the door, and ushered us out with a deep bow.
Bugust 4 .
The playground is coining on, but very slowly. We had at first intended to have it at the Chateau of St. Crepin, about a mile and a quarter out of the city, but we have decided that that location is too
far out. We now have a place about 200 by 200 feet in the center of the town. Although it is rather small, the town owns all the ad-
French children have a tug of war cm the Soissons playground.
joining land and will eventually enlarge the playground. But oh, things move so slowlyover here. Allour apparatus is ready forin- stallation, but now we are delayed until the land can be cleared.
My assistant arrived on Tuesday, and I think she will be just the sort of person we want. Although she has had absolutely no play- ground experience, she is fine with the children. She was a French exchange student at Iowa State and is young, peppy, strong and at- tractive.
August 8.
Fortunately we are enjoying a little cooler weather, and praying
that it may last. We are also praying for rain. Unless it comes soon the sugar-beet crop, which is one of the most important crops of this section, will be completely ruined.
August 9.
I have been asked by Lieut. B., who is giving a normal course in physical education this month here in Soissons, to give a demon- stration of my work. He is one of the men who is in charge of the French "moniteurs militaires," the military men who give the physical training in many of the schools. I shall be simply petrified, and I know I shall get my genders all mixed up.
August 15.
Today being a holy day was also a holiday, so I had no classes. It rained all morning, but the sun came out this afternoon. We were all very glad as today was the fete at Tour de Ville (one of our vil- lages), and we were afraid it would all be spoiled by the rain. I trained a group of twelve girls who did a simple dance for the edifi-
cation of the villagers. August 16.
An interesting day. Five of us started off this morning in the Renault to go to Chateau-Thierry to a gymnastic fete. The road was lovely, part of the way lying through a forest where the dampness of this misty morning served simply to bring out the "woodsy" smell. At a sharp turn in the forest we came upon the monument to the First Division, A. E. F., several thousand of whom were killed i" the fighting between Soissons and Chateau-Thierry. The monument,
although it did not strike me a s ^ r y beautiful, is singularly impressive. One comes upon it most unexpectedly, at the bend of a hairpin curve, and the impressiveness of it is further borne out by the fact that it carries on the four sides of the pediment the names and companies of all the soldiers it commemorates. It is about ten or twelve feet high, I should think, and the pediment is surmounted by a huge shell on whose summit sits an eagle shielding the shell with its long, droop- ing wings.
We arrived at Chateau-Thierry just in time for the noon ban- quet. This gymnastic fete was given by the athletic societies of the vicinity. Representatives of each society, an officer representing the
(Continued on page 43)
"3 Went A-^A(ursing—
n A merica '$ Olde& Hospital" y WILKIE HUGHES, Beta Phi, Principal, School of Nursing
OSTON, by those outside of the city limits, as well as by maaay inside, is felt more as an accumulation of historical and tradi- ional episodes than thought of as a city of work-a-day people. fter all is it possible to find a community anywhere in the country hat has played and is playing a more important part in history and radition ?
The one spot, in Boston, of particular interest to me is the New ngland Hospital for Women and Children, located in the "Pudding tone" region of Roxbury. This Hospital is unique in that its en- ire personnel is made up of women. In 1859 a young Polish woman, Dr. Marie E. Zakrezewska came to Boston hoping to establish a
hospital for women and children. She set about her work in a very modest, yet very definite wav and succeeded in starting a small clinic. This grew, and in 1863 the'New England Hospital for Women and Children was incorporated. It had three objects.
1. To provide for women aid of competent physicians of their own sex.
2. To assist educated women in the practical study of medicine. 3. To train nurses for the care of the sick.
Patients in the Hospital were cared for in the beginning by the
so called "born nurse"—the young woman who gave of her time and
endurance to making the sick more comfortable, sometimes under the direction of an older woman, but more often she was left to her Own resources. NTu attempt was made to teach these young women except in the care of obstetrical cases until 1872. At this time Dr. Susan Dimock. who had just returned to this country from Ger- many, where she had completed her medical education, and where she had experienced the training of nurses, organized a Training School,
t r | e first in America to give a systematic, graded course.
The training of twelve months included instruction in Medical Surgical and Obstetrical Nursing; there were no text books, nor were there any examinations. Linda Richards was the first to re-
ceive a diploma from this pioneer school—this diploma is dated 1 October, 1873. Hence. Miss Richards is America's first trained nurse, and has been most influential in establishing Nursing as a Profession.
Nursing is one of the oldest arts known, and has been practiced after some fashion or other since the beginning of time. Wars, the tall of Rome, and the Crusades have all had a part in developing Nursing as a skill. The word itself carries with it a feeling of com- fort ; it means "to nourish." "to sustain or protect,'' which refers to
releiving suffering, also maintaining physical perfection.
As a vocation for women. Nursing was quite out of the question as long as women were bound to the home by the strong ties of convention. It was not until the results of Florence Nightingale's work at Scutari, during the Crimean W ar were known that these ties were broken, and the field of Nursing was opened to all women. Nursing has slowly but surely taken its place in the list of pro- fessions HI the day. As in othei professions ;i liberal education ijj necessary. T o meet the demands of this modern civilization, educa- tional facilities for Nursing have been increased all over the country.
