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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-21 17:06:23

1993 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LXVI, No. 5


P ofalpha omicron pi Vol. LXVI, No. 5

Winter 1993

Weformed AOn
to continue the
friendships we
made in college

our lifetimes.

Stella George Stern Per/y

p y p y rp\ L) |



BRIDGES to the future
I *"'

Alpha Omicron Pi, along w i t h her sister and brother fraternitites, finds
herself at the beginning o f a potentially precarious era. The Greek w o r l d is
continually subjected to criticism f r o m universities and the public. Sometimes this criticism is justified, b u t o f t e n
it is not. Our true intent remains shielded. Though w e may try to explain our purpose, members of the public
judge us by what they see and hear about us.

We stand for scholarship, but our intensive pledge and social programs infringe upon study time. We stand
for sisterhood and brotherhood, but pranks and silly exercises separate members into categories. We speak of
community spirit, but we remain bothersome to our neighbors and nuisances to our universities.

Alpha Omicron Pi has faced this barrier of criticism and f o u n d a way to overcome it. Our new programs
address these concerns and w i l l help us move t o w a r d a better future. Alpha O m i c r o n Pi is b u i l d i n g BRIDGES.

BRIDGES stands f o r B u i l d i n g Relationships and Ideas, D e v e l o p i n g Goals, a n d Enriching Self. BRIDGES is a
total chapter p r o g r a m m i n g concept. This issue o f To Dragma features a comprehensive explanation o f the
BRIDGES program w h i c h you will want to read carefully. This program incorporates some of the greatest
changes that have occurred in our 97-year history. The BRIDGES program brings us closer to the original intent
of our founding: to create and maintain close friendship and a sharing of values and interests among w o m e n
w h o chose each other as sisters.

Total chapter programming allows each member, initiated or non-initiated, a voice in the planning of the
chapter's activities. Each member shares the responsibility for achieving the chapter's goals. Each member
makes a personal commitment to share the learning process and to be a positive role model. Total chapter
programming teaches and practices group participation, w h i l e at the same time recognizing that each member
is an individual w i t h special gifts. It stresses the fact that learning is a lifetime process.

Total chapter p r o g r a m m i n g diminishes the o l d attitude that pledges must earn their right to membership.
Remember that w h e n w e pledge a w o m a n to AOFI, we state that w e have chosen her for her character and
dignity a n d that w e promise to take her i n t o o u r membership. As she continues to be w o r t h y w i t h her partici-
pation in the life o f the chapter, she becomes a sister. We vote only once to ask her to join us. The sooner a
woman becomes part of the chapter, the greater will be her loyalty and satisfaction in being a productive

Participation b y recently pledged w o m e n i n w o r t h w h i l e activities a i m e d at the chapter's c o m m o n purpose
is far more desirable than wasting time w i t h frivolous adventures that often lead to bad press. Our college
w o m e n have many demands o n their time. Most o f them w o r k at outside jobs. They are committed to achieving
academic excellence in order to survive in the world beyond college, and they have a greater involvement with
environmental and humanitarian efforts. They need an arena condusive to the development of their personal
skills and friendships. It is appealing and enriching to have AOFI meet these needs. I f the Fraternity does this,
it w i l l not be set aside as just a m e m o r y w h e n a w o m a n becomes an alumna. Instead, it w i l l b e c o m e an inte-
gral part of her life.

Take time to learn m o r e about the BRIDGES AOn is b u i l d i n g to carry us into o u r second century a n d the
21st century. I think y o u will be p r o u d of AOITs commitment to reach for solutions to quiet today's critics, to
address tomorrow's needs, and to ensure that our Fraternity will continue to be meaningful to w o m e n and
useful to their lives.


Mary McCammon Williams,

International President




JANUARY 2, 1 8 9 7

•FOUNDERS features 4
STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY Questions and Answers about BRIDGES 8
ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN AOn sisters can be found most anywhere— 9
What's Different 11
T H E FOUNDERS WERE MEMBERS OF ALPHA CHAPTER Building relationships that last a lifetime 11
AT BARNARD COLLEGE OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AND Thank you, A0I1, for my best friend 12
Chapter is gone, but sisterhood remains 14
ARE ALL DECEASED. So you're miriking of becoming a chapter consultant 16
Interviewing 101: Getting a head start on your career 18
INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT $ Positive thinking: It's what you say to yourself that counts 18
MARY MCCAMMON WILLIAMS, Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter is installed 27
At 92, Billie Stewart still works for others 28
4 4 SUNSET ROAD Founders' Day Message
BLOOMINGTON, I I 61701 Chi Delta House
TELEPHONE 309/829-3656



TELEPHONE 615/370-0920



(USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha 19
Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha From the President's Desk 22
Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN. AOIT Foundation Scholarship Winners 23
Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, Foundation—2nd Century Society 29
Emporium 39
and additional mailing offices. Collegiate Chapter News 40
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. Centennial 45
Alumnae Chapter News 46
$3.00 per year. Announcements
Life subscription: $75.00. Did You Know?
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the
Editor at the same address.






MEMBER O N THE COVER: International President Mary McCammon Williams
COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS ASSOCIATION symbolically shakes hands with Founder Stella George Stern Perry to
illustrate that A O F I is building BRIDGES to connect our past w i t h the
0 future. BRIDGES (for Building Relationships & Ideas, Developing
Goals, a n d Enhancing Self) is the name o f our n e w total chapter
Printed on recycled paper p r o g r a m m i n g concept w h i c h is e x p l a i n e d i n this issue o f To Dragma.
Printed in the U.S.A. The introductory article begins on page 4.

Winter 1993 3

Building Relationships & Ideas,
r Developing Goals, & Enriching Self

1V introducingAOTI's newconcept for total chapterprogramming...

By Leigh Perry What do we o f f e r our members Pledge Education
Upsilon Lambda (U. of Texas- that they can't get anywhere else?
San Antonio); Coordinator for The answer is the same as it was i n How did pledge training and
Programs and Training the 1890s: sisterhood for a lifetime,
scholarship, and service to others. fraternity education become synony-
Why d o w o m e n join our organi-
zation? This is, after all, the 90s. I n the 1990s, w o m e n are seeking all mous? We didn't start out that way;
In the college world of today: that and more.
our Founders wasted no time in initi-
• 70% o f college w o m e n w o r k 20 or Fraternity Education
more hours per week; ating new members. I n 1905 one
W o m e n in college today are
• The median age of the college looking to extra curricular activities for chapter reported that it rushed and
w o m a n has increased; the practical experience that they can't
get out of textbooks. They are pledged two women and initiated
• A higher percentage of non searching for life skills that they can
traditional students (married, with use throughout their lives. While we them 11 days later. The formal pledge
children, etc.) are enrolled; have always offered the opportunity
for personal and leadership develop- program was not introduced until
• Fewer w o m e n are participating in ment, we've never had a formalized
rush nationwide; process to provide life skills training. 1 9 3 1 w i t h o u r f i r s t Manual of

• Universities are limiting pledge The need to offer life skills training Information. Our current pledge
periods due to hazing and poor was discussed by Past International
academics (The Universities of President Ginger Banks, (who was a program developed over time. In the
Delaware and Florida are working Chapter Consultant at the time) in
to eliminate pledge periods.); 1973 in the 75th anniversary issue o f process, we strayed from our original
To Dragma. Ginger w r o t e , "Too m a n y
• Fewer pledges are being retained chapters equate fraternity education purpose which was to teach pledges
because of over-programming; with pledge training. Few understand
that f r a t e r n i t y e d u c a t i o n is a about A O n .
• The Greek focus on alcohol and continuum from pledgeship through
parties at the expense o f academics the entire span of fraternity member- Today, pledges spend a semester
continues; ship, a means of educating members
in campus, community, career getting to k n o w their pledge sisters,
• Hazing continues to be headline matters; of bringing current events
news despite national and interna- into chapter life, as w e l l as under- developing pledge class unity (some-
tional policies eliminating such standing the past and present of
practices; Alpha Omicron Pi. The pledge times at the expense of the chapter),
program starts this cycle."
• Campus hostility toward single sex electing pledge class officers, focusing
organizations is growing; and
on pledge activities, having pledge
• Anti-Greek sentiment is continuing.
("I don't have to pay for my f u n d raisers, paying pledge dues,
f r i e n d s " is a f r e q u e n t l y h e a r d
comment.) writing pledge class songs or poems,

and "earning" their way to initiation.

In addition, they are expected to

attend all the functions that the initi-

ated members have, to belong to at

least one other organization on

campus, and to make outstanding

grades. Many w o m e n must work to

pay for it all. The pledges w h o make

it through all this still have to pass the

Pledge Exam. All of this has created a

time management crisis for these

women and a retention problem for

our chapters.

Once initiated, there is no formal

4 To Dragma

assimilation process for our newest Questions and Answers
members. They are n o w expected to about BRIDGES:
participate and support the chapter,
and even sublimate their personal Q : Shortening the pledge program is a good idea, but why did we pick six
desires to the needs of the whole. weeks?
Their education deteriorates into a
"MemEd Moment" per meeting and a A : Psychological research has shown that the o p t i m u m length of time to
scramble to pass the Membership b u i l d rapport and begin developing interpersonal relationships is six
Education Exam once a year. With weeks.
this format, we can't possibly provide
the life skills education these women Q : Six weeks is too short, there's no time for the pledge class to bond.
are searching for.
A : The focus f o r total chapter programming is to develop our sisterhood
Total Chapter and chapter unity, and eliminate the cliquishness that arises w h e n
Programming pledge classes get "too tight".

Our members' needs are Q : Are we placing sufficient emphasis on scholarship if we don't require
changing, the college environment is grades for initiation?
changing, and we must change, too.
We must focus on educating our A : The Executive Board voted earlier this year to eliminate the scholastic
members in life skills to help them requirement for initiation. Most college Panhellenics require a suffi-
"bridge" the gap to their future. Rather cient GPA in order for women to participate in rush. Also, most
than separating fraternity education colleges and universities have their o w n regulations regarding the
and pledge education, we are devel- GPA required for initiation. The N e w Member Orientation M o d u l e is
oping programming which focuses on designed so that w o m e n spend their semester of initiation focusing o n
Building Relationships and Ideas, scholarship rather than on participating in the myriad of activities
Developing Goals and Enriching Self. required during a traditional pledge period.
We have created a new concept: total
chapter programming. Q : I'm not comfortable disclosing the secrets of our rituals with them after
just six weeks because they haven't earned the right to initiation.
With total chapter programming,
the focus shifts to learning throughout Ai A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi has never required her pledges/new members to
o u r lifetimes as AOFIs. W e spend a "earn the right to initiation" because they are already worthy. During
very small percentage o f o u r lives as the pledge ritual, we pledge to initiate each new member if she
pledges, a little longer as collegians, "continues worthy."
and 60 or 70 years as alumnae. O u r
purpose should be to create good Q : Are we the only group doing this?
members for a lifetime.
A : No. In fact, at the most recent NPC meeting, all but one NPC group
We are fostering AOFI pride. indicated that they are currently w o r k i n g o n a shortened pledge
Rather than developing pledge class p r o g r a m and 14 are i n some phase o f i m p l e m e n t a t i o n at this time.
unity, w e need to treat members as
individuals and cultivate their Q : Why is this being done so quickly?
strengths. This will create stronger
members, stronger chapters, and ulti- A : We have been testing and evaluating shortened pledge programs for
mately a stronger international organi- the past t w o years. We w o u l d not introduce new programming
zation. Education and assimilation of without substantial research and discussion.
our new members will be the respon-
sibility of the entire chapter. Activities 5
will no longer be divided between
pledges and initiated members.
Continued on next page

W i n t e r 1993

BRIDGES continued...

A0I1 sisters can be Without two levels of membership,
found most anywhere— the chapter members will all be posi-
tive role models, and the enthusiasm
in Rome... of the new members will revitalize the
chapter. Initiation will be the inspira-
In the summer o f 1992,1 joined a group o f 35 people, aged 18 to 35, f o r tion to begin a lifetime of member-
a tour of Europe. There were people in the group from all over the ship.
United States, Australia, and N e w Zealand. By some coincidence (or maybe
not), there were three other AOIls on the trip, two from New York and BRIDGES
one from Indiana.
With total chapter programming,
I believe this was more than just by chance. There are some qualities
that all A O I I chapters l o o k f o r i n prospective members, such as c o n f i - chapter meetings are not just for busi-
dence, independence, and the desire to meet and understand all races,
religions, and nationalities of people. This encounter on my trip gave me ness. Chapter members will spend
n e w confidence that A O I l s across the U.S. and Canada are m y sisters. I
wanted to share this w i l l all members so they can see f r o m m y experi- one hour on business and devote an
ence that A O I l s are truly a special breed.
additional 30 minutes to program-
This photo, taken in Rome, shows ( f r o m left) Cori Sochloff, Delta Psi
(State U . o f N e w Y o r k at Albany); Lori Sherwin, Kappa Kappa (Ball State ming. All members, both initiated and
U.); Rachel Aronson, Delta Psi (State U . o f N e w Y o r k at Albany); and me,
Lisa Haclbart, Iota ( U . o f Illinois). non-initiated, learn different life skills

-contributed by Lisa Haclbart, Iota (U. of Illinois) together. The BRIDGES life skills

• modules will be listed on sample

I' calendars and will include specific

6 topics, outlines, checklists and guide-

lines for each session. Existing

programs, including Keystones,

(personal development program) are

being reformatted for presentation in

30 minutes. N e w programs are also

being developed. The final BRIDGES

plan will have a 4-year schedule of

rotating modules, with separate

programming for seniors. While there

is still an exam, it has been reduced to

one page with a heavy focus on oral

recitation of ritual knowledge.

No longer called pledges, the
"new members" attend chapter meet-
ings, entering after opening ritual and
departing before closing ritual.
Although they do not have voice or
vote, they are preparing themselves to
become initiated members by serving
on committees, learning parliamentary
procedure, and assimilating the hows
and whys of AOIT. In addition, they
attend a six-week orientation program
presented by the new member
educator. This orientation program is
just one of the modules of the life
skills manual.

To Dragma

With the focus on a lifetime of or Japan...
learning, a lengthy pledgeship is no
longer necessary. This reduces over- Ithought this p h o t o w o u l d interest To Dragma readers. M y name is
programming, increases the focus on Sharon Aretsky (Sigma Phi, California State U.-Northridge), and I ' m
academics, and reduces the opportu- currently living i n Nagoya, Japan, and w o r k i n g as an English conversation
nities for hazing. In turn, these instructor at N i p p o n English Center. W o r k i n g with me are m y pledge
changes help increase the retention of sister, Lisa Montes, and Jennifer Craig (also Sigma Phi). W e discovered just
new members. h o w international A O n is w h e n w e met Michelle Kaskel, Lambda Upsilon
(Lehigh U.). She has lived here almost t w o years and is also teaching
The planning and implementation English, but at a different school.
of the BRIDGES p r o g r a m at the
chapter level will be conducted by the Here's a little b a c k g r o u n d : Jennifer Craig m o v e d here i n A p r i l , 1992
total chapter programming committee. to teach. Lisa and I were ready for an adventure and contacted Jenni
Two new education positions will about her job. She told us w h e n the school w o u l d be hiring n e w
serve on the committee. Chaired by teachers. W e interviewed and were hired. I came here in January and Lisa
the new vice president of education joined us i n April. Michelle and Jenni had already met and become
(formerly membership education friends before Lisa and I arrived.
chair), the committee will include the
new member educator (formerly vice W e all have contracts o f at least one year, so if any A O I I s are coming
president of pledge education), the to Japan and want to contact us, m y address is: Sharon Aretsky, Swan
keeper of the ritual, the chapter rela- Heights Namiki #103, 2-7 Namiki Nakamura-Ku, Nagoya, Japan T453,
tions chair, and the scholarship chair. 054-412-8454.
This committee w i l l include at least
these five members, but may also The photo shows ( f r o m left) Sharon, Lisa, Michelle and Jennifer at
include other officers or members at Fugi Bowl in April.
-contributed by Sharon Aretsky, Sigma Phi
Another change is the w a y w e (California State U.-Northridge)
view the responsibilities of the
sponsor (former big sister) for her 7
candidate (little sister). This change in
terminology is taken directly f r o m the
Rituals b o o k . W h i l e the t e r m i n o l o g y
may or may not be a permanent
change, depending on the evaluations
by the test sites, her commitments are
now different. In addition, the role of
the sponsor is to serve as a mentor
and role model for the candidate. The
shortened program provides the
opportunity for women who previ-
ously couldn't afford the time or
money to now be sponsors.

Development and

I n t r o d u c e d at I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Convention i n Nashville last summer,
the BRIDGES program received an
astounding vote of support when 73%
Continued on next page

W i n t e r 1993


Total Chapter Programming Committee: of the chapters volunteered to be test
sites. Developed and compiled by a
• Chaired by new vice president of education; task force of more than 37 women,
• Members include new member educator, chapter relations chair, Phase I was released in August to the
selected test sites. The participants
keeper of the ritual, and scholarship chair; have the opportunity to provide
• Five members minimum; may also include other officers or recommendations and suggestions to
the Executive Board on their evalua-
members at large; tions. The following are comments
• Plans education calendar for the year; received on BRIDGES evaluations:
• Supervises the education process.
"The new members are so excited
Chapter Meeting: to be involved after just 6 weeks, that
we have several of them running for
• One hour business/30 minute education weekly; offices."
• New members (pledges) attend chapter meeting;
• They do not have voice or vote; "We're a small chapter, and we
• They enter after opening ritual and leave before closing ritual. have always had a problem with hold
overs (pledges) and with new initiates
Chapter Weekly Education Sessions: feeling let down. With the new
program, they were all initiated, and
• Sample calendars provided; got involved right away."
• Topics, outline, and presentation guidelines provided for education
"Leaders' Council decided to have
sessions; everyone participate in the 6 week
• Specific checklist for presentation of education sessions provided; orientation program so that we would
• Existing programs (including Keystones) reformatted for 30 minute all become familiar with it...We love it!"

presentations; It has been said that the only
• New sessions being developed. constant in life is change, that all of life
is an evolution. Alpha Omicron Pi has
New Member Orientation Module: continued to change and evolve since
our founding almost 100 years ago.
• Replaces traditional pledge program; Our Founders embraced change when
• Streamlined education program; they formed A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi at
• Structured instructor's manual with complete and specific agendas; Barnard. They continued to embrace
• All information in one place; change throughout their lives. They
• Consists of six weekly sessions. and other A O I l s rose to the challenge
of becoming a national, and then an
New Members: international organization. They met
the challenges of suffrage for women,
• Formerly pledges; the Depression and two world wars.
• Attend chapter meeting weekly; The evolution of AOI1 has tran-
• Begin serving on committees immediately; scended the deaths of our Founders
• Have six separate orientation training sessions before initiation; and many of their successors. We
• No officers elected; have continued to thrive and grow
• No separate activities held. because we have respected the power
of change. ^
"We formed AOTl to continue the
• Formerly big sisters;
• Focus is on mentoring, leading by example; friendships we made in college
• Purpose is individual interaction, not gifts.
throughout our lifetimes."
-Stella George Stem Perry.
• Vice president of education replaces membership education chair;
• New member educator replaces vice president of pledge education. To Dragma


• Has responsibility to educate/assimilate new members.


Building relationships that last a lifetime...

