ToDragma [Winter2005]
Sing out loud
AOHs love to sing. Depending on where and when you went to school, there are numerous AOI1 songs that will bring back memories of fun times with sisters. Just for old times sake, here are a few of our favorites.
A Rose Ever Blooming
A rose ever blooming will grow through ihe years. To keep us together through love, hope and tears. Though others may die. and all fade away.
Our rose will continue each night and each day. Of all of the treasures this earth may contain,
To thee I'll be faithful, with thee I'll remain. An AOII now, and forever I'll be,
For AOII, means more than the world to me.
Bring Me A Rose
Bring me a rose in the wintertime. When they're hard to find.
Bring me a rose in the wintertime, I've got roses on my mind,
For a rose is sweet most anytime and yet. Bring me a rose in the wintertime
How easy we forget.
Bring me a friend when I'm all alone, When they're hard to find.
Bring me a friend when I'm all alone.
I've got friendship on my mind.
For a friend is sweet most anytime and yet. Bring me a friend in the wintertime,
How easy we forget.
Remember the friends you've made here. Remember when you're away.
Remember the fun you've had here.
And don't forget to come back someday. Remember, where e're you find us.
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
Published since january. 1905 by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design
Rebecca Brown Davis. Delta Delta (Auburn U)
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi.(USPS-65i-84o) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi,ispublished quarterlu by Alpha Omicron Pi. 5590 Virginia Wag, Brentwood TN. Periodical class postage paid at Brentwood. TN. and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year.
Send address changes to:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi.
5590 Virginia Way. Brentwood, TN 37027.
Address alleditorial communicationsto the Editor at die same address.
Founded at Barnard College in New York City. January 2,1897, by: Jessie Wallace Hughan. Helen St. Clair Mullan. Stella George Stem Perry &FJizabeih Heywood Wyman.
International President
Susan Danko. Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, T ennessee 37027 phone: 615/370-0920 fax: 615/371-9736
Our love is always true:
For you belong to AOII dear. And AOII belongs to you.
Our Missions:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life: to encourage lifetime AOII involvement; to salute excellence: and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
E-mail: aoiihq@alphaomicronpi.org Web Site: www.alphaomicronpi.org
Mailing Address Updates
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Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of
the College Fraternity Editors Association.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to reflect the love and sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi through the funding of educational and charitable programs.
To Dragma
*^of Alpha Omicron Pi
5 Fraternity News
Read ihe latest AOII News and Announcements.
6 LifeLoyalAOII
Support AOII's new Life Loyal AOII program which will fund alumnae programming and endow To Dracjma for years to come.
8 Collegiate News
News and highlights from our collegiate chapters.
2 0 AOII Foundation
Saluting the 2005-2006 AOII Foundation Scholarship Recipients.
2 2 Alumnae News
Our alumnae chapters highlight their chapter activities.
3 3 Profile: Helen Claire McMahon
This former AOII Executive Board member is honored by Northwestern University for outstanding volunteer service.
3 4 NPC 59th Biennial Session Report
"Women of Vision. Women of Action" was the theme of the 2005 National Panhellenic Conference this past October.
3 6 Leadership Institute 2006
Join us June 23-25.2006 to "Live. Leam. Lead. Serve."
3 8 AOII Emporium
Great new merchandise is now available from the AOII Emporium.
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
ToDraqma [ Winter 2005 ]
Susan Danko International President
As we usher in another new year, many of us give way to thoughts of resolutions and plans for the coming year. We first reflect on the year that was, reviewing our lives, counting our blessings and planning ahead which usually entails some potential for change. This annual process of change reminds me of my second leadership principle, which will allow us to transform potential into reality within AOII.
In a previous AOII Perspective, I shared my thoughts with you on one of three leadership principles - servant leadership. I suggested that by embracing this leadership principle we would be well on the road to changing our organization. However, in order to continue our transformation we must also incorporate the second lead- ership principle. This principle is to seek out opportunities to advance AOII into the future.
How dowedothis? Wedothisfirstbyhonoringandpreservingourpastwhileadaptingtothechangingworld around us. An awareness and appreciation of our past successes and achievements is simply not enough.
The success of any organization rests on how it will change as the future changes. Our success also depends on how we, as members, alter the way we perceive and respond to change. Founder Stella George Stern Perry understood this concept best when she stated: "We are founded and constituted in a way so elastic, that while holding fast to all essential traditions, we are adjustable to changes and modern needs."
As AOIIs, it will be our responsibility to usher in those changes and build on what has gone before. I do not believe in change for the sake of change. Rather, I believe change must be something that naturally evolves. It is crucial that we, as an organization, adapt and remain in touch with what is happening around us. One way we can do this is by simply bearing in mind the fundamentals of our core value system - who we are and what we believe. If we clearly understand who we are and what makes up our core value system, then we can more easily and effectively respond to the needs of our Fraternity. As leaders within Alpha Omicron Pi, we recog- nize that in order to more effectively adapt we must be able to respond to the needs of our members.
This is where we need you. In order to advance AOII into the future, we need you to share your experiences, thoughts and ideas. Your leaders are in a position to listen to your views. W e will readily ask for your opin- ions. W e recognize and appreciate your talents and therefore welcome and encourage your assistance in areas where you have more experience and knowledge. Together we will move forward, carefully judging what is best for our organization and for our members.
We all have a responsibility to utilize our membership in AOII to its fullest potential... myself included. I chal- lenge you to make a resolution to do the same and always seek out opportunities to advance AOII. By doing this together we will secure the future of our organization for generations to come.
Susan Danko
Fraternity News
Welcome to AOII's Newest Collegiate Colony
Colony members of Alpha Omicron Pi at the U of South Carolina Ai- ken gathered together in anticipation and excitement for the first time on Thursday evening, September 22. 2005 on the USCA campus to establish AOII's newest colony. Like colonies that have come before, this AOII colony will continue to exemplify the tradition of academic excellence, philanthropy, community service and life long friendships founded at the 179 other collegiate chapters of AOII across the United States and Canada. Alpha Omicron Pi is the third National Panhel- lenic Conference sorority to organize at the USC Aiken campus.
Colonization Plans for the University of Arkansas
Public relations plans are already underway in anticipation of the fall 2006 colonization of an AOII chapter at the U of Arkansas in Fayetieville, Arkansas. Local alumnae heard plans for this exciting opportunity at a coffee and dessert reception on November 6, 2005.
Welcome to AOII's Newest Alumnae Chapter
The Boston, Massachusetts Alumnae Chapter was installed on Sunday.May15,2005.PastInternationalPresident SallyWagaman graciously served as the Installing Officer with 15 charter members and 15 Delta Chapter collegians in attendance.
Correction to Sigma Beta Charter Member Listing
Two members of Sigma Beta Chapter at St. Joseph's U were mistakenly omitted from the list of charter members in the Summer 2005 issue of To Dragwa. The Fraternity congratulates and welcomes Shannon Kelly and Stephanie Gehringer to our membership.
Honor a Sister or Chapter
Honor a sister with an engraved brick at AOII International Headquarters brick walkway. Look for more information on our web- site under "shop" or contact Abby Epps at aepps@alphaomicronpi.org.
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation
More Than A Building
AOII International Headquarters is a magnificent facility, designed and maintained for efficient support ofour members and chapters. But "headquarters" is more than
a building, it is also a working business environment for more than two dozen professional emplogees. Over the next several issues, the Executive Board would like to highliqht some of the outstanding emplogees who work at AOII International Headquarters.
Spotlight: Lisa Brown Pearson
She is the staff member
who remembers everyone's name, makes each person feel special, recalls num- bers with a photographic memory and knows a little bit about everything that is AOII. She is AOII's Chapter Corporation Manager, Lisa Brown Pearson, N u Beta ( U
of Mississippi). Lisa joined Headquarters Staff in February 1995. She worked as Accounting Manager for nearly ten years before changing responsibilities in October 2004. In that role she handled numerous duties, most notably accounts receivable and assisted the AOII Controller.
Prior to joining staff, Lisa held several volunteer posi- tions including Chapter Adviser, Alumnae Chapter Treasurer and Regional Rush Officer. Lisa is also an organized mom to two children, Ethan and Marissa.
Her balance of amazing people skills and astute accounting skills is a wonderful blend of talent that has served AOII and our chapters well for more than a decade. In her current position. Lisa manages
the Chapter Corporations for six AOII properties. She is also the liaison for all collegiate Chapter Corporations pertaining to lease, insurance, legal issues, etc. Additionally, she provides corporation resource materials for all chapters.
Melanie Doyle, AOII Executive Director states, "Lisa is one of those rare individuals that can make anyone feel at ease. She is a valuable asset to the Fraternity for that talent, as well as her hard work ethic and business skills. We all appreciate her ongoing dedication to AOII."
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To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
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Members who have joiined Life Loyal AOII from August 23, 2005 thru November 15, 2005.
Alpha Delta
Susan Anderson Morgan, 222 Erin Rust, 243
Alpha Psi
Suzanne Agoston, 231
Chi Alpha
Kathryn Tribbey Fitzgerald, 233
Chi Delta
Crystal Paine Compese, 250
Chi Lambda
Cristen Loeb, 232
Chi Theta
Jamie Ray, 218
Delta Alpha
Kimberly Mason McCollom, 238
Delta Chi
Leigh Remy, 235
Epsilon Alpha
Muriel Decker Mortensen, 227
Epsilon Gamma
Kelsey Weber, 246
Epsilon Omega
Rebecca Lynn Rogers, 251
Gamma Alpha
Ami Schroder, 237
Gamma Beta
Catherine Connelly Wieand. 217
Gamma Delta
Tracy Lynch Pearson, 240
Gamma Omicron
Lara Celeste Tucci, 252
Gamma Theta
Kaya Miller, 247
Kappa Chi
Gwendolyn Dutzik Smith. 219
Kappa Pi
Debbie Hunter, 226
Kappa Tau
Laura Hendry Gray, 245 Cynthia Visot. Ed.D., 236
Lambda Iota
Laurel Latto, 241
Jennifer Beedon Nashashibi, 242 Lambda Sigma
Judy Bagby, 228 Omega
Laurie Gump Melson, 230
L. AO" A Judy Lacina, 234
Nancy Epp Hohmann, 225
Phi Delta
Gretchen Bcling Zollendeck. 249
Pi Alpha
Kimberly Shanks Kelly, 224
Carole Merrick Ringer, 223
Sigma Chi
Diane Smith Kilson. 221
Sigma Iota
Christina Mosher Wilson, 244
Kimberly Campbell Hamilton, 239
Alyce Bassett Schuldt, 248
Zeta Kappa
Heather Heiter, 220
Zeta Psi
Amy Hinnant Parrott, 229
Omicron Pi
Yes! Please enroll me as a member of Life Loyal AOII!
Together, we'll keep the spirit of our Fraternity going strong today, tomorrow, and always.
Maiden Name: Initiation year:
Collegiate Chapter Name: Address:
State: Email:
Full Payment:
Installment Plan:
Enclosed is a check for $299 made payable to Life Loyal AOII. ($189.00 for 50-year-and-over members)
Charge my credit card $299 (complete info below).
Charge my credit card $29 per month for the next 11 months. (6 months for 50-year-and-over members)
(a-, vim wish II l<> appear on your memlx'rstiip card)
Credit Card Information (complete if paying by credit card)
Visa MasterCard American Express
Card number: Exp. Date:
Validation Number:
Please choose one of the free commemorative silver-plated charter gifts:
Oval jewelry box Business Card Carrying Case Coaster set I opt not to receive my free gift.
Payments must be made in U.S. funds. A Life Loyal AOII membership is not tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Feel free to contact lifeloyalaoii@alphaomicronpi.org for more information or to join on-line.
Mail application, check or credit card information to: Life Loyal AOII. Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
To Dragma [Winter 2005 ] 7
* —* i / i
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U
We got dirty for a good cause! Alpha Chi annually hosted our philanthropy event late
in September called
Mud Volleyball. Other fraternities and sororities on campus entered teams
in the competition for
a small fee. and all the money went to our phi- lanthropy. We held our event at the University's farm expo center. Fire trucks cam e to hose down the fields to give the effects of the mushy, wet court. Our chapter was proud to announce that we raised over $1,300 for arthritis research. After the tournament was over, Alpha Chi's had a blast diving head first into the
mud court. The event was definitely messy, but was an unforgettable memory and all for a good cause.
Alph'ica Delta
U ofAlabama
The Alpha Delta Chapter started the 2005-2006 school year with 59 new members. These women of Alpha Omicron Pi truly learned the meaning of sisterhood throughout both their initiation and Homecoming weeks.
We are so lucky to have such fantastic girls join our chapter at the U of Alabama. We are also proud to report that we have raised over $5,000
for arthritis research with our annual "AOII Backyard Bash."
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern U
Alpha Lambda has been very busy this past year. We started off spring 2005 with our signature philanthropy event "Strike Out Arthritis."
It was a huge success! Everyone had a blast bowling and raising money for arthritis. We also had an awesome sisterhood retreat. Our chapter went to Savannah and participated in a ghost tour! We had
a great time bonding
with each other while listening to spooky ghost stories. Fall 2005 is off to a great start as well. We gained a fabulous bunch of new members during recruitment and all had
a blast on bid night at
our Hawaiian luau! In October, we went door to door and collected money
for our philanthropy event, Trick-or-Treat for Arthritis: and held our annual spaghetti dinner in November!
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
Alpha Phi has never been more proud than when we placed 1st with Sigma Phi Epsilon for the Best Float in the 2005 Homecoming Parade! We put in days of pre- visualization, painting, construction, and
collaborating creative and innovative ideas about how to best depict the theme of Homecoming, "Stand Up and Cheer." Decked out in our school colors (blue and yellow) with balloons, lyrics from our school song, and more, we had loads of fun. All our hard work paid offwith the PR and recognition thai came with winning!
Alpha Psi
Bowling Green
State U
After an amazing recruit- ment this year. Alpha Psi has been busy welcoming our newest members
to the chapter! After Bid-Day we had a huge cookout to welcome the new members and get to know all of them. Alpha Psi has also started a new program called Date My Sister, where members
from each initiated class take the new members on a "date" which can be any- thing from going bowling to watching movies at the house. The new members have really enjoyed these "date nights" and getting to know their older sisters better! Currently. Alpha Psi just held the first annual A-O-Pie in the
Face, our new philan- thropy for the fall. The event featured Greeks, Campus Leaders and Campus Police Officers who volunteered to be "pied" by students: the event turned out to be a huge success!
