TO DRAG MA of Autumn, 1964
Alpha Omicron Pi
• Bright beginnings and enlightened
endings come to AO I I collegiates. A t left,
Melissa Henry, AJ), spent July and August
in the Philippines with a Si,550 grant.
Karen Peeler, I I , center, is AOlI's new
traveling secretary.
Louise Grant, BK of Canada, w i l l study
toward a doctorate in English Literature
beginning this fall with a two-year
scholarship f r o m the United Kingdom
Jessie McAdam Lamed ( M r s . Grant)
International First Vice President, left,
Supervises the work of Collegiate Directors;
Keeps A O I I ' s Executive Committee informed
with regard to collegiate chapters.
Jessie resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
join a sorority:
is the challenge which is tossed o u t t o many sorority alumnae and collegiates these days. A n d
it is up t o sorority women t o have answers ready.
Fraternities and sororities are working t o w a r d the same aims as the colleges and universi-
ties: education and p r e p a r a t i o n o f t o m o r r o w ' s leaders. A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi is p l e d g e d t o W O R K
W I T H the administrations on those campuses where we have chapters. As a member of A O I I ,
you as a collegiate, are a p a r t o f a g r e a t educational system, and you stress the o b j e c t i v e s
of that system, playing a part in the intellectual and cultural programs.
In o r d e r t o b e c o m e a well-rounded person, academic training, intellectual pursuits, extracurric-
ular activities, social training and behavior, character and spiritual development must be molded
into one. Through your sorority you have the opportunity to find the broadening human con-
tacts so vital t o this development.
Life with in a sorority is a W o r k s h o p 111 l l V i n g
set in a supplementary educational institution wherein mutually selected college women, bound
t o g e t h e r in the bonds o f a lifelong f r a t e r n a l sisterhood, acquire t o g e t h e r the arts o f citizen-
ship, culture, cooperation, character and friendship. The chapter becomes a
t r a i n i n g s c h o o l f o r l e a d e r s who then proceed to the larger campus environment
and f r o m there into the c o m m u n i t y . The o p p o r t u n i t y f o r individual g r o w t h is there within t h e
chapter and is not readily available t o those outside the close bonds o f a f r a t e r n i t y . Y o u leave
your college life better prepared for the years ahead because you have a better understanding
of others, learned through your close contact with your sisters.
training for life,Yes, Membership n A O I I is
not only in your own family, in a career, or in the community, but through the o p p o r t u n i t y you
have as an alumna t o work w i t h the young women in the c o l l e g i a t e c h a p t e r and t o help g u i d e
them into a finer, fuller life.
• W H E N Y O U leave your collegiate address permanently
or pack your possessions to move to a new place, take time
to change your address with the Alpha Omicron Pi Central
Office. This is the secret to receiving T O D R A S M A and
the gateway to keeping in touch with Alpha Omicron Pi
"Print or type change on this form, paste on postal c a r d and mail to:'
Suite 601-5, 6 East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Maiden name (it's new—)
Husband's name ..
Chapter and year
Alumnae chapter
My old address ....
My address
number Street
state or province ZIP C O D E
To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964
' j o Tlltaqma
is p u b l i s h e d b y Travel is Karen s Job
ALPHA OMICRON PI K A R E N P E E L E R is the new Traveling Secretary for
Alpha Omicron Pi.
editor Barbara Doering Healy
Named to the position this June, Karen is a June first
autumn, 1964 Vol. LVI, No. 9 graduate of H . Sophie Newcomb College, New Orleans,
Louisiana. She holds a B A . i n English.
T O DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 404
North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois, and is printed by Kable Karen is the immediate past president of Pi chapter
Printing Company. 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois. and had served as vice president and house chairman.
Second-class postage paid at Mount Morris, Illinois.
TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, September 1, December 1, She was president of Newcomb Honor Board at New-
March 1, and May 1. Subscription price is 50c per copy; SI per year; comb and was named to the Tulane Hall of Fame and
Life Subscription $20.00. earned the key of Tulane student activities. She is listed
Send all EDITORIAL material to the Editor, 1611 Traveller Road, Lexing- in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.
ton, Kentucky, 40504.
When a sophomore she was class secretary and was the
Send all CHANGES OF ADDRESS, all Death Notices, all magazine and junior class Honor Board representative; she also served
as secretary of resident students. For three years Karen
all TAOlphDaRAOGmMicrAonsuPbiscCriepnttiroanlsOtfofi:ce, was a member of dormitory council. The new Traveling
Secretary was on the Newcomb student council, on the
Suite 601-5, Six East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202. Dean's advisory committee and the Panhellenic council.
POSTMASTER: Please send notice of undeliverable copies to Dr. and Mrs. M . O. Peeler are her parents and live in
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office, Suite 601-5, Six East Fourth Jonesboro, Arkansas, where Karen attended Jonesboro
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202. high school and was active in the Methodist Church. She
earned a curved bar in Girl Scouts. Karen has studied
THE INDEX voice several years and is interested in music and theatre. *
1 New name and change of address form AOII Colonizes
2 Traveling Secretary in California and Montana
Colonize in California and Montana AL P H A O M I C R O N P I proudly announces that
In Memoriam correction L two new colonies will be formed in September,
3 The 1964 Girl of A O I I 1964. The colonies will be at Long Beach State
4 Sing winners, <3>BK and 4>K.$> members College and Montana State University.
5 Pledge Pin facts
7 Honors and achievements Lambda Beta colony at Long Beach State College
8 Collegiate chapter histories w i l l be supervised by International Treasurer, Doro-
8 Alabama and Arizona thy Bogen Farrington (Mrs. T. K.) Lambda—
9 California, Colorado, Florida Stanford University. Dorothy and Phyllis Arner
10 Reigning beauties Westerman (Mrs. William M.) Rho—Northwestern
12 Georgia will never forget University, International Secretary, will direct the
13 Mortar Board members selection of colony members, assisted by A O I I s of
14 Illinois impressions the Long Beach alumnae chapter.
15 Panhellenic presidents
16 Indiana and Iowa stories Montana State University, Missoula, has invited
18 Kansas A O I I to colonize in September. Bonnie Faust (Mrs.
19 Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts Richard A . ) Rho—Northwestern University, will be
20 A O I I Diamond Jubilee Foundation Scholarships National Supervisor for the colony and Ruth Lee
22 Michigan Leichtamer (Mrs. Mahlon P.) Theta Psi—Univer-
23 Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska sity of Toledo, International President, and Jessie
24 New York, Ohio, North Carolina, Oklahoma McAdam Larned (Mrs. Grant) Tau—University of
25 Oregon and Calendar announcement Minnesota, International First Vice President, will
26 Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, West be in Missoula to help with the selection of colony
Virginia members. *
27 Texas, Utah, Wisconsin
28 Canadian chapters In Memoriam Correction
29 New chapter homes: North Carolina, Washington
30 Briefs f r o m chapters BEVERLY ANN LANDE MONTIERO (Mrs.
31 The judges f o r the 1964 Girl of A O I I Richard) Chi Delta—University of Colorado, was re-
32 The Allure of Alumnae ported in error in the I N M E M O R I A M listing in the
33 The Majesty of Mother summer, 1963, issue. Beverly resides at 2200 Argonne
34 The list of Mortar Board members Avenue, Long Beach, California, and is assisting ac-
35 Profile: California Counterpoint tively i n the colonization of A O I I at the Long Beach
State College.
by Dorothy Bogen Farrington (Mrs. Theo. K . )
Lambda—Stanford University A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
International Treasurer
36 Dr. Pinckney Lee Estes Glantzberg (Mrs. Ernst)
37 Directory
third cover: C A L E N D A R
Gen Rytkonen
Kappa Alpha chapter
Indiana State College
D U R I N G Geri Rytkonen's tenure as president of Pan- campus, her high scholarship and fine character, she
hellenic Council at Indiana State College, the first was pledged to Pamarista, the honorary organization
colonization of another N P C sorority was completed for upperclasswomen, at the end of her sophomore year.
successfully on campus. The 36th performance of Cam- A t Indiana State there are five student-staff positions
pus Revue, a three-day run of a two and a half hour in women's residence halls, Geri was selected to be one
performance involving eight minute skits was guided of these five student assistants last February. On the
by Panhellenic under her leadership as co-sponsor. honor roll every semester, her average is 3.53 out of 4.0.
Geri is listed in Who's Who Among Students in Uni-
Some of Geri's activities on campus include Student versities and Colleges and is a member of the education
Education association, Newman club, and service as a honorary, Kappa Delta Pi.
member of the Erickson hall house council, her resi-
dence hall. She was one of the queen's committee co- Her parents, M r . and Mrs. W i l f r e d Rytkonen, reside
chairmen f o r 1963 and is presently co-chairman of the at 302 Eastwood Drive, Bedford, Indiana. The judges
1964 Homecoming dance. for the 1964 Girl of A O I I are given on page 31. Each
judge is sent sincere appreciation for her time.
Because of Geri's many activities and service to the
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964
Delta Omega chapter — Murray
State College, Kentucky, won the
women's division i n a l l campus
sing f o r the second straight year.
S E V E N collegiate chapters earned F I R S T place titles i n spring sing
events. A Q , 2 A and 4>A each repeated first place ratings of 1963.
The first place chapters are:
Alpha Phi—Montana State College Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Tau—Denison University
Delta Beta—University of Southwestern Louisiana Alpha Tau—Denison University
Delta Omega—Murray State College Kathleen Doane Alpha Tau—Denison University
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University Mary J o Harris G a m m a — U n i v e r s i t y of Maine
Phi Delta—University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Mary Rennard Worman Gamma—University of Maine
Sigma Lambda—Wisconsin State College Harriet Epstein Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University
Sigma Tau—Washington College Barbara Laurence Theta—DePauw University
Emily VIckers Zeta—University of Nebraska
Second place winners are : Joy Cremens Zeta—University of Nebraska
Sally Dale Fleischman
Phi Lambda—Youngstown University Pat Kinney
Sigma Chi—Hartwick College
Phi Kappa Phi
Peggy Flynn Alpha Phi—Montana State College
Jane Feiertag
Suan Guess Beta Lambda—Illinois Wesleyan University
Kaylin Kirby
Carol Jameson Beta Lambda—Illinois Wesleyan University
Sally Day
Harriet Epstein Delta Beta—University of Southwestern Louisiana
Linda Singer
Carol Murray Epsilon Alpha—Pennsylvania State University
Patricia Thompson
Gamma—University of Maine
Other honors
Gamma—University of Maine
Jane Hornaday Br—Michigan State University
Nancy Keller EA—Pennsylvania State University Gamma—University of Maine
Barbara Mehaffey EA—Pennsylvania State University
Lambda Sigma—Univeristy of Georgia
Lana Korth KK—Ball State Teachers College
Pat Baker NB—University of Mississippi Upsilon Alpha—University of Arizona
Martha Hodges 4>—University o f Kansas President of President's Council
Kathlyn Hogue <t»—University of Kansas Thespians
Lynn Langway P—Northwestern University Scrolls, editor of Home E c Paper, Phi Upsilon O m i c r o n ,
Bonnie Kay Cancienne -—University of California
Patricia Ann Hamilton Z—University of California Home Ec honorary
Toni Hatch Z—University of California Governor Assoc. Women's Residence Halls
Oeanna Lyn 1—University of California President, Physical Education Maiors; President Women's
Suzy Shadinger Z—University of California
Nancy Helen Stair Z—University of California Recreation Association
Anita Bianchini QQ—Arizona S t a t e C o l l e g e Veeta Leer award for highest sophomore grade average
Amanda Butler OS2—Arizona State College Junior class secretary
Josephene Ipnar 60—Arizona State College Student Senate and May Court
Carolyn Lindsey 0Q—Arizona State College Panile <J"A0 L i t t l e Sister a n d IIA*i> rose p r i n c e s s
Rebecca Oster 012—Arizona State College Oski Dolls
Prytanean, senior class secretary Gavel and Quill
Oski Dolls
Cardinal Key, Spurs
Newspaper managing editor
Cardinal Key
Cardinal Key, Spurs, treasurer A S C Associated Students
Honor Board, vice president
4 A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma of ALPHA O M I C R O N PI
Alpha Omicron Pi's UL
Pledge Pin
by Wilma Smith Leland, Chairman
Rituals and Traditions Committee
TH E PRESENT BECOMES W r i t i n g i n 1949, Stella George the whole bound together as one.
T H E P A S T before we are Stern Perry, said of the p i n : The Greek words f o r the sheaf
aware of time's passage. Facts "Pledge pins are worn i n the form
fade as time passes. Without writ- of a sheaf in regulation pattern. are T O D R A G M A , again that in-
ten history we must rely upon these They are not jeweled but have the strument which binds all members
being passed verbally f r o m genera- fraternity letters A O I I raised in together through that means of com-
tion to generation. A n d then we sud- gold across the binding of the sheaf. munication.
denly realize that there are great The Greek letter representing the
gaps i n our chain of information. chapter is engraved on the back of * Because Stella Perry's files are
Fiction becomes mixed with fact. the pin. The pledge pin belongs to in storage in Cincinnati, the Rit-
No one remembers just how an the chapter and is lent to the pledge uals and Traditions Committee
event came about. W e take too much until the time of her initiation. cannot use them to research on
for granted until it is too late. Those pledged to Alpha Omicron such articles as this. I t would be
Pi must wear the symbol of pledg- very helpful i f older members
The foregoing paragraph has been ing where it is distinctly visible, on would send information about
written because f o r the past nine the left side, preferably midway be- jewelry, chapter traditions in the
months I have been trying to find tween the collar and the belt lines. early years of the fraternity for
out much more than I know about Initiated members are not permitted the current use of the Committee.
the design of the Alpha Omicron Pi to wear or keep pledge pins." They may be sent for the files to:
pledge pin. I took i t f o r granted
that the pin was designed soon after The sheaf, the rose, and the A O I I Wilma Smith Leland, Chairman
the founding. Alice Smith Thom- monogram are distinctly Alpha 2828 France Avenue South
son, an Alpha initiate, told me that Omicron Pi symbols. The sheaf
she was pledged with a red ribbon. represents usefulness, the harvest, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416
When Josephine S. Pratt, another
Alpha member, was in the chapter, As the Years Go By
the pin was not i n use. Alice thought
it might have been adopted after HO W D O F R A T E R N I T I E S There were gathered there, that
1916, but Beatrice Northey Lama B E G I N ? " questioned Elea- evening, several representatives of
and Bertha Marie Hayden Boyd, nor, as she sat quietly curled the older classes at Pennsylvania;
both charter members of Tau—Uni- up in one corner of the large, green girls who, out of the chapter for a
versity o f Minnesota i n 1912, sofa, thoughtfully toying with an period of years, had been able to
thought the little gold sheaf of wheat attractive party favor. observe omnisciently the growth of
was used after their initiation. Alma the chapter as f r o m year to year it
Boehme Kuehn was initiated at Tau "I've often wondered about that, passed to the leadership of young
in 1915 and she said that she wore and particularly now that I ' m an women who carried as cargo vitality,
the sheaf. Mary Dee Drummond, A O I I I've come to realize just how courage, and interest on their four-
past International President and real and fascinating what we call the year college adventure. Varied and
present Historian, was initiated at history of something can be." exciting thoughts rapidly surged
Alpha Phi i n Montana State in 1916 through the minds of these colle-
with a red ribbon, but she thought The hour was quite late on the giates when Eleanor's question
perhaps the chapter lacked funds to evening of a mid-year initiation; the drifted across the room and initiated
invest in pins. collegiates were becoming sleepily a train of thinking that awakened
silent; conversational remarks be- memory and fostered prophecy.
The L . G. Balfour company, came fewer and more hushed; with-
Attleboro, Massachusetts, was cho- out, a passerby made his way Let us see, then, what facts, what
sen as Alpha Omicron Pi's official through the cold night. Faint mid- ideas, what dreams, what plans we
jewelers i n 1918. O n March 22 the night music, coming f r o m some- can gather as a foundation for his-
die of the pledge p i n was made, where above, mingled with and be- tory and what beauty is attached to
apparently f r o m a sample pin sent came a part of the atmosphere of them as they are remembered by the
by officers. According to M r . Bal- friendly sisterhood that pervaded personalities that engineered them
four, i n 1918 the J . F . Newman the room on the night that saw old to fulfillment and perfection.
company served as co-official jewel- and new collegiates enjoying the
ers. Later when that company liqui- peace and happiness that comes f r o m — F r o m page 26 of January, 1935,
dated, Balfour purchased all dies comradeship and understanding. T o DRAGMA.
and tools covering fraternity insig-
nia in order to protect the Greek-
letter system. The Newman files
were not turned over to Balfour,
however, so there is no official rec-
ord of the pledge pin before this
To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N oj 1%4 5
Some collegiates are preparing for their first weeks in college,
and now is their moment to plan for completion of the work
ahead. Learn today what your college expects of you. Rou-
tines become habits quickly. The what, when and how to
study are the skills each will need to achieve the honors and
the diplomas.
M M Consistent high quality academic performance is the main
requirement for selection to honors. This issue lists the A O l I s
in Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Board, and many
other honoraries across the nation and in Canada. The accom-
plishments of these collegiates show a wide scope of interest.
TO DRAGMA offers its praise to each of them as they pa-
rade before you.
Ten years ago Alpha Omicron Pi had fifty-six chapters. Today
the collegiate chapter rolls lists seventy-four chapters, with
additional expansion coming. Nu Sigma chapter in Iowa will
be installed October 31, and two new colonies in Montana
and California will be colonized in September. Through ex-
tension and growth, Alpha Omicron Pi is providing the tan-
gible and intangible benefits to more collegiates and in more
There are more than 165 alumnae groups organized and listed
in the TO DRAGMA Directory. Each of the alumnae groups
welcomes the collegiates who left campuses last spring, and
each extends a cordial welcome to alumnae who may have
moved to a new community during the summer.
» Promenade of Honors
6 A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
TO DRAGMA presents the
oa wmicron Pi
Honors and Achievements
"Arise, Arise, Mortar Board is calling!" These words awaken or interrupt
the night studying of collegiates in early spring. Still dazed from the 1964
tapping of Mortar Board, C A T H E R I N E W A T S O N , TAU—University of
Minnesota, learns she is to be an initiate. The late hour notification is done by-
active Mortar Board senior women. A D R I E N N E N O E L , Tau chapter
president, was also tapped this spring but is not pictured. The Minneapolis
Sunday Tribune is gratefully credited for this picture.
Auburn University • Alabama Arizona State College
The founding of Delta Delta Theta Omega, local sorority, was founded on the Arizona State College campus
chapter is the story of the persist- N o v e m b e r 20, 1961. I t became an A O I I c o l o n y on September 3, 1963 a n d was i n s t a l l e d
ence and belief in A O I I of two on N o v e m b e r 23, 1963. R u t h Lee L e i c h t a m e r ( M r s . M a h l o n P . ) , 28th I n t e r n a t i o n a l
women, namely, Myrtle Good and President, installed the group. Installation took place at the social center on the
Cindy Lester. From a local status, Arizona State College campus. A n d so Theta Omega was a part of A l p h a O m i c r o n
they were part of a group petition- P i . N o n e o f us really believed i t of course, but nevertheless we were. P e r h a p s the first
ing A O I I . The petition was ac- time we really believe all of the w o n d e r f u l things w h i c h had happened to us was
cepted by the Executive Committee when Theta Omega initiated its first pledge class. A week was devoted to their
and Delta Delta chapter was in- initiation, ending with breakfast at the Gables restaurant. Crystal Fauset ( M r s .
stalled on August 10, 1946, using Charles), Kappa Alpha—Indiana State College, chapter adviser, has given advice
initials of Dorothy Bruniga Dean from what sort of insurance we might look into, to how we should honor faculty
(Mrs. G. P.) Rho—Northwestern members at a tea. T h e t a Omega has g r o w n f r o m those five o r i g i n a l members t o
University. Dorothy is the 19th f o r t y - f o u r collegiates. P a r t of the 1964 excitement was the m o v i n g into Campbell H a l l ,
International President of A O I I . alias home. The chapter room is being decorated w i t h a Spanish theme, using deep
Due to the determination and back- shades of green and yellow. Paula Nordblom has been elected Associated W o m e n
ing of Dorothy, Dorothy Allen Student secretary; Carolyn Lindsey has been elected Associated Student treasurer;
(Mrs. L . N.) Omicron—University and A n n Tuttle w i l l serve on the Associated W o m e n Students judicial board. The
of Tennessee; Mamie H u r t Basker- chapter collected food for needy families and helped w i t h the cancer drive. I n Greek
vill (Mrs. George B. Jr.) Kappa— W e e k t h i s year, T h e t a Omega w o n first place i n the t a l e n t show contest, a n d i n the
Randolph-Macon Woman's Col- first campus song fest, won third place; and also participated in the Sigma N u blood
lege; and Tau Delta chapter at drive and the winter carnival.