To the editor: friends and sisters. Believe it or not, days, but love and support for each
after viewing the tape several times, I sister through thick or thin, in times of
I am a faithful reader of To k n o w what each one's message was triumph or adversity.
Dragma, having been a sister f r o m Phi to me. This is a tape that I w i l l cherish
Lambda w h i c h is n o longer o n the forever. I hope that when my daughter
campus o f Y o u n g s t o w n State U . One goes to college, she will pledge A O F I
t h i n g I feel has been missing f r o m To They remember me at Christmas as and know the meaning of sisterhood
Dragma is the m e n t i o n i n g o f chapters well. W h e n they are together, they call as I do. Sisterhood that goes o n l o n g
that are no longer chartered . . . and I get to talk to all of them. . .They after your college days are gone.
do all this and more for a person w h o
The lifetime sisterhood m y sisters doesn't write or call o n a regular basis! The active chapter o f A O I 1 is gone
of Phi Lambda have given to me still from YSU, but I think you w o u l d agree
continues even t h o u g h there is no If I w o u l d leave this world that the Phi Lambdas are still sisters
active chapter. Fourteen of us have tomorrow, my only regret would be and very much active in the commu-
been getting together on a monthly not letting them know how much 1 nity. I think that's what our four
basis for over 20 years. What do w e love and miss them. I would expect Founders had in mind when they
do? W e maintain our memories and and want them to remember my founded our sorority. I can tell you
friendships along with helping each passing by having one huge party. that without my sisters of A O I I , I don't
other cope w i t h such p r o b l e m s as They know how much I loved to party k n o w that I could have gotten through
divorces, cheating spouses, life-threat- with them. . . many of life's uphill climbs. For true
ening illnesses, difficult children (not friends are the greatest riches one can
to mention husbands), loss of jobs, I think that this great group of ever have. @
legacies and, oh yes, those daughters sisters have proved that sisterhood is
that are pledging another sorority. not only love for AOI1 during college Phyllis DePizzo Ashton

At Christmas time we have a get in Alaska...
together. We used to exchange gifts,
but knowing how lucky we've all For t w o weeks in June (1992) there were five A O I I s o n the M.S. Universe
been, we decided to adopt a needy cruising the Inland Passage and the Gulf o f Alaska. Three alumnae and
family and supply them with a food their husbands, Nancy Vivas and Helen Waterbury, both Nu Lambda (U. of
basket and other essential items. Southern California), and Dorothy Garber, Lambda (Stanford U.) had
arranged to go on the trip together. Shortly before sailing, they found that
Six years ago, I moved to California Mary Tye and her sister Celeste Herbert, both Sigma Tau (Washington
because of my job. M y sorority sisters College), were passengers on the same cruise. From left are Mary Pigg Tye,
came over and in one day, we packed Celeste Pigg Herbert, Dorothy Bishop Garber, Helen Supple Waterbury and
my entire house to get ready for the Nancy Anderson Vivas.
trip across the country. W e laughed as
we reminisced about old times, and we -contributed by Dorothy Garber, Lambda (Stanford U.)
cried knowing that it w o u l d be a long
time before we saw each other again. ~~s#^ ,,r: •
Six years later I'm still unpacking boxes
and finding notes of encouragement ....
and h o w I'll be missed. You'll never
k n o w h o w much this has meant to me.

O n m y 40th birthday m y sisters in
Ohio went out and celebrated my
birthday. This has been a tradition for
us since w e started meeting, but I
never dreamed they would continue
this after I moved. They taped the
party, even though Barb Raupple
forgot to turn on the sound. Each
sister reminded me of something w e
had done together and of all the good
a n d b a d times w e w e n t t h r o u g h as

Winter 1993 9

on a cruise... on vacation in Vancouver...

Five AOITs spent a semester sailing the In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
globe with 500 other students through a (from left) Jennifer Carr , Iota Chi (U. of
program called Semester at Sea. They took Western Ontario); Melissia Anderson, Alpha
classes o n the ship i n subjects ranging f r o m Gamma (Washington State U.); Dina
economics to history. The M.S. Universe D'Gerolamo, Kappa Tau (Southeastern
docked in ten different countries, including Louisianna U.); and Marjorie Stevens, Beta
Brazil, South Africia, India, Hong Kong and Kappa (U. of British Columbia) met for
Japan. While the ship was in pon, the dinner. Melissia. a former resident consultant,
students had the opportunity to travel inde- and Dina, Membership Development
pendently. From left are Elizabeth Beattie, Coordinator at International Headquarters,
Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U.); Jerry Cogan, were in Vancouver on vacation.
Iota Sigma (Iowa State U.); Susan Anderson,
Chi Delta (U. of Colorado-Boulder), Nicole
Jackson, Pi (Newcomb College-Tulane); and
Allison Morton, Epsilon (Cornell U.).

on an AIDS Walk in
San Francisco...

Former chapter consultants Stephanie Marsh
(from left), Rissa Welcker and Janet Siegel are
pictured at a recent AIDS Walk in San Francisco.
They hope to start an alumnae chapter in San
Francisco and encourage any AOFIs in the area to
contact them at (415) 986-6630.

10 To Dragma

Thank you, AOn, for my best Mend for 26 years!

As AOI1 counts up to her centen- d r e n and spouse as I love hers. She sisterhood we have in AOIT.
nial year, I am sending a long guards my secret thoughts; she Thank you, AOI1, for bringing this
overdue "thank you note." embraces the good in me and under-
stands m y frailties. She has been a wonderful blessing into my life!
In A u g u s t , 1967, at Florida living example of the message in I This photo shows Karen (left) and
Southern College in Lakeland, Florida, Corinthians 13. I k n o w that her love
I met the girl who was to become my and friendship will be with me me at Stonehenge, England in March,
big sister i n AOI1. W e met at a frater- always. 1993, o n a trip w e had talked about
nity rush party and I knew immedi- f o r 25 years! 0
ately that she and I would be friends. We jokingly say that between us
What I didn't realize was how much we almost have one brain! But seri- -Contributed by Deborah Botner
she w o u l d mean to me 26 years later! ously, I k n o w we do share one heart Sims, Kappa Gamma (Florida
and that sharing began through the Southern College)
Karen Ames Johnson, Kappa
Gamma (Florida Southern College)—
big sister, dearest fiend, confidante,
playmate, adviser, earth angel. Over
the past 26 years w e have been
through three marriages, one divorce,
four children and more tears and
laughter than t w o hearts can hold. She
is the one I can call at any time a n d
k n o w that she will be there for me
and still love me no matter h o w silly
or h o w ugly my thoughts are.

She laughs at the same things I do;
she cries with me and her heart aches
w h e n mine does. She loves m y chil-

Chapter is gone, but sisterhood remains...

Lambda A O I l s held a great reunion The group this year consisted of It will soon be 50 years since the
at the Asilomar Conference Center, 23 A O I l s w i t h 15 husbands j o i n i n g abolishment of the Lambda Chapter
Pacific Grove, California, early in them for an evening barbecue. Most ....but w e are still together! €1
October. This was not the first get- of the alumnae live in California, but
together nor will it be the last, for the Carol Clifford Courtwright traveled —Contributed by Dorothy Bishop Garber
alumnae were all i n the classes o f 1940 f r o m Stuart, Florida, Barbara Woods Lambda (Stanford U.)
to 1947, and they were the "last o f the Worth f r o m Prescot, Arizona, and
Lambdas." It was in the spring o f 1944 Beverly Leggett Lambert from
that sororities w e r e a b o l i s h e d at Portland, Oregon.
Stanford University. This move by the
administration was unexpected; colle- From left are Mamy Say Jones, Edith
gians and alumnae were appalled and Anderson Ramsey,
saddened. But graduating seniors kept From left are Carol Clifford, Harriet Knockerhocker, Gloria Kellogg
in touch with sisters and, i n time, plans Warner Martinelli, Patricia Miller Waterburyjacquelyn
were made for a get-together. The first Battaglia, Evelyn Pleasant Johnson and and Dorothy bishop Helen Supple
gathering was a luncheon held in April Phyllis Baitlet Stevens.
1986. Since then, there have been Cannon Bonnett
meetings in southern and northern
California at two-year intervals. These Garber.
reunions have been a wonderful way
of renewing our sisterhood.

W i n t e r 1993 1I

BUILDING So you're thinking
RELATIONSHIPS of becoming a

chapter consultant...

By Ann Conlon Griesmer, Gamma Alpha (George Mason U.);

Chapter Consultant Coordinator;Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter

(with excerpts written by Beth Johnson, Chapter Consultant)

Alpha O m i c r o n Pi's Chapter Consultant serves as an official representative o f the Fraternity as she travels to A O I T s colle-
giate chapters providing advice and encouragement to chapter members and advisers. CCs are chosen because they
possess intelligence, enthusiasm, personality, self-confidence and a strong commitment to A O I I and its ideals. They also
demonstrate independence, organizational skills and a desire to learn. Flexibility and the ability to serve as a role m o d e l are
key components o f successful CCs. They thrive o n challenges and enjoy utilizing their personal expertise to contribute to the
success and growth o f the Fraternity's chapters and its members. Chapter Consultant positions are open to all recent A O I I
graduates or those cunently enrolled or completing masters degree programs.

The following are fictional scenarios of occasionally exchanging smiles, as she envisioned herself as a jet setter visit-
typical events in a typical day of a tells them about the Founders and the ing intriguing cities and discovering
Chapter Consultant. beginnings of our ritual. the hip spots in every town. What she
didn't know is that she would really
Abby Aldrich wakes in the middle Diane Fuhrer always knew she find sisters from coast to coast that
of the night and for a moment, can't wanted to be a Chapter Consultant. She truly are bound by the ties of friend-
remember where she is. As she looks knew she had more to offer AOFI than ship. "I never thought I would feel this
around, she spots her travel clock on an she was able to give during her college much reward for being a CC. Even the
unfamiliar nightstand and remembers years, and she was right. She still feels smallest success or improvement in a
she's on the first day of her seventh butterflies in her stomach when she chapter puts me on cloud nine."
chapter visit. As she turns over, she prepares to give her wrap-up to the
thinks about her crazy yet typical day, chapter. She doesn't know why she As Tracy Maxwell gets ready for
racing to the airport, only to have her gets nervous every time. They're her bed, she thinks about the great day she
plane delayed 35 minutes and then sit- sisters and a great chapter. Neverthe- had, shopping and a movie with sev-
ting next to a friendly two year old with less, it happens every time. eral chapter members of the chapter
a sucker. She laughs to herself as she she's visiting. She marvels at how
then recalls seeing those seven smiling As Beth Holderfield concludes the much fun they had. They chatted like
faces, her newest sisters all wearing last of her officer conferences, she they've all been friends for years, yet
those three familiar Greek letters. She begins to mentally prepare herself for she came to the chapter only two days
recalls the feeling of relief that came her next visit. She phones the RD and before. How can this be? These women
over her as another chapter visit got off RVP for last minute instructions and grew up in different parts of the coun-
to a great start. double-checks her flight itinerary. As try, went to different schools, have
she packs her bags, chapter members different backgrounds. It's almost like
Tiffany Calvert never gets tired of drop by to bid her farewell. They thank they were bound together by one com-
giving the same ritual workshop visit her for her help and advice, and she mon bond.
after visit. She wonders if that reward- thanks them for making her feel so wel-
ing feeling will ever change, but it come at their chapter. They promise to Jessica McCauley laughs at herself
doesn't. The scene is always the same. keep in touch and they do. as she sits on the f r o n t porch of the
The chapter members sit politely and chapter house and waits for the mail.
wait for Tiffany's "speech" to begin. When Beth Johnson applied to be a The mail carrier has never been so
But as she begins, their expressions Chapter Consultant for AOTI, she had w a r m l y received. She rips into the
change, they lean forward, they hang an idea of how wonderful it would be familiar looking package and finds
on her every word. They remain silent, to travel across North America. She stacks of wonderful mail from friends,

12 To Dragma

family, HQ and even a stack of cata- CHAPTER CONSULTANT
logs. Her favorite? A letter from a CALENDAR OF SELECTION PROCESS
chapter member she met during her last
visit simply saying hello. AND CONSULTANT YEAR

Allison McKinney loves being a September 1993 ences w i t h a Saturday night stay, i n
Chapter Consultant. She loves meeting most cases, candidates w i l l arrive
with officers and giving them sugges- Applications mailed to chapters in Nashville on Saturday, spend
tions. She enjoys meeting with advisers in September mailing. the night at H Q and f l y h o m e o n
and talking with Panhellenic represen- Sunday.
tatives. She loves to visit with new January 15, 1994
members and hear their impressions of Candidates will be notified of
A O n . She also enjoys helping Leaders Application deadline. The their interview time and date
Council devise goals and objectives for deadline has been extended. before arrival at H Q .
the year. She only wishes she could see International Headquarters must
the results of her hard work. But she receive completed applications Week of March 17, 1994
knows that's all part of a consultant's postmarked on or before January
job. She knows that eventually, her 15, 1994 to be considered. All candidates notified of
suggestions, encouragement and selection.
advice will make a difference. Approximately February 4,1994
April 1994
Judging from her last few officer Applicants are notified by mail
conferences, Michelle Serrano thinks whether they have been selected Official announcement of 1994
her next meeting will be a typical offi- for an interview. - 1995 Chapter Consultant Team in
cer meeting. They'll look at her A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi's Piper.
notebook, discuss the officer's ideas Interviews will be arranged
and goals for her office and how her with candidates selected. All June 24 - 26, 1994
plans are going. But when she arrives, candidates will be flown to HQ
Michelle realizes that this is not a typi- unless candidate is w i t h i n 130 Chapter Consultants attend
cal meeting. This new officer has just miles of HQ. Region V's Leadership Conference
been elected and knows almost noth- in Louisville, KY.
ing about her office. She hasn't even March 4 - 6, 1994
received her materials from the past July 1994
officer. Michelle knows it is up to her Candidates are interviewed at
to review the duties of the office and to Alpha Omicron Pi International T w o - w e e k training at
assist with ideas and suggestions for the Headquarters, B r e n t w o o d , T N by- International Headquarters.
year. She realizes that the entire chapter Ann Gilchrist, Executive Board August 1994 - November,
is counting on her to help acclimate Director in charge of Chapter January - April 1995
their newest officer. Michelle assumes Consultants, Melanie Doyle, Alpha
the responsibility eagerly and the two Omicron Pi's Executive Director Follow-up training and dates
dig right in. and Ann Griesmer, Chapter of the 1994-95 Chapter Consultant
Consultant Coordinator. In order travel year.
" I encourage anyone w h o is to take advantage of airfare differ-
interested in being a Chapter
Consultant to apply. It is a rewarding If you are interested in learning more about the Chapter Consultant
position which can offer you the position or application process, contact:
opportunity of meeting A O n sisters far
and near. To those sisters whom I have Ann Conlon Griesmer
met this year, thank you! You have left Chapter Consultant Coordinator
a lasting impression on me and you
have taught me about the most 9025 Overlook Blvd.
important part of AOFI, sisterhood." Brentwood, T N 37027

—Beth Johnson (615)370-0920
1993 - 94 Chapter Consultant,
Chi Delta (U. of Colorado, Boulder). Name:

Graduation Date:
Phone: ( )

W i n t e r 1993 13

DEVELOPING Interviewing 101:
GOALS \> Getting a head start
on your career

By Stacy A. Chick However, if you plan to enter a very work and college experiences to the
Lambda Sigma (U. ofGeorgia) specialized f i e l d , such as pharmacy, specific objective or position, and (3)
it's best to f i n d a mentor w h o is also i n keep it short, preferably one page.
If y o u are graduating in 1994 no that field. She can offer insight i n most Your A O n experiences should be
doubt you've learned to Plan, aspects of the profession and advise included in your resume. For example,
Prepare, Execute and Follow-up in you accordingly. Ask to observe a if you were rush chair, you've proven
every area o f your busy life, f r o m class "day o n the job" w i t h her. This is the that you are capable of leading a large
work to AOP. And just when you best way to detennine your interest in group, delegating authority, focusing
thought, "Whew, it's all over—I gradu- a career field. Y o u see "the good, the on a task for an extended period, and
ated," it's time to begin your career. bad and the ugly" and get a clear achieving results. These abilities are
Today's job market is more competi- vision of what's actually involved in important to prospective employers.
tive than ever before; therefore, you the job. Recent college graduates often feel
must Plan, Prepare, Execute and their limited w o r k experience is irrele-
Follow-up to differentiate yourself Prepare: research the vant. Just keep in m i n d that your wait-
from other candidates. industry. ressing job taught you to manage your
time and money and enabled you to
Plan: target your career Find out as m u c h as possible about pay 50 percent o f y o u r college
objective. the industry in which you plan to expenses. That says y o u are a respon-
work. What are the short and long sible, disciplined worker who can
Ask yourself, "What do I want to term expectations? H o w is it affected w o r k i n d e p e n d e n t l y a n d as a team
do? What are m y short and long-term by economic, technological or polit- member. Incorporate "action" words
objectives?" While your objective will ical factors? Sources for this type of into your job or responsibility descrip-
likely change f r o m time to time, it's information include industry or trade tions, such as "coordinated", "led",
important to have a general idea of the publications, newspapers, magazines, "exceeded", and keep "passive" words
work you want to do. Keep in mind annual reports, and government and phrases ("have been", "was",
that making a career choice now does studies. Your college professors, "were") to a minimum.
not limit your choices later in your career placement advisors and
career. Many people change career mentors are also sources of industry Ask your mentor, professor or
directions several times throughout information. Do your "homework" career placement advisor to review
their working life. Identify all the early so that you will be well-prepared your resume. Ask if you may use them
possibilities by reflecting on what you to interview in your chosen career or as a reference, and be sure y o u have
enjoy i n your class w o r k and extracur- field. their correct home and office addresses
ricular activities. and phone numbers. Remember to
Prepare: resume and thank those w h o assist y o u i n your
Prepare:find a mentor. references. career search.

