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To Dragma
Congratulations to our Canadian sisters!
Congraailations to our AOIT sisters in Canada. AOI1 has added chapter number five—Gamma Chi—at Carleton University in Ottawa. We are pleased to be on more Canadian campuses than any other National Panhellenic Conference group. The Executive Board...and I...proudly watch the growth and contributions of our Canadian chapters. They add immensely to AOITs stature and reputation.
We are an international fraternity, and by that we mean we are global in scope and substance. We embrace our Canadian sisters, and we encourage interaction with them. As we read about the activities of our Canadian sisters in Salute to Canada! in this issue, we are reminded how connected we are. We truly reflect a global community.
Economists tell us a nation is dependent on more than its own economy and must operate within a global environment. The same is true with AOII. Each of us must accept the fact that our sorority is more than our own chapter—our own region—our own nation! We are global. Although we do not, at the present time, have collegiate or alumnae chapters outside the United States and Canada, it's interesting to note that we have AOITs in most countries of the world.
Recently I attended an NPC Conference called Forum 2000. The speakers talked about futuristic ideas, changes occurring in the world which will affectthe Greek community. We focused on areas of global issues which speak to the changes we are experiencing.
Words and phrases most frequently used by the speakers included interconnectedness, vision, risk-taking, cocooning, social activism, diversity, empowerment, mutuality, strategy, and challenge.
What was their message? It was simple. They reminded us that change is natural and occurs frequently, though sometimes it's threatening and unsettling. The world is changing rapidly, and we must accept the challenge to adapt to those changes or be lost in the past.
We have the opportunity to:
• Be open to new ideas
• Be activists in global causes
• Articulate our mission
• Renew our commitment to excellence • Teach our history
• Respect others
• Provide a community environment
Develop self-esteem, self-confidence in members Appreciate the talents of others
Share our vision
Create valuable programs for members
Accept leadership in AOII
Take risks in order to grow Empower ourselves to move forward
Can we do it? Can we take the risks we need to take to invoke the changes which must occur? Can we connect with young women of today? Can we become part of their lives? Can we "be there" for our newest members?
I know we can answer these questions with a resounding "yes." I believe AOII has the heart and vision to make a difference in a member's life. I believe we can renew our commitment to excellence in social and academic areas. I believe we can, because as women and leaders, we are challenging the process—enabling and inspiring—modeling the way—encouraging the hearts.
AOIIs are connecting with each other. We tmly reflect a global community.Together, we are creating a vision for the 21st century.
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER; Send address changes to: TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Printed on recycled paper Winter 1992
oyf(/j/AAlplphaOmiicron Pi
Vol. LXVI, No. 1
Winter 1992
Salute to Canada!
AOlTs Canadian Chapters Ganrrna Chi Chapter installed Being an AOII in Canada Lynne Carmichael, artist
Meet Mary Dawson
Isabel Peppier, pilot "Snapshots" of alumnae
Ruth Lotzkar, environmentalist
1992-93 Chapter Consultants
Founders' Day Message
The 1993 International Convention
Convention Registration Forms
Directory Update.
Michiana/South Bend Alumnae Chapter installed Southeast Alabama Alumnae Chapter installed Diamond Jubilee Scholarships announced
Arthritis Grants awarded
4 5 6 7
8 9
17 18 22 2 4 26 26 27 32
2 30 33 40 4 5 46
From the President's Desk Fraternity News Collegiate Chapter News Alumnae Chapter News Announcements
Did You Know? From Our Readers
AOIIs attending International Convention in June will enjoy a dinner cruise on the General Jackson Showboat, which is shown on the cover with the Nashville skyline in the background.
Be sure to read the special section Salute to Canada!
Congratulations, Edith Anderson
Past International President Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi (Indiana U.) w as initiated 75 years ago in N ovem ber, 1927. Congratulations, Edith!
AOIl is proud of its Canadian collegians and alumnae...
By Beth Grantham
Kappa Lambda,
U. of Calgary
Membership: 26; Pledges: 8
Number of NPC groups on campus: 2 Chartered: November30, 1985 Recycling is popular on campus, and most chapter members use AOIl mugs for coffee rather than disposable cups.
Campus issues: funding; cost increases.
Kappa Phi,
McGill U.
Number of NPC groups on campus: 4 Chartered: March 25. 1939, rechar- tered November 11, 1989
The chapter has an apartment with a chapter room, a living room and four bedrooms.
Campus issues.- Sexual assault; women's rights.
Kappa Phi Chapter members (back row, from left), Kim Cartwright, Laurie Brown, Kelly Brown, Catherine Lesiw, Susan Tucker. Sally Christie, Tloamason Scheigetz, Isabelle Lopez; (front row, from left), Robyn Dionne,
Julie Beecher, and Mairi Achong share a relaxing moment.
Alumnae Chapters:
Calgary: This chapter has been meet- ing since the late 1980s and now has about 20 members. The members will
To Dragma
anniversary this year. The citizens of Toronto have an additional reason to he proud—their baseball team, the Toronto Blue Jays, won the World Series this year. It is especially timely that we in Alpha Omicron Pi take this opportunity to recognize and pay tribute to the contributions of our Canadian sisters.
Canada has been a part of the international world of Alpha Omi- cron Pi since 1930 when Beta Tau Chapter was installed on the campus of the University of Toronto. This fall. Alpha Omicron Pi installed another collegiate chapter, Gamma Chi, on the campus of Carleton University.
There are currently five active col- legiate chapters and five alumnae chapters of A O n in Canada.
In addition to award-winning chapters and distinguished alumnae, Canada has given AOIl an Interna- tional President. Joan Deathe MacCallum, Kappa Phi (McGill U.), served in that capacity from 1979 to 1981. She is currently the chairman of the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry (RT&J) Committee and a member of the Perry Award Committee.
Collegiate Profiles: Beta Tau,
U. of Toronto
Membership: 23; Pledges: 12
Number of NPCgroups on campus: 7 Chartered: September27, 1930.
The 100-year-old chapter house at 24 Madison is listed with the Toronto His- torical Board and is home to eleven women.
Campus issues: being "politically cor- rect"; homeless people; finding a job after graduation.
Note: their
Canadians are country's 125tb
The Beta Tau (U. of Toronto) house.
Iota Chi,
U. of Western Ontario
Kappa Lambda Chapter (U. of Calgaiy) at the 1992 Rose Banquet.
16; Pledges: 3
Membership: 45; Pledges: 35
Number of NPC groups on campus: 6 Chartered: October 26, 1986
Chapter members are involved in sup- porting the Sunshine Foundation, a local charity which grants terminally ill children their last wish.
issues: Date rape; AIDS; self-
To Dragma
be canvassing for the Calgary Heart Foundation in February. They pro- vide advisers for the Kappa Lambda Chapter.
Montreal: This chapter was founded in the 1930s and has about 30 active members. Members are active in rais- ing funds for Arthritis Research. One annual event includes a function with the Kappa Phi members and pledges at the beginning of the school year. Many members of this chapter are leaders at the regional level; PIP Joan MacCallum is a member.
Gamma Chi installed at Carleton U .
(Front row, from
Jasmina Mibajlovska, Marlene Kissoon,
Tammy Hiltser, Sarah Baker; (back row, from left) Kelly Brown, Alison Theodore, Tina Lucas, Kay Welch, Lisa Gale, Anne
Cohbe, Vanessa Ip, andJosee St. Aubin are pictured at the Canadian Rush Weekend last August which was facilitated by the
Ottawa Alumnae Chapter.
Ottawa: This chapter has been meet- ing regularly for 35 years and cunently has about 25 members. Chapter mem- bers have a 20-year tradition of an annual strawberry social at the home of Ethel Swail every June.
Toronto: Toronto Alumnae Chapter has about 75 members. They have an annual Christmas party and celebrate Founders' Day jointly with Beta Tau Chapter in January.
Vancouver: This chapter has about 25 active members, but its "big events" attract more of the AOII population in the area. They have a spring or fall tea party and an annual "Hunk-a-Rama" film festival to raise money for Arthritis Research. This chapter celebrated its 60th anniversary last year. ?H
Gamma Chi Chapter at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, was installed on November
21, 1992.
Initiation and installation
ceremonies were conducted by International President Barbara Daugs Hunt. She was assisted by Region I Directors Mary Jane (M.J.) Jacobsen and Michelle Dawson. Collegians from Kappa Phi Chapter (McGill U.) assisted with Riaial and Rose Inspiration Night activities. Chapter Adviser Jane Wandell served as the facilitator for Rose Inspiration Night. Special guests included Kappa Phi Chapter Adviser Cheryl Rost, Beta Tau Chapter Adviser Marlene Kissoon, and Chapter Consultant Stephanie Marsh.
The Centre Block (building) of Parliament Hill was the setting for the initiation and installation which took place Saturday afternoon. That evening, the new initiates were honored at a reception in Capital Hall of the Ottawa Congress Centre. Fifty- two women were initiated.
M.J. Jacobsen and Andrea Ashby served as joint toasttnistresses for the Rose Banquet which followed the reception. Parents of the new initiates were among the special guests at the banquet.
The Installation Committee members and their assignments were: Andrea Ashby, Rose Banquet Catherine Doyle, public relations Lynn MacKay, reservations; Becky Szabo, gifts and notes; Michelle Dawson, Ritual; Kathy Desmond, supplies; and Cathy German, hospitality.
The festivities concluded with a dance, held jointly with the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. The Phi Delta Theta chapter at Carleton University was also installed on Saturday, so the dance was an unusual joint celebration.
Gamma Chi started as a local sorority four years ago. At the time, there were several men's fraternities on campus and the Acacia Fraternity was particularly supportive of Gamma Chi. After organizing, the members of the new local went to Toronto to visit the sororities with chapters there. The women felt very welcome when they visited the Beta Tau Chapter at the U. of Toronto. They also met AOII alumnae when they were invited to the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter's Founders' Day celebration in 1991 • The group subsequently adopted Gamma Omicron Pi as its name and affiliation with Alpha Omicron Pi became its goal. €1
left) Laurie
Winter 1992
Members of the new Gamma Chi Chapter at Carleton U.
Being an A0I1 in Canada: it's the same, yet different...
ByJennifer Carr
Iota Chi (U. of Western Ontario)
When Beth Grantham asked me to write an article about being an AOn in Canada, I was thrilled. After years of feeling a little left out, Canadians were finally going to be in the spotlight.
As I began, I soon realized that it is impossible to describe what it is like to be a "Canadian AOI1," because every AOIl in Canada is going to have her own ideas. It's also difficult because the statement infers that there is a dif- ference between American and Canadian AOIls as a group, and I don't believe that is necessarily true.
Two years ago I travelled in Europe and noticed Greek letters on everything from shoelaces to hats. When I saw "AOII" in London, I was excited to meet, talk, and swap stories with an AOIT sister. I was soon pleas- antly surprised to learn that she was knowledgeable about Canada and had even visited my alma mater.
Two days later I met another American sister who was surprised to learn that there were AOIT chapters in Canada. I was confused by these experiences. How could one American sister be well informed while another was so unaware?
To be honest, this lack of recogni- tion by some (not all) American AOIls has been a pet peeve of many Canadi- an AOIls since the first AOII chapter in Canada was colonized back in 1930. We have always felt that we have had to struggle to remind you that AOIl is
international. Canadian AOIls feel just as much a part of our sorority as those who live south of the 49th parallel.
We are much like you, sharing a similar ideology, educational system, history, political system, and language.
In fact, our countries are so similar that it is sometimes hard to see our dif- ferences. Most Canadians live within 200 miles of the border and don't think twice about going down to the "states" for a day or weekend. Because the cities, buildings, neighborhoods, and people all look the same, at times it's hard for us Canadians to remember that we're in a different country when we visit. I have friends who have spent years residing in the states. When I ask them what it's like they all say the same thing—strange, because they thought it would be like living in Cana- da, but it wasn't.
"We are much likeyou, sharing a similar ideology, educational sys- tem, history, political system, and language In fact, our countries are so similar that it is sometimes hard to see our differences."
As in the U.S., there are many young Canadian students who want to become a part of the Greek system. But there are also those who do not, and some of them tend to look down on the Greek system, considering its members to be "snobs" who are just "buying their friends." I am sure this is heard on U.S. campuses as well. But, because the Greek system in Canada is relatively young and therefore not so well-established, sororities have to build their strength while maintaining a good reputation on their respective campuses. This comes into play during membership selection and is probably one of the main differences between AOII chapters in Canada and the states. T o my knowledge, most sorori- ties in Canada do not eliminate women during rush prior to final selection. W e
want the largest possible number of women for potential membership. This doesn't mean we are less selective since we extend bids to those women we feel will make the best AOIls. We want the rushees to get to know us and by having them choose to come back to us during rush, we know that they are interested. O n Canadian cam- puses, there are few women who are not extended bids to join a sorority. Our chapters can accommodate a larg- er number of potential sisters.
Another difference is the relation- ship between school administrators and collegiate Panhellenic groups. Unlike the U.S. where there are close ties between college administrators and Panhellenic councils, there is no formal connection in Canada. There are no paid or voluntary college administrators who oversee sororities. Personally, I believe that more com- munication and interaction between school administrators and Greeks would lead to better understanding.
At present, about ten of the 35 to 45 universities in Canada have a Greek system. AOIl is represented on five of these ten campuses.
Our AOII chapters are organized and operate exactly the same way as yours. As for Canadian AOIls, our success, focus, and determination continue to impress our Executive Board members, regional officers, chapter consultants, and visiting American sisters.
Canadians tend to stay connected with AOII long after graduation. Last winter I attended a 60th anniversary dinner for Beta Kappa alumnae in Van- couver. Some of the women at this event have vivid memories of their AOII experiences in the 1930s. Their continuing involvement is a pleasant reminder that AOIl membership is for a lifetime. "It
To Dragma
Artist Lynne Carmichael stays in touch with AOI1 sisters...
Lynne Newman Carmichael, Beta Kappa (U. of British Columbia), is a successful watercolor artist whose work is sold throughout North America in the form of greeting cards and posters.
Her paintings are sold through three galleries in Canada, one in Cali- fornia, and another in Bristol, England. She now works full time in watercolor in her own studio in Vancouver. Her "art cards" (greeting cards) are litho- graphed versions of her watercolor paintings, as are her posters.
Since her graduation in 1979 with a Master of Arts degree from the U. of British Columbia, Lynne has had six one woman shows in Vancouver and Richmond, British Columbia, Los Ange- les, California, and Bristol, England. She has also participated in three other shows.
Lynne has continued to study and
teach. In 1990 she studied in Florence, Italy, and in 1988 she participated in the Saltspring Summer Workshops of the Federation of Canadian Artists. At various times during her career, Lynne has taught ceramics, sculpture, and beginning, intermediate, and advanced watercolor painting.
Cunently, Lynne concentrates on watercolor. Her technique of painting with brushes in both hands has been described as "brave and creative." Best known for her floral watercolors, she also enjoys painting birds and animals, especially sheep.
Lynne was initiated into AOI1 in 1961, remains an enthusiastic member, and says that AOIT has been a real sis- terhood for her.
Lynne is one of a group of eight sisters initiated into Beta Kappa during the 60s who have met forlunch or din-
ner every month since college "without fail." The group has seen each other through marriages, births, and a few divorces. They have met at each other's homes for potluck and have taken their children to the park together.
"For me, AOI1 has been a won- derful family. If I had daughters, I would have encouraged them to join a sorority," she says.
Lynne has been married for 25 years and is the mother of two sons, aged 19 and 21.
She has been active in the Vancou- ver Alumnae Chapter and has held "every office that could be held at one time or another."
Lynne has donated paintings to various local charities to aid their fund raising. She is an active member of the
Winter 1992
One of Lynnes watercolor paintings.
Los Angeles/V ancouver Association.
Sister City
1*1 By Louise Archer
Kappa Phi (McGill U.)