Alpha Theta
Coe College
Earlier this October,
our philanthropy chair organized a campus-wide blood drive. It was an amazing experience and Coe students were more than willing to donate. Thanks to them, we received 50 good pints
of blood to send to the victims of Hurricane
Katrina. During recruit- ment weekend, our chapter received 9 new members. They are all really great girls and we are super excited to have them as an addition to our chapter. In October, we held another philan- thropy event called Stick Up for Arthritis. We went to a Coe football game and handcuffed ourselves
to parents and friends until they donated money. The night before we walked around campus asking for donations as well. We raised a lot of money for our philanthro- py! Our chapter is strong right now and continuing to grow even stronger!!
Beta Phi
Indiana U
Each fall, our giris participate in IU Dance Marathon for Riley Children's Hospital, which is located in Indianapolis. It's a 48- hour dance-a-thon in IU's Hyper Gym. Each person has to raise $300 to be
a dancer or $150 to be a mass member. It's a great
opportunity for everyone to raise money for the hospital, bond with sisters, meet other students- Greek and non-Greek, and meet and play with kids who are patients
at Riley.
Chi Delta
U of Colorado
This year our chapter has gone through some rather rough times. But it's times like these when our sister- hood has really shown the brightest. We are becom- ing a much stronger chapter and are uniting
to help our chapter live on. We have formed a marketing team to better portray us on campus. We came in third at songfest by being sexy, but classy. Our Battle of the Bands to benefit Alcohol Abuse Awareness was
a hit, as was our Block Party for arthritis research and Hurricane Katrina relief. Our Block Party featured a live band, a kissing booth (smooch out arthritis) and a dunk tank (strike out arthritis). To help with our new deferred recruitment we have a new PR plan that should help us.
The Ohio State U
This past spring Chi Epsilon was proud to host Alpha Party. This party was an union of all Greek sororities who shared the name of Alpha. This was
ToDragma [Winter2005'
a great experience as we were able to meet and get to know better some ofthe women ofOSU's greek system.
Chi Lambda
Each semester, several sisters travel abroad to Harlaxton College in Grantham, England. A new tradition was recently started in which a video is made throughout the first halfofthe semester docu- menting everything that's going on "back home". Everything from chants and skits and songs to intramural sports are recorded along with many special messages from individual sisters. They are always very pleased to receive the video mid-way through their semester abroad. This is a great
way to let our sisters know how much we miss them and it also helps them feel as though they haven't missed a beat.
California Polytechnic State U The Chi Psi Chapter ofAOII is making a significant difference in the lives ofothers this year. Our newest new member class has taken on the philanthropy project ofworking with the elderiy. Our chapter just raised money for
the Hurricane Katrina reliefeffort and made donations to local home- less shelters. W e also participated in National Make a Difference Day by volunteering at a"Happy Healthy Hoe Down"
for children in the community.
Chi Theta
Northeastern State U Chi Theta has received so much support from our alumnae this semester. We received brand new wooden letters from our NWA/NEO alumnae chapter. It is amazing that these ladies are willing
to devote their time after college to helping us when we need it most. The love ofthese ladies truly encompasses the spirit ofour fraternity. We pledged some really amazing new members during recruitment
and have just recently completed Big sis/Lil sis match-up. All ofthe older members got some really great little sis's. This is a time for our personalities to shine.
Delta Beta
U ofLouisiana at Lafayette
Delta Beta recently
held a Father/Daughter Tailgating event! We
had a great turn out. There were lots offood and fun and all the dads had a great time at the football game. We have not forgotten our moth- ers though, in weeks to come we are planning a Mother/Daughter Brunch which should be just as much fun!
Delta Delta
Auburn U
This has already been a exciting Fall semester for the sisters of Delta Delta. W e had an outstanding recruitment welcoming
60 new members into
our chapter. Also, two of our sisters were chosen to represent us as models in
The Emporium catalog! Delta Delta has contin- ued to be very active this semester on Auburn's campus through various philanthropic events. We organized a car wash raising $400 to
put towards the AOII Ruby Fund. Our sisters also enjoyed visiting the nursing homes here in Auburn, delivering the stress roses made by our new members during recruitment.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
Delta Omega has
had quite an exciting year. After attending convention and receiving distinguished awards such as the Ruby Award and the Membership Recruitment and Retention Award, we were excited to begin recruitment. Our themes were Wizard ofOZ and A Day in Paris! We were so pleased to once again meet quota and get 31 beautiful new girls! After recruitment we began
to concentrate on our philanthropic event, "Mr. MSU." This was the 25th annual Mr. MSU and
we celebrated with the theme of "Remembering the 80s" We raised over $6,000 dollars which
was donated to arthritis research and to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Other exciting achievements this year include afirstplace finish in intramural Softball, 3 sisters being nominated for Homecoming court and afirstplace victory
in the campus wide step show. Ofcourse our biggest achievement
is we have once again maintained our record
in the highest GPA on campus, winning the Presidential Cup. All
in all, this year has been a great oneforDelta Omega and we can't wait to see what is yet to come!
Delia Pi
Central Missouri State U
Here at Delta Pi the event of the fall semester was, ofcourse, Homecoming. We could not be prouder ofour chapter for the hard work put into the float, cheer, and ofcourse our beautiful president, Jen Shuh, placing in the Top Ranks for Homecoming Queen. We owe a large part ofour Homecoming success to the hard work from our new girls, and Delta Pi looks forward
to wdroming them into our chapter as initiated members. Aside from the usual fall fun, we have had a wonderful season ofintramural sports, and we wish all AOIIs a great spring semester!
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
Our chapter had the highest G.P.A. of all five of the sororities on campus. We had an over all G.P.A. of 2.85 which is also over the all-women's total. Girls werereallyfocusing on school in order to reach the goals we set Panhellenically. We worked really hard last semester to get all ofour grades up and our hard work paid offin the end.
Delta Theta
Texas Woman's U The Delta Theta Chapter at Texas Woman's U
is proud to say that we pledged 18 wonderful girls this year at recruitment. After a rough year last year we are back with high spirits and ready to teach our new girls how great Alpha Omicron Pi really is. October we had our annual Strike Out Anhritis and then we helped out at a fire fighters chili cook out.
Delta Upsilon
The Delta Upsilon Chapter from Duke U
is excited and intent on making this school year the best PRyear in our history! W e are increasing our presence on campus through banners, com- munity service, crush parties, fliers, t-shirts, tote bags, and our smiling faces. W e have decided
to build offofour success from our spring 2005 dodgeball competition
by making our fall philanthropy event AOII Dodgeball. Our goal is
to raise $1,000forthe Arthritis Foundation while spreading the word about how fabulous and fun our AOII chapter is. We know that ifwe work together and put in the effort, everyone at Duke will know and love our lovely AOIIs.
Cornell U
Epsilon Chapter's Corporation Board has worked incredibly hard for the past year with AOII Properties, and
7b Dragma [Winter2005 ]
ToDragma [Winler2005]
Beta Tau IU of Toronto) Bid Day
Delta Delta lAubum Uj collegians
cancer. W e have already begun raising money for THON by writing family and friends letters and going on day trips to
raise money. W e are very excited to see not only how well we do as a chap- ter (last year we were the
3rd top money raiser!) but also as a whole (we raised $4.1 million last year!). This not only helps bring our sisterhood together but is also a terrific cause!
Epsilon Chi
Epsilon Chi is embracing educational chapter meetings in new and innovative ways. 110 girls all got together for a work out and to talk about healthy eating habits, eating disorders, and well being...what could be bet- ter? Epsilon Chi is also planning to take dance
classes together, do yoga
the Properties Board
has decided to take on Epsilon Chapter as an AOII Property. The sisters of Epsilon are scheduled to move into their beautiful new house in the Fall of 2006. The
sisters are thrilled and incredibly thankful for this new opportunity and are looking forward to
the benefits it will provide them through events like
formal recruitment and beyond!
Epsilon Alpha
Pennsylvania State U
This year our chapter. Epsilon Alpha, is already beginning togetexcited about THON. Penn State's Philanthropy (the largest student run philanthropy in the world!) That raises money for children with
and leam more about our friends in the NPHC organizations.
Epsilon Gamma
Eastern Kentucky U
Epsilon Gamma would like to welcome our ten new incredible members. We know that they will be wonderful additions to our chapter and are
excited to see them grow into amazing sisters. Our hopes and prayers go
out tothevictimsofhur- ricane Katrina and Rita. Currently, we are sponsor- ing a Greek wide fund raiser: all the proceeds
will be donated to the victimsofthesenatural disasters. W e look for- ward to the coming year and adding many more wonderful sisters to the Epsilon Gamma family.
Eosilon Cyinpnn
Eastern Kentucky U
Congratulations to all
our new girls, they are amazing. W e would
like to congratulate our president. Amy Joe Smith, of Spring 04 and Fall 05. for placing first runner-up in Homecoming. W e
also would like to wish the best of luck to all
our seniors that will be leaving us this fall and spring and thank them
(or all their hard work and dedication.
Epsilon Sigma
Epsilon Sigma hosted a new philanthropic event this past year: a Mr. GQ contest, essentially a male beauty pageant. We had ten contestants strut their stuff in swim suits, casual wear, formal wear, and
Sid Day 2005 at Epsilon Gamma fil of Northern Colorado!
Cf/5 w
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talent portions. Thecon- testants were judged by
the audience members, who could purchase votes for a dollar each.
Overall, Epsilon Sigma raised close to a thousand dollars, and students are already looking forward to this year's event.
U ofMaine
Gamma Chapter has started a phenomenal year. Mr. Fraternity, our annual fund raiser is a male beauty pageant This year the chapter raisedover$600.We had a great audience turnout and the skits were equally impressive. The
event brought fun and laughterforalL Members ofU ofMaine fraternities dressed up, acted out and showed their ability to be "Mr. Fraternity". It is such a blast we should call it aFUN-raiser! We look forward to planning an even more spectacular bashfornext year!
Gamma Alpha
GeorgeMason U Gamma Alpha is extremely proud to work with the men ofAlpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,
for "Danceforthe Cure 2005". The proceeds are going to arthritis research and we are looking for- ward to hosting this event with such a strong NPHC Fraternity. Our Greek Councils are excited
and willing to work hard together to succeed phil- anthropically.
Gamma Chi
CarletonU ThisSeptemberwehad a very successful Formal
Recruitment period, bringingin6fantastic young women, whom we are very excited to call sisters. Once all ofthe Big and Little sisters had been matched up, it was clear to see our New Member Educator had done a great job pairing girls up.
In the middle of October we participated in the annual Greek Olympics, competing against all the other fraternities
and sororities in Ottawa. We put in a solid perfor- mance, doing especially well in Texas Hold'em poker and Tug ofWar. As always,wecannotwait for Rose Ball, a timeforus
all to get together and cel- ebrate our sisterhood (in formal gowns ofcourse!). All ofthe AOII sisters at the Gamma Chi Chapter are very excitedforthe upcoming year and all of the time we will be spend- ing together, building our AOII bond.
Gamma Omiavn
U ofFlorida
Gamma Omicron is
back to another busy collegeyear. Ithasbeen exciting to watch the new members transition into sisters and look forward to our philanthropy, the Mr. UF Pageant. Sisters, old and new, look forward to giving back to those
in need, especially while havingfun. Ourphilan- thropy allows us to work with business owners in
our community and leam professional business etiquette. It is also a great way to meet new people inourGreekcommunity, whether it is through the man you are coaching or theGreekchapterthat issponsoringhim. Most importandy, the Mr. UF
Pageant creates memories for usasfriends,allows us to give back to those in need, and increases our
Gamma Sigma
Georgia State U Gamma Sigma's Mr. AOII pageant is an annual event designed to bring students from all over campus together to
have a few laughs and support a great cause. This year's theme was Big Man on Campus and featured dress, talent,
and interview rounds. Eachyear'sshowgets bigger and more creative and brings the promise ofraising even more awareness and funds for arthritisresearch.This event is one ofGamma Sigma's favorites because it gives the chapter the opportunity to donate in a fun arid creative way.
Gamma Theta
U ofSouth Florida This year has been a
busy year for Gamma Theta. For fall 2005 formal recruitment,we did a great job! We have thirty new members
and had three sisters on the Panhellenic side of recruitment. We received
the Risk Management award, voted on by the Greek organizations
on campus, and also implemented a new philanthropy barbecue, raising money for arthritis research. W e have also participated in many philanthropies mcluding
place this year! Finally, we currendy are supporting a sister that was one of the five women selected for Homecoming Queen.
U ofIllinois
The Iota Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi is excited about the new school year! After a successfulformalrecruit- ment, the ladies of AOII enjoyed many new social
and sisterhood events this semester! Homecoming weekend was October 22nd and AOII par- ticipated in the parade
by making a float with the men ofAlpha Kappa Lambda whom we also dofootballblock together. In addition to the game's festivities, there was
an open house at our chapter houseforAOII alumnae. Invitations were sent out to those alumnae
in the area and we had
a great turn out for food and fun! The following weekend AOII welcomed dads to the U ofIllinois campus! After watching the Fighting Mini play the WisconsinBadgers,our dads were invited over to the house for a barbecue and relaxation.
Iota Chi
U ofWestern Ontario
Iota Chi finished last year with an amazing group ofnew sisters and many proud accomplishments. Our annual fashion
show raised a significant amountofmoney for
as well. This semester we had an amazing turnout forformalrecruitment and we lookforwardto welcoming our new sis- ters. Roses go out to Julie Ann Walter and Erin Burcham,forproviding us with help and support which made this years recruitment flow so well,
and to our VPR, Lisa Trudeau, who made this year's recruitment such
a success. Our chapter
is excitedforupcoming events which include car washes, big/litde match ups and our formal!
Iota Sigma
Iowa State U
W e finished spring semester with a hard foughtfirstplace finish in GreekWeek2005 with Farmhouse and Theta Delta Chi. This fall began with a successful formal recruitment Thirteen women were recendy ini- tiated into the sisterhood.
Currendy, Iota Sigma members are in the thick ofcontinuous open bid- ding. Chapter members are working hard to get everythingreadyforour annual philanthropy Run for the Roses- Strike Out Arthritis. Currendy, Run for the Roses is the sec- ond largest campus phi- lanthropy and the largest Greek philanthropy. Last year we donated $9,000 to arthritis research and
this year we hope to sur- pass last year's donation. This year we plan to have 1,000 runners.
winningthepageantfor, juvenilearthritisandour KappaAlpha
Sigma Chi Derby Days,
many activities through- out the year proved to be beneficialfornotonly the sistersinIotaChi,but for the London community,
Indiana State U
We started offthe school yearwithaPRevent,
ToDragma [Winter2005 ]
and winning 2nd place in • SigmaDeltaTau'sannual
LipSyncCompetition. We arereadyto win 1st
"Cool down with AOII Day!" We handed out free lemonade to students on the first 2 days of school. 'This was a great way to welcome back students and to get our great name our there!