Birmingham-Southern College and
scores of others, Delta Delta chap- —Ann Tuttle
ter became a thriving, growing
chapter. A t present, it claims 70 University of Arizona
collegiates and seven pledges. From
1946, when dormitory two was its TJpsilon Alpha chapter began at the University of Arizona when Patty Simpson
home, to the present, with a change and D i a n e B o y d came to colonize i n September, 1958. T h e r e were 11 pledges t o the
of residency to the new air-condi- c o l o n y t h a t September. W h e n i n s t a l l a t i o n came, A p r i l 10, 19S9, there w e r e 12 pledges
tioned dormitory C where it has a and 13 i n i t i a t e s . T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n was at the E l M e r e n d e r e , f o l l o w e d by a banquet at
beautiful chapter room, Auburn the Santa Rita hotel. The next day there was a reception at the E l Conquistador
University and A O I I have shared hotel. W h e n collegiates left Tucson f o r home at the beginning of the summer of 1961,
in growth. Local philanthropic our new-home-to-be was no more than a drawing board sketch and a one-story pile
projects consist of helping or- of b r i c k s i n a bed of desert dust. A s good as i t was t o see our l o n g - a w a i t e d new home
phans, assisting in blood drives, going up, we were all a little worried about one t h i n g and not without due cause—
giving of Christmas toys and sell- w o u l d our house be ready f o r rush the f o l l o w i n g f a l l ? So back we came, on September
ing magazines. A O I I s have helped 9, 1961, not quite k n o w i n g w h a t to expect, but e x c i t e d nevertheless. W e c e r t a i n l y d i d
govern the student body and its have a house, and a v e r y handsome house at t h a t , b u t i t was n o t finished. T h i s became
beauties have reigned over the more obvious when we went upstairs and found bare rooms f u l l of sawed lumber,
campus. —Caroldeen Mershon wood shavings, and appliance fixtures. This was a bit startling but there was really
no need f o r a l a r m f o r the d o w n s t a i r s was a l m o s t c o m p l e t e l y finished, b e a u t i f u l l y f u r -
8 nished and c e r t a i n l y ready f o r r u s h i n g . O n N o v e m b e r 8, 1961, 27th I n t e r n a t i o n a l
President, Jessie Marie Senor Cramer ( M r s . Wesley G.), Phi—University of Kansas,
arrived and stayed until November 11, when the chapter house was formally dedi-
cated. A d e d i c a t i o n ceremony was held, the f i r s t fire l i t i n the fireplace. A s o f M a y
25, 1964, the active e n r o l l m e n t is 87 members. T h e t o t a l i n i t i a t e s since i n s t a l l a t i o n o f
Upsilon A l p h a chapter are 165. Local c o m m u n i t y service w o r k has been at the c o m -
munity center which aids indigent families.
—Diana Farnum
A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
from: San Jose State College • California University of Colorado
Alabama Delta Sigma chapter was originally Chi Delta chapter in Boulder was
Arizona f o u n d e d as D e l t a Beta S i g m a i n 1939 installed the 14th of M a y , 1927, w i t h 21
California with the ideals of charity and service. charter members. The story behind its
Colorado Its nucleus was a group who, at the founding is f u l l of suspense and even
Florida suggestion of former State College As- some drama, but it never could have
sistant Dean of Women, Helen Plant, taken place i f i t had not been f o r an
University of California at Los Angeles undertook to assist the Home of Benev- idealistic, talented coed, Mae Ethna Dowd
The growth of Kappa Theta chap- olence, for homeless children. Later a Rau, who is now a lawyer in L a Habra,
committee of A O I I alumnae, which in- California. T h i s is the story as she told
ter of Alpha Omicron P i has paralleled cluded Helen Dixon, Rosalinda Riccomi it to us. Mae Ethna was the first fresh-
that of U C L A . The University was orig- and Florence Weeks, worked diligently man to get the lead in the annual U n i -
inally the Southern Branch of the U n i - for Delta Beta Sigma to petition A O I I . versity operetta. The campus sororities,
versity of C a l i f o r n i a and served as a The standards of A O I I were found in of course, were competing w i t h each other
two-year normal school located several Delta Beta Sigma and the petition was to t r y to pledge her. That summer, how-
miles from its present location. When accepted. Installation ceremonies of ever, she d i d some research on sororities
the Southern Branch became a four- D e l t a S i g m a were h e l d on M a r c h 14, and found that most of them had very
year school, the local sororities became 1948. Two large chapters, one colle- simple, idealistic beginnings and she de-
interested in N P C affiliation. A O I I giate and one alumnae were added cided that there was no reason w h y she
alumnae in the area selected a peti- to the roster of A O I I by an impressive could not do the same and "have high
t i o n e r . I t is i n t e r e s t i n g t o note t h a t 25 double installation. The 20th Interna- standards in a group at the University of
collegiate chapters were represented by tional President, Muriel Turner Mc- Colorado". So, the next year, she gathered
the alumnae who signed their approval Kinney (Mrs. Verne), Lambda—Stan- 12 outstanding coeds and founded a local
to the new chapter. W o r d of the official ford University, officiated at the rituals sorority which "walked off with all the
acceptance of Kappa Theta came during held in the Hotel Sainte Claire in San honors on campus". They decided to join a
a meeting of the petitioning local. Of Jose. Rituals included the initiation of N P C sorority, so they petitioned A O I I . I t
course, the meeting immediately turned 45 collegiates of D e l t a Beta Sigma, was long, hard work that year, waiting for
into a party, and Helen M . Haller, State College sorority, and group in- an answer, and so when i t finally came,
Omega—-Miami University, 17th Inter- stallation as Delta Sigma chapter. T h i s Mae E t h n a was crushed to find that N a -
national President, who was present at was followed by the installation of San tional had rejected them because another
the meeting, later remarked that one of Jose-Peninsula alumnae, with a charter A O I I group in a nearby state did not want
her most memorable experiences in membership of 54. I n s t a l l i n g officers another group close to them. She could
A O I I was being with a chapter when it with Muriel included three past Inter- not bear to break the discouraging news
received the acceptance of its petition. national Presidents, Helen M . Haller, to the other girls, so as a last, desperate
The installation took place on M a y 23, Omega—Miami University, Isabelle measure she w i r e d N a t i o n a l saying that i f
1925, at the home o f M a y Chandler Henderson Stewart Babson and Rose they did not accept them within hours,
Goodan (Mrs. Roger), Lambda—Stan- Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John), both of thy would never petition A O I I again.
ford University, and it was followed by Sigma—University of California. Delta A O I I must have wanted them, for within
the traditional Rose Banquet at a Los Sigma built its chapter house in the 24 hours, a wire arrived that they were
Angeles tea room. The installing officer s p r i n g of 1949. I t was and s t i l l is a t w o - accepted. B y the time they got a charter,
was Rose Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John), story white stucco on a corner lot only the sorority had 21 members. The next big
S i g m a — U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a , 12th t w o blocks f r o m the campus. I n 1957 event was the building of our house,
International President, assisted by the house next door was attached to the completed by January, 1929, i t was and is
Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs. Verne original building. The addition not only the only sorority house on campus with
W.), Lambda, 20th International Presi- accommodates 65 g i r l s but gives the l u x - a moat across the front, and a bridge to
dent. Thirty-two charter members were urious atmosphere of an Italian villa. the f r o n t door. This moat has become a
initiated. There have been 680 initiates. The exterior theme is white w i t h char- trademark and an important part of our
U C L A was soon ready to move to its coal t r i m in wrought i r o n ; this theme is tradition. I n 1961 we bought a house
present location in the hills on the north carried inside. Delta Sigma chapter com- across the street as an annex, and now we
side of the city. I n anticipation of this bines with San Jose State Panhellenic are going to sell it since plans are under-
move, Kappa Theta bought a lot on Council for group projects of commu- way to build an addition onto the chapter
what is now sorority row. I t took a year n i t y w o r k and drives such as the recent house. T h e chapter has initiated 639 col-
and a half of money-raising projects to drive for aid to mental illness. Delta legiates. Room and board for a foreign
pay for the lot, but a finance committee Sigma gives a Christmas party f o r un- student has been provided f o r the last t w o
under the chairmanship of Muriel, who derprivileged children, collects toys for years, first f o r a collegiate f r o m Finland,
had been an adviser to the new chapter children, and food baskets for needy and this year from Argentina.
since it first petitioned, did the job. By families. The total initiates since the
the f a l l o f 1930, w h e n the U n i v e r s i t y installation of D e l t a Sigma are 423. A —Susan Jones
had completed its move, Kappa Theta feature story on Delta Sigma is on page
was one of two sororities out of fifteen 35. —Janice Lee W e d d l e
to have its house ready for occupancy.
I n 1950 K a p p a T h e t a h e l d a h o m e c o m - Florida Fragments
ing to commemorate its silver anniver-
sary, w i t h o v e r 100 a l u m n a e r e t u r n i n g , Florida State College
of these, 18 w e r e c h a r t e r members.
Another memorable occasion for Kappa On May 26, 1928, Omicron Pi, local sorority at Florida State College
Theta was Helen's presentation of a for Women, was installed as Alpha P i chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
ring in Jane Graham's honor. Jane Through participation in campus activities, the 11 founders of Alpha P i
Graham had been an adviser to Kappa chapter made the chapter an outstanding group on campus. Mary Louise
Theta for many years. The ring is now Roller (Mrs. George K . ) is one of the outstanding alumnae of Alpha Pi
presented annually to the girl in the Chapter. She has served as 24th International President and is the National
chapter who most typifies A O I I . Kappa Panhellenic Delegate f o r A O I I , serving as treasurer of the NPC. The
Theta's philanthropic w o r k is through "southern mansion" in which we now live was dedicated on December 6,
the U C L A Red Cross arranging visits 1959. The beautiful and spacious home was completely redecorated in 1963.
to Lathrop Hall, a home for delinquent Four hundred fifty-eight collegiates have been initiated with the chapter
girls. V i s i t to the home is f o l l o w e d by roll standing at 70. The most outstanding feature of Alpha Pi chapter
a visit of the girls to the chapter house is its Charity Carnival which was held last October and w i l l be an annual
later in the semester. affair. A l l other Greek fraternities on campus entered the carnival and each
sponsored a booth. The carnival was open to the whole campus and was a
—Carol Ralph tremendous success, with the A O I I chapter donating $500 to the Candle
of Hope School for retarded children in Tallahassee.
—Barbara Patterson, A l l president
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964 9
upper right
K A Y R O C H E L L E S E I F F E R T , Omega Omicron—Lambuth
College, Jackson, Tennessee, was named M i s s L a m b u t h of 1964.
center right
D E A N N A DUDA, Nu Iota—Northern Illinois University,
reigned as rose b a l l queen of P i Kappa P h i f r a t e r n i t y at the
Illinois Institute of Technology.
lower right
C A R O L Y N P O S E Y , N u Beta—University of Mississippi, is
Ole M i s s 1964 E n g i n e e r i n g queen, and is a P i K a p p a A l p h a
calendar girl.
A L I C E B U T L E R (below), Lambda Tau chapter president,
reigns as M i s s N o r t h e a s t L o u i s i a n a State College f o r 1964.
She was tapped for Senior Board.
upper left
L I N D A V A U G H N , Delta Delta chapter, is Auburn Univer-
sity's G L O M E R A T A , yearbook, beauty. She is a calendar girl,
reigns as Miss V i l l a g e F a i r and was loveliest of the plains f o r
the cover of the P L A I N S M A N . She was Alabama's candidate
for Miss Sun Fun, USA.
center left
K A R L A H A E R T E L , Phi Delta—University of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, was the freshman representative on the Prom court.
bottom left
S H E R R Y K E A T O N , Theta—DePauw University, reigns as
1964 M i l i t a r y B a l l queen. She is an h o n o r a r y cadet colonel and
a member of Angel Flight.
L U C Y A N D E R S (below), Eappa Tau, is a reigning beauty on
the Southeastern Louisiana College campus in Hammond.
Mary Rennard Worman Betty McCoy Kathleen Doane
H O N O R S for M A R Y W O R M A N , Alpha Tau—Denison Pi Lambda Theta, national education honorary. K A T H -
University, include the Dean's List for four years, Phi Beta LEEN D O A N E , also of Alpha Tau, was elected to Phi Beta
Kappa, graduation with highest honors, membership in Kappa and graduated summa cum laude. Her honoraries
the French, German and radio honoraries. She is studying include Eta Sigma Phi, classical, and Kappa Delta Pi, edu-
for a master's degree at Northwestern University. BETTY cation. She will study this fall at Harvard University on a
M c C O Y , Alpha Gamma chapter—Washington State Uni- Leopold Schepped $1,500 fellowship and has a grant from
versity, was chosen for Mortar Board. She is president of Harvard.
Georgia Georgia State College
A new room, the first change of housing since installation days, is in
Forget store this fall for Gamma Sigma collegiates at Georgia State College. The
B A R B A R A B E R T S C H , below, presi- chapter is scheduled to rent quarters in the newly completed Student
dent of Omega chapter—Miami Univer-
sity, Ohio, has been elected to P h i Beta Activities building. Since installation on October 6, 1956, Gamma Sigma
Kappa and tapped for Mortar Board.
She was selected Dream Girl of M i a m i ' s has occupied its room at 33 Gilmer Street, S.E., in Atlanta. Sororities and
T K E chapter. A participant in the
honor's program, Barbara is a member fraternities are housed in rented rooms in college buildings at Georgia
of Cwens and recording secretary of
College Panhellenic. State. During the summer interior decorating tips and furniture selection
have been in the thoughts in Georgia. F r o m the day M a r y Louise Roller
(Mrs. George K . ) Alpha Pi—Florida State University and 24th Interna-
tional President, was the installing officer of the chapter at the St. Luke's
Episcopal Church, 147 collegiates call Gamma Sigma of A O I I their home
chapter. Joyce Young Butler ( M r s . Charlie F . ) , a charter member, has
been the able financial adviser. I n 1964, the chapter was awarded the
coveted Greek award, the Kappa Sigma trophy, for the "most outstanding-
sorority on campus". —Delia Elizabeth Williams
University of Georgia
As soon as Callendar Weltner and Ruby Reed, both of Kappa—Ran-
dolph-Macon Woman's College, attended a Panhellenic meeting at the
University of Georgia, things began happening for Lambda Sigma chap-
ter. A f t e r a "silence" week before rushing, tea was given daily f o r a week
at the home of Dorothy Greve Jarnagin (Mrs. Milton Preston) Omicron—
University of Tennessee, who lived in Atlanta. Atlanta alumnae were of
the greatest help in assisting in the founding. Gene Chastain also assisted.
Lambda Sigma was installed A p r i l 27, 1935, in Memorial hall on the
campus. Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) Beta Phi—Indiana
University, 15th International President, was the installing officer. Two
key names in Lambda Sigma history are Callendar, the first collegiate
president, and Carolyn Huey Harris ( M r s . J. Rodney) the 1964 Inter-
national Second Vice President. Lambda Sigma's first home was at 480
South Milledge, now a nursery school; and in 1946, the chapter obtained a
lease on the present Delta Tau Delta fraternity house, where Lambda
Sigma collegiates lived for seven years. I n 1947, the chapter purchased the
Pi Kappa Alpha residence at 1190 South Milledge, which is the present
Lambda Sigma location. The residential area around the site was a large
plantation. Community work consists of keeping the gardens in good con-
dition at the Athens Memorial Park, a small non-fee zoo in which animals
are kept for public viewing. For the 1964-1965 academic terms, Lambda
Sigma has agreed to adopt a child f r o m the Christian Children's f u n d ,
serving as the child's legal guardian. Six hundred initiates of A l p h a O m i -
cron Pi call Lambda Sigma their chapter. —Bonni Burick
top row, left 13
University of Nebraska
President A W S and W A A
lop row, right
University of Arizona
Mortar Board treasurer, Chimes
2ml row from top, left
Mu Phi Epsilon honorary
2nd row from top, right
L I N D A L A N K F O R D , AJ.
Auburn University
Mortar Board treasurer
Exciting moments
Mortar Board
The 12 A O I I s pictured on
pages 12 and 13 are recent
Mortar Board initiates, as
is Julie Sullivan, Chi Delta,
shown on page 21, and San-
dra Duncan, Omicron, page
26. A list of new Mortar
Board members is given on
page 33.
2nd row from bottom, left
University of Oregon
A W S cultural attainment award
2nd row from bottom, right
J E N N Y D A V I S , NO
Vanderbilt University
President, Athletic Board
bottom row, left
University of Washington
Washington Key, sophomore honor-
ary; Totem club, junior honorary;
outstanding student award in the
Scandinavian department; received
N a n c y Faye Webster a w a r d as most
outstanding junior woman on campus.
bottom row, right
Montana State College
Mortar Board treasurer, chairman
Wesley foundation student building
committee; member Senate student-
faculty relations committee; Phi
Upsilon Omicron honorary.
To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C K O N P I — A U T U M N of 1%4
Joy Cremens Emily Vickers Harriet Epstein
PHI B E T A K A P P A keys are among the recent honors versity, daughter of Carolyn Williams Vickers ( M r s . Richard
bestowed on the AOn trio above. JOY C R E M E N S , Theta— C.) also NO chapter, is d o i n g graduate w o r k at the U n i v e r s i t y
DePauw University, also was awarded the Theta Sigma Phi of North Carolina, and spent July and August abroad work-
certificate for outstanding senior woman in Spanish and ing for the Winchester excavations committee on an archaeo-
elected to Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women's honorary. logical project. H A R R I E T E P S T E I N , Gamma—University
Joy w i l l teach Spanish and Latin i n Spencer, Indiana. of Maine, is also a recent initiate of P h i Kappa Phi
E M I L Y T A L B O T VICKERS, Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt Uni- honorary.
ion president is A01T J I L L M c M U R -
TRY, Kappa P h i chapter. Jill, a science Illinois Wesleyan University
nursing course major, is the third AOII
in six years to serve as the union presi- A p r i l 12, 1964, was the date of the Beta Lambda invitational open
dent, the highest position a woman can
hold on McGill's campus. house for the split-block addition to its A O I I chapter house at Illinois
H A N O V E R C O L L E G E ' S Henry C.
