I ofalpha omicron pi Winter 1987
Vol. LXIV, No. 5
History. Gifts. Miracles. Sounds like the makings of a holiday story doesn't it? Actually, these three words describe the features in this issue.
Our History. On page 16, Nancy McCain, our archivist, reports on her work cataloging the AOIT archives. Nancy and Past International President Mary Louise Roller recently spent several days at Headquarters sorting through tons of paper and artifacts. A lot of the personal memorabilia was used in the picture on the cover.
Our Gifts. I know that each of you have given and received wonderful gifts from your AOn sisters; love, caring and deep friendships to name a few. Another way that we can give to our sisters is through the Ruby Fund.
Marianne Carton's article on page 8 tells the history of the fund and details ways that our gifts have helped our sisters.
Our Miracles. Something Special Happened. The story of Omicron Pi Chapters' turnaround from the smallest chapter on campus with barely 40 members to one with 109 members and pledges! This inspirational article written by Executive Board Member Mary Williams appears on page 4.
Our History, Our Gifts, Our Miracles. Part of what AOFI is all about.
Feature Ideas?
Members are always welcome to share thought and ideas with TO DRAGMA. Your ideas will be very helpful in deciding what types of features to prepare for publication in each issue. Send your comments and suggestions to the attention of the editor at the Headquarters address.
By Peg Crawford International President
Greek affiliation continues to be a top priority among collegians, and Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters receives requests daily from college adminis- trators and groups of young women for us to come to their campuses. Before we can accept any invitation to colonize, we must be assured that the alumnae in the area are eager and willing to support a new chapter.
Without a doubt, local alumnae support is the single most critical factor in extension decisions. Again and again, as I visit with campus administrators, they tell me that their decision regarding which NPC group will be asked to colonize is predicated largely on local support. These Panhellenic advisors, as well as AOII, recognize that a colony and chapter cannot flourish and remain competitive without the continuity and seasoned wisdom provided by advisers.
Some alumnae hesitate to make such
a commitment because they fear the time and responsibility it takes. And it's true, it does take time and responsibility, but our current structure of the Alumnae Advisory Committee is designed to make it all manageable.
Advising uses a team approach with a committee chairman to conduct the team meetings. The Chairmanship rotates among the members of the Alumnae Advisory Committee, and it is up to her (or her designated Adminis- trative Assistant) to communicate with the advisers, set up their meetings, agendas and minutes, distributing and collecting program materials and reports due, and generally making the work easier by handling the paperwork of those who have more direct contact with collegiate chapter officers.
The Alumnae Advisory Committee Manual addresses the setting of goals and objectives for the chapter and for the advisers. Regional personnel focus particularly on adviser support in their programs and efforts as well. For established chapters, the Regional Director focuses her on-site visits largely in working with the advisers and supporting their efforts with the chapter. In colony situations, regional personnel are ready at the time of colonization to conduct adviser training workshops and to return at least monthly for additional support.
All Chapter Advisers are brought to Leadership Conferences and to Inter- national Conventions to learn from other advisers and share rewarding experiences. Plans are also in the works for the development of a separate Chapter Adviser's School, thanks to a generous grant to the Endowment Fund of the AOII Foundation. When under- way, this school will add another training dimension to our adviser support program. Skills learned assist not only your work with the AOII chapter, but all aspects of your life endeavors.
And the rewards are tremendous! All AOn advisers have a sense of pride and accomplishment in the advising results because all are involved in the important decisions. The opportunity to serve as a role model for young women offers friendships which span age differences. The joy of seeing the sisterhood and successes of a chapter can bring tears and laughter alike.
There is a vast array of alumnae serving our chapters as advisers, spanning all age ranges and back- grounds. There is a place for everyone. Both new and established chapters as well as colonies of AOII need additional members for their Advisory Commit- tees.
The rewards are great. Won't you become involved?
To Dragma
The €t>Hor$ PWe
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
*The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Telephone: 615-383-1174
Deborah Harper Stillwell, NO 3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville; T N 37215 (615) 794-0655 (Home) (615) 292-0461 (Office)
Executive Director
Sue Edmunds Lewis, CAE, TA 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, TN 37215
Public Relations Coordinator Melanie Nixon Doyle, A2 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, TN 37215
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, T ennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nash- ville, TN 37215. Second Class Ppstage paid at Nashville, T N and additional mailing offices.
TO DRAGMA Deadlines Jan. 15
April 1 July 1 Oct. 1
ofalpha omicronpL
Winter 1987
Vol. LXIV No. 5
Something Special Happened 4 The Ruby Fund: The "Heart of .AOIT 8 Regional Director Training School 10 The Past is Prologue 16
Alumnae News 19 Emporium 24 Collegiate Chapter Commentary 26
On the Cover
We are pleased to capture the lovely mantel and fireplace of Ann Neilson's home in Nashville, Tennessee.
Needlepoint firescreen courtesy of Nancy P. Bowers.
Specific items on mantel and the description found on page 17 as well as information about AOn's Archives.
Winter 1987
by Mary Williams Executive Board Director
I remember an article published re- cently in a fraternity magazine entitled "Can This Chapter Be Saved." This mythical chapter had suffered from a gradual decline in membership over the years until it became much smaller than the other sorority chapters on the campus. The leadership was strained and tired from trying to accomplish too many jobs, the membership had become apathetic from always being last; it was easier for members to call it quits and fade into the crowds, or face probation or suspension rather than rally to work for the improvement of the chapter. Finances were a disaster; too little money coming in to support the chapter operations and maintenance of the chapter house. Of course, rush was a struggle for few women were interested in finding out if our mythical chapter had anything good to offer. The chapter was forced to participate continually in open rush to try to gain members. Their image was not good on campus, not that of a winner—they were so small, something had to be seriously wrong with th'em.
The article then discussed possible ways to rebuild the chapter which in- cluded special attention from chapter consultants, regional officers and inter- national chairmen and directors. Programs would be designed with special emphasis in the weak areas of the chapter's operations, and workshops and seminars on leadership techniques, time management, image building and all phases of rush would be instituted. A public relations program was planned to improve the image on campus. Con- centrated effort would be made to im- prove the members' commitment to their sorority, to help them develop the will to work to grow and flourish.
The article didn't tell us whether this mythical chapter did indeed improve. I had read it sympathetically and hungrily, hoping for some clues that would enable AOII to help its chapters suffering from similar woes. It didn't give me any new ideas. Alas, the scenario and plans were very familiar.
In the not-too-far distance past, there was a collegiate chapter.of A0I1 that suffered from the "smallest chapter on
campus" syndrome. This chapter had a basically competitive physical structure in a "good" area on the campus. The membership maintained strong scholar- ship and was well represented in campus activities, but too few spread too thin to be a really noticeable group. This chapter had never been large, changing little from its recolonization numbers of ten years previously. It suffered from many of the maladies of our mythical chapter. It had had the question "can this chapter be saved?" asked many times.
Something special happened, how- ever, to our AOII chapter, and Omicron Pi, University of Michigan, is now very much alive and growing stronger every day.
What happened to this chapter, which in May of 1986 had barely 40 members, and in November of 1986 counted 109 members and pledges? A LOT! A lot of hard work by dedicated members and advisers, by regional and international personnel, the active support of the Panhelleriic Adviser and the Panhelle- nic Council at the University of Michi-
To Dragma
Omicron Pi Chapter members pose with Executive Board member Mary Williams.
gan, the desire of many unaffiliated young women to belong to a sorority ... and the good fortune that brought everyone to the right place at the right time.
After the decision was made and ac- cepted by all that the chapter must grow to competitive size on the campus and stable status or face recolonization, the chapter members and advisers committed themselves to rebuilding. The Panhellenic Adviser, Mary Beth Seiler and the Collegiate Panhellenic voiced their support. AOII Interna- tional committed itself to provide all the support and training necessary to help the chapter succeed. The first, and most important step was to assign a Regional Director with great talent to work with Omicron Pi alone. Cindy Skaff,a former adviser and Regional Rush Officer, living in nearby Toledo, proved to be the perfect choice. Her special approach of "tough love", creativity, and vast knowledge in A O n matters blended perfectly with Omicron Pi's desire to succeed. Cindy recalls, "During my first visit to the chapter I was encouraged by the eager attitude that many of the members had, especially the officers. They knew they were embarking on a year that would require large doses of effort and enthusiasm from everyone. Almost every member was devoted to the revitalization of Oil and decided to make a full commitment to the work that was ahead.
"The officers, advisers, and I spent an entire summer rewriting the programs. The chapter relations and pledge pro- grams received a large portion of our attention, but the others were improved also. I remember being impressed with the willingness of the officers to take suggestions. They were hungry for new ideas and were willing to try anything. I did not have to convince them. This was in sharp contrast to the attitude the chapter members possessed prior to the probation. It was fun for me to work with such eager women, and I think it was fun for them to utilize new ideas in their programs. One thing we all learned is that revitalization means changing our attitudes first, then changing our programs. Rather than fight the changes, these women were excited to be a part of the changes."
A r r a n g e m e n t s w e r e m ade f o r Chapter Consultants, Lynne McMullin and Sherri Clark to spend six to eight weeks with the chapter in the fall and spring respectively. A former Chapter Consultant, Cindy Schwartzfager, assisted Cindy Skaff on several oc- casions with workshops. The Alumnae Advisory Committee, chaired by Nancy Aupperle, supported all efforts tire- lessly. Cindy remarked, "Omicron Pi is fortunate to have a very devoted support system in their advisers. These women spent a lot of time working with their officers. This is a perfect example of how strong adviser/officer relation-
ships pay off." Past International Presi- dent, Nancy McCain conducted a workshop for the chapter to polish their hostessing skills.