Mary McMillan Dawson is the Associate Deputy Minister of the Department of Justice of the Canadian Government. In this capacity, Mary heads a staff of 180 looking after a number of different fields of law. She has been particularly active over the last decade as legal advisor and drafter on the various Constitutional initiatives that have taken place in Canada.
As you might expect from the naaire of her position, and the focus on the Canadian Constitution over the past few years, Mary has been very busy in her work. She works directly with Ministers, and even the Prime Minister at times, usually under great pressure. She travels across the country meeting with provincial government leaders, and frequently gives speeches to government and university groups.
A SALUTE Meet Mary Dawson, Q.C., ADM, wife, mother, friend
Mary began her career with Rev-
enue Canada (Tax Research) in 1967
and one year later joined the Depart-
ment of Justice as Legal Counsel for
Revenue Canada. In 1970 Mary joined
the Legislation Branch. Over the
years she has drafted many important
laws, including the Access to Informa-
tion Act, the Customs Act, the ulated, "If I hadn't been married I'd Competition Act, the Official Lan-
guages Act, and a number of Acts
relating to native matters.
Mary received her Bachelor of Arts and her Bachelor of Civil Law from McGill U. in Montreal. In 1961 she became a Kappa Phi. At the time she was studying philosophy, "a fairly nar- row subject area," where her classmates were all men, and "it was good to have contact with a variety of women from different disciplines."
Graduate studies were an impor- tant foundation for Mary's career. Besides her two degrees from McGill. Mary received her LL.B. from Dal- housie University which she attended
have probably been more distracted." And how has she managed it all? "I guess I've always done a lot of work at home. My family probably gave me
To Dragma
on a Teaching Fellowship, and a grad- uate degree in Public Law (taken in French) from Ottawa University. She is a member of the Bars of Quebec (1967) and Nova Scotia (1970).
The Q.C. after her name stands for Queen's Counsel. This is a designation awarded by the Governor General in recognition of meritorious contribu- tions to the legal profession in Canada.
What about the rest2 Wife, mother? Since 1969 Mary has been married to Peter Dawson, an engineer now retired from the Canadian Internation- al Development Agency. His interests include artistic pursuits, and he was active in Scouting. They have two teenaged children.
Asked what qualities to look for in a husband, Mary replied, "The critical quality in any husband, whoever you are, is a sense of humor. You obvious- ly want a husband who is cooperative and somewhat accommodating. It doesn't hurt to have a husband with different interests. It is nice to have a husband who is comfortable as a spouse at events where most spouses are wives. He should have a good level of self-esteem."
keen movie and theater buff, and likes to entertain friends or associates at home. She travels with her family fre- quently during the school March break.
Besides all of this, Mary has been an active participant in AOIl alumnae activities.
On a personal note, Mary is the AOIl big sister of Margot McWilliam Weisshuhn, now living in England, who is my big sister. I did not realize what I was getting into when I called to congratulate Mary on passing her Bar exams in 1967. She said, " I am looking for someone to go on holidays with - are you interested?" We spent a few days in Ogunquit, Maine, and have been good friends ever since. W e have enjoyed nine annual cross coun- try ski trips with two other friends, Mary provided a reference when I wanted to adopt children, and it was she who invited me for Christmas din- ner the first year I was separated from my husband. A real sister!
Mary is truly an AOIl to respect, admire, and love. And for the last word, what would Mary say to AOIl sisters considering demanding careers?
"Oh, go for it, of course." @
When asked whether her career suffered due to her family, Mary spec-
a perspective that people without fam- ilies don't get." Also, "I didn't have to travel much when the kids were little. I avoided it as much as possible." It helped, too, to live centrally where commuting time is under 15 minutes.
Mary was also something of a pio- neer. For example, she was the first lawyer in the Department of Justice to have a baby and take maternity leave.
Mary has found time to be active in her community, church, and the neighborhood book club. She is a
Isabel Peppier: president of an impressive service club, pilot...
Isabel Huehn Peppier, Beta Tau (U. of Toronto), is a woman with an unusual combination of interests: she is
a licensed airplane pilot, the editor and publisher of an aviation educational manual, and is deeply involved in May Court Club of Ottawa, the oldest women's volunteer organization in Canada.
To Dragma asked Isabel about these interests:
"My involvement with aviation began when I married my husband. He has been a pilot most of his life and worked for many years as a bush and survey pilot throughout Canada. Just before we married, he accepted the position of Executive Manager of Canada's largest pilot organization, the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association which represents general aviation in Canada.
"I learned to fly in 1966 and although I do not have anywhere near as many hours of flying time as my husband, I maintain a current license and flywith Bill whenever I can. We have had wonderful flying experiences together and, with our family, have flown all over Canada and through much of the eastern United States.
"Because of our interest in aviation, my husband and I purchased from the estate of the original author an educational manual that is used extensively in pilot training in Canada. The book is called From the Ground
Up. I have been the editor and publisher of this book for the past 25 years."
Isabel is enthusiastic about the work of the May Court Club:
"The May Court Club of Ottawa was founded in 1898 by Ishbel Maria, Countess of Aberdeen, who was the wife of the Governor General of Canada. She firmly believed that if women participated more fully in social issues and politics, the benefits to society would be enormous," Isabel said.
Some of the club's accomplish- ments:
• operating and financing the lending library for patients at the
Ottawa Civic Hospital;
• being involved with a women's alcohol and drug addiction center;
• serving refreshments at the Cancer Clinic at the Civic Hospital 3 mornings a week throughout the year;
• working at Red Cross Blood Donor Clinics;
• providing food boxes in selected schools with nourishing snacks for children who arrive at school without having had any breakfast; and
• opening the May Court Convalescent Home in 1916, which is still in operation.
A complete list would be too lengthy to print, but the club's work at the May Court Convalescent Home is particularly interesting. The home has grown into a 50 bed facility serving more than 400 women every year.
"The home provides short term care for women who require nursing care after illness or surgery but who, because they live alone or for other reasons, have no one at home to give that care," Isabel explained.
"May Court members volunteer many hours each week at the home, serving morning and afternoon refreshments, staffing the reception desk in the evening, providing entertainment in the form of weekly bingo games, musical concerts, and
recreational therapy," she said.
The home operates annually at a sizeable deficit which it is the responsibility of the May Court Club to finance. One of the club's most successful fund raisers took place last
"The club took over one of the
very large heritage homes in the central part of Ottawa. Thirty-six Ottawa designers each decorated one room or area in the house, which was then open to the public for three weeks as the May Court Designer Showcase. It was quite spectacular and earned rave reviews. Over 11,000 visitors toured the showcase, and we cleared $125,000," Isabel said.
She joined May Court in 1985 and worked first at the library at the Children's Aid Society and served refreshments at the convalescent home. Last June, Isabel became president of May Court and will serve in that capacity fortwo years.
There are now 11 May Court Clubs of Canada, located in cities throughout Ontario. Each club identifies and responds to specific needs within its own community.
Isabel joined AOI1 in 1953 and served as rush chairman her senior year. She is a long time member of the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter and has served as its president and treasurer.
She and her husband have three adult children, two sons and a daughter. ^
Winter 1992
"Snapshots"of Canadianalumnae:
Jacqueline Beaudoin Ross, museum curator
"My very museological title is Curator of Cosaimes and Textiles at the McCord Museum of Canadian History in Mon- treal. The word cum tor evolved from the Latin word curare, which means to care for - and that is exactly what I do. I acquire, document, research and dis- play costumes and textiles at the museum.
"Creatures such as I also respond to many types of queries, such as a request asking how to parcel and send a Norwegian tapestry from Montreal to Oslo; how to present our costume collection on French television in French; and which etiquette books on dress, French. English, or American, were most important in Montreal in the nineteenth century," said Jacque- line.
Asked how she got her job, Jacqueline replied, "The museum found me. My only special training was a Masters Degree in Art History. I
don't even sew."
Jacqueline was initiated into the
Kappa Phi Chapter at McGill U. where she graduated in 1952 with a B.A. and in 1975 with an M.A. She says with a smile that her collegiate chapter was "a great place to observe dress."
She is the mother of a son, Ian, age 32 and a daughter. Heather, age 30.
Diana Speaight Pilsworth, environmentalist
Diana Pilsworth, one of the pio- neers in waste management, recently decided to take a less active role in environmental matters after 23 years of working in this area.
"There are
now thousands of individuals across the country who have become involved in a broad range of environ- mental issues. . .1 feel that I have accomplished what I set out to do and that it is time to change my focus," she said.
Diana first got involved in the late 60s when she began urging govern- ment officials to adopt a waste management program. Her involve- ment grew, and her efforts have brought her numerous awards, includ- ing Citizen of the Year, Kanata, Ontario. 1982. and Recycling Council of Ontario Pioneer Award, 1985. In 1990 she was nominated by Kanata for one of Canada's Environmental Achievement Awards, Lifetime Achievement Category.
Diana has a B.A. in economics and a diploma in physical and occu- pational therapy. She is currently studying at the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning to become a Char- tered Financial Planner.
In her professional life, Diana has worked as an economist for Energy, Mines and Resources Canada and for the W aste Management Branch of Environment Canada. From 1975-1983 she was a member of the Waste Management Advisory Board of the
Ministry of the Environment. Toronto, Ontario.
Diana was initiated into Beta Tau Chapter in 1953 and served as Chapter President her final year in college. She says that experience gave her leader- ship skills which have proved to be transferrable.
Since graduation, she has been involved with alumnae chapters, first in Toronto and then in Ottawa. She is currently the Pledge Adviser for Gamma Chi Chapter.
Diana has been married for 34 years and is the mother of three adult sons.
"My family was fully supportive of my pioneering work in the environ- mental field and endured many disruptions and hundreds of phone calls over the years," she said.
Honoree Young Findlay, lifelong volunteer
Honoree Y oung Findlay, Beta Kappa (U. of British Columbia), has served "her university, her sorority, and her community."
That is how she summarizes her work as a lifelong volun-
teer. When she graduated from college, Honoree was a teacher-coun- selor in a metropolitan school system for 14 years. Now aged 70, she retired from her career as a social worker six years ago. She became a social work- er in 1971 when she was widowed.
Honoree spent many years work- ing with single parents and children in need of protection, and her volunteer activities reflect her continuing interest
To Dragma
While she enjoyed her collegiate years, Marlene says that her apprecia- tion for AOII has grown since she has been an alumna.
Marlene commented that when she speaks of AOII with friends out- side the Fraternity, they often don't relate to her experiences and some- times express some confusion.
"But one thing is for sure, they all respect the fact that, for me, it has served as a source of personal growth."
Irene Efston
It was apparent
during Irene's
high school
years at the
Toronto French
School that she
possessed lead-
ership skills
when she got
involved with the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA). AHEPA is an international fraternity which is involved with phil- anthropic efforts for charities such as the Toronto Sick Kids Hospital and Special Olympics, as well as social functions for Toronto youth.
Once Irene became a member of Beta Tau Chapter, she focused her efforts on AOII, serving first as Social Chairperson and later as Chapter Pres- ident.
After graduation, Irene took a short break from AOII, but returned a few years later when she joined the Beta Tau Corporation Board. She also served the Toronto Alumnae Chapter as Vice President. In 1990 she was elected President of the Corporation Board.
Presently, Irene is working in the family business, EfstonScience, a direct mail order business of scientific and technical equipment. She is the sales and marketing manager of one of the new product lines, the Anatomical Chart Company. ^
in the activities and problems of young people.
She is currently a member of the Family Court - Youth Justice Commit- tee. The committee is composed of men and women of various ages and from different professions and ethnic groups. It acts as a sounding body, providing input from the community to the provincial government. One concern of the committee is infants who are born to mothers addicted both to drugs and alcohol.
Honoree also serves on a tribunals for the Ministry of Social Services. Her role is to hear appeals concerning decisions about income assistance.
Another current activity is working for the University Women's Club which has over 800 members. The club is active in raising money for scholarships for women and in main- taining a Heritage House. Since her retirement, Honoree has been active in the club's annual "Christmas at Hycroft" event (a large fund raiser), the House Furnishings Committee, the Garden Committee, and the Social Committee. She has chaired the House Furnisings Committee and is currently chairing both the Garden and Social Committees.
Her sorority activities have includ- ed serving as Collegiate Chapter President, Alumnae Chapter President, and as President of the local alumnae Panhellenic group. From 1956-1961, she chaired the Panhellenic House Committee and held that post until the house was completed.
Honoree was active in the YWCA when it established the Bridge YWCA, a youth hostel. She has also served on the Board of the Children's Aid and the Children's Foundation.
Diana Gagnon Galasso, educator
"I'm committed to improving learning environments for young chil- dren. I was a primary teacher for six years and a preschool educator/
administrator for 14 years before turning to professional development programs for day care/preschool staffs, primary teachers, and college instructors.
"I conduct seminars and work- shops for teachers and parents (such as Children and Stress and Fabulous Fables From Around the World). I also coordinate conferences; in 1989, a conference I coordinated was attended by over 800 educators.
"My volunteer activities include one day a week at an inner city ele- mentary school in Vancouver and Read Canada, a federally funded pro- gram devoted to promoting literacy in children.
"I'm grateful to AOII for encouraging me to develop my leadership skills, for teaching me how to conduct meetings, and for friendships. Many of my closest friends I met through Beta Kappa Chapter (U. of British Columbia) 30 years ago."
"Young alums": Marlene Kissoon
Marlene was born in Guyana, South America, and
immigrated to
Canada at the
age of four. When she was 13, her family moved to Toronto where they still reside.
Marlene was a collegiate
member of Beta Tau Chapter from 1986-1990. Since graduating, she has worked for the Royal Bank of Canada in the telemarketing department. She recently accepted a position in the automated payroll department.
As a collegian, Marlene was the Keeper of the Ritual, Chapter President, and served on several committees. She remains active as an alumna, cunently serving as Chapter Adviser.
Winter 1992
1 1
A SALUTE TO CANADA Ruth Lotzkar, environmentally sound packaging (ESP) expert...
Shown at the kick-off of the Green Shopper program are (from left) Ada Broum. ESP Coalition Board member; Minister John Cashore, BC Environment Lands and Parks; and Ruth Lotzkar, ESP Coalition President.
Ruth Simonsen Lotzkar, Beta Kappa (U. of British Columbia), works days, nights, and many week- ends. She is a recognized expert in her field. She routinely handles inquiries from other countries and occasionally acts as a consultant to some of the largest corporations in North America.
Her field? Environmentally sound packaging, or "ESP," as she likes to call it.
Her pay? Nothing.
Ruth is the full time volunteer president of the Environmentally Sound Packaging (ESP) Coalition of Canada. This five-year-old coalition was organized when the four-liter plastic milk jug was re-introduced in Canada after being banned for ten years. The coalition was formed by five consumer and environmental organizations which were concerned because there was no system for recy- cling the jugs at the time.
"We decided w e should organize to promote environmentally sound packaging," Ruth recalled.
This decision turned out to be timely because soon the news media was full of reports about the New York barge full of garbage that had no place to go.
"This event focused attention on the garbage problem," Ruth said.
The coalition set up an interna- tional network of consumer and environmental groups. As chairman, Ruth did extensive research about packaging, recycling, garbage, and other related topics. Armed with facts, the coalition has been effective in informing not only consumers but also industry and government. In the early days of the coalition, the public wanted instant information on how to do the right thing for the environ- ment.
"We're now into the second phase, where consumers realize they need much more detailed informa- tion. Consumers wanting to be part of the solution embraced recycling uncritically—now they want to know what actually happens to the collected recyclables," she said.
The coalition has put together a "Green Shopper" program to educate consumers. This partnership informa- tion program is carried out in British Columbia with the provincial govern- ment and the two largest supermarket chains.
"We go into the supermarket with displays that demonstrate the three R's of packaging: reduce, reuse, and recy- cle," Ruth said.
ESP schedules Green Shopper Tours which take a group of shoppers down the aisles to teach them how to make environmentally responsible product choices.