Kappa Chi
State U
For the firsttime during fall recruitment, we performed a skit based on"Chicago"fortheme day. The evening was an amazing success. All the potential new members boasted about how great it was. The Gamma Chi's were also raving about how terrific the chapter sounded. The perfor- mance truly showed
the chapter's sisterhood Thanks, in part, to an amazing skit, the Kappa Chi Chapter got the
best women through recruitment.
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern U
After a long summer apart, Kappa Gamma welcomed in the new school year with a barbe- cue social hosted for the independent women liv- inginthebuilding. Our first sisterhood - a "Ya-Ya Sisterhood" to be precise - was a hit; the chapter watched the Sandra Bullock movie while decorating newspaper hats with roses, pictures, glitter, and odds and ends that represented each sister. Kappa Gamma welcomed six new members during Informal Fall Recruitment; Bid Day was a success with games suggested by our MRC and a trip to the local
Chi Phi (U
>l/na Aiken) 2005
Colony Retreat
Tau (Southeastern Louisiana Uj Bid Day 2005
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
Collegians fromSigma ChiChapter (Hortwick College)
arthritis research and our spooktacular Halloween party. With Formal SpringRecruitmentjust around the corner, Kappa Gamma is enjoying every moment ofpreparing for welcoming even more wonderful girls into our sisterhood.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
We proudly welcomed
23 new members after formal fall recruitment this past September. The recruitment process
was long and rigorous, but we are pleased with ourresults.1 Shortlyafter recruitment ended,
we began a week of events with Sigma Chi for Ball State's annual Watermelon Bust Festival We attendedacookout with the men and ended the week with a "Golf Pros/Tennis Ladies" themed social held at a banquet hall in Muncie. The guys dressed up in
tacky, plaid golfattire and the women were classy,
as always, in tennis skirts and pearls with sweaters draped around their necks. Our women also participated in events throughout Homecoming week,CTxlmiriatingwith the parade on game day! Some ofour women rode through the parade on a hugefiretruck and others enjoyed the parade while doing face painting for the fans.
lavish banquet at the most beautiful hotel in downtown Calgary. The collegiatemembers were honored by the presence ofour beloved alumnae, some ofwhom travelled far and wide to attend. Awards were given, old friendships rekindled, and lifelong memories created.
Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
We are so excited to be expanding our Srick-
Up philanthropy this year. This year, Kappa Omicron not only went doortodoortrick-or-treat- ingforspare change and donations from fellow Rhodes students, but we also hosted a pumpkin carving contestforthe Rhodesimmunity
as well as a Halloween movie on campus. It was such a great evening of sisterhood and campus interactionforall.
Kappa Phi
To describe Kappa Phi in one word is impossible, and the same goes for the 2004-2005 year! We held tightly to our chapter motto, grew as sisters and as people, and overcame any odds against us.
The fall semester
started the year offwith recruitment success. Ournew members
were all enthusiastic to dive in and add to the diversity ofour chapter.
Roseball was also a hit. We laughed and cheered each other on during the awardsportionofthe evening, but the moving speeches ofour graduat- ing sisters were without
a doubt the most memo- rable. Over the summer sisters in Montreal got together, shared stories from their jobs and travels and began planning this years recruitment. Overall we had a great year and we know this year will be just as fun.
Kappa Rho
Western MichiganU
We spent this past sum- mer and fall getting ready for fall recruitment. This year was a great success! Not only did we have the numberonecumulative GPAofall the Greeks
at Western Michigan U, but also we were the first chapter to reach total of 80 girls! We could not
be happier with how well our hard work has paid offand our beautiful new sisters. This fall we are hosting an alumnae/par- ents day on Homecoming and we can't wait to see everyone come out. We are also helping with the American Red Cross
Blood Drive by signing up donors and volunteering at the blood drive itself
Fall of2005 has been
ToDragma [ Winter 2005 ]
Kappa Lambda
Our philanthropic efforts this year culminated in the IGLC's year-end War Child Canada benefit, "Keep the Beat," held at
a busy one. W e have
been busy getting ready forformalrecruitment, HomeOTming, semi- formal, walkforthe roses, and a bunch of other events. In addition, we have pledged 9 new members and have just hadafuntimealong
the way.
Kappa Tan
Southeastern Louisiana U
Everyone in our chapter was greatly effected from Hurricane Katrina. Over halfofour chapter is from the New Orleans area,
so this disaster changed many lives. After making sure all ofour sisters were safe, we wanted to help our neighbors in any way that we could. When hundredsofreliefteams from across the nation were stationed on our campus, we donated essential supplies to make them feel welcome. Also, wegatheredallofourlap tops and helped people fill out their FEMA applications. This sounds like a small job, but you wouldn't believe how many people came to
us with no knowledge of computers. Everyone was amazed at how helpful our idea was, and we even got recognition from our local radio statical. It was the least we could do given the situation. W e are just so blessed to
have all ofour sisters back with us.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College The sisters are thrilled
to announce that we have welcomed 17 new members this fall. This is
the quickest that we have achieved quota in years. We have a new member class that is extremely enthusiastic and excited to be a part ofAOII. The chapter has worked hard during the past year on image inrecruitmentand teamworkasachapter. With our chapter now doubling in size, we have seen our hard work pay- ing off W e want to thank all ofour wonderful advisors and alumnae for their support during
the past year. Focuses on Lambda Chi this semester are academics and to continue to strengthen
our sisterhood with these wonderful new members. Also, this year will be full ofcelebrationsforus in May - Lambda Chi will be 35 and LaGrange College iscelebratingits175th Anniversary.
Lambda Eta
GrandValley State U Ourchapterjusthadan amazing recruitment
and brought in nineteen wonderful new women! Stephanie Gross was our recruitment chairman with a positive attitude who was always willing
to listen to new ideas.
She was able to embrace all the changes with the recruitment process at Grand Valley and make the best ofevery day. We could not have done it without her!
Lambda Omicron
Cumberland U Lambda Omicron has had a wonderful semester. To start the year off, we pledged twelve new mem- bers, which is the largest
mini golfcourse. Now the
chapter is gearing up for
two ofthe campus's favor-
ite Kappa Gamma-hosted
events: our FSC Feud
gameshowbenefiting success!Wehelda CafeCampus.Thisyear's
U ofCalgary
Kappa Lambda's 20th Anniversary Jaqueminot Rose Ball was a complete
since colonization! At Homecoming there were two AOIIs on the court, Nikki Spradling repre- senting AOII; and Andrea Chapman, representing Kappa Sigma. The annual shaving cream fight was another success, along with 1 lalloween. This year we held the first annual Rock-A-Thon for arthritis research. This involved
the entire campus and community. W e are already planning for next year!!! Weare looking forward to the upcoming semester to be as success- ful as this one.
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
Lambda Sigma is currently involved in many philanthropic events supporting Hurricane Katrina victims. There are members of our chapter that were directly affected. W e recently hosted a bake sale with another fraternity on campus and donated all proceeds to Katrina victims. W e also hosted our annual Italian Night which is put on
by our new members.
It is a spaghetti dinner
at our sorority house
and all proceeds were given to the families of Katrina victims within our chapter. We have been extremely busy
this semester and look forward to our 5K Run for the Roses in the spring.
Lambda Upsilon
Lehigh U
On September 15th Alpha Omicron Pi and Delta Tau Delta
sponsored a dunk tank on the UC front lawn. Student, faculty, and visitors all stepped up
to the plate to throw baseballs to try and dunk the members of both houses. About $700
was raised and all the proceeds went directly to the Red Cross to benefit those who were affected by hurricane Katrina.
On September 23rd, the sisters of AOII washed cars at the third annual AOII/DTDCarWash. This year's proceeds went to the Tim Cogil Foundation, established for the son of a Delt Alumnae, who's wife died during childbirth. Contributors to the fund raiser enjoyed live music and barbecue while their cars were washed. Over two hundred dollars was collected to help pay
for Tim Cogil's college education. The week
of October 17th. Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma Chi hosted the third
annual 50-hour See-Saw Marathon at Lehigh
U. Members of both organizations helped keep the 16-foot see-saw moving for 50 straight hours. The proceeds from this event went to arthritis research and The Huntsman Cancer Institute. The event was held on the University Center front lawn
and was once again a great success. Students and faculty were very generous in giving to these two great causes. Business owners from around Bethlehem donated money and food for the seesawers.
Bid Day at Western Kentucky U (Alpha Chi Chapter)
Omicron Chapter (Lambuth U) on Bid Day
Skit Night during Epsilon Omega
(Eastern Kentucky U) recruitment
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi) collegians
Mu Lambda
0) Mu Lambda sisters have
all had a great semester, and we look forward to welcoming home our sis- ters who spent last semes- ter abroad! We know
U they'll have great stories from across the ocean.
Last sem ester we enjoyed the onset of our newest annual philanthropy,
GI AOII, a campus wide game in which students hunt down sisters dressed in camouflage to win prizes. W e also had lots of fun at our socials. We're gearing up for our formal recruitment which occurs in January, and we can't wait to welcome
new sisters!
Nu Beta
U ofMississippi
Nu Beta made quota with 87 new members for Fall Recruitment 2005 at Ole Miss. The chapter
is bursting with excite- ment. Then that same week AOII, KA Order, Chi Psi, &Omega Psi Phi teamed up together and won 2nd place overall. 1stplaceGreek division, for the Homecoming float parade. Nu Beta's are busy on campus
this fall with Strike O u t Arthritis Pie Sale, Semi- Formal, Several Swaps, &Initiation! Nu Beta is super proud of our won- derful new members and we welcome them to our sisterhood and to AOII.
Northern Illinois U
This year's formal recruitment was
the most successful recruitment our chapter
Rollins College
Recruitment Philanthropy Day at Delta Pi (Central Missouri State Uj
Greek Unity Day at the U of California Berkeley (Sigma Chapter}
ToDragma [ Winter 2005 ]
lota (U of Illinois! new
has experienced in several years. As one of the smallest sororities
on our campus we
are very proud of this accomplishment. We enlisted the help of Phi Chi Chapterfromthe
U of Chicago. It was a great experience to meet womenfromanother chapter. It also modeled the ideals of sisterhood that Alpha Omicron
Pi represents.
Miami U
Omega is off to a great start this year with some- thing new on campus,
fall recruitment. This was the first year that Miami U has experimented with fall recruitment and it went surprisingly well.
We hosted events for potential1 new members, which consisted ofa concert by a local band, and a jazzercise class at our recreational sports facility. Omega was also excited to hear the news that Krista Whipple,
an Omega alumna, was elected to a position ontheAOHExecutive Board. In the Spring at our Greek Awards, we were honored to receive the Most Improved Chapter award which
is only given to one on campus. We also received honors in the areas of: Academics/Scholarship, Alumni/Advising,
Chapter Management, Community Relations, Community Service, Facilities Management, Fiscal Management, Membership
Recruitment, New Member Education, and Philanthropy. We are anticipating a busy formal
recruitment in the winter, and are looking forward to giving bids to a wonder- ful group ofnew women.
Omega Omicron
Our chapter has been very busy this semester! We took on a pledge class of 25 amazing, talented, and beautiful women. We are doing our best to show them what AOII is about and what our principles are. They have received their big sisters and the different new member classes have been hosting weekly dinners for them. They are so excited to be a part of the sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi. W e also have been selling the Alpha Omicron Pi Strike Out Arthritis red bands at our football games
to help raise money for
our philanthropy. With Homecoming right around the corner, we are gearing upfora fun week of competition and sister- hood! We will participate in the different events including sidewalk chalk, screen, and Lambuth Palooza.Withinitiation, Autumn Ball, and elec- tions still to come, this semester will continue
be a fantastic one!
Phi Beta
East Stroudsbiurg U
During the Fall of 2005, Phi Beta has been extremely active with community service. We helped raise over $300 that was donated to the AOII Foundation Ruby Fund/Disaster Relief Fundtohelpoutour fellow sisters that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. We also sold over
100 Strikeout Arthritis Research bracelets on campus. Phi Beta also helped participate with Special Olympics and participated in a trick-or- treat for canned goods with another Greek organization. Phi Beta also plans to raise money for the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society in order to honor those members ofPhi Beta that have been personally affected by these.
Phi Sigma
U ofNebraska Kearney
This fall, Phi Sigma jumped in right away with our first philanthropy
of the semester, Habitat for Humanity. W e
paired up with the men
of Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Tau Gamma for this Philanthropy. All together we laid sod in thefrontof two homes, planted trees, and did other odd jobs on a total of three homes. The women of Phi Sigma completed over 117hours thatday. Attheendofthe day we all had positive feelings about helping out our wonderful Kearney community.
U of Maryland
The Pi Delta Chapter
of Alpha Omicron Pi at the U of Maryland just welcomed 15 wonderful new members in Fall 2005. We have recendy completed our annual "A-O-PIE in the Face" Philanthropy event where we raised money for our national philanthropy and Hurricane Katrina
Relief Our new member class recently raised even more for the Hurricane Katrina Reliefwith our semi-annual spaghetti dinner hosted at our house. We are looking forward to a great turnout at our annually sponsored philanthropy trick-or-treat on Greek Street this Halloween. Our chapter continues to grow and develop and serve as an influential member ofour Greek Community.
Pi Theta
International U
The ladies of Pi Theta keep on growing. In
the fall, we welcomed
35 new members to our chapter and increased our chapter size to over 80 women. We have held several sisterhood events throughout the semester to increase our bond between the initiated and new members. In order to better educate the Greek community at FTU, the sisters of Pi Theta held
an Alcohol and Hazing Workshop open to all, todiscussthedangersof drinking and hazing. The third annual Karaoke Kontest was a wonderful
success once again. All the proceeds collected at the Karaoke Kontest were donated to AOII Foundation.