At the same time, concentrated atten- tion was being given to rush prepara- tions. Anne Allison, International Rush Chairman at the time, personally directed the activities. Heather Boggs, Regional Rush Officer and Mary Jane Hogan, Oil Rush Adviser assisted the chapter Rush Chairman, Robin Krygier and her com- mittee in polishing Omicron Pi's rush like never before. The chapter was to participate in formal rush and then a special interview rush was planned to follow formal rush.
While Omicron Pi conducted, all agreed, their best rush ever, the "smallest" syndrome was still evident and only four women pledged. Sue Lewis, AOn Executive Director, Debbie Miller, Public Relations Coordinator at the time, and Ann Gilchrist, Region IV Vice President headed the special rush program, designed like AOITs Extension program. The special rush did not bring the hoped-for results as far as numbers were concerned, but twelve more lovely pledges joined the four formal rush pledges and five C O B pledges w o n immediately following formal rush. Many women chose not to pursue the special rush since the group involved was not a "new look" on the campus.
Thirty-one members had returned in the Fall of 1986. Twenty-one new
Winter 1987
pledges still did not make Omicron Pi competitive on a campus where total is 105 and 16 of the 18 NPC sororities were at or above total. Where were we to turn next?
Then something special happened. Two women who had attended our informational party, buthad decided not to continue because the special rush was not foranewgroupcolonizing,inquired of the Panhellenic Adviser about the possibility of starting a new sorority. Ms. Seiler informed them that there would be no more colonizations at the University of Michigan for at least two years, and if they were interested in being greek they should take a second lookatAOn.Ms.Seilergavethoseladies our extension packet and copies of T O DRAGMA, and after spending some time learning more about AOn, Cara Einschlag and Caryn Lilling, assisted by Ms. Seiler and the Panhellenic, sent out approximately 600 letters to unaffiliated friends explaining that AOn could be what they wanted in a sorority exper- ience if AOII was competitive in size. The interested women met with the members of Omicron Pi Chapter and the result of the very special happening was fifty-seven new pledges.
Suddenly this little chapter of 31 had a pledge class of 78! Now, let's talk about large pledge classes! Many creative plans were put in place to help all these women to get to know each other, and those special 31 AOIls spent the busiest and happiest fall of their college careers.
Oh, there were plenty of pitfalls, some thornsamongtheroses,fornotonlydid Oil have to properly educate the 78 in the ways of AOn, unite themselves as sisters, revise their entire method of operations, rewrite their bylaws, implement their new programs, but also come to terms with the reality of having been previously one of those small sororities existing at the edge of a big system, to being the "talk of the campus", a chapter at campus total, a force to be reckoned with. A new image, a new existence? Definitely so. While every member deserves credit, the Leaders' Council provided stable and steadfast direction. Johanna Soet, VP/PE, Julie Gergen, VP/Adm., Lisa Aupperle, CS, Mary Sing, ME/KOR, Katie Stephenson, CRC, Gigi Gerstman, PH, Rita Bisaro, Phil., and Karen Kelly, President, contributed beyond the call of duty.
Karen Kelly initiated on January 30, 1987, 67 of the pledges.
Every once in a while a miracle does happen.
The miracle that happened at the Uni- versity of Michigan to Omicron Pi chapter contains many significant facets. Vitally significant is the facet that includes a group of college women who decided they could be brave enough to do something different—to make a difference. Important is the facet that illustrates that with the support of a collegiate panhellenic and the panhelle- nic adviser, seemingly impossible condi-
tions can be rectified. Vital is the facet that demonstrates that sisters united for a common cause, while physically scattered all over the country, can make a success. Solidly in the pattern of facets are the local alumnae advisers who stuck with the chapter through thick and thin, who committed themselves to countless extra hours toward re- building. And in the center facet belong the members of Omicron Pi who, in the summer of 1986 worked so very hard to redirect their chapter's operations and attitudes so that it could survive. The members who polished their rushing techniques so that they could be equipped properly to face the fall, and while working under a whole new set of operations and programs, successfully educate and initiate a number over twice their size. And while doing all of this, pledges and members alike built the best scholarship record for the biennium in AOn. The standing ovation they received from A O n assembled at International Convention this past summer as the chapter president, Rita Bisaro, accepted the McCausland Cup was a tribute to all the facets.
Every once in a while a miracle does happen. It's been something very special in the work of AOn.
Post Script: Seventy-five members returned to Omicron Pi Chapter this fall. The chapter pledged quota of forty- five during formal rush. Something special happened.
To Dragma
Omicron Pi members pause for a break during 1987 rush.
National Presidents Speak Out On Campus Issues
Because of their concern over the use of alcohol, the national presidents of all 26 NPC groups have agreed to the following:
L that we are opposed to the misuse of alcohol;
2. that all college chapters, all indi- vidual members, and all guests must abide by state, local, college/ university laws and regulations;
3. that no college chapter funds may be used to purchase alcohol (Co- sponsors of social events are potentially liable regardless of how the expenses are shared.)
4. that it is inadvisable to host a party involving alcohol when the majority of guests attending are under the legal drinking age.
Each NPC group has a national alcohol policy and is expected to abide by it. In addition, the national presidents expect their chapters to respect the regulations of any NPC co-sponsoring group.
We hope that this agreement will give college chapters the courage and ability to initiate discussion and formulate a Panhellenic stand on the subject of alcohol.
Because we believe college women should have a positive influence in the direction and achievements of the university community and activities should promote self-worth, human dignity, and a positive Greek image, the national presidents of the 26 NPC groups affirm:
• that the dignity of the individual is a basic element of a civilized society and that dignity comes from a feel- ing of self-worth,
• that individual self-worth is a neces- sary factor in establishing healthy relationships between the sexes, and
• that sexual harassment of women to any degree is a detriment to build- ing self-worth.
Therefore, we reject all activities, including competitive games, which are destructive, demeaning, abusive, which promote divisiveness among NPC member groups, or promote a negative image of the Greek community. The national presidents encourage the boycotting of such events.
Winter 1987
The Ruby Fund the "Heart of AOTT"
by Marianne Carton, AOII Foundation Treasurer
"Everytime one of you contribute to the Fund, you should know that somewhere there is a sister, who without that help, could not continue."
These words from a past recipient of a Ruby Fund grant illustrates the helping hand that is extended by Y O U , the "Heart of AOIL" Your donation to the Ruby Fund has brought hope to over 120 members since the fund was estab- lished in 1946.
The Ruby Fund was born out of love—the love for one of our founders. In the late 1930's there was a growing awareness in our fraternity of the needs of one of our founders. She was growing old and frail. She had no family and her income was insufficient for the simplest necessities of life. She had given so much in time, in energy and even more important, her creative imagination. AOFI truly was her life.
A sense of obligation was overwhelm- ing among those who knew of her plight. How to help her became a matter of grave concern. The general funds of the fraternity could not be used for her assistance as they were allocated for operating expenses. It was learned that other sororities and fraternities had special "Funds" for helping members in need. A resolution was presented and passed at the Port Huron, Mich. Con- vention on June 28, 1946, establishing the Ruby Fund to render financial as- sistance to all members in dire need.
Contributions from members and chapters were encouraged but it be- came apparent by 1949 that they were insufficient to meet the need and at
Convention that year a resolution was adopted which provided for an annual grant of $4,000 from the general Philanthropy Fund to the Ruby Fund. This continued until 1957 when ac- cumulated funds determined that the amount be decreased to $2,500. It was further decreased to $1,000 in 1967 and discontinued in 1970.
The Ruby Fund has been on its own since that time . . . dependent for support on member contributions, bequests and income from investments. Historically, Founders' Day is the time donations are made to the Fund, but the Fund cannot make it solely on the contributions received then. Our demands on the Fund far exceed that
To Dragma
amount, and that is why we encourage collegiate and alumnae chapters to share one of their fund raisers with the Ruby Fund and to designate a part of their annual Philanthropic budget for the Ruby Fund.
The Ruby Fund was established by Council with the avowed purpose of helping by gift or loan, any member in "dire need."This has been interpreted to mean need due to illness, accident, old age or a disabling infliction that makes financial aid pressing. It is not a scholar- ship fund, but it has been extended to some seniors or graduate students, who, through no fault of their own, are in desperate financial straits and would not be able to secure their degrees without the assistance of a Ruby Fund loan.
Requests to help a sister generally come from another sister. The need for assistance from the Ruby Fund stems from a great variety of circumstances. The following examples illustrate how your contributions to the Ruby Fund have helped some of our sisters:
* A long awaited liver transplant is necessary to keep this sister alive. Our grant is just a small part towards the enormous medical bills
she will accumulate, but it will help. * Arthritis caused this alumna to need special shoes, and we were able to
provide them for her.
* An unexpected divorce resulted in
an immediate need for training for an alumna to reenter the job market to support herself and her family.
* A college senior was able to finish school when misfortune struck her family.
The Ruby Fund files contain many letters that express the sincere and deep gratitude of alumnae who have been helped by the Ruby Fund:
*"Iknow that the money was given to me in the form of a grant which releases me from any legal obliga- tion,butIwouldliketodonatetothe Fund when I graduate and my situation improves. Some day another sister may be in need of additional funds to complete her education."