Long citation f o r the outstanding sen- Wesleyan University at 1314 N o r t h Fell, Bloomington. Thirty-one colle-
ior woman was presented to M A R Y
MASON HENDREN, Phi Omicron giates moved into the completed house on March 7. W i t h A O I I ' s rose
Jacqueminot, carved in wood on the fireplace, the 1912-vintage dark red
Continued next page
brick house was added onto with a daring new look. The new addition, to
top, Jill M c M u r t r y the south, is of split-face block, 21 by 69 feet in size, w i t h stained window
bottom, Mary Mason Hendren
frames for easy upkeep. The entire house was remodeled and redecorated
in the process, with an attempt to tie in the old w i t h the new inside in the
interior decoration. The chapter was installed on October 13, 1956, w i t h
the 25th International President of A O I I , Nancy Moyer McCain (Mrs.
Walter M . ) Rho—Northwestern University, officiating. Nearly 125 i n i -
tiates of A O I I call Beta Lambda their chapter. —Nancy Peterson
University of Illinois
In 1909 a group of University of Illinois coeds formed a local sorority
called Delta Omicron. Two years later, on February 27, 1911, these young
women were initiated Iota chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. A f t e r living in
three different houses, one of which was owned by the father of M a r k and
Carl Van Doren, Iota built its current home at 706 South Mathews, hous-
ing 38 in 1927. Iota alumnae saw first the guest rooms, upstairs l i v i n g room
and in 1959, the two large dormitory rooms converted into study rooms
increasing the house capacity to its present 50. Sleeping is now i n the
rooms—the only sorority on campus with such a selling point. This past
spring the dining room was redecorated. This fall f o r the first time fresh-
men pledges will live in University dormitories.
— f r o m spring, 1960, T o D R A G M A
—Julie Stusrud
Northwestern University • Illinois
When Carolyn Piper [now Carolyn Piper Dorr (Mrs. Louis) ] was a
student at Northwestern she was unaffiliated, as were all the collegiates
who lived in Pearsons hall. These young women were not accepted into
sororities because they lived in a cooperative house to reduce their living
expenses. Carolyn believed there were many fine girls of personality and
ability, but not wealth, who would be splendid sorority members. Through
the efforts of Carolyn and May Barlow Yokum (Mrs. Earl L . ) and their
friends, Rho was installed June 11, 1909. Many interested persons f r o m
other chapters helped in the founding. For example, Melita Skillen, Epsi-
lon—Cornell University, was teaching high school in the area and was
popular with many potential AOIIs. Mrs. Rowe, for whom the chapter
was named, was a friend of Carolyn's mother and made her home available
for many functions in the days before the 1927 building of the chapter
house. — f r o m winter, 1959, T o DRAGMA
—Jacqueline Strunk
S U S A N M C D O N A L D , en .7
Arizona State College SUE WATSON, KK
Ball State Teachers College
PANHEUENIC Miss Junior personality 1963
I N A D D I T I O N T O the six colle-
giates pictured on page 15, six other
chapters have reported presidents of
Panhellenic Councils. The 1964 Girl
of A O I I , Geri Rytkonen, Kappa A l -
pha—Indiana State College, leads
the group there. Kay Weber, Phi—
University of Kansas, a member of
Mortar Board, is Panhellenic presi-
dent. Others serving are: Judy
Summers, Rho—Northwestern Uni-
versity ; Elaine Gerhart, Kappa
Tau—Southeastern Louisiana Col-
lege; Marianne Davidson, Sigma
Tau—Washington College, Mary-
land; and Elaine Uhl, Sigma Chi—
Hartwick College, New York.
Hanover College University of Mississippi
Mason-Hendron M A R I L Y N D U G A N , AV. C L A U D I A E B E R L E , BA
continued from preceding page Murray State College Illinois Wesleyan University
Mary also received the College Pan-
hellenic senior sorority award and was 15
the recipient of the Helen D . H a d -
ley prize in biology. Among the 10 sen-
iors to be given alumni awards at com-
mencement, she also received AAA's
certificate for high scholarship through-
out college. S h e w a s president of the
board of student affairs and member of
the newspaper editors' board. A t AOTI's
Indiana state day in March she received
the Kentuckiana alumnae award. May
31 Mary graduated magna cum laude
and was married to Jasper P . Hendren.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of l%4
Indiana it happened this way
DePauw University • Indiana
F r o m the beginnings of a little club called J . F . F . (Just for F u n ) formed by six
Greencastle, Indiana, high school girls as a take off on sororities, Theta chapter
had its unofficial start. F o r when five of the girls went to college at D e P a u w , they
"stuck together". I n a short time, they were approached by the president of the
University who indicated he would like to see them organized as a national sorority,
and A O I I was the mutual selection. T h u s , on August 22, 1907, H e l e n S t . C l a i r M u l l a n
(Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha—Barnard College and one of T h e Founders, and third
National President, installed T h e t a chapter in the parlor of "Sunny H i l l " , the home
of a member. B y now, 57 years and 700 A O I I s later, T h e t a chapter has had s i x
different locations, each larger than the former. T h e first was a parlor with three
adjoining bedrooms; the last is a beautiful new home with cornerstone rites held last
May 2, which will be occupied for the first time this fall. M a r y Jane F a r m e r H a y e s
(Mrs. L o u i s ) , one of T h e t a chapter's charter members, helped in personally financing
the home which occupied the site that now is the scene of the new house for 68
collegiates. T h e t a has spent 1963-1964 in four annexes while the new house was
being built, but nevertheless, it has been a great year for the chapter. T h e many
inconveniences, rush in the Art Center, meals and dances in the Student Union, and
crowded meetings in the central annex, have just made more fun and togetherness.
Annual traditions of introducing the pledges at the Rose B a l l , honoring parents on
Mom's and Dad's days, raising money for Mortar Board and for philanthropic
projects, and displaying booths at the W o r l d University Service carnival and at
DePauw's Little 500 were continued. B e i n g able to watch our hole in the ground
grow into a beautiful home was the most thrilling part of the year. E a g e r l y Theta
looks to its first year in the new house. I t w i l l be a little sad though to say goodbye
to the annexes; they have become a part of A O I I that we will never forget. Good
deeds continue to be part of T h e t a collegiate's giving, for Panyotis, a Greek boy, is
being supported by the chapter as a philanthropic service. —Donna Leverett
M a r i a n Mattingly, AJ2 Sharon Curl, n Gloria Joy Polisso, * A
OCTOBER 31, 1964, : Parsons College ' Iowa
set for IOIVA,
Nu Sigma Colony w i l l be i n -
Nu Sigma chapter stalled as an A O I I chapter in Octo-
initiation, installation ber 31, 1964. Initiation, installation
and the Rose Banquet w i l l be Oc-
and Rose Banquet. tober 31, with the all campus re-
November 1, 1964, ception November 1. The colony
All campus reception was pledged on December 11, 1963,
with Alice Anderson Hacker (Mrs.
Kal) Tau—University of Minne-
sota, of Deerfield, Illinois, as na-
tional supervisor. The chapter will
be installed by R u t h Lee Leich-
tamer (Mrs. Mahlon P.) Theta Psi
—University of Toledo, and Car-
olyn Huey Harris (Mrs. J. Rodney)
Lambda Sigma — University of
Georgia, International President
and Second Vice President, respec-
16 A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
Ball State Teachers College • Indiana
F r o m the beginning of the Kappa Kappa local sorority with ties to its founding
organization from 1907 until it became a local sorority in 1922, and then on to A O I I
with formal installation of K a p p a Kappa chapter on M a y 24, 1952, the chapter carries
on tradition of friendship and service. Nancy Moyer McCain (Mrs. Walter M.), Rho
—Northwestern University, then International Secretary, was the installing officer.
T h e 1963-1964 collegiates worked at election booths, served in public health services
and helped clothe and feed a needy family. — P a t Lannerd
Hanover College • Indiana
T h e P h i Omicron chapter house at Hanover is identical on the exterior to that
of the other two sororities, the one exception is that A O I I ' s quarters are decorated
in a "modern" theme. I n 1952 Hanover built new houses for the three sororities, a l l
red brick Georgian type. T h i r t y - s e v e n collegiates live in the house, with nearly 40
other members living in dormitories. It was on F e b r u a r y 25, 1950, that M a r y Paschen
Lindrooth ( M r s . Robert F . ) , Rho—Northwestern University, 21st International
President, installed P h i Omicron, while Jean Horner of Nashville, Tennessee, was
colonizer and first president. M a r y L o u i s Fitton, Beta P h i — I n d i a n a U n i v e r s i t y , and
Hanover librarian, has been a faithful helper since colonization. Initiation rolls
indicate that 335 members of A l p h a Omicron P i call P h i Omicron their chapter. L o c a l
service is for the E n g l i s h Estate owned by the Presbyterian Church. T h e "Estate" is
a home for elderly people and houses classes for mentally retarded children.
—Mary Ann Newhouse
Purdue University • Indiana
Construction w i l l be underway this F a l l on the P h i Upsilon chapter house at
Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana. Plans for a chapter house began with the
selection of a plot of land on a hill overlooking the campus. House plans and a rough
model indicate that it is a dream beyond highest expectations. B y September, 1965,
the collegiates hope to occupy the new quarters. P h i Upsilon chapter was installed
A p r i l 20, 1963, with the 27th International President, Jessie M a r i e Senor C r a m e r
( M r s . W e s l e y G . ) , P h i — U n i v e r s i t y of K a n s a s , presiding. —Mary Cochran
J e n K o l i n s o n , KB Elaine Anderson, Z
above from left
V I C K I S I M P S O N , K a p p a Theta—University of C a l i f o r n i a at
Los Angeles, reigned as Miss Ticket Sales at Homecoming.
She reminds a l l AOlts to plan to attend Homecomings this fall.
at right
M A R I A N M A T T I N G L Y , Delta Omega—Murray State Col-
lege, Kentucky, reigned as Sigma C h i derby day queen, and
was on the Dean's list for straight A.
S H A R O N C U R L , Omega—Miami University, Ohio, is the
1964 E a s t e r S e a l teen queen of Ohio.
G L O R I A J O Y P O L I S S O , president of P h i Lambda—Youngs-
town University, is treasurer of College Panhellenic, member
of K a p p a D e l t a P i , education honorary, Alpha P h i Delta
sweetheart, and has been on the Dean's list for three years.
J E R I L Y N R O L I N S O N , president of Kappa Theta—University
of C a l i f o r n i a at L o s Angeles, was selected 1964 engineering
sweetheart from among five finalists.
E L A I N E A N D E R S O N , Zeta—University of Nebraska, reigns
as Miss Navy, is a member of Associated Women Students
board, Red Cross chairman, and in Cadence Countesses.
G A M M A S I G M A chapter at Georgia University of Kansas 1927 the house was extensively re-
State College received the outstanding Phi's big moment came on modeled and redecorated, with the
sorority of the year trophy in 1964. T o n y collegiates living in scattered
Claxton, president of Kappa Sigma, May 14, 1918, with the installation apartments. Rush parties were held
made the award, while Bonnie Gault, of the chapter's first nine members. in an A O I I ' s home in Lawrence,
Gamma Sigma president, center, and Since 1905, they had been members but workmen completed the dining
Bebee Jones, first vice president, a c - of a local sorority, Beta Gamma. room in time for the last day of
cepted the coveted prize. Installation was held at the first rush. I n September, 1956, Phi
house on 13th and Ohio. Katherine moved to another new house at 1144
Lyon M i x (Mrs. Arthur Jack- W . 11th. Workmen still had not fin-
son) Epsilon—Cornell University, ished, so collegiates left early in
helped in founding Phi chapter. the morning and could not return
Along with Kay, Viola Gray, Zeta to the house until dinner time. The
—University of Nebraska, install- Phi chapter house has facilities f o r
ing officer, Charlotte Uhls, Upsi- sixty. There are study rooms for
lon—University of Washington, four girls along with three sleeping
and Julia Smith, Kappa—Ran- dormitories, a spacious living room,
dolph-Macon, formed the "installa- chapter room, dining room, patio
tion quartet". In two years the and a backyard. Although the
members moved out of the white house is eight years old, people
frame house on 13th and Ohio and still ask, "Isn't i t new?" Phi has
into the new one on 12th and initiated 727 members. Philan-
Louisiana, a French-Renaissance thropic projects in 1963-1964 i n -
style house, accommodating 45. cluded soliciting for the Heart
Alumnae still talk about the semi- Fund and the Campus Chest, as
circular staircase, the fireplace, well as sponsoring two needy chil-
and the third floor sleeping dormi- dren.
tory with double-bunk beds. I n
—Kathlyn Hogue
B A R B A R A W A R W I C K , Phi Kappa, Morris Harvey College, Spurs, Cardinal K e y , and is treasurer of the Associated S t u -
West Virginia, has been awarded a $2,000 graduate assistant- dents of Arizona State. M A R I A V A L E N C I A , president of
ship at Ohio University, to study toward a master's degree in P i Delta—University of Maryland, is editor of the W R A
educational guidance and counseling. She will serve as a handbook, secretary of S G A , member of Diadem, Diamond,
graduate assistant to the university's dean of students. C A R O - Pi Delta Epsilon and Gamma Theta Upsilon. B O N N I E
L Y N L I N D S E Y , Theta Omega—Arizona State College, G A U L T , president of G a m m a S i g m a — G e o r g i a State College,
named outstanding AOH in District X I X , is a member of is a member of C r i m s o n K e y .
Barbara W a r w i c k , <I>K Carolyn Lindsey, OP. M a r i a Valencia, I1A Bonnie Gault, Tl
IS A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
Kansas Shirley Warburton, K8 Pam Leeper, An Anita Bianchini, 00
Murray State College • Kentucky S H I R L E Y W A R B U R T O N , Kappa T h e t a — U C L A , is the lower division representa-
Delta Omega, as an organiza- tive on the board of governors. P A M L E E P E R , Delta Omega—Murray State College,
is president of the Kentucky National Student Education association. A N I T A
tion, had its first meeting on No- B I A N C H I N I , president of T h e t a Omega—Arizona State College, is a member of
vember 2, 1959, when 17 collegiates Cardinal Key, Spurs, and Sigma N u fraternity and Blue Key, senior men's honorary,
formed a third sorority on the
Murray State College campus. sweetheart.
Delta Omega existed for the ulti-
mate purpose of affiliating with a Louisiana State University
member of the NPC. I n January,
1960, Delta Omega became a non- Under the spreading magnolia trees of Louisiana State University
voting member of the local Pan-
hellenic Council. On January 27, campus on November 5, 1938, Alpha Omicron was ushered into A O I I .
1960, Delta Omega was recognized
as a local sorority. I n the spring Mary Dee Drummond (Mrs. Warren) A l p h a Phi—Montana State College,
of 1960, Delta Omega petitioned
Alpha Omicron Pi, and was ac- the 16th International President, installed the chapter. Alpha Omicron was
cepted as a colony. On February
18, 1961, Delta Omega became a established on the L S U campus during the fall session of 1937 with
chapter with Wilma Smith Leland
(Mrs.) Tau—University of Minne- colonizers Elizabeth Scales Wilkerson and Nan Duvic, both of P i — H .
sota, 26th International President,
officiating. There were 17 charter Sophie Newcomb College. — f r o m October 1938 To DRAGMA
members and two pledges at in-
stallation and 92 have been ini- —Peggy Kilpatrick
tiated. The college has donated a
rent-free room to each Greek or- Northeast Louisiana State College
ganization on campus, and the
chapter has a building fund. This Lambda Tau chapter at NLSC shares the Panhellenic House with Phi
past year the chapter awarded a Mu, the only other NPC sorority on campus. On March 1, 1958, Phi
Girl Scout one-week "Camper- Lambda Pi, local sorority, became Lambda Tau chapter of A O I I in rites
ship". Collegiates have helped out led by Nancy Moyer McCain (Mrs. Walter M.) Rho—Northwestern Uni-
on two afternoons a week at the versity, 25th International President. Nearly 165 are on the rolls as A O I I s .
new city library, many spent an Local service work includes the "adopting" of a cottage of boys at the
entire Saturday canvassing the city Louisiana Baptist Children's home for Easter and Christmas.
of Murray f o r clothes f o r the peo-
ple of Eastern Kentucky. The •—Cheryl Hoddenbach
largest project is assisting Para-
dise Friendly Home, a privately Southeastern Louisiana College
supported orphanage.
Kappa Tau chapter was installed on January 5, 1963, in ceremonies
—Norma Jean Poynter
Kentucky Wesleyan College conducted in the Student Union by Jessie Marie Senor Cramer (Mrs. Wes-
Beta Chi chapter was installed ley G.) Phi—University of Kansas, 27th International President. Chapter
on the Owensboro campus on April
25, 1959, w i t h Nancy Moyer Mc- initiates number 68 since installation. A n annual musical, with the 1964
Cain (Mrs. Walter M.) Rho—
Northwestern University, 25th In- production being "Mad, Mad Girl's W h i r l " , raises money for a music
ternational President, officiating.
The Beta Chi chapter of A O I I scholarship given by the chapter. —Lynda Aycock
stemmed f r o m the oldest local
sorority at K W C , Alpha Beta Chi. Passes Half Century Mark
— f r o m autumn, 1959, T o D R A G M A
Jackson College, third National President, presided.
Tufts University Massachusetts Blanche Hooper, Delta, New Jer-
sey State Membership chairman,
On the Tufts campus, A O I I ' s has written the chapter history and
Delta chapter takes its beginnings served as National Secretary. She
from a local sorority, Alpha Delta has been closely connected with
Sigma, active until 1901. Twenty Delta chapter f o r nearly 50 years.
girls were initiated into the group, There are no sorority houses at
when in 1901, they joined with a T u f t s , but the administration has
sorority, Delta Sigma, at Brown reserved a room in an university
University. Another group, Phi building f o r each of the four soror-
Gamma at Maine also decided to ities. Local g i f t s are given to the
join Delta Sigma. On A p r i l 13, Jimmy Fund hospital in Boston.
1908, all the members of Delta The Delta members also volunteer
Sigma were initiated into A O I I , at for the Leonard Carmichael so-
Brown University in Providence, ciety, a campus organization which
Rhode Island. Helen St. Clair does service work for the communi-
Mullan, Alpha—Barnard College ties around Tufts.
and one of The Founders and
—Adele M . Bagnati
To T>ra&ma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1064 L9
AOJT diamond Jubilee founda
Chapters Contributing
SHERRY PUTNAM Alpha Gamma—Washington State University
Tau Delta—Birmingham-Southern College Alpha Phi—Montana State College
$200 award winner. Alpha Pi—Florida State University
Alpha Rho—Oregon State University
O n the Dean's List, Sherry is a student we can Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon
proudly name to a scholarship. She plans to Alpha Tau—Denison University
be an executive secretary. Beta Lambda—Illinois Wesleyan University
Beta Pi—Eastern Michigan University
Chi Lambda—Evansville College
Chi Omicron—Central State College
Delta Beta—University of Southwestern Louisiana
Delta Delta—Auburn University
Delta Omega—Murray State College
Delta Sigma—San Jose State College
Gamma Omicron—University of Florida
Gamma Sigma—Georgia State College
lota—University of Illinois
Kappa Gamma—Florida Southern College
BEVERLY S A H A G E N Diamond Jubilee fount
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts University
$200 award winner. May our Vision be t
Beverly has an " A " average. An English The good news that A O I I Diamond Jubilee Foundation had
major, she plans a career in journalism. Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs. Verne), Lambda—Stanfon
California. Muriel is president
20 This decision is retroactive f o r all contributions received <
Omicron Pi of 1959. A f t e r the announcement, the five outg
notifications that donations honoring them had been m
Now we can ask ourselves, how large is our vision—our visi
How real is our involvement with A O I I ' s commitment t
to the development of stronger women
Each contribution to A O I I ' s Diamond Jubilee Founda
must be a vital part of the answer. The great majority of
foundations dedicated to helping their members and increa
with contemporary problems in education will long surv
ready with support; support f o r the girl who, at some co
support to the girl who must earn part of her expenses,
faces the threat of leavim
W i t h increase of funds, it is the anticipated policy of the A
should be used for the awards, reservir
How rapidly this policy can be
Send donations to: Miss Dorothy R. Matchett
10,000 South Bell Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60643
To Drugma of A L P H A O M I
;on Announces Award Winner,
fonor Roll Layout and cop
> 1963 Seal Campaign
Kappa Omicron—Southwestern University JUL!
