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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-16 17:46:35

1982 Spring - To Dragma

LXII, No. 6

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The €t>Hor'$ Place

To Dragma has made it a point to fea- Letters . . . CORPORATION MEETING
ture a number of alumnae in each issue. CHI ALPHA
However, we finally are highlighting Remember the magazine is interested in
these individuals for what they really your opinions. Suggestions often make May 3, 7 p.m.
are—SUPERWOMEN. very interesting features and we always
are looking for "Superwomen" to recog- 203 First St. (chapter house)
When I first announced that your mag- nize. Davis, Calif.
azine would be featuring an issue about
Superwomen, I thought there would be Judy Rogers, chapter' adviser for Sigma for information contact:
many comments—about the topic Iota chapter shares the following: Stell Eriksen
superwomen. Wrong . . . maybe one or
two notes. Dear Editor, 861 Stonehaven
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
But I didn't give up. On the second re- A few months ago, after a hectic and
quest I asked for suggestions—exam- trying few months as a hew CA, one of ANNUAL MEETING
ples—on who should be featured when my collegians wrote and presented this PHI CORPORATION
AOII talks about Superwomen. Now I re- poem to me. It touched my heart, and I
ceived mail. indeed felt appreciated and understood. I April 24, Luncheon
think it may do the same for many other Kansas University
Obviously the word Superwomen CAs who haven't had a poet in their
doesn't mean the same to everyone. As chapter. Union Bldg.
you will see the women featured in this Centennial Room 1 p.m.
issue are super and they are sisters . . . It was written by Rochelle Sim, who
AOII women. Many of them, too, have graduated in May, 1981. I will send it ex- Luncheon reservations
taken time from busy schedules to talk actly as it was written, however I think may be made to
about their relationship with the fraterni- the title could be "ADVISER."
ty- Glenna Youngstrom (Mrs. Karl)
JUDY 9660 Reeder Road
The Superwomen series is just the
start. As you see features about alumnae She is happy. Overland Park, Ks. 66214
in later issues, you will know that they, Her smile and glow of life shine Cost of the luncheon
too, are being highlighted as through. will be $5.00
Superwomen. The fraternity is proud to
share the experiences and successes of sis- The radiance can be detected by ALUMNAE DAY
ters. everyone. Theta chapter

Spring Articles Her family, her friends, her sisters. June 5, 2:30 p.m.
Also included in the issue is a report on She gives and gives of herself
Sigma chapter's 75th anniversary affair. Chapter House
Many of the Collegiate Chapter Com- and demands great things in return. Greencastle, Ind.
mentaries and the Alumnae Chapter Ac- Progress, growth, strength.
tivities include a recognition of Found- for information contact:
ers' Day celebrations, including one "all- Never a step back, only a positive goal Ann Gilchrist
nighter" for Knoxville area alumnae and is sought.
collegians! The Alumnae Accent high- 5613 Skyridge Dr.
lights the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Her daughters live, laugh, love. Indianapolis, IN 46250
Chapter. She grows through them.

Summer 1982 They keep her young
The Summer To Dragma will be pub- Forever young.
lished a month early so readers can re-
ceive the Rush issue in June. The people she reaches, the brains she
In the future . .
In the upcoming year To Dragma will The hearts she touches.
be reporting on members who are living They are great in number and
and/or studying abroad. We would still tremendous
like to hear from sisters who have experi-
enced living in a foreign country. Please in creation.
send in your comments now. The maga- Creating better persons, stronger minds,
zine also will be featuring its members in and
the media soon, too.
more loving emotions.
All this is resting on her conscious and

she smiles.

All beings thrive on the sun's rays.
She nurtures herself by radiating her

Energies not equaling the strength of the
sea's tides,

But going beyond to
stir tidal waves!


Published since January, 1905 by TODRAGMA

ALPHA OMICRON PI P ofalpha omicron pi
Spring 1982 Vol. LXII No. 6
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897 ¥cMurm$

Founders -

Jessie Wallace Hughan • 24 31 37
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry 4 4
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 21
The Founders were members of Alpha AOLT's Superwomen 28
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia Meet the R T & J Committee 37
University and all are deceased. Founders' Day lasts all night 38
Sigma celebrates 75th year
Alpha Omicron Pi Alumnae return for Beta Kappa's 50th
International Headquarters
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 24
Telephone: 615-383-1174 Departments 30
Editor The Editor's Place
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, A T Alumnae Accent
Alumnae Chapter Activity
N W 1445 Kenny Chapter of the Quarter
Pullman, W A 99163 Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
(509) 332-1168-Home
(509) 335-4527-Office


Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, T N 37215

PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarter-
ly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription
price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $25.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
WA 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, TN and additional mailing

On the Cover

Ellen Sher, the youngest Sigma
Collegian, presents flowers to
Netha Hill Kinkead, Sigma '07.
Looking on is Eleanor Hill Piatt,
Sigma alumna and Netha's


By Sue Hinz, Alpha Gamma
Managing Editor

To Dragma would like to take this executive posts. Those who elect to this world for the next generations.
opportunity to recognize a number of remain out of the traditional Our opinions are needed.
alumnae who seem to be making the workforce, too, deserve respect for
most out of each of their days. their decision. How wonderful would A l l of us must continue to ask
it be if we all could arrange "the per- questions, make suggestions, support
Is there something similar about fect life" for our families. issues—Be informed. Learn where
each one? There are members of A l - you can collect the material and
pha Omicron Pi and they feel good But you know . . . everyone's read. Listen to both sides of an issue
about what they are doing. Those dream would be different. We all then don't be afraid to pick the side
good feelings are sooooo important. want different things from our lives. which is really you. Of course there
We were reared in different family is safety in the familiar, but there is
They have taken time to develop a situations, made individual decisions such a feeling of release and relief
self-image so each can deal with what and found the world changing rapid- finding out something new—on your
she believes is expected of her. It is ly around us. own!
not an easy task for many women to
say, " I want to do . . . " or " I want As college women we ought to be Like the women who are featured
to be . . . " For many the days are able to have a hand in those changes. as Alpha Omicron Pi begins its salute
fulfilling the needs and requests of We ought to be able to respect the to Superwomen, get involved. Use
others. While that can be fulfilling, decisions others have made about the skills and philosophies you
there comes a time when a woman their lives and, in turn, we deserve learned as collegians. Serve, accept
has to think of herself—even if it is the respect from other women. others and strive for the good we all
just for a minute—and spend those need.
precious moments working on her Women don't seem to do enough
goals. rallying around others. Whether it be And when you have an opportuni-
from jealousy, indifference or a lack ty compliment someone for a job
The economic picture has required of awareness, women are just begin- well done. Don't be afraid to feel
so many women to enter the work ning to be heard f r o m as a united pride in your accomplishments, too.
force because they had to. It's really voice—on many topics. Now we
a shame. It should be a choice. Those must be listened to. After all, you are a woman, an A l -
who want to work deserve the re- pha Omicron Pi. Your sisters are
spect and support they need as they Whatever "differences" there may very proud of you.
work their way to managerial and be between woman and man, both
ought to have a part in protecting

The Superwoman artwork was designed by Ree Gordy, Delta Beta '68, Ree currently is rush
adviser for Chi Alpha Chapter and is secretary of the Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter.


A busy alumna from Tulsa

Call her editor, volunteer, organizer

Hats seem to be coming back into moved to St. Joseph, M o . , where she Early in the 1960s, Mary Margaret
vogue, which means one Tulsa was a courthouse reporter and politi- started freelancing with "Tulsans at
Alumnae Chapter member will be cal writer for The St. Joseph Gazette Home," a weekly feature for The
right in style. for almost five years There she met Tribune. She also did freelance writ-
a young Canadian whom she con- ing for Lowe Runkle Advertising
She is Mary Margaret Gaynor vinced "should see the U.S.A. with a Agency and Public Relations Interna-
Fallis, Phi, who has been wearing a native, and he magically agreed." tional.
variety of hats daily, in style or not, The two were married and moved to
depending upon which of the many Tulsa, Okla., where he joined the For fun, Mary Margaret hangs on
roles she is playing—wife, mother, staff of The Tribune and is now its to one freelance writing job, doing
career woman or community volun- managing editor. publicity releases and color stories
teer. for the Johnnie Lee Wills Stampede.
After moving to Tulsa, Mary Mar- Starting out as a "green horn," she
Mary Margaret currently is editor garet says she "hung my journalism has become an avid rodeo fan and is
and publisher of The Tulsalite, Tul- degree above my washing machine a member of the Rodeo Cowboy
sa's monthly magazine of distinctive and entered a new labor market—the Writers Association of America, a lit-
living, and publisher of Spotlite, the maternal one which proved to be my tle known fact she thought might
official program magazine of the most creative endeavor." She co- spice her obituary and surprise a lot
city's Performing Arts Center. authored five original family addi- of folk who would never connect her
tions— Lynn, now Mrs. Rick with the sport.
In addition to her many career re- Peterson and the mother of two sons
sponsibilities, she is active in a host and a daughter; Nancy, now Mrs. One of the first things Mary Mar-
of community and cultural organiza- Walt Harvey and the mother of one garet did upon moving to Tulsa was
tions, serving as a board member and son, born on the Fourth of July, to affiliate with the Tulsa Alumnae
officer of several groups and active in 1976, making the arrival of the Fallis' Chapter of AOII. It was in this group
committee work with others, said first grandchild a double celebration that she developed several long last-
Chapter Reporter Carol Barrow. of the Bicentennial; Mark, now mar- ing friendships. She served on several
ried and a student at Oklahoma State committees and as chapter president
In private life, she is the wife of University; and Keith, a freshman at and for many years was active with
Gordon Fallis, managing editor of Northeastern State University, Tah- Tulsa Panhellenic. She has worked in
The Tulsa Tribune, mother of five lequah, Okla. PTA, serving as president of elemen-
and a grandmother of four.
(continued on page 6)
A native of Kansas City, Kansas,
Mary Margaret says she inherited her Mary Margaret Fallis with the 1981 Greater Tulsa Poster Child for the March of Dimes Birth
sense of humor and love of people Defects Foundation, John Klahr. Mary Margaret was chairman of the Greater Tulsa Mothers
from her Irish father, an engineer, March and serves on the honorary board of the organization.
and her determination, short stature
and rotund physique from her Eng-
lish born mother. Her parents, now
deceased, may be remembered by
many of her Kansas A0I1 friends as
"Junior and the Duchess."

She became interested in journal-
ism during her junior high school
years, editing the school's biweekly
newspaper. While attending Wyan-
dotte High School, she edited three
school publications — the weekly
newspaper, literary magazine and
yearbook—and was a high school
correspondent for her hometown
newspaper, The Kansas City Kansan.

She was graduated from the Uni-
versity of Kansas in 1946, receiving
one of the first degrees from the W i l -
liam Allen White School of Journal-
ism. A loyal Jayhawk booster even in
Soonerland, she serves as president
of the Tulsa K U Alumni Club.

Following her graduation f r o m col-
lege, she worked for a weekly news-
paper in Kansas City, M o . , then


(continued from page 5) Community honors alumna
As Woman of the Year
tary and junior high school units and
as a member of the PTA City Coun- • to investigate the desirability of dif-
cil. She served two terms as president ferent soaps and detergents and an
of the Tulsa Chapter of Women in £5 attempt to educate ourselves and the
Communications and continues to local citizens about the environment.
work with that organization and is a •
member of International Association Within a year her group was asked
of Business Communicators, the So- Diana Pilsworth to organize an anti-litter day which
ciety of Professional Journalists and Woman of the Year brought public recognition to the
the Tulsa Press Club. group. The city was convinced to be-
Ottawa Alumnae Chapter ex- gin a paper collection program. In
She is the immediate past state pressed its pride in member Diana the first year 162 tons of paper was
president of the Sooner Chapter of Speaight Pilsworth, Woman of the collected in the town of 6,000 and
Cystic Fibrosis and just recently Year for Kanata, Ontario. their efforts sparked interest across
served as Mothers March Chairman the country.
for the March of Dimes. She and her Diana was honored as one of the
daughter, L y n n , served as co- founding forces behind the Kanata Next came a glass recycling . . .
chairman of the Grand Prix Commit- Pollution Probe group. As a result of our recycling pro-
tee for the New Year's Eve Ball spon- gram, KPP has achieved a high
sored by Tulsa Ballet Theatre. In 1970 Diana was watching a tele- degree of credibility, Diana said.
vision program on the horrors of pol- Members of the group are invited fre-
Currently, Mary Margaret is a lution. She was so upset that she quently to address local organiza-
member of the honorary board of the wrote for more information. tions concerning recycling and other
March of Dimes, a member of the related matters, and have conducted
boards of Cystic Fibrosis, Theatre By return mail she received a kit school seminars on the environment.
Tulsa, American Theatre Company informing her that she was the Pollu-
and Tulsa Alliance for Classical The- tion Probe coordinator for her area. Requests for information from lo-
atre. She is a member of the guilds of cal residents have ranged from
Tulsa's three art groups—the ballet, " I invited three friends for coffee "What are the regulations for septic
philharmonic orchestra and the op- and thus was held the first meeting of tank installation?" to "How do I con-
era. She and her husband are mem- Kanata Pollution Probe (KPP)," D i - trol the spruce-budworm without
bers of the ASTA committee for Tul- ana recalled. "Our early efforts i n - damaging the environment?"
sa Opera. volved collecting a few more friends
Displays have been mounted in the
Mary Margaret was one of three mall, library and at the annual May
Tulsa women journalists cited by the Fair with the emphasis always on
Oklahoma House of Representatives public education and information
for longtime service to the Tulsa of the municipal recycling program
community through promotion of has been sent to points all across
civic and cultural activities. She also Canada.
has been honored by the Oklahoma
Osteopathic Society and by Beta Sig- "Kanata Pollution Probe has dem-
ma Phi. Last year, she received a cer- onstrated without any doubt, that a
tificate from the National Confer- citizens' group such as ours can work
ence of Christian and Jews for a story with the elected representatives of the
she wrote about Tulsa's Committee people in a pleasant and highly effec-
of 100, founded by William K. War- tive manner," Diana said.
ren, husband of an AOIT alumna Nat-
alie Overall Warren. A member of Beta Tau '53 she
served as chapter president of the
On the home front, Mary Marga- University of Toronto chapter in
ret loves to cook and entertain. She 1956. F o l l o w i n g g r a d u a t i o n she
frequently opens her home for teas, joined the local alumnae chapter
brunches and meetings to help the from 1956-65. In 1968 she joined the
many organizations in which she is Ottawa Alumnae Chapter.
Her first degree is in physical and
She and her husband love to travel occupational therapy and this year
and have visited such faraway places will finish a bachelor's degree in eco-
as I t a l y , E n g l a n d , V e n e z u e l a , nomics and sociology from Carleton
Guatamala, the Yucatan Penninsula University, Ottawa.
and Hawaii.
Diana and her husband, an assist-
' It's easy to see that wearing a vari- ant director of policy for Bell Cana-
ety of hats has always been the style da, have three sons.
for Tulsa Alumnae Chapter's Super


Researcher earns 1981 MS award

To Dragma received several and is largely responsible for the i n - the Mid-South Chapter of the
"scoops" about this inspirational troduction of programs in aquatics, NMSS, said of Dr. Rushton, "With
alumna. yoga, counseling and legal services. all of her activities, she provides a
shining example of what can be ac-
"Priscilla Rushton, Kappa Omicron Dr. Rushton's husband, a captain complished from a wheelchair."
'59, is outstanding in AOII, her pro- in the Army infantry, was killed in
fession and our community . . . " action during the Vietnam War. She The inscription on Dr. Rushton's
has a 13 year-old son and, in trying award reads: "For hope in the face
Her AOIT activities include Mem- to be both mother and father to of anxiety, for courage i n the face of
phis Alumnae treasurer and chairper- Brian, used to take a particular adversity, for achievement in the
son of Region I I I Nominations for interest in helping him earn merit face of challenge."
1976-78. From 1968-78 she served as badges in the Boy Scouts. Although
chapter adviser and chairman of the she is i n a wheelchair, she went fish- " N o one is more deserving of
alumnae advisory board at Kappa ing with her son who admitted, those words," says Ms. Banks.
Omicron. She currently is KO's cor- when he earned his merit badge for
poration treasurer. fishing, that his mother helped him Multiple sclerosis is a progressive-
"bag his first fish." He's now an ly disabling disease of the central
She was recipient of the National avid hunter and fisherman. nervous system. Today MS and re-
Multiple Sclerosis Society's MS Pa- lated neurological disorders affect
tient Achievement Award for 1981. Shelta Banks, executive director of hundreds of thousands of Ameri-
cans and millions worldwide.
The award is presented annually
to an MS person w h o has demon- A tsfe
strated outstanding achievement in
his or her professional or personal /
life as well as courage and extraor-
dinary enterprise in coping with mm
multiple sclerosis. Dr. Robert J. Slater, director of medical programs for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
in New York, congratulates Dr. Priscilla Rushton, winner of the Society's Patient Achieve-
Dr. Rushton, who received her ment Award for 1981. Priscilla is associate professor of biology at Memphis State University
degree in biology from South- where she teaches and is involved in cancer research.
western College in Memphis and
post-graduate degrees i n genetics 7
and radiation biology from Emory
University i n Atlanta, is associate
professor of biology at Memphis
State University. In addition to her
teaching, she is also involved i n
cancer research.

She is chairman of the Mayor's
Committee for the handicapped in
Memphis. The committee currently
is emphasizing the need to provide
better access for the disabled to areas
such as election booths, art galleries
and museums. Dr. Rushton also
serves on the Shelby County
Advisory Committee for the Inter-
national Year of the Disabled.