* From a Chapter Adviser: "Thanks to the Ruby Fund we have been able to keep a wonderful sister in school until she graduates."
* "The collateral 1can offer the com- mittee is my potential and com- mitment. Thank you for all your
help, understanding and support this past year. Some day I would love to be a Chapter Adviser or on a Corporation Board and eventually do something at the national level. I got so much from AOII—I want to GIVE as well." itwassowonderfultohearabout the stipend continuance. It's the kindness behind the thought that counts so much, and the support and well-wishes of the committee. I have already put a bequest to AOII in my will and intend to also specify that a percentage of the profit from the sale of my home goes to the Ruby Fund when I no longer need it."
Winter 1987
na(jjfb toyou avxt
Send your contribution to: RUBY FUND
c/o AOII Foundation 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, T N 37215
*"It is hard to bare my soul, but to sisters who have responded as AOII has, the embarrassment fades away in the love I feel from both national and chapter sisters who have written in friendly support. After many years it is so great to know that you have a lot of sisters out there. Thank you for your care and concern. God bless you all."
Your donation to the Ruby Fund is an opportunity for you to share your love with a sister and to bring that sister hope from "The Heart of AOII."
Regional Director Training School Foundation Helping Fraternity
You mean we added 20 collegiate chapters last biennium? And we have 7 more colonies now? You mean we will have at least 103 active collegiate chap- ters by the end of the 1987-88 school year? Who in the world is providing support for all of those chapters?
Local support is undoubtedly the most crucial element in maintaining a successful chapter. The attentiveness and expertise of the regional support system deserves the rest of the credit. In the midst of all the growth,our "middle
management team" of Regional Officers and Regional Directors continues to be responsible for the daily maintenance of both alumnae and collegiate chapter operations.
The tremendous growth of AOn due to both extension and membership in- creases within existing chapters has necessitated a long-awaited focus on professionally equipping our Regional Directors for their critical volunteer "jobs." Training, training, training is a key element to maintaining a progres-
sive, competitive sisterhood. Contribu- tions from alumnae to our AOI1 Founda- tion have made possible a dramatic in- crease in regional personnel training. Support of both the Development and the Endowment Funds of the Founda- tion have allowed A O n to begin a Regional Director Training School. Such a school has long been the dream of Fraternity leaders.
Although current Headquarters facilities dictate that a limited number can be comfortably trained together,
To Dragma
By Teri Anderson, Theta Omega Former Vice President/Operations
RD Schools are scheduled twice a year as needed when 6-12 newcomers can gather. Regional Director training, now separate from all other AOn events, is held at Headquarters in Nashville. Four different three day schools have been conducted, graduating a total of 31 Regional Directors.
Supervised by Teri Anderson, former Vice President/Operations, and Barbara Hunt, current Vice President/Opera- tions, training has been conducted by Chapter Services Coordinator Becky Pena, Executive Director Sue Lewis, and a different Regional Vice President for each school. Regional Vice Presidents who have assisted include: Nancy Bowers (now an Executive Board Direc- tor), Jean Zimmerman, Ann Gilchrist, Lis Donaldson, and Elaine Kennedy.
These talented and knowledgeable AOris have been responsible for facili- tating a wide variety of topics, from or- ganization to image, from supervising collegians to working with alumnae. Fraternity volunteers have gained expertise not only in bringing colonies into fruition as chapters, but have also focused upon the need for continued close supervision to insure on-going success. A typical three-day training agenda produces Regional Directors well versed in the operational areas in which they will be advising their collegiate and alumnae chapters.
Skills garnered at the Training School have a wide application to not only AOn
work, but to the personal and profes- sional endeavors of these Regional Directors outside their fraternity commitment. Time management, conflict resolution, and communication techniques are woven throughout the sessions. A O n continues to develop well-rounded women as well as com- mitted volunteers.
Of course, included in the RD School agenda is a tour of Headquarters. For many, training is the first opportunity to visit our International Headquarters building. Time is set aside for a tour of the physical plant, a meeting and a brief- ing with each staff member on her/his role, a perusal of our historical and jewelry displays, and the ever-popular stop at the EMPORIUM to purchase those favorite AOFI items! For many others, attending training is the first visit to Nashville, so an evening is set aside to see a bit of the city. Some classes have spent an evening on the Cumberland River, while others have enjoyed Opryland. This time has not only provided welcome relaxation time, but has allowed RDs to cement friend- ships, to informally discuss both A O n and non-AOn topics, and to appreciate and network with sisters from other parts of the US and Canada.
The format provided for this Regional Director Training School will help insure the continued growth of Alpha Omicron Pi as will the obvious talent and dedication of the outstanding
women who have attended.
Charter members attending the
"Alpha" group of RD Training include: Susan Adair, Laura Anderson, Marilyn Bush, Pam deZevallos, Sandy Gover, Judy McOstrich, Lynette Thomas- Personett, Jan Slagowski, Mary Ann Stark, and Lisa W eisbrod.
In the "Beta" group of RD training were: Pat Curran-Dengler, Linda Hensiek, Pam Hill, Chris Kiplinger, Elise Moss, Trish Moxon, Lisa Shemwell, Louanne Watson, Karen Weigel, and Becky W oods.
Members of the "Gamma" session in- clude: Sandy Amos (incoming Regional Vice President), Kimberly Campbell, Linda Collier (incoming Regional Vice President), Lenna Mallin, Julie Schluter, Alice Virga, and Robin W right.
Most recently, the "Delta" Group graduated: Mary Jane Griffanti, Gail Osborn, Lee Ann Saylors, Mary Jane Sharp, Joan Shepherd, and Marty Taylor.
Regional Directors are appointed to serve a two year term and may opt to continue beyond in two year increments if reappointed. Alumnae interested in serving in this capacity should contact their Regional Vice President directly or through Headquarters. As we continue to grow in number and stature, addi- tional opportunities to serve in the rewarding RD position will be available. Training will be provided!
Lynette Thomas-Personett, Regional Director IX, and Mary Ann Stark, Regional Director III, prove that training is not all work and no play. It is also a time for relaxed conversation and sharing ideas.
Winter 1987
1 I
Foundation Endowment Fund The Decade of Endowment: 1987-1997
Each of us can be proud of the support our Endowment Fund has received since it was launched at Convention last June. And your support has come in a variety of ways. A O n sisters have not only contributed cash and made pledges, but have also remembered AOFI in their wills and made gifts of stocks.
In addition to financial support, others have volunteered their time and energy to communicate the mission and the goals of the Endowment Fund to their sisters. And still others have volunteered their talents to organize and host special events to spread the word of the Endowment Fund and to request funding for important programs.
At last June's Convention, Sue Lewis spoke of recognizing that we all have the potential to develop our powers to make a positive impact on the organizations we belong to and support. Her speech must have been taken to heart—you are using a variety of resources to make an impact on the development of our Fraternity.
Our Endowment Fund is made up of funds that remain inviolate and in per- petuity. Only the income derived from the investment of the principal may be used. Endowment funds may be "re- stricted", such as our Jessie Marie Cramer Fund, so that the income is used for a specific purpose. Most of the Fund is "unrestricted", which means that the funds may be used for any purpose deemed appropriate and important by the Foundation Board of Directors.
Uses of unrestricted income may include:
* Educational Programs
* a training center with facilities to
house volunteers and provide leadership tools in a conducive atmosphere
* a resource library of books and videotapes of an educational or historical nature
* training materials and video equip- ment
* grants for training programs, Leadership Conferences and Convention seminars
* training workshops for regional and international officers, chapter advisers, corporation board officers and alumnae presidents
* The Keystone Program for col- legians, providing educational materials on personal develop- ment issues such as etiquette,
The Executive Board is pleased to announce the following colonizations:
SPcAcol': SPan/$c&e/ SPteU& fylnivetbify',
To Dragma
SPaw^c&c, SPc/uwl': £PcvdsfrCollege',
Q)eUe^: SPe/U&m^&v 40 (Awugiv 44 ShAcol^: ^i^indci/ fyfebleytin/ ^oHege^
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Q)cUe/: iPefitefn&ef 22 Uvuxiffjfr 24
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GteUe? 0cloSe^ 47 tAtoupA 48
careers and resumes, and informal Hon on issues such as date rape, substance abuse or eating disorders.
* Public Relations
* A Public Relations Director for the
These ambitious goals are critically important to the personal and profes- sional development of our AOII sisters. Those of us interested in supporting the Endowment Fund and in influencing the achievement of these goals can do so by completing the clip-out pledge card in this issue or by contacting Linda Fuson at International Headquarters to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
To paraphrase Peg Crawford's comments in the September issue of the Piper, supporting and achieving our Endowment Fund's goals can add per- spective to our view of AOII, its past and its vision of the future.
Endowment Fund
* promotional materials and
DRAGMA advertisements * chapter/colony consultants
*computer terminals
* a van for training center and rush
teams *Archives
* an historical library * museum cases
%tj4^ f^elfa/
Endowment Fund Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering truly is an opportunity. It's an opportunity to learn more about yourself—how resourceful you are— how skillful you are in getting yourself and others organized—how strong you are as an effective leader or as a loyal follower. Why not learn more about yourself and volunteer your time, your energy and your skills to support our Endowment Fund.