U of California Berkeley
The spotlight is eternally on the amazing woman ofthe Alpha Omicron Pi Sigma Chapter at the U of California, Berkeley. Our sisterhood is strong and one would be hard
pressed to find a better group of girls who provide such heartfelt support, admiration, and devotion for their chapter and fellow sisters. We are approaching 100 years of outstanding sisterhood with our centennial right around the comer in 2007 and we can hardly contain our excitement. This April, our house parents, Mark and Kelly Jenson had their first child, an adorable baby boy, named Jack. They will be leaving us at the end of the year and it will be with great difficulty that we will seek house parents as innovative and devotedastheyare. Our annual philanthropic charity fashion show
- "Catwalkfora Cure"- collected over $1,180 this year and made good connections with the pro- fessional fashion industry. Only splendid things lie ahead for our chapter and we are all proud to be representatives of such a sensational group.
Sigma Alpha
We participated in Operation Support Our Mountaineers in Spring 2005. We raised money with the veteran's group at WVU to send a local troop a movie projector for them to watch movies on. This troop recently lost a soldier and their morale was very down. We decided this might be a nice gesture to help them get their minds
off things. W e also recently participated in a volunteer effort to help the children's hospital
at Ruby Hospital. The
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
children's ward was 2 asking for donations ofchildren's movies
a; and Sigma Alpha Chapter donated over
•i—i 25 children's movies. SO We also joined other
sororities on campus to "3 raise money for breast
ourselves an asset to the campus community. This fall, recruitment has
cancer awareness by selling t-shirts that stated, "When it comes to Breast Cancer, we're all sisters."
Sigma Beta
Saint Joseph's U
Our chapter has success- fully held their second annual Strike Out Event on October 28th. This has been ourfirsttime oiganizing this event as a collegiate chapter!
Sigma Chi
Hartwick College
has exemplified many ofthe ideals we uphold AOII to be! It's amazing to see the effects of our chapter all around us.
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock U
We believe that it is very importantforthe sisters ofourchaptertostayin touch, even after graduat- ing. In order to do this, we have an alumnae picnic each year to encourage alumnae to come back and visit our chapter. Invitations are sent out and all of our sisters attend in hopes ofmeet- ing alumnae that may be in our family tree, as well as to thank the sisters who have made the Sigma Rho chapter successful.
U of Minnesota
Tau Chapter has done
so much this year. Our involvement at the U of Minnesota has continued to be recognized and appreciated by the community. In addition, we have been recognized with several awards. For the second year in a row, we have been honored as Chapter of the Year. This is a culmination of our accomplishments
in Greek and alumna relations, academic
wonderful class ofnew members. We have gained both quantity and quality and are over campus total as well
as quota. As a group
and as individuals we
are so proud of our accomplishments. We have excelled as students and sisters on campus andintheclassroom.
Tau Lambda
Tau Lambda has grown so much in the past year. Sisters have put forth so much effort to help set us in the direction ofgreat- ness. We could all not be more proud to be a part of this chapter, and truly feel Tau Lambda will con- tinue down the path of improvement. We would like to especially thank Lauren Harold for provid- ing us the opportunity to be televisedforour breast cancer event. Also, our chapter would not have achieved the advances it has without the efforts of Amy Schied.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
Tau Omega Chapter has been extensively involved with the Lexington, Kentucky chapter of
the National Arthritis Foundation. In May, we joined the organiza-
another fund raising event mcorporating a professional bull-riding competition. In both cases, Tau Omega
sisters help organize and execute the event, as well as raise money for
our philanthropy.
Theta Beta
Towson U
Theta Beta Chapter has been working
hard to plan different philanthropy activities. Currently, the chapter is working on raising money for Jingle
Bell Run for arthritis research and we are planning our second annual Christmas for Kids event. Christmas for Kids is something that we started last year for less fortunate children in the nearby area. As a chapter, we raise money and buy these young children gifts for Christmas. Basically, we provide
a Christmas for these children that they are financially unable
to have. The looks
on their faces when
they receive their gifts
is truly remarkable.
The smiles on these children's face make everything worthwhile. Philanthropy is a large portion of what Alpha Omicron Pi is about and
Our chapter has had
a very involved and
busy semester! In early October, our college hosted Alumni Weekend. It was wonderful to see many AOII faces whom were very much missed. Also, there was "Sorority School Spirit Night," in which we participated with other sororities to create banners and necklacesforthe football game, held that weekend. Some other activities include our Pancake Breakfast to raise money for arthritis research, a competitive can drive which involves the entire student body, a voluntary hauntedhayrideforthe community, and also our infamous haunted house, which we hold every
year. On family weekend, AOII hosted a trolley ride around historic Oneonta.
excellence, membership
andmembership tion,aswellastheU theThetaBetachapter characterandscholar-
ToDragma [ Winter 2005 ]
Our chapter has been
extremely busy but our
involvement in college
andcommunityevents leftuswithyetanother initiativefor"Bullmania,"
prograrnming and others. We are so proud of
our achievements and plan to continue our superior work, as well
as continue to make
of Kentucky's Kappa Omega AOII chapter for the Arthritis Walk, an event held at Keeneland racetrack as a fund raiser for arthritis research.
works its absolute hardest to service the community and impact the lives of others.
ship who already live
by the ideals of Alpha Omicron Pi though they have yet to be initiated. We also held our first annual AOII All-Sing,
On September 30, our chapter again joined with the local arthritis
Theta Chi
Morningside College
The Theta Chi Chapter has been very busy
this year helping and planning events to
help the community
of Sioux] and. We par- ticipate in Adopt-A- Highway twice a year, we are working with Girls Incorporated on their Halloween and Craft Parties. We also decorate a tree for Festival of the Trees, where the trees are
then auctioned offto raise money for ten
local charities in the Siouxland commu-
nity. We hope to get the opportunities to get in involved with Campus Clean Up, visiting our Nursing Homes, and working with the Girl Scouts. We try to get our community involved
by doing such things
as A-O-PIE in the Face to help raise money for arthritis research, as well as trick-or-treat
for arthritis.
Theta Omega
Arizona U
This year has been very exciting for our chapter. We have had such a successful recruitment, with an 80% return
rate for Preference Night. We are very proud to have fifteen
new members ofgreat
a philanthropy event at which we raised $700 for juvenile arthritis and the Hurricane Katrina ReliefEfforts.Our annual Parent's Banquet was a hit, leaving all
of our parent s proud
to call their daughters AOlIs. We are also planning events for Homecoming and are looking forward to an exciting and promising Spring Recruitment. Our chapter just held it's chapter retreat in Sedona, AZ, where we also had Big Sis reveal- ing and had a great
time with team building exercises and ice break- ers. Our new member class for the fall of 2005 will be initiated soon and we will have fifteen new women to share
our Ritual with. That
is always an event that all ofus are extremely excited to witness. With all of our new found success as a chapter, we are only looking forward to many more wonder- ful progressions!
Theta Pi
Wagner College
Our chapterhas been extremely busy with work on and around campus. W e began last spring with our perfor- mance in Songfest. com- ing in 2nd place with
the theme "DREAM". Our chapter kept busy by participating in the Strike Out Arthritis Event with the AAC, our Mother Daughter Tea, the beautiful renova- tion of our lounge, and coming in 1st place
in the Mr. and Mrs. W agner competition.
We were fortunate to initiate n amazing new members last spring,
and another 8 this semester. Comingback this fall, we welcomed the good news that our chapter was in the top
30 with a 3.5 cumulative GPA, received the AAC Performance Certificate, Quota Honor Roll, SHEAF Performance Award, and the Foundation Senior
Challenge awards at convention. Already this semester we have participated in the Tunnel to Towers Walk in NYC, the Breast Cancer Walk on Staten Island, worked for the Hurricane Katrina Relief, and have now begun preparations for this year's Homecoming. Fall 2005 will most certainly be a semester to remember.
Theta Psi
U of Toledo
We are proud to announce that this year's formal recruitment was a great success. Our chap- ter received quota and was excited to welcome 13newyoungwomeninto our chapter. We have also had a great informal recruitment that have added to our fall class. Congratulations girls!
Upsilon Lambda
UofTexas, San Antonio
Our members are very involved with philan- thropies, and not just those within our chap- ter. W e always assist other sororities and fraternities by providing
requested items, collect- ing and donating money, participating in events, and various other ways.Ourmost recent contribution is selling one dollar paper shoes for the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation with all proceeds being donated to this worthy cause. We also partici- pated in the walk for the
JDRF on October 15th. The total amount of money we have raised is $1,250. W e hope to con- tinue our support of the Greek community, and to continue contributing to the JDRF. Best wishes to all!
U of Oklahoma
Xi Chapter has wel- comed a wonderful
new class of members
to its chapter from fall recruitment. W e are very excited to have so many new faces. W e were recently visited
by past International President Linda Collier and Chi Omicron alumnae Linda Maier, Sharon Lester, Pat Peebles, Mary Katschke.
Nita Cadenhead. Gloria Charroin. and Irene McAIister, plus their former House Mom, Florene Selby. Our guests were treated to a tour of our lovely house and shared an intimate lunch with members
of our chapter. Along with our members, representatives from our Panhellenic system were present to document
the event. Xi Chapter enjoyed visiting with such prestigious members of the AOII community and were honored to have had the opportunity to share
our chapter with these wonderful women.
U ofNebraska Lincoln
Zeta Chapter had a great first semester
with their philan- thropy. Hungry Hungry Huskers. The event raised thousands o f dollars for the victims of Hurricane Katrina while members, friends, and students had a great time listening to local
bands and serving up delicious food for all attendees. The Zeta ladies were happy to have helped out those in need.
Zeta Pi
U of Alabama Birmingham
Our chapter is constant- ly striving to improve around campus. We were very successful
in our school's Greek awards. W e received: NPC Attendance Award, Member Education Programming Excellence. Outstanding New Members: Erin Durham. Outstanding Chapter President: Kristin McCoy, Aaron Lamar Student Life
Excellence Award, Advisor of the Year: Amanda Horton, and the National Alumni Society Greek Life Excellence Award. W e just finished recruit- ment which was a huge success and we won the spirit competition dur- ing Homecoming for the 4th year in a row.
ToDracjma [ Winter 2005 ]
Phi Sigma
(U of Nebraska
- Kearney) collegians and alumnae
Foundation Update
Scholarship Spotlight
2003-2005 Foundation
Board President Carol Miller Stevenson, Omega (far
left], and Foundation Board Scholarship Chairman Gay! Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (far right] loin scholarship winners at Convention 2005
Congratulations to the following AOIIs, who will receive scholarship funding in 2005-2006! Thank you to Foundation donors—your support makes scholarships available!
ToDraqma [Winter2005]
Megan Huizenga, Zeta
Rachel Gassen, Beta Phi
Jennifer Cline, Kappa Kappa Jennifer Schneider, Kappa Kappa Stephanie Boettcher, Kappa Kappa Jasmine Olikh. Sigma Phi
Jenni Williams, Lambda Sigma Sarah Berry. Gamma Sigma Christina Ralston, Kappa Alpha Jennifer Chandler, Rho Omicron Catherine McCord. Alpha Delta Britni DiGeorge. Kappa Tau Britni DiGeorge. Kappa Tau Sydney Larson. N u Omicron Casey Hall, Chi Delta
Katie Van Lunsen, ChiDelta Vanessa Humphreys, Delta Theta
Jessica Riggs, N u Iota
Muriel T. McKinney Scholarship
Martha McKinney Wilhoite-Theta Scholarship Martha McKinney Wilhoite-Theta Scholarship Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship
Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship
The Angels of Kappa Theta Scholarship Carolyn Huey Harris Scholarship
Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship
Jo Ann Gibbons Scholarship
Rho Omicron Chapter Scholarship Langston-Purdy Scholarship
Karen Tucker Centennial Scholarship
Alpha Tau Chapter Honor Scholarship
Dottie Leek-Nu Omicron Scholarship
Jaime Frantz Memorial Scholarship
Jaime Frantz Memorial Scholarship
Pi Kappa Scholarship
In honor of Ginger Banks
Nu Iota Chapter Scholarship
In memory of Julia V. Nelson and
In honor of Elaine Nelson MacKenzie
Ashton Albert, Delta Pi
Kathryn Bodenhamer, Phi Sigma Katie DuPree, Lambda Sigma Amanda Lavigne, Kappa Lambda Valerie Lazzara, Theta Psi Amanda Mueller, Omega Omicron Elke Nelson, Tau Lambda
Amy Jo Smith, Epsilon Omega Stacy Vanden-Avond, Tau
GRADUATES/ALUMNAE: Tracey LaPierre, Kappa Lambda Leah Jenkins, Beta Gamma
Erin Lester, Alpha Gamma
Julia McMath, Tau Delta GinaTrubiani,Beta Tau Michelle Finley, Alpha Lambda Jesse MacLaurin, Omega Upsilon
Kristy Pacheco, Upsilon Lambda
Angela Acred, Nu Beta
Jennifer Aldrich, Lambda Chi Alison Antes, Kappa Alpha
Nicole Pfleger, Lambda Sigma DeChelle Summers, Upsilon Epsilon Deidra Tidwell, Delta Epsilon
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Helen Haller Scholarship
Edith H. Anderson Scholarship
Edith H. Anderson Scholarship
Edith H. Anderson Scholarship
Ruth M. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Robert and Eleanore MacCurdy Scholarship San Diego Alumnae Chapter Honor Scholarship In memory of Marianne Carton
Pi Kappa Scholarship
In honor of Ginger Banks
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Interested in receiving fundingforyour undergraduate
or graduate studies in 2006-2007?
Here's how to apply for an AOII scholarship:
Go to www.aoiifoundation.org. Click on the "Scholarships/Named Funds" link. Click on either "Undergraduate Application" or "Graduate Application." Send in your completed application and supporting materials postmarked no later than March 1, 2006! Please contact Grace Day (gday@alphaomicronpi.org or 615-695-2627) with any questions.
Aon Belongs
It's that time of the year again....
Gifts made and received by December 31, 2005 are deductible as allowed by law for the 2005 calendar year.
The Second Century Society
Make a planned gift to the Foundation, and you will join other AOIIs as a new member of the Second Century Society! Simply designate the Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, a life insurance policy, or a retirement plan, and you will leave a legacy of sisterhood. For more information, please contact Grace Day in the Foundation office, gday@alphaomicronpi.org or (615) 695-2627.
Loyalty Fund gifts help to support educational opportunities for alumnae and collegians, scholarships, arthritis programs, and Ruby Fund assistance.
If you haven't yet donated to this year's Loyalty Fund, please send in your contribution today or contribute online at www.aoiifoundation.org.
