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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-08-13 18:35:44

1925 February - To Dragma

Vol. XX, No. 3

Co Dragma


Jllpba Omicron Pi

voi. xx February, 1925 N 0 . S

To Dragma

Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity


Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans. L a .
His—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California. Berkeley, Cal.
"The'ta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactive.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon— Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Tota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upailon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, T e x
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
^Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi;—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
^Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman. Okla.
<£_Pi Delta—University of Maryland, College Park, Md.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln. Neb.
Chicago Alumnae—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumna?—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumna:—New Orleans, L a . %

Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangsr Alumnae—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumnae—Portland, Oregon.
Seattle Alumnae—Seattle, Wash.
- . Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumna;—Lynchburg, Va.
Washington Alumnae—Washington, D. C.
Philadelphia Alumnae—Philadelphia, Pa.
Dallas Alumnae—Dallas, Tex.
Kansas City Alumnae—Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Alumnae—Omaha, Neb.

Tacoma Alumnae—Alumnae Association (temporarily), Tacoma, Wash.
Syracuse Alumnae—Syracuse, N. Y .
Detroit Alumnae—Detroit. Michigan.
Nashville Alumnre— Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland Alurrjnae—Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Association—Champaign, 111.
Memphis Alumnae—Memphis, Tenn.
Miami Valley Alumnae—Oxford, Ohio.
Bozeman Alumnae—Bozeman, Mont.
Milwaukee Alumnae—Milwaukee, Wis.
Birmingham Alumnae—Birmingham, Alabama.




Call for Convention 81
• • 82
You and I at Convention
Tau Wants You All 87
Minnesota—Home of Tau •• 94
Glimpses of Radisson Inn 100
A Visiting Chapter at the University of Maryland 106
Founders' Day In New York 113
The Profession of L a w 119
A Letter from Shanghai 122
National Panhellenic Congress 149

Alpha Omicron Pi Convention, 1925

Convention Cross Word Puzzle

Items of Interest



Active Chapter Letters

Alumnae Chapter Letters

Alumnae Notes "

T O D R A G M A is published at 415 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn.,
by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis, Minn.,
as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for
mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.

T O D R A G M A is published four times a year, September, November,
February and May.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.00.


T ) Y VOTE of the Executive Committee of the Grand Council of
Alpha Omicron Pi, the biennial meeting will be held at

Radisson Inn, Excelsior, Minnesota. June 30th to July 6, 1925,

To every member of the fraternity this is a personal and very
cordial invitation to be present at this meeting. I f you have at-
tended such a meeting before, you will need no urging; if you
have not, it will prove for you the happiest possible combination
of all the glad reunions you have ever experienced. Come!

In addition to the active chapter delegates and the members
of the Grand Council, who are expected to be present, it is
especially urged that alumnae chapters will send an official dele-

LAURA A . HURD—Grand President.

MELITA H . SKILLEN—Grand Secretary.

KATRINA O . MCDONALD—Grand Treasurer.



R OLL-CALL by chapters! As you rise, a bit self-consciously per-
haps, you glance about to see what other folks are present
whose college and fraternity traditions are similar to yours.
Whatever your chapter, girls from eighteen to a most uncertain
age stand when its name is called. The year of graduation is
forgotten; the years between then and now fade out completely;
a queer tightening of the throat is the physical evidence that a
pull has been made on your heart strings by each of those other
girls. Suddenly you realize that they are dear to you in a very
special sense. A very real bond exists between you. As they
and you are seated and the next chapter is called, you have a feel-
ing of pleasurable excitement and you're sure that you'll get close
to those other girls from your ozvn chapter as soon as the meet-
ing breaks up.

You will too—BUT the second glad thrill gives you a more
immediate interest. As the other chapters are called, you see
here and there a familiar face suddenly grown dear through its
familiarity. You experience again the gladness of recognition.
Chapter becomes merged in fraternity; friends are here from all
over the country, not from one institution only.

You and I find all at once that we are seated next each other.
I haven't noticed you before; I've been too busy getting used to
things. I don't know you and you're too busy nodding to Helen
across the room and exchanging greetings with a dozen other
folks, nearer at hand, to even see me. You seem to know every-
body; I begin to feel just a bit left out. I wonder if any ordinary
mortal ever gets to the place where she can call out, "Bess, come
sit here," or where Stella puts her arm about her as they walk
across the room together; I wonder even if an ordinary mortal
ever does walk with her! And just then my eye catches your
pin; you turn and smile and somehow we've known each other for
always. That's the magic of the pin.

The marvelous personal contacts established through these
days at Radisson Inn will be beautiful memories all our lives.
Whether it is You or I who is the stranger when we arrive on
June 30th, we'll have forgotten by morning. The youngest and
the oldest of us find we are personal friends of those founders
whose names we have painstakingly conned and spoken with


awe. The most attractive college girl we've ever seen enters the
room and we find she belongs to us. The clearest thinking we
have ever known characterizes the woman on the other side
of you at business meetings and we nod at each other with pride
and a sense of mutual ownership. The most charming hospitality
on every occasion, makes us smile appreciatively at each other.
We have a hope that we may together meet Jess!

Mutual joy in experiences, appreciation of qualities, pride in
type of girl, in ability, judgment, executive management, and
worth-while business accomplished continue to draw you and
me together. At every turn we feel a new point of common in-
terest. Perhaps you've been out of college several years and are

A Garden View, Radisson Inn

conscious of it. Well, perhaps I have still another year to go;
you and I have much to give one another, you of more mature
thinking, I of fresh, youthful outlook. These days together are
wonderful for us. Perhaps you are from California and I from
Maryland and both in college for another year. My what it
means to us both!


But aside from all this which in itself may justify such a
gathering, there is all the business of convention, the consider-
ation of matters of tremendous importance, not only to us but to
many others. Our own national policies need adjustment and
trueing-up every two years, and this is the time when it must
be done. Matters of internal and external growth, national re-
sponsibilities and interfraternity problems, all demand our careful
deliberation and wisest handling. Your judgment will help in
all the plans and problems of these meetings. It is not at all
necessary that you be a delegate to be helpful. We need you,
personally, and no matter how many people are there, you will
count and will be a definite help in many ways. This is a large
organization and needs the best that many can give, not just the
concentrated effort of a few.

Tau and Minneapolis Alumnae have been preparing a most
delightful lot of things for our pleasure, and the committees are
such as to insure the success of the whole time together. Let's
look for each other on the evening of June 30th at that lovely
spot on Christmas Lake. They say the Radisson Inn is one of the
most attractive places in all that beautiful lake country. You and
I must get a canoe and paddle out at sunset; we must take an
early morning swim; we must have a round of golf; we must
be prepared to enter whole heartedly into the discussion of the
serious matters before convention so that we can go forward in a
manner befitting the history of our fraternity.

I am three; you are several thousands, or rather you are each
of those. Let us meet -and greet you with a hearty hail up in the
cool north country!

LAURA A . HURD—Grand President.

MELITA H . SKILLEN—Grand Secretary.

KATRINA O . MCDONALD—Grand Treasurer.




Dear Alpha O's Everywhere^
The months are going to fly past so quickly that June, and all

it means to Tau chapter, will soon be here. We are so impatient
for convention week—so desirous of meeting new sisters and
renewing the acquaintances of those already met. A week is
scarcely long enough to know you all and to hold the events we
should like to plan for you. The lake drives are beautiful in
June and while we are not far enough north to show you deer and

I 1 ?•

• 1



A Bedroom at Radisson Inn

moose, perhaps a gopher or two will perform for us. Then out
to Radisson Inn, a plunge before dinner and the ease of perfect
food and perfect companionship, will make the evenings happy
to face.

Minnesota, the state of ten thousand lakes, has been very
generous in leaving some of her happiest and most beautiful
ones in, and about, Minneapolis. And Radisson Inn, on Christmas
Lake, is really a dream-spot. The accommodations are delightful
in every way; bits of Indian art throughout the rooms are truly
fascinating; each room is comfortably and ideally furnished.


Stepping on to the porch which overlooks the lake shows one
the last word in the exquisite beauty of our northern lakes. The
entire shore-line fringed with scrub and virgin pine forms the
frame of a blue, inviting mirror which reflects the occasional
canoes, and flings back echoes of laughter or lazy conversation.
At night the mists creep out from land and cover the lake with a
sheen of silver in the moonlight. You must not forget that
Minnesota nights are always cool, if not almost cold. The days
may be warm and natural to you southern girls but you will find
the nights will necessitate light wraps.

The Minnesota campus has expanded a great deal in the last
year. The stadium with a capacity of fifty thousand, the new

The Pillsbury Monument, University of Minnesota

library which is one of the largest and finest university libraries
in the country, and the very austere and forbidding administration
building are only the beginning of those waiting for develop-
ment. We shall be very proud of our campus with all these new
buildings. But the pride in having is the pride of sharing—the
days we have together will be too short. We will hope for a week
twice seven days long, the days all dripping with sunshine and
the nights never clouding a friendly moon. June is soon here
and we want you all.





IN THE EARLY DAYS of the nineteenth century when Indian
wigwams dotted the prairie and the smoke from campfires
curled above the forests that flanked the winding banks of the
Mississippi; when, on sunny afternoons as the air hung like a
soft blue veil over the rippling, low-murmuring grasses, the
amazed' and admiring redman watched the settlers of the Min-
nesota territory come trundling into St. Anthony (now Minne-
apolis) with their rich-laden carts of wheat for the mills, the
upright and God-fearing members of the legislature were already
dreaming of establishing an institution of higher learning and
were pondering the possibilities of raising the few thousands
that would be necessary for the project to become a reality.
Those were no days for mere meditation. And so it was that in
February of 1851, aroused by Governor Ramsey, an act was
passed creating the University of Minnesota,—a school which
was to give no sectarian instruction, to consist of five main de-
partments, and to be governed by a board of twelve regents;
46,080 acres of land were set aside for its home. After a solemn
meeting of the first Board of Regents in the leading hotel of that
active, growing, river town, the necessary funds were acquired,—
and the first nail was driven into the University building in the
same month in which occurred the signing of the treaty of
Traverse de Sioux. The building was Old Main. The day was
at hand when herds of buffaloes, trains of covered wagons, and
bands of warriors had to give way to throngs of idealistic young
men and women who would spread over the verdant west-land
an aura of classical learning.

The first school master ruled supreme over twenty ambitious
students. The number rapidly increased, however, until soon
there were more than a hundred eager young men translating
the Odes of Horace and solving problems in elementary mathe-
matics. Those were days filled with struggle. I t is not an easy
thing to build and support a university on the frontier of civili-
zation. And when the Civil War and the terrible Indian massa-
cres came along, it'seemed as though the little dwelling of beauty
and culture must be demolished. Not so, however. The long sad
years were finally passed, and in 1867 the doors of Old Main
were again thrown open to seventy staunch Minnesotans. It
was then that the question of co-education came up, was hotly


discussed, and was settled for all time to the great benefit of the
gentle sex. Then, as now, ardent young men and fair co-eds
strolled in the moonlight along the historic river-bank where so
lately burning Iliawathas had woed and won. Dr. William Watts
Folwell, the grand old man whom all true Minnesotans adore,
came upon the stage and guided the University on its upward
climb to ultimate success and glory.