Linda Fuson, Foundation Coordina- tor, is your resource at International Headquarters for information about the Fund. Please contact her (615/383-1174) for Endowment materials and ideas to help you get started in organizing a social event. She can also put you in touch with other AOn sisters who need to learn more about our Endowment Fund.
Show how you can make a difference. Offer your support for our Endowment Fund and influence the success of our Decade of Endowment.
To Dragma Cover Wins Award!
Please clip out and send to:
State Zip
Linda Fuson, Foundation Coordinator AOII Foundation Endowment Fund 3821 Cleghorn Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
(615) 383-1174
Winter 1987
Spring 198t-~
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• n jAs F
A Time for Everything
the Four Color Cover category at the College Fraternity Editors Association meeting in Vail, Colorado. The cover was drawn by Ed Holland, former political cartoonist for the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune. His wife, Allene Hyden Holland is an AOII from the Nu Omicron Chapter. Congratulations Ed!
Spring 1987 cover of T O DRAGMA recently won Honorable Mention in
I am interested in learning more about AOIT's Endowment Fund so I can effectively volunteer my time and energy to support its programs. Please send me information about:
D Our Endowment Fund and ways to support its programs
D Hostessing an Endowment Social Event for my local alumnae
• Contacting other AOII sisters to inform them of our Endowment Fund
Name Phone Address Chapter
Alert to Alumnae of Chapters Held in Trust
(inactive chapters)
Would you like to contribute to our Centennial History Book by writing about your Chapter's history? If so, send your name, address, phone number, chapter and year of initiation to:
Mrs. Forrest Swan 7406 78th Street SE Mercer Island, W A 98040
Omicron Pi Chapter Member Selected for Leadership Potential
Lucy Savona, Omicron Pi Chapter, having proven herself a leader of great potential through her activities at University of Michigan and in Alpha Omicron Pi, sharpened her leadership talents July 25-30 at The LeaderShapeTM Institute, six days of intensive leader- ship development for college men and women.
Lucy, a Biology major, was one of 123 students from 110 colleges and univer- sities and 42 states chosen by Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, several national sororities, and the Air Force Academy for their campus and organizational leadership, desire to reach higher levels of personal achievement, and willing- ness to help others do the same.
Held at the University of Illinois Conference Center near Monticello, Illinois, The LeaderShapeTM Institute was designed by prominent education and leadership consultants to signifi- cantly increase a young adult's ability to exercise leadership skills for respon-
Lucy Savona
sible service. The non-traditional curriculum, described by one faculty member as "the equivalent of a Harvard M B.A.-level 'crash' course for Fortune 500 executives," deals with self- awareness, self-assessment, inter- personal communication, group dynamics, decision making, ethics and power in a democracy, and social re- sponsibility.
Remember the
Ruby Fund
Chi Chapter Alum Wins Award
Virginia artist, Rita Ludden, was awarded both 2nd Place and 5th Place in the 1987 "Best in the USA" Realistic Fine Art Competition in Springfield, MO. The competition was open to all artists living in the United States. The second place award includes a cash award and a ribbon, and the fifth place award is a ribbon.
Ms. Ludden, who resides in Falls Church, Va., has five works appearing in the competition. All are large de- tailed colored pencil still life drawings. These works, along with several others, were featured in a One-Artist show at the Torpedo Factory Arts Center, Alexandria Virginia, in the A r t League Gallery in December, 1986.
To Dragma
Winners' Circle of the AOTT/Diamond Jubilee Foundation Past, Present D J F Winners S a y "Thanks"
The Diamond Jubilee Foundation scholarship fund is richer by more than $1,300 as several of its past and present scholarship winners said "thank you."
During the International Conven- tion Scholarship Luncheon, Suzie Rubin, Sigma Phi, a past scholarship recipient presented DJF Trustees with more than $1,300 in contributions from scholarship recipients.
"We are pleased to be able to demon- strate our support for DJF, its principles and goals at this time," she told the luncheon audience.
Suzie and over 400 other winners are part of a newly established group, "Winners' Circle" which was estab- lished to provide support and ideas to the DJF Board.
According to Sue Hinz, DJF board member in charge of development of the new group, "Winners' Circle" brings together past and present DJF scholar- ship winners.
"This group of special sponsors is being recognized for several reasons, Sue, a 1967 DJF scholarship winner added. "Past and present winners offer DJF a variety of feelings about educa- tion and how DJF can continue to support AOIls.
"We hope to extend the chance to work on DJF projects to build the frater- nity's scholarship program," she added.
At the present time the Board is trying to contact those who have slipped from the AOFI picture over the years.
"W e are thrilled with the con- tributions and thoughts from so many of our past recipients," said Lynne Johnston, president, DJF Board of Trustees. "We hope that every past and present recipient will keep in touch so we can share with them the goals of the scholarship program for AOIIs."
"If you are a past DJF winner or know of someone in your region who has re- ceived one of the many scholarships, please contact me," Sue stressed. "W e are anxious to contact all DJF winners."
Sue's address is NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman, W A 99163. Her telephone number is (509) 332-1168.
NO...You're Not Seeing Double!
Winter 1987
Born 12/23/46
Married 6/68, No kids Occupation: Commercial Artist,
Illustrator, graphic designer Alumnae offices held:
Newsletter, Secretary, Membership, Pres.-Elect/Program, will be Pres. next year
Born 9/13/46
Married 3/67, 3 kids
Occupation: Teacher of Accounting,
Ball State University
Alumnae offices held:
Treasurer, President, MIF, Member-
ship, Corp. Bd. Treas., KK
Micki Ponsford Hanson and Vicki Calbreth Shipley.
These two AOFIs, Micki Ponsford Hansen (Tau) and Vicki Galbreth Shipley (Kappa Kappa) met at AOII International Convention last June. They were both born in 1946, and were initiated as AOIIs in 1965.
Currently, Vicki is Chapter Adviser of KK Chapter at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. Micki is President-Elect of the Denver Area Alumnae Chapter.
Micki and Vicki are not related, but the startling resemblance between them certainly caused some confusionamong their friendsduring the convention. The two finally met at the Rose Banquet, and they hope to meet again at future AOII conventions.
Advisory Bd.
BOTH have blue eyes, frosted hair, 138 lbs., size 10.
The Past is Prologue
A Conversation with AOTT Archivist Nancy McCain
lEditor's note: Recently, AOII Archivist Nancy McCain, Rho (Northwestern U.), and her assistant Mary Louise Roller, Alpha Pi (Florida State), spent the majority of a week at Headquarters sorting through files and records and proceeding with the work of the Frater- nity archives. These two past interna- tional presidents are well-adept for their task, with first-hand knowledge of many of the events, places and people that have been instrumental in the shaping of our heritage. Nancy took a few moments from her work to talk
about the archives Director Sue Lewis.I
Nancy McCain, standing, and Mary Louise Roller look over some of AOIi's historical memorabilia during a recent visit to Headquarters.
To Dragma
The lace F A N may be found at Effie's, Nashville, Tennessee.
Jewelry Box presented to Mary Louise Roller, Past International President, at the colonization of Alpha Delta Chapter, University of Alabama.
Charm bracelet belongs to Mary Louise Roller PIP.
Handkerchief may be found at Effie's, Nashville, Tennessee.
AOII badges from historical jewelry display and current badge.
The New Testament used by Kappa Chapter at Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Roll Book of Alpha Chapter.
Reflection on piano Alpha Omicron Pi Song Book.
Silver goblet presented to Mary Louise Roller, PIP, when she became Chair- man of National Panehllenic Conference by Carolyn Hewey Harris, PIP.
Hors d'oeuvre server given to Mary Louise by former Executive Secretary of .von.
Hair picks may be found at Effie's, Nashville, Tennessee.
Four founders pictured, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Stella George Stern Perry, Helen St. Clair Mullan.
Heart pillow may be found at Effie's, Nashville, Tennessee.
Silver purse; Convention gift. Given to Jacinta Talbot, Hammond, Louisiana by Stella Perry as a memento of that con- vention. Returned to Stella by Jac at the last convention Jac attended.
Winter 1987
"Sue, Mary Louise and Iare thrilled to have been asked to sort and catalogue the Fraternity's archives. It's a real privilege and, too, a great opportunity for us to review our own AOn exper- iences. As overwhelming as the task is— with all the tons of paper, AOIT is fortunate so much has been saved. Now we have all of this material to work with. In time, we hope it will be in such condition that anyone can turn to it and easily find needed information and artifacts. We want it to be useful for all kinds of purposes.
"Happily, so much has been saved."
"You know, it is amazing to us that things have been relatively undisturbed since 1897. Despite the many moves of our Central Office and Headquarters, the different women under various titles who supervised the office and a series of executive administrations, the archives survived—steadily building and multiplying as the years rolled along. Today, we are working with cor- respondence, with reports of all kinds, and with minutes of meetings and con- ventions. O f course, there are artifacts —the first to come to mind would be jewelry, ritual equipment, and things, all kinds of things, more than most AOIls realize we have! And there is the wonderful memorabilia of individual AOIls. Founder Stella Perry, a great provider of memorabilia, left many treasures. Then we have the work of our authors, of our artists and educators, and of outstanding AOII professional women. As you know so well, we have a wide range of material. It is interesting because as we work along, we view AOII over a long period of time. It's just fascinating.