From the original two or three lines of work, supervision and bed-side care in an institution, and bed-side nursing in private homes. Nursing has expanded to more than thirty definite activities, activi- ties that require executive ability, knowledge and intelligence to carry responsibility, and a keen appreciation of human nature. There are
(Continued on page 51) T
a moment
to say a
smiling good
MAY. 1928
Jfelpful Jfints for Successful ^Parties By ELEVEN ALPHA O'S
fall rushing each year comes the summer, packed
V full of vacationing with now and then a disturbing thought of
that party which the rushing captain asked you to plan. You've just so much money to spend; your Panhellenic Council limits you to a certain time length and to utter simplicity. So here come your sister chapters to help you with any number of clever and unique parties. °«ly awaiting your decision to try them out at your fall rushing. Three of our chapters felt that their most successful parties were held away from the chapter houses, and although you may not be a , , le to take vour rushees to Greenwich Village, the Mountains or an °'d fort, we'll let you read their account for perhaps you have some
jpry similar place close to home of which you've never thought.
Lorraine Jones will tell vou first of Nil's Washington Birthday RBrty.
W ? U r m o s t s , 1 c c e s s f u l rushing party this year was the tea-dance given on I;Ellington's Birthday afternoon at one of the Village tea-rooms, 'The Four
r e e s -'. The place itself added to the success of the party through the at- ri°lfC r i C ( fi( C t °f (hdl lighting and artistic interior decoration. The Wh ?CS- a r r ' v e c * about three o'clock and were plunged immediately into the so'th , , ! 'lancing. A goodly number of boys had been invited to attend
that even- <jjr] had a partner—the rushees and our own girls alike. There r e "o wall flowers during the entire afternoon and that alone is enough
to make a party enjoyable for everyone who attends. The music was very jolly and during the course of the afternoon we served refreshments in the form of sandwiches, small cakes, and tea. There was a continual round of gayety until about five-thirty when the party broke up and our guests thanked us heartily for the merry time."
Alpha Sigma took their rushees to a Chalet and Rebecca Morgan says,
"Spring vacation we gave a rushing dinner at Mrs. Henderson's Crown Point Chalet about 30 miles from Portland on the Columbia River Highway. At four-thirty we met in the Portland Hotel, 12 rushees and 14 active mem- bers. Four of the girls took their cars with six girls in the two five-pas- senger, and eight in each of the seven passenger cars. It rained some, but not enough to spoil the long drive out over the scenic highway; and it made the Chalet seem more cozy than ever with its numerous fire-places, and roomy indoor swings which hung by chains in front of them. Dinner was served at
six on the first floor at four tables, high above the. Columbia River with its many islands and the scenic Vista House just a few hundred feet below us. We could look from our white tables with the delicious dinner and spring flowers, away down the river and watch showers pass below us. After din- ner we danced in the beautiful central room upstairs or sat in the big leather upholstered swings and davenports, and just chatted. We were reluctant to leave, but we sang and chatted on our dark ride into Portland. Bv the time we had the rushees safely in town at nine as we had promised to do, we felt that we 'had the girls in mind' and that we had rushed well. Two of these girls entered this spring term, and they have just been formally pledged.
Successful ?"
Sibyl Leach has sent in a report of Gamma's party at Fort Knox. "Our best rushing party was also our first. We took our guests bv car to Fort Knox, a historic old fort built during the War of 1812, and pictur- esquely situated on the Penobscot River about 35 miles from here. Their tour
of inspection of the fort was at the same time a treasure hunt, and in one of the dungeons each freshman found a bag of gold-colored mints. We cooked pigs-in-blankets, angels-on-horseback. coffee, and green corn over an open fire on the shore. The remainder of the afternoon we spent cn the terraces singing songs and getting acquainted."
Didn't those parties sound alluring? We have such attractive tea shops in every college town now that you can surclv have a party like Nu's if you can't go to a picturesque Chalet. The Fort Knox party could easily be converted into a picnic in a deserted quarry, near an old empty house in the country or even on river banks.
But the party directions which follow are practical for all of you. They require only your brains, your brawn and your talents. Here are several atmospheric parties.
"The best rushing party Nu Omicron has given this year," says Mary Olivia Rutledge, "W as an imitation of a Wild West restaurant."
"The invitations were rudely printed on torn brown wrapping paper.
"Oyer the front door was a sign, 'Lickem Daily's Bar.' W e led the girls around to the back door, jangled a cowbell, and scared them thoroughly be- fore we took them in.
"We seated the guests at bridge tables, covered with red cloths, with napkins torn from the same material. There was sawdust all over the floor, and the rooms were lighted by oil lamps and by candles stuck in bottles.
MAY, 1928
Signs covered the walls. We had a bar (manufactured from a chicken coop) and a fat, red-faced bartender, who dispensed coca-cola. We gave a program that was as typically Western as we could make it. We served wieners, sauer kraut, baked beans, pretzels and pie. The favors were
!chocolate cigarettes."
Or if that doesn't suit your fancy, try the effect of Evelyn
Coffin's "kid party."
"Tau Delta's most successful party was her 'kid' celebration. Everyone
cast off the shackles of adulthood, and donned rompers, gingham smocks, fancy bows, socks, and other garments typically childish in preparation for an evening of pinning the tail on the donkey; playing 'farmer in tht dell, or 'going to Jerusalem.' and becoming gloriously queasy from an excess of pepperment sticks and lollipops. Some of the Tau Delta members gave recita- tions reminiscent of Tames Whitcomb Riley, and the guests responded with improvised entertainment of their own. Refreshments were ice-cream in fancv shapes, angel food cakes and mints embossed with the red AOII and nuts' As men aren't allowed at sorority rushing parties here, the girls had excellent opportunities for pairing off and becoming acquainted with each other, so that when the time came to go home, our rushees went with a feel- ing of intimacv with us, which prompted them to cherish the balloons we gave them, and to regard the white initials, painted on the shiny red surfaces, with interest and a hopeful eagerness."