Folwell Hall, University of Minnesota

This is only a setting of the stage—the thrilling, anticipatory
moment that awaits the raising of the curtain upon splendid
scenes of human endeavor. There is not time here to develop
the intricacies of plot and under-plot—to tell the hundreds of
fascinating stories that give Minnesota its charming color and
atmosphere and traditional background. That temptation must be


forgone. We must jump the intervening years of tremendous

progress and come at once to the University as we know it today.

It is more than interesting to make comparisons between the
past and the present, between the old and the new. Dr. Folwell,
sitting in his dingy class-room in Old Main, listening to the hiss
and crackle of the ancient heater and looking out over the broad
stubble land, saw visions he scarcely dared to believe. But even
he could not know that whereas yesterday the University was a
building, a street, a village, today it would be a city in itself,
teeming with energy and life. Where there were half a hundred
students, nearly twelve thousand now throng the campus walks.
Three professors have been augmented to nearly seven hundred.
On the territory that Old Main once guarded, standing like a
scare-crow amidst the swirling blizzards, forty-six structures
stand majestic—and eight sub-stations are like sturdy out-posts
over the state. The few earnest students of the early days sat
about the wood stove, munching rosy Minnesota apples and roar-
ing over their boisterous jokes, or sought excitement and pleasure
in alert spelling bees—while now we enjoy every sort of athletic,
intellectual and social diversion imaginable. It is the Junior
Ball, the football game, the international debate that pleases us

There are twenty-seven national academic fraternities and
nineteen sororities on the Minnesota campus; and there are thirty
professional fraternities and sororities scattered among its vari-
ous colleges. There is no dearth of clubs and honorary societies,
with five dramatic clubs, several debating societies, class organi-
zations, religious, language, journalistic and literary societies'.
New buildings spring up as by magic every year. Within the
past few months a huge new stadium, one of the largest in the
United States, has been opened—and a new library, the finest
among state institutions, has become the pride of our campus.

There is, it seems, as we look into the future, no end Only

a red dawn breaking on greater and greater triumphs and


Minnesota has received generous grants of money which have
provided many of her finest buildings and her splendid equipment;
the latest, providing miraculous hocpital facilities for the medical
campus, will one day make Minnesota the Vienna of America.
And when there are no funds available, the students themselves


raise the thousands by subscription to see their high hopes real-
ized. By their love, and their pride, and their sacrifices, have
many cornerstones been laid.

The visitor at Minnesota cannot fail to be pleased with what
he finds there. He will enjoy the long rows of buildings, semi-
classical in structure, the ancient armory guarded by the iron
soldier at the door, the straggling campus walks,—and, most of
all, the high grassy knoll where gnarled old oak trees commune
softly with the summer winds; and from which he may watch the




The Knoll, University of Minnesota

sunset's momentary scarlet flare behind the Gothic gray of the

Old Library. And he will feel a spirit there,—an elusive, in-

tangible something that is like a faint, insidious perfume drifting

down the years something that calls to those it has

possessed and welcomes those who come, strangers, beneath its

spell something that is the Spirit of Minnesota.

J U A N I T A MEDBERY, Tau. 26.



t i H p U A N A , FOOLISH MAIDEN, dreamily lifted her basket of
A reeds from the cold, green water, as she had done many

times and oft; raising it to her broad young shoulder, she walked
homeward through the scented, waving trees. Tuana's eyes were
deep with dreams, Tuana's step was slow—and lo! when she
lowered her burden upon the broad stone, she found that her
basket was empty. . . ."


Tuana, precursor of a long line of empty-headed virgins,
might never have figured in this unflattering legend of the maiden
who ruined a practically new doc skin ensemble with "cold,
green water" if she had had the opportunity which will fall to all
good Alpha O's next June. I t is all very well to have such pre-
possessing dreams, Freud to the contrary, but to dream with com-
fort and carry water at the same time, one should at least have a
basket like the one devised by the Klamath Indians, which can
carry fully enough water for a Tuana's bath, and possibly for a

A Klamath Indian basket more than 100 years old is one of
the greatly admired museum pieces which help to make the
Indian collection at Radisson Inn one of the most interesting in
the country. The basket, which is fully two feet and a half in
height was made for food cache purposes in general, so cun-
ningly woven of infinitesimal strips that it can take care of either
liquid or solid refreshments. A basket woven of grass that is
entirely leak-proof is rare even among the finer examples of
Indian craftsmanship extant. This Klamath basket is considered
one of the outstanding relics of a lost art.

The long living room at Radisson Inn is bright with rare
Indian pieces that hobnob with each other about two totem
pole fireplaces. Against the ivory tinted walls and paneling and
the polished floors, gay Navajo blankets—each a work of art,
make vivid spots of color. On the walls and effectively arranged
about the room are vivid belts and sashes, bags and necklaces of
genuine Indian bead work, just such trinkets as delighted the
Indian maidens, who, in the not so far distant past, lived where
the Inn now stands.


And the totem pole fireplaces! What fun to watch these gro-
tesque figures, more benign than terrifying, presiding over the
leaping flames on a cool summer evening. No cubist conceptions
of a totem pole these, but the real thing—authentic copies of
Alaskan totem poles which are considered among the finest speci-
mens known. The fireplaces serve to accentuate the bizarre motif
of the long, interesting room. The Indian relics form a most
representative collection of the work of many tribes of early
American Indians. There is horse hair work from the Mexican
Indians and even pottery and basketry from old tribes of the
famous Hopis. The entire collection is one to delight and fasci-
nate a student of Indian lore.

The Veranda, Radisson Inn

From the coziness of this interesting living room so cleverly
"done" in original American, visiting Alpha O's may wander out
on the long veranda which has both the sophistication and com -
fort of a delightful country club—and a very smart one at that,
plus a charm of arrangement and detail that is its own. The
veranda is really a delight with deep chintz covered wicker chairs.


its trailing j>otted ivy and the profusion of flowers from the
gardens which surround the Inn, glimpses of which make the
view from the French windows one worth remembering. On
the veranda is the dance floor, quite the nicest arrangement
imaginable—especially on a warm evening.

The inside dining room—if one can be tempted from the
delectable ivory one with its green vines that opens out on the

The Dining Room, Radisson Inn

porch—cleverly masquerades itself as a flower garden. The artist
who painted it must have taken his inspiration from the terrace
gardens about the Inn. Jolly poppies smile at dazzling clumps of
blue larkspur in an altogether engaging way.

For connoisseurs of the morning stroll there are gravelled
walks that seem just to have "happened," so casually do they
lead one in and out through gardens, woods, and down to the
beach of Christmas Lake where diving boards and rafts are ar-
ranged for swimming.





E XCITEMENT RAN HIGH all day long on that thirty first day of
October as we, three delegates from Kappa chapter, packed
and scuttled about preparing for the trip to Washington to see
the very newest chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi duly installed. I t
seemed too good to be true that all was to take place so near at
hand and that Kappa would have a sister chapter within "calling
distance." Little tremulous thrills ran through our bones as we
boarded the north bound train and cautious little questions kept
popping out at intervals as: "What will that new chapter be
like?" "Will we really love them and take them joyfully into our
fraternity?" "How will they appeal to us anyway, and will we
respond to that appeal?" The rumble of the wheels seemed to
hum over and over again "AOI1, our own fraternity", and
again the question, "How will this new chapter fit into our very
own fraternity?"

After dreaming on the question all of Friday night, we rose
very early the next morning to begin an all-important quest. We
wanted to find some of our "new sisters to-be" at the very earliest
opportunity because deep interest as well as a bit of curiosity
could not be suppressed any longer. The search was begun
throughout the lobby of the Grace Dodge Hotel but with very
fruitless results. A l l the clerks merely answered our eager
questions in a desultory manner and were entirely too calm over
the event which seemed to us by far the most important occur-
rence in the city of Washington at that particular time. Next,
the garden house was tried, a very attractive little room finished
off in rustic style and separated from the hotel proper by a
flagstone walk. Upon opening the door to this room, a welcome
sight met our eyes. Several girls were walking around inside
busily engaged in different tasks, and all garbed from head to
toe in pure white—a sure sign of unusual events afoot. One of
them, who later turned out to be Nadia Wright, met and wel-
comed us with true sisterly fervor and zest. We began to enjoy
our surroundings and new acquaintances immensely.

Gradually during the morning, more and more of the white
garbed figures drifted in and more delegates from other chap-
ters arrived until the place teemed with Alpha O's present and


future. Conversation buzzed informally, all of course with AOn
trend. The most wonderful feeling of intense satisfaction and
"at liominess" took possession of all of us and the most necessary
thing on hand then was to bring the 'futures' mentioned above
right clown to the present.

After an informal lunch served to us charmingly by the
Maryland girls, preparations for the formal installation be-
gan. As the initiates retired from the room such exclamations as
"Aren't they the grandest bunch of girls?" "Real Alpha O's
already," coupled with grins of silent agreement and satisfaction
gave vivid testimony of the impression the girls had already
succeeded in making upon the visitors.

The initiation service followed by formal installation which
proceeded with all its simple and beautiful solemnity made a
deep impression on old and new initiates alike—especially those
delegates who had never witnessed an installation before.

At the tea given out at College Park in the girls' dormitory,
we had an opportunity to see the members of Pi Delta mingling
with other students of the college and to perceive the good will
and high esteem accorded them by both faculty and fellow stu-
dents. Naturally out hearts welled up with pride more than
ever, and we felt all over again our good fortune at securing so
valuable an addition to our national fraternity.

The culmination of pride, joy, love and all these great
qualities which go into real fraternal make-up seemed to be reach-
ed at the banquet so beautifully given by Pi Delta at the Grace
Dodge Hotel on Saturday night. Too much could no' possibly
be said concerning the external qualities of that banquet—the
thought fulness and good taste evident on every hand—the deco-
rations, the service, the toasts and toast scheme—but long after all
these fatcors have grown dim and hazy, the spirit of Pi Delta
chapter as revealed to us that night will remain living and green,
always a source of true joy to loyal AOn hearts to which they
may turn back again in after years and live over once more in
loving memory. For a long rime we lingered around the table
loathe to leave such a gathering. It was here the members of Pi
Delta, the baby chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, told us of their
past lives as a local at the University of Maryland, of the ideals
they had attempted to maintain and carry out, of their careful
selection of members for affiliation with their group, of the con-


stancy in working toward bigger and better things in their college
life, of their desire to really mean something to their Alma Mater
and to be living factors in furthering her development, also of
their aspiration to affiliate themselves with a national fraternity
organization, to expand and grow in character and spirit by this
method, and finally their reasons for seeking membership in Alpha
Omicron Pi. Their desire is to give and to take. They want
the backing and strength of a strong fraternity and at the same
time, their desire is to give all the support and help to that
national organization that an individual chapter can possibly give.
What more worthy aims and truer ideals could a fraternity ask
for ? Pi Delta seems to have really caught down deep in its organi-
zation, the fraternal spirit and understanding, the real AODI
spirit and understanding, and to be putting them into objective

After all was over and the last notes of "Vive l ' A O n " had
died away, the visiting delegates could only clasp warmly the
hands of the members of Pi Delta, real sisters in A O I I now, and
in a very inadequate way express to them gratitude for such a
wonderful visit and manage to hint at how proud we really were
and how much we knew Pi Delta would accomplish in the
future. May our newest chapter of Pi Delta always hold her stand-
ards as high and be as truly inspired and inspiring fraternity
women as they proved themselves on the day of their installation
into Alpha Omicron Pi.

