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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-06 23:01:36

1989 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LXV, No. 1

of alpha onticroftpL
Winter 1989
Vol. LXV, No. 1
Unlernalional Jfeacfcjuariers Dedication: October 7, 1989

From the President's Desk:
More Challenges...
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) International President
Barbara Hunt
give them the opportunity to openly express their opinions and concerns to each other and to the Executive Board. We have entrusted the man- agement of the Regions to our Re- gional Vice Presidents, and we en- courage them to set the pace for the Regions. We expect them to be ac- countable for what happens in their Regions, and we want them to be willing to listen to concerns within their Region. We are always willing to listen to their ideas, and we ex- pect their support when the Execu- tive Board sets the policies for AOII. Their expertise and efforts are greatly appreciated.
VIII. Create an environment that fosters volunteerism and de- velops future AOII leaders.
The success of AOII is solely de- pendent on its volunteers. AOII's membership is now slightly less than 100,000. Yet we employ just 16 staff members. All remaining efforts, from the President to the Executive
continued on page 19
ter at the U. of California-San Diego. Please take time to read her informative article about this impor- tant subject.
The spring issue will focus on alum- nae. Some items planned are: a fea- ture article on volunteerism; a story on AOII's Rosevine networking sys- tem; and the debut of a new depart- ment, tentatively titled "Applause!" which will showcase brief items about alumnae accomplishments.
Beth Grantham To Dragma
In the fall issue I identified four Challenges which Alpha Omicron Pi must address during our biennium. In this issue I am highlighting four more Challenges which are vital to AOII's future success.
V. Increase visibility and inter- action between staff and colle- giate, alumnae and regional per- sonnel.
Interaction and communication within AOII is of prime importance. We operate a vast interdependent sys- tem. As we grow, our opportunities increase but so do the chances for miscommunication within thesystem. Now that our staff members have had time to orient themselves to our new Headquarters, we are anticipat- ing greater accessibility between all departments of AOII. Staff responsibil- ities have been streamlined, and our management team has set priorities. The goal for turnaround is five days, and we are working toward respond- ing to all requests in a professional and responsible manner.
The Editor's Place
VI. Increase accountability be- tween all branches of AOII.
Increased accountability is a high priority. All of us need to be account- able in filing reports, returning mes- sages, and filling requests for mate- rials and resources. The Executive Board provides the leadership and the Headquarters staff serves you when you call or write. We expect to be accountable to you and we ex- pect you to be accountable to those with whom you work. Each of us needs to be committed to increasing accountability within every branch of AOII.
VII. Continue to improve com- munication between all AOII mem- bers.
Personally, I value open commu- nication. I have tried to project that wherever I have had the opportu- nity to serve AOII. W orking with Regional Vice Presidents the past two years has solidified my belief that the best way to keep AOlI vol- unteers interested and involved is to
On a sunny Saturday afternoon last October, approximately 400 Alpha Omicron Pi sisters gathered to witness the dedication of AOII's new International Headquarters on Overlook Boulevard in Brentwood, Tennessee.
The story of that dedication is the highlight of this issue of To Dragma. I hope you enjoy the article and pho- tos.
Also in this issue is Mary Anna Glenday's article about sexually trans- mitted disease. Mary Anna is an alumna of the Lambda Iota Chap-

Winter 1989
lo Drasrma
TODRAGMAOFALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communica- tions to the Editor at the same address.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Winter 1989
— ,
Vol. LX V, No. 1
FRATERNITY, INC. Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Features Sex/Disease: What every woman needs to know
Hundreds attend Headquarters Dedication Boca Raton Area Chapter installed
DJF awards 20 scholarships
Phi Omicron reunion
Epsilon Alpha celebrates 60th!
7 13 20 27 27
Departments From the President's Desk
2 12 14 15 23 Emporium 25 Foundation: Endowment 28
Editor Beth Grantham
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA Executive Director, CAE
Becky Montgomery, KTI Associate Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, AX Public Relations Coordinator
Bulletin Board
From Our Readers Collegiate Chapter News Alumnae Chapter News
of ^
Alpha Omicron Pi
je s s i e W a ]ia c e Hughan
H le"St-C l f Qn
Stella George Stern Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 'The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.

What every woman needs to know...
By Mary Anna Glenday, M.P.H. Lamda Iota (U. of California-San Diego)
Sexually transmitted disease.
No one wants to talk about them, but every woman needs to know the facts. In the 1990s, knowingthe facts could save your life. But sorting fact from hype can be difficult.
This article will cover basic infor- mation about six specific infections that are transmitted through sexual contact: three bacterial infections — syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia; and three viral infections — herpes, human papillomavirus (genital warts), and acquired immunodefi- ciency syndrome (AIDS). The
AIDS section discusses tests for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), focusing on who should be tested and what the tests actually re- veal.
Sexually transmitted diseases ("STDs") are contagious, infectious diseases transmitted by sexual con- tact with an infected partner. Many of these infections are "silent." This means that an infected woman may be unaware of the illness because she may not feel sick or experience any symptoms until severe complica- tions occur. One such complication is pelvic inflammatory disease, a pain- ful infection that can cause infertil- ity and may be life threatening. Preg- nant women with STDs place their
unborn children at risk and some of these infections are much more seri- ous to children infected during preg- nancy or childbirth than they are to the mother.
Most of the STDs now found in North America are caused by bacte- ria or viruses. Bacteria are small self- reproducing organisms. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibi- otics and when treatment begins soon after infection, complete cure with no long term after effects is a possibility. Viruses are different. They are subcellular, incomplete organisms and can reproduce only when they have invaded an infected cell. While treatments exist to con- trol some viral infections, it is not
To Dragma

possible to cure a viral S T D infec- tion. This is very important because once a woman is infected with a viral STD she may remain contagious and able to infect her future part- ners and children indefinitely.
Bacterial Infections Gonorrhea is caused by a bacte- called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. G o n - orrhea may cause a vaginal dis- charge and painful urination, or it may be a silent infection. An in- fected male may also have a urethral discharge and painful urination. Gon- orrhea is diagnosed when the doc- tor examines the discharge present under a microscope or, in patients without obvious symptoms, by cul- turing fluids from the vagina taken
during a pelvic exam.
Gonorrhea is treated with antibi-
otics, usually given by injection. I n some areas of the country antibiotic resistant strains of this disease have occurred and although this makes treatment more complicated, this is still a treatable disease. Untreated gonorrhea can lead to infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease.
Chlamydia infections, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, are often silent infections in both men and women. Chlamlydia, like gonorrhea, can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in women, and blind- ness in newborns if they pass through an infected birth canal. Pre- viously chlamydia was difficult to diagnose in the doctor's office, but new lab tests are available to permit rapid office diagnosis. Chlamydia is usually treated with oral tetracy- clines.
Syphilis is caused by the organ- ism Treponema pallidum. Ten to 90 days after contact with the infection a chancre - a painless, rubbery ulcer - appears. In men it may occur on the penis. Women may never be aware of the chancre because of an internal location. The infected per- son may also have painless swollen glands at this stage. Both the chan- cre and the swollen glands will dis- appear without treatment. The sec- ond stage of syphilis develops two weeks to six months later and usu- ally consists of a skin rash. Syphilis during pregnancy can cause miscar- riage or severe birth defects.
Syphilis is routinely diagnosed by a blood test but the skin lesions may
also be examined microscopically for the presence of the infecting organ- isms. Treatment of syphilis depends on how advanced the illness is when itisdetected.Inallbutthemostad- vanced cases it can be successfully treated and the infected individual will no longer be ill or contagious.
Viral Infections
Genital Herpes is caused by in-
fection with herpes simplex virus, some- times abbreviated HSV-2. The symp- toms of herpes include blisters, itch- ing, burning and occasionally a watery discharge. Herpes attacks can be very painful and a person may feel very sick during the first
Some sexually transmitted diseases can
cause severe
damage to
attack. Herpes attacks are self- limiting, they will improve without treatment. First episodes usually last 12 to 21 days and recurrences last 5 to 10 days.
The virus remains in the body even when there are no symptoms. Some individuals will never have a second attack and others will have many. There is no clear pattern as to who will have multiple attacks or what causes recurrence. There is even some evidence that herpes also has a silent form and individuals who have never had symptoms may be infected and able to infect others.
There is a medical treatment avail- able to help ease the symptoms of
herpes attacks and minimize the chance of a recurrence. Currently doctors are debating when a person with herpes is contagious. Previ- ously it was believed the infection could only be spread during an at- tack, but there is some evidence sug- gesting an infected person may "shed" the virus when they are not having symptoms. It is probably wise to consider a person with a her- pes infection always contagious until further scientific evidence is avail- able.
Herpes can infect an infant if the mother has an active infection when she goes into labor. Newborns in- fected this way can die or develop long term neurologic damage. Preg- nant women with herpes infections require close monitoring by their ob- stetricians as delivery approaches. I f the doctor determines that an active herpes outbreak is present, she or he will most likely recommend a cae- sarean delivery to minimize risk to the baby.
Genital warts caused by the Human papillomavirus ( H P V ) are ac- tually what the name implies: warts occurring in the genital tract. Be- cause the warts may be internal, a woman may not know she is in- fected. H P V may be divided into sev- eral types or subgroups. Warts caused by some of these subgroups are associated with increased rates of cervical cancer. This has had an important and unfortunate effect on rates of cervical cancer. Previously cervical cancer was found mostly in older women, but today many young women, even teenagers, are developing this form of cancer.
Genital warts may be diagnosed during a pelvic exam. Smaller warts invisible to the doctor during the exam may be evident from the re- sults of the pap smear. There are a number of options for treatment of genital warts including the currently popular laser therapy. Women who have had genital warts require close long-term medical supervision to de- tect early signs of cervical cancer. Diagnosed and treated early, cervi- cal cancer has a very successful long- term prognosis.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by the
Winter 1989
immunodeficiency virus ( H I V ) . continued on next page