Priscilla has had m u l t i p l e
sclerosis for 14 years and has been a
member of the board of trustees of
the Mid-South Chapter of the Na-
tional Multiple Sclerosis Society for
four years. She is also volunteer pa-
tient services coordinator, and
chairman of the Patient and Com-
munity Services Committee. I n these
capacities, she has been instrumen-
tal in upgrading the services offered
to MS people in the Memphis area,

Chapter recognizes its Superwoman

The Gamma chapter at University Donna Gregoire bassador, giving talks and presenta-
of Maine at Orono wish to share its Pride of Gamma chapter tions to high school seniors who are
Superwoman, Donna Gregoire. considering U M O as a possible edu-
Elizabeth Balentine, a secretary and cational opportunity.
Donna, a senior accounting f i - registrar of the university from 1894-
nance major from Gardiner, Maine, 1913. Her duties include coordinating Of course, 1982 is the year Donna
pledged A0I1 in the spring of 1979. schedules for seven receptionists and doesn't plan to ever forget. During
Since her initiation, she has devoted submitting a payroll every two the fall semester of 1981, she was
many hours to Gamma as assistant weeks. elected to Senior Council, a group of
treasurer and treasurer. As an AOII, 15 dedicated seniors who coordinate
she represented the sorority on a Another highlight of the year '80- all of the commencement activities.
campus-wide scale by assuming the '81 was her appointment into A l l She further gave of herself by being
responsibility of Panhellenic Presi- Maine Women. Only a select few are named treasurer. This has been her
dent. Not only did she strive for and chosen (one percent of the senior biggest financial responsibility to
uphold our high AOII ideals but also class) after having proven themselves date—a $10,000 budget to manage.
promoted Greek spirit and unity on as an asset to the university system.
the U M O campus through her hard Donna is a part of that honor society Because of her double major (ac-
work on the Panhellenic Executive not only as a participating member counting/finance), she felt it neces-
Board. The Panhellenic Council has but she also serves as secretary. sary to utilize her business skills in
grown and strengthened because of another aspect of U M O life. SEA
her careful leadership. She has also been active in the Stu- (Student Entertainment and Activi-
dent Alumni Association as an am- ties) plans and provides the campus
You may think that just being in- with movies, concerts, lectures, etc.
volved with the Greek system would Donna was offered and accepted the
be enough for anyone to handle. Not paid position of assistant treasurer of
so with Donna. Such a giving person SEA.
is she, that the word no is not in her
vocabulary. A s you can tell, we have every
reason in the world to say that Don-
Donna was appointed a Sopho- na is our Superwoman. Through ev-
more Eagle, a group of sophomore ery activity she participates in, her
women dedicated to helping the in- light for AOII shines brightly. She
coming freshmen girls adjust to their has been and will continue to be an
first year in college. She further inspiration to Gamma and a constant
helped this elite organization of only reminder of those high ideals we hold
50 girls by being elected secretary. true to our heart," her sisters report.

During her junior year, she became "You give little when you
head receptionist of Balentine Hall, a give of your possessions—
women's residence hall named after a it is when you give of yourself
distinguished AOII Gamma alumna,
that you truly give."

Alumna shows value of commitment

A "thing" about commitment has | ty management and have provided
kept Ingrid Blom Sheldon, Beta Pi her more experience for other com-
'64, busy. A commitment to do her best munity endeavors.

"Whether it be family, friends, She continues to work sorority ac-
church, politics, work or helping oth- tivities into a schedule filled with
ers," Ingrid said. " I f I say 'yes' to a family responsibilities and other long
proposal, I try to do my best to ac- term community interests.
complish that goal.
She has served as chapter adviser
" M y commitment to AOII is based for Beta Pi and Omicron Pi chapters
on my wanting to help new friends, as well as president, director and f i -
people who are or have been work- nancial adviser of Omicron Pi corpo-
ing very hard to support an organiza- ration.
tion whose tenets are very easy to
use as a general philosophy of life," She also has been named Woman
she stressed. of the Year by the local Jaycees
group, serves as a Sunday School
Ingrid said her recent AOII activi- teacher and is active in the American
ties have been invaluable in her cur-
rent work: bookkeeping and proper- (continued on page 19)


Chapter grateful
For service

Donna Strettar Sheridan Manager of Family and AOII, alumna officer, too Theta Psi chapter sees the qualities
of its special Superwoman Alumna
Life busy with family, AOU Mary Gillham.

To paraphrase Roberta Flack, "the to the Boston area. Three years ago Mary provided the University of
first time ever I saw her face," she Donna was elected president of the Toledo with 48 years of service as
was Donna Strettar, a charter pledge Boston alumnae chapter and has held head librarian. During her time at the
to the AOII colony at Hanover Col- that office ever since—conscientious- university, she saw the campus have
lege, in southern Indiana. ly and efficiently. three locations, worked with most of
the presidents of the school and
She distinguished herself by being To understand how Donna can served AOII as chapter adviser.
caught painting the AOII piano a cope with a large family and manage
brilliant red, when in walked Nation- outside activities, you have to see her Her career as head librarian began
al President Mary Lindrooth and Na- bouncing around in her big, busy when, at the end of her sophomore
tional Treasurer Peg Miller from Chi- kitchen, her friends say. year, she accepted the position as a
cago to install the chapter the next part-time summer library assistant.
day. Phi Omicron chapter was wel- Amy, the youngest, is nine now. Mary said that she started her career
comed by the other sororities and She and the others can get their own in library service by accident. One
fraternities at Hanover, a picturesque breakfast or make a sandwich for day when she and, her then future
campus situated on the high bluffs lunch. But Donna is the chief cook, husband, were leaving the library the
overlooking the twisting Ohio river. and a gourmet one. She goes to mar- librarian approached Gillham and
ket; she fills the refrigerator; she an- asked if he would work during the
As Phi Omicron's first housemoth- swers her kitchen phone and carries summer as the assistant. He refused,
er Kay Carter, Theta, knew Donna on a sane conversation with anyone explaining that he had already prom-
as she grew with the young chapter on the line or sitting at her kitchen ised to work full-time for the Toledo
and eventually became president her table. Public Library. Mary immediately
senior year. A t the end of the year offered to take the job.
she was chosen May Queen and pre- She is a board member of the New
sided over her court in a most beauti- England unit of the American Herb In September Mary was asked to
ful and gracious manner. She taught Society. Donna raises herbs in her continue as the assistant. Then in De-
school for a while, then announced kitchen and outside, and before cember, the head librarian resigned
her marriage to Peter J. Sheridan. Christmas, when everybody is espe- and there was Mary left "holding the
cially busy, she conducted several books." But, she explained, she was
He was studying at U . of Illinois herb-wreath-making workshops. never afraid of a challenge, and ac-
on the G . I . Bill, and Donna worked cepted the position as head librarian.
as secretary to help Pete through Donna attends classes at Wellesley
school. Soon after, they had the first College. She quilts and embroiders. When Mary began her college ca-
of their nine children, Linda, who She sews for her family . . . reads reer, the University of Toledo was
later became an AOII at U . of Toron- widely and volunteers service in the housed in an old building donated by
to. There followed five boys and school library. She makes friends the Toledo Board of Education. One
three girls, born in various parts of easily, welcomes newcomers to town day, during her freshman year, Mary
the country. The family later moved and continues with post-comers recalls that a psychology professor
groups. announced during convocation, that
he was very pleased to report that
Her interests are . . . limitless. there were 125 full-time day students
enrolled. Today there are more than
20,000 students enrolled and the
campus has moved two times and
has 11 academic buildings. A t that
time the library was on the second
floor of the old building. The room
also served as the convocation cen-
ter, and an evening classroom.

By 1930 the university was too big
for its facilities. In that year ground
was broken for the construction of
University Hall at the campus' pres-
ent location. Mary was determined

(continued on page 10)


Educator heads DKG Society

to have a separate building for the l i - One busy, nationally recognized self finishing many unexpired terms.
brary. She was persistent in her plea educator is Dr. Loree Ferguson, who By the late '40s two young sons
to the board of trustees, and they ap- recently completed a term as Oklaho-
pointed her as chairman of the l i - ma's state president of Delta Kappa had been added to the family. Hav-
brary building committee. Since the Gamma Society International for ing moved to a college town Loree
depression was in full swing, and educators. was determined to finish her college
funding was nearly impossible, the education.
trustees asked Mary to present her Loree was initiated as a member of
plans to the Toledo City Council. A t AOTI when Chi Omega chapter was " I was added to the college faculty
the time, the city had a payroll tax installed at Central State University at the close of the first year of study
and the university hoped that the city at Edmond, Okla. and 25 years later she retired from
could provide the funding. The city the school, a full professor.
came through, eventually, but before
the library was constructed, 47 l i - " I continued to take graduate stud-
braries used Mary's plans. ies as I taught and on many occa-
sions, tried to talk myself out of the
During her time at the university, pursuit of a doctoral program. She
Mary was a Phi Theta Psi, which lat- admitted, however, I was never satis-
er became the Theta Psi Chapter of fied until I had completed my Doctor
Alpha Omicron Pi. She was Phi The- of Education degree.
ta Psi's adviser when the collegians
decided that they wanted to become She has served as a collegiate ad-
a national sorority. A faculty mem- viser and has been very active in the
ber that was a friend of Mary's was Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter.
an AOII alumnae from Illinois. AOTI
became more than just a suggestion. Since her retirement f r o m the uni-
Mary stayed on as adviser to the new versity faculty Loree's life has been
A O n chapter. anything but "retired."

She continued as adviser of the She completed her doctorate de-
chapter for 11 more years. Mary re- gree from the University of Oklaho-
calls that one of her most memorable
moments as an AOTI was the day that (continued on page 19)
Phi Theta Psi became a chapter of
Alpha Omicron Pi. f Sharing: the key

She worked as head librarian until f I feel in today's society the pres-
1969, when at the age of 70 she re- sure is on each woman to be a
tired. Upon her retirement, the uni- // breadwinner as well as homemaker.
versity named the building which As a working mother, I can verify
she had fought hard for, as Gillham Dr. Loree Ferguson that it takes a Superman in the back-
Hall. It is no longer the library, but Oklahoma educator ground to make a Superwoman a
her legacy continues. Mary enjoyed success.
her work as a librarian. " I became interested in Education
as a professional at quite an early My husband and I are both teach-
" I couldn't wish for anything better age. M y first grade teacher had quite ers. We both are involved in extra
for each of you than for you to be as an influence on my very early ambi- activities at school as well as church
happy in your work as I was in tion to become a teacher," she ex- and other activities. We have a one-
mine," she told collegiate chapter plained. year-old son. We share the duties of
members. She also has very strong his care and home responsibilities as
feelings about her years with AOII. After completing a life certificate well. If the baby is sick, it is a coop-
at the age of 18 she was fortunate se- erative effort in taking days off
" I have thoroughly enjoyed every curing a primary teaching job. Her from work.
minute with my association with the starting years were during the depres-
sorority," Mary added. sion. I feel all successful working moth-
ers are backed by a supportive hus-
She is a true success, not only in She married a school administrator band and an extended family of
her work but in spirit. Mary was, in 1933 and started her family two grandparents and friends. As our so-
and still is an asset to AOII, the com- years later. Loree, after the birth of a ciety moves toward the future, we
munity and the university. She gave second child, decided to take a break also move toward past practices of
that extra something that enables her from teaching. However, during shared responsibility with the ex-
to look back and feel totally satisfied World War I I teachers were resigning tended family for the care of chil-
and happy about her life. over night and it was almost impossi- dren. I personally feel this provides a
ble to fill vacancies. She found her- rich environment for the education
She gave this advice to collegians, of children and a closeness of family
"Look for something useful to do and which has been missing in recent
do it to your best ability." years in our society.

A Superwoman has a Superhus-
band and a Superfamily, emphasized
Jane Bernhardt, Evansville Tri State.


Career, service make exciting combo

y She now writes the Spanish version
of SESAME STREET," Renie said.
But of all places working in Iran
Renie Conley and Afganistan on CARAVANS was
Fashion designer, ambassador for understanding best.

A busy A O n is Renie Conley. ion influence of any dress ever de- " I was asked to work on the mo-
The Kappa Theta member from signed for the screen. tion picture because of my knowl-
UCLA has mixed a successful career edge of ethnic costumes and because
as a designer for the motion picture " I was amused to walk by I . Mag- my husband and I had spent some
industry with traveling for the Amer- num last fall and see four new time in Afganistan and Iran a few
ican Women for International Under- dresses, dark red, white collar and years earlier," she explained. " I made
standing (AWIU) organization. cuffs and bow tie, so it still goes on," a long return trip to Afganistan
she added. where I had a bright, eager Afgani
Being designer Edith Head's sketch girl to help me travel and buy au-
artist was a great beginning to her After RKO Renie moved to 20th thentic costumes. She was so good at
many wonderful years of work in Century Fox for a few years, later it I took her back to Iran with me to
motion pictures. designing for Shipstad and Johnson be my assistant and work with the
Ice Follies—a marvelous seven years. Afgani men we were employing in
A sketch artist is a person who She next moved to Rome to work on the picture.
takes the idea the designer wants to CLEOPATRA which netted her an
present and makes a good drawing of oscar for her work. "My other assistant was a beautiful
it—usually in color. Most designers girl, a niece of the Shaw. It was quite
can't take time to sketch and do ev- It was a marvelous experience, she an experience. We were there for six
erything else too. explained. "Rome at that time was a months, June to December working
relatively simple, lovely place to be. I every day on the bleak Iranian desert
From Paramount she moved to could walk for hours at night alone with as many as 2,000 tribespeople to
RKO as designer of the B pictures. without the least fear of any difficul- watch over," Renie said.
These were turned out every three ty, I used to say I must be invisible, I
weeks and Renie did hundreds, liter- was pushed off the narrow sidewalks Her second work, if so it may be
ally. so often—not intentionally. called, is a great interest in ethnic
costume. For the last eight years she
"They were f u n because Lucille "Working in a foreign city is quite has lectured at UCLA in an Extension
Ball was a young, coming star. Gin- a different experience from just visit- Class with the costumes she has col-
ger Rogers was already a sensation ing one. I had a young girl interpret- lected all over the world and with
with her dancing," she said. "We had er who was so superstitious that it some 4,000 slides she has taken.
become friends and she asked for me was fascinating to hear her talk.
to design KITTY FOYLE." Working in Spain with John Wayne "It has been lots of f u n , a marvel-
on CIRCUS WORLD, was a very dif- ous way to see the w o r l d , " Renie ex-
Mary Lou Luther who writes the ferent time. Here, my interpreter was plained.
fashion news for the L . A . Times, also a young girl, but a very vocal
says the K I T T Y FOYLE DRESS, one, firm in her dislike of Americans. She also belongs to an organiza-
plain color with white collar and After six months she became my tion called American Women for In-
cuffs and sometimes a polka dot bow closest friend—an enchanting person. ternational Understanding (AWIU).
tie, has had the single greatest fash- Renie and two other women f r o m the
group were invited by the Soviet
Women's Committee, a group of top
political and business women in the
Soviet Union, to visit the USSR for a
week as their guests.

"The women there were warm,
friendly, kind, and totally misled by
their leaders—but planned a most
fantastic visit for us," Renie said.
A W I U now will be entertaining three
of their members in 1982.

For the three A W I U delegates, this
was a never-to-be-forgotten experi-
ence in meeting warmth and friendli-
ness, w o m a n - t o - w o m a n . A t all
times, they were treated with courte-
sy and kindness, despite the many
major differences existing between
governments," she emphasized.


Recreation Important To Everyone

'Handicapped' on the Way Out!

Editor's Note: Michal Anne Lord, Pi W
Kappa, is supervisor of Adaptive Pro-
grams, Austin Parks and Recreation De-
partment, Austin, Texas.

'Handicapped' is on the way out in •
usage, that is, in reference to some-
one that has a disability, or handi- V4
capping condition, stressed AOII
Michal Anne Lord. -'

"We generally use the word 'disa- Adaptive Programs' art and craft participants
bled' or special populations when re-
ferring to those individuals with a Recreation is a necessary part of mental program enabling an individ-
handicapping condition," she added. human development that enables an ual to move from guided to self-
"Disability refers to the physical or individual to explore his/her full po- directed recreational experiences and
mental or emotional condition of the tential through a variety of activities, to overcome limits, thus equipping
individual; a disabled person is not she added. The able-bodied child the individual to make effective use
necessarily handicapped." spends the greatest part of his/her of one's leisure time. Therapeutic rec-
day to day freedom in play—play reation uses recreational experiences
However, one can be handicapped that predominantly involves physical in the purposeful intervention of
by society's attitudes, architectural activity, physical achievement, com- some behavior, to modify that be-
and transportation barriers, lack of petition and/or sports. Develop- havior and to promote growth and
employment opportunities, or the mentally, this milieu affords them development of the individual.
disabled person's attitude about him- opportunities for socialization, peer
self. interaction, group dynamics, leader- Probably the newest of "trends" is
ship skills, self-esteem and f u l f i l l - community-based programs for spe-
"Some of my disabled friends refer ment, and a whole range of essential cial populations.
to those of us who do not have a dis- skills which children need to experi-
a b i l i t y as t e m p o r a r i l y a b l e d - ence, develop and incorporate into "More and more disabled individu-
bodied," Michal pointed out. " A l l of daily living. Recreation is a human als are remaining in the community
us are only an accident away from experience, which allows us to say or returning to the community rather
being disabled. Special Populations is who we are . . . a means of self- than being institutionalized," Michal
the only minority that any of us may expression, by recreating for the explained. Current legislation is re-
become a member of, and is not just able-bodied and the disabled. quiring communities to provide
a right of birth." equal and accessible opportunities,
Therapeutic recreation is a special equal and appropriate services for
• service within the broad area of rec- disabled citizens, just as they do for
reation services, Michal stressed. the non-disabled citizens.
/ Therapeutic recreation is a develop-
(continued on page 13)


Michal Lord


(continued from page 12) disabled individual from directed to Musician
"Because of this, the disabled pop- self-directed use of leisure. shares
ulation is becoming vocal in express- special talent
ing its needs. Recreation is no longer "To meet the needs and desires of with sisters
viewed a privilege, but a right of the the disabled with respect to recre-
disabled—as well it should be—it is a ation and leisure, community pro- Amy Rice-Young
basic human need," she emphasized. grams should allow the individual to Musician, publisher
Mainstreaming is a word we hear a learn appropriate behaviors in leisure
lot about. settings," she urged. "Such programs Amy Rice-Young has found suc-
Michal explained it as a term that should also provide opportunities for cess in her career as well as in proj-
refers to the process of educating individuals to practice skills of inter- ects for AOII.
handicapped children in regular action through participation in a va-
classrooms in most cases. In recre- riety of recreational activities." Amy, Chi Delta '71, was active
ation, it is the process of physically member of the chapter on the Uni-
and socially integrating the disabled According to the Adaptive Pro- versity of Colorado campus. She
with able-bodied peers in activities grams supervisor mainstreaming of served as the chapter social chairman
within the most appropriate environ- the disabled can be successful, if for two years and was recognized
ment. It is the process of moving the there is: each year with the Scholastic A w a r d .