"Happily, so much has been saved. The goal of what we are doing now is to make our archives useful. We are not there yet, but we are closing in on it. The
immediate task has been to sort and to organize; to know what we have, to try to locate all of it^and then, to put liker things together. Eventually, it will be catalogued and cross-referenced. Items will have accession numbers, all of which will make things easier to find in this enormous mass of documents and objects.
"Of course, we think in terms of exhibits. Both of us hope that as we locate more items to be displayed, we will be mindful of the protection we must give them. Such things as atmosphered-controlled exhibit cases, for example, should be considered. This really is esential because, as we have worked, we notice how fragile old documents and newspapers become. They're almost brittle and can be handled only with great care. We must learn about the care of leather, too. Years ago, many things—even the simplest books and ledgers—were bound in leather. There is a great deal to consider. For instance, exhibit cases can get very hot from improper lighting; changes in humidity make an enormous difference on how irreplaceable things are preserved and whether, they do indeed, last.
"Sue, there is something of great concern to Mary Louise and me. We fear today's fabulous technology may leave no archives! In the past, AOIls wrote their reports, letters and thoughts in longhand. Later, these were typewritten with carbons. These documents were left for us today. But now, the telephone is used frequently and it leaves no carbon copies! Though the decision is preserved (in minutes and reports), there is not the correspondence and written record of the thinking that developed the decision. Just this morn- ing, we realized how important it is to have days, even weeks, of letters dis- cussing various ways to solve a problem, to develop a program, for we came upon correspondence among officers which revealed each one's thinking. Since this happened before either Mary Louise or I were working in AOII, we-were fasci- nated by what we read. Now, we are wondering how to preserve the series of ideas, opinions, facts which lead to a decision. How to do this when the dis- cussion is not at meetings where minutes are taken nor in correspon- dence which ends up in files?
"We must learn the best procedures for preserving "images" and we have more than just photographs today. There are also slides, films, video tapes.
proper way. It isn't necessary to go through archives very long without being excited when pictures turn up! Old newspaper clippings and photos are wonderful and so very fragile. We must, eventually, determine the best way to preserve the originals and have copies for use, thus sparing the delicate originals the hazard of handling.
"And, while we are on the subject of clippings and photographs—it is really upsetting to come upon those with no documentation—no mention of paper or magazine from which the clipping was taken. And, no date! As for pictures, we wish every one were dated, the individuals and the event identified.
Once the archives of the Fraternity are under control, AOII would be wise to give attention to the archives of local chapters, collegiate and alumnae. Their scrapbooks are among their best archives and let us hope the scrapbook- keepers leave dates on clippings and thoroughly document everything put into the book.
"We fear today's fabulous tech- nology may leave no archives!"
"As we wind up this work session and plan for the next, Mary Louise and I hope each AOII realizes that everything happening today is archival! Just as we are fascinated learning about the AOII before we were a part of it, there will be future members fascinated with today's Aon.
And, we do thank you, Sue, and the Headquarters staff for their help as we work along. Not only are they enor- mously helpful, but their interest in what we are doing spurs us on. Certainly, we could not have made the progress we have in this initial work, had it not been for the loyal corps of Nashville alumnae who, following directives Mary Louise and I wrote, completed several tasks. As we continue, we shall rely on volunteers."
To Dragma
It is essentia] we
The Boston Alumnae Chapter began its 1987-88 season with a High Tea at the home of Donna Strettar Sheridan, reports Margie Lamar. President Patricia Eggars Gerty proposed a mem- bership outreach program for the year. AOITs living in and around Boston are urged to call the following committee members and join in the warmth of sisterhood: T eresa Ellen D'Agrosa 617/ 262-6036; Nancy Schlaffer, 617/620- 1509, and Jennifer Thomas, 617/787- 0863.
Karen Steigmann of Champaign- Urbana Alumnae reported that they met with the alums from Bloomington, Illinois and toured the Beta Lambda Chapter house at Illinois Weslyan U. They also hosted a pledge dessert for Iota pledges at the U. of Illinois. This fall they held their annual "Survival Kit" fundraiser. Kits were packed at the
annual Christmas party and distributed to Iota Chapter members in early December.
Fiesta Night was the theme for Dallas' Alumnae September meeting reported Karen Peterson. More than half o c those present were new members to the group. On September 26, Ann Cushing Gantz, Wyman Award winner at the 1987 Convention, was honored. They also kept busy support- ing the Arthritis Foundation manning booths at health fairs and helping in a Softball tournament.
Decatur Area Alumnae sponsored a fountain at Beltline Mall to raise money for their philanthropic project, re- ported Linda Hyde Ratliff. In Novem- ber they had an ornament swap. In January they plan a membership push. If anyone is interested in joining this group please call Kathy Gray 350-0844 or Mary Louise Ogle 350-2936.
The Washington D.C. Alumnae Chapter held the first meeting of the year at the home of Bonnie Miles reported Michael Ann Wells. The fall was a very full one. They visited the National Symphony Showhouse "Belle Terre", held Founders' Day with Pi Delta at the U. of Maryland, and participated in the "Jingle Bell run for Arthritis." Upcoming events planned include a speaker who will discuss start- ing your own business and a "hands-on" silk flower arranging session.
The Greater Jackson Mississippi Alumnae Chapter had a full slate of activities planned for the fall. A member- ship gala was held in September at the Jackson home of Grace Toler. Other
activities included a ladies night out, a couples party, a family picnic, and a festive Christmas party. A number of philanthropic projects were also held. Members helped with the annual horseshow and also busily made sand- wiches for golfers teeing off to raise money for arthritis, reported Nancy Finerty Crutcher.
The fall program of activities for the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter was as colorful as changing leaves. Highlights included a pitch-in dinner, a "Rose Buddy" night for prospective members that included a cabaret performance and a tour of the Indiana repertory Theatre, the second annual "Make It! Bake It! Grow It! Sew It" auction for the benefit of A0II philanthropies, and a collegian- alumnae party with a fashion show that concentrated on wardrobe planning for the young professional, reported Joyce Sheets Overby.
architectural drawings for the exciting addition to the Phi Upsilon Chapter house.
The Muncie Indiana Alumnae Chapter has had a "Heart-full" year. This fall they started with "The Way to Our Hearts . . . . is food!" where Judy Melvin Thornburg hosted a get together. In October they were "Young at Heart" and dressed the way they WERE when they met the new Kappa Kappa pledges at Ball State U. In January they plan "Heart and Soul", a special Founders' Day celebration to be held with the Kappa Kappa Chapter. Next a real "Heart-Stopper" follows. Couples will come dressed for a 1920's Yachting Party as they live out a real murder mystery. Randi Shields will orchestrate the affair. They will wish the husband of sister Nancy Gothard Mannies "Heartfelt Congratulations" on his new venture as they tour his new radio station in March. A senior party for Kappa Kappa seniors will be a "Whole- Hearted" welcome to the new alums in April. T o end the year, Nancy Campbell will host a "Heartily Needed" Ladies Night out, reported Tamra Snyder
Alumnae News
Barbara Krause reports that the
Lafayette Indiana Alumnae Chapter
started off the year with an hors d'oeuvres
party. Several members shared exper-
iences from Convention and talked
about events for the year ahead. Cor-
poration Board members showed Redden.
Winter 1987
Officers of the Greater Jackson alumnae chapter are from left, Lelia Manning, vice president for programs; Jana Howell, president; Ruth Cummins, vice president for membership; Mary Williams, treasurer; and Kris McConnell, secretary.
The North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter has had some exciting activities this year, reports Sue Dornier. The October meeting had them with paintbrush in hand at a stencil workshop. Their biannual garage sale followed. In November there was a chili cook-off, and to end the year there was a holiday cooking demonstration. The plan is to begin 1988 with a night at the Alley Theater in Houston. Future meetings next year include a gardening program, a couple's gourmet dinner, Six Foot Sub Night, and a quilting class. The grand finale will be a Champagne and Red Roses dinner.
"We have had a very successful re- organizational year full of fun and activi- ties for our 46 member alumnae chap- ter," reports Marianna McAllister LaRue, Orlando Winter Park Alumna. In September they began with a Friday evening buffet dinner that was pre- ceded by musical entertainment provided by a member of the Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra. In November, they shared personal tips for stress release and "wellness." Carolyn Ballard Bazzo will be the hostess for the annual collegiate-mother tea that will be held on the Sunday before Christmas. Area collegians attending will repre- sent six area chapters.
This past summer, Bobbye and Jack Sale invited the Piedmont N C Alumnae and their dates to a cookout and pool party at their Winston-Salem home. Delicious food, beautiful weather, and outstanding company were in store for all who attended. In September, the Piedmont alumnae hosted a reception for the newly-installed Epsilon Chi collegiate chapter.
A picnic for members of the Phila- delphia Alumnae Chapter and their guests was held at the home of Polly Quigley in September. After a brief business meeting, the group enjoyed exploring the culinary talents of all who attended. The favorite dish was the chili made by Bryn Smythe and her husband,
*— $
To Dragma
Rosemary Jackson, left, and Inga Book of the Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter deliver needed grocery items to Ben Helm, Manager of the Hershey PA Ronald McDonald house. This alumnae chapter brings items to each meeting to be distributed to charity.
Chris. The members of this alumnae chapter are looking forward to their third year of reorganization. Activities scheduled for the 1987-88 year include a cake decorating class, an aerobics work- out, a cooking demonstration, and a dinner party at a local restaurant. Any- one who is interested in finding out more about this chapter, contact Kim McGowan, 1659 Hemlock Circle, Dowingtown, PA 19335.