What every woman needs to know...
Because it is extremely difficult to test for the virus directly, testing for the antibody produced after in- fection is the next best option. The test most commonly used to detect HIV antibodies is the ELISA test. This is a very sensitive test for the HIV antibody. If the antibody is pre- sent, the ELISA test has a very high detection rate. The problem with the ELISA test is that it also gives false positive results and finds antibody present in uninfected individuals. For this reason positive tests on the ELISA are usually confirmed with a second test, the Western blot. This test has a lower rate of false positive results. The combination of tests, ELISA and Western blot, maxi- mizes diagnosing an infected individual without falsely diagnos- ing an uninfected person as having HIV
If both these tests are positive, a person is usually considered to have an H I V infection. This means that the infected person has the H I V virus living in his or her body and that it has been there long enough for the person to make antibodies against the virus. A negative test can mean that the person is not in- fected, or it may mean that the per- son was recently infected and has not begun to produce antibodies to the virus. A n infected person will usu- ally begin producing antibodies and test positive within nine months of infection.
A FINAL NOTE Abstinence from all sexual behav-
ior is the only certain protection from an STD infection. A lifelong monogamous relationship will re- duce the chance of infection. The proper use of condoms can minimize risk but is no guarantee.
Any woman who is sexually ac- tive should have regular gynecolog- ical examinations, including a pap smear. Women with multiple sex- ual partners should see their physi- cians frequently and be honest with him or her about sexual behavior that could increase their risk for get- ting infections.
Knowledge alone will not protect women from STDs. When it comes to risky sexual behavior, act like your life depends on it. It does.
The H I V virus is transmitted only in three ways:
• By sexual contact with an in- fected partner
• By blood contact from an in- fected needle or transfusion
• From an infected mother to her unborn child.
HIV infections harm the immune system and an infected person be- comes unable to defend herself from infections that a healthy immune sys- tem handles with ease. H I V is also related to increased rates of a wast- ing syndrome that involves severe weight loss, neurological and psychi- atric illnesses, such as AIDS demen- tia, and several forms of cancer.
HIV infected individuals are con- sidered to have AIDS when one of these infections, cancers or other as- sociated problems develops. The av- erage incubation period from the time of infection with H I V to devel- opment of AIDS is seven to ten years.
Given the current state of knowl- edge, it is not possible to predict whether everyone infected with H I V will eventually develop AIDS. How-
Mary Anna Glenday
ever, everyone infected with H I V is capable of infecting their sexual part- ners.
AIDS Testing
Testing individuals who do not have symptoms suggestive of AIDS is a controversial issue. Public health and medical officialsdo not recommend testing without a medi- cal or public health indication. Only a physician can decide ifan individ- ual requires testing for a medical in- dication. What are considered to be public health indications for HIV test- ing?
• Homosexual or bisexual men
• I V drug abusers
• Persons with hemophilia
• Persons who have or have had
a sexually transmitted disease
• Persons who received blood transfusions between 1978 and
• Sexual partners of persons in
the above groups
• W omen of childbearing age, an-
ticipating pregnancy or preg- nant, with any of these risk fac- tors.
About the Author
Mary Anna Glenday, M.P.H., is
a charter member of Lambda Iota Chapter at the U.ofCalifornia, San Diego. She completed her Master of Public Health degree in disease con- trol at the U . of Texas School of Pub- lic Health in May 1989 and is cur- rently a doctoral student in Social Psychology at the U . of Houston. She is a member of the Houston Alumnae Chapter and serves as the chapter's delegate to the Houston Alumnae Panhellenic. Mary Anna wrote the workshop on sexually trans- mitted disease for AOIFs Keystones program.
To Dragma

Collegians arrive early to tour International Headquarters on Dedication Day.
Jfuncfrecfs attend JfeaJcfuariers T^ecfication
Approximately 400 Alpha Omi- cron Pi alumnae, collegians, and friends witnessed the dedication of the new AOII International Head- quarters in Brentwood, Tennessee on October 7, 1989.
International President Barbara Hunt welcomed AOII sisters who had come from as far away as the west coast to see the building and to share in making AOII history.
"Our Founders would be so proud if they could be with us today," Bar- bara said.
She speculated that the Founders never dreamed that one day Alpha Omicron Pi would have nearly 100,000 members with 163 colle- giate chapters and over 200 alum- nae chapters.
"Did they even suspect that AOII would be dedicating a beautiful per-
manent Headquarters just eight short years before our 100th Anni- versary?" Barbara wondered.
Prior to cutting the ribbon, she dedicated the building to "the loyal friendship of our members, to their
joys and achievements, and to their dreams and fraternal ideas."
Sue Lewis, Executive Director, joined Barbara in cutting the ribbon. continued on page 9
Winter 1989

The crowd flows in (above). . . Visitors sign the guest book at the reception desk in the lobby (left). . .The ribbon is cut (below). From left are Executive Board members: L i z Coffey, Executive Director Sue Lewis, Judy Bourassa, Nancy Bowers, International President Barbara Hunt, Anne Allison, Lis Donaldson, and Mary Williams.
To Dragma

continuedfrom page 7
Barbara praised Sue and her hus- band Rex for their role in expedit- ing the construction of the building and their attention to quality and de- tails.
"May we in Alpha Omicron Pi ever gather in true friendship and may the achievements displayed today inspire our future endeavors and may harmony ever dwell within these walls and throughout our be- loved Fraternity," Barbara said.
The ceremony began promptly at 2 p.m. under warm, sunny skies. In addition to Barbara Hunt, guest speakers included Mary Williams, Vice President/Operations, and Peg Crawford, Past International Presi- dent.
Peg Crawford recalled that the his- tory of AOII Headquarters began in 1925 with the first central office, which consisted of Founder Bess Wyman workingout ofher home in Bloomfield, New Jersey. This ar- rangement was followed by moves to State College, Pennsylvania; to Oxford and Cincinnati, Ohio; and, in 1969, to Indianapolis, Indiana.
continued on next page
The reception area and front entrance, as seen from the upper lobby.
Winter 1989

To Dragma
continuedfrom page 9
In 1969 Fraternity leaders estab- lished the Central Office Acquisition Fund. This was followed by the se- lection of Nashville, Tennessee as the site for the permanent Headquar- ters. The 11th fastest growing city in the United States, Nashville is also within a 600 mile radius of 50% of the country's population.
Peg said that the Fraternity moved to leased space in Nashville in 1975, then to its own building at 3821 Cleghorn in 1981.
From 1982 to 1989, the Frater- nity grew rapidly with 43 chapters being colonized or recolonized, and the professional staff grew from 6 to 16.
"At their January, 1987 planning retreat, the Executive Board called for an exhaustive search for an appro- priate building or land for a new Headquarters that would also serve as the Fraternity's Conference Cen- ter," Peg said.
The search led to Brentwood, a prestigious business and residential location. I n February, 1988, the Ex- ecutive Board selected the location in Overlook Park. The building con- tract was signed in July, and the
move took place in March, 1989. Mary Williams talked about the challenges involved in the design of the building. She said that the ar- chitects were told that it must be func- tional, but aesthetically pleasing, and that it must be professional, but
also somewhat residential.
"We told them that it must be con-
temporary, to reinforce our progres- sive attitude and reputation, yet it must be traditional, to emphasize our adherence to long established principles and ability to endure," she said.
She praised the architects for their design.
A representative of the Brentwood mayor's office and Betty Long, Nu Omicron (VanderbiltU.), represent- ing the Tennessee governor's office, also were on hand to welcome AOII to the area. Chris Clark, a local tel- evision anchorman who has two AOII daughters, spoke briefly about AOII from the perspective of a fa- ther.
Special guests at the ceremony were Past International Presidents Carolyn Harris, Ginger Banks, and Peg Crawford.

A group of collegians from the Alpha Chi Chapter at Western Kentucky U. pose around the sign marking the entrance to International Headquarters.

Jane Kirchner and Ann Christeson (above) provide music for the Patrons Reception on Fri- day evening, October 6, 1989...
Bill and Phyllis Westerman (right) at the reception...
Past International President Carolyn Harris (below) points out photos of other Past International Presidents to her husband, Rodney.
Winter 1989

The women in the Kappa Phi K
reunion photo on page 25 of the kfJt
fall issue of To Dragma were incor- K^§^»[5» rectly identified. The correct "
names are, from left, Dorothy r
m Stalker (standing), Natalie f;?5jSfl k Thompson Morris (seated, in r
^ wheelchair), Joann Dery, Vicky
B Williams, and Roberta Innes. To
-Zl r\
. i
Med 1990
7P rto0ra^'contaCr.
lgton B\ooi°l t v '
° 4
Z <V
presents a Founders' Day Lunchec
February 3, 1990 The Fairmont Hotel San Jose, California
For information and reservations, call Lisa Shemwell
Northern California Council
<S>< 4
To D;

