a Omicron Pi
Spring 1973 Vol. LX No. 7
Make Convention Your Next Move
Spotlighting Our Faithful Alumnae
AOII Is A Lifetime
During the late 1920's, Mrs. Francis Rich 12 and Mrs. Hermi- arthritic now . . . clothes with Velcro . closings': aprons on
one Price I, both living in Cincinnati, sought out area AOIIs, plastic hoops to eliminate tying bows; even gadgets to help the
checked with national officials about the correct procedure and arthritic hold a spoon so he can feed himself.
officially founded the Cincinnati, Alumnae Chapter.
As a local philanthropy, the alumnae,group still works with
Their main effort was directed toward Theta Eta, active, FNS. At Christmas time, the chapter trims a mitten tree, and
young chapter at the University of Cincinnati. The alumnae donates children's clothing and household supplies to the
made tablecloths, cleaned and painted the house, and estab- Service. In addition, since the late 50's, the Cincy alums, along
lished a Scholarship Fund to help their sisters through school. with Omega Chapter, Miami University, have contributed to
Longview State Hospital in Cincinnati.
Because they were so near AOII's philanthropic project, the
Frontier Nursing Service in Kentucky, several of the Cincy Alumnae convert men's white shirts to hospital shirts for male
alums took a tour of FNS facilities (by horseback!) after the patients and provide plastic "beauty capes" for the women to
Lake Forest Convention in 1936. This sparked new interest use when they do their hair.
for national philanthropic. For example, AOIIs who had been
meeting informally to make quilts for their hope chests in The groups also make "welcome" bags and give them to new
quilting bees termed "Grab 'n' Stitch" for obvious reasons, patients for their personal belongings. They have donated
turned to philanthropy and began to sew for FNS. money to stock the kitchen with pots and pans for cooking
classes and have made aprons for the girls. They've also spon-
The Group then took on a local philanthropy . . . the sored several well-received parties for the patients.
Hamilton County Home and Hospital for the Aged. "Gab 'n'
Stitch" made cushions for their rockers because "as people get The Cincinnati Alumnae have always been real "go-getters"
older, they also get bonier!" - when it comes to philanthropy. Such efforts offer an excuse to
In addition, each AOII adopted a "Mother" or "Father" get together!
and remembered them throughout the year with visits, cards They've collected everything imaginable: eyeglasses to be re-
and gifts. The chapter also bought a treadle sewing machine
for the home—easier for the older ladies to operate. ground for the needy; postmarked stamps by the shoe-box-full
for Veterans' Hospital; clothes for FNS; old costume jewelry
Following World War I I , the Alumnae Chapter decided to and little bars of soap for Bingo prizes for Longview patients.
commemorate AOII relatives who died during the war. A hand- They've won several awards for work in this area.
knit afghan was auctioned to the highest bidder. With the
proceeds, the group bought a projector to start a "Library on The Cincy alums also have held their share of money-mak-
Film" for the Cincinnati Public Library. ing projects: "silent" auctions, a multitude of card parties,
"hobby" auctions; rummage sales.
Books were filmed, then shown on the hospital room ceiling
for disabled patients unable to sit up and read. An exceptional project was "Art in the Park", an art exhibit
and sale for local artists in the heart of downtown Cincinnati!
Francis Rich's husband, Carl Rich, at one time mayor of The alums received a percentage of any sales for their efforts.
Cincinnati dedicated the library to the war-dead. A fund was And when home television sets were still a novelty, the group
set up to buy books for filming. Upon the death of an AOII used to hold potluck supper at the home of a lucky TV-owning
or relative, money was contributed in their name. This project sister and charge admission!
caught on with the public. The money built up rapidly but
books were hard to come by, so it was used to maintain exist- The spirit of the group is unending—Truly AOII.
ing projectors and purchase new ones. While many Cincinnati Alumnae are old college friends, they
welcome newcomers as warmly as old-timers. There are sev-
Also the Cincy alums supported the AOII national efforts to eral "splinter groups" . . . mostly bridge groups who offer the
feed war-victimized children in France.-Some of these children same fellowship and fun as the more highly organized chapter.
contracted tuberculosis and AOII supported the treatment for The Cincinnati Alumnae feel that " L I F E T I M E " member-
this as well. ship in AOII should be stressed more strongly in collegiate
chapters. More sisters should enjoy the advantages of being an
Since 1969, the Cincinnati Alumnae have contributed whole- active AOII alumnae that the Cincy chapter has found.
heartedly to the local Arthritis Foundation. Gab 'n' Stitch still
meets during the summer—they make items useful for the JULIE ELLIS MARSH
Nu Iota
>% Qiaanui of
Alpha Omicron Pi
Spring, 1973 Vol. L X , No. VII
published since January 1905 by
ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office CONTENTS
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Spotlighting Our Faithful Alumnae Second Cover
Telephone: 317-545-6553
The Shape of Things T o Come 170
Send all editorial material and corre-
spondence to the Convention Executives Concoct Intriguing Training 171
EDITOR Sessions
Mrs. Robert C . Murphy
4534 Shy's Hill Road, Convention Information, Central Acquisition Fund 172
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Send all changes of address, death no- Convention Registration Form, T O D R A G M A ' S New 173
tices and T O D R A G M A subscriptions Format
Post Convention Cruise, Roseland Boutique 174
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office What's New On Campus? 175
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Region V I I Proudly Announces Birth of New C h a p t e r . . . 177
TO D R A G M A is published by Alpha Springtime, Alpha Kappa Pledging, Sigma Lambda
Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar-
ters at Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Park- Birthday 178
way, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, Sec-
ond Class Postage paid at Indianapolis, Special Events 179
Indiana, and at additional mailing offices.
D . J . F . Trustees Pleased 180
TO D R A G M A is printed four times a
year in Fall, Winter, Spring and Sum- Special Notes And Quotes From Alumnae Luminaries . . 1 8 1
mer by Benson Printing Company, 136
Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, Tenn. Statement of Ownership Third Cover
37219. Deadline dates are June 15, Sept.
15, Dec. 15 and Feb. 15 for Fall, Winter,
Spring and Summer, respectively.
Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year. Life Subscription.
TO D R A G M A REPORTERS: Please send all copy to Mrs. Robert C . Murphy, Editor, TO DRAGMA, 4534
Shy's Hill Road, Nashville, Tenn. 37215. Type all stories and letters, double or triple space, on one side of paper
only. If sending newspaper clippings, please note the names of publications, location and date news appeared.
Sign your name and chapter.
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies of Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, Suite 109. 3000
Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973 169
The Shape Of Things To Come,
AOII's 75th Anniversary Convention
June 17-22
The over-all picture for AOII's 50th AOUs of Region 111, collegiates and alumnae, will play hostess at the 50th Biennial
Biennial Convention June 17-22, International Convention June 17-22 at the Diplomat Hotel and Resorts in Holly-
1973, when the fraternity's 75th an- wood-By-The Sea, Fla. This is one of the many views often seen on network tele-
niversary will be celebrated, promises vision and in motion pictures of the fabulous hotel where the sorority will celebrate
to be a subtle blending o f nostalgia its 75th Anniversary.
with contemporary work sessions,
solemn ritual and brilliant receptions, tion registration fee no later than May Official Convention business will get
banquets and luncheons. 14, 1973. underway Monday morning, June 18,
with credential presentation in Con-
This emphasis of the most current The reservation forms found in this vention Hall at 9 a.m. followed by the
trends in the Greek world while re- issue should be clipped, completed in opening session.
viewing the past and looking to the their entirety, with a notation made
future is reflected in the Convention for your choice of rooms at the f o l - Hostesses at the Extension-Panhel-
theme, Fraternally Yours-AOII-75 lowing prices: per day: single occu- lenic Luncheon on that date will be
Years. pancy, $41.65; double occupancy. members of Alpha Pi, Delta Delta.
$26.78. Gamma Delta, Gamma Omicron, and
The Diplomat Resorts and Country Auburn-Opelika, Gainesville, Mobile.
Club i n Hollywood-By-The Sea, Fla., Delegates will be assigned room- Montgomery and Orlando-Winter Park
will be the scene of the gala, five-day mates. Y o u r preference may be stated, Alumnae Chapters.
session. but cannot always be granted.
Sharing the duties of toastmistress
Convention receives added impetus Other than your rooms these prices will be International Extension Vice
with the announcement of featured include three meals a day, 15% gratu- Presidest Adele K . Hinton P and NPC
speakers for two of the most festive ity and 4 % Florida sales tax. Delegate, Norma N . Berry P.
affairs scheduled during the five-day
session—the 75th Anniversary Ban- The registration fee is $35 f o r the Starring the Convention calendar
quet, Monday June 18, and the Rose entire Convention. Those attending the Monday, June 18, is the formal 75th
Banquet Thursday, June 21. Convention on a part-time basis must Anniversary Banquet.
pay a registration fee of $7 for each
International President Eleanore D. day in attendance. Hostess chapters for this gala affair
MacCurdy announces that Mary are Gamma Sigma, Lambda Sigma.