ToDragma [Winter2005] 21
Alumnae News
2004-2005 was a very good year for the Acadiana Alumnae Chapter and 2005-2006 will be even better! Last year, we met all ofour chapter goals, won the PearlAwardforExcellent Chapters and saw three of our members receive the Rose Award. In August, we set the calendar for 2005-2006. We have sev- eral fun activities planned including a TGIF, a Holiday Cookie and Or- nament Exchange and a Spa Night (combined with elections). We also will join our collegiate sisters for Founders' Day and Ritual. We will celebrate Delta Beta's 50th Anniver- sary in September 2006. We invite allAOIIs in the Acadiana area to join us
for fun and sisterhood. For more information about the Acadiana Alumnae Chapter contact us at acadianaaoii® yahoo, com, or call Mary Kay at 337-984-9376.
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor is a small chapter but we are growing stronger each year. Our members are
a remarkable group of women. We recently achieved the Pearl Level Award through the Stan- dards ofExcellence, of which we are very proud. We have put together a great calendar ofevents for thisyearwhichwe have confidence will
be a success. 22
Philanthropy has been very important to the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter. In addition to varied collections, we really enjoy participating in Arthritis Foundation's JingleBellRun. Our walking team has increased in size each year. The time spent walking is such an enjoyable way to get to know sisters on a more personal basis. This year we are hoping to walk with the members ofTheta Beta, our local collegiate chapter.
Baton Rouge
Our Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter is an exciting, spirit-filled group ofwomen. We enjoy getting together monthly for a variety ofactivities ranging from bowling and crawfish boils, to service- oriented projects. It has become a tradition in our chapter to collect "Pandas for Philanthropy." Each year, we collect stuffed toy panda bears for juvenile arthritis affected children. Every summer some children with this condition attend a camp in Louisiana sponsored
by the American Juvenile Arthritis Organization.
It has been our goal to provide panda bears for as many of these children as possible. We present our panda bears to a representativefromthe Arthritis Alliance at our spring luncheon in April.
Whether socializing or serving others, we're sure to have a great time!
Birmingham Area
The Birmingham Area Alumnae Chapter
has made great strides towardsourpathof reorganization. We
are currently holding gatherings each month to encourage membership recruitment. During the months ofNovember, December and January we will have various philanthropic events ranging from can good drives, the Jingle Bell Run, ToysforTots, and donating pandas to our local police departments for children.
Bloomington- Normal
Our alumnae chapter has many interesting and fun events planned for 2005-2006. We are going to do some scrap booking, assist with and participate in our area Jingle Bell Run and Ar- thritis Walk, go bowling to "Strike Out Arthritis," and have our Founders' Day Brunch at Vrooman Mansion. We would like to invite all new sisters in the area to join us at our many events. We would love to meet and get
to know you.
TheBozemanAlumnae will kick off the new year
with the Annual "AOPie Night" when we meet the new Alpha Phi members, and enjoy sisterhood
and fun with "AOPrice is Right" with lots oflaughs and prizes. The alumnae bring pies to share and ev- eryoneparticipatesinour hit game. Our big project for fall has been cleaning, pressing, and repairing robes. Many ofour out of town members contribut- ed funds to help get many of the robes profession- ally cleaned and pressed. Several of our local members provided loving care in their homes to see the project completed. The fund raiser we have doneforyears, Finals Survival Kits continue to be well received. We sell, assemble, and deliver the kits each semester. After the contents are collected and assembly work is completed, we continue
to enjoy sisterhood and fun at a local eatery.
Bucks County
We are a small but very friendly chapter who would welcome new members. We plan at least one trip a year to an interesting place in our area - this always includes lunch. We also meet
in each others homes, usually for brunch,
where we share dishes
we have prepared. We support The Arthritis Fund through a book exchange/sale inour chapter, plus several local charities. Our members
are involved in various community activities, such as a Folk Fest, local and regional theaters,
the Philadelphia Flower Show, AAUW, to mention a few. Ifyou live in Bucks/ Mercer County, we would lovetohaveyoujoinus.
The alumnae in Calgary would like to say how proud we are that AOII has been international nowfor75years, and we are proud that AOII has been specifically
in Calgaryfor20years! The sisterhood that the members ofthe Calgary Alumnae Chapter feel for their sisters both alumnae and collegiate, locally and internationally, is pro- found. We keep our AOII spirit alive by giving back
to the community in a variety ofways: volunteer- ing for AOII as advisers or local/international officers, organizing fund raisers and working with many local charities.
The Central New Jersey Chapter is anticipating
a great year! We started offwith a fantastic potluck dinner where
we welcomed three
new members to the chapter. We have some great activities planned, including a pottery paintingday, wherefamily and friends are invited to come to a local studio for
ToDragma [Winter2005]
an afternoon of painting while enjoying each other's company. We'll be continuing some of our favorite traditions, such as our Founders' Day Luncheon and
our Make-A-Valentine Day at a local children's hospital. In addition, we'll continue to provide support to Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U) and hope to participate in some philanthropic events
and workshops this year. However, the best part of being in this chapter is the group of women who come together
(when they can) each month. Without these women, and their diverse backgrounds and life experiences, the chapter just wouldn't be the same.
New Mexico
We work on a calendar year, and 2005 has been very special. In February, we held a Founders' Day catered lunch and pre- sented awards to 25 & 50- year members. In May we enjoyed a T'ai Chi Chih demonstration/instruc- tion along with a taste
of chocolate! September brought a full tea in Santa Fe at Grant Comer Inn. This December we held our Annual Holiday Ornament Exchange and meeting. Collections for charities, fund raisers, and informal gatherings at restaurants fill out the calendar. Strong bonds are being formed and felt!
Charleston Area
The Charleston Area alumnae group is a mix ol wonderful sisters from all areas of the country, a wide range of ages, and different backgrounds
that have blended to become a great group through the sisterhood of AOII. We meet monthly to enjoy a mixture of events such as a philan- thropy project, to sharing a laugh over dinner, to trying a new project
or craft. Through this shared sisterhood, many new friends have been made and are enjoyed even outside of the group.
Our chapter recently
held an exciting and productive fund raiser for the Arthritis Foundation.
We hosted the first o f what we hope will be our annual "Rockin Arthritis" fund raiser. For this event, we sponsored an evening oflive music at a local coffee shop and had great musicians volunteer to entertain the crowd. W e raised a few hundred dollars that will be split between the Arthritis Foundation and our chapter to assist us with operating costs.
Chicago Citg
Our chapter has been busy! In addition to
ToDraqma [Winter2005]
Charlotte alumnae making Mother's Day gifts for a local battered women's shelter
@. S>
<^ 3
bimonthly dinner or brunch outings, in recent months we've attended
a baseball game, gone bowling, had a silent auction &raffle, and
held our annual cookie exchange. Several members are active as advisers or corporation board membersforthe local collegiate chapters, Phi Chi and Delta Rho. We're always excited to welcome new members to our events.
Chicago NW
Chicago West
Our chapter has had an amazing year! Our focus on sisterhood has helped us welcome 13 new mem- bers, which brought rec- ognitiontothechapter for outstanding recruitment and retention. This year we have added monthly social nights to our calen- dar to develop new and deeper friendships, and
to encourage attendance by those unavailable
for regularmeetings. While developing our chapter relationships, we have also made substan- tial contributions to our arthritis philanthropies. As proud members of Team AOII ofGreater Chicago' in the Arthritis Walk, we worked together with 9 local chapters to become the top AOII team fund raisers in
International VP of Operations, had attended the 2005 Convention
and filled us in on the new AOII Life Loyal program. In October, our chapter will get together for a Sunday dinner withtheClevelandWest Chapter and our ANS YvonneSams. Our newest member, Suzanne Connolly Agoston, will be hosting that event.
We would so much love to have any alumnae in Cleveland come join us at ourmonthlyget-togethers. Just call President Linda Standish 216-765-0739 for details.
Cleveland West
Every year we participate in ToysforTots. Each member is encouraged
to expand their toy gather- ing tofriends,neighbors, and relatives to really maximize our efforts.
The Dallas Alumnae Chapter is a very diverse group. We have members from each decade beginningwiththe1940s up to our most recent member who is a legacy and graduated May,
2005. The chapter has manyformerleaders of the Fraternity, as well as, our current International President, Susan Danko. OurSeptembermeeting was a reception held in her honor. The members were able to ask questions ofSusanwhichbrought AOII International closer to home. Our Texas AOII Day in February, 2005 was a huge success!! Over 80 AOIIsfromTexas and Oklahoma attended.
The AOII Day chair- man, Kim Brooks, Nu
Beta, and her committee worked many hours in preparation. The day was spent sharing sisterhood, doing a phUanthropic project, and in leadership training. AOII Director of Alumnae, Kathy Jensen, wasanenthusiastic presenter. We ended
with the Epsilon Chapter Song. The chapter came in third overall in raising money during the North Texas Arthritis Walk in May, 2005. Thanks to Christie Gibson, Epsilon Omega,fororganizingour participation and rallying the chapter to support the Walk. The 2006 Walk is our next challenge!
In September, the Dayton alumnae shared summer vacation stories at the annual Salad Supper. Alumnae Network Spe- cialist Yvonne Sams was guest. In October, several membersmetforlunchat theDaytonArtInstitute and toured the Egyptian Exhibit: The Quest for Immortality. This De- cember, the Dayton chap terwillagain participate in the Dayton Jingle Bell RunforArthritis. All area AOIIs have been invited to "Come and Show our Letters". Members will run, walk, and volunteer to help the local arthritis chapterwiththisevent.
On August 23rd, 2005, ourmembershostedthe returning Nu Iota chapter members to a luncheon at the chapter house, during which an educational program was presented. The theme, presented by a dynamic motivational speaker, linked the invalu-
able life lesson skills the collegiate members were learning to their life after college, work place and community. Our speaker challenged them to ver- balize the "Who, What's and Where's" ofbeing an AOII;whatthechapter's "Mission"forthe coming year was, and how they proposed to accomplish it. Earlier participation
in "mods recruitment" was then critiqued with constructive suggestions. Alumnae members sharedhow AOIImem- bership had impacted their lives during college and in subsequent years- The "Idea Sharing" between all present was so meaningful that it was requested that this event become a yearly tradition, which it now will
The Delaware Alumnae Chapter is having a greattime.First,wehad agreattimevisitingthe Washington Zoo. The pandas were beautiful in person. Everyone had fun, including the children. Wehopetomakethisa yearly event-especially now that there is a new "AOII" cutie baby panda at the zoo. In addition, our chapter has grown
in leaps and bounds.
We have members from differentchapters.This creates a wonatrful diverse atmosphere. Furthermore, our Found- ers'Dayluncheonwas beyond expectations. We all gained new insight into our Fraternity's Ritual. Come out and join us- don't miss out on all the fun.
Chicago Northwest Sub-
urban is proud to have
participated in our first
Arthritis Walk in Chicago
last May, 2005. Some of
our Chicago Area Coun-
cil members organized
the event and all area
alumnae and collegiate
chapters were invited. It
Cure"andwehadawon- OutArthritisEventalso
derfulday. Ifyoudonated $100.00 you received an Arthritis Walk T-shirt
and everyone was able to enjoy the freebies from themanyvendorsinform- ing us about cures and medicinesforhumans
and animals. One of our members, Dotri Cutlip, was unable to participate in the event, but she and husband Jack donated $1030.00 toward the walk. WOW! Thankyou,Dotti, and everyone else who donated to the event and helped make this day the successitwas. Welook forward to making this an annual event.
celebratedmulti-chapter fund raismg camaraderie with a day offun at a mi- nor league ball game. Our always popular nut sales andthenewestannual event, Holiday House, have helped us better sup- port our collegians, local charities and our sisters that are home business consultants.
Cleveland Area
InSeptember,the Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter enjoyed its traditional salad potluck dinnerhostedbyNancy Fenner. The evening
was just what is great about being active with an alumnae chapter, we got to see oldfriendsand get to know new ones better. Leigh Demshar and Krista Whipple,
7b Dragma [ Winter 2005]
the nation. Our Strike
Atlanta alumnae gather for a presentation from their local Arthritis Foundation
This year we have planned rhree IIOA events. Our Annual IIOA Wine tasting is always a popular event with our husbands and boyfriends. Our second IIOA event will also include the entire family- -Strike Out Arthritis Bowling Tournament. In December our UOAs will be invited to our Annual
Christmas Party.
East Bay
This summer, a few ladies brought theirfamilies to check out the Jelly Belly Factory tour in Fairfield. California. It was a shopper's paradise! You could buy everyl hing from Jelly Belly earrings to Jelly Belly mugs. The tour itself was g. There
is even a cute dance put on by the manulacturing robots. You have to see
it to believe it. W e had
a wonderful afternoon getting to know each other and meeting other womens' families.
Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Walk for Arthritis Foundation. The annual Evansville Arthritis Foundation Walk sponsored by the Southern Indiana Branch of the Arthritis Founda- tion was held in down- town Evansville on May 21,2005. On an overcast and chilly early morning, five alumnae sisters and
one husband walked
the scenic route along
the beautiful Ohio River. Our monetary donation to the Arthritis Founda- tion was $600. This event is a valuable means of
raising money for arthritis research, publicizing AOII, and enjoying the company of fellow alum- nae while appreciating the opportunity to walk for such a worthy cause. We look forward to participating again in the
walk in May of 2006.
Fort Lauderdale
The Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter has
an excited year planned. This year we are hosting our most popular events along with a few new ideas. In September, we are having a "Take Out" potluck supper. Since we have busy lives, we will
be bringing our favorite take out food to share. In November,we firehosting
a new event, a Texas
Hold 'Em Tournament. Members are encouraged to bring their husbands, boyfriends and friends foranightoffun. Wewill be celebrating Founders' Day in December with a luncheon and our Holi- day Auction. Pi Theta
Chapter will be joining us for this enjoyable celebra- tion. W e will welcome in 2006 with a Girl's Night Out/Happy Hour in downtown Ft. Lauder- dale. In March, we will once again hold our very popular Bunco Party. Our season will end with a New Officer Installation Luncheon. W e will hold formal Ritual and renew our commitment to AOII.
Grand Rapids
The Grand Rapids Alumnae Chapter would love to extend a warm welcome to the women in the greater Grand Rapids area. W e extend along the lake shore of western
Assembling Exam Survival Kits at a Bozeman Alumnae Chapter meeting
Chicago Northwest Suburban alu
ToDrayma [Winter2005
heir AOII Walks For A Cure fund raiser
Michigan and are excited to grow our chapter. W e look forward to hearing from you.