Members of the Boca Raton Area Alumnae Chapter are pictured at their installation.
Boca Raton Area Chapter installed
By Sally Huck Drea
Sigma Lambda (U. of Wisconsin- LaCrosse)
The Boca Raton Area Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed by Past International Pres- ident M a r y Louise Roller last April.
The rapid growth of south Flor- ida necessitated the organization of an additional alumnae chapter to meet the needs of the many AOIIs in the area. The other local chapters are the Fort Lauderdale Area Alum- nae and the Palm Beach County Alumnae.
The charter officers of this new group who coordinated the efforts of organization, are Sally Huck Drea, Sigma Lambda (U. of Wis- consin-LaCrosse); Lisa Zaccagnini, Gamma Upsilon (St. Leo College); Patricia Maslac Vallandigham, Alpha Gamma (Washington State U.); Betty Gordy Schulz, Gamma Omicron (U. of Florida); and
Shelagh O'Sullivan, Gamma Theta (U. of South Florida).
Ritual equipment and robes were supplied by Gamma Theta chapter at the U. of South Florida.
Special guests and charter mem- bers attending the installation lunch- eon at the Addison Restaurant in- cluded Mary Louise Filer Roller, Past International President, Alpha Pi; Mary Ruth McKnight, Beta Phi; Robin Mansfield Wright, Re- gional Director, Gamma Delta; Sylvia Moon Stafford, President of Fort Lauderdale Area Alumnae, Delta Delta; Becky Miller Round- tree, Phi Omicron; Sally Huck Drea, Sigma Lambda; Patricia Maslac Vallandigham, Alpha Gamma; Leslie Maxson Lafferan- dre, Sigma Chi; June Roepnacher Weiland, Omega; Penny Girago- sian Rittenbaugh, Gamma Omi- cron; Phyllis Turner Anderson, Pi Delta; Charlynn Brown Holbrook,
Alpha Delta; Margaret Pou Jones, Gamma Omicron; Elizabeth Ly- nahan Mettenet, Epsilon; Cheryl Wallace Morris, Alpha Pi; Joyce Margileth Weber, Theta Eta; Carolyn Burt Cerny, Gamma Omi- cron; Cathie Cattlett Smaga, Alpha Delta; Elenor Saul Lilley, Psi; Shelagh O'Sullivan, Gamma Theta; Sally Schunemann Nemes, Nu Om- icron; Lisa Zaccagnini, Gamma Up- silon; and Karen Withers Covey, Kappa Gamma.
The general geographic area for the Boca Raton, Florida Area Alum- nae Chapter is from Lake Worth south to Pompano Beach and west to Coral Springs. Collegiate chap- ters are asked to notify the alumnae chapter of members who originate from this area, and interested alum- nae should call Sally Drea at 407- 994-0002 for membership informa- tion.
Winter 1989

Members of the Beta Gamma Chapter at Michigan State U. are pictured at their installation. The story of this chapter's recolonization appeared in the fall, 1989 issue of To Dragma.
From Our Readers:
Convention Issue a hit!
To the editor: IjustreceivedmyToDragmaand
wanted you to know that I think it's a great issue! I really enjoyed the lay- out and use of color. The interviews with the new Executive Board were interesting...Their individualness was charming.
Robin E. Beltramini Iota (U.of Illinois)
To the editor:
I just received my fall 1989 issue
of To Dragma, and as always was very excited to read it from front cover to back. I wish it came out more than four times a year! Since I was unable to personally attend con- vention, I enjoyed reading all about it and seeing the pictures.
I have only one request. I under- stand that there were no chapter re- ports in this particular issue due to the directory. But for the past few years, I have noticed that the chap- ter reports you print are so short; two to three sentences per chapter to be exact. When I was first initi- ated and received the magazine the reports were so much longer and de- tailed. Now, they hardly tell any- thing. This is one of my favorite parts about the magazine; reading about what other chapters are doing and things they have accomplished. Since the magazine is only printed four times a year, don't you think you could print more about what the
rest of our sisters are up to? I really miss this one aspect. I hope you'll take this request into consideration — I'm sure I speak for many AOIIs.
Thanks foryour time and foryour
Antonia F. Morgan Alpha Chi (Western Ken- tucky U.)
To the editor:
Your fall 1989 issue arrived yes-
terday —it was great! One of the best ever, and certainly a colorful, infor- mative magazine of which you should be especially proud.
I have just retired after nearly fif- teen years as Greek Adviser at our University of California, Riverside campus, and in that position, I was able to see many fraternityand so- rority publications.
Our publication compares most favorably; you should be justifiably proud.
Colleen Hise Munson Alpha Rho- 1949 (Oregon State U.)
To the editor:
Coming on page 30 in the latest
To Dragma I read about the reinstal- lation of Beta Gamma Chapter into which I was initiated in July, 1935.
In myjunior year I transferred to Cornell and had a close relationship with Epsilon Chapter.
Strange to see both chapters "res- urrected" on facing pages...Maybe one of these days we will have an Alpha Chapter again.
Betty Jokl Brodt Beta Gamma - 1935 (Michigan State U.)
To Dragma
hard work
with To Dragmal
Sharon Aretsky
Sigma Phi
(California State U. Northridge)
To the editor:
I was so pleased to get a copy of
To Dragma at the Panhellenic Office at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. As the new Director of Student Activities, I serve as the Greek Adviser for five sororities and five fraternities. M y office is pres- endy not getting all the national mag- azines of these groups and to get a magazine from your own sorority is overwhelming. (Ireceived my home copy the same day.) You should be congratulated on your excellent cov- erage forAlpha Omicron Pi and the magazine's wide distribution.
The U . of Alabama's Greeks are always hearing about my dear AOII, but now they will have proof of our excellence. (You never know —perhaps there will be a chap- ter here someday.) Keep up the super work!
Please extend my appreciation to the Headquarters Staff for such a nice Dedication Day; I so enjoyed seeing our new office/home.

Collegiate Chapter News
Epsilon Chapter at Cornell U. par- ticipated in an all Greek "Fun in the Sun" day where fraternitiesand so- rorities pair up to sponsor games, reports Buffy Broncato. Plans are in the works for an "AOPennies" con- test in which chapter members chal- lenge every fraternity, sorority, and organization on campus to see who can collect the most pennies for ar- thritis research.
Chapter members held their first retreat as an installed chapter. I t was a day of serious thought about the future, and rush was an important topic. The women are working hard to lose their "new sorority" title on the Cornell campus and to replace it with the title of "best sorority."
Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn- sylvania State U . had a successful rush and has 34 new pledges, reports Melissa Shaver. Beth Gregal and Jen- nifer Bender have been chosen to serve as Dance Marathon commit- tee chairmen. Dance Marathon takes place in the spring, and it is the largest philanthropic event of the school year.
The Lamda Upsilon Chapter at Lehigh U. started the new year with an all day retreat in the Pocono Mountains, reports Joelle Gussow. Chapter members Alisa Edelson and Nancy Walker are Varsity Volley- ball Captains and Paula Gross is Var- sity Tennis Co-captain. Debbie Cohen, Jennifer Pickard, Karen
Pupke, and Tricia Nowalk have been named rush counselors.
The Pi Delta Chapter at the U . of Maryland had a successful rush and
has 41 new pledges, reports Laurie Khanzetian. Tracy Martindill was rush chairman, and Cricket Kova- lakides was assistant rush chairman. The chapter was also represented during rush by its four rush coun- selors, Joanie Geline, Lynda Twigger, Laurette Lauricella, and A n n Rey- nolds, and by Panhellenic Secretary
Julia Merry.
During Parents' Weekend the
chapter sponsored its annual Casino Night for arthritis research. Lori Stahl is philanthropic chairman.
The Sigma Rho Chapter at Slip- pery Rock U. started off the semester with a successful rush and has 11 new pledges, reports Sherri Hanlon. Christina Clovis was rush chairman.
Karen Weigel, Regional Direc- tor, visited the chapter. A Parents' Day was held in October. The chap- ter raised its grade point average by .4 over the previous semester. Sue Whitely, scholarship chairman, or-
Winter 1989
Suzanne Isham, left, ChiBeta(U. of Virginia), and Laura Burian, Delta Upsilon (Duke U.), at the Summer Palace in Beijing, China. The two AOIIs met while par- ticipating in the Duke "Study in China" Program.
The Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke U . initiated 33 women in Sep- tember in a ceremony led by Suzanne Tufts, chapter president.
Chapter members joined Pi Beta Phi sorority in sponsoring a dance called "2 Pi's Rock for Charity" to
continued on next page
1 ganized "study buddies" and study hours for each member.
Sigma Tau Chapter at Washing- ton College participated in Greek Games in late September.
Several sisters acted as docents in the annual Candlelight Tour of Ches- tertown. April Dean, Sarah Coste, Bissett McCurdy, Stacy Maenner, and Deborah Boyer all volunteered.