Danielson D r u m m o n d A<f>, Interna- Following registration from 2 to 5 Lambda Chi, Atlanta and Atlanta Tri
tional Historian, member of the Ritual p.m. Sunday, June 17, delegates will County Alumnae.
and Traditions and Jewelry Commit- initiate a busy Convention schedule by
tee and a Past International President attending their respective regional re- The Philanthropic Luncheon is set
will speak at the anniversary celebra- ceptions. for 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 19,
tion. with International Philanthropic Chair-
Gerry K i n g will serve as toast- man, Patti B. Penning O, as toast-
Another Past International Presi- mistress and International President, mistress, and hostess chapters, Omega
dent and current member of the Board Eleanore D . MacCurdy IA, will be Omicron, Tau Omicron, Jackson and
of Directors, Carolyn Huey Harris AS, the featured speaker at the opening Martin Alumnae.
will keynote the Rose Banquet, tra- banquet at 6 p.m.
ditionally the climaxing social event of Patricia J. Mottweiler (-), Interna-
Convention. Verginia Long Miller, I, Hostess chapters at this formal af- tional Executive Vice President, will
Past International Vice President, will fair will be Kappa Gamma, Broward preside at the Alumnae Dinner that
be the Toastmistress. County, Cocoa-Melbourne, Miami and evening and Kappa Omicron, N u Beta.
Palm Beach County Alumnae.
Convention-goers traveling by auto-
mobile will find super highways all the To Dragrna of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
way since Hollywood-By-The-Sea is
part of Florida's Gold Coast and in
proximity to Miami, Ft. Lauderdale
and Palm Beach.
If you're arriving by air, Interna-
tional Convention Chairman. Geral-
dine Martindale King (Mrs. Jack B.
no, advises saving time and money
by flying directly into Ft. Lauder-
dale, rather than Miami since the
former airport is only 20 minutes
away from the Diplomat while the
M i a m i airport is at least 45 minutes
away. Both limousine and taxi service
are available f r o m both airports.
You will need to pay your Conven-
and the Memphis Alumnae Chapters Convention Executives Concoct
will play hostesses. Intriguing Training Sessions
The schedule for Wednesday, June by G I N G E R B A N K S I I K Working on those premises, during
20, is marked by five hours of free Traveling Consultant our International Convention in
time f o r delegates f r o m noon until Miami, people f r o m across AOIT Land
6 p.m. with no programmed luncheon. The thought of Convention usually will be given many opportunities to
brings to mind meeting new friends, increase their "cooking" skills.
Convention-goers may eat in any of renewing old acquaintances, compar- Thought-starting training sessions will
the hotel's dining rooms. They may ing notes with sisters f r o m all over the offer a menu of delicacies ranging
prefer to eat outside the hotel at their United States and Canada, and not f r o m " H o w T o " sessions to "Rap"
own expense. getting any sleep. While those very sessions. A n d the menu is very com-
definitely are prime ingredients of our plete, offering a bill of fare to suit any
International Administrative Vice International Conventions, no Conven- taste: advisers, collegiate chapter
President. Janie L . Callaway O. is tion would be complete without for- presidents, regional officers, alumnae
scheduled to be toastmistress at that malized training sessions concocted so chapter presidents and every other
evening's Collegiate Dinner. that each A O I I can leave with a better A O I I in attendance.
knowledge of what's cooking in A O I I .
Convention planners extraordinaire The " H o w T o " sessions will be de-
Connoisseurs of past International signed so as to provide as much food
Susie Livingston and Gerry King Conventions generally agree that as for thought as possible. But modera-
far as collecting "recipes" f o r suc- tors of the "Rap" sessions will simp-
Hostesses will be Omicron. Phi cessful rushes and tasty chapter pro- ly be on hand to stir the discussions
Alpha, Zeta Psi and Knoxville and grams are concerned, late night in- when needed. The general direction
Johnson City Alumnae Chapters. formal gab sessions are often the most will be cooked up by you.
productive. But our chefs have found
A memorial service is scheduled that it usually takes some tantalizing A t this Convention, every effort is
following the banquet that evening. idea hors d'oeuvres to really get the going to be made to see that every
brain waves clicking during those in- AOIT in attendance satisfies her hunger
A n important point of business set formal sessions. for information and useful tools.
Thursday morning, June 2 1 , is the
election of the Board of Directors and \ In catering to those aims, other ses-
Executive Committee. sions will offer discussions about ritual,
public relations, collegiate chapter
Executive Committee members, finances, college panhellenics, city pan-
Norma M . Ackel K 0 and Bobbye Mc- hellenics, chapter relations, alumnae
Carter, NO, Treasurer and Secretary, chapter programming, collegiate rush,
respectively, are scheduled to preside and alumnae membership.
at the Fun Luncheon on that date.
Convention gourmets have whipped
Alumnae from Birmingham, Hunts- up an array of sessions that will satisfy
ville and Tuscaloosa, Ala., plus col- many needs. But they also hope that
legiates of Alpha Delta are in charge their concoctions will lead to informal
of arrangements for this event. discussions between AOITs with mu-
tual interests and concerns.
A t 4 p.m. the installation of new
officers will be held. As a futher step to insuring that
much knowledge is imparted during
Hostess chapters for the glittering, the 1973 Convention, a Resource
formal Rose Banquet, set f o r 7 p.m. Center will again offer goodies to be
in the Regency N o r t h Room are N u shared with all AOIls. Rush skits,
Omicron and Nashville Alumnae chapter program ideas, pledge note-
Chapters. books, philanthropic programs, schol-
arship ideas, songs and a selection of
Following this Convention spectacu- other innovative ideas will be avail-
lar, members of the new Executive able for photocopying.
Committee will form a receiving line.
It is hoped that every A O r i chapter
Friday, June 22, breakfast is sched- will contribute such items as copies of
uled from 7:30 untill 8:30 a.m. and their fraternity education plans,
check out time is f r o m 9 a.m. until pledge handbooks, and other treats
noon. tnat could be just the right ingredient
needed by another chapter. Don't for-
Gerry King announces that local get to pack your chapter's good ideas
ritual chairman f o r Convention is for the Resource Center when you
Betty Gordy Shulz (Mrs. John P.) pack your suitcase.
R.R. 2, Box 188, Pompano Beach,
Fla. 33060.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973 171
CONVENTION INFORMATION Formal Banquets $12.00 Opening Banquet
$13.50 75th and Rose Banquets
The 50th Biennial Convention of Alpha Omicron Pi
(special favors at these
will be held at the Diplomat Resorts and Country Club banquets)
in Hollywood-By-The-Sea, Florida, from June 17 Prices include 4% Florida sales tax and 15% gra-
through June 22, 1973
Flying to Convention? Save time and money. Fly into
National Convention Chairman—Geraldine King Ft. Lauderdale!
(Mrs. Jack B.), 9029 Maple Grove Drive, St. Louis,
Mo. 63126. In making reservations for air travel to Convention,
be sure to book a flight that flies directly into Ft.
Local Convention Co-Chairmen—Susie Hunt Liv- Lauderdale airport, rather than into Miami. The Ft.
ingston (Mrs. A.C.), 1521 N . E . 57 Court, Ft. Lauder- Lauderdale airport is closer to the Diplomat, approxi-
dale, Fla. 33308, and Virdia Van Huss Cushman (Mrs. mately 20 minutes away, while the Miami airport is at
Stanley), 240 Galen Drive, Key Biscayne, Fla. 33149. least 45 minutes away. Both limousine and taxi services
are available from both airports.
Reservation Chairman—Linda Ekberg Blau (Mrs,. From Ft. Lauderdale: limo.—$ 2.50
Arthur E . ) , 7913 W. Zenetian Street, Mirama, Fla.
Hospitality Chairman—Marilyn (Patty) Connors
Caliendo (Mrs. Sam C.) 2500 N . E . 22 Street, Pompano taxi—$6.00 plus tip
Beach, Fla. 33060 From Miami: limo.—$ 4.50
HOTEL INFORMATION taxi—$15.00 plus tip
Full American Plan Rates (Includes room, meals, Note: Limo. and taxi fares quoted were current in
4% Florida sales taxes and 15% gratuity) per person. September '72. June '73 fares could be slightly higher.
(5 days) Those AOIIs planning to combine the Convention
with a vacation trip for husband and family will be
Single Room $41.65 $208.25 interested to know that two events are scheduled for
husbands' benefit.
Double Twin $26.78 $133.90
(1.) The Senate Room in the Diplomat West, di-
Room rectly across Ocean Drive from the Diplomat, has been
set aside for a Husbands' Hospitality Hour from 5-6
Parking Rates: $2.50 per day p.m. on Sunday, June 17, with cash bar. This would be
a good time to meet other IIOAs and make plans for
$1.50 any part of day golf, tennis, swimming or loafing together while AOIIs
are in meetings.
Valet parking only
General Registration Fee—A registration fee of
$35.00 is required by each person attending Conven-
NO REGISTRATION F E E CAN B E ACCEPTED (2.) Husbands are welcome to attend the gala 75th
Anniversary Banquet Monday, June 18, at 6:30 p.m.