Kappa Rho—Western Michigan University
Kappa Theta—University of California at Los Angeles Chi Delta—U
Nu Beta—University of Mississippi
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University Tappe(J for Morf
Omega—Miami University
Omega Omicron—Lambuth College D |e t a c h a p t e r , p r
Omicron—University of Tennessee
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan ond vice preside
Phi—University of Kansas Sigma Phi, [ourn
Phi Omicron—Hanover College ahead to a care
Phi Upsilon—Purdue University ing.
Rho—Northwestern University
Sigma Chi—Hartwick College
Sigma Omicron—Arkansas State College
Sigma Tau—Washington College
Tau Delta—Birmingham Southern College
Theta Psi—University of Toledo
Zeta—University of Nebraska
ition NOW Tax Exempt
9 Large as Our Goal
een granted tax-exempt status was announced triumphantly by MARJORIE MILLER
University, at District X I X ' s meeting April 12 in San Diego, Phi Omicron—Hanover College
the trustees of the Foundation. $300 award winner.
ring and since the June International Convention of Alpha
ng collegiate presidents of District X I X were presented with Besides her activities on campus, Marjorie, a
le to the Foundation by various alumnae of the district, future teacher, happily lists youth work as
i of scholarship and achievement for our collegiate members? her hobby.
the realization of each collegiate member's f u l l potential,
3 lead and serve the world about them? 21
on, large or small, according to each member's abilities,
ollege fraternal organizations already have large functioning
i g the strength of their societies. No organization concerned
e without such a program. Alpha Omicron Pi must stand
to herself, is willing to transfer to counsel a new chapter;
ereby diminishing her achievement; support to the girl who
college without her degree.
ha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation that only interest
incoming donations for capital increase,
nplemented depends on each A O I I .
Send Seal envelopes to: Miss Helen M. Haller
904 Kendall Avenue
South Pasadena, California 91030
O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964
Eastern Michigan University
The Beta Pi chapter of A O I I was installed on January 6, 1962, with
Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mrs. Mahlon P.) Theta Psi—University of Toledo,
nternational First Vice President, conducting initiation and installation
ceremonies. — f r o m summer, 1962, To DRAGMA
Michigan State University
Enthusiasm marked Beta Gamma's installation on September 22, 1934,
with Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) Beta Phi—Indiana
University and 15th International President, as installing officer. Eleanor
Boyer Waldo (Mrs. Mortimer) and Harriett Weston Ansley (Mrs. Bernard
W.), both of Omicron Pi—University of Michigan were responsible for
the establishment of the chapter. A formal dinner, followed by a reception,
was given at the M S U Union Building.
•—from October, 1934, T o DRAGMA
—Virginia Van Zandt Snider
(Mrs. G. R.), O i l
University of Michigan
October 8, 1921, was a great day in the lives of a certain group of
girls at the University of Michigan known as the Omicron P i , local So-
ciety. Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. A. J.) Rho—Northwestern University
and seventh National President officiated at the installation of A O I I ' s
Omicron P i chapter. "Every few minutes came a telegram for Merva and
every few minutes came another alumna of Omicron Pi, who was rap-
turously greeted. Whenever you went into the hall, you ran into the jeweler
surrounded by a group t r y i n g to decide whether to have the " O " set in
crown pearls. Flowers kept arriving from friends and relatives. Something
was going on in every corner of the Omicron Pi house." Thirty-one were
initiated in afternoon rites and in the evening the group gathered at a
banquet hall in the Michigan Union. The following day a tea was given by
the chapter. — f r o m November, 1921, To DRAGMA
Western Michigan University
Kappa Rho chapter made its debut on Western's campus September
22, 1952, with installation in the home economics lounge of McCracken
hall. Mary Paschen Lindrooth (Mrs. Robert F.) Rho—Northwestern U n i -
versity, 21st International President, officiated. Pi Kappa Rho was a local
sorority that became Kappa Rho chapter. Since the installation, 241 Kappa
Rhos have been initiated. Since September, 1961, a University ban on
fraternity housing has been lifted and A O I I formed a corporation, pur-
chasing a plot of land in Fraternity Village. Street construction was under-
way this summer. Betty Lois Hansen Breed (Mrs. Sterling) an adviser,
has just finished serving a two-year term as president of the Kalamazoo
City Panhellenic. A tradition which Kappa Rho members carried over
from the original group was that of presenting a traveling scholarship cup
to the sorority which attains the highest average.
—Ann Laurimore
—and winter, 1952, T o DRAGMA
M A R E N E C A M P B E L L , Gamma Sigma — Georgia State Lambda, has been named to E g a s . B E C K Y T U C K E R ,
College, is a member of Crimson K e y . S U A N G U E S S , Beta G a m m a Sigma, is a member of C r i m s o n K e y , vice president of
Lambda—Illinois Wesleyan University, has been elected to Beta Gamma Sigma, and secretary of the Student Govern-
E g a s and P h i Kappa P h i . J E A N N E H A Y S , also of Beta ment association.
Marene Campbell, r S Suan Guess, BA Jeanne Hays, BA Becky Tucker, TS
22 A U T U M N of 1964—To Dnit-m<i of A L P H A O M I C R O N PI
P H I B E T A K A P P A and M O R T A R •
B O A R D honors have been achieved by
the two collegiates at right. Judy R i c h -
ter, C h i Delta—University of Colorado,
also was named to Pacesetters, an hon-
orary for students outstanding for serv-
ice. She received a National Institute of
Health training grant for study leading
to a P h . D . and is studying in the S t a n -
ford University school of medicine
pharmacology department. Judy served
AOII as scholarship chairman and
treasurer, and is a member of Iota
Sigma Pi, chemistry honorary, and
Hesperia. A N N E W A H L , Zeta—Uni-
versity of Nebraska, was secretary of
student council, secretary of Builders;
and member of P s i C h i honorary.
Stories from: Maine, Judy Richter, XA Anne Wahl, Z
Maryland, Montana State College University of Nebraska
Alpha Phi chapter has given On June 3, 1903, Zeta chapter
the joy of A O I I sisterhood to 854 of A O I I was installed with the
Mississippi, collegiates since its installation. A t ceremony taking place at the home
present there are 83 who wear the of Zeta charter member, Edna
Montana, A O I I badge, with Montana State Spears. Helen St. Clair Mullan,
loyalties. O f these, 37 live at 1119 (Mrs. George V . ) Alpha—Barnard
Nebraska South F i f t h in Bozeman in the College and one of The Founders,
house which was under construc- and at that time the third National
University of Maine tion in 1940 and occupied the f o l - President, installed the chapter.
lowing year. Today an addition to A O I I was the seventh NPC soror-
The legend of Gamma chapter the chapter house is in the plan- ity established at the University of
begins on A p r i l 16, 1908, w i t h i n - ning stages. Mary Ellen Chase, Nebraska. I n 1907, Zeta acquired
stallation rites being performed by Gamma—University of Maine and the first living unit f o r its mem-
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. Editor of To DRAGMA, was the in- bers, the residence of Maud Pierce
George V . ) Alpha—Barnard Col- stalling officer. Installation took Logan. Then in 1926, the present
lege, one of The Founders and place on Friday afternoon, Febru- home of Zeta, located in the center
third National President, and ary 23, at the home of Marguerite of campus activity, was built and
Elizabeth Iverson Toms, A. Gam- Pilsbury Schoppe (Mrs. William occupied. However, since the mem-
ma chapter of A O I I , the first Freeman), also of Gamma. Her bership grew steadily, a new addi-
sorority on the Maine campus, be- home was a new brown bungalow, tion to the chapter house, includ-
gan as a local group in 1896. which seemed expressly built f o r ing a recreation room, a sleeping-
Throughout the years, until 1960, the occasion, according to To dormitory and a senior hall was
Maine sororities did not have DRAGMA'S account in May, 1917. built in 1957. Elsie Ford Piper was
houses, but in 1960 a new Univer- A banquet was held at the Boze- a Phi Beta Kappa collegiate and
sity dormitory was provided and man hotel immediately following later was assistant Dean of Women
gives a room for AOIIs. Approxi- installation. Mary Danielson Drum- f o r 25 years at the University. Her
mately 870 Gamma chapter mem- mond (Mrs. Warren), a charter sister, Jennie Louise Piper, was
bers wear the badge of A O I I . member of Alpha Phi, carried a also one of the charter members of
heritage to Alpha Phi chapter of Zeta and lives in Lincoln, eating-
—Margaret A. Thurlow birth and her first 16 years in weekly with Zeta collegiates at the
Sweden, and who at that age University. Speaker at the A p r i l
Washington College • Maryland "chaperoned" her cousin, a younger 21, 1964, Nebraska State Day was
girl, to the United States. Mary Lois Pleak Peterson (Mrs. Val),
Sigma Tau chapter was in- was merely visiting and had no in- outstanding Zeta, whose husband
stalled May 14, 1938, f r o m the be- tention of remaining in the States, was the 1950 Governor of Nebraska
ginnings of a local sorority, Sigma but when she caught a vision of and then ambassador to Denmark.
Tau Delta. Mary Dee Drummond the splendid opportunities open to Service projects have been varied
(Mrs. Warren) Alpha Phi—Mon- American girls, she determined to for Zeta, including the campus
tana State College, 16th Interna- stay, and wrote her parents to that drives and raising monies, but ac-
tional President, was the presiding effect. K n o w i n g little English, she tual service work came this past
official. The chapter's first home first entered the public schools of year when members painted picnic
was at Reid hall, and following Miles City, Montana, where she tables and benches, and cleaned
three moves, in 1954 it moved to had relatives, but in a year had Antelope park, one of Lincoln's
the fourth floor of Minta Martin passed her examinations f o r high recreation centers.
hall, where the chapter is presently
housed. Two hundred and sixty school. Nothing daunted her. She —Chris Olson
initiates are on the roll. The Sigma served Alpha Phi as collegiate
Tau collegiates assist in cancer president for two years and was University of Mississippi
drives and help the Humane So- the 16th International President of T h e story of N u Beta's progress
ciety. —Susan Stant A O I I . She is A O I I ' s historian.
from installation on February 22, 1958,
—Ian Dightman and was the culmination of the chapter-
—May 1917 and May 1918 house dedication rites December 8, 1964,
as recorded in the spring, 1964, Tip
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964
News From: Hartwick College • New York
Ohio, A p r i l 19, 1952, was a lovely warm spring day in upstate New Y o r k .
There, at Oneonta, A O I I s gathered for the installation of Sigma Chi chap-
Oklahoma, ter, previously Sigma Delta M u , the oldest local sorority at Hartwick.
Mary Alice Burch Fizer (Mrs. William D . ) , International Second Vice
New York, President, was the installing officer in rituals at the chapter house at 7
Weidman Place. A reception was held in the afternoon, and that evening
North Carolina the Rose Banquet was held at the Peter Cooper Inn at Cooperstown, 20
miles from Oneonta. In June, 1962, Sigma Chi purchased a three-story
Youngstown University • Ohio chapter house at 17 Maple Street. Some remodeling was done and a study
Phi Lambda chapter sisters of A O I I room added in the summer of 1963. Every Christmas Sigma Chi works
with Family Service and buys presents for an underprivileged family,
number 228 since installation on Sep- while in the spring, pledges participate in the Red Cross drive or make
tember 28, 1957. T h e Youngstown chap- gifts for the children at Homer Folks hospital.
ter has roots tied to P h i Lambda Delta,
the first social sorority at the Univer- -—Gail Galbraith
sity and was founded in 1927 by P r o -
fessor John Bare. Phi Lambda chapter Wagner College • New York
was installed by Nancy Moyer McCain The Music H a l l of Wagner College on Staten Island was the scene on
(Mrs. Walter M.), Rho—Northwestern
University, 25th International President, A p r i l 14, 1951, of installation festivities for Theta Pi chapter. Mary
in the setting of Pollack House. The Paschen Lindrooth (Mrs. Robert F.) Rho—Northwestern University, 21st
chapter is housed in an apartment at International President, officiated. Cunard H a l l was the informal tea meet-
667 B r y s o n Street. Service has been ing place with the Rose Banquet at the Richmond County country club.
through the Easter Seal center and giv- Theta Pi Epsilon, local sorority, was the nucleus for A O I I ' s Theta Pi. The
ing parties at the home for the aged. Sea View Convalescent home is aided locally.
—Elaine Fretlose —Judy Nelson and
Miami University • Ohio — f r o m May, 1951, To DRAGMA
Omega chapter was installed Janu-
East Carolina College • North Carolina
ary 2, 1919, in the downstairs of M c -
Guffy Hall, the elementary education T h i s fall Zeta P s i collegiates w i l l occupy their first chapter house, a three-story
building. Forty-eight were initiated
with Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. brick structure with nine bedrooms, two parlors, dining room, kitchen, two breakfast
A. J . ) , 9th National President and Betty
Hiestand, an Editor of T o D R A G M A , rooms, and two porches. The basement has a lounge and recreation room, and the house,
both of Rho—Northwestern University,
leading the rites. This was the last surrounded by plantings, has a five-car garage. T h e chapter was installed on February
phase of an eight-year beginning, for
from the 1911 organization of K a p p a 6, 1960, with Dorothy Whitaker Allen ( M r s . Leland N . ) Omicron—University of
T a u Sigma sorority, the Omega chapter
had its ties. The University has no Tennessee, International F i r s t Vice President, presiding, in the home of Mary Randolph
sorority houses but provides suites,
which consist of a living room and Poindexter (Mrs. James) Kappa—Randolph-Macon. Fourteen collegiate members were
kitchenette. Omega moved into its suite
in 1939, having met in classrooms and initiated as charter members. T h e Rotary club in Greenville was the scene of T h e Rose
in homes of faculty previously. Omega
today is composed of 85 collegiates, Banquet. Annually Zeta P s i has built Homecoming floats, and is helping the local Salva-
whose service work is with the Long-
view Mental hospital in Cincinnati. tion A r m y by entertaining children at regular meetings. —Catherine Hudson
—Joan Hakkio Central State College • Oklahoma
Denison Univedsity • Ohio C h i Omicron chapter was installed A p r i l 30, 1960, with Jessie M a r i e Senor
A new multi-purpose recreation Cramer (Mrs. Wesley G.) Phi—University of K a n s a s , then International Treasurer
and Ruth Lee Leichtamer ( M r s . Mahlon P . ) Theta Psi—University of Toledo,
room was dedicated for Alpha T a u then International Secretary, as installing officers. I n the f a l l of 1961 the chapter
chapter at Denison's Homecoming, O c - moved into its present unit of apartments. It was from six charter members of C h i
tober 12, 1963. T h e 1,700 square foot Omicron, who were initiated at the U n i v e r s i t y of Nebraska, that the nucleus of
structure was an addition to the chapter Chi Omicron is fostered. They were Carol Burns, Dorothy Chesser, Elma Holder,
house, built in 1940. Committee to build Patricia Howard, Gloria Lambert and Dixie Peters.
the house was Anna Wright, Irma Mor-
row, Grace Livingston and Mary Case —Judith Pearson
Amner. T h e collegiates in the 1940's
saved $900 for the building, and sold University of Toledo • Ohio maintaining the apartment on campus
the previous house on Thresher Street. at 3029 W e s t Bancroft as "home base".
In the next year meetings were held in In June, 1920, T h e t a P s i chapter of Local philanthropy includes an annual
the recreation rooms of dormitories and A O I I saw its first signs of life when party at Christmastime to entertain chil-
collegiates ate their meals at the homes four University of Toledo women, E l l a dren from the orphanages in Toledo;
of alumnae. P r i o r to the Thresher Outerbridge, Helen Stewart, Bea Staf- also share in school-sponsored service
Street address, the chapter was housed ford, and Miriam Dehnert, organized a projects, such as the reconstruction
on Pearl Street in a house located be- third U T fraternity, Phi Theta Psi. services to six Social Service agencies.
tween the present Alpha P h i sorority Adventures in housing began in 1939 T h e t a P s i also offers annually a $50.00
house and the University entrance on when Phi Theta Psi acquired a small scholarship to an outstanding U T wom-
College Street. This house burned. house on River Road. This proved to an in history, given in memorial to
Alpha T a u Delta was the local sorority be too f a r from the University and in Margaret Nachtrieb, adviser to P h i
from which Alpha T a u chapter came. 1941, the next venture was a one-room Theta P s i in 1924. M r s . Richard Gillham,
Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. A r - apartment on Collingwood Avenue. head librarian of the University, was P h i
thur K . ) , Beta Phi—Indiana Univer- Always, the goal was a campus apart- Theta Psi adviser when it petitioned
sity, the 15th International President, ment. I n M a r c h of 1942, the long hoped- A O I I in 1944. T h e 28th International
was the installing officer at ceremonies for day arrived, the move was to an President, Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mrs.
on December 13, 1930. apartment on campus. O n November 11, Mahlon P . ) , is a member of Theta P s i
1944, another dream came true for P h i chapter of A O I I .
—Mary Jo Harris Theta Psi, when it was installed as
Theta P s i chapter of Alpha Omicron P i , —Janis Alton
A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
University of Oregon
"Let's g o ! There are children
to be 'parked', plans to be com-
pleted, husbands to be placated,
and dresses to be pressed—all be-
fore the installation of Alpha
Sigma into Alpha Omicron Pi on
the morrow, May the fifth!" So
goes the lead paragraph in the T o
DRAGMA story on the May 5, 1923,
installation of Alpha Sigma in
Eugene, at the University of Ore-
gon, rites. (That lead can be used
today on installation stories.) L u -
cile Curtis English (Mrs. Walter
A.) Lambda—Stanford University
was the installing officer. Eighteen
members of Upsilon chapter—Uni-
versity of Washington, came to the
—from October, 1923, To DRAGMA
Oregon State University
Alpha Rho chapter was
founded at Oregon Agricultural
College, Corvallis, on June 5, 1926,
inactive from July, 1935, and re-
activated Mai
Gamma Sigma—Georgia State College
1964 G e o r g i a State College G r e e k Goddess
for collegiate and alumnae chapter
officers, advisers, collegiate and
alumnae directors
is presented on
the inside back (third) cover.
The calendar will be published once annually in
the autumn, T O D R A G M A . Save it for reference.
T o Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964
Proved in Vanderbilt University ' Tennessee University of Tennessee
Nu Omicron chapter was Omicron chapter is to move
founded as a colony with ties to into the new Panhellenic Building
Tennessee, Omicron chapter at the University on the U T campus this fall. The
of Tennessee. A p r i l 28, 1917, was U T campus does not have sorority
Washington, Nu Omicron's installation date. houses, and the chapter began in
Mary D. Houston, later the wife of 1902 meeting in various rooms of
JVest Virginia Vanderbilt's Dean Madison Sar- its members. I n 1907 Omicron
rafct, transferred f r o m U T , to begin gained permission to use a room in
Pennsylvania State University Nu Omicron. The first meetings South College, after that the chap-
East Halls became the new dormi- were held in the Kappa Alpha ter moved into various dormitories,
Theta house. Nu Omicron's attrac- the last being a Panhellenic Build-
tory living area for Epsilon Alpha chap- tive new lodge was formally dedi- ing. Omicron chapter of A O I I was
ter in the fall of 1962. T h e r e the 45-year- cated December 7, 1962, at a installed at U T on A p r i l 14, 1902,
old chapter of A O I I has a living room, Founders' Day dinner in the new with one of The Founders, Helen
kitchenette and work room, all located house. "2415 Kensington Place" is St. Clair Mullan, third National
on the ground floor of E a s t H a l l D . A l l occupied by six top A O I I officers President, officiating. Florence
the A O I I s live on the second floor of in conformity with university Sauville assisted with the home of
this same hall, so there is a spirit and housing regulations. The Vander- Professor Cooper D . Schitt as the
unity of group living. A O I I at Penn bilt hospital volunteer program place of installation. As of spring
State began as a local woman's frater- was assisted by N u Omicron colle- 1964, Omicron has initiated 894
nity, Arete, which was founded on De- giates during the past year. Four A O I I s . Service work has varied. I n
cember 11, 1922. I n June, 1926, the then of the top 1963-1964 honors were 1917, it is recorded that the colle-
Pennsylvania State College, decided received by Vanderbilt A O I I s : giates worked for the Red Cross,
that N P C fraternities could come to they were Becky Webb, Homecom- while in 1964, the chapter collected
the campus. Edith Huntington Anderson ing queen and Miss Vanderbilt; for the March of Dimes, as i t has
(Mrs. A r t h u r K . ) was a resident of Libbet Porter, Miss Charm; and done for three years.