Collegiate Chapter News
continuedfrom page 15
raise money for arthritis research and the Durham City Schools' Cam- paign Against Teenage Pregnancy. Pam Flores is philanthropic chair- man. The event, held in late Septem- ber, featured local disc jockeys, dancing, campus celebrities, food and over 250 prizes donated by local merchants.
Many special events are planned to celebrate the chapter's tenth an- niversary this year, reports Stephanie Bohm.
The Gamma Alpha Chapter at George Mason U. had a successful rush, reaching quota for the third consecutive year with a pledge class of 39 women. Chapter members sent a sincere thank you to A n n Heins, a Northern Virginia alumna who let the chapter use her beautiful home.
Philanthropic activities included "Trick or Treat for Arthritis," with advertising for the event on the radio and in the newspaper. The chapter's second project was a "Movie Day" at one of the local theatres, also for arthritis research.
Beta Gamma Chapter at Michi- gan State U . had a successful first rush and has 50 new pledges, reports Laura Poellet. Sue Smitka was rush chairman. Chapter Consultant Laura Culpepper was with the chap- ter during part of rush, and chapter members appreciated her friendship and experience. Another special guest was Past International Presi- dent Peg Crawford.
Julie Riemenschneider received scholarships to both Columbia and Cornell Universities for graduate
: iI !i
Members of the Omega Upsilon Chapter at Ohio U. are proud of their
To Dragma
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first chapter house pictured above.
work in historic preservation. Nancy Hess and Laura Poellet were in- ducted into Order of Omega.
Christina Mowry reports that the Beta Phi Chapter at Indiana U. began the semester in its beautifully redecorated chapter house, thanks to the gracious donations of its cor- poration board. The chapter initiated 38 pledges the last week of Sep- tember.
Individual chapter members are participating in numerous campus activities.
Kappa Alpha Chapter at Indiana State U. participated in Freshman/ Greek Move-In Day during the first week of school, reports Gretchen Horton. Jill Ford, rush chairman, or- ganized a slide show and an ice cream social for the first two rush events.
One of the largest spring pledge classes was initiated in September. Glenna Timmons was recently wel- comed as the chapter's new adviser.
Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball State U . began the school year with a chapter picnic at the home of Rush Adviser Randi Carmichael, reports Mitzi Foster. Fall rush, under the supervision of rush co-chairmen
Jackie Weber, Mi'Chelle Zies, Amy Newkirk, and Eva Schmitz, was suc- cessful. The chapter was number
one on campus for sorority rush. The pledge class includes seven legacies.
Kappa Rho Chapter at Western Michigan U . enjoyed a visit from Chapter Consultant Laura Culpep- per during formal rush. The chapter has gained 29 pledges and is looking forward to an exciting year, reports Laura Yackell.
Lambda Eta Chapter at Grand Valley State completed its first rush and has 18 pledges, reports Lynann Lowe.
The chapter has taken full advan- tage of the school newspaper and uni- versity promotions by placing sev- ral ads, banners, posters and flyers in these publications. Fall events in- cluded Mothers' Weekend, an Alco- hol Awareness Program, a Profes- sor Dinner, a weekend retreat, a Christmas formal and a Founders' Day luncheon.
Omega Chapter at Miami U. pledged 46 women at the end of fall rush. Michelle Dar was rush chair- man. Lisa Chapman and Laura Wheeler assisted, and K i m Cre- means provided entertainment.
Lynn Homburg, philanthropic chairman, worked with the Kappa Sigma fraternity to organize a
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Collegiate Chapter News
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"Beach Volleyball" tournament to raise money for arthritis research.
Several members of the Omega Upsilon Chapter at Ohio U. were honored recently, reports Carolyn Kiraly. Lisa Catrett received the Dis- tinguished Professor Award, a full tuition scholarship. Lisa also re- ceived a scholarship to dance in San Diego at a three week workshop. Ellen Leaf was one of 45 students chosen to attend the Bay View Con- servatory of Music, where she stud- ied with instructors from all over the world. Jackie Musick returned from studies in Austria. Barbara Reeves, chapter adviser, was selected "Pro- fessor ofthe Year"at OhioU.
Robin Boedeker, rush chairman, and Jenny Sheward, assistant rush chairman, organized an outstanding formal rush. The chapter has 56 new pledges. Chapter members are proud of their new house and many long hours were spent remodeling the house to get it ready for rush.
The Phi Upsilon Chapter at Pur- due U. has been busy with philan- thropy, reports Beth Perry. Projects included "Men of Purdue" calendar sales to raise money for arthritis re- search. Kristin Doster is philan- thropic chairman.
Another fun project was the Theta Xi Scramble "Fore" M.S. Gold Tour- nament, a 9 hole golf scramble with teams from fraternities and sorori- ties. "Slayter Slammer" was a free concert organized by Pi Beta Phi, Theta Chi, Triangle, and, of course, AOII.
Theta Psi Chapter at the U.of Toledo had a successful rush, pledg- ing 30 women. The chapter also re- ceived the "Most Improved Scholar- ship" and the second place "Com- munity Service Award." Crissy Conk- lin was selected "Greek Womanof the Year." Other honors went to Jen- nifer Conkle and Kimberly Maag, Order of Omega; Kelly Lang and Kimberly Maag, Mortar Board; and Tracy Karolyi, Jennifer Conkle, Teresa Bechtel, and Kimberly Maag,
Blue Key. Michelle Falor, Gayle Bruno, Julie Stringer, and Jennifer Stewart served as rush counselors.
M S U 1989, received second place honors in the Miss Kentucky USA Pageant.
The N u Omicron Chapter at Van- derbilt U . has seven new pledges, reports Heather Davidson.
Chapter members released 20,000 balloons during the Vanderbilt vs. Alabama football game in the third annual "Up, Up, and Away Festival" for arthritis research. The chapter also participated in the dedication of AOII Headquarters in Brentwood.
Jennifer Churchill reports that Omega Omicron Chapter at Lam- buth College had a successful rush and has a 21 member pledge class.
Individual honors included Jane Ellen Wilson's being named "Panhellenic Woman of the Year" and Miss Lambuth 1989. Christine Bradley received the AOII Rena Hunt Hampton Scholarship and Michelle Kirt was named Alternate Academic Marshall. Denise A n n Lippy was named a Schering Plough Scholar at the annual ban- quet of the Tennessee Foundation for Independent Colleges.
Omicron Chapter at the U. of Ten- nessee-Knoxville pledged 42 women this fall, reports Amy Fischer.
continued on next page.
Winter 1989
Members of the Alpha Chi Chap- ter at Western Kentucky, with the help of their 49 new pledges, raised over $2,000 for arthritis research with their annual balloon lift off. Members visited local businesses to sell balloons for $1 each. Then 10,000 balloons were released at Western's home football game on Par- ents' Day.
Three chapter members are new WKU Spirit Masters: KimBurns,
Julie Caldwell, and Ruth Hosse.
In December Alpha Chi Chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary with
a reunion dance and brunch.
Delta Omega Chapter at Murray State U. began the fall semester with a successful rush, taking quota with 44 pledges, reports Raelyn Barlow.
Three sisters are in this year's Homecoming Court: Donna Kruegar, Huong Dinh, and Rhonda Zimmer. Lee Ann Rayburn, Miss
Annie Mulkey, left, Tiffany Haney and Karen Holt smile as they pre- pare for the second night of rush at Omicron Chapter (U. of Tennessee.)

Collegiate Chapter News
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Other fall events included a visit from Regional Director Sandy Gover and Omicron's 29th annual barbecue prior to the Auburn foot- ball game. Last spring, Omicron's Macie Burnett was named "Torch- bearer," the highest honor a student can receive at the U . of Tennessee- Knoxville.
Pi Omicron Chapter at Austin Peay State U . finished deferred fall rush with nine new pledges, reports Tracy Arnold. Lucy Ann Gossett has been selected the new Greeks editor for the yearbook. Chapter adviser MaryAnnStephen(BetaChi)was one of 30 teachers to receive a National Science Foundation Grant. Mary Brantley has been named a charter member of Austin Peay's chapter of Order of Omega. Last spring the Pi Omicron chapter was named the Most Improved Sorority by the Greek Affairs Council.
Rho Omicron Chapter at Middle Tennessee State U . had a successful rush, pledging quota of 36 women, reports Carolyn Walker.
Fall activities have included par- ticipating in a Greek sponsored "fam- ily feud" to raise money for charity. Rho Omicron won third place. Chapter members also participated in a carnival at a local nursing home, spending the day with the patients there.
To educate chapter members on AOII history, Jennifer Brand gives a quiz each week, and the member with the most correct answers wins a prize.
Tau Omega Chapter at Transyl- vania U. completed a successful rush in September with the addition of 25 new pledges. Chapter members have kept busy by participating in a variety of events, such as the univer- sity's Annual Alumni Phone-A- Thon, Chi Omega's Campus Sing, and intramural sports.
The Tau Omicrons at the U.of Tennessee-Martin have 36 new pledges, reports Denine Brown.
The chapter won the trophy for both competition and the most spirit at the annual Greekfest in Sep- tember.
To get chapter members and alum- nae more involved with each other, the chapter is selecting an alumna of the month. Sandy Belote was cho-
sen for October for her dedication, involvement, and friendship.
After two weeks of workshops and five days of rush, Alpha Delta Chap- ter at the U.ofAlabamawelcomed 65 new pledges, one over quota, re- ports Christian Smith.
Several members have been in- ducted into honor societies this year. Christi Smith is now a member of Kappa Delta Pi, an education hon- orary. Melany Durden is a new mem- ber of Triangle, a service organiza- tion. Michelle Chauven is in Delta Sigma Pi, a Spanish Honor Society.
Jamie Manasco was awarded a posi- tion on the University's Judicial Review Board.
Delta Delta Chapter at Auburn U. had a busy rush, pledging 60 women, reports Stacy Smith. Lisa Usher represented Panhellenic as Head Rush Counselor, along with eight other AOII rush counselors. Returning for rush was Catherine Lowder after her summer studies at Oxford University, while Terra Wal- lace also returned for rush before leaving for Northwestern University where she received a grant to study opera.
Individuals honored recently in- clude Stacy McCord who received the Glenn F. Gross Scholarship for music performance at Auburn U. Christy Truitt was recently elected Student Government Association Senator for the School of Engineer- ing. Shannon Hill and Tiffany Tal- man were selected as members of the Student Government Cabinet. Susanne English was inducted into Order of Omega.
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Alpha Delta Chapter members welcome rushees at the U. of Alabama.
To Dragma