In the meantime, the holiday sea- son has spurred a drive to educate consumers about choosing and wrap- ping gifts wisely. A display will be placed in shopping malls and staffed with volunteers. This project was
developed by the Canadian Ministers of Environment National Packaging Task Force of which Ruth is a mem- ber. One goal is to make consumers think twice about purchasing items with excessive packaging.
"We will be in shopping malls in 15 cities with this eye-catching dis- play," Ruth explained.
Along with innovative sugges- tions for alternative gift wrap, such as wrapping packages in tea towels or newsprint, consumers will receive an attractive, reusable bag in exchange for filling out a survey.
"We'll be urging people to use creativity in wrapping gifts attractively and at the same time eliminating packaging waste," Ruth said.
Ruth's expertise in the field of packaging has resulted in her being in demand as a speaker and consultant. Two weeks after her telephone inter- view with To Dragma she was traveling to Anaheim, California, to speak at the Pacific Recyclers Expo. She is also an adviser to Dow Brands (U.S.) and has answered inquiries from as far away as England.
She urges consumers to use their purchasing clout wisely. A s k e d f o r some general advice for To Dragma readers, Ruth said that they should:
• avoid packaging which has several layers of different mate- rials, such as individual drink boxes;
• buy in bulk where this is prac- tical;
• reject over-packaging;
• avoid single use disposable items;
• use no packaging where possi- ble-for example, there is no need to package most produce for a short trip home.
Continued... To Dragma
Finding a former classmate can be like looking for the proverbial "needle in a haystack." But not any more. Soon a directory of AOII alumnae will be avail-
able to help you locate your old friends.
The new Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc. Alumnae Directory, scheduled
for release in January/February, 1994, will be the most up-to-date and com-
plete reference ever complied on over 55,000 AOII alumnae! Each listing in this comprehensive volume will include current name, address, phone number, aca- demic data, and (if applicable) business information. The directory will be bound into a classic, library-quality book.
Alpha Omicron Pi has contracted with the Bernard C. Harris Publishing Compa- ny, Inc., to produce the directory. Harris will soon begin researching and compiling the information to be printed in the directory by mailing a questionnaire to each alumna. (If you prefer not to be listed in the directory, please contact Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator at International Headquarters as soon as possible.)
The new Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc. Alumnae Directory will soon make findinsgaanaalulumnnaaaasseeaassyyaassooppeennininggaabboookk..Loookkffoorrmoorreeddeettaailislsoonntthhisisprojjectt in future issues.
If Lt:
Ruth Lotzkar, continued
Ruth is married and the mother of five adult children. She has five grandchildren. When she was in col- lege, she was active in her collegiate chapter of AOII, an experience which she says gave her a "fantastic start."
"The organizational skills I learned in AOII have stood me in good stead the rest of my life," she said.
Ruth's friend and sorority sister in college, Ada Kirk Brown, is now sec- ond in command at the ESP office. Ada said that Ruth has become sort of a "Ralph Nader" on the issue of pack- aging and waste management.
"She is a fine example of what can be accomplished by a volunteer strong enough and knowledgeable enough to sit down with the chief executive officers of international companies and disagree with them," Ada said.®
Alumnae! Accept the Challenge!
You are a collegian for a short while, but you are an AOII sister for a lifetime. You will find that one of the greatest benefits of sisterhood is being an active alumna. Just contact the alumnae chapter nearest you . If you don't know the name of the nearest alumnae chapter, contact Phylis Garrison at International Headquarters. 615/370-0920
Here's good news! Become an AOII Rose Member! It's a special "member-at-
large" program for AOIIs who are more than 50 miles from an alumnae chapter.
Winter 1992
• Receive News from your Regional Directors concerning events in your area.
• Receive The Rose Vine newsletter especially designed for the AOII Rose Member program.
Collegiate Chapter_
• Receive Your Regional Newsletter
• Receive Information
about Convention registration, Leadership Conferences,
State Days and Reunions.
. Phone(_
. Initiation Date
Use this form to request information. To become a Rose Member,fillin the form and send with $15 annual dues to help defray costs of printing and postage to: Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator; AOII Headquarters; 9025 Overlook Boulevard; Brentwood, TN 37027.
11 I
// 1Tj j ""'"fun I lip , - • nJ>\N
To Dragma
Chapter Consultants
Alpha Omicron Pi's eight Chapter Consultants for 1992-93 began their service with two weeks of training at AOI1 International Headquarters at the beginning of August. Despite an intensive class schedule, they found time to model Emporium fashions for the fall issue of To Dragma. The Consultants have finished their first semester of visits and will resume traveling in mid-January. Although they are from different chapters and parts of the country, they are all dedicated to the success of the collegiate chapters.
ELIZABETH LAWSON. Elizabeth was initiated into Lambda Iota Chapter at the U. of California-San Diego. She served her pledge class as the junior Panhellenic delegate. After initiation, she served as Panhellenic delegate, house manager, expansion dele- gate, and on various rush committees. She was the Panhellenic vice president for one year, president for two years, and the Western Regional Greek Conference Panhel- lenic representative for three years. She was a San Diego Alumnae Chapter Scholarship recipient and was the AOII nominee for Greek Woman of the Year in 1991. Her campus activities included Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, the Chancellor's Leadership Transcript Recipient, Warren College Provost Honors Cer- tificate, and the Academic Internship program. Elizabeth graduated with a B.A. in Communications. Her hometown is Palm Desert, California.
KAREN JENSEN. Karen is from Novi, Michigan, and was a member of Kappa Rho Chapter at Western Michigan U. in Kalamazoo. She was president of her pledge class. After initiation, she served as rush chair. She was active in Panhellenic and Inter Fra- ternity Council activities and programs. Karen devoted time to the AOII Adopt-a-Highway project and other community services. While in school, Karen was employed at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo and at the Camion Cafe. She graduat- ed with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology.
STEPHANIE MARSH. Stephanie was a member of Chi Alpha Chapter at the U. of Cal- ifornia-Davis. A native of Bakersfield, California, she graduated with a B.A. in International Relations. She was the spirit officer of her pledge class and was hon- ored with the Outstanding Pledge award. After initiation, Stephanie served as the Panhellenic delegate and chapter president and was honored with the award for an outstanding GPA. Stephanie was active in the International Students Association, the Model United Nations, and the Student Advisory Board. In her community, she vol- unteered for the Project Play Park and Davis Boys Home at Christmas. She also volunteered at the UC Medical Center in the Pediatric Ward.
MARY O'RYAN. Mary was initiated into Nu Beta Chapter at the U. of Mississippi in Oxford. As a pledge, she served as the scholarship chairman. After initiation, she served as the assistant corresponding secretary, public relations chairman, Panhellenic repre- sentative, and chapter president. She also served on the chapter relations and C.O.B. rush comrnittees. She was an Ole Miss Ambassador for four years and was a Navy Spon- sor. Mary was active in the American Marketing Association, Phi Beta Lambda business honorary, and Order of Omega. She was a Summer Orientation Team Leader. In her community, Mary volunteered time to the Adopt-a-Friend program for the mentally retarded. Mary graduated with a B.A. in Marketing and is from Atlanta, Georgia.
TRACY REAL. Tracy was initiated into Tau Delta Chapter at Birmingham-Southern Col- lege in Birmingham, Alabama. She graduated with a B.A. in Human Resources Management and is from Birmingham. As a pledge, Tracy served on the Homecom- ing, philanthropic, and Greek W eek committees. After initiation, she served as the assistant rush chair, rush chair, assistant philanthropic chair, and assistant Greek Week chair. She has been honored as Tau Delta's Sister of the Week and Pledge Scholar of the Month. Tracy was active in the Student Government Association. She served as the vice president for development for the Student Alumni Association and as secretary for the Fellowship of Athletes Organization. She was the personnel manager for the col- lege newspaper and was active in the President's Service Organization and Order of Omega. She was also a cheerleader. Her many community activities included volun- teering time to the Alabama Point Society, the Camp Fires, and the Crisis Center.
JANET SIEGEL. Janet was a member of Delta Chapter at Tufts U. in Medford, Massa- chusetts. A native of Los Angeles, California, she received a B.A. in Sociology. She served her chapter as the public relations, rush, and preference party chairs and was a member of the housing, rush, pledge, and philanthropic committees. Her chapter was nominated for the International Public Relations award at the 1991 Convention and also won regional awards in 1991 for overall P.R. excellence and in P.R. reporting. Janet was also honored with "Pi" awards for a GPA of at least 3.14. She was the Inter-Greek Council Academic Chairman for one year and was involved in dormitory government, serving as vice president and president of Carmichael Hall for three years. She was a feature writer for The Tufts Daily newspaper. Janet was active in environmental orga- nizations, including the United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Heal the Bay (in Los Angeles), and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs.
KATIE WALSH. Katie is from Toledo, Ohio, and was a member of Nu Omicron Chap- ter at Vanderbilt U. in Nashville, Tennessee. She served on the rush committee, as assistant rush chair, and as rush chair. She was nominated by her chapter as the Most Outstanding Greek Female in 1990 and 1991. Her campus activities included Vucept president and board member, Orientation Leader, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Junior and Senior Leadership Honorary. She did volunteer work with the Nominating Com- mittee for the Young Alumni Board of Trust, Vanderbuddies, Mobile Meals, and Athenians. She served as an Admissions Greeter and a Student Host. Katie graduated with a B.A. in Political Science.
RISSA WELCKER. Rissa was initiated into Omega Chapter at Miami U. in Oxford, Ohio. She is from Bloomington, Illinois. Rissa served her pledge class as the Panhellenic rep- resentative. After initiation, she was the co-chair of the anti-hazing committee, coordinator of the Panhellenic workshop, and a member of GAMMA, Greeks Advo- cating the Mature Management of Alcohol. Every semester, Rissa received a Scholastic- Achievement Award. On campus, Rissa was an Undergraduate Fellow, AIESEC-mar- keting director and secretary/treasurer of Luxembourg Club. She was active in the Student Faculty Council, was a French Drill Instructor and was involved with the Miami Honors Program. Rissa also served as her Youth Club President and as a candy-striper at the Mennonite Hospital. She graduated with a B.A. in International Studies.
Winter 1992
To Dragma
3ounders ^ a y CM&ssaae
Today we honor the founding of Alpha Omicron Pi. We gather together to reaffirm our loyalty to Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity which was founded 95 years ago.
An analogy we can use to describe our four Founders is that of the mighty, majestic, soaring redwood tree. The first thing we see when we stand in a grove of redwoods is that each one stands tall. Our Founders also "stood tall" - at Barnard, in the Greek community, and in their profession- al lives. A redwood tree never stands alone; it stands in a grove. The reason for this is that the roots of each tree interconnect and hold each other up. Together they form a grove, where the individ- ual trees are supported by and interconnected with each other.
That is exactly how our Founders stood - 95 years ago. They stood together to form an organi- zation which has its roots in values: respect for others, dignity, integrity, hope, truth, commitment, friendship, the importance of mankind, academic excellence, the expectation of greatness, sister- hood, and love.
Each Founder brought her talents and values to the Fraternity. Though they had different inter- ests, they interconnected their roots and combined their talents to create a Ritual for AOIl which endures today. Each Founder contributed her own words and framed her expressions of love and respect. Together, they connected to give us the foundation on which all our actions are based.
Let's take a moment to remember our Founders:
Helen St. Clair Mullan: a brilliant scholar who gave us AOLTs Constitution and Bylaws and served
as AOITs third president.
Jessie Wallace Hughan: a crusader for human rights, a philanthropist, a teacher, writer, poet, and idealist. She served on the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry (RT&J) Committee. She possessed a great sense of humor.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman: a writer and a teacher, she was conscientious in all causes and served as AOLTs 13th president. She had a confident, understanding, and gracious manner.
Stella George Stem Perry: a writer and a social welfare activist, she served as AOLTs first president and as its historian for life. She was devoted, loyal, ardent in purpose, dramatic, and artistic.
Each Founder contributed her talents and ideals to form and shape Alpha Omicorn Pi. They contributed a lifetime of experiences to uphold the ideals and values of AOIl. They preserved our Fraternity for us. The roots of AOLl are forever connected because four outstanding, spirited, visionary women insisted upon our adherence to the high principles which each of us has agreed to uphold.
Wear your badge with pride and honor. Like our Founders — like the soaring redwood — "stand tall" in your chapter, on your campus, in your community!
The Executive Board of Alpha Omicron Pi International Fraternity
Barbara Daugs Hunt
Mary McCammon Williams Carol Miller Stevenson Elizabeth Romine Coffey
Barbara Bierer Long Robin Mansfield Wright Linda Peters Collier Elaine James Kennedy
UJie 1993 CTlfpJia Qmicron CPi
A Tradition of Excellence
The Conservatory at the Opryland Hotel.
The Place to be in '93 - Nashville, Tennessee!
Welcome to Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, also known as Music City, USA. Located in the heart of rolling hills, it is a for- ward looking community, cherishing a rich history - 50 percent of the United States population is within 600 miles of Nashville.
Opryland Hotel - Host for the Extravaganza
This hotel has an established tradition of hospitality that recalls an era when courtesy and personal service were expected and received as a matter of course.
All New 1993 Convention Format
Lots of time for building relationships, educational forums, our Ritual and Candle lighting ceremony, business sessions, a cruise on the General Jackson Showboat with entertainment, a Foun- dation Day, an Image Day, and regional exchanges. AND there will even be an opportunity to meet your Executive Board in a panel forum.
Free Time
Enjoy a visit to the Opryland Theme Park — exciting rides, live entertainment, fun, food, and more.
International Headquarters in
Brentwood, Tennessee, a suburb of Nashville
A bus ride to International Headquarters is a must — everyone will have a tour of our Headquarters. Some highlights there are
Some of the local chairmen for the 1993 Interna-
tional Convention are: (seated, from left) June
Bogle, Hospitality; Sue Jackson, Collegiate Ban-
quet; Kathy Guider, Photography; (standing, from — the Founders' jewelry, pictures of every AOII International left) Ann Conway, Decorations; Nancy Bowers,
Rose Banquet; Mary McClure, Image Day; and PatsyAnderson, Opening Banquet.
Convention—Don't miss it!
Complete your
registration forms now!
However, if you are unable to attend and would like to participate
through a financial contribution to the educational programming of the 1993 International Convention, you may send your contribution to:
Educational Programming Alpha Omicron Pi
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
President, photos of historical conventions, the Inspirational Walkway, etc..
Convention Finale — Beautiful Rose Banquet
Introduction of newly elected International Officers; Presentation of the Founders Awards
1993 Alpha Omicron Pi International Convention June 20 - 25, 1993 * Opryland Hotel * Nashville, Tennessee
Type or print this form. Mail completed form with fees to:
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Boulevard
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
Completed registrations (with payment) must be postmarked by April 15, 1993. Any registrations postmarked after April IS, 1993, must be accompanied by designated late fees. REGISTRATION, HOTEL, AND MEAL FEES MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 15, 1993 TO GUARANTEE ROOM AVAILABILITY AT OPRYLAND HOTEL, AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AFTER MAY IS. There will be no changes once reservations are confirmed. Voting Delegates: for your proper seating during the business session, you must be registered no later than April 1,1993. Voting Delegates registered after April 1 will be seated in a general area for Voting Delegates.
Full-Time Participants/Delegates: Please fill out Sections A, B, E, and F. Full-Time Participants/Non-Delegates: Please fill out Sections A, C, E, and F .
Part-Time Participants:
Last Home Address
Summer Address
Effective dates of summer address
Please fill out Sections A, D, E, and F.
PERSONAL INFORMATION All Attendees fill out the following section:
Total number of conventions attended including 1993_
In case of emergency, contact: Name
Arrival Date
I am attending Convention as a
Rooming Information: • Smoker •
smokers/non-smokers as requested.)