MARY M A R S H A L L , Kappa.

And why should you go to convention? Because it will revive your
enthusiasm—if you are an alumna; because it will be a fitting climax
to college life—if you are a Senior; because it will give you splendid
inspiration for your last year in the chapter—if you are a Junior;
because it will enable you to be of real value to your own group—if
you are a Sophomore; because it will be the one magic touch to make
you understand the true strength and meaning of Gamma Phi Beta—
if you are a Freshman. And what will you carry away with you?
A renewed vigor and loyalty, a greater love for your sorority, a
closer cementing of old ties, the joy of new friendships and—memo-
ries! Come to convention!—The Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta.



Alumnae Chapter welcoming all alumnae about the city
was a significant success, significant because it seems to mark the
Founders' Day celebration as a function that has come to be part
of sorority life here. In the words of our Grand President, "to
think how hard it was to launch the first one," and Monday
night's banquet had the marks of a permanent institution; life,
fun, sentiment and enthusiasm.

When we entered the little private reception room of the
Hotel Martinique, where we had been bidden, the indescribable
sound of eager chatter and warm laughter assured us that the
sisterly spirit was abroad and the glimpse of the dining room
showed us that the committee on arrangements, made up of
Katherine Graham Young, Esther Baker, Edith Braun, Marian
Bennet, Margaret Wight and Areleta Kirlin, ably headed by C.
La Rue Crosson, had been, to say the least, adequate! Exciting
as the rush of greetings, the pleasure of meeting new sisters, the
joy of renewing friendships all are, nothing quite equals the thrill
of the momentary hush when we enter the dining room and fall
again under the spell of red roses and candle light. In a space,
the hush Monday night was replaced by a chatter of finding places
and friends, and praises bestowed upon the able committee. I
repeat, it was an able committee. From the entrancing, tiny
shaded red candles as placecards to the attractive and complete
menu—I repeat complete, as in other days under stress of other
circumstances there have been omissions of promised tid bits—
the dinner was delightful. As you all know the charm of A O I I
banquets, I shall spend no time in details but hasten to tell you
some features that make the New York Founders' Day dinner
different from others.

Of course we have one special blessing, the Founders in per-
son, Stella Stern Perry, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Elizabeth Hey-
wood Wyman, and alas, not this year Helen St. Clair Mullan;
but year before last we had all four, and should have repeated the
triumph if it had not been for the illness of Mrs. Mullan's hus-
band. Besides these living presences, to those of us who have
attended all these dinners the spirit of Lillian McQuillan Mc-
Causland will always seem to hover near and lend "sweetness and


light" to the occasion. We missed many of the loyal supporters
of the earlier dinners who were absent because of illness or change
of location; we lacked Josephine Pratt's stately form, Helen
Henry's generous smile, Edith Dietz's eager helping, and Rochelle
Gachet's tireless energy.

Another triumphant feature of this event was the Grand
President, Laura Hurd, newly returned from her visiting tour;
and enthusiastic over all the precious chapters which the rest of
us aren't privileged to visit. In her soft, unhurried way she gave
us glimpses of the new chapters, fresh ideas of older chapters,
their problems, their attainments, and their splendid support of
the national philanthropic work.

I refuse to try to give our speakers in order, or their respec-
tive toasts; they were all brilliant from La Rue Crosson, the toast
mistress, who "outspoke herself," to Dorothy Mills, who repeated
by request her success of last year, the definition of a blush,—
they are indescribable, both the performance arid her accompany-
ing blush, and well worth coming to Founders' Day dinner next
year to witness, as we shall insist that she repeat it. Ruth Alder-
mann, from the baby chapter, Pi Delta, gave her toast used at the
installation banquet at the University of Maryland, a toast so
imbued with sisterhood ideals that it received that lovely half-
second of silent tribute. Another speaker, who really is one of the
special New York assets, Pinkney Estes Glantzberg, filled us as
usual with joy and laughter; and told us Southern stories in her
inimitable way and allowed La Rue to make spurious remarks
about politics when she introduced her. We really had so many
specialties that I can't include them all and must hasten to more
serious thoughts. While our Founders are showered with honors,
and flowers when we can compass them, their position is not
entirely an enviable one. Each year brings a task which they un-
failingly perform; they send us back to the world with renewed
inspiration and we feel gratefully that we have something fine to
work on until next Founders' Day. The toast mistress reminded
us that there were 4,000 girls gathered in similar lovely atmos-
phere that night; and Elizabeth Heywood Wyman spoke of the
joy in the thought of that unity. But even as we were rejoicing
in that solid body and unified purpose, Jessie Wallace Hughan put
in a plea that in our strength we try to do something for our
"little outlaw brothers and sisters" the forbidden high school fra-


ternities and sororities. She reminded us that because of their
unrecognized state they flourish with all of the evils and less of
the good, and that they exist and will exist in spite of the ban.
She urged us to help stabilize them wherever we had opportunity.
Stella Stern Perry too, as always, challenged us to further effort
in her cry of what a power for good a group of college women
with the same ideals working for the same end can be. And she
stirred us with her dramatic question "Can an ideal die?" as she
bade us look from the members of Alpha chapter to Ruth Alder-
mann of Pi Delta, our newest chapter, asking us again as we
thought of Ruth's poem, fresh with the enthusiasm of these new
girls looking forward to the opportunities of sisterhood "Can
an ideal die?"

Yet, after all, we were not too serious. We were cleverly en-
tertained by our members, though La Rue threw us into a state
of consternation when she said: " I t was difficult to unearth tal-
ent in this chapter"; but she hastened to explain that this was
due, not to scarcity, but to modesty. That was close to a "faux
pas," La Rue, that time but you retrieved yourself. Helen Jenks
Dietrich, Phi, who is always geneious with her talented fingers,
played for us Mendelssohn's "Rondo Capriccioso," as well as
accompaniments for our soloist, and our dancer, and our rather
ragged but merry sorority songs. Margaret Perry Maxwell, of
Zeta, delighted us with three songs: "The Answer,"
"Twilight" and "Lindy Lou." Margaret Wight of Beta Phi,
dressed in a rose petal costume, danced an interpretative dance,
"The Spirit of the Rose," which was enthusiastically received,
but the spirit was a little capricious about repeating, though
she did. Then came the last thrill when, with arms joined and
all raggedness gone from our voices and only the sweetness of
memory there, we sang our dearest song and bade each other
goodbye until next year.





A CARTOON appeared not long ago picturing a line of clients
waiting outside a lawyer's office; it was entitled "The
Oracle." Some, in fact, a good part of the general public, seem
to feel that way. But a lawyer is merely an ordinary human
being with a little special training. Not only do some people
regard a lawyer apparently with awe, but they also have the
notion that, a lawyer is a lawyer and one is as good as another.
That is unfortunately far from the truth. Not long ago I
watched a short trial. On one side a poor lawyer with a good
case, on the other an able lawyer. The poor lawyer failed to
make out his case, the good lawyer won, and so it always hap-
pens. I suppose, however, that no one who reads this article
has either of these erroneous impressions, or that no one will
stop reading because she says to herself " I haven't sense enough
to be a lawyer."

There are only two essential qualities every lawyer should
possess, they are the homely virtues of honesty and industry. A
man's property and sometimes his life are trusted to his lawyer
and that lawyer must be worthy of the trust, and success in the
law depends largely upon hard, persistent work. The road to
success is not a rosy one, though there are thrills and some ex-
citement along the way. Mental ability, attractive personality,
keen powers of analysis, all will be of great value to anyone who
may possess them and who wishes to be a lawyer, but success
may be attained without them.

A properly trained lawyer should have both a literary and
a law degree. Latin, English, History, Economics and .Psy-
chology are generally recommended as "pre-legal" subjects. In
selecting a law school, the relative value of studying in a school
of law in one's own state, learning the practice and statutory law
of that state and of studying in one of the great universities
in another state must be weighed, no rule can be staled and
many things must be considered. Harvard and Columbia do not
admit women to their law schools as yet, but most of the uni-
versities do. In my own experience, which is what I am sup-
posed to write about, I believe, the acquaintances made at the
state university and the familiarity with decisions and statutes
of Mississippi acquired while there have been invaluable, but I
had previously studied elsewhere.


After receiving a degree the young lawyer may be admitted
to practice upon motion or she may have to take a state bar
examination, the rule as to that varies, but eventually, after
paying a privilege tax, she receives a license and takes the
plunge into the "wide, wide world." Again the rule varies, some
states require a period of apprenticeship before a license is
issued, and regardless of the rule, it is advisable if possible to
spend one year or more working in the office of a lawyer with an
established practice. With that in mind, the law student should
learn typing, shorthand and some bookkeeping, while studying
law. W omen especially need to take some business courses, as
they do not seem to acquire familiarity with business terms by
simply living, as do men.

It is difficult to generalize about the opportunities law as a
profession offers to the woman lawyer. We are all familiar with
statistics of the number of our Presidents who have been law-
yers and the percentage of distinguished persons generally who
are or have been lawyers, but on the whole the individual makes
her own opportunities; family and friends and associations all
help, but it depends upon the individual in the end. In a country
and small town practice, the only kind with which I am at all
familiar, it is impossible to specialize. The lawyer, like the doctor,
must do a general practice. In one morning a lawyer may file
a divorce suit, put a merchant into bankruptcy, attach a farmer's
cotton, foreclose a mortgage and be ready in the afternoon to
go to the justice of the peace court and defend a man for steal-
ing a cow; that night she will probably return to the office to
work on a brief involving an intricate question of banking. That
* schedule of a day's work involves practice in state and federal
courts and principles of equity, civil and criminal law. A city
lawyer frequently is able to restrict his practice to one kind of
court and a limited group of subjects. I t is advisable in the
beginning years, however, to have some experience in a general

Some few lawyers make fortunes, most of them make a fair
living, and some fail entirely and take to other fields of en-
deavor. So it is impossible to state with any certainty what the
financial return will be to those of you who enter the profession
of law. In the smaller, more conservative places people are
slower to consult women lawyers, and few women control prop-


erty and so it is more difficult for a woman to build up a practice
in such communities. A woman lawyer is better "news" than
a man lawyer, however, and becomes known more quickly and
this is some offset to the natural conservatism of the community.
There is very little or no prejudice to be met with in these days,"
and in my personal experience I have met with only courtesy
and good will. The more women lawyers there are, if they are
any good, the easier it will be for all of us. Nearly all the
women lawyers make a good living and many do much more.

It is recorded that Mistress Margaret Brent of Maryland
was admitted to the Bar in 1648, and in 1878, some two hun-
dred years later, a woman was admitted to the Bar of North
Carolina, so it is no new thing for the women of the South to
be lawyers, they have a distinguished heritage to encourage them.
There have been relatively few women' lawyers in the South, but
their number is rapidly increasing and the appearance of a
woman lawyer in a case is ceasing to be cause for comment.