A F T E R M A Y 14, 1973. in the Regency North Room of the Diplomat. Just be
sure to make a reservation, please, using the Individual
Daily Registration Fee—For those attending conven- Meal Reservation form in this issue.
tion on a part-time basis, a registration fee is required. MAILING TO CONVENTION
Packages mailed to the Diplomat to be held for Con-
Registration fee for attendance at one day of convention vention should be sent to arrive no earlier than May 15,
1973. Address: Diplomat Hotel, Hollywood-By-The-
is $7.00. Seven dollars per day plus meal tickets for Sea, Fla. 33022.
those not staying in hotel.
Prices of meals for non-registered AOIIs wishing to
attend scheduled luncheons, dinners, or formal ban-
quets at Convention are as follows: Be sure to make each package: H O L D F O R AOII
C O N V E N T I O N and the name of the person who will
Luncheon $ 4.75 claim it.
Dinner $ 9.50
Central Office 1Acquisition Fund K A P P A O M I C R O N , Southwestern
at Memphis, is the first collegiate
Sets First Goal ForConvention In June chapter to contribute to the fund.
Do you and your chapter want to The results of the questionnaire All Contributions will be voluntary
be among the P A C E M A K E R S who distributed at Regional Conventions from chapter or individual. If you
will present the Fraternity with a last year indicated that the majority of want to join in, be ready with your
birthday gift? Of course, you do. our membership was in favor of estab- Birthday Gift at the June Convention.
lishing a permanent headquarters; a
Officially the Central Office Acquisi- lasting center for our records, our his- If you have questions or wish to
tion Fund is a reality! torical effects and memorabilia as well send a contribution now and join the
as an efficient space for our growing- P A C E M A K E R S write:
The Committee which was ap- office-nerve center.
pointed by resolution at the last In- Carolyn H, Harris, Chairman
ternational Convention, has opened a TEN EARLY VOLUNTEERS Central Office Acquisition Fund
Savings Account and has big plans for HAVE STARTED THE BALL 2965 Pharr Court South, N.W.
developing a down-payment fund to R O L L I N G W I T H $1,000. Atlanta, Georgia 30305
build or buy our Fraternity a perma-
nent headquarters. NOW Y O UH A V E A WHOLE NEW
172 To Drafiina of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
Fill In this blank. Type or print legibly. Include $35.00 registration fee. Registration fee for attendance at one
day of convention is $7.00. Mail the completed forms with your check made payable to Alpha Omicron Pi, Inc., Suite
109, 3000 Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, Ind. 46205 by May 14 to assure your reservations. Fill the registration
blank out in its entirety.
Husband's full name State Name Chapter
Maiden name in full Capacity Non-Delegate
Collegiate Chapter and Year
Street Address In Case Of Emergency Contact
Official Delegate To Convention?
Collegiate or Alumnae?
Your A o n Region
Arrival Date Departure Date
N O T E : Roommates will be assigned for collegiate presidents, alumnae advisers, alumnae presidents and all in-
ternational regional officers.
Name in Full.
Street Address
City State Zip.
Type Accommodation desired Single Double
Check-in Date Time Check-Out Date Time
Roommate Assignment (Leave blank)
Name in full
Delegate Capacity _
Non-Delegate Past Title
Roommate preference for non-delegates only
Chapter and year . Number of Conventions Previously
Attended , -—
N O T E : All this information is most important, so please complete A L L FORMS.
TO DRAGMA's New ternational President Wilma Smith A special history edition prepared
Leland T, said, "The Winter issue of by Mary Danielson Drummond (Mrs.
Format Reaps Excited, T O D R A G M A came yesterday. It is Warren C . A * ) , Past International
marvelous to know that we have President, member of the Rituals and
Pleased Comments reached the place where I can say, Traditions and Jewelry Committee,
'Congratulations' on a magazine the and Historian, with the special assis-
The revamping of T O D R A G M A ' s appearance of which makes me tance of another Past International
format and the initial use of a full proud." President, Wilma Leland, it will com-
color front cover in the Winter, 1972, memorate the 75th Anniversary of
issue has brought resounding, far flung Gerry Walker Fleagle AS, compiler Alpha Omicron Pi.
praise and comment. of the new AOIT Songbook, writes, "A
great winter '72 T O D R A G M A . The first 500 copies will be dis-
International President Eleanore Beautiful cover—color, subject mat- tributed at the 50th International Con-
Dietrich MacCurdy IA was so excited ter and paper stock! To us northern- vention June 17-22 at the Diplomat,
by the new look of the magazine that ers, cover scene with cactus, palm Hollywood-By-The-Sea, Florida, prior
she didn't wait to write. She tele- trees and blue skies, and happy, good- to the regular mailing.
phoned her compliments all the way looking gals by a beautiful hotel—most
from Bridgewater, Mass.. to Nash- appealing. Contents of T D very And quite fittingly, too, since Mary
ville, Tenn. good!" D. Drummond will be the featured
speaker at the 75th Anniversary Ban-
Past T O D R A G M A Editor and In- The summer issue, 1973, promises quet, a convention highlight.
to be still more exciting.
To Drai>ma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
Post Convention tinental charm and Italian gracious- Roseland Boutique
ness. Returns
Reservations will be handled direct- Snap up the opportunity to earn
Convention hospitality chairman, ly through the Ft. Lauderdale Travel additional money and recognition for
Patty Connors Caliendo, has made ar- Service's manager, Frank Theissen. your chapter.
rangements through the F t . Lauder-
dale Travel Service for a Post Con- A minimum of just 15 reservations Participate in the Roseland Bou-
vention Weekend Cruise to Nassau for is needed to assure AOITs of making tique, a star attraction of the June 17-
AOIIs and their families. the cruise at group rates. 22 International Convention in Holly-
wood-By-The-Sea, Fla.
A literal Roman Holiday, the three- If a bus-load of convention-goers
day trip is aboard the S / S F L A V I A sign up for the three-day S / S Flavia The merchandise offered for sale
sailing from Dodge Island in Miami, cruise, bus transportation from the will be re-sale items such as pens, sta-
June 22, 1973. Diplomat to the ship can be arranged. tionery, calendars A N D original hand-
craft items dreamed up by ladies like
Not just a cruise ship, the Flavia Patty will be available on registra- yourself! Begin now!
is the Italian Rivera afloat with spa- tion day at Convention to provide ad-
cious sun deeks, two swimming pools, ditional information for individuals Boutique chairman is Faith Stewart
a hugh solarium, gala nights in the who plan to make the trip. Burke (Mrs. Jourdan M.) of Lauder-
Riviera Club, three lounges, and dale Lakes, Fla. To aid in planning
"Cuisine Fantastico" served with con- Fill out the following registration the boutique and to insure its success,
form and mail it, with your deposit please observe the following require-
directly to the address shown on the ments.
form. Get your reservations in im-
mediately so the steamship company B Y M A R C H 31, 1973
will hold sufficient space for AOIT.
1. Send Boutique Entry Blank to Faith
RESERVATION FORM S. Burke. (See attached blank)
2. Give the O R G I N A L items extra
S/S FLAVIA attention before deciding to submit a
June 22, 1973 resale item!
B Y A P R I L 15, 1973
Mr. Frank Theissen, Mgr.
1100 East Las Olas Boulevard Send O N E S A M P L E of your item to
Fort Lauderdale Travel Service, Inc. Faith and include the following:
1. Estimated number of items to be
Please reserve accomodation for: nuteM* Insidp. brought to convention.
2. Estimated number of cartons to be
Attached is a check in the amount of $ ($^0 AO per person), payable sent.
3. A self-addressed post card to ac-
to Fort Lauderdale Travel Service, Inc., a deposit for the above cruise. Balance knowledge receipt and acceptance of
your item.
is due on or before May 10, 1973.
4. Tag your item with chapter name,
Signature: . Date location and price of item.
Address: - ___ „ It is your responsibility to get Rose-
land Boutique items to Convention. If
Zip Phone you choose, you may send your items
to D I P L O M A T H O T E L , H O L L Y -
S P E C I A L G R O U P R A T E S (Include room and meals) WOOD, F L O R I D A 33022.
C A P R I D E C K . . . O U T S I D E , $155.00 C A P R I D E C K . . . I N S I D E $145.00 Mark on the carton, H O L D F O R
All cabins with 2 lower beds and private shower & toilet SEND CARTONS ANY EARLIER
T H A N M A Y 15, 1973. Mark each
Port taxes: $5.25 carton with chapter name, price of
items and how many items are in-
ALL PRICES A R E PER PERSON . . . DEPOSIT REQUIRED PER PERSON cluded. Include in each carton a five
inch by seven inch sign with your
IS $50.00. (Cabins will accommodate a 3rd person in a pullman upper at 95.00.) chapter name.
M A I L B Y M A R C H 15, 1973 to M R S . J . M . B U R K E 1. Y o u will be responsible for taking
care of any left-over items. (Of course,
3755 N W 24 St. there won't be any if all goes well).
Lauderdale Lakes 2. A check for your efforts will be
Florida, 33311 mailed to the address you place on the
Phone 305-733-8372 entry blank.