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The Gamma Omicron Chapter at the U. of Florida began fall semester with a successful rush, ending with 56 pledges, reports Candace Hagie.
Saidy Barinaga participated in the U. of Florida Sweetheart Pageant. Pledge Becky Slick was elected presi- dent of Junior Panhellenic.
Amy Uy, of the Gamma Theta Chapter at the U . of South Florida, reports a successful fall rush. Chapter members appreciated the help offered by area alumnae, by Chapter Consultant Amy Bordewisch, and Chapter Adviser Jane Tessmer.
The Tau Delta Chapter at Birm- ingham-Southern College pledged 32 women following fall rush. Jackie Cline was rush chairman.
The women of Beta Lambda Chap ter at Illinois Wesleyan U. are grate- ful for the assistance they received with rush. Ten women from the Chi Lambda Chapter at the U. of Evansville helped during rush, as did Regional Director Joyce Strout, Regional Rush Officer Sue Placke, and Past International President Peg Crawford. I n addition, Chapter Con- sultant Erin McDonnell was present to lend a hand. The Bloomington Alumnae Chapter helped by having a "Mock Rush" and by serving refreshments at parties. Chapter members are also grateful to Julie Whalen, their "retiring" Chapter Ad- viser, for her service throughout the years, reports WendyThiele.
Gail Kirwan and Lisa Subar were recently inducted into EGAS, a sen- ior honorary, and Darcy LaReau was inducted into Green Medallion, a sophomore honorary. Leslie Powell was selected for Alpha Lamda Delta, and W endy Thiele was inducted into Psi Chi.
Iota Chapter at the U . of Illinois attained quota this fall with 45 pledges, reports Monique Medawar.
The chapter has been busy with philanthropic events this fall. Chap- ter members had a successful blood drive, and they planned to have a miniature golf contest to raise money for arthritis research.
Phi Sigma Chapter at Kearney State College completed rush with 34 new pledges. Debi Meyers was
rush chairman and Sarah Loschen was assistant rush chairman.
Phi Sigma is having its 20th anni- versary this year. For homecoming, chapter members held a breakfast banquet at the chapter house for alumnae. A hospitality room was open in the evening for new and old AOIIs to get acquainted.
Tau Chapter members at the U. of Minnesota are excited to be liv- ing in their "new" house after an ex- tensive remodeling. The whole first floor was completely redecorated in earth tones, and the front yard was landscaped to complete the new look.
This year the U . of Minnesota Greeks worked together on a new style of rush. Jen Gray was Panhellenic Rush Chairman. The new system focused on informing the rushees about the Greek system. Joey Goldberg was rush chairman for the chapter, which pledged quota, reports Kate Burns.
Zeta Chapter, U . of Nebraska, now has 30 new pledges, reports Michele Scott.
Chapter member Michelle Bobak was a member of the homecoming court. Zeta is proud to announce that it is co-sponsoring "Do It Sober, 1989," an alcohol awareness pro- gram presented campus wide every year by Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Fall activities included the chapter's fourth annual "Steakout" party and the scholarship banquet.
Pledge Kim Wimmer was cast in the lead role of the Fall Theatre Pro- duction and Kathy Keenan, another pledJge,madethecheerleadingsquad.
VII ,0w*
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Board to the Regions to the local level, must come from volunteers. What a dynamic organization!
But we must keep in mind that volunteerism in the United States is changing. You see that in other or- ganizations and activities that you participate in. More women than ever, over 75%, are employed out- side the home. These women neces- sarily have fewer hours to give to vol- unteer work. In AOII we see the same phenomenon. Alumnae have priorities and AOII may not be tops on the list. We need to change that.
We want all AOIIs to continue to serve the Fraternity throughout their lives. It will help them to feel vital, fulfilled and rewarded. All AOIIs share a common bond, our Ritual, that makes us special, holds us to- gether, and creates instant sister- hood whenever we meet. It is a joy to be an AOII. Let's not lose sight of the promise we made to our Frater- nity when we were initiated.
It is our responsibility to reach out and touch our sisters. We can meet this challenge if we remember the lifetime commitment we made.
We need each other! Together, we can accept the AOII Challenge.
Winter 1989
More Challenges...
The Chi Delta Chapter at the U. of Colorado recently obtained "His- torical Landmark" status for its house in Boulder, reports Annette Riggs. Proposed plans for expand- ing the house are awaiting approval before building begins.
continued on page 22

DJF awards
Trustees of the AOII Diamond Ju- bilee Foundation report they have awarded $20,000 in scholarships for 1989.
According to Rosalie Barber, DJF scholarship chairman, seventeen $1,000 undergraduate scholarships, including the $1,250 Muriel Turner McKinney Scholarship; two $1,000 graduate scholarships; and one $750 alumnae scholarship were awarded by the board.
"Support from collegiate chapters and alumnae throughout the coun- try have made it possible for the AOII DJF to give nearly 500 scholar- ships since its first award in 1962," the scholarship chairman said. "Since that first $50 grant, we have grown to provide $1,000 scholar- ships to many deserving AOIIs."
Region I
Gretchen Zollendeck, Hamburg,
NY, Phi Delta, University of Wis- consin, has received the Alumnae Scholarship. Gretchen served her chapter as the corresponding secre- tary, philanthropic chairman and as the parliamentarian. She has also been Nu Delta colony adviser, chap- ter adviser, and a corporation board member. Gretchen is working on a legal assistant certificate.
Region III
Amy Twiford, Spotsylvania,VA,
Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth University, received the Muriel Turner McKinney Award. Amy has served as chapter president, adminis- trative vice president, scholarship chairman, and philanthropic chair- man. She was also in her university's Symphonic Wind Ensemble, the American Chemical Society, and Phi Eta Sigma honorary. Amy is work- ing on a chemistry degree.
Region IV
Lisa Butz, Lafayette, IN, Phi Up-
silon, Purdue University has served as chapter vice president/administra- tion, chapter relations/junior chair- man, and pledge class secretary. She was also on the Humanities Student Council for three years and on the Education Excellence Committee, and has been the humanities intern- ship coordinator. Lisa is currently earning a degree in elementary edu- cation.
Martha House, Marblehead, ME, Omicron Pi, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has been chapter rush chairman, Panhellenic delegate, and Junior Panhellenic del- egate. She is a member of the Uni- versity of Michigan's band, the Stu- dent/Alumni Council, and the Tae Kwon Do club. Martha is working on a geological sciences degree.
Region V
Stephanie Anderson, Henderson-
ville, T N , Tau Omicron, Univer- sity of Tennessee-Martin, has been her chapter's president, membership education chairman, and scholar- ship chairman. Stephanie was also active on campus as a UTM major- ette captain, and a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Order of Omega, and Phi Eta Sigma honoraries. She is working on a degree in clinical psy- chology.
Elizabeth Bradley, Memphis, TN, Omega Omicron, Lambuth College, has served as chapter vice president/administration, recording secretary, and co-historian. Her cam- pus activities include concert band, freshman class treasurer, Theater Or- chestra, and Gamma Beta Phi hon- orary. Elizabeth is working on a degree in art.
To Dragma

20 scholarships
Kelley Dearing, Wallingford, KY, Epsilon Omega, Eastern Ken- tucky University, has served as her chapter's president, pledge educator, song leader, and Greek Week chair- man. On campus she has been active as a Greek Week co-chairman, a foot- ball hostess, a member of Gamma Beta Phi honorary, and a volunteer disc jockey. Kelley is earning a degree in broadcasting/business.
Huong Dinh, Murray, KY, Delta Omega, Murray State University, has been chapter alumnae relations chairman, philanthropic chairman, and Mr. MSU Pageant director. She has served as vice president of the pre- med club, a Miss M S U semifinalist, and vice president of the Student/ Alumni Association and a member of Order of Omega. Huong is work- ing on a biology/pre-med degree.
Cynthia Ganote, Shelbyville, KY, Tau Omega, Transylvania Uni- versity, has served as her chapter's vice president/pledge educator, re- cording secretary, and chapter rela- tions chairman. She is also active on the student activities board, choir, Psi Chi, and Translyites. Cynthia is earning a degree in psychology.
Donna Krueger, Fulton, KY, Delta Omega, Murray State University, has served as president, treasurer, and assistant treasurer of her chapter. She also served on Panhellenic Coun- cil and Student Activities Council. Donna is working on a Spanish/ English/secondary education degree.
Region V I
Hope (CiCi) Cotton, Tuscaloosa,
AL, Tau Delta, Birmingham South- ern College, has been chapter rela- tions, by-laws chairman, and assis- tant to vice president/administration. Her campus activities include stu-
dent judiciary, Triangle Club, Pre- law Society, and Alpha Kappa Psi. CiCi is earning a degree in Eng- lish/business.
Deborah DeHaven, Birming- ham, A L , Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College, has served as chap- ter assistant treasurer and chapter relations chairman. She was also a Hilltop news staff writer, and mem- ber of the Southern Stars dance team and Phi Eta Sigma honorary. De- borah is working on an accounting/ business degree.
Region VII
Michele Bobak, Omaha, NE, Zeta,
University of Nebraska, has been chapter vice president/pledge educa- tor and pledge class public relations chairman. O n campus, her activities include the marching band, Mortar Board, Pi Lambda Delta, and Gold- en Key honoraries. Michele is work- ing on a degree in secondary education French and Spanish.
Jennifer Evans, Little Falls, NJ, Pi, Newcomb College, Tulane Uni- versity, received the Helen Haller Award for a graduate student. She served as chapter public relations chairman, alumnae relations chair- man, and charm chairman. On cam- pus she was active in the Tulane University Symphony, crew team- coxswain/rower, and orientation co- ordinator. Jennifer is seeking her masters degree in communications at the University of Oregon.
Julie McPheeters, Gothenburg, NE, Zeta, University of Nebraska, has served as chapter president, keeper of ritual, and homecoming alumnae brunch chairman. On cam- pus she was the Steward's Council president, vice president of Kappa Phi, a new student enrollment host-
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Winter 1989