• Delegate
Handicapped Facilities Desired (Every effort will be made to place
Zip/Postal_ Initiating Chapter_
Departure Date
Preferred Name (for Nametag) Telephone ( _ _ _ )
Non-Smoker •
Roommate Preference
I would like to be a part of the inside workings of Convention. I would like to participate in the following way:
COLLEGIAN: • Serve as a Page
• Serve as hostess for exhibits
• Serve as hostess for exhibits or boutique
• Serve as timekeeper or credentials official at
• Help in leading sing-along
Business Sessions
(Delegates will automatically be assigned roommates)
Telephone (_
Telephone (
_Region_ _Telephone (
I am attending Convention as (check one): • Collegiate Chapter President
• Collegiate Chapter Adviser
• Alumnae Chapter President
• Regional Vice President
• Regional Public Relations Officer
• Executive Board
• • •
Regional Finance Officer Regional Director Foundation Board President
• Regional Rush Officer
• Internat'l Standing Committee Chmn.
• Past International President
Alternate Delegate Designation: I f you are representing sign below. Alternate Delegate
"I certify that I have designated Name Office
serving as an Alternate Delegate, you must have the Delegate you are must be properly approved and registered no later than June 1, 1993.
to serve as my alternate at the 1993 Convention." Signature Date
All expenses* of Delegates are paid by International, except Registration, Ground Transportation, and additional nights and meals before and after Convention. (*Chapters are responsible for travel expenses of Chptr. Advisers and Alumnae Pres.)
Registration Fee: Personal Expense to be paid by registrant. TOTAL $150.00 if postmarked before April 15, 1993. $175.00 if postmarked after April 15, 1993 $
Additional nights in hotel (per person): $ 125.00 Single or $ 70.00 Double Occupancy i f postmarked before April 15. $ 140.00 Single or $ 85.00 Double Occupancy i f postmarked after April 15.
June 18 $ June 19 $ June 25 $ June 26 $ $ Ground Transportation:from Metro Nashville International Airport $25.00, Hotel to HQ Tour $10.00 ($35.00) $
(Personal Expense includes round-trip shuttle, "Meet & Greet" service, luggage handling, tips)
c .
I am attending Convention as:
• Collegian
• Corporation Board Rep.
• Colony President
• Chapter Consultant
• Other (Please Specify) _
TOTAL $175.00 i f postmarked after April 15, 1993 $
$ 140.00 Single or $ 85.00 Double Occupancy if postmarked after April 15. June 18$ June 19$ June25$ June26$
Ground Transportation: from Metro Nashville International Airport $25.00; Hotel to HQ Tour $10.00 ($35.00) $ (Personal Expense includes round-trip shuttle, "Meet & Greet" service, luggage handling, tips)
Registration Fee: Personal Expense to be paid by registrant. $150.00 i f postmarked before April 15, 1993.
Room and Meals: $ 590.00 i f postmarked before April 15.
Additional nights in hotel (per person): $ 125.00 Single or $ 70.00 Double Occupancy i f postmarked before April 15.
Winter 1992 19
• • •
AOII Foundation Board Mbr. Colony Adviser
Headquarters Staff
• Alumna
$ 610.00 i f postmarked after April 15.
To Dragma
I am attending Convention as (Title) From
(Chapter) $40.00 per day if postmarked after April 15.
Registration Fee:
June20 $
Nights in Hotel:
$35.00 per day if postmarked before April IS. June21 $ June22 $ June23 $
June24$ TOTAL:$ $ 125.00 Single or $ 76.00 Double Occupancy if postmarked before April 15, 1993.
$ 140.00 Single or $ 85.00 Double Occupancy if postmarked after April 15, 1993. June19 $ June20 $ June21 $ June22 $
June24 $ June25 $ June26 $
June18 $
June23 $
Iwillattendtheeventscheckedbelow: (Add$10.00perpersonforpostmarkafterApril15)
Sunday. June 20
• Opening Banquet (7:00 p.m.) $40 $
Monday. June 21
• Foundation Lnchh (11:30 a.m.) $25 $
• Alumnae Cruise (7:15 p.m.) $45 $
Tuesday. June 22
• Brunch (9:00 a.m.) $23 $
• Schlrshp/Rush Soiree (6:15 p.m.) $35 $
Wednesday. June 23
Ground Transportation: from Metro Nashville International Airport $25.00; Hotel to HQ Tour $10.00 ($35.00) $
(Personal Expense includes round-trip shuttle, "Meet & Greet" service, luggage handling, tips)
Registration Fee:
Meals (If applicable) $ Hotel (If applicable) $ Transportation $
• Check Enclosed • Discover • MasterCard • Visa Account # Expiration Date Signature
• Panhellenic Luncheon (Noon) $27 $ • Collegiate Banquet (7:00 p.m.) $38 $
Thursday. June 24
• Inspirational Breakfast (9:00 a.m.) $15 $ • Rose Banquet (8:00 p.m.) $55 $
(Canadian Residents Please Add 10%)
Type or print this form. Mail completed form to:
7390 Ohms Lane Minneapolis, MN SS435 1-800-328-8042
Nickname: Nickname:
Home Phone: ( ) Date:
Spouse's Name:
City, State/Province, Zip/Postal: Business Phone: ( ) Desired Departure City:
Arrival Times: • • •
• •
Date of Departure: Special Needs: • Seat Preferences: •
Executive Board (Saturday, June 19, a.m.; Underwritten by International) Regional Vice President (Sunday, June 20, a.m.; Underwritten by International)
Delegates (Sunday, June 20, before 3:00 p.m.; Underwritten by International, except Chapter Advisers and Alumnae Presidents)
Delegates (Sunday, June 20, before 3:00 p.m.; Chapter Expense; Chapter Adviser or Alumnae President)
Non-Delegate, Full-Time (Sunday, June 20, before 3:00 p.m.; Personal Expense) Part-Time Attendee (Personal Expense)
wheelchair • handicapped non-smoking • aisle
• special meals • window
Number: Number: Number:
• Other:
Frequent Flier I.D. Numbers (also indicate for which traveler) Airline:
Airline: Airline:
Winter 1992
Ginger Banks, office phone, 512/463-1415.
LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES CHAIRMAN: Janet Dallas, 646 Hanisch Dr., Roseville, CA 95678, 916/773-0463 (H) 916/443-0700 (O).
Regional Director. Janet Johns, 311 East 71st St. #10-A, New York, NY 10021, 212/861-7924 (H), 212/310-3873 (O), is the new RD for Delta Psi and Sigma Chi collegiate chapters.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents: Kappa Phi Chapter, McGill U., has an apartment and the phone number there is 514/284-4893. Kelly Brown is president.
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Beta Tau Chapter Adviser Marlene Kissoon's new office phone is 416/974-4117.
Corporation Presidents: Iota Chi, Sherd Conley, 89 Timberlake Crescent, Kitchner, ON N2N 1T5, Canada, 519/570-9831.
Psi Delta, Colletta Kalberer, 356 Carnation Ave., Floral Park, NY 11001, 516/775-3938.
Alumnae Presidents: Toronto, Lydia Charalambakis, 42 Lambeth Square, Scarborough, ON M1W 3B4, Canada.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents: Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U., Caterina Antovlinakis, Greek Affairs, University Union, Slippery Rock U., Slippery Rock, PA 16057, 412/794-5930.
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Lambda Upsilon, Debbie O'Donnell, 1325 Ridge Trail, Easton, PA 18042, 215/253- 7978 (H).
Corporation Presidents: Delta Chi, Kim Wheatley, 844 Christina Mill Dr, Newark, DE 19711, 302/737-2492 (H). Tau Lambda, Sue Catanese, 309 Grandview Circle, Honey Brook, PA 19344, 215/273-7621.
Corporation Presidents: Beta Phi, Ed Smith, 3205 Hensel Dr., Carmel, IN 46032, 317/846-6246.
Kappa Rho, Gloria Walters' correct zip code is 49006.
Ohio State U. Colony, Leslie Enoch, 2810 Chateau Circle, Columbus, O H 43221.
Alumnae Chapter Presidents: Ann Arbor, Lisa Aupperle's correct address is 24766 Roosevelt Ct., Apt. 381, Farmington Hills, MI 48331.
Dayton, Amy Wiedeman, 322 Willowood Dr., Dayton, OH 45404, 513/277-2831.
Dearborn, Linda Grates, 7410 Areola, Westland, MI 48185, 313/261-9795.
Farmington Hills, Debbie Read, 23126 Baypoint Dr., Farmington Hills, MI 48335, 313/478-8052.
Terre Haute, Carol Wetherell, Rt.4, Box 210, Marshall, IL 62441, 217/826-6191 (H) 812/877-8468 (O).
Regional Director: Tally Warren's new address, P.O. Box 53. Rives, TN 38253, 901/536-6585.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents: Omega Omicron's new president is Michelle Dally.
Alumnae Chapter Presidents: Knoxville, Amy Cathey's correct address is 9327 Lawford Rd., Knoxville, TN 37919- Martin's president is Elaine Mitchell.
Corporation Presidents: Kappa Omicron, Sharon Bridger's new address is 59 South Prescott, #6, Memphis, TN 38111, 901/324-4770.
Rush Officer Carole Jones's conect address and home phone: 119 Wellington Dr., Madison, AL 39110, 205/883-7729 (H).
Regional Directors: Laurie Curtis's chapters are Alpha Delta and Kappa Gamma.
Elaine McCraney, 6952 124th Terrace N., Largo, FL 34643, 813/536-9977, RD for Greater Pensacola, Greater Pinellas, Huntsville, Jacksonville, Mid-Delta, Mobile, Montgomery, Orlando, Palm Beach, Sarasota, Southeast Alabama, Tampa.
Cindy Swartzfager's correct home phone number is 813/973-
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Delta Delta, Patsy Vincent, 3321 King Ave., Opelika, AL 36801, 205/749-2277 (H) 205/826-4597 (O).
Corporation Presidents: Zeta Pi, Lee Taylor, 5505 Parkside Dr., Birmingham, AL 35242, 205/991-6649.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents: Theta Chi, Momingside College, Denise DeVos, chapter phone, 712/274-3268.
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Alpha Theta, Barbara Tupper's new address is 5510 Kirkwood Blvd. SW #10, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, 319/363-8005.
Corporation Presidents: Alpha Theta, Barbara Tupper, note her change of address above.
Phi Sigma, Cindy Rademacher, 1312 E. 33rd Dr., Kearney, NE 68847, 308/236-5986.
Alumnae Chapter Presidents: Chicago Beverly Hills, Sandra Stevens, 1125 Olive Rd., Homewood, IL 60430, 708/798-0121.
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Pi, Andrea Tirva, 621 Broadway, Apt. B, New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/866-8788.
Collegiate Chapter Presidents: Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia, Mary Anne Morgan, 1190 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605, 706/353-3454.
Corporation Presidents: Lambda Chi, Sheryl Erickson's correct phone number is 706/882-4856.
Zeta Psi, Cheryl Stephenson's correct address is 102 Prince Rd., Greenville, NC 27858.
Alumnae Chapter Presidents: Charlotte, Susan Hopkins' conect address is: 4840 Golfview Court, Charlotte, NC 28227, 704/573-9080 (H).
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Beta Phi, Beverly Ernst, 498 Ridge Rd., Greenwood, IN 46142, 317/888-8916.
Lambda Eta, Maurine Philpot, 455 Prospect Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, 616/459-6549.
Omega, Natalie Adkins' apt. # is 1112.
Theta Psi, Jennifer Steingass, 2607 Westbrook Dr., Toledo, OH 43613, 419/472-2604.
Ohio State Colony, Charlene Potter, 1468 Briarmeadow Dr., W. Worthington, OH 43235, 614/888-0695.
To Dragma
rdering Instructions:
11. Enclose a voided check or reorder form from your existing check supply.
Indicate any printing changes clearly on voided check or reorder form, (change phone number, address, etc.)
Enclose a deposit slip from your existing supply.
14. Enclose a check payable to "Checkbook Expressions" 15. Complete and enclose this order form to insure
donation credit to your sorority.
[ Checks will be mailed to the address on your checks unless you indicate otherwise.
NOTE: Street address required for shipping. Please allow 3-4 weeks for regular processing and delivery.
Daytime phone number (.
• 200 Single Checks • 400 Single Checks
$11.45 $21.90
• 150 Duplicate Checks • 300 Duplicate Checks • 600 Duplicate Checks
$13.45 $25.90 $49.90
1992-93 Coi
Alumnae Chapter Presidents: Little Rock, Jane Prather, 1000 N. Cleveland, Little Rock, AR 72207, 501/663-2473- Monroe, Lillian Brown's correct address is P.O. Box 1936, West Monroe, LA 71294.
Oklahoma City, Mary Richardson, 12301 S.E. 71st, Oklahoma City, O K 73150, 405/732-6577 ( H ) 405/733-6105 CO).
St. Louis, Jean Goldstein, 14845 Pheasant Hill Ct., Chesterfield, MO 63017, 314/532-2350 (H) 314/537-2007 (O).
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Kappa Lambda Chapter's Adviser is Melissa Powell Hadford, #305 -234-90 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2J 6P6, Canada, 403/640-0744.
Tau Gamma, Emily Ledbetter, N 6908 Pine Rock PL, Spokane, W A 99208, 509/325-7092.
Corporation Presidents: Kappa Lambda, Nicole Wyatt, 12 Hawksley Crescent, NW, Calgary, AB T3G 3B9, Canada, 403/289-5257.
Alumnae Chapter Presidents: Calgary, Grace Hwang, 44 Edenstone Way NW, Calgary, AB T3A 3Z4, Canada, 403/277-3343 (H).
Regional Director: Susan Duggins, 4601 E. Skyline Dr. #918, Tucson, AZ 85718, 602/577-6028 (H). Chapters: Sigma, Theta Omega.
Collegiate Chapter Advisers: Chi Alpha Adviser Kathryn Fitzgerald's new address is 2061 Monticello Rd., Nappa, CA 94558, 707/259-0626.
Lambda Iota, Heather Scott, 3130 Shadowlawn St., San Diego, CA 92110.
Sigma Phi, Missy Baiunco, 1148 Oakwood Dr.. Arcadia, CA
91006, 818/446-4305 (H).
Corporation Presidents: Upsilon Alpha, Lynne Dusenberry, 308 East Second St., Tucson, AZ 85705, 602/792-1625.
New design for Founders' Circle
A new, updated design of the Centennial memorial at International Headquarters is shown on the next two pages. The Founders' Circle will be built into the hillside, the Founders' Plaques will be more prominent, and the circle and walkway will now be accessible by the handicapped.
We still have room for your brick! Your brick can be engraved and installed in time for the dedication at the International Convention in June if your order is received at International Headquarters by March 1, 1993- Use the form on page 25. Orders received after that date will be installed after Convention. Proceeds from this project will be used for the Centennial Convention and other Centennial projects.
Number my checks beginning with No.
Choose one of the following:
• Alpha Omicron Pi Rose (2113) • Monogram Initial
Mail t o :
Checkbook Expressions, Inc. P.O. Box 535102
Salt Lake City, UT 84153
Order Inquiries call Toll Free:
Check Price
Sales Tax-Nebraska residents add 5% Processing and Handling 1.00 Priority Mail (First Box Only) Add $3.50
Join Us In The AOTT
"Inspiration Walkway'
Dear AOTT Sisters,
The Centennial Celebration Committee Master Plan (adopted by the Executive Board and presented to Council in 1989) included the design of a permanent memorial of our Centennial at our International Headquarters in Brentwood , Tennessee.
Our AOTT Centennial Celebration belongs to all sisters.. .everywhere, offer YOU the opportunity to help us "PAVE THE HISTORICAL WALKWAY" in becoming a permanent part of our fraternity's celebration. The "INSPIRATION WALKWAY" will lead to the "FOUNDERS CIRCLE"...
Alpha Omicron Pi's "INSPIRATIONWALKWAY" and "FOUNDERS' CIRCLE" will be DEDICATED at the 1993 International Convention in Nashville. In order to assure your personalized signature brick being installed in the "INSPIRATION WALKWAY" or "FOUNDERS' CIRCLE" prior to the 1993 Convention, your check or visa/mastercard and order form must be received in International Headquarters by March 1, 1993.