Chapter name Phone
Street Address
City, State, Zip
President's Name
B R I E F description of p n t r y
Approximate size .Estimated Number to bring
Where checks are to be mailed following the convention
Name .. _
Address .
174 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
What's New On Campus?
(Second Article) for instance, housing for women has leges which have already given students
been removed from the dean's office a wide voice in decisions, show that by
by M A R Y M A R G A R E T G A R R A R D in a move to reorganize personnel "ac- and large these students have "dis-
cording to function, rather than sex." charged their responsibilities with ef-
The first article in this series dealt with while the office itself has been given fectiveness and dignity." However, some
the new approach and the new patterns the overall function of student rela- authorities feel students are not suf-
in universities. This article deals with tions and programs. She is nevertheless ficiently interested to give enough time
the new organization and the new free- hopeful that "with the upsurge of wom- and attention to running a university,
dom. en's voice, strengthened by legislative nor do they have the experience. In
action . . . that women administrators, any case, so far few students, if any,
THE NEW ORGANIZATION by whatever title, will gain opportunity have been given a vote on hiring and
for equal responsibility." firing professors, although students are
The Disappearing Dean of Women actively evaluating faculty members and
The Student Voice teacher performance more and more.
In a survey conducted in June, 1970,
by the National Association of Women Kansas State University—A presi- A Degree in Three Years?
Deans and Counselors in which 1208 dential committee, composed of stu-
members reported, only 318 or 26.3% dents, faculty members and top admin- Dr. Marvin B. Perry, Jr., president
indicated that they had the title of istrators, will meet bi-weekly with the of Goucher College, has announced
Dean of Women or worked as a part university president to discuss problems that it is now possible for a student
of a Dean of Women's staff. of a university-wide nature.—From a to earn an A. B. degree in three years
report to the National Association of without paying extra tuition, without
The trend to replace the Dean of State Universities and Land-Grant Col- studying over the summer and without
Women, often with a male Dean of leges. compromising in either quantity or
Students and an associate woman dean, quality of courses taken.—From a news
plus an attendant staff of specialists such Rather than speaking from a soapbox release, March 1971.
as activity directors, placement direc- on the corner of the campus, students
tors, financial aid directors, apparently are seeking—and gaining—the right to The three-year college degree is one
started in the 1940's. The trend is speak within the organization itself, of the recommendations put forth by
strongest on the larger campuses, i. e.: sometimes from the prestigious level of the Carnegie Commission on Higher
Purdue is the only one of the Big Ten the board of trustees, but more often on Education in order to lower costs both
retaining the Dean of Women title. On faculty and administrative committees. for colleges and students. The State Uni-
the new campus at the University of versity of New York has announced
West Florida there is neither a dean On the trustee level, Denison is one it will offer a three-year B. A. degree
of men nor dean of women, only a university which recently broke prece- in 1972 and many others are studying
director of student activities. dent and chose an outstanding senior it, these including Harvard and Prince-
girl to serve on its board. ton, DePauw and Franklin.
The trend is viewed variously by
some of the deans of women involved. One source, speaking of changes at As the Goucher statement indicates,
A Midwestern dean feels the move rep- Ohio Wesleyan, believes the recent the new three-year program would not
resents tragedy since "this has been the changes in their board's structure are depend on summer school or advanced
only position on campus where a woman more significant than anything else mat placement to bring it about. Harvard
might have a voice in the decision mak- has happened on the local university notes that at present, although 15% of
ing process." Also she deplores "the scene. Among other things, the reor- their students already enter as sopho-
lack of significant role models for stu- ganization specifies that each graduating mores, at least half of these are apt to
dents who are likely to see few women, class will elect one of its members to a stay around for four years any way.
particularly in our large institutions, three-year term and that one-half of the Harvard mentions using the fourth year
holding important positions." other alumni-elected trustees must be by delaying admission by one year pro-
out of college less than 20 years. In viding a break between high school and
On the other hand, a former dean addition, four faculty and two students college (see A Year Out?) or allocating
of women in the southwest views with will share in board deliberations, but a year for practical experience or work.
some satisfaction the move on her without vote. Others see it solely as a year "saved" so
campus to a de-centralized set-up with as to go on with graduate work earlier or
professionally trained directors each Wellsley, in an effort to secure a to start work sooner.
in charge of 1,000 resident students, and board member "young enough to relate
others in charge of fraternities, soror- easily to the student body," has pro- The Minimester
ities, married students, commuters, etc. vided for an "alumnae trustee, nomi-
nated in her senior year for a three-year We are engaged in a very stimulating
She believes these "directors" have term beginning July 1 after her gradu-
more visibility and accessibility to the ation." —/ think—winter Term on the DePauw
students and also the advantage of not
having to overcome "the stereotype of Below the trustee level, a 1969 poll campus that gives the motivated stu-
the old deans of men and women . . . of 875 colleges and universities showed
as repressive agents of the establish- 88.3% have admitted students to mem- dent an opportunity to do something
ment." bership on at least one policy making
body. About one institution in four had uniquely different during January.—Pat
A dean of women in a large school students on its executive committees
on the west coast, who still retains her and nearly half have included students Aikman, director, DePauw News
title, speaks out strongly for this be- as voting members on curriculum com-
cause of "the constituencies with whom mittees. The number has no doubt in- Bureau.
we work, particularly faculty, parents, creased.
the public," even though she admits the Anyone who connects 4-1-4 with the
modern dean is not responsible for all Whether this will markedly improve sports scene and football signals is on
areas which involve women students as the quality of college life remains to be the wrong track. On the academic scene
she was in the past. On her own campus, seen. Studies of 12th century education it signified a division of the school year
in Italy and of contemporary experi- with two terms in each of which four
ences of a few U . S. and Canadian col- courses are normally taken, and an
interim term of roughly four weeks—
a minimester, mini-mester, winterim
winter term—in between. Not only does
such an arrangement of courses allow
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973 175
a school to plan for a three-year degree there are some risks; because you can't fests are common and even dining room
as Goucher has done, but the mini- conversation is more interesting.
mester has become a symbol at some have freedom—meaningful freedom—
200 schools of innovative and experi- Even those schools, such as Oberlin,
mental work—with credit—much dif- without responsibility."—Dr. Thomas which permit unlimited visiting hours
ferent than routine college courses. among students in coed dorms, report
However, some schools do use it for in- E. Wenzlau, president, Ohio Wesleyan their experience shows that coed living
tensified on-campus study in "cram- does not lead to as much sexual activ-
courses" and the like. U niversity. ity or to promiscuity, as had been feared.
Students have been known to go off Colleges are having less and less to No Hours
to work for Ralph Nader during the say about student life and a good many
minimester, to sign up for Head Start, students, particularly upperclassmen, ". . . the comforting old notion that
to study monkeys in the Bahamas or will tell you that the great way to live alma mater could or should act in loco
to apprentice themselves to welders to at college today is off-campus. Some parentis, sheltering her students as
learn sculpture techniques. Some ran contend it's less expensive (not always Kanga protects Roo in the Winnie the
off to Europe, to study art in Italy or so, since rents are apt to be astronom- Pooh books—that notion is all but dead
drama in England, while others stay ical, food costs high). Others say that today . . ."—Dr. Richard W. Lyman,
home and learn such homely but useful staying on campus makes for overin- president, Stanford University.
skills as repairing and caring for volvement with college; they are more
household appliances. relaxed when contact with the school is Suffice it to say that the trend is al-
solely academic. One dean of women most completely to no-hours for women
A Year Out? cites these reasons, "a wish to escape college students (men have always had
from institutionalism, organization and this). This means that usually a key is
"Quite a few colleges are sitting back bigness, due to students being more in- issued to each girl for the dorm—or
to see how delayed admissions work. trospective and independent. They seek often even the sorority house—for her
But they know by now that something a private life for themselves." to use at whatever hour she chooses to
like this will soon become a normal pat- come in. However, because some par-
tern. It's just the mechanics that nobody Whatever the reasons, the resultant ents, particularly of underclassmen,
is sure of yet."—Ted S. Cooper, execu- empty dormitory beds on some cam- favor "hours," and because some stu-
tive director of the National Associa- puses are causing financial headaches dents themselves prefer a more reg-
tion of College Admissions Counselors. for university administrations. Efforts ulated life, in most instances individual
by some schools to require that campus residence halls and/or sorority houses
"Delayed admissions" simply means housing be filled beftre anyone moves make their own rules.
that a student who applies to X College off are meeting with resistance, although
this year and is accepted, simply takes several schools which have recently Once again the students are in charge.
a "rain check" and waits to enter until come up with the requirement that At Oklahoma the student government
next year. It is an option already under- freshmen and even sometimes sopho- regulates all student activities; at Gouch-
way at Beloit and at the newer Hamp- mores and juniors live in university ap- er students make and enforce most of
shire College and in a limited form proved housing have made the require- their own social regulations. At De
at Amherst, Brown, Radcliffe. Students ment stick. Other schools are meeting Pauw the freshman class has a chance
making use of the option are those who the desire for liberalization with liberal- to vote on curfew hours upon election
are "fed up" with the so-called lock- ization: i. e., the University of Ar- of officers and again at the start of the
step of continuous education, also are kansas has recently revised its resi- second semester.
from families with enough affluence that dence requirements for women; most
they can afford to stay out of school will no longer be required to live on All this freedom replaces the more
during their 13th year. campus. Purdue, which from 1934 to elaborate "keys" system of checks and
1961 required freshmen women to live balances which had its inception about
In a study by Edward F . Babbott, in dormitories, removed all require- 1955 for seniors only, and has pro-
guidance director, Summit (N. J.) High ments in 1961 (there were never any gressed rapidly to its present state.