The Shreveport-Bossier City, L A Alumnae Chapter has been busy so far
this year with several programs, reports Mary AnnVanOsdell.September wasa Pot Luck Supper, October the group held a Halloween party, and November was a cooking class on low calorie holiday hors d'oeuvres and a gift ex- change. In January, Founders' Day will be held. Araffle for a drawing for dinner for two on Valentine's Day is planned for February. In March there will be a St. Patrick's Day party for couples. The eventful year will end in May with a barbecue for alumnae and their families.
lota Sigma Chapter Plans 20th Anniversary
The 20th Anniversary of Iota Sigma Chapter will be held: April 8-10, 1988
Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
For further information,please contact:
Jenny Jons, President 2007 Greeley St. Ames, Iowa 50010 515-292-9057 or 292-3993
Greater Allentown/ Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter Celebrates 20th Anniversary
by Susan Metzger Johnson
On September 13, 1987, the Greater Allentown/Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter celebrated their 20th Anniver- sary with a luncheon at the Candlelight Inn in Bethlehem, PA. The guest speaker for the afternoon was Mary
Jean Polaski, Regional Vice President. The chapter founding members who attended the luncheon were Joan McKeon Barry, EA 1946; Mary Sue Wesbrook Benken, Omicron Pi 1948; Erna Lutz Fritz, Psi 1945; Joanne Synder Leiss, EA 1946; Mildred Lyle Shields, EA 1929; Barbara Snyder Yeager, EA 1949. Mildred Lyle Shields was also recognized for her long association with AOII with a 50 year pin and the reading of the 50 year recognition message.
Everyone who attended had a won- derful time seeing & reminiscing with old friends. We were especially pleased to see former Greater Allentown/ Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter members Freddie Kalil Schutten who came from Minnesota for the luncheon and Thea Steidinger Scioscia from Virginia plus several members of the Harrisburg, PA Alumnae Chapter.
Greater Allentown Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter Founding members from left Joan McKeon Barry, Mary Sue Wesbrook Benken, Erna Lutz Fritz, Joanne Snyder Leiss, Mildred Lyle Shields, Barbara Snyder Yeager.
"I can't thank DJF
enough! I have the career
I've always wanted."
Counselor Julie Hildebrand Scott, Alpha Gamma DJF Winners' Circle (1984)
A gift to D J F lasts a lifetime.
Send contributions to
Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St., Building B., Suite 372 Princeton, New Jersey 08540-3512
The chapter's special thanks go to Kris Lambert Burfeind, Phi Kappa 1966, and her committee: Susan Metzger Johnson, Beta Phi 1977; JoAnn Kach Knerr, Phi Beta 1975; and Peggy Wells
Zywicki, Phi Beta 1976 for organizing our celebration of 20 years of tradition, and we look forward to 20 more years of service and fellowship in AOII.
Winter 1987
To Dragma
Annual Corporation Meetings Announced
ALPHA SIGMA April 16, 1988 10:30 A.M.
1680 Alder Eugene, O R
For information contact: Connie Hixson
600 Cherry Dr. No. 2 Eugene, OR 97401
April 9, 1988
9:30 A.M.
2435 N W Harrison
For information contact: Patty Moody
3339 SW Cascade D r . Corvallis, O R 97333
April 13, 1988
7:30 P.M.
Beta Phi Chapter House 901 E. 10th Bloomington, IN
For information contact: Ruth Wible
701 Gordon Pk. Bloomington, IN 47401
March 24, 1988
7:00 P.M.
Zeta Pi Chapter Suite
For information contact: Beverly S. Badger
1501 Valley View Dr. Birmingham, A L 35209
April 23, 1988
10:00 A.M.
Phi Chapter House
1510 Sigma Nu PI. Lawrence, K S
For information contact: Ellen Buckley
1203-B N. 6th St. Terr. Blue Springs, M O 64015
September 15, 1988
7:30 P.M.
1111 Ferry St.
Easton, PA 18042
For information contact: Karen Muller
1111 Ferry St.
Easton, PA 18042
April 20, 1988
7:30 P.M.
Kappa Omega Chapter House 368 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40508
For information contact: Kristi Farmer
539 ChinoeRd. Lexington, K Y 40502
May 1988
Chi Beta Chapter House 518 17th St. Charlottesville, V A
For information contact: Shirley S. Sale
365 Piedmont St. Orange,VA22960
TAU OMICRON February 1988
For information contact: Judy Barker
Rt. 1 Box 248
Union City, T N 38261
May 17, 1988
8:00 P.M.
5600 Meadow Glen Dr. Knoxville, T N 37919
For information contact: Mrs. Wm. Tyler
525 Arrowhead Trail Knoxville, T N 37919
January 1988
For information contact: Hud SlagleClark
2508 Johnston Ct. Virginia Beach, V A 2354 804/481-3905
Because we care for each other and the world members contribute annually to arthritis research, the Ruby Fund and the Educational Endowment of the Fraternity. Bequests and Memorial gifts are acknowledged.
Send Your Tax-Deductible Contributions to—
3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville, TN. 37215
Attention All Alumnae
Search for AOF Notables Begins
Alpha Omicron Pi is in the process of updating our file which contains the names and biographies of our most "Noteworthy AOIIs". In order to do this WE NEED YOUR HELP.
If y ou have received recognition in your profession or volunteer efforts (business, academic world, science, medicine, law, volunteering, etc.), return the following form. You will be contacted for further information. Please do not hesitate to report on your accomplishments, your sisters are interested. We want to know about you and share the news.
If you know of an AOII sister that deserves attention because of her accomplishments, please fill in the following form. Give us as much information as possible. We will contact her for more information. Send as many nominations as you wish.
Our fraternity is proud of our "Noteworthy AOIIs". Please help us find these remarkable women so we can give them the attention they deserve.
Telephone Number:
Area of recognition, awards, honors, etc.
last (maiden) . ...
Chapter/Date of initiation: .
. .
If you are submitting the name of a sister, please fill in your name, address, and chapter/date of initiation on the following line: _
Return to: Elizabeth A. Coffey, 7754 N. Whittier Place, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Winter 1987 23
Winter*^uti withAOTT
AOII Hooded Warm-up Top, satin letters red, white or navy: $26.00
AOII Warm-up Pants, horizontal satin let- ters, red, white or navy: $23.00
AOII Crew Neck Warm-up Top, satin let- ters, red, white or navy: $19.50; silk screened letters, red o r navy: $ 1 5 .0 0
AOII Warm-up Pants, vertical silk screened letters, red or navy: $15.00
AOII Needlepoint Kit, large: $12.00 AOII License Plate: $2.00
AOII License Frame: $3.00
AOII Key Chains, clear or red: $3.00 AOII Nightshirt, red only: $12.50 AOII Banner, satin letters: $28.00
Name _ Address
Item(s) (specify quantity, and size)
T otal TN Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax Total Amount Enclosed
Send order form to: AOII International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, TN37215 (615) 383-1174
Chapter Commentary
With enthusiasm highlighted by numerous awards and recognitions at Convention, Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U . jumped into fall Rush 1987 at full speed, reports Tamara Owens. After a week of hard work, Alpha Chi took their quota of 42 new pledges. The chapter now stands strong with 100 women.
All of the Alpha Deltas at the U.of Alabama came back from the summer rested and ready to go! The first project for the year was the annual football tournament, headed by philanthropic chairman Donna Graves. The project was a huge success, with proceeds going to Arthritis Research. Each year in the spring they have a Parent's Day. This year they had one in the fall too. The weekend included an Alabama football game and a luncheon. Later this fall was Homecoming. Alicia Adcock was the chairman of all activities for the entire campus, reported Michele Burnham.
In Bozeman, Montana, the Alpha Phi Chapter sparkled with enthusiasm during 1987 Formal Rush. Rush was a tremendous success, as Alpha Phi pledged quota of 21.
Katie Barrett of Alpha Sigma Chapter, U . of Oregon reports on their active spring term last year. They were active participants in the Sigma Chi Derby Days and Greek Week. They paired up with Sigma Nu and TKE for the Canoe Fete and their float won fourth place. They also placed third in Games Day with the Kappa Sigma's.
Beta Delta Chapter President EIke Jones was voted "Greek of the W eek" by the Villanova U. newspaper The Villanovan, reports Linda Derivan. Also, a Spirit Committee was formed this semester. The "Panda Award" is given on a weekly basis to the sister who has shown the most enthusiasm.
Beta Phi, Indiana U., is riding high from an exciting and successful year. Kelly Ingram was elected "Little 500" Queen. Becky Mellencamp has been selected for a national internship this summer at the Cancer Research Pro- gram at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, New York. Tari Brand, Michelle Dunlap, and Lisa Roach were selected to be in Mortar Board National Honor Society. Also, Marty Coppage reports that their Bowl-a-Thon to raise money for Arthritis Research was a complete success, raising almost $2000.
Karrie Sherick, left, and Lorri Walden, Alpha Phi chapter, Montana State U. pose in costume for the "AOI1 Wants You" party during rush 1987.
Forester's Ball Queen. Cynthia Brooks was selected to the National Student Exchange for 1988 and was an Alpha Tau Omega Queen Candidate. She was also a member of Homecoming Court for 1987. Erica Melander joined the ranks of the Music Honor Society, and Renee Zeiler was an intern to the Montana Legislature for 1986-87. Linda McCarthy was selected as a Sigma Phi Epsilon Queen Candidate, and Jill Patton was a 2AE Violet Ball Queen Candidate. This fall Beta Rho held a garage sale to raise money for Arthritis Research.
