Theta Chi
Momingside College
Our chapters most fun social event last year was Barnball. We went to a place that had a hay ride and a corn maze. All of us were in the maze lost for about an hour. It was the best time getting to know which one of us gets scared the easiest!
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U
Theta Omega held our first annual 'Rock Stars' semi-formal in October, where we dressed up with our dates as rock stars! Some of us got decked out and came up with some real cre- ative costumes. Theta Omega has pulled together wonderful sis- terhood events, includ- ing our chapter retreat in November. It was such an unbelievable experience to share with all the sisters more about ourselves and have fun at the same time! Wecontinueto hold spectacular sister- hood events including those late-night movie nights and pumpkin carving contests for
the month of October. No matter how busy our schedules can get, we always make sure
to include sisterhood events and create some time for fun.
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
Theta Psi's most fun social event was when we made Valentines Day cards for all the fraternities! We split into groups and made home-made Valentines out of poster board. We then delivered them and serenaded each
chapter. We all had a blast doing it and the fra- ternities enjoyed it too!!
Upsilon Lambda
IJofTX - San Antonio
The most fun event has to be Roseball because we all love to dress up, take pictures of course, and have fun with
our sisters. As well, at Roseball we give out awards recognizing sisters who have done a great job in their office as well as being a great sister.
Our most fun social even that we hold for our AOII sisters is con- cerning initiation. Dur- ing the week we have various activities that
we plan to get to know the new members better. Each class does a dif- ferent activity with the new members one night during the week, then we finish off the week with one big sisterhood activity. This year we, appropriately, all went
to watch the movie, "Ya-Ya Sisterhood."
Zeta Kappa
Southwest TX St. U
The ladies of Zeta Kappa travelled to a comedy club in Austin, where we had tons of fun getting dressed
up to go out with just each other. We even stole the show when they kept making jokes about sorority girls!
Zeta Pi
U ofAL-Biimingham
Our sisterhood retreats are something to remember. We eat together, laugh together
Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky)
and cry together. Pass the Panda (a game where the person hold- ing the panda has the floor to tell us what is going on in her life) is
a great way for us to get to know one another without the pressure of school, work, family and boyfriends. We tend to find out we have a lot more in common with each other than we real- ize, and this makes us much closer!
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
During the Fall our chapter holds a un- birthday party where each of the sisters' parents send little gifts. At a holiday party that we have each sister receives and opens her present among all of her sisters. Even ifyou can't celebrate your birthday with your family, you can celebrate it with your sisters.
"It'sjust one of the
many ways
we have fun
Gamma Chi (Carleton Uj
lambda Omicron (Cumberland Uj
ToDragma [Fall2003]
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky Uj
get excited about
Leadership Academy
RecruitmentBoot Camp November 21-23,2003
Chapter Presidents' Leadership Academy: February 27-29,2004
Alpha Omicron Pi has part- nered with CAMPUSPEAK
to create a Vice President/ Membership Recruitment (VPMR)Leadership Academy specifically geared toward re- cruitment excellence. This Re- cruitment Boot Camp will be an intense weekend that will empower AOIIs to fight back against declining interest in sororitymembership. VPMRs will learn the best recruitment tactics in the nation and will better understand how to begin a change in the recruitment culture of their campus.
Collegiate Network Specialists - TrieBridgeforour Collegiate Chapters
There are almost 50 Collegiate Network Specialists serving the fraternity at any one time. Why so many? In the words ofCNS Melissa Healy, "the CNSs play a critical role in building the bridge between our collegiate chapters and their AAC and Corporation Board members."
When the HR committee recruits for the CNS position, they look for sisters who are well organized, good communicators and knowledgeable about AOII
"Itisanintenseprogramthat challenges students to look at their recruitmentprocesses differ- ently. I trulg believe that the short time spent at boot camp will pay dividends in thefuturefor each of the participants."
RecruitmentBoot Camp participant
Chapter President (CP) Leader- ship Academy will provide customized training designed to help incorning Chapter Presi- dents successfully navigate the challenges of their office, while building leadership skills. Chap- ter Presidents will be provided the necessary information and resources to confidentially serve theirchapter.