Youngster enjoys t-ball. A sense of awareness and an atti- "Throughout my years at Chi Del-
tude of respect and acceptance; ta, many of my activities were music
A focus on individual strengths related and I received continual sup-
and abilities through progressive port from my sorority sisters and
and developmental experiences from many alumnae," Amy said.
and equal opportunities; "Most of my sisters attended my re-
A commitment of time, space, staff citals and Edith Lockard, one of our
and funds. alumnae, never missed one."

The process of moving the disabled As a senior she received the award
from directed to self-directed use of given for outstanding service to both
leisure . . . into the mainstream, is a Chi Delta and on campus.
lot like the game of chess, Michal
added. "You can't win or even play Amy earned her master of music in
chess, until you can identify each 1975 from the University of Music,
chess piece and know what each can
do." (continued on page 14)

Michal earned her bachelor's de- 13
gree in communications from the
University of Texas and a master's
degree in therapeutic recreation from
Texas Women's University. She is ac-
tive in the National Therapeutic Re-
creational Society and serves on its
Board of Directors. Michal is a regis-
tered master therapeutic recreation

Named an Outstanding Young
Woman of Texas in 1977, she is past
president of the Therapeutic Recre-
ation Branch of the Texas Recreation
and Park Society. In 1979 she was
recognized as Outstanding Commu-
nity Professional.

She was the state Special Olympics
field meet director for 1981.

During her collegiate years Michal
served as Pi Kappa chapter's rush
chairman and pledge trainer.

She was a traveling secretary for
AOII International in 1971-72 and
served as a Special Chapter Assistant
at Florida State University in 1972-

She also has been International
Fraternity Education Chairman and
Regional Director for V I I .

(continued from page 13) Superwomen Spotlight

She, too, has done graduate work at AOn A uthors
the University of Colorado and ex-
tensive private study with many na- »- "The object of being a parent is to
tionally recognized musicians. teach the child to be self-governing.
Caryl Waller Krueger Most any child w i l l function accep-
Amy now is a member of the mu- tably if you stand right next to him
sic faculty at Colorado Women's Being a parent is one of the most and tell him what to do. But, a good
College in Denver and she has started complex jobs in the world, yet there parent teaches a child how to cope
a publishing company, ALRY Publi- are few prerequisites and very little when he's on his own. Everything
cations, which publishes flute music. training is offered. A O n author, we do is building toward the time
Caryl Waller Krueger, Rho '48, when lie must do things for himself:
"It has been very exciting and has hopes to change that with her new set study and work times, enjoy
grown much faster than I ever book, "Six Weeks To Better Parent- sports, cope at social events, be crea-
thought it would," she added. ing." tive, make choices," she says.

Amy is quick to talk about her en- She f i r m l y believes that both Her book takes a parent f r o m his
joyment in sharing her music with parents and children can have a child's toddler stage up to his
Aon. s a t i s f y i n g t i m e as y o u n g s t e r s teens —important years in forming
grow —and also a happy time. One attitudes toward school, community
" I have really enjoyed my years of her favorite themes is the com- and, as she calls them, the "3 D's:"
with A O n and have had many expe- bination of integrity and love in dating, drinking and drugs.
riences that would not have been parenting.
available without my AOI1 friend- Most authors write from a back-
ships," she explained. " I think that "Children want to understand the ground of intense study in their
membership in AOI1 is like member- framework in which they live—they field. This author can do that —she
ship in so many things—you get out want to know they're loved no mat- has a Northwestern University de-
of it what you put into it. ter what," Caryl adds. gree in communications, education
and music, experience in teaching
"If you are willing to get involved That's w h y she takes parents on a and lecturing in 31 states, stacks of
and to participate, you will find it step-by-step journey of reading and clippings and articles. But, she says
quite interesting and will make many doing over a six-week period—a her "real" credentials for this book
friends, and you will feel a sense of time w h e n many new ideas w i l l be come from 29 years of marriage
accomplishment," she continued. started in the home—ideas that will w h i c h include these statistics: 17
lead to eventual improvement. times a room mother, 5 times a PTA
Amy and her special music abilities officer, 12 years a Sunday school
have been of outstanding service to teacher (3 years as superintendent),
philanthropic goals of the alumnae 11 years w i t h Camp Fire Girls, 2
chapter. years w i t h Boy Scouts, 9 years as
president of civic organizations with
In 1979 following a January alum- 33 years on boards.
nae meeting called "AOII Presents"
the members discovered just how During all that time she's received
much talents existed in the chapter. many awards for writing and adver-
tising and is listed in Who's Who
"We decided to take advantage of and was named "Woman of the
it and developed Arthritis Benefit Year" in Honolulu. In Illinois and
Concerts," Amy explained." Hawaii she has worked for radio
and television stations, with people
The first concert held at a restau- like Edward R. M o r r o w and Alex
rant sold out and about 50 additional Dreier, and on campaigns such as
people stood in the back of the room. the Toni Twins. And all this time
The group made $1,000. The next she was a busy mother —with chil-
year the concert was moved to a dren now in college.
larger facility and, again, the concert
sold out and the chapter raised more The idea for the book came some
than $1,300 for Arthritis Research. years ago when friends began ask-
The third year a facility for 700 was ing how she got everything done
rented. and never seemed ruffled by the
antics of an active, growing family.
Throughout her membership in the So, she decided to write the book,
Denver Alumnae Chapter A m y has
performed at many functions—pan- (continued on page 15)
hellenic luncheons, Founders' Day,
re-colonizing at Chi Delta, Regional
Meeting . . .

She has been awarded the alumnae
"Certificate of Honor" and is a recipi-
ent of the Chi Delta Alumnae
Award. She served as president of
the Denver Alumnae in 1980-81.


Author describes life 'exhilarating'

Author Gimone McNamara Hall Gimone McNamara Hall lutionary Era story set in her own
'59 Pi Kappa, described writing as a Award-winning author Buck County and in Venice and Rus-
harum, scarum life, "but it has al- sia and a Redbook magazine fiction
ways been exhilarating." story are her latest publications.

Her latest book, The Jasmine Veil, What does it take to be an author?
was published in the Signet line this "It takes faith, bulldog tenacity,
April. According to the author, it is a flexibility to meet the market—in ad-
rousing story of the Great Mutiny in dition to natural ability," Gimone
India. said. "But most important rule for
any writer is: Apply rear to seat of
Earlier in the year she had written chair. In other words, write."
a number of historical romances. Gimone and her writer husband
Rapture's Mistress, a s t o r y of live on a small farm in Bucks County
Martinque and New Orleans, made (between Philadelphia and New
the best seller list of major book store York) Penn. Two children, Shannon,
chains. 11, and Colin, 8, provide plenty of
distraction from work, along with a
Her book Fury's Sun, Passion's dog, cats, assorted Chinese geese,
Moon, about the opening of Japan to ducks and parakeets.
the West, received an award from Gimone remembers Pi Kappa
West Coast Review of Books for best chapter at the University of Texas as
romantic fiction of the year. A Revo- a small group with a cozy little house
and the best of housemothers, Phoe-
Krueger— (continued from page 14) be Cox.
"As a pledge I nearly broke my
using some of the material from her tinues to write every day, finding knees learning how to curtsy when
previous articles and seminars. With the discipline of getting up early and presented at the Rose Ball," she said.
her husband, Cliff, active in real es- w r i t i n g in the morning works best. "We also enjoyed driving on dates
tate management, she had traveled She has written a novel and is col- to Plugerville because it sounded
regularly for many years and her lecting material for a book on funny."
lectures on time management and teenagers.
family relations were always popu- "One year for the Varsity Fair, we
lar. So, she knew that the book Asked if she had advice for concocted a spook house, full of
w o u l d include ideas on how to use parents of young children, she says, scares and Rube Goldberg contrap-
time to the best advantage and how "Be both a listener and a leader with tions. The entry way was a huge
to get the family "organized." them —opening views of active slide which we hauled across Austin
things to do not tied to television. in a convertible," she explained. " I
Building memories and happy Develop a home atmosphere includ- was the barker, wearing a red devil's
traditions is important, too. She ing a quiet place to read, an outfit, complete with horns. One
takes readers through the year, giv- undisturbed place to draw or create. neighbor sorority looked on in
ing ideas for every holiday and a Above all, have a lap available amazement f r o m its demure ice
complete chapter on how to orga- where children can sit and talk with cream parlor while we won a prize—
nize a successful and economical you." and had to deal with customers'
birthday party that parents will clothes torn on the slide."
enjoy too. But, you can't do every- She was the editor of the N o r t h -
thing at once, she notes. That's w h y western Syllabus and a member of Headquarters seeks
she organized the book into six sec- the Mortar Board and Phi Beta
tions—one for each week. Each has Music and Speech Honorary. Since library additions
text and then a check-list of things that time she has been an active
to do. The book is filled w i t h lists, writer, w i n n i n g many awards. She With the purchase of our new Interna-
examples, f u n n y stories, success sto- was president of the A O I I alumnae tional Headquarters building in Nash-
ries (and some not so successful) chapter in Honolulu and was ville, A0I1 will now have adequate space
that keep the reader interested. Panhellenic president there. Cur- to display books and publications of
rently, she is a member of the San AOII authors. If you are an AOII author
N o w that the book is off the press, Diego Alumnae Chapter. and would like to donate a signed copy
her life continues to be busy since of your work to the Headquarters li-
she is also active in community life. Vie book can be purchased from BELLERIDGE brary, please send it to Alpha Omicron
But, she likes it this way and con- PRESS, P.O. Box 970, Raitclw Santa Fe, CA Pi Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
92067. Price: $8.95 plus $1.00 postage/handling. Nashville, T N 37215.

Book tells single women's opinions

The single woman —never before the future than their newly- as a career g i r l ' —how antiquated
married and not necessarily young widowed contemporaries who may are all those words, except "career"
and " s w i n g i n g " — is not a new be facing aloneness for the first time today! Even women who entered
phenomenon in today's society. Yet in their lives. grad school saw a certain inevi-
the "alternative" lifestyle of never- tability about marriage," she says.
married women is still shrouded in < "We were often concerned about
mystery and confusion. While there threatening men—and I know many
is an abundance of literature on Nancy L . Peterson downplayed their talents and ambi-
marriage, widowhood and divorce, tions, avoided acquiring graduate
"Our lives for Ourselves: Women "Our Lives for Ourselves" dis- degrees or serious commitments to
Who Have Never Married," by cusses all aspects of a single professional development —lest we
Nancy L. Peterson, Theta '61, is the woman's life: men, sex, love, friend- 'scare off' men by seeming to have
first book that focuses on the life ex- ship, family and career. Problems other important goals."
periences of never-married women. associated w i t h singleness are
probed, such as motherhood and the This has largely changed.
The author, a resident of Albany, "Scarlet L e t t e r " concept of Younger women today tend to see
Calif., and the Federal Women's illegitimacy so deeply embedded in marriage as an o p t i o n , ranked
Program Manager at the Depart- our culture. among other goals. It's a conditional
ment of Health and Human Services thing —depending on the right man,
in San Francisco, wrote the book to " I do see many changes between and/or the kind of relationship to be
satisfy a personal curiosity and to college women now and in the early considered. Some clearly defer —
share with readers new information sixties," the author adds. "Our career development first, relation-
about the seven million women in generation was so much more pro- ships with men after that.
the U.S. who have chosen to remain grammed to marry — I even recall " I hope younger women today are
single. women sighing over the inevi- not so concerned w i t h the possibili-
tability of it. ty of scaring off or threatening men
Nancy, a never-married woman by their own ambitions and goals,"
herself, wanted to know: Who are "College was looked at as some Nancy continues. "Thank goodness
these women? What kind of lives do sort of 'last fling' before marriage the old business of 'insuring your
they lead? H o w do they cope w i t h and settling down, though some of own future' by putting a husband
the societal pressure to marry? us saw ourselves as 'having a fling through graduate school is now
What commonalities, if any, do they largely discounted —that too, was
share? A n d what does the future regarded as 'smart' in the early six-
hold for them and for singleness as ties."
an alternative lifestyle? Career goals have changed in two
important ways, she adds.
She interviewed 80 women rang- Women are much more interested
ing in age f r o m 20 to 78, of various in what was not so long ago " n o n -
ethnic and religious backgrounds, traditional" work for women. And
and residing in diverse areas of the their goals are so much higher —
United States. The book is filled w i t h they get MBAs w i t h the expectation
revealing autobiographical narra- of rising high in corporations or
tives detailing the everyday experi- commit themselves to law school
ences of single women. The book with full expectations of becoming
begins w i t h women in their 20's — partners in law firms and arguing
the "New Generation." The author important cases.
found that these women place pri- Nancy says, " I n my graduating
mary importance on education and class, there were two women in
career as a means of f u l f i l l m e n t w i t h nontraditional work—Ginger went
marriage postponed for the future. to med school to become a medical
Next comes the "Age Thirty Crisis." missionary, Barb to theological
This is the crucial time in a single seminary, to study for the ministry.
woman's life when she must come The rest of us were more than con-
to terms with her singleness in light tent to be teachers, nurses, interior
of the traditional marriage-oriented designers, teachers, dietitians, and
values she grew up with. teachers!"

Talking w i t h midlife women, she The book's publisher is G. P. Putnams Suns,
explores an issue often painful for 200 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016.
single women —childlessness. Fi-
nally, she finds that women i n their
senior years are better able to face


Rooms represent brain

Apartment used for biofeedback sessions

If one were to walk into Dorelle brilliance and power of the human vidual skills and strengths of the
Heisel's, Theta '37, Cincinnati brain, she stressed. human brain itself as a model for ex-
apartment unprepared, she/he ploring individual potential."
might do a double take. The apart- Dorelle said that people can be
ment is designed to represent the assisted in realizing their full poten- Her book, "Biofeedback Strategies
human brain. tial by controlling anxiety or depres- for Interpersonal Relationships" re-
sion, if they can see a graphic repre- cently was published by Gordon
Dorelle, an assistant professor of sentation of the human brain. and Breach, NY. It discusses evi-
fine arts at the University of Cincin- dence that new technologies such as
nati, uses her apartment as the set- "Whatever prevents people from display monitors have revealed new
ting for biofeedback training ses- realizing their potential is lack of a dimensions of intelligence that
sions. model," Dorelle said. "We are devel- biofeedback can access.
oping strategies for using the indi-
In the room representing the right
side of the brain subjects can wear Dorelle Heisel
headsets and watch their brain-
waves monitored on a nearby televi-

"When the brain is in perfect con-
dition for admitting education, it
takes on a special pattern, a swell-
ing, diamond-shaped openness to
new i n f o r m a t i o n , " Dorelle ex-
plained. "Studies have shown that
we can learn this pattern and hold
to i t . "

She said you can only do that by
turning the normal brain into a
visual display. Thus, the purpose of
the machine is to show students that
they are in control to a greater de-
gree than they imagined. Warm col-
ors of orange, yellow and green flow
through the room.

In the left brain environment,
blues, whites and green dominate.
The walls are lined with mirrors.

A machine there concentrates on
the alpha brain wave by converting
the subject's alpha patterns into a
display of color spotlights beamed at
the ceiling.

When the subject's mind ranges
over the alpha level, the subject
lights up the entire room, she said.
Different colors demonstrate how
people can control moods of per-
ception by closing their eyes and re-

In the third room —called the
entire brain —ceiling and walls are
mirrors that reflect everything in the
room—as the brain reflects every-
thing, Dorelle explained.

In the room, there is not time past.
The m i r r o r s accept whatever is
given in the present and affirm the


'How to' manual written for charities

Joan Flanagan, Alpha Tau '65, is for a battered women's shelter on
Chicago's South Side and a member
author of a new fund-raising book of advisory boards for both the Na-
tional Radio Theatre and the Nation-
for every charity— The Successful al Free University Network.