"Epsilon.*' Frances Mount speaking, "wants you to have a vaudeville party. It's so much fun and not a lot of work if you have a few talented girls."
"This party is a copy of a performance of the Strand, Ithaca movie and Vaudeville theatre. Each guest upon entering the house got her ticket at the box-office. Next the check room where she checked her wraps. One phase of Ithacan movies is bags of popcorn to eat during the show. Each guest was now given one. An usher seated her in the sun porch (theater), gave her a program on which was written in addition 'stop around the corner at the Goodie Shop,' a well-known Ithacan after-movie institution. Act I . an Alpha O, on the stage, playing in Ithaca that week-end, did her act for us. Act I I , Gilda Grey. Act III, a skit: Frankie and Johnnie, acted in pantomime to song by member. Act IV , Duncan Sisters. Act V . clog dance. The show was followed by dancing and chocolate sundaes in the 'Goodie Shop' (dining room)."
"Borrow a samovar from one of your alumnae, some scarves and good looking dishes, and this party's great," advises Betty Hostetter.
"An effectiverushing party that Tau has used repeatedly is the 'Studio Tea.' The atmosphere is that <jf an old attic, dark, musty, with immense spider- webs covering the windows and hanging from the corners of the ceiling. The furniture, conspicuous mainly by its absence, is bare and crude, cushions dropped carelessly about, serving as chairs, in most instances.
"About the room are pieces of pottery and sculpturing in varying degrees I of development, while plastered upon the walls in great numbers are batik scarves, and sketches—impressionistic, futuristic, cubistic, quaint, daring, grotesque; a few watercolors. The dim light is furnished by a miscellaneous assortment of candles which throw weird, fanciful shadows across the floor
and walls.
"While the entertainment, consisting of appropriate music, and Bohemian
dancing acts is going on. the hostesses, clad in smocks, none too scrupulously clean, and emphatically unstarched, with their accompanying flowing ties, and
34 To DRAGMA inevitable tam o'shanters, serve candied fruits, pastry, Russian tea, and long
chocolate cigarettes."
If your new house isn't finished by rushing time, hold a pirate or
a treasure party in it anyway. Both Marion L. Olive. (Iota), and Helen Cleveland, (Phi), offer suggestions. We'll give -Marion's first.
"Our best rushing party this year was given last fall in the form of a Pirate Breakfast. It was unusually appropriate as we had the party in our new house which was far from completion at the time.
"The tables were made of long boards nailed on to, saw-horses and the guests were seated on boards placed on nail-kegs. The table cloths consisted of black crepe-paper and napkins were of a fancy design. The decorations were tall brown bottles with candles stuck in them, large money sacks and finally little chocolate champagne bottles at each guest's place."
Phi's party is a very attractive one. W e suggest that you arrange with one of your "engagees" for the treasure as they seem to have done.
"Of all the rush parties that Phi gave during the year, the cleverest was a 'Treasure Island' luncheon. Quartet tables were used and in the center of each was a 'bag of gold' with ribbons leading from it to the place cards, which were little pirate girls. On the end of the ribbons inside the bag of gold was a little bag of tinfoiled candies which was our individual 'spoils.'
"We served stuffed tomatoes, cold sliced ham, hot rolls, stuffed olives, potato chips, iced tea, orange ice, and cup cakes with orange frosting. A|l one end of the dining room, half hidden under a gay scarf was our 'hidden treasure'—a chest of candy (Lenore Bird's five pounds).
"The colors red, purple, orange and blue were carried out in decorations and food and our pirate effect was enhanced further bv drawn shades at the windows and doors and the flicker of candlelight."
Omieron Pi and Pi Delta send more dignified ideas. Alice Louise Wessels. (Omieron Pi), suggests a tea dance.
"To attempt to begin to describe our best rushing partv means to begin by describing the refreshments. The party was a tea" dance, and the floral decorations were fall flowers while the dining-room had the chairs against the wall and the tables were made smaller bv taking the leaves out. On the tables were our best lace doilies and pretty green tapers of a medium tone. When the guests began to file in our tea wagon was wheeled in by a pledge. On it was the pride of our hearts we had covered a low pan with a cloth (probably a sheet) and in it was a cake of ice with ferns all over the surface of it. They would freeze on as soon as thev were placed against it; and in the center of the square of ice was a deep hole filled with
ice cream with maraschino cherries on the top. The ice cream was served from the center of the dining room along with colorful cakes.
"I don't know whether my words have been able to convey just how much our dessert topped off the tea, but I know it brought many compliments ;•• .i n fact we had nerve enough to serve it to the facultv (just before
examination time)."
And Hazel Tenney, (Pi Delta), tells of a rose party.
"The living room in our chapter house was arranged as a cabaret, with 15 small tables seating four girls at each. T w o actives sat at each table wit" two rushees. All were in formal attire. The entire plan was built around the rose. There were roses on the tables, on the programmes, around the walls, and even the lamp shades were covered with paper roses.
"The 'waitresses,' fourteen in number wore costumes made to represent (Continued on page 84)
AY, 1928
District Contentions <^Make Qood
'Vacation Tours
For the second time in the history of the fraternity a District Convention will he held in each of the Districts this spring. T w o
years ago such meetings were held for the first time in all but one of the Districts and proved to be of great benefit to the chapters and to the fraternity. The official delegates from each chapter and others who could he present found it stimulating and helpful to discuss their mutual problems. The alumnae who were present aided in the dis- cussions with their broader experience and deeper knowledge of fraternity.