School, of the possible activities open rules for men). Today some 9,000
to such students, he lists three areas: single undergraduate men and women Open Visitation
work, for the student who is completely live in dormitories; 9,180 students live
"turned-off" on education for awhile; off-campus—at home, in private rooms, "Today's students . . . want the right
study, perhaps on a nonmatriculated private home apartments, apartment of intervisitation, which is campus jar-
basis in order to pursue areas of interest complexes and trailer courts. gon for the right of college men to visit
in real depth; or service to others, either the dormitory rooms of their girl friends,
completely volunteer or earning a sub- However, some students like dormi- and the right of the girls to return their
sistence salary. tory living. One girl in an eastern school visits . . . The 'current question is
defends it by saying, "Dorms have some whether the visitors should be required
Again, according to Babbott's study, advantages, too . . . The curfews are to leave at 10, at midnight, or at the
most college's reactions to delayed ad- now practically nonexistent and the students' discretion, opening up the pos-
missions seem favorable, so that a stu- options for parietals make dorm life sibility that some visitors may stay for
dent would not have to re-apply, but somewhat comparable to living on your breakfast."—Paul Woodring in the
could enroll automatically at the end of own. I think the dorm is a good place Saturday Review.
his year "out." Beloit's experience is to make friends and learn about people
that students come back relaxed and in general." Open visitation is one of the more
eager to go ahead with regulation ed- controversial of the recent innovations
ucation after such a year freed from The preceding is the principle behind on campus. Says one dean of women,
routine. However, it is believed that the establishment of coed dorms, the on- "I think it is here to stay but will be-
only private liberal arts colleges will campus trend competing with off-cam- come (later) a normal part of campus
undertake such a program for awhile, pus living. Men and women live in dif- life which will be of not much conse-
that students at state universities and ferent sections or floors of the build- quence." This opinion is valid perhaps
junior colleges will not be particularly ing, but share dining and study halls, because open visitation, with all its initial
interested because of their need to get laundry facilities and so on. Say pro- excitement, is already being questioned
through in a hurry and look for jobs. ponents of the dorms: they create com- by the students themselves. Many girls
munity spirit; students form brother- do not relish men wandering at will
THE NEW FREEDOM sister relationships and take on larger down their corridors (and vice versa);
groups of friends. Dr. Mary I . Bunting, for a student with a heavy date who
Housing direction president of Radcliffe which shares shares a double room there is always
we nor- dorms with Harvard, says students are the question of how to get rid of the
"Whenever you move in the maturity, under much less pressure to date and roommate; privacy is practically non ex-
of freedom, which is something can enjoy one another's company with- istent; and for the students and the col-
mally associate with increased out deep personal involvement; talk leges both there is the increasing prob-
176 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
lem of security. Says columnist Russell middle-classmen may choose a) super- visitation, there are others who think
Kirk, "Once all doors are open, all sorts vised residence hall with no visiting be- the colleges are, too. Said an editorial
of characters begin to wander in." He tween sexes b) or a dorm with six-hours
continues, "This open visitation notion per day visiting rights in rooms c) or in the Indianapolis Star, "Educators in
is one of those idyllic dreams that soon a wide-open dorm with visitation rights
turns into something like a nightmare." 24-hours a day. The sleeper here is that astounding numbers are joining the
the parents must approve whatever parade of those who are eager to shed
However, some schools do have choice is made. from themselves and their institutions
"security attendants" to let students in the task of teaching or even upholding
upon proper identification. Colorado Says President Miller Upton of Beloit, moral standards. They are deceiving
College has a ruling that all visitors "Parents . . . don't like the respon- themselves. The teaching of moral stand-
are escorted through a hall by a resi- sibility thrown back on them, as it were ards is intrinsic to education and educa-
dent. And as with no-hours, in general, . . . But we believe it is the parents tion from which it has been subtracted
residents of each living unit determine who should best understand the level of is crippled."
who shall be admitted and when. maturity of their children—and maturity
is the big factor in wide-open housing." "What's New on Campus" is one of a
Given the differences of opinion on this series of articles prepared for sorority
subject, Beloit has hit upon a system If President Upton means that, in a magazines by the Operation Brass Tacks
with options attractive to various points sense, parents are running away from C ommittee
of view. Third-term upperclassmen and their responsibility in the matter of open Editors of the National Panhellenic
JO Region VII Proudly
Bottom to top and left to right, Rosalie Barber, Linda Pusqua and Patty McCue; Grace Announces Birth Of
LaMarca, Sue H. Marlar and Patty Luedke; Nancy Heitman, Diane McWilliams and
Gail Miller; Katie Clark, Susan Cavano Moore and Cynthia Tricou; Vonnie A New Chapter
and Rose Laurent, and Sammie Whittington and Debbie Versen. Borden
Executives at the installation of Hammond, La., Alumnae Chapter included, left to right. (MRS. MICHIE SO)
Sue H. Marlar, Kappa Tau Chapter adviser; Grace LaMarca, Regional Director; Alline Region V I I Vice President
nie Borden, Kappa Tau Chapter Adviser; Rosalie Barber, Regional Vice President; and Sisters in Region V I I extend a lov-
ing welcome to Hammond. Louisiana.
Marvil, president, Kappa Tau Chapter, and Katie Clark, alumnae who worked Alumnae Chapter in our region.
helped toward installation. Alumnae from Baton Rouge, New
Orleans. Monroe, La., and Jonesboro.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973 Ark., joined their sisters f r o m Ham-
mond and Kappa Tau Chapter to cele-
brate the joyous occasion Jan. 20,
Regional officers attending included
Rosalie Barber SO, Regional Vice
President, and Grace LaMarca AT,
and Judi Betts B<t>, Regional Direc-
Following a delightful luncheon at
the Holiday Inn, the installation serv-
ice was held at the Student Center on
the Southeastern Louisiana University
campus conducted by Rosalie Barber
with the assistance of Kappa Tau
Many congratulatory notes and
telegrams were read. Gifts were pre-
sented from the Executive Committee.
A silver baby cup was presented to
the new chapter by Region V I I . They
will retain the cup until the next new
chapter is installed within the region
Executives hope Hammond Alum-
nae won't keep the cup very long!
A special note of gratitude goes to
Dorothy Robinson for her labors in
preparing the way for this new chap-
ter. Dorothy was i l l with the f l u and
unable to enjoy the celebration with
Spring Is A Special Time EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
InAOH poem is from the privately printed
collection by Professor Jean Eld-
ridge Lees A 2 , San Jose, Calif.
Footfalls echo in the memory casion, the fulfillment of this first be- REMEMBRANCES
Down the passage which we did not ginning is up to each person as an
individual. Do you think I could ever forget the
take day
Towards the door we never opened It is up to individual effort, commit-
Into the rose garden. ment, and desire to take those steps That brought a friend to me?
down the passage, through the door, When a heart of gold is wealth untold
T. S. Eliot and into the rose garden. More precious than gems can be!
Spring is a special time in A O I I . And even then, with anti-Greek My garden is full of treasures most
For many of us it marks that special sentiment on campuses around the na- rare,
season for that special event—initia- tion, with financial costs of the bare
tion. Spring is a beginning time for necessities of life rising, with all the The beauty and scent of flowers,
Nature, just as initiation is a special problems that sororities and their Laughs of children, voices of friends,
beginning time for those new "active" chapters now encounter, even then, it Sunshine and golden showers.
AOIIs. takes an individual practicing what
initiation means to her, combined with In my garden I walk when the day is
Initiation is the start of new "rights," all her sisters' efforts in a concerted done
privileges, and responsibilities—it sisterhood to make sorority member-
means no more pledge work days, no ship truly meaningful. Sisterhood is a And none but the Stars can see,
more pledge quizzes, and thankfully, two-way street. A n d only by traveling But my ears can catch the whispers
no more pledge pranks. It's turning in it—taking that first step—initiation,
the sheaf of wheat—symbol of one's can one find purpose and fruitfulness, sweet
pledgeship, for the AOIT badge—a in service, loyalty and friendship with The pine trees carry to me.
sign to the outside world that you are one's fellow man.
an initiated member, a member in full "O never despair, in Life's garden fair
knowledge of the meaning and work- How much better it is to remem- There is one who holds you most dear
ings of AOTI. It's the beginning of ber all the many kinds of A O I I initia- Whose heart is yours to the gates of
that status that one never had before. tions in our lives, than to stop the
journey "down the passage" after the death."