Volunteer Organization. She has served as a consultant and
directed 20 workshops on f u n d -
The book is one every non-profit raising, management and public rela-
organization will want to make its tions in 11 cities. Joan also has
group flourish in the '80s. It is the worked with the Citizens Action Pro-
most comprehensive and easy-to- gram in Chicago and the Youth Proj-
read "how-to" manual written for the ect, a national technical assistance
leaders and staff of charities that program.
want to improve their work. This
book has something for every group. Book details
'branching out'
For brand new ogranizations, it Joan Flanagan
tells how to get a tax-exempt status, Fund raiser, author Lynda Diane Gutowski, Delta, has
choose a board of directors, and set written a book, The Boston Brunch
up a dependable base of dues paying over 100 community leaders in per- Book, The Ins and Outs of Brunch.
members. For young organizations,
it gives tested advice on planning son and 600 through questionnaires. The book offers details on
popular programs, hiring competent brunching out at 60 local establish-
staff, and developing a diversified The result is The Successful Volun- ments, brunching in with menus and
base finding money from founda- recipes for 10 unusual brunches to
tions, individuals, and corporations. teer Organization, the book that of- cook yourself, and catered brunch de-
For older organizations, it tells them livered to your door or by way of a
how to get more accomplished in less chef who cooks in your own kitchen.
time, how to keep control of their
work, and how to develop a five- Lynda has illustrated all sections of
year plan. the book with original pen and ink
drawings. She collaborated with an-
"This is the perfect book for the fers more good advice from more top other author, Sandy Yagendorf. To-
Reagan era," Joan said. "The 'return gether they visited more than 60 res-
to self-reliance' means that organiza- leaders than any other. taurants to develop the dining out
tions will no longer be on welfare section. They describe the menus, at-
from the federal government. Joan is a fund-raising expert. Her mospheres and typical brunches,
with prices.
"Obviously, state and local gov- approach differs in that she places
ernments will not be able to pick up There are four sections: Just Plain
the difference, nor will foundations. more emphasis on changing a one- Brunch, Entertainment Brunches
So, if non-profit organizations want (complete with jazz, swing music or
to stay in business in the '80s, they time crusade into a permanent organ- belly dancers), Ethnic Brunches (Chi-
need to know how to raise more nese, Russian and Italian) and Buffet
money from more sources, how to ization, with or without a paid staff Brunches.
manage it better, and how to plan
more effective programs so they get or permanent office. (continued on page 19)
more accomplished for the same dol-
lars. THE SUCCESSFUL V O L U N - Joan earned her bachelor's degree Joan Flanagan's successful
TEER O R G A N I Z A T I O N book will at Denison in French. She studied in book, THE GRASSROOTS
show them how," she stressed. France during her junior year. FUNDRAISING BOOK, is avail-
able directly from AOII Head-
Joan, too, is author of the highly AOI1 receives a great deal of credit quarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
to her start. Nashville, T N 37215, for $4.75
acclaimed Grass Roots Fundraising plus shipping.
"The sorority taught cooperation
and gracious actions which are well
received by the public," Joan said.
"AOn, too, provided support and en-
couragement, while we learned and
tested leadership, management and
motivation skills."

Book. She has 11 years of profession- Joan's own volunteer commitments
include Horizon Hospice, the first in-
al experience working for non-profit dependent hospice in Chicago giving
care to people who are dying and
organizations as a fund raiser, organ- their families. She is a member of
capital campaign committee whose
izer, and trainer. Joan has trained goal is $300,000 in three years for
Church of Our Saviour in the Chica-
more than 2000 people from 1500 or- go area; a member of the steering
committee for Roslyn Group for Arts
ganizations during the last four and Letters, a member of the board


When commissioned by the W.
Clement & Jessie V . Stone Founda-
tion to prepare the book, she drew
on this experience and interviewed


(continued f r o m page 18) Success is achieving goals

Lynda Gutowski "Success to me is being able to achieve volved in so many activities, Deb claimed
the goals that I have set for myself," said that organization of time and ordering of
The Brunching In section, with rec- Deb Bittinger, president of lota Sigma. priorities were the key factors for her.
ipes, highlights ethnic and regional Those words are genuine and they are dis-
American foods and offers sugges- played through Deb's honors and activi- Recently Deb was chosen first runner-
tions on how to create a special atmo- ties at Iowa State. up in the Phi Psi 500 Queen contest and
sphere for each. There are the Boston has been chosen as one of the five final-
Brunch, Irish Brunch and Quiche for As president of Iota Sigma, Deb is a ists in the Campus Chest Charity Con-
a Crowd, to name a few. The section true leader and has taken great strides in test. Campus Chest is an annual week
on catered brunches details this guiding the chapter through a victorious long fundraiser that distributes donations
unique service, the menus and prices. year. among philanthropies. Deb graduated
with honors from Iowa State in Decem-
A n accomplished author, graphic "Being president of A0I1 has been the ber with a major in microbiology and mi-
designer and illustrator, Lynda has best experience of my college career. It nors in chemistry and zoology. She plans
freelanced on various subjects for the has helped further my communication
New York Times, Better Homes and skills and most of all it has helped to Deb Bittinger
Gardens, Family Circle, Early Ameri- build friendships that will last forever," to go to do graduate work at the Universi-
can Life, the Boston Globe's New Deb said. ty of Iowa in medical technology.
England Magazine and other publica-
tions. After graduating from Tufts She doesn't let her leadership abilities "Deb's honors and achievements speak
University she was Worcester ( M A ) stop at Iota Sigma for her abilities are for themselves. She is truly an outstand-
Magazine's "Dining Out" columnist. also expressed through her involvement ing individual in everyway. When Deb
in other organizations. Deb is president strives for something, she puts her heart
Lynda plans a 1982 edition of the of both Mortar Board and Lampos at into it. There is no better way to define
book. Iowa State. In addition to those two high- success than through this truly incredible
ly selective honorary positions, Deb has person," Iota Sigma Sister, Jan Beske,
The book is edited by A n n a received many other honoraries including emphasized.
Kasabian and published by Jubilee Gamma Gamma Greek Honorary, Gam-
Publications, Inc., July, 1981, paper- ma Gamma Sophomore Honorary, Phi Sheldon
back, $2.95. Eta Sigma Freshman Honorary, Alpha
Lambda Delta Freshman Honorary, A l - (continued f r o m page 8)
A big pain . . . pha M u Gamma Foreign Language Hon- Association of University Women
orary, and Veishea Leadership Scholar. group.
Arthritis is our biggest pain. It at-
tacks men, women and children of Deb has distributed her talents in still Ingrid, too, is busy w i t h a local
all ages f r o m all geographic and de- other areas, namely on campus activities. play group which performs original
mographic areas. Help is needed to She has been Panhellenic Council execu- musicals to raise support for a local
find a cure through research and i m - tive treasurer, Greek Programming Com- elementary school. She was the
prove the chances of everyone living mittee co-chair of special events, Greek group's producer in 1980.
an active, pain free life without the Programming Committee external co-
disabling effects of this number one chairman, and Greek Programming Com- The A O n also finds time for politi-
crippler. mittee Blood Drive coordinator. When cal party work, den mothering and
asked how one individual could be in- girl scout activities, too. She has di-
rected school board campaigns and
Ferguson serves as a voluntary worker in her
elementary school.
(continued f r o m page 10)
ma in 1970. She has served as the
state education chairman of the
American Association of University
Women and has been elected presi-
dent and vice president of the Ed-
mond Branch.

Loree was president of the Cleve-
land County Oklahoma Retired
Teachers and is listed in "Personali-
ties of the South."

She has written a number of arti-
cles for educational journals and is a
popular speaker on Creative Lan-
guage Arts.

She has assisted w i t h numerous
United Way, Cancer, Heart and
March of Dimes drives and has been
a volunteer for a local school for the

Just to think about

By Sherry Devlin, Chi Delta

It almost sounds like science fic- and their sons to expect females to be Editor's Note: Sherry,
tion—until you carry a string of so- "achievers and doers." The role- Chi Delta 72, is a mem-
cial, economic and political trends to model mother won't be a domestic ber, of the Associate
their futuristic conclusion. Then the do-all. The ideal will be the super- Press Bureau staff in
scenario comes to life. The balance of woman. Spokane, Wash. She
power flips. The "second sex" jumps and other AOIIs who
into first place. Women are not only But what about the new "second work for the media will
equal, but dominant. sex?" What about men? be featured in an up-
coming issue.
In fact, the balance may already be The men in Nickles' scenario are
tipping, says Elizabeth Nickles in her forced to adapt. "Men," she says,
new book, T H E C O M I N G M A T R I - "will have to compromise if they
A R C H Y . The female underclass of want certain things, for example the
1982 is producing a new class of privilege of being fathers, the luxury
superwomen destined to topple the of female companions or wives, the
balance of the sexes in another gener- financial relief of the income that an
ation or two. employed woman can provide. As
those things are increasingly no long-
The result, Nickles says, will not er men's right to possess but women's
be equality—but a new female matri- right to bestow, the balance of power
archy. will shift—subtly at first but with in-
evitable and increasing momentum."
In Nickles' scenario, the biggest
switch is in the nature of women And because many of today's so-
themselves. Lured by the money, cial and economic institutions will be
power and ego fulfillment of their out of sync with the new female hier-
new jobs, women experience a archy, women will develop their
"workmutation." The traditionally own, Nickles predicts. Businesses
dependent, domestic woman be- will soon provide, flexible work
comes a new, independent, confident schedules and housing near work.
and assertive superwoman. Housing units, in turn, will come
with built-in maintenance, child care,
These new superwomen, Nickles shopping service, chauffering and
says, feel no guilt about competing food.
with men or putting their own inter-
ests first. They are extremely compe- But there are flaws in Nickles' tale.
tent, determined, highly educated Columnist Beck explains: "The
and fiercely competitive. They are superwomen in Nickles' brave, new
not dependent on men—not for mon- matriarchy will require a vast in-
ey, self-esteem, prestige or marriage. crease in support services. Someone
Many sacrifice marriage and child- still has to fix food, clean, do laun-
bearing altogether. dry and care for the young and the
ill. As women in increasing numbers
And, according to Chicago Trib- move into the job market, more of
une columnist Joan Beck, the new them than ever will be stuck in serv-
breed of superwomen are quick to ice jobs that—as now—offer little
multiply. "Economic forces and new prestige, power or temptation to sac-
ambitions push women into the job rifice marriage and children."
market where they quickly become
addicted to independence and pay- Biology guarantees that child-
checks," Beck wrote recently. "Wom- bearing will always have a more
en with power and increasing wom- forceful impact on women than men,
en's network connections pull other Beck adds. And men simply are not
women into powerful jobs." going to be the pushovers that Nick-
les assumes.
Exit the old-boy network. Enter
the superwomen. "Besides," Beck wrote, "most of to-
day's superwomen are just too tired
Those superwomen who do have to change the world."
children, Nickles says, will rear their
daughters to be "competent strivers"

Meet the R T and J Committee

Two hundred and fifty years—two Committee members are: signs and sews many of her own clothes
and one half centuries! That's a lot of MARY LOUISE FILER ROLLER (Mrs. expressing her artistry through fine
living and a lot of experience—particu- George, Alpha Pi), chairman of R T & J, detailing and hand finishing. She's a
larly when it is found in an organiza- brings to the group a wide variety of lover of antiques and likes to collect
tion that's only 85 years old. Nonethe- fraternity experiences. Her leadership them. She enjoys boating with husband
less, that's the number of fraternity qualities have been attested to as she George, George, Jr., his wife, and their
years represented by the Ritual, Tradi- has served as chapter president, alum- two children.
tions, and Jewelry Committee (R T & J). nae chapter president, international
treasurer and president. She has carried EDITH HUNTINGTON ANDER-
R T & J committee members enjoyed the banner of A O I I into the fraternity SON'S (Mrs. Arthur, Beta Phi) biogra-
the opportunity of working with con- world as city Panhellenic president and phy sounds like something out of Who's
vention representatives in Ritual work- then as National Panhellenic C o n - Who—and that indeed is where you'll
shops and meeting on a one-to-one ference treasurer, secretary, and chair- find her—in Who's Who in the East. She's
basis to discuss our ritual philosophy man. She has served on the Internation- been a secretary in the Department of
and its application to our daily living. It al Board of Directors o f A O I I and as the Interior during World War I and in
was a time of renewing and increasing international director of corporations. the office of the president of the Univer-
our knowledge of already learned mate- sity of Minnesota. She has served as vice
rial. When not A O I T i n g you'll find Mary president and as president of the State
Louise relaxing with a needle. She de- College Board of Directors, as president
of the Women's Fraternity Counselors
Perry awardee talks of AOII of State College, and on the Board of D i -
rectors of Pennsylvania State University
When you asked me to describe what possible without the support and encour- Christian Association. She was assistant
AOn means to me, it was asking me to de- agement that I have received from our director of the Bureau of Women and
scribe my last three years in college, ex- chapter and my family. JoAnn Gibbons Children for the Department of Labor
plained AOII's recent Perry award winner (Kappa Alpha's chapter adviser) is a guid- and Industry for the Commonwealth of
Jeannie Kimmerle. ing light and an excellent example for our Pennsylvania. She was also Assistant to
chapter. She has given me the inspiration the Dean of Women and administrator
AOII has been my main goal, encour- to reach for the impossible. of personnel records at Pennsylvania
agement and a place where friendships State University.
have multiplied daily. AOII has taught And the award, too, belongs to the
me the meaning of: chapter. She too started her A O f l leadership
as chapter president. She later installed
—Service, not only to the college and "None of this would have been possible Epsilon Alpha Chapter (named in her
to benefit oneself but more importantly, without the support from Kappa Alpha," honor) and served as a member of its
to the community and those in need; she emphasized. "The award is as much advisory committee from 1929 to 1963
its as mine; for I couldn't have done the when she retired and moved to Bloom-
—Charity, a word to which our Found- job without cooperation and sisterhood. ington, Indiana, where she served as
ers based much of AOII and which teach- advisor to BO from 1963 to 1975. She
es us patience and understanding while "My family, too, has been a continuing served as national secretary and presi-
giving what we can to others; crutch for me. I have two intelligent dent of A O n and as N P C delegate. She
brothers, and throughout my life, I have can also add the titles of collegiate
—Encouragement, in that AOII is a had love and encouragement from my director for District X, Chairman of
constant crutch for us when we think we parents and family. Constitutional Interpretations and Re-
can't handle something through the guid- visions Committee and is currently
ance from our alumnae chapter and the "My parents have encouraged me to serving in the dual role of R T & J com-
friendships and love from your sisters; strive for the impossible," Jeanine said, mittee member and International Histo-
"and it is because of their high values, rian.
—Sisterhood, a word which I feel only goals and appreciation for life that I have
AOII was able to teach me and show me become the individual that I am today." Edith continues to give AOFI much of
the true meaning of. her time because she believes in what
As a senior now she is serving on the the fraternity has to offer to young
Because AOII best exemplifies that pledge committee. After graduation she women in college. "In a large univer-
bond of friendship which every collegian would like to use her Spanish speaking sity," she believes, "fraternities serve a
is searching for, AOII and all it has to of- skills in teaching or international rela- really important purpose in getting to
fer sounds so simple and beautiful. It tru- tions. know a small group, learning to live
ly is, except that it won't ever be a reality with many personalities and sharing
unless you as an AOII make it one. AOII, She is truly an inspiration to us all— ideals."
because of our four Founders, is based collegians and alumnae.
upon all the things which I have de- WILMA SMITH LELAND, Tau,
scribed and much, much more, she The Perry Award, established by started out as chapter treasurer and
added. Council of Alpha Omicron Pi at the 1959 then served AOTI professionally as edi-
convention and first awarded at the 1961 tor of To Dragma. Returning to volun-
Jeanine is quick to credit her adviser. convention, honors Founder Stella teer status in A O f l she served as Inter-
"All the awards and accomplishments George Stern Perry:
that I have obtained wouldn't have been (continued on page 22)


(continued from page 21) na, she shared in the excitement of Ginger is also quite active in the Girl
being a founding member of both the Scouts, various professional and civic
national Scholarship Chairman, First Grand Rapids, and Dearborn, MI alum- organizations. She serves as editor of
Vice President and President and as a nae chapters, a collegiate director for the Texas Bar Journal.
member of DJF. She was appointed to R California, alumnae director for Michi-
T & J in 1956 and has served as its chair- gan and part of Ohio, adviser to Omi- And there you have it—more than
man more than once. cron Pi and Iota chapters, colony super- 250 years of fraternity service.
visor to Delta Sigma, Beta Pi, and
Wilma is an accomplished author and Epsilon Iota, International 2nd vice Rust advises
ghost writer and served as secretary and president, Regional Director for Illinois, UPS Greeks
president of Leland Publishing Co. She Regional Vice President and Regional
does much free lance writing for An- Extension Officer for Region IV and Linda Lattin Rust, Alpha Rho
tiques Review, Modern Maturity, AARP chairman of R T & J. '58, has been named Greek advisor
Bulletin, and the University of Minnesota to IFC and Panhellenic at the Uni-
Alumnae News. She's served on the St. Gwen has worked in Girl Scouts from versity of Puget Sound, Tacoma,
Paul-Minneapolis Art Festival Commit- troop to council level in two councils, as Wash.
tee and the Hennepin County Historical a board member and chairman of the
Society. She's an avid traveler, photog- Champaign County Branch of the Linda has worked in advisory
rapher, cook and collector of glass, por- Central Illinois Arthritis Foundation positions for A O f l throughout the
celain and handcrafts. Chapter and as a Deacon and Ruling West for more than 15 years. She
Elder in the Presbyterian Church. has served as a regional rush officer,
N A N C Y MOYER MCCAIN (Mrs. regional director, and has been in-
Walter, Rho) went directly from chapter Her family consists of husband, volved with alumnae chapters in
president to becoming A O I T s first trav- Doug, two married daughters Mimi and Colorado, Arizona, California and
eling secretary. This was followed by Robin (RVP VIII), their husbands and, Oregon.
serving Alpha Tau chapter both as an of course, granddaughter Elizabeth!
adviser and member of its corporation Her responsibilities at UPS in-
board. From there she moved to the K A T H Y JENSEN CASE, Theta clude working with IFC and Panhel-
post of District Director for Ohio, Mich- Omega, has always had a special spot in lenic to plan and implement rush
igan, and Indiana and on to the Interna- her heart for our Ritual. As President of programs, coordinate rush activities
tional Executive Committee holding the her chapter, she enjoyed learning Ritual with the Dean of Students staff
offices of secretary, first vice-president, and its special meanings. Kathy has member responsible for new student
and president. She has also been our served the fraternity as Convention orientation and serving as a liaison
alternate N P C delegate and is currently Rituals Chairman at both the 1977 and with the Office of Admissions with
special adviser to Omicron Pi. 1981 conventions. respect to prospective and new stu-
dents who are interested in Greek
She believes of the philosophy of Kathy's career path has led her from a activities at UPS. She also serves as
A O n , "It's eternally good and the im- position in research analysis to data the Dean of Students staff advisor to
plementing of it in collegiate chapters is processing and finally to her present the Greeks, liaison with fraternity
something I believe is worth my effort post as a personnel recruiter in data and sorority alumni groups, advisor
to assist. I always hope young A O F I s processing for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. to students on concerns related to
will have as rich and wonderful an Greek activities.
A O n experience as I have from the day Kathy and her new husband, along
I pledged until today." with her two stepdaughters, Chris, 10, The university is a privately
and Kelli, 8, are busy redecorating their endowed institution offering
You'll find Nancy and her husband, newly acquired old home. courses in liberal arts and sciences,
Walt, on the golf links from early spring and schools of business and public
to late fall and you're liable to find Nan Kathy wrote of her appointment, administration, law, music, occupa-
haunting Crocker House, the Macomb "How ironic that two special loves in tional therapy and physical therapy.
County Historical Society's project any- my life would blossom at the same time.
time. She is also a member of the local First of all, I was married to the man of There are about 2,300 under-
speaker's bureau and delights in her an- my dreams and then appointed to the graduate students enrolled on the
nual "independent study program" Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Com- campus with seven sororities and
where she selects a subject or person mittee. Convention was such an in- six fraternities representing nearly
each year and reads everything she can spiration to me. I look forward to giving one-third of the student body.
find on it. back to my Fraternity part of what I
have gained." Alpha Omicron Pi welcomes
G W E N EVERETTS LEE (Mrs. William three new alumnae colonies:
D., Rho). "I maintain that one has to GINGER BANKS, Pi Kappa, serves Morgan County, Ala.; Salt Lake
move around a bit and experience the ex-officio on R T & J through her office City" Utah; and Vancouver,
joy of knowing A O F I s wherever she of International President. Ginger has a ' Wash.
goes to fully appreciate what our frater- varied AOFI background, having
nity is all about," she says. "As a bride, I served as a Traveling Secretary (now
moved to San Francisco and had the fun called Consultant), Administrative As-
of finding a ready-made circle of friends sistant, TC Program Coordinator, Inter-
who had the same ideals and shared the national Rush Chairman and Vice Pres-
same AOFI bond that I did. The same ident of Operations.
was true when I moved to Detroit and
the same was true when I moved to When not A O f l i n g , Ginger can be
Urbana, 111." found busy with her many hobbies, in-
cluding people, politics, plants and
Vice president (pledge trainer) was hummingbirds. Her favorite hobby, of
her first "big" chapter job. As an alum- course, is spoiling her niece and
nephew, which are her pride and joy.