A mentor is an advisor, very much With today's competitive job Prepare: getting
like your A O f l big sister. It's helpful to market, your resume is the only tool the interview.
have someone who's traveled a career you have to "stand out" among the
path consistent with your vision and masses of applicants. To catch a How do you get an interview?
w h o can help you in your career. Your prospective interviewer's attention Your career planning and placement
mentor doesn't have to be in the same with your resume, remember these office may offer prospective
discipline or industry you've chosen. tips: (1) tell the truth, (2) relate your employers the opportunity to inter-

1 I To Dragma

view students on campus. Generally, others in that field wear to work. For your company interested in expanding
these employers recruit students in example, if you are interviewing for a its product line?" Questions you
their senior year. However, some bank management trainee position, should not ask include: "How much
employers offer summer internships dress conservatively in a dark suit and money will I make?", or "How many
for juniors who are then "preferred" pumps. If your interview is with a vacation days do I get'" Leave benefits
candidates, depending on perfor- public relations agency for an account and salary negotiations for a subse-
mance, in their senior year. executive position, perhaps a vibrant quent interview and let the interviewer
color is appropriate. Just remember, a bring up the subject.
Professional recruiters are another navy blue suit, white blouse and small
interview source. Use good judgment gold earrings may not be the best Follow-up
when working with a recruiter. choice. Employers today look for
Generally, recruiters, or "head people who can make decisions and Once the interview is completed,
hunters" as they are sometimes called, are not afraid of standing out in a an interviewer will usually explain the
are paid a pre-arranged fee or crowd. Just don't stand out so far that next step in the process. You may be
percentage of first year salary by the others don't want to be around you! If one of several candidates who will be
employer when the position is filled. in doubt, ask your mentor. The most chosen for a subsequent interview.
Some professional recruiters work important things to wear to an inter- Before the end of your interview, let
with large corporations on a contin- view are a smile and a calm, confident the interviewer know of your interest
gency fee. Another source, profes- demeanor. in pursuing the job opportunity. While
sional career counselors, may require statements like "When do I start?" or
a fee from the job applicant prior to Execute: the interview. "When will you make me an offer?"
arranging interviews with potential may sound assertive, generally the
employers. Ask questions and get fee Interviewing, like any other skill, interviewer is not impressed. It is more
arrangements in writing prior to inter- improves with practice. Your career professional to state your sincere
viewing with recruiters or professional planning and placement office is one interest in future interview possibilities
career counselors. of the best places to hone your inter- and not press the interviewer for a
viewing skills. Many facilities offer commitment at that time.
"Networking" is the means of classes or programs in which you "role
communicating your job search goals play" or practice interviewing. Your Whether the process involves one
to as many p e o p l e as possible, A O n sisters are excellent practice or multiple interviews with different
including family, friends, neighbors, partners. people, a handwritten or typed thank
A O n sisters and alumnae. Many you note is always a professional
communities offer networking oppor- During the interview, listen closely touch. Thank the interviewer for his or
tunities at recreation centers or to the interviewer's questions and her time and repeat your interest in
churches. Check your local news- instructions. If you don't understand a pursuing future opportunities. It is
paper's business section for details. question, ask the interviewer to repeat usually not necessary to pay for
it. As you answer, maintain eye "overnight" mail services; regular mail
When a prospective employer contact and speak clearly. Sincere, service is sufficient.
finally contacts you for an interview, honest answers are always better than
your research work really begins! those you may think the interviewer As you pursue job opportunities,
Investigate the organization with wants to hear. Your research and keep in mind that the interviewing
which you're interviewing. What are preparation for the interview will be process for most organizations is
their long-term goals? What are their apparent during the interview. For lengthy. Use good time management
products or services? Who are their example, " I noticed in a recent issue of skills to maximize your possibilities.
customers or suppliers? Do you know Advertising Age that your company
anyone familiar with the organization awarded the Widget account to ABC Finally, realize that although you
or industry who can help you prepare? Company" shows the interviewer you may experience some rejection
are very interested in the company. initially, it takes patience and perse-
Confirm the date, time, and loca- verance to find the right career oppor-
tion of your interview and the name of Once you've answered all the tunity. There is a place for you in a
the person you are to see. Call well in interviewer's questions, you will likely rewarding career opportunity. If you
advance for directions. Nothing makes be given the opportunity to ask ques- Plan, Prepare, Execute and Follow-up
a bad impression more than being late tions. Prepare these questions in thoroughly, you'll be making that
to an interview, for whatever reason. advance. Examples of questions hard-earned college degree work for
include: "What are the long-term you very soon. Good luck to the class
Dress appropriately for your inter- prospects for this opportunity?" or "Is of 1994! #
view. If you are uncertain, notice what

Winter 1993' 15

ENRICHING Positive thinking:
It's what you say to
yourself that counts...

By Susie Craig influence action and action influences rather than what they liked. They had
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.) thoughts began thousands of years established the habit of being self crit-
ago. Today, science supports the ical using negative thinking. There is
Wh e n I d e p a r t e d f o r P u r d u e notion that thoughts and attitude not no shortage of negative thinking in the
University, my Dad gave me only affect our actions and feelings, but 90s. These sub-conscious thoughts are
three secrets for success during my actually change our biochemical make- very powerful in directing our nega-
up. Thoughts are relevant to our tive habits and establishing pessimistic-
collegiate years. He said, emotional health and to our physio- attitudes about situations, people, and
logical health. Psychologists estimate especially ourselves.
"Physics will he a breeze if you that w e have 45,000 to 50,000 distinct
thoughts every day. As we learn, we Occasionally negative thinking
remember that water runs develop habitual patterns of thought leads to a helpful action or outcome,
and behavior that are both helpful and but most o f the time it is a pathway to
downhill. hurtful to us. Most of our thoughts and stress. I n fact, one o f the best ways
thought patterns are constant, very you can identify learned patterns of
"Calculus will be a cinch when powerful and rarely noticed in our negative self talk is to l o o k f o r similar
you recall that two plus two daily living. They become as automatic situations that consistently cause stress
equals four most of the time. as signing o u r names. in your life. One way to begin to
really listen to yourself is to use a
"Campus life will be good if you Think about the things that you do technique of sentence completion.
always remember that 'Life is a automatically each day. There are
Game Between Your Ears.'" virtually hundreds of daily personal
activities like brushing your teeth,
The passage of physics, calculus, driving a car, dressing, walking, I'mfeeling stressed because.
and time has elapsed since that playing a musical instrument, and
conversation with my father, but his reading. As we learn to do new things, The more times y o u are able to
words still ring true. I n essence, he conscious thought is necessary until complete this sentence about any
told me that while there are laws of we develop a pattern of behavior; stressful situation, the more likely it is
science, life is dynamic. It's always then subconscious thought takes over that you are listening to your estab-
changing, often i n ways we least and drives the process. lished, subconscious self talk. Often,
expect or desire. In every circum- individuals can uncover 10, 20, or
stance, however, each of us has As adults, we have developed and even 30 sentences that describe the
personal ownership of our thoughts. learned many patterns of thought that same stressful circumstances.
Through the years, Dad's words have foster healthy behaviors and positive
stayed with me. They have made a attitudes and feelings. Yet we often Example: I have been dieting to
difference in my life. emphasize the negative. That's learned improve my appearance for spring
behavior, too. vacation and just finished a large bowl
O u r lifelong educational process is of buttered microwave popcorn.
filled with "How To's: reading, Once I asked participants of a
writing, arithmetic, reducing stress, focus group to choose between I feel stressed because:
communicating, computing, making making a list o f 100 things they liked
friends, finding a mate, raising chil- about themselves or a list of the things Catastrophizing: "Once again, I've
dren, and building successful relation- they would most like to change. For
ships. Yet, few of us receive any kind most of them, it was much easier to blown my commitment to a diet."
of assistance or positive support in focus on what they would change
learning how to truly listen to All or Nothing: "I have no will
ourselves and actively choose what power."
w e say to ourselves on a daily basis.
Perfectionism: " I may as w e l l quit."
The concept that personal thoughts

16 To Dragma

Watch Out For Mind Reading: "The diet isn't listen more closely to what I was
These Negative saying to myself and began to make
w o r k i n g (as q u i c k l y as I w o u l d changes and choices about my self
Mind Traps talk. Not long after I chose to make
like) anyway." those changes. I met my husband.
All or Nothing:
If I don't have it all, I have Overgeneralization: "I'll always be Learning to listen is the first step.
nothing. There's only one fat." This requires commitment, courage,
way to success. and practice. Listening will not come
Comparative Thinking: " I ' l l never easily. I challenge you to do three
Perfectionism- look like Christi Brinkley in a things. First, take time to list 100
If I don't perform perfectly, bathing suit." things you like about yourself. If you
I will be embarrassed, have difficulty completing this task,
doomed & I might as well Catastrophizing: "I'm never ask your friends, your AOFI sisters,
quit. parents, siblings, and spouses for
successful at losing weight." input and listen to them. Next, think
Overgeneralizatiom about something you would like to
I come to a general Disqualifying the Positive: " I could change that w o u l d make a quality
conclusion based on a have chosen un-buttered popcorn." difference in your day to day life.
single incident. Take time to identify negative mind
Besides causing stress, negative self traps and the negative thinking that
Emotional Reasoning: talk has other costs. As thinking beings, keep you from making this change.
I believe that what I "feel" our thoughts determine our expecta- Once you have identified the negative
must be true. tions, personal motivation, self image, thoughts, you can begin replacing
and self esteem. Everyday, our self them with more positive, helpful
Comparative Thinking: perceptions help determine how we thoughts. M e a n i n g f u l change is chal-
In actions I take, I often feel about ourselves. Yet. what w e say lenging, but is w o r t h the effort.
compare myself to others. to ourselves may have little relation-
My comparison leaves me ship to reality. Often, this self talk is Maturity comes from listening to
depressed, stressed, or merely a reflection of our learned, ourselves and making certain that
anxious. practiced negative mind traps. what we are saying to ourselves is
t n i t h f u l as w e l l as h e l p f u l . So m a n y o f
Catastrophizing: During my college years. I was a our limitations are entirely self
I magnify potential good student and a participant in imposed. Often they are based on
results of any mishap. many campus activities. My social life, what others think or say and what w e
however was one big disaster. My think and say inappropriately about
Mind Reading: lack of confidence and habitual nega- ourselves.
I jump to conclusions tive self talk created some very inter-
early in my assessment esting situations during my limited You can actively listen to yourself
of situations. dating experiences. and look for ways to be a more posi-
tive person every day. If you're an
Disqualifying the Positive For instance, one of my collegiate optimist, you'll remember that you
The "Yes, but I could have" blind dates remarked upon arrival that have 45,000 potential opportunities
syndrome. he knew me f r o m statistics class. each day to practice more positive
Unable to recognize him, I asked thoughts. This process begins and
Winter 1993 w h e r e he sat i n the classroom. " I sit ends with you. Every area in your life
in the back comer of the room," he can benefit from a more positive atti-
remarked. To which I replied, "Next tude: school work, career choices,
to the loud-mouthed bearded fellow?" personal relationships. AOI1 meet-
After a very long silence, he told me ings, alumni groups, physical health.
that he had just shaved! This gave The positive potential is w i t h i n each
new meaning to a line from one of of you and it begins w i t h one positive
my favorite hymns, I'm blind, but thought.
n o w I see. Actually, it took me many-
years to see. Life is a game betiveen your earspSi-

Today, this story is humorous but
during my college years it was one of
several dating experiences which
seemed to justify my low self esteem.
These were powerful, negative, hurtful
experiences. Eventually. I did learn to


Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter is installed

"S|—™ Fifteen members o f the Hilton Head Island Alumnae
Chapter were installed o n February 20, 1993, at the
n First Presbyterian Church o f Hilton Head. Collegians f r o m
Alpha Lambda at Georgia Southern University led the
15 ritual and installation ceremony w i t h the assistance of
Linder Snider, Vice President for Region III.

This summer was a busy one, so chapter members
relaxed, visited with each other, and enjoyed the warm,
balmy breezes as they h e l d their m o n t h l y meetings
outside o n the patio at the Boathouse Grill overlooking
the Intracoastal Waterway.

a A visit in August from Kathy Arn, Region III Director

for Alumnae Chapters, brought the group together for
dinner at Kyotos. Kathy gave many suggestions for
meetings and how to increase activity and membership.

The summer ended w i t h a meeting o n September 16
with plans being made for hind-raising activities and fall
and winter meetings.

Members of the Hilton Head Alumnae Chapter. --Contributed by Mickey Todd Schilling, Lambda
Sigma (U. of Georgia)

At 92, Billie Stewart still works for others...

For some people, volunteering may knitted caps for their children.
be donating canned food for a Stewart turned the idea into a
holiday f o o d drive or giving b l o o d at
pastime, knitting caps for children
the local Red Cross a f e w times a year. since 1986. Each night, Stewart spends
her evenings watching television and
For 92-year-old Billie Stewart, charity knitting caps. She makes a p p r o x i -
mately 140 caps each year.
w o r k is a w a y o f life.
"They're so easy to do," Stewart said.
As a member of Omicron chapter, U . " I have to keep busy. I can't sit still. It
(knitting) saved my life."
of Tennessee, since 1918, Willia "Billie"
The Knit N' Purl Shop in Knoxville
McLemore Stewart, learned the impor- organizes the "Caps for Kids" project
a n d provides Stewart a n d about 15
tance of charity work through philan- other volunteers with yarn donated for
the program. The finished caps are
thropic events. collected by the shop for distribution
during the holiday season b y the News-
Since her retirement from the Sentinel.

Knoxville, Tennessee, City Welfare Stewart and the other volunteers
have made more than 1,000 caps this
Department decades ago, Stewart has year, compared to 800 last year.

been involved in some type of social "Billie's just a doll," said Jackie
Johnson, owner o f the shop. "This is
service or community program. what keeps her going—being able to
d o this. She's just a real sweet person."
Over the years, Stewart has given Billie Stewart
"She always has a smile. She always (Reprinted by permission of
assistance to parents of deaf children, looks immaculate and very well The Knoxville News-Sentinel Co.)
dressed," and for someone in their 90s
helped begin the Hearing and Speech — "that is unique." With two children, four grandchil-
dren and seven great grandchildren of
Center at the University o f Tennessee her own, Stewart understands the
importance of helping others—espe-
a n d served as a visitor f o r A i d t o cially children w h o cannot care for
themselves. - | |
Dependent Children.
Contributed by Ann Maxwell,
After reading about a need for Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.)

v o l u n t e e r k n i t t e r s i n the Knoxville

News-Sentinel, Stewart found her

calling. A local charitable organization

k n o w n as the E m p t y Stocking C l u b

wanted to provide each family

receiving a holiday food basket with

18 To Dragma

Announcing the 1993-1994

AOn Foundation Scholarship Winners

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is very pleased to announce the recipients of three new scholarships. The
Edith Huntington Anderson Scholarship will be given each convention year to a sister who is pursuing a
medical degree or related graduate degree. The Carolyn Huey Harris Memorial Scholarship is given to an
AOI1 who is preparing for a communications career. The Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship, established by
Kerri's mother Sandy McPeeks, goes to a sister pursuing a career in actuarial science or a related field.

To establish a named, endowed scholarship, a fund must meet a minimum of $10,000 within five years
of the first contribution. Once fully established, the award will be given based on the interest income from
the fund.

These three scholarships are given in conjunction with the Diamond Jubilee Scholarships which have
been awarded to hundreds of deserving AOIls since 1959. This year 23 scholarships totalling $22,500 have
been awarded. Scholarships went to graduate and undergraduate students including several sisters who are
returning to school after some years.

The brainchild of Muriel T. McKinney, PIP, Diamond Jubilee Scholarships are under the guidance of
three former Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Foundation members. Rosalie Barber, SO, Chairman, Ann Zipp
Game, NO and Marilyn Herman, Y have the nearly overwhelming task of choosing recipients from the ever
larger pool of applicants. This year a record 140 applications were received.

• f. Shelley Leigh Standard, Chairman, Leader's Council. Rush
Hillinga Lambda Sigma Preference Chairman. Assistant
Standard Carolyn Huey Harris Memorial Treasurer
Scholarship "Medicine is an occupation which allows
• Region III the opportunity of working with the
Senior, University of Georgia public and helping others, which is of
Folev Major-Marketing tremendous importance to me."
Fraternity Service-First Vice President,
Winter 1993 Pledge Educator, Activities Chairman, Lena P. Hillinga, Gamma Sigma
Pledge Class President Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship
"Although I have contributed much time Region III
to A O n , in return I have received Senior, Georgia State University
lifetime memories and friendships that I Major-Marketing
will treasure forever. Fraternity Service-Chapter President.
Intramural Chairman, Social Chairman,
Melanie Renee Foley, Tau Omicron Pledge Class Vice President
Edith Huntingdon Anderson Scholarship "AOn has shown me that through
Region V charity and dedication, the most difficult
Undergraduate School-University of times in life can eventually become the
Tennessee at Martin most rewarding. And, that the strength of
Major-Biology love and desire to overcome loss leads to
Fraternity Service-Scholarship inner growth."


Shellie Lynn Deffendall, Chi Lambda Michelle Lynn Geller, Chi
Muriel T. McKinney Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Graduate Scholarship
Scholarship Region I
Region IV Undergraduate School-Syracuse University
Senior, University of Evansville Graduate School-Mount Sinai School of
Major-Finance Medicine
Fraternity Service-Rush Chairman, PR Degree Pursuing-Doctor of Medicine
Chairman, Greek Task Force, Keeper of the Fraternity Service-Scholarship Chairman.
Ritual. Pledge Class PR Chairman Leader's Council
"'The leadership and organizational skills, "By following the ideals behind AOFI, I have
including time management, which I have experienced the true meanings of
gained through AOI1 have helped me in my commitment, sisterhood, respect for others,
collegiate studies." love and support in the lasting friendships and
valuable connections I have acquired through
Kristen Michelle Kilker, Omega Upsilon
Alpha Tau Corporation Diamond Jubilee Aon."
Region IV Leslie Lee Liedel, Zeta Psi
Junior, Ohio University Diamond Jubilee Graduate Scholarship
Major-Business Administration Region III
Fraternity Service-Vice President Undergraduate School-East Carolina
Administration. MIF Chairman University
"Being able to say I made a difference and being Graduate Schools-East Carolina University,
involved, in whatever organization I am in, is a Kent State University
personal goal that I carry proudly." Degree Pursuing-Doctorate in History
Fraternity Service-Alumnae Relations
Diane Jane Prindle-Lanphear, Tau Chairman. Pledge Educator. Corresponding
Diamond Jubilee Alumna Scholarship Secretary. Keeper of the Ritual. Pledge
Region V I I Adviser and Rush Adviser for Zeta Psi
Undergraduate Schools-University of "Prior to college, I never dreamed of serving in
Minnesota. Metropolitan State University a leadership position, but AOFI contributed to
Major-Communications an increase in my self-confidence which in
Fraternity Service-Campus Carnival Asst. turn fostered my leadership abilities in other
Chairman, Campus Carnival Chairman, areas of my life."
Pledge Advisor to Tau. Colony Advisor to
Kappa Sigma Debi Adele Allen, Kappa Omega
"Due to my recent work as an A O n colony Diamond Jubilee Graduate Scholarship
adviser, I have finally chosen a goal in higher Region V
education for myself which I am now Undergraduate School-University of
pursuing with excitement and vigor." Kentucky
Graduate School-Spalding University
Jane Van Roo Crawley, Sigma Lambda Degree Pursuing-Master in Clinical
Helen Holier Diamond Jubilee Graduate Psychology
Scholarship Fraternity Service-Alumnae Relations
Region V I I Chairman, Rush Chairman. Administrative
Undergraduate School-University of Vice President, Kappa Omega AAC,
Wisconsin at LaCrosse Regional Director Region V
Graduate School-Southern Illinois University "AOn has introduced me to a tremendous
Degree Pursuing-Master in Special Education group of women who have given me support,
Fraternity Service-RD Region V I I , Region encouragement and love over the years and
V I I Nominations Committee, Alumnae allowed me to grow as a person."
Chapter President, Vice President, Telephone
Chairman Jennifer Leigh Mize, Alpha Chi
"Alpha Omicron Pi has also provided a Diamond Jubilee Graduate Scholarship
unique feeling of belonging to me that goes Region V
beyond those associations made through Undergraduate School-Western Kentucky
family work or my community. It is knowing University
that wherever you are, there are sisters who Graduate School-University of North
share a common feeling and will always be Carolina at Chapel Hill
there." Degree Pursuing-Master in Political Science
Fraternity Service-Chapter President. Public
Relations Chairman. Philanthropic Chairman