The profession of law is one of the ways of making one's
living; it is also, sometimes, a means of "preventing wrong and
terminating contention," to adapt the words of Samuel Johnson,
and the kind of persons needed by the profession are those who
keep in mind the law, both practical and ideal, who are ambitious
and of good repute.


of The Bolivar County, Mississippi, Bar.

Choosing your delegate is one of the most important duties to be
considered by your chapter. Your delegate will represent to the rest
of the fraternity your chapter "type." Do not send a girl to conven-
tion simply because you feel she deserves the honor since some one
else was elected president or received other- recognition. Disregard
personal feelings and choose the young women whom you consider
most representative of your group and who can also bring back the
greatest amount of inspiration and national information to you. Send
some one who is not afraid to rise on convention floor and present
your problems and ideas; choose some one who is a quick thinker and
who can make decisions wisely.—The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi.



St. Luke's Hospital,

Shanghai, China,

December 13, 1924.

Dear People:—

Of course, everyone says that Shanghai is not China. Quite
true—but if you suddenly awoke and found yourselves here
strolling on the Bund, you'd know at once that it couldn't be
Main Street, and you'd be sure to guess Asia, at least.

Shanghai has a large foreign (and "foreign" doesn't mean
Chinese—it refers to us) population, about thirty thousand; so
you see we don't all know each other by our first names. But
as is natural, different nationalities cling together, and after a
year, one is apt to recognize, at least, many of his fellow country-
men. So far this winter I have met Bertha Beard, and heard
about Margaret Uhler and Mrs. C. E. Whitamore. A Panhel-
lenic organization has been formed, so we may see each other
occasionally. There is a large A. A. U . W. here too. You don't
know how thrilling it was to find that Bertha Beard is an Alpha
O. Although we went up the Yaugtsze as far as Nanking in the
same cabin, I didn't discover the important fact until I read


What am I doing here? Well, I am a missionary; but I'm
going to have a new hat before 1 land in America, so maybe
you'll never guess it. My particular job is being laboratory
technician in St. Luke's Hospital, of the American Episcopal
Church Mission. I t is a hospital just for Chinese men and has
beds for one hundred and sixty. There are five foreign nurses
on the staff, and a training school of fifty young Chinese men.
Our clinic is most interesting. There are several departments,
and about three hundred and fifty are taken care of every day.
They are a motley crew: babies in their gay knitted bonnets, the
wilder the combination of colors, the better; dirty little beggar
boys; a very few decently dressed women with amahs; and men
of all ages, mostly coolies in rags and old countrymen in their
smocked skirts. Everyone looks so fat, for they wear several
layers in winter, five or six garments, at least, each one a'ike and
put one on top of the other. It is surprising to find how thin
the whole population becomes in summer!


My work is most interesting, for we find many things here
that differ from home routine. The laboratory has a regular
menagerie that I keep an eagle eye upon: twenty guinea pigs,
fifteen rats, ten rabbits, one dog and one sheep. Pigs may be
pigs, but not in China; and when I come home on furlough, I
think I must take a course for veterinary surgeon. It seems as
if experience of any kind is useful, for one never knows just
what strange opportunity will turn up where he may lend a hand.
When I first answered the many questions that were put to me,
I said that I could play the piano to the extent of hymns; so now
I must painfully pick out three hymns on our little hospital organ
every Sunday that the foreign minister comes. There's no one
else at present who'll do it—though I know they often wish they
could after listening to me!

During the war, we took care of two hundred and twenty-
five soldiers from the Chekiang army. We alternated every
other day with the Red Cross Hospital of Shanghai, and took
only the very badly wounded men. As fast as they could be
moved, they were taken to smaller hospitals to make room for
more, as we only reserved fifty of our one hundred and sixty
beds for them. Several times the guns were heard booming in
the distance, and the Shanghai Volunteer Corps patrolled the
exposed edge of the foreign settlement, but no one was ever
really frightened. There were all kinds of gunboats and men-
of-war in the Whangpoo, and sailors of all nationalities were
in evidence on the streets.

That's one fascinating part of Shanghai, even in ordinary
times—the different kinds of people. First comes a Chinese,
then a Japanese, across the street is a huge Sikh, his black silky
beard twisted and tucked up under his turban, accompanied by
his tiny wife, trousered and nobly draped as befits a woman of
India. Then comes a White Russian, sadly in need of material
benefit, and then a Turk with his red fez, or perhaps an Italian
sailor. Next to our American compound is a Japanese hotel,
then a Jewish synagogue, and then a Welsh freight office which
used to be a Russian boarding house. Back of us are Chinese
neighbors, noisy and curious.

The temples and beautiful gardens of real Chinese cities do
not impress one in Shanghai, but perhaps the second-hand furni-
ture stores and food shops will. Those dirty, dingy holes, open


to the street, with two or three tables and stools on one side and
the whole kitchen on the other! We often wonder if anything
would happen—to our insides—if we should eat one of those
round, flat buns nicely browned on a "cookie tin," those small
greasy concoctions scooped up from boiling fat, or those round
"things" whose outsides look like raw pastry and whose in-
sides might be rats for all we know. They do say the Chinese
eat them. Well, tea and rice are always safe, anyway, i f one
should get lost.

Do come and see us. We live so near the river that we can
see the flags of the Admiral and Pacific Mail steamers a- soon as
they dock. We'd love to take you around Shanghai. And if
you're homesick, we'll turn you over to someone who can show
you America in China: the Astor House, and the Carleton, where
you can dance, and a movie, and perhaps even a theatrical per-
formance. We have wonderful municipal concerts nearly every
week. For in Shanghai we lack nothing—it is the last hand-
clasp of the East with the West.


L O U I S E J . D U N C A N , Omicron Pi, '21.

Sleeping Porch, Radisson Inn




up in the minds of the girls what National Panhellenic
Congress is." Echoes of this plaint drift in from various na-
tional officers. The time for fraternity examinations will soon
be here. If every active Alpha O knows the main facts about
N. P. C. given below, I'll be satisfied and I believe the examin-
ing officer will also! Actives, here is your chance to make two
people happy! And alumnae, here is an opportunity to get re-
acquainted with this fast-developing phase of fraternity life.


National Panhellenic Congress is composed of one repre-
sentative each from the groups which hold membership. The
N . P. C. fraternities now number 19, with two associate mem-
bers. The official list is:

1. Pi Beta Phi 11. Sigma Kappa
2. Kappa Alpha Theta 12. Alpha Omicron Pi
3. Kappa Kappa Gamma 13. Zeta T a u Alpha
4. Alpha Phi 14. Alpha Gamma Delta
5. Delta Gamma 15. Alpha Delta Phi
6. Gamma Phi Beta 16. Delta Zeta
7. Alpha Chi Omega 17. Phi Nu
8. Delta Delta Delta 18. Kappa Delta
9. Alpha X i Delta 19. Beta Phi Alpha
10. Chi Omega


1. Alpha Delta Theta 2. Theta Upsilon


N . P. C. is a medium of co-operation established "To main-
tain on a high plane fraternity life and inter-fraternity relation-

ship, to co-operate with college authorities in their effort to
maintain high social and scholarship standards throughout the

whole college, and to be a forum for the discussion of questions

of interest to the college and fraternity world." (Conhtitution
of National Panhellenic Congress.)


The first "Inter-sorority Conference" was held in Chicago in

1902. Seven organizations responded. From 1902 to 1915

meetings were held every year. The name of the conference
was changed to National Panhellenic Congress in 1911. Since

1915 meetings have been held biennially.



Between sessions, the work of the National Panhellenic Con-
gress is carried on by an executive committee of three, and by
standing and special committees. Chairmanship of the Congress
is held in rotation by fraternities in the order of their admis-
sion. Dr. May Agness Hopkins of Zeta Tau Alpha is the
present chairman. Alpha Gamma Delta holds the secretary-
ship, and Alpha Delta Phi, the treasurership. Alpha Omicron
Pi holds the chairmanship of the committee on eligibility and
naturalization of social groups. Consult Banta's Greek Ex-
change for the full roster of N . P. C. members and committees.

The last meeting of N . P. C. was held in Boston in October,
1923, Alpha Omicron Pi presiding. The next meeting will be
held in Dallas, Texas, in January, 1926.


The acts of the National Panhellenic Congress fall into three

1. The Inter-fraternity Compact, which consists of those
measures which have been presented to the member fra-
ternities for vote by chapters or by grand councils, and
which after endorsement, have become binding on all
chapters of all congress fraternities.

2. Those measures which N . P. C. passes by virtue of its
granted rights of limited legislation. These also are bind-
ing on all chapters of all congress fraternities. The most
important of such measures are those establishing and
regulating college Panhellenics.

3. The formulation by the Congress of its policies, or opin-
ions, on matters of common fraternity interest. These
statements establish precedents which guide the executive
committee of N . P. C. and the grand officers of congress
fraternities in handling difficulties or debatable questions
which arise. They also serve to mould public opinion in
the fraternity world.

Such formally developed policies or recommendations
cover twenty-two different subjects. Important among
these.are those concerning chapter houses and chaperons,
the "Panhellenic Creed," and the standards of ethical con-


A pamphlet has recently been issued by N . P. C. entitled,
" A Condensed Statement of the Proceedings of the National
Panhellenic Congress—(1902-1924)." Every active and alum-
nae chapter should have a copy of this pamphlet in its reference
files. I t can be secured from the grand secretary, or the Na-
tional Panhellenic delegate.


National Panhellenic Delegate.

If anyone has—

Killed a pig,
Got married,
Bought a Ford,
Broke his neck,
Joined the Y . W . ,
Borrowed a stamp,
Sold a dog,

Committed suicide,
Shot a cat,
Got rich,
Has no oil stock,
Got a frat pin,
Moved her office,
Paid last year's dues,
Made a bad bet,
IT'S N E W S —
Send it to the E d i t o r !

Pentagon, of P h i Omega P i .


A L P H A O M I C R O N P I C O N V E N T I O N , 1925

D A T E — J u n e 30-July 6, 1925.
Delegates are to arrive before dinner, T u e s d a y evening, June 30,

and spend the evening at home with T a u and Minneapolis Alumnae.

Radisson I n n , Excelsior, Minnesota. T h i s is regarded as one of

the most beautifully located and equipped hotels in this north lake
country. I n addition, it has a very high reputation for service and
cuisine to maintain. T h e management is reserving the entire I n n for
our exclusive use, and assures us strict privacy for all meetings, as
well as all privileges of the hotel and its equipment.

T a u and Minneapolis Alumnae chapter. Other chapters in the

N. W . and N. E . Central districts are assisting in definite ways.

T h e business meetings of the fraternity will be in the hands of

the executive committee. T a u and Minneapolis Alumnae chapters will
have charge of the following arrangements: the E v e n i n g at H o m e
(Tuesday evening), Formal Reception (Thursday evening), and Ban-
quet (Monday evening); Zeta will make preparations for the rituals,
and will be in charge of the Fireside Service (Sunday evening); E t a
and Milwaukee Alumnae chapters will have definite charge of Carni-
val and Stunt Night (Wednesday evening); Phi, Alpha Phi, and X i
will manage the Song Festival (Saturday evening, following or accom-
panying the Pageant). A F o u r t h of July F i e l d Meet will be arranged
to make an appropriate celebration of the holiday.