Purchase a single or double engraved brick, a flag pole or a part of the "FOUNDERS' CIRCLE". A "CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP" will be m ailed to you. Be an INSPIRATION.. .or recognize those who have INSPIRED
The Centennial Celebration Committee
Founder's Circle
Single Brick
Double Brick
BT 1962
Double Brick
o the "Founders' Circle"
The AOTT Centennial Celebration Committee is proud to present the Inspiration Walkway andthe
Founders' Circle"SaveMe A Spot!"(First Donations Received will be FIRST Assigned).
Opt ions
A Single Brick A Double Brick
$50.00 $100.00
A Double Brick Ideas
• For Yourself
• For Your Chapter • "InHonorof
• "In Memory o f
• Gifts
A Flagpole
A Founders Plaque
A Other $
$1500.00 $5000.00
Individual Chapter, Address_
City, State, Zip , Phone.
H Double Brick
• Double Brick
• Flag Pole
• Founders Plaque • Other
$50.00 $100.00
$200.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00
• Visa
Name On Card. Number On Card _ Expiration Date_
Mail To:
AOI1 International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
Make Donations (Checks) Payable to: Alpha Omicron Pi - "Inspiration Walkway"
• Mastercard
Total Amount!
• YES, I would like The Centennial Celebration Committee to send a card, acknowledging the gift.
Only one character (letter, number, or punctuation mark) or space per block. Position or center your name or message exactly as you
want it to appear on your brick. Hyphens, periods, apostrophes, commas, the symbol "&r" and Greek letters are available. To order more than one of either size bnck, pnm engraving information for each additional brick on a separate sheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single brick can have 2-3 lines with no more than 13 characters per line. Please consider your wording carefully AH orders are final. No duplicate certificates will be issued. NOTE: If using Greek letters for your chapter, please spell out the Greek name in English on the fol- lowing line so the engraver can venfy the letters (i.e. for "I", spell out "Iota" on the line).
Southeast Alabama Alumnae Chapter installed
The Southeast Alabama Alumnae Chapter was installed last February by Robin Wright, Executive Board Director. The installation took place at the First United Methodist Church in Dothan, Alabama. With over 70 alum- nae in the southeast Alabama/north- west Florida area, there was a great need for an alumnae chapter. This new chapter will fulfill the needs of alumnae in the area and offer support for collegiate chapters as well.
The charter officers of this new group coordinated the efforts of orga- nization. They are: Twyla Froman Brammell, Omega X i (Morehead State U.), President; Patty Luedtke Palmer, Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U.), Vice President; Kay Hunter Whaley, Delta Delta (Auburn U.), Treasurer; Joy W oodham, Delta Delta (Auburn U ) , Corresponding Secretary; and Jane Ellen Hendricks Beasley, Delta Delta (Auburn U.), Recording Secretary.
Pictured at the Southeast Alabama Alumnae Chapter installation are (front row, from left):Jane Ellen Beasley, Patty Palmer, Mary Lou Shinault, Deborah Craig, Rexine Lee, and Nelda Northcutt; (back row,from left) Twyla Brammell, Robin
Wright, Kay Whaley, Maggie Lord, and Betty Coleman.
Ritual equipment and robes were supplied by Sigma Delta Chapter (Huntingdon College).
Special guests and charter mem- bers attending the installation in the Fellowship Hall included Robin Wright, Kathleen McAllister, Kimberly Keefer, Patty Luedtke Palmer, Jane
Ellen Hendricks Beasley, Mary Lou Gandy Shinault, Nelda Northcutt, Betty Coleman, Kay Hunter Whaley, Deborah Craig, Margaret Kenner Lord, Rexine Lee, and Twyla Froman Brammell.
Contributed by Twyla Brammell, Omega Xi (Morehead State U.)
Michiana-South Bend Alumnae Chapter installed
Pictured at the installation of the Michiana-South
Bend Alumnae Chapter are (from left), Ann Kappa Kappa (Ball State Gilchrist, Trina Miller, Liz Coffey, and Becky Bair. U.), Recording Secretary;
The Michiana-South Bend Area Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed on March 21, 1992, at
the Marriott Hotel in downtown South Bend, Indiana. Elizabeth Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), International Vice President/Finance, was the installing officer.
The officers of the chapter are: Trina Ringenberg Miller, Beta Phi (Indiana U ) , President; Susan Sander Riggs, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), Vice President; Carolyn Cochran Peat, Beta Phi (Indiana LL), Treasurer; Judith Vance Atkinson,
Historian; Christine Hildenbrand Brewers, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.), Philanthropic Chairman; and Kathy Skidmore Gibson, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U ) , Panhellenic Chairman.
Special guests at the installation and luncheon were Ann Gilchrist, Region IV Vice President, Becky Bair, Region IV Public Relations Officer, and Beverly Kirby from the Toledo Alumnae Chapter.
Members of the Michiana-South Bend Alumnae Chapter are eager to again be active in AOIJ and would like to get in touch with any alumna in the area interested in joining the chapter. For information, call Trina S. Miller, (219) 674-6730 or Barbara Tharp, (219) 272-1879.
Barbara Cummings Tharp, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.), Membership Chairman; Roberta Jones Litherland, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U.),
Contributed by Roberta Kappa Alpha
(Indiana State U.)
Announcing the 1992-1993 Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation and Diamond Jubilee
Foundation Scholarship winners
The DiamondJubilee Foundation and the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation celebrate the merger of the two foundations with the announcement of the 1992-93 DJF Scholarship winners. This year, 17 scholar- ships totalling $16,750 have been awarded. DJF was founded in 1959 as the original idea of Muriel T.
McKinney. Since that time, hundreds of deserving the merger of the two foundations and the assis- tance of AO lis everywhere, the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund looks forward to being able to assist many AOIls foryears to come.
Three members of the former DJF Board serve as the Scholarship Committee and are charged with the difficult task of choosing recipients from the large pool of applicants. They are Rosalie
AOI1 sisters have benefitted from these awards. With
Barber, 2 0 , Anne Zipp Herman, Y.
Mary Hanily is the recipient of the $1000 Helen Haller Diamond Jubilee Scholarship for an outstanding graduate student. Initiated into Alpha Delta Chapter at the University of Alabama, Mary is complet- ing work on her PhD in mass communications at the Univer- sity of Georgia. She has been an active A O n for many years as a collegian and an alumna.
N O and
Kathy Lester of Indianapolis, Indiana is the recipient of the $1000 Alpha Tau Corporation Scholarship. She is a member of Theta Chapter at DePauw University and has served as Chapter Treasurer. Currently a senior majoring in biology and English literaaire, she is also an accomplished violinist.
Recipient of the $1250 Muriel T. McKinney Diamond Jubilee Scholarship is Jill Childress of Bogota, T ennessee. Jill is president of Tau Omicron Chapter at the University o f T ennessee, Martin. She is a senior majoring in economics and finance.
Karen Anthony is the recipient of the $500 Alumna scholarship . Karen is return- ing to Shippensburg University for certification in elementary education. She was a founding sister of Tau Lambda Chapter and has since been active in the Harrisburg Area Alumnae Chapter.
Linda Westman is also a $1000 graduate scholarship recipient. An outstanding AOI1 officer from Phi Sigma Chapter at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, she is pursuing a medical degree from the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Winter 1992
Winners of $1000 scholarships listed by region include:
Region V
Ginna Curling is a member of Delta Omega Chapter at Murray State University. She is currently Chapter President and has also served as Pledge Educator. From South Fulton, Tennessee she is a pre-physical therapy major and has been President of the Pre- Physical Therapy Club.
Region I
Angelique Hostetter of Amherst, New York is a member of Nu Delta Chapter at Canisius College. She is currently Chapter President and has served as Pledge Educator and Public Relations Chair. She is majoring in commu- nications and English.
Region EL
Jennifer Kiriloff is a member of Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State University. She is the Chapter Treasurer and has served as Panhellenic Treasurer as well as sitting on the Panhellenic Judicial Board. Her hometown is Philadelphia and she is an accounting major.
Tamara Gee from Pembroke, Kentucky is a member of Epsilon Omega Chapter at Eastern Kentucky University. She is currently Chapter Presi- dent and has been Pledge Class President as well as serving on the Student Senate. Majoring in occupational therapy, Tamara has also been voted Panhellenic Woman ofthe Year.
Region HI
Jennifer Hutcherson of Jacksonville, Florida, is a member of Lambda Chi Chapter at LaGrange College. She is the Chapter Corresponding Secretary and has served on the ritual com- mittee. Majoring in mathematics, she has put her skills to good use
Region VI
Shannon Stewart of Delta Epsilon Chapter at Jacksonville State University is a two term Chapter President. She has also served as Chapter Social Chairman, Campus Peer Counselor and has been a SGA
Judicial Court Traffic Judge. Shannon's hometown is Huntsville, Alabama, and she is majoring in psychology.
as a math tutor.
To Dragma
Region IV
Diane McConnell, a Kappa Pi from Ohio Northern University is from Lima, Ohio. She is Rush Chairman and has served as Pledge Educator and Philan- thropy Chair. She has also been a Bear Ambassador and a WONU disc jockey. Her major is psychology.
Region VII
Debbi Bantam whose home- town is Orleans, Nebraska is a member of Phi Sigma Chapter at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. A junior majoring in biology/pre-dental, she is serving as Chapter President. She is a member of the Biology Club and is active in Intramural Sports.
Region VTU
Tina Grimm, a member of Delta Pi Chapter at Central Missouri State University is from St. Ann, Missouri. She is planning on a career in the hotel & restaurant field. She is currently Activities Chairperson and was her pledge class president as well as having served as a Student Ambassador.
If you are interested in applying for a Diamond Jubilee Scholarship for the 1993-94 school year, please con- tact the AOIl Foundation at 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, TN 37027 or contact your chapter adviser or regional officer.
In addition to Diamond Jubilee Scholarships, the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation will be offering the following awards:
Edith Huntington Anderson Scholarship will be given to an AOIl entering medical school or a related graduate field.
Carolyn Huey Harris Memorial Scholarship will be given to an AOIl who is pursuing a career in the area of communications.
Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship
will be given to a Junior or Senior Gamma Sigma sister attending Georgia State University who is pursuing a career in actuarial science or a related field.
TanyaJevne is a member of the Tan Gamma Chapter at Eastern Washington University majoring in organizational communica- tions. Tanya, Chapter President, has been VP/Administration, Panhellenic Rush Chair and she plays W omens Rugby. She is
from Great Falls, Montana.
Jody Verploegen is from Spokane, Washington and she is a member of Alpha Phi Chapter at Montana State University. Majoring in business and market- ing, she is House Treasurer. She has also been Pledge Class Historian and plays in the MSU Symphonic Band.
Region IX
Region X W endy Lorenzen is a
Winter 1992
member of Upsilon Alpha Chapter at the University of Arizona. From Tucson, she is majoring in nutri- tional science. She is currently Chapter President and has served as Scholarship Chairman and
Panhellenic Representative.
To Dragma
FRATERNITY NEWS Volunteers receive training and support. . .
By Mary McCammon Williams
Phi (U. of Kansas)
International Vice President/Operations
How do you make a dedicated volunteer into an effective volunteer?
That is where training comes in.
Alpha Omicron Pi is committed to providing support and training for its hundreds of dedicated volunteers. Through training, AOlT will ensure that these loyal vol- unteers are knowledgeable about the offices they have agreed to accept and that they are well prepared and well supported.
Where and when does this training take place?
Weekend sessions are held at International Headquarters in late summer and early fall following the elections of regional officers at Leadership Conferences.
In recent months, training sessions have been held for Regional Officers, Regional Directors, and Chapter Advisers.
What do the training sessions cover?
First, the volunteers spend time learning the specifics of their office and the area they supervise. Second, they hear about international operations: policies, procedures, resources, and support systems. Third, they receive train- ing in officer skills, such as effective communication, how to prepare for and facilitate workshops, time manage- ment, and problem solving techniques.
Introducing the Advisers Institute...
Who conducts these sessions?
Different groups have different "teachers." The Regional Rush Officers meet with the International Rush Chairman and the Executive Board Director who super- vises rush. The Regional Finance Officers meet with the International Corporations Supervisor and the International Vice President of Finance. The Regional Public Relations Officers meet with the International Public Relations Chairman and the International Vice President of Development.
The participants also learn from each other through sharing sessions.
The Administrative Committee, which is composed of the Regional Vice Presidents and chaired by the International Vice President/Operations, meets yearly. This committee divides its time between educational matters, planning (with the Executive Board), problem solving, brainstorming, and creative thinking.
Regional Director training is held each year in the fall and spring. A "first" this year was a training session exclusively for Regional Directors for alumnae chapters. The International Programming and Membership Chairmen and the Executive Board Director for alumnae were the facilitators. Training for Regional Directors for collegiate chapters was held in the fall and will be repeated in March.
The newest training opportunity for volunteers is the Advisers Institute, which was held last summer. Each region sent two representatives. These women will, in turn, train the other advisers in their regions. Several regions have already held their adviser training sessions, and more of these are scheduled for the winter and spring.
Alpha Omicron Pi's latest addition to its specifically designed training programs is the Advisers Institute.
This program provides ongoing training for A0I1 Collegiate Chapter Advisers. The first Advisers Institute was held last July, and 21 advisers participated.
The facilitators were Barbara Long, Executive Board Director; Barbara Rinehart, Collegiate Programming Committee/AAC; Pamela Thomas, Region III Director; and Leigh Perry, Region VIII Director.
The Advisers Institute was made possible by a grant from Jessie Marie Cramer which was given especially for this purpose.
The Advisers Institute training sessions cover the basic skills needed for specific advisory tasks and problem solving. Organizational skills needed for an ongoing system of smooth chapter operations are also emphasized.
Regional Vice Presidents at their training session: (front row, from left) Bonnie Berg- er, X; fudy Flessner, VII; Lonanne Watson, IV; Cathy Wieand, II; and Kristi Farmer, V; (second row,
from left) Nancy Shaheen, VIII; and Bev Townsend, LX; (back row, from left) Julie Brining, VI;Joanne Earls, III;
and Jan Slagowski, I.
Regional Public Relations Officers and session leaders at their training session: (front row, from left) Dot Williams, International Pub- lic Relations Chairman; and Carol Stevenson, Interna- tional Vice President/ Development; (second row,
from left) Dolores Rhodes, VI; Terri Marshall, VIII; and Mary Bryant, V; (third row, from left) Sandee Bums, IV; Under Snider, III; and Lori Nelson, LX; (back row, from left) Lisa Dunn, X; Lynne Ferger, VII; and Tracy
Tucker, II.
Regional Directors at their
training session: (front row, from left) Kathy Arn, III; Sandy Thompson, X; and Sandy Gover, V; (second row, from left) Gail Osborn, VIII; Trish Akin, VII; Barbara Zipperian, IV; and Lori Miller. VIII; (top row, from left) Robbie Peterson, IV; Elaine McCraney, VI; Linda Wickswat, LX; and Barbara
Goll X.
Winter 1992
AOIl Foiuidalion awards $150,000 grant
On Sunday, October 11,1992, Linda Bradley, Ph.D. was presented with a $150,000 research grant by the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation as the recipient of the AOIl "Arthritis Investigator Award." More than 150 people gath- ered for the award presentation at the Darlington House in La Jolla, California, including Judy McCarty, San Diego City Councilwoman, Andrea Dill, President of the San Diego Alumnae Chapter, Bonnie Berger, Region X Vice President, and Pamela Paek, President of Chi Alpha Chapter (U. of California- Davis).
In addition to the presentation of the research grant, Councilwoman McCarty, an A O n alumna, presented a resolution by the San Diego City Council. The resolution recognized the contributions of AOIl to arthritis research and of Dr. Bradley toward finding a cure for arthritis.
Dr. Bradley is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology at the U. of California-San Diego in La Jolla. She
will use the three year grant to con- tinue her investiga- tion of the auto- immune basis of certain types of arthritis, including rheumatoid and post-infection arthritis.
Specifically, Dr.
Bradley's research
seeks to explain
the migration of
memory T lympho-
cytes to joint and
tissue sites causing
the debilitating inflammation associated with arthritis.