Sisterhood, service to AOII and our community, and socializing with our families highlight the year for the Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter. We look forward each year
to our annual sum-
mer picnic, fall football potluck and winter game night, while planning new events such as a spring tea, cooking class and
a jewelry making craft. Kach year we support, with cash or contribu- tions, a different local community philanthropy. But always, the bonds of friendship and the heart- strings of our sisterhood keep us ever faithful to each other and to AOII.
GreaterLee Co.
Lee County (FL) Alumnae Chapter was very honored to receive Standards of Excellence Gold Award, as well as recognition of outstand- ing achievement in re- cruitment and reorganiza- tion at Convention in July. We'vehadtwo events thus far this year - a week- day lunch and a weekend dinner - which were a lot fun, our upcoming holi- day social promises to be a special event. We plan to sponsor a local family in need, and collect gifts and food to make their holiday special.
Greater Pensacola
This was once again a year for us to understand what our sisterhood is
all about. W e realized the ties of sisterhood
and friendship, as we are all still recouping from hurricane Ivan. Our casual Saturday lunches helped us to keep in touch and support one another through this very hard time. We
also enjoyed meeting
new members and renewing friendships.
We entertained AOII collegians and their mothers at our annual Christmas Brunch. It
was a pleasant morning, great food and wonderful conversation. W e enjoyed being able to meet the future of AOII.
Greater Pinellas
GPAC (Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter) has been actively involved in supporting the Tampa Bay Arthritis Founda- tion. We had a team that walked in the spring Arthritis Walk at which we raised $640. GPAC partnered with the Tampa Bay Arthritis Foundation to plan and put on a Christmas Brunch. Dec. 3,2005,
East Bay alumnae enjoyed a fun outing at the Jelly Belly Factory
to benefit local children
with arthritis. Nov. 2004
members of GPAC and
collegians from Gamma
Theta assisted members
of the Arthritis Founda-
tion with their Christmas 4 with Santa Breakfast/
Fashion Show, which was a lot of fun.
Greater Portland
Greater Portland, Maine created a welcome door to the collegians upon their return to school for spring semester. Alumnae met at Nancy Pistaki Chard's home and invaded her scrap
Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter members at the Arthritis Foundation Walk at the Jacksonville Zoo
Smiles from members of the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter
ToDragma [ Winter 2005]
/Fort Worth area, please send them our way.
The Houston Alumnae Chapter is not letting hurricanes stop us from an exciting year. Fall kickoffwas in August, avisitfromPIPBarbara Hunt in October, a Southern Living At Home/Cookie Decorating fund raiser in November, and a holiday service project at the Ronald McDonald House made for an eventful fall 2005. Things are hopping in Houston' On to 2006!
Our chapter continues to enjoy a strong sisterhood. We pride ourselves in our diversity, with sisters of all ages who are both mar- ried and single, with small children or empty nesters.
Day at the Downs! We will be enjoying luxuri- ous millionaire's row seats with a full catered lunch, private tour of the paddock, sponsoring a race with private preview ofthe fillies in our race, socializing with sisters from alloverthecountry and more! Email us at aoiikac@yahoo.com for event details. We go on Ladies' Day at the track around mid-May!
See you there!
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Valley Alumnae Chapter is growing. We are still small, but we have an active calendar and enjoy our get-togethers at restaurants and members' homes. One ofour favor- ite activities is our Night
at Musikfest where sisters, friends and family meet to share a night offun, food
those parents that attend know that there is more to recruitment than just what they often hear. Each year the event has become more successful than the last and the alumnae often get as much from this as the collegiansdo!Afterwe have sufficiently helped the women practice, we usually go out to dinner and catch up as an alumnae chapter.
Little Rock Area
The Litde Rock Area Alumnae Chapter is off to an exciting start this year. We had a great time at our Pasta and Friends Dinner and are now getting readyforour annual Silent Auction. We have lots ofexciting events planned for the coming year. We hope to have a little something
Long Beach
The Long Beach Alum- nae Chapter is constantly looking for new and fun ways to get involved in the community and connect with our sisters. This pastspring,25members along with their family and friends attended an Angel's baseball game versus the Chicago
White Sox. The ballpark was packed and full of enthusiasm. It was nice
to see our members out in the community sharing a great American pastime. We even had a member of the North Orange County Alumnae Chapter and
her husband join us.
Long Island
The Long Island chapter is comprised ofwomen from Nassau & Suffolk
ToDragma [ Winter 2005 ]
Our VP ofPrograrnming has planned meetings that are enjoyable for all ages and interests. We have worked hard over the last year to "rush" our sisters using ice break- ers and greeters at each meeting to make sure everyone feels comfort- able and included. Our past programs include a Ritual workshop, pottery painting, dinner and
booking room! Nancy had created a model to follow for the "door decs." Each decoration was a 8.5" x 11" card stock ofred, white & pink. The AOII letters were prorriinently displayed and a patch quilt design filled the page. We created 25 door decs &Ali Bennett drove to UM to decorate the door. We also bought 2 dozen roses and made a welcome card. When the collegians saw the door, they were so excited! They loved i t
Greater Tarrant
chapter and are always
looking to welcome new
alumnae members in the
community. Ifyou know
anyoneintheArlington Wealllovecorningto joinusforourannual conversationsandtolet ourbondsofsisterhood.
calendarforthis year.
our chapter meetings. Ifs a girl's night out and we do something fun each time. This year we have
a variety ofevents that appeal to everyone. We even meet during the summer months, just to keep in touch. The great thingaboutourchapteris we're always there to help each other out. When a sister is in need, someone is always there. We take pride in this.
Our chapter has many exciting events planned this year. We have dis- covered the most popular activities involve our
local collegiate chapter Sigma Omicron. We have planned four ofour main functions with them. We host two new member dinners where the alum- nae get a chance to meet the newest AOIIs.
toric Churchhill Downs horse race track, the home ofthe prestigious Kentucky Derby, please
preview night ofsome
of their recruitment events. The giris use this as time to practice their
very busy lives to spend with our AOII sisters of fers us a chanceforsome "girl" time and to reaffirm
The Kearney Alumnae Chapter has been a supporter to Phi Sigma Chapter for many years. We serve as Chapter Advisers, Corporation Board members and loving sisters throughout their collegiate years. It is always exciting to see them as freshmen and watch them grow into beautiful women. We feel very privileged to share our love ofAOII with them.
And we're ofE Ifyou have
and music at Musikfest in historic downtown Bethle- hem, PA. A new venture this year is helping our local Arthritis Foundation with their Black Tie and Silent Auction fund raiser. We invite all sisters who live in the AUentown/ Bethlehem/Easton and surrounding areas of the Lehigh Valley to join us!
for everyone- a Christmas luncheon, a Spa Night, or a trip to Garvan Gardens.
London Area
The LAAC celebrated
its second anniversary
in October with a very informative tea tasting followed by an after- noon of shopping. Since installation, we continue to enjoy getting to know each other at various outings and events. Our alumnae are very busy celebrating important life events; within our small group we have three recent weddings, two new homes, and a couple
ofcareer/job changes.
a movie, wine tasting,
and this year, we have
planned a games night
to leam popular group
games like Bunko, and
have a relaxing evening.
Our traditional Found-
ers' Day Luncheon and
ourfundraisingArthritis everwantedtovisithis- alumnaetocometoa Takingtimeoutofour Luncheon are also on our
We have started supporting a new event in our areaforthe two collegiate chapters that we work with. Each year beforeformalrecruitment beginsforthe chapter, they invite parents and
Counties, a large area
to cover. Trying to keep meetings in a central- ized location is difficult. We try to alternate our meetings between the
two counties so the same membersdonothavethe longer distance to drive. This year we are concen- trating on recruitment We have tried different things in the past but are excited about our new method. Each alumna was given a printout of AOIIs in her zip code area. She, in turn, has placed a personal call
or note to each potential new member inviting
her to come to one ofour meetings/socials. The personal touch seems
to be working. We have several women interested in renewing their relation- shipwithAOII.Our first recruitment event was an ice cream social. What better way to greet and meet new sisters than with a tempting des-
sert. Our chapter covers various age groups, come from different schools, professionals, and stay- at-homemoms,but all sharingonecommon bond-AOII.
Ournew philanthropic projectfor2005-2006is tilled "Women Helping Kids." Each month, we
will be collecting items
to donate to community organizations that work with children. The collec- tions range from donating Christmas toysforToys for Tots,art/writingsupplies for Girl Power, non-per- ishablesfortheSalvation Army, and making frozen casserolesforthe Ronald
McDonald House. These
items are brought to
each designated monthly
meeting. We continue to
collect pull tabs, General
Mills box tops, milk caps,
Campbell soup labels,
pennies,andtravelsize lunchat"Back-in-Time gratefulforthegeneros-
7b Dragma [ Winter 2005]
toiletries lotions, soaps, shampoo, dental floss, and toothbrushesforlocal shelters. Our planning team did a fantastic job planning our monthly ac- tivities. We will be doing everything from painting pottery,flowerarranging, wine tasting, scrap book- ing, to our Founders' Day ActivitiesandRitual. It's going to be a great year for the alumnae in the Madison, WI chapter!
St Paul
Thisfallwehosteda lovely reception for
the Tau Chapter new members and their parents. We made presentations on what
the alumnae chapter, the advisory committee, and the corporation board do for the chapter and had a wonderfultimemeet- ingandgettingtoknow our new sisters and their parents. Many thanks go out to Jess Cramer and Meg Siskfororganizing thisevent Everyone
had a wonderful time
at Founders' Day in No- vember. A philanthropic project was planned where we made purses to be sold at the Tau Chap ter new member fund raiser and 50-year pins werepresented.Thanks to Candice Bott, Hope Thomberg,andRachel Uppgaardforplanning the event. Interested
in our group - give Chris
Tea Room," lunch and tour of a chocolate factory, making our
own ceramics, and a
day at the lake. O u r core group continues to truly enjoy each other in sisterhood as we explore and participate in our community.
Nashville Area
We are trying a
new FUN-draiser
this February, by encouraging our members to participate in a brand new event. We arechallenging our members to host a small group of sisters or people at the location of each host's choice, while raising funds for the chapter. It might
be a couples night
with pizza, or a girls night with martinis --whateverthehost wants!Thereisalso
a competition for the group of 6-10 that can raise the most money. All proceeds go to the NAACsowe can better support charities and our chapter services.
New Orleans Area
We are encouraging all alumnae from the area to escape some of the stress from the hurricane and jointheirsistersforstress free sisterhood activities. HurricaneKatrinaat- tempted to break us down but our sisterhood will prevail1 We will continue
ity and kind thoughts of our sisters. It is truly the thoughts, prayers and gifts of sisters from all over the US and Canada that has helped many ofus deal with this disaster. Again, we thank you all from
the bottom of our hearts and please know that
we will be ready to return thefavorwhenthe
time comes.
NEOK/NWARAlumnae Chapter just held their first annual Arthritis Walk. We had over 60 participants and raised nearly 500 dollars. Some participants walked as much as three miles.
We had a chance to talk withindividualssuffering fromarthritis.Theytruly enjoyed the walk and were very appreciative of our efforts to raise arthri- tis awareness. We also workedwithourlocalcol- legiate chapter, Chi Theta, inrecruitingother girls to help with registration and other event logistics. One of our collegians, Martha Bacon, led our arthritis walkers in a warm-up exercise before they begantheirwalk.It was such a great dayforAOII. The alumnaechapter plans on making this an annual event Thank you to the Eastern Oklahoma
Berquist a call at 763- 593-5068 or cberquist® bigfootxom.
with our events circled around sisterhood and fun and we will help each other through this situa- tion. All sisters from the New Orleans Area and GulfCoast are incredibly
Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation and our alumnae chapter. They truly helped make the event a success.
Northern Kentucky
We area small group that enjoys getting together
to celebrate our bond of sisterhood through AOII. Whether you are new to the Northern Kentucky area or have lived here for years, we would like for you to join us at our gatherings - we always welcomeanewface.
For more information, please contact Angie Ziegelmeyer at 859-727- 4577 or a_ziegelmeyer@ hotmail.com.
Northern Orange Co.
We enjoyed a great day participating in the Arthritis Walk on May 21,2005. Our IIOAs and sisters from Southern Or- ange County joined us in this great event We had lunch at a local restaurant withourSOC sistersafter thewalk.OnMay 10, 2005 we installed new of fleers, heldformalRitual and gathered pandas for the Arthritis Foundation's CampEsperanza.
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter has
a busy year planned for 2005-2006. Our theme for thisyearisBroad- way Plays and Movies. Plannedeventsinclude our annual potluck dinner, dinner out with your sisters, movie night
Our 2005-06 schedule of events includes
Northeast Oklahoma/Northwest
Arkansas alumnae and Chi Vneta collegians at their 1st Annual Arthritis Walk
with your sisters, holiday auction, high tea at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and celebrating Founders' Day with the Gamma Alpha and Pi Delta collegiate chapters and the Subur- ban Maryland Alumnae Chapter. Service projects include cleaning up a local highway in October and April as part of
Virginia's Adopt-a-High- way program, participat- ing in a holiday gift wrap at a local shopping mall to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foun- dation, and supporting the Northern Virginia Alumnae Panhellenic benefit at a local theater to raise funds for two scholarships awarded to Greek women. W e also plan to host a Strike Out Arthritis! event again at
a minor league baseball game in May.
NY/NJ Metro
We are very proud of our Ruby Award received at Convention 2005! Our chapter is committed to supporting local philan- thropic events such as the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. We always look forward to our Strike Out Arthritis! bowling event held in
the spring. This year we will share this event with Theta Pi Chapter. Our involvement with Theta Pi provides us an opportu- nity to share what it is like to be an active alumna. Members of the NY/NJ Metro Area Alumnae Chapter are proud to serve on Theta Pi's AAC and Corporation Board, and enjoy hosting the seniors for the Welcome to Alumnae Status Ritual.
Our chapter is honored to have 5 Rose Award wi n- ners and two members, Kay Welch (ANS) and Laura Haran (CNS) serv- ing on the Network team.
Orlando Area
Our chapter enjoyed a lovely party at Marianna LaRue's home. Several members attended
and we will be hosting another one this year. We invited members and their significant others to join us, so it was a great party!