1. A c t i v e chapter delegates have their travelling and entertainment

expenses paid out of the convention pool by the grand treasurer. This
includes railroad and Pullman fare both ways by direct route, and
room and meals at convention, including banquet. This does not in-
clude diner fare or other expense incident to travelling, which is to be
provided by the chapter sending her. A s soon as the chapter pay-
ments to the pool are completed in May, the grand treasurer will
mail transportation to the delegate.

2. A l u m n a e chapter delegates have their expense at convention,
i. e., r o o m and meals, paid out of the alumnae chapter convention
tax. This does not include the banquet. Railroad and Pullman ex-
pense is borne by the delegate or the chapter sending her.

3. G r a n d Council Officers—as specified in the B y - L a w s — h a v e all
their expenses paid, except the banquet, upon presentation of the
certified voucher to the grand treasurer.


4. D i s t r i c t Superintendents—as specified in the B y - L a w s — h a v e
one-half of their travelling expenses to and f r o m convention paid by
the grand treasurer upon presentation of certified voucher. E n t e r -
tainment at convention, exclusive of banquet, will be paid by the
grand treasurer.

5. O t h e r members of the G r a n d C o u n c i l will have their entertain-
ment expense at convention, exclusive of the banquet, paid by the
grand treasurer.

Reservations for all official delegates w i l l be made in advance by

the executive committee. T h e r e will be no assignment of room-mates
for anyone except upon special request. Guests of the convention will
have uniform accommodations and service at the one price, $5.00 per
day, including three meals per day. Y o u are advised to leave the
choice of room to the T a u committee on general arrangements.

A n arrangement is being made for the transportation of all bag-

gage at a uniform price. Give your baggage check to a T a u repre-

Tennis raquets, golf clubs and bathing suits should be included in

3 0 u r convention baggage. T h e r e are excellent tennis courts in con-
nection with the hotel; guests are extended privileges of the green at
one of the near-by golf clubs, and the bathing beach at Christmas
L a k e is sloping and sandy. T h e r e will be a life guard on duty.


T h e railroad companies are not yet able to announce the summer

excursion fares for 1925. H o w e v e r , they have furnished us the fares

which were in effect during the season of 1924 and do not anticipate

any change. The railroad fares are for round trips except those

marked by an asterisk. There are no summer rates from these points

to Minneapolis and hence the one-way fares are given.

F r o m points listed to Minneapolis:

New York City R. R. Fare Lower Berth—one-way
Bangor, Maine *$47.36
Boston, Mass * 59.70 $1275
Providence, R. I * 50.90 12.75 f r o m P o r t l a n d
* 50.87 12.75
Ithaca, N. Y .
Syracuse, N. Y * 38.56 12.75 f r o m Springfield
Philadelphia, Pa * 38.84 or Worcester
Washington, D. C * 44.12
Lynchburg, Va * 42.44 10.13
Knoxville, Tenn
Nashville, Tenn 72.92 10.13
Birmingham, Ala 61.60 12.00
58.30 12.00




e Memphis, Tenn 44.70 9.38

y New Orleans, L a 67.45 13.88
- 12.00
Dallas, Tex 49.95 10.13
Norman, Okla 45.15
e Kansas City, Mo 5.63
Lawrence, Kan. 27.30
- Omaha, Neb 22.50 3.75 from O m a h a
Lincoln, Neb 7.50
e Oxford, Ohio 22.30
Ann Arbor, Mich 43.60
Madison, Wis 19.98
Cleveland, Ohio 48.97
y Cincinnati, Ohio 45.77
s Greencastle, Ind 39.62 • 7.50
l Bloomington, Ind 42.07
r Indianapolis, Ind 39.92 6.38
C h a m p a i g n , 111 29.50
3.75 from Chicago

e Chicago, 111 29.32 3.75

Los Angeles, Cal 87.50 23.63

San Francisco, Cal 87.50 23.63

Eugene, Ore 76.85 22.98

- Portland, Ore 72.00 19.88
- Seattle, Wash 72.00 19.88
Tacoma, Wash 72.00
Bozeman, Mont 62.00
Detroit, Mich 45.02
Richmond, Va 78.17
n Bay St. Louis, Miss 67.45
- Utica, N. Y * 40.75
12.75 from N e w a r k
t Bloomfield, N. J * 45.36 23.63
Palp Alto, Calif 87.50
s Watch the May T o D R A G M A for further announcements.


r General Chairman—
s L u c i l e H a e r t e l ( M r s . W . ) , 5301 Stevens A v e . , Minneapolis, M m

e Active Chapter Chairmen-
Dorothy Womrath
1. Information
Cecil Yelland
e 2. Registration
Dorothy Remington
s 3. Banquet Lulu Hanson

lone Jackson

Alumnae Chapter Chairmen— Muriel Steward

4. Publicity Margaret Boothroyd

5. Transportation Inez Jane

6. Sight-seeing Edith Goldsworthy

7. F i n a n c e Kathryn Bremer

d 8. Reception Carolyn Pulling

9. Correspondence Alma Kuehn
Betty Bond
10. Convention Newspaper Kathryn Bremer
Mary Drummond
11. O p e n Meeting Marie Bremer
12. Properties Adele Ziegelmaier
13. Athletic P r o g r a m Doris Schlampp
Irene Fraser
14. E x h i b i t
15. F i r s t Night and Boat



Red Cross Service— Night

Cecile Moriarity
Winifred Whitman

Nora Rolf
Madge Chilton
Life Savers:
Mayme Bender
Marie Bremer
Mildred Holen
Assisting Chapters—

Zeta—Rituals and Fireside Service

Phi, Alpha Phi, Xi—Convention Singing

Eta and Milwaukee Alumnae—Carnival and Stunt


W e do not know just when the sad demise occurred, but neve
theless we mourn its passing.

T h a t is the cause of the growing popularity of such diversions
b r u i s e Mali J o n g g and K „ l f . In the first two the only vocabular
necessary is pass, bye, pong and ohow. In the latter almost any e
pletives will suffice.

D o we ever at a tea or reception or even an informal studio part
hear anyone make an original or startling assertion? Rarely—if eve
T h e majority of the conversation is so usual, so much what we hav
heard a hundred times before that it is with effort that we attend an
make a reply that is not trite.

W h e n folks do become enough absorbed in a subject to be almo
interesting it is usually something that only vitally concerns them an
upon the slightest pretext they will "drag" their hobby into the con
versation and then "ride the poor thing to death."

W h y is it that a college woman talks more S H O P than any huma
being unless it is a college man?

W h a t is so rare as a person who talks of a subject in a bright an
interested way merely because it may entertain the listener? A n d ius
here we must consider the listener. If there are few clever conversa
tionalists the specie "good listener" is quite extinct. W h e n an int
mate friend sits down with a self satisfied air to tell us in one sittin
all about a recent tour can we give her the necessary stimuli in ques
tions, smiles and murmurs of appreciation. I t is difficult, we will a

A bore is a person who talks about herself when we would tal

about ourselves.—Alpha Gamma Delia Quarterly.



1 9 20

22 23



ry 24


ve C L U E S


st Made plump for slaughter.
A wild animal. W e do live in the wild and wooly went, but we guar
nd antee t h a t none of theHe beasts w i l l roam the shores of C h r i s t m a s L a k e
n- during Convention.

A note on the s c a l e : don't flat it d u r i n g convention s i n g i n g .
Abbreviation for "namely". "• 4,
an A point on the compass. Minneapolis is not in this direction, though.

Solidified water. T a u w i l l try to break it the llrst night of convention.
A variety of dog. and some people's noses. Not many of us do our hair
nd in inie, though, in this shingled age.
st G e r m a n for before. D i c t i o n a r y ! W e hope to know each one of our

a- visitors before convention is over.
A l u b r i c a n t . L u c i l l e H a e r t e l and her committees are u s i n g plenty or
ti- it that the wheels of convention may run smoothly.
ng Expression of denial or refusal. Surely no one who can possibly come

s- w i l l refuse Tau'8 invitation to convention.
A p r e p o s i t i o n ; the first w o r d i n W i s c o n s i n ' s f a m o u s song. I t s p u r s one
ll to greater effort. Let's all make a big effort to get to convention.

Toll evervotie i \hhr.) Tell every one about our plans lor convention.
lk A n out-door s p o r t . Y o u can i n d u l g e at convention 1/ you b r i n g y o u r 12

Named or called. Middle English. Chaucer students get busy. O u r sor-
ority is called A. O. P i .



2. A m a n ' s name. ( A b b r . )
3. A term used in golf. B y the way, don't forget your c l u b s ; Hadisson I n

guests have privileges at a splendid course.
4. A label. W e w i l l a l l wear them at convention on w h i c h our names a n

chapters w i l l be clearly printed.
5. A s u f f i x .

6. O n e not hostile. E a c h of us h a s some 3S00 of them a n d we h o r e to *e
a b o u t 300 at convention. '

8. A printing term meaning the same as "lead."

10. A returned s o u n d . T h e woods a r o u n d R a d i s s o n I n n w i l l r e t u r n the soun
of singing and laughter.

3 f ^> g a r m e n t . B e Bure to put it in y o u r t r u n k so that you c a n 22 horizonta
14. E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r . ( A b b r . )

'1 5 riv . e tuh i n olft a MC h- r. B u t w e kll0ff that shores are no more beautiful

t h an o s e i s t m a H Lake.

'1 9 d h l d i r e c t o r y e d ' W e ^ i l l d c b t e d t o L a u r a < lH u r for e d i t i n g o u r s p l e n -

20. T o blast or bite. Minnesota's s u m m e r s a r c often cool, but we don't thin
the f r o s t w i l l bite the first week i n J u l y .

22. So 'long. We w i l l hate to say it to you when you leave convention
23. A personal pronoun.

The solution will appear in the May number.

i. •

niIl Hi

; 1


Lattice Room, Radisson Inn



In n R M A S O M P A Y R A C , P i '20, one of the founders of the famous Natchi-

nd toches A r t Colony in Natchitoches, Louisiana, is now engaged in com-

mercial art in New York. Bits from an interesting interview with her in the
ee New Orleans Item Magazine describe some of her recent work. Perhaps

nd T o D R A G M A may have an article by her some day.
"How do you market your art—and ideas?"

al • I ' l l answer that by telling you of an idea I recently sold for $1300.
l The Evolution of T h e Harp was a subject that fascinated me and sent

me digging into musty volumes to learn all about the harp—from the
- primitive hunting bow of the A f r i c a n Damara, the "obah" or A f r i c a n
nk gourd harp, the tortoise shell which was accidentally kicked by an Egypt-

ian ruler as he walked along the Nile. ( T h e tendon was the string, the
hollow shell, the soundbox), the various horns, the Greek silver lyre, the
Egyptian harp, the Persian scimitar harp, and the early Irish H a r p to
the modern Lyon & Healy harp.

" I took my idea, in sketches, to Lyon & Healy, in Chicago. They
agreed that the subject would interest artists and musicians, and bought
the idea, giving me 'carte blanche' and full responsibility in carrying it
out, even to making the harps. T h e display and setting remained in their
windows for three months.