This year each alumnae chapter is being urged to send an official delegate to District Convention, and it is our hope that many other interested alumnae will find it possible to be there.
The place and dates for convention in each District are listed below. No more delightful and interesting way to spend a part of your summer vacation could be found. Frank discussion of problems "vital to the fraternity and to all of us, play hours with friends you feel you've always known, and the cultivation of delightful and last- ih friendships appeal to all of us. Such things are in store for you who attend your District Convention. Come!
i Atlantic District—Not yet decided.
Southern District—Mentone, Alabama (R. R. Station, Valley Head),
June 22-26.
Ohio Valley District—data Chapter. Urbana, Illinois, April 27-30.
Great Lakes District—Omieron Pi Chapter, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
June 8-11.
Mid-Western District—Zeta Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska, M ay 17-20.
Pacific Coast District— Sigma Chapter, Berkeley, California, May 10-13.
To DRAGM fl[ Women in the 'Professional World
Jfygiene Work for
Offers Cjfascinating Alert-JHinded
ID IGHT in the middle of the most interesting position I ever had, comes a plea—"Won't you please tell the Alpha O's the joy of being a Dental Hygienist?" The joys are many and the field is expanding to an enormous size. But first let me explain the course and some of the work before you all forsake your present profes-
sions for Dental Hygiene.
There are eleven or twelve training schools for Hygienists in the United States and one in Hawaii. Four of these schools have two year courses and the others but a one year course. Minnesota Uni- versity course requires two year's work at the College of Dentistry
with special training in down-town offices and in the Minneapolis Public schools. Ninety credits are required for graduation—forty- five each year.
The first year of study consists of the science courses and den- tal technic—Physiology, Dental Prophylaxis. Oral Anatomy, Ele- mentary Anatomy, Anesthesia, Surgical and Dental Assisting, Den- tal Laboratory, Principles of Dentistry, Dental Roentgenology. ' >rfice Practice, Bacteriology, Oral Hygiene Education, Physical Train- ing, Preliminary Hygiene and Prosthetic Dentistry.
In the second year the work is designed to prepare the student for teaching Oral Hygiene (the best and most promising field)- The subjects covered are: English, Prophylaxis, Psychology, Oral Hygiene, Educational work in schools, Sociology. Public Speakingi
Thesis—Seminar, Diet. Health Care and Oral Pathology.
The time spent in actual class work during the two years is 1,683 hours. The graduates receive a degree of Graduate Dental Hygienist and participate in the regular University Commencement
Upon graduation from the course a Hygienist is qualified to
hold a number of positions—either in a Dental office, Dental Labor- atory, Dental X-ray Clinic or in Public Schools or Institutions teaching Oral Hygiene. Dental Hygienists make splendid wives
MAY, 1928
and mothers too! The teaching of Oral Hygiene is the most ap- pealing and a large field is opening up for this type of work.
After I graduated from the University of Minnesota, ('23), I accepted a position in a dental office in Minneapolis. After one and one-half years doing prophylaxis and general office duties I resigned—accepting a position at the Dental College, University of Minnesota as X-ray operator. There I had charge of the X-ray Clinic and instructed the Junior Hygienists in X-ray technique. But the most interesting work I have found in the field of Oral Hygiene is in California.
I am now among the great number of Hygienists doing public school work through-out the United States, and one of the five Hy- gienists employed in Los Angeles County Health Department. Los Angeles County has an area of 4,008 square miles, and in that area one can find every type of climate sea, desert, cities and towns and trimmings. M y territory includes the whole San Fernando Val- ley and appendages, which in turn include Lancaster, Palmdale, Newhall, Saugus, Tujunga, La Crescenta, Montrose, Topanga Can- yon, Calabasas, Liberty and Cornell. I f you are not acquainted with these towns you had better page a Los Angeles County map be- cause we don't want to lose you when we start on our tour. The above mentioned towns include only a few of the schools I visit.
There are forty-two schools in this district. They vary in size from one to eight rooms and from four to five hundred pupils en- rolled. My headquarters are located in the Health Center at San Fernando. It is from there each morning that I start my daily trips peddeling mouth health; doing prophylaxis and inspections in these schools. When working in the Lancaster district, the desert, I spend the whole week there, staying at the Inn or with the Public Health Nurse. It is sixty miles to Lancaster and most of the day would be spent on the highway if I had to drive that distance, or more, twice a day. My nearest school is eleven miles from San Fernando,
Touring with a Dental Nurse
Lv. 8 :00 A. M.—Health Center, San Fer- nando. Newhall with its new school. Pico Canyon among the oil xvells. San Martinez with its five pu- pils. Like Oak, clean
teeth and art. Oak Flats, four little Negroes and a French child. Valtairc, another new school. Elis- abeth Lake, school dis-
AT. 6:00 P. M.—Health Center, San Fer- nando.
38 T o DRAGMA;
so you see I have much travellingto do daily. Now that I have given you some idea of distances, schools and work, let us take a little tour and visit some of the quaint little schools tucked away in the various canyons throughout my territory.
W e will leave San Fernando at eight A . M . on a delightful sunny day—of course California has no other kind of days, except unusual weather! We won't pass the Old Mission and Memory Garden—established 1787, as we take the Ridge Route north. This is a winding road through the foothills leading us first to Newhall. It is here, so the story goes that gold was first discovered in Cali- fornia. There is an old deserted mine in Placerita Canyon where we can pan a little, a very little, gold if we have patience. There is a new grammar school in Newhall but not as interesting as the school we find in Pico Canyon. There, on a Standard Oil lease, we have a one-room school with nine pupils representing four families. The pupils are faithful followers of Good Health Habits.