1 am encouraged and motivated and I will now be able to imple- ment new ideas in our chapter. I
feel more comfortable and con- fident about mg role as Chapter
President" PastChapterPresident
Leadership Academy participant
ToDragma [Fall2003]
policy, the governing documents and ritual. A candidate should have knowledge and acceptance of the fraternity's long-term stra- tegic needs as well as a willing- ness to travel. In addition, a CNS needs to know how to balance her personal life and her AOII commitment. Sandy Stewart, who has been a CNS since 2000, feels the position is one of the most important and time consuming of any AOII volunteer job with the exception of the AAC posi- tions. According to Sandy, "if
we aren't there encouraging our advisers and giving them the sup- port they deserve, they aren't able to help our collegiate chapters."
When Marjorie Stevens took the CNS job, she found she had to leam about all areas of the collegiate chapter: LC, AAC, Corp Board, Recruitment, Chapter Relations, Finances, etc. Since 1996 she has concen- trated on mastering a specific collegiate area every year so
she can be a reliable resource for her chapters. "I feel strongly that the CNS position provides stability to the Chapter Advisors in that there is this one person for them to go to for an answer to a question." Marjorie has become "best friends" with the Governing Documents because it has the answers to almost all her AOII questions.
Melissa Healy sums it all up when she says that, by uniting the collegiate chapter, their AAC and Corporation Board, "the CNS can help the women relate to one another while con- veying the importance of the big picture of AOII."
Bg Kimberlg Campbell Hamilton Upsilon (UofWashington), Seattle Alumnae Chapter. Human Resources Committee.
For more information on Leadership Academy, please email Julie Hacker [email protected]
AOII salutes .^eg,KramerCrawford and
N a m e : Address:
Year Initiated:
State/Province: )_
Barbara Daugs Hunt
or dedicatea service to NPC
Two long-lime members of AOII's National Panhellenic Conference delegation will
be retiring this year following the 2003 NPC Biennial Meeting in Rancho
Mirage, California.
AOII's NPC Delegate,
P e g C r a w f o r d ,
is retiring after over 30 years of service to the conference in many capacities. Her first NPC assignment in 1973 was
Area Advisor for the College Panhellenics Committee. Peg also served as an Area Advisor and a Regional Coordinator for the Alumnae Panhellenics Committee. She has served on the Publications Commit- tee and Long Range Planning Committees
and made numerous consulting team visits over the years. More recently, she served as the Chairman of the Research Committee, Awards Chairman, Something of Value team member and Director of the NPC Centennial Celebration Reenactment of the first NPC Meeting. Her term as AOII's NPC Delegate began in 1997 after having served on the delegation in one of the alternate positions or as International President since 1973.
A member of the NPC Foundation Board of Directors, Barbara Hunt has 20 consecutive years of service to the conference. In 1983, she was first appointed to AOII's
delegation as 2nd Alternate Delegate. She
served as 1st Alternate Delegate from 1985- 1989 and continued to serve on the delega- tion during her tenure as AOII International President 1989-1993. From 1993-1997 she was AOII's NPC Delegate. As a member of the delegation, she was an Area Advisor for College Panhellenics (CPH) and served on the Long Range Planning Committee for NPC. In 1997 she was elected to the NPC Foundation Board of Directors where she served as secretary for two years and has been Vice President for the lastfouryears.
AOIIisindebtedtothese outstanding women for their commitment and service to Alpha Omicron Pi and the National Panhellenic Conference.
• Moving? O Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:_
Zip/Postal Code:_ Chapter/College where initiated
Place of Employment:
Add ress:
Zip/Postal Code:_
Alumnae Chapter:_ Special Interests:
email: _Member #:_
Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
AOII International Headquarters 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 -or-
email the following information to: [email protected]
Current AOII Office:
Please help AOn save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 70t, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
ToDragma [Fall2003] 51
From To Dragma Label
123S Knit Stadium Blanket. Machine washable. 52X55 inches. $60.00
104A Boat Tole. Durable canvas. 14.5" X 19.5" X 5". $18.00
• nr t f
123T Tapestry Throw. 100% cotton. Washable. 48 x 68 inches. $62.00
10IF Red Fuzzy Slippers w/thick cushioned sole.
M (Fits up to size 7). L(Fits sizes 8-10). $20.00
hoods are good.