"The background was a mural decoration of five panels," 'The Harp
of T h e Winds,' each eighteen feet in height, which I painted in oils.

"With the exception of the hunting bow and the gourd harp, which
I made myself, the harps were modeled for me by a pupil of Lorado
T a f t — M r . T a f t , a friend of mine, being greatly interested in the project.
After the harps were modeled, I painted and 'antiqued' them; hand-let-
tered the parchment scrolls that depicted how each instrument was used
and the type of people who used them and their environments. I could
not find a suitable quotation that would explain the idea, so I set shifting
words about and wrote a verse for the first time in my life.

"And if these harps be old
Then older still the harp's wherein
The winds have played their
Tuneful harmonies
And lofty branches swayed.

" I do not intend this to sound boastful—but to stress the point that
the artist must be prepared at all times to set her brain, as well as her
1 fingers, to work, that she must be more practical than temperamental,
and above all, resourceful!

"Another interesting thing I had to do was a background for the
launching of a new book at Brentanos. It was 'Country People,' by
Ruth Suchow. T h i s was her first novel and my first experience with a
pre-release copy. I was skeptical at being asked to launch a paper-back
hook and quite relieved when I saw the beautifully-bound copies. T h e
window was done in three paneled screens—and in oils."—Ncic Orleans
Item Magazine.

*~p H E F O L L O W I N G C L I P P I N G about Muriel Fairbanks Steward, T a u , '18, is

A taken from the Minnesota Alumni Weekly. M r s . Steward has charge

of all convention publicity in the T w i n City newspapers. She is responsi-

ble for the article on Radisson Inn in this issue of T o D R A G M A , and for

the one on "Opportunities for Women in Journalism" in the November

issue. W e hope that many of you may know her at convention.


Muriel Fairbanks Steward ( ' 1 8 ) , who had a finger in every literar

pie on the campus while she was in school, has not permitted domesticit

to obliterate her interest in writing, for in spite of being very busy keep

ing house and "raisin' the babies," she is still doing free lance writin

and held a part-time position on the Minneapolis Journal last year doin

feature articles. H e r classmates remember her as one of their most popu

lar girls, while her teachers point to the fact that she won the Mose

Marston scholarship in English, and was elected a charter member of

Delta Phi Lambda, an honorary organization for creative writing. Sh

was editor of Minnehaha for two years, and of the Minnesota Magazine

its successor, for one year. She edited the feature section of the 1 9 1

Gopher, and collaborated with V a l Sherman in writing the humorou

column for the Minnesota Daily, which was called, that year, "The Ches

hire Cat."

She belonged to Minerva Literary Society, the "Thirty" club, which
later was absorbed by Theta Sigma Phi, a national professional fraternity
for women in journalism; and Alpha Omicron P i , social sorority. A
present she is the national secretary of Theta Sigma Phi.

During her last year in school she wrote for the Journal, becoming
a member of their regular staff immediately after graduating.

It was while working on the Journal that she met T o m Steward, now
head of the University News Service, a Dartmouth graduate and writer
who convinced her that managing a home was more interesting than a
literary career. Their two sturdy sons, Roderick and Billy, are the evi
dence that their mother is as clever at "raisin' babies" as she is at writing

J ~ J OROTHY H E R R I N G T O N . Lambda, ' 2 3 , has been granted a scholarship at
the Ecole Normale in Saint Eticnne, France. Miss Herrington has

been teaching in Denver since her graduation. T h i s scholarship is simi
lar to the one which Grace O'Brien, T a u . held during the year 1922.

L I Z A B E T H M C C A L L , '24, a member of the new P i Delta chapter, re
ceived fh her senior year the Citizenship Medal of the University of
Maryland which is awarded as the gift of Mrs. Albert F . Woods, wife
of the President of the University, annually to the woman student who
during four years at the University has exemplified the qualities of good
citizenship both on and off the campu.;. It is the highest honor that can
be conferred upon a woman student at the University of Maryland.

D O O K M A X has accepted for early publication a poem by Gertrude Ben
A J nett, an undergraduate in Nu Chapter at New Y o r k University.

T T OUSE B E A U T I F U L for January has an article describing, with photo-
graphs and floor plans, the Larchmont, N . Y , home of E v a Marty,

Sigma, '06.

* T * H E REGISTRAR O F C O R N E L L U N I V E R S I T Y has resumed the practice, dis-

continued since 1916, of compiling and publishing the scholarship
averages of fraternities at Cornell. I t is unfortunate that this report was
not available in time to include Epsilon's rating in the statement published
in the November number of T o D R A G M A . F o r 1923-1924 Alpha Omicron


ry Pi was first in scholarship of the fourteen women's national fraternities
ty at Cornell. T h e forty membe»s of Alpha Omicron P i , according to the

p- Registrar's published statistics, carried a total of 1225 hours of work,
ng or an average of 3 0 . 6 hours each, and their average grade was 76.325.

u- The average for all fraternity members, men and women, is two points

es higher than in 1916.



e, H E R E H A S B E E N considerable newspaper mention of the fact that Mrs.
8 Calvin Coolidge, the wife of the President, is a college and fraternity
us woman. Readers of T o D R A G M A will be interested to know that M r s .
s- James Blaine Walker, J r . , nee Elizabeth Harrison, of N u chapter, is

h both the daughter and the great-granddaughter of a President of the
United States. H e r father, Benjamin Harrison, was the twenty-third

t President, and his grandfather, William Henry Harrison, popularly known

in American history as "Tippecanoe," from his victory in the Northwest
g Territory, was the ninth President. Other illustrious ancestors of Mrs.

w Walker are the Princess Pocahontas and John Rolfc, from whom Mrs.
r, Walker is the eleventh in direct line of descent; also Benjamin Harrison,
a governor of Virginia and a signer of the Declaration of Independence,
- who was the father of President William Henry Harrison.

Jt O S E P H I N E S. P R A T T , Alpha. Grand Vice President of Alpha Omicron

s P i , has been elected President of the New Y o r k Branch of the Amer-
- ican Society of Bacteriologists.

M iss B E R T H A R E M B A U G H and Miss Mary Towle, both of N u Chapter,

- are members of the Bryn Mawr college club in New York City.


Ie N A R E C E N T I N T E R V I E W . Crystal Eastman, N u . '07. a leading feminist,

o states her views in regard to woman suffrage and to the woman in

d political life.
n "Women as women bore me to death," Miss Eastman began, and it

sounded like a bombshell, in view of her feminist affiliations.

"To me it is comparatively unimportant whether or not these five
women candidates are elected to office, although I have every hope, that
n- they will be," Miss Eastman went on to tell us.

"What is extremely important to me is that the equal rights amend-

ment is passed.

- " I do not care whether this amendment is passed by men or women.
, I am for these women candidates not because they are women, but because

they belong to our party, which is backing the equal rights amendment.

It is difficult to get pledged backers of the amendment among men, and

for that reason I am backing these women who will support it.

- "I would not have a woman go to Congress merely because she is a

p woman. I would rather vote for a man that I know will be a strong
backer of the equal rights amendment than for a woman that I know will

be only a lukewarm backer of the amendment.

" I do believe these five women candidates would do well in Congress

because they have shown that they have courage and determination in -the


fight f o r election that they have made. I f they have courage and dete
m i n a t i o n in this fight, they w i l l have them in questions i n general w h i c
may arise when they are in office.

" I am not interested i n women just because they are women. I am
interested, however, in seeing that they are no longer classed w i t h chi
dren a n d minors. A s long as they continue to be, their o w n psycholog
suffers. The equal rights amendment will have a wonderful effect no
only on the attitude of men toward women, but of women toward women

" W i t h i n ten years the battle o f the protective laws versus equalit
w i l l be won. The question w i l l be a dead issue. There w i l l no longe
be any possible dispute as to whether or not women are on an equa
f o o t i n g w i t h men. I t w i l l be an accepted fact that they are.

" M a n y women w h o d i d not fight f o r s u f f r a g e w i l l fight against th
protective laws. W o m e n were fighting against these years before s u f
f r a g e was granted, and they w i l l continue to fight years a f t e r w a r d an
u n t i l the battle is won.

" I can pay no greater tribute to the Women's party and to Alice Pau
than when I say that in a year and a half they can influence public opin
ion, whereas methods different f r o m theirs w o u l d take at least twent
years to influence it.

"The leaders of the Women's party have that rare combination o
zeal, fanaticism, shrewdness, political judgment and executive ability tha
makes f o r success.

"Women have a higher station in the United States than they hav
abroad, but this country has f a r fewer women in public offices than f o r
eign countries. I n foreign parliaments, women are well represented.

" I believe one reason f o r this is because A m e r i c a offers women mor
interesting lives generally than they are offered in other countries. Thei
life here is rich and varied without politics, where the woman abroa
o f t e n enters politics because i t offers her an interest in l i f e w h i c h sh
would not have otherwise.

" T h e able and active woman abroad goes in f o r politics because o f t e n
she has n o t h i n g else to d o . " — N , Y. Telegram.

The states of Indiana, N e w Jersey, West Virginia and Alabama
have each provided the birthplace for but one general fraternity
namely, Sigma Pi, Indiana; Chi Phi, New Jersey; Delta Tau Delta
West Virginia; and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alabama. N e w Y o r k State
is the m o t h e r o f 33 n a t i o n a l s , s t a r t i n g w i t h K a p p a A l p h a S o c i e t y in
1825.—Sigma Chi Quarterly.


er- E D I T O R I A L S

CONVENTION, that is the word uppermost i n the minds of all A l p h a O's

m at this time, consequently these next t w o issues of T o D R A G M A are
gy to be largely concerned w i t h that subject. W e hope that the invitations

ot of Tau and the Executive Committee, and the alluring descriptions of

n. Radisson Inn and the University of Minnesota will induce many of you

ty to save y o u r pennies and spend the first week in J u l y w i t h us at C h r i s t -
al mas Lake. B u t how many pennies need we save, y o u ask. Aside f r o m

railroad fare, the cost of which you can all estimate f o r yourselves, this

he week at one of the most beautiful summer resorts in the northwest should
f- cost, including room, board, baggage transfer, transportation f r o m M i n -
nd neapolis to the Inn, banquet tax, tips, and convention newspaper subscrip-

ul tion, not more than $43.00. A t the usual rates, a week at any summer
n- hotel would cost much more. W h y not take advantage of convention
ty prices and vacation w i t h us, save money, and have the time of your lives?

of Let us demonstrate that although the Argentines, the Portugese and the
Greeks may have most of the money in circulation, the Alpha O's still

have enough to carry them to convention!

r - T T AVE Y O U A L I T T L E SONG BOOK in your chapter? I f not, send at once

re to the Grand Treasurer f o r one, f o r we want this convention, above
i r all others, to be a s i n g i n g convention. Y o u w h o are to be w i t h us i n July,
d know the songs we already have, and, i f you are musically inclined, write
he a f e w new ones to teach us as we gather around the huge fireplaces at the

n Inn, or paddle lazily through the twilight waters of Christmas Lake.
Meals at convention are a delight, f o r they are accompanied by song.

Music may be the moody food of love, but food is twice blessed when

served to music. I f song is an aid to digestion, the medical profession

should commend sorority conventions because they sing while they break-

fast, lunch, and dine. L e t us prove that the doctors are r i g h t .