From Pico Canyon, back onto the highway and then to Sari Martinez school. This school is almost to the Ventura County line and is not accessible with the car. So we park, try the turn-style
—we used to crawl under a barbed wire fence—and cross a deep gully, by means of a foot bridge. It is another one room school house. Four of the nine pupils are absent—one is at the dentist's. Upon questioning, we learn that one boy, fourteen years of age, never used a tooth brush until I came to visit and instruct them. He has been lucky enough to escape with only two cavities and has an appointment to have those filled. We encounter cases like this in every school and when we see improvement, we feel satisfied that something has been accomplished.
Live Oak—what a joy! Still another one room school house, but such fine youngsters. Eager, happy faces wait for us here— and such bright clean smiles! These boys and girls check upon one another each day to see if all have brushed their teeth. Not only famous for clean teeth; Live Oak has some promising artists! Two of the boys do splendid work and another boy is close at their heels. They are very generous with their drawings and I am the proud owner of a beautiful ship done in crayola and ink. W e could spend half a day here but there are so many others to see before schools are dismissed for the day.
Squatted against the hillside we find Oak Flats! Queer name for such a location. Again we must park the car and walk to the school because it is too steep to drive in safety. The school-master greets us; immaculate in his white shirt and white trousers and silver gray hair. But the pupils—where are they? There are only five enrolled and one is absent. Four little negro children and a French girl receive almost private tutoring from their school-master. He drills them on Health Habits and we note the results. The school- master lives in a lean-to of the school house and while he is1hear-
(Continued on page 100)
MAY, 1928
%e c^Xr P- C' Officers for the &{ext
Delta Zeta,
Phi Mu,
IRMA TAPP, Alpha Chairman,
.— •f-
Constructive 'Resolutions
Panhellenic Congress Passes By WILMA SMITH LELAND, Tan
} N T H E opinion of Alpha Omicron Pi's Panhellenic delegate, the
most constructive action taken at the Congress was the appoint- ment of a committee to frame a new constitution for the Congress to embody in it the present constitution, the fraternity compact, the rules of procedure and any other changes. The committee has as its personnel Lillian W . Thompson, (Gamma Phi Beta), chairman:
Lorah Monroe, (Sigma Kappa) ; Mrs. Beverley, (Zeta Tau Alpha). The committee was especially instructed to present a change m the present article of the constitution which permits amendment of the By-Laws only by unanimous vote of participating fraternities. The Congress felt very strongly that amendment to the Constitution should be more easily effected. The committee was instructed to re- tain an attorney not a member of any of the participating fraternities
and to report within three months.
The delegates to the Congress were instructed to present the new
constitution at each convention and to come back to the next Con- gress authorized by their fraternities to cast a fraternity vote for or against the new constitution as submitted by the committee.
To DRAG Credit for this constructive step is largely due to Louise Leonard,
(Alpha Gamma Delta), the Chairman of the Congress. In her report which opened the Congress, held in Boston from February 27 to March 1, she said:
Looking backward over the past two years we find much to strengthen the feeling that N. P. C. has a definite part to play in affairs of the college world. It is true that we have not yet begun to realize our possibilities in the way of accomplishment, but our experience makes more clear our op- portunities and gives us a realization of the fact that our efforts are desi:
and appreciated.
The reports of the various committees both standing and special will give you the results of their work, but the summary of the chairman for the two years must by necessity be in the main a chronicle of impressions rather than accomplishments. It is bromidic, but true, to say that we are all busy women with clamorous demands upon our time and thought. It is because of that fact that I have stressed the enormous amount of work that has gone into the affairs of this organization in the past two years. It ought to be pos- sible for the report of the result of that labor to be brought before us by each committee with the knowledge that it will be received with sympathy and that the recommendations growing out of the experience of the committees will be seriously considered and will be used as the basis for our future work.
It is a splendid tribute to be able to pay you as individuals when I say that I have not made one request of any of you as chairmen or members of committees or in charge of surveys or round tables that has not been immedi- ately and freely granted. It would seem then that as individuals we are co- operative, friendly, capable and generous with our time and thought. Since I , personally, have proof that this is true, and in general there would be few to argue to the contrary, it seems difficult to understand why we should together form an organization which some of us feel, and some of us have quite openly expressed, is worse than weak.
National Panhellenic Congress belongs to all of us. If it is not a live, effective, and worthwhile organization it is the fault of each one of us here, for we know what it should be and we know that we could make it that. The fact that we come here not in an individual capacity, but representing thousands of fraternity women, is no reason for our not exercising the same qualities oi co-operation, friendliness, and honesty that we use in our personal
affairs. It is our duty as representatives of our fraternity so to impress upon our members the purpose of National Panhellenic Congress that there can be no chance for the cry that we would hamper the movements of individual fraternities, that we would cast all in one mold, that we would detract from the inalienable right of each fraternity to legislate for itself. That, we all know in our hearts, is untrue and in no way desired.
As has been suggested, it takes too much time and too much money to come together every two years if we are not willing to assume the r e s Po n ^I bilities and duties which rightly belong to an organization whose avowed purpose is to maintain on a high plane fraternity life and inter-fraternity relationships. National Panhellenic Congress is a name which carries prestige- With united effort we can make the organization as strong as the name- In that effort nothing is required but intelligent and unselfish co-operation on the part of every member, which will mean not only increased vitality to this organization, but increased fraternity vitality.