Collegiate Chapter News • • •
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Rush went well with the chapter making quota with 52 pledges.
Kappa Tau Chapter at Southeast- ern Louisiana U . initiated six new members, reports Laura Ethridge. The chapter had a successful fall rush and now has 19 pledges. Chap- ter Consultant Tana Roberts visited during Rose Week. Kappa Tau also has two new advisers, Heidi Rudiger Locicero and Vonda Penalber.
Sigma Omicron Chapter at Ar- kansas State U. had a successful rush;
the chapter made quota by pledging 44 women, reports Gail Grace.
The chapter celebrated its 40th an- niversary last spring with a week- end of activities, ending with a dance. Several charter members at- tended.
Elisa Masterson won the Wilson Award, the highest honor a collegian can receive at Arkansas State U .
The members of Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the U. of Texas at San Antonio had "rush buddies" to help each other through the trials of rush, reports Dina Meyer. Members
The Alpha Gamma Chapter at Washington State U. had a success- ful rush, reports Julie Bishop.
I Jenifer Cronk was rush chairman. Chapter members involved in cam- pus activities include Danielle Steele, public relations director for student government. Ten Alpha Gammas are on the homecoming committee.
Members of the Kappa Lambda Chapter at the U. of Calgary reports
Chi Psi Chapter at Cal Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo held two weeks of rush workshops which paid off when the chapter took quota of 52 pledges, reports Carisue Proctor.
Tracy Less, chapter president, Gwen Madison, chapter relations chairman, and Kerry Hall, rush chairman, have worked to create stronger sisterhood with the chap- ter. Chapter members recently par- ticipated in several useful workshops to improve self image and increase participation in chapter activities.
After a week of being at "Club AOII," this year's theme for rush school, the Nu Lambda Chapter at the U . of Southern California was
brought lunches for rush buddies and had "spirit raisers" like cards, roses, and baked goods. The chapter made quota with 21 new pledges.
Fall events have included collect- ing clothes for the women's shelter in San Antonio and an appreciation dinner for alumnae who helped with rush. The chapter also went trick or treating for donations and held a charity banquet to benefit arthritis research. An aluminum can drive and a garage sale are planned to raise money for the Endowment Fund and the Development Fund.
that their Chapter Adviser, Debrah Wirtzfeld Helmer (Kappa Lambda '85), was the recipient of the Louise McKinney Scholarship. Her fieldis Cellular Molecular Microbiology.
Two members have excelled in the performing arts, reports Kristy Lee Manchul. Jeanette Dowan was a finalist in the Calgary Youth Talent Contest, and she won a cash award. Alison Boney will be dancing in the prestigious University Ball.
properly prepared for a successful rush, reports Lise Sellier. The chap- ter was fortunate to have Leigh Remy, Chapter Consultant, present during rush week.
Keeping the new alcohol policies of AOII and USC in mind, Nu Lamda welcomed the Theta Xi fra- ternity over for dessert to show the Greek system at USC that the ab- sence of alcohol does not mean the absence of fun.
Sigma Chapter, U. of California at Berkeley, held Parents Weekend in October, reports Christine Lewis. Becky Enmark, activities chairman, and Jan Alsobrook, her assistant, planned a weekend of football, dan-
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Alumnae Chapter News
The Baton Rouge Alumnae Chap- ter sponsored Louisiana State Day at the Baton Rouge Country Club, reports Cheryl Larrieu Bourg. Col- legians and alumnae were treated to a luncheon, style show, and exhibits planned by co-chairmen Clara Tomsula and Cheryl Bourg. Past International President Ginger Banks was guest speaker. Clydelle Mauldin was presented with her 50 year pin. The alumna winning the award for having been initiated the longest was Margaret Harter, initiated into Iota Chapter in 1924. Caroline Fabre, who brought her two AOII daughters, was recog- nized for the most legacies.
Kim Anderson reports that the Bozeman Alumnae Chapter has been busy with contributions to "Camp Limber Limbs" for arthritic children, and with assisting Alpha Phi Chapter in pledging quota (26 future alumnae) during fall rush.
The Chicago Northwest Subur- ban Alumnae Chapter held its 6th consecutive "Holiday Cheer Throughout the Year" brunch in Oc- tober, reports Diane Pellettiere.
The unusual theme of the auction encompasses all of the holidays of the year. Alumnae donate many hand made items, including Hallo- ween decorations, V alentine keep- sakes, and Christmas decorations. In addition to the auction, the sale of baked goods and rose decorated tote bags brings in funds. Judy Fless- ner and Sharon Kelly served as cochairmen of the event.
The Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter's 1989 programs have included couples' bowling, mak- ing gifts for children at a local hospi- tal, and touring the Lizzadro Mu- seum of Lapidary. Another program combined officer installation and a "Scent of France" which educated members about French perfumes. The members' purchases of perfume earned the chapter a percentage of each sale for a fund raiser.
The 1989-90 year will include the celebrating of the chapter's 50th an- niversary in April, reports Susan Gil- liland Barker (Sigma Iota 77).
Alumnae of the P i Chapter (Florida State U.) posed for this photo dur- ing their reunion at Tarpon Springs, FL, last summer.
Winter 1989
Tracey Parker reports that the Dal- las Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 70th anniversary in September. The history of the chapter, compiled by Pat Lockhart (Theta Eta), was read by President Audrey Lueth (Gamma Iota). Chapter members also watched the convention video.
In October chapter members filled "Trick or Treat" bags for the Delta Theta Chapter at Texas Woman's University. The chapter's annual "Make It, Bake It, Grow It, SewIt,SellIt"auctionwasheldin November.
The Decatur Area Alumnae Chap- ter assisted the Zeta Pi Chapter at the U . of Alabama-Birmingham with fall rush, reports Betsy Smith Thompson (Delta Delta). The chap- ter's fall kick-off meeting took place in September. The Halloween social gathering was combined with the an- nual "Make, Bake or Grow Auction" for the benefit of arthritis research.
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chap- ter began its fall program with its first family picnic, reports Joyce Overby. Members enjoyed meeting each others' families. Other fall ac- tivities included the chapter's annual pitch-in dinner, a tour of historic Union Station in downtown Indian- apolis, the fourth annual holiday auc- tion, and a holiday collegian-alum- nae party. Alumnae members as- sisted Theta Chapter, Depauw U ,
with rush. The Indianapolis Alum- nae Chapter is working on a pro- gram of networking to inform one another of member's occupations, avocations, special skills, and talents.
Lexington Alumnae Chapter began the year with a Pot Luck Pic- nic in September at the home of President Marilyn Sagan.
Carol Cameron of the Kentucky Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation provided the program and was pre- sented a check from the Lexington Alumnae Chapter. Chapter mem- bers plan to participate in the "Jin- gle Bell Run" for arthritis research.
Membership has increased over the last year, and Rose Mary Stam- ler, program chairman, has lined up some fun and educational meetings for the coming months.
The Lincoln Alumnae Chapter started the fall with a well attended pledge dessert, reports Susan Damian. The chapter's new presi- dent, Helen Kampfe, has an in- teresting year planned: a Christmas craft project, Founders' Day, numer- ous speakers and a "Come as You Were (in college)" party to end the year.
Gina Krupa Shaw (Phi Lambda), Macomb County Alumnae Chapter member, was Chairman and Mis- tress of Ceremonies of the Detroit
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Alumnae Chapter News
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Alumnae Panhellenic Association's annual luncheon in May, reports Maxine Hedgecock Ross. The pro- gram, "A Potpourri of Period Cos- tumes," was presented by the Mead- owbrook Theater Guild of Oakland University. Donations were collected for university women scholarships, and more money was contributed than at any previous luncheon.
Members of the Memphis Area Alumnae Chapter provided exam "Care Packages" for the Kappa Om- icron collegians during the spring semester, reports Gail Cook Akey. Donations for arthritis research were solicited from the collegians' parents. Lisa Brown, chapter treasurer, ap- peared on the West Tennessee Arthri- tis Foundation Telethon to present a check for $250.
Fall activities included the second annual wine and cheese party, a "crime-wise" seminar, an AOII Pie Party, and a holiday celebration with spouses and dates. Interna- tional President Barbara H u n t will be the speaker at the chapter's Found- ers' Day Luncheon in January.
The Milwaukee Alumnae Chap- ter is pleased that one of its mem- bers, Barbara Daugs Hunt, is the new International President, reports Patricia Sell Shaw.
In September a "Welcome Back Dinner" was held for collegians and alumnae at the home of Sharon Fliess. Terry Russo Bedwell hosted the October meeting which featured information about jewelry provided by a local jeweler. In November the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter
joined other sorority women at the Milwaukee Alumnae Panhellenic Recognition dinner. The Christmas Party, held at the home of Pat Vioni Benson featured an auction of hand made items.
The Minneapolis Alumnae Chap- ter's program includes a close liaison with Tau Chapter and its corporation board. A joint meeting of the boards of both chapters was held in Septem- ber, reports Wilma Smith Leland.
WANTED: Information on AOII Notables
Our Fraternity is proud of noteworthy AOIIs. Please let us know about your accomplishments in professional or volunteer efforts. O r tell us about an outstanding sister's success. Send information to Elizabeth A. Coffey, 7754 N. Whittier Place, Indianapolis, I N 46250.
To Dragma
Name: Address:
middle last
Phone: \ Chapter/Date of initiation: Profession:
Area of recognition, awards, honors:
If you are submitting the name of a sister, please fill in your name, address, and chapter/date of initiation:
Younger alumnae enjoyed a pot luck brunch at Debra Sit's. More Sat- urday events are planned to allow employed alumnae to be involved. Convenience prompted Stephany Good Siitari to plan mini-seminars for a Monday meeting with Tau Chapter. Subjects included financial planning, resume writing, alcohol awareness, date rape, health, and eat- ing disorders. A tour of the newly renovated house was part of the Founder's Day luncheon in Novem- ber. A children's party at the chapter house was held in December.
Nearly one out of every four AOII alumnae who live in the north Hous- ton area are already members of the North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter, reports Kathleen Downs Hansen. Houston is so large geo- graphically that there are two alum- nae groups.
Chapter activities planned include a get together at a local Tex Mex Cafe, "Welcome Brunch" at the King- wood Country Club, t-shirt painting by Alice Jo Shannon, a Community Service Project for the Border- sville 3-H Service Center, and a "Chinese Exchange" and "Cookie Ex- change."
Membership information can be obtained by contacting Bonnie Nezin at 713/586-0236.
Having fun is the major goal this year of the Northern Virginia Alum- nae Chapter, according to Kerry Ross, president. Wasting no time in meeting this goal, the group held their second annual game night at
Jennie Hibbert's home. Adding to the novelty of the evening was the fact that Jennie lives in an underground earth home.
New members were welcomed at a fall salad and dessert fondue sup- per at Linda Collier's home. V arious activities, from seminars in stress management to improving one's in- terior decorating savvy, fill the calen- dar for the coming year.
The Northwest Arkansas Alumnae Chapter held its September meeting at the Park Inn in Fayetteville, reports Lisa Schliep. Chapter officers told of their goals for the chapter and for themselves. Chapter members en-
joyed seeing the convention video and hearing the tales of Convention from Elaine Olszeski, president, and Marty Taylor.
continued on page 26