To Dmgma

"AOn has given me the self-fulfillment and Erica Stephanie Williams, Beta Phi
confidence I need to pursue other goals. Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship
Without AOn, I would not have aspired to Region I V
take on leadership and responsibility." Senior, Indiana University
Lori Jo Payne, Delta Omega Fraternity Service-Pledge Class Historian,
Diamond Jubilee Graduate Scholarship Panhellenic Delegate, Administrative Vice-
Region V President
Undergraduate School-Murray State
University Lucinda Ann Thurman, Pi Alpha
Graduate Schools-Murray State University; Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship
University of Strathclyde, Scotland; Chase Region V
College of Law, Northern Kentucky Senior, University of Louisville
University Major-Biology
Degree Pursuing-Juris Doctorate Fraternity Service-Chapter President,
Fraternity Service-Pledge Class President, Leader's Council, Public Relations Chairman
Philanthropic Chairman, Rush Advisor
"Developed friendships - not only on campus, Melissa Renee Ferry, Zeta Pi
but within the broader spectrum of AOI1 and Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship
among women leaders in the community and Region V I
across the nation." Senior, University of Alabama at
Julia Marie Tyra, Tau Delta Major-Occupational Therapy
Diamond Jubilee Graduate Scholarship Fraternity Service-Chapter President, Chapter
Region V I Relations Chairman, Informal Rush
Undergraduate School-Birmingham Southern Chairman
Graduate School-University of Alabama at Christina Mantis, Iota
Birmingham School of Medicine Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship
Degree Pursuing-Doctor of Medicine Region VII
Fraternity Service-Pledge Class Secretary, Junior, University of Illinois
Class Caucus Chairman, By-laws Chairman, Major-Industrial Engineering
Recording Secretary, Leader's Council. Fraternity Service-Chapter President,
Homecoming Chairman Administrative Assistant, Pledge Class
" I have learned that AOIf exemplifies service President
to others in a humbly unassuming manner and
lovingly accepts all people through its Sara Nicole Hoefle, Delta Theta
fundamental ideals and its members." Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship
Region VTJI
Eileen Alannah Degnan, Epsilon Senior, Texas Woman's University
Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship Major-Mass Communications
Region I Fraternity Service-Panhellenic Delegate,
Senior, Cornell University Ritual Chairman, Historian
Major-Hotel Administration
Fraternity Service-Membership Selection Angela Sarah Matthias, Upsilon
Committee, Intramural Committee Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship
Region I X
Laura Rachel Green, Pi Delta Senior, University of Washington
Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship Major-Sociology, History
Region II Fraternity Service-Rush Chairman
Junior, University of Maryland
Major-Journalism Jennifer Margaret Przybysz, Lambda Beta
Fraternity Service-Parent's Day Chairman, Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship
Corresponding Secretary, Rush Chairman Region X
Senior, California State University at Long
Carolyn Berle Dowling, Chi Beta Beach
Diamond Jubilee Undergraduate Scholarship Major-Clinical Psychology
Region III Fraternity Service-Scholarship Chairman
Junior. University of Virginia
Major-Environmental Science, Asian Studies
Fraternity Service-Membership Education

Winter 1993

The Second Century Society is a special group o f sisters w h o strongly believe REACHES
in the mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation and want to ensure that its $650,000
educational and philanthropic endeavors will be continued into the second
century o f the Fraternity's existence. Each member of the society has included The Decade of Endowment
the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in her estate plan w h i c h will build long-range Campaign, b e g u n in 1987, has
financial stability enabling the Foundation to continue its mission. reached $650,000. T h e goal is to raise
$1 million in cash and deferred gifts
Financial security for the A O I 1 Foundation is assured through deferred gifts. by Alpha O m i c r o n Pi's Centennial
A n easy w a y o f investing i n A O I T s future is through bequests, life insurance celebration in 1997. A majority of
policies, and other forms of planned gifts. Bequests to the AOIT Foundation are money raised to-date is f r o m deferred
100 % deductible for federal estate tax purposes. Planned giving assistance is gifts and restricted cash contributions.
available without obligation by contacting the Foundation Office at 615-370-0920.
The Endowment Committee,
W i t h heartfelt gratitude, the Foundation honors the f o l l o w i n g sisters w h o chaired by Barbara Hunt, PIP, met at
have included Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in their estate plans. Planned gift Foundation Headquarters the first
commitments during the 1992-93 fiscal year are denoted w i t h an asterisk. weekend in October where they spent
two days in intensive strategic planning
* Angela Bonds Alexander Rho Omicron '88 Martha Louise Hilands Alpha Rho '27 sessions. While the Foundation is sure
to reach the $1 million goal by 1997,
Mildred Fraise Allen Beta Phi '30 June Deny Hodge Sigma '54 the Endowment Committee determined
it w o u l d be in the best interest of AOI7
Edith Mae Matthew Bates Chi Lambda '52 Barbara Daugs Hunt Phi Delta '60 to raise $1 million i n unrestricted funds.
Other top objectives of the campaign
June Greer Bogle Nu Omicron '55 * Mary Ann Davies Jenkins Kappa Alpha '66 are to:

Nancy Perry Bowers Nu Omicron '53 Kathryn Ann Jensen Theta Omega 71 • To encourage multiple year gifts
• Increase Second Century Society
* Jo Anne Breitmeyer Pi Kappa '66 Jennifer Ami Jenson Kappa Omicron '78
membership to 150 and develop
* Laura Brush Burcham Alpha Kappa 79 Marguerite Crawford Lloyd Delta Sigma '50 planned gift materials
• Develop a sales/marketing plan
* Nancy Perko Bussing Phi Upsilon 74 Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre Pi 70 for the Decade of Endowment
Lorraine Marie Chanatry Chi'52 Eleanore D. MacCurdy Iota Alpha '59

Catherine Daughtery Cifers Omicron '38 * Laura Gilliam McDowell Beta Phi '34

* Carol Joyce Clark Alpha Rho '60 * Karen A. Morauski Phi Delta '82

* Elizabeth Romine Coffey Chi Lambda '55 Dana Lynne Moreland Delta Alpha '86

* Mary Batman Converse Phi Kappa '62 Katherine Elise Moss Tau Delta 70

* Caroline Craig Lambda Beta '80 Kathy Hoover Nelson Gamma Beta 74

Margaret Kramer Crawford Iota '45 Dora Deane Childress Newman Xi'24

* Tamee S. Dark Lambda Tau 78 Irene F. Wagar Oestrike Beta Gamma '34

* Theresa Collins Davis Alpha Kappa '77 Candace Pierson-Charlton Alpha Rho 70

* Lois Martin DeLay Kappa Theta '482 Barbara Engstrom Schumacher Epsilon Alpha '45

Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie Epsilon Alpha '43 Deborah Haiper Stillwell Nu Omicron 76

Margaret Damon Goodlund Tau '37 Kay Hansen Sutherlin Theta '57

Patricia Cowley Hardy Gamma Sigma '57 Jean Whorley Tripp Nu Omicron '33

* Marion Baumann Force Haswell Sigma '34 Phyllis Arner Westerman Rho'36

* Patricia Anne Helland Rho Omicron '91

FOUNDATION RECEIVES Members of the Endowment Fund Committee take a break
$21,000 BEQUEST from their strategic planning session, front (I to r)
Barbara Hunt, Dot Williams; back (1 to r) Kathy Nelson,
The AOII Foundation recently received a generous bequest Blanche Chilcote, Maty Converse

f r o m the estate of Laura Palmer Peny. Mrs. Peny was initiated To Dragma
into Lambda Sigma Chapter i n 1944 and continued to be a long-

time supporter of AOII and the AOII Foundation. I n 1966, she

served as I n t e r n a t i o n a l Public Relations C h a i r m a n a n d she
received a Rose A w a r d at the 1969 Convention to honor her years

of service to AOII on the local, regional, and international level.

Mrs. Perry died i n 1990. Prior to that time, she requested that
the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation receive a portion of her estate
after her mother's death w h i c h occurred i n 1992. The bequest is
to be placed at the discretion o f the Board o f Directors.




are proudly
shown by
our '93-94
who travel
the US and


104A Hunter Green Floral Tote .22.00

127B Rio-style Shorts,

A. OVERSIZED JACKETS- Burgundy L, XL 20.00

155 Gear Red Windbreaker L, XL 50.00 164 Heavyweight Cotton

174 Lined Anorack Jacket, Hunter w/Navy Stripe, Embroidered

Embroidered L, XL 50.00 Sweatshirt, Natural
w/Paisley L, XL
175 Lined Anorack Jacket, Navy Embroidered w/ 52.00

Nautical Design L, XL 50.00 177 "Alumna" Sweatshirt, Ivory
w/Paisley on Forest

L, XL 38.00

178 Tone-on-Tone Sweatshirt

104A w/Embroidered

"Est. 1897 Barnard College,"

Hunter L, XL 38.00



131A Flannel Boxers, Red Plaid

L, XL 16.00

131B Flannel Boxers, Black

Watch Plaid L, XL . 16.00

164N Heavyweight Cotton


Navy w/Red Plaid

L,XL 52.00

176 Grey Sweatshirt/Black

Watch Plaid L, XL . . 36.00


31AB 127 Rio-style Shorts, Red

M, L, XL 20.00

127B Rio-style Shorts,
Burgundy L, XL . . . .20.00

144 Forest Sweatshirt w/Paisley

Letters L, XL 36.00

173 Sweatshirt, Embroidered
Red Rose w/Navy &

Forest Letters L, XL .40.00

179 Burgundy Sweatshirt/Plaid

Banner & Metallic Gold

Letters L, XL 48.00

14 Panda T-Shirt Bubble Letters L, XL 16.00 157 Melon T-Shirt w/Madras
74 Stuffed Panda Bear w/AOII Ribbon 14.00
110AAOII Sorority Cap AOII Letters L. XL 18.00
121B AOII "Friends' Squeeze Bottle, 32 oz 3.50 158 Teal T-Shirt w/Madras
146A White 'Red Rose" T-Shirt L, XL 19.00
166 Embroidered Zig-Zag T-Shirt L, XL 24.00 AOII Letters L. XL 18 00
170 Flag T-Shirt(U.S. & Canada) L, XL 18.50
171 AOII-Friends'T-Shirt L, XL
172 Red T-Shirt Embroidered in Navy 19.00

w/Gold Stars L, XL



127F Rio-style Shorts, Forest Green

L, XL 20.00

150 Ecology T-Shirt, on front: "AOII

Cares about theWorkf.'on back:

"Caring for Our World Today is

a Gift to Our Legacies of

Tomorrow" L, XL 12.00

150 A Ecology Shopping Bag .10.00

150B Ecology Bumper Sticker,

Reg. 1.00 Sale! .80


127 Rio-style Shorts,

R e d M , L, XL 20.00
127B Rio-style Shorts.

Burgundy M, L, XL 20.00

127F Rio-style Shorts, Forest

Green M, L, XL 20.00
142A Long Sleeve Tee

w/Campbell Plaid L, XL . . .25.00

167 Natural T-Shirt w/Navy, J. AOII ALUMNA T-SHIRT-
Hunter & Burgundy 145 Navy T-Shirt w/Official Alumna Logo

Embroidered Letters L, XL .19.00 XL 15.00

168 Grey Tee w/Grey Embroidered (Modeled by Nan McCain,

Letters L,XL 19.00 Past International President)

169 Long Sleeve Hunter

T-Shirt w/Tone-on-Tone

Laurel Leaf Embroidered

Design L, XL 22.00


103 Champion Sweat Shirt, Grey/Red L, XL 38.00
146 Navy "Red Rose" Sweat Shirt L, XL 36.00
151 Burgundy Sweatshirt w/Plaid Letters L, XL

L NEW FOR FALL- 45.00 mm
123A Throw, Rbbons & Roses

Design (Reversible),

Lush 100% Three-Ply Cotton

N. AOil KEYCHAINS- 27 Chocolate Rose Candy 1.50
36P Pillow Cross Stitch Kit 12.00
32 Keyehain with AOII, 1196 1191 36H Heart Frame Cross Stitch Kit
107JB Engraved Silver Jewelry Box 6.00
Lucite 4.50 Aom 25.00
107H Ecru Moire Heart Shaped Pin Box
32A Keyehain with AOII. 107L AOII Battenburg Lace Pillow 9.00
107N Navy Wool Felt Pillow w/Red Plaid 30.00
Red 4.50 32A 107P Moire Pin Pillow, Ecru w/1_ace 30.00


70A Official "AOII Alumna"

Corian Keyehain . . 5.00
70B •AOII" Corian Key Chain.

Birch/Red A O I I . . . . 5.00 19B"^'*- *^^s

119ABrass Two-Way Key

Ring w/Gift B o x . . . 5.00

1198 Brass Engraved Keyehain O. BUSINESS EXECUTIVE-

w/Gift Box 7.50 57A Burgundy Pen by Garland, Alpha Omicron Pi

119C Burgundy Card Holder in Gold Letters & Rose at End 16.00

Keyehain 5.00 92 Writing Folder w/Gold Letters, 8 1/2x11 18.00

1191 Identification Holder 92A Writing Folder/Gold Letters, 5 x 7 15.00

Key Chain 2.50 119C Burgundy Card Holder Keyehain 5 00


71 Acrylic Frame,

Reversible Mat, 3 x 5 4.50

71A Ceramic Frame.
4x6 15.00

71B Engraved Brass

Frame, 3 x 5 . . . . 16.00

71C Engraved Brass

19GP f Frame, 5 x 3 16.00

71D Engraved Silver

Frame, 3 x 5 . . . 16.00

71R Cardinal Moire

Fabric Frame . . . .5.00

117 Small Rose

Frame, 5 x 7 . . . .6.00


19G "My Grandmother's an AOII" Tee,

Navy 2-4, 6-8,10-12,14-16

(also in Pink 19GP) 8.00

19W 'My Mom's an AOII" Tee,

White 2-4, 6-8, 10-12,14-16 ,10.00

42 Baby Bib "An AOII Loves M e - .5.00

135 Mom T-Shirt, While w/Red

Letters L, XL 18.00

135A Mom Sweatshirt, Grey

w/Campbell Plaid L,XL . . . . 38.00

136 Dad T-Shirt, White/Navy

Letters L, XL 18.00

136B Dad Sweatshirt, Grey 43S

w/Campbell Plaid L,XL . . . 38.00


22 Balloons, While w/Red, Red

w White 25

22C •ConfettrBalloons 40

39 Golf/Beach Umbrella 16.50

45 Laundry Bag w/Panda 15.00
64 Navy Folding Umbrella,

Automatic Open 14.00

64B Red Folding Umbrella, S. MUGS & TUMBLERS-
37A Insulated Mug, Official Logo
Automatic Open 14.00 43L Stadium Cup, 32 oz 4.00
43S Stadium Cup, 22 oz 1.50
91 Gift Bag, Red w/White Letters .2.00 68 Ceramic Mug w/Roses 1.25
121 32 oz. Plastic Squeeze Bottle 6.00
123 Wool Stadium Blanket 30.00 121A AOII Kool Kan(Huggie) 3.50
121B AOII "Friends" Squeeze Bottle, 32 oz 4.00
104 Large Red Canvas Book Bag .16.00 3.50

110A AOII Sorority Cap 14.00

149 Drawstring Shorts, Pockets,

Grey w/Navy L,XL 16.00


21 I Love AOII Button 5

: ALPHA OMICHDN PI 23 AOII License Plate 4.S

(y 24 AOII License Frame 5.5;

23 25R Rose AOII Bumper Sticker 15'

28 AOII Decal 5

28A AOII Bumper Sticker - Classic Style 1.5

28B New Alpha Omicron Pi Window Decal 1.0

28S AOII Stickers w/Rose 15

29 Alumna Decal/Official Alumna Logo 1.0;

30 Notepad, White with Red Letters 1.00

30A AOII Alumna Notepad w/Official

Alumna Logo 1.00

31 Graphic Notepad 4.00

36 Embossed Notecards w/Envelopes

20 per Pack 10.00

36A Enclosure Cards w/Envelopes 10

per Pack 2.50

41A AOII Toothbrush 2.00

46 Die Cut AOII Notepad 4.50

46A "New" Die Cut Notepad 4.50

57 Pen, White w/Red AOII & Rose 1.00

58 Notepad, Panda Footprints 3.50

58M New Panda Magnetic Notepad 5.00

60 AOII Memo Cube 3.50

65 AOII Calendar, 12 Month w/Address

& Telephone Directory 4.00

Aon 66 AOII For A Lifetime Button 1.00

on s-Aon 69A Panda Foldover Notes/20 per Pkg 5.00
i-Aon e-Aon
77 AOII "Friends" Notepad 3.50

87 Panda Bookmarker 1.00

87P Panda Print 10.00

3 6 A S$JSm& ©Efflg 90 AOII Pencils 30

26B 90A AOII Pencils w/Bubble Letters 50

90B Panda Pencil Eraser 60

90M Mini Panda Eraser 20

NEW EMPORIUM EXCLUSIVES- 93 Notepad. Things To Do 4.00

Alpht Omicrqn Pi Three custom t-shirts by our very own AOII 108 Rose Notes w/Envelopes 10 per Pkg 5.00

graphic designer-available only through the 108A Ribbon & Rose Notecards, Red

Emporium, 100% cotton. Envelopes 10 per Box 5.00

University Tee lists every AOII Chapter 108S Ribbon & Rose Stationery, Red

Established since 1897. Cardinal, Gold, Envelopes 10 per Pkg 5.00
Forest and Grape on White L, XL . . 14.00
113 AOII Planner/Organizer 10.00

Spring Break Tee, 4 Color Back, 3 Color 114F AOII "Friends" Memo Board

Front w/Pocket XL 15.00 (Magnet/Sticker) 2.00

"One Motto..." Tee, Red Rose Image 122 AOII Ribbon 100 yds./45.00 or 1 yd/.50

w/Gold Script on Natural L, XL 16.00 200 Gift Certificate, No Limit $$


W - H W "W

ON AQ777; V. AOII SOCKS- 5.00
34 Socks, White w/Red Rose 5.00 substance smart eh/s 34A Socks, Turn down White w/Red AOII 5.00
Spring Break.' 34B Socks, White w/Red Panda 5.00
34E Socks, White Crew w/Red AOII

AOII Emporium offers you quality merchandise, affordable prices and prompt service. Support our 201 AOII Greek Letter Watch 60.00
sisterhood-shop the Emporium. Send check and completed form to: AOII Emporium; AOII International
Headquarters; 9025 Overlook Blvd.; Brentwood, TN 37027 or phone 615-370-0920 Monday through 202 Official AOII Rose Watch 60.00
Friday 9-5 est.
203 Citizen Quartz Watch, 14k Gold Finish 130.00
Ship to: _ All w/Genuine Leather Band,

Address: _ Reinforced Stainless Steel Backing,

City: \ St/Prov: .Zip. Region: Full 2-year Unconditional Warranty
• Parent o Alumna a Collegian • Friend
Ordered by: _

ltem# Qty. Description Size Price Ea. Total Price

• Cluck SHIPPING & HANDLING: Qnhtntal
O• $ .00 • 5.00 3.00
• : »:» S Double
Canadians Add 25% Currency Exchange
,«..,. • « s . » « « a TN Residents Add 8.25% Sales Tax

.. Shipping & Handling(see chart) X. "Pardon Me, Your Manners Are Showing"-

*8fd # TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 204 Etiquette Book 10.00
A wonderful Reference Book of Professional

Etiquette, Protocol and Diplomacy written for

Sorority and Fraternity Members.