But it is much more. It is not just in Spring event of our pledge year. How Is one message I always hear!
what is said in those special moments much better it is to remember the hard
of ceremony; it is not even all that is work coupled with fun times, instead And I close my house with calm
shared and felt with one's sisters. It is of remembering an effort we did not content
just a beginning. In fact it is the one make, a door to service and sisterhood
particular Alpha Omicron Pi event we left unopened. And kneel for my nightly prayer,
that means a multitude of beginnings That G o d will bless through all
from that time forward. And even when the door is opened,
when that first initiation happens, distress
Initiation is—the first office you A O I I doesn't promise us a whole gar- My love with His loving care!
hold, whatever it may be* It is every den, year-round; but it always pledges
time you get a little sister. Your a few, special roses . . . eternally The Executive Committee
initiation is every initiation. In fact, here and there. of
initiation is recalled and relived every
time you go through ritual. PAT DENNIS Alpha Omicron Pi
President, Pi Kappa Chapter Announces
Initiation is—dealing with the
chapter work to be done. It is the re- MICHAL LORD IIK The Pledging
sponsibility one has in serving the Former Traveling Consultant Of
sorority on campus and in the sorority
house. It is working for the Arthritis Alpha Kappa Chapter
Foundation, and for other service At
projects. It is the realization that mem-
bership is more than just four years, Florence State University
but for a lifetime. Florence, Ala.
. . . a lifetime of new beginnings and
rewards. Sigma Lambda Combines Tenth Birthday
With Wisconsin State Day
Initiation is—showing your sorority
every day by living it every day. There The Rose Banquet held in the distinguished guests including Alice
is nothing in our constitution or ritual Crystal Room, Stoddard Hotel, L a - Aderman (Mrs. Ralph), Region II
that we wouldn't want to share with Crosse, Wis., was the momentous Vice President, and members of col-
the rest of the world, but because it is climax to a festive day combining legiate and alumnae chapters through-
special to us and the bond that binds Sigma Lambda Chapter's tenth anni- out the state.
us all, we cherish it and guard it well versary and A O I I State Day in Wis-
—and yet to live this philosophy of consin. Sally Huck, a past chapter president,
life is to share it. former Traveling Consultant Cindy
Mary Hebbard (Mrs. Arthur T ) , Howland Maddox, and a past rush
What does initiation into A O I I have former 2 A adviser, was toastmistress. chairman, Anne Clark, served as lead-
to do with the words from T.'S. Eliot? ers of a variety of discussion groups
Because—though all initiated AOITs Mary Shaw, Sigma Lambda schol- dealing with rush, pledge programs
are at one time part of a special oc- arship chairman, was in charge of the and leaders' council.
day-long event which brought many
178 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
Special Events, Anniversaries
"Movin' Together" was the theme se-
lected when Ohio AOUs staged an Ohio
Weekend at Kappa Pi Chapter, Ohio Sharon Martin Installs Minneapolis-St. Paul
Iowa City Alumnae
Northern University, Ada. Kappa Pi Chapter The Sheraton Motor Inn in the
Minneapolis surburb of Bloomington
played hostess to collegiates and alumnae Region V Vice President, Sharon D . was the scene o f the Minneapolis-
M a r t i n AI7, presided at the recent i n - St. Paul Founders' Day luncheon
from all over the state. Joyce Ragland stallation of Iowa City Alumnae marking the 60th anniversary of Tau
Chapter at Alpha Theta Chapter facil- Chapter.
Maroney (Mrs. Richard 6) of Findlay. ities, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
K i t Searight was chairman f o r
general chairman, Nancy Cunningham, Cynthia Fix ( M r s . John B4>) is this festive occasion.
president of the group. Serving with
KI1 senior, local collegiate chairman, her are Joie Gronert ( M r s . David Highlights included the presenta-
12), vice president, and Sally Stuts- tion to Tau Chapter of a memorial
and Martha Meyer (Mrs. Samuel NO) man (Mrs. Roger I S ) , secretary- picture of Kathryn Bremer Matson, a
treasurer. leading light most of her life of A O H .
whose husband, Dr. Meyer, is president
Members of Alpha Theta Chapter She talked her father into financing
of Ohio Northern University, pose during were hostesses at a tea f o l l o w i n g the the building of Tau Chapter House,
installation. the first specifically constructed soror-
registration. ity house on the University of M i n -
I nesota campus.
Lois Ries ( M r s . Robert A ) , who
has served devotedly f o r many years
as president of Tau Corporation
Board, was cited with a Certificate of
Mrs. Leo Campen, left, principal of
Cedar Bluff Primary School, Knoxvilte,
was recognized for her achievements in
instituting new methods of education in
Knox County when she was presented
the AOIl Community Service Award at
the University Service Center in Knox-
vilte. Presenting the citation is Knoxville
Alumnae president, Caroline Bowers
(Mrs. Evans +AJ.
An outstanding participant in AOJJ's Ohio Weekend was Ruth Mabel Fern Petersen BI", center, in the trio in the foreground,
was a surprised honoree when alumnae of Lansing, Mich., gave
Leichtamer (Mrs. Mahlon ©*) left, Past International President, a luncheon for her on the 40th anniversary of the founding
of Beta Gamma Chapter. She is flanked by Caludine Burkhart
who presents the scholarship cup, named in her honor, to Jackson (Mrs. Andrew) and Charmion Griswold Annis (Mrs.
Gordon), both initiated as Charter members of Beta
Kappa Pi's president, Vande Kagy. Elly Hendricks (Mrs. Gamma Chapter. Miss Petersen, who serves as collegiate Pan-
hellenic adviser in her post as assistant director, student activi-
Thomas A T ) stands by to make the presentation of Dayton ties divsion, Michigan State University, was selected during
her student days to begin the AOIl chapter at the university
Alumnae's silver scholarship bowl for the most improved —then Michigan State College. The threesome of original BV
initiates are surrounded by other alumnae, who arranged the
chapter to Kappa Pi. luncheon: Barbara Verral Stowitts (Mrs. Douglas BI1), Helen
Beaubien Hayford (Mrs. William 0), Phyllis Laubscher Am-
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973 mons .Mrs. Douglas Bl'J, Sandra Obeshaw Slee (Mrs. Lynn
BI"), and Helen Lee Foster (Mrs. T. R. BT).
DJF Trustees Pleased
With Seal Response
Geraldine Martindale King £10, president of St. Louis Alumnae, Helen M. Haller U, Scholarship Chairman, Alpha Omicron
Bobbye McCarter NO, International Secretary; Sharon Martin Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation, and Muriel Turner McKinney
A//, Region V Vice President, and Nancy Johannsen Re- (Mrs. Verne W. A J DJF President, report DJF Trustees are
gional Director, head a battery of AOII dignitaries present excited and pleased with the response since the last mailing of
for AOII Founders' Day observance in St. Louis. Switching DJF seals.
from the traditional format of a Monday evening dinner to
a Saturday luncheon, the alumnae group increased participa-
tion in the event. Present for the occasion was a large repre-
sentation from Gamma lota Chapter, Southern Illinois
University, Carbondale.
Indiana State University
Those cited at Kappa Alpha's Founders' Day ceremonies in-
cluded, left to right, Betty Sontag, outstanding alumnae; Chris
McDaniel, Homecoming Queen candidate; Mary Kay Petrustw,
scholarship winner; Mary Ann Gaiter, float chairman; Marsha
Crombie. Campus Calendar chairman, and Nancy Knotls, rush
Founders' Day observance by Kappa Alpha Chapter, Indiana
State Univesrity.
tcr- *-
s i j i
1t 1 • fV
180 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
Special Notes And Quotes
From Alumnae Luminaries
Each year the President's Ball at said he had come to present "two Etta has been active in work for the
Tufts University, Medford, Mass- nonnegotiable demands.' blind since her college days, when she
honors an outstanding member of the earned part of her tuition by reading
Tufts community. This year Etta "Charles McLean, 19, a junior biol- to a blind professor. She has been
Phillips MacPhie (A '13), former edi- ogy major from Glastonbury, Conn., second vice president of the National
tor of T O D R A G M A , was the guest of turned to Mrs. Etta P. MacPhie, of Braille Press since 1952. She is an
honor. The Ball was sponsored by the West Newton, who at 79 is the oldest incorporator of the Perkins School for
Jackson College Association of Tufts member of the Tufts board of trustees. the Blind, Watertown, Mass., and an
Alumnae to benefit the Elmore I . and organizer of the Lowell, Mass., Asso-
Etta P. MacPhie Scholarship. "As he began to speak she rose ciation for the Blind. Inc. The Mac-
f r o m her seat with an expression of Phies formerly lived in Lowell. Etta is
Etta established this scholarship dismay. vice president of the Stone Institute.
fund in 1956 in memory of her hus- Newton Home for the Aged.
band, Elmore L MacPhie. Tufts M l . "Telling her that she must accept
the income to be used to help de- 'immediately,' he 'demanded,' that An avid gardner. she is a member
serving students in the College of she become 'an honorary member of of the West Newton Garden Club. She
Liberal Arts of Jackson College, the the student body' and accept two gifts. is a member of the Boston Museum of
women's division of Tufts. Fine Arts, the Boston Symphony, the
The gifts were an undisclosed sum Newton Mother's Club, and the
Etta P. Min-Phie of money to establish a scholarship in Frances Willard Homes.