A l v i W m C Accent - Kansas City

The main reason the Kansas City ends the year. A t that meeting, the The chapter tries to be there when
Alumnae Chapter has grown in size membership suggests programs they our collegiate chapters need it. This
and spirit in recent years is because would like for the next year and for a past September alumnae went to Del-
of the chapter's recognition of the summer 'TIOA" social. ta Pi chapter, Central Missouri State
needs — and f u l f i l l m e n t of those University in Warrensburg, to help
needs—of the area alumnae and col- Kansas City uses its own members with rush. Members also mailed 300
legians, according to Jean Harper for many of the meeting programs MIFs to Phi Chapter, University of
Kraus, Delta Pi. during the year. We have used our Kansas, Lawrence. The snow and ice
lawyers, counselors, and world trav- and —18 degrees weather made it a
The Kansas City area covers a 25- elers for our programs, Jean ex- little difficult to help Phi chapter
mile radius of communities. Meetings plained. Some of our favorite pro- with rush in January, but three K.C.
are alternated between Missouri and grams have been on rape prevention, members made it there to help.
Kansas, covering Overland Park, the Kansas City Plaza fountains and
Kan., Blue Springs, M o . , North Kan- sculptures, and the Hospice organiza- During the past year, the chapter
sas City, Grandview, M o . and cen- tion. inventoried at a clothing store and
tral Kansas City. contributed the money to Phi chapter
At its annual Founders' Day lunch- Building Fund. Members also have
The chapter holds two meetings a eon, held the first Saturday in De- helped the different chapters over the
month, from September to Novem- cember, alumnae join with two close years with a Save Our Sister (SOS)
ber, and March through M a y . The collegiate chapters, Delta Pi and Phi, Fund.
chapter day group, which meets the and the Topeka, Kan., Alumnae.
second Monday at noon, consists of During the spring it helped Delta
between 15 and 20 women who pre- "We look forward to the collegians Pi celebrate a 20-year anniversary on
fer to get out during the day instead entertaining us with their songs, skits campus by supplying the table deco-
of the evening. They have an infor- and slide shows. We always present rations. Alumnae, too, try to keep in
mal sandwich exchange with the them with a gift at Founders' Day," touch with the two area collegiate
hostess serving drink and dessert. Jean said. One of the highlights of chapters, sending them little notes
They enjoy socializing and usually the Founders' Day celebration is the and canisters of popcorn, or cookies,
do not have a business meeting. The presentation of the Kansas City Out- to help them through the hectic pace
past two years, they have hosted a standing Alumnae Award, which is of rush or finals.
Holiday Coffee for area collegians. given to an AOI1 who is outstanding
not only in contribution to the chap- The Kansas City chapter annually
The evening group meets the third ter, but in other areas of community gives three $500 scholarships to colle-
Monday of each month. Approxi- service. This year the chapter gave gians at the University of Kansas,
mately 35 women attend the dinner two awards—to Geniece Tyler and Central Missouri State University
meeting. The September meeting in- Mary Jane Ogle, for their fantastic and Northwest Missouri State Uni-
cludes a formal ritual. In May, an in- job as international Convention versity in Maryville.
formal round-up pot luck meeting chairmen.
Helping the local Arthritis Founda-
nTi... i t 1 i n TXT ~~. I tion chapter is a regular activity for
V \ £1 the K . C . Alumnae. Linda Mansur is
I on the board of the Western Mis-
souri-Greater Kansas City Chapter of
Linda Hines, 1980 recipient of the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter's Outstanding Alumna Award, the Arthritis Foundation. She serves
as chairman of the Public Education/
center, presents the 1981 awards to Mary Jane Ogle, left, and Geniece Tyler, right, during the Information Committee there and is
editor of that chapter's quarterly
chapter's Founders' Day Dec. 5. The two award recipients were in charge of arrangements for the newsletter.

1981 Convention in Kansas City. In the Spring, the K . C . alums as-
sist in the Kansas City Health Fair, a
citywide program which, for one
week, provides free consultation and
information in such health areas as
eye check-ups, blood pressure and
other preventive treatments. During
the Health Fair members operate the
Arthritis Foundation booth, handing
out information about arthritis and
answering questions. This past fall
members also served as hostesses at
an Arthritis Foundation Public Edu-

(continued on page 28)


A]umn&e Activity

COLUMBUS Columbus Alumnae Chapter members prepared dozens of dishes to serve guests who suffer from

It's become an annual tradition for the arthritis.
Columbus (Ohio) Alumnae Chapter to
hold a Christmas dinner for arthritis pa- retary. Rosamond Craig Castle (£) was was a Holiday Tasting Luncheon in No-
tients. honored as retiring president. She is pre- vember. Guests entered through double
siding for a second year as president of doors to a panoramic view of renowned
The annual event is an important part the Monterey Bay Alumnae Panhellenic. Point Lobos jutting into the blue Pacific
of the chapter's program and area pa- Ocean. When they turned into the dining
tients seem to really appreciate the effort, Monterey County members sometimes room there stood a holiday table with a
explained Yvonne Heather Burry. travel more than fifty miles to attend cornucopia of harvest fruits set on an
meetings. Monterey is also the site of the Oriental brazier. Epergnes and platters of
This year's dinner, the seventh in as A r m y Defense Language Institute and the cookes, breads, and snacks were spread
many years, took place on Saturday, prestigious Naval Post-Graduate School on the table with varied containers with
Dec. 12, 1981, in the social hall of North- which officers of all branches of the serv- gift giving ideas. Three hostesses, Marian
west Christian Church in the suburb of ice attend. Just a few miles north is the Hermann, Maria Nowell, and Marilou
Upper Arlington. Fort O r d A r m y Base. During the last Tomblin cooked and prepared 22 differ-
three years women in the service and ent specialties for the Tasting Luncheon.
Nearly all alumnae members contribut- wives of military men have visited and
ed to the event in some way. A festive
meal, gifts of food and a useful gift for joined the chapter. This gives us a varied After enjoying the luncheon members
each patient were all made by area AOIls. and interesting membership and certainly were able to help themselves to the Holi-
keeps our roster in a state of flux, report- day Table and take home goodies in spe-
A 20-foot table was set with dozens of ed Marilou Sutter Tomblin. This, too, cially provided boxes. Recipes for all the
dishes made for the dinner. was the inspiration for introducing a food that was served and presented on
quarterly newsletter in the fall of '81 with the Holiday Table were printed up in an
Alumnae also baked scores of cakes Marilou Tomblin as editor. It was appro- attractive gift-giving book called Holiday
and cookies to be "won" during the hour priately named A-O-Spice. Treats to Eat and Give. The recipe book
or so of Bingo which followed the meal. was sold out. It was a joyful way to put
But whether a patient was lucky with In two pages it provides news, an- the chapter in financial and gastronomi-
Bingo or not, each went home with an nouncements, biographical sketches, and cal good stead.
armful of baked goods. even tidbits about members' family hon-
ors. Original poetry is sometimes fea- Our third Annual Potluck Supper was
The homemade gifts this year included tured. The chapter communicates with in December at the Pebble Beach home of
"stringless" aprons. Made on an open former members and acquaints all others Cal and Gloria Kellogg Knickerbocker,
loop of firm plastic, the aprons were de- with various activities. A-O-Spice is sent Lambda. Again members distinguished
signed to be slipped around the waist. to more than 25 zip codes including an themselves with culinary delights and we
That way, no tying was necessary, and a A P O address for a departed member now had husbands and guests to complete the
person afflicted with severe arthritis living in Japan. scene.
would not have to spend time trying to
tie an apron. Regular 1981-82 alumnae meetings be-

The Arthritis Foundation helped pro- gan with an early fall get-together at the Any Alumna already living in Monte-
vide transportation for participants in
wheelchairs while chapter members Carmel Point Home of Joanne Benedict rey County (and adjoining areas) or com-
brought many of the housebound guests
to the dinner. Honegger, Lambda, to welcome new and ing to the area can contact President Ma-

The annual dinner for arthritis patients prospective members with a luncheon ria Nowell (Mrs. Wesley), 357 Reindollar
also reflected a family commitment to the
event. Many husbands helped give rides and raffle for treasures. The next meeting Ave., Marina, Cal. 93933.
to the guests. They also carved the hams
and helped with the entertainment pro-
vided. A n d some of the older children
helped, too, serving food and joining in
the carol singing and scoring during the
Bingo games.


Monterey County Alumnae Chapter
began its 1981-82 year in June with an an-
nual Installation Luncheon, held this year
in the Garden Room of the La Playa Ho-
tel in Carmel.

The following members took office:
Maria Rael Nowell, Lambda, president;
Marilou Sutter Tomblin, Lambda, vice
president; Marian Kirby Hermann, Beta
Gamma, treasurer; Jane Durham Rose,
Iota, corresponding secretary; and Clare
Tompson Riggs, Lambda, recording sec-


MINNEAPOLIS the Warehouse came in March. Another brated Founders' Day with a special
seated dinner at Jean Johnson's was held luncheon and a host of commemorative
A n early snowfall and record-breaking in late March. activities.
winter weather have not kept members
from attending well-planned meetings. Spring luncheon and the Tau Corpora- Millie Hullinger Fiddock, Zeta '23,
tion meeting is planned for M a y 15. Tau's highlighted the program with a delightful
The Round-Up Pot Luck dinner in Sep- house needs a new roof so there is apt to speech in which she reminisced about her
tembers provided plenty of variety in sal- be a roof-raising function about that AOII collegiate days at the University of
ads, hot dishes, and confirmed the fact time. Nebraska.
that AOIls like—chocolate. A l l desserts
came in brown. GREATER PINELLAS "We had a wonderful AOTI spirit then,
and it's the same way now," said M r s .
At the Founders' Day luncheon at the This year's program theme is "Nice Fiddock, mother of Valora Fiddock Stew-
Jax Cafe in November, members saw the Things Happen in AOTI." art, Zeta '48, and Ann Fiddock Town-
new AOII film presentation, heard from send, Zeta '49. She shared many stories
the new therapist at the Arthritis Founda- Nice things happened when many col- with the Omaha chapter about wiring
tion, and heard Tau's president, Debbie legians and their mothers attended the G- problems in the old chapter house at Lin-
Sit, talk about the chapter. Rita Varner Pac Christmas party at the home of Mari- coln.
Hastings, philanthropic chairman, on Clouse, Chi.
planned the gourmet dinner ticket sales "We had several minor fires in the
and for baby-sitting at Dayton's ware- Nice things happened when Florence house," she said. "They were never seri-
house sales as means of earning money. Ennis, Kappa Alpha, past International ous, but the fire department probably
Parliamentarian, drove through the snow thought we were a 'hot chapter'."
"Unproven Remedies for Arthritis" was to come to G-Pac's Founders' Day and
the topic of the program in January at the "wowed" the 51 attendees, reported Betsy A special Founders' Day slide show
Arthritis Foundation office. Marilyn Smith, Omega. was prepared and presented by Jean
Haugen who has served on the national Vakoc Munhall, Zeta '69, depicting AOII
board and is on the research committee Nice things happened when members collegiate and alummae days.
told about the problems of quackery had a tour of Heritage Park, a small his-
cures. Robert Miller, the local director, torical village located in Largo, FL. Special recognition was given to Lynn
expanded on the subject. Members "brown bagged it" for lunch Oltmanns Olson, Phi Sigma '72, Out-
and a meeting in the church there prior to standing Alumnae 1980-81, and Becky
The February meeting was another the tour. Eilers Torrens, Phi Sigma '73, past
seated dinner and was given at the president.
Haugen's. The drawing for the gourmet Nice things happened when G-Pac sold
dinner took place that night. The lucky many arthritis pens. BOSTON
winner could choose to have the alumnae
committee prepare and serve the dinner Nice things happened when many Boston alumnae w i l l welcome all sis-
or accept a S60 gift certificate to take FIOA's showed up at the home of Irene ters to the Region I Leadership Confer-
guests to a restaurant. Many members Taylor, Kappa Phi, for our AOIl/nOA ence in June. Helen McMahon, Rho, Re-
helped T w i n City Panhellenic raise mon- Derby Day party. gion I vice president, spent Labor Day
ey at its March luncheon. Our "kid-sit" at weekend with Jean Marcy Sells, Zeta,
OMAHA and conferred with committee chairmen
concerning their duties. Co-chairmen
The Omaha Alumnae Chapter cele- Carolyn Wellington, Phi, and Jean have
been planning events. Reservations have
Nancy McKeon of "Facts of Life" and Todd Bridges of "Diff'rent Strokes" joined Los Angeles been made at Tufts University's newest
Marine Corps Reservists Capt. Max Morgan, left, and Capt. Gail Herstead in a generous dormitory to house delegates and guests.
"Battlestars" contribution to the 34th Annual Toys for Tots Program. Capt. Gail (Martin)
Herstead, Zeta, is a member of the Pasadena Alumnae Chapter and is the National Chairman of Six AOTI travelers to China brought
the 1982 Toys for Tots Campaign. back small panda bear souvenirs for the
conference visitors. They put on a pro-
gram in January to celebrate Chinese
New Year. Charlie MacCarthy, LIOA,
showed slides of the China trip. Donna
Strettar Sheridan, Phi Omicron, Boston
alumnae president for the third year, and
her husband, Pete, who have seen a lot of
China, added to the program with their
observations on life in China.

Members enjoyed a champagne brunch
on Founders' Day at MacPhie Hall on the
Tufts campus. Etta MacPhie, an early
Delta member, and her husband, both
Tufts trustees, gave the building to the
University before their deaths. Linda Dix-
on, Delta, arranged the brunch and Elea-
nore Ditrich MacCurdy, Iota Alpha, Past
International President, conducted the
impressive Founders' Day ritual. Seven
chapters were represented among those

A luncheon last fall at the Harvard
Club opened activities for the year for the
Boston alumnae chapter.