The Chi Alpha Chapter at U. of California at Davis was rewarded for hard work during rush with fourteen new pledges. Fall quarter activities included a dinner-dance, Pledge Presents, Sigma Chi Derby Days, and a Semi-Formal Dance, reported Maria Stoecklin.
M. Tracy McMurtrie reports that Chi Beta Chapter at the U. of Virginia raised over $600 for Arthritis Research by holding a raffle. Kathy Hammond was the chairman. Also, the chapter helped
Chi Delta Chapter at the U. of Colorado at Boulder pledged 60 women during fall Rush. In October, they held a new philanthropic project with the Sigma Nu's called Octoberfest. Sororities and Fraternities formed teams to go on a scavenger hunt with compasses and new friends along. Everyone had fun,no one got lost in the woods, and a lot of money was raised for Arthritis Research. Other projects this fall included a Celestial Seasonings Tea tasting and donating blood, reported Susan Lawson.
Joanne Fincke of Delta Alpha Chapter at U. of Missouri reports that the pledges as well as initiates were busy participating in philanthropic events this semester. First there was the Kappa Delta and Z B T Balloon launch and the Phi Psi 500 where the pledges won their heat in the trike races. This was fol- lowed by Lambda Chi Watermelon Fest, Farmhouse Fall Harvest, and Fiji Island. The Delta Alpha philanthropic chair, Kathy DiCarlo, joined the Philanthropy Task force with other sororities to regulate and maintain rules and regula- tions at all events. The Greek Physique philanthropic Committee also kept busy planning for the Greek Physique event which took place November 18.
The Delta Delta Chapter at Auburn U. kicked off fall quarter with a very successful rush, pledging 55 outstand- ing young women. Later in the fall, they will host a fundraiser with Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity to raise money for Arthritis Research. Gigi Graves now holds the title of Miss Alabama North American Teen, reports Jenny Jackson.
Delta Omega Chapter at Murray State U. has the highest GPA over all Greek and non-Greeks on campus. The pledge class is second. Leigh Hall was crowned Sweetheart for Alpha Gamma Rho and Janet Roby is sweetheart for Alpha Tau Omega. Delta Omega placed first in events for Greek Olympics and Alpha Gamma Rho Paul Bunyon Day. Donna Kreuger was second runner up for Derby Queen and the chapter took second place in Sigma Chi Derby Days. They were also the only Greek organiza- tion to receive a perfect score of ten and a standing ovation in All Campus Sing, reported Peggy Hofmann.
Delta Pi Chapter at Central Missouri State U . held their annual Rock-a-Thon for Arthritis Research on the Court- house Lawn. Later in the semester they participated in Alcohol Awareness Week and State Day.
The members of the Beta Rho
Chapter at the U . of Montana have been
very busy, reports Christine Thompson. to start The Forum, a newspaper for Jill Patton was elected as the 1987 sororities and fraternities.
To Dragma
Delta Upsilon, Duke U.,has been very busy since returning to school in late August. All summer long, Ellen Wilkin- son, philanthropic chairman, worked with Pi Beta Phi planning the first AOII- Pi Beta Phi Duke Dance-A-Thon. Over $1600 was raised for Arthritis Research. Elon College Epsilon Chi Chapter will join Delta Upsilon for Elon's first Founders' Day in December.
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U., has proven that success isn't neces- sarily a result of experience, but hard work and dedication. After only one semester on campus, the chapter took quota for their first rush, pledging 22 fantastic women, and making AOII the largest sorority on campus with 87 members. They placed fourth overall in Sigma Chi Derby Days, and used their third place award in the banner contest and first place in the watermelon decorating contest to place third overall
in the Lambda Chi Watermelon Bust. Pam Watson, President, was named Greek Leader of the Month for September, and Tammy Schlafke was named Classmate of the Year.
Michelle Conner, Gamma Chapter, U. of Maine-Orono reports that the chapter turned out in strong support of the annual Greek Blood Drive. Sixty three percent of the membership donated. The big finale for Greek Week activities was the Greek games. AOII took first place. Sara Rizkalla is presi- dent of the Panhellenic Council.
Gamma Beta, Indiana U. of PA,
hosted an Alumnae Tea during Home- coming. They also held the second annual "Sweetest Sweetheart" contest which raised money for Arthritis Research, reports Maria Maxin.
Susan Mallory of Gamma Delta Chapter reports that they made their quota of 29 pledges during fall rush. Gamma Delta is now the largest sorority on South Alabama's campus.
With only five weeks of school behind them, Gamma Omicron, U. of Florida, accomplished many outstanding things. Forty-nine women pledged during rush, meeting quota for Gamma Omicron. In September, the membership went to the Atrium, a local retirement home to serve ice cream, perform a skit, and socialize with the residents. Gamma Omicron is once again winner of the blood drive for this semester. Four con- secutive times AOII has won the biannual drive, donating more than 100% of the membership. Gamma Omicron also placed third in the campus-wide Greek Week last spring, reported Lynne Herman.
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U, has had many great accomplishments for the year 1987. They were named Kappa Sigma Sorority of the Year and finished
first place in Pike Bike. They received second place overall for the highest GPA on campus. In addition, they won the campus Leadership Trophy and the Philanthropic Awards for Dean's Cup. Gamma Sigma also won the All Sports Trophy for 1987 and placed first in Spirit during Greek Week, with Lisa Cape winning Greek Woman of the Year 1987. Lee Ann Palmer was named Sigma Nu Sweetheart and Katy Greiner was voted Pike Dreamgirl. Diane W ehrspann was picked as Miss Pike Bike 1987. Cyndy Cecil, Cindy Nelson, Jennifer Lane, Lisa Cape, Traci Cheek, and Grace Avant were inducted into Order of Omega, reported Lisa Rowell.
Janine Sganga, Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College, had an "Arrest for Arthritis" in April. $450 was raised for Arthritis Research. Molijane Wahl went through Airborne training this summer. She also holds the number one position on the Florida Southern womens cross country team. Cathy Kiser made All-American and was ranked as high as sixth nationally in Division II womens tennis. Diane Fitzpatrick was recently inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa, the national col- legiate honor society. Lesely Whitehead is Panhellenic President.
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U., reached quota, pledging 26 beautiful women, reported Trisha Werner. They also had a great turnout jumping rope for the American Heart Association. Shelly Gerbers, Missy Hensley, and Christy Hildenbrand were selected to Mortar Board. Susan DeDominic, Shelly Gerbers, Missy Hensley, Marianne Juscik, and Peggy Stewart were chosen for Rho Lambda. Vicki Sparks was re- cently selected as SAE's sweetheart. Shelly Gerbers, as chairman, contri- buted to the success of Basketball Marathon. Over $6500 was raised for Arthritis Research. Carmen Lewman and Heather Kleinbub established a new organization called GLADD (Greek Leaders Against Drunk Drivers). The purpose of this organization is to pro- vide campus services and transporta- tion to prevent students from drinking and driving.
Kim Millsaps, Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College, reports that they pledged 21 women during rush. Suzanne Mabee is President of Pan- hellenic, Dawn Ashton is treasurer, Mary Cotten is Historian. As a philan- thropic project, they sold donuts and delivered them on a Sunday morning just in time for breakfast. The results of their efforts went to Arthritis Research.
Kappa Pi Chapter at Ohio Northern U. participated in Twister, Kappa Psi Car Rally, Sig Olympics, Greek Sing, and the Theta Chi Bike Rally during Greek Week last Spring, and walked away with the first place trophy in the Phi M u Delta Talent Show, reported Lynne Miller.
Jackie Eysol, Kappa Rho, W estern Michigan U. reports that Lisa Tarala and Tammy Frank picked a winner for their philanthropic project, a "Mile of Pennies" through Maple Hill Mall. The event was a success as money was raised and sisterhood strengthened. Academic pride was also strengthened by a study buddy program and time management seminars implemented by Laurie Hazel, scholarship chairman.
Lambda Beta Chapter, California State-Long Beach had an excellent rush
Winter 1987
Melissa Longstreet of Gamma Theta Chapter at the U. of South Florida reports that Kathy Haywood is vice- chair and Brenda Bowman is in charge of the kick-off party for Greek Week. The chapter has started a very success- ful fundraiser selling t-shirts at all con- certs within the Tampa Bay area. Kathy Haywood is a new member and Ann Muenzmay is President of Order of Omega.
Iota Chi, U. of Western Ontario,
pledged quota and now have 40 new pledges. Pat Srebrnic is the new Panhellenic President, reported Sherrin Dorco.
Keeping up with their tradition of Rush Excellence, Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U . had yet another outstanding Rush. Bids were accepted by 22 women, givng the chapter the largest pledge class on campus, reported Shelley Johns.
and have 28 wonderful pledges. The chapter has shown their spirit this year by capturing the spirit award from every event. They also placed third in Greek sing. Michelle Tramble was Miss February in the CSULB calendar. Kellee Gibson and Lisa Witkowski were contestants in the beauty pageant for Miss Long Beach, reported Kristin Wechsler.
Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, has found themselves involved with every- thing on campus! Melanie Dodson was elected W omans' Vice President of the Student Government Association, and Vicki Doss is the Treasurer. Seven out of twenty positions on the newly formed SGA Senate are held by AOIls. Last quarter they participated in the annual Greek Week with Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. They placed second in the Greek Games and second overall. Sandra Brisendine was named editor of the yearbook, Annette Robertson was elected President of Panhellenic. Kim Bowen and Laura Culpepper were tapped into Omicron Delta Kappa. Karen Close, Sharon Bugg, Kim Bowen, Melanie Dodson, Vicki Doss, Sandra Brisendine, Allison McKoy, and Jennifer Twiggs all earned a 4.0 spring quarter. The annual 24-Hour Rock-a- thon was the weekend of October 30 and 31. Over $1500 was raised for Arthritis Research, reported Sandra Brisendine.
Allison Block of Lambda Sigma Chapter at the U. of Georgia Athens reports all of the hustle and bustle of rush week paid off this fall when they reached quota of 58 wonderful pledges.
Lisa Mitchell, Omega, Miami U., has been elected treasurer of the University Panhellenic.
favorite faculty just how much they missed theirclasses. As always, they will end the semester with a Christmas Party, reported Ann Myers.
Kelly Broyles, Omicron, U. of Ten- nessee Knoxville, reports that 45 women pledged AOII during fall rush and that the chapter was awarded two outstanding awards. The Outstanding Community Service Award given by the Panhellenic Council and the Outstand- ing Rush Award was given to Omicron over the summer.
The Nu Lambda Chapterat the U.of Southern California announced that Germaine Goodrich has been elected Communications Chairman for the Panhellenic Executive Board. As Communications Chair, Germaine is responsible for publishing the first inter-sorority newsletter entitled Panhellenic Press. The newsletter is designed to give information to sorority women about other women, the Greek system and the University, reported Joanne Sims.
Chris Sellman, Omega, Miami U.
reports that 43 beautiful faces have been added to Omega during fall rush. The new pledge class placed second in Sigma Chi Derby Days. Also, Lisa Mitchell has been appointed Panhellenic treasurer.
Patty Loeher reports that Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan, brought home the McCausland Cup. Congratulations on superb scholastic achievement.
Phi Sigma Chapter, Kearney State College pledged 33 women during fall rush. They won first place at the annual Phi Kappa Tau Pledge Olympic games
Nu Beta, Ole Miss, reports also reaching quota with 50 pledges. Their first philanthropic project of the year, the annual pancake breakfast took place October 17. It was a tremendous success and all proceeds went towards Arthritis Research, reported Jill Arce.
Omega Omicron, Lambuth College, is on top of the world right now after meeting quota during fall rush and pledging 12 women. The chapters'30th Anniversary was October 25. Events included an open house and a banquet with Executive Board Director Nancy Bowers as speaker. A t Homecoming in November, they held an AOPie Throw for Arthritis. With faculty members as targets, alumnae were lined up to show
Omega, Miami U., Ohio, 1987 pledge class.
To Dragma
held in September. Their Rocking Chair Marathon raised close to $2000 for Arthritis Research. Jennifer Brown, Melanie Clay, and Jane Seckman were tapped into the Order of Omega. Tami Stobbe was Miss January in the new Pike Calendar that came out in August, reported Lisa Keller.
Pi Chapter, Newcomb College of Tulane U. plans many philanthropic projects such as can shakes, and looks forward to participating in the Sigma Chi Derby Days. The end of October marked the second year of AOII being back at Newcomb,reported AmySmith.
Laura Shea reports that the members of Pi Alpha Chapter at the U. of Louis- ville wrapped up a busy summer by getting ready for fall rush. As usual, hard work paid off when 18 wonderful women became Pi Alpha pledges. This sem ester has been especially busy with chapter involvement in Greek Week, TKE Skits, Intramurals, and volunteer- ing at Halloween at the Louisville Zoo. This fall, once again they held their annual fund raiser, a raffle.
Karyn Cavette, Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U . has been chosen T au Kappa Epsilon Fraternity pledge class Sweetheart.
Pi Delta, U. of Maryland has 54 new pledges! Kristine Coughland also re- ports that AOII came in third overall in • the Delta Gamma annual Anchor Splash.
Sigma Chapter at U. of California Berkeley had a terrific rush. They were one of only six chapters on campus to fulfill the quota of 37 pledges. The pledges are already working on earning money for Arthritis Research by selling parking spaces at the chapter house on football game days. Sigma came in second place overall during Greek Week. Stacy Krum was Chairman of Greek Week for the entire campus.
Sigma is now ranked 5th among the sororities in terms of overall GPA. Cathy Bellorde, Alumnae Relations Chairman organized an alumnae brunch in September. The money raised from the brunch went to Arthritis Research Foundation.
Gina Julian reports that Sigma Alpha Chapter at W. Virginia U. is very excited about moving into their new house. They also are planning many fun-filled events such as a hayride.
Sigma Omicron is thrilled to have once again made quota. Thirty-nine wonderful women were pledged in September. Karyn Cavette was named Tau Kappa Epsilon Fall Pledge Class Sweetheart, reported Brenda Brinkley. Carole Davis was named to Kappa Alpha's Rosebud Court and Deanna Daily was named to Pi Kappa Alpha's Dreamgirl Court. Kathy Bird, Alyce Heeb, Jill Ritter, Sandy Robinson, Fayeth Williams, and Melanie Williams have been named to "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."
The Sigma Phi Chapter at Cal State U. Northridge began the school year by taking a pledge class of 34 fabulous girls. In November they held their annual Mr. Fraternity Pageant which raised over $2500. Sigma Phi jumped to take second highest GPA of all sororites on campus, reported Martha Canchola.
Heather Howard of T au Delta at Birmingham Southern College reports that they won the hearts of all the girls during rush and the whole week was a tremendous success. Twenty seven girls picked up their bids forAOnon bid day.
Tau Lambda Chapter, Shippensburg U., held their major fundraiser this semester. Patsy Schrock, Fund Raising Chairman, made all the arrangements for the chapter to work two days at Hershey Park in Hershey PA. The effort raised over $1000, reported Lynne Reddington.
Stephanie Anderson reports that T au Omicron, U. of Tennessee Martin is already on their way to having another successful school year. Everything with fall rush went like clockwork. Forty-five women pledged AOfl.
Big Sister K im Henry, center, with little sisters Stephanie Anderson, left, and Jane Ann Triplett pose for a moment during T au Omicron's Rush Retreat.
Winter 1987
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U. gear up for rush 1987 with a "Camp AOIT" theme.
Jeannine Johns reports that 1986-87 was an exciting year for the Theta Chapter at DePauw. The chapter cele- brated their 50th anniversary along with DePauw's sesquicentennial salute. Active participation in intramural sports helped them capture the first place title for DePauw women's intra- mural program. During fall rush, thirty- five women were pledged. Laurie Shrock is this year's Panhellenic Presi- dent, and Donna Elam is the editor of Indiana's oldest college newspaper, The DePauw.
Julie McClure of Theta Omega at N. Arizona U . reports that they pledged 38 women this fall. They also held their annual Rock for Arthritis Research that is both a successful fundraiser and good for campus image. Scholarship banquet was also held in October.
Gina Bucci and Laura Koppert, Theta Psi, U. of Toledo report that Eliza Miller, LeAnn Firch, Gina Bucci and Laura Koppert were initiated into the Order of Omega Greek Honorary. Becky Moore and Eliza Miller were re- elected as senator and president of the College of Arts & Sciences, and repre- sentative and president of the College of Engineering, respectively.
Upsilon Chapter, U . of W ashington
reports that it seems that animals are the theme for fall. New pledges were taken to the zoo for a picnic, and the pledge dance was held at the Seattle Aquarium. Dancing was done under- neath a dome surrounded by fish.
Shelly Wahl reports that Zeta, U. of Nebraska started o f f the year on the right foot with 35 wonderful new pledges. The pledges participated in ATO Softball and Sigma Chi Derby Days.
Congratulations Zeta Psi, E. Carolina U., for exceeding campus total. Twenty
nine enthusiastic women pledged AOII this fall. Parents weekend was a success with an attendance of over 100. Tracy Parrish and Amy Miller were elected to Rho Lambda Honor Society. Amanda Jernigan was selected as the Phi Kappa Tau Sweetheart, reported Amanda Brewer.
To Dragma
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern U., fall pledges show their excitement in being new AOIls.
Nu Omicron Members Help With BalloonLaunch
UI am proud to do what I can to help recognize AOII scholarship &spirit!
—Linda Jay, Sigma Rho DJF Winners' Circle (1984)
And with your help, DJF will continue to provide scholarships to deserving AOTTs.
Send contributions to
Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St., Building B., Suite 372 Princeton, New Jersey 08540-3512
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U., members prepare for the release of over 20,000 balloons during the Arthritis Founda- tions annual "Up, Up and Away." Nu Omicron has helped with this special event every year since its beginning. In conjunction with the balloon launch, Nu Omicron also hosts a walk-a-thon. This year they raised over $1000 to go to arthritis research.
Winter 1987
3 I
CROWN PEARL LAVALIERE BADGE CHARM* BADGE RING* 14K—$100.00 14K—$110.00 14K—$170.00 10K—$ 75.00 10K—$ 80.00 10K—$120.00 GK—$ 55.00 GK—$ 40.00
*For alumnae only—The charm and ring are designed to hold all styles of official badges. A bubble guard is provided for extra security.
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