H p i P P i N G M A Y B E an undemocratic custom, but a custom i t is, and one

A that cannot c o m f o r t a b l y be ignored. W e may have convictions against

it but, i f we are to expect the best of service when we are in a public

place, we must tip. Only Napoleons can hold themselves above the estab-

lished customs of men. A l l of which goes to show that something in the

way o f tips w i l l be expected o f us at Radisson I n n . T h a t this is f a c t , and

not theory, is shown by an unpleasant little incident at the Delta Gamma

convention held in Minneapolis a few years ago. The guests did not

tip; therefore the hotel servants threatened to walk out on them. This

does not mean that y o u must scatter dollar bills in y o u r wake all the

a while you are at convention. Unless you have some special service, such
y , as having the hotel m a i d do some pressing f o r y o u , a ten-cent t i p at

, each meal w i l l suffice. Remember that to the hotel employes you are
n simply a guest o f the hotel, consequently you should t i p as y o u w o u l d at
any other hotel.


j y KS, W E HAVE NO DIRECTORIES.' This need be our song no longer, f o
our directories, competently edited by Laura A . H u r d , have been o

the press some weeks. This little green volume represents an unbeliev
able amount of work. Think o f reading proof on all those lists of name
and checking and rechecking addresses! V e r y useful i t is too, especiall
to the officers of the fraternity. I t should help the members at larg
also, just think, i f one o f y o u should get a telegram o f f e r i n g you a teach
ing position in Boonville, Indiana, or Bethel, Maine, or Pine City, Minne
sota, y o u could look these various metropli up in the geographical portio
o f the directory and find that there is one A l p h a O l i v i n g i n each o f them
so that y o u w o u l d not be v e n t u r i n g into a strange land u t t e r l y w i t h o u
friends. T h e f o r e i g n section is not the least interesting part o f the whole
There are Alpha O's in thirteen foreign countries; and in six islands an
territories o f the United States.

' T H I E VERY COMPLETE and authoritative article on the National Panhe

* lenic Congress in this issue was written by Rochelle Rodd Gache
our National Panhellenic Delegate. I t is hoped that by bringing this ma
terial before our active members in this convenient form, the rather vagu
and unsatisfactory answers to question in the Fraternity examination wi
be avoided, and that alumnae, w h o no longer must r u n the gauntlet o f th
yearly examination, will better understand the aims and accomplishment
of the national fraternity systems. While we are on this subject o f Pan
hellenic, can we not all learn to spell it correctly? W e are living an
w r i t i n g i n the twentieth century, not the fourteenth, so there is but on
correct orthography f o r our word.

Six thousand independent students, representing Oregon Agricul
tural College, Stanford University, and the University of Washington
have f o r m e d an intercollegiate organization k n o w n as the I n t e r c o l
legiate Barbs. T h e organization w i l l be open t o a l l m e n and w o m e n
in different institutions w h o are not affiliated with Greek-letter f r a
t e r n i t i e s o r s o r o r i t i e s . — S i g m a Chi Quarterly.



Foffv-OR T H E F O L L O W I N G S U P P L I E S send t o the G r a n d T r e a s u r e r , M r s . C.

C. M c D o n a l d , B o x 188, B a y Saint Louis, M i s s i s s i p p i :
es, A L P H A O M I C R O N P I D I R E C T O R Y , fifty cents. Send ten cents extra t o
ly cover mailing costs. Very f e w copies left.
e, A L P H A O M I C R O N P I S O N G B O O K , one dollar a copy or. ten dollars a

h- dozen copies. Get your convention copy now.

e- A L P H A O M I C R O N P I C O N S T I T U T I O N A N D B Y - L A W S , fifteen cents a copy.

on One dollar and a half a dozen copies.

m, A PPLICATIONS f o r the 1925-1926 A l p h a O m i c r o n P i Graduate F e l l o w -
u t ship should be i n the hands o f the Chairman o f the Fellowship
e. A w a r d Committee, Elizabeth Heywood W y m a n , 456 Broad Street, B l o o m -
d field, New Jersey, by m i d n i g h t , M a r c h 15, 1925. Applications f o r the

fellowship, w h i c h is an annual a w a r d o f five hundred dollars, w i l l be r e -

ceived f r o m any woman graduate of the institutions in which a chapter

l- of A l p h a Omicron P i is installed. Application blanks and i n f o r m a t i o n
et, may be obtained f r o m Miss W y m a n .

ue A CTrv'E C H A P T E R EDITORS, remember that w i t h y o u r letter due A p r i l 8,
l l you are expected to send a short article on your convention delegate,
he and a picture o f her. These w i l l introduce her, in a way, before she
ts arrives at convention.

ne A N A L P H A O E U R O P E A N TOUR is being organized by Rochelle Rodd

, Gachet. I n f o r m a t i o n concerning the tour can be obtained f r o m

Rochelle Rodd Gachet, 506 N . M a g n o l i a St., H a m m o n d , Louisiana.

Comradeship—from north and south and east and west,

O p p o r t u n i t y — t o r gaining what is best.

National spirit—ever strong and full and free,

Vision of an Alpha O that is to be.

Endeavor, too,—that's tireless in her cause;

Nonsense, fun, f r i v o l i t y — i n ev'ry pause.

l- Tonic from this very work and play and f u n

n, Increased enthusiasm, zeal, f o r ev'ry one.
n Old friends, true friends of college days to greet;
a- New ties to f o r m and strengthen—and new friends to meet.

A d a p t e d f r o m t h e Crescent, T. <&. B .




Our rushing party, which was a street carnival, was given on the 29
of November, and was a huge-success, so we think. E v e r y t h i n g that o
finds at a "sure m i f f " carnival,—a doll and a candy booth, a hamburg
and a pop stand, all kinds o f side shows, fortune tellers whose tents bo
the placard " L i z a T o l d H e r e , " and other attractive booths were fixed f
the crowd of merry freshmen. Balloons and tiny strips of various color
crepe paper hung f r o m the ceiling. T o complete the carnival setting sa
dust was sprinkled upon the floor. S m a l l pillows were placed on the sa
dust in rows facing the stage in order that the guests might sit and enj
the negro minstrel which was the main entertainment of the evening. D
Weston, '24 came over for our party and was the interlocutor of t
minstrel. W h e n the show was over and all o f the favors had been d i s t
buted the saw-dust was swept away and we all danced until time f
everyone to go home.

Founders Day was celebrated by the chapter attending the form
opening o f the Grevemberg Child W e l f a r e Clinic which is supported a
taken care of by our Alumnae.

The week before we left for our Christmas holidays we were all bu
dressing dolls f o r the M i l n e Home, w h i c h is a home i n the city f o r feebl
minded women. Each year individuals at Newcomb dress dolls f o r the
people and A . O. n always takes a large number.

Charlotte Voss has achieved quite an honor in getting on the debati
squad and Elizabeth Land made the Junior basketball team.

Agnes Broussard was awarded recently her delayed loving cup f o r la
year's tennis championship.

Pi announces the engagement of Gertrude Woodward to John Middl
ton o f N e w Orleans, the wedding is to take place some time i n Februar



W e have been very busy since our last letter to T o DRAGMA. On Octob
12, J u l i a T i l l i n g h a s t entertained at a tea at her new home, and as usua
when Julia entertains, we had a delightful and friendly afternoon.

Jeanette Engle, who has returned f r o m a summer abroad, gave a t
on October 25. A large number o f us were present and the party wa
indeed, a success.

W e received mysterious notes, written in verse, bidding us to a ma
querade, at a certain address, on Hallowe'en. Although these invitation
were unsigned, we had had so many w o n d e r f u l times at that address th
we knew they were f r o m Virginia Little. So on the last night of Octob
a strangely clad group of masked people assembled where many wierd su
prises awaited them. Little ghosts grinned f r o m the tops of picture frame
and the fireplace was t u r n e d into a great face and t w o skinny hands th
reached into the room. The games were new and of a startling nature an
the refreshments were many and of a unique character. Salad was serve
in red apples w h i c h had been sculptured to represent p u m p k i n faces, whi
doilies served as collars, and sandwiches as hands. Fortunes were tucke
away in cakes, and, well,—there were all sorts of goodies.

A n initiation was held at the Women's University Club on Novemb
3, and the f o l l o w i n g g i r l s were added to our g r o u p : M a r g a r e t B r o w
Edith McCleary, Margaret Meyer, Edna Hawes, and Helen Richter. Th
initiation was very effective,—the uncertain glow o f the candles, the dee
perfume of the roses, and splashes of red against a dark background.

M r s . George R o w l a n d Collins ( E d i t h Ramsay) gave a tea at h
beautiful new home at Forest H i l l s where we spent a d e l i g h t f u l afternoo


9th A l l o w us to introduce f o u r very charming girls who, on November 24,
one at the home of Julia Tillinghast, were pledged to N u Chapter. They are:
ger Frances Froatz, Ruth Lawlor, Dorothy Scully, and Helen Wall.
for Elizabeth McCall, a graduate of the University of Maryland is doing
red graduate w o r k at Teachers' College this winter, and since it was impossible
aw- for her to join AOn when the Maryland chapter was installed, a special
aw- initiation at which Laura H u r d officiated, was held by N u for her. Ruth
joy Alderman was sponsor and repeated f o r us the d e l i g h t f u l toast that she
Dot gave at the installation of the new Maryland Chapter.
tri- On December 5 we held a f o r m a l midwinter dance in the Green Room
or of the Hotel McAlpin. W o u l d it sound too boastful, i f , in expressing
our opinion of our dance, we described i t as perfect? M i s s L a u r a H u r d
mal and M r s . George M u l l a n lent us the charm of their presence, and several
and members o f the faculty spent the evening w i t h us.

usy On December 8 N u met w i t h the New Y o r k Alumnae at a banquet
le- at the Hotel Martinique. Talent was displayed in the entertainment which
ese consisted of dancing, singing, and piano selections. Three of the founders
of AOn were present, M r s . George H . Perry, Miss Jessie Wallace Hughan,
ng and Miss Elizabeth Hey wood Wyman.

ast The New Y o r k University League of Women held a Russian Bazaar
f o r t w o days which was a huge success. Helen Schelnin was the execu-
le- tive chairman of the bazaar, and such a busy person! Helen did not work
ry. alone either. N u was well represented on various committees, and the
girls took charge of the fortune telling and of the coffee booth.
al, Julia Tillinghast gave us a Christmas party on December 20 at her
house. T h e r e were Christmas g i f t s , "a Christmas tree, and a f r i e n d l y
tea holiday spirit.
On the night after Christmas, a very lovely Christmas dance was held
as- at the home of M r . and Mrs. Glantzberg. The rooms were decorated
ns with holly and w i t h several Christmas trees which dazzled with many
hat colored l i g h t s . T h e c r a c k l i n g o f logs in the great open fireplaces added
ber a touch of friendliness and cheer.
es, N u wants sorority rooms,—even one room would delight us. N e w
hat Y o r k U n i v e r s i t y has no dormitories. T h i s robs us of at least one half
nd of our college l i f e . W e feel that we can be taken f r o m the category o f
ed regular college women and classed as commuters. W e have been planning
ile and working for a cosy little club room. Our sisters who have sorority
ed rooms w i l l realize what we lack by not having them; our sisters who have
no rooms w i l l understand how eager we are to have them.

er A t last we have a chance to tell about our eleven splendid pledges. They
n. are Lillian Cate, K n o x v i l l e ; Martha W'heeler, Covington; Virginia Hunt,
Lagrange; Helen Hobson, Somerville; Evelyn French, Carrizozo, New
Mexico; Katherine Alexander, Stonega, V i r g i n i a ; Evasue Johnson, Ripley;
Ada Lea, Josephine Conger, Lila Witsell, and Elizabeth Christrup f r o m
Memphis. Helen is Pauline Hobson's little sister, Virginia H u n t a cousin
of M a r t h a L o u Jones, and Katherine Alexander a niece of Lucretia
Bickley. W e had a splendid pledge-day record this year—weren't kicked
a single kick by another sorority, and moreover, got a X Q "little sister"
and a 2 K "little sister."