As we celebrate Founders' Day, we find ourselves facing ever-increasing challenges on our cam-

puses, in our society and in our environment. It becomes even more important then to recognize the
timelessness of our purpose for being, the unchanging essence to which we point with pride, the lasting
bond created for us in 1897, as we reach out to our sisters and communities today.

The physical world that surrounds us has changed so much from that world of 1897. The spiri-
tual world, the precepts of human dignity, loyalty, honor and faithfulness, however, has changed not one
bit, and we stand in awe at the appropriateness of the meaning of our motto and our purpose. Our
Founders planned a relationship, a fraternity, based on youthful experience, but endued with the wisdom
of experience that reaches out from generation to generation.

During this time of honor for Jessie, Bess, Helen and Stella, it is most appropriate to listen to
their insightful words and be again reminded of the timelessness of the meaning of Alpha Omicron
Pi.This message, written on the golden anniversary of the founding of AOIT, particularly struck a familiar
note for today's world~we need only change the terminology a bit.

They wrote to the Fraternity in 1947:
"Our active chapters offer training in leadership, opportunity for self-development, assistance in
scholarship, participation in activities as a training for citizenship, training in social graces, participation
in social service programs, training in the art of making friends.
"As long as our active chapters offer these things, as long as each active member accepts these
opportunities and makes them her own, so long shall Alpha Omicron Pi develop internally, maintain the
position on its campuses and play its part in preparing its members for the responsibilities of citizenship
in a democracy.
"Our alumnae chapters too have the clearly defined aims of assisting active chapters, participat-
ing in Panhellenic activities both on the local campuses and in the City Panhellenics, supporting, and
supporting enthusiastically, the National social service programs, offering to all the cordial hand of friend-
ship, planning stimulating and thought-provoking programs as outlined and suggested by the national
citizenship committee.
"As long as our alumnae chapters are conscious of these responsibilities, accept these goals and
strive toward their fulfillment, so long shall Alpha Omicron Pi maintain its place in the fraternity world
and grow towards its ultimate potentialities.
"National officers may point the way, may set the sights, but the actual achievement is in your
hands. You hold the answer - you, the individual member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
"Let each one of us ask ourselves, 'Am I accepting these responsibilities, these opportunities
which are offered by my sorority? Am I doing my part, the most of which I am capable? A m I making my
contribution - giving of myself, my thoughts, my time? A M I?"'
The message is clear, dear sisters. The purpose is ever before us and there must be no hesitation
as we reach out to live the letter of our motto and our guide. As we honor our Founders, remember that
they said that each of us is a founder. The greatest honor we can give them is to reach out as they did.
With Fraternal Love, The Executive Board

Mary K. Turner Diaz
Ann McCIanahan Gilchrist

Debora Dellinger Harllee
Robin Mansfield Wright

Linda Peters Collier
Carol Miller Stevenson
Elaine James Kennedy
Mary McCammon William

Winter 1993 27

Chi Delta dedicates addition to chapter house

then had to rush in three different loca-
tions. After the members moved in, the
workmen were still hammering away at
7:30 a..m. in some parts o f the house.
The collegians were real troopers!

The new addition to the Chi Delta chapter house at the University of Colorado in Over the many years o f "Building the
Boulder, Colorado. Careful attention was paid to matching the architectural details D r e a m , " the spirit o f cooperation has
of the original house, which was built in 1930. been the bottom line. O n dedication day,
current Expansion Committee Chair Jan
By Micki Ponsford Hansen help repay the loan, C h i Delta agreed to Spomer, Rho (Northwestern U . ) , stressed
Tau (U. of Minnesota) increase their bulding f u n d , parlor fees, this fact in her address to the group, spe-
and room and board fees. cially thanking: Barb Shaver, Chi Delta
A dream came true on September 26, (U. o f Colorado), fund-raising chair;
1993, when the expansion and remodel- Every living and storage space was ana- Karen Butler, Delta Pi (Central Missouri
ing o f the C h i Delta Chapter House at lyzed to f i t the needs o f the young State U . ) , corporation board president;
the University o f Colorado was dedicated. women; surveys were taken to learn their and Sherry Schrantz, C h i Delta house
The beautiful tudor-style house was built wishes and suggestions. Some o f the new director. Board members, committee
i n 1930, and Colorado AOFIs had been featrures are: an enlarged kitchen, a 24- members, collegians and alumnae all
dreaming o f an addition to the house hour mini-kitchen, a computer/study became closer A O I I sisters as they
since the 1950s. I n 1964, the property room with a sun deck above, more park- worked toward this common goal.
next door was purchased. The land was ing spaces, new carpeting, six new bed-
cleared soon after, and architectural draw- rooms and two new bathrooms. The Jan Spomer dedicated the house "to all
ings were made, but it wasn't until 1986 house now sleeps 6 1 . the Chi Deltans who have lived here, are
that the time was right to begin the pro- living here, and have yet to live here. The
ject i n earnest. The house was bursting at The only nightmare in theis dream- goal o f the Expansion Committee was to
the seams w i t h members, and the C h i come-true was towards the end when build a house: bricks, mortar and drywall.
Delta Corporation Board recruited sever- members had to live in a vacant fraternity N o w it's up to collegians to make it a
al Denver and Boulder alumnae to make house while they prepared for rush and home. . . to build relationships, friend-
up the Chi Delta Expansion Committee, ships, and leadership skills in the spirit of
with Carolyn McDonald (Phi, U. of sisterhood."
Kansas) as its chair.
Contributions to the project are still
welcome. Checks may be sent to Patti
Askew, finance chair, 4565-13 E. Mexico
Ave., Denver, C O 80222. (Ask about tax-
deductible contributions through the
AOFI Foundation.)

What a group effort! New plans had to The Chi Delta Expanion Committee stands outside the new addition on dedication
be approved the the Boulder Planning day. From left are Micki Hansen, Cathy Johnson, Leslie Wheeler, Rosemary Paddock,
Board; an Historic Landmark designation Enid Wood, Barb Shaver, Ann Hastings, Karen Butler (corporation hoard president),
was obtained; height and density vari- and Jan Spomer (committee chair). The little girl is Caity Johnson, Cathy s daughter.
ances were approved by Boulder i n
exchange for extra concessions on our
part. A t the same time, the committee
and the Denver Area Alumnae Chapter
were f u n d raising: holding events such as
phone-a-thons, fashion shows, and a
house tour. A b o u t $75,000 was raised.
Financing was worked out to the satisfac-
tion of Chi Delta Corporation, AOFI
International, and Norwest Bank. And to

28 To Dragma


great year. The chapter's annual

Easter Egg H u n t was a success. REOION f t
W i t h the help of donations from
the college and area businesses,

chapter members entertained

more than 100 children and dis-

tributed the surplus goodies to

underprivileged children. Epsilon Alpha

jr\A i l 1 Chapter members have contin- Penn State U.
ued to visit their new friends at
the Lutheran Retirement Home Last February, the members o f
where they went caroling during Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State U .
the holiday season. D u r i n g their teamed up with Lambda Chi Alpha for
visits, chapter members play the Penn State Dance Marathon, the
largest student-run philanthropic event
games w i t h the residents and in the United States, reports Josephine
Ing. The two groups raised over
Kappa Phi Chapter members (from left) Anne enjoy their company. $19,000 of the $1.3 million total. The
proceeds benefit the Four Diamonds
Yoo, Scherri Kharusi, Mairi Achong, Kate N u Delta is proud o f Gretchen Fund of Hershey Medical Center.
Corccran, Laurie Brown, Wendy Moon, Kelly Thirteen sisters danced for 48 hours,
Donati, Robyn Dionne, Lisa Yuzwak, Susan Zollendeck, former adviser, who and many others worked on commit-
Tucker and Tatiana Levy pose for a rush booklet. tees. Elizabeth Kantor served as morale
is now Region I Vice President. captain, Linda B o n d as I C C captain,
and W e n d y Preisman as security cap-
Accomplishments: tain.

r Participated in the Arthritis The spring semester ended w i t h
Foundation's phone-a-thon and preparations for the chapter's Football
^EQIO telethon;

Collected nearly $100 for Arthritis

Research through the chapter's annual

trick-or-treat event.

Kappa Phi

McGill U.

As the new school year got under way,

members o f Kappa Phi Chapter at

M c G i l l U . were busy organizing fall

rush, participating i n Greek Week, as

well as putting together and successfully

completing a Nintendo-A-Thon, reports

Susan Tucker. The N i n t e n d o event,

w h i c h was held outdoors on campus,

raised over $800 for Arthritis Research.


100 percent initiation last January 1

Nu Delta
Canisius College

Lori Bell reports that the sisters o f N u

Delta Chapter at Canisius College had a Epsilon Alpha chapter members at Baltimore's inner harbor.

Winter 1993 29

Challenge fund-raiser. I n the weeks "7 chapter has received this award for sever-
before the event was scheduled, mem- i al consecutive years.
bers sold raffle tickets. Unfortunately, an
unexpected blizzard in March forced Epsilon Chi Michelle Sims, Ruby A Award, Linder
cancellation. However, chapter members Elon College B. Snyder Scholarship;
were still able to raise over $3,200 for
Arthritis Research, and they were hon- T h e Epsilon C h i Chapter at Elon Polly Hull, Leadership Lavaliere.
ored w i t h an award f r o m the AOFI College was selected Sorority o f the Year
Foundation at Convention last June. last year, reports Melissa Wells. The Accomplishments:
chapter also won awards d u r i n g
Accomplishments: Homecoming and Greek Week. Karla Reese, Kerri Reese, and Melanie
Miller, Omicron Delta Kappa.
Five members on the college newspa- Last September, members volunteered
per staff; to work at the annual Carousel Festival Lambda Sigma
in Burlington. They sold raffle tickets, U. of Georgia
Shereen Holcomb on yearbook staff; served soft drinks, and made pizzas.
Romy Saltzburg, Judicial Board of A t Convention this year, the Lambda
Panhellenic Council; The chapter has purchased a 3 x 10 Sigma Chapter at the U . o f Georgia was
Melissa Schwartzman, Executive Vice foot painted canvas banner to be used as recognized for raising the most money
President of Panhellenic; a spirit promoter at various college func- for Arthritis Research, reports Jennifer
Catrina Belgio, works with the fami- tions. Some o f these upcoming events Crawford.
lies o f terminally ill children and is a vol- include: a penny drive for Arthritis
unteer student counselor; Research and Breakfast Tea for Parents' This past spring, Lambda Sigma held
Karen Clay and Cathy Hoffman, Weekend, faculty recognition projects, an aero-ba-thon for which each sister
involved in Big Sisters program. the chapter's second annual trick-or- found ten people to sponsor her while
treat for arthritis, and participation in she participated i n 30 minutes o f aero-
Awards: the Christmas Cheer program to help bics. T w o weeks later, the chapter held a
the needy in the community. Members "Bloom Into Spring with AOn" Plant
At Convention: scholarship, exception enjoyed their annual Rose Ball i n Sale, and only three weeks after this,
al performance standards awards; October. Lambda Sigma helped sponsor the
Certificate o f Achievement; AOn Athens Arthritis Walk-A-Thon.
Foundation recognition. Awards: Combined, these events raised over
$15,000 for Arthritis Research.
Sigma Tau Sorority o f the Year
Chapter members were excited when
Washington College Lambda Chi the chapter received the J W H Cup at
LaGrange College Convention. A rush team o f seven mem-
Members of the Sigma Tau Chapter bers assisted the Delta Alpha Chapter at
at Washington College had a busy fall, Lambda C h i Chapter at LaGrange the U . o f Missouri with its fall rush.
reports Michelle Nichols. College had a successful year, reports Region I I I Rush Officer Mary Ann Stark
Michelle Sims. also helped.
Fall events included a trip to Epsilon
Alpha Chapter at Penn State U . to H i g h l i g h t s included the Rose Ball Accomplishments:
observe rush. D u r i n g the same weekend, during winter quarter and the King of
other members w o r k e d as v o l u n t e e r the H i l l male beauty contest fund-raiser Erin Nance, first runner up in Miss
guides for the Chestertown Historical during spring quarter. The contest bene- USA Pageant;
Society's candlelight tour o f homes. fited the Arthritis Foundation and the
proceeds were presented by Polly Hull Priscilla Pacheco, Freshman of the
Ribboning for new members was held and Shelly Collins during the annual Year f o r her success w i t h the U . o f
in September. In October, chapter telethon. Georgia varsity volleyball team; also
members participated in the Fall Classic played in the Olympic Festival in July in
Softball Tournament with the Theta Fall rush 1993 was successful w i t h which her team received the silver
Chi's. and helped clean up local high- eleven new members. medal.
ways through the Adopt-A-Highway
Program. Other fall events included Awards: Awards:
Greek Games and a Panhellenic car
wash. Chapter members had lunch with Lambda Chi received the Mamie Lark JWH Cup
their corporation board in November. Henry Scholarship Cup during every
quarter o f the 1992-93 school year. The Rho Beta
Reminder award is given to the Greek organization Virginia Commonwealth U.
with the highest GPA. Lambda Chi's
the next To Dragma deadline is spring quarter average was 3.16. The The sisters o f Rho Beta Chapter at
January 15, 1994. Virginia Commonwealth U . are proud
of the contributions they have been
Please call the editor at making on their campus, reports Lynn
Headquarters if you have Haywood.

questions. Rho Beta, one o f four groups chosen to
participate in VCU's Phone-A-Thon, has
been raising money for the various schools
and departments of the university. Rho

30 To Dragma

Beta also donated funds to help V C U Kim Hall and Tina
purchase Career Search, a computer sys-
tem for the use o f the student body in Toth, dedicated their
identifying career opportunities.
time and efforts to
In December, Rho Beta was once
again involved with the Jingle Bell Run, making sorority rush
an event designed to raise money for
Arthritis Research. Chapter members successful. Lambda
also marched in the Richmond Jaycee
Christmas Parade. Eta pledged 11

Accomplishments: women.

Chapter President Lynn Haywood, Chapter members
received University Leadership Award,
nominated for Board of Visitors Award, worked at the school's
inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa
and Order of Omega; book store helping

Denise Jones, Order o f Omega; students fill out credit
Tricia Ambler and Lynn Haywood,
participated in orientation program for card applications. This
new students.
project raised $250,
which w i l l be part o f
Lambda Eta
Grand Valley State U. the chapter's contribu-

The sisters o f Lambda Eta Chapter at tion to the AOn
G r a n d Valley State U . are happy to
announce that 36 members are living in Foundation. Chapter
their new house, reports Andrea
Schilkey. After many hours of work by members also partici-
dedicated collegians and alumnae, the
house was ready f o r fall open rush. pated in a blood drive Omega Chapter received four awards at Miami U.'s Greek
Kirsten Gates, the Panhellenic President,
along with Panhellenic Vice Presidents o n c a m p u s . F u t u r e awards reception. Pictured with the awards are (from left)

p h i l a n t h r o p i c events Michelle McCaffrey, Nicole Buck, Amy Scholl, Jill Bukey, Diane

include a raffle, a date Karaiskos and Amy Oberst.

auction, Adopt-A- also participated in the A d o p t - A -
Brownie, and trick-or-treating for Highway program. T o encourage atten-
canned goods. dance and participation at various phil-
anthropic events, the chapter adopted a
L e A n n Stoner has been chosen as new concept called "Lion's Packs."
Lambda Eta's Homecoming Queen can-
didate. Members had a lot of fun during

Omega Greek Week and placed first i n three
events, most notably the m u d tug. Fall

Miami U. events included the annual Dads'

Members of Omega Chapter kicked Weekend during which members
o f f their fall semester by raising funds to attended a football game with their dads,
aid victims o f the floods in the midwest, followed by dinner and an evening at the
reports Melanie Kushnir. Mary Ann horse races. The annual Parents'
Wiehe organized the events. Weekend b r u n c h was held i n
Cincinnati. The chapter relations and
In late September, the chapter spon- philanthropic committees organized a
sored the appearance o f a Columbus chapter retreat at a nearby campground
musician/artist to raise money for during which they picked up trash.
Arthritis Research. Chapter members Chapter members assisted the C h i

Epsilon Chapter at The O h i o State U .

with their rush efforts.


At the Greek Awards Banquet, the

chapter received four major awards: the

social responsibility award, the B.

Derrell Most Improved Chapter Award,

the highly coveted Andrew Herman

Memorial Chapter Excellence Award,

and the G A M M A Cup for the chapter

with the most active participation in

"Greeks Advocating Mature

Management of Alcohol"

Members of Lambda Eta Chapter in front of the chapter's new house. Accomplishments:

Winter 1993 third on campus in scholarship with a
chapter GPA o f 3.3 for spring semester;


13 members on the President's List; Splash. This fall, chapter members are REGION v
38 members on the Dean's List. teamed with Phi Kappa Tau and hope to
win the crown of Can Queen during the Omicron
Omega Upsilon annual can drive during Homecoming U. of Tennessee,
Ohio U. Week. Other activities this year are Knoxville
geared toward becoming more involved
Mary Sarver reports that the Omega with the community by collecting food Members o f O m i c r o n Chapter at the
Upsilon Chapter at O h i o U . is one o f and clothing which will be distributed to U . o f Tennessee, Knoxville, raised over
the BRIDGES program test sites. needy families d u r i n g the holiday sea- $20,000 at their 33rd annual barbecue
son. in September. Collegians and alumnae
The chapter is also beginning a new sold barbecue prior to the football game
scholarship program this year. Members Accomplishments: against Louisiana State U . The event is
are excited about b o t h programs. the chapter's largest philanthropic pro-
Another new development is a Parents' Tracy Jewell, Mortar Board, Golden ject o f the year.
Club to get parents involved in the Key, Rho Lambda Leadership Honorary;
chapter's activities on campus so they Fall rush was successful w i t h 33
can learn more about AOFI. Kristen Kilker, Alpha TauCorporation women pledged. Katty Pfiefer served as
Scholarship, member of Alpha Lambda rush chair. Chapter members used the
Philanthropic activities included a vol- Delta Honor Society; new BRIDGES program which has been
leyball marathon which raised nearly successful.
$1,000 for the Arthritis Foundation. Christine Attwood, Maria Carrington
Last spring, the chapter teamed with the Memorial Art Scholarship; member of Last spring, O m i c r o n won first place
men of Sigma Phi Epsilon to swin to Alpha Lambda Delta; in its division in Carnicus, a skit compe-
victory in the Delta Gamma Anchor tition which is campus-wide. Omicron's
Maggie Scaggs, Phi Kappa Phi Honor partner was the Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
Society. Omicron was the only sorority to place.
Laura G o r d o n won the best actress
1994 Graduates, AO/7 Has a Gift for You... award.