The first action of the Congress admitted Theta Upsilon. tli e associate member, to full membership, and Miss Nordwell took her seat at the delegates' table, making twenty-one sororities represented- After the report by Lorah Monroe, (Sigma Kappa), chairman oj the Committee on the Eligibility and Nationalization of Social
MAY, 1928 41
Groups, Sigma Phi Beta was admitted to associate membership and the Congress agreed to further, encourage and sponsor Epsilon Pi Alpha and Lambda Omega. The Congress went on record as favor- ing the encouragement of petitions from limited membership groups. The status of Sigma Alpha Iota will be investigated by the officers of that group and its classification defined before the next Congress meeting. A t present it seems to be social, honorary and professional, according to its various chapter reports. Beta Sigma Omieron will not be eligible for N . P. C. membership as long as its dual member- ships exist, and the Congress will cooperate in the determination of these. Commercial exploitation of sororities had been discovered by this Committee and after presenting proof of its real existence, the Congress urged that new groups entering on a nationalization pro- gram work with and through this Congress committee. The Con- gress went on record as thoroughly disapproving of any individual firm, or bureau selling information to local groups or helping them for financial remuneration. College Panhellenics and Deans of Women are to be given these resolutions.
Eight round tables produced much helpful exchange of informa- tion. Their subjects and leaders were: Preferential Bidding, Miss Onken; Pre-Initiation Razzing, Mrs. Prince; House Rules, Mrs. Woolett; Pledge Training, Miss Onken; Chapter House Building, Mrs. Beverley; Vocations, Mrs. Collins; Alumnae Organization, Mrs. Kearney; Endowment Funds, Miss Thompson. Mrs. Lebrecht read
the Kappa Alpha Theta plan which replaces "Hell Week" by "Courte- sy W eek." This plan carefully directs the energy of the active chap- ter in their desire to make their pledges prove worthy of sisterhood. Alice Dibble presented the house rules to which the sororities in the Quadrangle at Northwestern have agreed. Our own Mrs. Mullan told of the financing of Alpha O houses by loans from the Anniver- sary Endowment Fund during the Clutpter House Building round table. Action which arose from these round tables was the de- nunciation of pre-initiation razzing with an approval of continued education against the practice; the urge of the discontinuation of teas or Panhellenic parties to which all freshmen are invited in a group; the disapproval of smoking by undergraduate members of
N. P. C. fraternities in chapter houses or on the campuses of our universities and colleges, and the request that guests and alumnae respect this policy as they do house rules.
Rushing took up its share of time and thought with a few new
. The short open rushing program and uniform penalties were again •ndorsed. College Panhellenics arc to be instructed to set a time limit for jhe reporting of rushing violations. It was urged that the election of Col- lege Panhellenic officers be held in the Spring, not later than four weeks before the close of the college year. Decisions c* college Panhellenic are binding, the Congress ruled, and must be accepted and abided by unless and until overruled by higher authority upon appeal by the fraternity concerned.
The Congress expressed its disapproval of a long period of time between receipt and acceptance of a bid and recommended that this period be short- ened as circumstances permit. Model forms for the preferential system are to be distributed among College Panhellenics by the national committee, it was
decided. The college groups are to be advised that the person in charge of preferential bidding must be required to safeguard and keep intact for one year all records.
The following very definite procedure was outlined to be followed when an appeal is made from the decision of a College Panhellenic:
(a) The fraternity chapters wishing to appeal shall send written notifi- cation of their intention to the chairman of their College Panhellenic.
(b) The chairman of the College Panhellenic and the fraternity chapter of: chapters concerned shall send complete records of the case to the chairman of the National Panhellenic Congress Committee on College Panhellenics and simultaneously tq the grand presidents involved, bv registered mail, return receipt requested, within 10 days of the receipt of the notification of intention.
(c) I f the chairman of the National Panhellenic Congress Committee on College Panhellenics is unable to settle the difficulty she shall be responsible for the further conduct of the case and shall submit all data to the grand presidents involved by registered mail, return receipt requested.
(d) I f the grand presidents cannot settle the case, it may be appealed by any grand president to the executive committee of National Panhellenic Con-
(e) If the executive committee cannot settle the case it may be appealed
either by a grand president or by the executive committee to the National I anhellenic Congress whose decision shall be final.
(f) The right to vote shall be forfeited if no reply- is made in ten days after the receipt of the registered data.
(g) There shall be no publicity of any kind in Panhellenic troubles.
The Congress recommended that member fraternities develop in their own bodies not only high scholarship but also a true love of learning and that the present method of cultivating scholarship for itself be disregarded as not
being constructive to this end.
The Congress expressed its appreciation to the Board of Di- rectors of the New York Panhellenic House for making that project possible.
Four splendid special surveys, authorized by the last Congress were presented and showed a thorough and careful investigation by each chairman. A rising vote of thanks was given to each. These surveys are to be distributed, and we hope later to be able to give
you excerpts from some of them. Miss Green, (Kappa Alpha Theta), was unable to be present so M rs. Lebrecht read her paper on Social Conditions on College Campuses. I'm sure all of us were amazed at some of the existing conditions; a total lack of places to entertain guests, no planned social functions which are sanctioned by college authorities, et cetera. Official Recognition Given Chapter House Chaperons was the survey which M rs. Kemp. (Kappa Kappa Gam- ma), had prepared. She advised the chaperonage of sorority houses to be treated as a profession and her ideal chaperone was certainly a
combination of Minerva, Juno and Venus. Mrs. Knote. (Alpha Xi Delta), presented Scholarship Standards and Grading Systems in Col- leges. A criticism of the practice of the compilation of the grade list placing fraternities and sororities in a scholastic relationship since
MAY, 1928 4 ^
very often there is less than a point between the averages of the leading and last groups was made by some members of the Congress. Some felt that this list does have a value, though. Pinckney Glantz- berg presented Rochelle Cachet's survey on The Cost of Fraternity
•Life and Fraternity Housing.