Name Address
Panda, 9": $15.00
"Heart to Rose" Print: $8.50
Puffed PrintWarm-up Top, crew neck, red or navy,
S, M, L: $22.00
Puffed Print Warm-up Pants, red or navy, S, M, L: $20.00
Laundry Bag: $15.00
Official Dedication Shirts, Large only: $10.00
Official Dedication Video, Memories of dedication weekend captured on this keepsake video: $12.50
Official Dedication Charm, Goldciad: $10.00
Item(s) (specify quantity, and size) Price
Total Canadians add 10% Currency Exc. TN Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax
Send order form to:
AOII International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, T N 37027
(615) 370-0920
Shipping & Handling $2.50 Total Amount Enclosed
Additional Copies of To Dragma, Winter 1989/Dedication Issue: $2.00

Alumnae News...
Christmas party. To tie in with Founders' Day, the chapter will have its philanthropic and membership education meeting in January.
The Terre Haute Alumnae Chap- ter gathered at Louise's Restaurant for its first meeting of the new year, reports Carol Oxford-Wetherell. Re- cently the Kappa Alpha Chapter, In- diana State U., invited the alumnae to attend a practice rush party. The party was a great time for alumnae and collegians to get to know each other and to share memories of past rush days. Upcoming events include
continuedfrom page 25
Holly Thibault reports that the Omaha Alumnae Chapter held its annualJune brunch for old and new alumnae at the home of Ann Pierson, with proceeds going to Make-A- Wish, a local philanthropy. The fall meeting was a huge success with con- vention highlights from Sue Parrish, president. Other fall activities in- cluded "Pi Pie Bake Off," Christmas crafts, and a holiday cookie ex- change. Pleasure Pacs were sold to raise money for arthritis research and Make-A-Wish.
The Philadelphia Alumnae Chap- ter started the year with a pot luck picnic in September, reports Cath- erine ConnellyWieand.
Fall was highlighted with the Oc- tober "It's a Surprise" meeting, No- vember's ritual meeting, and the an- nual Christmas party and cookie ex- change. Chapter members provided support in the form of much needed items and special events for the resi- dents of Laurel House, a shelter for abused women and their children.
This year's activities of the Pied- mont North Carolina Alumnae Chapter opened with a September business meeting and potato/salad bar, reports Lisa Tolliver. Other ac- tivities planned through the holidays include assisting with a balloon
launch for the Arthritis Foundation, an October luncheon at the 230 Tea Room in Greensboro and a couples holiday dinner in Old Salem.
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter kicked off the new year with an ice cream social held at the home of Susan Hill. Other meetings included a craft demonstration, a philan- thropic hobby auction (proceeds to benefit arthritis research), Founders' Day luncheon, and a salad supper.
Southern California AOIIs will celebrate Founders' Day on Saturday, February 3, 1990, at 11 a.m. at "The Centre" in Lakewood, CA. Alumnae and collegians from the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, Ventura County, and other areas are invited to attend. For more information and reservations contact Lisa D u n n at 714/960-6691.
Southern Orange County Alum- nae Chapter started the year with a "Welcome Brunch" and recipe ex- change, reports Kay Carr. In Octo- ber the chapter took its own bus to the filming of the game show "Win, Lose or Draw." I n November, chap- ter members held a successful fund raiser "Holiday Boutique and Auc- tion." Other activities included pro- grams on Octoberfest, "color evaluations," and the traditional
AOII H omecoming Pledge Reception.
Night, and
Alumnae of the Gamma OmicronChapter(U.of Florida) are pictured at their summer reunion at Evelyn Norbitt's home in Tarpon Springs, FL.
The Toledo Alumnae Chapter held a reunion in August to celebrate the chapter's 45th anniversary, reports Amy Brunner Marsh. Both col- legians and alumnae participated.
A new feature of the alumnae pro- gram this year is a "Monthly Outing" program. On the first of the month, members meet at a local restaurant for dinner for a less formal chance to interact with each other. Alumnae as- sisted both Alpha Psi Chapter at Bowling Green State U . and Theta Psi Chapter, U. of Toledo, with rush. The most exciting activity this year is the alumnae chapter's role in the designing of a building to house sis- ters at the U. of Toledo. The build- ing is one of several that the university plans to construct as part of a Greek complex.
Linnette Garber (Pi Delta) reports that the members of the W ashington D.C. Alumnae Chapter joined Pi Delta, U . of Maryland, in fall rush activities by assisting with the Prefer- ence Dinner and late night member- ship selection supervision. Home- coming brought more alumnae to the U. of Maryland stadium for a tail-gate lunch organized by Robin Hammet King (Pi Delta 82). Pizza Night in November, Founders' Day,
Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis at the Tidal Basin in DC. in December and Irish Coffee Night rounded out the fall activities.
The Wilmington Alumnae Chap- ter has been busy raising money, reports Genevieve Sidwell. Chapter members made padded picture
continued on next page
To Dragma

From left are Doris Dean McGowan, Gloria Miles, Annie Dickey Jacquess, and Katherine Davis Carter at the Phi Omicron reunion last
Phi Omicron Reunion
Hanover campus.
I was the Phi Omicrons' first house-
mother, and I stayed with them for four years — four happy and reward- ing years. The girls were wonderful to me. The fact that I was an AOII from DePauw ('25) helped in our re- lationship. I probably overdid it by saying too often, "Now we did it like thisatDePauw"or"Ididitthisway as Theta Chapter president."
Prior to the Phi Omicron installa- tion, we were warmly welcomed to the campus by the administration, the two other sororities, and the five frater- nities.
Mary Lindrooth and Peg Miller, International President and Treas- urer, were the installing officers. They arrived a little early and caught the chapter pledges painting the AOII pi- ano a brilliant red.
Phi Omicron had many honors — valedictorian of one graduating class, a beautiful May Queen, Long College Citation, memberships in departmental clubs and presidencies. They excelled in musical skits for Parents Weekend and they made time to go to the Madison mental institution once a month to entertain the inmates.
I was editor of To Dragma while living in the AOII House, and the pledges did yeomen duty carrying my outgoing mail to the post office and bringing back incoming mail.
At the reunion Annie Jaquess took pictures of the group with her video camera and later made four co- pies to circulate among the alumnae. We look forward to our next reunion, the fortieth.
By Katherine Davis Carter Theta (DePauw U.)
Former To Dragma Editor
Though Phi Omicron Chapter no longer lives in the AOII House at Hanover College, it still lives in the hearts of its alumnae. Fourteen Phi Omicron alumnae gathered at the Indianapolis home of Jo Tanner Baize last August for a reunion. Jo,
Alumnae News...
continuedfrom page 26
frames to sell at International Con- vention to raise money for the chap- ter treasury. A joint raffle with Delta Chi Chapter, U . of Delaware, raised over $700 for the chapter house. Chapter members helped Newark Community Days with a bake sale for arthritis research and also by distributing literature for the Wilmington Chapter of the Arthri- tis Foundation.
an excellent hostess and a gourmet cook, wined and dined us for lunch and dinner.
We had come from many differ- ent places, from as close as other In- diana cities and as far away as Geor- gia and Massachusetts. At the reun- ion we recalled lovely memories and laughed about funny incidents. A n d always in our minds was the hope that Phi Omicron might return to the
Southern California Council
Founders' Day Luncheon Feb. 3, 1990 at 11 a.m. The Centre at Lakewood, CA
For more information, call: Lisa Dunn - 714/960-6691
Epsilon Alpha celebrates 60th!
Last April the Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi celebrated 60 years at Penn State University with a gathering at the Sheraton Penn State Hotel.
Named for its founder, Edith Huntington Anderson, the chapter was originally housed in Maple Lodge, a cottage where the Boucke Building now stands. Mrs. Anderson, who is 92 years old and a resident
Winter 1989
of Louisville, KY, gave an interesting account of the chapter's early history. Alumnae honored Mrs. Anderson by presenting a $1000 check in her name to support AOII's new Headquarters in Brentwood, T N .
Three of the original 21 charter members attended the anniversary celebration: Mary Richards Roberts of Lansford, PA, and Helen Savard Galbraith and Agnes Geary Jamison,
both of State College, PA.
In 1982 Epsilon Alpha Chapter
was officially rechartered with the in- itiation of 53 young women. Present- ly, the chapter has 115 members and has been named "Outstanding Sorority Chapter" on the Penn State campus by the Panhellenic organi- zation for the fourth time in the last five years.
— Contributed by Marie W . Fedon 27