State College and when the chapter was Jayne Anne Owens, Miss Commo-
installed it took her initials for E p s i l o n dore and Miss Nashville. •—Josephine Sutton
Alpha. Date of installation was A p r i l 6,
1929, an unseasonably hot day for spring. —Susan Abney Morris Harvey College • West
The Anderson home was the scene of Virginia
the rites with Edith, National Secre- Lambuth College * Tennessee
tary, officiating. A t the time of installa- Omega Omicron chapter was From seeds of P h i Kappa
tion the chapter was living in Maple Kappa, a 33-year-old local, on
Lodge, a frame dwelling house and on installed October 12, 1957, at Lam- Morris Harvey College campus in
this lot a new glass and brick structure buth College, Jackson. Nancy Charleston came the only chapter
is today. I n 1949, E A moved into a suite Moyer McCain (Mrs. Walter M.) of A O I I in West Virginia. Phi
on the ground floor of M c E l w a i n H a l l , Rho — Northwestern University, Kappa chapter was installed A p r i l
following a rule against separate hous- 25th International President, offi- 22, 1961, in the Charleston's W o m -
ing for sororities. The Penn State an's club with W i l m a Smith Leland
A O I I s later occupied two other suites iated. A f t e r the installation cere- (Mrs.) Tau—University of Minne-
in this hall. monies, the traditional Rose Ban- sota, 26th International President,
quet was held at the New Southern leading the rituals.
hotel. — f r o m autumn, 1961, To DRAGMA
—from winter, 1957, To DRAGMA
Washington State University NPC affiliation. Gladys Courtain
Alpha Gamma chapter was En- Britton (Mrs. John Alexander)
Sigma—University of California,
tailed March 9, 1963, by Jessie was the installing officer. Under
Marie Senor Cramer (Mrs. Wesley the guidance of Laura A. Hurd,
G.) Phi—University of Kansas, who worked faithfully for Alpha
27th International President, with Upsilon, Upsilon chapter grew.
ceremonies in the Compton Union Five A O I I s near Seattle assisted.
building. This September Alpha They were Grace Batz Guyles,
Gamma w i l l be occupying its new Sigma; Marjorie Sayre, and
chapter house. (See story page 29.) lone Titlow, both of L a m b d a -
— f r o m summer, 1963, T o DRAGMA Stanford University; and Fannie-
belle Leland Brown and Helen
University of Washington Shipman, both of Alpha—Barnard
One thousand and three A O I I s College. The New Washington
hotel was the banquet place after
have been initiated by Upsilon installation. Through the years,
chapter of A O I I , since its charter Upsilon chapter has maintained a
recorded the original 23 initiates. bed at the Seattle Children's Or-
Upsilon had its beginning on the thopedic hospital; work was done
U W campus in 1915. A local soror- for the Seattle Arthritis foundation
ity, Alpha Upsilon, which was and the March of Dimes. For the
established in 1912, petitioned for past two years the chapter has pro-
vided lodging for a foreign student.
—Margaret Cheeseman
A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N PI
Sally Day, P Peggy Plynn, A<1> Carol Murray, A£ Linda Singer, T
P H I K A P P A P H I honorary memberships are held by the
AOris above. They are: Sally Day, Gamma—University of
Maine; Peggy Flynn, Alpha Phi—Montana State College;
Carol Murray, Lambda Sigma—University of Georgia; and
L i n d a Singer, also of Gamma.
University of T e x a s Prologue in
Since A p r i l 19, 1941, P i K a p p a chapter has been on the University of T e x a s Texas,
campus. Its 334 initiates are bound to A O I I through fraternity love and memories of
U T , where A O I I was the 19th N P C sorority to establish a chapter on the campus. lfrisconsin
Organization for P i Kappa began when Martha Connell, Nu Kappa—Southern
Methodist University, went to U T for her senior year, joining Geraldine Campbell, D E E D E E A S H , below, Rho—North-
N u Kappa pledge transfer. Together, and ably assisted by LaVerne Stugard western University, was first runnerup
Nowotny (Mrs. Arno) Phi—University of Kansas, the first plans were laid. I n a in the Navy Ball queen festivities. She
short time, P i K a p p a local sorority, named for P i and N u Kappa chapters of AOH, was a pompon girl for three years; an
was recognized on the campus. Helen M . Haller, Omega—Miami University of ad g i r l ; finalist in the Chicago snow
Ohio, 17th International President, was the officiating AOH. T h e Stephen F . Austin queen contest; member of Beta Theta
hotel was headquarters, but the Nowotny home, seemed about the busiest place in P i , daughters of the dragon; and Sigma
Austin. P i Kappa first met in a room in the Scottish Rite dormitory, followed by a Alpha Epsilon, little sisters of Minerva.
rented apartment near the University. Many collegiates tried to live in the same
boarding house so they could be together. T h e chapter owned two houses before 27
buying its present building at 2622 W i c h i t a . T h e building was purchased in 1958 and
major remodelling was done in 1963. Philanthropic work for 1963-1964 was at the
Austin State school in cooperation with the Austin alumnae chapter.
—Janice Freeman
Utah State University
Gamma Tau chapter at U S T continues to grow since its May 14, 1960,
installation on the "campus in a canyon's lap". From the growing pains of
colonizing, through the first formal rush, subsequent informal rushing
and at Christmas of 1959 the purchase of a chapter house, the installation
is still the highlight. Initiation and installation were conducted at the
Masonic lodge in Logan with Wilma Smith Leland (Mrs.) Tau—Univer-
sity of Minnesota, 26th International President, officiating.
— f r o m winter, 1960, To DRAGMA
Wisconsin State College
Plans are being completed for each W S C sorority to have one room in the wom-
en's dormitories. T h e college board approved the room idea and the A O I I s of Sigma
Lambda will furnish and use its quarters for storage, meetings and rush parties.
Sigma L a m b d a chapter was installed October 22, 1961, in a ritual in the Coulee room
of the Student U n i o n building with the 27th International President Jessie Marie
Senor Cramer ( M r s . Wesley G . ) , Phi—University of Kansas, as installing officer.
The chapter stems from Sigma Lambda Sigma, a 53-year-old W S C group that was
established in the f a l l of 1909, thus bringing a rich heritage with campus leadership
and tradition to A O I I . Mary Hardgrove Hebberd (Mrs. Arthur), Sigma Lambda
honorary, who serves as publicity chairman for W S C , has helped DA, assisted by other
LaCrosse alumnae. —Gail Amsrud
University of Wisconsin • Milwaukee
P h i Delta chapter at U W M and the Milwaukee alumnae chapter unite in service
work for the U W C Research on mental retardation, located on campus. October 25,
1958, was the date of P h i Delta's installation at the Plymouth Congregation Church
chapel: followed by the Rose Banquet at the Wisconsin Club. Nancy Moyer McCain
( M r s . W a l t e r M . ) , Rho—Northwestern University, the 25th International President,
installed the chapter, which began as P h i Delta Delta sorority at the University of
Wisconsin extension division in Milwaukee. A O I I would not have been as much fun,
nor as successful as it is without the help of our enthusiastic alumnae. I n addition to
many who cannot be listed, guidance has come from: Alice Rath Aderman (Mrs.
Ralph), Theta Psi—University of Toledo; Kathryn Clarke Grant (Mrs. Donald A . ) ,
Tau—University of Minnesota; Patricia Vioni Benson (Mrs. Robert), Beta Phi—
Indiana University; Evelyn Berhardt Risseeuw (Mrs. Elmer J . ) , T a u ; and Nathalie
Perry Hundt (Mrs. Donald F . ) , Phi Delta. —Beverly Wipf
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964
T A U DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College colle- T H E F I R S T place prizes from the spring, 1964,
giates held three leading roles in the 1964 spring mu- Sigma Chi Derby Day are displayed by Delta Delta—
sical, P E E R ? . They are: Roseanne Harpe, left; Linda Auburn University collegiates at the Auburn, Ala-
Folson, second from left; and Peggy Walton, rear bama campus, where Michal Hearn is chapter presi-
right. dent.
Canadian • British Columbia
Chapters University of British Columbia
• Toronto Queb ec
Beta Kappa chapter of A O I I
University of Toronto McGill University • Quebec was installed at the Point Grey
I t was all due to Adelaide Gra- The silver anniversary of campus of the University of British
Columbia on October 17, 1931.
ham of Omega—University of Kappa Phi chapter's March 25, Three hundred and twenty-five ini-
Miami! This begins the account of 1939, installation, was celebrated at tiates are on BK's roll since the
"So Grows Beta Tau at Toronto a March 25, 1964, banquet. Phyllis day Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs.
in the October, 1934, T o D R A G M A . Arner Westerman (Mrs. William Franklyn Holloway) Tau—Uni-
Beta Tau chapter was installed M.) Rho—Northwestern Univer- versity of Minnesota and 14th I n -
September 27, 1930, with the 15 sity and International Secretary, ternational President, installed the
young women of Beta Tau Delta, was the speaker and presented second Canadian chapter. The
local sorority at Toronto, thus AOII's traditional 25th anniversary chapter originated as a local serv-
bringing an international flair to gift, an engraved silver platter ice club, Alpha Sigma Alpha,
Alpha Omicron Pi. Beta Tau Delta to the chapter. Mary Danielson whose president was Kathaleen
was founded at the University of Drummond (Mrs. Warren) Alpha d i m m i n g Caldwell. One of her
Toronto on December 9, 1929, with Phi—Montana State College and friends was Helen T r i p p Davis
the intention of later petitioning a 16th International President, was (Mrs. Russell Lowell) Alpha Phi
NPC fraternity. Florence L . God- the installing officer in 1939 of —Montana State College. The en-
dard, B T , was the first Canadian AOII's third Canadian chapter. thusiasm aroused between the two
initiate. Elsie Sumner was presi- Two key AOII's attending the led to petitioning A O I I . Installa-
dent of Beta Tau Delta at the time 25th anniversary celebration were tion took place at the home of
of installation. When A O I I came Natalie Brookes Thompson Morris Margaret Hubbs. On June 15, 1960,
to its campus, the University of (Mrs. J. F.) Epsilon—Cornell Uni- an increasing impetus of Panhel-
Toronto with a rich heritage of versity and Dorothy Weir Stalker lenic feeling became more apparent
tradition was 103 years old, con- (Mrs. A. M.), Kappa Phi, retiring on the U B C campus, for it was
tinued f r o m its founding in 1827 District I Collegiate Director. Ini- moving day into the newly com-
by a charter granted by George I V . tiates of Kappa Phi number 266. pleted Panhellenic House. The
— f r o m the October, 1930 and 1934, The Cerebral Palsy Association sororities have united resources
with its Workshop activities in and built one structure, with hous-
To DRAGMAS Toronto is the Kappa Phi's service ing in separate rooms for the nine
work, and is Canada's national sororities on campus. Decors are
A O I I philanthropic project. different and add the air of dis-
tinction and individuality. Beta
—Marie-Dolores St. Arnaud Kappa's local service is aiding the
Cerebral Palsv Association of Van-
—Patricia McClenaghan
28 A U T U M N of l'J64—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
W O N ' T Y O U B E M Y V A L E N T I N E ? songs were used by
Kappa Kappa—Ball State Teachers College pledges, at left,
during a money making project.
Z E T A P S I — E a s t Carolina College, Greenville, North Carolina,
w i l l occupy its first chapter house this fall. T h e three-story
brick structure with nine bedrooms is shown below.
North Carolina,
Display New
Chapter Homes
A C O N T E M P O R A R Y D E S I G N , above, was selected for the
Alpha Gamma chapter house, which the chapter will occupy
this fall, at W A S H I N G T O N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , Pullman.
Ground breaking rites were observed on the property site on
Campus Avenue, across from the University President's home.
At the February 28 ceremony were from left: Miss Catherine
Northrup, W S C Dean of Women; Jessie Marie Senor Cramer
(Mrs. Wesley G.) Phi—University of Kansas, 27th Interna-
tional President; Jeannie Kunz, Alpha Gamma president; and
Patricia Maslac, Alpha Gamma collegiate. The chapter was in-
stalled March 9, 1963.
And Talent, too A O I I K A Y C A R P E N T E R , of the Stanford
University school of nursing, was crowned
F I R S T H O N O R S in competition and S U Z A N N E L U K E , Alpha Omicron, "student nurse of the year" during the April
presidents of campus organizations go A O I I ' s top Diamond Jubilee Foundation three-day Student Nurses' association of
hand-in-hand at Delta Beta—University scholarship winner at the 1963 Interna- California convention in O a k l a n d .
of Southwestern Louisiana. Delta Beta of tional Convention, is one of 11 at Louisi-
A O I I won the Agnes Roth pledge schol- ana State University to receive an Alpha Kay Is a member of Phi c h a p t e r — U n i v e r -
arship trophy and the sorority upperclass- Lambda Delta, honor society, certificate. sity of Kansas. She transferred to Stanford
women scholarship trophy. Dean of The certificates are awarded to each University in the fall of 1961 and g r a d u a t e d
Women Agnes Roth sponsors the pledge senior member of Alpha Lambda Delta, this June with a B.S., R . N . and public health
trophy. The sorority song festival trophy who maintains a 2.5 out of L S U ' s 3.0 sys- nurse degrees.
was added to the case in competition spon- tem.
sored by College Panhellenic and the To earn the title she faced a panel of five
Interfraternity Council. Not to be only The topic was different; the place and judges, who rated her attitudes toward nurs-
scholars and singers, the chapter won first time, the same. "Lowering the drinking ing, professional knowledge, poise, fluency
in the sorority intramurals in volleyball, age in Pennsylvania to 18" was the issue and ability to think. To be a candidate, Kay
In competition with all campus organiza- at the union-style debate sponsored for was in the upper one-third of her class
tions the Louisiana chapter won second the second year by A O I I ' s Epsilon Alpha scholastically and was active in student
place in "school spirit" sponsored by Stu- chapter—Pennsylvania State University. nurses organization. Kay was chairman of
dent Council. Individual honors are, pres- The union-style debate is one which af- publicity for the convention.
idents of campus organizations: Carol fords all spectators the opportunity not
Holliday, P i Gamma Mu and Phi Alpha only of participating but also of deciding F I V E Z E T A chapter members are presi-
Theta; Carol Bonnet, Psychology club the winner of the event. The topic in 1963 dents of University of Nebraska campus
and Judy Delcambre, Sigma Theta. was, "the term system—pro and con". organizations. They are: Marcia Howe,
Y W C A ; Janee Benda, Women's Athletic
A O I I s at Wisconsin State College won First place and a trophy in the annual association and Associated Women's Stu-
four first place ratings in campus events. Spring Week poster contest was carried dents association; Nelsie Larsen, Cadence
The firsts were: ice sculpture in Winter to the Epsilon Alpha—Pennsylvania State Countesses; Nancy White, Lambda Tau,
Carnival, Powder Puff relays, in women's University trophy shelf. Kappa Sigma medical technology honorary ; and Martha
division and the overall in the Choral fraternity and the A O I I s earned the first. Ann Dubas, Pi Lambda Theta, teachers
Chorale. Sharon McAuliff led the A O I I honorary.
vocalists, who wore "formal" Western
dresses. S I X O F F I C E S are filled with A O I I s of
Theta P s i chapter at the University of
Toledo. They are JoAnn Archer, Student
Senate vice president and representative
at large; Barbara Burpee, junior class
president; Sue Coleman, junior class treas-
urer; Joy McClure, sophomore class
secretary; Jan Alton, sophomore class
treasurer; Janet Davidson, school Y W C A
New York km *
T H E T A P I — Wagner College,
New York, campus leaders are pic-
tured at right. From left are Inge
Hartwig Snedeper, collegiate con-
sultant for Wagner's program in
Austria; Christine Zavadny, secre-
tary of the Student association;
Virginia Minor, president of
French club and the 1963 Songfest
queen; Mary Lou Nowack, mem-
ber of B B B , bacteriology honorary
and the 1964 junior prom queen.
All four are listed in Who's Who
Among Students in American Uni-
versities and Colleges. Inge, Chris-
tine and Virginia are members of
Alethea, senior women's honor
J O A N N E R O S S , P i Delta—University of Maryland past president, was
chosen one of the ten best dressed women on campus. She was editor-in-
chief of Calvert C H R O N I C L E and associate editor, T E R R A P I N ;
member of Who's W h o ; Diamond; T a u Kappa Alpha, public speaking
honorary; secretary of P i Delta Epsilon, journalism honorary and mem-
ber of D e l t a S i g m a Rho. Joanne was vice president of the pre-law associa-
Grateful appreciation is given to the JUDGES for the 1964 Girl of A O I I competition.
The judges were:
Katherine Carter Davis (Mrs. Frank H.) Dorothy R. Matchett
Theta—DePauw University Alpha Tau—Denison University
of W a y l a n d , Massachusetts of Chicago, Illinois
Marguerite Chandler Cayot (Mrs. Charles E . ) Dorothy Gale Sciutto (Mrs. Joseph)
P h i — U n i v e r s i t y of K a n s a s Sigma—University of California
of K a n s a s City, Missouri of Oakland, C a l i f o r n i a
and tallying judge;
Mary Margaret McLemore Finfrock (Mrs. Wallace)
P i K a p p a — U n i v e r s i t y of T e x a s Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mrs. Mahlon P.)
of Dallas, T e x a s Theta Psi—University of Toledo
the International President
F I R S T P L A C E honors in the University of Minnesota 1963 B E S T D E C O R A T E D C A R T award went to Theta P s i chapter
Homecoming went to T a u chapter for its "Wish Again M i c h i - —University of Toledo in the Alpha Sigma P h i powder puff
gan" float. derby. Kathy Gall is the driver.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964 31
Allure V
Alumnae SUSAN KNIGHT and DIANNE WISNESKI, right, posed in the Kappa
Kappa—Ball State Teachers College suite in Muncie, Indiana. When
A talk presented by Betty Pannier (Mrs. Richard) of the Dearborn the picture was taken Susan was a pledge. This past year she was
alumnae chapter, Michigan, to the District VIII day in Ypsilanti, in the student orientation corps, chairman of Junior Prom, hall officer
Michigan, as part of a panel topic. and on the student staff of a resident hall. Dianne is the new
editor of The Orient, the yearbook, and is a member of Alpha Phi
Gamma, journalism honorary.