her name and a gold charm for a
Both Etta and her husband have bracelet she often wears. When the MacPhies lived in Minne-
been life trustees of the University. apolis, Etta worked with Mary Ellen
Upon his death she was elected to his McLean, a student government of- Chase V. Mary Dee Drummond A * .
place and was the first alumna to serve ficer, told the other 29 trustees that Merva Dolsen Hennings P, and Caro-
as a life member of the board. She she had appeared on campus to speak lyn Fraser Pulling A in the interest of
served 15 years and resigned in 1970. to students during every crisis of the Tau chapter. When Etta moved back
She received the T u f t s Distinguished tumultuous year that ended with the to Lowell, Mass., she edited T O
Service Award in 1951. student strike. D R A G M A for two and a half years
and Carolyn served as her business
Etta was the only trustee to become "Mrs. MacPhie," he said, "had more manager.
an honorary member of the Tufts rapport and understanding with stu-
student body. The Boston Herald dents than any other member of the Etta has been a loyal and active
Traveler tells it this way: Tufts community." member of the Boston Alumnae Chap-
ter f o r many years and has entertained
"The final meeting of the year of the It was explained later that the us many times in her beautiful home.
board of trustees of Tufts University money came from students who had Everyone loves to go to Etta's house,
was interrupted yesterday when a given him a "mandate" to make the and the meetings held there are always
long-haired student strode into the demands. good ones, well attended.
meeting, asked to be recognized, and
The Boston Alumnae Chapter of We are very proud of her and love
Alpha Omicron Pi was one of the her for the dear, sweet, capable person
sponsors of the Ball who contributed she is and f o r the good friend she is
to the MacPhie Scholarship. Eleanore to all of us.
Dietrich MacCurdy, AOI1 Interna-
tional President, and Dr. Robert D . by K A T H E R I N E D A V I S C A R T E R
MacCurdy, Bridgewater, Mass., were Editor, T O D R A G M A 1946-'56
also sponsors, as were 19 other AOIls
and their husbands. BOSTON Alumnae Chapter is proud
to number among its members many
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Boydcn women who were initiated into Alpha
(Caryl Magnus A '50) and Mrs. Nor- Omicron Pi 50 years or more ago. Among
man S. Stafford (Jean Colgate A '40) them are M A R G A R E T D O U T H I T T
served as dinner chairmen. Mrs. AMON (O 18), M A R G A R E T D U R K E E
Charles F MacCarthy (Ann Maher A N G E L L (A 18), M A R Y A R N O L D
A '35) was tickets chairman, with (A '23), INGA L I T T L E BOUVE ( '19).
Mrs. Ralph Beattie (Ethel Wheeler
Richardson A M9), Mr. and Mrs. ( 23), INGA L I T T L E BOUVE (A 19),
Boyden. Nunzia Merlino (A '38) and HELEN LAFORGE BROUSSEAU (2
Elizabeth H . Weiant (A '43) serving 19), B L A N C H E B R U C E B R Y N E (A
as members of the tickets committee. 03) B E A T R I C E F R A S E R BUCKMAN
(A '07), S A L L Y L . C L A R K ( '23),
Etta has two sons who, with their
families, were guests at the Ball. ( '07), S A L L Y L . C L A R K (A '23),
The Boston Alumnae Chapter sent H E L E N ROWE FOSTER (A 17), MIL-
AOU red roses to decorate the speak- D R E D SIMPSON G E R S U M S K Y (A
ers' table in Etta's honor. The A O l l
members of the committee gave her a 181
red rose corsage.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
17), P A U L I N E L A M P R E Y H A L L (A
12), L O R E A S. JAMESON (A 21).
M. J U N E K E L L E Y ( r 12). L E S L I E
B R Y A N T MOORE (A 22). E S T H E R
C. S H O R L E Y (A 11). R E N A G R E E N -
WOOD SMITH (A 15). and G R A C E
BOSTON alumnae were grieved to
learn of the death of P E A R L E LONG-
L E Y C R A W F O R D (A 12), Webster,
Mass., on December 30, 1971. She was
a member of the board of directors of
Stevens Linen Associates. Inc.. Webster,
and a chairman-trustee of the- Dudley
Public Library. She was noted for her
very beautiful needlework.
Margaret Putnam presents a check to Judge Mary Coleman IIA shattered a
Dr. Earl Brewer, Texas Children's Hos- 137-year precedent of male domination
pital Arthritis Clinic on behalf of Hous- on Election Day '72 in Michigan when
ton Alumnae. Standing are Houston she won a seat on the state's Supreme
Alum President, Harriet Hulbert P, Jerie Court. She is Michigan's first lady to
Britton, physical therapist; Alice Ander- win a place on the tribunal. Former Cal-
son and Mrs. Jamye Bartek. The check houn County Probate Judge, she was
represents proceeds from Houston Alums Miss Maryland during her days at the
first book sale and was used to purchase University of Maryland.
a dynamometer for the clinic's physical —•»
therapy service department.
Workmen at the University of Toledo position granite slabs above the main entrance
to the former University Library which identify the four-level structure as Mary M.
Gillham Hail. Mrs. Gillham, university librarian for 47 years, served as faculty ad-
viser to Theta Psi Chapter from 1944 to 1951.
Cindi House Chance 00 is featured in
the 1972 edition of Outstanding Young
Women of America on the basis of her
contribution to her community, profes-
sion and country.
D E N V E R Alumnae list a battery of
involved members. S A L L Y M C C U R R Y
T H O R N E L E Y (->, executive manager of
the Colorado Grain and Feed Dealers
Association, is the first woman to head
the Colorado Society of Association Ex-
•h. is president of D E N V E R AOII Alum-
nae and chairman of the Arthritis Aux-
iliary. Rocky Mountain Chapter.
Arthritis Foundation.
J U D Y H E N N I N G XA was top vote
collector when she ran and was elected
the first woman to serve on the Engle-
wood City Council.
JULIA ANN VADALA, coordinator
for Western Interstate Commission for
Higher Education. Boulder, is serving a
one-year internship as special assistant to
White House aides and cabinet members.
Dan XA) is community campaign chair-
man for a K R M A - T V Channel 6. month-
long, fund-raising campaign.
PHILLIPS are soloist and principal
flutist, respectively, with the Brice Sym-
182 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
Better communications and involve- 0k- m
ment without so much responsibility are
credited with the extremely successful re- Elayn Hunt Eicher (Mrs. John AO).
juvenation in recent months of the Baton Rouge, La., is the first woman in
L O N G B E A C H Alumnae Chapter. Louisiana's history to hold the office of
Director of the Department of Correc-
One and one-half months saw a hand- tions and one of the only two women
f u l o f five participants grow to more in America to have such a position.
than 30 AOII alumnae actually involved
in some phase of the group's activities. !
Z E N T G R A F H I L L and C A R L A C R A - 1 ii:
M E R instigated the idea of a newsletter 1
to be mailed to any AOI1 within range of
If you fit this description or know H
someone who does in that area, notify
C E L E S T E B R A D L I N , 233 Termino. s
Long Beach. Calif. 90803.
talented B i r m i n g h a m artist, served as Helen Peterson Ard (Mrs. James A) is
chairman for the Birmingham Festival of president of San Diego Chapter, Ikebana
Arts and placed third in the water color International, and a member of the Ex-
division. Alabama State Fair. ecutive Board, San Diego Botanical Gar-
den Foundation.
B I R M I N G H A M Alumnae held the
Rose Rush Party f o r T A U D E L T A Kalherine Knauss Lyons {Mrs. B. Ken-
Chapter at the home of prominent A l a - neth *) home economics teacher at Cen-
baman. Judge J. Paul Meeks, whose tral Dauphin East High School, Har-
granddaughter. J A N E B E R R Y , is an risburg, Pa., is pictured with some of her
AOTI collegiate at Birmingham Southern students. She chaperoned 15 Harrisburg
College. teenage girls on a European tour this
"What's Happening In A O I I " was the
subject of an address by International :
Treasurer N O R M A M . A C K E L K B at a
recent AOII Action Luncheon hosted for
AOIls all over Arizona. Tucson National
G o l f Club was the scene o f the affair
hosted by T U C S O N Alumnae.
who writes agricultural material for The
Oregonian in P O R T L A N D under the by-
line, "BJ Noles". is the first woman to
be named " F a r m Editor o f the Year" by
the Newspaper Farm Editors of America.
S O N - has been appointed assistant to
the director of the Fire-service Informa-
tion Research and Education Center of
the University of Minnesota.
She has been a part-time member of
the center since 1969 and most recently
served as research associate assigned to
the State Advisory Council on Fire Serv-
ice Education and Research Projects.
J A N E S T I T T (Mrs. Richard), Region
I I Director, was hostess to E A S T
C L E V E L A N D Alumnae and their hus-
bands at their annual wine party.
When Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harris cele- At their Founders' Day luncheon. Phila-
brated their 70th wedding anniversary r delphia Alumnae presented the new
at a brilliant reception given in Johnson reference to aid arthritics, " A i d s to I n -
City, Tenn., by their son and daughter- dependent L i v i n g " by Lowman and
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harris, Jr., Klinger, McGraw Hill, to the Eastern
the honoree wore her wedding gown. Pennsylvania Arthritis Foundation. Pa-
Both the senior Mrs. Harris, the former tricia Batchelor Penning 0, International
Stanley Torrey of Corinth, Miss., and Chairman of AOII Philanthropy, makes
the junior Mrs. Harris are members of the presentation to Miss Florence Schall
Phi Alpha Chapter, East Tennessee State R.N. and Miss Billie Gray, both of the
University. The former was initiated Philadelphia office of the Arthritis
when A O I I was installed there in 1955. Foundation.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973 183
Sally Sullivan 2 and Gale Paul (Mrs. When the Chicago T V Academy re-
cently saluted Kukla, Fran and Ollie on
Richard BA) are seen at the 75th anni- their 25th anniversary in television. Burr
T i l l s t r o m ' s first drama teacher, M E -
versary celebration of the founding of Mary Ellen Selman Greene TO, assistant L I T A S K I L L E N E of Chicago's Senn
High School was flown to the W i n d y City
AOII of Region VIII held in the Sky editor and co-founder of the Madison from her retirement retreat in New
Brunswick. Canada. M e l i t a is a member
Room of the Grand Hotel overlooking County Carrier, Madison, Fla., was of AOII's Ruby Fund.
Disneyland. Gale was general chairman named Florida's Outstanding Young M I L L Y D E R R Y B E R R Y DODD (Mrs.
Harry NO), her husband and their three
of the event with members of the South- Woman of the Year. Nominated by the children are making Sewanee, Tenn.,
their home'since Harry accepted the post
ern Orange County Alumnae Chapter as Madison Junior Woman's Club, she was of accountant f o r the University of the
hostesses. Chairman of the Board of proclaimed title winner from the hun-
Alumnae Lounge. Randolph-Macon
Directors Dorothy Beogen Farrington A dreds of Floridians included in Out- Woman's College, has been renamed f o r
A N N E J E T E R R I B B L E (Mrs. John
was featured speaker. standing Young Women of America. Marshall K). w h o retired recently as
llumnae secretary after 27 successful,
i Mildred Taylor (Mrs. Frank NK) pre- dedicated years of service to the college.
(1 sents Mary Sears Rhodes (Mrs. Ronald Anne, at one time was AOII's execu-
tive secretary. M r s . Ribble's portrait by
A) her 50 year membership pin and college trustee, Harriet Fitzgerald, was
unveiled during the recent Alumnae
certificate in a surprise ceremony during Council meeting.
Ft. Worth's Alumnae Founders' Day A T L A N T A Alums, with general chair-
man. J U N E G O R D O N (Mrs. Leonard.
luncheon. Mary, recipient at 13 years of Jr. AS)j produced "Santa's Fun Com-
pany" at Perimeter M a l l during the
age of a four-year scholarship to col- Christmas holidays. The show featured
stars of the Atlanta Children's Theatre.
lege by the Carnegie Hero Fund when
International President E L E A N O R E
she saved a 16-year-old girl from drown- D . M A C C U R D Y 14 shared the spotlight
with husband. Dr. Robert MacCurdy.
ing, chose to attend Tufts University. professor of Education. Bridgewater
State College. Massachusetts, in a feature
Outstanding Ft. Worth newspaper woman story on this Greek oriented couple ap-
pearing in the Winter, 1972. issue o f
and radio personality, she was honored Cross And Crescent, education j o u r n a l o f
Dr. Bob's fraternity. Lambda Chi Alpha.
by Theta Sigma Phi professional journal-
A D E L E K . H I N T O N ( M r s . Fred P)
ism fraternity, with the Margaret Caskey Extension Vice President, and A N N E
C O W A N B E A U C H A M P NO), who took
Award for outstanding contributions in part in the installation of O M E G A
O M I C R O N in 1957, were back to cele-
the field of journalism. brate its 15th birthday at AOII Founders'
Day banquet recently at Lambuth Col-
Judy Freundt Zawacke (Mrs. Michael BA), center, ways and means chairman, Chicago lege, Jackson.
Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter, found that summer months she spent organiz- E L I Z A B E T H J . B U R G E KB. presi
dent, G L E N D A L E Alumnae, reports a
ing details for eight candle parties at the homes of AOIIs in Arlington Heights, theatre party to see the L a Canada Play-
ers followed by refreshments at the home
Palatine, Des Plaines and Park Ridge, assured the over-all success of these benefits. of M A Y NORTON BROWN (Mrs.
W i l l i a m H . P).
A record-breaking number of guests turned out to order from a collection of more
than 60 Paragon Lenox candles for all occasions. Nila Cumming Munson (Mrs. Thomas
7.) and Eleanore Standish Corbett (Mrs. Robert I ) admire the heart-shaped wreath
which marked the door of the latter's home for one of the parties. Photo through the
cour ;sy of Paddock Publications, Arlington Heights, III.
184 Join
In Celebrating
75th Birthday
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1973
Second Class Postage Paid at
Indianapolis, Indiana, and at
additional mailing offices.
2 ^ Boiling For;: Cour* LAD
-l U • *«aa„ 37205
Wary Ann Rice
TA - 4 2
ALPHA OMICRON PI Change of Address
Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway, To A O I I Parents
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Y o u r daughter's magazine is sent to her home address until gradua-
t i o n so you can learn more about AOII and T O D R A G M A . I f she is
no longer i n college and is not living at home, please send her present
address to Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Address on the f o r m
at the left.
Two-Week, Post-Convention Cruise Planned
Interested in a more lengthy and July 7 at 8 a.m. Fares begin at $555
extensive Caribbean cruise than the
Post Convention Tour of Nassau, two each double occupancy. Shore trips
AOn international dignitaries of
Region I I I have cooked up a two- are additional.
week island-hopping trip exploring the
West Indies and South America aboard Portn of call are on the most de-
the Italian cruise ship, Angeline
Lauro. sirable list of knowledgeable travelers.
Carolyn Huey Harris (Mrs. J. Rod- One day will be spent in each of DIRECTORY
ney) first learned of the cruise and of A L P H A
George Roller, husband of Mary the following: Nassau, Bahamas; San OMICRON
Louise Roller, worked out the de- PI SPRING 1973
tails. Juan, Puerto Rico; St. Thomas, Virgin
Several alumnae and their families Islands; Martinique, French West
have joined the Harrises and the Rol- Jessie Wallace Hughan
lers, who invite others to come along Indies; Trinidad, West Indies; Cara- Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George
for fun and relaxation after conven-
tion. cas, Venezuela; Caraco, N.A. V.)
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George
The ship sails from Port Ever- (Aruba); Cartagena, Columbia; Cris-
glades June 23 at 5 p.m. and returns H.)
tobal, Panama, and Montego Bay, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha
Jamaica. Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia
University, and all are deceased.
If you are interested in this cruise
arranged by George Roller aboard EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
the Angelina Lauro, send your name, President
address and phone number immedi- Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy (Eleanore
ately to M r s . George K . Roller, P . O .
Box 2317, Sanford, Fla. 32771. Dietrich I A )
100 Norlen Park, Bridgewater, M A
Telephone: 617-697-7855
Statement required by the act of October 23, 1964: Mrs. T . K . Farrington (Dorothy Bogen
Section 4369, Title 39, United States Code, showing
the ownership, management and circulation of TO A
DRAGMA, published four times yearly by Alpha 1615 D r y Creek Road, San Jose, C A
Omicron Pi Sorority as filed Oct. 16, 1972.
The names and addresses of the publisher, editor Telephone: 408-269-5809
and managing editor are as follows: Publishers, Alpha Box 431, Camelian Bay, C A 95711
Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc., 3000 Meadows Parkway, Telephone: 916-583-3069 (June-
Suite 109, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205; Editor, Millie
Milam Murphy (Mrs. Robert C.) 5434 Shy's Hill Road, October)
Nashville, Tennessee 37215; Managing Editor, Mrs.
Marie Hughes, 3000 Meadows Parkway, Suite 109 CENTRAL OFFICE
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205. Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway
The owner is Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, a cor- Indianapolis, I N 46205
poration not for profit. Tel. 317-545-6553
Executive Director—Mrs. Marie E .
Average number of copies each issue during preced-
ing 12 months and actual number of copies of single Hughes B<t>
issues published nearest to filing date are respectively:
Total number of copies printed, 41,029; sale through CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME
dealers, etc., none; mailed subscriptions, 39,994; total
paid circulation, 39,994; free distribution, 125; total T o : Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
distribution, 40,119; office use, 910; total, 41,029.
Husband's Name
I certify that the statements made by me above are
correct and complete. Maiden Name
(signed) Millie Milam Murphy Collegiate Chapter
(Mrs. Robert C.)
International Editor New Address
New Address Effective Chapter IMPORTANT!
Present Office Held For speedier service
of Attach Old T . D . Label