2 2 5 Oxford Hooded Sweatshirt w/black screen print. S.M.L. XL. $32.00/1
165 Ruby Fitted Tailgate Hoodie w/white left t design. Full zip. S, M, LjXL. $32.00
201 Columbia Blue fitted JWlover Hoodie
M,L. $32.00
217 O Hooded Sweatsh
w/columbia blue a white sewn on letters S,M.L,XL. $40.00
All stainless steel charms are compatible with standard size Itahan Charm bracelets
401J AOIILaserCharm. $10.00 402J Big Sis Laser Charm. $10.00 403J Lil Sis Laser Charm. $10.00 404J Rose Enamel Charm. $13.00 405J Panda Enamel Charm. $13.00
Love" Enamel Charm. $13
505J Sterling Square Earrings. Post. $19.00
309J SterUngj^w/ continuous AOII Sizes 5,6,7,8. $17.00
316J Sterling Engraved Square Ring. Sizes 5.6.7,8. $23.00
400J Stainless Steel Base Bracelet for beginning your Italian Charm collection. Available in shiny or matte finish. (Charms sold seperalely) $8.00
334J Sterling Toggle Bracelet (Tiffany Style) $48.50
398J LargefearlBracelet w/sterlingsilvercharm. 8MM pearls. $28.00
Alumna Toggle Bracelet w/engraved
charm. Sterling silver. $33
168 Navy"Perfective" w/columbia blue and, white design. Fitted. 100% cotton. S.M.LXL $17.00
123CB Columbia Blue Sweatshirt Blanket. Heavyweight.
54X84 inches. $35.00
12 3H Heather Grey Sweatshirt Blanket. Heavyweight. 54X84 inches. $33.00
12 3C Navy Sweatshirt Blanket. Heavyweight. 54 X 84 inches. $33.00
Each blanket ties with string for storage or carrying.
4 5 A Laundry Bag reads, 'Ail I Have Left to Wear are My Shoes.!"
Oversized bag has two shoulder straps and zip pocket for laundry change or fabric softener.
25 "X35" $20.00
order toll free:
A O n International
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Brentwood. T N 37027
Most orders shipped within 48 hours.W e guarantee quality merchandise.
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101 Hip Hops. Cushioned arch support. Sizes 5-10 (no half sizes). $20.00
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Price Each
TN residents add 9.25% sales tax
Please add $200 for every $25 after $100. •Canadian customers please double amounts For shipping & handling charges.
Total amountendosed
Thank you!
Emporium sales benefit AOfl!
130 ShortStop T-shirt, 3/4 length sleeve. Fitted. 100% cotton. S,M,LXL $18.00
140 NavyBaseball T-shirt w/distressed screen print. 3/4 length sleeve, fitted. too%coton. M,L XL $19.00
144 FittedGym Ringer T-shirt. S.M.LXL $17.00
Shipping & Handling (see chart)
104S §linger Backpack. Nylon twill. Adjustable shoulder strap w/slidtig cellular phone pouch, Zppered pocket.
Organ iz ing c< >mparimen is Red embroidery. (Also available w/while embroidery.)
i2' Xi4"X5" $36.00
Polar Fleece Blanket
w/black and white Alpha Omicron Pi grosgrain ribbon.
warm up
123 A
Black trim. 47X55 inches. $28.00
12 3P Oxford Polar fleece Blanket /black and white gingham letters. Carrying straps
included. 50X58 inches. $40.00
12 3R Red Polar Fleece Blanket w/black and white gingham
W!7 Fleece Scarf w/red e m broidery. $17.00
148 Fleece Mittens
w/red embroidery. One size. $18.00
12 IN Nalgene ® Bottle. Ruby red w/wide mouth and loop top. 32 oz. $14.00
letters. Carrying straps included. 50 X 58 inches. $40.00
208 Red Sweatshirt w/ grey felt letters. Limited Quanrity. M, L.XL $40.00
208N Navy Sweatshirt w/greyfeltletters. M, L $4&00 SALE $28.00
HOB Charcoal Fleece Earband w/red embroi- dery. $12.00
110E Charcoal Fleece Alpine Hat w/red embroidery. $17.00
Navy Rugby Anorak w/orange stripe. Water resistant shell, cotton
flannel lining. Left chest embroidery. S.M.LXL $48.00
Navy Rugby Anorak w/red stripe. Water resistant shell, cotton
flannel lining. Left chest embroidery. S,M,L,XL $48.00
* :: . i%
; i o l i
190 Navy Rugby Anorak w/yellow stripe. Water resistant shell, cottonflannellining. Left chest embroidery.
S, M. L, XL. $48.00
Red Rugby Anorak w/white stripe. Water resistant shell, cotton
flannel lining. Left chest embroidery. S,M,LXL $48.00
Navy Rugby Anorak w/white stripe. Water resistant shell, cotton
flannel lining. Left chest embroidery. S,M,LXL $48.00
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