SI S T E R S in Alpha Omicron Pi, everyone Sororities and fraternities have alwavs rush between 150 and 200 young women.
here is or has been a collegiate. Each been a controversial issue in higher edu- Twenty percent or more of these will drop
one of us is, or will be -within a short cation and will probably remain one until out of rush and not continue. Or, they may
time, an alumna in AOII. AOIIs are alumnae we, as alumnae, take a more positive view all rush only three or four houses on cam-
for a much greater period of time than they of ourselves and our worth. It is necessary pus. It is vital to publicize AOII before a
are collegiates. When AOIIs continue to then, as an alumna to recognize the po- collegiate ever rushes and this can be done
grow and mature as active, responsible tential strength of high ideals, scholarship only by the alumnae. T h e average high
alumnae, they discover the truly deep value and leadership that are developed within school girl of today, as sophisticated as she
of Alpha Omicron Pi. Alumnae are often the bonds of a sorority. Once sorority wom- is, is still only aware of sorority in terms
challenged as to the real purpose and func- en, and in our case AOIIs, sincerely realize of her mother's best friend belongs to such
tion of a sorority. Y o u have been asked or the full value of AOII, what it means to and such a sorority. AOIIs must publicize
heard the questions: What, are you still a us, to others, then the answers to the ques- their own organization and traditions.
sorority woman? Isn't sorority for a college tions challenging the fraternity system will
woman? Aren't sororities biased? What do flow readily. Make it known you are a sorority woman.
you get out of it? and on and on the list Make it known you are an AOII. One does
grows. As alumnae in Alpha Omicron Pi, there not need to wear her pin to advertise. K e r
is an obligation to know the advantages of actions as well as her words can do more.
belonging to a sorority. When these advan- Do tell your friends and their daughters
tages are recognized; the friendships made, you are an AOII. Tell them the advantages
new and old; the challenge to our thinking of sorority living and then go one step
in both collegiate and alumnae groups, the beyond. When you recommend a girl for
many opportunities to be of service in local Alpha Omicron Pi, write her a note or call
and national philanthropic projects, the her on the phone or speak with her mother
numerous opportunities to be a part of the and tell them both that she has been recom-
development of education and culture on mended to membership in AOII. Evidence
campuses throughout the United States and of personal interest is much more valuable
Canada. W e realize how important it is to to a college freshman than the confusing
make others aware of AOII as well. array of the ten to twenty-five sororities
from which she will have to select just
Are you reticent to mention that you are ONE.
a sorority woman, much less the fact that
you are a member of Alpha Omicron Pi? While serving as State Membership
Perhaps this is modesty in background and Chairman for Michigan the last two years,
achievements, or perhaps this is nurtured I recognized the importance of publicity,
within each of us through collegiate years. particularly the personal type I mentioned a
In either case, it is time for a change. It is moment ago. Speak up about AOII. Take
time to think and act positively about A O n pride in your sorority. Take pride in the
affiliation. fact that AOII alumnae are among the
busiest women in the world. Thousands of
Today we live in a vastly organized and volunteer hours are contributed yearly to
highly competitive society. I'm sure, occa- church, education, and social service com-
sionally we have all felt as the title song mittees. Scores of AOIIs hold demanding
of the musical suggests, "Stop the World, I and responsible jobs; they are educators,
Want to Get Off." I n case we could get off doctors, lawyers, business women, to men-
to rest for a while, the situations around us tion a few. Each of us, whether work-
won't stop, nor change when we return. The ing on a neighborhood committee or in a
situation is here and now and presuming court of law or at home rearing children
AOIIs want that sorority life they have is carrying within us the high ideals of
known and cherished to continue, each must friendship, education and leadership taught
recognize the facts. Rush competition be- us through Alpha Omicron Pi. When AOIIs
tween collegiate sororities is tense and im- have been given so much, is it too much to
mense. For example the University of ask that each member be responsible, active
Michigan and Michigan State University alumnae and Strengthen the Image of
rush 1,500 to 2,000 girls in formal rush;
Eastern and Western Michigan Universities aoii ? •
INTERNATIONAL O F F I C E R S contributed to II district and state Mother
days in spring. Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mrs. Mahlon P.), International
President, right, and Phyllis Arner Westerman (Mrs. William M.), A talk presented by Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mrs. Mahlon P.) Theta
International Secretary, are pictured at the District VII day April Psi—University of Toledo, 28th International President, to the District
VIII day as part of a panel topic.
18, in Toledo, Ohio.
HO W D O E S I T F E E L to be interfere in any of her activities, the pledging of her daughter to any
an A O I I mother? her plans or her sorority. Besides, I sorority group is really left to
W o n d e r f u l ! Y o u have don't have time to give to another chance. I f she's the fourth type, I
sent your daughter to college to be organization; why have they invited know the chapter will receive a rec-
educated, but you have serious me to become a member of an ommendation; the daughter will be
doubts that she will be able to do A O I I Mothers Club? It's out of preconditioned toward A O I I ; she'll
this without the benefit of your lov- the question." know how wonderful it would be
ing care, so you give her up with to be asked to pledge, so she'll offer
reluctance. There is a third type that I might her friendship and I hope will be
consider, and as I think about it welcomed by the chapter.
Your next thought might be, " I a delightful picture comes to my
hope she'll find someone on her mind. A picture of a L O V I N G I know, having been one, that
campus who will take my place, M O T H E R , vitally interested in being the mother of a legacy is not
someone who'll care what happens everything affecting her daughter; an easy position to fill. We mothers
to her." eager for her development scholas- have gone through rushing our-
tically, socially and morally; willing selves. We realize that chapters
So you are overjoyed when she is to do everything possible to aid in always take risks in rush, for they
chosen by a fine sorority. She'll be this development, not only f o r her invite to membership young women
an A O I I ! She will be accepted and own daughter, but also f o r her they cannot always know too inti-
will find friendship that w i l l replace daughter's friends in her A O I I mately. So we mothers ask ourselves
to some extent the loving care of chapter. But willing, too, not to why shouldn't a chapter be willing
her family. interfere in matters that can best to take a risk on a girl who is al-
be handled by chapter officers, ad- ready in the A O I I family; a legacy?
Now that I have an A O I I daugh- visers, the housemother and the col- Why can't she be trained to be a
ter, what kind of A O I I mother lege. She is cooperative, devoted, member who will fit into the chap-
should I be? I can imagine several generous with her time and her ter?
different kinds. There is the E A G E R efforts for A O I I Mothers Club proj-
B E A V E R type. Says she, " N o w is ects. She believes that membership It has been said that by losing a
my chance to set things right in in Alpha Omicron Pi will be an legacy we may also lose another
my daughter's chapter, for with my enriching experience for her daugh- A O I I , an alumna who is an A O I I
wide experience in club work my ter. mother or sister.
advice will be of great help. I can
show them how to reorganize chap- I can see a fourth type, the mother I t is difficult f o r one to judge her
ter affairs, their finances, their social of an A O I I legacy. She might own performance as an A O I I
events and their study habits. I can belong to any of the first three types, mother. I can only say that being an
even tell the housemother how she too. I f she's an Eager Beaver and A O I I mother and the mother of a
can improve the management of the the chapter knows it, the chances legacy has had deep meaning for
chapter house. Won't they be glad that her daughter will be pledged me. Seeing my daughter accepted
they pledged my daughter!" are not too hopeful. I f she's the by her chapter, knowing that she
Couldn't Care Less type she may and I will have, not only the mother-
Or I can be the C O U L D N ' T not even precondition her daughter daughter relationship throughout
C A R E L E S S type. Says she, "I've toward A O I I , may not see that a our lives, but also the bond of an
sent my daughter to college so she recommendation is sent for her. So A O I I sisterhood has strengthened
can develop into an independent, my devotion to our beloved f r a -
thinking woman. Therefore, I ' l l not ternity. *
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1%4 33
Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board
Judy Richter Chi Delta—University of Colorado
Barbara Bertsch Omega—Miami University, Ohio
Anne Wahl Zeta—University of Nebraska
Mortar Board Alpha Gamma—Washington State University
Betty McCoy Alpha Phi—Montana State College
Betty Jo Eagle Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon
Sherry Jarman Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon
Judy Sims Chi Delta—University of Colorado
Julie Sullivan
Linda Lankford Delta Delta—Auburn University
Peggy Bynum Nu Beta—University of Mississippi
Susan Tutor Nu Beta—University of Mississippi
Jenny Davis Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University
Barbara Bertsch
Sandra Duncan Omega—Miami University, Ohio
Kay Weber Omicron—University of Tennessee
Barbara Berger
Donna Skoglund Phi—University of Kansas
Susan Weeks
Jacquelin Kim Brubaker Pi Delta—University of Maryland
Adrienne Noel Pi Delta—University of Maryland
Catherine Watson Pi Delta—University of Maryland
Molly Grondahl
Marilyn Corkhill Sigma—University of California
Janee Benda Tau—University of Minnesota
Tau—University of Minnesota
Upsilon—University of Washington
Upsilon Alpha—University of Arizona
Zeta—University of Nebraska
C A N D L E S G L O W at the scene as Mortar Board members serenade
C A T H E R I N E W A T S O N , Tau—University of Minnesota. To be named
to Mortar Board, a collegiate has to rate h i g h i n service, scholarship and
leadership. Credit is given to the "Minneapolis Sunday Tribune" for the
Profile: California Counterpoint
G E O R G E C . G R U B B , the tenth using up scrap lumber, was quite over- tion known as "His Ladies". Confronting
and last child of Irish parents, come by Muriel's knowledge and perspi- a banker, or a builder, or a planning com-
and the only one born in the cacity, and speaks of her with reverence missioner, M r . Grubb will sadly shake
United States, graduated in 1911 to this day. his head and say austerely, " I am afraid
from the University of California with a 'My Ladies' would never, never approve
degree in engineering and a wide reputa- Unfortunately, all of his followers on of your suggestion."
tion as a track star. H i s many years in the corporation board do not always rise
Canada in the manufacture and sale of to Muriel's heights, and are often the Huddled behind him, his little flock
high explosives were climaxed by his target of his piercing glare, particularly will shake their heads in unison and mur-
appointment as head of the explosives when they embark on the subject of mur, "Oh, no, no. Definitely not." This
division of the Canadian government dur- interior decoration. magical formula, employed with restraint,
ing world war I I . brought us happily to the day when
This schism first became noticeable "National" could be approached for finan-
Little did he realize then that his speedy when the living room was first redeco- cial support.
footwork, and his composure gained from rated early in the 1950's. E v e r since, war
the dangers of his dynamic environment (really very civil) quietly rages between Mr. Grubb does not understand "Na-
would prove so valuable in another dra- Mr. Grubb and the various adherents of tional". (Others have the same trouble.)
matic career, equally demanding and haz- "fixing the place up". E v e r y suggestion Nevertheless, he has a great respect for
ardous, that followed his retire- passes close inspection, and every penny "National", even if the details of its
ment in 1946, when he came to
San Jose, California, with his wife, Mr. George C . Grubb organization elude him. "Their"
once Elizabeth Maynard of Stan- letters are promptly answered
ford, in search of the quiet life. is weighed. And we spend E X A C T L Y and filed for posterity, down to
what we can afford, and not one penny the last scrap; their directives
This phase opened shortly after more. are implemented to the last word;
his son, George Grubb, J r . , met and he is sincerely and gen-
and married Sylvia Work, E p - Naturally under this system Delta uinely pleased and grateful for
silon—Cornell University. Sylvia, Sigma flourished, and a little later the "their" interest and support.
in a moment of high inspiration, corporation was able to buy the next-door
casually asked her father-in-law apartment house, with an eye to remodel- Finally, all things working to-
if he would help the A O I I s , who ling both buildings into one. But alas, in gether in heaven and earth, Delta
were "trying to find a house to the meantime the apartment had to be Sigma was on the B i g Project.
buy for Delta Sigma—San Jose managed, by M r . Grubb, of course. C o l - Mr. Grubb assumed the burden of
State College*'. T h i s innocent re- lege students do not always make ideal acting as prime contractor, and
mark had deep reverberations, tenants, and often as he descended the we were off at last.
the echoes of which are still heard steps his breathless companion could hear
around 408 South Eighth Street, highly uncomplimentary remarks on the W e shall not enlarge on the
San Jose, California, where Mr. modern student, his ethics, background, activities of the next four months
Grubb now rules supreme as head and dubious future fate. —some of the details are too har-
disciplinarian; chief handy man, rowing to recall. Occasional vi-
painter and plumber; head con- Finally, with Nancy Moyer McCain's gnettes flash through, the day the
tractor ; chief contact man with (Mrs. Walter M.) Rho—Northwestern trees came down and blocked the
San Jose businessmen, builders, University, encouragement, the great day street on a Saturday, too! The
artisans, architects and bankers: came when Delta Sigma1 could anticipate day the trencher broke the water
cleaner of basements; roof- remodelling. Finance was the order of the mains; the day when the carpen-
mender ; and inspector of refrig- day. M r . Grubb employs, an amiable fic- ters went hunting deer instead of
erators and dishwashers — ami working on the trim; the days
above all, guardian of the treas- and days when we debated the
ury. color of the trim. "We must have
charcoal gray."
This evolutionary process dates
from the birth of Delta Sigma in "What's charcoal gray?"
1948, when the Corporation had "Well, it's like black, but off-
another president. I n a few black, like off-white." A stare of
months this gentleman, overcome complete uncomprehension fol-
with it all (and lacking M r . Grubb's deep lowed. T h e house now has the
faith in Delta Sigma's future) hastily right trim, but we call it charcoal
resigned, and M r . Grubb assumed the and M r . Grubb calls it black.
mantle that he has worn with such dis- At last it was complete and Delta
tinction ever since. Sigma's beautiful house stood high and
proud. M r . G. and his little dusty and
A s the head of a valiant little band that bedraggled band stood and admired their
included Rita Ehret and Muriel Long- creation. It was a great day indeed. A s it
inotti, both of Lambda—Stanford U n i - drew to a close, M r . Grub sold an old
versity ; Helen Dixon, Kappa Theta— refrigerator for $25.00, and went home,
University of California at L o s Angeles; content. That was a while back, but he is
Gene Minaker, Delta Sigma; and Virginia still with us. I n the rain, amid the light-
Kratt, L a m b d a ; George Grubb faced the ning, who can be seen on the roof, mend-
first problem of enlarging the family- ing a leak? Who, in spite of ill health,
sized dwelling, adding a larger dining when we needed an Annex right N O W .
room and two more bedrooms. H e well negotiated a very difficult lease? Who
remembers his first meeting with Muriel paints the back porch, mends the front
Turner McKinney (Mrs. Verne W . ) , door, who copes with the incinerator
Lambda, for she approached him as he problem, the furnace problem, the hot
was, characteristically, doing a little water problem, installs the screens, and
cement work, single-handedly. She asked, lays out the parking lot? Who, when the
"Why are you using such good lumber kitchen was remodelled last year, made
for cement forms?" George, who was the drawing of the new installation for
the cook? Need you ask?
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1964
continued next page
a practicing lawyer for 43 years in " W e had a hard time the first
New York City.
year," she said. " B u t within two
"Even after I graduated from years, we had over 600 members.
college (Erskine), times were hard,
and $11.50 a week was top salary Several times we stumbled, and the
for me," she said. "That's why from
the very beginning I wanted a Y W C A almost didn't get off the
Y W C A in Columbia."
ground, but we had a few members
who were determined that we would
have a ' Y . ' A n d somehow, we strug-
She said that most of the work- gled on."
ing girls—and early records show
there were 202 stenographers, 48 She remembers how in May of
bookkeepers, 199 clerks, 160 nurses,
53 teachers and 119 in business not 1915 three rooms, a hall and bath
otherwise classified—came to jobs in
Columbia straight from farms and were rented over Eleazer's Store at
had no place to go for recreation
and no place to entertain. 1512 Main Street. This first home
of the " Y " was soon too small, and
in 1916, the " Y " was moved to 11
rooms over Stanley's China Hall.
It's been a long time since M r s .
" A date in 1915 meant meeting Glantzberg signed her name to a
your boyfriend at the drugstore f o r
a soft drink," she said. " I f your piece of paper that incorporated the
parents lived in town and you had a
home, you were lucky. A t least you Y W C A , but their names are still as
had a place where your friends
could visit and enjoy themselves." fresh in her memory as today's
"We signed the certificate of i n -
corporation in June of 1914," she
For Dr. Glantzberg, who was one said. " I may have forgotten a few
of the members of the first board of
Dr. Pinckney Lee Estes Glantzberg, directors of the Y W C A , the haunt- things, but most of those events
Psi—University of Pennsylvania,
Active Alumnae, 1963 hostess for seem like they happened just yester-
Founders' Day in New York City ing thought of working girls with day." •
no place to go drove her in turn Mr. Grubb
to haunt anyone—everyone—who Continued from preceding page
looked like a helping hand for a
YWCA. TR U L Y , the other members of the
corporation board work quite hard.
Pioneer " I n the beginning, we got the men They have to, to get furniture re-
for Equal interested," she said. " I f the men covered, walls painted, new rugs laid, new
liked something, that was the first curtains hung, and new lamps bought.
step in 1914. A f t e r that, it was try- M r . Grubb is not passionately interested
ing to raise $86,000. That's a lot of in interior decoration. "Why, those walls
money to raise today. I n 1914, it are perfectly good—I mixed the color in
seemed almost impossible." the plaster myself 10 years ago."
Opportunity But f r o m somewhere, the money "But we are all tired of green. We'd
poured in, and from everywhere, like pink."
the people came—to tell Dr. Glantz-
berg that there was a need for a " I n two years, the girls will be tired of
Y W C A and to offer help. pink." W e pause, recognizing Universal
Truth when we hear it.
by Patricia McNeely of the Women's News Staff A t the first meeting, which was
of The Sfate newspaper, published in Columbia, held on A p r i l 19, 1914, over 500 "Well, perhaps. But we still want pink
South Carolina. Columbians came to hear D r . for a change—we're tired to death of
Thornwell Whaling, president of green." Grudgingly, we are permitted to
I r R E M E M B E R when working the Presbyterian Seminary and turn pink.
girls made $6 a week in the chairman of the program. He said,
few jobs that were open to "American Christianity has devel- In two years, a freshman says, "Ugh.
women in Columbia in 1914. A n d oped the benefits and promulgated What a horrid color. Can't we paint it
they paid $2 for room and board, the needs of Y W C A . . . . They are green?" W e cover her mouth with a
and usually six girls were squeezed ministers to the complex life of the pillow.
in the same room." modern girl and young woman and
Dr. Pinckney Estes Glantzberg are indispensable to the life of every After many years in the front lines,
(Mrs. Ernst), whose early mem- growing city." M r . Grubb has become very astute in-
ories of Columbia are also memories deed. H e recognizes all A O I I devices,
of the beginning of the Columbia For D r . Glantzberg, who was stratagems, devious approaches. W e may
Y W C A , looks like a demure little later to suffer the agonies of being assail him with our plans, fortissimo.
lady—white hair and all. She even unable to attend the law school of Strangely, he doesn't get the message.
sounds like a demure little lady— her choice because she was a woman, Sometimes, exhausted, we are persuaded
for a little while—but when she gets and who, after receiving a law de- to take it up a "little later". T h i s time
on her favorite subject — equal gree f r o m the University of Penn- never seems to come. But meanwhile, the
rights for women—it's easy to see sylvania Law School, was denied coffers fill, the bank account blushes with
how she could be the first woman to the right to practice in South Caro- the hue of health, and the chapter house
graduate from Erskine College and lina, this beginning of a Y W C A — itself, by some strange chemical balance
dedicated to the needs of the work- between us all, reflects our united pride
ing girl was the beginning of a long and admiration. Yes, we salute Mr. Grubb.
personal struggle to provide equal a great gentleman. Unfailingly courteous,
opportunity for women. strict and ethical in every dealing, gen-
erous to a fault with his time and phys-
ical strength, with a firm hand on the
pocketbook, and a twinkle in his eye—
M r . Grubb, how can Delta Sigma of
Alpha Omicron P i ever thank you? •
36 A U T U M N of 1964—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I
JANUARY 2, 1897.