FA!,'.;?. Omicron was paired w i t h Phi Gamma
Delta for Homecoming and Alpha Tau
YOUR FIRST Omega for All Sing. Chapter members
YEAR'S ON US! are active on campus, serving as cheer-
leaders, Rho Chis, Young Life leaders,
Congratulations on your graduation! etc.
Welcome to AOn alumnae status. Though you're
juggling lots o f things right now, wherever you go Accomplishments:
your involvement as an alumna can easily be tailored to fit your needs and
balanced with your work, family and community activities. Most alumnae groups Jamie Roberts, vice president o f the
meet just once a month and dues are usually $20 to $30 annually. As AOFE's gift student body. (Jamie, the immediate
to new graduates, we are exempting the International Operations and Conference past chapter president,succeeded
Fees from your local dues (a savings o f $17)! Along with the benefits o f a lifetime Melinda F r a n k l i n as vice president o f
of supportive and caring sisterhood, you'll experience the advantages o f the student body. Melinda is the cur-
networking, f u n , friendship and sharing your commitment to AOn. Plus, your rent chapter president.)
local alumnae group will benefit f r o m your skills, knowledge, time, energy and
enthusiasm! Please contact your local AOn Alumnae Chapter today. Pi Alpha
U. of Louisville
Pi A l p h a Chapter at the U . o f
Address Louisville began the spring semester
w i t h its tenth anniversary celebration at
City State/Prov. Zip/Postal the University Club, reports Renita
Edwards. Chapter members were hon-
Country Phone ( ) ored to have Barbara H u n t as their
Collegiate Chapter Initiation Date
The chapter pledged six women in the
Call us at International A O E l Headquarters—615/370-0920 or use this form spring, seven during fall rush, and six
to request information about the chapter nearest you. Fill in and send to: Phylis during Continuous Open Bidding.
Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator; A O I I Headquarters; 9025 Overlook
Boulevard; Brentwood, T N 37027.

32 To Dragma

Fall highlights included initiation, a chapter members hosted a Halloween Kappa Omicron scholarsip
formal, and the mother/daughter party. honors Kim Millsaps
Thanksgiving luncheon. Chapter mem-
bers welcome new advisers: Julie Sellins, Philanthropic activities included par- The parents o f K i m Millsaps have
chapter adviser; Angela Marshall, pledge ticipating i n an 18-mile bike race f o r
adviser; and A m y McCage, financial Arthritis Research. Rho O m i c r o n also established a scholarship in her honor
adviser. raised money for Arthritis Research by
Awards: hosting an aerobic-a-thon, A-O-Pie in for a senior AOEI member at Rhodes
the face, a skate-a-thon, and a pledge
Highest pledge GPA two consecutive picnic auction. College in Memphis. Tax deductibe
semesters; Accomplishments:
contributions may be mailed to:
Highest cumulative GPA; Jana Hamrick, Panhellenic president;
Canoe Regatta Champs for the second Christopher O'Leary, Panhellenic rush Rhodes College
consecutive year; chair;
Chris Burger, second runner-up in the Kimberley Sue Millsaps Scholarship
T h i r d Place, Fryberger Sing. Miss M T S U pageant;
Accomplishments: Brandi Nunnery, winner of M T S U Fund
Cindy Thurman, Panhellenic presi- Julie Pickens, secretary of Dance 2000 North Parkway
dent, Ms. Cardinal, College of Arts and Academy.
Sciences Senator, Order o f Omega; Memphis, T N 38112-1690
Whitney Cecil, Speed School Senator; K i m was critically injured i n a car
Kristin Worland, College of Arts and Delta Delta
Sciences Senator; Auburn U. wreck on October 7, 1989, when she
Kemberly Bothers and Kristy
Heddleston, Rho Chis; The Delta Delta Chapter at A u b u r n and three Kappa Omicron sisters were
Michelle Sixon, membership vice U . had a great year in 1992-93, reports
president o f Alpha Phi Omega service Melissa Rick. on their way to the AOFI
Renita Edwards, secretary o f Mortar The year began w i t h a successful rush Headquarters d e d i c a t i o n . She is
Board, vice president/membership of which featured a new skit written by
Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honor Heather Deneke. presently at Americana Health Care
society, Panhellenic Council Social
Chair; Golden Key national honor soci- During winter quarter, the chapter Center in Indianapolis, Indiana.
ety; summer intern for Senator Wendell initiated 46 women. Another winter
Ford; quarter highlight was the Red Rose Ball Delta Epsilon
which was held at the Georgian Terrace Jacksonville State U.
Elizabeth Embry, summer intern for in downtown Atlanta. In May the chap-
Congressman Romano Mazzoli. ter held its annual "Stick-Up" for Delta Epsilon Chapter at Jacksonville
Arthritis Research and raised more State U . had an eventful two years,
Rho Omicron money than usual. Chapter members reports Jennifer Whitley. The chapter
Middle Tennessee State U. achieved their goal of improving scholar- achieved full status during the 1992 fall
ship. Eleven chapter members had GPAs rush. This allowed the chapter to be
Members o f Rho Omicron Chapter at o f 4.0, and the chapter ranked fifth on involved in organizations throughout the
Middle Tennessee State U . had a suc- campus. campus. During Homecoming, a chap-
cessful year, reports Emilee Sliger. ter member was selected first alternate to
Accomplishments: the Homecoming Queen, and the chap-
Rho O m i c r o n began the semester Tiffany Moody, Panhellenic president; ter won the float display contest.
w i t h an outstanding rush and pledged May Mitchell, Miss Homecoming;
quota of 33 women. Chapter members Rebecca Trued, Miss Fall Rush; This fall, the chapter was one o f the
are excited to be a test site for the new Leisl Reiners, Miss Hey Day; test sites for the BRIDGES program and
B R I D G E S program. Members also Amy Grace, War Eagle Girl, orienta- had a successful rush.
enjoyed a visit from Chapter Consultant
Jessica McCauley. tion leader, Rho C h i One o f the chapter's philanthropic
Iristen Belling, Tracy Stark, Melaine projects was adopting a local retirement
Some o f the year's highlights were home. Chapter members also sponsored
Greek Week and A l l Sing, in which Thorpe, Kathleen Tierney and Jennifer a fashion show to raise money for
chapter members used the theme o f Young, Rho Chis Arthritis Research. The fashion show
A O F I Cares About the W o r l d . Chapter involves Greeks, alumnae, and faculty
members also participated in Alcohol members. Other philanthropic events
Awareness Week, AIDS Awareness included participating in a canned food
Week, and the Intergreek Programming drive, donating Christmas toys to a local
Board. Pvho O m i c r o n received recogni- day care center, donating clothing to the
tion from the Stones River Center, a Hannah Home, and sponsoring two raf-
center for the handicapped, for which fles for Arthritis Research.

Amy Vycital, Greek Woman of the

Katie D u r d i n , Panhellenic delegate;

Winter 1993 33

Jennifer Pettyjohn, Leann Hill, Tracy Kathryn Stepnika, Tracy Monek and Chapter members hosted the first
Morris, Jennifer Mueller, and Jennifer Amy Iberson, Delta Omicron. Iowa State Day. Theta C h i and Iota
Whitley, OmicronDelta Kappa, national Sigma Chapters visited Coe College on
leadership honor society; ) that day. Alpha Theta also made some
exciting changes i n the past year. The
Jennifer Jacobs, Ginger Cusimano, Candy Carlisle, Miss U. of Mississippi, 1993 second night rush party was changed, a
Jennifer W h i t l e y , Alpha Psi Omega, new scholarship program was adopted,
national drama honor society; Nu Beta and a new financial responsibility pro-
U. of Mississippi gram created. This fall the chapter was a
Shannon Stewart, first alternate to test site for the BRIDGES program.
Homecoming Queen; Ellen Smith reports that the N u Beta
Chapter at the U . o f Mississippi had a The chapter took quota during fall
Julia Langley, Miss 1993 Jacksonville busy year. rush, including 100 percent o f its lega-
State U . cies. More women were added during
Two events, the A O l l Alcatraz and open bidding for a new member class
a the annual Mega-thon benefited totaling 24.
Arthritis Research and both were led by
Kappa Gamma members (front row, from Angela Kramer. Susan Bonnifield has led Philanthropic activities included join-
left) Dawn Clary, Denise Cappello, the chapter members to fourth place in ing forces with Phi Kappa Tau for a 24-
Amanda Gill; (back row) Beth Clark, scholarship on campus. Chapter mem- hour teeter-totter-a-thon fund-raiser.
Kathryn Stepnicka, Heather Hensley, bers participated in the annual A l l Sing The proceeds went to Arthritis Research
Chris Fessel and Denise Wall await new last spring and the pledge Olympics i n and the Children's Heart Foundation.
members on bid day last spring. the fall. A highlight o f this fall semester The event was covered on local televi-
was the chapter's formal in Memphis. sion.
Kappa Gamma Rush was successful w i t h 56 women
Florida Southern College pledged. Future events include the annual
Accomplishments: Hayrack, Turkeys on Campus fund-rais-
Members of the Kappa Gamma er, highway clean up, Iowa State Day,
Chapter at Florida Southern College Candy Carslile, Miss University and spring f o r m a l . T h i s year is Alpha
returned to school this fall excited about (February, 1993); competed in the Theta's 25th anniversary, and chapter
rush, reports Heather Hensley. All of the Miss Mississippi Pageant, summer, members look forward to that celebra-
practice and determination paid o f f 1993; tion.
when Kappa Gamma received new Suzanne Fish, vice president, Panhellenic;
members on bid day. Laura Krayer, Rebelette. Accomplishments:
new scholarship program;
Members are looking forward to their Re new financial responsibility program.
annual Dating Game, which is a f u n d -
raiser for Arthritis Research. A l l the i Nu Iota
Greek groups on campus participate. Northern Illinois U.
Alpha Theta
This past year the chapter won various Coe College Melanie Pesola reports that N u Iota
Greek Week awards and the intramural Chapter at N o r t h e r n Illinois U . had a
basketball championship. Alpha Theta Chapter at Coe College successful fall rush and pledged 38
Accomplishments: had a successful year, reports Jenna women.
Christine Fessel, Panhellenic presi- Chapter members are looking forward
dent; to their second annual "Run for the
Roses" philanthropic fund-raiser. I n
Denise Wall and Julie Jones, Delta addition to planning this event, chapter
Sigma Pi; members are busy participating in other
philanthropic activities, such as the Phi
Terry Oakley, Sarah Lauerman, Lisa Sigma Kappa Softball tournament. The
A m m o n and Christine Fessel, Rho Chis; N u Iota Chapter won second place in
the tournament for the second consecu-
tive year.

A h i g h l i g h t o f the fall season was
Homecoming Week. Chapter members
competed in events throughout the
week, such as volleyball, Softball, "Yell
Like Hell," and "Paint the Town."

34 To Dragma

Accomplishments: ION viii Fall events have included Panda Pass,
Heather Boxness, Panhellenic dele- pizza and study hall, and a barbecue and
Delta Beta swim party. Each week a Rose Buddy
gate; Jennifer Pierz, assistant delegate; U. of Southwestern (initiated member) has been paired with
Louisiana a new member. Other September events
Hesper Varland, appointed under- included a Ritual workshop and the
graduate Greek assistant; July and August were filled with rush chapter's annual Parents Open House.
workshops and retreats for the members Chapter members have also participated
Chilli Lelis, G A M M A (Greeks o f Delta Beta Chapter at the U . o f in volleyball and flag football.
Advocating Mature Management of Southwestern Louisiana, reports Tracy
Alcohol) representative. N o r m a n . The retreat was held i n Chapter members, under the leader-
Eunice, Louisiana. Rush week, August ship of Jennifer Brown, introduced the
Phi Sigma 24-28, ended with 21 new members. R3 Program on campus and was fea-
U. of Nebraska-Kearney B i d n i g h t was spent at Jennifer tured in an article in the school newspa-
Romero's camp in Cyemont Point, per. Chapter members formed two
Phi Sigma Chapter at the U . o f Louisiana. A second Bid Day gathering teams to collect a l u m i n u m cans and
Nebraska-Kearney has been active in the was held on Sunday, during which all newspapers to be recycled. Brown hopes
community during the last year, reports sororities spent time together. During to expand the program to other Greek
Jen Blair. Continuous Open Bidding, three addi- groups and eventually to the campus
tional women joined, bringing the new and community.
During the December holidays, chap- member class total to 24. The chapter is Accomplishments:
ter members bought gifts for an under- one o f the test sites for the B R I D G E S
privileged family. Phi Sigma is involved program, and Ashley Ingram is chair. Tracy Norman, cheerleader, member
in the Highway Clean Up Program, and of Homecoming Court;
once a semester chapter members pick
up litter along a two-mile stretch of Dara Browning, vice president of
highway. I n March, they collected over Panhellenic.
10,000 pop tabs to help pay for kidney
dialysis for a young local girl. They also Phi
participated in building a Canned Foods U. of Kansas
Sculpture Drive at the local shopping
mall. After the drive, the canned goods Members o f Phi Chapter began the
were donated to the area food pantry,
the Jubilee Center. Later in the year, • mm
chapter members painted the interior of
the Jubilee Center. Members participat- •
ed in a simulated plane crash to help the
Good Samaritan Hospital in a mock dis- /5
aster situation.
Members of Delta Beta Chapter, U. of Southwestern Louisiana, are pcitured at their
Chapter members were saddened by rush retreat.
the death o f Lori Prauner last summer
in a car accident. A campus-wide memo-
rial service was held, and more than five
hundred people attended, including
family, friends, faculty, and members o f
the various organizations to which Lori

Jill Kruse, Chancellor's Scholarship;
Vicky Brady, Pratt-Heins Memorial
Scholarship, Kearney Alumni
Association Scholarship, Shirley McPeck
Walker Sorority Excellence Award,
Order of Omega, Mortar Board;
Kary McCracken, Shirley McPeck
Walker Scholarship;
Lara Scott, Mortar Board Secretary;
Michelle Hrbek, Mortar Board
Trish Rogers, Molly Schroeder, Tanya
Walker, Sarah Salmon and Tara
Trumbler, Regent's Scholarships.

Winter 1993 35

school year with an enthusiastic attitude, Senate Rep. to the Associated Student This summer Zeta Kappa acquired
reports Corryn Flahaven. They pledged
44 women during formal rush, which body two new houses. One, a large victorian-
was chaired by Beth Chenoweth. Phi is
one o f the test sites for the B R I D G E S Danielle Gonzalez, Newcomb H o n o r style home built in 1905, is a historical
program. Initiation of the new members
was held in October. Board landmark. I t was once the home o f

Bari L y n n , lead i n " O u r C o u n t r y ' s President Harris, the first president o f

Good" Southwest Texas State U . The house in

Lisa Poche, summer intern for Senator on the San Marcos tour o f homes. The

The 75th anniversary o f Phi Chapter Grassley o f Iowa other house is located next door and was
was celebrated i n November w i t h a
weekend of festivities and International built in the early 1900s. I t was once a
President Mary Williams was a special
guest. Mary is a Phi initiate. Zeta Kappa M e t h o d i s t parsonage. Each house is
Southwest Texas State U. home for eight sisters. A parents open
house was held in October.

Early in the fall, Phi held its 10th Zeta Kappa Chapter at Southwest
annual Omicron Open Putt-Putt
T o u r n a m e n t . There was a k i c k - o f f Texas State U . had an eventful year, Accomplishments:
party for all students. The tournament reports Tiffany Duke. The chapter
itself was held early on a Sunday morn- began its 1992-93 year by pledging 35 Allison Rahm and Ashlei Crook, Order
ing. Donations from sponsors and the women. During Homecoming, the of Omega;
proceeds f r o m t-shirt sales w i l l benefit chapter w o n first place i n the talent Kristi Peters, secondvice president o f
Arthritis Research. show, first place in t-shirt design, second Panhellenic;
Accomplishments: place in window display, and rhe Overall K i m Holloway, outstanding leadership
Spark Award. Jennifer O'Brien was cho- and service award for Angel Flight and
Eisha T i e r n e y , University Kansan sen as a Gallardian, and Veronica Allen Outstanding Angel;
was named ro the Homecoming Court.
Editorial Board; The chapter Laura Powell, outstanding leadership
award for Angel Flight.

Kimberley Ebert, National Society o f w o n first place

Architectural Engineers; in the River

Cathy Skoch, Business fraternity; Clean-up with

Corryn Flahaven, production director at the men of Delta

student-operated radio station; Tau Delta, par-

Marie Mangano, National Society of ticipated in the

Architectural Engineers, Society of Women Halloween

Engineers; Carnival for the

Laurie Sporn, Students in children o f San

Communication Studies Executive Marcos, and

Board; gave canned If
f o o d to the San
Maria McMullen, K U Soccer;

Jessica Thompson, KU Golf; Marcos Food

Christie Templin, Psychology ratemity; Bank. In

Amanda Keating, Order of Omega. January, Zeta

Awards: Kappa celebrat-
Gold Award from the United Way for
ed Founders' Zeta Kappa s historic chapter house at Southwest Texas State U. The
volunteering 1000 hours in a five-month Day with the chapter also owns the house next door, pictured below.
period. Austin Alumnae

Pi Chapter. In
Newcomb College-Tulane
February, chap-
Members o f Pi Chapter at Newcomb
College-Tulane are spending their time ter members
gearing up for spring rush, reports
Rachel Greb. They enjoyed their rush held their annu-
retreat in Pensacola.
al " H o o p I t ! "
The chapter's football team is doing
well this year, winning its first game 13- basketball tour-
0. Chapter members made many new
friends when they teamed up with Zeta nament to bene-
Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Alpha
Tau Omega for Greek Week. fit Arthritis
Research. Greek
Tonya Ward, elected Newcomb
Week was held

in March. Zeta

Kappa won

third place over-

all and best par-

t i c i p a t i o n f o r One of Zeta Kappa's two chapter houses at Southwest Texas State

Sing Song. U. It is located next door to the historic house pictured above.

36 To Dragma

Awards: Accomplishments: In addition to practicing conversation
first place in Homecoming; Kelley Oestreiche, Angie Garcia and skills and studying applications, mem-
third place in Greek Week; bers took time for an overnight camping
at the 1993 Sorority Annual Greek Kari Yadro, Eagle Ambassadors; trip which included sisterhood activities.
Tanya Venie, ASEWU Council; The practice and sisterhood activities
Awards: outstanding alumnae program, Kelsey Bailey and N i k k i Naumowicz, paid o f f with a successful rush.
outstanding health education program;
Jazz'd Incorporated. Other fall events included a C O B bar-
first place in San Marcos River Clean-up Awards: becue and an all-chapter retreat. Chapter
award for highesr GPA among Greeks. members enjoyed Chapter Consultant
T• I O X Jessica McCauley's visit. The chapter has
~7 received many compliments on its new
Tau Gamma house.
Eastern Washington U. i GION %
The Tau Gamma Chapter at Eastern j U. of California-
Washington U . had a successful formal
rush this fall and achieved quota with 14 Berkeley
new members, reports Sara Zagelow.
Joyce H o n g reports that the Sigma
Tau Gamma members are active on
campus. Kelley Oestreiche, Angie Chapter at the U . o f C a l i f o r n i a -
Garcia, and Kari Yadro are Eagle
Ambassadors. T h i s organization is Berkeley, joined with the Chi Alpha
responsible for many activities, includ-
ing conducting freshman orientation. Chapter ( U . of California-Davis) to host
Tanya Venie was elected to the A S E W U
Council last spring. Kelsey Biley and a party with the Berkeley and Davis
N i k k i Naumowicz participate in Jazz'd
Incorporated and perform dance rou- Delta Chi fraternities and the Berkeley
tines prior to the beginning of athletic
events at Eastern. chapter of A C A C I A entitled "Disco

The Cowabunga Road Race, a yearly Inferno."
f u n run, is one o f the many community
events that Tau Gamma participated in Last A p r i l the chapter held its fifth
last spring. Chapter members were also
volunteers for W a l k America to raise annual "Aces for A r t h r i t i s , " a M o n t e
money for the March of Dimes.
Carlo night in which the Sigma Chi fra-
Another spring quarter event was a
chapter relations retreat at an alumna's L. t e r n i t y p a r t i c i p a t e d as guest dealers.
home where members rode horses and
motorcycles and enjoyed an outdoor Chi Psi new members Holly Hodges, left, Prizes included a color television and a
campfire. Chapter members also took a
river rafting trip. and Eileen O Halloran. cruise for two around the bay.