Chapter honors member SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY

The members of the Southern Orange (f Inviting golfers to "take a chance" is
County Alumnae Chapter presented one way the Southern Orange County
Nancy Bates-Lane Heard, Chi Delta '56, Nancy Bates-Lane Heard, right, Chi Delta, Alumnae Chapter earns money for its
with the first annual Ruth McFadden was recipient of the Ruth McFadden Award. philanthropic projects.
A w a r d at the Southern California Found- Presenting the award to the Southern Orange
ers' Day luncheon Feb. 6 in Whittier. County Alumnae Chapter member was Jane At their AOII Golf-a-thon, members
McNeil, left, Ruth McFadden's daughter. take turns sitting at a certain tee and ask
Long active in AOFI, Nancy received a golfers to take a dollar chance on hitting
Rose A w a r d at the 1981 Convention for many hours doing philanthropic work at their balls within a circle drawn on the
her service to the fraternity. She is cur- the Kabat-Kaiser Institute and working green. Winners receive a package of new
rently first vice-president of the Southern with the Nu Lambda chapter at the Uni- balls and the chapter generally makes
Orange County Alumnae Chapter and a versity of Southern California. several hundred dollars for the Arthritis
trustee of the Diamond Jubilee Founda- Foundation and collegiate scholarships.
tion. Past offices have included second As a member of the Southern Orange
vice-president and recording secretary of County Alumnae Chapter from the early Another successful fund raiser is a
the Orange County group and hospitality 1970's until her death last year, Ruth was Christmas Boutique. Gift items, usually
chairman, treasurer and publicity chair- fraternity education chairman, historian created by the members of the group, are
man of the Pasadena (California) A l u m - and scrapbook chairman. Because she auctioned to the highest bidder. Doing
nae Chapter. had known the founders personally, she the boutique auction-style insures all
was always able to make them "come items are sold and spirited bidding over
For her exceptional devotion to the alive" during her presentations on the one-of-a-kind items brings a greater prof-
Southern Orange County Alumnae earlier days of the fraternity. In 1975 it, explained Coralie Katch, Epsilon A l -
Chapter, Nancy received the AOI1 A p - Ruth received her 50 year pin and in 1976 pha '68.
preciation A w a r d in 1977 and the Presi- she was given the President's Recognition
dent's Recognition A w a r d in 1980, given Award for her devotion to the chapter. But the year is not all fund-raising for
to honor the member who best represents the chapter. Members look forward to a
AOII to those around her through her en- Ruth was also very active in communi- September salad supper, Christmas open
thusiasm and loyalty to her fraternity. ty affairs. She was one of several women house, Spring potlock and various other
who started the Ebell Club in Laguna meetings and parties throughout the
As a collegian, Nancy was initiated Hills and served as president of the group year.
into the Chi Delta chapter at the Univer- in its early years. A volunteer for many
sity of Colorado but later transferred to years at the Saddleback Community Hos- ORLANDO WINTER PARK
the Nu Lambda chapter at the University pital, she was also a charter member of
of Southern California. There she served the hospital's Thrift Shop volunteers de- The Orlando/Winter Park Alumnae
as recording secretary, rush chairman voting more than 1000 hours of service. Chapter began its year of activities with a
and president. sister social in September.
We hope Ruth's inspiration and love of
This award was established by the AOII will live in all of us through this In October the chapter held a ritual
alumnae chapter to honor the memory of award. and in November members met for the
Ruth Lawlor McFadden, Nu '28, a sister A O I I Sigma Kappa Sister Swap at
who passed away last March. Ruth's pin LaBelle/Morse Gallery of Art.
will be presented each year to the mem-
ber who most exemplifies Ruth's ideals of Past International President Mary Lou-
loyalty, service, a sense of sisterhood, ise Roller and Mary Ruth McKnight were
knowledge and participation in AOII. in charge of the chapter's Christmas Par-
ty. Founders' Day was celebrated with a
The alumnae who knew Ruth well re- January luncheon aboard the Empress
member most her devotion, enthusiasm Lilly.
and her willingness to help no matter
what the task. As one sister put it "she The chapter scheduled a business meet-
was always there with a smile on her ing for March and plans are well under-
face." way for a family picnic in May, reported
chapter president Elise Simpson Einselen,
Ruth joined AOII in 1925 at New York Phi Upsilon '75.
University and later served as president
of Nu chapter. She was active in the M i l - ATHENS
waukee Alumnae Chapter and Los A n -
geles Alumnae Chapter where she held Athens Alumnae Chapter members
several offices including vice-president kept busy during the winter.
and president. While there, she spent
In January members met to listen to an
OTTAWA SEATTLE address by International President Ginger
The Philanthropy activity of members Seattle area alumnae met for Founders'
was volunteering for the annual fund- Day in January to recognize newly initi- During February and March members
raising drive of the Canadian Arthritis ated members of Upsilon chapter at the concentrated on fund raising efforts to
Society. Those participating were Muriel University of Washington and to honor support a spring rush party given for
Biewald, Isobel Peppier, Faye Campbell, 50-year-members: Norma Berry, Jessie Athens young women who will be enroll-
Jocelyn Norman, and Barbara Lambert. Edinger, Harriet Gowen and Stella ing at the University of Georgia in the
Barb Baerg worked as an area captain, Stieglitz. fall.
collecting $7500.
One of the chapter's biggest efforts
now is assisting in the planning for the
Regional Meeting/Leadership Conference
which will be held in Athens in June, re-
ported Bonnie Hannah.


4.1 . . Karstaedt Osier's Miami of Ohio '45, talk CHICAGO WEST SUBURBAN
at a fall meeting at President Joyce Brown
Jfe, Hill's, Northwestern '51, home. "Never an idle moment" has clearly
been the theme for the past several
x In October members and their hus- months for the Chicago West Suburban
bands attended the Darien Dinner The- Alumnae Chapter. Activities began in
• ater and in December their Founders' Day August with the " A i m for Arthritis" golf
celebration was a luncheon. benefit, held at the Village Greens Golf
Elinor Bjorklund Course in Woodridge, III. A day with the
Rose Award winner The February meeting was a special Saturday-morning golfers produced more
one with Diana Pressey, Region I Direc- than $160 for the Arthritis Foundation.
PORTLAND, ORE. tor, as a guest. This was held at the home
The Portland Alumnae Chapter would of Margaret Johnson Kent, DePauw '34. Friendships were made or renewed at
In April, Carlynn Drynan Alexander, U. the first meeting of the year, in Sep-
like to place the spotlight on a very spe- of Toronto '60, made arrangements for a tember.
cial person who shines as a member of its tour of Silver Hill Rehabilitation Center
chapter and also, as an outstanding mem- and as always members are looking for- The following month, an interior deco-
ber of the community and the city. Elinor ward to our annual "picnic" in June with rator from Ethan Allen Carriage House
Bjorklund was a Rose Award Winner at husbands, reported Shirley Bostrom provided helpful information on "Acces-
the A O n convention in Kansas City this Hargreaves, U of Maine—Orono '55. sorizing Our Homes."
past June, 1981.
PULLMAN The chapter has been able to employ
During her 31 years as an active mem- the special resources of several of its own
ber of the Portland Alumnae, she has It was a special Founders' Day for Pull- members this year as well, added Lynda
been an office holder for almost every man Alumnae Chapter members as they K. Given. Dee N o r t o n Nissen, Beta
position within the framework of the accepted an invitation to join Alpha Lambda, recently provided the chapter
chapter. She is a positive influence every- Gamma members and pledges for the De- with information on gynecological and
where, a very organized, articulate per- cember affair. obstetrical matters and intrigued us by
son, reported Janet Entrikin. entitling her discussion, "What Every
Fifty-year members Mildred Hunt Woman Should Know." Earlier in the
Because Elinor is also quite artistic, she Vatsdahl and Evelyn Kause Hickman year, Lynda Kerzic Given, Omega, fur-
is called upon often to help both in plan- were honored for their service to the fra- nished the group with some of the legal
ning and making decorations for events ternity. Alpha Gamma corporation took aspects of "Protecting Your Consumer
such as Founders' Day Brunch and our the opportunity, too, to present its first Rights."
Spring luncheon. She is an accomplished scholarship, the Zilda Baker Jaekel
pianist and organist providing entertain- Award, to Lori Ann Betts, a junior in December was particularly busy f o r
ment for the chapter on many occasions. clothing and textiles at Washington State the chapter. A potluck dinner, complete
University. Zilda, who died in January, with turkey and all the trimmings, and a
In the community, Elinor has been was a 40-year member of the fraternity gift exchange were just a part of the
very active in her church. For some ten and had served as the chapter and corpo- Christmas celebration. The group hosted
years she has been its organist. As a ration financial adviser and treasurer a Collegiate Tea for approximately 30
member of the Young Audiences of Ore- since the chapter reopened in the early collegians during the week following
gon Chapter (a nation-wide organization) '60s. Christmas.
she greatly influences the community. El-
inor served on the Board of Directors for Alumnae members worked on a num- There appear to be few "idle moments"
a number of years and now is a member ber of spring projects: a yard sale, senior for the Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
of the Program Advisory Committee. reception and Alpha Gamma's 50th anni- over the upcoming months. Several phil-
This committee auditions and screens versary celebration set for May 21-23. anthropic projects are already on calen-
very professional performers and sched- dars. In addition, two couples' parties
ules the cultural art ensembles into the and a "Ladies' Night Out" are scheduled.
Enjoying a Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter scrap book are from left to right, Michelle
For several years, she has spent many, Kohnen, Iota; Linda Dell Luxen, Iota, President of the Alumnae Chapter; and Robin Faulkner,
many hours working on recommenda- Iota.
tions for Rush, this in cooperation with
Portland Alumnae Panhellenic.

"What bills are of a particular interest

to women?" was the topic of Dorothy


Ice storm strikes

Founders' Day continues through the night

AOIls, young and old, spent one chilly, and the Community Involvement Award Women with families at home, stu-
icy, unforgettable night together after was presented to Maggie Moore for con- dents with exams to study for . . . ev-
their Founders' Day Celebration. tinually giving outstanding service to the eryone was stranded! Somehow, though,
community as a long-time hospital vol- everyone transformed the miserable,
The night began quite innocently when unteer. frightening situation into a giant
more than 150 women met to honor the "houseparty." The collegians and alum-
founders at a local Steak and Ale Restau- However, while everyone was enjoying nae played cards, sang songs, told stories
rant and listen to Tennessee's First Lady, the food and fellowship inside, a shower and did lots of reminiscing. In fact, it be-
Mrs. Lamar Alexander. Mrs. Alexander of ice began falling outside over the city. came quite an opportunity for everyone
delivered a challenging speech and after- Within minutes, streets became treacher- to really deepen relationships with one
ward, the alumnae President Becky Dun- ous and cars were covered with thick another.
can Massey, Omicron 77, gave special sheets of ice.
recognition to the two award recipients. One of the alumnae happened to be the
When the banquet was over, the AOTIs wife of the restaurant's general manager.
Jackie Villars Lane, Pi '60, received the found themselves stranded at the restau- That night and the following morning,
Beverly Fraker Rector Award for out- rant. A few brave souls ventured out into she and her husband stayed awake and
standing service in the alumnae chapter, the cold, icy night. Some made it home managed to keep smiling and cooking for
hours later and . . . some never made it everyone. They even sent one of their
passed the driveway. Mrs. Alexander's employees on foot to buy cards to give
car slid out of the driveway, and hours out to all the guests.
later, after a car accident on the inter-
state, made it to the airport for her flight It was a long, cold evening with few
home. good places to sleep . . . but it was cer-
tainly a memorable Founders' Day for the
In the street nearby, cars slid crashing Knoxville AOFIs. In fact, everyone ought
into one another. People were stranded to try it. It's a great way for the alumnae
on highways, in shopping malls, in gro- to get to know the collegians and share
cery stores, and, of course . . . in restau- the love that AOII is all about.

Nancy Bettis, RVP, participates in a jazzercise Among those involved with the Founders' Day observance were, from the left, Pat Campen Med-
routine during the Founders' Day "all-nighter." ley, Omicron '64, banquet chairperson; Dawn Pearson, president Omicron chapter; Becky Duncan
Massey, Omicron '74, president, Knoxville Alumnae Chapter, and Sherry Black Walsh, Omicron
Alumnae Accent '69, banquet chairperson.

(continued from page 23)

cation Luncheon and Forum featur-
ing rheumatologists who lectured on
all forms of arthritis.

Our most wonderful experience as
a chapter was hosting the A O n Inter-
national Convention this past year,
Jean emphasized. Our work and co-
ordination for the convention
brought our groups together and
made us stronger in our commitment
to AOTI and one another. When we
are bound together by sisterhood and
love, and the spirit of working to-
gether for A O I I , we are amazed at
what we can accomplish, and gain
joy and pleasure out of our work.


NYC Panhellenic Alumna serves a s Region IV RD
Scholarships Marian Webb Hutchinson Marian Webb Hutchinson, Delta Ome-
For area schools Region IV Director ga '69, is Region IV's newest Regional di-
New York City Panhellenic will award
two $400 scholarships to fraternity wom- "AOTI opened up a whole new world
en doing graduate work at a college or for me as a collegian," Marian said, "but
university in the New York City Metro- I did not fully realize its value until I be-
politan area during 1982-83. These came an alumna. It has been as much or
grants will be made in September 1982. more of an influence in my life since
graduation and I am happy to repay it, in
Those interested should request an ap- part, by serving as a regional director."
plication from Mrs. Kelso Sutton, 2 Tu-
dor City Place, New York, N . Y . 10017, Marian was graduated from Murray
and should return the completed form by State University in 1971 with a bachelor's
Aug. 1, 1982. degree in elementary education. As a col-
legian she held several chapter offices and
In past years these scholarships have was elected Outstanding Sophomore.
assisted women working for advanced
degrees in such schools as New York Uni- As an alumna Marian has served as
versity, School of Business; Columbia pledge adviser and chapter adviser of
University, School of Physicians & Sur- Beta Chi. She, too, has been involved in
geons; Rutgers University, School of re-establishing an alumnae chapter in
Law; John Jay College; Kean College of Owensboro, Kentucky.
New Jersey and Adelphi University.
Her husband, Randy, is an attorney
and the couple has one son, Brad, who is
four. Marian is active in the Junior
League of Owensboro and is social chair-
man for the county's Lawyers' Auxiliary.


Alumnae response to the AOII Development Fund has been tremendous! Once again, AOFIs have responded to our fra-
ternity's need for financial support to enable continuation of our programs without an increase to collegiate fees. Our
goal this year is to increase the number of contributors by 25 percent. We are on our way to reaching this goal, but have
not yet done so.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you have not yet responded to the request for the Development Fund, please clip the cou-
pon below and send it today. Every contribution, no matter the size, is vital.

Thank you for your help and support.

• YES! I want to help keep our sisterhood strong and growing. Here is

my heartfelt gift to the 1981-82 DEVELOPMENT FUND in the
amount of:
( ) $20 ( ) $50 ( ) $75 ( ) $100 ( ) $
(Please return your gift with this form. Make checks payable to AOII




Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215


Chapter of the Quarter

by Janice West Ingram, 0L M award for philanthropy and have
Chapter Adviser, Tau Delta had the highest scholarship of any
Janice West Ingram Greek group on campus. Our women
'75 Tau Delta Tau Delta chapter adviser have participated in local musicals,
Every AOTI loves roses! We sing church ministries, and dance pro-
about them; we use their lovely fra- Through AOTI we found a "fasci- grams. They also sponsor a child
grance and bloom throughout the nation" with one another which grew through the Christian Children's
year. Even more endearing is the into a sisterly love. We would stand Foundation.
symbolism from a bud to an open by each other and learned to appreci-
flower in relation to our internal ate one another's feelings. M y year as They are Phi Beta Kappa, Who's
chapter. That is exactly what I have president brought to me a genuine Who in American Universities and
been so fortunate to observe and ex- awareness of the foresight of our Colleges, Mortar Board, and Omi-
perience. founders. Their personalities created cron Delta Kappa. The 1981 "Miss
a pride in A L L of us in the founda- Alabama" is an AOII as were 3 of the
I entered Birmingham-Southern tion of AOII—whether we wore 10 finalists, and "Miss Birmingham-
College in 1971. A t that point in jeans, dresses, made A's or C's. Southern" is ALSO an AOIT. A N D
time, liberalism of ideals, extremes of . . . 3 of the 5 fraternity sweethearts
individuality, and attitudes of anti- M y reflections are even dearer to are AOLIs! A n d this isn't all of it!
Greek permeated the entire collegiate me now as I see my chapter ten years W H A T A RECORD!! You can see
environment. Tau Delta of AOTI also later. In my third year as chapter ad- why I am proud of them!
felt the influence and had many small viser, I still perceive its strengths and
groups of actives making up the weaknesses—but now through a dif- Their secret? It has to be quality.
overall chapter. We had no stereo- ferent viewpoint. I call the collegians In selecting new members, the actives
type and were one of the strongest "mine" to other people just as I did are concerned about a woman's inner
sororities on campus. Our problems when I was an active. These 1981 workings. Certainly we are all at-
then included too much emphasis on AOLTs are the quality that creates the tracted by physical beauty, but they
individuality, low scholarship, etc. longlasting bond of sisterhood. realize that without a beauty of mind
Yet through all of this, we were and spirit, we will soon be turned off
somehow drawn closer together. Please allow me to brag . . . A t to a shallow and empty person. The
International Convention the chapter Tau Deltas are concerned and caring
Janice West Ingram, a native of was awarded the McCausland Cup individuals. They want new mem-
Huntsville, Ala., graduated Phi Bet- for most outstanding scholarship, a bers that will enlarge their circle of
ta Kappa summa cum laude from Rush Excellence A w a r d (It has sisterhood through the assumption of
Birmingham Southern College in pledged quota for the past four years these responsibilities. The more
1975 with a degree in chemistry. and initiated approximately 95 per- awards and honors you win the
cent), and a Distinguished Service harder it becomes to maintain and
For two years she studied at the Award. The women repeatedly have surpass your goals.
School of Medicine at the University won the Birmingham-Southern
Alabama, Birmingham. Since then Yes, they have problems, but not
Janice has worked in the field of like those of the early '70s. The at-
HLA technology and received her mosphere is conservative now with a
masters in secondary education. She Greek revival. The sentiments of lib-
has taught chemistry and biology in eral philosophy and individualism
the Birmingham City School System. are no longer present to the extreme
of being a detriment but are now
As a Tau Delta, she served on the constructive in chapter harmony.
Chapter Relations Committee, Ritual
chairman and as chapter president. In looking back over the past dec-
In 1974 she received the "Outstand- ade, we in 1971 did not have the
ing Collegiate Award" for Region overt credits upon which to boast.
I I I . Janice has served as both rush But, without "my girls" then and
and pledge adviser to Tau Delta and their strength of character to carry
has been their chapter adviser for the forward the spirit of AOII, there
past 2'/2 years. would have been no cement to con-
tinue the foundation.
Married to a third year resident in
internal medicine, her hobbies in- Our ability to love, work, and live
clude the piano, needlecrafts, bridge together in different time frames,
and the couple's "new love" of a through various problems, and with
year, Meredith Marie. often conflicting attitudes has been
tested and proven true because of our
trust and love for one another—the
AOII rose f r o m bud to full bloom.