AOIl Foundation makes the grant to Dr. Bradley as a pan of its commit- ment to support arthritis research. Thousands of collegiate and alumnae AOIl members throughout the United States and Canada devote time to rais- ing funds to support this cause. Since
Foundation awards $20,000 grant
Pictured at the presentation ceremony are (from left) Judy McCarty, San Diego City Councilwoman; Pamela Paek, Chi Alpha Chapter President; Dr. Linda Bradley; and Andrea Dill, San Diego Alumnae Chapter President.
adopting Arthritis Research as its phil- anthropy in 1967, AOIl has distributed more than $750,000 in research grant money. AOIl is proud to support efforts to find a cure for a disease that affects so many women and children and is especially pleased that this year's award goes to a woman scientist who has distinguished herself in her field. "II
(From left) Katie Burt, Dr. Nancy Olsen, and Lisa Sessions are pictured ivith the $20,000 check.
The Nu Omicron chapter house at Vanderbilt U. was the site of a recep- tion on Tuesday, October 20, 1992, honoring Dr. Nancy Olsen, the recipi-
ent of an Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation grant of $20,000. Dr. Olsen will use the grant to further her research in the relationship of sex hor- mones and the immune system to lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, specif- ically in women.
AOIl Foundation Director of Development Pat Helland and Endowment Coordinator Mary Ann
Jenkins presented the check to Dr. Olsen. Katie Burt and Lisa Sessions, Co-presidents of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter served as alumnae hostesses. Nu Omicron members who served as hostesses included Marcia Parra, Chapter President, Jenny
Giordano, Susan Tucker, Krissie McReynolds, Katie Friedman and Georgia Stitt. The Arthritis Foundation was represented by Charlie Taylor, President, Lori Doyle, Mary Clapper, and Grace Ann Greer. Lori, Nu Beta (U. of Mississippi) is an AOIl alumna.
Dr. Olsen, the Arthritis Foundation, and the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation were congratulated by AOIl Headquarters Executive Director Melanie Doyle and staff members Dina D'Gerolamo, Membership Development Coordinator; Theresa Davis, Accounting Coordinator; and Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator. ^
To Dragma
Kappa Phi McGill U.
Kappa Phi Chapter at McGill U. participated in numerous events last winter, reports Carla Wenkoff.
For Greek Week, several of the chapter members created an act for talent night which consisted of a dance routine to music of the 50s and 60s. Chapter members also partici- pated in an inter-fraternity scavenger hunt. Other Greek events included a Panhellenic Ball which took place in February.
Kappa Phi Chapter attended the colonization of Gamma Chi Colony at Carleton U. in February.
Philanthropic events included several bake sales to raise money for Arthritis Research.
The 1991-92 year concluded with the Rose Ball.
Nu Delta Canisius College
The sisters of Nu Delta Chapter at Canisius College had an exciting year, Kristin Mowicki writes.
Nu Delta sponsored a car wash and garage sale last summer. Many mem- bers attended the Region I Leadership Conference where Angel Hostetter, chapter president, received a Diamond
Jubilee Foundation scholarship.
The chapter had a successful fall rush. Chapter members welcomed
Kristin Lowrecki as their new chapter danced. Beth McConnell served as a Winter 1992
Continued on next page
I" • .lib
Ribboning atNu Delta (Canicius College) last February.
adviser and sent congratulations to their previous chapter adviser, Wendy Hoke, who was married in December.
Epsilon Alpha Penn State U.
Jennifer Steele writes that the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State U. had a busy year.
In February, chapter members took part in the Penn State Dance Marathon, the largest student-run phil- anthropic event in the country. Five sisters teamed with Delta Tau Delta to help the event raise over one million dollars for children with cancer. In addition to the five sisters who
Morale Captian and Jennifer Scott was the Social Chairperson.
After the Dance Marathon, chap- ter members turned their attention to the "Football Challenge," the chap- ter's own fund raiser. This year the event brought in over $6,000 for the Arthritis Foundation, which gained the chapter the honor of making the highest contribution to the founda- tion from the region.
Epsilon Alpha won the award for the highest scholarship in Region II. Last semester, 22 sisters made the Dean's List and four sisters were invited to join the Golden Key Honor Society. Jennifer Kiriloff won a Diamond Jubilee Scholarship.
Chapter members are active on campus. Jenn Brodrick is a literary editor for the school's yearbook, La Vie. Trish Kubosak represented the chapter as the Overall Student Relations Chairperson for Spring W eek. Katie Jervis coaches a local YMCA synchronized swim team.
s ~7 ^aiONiii
Lambda Chi LaGrange College
Lambda Chi Chapter at LaGrange College began a successful year when chapter member Anise Morrison was crowned Homecoming Queen by the 1990 Queen, Laurie Riddell, a Lambda Chi alumna. Lisa Riddell was chosen second runner-up on the Homecoming Court.
Winter of 1992 proved to be a success when Lambda Chi initiated twelve pledges. Chapter members also welcomed Annette Farrell, their new chapter adviser.
Lambda Chi participated in sev- eral community service projects last year. The chapter collected needed items for Project L.O.V.E. which ben- efits local women's shelters in several neighborhoods. The director of the LaGrange Shelter for abused women and their children is Rhonda Parmer Rains, a Lambda Chi alumna. Another project assisted the teacher of a group of children whose parents were in counseling at a local church. Lambda Chi held a car wash to benefit the March of Dimes.
The chapter was proud to receive the Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup, which is given to the sorority with the highest GPA, every quarter last year. Last year was one of the many years that Lambda Chi has been hon- ored with this award. At Region Ill's Leadership Conference last June, Lambda Chi received the award for having the most recognition for schol- arship on campus.
Lambda Chi had a successful spring quarter and received many honors at an awards ceremony spon- sored by LaGrange College. Individual
awards included Kerri Reese, out- standing first year calculus student; Tami Harrison, outstanding middle education student; and Amy Price, outstanding business administration student. Amy Faulds and Tami Harrison were selected for Who '& Who Among College Students. J e n i Hutcherson and Miriam Casper were inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa.
At the chapter's Rose Ball, Melanie Miller received the leader- ship award for the rising senior dis- playing leadership skills outside AOIl. Other Awards were given to Amy Price and Tami Harrison. The Linder B. Snider Scholarship was awarded to Laurie Keith by the Lambda Chi Corporation Board. Jeni Hutcherson received a Diamond
Jubilee Foundation scholarship.
Amy Price, Tami Harrison, and Jeanelle Sisk graduated with high hon-
ors (a 3.5 or higher GPA) last spring.
Lambda Sigma U. of Georgia
The Lambda Sigma Chapter at the U. of Georgia finished its spring quarter by winning first place in Kappa Sigma's "Trophy Jam," which is based on campus involvement. Jennifer Ogorek reports that the chapter was chosen "Sorority of the Year" in that event.
Chapter members worked with the local Arthritis Foundation in its first "Walk-A-Mile in My Shoes" walk- a-thon. The event raised over $10,000. Lambda Sigmas also raised $8,000 for Arthritis Research with their second annual Sister Walk.
Lambda Sigma was recognized by the Athens-Clarke County Clean and Beautiful Society. The chapter was voted the Clean and Beautiful Model Sorority for helping with recy- cling and local clean-up efforts. The chapter also placed first in Delta Tau Delta's Environmental Awareness Competition.
Virginia Commonwealth U.
Jennifer Minter writes that the members of Rho Beta Chapter at Virginia Commonwealth U. had a successful year.
The chapter pledged twelve women during fall rush. For a fund raiser, chapter members made and sold earrings on campus. Other fall events included a mixer with Delta Chi and a semi-formal in December.
Spring semester began with initi- ation. Chapter members helped raise funds for Arthritis Research by selling candygrams for Valentine's Day and holding two car washes. Other chap- ter events included a mixer with Kappa Sigma and Greek Week. During Greek W eek, Rho Beta placed third overall and third in the talent show. Members performed to the song "Black and White" which deals with uniting all cultures. The year concluded with Rose Ball which was held in April.
Fall 1992 began successfully. Initiation was held during the first week of classes and 12 women were pledged during rush. Mixers were held with Kappa Sigma and Tau Sigma Epsilon. Other fall events included a fund raiser in October, a semi-formal in December and help- ing with the local Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis.
Omicron Pi
U. of Michigan
The Omicron Pi Chapter at the U. of Michigan has been busy with a variety of activities this past year, reports Jennifer Lofquist.
To Dragma
Allison Ayres, the 1992Miss Jackson
The chapter held its 11th annual dance contest and it was one of the most successful events of Greek Week. Members participated in the Recycle Ann Arbor program. They also helped with various activities to raise money for muscular dystrophy and Alzheimers disease research.
Allison Ayres was selected Miss Jackson, Michigan 1992. Five mem- bers of the chapter were nominated for the Greek Woman of the Year
Omicron Pi has many social
events planned for the 1992-93 school year. These include the annual hayride, tailgate parties before football games, and a spring formal. Chapter members hope to increase activities that will encourage leadership and scholarship within the chapter.
Omega Upsilon Ohio U.
Omega Upsilon Chapter at Ohio U. has completed a successful year, reports Beth Sprague.
Last May, chapter members participated in "Community Day" during Greek Week and helped to clean up the area around Stroud's Run Park. Another Greek W eek event was "Airbands" which raised money for the AIDS Task Force.
Omega Upsilon celebrated its fifth year at Ohio U. last spring with Founders' Day festivities which included ceremonies honoring alumnae and graduating seniors as well as con- versational time with visiting guests. Special guests included
Scholarship 92-93; Laurie Busch, political science scholarship; Debbie Cohodas, Order of Omega; Kristen Kilker, Dean's Scholarship 92-93 and Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Honorary Program; and Barb Weiss, elected president of Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honorary.
U. of Tennessee,
Omicron Chapter at the U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, had an out- standing year with leadership in Panhellenic and student government, reports Mary Beth Chunn.
Chapter Relations Chairperson Melinda Franklin was elected vice president of the student body when Student Government Association elections were held in March.
President Paige Abernathy, Panhellenic Delegate Amy Joyner, Recording Secretary Johnna Commer, and Treasurer Amy Fugate won posi- tions on the Undergraduate Academic Council in their respective colleges, while Corresponding Secretary Jamie Roberts w o n a Senate seat for Massey Residence Hall, the school's all-Greek dormitory.
Rhonda Carroll serves as Panhellenic president. As 1991-92 philanthropic chairperson, Carroll organized Omicron's AOFI Barbecue last year which raised $25,000 for Arthritis Research.
U. of Tennessee's annual skit extravaganza, Carnicus, is the spring semester's biggest highlight for Omicron, which was paired with the
Continued on next page
Winter 1992
Region IV Director Lisa Vance, Chapter Adviser Amy Green, and Corporation Board President Steph Tresso. Steph also serves as pledge adviser.
The chapter hosted its first A0I1 24-Hour Volleyball Marathon, bene- fiting the Arthritis Foundation. Greek students, independents, and mem- bers of the community came to play volleyball at the chapter house. More than $500 was raised during this event. Laurie Busch was in charge. She and Chapter President Renee Neely and Vice President Debbie Pelunis presented the check during the Arthritis Foundation Telethon in Columbus.
Omega Upsilon members planted trees for Arbor Day and vol- unteered their services to the Amesville Elementary School Recycling Day. They also participated in the Athens Roadside Cleanup and the Red Cross Blood Drive.
Individual honors include Christine Attwood, Alpha Lambda Delta; Kelli Benedict, Dean's
Fiji's last April. More than 250 AOFI members, alumnae, friends, and fam- ilies sat together at the Greek-wide skit competition, in which Omicron placed second overall.
Another spring event was SGA's Adopt-a-Spot program. Omicron placed second in this event. Chapter members pulled weeds, raked leaves, and picked up trash in UT's Circle Park.
As AOIl's oldest continuously- existing chapter, Omicron celebrated its 90th birthday on April 14th. Omicron and the Knoxville Alumnae Chapter hosted the Region V Leadership Conference in June with sisters from across Tennessee and Kentucky.
Fall rush was a success under the direction of Rush Chairperson Laura Daves and Assistant Rush Chairperson Katty Pfeifer. Omicron pledged 31 women.
Chapter members joined with Sigma Chi Fraternity for Homecoming. The chapter will be paired with Kappa Alpha for All Sing in February and with Kappa Sigma for Carnicus in the spring.
Pi Alpha
U. of Louisville
The sisters of Pi Alpha Chapter at the U. of Louisville are getting ready to celebrate their tenth anniversary on February 3, 1993, reports Cindy Thur- man. Representatives from the chapter attended the Region V Lead- ership Conference last summer and were pleased to bring back several awards, including the most improved collegiate chapter award.
Chapter members have been active on campus during the last semester. Krista Brooks was crowned Ms. Cardinal at the U. of Louisville. Kristin Worland and Cinday Thurman were elected to the Student Council.
Pi Alpha has been busy playing softball, soccer, flag football, and var- ious other intramural sports.
Members are gearing up once again for their annual "Greek Blitz," a pro- ject sponsored by Pi Alpha in which all Greek organizations on campus join together to work with Louisville's Operation Brightside.
The sisters of Pi Alpha welcomed their new Regional Director, Karen Towell, and their new advisers: Meghan Kelly, Lee AnnTaylor, Sandy Chadwick, Maria Prada, Kathy Lee,
Julie Sellins, Beth Tumey, Jennifer Nickell, Gail Russell, Carolyn Diener, and Dani Kirkbride.
GIIONN Ml Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern
Members of the Kappa Gamma Chapter at Florida Southern College began the school year by initiating five members, reports Sarah Lauerman. They also completed a successful fall rush, pledging nine women.
In November, the chapter spon- sored an all-Greek "Dating Game" on campus to raise money for Arthritis Research. Chapter members also helped raise $4,285 during Florida Southern's annual phone-a-thon.
At the Region VI Leadership Conference, the chapter received the most improved finances award, a trib- ute to the work of Chapter Treasurer Stephanie Miller.
Jalonne Gernazian and Julie Kent were selected for Order of Omega. Julia Westendorf, already a member of Order of Omega, was elected pres- ident of the senior class. Julie Kent was recently tapped for Omicron Delta Kappa.
Nu Beta
U. of Mississippi
Tracy Randle reports that the N u Beta Chapter at the U. of Mississippi had a successful fall rush and pledged 56 women. Pledge activities have included flag football and a retreat.
Chapter members participated in the school's Alcohol Awareness Week. At the "Mocktail Party," Nu Beta won the award for the best theme/decorations.
Philanthropic activities have included sending several large boxes
The sisters and pledges of Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College).
To Dragma
of supplies to hurricane victims in Florida and Louisiana. A fund raising event called Mega-thon is planned to raise money for Arthritis Research.
Social activities have included several mixers with fraternities and a fall formal held on a riverboat in Memphis.
Several chapter members hold leadership positions on campus. Lisa Harrelson is the Panhellenic secretary and president of the campus Greek Council. DeDe Hollis is the president and Paula LaBrot is the treasurer of the Roundball Recruiter organization. Tracy Randle is in charge of service projects of the Student Social Work Organization.
^<^§fcN^i V
Nu Iota
Northern Illinois U.
Kristin Graczyk writes that Nu Iota Chapter at Northern Illinois U. had a successful year i n 1991-92.
Some of the chapter's accom- plishments include: 1st place in Delta Gamma's Anchor Splash; 1st place in Alpha Sigma Alpha's dance contest for philanthropy; and 1st place in Phi Sigma Phi's Softball Philanthropy.
Chapter members have partici- pated in community service projects as well. These have included DeKalb's food and clothing drives for the needy. Big Brothers, Big Sis special events, and recycling programs.
Individual honors include: Julie Canale, Missy Carlsen, Becky Chu, Tami Kramer, Lisa Pavelkis, and Pam Winters, Order of Omega; Chilli Lelis, Homecoming Court 1992; and Gail Nuval, Vice President of the West Suburban Phillipino Civic Youth Group and Panhellenic Council Secretary.