During the fall semestet, Sigma

Chi Psi proudly initiated its first fall 1993 new

California Polytechnic State U. member class on October 1. At the
semester scholarship dinner, the chapter

Members o f the C h i Psi Chapter at members had the opportunity to social-

California Polytechnic State U . returned ize w i t h their professors as well as to

to campus in September to participate in honor their alumnae volunteers w h o

"rush school," reports Richelle Ragsdell. serve on the A A C , the c o r p o r a t i o n



Tau Gammas Shelbee O 'Kelley, (from left) •

Tanya Hess, Angie Garcia, Heather Sigma members prepare for western day during fall rush.

Smith, Sara Zagelow and Mona Valdez

get ready for river rafting.

Winter 1993 37

making Panhellenic quota. The chapter

is a test site for the BRIDGES program.

At Founders' Day celebration: Christy
Nierva, highest pledge GPA; Tonio
Webb, most outstanding sophomore;
Tracy Jones, most outstanding junior;
Nicole Emper, alumnae recognition
award. 4

Fairfield County
Panhellenic announces


Sigma Phi, Chi Psi and Lambda Beta chapter members at mock rush. The Fairfield County Panhellenic
Association offers an annual scholar-
board, and the regional officers commit- Sigma Phi's annual M r . Fraternity ship to any sorority woman whose
tee. I n October, Sigma hosted the Delta c o m p e t i t i o n was a success this yeat. home address is in Fairfield County,
Sigma Chapter f r o m San Jose State U . Fifteen fraternities participated in the Connecticut, and w h o is attending
for a sisterhood retreat at the Sigma event which raised over $1,000 for any college or university in the
chapter house. Arthritis Research. Other spring events United States. The amount o f the
were Greek Week, a father/daughter day 1994 scholarship will be $1,500.
Accomplishments at the beach, and the chapter's annual
picnic with autistic children and adults Applicants must be in their sopho-
Orit Goldberg, Geraldine Poon, and from the community. A highlight of the more or junior year, must be active
Carolyn Young, Order of Omega; year was the rose formal which was held members of a National Panhellenic
at the Univetsal Shetaton in Universal Conference sorority, and must plan to
Vijay Chawla, Mortar Board Studios in Hollywood. remain on their college campus the
Teresa Chan, Panhellenic Woman o f following year. Selection is made by
the Year During the summer, the chapter held committee and is based on academic
Janell Kobayashi, rush counselor. a mock rush workshop with members records and service to the sorority,
f r o m C h i Psi and Lambda Beta chapters. school, and community. For applica-
Sigma Phi Othet summer events included a sistet- tion blanks, please write or fax:
California State U.- hood retreat at the McGrath State Beach
Northridge Campgrounds and a rush retreat at the Beth Dempsey,
AOn house at USC. Images & Details, Inc.
Sigma Phi Chaptet at California State
U.-Northridge began 1993 by joining all The chapter had a successful rush, 71 Elm Street
the southern California collegiate and pledging 100 percent o f its legacies and New Cannaan, C T 06840
alumnae chapters for Founders' Day,
reports Elizabeth Druyun. Fax: (203) 966-9383

Theta Chapter wins Little 500 bicycle race;

sets a new record at DePauw University

Theta Chapter at DePauw U . won the 1993 Little 500 bicycle race and was 4
featured in an article about the event in the DePauw Alumni magazine. Excerpts
from the article follow: of the Little 500 bicycle race.
Photo courtesy of DePauw magazine.
"The skies were ominous, the action tense, but at the end it was the riders o f
A O F I and Sigma C h i who proved victorious in the 1993 Little 500 bicycle race.

" A O I T s first-place time o f 1:17:24 was more than one and one-half minutes
faster than second-place finisher Pi Beta Phi. Kappa Kappa Gamma rounded out
the top three.

"The experienced AOn team included senior A m y Monroe and juniors
Ramona Benkert, Jenny Baran and Tasha Miles.

"AOFI has dominated Litte 500 in tecent years, finishing first in six o f the last
eight races. This finish was more important than theit last w i n because A O I T s
fourth straight victory breaks the previous record o f three in a row established
by Kappa Alpla Theta in the late 1970s."

38 To Dragma

AOIPs "Inspiration Walkway" to the "Founders' Circle"
. . . order your signature engraved brick now!

The Inspiration Walkway to w 1*1
the Founders' Circle at AOII
International Headquarters is now
a reality and was dedicated at
Convention 1993! We urge you to
take advantage of the opportunity
to become an everlasting part of
our Fraternity's history by
supporting AOII's Centennial
Celebration 1997. Send in
your order today for your own
personalized inscribed brick,
as well as for special AOII sisters
who will love your thoughtful
gift of their very own unique
permanent historic Walkway
or Circle marker.

Each recipient will be sent an
acknowledgement card, a map
showing the brick location, and
an official certificate of ownership
suitable for framing.

Supply LtnOFed mS KmmT A L P H A 0 M I C R O N PI
Order NOW
in HorroR o f

Fill in the form and mail with I N S P I R A T I O N W A L K W A Y SINGLE BRICK 4 x 8-SSO

your check to A O I I Headquarters today! D Single Brick $50.00

°rderedby • Double Brick $100.00
Chapter of Initiation

Address • Double Brick $200.00

City, State, Zip • Founder's Plaque . . $5,000.00 DOUBLE BRICK 8 x 8-$100 or $200

• Visa Q Mastercard • Discover • Check Total Amount $
Credit Card Account #
Name on Card Exp Date Make Checks to:
AOII—Inspiration Walkway

Mail to: Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Boulevard
• Yes, I would like the Centennial Celebration Committee Brentwood, TN 37027
to send a card acknowledging the g i f t .
Only one characterfletter, number, or punctuation mark) or s p a c e per block. Position or center your name or m e s s a g e
Send to
exactly a s y o u w a n t it to a p p e a r on your brick. H y p h e n s , periods, a p o s t r o p h e s , c o m m a s , the s y m b o l snd Greek
Chapter of Initiation
letters s r s available. To order more than one of either aize brick, print engraving information for e a c h additional brick
on a separate aheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single brick can have 2-3 lines, doubles 4-5 lines with no
City, State. Zip.
more than 1 3 c h a r a c t e r s per line, including s p s c e s . Please consider your wording carefully. N O T E : If uaing Greek

letters for your chapter, spell out the Greek name in English on the following

line so the engraver c a n verifyli.e. for "I," spell out "Iota" on the line).


Greater Lafayette members and to learn about sorority life on Ruth Baker Van Booven, Omicron (U. of
different campuses while sharing the festive Tennessee-Knoxville), 50-year member
The Greater Lafayette (LA) Alumnae spirit o f the season. Founders' Day was
Chapter had a terrific year, reports Sherry observed at a luncheon meeting at a local International Convention where the chap-
Moore. restaurant. A "Spring Spree" poduck at the ter was awarded a Distinguished Service
bayou home of Margaret LeRoy Hansen Award, reports Carole Jones. Chapter
Founders' Day was celebrated at a local was a time for alumnae and husbands to member Elise Moss received a Rose Award.
country club last winter with collegians renew old friendships and make new Elise was also elected to serve a second term
from the Delta Beta Chapter. Awards were friends. as president o f the A O n Foundation.
presented to members for outstanding ser-
vice to the Fraternity. Yvette Hebert was Hopkinsville Chapter members entertained local col-
recognized for her dedication to the chap- It has been a busy year for the Hop- legians home for the summer in July as
ter. everyone met to work on MIFs.
kinsville (KY) Area Alumnae Chapter,
As a service to American soldiers i n reports Carrie Joy Brookshire. In September the 1993-94 chapter year
Somalia, the chapter donated Valentine began with a wine and cheese membership
cards to the Lafayette Red Cross Chapter. Several chapter members attended the party at the home of Chris Bragg. Plans for
The soldiers were able to sign the cards and area Panhellenic Brunch last December. the year were discussed, including the plan-
send them back to their families at home. ning of the Region V I Leadership
O n April 17, chapter members sur- Conference to be held in Huntsville in
In March, new officers were elected at a prised Ruth Baker Van Booven, Omicron June.
luncheon meeting. In April, the new offi- (U. o f Tennessee-Knoxville), with a tea to
cers were installed and several recent college commemorate her 50-years of membership Fund raisers for the year will include a
graduates were admitted to alumnae status. in A O n . Ruth was presented a 50-year Phantom Tea and garage sale. Other activ-
Members enjoyed a joint luncheon with member pin and honored with a brick in
the Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter at the the "Inspiration Walkway" at AOFI Head-
beginning of summer. quarters. Ruth further celebrated by
Greater Pensacola attending her first AOFI Convention as the
chapter's representative.The chapter is
Local A O n collegians and their moth- active in the membership information form
ers were honored at a buffet dinner during (MIF) program for area high school seniors
the Christmas holidays by the Greater Pen- and AOFI chapters.
sacola Alumnae Chapter, reports Jean
Norris Brown. This annual celebration is a Huntsville
favorite with the alumnae because it is an
opportunity to get to know the collegiate In June several members o f the
Huntsville Alumnae Chapter attended

Hopkinsville Alumnae Chapter was well represented at the local Panhellenic Brunch. Pictured (from left) are: Natalie Bowers, Beverly Hichey,
Emily Willis, Ruth Van Booven, Carrie Joy Brookshire, Susan Ahart and Sandra Hancock.

40 To Dragma

Lexington Little Rock

The Lexington Alum- The Little Rock Alumnae Chapter
nae Chapter began the began last year with a wine and cheese
year wirh a salad supper party, reports Betty Berry.
at the home o f Jana
Davis. Several new offi- In October, chapter members gathered
cers were elected, and to make quilts for a local women's shelter.
plans were set to begin a Other activities during the year included a
monthly social outing Christmas brunch, a Founders' Day lun-
for the chapter members cheon, and an informative meeting about
to learn country line nutrition called "What's this about fat
dancing. grams!" The members ended the year with
a pool side poduck dinner that included
In October, chapter the installation of officers for 1993-94.
The AOFI graduates from Arkansas State
members enjoyed a pro- U. (Sigma Omicron Chapter) were given
AOn key chains by the chapter.
gram called "The New
You" which featured sev-
Members of the Monroe Alumnae
eral speakers on health, Chaprer are proud of the awards won by
their collegiate chapter, Lambda Tau, at
fitness, and image. One Convention last June.

of the chapter officers, The chapter had a garage sale in Sep-
tember at Kathy Womble's home and
Karen Holcomb, talked taised $400. Another fall event was a par-
fait party for new Lambda Tau members
Lake County of Illinois Alumnae Chapter donated items for A about nutrition and at Debi Carr's home. This was held fol-
Safe Place shelter. Vicki Biamesen (secondfrom left) is pictured helped host the event. lowing the Lambda Tau initiation in early
with some of the residents and workers there. Dee W r i g h t was the October. A combined alumnae/corpora-
other hostess. tion meering was also held in October in
the Lambda Tau chapter room. Founders'
ities will include dinner out with dates and In November, chapter Day was celebrated in December.
spouses, a Christmas party with collegians, members attended a dessert party at Laura
and Founders' Day with the Decatur Allen's home and received holiday deco- Chapter members are emphasizing
Alumnae Chapter. rating tips. increasing membership during 1994. I f
there are any AOn alumnae in the area
Chapter members sold exam survival (the 5th Congressional District) who are
not receiving the chapter correspondence,
Lake County of Illinois kits in December to collegians at Kappa please send a note with your correct mail-
Omega (U. of Kentucky) and Tau Omega ing address and phone number to:
In August the Lake County o f Illinois (Transylvania U.) chapters. Another holi- Monroe Alumnae Chapter, P.O. Box
Alumnae Chapter held its third annual day activity was attending a local 14482, Monroe, LA 71207-4482.
picnic at A Safe Place, a home for abused production of "The Nutcracker Suite."
mothers and their children, reports Linda ner with local collegians last May.
McElhany. Linda and Vicki Biarnessen In 1994, the chapter will celebrare
were hosts for the event. They brought Founders' Day with Tau Omega and 41
with them a variety of school supplies, Kappa Omega collegians in January.
food, and other donations for the home. Other planned events include inducting
Chapter members and residents enjoyed graduating seniors into alumnae status
an afternoon o f food, f u n , and games and a family picnic at Shillito Park.


Region V I I Director Linda Mansur led

an evening o f membership education.

Another successful Holiday Auction was

held in November. Other events planned

for the year include a Founders' Day cele-

bration in January with the Chicago Area

Council. Spring plans include another

party at A Safe Place, participating in Illi-

nois State Day in DeKalb, officer

elections, and an evening event at a local

comedy club with spouses and dates.

This year the chapter newsletter was

sent to 200 alumnae in the North Shore

area to acquaint them with the chapter in

the hope that they will join the group. The Little Rock Alumnae Chapter at its pt

Winter 1993

Monterey County Happy birthday Olgal the Greenspoint Wyndham Hotel in
January. Ruth Sunker, Kappa Theta
Marilou Tomblin reports that the Past International Treasurer Olga (UCLA), was in charge o f arrangements,
Monterey County Alumnae Chaptet had Vatcher celebrated her 92nd birthday and Regional Directot Lori Miller was a
several events in 1992-93 which were on November 1st. Twenty-five mem- special guest.
strictly for pleasure. The chapter year bers o f the Southern Orange County
began in September with a business meet- Alumnae Chaptet gathered at Jeremi- One o f the most successful spring
ing and luncheon at the Scenic Drive ah's for dinner and an "outrageous events was a somewhat impromptu gath-
home of Joanne Honegger. In November earring" contest. Olga, known for her ering at a small local restaurant duting
members met at the Clock Restaurant of eclectic earring collection, was initi- the Region V I I I Pride Week in April.
Montetey for lunch followed by a tour of ated at Lambda (Stanford U.) in Members wore A O P letters, colors, and
La Mirada, a mansion and new museum. 1919! jewelry, collected canned foods for
The tour had the theme "Home for the Northwest Assistance Ministries, and
Holidays." La Mirada was originally a residents o f Corral de Tierra residential wrote notes to A O P sisters they hadn't
two-room adobe dwelling which was built community, and Jack and Clare Riggs seen or heard from in a long time.
when Monterey was capital o f Mexican hosted.
California. Other events included: a champagne
New Orleans and roses dinner at the home o f A n n
I n January, members and guests Pare, Upsilon ( U . o f Washington); a
enjoyed a view o f the sunset at the home Members of the New Orleans Alum- "homecoming" meeting whete membets
of Marilou and Tommy Tomblin in nae Chapter were entertained at brunch wore their college colors; and a crafts
Point Lobos. I n February, members had a last September at the New Orleans meeting to make items for local senior
Founders' Day celebration and shared col- Country Club. citizens. Alice Jo Rainville, Iota ( U . o f
lege photo albums and memories with Illinois) hosted. The December meeting
each othet. This luncheon was held at the The event kicked o f f the chapter's year featured a candy/cookie exchange at the
home of Chapter President Edie Ramsey. and featured Vice President of Develop- home of Lynn Martin, Sigma Iota (West-
The following day, many chaptet mem- ment Carol Stevenson as guest speaker. ern Illinois U.).
bers attended a Monterey Bay Area Regional Rush Officer Lori Miller
National Alumnae Panhellenic Fashion assisted with the program. To help their adopted collegiate chap-
Show. Gentlemen were invited and ter, Pi (Newcomb College/Tulane),
Tommy Tomblin sat at the A O I l table The New Orleans Alumnae Chapter is chapter members made seat cushion cov-
while he watched Marilou model a purple one o f AOP's oldest alumnae organiza- ers for Pi's folding chairs are used during
raincoat and other outfits. The chapter is t i o n s , h a v i n g begun i n 1908 as an chapter meetings.
an active supporter o f the local Panhel- association and chartered and 1916.
lenic organization. Northern Virginia
Imelda Ruhlman and Cindy Roth of
Another business meeting was held in New Orleans organized the brunch. This year has been a great one for the
May beside the pool at the Carmel Valley They were assisted by Yvonne Landry Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter,
home of Marilyn Hobbs. Marilou and Doris Ann Gorman. The brunch reports Ann Hinds.
Tomblin and Phyllis Williams were rec- theme was "Reach O u t AOP!" After the
ognized for their 50 years in AOFI and event, the centerpieces o f flowering Spring began with the chapter's annual
presented with roses. plants were presented to each o f the cultural event in March at Washington
sororities at Newcomb College/Tulane. D.C.'s National Gallery of Art. Ann
The chapter year finished in July with Overmyer planned this popular event and
another potluck dinner with guests. The North Houston Suburban the chaptet's own Anne Smith served as
event was held at the club house for the guide. Anne is a volunteer at the gallery.
The North Houston Suburban Alum- The morning tour was followed by lunch
42 nae Chapter had some new and different in the gallery's restaurant.
programs last year, reports Barbara
Kenny, Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Mil- Helen McMahon, the chapter's Panhel-
waukee). lenic delegate hosted the tegular March
meeting at her Arlington townhouse. The
Chapter members "traveled" to Russia meeting was an evening exchange with the
via videos taken by Lori Hillman, Delta local Kappa Delta alumnae group. Chap-
Upsilon (Duke U.), who visited there ter members enjoyed learning about
with a U.S. Platform Diving team. The another sorority.
"Sew it, Grow it, Make it, Bake i t " auc-
tion in December provided both fun for The April luncheon was held in Great
the members and funds for the chapter Falls at the home o f A n n Hinds. The
treasury. The Founders' Day brunch Gamma Alpha Cotporation Board
with the Houston Chapter was held at (George Mason U.) met before lunch.
After lunch, Ritual and installation of offi-
cers was held. Pink geraniums were given
away as door prizes. M a n y members
attended Gamma Alpha's Red Rose Ball
which was held April 30 in Reston. Bar-

To Dragma

bara H u n t was guest speaker I n May, school supplies and donated them to a San Fernando Valley
members brushed up on AOn facts at school for homeless children.
Dawn Ward's house. A n n Overmyer, Natalie A n n Svider reports it has been
Education Chair, and Rochelle Poquette, The October meeting was held at the a year o f sisterhood for the San Fernando
Gamma Alpha Collegiate Chair, were in Mayo Clinic where a discussion was held Valley Alumnae Chapter. Chapter mem-
charge. concerning health issues important to bers began the year by hosting a senior
women of the 90s. recognition night with a program about
Members attending the International fashion accessories.
Convention in June were proud when fel- Early in December, the chapter held a
low member Patricia Howard Peebles holiday party and auction. Proceeds from A highlight o f the year was a 50-year
won the Elizabeth Heywood Wyman the event went to philanthropy. membership tea which was held jointly
award, and the chapter won a Distin- with the West Los Angeles Alumnae
guished Service Award and a Certificate o f Future fund-raising plans include vol- Chapter. The afternoon was one o f rhe
Achievement. unteering to work at the food booths at most inspirational events that members
the Phoenix Open. Founders' Day will be have enjoyed in quire some time, as the
Chapter President Jennie Hibbert has celebrated in February at the Registry 50-year members shared the changes that
encouraged the formation of satellite Resort in Scottsdale. The year will end have taken place in A O I 1 during the past
groups in the sprawling Northern Virginia with another nOA Firebird game. 50 years, including the opening and clos-
area. Pattie Henry, Natalie Ward and Lisa ing of chapters, their ideas about fraternity
Powers have formed a Loudoun County Sacramento today, the rich history o f A O n , and the
Extension group for members who find it fact that sisterhood does continue
too far to drive to regular winter meetings. After a wonderful Cinco de Mayo throughout the years. Past International
D a w n W a r d has organized a M O P S party and initiating Chi Alpha Chapter Ptesident Notma Ackel and Regional
(Mothers o f Preschoolers) group. Joanne seniots into alumnae status, some mem- Director Barbara Goll were special guests.
Katz hosted a bridge/dinner at her home bers of the Sacramento Alumnae Chapter
in Sterling. There is also a large daytime took a hiatus for the summer, reports Kim The San Fernando Valley Alumnae
craft group organized by Marilyn Jerding Kreth. Several others traveled to Nashville Chapter worked closely with Sigma Phi
and Jean Zimmerman. for International Convention and (California State U.-Northridge) during
returned home infused with AOLI spirit. rush. The alumnae served as day advisers,
Northwest Arkansas rush floor assistants, back room document
The pace of the Sacramento Alumnae keepers, and general trouble shooters.
Last year was a time of transition for Chapter picked up as members prepared
the Northwest Arkansas Alumnae Chap- to participate in the Arthritis Foundation's The chapter has put together activities
ter, reports Elaine Olsizewiski. The local running of the Jingle Bell run/walk to strengthen the bonds of sisterhood
meeting date was changed to the third on December 11. Chapters members will between the alumnae and collegiate chap-
Wednesday o f each m o n t h , and each travel to the Northern California ters. These included A l u m Chums,
chapter member will plan a short program Founders' Day in Pleasanton in January.
during the year.
Members were pleased that the chapter
received three awards of appreciation from Pictured at the San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter's senior recognition event are (seated,
the Centennial Celebration Committee from left) Frances Villalobos and Irene Travola; (standing, from left) Tracy Hill, Debbie Free-
and the A O n Foundation at Internation- man with her daughter, Phyllis Gilson, Kari Kjontvedt, Lynn Albertson, Dana Albertson,
al Convention last June. Barbara Goll, and Judy Kolstadt.