On the last afternoon of the Congress, the delegates went to the Copley-Plaza Hotel for a joint meeting with the American Associa- tion of Deans of W omen, also meeting in Boston. Papers were read by Dean Agnes E. Wells of Indiana University on Sorority Stand- ards; The Fraternity House Chaperon by M rs. Frank Kemp; Frat- ernities in the Building of University Spirit by Helen P. Rush, as- sistant dean of women of the University of Pittsburgh (and I wish you might have all heard and visioned the perfect regard and whole- some living and working together of Pittsburgh fraternity women as we did),and The Nationalization of Local Groups by Lorah Monroe.
"War ^Playgrounds {Continued from page 2 8 )
General of the Sixty-seventh Division, the Sous-Prefet of the town, the Municipal Counseilleurs, the Superintendent of Schools, the Mayor, and we were all there. But first, a bit about the town itself. W e approached it by a road which led along the crest of a plateau overlooking the city. Much to our surprise, the city did not appear at all ruined, although we learned later that some damage (300 houses totally destroyed) had been done. The river Marne flows through the middle of the town, and to the north of the river are to be seen the ruins of the old chateau, which was built about the eleventh cen- tury. It rises up in the midst of the city like the castles in fairy tales.
However, all that remain are the ramparts.
As we entered the city and drew near to its center, we rode down
streets decorated with flags, and we passed men and children dressed in the costumes of their various societies. •
The banquet was a very grand affair. We were the only women present. After the speeches and compliments and toasts, we drove up the hill and into the chateau park to watch the "defile" or pro- cession. This consisted of bands and trumpet corps and all the so- cieties in costume. From the heights we could see them as they wound through the streets, and it was a most picturesque sight. W e were then escorted to our seats on the platform where we watched them enter the grounds of the park. The place for the exhibition was ideal, being a huge circle surrounded by trees. The procession filed before the stand, each group saluting. There were all ages, from gray-haired
men to little boys of eight or nine years, and also groups of girls, all picturesquely attired. One group, from the village of Charteves, wore khaki blouses in remembrance of the American soldiers who gave them the barrack in which to have their meetings. The exhibi- tion of gymnastics was truly remarkable, 500 men and boys doing
exercises together. A n d such complicated exercises as they were— stunts on horizontal bars, parallel bars, and wooden horses, such as you might expect to see in a circus or on a vaudeville stage, boxing and fencing exercises, pyramids, and rhythmics and dancing by the girls. The little fellowsof eight and nine did their stunts just as well as did their big brothers and their fathers. And the audience of vil- lage people was almost as interesting to watch as the gymnasts. August 3 0 .
We opened the playground informally today. I am busy there from 9 to 11 in the morning and from 4 to 7 in the afternoon. I also have village classes from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, and from 8:30 to 9:30 in the evening. I am sure it is going to be a great success, and it is filling a desperate need, for these children have had no place but the streets in which to play. Although we have given out no
notice about opening, there have been flocks of youngsters all day.
Do you Know TBat—
ALPHA SIGMA stood at the top of the grade list of 44 organiza- tions at the University of Oregon when this year's repvrt was published.
Evelyn Stevenson, (Psi), has been President of the Panhellenic Council at the University of Pennsyh 'ania this year.
Jean Lockzcood, (Chi '29), Jcanette Roney and Mary Robinson, both of Gamma were delegates to the Student Volunteer Convention in Detroit.
Lydia Glidden, (Delta), is President of the Student Council at Jackson College.
Helen Cadman was aivarded the cup which Omega gives annually to the best all-round pledge.
Margaret Rourke, (Delta '30), is Vice-President of the Sophomore class at Jackson College.
Two of the four straight A students at the University of Maryland are Evelyn Kuhnle, senior, and Barbara Schilling, sophomore, members of Pi Delta chapter.
Alpha Phi has the highest scholastic average on Montana State Col- lege campus.
Kappa leads the sororities at Randolph Maoon in scholarship.
Anna Yant, (Theta '28), was one of the four representatives
De Pauw at the Play Day Convention at Cincinnati. The best athlete from each class ivas chosen.
Katheryn Altemier, (Epsilon), was the only member of the junior class to receive a blazer for work in athletics last year.
Lois Dickie, (Rho), was named Honorary Major and led the Military Hall at Northwestern.
Eta was first in scholarship ranking among the national sororities at the University of Wisconsin.
Betty Stiven, (Ipta), tvas the Superior Sophomore Scholar announced on last Honors Day at the University of Illinois.
Pi received the scholarship cup on the Neivcomb campus last year.
[AY, 1928
(fellowship Winner Sxpresses Qratitude
to <^Alpha 0: Works in Psychology
and Dramatics
our 1 9 2 7 Fellowship winner.
T AST May the Fellowship Award Committee announced that the non-member fellowship had been granted to Helen Rosenstihi. a Kappa Delta from Randolph-Macon College. Her year's work is almost completed and she has written the following letter which
she wishes passed on to members of Alpha Omicron Pi.