Phi Sigma about their newly remodeled living U.of Nebraska-Kearney quarters which their new Regional
Winter 1992
The Phi Sigma Chapter at the U. of Nebraska-Kearney had a successful fall rush, pledging one over quota, reports Pam Clay. The chapter now has a pledge class of 32 women, which includes 100 percent of the AOIl legacies who went through rush.
Chapter members are proud of their 3.371 grade point average, which is the highest GPA in the chapter's his- tory. This average is from the 1992 spring semester. The chapter has won the scholarship prize on campus for ten consecutive semesters and chapter members are hoping to continue the tradition.
During Homecoming, chapter members walked the route of the homecoming parade and collected money for Arthritis Research. The Phi Sigmas will be joining with other sororities and the community to sell honey on "Honey Sunday." The pro- ceeds benefit the Association for Retarded Citizens.
Director Judy Zawacke described as "lovely." Judy and Regional Finance Officer Mary Diaz visited the chapter in September. Chapter members par- ticipated in Homecoming with a float.
Tau U. of
Members of the Phi Chapter at the U. o f Kansas are enthusiastic about the repainting of the exterior of the chapter house and renovations to the interior, reports Kelly Klasing.
Phi began the school year by helping with the United W ay. Chapter members joined other volunteers who helped paint houses and clean up yards in the community. They also assisted with a carnival for grade school students. In October, Phi held its annual "Omicron Open," a minia- ture golf tournament, to raise money for Arthritis Research. Shannon Knuppel was in charge.
Newcomb College/Tulane U.
Members of the Pi Chapter at Newcomb College/Tulane U. have been working hard, reports Tami Daughdrill.
During spring semester, chapter members were phone operators for the annual telethon for the Arthritis Foundation, New Orleans Chapter. Pi Chapter recently participated in a cam- pus-wide Greek event called the Greek Challenge. All sororities and fraternities called Tulane alumni to help raise money for Tulane's Annual Fund.
ThewomenofTauChapter,U.of Minnesota are busy with rush and making plans for a successful year.
Their plans include a "Sweetheart W eek." This event has raised $1,500 for Arthritis Research in the past. They are also working on "Positive PR," with AOIl decals on their cars, ads during sports events, and Sunday lun- cheons with other members of Panhellenic.
Theta Chi Momingside
Theta Chi Chapter had a success- ful informal rush this fall, and the members are proud of their 11 pledges. The new pledge class has helped keep the chapter competitive on campus.
Chapter members are excited
Continued on next page
Phi U. of
Social events for Pi included the Gamma and placed fourth in Sing 1
Song, third in the Soap Box Derby, first in the t-shirt design event, and second in the campus display con- test. Other activities included parents' day, Greek Week, and the Rose Ball formal.
In April, Zeta Kappa was installed as a chapter. International President Barbara Hunt conducted initiation and collegians from Upsilon Lambda and Delta Theta Chapters also participated.
Zeta Kappa had the highest GPA of all sororities last fall. Several m e m - bers had a 4.0 GPA. They are: Reneau Montalbano, Michelle Duncan, Alison Rahm, and Jenni Milliken. Jenni also received an outstanding Greek achievement award for her excellent grades.
Other individual honors include: Tracy Olson, Michelle Hoelscher, and Reneau Montalbano, Order of Omega; Kim Holloway, Outstanding Leadership and Service Award from the Applied Arts and Technology Department; Nicole Russell, Psi Chi National Honor Society; Jenni Milliken, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society; and Michelle Hoelscher and Alison Rahm, Golden Key National Honor Society.
Parents' Weekend at Zeta Kappa (Southwest Texas State U.): (from left) Laura Lane, Roxanne Godsey, International President Barbara Hunt, Dulcey Malek, Lisa Gonzalez, and Tracy Hugdal.
Greek W eek competition. Pi's team came in second in volleyball and third in the skit competition. Pi chapter held a Cajun Fest for parents' weekend. Members brought their parents to the chapter house for a taste of New Orleans most popular cuisine. The members also held a rush retreat in Destin, Florida, to prepare for spring rush.
For the eighth consecutive year, Nikki Jackson placed in the World Championship Horse Show in August. Kristi Beck was selected to be a mem- ber of the Residence Life Judicial Board. Claudette Robertson is the director for Project Desire, a service organization which tutors underprivi- leged children. Sue Schneller and W endy Gillete were selected to sing in Green Envy, Tulane's a capella singing group. Naomi Horiba is studying in France this year.
Zeta Kappa Southwest Texas State U.
Zeta Kappa Chapter at Southwest Texas State LJ. had an exciting year, reports Tiffany Duke.
The chapter's colonization took place in November, 1991- During the colonization period, Zeta Kappa had the best participation in the Halloween carnival benefiting the chil- dren of San Marcos. Other community service projects included a booth at Health Fair, a Dance-for- Your-Heart event benefiting the American Heart Association, a food drive for the San Marcos Food Bank, and collecting coloring books and bal- loons throughout the year for the children at the Central Texas Medical Center. Zeta Kappa raised $500 for Arthritis Research with its "Hoop It!" basketball tournament.
Zeta Kappa participated in Homecoming with Sigma Tau
Tau Gamma
Eastern Washington U.
Tau Gamma Chapter at Eastern W ashington U . had a successful fall rush and pledged quota of nine women, reports Tanya Jevne.
A highlight of Homecoming this fall was the crowning of chapter mem- ber April Minister as Homecoming Queen. Pledge Kelsey Whitehead was first runner-up
Other fall events included a Hal- loween "goodie sale" of popcorn balls and caramel apples to raise money for philanthropy. The chap- ter also participated in the March of Dimes "Jail and Bail." Sorority presi- dents were locked in "jail" and had to phone the chapter for money to bail them out. Proceeds went to ben- efit the March of Dimes.
Chapter members are proud of their number one ranking on campus in scholarship. They were thrilled to win the most improved collegiate chapter award at the Region LX Lead-
To Dragma
ership Conference last June. Last spring the chapter celebrated its third anniversary as a chapter by having a Red Rose formal.
Two chapter members are leaders in Panhellenic. Leah Lyman is the Pan- hellenic Vice President and Jennifer Ives is in charge of philanthropy for Panhellenic.
Tau Delta senior wins
Miss Alabama title
Sigma U. of
Kim Wimmer, Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College), was crowned Miss Alabama last June and competed in the Miss America Pageant in September.
A 21-year-old senior, Kim holds offices in Omicron Delta Kappa and Mortar Board, two national scholarship and leadership honor soci- eties. She is a member of the Alpha Psi Omega theater honorary, the student judiciary, and the Hilltop Singers. K i m has studied voice and piano and hopes to have an entertainment career after graduation.
Janice Ventura reports that mem- bers of the Sigma Chapter at the U.of California-Berkley, are proud of their scholastic progress. The chapter has an overall GPA of 3-2 and has moved from 11th to 4th place in scholarhsip among the sororities on campus.
Chapter members have been busy raising money for Arthritis Research. Last spring, their fourth annual "Aces for Arthritis," a Monte Carlo night, brought in over $2,000. Another method of fund raising was tried this fall when members asked for donations for each hour they were able to continue ice skating at a local rink.
Two chapter members hold offices in Panhellenic. They are Janice Ventura, who is the Vice President of External Affairs, and Patricia Mendoza, who is chairperson of GRACE. GRACE stands for Greeks for Racial and Cultural Education.
Winter 1992
Though she loves
performing, she also
enjoys her volunteer work. Kim has spent time each week tutoring chil- dren who live in a homeless shelter in Birmingham. She says there is noth- ing more fulfilling than sharing the joy of a child whose report card shows a dramatic improvement.
Kim drew upon her volunteer experience when she developed her "platform" - the issue on which she will focus during her reign as Miss Alabama. She sees herself as a "woman in service to the state for a year," rather than a beauty queen. She hopes to visit children in inner city schools during her year's service.
Though some people have criticized beauty pageants as exploitive,Kim says she believes the positive aspects outweigh the negative. For example, she believes that competing has been good for her self-esteem and that scholarship pageants like the Miss Alabama Pageant are a valuable goal-ori- ented activity for young women.
Kim won the title on her second try. In this year's pageant she repre- sented Point Mallard. She was Miss Leeds Area in the previous pageant.
In 1989, Kim won the title of Alabama's Junior Miss. She wore the same white gown and number - 39 - in the Miss Alabama Pageant last June. JH
TEvansville-Tri State
The Evansville-Tri State Alumnae Chapter was offto an early start this year with a kick-off luncheon in August, reports Rita Mengon.
Chapter President Janie Bernhardt reported on the Region rv Leadership Conference and the selection of Evansville-Tri State as the Most Improved Alumane Chapter.
Another August event was help- ing the Chi Lambda Chapter with msh training. Chapter members also entertained the Chi Lambda pledges at a picnic in September at the home of Melissa Kavanaugh. In October, they hosted a Homecoming Open House at the AOII suite at the U.of Evansville. The big event for November was the "Yummy and Craft Auction" held at the Evansville Courier Building and chaired by Charleen Moore. A Founders' Day Brunch was held on December 5th on the U. of Evansville campus.
Future plans include a February bingo party, a March "Rose Luncheon" at the home of Ginny Kreke, and a tea for Chi Lambda seniors in April.
The chapter was honored to receive two generous gifts from the wills of two charter members, Marion Koegel Cox, Beta Phi (Indiana U.), and Esther McClellan Lundquist, Rho (NorthwesternU.).
Greater Lafayette
Members of the Greater Lafayette (Louisiana) Alumnae Chapter kicked off the summer with a trip to the Region VIII Leadership Conference in June, reports Sherry Moore.
Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter members pictured at their August brunch are, (front row, from left): Dawn Hansen, Vicki Mallon, and Missy Santorum; (back row, from left) Mickey Shilling, Virginia Bruner, Jane Stitt, and Samantha Neville.
To Dragma
Chapter President Charlotte Hales was pleased that the chapter received several awards, including a Certificate of Achievement. At the chapter's planning meeting in August, the members who had attended the conference shared their experiences with the group.
Chapter members rallied around the local Delta Beta collegians during rush at the U. of Southwestern Louisiana. From set design to refresh- ment preparation, the alumnae helped the collegians hold a success- ful rush. Fortunately, rush was held two weeks before Hurricane Andrew hit the Lafayette region, knocking down trees and branches in the sorority/fraternity house area.
Hilton Head Island
Mickey Schilling reports that the Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter
enjoyed an active summer which began in June with a luncheon at Reilley's Restaurant. Also in June, President Samantha Neville attended the Region III Leadership Conference where the chapter was recognized for its 100 percent participation in contributing to the Centennial Celebration.
A brunch was held at the home of Vicki Mallon during August. In September, Samantha Neville pro- vided alumnae support during rush for the Alpha Lambda Chapter at Georgia Southern College and pre- sented the collegians with an engraved AOll silver tray.
The Indianapolis Area Alumnae Chapter had a busy and successful year, reports Donna McDonald.
Early last spring, chapter mem- bers learned home decorating tips
from a member who owns a deco- rating franchise. Networking meet- ings held at four locations in the city brought chapter members together in March to share AOll scrapbooks, memorabilia, and to update each other about families, careers, and interests.
In April, the chapter held a lun- cheon and fashion show to raise money for the Indiana University Multipurpose Arthritis Center. The event was held at the historic Marrott Hotel and the show featured jazzy Indy 500 outfits and accessories.
Chapter officers were installed in May. Summer events included the chapter's annual summer salad lun- cheon and a "ladies night out" at a popular Mexican restaurant.
Future plans include the chap- ter's annual fall "Pitch-In," t-shirt dec- orating, a family hayride, and the 5th annual "Make It! Bake It! Grow It! Sew It!" auction.
Leesa Huffer reports that the Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter began 1992 with officer elections. Robbie Steader replaced Missy Taylor as president. Missy is currently the Region V Finance Officer. Another
January event was the Founders' Day luncheon with the Pi Alpha Chapter (U. of Louisville).
Lucie McCreary presented the Keystones stress management work- shop at the March meeting which was held at LaDonna Stanley's home. Other spring events were the Senior Sendoff ceremony for Pi Alpha seniors in April and a "Mad Hatter Tea Party" fund raiser in May. Many chapter members attended the Region V Leadership Conference during which the chapter received a Certificate of Achievement, an award for excellence in public relations, and a Centennial Honor RollCertificate.
The Kenaickiana Chapter began the fall season with a bninch at the home of Mary Bryant. Another fall event was a dessert party for the Pi Alpha pledges in October.
Lake County of Illinois
Linda McElhany reports that the Lake County Alumnae Chapter has an exciting year planned.
In October, chapter members met with a representative from Illinois State Scholarship to gain information to plan for
their children's future. In November, the chapter
held its third annual holi-
day auction and dinner. A
meeting with Ritual was
planned for December.
Plans for 1993 include attending the Chicago Area Founders' Day lun- cheon, planning a Valentine party at "A Safe Place" in W aukegan, and preparing goodie bags for the Nu Iota Chapter at Northern Illinois U. The
(Transylvania U.) chapters. Other activities included meeting at Tonya Harig's home to work on Christmas craft gifts for collegians and the chapter's cookie exchange in December. The cookie exchange was held at Laura Beatty's home and featured a speaker on nutrition.
Events planned for 1993 include donating canned goods to God's Pantry, which is a crisis food center in Lexington. A Ritual review and potluck supper is planned for March
Winter 1992
program year will end Laurie Sagan ispictured at the Lexington Alum nae
with the third annual bowling party with spouses or guests in May.
Chapter's dessert party.
Chapter members said a fond farewell to Judy Rollenhage and Shirley Weismantal who have moved to Ohio and Florida.
The Lexington Alumnae Chapter began the year with a dessert party at the home of Marilyn Sagan.
Chapter members enjoyed hav- ing a speaker from the local Arthritis Foundation in October. They made plans at the meeting to support the local foundation. In November, chapter members sold Survival Exam Kits for collegians at Kappa Omega (U. of Kentucky) and Tau Omega
at the home of Paulette Camuels. In April, chapter members will induct the Kappa Omega seniors into alum- nae status at the Kappa Omega Chapter House. The year will end with a family cookout at Shillito Park in May.
Monterey County
Marilou Tomblin reports that the 1991-92 year was one of friendship and variety for the Monterey County
Alumnae Chapter.
The year began with a luncheon at
the home of Phyllis Williams in Pebble Beach. This was followed by a lun- cheon and silent auction at the home
Continued on next page
Monterey County Alumnae Chapter's 50-year-members (for 1992) are (from left): Gerry Hicks, Maria Nowell, Clare Riggs, Gloria Knickerbocker, Joanne Honegger, and Margo McWilliams.
features crafts and baked goods. The Founders' Day banquet will be held at the Montgomery Country Club. Activities planned for 1993 include a "girls' night out" in May, featuring dinner and a play.
Northern Virginia
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter had a busy and fun-filled year, reports Sherri Gill.
In November, the annual Christmas auction raised over $800 for the alumnae chapter. During the holiday season, members toured Sully Plantation and celebrated Founders' Day at the Great Falls Grange with the Gamma Alpha Chapter at George Mason U. In
January, AOlXs joined other National Panhellenic Conference groups to attend a play benefiting the local Panhellenic group. Alumnae also toured an art gallery together and assisted the local Arthritis Foundation Chapter with its annual Waterwalk for Arthritis.
In April, Northern Virginia alum- nae gathered at Ann Hinds' home for the annual spring luncheon and met again at Parry Henry's home for a summer picnic for AOlIs, spouses, and "significant others."
of Margo McWilliams in Salinas. The Febaiary luncheon at Margo Tomlin's home had a Valentine's Day theme. Chapter members were pleased to leam that Alicia Read, a local legacy, had pledged at Omega Chapter (Miami U.). Alicia's mother, Missy Read of Pebble Beach, and grandmother, Lynne Johnston of Palm Springs, were special guests at the luncheon.