The Ottawa Alumnae Chapter's year included many fun-filled events. Al- ways popular is the skat- ing party that takes place on Ottawa's Rideau Canal that in the wintertime becomes the longest skat- ing rink in the world! And to brighten November's darker days. Gamma
Chi, our local collegiate chapter at Carleton U in Ottawa, holds a colorful Rose Ball to which all alumnae are invited. The annual Spring Luncheon at the Royal Ottawa
Golf Club is always is a wonderful way of bringing together recent alumnae with those of us who
have been around for quite a while! This year, several of our very senior alumnae were presented with certificates honor- ing their long and loyal involvement with AOII. W e recognized Thais Holmes (70 years). Bar- bara Lambert (60 years). Fay Campbell (50 years) and Diana Pilsworth
(50 years). These women were toasted and received a well deserved round
Northern Oranqt
members and husbands at the 2005 Arthritis Walk in Huntington Beach
ToDragina {Winter2005]
A couple's dinner event for the Orlando Area Alumnae
of applause. And last
but not least, each May, when the warmer weather finally reaches us in this part ofthe world, we hold a fund raising garage sale in support ofour many philanthropies.
Our favorite activity
is probably filling
Easter baskets for our philanthropy, Foster Parents Association.
We include small toys, stuffed animals and candy. This year, the director wrote "I never thought I would say this, but you all have truly outdone yourselves this year. The baskets were absolutely beautiful and
I wish you could have seen the children's faces as they came to pick them up!"
Palo Alto
The Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter has a varied pro- gram mixing traditional events like Founders' Day, our Fall Brunch, Holiday Open House and Spring BBQ with charity work, visits to museums, and an informal hiking group. We welcome all AOIIs even if they do not choose to pay dues. This year's new event is "Let's Get Crazy - Sew" we'll learn
to make simple quilt squares which will be put together to donate for charity.
The sisters ofthe Philadel- phia Alumnae Chapter continuetoenjoyAOII membership through
an eclectic collection
ofevents this year. We
are having a duck tour
and bowling event in
addition to our peren-
nial favorites, the holiday
party, Founders' Day
celebration, and Chinese
dinner. We are also very
excited to start working
withournewcollegiate agreattimewith sisters at St. Joseph's U in
at schools, hospitals, and churches, memberships in college alumni, music and theater, and professional organizations. We are al- ways lookingformembers to share in our sisterhood.
San Antonio
The San Antonio Alum- nae Chapter celebrates being a Ruby Award winning chapter! As we congratulate one another
are looking forward to getting together with all ofour AOII sisters on this special day.
San Jose
This year our theme is
to Rekindle Sisterhood. Our membership chair- man, Jeannie Holden Apostble, has spent the summer contacting members and updating our roster. Tofocusmore on friendship we have de- cided to have more drop
in and philanthropic events. Our members an- nually enjoy dinner and
a movie and volunteering at the Second Harvest Food Bank with other local alumnae and col- legians. We would love to have you join us, too.
Sarasota Area
This fall, our members enjoyed sharing an evening offun and friend- ship at the Wine and Cheese Holiday Party and Gift Exchange.
The Savannah Area Alumnae Chapter seeks to connect with the collegiate chapter by offering a goody bag for the Fall and Spring exam weeks. This allows the giris tofeelremembered by their parents during the long study hours. The project serves as a fund raising event for the alumnae chapter.
South Bay/
Palos Verdes
The South Bay / Palos Verdes alumnae chapter is having a great year! We've been relaxing with
ToDragma [Winter2005]
Philadelphia. We look forward to showing them the meaning ofAOII sisterhood and the bond itforgeswithin us. Please check our chapter out
at our website www.phillyaoii.com.
Phoenix alumnae are involved in many areas of the community as well as our chapter. From gradu- ate students, to parents,
to successful career women, we are active, involved and empowered1 We've walked for arthritis, adopted a displaced family who moved to Phoenix after Hurricane Katrina, and mentored young women throughout the community and AOII. We're involved in govern- ment, corporate America,
Parent Teacher Organiza- tions, and a wide variety of organizations.
Piedmont, NC
Our chapter is excited about our calendar of events this year. Aside from our monthly Tues- day night meetings, we have also scheduled some extra weekend events. Wine tastings, movies, and sporting events to name a few.
Portland Alumnae Chapter has a variety of
groups and ages to appeal to, which we try to do with our varied events. We range from a traditional spring luncheon, to pot- tery painting and wine tasting in Oregon's wine country. Wherever we are, we always have
shared sisterhood1
The Rochester Alumnae
Chapter'sfinaleventof forajobwelldonewe
the 2004-2005 season
started with a lunch at
"Basha," a Mediterranean
restaurant.Therewegave archivesarelimitedand
good wishes to Andrea Scuderi, Kappa Omega, and her fiance, Bob Childs, before their July wedding. After lunch we boarded the "Mary Jemi- son," in its first weekend ofoperation,fora cruise on the Genesee River, passing Com Hill and the U ofRochester. Mary Jemison was a white child captured and brought
up by Native Americans. She spent her later life in the Genesee Valley where she was called "The White Woman of
the Genesee."
The Rockford Alumnae
Chapter was founded
January 11,1947. We are
currently a thriving chap-
ter of 22 which include
eight sisters that wear a
fifty year membership
badge. Our member-
ship includes a variety of
interest throughout the
Rockford area commu-
nity: gardening, wetland
preservation, arthritis
fund raising, historic
next to null. We would like to learn about our chapter and its history. If you have any information or items ofinterest you would like to share, please contact us at aoiitexsan@ yahoo.com. Our first AOII Game Night was sensa- tional! Patricia Gutierrez O'Kane wowed us with her hospitality! Laughter erupted throughout the night and there are plans for a repeat! We were all
1 winners at Game Night
Come along and join the fun!
San Gabriel Valley
This year, the San Gabriel Valley Chapter is hosting Founders' Day 2006 on behalfofthe Southern California Council. We will be cdebrating this special occasion on February 4th at the Hilton in Old Town Pasadena. Well known for its roses, The Rose Bowl, and the New Year's Day Rose Parade, Pasadena is a perfect locationforthis
event Needless to say,
preservationofRbckford's ourtimespentbeforethis
past, owners of various event is full of planning businesses, volunteering and preparation. We
must acknowledge those that laid the foundation for our success. Our
facials and massages, indulging in chocolate, helping out with col- legiate recruitment and doing community service. We're looking forward to many more fun outings together throughout the rest of the year.
Southern 1
Orange County
Southern Orange County Walks For Arthritis!
We were on the road
by 7 a.m. on a Saturday in May to make it to
the starting line of the Arthritis Foundation Arthritis Walk by 8 a.m. Our AOII team joined hundreds of others to help make a difference and raise money for the wonderful research the Arthritis Foundation conducts each year. Two of our members. Gini Fanelli Hollywood and Ginger Stickney Brown, were having so much fun walking as they talked, that they walked past the route turn and ended up walking at least a mile longer than required to finish the event. Our chapter has supported the event for the past three years by donating the money to sponsor our team. The event gives
us a chance to show our support, get some great exercise, and show our AOII pride.
St Louis
We have a very fun year planned1 We have events such as a fall bonfire, cooking class, and fondue and bunko night, just to name a few. We have tried to develop a
Philadelphia alumnae and children enjoy their "Ride the Duck" event in downtown
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
Southern Orange County alumnae participating in their local Arthritis Walk
program of events that
will please a wide range of interests. This approach has led to increasing our membership!
State College
State College alumnae
are contributing to their community at meet-
ings this year..."treats" ofcannedgoodsat the October meeting; Toys
for Tots in December; Women's Resource Center donations at the February breakfast. While we share our love for one another in AOII, we also want to spread our love
to people in need in our community.
Happy Holidays From SMAC! W e have had
a wonderful fall, full of sisterhood! Wehave attended the Baltimore Chocolate Festival, paint- ed pottery and had a fun summer BBQ with our sisters. W e have many
fun events planned for the spring too, bowling with the collegians. Found- ers'Day with NOVA, Pi Delta and Gamma Alpha, and a Casino Night.
We hope to see you all there. Check out our fun pictures on our website. www.aoiismac.com.
Terre Haute
In our second annual senior reception, all se- niors are sent a formal invitation to an evening of'Wine &Roses'. The purpose is to encourage the collegiate members in their final year to remain in leadership roles, to encourage their younger
sisters, and to provide strong, dependable examples to all members. Attendance has been excellent, the event is now anticipated by the seniors, and il has proven to be our best-attended meeting for alumnae as well. This also provides an oppor- tunity for those alumnae who are not regularly in touch with the collegiate chapter to get to know these girls. The members, in rum, get to be a part
of an alumnae event.
The evening starts with hors d'oeuvres. wine,
and dessert. Each of the seniors tells her plans
for after graduation. A l l seniors receive gifts and arose. During the spring semester, a drawing is held among those seniors with the best attendance throughout the year and one month of the winner's dues will be paid by the alumnae chapter.
Toledo Area
This year we are focusing on rekindling old friend- ships and making new ones as we pay tribute to things women love! One of our meetings this year focused on reminiscing with our sisters and fun times from the past. We had an opportunity to enjoy old scrapbooks.
At another meeting, many of our sisters had
a great time designing and making our own beaded bracelets! W e also had an opportunity to enjoy exhibits geared towards women at The Toledo Museum of Art. Of course, don't forget the wonderful time of Found- ers' Day and welcoming our collegiate sisters into alumnae status. And
how wonderful is it to help kids in need? W e are gearing up for our 3rd annual Baskets 'n Brunch Benefit to raise money for Camp Busy Bee, a camp for kids with juvenile arthritis. What a
great year!
Toronto Area
For the Toronto Area Alumnae Chapter, sisterhood in 2005 meant Founders' Day at the
Art Gallery of Ontario, Sisterhood Soiree at Julie Petroskis' house, and Wel- come to Alumnae Status at Jeanette Ciccone's rooftop terrace. Next was summer BBQ at Kristina Hunt's house, getting ready for recruitment at 24 Madison, Terry Fox Run in support of cancer research, and Supper Club at trendsetting Toronto restaurants. Our fantastic Reunion Week- end 2005. celebrating 75 years of AOII in Canada on the Anniversary of Beta Tau's 1950 Instal- lation, and hanging our charters on the Alumnae Wall the Beta Tau Chap- ter house continued the year. Finally, sisterhood meant gening together with old friends and making new ones, and keeping current with Evites and our newsletter "The Rosevine." Check us out at www.aoiitoronto. com. and join now.
During the upcoming year, we are looking forward to greater involve- ment with the Delta Upsi- lon Chapter, and we have discussed planning an event with the Thurston Arthritis Research Center in Chapel Hill. We also
have many sisterhood events planned through- out the year that everyone enjoys, including a cake decorating lunch and a craft night.
The Tucson Alumnae Chapter is excited about the upcoming year. We are looking forward
new activities like our AOII Book Club and an enneagraphy workshop. (Enneagraphy is a psychological typology.) W e also plan to celebrate our sisterhood at annual favorites like U of A Homecoming, Founders' Day and our spring Spa Day. Ifyou live in Tucson or Southern Arizona, please come and join
us! Contact the Tucson Alumnae Chapter through Robin Giebner Pakka at rcpakka® cox.net.
Every Christmas, we have a "Bear Drive" to get pan- da bears and teddy bears for a local toy drive. We also hold an annual High Tea, complete with scones and Devonshire Cream, at a local tea shop. This
year, our philanthropy chairman Judit Spence, suggested that everyone present donate the cost of a dinner out to the Ruby Fund to help our sisters
in the Gulf States. In the process, we raised close to $250 in about
15 minutes!!
Ventura County
One of Ventura County's most well-attended and anticipated event of
the year is our cookie exchange. We exchange cookies so everyone's baking is done for the holiday. You only have to make one kind of treat and you end up with a whole assortment by shar- ing with each other. And to round out the evening we exchange ornaments or holiday decorations. Its always a lot of fun.
The Winston-Salem
Area Alumnae Chapter
is an active chapter with enthusiastic and dedi- cated members. We have enjoyed our Book Club month for the last 2 pro- gram years. W e especially enjoy meeting for dinner at local restaurants.
San Diego Alumnae Chapter's membership tea
ToDracjma [Winter2005]
Northwestern honors an AOII with Service Award
Former AOII Executive Board Director Helen Claire McMahon, Rho (Northwestern U), is no stranger to volunteer service. Her beloved alma mater recently bestowed on her a pres- tigious alumni service award recognizing a half century of devoted work to the university. An active member of the Northwestern Alumni Association, Helen is a board member
and former president of the NU Club of Washington, D.C., one of the most active of all of Northwestern's alumni chapters. On a national level, she was recently elected to the North- western Alumni Association Board, and is set to serve as a Regional Director and Vice Chairman of the Education/Travel Committee. Through the years, she has served on nu- merous committees and overflows with enthusiasm for her collegiate experiences. Helen has also remained committed and involved with AOII. She served on the Executive Board from 1983-1986 and is a longtime member of AOIl's Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. She is still fondly known as the sister from her class who keeps everyone connected.
It was Helen's dad who encouraged her to attend Northwestern and stressed involvement. By doing so, he said campus life would become more meaningful. Combining her dad's hard-work ethic with her campus involvement and sorority life made for an enjoyable mix of academics, volunteer work and fun. One fond memory was winning an award for the AOIIHomecomingfloatthat featuredagiant"goldcoin"whichbecameagiant"goldnug- get" after hitting a tree along the parade route.
Helen went on to a successful 36-year career with the space program, beginning in 1962 as an administrative assistant with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and later at the Kennedy Space Center. In the early years, she witnessed many historical mo- ments, such as the final Mercury mission, all the Gemini missions, and the Apollo 11 space flight. In 1968 she became assistant to astronaut William Anders (Apollo 8) at the White House National Aeronautics and Space Council in Washington, D.C. Then, in 1973 she accepted a position at the Smithsonian Institute National Air and Space Museum. There she managed more than 40 museum publications and established the officethat oversaw public and scholarly programs. She retired in 1998 and currently resides in Arlington, Virginia. In addition to her continuing volunteer service with Northwestern, as she is in her third term on the Arlington County Board's Commission on Aging, having served as chairman for two years. She also coordinates a sixth-grade English as a Second Language mentoring program.
It was one of Helen's AOII sisters, Ellen English Julian, who nominated her for the North- western honor. Ellen recalls, "Since our college years, Helen has dedicated herself to excel- lence in both her professional life and her volunteer activities. Her love of and enthusiasm for Northwestern University also carries over to AOII." Helen responds, "This award is even more special since it was a Rho sister who nominated me (she had no idea of the nomina- tion), and at this very marvelous evening, I shared it with three of my Rho sisters. This prestigious event is Northwestern's own "Oscars" and it was a truly a gala night."