To Dragma
Virginia Anne Banks
Martha Pauline Priest Barney
Lavyrne Hanson Brown
Ruth McClurg Brown
Mary Ann Rice Caldwell
Marianne Davies Carton
Elizabeth Romine Coffey
Caroline Chapman Craig
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer
Faith Tinsley Deaton
Elizabeth Lester Donaldson
Epsilon Alpha Alumnae: Classes 1930-55 Stella White Fitts
Linda Hendrixson Fuson
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist
Herberta Lorena Howe Gray
Jo Beth Walling Heflin
Mary Ann Davies Jenkins
Jean Ballinger King
Nancy Alice Leib
Ruth Lee Leichtamer
E. Golly McCanne Lev
Sue Edmunds Lewis
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy
Ruth Davidson McDaniel
Fifi Lamas Menzelos
Katherine Elise Moss
Antoinette Reitz
M. Elizabeth Sammons
Elizabeth Gordy Schulz
Renee Pugh Smith
Eva Drumm Stacey
Lydia Denson Staples
Clark Hairston Taylor
Marty Taylor
Jean Whorley Tripp
Joan Ryan Wickham
Deferred G ifts
June Greer Bogle
Nancy Perry Bowers
Margaret Kramer Crawford Patricia Cowley Hardy
Carolyn Huey Harris
Martha Louise Hilands
Barbara Daugs Hunt
Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre Kathy Hoover Nelson
Dora Deane Childress Newman Irene F. Oestrike
Candace Pierson-Charlton Deborah Harper Stillwell
Alice Wray Springer Taylor Jean Whorley Tripp
• A gift in your will to the AOII Foundation Endowment Fund invests in the future of AOII and its educational programs.
• Your will, no matter the size of your estate, is your legally binding way to be sure your property is distributed as you wish.
• The growth of the Endowment Fund is imperative to ensure that more interest from the investment is available for funding additional educational programs.
• AOII Foundation, Endowment Fund, 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 is the Foundation's address at AOII's new International Headquarters — please be sure your will is updated.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation launched The Decade of Endowment campaign at the 1987 Convention with a goal of $1 million to be raised by the Fraternity's Centennial Celebration. Building the Endowment is very important to AOII's future growth and excellence. The Foundation seeks to ensure that AOII and its loving sisterhood will be available to continuing gener- ations of young women. Gifts to the Endowment Fund are invested and only the income from the investment may be expended. At the end of the first biennium over $200,000 has been raised.
The following donors have contributed to The Decade of Endowment campaign since July 1, 1988, and are members of the Alpha Circle. These very special sisters contributed cash and made pledges, bequests and gifts of life insurance and securities. Their gifts range from $25 to $25,000. The Board of Directors and staff of the Foundation salute them and invite AOII sisters to join them in supporting the educational and professional development needs of AOII collegians and alumnae.
Donations, gifts, and bequests to the Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Winter 1989
Collegiate Chapters
•Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College "Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky University 'Alpha Delta, University of Alabama
"Alpha Gamma, Washington State University "Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State University "Beta Gamma, Michigan State University "Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan University "Beta Tau, University of Toronto
"Chi, Syracuse University
Chi Alpha, University of California-Davis
"Chi Lambda, University of Evansville
"Delta Chi, University of Delaware
"Delta Delta, Auburn University
"Delta Psi, State University of New York at Albany "Delta Sigma, San Jose State University
"Delta Upsilon, Duke University
"Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University "Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky University "Gamma Alpha, George Mason University "Gamma Beta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania "Gamma Delta, University of South Alabama "Gamma Omicron, University of Florida
"Gamma Sigma, Georgia State University
"lota, University of Illinois
"lota Chi, University of Western Ontario
"lota Sigma, Iowa State University
"Kappa Alpha, Indiana State University
"Kappa Kappa, Ball State University
"Kappa Lambda, University of Calgary
"Kappa Omega, University of Kentucky
Kappa Phi, McGill University
"Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern University
"Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana University "Lambda Beta, California State-Long Beach
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State
"Lambda lota, University of California-San Diego "Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia
Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana University "Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh University
"Nu Delta, Canisius College
"Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt University
"Omega, Miami University-Ohio
"Omega Omicron, Lambuth College
"Omega Upsilon, Ohio University
"Omicron, University of Tennessee
"Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg State University "Phi Chi, University of Chicago
"Phi Upsilon, Purdue University
"Phi Delta, University of Maryland
Pi Kappa Corporation
Pi Omicron, Austin Peay State University "Sigma, University of California-Berkeley "Sigma Chi, Hartwick College
"Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
"Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State University "Sigma Phi, California State-Northridge "Tau, University of Minnesota
"Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington University "Tau Omicron, University of Tennessee-Martin "Theta, DePauw University
"Theta Beta, Towson State University
"Theta Psi, University of Toledo
"Upsilon, University of Washington
"Upsilon Lambda, University of Texas-San Antonio "Zeta, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
"Zeta Pi, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Alumnae Chapters
'Indicates the chapter also contributed to the Arthritis Research Fund and the Ruby Fund.
"Ann Arbor, Ml
"Atlanta, GA
"Baltimore, MD
"Birmingham, AL "Bloomington/Normal, IL
"Boise Valley, ID
"Bowling Green, KY
"Bozeman, MT "Champaign-Urbana, IL
"Chicago Northwest Suburban, IL "Chicago West Suburban, IL "Cleveland, OH
Columbia, SC
"Columbus, OH
"Dallas, TX
"Dayton, OH
"Decatur Area, AL
"Detroit North Suburban, Ml "Diablo Valley, CA "Evansville Tri State, IN
"Ft. Lauderdale Area, F L
"Greater Allentown/Bethlehem, PA "Greater Harrisburg, PA
"Greater Jackson Area, MS "Greater Pensacola, FL
Greater Pinellas, F L "Greater Portland, ME "Hammond, LA "Hawaii
"Houston, TX "Huntsville, AL "Indianapolis, IN "Jacksonville, F L "Jonesboro, AR "Kentuckiana, KY "Knoxville, T N "Lafayette, IN
"Lake County of Illinois "Little Rock, AR
"Macomb County, Ml Martin, TN Memphis, TN
"Milwaukee, Wl "Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
Monroe, LA
"Montgomery, AL
"Montreal, Quebec
"Muncie, IN
"Nashville, T N
"New York—New Jersey "Northern Orange County, CA "Northern Virginia
"Northwest Arkansas "Omaha, NE "Orlando—Winter Park, FL "Ottawa, Ontario
"Palo Alto, CA
"Philadelphia, PA
"Phoenix, AZ
"Piedmont, NC
"Pocatello, ID
"Portland, OR
"San Antonio, TX
"San Diego, CA
"San Jose, CA
"Seattle, WA
"Shreveport, LA
"South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA "Southern Orange County, CA "State College, PA
"Syracuse, NY
"Tampa Bay Area, F L "Toledo, OH "Topeka-Lawrence, KS "Tulsa, O K
"Ventura County, CA "Washington, DC

DJF awards scholarships...
pus with the Torch and Shield honor society, as a student health worker, and a women's clinic volunteer. She is earning a medical degree at Dart mouth Medical School.
Donna Taylor, Long Beach, CA, Lambda Beta, California State Uni- versity at Long Beach, served as chapter scholarship chairman, house manager, and pledge class vice presi- dent. On campus she was in the ac- counting society, on the Dean's list, and a member of Beta Alpha Psi. Donna is working on a degree in bus- iness administration/accounting.
The Chapter Services Scholar- ship, which is awarded to an AOII selected by the AOII Executive Board, goes to Betsey Smith, Beta Phi, Indiana University, Blooming- ton. A past Chapter Consultant, Bet- sey will be working with Alpha Rho chapter at Oregon State University while attending graduate school.
The DJF board also approved one non-AOII award last spring.
Cornell University received a $1,000 award for its scholarship fund. The award was made in rec- ognition of Lynne Johnston who serves as president of the DJF Board of Trustees.
Scholarship applications will be mailed to collegiate and alumnae chapters in mid-January 1990. Com-
continued on next page
continuedfrom page 21
ess, and a member of the Golden Key honor society. Julie is working on a degree in speech communications.
Jodene Steinhoff, Syracuse, NE, Phi Sigma, Kearney State College, served as chapter vice president/ administration and treasurer. On campus she was the president of Phi Beta Lambda, Phi Eta Sigma histor- ian, member of Spurs, Flag Corp captain and a member of Rho Lambda. Jodene is earning a degree in business administration.
Region VIII
Christina Parker, San Antonio,
TX, Upsilon Lambda, University of Texas-San Antonio, served as chapter corresponding secretary and public relations chairman/ To Dragma Reporter. Her campus activities in- clude Panhellenic vice president, treasurer and secretary, UTSA Am- bassador, and Roadrunner Revue singer. Christina is working on a de-
gree in social and behavioral science/ elementary education.
Region I X
Donna Johnson, Stanwood, W A,
Alpha Gamma, Washington State
^a. Steinhoff
University, received the Alpha Tau Scholarship. She served as chapter president, house manager, and pledge class president. Her campus activities include serving as presi- dent of Panhellenic, and a member of Homecoming committee, Mortar Board and the Orientation Planning Committee. Donna is working on a degree in communications/public re- lations.
Region X
Christine Hollister, Rancho Palos
Verdes, CA, Sigma, University of California-Berkeley, received a grad- uate scholarship. She served as chap- ter assistant rush chairman and his- torian. Christine was active on cam-
To Dragma

continuedfrom page 22
ring, dinner, and picnics. Other fall events included the Scholarship Din- ner in October, and a reception for Dr. Robert S. Lane in November. Dr. Lane, a researcher in the Ento- mology Department at the universi- ty, received a $7,500 grant from the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation to fur- ther his studies of Lyme disease.
The Theta Omega Chapter at Northern Arizona U. had a success- ful rush and took quota with 44 new pledges, reports Stephanie Drees and
Jane Olson.
The chapter held a group retreat at a mountain park with games, din- ner and constructive workshops. The chapter held its annual Blind Date Dance in October. Members set each other up with dates for the event. Adelita Felix was named Greek Goddess for the Northern Arizona U. Greek system.
Upsilon Alpha Chapter at the U. of Arizona spent the summer refurbish- ing its chapter house, which had been inhabited by a fraternity for seven years. Alumnae and collegians worked together to finish in time for the chap- ter's first formal rush since its recolon- ization. Rush resulted in 34 new pledges, reports Annette Daggett.
Philanthropic chairman Julie Gates is heading a project which con- sists of selling tickets to a local din- ner theatre at a profit. The proceeds will be donated to AOIFs philan- thropic funds.
continuedfrom page 30
pleted applications must be received by the scholarship chairman by March 1.
Academic excellence, financial need, chapter and campus activities are important in the selection pro- cess. All applicants will be notified of the Foundation's decision by May 15, 1990.
Questions during the application period can be addressed to Mrs. Rosalie Barber, 1713 MacArthur,
Deceased LJ Winter 1989
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOn International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
Name at Initiation Current Office
New Name If Different From Attached Label TITLE LAST
Chapter Initiation Year
New Home Address: STREET ADDRESS
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POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Second Class Postage Paid at Brent- wood, Tennessee and additional mail- ing offices.

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