In April, the chapter had an "hon- oring day" at the Pebble Beach home of Edie Ramsey. Six 50-year members were recognized at the meeting: Gerry Hicks, Maria Nowell, Clare Riggs, Gloria Knickerbocker, Joanne Honegger, and Margo McWilliams.
The year ended with a "guests included" potluck at the home of Gerry Hicks in Pebble Beach. Gerry, the chapter's retiring president, has been active in preserving California history. She and her sister donated their grandparents' home, the Ainsley House, to become a museum for Santa Clara County. The house was physically moved to the Civic Center in the city of Campbell.
Laura Hastings reports that the Montgomery Alumnae Chapter began the year with a tea to make goody bags for the Sigma Delta
Chapter at Huntingdon College. The collegians appreciated the goody bags and everyone enjoyed the col- legian/alumnae mixer.
The Montgomery Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 4lst anniver- sary with a dinner party at the Vintage Year restaurant. Several chapter members attended the Arthritis Foundation auction.
Other activities planned include a cheese-ball-making party and the annual cheese-ball sale, an area hol- iday tradition. The chapter's annual Christmas party plans are underway. This year chapter members will invite friends to their auction, which
Members of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter are pictured at the chapter's 40th anniversary celebration at the Tower Club in McLean, Virginia.
To Dragma
A highlight of the year was the 40th anniversary celebration of the installation of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter at the Tower Club in McLean, Virginia. I n June, several members attended the Region III Leadership Conference and were pleased when the chapter received six awards. As usual, chapter mem- bers supported the Gamma Alpha Chapter with "exam kits" and helped with rush.
North Houston Suburban
Sue Metz Dornier reports that the North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter was represented at the Region VIII Leadership Conference in Denver, Colorado, last June by Barbara Kenney, Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).
Barbara, w h o is president chapter, was pleased to accept sev- eral Certificates of Achievement: the Alumnae Chapter Certificate recog- nizing exceptional performance stan- dards, the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Certificate for contribu- tions to the AOIl Foundation, and the Region VIII Certificate for improved philanthropic efforts.
The chapter's new officers met in August to prepare for the 1992-93 year. A special gift was sent to Zeta Kappa, the newly installed chapter at Southwest Texas U. in San Marcos.
Diverse programming was fea- tured during the fall with such varied activities as a cosmetics/body care class hosted by Sue Dornier in October and a program on nutritious holiday menus hosted by Alice Jo Shannon in November. A Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It Auction was held in December.
The traditional Founders' Day luncheon will be celebrated in the new year with the Houston Alumnae
Chapter and the Beaumont Alumnae Chapter. Ruth Sunker is in charge of the event.
In February, chapter members and their spouses or "significant oth- ers" will gather for submarine sand- wiches and bunco. The March meet- ing will feature an artistic theme. In April, chapter members will be on television with the Arthritis Foundation Telethon. The year will close with the chapter's traditional Champagne and Roses Dinner in May, hostedbyAnnPare.
MJ. Jacobsen reports that the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter had a delightful finish for the 1991-92 year last May when chapter members gathered for lunch and a tour of the May Court Designer Showcase Home in the historic Chelsea Club of down- town Ottawa.
Chapter member Isabel Peppier, who served as hostess for the gather- ing, is currently the president of the May Court Club, which is a service club dedicated to meeting the needs of women and children in the Ottawa community.
The finale for the year was the 20th anniversary of the Strawberry Social at the cottage-home of Ethel Swail, one of the Ottawa Chapter's 50-year members.
The fall program began with the traditional potluck supper, and the food theme continued in October with "Food in the Fast Lane," recipe sharing for people on the go. Gamma Chi Colony members from Carleton U. were invited to join the chapter for the Founders' Day cele- bration in November.
Pincy Dikeman Polese reports that the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter is
busy "doing all those things that alumnae chapters do so well."
The chapter's sales of "Finals Survival Kits" to collegians at the U. of Arizona and Northern Arizona U. were successful with the proceeds being used to buy flowers for rush and supplies for a barbecue on bid day. Chapter members look forward to continued successful fund raising with their holiday auction in November.
Pincy writes that the Phoenix chapter is "endeavoring to create an atmosphere of support and caring for our members." The chapter calendar has been revamped to emphasize socializing, support, and caring. The goal ofthe revised programmingis to eliminate a little of life's stress and to rekindle "that wonderful feeling of belonging."
San LHego
The members of the San Diego Alumnae Chapter couldn't let the summer go by without getting together, reports Bobbe Chilcote.
"So we spent an evening in July with friends and family at a Summer Pops concert, listening to the tunes and celebrating our chapter's Leadership Conference awards," Bobbe said. The awards included the Certificate of Achievement and the Regional Award forProgramming.
One of the chapter's fall high- lights was participating in the pre- sentation of an Arthritis Research grant to a local physician. On October 11, the chapter hosted a reception and formally presented a $150,000 research grant to Dr. Linda Bradley who is on the staff of the U. of California, San Diego. Judy McCarty, a San Diego City Councilwoman and AOIl alumna,
Continued on next page
Winter 1992
o f the
participated in the presentation. More than 50 AOlIs attended the chapter's Mexican fiesta happy hour in September. Weekly craft work- shops were held in October in prepa- ration for the chapter's annual fund raising event, the Masterpiece
The San Diego Alumnae Chapter
is proud to be the home of some dis- tinguished local AOlls. The National Alliance of Business has named Ann Burr its Volunteer of the Year for 1992. Ann is the president of Southwestern Cable TV in San Diego. Caryl Krueger, a noted authority on parenting and a former AOll Convention keynote speaker, was
Members of the San Jose Alumnae Chapter are pictured at the Athena
featured in a recent San Diego Tribune newspaper article.
San Jose
Members of the Seattle Alumnae Chapter enjoyed their second "Images in Style" fashion show fea- turing AOll collegians and alumnae modeling clothes from Casual Corner, reports Kimberly Class. The event raised money for Arthritis Research.
After a summer hiatus, chapter members are busy with plans for Founders' Day. a formal red rose social, and a career workshop. The workshop will feature a Keystones program and the participants will include college seniors and local alumnae. Chapter members are cur- rently doing Rind raising by selling "AOll Fireside Multi-Bean Soup Kits." These kits have been a big success in the past.
The Seattle Alumnae Chapter invites all area alumnae to get involved.
"We need your help!" says Kimberly Class, the chapter president. Kimberly can be reached at 522-2225.
State College
Laurie Cooper Sigel reports that three members of the State College Alumnae Chapter attended the Leadership Conference last June at
Towson State U. Patiricia Rine Antolosky, Lois Klotz, and Nancy Mellinger Zendt represented the chapter and accepted awards for the highest number of Membership Information Forms (MIFs) and excep- tional performance standards. The chapter also received certificates for philanthropic contributions.
Another June event was the chap- ter's annual yard sale at the home of Linda Chambers Domin. The sale raised nearly $200.
The 1992-93 year began with a meeting at Linda Domin's home where plans were made to provide food and to attend membership selection sessions during Epsilon Alpha's msh (Penn State U.). Chapter members enjoyed getting reac- quainted and hearing about the recent weddings of two alumnae members.
The chapter was pleased to learn of the recent recognitionof Lois Klotz for her involvement with the Daughters of the American Colonists and the Mayflower Society. Both organizations honor individuals w h o can trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower. ^
Kris Sandoz reports that two San Jose Alumnae Chapter members were honored last spring for out- standing accomplishments. Gina Fish
was the recipient of the Athena Award by the San Jose Panhellenic at its annual Athena Luncheon, and Karen Ryan was named Outstanding Alumna by the San Jose State University Panhellenic during Greek Week.
San Jose Alumnae Chapter mem- bers helped Delta Sigma collegians (SanJose State U.)earn much needed funds this summer by working with them at the campus bookstore's "book check.'' The alumnae also pre- pared dinner for the collegians one night during nish
Members of the alumnae chapter enjoyed their annual fall brunch. They are currently getting ready for their "Warm and Fuzzy" Service Project. Chapter members collect pajamas, blanket sleepers, and stuffed animals, which are distributed to needy children during the holiday season.
To Dragma
The Fairfield County Panhellenic Association offers an annual scholar- ship to any sorority woman whose home address is in Fairfield County, Connecticut, and who is attending any college or university in the United States. The 1993 scholarship will b e $1,500.
Applicants must b e i n their sophomore or junior year, must b e active members o f a National Panhellenic Conference sorority, and must plan to remain on their college campus the following year.
Selection is made by committee and is based on academic records and service to the sorority. For application forms write: Mrs. Margot Turk, 553 Silvermine Rd., New Canaan, CT 06840. Completed forms and accom- panying information must be returned by April 1,1993- Announcement of the scholarship recipient will be made in
Kentucky State Day - a gathering of all AOII collegians and alumnae i n Kentucky will be held on March 27, 1993, a t Eastern Kentucky U. i n Richmond, Kentucky. For information contact: Mary Bryant, Region V Public Relations Officer, 2113 Maryland Ave., Louisville, KY 40205, (502) 458-1202.
Attention 1988Michigan State Beta Gamma Colony Founders— W e need your help. W e are planning a 5-year colonization reunion for all Beta Gamma alumnae. In order t o plan the reunion, we need you to please contact us! Please call either Dawn Tafe a t (312) 649-0535 o r Angela Rodebaugh at (708) 325-5673.
Corporation meetings
scheduled this winter include:
Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U.), April 3 , 1993 a t 1 p.m. a t the chapter house, Bowling Green State U., Bowling Green, O H . For information contact: Janet N . Conway, 2285 New State Rd. N., Norwalk, O H 44857.
Iota (U. of Illinois), February 28, 1993 at noon at the chapter house, 706 S. Matthews, Urbana, IL 61821. For information contact: Judith Irle Thompson, 4011LakePt., Champaign, IL 61821.
Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College), April 6, 1993 at 7 p.m. at the AOII House, Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, T N 38112. For information contact: Sharon Bridger, 5 9 South Prescott #6, Memphis, T N 38111.
Phi (U. of Kansas), April 24, 1993 at 10 a.m., 1510 Sigma Nu Place, Lawrence, K S 66044. F o r information contact: Chris Scranton, 16 W. 58 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64113.
Psi Delta (C.W. Post Campus of Long Island U.), March 23, 1993 a t 8 p.m., 356 Carnation Ave., Floral
contact: Dolly Whitford Kalberer, 356 Carnation Ave., Floral Park, NY 11001.
Rho Beta (Virginia Commonwealth U.), January 20, 1993 at 7:30 p.m., 1801 Norris Lane, Richmond, V A 23226. For information contact: Courtney Tutwiler at (804)285-1040.
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U.), April 18, 1993 a t 12:30 p.m., Mountain View Dorm Chapter Room, Flagstaff, AZ 86011. For information contact: Stephanie Cunningham, 14434 W. 5 6 PL, Scottsdale, AZ 85254.
Upsilon Lambda (U. of Texas-San Antonio), January 17, 1993 a t 1 p.m., Wyndham Hotel, 9821 Colonnade Blvd., San Antonio, T X 78230. For information contact: Priscilla Ingle, 2326 Texas Ave., San Antonio, T X 78228.
The name of Norma Joyce Rowe KieseL Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan), was inadvertently omitted from the 50-year member list. To Dragma regets the error.
In the summer issue, Theta Chi Chapter (Morningside College) was incorrectly reported a s being closed. To Dragma regrets the error. Theta Chi's most recent report is included in the Collegiate Chapter News in this issue.
In "Onthe Cover"on page 3 of the fall issue o f To Dragma, Kappa Kappa Chapter was incorrectly reported as being the winner of the Most Improved Collegiate Chapter Award in Region LV. The actual win- ner o f that award was Kappa Rho Chapter which was correctly reported in the award listing on page 8. Becky Rector, Region IV's Alumnae Service Award winner is from Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U.). To Dragma is happy to set the record straight. ^ |
June, 1993.
Founders' Day celebration o n Saturday, February 6 , 1993, a t The Centre in Lakewood, CA. The event, which is attended b y nearly 500 AOIls, will be hosted by the Ventura County Alumnae Chapter. For more information, please call Marianne Porter at (805) 987-7931.
Nu Beta's 35th
b e
Winter 1992
California AOIJs:
Y o u a r e
invited t o attend this
w i l l celebrated the weekend o f February
26-28, 1993. For information contact: Mandy Martin, Alpha Omicron Pi, P.O. Box 7987, U . of Mississippi, University, MS 38677, phone: (601) 236-1930.
Northern California Founders' Day celebration will b e held o n Saturday, January 3 0 , 1993, a t
Castlewood Country Club near Pleasanton. For information contact: Christine Hollingshead (415) 349-0654.
Park, N Y 11001. For
DidYouKnow ^
...newsfromtheworldofAOE «
This AOI1 is 90 years young!
Elizabeth "Betty" Johnston Hayes Monaghan, Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan) celebrated her 90th birthday last May at a party attended by about 150 people in Burlington, Ontario. Betty's close friend and AOI1 sister, Helen Boorman Tucker, a peace activist with an international reputa- tion, was one of the special guests at the birthday celebration. The two women have been friends since they met in college in the 1920s.
Other guests included the local Member of Parliament, members of the Burlington Arts and Letters Club which Betty co-founded 43 years ago, and twenty relatives from Detroit and New Brunswick.
Betty's birthday celebration was
From Our Readers:
Politics update. . .
To the editor:
Your article in the last edition of To Dragma prompted me to send you this picture of myself and Suellen Kinder Reed. (Both women are from Phi Omicron Chapter, Hanover College.) Suellen is the Republican candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction in Indiana. I'm running for re-election for the fourth time to the Indiana House of Representatives. I'm looking forward to AOIT sister Teresa Lubbers joining the Indiana General Assembly in January. I was also pleased to see that Connecticut State House member Dorothy Osier, whom
previewed in the local newspaper with an article which described her as "Living life to die hilt" and her life as "rich in generosity" and "gutsy for risks taken."
Betty and her husband moved to Canada in 1929 and established their home in Burlington, Ontario in 1930. She had taken courses in journalism and social work and worked in both fields before her marriage in 1928. After her two sons were born, Betty continued to write, selling articles to her local newspaper and a Toronto craft magazine. She was an active vol- unteer and was named Burlington's Citizen of the Year in 1976. Betty was president of the Women's Missionary Society of Trinity Church and regent of the Thayendanegea Chapter of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the
I know from the National Order of W o m e n Legislators is also an AOFI sister.
Joyce Hopewell Brinkman
Phi Omicron (Hanover College)
foyce Hopewell Brinkman, left, and Suellen Kinder Reed. The cake says
Betty and some of her young
are pictured with her birthday cake at her 90th birthday party.
Empire. She joined the international Grandmothers for World Peace and co-chaired the Evergreens' seniors group. She delivered the first Meals on Wheels in Burlington.
Betty's eyesight began to fail seven years ago. Though she is now legally blind, her zest for life remains strong.
Happy Birthday, Betty!
Editor's Note:
Joyce, Teresa, and Suellen all won their elections.
Likes new format. ..
To the editor:
The international and regional list- ings in the fall To Dragma were really nice, and much easier to read. This new format is great.
Renee Smith
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.) Region IV Director
Editor's Note:
Renee requested some corrections
to the Region IV listings. These are
"Re-Joyce, District 94, " a reference to included in the updates to the Alpha
Joyce's re-election from that district. Omicron Pi Directory in this issue, • a To Dragma
Officer, isEddie Albert of"Green Acres "fame. Mr.Albert wasemcee ata con-
ference Sandee attended.
The familiarface
here with
Bums, Region
TV Public
^ - . ; - TM - « — — A, '.-
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOIl International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
Name a t Initiation
Current Office Change?
New Name If Different From Attached Label
. Chapter Initiation Year_
Preferred Name
Special Interest Occupation
Place of Employment
Winter 1992
New Home Address
Date o f Death
1 1 1 1
| 111
Governed bv an Executive Board (electad c
<?,PC attached list.i
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9025 Overlook Blvd.. Brentwood, TH 37027
Alpha Onlcron P! fraternity. Inc., 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 Beth Grantham. 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood. TN 37027
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