Miss Hurd's visit in November was a real pleasure to us. W e especi-
ally appreciated her helpful talks both to the local Panhellenic and to the

Founders' Day was celebrated with a birthday party in the chapter
room in the nature of a "household shower" of small articles needed f o r
the room. W e had an enormous white birthday cake adorned with twenty-
eight little red candles. As there were exactly twenty-eight o f us, we


each blew out a candle w i t h a wish and took it home f o r a souvenir. T
annual carnival and relay races were held about the middle of Decembe
We were the proud winners of a beautiful cup given f o r the needl
threading relay.

A t this time we are just back f r o m the best Christmas holidays eve
and have hardly collected our thoughts yet. Most of the pledges are b
ginning to get extremely busy with their term papers for freshman Englis
and of course the rest of us have even weightier matters on our minds w i
exams less than t w o weeks o f f , so w e ' l l sign o f f and get back to w o r k .



A l l of us are l o o k i n g f o r w a r d to the pledging o f our f i f t e e n "b'ddees" o
M a r c h 8. W e increased the number this year, partly because the school
so much bigger than i t has been before, but mainly because there were suc
attractive Freshmen that we could not let a good thing go by.

Since our last letter, we have been favored by a visit f r o m the Gran
President and we feel that her visit has been very helpful. A n d speakin
of distinguished guests, Frances Dean of Kappa Chapter, whom some w
remember as having been initiated at the convention in K n o x v i l l e , is c o m i n
up to see us on her w a y to Europe. S t i l l speaking o f our guests, we ha
the pleasure and unusual experience of having in our fraternal midst
baby A . O. n ! N o t that she has not long ago discarded i n f a n t i l e l i
and habits—she has—how many years ago we cannot say—what we mean
that A . O. Piously speaking she is a baby and a prize one we'll bet. bein
Lillian Ernest f r o m our new chapter at Maryland. Really and truly thoug
a sorore f r o m Rhode Island sent her daughter down here entirely witho
our knowledge, but nice things are some times like murder in that the
" w i l l o u t " and so we soon discovered that said sorore was keeping som
t h i n g f r o m us and we are now very proud to have as our "biddee" Bett
Darling from Providence.

The chapter rejoices in the fact that Lily Banks Clarke and Lucil
L a m a r , last year's seniors, have seen fit to take l i f e jobs in L y n c h b u r g
thereby becoming a valuable asset to our town alumnae.

And now we resign ourselves to that fatal and fast-approaching evi
exams. M a y all AOn's be smiled upon genially by our good friend Lad
L u c k . I f we go in f o r musical comedies and a l l that, may ours be th
"Passing Show."


No letter.

Sigma is looking f o r w a r d to a new semester w i t h the anxiety that th
one-week rushing rule at Christmas always causes. For, planning rus
luncheons, teas and dinners and personal "dates" and planning a cours
f o r the spring semester makes the first week o f college complicated f o

L o o k i n g back over 1924, the year as a whole has been a happy an
successful one. One of the most interesting things that we did was t
give a Mothers and Fathers dinner, which, because of the welcome i
received w i l l surely become an annual or semi-annual affair. The out-of
t o w n g i r l s w h o had only seen the mothers and fathers of the g i r l s w h o liv
here around the Bay region, occasionally at f o r m a l teas, planned th
dinner. I t was given one Sunday a f t e r n o o n in October and fourteen
mothers and fathers came. The dinner gave us all an opportunity to
become better acquainted and gave our parents a better idea of the meaning
of the "house."




le- Everyone's back f r o m a hilarious Christmas vacation and in another

week everyone w i l l be i n the midst o f semester exams.
er,, We've refurnished our dining room f r o m the carpet to the curtains.
be- Theta has one g i r l leaving; Carol Phillippi graduates this semester.
sh, There is one new pledge, M a r y Elizabeth H o u k f r o m Muncie, Indiana.
i t h T h e Indiana State dance and luncheon is to be held in Indianapolis,

Indiana at the Lincoln H o t e l on the 21st of February.

Helen Wilson is wearing the P h i Gamma Delta pin f o r m e r l y worn

by Clinton Doyle.

on Julia Meyers of Beta Phi was the guest of the chapter house this
is week-end.
A l i c e Reeves has been chosen as a member of A l p h a M u Pi, sponsors
of the R. O. T . C. U n i t . Musette W i l l i a m s has been elected f o r member-

nd ship into Duzer D u chapter of the National Collegiate Players. Katharine
ill Schmidt was taken into W . A . A .
ad Thanksgiving day a dinner was held at the house for A . O. Pi

a brothers and friends.
is De Pauw University officially celebrated Dad's Day, November 23.
gh A dinner party was held f o r the many A . O. P i dads that were here at

that time. ,

M u c h mystery floats a r o u n d in the a i r — w h y ? y o u ask. A h , the tune is

drawing near for the Freshmen stunt and party. A t most any time an

active may burst into a r o o m and find a group o f pledges c a r r y i n g on

ut a secretive, low-toned conversation. Just the instant they lay their eyes
ey upon you varied tone pitches are demonstrated in their squeals. W e
e- anxiously await the outcome of a l l these plottings. W e hope t o be able to
ty tell you more about it in our next letter.

g , A successful rushing season brought us eight o f the best freshmen

in college whom we are proud to introduce to y o u : Lydia Glidden, '28, of

il, Danvers, Mass.; Ida Quigley, '28, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania; Martha
dy Hood, '28, Danvers, Mass,; Mazine Mclson, '28, New Y o r k C i t y ; Althea
he Andrews, '28. Ayer, Mass.; Frances Rooks, '28, Methuen, Mass.; Caroline

Breen, '26, Winchester, Mass., a transfer f r o m Wellesley; and Eleanor

Rickard, '28, Franklin, Mass. They're all the kind of girls who "do" things

and are already active in sports and dramatics. •

A . O. n won the Panhellenic cup f o r scholarship. Alice Tousley, '24,

was recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and Dick McKee, '25, won the

Sigma Kappa Scholarship. . , xr , „ « , •, , c

he Willie Koelsch had a prominent part in the Masque play. Lluluren ot
h the M o o n . " " T h e secret of my success is a red w i g , " says W i l l i e , but we
se can a l l see that the w i g w i t h o u t W i l l i e w o u l d n ' t be successful at a l l .
o r Class elections voted many A . O. Pi's to officership. 1925—Class M a r -
shall, Millie W a r d : Vice President, Alice Harrington; Chairman Social

d Committee. Willie Koelsch. ,
1926—D o r o t h y Hettinger, Secretary, and Olive Byrne, Chairman Social

it Committee.
f- 1927—Peggy Pettigrew, Vice President; Peggy A r n o l d , Secretary.
e Our pledge dance, under the direction of Peggy Arnold, was a great
e success.
n W e were so pleased to have Caroline Conant and Sally Clark, '23,

o come back to see us. Sally has her hair bobbed and isn't a b i t pedagogi-

g cal looking. ... . iiiifii

T u f t s and Jackson are putting out a Jumbo Book this year and Wllhe

Koelsch has charge o f the Jackson material. T h e book purports to be a



Miss H u r d and M r s . H u n t i n g t o n spent a f e w days with us during th
rushing season and w e were so interested i n hearing about other chapte
through them. A tea was given at K n i g h t House in their honor to whic
the faculty and fraternity representatives were invited.



Located as we are in the wilds o f Maine, we sometimes feel a b
isolated and out of touch with the rest of the world. The visit of Mis
H u r d and M r s . Huntington on October 29 was just the thing we neede
to l i f t us out of our rut. I t was a great pleasure to personally meet an
know these leaders. They gave us many valuable suggestions and time

Under the able management of Francis Brewer our long six-week rush
ing season was very successful. October 27 we had our annual progre
sive supper. The first course was served at Balentine. The girls pile
into cars and drove to M t . Vernon f o r the A . O. n salad, and f r o m ther
down to the chalet f o r cider and doughnuts. W e sat around the big fi
toasting marshmallows while Aschea sang to us.

Sally Palmer made a very charming hostess at t w o teas at her hom
in Orono.

V i r g i n i a A v r i l l gave a very attractive card party at her home in O l d
town to the active chapter and the girl we were rushing.

As personal rushing is o f course permitted, many were the imprompt
theater, dinner and victrola parties. I t is rumored that " D o t " Fifield an
"Kay" Atkins staged an exciting football game in their room.

T h e c l i m a x came on November 15 at our b i g r u s h i n g dance. T h
soft red lights and decorations were unusually attractive. A large A. O. I
in lights was t h r o w n on the floor. Each g i r l was presented w i t h a rosebu
f o r the last dance as she waltzed t h r o u g h a cloud o f rose leaves. I t wa
declared by some o f our guests as the prettiest dance ever seen on th

We are satisfied with the results of our bidding. I t gives me grea
pleasure to introduce to you our five pledges. B y the way, we have a littl
joke all to ourselves up here at Maine. W e seem to have a monopoly o
the Freshman basketball team.

Francis Fuller is captain. " F r a n " is an unusually attractive g i r l , bu
not content alone w i t h her social successes she has "gone o u t " f o r athletics
She is half-back on the Ereshman hockey team and f o r w a r d on the Fresh
man basketball team.

Delphina Andrews is another basketball star. She is the other f o r
ward on the team. She came w i t h strong recommendations o f her pe
and is living up to her reputation.

Grace M u r r a y is one o f those quiet dignified girls. She is alway
rushing o f f to some committee or other, and has already proven herself
natural leader. She is a guard on the team.

A l m a W h i t e is a very energetic y o u n g person, and perhaps the mos
popular g i r l i n her class. " B o b b y " is captain o f the Freshman hockey team
besides being mascot and general utility man f o r the varsity. She is als
side center on the basketball team.

Serena W o o d , '27, is a t r a n s f e r f r o m S m i t h . I t was Serena w h o firs
got the g i r l s interested in debating here, and was one o f the first to tak
part. She has shown her marked ability i n acting and has been chosen
leading lady f o r the big carnival play.

The pledge service was very impressive in the beautiful home o
Barbara and Lillian Dunn in Orono.

Our president, Leona Reed, was recently initiated into P h i Beta Kappa
She received the key f r o m her scholastic standing up through her Junio
year, an honor g i v e n only to five in the class. W h e n we consider tha

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