The chapter had a successful garage sale 43
in July.

Three new members were welcomed
last year: Kathi Walker, N u Beta ( U . o f
Mississippi); Melody Devere, Zeta ( U . o f
Nebraska); and Michelle Shelton, Sigma
Omicron (Arkansas State U.).


The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter has
been busy this year, reports Cyndie

The first event was attending a Firebird
baseball game as a LIOA party. Chapter
members then kicked off the program year
with theit annual September brunch at
which they assembled school supply bags
full of pencils, crayons, paper and other

Winter 1993

Alumnae Night, and an Arthritis Founda- State College
tion mailing party. In addition to working
with Sigma Phi Chapter, the alumnae Attention Laurie Cooper Sigel reports that the
send notes o f encouragement to Theta Chapter Reporters: State College Alumnae Chapter recendy
Omega (Northern Arizona U.) and began its year with a meeting at the home
helped furnish Chi Psi's new house at Cal- The next of Louis Klotz.
ifornia Polytechnic State U . at San Luis To Dragma deadline
Obispo. Chapter members enjoyed having
is dessert and catching up with each other.
The alumnae chapter assisted the local January 15, 1994. Plans were made to assist Epsilon Alpha
chapter o f the Arthritis Foundation with Chapter during the school year. In addi-
its second annual children's fashion show tion to making goodies for preference
which helped raised over $35,000. night during rush and attending member-
ship selection sessions, the A A C discussed
San Jose practical ways to strengthen ties with the
collegiate chapter. Convention news was
The San Jose Alumnae Chapter ended
1992 with a very successful Christmas reported, including the announcement of
party. About 50 members and guests had
a great time getting reacquainted with old several awards that the alumnae chapter
friends and making new friends.
Achievement Award for her endless work received. The highlight o f the meeting,
Last spring, chapter members welcome with Hickman House, a battered however, was preenting Anne H i n k l e
the 1993 graduates from Delta Sigma women's shelter, and for her generous Rohrback w i t h her Rose Award f r o m
(San Jose State U.) into alumnae status at financial support to the A O I l Founda- Convention.
an annual luncheon. Chapter members t i o n . A l v e r n a is a m e m b e r o f the
participated in a community service pro- Foundation's Rose Club. Other alumnae received awards at the
ject by pulling weeds at a local park. Five last Founders; Day celebration. Pat Rine
chapter members attended Convention. Janet Swenson also received an Antolosky was honored for ten years o f
Achievement Award for her service. She service to AOn and Isabel Baker received
This fall, several chapter members continuously pitches in whenever help is her 50-year pin. Mrs. Baker was instru-
helped Delta Sigma with fall rush and needed and has successfully held the office mental in founding the State College
provided dinner for the collegians one of membership chair. Alumnae Chapter and the Epsilon Alpha
night. The chapter's annual fall brunch
was successful. The chapter's Honor Card was pre- Corporation Board. Nancy Gilbert was
sented to the late Victor Swenson, given a Certificate o f Honor for her many
Seattle husband o f Janet Swenson. He volun-
teered countless hours to the task o f years o f faithful service to AOFI at the
Members o f the Seattle Alumnae bringing the Seattle alumnae into the 20th
Chapter had a successful year which century by computerizing the mailing list. local and regional levels.
emphasized renewing their commitment M r . Swenson recently died. He will be
to AOFI, reports Laura Crew. greatly missed. The Ruby Fund donations The annual fund-raising yard sale was
from Founders' Day totaled $259 and the held in June at Linda Domin's home.
Alumnae and collegians were remind- silent auction raised $145. Another highlight of the year was a dessert
ed of their common commitment at the party at the Corner Room to honor the
Founders' Day celebration. Marcia Hol- recent marriages of two members. =®
land, the guest speaker, spoke on the
importance of an AOn member's lifetime The chapter hosted
commitment. Edith Davison Brewer,
Marianne Davis Carton, Edna Newland a Billiard Bash at Jil-
Gabel. Naysa Elwell Hickok, and Dr. E.
Louise Porter were honored for 50 years o f lian's Billiard Club in
membership. D r . Porter is one o f the
founding members of Upsilon Alpha downtown Seattle to
Chapter. raise funds for Arthri-

Linda T u r Wickswat was presented the tis Research Grants.
Laura H u r d Service Award. Linda has
inspired the chapter officers with her lead- One o f the year's
ership as president for more than four
years. Linda currently serves A O F I as guest speakers was a
Regional Director Alumnae for Region
IX. representative from

Alverna Swan was honored with an Hickman House, a

44 battered women's
shelter w h i c h is the

chapter's local philan-

thropy. The speaker

shared information

about the shelter's Pictured at State College Alumnae Chapter's yard sale are (seated,
function and its opera- from left) Lois Klotz, Susan Springer, (standing) Jean Lundy,
tion. Linda Domin, Nancy Zendt, and Darlene Kirk.

To Dragma

Announcements TheJersey Shore Alumnae or have any questions, please contact
Chapter seeks new members
Desperately seeking. . .robes! Emily Geiger at 402/236-0591.
Any alumnae living in the shore area of
The Kappa Lambda Chapter at the U. of Haven't been to a Founders' Day
Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada is New Jersey (in the north central part of lately? Don't miss this year's event!!
desperately seeking robes! If you can help,
by donating robes or the money contact: the state, from the Old Bridge area south Southern California Council and the
San Diego Alumnae Chapter of Alpha
Alpha Omicron Pi to Toms River) are invited to become a Omicron Pi will host the 96th anniver-
The University of Calgary sary of Founders' Day on Saturday,
S.U. Box 13 part of the Jersey Shore Alumnae February 12, 1994. Social hour begins at
2500 University Drive NW 11 a.m., followed by a luncheon at 12
Calgary, Alberta Chapter. Please call Joanne Yuro, the noon at the world-famous Hotel Del
T2N 1N4 Coronado, 1500 Orange Avenue,
Canada public relations chair, at 908/505-6077. Coronado, CA. Tickets will be $25 per
or call Connie at 403/242-9539 and leave sister. Anyone interest in attending,
a message. Hoping to see you atZeta please call the Founders' Day Chair
Heather Scott at 619/222-3083 by
Attention Central New Jersey chapter's 90th anniversary January 14, 1994.
Alumnae: a new chapters is
forming in your area! celebration in March, 1994 Attention 1988 Beta Gamma
(Michigan State University)
In central New Jersey, Carolyne Scollay Zeta Chapter has been at the Colony Founders:
is the secretary of the group of alumnae University of Nebraska for 90 years (as of
that is trying to form a new chapter. 1993) and a huge celebration is being A reunion for 1988 colony founders is
Carolyne would be happy to send infor- planned for the weekend of March 11-13, being planned now for May of 1994. To
mation on meeting times, activities, etc., 1994. A O n International President Mary contact everyone, we need current
to any interested alumnae in the area. Williams will be attending, as well as sev- addresses and phone numbers. Please call
Her address is: 19 Springhill Drive, eral regional officers. The weekend will Dawn Tafel, 312/649-0535 or Jeanne
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 and her phone include skits, campus tours, a banquet, Krzak, 517/793-4055.
number is 609/799-6233. and some quiet time to look through pic-
tures and scrapbooks. The university's
Scarlet and Cream Singers will perform at
the banquet. The planning committee
hopes to make this a special weekend for
AOris and Zetas from all over the coun-
try. If you would like more information

Alumnae!Accept the Challenge!


You are a collegian for a short while, but you are an AOn sister for a lifetime. You will find that one of the greatest benefits of
sisterhood is being an active alumna. Just contact the alumnae chapter nearest you . If you don't know the name of the nearest
alumnae chapter, contact Phylis Garrison at International Headquarters. 615/370-0920


Here's good news! Become an AOII Rose Member! It's a special "member-at-large" program for AOIls who are more than 50

• Receive Newsfromyour Regional Directors concerning • Receive Your Regional Newsletter
events in your area. . ..

• Receive The Rose Vine newsletter especially designed for the • Receive Information
AOII Rose Member program. about Leadership Conferences

and other events

Name State Zip/Postal
City Phone ( )
Collegiate Chapter Initiation Date

Use this form to request information. To become a Rose Member, fill in the form and send with $15 annual dues to help defray
costs of printing and postage to: Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator; AOn Headquarters; 9025 Overlook Boulevard;
Brentwood, T N 37027.

Winter 1993 45

Did You Know 9

... news from the world ofAOII j

Washington States new She helped choose conversation back at the Kappa Phi
house was the weekend convention!
First Lady is an AOII Canada's first woman Now at least when I get homesick in
Gainesville, where I'll be studying law
Mary Carlson Lowry, Upsilon (U. Prime Minister at the University of Florida, I'll have
of Washington), is the new First Lady some great memories to fall back on!"
of the state of Washington. Her Last June 13, the Progressive-
husband Mike was elected governor Conservative Party of Canada held its Washington State U.
last fall. leadership convention in Ottawa, and
Isabelle Lopez, Kappa Phi (McGill U.), honors Sue Hinz,
Mary grew up in Bellevue, was one of the voting delegates at this
Washington and attended the historic event. former TD editor
University of Washington where she
received a bachelor of arts degree in Isabelle tells To Dragma readers Sue Wayenberg Hinz, Alpha
history. She later studied accounting about the election of the party leader: Gamma (Washington State U.), was
and became a Certified Public one of three persons receiving a 1993
Accountant in 1984. "The reason this leadership race WSU President's Employee Excellence
was so important was twofold. For Award in a ceremony last March on
Mary's interests include psychol- one, the election of a new leader the Pullman, Washington campus.
ogy and mental health. She served on meant that we would also be electing a
the board of the C.G. Jung Society for new Prime Minister, since the Each winner received a plaque
three years and became a volunteer at Progessive-Conservatives are the ailing and a check for $1,000 donated by the
Eastside Mental Health in 1990, work- party in Parliament. Secondly, the WSU foundation.
ing first in the child day treatment favorite to win the convention election
program and later as a volunteer was a woman, Kim Campbell. I was Sue is president of the Alpha
counselor. Mary is continuing her one of her delegates, and I must say Gamma Corporation Board and is a
efforts on behalf of mental health and that it was one of the most moving former editor of To Dragma. She is
is currently the co-chair of a capitol moments of my life to have the privi- the advisor for WSU's chapter of
campaign for Childhaven. lege to (help) elect Canada's first Mortar Board.
woman Prime Minister. I also had the
As First Lady, Mary oversees the honor of meeting Kim Campbell on a A 1970 WSU communications
activities of the Executive Mansion. few occasions during the convention, graduate, Sue returned to the univer-
These responsibilities include state and I took the opportunity to get her to sity in 1973 to become founding
entertaining and working with the sign the pink "Kim" baseball cap I was editor of the award-winning "WSU
Governor's Mansion Foundation wearing! It was especially gratifying for Week," the major information source
where she serves as honorary chair- me to be there because I moved to the for WSU employees across the state.
person. United States this fall to join my Today, as assistant director of WSU's
American husband, Brett Newsome. I Office of News and Information
When she has free time, Mary am thankful that I got the chance to Services, she also directs the school's
enjoys hiking, reading, opera, and participate in something this important public tour program, the Hometown
discussion groups. She and Governor before I left my country permanently. News Service, and arts and special
Lowry celebrate their 25th wedding Interestingly enough, on our wedding events publicity.
anniversary this year. They have one day (May 15) both the then Prime
daughter, Diane, who is attending Minister Brian Mulroney, and his soon- In the community, Sue has served
college. to be successor, Kim Campbell, sent us as Pullman Memorial Hospital
congratulatory messages. Foundation co-president, Pullman
Chamber of Commerce board
"The convention ended late on member, and publicity director of the
June 13, and then I had to make the 2 state Outstanding Young Women of
1/2 hour drive back to Montreal, the Year scholarship program. Her
because the very next day I would on-campus efforts on behalf of the
receive my Joint Honors History and State Employees Combined Fund
Political Science B.A. degree from Drive were recognized recently when
McGill University! You can well Gov. Mike Lowry appointed her to the
imagine that the hot topic of drive's Governor's Coordinating

46 To Dragma

(U. of Kansas), April 9, 1994, 10 a.m. TO UltAGM OF AlPllfl OH1CII0H PI
Rho Beta (coffee and doughnuts at 9:30 a.m.), 1510
(Virginia Commonwealth U.), January 20, Sigma Nu Place, Lawrence, KS 66044. For 9025 Overlook Blvd., ureiit
1994, 7 p.m., 2544 Lochness Road, more information, contact Teresa , Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TH 37027
Richmond, Virginia 23235. For more Mitchiner, 9109 Lichtenauer Dr., Apt.
information, contact Ruth Shorter, corpo- 276, Lenexa, KS 66219. •eHi GraiiLlian. 90Z5 Overlook Blvd., Urentwood, IN 370Z7
ration president, 2544 Lochness Rd., UreiitHcod. TH 37QZ7
Richmond, VA 23235. Chi Alpha
(U. of California-Davis), May 9, 1994, 6 Gnvfimcd by nn Executive Board (elcctad L>v m: itership)
Beta Phi p.m. 203 First St., Davis, California
(Indiana U.), March, 1994, (specific date 95616. For more information, contact
to be announced later), 3 p.m., Beta Phi Jennifer Howell, 5309 Bootjack Drive,
chapter house, 901 East 10th St., Sacramento, CA 95842.
Bloomington, Indiana 47401. For more
information, contact Edward L. Smith, Corrections •"'t."°"—-™!;,a'i°" lslUEOJjni«(J(.MCBOINQ 0,3,377
3205 Hensel Drive, Carmel, IN 46033- The home town of Chapter Consultant 1 S."K-.'S°S"~—., —
3919. Abby Aldrich incorrect in the fall issue. C(0,,33{5,,l1a1n3m0o0 Hone
Abby is from West Hartford, CT. Another ,.,0,.L ^^ ^
Kappa Omicron mistake concerned the degrees held by CO'IBS NOT niarniBureo ....... Hone bl, 727
(Rhodes College), April 12,1994, 7 p.m., Chapter Consultant Ttacy Maxwell. Tracy il, 71 7
Rhodes College/ACTI House, 2000 North is working towards obtaining a masters !-!.•.>. 1,2, 130
Parkway, Memphis, Tennessee 38112. For degree in English. To Dragma regrets the llnlio
more information, contact Sharon Bridger, errors. 0.,0,«L Nnnn
1296 Essex Drive, Memphis, T N 38119. i>P, 737


I MrtJFy Unt till llntamnnlt in.

Name and/or Address Change
Send to A O F I International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027

(please print)

Name at Initiation . Chapter

Current Office Initiation Year
Preferred Name
1 11 1I 1 | AREA CODE PHONE 1
| | New Name If Different From Attached Label 1
ST 11111
• New Home Address


M I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II


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Occupation Title

|| Place of Employment

COMPANY 1 1 1111

CITY 1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ST/PROV ZIP/POSTAL CODE JOB


1 11111 111 11 1 11

• I am a member of . Alumnae Chapter.

I I Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter.

Winter 1993 47

Reach Out AOni!

Attend your regions Leadership Conference next June!

The purpose of Leadership Conference is to bring together the leaders of the region for leader-
ship development, sisterhood, and education about new programs. Join in the fun and help us
all improve our chapters and our relationships by sharing ideas and learning from each other!

Leadership Conferences are not just for official delegates! You can:
• have fun meeting sisters from other chapters
• take ideas for new events back to your chapter
• learn new approaches for handling difficult situations
• share Ritual with other women from your region
• meet and discuss ideas with Regional Officers.

R e a c h Out A O n i !
Attend Leadership Conference 1994!

Region Date Hotel City Contact

I June 17-19 Westin Harbour Castle Toronto, Canada Michelle Dawson, 416/444-3481

& Cathy Labbett 416/446-1241

II June 24-26 Sheraton East Harrisburg, PA Nancy Leuschner 717/545-0263

III June 17-19 Richmond Airport Hilton Richmond, VA Ruth Shorter 804/272-5213

IV June 24-26 Holiday Inn 1-675 Dayton, O H Janice Daniels 513/439-4083

V June 24-26 Holiday" Inn Hurstbourne Louisville, KY Missy Taylor 812/945-6482

VI June 24-26 Hilton Huntsville, AL Kitty Pettus 205/883-0020
VII June 24-26 Grand Milwaukee Milwaukee, W I Pat Benson 414/782-1711

V I I I June 10-12 Marriott Pavilion St. Louis, M O Ellen Duncan 314/849-0764

IX June 24-26 Red Lion Boise, I D ReneeKnudsen 208/344-9917

X June 24-26 LA Airport Red Lion Los Angeles, CA Kim Fry-Ditmar 310/215-9337

The following collegiate chapter officers are required to attend Leadership Conference: president, treasurer and vice
president/education (membership education). It is recommended that the following committee chairs also attend:
continuous open bidding, chapter relations and public relations. The chapter president should represent the
alumnae chapter.

POSTMASTER—Please send notice of Second Class Postage Paid at
undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Brentwood, Tennessee and
Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., additional mailing offices.
Brentwood, TN 37027.

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