CoMc&Mc Commentaries,

U of Minnesota Murray State Arkansas State

A O n is the only sorority on campus to Spring semester has started and Delta The Sigma Omicron chapter at Arkan-
be paired with two fraternities for the an- Omega has reached quota again and has sas State University can take pride in
nual spring Campus Carni! pledged five to its spring pledge class. knowing that it has had a very fulfilling
sisterhood this past fall semester. Among
A kick-off party with a theme of Upon returning to a new spring semes- some of the awards was the winning of
"Come as your favorite Greek" started ter Delta Omega was up and moving. first prize for a Homecoming display, on
the festivities out in January. Men of Sig- The semester started off with the annual which the chapter worked with the
ma Alpha M u and Sigma Phi Epsilon Red Rose formal which was held in Nash- Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. One sister,
worked with the women of Tau chapter ville, Tenn. The week was also highlight- Sandy Statler, was also chosen as the
to the theme of "Superheroes." ed by officer installation and initiation 1981 Homecoming Queen.
for pledges.
During a newly re-vitalized January In November the Lambda Chi Alpha
Greek week, AOIIs sang and danced to Last fall Debbie Lewellyn was elected chapter sponsored a Miss Greek Pledge
transportation songs. AOIIs learned to Murray State's Homecoming Queen and contest which the chapters pledge repre-
fox trot with the Delta Kappa Epsilons. during December she was fourth runner- sentative, Leanne Hudson, won.
Unfortunately, the group didn't w i n any up in the Miss Kentucky USA pageant.
awards . . . (two houses dressed up like Kathy Hill was a finalist for the Miss We also have strengthened our sister-
cigarettes did though.) MSU (Murray State University) pageant hood with various parties and retreats,
and Nancy Moriaty has been elected by such as our Thanksgiving Sisterhood Par-
Supporting the AOIIs in every event the school to represent Murray as the ty, our Christmas Dance, and our formal
this year has been its new house mom Mountain Laurel candidate. Debbie Fos- dance-the Rose Ball-which was held at
Roberta Olson—"Mom O . " She came to ter was chosen as an alternate. The Peabody Hotel, in Memphis, Tenn.,
Minneapolis with 14 years of experience explained Terri Ashford.
house directing. She has brought warmth Other than individual efforts Delta
and love to the Minneapolis-based chap- Omega has worked together in the blood The chapter initiated 18 new members
ter, said Cheryl Sutton. drive to place first and it also teamed up on Jan. 31. Also on the agenda this spring
with another sorority and one fraternity was a Valentine's Dance and a Bridal Fair
Outside the immediate chapter . . . to place first in the homecoming float. and Songfest which are money-raisers for
two AOIIs serve on the Panhellenic Just around every corner something's the AOII philanthropy.
Council, one as Panhellenic Rush Out- happening and the Delta Omega chapter
reach coordinator and the other as Inter- is there.
fraternity Council liaison. Tau chapter
had two of its members competing in the
St. Paul Winter Carnival royalty compe-
tition. One new initiate, Pam Watson,
sang the national anthem this past sum-
mer at a Minnesota Twins baseball game.

PHI Phi chapter members enjoy Hall of Fame Bowl.

U of Kansas

The University of Kansas Jayhawks
flew south this winter, but not without 19
women from Phi Chapter at Lawrence,

The occasion was the Hall of Fame
bowl game played against Mississippi
State University in Birmingham on Dec.
31, explained Barbara Ehli.

The University of Kansas picked up the
transportation tab for several AOIIs. A n -
nette Riley, '83, pranced around Birming-
ham disguised in the Baby Jay mascot
outfit, while Karen Koenig, '83; Mary
Lynn Hodgeson, '84; and Dawn Kirby,
'83, made music with the rest of the K U
Marching Band.

Despite an embarassing 10-0 defeat, all
19 women came back to roost at the Sig-
ma N u fraternity house in Lawrence, just
in time for Spring Rush 1982.


California State University
The Sigma Phi Chapter, California State University at Northridge, gave an honorary big brother
at Northridge bid to Andre Landraat (character Tony Cassadine) of "General Hospital," when he appeared with
the chapter in the Homecoming parade when C S U N "Saluted the Soaps." Sigma Phis, from left to
"Philanthropy" was in the hearts of right, are Lori Tucker, Debi Steam, Debbie Block, Lisa Gomez, Marta Feingold, (alumna) Mindy
Sigma Phi's at the conclusion of the fall Morgen, Allison Silver, and (alumna) Amy Schloss. In the center is General Hospital's Andre
'81 semester. In mid-November they held Landzaat, and back right, CSUN's recently crowned Homecoming Queen and A0I1, Eryn
a 24-hour Volleyball marathon with Pi Stratmann.
Kappa Alpha fraternity and raised mon-
ey for the Arthritis Foundation.

In December, the " A l l Greek" awards
banquet brought AOII two trophies for
the Red Cross Blood Drive. One trophy
for second place points overall and an-
other trophy given this year, for the first
time, for most philanthropic spirit.

Fall intramurals left AOFI holding first
place sorority volleyball, second place
sorority tug-a-war, and second place so-
rority soccer, reported Marta Feingold.

Politics were in the air around Sigma
Phi as AOII Linda Dane was elected Low-
er Division Senator to CSUN's Associat-
ed Students.

The conclusion of the fall semester was
celebrated by Sigma Phis, pledges, alum-
nae, and big brothers in one great holi-
day party. '81 was great, but watch out
'82, Sigma Phi is revved up to go.

GAMMA OMICRON Homecoming Queen, Ginger Black, Ann ine Chu. Invited by Phi Upsilon chapter
U of Florida Blaize, Risa Richardson, and Becky to spend the weekend there, a group
Heap. grabbed the chance to spot a potential
Stand aside Hatfields and McCoys!! date for the Christmas Dance. With finals
The AOIls are fixin' to feud. Kappa Tau's annual Keg Roll for A r - just around the corner, a scholarship ban-
thritis was a huge success again this year. quet was held. Karen Jorrisen, scholar-
Gamma Omicron chapter held its third Breaking last year's record the pledges ship chairman, not only honored stu-
annual Fraternal Feud for arthritis in Feb- and members rolled the keg 220 miles. dents with high GPAs, but also presented
ruary. Fraternal Feud is a take-off on the This should bring in approximately funny awards pertaining to academia.
TV game show "Family Feud." A l l the $4,000. K T also held a Halloween party For example, the "Most Creative Study
fraternities and sororities on campus for the handicapped children. Position" award was given to Carol
were invited to participate in the four- Callanan for her "ability to sleep in the
day event. A S25 entrance fee, along with O M I C R O N PI most unique study position."
all other proceeds, went toward AOLTs U of Michigan
philanthropy. UPSILON
The fall semester kept Omicron Pi, U of Washington
KAPPA TAU University of Michigan, very busy right
Southeastern Louisiana from the beginning of the school year, if Seventeen new girls were welcomed as
not before. sisters into Upsilon chapter during the
Kappa Tau has much to be proud of second week of January. Inspiration
this year. During Greek Week K T won First of all, members came back to Week activities ranged from storytelling
the Songfest Award and its president, campus earlier than usual for their first to special readings.
Sharon Thompson, won the Most Out- Fall Rush Retreat, a successful workshop
standing Greek Award. filled with many activities. Alumnae Once again the University of Washing-
f r o m the area helped with new communi- ton Huskies were Rose Bowl bound and
With the hard work of the members cation skills and then, acted as rushees to so were the AOFIs. Twelve girls managed
and those helpful hints f r o m other chap- be rushed by us! By the time rush was to make a road trip down one way or an-
ters, Kappa Tau reached quota which over, the chapter gained 11 pledges. other. Three members of the chapter are
added 31 top quality women to AOII. in the marching band. Everyone was
In order to know new pledges better, beaming with pride when they arrived
As school rolled around so did the and vice versa, a Rose Buddy week was back home to Seattle as the 1982 Rose
Southeastern Louisiana Homecoming Pa- held. Members contacted the pledges for Bowl champs.
rade. Reigning in the parade as sweet- a small date, such as for ice cream or
hearts were 12 women f r o m A0L1 who coke. Linda Pyne was installed as the 1982
represented different organizations on Panhellenic Rush Chairman. The U of W
campus. Five of the twelve sweethearts Football and autumn weather go to- Panhellenic received a National Panhel-
were elected on the homecoming court. gether and that's what Omicron Pi got.
They were Kimberly Belcher-1981 SLU We treated our dads (and even some (continued on page 33)
moms!) to a game with dinner afterwards
one weekend, and the next one was spent
at Purdue University, explained Kather-


(continued from page 32) Foundation. Several members of the rush parties. Last year the Alpha Deltas
lenic Conference award at the November chapter volunteered to help sell drinks threw a "Swamp Water Party."
NPC meeting in Denver. and be escorts for dignitaries at the Sec-
ond Annual Arthritis Foundation Roast. The setting was a beautiful lake, lots of
The annual Founders' Day banquet Avron Fogelman, a prominent local busi- room for blankets to sit on, a band, and
was held on Jan. 9 and To Dragma editor nessman was honored. Included in the loads of swamp water. Who knows what
Sue Hinz served as guest speaker. guest list were Robin Beard, a congress- that is?
man from Tennessee; Wyeth Chandler,
Winter quarter for the AOIIs at the U Mayor of Memphis, and Howard Baker, Alpha Delta also has another great idea
of W was filled with many events such as the Senate Majority Leader. up their sleeve, added Ginger Manasco.
the Rose ball formal and exchanges. Rush We realize how important legacies are to
plans were finalized and song practices A net profit of $15,000 was raised to Alpha Omicron Pi, so we are planning a
had started for the annual Greek Week benefit the Arthritis Foundation. weekend just for them. Lots of f u n , ex-
songfest. citement, and adventure will be provided
ALPHA DELTA for our girls.
Last fall, the Alpha Deltas sponsored
Penn. State 36-24-36 . . . may sound like an their annual football tournament and
AOII's figure, but just maybe it's a play band party with two popular bands. Dur-
Epsilon Alpha colony has geared much she has up her sleeve . . . yes, a play, a ing the tournament, campus fraternities
of its energy and enthusiasm toward de- football play. raised 1,800 dollars which was donated
veloping group unity and establishing a to the Arthritis Foundation, Ruby Fund,
strong, positive name for itself within the The Alpha Deltas use funny plays and and the Diamond Jubilee Fund.
Greek community and throughout Penn lots of ability to win football champion-
State. ships. For the second year in a row they Homecoming at Bama brought more
won the A l l Campus Football Champion- excitement. Alpha Delta was awarded
To get to know each other even better, ship. second place in the lawn decoration com-
to work toward fulfilling colony goals petition, while the pledges received sec-
and simply to have fun, the group held a After the Fall semester rolled to a f i n - ond place in the annual choregraphy con-
winter sleep over at a lodge located in a ish, the AOIIs rolled into New Orleans test.
nearby recreational area. The women for a National football play-off. Compe-
learned A0I1 songs, exchanged gag gifts tition was tough, but they placed fourth The Alpha Deltas continue to work
for Christmas and cooked a tasty dinner overall and that was after a Christmas hard in different organizations on cam-
and breakfast the next morning. Dinner. Lindsey Bowers, a top running pus. New fraternity little sisters were cho-
back, received an AU-American award. sen as well as new members of Angel
The colony also participated in the Flight, Freshman Forum, Platemate, Ma-
10th annual Interfraternity Council Alpha Delta enjoyed a round of Spring jor's Advisory Council and Mortar
Dance Marathon in February. Since its Board. Denise Zaruba became a member
inception in 1973, the event has raised of the golf team and Debbie Hood was
more than $350,000. Alpha Omicron Pi voted as a campus favorite.
and Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity teamed
up to "Dance Four Diamonds" to benefit
a fund for children with cancer, Pam
MacLeod said.

The women planned a busy Spring
term which was highlighted by Greek
Week, April 19-24. Alpha Omicron Pi
joined Pi Kappa Phi fraternity to partici-
pate in the week of activities, including
chariot races and skits, and games.

KAPPA OMICRON Standing (from left) with Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker are Kappa Omicrons Betsy Eiford
'79, Jane Huey '81, and Melody Mitchell '79. Betsy, Jane, and Melody were escorts at the 1982 Sec-
Southwestern at Memphis ond Annual Arthritis Foundation Roast, in Memphis, Tenn. Photo by Jim Sanders, Alpha Tau
Omega '80.
Kappa Omicron has had a great year
so far. As a philanthropy project in De-
cember, the chapter sang Christmas car-
ols at the Crippled Children's Hospital in
Memphis. In mid-January pledges found
out who their big sisters were at Big Sis/
Little Sis Revelation.

Everyone is excited about the chapter's
loan from International Headquarters.
Our house has not been redecorated in
more than 20 years. A l l of us are looking
forward to making it energy efficient and
beautiful, explained Debra Walker.

PAN Formal, a big dance sponsored by
all the sororities at Southwestern, was a
success. Carol Beck 79 made it possible
for the dance to have two bands, for she
organized the music for the formal.

Kappa Omicron is very involved with
the Memphis Chapter of the Arthritis


NU BETA Lambda Chi is proud of being part of the successful event was "The Rose."
AOIl, added Lynne Carpenter. This has Reporter Maria Bruzio said the chap-
U of Mississippi been proven by the spirit that each mem-
ber possesses. We are excited about the ter, with assistance f r o m members of Del-
After an eventful fall semester and a links that are forming into a strong and ta Tau Delta fraternity, decked the halls
needed rest at Christmas, the energetic secure chain of love. of Cameron Manor, a home for senior
N u Betas got back to work in January. citizens, with Christmas warmth and
GAMMA BETA cheer in early December.
Pancake batter, sausage, and enthusi- Indiana University of Penn.
asm were the key ingredients that made The chapter also reported that another
the annual Pancake Breakfast a success. Gamma Beta chapter chartered a bus of its early year events the Big/Little Sis-
More than $2,000 was raised for Arthritis to take members and dates to their Fall ter Dinner began with some alarm—a fire
Research. Formal in Monroeville. The theme for alarm, that is, went o f f , as the special
event started. Things settled down soon
Forty-four pledges were initiated on and the dinner continued.
Jan. 31. Three N u Betas were chosen for
Who's Who of American Colleges and Nu Beta member wins title
Universities. They are Becky House, A l l i -
son Bulsterbaum, and Vicki Wills. Each year, students at the University of Vickie Wills, Nu Beta
Milleigh Hubbard received honorable Mississippi single out two of their peers Miss Ole Miss
mention. In addition to the title "Miss for the most coveted honors on campus—
Ole Miss," Vicki Wills was inducted into the titles of "Miss Ole Miss" and "Colonel elected pledge class president, she was se-
the highest honorary, the U . of M . Hall Rebel." Traditionally, those selected are lected to the Ole Miss Lady Rebels soft-
of Fame, reported Ellen Sumner. considered the most popular, accom- ball team, an honor she has maintained
plished and well-liked male and female throughout college. The petite physical
The chapter also boasts about Christi students. education major was elected Associated
Greenlee who was chosen Top 25 Best Student Body secretary during her sopho-
Dressed. Martha Derryberry, a Navy This year's winner, Vickie Wills of N u more year. In the next two years, she was
Sponsor, was selected to go w i t h the Beta chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, extended membership in Mortar Board
NROTC to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. scored a landslide victory in November and Omicron Delta Kappa, two of the
The Miss University Pagaent was held in over two other candidates. highest leadership honoraries on the Ole
February. Carla Bonds and Felicia Miss campus; and Rho Lambda greek
Manley, two singers in the pops group, According to Marian Ruth Ingram women's honorary. Vickie served Nu
"The Connection," joined Laura Smith public relations chairman, N u Beta chap- Beta on the campus Panhellenic Council
and Kathy Johnson in the competition. ter had a tough job to do: it had to make for four years and was chosen "Campus
sure more than 9,000 Ole Miss students Favorite" in her junior year.
LAMBDA CHI knew which candidate was most qualified
LaGrange College and deserved to be their "Miss Ole Miss." With a 3.61 grade point average, Vick-
ie was named the 1981 Lady Rebels Out-
Everyone has heard the old cliche "a The campaign was in full swing by standing Scholarship winner by the Lady
chain is only as strong as its weakest mid-October, with members and friends Rebels " M " Club and acted as vice com-
link." from all facets of campus life participat- mander of the A i r Force ROTC "Angel
ing. Contacts with members of clubs and Flight" squad. As a senior, Vickie has led
This is especially true at Lambda Chi other social fraternities were made, and Nu Beta as president, was selected to
chapter, LaGrange College, which has as the election date approached, the cam- "Who's Who in American Colleges and
been blessed with 52 women who have paign slogan became reality—"Everyone Universities," and was one of eight senior
taken their individual offices and tasks Knows It's Vickie." students inducted into the Ole Miss Hall
seriously to form a tight bond. of Fame.
AOILs led rallies for Vickie at six cam-
Scholarship Officer Jenny Horton has pus dormitories in the closing nights of
motivated Lambda Chi to w i n the Schol- the campaign, and the cheer "Vickie
arship Cup five consecutive quarters. She Wills, Miss Ole Miss," echoed f r o m the
has provided exam survival kits, a list of historic Ole Miss Lyceum Building to the
each member's major in case someone antebellum homes on Fraternity Row. On
needs extra help in a particular subject election morning, supporters and mem-
and a honor book for the sisters to sign bers held large yellow and blue signs em-
who have been on the Dean's List. blazoned with Vickie's name at voting
areas around campus. The A O I I house
Dayna McKay, social chairman, start- was filled to overflowing that night as the
ed planning the annual Jacqueminot Rose election results came in. Vickie had gath-
Ball in January. Considering that the ered the top number of votes, but was
dance is not held until May, her enthusi- scheduled for a run-off with the candi-
asm is obvious. date receiving the second largest tally.