FOUNDERS Send A L L Directory Changes and HISTORIAN
Jessie Wallace Hughan Personal Address Changes to: Director—Mary Danielson Drumond (Mrs. War-
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . )
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) Alpha Omicron Pi ren C ) , A4>, 610 Hinman Ave., Evanston. I l l
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Central Office 60202
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at MOTHERS' CLUBS
Barnard College, and all are deceased. Director—Lucille DeWitt Brink (Mrs. M. A . ) .
Suite 601-5 6 East Fourth Street X, 706 Elmira Road, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850.
President—Rutb Lee Leichtamer (Mrs. Mablon Director — Janirae Linebaugh Callaway (Mrs
P.), 3455 Goddard Road, Toledo, Ohio. 43606. Chairman—Wilma Smith Leland (Mrs.), T, George), 0, 2400 Craghead Lane, Knoxville,
Tel. Greenwood 2-7395. Tenn. 37920
First Vice President—Jessie McAdam Lamed 2828 France Ave., South, Minneapolis Minn. Social Service Secretary—Miss Betty Lester.
(Mrs. Grant), 2354 N . 84th St., Milwaukee, 55416 Magazine Promotion — Send all orders to AOII
Wis. 53226 Tel. Glenview 3-6587. Mamie Hurt Baskervill (Mrs. George B . , Jr.), Central Office: make checks payable to same.
Second Vice President—Carolyn Huey Harris K, Gold Hill, Ala. Frontier Nursing Service — Send clothing and
(Mrs. J. Rodney), 5768 Riverside Drive N.W., Laura A. Hurd, T, 101 Olympic Place, Apt. 409, other articles to AOII Social Service Secretary,
Atlanta, Ga. 30327. Tel. Blackburn 5-3987. Seattle 99, Wash. c/o Frontier Nursing Service, Hyden Hos-
Secretary—Phyllis Arner Westerman (Mrs. Wil- Mary Danielson Drummond (Mrs. Warren C ) , pital, Hyden, Ky. Freight or express should
liam M . ) , 365 Ewing Road, Youngstown, Ohio. A<[>, 610 Hinman, Evanston, 111. 60202 be sent to Hazard, Ky.
44512. Tel. Skyline 8-1936. Rose Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John), I , 1028
Treasurer—Dorothy Bogen Farrington (Mrs. T. Oxford St., Berkeley 7, Calit". PUBLIC RELATIONS
K . ) , 1615 Dry Creek Road, San Jose, Calif. Mary Paschen I.indrooth (Mrs. Robert F.), P, Director — Adele K. Hinton (Mrs. Frederick
95125. Tel. Andrews 9-5809 (Oct. to Jnne); 5909 N . Kenmore Ave., Chicago, 111. 60626
Box 431, Carnelian Bay, Calif. 95711. Tel W . ) , I ' , 6128 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, Tenn.
Sacramento, Juniper 3-3067 (June to Oct.). SURVEY 37212.
Chairman—Nancy Moyer McCain (Mrs. Wal-
(Mrs. George K . ) , 4261 Palm Lane, Bay ter M . ) , >', 38775 Byriver Drive, Mount Director—Barbara Beck McCan (Mrs Robert
Point, Miami, Fla. 33037 (June to Sept.; Box Clemens, Mich. 48043
198, Balsam, N X . Tel. Waynesville 456-6284) V . ) , 6, 5457 N . Park Drive, Indianapolis,
Tel. Plaza 9-5227. TRUSTEES Ind. 46220
Alternate Panhellenic Delegate—Nancy Moyer ANNIVERSARY ENDOWMENT FUND
McCain (Mrs. Waller M . ) , P, 38775 Byriver Chairman — Jessie Marie Senor Cramer (Mrs. SCHOLARSHIP
Drive, Mount Clemens, Michigan. 48043. Wesley G.). 4>, 8830 Delmar, Prairie Village. Director—Mary Schultz Nightingale (Mrs. E.
Kansas. 66207
Editor of To DRAGMA—BARBARA DOERINC HF.AI.Y M embers— Richard, Jr.), <t>, 132 Glenside Road, Murray
(Mrs. James H . ) , I , 1611 Traveller Road. Lex- Mae Mobley Anderson (Mrs. Charles B . ) , B4>, Hill, N.J.
ington, Ky. 40504. Tel. 277-7781. 1325 Winding Way, Anderson, Ind.
Traveling Secretary—KAREN PEELER, I I 504 Irma M. Greenawalt, E, 1930 S. Milwaukee, COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS
Kim Avenue, Jonesboro, Arkansas. Denver 10. Cole. DISTRICT I
CHAPTER AID REVOLVING FUND Director—Constance Clark Dingwell (Mrs. I .
Chairman—Janet Osgood Lawson (Mrs. Robert Wm.), A, 50 Lorena Road, Winchester, Mass.
01890. Tel. 729-4986.
S.), Oil. 47818 Powell Road, Plymouth, Mich.
Members— Alumnae Director—Jean Colgate Stafford (Mrs.
Norman). A, 15 Ridgefield Road, Winchester,
Glenna Myers Youngstrom (Mrs. Karl), Mass. 01890.
4301 W. 90th Terrace, Prairie Village, Kansas
66207. LaVern Giles LaPota (Mrs. John), P, Fraternity Education —
1711 Chancellor St., Evanston, 111. 60201.
CENTRAL OFFICE Collegiate Chapters—Delta. Gamma, Kappa Phi.
RUBY FUND Alumnae Chapters—Bangor, Boston, Hartford.
Suite 601-5, 6 E . Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. Chairman—Dorothy Bruniga Dean (Mrs. George
45202. Montreal, Southern Connecticut.
Tel. 241-6594 P.), P. 2219 Country Club Drive. Montgomery
Executive Secretary—MRS. J. A N N HUGHES, H. Ala. 36106 DISTRICT II
Bookkeeper—Miss FRANCES JOHNSON. Q. Members— Director—Virginia Dare Powers (Mrs. RobertV.
Melita Skillen, E, 4423 N . Paulina St., Chi-
COMMITTEES AT, 232 Troy Road, Ithaca, N.Y. Tel. AR 2-
Dorothv Whitaker Allen (Mrs. Leland N . ) , Alumnae Director — Mildred Stewart I.aDnc
AND REVISIONS (Mrs. F. H . ) . N. 26 Glenside Road. South
O, 3128 S. Court St., Montgomery 3, Ala. Orange, N.J. 07079
Chairman—MARY ELLEN KRUG CASE (Mrs. John Fraternity Education—
N.),T, 1604 Ravenna Blvd., Seattle 5, Wash. DIAMOND JUBILEE FOUNDATION
President—Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs. Collegiate Chapters—Beta Tau. Sigma Chi, Theta
Members— Charlotte P. Thayer, * , 209 E . 74th Pi.
St Kansas City 14, Mo. Verne W . ) , A, 528 N . Formosa Ave., Los An-
Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) . geles, Calif. 90036 Alumnae Chapters—Middle New Jersey, New
B*. 914 Trinity Towers, 3rd & Guthrie Streets, Vice Pres. in charge of seals—Mrs. Marlyn Jersey, New York. Syracuse, Toronto.
Louisville 2, K y . Judd Hauseman, A4>, Box 547, Bozeman, Mont.
Chairman—Fern CONVENTION Vice Pres. in charge of scholarships—Miss Helen Director — Josephine Stetler Sanders (Mrs
Robinson Kallevang (Mis. M . Haller. fi, 904 Kendall Ave., So. Pasa-
Charles), H, 147 S. Lincoln Ave., Park Ridge, dena, Calif. 91030 Donald), EA, 5616 Gary Ave., Alexandria, Va.
Treasurer— Miss Dorothy Matchett, AT, 10000 22311 Tel. 481-9380.
I I I . 60068 5. Bell Ave., Chicago, 111. 60643 Alumnae Director—Miss Alexandra Muse Reed-
Officers and Trustees—Helene Irish Johnston er, ST, 5722 Kenmore Road, Baltimore, Md.
FINANCE (Mrs. Carl B.), E, 1600 Royal Blvd., Glendale 21210
Chairman Mary Paschen Lindioolh (Mrs. Rob- 6. Calif., Secretary; Mary Ellen Krug Case Fraternity Education — Joan Gotwals, 1302
(Mrs. John M . ) , T, 1604 Ravenna Blvd., Seat- Foulkrod St., Philadelphia 24, Pa.
ert F . ) . P, 5909 N . Kenmore Ave., Chicago tle 5, Wash.; Miss Ruth Richardson, BK, 5326 Collegiate Chapters — Epsilon Alpha, Pi Delta.
111. 60626 Connaught Drive, Vancouver 13, B.C., Can- Sigma, Tau, Zeta Psi.
Members—Eunice Force Barkell (Mrs. Roben ada; Dorris Raydene Green Jenkins (Mrs. Alumnae Chapters—Baltimore, Northern Vir
S.), A, 3000 Claremont Ave., Berkeley 5, Calif. Wm. King). K0, 12860 Oxnard St. North ginia. Philadelphia, State College, Washing
Selma Drabing Pond (Mrs. Henry I . . ) . B'l\ Hollywood, Calif.; Olga Seibert Vatcher (Mrs. ton, D.C.
14 Alpine Lane, Chappaqua, N . Y . 10514 Marshall J.), A, 12038 S. Rives Ave., Downey,
Calif.; Dorothy Woodbury Linn (Mrs. (Bud) DISTRICT IV
FRATERNITY EDUCATION Grafton), K0, 1720 Bates Court, Thousand Director—Miss Margaret Dugger, «t>A, 1UUU
Chairman— Oaks, Calif. 91360; Claire Pierce Bantle (Mrs.
Joseph E.), A, 1080 E. El Molino, Pasadena, Southwest Ave., Johnson City, Tenn. 37601.
Members—Listed under Collegiate Chapter Dis- Calif. Tel. Walnut 6-6562.
tricts. Alumnae Director—Mary Ann Rice Caldwell
JEWELRY COMMITTEE NATIONAL DIRECTORS (Mrs. Robert R.), TA. 215 Rolling Fork Court.
Nashville, Tenn. 37205
Chairman—Wilma Smith Leland (Mrs.), T, 2828 CANADIAN ADVISER Fraternity Education—Miss O. Jean Seal, 4>A,
France Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. 55416. Adviser—Miss Ruth Richardson, BK, 5326 Con- 1917 W. Walnut St., Johnson City, Tenn.
Rose Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John), Z. 1028 37601.
Oxford St., Berkeley 7, California. naught Drive, Vancouver 13, B.C., Canada. Collegiate Chapters—Omicron, Phi Alpha, Nu
Alumnae Chapters—Johnson City, Knoxville,
Chairman—Phyllis Laubscher Ammons (Mrs. Director— Nashville.
Douglas), Bf, 2633 Edgebrook Drive, Lansing,
Mich. 48906 DISTRICT V
Chairman—LaVern Giles LaPota (Mrs. John).
P, 1711 Chancellor St., Evanston, 111. 60201 EXPANSION Alumnae Director—Bobette Bishiimer Kolisch
Director—Virginia Boggess Mylander (Mrs. (Mrs. J. M . ) , NA, 1702 N.W., 185th Terrace,
PLEDGE TRAINING Walter C, Jr.), K, Stevensville, Maryland. Opa-Locka, Fla. 33054
Chairman—Mae Mobley Anderson (Mrs. Charles 21666
Fraternity Education—Betty Jean Pollack Thorn-
B.), H*. 1325 Winding Way, Anderson, Ind. hill (Mrs. P. M . ) , K r , R'te. # 1, Box 759.
Lakeland. Fla.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — A U T U M N of 1%4
Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Pi, Gamma Omicron,
Kappa Gamma.
Alumnae Chapters—Miami, Tampa.
Director—Eddice Dochterman Sullivan (Mrs. PRESIDENTS
Alumnae Director—Lois Zeigler Billig (Mrs.
Samuel), tr*. 4730 Elmhurst Road, Toledo, Lowell R.), T, 615-9th Ave. N.W., Minot, A L P H A GAMMA—Washington State Univer-
Ohio 43613. North Dakota. 58701 Tel. 837-9166. sity, Pullman, Wash.
Alumnae Director—Kathryn Clarke Grant (Mrs.
Fraternity Education— Donald A . ) , T, 6729 North Holly Court, Mil- Jeanne Kunz Neill Hall, Washington State
waukee, Wis. 53217 University, Pullman, Wash. 99163
Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Tau, Omega, Fbi Fraternity Education—Marilyn Dixon Haugen
Kappa, Phi Lambda, Theta F*i. (Mrs. Orrin M . ) , T, 6612 Indian Hills Road, A L P H A OMICRON—Louisiana State Univer-
Minneapolis 24, Minn. sity Baton Rouge 3, La.
Alumnae Chapters—Akron, Charleston, Cincin- Collegiate Chapters—Phi Delta, Sigma Lambda,
nati, Cleveland-East, Cleveland-West, Colum- Tau. M . Diane Benton, Box 17015, L.S.U., Baton
bus, Dayton, Toledo, Youngstown. Alumnae Chapters—Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Rouge, La. 70803.
DISTRICT VII A L P H A P H I —Montana State College, Boze-
Director—Connie Jean Conway Caldwell (Mrs. DISTRICT XIV man, Mont.
Director—Mildred Hull Sweeder (Mrs. Joseph),
Jack W . ) , TA, 1855 Montdair Lane, Birming- Sandra Miller, 1119 South 5th Avenue, Boze-
ham, Ala. 35216. Tel. 822-1352. AT, 3150 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, III. man, Mont.
Alumnae Director—Frances Middlebrooks Clark 60657. Tel. 472-1134.
Mrs. Marina R . ) , AX, 317 Cnllen St., Mont- Alumnae Director—Margaret Kramer Crawford A L P H A PI—Florida State University, Talla-
gomery, Ala. 36106 (Mrs. Richard C., Jr.), I , 9113 Massasoit hassee, Fla.
Fraternity Education—Margaret Towles Turk Ave., Oak Lawn, 111. 60453
(Mrs. A. L . ) , AA, 140 York Place, Spring Hill Fraternity Education—Alice Anderson Hackert Barbara Ann Patterson, 123 N . Copeland St.,
Station, Mobile, Ala. (Mrs. 'Karl), T, 1710 Duffy Lane, Bannock- Tallahassee, Fla. (Sept. till June), 1205 E.
Collegiate Chapters—Delta Delta, Gamma Sigma, burn, Deerfield, 111. Crenshaw, Tampa 4, Fla. (June to Sept.)
Lambda Sigma, Tan Delta. Collegiate Chapters — Beta Lambda, Iota, Nu
Alumnae Chapters—Atlanta, Atlanta Tri-Coun- Iota, Rho. A L P H A RHO—Oregon State University, Cor-
ty, Birmingham, Ala.; Montgomery. Alumnae Chapters—Champaign-Urbana, Chicago vallis, Ore.
Beverly Hills, Chicago North Shore, Chicago
Northwest Suburban, Chicago West Suburban, Rosalie Warden, 2435 Harrison St., Corvallis,
Rockford. Ore.
Director—Eleanor Massman Oyer (Mrs. John gene, Ore.
W., Jr.), *, 523 Westvale Road, Kansas City, Judith Sims, 1680 Alder St., Eugene, Ore.
Alumnae Director—Marv Louise Lakoff McMil- Kansas 66102. Tel. Fairfax 1-9085. ALPHA TAU—Denison University, Granville,
lan (Mrs. Thomas S.)~, NO 29729 Old Bedford Alumnae Director—Hen Ann Brown Conway
Road, Farmington, Mich. (Mrs. Floyd E . ) , * , 3423 E . 13th, Tulsa, Ohio. 43023
Okla. 74112 Carolyn Eck, Box 691, Denison University,
Fraternity Education—Marian Kirby Hermann Fraternity Education—Barbara House Simpson
(Mrs. Kenneth), Br, 1430 Culver, Dearborn 8, (Mrs. Wm. D.), IIK, 3040 Potomac, Dallas Granville, Ohio.
Mich. 5, Texas. BETA CHI—Kentucky Wesleyan College
Collegiate Chapters — Chi Omicron, Delta Pi,
Collegiate Chapters—Beta Gamma, Beta Pi, Kap- Phi, Pi Kappa. Owensboro, Ky.
pa Sho, Omicron Pi. Alumnae Chapters — Austin, Dallas, Houston, Bettie Lou Wilson, Box 261, Kentucky Wes-
Kansas City, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Tulsa.
Alumnae Chapters —- Ann Arbor, Birmingham, leyan College, Owensboro, Ky.
Mich.; Dearborn, Detroit, Detroit North Sub- BETA G A M M A — Michigan State University.
urban, Grand Rapids, Lansing.
East Lansing, Mich.
DISTRICT IX DISTRICT XVI Martha E. Keowri, 505 M.A.C. Avenue, East
Director— Ruth McClurg Brown (Mrs. L . Vic- Director—Lois Blair Golding (Mrs. Gilbert),
Lansing, Mich.
tor), B6, 811 East 80th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Z, 745 Olive, Denver 80220, Colo. TeL F L BETA KAPPA—University of British Colum-
46240. Tel. CL 5-3422. 5-0587.
Alumnae Director—Deloris Mae Brink Garrett Alumnae Director—Jane Jones Quick (Mrs. bia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
(Mrs. David A . ) , KA, 4430 Park Forest Morris L . ) , IA, 51 Oakwood, Pocatello, Idaho. Jane Brown, 4755 W . 4th Ave., Vancouver
Drive-C, Indianapolis, Ind. 46226. 83201
Fraternity Education—Ruth Landis Wible (Mrs. Fraternity Education— 8, B.C.. Canada.
Philip H . ) , B*. 1017 S. Mitchell St., Bloom- BETA LAMBDA—Illinois Wesleyan Univer-
ington, Ind. 47403. Collegiate Chapters—Chi Delta, Gamma Tau,
Collegiate Chapters — Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha, Iota Alpha, Zeta. sity, Bloomington, 111.
Kappa Kappa, Phi Upsilon, Theta. Sue Clikeman, 1314 N . Fell Avenue, Bloom-
Alumnae Chapters — Bloomington, Ft. Wayne, Alumnae Chapters—Denver, Lincoln, Omaha,
Hammond Area, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake Pocatello. ington, 111.
County, South Bend, Terre Haute. BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington,
Director—Edith Huntington Anderson (Mrs. Director—Norma Nierstheimer Berry (Mrs. Barbara Longsworth, 901 East Tenth St.,
Arthur K . ) , B+, No. 914, Trinity Towers, 3rd Willard D.), P, 3030 W. Laurelhurst Drive Bloomington, Ind.
& Guthrie Streets, Louisville, Ky. 40202. Tel. N.E., Seattle, Wash. 98105. Tel. Lakeside BETA PI—Eastern Michigan University, Ypsi-
583-2343. 3-9763.
Alumnae Direetor-~ Miriam Oilar Woods (Mrs. Alumnae Director—Alverna Ocker Swan (Mrs. lanti, Mich.
Wm. R.), 6, 1206 Parrett, EvansviHe, Ind. F. E.). T. 7406-78th S.E., Mercer Island, Susan C. FinzeL 372 Goddard Hall, Eastern
47713 Wash. 98040
Fraternity Education—Mellvina Fridy Tromly Fraternity Education-^ Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Mich.
(Mrs. T. L . ) . XA, 3755 Stringtown Road, Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Gamma, Alpha Phi, BETA TAU—University of Toronto, Toronto
Evansville, Ind. 47711. Beta Kappa, Upsilon.
Collegiate Chapters — Beta Chi, Chi Lambda. Alumnae Chapters — Bszeman, Seattle, Van- 5, Ontario, Canada.