My dear Mrs. Leland:
I shall indeed be delighted to tell the members of Alpha Omicron Pi
something of my work and winter in New York, which by their generosity I have been able to enjoy. Indeed, I have been quite anxious for just such an opportunity.
I have found in New York even more than I had hoped for. My work at Columbus has been a joy and an inspiration that I could scarcely have found elsewhere. When 1 registered there last fall I found that the Psy- chology which I needed was, for the most part in Teachers College which as you know has one of the very best Psychology departments in this country. When classes began, I found myself enjoying the instruction and inspiration of such men as £>r. E. L. Thorndyke, Dr. Rudolph Pintner, Dr. R. S. Wood- worth, Dr. H. A. Ruger, and others.
Mv work has been particularly in the field of Child Psychology and in Mental and Educational Tests and Measurements. Besides the theoretical class work and reading, I have found the practical work extremely interest- ing and beneficial. Various types of subnormal children were studied both during class periods and at institutions for the mentally deficient. Moreover, I have given several mental and educational tests to children in the New York schools. I should like very much to tell you some details of the work, nut I am afraid that I should not be able to stop if I once began. One type of test with which I had not worked before and in which I am especially interested is the non-language mental and educational test. It is given with- out the use of a single word, and so may be given to deaf and foreign chil- dren. I should like very much to do further work with this type of test.
In this connection I might mention that in my study of subnormal chil- dren, my attention was strikingly called to the prevalence of speech difficul- ties. I "had not understood before how much speech correction and better-
ment is needed. In consequence, I am taking courses in voice and diction problems in speech education, and the teaching of speech in the elementary school.
Many new fields have been opened up to me, and I feel that my year in New York has given me a great deal that I could not have obtained other- wise, and which I shall make every effort to use to the best advantage.
You will perhaps be interested to know that when I came to New York in the fall, I won a competitive scholarship at the Lucy Feagin School of Dramatic Art, located in Carnegie Hall. Work at these studios has taken the place of extra-curricula activities in college, so that I have had a very full and interesting year.
Besides my work at Columbia and at the Feagin School, I have found many things in New York which have contributed greatly to my education and happiness. There have been wonderful afternoons at the Metropolitan Museum of A rt, at various art galleries, and exhibitions. The opportunities for hearing exquisite music have been sources of infinite pleasure. The theatre, with its revivals and modern movements of which New York is al- ways sponsor, has likewise contributed much to an almost perfect winter.
I shall return to New York next year and shall continue my work at Columbia, while teaching at the same time in a school in or near the city.
I find it very hard indeed to express by means of a mere letter my grati- tude to Alpha Omicron Pi for the support and encouragement which have made these things possible for me. I shall be eternally grateful, and only hope that in some way, by developing the things which they have allowed me to share for awhile, I may repay them for their generosity, interest, and trust.
With very best wishes and sincere thanks to the members of Alpha Omicron Pi, I am Sincerely yours, HELEN ROSENSTIHL.
"S Count Only Jfappy Jfours" (Continued from page 2 4 )
Next morning Mary Neal started me off for Greencastle and Theta, my last visit. Theta's beautiful new house was a delightful setting for the tea given that afternoon, where it was a pleasure to meet Elizabeth Morrison, the
chapter's alumna adviser, and other alumnae and friends of the girls. At dinner we were guests of the Dean and later attended "Show down," a tradi- tional benefit program, at which five sororities and dormitories, chosen by lot, present stunts in competition for the "Show Down" cup.
Saturday was devoted to conferences, with meeting in the evening, after which we had instructions to retire early, as initiation bjf Theta's ten pledges was to start at five next morning! I must confess the hour had seemed a bit eccentric—but when the pledges were awakened by chimes; when the girls sang Alpha O songs softly as the pledges dressed; when everything was candle-lighted, and the early morning stillness gave an added solemnity, when the Theta traditions of a rose breakfast at the conclusion bf the service, and of each soonsor attending chapel with her initiate were observed, I felt that I was experiencing a fresh initiation. I shall never forget the privilege of
conducting the service, nor the sight of Elizabeth Morrison sponsoring her little sister, though it brought the tears very close. M y memory of Theta is of joyous initiates opening the many gifts of flowers at the close of the rose breakfast, the chapter happy in their ten new sisters. I did so hate to leave, but this was really the end. and shortly after eight I was starting off for Cali- fornia with the knowledge in my heart that I could never express my thanks to the many, many sisters who had a part in this most beautiful of journeys.
Have I given you any picture of these sisters of ours? If so, you will know why it is, as I think over these weeks, a feeling of pride swells like a great major chord.
Pi group
for your
Alpha Pi <#n§talled at Cflorida §tate Collegefor Women
THE train was due at 2:10 p. m—it arrived at 6. And on the train was Katrina McDonald, one of our installation officers. We were told that there had been a wreck—a head-on collision with a freight train. The only one seriously injured was the chef, who was scalded. Katrina was in the diner when the collision occurred and was thrown forward on the table, a quite painful experience, but one of no serious injury.
Ola Brooks and Marv Rogers came over from Jacksonville that night. So they, Mrs. McDonald, Nell Fain and some of our girls went to dinner together.
Next morning. Saurday, the doctor was called in and Katrina was forbidden to leave her bed that day. So installation was post- poned, and Mamie Hurt Baskerville was telephoned and she said she would arrive Sunday afternoon.
There was no installation Saturday, nevertheless it was a busy day. Saturday morning, we showed Mary and Ola the dormitories,