Vice-President Sonya Brake has led our Although they were exhausted from
13 pledges through their first months in more than three weeks of strenuous cam-
AOn. Kidnapping them to supper at paigning, phone-calling and other organi-
Burger King, throwing a gala luau in zational activities, the spirited women of
their honor and providing them with T- Nu Beta quickly replenished their ener-
shirts, red hangers for their jerseys, and gies and spent the next week clinching the
AOIl ribbons for their hair were just a final victory by more than 400 votes.
few activities Sonya included in her
pledge program. Vickie, a native of Memphis, has
served both the campus and her sorority
Ellen Twitty, president of the chapter, well in the past four years. After being
has also shown her devotion through
hard work.


KAPPA ALPHA ers, we've compiled a newsletter to be also won several other Derby awards and
sent to all of our chapter alumnae," ex- is proud to have participated so success-
Indiana State plained Cathi Adams. fully!

Kappa Alpha at Indiana State Univer- Newly initiated members along with ALPHA CHI
sity busily prepared for Campus Revue, the actives and a few alumnae enjoyed a
with high hopes that their skit, set pri- banquet at the end of January, where Western Kentucky
marily to music from "The Wiz," would Nancy Peterson was recognized for her
be awarded first place. Paired with Pi high scholastic achievement and was se- Enthusiasm—that is what has made A l -
Kappa Alpha fraternity, the groups were lected as pledge of the year. pha Chi's year so successful. It began in
directed by Liz Cole, and Leanne the spring of 1981 when Alpha Chi won
Crumrin was responsible for the choreog- We had a wonderful time dancing at a first place awards in the Alpha Delta Pi
raphy. Members who were dancing were winter formal which was held at the 500 for the 14th year in a row and also
Liz Cole, Charlotte Copeland, Robin Mariott in Des Moines, and the chapter's took home the spirit award. Later in the
Crombie, Leanne Crumrin, Dee Eilar, spring pig roast, Cathi added. spring, the chapter placed first overall in
Deb Fisher, Julia Hammond, Christy WKU's Greek Week events.
Hoeing, Roxanne Jennings, Brenda Iota Sigma prepared for Greek Week
Kautz, Jeanine Kimmerle, Kay with the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, A t the spring awards banquet, Alpha
Kuckewich, Diann Melick, Sonja Nees, and Vieshea with the men of Theta Delta Chi was proud to find out that the Out-
Cindy Noblitt, Brenda Stanton, and Chi. standing Greek Woman at Western was
Cheryl White. one of its own sisters—LaDonna Spain.
On a cold night in January, a fire de-
Participating in a different capacity for stroyed the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity When the fall semester rolled around,
Campus Revue was Laurie Allen, serving here at Iowa State University. No lives Alpha Chi signed 33 new pledges and be-
as secretary of the production staff. She were lost, but some members lost all of gan the semester with a boom. Not only
was chosen f r o m numerous campus ap- their possessions. The chapter donated did Alpha Chi win first place awards in
plicants. Also, Jeanine Kimmerle served money to the cause, and hosted a dinner the Kappa Delta Washboard Jamboree
on the Campus Revue Golden Anniversa- for the members. and Sigma Nu Powderpuff Football, but
ry committee. also in the Sigma Chi Derby Week and
KAPPA GAMMA second place in Chi Omega's November
Several members of Kappa Alpha were Nonsense. These events were open to all
chosen to serve as Panhellenic officers: Florida Southern fraternities and sororities on Western's
Jennifer Franklin, judicial officer; Nancy campus. To top off all the winnings, A l -
Gerdink, public relations officer, and The Kappa Gamma chapter at Florida pha Chi also placed first in sorority divi-
Christy Hoeing, high school relations of- Southern College in Lakeland, Fla., re- sion intramural football and basketball,
ficer. cently won Sigma Chi Derby Week, an and second campuswide.
annual event to raise money for its phi-
Kappa Alpha has been inviting others lanthropy. For a week Sigma Chi spon- They were excited once again when
to share in their sisterhood during Spring sored events in which sororities and inde- three of their women, Harriet Largen,
Rush. The theme for the parties has been pendents competed. The group to win the Becky Woods, and Debbie Jones were
"Lollipops and Roses," reported Nancy most of these events is declared winner. named sweethearts to three fraternities.
Gerdink. These parties were informal,
with members being able to share their Individual honors went to AOIIs Daryl Even with all of this, Alpha Chi spent
thoughts on the meaning of AOII with the Meyer, Derby Queen, and Lynn (continued on page 36)
women. Domagala, Miss Legs. Kappa Gamma

It has been a productive Spring, with
the Kappa Alphas sharing with others
that enthusiastic and unbeatable AOII


Iowa State 5.

A busy indian summer launched the Kappa Gamma chapter displays its awards from Derby Days.
chapter into a busy fall as its powder puff
football team, coached by the Delta Tau
Deltas took first place overall. Another
honor captured by Iota Sigma included
second place in a local blood drive.

We've been very active on the Iowa
State campus this year. A n n Vander-
velde, Iota Sigma's president, was elected
secretary of the Panhellenic Council,
while Sharon Rutledge, student union
board representative, was selected as as-
sistant publicity for Wintergarden. Cathi
Adams is a photographer for a university
magazine, the Iowa Agriculturist. Linda
Fritz and Deb Lorimor are part of the all
greek choir, and our past president Deb
Bittenger was president of Mortar Board.

"Our Alumnae are very special to us,
so with the help of Sandy Voss and oth-


(continued from page 35) Janine Demerschman, OMEGA
most of its time with philanthropic proj- Panhellenic President
ects. The third annual Girl Scout Super Miami University
Sleep-in was held with more than 1500 " A l l Alpha Gammas are invited to
Girl Scouts attending. Alpha Chi put in come 'home' for a wonderful weekend of Omega has been learning about the
more than 300 hours on this project. reminiscing," Betsy Bushey reported. great extent of AOII sisterhood and its
They also spent time working in the true meaning, reported Sue Reinel.
Wendy's 10K Run and collecting cans of ALPHA PHI
dog and cat food for the local Humane Montana State In October, about 15 girls traveled to
Society. They, too, sold homecoming Penn State to help the new colony there
mums with all the proceeds going to the The Alpha Phi chapter at Montana with its first rush. After the rush party
Arthritis Foundation. State University has been busy this year. everyone exchanged songs and ideas
about chapter events.
When Western's homecoming rolled The chapter started out with a success-
around, the chapter hosted a homecom- ful fall rush—pledging a quota of 20. In November, the Kappa Kappa chap-
ing brunch for alumnae with approxi- ter from Ball State visited the chapter for
mately 150 attending. After the game, a In October the Alpha Phis sponsored its walkout. This was an extra special vis-
second place trophy was presented for its its annual Spook House. The chapter it because Omega President Susan
homecoming float, and sister Cathy house was decorated into erie scenes. Wiant's sister, Beth, was one of the
Schiess placed fourth in the homecoming pledges!
queen elections. Highlighting the fall quarter was
Founders' Day. More than 40 alumnae at- The chapter devoted a meeting to rede-
O n N o v . 22, about 50 Alpha Chis trav- tended the occasion which honored the fining goals as a chapter and as individu-
eled to Nashville, Tenn., for the opening late Judy Jones, an inspirational Alpha al AOIIs, at the suggestion of TC Nina
of the new International Headquarters. Phi member. The chapter was given a Martin. The outcome was extremely pos-
grandfather's clock in her memory. itive. Everyone felt an increased unity
OMEGA XI and chapter strength. One sister, Julie
Morehead State Among Derby Days, the SAE Olym- Brodt, wrote an inspirational poem about
pics and the Fall Fireside, the women this subject:
Rush was the main word for the Ome- managed to get in a lot of study hours
ga Xi chapter at Morehead State Univer- and ended the quarter successfully. Sometimes we forget
sity. During December and January about the legacy
members ate, drank, and slept "rush." Four of 15 contestants in the Miss Gal- that is AOII.
latin Valley Scholarship Pageant are
But it all paid off because we picked up AOIIs. The program is part of the nation- We were each fished
some really great pledges, Laurie Patton wide Miss America Pageant. out of the pink and green sea
The spring is filled with plans for Re- ofrushees
Some highlights of the end of last se- gion VI's Leadership Conference this June because we were special,
mester were the Blood Drive, where at the Alpha Phi chapter. because we could contribute something
Omega Xi took first place. It also took to make our chapter better.
first place in "Those amazing Rodents," a Panhellenic officer elected
rodent race where "Rosie" the chapter's Life won't always be perfect.
famous rat came in to an exciting first Marianee Legan, a member of Pi Delta We won't meet Mr. Right
place finish. at the University of Maryland, is the at every fraternity party,
campus Panhellenic Association secre- and we won't admire every sister
Omega Xi worked hard on various tary. like our best friend.
fund raisers such as chili suppers, Hal-
loween grams and bake sales. But each of us is special together,
in our own way.
ALPHA GAMMA We were chosen to come
Washington State and we need to respect
the value of each sister.
It continues to be a busy year for the
women of Alpha Gamma at Washington Many people are proud of AOTI,
State University. the girls that rushed us but weren't picked,
sisters in other chapters on other campuses,
Janine Demerschman has been elected our alumnae,
Panhellenic president at WSU. She held our families,
the office of Panhellenic secretary last our friends.
year and also has served as chapter exec- They all see value
utive secretary and corresponding secre- in this group of girls called
tary. Alpha Omicron Pi.
Do you?
Ann Marie Hallstaff, a former member
of the Upsilon chapter at the University
of Washington, has become an affiliate
member. She arrived just in time to be a
part of initiation week activities and cere-
monies for 28 enthusiastic pledges.

Preparation is underway for Alpha
Gamma's 50th anniversary planned for
May 21-23.


Sigma celebrates 75th year

1982 is a special year for Sigma chapter well as collegiate members from Berkeley Sigma, the seventh chapter of Alpha
at the University of California at Berke- and Davis attended the anniversary fes- Omicron Pi, was installed on Feb. 6,
ley. It marks the 75th anniversary of its tivities on Feb. 6. 1907. It had its origins in a local sorority,
sisterhood in Alpha Omicron Pi. Alpha Beta Sigma. Its first house was
The collegiate chapter held a reception "run like a large family" according to
More than 300 alumnae f r o m the East tea at the chapter house in the afternoon Mrs. Kinkead, '07.
Bay, Peninsula, San Jose, Sacramento, for the University community and sorori-
and Marin and Contra Costa counties as ty alumnae. Co-chairmen of the tea were "Rushing took only a few days with
Vivien Koenig and Karla Henning, re- upper-classmen coming by streetcar to
S ported Betty Eddins. pick up rushees and to take them home,"
she explained. Chapter house rules in
Twenty-five dozen roses decorated the 1907 stated that there was a 10 cent fine
Empire Room at the Hotel Claremont in for being late for dinner and in 1912,
Berkeley for the Rose Banquet which was there were "no theater dates on Sunday."
held that evening. Jo Beth Heflin, Inter-
national Secretary/Treasurer, was the In 1914, members bought a piano for
guest speaker. Ginger Banks, Internation- the house by contributing 10 cents per
al President, delivered an anniversary member per month. During World War I ,
message and gift to the chapter from the the sorority bought Liberty Bonds and in
international organization. Netha Hill World War I I , members contributed to
Kinkead, oldest living Sigma member purchase War Stamps and Bonds.
from the class of 1907 was presented with
a bouquet of roses f r o m Ellen Sher, Sig- The present house on Prospect Street in
ma's youngest member. Also honored at Berkeley was designed by the late Staf-
the banquet were the past chapter presi- ford Jory, professor of architecture at
dents and the 50-year members of the Berkeley in 1929. The chapter borrowed
chapter. The banquet ended with a slide $35,000 from the University at 6 percent
show of pictures from the founding days interest to finance the building of the
to present day life in the chapter. Carol house. A t the present time, there are 59
Whitlatch, chapter president, was collegiate members and 31 pledges in Sig-
toastmistress. Leah MacNeil, East Bay ma chapter.
Alumnae Chapter President, was chair-
man of the affair. The chapter has consistently main-
tained one of the highest scholastic grade
averages on campus.

Leah MacNeil, chairman, and Eleanor Plath at 1
Sigma's 75th anniversary banquet. Q

Panhellenic \ 4*
Council Alumnae, friends tour Sigma chapter house. «

Opens own 'home'

The Slippery Rock State College Pan-
hellenic Council has achieved a first
among sororities in the East. This fall,
Sigma Rho and seven other national so-
rorities at SRSC dedicated the Panhel-
lenic House, a house owned by the col-
lege and designated for use by the Coun-
cil. The sisters now have a home on

A t SRSC, as in many colleges and uni-
versities in the north and east, there are
no sorority houses. The chapters each
have the use of a small dorm room for
meetings, but have never had a place
they could call their own, large enough to
host Panhellenic meetings, Junior Panhel-
lenic meetings, ritual ceremonies and oth-
er events.


Honoring 50 years

Sisters return to Beta Kappa

1981 marked Beta Kappa's 50th Inn. Guest speakers included Region Among those honored during Beta Kappa's
year of existence, and AOIIs at the VI's Vice President Audrey Humason 50th anniversary celebration was left fore-
University of British Columbia cele- as well as International Director ground, Peggy Scott McUaig and Marg Goyer,
brated it in a big way. O n the week- Marilyn Herman. Between dinner both Rose Award winners; and background,
end of Oct. 16-18, Beta Kappas from and dancing, numerous awards were left, Judit Putti Spence, a Rose Award recipi-
all over North America met in Van- presented to actives, alumnae and ent and Louise Mouat Grant, Alumnae Service
couver to renew old friendships with IIOAs. nOA awards were given to Award.
sisters from five decades. Wilfred Grimble and Geoffrey Mott,
and recognition awards were given to
The celebrations began with a Fri- seven alumnae who planned the big
day night cocktail party at the UBC weekend: Margaret Goyer Grimble,
Grad Center. While some guests so- Leslie Pickerill Johnstone, Peggy
cialized in the Center, others were Scott McUaig, Anne Ridsdale Mott,
given guided tours of the AOII room Venie Dean Perkins, Alice Davidson
in the nearby Panhellenic House by Porter and Judit Putti Spence.
actives and pledges. The room was
filled with dozens of scrapbooks, The Alumnae Service Award went
composites and other memorabilia to Louise Mouat Grant, and the Out-
reflecting all aspects of the chapter standing Service Award went to A l -
since its beginning in 1931. IIOA ice Davidson Porter, one of Beta
Geoffrey Mott, husband of Alumnae Kappa's original founders. The Ruth
Treasurer Anne Ridsdale Mott, Leichtamer Award was presented to
videotyped Beta Kappa in groups, Marjorie Stevens f o r outstanding
decade by decade. Every person in service as a collegian. Other awards
each group gave her fond personal included 50-year certificates, and the
recollections of life as a collegiate in international organization presented
the sorority before the whole group a silver tea set as a gift to the colle-
sang an "AOII Song of the Decade." giate chapter.

The weekend culminated in the A Sunday Tea at Anne Mott's resi-
50th Anniversary Banquet, held Sat- dence marked the end of the anniver-
urday night at Vancouver's Bayshore sary celebration.

Society begins sorting process

Left, Alice Davidson Porter, one of Beta Kap- AOII Historical Society members have who pays $20 biennially shall be consid-
pa's original founders received her 50 year cer- started the task of sorting, classifying, ered a member of the Historical Society."
tificate, a Rose Award and Outstanding Serv- etc., the many boxes that now contain
ice Award during the chapter's anniversary the fraternity's history. "We hope that many chapters and cor-
celebration last fall. porations will want to indicate their sup-
International Historian Edith Anderson port of the work of the Historical Society
was in Nashville in October to prepare by becoming a member," Norma said.
some of the displays. However, Norma A l l memberships should be sent to Ruth
Ackel, chairman of the Historical Soci- Lee Leichtamer, 3455 Goddard Road, To-
ety, reports an almost overwhelming ledo, Ohio 43606. Ruth is secrretary-
amount of work still needs to be done. treasurer of the Historical Society.

"The Historical Society needs help," When the historical materials have
Norma stressed. The society officers are been sorted, etc., the Historical Society
forming a historical committee in Nash- plans to ask the membership for specific
ville to work on the important project so data which will fill in the gaps.
"we will know what we have and what
we still need to fill in the gaps." Subse- "Please, do not dispose of any histori-
quent visits to Headquarters by knowl- cal material," Norma said. "There is a
edgeable AOIIs will provide guidance and great deal of historical material in the
leadership to the work of the local com- hands of members and their families, as
mittee. well as chapters. We w i l l be asking for
specific pieces soon."
The Executive Committee of the His-
torical Society with approval f r o m the At the present time the society is look-
Executive Board has allowed the start of ing for a good picture of Merva Henning,
chapter and corporation memberships to Past International President. If anyone
the society. has such a picture, she should contact the
International Historian via International
The new provision states, "Any chap- Headquarters.
ter or corporation of Alpha Omicron Pi



Region I Region II Region III

Tufts University University of Wisconsin University of Georgia
Boston, Massachusetts Milwaukee, Wisconsin Athens, Georgia
June 25—27
June 2 5 - 2 7 June 18—20 Chapter Adviser/
Chapter Adviser/ Chapter Adviser/
Regional Director Training: Regional Director Training: Regional Director Training:
June 24
June 24 June 17

Region IV Region V Region VI

University of Evansville University of Nebraska Montana State University
Evansville, Indiana Lincoln, Nebraska Bozeman, Montana
June 1 1 - 1 3 June 18—20 June 18—20
Chapter Adviser/ Chapter Adviser/ Chapter Adviser/

Regional Director Training: Regional Director Training: Regional Director Training:
June 10 June 17 June 17

Region VII Region VIII

Hilton Inn of Tulsa University of Arizona
Tulsa, Oklahoma Tucson, Arizona
June 2 5 - 2 7
June 4—6 Chapter Adviser/
Chapter Adviser/
Regional Director Training Regional Director Training
June 24
June 3

POSTMASTER—Please send notice Second Class Postage Paid at Nash-
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to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn ing offices.
Ave., Nashville, TN 37215

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