Delta Omega, Phi Omicron. couver. Grace A. Denne, 40 Sussex Ave., Toronto 5,
Alumnae Chapters—Evansville Tri-State, Ken-
tuckiana-Louisville Area. DISTRICT XVIII Ontario, Canada.
C H I DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder,
Director—Rosalie Gorham Barber (Mrs. M. M.), Colo.
Alumnae Director—Amma Winegar (Mrs. Es- Julie Sullivan, 1015 15th St., Boulder, Colo.
EO 427 Campus, Jonesboro, Ark. 72401 Tel. ten), AP, 121 North 6th, Corvallis, Ore. 97330
WE 5-3S93 80302
Alumnae Director—Lorena Terry Quick (Mrs. Fraternity Education—Rosemary Roth Miller C H I LAMBDA—Evansville College, Evansville,
W. Edward), K, 120 N . Perkins, Memphis, (Mrs. Harold E.), AP, 1045 Teviot Place
Tenn. 38117 N.W., Salem, Ore. 97304. Ind.
• Fraternity Education— Judith Taylor, 400 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evans-
Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Rho, Alpha Sigma,
Collegiate Chapters—Kappa Omicron, Nu Beta, Rho Sigma. ville, Ind. 47714
Omega Omicron, Sigma Omicron. C H I OMICRON — Central State College, Ed-
Alumnae Chapters—Eugene, Portland.
Alumnae Chapters — Jackson, Miss.; Jackson, mond, Okla.
Tenn.; Jonesboro, Memphis. DISTRICT XIX Karen Peterson, AOPi Apts., 625 E. Edwards,
Director—Rodna Walls Taylor (Mrs. Walter),
DISTRICT XII Edmond, Okla. 73034.
Director—Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Mrs. 2, 5954 Rincon Drive, Oakland, Calif. 94611. DELTA—Tufts University, Jackson College,
Tel. Olympic 4-2001.
Robert D.), IA, 132 Albany Ave., Shreveport, Alumnae Director—Helene Irish Johnston (Mrs. Medford 55, Mass.
La. Tel. 865-2962. 71105 Carl B.), E, 1600 Royal Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Beverly Sahagen, Bush Hall, Jackson College,
Alumnae Director—Mary Eleanor Rodenhauser Fraternity Education — Virginia Moore DePue
Calvert (Mrs. Maury M l . NO. 2126 Calhoun (Mrs. Harold R.), K©, 9 Carriage Square, Medford 55, Mass.
St., New Orleans, La. 70118 Oxnard, Calif. D E L T A BETA—University of Southwestern
Fraternity Education — Joy Justice Weaver Collegiate Chapters—Delta Sigma, Kappa Theta,
(Mrs. Robert), AA, 1801 Lexington, Monroe, Sigma, Theta Omega, Upsilon Alpha. Louisiana, Lafayette. La.
La. Alumnae Cto/>reri—East Bay, Glendale, Hono- Carol Holliday, 701 Alice Drive, Lafayette,
Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Omicron, Delta Beta, lulu, Hawaii; Long Beach, Los Angeles
Kappa Tau, Lambda Tau, Pi. Pasadena, Phoenix, Pomona-Covina; River- La. 70506.
Alumnae Chapters — Lafayette, La.; New Or- side, Sacramento, San Diego, San Fernando DELTA DELTA—Auburn University, Auburn,
leans. Valley, San Francisco, San Jose-Peninsula.
38 AUTUMN of J Michal Hearn, Dormitory C, Room 218,
Auburn University, Auburn, Ala.
DELTA OMEGA—Murray State College, Mur-
ray, Ky.
Tudith Thomas, Cadiz Road, Murray, Ky.
DELTA PI—Central Missouri State College,
Warrensburg, Mo.
Mary Jane Thomas, Alpha Omicron Pi, Stu-
dent Union, Central Missouri State College,
Warrensburg, Mo.
D E L T A SIGMA—San Jose State College, San
Jose 12, Calif.
Eugenia Ziegler, 408 So. 8th St., San Jose 12,
EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State Uni-
versity, University Park, Pa.
Barbara Mehaffey, 103 East Halls D, Univer-
sity Park, Pa.
GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, Maine.
Pamela Trojanoski, 315 Penobscot Hall, Uni-
versity of Maine. Orono, Maine.
GAMMA OMICRON—University of Florida,
Gainesville, Fla.
Mary Ellen <~ox, 819 Panliellenic Drive,
Gainesville, Fla.
GAMMA SIGMA—Georgia State College, At-
lanta 3, Ga.
Mrs. R. Bruce Jackson, c/o Alpha Omicron
Pi, 33 Gilmer St. S.E., Atlanta 3, Ga.
GAMMA TAU—Utah State University, Logan,
Kathylene Howard, 655 East 4 North, Logan,
IOTA—University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.
Marilyn Swartz, 706 S. Mathews, Urbana, 111.
I O T A ALPHA—Idaho State University, Poca-
tello, Idaho.
Susan Evans, Turner Hall, Idaho State Uni-
versity, Pocatello, Idaho 83201
KAPPA A L P H A -Indiana State College, Terre SIGMA OMICRON—Arkansas State College, BAKERSFIELD — Lou Anne West Holmes
Haute, Ind. State College, Ark. (.Mrs. James K.), AS, Granite Station, Bakers-
field, Calif.
Adra Wood, Tiery Memorial Union Bldg., Ann Parker, Box 928, Arkansas State College, FRESNO—Helen Stewart Chace (Mrs. Lucius
Indiana State College, Terre Haute, Ind. State College, Ark. F.), 2, 749 Saginaw Way, Fresno 4, Calif.
47809 MARIN COUNTY—Lorraine Nicholson Curley
SIGMA TAU—Washington College, Chester- (Mrs. Clyde J., Jr.), A, 27 Mountain View,
KAPPA G A M M A — Florida Southern College, town, Md. San Anselmo, Calif.
Lakeland, Fla. SANTA ANA-SOUTH COAST—Ann Harring-
Barbara Jane Raynes, Alpha Omicron Pi Box, ton Batman (Mrs. Robert), XA, 1658 Patau,
Anne Looker, Box 68, Florida Southern Col- Minta Martin Hall, Washington College, Costa Mesa, Calif.
lege, Lakeland, Fla. Chestertown, Md. SANTA BARBARA-VENTURA COUNTIES
—Margaret Hennings Hage (Mrs. R. B.), U,
KAPPA KAPPA—Ball State Teachers College, TAU—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, 5212 Lafayette St., Ventura. Calif..
Muncie, Ind. Minn. STOCKTON—Shirley Wheir Drake (Mrs. Don-
lUdjs AP, 115 B. Robinhood Drive, Stockton 4.
Carol Skierkowski, Box 219, Student Center, Adrienne Noel, 1121 Fifth St., S.E., Minne-
Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind. apolis 14, Minn. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COUNCIL —
47306 Katherine Plumber Eastabrooks (Mrs. D. S.),
T A U D E L T A — Birmingham-Southern College, KA, 1520 N. Lima, Burbank, Calif. 91505
KAPPA OMICRON — Southwestern Univer- Birmingham, Ala. 35204.
sity, Memphis, Tenn. COLORADO
Betty Farrington, Box No. 8, Birmingham- DENVER—Martha Wheeler Mankamyer (Mrs.
Virginia Lowry, 1087 No. McLean, Memphis Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. 35204.
7, Tenn. Jack L . ) , XA, 1245 S. Eudora St., Denver,
THETA—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. Colo. 80222
KAPPA P H I — McGill University, Montreal, Diane Pagel. 217 S. Bloomington, Greencastle, BOULDER—Margaret Moore Sandford (Mrs.
Quebec, Canada. Ind. 46135 Alan), *, 357—45th St., Boulder, Colo.
COLORADO SPRINGS—Alvarita Smith Hill
Claire Johnston, 3570 University St., Mont- T H E T A OMEGA—Arizona State College, Flag- (Mrs. John D.), 8, 15 Marland Rd., Colorado
real 2, Quebec, Canada. staff, Arizona. 86003. Springs, Colo.
KAPPA RHO—Western Michigan University, Anita Bianchini, College Union Box 5790, Ari- CONNECTICUT
Kalamazoo, Mich. zona State, College, Flagstaff, Ariz. 86003. HARTFORD — Ann Marie Jensen Godstrom
Katrina Van Blaricom, Britton Hall, Western T H E T A PI—Wagner College, Staten Island, 1, (Mrs. Joel), 611, 85 Highland Drive, Wapping,
Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. New York Conn.
K A P P A T A U — Southeastern Louisiana Col- Glenna Snell, 310 Guild Hall, Wagner College, Dreyer Grbth (Mrs. Carl), P, 139 S. Cotnpo
lege, Hammond, La. Staten Island, N.Y. 10301 Road, Westport, Conn.
NEW HAVEN AREA—Audrey Rathjcn Veccl-
Judith Ann Martin, Box 948, College Station, THETA PS I—University of Toledo, Toledo, lio (Mrs. Leo), 911, 159 Campbell Ave., West
Hammond, La. Ohio. 43606, New Haven 16, Conn.
KAPPA THETA—University of California at Patricia Ann Howell, 3029 W. Bancroft St, DELAWARE
Los Angeles, Los Angeles 24, Calif. Apt. No. 12, Toledo, Ohio. 43606. WILMINGTON—Mary Dafgard Allen (Mrs.
Winthrop D.), E, 103 Bambury Dr., Windsor
Jerilyn Robinson, 894 Hilgard Ave., Los An- UPSILON—University of Washington, Seattle, Hills, Wilmington, Del. 19803.
geles 24, Calif. Washington. 98105.
• Molly Grondahl, 1906 N.E. 45th St., Seattle, WASHINGTON—Nancy Gaines Bernard (Mrs.
Athens, Ga. Wash. 98105.
Carole A. Thomas, 1190 S. Milledge Ave., Richard), 6H, 10009 Renfrew Road, Silver
UPSILON A L P H A —University of Arizona, Spring, Md. 20901
Athens, Ga. Tucson, Arizona. 85719.
L A M B D A TAU—Northeast Louisiana State FLORIDA
Susan Prater, 1731 E. Second St., Tucson, MIAMI—Miss Marjorie Little, A n , 50 N.W.
College, Monroe, La. Ariz. 85719. 189th St., North Miami 69, Fla.
Alice E. Butler, 1911 Forsythe, Monroe, La. TAMPA—Miss Sarah Smith, NB, 500 So.
NU BETA—University of Mississippi, Univer- ZETA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ne-
braska. 68508. Himes, Apt. # 7 , Tampa, Fla. 33609
sity, Miss. BROWARD COUNTY—Muriel Anderson Web-
. Jerry Ann Riggs, Box 4415, University, Miss. Connie Hoy, 1541 "S" Street, Lincoln, Nebr.
N U IOTA—Northern Illinois University, De- 68506. bon (Mrs. Warren), * , 2831 N.E. 26th Court,
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Kalb, 111. ZETA PS I—East Carolina College, Greenville, CENTRAL FLORIDA—Marianna McAllister
Gail Kruger, 615 Lincoln Terrace, DeKalb, 111. North Carolina. La Rue (Mrs. Roger P.), No. 1804 Willow
N U OMICRON—Vanderbilt University, Nash- Lane, Winter Park, Fla.
Carolyn Wright, Box 257, Slay Dormitory, CLEARWATER—Sue Rogers McClain (Mrs.
ville, Tenn. 37212 East Carolina College, Greenville, No. Car. Sam J.), AH, 1808 Redcoat Lane, Clearwater,
Anna Moss, 2415 Kensington Place, Nash- Fla.
NU SIGMA COLONY—Parsons College, Fair- GAINESVILLE — Miss Shirley Keuhn, TO,
ville, Tenn. 37212 field, Iowa.
OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. 2140 N.W. 7th Place, Gainesville, Fla.
Patricia Roundtree, 306 W. Merrill, F'airfield, JACKSONVILLE —Beverly McFarland Mur-
Barbara Bertsch, AOII Suite, Hamilton Hall, Iowa.
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. phy (Mrs. I. R.), K T , 1704 Mt. Vernon Drive,
OMEGA OMICRON—Lambuth College, Jack- CLUB PRESIDENTS ST. PETERSBURG — Bettie-Love Blackburn
son, Tenn. Downs (Mrs. Gene). TO, 6177 6th Ave. N.,
(4lumanoe Clubs in Italic) St. Petersburg, Fla.
Martha Jane Douglas, Lambuth College, Jack- ALABAMA
son, Tenn. 38302 BIRMINGHAM—Miss Nancy Carol McKinney, GEORGIA
A T L A N T A — Kathryn Huxtable McMahon
OMICRON—University of Tennessee, Knox- AA, 3512 Clairmont Ave., Apt. 406, Birming-
ville, Tenn. ham, Ala. 35222. (Mrs. E. John), I , 1398 Christmas Lane N.E.,
MONTGOMERY—Patricia Sweet Sylvest (Mrs. Atlanta, Ga. 30306
Sandra Duncan, Box 342, 1622 White Ave., J. Burke), AA, 3533 Princeton Rd., Montgom- A T L A N T A TRI-COUNTY—Dixie Willingham
Knoxville, 16, Tenn. ery, Ala. 36111 Masters (Mrs. Burt), AS, 130 Alden Ave.
AUBURN—Miss Luanda Lester, AA, Box 734, N.W., Apt. 813, Atlanta, Ga. 30309
OMICRON PI—University of Michigan, Ann Auburn, Ala. SAVANNAH—Anna Pollock Bliss (Mrs. D. L.,
Arbor, Mich. HUNTSVILLE — Nancy Atkinson Barnett Jr.). AZ, 1-A, Lamara Apts., Savannah, Ga.
(Mrs. lames), AA, 325 Graycroft Drive, S.E.,
Kathleen Farnell, 800 Oxford Road, Ann Ar- Huntsville, Ala. HAWAII
bor, Mich. HONOLULU — Anita Berg Whiting (Mrs.
PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. PHOENIX—Phyllis Nelson Naber (Mrs. A. Stratford), K 6 , 3868 Poka St., Honolulu,
Judith Lind, 1144 W. 11th St., Lawrence, Hawaii. 96815
Kans. J.), Z, 7325 E. Pierce, Scottsdale. Ariz.
TUCSON—Ema Kramer James (Mrs. N. E.), IDAHO
P H I ALPHA—East Tennessee State Univer- POCATELLO—Jane Jones Quick (Mrs. Morris
sity, Johnson City, Tenn. 6 H , 2734 E. 4th St., Tucson, Ariz. S5716
L . ) , IA, 51 Oakwood, Pocatello, Idaho
Helen Hankins, Box 02, East Tennessee State ARKANSAS BOISE—Claire McQuillan Kleffner (Mrs. Rob-
University, Johnson City, Tenn. JONESBORO—Loretta Frasure Brooks (Mrs.
ert), IA, 2314 Pleasanton Ave., Boise, Idaho
P H I DELTA—University of Wisconsin-Milwau- Bearl). £ 0 , Craighead Forrest Road, Jones-
kee, Milwaukee, Wis. horo, Ark. ILLINOIS
LITTLE ROCK — Elizabeth Wilkey Alstadt CHAMPAIGN - URBANA — Dorothy Hudson
Kathleen O'Day, 1914 N . 51st St., Milwaukee, (Mrs. B. C ) , AO, 3 Circle High Drive, Little
Wis. 53208 Rock, Ark. Lierman (Mrs. Eugene), 1, 411 W. Hill,
Champaign, 111.
P H I KAPPA—Morris Harvey College, Charles- CALIFORNIA CHICAGO BEVERLY HILLS—Miss Evelyn
ton, W . Va. 25302 EAST BAY—Sally Shaft Larson (Mrs. Stewart Gaudutis, NT, 2347 Walnut St., Blue Island,
Marilyn Ann Klonowski, North Dickinson P.), 2, 5814 LaSalle Ave., Oakland, Calif. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE —Martha Hull
Hall, Morris Harvey College, Charleston, 94611 Conley (Mrs. Garth), KK, 2665 Hillside Lane,
W . Va. 25304 GLENDALE — Elspeth Leisy Feldman (Mrs, Evanston, 111. 60201
Cecil S.), Z, 4720 Indianola Way, LaCanada, CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN —
P H I L A M B D A — Youngstown University, Calif. 91011 Eleanor Wilkins Cullison (Mrs. Sam, Jr.),
Youngstown 3, Ohio. LONG BEACH—Dorothy Clark Kelly (Mrs.), B*, 511 N . Hickory, Arlington Heights, 111.
T, 2274 Ximeno Ave., Long Beach, Calif. CHICAGO WEST SUBURBAN — Miss Ruth
Gloria Joy Pohsso, Youngstown University, 90815 Wessman, 9, 542 Woodbine Ave., Oak Park,
410 Wick Ave., Youngstown 3, Ohio. LOS ANGELES—Barbara Dean Kapell (Mrs.
George F„ Jr.), K8, 13605 Arcturus Ave., ROCKFORD—Frances Mason Stringer (Mrs.
P H I OMICRON—Hanover College, Hanover, Gardena, Calif. Robert), P, 628 Vale Avenue North, Rockford,
Ind. PASADENA—Mary Micks Powell (Mrs. John
S.), K8, 1231 Brookmere Road, Pasadena, BLOOMINGTON • NORMAL — Helen King
Joann Moorhead, AOH House, Hanover Col- Calif. Pfister (Mrs. William J.), 6, 502 N. West
lege, Hanover, Ind. 47239 POMONA-CO V I N A —Miss Carol Handschu- St., Danvers, III.
maker Oil, 707 No. East End Ave., Pomona,
P H I UPSILON—Purdue University. West La- Calif.
fayette, Ind. RIVERSIDE—Virginia Gardner Yerkes (Mrs.
Marcus C), NA, 7290 Greylock Ave., River-
Sharon Suydam, 1205 Gable Courts, Purdue side 4, Calif.
University, West Lafayette, Ind. SACRAMENTO—Shirley Dunning Lenz (Mrs.
David H . ) . AZ, 363 Lindley Drive, North Sac-
P I — H . Sophie Newcomb College, New Orleans ramento, Calif.
18, La. SAN DIEGO—Norma Godfrey Taylor (Mrs.
Marvin L . ) , A, 319 Kolmar St., Lajolla, Calif.
Susan Wise, 67 Newcomb Place, New Orleans, SAN FERNANDO VALLEY—Cicely DeSilver
La. 70118. Hindenach (Mrs. Lee), EA, 6641 Langdon
Ave., Van Nuys, Calif.
P I DELTA—University of Maryland, College SAN FRANCISCO—Miss Julia Nixon Chase,
Park, Md. K8, 440 West Portal Ave., San Francisco 27,
Maria Valencia, 4517 College Ave., College SAN JOSE-PENINSULA — Dorothy Bishop
Park, Md. 20740 Garber (Mrs. Charles), A, 7717 Rainbow
Drive, San Jose, Calif. 95129.
P I KAPPA—University of Texas, Austin 5,
Judith Wright, 2622 Wichita, Austin 5, Texas.
RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, HI.
Alma Tomlinson, 626 Emerson St., Evanston,
RHO SIGMA—Portland State College, Port-
land, Ore.
Lani Graham, 985 S.W. Westwood Drive,
Portland 1, Ore.
SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley 4,
Jacqueline K i m Brubaker, 2311 Prospect St.,
Berkeley 4, Calif.
SIGMA CHI—Hartwick College, Oneonta, N.Y.
Katherine Mallison, 17 Maple St., Oneonta,
SIGMA LAMBDA—Wisconsin State College,
LaCrosse, Wis.
Susan Manthei, 309A Betty Baird Hall, 310
North 16th St., LaCrosse, Wis.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1964 39