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
National Panhellenic Conference 59th Biennial Session
"Women of Vision,
More than 200 women of vision and action convened
at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center just north of Houston Oct. 21-22,2005. for the 59th biennial session of the National Panhellenic Conference. At
the same time, just south
of Houston, a woman of velocity and destruction
stalled in the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Wilma stranded
one delegation's president in Cancun and forced several Florida delegates to wait
for evacuation orders.
Refining and voting on the Conference public relations plan and strategic plan
took center stage during the session. In addition, seven resolutions were presented and passed (see sidebar).
NPC Chairman Martha Brown, Delta Gamma, opened the session by announcing each of the 26 member groups, whose inter/national president brought her sorority's flag to
the dais. There they joined Secretary Elizabeth Quick. Gamma Phi Beta: Treasurer Julie Burkhard, Alpha Chi Omega: Alumnae Panhellenics Chairman Linda Collier, Alpha Omicron Pi; and College Panhellenics Chairman Patricia Disque, Chi Omega.
Public Relations Committee Chairman Kris Bridges, Phi Mu, presented the NPC messages and positioning platform, made possible through gifts from Chi Omega and Delta Gamma and developed by MDB
Communications. Washington, D.C. With a positioning pitch
of "Helping women grow,
give, lead and succeed," the platform's components consist of a "who we are" narrative, five value messages, and anchor messages and proof points that support the value messages.
A "PR toolkit" for all members will be available in 2006.
The public relations platform aligns with NPC's new strategic plan, which was presented
by Long Range Planning Committee Chairman Josette George Kaufman,Phi Sigma
Sigma, and adopted by the Conference during the
general session. Charlotte Pelton, of the Waters Pelton Organization, West Palm Beach, Fla., highlighted the plan's goals, objectives and strategies. "It's a big plan - we aimed high," she said. Next, the committee will conduct an interest survey, appoint task force chairmen and consider the use of outside experts to accomplish the objectives.
Kevin O'Neill, Lambda
Chi Alpha, an attorney
with D.C.-based law firm
Patton Boggs.took the Conference on a whirlwind tour of the Greek agenda in Washington. He touched
on the firm's involvement in Greek government relations: the components of the Greek government relations program; the Capital Fraternal Caucus/ Congressional Fraternal Caucus: the formation of the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee; "Go Vote 06"; the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act: the Higher
Women of Action" By Sue Zorichak, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 2nd Alternate Delegate, NPC Publications Committee Chairman
TuDragma [ Winter 2005 ]
AOII's 2005 NPC Delegation: Lori Hart Ebert, 3rd Alternate; Carole Jurenko Jones, Delegate; Susan Danko, International President; Undo Peters Collier, 2nd Alternate (1stAlternate Mary AAcCammon Williams was unable to attend!
Congratulations to Southern Methodist U, recipient of the Collegi
Alumnae and colk
Education Reauthorization; theCollegeFirePrevention Act: the Hazing Prohibition Act; "grassroots" and "grass tops" campaigns; and plans for the 2006 congressional visit.
Outside the general sessions, delegation members conducted committee business and visited the record number of vendors (more than 60) there to support the Conference. During two joint Alumnae Panhellenic and College Panhellenic committee meetings, members discussed several timely topics, including recruitment and
the release figure method
led by Rie Hoehner, Alpha Gamma Delta, and Laura Malley-Schmitt, Alpha Phi, the Facebook phenomenon and teaching and reinforcing ethical behavior.
Several key NPC committees and groups presented the results of their meetings
in the form of summary reports during the
on PI at NPC
general session including theNPCFoundation, Alumnae Panhellenics Committee, College Panhellenics Committee, National Panhellenic Editors Conference, Executive Directors and Inter/national Presidents.
The 59th biennial session closed with the awards banquet Saturday night, during which the 2005- 2007 Executive Committee was introduced:
• Chairman: Elizabeth Quick, Gamma Phi Beta
• Secretary: Julie Burkhard, Alpha Chi Omega
• Treasurer: Eve Riley. Delta Delta Delta
• Alumnae Panhellenics Chairman: Linda Collier, Alpha Omicron Pi
• College Panhellenics Chairman: Patricia
Disque. Chi Omega
The 2006 NPC interim meeting is slated for the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Oct. 20-21.
esenting Alpha C
A resolute body
The National Panhellenic Conference passed seven resolutions during the biennial session in Houston Oct. 21-22. Delegates and College and Alumnae Panhellenics received the final versions of the resolutions in November.
The resolutions, by number, addressed the:
1. Vision statement: "The National Panhellenic Conference will be the premier advocacy and support organization for its members, member groups. College and Alumnae Panhellenics and a propo- nent of women's fraternity membership."
2. Mission statement: "The National Panhellenic Conference existstopromotethevaluesofandtoserveasanadvocate forits member groups in collaboration with those members, campuses and communities."
3. Adoption of the strategic plan, which encompasses the years 2005-2010.
4. Amendment to Unanimous Agreement VII, College Panhellenic Association Judicial Procedures #4 Appeals, A to read: "Judicial Board Decision. A decision by the College Panhellenic Association Judicial Board may be appealed by any involved party to the NPC College Panhellenics Judicial Appeals chairman. A n appeal shall
be filed with the College Panhellenic president using the College Panhellenic Notice of Appeal form within one week of the decision." 5. Eligibility of potential new members for quota addition place- ment. Item 3 on Page MR-57 of the Manual of Information, 14th Edition, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "This procedure shall never include a woman who has failed to accept or attend any recruitment event for which there was room in her membership recruitment schedule (with a fully structured or partially structured recruitment), or has failed to list on her membership recruitment acceptance agreement all frater- nity chapters appearing on her preference schedule."
6. Decision making regarding the setting of quota: "Where quota range is used, quota shall be determined by mutual agreement of the Panhellenic adviser and either the release figures specialist or the NPC area adviser."
7. Inclusion of preference attendees on chapter bid lists: "NPC reaffirms that a fraternity should be willing to issue an invitation to membership to any woman who is invited [to] and attends its pref- erence event; and NPC reaffirms that the name of every woman whom a fraternity invites to attend and who attends that fraternity's preference event should appear on the fraternity's bid list."
anhellenic Public Relations Award sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi.
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ] 35
me i/rltc: June 23-25.2006
Alpha Omicron Pi Leadership Institute
ImPo. £xdm . Ixttds. Save .
Why is Leadership Institute 2006 a must-seeforme? Since LI started in 1996, it has proven to be enormously popular with alumnae and collegians because the atmosphere is fun and casual with a focus on learning. This summer, LI will explore living, learning, leading and serving.
Enjoy interactive meals and entertainment every night while making lasting connections with sisters throughout the United States and Canada.
Over 30+ Breakout Sessions will be offered, covering such topics as healthy lifestyle choices, time management, communication
and popular hobbies.
We will conduct 4 General Sessions on AOII Commitment, Motivation and Values.
Participate in a hands-on service project for the American Juvenile Arthritis Organization.
Franklin Marriott Cool Springs/ >_/ Franklin, T ennessee
June 23 - 25, 2006 J
7~uHt> can / dct ftt&rt LKmt7nA&<Hi ? Information and registration information can be found on the Leadership Institute website, www.alphaomicronpi.org under "Events." Visit often as the site will be updated continually. You can also receive information by contacting AOII International Headquarters at (615) 370-0920 or email events@alphaomicronpi.org.
to- JCCI uvJiiJicf To Dragma [Winter 2005
Training held at International Headquarters
Recruitment Leadership Academy for Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment (VPMRs) and Recruitment Advisers (RAs) was held November 11-15. 2005
at AOII International Headquarters
and Cool Springs Marriott Franklin in Tennessee. Eighty-four collegiate officers and 40 alumnae advisers attended the weekend event designed to provide the tools, information, and skills needed for VPMRs and RAs to lead their chapters in successful recruitment efforts.
The VPMRs and RAs focused on develop- ing their chapters' Year Round Planning Calendar with a month by month view of workshops and tasks that would be useful for planning a successful recruitment.
The sessions were an abbreviated version of workshops thai would be presented to a chapter by the VPMR. This taught the attendees not only the information that they needed but most importantly, how to share it with iheir chapters.
Friday evening, participants reviewed how the reports they submit provide information that can improve aspects of their planning. The Fresh Ideas Mingle was a chance to see samples ofdifferent party ideas from name tags to themes to jewelry displays. Motivating members was the focus of an
upbeat session that had everyone on their feet! Music, energy, and laughter were used to illustrate how to keep members involved and excited about recruitment.
Saturday learning opportunities included many workshops for the Year Round Planning Calendar. Volunteerfacilitators and staff teamed together to present ses- sions such as Target Your Audience, Define Your Image, Maintain Your Standards. Values that Guide Us. Close the Sale,
and Impressions and Conversation. The advisers received information presented to them that was specific to their role in the Adviser Procedures session. Other exciting aspects of the day included a session called "Ask the IP" where attendees asked the AOII International President questions. The weekend also included fun sisterhood activities, a tour of AOII Headquarters and shopping in the AOII Emporium.
Sunday morning it was time to learn how to incorporate all the plans made with a session called How to Implement Change: Plotting the Course Ahead. The materials from the weekend sessions will be placed online in the My Officer Resources. Many thanks to the Leadership Academy task force for their planning efforts. Members of the task force include: Sandy Stewart.
Linda Mahfouz, Jaynellen Jenkins, and Cara Catalfumo. In addition, the following people worked to make this weekend a success for everyone involved: Susan Danko, Carole Jones. Linda Mahfouz. Lara Tucci, Melanie Doyle, Amanda Smith, Lee Boone, Julie Anne Walters, Erin Burcham, Abby Epps, Cara Catalfumo,Sarah Meighen, Rebekah Chambless, Rebecca Myers and Amanda Kaye West.
The AOII Foundation generously provided partial funding for this event. For information on this and other AOII leadership events, please see the Events section of the AOII website.
To Dragma [ Winter 2005 ]
a. 19 Large Scrapbook/ Photo Album. 12 X
12 inch scrapbook. Includes 20 acid free lop loading sheet protectors and insen sheets. Provides 40 layout pages. $20.00
b. 120N Scrapbook Kit. Includes 48 cutouts of pandas, Greek letters, roses, and houses. $12.00
c. 120K Deluxe Scrapbook/ Scrapbook Kit. Includes post-bound scrapbook. Clearly Yours puffy stu Isers, Greek letter stickers, large Alpha Omit run
Pi decal and assorted scrapbook paper. $40.00
d. 120CY Clearly Yours Scrapbook Stickers. 16 puffy sliikers. $3.50
e. ofaS AOII Stickers. 12/pkg. $1.50
f. 19A Post-bound Scrapbook/Photo Album. Grosgrain fabric covered album w/chrome oval shaped mounting. 12 X 12 inches. Includes 20 acid free top loading sheel protectors and insert sheets. $30.00
g. 120WP "Sisters" Word Pack for Scrapbooks. Includes assortment of
words pertaining to sisterhood and sorority life. $5.00
h. 120SF Scrapbook Adhesive Frame. Includes 4 X 6 inch and 2X4 inch acid free sticker frames. $1.50
I. 73 Panda Acid Free Scrapbook. 9 1/2 X
12 inches. Provides
40 pages for AOll iiu'inorabilia. $14.00
92P/92S Personalized Fold Over Note Cards w/ envelopes. 50/pkg. Gift box set. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Call to place your order. Please specify:
- white or ivory - script or print - rose design or'AOII' greek letters. $28.00
j. 123B Berry Bliss Ultrasoft Throw
w/Alpha Omicron Pi monogramming. 100% polyester. 50 x 70 inches. $40.00
m. 176 "The Boy Has Good Taste" T-shirt.
Left chest design reads. "AOII-The Right Choice." S. M. L. X L . $16.00
n. 234 Red T-shirt w/black and white sewn onletters. S.M,L.XL.
o. 173 White Towel Wrap. 100% cotton terry vclour. One size. S28.00
p. 173R Red Towel Wrap. 100% col ton terry velour. One size. $28.00
k. 125 "I Love AOII"
FittedTee. S.M.L.XL.
S19.00 $22.00
I. 171 "Everyone Loves an AOII" Fitted Ringer. S. M,L,XL. $17.00
To order call 800-746-7264 or shop online: aoiiemporium.com
a. 134 Oxford Long Sleeve " S,M. L,XL. $19.50
b. 371 Black Fitted Fleece Pullover w/red embroidery. S, M . L,X L . $40.00
c. 194 Turf Hooded Sweatshirt w/front screen print and distressed back waistband design. S,M.L,XL. $34.50
d. 209 Red Hooded Sweatshirt w/tall letters. 50% cotton. 50% polyester. S, M . L.XL. $32.00
e. 209N Navy Hooded Sweatshirt w/tall letters. 50% cotton, 30% polyester. S, M. L, X L . $32.00
f. 213 Oxford Hooded Sweatshirt w/red and navy sewn on letters. S. M.L.XL. $40.00
g. 191 Chocolate Brown Hooded Sweatshirt w/pink gingham sewn on letters. S. M. L. X L . $40.00
h. 56R Red Rose Blown Glass Ornament. Handcrafted w/Greek letters on leaf. $36.00
i. 56HQ International Headquarters Ornamlent.. StS.OO SALE $8.00
j. 56S Handpainted Snowman Ornament. $15.00 k. 56CR Chistopher Radko Panda Ornament.
I. 105G Quilted Garment Bag w/embroidery. Red and ivory toile prim w/plaid accents. Full zipper closure, side ties, and carrying handles. Machine washable. 5i"X22". $67.00
m. 105T-M Medium Quilted Tote w/embroidery.
Red and ivory toile print w/plaid accents. Button closure. Inside pouch. Machine washable. 14"X4"X 12". $30.00
n. 105T-S Small Quilted Tote w/embroidery. Red and ivory toile print w/plaid accents. Zipper closure. Six inside pockets for personal items. Outside pocket w/Velcro closure. Machine washable. 10" X 3" 10". $26.00
o. 105T-L Large Quilted Tote w/embroidery. Red
and ivory toile print w/plaid accents. Zipper closure. Six inside pockets for personal items. One outside pocket. M achine washable. 18" X 4" X 15". $38.00
p. 105D-L Large Quilted Duffle Bag w/embroidery. Red and ivory toile print w/plaid accents. Zipper closure. Large pouch and zipper pocket inside. Two deep pockets on outside. Machine washable
20" X 11" X 10". $51.00
q. 105C Quilted Cosmetic Bags w/embroidery.
Red and ivory toile print w/plaid accents. Set of 3
individually lined embroidered bags. Zipper closure.
Tied together w/sateen ribbon. Machine washable
To order call 800-746-7264 or shop online: aoiiemporium.com
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